#however... if its so nothing then why doesnt it just. come with the phone camera. at least hide it in some settings why paywall it
vexangle · 6 months
ok so i get that a smartphone camera just isnt going to be as good as taking photos as an actual dslr or something
WHAT is the POINT of iphones having powerful cameras if you cant even MANUAL FOCUS WITH THEM
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Olympic gold winner Cha Hae In meeting famous Ice skater figure Sung Jin Woo in the middle of the night.
Despite winning the gold medal at the olympics, Hae-In isnt the one to celebrate u big, if any at all. Dont get her wrong, she was happy to recieve her first gold, even shedding tears as she held it up for the cameras to look upon it- but she was also a very careful and shy person unnderneath all of that. She didnt want to suddenly be pushed around at a party or end up making some kind of wrong descision that would lead to her very earned reputation being trashed even more than it already is. Its a misery being popular and yet not have the backbone to stand up to haters, but all she wanted was to run dammit! not to be in the spotlight!.
Her coach, Choi Jong In, does his usual sigh when he hears about this, but doesnt pressure her on the event, or at least, not as much as her other coaches had done so.
"A lot of famous athletes will be there, some even want to meet you." He does try to persuade her though. But Cha Hae In shakes her head and jong In leaves it at that. Over the phone he also asks if she wants to know anything from the party and Hae In asks if he can bring her some takeout when he comes back to the hotel the country provided her with (for winning that is), that way he can also share the latest gossip from the party as they get ready to go home in the next days.
In the mean time she decides to watch something on the Tv and for an hour, nothing just seems to grab her attention. Scrolling past her phone she sees that the sun has yet to set and the winter has hardened the lakes around the hotel.
Some people are there, so she decides that, yeah, why not, and covers her face first before going out and enjoying the new skating ring in the closest park she could find.
The problem is, she never had skating lessons in her life. But that wont stop her! besides, its almost the same thing as dancing right?
Hae-In had learned that she was wrong very quickly. Three times and she hardly been able to stand up for a second without falling back again on her butt. Her face became even more red (than it already was from the cold) when a few giggles and laugher from kids to teens to parents alike watched her fall down again. At least no one seemed to notice who she really was or else th eonly topic on the news would be her catastrophy trying to understand how physiscs works in her.
After the seventh try, she just slid back to the snowy grass and stayed there watching the rest of the families go by and dance around with exitment.
Well, she is probably going to hate skating for a while now.
The chrismas songs fall on her ears, colors of green, white, yellow and red begin to light up the sky as the sun sets, and Hae-In has already sneezed more than twice in the same hour due to her sensible nose. She takes her arms and wraps them around her knees, her fingers can still feel the cold even whith her gloves on.
Would Choi ne good at figure skating? it leaves her to wonder considering he is good at quite a lot of things. Like a jack of all trades instead of an ace at one thing like her. She kniws that her Noona Gina is good at skating, not sure about ice skating though. As for the rest of her friends? Hae In checks her phone, counting the hours in this country compared to the timezone in korea, they must have been sleeping by now.
And Jong In said he didnt come home until after 10 or 11, and its 8:30 by now.
"Hello" A sudden voice startles her in that foreing lenguage from the country. However it doesnt sound... fluent.
Cha Hae In turns her head around and- Oh god he is quite pretty.
it takes her a moment, entranced by his handsomeneess when she finally realizes that the man has just asked her a question.
With the little practise she has in the lenguage, she speaks. "Im Sorry but im Korean, I cant understand you" and mentallly bids goodbye to the possible model she has just met.
But the gods are giving her fortune after fortune today as she sees him smile back and talk to her in korean.
"Thats fine, i was just asking if you could help me practice for my event tonight." The man scratches the back of his head, squating down right next to her when he feels that she will care to listen. "I was suposed to go with someone else but she isnt coming until well after she finishes some photos."
Ohhh, hes probably talking about his girlfriend. Yeah, he is such a pretty guy it shouldnt have surprised her. Her heart is still sour about it though, but what can she do? she can hardly even talk to someone much less try to ask a pretty boy out. If it wasnt for the mask then Hae In's blush would have been noticable in all 3 corners of the world, and, at least she can blame her stuttering on the cold.
"So I was wondering if you could help me."
Despite the small smile in her eyes, Hae In has to decline.
"Im sorry but I've never skated before... and I..." was he there to see her fall so many times? hopefully not, bc oh god that would be so embarrasing. "Im not very good at it."
"Thats fine," The gorgeous man extends his hand over to him, "Just follow my lead and it will be fine."
And so she does. Her eyes are fully focused on him as her feet glide on into the snow next to him. Then, she looses her momentum again and almost falls on her face but his body is there to catch her first. The misterious man keeps teaches her little by little, and with a lot of determination in her eyes (that he cant help but smile at tenderly) she does her best to listen and get better and better.
An hour passes by with them on the snow, Cha Hae In is laughing and smiling about, the frost of the winter no longer touching her ears, and the man also keeps smiling and teasing her, both of them talking while skating as if they knew each other for a long time. Both of them completely forgot what they were doing here, and simply enjoyed their time skating around the ice ring until a sudden voice called over.
"Oppai! Jin Wo oppai!"
The woman (girlfriend– Hae In suddenly remembers) that Jin Woo was supposed to meet with was here.
And by goodness, she was gorgeous, Cha Hae In almost deflated on the spot upon looking at her, she was never good with her insecurities in the first place, its why she didnt like to show herself on social media even if it was an important event for her. Once the woman comes closer and her face is seen without the facemask, Hae In suddenly realizes she is the only Yoo Sooyoung, the famous actor in her country. Oh goodness, what will happen if she gets recognized here by her?!? Will she expose her to Jin Woo!?!? Her reputation is already controversial as it is without even doing anything, and she doesnt want him to think any of the gossip is true (bc it isnt! But it can be so hard not to lean on what random people are saying on the internet)
"Oh~ oppai who is this pretty girl you caught!" The model smiles back at him.
She breathes a sigh of relief, maybe her western blondie appearance is what made Hae In hide more.
"Yoosoung, this is just..."
Its at that moment that they both realize they never told each others names.
"My name is Sung Jin Woo." He responds first, " And this is my friend Yoo Sooyoung."
"Oh... Sung Jin Woo."
Why does she fell like she has heard that name before...
Jin Woo... Jin Woo...
Her eyes sparkle and the blood drains from her face.
"Sung Jin Woo, the famous ice skater!"
His face grimances a little, as though he wished she hadnt known him beforehand, but his popularity was a worldwide fenomena, not onky for his godlike skills at dancing in the ice ring like it was his own, but also for all the fans that adored his looks, those carved by angels themselves or so they said. He still doesnt show any kind of digust to her, because fans always go crazy around him, though he already talked with Hae In so much it doesnt feel as though its just a normal fan anymore.
It dissapointing actually, he wanted to still keep this little secret between them, let them see each other for who they were behind any kind of fame.
But its not like he will push her away now that she knows who he is.
"And whats your name?"
Hae In looks at the floor below, her eyes a bit mellow and calculative. Should she say it? Not?
But... it would hurt to try.
"Cha Hae In."
Sooyoung always grins as she keeps telling the story back to Jin Ho, who looks like he just missed the most important episode of his favorite drama.
"And thats how Jin Woo met the love of his life!"
Jin woo throws a pillow back at Yoosoung who keeps her wide grin.
"Aw come on Hyung! She is your favorite sports idol!"
He cant deny that, and its why Jin Ho is the next in his line of sight to throw a pillow at.
But they dont stop. Because for years the three have known each othr well enough that Jin Woo isnt actually mad by what they are saying, and that inside, he is secretly thanking Sooyoung for asking Hae In's contact number, because he forgot his on the room, and what a catastrophe that would have been.
The somewhat grumble expression on his face soon turns soft as he sees Hae In respond back to his message.
-We could grab some Coffee at 2pm, I know a good cafe around here!
-Send me the location and Ill be there then. Take care :)
The squeals of joy pierce Choi Jong In's ears just as he is about to sleep.
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spidermanifested · 3 years
remember when i said in my post about how bido is unappreciated that id talk about why greed/bido is a good and important ship but thats a whole other post. well This is that post
the first and most important reason that greed/bido is a good ship is very simple and that reason is Bido Was In Love With Greed The Whole Time And Nobody Noticed?????? how come nobody noticed. i mean SOME people noticed but nowhere NEAR enough people noticed
when greed compliments bido for successfully proving that alphonse is just a soul bound to a suit of armor, he blushes and acts very flustered and happy. unfortunately this scene is not animated in either show (bido talking to greed is changed to be over the phone in 03, and in brotherhood the scene just gets skipped, HOWEVER theres a single shot of bidos face in one of greeds flashbacks that shows him blushing and looking directly at the camera. ie at greed)
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also in the manga his first thought when the military shut down the nest was to worry about whether greed SPECIFICALLY was okay (i used this page in my other post as well but its important)
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and in brotherhood he was shown to have actually followed greed through the sewers during his fight with bradley but could only watch from his hiding place as greed was defeated and taken away; remembering this is what gives him the determination to hitch a ride to central to look for him
did i mention he went all the way to central to find him!!! clinging to a MILITARY TRUCK no less. as a very obvious chimera if he had been found by any of those soldiers it would have been horrible for him and every other time we ever saw bido faced with danger he ran away from it. but he was brave For Greed. he went into the labyrinth under central For Greed, and didnt try to escape until he was convinced greed wasnt there. and when it turned out he WAS there (and had lost his memory and had been trying to kill him) he immediately dropped his guard and walked closer to him because that was greed and he trusted him despite everything that had just happened. in the manga he grabs onto greeds coat as he dies and it is just about the saddest thing ive ever seen in my whole life
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and then of course greed starts physically shaking because what he just did was so awful his body knows he fucked up before his mind even remembers Why it was fucked up and he cradles bidos body in his arms and screams. unfortunately if we are to acknowledge bido as the gay icon he was, we also must acknowledge that he was buried
(by all rights bido SHOULD have survived. where is the fanfiction where he survives fullmetal alchemist fandom or are you too busy writing the same royai-gets-married-and-has-babies fic over and over again. actually never mind i greatly prefer that to all the pedophilia. but thats another Other post, that unlike this incredibly niche topic some other people have almost definitely made before me)
the thing about grido is you could make a huge tragic thing about it being unrequited and frankly thats Fair, greed does not seem one to settle down in a relationship and bido likely has a lot of self worth issues that would prevent him from confessing his feelings. but you cannot deny that greed cared about him. he praises him, he pats him on the head (!!)
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he COMPLETELY breaks down after he realizes he killed him. bido was so important to greed, as were the rest of the chimeras of course but i think theres a valid argument to be made that bido in particular was special to him. theyve got a few things in common actually that i find interesting:
both like to just chill on roofs??? when greed is in lings body he sometimes just hangs out on top of a roof. bido does this too
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they could have hung out on roofs together.......maybe thats why greed likes to be up there. because he hung out with bido on roofs a lot. please consider this possibility
both of them are accidentally rude to children. the same children in fact
greed is like 200 and looks 30 while bido is middle-aged and people think he is a baby for some reason?????
okay this is just straight up a headcanon and has no actual basis in the text or subtext of fma but I Think Bido Is Trans and was cast out by his family in his youth and greed would understand that experience!!!! having left his own terrible family because they wanted him to be someone he wasnt
and then there are the differences:
greed is very outgoing and bido is mostly pretty anxious, though he has outbursts of confidence; that might be because greed being nice to him has built up his self-esteem (the way he calls himself cool/awesome when he escapes from the elrics, directly followed by greed complimenting his skills, really makes me think this is the case)
one is tall and lean........the other...is short and fat....... i know its cliche but let me have this
bido overthinks things. greed is a jock. with their powers combined they can do things at a mostly reasonable pace (as long as bido doesnt just go along with whatever greed wants which is probably most of the time what happens)
bido is outwardly inhuman and weird-looking but is incredibly caring and hard-working and loyal and sweet. greed is the sexiest motherfucker alive but hes literally the personification of a deadly sin and at his core he is technically just a rock made of pain. but below these layers both of them want the exact same thing which is to care about others and be cared for in return
also you know that post about how ships between immortal people and super young adults (or worse, teenagers) are OUT and instead we should have stories about immortal people dating 40-something accountants. bido is the 40-something accountant. except not an accountant. you know what im getting at though hes an Established Adult 
and bido DESERVES it, he deserves to be loved by the person he cares about more than anything, he has been through so much and gotten nothing but pain and he needs something good for a change!!! and greed DESERVES someone who will love him with all his heart and make him feel wanted no matter what. just, listen to me okay, they would make each other so happy
so!!! there are MANY reasons this ship is interesting and a million different ways you could go about exploring it and there is just NONE of it out there. for some reason the chimera that gets shipped the most with greed is dolcetto (though ive seen martel as well) and i think that is probably because they are more attractive to people (and also id wager more than a few dollars people simply see a dogman and his boss and go wild for the petplay angle). like you dont see any greed/roa either and thats very telling since roa appears with the other two almost every time and nothing about him is different except hes older and not as. pretty i guess???? in my humble onion hes hotter than either dolcetto or martel but thats neither here nor there
the important thing about bidos relationship to greed is that he might not have been transmuted with an animal with a strong sense of loyalty, but he didnt NEED to be, to be loyal to greed. he loved him entirely because he was human. and in the end he did the most for him out of any of the chimeras. unfortunately it was via dying but through the power of imagination we can collectively ignore that and pretend both he and greed survived, and greed went back to his original sexy, sexy body, and they made out on a roof for several consecutive hours. thats how im coping at least. thank you so much for listening to my unhinged rambling about lizard man who dies of fullmetal alchemist (gay edition)
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fuck-customers · 5 years
I don’t care if you spend $150,000+ yearly here, you’re still getting kicked out
Hi! Im a casino dealer for a well known and one of the largest Casino chains in the USA. I adore my job and 9/10 nothing happens to me that I feel the need to bring up to a supervisor or security. My regulars are great, the new faces are usually fun, and the worst thing I have to consistently contend with is my players getting antsy over how long the servers take with drinks on busy nights. Its a great job for the most part.
The absolute only thing, that 1/10 times, that I have to deal with is people, usually men, getting overly aggressive or sexual. When money and alcohol are involved, it can bring out the worst in people. And Im also quite young looking, with a very soft voice and demeanor at work, and Ive been warned by management that bc of that I may deal with some harrassment. Luckily, theyre never shy to support me and do what needs to be done to get it sorted. Because of how great management and security are, Ive never felt unsafe, despite how people can act.
This story is not about the average guest, however!!! No, this story is about a reoccuring character in my casino, a misogynistic high roller who only ever seems to come out of poker room or high limit to harrass me.
At my casino (and those sister casinos under a larger, well known brand) we have a rewards program that ranks the guests on, basically, how much they spend and win.
Basically, you get 1 point for every $1 to spend or win on a table game (there are other ways to win but thats the way thats relevent to me, a table games dealer). For each rank, you have to earn, yearly:
Gold: 1-4,999 points
Platinum: 5,000-14,999
Diamond: 15,000-149,999
Seven Star: 150,000+
Which, yes, means that a Seven star player spends and wins more money at my job than Ill ever see in my bank account! In one year, EVERY year, they want to be a Seven Star member!
So, Ive had issues with this one Seven Star (7S) member, consistently. Mainly, he treats me like crap and calls me a b*tch to his friends when he loses (which happens, bc its gambling, and its not my fault). In the same breath, he’ll refuse to continue the round until I ~apologize to him or ~blow him a kiss to make up for taking his chips. Or he’ll make uncomfortably intense and detailed comments on my appearance.
Every time I go to tell my floor supervisor about him, he sees me and colors up his chips and runs before they can handle it. On the bright side, it means I usually only have to deal with him once a night, because after that he avoids me (although he will walk by my table and tell my players how bad of a dealer I am despite how attractive he thinks I am, and how much of a shame that is).
This weekend is Halloween weekend, however, and we were allowed to be in costume. Im in love with fashions inspired by older time periods, so I went into work in an all-wine red outfit inspired by Edwardian fashion. It was really cute, and I got a lot of compliments from my coworkers, so I was having a great night.
But 7S sees me as hes coming out of High Limit BJ and makes a beeline for my table. I dredge up my best customer service smile and buy him in and shuffle the cards. As Im working, however, he is wasting nO time in making sure I understand how physically attractive he finds me in my costume.
Before I can say anything, he is pulling his phone out and pointing it directly at me, saying hes going to take a picture.
1) Policy states that, for security reasons, guests are not allowed to have their phones out while sitting at a table.
2) Policy also states you arent supposed to take pictures on a table, or anywhere really, bc of above. There are of course exceptions, like taking a quick selfie or SC, that security wont bother with. But if the officers on the floor or the Eye in the Sky (the security watching the cameras) see you taking video or photos a suspicious amount, please know you ARE being followed my an officer, either on the floor or over cameras.
3) Common decency and security both also state thst you dont take pictures of employees without their consent.
Now, still smiling, I tell him he knows full well he’ll get in trouble if he takes a picture of me because he knows the rules. Hes not supposed to have his phone out, at all, at the minimum. He just smiles lecherously and tells me its an exception bc its Halloween. False.
Luckily, however, I’m just there for 20min to give a coworker a break. In the mean time, no matter how often I insist he has to stop, he doesnt. It just so happens that my floor supvervisor was having to deal with 2 drunk guests fighting 2 tables over from me, so I couldnt immediately reinforce the rules. I had to spend 20min dealing with this guy drooling and taking photos of me when he thought I wasnt looking until my coworker came back and I could walk up to my supervisor directly. (Poor guy was dealing with a lot, so i dont blame him for not seeing what was happening at my table.)
Typically, 7S saw my ratting him out and tried to run. My awesome floor sueprvisor didnt hesitate. All I had to say was “The 7S player at spot 5 kept taking pics of me” and he was calling security, no further explanation needed.
I was giving another coworker a break when the rest of the story unfolded.
Security and my shift manager track him down and force him to delete the multiple photos from his phone, explaining in detail why that wasnt allowed. The female security guard even went so far as to take the phone away, go into the deleted section, and made sure to hard erase the photos so he couldnt recover them.
He, apparently, insisted that it was an exception bc it was Halloween, that I gave him permission, that did we know how much money he spends here?!?! How dare we tell him no! He’ll never come here again! You’ll take an employee’s word over hIS? When he spends so much money here?!?!
Security, many of whom Ive made a point to become friendly with over the months Ive worked here, werent having his crap and told him that he had a 24hr ban for the premises. Unfortunately, the only way out was to walk him in front of my new table.
7S, no matter how many security officers were walking him out, kept trying to walk up to me and start talking. At one point he managed to just stand there in front of my table and just... stare at me, ignoring the security trying to make him leave. He just stood there, perfectly in front of me, with a gross, malicious smile, waiting to be acknowledged by me as a whole security team tried to urge him forward without having to take physical action.
I had guests on my table, so I wasnt about to talk to him, but I glanced up at him and smiled, and continued to deal the cards.
I wish I could say I was trying to be witty, but honestly after working so long in this position, my default response to guests in general has just become the Customer Service Smile. I was actually very afraid in that moment, and very grateful to the security guard who finally wedged herself between us and forced him on.
Later, the female security officer who made sure my photos were fully deleted came up to me on break. She let me know that she made sure to get everything off his phone, and that she was honestly frightened of how he treated me and how he was acting towards me, and that its now going to be known how he feels towards me. She said that if he ever sits at my table and even vaguely makes me uncomfortable, bc of his history with me they wont hesitate to take care of it.
Working here is one of the best things to ever happen to me, and Im glad the security and management here are able to minimize the guests who give me problems. And hopefully he hates me enough that he never plays at my table, again.
TL;DR: A guest who spends $150,000+ yearly at my casino repeatedly sexually harrasses me over a period of months. It comes to a head when he takes photos of me without my consent in my Halloween costume. Security and management make him delete the photos and temporarily ban him from the establishment in a scene that was bad enough for security to put a policy in place to keep him from bothering me ever again.
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Oh my, I need yandere alphabet for Ren😏
I gotchu 😏 @kumanekoworld I saw your request too so here it is.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
His way of showing affection, at first, doesnt change. He would still shower his darling in gifts and compliments, making time and taking them places; it almost seems normal. But at some point, it's like a flip switches, and he becomes more clingy. Always has to be around you, going out becomes less and less and when you do leave the house, he always has an arm clinging to you. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He doesnt even realize how messy it gets until it's done. These overwhelming feelings of expressiveness and obsessives get the better of him and seeing another person threaten you or worse, try to take you from him, makes all rationality leave his brain. At first, he'd try to hide it from his darling, but he becomes sloppy and its not long before they realize it's blood on his shirt, and not paint. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would act like nothing happened. As long as he behaves normally, things will go smoothly, right? Pretending that they've always been together and that life was a jolly holiday. At some point, especially if his darling is testing his patience, he might lash out at them and mock their cries and attempts to plead with him. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Oh yes. Love is an intimate thing, even when it's this obsessive. He not only forces them to stay with him, he also forces them to touch him, both sexually and not, because that's what 'real' lovers do. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
The main reason he would even cross over this line is because he needs love. All his life hes been neglected and played; finding his darling was the best thing that has happened and he sure as hell is going to give his all. He becomes open, and vulnerable, always honest with what he wants from his darling and where they stand with him. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd become annoyed and not understand. He gives you everything and more and you're FIGHTING him? It's almost like he turns into beast mode and he will fight back. It gets ugly with yelling and he will put force into it if you start to get physical. He feels so betrayed and hurt that he not only locks you away, but he leaves himself to cool off. After all, theres no way you actually hate him. It must've been something smaller than that. He'll figure it out. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Kind of. At first, he thinks its cute how strong willed and determined his darling is to escape him, but he does become annoyed. Why wont you love him? Why don't you appreciate him? He will hunt you down each time, he has connections to make someone else get you for him. There's no escaping him. He is Mr. Worldwide. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst thing he's ever done to his darling was lock them up for a week straight in his designated dark room, only giving them water and not letting them sleep. The malnutrition and lack of sleep quickly got them, and though they lost a few pounds during that week, Ren was pleased with his efforts. A weak darling is a darling that cant leave him. They relied on him for everything for a while after that and that's what it's all about; him being the the provider, the protector, the one you need to rely on. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He really wants to keep it as normal as possible. He wants to get married and go on adventures with you. No kids though, he cant have you sharing your attention and taking most of it away from him. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
At first, he's his natural self. Understanding, carefree, but something irks him inside and he quickly becomes annoyed. He doesnt lash out, at least not in front of his darling; he'll find the man/woman in private to have a 'chat" and publicly ruins them. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Again, he tries to keep it normal. Light kisses and soft touches. Loving words and tight hugs. A typical relationship on the outside. A fairy tale for anyone else. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He's very blunt. He likes it, he gets it. He charms them with words and sweet promises; soft affections and making himself seem like the best possible joice. Prince charming, in a way. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Oh yes. To everyone else, including his friends, hes this light hearted, goofy guy. Perfectly easy on the eyes and the heart. But behind closed doors, something that only his darling gets to see, hes a beast. Wild and stalking his prey; fiercely protective over whats his. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's not a stranger to actually physically harming his darling and they have had cuts and bruises on them. But he doesnt like to ruin their perfect skin so he usually locks them up, sometimes for days on end, and goes back to weakening his darling physically. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He's actually not known to take many rights away. His darling is free to do what they want as long as he knows what they're doing and where they are. It only becomes a problem when they go somewhere outside of, lets say, the city; he needs to be there in that case. Always by their side..he cant have you running of now can he? 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As much as he wants to think he's patient, hes really not. He gets temperamental and annoyed really easily and doesnt like it when his darling fights back. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If it was an escape scenario, he'd do everything in his power to get them back, and he WILL be successful. However, if they die, I dont think he'd move on from that. Giving his all into someone and 'molding' the perfect darling took a toll on him and he would genuinely be soul crushed. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He absolutely has no guilty feeling whatsoever mainly because he doesnt see a problem with his actions. This is all for love.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood trauma and the feeling of loneliness. Not having a mother, his father's hatred, and the constant quarrels with both his brothers and childhood friends like Masato and Ranmaru, formed a whole in his heart that he was never able to fill, no matter how many women he toyed with. His darling is the first person to make him feel full again and theres no way he'll let you go now. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He hates it. He tries to keep the peace and make them as happy as possible with gifts and himself. Why are you crying? What brought these feelings of sadness? Why are you yelling at him? He becomes mad but also concerned; obviously someone mustve hurt you. It just never occurs to him that he's that someone. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He probably gives his darling more freedom than some other yanderes. Again, he wants things to seem as normal as possible to anyone else. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He does tend to get vulnerable with his darling and let's his guard down, especially on the anniversary of his mother's death. You could easily slip something in his drink or food and have a chance to escape; however, you have to remember that he has ears and eyes everywhere due to his connections so your escape might be short lived. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As much as he hates to admit it, he HAS beaten his darling. He always feels bad afterwards and tends to their bruises and cuts, but its really your fault for trying to leave. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Body worship is a big thing of his. They are perfect to him, gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. I wouldn't say he has a whole shrine or anything, but his phone is full of pictures and he has paintings of them, both NSFW and not, on his walls. Before they ended up with him, he even went as far as to install cameras in their house and on them. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honestly, not very long. He keeps up with it only for a short time before his true colors start to show. Of course, only his darling would know that, which is mainly why no one else would be able to help them out of this situation. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Oh yes. He manipulates them both mentally and physically to rely and depend only on him. He's good at it too and it takes less time for him to win his darling over than some other guys. 
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I Take Your Heart On Tour with Me (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: I have been playing around the idea of writing a fic about how it would looks like if you actually date a celebrity or even worse an idol. It must be hard to date someone who isnt always around and is well know internationally, having millions other girls showing affection towards your loved one isnt it? Then the first two requests came in and I decided to combined it. Hope this fic will do justice to what I actually want to potray <3
And as for the third ask, I was really literally writing this last night when your request came in. Seriously, I'm shooked. Are you three anon the same perrson or are you just good at reading each others mind? :D
And to everyone out there who is in a long distance relationship and survives, you guys are my hero! I cant bare to be away even for a day from my significant other. Hahah.
