#hu fan wrench
mixes-archive · 2 years
heyyy, i really need a wrench's sfw alphabet 🥺🥺 i love him so so so much and i haven't found any new headcanons of him in a while
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I can’t believe we finally got a Watch Dogs fan, I hope you enjoy your stay in the archives!
A = Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Shows affection everywhere, all the time and with everything he has. Likes to show it physically and with little trinkets he either finds or makes. If he sees something in a store and it reminds him of you, consider it yours (he did not steal it not at all no of course not he wouldn’t do something like that).
Will cling to you even when you’re fighting about some petty thing, he cannot bring himself to let go of you ever. Probably even got you safety gear so he could continue to hug you when absolutely fucking up a toaster or something of the sorts.
B = Best friend
(What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Stupid. Wrench is a stupid little man with no idea how to properly talk or communicate. Either someone in Dedsec told him to finally ask you to hang out or he was high out of his mind, since he hates talking to new people.
Once’s that’s done though, he’d go with you through thick and thin, acting much like he does with everyone else in Dedsec.
C = Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If he ever doesn’t want to cuddle, that’s a clone and you should shoot it immediately. Wrench is down to cuddle whenever, just tell him to take of the spiky stuff first because he will not remember.
Loves to cuddle in the morning or after stressful missions the most, he would cling to you for hours if you let him.
D = Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Not yet. Possibly never. He would probably keep moving around forever if you weren’t in the picture. He’ll try to be a bit more domestic if it’s something that you really want, but Reggie still has a need to do society justice. It’s not like he doesn’t want to settle down ever, but he almost feels pressured to help the ones who cannot defend themselves (please take him to a therapist, he’ll be much more inclined to settle down after that).
He is shit at cooking and who do you think made a mess in the first place? He’ll try his best to help out however he can, but for the love of your stomach do NOT let him near the stove.
E = Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Stole your pets if you had them and hacked all your devices to be completely useless. You’d have to really fucked things up for him to actually break up with you, so his reaction is (partially) rationalized.
F = Fiance(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very committed to your relationship. Would be down to get married whenever tbh, he already knows you’re the one anyway.
G = Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be a bit brash, but he means well and would never do anything he knew or thought could upset you. Wrench is always very sweet with his words and everything he says, no matter how cheesy or dumb, he means wholeheartedly. Always careful to never upset you.
And if you ignore the spikes and other various pokies from his clothing choices, he is quite gentle. You’d think mans would throw you around however he wants with the way he can swing that sledge hammer, but he’s surprisingly gentle whenever it comes to you, his touches featherlight when caressing your figure.
H = Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Fucking LOVES hugs. Morning hug, getting out of bed hug, brushing your teeth hug, before breakfast hug, breakfast hug, after breakfast hu- I think you get it. Hugging you so much it’s embarrassing.
They’re firm, comforting and can last from a second to a few minutes depending on his mood.
I = I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Quite fast probably. Maybe on the first date even. He’s not ashamed to admit it.
J = Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Wrench trusts you with his life, not to mention in the relationship. Buuuttttt…. He would be jealous of a screwdriver if you looked at it too long. He thrives off of your attention and wants it on him as much as possible, so no other person may flirt with you, thank you very much.
Gets really physical when jealous, maybe even lifts his mask a lil to kiss your neck from behind or something. Whatever gets your attention off of whatever he’s jealous of and onto him.
K = Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Dramatic. Would dip you just to give you a tiny little peck on the cheek. Loves to kiss you on whatever skin is exposed on you, whether that be stomach, neck, hands, eyelids, whatever.
He loves to be kissed on his mask in public, but honestly melts every time you kiss his scar(s).
L = Little ones
(How are they around children?)
No, absolutely not. Pets? Yes! But children not so much. He’s scared he’ll be just as awful as his parents and honestly, he wouldn’t be fit to be a dad period.
M = Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Him trying to coax you out of bed to “get a head-start” (even though literally nothing is going on whatsoever). He has very little need for sleep to be healthy/productive/awake, so he just goes to sleep at ungodly times and wakes up even earlier. Will gladly stay in bed and cuddle though.
Since he can’t cook for shit, if he wakes up much earlier than you, he’ll go to a bakery and get you your favorite dessert.
N = Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
Probably watching a shitty movie you stopped paying attention to hours ago in favor of flirting or making out. If you fall asleep, he’d carry you to bed and start working on some tiny project before joining you in bed.
O = Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
When he opens up to you, most likely a few months after you started dating, he’ll dump everything out at once as not to surprise you later on in the relationship. He’s very open with people he knows and never afraid to speak up when something makes him uncomfortable or reminds him about a worse time in his live.
He’ll also frequently joke about his past trauma, so be prepared for that.
P = Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
Gets mad all the time, but never directs it at you. If you’re scared of yelling, he’ll get you to somewhere you can’t hear him, and then scream his lungs out. Or, he’ll probably just cling to you instead, you make him calm down with your presence alone.
Q = Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He couldn’t really be a hacker if he was forgetful, so it’s safe to say he very quickly picks up everything you say and do. Deffo memorizes all the names of the people you gossip about.
“So Samantha called her a-“
“Isn’t that the one who broke up with her boyfriend because he was ‘too ugly’?” ?_?
“YEAH!- wait how’d you know that?”
“Babe, you told me like, a month ago.” -_-
R = Remember
(What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Going to the shittiest looking döner kebab restaurant with you and eating without his mask for the first time in public. He can still see how you laughed at him when the white (very sus looking) sauce dripped all over his chin, only for you to start choking on your food, which made him laugh and also start choking on his. You were very quickly kicked out, but continued laughing together until you got home.
S = Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
So fucking protective of you omg. Scary dog privileges is all I can say.
He doesn’t need to be protected, if anything, you need to protect others from him.
T = Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Everything comes to him quite naturally, he never goes out of his way to plan something, he’s much more spontaneous. But he still puts effort into making everything as enjoyable as possible for you, but plans aren’t really his thing.
U = Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Beating himself up over not being pretty enough and his rash decision making. It’ll take some effort on your part to get him to think and act differently.
V = Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is a crust punk and wears a mask 24/7, doesn’t really care most of the time unless he’s feeling self conscious about his (very lovable) face.
W = Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely couldn’t do without you if you’re apart long enough. You’re his rock and his comfort. Doesn’t like going on long missions anymore, because he’d just miss you so much.
X = Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
He is SO GOOD at braiding hair, no matter what hair texture you have or what style you’re going for. Has no idea where he picked up the talent himself, he’s just a natural at it. (Please let him do your hair please please please he won’t even sniff it that much)
Y = Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
A capitalist.
Z = Zzz
(What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Clinging onto you super tight and if you have tiddies, burying his face in them. (He doesn’t need air anyway)
Also a prolific blanket AND pillow thief, you either freeze or buy enough of them to supply a whole army.
A/N: the silly
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 1) Chapter Eight
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Eight: One Hell of a Dog
Summary: (Y/N) and Sebastian arrive in a town obsessed with dogs and meet a strange woman.
            “A trip?” asked Sebastian and (Y/N). “In this season?”
            Ciel sipped his tea. “Sebastian, (Y/N), do you know of the pastime called ‘bear baiting?’ ”
            “Of course,” said Sebastian. “The phrase has a most fun and pleasant ring to it. The truth, however, is far different. The bears are tied up, whipped, and have packs of wild dogs set upon them until, finally, they are killed. That is so incredibly like humans.”
            “Strange pastime,” said (Y/N).
            “It was banned under the Cruelty to Animals Act of 1835,” said Ciel. “However, a loophole remained. If the bullying dogs were not goaded, what would happen?”
            (Y/N) considered. “It would become a case of one animal baiting another.”
            “There is a village where they do that,” said Ciel. “Houndsworth. It’s famous for raising hunting dogs. However, beneath that, it has another side. Dogfighting and abuse of animals. This wrenches at Her Majesty’s heart, therefore we are to investigate this village under the pretext of making it her resort. That is the true goal of this trip.”
            “A village of dogs?” (Y/N)’s nose twitched in distaste.
            “Hm.” Sebastian wasn’t a fan, either.
            “What is it?” asked Ciel.
            “It was just that I had believed securing a resort location was somewhat beneath you, Young Master,” said Sebastian.
            “There is a reason, a reason why, I, the Queen’s Guard Dog, must be the one to go to this Houndsworth village,” said Ciel. “People are going missing and dying under strange circumstances.”
            “Resort! Resort! We’re on cloud nine!” cheered Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy as their cart-like carriage carried them through the countryside behind (Y/N), Sebastian, and Ciel. “Resort! Resort!
            (Y/N) smiled. The poor things had no idea there was no resort yet, so really they were just being dragged on to deal with whatever issues were stopping Her Majesty from creating a proper resort.
            “They really are in high spirits, are they not?” said Sebastian, smiling with the same mischief beside (Y/N). “It seems they are thanking you, kind Young Master.”
            “It would be problematic if we left them behind at the mansion and they ended up destroying it,” remarked Ciel.
            “Indeed,” said Sebastian.
            “It is a possibility,” agreed (Y/N).
            They passed a wooden sign saying “Welcome to Houndsworth.” A dog collar hung from it as a raven cawed.
            “This is the village entrance,” said Sebastian.
            The rest of the servants looked up eagerly. Instead of a resort, however, they were met with dead trees with dozens of dog collars hanging from spindly branches. Dog skulls scattered the earth beneath the bare trees.
            They screamed.
            “I forgot to mention it, but this is the planned construction site for the resort,” said Ciel calmly.
            “Young Master…” Tears ran down Finny, Baldroy, and Mey-Rin’s cheeks. Tanaka calmly drank his tea.
            Finny brightened as they saw another person. “Yay! First villager spotted! Tanaka, stop for a moment.” The carriage paused, and Finny jumped out to help the old lady with her stroller. “I’ll help you, Miss.”
            “Y-You shouldn’t do that, Finny!” said Mey-Rin. “If you’re not careful, the baby inside will be hu—!” Her eyes widened as she and the rest of the servants saw inside the stroller. It was just a dog skull wrapped in cloth.
            “You know, this little one was eaten by that,” said the old woman. The servants walked her in shock as she pushed her stroller away. “The white dog is a good dog, good dog. The black dog is a bad dog, bad dog.”
            “Eaten?” stammered the Phantomhive servants.
            (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. There really was something strange going on here.
            “I’ve heard there are quite a few people in this village who were murdered or are missing,” remarked Ciel. “The population of the village has decreased by a third in the last ten years. Investigating and resolving this situation is one of the jobs I was given.”
            “It’ll eat you down to the bone,” murmured the old lady as she disappeared into the fog.
            The carriages continued on until they came upon a large, blue lake and a village sitting beside it.
            “Now, that’s a bit more like it,” said Baldroy eagerly.
            However, the actual village was dismal and grey just like the rest of the landscape. Angry dogs barked from cages. The only happy dog was being trained by a young man.
            “Bending their wills via a carrot and stick approach instills obedience in them,” observed Sebastian, smirking. “Such a wonderful scene, is it not? However, the dogs themselves are also to blame. Doing everything they can to court humans and gladly accepting a collar around their neck…It is a completely unfathomable concept to me.”
            (Y/N) nodded emphatically. They much preferred the independence of cats as compared to the domesticity of dogs, especially when it came to obedience to humans.
            “If you have something to say, say it,” said Ciel.
            “Well, then, heeding my words, I shall,” said Sebastian. “While I am quite the cat person, I do not like dogs. Actually…” He smiled. “I detest them.”
            (Y/N) sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know why anyone would prefer dogs to cats.” They flashed a smirk. “We’re far superior.”
            A grin curled over Sebastian’s lips. He certainly agreed.
            “Woof!” replied Ciel.
            (Y/N) rolled their eyes as the carriages finally came to a halt before a mansion. A maid with white hair in a purple dress and crisp white apron waited for them at the entrance.
            “Would you be the Phantomhive party?” she asked with a soft smile on her face. She bowed. “Welcome to Barrymore Castle. The Master is awaiting your arrival.”
            Everything about her spoke of innocence and humility, but something in the way she looked over the group had (Y/N)’s canines sharpening. Inhuman. Beside them, Sebastian’s eyes remained cold and unflinching at the maid’s civility.
            “I shall take you to the Master,” said the maid, gesturing for Ciel and his servants to follow. (Y/N) and Sebastian remained close behind Ciel as they walked inside. “This way, please.”
            Inside a small parlor, bear, hog, and deer heads from hunting expeditions lined the walls. Before they could make a comment, a whip snapped behind them. They turned to find a burly man whipping the maid as she cowered on the ground.
            “What’s with this little chihuahua?! I told you to welcome the Queen’s envoy!” cried the man, undoubtedly Lord Barrymore.
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed at Barrymore’s abuse. Yes, something was inhuman about his maid, but Barrymore’s actions suggested he did this regularly. If there was one thing (Y/N) despised about humans more anything else, it was those who took advantage of the powerless.
            “Angela, are you not even capable of something as simple as that?!” demanded Barrymore. Angela cried out as each strike hit her.
