#html basic structure
webtutorsblog · 1 year
Unlimited Learning: HTML Tutorial for Beginners - WebTutor
Are you looking to learn HTML? Look no further! At WebTutor.dev, we offer comprehensive HTML tutorials and resources to help you become proficient in HTML, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer. Our website is designed to provide you with an immersive and engaging learning experience, covering all aspects of HTML, from the basics to advanced concepts.
Why Choose WebTutor for HTML Learning?
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Free Online HTML Editor: We understand that practice is key to mastering HTML. That is why we provide a free online HTML editor that allows you to practice your coding skills in a real-time environment. Our editor comes with a range of features and tools to help you write, test, and debug HTML code efficiently.
Best HTML Editor Recommendations: Looking for the best HTML editor for your coding needs? We have got you covered! Our website offers recommendations for the best HTML editors available in the market, based on user reviews, features, and ease of use.
Beginner-Friendly HTML Tutorials: If you are new to HTML, don't worry! Our tutorials are designed with beginners in mind. We start with the basics and gradually progress to more complex concepts, with clear explanations and examples to help you grasp the fundamentals of HTML.
Learn at Your Own Pace: At WebTutor.dev, we believe that learning should be flexible and tailored to your needs. That's why our tutorials are self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own speed and convenience. You can access our tutorials anytime, anywhere, and from any device.
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Supportive Community: Learning HTML can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. At WebTutor.dev, we foster a supportive community where you can connect with fellow learners, share your progress, ask questions, and get help from experienced developers.
HTML Developer Career Opportunities: HTML is a fundamental skill for web development, and mastering it can open a world of career opportunities. With our comprehensive HTML tutorials, you will be well-equipped to pursue a career as an HTML developer and create dynamic and interactive websites.
HTML is Easy to Learn: If you are wondering whether HTML is hard to learn, fear not! HTML is a markup language, not a programming language, and it is considered one of the easiest languages to learn for beginners. With our step-by-step tutorials and interactive learning resources, you will find HTML a breeze to learn and master.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, our HTML Introduction page has something for everyone. From HTML tutorials for beginners to advanced HTML concepts for professionals, we have got you covered. So why wait? Start learning HTML today!
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removeload-academy · 12 days
HTML Tutorial for Beginners: Understanding the Basic Structure with Examples
This tutorial will guide you through the basic structure of an HTML document, break down its essential elements, and provide examples to help you grasp the fundamentals.
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weepingwitch · 8 months
i know this means absolutely nothing to most people but basically all of the little web game things I've made recently (angels in automata, hex plant growing game, d.a.n.m.a.k.u., life music, sudoku land, the metroidvania style map editor, etc etc etc) are all entirely self-contained individual client-side html files that can be downloaded and run offline and have literally no libraries or frameworks or dependencies, because i'm an insane woman who enjoys hand coding my input handling and display code from scratch in vanilla js and having it all live in one single html file with the game logic and the page structure and the page style all just living and loving together side by side in a universal format that can be run by any web browser on any devixe. i'll even include image files as base64 data-uri strings just to keep every single asset inside the one file.
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codemerything · 1 year
A structured way to learn JavaScript.
I came across a post on Twitter that I thought would be helpful to share with those who are struggling to find a structured way to learn Javascript on their own. Personally, I wish I had access to this information when I first started learning in January. However, I am grateful for my learning journey so far, as I have covered most topics, albeit in a less structured manner.
N/B: Not everyone learns in the same way; it's important to find what works for you. This is a guide, not a rulebook.
What is JavaScript and its role in web development?
Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.
Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code.
Understanding variables, constants, and their declaration.
Data types: numbers, strings, boolean, and null/undefined.
Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logical operators.
Combining operators to create expressions.
Conditional statements (if, else if, else) for decision making.
Loops (for, while) for repetitive tasks. - Switch statements for multiple conditional cases.
Defining functions, including parameters and return values.
Function scope, closures, and their practical applications.
Creating and manipulating arrays.
Working with objects, properties, and methods.
Iterating through arrays and objects.Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM).
Selecting and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript.Handling events (click, submit, etc.) with event listeners.
Using try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
Common error types and debugging techniques.
Callback functions and their limitations.
Dealing with asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests.
Promises for handling asynchronous operations.
