#hozier REALLY fucking snapped
tempting-andromeda · 10 months
Fuck it writing for rdr2 now
Nsfw headcanons
Warning: smut, knife play, somnophilia, power dynamic, spanking, hair pulling, bruises.
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Sean MacGuire, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy,Micah Bell, and Eagle Flies.
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Arthur Morgan
He likes for sex to be intimate but he gets a rise out of things escalating. Like you two are in bed about to sleep but like 20 minutes later your legs are over his shoulders and he’s shushing you to stay quite.
He doesn’t force moments between you two he likes when it’s natural.
He laughs softly at you if you get too eager for him. He teases you and degrades you for it softly like “Really? This desperate for me? Guess I gotta give you a good time don’t I, Girl/boy.”
He likes to hear you talk during it even if it's just jumbled moans. He'll ask you questions like “That feel good?” and he likes a response but he doesn't force it (unless he's being rough then he'll stop moving and make you reply)
Sex is personal for him so he likes to make you feel good and sometimes he completely forgets about himself.
John Marston
He likes being in control but simultaneously he likes when you’re in control as well. He’s a complicated man.
He’s so fucking eager. Sometimes he forgets about foreplay but once he remembers he focuses on making you finish until you’re barely able to take him.
He’s real into dirty talk. He simply cannot shut up. He’s between your legs describing how you taste.
He has a high sex drive yet he cums quickly. He goes multiple rounds to make up for it though.
He’s so sensitive. He tries to pretend he’s not but after a while he starts begging you to bite his neck or use your mouth on him.
Dutch Van Der Linde
He likes a power dynamic. He likes being dominant and he doesn’t like that changing. If you try to top or be dominant he sees it as a challenge.
He’s into humiliating you but he doesn’t like bringing it out of the bedroom. He likes seeing you on your knees as he sits in a chair and he likes making you beg to suck him off.
He likes brats. He’s into the challenge and he likes making them submissive. It’s a huge thing for him if you act all bratty.
He likes to lightly smack you but doesn’t actually apply pressure unless he’s spanking you. Like if you back talk or something he grabs your face and uses a stern voice and after you say “yes sir” he lightly taps your face.
Really likes to stand back and admire you after he’s done with you. Looking at your panting frame and fucked out face. It makes him so proud. If he could he’d have a picture of it.
Charles Smith
He’s super into passionate slow sex. Pressing his forehead against your chest as he praises you but sometimes he can’t seem to hold himself back and he fucks like his life depends on it.
Like he’ll have your legs spread in a nearly humiliating way but he’s complimenting you the whole time, praising your very existence.
He likes when you wrap your legs around his waist. It makes him feel like you’re desperate for him as well and it drives him crazy.
He’s a munch. No doubt about it. Sometimes it’s the only thing he wants to do. He’ll lay in between your thighs like he’s starved.
Having sex with Charles is like experiencing a Hozier song first hand. At the end of every night with him you have absolutely no doubt he worships you.
Javier Escuella
He’s into knife play but he’s not entirely into drawing blood. He’s into cutting your clothes off of you. Like completely ignoring the buttons on your shirt and instead just running his blade along the buttons, snapping them off.
He’s real into hair pulling both ways. He likes fucking you from behind to pull your head back so he can kiss you and he likes when you pull his hair in missionary.
Possessive. No doubt about it. I feel it in my bones. He always asks you who you belong to before you cum and he gets a huge rise out of it. He makes your scream out his name at least once every time y’all have set.
He’s super into quickies. He likes to pull you away for a bit and absolutely destroy you and then go back to what you were doing and watch you struggle to pretend like nothing happened. It’s a huge turn on for himz
He likes to cum on you instead of in you. He’ll finish in your chest, back, stomach, face. He’s so into it. He likes knowing you’re a mess for him and you’re allowing him to do this to you.
Sean MacGuire
He’s huge on praise. He needs you to tell him he’s big and that no one makes you feel this way. It drives him crazy.
He’s super messy when he fucks. There’s something about it that makes him feel prideful that you’re a mess and he’s a mess.
He likes to humiliate you but in a different way from Dutch. Dutch does it for the power dynamic and he does it just because he likes the idea that he’s the only one allowed to do this to you.
He’s a head pusher but he always makes it up to you afterwards by making you pull his hair when he goes down on you.
He likes having sex in semi public places. It fills him with such adrenaline he’s trying to go again afterward.
Lenny Summers
Hes into handjobs. More than anything. If you put your hands in his pants he’s nearly crumbling that instant.
He likes when you go down on him randomly. Like he’s reading a book and suddenly he’s getting head or waking up to head? It’s so attractive to him.
He knows what you like and what you don’t like and his fingers are magical. Sometimes he tries to multitask and do something else while he fingers you but he ends up giving in and giving you all of his attention.
He’s real nervous at the idea of people catching you two so he just whispers a lot of praise in your ear. He feels horrible degrading you but he tries.
He moans at everything. Like if he goes down on you, he’s moaning the whole time. If he’s touching you he’s still moaning. It’s just attractive to know he’s doing something that arousing to you.
Kieran Duffy
He likes when you tell him what to do. He’s real clumsy most of the time and if you lead his hands and body and tell him what to do he’s determined not to fail.
His dirty talk is mostly him asking for reassurance like “am I doin’ good?” Or it’s just him worshiping you.
He whimpers and whines so easily it’s like he’s getting fucked. (Or he is) he gets real embarrassed afterwards but he doesn’t try to stop
He begs to touch you even if you’re not holding him back or telling him he can’t. His hands could even be on you and he’s begging to touch you.
He moans so loud when he cums. He always tries to cover his mouth to muffle it or he buried his face into you to prevent anyone from hearing.
Micah Bell
He’s rough. Real rough. A night with him probably ends with a few bruises and a sore body and he’s real smug about it too.
He likes watching you pleasure yourself. Sometimes he’ll touch himself as you do so and after you both finish he won’t touch you.
He loves edging you. Sometimes he pulls away right before your climax and wait for you to beg. Once he got up and nearly left just to see your reaction.
He likes shoving your face into the pillow as he fucks you from behind. It makes him feel dominant and like he’s in control.
His praise is really rare so he saves it for a special moment. He’ll have you hanging off the side of the bed as he bellows your back out and he makes sure you hear him when he speaks, grabbing you by the back of the neck just to whisper something like “look so pretty from back here, slut.”
Eagle Flies
Experimentalist to the core. He wants to try everything at least once. He thinks it’s a huge trust thing to experiment with intimacy.
He likes showing off his strength and stamina so he likes to lift you up to fuck you. He can last so many rounds too so by the end both of you are panting and tired.
He says “I love you” during sex. He feels so intimate to say it and he likes to make eye contact as he does it. He knows it’s cheesy but he likes to say “I love you” while he finishes
He likes to talk about your sexual fantasies and tries to recreate them as best as he can. He feels like he has to prove that he’s better than some fantasy and he never fails.
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little-star-library · 2 months
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Cold Lips & Warm Fingertips
18+ only (MDNI please)
Pairing: Astarion Ancunin x fem!Reader
Summary: I don’t know how this little drabble came about, but maybe I’ve been listening to Hozier a little bit and got a spark of inspiration. This one is a little sad, but I keep thinking about having a moment with Astarion where he needs to be comforted during a difficult time.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ only, soft Astarion, fem reader, smut, light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, panic attack, disassociation, nudity, cockwarming, kissing, PinV penetration, tender moments
He was falling. He was falling into that cold, numbing and familiar abyss again, no matter how much he didn’t want to. He never wanted to be like this, not with you. You were so soft and so sweet to him and gave him a new and refreshing perspective on intimacy, it almost brought him to tears just thinking about it. But after so many years of being conditioned into a ‘loyal servant’ to lure his victims to their demise, it began to become an instinct to detach himself from the moment, to just let his mind wander away until it was over.
“Star, honey, are you with me?”
He could still feel your palms pressing into his chest as you straddled his hips. He could still feel your taut muscles beneath his hands in a tight grip to keep you steady while he rocked his pelvis upward to grind into you even deeper. He could feel your velvety walls squeezing around his swollen member while you bounced up and down in his lap. And it was such a sight to see you would gush and shake with pleasure as he teased you and praised you until your eyes rolled to the back of your head, it would always make his chest puff out with pride knowing that he made you feel that good. But then all movements ceased and he found that rather odd. Your hands were still in the same position and you were still connected with him in your passionate union, so why did you stop?
“Astarion? Sweetheart, can you hear me? Please talk to me.”
Your worried tone sent alarm bells ringing in his head and within an instant he was snapped back into reality. The atmosphere changed; the haze of his disassociation that clouded his mind morphed him back to him lying down in his tent and there was a warm glow within the space and within his body. He was so warm and yet so cold with the sweat and tears that clung to his skin. When did he start crying?
Astarion flinched at the sudden contact of someone’s hand moving to cup his face and swiping away his shed tears with a delicate touch. He made a quick motion to grab that hand and pull it away in disgust, but then he glanced up at the perpetrator that held him beneath their weight. His eyes locked with your anxious gaze and everything came crashing down all at once.
A deep, rugged shivering sensation began to quake in his chest and a shuddering cry broke through and the sting of even more tears started to prick at his vision, which only made him squeeze his eyes tight in vain to will them away. But they poured and poured down his cheeks, and there was a ringing that echoed in his ears and he was trying so desperately to breathe. It felt like he was gasping for air. He really had no need to breathe, surely. So why was he trying so hard to hold in the choked sobs that were escaping behind gritted teeth?
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright.” Your soothing voice reached out to him and you made to move your hands to hold his face gently, stroking gingerly at his wet cheeks with caution. “You’re with me, you’re safe.”
The touch of your fingers and the sound of your hushed words crashed through the waves of dread and turmoil that grew deep in the pit of his stomach, anchoring him back to the present moment and yet those tears continued to stream down.
You were too sweet to him and you had him wrapped tightly around your finger with your kindness and affection. He most definitely fucked everything up now. How could he do this to you? His plan to seduce and sleep with you in exchange for your loyalty and protection had surely paid off, but then he started…feeling something more with you. It was an awful feeling. But then again, you had made him smile and laugh, made him feel like he was worthy. Worthy of happiness, worthy of himself, and maybe even worthy of your love. But you didn’t deserve someone like him, someone so tainted and broken by an eternity of lies and torture that would make any other person perish instantly. You deserved more than he could ever give you and you would most certainly leave him now.
“Astarion, can you look at me? Please?” Your fingers moved away from his face and instead turned towards his hair and softly stroked the disheveled curls away from his eyes, scratching lightly at his scalp in hopes of soothing him.
Those crimson orbs slowly revealed themselves as he peeked up and saw a little smile that graced your face when he willingly obeyed to your request. His own face felt wet and itchy as the remaining tears of his panic attack began to cool against his skin, but that didn’t matter right now. Without a second thought, his arms wrapped around your torso and yanked you down to his chest and gripped you tightly in fear that you might suddenly disappear if he let go. He needed to feel you, to feel your constant warmth in assurance that this was all real, that you were actually there.
The scent of sex and blood permeated the air around him, but underneath it all there was that scent that only he could describe as yours. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck and inhaled shakily, taking in the notes of lavender and vanilla of your favorite lotion that steeped into your skin. It was nice, calming even, and the familiar smell kept him grounded from slipping away again.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, darling.” Astarion whispers, squeezing you impossibly closer to him as he tried to control his breathing. “I, I know I should’ve said something. I just couldn’t help it.”
Your heart ached to see him so dejected like this, when he was plagued by his inner turmoils and frustrations. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend the kind of pain and suffering that he endured in the past, but you knew what it was like to live with a traumatic burden. You knew the weight of fear and dread that came in tow alongside the overbearing presence of loneliness and that was true terror. You may have been scared to grow closer to Astarion in fear of rejection and being all alone again, but you knew that he was the same. So you wanted to do everything in your power to let him know that you were there for him, that you loved and cherished him for who he is, even if you had to take it slowly with him. All the effort was worth it in your opinion.
“That’s okay, Star, it’s not your fault.” You cooed in his ear and kissed lightly at the old scars on his neck as you continued to play with his hair. “You have nothing to apologize for. Just breathe with me, okay? Can you do that for me?”
You felt him nod against your shoulder and you sat up slightly to meet his gaze again and you mimicked the action of breathing in and out deeply with a slow motion of your hand in guidance for him to follow. Although it really wasn’t necessary for him in this case, he found that the little exercise helped relieve him of his anxiety when it came to these experiences. He followed your lead and soon enough, the looming danger of his thoughts started to dissipate and his conscience became clearer little by little as he kept his eyes on you.
“That’s it, just keep breathing. You’re doing so well for me.” Your praise made him whimper and the stirring of his cock still nestled in your womb had his hips buck up on instinct. The sensation of him brushing against your cervix had you blanking out in pleasure for a brief second and you realized that maybe it would be better to move of off his lap. But just as you began to move your hips, Astarion halted your actions in an iron grip around your waist to keep his softening member from escaping the grip of your cunt.
“Please don’t go,” he whimpered softly as you rested your head over his undead heart. “Stay here with me, just like this, keeping me warm.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I promise.” You brought up one of his hands up to your mouth and kissed the tips of his fingers that were gradually growing colder even though he had only fed from you a short couple of hours ago. “But how about we get a little more comfortable, hmm? Would you like me to hold you?”
Astarion took the initiative and turned to his side with you in tow, one hand holding the back of your head and the other grasping your hip as carefully as he could so as not to disturb the connection you shared between your bodies. Once you were settled a little bit further, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed his head into the crook of your neck and you scratched lightly at his silver curls on the nape of his neck, slowly massaging the area as you went before kissing the crown of his head. A content sigh could be heard from him as you basked in the now comfortable silence and he kissed you behind your ear in tranquil gratitude.
Time seemed to stand still while you lay there with your pale lover and you silently prayed to whatever gods were listening that this night would never end. Besides the downfall of tonight’s events that led to this moment, it was a comforting thought that Astarion was willing to be soft like this with you and knowing that he trusted you enough to open up himself to you made your heart melt. You knew that he could be rather difficult and a little rough around the edges, but deep beneath all of those complex layers all he wanted was someone who understood him, someone who could bring out the best in him.
“How’re you doing, Star? You need anything?”
Astarion let out a quiet hum and looked up at you from his resting spot and smiled softly once he met your eyes, fully enraptured by your loving gaze and his breath hitched by how gorgeous you looked in the candlelight.
“…You know what?” He glanced down at your mouth and licked his bottom lip at the thought of your tender kiss, which in turn made his cock twitch and he could feel you squirm in his arms. “I think my lips are starting to get cold.”
“Oh, is that so?” You quietly giggled at his subtle request, and ever more the charmer he was, you couldn’t deny him. “May I give you a kiss you then?”
His eyes lit up with a rare glimpse of joy and nodded, meeting you halfway to capture your lips in a benevolent kiss. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the cold shock of his lips melting against your own, swooning in the way he held you against him as he took your breath over and over again. The taste of the saltiness of his tears, the coppery tang of your lifeblood, and the musk that could only be described as him overtook your senses as the kiss deepened, your tongues jovially tangling together to explore one another’s mouths and it was pure bliss.
Astarion moans at how compassionate and loving you were treating him from the way you stroked his cheek and pulled him in close by your leg that was hitched over his thigh. It was all too much, but also never enough when it came to you. You were a breath of fresh air in this tumultuous world that cast him aside with his dark past, a light at the end of a blackened tunnel that reached out to pull him away from all the evil things lurking in the shadows. He never liked the ideation of fate or destiny, but there was a part of him that felt like he had another chance to accept it when you came along. He had the chance to accept the fact that there was good in this world and that he could find some good in himself, all because of you.
“Thank you,” he murmurs softly against your lips, savoring your heated breaths that ghosted across his lips. “For everything.”
You pulled away and looked up to see him already gazing down at you with a small smile on his face, taking his time to memorize every little detail that adorned your facial features.
“Anytime,” you whisper back and press another kiss on his plush lips before taking hold of his hand that was still cradling your jaw and kissing the inside of his palm. “I will always be here for you, Astarion. I know it can be hard to ask for help sometimes, but I want you to know that I’m always there for support if you need it.”
“I truly don’t deserve you, my love. You’re too sweet for me.” He chuckles with tears in his eyes once more and pulls you into a tighter hug, peppering your face in chaste kisses.
“You deserve the world and even more, sweetheart. And I want to give that all to you, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course I will. You have my word, darling.”