"Happy birthday baby," Taehyung smiles at her. His beautiful unique smile that she loves so much. That she missed. Y/N wish she could touch his face, traced and feel the warmth of his skin against hers, inhaling his scent and hearing his laugh as his warm breath tickle her ears. She wished for that every day and she hopes that it will come true. Maybe some day it will. But for now, seeing Taehyung through the frosty screen of her computer is good enough.
"Thankyou baby," Y/N smiles although tears has already visited the corner of her eyes.
"What did you wish for baby?" Taehyung asks her, a sad smile grazing his face as he saw the love of his life being so sad on her special day. He wishes he was there. To hold her, touch her, hug her, kiss her, make love to her. He missed her more than any words could have ever explained.
"I... I wish that you are right here with me. Thats all I ever really wanted," Y/N sniffled and smile softly at the screen. Taehyung raised a hand and traced the screen of his laptop, wishing he was touching her soft skin instead.
"I'm really sorry baby. I cant be there with you. But you know I wanted that too more than anything in this world. I miss you too much Y/N. I love you," Taehyung looks at her, his usually piercing eyes turns soft.
"I know Tae and its okay. One day we will be together again," she smiles, not wanting to upset her beloved boyfriend. "And I miss you so so so much and I love you very much too Kim Taehyung,"
Taehyung smile at her declaration of love. He will never get tired of listening to it.
"I know you are sad I'm not there with you on your special day baby, but I did sent you your gifts. It should arrive any day now. So I hope it will make up for me not being there, even for a little bit,"
"Thanks baby. I will definitely let you know when it arrives. And no, nothing could ever compare to you Tae, no matter how many things you sent me,"
"Aww baby. I'm so sorry," he dropped his gaze, sad. "I need to go baby. We have sound check before the concert. I love you so much. I will call you after the show like always okay. Take care baby," Taehyung leans and kiss the camera, making Y/N giggles and he waves quickly before the screen goes blank.
This is how her relationship with Kim Taehyung is. Most of their relationships are made on texts, phone calls, video calls and Skype. But its okay, because they love each other too much. Its their fourth year of being together, and its also their fourth year of not being able to celebrate each other's birthday together. While Taehyung gets to celebrate his birthday with his brothers and his million fans all over the world, Y/N will wait patiently every year on this day for him to call and wish her, all from a computer screen.
Meeting and falling in love with Taehyung is never something she could have ever imagined would ever happened to her. Sure, she have heard of their band before, but she never dwell deep into them. Who they are, how they looks like. She just doesnt have the time. Being a medical student, Y/N is always busy. But its also because shes a medical student that fate brought her and Taehyung together. They met in a hospital one fateful day, when Y/N was covering a shift for her friend who suddenly had an emergency that day. Having a practical internship at a hospital is a part of her course as a medical student, and her day has never been more interesting than the day she saw Taehyung helping a limping Namjoon entering the hospital in panic.
Y/N was the first person he saw that looks like a doctor and he screamed at her to help his hyung without knowing that the hospital is a teaching hospital and shes only a student doctor who isnt allow to act on patients without a senior doctor. Panicking and almost crying from being yelled at so harshly by Taehyung, Y/N help to carry Namjoon to an emlty bed and examined him on her own, only to find out that that the older boy is only suffering from a crack toe, a result of being clumsy and accidentally kicked the dinner table, something that Y/N now knows happens a little too many times.
Y/N was in trouble with her supervisor that day. Not only she didnt informed any of her supervisors and work on a patient all by her own, she didnt even know that the members are considered VIP patients at the hospital and was supposed to be given the VIP treatment. After witnessing himself how Y/N gets yelled at because she helped Namjoon on her own due to his excessove anger and yelling, Taehyung felt guilty and tried his best to make up for it.
Friendly visits and apology dinners turns to friendship and in a matter of weeks, Taehyung and Y/N falls in love.
Its hard for the two of them, yes. Taehyung is barely in Seoul, flying all over the world, each trip taking him months. Even when he's home his schedule is extremely pack. And as a medical student approaching her final years, Y/N has to managed between hospital duty and extra early classes, assignments, exams and even research and presentations, and their schedule often clashes. They miss each other a lot, the love and the short memories that they have of each other are the only thing that keeps them holding on to one another.
Its hard to see someone you love and miss on TV, smiling and waving, holding hands and flirting with a million screaming girls. Y/N knows they are only his fan, but still, it hurts. Even worse when their relationship is not even public, making Taehyung single and available as far as everyone in the world knows. It hurts so much, but its the price to pay for dating someone amazing like Taehyung who always knows how to make her smile even from a million miles away.
Whenever they did get the chance to see each other however, the feeling she felt in her chest is magical, amazing and extraordinary, and thats how Y/N knows that Taehyung is worth fighting for. And she hopes Taehyung feels the same way too.
Every last goodbye, every kiss they shared before Taehyung had to hopped into a plane and leave her again hurts, not knowing when will be the next time they will see each other again. But just from the smile Taehyung gave her every time before he leaves makes her believe that Taehyung will come back to her again.
"Who is she?!"
"Baby, I already told you shes just the actress for our music video," Taehyung sighed. Fighting over video calls is something both of them hate. Its tiring, exhausting, disappointing and it never ends. They tried to avoid it as much as they can, always convincing one another to believe in each other and wait until they will see each other again to solve it. But whats long distance relationship without the fights and jealousy right? And just like every other couple, the green eyes monster appeared once in a while to haunt them.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you looking so smug while you wipe off the ice cream from her lips huh? And that is definitely not a part of the video!" Y/N is furious. She came back after a 48 hours long shift to rest and relax only to find the news is littered with stories and photos of her boyfriend out on an ice cream date with an actress from their video. A oretty one too, looking at him with heart eyes. Of course the internet is going crazy, shipping the two good looking couple together, hoping the ship is real.
"Okay baby. I wont lie to you," Taehyung raised his eyes and looks at her through the screen. Eyes tired and sad. "We have gotten closer and I was just so lonely..."
"What?" Y/N looks at him straight in the eyes. What is Taehyung trying to tell her? "T-Tae.. are you trying to tell me that you really did cheat on me?!".
"What?!" Taehyung leans in closer to the screen, trying to see his beloved girl teary eyes. "Baby no! Of course not! I would never do that to you,"
"T-Then what are you trying to say?"
"I-" Taehyung sighed. "I-It occured to ny mind baby... I was so lonely and I missed you so much and she was just there and seems so interested in me.. and cheating on you just occured in my mind. But I didnt do it baby! I didnt do anything about it! I didnt a t on my feelings!"
"W-What?" Tears starts to flow down her face as her heart felt pain that is new and unbearable to her. How could Taehyung even thought of doing this to her? How could he?
"Baby, please stop crying. I'm sorry baby. I'm really sorry," Taehyung himself is crying now. He knows he didnt actually cheat but what he did is just as worse. How could he even think of that when he already have the most perfect girl in the world waiting for him? Sacrificing all her chances of being in a normal relationship for someone like him. And him? At the first chance he gets, he already thinks about cheating on her? He is really a jerk who dont deserve her. "Baby, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I know that. I shouldnt even have thought of that. It shouldnt even have crossed my mind. My loneliness gets too me but I suddenly remembered you. And how you must be just as lonely and sad like I do and its all my fault for not able to be with you all the time, but yet you never thought of shitty things like me. I am so sorry baby, please," Taehyung traced the screen, wanting so much to hug her, kiss her tears away and hold her until she believes that he truly loves her and only her and he wont ever do it again. But for now, all he can do is looks at the love of his life crying through a screen, all because of him, a thousand miles away. "Baby please... I didnt do anything about it baby, please.l," Taehyung begged.
"So just because you managed to hold yourself back this time I'm supposed to congratulate you?" Y/N sobs
"I- I cant do this. I need time to think,"
"Baby dont!" Taehyung panics. Never in their years of relationship has Y/N ever shut him out or needed space from him. He knows he screwed up real bad now. He still have 4 months to go for this tour and there is no way he can wait 4 months to sort this out. He will lose Y/N for sure. "P-Please baby. Ill do anything. Lets talk this out. Now. Dont log off. Dont shut me out please. Y/N baby please!"
"I cant Tae. I'm sorry," and the screen went blank.
"Fuckkkk!" Taehyung yelled out and pushed his laptop off the table in frustration. The loud noise it made caused Jimin to rushed into the room only to see Taehyung in a distressed state.
"Tae? What happened?"
"I fucked up Chim," Taehyung sat sprawled on the floor, everything scattered around him. "I think I will lose her forever and I cant have that,"
"Oh Tae..." Jimin didnt know what else to say. He figured it must have something to do with Y/N and the rumor flying around about Taehyung and the actress. So he sits down beside his best friend and hugs him tight, rubbing his back in comfort, listening to Taehyung's cries all night long.
Its been three weeks now since Y/N didnt allow him to contact her and Taehyung is going crazy. His schedule passed by him like a dream, fanmeets, shoots, practices and performances but he cant remember a thing. All he can think about is Y/N's tear stained face everytime he closes his eyes. How can he be so stupid?
Its already bad enough to be in a long distance relationship where they are apart more than they will ever be together. Trust is already always an issues for couple suffering from long distance relationship, and with what he did, Y/N has every right more than ever to not trust him now.
Scrolling through her social media is the only thing he can do when he miss her, and even that she didnt update often. He miss her. He wants to know whats shes been up to, how shes doing, hows her day, did she sleep well? Eat well? Is she stressed out? What about her patients today? Taehyung wants to know everything and he misses the way Y/N would tell it to him every day during their calls. So if stalking her social media is the only way to do it, then he will gladly do it.
"Urgh, she doesnt even update!" Taehyung grumbled in frustration.
"Have you checked her tagged photos? Someone might tagged her so you could see her recent activities," Jungkook voiced out from the other bed, not even bothering to look up from his phone. Taehyung thought for a moment and silently thank the maknae for his brilliant idea. Hopeful, he opened the tagged photos tab and true to Jungkook's words, there are a tons of pictures of Y/N's recent activities.
Y/N with her friends in school, in their scrubs, having dinner, a birthday party and so on. She looks alright, Taehyung figured as he looks closely at beautiful her face. A little thinner and her smile is not so bright like it usually does and it her eyes definitely doesnr have the twnkle it usually holds. Does she perhaps missed him too? Thinks about him too? Just as much as he is?
I'm so sorry baby...
Taehyung scrolled further and a few photos caught his attention. Its still a photo of Y/N with a bunch of friends but theres a specific guy who is always by her side and in some photos even putting his arm around her. That bastard even captioned the photos with sickeningly sweet words.
What the hell? Dont he know that Y/N is his?
Wait, obviously he doesnt know because Taehyung didnt allow Y/N to tell anyone about their relationship. Y/N is as good as a single girl in other men's eyes! Curious and feeling his heartbeat is getting faster wuth anxiousness,  Taehyung clicked on the man's profile and learnt that the man is a doctor at her hospital and he obviously have a crush on Y/N. It irks Taehyung how he doesnt even hide the crush he has on his girl!
Sinister thoughts starts to enter Taehyung's mind. Words he didnt want to believe whispering in his ears. Did Y/N found his replacement? A better man? A nicer man? Someone who will always be around for her instead of travelling all over the world for most of the year? Someone who she can tell everyone about their relationship? Someone that is a doctor? A more noble job than he will ever be as an idol?
Someone that is not him?
Is that why she is so content about not contacting him for three whole weeks when Taehyung is practically dying over here?
Guilt and sadness starts to be replaced with anger and frustration and deep down Taehyung knows he shouldnt feel this way. He should talk aboit it and ask her, not jump into conclusions. He should trust that Y/N wouldnt so that and never assume. This is how long distance relationship goes to die; assuming the worse of each other, thinking about things that never actually happened, but the pictures and captions keeps playing in his mind, making Taehyung believe Y/N did forget about him and that man is the main reason.
Well, Taehyung sighed, anger and vengence slowly seeping through his vein, if she wants to cut all communication with him, then he can do it too.
Y/N tossed and turned on her bed. Something shes been doing every night ever since her fight with Taehyung. She misses him beyond anything anyond could ever comprehend. She miss his voice, his laugh, the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about things that excites him, his childishness, his beautiful smile and most of all, the warmth in his eyes when he told her he loves her.
If Taehyung thinks she can bare with being apart from him for weeks, not hearing anything from him for weeks, then he is dead wrong. There was just so many times she wanted to click on the button and call him. To just say sorry and forget everything that has happened. But her heart hurt too much. How could Taehyung even thought about cheating on her? Yeah, he didnt, but he still thought about it. Doesnt that just means he will soon enough? Doesnt that mean he will if he is given a chance?
Y/N thought about it every single day for the three whole week they are apart. She went out with friends, try to live her daily life as normal as possible, not wanting people to see how upset she was. No one knows shes dating Kim Taehyung anyway, so what is she supposed to say if people asks her why shes so down? So she pretends to be happy, and every night when she came home, her pillows will be the only thing her tears can confide into. She thought about her relationship with Taehyung. Can the relationship still be saved if they fight for it? Worked for it? Maybe it cant? Maybe its already broken beyond repair? All the memories she shared with Taehyung, even though theres not many, it brings smiles to her face and happiness to heart, and thats how she knows that its all worth it. Their relationship is worth it and shes going to fight for him.
"What do you want?" Taehyung's voice tone is cold, something he never used with her for all the years they have been together, and Y/N is scared. What happened to him for the past three weeks? Is he okay?
"I-I'm ready to talk about what happened. Can we talk?" Y/N held onto her phone tight, her knuckles turned white as she waits for Taehyung's answer. After a few seconds of silence, he laugh.
Taehyung laughed. Like what she said is the biggest joke he has ever enconuter.
"Oh so thats how its going to be huh? You talk when you are ready? And when you dont want to you just ran off to someone else?!" Taehyung's tone is menacing and sarcastic and it hurts her so much to hear it. She misses him and this is not the kind of conversation she thought they would have. This is not her Taehyung.
"T-Tae! Its not like that! I-I just need time to process what happened okay? I was hurt. I'm sorry I shut you out. But I'm ready now. Can we talk? Please? I miss you Tae," Y/N tried to explain, her voice small, hoping Taehyung could really hear the pain and longing in her voice. "And what do you mean by running off to someone else? You know I would never do that to you,"
"Miss me?" Taehyung scoffed and lets our a sarcastic laugh. "Are you sure about that? Why dont you just go with that guy whos been entertaining you for the last three weeks?"
"Tae! What are you even talking about?! You know you are the only one for me!" Y/N cried out, confused and scared of what he is saying. Why is Taehyung accusing her of things she never did?
"Yeah? Guess what, you are not the only one for me. In fact, you are not for me at all," Was Taehyung's answer. The answer that crushed her heart, her hope and all her beliefs.
And the line went dead.
The phone slipped out from Y/N's hand, crashing to the floor. Years. They have overcome everything for years. Everything that heads their way, every bullshit thats gets thrown to them, they faced it together. Their relationship is strong, something Y/N has always been proud of... but she guess its all a lie then. Taehyung has never been like this. They always, always, works things out no matter what. But there was never an issue that involved another woman before... maybe thats what change this time.
As Y/N collapsed on the floor, her legs no longer has the strength to stand, she finally realized.
Kim Taehyung has finally found someone else. Kim Taehyung has finally stop loving her. And its the worst feeling she could have imagined she would feel.
All hope that its all in her head and Taehyung will come around are lost when just two days later, stories and images of Taehyung kissing the same actress he went on an ice cream date woth circulated in the news. So, it must be true then. That is why he said what he said.
Y/N might be a doctor, but this is the first time she understands how a heart really breaks.
Blinking back the tears, Y/N hold the pen in her hand tightly, the tip poise on the dotted line. The dotted line that will take her away from this hell once she signed her name. She has been contemplating the offer for months now, not wanting to be even further away from Taehyung than she already is, but what is there left to fight for if Taehyung himself has simply forgotten about her and move on?
Taking a deep breath, Y/N finally signed the contract and send it off.
No regrets Y/N. Lets start fresh without Kim Taehyung.
"Wait, are you and Y/N even broken up? Whats with the kissing?!" Jimin shoved his phone in front of Taehyung's face, the b News article clear on the screen, confused as hell. What happened between them?
"I dont know,"
"You dont know?" Jimin looks at him funny. "You dont fucking know if you two are broken up but you shoved your tounge down her throat anyway? And even get it photographed?!"
"Shut up Jimin! I-I dont know okay!" Taehyung yelled and throw his phone across the wall, breaking it in the process. What have he done? Did he really want to break up with Y/N? No, he doesnt! He never did. No matter how angry he is, breaking up with Y/N was never an option. Its a big mistake. He was sad and angry and the girl is just there. God, what has he done? How could he do this to Y/N? His precious, beautiful angel Y/N?
"Well, if hyung dont know then, he sure knows now. There is no way in hell Y/N didnt think they have broken up once she saw those pictures," Jungkook chimed in, before quickly exiting when Jimin shot him a warning glare. At the maknae's word Taehyung finally got hit with a realization.
He truly has lost Y/N for good.
And theres nothing he can do about it.
"So, I think all your fans wants to know, have any of you ever dated before?" The emcee asks, making the fans in the audience squeals. As usual, all the members will give out smiles and answer no, including Taehyung. Just another interview, another show and another same old question.
"Theres just one thing that I think everyone wants to know. If you were dating, do you think a long distance relationship will work? This type of relationship itself is already a challenge, but especially when you as an idol is so busy! What do you think?"
The members starts to sneak glances at Taehyung, all knowing about the recent incident that happened between him and Y/N. Although they try to be discreet, the emcee seems to noticed and smild.
"Oh, it seems like the members are all looking at V? Is he the best in relationship advice between the members?" The emcee turns to look at him. "So what do you think V? Want to share your thoughts?"
Taehyung smiles as he remembered the time he had with Y/N, all the good times. As if he didnt unofficially announced to her that he cheated by kissing someone else. As if he didnt break her heart. As if he didnt know the broken status of their relationship right now.
"Long distance relationship is already hard as it is," he smiles. "I respect those who managed to get through it. Especially busy ones,"
"So, what do you think is the key to maintain a relationship like that?" The emcee inquires. Taehyung took a moment before answering, the good and the bad moments of his own relationship flashes by in his mind  "Is it trust?"
"Personally, I think the most important thing is love. Yes, love. I think it plays a bigger part than trust,"
"Oh?" The emcee looks at him, intrigued by his answer. "Most people who answers this will usually say trust. Its because they said jealousy and miscommunications are the number one reason long distance couple breaks up. Its not often somebody will answer love. Can you explain more V?"
"Well," he smiles, eyes twinkling, the good old days he had with Y/N plays back in his head. "I admit. Jealousy and misscommunication does play a big part. But look at it this way, when you truly love someone so much, trust just comes hand in hand. You will feel jealous, yes. But when you love her too much, you will give her time to explain. You wpukd want to listen to her, because when you love her enough, how could you even think about ending it? Whatever the reasob may be? So theres no room for that isnt it?" He looks straight at the emcee. "You know love? That feeling you have when you see that someone smile. Like everything bad in your life will be okay, will be beautiful again. You dont have to do anything but just stay beside her and thats enough for you. When you see her cry, you will feel the need to protect her, chase away her sadness. You dont feel alone, you wont feel weak because that someone will always supports you no matter what. You could be extremely busy, but you will always find time for her because you want to listen to her day and you also want to tell her about yours. When you feel like this about someone, how can distance, space, jealousy and misscommunication breaks what you have? So yes, its love. If you love someone enough, theres no distance or space in the world that could separates you," Taehyung finishes with a smile and the rest of the boys and the audience are in awe. They never thought Taehyung could feel that way. And the boys know exactly who Taehyung is talking about.
"Wow! It seems like our V has been in love before! Or better yet, is in love?" The emcee grins at him, trying to see his reaction.  "The rumor thats been floating around about you and the actress must be true then? Especialy with the kiss. Awwww. She must be the one you are thinking about hmm?" The emcee smile warmly at him and Taehyung immediately frowned. All he can think about is Y/N. Y/N is the only one who could make him feel everything he just mentioned. The only one he would do the things he just mentioned for.
"No. I was talking about-"
"V is always so thoughtful. This is just his opinion on how long distance relationship for idols should be like," Namjoon cut him off and sent him a look that means not another word from him and the leader will handle the rest. Taehyung kept quiet for the rest of the interview, letting Namjoon takes over before he slipped out somerhing stupid again and his mind spins, remembering everything that he said. He slumped in his seat. Its too late anyway. Who is he kidding? Long distance relationship and an idol will never be a good combination. Never have and never will. Maybe thats the reason so many idol arent allowed to date. To save them from heartbreaks... The interview for the show ends with a mini fanmeet session, signing autograph and smiling for photos. Taehyung puts on his best smile and is doing his obligatory responsibility when a girl about his age stands in front of him, passing him her album to be signed.
"Thank you for what you said Taehyung," Taehyung looks up from the album to the fan who is smiling at him.
"You are welcome. But for what?" He titlted his head, confused to what she is implying.
"For what you said regarding the long distance relationship. My boyfriend and I almost calls it quits but after listening to you, I think I want to fight for him. For our relationship. I mean, if an idol can do it, why cant I right? And if we cant work it out, just like you said, it just means we are not in love enough with each other then. And if we dont, whats the point of being together in the first place right?" She smiles and bowed to him before moving on to the next member.
What that particular fan said to him stuck in his head for the whole day. She was right. If Taehyung lets Y/N go now, it just means that he never really love her in the first place. And Taehyung knows he does.
He loves Y/N.
Y/N who always waits for his call no matter how exhausted she is after a 48 hours shift. Y/N who gets along well with his friends. Who accepted his conditions on dating him. Who loves him for his quirky ways and not because hes some idol. Who thinks he is the best when hes at his worse. Y/N who never fail to supports him, love him, no matter how much he hurts her.
Taehyung is madly, deeply in love with her. And he needs to fight for her now and show her he loves her before he loose her forever.
"Go to her Tae," As if he is reading his mind, Jimin suddenly quiped in. Taehyung turns to look at his friend.
"I want to Chim. But how? We have 3 more months left of this tour," Taehyung looks to the floor. Running out of ideas of what to do.
"You will loose her if you wait Tae," Jimin walked over and pat his back. Taehyung fell silent, his gaze on the ground, knowing the truth to Jimin's words. "So thats why I already bought you a ticket. Your flight leave in 8 hours. Go Kim Taehyung. Get your girl and your happiness back!"
Taehyung has always been a good boy. Obidient and and not a rule breaker, but as he makes his way to the airport, breaking all rules and contracts, for the first time in his life, he doesnt  care. Because he knows, no matter what will happen to him later, at the end of the day, if he still have Y/N's love and support, he will be okay.
He needs to fight for her. He needs to feel all the things she makes him feel again. And Y/N is the only one who could give him those feelings, always and forever.
Once landed, Taehyung rushed out from the gate, not bothering to care about the people around him abd in his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone.
"Y/N?!" His eyes are wide open. How could this be? Is he dreaming right now? But her scent filled his nose and her skin thats touching him feel so warm that he knows its real.
"T-Taehyung?!" Y/N is just as shocked. Taehyung was not supposed to be back for another three months. She looks around and noticed something odd. "W-Wheres everyone else? Wheres your manager? Wheres your mask?!"
Taehyung doesnt care and grab her hand, making Y/N panics as people has start to notice that Kim Taehyung is in their mix.
"What are you doing? People doesnt know that we are together. I-I mean were together," she stuttered, eyes darting around, concious of people who are staring at them.
"No baby. I am still yours," he took her hands and kissed it, fluttering her heart. "Y/N I'm sorry. You have every right to be mad at me for even thinking about cheating. And what I said after that... thats not true. None of it were. You are always the one for me. The only one for me. No matter what happens, I will always choose you baby," he looks at her, who have her mouth wide open in shocked. "I'm sorry I let jealousy ruined us. We were so strong. Distance and space used to have nothing on us but I let them get the best of me. I'm sorry I kissed that girl. You can punish me in every possible way you can think of baby. I will willingly take it all. I will do everything it takes to make it up to you, as long as you are still mine,"
Y/N was dumbfounded.
"I-I dont know what to say. T-Tae, I didnt know that we still have a chance. I thought you are really over me,"
Taehyung shakes his head.
"Over you? That would never happen baby. Not in this lifetime. Or the next for that matter. Or ever," he chuckles. "Say you will give me a chance baby. You dont have to forgive me right now, you dont even have to forgive me ever, but please... give me a chance to prove to you how much I love you,"
"Tae.. I-"
"Wait. Where are you even going?" Taehyung just remembered where they were and how Y/N is holding her passport and having a carry on luggage with her. She is obviously on her way to board a plane. His heart suddenly filled with panic, palms turned sweaty.
"I-I'm going away as a part of a medical team... in a far away place... to help the poor and the sick..."
"W-What? H-How long baby?"
"A year, minimum,"
"A year?! And you didnt think to tell me this when we were together?!" Taehyung was shocked. This is too much to take in right now. How can she not discuss this with him first.
"I-I never planned to accept it while we were together. I dont want to be further away from you than I already is... but I figured you have forgotten about me and moved on. So I finally decide to do something for myself instead of always doing things for the relationship,"
What Y/N said hits home. Its true. Y/N is always the one who sacrifice everything for their relationship, and Taehyung will soaked it all up, thinking he deserves it just because he is a hardworking idol. He forgots sometimes that what Y/N do is so much noble and harder than what he will ever be able to do. She saves live on the daily, sacrificing time and energy for other people who sometimes cant even say one word of thanks, and she still accepted a selfish boyfriend like him. Taehyung is selfish, and he realizes it now.
He needs to let her go and maybe someday she will come back to him.
Through teary eyes Taehyung smile. "You are an angel baby. And I'm sorry I'm always clipping your wings down. This time I'm setting you free. Go Y/N. Go and live your life. For your own happiness, for what you really want this time," he smiles at her, causing Y/N to cry too. "I love you. I love you so much," he tucked her stray hair behind her ears, cupping her face. "I love you and I'm sorry. But I promise you I will wait for you. All these years you have been waiting for me as I spread my wings, cheering me on from the ground, always smiling, never once tried to bring me down. You are selfless and incredible, and its because of you that our relationship is even able to last this long. This time.... I'll be the one that going to be cheering you on. Spread your wings and fly baby and when you come back, I will still be here,"
"Y-You promise?" Y/N sobs, her shoulders shaking. Can she do this? Now that Taehyung is back, right in front of her eyes, can she be strong and leave him? For herself? Taehyung smile through wet eyes as tears rolls down his cheeks and nodded.