Async/await for cleaner asynchronous code.
Arrow functions for concise function syntax.
Template literals for flexible string interpolation.
Destructuring for unpacking values from arrays and objects.
Spread/rest operators.
Design Patterns.
Writing unit tests with testing frameworks.
Code optimization techniques.
That's it I guess!
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mybeingthere · 3 months
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A BOLI is an abstract figure kept in a shrine belonging to a secret Bamana men's association. It is believed to be the embodiment of the spiritual powers of the society. These powers underlie the ability of the association to maintain social control. Today, the Kono society has lost its influence in most Bamana communities due to the conversion of Bamana to Islam.
The basic form of this boli resembles a highly simplified cow. It is composed of a wooden core over-modeled with materials such as mud, eggs, chewed kola nuts, sacrificial blood, urine, honey, beer, vegetable fiber, and cow dung. The use of blood, excrement, and urine reflects the belief that these organic substances possess extremely potent spiritual powers.
Sotheby's catalogue note: "Catalogue Note
Upon first inspection this power object, known as a boli (plural boliw) impresses with its seemingly ‘elementary’ form, a shape achieved by the gradual accumulation of material around a wood core. In 1933 an image of a ‘boli du kono’ [the Kònò secret society, which was custodian of the boli] appeared in the Surrealist magazine Minotaure; it was described by the author and ethnographer Michel Leiris as "one of those bizarre shapes […] in the form of a pig, always in nougat brown." The form of the boli and its dense, cracked surface, suggestive of some primordial landscape, resonated with the Surrealist love of ‘fetishes’ and objects which were generally considered grotesque or bizarre, and the boli published in Minotaure soon became "the centre of an enthusiasm for Primitivism" (Colleyn, ‘ Images, signes, fétiches. À propos de l'art bamana (Mali)’, Cahiers d’études africaines, No. 195, 2009, p. 22).
If one engages with the boli beyond its seemingly ‘primitive’ appearance an object which possesses an immensely complicated cosmological significance is revealed. The boli is both a symbol of the universe and a receptacle for the forces that animate the universe, and it serves as an intermediary which permits communication with the ancestor or supernatural power whose force permeates it. As a repository of enormous spiritual power, or nyama, the boli would be viewed with a mixture of awe and fear. As the most essential instrument of communication between earthly mortals and the supernatural powers that control nyama, boliw were "an important part of the Bamana judicial structure, inanimate objects to which the Bamana community entrusts its decision making."
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zoeythebee · 9 months
This is THE single largest milestone in my entire 7 year game programming career.
I don't think I've ever gone over my history with moving platforms before, but basically. Back in my sophomore year of highschool I had a programming class! I hadn't chosen to take it, but the class I wanted got cut so I got this instead. And I already knew how to program, and the teacher was chill so I was like "can I like just work on whatever?" and she said sure. The rest of the class was doing an online html+css class.
Anyway I was like "yo I have an entire class period to program! I am gonna make a game!" That game was the first version of ThreeEye, and it's scope was very small. My plan was some like 8 levels, and the only mechanics were movement, spikes, and moving platforms. Spikes were extremely easy.
But there are no words for the difficulties I faced trying to impliment moving platforms.
I spent... Every. Single. Class period.
For. A. Semester.
Trying get them working.
I tried making the game in Gamemaker and Godot.
In Gamemaker I had a strange issue with the player sorta hovering above the platform, instead of cleanly moving on top of it. And also sinking a pixel inside of the platform when moving up. I never fixed it.
I then tried Godot, and I continued to struggle.
Oh I struggled, I struggled and struggled and struggled.
And was it worth it? No.
I found the bug, and it was caused by my refusal to actually read documentation and instead follow tutorials. The tutorial I was reading had the arguments for a 'move_and_slide_with_snap` function out of order.
So I fixed the bug.
And immediately found another bug that was even more dramatic and hard to debug.
And I quit.
I quit game dev for 2 years, and never looked back. At that point almost all I had done was watch tutorials and ineffectively debug. And I was so hyper focused on fixing this ONE issue that I never grew. I burnt out and I declared that programming wasn't for me.
2 years later I discovered a video of someone making a game without a game engine, but in C. And I thought it looked fun. So I decided that I would try programming again, but I wouldn't focus on trying to FINISH something. I would program as a hobby, and try to enjoy the act itself.