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Honey Don't Feed It, It Will Come Back
Pairing: Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: alright got lots to cover; dubcon/coercion, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, tentacle fucking, DP, anal, praise, a little size kink here and there, pet names, unprotected monster sex, creampie, overstimulation, forced orgasm - I think I got everything also a brief moment of harassment at the beginning and like standard venom level violence oh and there's mention of food habits so ya know
Genre: Smut... just smut and it's like... almost a dark fic
Summary: Venom takes an extreme liking to you because of your kindness after he saves your life || “Don’t let it in with no intention to keep it Jesus Christ // Don’t be kind to it // Honey don’t feed it, it will come back” ~ It Will Come Back by Hozier
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You huff to yourself as you shut off your computer. You've been working all evening and if you don't make a point to leave and get something to eat now you might skip dinner by accident. Again. You quickly dial your local Chinese takeout place and order your usual as you lock up your apartment. You figure by the time you walk there to pick it up, it'll be ready. You get your food pretty soon after you get there, and wish the workers goodnight before you head back home. It's kind of cool outside tonight, especially for the summer and you're enjoying your walk through the city. 
"A pretty lady like you should really avoid walking around alone so late." A voice snarls from behind you. You roll your eyes and keep walking, intent on ignoring the catcaller.
"Hey sweetheart we're talking to you!" A second voice chimes in and you try to subtly increase your pace as you steel your nerves. You gasp when a hand grabs your arm and yanks you backwards.
"It's rude to ignore people." The first voice sneers in your face, his grip tightening on your bicep.
"Let go of me." You huff trying to pull your arm out of his grasp.
"Not a chance."
"HEY! YOU SHOULD PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" A voice growls and you stumble back when a large shadow plucks the man holding you away from you.
"Oh my God." You gasp falling against the wall behind you. A large shiny creature dangles the one man high in the air.
"IT'S NOT NICE TO GRAB LADIES WALKING HOME!" The monster scolds him.
"H-hey man, we weren't doing nothing." The man tries to appease the giant while the second guy finally snaps out of his stupor and takes off in the other direction.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE! I DON'T LIKE CHASING MY FOOD!" The monster stretches something resembling a tentacle towards the second guy, grabbing his ankle and pulling him back to hang next to the first.
"S-she's fine, see?"
"ONLY BECAUSE I CAME." What you assume are the creature's eyes narrow at them both. "YOU DIDN'T GRAB HER, BUT IF I EVER SEE YOU BOTHERING SOMEONE AGAIN I WILL EAT YOUR BRAIN!" The creature drops the second guy and he practically trips over his feet as he scrambles away. "YOU I WILL EAT NOW!" The creature says to guy one, dangling him over his mouth. The man lets out a scream that is cut off suddenly as you watch the creature bite off his head.
"Holy shit." You whisper. The monster tosses what's left of the guy down an alley and you vaguely hear his body clunk against something, likely a garbage bin.
"I- I'm fine. Thank you."
"Who are you?" You ask quietly.
"We?" You frown. Black tar-like goo slowly retracts to reveal a man's face.
"I'm Eddie. The- black goo is an alien, Venom."
"What like that body snatchers movie?"
"Not quite, I'm still in control here. We work as a team." Eddie explains.
"Well- thank you for, helping me with those guys but you didn't have to eat that one."
"It's how I appease the big guy. He gets sustenance from some chemical only found in brains and chocolate."
"Phenethylamine?" You ask.
"You know what it is?"
"Well yeah I- I work for a chem lab." You tell him. He's quiet for a moment before he sighs.
"Venom is insisting we offer to walk you home. If you're okay with that." Eddie says.
"I wouldn't want you to go out of your way I mean-"
"WE WANT TO!  WE CAN MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE!" Venom reappears, swallowing Eddie's face behind black goo and stark white eyes.
"Alright well, it's only a couple of blocks. I suggest you, de-alien though I think people would freak out seeing an eight foot mass of black goo." 
"Still you'd draw way too much attention to yourself like that."
"FINE." Venom relents and retracts into Eddie.
"That is so- fascinating." You mutter.
"Trust me, it loses its novelty." Eddie says. "Lead the way." He adds.
"Have you been this way your whole life?" You ask as you walk with him towards your apartment.
"What? With the alien? No, no this was an unfortunate accident. I simply can't get rid of him now." Eddie says.
"Do you not get along?" You frown.
"Not always. It's like having a roommate you can't hide from in your room when you're annoyed with them."
"Huh- so where does he, go? Like when you're out here... where is he?"
"That's a complicated question." He scoffs. "I never got your name." He looks at you.
"Sorry! It's y/n. I guess the whole scientist's curiosity thing got the best of me." You mutter.
"No need to apologize." He shakes his head. Eddie walks you all the way up to your apartment before attempting to part ways.
"Would you- like to come in?" You ask before you can chicken out.
"I wouldn't want to impose. It's late and-"
"It's the least I can do. You basically just saved my life. I'd like to thank you." You say.
"Well Venom wants to stay so I guess it couldn't hurt." Eddie says.
"Great! Make yourself at home. Would you like anything? I don't have brains but I certainly have a bag of chocolate if Venom would like any." You offer as he follows you in.
"Abagof chocolate? Stocking up early for Halloween?" He jokes sitting on your couch.
"No not yet. I have a coworker that has one hell of a sweet tooth and I recently learned that he works best when incentivized so, if ever we're working late chocolate actually helps him stay focused. But if we're not careful he'll tear through the whole bag in like three hours, it's kind of impressive actually." You laugh.
"Oh if you think that's impressive wait til you see what V can do. He'll tear through it in like three minutes. If he stops to take the wrapping off anyway. Usually though he just chucks the whole thing back and then- spits back up the trash like a cat with a hairball." Eddie scoffs.
"Well- that's... compact at least." You muse pulling the bag of candy from your pantry.
"That's one way to look at it."
"Did you want food by the way? I was out picking up Chinese in the first place. There's definitely enough to share." You say grabbing plates. You usually order enough to have leftovers so you can definitely give some to your guest, you'll just not have as much left over.
"Oh I'm not all that hungry but-"
"I'LL HAVE THAT CHOCOLATE PLEASE!" Venom's head emerges from behind Eddie to chime in.
"Of course. Eddie are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Well I feel weird eating if my guests aren't so you'll have to have something. You want chips or pretzels or something?"
"Corn triangles?" You frown.
"Doritos? Sure I have some."
"Venom I said I wasn't hungry." Eddie grumbles.
"You guys argue like a married couple." You giggle. You grab the bag of chips, the bag of chocolate, and a plate before joining them on your couch.
"Honestly we aren't too far off." Eddie chuckles taking the chips from you. A slimy black appendage wraps around the chocolate and pulls it almost out of view entirely.
"Oh- are you guys in a relationship?" You ask curiously as you dump half of the takeout box onto your plate.
"Something to that effect. I mean- he's kinda inside my body like all the time. No such thing as privacy with him around." He shrugs.
"So- does your diet affect his, or vice versa?" You ask between bites of your dinner.
"Only psychologically."
"The first few times you eat another person are kinda traumatizing but you get used to it. We have separate digestive systems so- I'm technically not consuming human brains."
"HE NEARLY HAD A PANIC ATTACK THE FIRST TIME I ATE SOMEONE BUT I WAS SAVING HIS LIFE." Venom chimes in and you realize the full bag of candy you gave him is now just a ball of trash.
"Venom." Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You know I feel like a brain eating vigilante would draw attention- even in a city like New York." You frown.
"I'm careful." Eddie says.
"Oh yeah? I don't think tossing that guy in what I assume is a dumpster tonight screams careful."
"V got carried away. We'll take care of it before anyone sees it in the morning."
"I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO EAT BAD GUYS. NO ONE CARES IF YOU EAT BAD GUYS." Venom says with what you think is a smile.
"Not quite, cops still care but that's we we're careful about it." Eddie tells him.
"It'd be hard to eat all of the NYPD I think." You muse.
"No we are not eating cops. Bad guys, remember?" Eddie sighs.
"Depending on who you ask cops do fall under that category." You shrug.
"Don't rile him up." Eddie points at you in warning while you laugh.
"I wasn't trying to I promise." You say with a wide smile that makes it hard for Eddie to keep his stern expression.
"Sure. I'd love to stay but we do have to take care of that creep in the dumpster before sunrise so- we should probably head out." Eddie stands.
"Of course. Thanks again for your help tonight." You say standing with him to walk him out.
"Not a problem. Thanks for the snacks."
"You're welcome. If you need anything, door's always open." You smile.
"BYE Y/N! WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN." Venom says before disappearing.
"Have a goodnight." Eddie nods before turning down the hall. You lock your door and finish your food with thoughts of the curious duo staying at the front of your mind even as you get ready for bed that night.
"I REALLY LIKED HER." Venom declares to Eddie.
"Yeah, she was nice."
"No. We can't just pop up at her place for no reason."
"She did not mean it literally it's just a nice thing people say V. We're not going back there tomorrow. End of discussion." Eddie says and when Venom doesn't respond he assumes he's relenting. He's not actually, but Venom is learning to pick and choose his battles when it comes to Eddie so he'll keep his plans to himself for now.
The next night a knock on your window surprises you while you're watching a movie. You gasp when you see Venom smiling and waving frantically at you. You rush to pull the window open and he climbs inside quickly.
"Venom? What are you doing? Is everything okay?" You frown.
"EVERYTHING IS FINE. I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He says looking down at you. His gaze makes you conscious of the fact that you're in a small tank top and a pair of shorts.
"You know you could've used the front door. Right?" You ask walking to your kitchen to put distance between you.
"I THOUGHT I'D DRAW TOO MUCH ATTENTION WALKING INTO YOUR BUILDING." Venom shrugs looking around your apartment.
"You would but Eddie wouldn't."
"So- wait you basically dragged him here?"
"You guysarebasically an old married couple." You laugh. "You ate the whole bag of chocolate yesterday but I did run to a corner store today and pick up a Hershey bar so- you can have that if you'd like." You tell him.
"I DIDN'T COME HERE TO GET CHOCOLATE." He says with something in his voice that you totally miss while rumaging through your fridge.
"Really? I figure with your size you're like always hungry." You muse turning towards him. It's then that you realize how his eyes are focused on you in a way you can only describe as predatory.
"I WANT SOMETHING ELSE FROM YOU." He says practically boxing you in the kitchen.
"Unless you're here to eat me I don't have a brain lying around to give you." You quip trying to slow your increasing heartrate.
"What?" You breathe out, the fear you're feeling now mixing with confusion and lust you try to tamper down.
"In general? No I don't fear you but- right now I'm unsure how to feel."
"You just said you're going to eat me."
"IN A WAY YOU WILL ENJOY." Venom cages you against the counter, and you shrink back
"Venom now wait a second-"
"That's not-"
"You can smell it?"
"JUST LET ME HAVE YOU Y/N. LET MEDEVOURYOU." Venom says. You pause for a moment to consider your options.
"O-okay." You say quietly and his arm wraps around you immediately crowding your space. You gasp when he pulls your shorts off so fast you're surprised they didn't rip. He lifts you up onto his shoulders as if you're a bag of feathers and his tongue snakes out of his mouth and between your legs before you can prepare. Venom laps at your cunt with fervour, your legs squeezing around his head at the way pleasure builds between your legs. You're pressed up against the cabinets as he slurps up your juices like he's dehydrated.
"TASTES SO GOOD." He growls out as his tongue thrusts in and out of you eagerly. His tongue is thick and long, almost impossibly so as it fills you so well. You squirm against his mouth chasing your release that you can feel approaching quickly.
"Venom- I'm, fuck I'm close." You whine.
"DO IT. LET ME TASTE YOUR RELEASE." Venom orders and the way his tongue moves against you as he talks is enough to send you over the edge with a cry. You barely realize Venom lowering you from his shoulders and you hardly have a moment to recover before he's impaling you on his dick. Your back arches at the way he fills you.
"Fuck!" You moan out and Venom practically roars when your walls contract around him.
"YOU'RE SO TIGHT." Venom groans. He tightens his grip on you and sets a pace, raising and lowering you on him with ease.
"God you're big." You whimper falling forward against him as he uses you like a human fleshlight. You claw at his arms, trying to ground yourself while he fucks you open. Tentacle like appendages suddenly appear and wrap around your breasts, teasing your nipples.
"SO PRETTY." He smiles at the way your face contorts with pleasure and bends down enough to kiss you. His tongue invades your mouth in an overwhelming way, swallowing your moans. You can hardly tell where he ends and you begin, it's like he's everywhere at once. More tentacles appear, one teasing your back entrance while another toys with your clit. He pulls away from your mouth as he continues to  prod at your ass without slowing his pace. "I WANT YOU HERE TOO, YOU'LL LET ME HAVE YOU HERE, WON'T YOU?" Venom asks while rubbing tight circles against your clit. You're drowning in pleasure and barely able to register is question as another orgasm builds inside you. "COME ON MY LITTLE MORSEL. TELL ME I CAN DO IT." Venom coaxes, fucking you harder, teasing you more.
"Yes! Fuck yes Venom! You can do anything! Fuck!" You cry out shaking as he rips your second orgasm from you. At that moment, Venom thrusts into into your ass and another scream falls from your lips. If you thought he was everywhere before, now it's even more overwhelming as he fucks you onto his dick in time with the tentacle moving in your ass.
"YESSSSSS." He hisses out.
"V-Venom 's it's too much." You whimper, every part in your body feels too hot.
"YOU CAN TAKE IT. YOU SAID I CAN DO ANYTHING TO YOU. I'M GOING TO RUIN YOU." He says. His tongue snakes out of his mouth and slithers down your chest, lapping at one nipple while a tentacle continues to work the other. It's too much and the speed with which your third orgasm starts building scares you. He very well might actually devour you at this rate. "YOU'RE TAKING ME SO WELL. YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS."
"I- I- please Venom- fucking hell-" Your whimpers are hardly coherent as pleasure threatens to consume you.
"I CAN FEEL ANOTHER ORGASM COMING. LET GO FOR ME MORSEL. GIVE IN." Venom beguiles, his touch returning to your clit to push you over the edge. With the way he works every part of you there's no stopping your release when it gushes from you. "SO GOOD. ANOTHER." He commands.
"I- wait Venom wait- too soon." You plead breathlessly.
"I can't- n-not yet."
"YOU CAN BECAUSE I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU." He declares as he continues rubbing against your too sensitive clit. You try to squirm away from his ministrations but with him filling your holes you're unable to run as he plays with your most sensitive areas.
"S-shit Venom please I-"
"JUST ONE MORE. ONE MORE AND I'LL LET YOU HAVE A BREAK." He promises and it's enough to send you over the edge a fourth time with a weak whimper. Venom lets up on your clit, focusing now, on his own release. He drives into you, little whines still falling from your lips as exhaustion sets in. "I COULD STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER." He declares with a grunt as he floods your walls with evidence of his orgasm. He stands there holding you for a while, wondering if moving you would break you. Eventually, he moves you to the couch and lays with you on top of him. Now that he's experienced this, knows the warmth of you, it's something he refuses to go without again. Whether you want this or not Venom is yours now and will always find his way back to you.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Welcome to the Poly!Plasticsverse!
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collab with: @yungpoetfics (my fav bubs in the world)
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Regina George
@queenbgina/@callmereginald (she/her)
North Shore's Queen Bee
Soft for her girlfriends
The mom of the group
Basically a sugar mommy for her girls
Lifehack Geek
TikTok hater
Has rational fear of werewolves
Will fight a bitch
Victoria's Secret girly
Female rapper stan (Doja, Cardi, Megan, etc.)
Gretchen Wieners
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@thegretchenw/@greatgretsby (she/her/it (only if ur special))
The second mom of the group
Softest human
Loves playing with her girlfriends hair
#1 Twilight hater
Has a letterboxd account just to leave bad reviews
The level headed one usually, but will snap when she needs
Cuddly as fuck
Loves Fleur du Mal lingerie
Stubborn as Fuck
Wine drinker/expert
Loves vintage music (Elvis, Elton John, etc.)
Karen Shetty
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@karebearz/@karensheetty (any pronouns)
Loves Spongebob
Plant Parent
Knows Britney Spears and Lady Gaga choreo
Kpop girly (Blackpink, BTS, etc.)
