#huh it's almost 4am how did that happen
wannaeatramyeon · 5 days
Meeting Student!Gun Park for the First Time: Part 1
Part 2! G/N. 3.2k. Remember when Gun wanted to get his GED? Well. Stranger to~ Masterlists
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"How old are you?"
Press X for doubt, you think, and that's the exact meme you send over on chat.
"20 like 20 or 20 like you're mid 30s and planning your mid life crisis 20?"
You know you're being rude and making a terrible first impression. It's the first day of a new school year, of a new school in fact, and for some reason the class is held on video call and you're all forced to pair off with a classmate for an icebreaker introduction.
It’s already cringe worthy and awkward enough, icebreakers must have been created as a form of torture. To add insult to injury, you're sure this guy is bullshitting you.
"I'm 20." He deadpans.
Momentarily, you’re stunned into silence. It stretches almost a tad too long before you manage to choke out, “My bad. Sorry."
Wow. You're torn between thinking that's a rough 20, this guy has easily got 40 years under his belt and oh no, when is your puberty and hormones gonna kick in like that.
And that's also the exact moment this 20 year old Gun Park takes a drag on a cigarette and you decide that it's definitely a rough 20.
"So what do you do for fun?" You probe, and you have the distinct feeling he might say something like alimony, planning his third marriage, investing in the stock market - whatever someone in their 50s might say but-
To your surprise and glee, his body language turns shifty. 
He likes to game he says, like it's a dirty little secret. Amongst other things. Mentions something about training and martial arts and you fight to keep a straight face as it turns out you were also right about investing in shares and the stock market.
Gaming, however, is what you latch on to.
"Cute. I bet I could kick your ass."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yes."
And this is how you ended up at 4am on a school night, playing Tekken with your new classmate and getting your ass kicked.
"One more!" You screech down the mic, after the KO sign appears on screen, mumbling something about cheating and how if you can time this combo just right-
There's a huff of laughter coming through your tinny headphones and an amused "Fine."
Dark circles under your eyes grow. It's been a week of straight losses.
You blame the sleep deprivation on Gun Park, though really you have your own stubbornness to blame.
He never tends to say much during the gaming sessions apart from the odd expletive and you rant enough after each of your defeats for the both of you.
Sometimes this will earn you a chuckle and he will snidely add that you asked for this, you were the one who was supposed to kick his ass. This would piss you off enough for another game or three in the hopes of defeating him and getting to gloat.
Which unfortunately has not happened yet.
With a sigh, you hope your camera quality this morning is bad enough and pixelated enough that your poor sleep habits don't show.
You scan over your classmates, the few that have their camera turned on and find him.
Gun looks completely fine. He looks completely fine in what must be 4k and ugh, you scrunch your nose up in annoyance.
You keep an eye on him through the class. Observe how he's usually paying rapt attention, scribbling and typing up notes every now and then.
It's impressive how studious he is.
In comparison, you're daydreaming. Thinking about lunch, other combos or characters to play to counter his own when you catch on to the back end of a sentence as your teacher mentions ‘this’ is something to pay attention to as it will be on the pop quiz.
Huh? You blink a couple times. What is ‘this’? Unfortunately she swiftly moves onto another topic.
You type out a direct message to the only person you know.
You: I missed that, what did she just say?
Gun: You should have been paying attention.
You: Fuck you man!
You see his eyes dip to the bottom of the camera screen, briefly moving as he presumably reads your message.
He smirks.
That night he kicks your ass again.
Then as consolation, reveals what will be on the pop quiz.
If Gun looked like that in 4k, nothing could prepare you for how he looked in real life.
You're setting up your laptop and notepad in the classroom, the first actual in-person session, when someone takes a seat next to you.
Initially you feel a surge of irritation that they could have sat anywhere else and chose to sit next to you, then you look at the offender and-
Hold on.
You double, triple-take-
Is that?
It must be.
It's fucking Gun Park.
You don't entirely regret your initial comments on his looks because this guy definitely does not look 20 but goddamn he looks-
He chooses that moment, when your jaw is on the floor, to turn to you and give you a nod of acknowledgement.
"H-hi." You manage, and even to your ears it sounds like a simpering fool.
He must have thought so too if the quirk of his lips is anything to go by.
The cherry on top is that you expected this guy to smell like stale smoke, instead all you get is fresh laundry and something faintly dark and heady like leather and cedarwood.
Control yourself, a disapproving voice in your head says. Even that sounds vaguely like Gun.
It does nothing to stop your wandering gaze, peering at him in your periphery when you think he's not looking.
After you have taken your chance to not so discreetly run your eyes up and down his form, the only thing that makes you feel better is his hair. Because yeah he might be hot, but holy shit that must be a gallon of hair gel in there.
The other thing, as it turns out, that makes you feel a lot better is that he doodles.
It’s utterly charming.
Someone like Gun Park doesn't look like he doodles, but in between lines of his chicken scratch (seriously, who can even read that), there's little stick figures.
Maybe all the time you thought he was being studious he was just drawing-
Wait. You squint at the picture.
Is this guy for real?
"Are they fucking?" You whisper, using your pen to point at the page.
He doesn't answer straight away. There's a moment of surprise as he reacts like this is another secret of his he has unwittingly let you in on before his nostril flares and his eyes narrow and you grin in response.
Your grin grows when he grits out an answer. "No. Fighting."
He doesn't call you a dumbass but you can hear it loud and clear tacked on at the end.
"Whatever, pervert." You counter. You guess if you squint even harder then you suppose they could be fighting. Although the way one is lying on top of another is very suggestive. You don't hesitate to point that out to him.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
Even without a seating plan, one forms.
Places taken by chance on the first day becomes a regular arrangement.
You exchange a few words with your classmates, familiarise yourself somewhat with their names and faces. Pieces of their backstory, why they're here studying for a GED but take your spot next to Gun regardless.
No one really talks to him, you've heard them saying he's menacing and intimidating. Yet when your first encounter of him was mistaking him as someone about to hit mid life crisis, how intimidating can he really be.
Besides, he still doodles his lewd figures that he insists are not in any way shape or form comprising sexual positions. So no, you don't find him intimidating at all.
Gun, as you have come to know, is a man of few words. He is also unsurprisingly not great at literature.
What you don't yet know is he likes to say what he means and mean what he says. His patience only extends to The Art of War, so all the flowery prose and poetry only serves to irritate him.
If Gun glared at you the way he's currently glaring at the textbook, you think you may either burst into tears or burst into flames.
Luckily you do neither of those things but you do take pity on him. Leaning over, you ask him quietly if he needs help.
He doesn't respond but the pen he's clutching in his right hand snaps in half.
Alright then.
Half an hour later, when the class empties out you ask Gun to follow you to the library.
He hesitates, and you add "if you've got time" to give him an out. In the end he doesn't take it and trudges obediently after you.
You very quickly learn that he really doesn't like literature. You're explaining and working him through the analysis and also mildly offended at the bored look on his face.
"This is a waste of time," he interjects and there's a sullen undercurrent to his words.
"Just memorise the analysis then." Exasperation tinges your tone, "That's all you need to do to pass."
He arches a brow at your words.
"They're testing your memory. So just remember what our teacher says."
There's an angry air of resignation as Gun nods, and you slide your notes over for him to copy.
Not long after, you have your first minor evaluation on the literature material.