And I got that spark back, and now, 2 and a half years later. I solved moving platforms with the following 2 lines of code.
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And it's not these lines specifically, my skills as a programmer and EVERYTHING surrounding these two lines is what brought me here. My code structure was good enough, such that actually implementing the moving platforms took 5 minutes. I copy and pasted some code, cut some stuff out, and added the above lines.
I know I am technically a better programmer than when I first faced this challenge, but after having actually beat it. I feel like I have made it further than I ever had before.
Also that means this game is also further along in progress then anything else I've made before.
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ursiday · 8 months
Hi! I’m absolutely in love with the look of your carrd and was wondering how you customized it :) I’m new to the site and how to use it and stuff
Thank you! If you're not familiar at all with the site and want a really introductory crash course this post explains the basics of building elements on a site better than I could
Honestly I have not done anything fancy I really just slapped some elements on there and played around with the appearance settings until I liked it, even the grid background is something you can add within carrd. This page is just a text element (the header), buttons element, and some containers broken into columns so I could add the text and images next to each other. the only slightly weird thing is the "about" title with the little icons is actually an embedded HTML element which is only available with the pro plan features and I used it to add the font awesome icons (font awesome my beloved). There are lots of settings for adding borders, drop shadows, etc to different elements and stuff. My gallery page is just a gallery element I added a bunch of pics to as well. I would like to try doing more interesting stuff with carrd at some point but if you're fine with the structural elements being relatively basic I think there's a good amount of aesthetic customization you can do that's built in
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kafus · 6 months
not sure who needs to hear this but the HTML/CSS required to make a run of the mill neocities site is more like learning a specific type of grammar/structure to organize information and less like coding. it only really becomes what feels like "coding" when you start adding scripting like javascript, which you really don't have to do. if the idea of "coding" sounds overwhelming but you like making spreadsheets, lists, graphs, or other ways of organizing information about the things you like (or even if you haven't done that before, if it sounds appealing at least), i highly recommend looking into basic HTML and CSS anyways and giving it a shot, because i think the process of writing HTML/CSS is much closer to that than scripting
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astraerystarr · 1 year
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Fanfiction help, tips, prompts and ideas
I know how frustrating it is to come here looking for actual advice and the only things you find are inspirational posts that just repeat the same "you can do it" message over and over. So I compiled all the wonderful tips and advice I've seen so far. These posts here have saved me a million times already.
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Dialogue Prompts
Dialogue Prompts, tips, ideas, everything ->
Angst, Fluff, Smut, Bittersweet:
dumplingsjinson's dialogue prompts (They're great and with so many different dynamics):
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Help with Sentence Structure
I know that feeling when you see your writing and notice how bleak and repetitive it is, these posts can help you <3
A few special rules for dialogue punctuation, paragraphing, and grammar
(Rules you can and should break after learning the basics. Play with those rules to find your style)
How to make your writing more eloquent
How to know if you're telling too much and what to do
Sentence Structure (LOVE this, it's really useful if you're struggling with making more varied sentences)
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One Look Thesaurus
If you're having that horrible brain fog moment and can't remember that one word, this can help you!! This saved my hair from being ripped off a lot of times
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Tips of all types: pacing/formatting, etc
Read this, it's worth it, I promise
Filter words, words that distance the reader from the writing:
When nothing is happening in your story or things are going too slow:
A great discussion about epithets:
Abandoning your outline or letting it grow:
Describing emotions internally and externally:
General writing tips for structure, formatting etc:
Dialogue tags, sentence structure, adverbs, etc
(these tips are great for those writing their own books and for those writing fics too)
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Tips on writing characters without faces:
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agirlnamedjana's master dialogues/scenes/dynamics prompt list:
And also her masterpost on how to write/motivation/tips:
+ Writing Resource masterlist:
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Body Language
The Emotion Thesaurus (and all the other ones covering bad traits, settings and more)
Not everyone has the money to buy the book, so I'm going to link down here the place where you can buy it, but if you can't, just look up 'Emotion Thesaurus PDF download' on Google and you can download it for free. I recommend searching for it on VK, it comes with all the other Thesaurus(ses?) too. It's really helpful, especially the examples at the beginning and the notes after each section!