Lettering expert
Has Funko Pop collection
Squishmallow lover
Cady Heron
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@cady_heron/@defnotcaddy (she/her)
The third mom of the group
Whispers when angry
Carries bandaids at all times
Always has snacks
Lactose Intolerant (but LOVES cheese)
Cries at Rom-Coms
LOVES hugs
Cannot handle spicy food
Sleeps with a teddy bear
Happy to be here
Friends with everyone's parents
Token vanilla of the group
Has diary (with a heart shaped lock)
Aaron Samuels
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@aaronsammy/@atomicaaron (he/him) or (ho/mie)
1/3 of Terror Trio
Y/N's best friend
North Shore's resident Himbo
Will do anything if someone says "I dare you"
Impulsive buyer
Has one brain cell (shares it with Y/N)
Overuses 💪 emoji
Usually confused
1/2 Golden Retriever duo
Can skateboard
Uses Axe body spray
Co-founder of Stuntmares
Dreams of grabbing a teddy in a claw machine (bucket list item)
Ass man
Owns too many grey sweatpants
Kisses his homies (homiesexual)
Has never watched Harry Potter
Watches lifestyle coaches on YT
Can play the ukulele (really badly)
Loves Eminem and Harry Styles (would fuck Harry Styles)
Writes Larry Stylinson fanfics
Kissed Y/N once (regretted immediately)
Damian Hubbard
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@hubbarddamian/@damianishubby (he/him/they)
Learned how to sew from Janis
Does drag and has a YT channel (Anita Dick)
Huge Adore Delano stan
Will fight anyone who hurts Janis
Doesn't like Rupaul as a person, but is a religious Drag Race fan
#1 Poly!Plastics fan
Has an 8 step skincare routine
Cameraman for Stuntmares
Lies about having curfew to go to sleep early
(Lowkey wishes he was a Slytherin bc it's the "cuntiest house"
Him and Karen watch The Bachelor
Fav movie is Dirty Dancing (did the lift with Janis)
Learned how to twerk from Y/N
Janis Imi'Ike
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@janiisimiike/@imiikenough (she/they)
Secret Barbie girly(live action and animated movies)
Will go straight for Ryan Gosling
Feral chihuahua of the group
Hozier stan
Pain in Regina's ass
Anger Issues™️
Secretly loves Olivia Rodrigo
Mentally Ill friend
Emotional Drunk
Karaoke Queen
Tits girly
Leather Jacket lesbian
Getting piercings > therapy
Has a suit collection
Loves her friends
Dog person (secretly)
Quotes niche memes
Kinky af
Middle Child
Y/N Y/L/N (FC: Chrissy Costanza)
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@thisbeyn/@reginaslefttit (she/he/they/it)
2/3 Terror Trio
2/2 Golden Retriever duo
Has matching fried egg tattoo with Aaron.
Co-Founder of Stuntmares
"Hi, I'm Y/N and welcome to Stuntmares" *jumps off roof into pool*
Cuts her own hair
Blooper Reel Queen
North Shore's resident stoner
AUDHD (autistic + ADHD)
Playlists range from Beethoven to ashnikko
Plays electric guitar
Has slight speech impediment
Gremlin of the group
D&D Dungeon Master
ALWAYS falls asleep during movie night
Power Nap Addict™️
Monster Energy Drink Enthusiast (collects the cans)
Oddly good at Origami
Tweets everything she thinks
Has been banned from Fortnite and Roblox
Married to Gretchen on The Sims (regina and karen were sad)
Anger issues
✨Spicy✨ Latina (do not fuck with her people)
Matching rings with her gfs
Def had one night stand with Cady
Shane Oman
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@shaneomann/@omantastic (he/him) or (dumb/hoe)
Loves Old School Rap (Biggie, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, etc.)
Hates Y/N at first but comes to love her like a sister.
Only person who can outsmoke Y/N.
Has a dropped truck with red LED lights under it.
Blasts music walking down the halls.
Always has the zoomies.
Orange cat friend.
Has elevator music playing in his head 24/7.
Challenged Damian to a dance off. (He lost. But he had girls simping over him)
Posts thirst traps on TikTok. (Regina's mom is his #1 follower)
Has a frying pan tattooed to match Aaron and Y/N.
Always on Stuntmares trying to create new world records.
Or eating a bunch of weird combos.
"Oman! Not again!" *proceeds to eat a marshmallow and spam sandwich*
Ralph Lauren man
Whenever the polycule argues, he's a "fuck this shit, I'm out" person.
Professional party crasher
Dine and Dash expert
Has nipple piercings (Aaron and Y/N dared him to get them)
Curses like a fucking sailor (Half of his lines on Stuntmares are just censor beeps)
Talks way too fast.
Knows Italian and Spanish (Him and Y/N talk shit in Spanish)
His ringtone for Aaron and Y/N is the remix of the Windows error sound
Loves t-shirts with offensive prints (Regina tries to make him dress normally)
Has gc with Aaron and Y/N called "Hoemies"
Would fuck Aaron
Major gossip (Him and Gretchen meet once a week to talk shit)
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Epilogue: Belize
Summary: About 1 year later the world very much seems to be a different one…
Pairing: Gabriel x nurse!Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: Just Fluff
A/N: Thank you all for sticking with me on this one! 🖤🫶🏻
Find the entire Crybaby-Miniseries here!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @lifelessvessel @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp
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I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask you, neither should you
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do
- Like Real People Do By Hozier
The soft sounds of waves crashing against the shore filled your ears as you were about to take another sip from a straw ending in a cut-open coconut. The fresh taste filled your mouth before you gulped the liquid down, sitting straight up again to allow your eyes to roam over the shoreline. A nearly violently bright blue pair of shorts caught your attention and a wide, satisfied grin tugged at your mouth whilst watching Gabriel play around in the water.
About 3 months ago, right after the two of you had somehow managed to bail, swindle and cheat Gabe out of that damned hellhole of an institution, you had decided on selling everything and by everything you had, in fact, meant everything. From your apartment to your car and to the last DVD out of your very preciously cultivated collection. All of it went into two one-way-tickets to Belize and a stay at a cozy, little BnB until you had your stuff figured out.
Getting a job in Belize City thankfully hadn't been too hard on you and instead of mint-coloured scrubs and sneaky linoleum floor you now took care of senior citizens in an adorable retirement home close to the beach.
For the first time in your life, you had learned to acknowledge the little thing, the tiny, minuscule happenings and surroundings. For the first time, you really felt the warm sun shining down on your face and you didn't mind that it made you sweat a little, no, you welcomed it because every minute thing now happened together with Gabriel.
Seeing him smile at you every day, softly waving at you from the shoreline, his legs knee-deep into the water, nearly had you sniffling and sobbing with all the love you felt for that once terribly sad and alone boy on Ward 4. He didn't deserve any of this…not being abandoned by his family and not being pushed into a system that didn't even treat him like a human being, but now, being with you in Belize, none of that even so much as touched him anymore.
After Gabe had ultimately been dismissed from the ward, all of his belongings cramped into an old suitcase and ready to practically jump on the plane, his brother did have the audacity to call you up quite a few times, cussing at you, threatening legal action and all that meaningless ramble but nothing ever came out of it. On one very peculiar occasion, where you had offered Gabe to answer the call, he had snapped at his brother in the most calm and precise way you'd ever witness.
"I'm finally happy now. Fuck off and never bother us again." Two short and sharply aimed statements before Gabe had hung up on his brother.
Ever since then, neither of you had been called or texted again and after the first, very exciting weeks of setting in, it grew more and more quiet and calm with you starting your job at the retirement home and Gabriel finally being in very frequent touch with the outside world. Frequent to a point where he started going on long walks at the beach, especially in the evenings, stargazing until his neck hurt, or taking excited trips to the local grocery stores and farmers markets.
Thinking about that had you smiling into the sun, your hand rummaging around in a striped linen bag to fish out an aluminum-wrapped set of sandwiches.
"The cheese from Belizie, huh?"
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sweet-lover-girl · 1 year
Almost(Sweet Music)
The title name comes from the song “Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier! I just feel like the song fits the vibe of the story.
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Awe thank you so much hun, I really appreciate that, I love you too! the moment I saw this I started to write shit down…but I kind of twisted the order and I hope that okay..I also wrote this while high sooo yeah there’s that. I’m sorry if there mistakes—I don’t have a proofreader and I suck at it..This got much longer then I wanted..also the sex scene is a little rushed and I’m sorry…And I goofed again but this time I had put the ask I was working on in queue and couldn’t find a way to take it out…I can only hope the sweet Anon who sent this finds it..T.T
Warning(I think): Abby calls her strap-on her cock/dick, reader body isn’t specific but is mentioned to have thick thighs, Abby and reader drink wine in this, drunk sex, ummm yeah think that’s it?
Word count: 2377
All you heard was Abby’s laughter and the white noise of the comedy movie. You and girlfriend have just finished your finals for the year, so to celebrate the both of you had decided to drink some wine and order pizza, and while waiting Abby suggested you two watch a funny movie.
“Fuck, it’s hot in here.” Abby’s voice pulled you from your head and you look to her to see her struggling to pull her shirt off. She giggled as her arm got stuck and you couldn’t help but giggle too.
“Here, let me help.” Leaning over to her you helped pull up her shirt and she sighs once the shirt is off, now just in her black sports bra she felt like she could breath a little easier. She looked to you with a starry gaze in her eyes and a goofy smile, clearly drunk. you wiggle in your sit—as you already felt the familiar heat in your cunt from the wine, but her looking at you made it ten times worse. You can’t help it, she’s just so handsome, so gorgeous.
You bit your lower lip and stare back at her, Abby’s head was now leaning back against the couch as she looked over your curled up form. “What?” You giggled out, your eyelashes fluttering.
She sighed sweetly and rested her hand in your knee,”You’re just so beautiful.” You felt your face flush tenfold. Her touches and sweet words always made you feel like your whole world was aflame. She made you hot and bothered, the butterflies in your stomach causing a riot every time.
“Are you okay?”
You hum and snap your eyes up to look at Abby sending her a questioning look, having not heard what she said.
She frowned and repeated herself,”Are you okay?”
You smile and nod “Yeah, I’m just hungry.”
She chuckled and looked down at her phone”Well I just got a text saying the pizza is thirty minutes away.” She turned off her screen and looked back to you.
You make a soft sound in acknowledgment, and blink at Abby. “So, what do you wanna do?” You asked with a smile.
She just stared at you, the look in her eye was nothing new. You knew she was thinking naughty thoughts about you, the grip she had on her phone tightened and you could hear the phone squeak softly from the sudden pressure.
“I don’t know but I’m gonna get another drink.” She quickly looked away from you and stood up, walking into the kitchen of your shared apartment and poured herself more wine.
You try to hide your silly smile by hiding your face behind your hand. You knew what she wanted, she just got too shy to ask sometimes. You stand up with a stretch and a soft groan—groaning loud enough for Abby to hear it. Her fingers twitch around the glass in her hand as she took a big drink, watching you from over the rim of her glass.
You bend down to grab you glass off the small living room table, your shirt barely hiding the supple shape of your ass—and if Abby looked close enough, she could see the outline of your pussy through the thin cotton of your panties.
You sigh out dramatically as you walk over to the little kitchen, placing your glass down on the counter you lean against Abby’s shoulder, laying your head on the broadness of it. You watch as Abby places her glass down and slightly turn her head towards you with an arched eyebrow. You smile as you look up at her and ask,”Can I have a drink, pretty please?” With the sweetest voice you could muster up, fluttering your eyes lashes up at her with the cutest smile.
Abby swallowed the lump in her throat as she handed her wine glass to you, and you quickly lean up to take it from her. Her wine always tasted better—even though you two were drinking the same thing.
Abby watched as your throat bobbed from taking drink, the way your throat expanded. She wanted to watch your throat expand around her dic—
Abby felt her own pussy throb at the thought, making her grip the counter with clenched fingers. Turning her head back to you, she saw you finished her glass. She stared at you with her mouth agape, making you laugh into the empty glass and you quickly cover you mouth with your hand—trying to keep all the liquid in your mouth and you use your free hand to push Abby away.
She stood up and quickly grabbed the glass from your hand, placing her free on on your back to rub it gently,”Okay— holy shit don’t chock please.” She said with a worried voice, leaning over your trembling form as you continue to laugh.
Once you got your laughter under control you swallowed the warm wine with a grimace. Abby grabbed you arm with a tender touch, helping you stand up straight again. “Are you okay?” She asked with a giggly voice. You couldn’t help but laugh too, her laugh was so contagious. You lean into her with a sigh, closing your eyes as the room spins slowly—making you sway and giggle.
“Okay, I think that’s enough,” she leads you over to the couch and tries to lay your down gently, but she just ends up dropping you instead. You land on your back and let out a puff of air, clenching your eyes shut from the cushioned impact.”Shit I’m sorry!” Abby giggled once more as you land, you just roll your eyes at her playfully with a smile. She was to strong for her own good.
Abby walks back to the kitchen to grab you some water when you mumbled something. She turned around and the first thing she saw was your thick thighs spread—your pink cotton panties barely hiding how wet you were. Abby knew you got horny while you were drunk but holy fuck—you mumble out again as you squeeze your thighs together, making your pussy lips get smushed between the thickness of your thighs.
Abby shook her head and had to literally tear her eyes away from the filthy scene in front of her. she looked up to your face to see you had a grand smile on your lips. You totally caught her looking.
“W-what did you say?” Abby stuttered out.
“I’m horny.” You repeat, biting your lower lip as you slowly rocked your knees side to side, waiting for Abby to do something. But she stood there as a familiar look formed on her face while she stared you down. You grip the rim of your shirt in your hands anxiously.
Abby stands there for a minute—as if weighting something in her mind, she ends up walking over to the couch, watching your body the whole time. Once she makes it to the couch she sits down next to your hip and looks you in the eye as your smile grew, you won her over. She runs her hand along your inner thigh, feeling the soft plush skin there. “Yeah?” Abby questioned, gripping at the softness of your inner thigh—digging her nails into the flesh softly.”My little Pumpkin feeling hot and bothered?” She asked in her husky voice. you nod, dipping your hand down to hers and held it making her smile. Abby lets go of your thigh to lift your hand up to her lips and placed a gently kiss there. Okay, she mumbled against your hand. She got up from her spot and spreads you legs open for her to lay down in between.
Abby went straight to work on you, placing a gentle kiss on your cotton covered clit—like she always does before you two have sex. Before she uses her fingers to pull your damp panties to the side so she could see your wet pussy. You have also neglected to shave, so your hair was thick and course but Abby loved it. She ran her nose along your slit, breathing in your scent before licking at your dripping hole.
“Oh Abby,” you moaned out, sitting up on your elbows, you use your right hand to caress her cheek as she licked at your cunt.
“Feel good?” Abby asked after she pulled away from your clit just enough to mumble the words out before she sucked your little button right back into her mouth, looking at you with shining eyes. You nod and she hums— the sound vibrating your sensitive clit. making you whimper. Abby nuzzles her cheek against your palm and closed her eyes, you mouth falls open into a small ‘o’ sharp as your eyelids droop a little, trying as hard as you could to keep your eyes open to watch Abby.
She huffed and puffed against your cunt, generouslycleaning up the mess you have made. Pulling you closer by your hips so she was face deep in your cunt, she sucked at your clit vigorously. shaking her head a little as she hummed around your swollen jewel.
“Abby— feels so good,” you whine as you grip at her hair, pushing her head impossibly closer to your cunt. “Taste so fucking good Baby,” She growled. Abby then licked a long strip across the lips of your pussy, groaning at the sweet salty taste of you. Rolling her hips against the couch to try and ease the pulsing ache in between her thighs, Abby continues to make out with your cunt.
Abby’s hands travel to your ass cheeks and then pulls your hips up to her mouth, groaning against your clit sending the vibrations up your spine. “Please-” you try to get out the words to tell her to speed up. Abby gets the message but she doesn’t listen, only placing a soft kiss on your wet pussy and then one on your twitching clit before she sucked your clit back into her hot mouth and then she gently scraped her teeth against the bundle of nerves, making your hips twitch up against her mouth. Arms becoming to weak to hold you up you end up collapsing, you arch your back as you hold onto the the little couch pillow under your head and cry out. “Fuck, I love how sensitive you are Baby.” Abby growled, placing another hot kiss on your clit making your hips jolt upwards slightly.
Abby was indeed making out with your cunt. Licking and sucking at your clit, making it twitch and pulse. Licking at your dripping cunt and fucking her tongue into you. It was messy. Abby had her drool and your slick dripping down her chin—smeared across her cheeks and chin as her red lips were coated in it. Your breath picked up as you rolled your hips once more, feeling that familiar heat in your lower abdomen. Abby released her hold on your hips and slid her hands up to press down on your stomach gently. You let go of the pillow under your head and reach down to hold onto her wrist as the sudden need to cum creeped up on you and you squeal out as your grip on Abby’s hand tightened, your thighs squeezing around her head. Abby moans against your wet pussy, keeping soft pressure on your stomach as you try to pull away from her mouths assault.
“Abby please—“ you mumble out the rest of your sentence, feeling embarrassed to say it out loud.
She looked up at you with narrowed and pulled away breathless,”What did you say baby?” Your cum shining on her lips and your eyes follow as her tongue cleans up the mess.
You wiggle your hips and whine as you pull her closer,”I want you in me..” Your voice was barely audible but Abby caught what you said and she smiled.
“You want my cock sweet girl?” Abby asked sweetly.
You nod your head quickly with a whimper and wiggle your hips up against her hand, grinding your clit against her warm palm when she brought it down to your mound. She groaned and rubbed her hand against your messy pussy, her finger tips teasing at your dripping hole— dipping in before retreating quickly just to repeat the motion, making your hole clench tightly around her fingers.
Abby crawled up your body and placed a gentle kiss on you lips,”Fuck— okay,” Abby took a dip gulp,”I’ll fuck you later—okay? I just— I need to taste you again, please baby.” She whispers against your swollen lips.