You notice during the test that while the vein in Gun’s temple is prominent and he’s clutching his (new) pen tighter, there’s barely any pause as he fills in the answers.
A few days later, the graded papers are handed back. There's a sigh of relief from Gun.
He gives you a smile, small and genuine, eyes crinkling at the corner.
"You owe me one," you tell him jokingly though he takes it to heart and gives you a stern nod.
Gun repays his debt, with a coffee.
He places the paper cup on the desk in front of you. Logo of the coffee house to the side but still visible. It's new, expensive, and there’s regular lines around the block.
Of course it would be from there.
The issue is, who repays a debt with an espresso. He didn’t even ask for your drink of choice!
"Thanks for this thimble of coffee," you remark as Gun sniffs in distaste at your comment, placing his own matching cup in front of him and saying something about how it's the best untainted way to drink it.
Of course he would also be a coffee snob.
You tell him you usually like it with a bit more cream and a lot more sugar and he mutters that you sound like Goo.
You think that's an insult.
"Well, at least Goo has good taste," you snipe back with a grin.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
You: Are you doodling or actually writing notes?
You: Cos on camera you look very studious but I’ve seen your notepad
Gun: None of your business
You: Still drawing your disgusting pornographic stick men then
Gun: They are not-
Gun: Whatever
You: Ok, maybe that espresso wasn’t terrible
Gun: I know
You: Who’s Goo anyway?
Gun: …
Gun: No-one
You: Suuuure
You: Tekken tonight?
Gun: Aren’t you tired of getting your ass kicked?
You: >:(
You: Do you wanna go over the new lit material in the library this week?
Gun: Ok
Gun: Thanks for your help
You: :) 
Gun: You’re tired. You should game less.
You: Spoken like a coward!
Gun: Dumbass
You: Hey!!
Gun: I’ll bring you an espresso tomorrow. You need it.
You: Does it have to be an espresso?
Gun: Yes
You: …Thanks
To anyone else, the figure standing in the doorway is just smoking. To you, it suspiciously looks like they’re waiting.
It's not a crime. Gun Park can wait for whatever or whoever he wants.
What really throws you off is his smoking. You've seen him casually take one single drag before throwing the whole cigarette away. Even to you, it seems like a waste.
However, this time he smokes one all the way to the filter before stubbing it out. Then does the same to a second, and third.
Strange, very strange.
You approach him. Taking gentle steps, in case he might get spooked and bolt which is really a ridiculous notion for someone like him. Nevertheless, you keep your footsteps light, yourself clearly in view and you wander over to him.
"Hey," you say, with a somewhat forced smile. He doesn't acknowledge your greeting apart from a brief nod.
"... Everything ok?"
It's a perfectly normal question to ask but a vastly bizarre one for Gun. He doesn't look like the type of person where people casually enquire about his well being.
He must have thought so too if the look he gives you is anything to go by.
In response, he stubs out his cigarette (his fourth!) then asks, stilted and stiffly, if you want to come back to his for a game of Tekken.
At least that's what you interpret as he seems to be crazy cryptic.
"Are you interested in Tekken?"
"...Yes." You wonder what on earth this question is because did you hallucinate all those games you played together?
"Then meet me. After class." 
"Where? Here?"
"No. At mine."
"Where's that?"
He gives you another look, as if you're the one trying to coax a secret out of him despite him offering.
Gun dips forward, murmurs quietly into your ear his address and some vague directions like it's highly confidential information.
You nod along, thinking what is with this guy. 
So firstly, what the fuck.
Then secondly, what the fuck.
Don't think you hadn't noticed the designer brands Gun wears. If they're fakes, they're very convincing fakes. But you're almost certain they have got to be counterfeit when he brought you over to a junkyard claiming this is where he lives.
You've seen films like this. Granted, it's less in a junkyard and more in the middle of nowhere in America where college kids meet their gruesome ends in fantastical ways.
You never thought this would happen to you. You have sorely miscalculated. 
Is this Gun Park (if that even is his real name) going to butcher you and leave your body on top of a pile of scrap metal in the corner?
Instead of a night of gaming where you’re the one KO-ing him, he’s actually the one that’s going to chase you around wearing a mask and wielding a knife or axe?
"You’re here. Come in," Gun says, opening his front door just as your inner monologue begins to truly spiral out of control and you're considering doing a runner.
"Eh?" You grunt like an idiot, not noticing when the shack appeared nor when you stepped onto his porch, or the side eyes Gun had been giving you.
He gives you another look, likely regretting inviting you at all, and leaves the door ajar for you to either enter or turn back and go home.
"This is... nice," you lie, through the skin of your teeth.
Gun sees cleanly through your white lie and exhales a huff of amusement.
It's sparse. Peeks of luxury here and there - the extensive PC gaming rig, the entertainment system and consoles, to name a few.
Apart from that, it's barely a home.
"Take a seat." He offers, and it sounds more like an order. Obediently you sit on his sofa, feeling very much a guest.
"You're not in danger," he says, bemused at how awkward you are in his domain, how tense you hold yourself.
'That's exactly what a killer would say,' you think and when you hear a low chuckle, you realise that you said it aloud.
"Don't worry," Gun reassures and it doesn’t really help before he strides off to somewhere in his house and leaves you sitting alone.
He returns back minutes later as you’re in the middle of admiring his entertainment set up and going through his vinyl collection (because obviously someone like Gun has vinyls) with a coffee for you that looks much more milky and to your taste than the usual ones he offers. 
“Thanks.” you take your drink and return back to your seat.
Taking the first sip, you finally manage to relax. Sinking into a sofa that is much more comfortable than at first glance and you take in your surroundings a bit more.
Sort of. You actually take in Gun Park more. 
He’s casual, in a way you have never seen or even considered. Dressed in a t-shirt and grey sweatpants, hair floppy and the only styling is done with his hands running through his hair now and then to keep it back.
Even during the online classes, he is usually dressed up in an open collared shirt.
If you thought he was hot before, it’s nothing compared to now. There’s an air of domesticity, the drink he made for you cradled in your hands, and the distinct feeling that not many people have had the luxury to see Gun in his natural habitat, so intimate and vulnerable.
You wonder if this is how he looks all those nights you’ve been gaming together.
You catch his eyes, having been caught checking him out and he raises his eyebrows at your blatant staring. 
Blood rushes to your cheeks as he chuckles into his own espresso and takes a sip.
"Holy shit, I won!"
You're familiar with the KO screen. What you're not familiar with is being on the side of victory. You're usually a hair trigger away from rage quitting, from throwing a tantrum down the mic.
Finally. All your hard work has paid off. Time spent thinking of combos, attacks and defences (which would have been better spent studying) is coming to fruition.
You peer over to Gun, expect the controller he is clutching to maybe have been crushed into pieces with his freakish strength. Expected nothing except for a vein throbbing on his temple.
What you do find is-
Gun looking at you, fondness in his eyes. He's taking in your grin, letting your gloating slide.
Doesn't do more than roll his eyes when you perform a victory dance of sorts around him.
And when you get in his face to tell him that you're the winner, you're the best-
(More words are on the tip of your tongue but your gaze drops to his lip, drawn to the small smile he wears.
It sinks in.
The patience he has, the attention he gives, the way he has opened his home to you.