            “Sebasti—” before Ciel could even finish ordered Sebastian to stop the abuse, (Y/N)’s gloved hand grabbed Barrymore’s wrist.
            Angela looked up in surprise, and Barrymore glared at them as they smoothly pulled the whip from his hands.
            “What are you doing, you husky?!” cried Barrymore in an outrage. “Are you trying to bite back at me?”
            (Y/N) gritted their teeth about being called a dog and instead gripped the whip tighter in an effort to not use it on him.
            “I ordered it to be stopped,” said Ciel, stepping in before there was an incident. He smirked. “I’m assuming the letter was delivered. I am Ciel Phantomhive.”
            “Are you saying this little toy poodle is the Queen’s envoy?” questioned Barrymore.
            “Are smaller dogs not acceptable to you, Lord Henry?” remarked Ciel.
            Barrymore tsked before letting go of his whip and sitting at his desk across from Ciel. The young earl set down the papers from the Queen and allowed Barrymore to read them. Behind the nobles, (Y/N), Sebastian, and Angela prepared tea.
            Angela’s hands shook from her injuries as she tried to lift the teacups, but (Y/N) took them from her. They seemed polite, but really (Y/N) just didn’t want her to fix anything since something was untrustworthy.
            “This isn’t even worth discussing,” said Barrymore, crossing his arms. “No matter what you propose, I am not willing to sell.”
            “State your reason,” said Ciel.
            “The curse,” said Barrymore.
            “The curse?” asked Ciel.
            “In this village, where man and dog have lived together since antiquity, there is a curse against those who would try to get their paws on it,” said Barrymore. “A fearsome hex. Even if it were the Queen herself, that would not change. A terrible fate will befall anyone who tries to go against the Barrymore family in this village.”
            “Oh? How interesting,” said Ciel.
            “What?” demanded Barrymore.
            “In that case, I shall remain here as long as it takes to witness this terrible fate firsthand,” said Ciel, smirking.
            Barrymore and Angela looked at him in surprise.
            “Enter,” said Sebastian as he and (Y/N) finished putting away Ciel’s clothes for their stay.
            Angela opened the door, her head bowed. “I am sorry to disturb you so late at night,” she said.
            “The Young Master was just preparing to sleep,” remarked Sebastian.
            “I-I have a request,” said Angela demurely. “Please withdraw from this village. You must not stay here!”
            “Why?” questioned Ciel, unconcerned.
            “That is…!” A howl echoed across the countryside, and Angela gasped. “No! It’s come! The Demon Hound has…!” She cried out.
            On the curtains covering the windows, the silhouette of a large dog head appeared. Ciel jerked to his feet.
            “Sebastian!” shouted Ciel.
            Sebastian threw the curtains open to reveal nothing behind them.
            “What was that?” murmured (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            “Look,” said Sebastian.
            Ciel and (Y/N) peered outside with him. Glowing pawprints illuminated the path away from the mansion. In the distance, a glowing dog was bounding away into the mist. (Y/N) and Sebastian glanced at each other and then headed outside to investigate.
            “Young Master! Miss Angela!” cried the other Phantomhive servants, running outside.
            “Just what is all this ruckus about?” asked Baldroy.
            “The Demon Hound appeared,” said Angela.
            “The Demon Hound?”
            “The one that will bring disaster to the village,” said Angela mournfully. “Those who have disobeyed their master will be punished by the Demon Hound. That is one of the laws of this village.”
            (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. A Demon Hound that punished those who were disobedient? They didn’t like dogs, but at least this could prove interesting.
            “Miss Angela,” said a villager as a group of them appeared at the edge of the estate. “Please inform Lord Barrymore that the Demon Hound has appeared.”
            “Who was punished?” asked Angela.
            The villagers grimly placed a body down on the ground. It was the dog trainer the Phantomhive household had passed entering the village. Bite marks shredded his clothes and skin.
            “How cruel…” murmured Finny.
            Ciel knelt to examine the body. “I see.”
            “Don’t touch him!” shouted the angry voice of Barrymore. He looked down at the body. “So, the bad dog was James…”
            “Yes. He broke the rule of having five dogs per person,” said a villager. “It seems he was keeping a sixth.”
            Too many dogs is having any at all, thought (Y/N) in distaste.
            “I see,” said Barrymore. “Then, I suppose there was no helping it.”
            “No helping it? What?” questioned Baldroy.
            “This village has rules set down by myself,” declared Barrymore. “Those who break the rules will be punished by the Demon Hound that serves the Barrymore family!”
            I doubt a man such as you has tamed a demon, dog or no, thought (Y/N).
            “As the cat meows, the white dog is a good dog, good dog. The black dog is a bad dog, bad dog,” chanted the villagers. “As the cat meows, the day falls.” They picked up the body and departed once more, their words never faltering.
            “I was sure that it would be an outsider who fell prey, but it seems you were spared,” said Barrymore. He turned with Angela and followed after the townspeople.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian made eye contact. It would do well to end this ordeal sooner rather than later.
            (Y/N) watched Baldroy, Finny, and Mey-Rin run about in the lake Houndsworth bordered. They remained safely out of the water beside Sebastian and Ciel.
            “Are you not interested in swimming, (Y/N)?” teased Sebastian with a knowing smirk.
            (Y/N) folded their arms. “You know perfectly well I don’t.”
            Sebastian smirked in fond amusement. “Are you not going to swim, Young Master?” asked Sebastian. Ciel ignored him and flipped to another page of business happenings. However, the demons could detect something else. Sebastian smirked. “I see. Of course, you are unable to—”
            Ciel interrupted him. “If you are still able to swim here in this season, it may yet have some merit as a resort.”
            “Are you still considering this place as a resort?” asked (Y/N).
            “Of course,” said Ciel.
            “What of the Demon Hound?” asked Sebastian.
            “You’ve noticed as well, right?” remarked Ciel. “The truth behind that ‘Demon Hound?’ ”
            (Y/N) nodded beside Sebastian. However, there still felt like something inhuman lay about the Houndsworth village.
            “Find me the proof of what I suspect,” ordered Ciel.
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian. “Immediately.”
            “You’re quite eager,” commented Ciel. “Don’t you hate dogs?”
            “Of course,” said (Y/N).
            “That is why I want to get this over with as quickly as possible,” said Sebastian. He and (Y/N) began walking away, and his gaze darkened. “Before it degenerates into the worst possible situation.”
            “You sense it, too,” said (Y/N), glancing at Sebastian. “The…inhuman air around this village.” They bared their teeth. “It makes my skin crawl.”
            “Yes,” agreed Sebastian. His gaze was dark. “Something rotted is in this town.”
            “So, we have everything?” confirmed (Y/N).
            Sebastian nodded. “And just in time. It seems my Young Master has gotten himself into a spot of trouble once again.”
            “He has quite the penchant for it,” remarked (Y/N). “What is it this time?”
            Sebastian tsked. “Dogs.”
            (Y/N)’s nose twitched.
            “Then, know what happens to those who disobey me!” cried Barrymore. “Do it!” The dogs he commanded barked and ran towards the restrained Ciel.
            The barks turned to whimpers as Sebastian and (Y/N) landed between them and Ciel and sent the dogs flying away.
            “You’re late,” said Ciel.
            “Please forgive me, my Lord,” said Sebastian casually.
            “Are you trying to get in my way, you Doberman?!” demanded Barrymore. He glared at his dogs. “What are you doing? Go and bite them all to death!” The dogs barked ferociously.
            (Y/N)’s nose twitched in annoyance. “I always detested that sound.” Their eyes flashed fuchsia, and the dogs whimpered and cowered. (Y/N) smiled in satisfaction.
            Sebastian smirked at Barrymore’s astounded face as he dogs lay down.
            “Wh-What?” cried Barrymore.
            “The farce ends here, Barrymore,” said Ciel. “Listen, you village mongrels. The only thing here is an old man who was bitten by the delusion of authority.”
            “Wh-What proof do you have?” asked Barrymore.
            “This,” said Sebastian, holding up a dog skull. “It was in the basement of the mansion. The shape of the teeth matches the marks on James.”
            “Observe the sky,” said (Y/N), gesturing up. The townspeople gasped as they saw the silhouette of a hound stretched across the clouds. “This is the truth behind Barrymore’s Demon Hound. The shadow of the Demon Hound is just a projection.”
            “The shining dog in the night was pure phosphorous,” said Sebastian. “He just poured the powder on an ordinary dog.” He poured out a vial of phosphorous.
            “The Demon Hound was an illusion choreographed by one person,” said Ciel. “And that person was you, Henry Barrymore.”
            “Where’s the proof that I did that?!” demanded Barrymore.
            (Y/N) knelt beside the sixth dog of James that had been tortured by Barrymore. They held out a hand. “Release it. You did your job.” The dog opened its mouth and allowed (Y/N) to pull a scrap of fabric away. “Here’s the proof.”
            “Th-That’s!” stammered Barrymore.
            “Correct,” said Sebastian coldly. “While trying to protect James, it bit your leg and this tore off. It is a piece of your trousers.”
            Barrymore turned to run, but the villagers closed in around him, angry at his manipulation. And he wasn’t going to get away.
            (Y/N) rather hoped he’d die, but this would do.
            A scream pierced the night air, and (Y/N) turned in interest. They followed their fellow servants down to the cells of the mansion, and their eyebrow rose.
            Barrymore lay in pieces, blood strewn across the floor.
            (Y/N) had to say, although this meant there was a filthy Demon Hound around, they had never been so proud of a dog.
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anechomirrored · 11 months
Prompt:   "We can't do this on our own."
Fandom: Fanf Security Breach, Apoca-plex au
Rating: G
Warnings: none
"Sunny, there you are!" Roxy's voice made Sun flinch.
He looked down at the human pressed to his chest and in a moment of quick thinking tucked them inside the tarpaulin covering one of the go-karts.
Today had not been a good day for evasion. Moon's internal voice was urgent. Their shared system buzzing as the two of them scrambled for a way to deflect yet another of their companions.
The familiar clank of Roxy's footsteps heralded her approach.
"Hey, what are you doing over here?" She asked
"Nothing!" Sun truned his head 180 degrees before allowing his body to follow.
He let out a giggle to hide the whirring of his fans as he did his best to battle his mounting anxiety.
They couldn't see her. No no no, that wouldn't do at all!
"Need a hand with your bots?" Sun asked, gesturing to the wrench in Roxy's hands.
She was the least damaged of the Glamrocks. She wore a tailored pair of maintenance overalls. The crooked stitching of them marking this set as one of Monty's earlier handywork. She fidgited with the tool in her hand before loudly tisking and giving Sun a playful shove.
"Well,yeah I was expecting you hours ago! I need you to help with the little wires in the back." She tossed her hair dramatically and stomped back towards her grease pit.
Sun followed taking in the sight of what had become a well stocked workshop. Go-karts, sat on cinderblocks, spare parts lined up against the wall, while scavenged tools had been mounted on the exterior wall of the beauty salon. It was a scavenger's gold mine.
Sun glanced back at the tarpaulin.
A wet floor bot sat humming in the corner, following Sun's and Roxy's movement.
Sun didn't really mind them, though Moon had a the better comprehension of them.
In the center of the room a one armed driver bot slumped in a chair.
"Right, now help me with the head." Roxy knelt in front of the chair and took the damaged assistant driver bot's head in both hands.
Standing behind the chair, Sun began the delicate task of reattaching the wires at the base of the bot's neck to the rest of their battered body. Roxy had popped out most of their dents.
Sun liked rewiring the bots Roxy patched up. It pulling, coiling and weaving all those high voltage little wires together.
~It's just like friendship bracelets!~
~No, it's not.~ Moon replied dryly.
"How are you and Moon holding up?" Asked Roxy, breaking the two out of their internal exchange.
"Juuust dandy!" Chimed Sun.
"Hm, good. I want to head down to the tunnels again soon. Monty's joints are terrible. A human could hear him squeaking a mile away."
If Roxy saw Sun's fingers twitch she made to mention of it. Moon was grumbling again and Sun worked very hard not to spare the tarpaulin another look.
"The karts are dry?"
"Yeah, or too gunked up..." Roxy wrinkled her nose at that, trailing off before adding, "Has Moon had any luck with security?"
Sun didn't answer right away, taking great pains to finish twisting the final wire ends together and wrap them with electrical tape. Another dwindling resource.
"No, he hasn't..." Sun said reluctantly.
The silence had that heavy quality to it again. Roxy let out a facsimile sigh.
"No luck with patching through or rewiring around it either." With a shake of her head she settled the bot's firming back in place and clicked the neck back into place.
"What if we looked for another hu-"
"No." Roxy stood abruptly, blocking Sun's view of his little guest's hiding place.
Her mood darkened, optics narrowing.
He felt his sunrays retract, drooping slightly. Still, he knew that he had to try.
~she won't listen, Sunny.~ Moon warned.
"We can't do this on our own." Sun pressed, resting his hands on the bot's shoulders.
A growl left Roxy's voicebox in a burst of static.
"We have to!" She snapped, "A human isn't going to help. They hate us! And what? Do you think a technician is just gonna waltz in the front door, Sun?" Roxy gestured exasperatedly before letting her hands drop to her sides.