You nod and sigh out contently as she slides back down your body and lays in between your legs once more, as she settles down and places a small kiss on your pussy— suddenly the door bell rings making you both jump.
“Fuck.” Abby cursed as she scrabbled to get up.
“Are you gonna answer the door naked?” You giggled when Abby quickly got up.“I’m in my sports bra.” She grinned as she grabbed her wallet off the coffee table and opened the door, her pants hung low enough to show the white band of her boxer. Her hair was messy from your hands and her lips were red from the wine and kissing you— she looked a mess. Abby also made sure to stand to the side a little to show you off, as you were in no better state. Swollen lips from kissing, panties barely hiding your pussy and your shirt (that was Abby’s) was riding up your thigh as you kneeled into the couch.
The poor girl delivering your pizza had wide eyes and a bright red blush of her skin. She shakily said the prices and quickly accepted the money— plus the large tip that Abby gave her. She mumbled out her goodbyes with averted eyes and walked away, not looking where she was going and almost ran into the wall.
Abby chuckled silently as she closed the door, locking it and walked back over to the couch. She sat down and placed the pizza on the table and mentioned you over with opens arms. You hun happily and crawl on your knees over to her and she grabs you by the waist, sitting you to were your legs are across her lap and you were holding the pizza box.
“Shall we rewatch the movie since we weren’t paying attention really?”
“The comedy one?” You ask and she hums. “Sure.” You say as you lift a piece of pizza to you lips and take a bit. You wiggle your hips out of happiness and your eyes were shut from how good the pizza tasted. Abby chuckled softly and kissed your forehead, “Sweet girl” she whispered. Finally with the movie replaying, you fed both yourself and Abby as you both enjoyed each other’s company.
Slightly weak ending and I’m so sorry for it..but I hope you enjoyed!
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di-writes-stuff · 7 months
Alex Keller x Reader
One Shot
TW: Descriptions of panic attacks, PTSD, war, torture, death, canon typical violence, arguing, nightmares, trauma, suggested alcoholism. It’s a rough one, can’t lie. Hozier fucked me up.
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“I couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted. Ah, but I’m singing like a bird bout it now.”
You promised yourself you wouldn’t do this. Be the sad girl in the sad movie standing outside of her ex-boyfriends door because she just can’t take the distance.
Yet, here you are. The sad girl, in what feels like anything but a movie. It’s not like you wanted to leave him. You loved, no, love him more than you knew you could. So much that it felt like it gripped you by the throat and knocked the wind out of you.
It was overwhelming.
And for the last couple months, it’s been gone. In the blink of an eye, it the snap of a finger, it disappeared.
At first you tried to ignore it. Ignore the ever present signs that something was wrong. Except you can’t anymore, not when the memories that were so clearly signs fly through your mind.
It’s happening again. It started with the whispers. You couldn’t quite make out what he was saying, but it sure as hell didn’t sound good. Then the feeling of his arm tightening around your waist as he woke up, his heart racing in his chest pressed to your back, and fast, panicked breaths leaving his nose.
You turned around quickly to see his eyes glazed over, pain so deep you could practically feel it lacing his gaze. “Alex?” You make your voice as soft as you can, but it still manages to startle him as he snaps out of what seems like a trance with a jolt.
And then, he does it. The same thing he’d continue to do again, and again, and again, until you couldn’t take it anymore. Until you couldn’t keep pretending that he was fine when he so clearly wasn’t. That smile that swept you off your damn feet the first day is thrown your way, along with a kiss to your forehead and a lie whispered in darkness.
“I’m okay, doll. Get some sleep, we can talk in the morning.”
Except you never talked. Not in the morning, and not any of the nights that followed the same pattern after. And so you ignored the way his voice shook as he willed you to let it go, and let him lie. Let him pretend he didn’t need help when he obviously did.
As the door to his apartment slides open, you can’t help the way your breath hitches in your throat.
He’s too handsome for his own good, really. His dirty blonde hair is messy from laying down. Sweats hang low on his hips, and his shirt…well, his shirt’s not there.
“Shit.” He whispers, closing the door abruptly, and you can hear a couple things fall down as he frantically searches for a shirt, praying you don’t leave. Soon enough he’s opening a door, fully clothed this time.
His shirt’s inside out.
You don’t mention it.
For a moment he tries to look casual, as if he wasn’t just getting ready to drink himself into oblivion when you knocked. Although, it’s no use. You see the bags under his eyes that have never been so dark as they are now, and the way his facial hair is grown out a bit, longer than you ever let it get before cleaning it up for him. The sweet times that bring tears to your eyes nearly every day lately.
You slap his chest as his hand wanders up your thigh for what feels like the hundredth time, a shit eating grin on his face from the way you blush. Normally you would have had this done ten minutes ago, but with the way you’re sat upon his lap, Alex doesn’t know how you expected to get anything done.
“I swear to God Alex, one more time and the mustache is coming off.” You warn, holding the razor in your hand up to his face. He just laughs in response, knowing how empty the threat is. “Oh, doll. We both know you’d miss it more than me.” his voice is lower than normal as he leans in, kissing you softly, his arms sliding underneath your thighs slowly.
You don’t even realize what he’s doing until he’s stood up, leaving the razor buzzing on the counter as he carrie’s you out of the bathroom. Both of your laughters echo through the halls as clothes fall behind you in a trail to Alex’s bed.
He clears his throat awkwardly before speaking, his voice hoarse. “What are you doing here?” His words lack the annoyance that usually comes with a question like that, confusion the only thing seeping through.
And pain.
So much pain.
That’s the one question you were hoping he wouldn’t ask. The one you don’t have an answer for. As you’d gotten dressed to leave, it didn’t even feel like you’d make a conscious decision to go back. It was like magnets clicking back together once held too close.
It was natural. Necessary, even.
Words spill from your mouth before you can think of an answer that sounds less pathetic than what you end up saying. “I miss you.” Your voice is all exhale as you speak, like letting out air held for too long.
You miss him.
Alex isn’t exactly sure how he thought you were. Certainly better off that him, considering the half empty bottle of whiskey sitting on his table. You were better than him, he’d always thought that.
So you not being able to let him go? Still being hung up on him after months? It’s unbelievable.
He thinks to respond, but no words come out, only an awkward sound that seems like he might have choked. It’s only a moment longer before his arms are around you, and you feel like a person again.
Calloused hands come to cup the back of your head and run up and down your back as tears begin to form at the corners of your eyes. Alex soon buries his face in your hair, the familiar smell of your shampoo filling his nose.
He’d just gotten back from deployment, and you laid against his chest, warm bath water surrounding your bodies. His fingers ran through your hair, lathering it up with the soap that he’d missed the smell of so much.
It was jasmine, if he remembered right, which he usually didn’t. He didn’t really care much either way. All he knew was that it smelled like you. A small smile rested on your lips as he dipped his head down, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, and then another, and another, and another…
“Missed you, Alex.” You mumble sleepily, sighing contentedly as his lips travel up your neck.
“Missed you too, doll. Every day.” His gets the words out between kisses that won’t lead to anything more. You’re both already exhausted, and this, here, is perfect.
He slowly pulls away, his heart breaking all over again as you look at him with those same tear stricken eyes from the night you left. You’d been out with a friend getting drinks, and you came home a little later that usual.
It was eerily quiet when you opened the door. Alex never liked silence, there always had to be something. Music, usually whatever you both liked at the moment. The lack of response when you called his name only added to the stress, everything culminating when you found him shaking in a corner of the kitchen, tears streaming down his face, a broken plate on the floor next to him.
He’d been making, or trying to make, you dinner when it happened. A car backfired in the parking lot outside his window, and it was just loud enough to send him back. To the bombs dropping, to the fire and the smoke too thick to see through, and the screams. The pleas for help that he would be too late to answer.
It took you getting on your knees in front of him and shouting his name for him to snap out of it. He was back, and you were there.
Oh, fuck.
You were there. There to see him like this. Like the mess he’d turned into all because a damn car. You’d tried to comfort him, tried to take care of him. But of course, Alex being Alex, he refused. Stood up and tried to walk away from you and insist false equanimity for the last time. You grabbed his arm softly, watching in shock as he whipped around, fear cleverly disguised by anger in his eyes.
“Stay the fuck out of it.”
His words were harsh, cruel, and un-loving for the first time since you’d known him. Once the images of war that were there to haunt him every time he closed his eyes faded, once the panic left his body exhausted, he’d begged. The man in front of you begged for you not to leave.
“I’m sorry, doll! Please baby I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I just need you to let me handle this on my own, I’m sorry!” He hadn’t stopped following you since he’d yelled, apology after apology slipping from his mouth.
You hadn’t responded to a single one until now.
“No, Alex! I can’t let you handle this alone, because you’re not fucking handling anything! All you do is pretend it’s not real because you’re too damn scared to admit that it is. You have issues, Alex! You need fucking help, and you’re certainly not gonna take it from me, so I’m done. I’m fucking done!”
The words you’d shouted at him that night sting in your mind like spitfire. It was true, of course. You just wish it hadn’t been said like that.
Alex slowly lets you into the apartment, wincing as you take in the view before you. Frankly, it’s a mess. Laundry is stacked on the couch where you used to sit, and it looks like he’s been sleeping on it for God knows what reason.
The truth is, the bed still smells like you, and he couldn’t take being in it alone.
The table is the most worrisome, a bottle of whiskey sitting on it half emptied, along with a cup and the vase you’d picked out.
The flowers, too. They’re dead, the petals laying around the vase in a circle, but he couldn’t bring himself to throw them out.
You’d picked them out, and it was jasmine, after all.
You turn to look back and him, the slump to his shoulders that never used to be there killing you. He sighs, running a hand through his unkempt hair. “It’s a mess, I know.” He admits, humiliated at the state you’ve found him it.
You quickly shake your head, trying to console him. Or placate, if you’re being honest. “It’s fine, really.” You answer awkwardly, not quite knowing what to say now that you’re here.
Alex clears his throat, knowing what he should do, what you always needed him to do. It doesn’t feel like the right time, but it probably never will. “I need help. I mean, I know I need help.” His voice falters for a moment, ready to run away and pretend that his words aren’t true.
“Your help.”
You breath a sigh of relief at hearing the one thing you’d needed him to say, to admit.
“I just-“ The sign quickly turns tired as you prepare yourself to hear an excuse as to why he won’t open up to you. “I just don’t want you to hate me.”
Now that, you weren’t prepared for. You not understanding? Sure. Wanting to “keep his lives separate” as he coined it? Definitely.
But you hating him? Not once did you ever even think of hating him. It’s unnatural. Impossible.
Ridiculous. So much so that you almost laugh as you run an exasperated hand through your hair. “Really, Alex? Hate you? Why the hell would I hate you for doing the one thing I needed you to do?” You slowly walk closer, cupping the side of his face with the softest touch you can manage. Watching as he sinks into the contact, exhaustion seeping from his every movement.
“Please, Alex.” You whisper “Please, just let me help you. We can fix this, you just have to talk to me.” His eyes slide open, showing the same shade of blue that sparkled under the dim lighting of the bar where you first met.
He sighs through his nose as he looks down at you, one thought running through his head.
She won’t understand.
He doesn’t want to make it your fault, it isn’t, of course. So he opts for skirting around what he really means. “You don’t know what I’ve done.” He answers simply, his voice quivering like the ebbing and flowing of a birds song.
“Then tell me. Tell me everything you think will make me hate you.” You partially expect him to refuse, for this to just be another broken plea for his trust added to the ever growing list.
But something, maybe the wells of sadness found in your eyes, maybe the desperation in your voice, maybe the hope that he could have back the one thing that he ever really cared about, you. Something snapped.
And so he does.
He tells, and he tells, and he tells until you don’t think you can take any more information. Tells stories of women, and children, of the aftermath of attacks he helped make happen. Tells stories of enemy soldiers begging for their lives, uttering pleas of families waiting for them as he tortured information out of them.
He told you everything.
And then, it was done. It was laid out before you, like his skin was torn from his body to reveal every ugly, cruel thing he’d ever done, all for your scrutinization. All for the judgment, the hatred, the scorn he was sure would come.
It never would, of course. Just an answer, a debunking of truths that only existed in his mind. The same thing you’d been trying to tell him this whole time.
“I love you, Alex.”
You can’t even count how many times you’d said that, but never had you seen a reaction from him like this. Seen the way tears immediately came to surface in his eyes, seen the tightening of his jaw, the shock so plainly written all over his face.
“Why?” He chokes out, still fighting against the tears that threaten to spill over his eyes. The fact that he doesn’t get it would almost be annoying if he wasn’t in this state.
“Because, Alex. You wouldn’t be this distraught over the things you’ve had to do if you were a bad person. You never were, you were a soldier that did what he had to do. How could I hate you for that?” It all makes sense to you, and Alex is smart, you know he understands. That doesn’t mean he believes it about himself, though.
Still, the chance of you, sitting in front of him, being here again?
He can’t pass that up. He’d be the biggest fool in the world to pass you up. And so he lets you in, he lets you love him, he lets you help him. His voice is shaky and dry as he speaks, but you don’t think you’ve ever loved another sound more.
“Thank you.”
“Then when I met you, my virtues uncounted. All of my goodness is goin' with you now.”
A/N: happy early veterans day, i guess
- di <3
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NFWMB| abby anderson
first time writing for tlou i’m scaruuued be nice to me pls. based on the hozier song, arguably the best song every written.
warnings: death, depictions of gore and trauma, violence, eventual smut but i gotta do my angsty slow burn shabang first, i think that’s it idk this is not at all planned out im j going with it lol
She must be minutes away from death. Seconds. Hell, with the way her ribs were piercing into her abdomen, it was entirely possible that Abby was already dead. She can’t even recall how she got here. It was a routine morning patrol, always deserted except for a lone clicker once in a while. Safe. Boring, even, for someone with a skill set as impressive as Abby’s. She’s in the middle of thinking that maybe it’s that same cocky mentality that got her in this situation in the first place, that maybe if she had been less egotistical and more alert, she would’ve clocked the scar sneaking up behind her with a mallet, and wouldn’t have been so easily overpowered by the scrawny kid who-come to think of it, was probably half her weight and, had she been prepared, she could’ve easily-
Your blunt voice cuts through her near-death psychosis as the lens flares faded from her vision just enough for Abby to make you out and-oh fuck. It’s you.
“Don’t you dare fucking pass out on me Anderson”
Head medic of the WLF. Sort of a community legend, if you will. You had been dragged into the base two years ago kicking and screaming bloody murder. Since then, you’ve accepted that the base offers you safety you could never get traversing alone in the wild, begrudgingly settling into the quaint timber cottage near the outskirts and taking on a job doing what you did best, nursing. Half the faction would be dead if it weren’t for you, which arguably makes up for the fact that you were a stone cold bitch. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re the prettiest thing the WLF has ever seen.
“I needed new sutures twenty seconds ago if you fuckers wanna keep your heads I better see em on my table within a minute!” You barked, and even through her haze Abby noticed how much power you held, astonished at the terrified faces of all the medics inside the tent as they rushed to complete your request.
“You there?” You snapped back to her paling face, uncharacteristic concern etched in your features as you examined Abby with her face cradled in your palms.
“You’re kinda scary, ya know” is all Abby manages to mumble back, but it’s enough to make you crack a brief smile. It suits you, Abby thinks, and as soon as your face drops back to its usual hardened demeanour as you remove her shirt, she can’t help but miss it
“What, miss top-scar-killer is afraid of a little yelling?” You muse, taking the opportunity as she’s distracted to splash alcohol on her gaping knife wound. She gasps at the searing sensation going through her lower stomach, cringing in pain
“Don’t be such a baby, Anderson, you’re fine” you said, working quickly to stitch up her wound
“What’d y-you, fuck, what’d you call me?” Abby managed to stutter out through gritted teeth, “I’m not a f-fu…not a fucking b-baby”
“Whatever you say” you taunt, knotting the nylon thread and cutting it off cleanly, “go home, you’re done”
“I’m not gonna die?” Abby asks, incredulously. She knew you were good but for a moment she was almost certain she saw the light at the end of the tunnel
“Not today, baby” you call from over your shoulder, already being rushed away to attend to the other wounded soldiers.
That was three days ago. Abby hasn’t seen you since, and it was really taking a toll on her, to say the least. You had crawled into every nook and cranny of her brain, you plagued her every thought, in her wake and through her restless sleep. She doesn’t know how she failed to notice you before. Sure, she’d seen you around, watched you get dragged in through the gates on your first day, brushed past you in the med tent before, sat just a couple tables away in the cafeteria. But still, she had never really seen you. Not until three days ago. And now, you were all Abby could see.
Manny’s incoherent blabber muddles into background noise as Abby watches you, her weights lying forgotten by her feet. You didn’t usually go to the gym after dinner, you liked to go early in the morning, before anyone else got there. You liked the solitude, so you were less than pleased when you were informed that the gym was booked the next morning for a training session, disturbing your workout schedule. On the bright side, the buff brunette’s fixated gaze on you as you finished your last set of pull-ups was doing wondrous things for your ego.
