#httyd 3 review
reviewinghiccup · 2 years
I really love this blog and I know its focus is to analyze Hiccup’s character from what we are given from the films and shows but do you think he felt some sort of resentment towards the other teens, the village, and even Stoick shortly after the events of the first movie? I don’t recall seeing anything like this from Hiccup (correct me if I’m wrong) since it’s just in his nature to be very selfless and forgiving. However, I’m sure that with the lost of his leg and the people suddenly treating him with respect (aside from Stoick, I don’t think we’ve seen any other character formally apologizing for treating him so poorly before), it must have been a very difficult time for him to adjust to, both physically and emotionally. I might be missing a lot things as I write this but I’m sure Hiccup has plenty of scars under the surface that will take lots of time to heal. I’d love to know what are your thoughts about this, thanks!
Wow, that's a really interesting question. @per4mancecheck noted in my post that the reason Hiccup was able to sympathise w Astrid in the episode Blindsided [Episode 11, Season 4 (Race to the Edge)] is because of his own disability. And that got me thinking about what it was possibly like when he woke up and saw his leg missing.
We know that at the end of the 1st movie, he sorta just accepts it. I reckon that was more a pacing issue and the show had to finish on a congratulatory note. It would be a bit too heavy perhaps to go into his disability thereafter. But the shows don't go into it much either. And from what I know and recall of the episodes thus far, no one has apologised for their mistreatment towards him or that he lost his leg. At least not verbally and not written into the shows.
I have a few theories:
Maybe it wasn't something he dwelled on, because to lose a leg was better than to lose a life. It could be Hiccup was a glass half full kinda person and he was just glad to be alive.
We know from the franchise that the Vikings take glory in battle scars. And they love a good story that comes with it. And losing a leg battling the Red Death is a damn good one.
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I also think Hiccup isn't someone who dwells on things, because in HTTYD 2, it didn't take him long to forgive his mother who left him motherless to rescue dragons. He was just happy to have her back again (like Stoick). No resentment towards her or the dragons. Or even Toothless who killed Stoick. It's like his level of understanding reaches undefinable strides. [Granted he was angry, but not for long. He just gets it.]
Further, it is possible that it wasn't something to think about because it was normal for them to lose a limb back then. Many of them have or know someone who has lost a limb (or their minds). When its normalised, the sting of stigma is neutralised.
Its that fighting spirit, that even though they suffer from some sort of physical impediment, that isn't going to stop them from fighting Outcasts / Berserkers or serving the community.
Hiccup must've also been used to "coming short" if you get me. And in a way, he supplements his short comings w gadgets. Like the shield, Inferno/Dragon Blade and lots of training.
Most of the people around him are pretty unapologetic. They're Vikings. It might be in their constitution to not apologise, with words. Maybe they might w actions. We know in the series "When Lightning Strikes" [Episode 13, Season 1 (Riders of Berk)] when the town mistakenly accused Toothless for the fierce lightning storms, they apologised to him by giving loads of peace offerings. Maybe they did the same with Hiccup and we didn't see it because the episodes only began after he was able to walk on the peg-leg, which could've taken some time.
For example, when he wakes up, dragons could roam freely. They didn't fight dragons anymore. They believed him. I also like to think, their image of him had taken a drastic turn for the better. He gained a lot of respect and that could mean more to him than an apology. Especially since he's the son of the chief and heir to the title. He needs that respect.
In certain cultures, to say sorry might mean nothing much to them. My cousin is half Chinese, and her mother is not much of a "saying sorry" to fix things type. She might, make your favourite meal or buy a snack you like to make up for it and my cousins accepts that as an apology. Live and let live? Yannow?
But as for Snotlout and Tuff/Ruff (can't recall which) I don't think they would've said sorry or even knew they did something wrong. Either because they were too proud to realise (Snotlout) or too dense to notice (the Twins). In fact, they do make fun of him for it.
I believe you have a solid point. Regardless of what society you live in and what type of person you are, when you lose a limb it is counted as a great loss. Especially, if you could've saved it if the people around you had listened. In a natural sense, I'm sure he must've been at least angry. Life without a limb is tough.
Because of his metal leg, he attracts lightning during a storm when flying Toothless. Sometimes during an adventure, he might lose his leg or an enemy might take it away from him to impede him. I mean, it is weakness in the strictest sense, cumbersome if anything else. But I don't think he held it against the other teens on the island for long because whatever he did during the show for them came from a position of genuine friendship.