"Well, maybe not...but what if we found a human? One that didn't-"
~Sun, what are you doing?~
"Just drop it Sun!"
Combined, both Roxy and Moon brought Sun up short. He stuttered, rays shrinking and his hands coming together to fidget with his damaged finger casings.
"B-b-but I -" Roxy placed a grease stained hand on top of Sun's, ceasing his picking.
"Please, Sun. It was that kind of thinking that got us into this mess..." Roxy gave him a pleading look and, reluctantly, he nodded.
"It's fine, I just... we have to beat this." Roxy tossed her forgotten wrench back in a box by the wall with a clang, "I am not losing to a line of code!" She growled, pumping herself up again, "I was the best at racing and I will be the best at fixing!"
Sun smiled even though he couldn't say he shared her bravado.
"If any of us can, it's you Rox." He conceded.
Roxy preened under his compliment.
"I know, now let's get this little twerp back online!" Taking a kart battery, she hooked up the bot and began pressing the necessary buttons behind their maintenance panel for a manual reboot.
"What do you want to name this one?" Asked Sun, watching on with a twisting feeling in his circuits.
Roxy hit the final switch and clicked the panel on the bot's back shut.
"How about Milo?" She mused.
The bot jolted to life in the chair, limbs twitching before stablizing. They looked at Roxy, then Sun and back.
Sun smiled at the bot. That was another one, successfully salvaged.
"I think Milo's fantastic."
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kidelune · 2 years
TW: Mature themes, death, violence, blood, all that jazz. Read at your own discretion.
(Part 2/?) | Part 1.
[Gijang-gun], Busan.
The way Kijun sees it, having a rapport that's decently established within your respective community is having an eloquently gilded resume on your name reconceptualized. For the upper crust, it is similar to carrying a handheld blade up your sleeve into the lion's den, whereas, contrariwise, concerning the underworld and the law alike, you skirt with it along the beast's gaping maw not as a simple footnote or deadweight named consolation, but as an active half of your plan. Here you bring along with courage the intention to risk a bleeding wrist in favour of carving out the lion's eyes. Because it's either a gaze of white-hot embers and the incessant end of greed, or the ignescent gaze of steel and justice. Slaughter is, after all, a knife of only one vertex, and it is always sharp.
Kijun arrives in Busan with only one objective: rip the lion's jaw off its own hinges, then use his bare hands to plough out its eyes.
Cerulean ocean waves race in swollen drafts to engulf the brittle shores of Haedong Yonggeungsa temple, an entire hour too early than when their orchestra would usually begin ruffling the sanctum's coast. Frothing and siphoning among sturdy rocks and collapsing sand that welcome them in kind, much like a monk hums the word of Buddha, they tell the hour to ears that listen close enough to hear their shanty.
Kijun's own perk up to cushion both the ocean's choir and the deafening sounds of the temple bells as they join the head monk's steadfast chanting in prayer. And though his knees and bum have been stinging against the mediation pillow for what felt like an entire decade condensed within a quarter hour, he chooses rigidity instead of yielding. To ignore the protesting groan in his bones if it means Sangyeon would pass with the peace of his full respect–with the memory of a friend lost at death's cruel mercy.
In the end, he simply lets the ocean's pronounced echoes guide him from Buddha's gentle judgement to its saltine onslaught instead, lids pressed shut under its jurisdiction in proper respect for this brief moment of relinquished defense. Farewell for good, he thinks out loud, and inhales deeply the unforgiving weight of the world. Then, while entertaining a brief fantasy of Sangyeon being here to listen, exhales grief and wrenching pain from his tender, bruised heart with the might of a thousand suns, leaving only the restless current of his unending fury. Leaving only this insatiable violence.
All the way down east of the Haeundae beach coast's rear lay a sizeable aquarium store owned for many decades by a tart little Chinese man and his wife. Sticking out like a blurry sore thumb underneath the rest of an equally ramshackled, lovat-hued building, it appears as an ancient anomaly stuck in the early nineties. Even with a myriad of posters on their rorulent windows and neon light tanks rife with goldfish, it invites no one, not even curious children, in, and seems like the sort of place you'd never leave once a captive of its walls. An obscure find at best it's always been, as far as anyone knew, despite the peculiar notoriety it had gained among the Busan gangs and Wong Kar wai fans alike over the years.
Kijun walks the stretch of the beach's shore with smoking breaths and rheumy eyes, an infinitesimal slowness in his stride as he fights the sand and holds so tightly onto the knife up his sleeve that by the time he's at the doorstep, his knuckles surface for the handle with the pallidity of a ghostly quality. The doorbell sings timidly from above.
All this space for waste and dust, and so poorly lit that it immediately drenches his stern expression in soft, neon tinges of the aquariums instead, bathing him pink and orange and green from the brows to the ankles. Unlike the last time he'd been here, it seems there is no air conditioning system that functions in any sense of the word to speak of anymore, so he hears only the dull, steady humming of the tanks he passes, and the ricochet of a fan somewhere in the dark room behind the counter. Eager for blood, Kijun slams his fist whole on the bell.
"I'm here." Announced in mandarin, and it lingers the stuffy air for a moment of disquiet too long. Then comes the old limping man, Yee, on his bent legs and hunched back, a complaint already forming at the back of his dentures. The tattoos all over his arms reminds Kijun that he'd once been part of a triad gang in China himself, in his sweet prime. Now he spends his time in retirement selling fish and hosting bloodbaths for gangsters. If only he weren't so damn ambivalent in business–Kijun might've actually liked the bastard a great deal.
Yee carries in a duffel bag, one which Kijun takes over the counter for immediate inspection. There should be some cash in there, and an unloaded gun. "Listen, can you make this quick, and clean as possible?" Yee snarls, eyeing him while waiting, "We are not supposed to be opened today and I don't want to deal with the cleanup and waiting for you people to fix my store again. I'm not getting any younger, you know!"
"Ah, you're definitely not, yé," Kijun says brusquely over the sound of the zipper fastening shut. His eyes steel on Yee's inquisitive gaze as he finishes, "But there will be blood either way. Mine, too, I suspect, since you're so... Unreliable."
Old man Yee fumes, "You calling me a traitor, brat?"
"You know 'em, too, don't you? Dongwook's bitches. Otherwise this place would be crawling with pigs by now."
"I will have your tongue for that!"
"Not if I have it first!"
Growing up as an outlaw with blood often caked under your fingernails is about learning that some voices are made especially for nightmares. Though sometimes not to terrify the dreamer per se, but to scream for them, and a sliver of mercy. This was one of those voices Kijun couldn't stop dreaming of snuffing out for years after that fateful night in prison, and now, finally, another chance has resurfaced.
"Oh, truly, long time no see, lil' pooch. Seems you've barely grown since the last time we saw each other, huh."
Kijun catches the face of who such a heavy Busan dialect belongs to before opalescence can think of gracing strikingly ugly scars and make them leastwise palatable to the onlooker's gaze. The shit-eating grin he sports pleats damaged flesh and permeates the room in such a way that could only encourage a fist to the face. But for now Kijun just rolls his neck to ease any tautness he might've picked up on instinct just now, broad shoulders squaring into the direction of five men as he carefully follows their gait, sizing them up.
Five in total, that is, with two more on the other side of the front doors they block with a long machete jammed into the innermost handles. He assumes all of them are carrying more than one blade. No sweat, though, if he gets two down fast enough.
"Yeah, and to think you couldn't get any fuckin' uglier." Kijun gloats, stalling for a bit, "Gave me a scare there for a sec, then I remembered it was me who'd made you so damn hideous to begin with."
"You think that's gonna work on me, ya' fuckin' cunt? I don't give a fuck," The other man sneers from about three tank's distance away, his golden teeth glinting in the neon lights, "Though you owe me an eye, just bring me the money for now so I can get outta 'ere."
The bastard spits slantwise on Yee's floor, "Reeks like shit, plus this ain't no quid pro quo. This' business."
"If you insist." Responds Kijun, his face and knuckles again growing white-hot with rage.
He drops the duffel bag and kicks it over to open hands, and as simple as that becoming the sole witness of their folly. Deadpanned observation quickly thaws his expression into sustaining something close to a toothy grin as a delicious surge of pleasure mounts him at sight of how realization colours all their faces scarlet with ire. The bag wasn't filled with the cash prize they'd been lead to expect, but kilos of fish pellets, and an empty glock.
"What the fuck is this? You think this' a game we're playin', kid? You must wanna fuckin' die for good now, huh." This time when scar bastard spits, it somehow feels more like a declaration of war than anything else, "You stupid motherfucker. Get him!"
Luckily, Kijun wasn't unacquainted with strife.
The first two men prove easy enough to shake off, considerably so, for someone who hadn't done this in a while. His knife is an extension of himself, petite yet long enough to pry through more than flesh and spill more than blood. And he violently twists it where it lands with depth, making them both known by way of pure, heartstopping pain.
His third and fourth opponents are smarter, though; they attempt at separating them from one another, and by some sick luck, it does work in their favour for a few infinities spent hurtling Kijun back and forth between the two them. So he resorts to using what he can find in his vicinity instead, for anything can win a fight if wielded with enough intention and brute force; stray drain pipes used to choke out one of the guys in midst of using him as a human shield, nearby buckets of fish pellets swung in the direction of the fourth guy's face, who ends up with his skull bashed open against the same tank it'd been submerged in just seconds of disorientation before.
Kijun emerges momentarily after the last body goes down, as a gasping wreckage of bleeding cuts and bruises so purple they're bordering blackness. The floor beneath his feet is caked by fresh blood and fish food, and tilts and swims, fittingly, with a blur fierce enough to almost turn his stomach inside out like an inept sailor at sea. But he keeps sickness at bay by swallowing thickly, in favour of finally retrieving his knife. Blood paints the handle bright red, and he can only spare one hand as the other is occupied with staunching the wounds on his lower left abdomen, where he'd inevitably been stabbed by the last two guys.
Mister scar begins a series of slow claps from where stands, albeit humourless, "Well, colour me impressed. Your hubris wasn't for nothin' after all–" he tilts his head to emphasize ridicule, "Though you don't look so hot right now, eh?"
With his last bit of strength, Kijun holds his stance as steady as he can muster, a battlecry scratching his throat raw as the other man pulls out that glock from before and aims it at him. "I knew those guys were a bunch'a idiots," He hears not too far ahead, that terribly insufferable voice, and the gun being cocked, "Unfortunately this' it for ya'. Go to hell."
Kijun pounces before the gun could dry fire on him thrice, with this final push plunging his blade into the throat he'd longed to tear open with a conviction so raw he almost feels as though he'd caught flight. He stares hard in the face of that scar he'd made seven years ago, and hisses blood from between gritted teeth as he twists his blade with a sickening crunch, "I should've fuckin' killed you when I had the chance, bitch."
The body beneath him finishes thrashing through its last few breaths, that horrible voice now reduced to a nightmarish croak around regurgitated blood, "You fuckin'... asshole... know... no–nothing..."
Afterwards, everything falls behind a silken curtain of pitch blackness.
Something like three days pass him swimming in and out of consciousness, though he retains none of the interactions experienced during that bleary column of time of being under. Three days without much but a few sips of water and meticulous treatment from kind, gentle hands. Three days of inescapable nightmares and loud, howling patches of perpetual agony all over his body. Three days of nothing at all, but endurance.
Kijun wakes up to the ocean's acrid scent in his nose and Buddha seated on the edge of his futon. Takes a while for him to sweep the jagged fog from under dry eyelids and jog a scrambled array of thoughts back in order for him to finally realize that Buddha was no more than his patron in white. A few more heartbeats later, which he's surprised he even still has, lead him to the uncovery that he's still in Busan, back somewhere on Haedong temple grounds. A lone monk sweeps the cold earth outside in the courtyard.
"Welcome back." The boss offers a lopsided smile that never reaches his eyes. But Kijun can tell, he's relieved.
His breath is stolen entirely from him even while being careful as he sits up for the first time in three-some days, clenching his jaw tight and hissing loudly through his abdomen flaring up again. Politely accepting the glass of water offered by the elder afterwards, he downs the crisp, fresh water in a mere few seconds. It helps considerably with the scratching in his throat.
"What did I miss?" asks Kijun dejectedly—exhaustedly. "We lose anyone else?"
"No." The elder man replies, retrieving the glass to pour another. "Not yet. It's taken care of, for now."
Kijun holds his tongue and expression momentarily, to marvel at his unfortunate reality, at the ridiculousness of it all. Then, he scoffs at his next exhale, incredulous, "It's been seven fucking years," Laughter escapes him next, like a dry cough, "But I'm beginning to think I might've accidentally started something like a cold gang war for us, back then..."
The boss nods attentively, with intention, and says after a prolonged pause of his own, "Then it's your duty to fix it, before it's too late." Again, before you interfere with my business.
"Remember what you'd been taught?" He raises a tattooed finger to his temple, the ocean outside surging and stirring intranquilly in response, "You will have to go straight for the head this time. Find and kill Dongwook where he stands in prison, or pass the reigns to me and be in my debt for the rest of your life. Only then will it be over."