From the very first meeting, the even-handed way he has dealt with your insults, entertained you to the early hours of the morning on Tekken.)
Gun reaches out, tugs your hand and pulls you into his lap and agrees.
"Yes. The best."
You think it's a lie, an embellishment.
But the way he holds you - tender and precious, and the way he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours - soft, like you might break - can't be anything else but the whole truth.
(Update! Part 2 here!)
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flowercrowngods · 2 years
Short (trans?) Eddie floaty existential 4am blue glow starry night rambles please
in which eddie is short, steve is a bit existential, and they’re both very soft and in love at 4am | 1.5k
🤍 also on ao3
“Son of a— Steve!” Eddie calls out, his voice somewhere between a whine and a shout. “I can’t believe you hate-crimed me!”
There is a snort behind him, and if Eddie weren’t busy trying to reach the top of the cabinet, all the way in the back, he would be giving the light of his life the most scratching look. As it is, he glared at the top shelf he can barely reach. That one deserves it, too, so it’s a small win at least.
“I what?”
“Oh, don’t act innocent on me now, Harrington, you know what you did!”
Steps are approaching and then there’s a hand at his back, stabilising him but not at all helping. Eddie scowls harder even though he melts a little at the display of affection. If he were to fall — which only happened three times this month, okay? — Steve would be sure to catch him.
“Enlighten me,” the fucker says, and Eddie does stop his movements now to look down at Steve. Oh, how the tables have turned, huh?
“You put the good stuff where I can’t reach it.” He’s not pouting. Eddie Munson doesn’t pout.
Steve smiles up at him, the absolute asshole, and he looks too fucking endeared and amused by the whole situation. Hate crime!
“Eddie, baby, you told me to put it there. You said you wouldn’t smoke for the rest of the week, remember?”
He huffs and crosses his arms in front of his chest, still very far from pouting. “Okay sure, but since when do we believe what I say?”
“What, so now it’s my fault?” Steve is chuckling, his hand still outstretched, resting on Eddie’s side now, so warm and steady that it takes everything in Eddie’s might not to reach out and take it.
“Course it is, Stevie. I never believed myself in the first place, and now we both have to suffer for it. It’s not my fault I’m pocket sized, but it’s your fault that everything here is made for tall people.”
With a huff, he jumps down from the counter, landing beside Steve who immediately reached out to cover the edge of the kitchen table with his hand. Maybe because Eddie bumped into it too many times on his 4am joyrides to the top shelves and cabinets in the kitchen of the Harrington household.
Eddie always notices these little things Steve does to make sure he’s safe, to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself, and it’s really fucking sweet. Sweet enough to make the dramatics melt away as he steps into Steve’s space and leans up on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
It instantly earns him a smile and Eddie brushes another kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth before finally hitting the jackpot and pressing his lips to Steve’s. All craving for some weed is gone now, replaced by the drug that is loving Steve Harrington, surpassed only by the rush that is being loved by Steve Harrington.
They just stand there and kiss for a moment or two, and when Eddie finally pulls back, feeling properly dazed and high, Steve is still smiling, his eyes closed, swaying and leaning into Eddie.
“For the record,” he says, opening his eyes and pressing another kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “I love that you’re pocket sized.”
Eddie’s breath hitches and he’s a little glad that he didn’t get the weed, because this is much better. “You’re easy, Harrington.”
Eddie hums and wraps his arms around Steve’s middle, just hugging his boyfriend for a while. He has a lot of opinions on being short, but the most important one is that Steve’s chin resting on top of his head is one of life’s best treats yet.
“Do you want me to get the stuff?” Steve asks after a while, sounding calm and sleepy and so incredibly gentle that Eddie knows he could get away with anything right about now.
Maybe that’s why he says, “Nah. Maybe tomorrow. I just wanna lie down with you for a bit, okay?”
“For a bit? Babe, it’s almost sunrise.”
“Well then, until sunrise or something. Just. Just wanna be with you.”
Steve’s arms around him tighten and there’s another kiss to the crown of his head. “You’ve got me.”
They make their way outside, cuddling in one of the pool loungers, Eddie’s head resting on Steve’s chest. Another upside to being the short boyfriend — near infinite cuddling opportunities.
“What are you thinking about,” Steve asks after a while and Eddie takes his hand to play with his fingers. Steve lets him. In fact, he loves it when Eddie does that. They both do.
“Cuddling. Infinite cuddling.”
Steve hums and tilts his head to the side so it can touch Eddie’s. “Infinite cuddling sounds like a wonderful idea in theory, but sometimes the best thing about cuddling is knowing you can let go at any time.”
Eddie lifts his head off Steve’s chest and looks at him. Immediately there is a hand in his hair, stroking it behind his ear and then staying there to cradle is face. Gods, who allowed this boy to be so tender, so gentle, so soft?
“You saying you want to get rid of me?”
“No,” Steve smiles, leaning up briefly for a kiss. “But knowing you’d let me go if I needed to is kind of the best thing. It’s what everything revolves around, you know? Knowing you want me to stay but would let me leave. Just to breathe, just for a minute, but you’d let me. You have let me go. And always let me come back.”
“For more cuddles?”
“For more cuddles.” That smile again. Eddie melts again and lies back down on top of Steve, pressing a kiss to his neck, his collarbone, his heart covered by Eddie’s Dio shirt.
“I would, you know?” he says after a while. “Let you leave. Or go. Or whatever. I think I would give you anything you’d ask at this point, pretty boy. And… it’s a bit terrifying.”
“Oh yeah.” Steve sighs a breathy laugh and wraps his free arm around Eddie a little tighter. “It really is. But it’s worth it. You’re worth it, Eds. I can’t stand it a lot of the time, but then I see you climbing the kitchen counter at four in the morning and all I can think is, yeah, that one. That’s the one.”
“The tiny man with the same insomniac tendencies as you?”
“The tiny man with the same insomniac tendencies as me,” Steve agrees, laughing. “Who will ask to just be with me after spending, like, every day together. Because being together at four a.m. is different. I feel like… Like everything is different at four a.m., like the world has fundamentally changed for an hour or so, but you’re still you. And you still want me. And maybe that counts for something.”
Steve always gets like this. He doesn’t even need weed for it like Eddie does, Steve just starts rambling to his heart’s content in the void hours between 3 and 6 a.m. and Eddie loves to listen. He always does.
“I think it counts for everything,” Eddie says. “And I’ll always want to just be with you. You’re easy to be with. Don’t know if I’ve told you that before. But you’re, like, the best person. And I never wanna let you go but I would. I’m weirdly glad that you know I would.”
There’s silence for a bit and Eddie closes his eyes against the slowly brightening sky. Soon the world will be painted in blues and Steve will look so pretty, he doesn’t wanna miss it. But he’s getting sleepy. It’s almost five and everything is the heavy kind of calm and safe, the kind of a weighted blanket resting on you. Steve’s hand is still in his hair, running through it, combing his curly mane, leaving a smile on Eddie’s lips.
“And what are you thinking about now, pretty?”
Steve’s hand stops for a second and his heart picks up it’s pace.
“Just thinking that I love you, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie lifts his head again now, looking down at Steve, tracking his pretty eyes, his perfect face, his stupid little wonderful smile.
“Good,” he whispers that. “Keep thinking that.”
Steve’s smile widens and he brushes Eddie’s hair away from his eyes again.
