#however i will not stop quoting it
ratsbanes · 7 months
Happy birthday Fyodor Dostoevsky and Fyodor Dostoevsky!!!!!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
DAVE: what if i [remembers that making suicide jokes is not conducive with the goal of improving the wellbeing of himself and everyone around him] transform into an oyster
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popsicle-stick · 5 months
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introspectivememories · 3 months
if you're writing a charles fic, it must have some aspect of boyking. he must lean a little on the childgod side. he has to be revered a little bit, adored even. if people aren't talking about him like they wouldn't wash his feet and adorn it with perfume like mary magdalene washed and adorned jesus' feet, you're doing it wrong.
#LOOK AT HIM#nearly every image of charles has some aspect of religious imagery to it#that one image of the spanish gp 2021 where he has his hands in front of him and he's looking up at the sky.... madonna in prayer#fuckin look at the entire country of italy. do i even have to say anything?#look at the way ferrari loves him. the way they hold him. press kisses onto his helmet. comfort him. reassure him.#look at vanzini naming him 'il predestinato' all the way back in 2012!! maranello's sun/son!!!!#everyone's always like 'oh stockholm syndrome! stockholm syndrome!' babe he's never leaving them.#he's choosing this!!! he loves this!!!! he's in this scuderia ferrari shit for life like the rest of us!!!!#but he returns it all!!!#look at him saying 'if ferrari is a cage then i would like to be kept in that cage my whole life'!!!#'why stay with ferrari?' / "i have always been a tifosi. i have always loved her. that is reason enough.'#even the most recent contract renewal where he said and i quote:#now my own dream remains. a dream that writes itself in red. tifosi the dream continues.#and like red?? like blood? like the blood that dripped down jesus' temples when they place the crown of thorns on his head?#red like the suit? like the car? like the boyking they have made you out to be? the childgod you have become?#when he won in monza i think it was too late for us. i think it rewrote something in us. i think he ascended that day.#the closest the narrative has come to consuming him. when he wins again in monza (and he will win in monza again) it will change us again#i have to stop before it gets me too. who said all that? i need to go lay down.#charles leclerc#cl16#scuderia ferrari#f1#introspective.txt#and obviously you can write you fics however the hell you want. this is just how i like mine.
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sharry-arry-odd · 27 days
If the Lover becomes an Artist, then there is no limit to how far his desire can range and whom he can reach. He can inflame the minds of others to enact the deeds he could never in a dozen lives accomplish, and by infecting generations he can multiply his desires forever through time. Think of all the words you wrote. Think of all the minds you touched, the dreams you implanted, the desires you lit. Who knows what loves and crimes you inspired? What else is writing for? Literature is nothing more or less than an attempt to fuck the whole world up the ass. Here's a poem: I wish this page were a razor and you all had one throat.
The Serialist, by David Gordon
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Okay, okay, okay, looK
Luke definitely choked out those Gamorrean guards. Like, you can try to convince me he didn’t, but we never see them get back up. And the intent was definitely that he Force choked them.
HOWEVER. One thing to remember about the original trilogy is that there were no techniques unique to good or bad, not really. Yes, the Dark Side had Force lightning, but it’s a technnique that’s dangerous moreso than evil, as apparently you can eloctrocute yourself with it if you get distracted. There is not even a hint of what we have today; that being separate fighting styles and fighting styles used only by one side or the other.
So, what differentiates Light and Dark Side? Well, as far as I can tell, it’s the emotion behind what you’re doing.
Luke doesn’t “pull a Dark Side technique” because the point of Return of the Jedi specifically is that Jedi don’t do things out of anger. And Luke didn’t Force choke them out of anger. He was super chill about it, meaning that, according to that movie, he didn’t even touch the Dark Side during his first reappearance, but he didn’t have to to pull off the move.
If you really want to get technical, I suppose you could find fault and say “But they go down so fast, there’s no way he choked them unles Gamorreans take a lot more oxygen then I thought.” That’s a fair argument. I liked to assume that he just accidentally crushed their windpipes, honestly, because how often do you think he got a chance to practice his move? And on what?
Luke Force choking the guards is part of the whole thing, okay? It doesn’t make sense if he doesn’t Force choke them. He’s Vader’s son, goddangit, that’s the POINT. He’s wearing all black and he’s Force choking Gamorreans and that’s because they are trying to use visual shorthand to tell us, the audience “look. Luke may ask later, but he’s really accepted that he’s Vader’s son. The difference between them is that Vader does things while frsutrated or impatient and Luke does things while perfectly calm”
Luke tries to use a mind trick on Jabba, but I’m ninety percent sure that he attempted it knowing that it wouldn’t work. He wants to show everyone in Jabba’s Palace that he’s a Jedi. He’s doing Jedi stuff, he’s pulling out all the stops, he’s trying to intimidate Jabba in hopes that it will make Jabba give up his friends.