Words to describe voices
Writing descriptions (voice tone, facial expressions)
How to show emotions instead of telling them
Body language basics (smiles, eyebrows, head positions)
List of body language phrases (positions, reactions, movements like "he arched his back") divided by body parts:
Body Language sheet
Body Language Master List - Google Sheets
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Said — use it, don't use it, alternatives and tips
These alternatives can also help you come up with new ideas for the feelings/reactions of your character ->
Words to replace "said" and some tips
Caitlin McDonald - Words to replace said, except this actually helps (tumblr.com)
Alternatives to "whisper" (except with actual useful tips under those alternatives)
the dextrous, the sinister. — Word List: Alternatives to "Whisper" (tumblr.com)
Words to use instead of “said” organized by emotion/intention part 1&2
When to include physical gestures, actions, and facial expressions & how often to say he/she said/yelled/whined, etc
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Fights and Battles
Vocabulary list for fight scenes with actions, reactions, effects and more:
Words and phrases to describe characters in pain
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Little Tips
Things that may be causing your writer's block and what to do
Writing tips for authors with ADHD
NSK96's Writing Help, divided by sections and covering all parts of writing:
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Show Don't Tell. Or do a little telling too, it's alright
Writing better descriptions:
Showing what the character is feeling:
Consider checking more of Lyralit's posts, there are more like this one
Writing tips by Mod Joana: Don't like it — change it. The first words. Show don't tell:
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Writing relationships:
Writing Smut
Writing a relationship your readers will ship
Advice for writing relationships (Big compilation with lots of tips and different types of relationships)
Writing romantic love
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I'll update when I find more! I hope this helps you <3
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izicodes · 2 years
Basics of HTML5: Let's build a webpage!
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I'm a huge advocate for learning HTML5 as your first coding language (remember, it's not a programming language)! HTML5 is a great and easy coding language to get you into the feel of coding, especially for complete complete beginners!
I see a lot of people on Tumblr wanting to get into just creating their own websites but don't know how to start - coding is a new thing to them! So, I'm here to help with the language I know like it's the back of my hand!
And I am also an advocate of building projects in order to learn anything in coding/programming! Thus, what better way to learn the basics of HTML5 than to actually build a simple webpage? Let's get started~!
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What is HTML5?
HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is a special coding language that is used to create webpages. With HTML, you can tell a web browser, like Google Chrome or Safari, what to display on a webpage, such as text, images, and videos. And 'HTML5' is just the latest version of HTML!
HTML tags are special words or symbols that you use to create webpages. You use these tags to tell the web browser what content to display on a webpage, like headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more. Tags come in pairs (most of the time) so you'll have an opening tag and a closing tag. An example of the syntax:
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The Simple Webpage
As I mentioned, we will be making a simple webpage for a person called David - see, he needs a portfolio webpage to start off with, and we're going to help me (as well as learning HTML5, of course).
Here is the code we will be using:
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Pretty code, I know but also a bit confusing - let's get into understanding the code by grouping them into chunks! But just a heads up, the code includes these tags:
!DOCTYPE html (mmh it's more of a declaration really)
html, head, body
h1, h2, h3
p, a
li, ul, ol
These are some of the common tags used in all webpages on the internet! Okay, let's look at the code finally~!
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The basic structure of every HTML page
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Every HTML file looks like this - it has to have all of these tags!
The first line, !DOCTYPE html tag, tells the web browser which version of HTML is being used.
The code is contained within html tags, which enclose the entire webpage.
The head tags contain information about the webpage, such as the title and links to other resources.
The body tags contain the main and visible content of the webpage, such as text, images, and videos.
Together, this code provides the basic structure for an HTML webpage, with the head tags containing metadata and the body tags containing the actual content.
In the head tags
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The title tags enclose the title of the webpage. In this example, the title is "My Programming Blog".
The title appears in the title bar of the web browser and is often used by search engines and social media sites to display the name of the webpage.
In the body tags - Headings and paragraphs
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The h1 tags create a main and biggest heading, which in this case is "Welcome to My Programming Blog!" - you can only have one h1 tag on a webpage.
The h2 tags create subheadings, which in this case include "Latest Post", "About Me", and "My Projects" - you can have multiple h2 to h6 tags on a page.