“Dude are you even listening to me?” Manny’s voice rouses Abby out of her daydreaming, shaking her head as if she could dispel the thought of you from her mind
“Yeah, ‘course I am” Abby ensures dismissively, but her gym partner isn’t convinced, following her eye line until it locks on your perspiring form in the near distance
Abby groans as she seems something click in Manny’s brain, a devilish grin unravelling onto his smug face
“Don’t-“ but he cuts off her protests swiftly
“You got yourself a little crush, Abs?” Manny taunts
“Shut up, I do not” Abby denies, not very convincingly, hands fidgeting with the dumbbells in her clutch as she allows her eyes to trail back to your distant figure, “Why does a medic need to be in such good shape?”
“In this world, it cant hurt to have strength on your side” Manny shrugs, not about to let Abby divert the topic, “you sure know how to pick ‘em”
“What does that even mean?” Abby asks, brows furrowed
“You know why she doesn’t patrol anymore?” Manny prompts
“I didn’t know she ever did” Abby remarked with wide eyes
“Over in Cali, where we picked her up from, she had massacred at least half a dozen bandits by herself ” Manny recounted vividly, “the girl’s kill count is crazy, Isaac couldn’t wait to recruit her”
“So why is she working as a medic?” Abby wonders aloud, and Manny shrugs
“No one knows” he concludes vaguely, just in time, as you conclude your workout and head towards the lockers. Manny calls out cheerfully as you pass by the pair, “Looking good there, doc”
The sound of his voice makes you halt momentarily, turning your head around with a small smile, “I told you to drop it with the nickname, Manny”
“Nah, it’s gonna catch on, trust me” Manny waves off as you roll your eyes, “right, Abby?”
At the sound of her name, Abby’s face floods with heat as your gaze locks onto her, growing hotter as she barely manages to stumble out an answer, “uh, yeah, definitely”
“Don’t encourage him” is all you say, still chuckling as you turn and continue your walk out.
The interaction is still on Abby’s mind days later, as fresh as when it first happened. She hasn’t seen you recently, you were always working. As steam swarms around her in the communal shower, Abby is reminded of how the mere sight of your muscles, glistening with sweat as contracted and strained, was enough to color her cheeks red. She’s so caught up in her rumination that she almost doesn’t notice when the door opens and you enter with your shower caddy and towel. Almost. Because besides your usual striking features, one thing about you is exceedingly jarring today, and it’s the blood you’re smothered in, seemingly from head to toe. it smeared onto your face and crusted your hairline, your clothes were dripping red as you peeled them off, first your long sleeve and then your jeans and-oh shit, Abby thinks, you’re almost naked.
“oh my god, are you okay?” Abby questions worriedly, momentarily pausing her shower routine
“Yeah, it’s uh…it’s not mine” you answer casually, wringing the blood out of your clothes before holding them under the shower head to wash them
“Do you need any help? I can-” Abby begins, striding towards you until you recoil from her outstretched hands
“I’m fine, Anderson, take your shower” You remark curtly, and if Abby read into it she might find a little rudeness to it
“Are you sure ‘cuz that looks like-” but Abby didn’t read into it, so she continues on with your warning unnoticed
“I said Im fucking fine” you snarl, eyes glaring and fists tight
“Right. Yeah, I-um, I’m sorry” Abby manages to stammer, walking feebly back to her shower slot and finishing up, handle creaking as she shut the water off. But she’s so shaken up that as she grabs the gauze and begins to wrap her healing wound, her fingers fumble relentlessly, like they had forgotten how to function. After her third failed attempt and another string of hushed curses, her breath catches as she feels you approach her, wordlessly snatching the gauze from her and kneeling down in front of her to be facing her abdomen. You don’t speak. You don’t even look at her as you expertly clean the area off.
“How’s it feeling?” you remark coldly, still refusing to look up at her from where you where kneeled, concentrating on disinfecting the stitches
“I’m really sorry for pushing, I know you said it was fine, and I shouldn’t have-” Abby begins to ramble, partly because she does feel bad and partly because she’s desperate for any distraction that meant she wouldn’t have to think about how close you were to her naked body, shivering and still dripping. Anything to keep her from sighing at the sensation of your delicate fingers as they mended her gash.
“I asked you a question, Anderson” you cut her off, grabbing the gauze and rolling out a small strip, “answer it”
“It feels fine” Abby obliges timidly, wincing as you tugged it a hair too tight
“You’ve been disinfecting it?” you inquire, focused on your work
“Twice a day, like you told me” Abby nods
“Good girl, Anderson” you hum approvingly, leaning in to sever the gauze with your teeth, looking up at her briefly from where you knelt before finishing off the wrapping
To make matters worse for Abby, you then stand up, and you’re facing so closing she could see the steam rolling off your skin. It’s when you start to lean in slowly that Abby begins to panic, feeling her heart pound against her chest as she switched her gaze back and forth from your eyes to your lips. Just as the gap between your mouths is about to close, however, you retract, grabbing the towel sitting behind Abby and handing it to her with a subtle smirk
“Keep it dry, okay?” you instruct, taking joy in seeing Abby trying desperately to regain her composure, “Don’t wanna get it infected, ruins all my hard work”
and Abby knows then, from the twist in her gut to the heat growing lower, just how fucked she is.
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denaliwrites · 7 months
Emptiness to Melody
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Peter Vincent x GN!Reader
Summary: Peter finds out your dirty little secret.
Soundtrack: To Noise Making (Sing) by Hozier
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Shower Karaoke.
You know what wasn't on your bingo card for the day? Hell, for the whole fucking year? Your goddamn menace of a boyfriend sneaking into the bathroom mid-shower and giving you a nearly fatal shock when the curtain suddenly snapped open. The lyric you'd been right in the middle of singing cut off abruptly into a screech.
To your infinite rage, when the shock wore off and you finally actually saw said boyfriend, he was wearing the biggest shit-eating smirk you'd ever seen on him.
"Peter!" you shrieked, grabbing your shampoo bottle and chucking it right at that stupid smug grin.
He easily batted it out of the way. The asshole.
Still fuming, you turned away from him, glaring at the wall.
"What do you want, dick?" you asked in a surprisingly -- and deceptively -- level voice.
He caught on. He had to have. There was no way he couldn't hear the concealed hostility. Yet when he spoke, he sounded smug as ever.
"I didn't know you can sing."
You laughed. "Me? Sing? Please -- I couldn't catch a tune if it slapped my ass and called me Susan."
Peter made that sound in his throat that you, presently, hated to admit you loved. "W--well," he said as he very obviously attempted to choke back a laugh. "That... that whole sentence aside. You, uh, clearly can catch a tune, 'cause the only person I've heard sing My Heart Will Go On as well as you is Celine herself."
Your eyes widened as a deep scarlet blush covered your cheeks and neck. "You don't have to lie--"
"Bitch, when have I ever lied to you?" he asked, deadpan.
Well, he did have a point there. Insulting the people he loved was Peter Vincent's love language -- if you were a bad singer, he'd definitely have many things to say about it (none of them good, necessarily, but all of them affectionate, at least).
You turned to face him slowly, shyly, still blushing like crazy. He tutted softly at the sight of it.
"Are you almost done in here, love?" he asked gently.
"Not really," you answered honestly.
"Well, why don't I go off and lurk and pretend this never happened, and you go back to singing your little heart out? And you can pretend I'm not here, and I can enjoy your lovely voice. And then, when you get out, I will cuddle the fuck out of you."
You liked that plan. A lot.
When you returned to your singing after Peter carefully retreated from the shower, you did it with a smile and a new sense of pride.
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inhibitionfreewriting · 7 months
request again (if that’s okay?) i’m the noah kahan anon (and your fic was SO good im so excited for more) but butchered tongues by hozier as childhood friends to lovers with lud?
or first time (by hozier) with lud!!!!!
so while the second part to the original request is coming slowly but surely, once again i got into a zone and i just...
he was your best friend, who lived across the street and two houses down, who from the moment you met him always had you giggling. small bursts, full on fits of laughter, tiny snickers hidden by tiny clasped hands, trying not to wake the adults, trying to hide your secrets away from the world. but he's always there running around with you, scraped knees, dirt under your fingernails.
there's the time you almost drown in the nearby lake because you're both daring each other to go further out than you should and the mud beneath your foot slips and you're overtaken by water and panic. you're not the best swimmer and when you can't find your footing again, he calls for you, hoping it's just a joke.
he's there just out of reach for the first time and it solidifies just how important he is to you. he helps you up as soon as his little legs can cross the distance. you don't tell him that you think you have a crush on him, because you're only 11 and feelings are cringe and right now it doesn't matter. he's your best friend and you are his.
it's a few years later and you're walking home, crunching the autumn leaves under your feet, kicking pinecones in your path. he's talking about a girl a class you don't share and you can feel your heart breaking into a million pieces as he explains an over elaborate plan to ask her out on a date. in the end she says no and you're there with him for the heartbreak. you call her every name in the book at 14, explaining that she's the biggest loser in existence and anyone would be lucky to date him.
you wish it was you, to be the one cradling his heart and protecting it from the pain, but your friendship is number one and always above all else. he stays that night, too tired to walk back home. it's different, you think, staring at his back in your bed after having his heart broken, but your heart is broken too, isn't it? you stifle your crying to the best of your ability, roll over and force yourself to fall asleep.
he's thinking it too, staring at the pictures you have thumbtacked into your wall of you and he and the few other friends you both have made. there's a picture of you both with your arms around one another in red matching sweaters. he loves that picture even if he doesn't know it yet. it's his favorite. there's something in his chest that tells him to roll over, a paranoia that you're not okay but he mistakes the feeling as just more pain of rejection and doesn't move. it's the last sleepover that you both remember and on nights when you're drunk the memory still stings like a shot.
"ew - really? there's no way you actually like him." he embarrasses you, making a face at your admission of a crush on another classmate. you can't keep eye contact with him while you try to elaborate - he got you a carnation from the school on valentines day and it was sweet and you thought, maybe, just maybe it would be the way to get over the lump in your heart that he was. still, you keep that secret to yourself, going silent halfway through a sentence and curling in on yourself mentally. "look i'm - i'm just saying that derek on the soccer team is dumb as fuck and have - have you ever even had a conversation with him? he's probably just doing it out of pity."
"pity?" you snap, "oh, right, okay, because the only way i'd ever be able to get a date with anyone was out of pity." you stand up and knock the textbook and notes off of the desk in front of him before storming away. there's no way that he thought that low of you, but it's the ichor in your heart gumming up the gears. it hurts, it hurts so bad to think that- was he pitying you? all the time and years that you spent together? doing chores and spending allowances together, memorizing the others favorite ice creams and movies and video games and-
your mother holds you tight that night, stroking your hair as you cry into her chest, about how much you hate him. he's an asshole and he doesn't even like you clearly. she soothes you the best she can, but you're a few months shy of 17 and nothing stitches the wounds he's laid on your fragile heart. that doesn't come until much later in your story. you go to bed that night after clearing polaroid after polaroid off of your wall, throwing them into some school folder that previously lay abandoned in your room. you don't want to talk to him let alone see him before you go to sleep. the poorly sewed pillow from home economics he traded with you gets shoved into your closet.
he keeps it to himself when he gets home, telling his mother that he's tired and he just wants to get through his homework and go to sleep. he doesn't do his homework that night, too busy watching tv and the clock, ticking later and later into the night. his mother is worried but doesn't press, though she makes him eat that night even if he hates it.
not to be dramatic, but for a minute you feel like you forget what his voice sounds like, you haven't spoken in a week. stubbornness flows through both of you stronger than the harshest waters in a river, capsizing anyone who isn't certain of their path. he finds a new groove where he leaves for school 5 minutes off of you, whether it's before or after you can't determine but it's never the same time. a few kids at your lunch table take pity on you when you are eating alone for what feels like the billionth day in a row and you connect easily. as the loneliness gets pushed beneath the surface you wonder if he notices that you're not trying to catch his eyes as often.
he does, and he hates it, because he's trying to return the caught eyes even if he doesn't know it. but you're both foolish and angry over nothing. he passes 17 without you at his birthday party, the invite torn up and in a trash bag in a place where his mother won't find it. he lies when she asks, curious as to where you have been all this time, months and months at this point.
"i don't know," he shrugs, nonchalant to the best of his ability while he watches his friends play melee. he can't make an excuse before one of the guys sits up and scrunches his face in thought.
"didn't you throw her invite out because she's a freak?"
"woah - you can't call her that."
"you literally called her weird like 5 minutes ago!" ludwig's face turns red and sheepish as his mother gives him a look, disappointed and sad all in one. when she leaves, he sinks into his spot, covering his face. how embarrassing. "dude, she is a freak though, she's always by herself, it's fucking weird."
"she's not fucking weird!" he snaps, shoving him. nobody is allowed to call you weird except him, you are his weird friend. an argument breaks out and the party ends sooner than intended and his mother grounds him for fighting in the middle of the house. at least his birthday doesn't get worse outside of the sinking feeling in his chest.
you hesitate on a text saying happy birthday with the picture of the two of you in red sweaters attached. you remove the photo and the heart and send it, plain. it felt disingenuous - maybe he deserves it though, he didn't even invite you to hang out.
you 9:56pm: happy birthday
ludwig 10:27pm: thanks
you 10:30pm: do anything fun?
ludwig 10:36pm: party got cancelled cuz my friends are assholes
you don't think the laugh that comes out of your mouth is real, but his text gets the tiniest of noises from you.
you 10:37pm: all guys are assholes lol
he starts typing and then stops a few times. maybe that was too much and the regret swims through your veins immediately, you curl up into the poorly stitched pillow long rescued from your closet for comfort. the longer it takes, the more you sink, starting to type an excuse, 'i mean not you', but he responds faster than your shaky hands can type.
ludwig 10:50pm: you're right
ludwig 10:50pm: sorry i was an asshole
ludwig 10:51pm: ider what i said but i know it was stupid
of course he didn't.
you 10:52pm: derek would only go out with me bc of pity
ludwig winced in his bed, dropping his phone to his chest and smacking both his hands to his face. wow he was stupid, derek would have been lucky to go out with you. you were wonderful - fantastic even, you kept him up at night, his mind wandering to moments of you smiling and laughing with him, and then the way your face fell when he made that stupid pity comment. rolling onto his stomach he replied.
ludwig 10:59pm: wow 16 year old me was dumb huh
you 11:00pm: you've been 17 for less than 1 day 💀
you 11:00pm: you're so stupid
you 11:01pm: i h8 you
surely, you meant it in jest. you were talking to him, at least, hell this was the most you'd spoken in months so you absolutely had to be joking. he pulled a dramatic frown, took a picture and sent it to you before questioning the decision.
ludwig 11:03pm: [image attached]
you 11:03pm: can i be gay for a moment
ludwig 11:04pm: yes?
you 11:08pm: i missed your face a lot😞
you 11:08pm: i miss you a lot
you 11:08pm: can we hang out tomorrow
you 11:09pm: we can do w/e i dont care
you 11:09pm: we dont even have to do anything
you 11:09pm: can we just hang out
you 11:12pm: please
he missed you too, more than he would ever care to admit, eyes heavy with exhaustion and sadness as he stared at your near pleading.
ludwig 11:15pm: come over when you wake up
ludwig 11:15pm: im going to bed
ludwig 11:16pm: night
shoving his phone far under his pillow, he flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. you were mimicking the position in your own bed, your hands over your heart. how long had you been sitting on your infatuation? how many diary entries had you written about him? how many poorly drawn profiles littered the ripped pages of your notebooks? sleep took you both restlessly, carrying you along the rocky waters till daybreak where you wrestled yourself into shorts and a tshirt.
you couldn't bring yourself to care about how you looked or smelled (you couldn't quite remember when you showered last), you just wanted to give him a hug, the biggest hug you could muster. you missed him so so much. as you'd done hundreds of times before, you entered his home, locked the door behind you and all but ran up the stairs and towards his room.
badum badum badum
your heartbeat was loud and almost painful in your ears which caused you to stop and stare at your hand centimeters away from his door. you wanted to feign ignorance, that your broken heart was not beating like this for any reason, that it was silly and foolish and so very very stupid. chewing on the inside of your lips, you swung his door open. his body jumped a little, still under the covers and barely processing that you were already here.
"hey," came his groggy voice, the heel of his palm rubbing into his eyes as you nudged the door closed and kicked your shoes off. he propped himself up on his elbows and maybe it was the way you looked, slightly disheveled but jittery, or the fact that your breathing was a little choked and heavy, but he wanted to kiss you more than any other girl he'd ever seen. "why're you standing over there still?"
"i-i.. i don't know." he breathed out a tired laugh.