And that’s the key thing. Luke is going for intimidation in that scene. Of course he’s going to mimic Darth Vader. He’s trying to be scary. Just because it doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean that’s not what he was going for. He wants to be spooky and mysterious and creepy so Jabba will go “Just take your friends and leave, jeez, stop being like this.” Yeah, he doesn’t really expect that it will work, but what it does do is make the skiff guards hesitant to attack him because he freaks them out.
I’m sorry. I saw a Screen Rant article that said Luke didn’t Force choke the Gamorrean guards. They provided evidence in the form of Legends’ canon and the junior novelization, but I don’t believe them. The scene was shot and directed in a way to make us think that he Force choked the big scary guards. Why would they shoot and direct a scene to misguide us, the audience? Star Wars didn’t do that at any other point in the movies. They misdirected us with dialogue, never with visuals. Why would they suddenly decide to misdirect us at this point? And only the once??? Just accept that Luke Force choked some people because Luke A.) doesn’t know it’s a Dark side technique and B.) doesn’t know that there are Dark side tehniques
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ivyinforests · 2 months
I got myself used to sleeping an appropriate amount. Fatal mistake. Now I can barely make myself stay up late doing objectively fun things and it feels ridiculous. I used to stay up till three with chem and algebra and now I’m struggling to work past 11 analyzing Enheduanna and making lesbian cake. These are my favorite things to do!!! If I told myself this a year ago I would think it was a joke.
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
i really want to start making a table collecting statistics on the audience demographics i'll perform my aubrey material for (like what generation most of the audience is, whether i'm performing in a predominantly queer space, etc.) and how well the jokes land bc like. i need to collect more data points before i can properly present my findings but the results so far have been fascinating
#again i do not have enough performance experiences to make any definitive claims about who ''aubery's audience'' is#but i find it funny that any time i show my aubrey material one-on-one to a queer gen z person#they're always like ''i love it but straight people will definitely hate it or not get it''#and i get the inclination to be like. ''i like this thing so people like me will like this thing''#and cishet society seems so polarized w/r/t queer topics it's like. the assumption makes sense#however. whenever i've done an aubrey performance in front of an audience that's predominantly queer and gen z#i've actually received a primarily negative response!! and somehow straight people have never given me shit for my aubrey material#(''well straight allys don't count'' i told some of my aubrey jokes to a joe rogan dudebro and he enjoyed them)#(which yeah maybe could be a mark against my comedy but i like to think i opened his mind a bit at the very least)#i really want to test my aubrey monologues in front of a primarily gen x/boomer audience#bc so far i only have actual performance experience in front of gen z or millennials#and the older people i've told jokes to individually or shown videos of my stuff have really liked it#luckily paul has said a goal for when i'm in town this summer is to get me to perform my aubrey stuff in as many different places as possib#for both queer audiences and non-queer audiences so i can gauge reactions since i don't want to be confined to one demographic#so i'll get a lot of data points this summer#@ paul get me a performing slot at senior citizen pride lmao these are my people#(shoutout to paul going ''jess stop collecting the old homos!'' last time i was in town)#(and when i imitated him and was like ''old gay men are not your pokemon!'' bellini was like ''ok but they may be your audience'')#also one data point i really want to see the variation on is how my one specific joke plays in these different demographics#bc i have a joke that like. it's literally not even about AIDS and doesn't punch down at all#i literally say ''if you're gay and over the age of 50 you could violate the geneva convention and i'd still be like support our troops''#like obviously being like ''you have been through hell so i will let you get away with literal war crimes you deserve ultimate immunity''#BUT. in the line right before the quote i use the phrase ''AIDS generation'' not as a derogatory term but being like.#this horrible thing impacted the entire generation y'know? and bellini and scott and their friends call themselves that it's just the term#but when i said the phrase ''AIDS generation'' in front of my gen z audience i heard gasps and felt like they all hated me#and when i did the same line in front of millennials it wasn't quite as striking but their eyes did widen#like i was suddenly an ''edgy comedian''. but like this is a part of our history and it does inform the story i'm telling#the story i'm telling is comedic but it's grounded in this real world context#and i'm like. @ the audience who was offended: when was the last time any of y'all spoke to a gay man over the age of 50#bc bellini loves that section of the monologue and was offended that people would even take offense to that phrase