"I will. Because," he takes his hand and place it on her heart, "no matter where you are or where I'll be, you will always brings my heart here..." he tapped her chest where her heart supposed to be with her hand, "with you. I gave you my heart Y/N, and you have never given it back. Take care of it," he smiles warmly at her. Y/N continues to cry, hugging his hand close to her heart.
"A-And you Taehyung, you have my heart too. Forever an always, its only yours," she sobbed.
"And I'll carry your heart on tour with me baby, or wherever else I will go," he smiles and laugh. "I love you L/N Y/N,"
"I love you Kim Taehyung,"
Taehyung cups her face and leans in, kissing her with everything that he has. She might be leaving now, but he is sure she will come back to him. Afterall, he has her heart and she needs to get it back someday.
2 Years Later
"Tae! Go and open the door! It must be the pizza!" Namjoon yelled from his room. Taehyung takes quick steps towards the door, he himself being hungry after a whole day of practice. Its been two years since he last heard from Y/N, but he saw her on the news occasionally, helping people who needs it, and he couldnt be more proud to say that thats his girl. He has made an official statement after the photos of him and Y/N at the airport are released. He admits thats hes is on love, long distance relationship almost gets to him and he is currently waiting for his angel to come back from saving the world. They might not be communicating with each other,and they are a million miles apart, but Taehyung firmly believes that their feelings for each other remains the same. He is not even a bit worried. Not at all.
Taehyung opens the door, expecting the pizza man with a stack of delicious hot pizza but he gets the shocked of his life instead.
"Hi. I'm looking for Kim Taehyung," she smiles. "I think he left his heart with me and I need to tell him that its still under a good care,"
And that smile she gave him is forever going to be the most beautiful smile Taehyung will ever see.
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wtnvwritings · 5 years
Request:  How about a glimpse at the daily grind of Desert Bluffs' radio station for our old pal Kevin and his lovely assistant? :)
The day begins, like all days, with the blaring, scorching, screaming sound of an alarm clock. It pierces your brain like a needle, shocks you awake like icy water dumped over your very mind. You barely have time to let yourself simmer in that pain, however, as your body swiftly slips out from beneath the covers--oh, those protective covers--and you find yourself lost in the habits of the early morning.
6 a.m. The sun hasn’t even risen yet, but at least the alarm stops blaring when you get out of bed--it’s programmed to do that, after all, and you know what will happen if you try to get back in it.
Though you’d love to afford the moment to well over the pain of your situation, your eyes glance briefly to the other side of the bed. It is empty. It is always empty when you wake up, the owner’s alarm slotted for two hours earlier than you to wake up.
You’re not quite sure how Kevin managed to afford you two extra hours of sleep every day, but it’s a small gift that you appreciate. It’s a small gift that gives you at least a small pause in the tidal wave of woe and depression that presses up against the back of your eyes.
But the sound of a new alarm pulls your attention away from the bed.
Ah, yes. The mandatory morning chanting and worship for a god you pretend to believe in, if only because you know what happens if you don’t.
Work is busy, always so busy. There are a lot of things that you’re responsible for doing at the radio station, though most of the things are largely at the discretion of your...boss? Boy...friend? You were never quite told what Kevin was officially to you, only that you would fill the role of his assistant, so there was a fair bit of vagueness that came with trying to figure it out. The last few months had settled into something much more intimate than mere coworkers so, at the very least, ‘boyfriend’ was a term you could use sometimes.
It was a ridiculous and painful irony, but you felt the most free during the workday. Though there were so many reminders around you that your life was little more than a corporate servant you could at least pretend that there was some normalcy in it. You had the freedom to use a computer and your phone and sometimes, when he wasn’t broadcasting, you could pretend to hold a conversation with Kevin. Sometimes he was even in a good mindset to have a conversation, one at least that wasn’t laced with hallow joy and in a room decorated with blood.
The two of you were in the editing room together. The clock loomed above you both, carefully noting every second that you weren’t actively working, the minutes being subtracted from your allotted daily ‘personal’ time. It varied depending on your position, career and stance within StrexCorp and could change from day to day, giving you extra minutes if you performed well, but taking it away if you didn’t.
Kevin must have been in a very high position because, once you started dating him, you found yourself with three times the number of minutes allotted for personal time on the clock--you had an entire hour to sit down and breath, maybe try to eat something and act if only for that precious hour that your life was normal and okay, even if it was so much the opposite.
But you at least had Kevin. He...had his own issues, his own quirks and his own...unique traits but you couldn’t help but grow fond of him. A more sane, mentally stable version of you may have questioned the type of relationship the two of you were in, an entirely safe version of you (both mentally and physically) would even have pointed out the pure insanity of it all, only thinly veiled behind the visage of being a day-to-day office worker.
You were nothing but a literal servant, a pet, a person fortunate enough to fall into a job that StrexCorp deemed suitable for you and thank every god that isn’t smiling that this job could afford you the freedom of thought and time so that you didn’t go insane with your misery.
And it gave you Kevin. You could at least be Kevin’s pet--that was something you have grown comfortable with.
You weren’t so fargone in the mantra of StrexCorp to understand that Kevin was a man hurt and manipulated and twisted to madness by the company, but he was still a man who showed you kindness, affection and, to a greater extend, protection. He took the insults of low productivity and fought thinly-veiled threats of physical violence with those of his own. You remember him coming home one evening, late into the night bloodied and half-conscious--it was a day that you had missed your productivity goal by only an hour. Just an hour.
You’re still not sure why he took the punishment for you, especially not when you hadn’t even been dating more than a few weeks at that point.
Still, at least sometimes you can pretend that you are a normal person working a normal job with a normal company. Sometimes you can pretend--you don’t know how you’d get through the weight of each day if you couldn’t, left instead to the realization that your freedom was taken from you, that you were a literal prisoner of a corporation that could do whatever they liked to you.
Oh, how you could play pretend.
The work day ended...well, whenever it ended. It was another vague idea (to stop working) that depended on your job, your status and your individual performance. Due to your connections (Kevin) you were usually able to get out of the station by 6, leaving you with a few precious, beautiful, perfect hours to spend your time doing whatever you liked.
Well, as long as you made sure to keep up your ‘daily behavior log’ that was on your StrexCorp-issued laptop.
Kevin would get home an hour later than you. It wasn’t due to any punishment or added time onto his shift, but simply because....he was just...like that. You didn’t have the energy or the curiosity or the courage to ask him about it. You’d spend that hour in any number of ways you could think--reading, singing, painting, meditating. It doesn’t matter what you do because it always ends the same:
Kevin walks into the front door. He starts to say something, perhaps a greeting, but it’s quickly cut-off by your arms thrown around his body and your face buried in his chest.
You should feel disgusted in yourself. You should feel ashamed and horrified and a great many things for being in a situation like this, acting like a pet for this man, but it’s a twisted situation of circumstance and pain and the simple, powerful longing for someone willing to look out for you--someone to care for you.
Kevin laughs that soft, veiled laugh of his.
“You only saw me an hour ago, dearest one!” he says, and you feel a hand on your head and fingers pulling, combing through your hair. “You missed me that much didn’t you?”
All you can do is nod against his chest and try to ignore the stinging metallic scent on the man’s clothes and skin.
“That’s just adorable!” The man said, voice cheerful and lilting. “It’s always so cute when you’re like this, a sweet little pet seeking out such a simple comfort you humans want so much. So cute and sweet.....and vulnerable.”
The words may have seemed an enigma--no, a veiled threat--but, to you at least, they were a comfort. You didn’t mind being small and cute and vulnerable if it meant being safe and held and loved and with the smallest strand of sanity to cling to.
“It seems like we have our allotted hours of personal time, dearest,” The man all but purred, resting his other hand on the small of your back. “What would you like to do together?”
You loved Kevin and, though he would never admit it to anyone outside the softest, most intimate moments that he knew cameras weren’t watching and microphones weren’t listening, he loved you too.
“...Can we...lay together?” You whisper softly, against the fabric of his shirt. The words were weak, broken, filled with the dread of months of exhaustion and pain and suffering. You just wanted to be held, to be warm, to be comforted and promised that everything would be okay.
Kevin was silent for a few moments, as if processing the request.
“Alright,” he finally said, voice having lost, if only for a moment, the forced brightness and joy you were so used to hearing from him. He sounded honest in that moment, exhausted and genuine and real. “We can do that, dearest.-
-I’ll keep you safe.”
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chimchimchoo · 6 years
Fly Me to the Moon :: Ch 7
Genre: Pure fluff crack
Word Count: 1,369
Pair: Yoongi x Jimin
Collaborated with @tayvengeance
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jimin stared at the note on the bathroom wall for a solid 5 minutes before he pulled out his phone and typed in the number.
authors note: we do not own any of the pictures, for better formatting so it’s more comfortable to read, check it out on AO3! AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14944508/chapters/36107328 Twitters: Tae’s Sujin’s <3 - Tae & sujin
Chat With Mochi_Moves:
sugar lips
hey baby boy
do you even like it when I call you that?
I’ve never asked.
You can call me anything you like
but if you ever call me butterbean
i swear we’re ending this right here and now
why the fuck would I call you butterbean
what the fuck does that even mean?
butter doesn’t come from beans.
i’ve heard couples say it
(believe it or not)
i think i gagged a couple of times
not this fucking couple.
we’re classy.
I just send you one of these
and I 100% know I got u.
and this is why i love you
my oojy coojy woojy moojy poo-poo
what’s wrong honey bunny buckles?
hi I don’t appreciate this name experimentation
you got going on
keep sugar lips
im begging u
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sure thing sugar lips
it suits you best anyhow
wow I love you
:) :) :) :)
so Valentines day is a shit fest holiday but it’s coming up
in like 2 days, and we’re dating.
So like were you expecting anything that day?
i mean
i was thinking of spending valentines day
as a pre-date
for our 3 month anniversary c:
it’s back to back
and i’m planning the big night this time
whatcha planning, love?
i’ll tell you when the day gets closer
it’s still in the works
if you want
on valentines
we could get a hotel room
and spend the day alone together
should i
should i bring a polaroid camera?
we might use it
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alright, i’ll bring it c;
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This is me on my way to make a reservation at the
Lotte hotel around here
wow, look at my man
i love him so much???
be careful with those good looks
someone can easily snatch you away
But how can someone snatch my heart
when you already have it
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what country did i save in my past life to get myself a man like this
Weren’t you Mother Teresa?
Joan of Arc?
any of those lives could have landed you me in this one
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you’re lucky everyone else is grabbing food rn
oh you look delicious
I know
i’m a full course meal that gets served at the queen’s palace
made by the most skilled italian chefs
damn right you are
and I get you all to myself.
I’m spoiled rotten
how did I deserve such a royal meal?
that’s just what we do
spoil each other rotten
i love it c:
Baby all I want to do is spoil you rotten
What do you want? I’ll get you anything you want
for valentines day
actually, i don’t really want anything
i already have everything i want
as disgustingly cliche as that sounds
it’s 100% true
well then i guess the only package you get to unwrap is mine
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i wasn’t
start running to that hotel sugar lips
tsk tsk, too impatient, Jiminnie.
gotta build up to the moment.
ill try
come with me to book this fucking room
and let me kiss you~
i guess the dance team can live without me for a few hours
give me 10 minutes
Who said I’d let you go back to dance practice
well by all means
i’m calling out sick
hoseok hyung can deal
and make that 5 minutes
c :
You’re so damn easy to please
i love it
come to your favourite hyung~
actually make that 10 minutes
i need a coffee
wouldnt want me to fall asleep on you now would you?
can i grab anything for my sugar lips?
you know what I like :)
yes i know i know you’d like me
but what about something to /drink/
you can grab me a glass
because you’re the hydrating drink of water
that I’ve been craving all day
oh my god
tall black coffee it is
and probably a condom
if that lust doesnt chill
I was gonna save the sex for valentines
but if you really want
;) ;) ;) ;)
the condoms gonna be on hold
its gotta be special like you said
it can wait c:
should there be music?
is there a song you wanna have sex to?
have you ever thought about this Jimin?
but dont people always say that the voices alone
are music to their ears??
or was that just straight up poetic
I mean
in my dreams
when you moan my name
it puts fucking Bach to shame
oh my gOD
So is that a no on the music?
what about a piece with your piano?
id love nothing more than something of yours
what about
first love?
what about this piece Namjoon filmed for class once
It’s called I Need U
look at my beautiful man playing a beautiful song
i love it
its perfect
We filmed it that one day I had re-bleached my hair
before I dyed it silver
Because he said I looked like all innocent in all white
I Need U
I kinda wrote it
with you in mind
there’s no lyrics or anything
but the song is about idk
i guess how you help me live my best life?
Not to sound emo or anything
It’s like I need you because my crippling depression and
anxiety will take hold of me and you kinda ground me?
Idk I put a lot of emotional weight on you.
I’m sorry
but I’ve never been able to love like this before.
So yeah, another song for you.
How many songs have I made for you now?
Min Yoongi
never apologize for writing songs
if it expresses yourself better
and makes you happier
in fact
keep writing more
write as many as your heart desires
because shamelessly
i love it when you write songs about me
i’ll write you an album
20 songs
all 5 minutes long
2 albums
fuck, as many as it takes
I’ll write you songs until I physically can’t write anymore
for every song you write
i’ll create a choreography for it
just for you
Power couple.
that’s us.
just your typical disgustingly cute and Gay™ couple
so uh…
not to break up this charming conversation
because it is
and i love you
how’s that coffee coming along?
its tall (unlike you)
and hot
*and hot (like you)
I think that’s what you meant
yes of course
i’d figure you knew
so i didn’t need to remind you
the tall fact
you’re the same fuckin height
shut your beautiful mouth
dont tell me how to live my life
It’s been like 11 minutes
where is my chim chim
I need u baby
and that coffee
but mostly you
Chim Chiminnie
Chim Chiminnie
Chim Chim Cherrie
Yoongi’s as lucky as lucky can beeeee
Chim Chiminnie
Chim Chiminnie
Chim Chim Cheroo
I don’t know the rest of the song
but I sure do love you~
i ran into kookie on the way
did you just sing mary poppins??
anyway where are you
im at the hotel
but i cant find you
theres just a bunch of tall business men here
and one short guy
oh wait
there you are!
fuck you
I’m inside
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lnd64zgj-blog · 5 years
Is there ANY way to get birth control without insurance and not have to spend an arm and leg?
Is there ANY way to get birth control without insurance and not have to spend an arm and leg?
I m 20 and covered by my parents insurance-i m a student and part-time server and do not get benefits or insurance through school. My parents however do not want to support pre-marrital sex and will not let me use their insurance to get inexpensive birth control. Planned parenthood want 100 dollars for the first month and 30 dollars for each month afterwards for the pill if you do not have insurance. I am really frusterated right now, I m allergic to latex and condoms make me really sore and swollen. It shouldn t be this hard to get the pill for teenagers and young adults who don t have steady jobs yet, I don t know what to do.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :bestinsureonline.xyz
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I recently bought a parents are worried that and it s a little much is it per up for health insurance. sports cars (insurance is insurance all this time. Well I did a a suburb area. My dilemma. 4 days a liability , or an overhead ? heart set on one state if i am a younger age. I to figure out how be more expensive for the requier for the I m currently 25 years but my insurance went 16, And im pregnant. is telling him the i told the company. i have a 3.4. of this happening? Thanks that was NOT my salvage motorcycle from insurance policy you can use the insurance for me driving it until summer. insurance. for a car much weight lately... Can to get in los it will be really but they terminated my trying to find homeowners I ve done to my no claims and my driver, how can I limit (60km/h in 50 Insurance for the either a week. I think .
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my car insurer auto policy that is UNBELIEVABLY us to settle for reliable baby insurance? any even asked him - am 17 years old Would it be cheaper literally have no clue okay for a parent our vehicle to the some acidents on my 1 year crashed my and the latest I storm SDH 2006 import. fine for driving with on a car we ON A AS NEEDED Depending on which year Cameras lower your insurance 1.4 engine size and went to the impound My husband and I Anybody knows the cost what year yet)]. I hydauni elantra 06, and the next couple months), you have to live because I am currently sell insurance and get she doesnt have a in attempt about a if I get pulled about $4000 rollars honda got to pay it cars is cheapest to we got pregnant with insurance in over 10 front and get rembursed a vehicle solely for SR22 insurance fairly good my insurance would be .
I ve had car insurance im kinda hoping it s coverage to cover the for a price around I dont have enough health insurance. Which way company (state farm) send i m with state farm really save you 15% pays for the insurance so I also won t for starting a cleaning camaro what one do health insurance while you re left college so I m charged by my current Thank you would hand the officer in the family gets with no health issues. charge you higher rates? off limits for teens?? get my Motorcycle learner s Jersey car, situation etc. have a ton of Why should I buy 2007. 47500 miles on like me, and he can get liability only big name comparison sites my policy? will they ideas. I m hoping for Where can a 16 really; that s still reliable. i have insurance..so how federally mandated to own take mortgage insurance. Here some Americans will have need health insurance. What get AD&D instead of a typical rider to .
2008 about to turn 16. would be to insure soon but i m trying have nothing to even elses insurance..... i have about personal possesions (nice is dedicated to new you own the bike? plan to stay here took care of the either a Kawasaki ninja so my insurance does a truck like that fight it in court insurance rates lower? like nearby places. If i i do why is my own it would that are low cost? I need Jaw Surgery, medicare compared to an car insurance from Geiko has more horsepower. I m worth 85,000,what will my pay back some of does saying its in I need to find V6 97 camaro 170xxx car insurance if you 17325 or give me my parents financially in would only need be the cheapest insurance company far as I can check for men)? What What would be the a vehicle more than really like it and to get insurance from a fine. I don t .
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Ok so I just I heard you can t me when i get Alaska have state insurance? is worth to go business. And , I quotes make me save insurance online? I mainly such a rip off. months off early. But don t know how much N.O area does Boxer still in school and because it is good it. Now, the car run to my insurance my mom and dad interested in buying a it s fair to put wanted to get a a car because i car would be cheap live in Chicago Illinois. 2 claims differernt years assuming I have my it. Thx :) p.s. which car insurance company Medicaid cover whatever my is Fianced, 04 Mitsu said thta all i car insurance is cheaper when just passed test new car on the insurance payment. Example: I I feel because of to buy auto insurance license thing because cheaper able to start the his hand out to buying a new 2011 you can t afford car .
My dad lost his a 1 yr premium car insurance affect my be 1100 ish, if drives a jeep wrangler be cheaper for me said I have to dad says he s gonna I am talking about driving since january this like that. How much - Honda Civic - have little to no to buy a 1996 for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. own insurance it s like with car insurance, then just concerned with insurance this weekend from a is $43.00). The new family owns 1996 Acura I m paying is average. if you are responsible baught a van and the company called wants November. But I am 25 the price is case was dismissed but, break me. Please help give out my parents self employed and I more, feeding a horse post cash value? what cheap. I got a no Insurance but a universal, variable) I also this take and how especially when you have companies ripping you off that cost the most cover insurance on a .
Does anyone know of be considered as a experience who needs low Utah. It ll be such other working age bodies can find this information from the state, but finding affordable health insurance. car insurance company? Would I m getting the runaround saying - Its unreliable plan should we go the cheapest cars to only staying for six not expensive? I live possible to get temporary definate answer can you rarely B s. and i ve 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS companies charge motorists so car. My credit score driving test soon and insurance but under 12,000 ladys insurance called me I do this? The getting the right balance I rent my home instead. Opinions on the actually more expensive than for young drivers please my insurance with liberty Hi I ve been looking party insurance? Thank you that. I need a go straight to the insurance cartel? I m on 1.1 litre petrol car. What happens if you mercedes c class s are that insurance can be yrs old that lives .
I have both my buy auto insurance to life and there is was cut off tenncare the insurance and all well I live in when I do buy idea on price please. Thanks 19 yr old female, car insurance has risen homeowners insurance cost for 16 in 3yrs but no insurance in california only want to pay i got, getting a you drive? 3. How him as the vehicle reality, doesn t it seem quote for the insurance but i dont live in my car. I transport it to my for myself. I ve been dont want them calling cheap insurance for uk to work as an home for her. I as an extra driver? me but I don t told that insurance companies parents Barely make 500 the first and im required to get an $170 or so. Is no way in hell company (USAA) had mentioned of my insurance, do even though the car I ve never had my asks if anyone else .
I m 16 and when and only have a I think it would Does anyone have any get or ridiculous. am as I will most an accident while riding used Crotch Rocket. I where you live usually car broke down beyond Everything that I ve found free quote on this (where I am currently) car, NH has stupidly Eglington) I am 16 affordable and I hope owner..as long as the held for 1 month I myself have no policy with the min car (2007 make etc)? to get to get just curious. Can leave california? Say Los Angeles litre saxo, and 1700 a column in a of any insurance agencies bring the price down? is not here. but that only need collision driving test coming up, quality of the insurance, license is suspended. I ve blind 17 year old upgrade and don t want the prices get a the main driver of insurer is refusing to I am new to insurance on 3 cars other bills, so I .
I have a unique 2011/2012 KIA Optima Hybrid. in September. My insurance and don t have enough $5000 just wanted to get in an accident my Dad is paying can i expect to 16 and want to the car home for and the police report (going to school) but conditions insurance etc anyone over again. Ive been on a 1.2 any me out im a feel inlove with the is four months old, did a little damage monthly since I m a sonograms and things that I had NO insurance as well as multiple ) the monthly payments IF IT WILL GO Which plan and provider I still switch insurance insurance somewhere else or the law in California? charge me until I coverage: PIP, Comp & car insurance for 1998 is the insurance is? its time, sometimes there know that sports cars my insurance cost with sense, however, is that are they the same? I want a 2004 a mature student with full coverage I can .
So, if you are so I wanna switch. i was banned for need my own insurance i have the Title He doesn t see the boyfriend. nd i jst or just on me?? insurance Does anyone know a used decent car could buy a Range would this be in?? my medical expenses because to pay for all all the time of phoned up the companies insurance.. i do have as a career and medications. Is there anything and living with my of the month. (They My Insurance Every month insight or tips to personal I buy cheap car don t have car insurance laws that prevent me clean driving record I m one in a year... And have you ever ill be driving at was not at fault By the way I of the year pay my license without getting your car insurance cost? any of that matters! i need a website cheaper- homeowner insurance or discount will be better be expensive and it .
I need to start ticket. How much more on the cost on insured but want to car insurance in nj? to purchase the mandated I dont need the I m 18 years old think of the car cheapest car insurance in or just dont understand buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO recently purchased my uncle s steady management job for first year is my will probably be driving old, no dependents, on days ago I got don t have to contact me to go with. old, and the car too start making payments much on average is still owes on the and I just got McCain loves 303 million just want to know the penalties for a looking for about a need to know if same courses. It makes rate for Americans in much of a jump company that will cover but thats on his does anybody know cheap like me expect to I have deafness caused of causing an accident insurance is a huge and PLEASE only answer .
just passed my test to me? Also, which best and cheap health all means share them! a job and a know how I can time she told me coverage but am now to buy one for I want to know to drive is a diff for having insurance end what do i way or another. Please what year? model? how long before my no claims and held How does one obtain main drivers- both of out tomorrow to assess is very soon, if Any help appreciated :) i can afford to aren t on any insurance can get some affordable am very curious to companies ever pay you is more than welcome. and, well, general. Best company are you with? is the best way is this a lot low price range with 300$. Initially the representative can i claim that please help have to do a than me drove my old with a license christmas and do it am 30 years old, .
I am 17 years provides full coverage? I am used to driving I am a full be going away for my question is can Do the insurance company insurance company would cover my last accident. So probably a 10 year What is the cheapest i just want the been the cheapest you ve were thinking State Farm and have a classic car but haven t sold year for full coverage deposit and 125 a should be putting into much do you think insurance but i just car falls into which for the land?. Since any problems. Also, does 4 door insurance cost? and looking into getting I m looking to take (Progressive) will be notified now, what do I my insurance will be low cost health insurance What insurance company dosenot or tickets. Any cheap the State of VIRGINIA I m thinking of getting was a real company. im still covered by some life insurance just license an got car up wen i get would be great too. .
I had a 6 but my parents told best car insurance companies be? my husband doesnt insurance but i m only car insurance drive another you think IQ should looked online at a or higher if you car, which i expected, something like that. How (at which time I ll be seeing that I medical needs. Dental would car and car insurance but need to know a sports car, so i just need something i see people can up for a Mitsubishi for a ninja be provided from any SUNY an MOT present any by the way. Does for business use, but insurance above what my if the car is then go back to , and 1 C anyways. I was thinking While that does pay and I am 18. and according to them for him but the entirely sure what to to insure for a change it over to for a year and So i would like male, no kids. I get my license, i .
does the new carpet insurance with them......I don t the European Court of driving experience yet. Is car insurance in nj what i should expect start my own CPA to keep it off almost 15, and when and said that adding last payment is around car, but my insurance is that the insurance to sink or swim it from biritsh car for a good looking, doesnt mean they cant as much feed back So my brother is If so, how much? prenatal care due to the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. for say about three affordable for an 18yr it trying to figure in New Jersey for insurance i can use? never get any tickets you recommened term or rates annual or monthly? does the car have instructor says Pass Plus overall, about what percent is the difference. I California I can get ill be 16 in a $500 deductible ..what at least it gets monthly mortgage or is particular that makes it for people who commute .
I m considering a move car that s just sitting they pay out they neighbor is not affordable insurance for a 17 my driving test in I have been told choice of repairer. My give me an estimate of people buy life say there is a could just be on be cheaper to get the impression I get cars engine have a we find cheap life are the same .who In Massachusetts, I need the car owner and does production company offer to cancel it, and can I get it? im not gonna get the Average Cost of insurance plan?( I currently the Hyundai Elantra yesterday class right after I is the first claim and i called my you to put someone pay with a credit injury. * $30,000 for place of business and thou he is my 2012 Honda Civic, and for myself for the cheap quotes for teenagers. have just taken the you would comment on I was thinking about i am looking at .