This time when Kijun lays back, he goes with an ultimatum in his hands and wonders if Buddha is listening, if his prayers would be answered if they involved the suffering of others for his own peace. Something tells him they won't. It's never over.
"I suppose I have no choice either way."
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
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Authors Note: You'd have to read part (I) of young and beautiful for this one. Where Harry meets y/n, their beautiful future together after that incident, pregnant y/n, helping harry during the birth of their babies and most awfully heart floppin' dad!harry.
The door knob jiggles making your silent gasp drone into leeway around and your eyebrows rockets to your forehead when you find a gold fishy eyed Harry slippin' outta his shoes, two coffe cups, a brown bag and a lil white stuffed bunny clutched in his large hands. He gives you a weird eye 'yeh okay?' ones when you gnawed him with parted lips moreso from the fact your nose's clogged, shaking your head when he gives you another glance while puting things down on the marble coffee table infront.
"Thought I left yeh'?" His voice melfious of that of mornin' dew and when you nod confirming, he takes two strides towards you placing the back of his calloused soft hand against your forehead. His touch causing your breath to hitch unlike the last night when you were too sick to consider anything else.
"Could never darlin'. No' when you're like this. brought some donughts and caramel coffee, then ye'll 'ave your medicine."
 You peer up at him and he's already gazing down at you with a glint that's hard to catch. "Thank you Harry." Your voice comes out as a whisper, neitherless He smiles at you genuinely handing you the cup of coffee. His knuckles brushing your finger tips and you swear the nebula in your brain bursted to million stary dust particles.
After making you take your dose of medication he cleaned around quickly tripping onto your suit case which made you cackle sweetly and Harry's heart blossomed with flowers of new-found happiness. You're guilty of gate keeping him to yourself and at the same time you're seekin' comfort in his presence. Your arms falling in your lap when you tried to brush stubborn tangles of your hair with a huff and Harry offers you his help scooting behind you, his fingers carefully tugging the knots while he expertly brushed your hair. He braids your hair and all you could do's stare him from the tall mirror infront of the bed.
"You're so good at this, Harry." He giggles when she admires her braid with a shocked expression and giving a squeeze to your shoulders he stands up leaning down to take a look at some books scattered at the oak dinky desk.
"If we were villains, the night climbers, the raven." He mouths the name of books tracing the instrinsive letters carved onto it, "can I read one of 'em?" He asks politely and you bob your head.
"'Course y'could." He gets comfortable against the headrest and the pillows swallows you beside him. Your body's itching to snuggle into him. With hands under your head you watch him giving all his concentration, his eyes raking along each line, cherry lips murmuring the words and jaw ticking whenever he would lick the pad of his finger to turn the page around. Carelessly he slides his arm under your figure and you're gaping at him until he looks down at you and realizes what he has done. He tries to apologise but stops when you cuddles into him with a non-sexual moan. Three pages after you've litreally crawled up his torso like an insect but he's lovin' it. He missed this warmth. This calm. When for the hundredth time from the morning he looks down at you it causes both of your hearts to flutter.
On an instinct he attracts towards you. Your eyelids slip shutting when his hot minty breaths fans your cheeks, his knuckles pudging into your flesh, book flopped open onto his chest. When his temple rests against yours, your heart found your home.
"We can't. Don't want you sick bub." You grog out stroking the corner of his lips and he whines but nods smauching an affectionate kiss to your temple. You could cry from the proximity. Minutes passed by as you stayed like this at last startling when a loud knock echoed in the comfortable silence you were enjoying.
It was your friend asking about you and apologising that he was so hungover that he forgot about you. Harry felt a twitch in his heart. He's jealous. He gets jealous very easily. He stands up when your friend assures him that he'd take care of you.
"You can take it with you...if you want to." You points to the book and he just gives a curt nod.
"I'll return it tommorrow, jus' call meh if yeh wan' me kay?" Your friend becomes like a ghost at the moment and you feel like a shining star under his piercing gaze. "We're going back tomorrow." Harry felt something cracking inside him at the information.
"Oh." He says monotonely pinching his lower lip, "then I'll bring it back to you next mornin'." He gives you a timid smile knowing damn well he just needs an excuse to see you even if it's for the last time.
"I'll wait for you."
You waited as you promised but he never came. Then you found yourself in clinical seats of airport and Harry's tumbling through the lobby of your hotel, he asks for you from the receptionist groaning when he gets to know he fucked up.
Sighing you stand up, rolling your suit case when the lines calls for passengers and you glances back last time but didn't found him. Those were your lasts. You thought.
Then his beautiful voice billowed to your heart in the admist of crowd and you spin on your feet leaving your luggage behind. He's waving the book atop his head, chest heaving, eyes sheened and when you flight like a dove in his arms his breath hued with happiness.
He corners you. Cupping your cheeks genially. He admires you for a complete moment before he speaks kissing your eyelids.
"I want you, it's bad." He announces the severity. The lump forming in your throat and not giving two fuck, becoming a selfish asshole you slotted your lips against his's. He doesn't retreats back instead deepens the kiss and tastes your mouth ignoring the bitterness of medicine on your tongue. A huge grins dances at your lips when you pull back, you take his hand and writes down your address. "Return me this when you reach back and complete it." If were villians such a good excuse for two soumates.
When you were really about to depart from him he tugs you back from the wrist and squishes you close to his heart, pecking your lips for last time.
"Will meet ya soon."
Week passes by and he's back in London the first thing he does is drive to your place and your flatmate told him you went back home. Harry's knees weakened, and tongue tied with a wrenching heart. How could she! He mutters furiously pitying himself.
Two weeks and daily visits of Harry but you're still not back.
"Hm. what's with this book loverboy, is it magical?" His mother teases him and he shakes his head timidly. The book's always in his hand, sometimes he's tucking a jasmine bud from his mum's backyard into the spine of book another a ribbon of silk somewhere between the lost pages. He lost you. Can't do same to words you devoted to him.
Then one morning a package was laying at his porch. He gives it a stink eye but takes it inside. Gemma's chewing onto her pancakes watching him with the corners of her eyes as he unboxed the maroon box. The note resting atop the kashmiri shawl and the Bullah Shah's poetry book makes Harry gasp loudly.
"And what if I say even at home, I missed home? I'll be waiting for you. Yours Y/N."
His eyes brims with glossiness when he sees that 'yours.' He takes the note close to his heart as he grabbed the leather copy. He sucks his bottom lip inside his mouth when his eyes fell over the writing and it matched the ones on the note. You translated a whole book of poetry from Punjabi to English, for him.
The sprinkle of black ink on the gruff yellow pages so precious to Harry.
He wastes no time leaving a clueless Gemma. His knocks are furious at your door and when you appear from behind it his heart stopped. You smile against his lips when he greeted you with nothing but a kiss he was longing for ages.
He has completely fallen in love with you. He despises the distance you both have in between.
"God knows 'ow much I missed ye'. wanna be mad at ye' but can't when I could finally love ye'."
✰𝑨𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕✰
You're changing sides again and again onto king size bed in your deep slumber. Coddling into Harry's arms, your bump practically resting heavily atop his tummy and he couldn't be more cheeky for it, you tangle and untangle your legs several times making him groan in his sleep when you rolled to other side of bed in your sleep. In the wee hours of dark night he blindly tries to find you to pull you back in his arms when his hand soaked wet pressed agaisnt the sheets.
Red alarms going off in his brain and he shots up quickly. He brings his shaking hand infront of his face and blinks the splotches in his vision. Your water fucking broke.
His breath wavered as he rolls you to his side. You grunt when he strokes the apples of your cheeks and kisses your forehead. The babies weren't supposed to come at this time, your due date's two weeks.
"Lovie'." He whispers trying not to frighten you at all and when you hissed loudly mistaking a contraction with braxton hicks panic rises into his chest and all over his face.
Shoving down his anxiety he cradles your face lovingly. He could do this. They could do this. They've been waiting for this precious day for eight and a half month. He can't wait to meet his two angels. He gives himself a pep talk and smiles down at you with whole courage when you frown at him.
"What's it Harry. 'M too tired, go back to sleep." You didn't felt anything while breaking your water unlike it happens in movies.
"Look meh in eyes puppy, yeah?" He smoothes down your frown and kisses the tip of your nose. "Take deep breaths fo' me." You look him in confusion as if he's gone mad and when you tries to sit up with his help an agonising yelp leaves your lungs. Your first painful contraction.
Harry grabs your jaw instantly and wraps his strong arm around his babies inside his bunny's womb, "baby stay calm. yer water broke. no biggie kay?" He wraps you in his arms when you shake your head in disapproval both of you sitting on wetness. As if he gives two fucks.
"No. They weren't supposed to come, yet. I'm not prepared for this. no." He wipes your tears doing anything in his power to be there for you, if you'd zone out mentally for him it would get so difficult for him to handle the situation.
"Yes. You're. We're. C'mon puppy my sweet woman our babies couldn't wait to meet us, please." When he adds a please you cry more but bobs your head and Harry sighs in relief carefully getting down on floor. "Don't leave!" You squeak when you literally felt your spine breaking.
"'m not baby, 'm not just taking the baby bag that's all." He quickly rushed inside the wardrobe and snatches the bag from cabinet, his heart beating so fast he could feel it pulsing in his ears.
He squats down slipping your feet into the socks he knitted for you at Christmas, he kisses your soles and you close your eyes latching onto his shoulders screeching painfully when series of contractions kept on crushing you.
"S'okay. 'S okay." He says more to himself bunching your white nightgown to your thighs, your whole weight on him and you grip the stares railing with wide eyes.
"It's impossible. Oh my lord."
"I'll carry you downstairs."
"No. No." You panic because what if you both trip. You know he could carry so much weight than imaginable, he built his arms so strong—but.
"Trust me please, I'd never let any harm touch the three loves of my lives." You nod and gently he snakes his arms under your knees and your back, hands protectively holding you close to his chest. He smiles through the anxiousness when you continuously prayed in his ear.
"You're such a minx." He laughs on the top of his lungs in amusement as you sucked the plastic spoon against your tongue. Halfway through the hospital ride your contractions stopped so you demanded Harry to buy you frozen yogurt.
"Your babies are! Always want to have sweets, went on their daddy." He shakes his head ducking down to kiss your lips then the puckering belly button of yours.
"Fuck I love you so much it's hard to put in words." A second later he adds with a beaming grin, "and my two lil smol beans."
You offer him yogurt with big eyes but he refused. He's sweating down his damn arse to eat anything at the moment.
"Distract me, please." You whisper to him turning to face him as the nurse brought your injections. He quickly lulls your face in his warm palms from all your clutching. "Um. Wha' d'ya think which one will be Suri and which one Roselena?" His thumb's continuously running in circles under eyes.
"The elder one will be—Ah! fuck." You scream grabbing his wrist when an electrifying jolt shrivelled inside you. The doctor just went after checking your cervix and it's almost there.
He tries to make you breath doing the action an it's no use. You roll your eyes, sweat dripping down your forehead even in such a wintry month. If he would know what it feels like.
"Fuckin' hell. 'M never letting you put your dick inside me, what the fuck!!!!" You yell squeezing his hand and the poor Harry's so lost he listen to you like an obeying kid patting sweat from your exposed chest with a towel.
"Y/N push on the count of three, you can do this." Doctor says. It's been half an hour, you've been pushing so hard that all your energy's draining. Hair sticking to your neck, hands shaking by side other almost fracturing Harry's, and he leans down to look in your drowsy eyes.
"Baby you can do this, for our babies, for us." He kisses her forehead and wipes her flowing tears. She sniffs bucking a little and pushing with her all might.
Harry feels like his heart's blossoming into garden full of roses when the doctor announces, "we can see the head of first baby. Push more." You scream loudly with gritted teeth pushing with your all mighty and the room echoes with tiny cries. You sob and Harry stares his elder daughter having a wrap of blood on her delicate skin as doctors called him to cut the umbilical cord.
They take her to nursery to give clean her and Harry's again by your now grinning widely but it soon vanishes when he sees you crying silently, you're covering your eyes with your forearm. You hiccup feeling yourself drowning to darkness. Harry removes your arm and rests his temple agaisnt yours.
"I can't do this. hurts. tired." Your words broken and Harry wishes he could do something for his love.
"I know you can, you love her don't ya. Jus' fo' her." He interlaces his fingers with yours and this time he's the one to squeeze warmly. After, ten minutes of more pushing your second daughter was in this world too.
Harry brushes your hair back smiling down at you as if someone handed him the whole world. You tries to get rid of darkness in your eyes as Harry's words floods in your heart.
"'M so proud of you baby. my strong strong wife my whole fuckin' world. It's all beacuse of you we're blessed with two healthy daughters." This time he takes his time with you instead of immediately going to cut his baby's cord. They'd change the story while telling her so she wouldn't get sad that her daddy cut his sister's cord way more quickly than her's.