Emotion wise though, I too wonder if he has completely healed. You see, Hiccup is very attached to Toothless. Toothless is like an extension of himself. He serves like an emotional support animal. The Dragon Academy, Alvin, Dagur, the Grimborn brothers, etc. they also serve as distractions. When he hyper-fixates on these things, he doesn't seem so interested in his own personal issues. That's probably where the phrase "an idle mind is the devil's playground" came from. And why adults asks us to keep busy, cause when you don't your thoughts could run wild.
That may explain why in HTTYD: The Hidden World, Astrid said "but he thinks he is nothing without Toothless." Because for the longest time, Toothless has made things easier for him. Instead of just walking, Hiccup can now fly.
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This statement might be an indication that Hiccup hadn't fully resolved his internal conflict and insecurity. I mean, how many of us young adults have issues that date back to childhood?
I think the internal struggle branches out in the final movie because of the loss of his father. That could be why he wasn't ready for marriage, as Astrid knew the case to be. Because before he can transition into a new position, he needed to first know who he is, independent of Toothless. Leg or no leg.
He also needed to believe in the strength he now had with Astrid. And maybe even why it had to be with just Astrid.
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I think he must've carried some sort of scar, that only letting go of Toothless could heal. Because, while Toothless resembled strength and adventure, he also signified dependence. And the only way to know you have recovered completely is to let go of your crutch.
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I may be overstepping here, but this is just my two-cents.
Thank you so much for asking this question. I had a wonderful time answering it. Gave me a chance to think about things I haven't yet given enough consideration. Above all, I really hope this answer helps.
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loverofwhump216 · 2 months
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Latest chapter to my HTTYD Fanfic is up
Title: Living Will
Characters: Hiccup Haddock, Traitor Johann, OC, Astrid Hofferson
Rating: T for teens and up
Summary: Hiccup has just discovered that Johann is still alive despite being encased in ice. How will he deal with this startling discovery. Part three of my Seizure Procedure series. This story cannot stand alone.
If you read please consider leaving a review letting me know what you think
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codecicle · 7 months
thoughts on httyd 3?
I know some people don't love it but honestly I thought it was really really good! an overall nice way to end out a trilogy imo. I respect the choice to have the dragons go to their own world, which means nobody else could make a series on it after that and it would feel like The Ending it was meant to be. same with the way they wrapped up hiccup's character arc and everything,,, its been a minute since I watched it but I remember walking out of the theater emotionally destroyed and then like a week later happy as hell still thinking about it
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limesandcoconuts · 2 years
and now, a quote from my HTTYD 3 review, *ehem*:
“fuck you DreamWorks, I didn’t need my heart anyways.”
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life-in-toontown · 10 months
Randomly started remembering how much I hate HTTYD 3 so here’s my sarcastic and bitter Letterboxd review
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
Heathers: On Heather the Unhinged and Potential Modifications to Her Backstory and Character Design. Part 1: Introduction
This analysis about Heather came about when I had an idea to rate and review the designs of various HTTYD characters and talk about changes to their designs throughout the franchise. I soon realized that while there are definitely several characters whose designs and/or physical appearances I take some issue with, Heather stood out to me the most. This is because my criticisms of her RTTE costume is emblematic of much larger issues I have with her character in general. Please note, I do not dislike Heather, and this is not an attack on her. I think her character is fun and interesting, but has potential to be much better. So please bear with me while I discuss her character design and propose some improvements and alternatives.
The first option will refine the design and backstory presented in RTTE; the second will take inspiration from her character in School of Dragons (RIP); and the third will be a continuation of her characterization in Riders of Berk.
Heather in Riders of Berk
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This section will be short and sweet. I have absolutely no issues with Heather’s original design. I love the muted colours of her outfit and that it looks worn and a bit tattered. I think it really fits her circumstances and is very in line with the design of the other adolescent characters, which is basically: modern American teen clothing with a Viking/Early Medieval twist. No notes. I think she looks great
Heather in Race to the Edge
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This iteration of Heather is where I start to have questions. She has one of the most drastic redesigns in the franchise (other than Dagur’s...who I also have some comments about, but that’s for another, likely much shorter post). I have no issues with the design for her face and hair, but I am somewhat confused by her armour and weapon, and how all of it blends in (or rather clashes) with what we know of her backstory.