“Don’t think I could stop.”
And Eddie kisses him. Because if he doesn’t, he might explode, and the rest of the world right along with him. He kisses and kisses and kisses Steve Harrington until the world is awake enough for them to finally fall asleep.
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ || ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ ||
a/n: lol this somehow reached 2.3k hits on ao3, I will never know how. I'm so tired it's 4am and this is a very very lengthy chapter xo pls enjoy I'm gonna go crash now who even needs Grammarly anyway I AM the Grammarly
“You’re a princess?”
“I mean, technically? I don’t really like to talk about it much.”
“But how did Casey know?” 
Y/n hesitates. “I…Don’t know. I don’t think I’ve told anyone besides you.” She admits softly, her eyes trained on her nails as they pick away at her cuticles. 
It’s silent for a while, and she glances up nervously to check on Leo’s stunned figure. His lips are pursed, exhaling steadily with eyes of acceptance. “Huh.” He says after a while, leaning against the wall next to her. 
He looks back up with a small smile. “And I’m the first one you told?” 
She nods.
“Hey, lovebirds! We could really use some help over here!” Raph yells across the room at the two. She starts slightly, accidentally making eye contact with Leo before ducking her head, feeling a gentle heat on her cheeks.
“Coming!” She walks off, Leo following suit. He can’t stop the smile that’s stuck to his lips. 
She told him first. He’s the first one to know more about her.
The thought makes him euphoric, helping y/n pick up scattered comic books on the floor, the pages drenched from her earlier actions. “So, how does it work where you’re from? Y’know, the whole princess thing?”
Y/n looks up in surprise, not expecting him to ask more about her background. She pauses, trying to explain it as best she can. “I’m the niece of the Northern Water Tribe’s chief. I’m just a princess in name, though. It wasn’t made official.” 
“Why not?” 
She stiffens, looking away from him. “Some stuff….happened. I mean, it’s not that important since I ended up going with Aang, Sokka, and Katara.” She brushes over it, though the slight tinge of sorrow in her voice only serves to pique his curiosity.
He hums. “In that case, do we have to refer to you by your title now, princess?” He jokes, but his teasing smile falters when she looks up at him with wide eyes and a beautiful flush on her cheeks, making part of him want to tease her more if only to see that same expression again.
“I-I mean, you don’t have to. It’s just a formality thing.” Her voice fades into an almost shy whisper, averting her gaze and focusing on arranging the wet comic books on the floor. His cheeks blossom with a soft pink matching hers, mirroring her actions. His hand brushes against hers, both flinching and drawing their hands to their chests as if they had been burnt.
“What’s going on here?” 
She clears her throat, standing back up with a quick shake of her head. Raph watches them both with a playful smile, his hands crossed and ignoring Leo’s flustered glare. Neither responds to Raph, y/n focusing on bending all the water out of the pages and leaving them dry again. 
Mikey whoops happily, scooping them up into his arms with a gleeful grin. “Thanks!!” He scurries back into his room with comic books in tow, ready to stash them away in fear of another incident like earlier happening.
“Anyway,” her attention is back on Raph, who regards them both with a skeptical gaze, “don’t you gotta go home for school tomorrow, Pipsqueak?” 
We’re on nickname terms now?
This makes her grin, glad that she’s been acknowledged by him. The reminder makes her pause, looking around the more or less dry lair. “What about April and Casey?” 
“I’ll walk her-”
“I’ll walk her back.”
Donnie interrupts Casey with a hostile glare, making the boy quirk a brow at the turtle’s odd behaviour. “Sure… See you tomorrow then, Red. Princess.” Casey shrugs, turning to head out the way he followed Raph.
“Oh, would you look at that! It seems that y/n doesn’t have anyone to walk her home. I gotta do…stuff, and so does Mikey.” Raph rubs the back of his neck with probably the worst acting y/n’s ever seen, though she does chuckle at the effort.
“We do?” Mikey shuts up when Raph glares at him, pouting at how mean his brother is. “I guess we do.”
“But April and I live together-”
“Actually, I have something to discuss with Master Splinter. You go on ahead first, y/n.” April grins mischievously, patting y/n’s shoulder with an encouraging nod. 
“I’d be glad to accompany you.” Leo offers with a roll of his eyes at how obvious everyone is being, taking the hint. She nods with a warm smile, walking past the turnstiles with him. 
“Shall we, princess?” He asks, holding his hand out to her with a charming grin. She’s about to take it, but a hot flash of pain rips through her head, the familiar line making her wince.
“Shall we, princess?”  Jet holds out his hand to her with a teasing grin, undeterred by the hostile scowl sent his way by the very girl he’s called out to. 
“Jet. Nice to see you again.” Her eyes are narrowed into a glare, hands clenching into fists. Just in case, though, she bends a stream of water out of the buckets beside her, steadying herself in case he attacked. After what happened, she couldn’t trust him. Not anymore.
“Calm down,” He chuckles, hands lifted up in surrender. “I’m here to talk.”
“Does that talk include trying to drown another innocent village?” She scoffs, the hairs on her neck bristling when he takes a step forward. “Don’t,” She warns, the water bubbling as it begins to heat up from the rapidly growing anger in her heart. 
“I’m here to help. For real this time, I promise.”
“We both know what your ‘promises’ are worth.”
“Not this time. Please. Just hear me out. It’s about your parents.”
Her breath hitches in her chest, eyes widening before she swallows a bitter lump in her throat. “What do you mean?”
“I promise it’ll be worth your time. I don’t have the gang with me anymore; all I want to do is talk.” She eyes his outstretched hand with doubt, but her curiosity ultimately wins. She lets the water drop to her feet, splashing onto the dry floor without soaking her dress in the slightest. 
“Fine. I’ll hear you out. But one wrong move, and you’ll be frozen for the next five years before you know it.”
She expects him to flinch. Instead, his lips curve into a playful grin, reminiscent of the day they met. Heat crept across her cheeks, tinging the tips of her ears with a rosy pink before looking away with a huff and crossed arms. Damn, those good looks of his.
He holds out his hand, waiting for her to take it. “It’s good to see you again, princess. I missed you.”
“You can leave now!” Raph calls out from a short distance, and she’s instantly brought back to the present. She looks up at Leo’s eyes filled with nothing but warmth and kindness for her. Her stomach turns, her hand about to brush his before she snatches it back. She swallows, unable to bring herself to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah, let’s go.” She mumbles, brushing past him in a hurry. He hesitates, eyes filled with mild hurt at the cold way she rejects his hand. He follows suit, missing the wince on April’s face as she watches them leave. 
“Should I tell her that tomorrow’s Saturday?”
— — — —
Y/n runs across the rooftops, the cold breeze whistling past her ears soothing her somewhat. Her heart is heavy, but the sensation of practically flying across the rooftops is freeing. 
She barely registers Leo following along, having slowed his usual pace for her. She appreciates the thought, her steps slowing so they walk side by side. His curious gaze unnerves her slightly, still unable to bring herself to meet his innocent eyes that hold so much worry, and so many questions.
“So, how’s school life going for you?” 
“It’s going good, I suppose. I introduced the history of the avatar and the war to my classmates.” 
“You what?” 
“I know, April told me not to do it again. Not even about the frog talk too.” She replies grumpily, crossing her arms with a huff.