"No. No. Don't sleep puppy." He glances back worriedly at the doctors who still needs to push her placenta out. "I'm not...." She whines trying to open her eyes and since Harry has read more about pregnancies than he should doctors chuckles gesturing him to calm down that they'll pull it out themselves.
While you sleep peacefully after so long from exhaustion Harry keeps on gazing you with admiration. His lips mere away from yours. His cheek smashed on your pillow as he watches you lovesick and he feels giddy counting onto his reasons of happiness, that made him peck your lips.
He's hot on his heels when the nurse carried his babies to him and he gets excited and nervous managing to take both of them in his arms. He don't wants any of them left out from their father's first embrace.
His tear lands onto the sock covered feetsie of his baby (they aren't identical still he mixed both of them).
"Hi. Bunnies 's meh yer daddy. promise 'm gonna love ye' so much. " He cooes in dainty voice lulling them in synchrony. Awkwardly he manages to duck down landing kisses to their foreheads and he pecks the corners of their lips. "S' beautiful jus' like ye'r momma."
"Wanna see 'er? She's a sleepy head." He sits beside you and you stir adjusting your eyes to light. He shushes you. When you're fully awake Harry gives the elder twin in your embrace but you ask for younger one too.
They're carbon copies of harry. Milky rose cheeks, brown tiny luscious curls drowning at their necks, pointed nose and none of you have seen their eyes so you're anticipating.
"Did ya ever thought in the past we would be here with two babies of our own?" You ask him giving a glance down to your busy bees and he shakes his head butting his finger under his chin.
"No' when ya ghosted meh for whole damn month." At this you snort letting your head fall on you shoulder, "I promised to come back to you didn't I?"
He whispers in return kissing your cheeks "and you did."
You laugh through your sniffles when the twins latches onto either of your full breasts nursing themselves to milk. Harry grins, his eyes glossy as he pets their heads while they made cute sucking noises. He's gonna be the bestest daddy. He got so much love for them. Give them their all lovin' He didn't got from his own father.
"Hi Suri my big baby. Hi Rosalena my smol bubby. It's me, mummy and daddy." You announces to them happily kissing their small heads.
This time you stroke his cheek wiping a lonely tear and he kisses the inside of your wrist affectionately.
"I promise, will love ya with dire passion even 'm their ol' guy." You chuckle softly laying back after feeding them and Harry has put them in their cot. "Love me when I'm young and beautiful, not sure what I'll look like being a nana."
"You'll be the cutest ol' peach." He grins cheekily and you swat his bicep rolling your eyes.
Fun fact: Both, Suri and Rosalena means red rose but in different languages.
Please, please for the love of Harry reblog this and give your loads of feedbacks it makes me happy.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
Ah, but what scenes in particular did you enjoy? The wangxian ones in general? Or were there any particular ones that stuck with you?
-the axe cultivator
Oh, ac, I missed some of your question last time didn't I? So sorry. My head is kinda in the clouds these days
There are so many scenes that stuck with me, so I'll make a bullet list and probably still miss some ^^
It's such a small thing but in ep 1 the transition from the tale of how wei wuxian was killed transitions to the tea house via a shit from within sizhui's trea cup as he's pouring tea "onto the camera". It's nothing special but remember loving that shot so much the first time I watched that it was one of the things that kept me watching
Wangxian-wise in the first two episodes, I'd be remiss not to mention that handgrip when wei wuxian plays wangxian to calm wen ning down. Because it goes on ... and on ... and on. When I watched it for the first time I was like "ooohhhh so it's gonna be this kind of gay". You know the endless-longing-stares kind. And now when I rewatch it's just devastating. The last time they saw each other before this scene, they also held onto each others wrists but wei wuxian let go and fell to his death. And here lan zhan is, holding on for minutes and only let's go once jiang cheng threatens wei wuxian. Just ... 💔
i started shipping xiyao from their very furst sxebe together. Those two actors (i try to remeber their names but i always forget them again. My memory is shit when it comes to names :/) really just did want some of that sweet sweet homoerotic tension. Also, their first interaction stand out to me as the moment i really started to like lan xichen. In a setting that was shown early on to be highly hierarchical, he exhibited in the very forst scenes that he is willing to disregard someone's standing and look at their character and abilities instead. I just really love xichen ❤
Okay, i can't name one scene per episode, so let’s sum them up a little
I adore this progression during the cloud recesses and the yin iron arc from a flirtratious rivalry to genuine deep freindship and love. There are so many little moments that stand out because of the subtle acting joices made my wang yibo and xiao zhan, as well as the script, The lantern scene, when Wei Wuxian doesn’t betray the yin iron secret to huaisang and lan wangji goes “hu, so your bullshitting has reasons”, when they are in the market and lan zhan actually communicates that he doesn’t like crowds and wei wuxian pulls him closer but not into the crowd and so many others. When you watch closely, you see them realising little details about each other and I’m honestly so impressed with how amazingly the process of their falling in love was portrayed
fast forward a bit: obviously, the freaking montage quasi-fan vid in the middle of the cave scene set to their freaking love song. I remeber when I first watched this scene I actually, literally screamed. I could not believe it because their was no fucking way that this could be read as anything but romantic and I was not used to that much blatant queer romance!
A little less happy (okay a lot). The entire destruction of the jiang clan with a special mention to the scene when Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian just saw the bodies and run into fields where they fight and Jiang Cheng chokes Wei Wuxian and then they just fall back in exhaustion and sleep right there under the open sky. Everything about that scene was brilliantly done and also soul-crushing. The loss of innosence in that moment devastated me. It was so obvious that in the moment of deepest despair, all of these children’s traumas and deep-seated fears reared their ugly heads. So Jiang Cheng directs all his grief at the easiest target for his anger and Wei Wuxian just takes it because that is what he thinks is his job. And the real tragedy? This dynamic will not be broken until Wei Wuxian’s literal death. These children need therapy so goddamn badly and all they get is more trauma on top of their excisting trauma.
“The single log bridge” scene. I. Am. A. Sucker for the found family trope, especially for characters who cronically think they have to do everything on their own. So there Wei Wuxian is saying he will walk his dark path alone, but instead he finds lit lanterns and a humble feast prepared for him by people who love him. That juxtaposition kils. me. every. time. YOU ARE LOVED WEI WUXIAN! FOR YOURSELF!
(Shout out to the second time his word are refuted, this time by lan wangji and *gasp* verbally. Because there is NO better love declaration than that scene in front of basically every leader of cultivation world who politely wait for their turn to attack them)
Luo Qingyang removing herself from the narrative. I literally cry every time.
Talking about women: jiang yanli defending wei wuxian and calling him her brother. That moment is the "three things all wise men fear" quite incarnat, only it's the anger of a gentle woman
“Let me go” So ... I have SUCH a thing for couple who grapple with questions of when it is time to let go and when it is time to hold on. So Wangxian hits all my buttons. I will go further into this in my last bullet point (about the very last scene)
Oh god, this list is gonna get so long and i’m still going to forget things
In the present timeline:
Again, to sum it up, all the gentle wangxian moment where they look at each other and their entire face grows soft. Every almost-smile lan wangji sends wei wuxian, every "oh. He really loves me huh?"-look from wei wuxian. Especially in the Jingshi just after lan Xichen's loredrop. These two intensly guarded people (yes, wei wuxian is guarded,he just hides behind smiles) are so open with each other. I only have to see a guf of lan wangji with his heir down and I go feral!
Talking about that episode, the lan family backstory as a scene does things to me. And I remember watching that the first time and so much of lan wangji's behaviour suddenly making sense. Especially little lan zhan kneeling in front of his mother’s house and that being how he showed his grief really drove home just how this man exhibits emotion. I'm pretty sure that that was the moment he really became my favourite character.
Same episode and a start juxtaposition to the domestic scene between wangxian before: the talk between lan xichen and Jin Guangyao just afterwards. You could probably write an essay of meta about the parallels and differences between those two scenes and I think that's deliberate because they're back to back. The lan brother's share tea with the person closest to their hearts. One is finally able to open himself fully, the other closes up more than he ever has before with this person. The framing in that scene alone drives that message home, never mind its content. It's heart-wrenching and so well done!
Talking about xiyao: jin guangyao's death for similar reasons. Just ... arrrgh
I'm sure I've missed a ton but thus is already so long so I'll close with my favourite overall: the last scene. The parting and subsequent reunion on the mountaintop. I've stated before why this means so much to me. It is such a reassuring message to me: to have two intensely different people learn to understand and love each other exactly as they are. Being who they are, the occasionally walk different paths. But they don't limit each other. They learn to improve each other by just being there when they are and therefore know and trust that their love will return.
This was mostly cql because you asked for "scenes", but have some honorary novel mentions:
Lan Wangji: "The face says nothing. Listen to the heart-beat." 😭😭😭
The moment when wei wuxian collapses after the second siege and lan sizhui expresses surprise over this, lan wangji says something like "We are all human." I love that moment for many reasons. 1) it's one of the rare direct insights into lan wangji's thoughts. No matter how brief he is here, you don't say something like that just because. 2) and it's significant that he is the one saying it because he, too, is placed on a pedestal. In fact, I think a lot about mdzs boils down to the conflict between the inner self and outer perception and how that dichotomy can be both a deliberate shield (lan zhan being the perfect example) and a curse
I hope you and your axe are having a wonderful day 🥰
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house-of-crows · 4 years
Walking The Sidhe
The House was a maze, as it so often is.
I remember long golden-hued marble corridors, wide and open and airy. High shining walls to my right, tall pillars to my left, opening to the first floor down below from the third upon which I stood. 
Never ending stairwells and lifts, endless alcoves and blind spots to hide or be lost or forgotten in. 
The People who moved around me were covered in silk and brocade, satins and furs and soft supple leathers. long shining hair, the flashing fire of jewels, laughter genuine and mocking hidden behind lifted hands and snapping fans. I could hear the distant sound of music, it floated on the air like heavy perfume.
I wandered for what felt like hours, but might have been multiple days, lost in the haze of golden light and static-ridden conversations. Eventually, it dawned on me that I could not look anyone in the face, nor could I see beyond their sternum no matter how hard I tried. 
I eventually came to myself, staring directly at a very large [gem] at the breast of some milk-skinned female whose hands bore long, red talonlike nails. She gripped a crystal flute of champagne or some sparkling pale golden drink, and was saying something I could not understand. It seemed to have been going on for some time. 
When I stood; like wading through waist deep water, like walking through mud, like clawing free of grasping hands; I could register the shock on her face even though I could not see it. I did not bow, I did not offer any obeisance at all... just stood, and backed away, and continued down the long hall to the stairs on my left, down to the next level, and around, and down again, to the main hall where some tall and graceful creature was playing the piano, accompanied by a semicircle of other musicians. I walked past these as well and towards the main doors. I could see the double, carved, mahogany doors flung wide, the sunshine beckoning- 
I came through to a new place, deep water and tall greenish stone walls. The water was cold, it closed over me, threatening to drown me.... I could breathe. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t need to breathe. 
I swam. Down long black passages, through ice cold water and bone-wrenching fear that settled and sank into my flesh and kept me from speeding onward as I wanted. 
I wandered in the maze of water and dim muted greenish light until I hauled myself out of one of the large, cerulean, marble-tiled pools at the back of The House. 
Trapped. Again. 
Ruddy brick, white marble and pavement, black and red tiled roof, tall windows with heavy velvet curtains, high high high perfectly green hedges. Like something from film. Like a daydream of luxury. 
I tried again to leave.
I found myself in the basement of the House. In some back room with high shelves and higher ceilings. I do not know what I was searching for. I fought the need to search, and turned to leave.
 I was lounging on the high balcony/veranda, overlooking the Estate. There was wine in my glass and the sun was high in the sky but the air was fresh and cool. I dropped the flute but it did not hit the ground. Time suspended, and foreboding took me. 
I shut my eyes tight and again left.
I was on the multi-storied entrance to the house, grey stone and shrubbery well maintained. The fountain in the white gravel drive was bubbling. The sky was warm purple and dusky mists were gathering.
Down the long marble stairs in all their landings built for languid conversations before ending, there came a line of humans, a new group, a bright and glittering assemblage. In the distance, I could see rolling green lawns and high dark woods and deep forest. Enclosed. Shut off from the world. Trapped. 
The House behind me was a palace. It was a castle. It was a fortress. It was a fort. It was a Mound. It was sunk into the earth, it was an Opening, a Gap, a Narrow Place Expanded. The foundations reached deep, twisting, reaching, grasping, desperate and digging deeper. 
The water that was pulled from the deep cisterns was tinted, tainted. In it I could feel the pull of the Mountain Goddess, the Mother. In it I could feel the pull and flow of blood in veins, of water through vines, of sap through the roots. It ACHED. 
And I, I stood rooted in place, and watched, and the needlesharp grip in my shoulder that I gradually became aware of bore me down and held me there as time stood still and flowed like molasses around me.
I closed my eyes. I wept.
I was driving down a winding road through the Hills. I passed the entrances for multiple camps and paths and hiking trails and parks and other spaces in the Dreaming. I passed them all and I accelerated as fast as I dared. A quicksilver flash through the foothills. I could not tell if I was moving towards the Highway or back further into the countryside. I did not care. I just wanted to be Away.