So at this point, Heather has been on her own, fending for herself for about 3 years. While I can accept this as a believable amount of time for her to learn how to fight, I have questions about how she learned. I’m in no way a combat expert, but I don’t think fighting with a melee weapon like her...Swiss army double axe(?) is something that you can just pick up without anyone to train with. I also have questions about where it came from. I think at some point, it’s revealed that Heather made it herself—in which case, I also have questions about who taught her how to make weapons and whose workshop she used. The same question extends to her amour. It looks very clearly inspired by/made from Windshear’s scales, but that would still necessitate being fashioned into something wearable, which requires resources and knowledge on how to construct armour.
So my question is: who was Heather’s mentor? The Gobber to her Hiccup, if you will? Who trained Heather and taught her how to make weapons and armour? And if the answer is no one, then we need to make some changes to her design, and by extension, her lifestyle.
I will be posting each section of this separately because I tried to post the entire thing all at once and Tumblr imploded.
Part 2
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
I finally watched HTTYD 3 and I am still in shock
I knew I would likely dislike the movie but I wanted to watch the entire trilogy. I feel robbed when I remember I paid $4 to rent the movie. I even watched it a second time (which I don't usually do) by myself to make sure I never had first watch bias or something.
There are several posts already about the flaws of the movie. I want to do something different. I went into this movie with a lot of prejudice from Youtube reviews, Tumblr posts and even some fanfics. So I will highlight how these prejudices were challenged when I watched the movie.
Let's start with the positivies:
How the movie was not as bad as I thought
The fate of the Death grippers
I don't care much about animals. In fact, I am not too fond of how the movies paint the dragons as innocent victims all the time (except for the dragon queen) and the humans as the evil ones. Not all dragons can cohabitate with humans and some are genuinely dangerous. The death grippers are vile creatures and I felt little pity when Toothless barbequed them. Grimmel using their venom to control them was so dumb.
Gobber and Eret
People made it seem like Gobber was hitting on Eret. Sure, he said Eret had the body of a norse god but that was basically it. It's easily forgettable. In fact, when I first watched the movie it didn't even sound like flirting but Gobber making a quip in response to Snotlout's idiocy.
Hiccstrid peptalk
I don't agree with Astrid that Hiccup was back where he started. However, the scene where she agrees that Hiccup is a screw-up was not as bad as I thought. There was more levity than people give credit for.
The animation
Hiccup and the others looked way too pretty but it didn't bother me much.
Light fury and Toothless' relationship
I have seen people describe it as shallow. Meh, it was ok. It never got me emotionally invested but I didn't hate it. They had three fairly adorable courting scenes and the light fury was obviously interested. I was confused why she was pursuing Toothless instead of trying to get as far away from Grimmel as possible. When I first watched the movie, I thought Grimmel was forcing her to chase Toothless as part of his plan. I guess that was not the case. I don't agree that she only likes him because he's an alpha. Even if she did, she's a wild animal. Given that Toothless and she are animals, I am not fussy that their relationship was not given more depth. It just meant that I hardly cared when Grimmel was holding her hostage to control Toothless. In fact, I kissed my teeth when Toothless sacrificed Berk's dragons for her. All I could think was 'Berk has TWO crap leaders'.
Toothless not defending Hiccup from the Light Fury
I was not a fan of this scene. At all. But I surprisingly had more grace for this scene for some reason. The light fury is aggressive because she's frightened and after Toothless growls at her she backs off. It just sucks that Toothless shows little to no concern about Hiccup.
Who died and made you chief
Not as bad because everyone on screen reacted appropriately and Gothi whacked him on the head :)
This is Berk
Not too bothered that this movie lacked the classic Hiccup intro and outro. Hiccup's perky intro tied in nicely with the complete chaos of the Berk opening scene (still not over the monstrosity Berk became - glad they left that dump behind). I hated Hiccup's message in the outro but at least there was something. I wish there was more exploration about New Berk though :(
How the movie was worse than I thought
The gang was annoying as hell
Tuffnut was the top offender. His marriage pep talks made me want to tear my hair out. So cringe and unnecessary. What a waste of screentime. Fishlegs and Fishmeat were annoying too. Everytime I saw Fishmeat on screen, I felt slightly angry. Snotlout's crush on Valka was also unnecessary and the triangle with Eret made me roll my eyes. Why is Valka entertaining this fool? Ruffnut was not as frustrating given her minimal screentime.
The intro scene
The intro scene was so bad. The gang have been dragon riders for 6 years now so why are they acting so sloppy?? Hiccup ruined the scene the minute he shushed the guard and opened his mouth.