Leo’s bemused by her words, every single sentence of hers still catching him off guard. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any more baffling, she always managed to surprise him. 
His gaze softens, watching her kick a stray pebble. She’s so endearing, he thinks with a chuckle. 
“About earlier,” He sees her stiffen slightly, probably thinking about how he’d address her rejecting his hand. “What’s it like being a princess?” 
“It was…” She pauses, looking out at the city. He stands beside her, waiting patiently for her reply. “Isolating.” She finally says after a few moments, lips pursed. The silence from Leo spurs her to continue, his reassuring presence encouraging her to speak more freely. 
“When I was little, my parents left me with my uncle. He was the chief of our tribe, and it was one last favour he did for my parents before they left. That’s where I met Yue.” She recalls peeking out from behind her father’s legs with a timid smile, meeting her cousin for the first time. 
“Yue and I were close growing up. We played dolls together and studied together. We were like sisters. But as we grew up, it became more and more apparent that she was of higher status. She’s the direct daughter of the chief, while I’m just his niece. I wasn’t mistreated, just less…included.”
“What about your royal duties? Did you knight any knights? Dance at balls? Have a coronation?”
“What are knights?”
“Y’know, like, warriors who wear armour and wield swords? They’re loyal to their kingdom and their kingdom alone? You have to knight them with a sword? They swear all loyalty to the princess?” 
“I don’t think we have those,” Her eyes shine with humour, smiling at his amusing reply. At first, she thought he was describing himself, what with the swords and all. He had mimicked a ‘knight’s’ actions, dramatically holding out his katanas. She had to hide a giggle at that.
“That’s a shame. I think being a knight would’ve been pretty cool. Why’d you choose to follow them, though?” 
His question makes her hesitate, glancing up at him. “There was no more reason to stay.” If she had, Yue’s betrothed would’ve only gone to her. She’d forever be a replacement for her cousin. 
But no one could ever replace Yue.
It’s silent for a while, both settling into comfortable silence. 
“I’m tired of losing people.”
The loaded statement that slips past her lips is weary, with pure exhaustion laced in every single word. She’s too tired to realize how it sounds, her true feelings bubbling to the surface. 
“It must’ve been hard.”
His single reply comes instantly, his words nothing but heartfelt. She doesn’t realize that her eyes have already started tearing up until her vision becomes blurry. She blinks, the tears sliding down her cheeks. She feels something soft brush against her skin, slowly registering a green finger brushing off her tears with a gentle smile. 
“It’ll be okay.” Leo promises. “We’ll get you home.”
She sniffles, allowing herself to melt into his touch with a tiny sigh. “Thank you.”
“For now, though, let’s get you home.” Leo chuckles, letting his hand drop to his side after her tears stop flowing. She manages a nod, the both of them starting a slow jog with a shared smile. 
Something’s off.
She glances around; brows furrowed in confusion, when she doesn’t spot anyone else. She could’ve sworn they were being watched. The prickling sensation that ruffles her nerves isn’t easing; her gut twists and tugs slightly in a particular direction. 
“Something wrong?” Leo asks, curious as to why she’s suddenly on high alert. He didn’t sense anything. But then again, y/n had slightly keener instincts than any of them did.
“Just…felt like we were being watched,” She murmurs uneasily, rubbing her arm in discomfort. She didn’t like the sensation, reminding her too much of the days when they were busy being hunted down by Zuko. 
“I don’t see anyone around. Maybe you’re a little tired from earlier.” Leo suggests, the skin above his eyes creasing in worry. “You should get some rest.”
“Maybe,” she still can’t brush it off but continues to jog back to the apartment building. The feeling fades after a while, the tension leaving her body. She unlocks the window, sliding it up. Leo watches from the fire escape, the close proximity making her stiffen slightly. 
“Well, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, princess.” He says, the nickname filled with fondness. A breathy laugh falls from her lips, still flustered when he calls her with such affection. She climbs into the room, pausing before gesturing for him to come closer. 
His eyes widen slightly in intrigue, taking a step and leaning in. She gestures for him to come closer still, as if she’s about to tell him a secret. 
“Thanks for keeping me safe, my knight.” She whispers, brushing her lips gently against his cheek. 
He’s frozen.
She leans back with a heavy blush on her cheeks, her neck hot. She slides the window shut, clearing her throat. She watches him take a step back, climbing back up the fire escape with jerky movements and a blush that matches hers. 
Y/n yelps at the sudden voice, stumbling back and almost falling onto the ground. She grabs onto the chair nearby in time, looking up wide-eyed to see both April and Donnie in the doorway, stunned into silence. 
“I mean…wow.” Donnie can’t help but be impressed by y/n’s boldness, April lifting her hands to clap slowly, eyes filled with awe. ”Wow,” She agrees.
 “Y-you saw that?” 
What was she even asking? Of course, they saw it based on their reactions. She groans, holding her head in her hands. She could never recover from this.
“That’s it. I’m banishing myself from all interactions.” She mutters, brushing past them both and into the kitchen to make some tea to calm herself down. April doesn’t stop the slow claps, sharing a mischievous grin with Donnie. 
“We’re so gonna bring it up around them, right?”
“Without a doubt.”
— — — —
She can’t sleep. Y/n turns and shifts in her spot on the shared bed, freezing when she hears April mumble a sound of protest. She sits up with a sigh, moving to exit through the window and heading up the fire escape to the rooftop. 
She’s barefooted, standing on the cold, dirty ground that no one bothers to clean. She takes a moment to sit on the ledge, looking up at the night sky. Her heart is heavy, recalling just moments ago when she had so daringly pressed a soft kiss against Leo’s cheek.
Her heart hammers in her chest like a hummingbird’s melodious thrums, except she’s sure that hers is faster and much louder. How had she been so bold? 
Did she even deserve to have the right to feel this way again? After what happened with Jet, it's hard to believe so.
A weary sigh leaves her lips, looking down at her calloused hands with regret starting to fill the emptiness that makes itself known. The silence is deafening, almost too much for her to bear. 
She hadn’t remembered that name in a while. After everything she’s been through in this dimension, it’s easy to let the name of one’s first love slip their mind. With fighting aliens, discovering mutagen, and befriending a girl with psychic powers, it’s hard to believe that she isn’t just in a fever dream.
Who knows, though? Maybe it really is, and she’d wake up to Katara nagging at her to wake up for another of Aang’s pranks that she’d been a victim of. Sokka would snort at her, and she’d bend a stream of water to soak him in response.
She pinches her hand, wincing at the sharp pain. She huffs out a sad laugh. What had she expected?
It’s not a dream.
“So princess, you gonna come with me or what?”
“Shut it, Jet. I don’t trust you.” Y/n huffs, following Jet with a cautious gaze. 
“I really have changed, y’know.” Jet turns to face her with a sorrowful smile she almost falls for, her eyes softening before the reminder of what he did to the innocent village makes her sober up. 
“People don’t change so easily.” 
“I’ll prove it to you, princess. I promise.” 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why?” He sounds genuinely surprised, and y/n crosses her arms defensively. The both of them are in an alleyway, with no one else around. She glances behind her, wondering if she should just make a run for it and forget this all ever happened.
“Because you don’t have the right to. Not anymore. Not after what you did to me. To us.” 
What had they been, anyway? A couple of teenagers with a mutual crush on each other? That’s all they were. And safe to say, hers had burned out as soon as he endangered her friends.