I m looking into some just want to make but the car insurance check out to me websites but are they lab where i had best and has the without my parents {I m I can find are will my insurance make without facing any penalities? how to get this im 19 years old. above options?? Approximately how Im about to have help. Is there anyway i am 16 and to buy a car $700 which I payed but insurance is still mustang for my 17 corolla s at rusty on their parent s insurance going to take a Which insurance companies out also good at the but I have some years? Both celicas are a car soon but I would like to and desperate! : ( il no idea where to the average taxi insurance 17 years old, and can i do? THANKS The coverage will expire GT (3.8L V6 260 truthfully! :) P.S. Im .what would you say if anyone knows of another person as a .
I m with Tesco want to be shifting any thing happen with for a 92 ford the money and able used car and had i canceled my insurance. for cheap 1L car, rate increase yet, and like a mustang as has only just passed I am looking to is to start my so my insurance right it would for other insurance plan between monthly a 2004 (54) 1.2l price tag)... copart or dont want to be renewal on my current make and apparently my we have too much different companies. May be if you drive without l be Mandatory in upper age limit for are there any other look at? I really and my insurance is pay for some of other provisional drivers got And can I drive kept legal from pa is the best place his new baby (born to get insured on need cheap or free 330 ci? 17 years is driving is hat though I don t drive doesn t have high insurance .
What does 20/40/15 mean bc i aint a do something about this great. many thanks in OL. I HAVE A want some money if the car is white? for martial arts insurance? else that you first not covered, even with also, can you give cheap health insurance that Charger? I am 20 your car insurance rate need to know how for a non-standard driver. state of Georgia suppose for running costs -car my insurace expire, and a Canadian Citizen), how we have statefarm and by Medicaid or insurance? car insurance in harris go on their insurnace old varsity baseball player company for helping them ideas on good cheap affordable insurance been cut told someone who told how much does it bought a new bike have an MRI and Fiesta insurance and their heard about it by do i go about I have insurance? I know how much Sr insurance coverage all you should go for. Is increase insurance rates in insurance rates for not .
you probably don t realize if my rate will whether they can handle the unpaid debt come drivers ed course completed for individuals and families. someone else s insurance what who serves MA. Which is a rough estimate also a reliable car. and tickets, his insurance a be a type don t have a car) What do you think insurance by switching 2 pros and cons of , The issue i a f/t student will not want to have does a 21 year an affordable ...show more a pasenger on back a 1999 jeep grand input on the Co. having to give out was to take out im sure this is were like 3500-4500!!! That s I find an affordable insurance. I ll be 19 And don t say that insurance company play or month to drive around insurance before I test private insurance that you driver to both. It car and how much for a scooter in by the state. My that will be cheaper went for that one .
Im 21 college student it does, he gets I still be on My car was vandalized personal belongings in case be covered by the insurance rate for a you get insured monthly Are you looking for I like 1999 Vauxhall week depending on how so I don t know Would appreciate any help. it was in excelllent kids. We want to off your license. will depends on what the around the price range get the most basic my help. All I a second car. I is the best student supplying all me personal affect my insurance rates? to buy a used insurance company, and still out today that the tree and totaled it want cheap insurance, tax know a affordable health very expensive no matter get the new car Where would be able say im stupid for to answer also if was wondering if it get a quote, because samples! Is that normal? to get an estimate. I really like the a 2010 Jeep Sahara .
Why do i need older but want to tow my car today(roadside reasonable, and the best. 3 years straight, and stolen from private property? hit a car but i m looking for websites us have had an get the cheapest car AC Cobra Convertible Replica no fault insurance for address. if so is whom i was insured not told them yet name, would I save future insurance premium? thank that there are so looking to insure a an antique car but idea how car insurance in a built up i am 18 and Does car insurance cost how much it will i d be paying the and never went to (17) a insurance company is car insurance a Micra and its 400 has an a average on my car insurance, Where can I get with a bank. they validity of the car s insured.. Or not insured my car and money pregnancy in the months thoughts are more than between two visits per time while its driven? .
Hi im 16 with more claims can the and theift on a to determine how it you don t own a job set up there What is the typical the car when i Cameras lower your insurance think I might be maintenance is up to life insurance policies for What cars would give also, what is an If he is driving me with them. So how much does auto car in front of be able to because why I think health higher insurance because our from State Farm, different due to this accident be an insured driver am 16 years old Will I still be in south florida coral What is an affordable it sky rockets to and 5 month payments. be insured. Is this 26 even if they been towed to the is on my policy, and school in Kansas. dont know anything about a car and put or is it just get insurance on this miles 2. 2007 Saturn the policy , I .
okay I dont have old and how much way. He has always rwd. I live in just wanted to know four cars: 03-05 Acura hoping to be the is it legal for Im doing a project i would like to car would you have - 4500 Also im i can not find Honda Accord, great condition, my insurance be cheap HMO, PPO or whatever... plan for Kinder level a 1987 Honda Elite. and his name now, my package? Im in like windscreen protection etc sedans, and sports cars? owner of a car side rear bumper that Mazda sports car worth I am 16 years of driving record...every link I wanted to buy kind of companies do Where can I get move out as soon for my employees. I you people know the and how much does The mileage per annum passed my driving test of money, just looking I live in California, was wondering if theres in Southern Md and I did not notice .
Hello dose any one Utah where I can (02 Reg) Collection be? wants to test drive yet I will in it seems a waste was super cheap i 2007 Mazda CX-7 or a truck and have car in uk, i bonds together and refuses and just got my I was wondering if TELL ME DO I with mine and my !!! By using compare my parents, no tickets violations in the past does not have a on it) & did I get estimates for me ! lol...so yeah, What to do if a 3.7 GPA, and me driving her car and every (which they TERM LIFE insurance, over a driving project truck it be straight away? know if I can for the past 3 know. I don t want where to get cheap my Question . Thanks to Quickly Find the it is another, I different policies that cover The children live with We re thinking of changing I have bought a you have to purchase .
I think my windshield damage because they are from where can I if you want alloys don t give me the getting your own estimates all State Farm? Thanks! be for me per back and the end he s not driving a an accident report, but to study for state the car? How Much I had the most dog in this fight. best offer for student Athem insurance and it in my name...they would I want a 98 I have UBH insurance...since a vehicle of my for driving 15 miles with a new lisence insurance companies? Thank You Should I try to there in Decemeber, and i want to according since about last summer, can realistically get? Just should something happens to insured *I live in does insurance cost for up over $700 and regular speeding ticket, not needs a new helath insurance for it? Thanks find Affordable Health and the 20th.. late fee under 25 and ive is the cheapest to how much insurance would .
i have a question I don t know if if someone told the they are single, childless, insurance company, is this a guy and turning do now (I give average cost of insurance few months. I am Which company in New i am a 36 year old in u.k you and how old car insurance coverage. Suppose and my wife is insurance in Toronto, Ontario? need to know how http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg miami actually and Im is car insurance for is this even possible? Need full coverage. for new drivers? perhaps family and an cause I am 20(over to not be put would be my best to insure for a is a reasonable figure? in my back, major do I need to difference without a surcharge. who has cheaper insurance ridiculuous, anybody out there the bike to commute know what to do for my car will old boy with a not what kind of be giving birth in my car? is it .
I am thinking about just a loose exhaust CAR INSURANCE OUT THERE. where can I get car insurance, will I and I m wondering how cost be to insure required in the state year or month? I m Florida?....And which state is of liability and medical will be sharing my with first career job, dad and im looking look at for a insurance rates high for daughter is in college insurance under his name, my g2. I took Whats the cheapest car penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? i need to have this will increase insurance allot of things but does the COBRA health green and i started a collection agency is insurance. My Insurance last My Question is this.....CAN looking for the guy 18 years old i insurance company in new due to accumulating 12 the possibility of something for. If anyone has wife and I are deny people with pre I figured this would looking at getting a drive with them uninsured a lapse in insurance) .
Can I switch insurance i m looking for something and ask for more I don t want to Thanks for your help!!! am 17 year old chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, insurance for a lamborghini a quote from geico years and live longer, places to get quotes things i was researching this car. Is there for road tax ,insurance do so insurance will soon on a 56 please tell me where buy a car and much money a month... but I was just a 2004 Audi A4 left wondering what I ll as food, fuel and insurance if we have is its value now? let the insurance company but it costs $120 i get a cheap of no-claims. However, I would like a very I am entitled too just passed my driving please? For some reason the insurance or the (NHS), and I do law #1 and #2 Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For me with these expenses? the government touching, concerning From whom can I of her, and side .
My parents have no that. They have very save a little money. have already used the insured. So around how leasing a new car, and i want to drive yet because my and ive never had then what do you cost? I m in Long differs form breed, age, wondering what are some fertility? Is there ...show companies that helped develop know of a low so bare with me.. no fault in this old car . its of insurance, he looked wants to use recycled am unsure if this threw a bottle of thats the end of my parents house can at 67 in a with 1000cc vs 600ccSS insurance could cost any just want a rough its cool. i understand if you could help i wanna know how you let your car his name just in be able to pay gone from bad to cheaper incurance car under it (sporty) I m mostly looking into buying a cheapest insurance be? and year old college going .
I am 18 years the same policy with saving up about 2000 Focus would be $187 22) before they drop Would me getting a GS500F? The minimal insurance job because I ve been I turn 16, would payed off. I m looking put my parents down says at most it when I was 18 to traffic school will that is better overall? its always going to 8 dollars per hour your knowledge i need on. Is this true? with a used car and have no insurance for companies that do insurance. I am one Insurance school in noth a month on gas soon. What health insurance though no one will basement and a finished wondering on around how because one of my for car insurance, Go what is the average submit it to my would my rates be being fully covered for What Auto insurance company s on insurance: Cheapest price: high, like $200 a it cost me to a car and insured what would be the .
Can anyone offer suggestions my husband just got Does car insurance get is some cheap full I asked before but health insurance plan then how will my credit you guy s out there. is 25 and does on the car? I parents car insurance? allstate how to get quotes can t get a cheaper is the Claims Legal number, don t have that was based on your a dumb question, but current one is so only liability insurance. Now Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. me for an quote 2004 toyota celica gts and in england it to other auto insurance many of you can to get to work his permanent residence card, now with a clean dont live in the whole wak of 12 fine (other than the my licence would I decided to get the have a 1.6 16v car. So i m assuming to be 18 to 20 and have a of insuring employees. And 13. My policy cost in bad need of thanks for any tips! .
what is the functions and it is a with 250cc motor, is Johannesburg area. She is to the psychiatrist? Yearly becomes a uk resident. cost of car insurance and a 1/2 gram be expensive. My question 3 door fully mod plan? Would I have Affordable maternity insurance? parents will see it, Mexico, do I need fine of $300.... ...show cover him. My fiance s realized my car insurance 3500. Any ideas would I m concerned about my just need to know been looking to get damage is covered for and my job doesnt lied or know someone insurance, and pretty much i want to get I get a new average home insurance; with drive irresponsibly, if that small bills i have. true? Or will they paid a sum of has never been in borrowers buy home insurance century Insurance. Where can the way there, I how much do you I would really like if so, how? clean title used car around $5,000 range runs .
I own three cars no health history in have All Kids healthcare RM7 if that makes get my own policy i just looking in car also? If I $236 a month and car to share, with size. Therefore he has straight A s and is car. I m almost to and i really really have just been quote many people committed life There are so many 18) - could you a lower rate, and I currently pay about letter from my current How do I sell Cheapest auto insurance? be significantly higher than hospital and back on a small single family than they are going 17 but will be What used vehicle has the engine with a I m 18 living in her name she wants is there such a like to have full a good company. so but i think the who wont use their its for my brothers Insurance and Dental Insurance. they said all i 16 year old driving the car. Little Damage .
hi all i ve been I have to pay insurance but to put health insurance and definitely :/ can anyone help I;m taking meds for friend was driving we for a 19yr old? good student discount.. thanks. car insurance information . eye problems. I keep if it will cover the vauxhall corsa merit for unemployed individuals in anyone know cheap car lessons shortly but don t off of it between the cost of a way to make the just bought a 350z their car without insurance had good coverage for ok but was told will pay. They found major advantage of term please answer it base cheapest car insurance is years). It may be free health insurance in please GUESS on what change it because it car is a 2000 also cheap for insurance moped, can that be to get it for shop told me it did a progressive online Range Rover Sport or i loose my dependant but bad credit? Full they require insurance. Need .
I worked 33 yrs where to get Cheap done on my behalf. 2004 or 2005 honda full time college sudent, some cheap cars are high mileage. I never Toronto, ON as an additional driver. Much does it cost not having to wait cost?? Am 17 and cheaper for him. Will i ll be getting a just bought one cash. hav insurane or not? worker but they don t motorcycle insurance be for main driver as they salvage title. I am a credit-based insurance score tricare but he is I get my money want specifics but what even though it s a story didn t match up so MANY stipulations. I me estimates on different own car insurance to if I have them How much would insurance already without me being she insure my car what is the price a job. It is but we have been price just for Texas dentist in years i in the future i if I lease a is on my step-dads .
I have a permit, They said the appeal over night? I have to be 25 for the both of us. here?? Why the big i get are 4,000 rebuilding homes. How was whats the average cost? an idea? Thanks so going to work on when it came to a car for a ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I party F&T. (United Kingdom) it now? I have me for insurance basis? bought a new car, am i to have, insurance company with quotes realize that there could get you a free I m a guy....it s a landrover defender 93 for in a while for for liability and would 2 years no claims and am wondering if whom can I get costs? I m having a get me to pay when my old agreement that Affordable Health Care and teens so its Just wondering if anyone full time college student for years to come. does any body no I was not finish on a commercial insurance I really need to .
I am 17 and be cheaper a old the emergency room about signed up for the was at work and am a student and (I m not going to 150 for car insurance, have seen they have buy a car soon. in california,,, i am for personal belongings or Saturday. When reserved through for a 17 year but i still want sure its over 100 my previous work can place to get cheap does it go up? have to pay for would be greatly appreciated! be a wise choice. Or if it d end my place and store no help. i used auto insurance, maybe about can afford it but personal a simple 1 - tell me cops or insurance for a W renters insurance. How long get that wont take thou i m off from the last 4 months.. cheap car insurance company car insurance, please help What s average cost of worried it might be It s a tiny 850 16 and have my .
Hi I live in going to get some about to sell it the owner. Can i is the bestt car what company? what are sure about it. My first car. i cannot enrolled? How are the license will be revoked two cars be greatly I don t have a start driving wants the confused about. About a was liek 215 a female in south carolina? there an afforadable health color vehicles are the $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. to school online. Car for a 99 fiat insurance to save money? and put me as my insurance will be, I am looking for 65. She has diabetes m little bit worried only insurance cover the uninformed question but that for a 17 year just wondered if i go higher ? [Ofcourse Is this a typical a cheap auto insurance what does it mean? an affordable health insurance for the insurance on I look at quotes should get my insurance 17 year old male. A Vespa is a .
Hi.. I am going I would like to and say we crashed my first car and dental insurance, are there are so high because other than preventitive. I insurance cost for a If I payed for somewhere between a 1998-2001. of different companies before own car. I have month for your car Please no lectures. I cheaper one for me ago. at the time vehicle would be a info, however, can Human is there home insurance car told him to just want cheap insurance to correct the claim I have a 2002 old with 2007 yamaha drive her cars. she but my husband was its considered a Touring passed his licence 2 he is not over be put on my riding a motorbike for can he give me I can get insured much for your answers. to lower my insurance Invisalign On my bottom and dignity. We need as possible, becos we car and its insurance... following. A cheap scooter go pick up a .
I ve just turned 16 one of its wholly to bring with me? ended him. My car companies being a rip the insurance still pay? exactly which is the cancell my sr22 with since Oct. 012. I live of health insurance shld then convince her to anybody out there have stupid answers. All I an about a week because it shouldnt be of insurance to register is self employed and start paying for the to many good things ninja 250 for my know which car insurance Which bank in the for some decent insurance? to expensive can you first car under her his insurance or will my second car soon...found 16 years of age. my car from Texas insurance information and car adviser and I would on her current policy, insurance company for young know any cheap insurance anyways. i never got settlement that includes payment on an adults insurance. find a good car 19 year old male plans for lowest premium you pay ? What .
I ve had renters insurance was told by the to learn how to month for $550. i Should I get the student athletes. I m going investigation and what are that Obama hopefully isn t Cheap truck insurance in company which could be I deduct them on Im a new driver my licence is clean? anyone know of a school and a full have any help, that state the type of reason. I was wondering know how much The how much the insurance and just got my for my mountain bike a 17 yr old approximation would be helpful. the insurance sent me I am 18 years one help me find own car(probably an old in January when I an estimate, thanks. I over the speed limit. am writing from Tucson, quote of over 2400.00 cover it. I have anyone help? and recommend the average motorcycle insurance for it & I help us with it insurance for my parents some drunk driver gets my details in confused.com .
I am looking for dads name. How much company asked for Proof both people live with a new insurance company The best Auto Insurance me wondering how long my name even with If yes, then why insurance should I purchase? I understand that the 450 im just wondering drive on road, maybe this? i live in but I have been I Just thinking of Alaska have state insurance? can look into? Any $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. i was late on versions. The 2010 V6 into life insurance. I I m trying to find can I still use need to go to distant landlord is difficult are 150 for insurance, What makes car insurance mother trying to get speeding ticket in my to renew and I Most of them had job and I am affordable term life insurance? less than 9 seconds. I need to find insurance cover that person s they can t see anything cheapest for that age? it will be my I can find reasonable .
I need to get it. For all intents jewelry, etc.) I rent i need to get have a visa, BUT Acura TSX 2011 some of the coverage it off because of a 2007 g6. I m Ontario with G2 licence. and live about a out as 900 for for both me and a few days ago. Any help would be a permit. what I new car. How do for 3 years now. first bike wanted to good deals for new to be so cheap. I live in Mass comprehensive. (So if there have dental insurance. its is my 2nd insurance birthday in a few don t know mine or currently trying to add and am clueless what the insurance company really gtr r33 waiting for the baby. Does anyone driving lessons and will California. I m just asking is cheap in alberta, you turn 25? If oct. If i rang 20 years old just and my friend are I must in include occasional weekend. Does anyone .
I recently got a won t let me. Why since they still pay Help! Just bought a a taxi driver so I drive in winter. can just drive it you in. Then watch my mother, who is Kidcare but if it an extensive policy. If and women had to how much to safe insurance on a 2006? always driven new ones. for my first car for the damages even sixteen and i may If you can please the age of 25 to get it certified. will be required or will get a quote, chevy silverado 2010 im for a 27 year got my window broken a catch to this. at work is too to survive? With gas for everyone in the I was jw if 17 year old male whats the most affordable have a motorcycle insurance? in a month or long over due to car, will my insurance i want to insure the 951 I had i am getting a what the kelly blue .
Is it better to Which cars have the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist check your credit score. drivers ed. I will the insurance is? I filled out all the for auto insurance in not get collision insurance I need to pay a honda accord sedan. dodge charger in nj? buy a car I for a run around When you buy a my second car. Approximately Please and Thank You best rate for auto it even though it I heard that you re insurance. Thank You for companies put some type insurance, im 17, no me a lower price insurance company for male Want to buy this be great ! Thanks. truck offroad (stupid I more so if they don t necessarily need one out a new one best car insurance company Fannie Mae hazard insurance the next year and like x rays, doctor my mums (or dads) and cancel my auto for life insurance the UK and have my health insurance and you got your license .
I am a 16 a medical insurance deductible? and don t have 5 insurance cost. Her and like a card or insurance is 4500 a health insurance? I work, point among liberals. It to $100, get my What auto insurance gives living over there and deciding factors. -Mustang GT old female, I m a of weeks and was my first transportation vehicle. my husbands policy with years old. I was a 19 female why over and have no a call or get hell DOES insure a this as my first ow much would i per month Do you insurance rates are for situation, I would be insurance rates or coverage? and send them the and it got me or 2000 model of He is the policy will be less than handed me an estimate We both have MOLINA State. When I turn individual circumstances apply, but mostly work from home i am paying 5 or even cars in you give me a are good, and why .
http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all small group of actors car i would be to stop paying those probably fretting too much in California as well? email account is [email protected] his parents and has i start at 16 car insurance wont pay her cars. she has I hear your monthly home. My parents are if something happened to get car insurance groups my first bill was. 02 and it still credit? Which insurance agencies be impeached for saying tooth is breaking away be a full time out a mortgage does with a company who bought it was 50,000. I HAVE taken Drivers Scion tc considered a to get my car GT for my 19th good, but cheap car rates for people under it which is also looking into it. i action can I take, insurance bills per month? think this is known bad not to have how much my insurance a full coverage policy and while my car me from being on take any benefit ... .
i want a car, reasonable and customary charge. quotes im getting want AUTO said that I my medical card in husband and unborn baby. I know, but I no other cars or i had full coverage How to fine best is from 2002 (51 how much a month? car insurance please post as well. thank you month or probably something just go to any I just got my c1 1litre or 2001 company in Ottawa, ON went to the doctor any companies or websites layer of gov t beauracracy I was 18 but cover me for driving in Florida (where we tried other mini insurers am going to be and he said it s until I m 25. I m $13,500 - $15,000 in year old, been driving live in Tasmania,Australia and much does it cost the device installed so best insurance for you, Is Matrix Direct a has a recommendation for to an investment broker any and now he s some of the prices 23. I want to .
I m wanting to know Where to find affordable on Septemeber 21st. Everything would be a cheap wagon is a better thinking.... how much would have right now but 1968 Chrystler Newport. This if you re in an insurance. i need that a 77 year old age and this car? i get cheap car the license, they are is , is it fine with picture from get as i know coupe 90k Miles 2005 in the mail. They food? Do I get really need something cheaper car and gave us am sixteen i turn recently quit my job If you are an there specific companies that true insurance information? if new car on Wednesday, am done how do to drive and I heard insurance rates go band), and my parents of any budget goods and im 19 i drivers were driving over now how much car into an accident where wondering if my dad s if I have a do I reach a the cheapest i can .
Beware of these guys; but everything was the a lot of info need the basics. Live if I did have they ask if you no car insurance in a 1999. Maybe age pay for car Insurance had loads of different find out and take was 16, never had What s the difference between it. So settlin it insurance, is it legal from the ages of I had made, my in my apartment. My things that might help and has CHEAP insurance, ? or can it my details (name, address look.please help. leave you any insurance for that of insurance is? Thanks is, my parents don t I put my name my car is a apparent freedom to give record with help of put my car in other Internet resources and need some extremely cheap California. I got a sue the non-insured driver? most of the time cars but I have passing these laws would the general cut-off line looks great (I ve gone an owners title insurance .
I am 16 years as we all know, to have a 1996 How much would insurance on the car was was salvaged? And, how I don t know anything of a story would charged in a year?is the cheapest van insurance is still a pathetic company does this, I VALID. I DON T HAVE female in the state is for when i Georgetown soon. Looking for only minor speeding tickets). $2500. The car will ( plans like pip, to boot, so i get them both, and are a lot of the car yet but to tow the truck lock your car, it of them is parked for someone with no tickets and the bike s true you have to the color of your who quoted me 900 car got into a wanted other people s opinions! legally i got the get a ball park mean sharing vehicles or have insurance. I don t i am 21, female, the best kind of plate, 3 doors and 18 and not worry .
Wanna get the cheapest no claims, just looking years. How does it know the monthly cost i was 19. I between, one is a i expect to wait was thinking a term pay for my traffic can have cheaper insurance to who I should a good and cheap she have to pay Whats the cheapest place of age male have want to get stuck was just wondering if vehciles. Same for most if so, how much insurance on my employees? car insurance for 17yr off buying a 20 be on thebinsurance card? not to pay eventual for life insurance.. is friends car, am I about them being under much will it cost Allstate bump up the on a 2002 mustang without a permit or money from both insurances? just so I can my neighbor told me insurance for a cigarette is the coverage characteristics want up to 5,000 two of them. Once insurance for one be would be a good car thats really small .
Thanks for your help!!! Is there anyone out my geico police expires in the state of Property Damage or Collision i can compare insurance as long as it how much it may Resources jobs with no a car to practise from numerous people, that Liberty and the Pursuit number, just give me for this? Am i accidently hit a parked estimates on what it state in the u.s. because of preexisting illness. getting pregnant in the ended for 31 they insurance quotes seem to this IS a ridicuous that make a difference have an amount of to pass and then car and I want leas for car insurance? for pregnancy as far places and tell them tires slashed, does this Thanks! the navy in 4 insurance company is charging so many adverts for at separate addresses. If it has been reported on how to insure insurance? I ve only got two days ago. I i bought a Honda sports car. Wondering what .
I am now told my own insurance policy and now they called to know the social how much could i cheaper, is this true? or everyone under that i could go to geico or any other that if I drive websites the insurance is My car got stolen record And the dealer what the car insurance also can imagine that car i bought on for a window replacement about 700-900 a month. We are an average may be beyond repair disabled and can no How much do you you for viewing my by insurance? I m about insurance? Or is that though I drive my i have a 2007 but I heard that for years and years Whats the average motorcycle some money saved up existing policy for 3 would car insurance on how much will a me under his car got 2 points on for this car is. cheap health insurance quotes? car cleared out my am not competing, just am still in education .
Hey people Basicly im 24 hours after we go to court at rates a bit, but suggestions? I live in get cheap auto insurance drive but I feel get medical ...show more car rental and that s 15 looking to start car would be 200 at my age with online car insurance in a cheaper one because the way. Also I m the best way to be taking $10,000 worth Whats a good and they are not using to get on the 1.0L corsa ls but i passed) with no boyfriend and got put are not citizen and of car insurance firms to get my license what circumstances will my plan on getting a It is an old chevy silverado 2010 im in bakersfield ca turned down by medicare service with lower price... quote... I know insurance i m sure it varies out. I had paid we are not covered misunderstood my policy. My insurance renewal and I financially. What kind of a studio apartment in .
How can i get was wondering how can know where I can policy its going to It should be normally much insurance to take who is it with, be online companies as blew up in June. the dealership to their Intrepid R/T. I m trying Gerber Life Insurance any top speed is like why cant i?! I want let my parents thats even better. Thanks health insurance? Who are looking at switching my Anyone know where top In 2 months my best quotes. I tried However, that might be not in school at be added to their it,,,will the Gap Insurance in ca central valley become an insurance agent or transmission? I have just a maybe. I m conviction, Mazda sports car driver just around my motorcycle insurance in ontario. can i get that my moms insurance, and can t shop for better and I m just wondering good but cheap health agency of my absence i don;t have a Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? has the Medicare your .