Hicctooth in shambles
The friendship between Hiccup and Toothless was severely lacking in this movie. Toothless spent most of the movie not giving a damn about Hiccup. Toothless runs off to the hidden world without even a goodbye. I had thought Hiccup had let Toothless go permanently at that point but nope! Hiccup was expecting him back and it's heartbreaking how Toothless immediately moves on from Hiccup for his new mate. Being with Hiccup seems like a total chore to Toothless.
Romance means the end of friendship
What I love about Hiccstrid is how Hiccup is able to love Astrid and Toothless without any conflicts. He doesn't put one before the other and Toothless and Astrid share a bond too. Why is this not the case with Toothless? Why does mating with the light fury mean leaving Hiccup in the dust? Why is the light fury not given the chance to bond with Hiccup? I would hope that my future significant other would be relatively close with my friends. I think the Hiccstrid marriage happening after the dragons leave also leaves a sour taste in my mouth. The whole argument about not being ready for marriage was a waste of time. What exactly made them not ready for marriage!?
Grimmel as a villain
I have mixed feelings about him. He's simultaneously fun and boring. I can't explain it. I thought the scene within Hiccup's house was badass. But other than that, he fell flat for me. Maybe it's because everyone around him was so stupid. Not sure why Grimmel never killed Toothless when he had the chance instead of taking the light fury on a joyride.
HW!Toothless is not my Toothless
What made this point worse for me was how Toothless dropped the ball as Berk's alpha. He abandoned his pack for the dragons in the hidden world - makes no sense how he became king of dragons btw. I don't know why the dragons are compelled to follow him when he is not a true alpha dragon and he easily traded their freedoms for the life of this light fury he practically met yesterday. Also, Toothless was a lot uglier than I expected him to be. Toothless showed more anger over the light fury stepping on his drawing than he did the THREE times the light fury attacked Hiccup. Toothless was a total disgrace! Toothless had more regality as a lone wolf dragon than he does as an alpha simping over this nobody dragon.
The plot was boring
I feel like the threat Grimmel posed was ruined by the dragon romance. Berk is under threat by a dragon hunter and Toothless is more concerned about chasing tail. Plus, the hidden world was a concept with wasted potential. There was no point in the movie where I felt a sense of awe like the first two. From the first movie, test flight and Hiccotooth bonding. From the second movie, Hicctooth intro flight and Toothless breaking Drago's control because his bond with Hiccup was that powerful. The third movie left me with an agape mouth and millions of questions. I just felt sad at the end. The departure from Berk was too rushed. Toothless' departure was too rushed. The dragons leaving Berk was too rushed. The movie was too rushed and too slow at the same time.
These are the major points for me. There are other disappointing things about the movie but I am glad I watched it so that I have my own opinion of what a letdown this movie was.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 4 months
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
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p-receh · 8 months
Ooo wait are your thoughts on the two boboiboy movies?
Wah, Nice one!
I've had nostalgic memories when I rewatched movie 1. Particularly because it was the last entry I followed before I went on hiatus. ... 8 years ago I think?
Whereas I watched the second one during my marathon session this year.
Due to 'my messed-up order of watching' this series, I ended up knowing big spoilers about The movie 2 and I forced to give up my 'anti-spoiler' act before I watched it. Kinda of a bummer for the general view, but you know what? It made the scene more fascinating to watch!
"Oh this is Retak'ka? THE Retak'ka?"
"No wonder why Adudu is so into martial arts now."
"So that's how Ice got his bow eh?"
"Oh Fu-Yes! The debut of Fusion Elementals!!!!"
From a general technical standpoint, they stepped up their game drastically. Of course, it's for movies after all. They went bold for expanding the areas, improving the graphics, increasing action scenes, and also adding more music as well.
At the same time, they also upgrade Boboiboy and Kokotiam gang's power so it's making it a 'bit' op for the sake of spectacle. It's not that bad in a negative way, I understand that because the enemies themselves were hella strong as shit. (the first one used a black hole and the second one used all-in-one power hunger fest that could also destroy the galaxy. Logically the earth's supposed to be gone by now :/).
I loved what they did to the lighting and hue for both movies. it's like watching smash bros ultimate but in the movies(weird reference I know but hope you get the idea :/)
The details! Holy- IT'S SO PRETTY~~~
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Both of them were also establishing the expansion power of elementals and what they can do about it. The first one was the fight with all elementals showcased and the second one was the alternative way of fighting by combining two elementals.