The h3 tags create a sub-subheading under h2 tags, which in this case is "How I Improved My Coding Skills".
The p tags create paragraphs of text that provide more detail about the blog's content and purpose, including a summary of the latest blog post and information about the author and their projects.
In the body tags - lists and links
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To start any list, you need to either start with ul tags or ol (ordered (numbered)) tags
The ul tags create an unordered list of items.
The li tags create list items within the unordered list.
Each list item includes a hyperlink created using the 'a' tags, with the text of the link being the name of a programming project.
The href attribute within each 'a' tag specifies the URL where the project code can be found on GitHub.
Attributes go inside the opening tags' arrows '<' and '>'.
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The End Result
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Boom - she's gorgeous, I know! A basic, simple webpage! We did it! You can see the page live + the code used here: [LINK]. Play around with the code, change things, experiment, break things, fix them - do what you need to learn further!
And that includes some online resources to help!
LINK 1 | LINK 2 | LINK 3
And some resources/posts I have shared about HTML
LINK 1 | LINK 2 | LINK 3
What next?
Learn CSS3! The page looks basic and looks like what pages were like when the internet was invented! You need colour, fancy fonts and layouts! CSS helps with that, as it is a styling sheet! Be sure to do some research but I also share resources on my blog under my #resources tag!
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Thank you for reading and best of luck learning coding/programming! Remember, this isn't the only way to get into coding! People even recommend languages like Python to be beginners' first language, but I say that HTML5 should be the first coding language and then Python is your first programming language - don't know the difference? I made a post about it here!!
But definitely for people going into Web Development, HTML5 all the way! I don't think you can avoid learning HTML5 with Web Development (not 100% sure though...)!
Anyhoo, have a nice day/night! 👋🏾💻💕
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cadmusfly · 8 months
Analysing the Quality of Napoleon's Marshals With Silly Data Science
Let's talk numbers and laugh at funny graphs with missing data!
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Other people in this fandom do really lovely detailed information posts, I do weird fanfic, dragon shitposting, body pillow design shitposting and run a stupid Lannes ask rp blog. But! I'm also a programmer with an interest in Numbers, and today we're going to Analyse These Dead Frenchmen with a bunch of screenshots of graphs.
Ethan Arsht published a really interesting article called Napoleon was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves it., where using data scraped off Wikipedia articles, he creates a statistical model drawing from multiple variables per battle to calculate How Good A General Is At Winning.
Give the article a read, it's great stuff, but if you don't feel like it, he basically applies WAR - "Wins Above Replacement" - which is a value from baseball that measures how many wins a player is worth when compared to a replacement.
So the general's WAR would be how well they compare to a completely average general who replaced them. Yes, as Arsht says, "in other words, I would find the generals’ WAR, in war."
But as he says, this is not a stringent historical analysis and is more of a fun thought experiment. Wikipedia is probably the most comprehensive dataset on this topic that he had access to, but it is Wikipedia the crowdsourced online encyclopedia, so it is going to have holes and inaccuracies. And this was written seven years ago, and the data was collected then, so any updates to these articles since then wouldn't be reflected.
And it's not a perfect model that takes into account everything - it's an approximation, a whole bunch of number crunching. I haven't looked too deeply into how the numbers work exactly, even though I could.
I think that 0 would be "completely and utterly average"? A positive WAR is good, a negative WAR is not. Napoleon is the best general ever at 16.679 WAR, the next highest is Caesar at 7.445 WAR.
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(Link, you can hover over each battle and look at each datapoint!)
But I'm interested in Napoleon's marshals. The 26 men he raised up to military nobility! The dramatic assholes who kept arguing with each other. I'll post links for all of them at the end of this, but I won't be screenshotting each of their WAR graphs, just a few.
I'm not entirely sure how the scraper collected the information about what battles a commander is considered in "charge" of - I tried looking at the provided code repository but I am reminded that data science people bless them are not really good at structuring or publishing code and why are all the html pages just straight up saved in the root folder why are the jupyter notebook outputs just uncleared aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh yeah this was scraped from seven years ago so current wikipedia pages won't be reflective of what's on the graphs - so we can assume that this is just grabbing stuff from the "Commanders and leaders" part from each individual battle page and collating them into numbers
Anyway let's look at the iron man himself, Davout, considered to be the best of Napoleon's marshals.