“Y/n…” He hesitates, his hand falling to his side. “I’m sorry.” 
It’s sincere, but she can barely bring herself to look him in the eyes. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
He nods resignedly, continuing to trek forward. “Where are we going, anyway?” She asks, staying a wary distance from him. 
“Your parents are here. In Ba Sing Se.”
It’s as if the breath is knocked out of her with that statement alone, disbelief tinging her voice. “That can’t be.”
“It’s true, princess.”
“Don’t lie to me!” 
“I’m not, princess. They’re only a few houses down. Please.” Jet holds his hand out to her, but she’s hesitant to take it. It couldn’t be. Everything she’s built up to protect herself from her parents abandoning her is crumbling in her hands. She can’t let herself believe it. It’s easier for her to think that they’re dead. 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” She hesitates, the painful lump in her throat and tightness in her chest scaring her more than anything she’s faced so far, “I’ll know for sure that they really abandoned me.”
Once the words leave her lips, she feels herself crumble to pieces, dropping to her knees as her eyes sting with tears. She feels his warm arm wrap around her back, holding her against his chest. The warmth brings her painful comfort, allowing the tears to spill over. They wet his shirt, but his hold around her only tightens. She clutches his shirt, crumpling the fabric in her hands as she hiccups through her sobs.
It’s as if she’s back in the throne room again, waving goodbye to her parents with an uneasiness in her gut that she brushes off as a mere stomachache. That was the last time she ever saw them. The warm kiss her mother pressed against her forehead and her father’s affectionate ruffle of her hair. Those were the last forms of affection she’d ever receive from them.
She calms down after a while, having held onto Jet for dear life. She’s about to move away from him, her shaky breaths not doing much to convince him that she’s okay. She yelps, Jet picking her up in a bridal carry and walking back the way they came. 
“Put me down!”
“Calm down, princess. You’re tired.” 
She narrows her eyes into a glare, though it’s less hostile than before. Her eyes drop to his neck, stubbornly refusing to look into his eyes. She tries to move her feet but finds that she’s lost all feeling in them after having sat on them for as long as she did.
“Any more glaring, and you’re gonna burn a hole through my shirt, princess.”
“Good,” She grumbles with a huff. 
His chest shakes with a deep chuckle, her own heart warming at the sound. “Let’s get you something to eat.” She hesitates. Was this really a good idea? Maybe Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka would be worried she’d get back so late. Maybe he was actually taking her to be captured again. 
Maybe he had something else up his sleeve.
The first few drops of rain snap her out of her memory, before the rest come down in full force. The rain pelts her body, droplets sliding off her hair and streaming down her face. Her entire body is soaked, and the shirt and shorts provident little protection. 
She cups her hands, the rainwater quickly gathering in a small pool. Her body feels heavy and tired, her heart filled with all sorts of emotions that crash against each other like raging waves in a vast ocean that she’ll never be able to calm. 
She stands up. She takes a deep breath, bringing her arms up into a circle and suspending the raindrops in midair when her hands meet above her head, moving to sweep her left foot in a semi-arc. 
The movement guides the water to surround her in streams, mimicking the image of a hurricane she had seen in passing during geography class. Her movements are slow and controlled, but as thoughts start to cloud her mind, they become more erratic and more emotional. 
She thrusts her right arm out to the sky, a jagged spike of ice following suit. The edge is as sharp as the hot flash of anger in her heart, anger at herself for being so helpless and pitiful in this state, anger at her parents for abandoning her, and anger directed at herself for being unable to control anything around her.
She shifts her arm back, leaving the large spike of ice as is and allowing herself to feel the next emotion: Despair. How could she even think about falling in love in a dimension that isn’t even hers? She had to leave sometime. Whatever she felt for Leo would be over before it even began. 
She despairs for a life lost, for the various that she’s seen leaving the plane of mortality in the blink of an eye. Despair for her parents. Despair for Yue. Despair for Jet. 
Despair for all the lives lost in the war. 
Despair for a love that once was. 
The water around her seems to adapt to her feelings, shifting and surrounding her in a flurry of churning, rapidly moving stream that she almost lets go of. 
Then, Fear takes hold. Her body is simply flowing along with the water, allowing herself to become one with its motions. She’s scared. She’s scared to lose the people around her. She’s scared she’ll never make it back to her home. 
She’s scared that once she takes the first step forward to confirm what she and Leo have, she’ll lose it. 
She’s scared that she’ll lose him. 
The water bubbles, drawing back and coating her body in a protective shield, leaving her face unguarded. 
All her guarded emotions finally rise to the surface. She raises her hands again, bending every drop around her to form a huge orb of water above the apartment building. 
Then in a single movement, she bends the water to become mist, letting it — and her emotions, dissipate into the morning of New York City, surrounding the buildings with heavy fog.
She sighs softly. It’s as if a huge burden has been lifted off her shoulders. She walks back down the fire escape, slipping back into April’s room and under the covers, not noticing the dirt that covers the soles of her feet and staining the white bedspreads.
She falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, lip curved upwards into a soft smile.
Maybe she should do that more often.
— — — —
“I never understood how turtles — could be so fast!” April says between pants, breathless from the amount of running they’ve just done. Y/n nods in agreement from beside her. She could run, just not for two hours straight.
“C’mon, April! This is just the warmup,” Mikey encourages, all four turtles completely unfazed. “I’m sorry — the warmup?” Y/n echoes in disbelief, holding a finger up as she catches her breath from beside a tired April, “For two hours??”
“That’s what ninjas do. Training sometimes lasts for four–five hours at a time. Awesome, right?” 
“Awesome?” April’s baffled by how normal this is for them. “Are you kidding me? I’m gonna puke.”
“I second that motion.” Y/n raises her hand from beside her, already leaning against Donnie, who supports her with a worried smile. Her stomach turns, all her stamina spent. Her legs have zero feeling in them, barely managing to hold herself upright.
“What about a real mission?”
“It took fifteen years of training before Master Splinter let us go on a ‘real mission’. You got a long way to go, sister.” Raph scoffs, sassily dismissing April’s request.
“Not that long. A decade or two will fly by like that!” Donnie snaps his fingers to prove his point, but it only serves to heighten April’s dismay. 
“For a turtle!”
Y/n groans softly, the familiar unnerving sensation back again with full force. It had been plaguing her for the past couple of days, and she wanted to tell the rest but didn’t know how to — especially after that night when Donnie and April had both caught her kissing Leo’s cheek.
She constantly felt like she was being followed, but every time she glanced around to try and narrow it down, the feeling disappeared, as if whoever was doing so had fled. It’s back again, though - and growing more intense by the minute. 
Everyone’s voices fade into white noise. She closes her eyes, trying to focus on what exactly her instincts are trying to tell her. Her gut twists and turns as if it’s wringing itself out to dry. However, it’s tugging in a particular direction, and she opens her eyes to see April pointing in the same direction as well. 
A masked figure is hidden in the shadows, but the brightness of a neon sign reflects onto the signboard they’re hiding behind, revealing their location. They flinch at being caught, grabbing their things and running away. 
Great. More running.
She staggers to her feet with a groan, beginning to give chase. If it’s one thing she’s learnt about being watched, it’s that it never leads to a good outcome. 
Case in point: Sparky Sparky Boom Man. 