"so come here?" with the invitation you crossed the remaining space between you and flopped into the space next to him, on top of the covers. it takes him a minute but he lazily rolls over to face you. he smells of a late night shower and morning breath. he's warm with sleep and you're warm with the early morning sun.
"i have a crush on you," you blurt out, closing your eyes like you expect physical retaliation from someone who has never actually gone so far as to beat you up. when nothing comes you slowly open your eyes, peaking through the timid butterflies frantic in your stomach. the face he has on is awkward at best and you're trying not to read into what he may or may not be feeling. "s-s-sorry, that's. i shouldn't have-"
"no, me- me too!" he responds, stopping you in your frantic, panicked downfall, not wanting to hurt you again over a miscommunication that he was the cause of. he wraps his arms around you tightly and you let out a tiny breath of relief and returned his hug.
"i'm sorry you're so stupid," you snicker, burying your face deeper into him, still embarrassed. when you both finally pull back, your lips are pursed into a pout, and his mouth is open to say something snarky in return but nothing comes out. instead he kisses you the way he's wanted to kiss you for two years, since the first time he saw you wear a pink tinted lip gloss. you return with fervor and you kiss like that a thousand more times.
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farfromrealitypls · 2 years
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Summary: You were supposed to leave obx for a few days when you get a call from Rose…
Warnings: angst, Ward being an asshole
I hate the way you make her feel
My eyes were focused on the road. It was raining and the trees swayed in the wind, it totally matched the vibe of the playlist I was listening too. A mix of Lana del Rey, Hozier and the neighbourhood. Living near the beach in the obx, I was used to it being warm and sunny, so that made me appreciate those rainy, cozy days even more.
I had to leave obx for a few days and drive out to the mainland, to look at a real estate my dad couldn’t look at, because he was dealing with some work stuff in Europe and my mom went with him. My parents were travelling a lot in general, so I was home alone a lot. I didn’t mind.
I gotta say, I feel very proud that my dad is trusting me and my „business knowledge“ enough to make a choice whether he should buy it or not. Plus I loved getting out and spending time on the mainland from time to time. Only thing bothering me, I left Rafe behind.
People viewed him as cold and heartless. When in reality he was highly emotional and mostly just overwhelmed. He never had an outlet for his feelings which lead him to keeping it all inside. I became the only person he trusted and believe me when I say, that came a long way…He can still be an absolute asshole and I’d lie if I said I never thought about breaking up because I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore. It can be draining and scary, but the times he’s just himself, are outweighing all the pain. I wouldn’t leave him. I could never.
Anyway. I offered multiple times that he could come with me, but when I did he always said that „it’s fine“ and that he „didn’t wanna bother me“. Which was stupid to say because I would’ve loved to have him with me and spend time with him on the mainland. And since I couldn’t figure out if that’s actually how he felt, or if that was just his way of getting out of going with me, I let it go. The last thing I wanna do is put pressure on him. That usually ends bad.
Meanwhile at the Cameron house:
„Rafe please calm down“ Rose said. „Calm down? How the fuck could I calm down if he is ruining the only good thing for me?!“ Rafe punched the wall and Rose flinched.
„What in the world is going on?“ Ward joined the mess. Wanting to know why the hell his son is freaking out.
„Ward go upstairs honey I-„
„Nah he should hear this“ Rafe snapped back and made a step towards his dad. His blood was boiling and he had to take a deep breath.
„let him hear that he is ruining my godamn life!!!“ his voice echoed through the whole house
„Rafe what is the deal?“ Ward asked. Not really because he cared about his sons feelings, more because he thought his behaviour was ridiculous.
Rafe smiled sarcastically and felt his anger overcome him. A certain insanity rushed over him and his whole body went into fight mode.
„WHAT THE DEAL IS“? he punched a vase off the shelf and Rose coverd her ears. „What the hell Rafe!“, Ward yelled and grabbed Rafe by his shoulders. That’s when Rafe shoved his dad in defense and Wards back hit the wall.
„What the fuck do you think you’re doing“ he brought out through gritted teeth, feeling the anger hit him too. He walked back up towards Rafe. Rafe started to tense up and felt tears welding up in his eyes.
„I fucking hate the way you make her feel! The way you look at her like she’s worth nothing! You are so fucking arrogant!“
„This is about that goddamn y/l/n girl again isn’t it?“ Ward said your name in such sarcastic manner that Rafe had the urge to hit him just then.
„you mean the one person that never fucking treats me like shit? The one person that actually listens to what I say and THE ONE FUCKING PERSON WHO IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP ME?!“ Rafe absolutely lost it at that point. All he saw was red.
„The one person that is ruining your life Rafe!“ Ward snapped back.
Rafe threw the first punch at his father, but Ward blocked it.
„Rafe!“ Rose screamed, shocked and terrified. Ward grabbed his sons wrist, so hard that it will leave bruises.
Rose’s eyes widened, all of this scared her, that’s when she left the room, grabbed her phone and called the girl who she thinks is the best that ever happend to Rafe. Other than Ward she knew y/n was good for him. She believed other than a therapist, y/n was the only one who could help Rafe.
„Come on. Pick up“ she mumbled to herself, her hand was shaking.
I was jamming to „Doin‘ time“ by Lana del Rey when my phone started buzzing and I saw „Rose C“ pop up on my screen.
„wtf“ i thought to myself and picked up. „Hey Rose“
„Y/N I’m so sorry to bother you and I know you’re on a trip but I didn’t know what to do. Rafe is freaking out and I’m scared. Him and Ward are fighting and I don’t know what to do. It’s something about you and the way Ward acts towards you I suppose. I don’t even know“
You felt your heart drop. You hated the fact that you weren’t there right now. You knew how fragil Rafe is and that any small inconvenience can lead to him going to Barry’s and getting absolutely shit faced on coke. That’s how he started to cope with his bottled up emotions. He did so well the past months, he can’t relapse right now.
„Alright I’m turning around. Please don’t let him leave the house. Try to keep him there. He can’t go to Barry’s. Please Rose…“
„Alright. Are you sure you can just come back?“
„I’ll be there in a few Rose“ I cut her off. „Thank you…“
Rose hung up and you turned your car around. The truth is, Rafe is right. Ward didn’t like you very much. And you honestly didn’t know why. You figured it’s because you hang around at the cut a lot and you were friends with the pouges. Even tho you live on figure eight he doesn’t seem to accept you. And he probably thinks you’re the reason Sarah is now dating John b, but he completely ignores the fact that Rafe has been clean for almost 5 months now, that he stopped getting into trouble and if he does, you’re always the one getting him out of it. You tried to shove the thought of Rafe relapsing to the back of your head and just drove back as fast as you could.
Meanwhile Rose went back to Rafe and Ward. Rafe was sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall, head buried in his hands, mumbling something to himself. Ward was just standing there in the doorframe m, hands on his hips, breathing heavy. The room was a mess, pictures were ripped off the wall, vases are shattered and chairs are fallen over. Rose stood next to Ward and he looked at her. She put one hand on his shoulder.
„I called her.“
„Called who Rose?“
„Why on earth would you call her?“
„Because she can get to him!“
„Don’t tell me I can’t get to my own son“
„look at him Ward!“ she pointed at Rafe.„Oh please, he just needs to man-„
„Man up?“ suddenly Rafe got up.
„Yeah fuck that“ his expression was emty. He tried to go past Rose and Ward who were standing in the doorframe.
„Where are you going“ Ward asked. „Barry’s“
Roses heart started racing. She remembered what y/n said.
„But-„ she was trying to find the right words.
„Let’s just all eat something okay? I can cook something you-„
Rafe scoffed.
„Rose get the fuck out of my way“ he made a step towards her.
That’s when the noise of the front door shutting filled the silence. All heads whipped around when y/n appeared.
„y/n?“ Rafe whispered to himself and his expression softened. You rushed towards him and Rose and Ward stepped aside. You pulled him in for a hug and he immediately relaxed in your arms and you could feel his tears hitting your arm. He dropped down to his knees and you went with him. Now sitting on the floor you just held him, waiting for him to just calm down. You softly ran your fingers through his hair and placed kisses on top of his head. He was holding onto you like you would disappear if he doesn’t. Then his grip loosened and he looked at you, his eyes are red and his cheeks glistened with his tears.
„Shouldn’t you be on the mainland already?“ he sniffled.
You wiped away his tears with your hands.
„Don’t worry about that. Do you wanna talk or should we just leave?“ you whispered.
„Let’s just get out of here“ he was quick to answer.
„Alright. I still have to go out on the mainland tho. But can you come with me? I don’t really wanna go alone.“
„Yeah of course“ he nodded enthusiastically.
„Let’s go upstairs and grab a few clothes then?“ you suggested.
He nodded, got up and took your hand. He was quick to be the tough guy again. That’s when he felt the safest. Feelings off. He hated being vulnerable and you knew it bothered him that Rose and Ward saw him like that. You really wanted to know what was going on and what made him freak out. You just now noticed how messed up the room was. You also didn’t notice that Rose and Ward were still standing there. You followed Rafe past them. Rafe then let go of your hand.
„I’ll be quick“ he kissed your cheeck and went upstairs.
As soon as he was out of sight, Rose grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. „Thank you so much. God. Thank you“
„No problem“ you hugged her back.
„We‘ll be out on the mainland for like a week. If that’s ok?“
„yeah yeah! Of course! He needs to get out. Clear his head and whatever“, Rose answered before Ward had a chance to.
You could feel him staring at you the whole time. You tried to ignore it but he was literally burning holes into you.
You looked at him and gave him a half hearted smile. That’s when he put his hand out to shake yours. You shook it hesitantly.
“Thank you y/n“
You couldn’t quite figure out his facial expression. But you took the opportunity of him being emotional, hoping that what you say will actually be heard.
„I really love your son sir and I’m really trying to help“
Still holding your hand in that handshake. “you really do. Don’t you?“ Ward said.
Was that a soft smile? You nodded and he nodded back as he was saying “I just realised that too. You’re actually a good kid“
Ward let go of your hand when he heard Rafe coming down the stairs again. „Alright let’s go“ Rafe mumbled holding a small duffel bag in his hand.
Without looking at Ward or Rose he walked out the house. With a quick smile and a „bye“ you quickly followed.
Rafe threw his bag on the backseat and open the passenger door and waited for you to get in. Rafe almost always drove if it was just you two, even if it was your car. You didn’t mind .You got in and Rafe got into the drivers seat. You left the key in. Rafe buckled up and you looked at him still wondering what happened. But you’re not gonna pressure him to tell you about it.
When he’s ready he will. You were just happy that he was here with you. And not at Barry’s snorting coke. He avoided looking at you since you guys left and just chewed on his bottom lip and stared at his hands. He felt your gaze on him and he turned his head, meeting your eyes. He couldn’t help himself but smile. You smiled back, that’s when he reached out to cup your face and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
„You’re literally saving my life over and over again. You know that?”
„Well you have quite some time now to figure out how to make it up to me” you said jokingly, winking at him and a shit eating grin appeared on his face.
“Yes ma’am” he chuckled and turned the motor on.
He put his hand on your thigh and started driving. You smiled to yourself because you knew exactly how he’s gonna make it up to you.
A/n: There is just something about „fixing a broken boy“ that gets to me every single time. I hope you enjoy that just as much as I do. <3
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 / 𝐯𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
this one is angsty, everyone! do take care in reading it. listened to work song by hozier while writing this.
prompt: Viper x reader where reader dies in her arms? Really angsty please [requested by anon]
words: 1500
warnings: character death, violence, blood, angst with no comfort
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There are a thousand other places you would’ve preferred to be in this instance; not a place where the sun is boiling the sands beneath your boots and where sweat clings uncomfortably to your neck, the hairs sticking and your face smeared with blood from the fight. 
You slam a loaded clip into your Vandal, twisting your body to peek the corner. You blink through the dust in your eyes, pulling the trigger at a boom bot that comes crawling down the corner. 
First mistake. 
It explodes when a few bullets hit it, and out of your peripherals, you see a paint grenade bouncing off the wall and arcing over your head, landing behind you. Within an instant it detonates, forcing you out of your cover. 
You leap to the slide, sliding on your knees and sending a hail mary of bullets out to the opposite end of the corridor, the sun burning on your skin and the stench of chemicals from Raze’s grenade filling your nostrils. It’s a smell you’d wish upon no one. 
You see the enemy agent peek out and before you can switch to cover behind the other wall in the junction, you hear words that send your skin crawling. 
“You want to play? Let’s play.” 
You pull the trigger on your gun, spraying bullets until your clip is empty. Bullets come back in return, a blind fire with no discernable direction or place. 
Cover fire.
The sound rips through your ears before the pain does. You throw yourself to the side, blood spattering onto the sand beneath you. You fall onto your side, pressing your back to the brick wall and looking down at your stomach. 
“Oh, fuck,” you whisper, staring at the hole torn straight through your armor and into your chest, just barely a few inches off of your heart. Blood spurts from the wound and it is now that you feel fear paralyzing your body whole. Your gun is dropped to the side and you— why can’t you feel your fingers?
“Walling off B long!” The mercy of Viper’s voice filling your intercoms is enough to snap you from your haze, turning your head to the side. You blink through the sunlight that bears down on you, eyes seeking out the woman before you can lose control of your voice. 
“Viper!” You call out, followed by a grunt of pain when you try to breathe. Liquid fills your mouth, metallic with the taste of blood. Quick footsteps, and then the sand is shifting in front of you, your face shaded by the only woman you’d ever want to see in a moment like this. You exhale, “Hi.” 
“Hi,” Sabine says, pulling down her mask. Her eyes drop to the wound in your chest, where blood trickles like a river out of the hole and down your stomach. “Y/N?” 
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” 
Viper’s head snaps to the side. She raises her operator, looking down the scope for hardly a second before pulling the trigger once. The sound rings in your ears, and you watch as she pulls the bolt to snap the next bullet into place. She pulls the trigger again, then speaks into comms— “Enemy Raze and Chamber neutralized, proceed to site!” 
She puts the gun down next to you, cupping your face. “Look at me.” 
Even that becomes a struggle, the edges of your vision sparkling with light and black dots creeping in from the corners. You’d make a joke about Fade putting her nightmares on you, but the look on Viper’s face gives you pause— she looks scared. 
She… she’s never scared. No, that can't be right. 
You grab onto her wrist. “I— I can’t feel my feet.”
“Focus on my face— fuck— Brimstone, I need an immediate evacuation!” Viper shouts into her comms, and through the feed, you hear static. But you’re determined, so you trace the sharp jaw of Viper’s face, wishing you could touch it. Viper lets out a curse, loud and sharp. “Vulture, I need you on site as soon as possible for evac, we’ve got one severely wounded!”
Leaning forward, you grab the ghost off of Viper’s thigh, shifting the grip in your hands. You raise to the side, staring down the hallway adjacent to B long. You barely hesitate as you pull the trigger twice, the bullets tapping into the head of the enemy Sova. He crumples to the ground, and the gun falls out of your hand as you slump into Viper’s shoulder. 
Weakly, you say, “I got your six.” 
“No, Y/N, look at me,” Viper cradles the back of your head, bringing it back so she can stare into your eyes. “Look at me, just keep breathing, okay? The Vulture is coming, you’re going to be okay.” 
Her words sound like they’re being spoken through cotton shoved into your ears. There’s an unpleasant fuzziness you feel in your feet, stretching up your calves until it starts in your hands. Even if you’d wanted to, your arms refuse to move, and you find yourself yearning to cup Viper’s face and tell her all the things you wanted to tell her but never could. 
Viper rips a strip of fabric from your pants, balling it up in her fingers and shoving it into the wound in your chest, much to your displeasure. A strained groan tears out of your mouth, blood dribbling down your chin and onto Viper’s suit. 
You feel yourself being laid on your side— on the ground? No, too soft. Viper’s lap. Yes, that’s right, you can see her right above you, the sun behind her head and making it appear as though she has a halo. A gilded crown of sunlight, and you can’t help but think how apt it is for her.
“Sabine,” you whisper, her true name coming unfiltered from your lips. “It really hurts.” 
“I know, I know, it’s okay. The Vulture is almost here, I just need you to hang on,” Sabine says, holding your cheek. Are those… tears?
“Don’t cry,” you croak. “It was a stupid mistake. Never peek at an op.” 
Sabine shakes her head, refusing the words, like they’ve scorned her. “It wasn’t stupid.” 
A shuddering exhale comes out of your mouth, laced with pain. You raise your hand to her weakly, and she slides her palm into yours, bringing it to your chest. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you say, managing a small smile, as painful as it is. To think that death is so near, that the Reaper is standing behind you at this moment, but you’re clinging to a woman who has unknowingly brought you so much light into your life. You have the hope that Sabine’s light will banish the darkness and keep you safe, but you know that mortals can’t play games with Fate. 
Whatever did you do to Fate to deserve this, though?
“Don’t.” Sabine’s voice is sharp, but thick with unspoken emotion that clogs at her throat. “Don’t talk like this.” 