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Alsoooo both finally managed to properly introduce the one and only .... Boboiboy Hatless! :D
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I'd say they had a fair share of hiding it perfectly well. Cleverly teasing the audience to grasp 'Why the hell do they keep hiding his hair with that particular angle?' Because... If I'm not wrong, Boboiboy was one of the characters that falls in the same category with Upin&Ipin: limiting the haircut for animation efficiency during the first production.
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So when his hat does let off, It is always an impeccable scene to watch. That trick never fails to amaze me. (like Professor Layton's hat case :3)
Now I wonder how much screen time his hat is off for the movie 3? I'm sure it takes a lot more than the previous one since his 3rd tier is pure hat off(and dyed hair).
If I want to say from my opinion. Movie 1 has its standout over Movie 2 and vice versa. Both have ups & downs yet they are equivalent to each other. For instance: the timing to add their theme song was a bit out of place in movie 1 so the latter fixed that, whereas the Fang and Ying banter in their language was lacking in movie 2 when the former had this iconic scene (sound on recommend) :]
Oh speaking of Music, my god their theme songs are epi~~~c
I remember how hyped I was when one of my fav local band, D'masiv, created a credits song for Movie 1 AND Galaxy season 1. But heck all movie themes in order are wholesome af!!! 'Masih Disini' - 'Dibawah Langit yang Sama' - 'Fire & Water' are in my repeat playlist recently. So overwhelming that I actually cried? The montage during Fire & Water played was not a sad moment but heck I cried because it's soo touching for no reason.
Oh yeah, I forgot it's a family movie so they have rights to not make any deaths scene. I can understand why yet I'm still disappointed.
I cried. HARD when I saw Tok Kasa collapsed. It portrayed emphatically well and worked for new characters that was introduced a bit short.
Then, not long after that, we got this
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(I guess they didn't want to do another httyd 2 moment. It's too painful for kids to watch)
So... There's my review. Honestly I don't know what goes on for movie 3. It could be anything after season 2. But if I may guess...
It's between father and son now...
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Hey guys! Sorry for the week long hiatus, I had so many unexpected events to deal w that no time could be had for updating this blog.
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^ me the whole week tbh ANYWAYS! I do think that we can announce the winners of Part I and Part II of the Polls! [Unless something changes in 4 hours and a day! HAHA! Which, might be safe to say it wont.]
RIDERS OF BERK POLL (1) - Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
RIDERS OF BERK POLL (2) - When Lightning Strikes
Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man was a landslide win. I mean, I get why. It showcased that tender relationship between Stoick and Hiccup, it played w Hiccup's confidence and identity and realising the gifts that make him different is what makes him great. And Stoick also learning to put aside his traditional prejudices to appreciate Hiccup's uniqueness.
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When Lightning Strikes was another strong win. It dealt w the village's strong impudent views, Hiccup's resolve to save Toothless, Stoick finally standing up for Toothless and Hiccup. Though, Thawfest and Breakneck Bog tally slightly behind with an almost equal number of votes.
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The thing these 4 episodes have in common is that it deals w intricacies of family ties and relationships. Hiccup and Stoick, Hiccup and his mother, Hiccup and Toothless, Spitelout and Snotlout. They play around w the theme of togetherness and acceptance. To live and let live. And I get why that hits.
Admittedly, I thought that Animal House and How to Pick Your Dragon would garner more votes for the 1st round of Polls. Those were my honourable mentions for 1st round but I get why Heather Report came in second. It was the fire test of Hiccup and Astrid's relationship and much more.
And for the 2nd round of Polls I was banking on Thawfest to win. Haha! Regardless, I am just so glad that many of you took part in these polls and have continued reading and sharing my work.
If you guys are new to the blog and want to read up on all my reviews, you can find them all here:
Episode 1: How to Start a Dragon Academy
Episode 2: Viking for Hire
Episode 3: Animal House Episode 4: Terrible Twos Episodes 5 & 6 : In Dragons we Trusts | Alvin and the Outcasts Episode 7: How to Pick Your Dragon
Episode 8: Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
Episode 9: Dragon Flower
Episodes 10 & 11: Heather Report
Episode 12: Thawfest
Episode 13: When Lightning Strikes
Episode 14: What Flies Beneath
Episodes 15 & 16: Twinsanity & Defiant One
Episode 17: Breakneck Bog
Episode 18: Gem of a Different Colour
Episodes 19 & 20: We are Family
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dianagj-art · 2 years
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
God FUCKING DAMNIT SABER!!! I thought you were cool. I thought you were an honest man. YOU MADE JOSHUA AND THE PROMISED LAND REANIMATED GOD DAMMNIT!!!