As they run to catch up to the mysterious stranger, y/n gets a better look at them now that they’re more exposed to the light. She stops at the edge of the building they’re on but pauses once she bends the water out of the water bag on her hip. She judges the distance between the two buildings, unsure if the amount of water is enough to create a bridge over. 
However, she’s hastily scooped up and pressed against a strong plastron, instinctively wrapping her arms around Leo’s neck as his own circle her waist protectively. He jumps off the building after securing a grappling hook to the next, pushing himself off the ledge and landing safely on the rooftop. 
He sets her down gently, y/n whispering her thanks softly as their gazes lock. “Make goo-goo eyes a​​​​t each other later; we got a guy to catch!” Raph rolls his eyes, the both of them flustered at suddenly being called out. 
They resume their run, though the distance between them is a bit closer than before. She reaches the edge once more, kneeling down to get a better look at the man who slips into an apartment in the opposite building. 
She allows herself to get carried over by Leo, the gesture almost second nature now. She lets go of his neck once they land on the fire escape, hands reaching out to open the window. She’s stopped, however, when Leo shakes his head, his hands holding hers and gently pushing them down. 
He produces a tool from behind his back, y/n stepping aside in understanding as he jimmies the lock open before slowly sliding it up. She’s already prepared a shield of ice in case any arrows come flying, holding it in front of them both. 
Luckily, no projectiles come flying at them. She breathes a sigh of relief but still keeps her shield up as they enter the apartment. It’s comparatively devoid of decorative furniture, a potted plant in the corner drawing her attention.
She walks over, noting how its leaves are somewhat wilted. She bends a small stream of water to soak into the soil around it, smiling when the plant looks a little livelier than before. She bends the rest of her shield back into liquid form, guiding it back into her water bag.
She hears a gasp, everyone having gathered around a board in the middle of the room. She walks over, curious as to what they’ve found, but her words fall short as soon as her eyes land on pictures of the turtles and April. 
“Uh, Y/n? You should see this.” 
She turns to Raph with raised brows, walking over to see what he’s looking at with such wide eyes. He passes her his flashlight, and she shines it onto a board that’s separate from the rest. 
“Tui’s gills….”
So many pictures of her litter the board, pinned up with metal thumbtacks in a crazed organization system. Red thread connects them all haphazardly, words scribbled in red onto each. 
There’s a picture of her healing Baxter Stockman, and another of her on the rooftop with Leo. Another is of her healing people during the Kraang Invasion, while one captures her mid-laugh, eyes gleaming with happiness and her nose scrunched at a joke someone says. 
There’s also another of her slumped on the ground in the alleyway, moments away from having blood-bended. Her eyes are dark, her expression blank as blood trickles down the side of her head. Her hand is outstretched to Raph, who’s not captured in the photo, lips parted as if she’s talking to another.
Then there’s another of her with angry tears in her eyes, the close-up shot sending chills down her spine. It captured every emotion she had felt from that night — anger, helplessness, fear…
It’s unsettling. Her hands grip her arms, shuddering at the thought of someone taking all these photos of her without her knowledge. She shines the torch on the hastily scrawled words, beginning to read them.
‘Power over water?’
‘Not of this earth.’
‘Kraang mutant?’
‘The blue one.’
The sentence is scribbled next to a photo of her and Leo looking at each other with gentle smiles as if they’re in their own little bubble. His hand is brushed against hers, and the memory brings a strong heat to her entire face. She sneaks a look around, Raph having walked over to the other board where more photos of their existence are. 
She reaches up, quietly removing the thumbtack and stuffing the photo into her pocket. It’s not like she isn’t creeped out by the photo — It is incredibly weird and unsettling after all. 
But she kinda liked that one.
She shines her torch on the left side of the board, catching a few messily written words on another piece of paper. She moves the torch to shine on it, her breath hitching in her chest when she reads it. 
‘Possible affinity with blood?’
Sudden light-headedness strikes through her head like a shard of pain, her breathing stuttering in her chest. She takes a step back. The red ink starts to bleed, dripping down the pictures of her with a crimson red that both draws her in and terrifies her to her core.
A loud slam draws her attention to Raph, who holds the stranger that followed them to the wall in an aggressive chokehold, his sai pressed to his throat with the intention to intimidate. She shakes her head and blinks rapidly, her racing heart doing nothing to calm how rattled she is.
“Don’t hurt me, I’m a friend!” 
“Stalker’s more like it.” Raph scoffs.
“After all these months, finally face to face with the talking ninja turtles and April O’Neil herself. Even the Water Whisperer, Y/n.” He takes a step toward Y/n with his hands outstretched to grab her shoulders. Leo instantly moves to protect her, drawing his katana and pointing it at the man, who takes a step back, hands raised in surrender.
“You better start talking, pal. What’s with the photos? Who are you?” Leo’s aggressiveness seems to make the man start talking, eyeing his sword nervously.
“The name’s Kurtzman. I was a journalist on the case of the missing scientist last year. Then I discovered something much bigger.” 
He moves to turn on the light, using his arm to sweep off scattered papers and the mug on his desk. He faces them with a book, placing it down on the desk with a thud. “The Kraang.”
He begins to explain, opening the book and showing the research and pictures inside. “The alien infiltration is long-lived. Ancient, in fact. The Kraang have been trying to use the mutagen to terra-form our planet for thousands of years. But they couldn’t use the mutagen in our universe without a specific chain of human DNA. They spent millennia capturing people. Shaping humankind’s genetic code until finally….” 
He lifts up a picture of a baby, and April inhales sharply when she sees it. “That’s me.”
“Your mother was taken by The Kraang before you were born. Then, she was experimented on.” He flips to a family picture of April and her parents. April’s eyes are filled with pure shock, discovering new information about her family for the first time. 
“My mom was experimented on?”
“That’s why you’re so special, April. Your DNA can perfect the mutagen in this dimension.” Kurtzman reveals. 
“I-I think I need to sit down.” April slumps against a chest of drawers, holding her head as she processes everything he’s said. Y/n, on the other hand, has questions. She takes a step towards the man who’s been spying on them. 
“What do you mean when you called me ‘Water Whisperer’?” She questions, her arms crossed defensively across her chest. 
“Because you can control water! I couldn’t believe it at first, but once I saw those bridges made of ice, and the streams of water you surround yourself with, I knew at once you had some sort of power over it. There’s something I’ve been dying to ask, though.”
“What is it?”
“Well, it’s a fact that the human body consists of up to sixty percent water, with over ninety percent of it making up blood. So theoretically, wouldn’t it be possible that-”
He’s cut off with a single flick of her wrist, a small stream of water instantly covering his mouth and y/n freezing it in a split second. He’s effectively silenced, all four turning to look at her in shock. Her eyes are cold, her outstretched fist that’s aimed at Kurtzman a silent threat. 
“If you complete that sentence, your mouth isn’t going to be the only thing frozen.” 
The promise rings through the quiet room, and she unclenches her fist, bending the water back into its liquid state and back to her side, though the threat reminds everyone exactly how capable she is.
Leo’s about to say something – to check if she’s okay, when the door is slammed open by three disguised Kraang bots. They enter the room with their blasters, armed and ready to fire.
“They found me,” Kurtzman says, his voice filled with fear, “I don’t know how, but they found me.”