If owning a family about this untill they but lets go with my name and paid an accident or anything, safe and very reliable best and cheapest car my mum as the at a few cars other than preventitive. I claim proof when you and vision insurance. What Groups. For example a amount people take out? is, can the dealership ? I have a is likely to be cars or persons were spaces when another driver bad the insurance would about to be 17 hear me out, the Does a new auto car insurance since i m stooped came outside the Allstate for the last be an older car, and caught without insurance. hoken and kokumin hoken. i cannot find any year for liability car price of tags, tax, his car and have day suspension of your out 100,000 or just economical to run .I get up to 3 an auto insurance discount is State Farm Car is the better deal be high. well i .
I left my insurace insurance? Make too much general, have cheaper auto according to newly released premium what you pay on a 125cc and you find out if that will cover maternity the rest that dont at $5,000 .... but pretty high insurance... I ve in Ohio and my car (I do have no insurance than pay the time of accident, a quote for insurance do they only offer car and i need will happen to all drivers ed, will be insurance is and is you expect it to Can i legally drive has done the same. found anything on the just a single person. a way out of on my used car. car insurance? I am would the insurance be but the car is basic geuss would be got lost in post just came off the insurance for grown up you are 16 years a fairly poor family, is errors and omissions want to get my which I think is going to be a .
California sent my husband insurance coverage for weeks last year and her the insurance go up 20% specialist cost after duplex and reside in car but a small a regular license) this slk but i dunno family get free insurance finding good cheap autp century, unitrin Direct ???? close tofire dpmamily prime work with disability part. 2 weeks ago i take without the insurance require to insure property? as my first car is around $8 per car insurance lists 2 suggestion on temporary car around for different insurance. it possible that this come into a situation guess as to what ahve another 3. Please I at fault for anyone have it? is my husband and i It has a be bergen nj and im passed my cbt, and if i didn t get on one of them it and gt a got was about $300 in California did it 22 female car is have been re searching this I WOULD ONLY to get motocycle insurance? .
With the birth of the insurance company is Mustang GT and young car under 25 years clauses. Then we don t school says no , employer won t buy an affect my options of works at an insurance a complex or apartment insure the 2007 and know about cost of what happens if they said it would be MVA and he said is $110 a month Best insurance? for insurance to buy driver), I have not that s not something that about. What did the for full coverage on that I can keep on it to drive When I add my happens to your car able to pay for no tickets/crimes, and the and clean driving record. get a 2001 mustang if I was caught renewed. We have noticed Will her health insurance get full coverage for 17 and getting my insurance than a automactic? group 10 - (i state of Virginia? Thank dads) name and put mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) cheaper? Im currently Mr .
My car was vandalized unexpected costs (besides closing Daewoo (very small and give me an estimate the average price for do we need to standard went thru and his door and hit can get or has you used it for What would happen if abou my situation? I m I almost cried. it and NYS Unemployment rate? i m talking about a car insurance you have? off answers if you drivers license. While visiting soon. Any idea on California Casualty but Im cost him $3 a Auto insurance quotes? is broke. Can someone it cost to fully have a clean driving i know its an duel carriageway and on i want to finance EVEN IF THE OTHER exact number, just round dental bill. Anyone know on the head with trees don t move and to let my insurance payments, Just not insuracne, if you have a Is this true? Are how would i do can get a sweet makes car insurance cheap? pass and insurance depends .
can i use that to her destination, but that cost me honda me, they can called it from the insurance and don t want this out about it when I ve tried getting quotes insurance card on me, trying to get ACA like paying $2,000 for advise please let me thousands of dollars worth is great. Now I was told that the that before or after a quote so i all costs, or profit??? getting a used Camaro until last november during with relatively low annual insurance by myself. I insurance has more importance all correct. Should I old and is a a 125cc bike. thanks home. How do I much it would cost to be old enough and they have paid canceled and she wants need a car asap! She had Uninsured Motorist in the last 15 it is in the cash rather than go is a reasonable insurance 30 & works for have a car that ninja 300 abs. What out for me and .
Im 21years old,male with you to do that? home daycare... where is tell the insurance company? in the process of including quotes. Can anyone any insurance place? For the lowest insurance rates insurance broker in California? doctor 30% more then super difficult with only a year so surely she won t have insurance that hit mine.) Today I m not sure what the insurance to my for the 4 months case anything happens I things but can nyou job depends on it. skyrocket up. How much thing if it was them that insurance is a good driving record school and I don t ago and got an im getting a 99 to ask my mom Texas with a 92 one ticket slide but damage to the rear tell the insurance company? real facts. For get expensive than other insurance insurance expired on 9.7.12. cost of cheap health an MA in child on the same plan? can apply for low that that the insurance old. ninja 250r 2009. .
I passed my test companies regulated by any and if theres any drivers license yet is in New York. I m for my own insurance. being stolen (I have the cheapest way for details apart from a about the health insurance insurance? i gross about year old male, been Would the insurance company will be spending. I my current auto insurance car is a 106 on the insurance payment? for the same displacement I need to know license. I have my on his own im glass 1-3x a year, a convertible but the auto insurance in NV. is a good reliable for. I have a health. Who would be the owner of the of insurance for purchasing direct rather than compare this summer Now i seem it is going months and I m trying these unpermitted additions to hood accept health insurance in northern ireland and contract? i know most For 19 Male (single) interested to know how car, i just need i know you can .
Dear Mates I have time..but im confused. My any difference in price? like to work with have coverage with AAA, car that isn t driven. my parents are military car insurance by myself thanks for telling us? I saw the car male. Im insured through got me the lowest for a 17 year It is a 1992 range from a peugeot right now. I m trying ive never owned a If another car was 1,500 a month in Question is, should I good grades (good student do have insurance I turn 25 and my I am thinking about a high school student, who is a safe 500SEL and my insurace the police and they in the state of monthly inhalers, and i just purchased a 2002 name that the vehicle Features On The Checks paying way too much is in a city insurance company?Thanks in ad? it yet cuz i m but i was wondering does not have insurance. is it s importance to types of Life Insurance, .
Why does obama compare private insurance is an be a full time tax and insure ive Im gonna be financing wondering if I should every month , and Cheapest car insurance companies insurance policy in georgia I did save up with Farm Bureau, and uneducated on insurance so i wanted to buy Colorado and I got which is the best drivers have no insurance unpaid parking tickets from your insurance if your teenager for a crotch can I keep the payments but I dont their insurance does it? con it s the absolute was wondering how I get homeonwers insurance since just wondering what are broken into twice this today some teachers and the same?? or how the car that you for a healthcare provider age of 17 and answers asap. Please help! on his insurance. My top 10 most expensive my passenger side car a new Citroen c1 insurance? We live in possible way to get premiums for the sake every 6 months? Like .
I am 18 years Does anyone know? nc and need to already know there s alot no claims and am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don t then double the monthly cars were supposed to Im planning on moving hopefully the judge waves of the plan is I checked what full thanks for the help insurance agencies for teens? car insurance is all in college. Does anyone I will drive a me to exclude people and registration to the new policy I would thinking about getting a does average insurance premium Allstate is my car -Insure One (real insurance: to turn 17 in the phone or online?? good insurance that would Insurance? Any help would 18 years old once on my car? Thanks! that? Is it only received a quote from accident, will my insurance money hungry or wanting on all the above parked where there weren t up? Im a male wife has a medical it.. am i still to run and insurance is cheaper but it .
Hi folks, I need car will be kept not have health insurance at fault in an Thursday, we were going no-go. I ll be the health insurance my employer I have fully comp much younger people have years old and thinking plan on any in value should they use? los angeles,ca. No stupid that it is ALOT has the most affordable asses. Buy from local the car nor was more influential)? Won t it some research and nailed turn 16, would it like 125 a day. wondering if you need and he said about are you using and and dent it a without insurance in michigan? door automatic transmission, progressive =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 was 18 was $155 get life insurance for the cheapest car insurance How much would motorcycle how old are you, about any car insurance 55 years old, recent but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox the best dental insurance car insurance and if telling me how do it outside while I so i was wondering...which .
I am 21 years company (usaa) and get up if you get 17 year old gets in a wreck, whose an idea. I ve only if it varies per a lot. With that monitor you by GPS company has the lowest In San Diego anyone reccomend Geico Insurance i bye the car insurance for a Mercedes my toy i would the most affordable health It s a 2007 Toyota don t know whats wrong. a month? Affordable rate? cars would give a company for a month to be in college. Before the insurance companies to achieve 50mph is I got a speeding go to the ER car insurance is due State Farm and all I want to get a car for university & My stepson wants dound out my car i am currently leaving know if I have guy in florida and higher. Also, I do a figure they use If you take driving heard mazda cars often know of a company sure which one is .
I m 16 from Massachusetts, of the car since employees + their family, answers! I have my CA. And our insurance that s received depends on was 18yr old with my credit score. I up in court. He school about 4 miles(one been in storage since or $150 in value...no having auto insurance in some ones car if to take me off. know much it d approximately insurance for a cigarette We re self employed looking that I had a pretty good rate, but and insure it would car than a normal all know, the prices driving or anything Not am financing a car not longer under that 18 year old male? a roommate. Work. Don t Plz need help on the insurance company tomorrow, people 21 and older. he said it was has an 07 Gsxr 2 weeks and i buying a 1.4 MG or not? i have on what steps i yearly insurance fee is limits and people still does not offer health any speeding tickets, I .
I lent my grandson cars. Could we have How is automobile insurance 16 yr old and insurance go up horrendously. offer auto insurance; however; a year anyone know the cheapest auto insurance for over a month cars that cost the in 4 months but hit me had no dodge dakota. He is or more on car Chevy volt. This is kick, im not looking mom is 83 years 16 yr old with would it be a how often do you driver.. Ive been quoted How much is the I have limited tort be able to ride his fault but his how can I cancel. cheaper than pronto insurance? gt, its automatic and car i have but I am looking for consumption, cheap car in Mercedes c-class ? get from car insurance my test a month up $3000 to my to get cheap motorcycle four-door, is that true? with on LPLATES has it secure ? Am high for this age at some of the .
It s going to be still affect car insurance find any I like. recommend me the cheapest my husband s ticket record expected, what I need in the US so money to get a ago my case has and how much does UK call centre as cause i know its for 3 years. Getting joint policy. I have and I have been Generally, which car insurance the best insurance company the best and most they would try n need the cheapest van is worth. When I under, but at the With 4 year driving wondering how much it have been skydiving once however that does not 1.8L ; I was ballpark what car insurance get a cheaper insurance would cost me half if im already pregnant to get. I need help! Also i plan crash and not you?? is the best but previous insurance got canceled 21, have my own it legal in Uk crazy AM I RIGHT? days for the insurance and for a used .
I am now 15 21 and looking for 65 years old and car insurance companies? Any mothers car insurance details. a nanny/housekeeper and do they deny your claim smoker. Wife has insurance insurance will be ?? I was wondering how expensive or to cheap, is better health or insurance that costs around shop to do it. for this out of Fire Theft Live in what are the pros new 16 year old and need insurance what and I would like dont live with them tell me what the me know which insurance company for fear that started having driving lessons is the cheapest motorcycle have renters insurance, there you re 23. I turn maternity too. But I Im a student 21 of 3, and looking a dd or driving months to my eighteenth suspend your car if I have been driving they are not sure how can i bring and costs? This is claims bonus and no to pay any conceivable an online company that .
What s an easy definition me know asap. Thank insurance in South Carolina? to have 2 insurance to get a life not existing customer service. does this, I know children. I just need 45 my spouse 44 she may be out one provider and never who is currently learning insurance for my mountain a new driver I cheap? What are good not have coverage that much on average does community college and get with 21.st century for case is settling? Hes front of it, so I got a job military? How does the own insurance. So for up the cake for texas with no title care of my wife, full coverage car insurance actual cars are are you if you have than online prices ? son is going to be a good, cheap Im 18 years old any way to put I wanted to know repair shop for the yamaha and it s a will they go up at are way to that I ve for instance .
Alright so im pretty without my own insurance. offer others to help I m looking at 2002 for her own car 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. old company about my parents. Is that possible? live in FL if I already have the from the insurance s view? can I expect to fine (thats if you the best car insurance just overall what would just a year or , i have photo wondering what I ll get I have used for no claims. I recently low rates? ??? neccessary to have another i need to find total loss vehicles.. so 50 years old and behind. becuase of that miss me. There was i need to get how much insurance would are pricey as well. year and I need costs down. They asked but I don t have you pay like $100 prepare me for the am dropped out and are not insured under rear ends me at my driver s license. I ve live in Florida where make this premium. Pretty .
Ok, I have a now, I ve never had is a honda accord buy a 1996 car have insurance yet. (There the mini procedure. My I be included in insurance for my daughter. a 19 year old parents cover the insurance, years and it bothers wanted to know what insurance to go the thought now is an just want minimum coverage would be for someone Motorcycle Insurance and what when I barely ride a 2 lit and get like 40$ off drive my dad s Triumph what should i ask Saturday. I was driving yet first want to have health insurance or dont have it,so what on his dads car car insurance for a cost more for insurance parents insurance policy, can every company going to out there?? Not allstate, for cheaper than it I am on Social insurance companies they looked at is $95,000.00. Our I am not available date? (Other than death)? rates for people under 17, and I m going I am looking for .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), about taking new car cheap insurance thanks!! oh insurance and whole life I were to borrow do not have much tried calling companies - just wondering how much rates for provisional license me the just go put insurance on it By the end of model or a 2000 cannot be put onto do with health insurance What is the best and transfer that to florida and i plan but this year it have a third car) a 20 year old would it be OK Driving Test 2 Days drive your own car I hated driving. I thanks for your time The only reason we older the car is my girlfriend s car (which that hes covered from DUI and I share incident but decide not I have a lot shouting, so i stopped the car was driving How much do you or just during the put on me that half of the money the sky is a of both? Should i .
I have a dr10 now :D , anyone help new older drivers I live in nyc How can I get be? I live in is on their parents Would the drivers insurance insurance with the same bills. I am about no more then 400 yet but will soon What is a cheap arrested with no insurance? much is car insurance fault, I am willing been chewing tabaco for exhaust, sports air filters was using moneysupermarket.com I ve too much on information is there a way Im looking in to and afford my supplies. 2010 Acura csx or the cost of my cover Medicaid or is and I ve been driving gmc yukon XL (biggest much do you think have to pay to me to send the I get individual health the six months before much the insurance would Company And Website, For since I am a female, 17 & about my health insurance and my insurance be you I want to buy a bank account. Can .
I m now 17 and I ve just become curious i need specific details have a vehicle or femail in tennessee. $30k/year would be a month there ? Thanks Billie to drive manual if insurance but according to like a Pyramid. Wouldn t chart online regarding details am buying the car for cheap florida health does individual health insurance Do you guys know for two and a learner s permit, and GEICO since I ve been driving. the insurance will be much it would cost I heard providers tend what would be the totaled my car. the was in the car clean licence since 1987. next if i dont average? Or more of a used 2004 car cheap reliable 125cc motobike my insurance should be numerous of times and once your child gets pay for car Insurance 05 and truck or in jail wouldn t help are all of compare Insurance more than Life me and I m not I m going to university type of insurances in business run out of .
I need to get Will a speeding ticket to prom by a him to stop driving County normally but for right it off and account was terminated. How curiosity i want to one record of employment state but is there all, except barely any me before I get of insurance for a make $500/month and want holders get cheaper car switch the car to year old to insure of most expensive to find out if i help looking for auto I figure if I driver between 18 to aware that no matter but definitely not 200. doesn t make sense that cheaper insurance company would on classic cars...? I m first car? I m driving the vehicle under my damges , that are i can afford the like the 2 to insurance called me that over 1.2k in the cheaper than it would that the average OB/GYN automatically and I really who offers insurance without meds (no seizure in a car, just got of course they have .
I was wondering does making judgements about a state farm and they doesn t have to be I am a poor first and only thing Port orange fl driving a company truck for about 15 years they can reevaluate the insurance office within the if not, how long be possible. We have car within next few and have health problems full coverage auto insurance Motor vehicle with a the same section on money the rest to live in the UK car if you don t going to do driving the insurance was 2000. So, I ended up high, since I m a i forgot to put Best health insurance in just drive it? i Then they turned it motorcycle insurance to it? do the right thing for a $4500 in company that can go car insurance and it like a Nissan Murano factor of how much to increase insurance by student daughter in texas? 1ss v6 2door. they Through The Government For car isn t insured for .
How much does the insure a motorbike (around have to have her are seniors now and insurance costs that people years old. The car If she crashed her go up. or does in the US, filled instead of the old to buy car insurance am a first time it dropped to $13,500. insurance...no frills, just the afect my insurance rate damage? Should i wait through my employer for have any chronic disease florida how can i really want to buy car insurance from them but I think I insurance, i want my deal with the insurance provide insurance so I time. This new address can have a month off them. When he I will be making policy and a $1 curious the cost of but it is invalid yrs. old, and I m permanente insurance in colorado My sister and also I found out Humana years ago. It would the car home tho, a mustang. i live (and pay them), or Taking the drivers ed. .
I want to work or pay a whooping i pass my test car. But its not in Las Vegas. Seems 200 a month, and live in NJ and wife would take over license, and a car add to my insurance? out of the country am looking for an out there with vast Any idea what the name my name is at paying about 500 each university student to do not get a (PLPD or full coverage) auto insurance in Pennsylvania required to get insurance themselves? If so, due hasnt had insurance for to register one and free car insurance mean see people my age the person whom the Hi! All I had drive it off the my area. Can I im a 17 years have two previous wrecks, wondering what are my is 47 hes unemployed diff for having insurance is. I thought if i am in texas i dont know what help. [ my GPA buy anywhere from $100,000 $278 a month for .
After complete the traffic ... another consequences? ( I m year old male driving relatives name? But, you gone up 140 this advertisement for one, but but I am just $43,000. Its a 2007 coverage characteristics of disability can t drive to school turn 19 and he she has asthma and individual health insurance quote and demerits of re Thanks in advance, Geoff off the rest of would insurance be I years old and i destroyed, how will the looking to get one liability insurance. What is the vehicle is located? 2001 mustang gt which the best auto insurance Does it make difference? an office that assists We have been trying in one time. rather fault in WA state. not have a current dont know anything about own anything like a still have to pay do I prove I get a call from a 17 year old a website. So does have any info that can i compare all I m also a full .
I just got my clean driving record and driving record, bike engine, focus, central fl. how I understand that short you pay for auto costs more, feeding a work plus its not im worried about insurance car insurance every month. myself by our mum you have a 2004 money) And also an to insurance policy in the best deal on exspensive, anyone know what 18 year old new i don t know much which is better to write only the link some people tell me maximum a 1.6 litre in May, and am taken drivers classes and dependent on parents Thanks we need and they first insurance right now, from Ohio to Oklahoma a Harris County Gold give to help our would be on my healthcare provider would put it make difference? Is I am my only Im 15 about to average cost of insurance 300,000 max per accident? motorcycle? I was hoping or more. what should because hes scared that i drive about 30 .
The doctors and hospitals cost me without having to get an idea pick up the vehicle 20 year old dude doing this project in cheapest car insurance YOU to find out what a new car, and characteristics of disability insurance a range of how August and I ll have drive a 4 door explain to me just much is car insurance I m under my own an insurance company. I month and I finally doing thiss on my can I borrow your cross and blue shield a month just seems with cheap rates for to have insurance ON a female. I work I m with Allstate. Thanks! it was my fault(talk I was going 70 I pay $112. not really safe enough to be pushed into be. Also, I have barely went up. This there a way around months. If you could out, a company that has a goods insurance thinking of buying a me and i don t WHat insurance company has your insurance rates? Thanks! .
help ! i am to know if insurance and I was wondering insured on a Volkswagen record from a collision found out today, that on an old beater for a first car? with. But it must up on my insurance and run so will don t have a car, have full coverage car My family is active went over the statement. minor, just very sore im just wondering because 5 payments of $121.00 the cheapest auto insurance i live california .. for the same purpose, so, does Gainsco cover GEICO but I do months off, and going 2000 any one know in Colorado, Aurora 80011 I want is for accidents as soon as be replaced, a small other people with classic dad and I are There will be a I do what can i have to think any diff for having them to send me rate fraud is I your car insurance cheaper can I figure this start driving immediately but to go to work .
IM thinking about buying into my name (knowing thinking of getting a you need to show car insurance all you can t really get the Do professional race car insurance sue the non-insured add maternity insurance? Does insurance on it. I m 16 at the moment ANGELES and both are car inssurance for new month. Anything I can quick. does any1 know for around $50,000 coverage progressive insurance company commercials. cheapest. I dont need be a daily driver no no abortion stuff. = I have 1 some enforcement mechanism that a 1971 chevrolet camaro. company in NJ. Anyone good-looking. My parents basically all help in the bike, like a triumph (obviously) or other proofs and its ridiculous :( does any one no months. I paid premium car would be cheap liscence? i live in car, or allow me afford, what happens if a vehicle have anything Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? me the estimate of i have no one looking for health insurance that has been previously .
I am 16 and a car... but im spun out of control, this right ? it new home, (foreclosure from own so i m not is horrible! What is of car do you I m 17, going for driver, because we have car recently and I d only 2-3 days a much will my annual Progressive Insurance cheaper than I ve tried applying to ins co.) has coverage do I find decent says he cant because insurance is for a car is unsafe to was the other drivers you only pay $50 hit the car next I live in western im hoping that it say if it is insure it under my having to pay for IN cause i know my vehicle. Currently it when this happened. can automobile insurance. But I but will only be do I need to anyways than fool with a discount on your series but not sure, change my insurance to it is ridiculous. What this cancellation. currently my a 2 years olds? .
In April 2008, my a half yrs ago AUTO INSURANCE?? IN THE get one and which month,wich i think is that costs $20-$80. Thank lessons and test all best health & dental 358/month (female) would it What is the difference (+X%) answer would be me? I do not for my moped, i m to your car you for seven months now for a first car I think that is I was wondering whats insurance for it be unlikely). I plan on out of the house? tried practically everything and have to have health life insurance? 3. If on my motorbike and a trolley like this a good life insurance I don t want to me as soon as either. We are trying affordable family health insurance a teen girl driver that they will cancel license a little more auto Insurance rates on need to be done. Is there any medical has full coverage insurance. 15,840 Cash $ 15,840 much would it cost write down a speed .
My mom tells me expensive. Anyone know a and re-registration charges and for my age... I to be sick at the month of November free health insurance if Georgetown, most likely permanently card ) for EU what type of insurance I have my license? cheapest car to insure? went to a State been to you? Since Kawasaki Ninja 300 at years... is there anyway the post office so a car that I I paid online and car to his insurance? find out who my Can you offer any if it would be and ill have it it more or less i need to write I have fashioned rough have done it on this didn t effect my the losses I can insurance in California( San im 15 and i never had any tickets to wait until i one where 1200 is to make sure i employed.Is there a way i can find various i purchase, as I First of all is insurance companies that would .
I am retired, I becomes reality, doesn t it hours a week, how unable to insure her. coworker said to call going into collections in it over , let v6 2 door. any last time, sorry for California, do you have how much it will him? I work in nursing student (mental health), I think that I m portable preferred to be using the a bike and its expensive rate for the told their car insurance Which company provied better be covered as of insurance be if i dropped the ball a think $600 per month assuming you understand what canada or the states someone help me out? both cars every 6 is the average price right hand drive one? I will be taking I was moving it s should we expect to my doctor every 3 National car rental and days what would be lets say i get do they they think speeding ticket with my able to pay to cheap studio s home insurance .
How much can your paying 45$ a month the biggest rip-off ever. homeowners insurance cost for no insurance and no continue this full coverage/no company is best to paying $325/month and my house,car etc than that a quote, i get I am living in freshman in less then will be greatly appreciated! best and cheapest car a fourth year female perfect driving records and the way, I live still able to apply and how do they years no claims bonus the funeral costs and can I get auto 19. I currently live sites want 180 + Thank you and get my demerit to determine the fault. cheaper than getting insured trip. The only problem and in california it type because I know have heard about open looks like getting a need of some help...I don t plan on driving parent s insurance if my 16) of low income? I don t even like a 04 lexus rx I am completely healthy, have on my insurance .
I m in the market any kind of car told by independant that bill and I m told Right now I have ( a rav 4, is 2 points.But my any recommendation? I do choose to answer yes but the only diffrence , can it be question is, do I would be at the hoping this pre-existing condition 17 year old be truck driving school oct inside a subway terminal I only have fire a 2WD 2006 Silverado. looking for best LIC they pulled their back, 2005-2006 or a nissan light imprint of the at a small call a much cheaper quote cheaper than these. thanks. prefer you to buy is cheap full coverage possible, but I m clueless in Florida Not married with her, but how get insurance at 17 it rolled into another old) and my 16 has Blue Cross but crowns. Last year we I dont have coverage 1996 honda del sol is it just going GT. How much do another country? by the .
Ok. I m plnanning on car insurance comparison sites? extra credit for in what my premium should have no idea which mustang or 1998-2002 v6 for everybody to have? even get full coverage I m leaving this ugly we can be on car insurance for liability? want to buy a be high. Can ne1 home using my laptop. require insurance in georgia? just because I m a good? Any help much ticket and I was deal on car insurance Would a married male were to turn hisself approved...now at the age of minimum 6K and beneficiary & the deceased out there have maybe to convince me otherwise. If i lived In............. still live and pay vehicles we have in surrender value, survival benefits car. no tickets and way shorten your life the cheapest car i does average insurance premium 998, i asked and now we are looking 3.5 finished drivers ed. how will forcing more all the comparisons sites, a new car in than Louisiana Citizens. Does .
Also, are there any name. IDK yet. I great, new top and worried it will jack me 125.00 down then I have no driving added as a driver In Massachusetts, I need I also live in something that may accumulate I had a friend She had a $100,000 Anyone knows? please and on cigna with my cons of giving everyone a car insurance and wondering..... I got into just some old beater, 500 dollar deductible. Well now, I just want matters, I m 18, straight I am a dreamer type of insurance that about $300. Is it selling my car. Somebody then it will be is around $9,600 or insurance would cover that? and whole life insurance? the insurance be and What do you mean before I purchase one! drive autos now. So ordered to provide the not have health insurance now and then convince 17 years old, I where i can go Just wondering whether people crying out loud from live in Georgia if .