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Heh, here we see the first hole in the dataset - Jena-Auerstedt is considered to be one battle, and Napoleon would like you to think that's the case.
Anyway, pretty good! Let's look at Jean Lannes, the lively Gascon
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Oooooh, even better than Davout! Helps he didn't go to Russia. Wait, why is Aspern-Essling dated to before Ratisbon, especially when Lannes died in the former?
Let's look at André Masséna, also known as being pretty cool:
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Damn, neat, though I think there's a lot of omissions here.
Here's Murat:
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Lol Tolentino, I do like how Murat Peaked there a little bit
But we're forgetting a certain redhead, aren't we?
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Ouch. But also Waterloo not appearing there, hmmm.
Anyway let's finish off the screenshots with Napoleon's greatest strategist, Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the man that Wellington called a master of the defensive!
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honestly this is the entire reason why i wanted to write this post
in soult's defense - as a soult defender - he had a pretty shitty army full of conscripts, was isolated, was occasionally pretty bad at adapting tactically to new surprises and had to deal with the english being stubborn fuckers, but he was brilliant in setting things up strategically and forcing the english to catch up through a fighting retreat with a demoralised army, stopping them from closing in on france too
but also the way this graph bullies soult so hard makes me laugh a lot
Anyway, yeah, these graphs are definitely inaccurate and I'm also posting these to see the Napoleonic community on tumblr's reaction to them, but they are a fun way to engage with history!
Just don't take them seriously, and feel free to argue in the tags/comments/reblogs
I could theoretically use this guy's code to rerun this just for the Marshals now - I know my way around some data science code - but I do have a lot on my plate, but it would be a fun experiment!
Marshal WAR Graph Links
Note: So these are under the Wikipedia article names at the time that the web scraper was run seven years ago so some of these names turned out to be different from what they are now and I had to do a bit of digging to fix some
you can definitely tell that the information is incomplete on a lot of these, again i repeat the information was scraped off wikipedia seven years ago
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Jean Lannes
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
André Masséna
Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey (one battle lol)
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte aka Charles XIV John of Sweden (Two battles and only Swedish ones I think)
Guillaume Brune
Édouard Mortier (two battles)
Jean-Baptiste Bessières (two battles)
François Christophe de Kellermann (one battle, Valmy)
François Joseph Lefebvre (two battles)
Charles-Victor Perrin (ouch)
Étienne Macdonald
Nicolas Oudinot (lol)
Auguste de Marmont (loll)
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
Józef Poniatowski (three battles but hmm. pretty bad but feel like there's too much missing info here)
Emmanuel de Grouchy (two battles, can't make a Where's Grouchy joke)
Marshals Without Graphs Not because they didn't command anything but I couldn't find their graphs on the website or in the code repo
Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Louis-Gabriel Suchet (wtf? maybe seven years ago the documentation on him was sad)
EDIT: wait i was looking at the notebook (the uh place where the code was being run, to see if i could run the code myself)
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soult is one of the lowest ranked generals overall on this initial list pfftHAHAHhahahahahahahaha
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webtutorsblog · 1 year
HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to create web pages with the help of a markup language. Are you looking to learn HTML? Look no further! At WebTutor.dev, we offer comprehensive HTML tutorials and resources to help you become proficient in HTML, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer. Our website is designed to provide you with an immersive and engaging learning experience, covering all aspects of HTML, from the basics to advanced concepts.
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crazysodomite · 2 months
I got some coding done on my website today. This is actually the second time I'm remaking it from scratch but this time I'm determined.
Im done with the plain html and the basic css structure now im gonna think about how to make it look good.....