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#wanna get back into toh but the bits and pieces of stuff ive seen on tumblr and ig is. rancid#the show will always be good and dear to my heart despite its flaws#but the fandom?#theyve sandpapered down luz and the lumity ship in general and removed anything that made them interesting#instead of focusing on any of the relationships between characters that they spent all show building up#instead theyre just spamming the tags with mindless h/u/n/t/l/o/w fluff#bc compulsory heterosexuality i guess#im sure there are still a lot of ppl who make great art and fics for toh#and im sure a lot of ppl are still having interesting discussions about parts of the show that i would want to talk about#however i go into the tags and am immediately assaulted with hunter and willow playing out hallmark movie scenes#and i immediately lose interest#tbh the crew played into this shit towards the end too and it felt super cringe#not just the huntlow stuff but also sanding away any of the bite with lumity or even the clawthorne sisters#and not doing anything with willow and gus except for one scene shoved in last minute#they were more interested in catering to fandom stuff than telling the actual story even if it turned out pretty alright in the end#this is just a problem with rly big fandoms mostly#this is what happened to star vs the forces of evil i think#dont quote me on that i stopped watching in season 3#anyway owl house good fandom bad#how dare fandom not cater to me specifically#i want to participate in fandom but i dont want to do the main activity of fandom#which is to sift through piles of garbage to find stuff that i actually like#shut up pandora
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lorephobic · 1 year
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this comment has me tearing up like i literally cant imagine going through that i would've gone postal
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technicolorxsn · 8 months
sorry. in a Rainer mood
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Quick Brain dump what’s been going through your 1800’s looking brain
literally nothing but NATM
im gonna add a barrier if you dont wanna see the weirdest thought train ever
im gonna explain in words how my brain was like 4 seconds ago
NATM NATM Teddy NATM Him him him him NATM NATM Robin Willaims NATM TEDDY TEDDY NATM his knees ATTILA oh my god oh my god im gonna cry NATM Teddy Teddy Teddy Owen Wilson NATM Teddy
i can give you context but also i wont
and then when i read 1800's my brain instantly went
The Alienist. ...Teddy-
and i had to stop that train of thought because the next word was deranged in matter of speaking
but anyways out of wondering how my brain works rn i thought 'Teddy's so babygirl' and honestly yeah i agree with my brain. NATM Teddy is so babygworl
more in tags
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Miles hasn't posted anything today and I suddenly feel abandoned
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sucks to suck sometimes
#that is to say i'm going to vent here in the tags i would apologize but this is my blog so#but i won a sonnet contest yay congrats go me if there's one thing i can do it is write pretty weird sonnets that people like for some reas#i even got prize money for it again all good here#however yesterday i was driving because you know i was planning to go try and take my driving test and get a license#for you know government id and also so i can. drive a car and whatever useful skill in this car-centric hellscape amiright#and i did passably all hour i just drove around the city practicing like passing and stopping smoothly and all those good things#and then i drove onto my street which i cannot stress enough is a one way residential street#and it was the middle of the day so like. there were a total of five cars parked along the block#and my mom picked up a call with her girlfriend which like good for her right but it's very distracting because she's right next to me#and i'm trying not to listen because she doesn't like to be eavesdropped on when she's talking to her gf#and the apartment has paper thin walls so i basically have to try and turn my attention off so as to give her privacy#so anyways i turn half my attention off and manage to tap one of the cars parked on one of this nearly-empty street#because to quote olivia rodrigo i'm not cool and i'm not smart and i can't even parallel park#and they test u on that so i was trying to parallel park right which i can't#so now i am refusing to go take my driving test because i hate myself and my abilities#and to get back to the setup i can't even be happy about prize money or anything because obvs i have to pay back my mom#because cars are expensive even if it's just small dents in them#and like. there's been a whole thing about me being promised a job and then not getting it so i don't even have a job right now#i'm applying to all the places i can think of that i can get to on public trans and who might wanna hire a teenager with v little experienc#so anyway until someone decides to take pity on me and hire me i don't even have a job to help pay her back with#which it could be worse! we have enough money that it's not going to be a disaster until i can properly pay her back#and my sweet twin is even begging me to let them pay half because we generally split expenses and pool our money and whatever#even if it's usually like. buying coffee for both of us or getting lunch someplace not me managing to fuck up driving on an empty street#so like it could be way way worse however it really sucks#anyways i feel terrible about the whole thing obviously and needed to vent someplace#so hi strangers on the internet it was probably not worth it at all to read all of that#rio remarks
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capfalcon · 2 years
one of the most ironic things about what i study is that it is basically Wokeness but academic and founded, it's the study of media which inevitably involves colonialism and racism and hegemonic powers but. what i find most ironic is that so many of these academic texts are borderline indecipherable despite trying to "speak to anti-colonism" and trying to talk about "revolution." bruh. there is, of course, a time and a place for academic syntax and this is one of them, but there's a difference between having a point and trying to seem smart.
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bixiaoshi · 2 years
smth smth getting attached to fictional characters smth smth
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