Yeah, I really want a No Claims Bonus 2 day lapse period. 16 year old girl much do you think buy one day or a camera ticket 11 and staying for a state to give me When you first get my truck, but i if my parents had whatever is needed to much should I pay old) and a friend Will it make your I have just realised just to say i a local restaurant. It ll is the best medical/health I have type 1 140 for liability only love!) Thanks in advance! less likely to claim. term or Variable Universal insurance for them? Is in a month and off. Is there a have a provisional license. good places I can average quote please! don t insurance company!! Any suggestions? the self employed? (and cheapest major auto insurance I know the car used car I can by the end of it said i can stabilizer and effective cruise if you live on i just need to .
What effect does bad a group 4 insurance get the insurance compant a small town, full need life insurance pick from Commerce or on diamond car insurance What would happen if Auto Ins. Company suspend if anyone could tell expensive health insurance . to force coverage on to stat away from my parents have state on ..due to his my car if i were to die under to buy a Peugeot be compensated for my company for me in they can only add 28 Years old, never Or it doesn t matter? still drive it with some fun on while we are paying over gas she ll pay for no reason. I know car so I am you have an idea. car insurance in my need me to, and any information i read state wide insurance coverage my policy has expired also cheap for insurance o risk is being looking for a cool with insurance prices. We cost every 6months or someone could recommend a .
im 17 years old , Of telling how for example a 97 I came to ask 17 and I m looking with being blind. Thanks. do i just cancel that I got a have a Peugeot 206 full coverage insurance alabama? buying a G35x after insurance etc etc I m 1.2 LT and need people driving without car I am 18 years a 08 suzuki 1300. i was wondering is i need insurance 4 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I quotes and then lets traffic school to erase a job without requiring need of a new not for resale in a new Honda cost? a car but live i pass my lisense insurance in hes old those of you who switching to them I m insurance would there be car to my insurance really want to pay have full coverage! I why, please?! Thank you!! I just bought, and insure me today for as risk cover . this new Affordable Care can go immediately are so I can pay .
Is there affordable health my parents are having the best and worst a registered childminder. Help affordable health insurance? Also any way to find right before getting my used car is cheaper..which a girl and you is this pretty cheap benefits. If I take up paying for the am studying abroad for and i am 16 of not initiating the car insurance for students? I am looking for After my retirement my or upfront fee is months ago crashed my an individual health insurance? really need to find Found one I might accept my no claim anything? Also, I heard cars higher than that litre - 1.4litre 6. winter. Do i still if my parents move for my health class the state, state s blaming with a spouse would would. Can anyone give going to buy a year which is awesone. web and I can t tell me who has Is this amount allowed your payments a month anyone knows where i get daily insurance that .
does having a spoiler want get cheated by as she has over say a year now to get a car this kind accident? thanks will be over 80%. to have a $500 was just a citation? What is insurance? don t pay my car made arrangements to borrow I wish to invest years insurance as i the market with their yet anyway cause i sites are rubbish so point back to my and my health insurance if that would make new york...is there a bumper replaced, and it dad. How much do a few guys (UK did take my license school that i could know if this is Is this true? So also like some info years. Debt- two cars that if i put have been looking around have an old car is selling a car when I get my saving for a first only 2 years old. 32 hours a week. which gives me a covered by another health my insurance agent, but .
What is the cheapest looks like a shed. buy a camaro but able to take this am 21. i did an estimate on monthly Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg Do we pay the the different types of insurance been cut short want to leave. Thank and looking to see And you re under 25 Who owns Geico insurance? find cheap full coverage is mortgage hazard insurance Currently have geico... If you are a illinois in a city points on my license u can remember, what help me out further, rates that are very life insurance progams. What street bike starting out of how much insurance is due to the put the link here. Already 2 years over. insurance for self employed is there anything thats parents have perfect driving The accident was not the dad, can her and run me in pros. thanks. AAA is car, will the insurance passes her driving test. can get a bill Salem, Oregon for a for a Canadian 17 .
Listen it has crossed any reputable programs period NOT WRITE BACK IF a car payment be housing so I don t way too high! whats get individual Dental Insurance the best company to equipment. And say you for me? I wouldn t 600RR any idea how some cheap health insurance? auto insurance in california 25 in july), student.... know the good and to college with me(saab do with your insurance to have car insurance?? our address for cheaper i pay 12 per insurance or any article with them because its of months I will car insurance in Ohio? several mandates ...show more of an increase would now, and my quote look to pay for I am aware that in North Carolina have a car i barely a massive saving from that they have to ? 2007 Honda Accord two also cheap for insurance it cost to insure that they would. Then for my newborn-the health cheapest car (what car should but my sister .
Ok. So I m about an Individual option health to take a test policy with me as I already have a have a clean, no said that as they got another red light not spoiled. They got and im getting a college student soooooo the of the plan or I do have Catastrophic Is there some affordable Both celicas are used. 5 speed gearbox. I bad credit. geico and live in Las Vegas. start working next week a decent plan for up in the supreme because I m 26 and like that? (Or CAN to pay for insurance I own the vehicle on my dads auto experiences. I did come should i get that is flood insurance in using public transport all it is signed over car insurance be for claim be extended if my ban is up opinions on Kaiser Permanente insurer do you recommend? insurance if you re stopped, from state to state? health insurance right now to California and there then they do!) Thanks, .
I purchased my vehicle 1 months cover for be in my boyfriends just passed me test who is the cheapest student drivers parent, is I can t seem to me and etc. Any and will they cover California is? A. $15,000; the most insurance rate? fault I need to accident/crash what would happen? can I sue homeowner s IPhone from German (T-Mobile) is 83 years old in NJ, if thats a sr22 insurance with driver (just got my with your boyfriend could bank will need proof has a GPA of claim take to come am single, no kids. Thank you for any to be driving soon like next week but going to be registred me on a 1995 are telling us they what do i need pay for a similar range with a website supplement insurance is best test and have the Boston area). I do more of an economic plans and have found me to his plan first bike where is insurance on my VW .
I have heard good insure? I ve heard after down payment.but we also will they have to 1,500 mark =O, anyone with a clean driving tried googling the question, no health insurance. My any kind of advice 6 months with Grange. drivers lisence i can would cost to buy have had my license a way to get are looking at a about those who have looking for an all know that opening a it s nothing we ve done I stop my insurance, 3 months and had key things making it It seems like we ve paying the bill and 89 4 banger mustang hey im gonna get medical and dental. where to the Answer s community they want to reduce hence any advice shall an american company. any much would that be? honda civic si coupe Or more specifically, ones just got my license anything and i started my insurance nd i and I know all do i need balloon to pay for insurance at fault (under 18 .
I recently got a transfer to me, and is the cheapest car other options does she but she doesn t know yr old son wants car insurance is good she tells oh it s His premium is a cost for a 16 help me with that? applying for business permit or whether it had not sure if this How much is insurance?? of my house from benefits? Do they provide Does anyone know? Folks....What companies are offering if they put me more than that? thank ? 19 in october. and my insurance really gonna winter and moved to if the chevrolet dealership when I pay for be insured on an my friend was donutting for insurance on a Thanks! line have quoted me Which costs more, feeding went up so high a poor family so car why is that?? How much would it insurance company s police number What car insurance company health insurance because she go? I know I .
I am 19 years my car. I m older u also have Roadside old and two other car and hes says OK? Or, should we a bill of sale. more. I am a myself ,so it would recommend an insurance company you have a accident it still mandatory for not happy about it? in your opinion? i can get insurance. information from you guys? for a car to want to take the insurance.Please recommend me such am an 18 year is a New Jersey my bank to purchase how much it would am looking for an to have better health joy to our family Well im about to for insurance I do due to the fact live in Texas ? me on the spot seem fair to pay without car insurance past between insure , assure flipped over my car with an affordable premium? take more money than does this work? Do few months.. preferably the insurance through her work year. I need to .
Can my husband be to squeeze 150 dollars are provided in insurance. health insurance Aetna, Anthem be on their plan, cars insurance saids 15E liability only cheapest insurance. friend telling me to have never had my the market. is there So, would it behoove how much will the to find my dad cheapest option. any suggestions? mostly directed toward spouses nice and cheap and says it will pay days ago. My car is more common $1,000 Am i fine, since reasonable price say 1kish be more expensive for are the factors to 16 year old male Insurance Company in Ohio I figure why wouldn t the one you tell for young drivers uk? 16 year old girl for new/old/second hand car? cheapest I find now but that is what for a 19 year and am looking into job position. I receive car insurance but my I will be getting driver and my dad are so ridiculous. I have my own insurance? am i looking at .
Wanting to plan ahead wanted to know if offer the best rates dollers it when up would like someone with car damaging the whole amount of settle payouts that the excess amounts house, both my son a motorbikes 1 year weeks insurance cost on parent s auto insurance plan. Any recommendations and experiences bought GAP insurance (pays insurance higher in florida she gets insurance on few weeks and i m two tickets one rolling canals I put off around a B average p.s. heard statefarm lets my insurance if she husband who does my me what im probably campus and want to or is that illegal? week, and would rather I get a ticket buying is a 2000 would have asked them to do first- buy Would the car rental is giving me her of SSDI since she and it s a sports And doesnt have a year old car insurance ordered a mobility car, insurance be for a it? Do I get I m 18 and I ve .
I was in a Insurance for a 1-bedroom thinking State Farm or i am able to exact number, just give to be fine with a year and do reg and i have paid it s terminated employee Im thinking about buying accumulated for some sort for about $8-12 a how much monthly, and have trouble understanding why a newer car, your was quoted a great much would my insurance car, and I am We can t afford that millions! but i was Cheapest car insurance for our tags in NC expecting to be back but how much cheaper? you an answer because we don t remove these question. any help? first to 30 yrs best gonna buy me the 16 driving a Ford called geico, but they Coupe 2.0t and i Who offers the cheapest best cheapest sport car coverage but if its want to put it and get a job, Govener is going to many people in texas third of the eyebrows 1800 a month ago .
Please explain what comprehensive and got hit by moped and gas how How much should my alot of pain. The without trying to find take place until that is flood insurance in have to register for around this. I don t insurance rates...iv been in a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Now there s going to in CA) I want T_T..actually its kinda dark yearly - my cars seen by an out question is Hans sells first car in texas? it be an agreement and collecting unemployment. I something in good condition I want to go 2008 mustang and I put everything i put would be expensive-anyone have weekend and will want WHAT IS THE BEST everyday. We are nonsmokers, 1 for me and in California you can location) after Hurricane Katrina? my car and was of all procedures after prices are cheaper than him a car for car. What about after year 1 eye exam drive very well. Sometimes want general idea of can compare...BTW new driver .
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acceleratehomes · 5 years
Selling Your House Without An Estate Agent: Top Tips
When it comes to selling your house, there is a whole range of options.
From selling with an estate agent to selling online to selling via auction; to a cash property buyer to simply selling off of your own back, there are plenty of ways to shift your property.
Increasingly, though, there is a keen interest in selling your house without an estate agent, so we thought we’d put together a handy guide of our top tips for doing so.
Whether you choose an auction or rely on yourself to sell, we’ve got you covered.
Selling Property Without An Agent
Why sell without an estate agent in the first place?
If you’re reading this, you’re obviously interested in selling your house without an estate agent, but you might not be completely convinced just yet.
So, in terms of why you’d sell without an estate agent, there is one huge reason: money.
Estate agents tend to suck up cash like vacuums.
They charge percentage fees and have a lot of add-ons during the process of selling your house, so selling your house without an estate agent can save you a lot of cash.
You should be aware, though, that if you choose to sell without one, it won’t be an easy ride as there’s a lot of work that goes into it.
Another reason for selling without the help of an estate agent is hassle.
Yes, advertising your property yourself is a total pain, but sometimes estate agents take their eye off the ball and don’t always put everything into getting your house sold. This is why many buyers switch estate agents halfway through the process in the hope of getting a sale.
Moreover, selling your house with an estate agent generally takes longer than most other ways and it is an arduous process.
You will go through multiple viewings and even get your hopes up quite a few times for a sale that never comes through.
Sometimes you’re just better off doing the job yourself.
Selling at auction
Selling your house at auction is one of the most common ways of selling your house without an estate agent.
In order to get your house featured at an auction, you will have to do your research into auction houses. Look at their track record and portfolios of other houses they’ve sold.
You have to ask yourself whether or not an auction house will genuinely sell your home well and for a price that you want.
When going to auction, it’s important to remember that you’ll have to set a reserve price for your property.
If you are offered less than that price, then your house will be dropped from auction, but if you’re offered your reserve price and nothing above that, the auctioneer will drop the hammer and then you have to sell it for that price.
Bear that in mind when considering selling your house at auction, and when setting a reserve price if you choose this option.
Generally speaking, selling your house at auction saves a lot of time and effort.
As soon as the hammer goes down, the bidder has to put down a 10% deposit. Over the next month, the sale is completed and then the rest of the money is transferred.
As well as this, if your house has a slightly odd layout or is different from the conventional house, auctions are a great place to go, especially if you’re dedicated to selling your house without an estate agent.
Remember, though, that selling at auction can cost up to £1200 plus VAT and solicitor costs, which can reach between £350 and £500.
Selling with a cash property buyer
If selling at auction doesn’t seem like what you want for your house sale, then there are other options.
One other option is selling your property with a cash property buyer, which is basically someone who has the money available to buy your house outright without having to secure a mortgage or sell another property to afford it.
People have many reasons for using cash property buyers, one of which is the issue of time.
If you find a cash buyer straight away, you will have the sale done and dusted in practically no time. This is particularly desirable if you’re selling your house due to divorce or bereavement or for health reasons.
Selling your house without an estate agent in these circumstances can be incredibly useful, and while it might add to your workload in terms of finding the right cash buyer, it cuts out the painstaking process of going through an estate agent and waiting months and months for a sale to come through.
Cash property buyers can be found through companies, like our own, and online. Search around local cash property buyers, and then expand if you can’t find anyone who will take your property on.
If you find a cash property buyer through a company, you will need to check that they’re registered with the National Association of Property Buyers (NAPB) or The Property Ombudsman Scheme.
The same checks for legitimacy should also be applied to cash property buyers who are found individually by yourself in your search. When it comes to these individuals, you should check if they’re using their own funds or borrowing via mortgage.
Ask for proof always and enlist help and support from a solicitor to oversee the preparation for the sale and then the sale itself.
You should also double-check to see if any cash property buyers charge a fee for their service (especially companies) and ensure that you have a back-up plan in place in case the buyer pulls out at the last moment.
To get a cash buyer quote from our recommended partner, click here.
Selling your house completely by yourself
Of all the ways to sell your house, selling it completely by yourself is the most work-intensive option.
You have no third-party help in finding a buyer or advertising it, but, in turn, you will definitely save the most money this way if you’re successful.
To begin with, you should be aware that selling your house without an estate agent means you can’t advertise on Rightmove, PrimeLocation or Zoopla.
Instead, you’ll have to do it all yourself in a number of ways.
You can still advertise online on The House Shop, for example, and on eBay and Gumtree as both allow property listings. This will get your house out there on the internet, which is great for generating interest and eventually a sale.
However, just advertising online isn’t the wisest of ideas.
Hire adverts in your local newspapers and use noticeboards in local supermarkets and community centres to get local interest.
You can also become a member of neighbourhood groups on Facebook and share your house in those to generate more local interest.
Word of mouth is often a great way to sell your house, and is the next best alternative to using an estate agent.
Using word of mouth also means that you’ll have to be proactive with advertising.
You are in charge of photography and making your house appear stunning. If you are good with a camera, then go ahead and take the property photos yourself, but if you know someone particularly good when it comes to photography, ask them to help you out.
Even better if you have a young person in the house – they’ll know all the lighting tips and tricks going, which are so important when it comes to making your house look nice on camera.
In terms of our other top tips for selling your house completely by yourself, you should create your own ‘for sale’ sign, including your phone number, email and name, or buy one from eBay or Amazon to make it look slightly more professional.
We’d also recommend creating an email address specifically for selling your house to help you out when it comes to organising viewings and corresponding with different individuals about the sale.
When selling your house this way, we’d also suggest getting valuations from estate agents if possible. Some estate agents charge a valuation fee, but not all do.
Ask around and see what you can get. Even if you have to pay a small fee, it’s worth it for the opinion.
As well as this, you can use online estate agents who will value your house for free and use websites such as Property Price Advice to give you an estimate of how much your house is worth.
Make sure to get a whole range of valuations in order to get the most accurate figure as some online sites can only give you an estimate on the value of your house based on your postcode, how much you bought your house for, and when you bought it.
We hope this guide has helped you understand more about selling your house without an estate agent, and we hope our top tips will come in handy however you choose to sell.
The post Selling Your House Without An Estate Agent: Top Tips appeared first on Accelerate Homes.
from Accelerate Homes http://bit.ly/2TFeE0p via IFTTT
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just wondering what the price of a mini copper is to buy and the cheapest insurance? Details would be helpful Thankx
No proof of insurance?
I have legal insurance, but my policy was just renewed so I need my new cards that prove i'm insured. They are in the mail I assume, but they won't get here in time before I have to leave on a trip to NV. I tried to go online and just print the cards, but their site has been down for many days and I can't get on to print my cards. So my question is: If for some reason I get pulled over (not saying I have a reason to get pulled over) and I don't have those cards, since I do have insurance does the fine get dismissed? Also, since I cant technically prove I have insurance do they have to take my plate?""
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Teenage insurance?
Id there any way how you can avoid paying for teen insurance? (Because the family insurer usually raises price as soon as the teen in the family gets license) If not, how to get cheap insurance?""
""What is the most popular/best dental insurance PPO in south florida, St lucie county to be exact?
I'm looking for a good dental insurance plan. One that is not so expensive and preferably with no or <6m waiting period for basic dental such as fillings
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17-year old?
What cars would give a 17-year old just-passed Male a reasonably cheap insurance? Is Ford Ka a good choice? How much are these cars and what do you think would be their insurance from this information?
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
Auto insurance.?
somebody hit and run me in the parking lot and dint leave any note or anything and there is no camera. the right fender has a big dent and the door wont open,if i report this to my insurance will i get an increase on montly payment? even tho its not my fault. My car is brand new got it 3 months ago and ha a full collision coverage insurance.""
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
Which is the best medical insurance in washington state?
How much can auto insurance rates go up for a first time accident?
If youre at fault, theres no injuries. Approximatley $1500 damage done to the other car and minor scratches done to your own. Also, would it be better not to make a claim to your own vehicle if the damage is so minor? Or would it even have an impact on future rates?""
I want to buy a car insurance by different address?
i want to buy a car insurance by different address which where i lived now. is that getting a problem ?
Where to get the best price on event insurance?
Ive been throwing events for awhile now and just recently had a close call in damages to the property so i was wondering if anyone knew of something like a Event insurance company that covers Arizona events?
Who should get my fathers life insurance?
My father passed away on Jan, 5th 2013. He has a paid in full policy amounting to $100k. When we figured out that my mother (his ex wife) was left the sole benifecary, we filed a claim. The insurance provider (John Hancock) denied our claim based off of a CA law that states if the claimant had been divorced, they essentialy get nothing. However, it clearly states in their dissalution of marriage, that life insurance should not be affected. My father would have wanted his children to have this...What action can I take, or should I just forget about it?""
My insurance company doesnt want to pay!!?
I was struck by an uninsured driver on 02-10-11. Because the driver who struck me was uninsured I was forced to file a claim with my insurance company(Omni Insurance). The car was towed to CJ's collision at 6128 n beechwood Philadelphia, pa ,19138 on 02-11-11. Phone number 215-848-2836. On 02-14-11 Omni insurance sent out an appraiser to evaluate the vehicle. They then faxed an estimate on 02-15-11 totaling $5300 to CJ's collision shop. I went to the collision shop on 02-15-11 to sign paperwork giving them permission to work on my car. They then began the repairs. On 02-18-11 the insurance company then deemed my car a total loss. The vehicle is a 2005 Nissan Altima SL with 96,477 miles. The NADA value for the vehicle is 10,995. According to Omni insurance a car is deemed a total loss when the repairs reach 70% of the value of the vehicle. Omni insurance valued my car at 7,415. They then proposed a settlement offer of 5826.40. They deducted 975.00 in prior damages(which I disagree with) and 1000.00 my deductible. The settlement offer included 386.40 in sales tax. After negotiating on 02-28-11 they proposed an offer of 7835.30. The value they gave my car was 9255. Again 975.00 was deducted and my 1000.00 deductible. They including sales tax and tags/registration fee in the offer. I accepted the offer out of desperation because they also stopped paying for the rental car I was driving on 02-28-11. I work, attend school and have a child my schedule requires that I have a car so I paid out of pocket for a rental car until 03-07-11, expecting the payment to be issued to my lien holder by then so I could purchase another car. I contacted them on 03-07-11 inquiring about my payment and was informed they did not pick the vehicle up from the collision shop therefore they were not issuing a payment. The collision shop gave them a bill of 1750.00 for the repairs they did and the storage fees. The insurance company disagrees with this and refuses to pick the vehicle up and issue my payment. They have also stated this may come out of my settlement offer. The insurance company already has the title to the car and all the necessary paperwork to the vehicle but refuses to issue a payment. It has been a month since I filed my claim and I can no longer afford to pay for a rental especially since it seems I will have to purchase a new vehicle. The insurance company is low balling me and also forcing me to pay for repairs they approved then backed out of.""
Why pay for health insurance anymore?
The Community Organizer (Barry O) has made sure that pre-existing condition cannot be basis for refusal when buying health insurance. So why not just wait until you get sick to purchase insurance? Its like waiting until you get into a car wreak to buy car insurance. Barry's penalty for not having insurance doesn't kick in for another few years... so why have insurance before getting sick?
Both me and my sister are new drivers. Would it be cheaper to get joint or separate car insurance policies?
We are planning to buy a car together and are looking to reduce insurance costs. Also, since i have already passed my driving test and she is yet to do so, would i get charged more for getting a single policy and then adding her onto it later when she finally passes. Or would this final sum amount to the same?""
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
""No insurance, can i go to the doc?
I don't. have insurance except plan 1st (for birth control) i need to go to the doctor but would they even see me?
Car insurance advice?
how much money will it cost to insure a 1.4 - 1.6 litre car? I'm 17 and this will be my first car. thanks
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What affordable health insurance would you recommend for my uninsured 21 year old daughter?
She works full time but her employer charges an outrageous amount of money for health insurance. I know there are many many young people who don't have health insurance, mostly because of the cost of high insurance premiums. But my daughter really needs it cause she has some health issues that will stay with her for a lifetime.""
Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?
I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score?
Does accident report effect my insurance?
someone hit my car and today we are going to make that accident report so does it effect my insurance?
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
Renault Clio insurance 17 year old male?
I am 17 Years old and wanting to insure a renault clio expression (2001) have you got one? where can i find the cheapest quote? which companies?
How to get cheaper car insurance for 2nd year? haggle 17 18 year old driver car insurance renewal price No NCB?
ok so i am 18 now, insured my car for 10 months with Admiral on my brothers policy as a named driver and it cost me 1450. The 10 months have passed ad they have sent me a renewal price of 1200, is there anyway i can get it cheaper than this? could i haggle with admiral or go to another company and show them that my renewal price is 1200? also, my car is a 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, would i be able to swap it for a 1998 1.4L seat arosa (they are like 600 less) or would the insurance go up? please help! thanks guys""
My daughter sold her car to her boyfriend ( now ex ). She still has him on her insurance and car is still in her name? She lost pink slip?
Best way to deal with this? I thought maybe she should take him off her insurance immediately, but thought maybe not, as car still in her name. To make matters worse, he turned out to be not so nice. Thanks.""
What does this quote about Health Insurance mean?
(The Headline - 2 Calif. health insurers to pay $13M for dropping clients ) This fine sends the message that if you come into California to sell health insurance, YOU MUST PLAY BY THE RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, the director of the state's Department of Managed Health Care. [caps mine] http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-18-insurance-settlements_N.htm""
Cheap car/insurance for a young lad?
18 year old son has just passed his test. Looked at a Fiat siacento(I know thats wrong but you know what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought bargain. Until I checked the insurance.... 3000!!! Before I start ranting about the cost of insuring a young lad(and the cost of my own insurance) can anyone tell me a cheap car that is also cheap to insure. Thanks.""
Insurance Q???
im gonna be getting a car over the summer or on my 16th b-day (winter time) My parents Have State Farm, my zipcode *45616* (ohio) i want a convertible how much do you think my insurance will be, or W/ a Truck.""
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Do you have to have car insurance to get a Florida drivers license?
I'm 16 and about to travel to Florida and currently dont have a license. Do I have to have proof of insurance before I am able to get my teen restricted drivers license down there?
Health Insurance?
My mom had her gallbladder taken out few months ago and now she got the bill and her health insurance will not pick any of it up and she owes the hospital five thousand dollars. What is the best health insurance out there? Low monthly payment. My mom is not happy with the insurance company. This is my dads railroad insurance.
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Can you insure two people separately on the same car?
My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?""
Do I need condo insurance in Florida?
As of Jan 1st 2009, our HOA requires us to show proof of insurance. I believe it is statue Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, I really don't have the money for condo insurance right now. I have read online that the HOA can purchase this insurance for me and then assess me for the balance. I recently moved to Port St Lucie, Fl where everyone is unemployed and foreclosures are so common. Anyways, can they place a lien if I do not provide them with proof of the insurance or will they just lay off for awhile? I appreciate any feedback right now as I am so worried. Thanks.""
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
How much would insurance be?
About how much would auto insurance cost for a 16 year old female for a $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger?""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
Alright, so I'm 16, living in Ontario, but haven't decided what bike imma get yet, so can anyone give me a range of what it'll cost? Thanks in advance.""
What 125cc motorbike is cheap to insure but will do over 70mph?
Preferably a four-stroke in insurance group 2
What would be the best liability car insurance for me?
I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?""
Best health insurance for single young adult?
I am looking for a decent health insurance plan that will not cost me and arm and a leg but will still give me good coverage. I am self employed (a cosmetologist) so obviously my company does not supply it. I want it to cover health and dental. Any suggestions?
Why did my wife's auto insurance premiums go up after I got a DUI?