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snowcoding · 11 months
hi. i had a very similar experince to trying to look through the code camp scams and everything online and not living near anything useful. if you can find an online real college thats what i did, granted its a community college and an associates but. other than that, don't sleep on utilizing chatgpt to teach you. thats how i learn all of my material. you can ask it questions or say "can you teach me about x", and if you dont like its response you can say things like "make that more simple" or "make that interactive". but helpful tip, all programming languages basically do the same things and work in very, very similar ways. if you just learn the fundamentals of programming you can just translate that to any language. in my opinion, the basics to learn are: the structures of programming (sequential, conditional, iterative), variables, datatypes (integer, string, float, etc)(in python those are it), conditional statements(these are those if-else things you see), iterative aka loops(do..while, for x in list, do until, etc), functions(keep em one purpose), passing data. i would say these are the fundamentals. every language does it (besides html bc thats not a programming language but just a mark up language), so once you know about the conditonal structure for example, just find out "how do i use this in x language". if you are learning python now, its a great language to learn about programming and you've probably realized by now that people most often use it in an object oriented way, but you don't have to and don't have to learn about classes or objects if you don't have the fundamentals down yet. i hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to ask me
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Oh I 100% agree with this advice. After looking for a long, long time, I realised the most legitimate courses were from 'real' colleges and education suppliers that offered 'brick n mortar' schooling as well as e-learning.
I'm definitely going to utilise the free resources online and then work towards building a profile and generally seeing what the jobs online look for and work towards that alongside the usual path of learning :)
Also, I love how supportive folk generally are in this area of learning. I knew it would be competitive, especially when it comes to getting a job in a year or so...but seeing folk lift each other up instead of put each other down is heart-warming on so many levels. It makes me think I've found my correct career path :)
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auberylis · 4 months
MyArtGallery 20240526 Major Update
Rejoice, MyAG users, as i have done something i thought was impossible: made the darn thing Actually Work! It took me a bit, but the entire structure was rewritten to be much safer, easier to maintain, and such and such. The idea remains the same, and the database format didn't change, but the execution is about 98% less sloppy now. You can get it here for free; deployment to Neocities takes 10 minutes at most, after which you get yourself an easily managed online gallery - deviantart style, but all yours.
For starters, here's the updated look of the editor - it has tabs now, which is much more convenient. Moreover, the artworks tab allows filtering by group to quickly access & edit your stuff! The item moving procedure became much less flashy and more robust, too.
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The entire editing process has been streamlined, and now it's even less clunky than before. What also became streamlined is the page layout: the editor and the default pages now use semantic HTML and same standard CSS sheets that my other projects (and the upcoming neomanager) use. They're readable, lightweight, easily cuszomised.
Better yet, the way MyAG renders your gallery has been improved drastically. I noticed that people were struggling to style the default MyAG page, but MyAG wasn't working with anything but its default page. Now, rolling your own pages that use MyAG as a component is super easy - by just importing necessary scripts and styles, and adding a specific class to some container like a <div> - MyAG will automatically find it and render to it.
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The list of default properties available as "easy customisations" to style has been reduced to basic spacing, colours, and such - located in "myag_user/style.css" as before. I figured that instead of making a complicated defaults system for inexperienced users to keep being inexperienced, a short set of defaults and a more open-ended structure is better; new CSS can now be added directly and gradually to the user style CSS file, and will not be affected by updates.
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JS settings system has also been changed, so that you no longer have to be manually merging your custom settings with the newly introduced ones on every update. Settings are declared by the main code, not exposed to you the user - but may be overridden in "myag_user/settings.js". As before, the only two mandatory settings are URLs to some Neocities file editor windows to make the update process faster; changing anything else is not required.
Finally, i updated the goddarn manual to read like an actual manual and represent reality. So now, deploying MyAG via the step-by-step guide Actually Works. I added a guide on how to integrate MyAG to existing pages, or make a page that uses it from scratch, omitting the default pageset. I hope it helps - but as always, feedback and questions are appreciated.
P.S. neomanager is on its steady way to a stable version! I had to make MyAG sane first before returning to assuring safety and reliability of neomanager - some crappy MyAG subsystems started influencing my design decisions in a bad way, and i had to get rid of them first. Soon(tm)!
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pathogenic · 5 months
Btw I'm making a fun little Neocities page for myself. It's going to be about music and just talking about the albums I've listened to. So far I have the shell of a home page and the start of one album if folks want to see.
I will be taking suggestions for designs (just keep in mind my HTML/CSS skills are very basic, so I will take some time for anything too advance. Unfortunately my schooling was for data structures NOT OOP).
I will be doing my best to make my page accessible, so if you see things like bad color choices, font sizes needing a touch up, lmk!
I think I will also add a personal page for folks to go to when they cannot access my about on my main blog.
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