“I love you.” The admission comes with tears that slide down your face, tear tracks evident among the dust and sand that clings to your face. Sabine exhales as though the very words have brought her agony to hear, but you have no regrets. “Please— please don’t put this on—” a cough interrupts your sentence, blood bubbling up your throat. “Don’t blame yourself, Sabine.” 
“No, no, please, don’t do this,” Sabine says, and the crack of her voice is enough to make the pain in your body hurt tenfold. Her hand grips tightly, despite the lack of control you have over your own. “Y/N, please, just a little longer.” 
“I love you,” you say again. “I’m sorry—” you turn your head to the side, spitting out the blood. Looking at Sabine again, you finish your sentence. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.” 
Sabine leans down and you barely have enough feeling left in your body to recognize her lips on yours. It’s bittersweet; a kiss sealed in blood. 
“Don’t go. Please.” Sabine is begging, and you wish you could give it to her. You’d give her everything if you could. “I love you, don't go, please.”
A smile graces your face. You bring your conjoined hands down to your lips, pressing a bloody kiss to her glove before holding her hand over your heart. 
“You’ll always have this,” you whisper, blackness swarming into your eyes. Sabine holds your head gently with her hand, sobs shaking through her body, though you don’t hear them.
You don’t hear much anymore, and your eyes fail you, blurriness taking over what little you still can see. 
But you have enough left in you to squeeze Sabine’s hand before the Reaper wraps his garb around your shoulders and guides you away, sinking into the abyss. 
At long last…
~~~~~ A/N: who wants a snack?
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sgt-morgan · 1 year
🩸Blood and tears💧
Summary: You’re put in danger, and it dosent sit very well with Matt. Nobody fucks with his Robin. Part of the Robin verse.
Warnings: violence, lots of violence, blood, tears, anxiety attacks, villence against a pregnant woman, no death though I promise. Cannon typical shit. AFAB! And female identifying reader.
A/N: I was put in a really scary situation a couple weeks ago, and this is me working through it. But also, giving myself the comfort and the support I wanted and didn’t receive.
Daredevil Masterlist
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No amount of time, energy, or preparation can ever really prepare you for the worst. You go about day to day just living, and then one day, boom. Your face to face with a snarling demon, and nothing to show for it other than some false hopes, and false promises of safety.
Theoretically, you should be one of the safest women in the city. Being the wife of one of New York’s toughest vigilantes has its perks after all, one of them being that you weren’t normally in a lot of danger no matter what it is you were up to. Tonight though, tonight was seemingly the exception.
The offices of Murdock, Nelson, and Page were pulling an all nighter-ish. You’d been at the office working on a case all day, only stoping for you to pick up Jackie and Michael from Daycare (Foggy and Marci’s baby boy, who was fittingly named after his godfather Matthew Michael Murdock). You and the others perused files, evidence, witness statements, and an obscene amount of previous cases, attempting to put together the most intelligent and compelling argument you could manage for a case you didn’t think should be going to court in the first place.
“There is actually zero reason we should be going to court next week.” You sigh, dropping your head to your desk that everyone had crowded around. “Sure, Bucky caused some property damage to that building, but the building manager shouldn’t be letting his super run drugs out of the basement.” You groan, looking at the pictures of the dented steel support beam, and the drugs, and a bank statement from his building superintendent that looked suspiciously like hush money if you did say so yourself. “The only reason the court is entertaining this is because people still have a vendetta against the winter soldier. Property damaged be damned.” You grumble and hims of agreement followed.
“No, I definitely believe you’re right there.” Foggy sighed reaching out to pluck up both kids and set them in his lap. “Marci and Karen should be finishing up with that call soon, so why don’t we take a break and grab dinner, do you wanna go pick up Thai food?” You watched as he quickly placed the order on his phone, pretty sure the website auto populates your usual order now.
“It’s getting dark Robin, I’ll grab it.” Matt sighed, and stood with a wince that he tried to disguise with a stretch… which only really served to make him look like his spine was snapped in twelve places, he had a rough night daredeviling, and your shitty office chairs weren’t exactly helping, you could see it in his hunched shoulders and shuffling steps. You couldn’t have your man hobbling all over the city like that, he looked like he had the back of a civil war veteran who lived through the zombie apocalypse.
“Sit down Batman, you look like you just got the Dark Night Rises treatment.” You scoffed, shoving him back into his chair gently as you could. “Let your Robin handle this one.” You do a silly little salute and flex your bicep, causing Foggy to giggle and Matt to roll his eyes. You kiss the side of Matt’s head, and gather up your things.
He does that head tilt thing you enjoy so much, and you lean down to kiss him on the lips. “Okay Robin, just… be safe.” You squeeze his shoulder, and you turn to the babies, blowing raspberries on their cheeks just to hear them giggle then you’re out the door in a flash.
The walk to the Thai place isn’t a long one, it’s two blocks, approximately a twenty minute maybe thirty minute affair all together. Ten minutes there, possible ten minutes for wait time if needed, ten minutes back. Matt conjured the familiar route in his mind. He passed the coffee shop and the dry cleaners then he hooks a left, the deli, the bodega, and a nail salon and he makes a right. Then it’s a straight shot to the end of the street and he’s at the Thai place. It’s perfectly timed, and factoring in the possibility that they forgot something adding maybe another fifteen to twenty, it should take you at most an hour. Which is why when the hour thirty mark passes, he starts to panic.
“Robin isn’t back yet.” He says, cutting out the chatter of the adults in the room who were taking the time to admire how adorable the kids are.
“It’s probably fine Matty, they probably just forgot something.” Karen shrugs, turning back to Jackie who is showing off her little bingo and muffin toys, while Michael grabs at Foggy’s nose.
“Yeah bud, also gotta factor in the pregnancy bit, she’s gonna be a little slower.” Foggy soothes, and playfully nips at his son’s fingertips.
Matt dosent believe it though, something feels… off. He can’t put a finger on it, but it’s no good. That’s when he realizes, if you were late, you would call. You always call, whether it’s to complain about the walk, or when you think something is taking too long, you always can him so you’re not bored, and he hadn’t heard anything from you. “But if it was just that she would ca-“ his phone starts ringing and announcing your name throughout the room and his shoulders slump in relief.
“See?” Foggy smiles, “Told yah buddy,
Your Robin is a tough cookie, nothing to worry about.”
Matt took a deep breath and picked up the phone, but the voice on the other end made him ridged with terror all over again.
Everything was going fine. You had the Thai food, you had stoped to get a hot chocolate, it was all good in the hood. You were walking back slowly but surely, wondering if you could hold all of your goodies in one hand and call Matt, when you were yanked into a back alley. You let out a yelp and were slammed against a wall, instantly dropping your food and drink in favor of cradling both hands protectively over your stomach.
“Drop the case.” A gruff voice grunted, pointing a gun directly at the center of your forehead. You blanched and stuttered, praying that somewhere out there maybe Matt got worried and your personal hell hound of a vigilante would save you… but you doubted it.
“Wh- what?” Your head whipped to the side and you slumped as the guy bashed you across the head with the butt of his gun.
“Now. I’m not playing, pregnant or not it’s all the same to me, and I want the case dropped, and I want your purse.” You trembled from your place on the ground, ridged with terror. You reached a shaky hand to your temple and felt it coated in blood. Your assailant yanked you by the hair and forced you to look up. His nose and mouth were covered by a black bandanna, he was wearing a black hat with his black hoodie pulled over it. None of his clothing had any particular markers or labels, but his eyes. His eyes were what made your skin crawl they were brown, but not the soft warm brown of your husbands eyes, they were like hardened pools of obsidian, dark, terrifying, and immovable. He smacked you again, bludgeoning your cheek, then he pulled cocked the gun and leveled it squarely between your eyes. “I. Said. Now.”
The next few seconds were a blur, you ripped the bag from your shoulder, handing it to him and as soon as he had it, he grabbed your hair again. He threatened you, you were sure. Some macho, threatening, bullshit, to try and back you down. When he was done, he ran, and you were… immobile.
The first feeling was fear, your body shook, silent tears streaming, your hands covered your mouth as you stared wide eyed at nothing. Complete and utter shock and terror causing your whole body to freeze in place. You feel as if one little wrong move could send you shattering to pieces and it’s such foreign feeling you barely breathe with the weight of it.
The next tidal wave swells and the panic settles in. Your hands flying to your belly in sheer horror. You press gently, tears streaming and your sniffing them back and sobbing and trying to feel something, anything from your baby.
“Mh- Ah- it’s okay! You’re okay!” You talk half stammering and half shrieking trying to calm yourself enough to concentrate on your little bump. “Okay, okay little one, just- kick, move, at this point I don’t give a shit if it’s hiccups jus-“ a tiny kick pressed into your palms and you dissolved once more into heavy, wrenching sobs, half in relief half in terror. “Oh- oh God. Okay!”
Then you were hit with a feeling you didn’t expect. Shame, hot and visceral bouts of shame. Who were you just then, freezing up like that. You’ve been drugged by vampires, you’ve sown up your husbands knife wounds, hell, you have tased Frank Castle for fucks sake, why were you freezing up now. Why didn’t you defend yourself? What the hell is wrong with you? You hated yourself for this reaction. You sat, trembling for god knows how long, just staring blankly at the wall and sobbing silently into your trembling palm while the other rested over your bump. Then you heard a soft ‘thwip!’ and you were in the presence of Spider-Man.
Peter was horrified. He was flipping through the neighborhood when his spider senses started tingling. He ran into the alley and there she was. Robin.
“Peter. Why do you have Robin’s phone?” Matt practically growled down the line, and he could hear the panic in the kids voice.
“R-Robin! Sh-she- I- I found her in an alley! She’s not talking, she’s got a cut on her face a-and a giant bruise! You gotta get here Matt it’s- it’s bad and I’m scared. We’re right by the Thai place.” Peter stuttered and Matt immediately stood and ripped off his tie and shirt revealing his Daredevil suit to those in the room.
“Stay where you are Peter, I’ll be there.” Everyone in the room looked terrified, Marci and Foggy clutched the children and Karen scrambled to call Frank. “Watch the kids, Robin was hurt.” He roared, rocketing out of a window the moment he was changed.
The whole way there Matt was almost numb with fury and terror. What happened to you? Are you hurt? Is the baby? He ran I’ve buildings with blinding speed, back he damned, he would be hurting later, but you were worth it, your safety was worth it. When he finally found you, Spiderman was holding you firmly to his chest, whispering words of comfort as best he could, and trying to help you stop sobbing through his own tears. Matt could smell the fear coming off you both in waves, and he found himself immensely thankful that you were able to consider Peter a friend.
“Oh my Angel,” Matt gasped finally pulling you from Peter and softly feeling at your face with the tips of his fingers to find any possible damage. Your tears only seemed to fall harder when you collapsed into his arms and it was gut wrenching. Nothing was broken, but the heat of the bruises and the acrid tang of your blood was prominent in his nose and mouth, the taste and smell of it in the air making him want to gag. “Shh, it’s okay now. I have you.” Matt curled you into his chest, your legs wrapped around his waist. Your forehead rested against his, and he had one hand fluttering around your lower back and stomach listening gratefully to the two rapids but steady heart beats that thudded under his palm, and the other hand held the back of your neck, massaging in tight circles while he let you cry.
“I- I didn’t- he- he pointed a gun at me! I panicked! I’m so sorry! I couldn’t move! I tried though I did! I was frozen and I was so scared!” You sobbed and stuttered, clutching desperately at any part of Matt you could reach, and he could hear the hysteria in your voice. “He- he took m- my pur- purse! There wa- was court documents in there! He took them! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t- I should have- I’m so scared!” Oh how his heart broke. He could hear the thudding of boots down the alley and from the bull reaction from Peter, he would assume it was more of their friends. From the smell and the pattern of footsteps it was most likely Frank and MoonKnight. “I’m so scared Matt! I didn’t know what to do and I was scared!” You wept then and he could hear the gasps and shocked silence at his back and he didn’t know wether to hate it or be grateful for it. “I was so- I was so scared!”
“Honey- no! Hey! No need to apologize!” You had gripped at your roots, and Matt slowly reached up to unclench your hands from your hair, making you release your fierce grip before you hurt yourself. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You did fine, you protected yourself, you protected the baby. That’s all you needed to do.” His voice broke on his last assurance and you gave a strangled cry in your throat before you started to shake your head again.
“I just let him hurt me, I didn’t fight back I should- I should have fought back. I’m a fighter, but I couldn’t- I.” You started crying again and behind him he heard Frank get low and approach as if he was cornering a wounded and terrified animal, and for all intents and purposes he was.
“Hey sweetheart, look at me.” Frank grumbles low in his chest and waited patiently until your eyes met his. “Nobody here is saying you aren’t strong, that you’re not capable. The only thing we care about right now is that you’re ok. Are you ok? Can you move?” You nodded, unsure but unwilling to admit otherwise. “Hey tiger, I know you wanna say yes, but I’m asking because we gotta move and if you’re hurt and we start gunning like you’re not, we could get caught. So tell the truth now, are you hurt?” Matt sighed and let out a strangled moan when you finally nodded the affirmative. “Okay, okay. So let’s get up, and get to your place, and then we can go about figuring out what to do about whatever son of a fuck did this to you.” Frank stood, and they all followed. Including Matt, who didn’t even think about letting you down. “Okay, I’m gonna take the girl, because I’m the only guy not in Spandex right now.” He reached for you and Matt growled. “Listen to me Red, I wouldn’t let her go either, but you’re in red and gold spandex, and you can’t get a cab, and walking will be too slow. You will get caught and then you would leave her hurt and alone.” They had a stare off and at this point you had half passed out and Moon knight was diligently talking and asking you questions and lightly shaking your shoulder to keep you awake. All the excess stimuli was not helping him calm down but then Jake but in as well.
“Listen amigo, my cab is just around the corner. Frank and I are gonna walk her there, we’re gonna get in, and we’re gonna take her back to your place. We cant risk getting seen or pulled over. So, ¿Qué va a ser?” He looked Matt in the eyes, hard, and eventually he handed you to Frank.
“N-No! Matt!” Frank half you as you tried to struggle and panicked. Matt put his hands on either side of your face and shushed you to try and calm you and ran his hands through your hair.
“Hey! Sh sh sh sh sh! Don’t fight okay? It’s ok Robin. We gotta move careful ok? We gotta be safe. We’re splitting up, because I can’t risk us getting stopped.” He nodded, and you started shaking your head, you’re exhausted, you’re a bit delirious, and you were still terrified. “Hey, hey! You gotta stay calm. You gotta go with them. I’m right behind you. It’s gonna be fine. Go with Frank.” The way his heart shattered when he pried your fingers from his suit was absolute torture and it broke his heart all over again.
Then he was flipping across Hell’s Kitchen, throwing himself from place to place until-
“I warned her off. Banger her up reeeeal nice. She’ll think twice before her little buddies at the office go through with it.” He heard the guy chuckle, “I even got her purse. Had some good eve since in it too. You almost went down man.” He cracked his neck, and waited. Spiderman had the forethought to follow and stop, listening to what he was hearing, and doing one better, pulling out his phone and Matt’s. He dials Frank and starts filming. Once he feels he’s heard enough, heard enough bolstering about the incident, he ends the video, and stands to tell Frank what’s going on, and then he leaves Matt with a nod.
“Do your worst. We’ll see you when you’re done.” With that the kid disappears, and the devil? Well, the devil smells blood.
Matt takes a deep breath and cocks his head to the side. Listening. Three heartbeats, six guns. Two in use four laying around. No back up upstairs. There was coke and weed, two were on their way to drunk, the perp was taking a bump. He still smelled like your perfume. He was sure if he was a shark, his pupils would dilate. Like blood in the water.
He hit the breaker, and when the buzzing stopped, he went in.
“What the fuck? Why is it dark?” Matt took a deep breath, then he attacked. Crony one was a one hit wonder. One good hit to the back of the head, he was out like a light, and he could hear his jaw and nose fracture as he hit the table in front of him on the way down. Guy number two, two hits and he was gone, a bloody eye and lip for all his troubles. Guy number three though? Oh, that was where the game began.
“What the fu-“ Matt kicked him to the ground without a thought, then he drove his fists into his stomach over and over and over, until the man was heaving blood onto the cement.
“Do you feel big?” He growled, his boot grinding into the man’s testicles as he stood above him, hope the guy didn’t want kids. “Hurting that woman, did it solve some shitty little power trip for you?” He spit in the man’s face and the asshole whimpered. “How about now, how’s this feeling?” He kicked the man in the temple, right where the bastard had hit you with the butt of his gun. Then he got low and pummeled him over and over where your other bruise would be until his hands were covered in red. “Well, now you’re fucked.” He growled, snapping the man’s arm. Then blowing out his knee, then busting his nose. “You’re lucky I don’t like to play god, or you’d be meeting your maker a lot sooner than expected.” Once the asshole had passed out, Matt tied all three men to chairs, then called the police. He gave them the location, who was calling, and told them he had escorted you to safety, and where they could find you to interview you. He waited just long enough for the police to show, then he left. These men deserved not one more ounce of his time, you were the only thing that mattered.