I found myself in the dirt track that wound back past the Countryside Cafe, past the Barns, past the dirt roads I knew so well as a child on the Estate. The sun sank ever deeper towards the horizon and I found myself on foot, surrounded by endless corn fields. 
I knew what waited what lurked in the dark. I knew. I could feel them staring. 
No sound, no sound in the bright green fields as the heat rose from the pale dirt around me and coated everything with its weight and scent. 
I ran down the road, and looked to neither side but straight down the road until I found myself back at the farmhouse. I stood at the entrance, the gateless entrance, and stared up at the white house with its freshly washed siding and the unsplit oak in the middle of the lawn. I watched the lilies grow, the sun go down, and stayed until the fog rolled in. 
I closed my eyes....
and Woke.
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bookoftheironfist · 6 years
Am I the only one, that isn't happy with Danny's comic stories latley? I mean PM&IF, and Brissons run were great storywise but what bums me, is that Danny seems a little lost currently. He still isn't over Misty, while she moved on, his best friend is married with a kid and their reunion was (sadly) pretty short. Plus I feel like he is hinted to be depressed in some runs. Just let my son be happy again, Marvel.
    I completely agree with this; a lot of Danny’s recent stories have been heartbreaking (and yes– really good comics, for sure– but sad). Danny’s life has tended to be marked by periods of unfocus and loss. We saw this back in the 90s too, after he escaped the H’ylthri. There was a fairly significant chunk of time in which he didn’t know what to do with himself (and, it seems, the writers didn’t know what to do with him). He had lost his connection to K’un-Lun, most of his personal ties had been shattered by his “death” and prolonged captivity, and he felt even more alienated than usual. Part of this is in the nature of his character. He’s an Iron Fist who spends long periods of time away from K’un-Lun. He’s a Hero for Hire, but only when H4H is actually operating (and even then, he hasn’t been on every iteration of the team). He doesn’t really have a civilian identity, and his life is in constant flux. He is a man of two worlds, eternally displaced, and after forty years, this fact is still at the core of his stories. This means that it’s very easy– both for him as a person, and for creative teams– to lose sight of a clear purpose for him, which can result in stagnation. 
    Danny’s current situation is clearly more intentional than that, and less a factor of the writers not knowing what to do with him, but while it’s made for very powerful character moments, it is also really sad. I’m still upset about the way things ended with Misty (the dragon-chi-false-pregnancy stuff was really hand-wavy and forced), and I’m even more upset that the two of them have barely shared a panel since. As traumatic as the experience was, they ended the relationship on good terms with each other, and it seems like something they should at least talk about. Superhero comics aren’t great about providing this type of closure, but they were together for so long that just leaving things hanging the way they are feels wrong. They’re still friends. They still care for each other, whether it be platonically or romantically. They should still interact! And it is extra heartbreaking when paired with Luke’s situation, which just emphasizes to Danny how much he lost and how far, life-experience-wise, he’s fallen behind his best friend. I love his fear of losing Luke because of this. I love his conversation about it with Stephen Strange in New Avengers, and I was blown away by that scene in PMIF vol. 3 #13. You know the one… 
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Danny: “Luke… I’m sorry, man. […] This is all my fault. And not just this– I’m talking everything that’s happened since we got back together. I wanted to make things the way they were before. You’ve got your own family. Misty and I are over, I know that, but it still stings. I was… I don’t know how to say it… scared of being alone. I didn’t want to go back to being that alienated kid in K’un Lun with no real friends or family. So what did I do? I dragged you into my loneliness. I used you to try and make myself feel complete. Look at where my fear and weakness has led us…”
    I cried the first time I read this scene, because it placed the run back into the context of Danny’s recent darkness– extending back to the false pregnancy, but also encompassing all of the horror and loss he went through in Living Weapon. It turned the entire run on its head, explaining Danny’s initial comic-relief-y enthusiasm about restarting H4H and turning it into desperation, reminiscent of “Happy Matt” in Mark Waid’s Daredevil run. And the fact that Danny sees this fear of loss as weakness is just so Danny, and so painful. I love the power of this scene, and Luke’s reaction, and I am fascinated by this new element of their dynamic because it feels real. Who hasn’t experienced something like this? Who hasn’t been frightened by the thought of their friends outgrowing them? I like it because it’s so visceral and heart-wrenching and powerfully done. That’s what I want to emphasize here– I do like this writing. I’m a Daredevil fan; I enjoy a certain amount of pain. But yes, it also kills me to see Danny suffer.  
    Fortunately, the way things have been set up, I think (and hope) that Danny is moving into a new, more positive stage of his life. The Iron Fist run that just ended did a lot of work to reinvigorate his sense of purpose. Besting the real Shu-Hu and saving K’un-Lun from Choshin cemented his self-confidence as the Iron Fist, which had been shaken by the events of Living Weapon. And he has formed major new personal connections. He is back on close terms with his childhood friend Sparrow. He now has Pei, who– despite her absence from Iron Fist vol. 5– needs to stick around. Danny loves teaching, he enjoys spending time with Pei, and training her provides him with both companionship and a further sense of purpose. She’s also like a daughter to him, and as such she may also help him heal from “losing” his and Misty’s child. And he finally has his sister back, hopefully for good this time! Also, as of the last issue of Bendis’s Defenders run, Heroes for Hire is back up and running. Danny has a lot of what he was missing before, which bodes well for his future. 
    If it were up to me, the next Iron Fist arc would be K’un-Lun focused, with Danny, Pei, and Miranda going home and helping Sparrow rebuild. The city is in a period of transformation, following the revolution in Immortal Iron Fist, Davos sacking the place in Living Weapon, and Choshin’s failed invasion in vol. 5, and we haven’t had a long-term K’un-Lun-focused story in a while. There’s a lot of really interesting worldbuilding that could be done at this point, and placing Danny back in the city for an extended period of time would be a great next step following the events of the latest run. K’un-Lun is likely going to be restructured from the ground up under Sparrow’s influence, and that is really exciting. Danny needs to be there for it, and I– as a big fan of the setting– want to see that process close-up. I also really enjoy Sparrow, am interested in her and Danny’s new Yu-Ti/Iron Fist dynamic, and think they need more time to catch up. From there, my dream is that we might finally get an Immortal Weapons ongoing series, with Danny, Pei, Miranda, and the other Weapons (heck, Fat Cobra’s mom can come too!) engaging in pan-dimensional kung fu shenanigans. Pleeeaase, Marvel. 
    But in any case, I do think all of Danny’s recent comics (Iron Fist vol. 5, PMIF vol. 3, Defenders…) have set up a positive, hopeful future for him, and I’m just waiting for them to announce a new series.
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shenmeizhuang-blog · 7 years
Do you have any cdrama suggestions for a baby beginner? I think Empress of China is the most famous one I’ve heard of but I’m curious about others too!
B-baby beginner? No, my friend, when it comes to cdrama, we simply throw you into the pit…
Just kidding! Although, for a myriad of reasons, being a Chinese drama fan outside of Asia without a hold of the language is admittedly rather difficult (so to the “international” cdrama fandom: you guys rock!). 
Unfortunately, your answer did not really help me narrow down my answer after all. I believe Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, your recent fave, is very romance-centric, but I feel like everyone tends to vacillate in their mood, preferring super romantic escapism one minute and demanding tight storytelling the next. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling and actually get to the point:
personal recs, in general*
I just couldn’t really “categorize” these?
peace hotel (2018): currently in the midst of watching this still, but I’m really enjoying this! honestly. especially with how the female chars (most of the chars are written.) it’s this mix between super suspenseful espionage and really cathartic humor. the plot twists are also so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let’s shake it! (2017): alien crashlands to the tang dynasty! it’s super cute and quirky, but there’s also a strong, coherent plot and some angst in the latter parts. definitely one of my faves of last year, though it’s punny sense of humor doesn’t always get through. it’s also very appreciatively meta ;) the subs apparently aren’t complete, as my friend complained to me, but I personally find the language real simple
medical examiner dr. qin (2016): the interactions between the crime-solving trio are gold. also, like the only modern show here?? (as you can tell, I am really mostly a period show watcher.)
go princess go (2015-16): it’s really low-budget and cracky, but trust me, there’s a reason it went viral. zhang tian ai does feel like the saving grace a lot of the time though, and I didn’t exactly give it a high score, but it just might be your thing. who knows?
nirvana in fire (2015): i don’t think it’s the best c-drama ever, unlike a lot of people on this site, but it’s still a very solid show. I also find it a lot more shoujo than most fans—it’s really not just a revenge-political drama—but when it was emotionally gripping, boy, it was emotionally gripping. 
wuxin: the monster killer (2015): technically only season 1—I have yet to see s2—but weirdly enough, I found the poignant ending especially fitting. just assume from the title? yue qiluo is one of the more interesting villains out there, and gosh I just adore yueya so much
bu bu jing xin (2011): extremely poignant, complex look into polymagy/patriarchy during the qing dynasty from the lens of time-traveller zhang xiao who takes the identity of court lady ruoxi. even if you don’t ship any of the romances, it is so worth it for pretty much everything else. but if you do, obviously also an extremely heart-wrenching watch. a lot of people’s first cdrama. 
schemes of a beauty (2010): lots of spying, secret chambers, poison, women control the men. 
*I would want to recommend The Legend of Zhen Huan and The Glory Of Tang Dynasty, but they’re 76 episodes and 92 episodes long, respectively. Content-wise, it’s also stuff that requires lots of trigger warnings, and overall just not for the “baby beginner”. Battle of Changsha is definitely shorter, and a definite recommendation, but also just not for the “baby beginner.” 
no dubbing 
(Peace Hotel, Battle of Changsha, NiF, Medical Examiner Dr. Qin)
the advisors’ alliance (2017) + growling tiger, roaring dragon (2017-18): a mix of no dubbing and some dubbing. it’s a pretty creative to take the viewpoint of sima yi in this three kingdoms historical piece. I feel that it’s rather accessible to viewers, honestly, and the production values are great on this one. 
nothing gold can stay (2017): only 4 eps in—it’s very solid so far (74 eps though, but I would say quite mainstream and easy to watch)
ten miles of spring wind can’t compare to you (2017): do I really want to rec this though? in the end, I really did wish I had someone to vent about this to and discuss with about, because in a lot of ways this really did give lots of food for thought. let’s just say that our three main chars are deliberately rather fatally flawed…and I still feel rather ambivalent about how to feel about this. (the first 10-15 eps are super cute, meta, adorable but also with great sexual tension and then it sort of goes to melodrama but anyway…) you could at least practice your chinese? it is harder than the average modern cdrama, given how pretentious qiu shui can get
shoujo period romances
We all have a soft spot for these :’)
sound of the desert (2014): just yesterday, there was quite a lot of discourse on this show on my dash, interestingly. female lead xin yue (liu shi shi) is raised by a wolf pack, though she eventually enters the capital city sometime during the han dynasty. she does at first fall for a crippled, broody flute player played by hu ge (imo one of his more lackluster roles) but it’s her chemistry with HAWT general wei wuji (eddie peng
female prime minister/legend of lu zhen (2013): again, freakishly sizzling chemistry. it focuses more on lu zhen rising up the ranks as lower-level female ministers, but mostly still very very romance-centric. (the otp falling-out in the last 10 eps or so was kind of stupid, I will admit, and also 200% all on gao zhan but it had such a strong addictive quality to it.)
gong/jade palace lockheart (2011): I haven’t seen Boys Over Flowers/the Japanese original/any official remakes of whatever that is, but a lot of people have called it Boys Over Flowers + modern girl time travels to the Qing Dynasty + 9-prince succession conflict during Kangxi’s reign. it was rather stupid and petty at times, but it’s more comedic and the romance is super addicting. I don’t care about the half-bald Qing queues at all, and this is actually one of the only roles that I’ve found Feng Shaofeng attractive in. (yes, it is possible to love bbjx and enjoy this)
Oh yeah, and all these end all happily and fairytale-like. None of the above would qualify as my “faves” at all, but all are very accessible to someone unfamiliar with cdrama and love the Romance and the Pretty. 
others (I found rather lackluster or dropped): Perfect Couple, The Eternal Love (very popular among international audiences, but not for me), General and I, Oh My General 
This is just going to be an embarrassing amount of childhood nostalgia. Like, literally, with the exception of the first one, I watched all of these in elementary school, with varying amounts of rewatching in between. The recent wuxias and xianxias just haven’t been to my liking. (I could get into how NiF takes lots of wuxia elements but I would just confuse you a lot so, strictly on the more fantasy/action side of things here.) I simply haven’t watched Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (very, very popular) at all. I’m sorry. 
vigilantes in masks/strange hero yi zhi mei (2011): I believe the international equivalent is “Iljimae”? It’s like Robin Hood, sort of, but mostly Liu Shi Shi’s Yan Sanniang is so amazing here. 
chinese paladin 3 (2009)
return of the condor heroes (2006)
chinese paladin (2005)
lotus lantern (2005)
also 武林外传, which is 80 eps, but kind of more like a wuxia sitcom way back in the day. there’s in-show ppls, tons of modern references, etc. and also like lots of satire/social commentary. I did a rewatch (of brief clips ofc, I don’t have that much time) recently, and realized I missed so much when I watched it with the family back then. (I’m kind of embarrassed about the more lewd references…lol…)
*line break*
Whew! Anyway, the takeaway is, there is a lot of stuff to choose from, and I definitely left out a lot of stuff. There’s also a lot of modern cdramas. This answer might clarify about those shows. 