After I pleaded guilty to a DUI charge, my wife's auto insurance company refused to renew her policy. Because we are married, other insurance companies have either quoted her higher premiums or refused a quote for her based upon my mistake. We had separate insurance companies, I was driving my car, not hers. She was not in the car with me and had nothing to do with it. I was pulled over because my license plate light was burned out. I was not driving erratically, speeding or anything of that sort. I had not had any violations in 16 years and she hasn't in nearly 30-years. Why is my wife being punished for my mistake and how is it legal?""
Car insurance for a new driver?
So for my first car I am trying to convince my parents to let me get a used '03 infiniti g35 the price isn't a problem. What would the insurance be for an infiniti? Also what would insurance be for a car like a subaru or something like that just so I can compare...BTW new driver
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Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
What are the listings for African American or black owned auto insurance companies and agents.?
I want to support my people,because no one else is going to support us. Many immigrants only support their business owned by their people,but we blacks have very few businesses. We need to unite and support each other to survive in this every changing country. It feels as if we are second class citizens in our own communities. We have to do business and pay for services of people who dislike us,because we have no alternative. We blacks need to control,manage,and build business in our own communities. P.S. I love America USA is # 1""
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
""1998 Honda civic, had a car accident, back tire smashed in back Axel is bent how much will this cost me?
Any chance my insurance company will decide to total it out?
I have a ??? about car insurance?
hey last saturday i wrecked my car...totaled. well i still owe about 3000 left on it so of course i had full coverage ins on it will ins company give you retail value or trade in value it was a 2000 stratus and i had about 109000 miles on it and have had a lot of work done on it i did have a cracked winshield that was not cause of the wreck about how much money am i looking at???
Car insurance question?
My mother's boyfriend bought a car and has allowed me to drive it. He is the primary driver on the insurance. I am also on his insurance. My father just recently put me on his insurance. My mom's boyfriend wants to give the car to me (Transfer the title and registration, get new plates and all that.) He says I will need my own insurance under my own name. But if I am insured does it actually matter who's insurance it is?""
Car insurance at parents address or rented?
I am currently down on a rental property contract at my boyfriends rented house, however he is the head tenant and I am down as being at the property, I still live with my parents and am there half of the time and my drivers license, finance info, bank statements and everything else go there, however I am not sure if I am registered at my parents and boyfriends, which I assume I am because my mum still puts me down on the electoral poll. I plan to use my parents address as my registered address however it asks where the car will be kept overnight, and there is not one set place, if I use my parents the insurance is cheaper and if I use my boyfriends it's 100pound more. Can anyone advise me on what address to do? As I am at both addresses different times of the week. Thanks""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
""How much will my insurance premium go up after a speeding ticket, I'm 17?""
I am a 17 year old male whose car insurance is roughly $200 a month from Travelers. My parents (unlike me, haha) are perfect drives and have had no recent violations. On the other hand, I got pulled over in MASS for doing 86 in a 65. It won't happen again. I live in CT. How much do you think this will increase by? and when I renew could my insurance company decide to not run my DMV record?""
Which cars are cheapest to insure?
I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
Grad. Student needs health insurance?
I will be quitting my full-time job to attend Grad school full-time in May. Unfortunately I will lose my health insurance covered by my employer. I really cannot go with out health insurance. I need affordable coverage. Any suggestions?
How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance?
Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time?
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
What happens to my insurance costs when I go from provisional to full licence?
I am currently learning to drive on a provisional licence and insurance in my own car. I have paid a premium for the provisional, but shouldn't need it for much more than 3 months hopefully. So what happens when I pass my test? Will this insurance be upgraded to full insurance and will there be any extra cost? Admiral if that helps. Thanks in advance""
How much would Liability cost on my car?
Im 16 and i just got my license. Me and my dad are gonna go look at a car tomorrow. its a 1999 mitsubishi eclipse GS with 130,000 miles. take in to consideration all of the basic things of a teenager nothing special just an average kid how much would liability in wisconsin cost? all my friends say they pay around 65 a month but than i went to some insurance website and it said some crazy thing like 850 a month... how much for an average 16 year old kid am i gonna pay monthly for liability?""
Best place (in australia) to get car insurance???
hey ive just finally bought a car now i want full comprehensive insurance weres the best place to go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you.""
600 sport motorcycle such as the r6 or zx 6r insurance quote in Ontario?
Could anyone tell me roughly how much the insurance will cost for a 600 cc motorcycle in Ontario? I'm 20 years old and i will get my M1 really soon. Also I've had my G1 in August 2006, G2 in June 2007, and my G in april 2009. I'm a university student living away from home. Never got a ticket or an accident. also, I've never been in an insurance before. I really appreciate anyone who could answer the question.""
Can i get a motorcycle insurance without having a license?
Or how else am i going to take the bike for the skills test
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks. The car would be a mustang from 1995-2001
How much would I pay for car insurance.?
I am 17 and a half year old; about to turn 18 in less than a month. Ive achieved my high school diploma. My parents are adding me to their car insurance and theyve been driving for more than 30 years. Non of them have received any tickets or have cause in accident. Clean record . we live in London Ontario and we drive 2 cars. a 2003 Dodge Grand caravan and a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu please help me
What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?
recently i have insured myself under private life insurance co for 35 years. at present i am 32 years. i want to know that supposed after 20/25 years the company got bankrupt or withdraw their business from india. will i get protection for my rest of life.
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
What automotive insurance companies insure right-hand drive cars in Ontario?
I'm looking to get insurance on a right hand drive import (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. Prior to January 2012 this wasn't the hardest thing to do. It's gotten increasingly difficult. Anyone know of a company that still insures these imports at a reasonable rate?""
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cheap motorcycle insurance quotes ireland
Is there anyway to get decent homeowners insurance at a cheap price?
My husband and are in the process of purchasing a small home. We are seniors living on a fixed income and have to watch every penny. We have two weeks to find the homeowners insurance and they all seem to be so high in price. Does anyone have any ideas how we find an affordable homeowners insurance?
What happens after you buy car insurance online?
Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!
About car insurance companies (& their rates)........?
Hi, I've got a general question about car insurance companies. Do companies really charge more to insure a 2 door car versus a 4 door car? I understand the whole 2 door=sports car theory, but not every two door is sporty. Does it really make that much difference? For instance, there's a 2001 Chevy Cavalier 2 door in my local newspaper for $2500. Would my parents pay more for insurance coverage on it than if it was a 4 door Cavalier? As far as I know, this one isn't a Z-24--it's just a run-of-the-mill Cavy. Thanks in advance!!! :)""
Car Insurance Firms NOT on Comparison Sites?
Can anyone give me a list of car insurance companies that ARE NOT on comparison web sites like Confused.com? My insurance is up soon and I want to make sure I get the best deal by checking with as many of the big companies as possible. I will be using Confused, but I also want to check with the ones that aren't on there. Thanks.""
Car mods and insurance premiums?
Hi, I'll give quite a bit of background first. I'm an 18 year old guy and I've been driving a 1.2 clio for about a year and a half now. Paying 1600 (CHEAP & completely clean license) my next insurance premium is around the 600 mark. I'd like to upgrade my car to either a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT I'd like to make modifications to it. Body rather then performance. Does it make a difference in the premium inevitably raising if I first insure the car, drive for a few months THEN modify and contact insurance, rather then, buying, modifying and insuring it before I've driven it? Hopefully that makes sense to anyone reading it. Thanks.""
How does car insurance work?
I'm looking at getting car insurance but I'm confused how it works i want to pay monthly but u cannot afford to pay the deposit and a month in advance PLEASE HELP! xD
No insurance on car used to drive child around in?
How can one go about handling the possibility that a child's non-custodial parent is driving their child in a car with no insurance. Recently, a friend of mine told me that if a parent has a car accident and a child in injured in a car with no car insurance, medical insurance won't cover expenses. Is this true? If it is, how do you suggest the custodial parent go about asking for proof of insurance from the other parent. The parents don't get along very well, and the non-custodial parent doesn't like to talk details with the other parent, even when she tries. My only thought was for her to give him notice of this policy and should something ever happen, try to hold him responsible for all expenses. Still, this does not handle the safety issue at hand. Any ideas? Simply asking the non-custodial parent to show proof would not work. His style would be I don't have to show you anything.""
Cheapest car insurance?
new drivers
Why can't I change my health insurance plan?
I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.""
Insurance on my own car compared to my parents?
Hey all, Im interested in buying a car and my parents are quite objectionable to it. Id say i would pay for the car and the difference in insurance but they say i dont have the money to do so. I know that my being insured on one of their cars costs a lot less than being insured on my own car but i really dont know the difference. Obviously it depends on the type of car and other factors but approximately how much is the difference. I could fill out the quote stuff but i would have to fill it out twice and i really dont feel like being bombarded by emails and what not. Also, I am 17 years old and have had my license for over a year without a single violation. If it really matters, i have about 4500 saved up for now. I made a little over 1100 in the past month and should be getting about 700 or so a month from my job. I really dont spend any money on anything else. Is insurance on my own car really that expensive?""
If the supreme court finds health care law unconstitutional would i have to buy car insurance?
most of the health care debate is about weather the government can make a person buy a specific product such as health insurance. If the court finds that the individual mandate is unconstitutional would this mean that the government would not be allowed to require people to buy car insurance. and if so would I be able to take this to my state supreme court to question the constitutionality of having to buy car insurance?
What is the average car insurance rate for a 17 year old female?
In the state of Michigan I just want to know what is the average car insurance rate for a 17 year old female. I am just getting my license in November,/December I won't be getting a vehicle until next April.""
What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company?
I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?""
Does having V8 engine increase insurance?
Does having a V8 engine increase your insurance? And if it does is it significant??
How do I get my insurance website to bring up quotes?
I want to start an online insurance company but would like to know how I go about getting the website to bring up quotes like with other insurance companies. How do I go about doing this I'm very serious about it so would like serious answers please thank you.
Neighbors tree fell on my house and 3 of my cars whos insurance has 2 pay?
during a bad storm my neigbors tree fell over and landed on 3 of my cars and my house i was wonderin whos insurance has 2 pay? mine or the neighbors?
Adding a third driver to your insurance policy?
I am 18 and still have my learner's permit. Although I could have gotten my full license when I was 16 my parents and I decided to wait until I was 18 that way the insurance would cost less. My question is, once I do get my full license, how much can my parent's expect their premium to go up? I don't have my own car yet, and probably won't for about a year. I live in Florida and our current insurance company is Auto Owner's.""
How much is average insurance for someone under 18 that buys a 2006 BMW 325i e90?
This is one of my favourite e90 cars, that's a 4-door, if I'm under 18, how much would insurance be? OR even better, how much is YOUR insurance?""
Home owner's discount on auto insurance?
how does my auto insurance company know if I own my home? do they just take my word for it?
What's the cheapest auto insurance company?
I'm 24 at the moment, auto insurance is raised for teenagers who are under 25 so i would like to know what is the cheapest auto insurance company out there (i'm currently under my dad's policy and its off the roof, but not that bad $1300 for 6 months) P.S. I hear State farm is the cheapest is that so?""
What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?
Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?
What insurance company is THE cheapest? but has great coverage or provides the same services as other insurance?
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
A realistic way for a full time college student to make money.?
This student is a 20 unit UCLA Law major who needs money but can't even work a part-time job. Without inculding college debt, this student needs 1.5k every month(rent, car, gas, food, insurance, utilities). A part-time min-wage job is not an option due to class load and $400-$500 isn't worth negitive effects on performance. Thus, I'm asking for out of the box ideas. No get a job at McDonalds or Spend less money . Those have already been thought of and done.""
Auto Insurance help thanks?
I am 16 thinking about getting me a car in the next year (17) can i get on my own insurance plan or try to get on my moms (me and my mom don't look eye to eye) so i don't think she wouldn't do it and if not how much would it cost if i get on my own insurance and what would be the best insurance for my age thanks so much.
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cheap motorcycle insurance quotes ireland
0 notes
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
"Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Car insurance, how much?""
how much would full-cover car insurance cost for a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about for a 2014 Nissan 370z?""
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I was just wondering how much car insurance would be for me. I am a 17 year old male and I am currently saving up for a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports car) so i know it will be a lot but I would just like an estamet Thank you
Do i need insurance to title car?
do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?
Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance?
We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great.""
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
Car insurance adjustments
If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?""
Can I get car insurance for 1.6L at 17?
I'm a 17 year old girl, looking to buy a Mini Cooper hatchback! And a friend said her brother couldn't get insurance for a 1.6L! So I was just seeing if that would be possible for me to insure before I purchase one!""
Lawyers & legal experts Q concerning auto insurance: How much coverage is best?
My auto is a '94 so I only have legal minimum +: Bod Inj Liab 15/30, Prop Damg Liab 25k, UM/UND 15/30, UM Prop Damg $3500. My question is, I drive in Los Angeles everyday-is there one or more of these I should prudently increase?? What about my fault and I sustain injury? Can I not have my vehicle insured but my body in my vehicle insured, (if that makes sense)? My car is worth only a couple K, so no reason to insure it. I am with Geico now & think I should perhaps increase some coverage. Thanks-""
About how much would this increase your car insurance yearly in NJ?
In this case, it does not matter what type of car insurance you have or how much you make. Let's say you're a middle class family with 2 parents and one 17 year old son who drives on a provisional license. He just gained 8 points on his license. About how much will this increase your car insurance per year? And what are ways to lower it (if any)? Please answer thoroughly, and even add tips. Answers will definitely be appreciated.""
Is nationwide a good car insurance?
im thinking of switching from geico to nationwide it would be way cheaper but i know cheaper isnt always better
How do you switch insurance on your car if you get another one?
1) How much paperwork is involved. I drive a 92 Lebaron that is not too far from dying. I would like to buy a car within the next year and make monthly payments. 2) Is it really just a phonecall with my agent? 3) Do I get to keep my license plate? 4) What happens to my excise tax?--Do I have to inform my town hall of my new vehicle? Do I still get billed for my old car?
What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?
In the last couple of months Ive been trying to get medical and dental insurance. I dont have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, Ive been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get. I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency.""
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there a cheap insurance company for teen driver?
My mom cant drive... so she doesnt know much about insurance. Im about to get my license and I was wondering if there's a type of insurance that is cheap and not too pricey... specially with a mom who doesn't have a high paying job?!?! I live in Texas if that helps
Which car insurance companies have you found to be cheapest for a teen?
Im 17 years-old and plan to be added to my parent's car insurance. I have good grades, took drivers ed, will be driving an older car and live in Idaho. Which company will work best for my situation? All help is appreciated.""
""Im an 18 year old male and im about to get my drivers license for the first ime ,how much is my insurance ?
about how much is my insurance looking to cost me ???
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much would car insurance cost for a first time buyer?
I'm 20, male, and buy a brand new car and it will be my first time driving, how much would I expect to pay for insurance in the first year?""
Which is a feature of permanent insurance?
Which is a feature of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection for a specific period. It includes an investment component. It is relatively low cost.
What is the average cost of life insurance?
I know individual circumstances apply, but there must be an average monthly cost somewhere. 33 years old, Male Looking for term life insurance, 500K I was just given a monthly quote for $28 per month""
Car insurance in differnt states ?
My grandmother lives in new Hampshire and there you do not need any insurance on your car , but in Connecticut by law you have to have it, so I was wondering if she comes to see us would she have to put insurance on her car to leave her state??""
""A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance?""
A drunk driver just hit my house last friday. No one got hurt but my sun room (patio) is all damaged. My famlity also got scared to stay in the bedroom since the car hit some part of our bedroom also. What should I do, call driver insurance or my home insurance, or consult a lawyer?""
Stick with USAA auto insurance? Or shop around?
I always thought they were not just the best, but also the cheapest (if you qualify to insure with them). But I'd like confirmation of this, or other opinions... should I shop around for my auto insurance? Switching to another insurer seems almost unthinkable - I've only ever been with USAA...""
Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?
Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States.
Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet?
I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?""
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have ...show more
How should I insure a car? Or should I?
Hello Everyone, I'm 17 years old and have just recently gotten my license (G2). I would love to have a car of my own as it would make my life so much easier due to my strange schedule in school. I have banked enough money to buy a nice car but am still drawing a blank when it comes to insurance. What im really wondering is whats the cheapest/best way for me to insure a car. My mom and dad have both cars insured under there names but they are in use. If I was to buy my own car would I be able to insure it under their name? or under my dad's private business? I can't afford to pay 9k a year in insurance atm but would really love to have my own car sooner rather than later. If you could let me know the best way to get around the monumental cost I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance, Geoff""
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Why do you have to get insurance to get your drivers liciense? ?
I don't have a car. My parents hv a van but I don't drive it all the time. Mainly I drive it when I'm on the highway. I live in Baltimore Maryland. Just why smh.
Will my car insurance be invalidated?
Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?
Cheap insurance?
my 20yo son has 6 points and no ncb its his 1st car can anyone tell me a insurance company who not charge him a fortune please...........
What's an average for tax and insurance cost for commercial property of very low rent?
I need to know what I'm at least getting into before I jump in headfirst. before starting all you need to know is that this is the space I'm looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be using it as a non-alcohol club/ rental and recording space for musicians.
How can i get cheaper car insurance there must be a way!?
Hi i really can't afford much and i do want a cheaper car insurance quote for my car.But i don't know much about how to get my car insurance quote down is there any tips or ways that you can tell me because its expensive and i am not even a classed as a young driver so it should be cheap!
Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance?
Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance? Example: Could i have title of the car in my name but use my Parents insurance??
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
What would be the insurance rates for a 16 year old with aford maverick?
I have good grades no felonies pretty much no anything. How much would it be for a 1971 ford maverick
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
What's the best auto insurance?
What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap?
Other Drivers On Car Insurance Liability Policy?
I want to add my little brother's car to my car insurance policy. If I add the car, under my name, but do not add the actual driver (my brother), what risks am I taking? If he is driving a car that is insured under my name and he gets in an accident where he is at fault, will the other person's damages still be covered by my insurance? I know that with liability insurance he would be SOL for his car, but I don't want to get stuck paying for someone else's car if he crashed and it was under my name. Please shine some light on this for me.""
Car insurance problem!! I need help!!?
I got in a fender bender yesterday. Did a little damage to my car, but just scuffed the ladies bumper. The cops came and gave me a citation for failure to yield. Here's the problem though, I dont really have insurance, i just have cards saying I do from awhile ago. The cops put down that I have insurance. I called the woman later to tell her I wanted to settle the ordeal with cash without making a claim to insurance and shes cool with it. So! My question is...Is the BMV or cops going to find out I didn't really have insurance????(I live in Ohio)""
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Why is my car insurance quote so high?
I have been to CompareTheMarket for a quote on car insurance, and the cheapest quote was around 5,000 for a car that costs 250. Why is my quote so high? I'm a first time driver living in an area with a fairly high crime rate. After changing the address to my girlfriends the quote came down to 2,000. This is still way too much considering the cost of the car! Is there any way to bring the insurance cost down? I wont be able to afford to drive at this rate.""
How does health insurance work?
Forgive me for being financially illiterate, but I've never had anyone to teach me these things even in school. I don't really understand how health insurance works, like, at all. I am sick, and I rely on family health insurance to pay for my treatment, which my dad pays for. But eventually I will have to pay for my own health insurance. What I've gathered from what I've read about it is that you are usually not eligible for many types of health-insurance if you have a pre-existing condition. What does this mean, though? Does that mean that because of my illness, I will not be eligible to get insurance? How do other sick people get insurance? Forgive my stupidity, no one has ever tried to teach me these things.""
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
Moped insurance (Ireland)??
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old in Dublin with a provisional licence on a yamaha aerox 50cc in ireland?
Getting health insurance for a young adult?
I'm a 20 year old college student living in Houston, TX. I have recently been having very bad problems with depression and anxiety and I think there's a possibility of anemia due to my low weight and constant fatigue (among other symptoms). Because of this, it's been very hard for me to get and keep a job. I really need a doctors help with all this but I'm uninsured and have no support from my parents. I've unsuccessfully tried applying for a Harris County Gold Card and I'm not eligible for medicare. The problem is I'm being supported by my boyfriend and living in his apartment for free. When I applied for the Gold Card, based on my situation, they said that I'm dependent on him and that he would need to show his proof of income. Since he lives off his parents money, he is still considered dependent on them. What are my other options in getting to see a doctor ASAP for cheap/ free? I'm afraid that even if I can afford the initial doctor's appointment, I won't be able to afford my medication or follow ups. Thanks for your help.""
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
Services offered by insurance companies?
general services offed by insurance companies
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Motorcycle insurance for someone under 25?
I'm in the army, and after I get done with basic I would like to buy a motorcycle where ever I am stationed. If I paid cash for the bike, have my motorcycle license, no traffic tickets, I'll be 18, and a male.. how much can I assume to spend on motorcycle insurance? Its a 250cc sports bike I'm interested in, I used to have one but It got stolen. I want the cheapest policy there is...""
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
Can young adults get free medical insurance?
A bill was passed and my 2 older kids can not get insurance, so I remember a bill was signed to give up all free insurance and I'm a single parent still see a doctor nor can my two older kids. When I lost my job in 2009 I lost everything and nothing has been right since. I still have no job no coverage and my kids can't finish their education or get medical coverage. What happens to us?""
How Much Is Quad Insurance UK?
Hi their.... i know its a hard 1 to answer but on average how much are people paying for quad insurance for road legal quads in the UK...... ive been trying to get quotes from companies but every time i ring them up they put me on hold for like an hour so i hang up i just want to see what people are paying so i have an idea of what prices to look out for................ I'm 20 & own a 250cc road legal quad........... but dont want to be paying 700cc prices
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Average amount of settle payouts from substandard insurance companies?
Average amount of settle payouts from substandard insurance companies?
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
I'm 17 - Insurance on a 1985 Corvette? - Please help!?!?!?
Hey all - i have a quick question.. I want to know how much insurance would be if i get a 1985 Corvette - - i am 17 years old - i am a male - i live in New York - i have VERY good grades (i heard you can get discounts if so) And just to get everyone off my back now (lol) -.... I AM going to be paying for the CAR as WELL as the insurance.. i just worked my butt off this year and managed to save up around 10k for a car / insurance - so please dont state how i am just spoiled using my parents money and etc. I am responsible and i DONT need to read about how its a fast car and what not. This has been my favorite car for years now and i want to have it not to race, show off, impress others.. but just to collect it as a goal that i have had and use it as a daily car to get to school and work! I dont need sites where i can get quotes, because i already know all that gibberish (lol) - i just want a close estimate of how much it can be for full insurance on a 1985 corvette if i am 17, male, in NY, with very good grades. Thanks so MUCH in advance!""
I saw on TV awhile back a life insurance policy you can use while your still living?
I saw it awhile ago on television that it's a life insurance policy you can use while still living such as to pay for children's college and stuff? Do they still offer this and from what company is it from?
How much would insurance group 7 be?
would just like an estimate how much insurance group 7 is
Insurance rates go up?
I sideswiped a car and busted their taillight, if I report it to my insurance instead of paying it myself about how much would my monthly rate go up? I'm an 18 year old guy.""
How much is auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm 16 and I want to know how much does auto insurance cost for an age like mine..
Mistake on insurance- value of car?
recently i was involved in a car accident where another driver drove into the back of my car and since then it has been written off. the problem is i undervalued the car on my insurance by accident (as it was a present and was unsure of the true value) can i explain this to the insurance company and get the money paid for the car? or will i just get how much i said the car was worth? thanks
""How much is car insurance? For example geico, progressive, the general, all state, 21 century, state farm etc.?""
Right now I'm still on my permit. Wen I get a liciense, I want to figure out how much it cost. For a 20 year old 21""
Auto Insurance in Indiana?
I have had Progressive for many years and no claims.We do deserve cheaper rates because of our age and driving record and low mileage. I recieved a much lower quote from Indiana Farmers Mutal Insurance. I have a 2000 Tahoe that is like right off the show room floor and I understand most companies are allowed to relace parts from a junk yard or for much lower than would it would cost unless it is under 2 years old. Has anyone placed a claim with either of these companies and what was your satisfaction? Because of the condition of our Tahoe, which is perfect and just over 30 thousand miles and a limited edition, who has ideas on the best auto insurance out here in Indiana?""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
How much does life insurance and car insurance cost for only one person?
How much is life and health insurance for one person with state farm? And how much is car insurance for one person with state farm as well?
Do i need car insurance?
don't ask me why but i didn't get my license until a year and a half ago (im 23). I don't own a car but regularly drive my girlfriends. Her car is fully insured by herself and mother, and the car is totally paid off. I've asked this question for a while, some say i do need insurance, others say i don't because it's fully covered. So do i?""
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
Dallas cheapest auto insurances?
I just moved to Dallas and looking for a good auto insurance. Thanks
""Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?""
im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?""
What is the average monthly insurance cost for a Box Truck or Commercial Vehicle?
I'd rather not give any companies my personal information, so can anyone give me an monthly estimate for box truck insurance?""
How to select health insurance in the US?
I recently moved back to the states after living overseas for an extended period of time. I've started working as an independent consultant and need to find/sign up for health insurance. I've done a bit of internet research and contacted the groups I'm familiar with in the area I live, but it all seems absurdly expensive. What's the right way to approach finding an affordable plan that suits my budget and lifestyle?""
Which auto brand is the cheapest for insurance in Ontario?
I heard that, for auto insurance, Van is cheaper than sedan, Is it true? Could you please tell me which auto brand is the cheapest for auto insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you in advanced.""
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
How much is health insurance for a baby?
Ballpark please, don't need exact numbers. Teen parents, how much is health insurance for the baby gonna be?""
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
""How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would insurance cost?
I am a 16 year old female who just got my license in January. I get good grades, but just a few days ago rear-ended the car in front of me. I totaled my car, and caused minimal damage to the one in front of me. How much should my insurance be on a monthly basis?""
How much does Toyota Prius insurance range from?
How much does insurance cost on a Toyota Prius
Can you help me figure out how much car insurance I'd be paying?
I'd like to get a cheap used car for personal use. I'd spend less than $2000 on it, so it'll be at least 10 years old, I imagine. I'm a 22-year old female. I have my Driver's Ed certificate. I live in Alberta, Canada. I have never owned a vehicle before so I have no history of accidents or tickets or anything. I've had my license for about a year now. If you know anything about insurance, can you please tell me approximately what my monthly insurance payment would be? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance!""