Joshua and the Promised Land was the thing that won me back to Saberspark's corner after he gave HTTYD 3 a good review, and now this!
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
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582 posts created (82%)
124 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 663 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#httyd - 519 posts
#how to train your dragon - 516 posts
#hiccup - 350 posts
#rtte - 322 posts
#race to the edge - 320 posts
#incorrect httyd quotes - 213 posts
#incorrect rtte quotes - 180 posts
#astrid - 134 posts
#tuffnut - 122 posts
#snotlout - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#no but he really did that didn’t he?! he just flew off in a random direction like “oh yes i sure hope luck is on my sidea”
My Top Posts in 2022:
Found this screen cap and died! The meme potential!
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Let me just…
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See the full post
1,271 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
After the red death attack Hiccup would’ve been out for a long time, and it’s evident that he was. Stables had been built, and people had already accepted it all by the time he woke up, and it gives us so many fun opportunities! Toothless and Stoick had accepted each other, but Stoick knew nothing about how to care for a dragon, an injured one at that, and the other dragon riders didn’t know enough yet to be of help, so imagine Stoick figuring it all out in the most hilarious of ways.
“I dO noT unDersTand! EelS aRe gooD FoR yoU, wHy Won’t You EaT thEm?!”
“I killed him…I accidentally scratched his chin and I killed him”
*accidentally shines a light in the corner of the room and Toothless jumps on it* “WHY?!”
*Toothless retracts his teeth and Stoick is speechless for the rest of the day*
1,605 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Stoick: if your friends jumped off a cliff would you?
Hiccup: Dad, you raised a leader not a follower. I would be the first one off that cliff
1,929 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Ruffnut: do you want to play a game?
Snotlout: sure? What is it?
Tuffnut: it’s called “Toothless or Astrid”. We’ll give you an actual quote we’ve heard Hiccup say, and you’ll have to guess if he was talking to his dragon or his girlfriend
Snotlout: awesome
2,042 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,099 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kizzyedgelll · 9 months
i was tagged by @alexcabotgf, @rachelsennot, @saw-x, @pascow and @tthrawn (thank you darlings <3) to post my most popular and favorite sets from each month
JANUARY most popular: The Love Witch + pink favorite: The Craft
FEBRUARY most popular: Pulp Fiction "dance scene" favorite: "girls crying in front of the mirror"
MARCH most popular: EEAAO's Jobu Tupaki + outfits favorite: Wallace & Gromit + my "faceless" series
APRIL most popular: The Grand Budapest Hotel favorite: horror movies + flowers
MAY most popular: The Grand Budapest Hotel favorite: HTTYD + my "faceless" series
JUNE most popular: How To Train Your Dragon favorite: ghibli + pride colors
JULY most popular: Beauty and the Beast + my "faceless" series favorite: BATB + my "ABC" series
AUGUST most popular: Matilda favorite: Zendaya + films
SEPTEMBER most popular and favorite: Howl's Moving Castle + my "faceless" series
OCTOBER most popular and favorite: iconic Disney villains
NOVEMBER most popular: Anatasia's Dimitri favorite: The Lion King + my "faceless" series
DECEMBER most popular: Barbie favorite: 2023 film releases
a lot of people have made this so idk who to tag asjksfhdf if you feel like doing it, feel free to say i tagged you <3
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kinglazrus · 7 months
For the writer truth or dare :3
🍓🐇 🏜️
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've always written original stories, but it actually took a while for me to get into fanfiction because of the bad rep it has, but in high school I found this one HTTYD fic that was so well written. I reread it quite a few times, but it took over a year before I looked at other fics in any fandom. But I started writing fics pretty quickly after that. I immediately loved the no one knows AU for the phandom, but couldn't find a fic that really satisfied me, so I decided to write it myself, and now here we ware.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
OCs all the way. I don't like reader inserts. I don't want to be in the story, I just want to experience it through the characters.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
The long and rambling kind! Someone once gave me a review that was all the live reactions they had sent to their friends. They copied every single message they had sent in a group chat and pasted it in the review box, and it was amazing.
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