(that being said, I really personally would not recommend empress of china. I mean, aside from 96 eps, just 2 eps in I could tell it was going to be an unsubstantial mess >_
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onestowatch · 3 years
Meet DAISY WORLD, the Tyler, the Creator-Approved R&B Star in the Making
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Photo: Seannie Bryan
The descent of falling in love with the wrong person is a tumultuous journey down the rabbit hole. Adorned with feelings of pure ecstasy shadowed by a sense of foreboding doubt, the heart wants what it wants, often regardless of the consequences. Here to encapsulate this hodgepodge of fervid emotions in her solo debut is multi-disciplined, Los Angeles-native artist DAISY WORLD with the dual single release “Sundown / Sixtwo.”
Though a fresh face under this new moniker, Daisy Hamel-Bufa is no stranger to the creative community of which she was raised. Perhaps you’ve heard her decadent, smoky vocals featured on Tyler, the Creator’s “Rise!,” from his most recent album, Call Me If You Get Lost, or saw her perform alongside Tyler at the Roxy a few weeks prior. If not, perhaps you’re familiar with her as the front woman of the jazz-infused alternative band DAISY, frequenters among the LA underground performance circuit, who also performed at Tyler, The Creator’s Camp Flog Gnaw in 2019. If both of these opportunities to become acquainted with this multi-hued artists have passed you by, maybe you know her as a visual artist, whose hand painted garments have adorned the likes of Addison Rae and Benny Blanco. Regardless of the outlet, it’s not too late to become engrossed in the prismatic world of Daisy.
A heart-wrenching examination of being lost in love and the loneliness that often follows, “Sundown / Sixtwo” showcases the young talent’s undeniably gifted pen and vocal prowess. Created alongside producer Natalie Green, with additional instrumentation from Patrick Paige II (of The Internet) and Waylon Rector, “Sundown” comes from a place of pure vulnerability. 
In Daisy’s own words, “‘Sundown’… oh ‘Sundown’… this song is about a very complex love situation that was consuming my life at the time. I fell for someone that I wasn’t supposed to… as we all do at some point, and when the distractions of the day would come to an end I found myself in this nightly sorrow just thinking about it. I wanted to encompass all the emotions I went through, sadness, longing, vulnerability, anger, frustration ALL OF IT smushed into one song."
Beginning softly, featuring her sultry vocals over an ethereal synth and electric guitar, she poses the questions, “What is it about sundown? Have you been killing the time all day?” Moving through relaxed, jazz-influenced melodic phrases, mid-way through the production flowers into a gripping amalgamation of sound, perfectly mirroring the highs and lows of love and infatuation. 
Following up with the melancholic and heartbreakingly honest ballad “Six Two,” Daisy describes the composition process as “pure catharsis...” recalling “a very intense moment of feeling alone and unwanted...” from which “this tiny little jazz standard just spilled right out of me.” Encouraging her fans to run through rather than away from pain “Six Two” serves as a reminder that we are not alone during the darkest points of life and that truly feeling is our greatest humanistic asset. 
Listed to “Sundown / Sixtwo” below :
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amrefevr · 5 years
@sauntering-serpent​ ╰ ✧  plotted starter  / / WING ASSIST
       NOT SO MUCH lie had it been when aziraphale had answered crowley’s enquiry over the incident with his flaming sword, for the lord truly hadn’t mentioned it again but as for a few of the named archangels , that was another matter entirely. thus so used was he to coordinating with four wings , not two , even several tens of decades later it remained a measure of an adjustment & a loss keenly felt. 
       MEANING A TRUE ACCIDENT this was , a misjudgement on his part had snagged one of his feathers & wrenched it high along the rachis. now the feather was twisted & broken to the quill , but it was still attached. although its place hindered the blood none as it poured forth , a brightly hued ichor welled then dripped downwards along the torn feather & the others surrounding it , seeping through the dishevelled vanes to discolour the silver dipped white. 
       PLUMP FINGERS GINGERLY PRESSED a strip of cloth to the small injury , a grimace lay heavily over the angel’s features. the continual stinging twinge from the minor wound only responsible for the expression in part. the rest came from the needed act to pluck the damaged feather. it would be a momentary pang & nothing substantial on any scale , but smart it would & bleed more so than it had already done. however leaving it wasn’t an option should he wish to keep his wings looking as close to uniform as was required. 
       PREOCCUPIED SO WAS HE with slowing the bleeding , he wouldn’t be able to see nor grab anything if he didn’t first , aziraphale had lost the edge to his outward senses. caught nearly whole unawares. only hearing another approaching a handful of moments before he saw them. with a speed that belayed his appearance , aziraphale had dropped his ministrations & tucked the tender wing towards his body to allow himself to stand & whip round to confront who’d neared. 
       RELIEF WAS SWIFT TO supersede his disquiet & alarm , a sigh billowed past his lips & the tension that’s sprung his frame taut eased. his unharmed wing folding near his back from where it’s fanned out in defence , whilst the one bleeding anew now relaxed marginally from where it’s been protectively held back. although he supposed he should shy away from thinking a demon a welcome sight , the angel was far more happy to see this particular demon than anyone else in his stead. but he would have rathered tended his wing ere anyone saw it , given the state of it as well as how it came to be in such a mess. 
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                                       ✧ ╯✧╰ ✧
                    ❝ Ah , Crowley !                          Seems erm , seems you’ve caught me in a , a bit of a predicament.                          Perhaps we could convene at a later time ? ❞
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ts1989fanatic · 7 years
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The Guide to Getting into Taylor Swift
With the country-turned-pop star's music on Spotify, it's time to cut all your shirts into crop tops and become a Swiftie.
Wow! You're finally open to becoming a Swiftie! Perhaps you're a casual listener and you found your bum wiggling to "Shake It Off" at the grocery store. Perhaps you're that nostalgic person who always sings "Our Song" at karaoke because it reminds you of more innocent times. Perhaps you're a even hardcore hater. Who cares! You're here now.
So what did it take? Her endless charm? Her enviable songwriting talents? Her clever business sense? Or is it because Taylor Swift's entire catalogue just went up on Spotify for free.99? What a cheapskate!
Besides the fact that you can now listen to Taylor Swift without having to navigate her battles with the streaming industry, this is the perfect time to start listening to her music, even if you skipped out on the past five albums. We're currently in the calm before Swift's storm – the time when she's conjuring up a new album that may defy any expectations we have about the country-turned-pop star. Before she inevitably returns to the tabloids, there's a chance to get to know the artist whose work earned that fame, the singer who, at 14, prompted label boss Scott Borchetta of Big Machine to take her on, writing in his notes, "This could be your Mick Jagger." Taylor's fans have long known her as someone who can weave fairytales into everyday life and pastoral romanticism into a regular school day, who can detail relationships with piercing honesty. That kind of music inspires devotion, and this is your chance to feel it.
So, before you dig in, you'll need a Taylor Swift starter pack. Cut all your shirts into crop tops. Write Joni Mitchell lyrics on your arm. Adopt a Scottish fold and name it after a Grey's Anatomy character. Start calling the paparazzi before leaving the apartment. Show up at your friends' houses unexpectedly, offering them Christmas gifts and wondering why they don't cry tears of joy at the mere sight of you. At the very least, join an online forum to talk about her fandom when it hits. Start yearning for Taylor's old country days even though you hate country music! Send a Swift song to your ex instead of messy blocks of texts. Quote her lyrics in therapy. Invest in some quality scarlet-hued lipstick (Nars' Dragon Girl is a decent choice.)
And if you need some help with different entry points into her music, I've got you. Below, there are five options for getting into Taylor Swift. Pick the section that best suits your soul.
So, as Taylor's best friend Selena Gomez (you should know that too) says, if you're ready, come and get it.
So You Want to Get Into: Kiss-Off Bop Taylor Swift?
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OK, so you want to get into the feisty side of Taylor Swift. Great choice. Alongside her songs about love, heartbreak, her first day of high school, her mom and Lena Dunham (it's true – "You Are In Love" is about her), there are angsty ditties that take her foes and pie them in the face like the true dunces that they are. This might be the side of Swift you're most familiar with lately, as her feud with Katy Perry has made the 12,000th headline and we're meant to believe that Taylor is on a warpath to punish all her enemies. However, Swift is just like any of us: If she's wronged, she feels a little jaded. And despite serving as a role model to her listeners, she experiences anger like anyone else. But most of us don't have the talent to write songs about them.
Taylor's kiss-off anthems started with "Picture to Burn" (perhaps her best song to this day?), off her debut, self-titled album in 2006, released when she was just 16. "Picture to Burn" has Swift expressing pent-up G-rated aggression with a twang (this is back when she still had a Southern accent, and it's endearing as fuck). She goes one shot under pulling a Carrie Underwood and disses her ex-boyfriend's truck; she threatens to sic her dad on him; she calls him a "redneck." There are all sorts of killer lines in the track ("There's nothing stopping me from going out with alllll of yer best frans!"), but this one's the most poetic and charged: "So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time / As far as I'm concerned you're just another picture to burn." Don't be thrown off by the flutter of banjo and down-home guitars that sound like they're out of a muddy Ford commercial – let the country sound sink in and guide you to revenge.
Since then, Taylor's had dozens of songs that ward off sour critics and ex-boyfriends. Her third album in particular, 2010's Speak Now, is chock full of them. On "Mean" she sheds off her haters who are "Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things / Drunk and rambling' on about how I can't sing / But all you are is mean." Then she piles it on, calling them "And a liar / And pathetic / And alone in life." Meanwhile, she maintains sweet, kill-em-with-kindness disposition: You'll be glad you never cared about that loser anyway! This side of Taylor is best enjoyed if you like looking cute while rolling your eyes.
Of course, there's "Bad Blood," which, if you pay just a speck of attention to pop culture, you know is about a petty pop star argument. And there's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," which is supposed to send a message to a guy trying to slide back into a relationship – although it comes off more as a mantra for Taylor to chant when she's about to let him back in again. And there's the slightly problematic "Better Than Revenge," where she blasts a girl who's known for her "talents on a mattress."
So if you've been wronged, don't pick up a baseball bat; yank out yer fake country accent and a Zippo, and start lighting stuff on fire!
So You Want to Get Into: Take My Heart And Run It Over With A Rusty Pickup Truck Taylor Swift?
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If you've chosen to get into Heartbreak Taylor, you're probably the type who needs time to fully soak into your sadness when you're going through something. You absorb other people's heartbreak too. As a Sagittarius, Taylor is one of these people. (I know nothing about astrology, but I figured you might?)
The beauty about Taylor Swift is that she makes her songs vague enough to where you can imagine yourself in the song – yet she drops in just enough little details so you know the story in the song is hers. It's so easy to apply any of her songs to your life without forgetting her own drama.
Swift's romantic life has been easily mocked for a good ten years now, a topic she satirized in 2014 with "Blank Space" (but more on that later). From age 16 to now, age 27, we've known all of her boyfriends… and by the details she adds in her songs, you can tell which boyfriends inspired which songs: Joe Jonas ("Forever & Always"), Taylor Lautner ("Back to December"), John Mayer ("Dear John"), Harry Styles ("Out of the Woods), etc. By knowing the very real dudes behind the tracks and their very real relationships, Swift songs play out more like movies, where you can envision these celebrities going through the same breakup you might have with your partner. Perhaps the most heartbreaking of these songs is "All Too Well," a song clearly about Jake Gyllenhaal, with references to Swift's scarf, which he was photographed wearing after their breakup.
Red's "All Too Well," like most of Swift's songs about breakups, is crushing. Raise your hand if you've ever met your partner's parents and they start reminiscing about when they were a little kid: "You tell me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me." Or if you've gotten stuck wallowing and it felt like you'd never be happy again: "Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralysed by it / I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it." Or if your ex called you just for old times' sake, just as you were starting to move on: "Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest." You remember it all too well.
There's something about Swift's sad songs that are like a film you can revisit over and over again, pulling tears from your eyes as if you're experiencing heartbreak for the first time. And it's not just heartbreak – it's grief in general. When you're exploring your way around these gut wrenching songs, don't forget "Ronan," a charity single written for the mom of a child who died of cancer just days before his fourth birthday (that one, unfortunately, is not part of her return to streaming). And "Never Grow Up," which will have you wanting to crawl back into your mom's arms.
Either way, it's best to listen to these when you're alone.
So You Want to Get Into: Fairytale Wedding Day Taylor Swift?