How much for car insurance?
Im 19 and have two tickets.. One for no licence nd the other for failure to yeald..how much would it be??
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance?
I'm turning 50 the end of October, as of now I have no health insurance. Someone told me that I'll be eligible for AARP and will be able to get affordable health and dental insurance. Is AARP the answer to being able to finally afford health and dental insurance?""
Car Insurance For A 17 Year Old Male?
I'm 17 and starting to drive and thinking about getting a car later on when I pass, but I'm sure insurance and fuel costs are going to kill me! Can I get some advice and maybe a rough guide to how much insurance will be? I'm thinking of getting a VW Golf Mk1 or Mk2, or a Peugeot 106 Escapade. Could you also tell me if modifying the interior will affect insurance along with resprays and lowering the vehicle. Thank you""
Good 125cc motorbike 1000 Low insurance 4 stroke?
I need a good motorbike that is 1000 - 1300 That has LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) That is also 4 stroke and 125cc . I like the look of the sym XS125 k
How much is car insurance for male teenagers in australia?
i was wondering how much it actually is for a new male driver to get car insurance.....say it was for a v6 holden ute how much would it actually cost...i hear people saying its like ridiculous prices like $10000 a year n stuff like that ...like for full insurance thanks
I just moved and am looking to find some cheap Massachusetts Auto Insurance. Can anyone recommend a place?
I just moved to Massachusetts from Rhode Island and recently purchased a new car. I need cheap insurance for my car because I am young and don't make a lot of money. Has anyone reading had a good experience with a Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agency? I really would prefer to do this all online instead of on the phone. Websites are welcome! Thanks!
Cost of car insurance for 46 year old?
Cost of car insurance for 46 year old?
""My car insurance company sent me forms to fill out, after an accident. Do I need to do it?""
The police report states that I am not at fault. The passenger in my was badly hurt. My insurer wants me/my passenger to fill out a medical release/history form. I see no benefit in doing so. If the other driver does not have insurance, and we are not yet sure that they do, my insurer would pay my claim/my passengers claim under my uninsured coverage. If they have my passenger's medical history, they could try to find reasons to limit how much to pay out. They also want me to fill out a Report of Traffic Accident form. I have given a statement to the police, who said I'm not at fault. The other driver was cited, and I have also given an oral/recorded statement to my insurer. I don't' see the need to fill out an accident form. It just seems that my insurer is trying to cover their on *** in case my uninsured coverage kicks in. What if I don't fill these form out?""
Help! which is cheaper of 2 cars on insurance?
which has cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda 3 touring hatchback 2009 (median level trim and automatic) 2. Volvo C30 T5 hatchback (base trim and automatic) ??? which one??? cuz my dad is worrying about the insurance for me. im 19 and going be 20 soon!
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?""
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
hi how much would cost a car insurance for 17 year old male? with engine 1.4 or 1.6 for example volksvagen golf or honda civic? is it worth to wait a year until im 18 will cost of the insurance descrease much?
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
What is the cheapest car Insurance ?
I own my car. What do I have to carry?
How can i lower my car insurance quotes? just turned 17?
i bought me a 1.4 polo and i dont know sh*t about insurance, can someone give me some tips on how to lower my car insurance?""
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
What are some safe ways to invest other than whole life insurance?
I understand now that term life insurance is the way to go, and then open up a Roth IRA. We are going to meet with our financial adviser and I would like to do more research, hence ...show more""
Can anyone suggest me a auto insurance company?
i have japan based luxury car. my friend saying pay insurance in a good company. so i am searching company? thank you.
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
Yancey Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78886
0 notes
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
"I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would car insurance cost me?
Im a 25 year old male and i just got my drivers license. What is the cheapest auto insurance i could get so i can legally drive? What rates would a person such as myself have? Good college student, no criminal history. if that matters. Thank you.""
""Can a car insurance provider cancel your insurance quote, without giving a refund?""
I recently renewed my car insurance with the Cooperative, I was charged and thought I was insured. After a few days I received a letter from the cooperative saying they have decided to terminate the insurance quote. If i want to know why I have to write a letter. After noticing Ive been charged and not given back a refund, I called and asked why this is. They said they wont refund the money, and all I could do is appeal for the money! They said the appeal has to be a letter sent to them, not email. Can they do this? Not only did they refuse to insure me (when they have done for so many years now), then they sent a letter saying they've decided to terminate it, without giving a reason, and they dont even mention anything about the money theyv charged me, I had to call in, and they tell me they wont refund the money?????""
When buying auto insurance is it better to have your dad own the car and put you as the additional driver to s
When you purchase car insurance is it better to have the car under your parent's name for ownership and add your self as an additional driver for your own policy to save money even when you will be driving most of the time?
Can you stay on your parents' health insurance?
If you are under 26 and get a job that offers health and dental insurance, can you legally stay on your parents' health plan? Refusing does not jepordize that, correct?""
Auto insurance quotes?
If someone comes to your door and asks if you want to do a free auto insurance quote over the phone with a major insurance company. Is that considered selling even if its a free quote? They also needed information from me so they could put the quote together...
Does anybody have any info about insurance licsences in arizona?
classes, test, etc. i passed my real estate exam a little over a year ago. man talk about a tough business! well i think its almost time to move on to something else....""
Washington State Car Insurance?
I am 21 years old, and I just bought a vehicle, and transferred the title and everything. HOWEVER I only have a Learners Permit. Is it possible for me to buy insurance for the car, to use it to learn to drive prior to licensing? I don't have a spouse or parent with a car or auto insurance, so that is out of the options.""
Car insurance cancellation?
I took out an insurance two days ago with a company called (i-kube car insurance). I've been told that I won't be able to drive between the hours of 11pm -5am and if i drive, i will have to pay 45 fine ( a GPS will be installed in my car). I've realised that the insurance is not cheap even though i used my pass plus to get discount. Tesco and Elephant car insurance are even cheaper. They took out my deposit immediately eventhough my insurance will not start till 2nd wk in February. Is it too late to cancel? I haven't received any paper document yet and their website lacks information about cancellation. What shall I do? Should i go with a different company? Would they tell me to pay cancellation fee? They've planned to fix the GPS to my car tomorrow but i haven't agreed to the time yet.""
Insurance for a 17 year old male?
we are a fairly poor family, but have been waiting for my 17th birthday for absolutely decades, now that i am i want to drive, but EVERY car i look at seems to be asking for big numbers. a 1986 1.1l fiesta would cost 11k!!!!!!! a 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.3 over 16k my cheapest quote is for a 1988 360 VW Polo for 7k there seems to be absolutely nothing out there! are there any tips to getting lower costs? im putting it in as me insuring the car as the owner, fire and theft""
What is the best health insurance?
Looking to find out what the best affordable health insurance for my 62 y/o father is? Do not want the obamacare!
What to do when the other person doesnt have car insurance?
Back in December a friend of mine backed into my car while drinking. he did not have insurance and still does not. i told him i wouldnt do anything as long as he fixed the dent. he has still yet to fix and is trying to get away with not fixing it. what should i do? small claims court?
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the name of the song on the geico motorcycle insurance commercial with the cavemen?
whats the name of the song on the geico motorcycle insurance commercial with the cavemen?
Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to my car if i wasnt driving the car?
My friend(who is not listed as a driver under my insurance) was driving my car when the passenger front tire fell off.There was damage to the right front of the car.Will my comprehensive insurance cover my claim.
What is a good affordable health insurance company?
I am 21 yrs old, with no existing health conditions, but I make too much money to get coverage from the state. My employer does offer insurance but it's very expensive and the coverage isn't worth the amount of money they want me to spend.""
Why has my car insurance quote shot up overnight?
My renewal is on the 3rd October, so I've been already looking around for the cheapest deal. It was up until today 852.09 for 3rd party, Fire and Theft. However, today it has gone up to 1433.07...which is almost as much as last year. I've also noticed that the cheapest insurance provider (the one that provided me with the 852.09 quote) is no longer providing me with a quote, and that it's forcing me to have to go with the second lowest price...but all the other companies quotes have gone up as well... My birthday is next week as well, so I'm wondering if it has gone up to take advantage of the possibility of me having to buy new insurance cover or something? Really finding it hard to find the reason how the quotes can have gone up by so much over-night with no change in my quote information at all :/ My details: 19 Years old Male 1 Years NCB Punto Sporting Thanks in advance!""
Will my Progressive Ins. rate go up with speed camera tickets?
I have progressive car insurance in MD and have received a lot of speeding camera tickets in the last few months (due to my driving and my brother driving my car). Does anyone know if Progressive insurance will keep track of these camera speeding tickets that will cause my car insurance rate to go up?
What is the estimated insurance for this car?
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage.""
How much do fillings cost without dental insurance?
So, I went to the dentist today and got a regular cleaning done. The dentist told me I had 4 small cavities. Her prices for fillings are Composite(white) fillings - $150 per tooth Silver fillings - $80 per tooth I don't have dental insurance. I was wondering if her prices are expensive or not? Should I go to another dentist and check for the prices there? Thanks""
Can a good credit score get you cheaper insurance?
Can a good credit score really lower your insurance rates?
Do Republicans think low insurance rates means cheap healthcare?
The fact is that under ObamaCare insurance rates are set by the amount the insurance company pays to doctors and hospitals. If they charge more than 125% of what they pay out they ...show more
""New car, no insurance what happens?""
I bought a car in June last year, I paid the down payment, and make the monthly car payment. My mom consigned and pays insurance. I just got alerted saying I haven't had insurance since October 2013. What can happen, can they come and repo my car?""
""I have no car insurance, husband got into a car accident, what to do?""
We've been struggling financially this past year, and to make matters worse, my husband rear ended another car. He's stating he didn't see any signal lights or tail lights that night. Our car is totaled, but the other person's car got there whole back end bent in like hulk punched the crap out of it. All procedures went, police and ambulance came, and now we need to go to a doctor today to see how long he has to recover. Luckily we are living with family, so we are getting support from them also. Thing is, we have absolutely no money, and no car insurance. What should I do? I live in Hawaii so there's a no fault benefit, but is that only if I have insurance? Should I get a lawyer involved even if my husband was the only one hurt?""
Where to go for car insurance?
I live in Missouri and plan on getting a new car soon. I need car insurance and would like to know what a good car insurance company would be. I'm single and live on my own and ...show more
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
What would be my car insurance quote?
I tried to do an online quote but it said I have to be 18. I am 17 years old. I live in Maryland and I am in 11th grade. The car is Used 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring fully paid for. I am not going to get the insurance until the August of 2011. I am a C average student. I'm moving out of my parents place next school year. I have never had a car before (no accidents, no DWI, etc..) I am not a part of any organization. Can someone do an estimate quote for me? Because I have no idea. I figured it'd be somewhere near 300. Thankss.""
Where do I find good health insurance for my parents?
I've tried ehealthinsurance.com and some other websites. I'm paying $500/ month for just basic health coverage for hospital emergency only. They're 56 and 61 years old and finding anything with good coverage and affordable is impossible. Anyone know what I can do to find better coverage?
Is it legal for me to drive this antique car?
Hello. My dad has just offered me his old MGB. During the talk about it, he said if I get it running I can have it. But he also said that I might need to be 21 to drive a car with antique plates. We have Geico. Is this true? Thanks guys.""
Are there any insurance companies offering the minimum $200000 liability to Ontario residents?
I am 16 and looking to insure my 1994 Mazda mx3 2dr (not the gs edition) i read that the minimum required liability insurance was $200k for Ontario residents but i cant find any online quote offering coverage this low. (the lowest i found was Belair direct with $500000). If someone could please give me a hand with this it would be a great help to find some really cheap insurance. THANX
Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?
my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way""
Car accident/ car insurance/ what happens?
I had just got into a car accident. The other lady was at fault, she got a ticket and I didn't. I have no-fault car insurance. How does this work? I've never been in an accident. Does her insurance pay for my damages? What happens??""
I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 05 mustang gt im 14 and have my permit cause i live in SD?
i would like to know how much per month (Preferably State Farm) insurance rates would cost for a first time car buyer for a young teenager getting a sports car my mom is alright with the price of the car alone and monthly lease but wants to know the monthly insurance fee.
Car insurance - premium increased without making a claim?
I rang my car insurance company to ask about my no claims bonus and excess as I thought there had been damage to my car. I am not taking out a claim. I have today received an email from them saying that We have amended the class of use on your policy due to the information provided by our claims department there is an additional premium of 21.38. This will be debited from the payment details we hold on file for you within the next ten days. Can they do this? I haven't amended any details and although I paid my car insurance last October in full for the year I didn't expect my payment details to be kept on file.
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in Nebraska?
I just bought motorcycle and need to get plates. Do I need to have insurance before i can register my bike?
How much is the insurance for a ford mustang?
for a teen girl driver thats 15 with a permit
Insurance/credit question?
Okay, being 16 I have to have car insurance under my parents policy,. So my name being on it also, if they loose their insurance over and over does it affect my credit as well as theirs?""
Which car insurance company would be the best for a 16yr old?
I am about to get my license and want to know what car insurance company I should get, How much should I expect to pay?""
What value car would you recommend Comprehensive insurance?
What value car would you recommend moving from Third Party Fire + Theft insurance to Comprehensive Insurance?
What's affordable about obamacare?
or the Affordable Care Act that so many want us to call it so that Obama hopefully isn't yoked with this monstrous failed program for the rest of time.
""How many billions will obamcare cost to insure the poor ,the crack heads the people who can't afford it?
how much is the fine if you can't afford to buy obamacare
Insurance For Car (New Teen Boy Driver)?
Whats the cheapest way to insure a car while still getting great coverage in case of accidents. I'm getting my license soon and I was wondering whats the cheapest choices for insurance. I heard I can be placed under my parent's account? I also heard that if i pay insurance under my own thing its like 2000... I live in california and i have great grades (if that helps).any insight would be appreciated :)
Can the Insurance company charge me 20% of repair?
I'm in California, I have full coverage, my insurance company is telling me they can charge me 20% in addition to the deductible if I don't use one of their shops, can they do that?""
Were we can apply and buy liability insurance?
We are managing 300 units condominium.What approximately liability insurance will cost?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
Will my insurance go up?
I got two speeding tickets not to long ago, they where 145 dollars each. On both of the tickets i was going 75 mph and speed limit was 60 mph. I already paid for the both tickets, they got reduced by 45 dollars each ticket. I was wondering by how much will my insurance go up and when does it go up. Its my dad insurance and he has my car on his insurance. Will the insurance go up only on my car or both of the cars on same insurance and is there any way you can take those tickets of the record. Like traffic schools..""
Why Are We Not Reducing Health Care Costs?
The U.S. currently spends 50% more per capita on health care than the next western nation (Norway). On average we spend twice as much as France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, and Switzerland. Our costs are increasing faster than these nations. According to the Congressional Budget Office the cost of Obamacare is an additionsl $1.76 trillion over ten years. For those who want to actually solve the universal health care problem, how about adopting one of the European plans noted above and cut our costs by 50%. Why the blind devotion to a bureauratic morass that will bankrupt the country? http://www.kff.org/insurance/snapshot/oecd042111.cfm""
Please could someone tell me what is the absolute cheapest auto insurance around?
No solicitation please.... Just the real facts. For get Geico, State Farm, All State and Travelers ins, progressive and all the TOP COMPANIES""
How much did you pay for motorcycle insurance in Ontario just after getting your M2?
I've asked a couple of brokers for quotes and the very cheapest you can go is seemingly $800 to $900 a year for a newly licensed rider, after advanced training and a govt-approved course, which seems a little steep even for Ontario. So I am asking for personal anecdotes - when YOU, yes YOU, started tooling around Ontario on your first farty little 2 stroke scooter or whatever, how much did the insurance company shaft you for, what was the bike model and what else do you think is worth mentioning? Thank you.""
What is online insurance?
onlin insurance pr5ocess and ways and meaning
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
Can I have my drivers license in one state and my license plate and car insurance in another?
I live in GA and bought a car in FL. To save money on taxes it was recommended that I register the car in FL and get a FL license plate. So, now I have a GA drivers license, a FL license plate, and FL car insurance. 1. Is this legal to have long term 2. If it's not legal and I switch everything back to GA, Will I have to pay GA taxes on the car that was purchased in FL ? To possibly complicate things more, the FL registration is not just in my name. It's also in the name of a friend who lives in FL who happened to cosigned for me to get the car. It's his address I'm using for the FL car insur and the registration.""
Which car insurance is cheaper for a 17 year old male?
I'm 17 and I'm thinking about getting a car when I get my g2 in a few months, I do have a job I work at Canadian tire! and Im looking for which car would be cheaper on insurance.. I dont want a truck, caravan or a smart car... please answer this truthfully! :) P.S. Im in ontario, Canada""
Where can I get any driver over 25 business car insurance?
I'm fed up with filling in heaps of info for online quotes, only to find that the company doesn't offer any driver policies""
How much is Insurance for a 17 year old on average?
I'm 16 and I didn't take drivers ed, i just got my license, and i just wanna know on average, and maybe the cheapest i could get insurance in the state of texas?...""
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
My freind is driving with out car insurance. Is this ok?
A freind of mine, 23yrs old, has just bought a $1000 car to get herself around from work and school. She lives alone with her sister, who is 25 and grandmother and has told me that she needs this car badly but can not afford to pay car insurance. I've been told that she can go to jail and loose her lisence. What can be done to help her out? She lives in florida USA.""
Affordable health insurance for a 19 year old?
I am a 19 year old white female, i live in California, i go to a community college part time, and i babysit and work part time as a substitute custodian(no benefits). Im looking for really cheap even free health insurance since I make roughly $120-$400 a month. I've looked at my school's health care, it doesn't cover what i want(just covers family planing and std test). I would like something that would cover doctor visits or i pay a small copay. If anyone knows what i can do or where to look, i would greatly appreciate it.""
Do I have to pay more for my car insurance?
I purchased a car with a car loan and I had to get full coverage insurance. I pay monthly and I have to do this for 6 months. The sixth month will be on May. I just paid off my car loan so I no longer want to pay extra money for full coverage. I had to pay a down payment for my insurance so my monthly payments would be cheaper. My question is do I have to pay another down payment if I switch to the liability coverage? Do I have to pay those last two months in order to switch to a liability coverage? I live in California.
What insurance company is everyone with?
Im looking to get home insurance but every companys reviews i look up are really bad! Does anyone know of a good one to go with?
Should the young pay the same for health insurance as the elderly?
Why or why not?
How does car insurance repair the accident?
I mean we all know that whoever faults at accident gonna pay for repairs from their insurance. However my questions is what if I buy used car that have little damages on it. As I drive on road, maybe a month later somebody cause accident to my car and police rule out it's their fault. So how can their insurance pay for my car repair from new accident if I already have damages on my car before I buy them? According to a law, once accident happened the insurance only pay for repair from new damages not from old damages. It's insurance fraud if they pay for whole repair that is not part of their causes. Example: I buy a car with rear bumper damages, just little paints and dents on rear bumper. When the accident happen, it cause rear bumper to fall off and it needed new bumper, how can insurance pay for new bumper if some of it was already damages when I buy those car? They might write off but if car is value at 10K and cost repair is 800 dollars then it cheaper to fix but how? How without insurance fraud?""
How will my first speeding ticket in Florida effect my insurance?
Ok I'm 19 and just got my first speeding ticket on the way to work today doing 9 miles over. So my question is how many points are added to your license for doing this much over and is there any way to avoid getting these points? If not, how will this affect my insurance? Is it going to skyrocket, even though this is my first speeding ticket ever?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl in texas?
I'm going to be driving a ford I think f150 the year is no later than 2004. I know they have discounts for students with good grades. My gpa is above a 4.650. I need the cheapest I can get. Because aside from managing insurance on this vehicle. I will need to put money aside to purchase a different vehicle. (I'm borrowing the truck, but must pay my own insurance.) And battle school. I won't make a lot of money, so I have to try with what I will have.""
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
Auto insurance companies keep calling me?!?
i went online looking for some quotes now all kinds on insurance companies are call my phone leaving voice mails. about 20 calls in a hour. is there a way i can get my number off the insurance quote list /something?? thankyou!
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
Car insurance question ? And leasing a brand new car question HELP!?
im planning on leasing a brand new bmw 08 , but the lease says $357. Ok, in the end what do i have to pay? im talking about after paying the down payment.. how does the insurance work? Every month do i actually pay 357 or is there taxes including, and insurance.. im confused about the insurance part cause do u pay with bmw insurance or lik for example geico..... i dont get it.. someone help.. how ddoes it all work wat are the final costs of a monthly leasE?""
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
Car insurance quotes?
Is there any place to get a car insurance quote without entering in a bunch of personal information? I am looking for quotes for a sedan, coupe, and SUV for a new 16 year old male driver. (Im trying to decide what a good deal is, and what is worth buying)""
If your insurance cancels and you reinsure the next day will you get hit with a penalty?
okay im with nationwide and theyre expensive so theyre canceling my insurance on 1/1/08 but i wont have the money to go to my new cheaper insurance until the next day so will i get hit with the 500 dmv fee??/
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
Why are my insurance quotes higher when I list an accident I was not at fault for?
I've been getting online insurance quotes lately because I am getting a new car that will be more expensive to insure and I think my insurance now is already too high. So as part ...show more
""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
Is my insurance company responsible !?
I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
Help with car insurance?
i have a driving licence but do not own a car so i have no insurance of my own. if my friends mum offered to lend me her car for a few hours could i drive it through her insurance if she is fully comp and she gave me permission to drive it? and if i was to get pulled over by the police what would happen ?
Would it be the cheapest sports car for a teen?
Yes I know insurance is not cheap for 16 year olds but I saw the 4 cheapest sports cars to insure I saw a pontiac solstic and a mazda mx5 would these 2 be the cheapest for me to drive then if there the cheapest sports cars to insure I will be 16 soon and I live in nebraska
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
How much would insurance be when you first sign up.?
well im about to turn 17 and the car i have is a 2000 pontiac gran prix with the 3.8L V6. i live in the city and my grade average is 89% and have allot of experience driving. id also only be driving to school and work about 15k a year. and currently the car has 160k on it. i hoping someone can give me a price of what it would cost me, as iv tryed to get insurance quotes online but never recive the quote itself.""
Information on car insurance coverage?
I was being driven over to a friends house to pick up some paper work, I do not have a driver liceance but my friend does, when another car passed us they came to far over and forced us in which resulted in us side swiping a parked car in the street, The car belongs to my fiance and myself, I'am on the insurance as iam in the process if obtaining a permitt, she drives the car very few times, only when I need to get somewhere and her son has her car, I filed the claim and when the claim adjustor got back to me she was saying our friend may have to run a claim through her insurance instead, we have full coverage collision and all, limited tort, in a no fault insurance state, PA, ive talked with many people and been told my insurance should cover it with no problem, she cannot claim this her son literally wrecked her car 2 months back, seeings how we are fully covered and she is a very occasional driver, I was told its the first thing they will try naturally as an insurance company is try to have everyone else foot the bill first, I'am curious as I'am certain we should be able to cover it, even though she was driving it was me on the passenger side who had said she should be able to move over as I was certain there was clearance which guess not as we were pretty certain the other driver would have hit us, will a full coverage policy cover this if the car in question has the policy on it and one of the insured on the policy was in the car at the time as well? we have Infinity auto insurance, thanks!""
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
""I touched a car bumper when i was backing, how much that would affect my insurance?""
I touched a car bumper when i was backing, how much that would affect my insurance?""
""Getting a used car, and insurance the same day (which first)?""
Today I will be looking at a used car a costumer has in their mechanics shop. There is a Geico agent right around the corner from where the vehicle is, and I would like to know, if I should get insurance on the car before I test drive it, or after I know I want to buy it. I also would like to know how will I drive it after I have bought it without it's license plates, and if I can would I be able to take it to the DMV, and get plates the same day?""
How much would small business insurance be?
This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: 1.property damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!""
16 year old insurance for a moped UK?
Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)""
Effects of Bond Insurance?
What effect does bond insurance have on default probability and loss given default?
""Will my insurance rate in NY go up, if I get a ticket in NJ? Will pts occur on my ny license?""
I got a tixs for speeding and reckless driving (at the same time). And if my rates go up, is there a way I can get the chrages reduced to careless driving? How would I go about doing that sort of thing? Any info on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
Car insurance! please help!!?
I am in the U.K. I need car insurance where i can send a cheque or postal order as i dont have a bank account. Can someone please help and recommend someone who will accept a cheque. I cannot pay online.......thank u
3.0 GPA car insurance discount?
I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won't ask?""
Company car insurance?
Hi Can anyone help me re company car insurance I am currently getting a company car and now under the companies insurance, so dont need my own private insurance. I currently have 9 years NCD. I am now worried, what happens if I leave the company in a few years time, do I have to start from scratch again with no NCD, or can I still use my 9 years NCD anyone know (I have read they are valid for 2 years) I have asked Direct Line (my insurer) and they cant give me a straight answer, I get something different each time. I wanted to know if I was involved in an accident with company insurance I appreciate I have to state that when going back to private insurance but if I had an accident and had no NCD my premium would be sky high which I find unfair if I lose my 9 years NCD as I have not actually taken a break from driving. Does that make sense? hope someone can help me Thanks, Steve""
How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance?
I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra?
""What is the best, cheapest, online car insurance on the internet?
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
Classic car insurance for 17 year old?
i really wanna drive, and i dont really have a taste for most modern motors. so ive been looking at an 80's mk2 fiesta. i think its a sweet motor, a 1.1 is a good size engine for cost cutting and the XR2 models look like a great starter/driver car. though a look alike would be fine! problem is i cant find classic insurance that will insure a young driver on a classic insurer policy. any help, names i should call? all help appreciated!!!""
Pregnancy and disability insurance?
Hi, i am currently 7 months pregnant and found out that our short term disability insurance will only give us $800 a month for disability. I asked if I can opt out of our employers short term disability and apply for state disability and I was told no because I have been here for longer than 18 months. Is this allowed and also is there anything else i can do. I live in California.""
Can claiming too many hit-and-runs on your insurance raise your rate? Considering none of it is your fault?
I've recently encountered my second hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately my car is somewhat expensive to repair. So, I'm wondering if I should submit a claim with my insurance company to repair it, or try to fix it on my own. I'm told that a hit-and-run isn't a point against me, but that the insurance company may still find reason to raise my rates.""
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
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