When he arrived back home, you had passed out with your daughter on the bed. Claire had apparently looked you over and patched you up, and a cop had already taken your statement. The others were all gathered in his living room. Their faces were pale, and he felt their wide eyed stares like static electricity arcing off his skin. Foggy, Karen, Peter, Jake, and Frank had all just stood silently when he came in and shoved through them, once he saw that you and the baby were safe, he stood and waited for their assessment.
“Hey Red, did you get em?” Frank started, reaching out a hand gently, as if tempering a rabid dog. He nodded stiffly, and when he heard Jake move to the kitchen, his head snapped in his direction and the man paused. “Hey, no enemies here man, just friends. He’s gonna get you a rag, your hands-“ he gave a sardonic chuckle. “They’re dripping blood, and knowing your old lady? Well, as soon as she wakes up and is back in fighting shape, she’ll kick your ass.” His shoulders dropped, and he allowed Frank to pat his shoulder. “There he is, did you get em?” Matt gave another jerking nod, and his laser focus narrowed in on Karen and Foggy.
“Go home, inform the Judge of what happened and get this dropped. Spiderman emailed a video of the perps openly discussing the assault. The case is over.” Foggy nodded and patted him on the back in his way out. Karen nodded, and gave him a hug. She never did mind the blood. Frank gave her a kiss on the head, and assured her he would be home soon. Jake gave him the cloth, then offered to drive Karen and Foggy home. Foggy declined, saying he had drove them here, and Karen took him up on it. He patted Matt’s back, and whispered him an affirmation in Spanish before leaving. Peter told him he would make sure that everything was okay at the office before heading home, then it was just him and Frank.
“Now listen Red, go shower off, take a deep breath, pour yourself a drink, then be prepared for a shitty night of sleep. She’s gonna need you. We will take care of everything else in the morning. Karen and I will come get the kid at 9 for daycare, you focus on her.” Matt hardly heard him, but he knew enough to nod in gratitude before locking up behind Frank.
Then he took his advice. He meticulously scrubbed the blood from his hands, from under his nails, from his face. Then he got out, and he walked and stood by the bed, resting a palm on Jackie’s back and listened to you both breathing, straining his ears for the thump thump thumping of three heart beats, then he checked all of the doors and windows, and drank a glass of whiskey. When he was sufficiently calm again, he picked up Jackie and carefully carried her to bed, staying for a while to listen to her peaceful slumber. Then he heard your heart rate speeding up, and he made it back to your room just in time to catch you as you flailed awake.
“Shh, I’m here Robin, you’re safe, the babies are safe. The guy is gone. He won’t hurt you or anyone else ever again.” He soothed as you began to cry again, and there you sat for a good thirty minutes, clinging to each other until your tears subsided.
“Goddamn Batman,” you finally rasped, feeling all cried out, “That was-“
“Yeah. Yeah it was Robin. But we’re ok. I promise.” Your trembling had slowed, and Matt continued to rub soothing circles into your back and scrunched his hand in your hair and gently scratched your scalp.
“Thanks for getting him Batman.” You sighed, burying your face in Matt’s neck, mm, warm cinnamon and leather. Your favorites.
“Oh Robin, my Angel, for my family? I’d burn the city to the ground.”
You sat in silence with that statement for a second, and while it should have been a little bit frightening, instead your shoulders relaxed, your body calmed, and you felt at peace for the first time in three hours.
“Oh my sweet devil man, for you? I’d burn the world.” Then you sighed, and fell asleep on his chest, and Matt took a deep breath, and smiled.
“I have no doubt of it sweetheart, I have no doubt.”
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bi-bard · 1 year
And, Lord, She Found Me Just in Time - Jason Todd Imagine [Titans]
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Title: And, Lord, She Found Me Just in Time
Pairing: Jason Todd X Reader
Based On: Jackie and Wilson
Word Count: 1,545 words
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Summary: Being stuck in the Titans tower was giving everyone a sense of cabin fever. However, Jason is lucky enough to find a form of escapism through a person he spots on a nearby roof.
Author's Note: I didn't change the pronoun in the title, but this is written with gender-neutral pronouns.
Jason had gone up to the roof of the Titans Tower for a breath of fresh air.
It was the closest he could really get to a day out. Dick had kept the team on a tight leash. Training, carefully watching. In theory, it all made sense. In reality, Jason was ready to pick a fight with a wall.
He was just standing there for a while, trying to stop himself from getting into a fistfight.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see some kind of spark jumping around over the roof next door.
"What the fuck-"
Just as he asked the question, someone sat up on the opposite roof. He could see that someone was in control of the little bundle of energy, but that was it.
(Y/n)- the person on the other roof- turned around when they felt someone looking at them. They found Jason on the other side.
They awkwardly waved to him. He copied them.
He opened his mouth to talk, but then realized that it may not be a good idea to shout between the roofs. Instead, Jason pointed up at the sky a few times in the hopes of imitating the little spark of energy that he saw. He pointed over at the other person.
In a very strange way, he was trying to ask, "Was that you?"
He thought about how stupid that probably looked.
(Y/n) chuckled at him.
They picked their hand up and let another small spark form in front of them.
It zoomed between the roofs. Jason watched it as it spun around him. He flinched a little as the spark barely touched his nose before disappearing. He grinned. He didn't have many opportunities to see things like that. His attention was caught immediately.
The pair would spend the next few weeks meeting on those roofs.
Jason started bringing a big notepad and a pen. He'd write a few messages from time to time, but most of their time together was spent with Jason watching (Y/n) do cool tricks.
He found a sense of comfort in their interactions.
He had been trapped with the rest of the Titans for so long that having someone new to simply look at was enough for him. For just a while, he had some kind of escape.
He first thought about talking to the others about the person on the other roof during one of the pair's usual meetings.
When they established a schedule, neither one of them knew. They just seemed to fall into it and stick by it.
Jason wasn't sure that (Y/n) had noticed him yet. They were kind of dancing around, twirling around with a little line of energy or magic or whatever it was that they made.
Jason chuckled, ready to sit and watch them.
His heart dropped as (Y/n) started running toward the edge of the roof. He thought they would stop at the edge. But they didn't.
Jason ran to his edge when he saw (Y/n) feet leave the ledge.
Almost as soon as the word came out of his mouth, another line of energy shot out from (Y/n)'s hand and latched onto the roof. They swung back up like it was nothing.
They turned around to look at Jason, who looked like he was ready to vomit. He looked down at how far it would be if they had fallen.
He scrambled for his notepad and pen.
'What the fuck was that for?'
(Y/n) tilted head a bit. They struggle to come up with an answer for a while before shrugging at him. They really just wanted to see if they could, but that was difficult to explain from across the roof.
A shocked laugh escaped him at the action.
Jason spent the entire night thinking about that incident on the roof. He thought about his fear and panic, but also about what that meant for (Y/n)'s power. It was impressive. It was a gift. It was something that Jason knew Dick would have an interest in, but he was torn on whether or not to tell him.
Could he force this person he met a few weeks ago into this life? The training and the strict schedule and the potential danger. It would be a lot to force onto them.
Jason just sighed and shook his head. He could think about this later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the time that he had with them.
It was a few days later when Jason made up his mind.
He was back in his normal spot on the roof.
(Y/n) seemed kind of distracted. They were mindlessly spinning some energy between Jason and themself. Jason was watching quietly, grinning a bit as the little spark jumped around him.
He took a deep breath before reaching over to his notepad. He scribbled a note on it.
'Wish you were here'
The spark died between the two roofs as they read it. A small grin formed on their face.
They slowly stood up and studied the space between the roofs.
Jason stood up with them, mimicking their actions.
(Y/n) lifted their hands before shoving them forward. Rather dramatically, in Jason's opinion.
Jason jumped a bit as a bright bridge formed between the two roofs.
(Y/n) smiled, clearly proud of the trick. They waved Jason over.
Jason shook his head. He wasn't going to risk falling off the roof just to test out a magical energy bridge.
(Y/n) sighed and climbed onto the ledge. They stepped out onto the bridge, causing Jason's breath to stop for a moment.
But nothing went wrong.
(Y/n) stood on the bridge that they had made. They looked over at Jason. He let out a shocked laugh. (Y/n) bounced up and down a few times, trying to prove that it was stable. They waved Jason over again.
Jason let out a sigh before pushing himself onto the ledge.
He took a slow step on the bridge. He let out a sharp breath before continuing to walk over.
Jason and (Y/n) met in the middle.
They stood in silence for a few moments. Like both of them were truly shocked that they were actually this close. They had grown so accustomed to waving and motioning at each other from different rooftops.
Now, they were right in front of each other.
"Hi," (Y/n) said quietly.
Jason's smile grew at the mere sound of (Y/n)'s voice. "Hi."
(Y/n) let out a quiet laugh. They almost couldn't believe this was real. Finally, they were talking to the guy they had been interacting with for weeks now.
There was another pause in the conversation.
Neither one of them had thought about what they were going to say or do when they actually met.
(Y/n) moved first. They leaned forward quickly and kissed Jason. It was so fast that Jason thought he had imagined it.
(Y/n) smiled at the shocked expression on Jason's face. "I'm (Y/n)."
"Jason," he replied. Had they really gone that long without telling each other their names? He paused for a moment before holding out a hand. "Come with me."
"There's someone that I think is gonna want to meet you," he explained. (Y/n) still hesitated. "Just for a little bit."
(Y/n) took a deep breath before grabbing his hand. Jason grinned before pulling (Y/n) over to the roof of the Titan Tower. (Y/n) tried to keep from laughing as Jason excitedly led them downstairs and through the halls.
"That doesn't seem like a nice thing to call a friend-"
"That's his name," Jason explained.
"Oh," (Y/n) nodded.
A man walked in. He looked strict. "Jason, what is... who is this?"
"This is (Y/n)," Jason introduced.
(Y/n) waved awkwardly with their free hand. They had no wish of letting go of Jason's hand. It was the only thing giving them comfort in this new situation.
"They live next door... and they have some really badass abilities."
"How did they get in here," Dick asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, they made a bridge."
"A bridge?"
"I walked on it."
Dick raised an eyebrow at the pair.
(Y/n) lifted their free hand, letting a small spark form in front of them. They guided the spark to circle around Dick a few times before bouncing it off the tip of his nose.
"And you made a bridge out of that stuff?"
(Y/n) nodded.
"Can you fight with it?"
"I... I mean, in theory, probably," they shrugged. "It's never been a necessity before."
"Are you willing to test that theory?"
"Alright then, tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., meet me back here," Dick instructed. "We'll see what you can do."
"Okay," they grinned at him.
Dick walked out of the room after nodding at Jason. Once he was out of sight, Jason cupped the sides of (Y/n)'s face, pulling them forward into another kiss. That time, he got to catch (Y/n) off-guard.
He pulled away and smiled at them. (Y/n) smiled back, leaning into Jason's hand.
They had found each other at the perfect time.
And even after such a short time, they were both ready to fight to hold onto each other.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Please, talk about the behind the scenes of the fic. The fic is consuming my mind for the past 2 weeks, I need mooooreeee
I had a couple of people ask for behind the scenes stuff, and I'm always ready to scream about this fic so I'm gonna drop some for you! I'll post some more a bit later as well
So fun fact, there are actually like 2 songs on my playlist for this fic that will probably not get used for chapters simply because I've been trying to keep the chapters to country songs only, so let's just share those:
We have Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA which was actually on repeat in my brain for the first chapter of this fic and always makes me think about Roach's family in this new life. Like first of all, can you guys imagine how heart breaking it would be fore them to see their child suffering and not having any idea why or how to try to help?
Like I just imagine Roach having nightmares about his death and about Simon and he just wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. Like his parents both rush into the room and they just hold and rock their sobbing child. They try to ask whats wrong but he just keeps babbling nonsense about a fire and about a boy named Simon. And they have no idea how to handle this, but they try to hide it from their son. Of course Roach is older than they know, so he figures it out and starts withdrawing, but to them its just like their son is suffering and they've somehow fucked up because he's not talking to them anymore and he's still crying and screaming but he's trying be be quiet now.
And even worse is like when they realize how he flinched around them, how scared he is to ask for help, how terrified he gets the first time one of them raises their voice at him. I have such a clear image of his mother getting frustrated with one of his brothers one day while he's there and she just snaps at his sibling and when she turns around Roach is just pale and shaking and completely shut down. She cries into her husband's arms later.
They take him to therapy and they do what they can for him but it just isn't working and instead its like Roach cuts himself off more. So like you have this family who love Roach, they adore him. He's their son/baby brother, but they all feel like they never really even got a chance with him because something was wrong and they couldn't figure out what it was. And they feel like they never really got that time with him that they needed because of this, then now that he's older he's never home and they only get to see him on rare occasions. And despite the fact that he never comes home, they just love him so much.
Essentially, Roach's family feel like they've fully missed out on their time with Roach because he's still haunted by his past. And this even works in the opposite because Roach feels like he never really got to be a part of this family because of his past.
The other song is Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier which, if you know the song, I'm sure you can understand why.
I've actually seen a lot of people say that this song is very SoapGhost with dead Roach kinda thing, but we all know how I feel about that (😤) and I personally like it better as repurposed for this fic from Roach's perspective.
Like the "Same kinda music haunts her bedroom, I'm almost me again, she's almost you" like tell me that isn't Roach with Soap and Ghost (Ghost particularly) or the "I've got some color back, she thinks so too, I laugh like me again, she laughs like you"
Like there have for sure been times where Roach would be talking to Soap or Ghost and would just forget that it wasn't the Soap and Ghost from his first life that he was talking with.
Particularly I imagine it happened with Ghost a lot early into Roach's time on the 141. Like times when Roach would be casually talking with Ghost and just forget until suddenly Soap is there and he's violently reminded that this isn't his first life and that's not his Simon.
And I feel like Roach views his happiness through the lens of his old life and how close he can get back to it (which 🤭 is going to be something we'll be dealing with later in the fic). So like he doesn't think he can ever be as happy as he once was, but he always feels like he's so close, just right there to having everything again only to come back to himself.
Also, every time I hear this song I just imagine Roach and Ghost in their first life dancing together (likely to an older song that was one of ghosts favorites, just something boppy, feel free to drop song ideas)
But, I just imagine the song comes on at some point during the current life and Roach just immediately forgets himself and starts kinda dancing around to it. Price makes a comment about how much he seems to like the song and Roach turns to the 141 excitedly to explain himself only to stop when he see's the odd looks he's being given, particularly from Ghost and he's just reminded again that this isn't his first life. I think hearing the song at all after that makes him feel violently sick and there have probably been times where it comes on and he has to excuse him before he just starts sobbing.
I really didn't mean for this to get so sad, but like...this fic is just packed full of sad stuff man
Leaving on a happy note tho, I like to imagine that eventually, one day he's with Soap and Ghost when a song comes on a d one of them just jokingly goes "guys this is our song :)" and Roach just immediately becomes attached to it and listens to it to think of the two of them.
(Also i promise I'll try to make the next bts post a bit fluffier lol)
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Tagged by @alfalfairy thanks buddy!
Tealoranges (Our Flag Means Death) - Best part of the whole damn show and the entire fandom sleeps on them. This is one of the few fandoms I've been in where canon is perfect but the fandom disappoints me.
Wenclair (Wednesday) - Current obsession. This ship ticks alllll my boxes. Boxes that haven't been ticked in years. And in stark contrast to OFMD, the canon here has some problems, but the fandom (meaning mostly the fic) is phenomenal. Wenclair writers are serving up the good shit and I am fucking feasting.
Tseng/Rufus (Final Fantasy VII) - An oldie reignited by the FF7 Remake. Another one that ticks a lot of my boxes (and some kinks). Not a lot of fic but what I've found is mostly quality. Really excited for more development of both these characters in part 2.
1ST EVER SHIP - Honestly? It was probably Beetlejuice and Lydia from the old Beetlejuice animated series. I watched that as a very (very) young child, long before I knew about the movie. But I'm not positive I was viewing anything from a shipping perspective when I was that young, so a safer bet might be to say Sonic/Sally from the SatAM Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons and Archie comics.
LAST SONG - Take Me to Church - Hozier
LAST FILM - Ginger Snaps (been on my list for awhile. really wish I had seen this one back in high school. would've been really cathartic)
CURRENTLY WATCHING - I'm not watching anything that's currently airing but I am awaiting new seasons of: Our Flag Means Death, Stranger Things, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, and The Witcher (although I'll probably drop that last one after s3)
CURRENTLY READING - Making my way through some classics. Frankenstein, Dracula and some Lovecraft. And reading a few nonfiction books on a current special interest.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING - uhhh... water?
CURRENTLY CRAVING - Apples. Sugar cookies.
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