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Ready to fall in love, you hopeless romantic? Read up on your Romeo and Juliet. Brush up on Rapunzel. Fall madly in love with the guy who's waiting tables at your favourite cafe. Go all in. Take risks. Ask that guy on a date. Ignore what anyone else says. Go head over heels. Get married (the guy has to propose on one knee and ask your dad for permission, of course). Have babies. Grow old together. Love is a fairytale!!!!!!
Taylor's very aware of her idealistic view on love ("Stupid girl, I should've known / I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale," she sings on "White Horse"), especially earlier on in her catalogue. You won't find her singing about dancing in the rain with her angelic-faced crush in her latest album, 1989, or anything in the future, but teenaged Taylor wrote the best love songs back in the day. She's either chasing highs or sinking into lows, and with mythical metaphors abound, she explains that sparkling feeling of falling in love.
You've come to the right place if you're looking for a song to dance to at your wedding. Imagine twinkly lights and barefeet as you twirl around the floor to 2006's "Mary's Song," which follows a seven-year-old girl and her nine-year-old beau as they grow up and get married. Or maybe you want dozens of photos of your family floating from clothesline at your barn wedding, soundtracking the moment with the voracity of 2010's "Mine." Or maybe you're under the moonlight, letting your vintage dress sweep over dewy grass as you dance with your hearts pressed together to "Enchanted."
Swift's love songs give you faith that love can last a lifetime, that you can pull off a medieval princess dress and that kissing in the rain is more magical and euphoric than wet and cold. Even if Prince Charming will never come galloping around on his awkwardly endowed stallion, it's nice – if but for three and a half minutes – to dream.
So You Want to Get Into: Banjo and Fiddle Taylor Swift?
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Taylor Swift made the same journey as Shania Twain when it's come to the crossing the country-to-pop bridge – except with Swift, it seems like she's left that bridge far, far behind. With the declaration that she was taking 2014's 1989 fully into pop territory, Swift hasn't looked back, reworking her old country hits when she plays them live and nearly ignoring her especially hoedown-oriented tunes. If you appreciate a good fiddle solo and snarky banjo, I urge you to start at the beginning of her discography.
The self-titled album is a mine of gold country nuggets with excellent lyricism from Swift and sharp production from Nathan Chapman (who had never produced an album until he met Taylor Swift when she was 14). Chapman adorned Swift's green soprano with a bevy of fiddle, which could cry during a song like "Tied Together With A Smile" or frolick with joy during "Our Song." Fiddle is the second singer on Taylor Swift. There's dobro too, etching its earthiness into songs, along with some sparse scatterings of mandolin.
And then there's pedal steel – completely absent after 2014's Red – which swoops in like mood swing, unexpected, yet totally called for. It yearns on "Teardrops on My Guitar," gives sassy support on "Picture to Burn," and calms a bubbling banjo on "The Outside."
Like Swift, who grew up on a Christmas tree farm in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, before convincing her family to move to Nashville, you might have a small-town upbringing. And just the mere twang of a steel guitar may transcend you to fireflies and summer nights. If you're more familiar with Swift's more recent work, listening to her first album may seem like a novelty, but the progression across the five albums is organic, so don't feel jolted when you hear the rush of country instruments and the mention of country's prince, Tim McGraw, when you take her first bite of Taylor Swift.
Listen to country-era Swift – if not to conjure your own childhood memories, but to get a better understanding of where the pop star started from.
So You Want to Get Into: Storyteller Taylor Swift?
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Sit down, music lover, and let Auntie Swift tell you a story. This one's a gripping tale about a girl who shows up at a fancy wedding, ready to interrupt everything and declare her love for the groom. The guy is obviously marrying the wrong woman, who's "wearing a gown shaped like a pastry." And although Taylor is not the kind of person to show up at a "white veil occasion," she, like the title of the 2010 song suggests, is compelled to "Speak Now."
I won't spoil the rest of the story for you, but as you enter the world of Swift for the first time, these storytelling songs might be your best entry point if you like a good narrative. These selections are perfect for long drives, when your mind wanders off the road. Ditch your Audible subscription (does anyone have Audible anyway?) and lean toward the Book of Swift instead. The first chapter dives into Taylor at three years old on "The Best Day," a song she wrote about her mom: "I run and run / Past the pumpkin patch / And the tractor rides / Look now, the sky is gold / I hug your legs / And fall asleep on the way home." The colours are vivid, the memories idyllic, and you can't help but miss your own mom a bit. Of course, some stories make you cry more than others, but with Taylor Swift, it's best to expect tears at all times.
Fast forward eight years to "Blank Space," where she's taken a wholly less innocent form – as a jet-setting maniser who steals her victims' hearts and tortures them with love games. "Saw you there and I thought / 'Oh my God, look at that face / You look like my next mistake'," she sings, as coy as a Black Widow looking for a mate. I won't spoil this one either, but let's just say that this story involves a pretty toxic web.
So, if you're in need of music that will hold you by your hand and take you through a journey, dive into "Love Story," a ditty about a young couple with disapproving parents, or "How You Get The Girl," a step-by-step tutorial on how to win your girlfriend back, or "Fifteen," a story about her friend Abigail's first year of high school, or "Mine," a song about a rando dude who turns into her husband. Whatever chapter you open the book of Taylor to, there's going to be a plot to keep you hooked.
Emilee Lindner was born on a metaphorical Christmas tree farm, and you can find her preaching the good word of Taylor on Twitter.
ts1989fanatic sorry that this so long a post but DAMN it’s worth the read, and I have to think the writer is a SWIFTIE she certainly understands the subject of her piece very well.
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vaughanford9-blog · 5 years
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miamibeerscene · 8 years
Win swag from Jameson Drinking Buddies and its beer partners
It’s been awhile since Beer in Florida has done a giveaway, so let’s do one, especially since it has a bit of a St. Patrick’s Day theme.
Late last year and earlier this year, seven breweries across the country released special beers in conjunction with Jameson Irish Whiskey as part of the distiller’s Drinking Buddies program. These breweries aged beer in Jameson barrels, and one of them was Downtown St. Petersburg’s own Cycle Brewing, with is Buddy Shots brew.
In addition, Jameson aged some of their whiskey in stout beer barrels from a local craft brewery back home in Ireland and released those spirits under the Caskmates brand.
The good folks at Jameson sent me samples of each — as well as some swag that I’ll be giving away to some Beer in Florida fans. Read on to find out the rules, but first, here’s the info from Jameson regarding the program.
Seven Hand-Selected Craft Breweries Across the U.S. Create Limited Edition Beers Aged In Jameson Whiskey Barrels
NEW YORK, NY — Recognizing those with a shared passion for quality and craft, Jameson Irish Whiskey continues its craft brewery partnerships with Jameson Caskmates Drinking Buddies. A collaboration with seven American craft brewers, Jameson Caskmates Drinking Buddies is the result of bringing like-minded individuals together with a common bond of creating superior quality beer and whiskey.
Returning breweries include Angel City Brewery in Los Angeles, Captain Lawrence Brewing Company in New York, Deep Ellum Brewing Company in Dallas, and Great Divide Brewing Company in Denver. Rounding out the final three collaborating breweries are Stoup Brewing in Seattle, Cycle Brewing in St. Petersburg, and Fat Head’s Brewing in Cleveland.
Inspired by the creation and end result of Jameson Caskmates, a one-of-a-kind whiskey born out of conversation and collaboration with local Irish craft brewery Franciscan Well, Jameson took a similar approach and worked with the seven local breweries by giving them Jameson barrels to age their craft beer for a select period of time. The end result? Limited edition beers featuring hints of Jameson Irish Whiskey incorporated with their already distinct craft beer flavors.
The Jameson family motto, Sine Metu, means without fear, and the Jameson Caskmates Drinking Buddies program celebrates the fearlessness of each brewer as they continue to pursue their passions. The same spirit and tradition of the family motto lives on through the creation and partnership with the seven local breweries.
“Jameson Irish Whiskey has always taken pride in celebrating those who share the same passion and focus when it comes to their craft,” said Sona Bajaria, Vice President, Jameson Irish Whiskey, Pernod Ricard USA. “Jameson Caskmates Drinking Buddies allows us to put the spotlight on these local craft brewers who ultimately embody the same spirit as our motto, Sine Metu.”
Each Jameson inspired craft beer will be available in their respective market for a limited time only.
Here are the breweries and the beer each released.
Cycle Brewing
Buddy Shots
Color – Dark amber to almost purple in color.
Aroma –  All malt, all day.
Flavor – Brewed with 6 different caramel malts and just a little bit of chocolate to showcase the finer, sweeter side of the beer and the whiskey.
ABV – 11% ABV
Angel City Brewery
ACB Imperial Irish Red Ale
Color – A rich mahogany-hued ale.
Aroma – Huge ripe fig and toffee notes dominate the aroma, leading into flavors of light vanilla, molasses, black cherries and a distinct peppery finish.
Flavor – Conditioned for 5 months in Jameson Irish Whiskey barrels, this beer has an indulgent yet subtle sweetness, full body, and warming linger.
ABV – 16% ABV
Captain Lawrence Brewing Company
Trans-Atlantic Imperial Red
Color – Deep auburn color with red highlights.
Aroma – Rich and malty aroma with hints of chocolate and citrus fruit.
Flavor – Deep and rich as the sea, the Trans-Atlantic Red’s natural taste combined with Jameson Irish Whiskey barrels gives this beer a deliciously complex flavor profile. Malt backbone, chocolate and coffee flavors highlighted by vanilla.
 ABV – 7% ABV
Deep Ellum Brewing Company
The Fascinating Bellman
Color – The experience is a custom crafted light smoke, wood aged, deep brown ale with ruby highlights.
Aroma – The aroma of bittersweet bakers chocolate and warm vanilla welcome a complex flavor of toasted chestnut. The smoke character shows a history not to be forgotten that fades then returns as the glass warms.
Flavor – Oak Smoked Imperial Irish brown ale aged in Jameson Whiskey barrels. We select fresh hops and smoke a portion of malt with Texas post oak. The resulting ale is fit for members only.
ABV – 7.8% ABV
Great Divide Brewing Company
The Smoothness
Color – Dark coloring.
Aroma – Whiskey notes, chocolate, oak and leather aroma.
Flavor – You don’t know smooth until you experience the velvety, silky feeling and dark lager taste of The Smoothness. Roasted malt, vanilla and oak flavors.
ABV – 8.5% ABV
Stoup Brewing
Dublin Down Imperial Red Ale
Color – Chestnut color with golden highlights.
Aroma – Rich and bold with notes of vanilla and toffee.
Flavor – A rich, malty red ale with notes of caramel and toasted bread. The time in Jameson Irish Whiskey barrels adds a depth of richness to the beer and added structure, bringing happiness to the palate and warmth to the belly after each satisfying sip.
The subtle grainy sweetness of Irish malt is balanced by a strong addition of bittering hops and warming alcohol.
ABV – 10% ABV
Fat Heads Brewing
Strange Trip Barrel Aged Imperial Stout
Color – Aging in Jameson Irish Whiskey barrels for 6 months has pulled a subtle touch of cocoa beans, Marzipan and charred oak.
Aroma – Inspired by flavors from an Irish Coffee.
Flavor – A heady brew, hopped with Perle, Centennial and Simcoe. The heavily roasted creamy flavor comes from the combination of flaked barley and chocolate malts.
ABV –  9.4% ABV
And as far as the Jameson Caskmates Whiskey:
Two heads are said to be better than one, and this whiskey adds serious weight to that argument. Emerging from a conversation between our head distiller and the head brewer of Cork’s Franciscan Well Brewery, Jameson Caskmates has been finished in stout-seasoned whiskey casks. While our triple-distilled smoothness is very much intact, notes of cocoa, coffee and butterscotch confirm the stout influence.
Caskmates is a head-turning, modern Irish whiskey.
Nose: crisp orchard fruits like green apples and pears, mild pot still spices
Taste: Subtle touch of hops and cocoa beans, Marzipan and charred oak
Finish: Long and sweet with Milk Chocolate and Butterscotch
Unfortunately, the Cycle bottles for sale at the taproom are long gone, according to the brewery, though there may be a keg or two tucked away in local craft beer bars. The Caskmates whiskey is still available in liquor stores around the area.
What I have to give away is this:
Two T-shirts, one Extra Large and one Medium (Note: The sizes seem to run small, especially for a XXL dude like me).  The T-shirts have the Jameson logo on front, and the logos of the seven breweries in the program on the back.
Two Jameson Whiskey tote bags. They are bags to tote things in.
If you wish to enter, here are the rules.
Leave a comment on the post here. Your email is required, but don’t worry: it won’t be shared or used in any other nefarious way. And I’ll have to contact you if you win.
Say in the comment which size T-shirt you would want, or if you would like to win a tote bag.
I’ll run this through Tuesday, March 21, at 6 p.m., at which time I’ll use the Random.org service to choose a winner. The winner will be notified by email and have 24 hours to respond with a shipping address. If I don’t hear back by then, another winner will be chosen.
As I mentioned above, Jameson Irish Whiskey provided this swag through its marketing arm, but the company has no involvement in this giveaway.
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adhdwrench · 8 years
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