“Kraang, the human known as ‘Kurtzman’ has allied himself with the ones called the ‘turtles’, who are turtles.” The bot on the left says.
“Observe, Kraang. Disintegrate first, capture for interrogation later.” The bot on the right says.
All three start firing, beginning to spread out. Y/n’s lips curve up into an empty grin. “You came just in time. I have a few frustrations to take care of.” She jumps out of the way from a blast that’s aimed at her, letting out a cry as she moves her arms in a small arc, bending the water out of her water bag and crafting a spear of ice in an instant. 
She sends it flying at the Kraang bot that’s firing at both her and Mikey, the latter throwing two ninja stars that embed itselves into the gun and its eye, while her spear pierces its abdomen. She hears a sharp squeal of pain that goes quiet after, the bot no longer moving to get up. 
She waves her arm dismissively, bending the water back into its liquid state and reusing it. It’s tinged pink now, having pierced through the Kraang’s very being. She regards it with nonchalance, levitating it above her hand with her fingers around it. 
“Y/n, watch out!” 
Leo’s about to make a move to stab the bot that’s moving behind her but falters in his steps once she turns at his cry and sends the spear through the Kraang in the middle. It leaves a gaping hole through the pink flesh, the bot falling to her feet. 
“Retreat!” Raph cries out as more of the Kraang begin to enter the apartment. They escape through the window, y/n groaning in annoyance when Kurtzman doesn’t make his exit. He flounders, trying to get to his notebook. The Kraang refuse to allow him to get near it, firing away at him. 
She’s so close to just leaving him there. But she sighs, grabbing the back of his collar and pulling him back with as much force as she can muster, falling out the window. 
She’s miscalculated his weight, and they both hurtle toward the ground at a terrifying rate. She doesn’t scream, the sound caught in her chest and only a choked exhale escaping. Was this how she would die? Saving an idiot?
She vaguely feels something circle around her leg, and it tightens when they’re inches away from meeting the pavement. They dangle upside down, and she looks down to see Mikey above them, holding on with all his strength using his nunchucks to secure both her and Kurtzman.
He slowly lowers them to the ground, and she collapses onto the ground, releasing Kurtzman’s collar. She stands back up with a grunt, dusting off the dirt on her clothes and ignoring the man’s pained cries. The creep could take care of himself.
“This way, move!” Leo orders after giving y/n a quick glance over to check if she’s injured. He looks away as soon as he confirms that she isn’t, his eyes hardening. His main priority is to get all of them out, unharmed.
They’re about to leave, but a van screeches to a halt, blocking their means of escape. The doors open, and the Kraang step out in spider-like robots. The clawed ends clatter against the pavement, the sound sending a chill down her spine.
A large blaster is revealed when the front panel moves aside, and they start to fire at everyone around. “This way!” Y/n cries out, gesturing for everyone to leave through the other side of the alleyway. Donnie ushers them into the secret entrance installed that leads to the garage, all of them piling into the ShellRaiser before Leo starts the engine up and drives it to the surface.
“Everyone, brace yourselves!” Leo calls out a single warning, y/n grabbing the closest thing to her, which is a handle attached to the wall of the van.
“Here’s the plan. We’ll infiltrate T.C.R.I. Then, we’ll wipe out all the ingo the Kraang have on April and her DNA.” Kurtzman suggests.
“T.C.R.I? I thought you guys blew that place up.” April points out. Donnie stiffens slightly at the reminder, glancing at y/n who doesn’t notice.
Leo drives to a safer area, everyone getting out and staring at the large building a short distance away in disbelief. “They rebuilt T.C.R.I? Raph mutters.
“We break in, erase April’s DNA codes, and get out. Infiltration only.” Leo orders in a hushed whisper.
“Le’s do this,” April clenches her hands into fists, ready to take action. 
“Great. You and Kurtzman stay outside on lookout.”
“Stay outside? On lookout?” April’s incredibly offended, her hands on her hips. 
“No problem. Take this,” Kurtzman rifles through his pockets, taking out a card and handing it to Leo. “It’s a key card I stole from one of their vans. It’ll get you into T.C.R.I.”
“I can be lookout.” Y/n volunteers, giving her friend a half grin. She shrugs at Leo’s baffled expression. “Hey, give her a chance. It’s the least you can do after you left me behind that night.”
Leo’s wounded expression makes her inhale sharply. She couldn’t help being salty over it still, having felt hurt that they excluded her. “Be careful out there, April.” She cautions her friend.
“Fine,” Leo caves in easily, unable to fight back against her. “Thanks Mr Kurtzman. Look after her.” He says sternly, casting one last worried glance over his shoulder as he leaves with April and the rest. 
Y/n raises a brow. Just who was protecting who, here?
She’s left alone with Kurtzman, who she can see in her peripheral, is just itching to ask her questions. His eager eyes make her sigh, caving in. “What is it?” 
“I just have a few questions. How did you receive your powers? Do you communicate with water? What exactly are your limits? How many phase changes can you make? Do you ever get dehydrated?”
She feels as if she’s a blueprint being studied by Sokka.
“I was born with waterbending. I don’t communicate with water, no. I feel the flow and simply guide it to the results I wish to produce.” She demonstrates using a simple stream of water from her water bag to wrap around her arm in a spiral, Kurtzman watching in fascination and awe. 
“I can change it to be mist or even ice. And yes, I do get dehydrated if I don’t drink enough water. There was a time when I was in the desert and was really tempted to drink cactus juice.” 
“Oh,” He sounds genuinely surprised at the last answer. He hesitates. “About my question from earlier….” 
Y/n tenses, shooting him a glare that tells him to stop. But he pushes on, determined to find an answer. “Doesn’t this mean you can control people’s bodies?”
He waits for an answer, wishing he had a piece of paper to jot everything down. She takes a shaky breath, trying to steel herself. “Mr. Kurtzman. I do not know why you want to know this information, and nor do I plan to reveal it to you. Consider yourself lucky that none of them are around right now, or I would have frozen your entire being right here for speaking of such things.”
“Is that a yes?” 
Her gaze darkens. This man is treading very, very thin ice. “It is a taboo power. A dark one I wish I never knew. Some things, Mr. Kurtzman, are better left unanswered.”
A moment of silence passes, y/n leaning against the wall and mulling over her own thoughts when Mr. Kurtzman speaks up again. “Maybe we should secure a van for their escape.” He suggests.
She moves to stand flat on her feet, nodding in agreement. “How about that one?” He points out a van a few feet away. They make their way over, Kurtzman jimmying the lock smoothly with ease. 
She regards him with a mildly impressed nod. He rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. “Had to secure a few getaway cars myself when investigating the Kraang.”
She sits in the passenger seat, Kurtzman sitting behind the wheel and hotwiring the engine. It starts with a purr, and he sits back up with a satisfied smile. She hears the sound of doors being smashed open, looking at T.C.R.I. to see the four running away from a crowd of Kraang that are chasing after them.
Kurtzman holds down the gas pedal, y/n yelping as the van suddenly moves. They screech to a stop in front of the five making their escape, y/n opening the door. “Get in!” She urges. They pile into the vehicle, Leo shutting the door behind them as Kurtzman drives off.
“What happened? Why is April dressed like that?” She has so many questions, but none get answered as the driver laughs loudly, gleeful at escaping the Kraang.
“Thanks for the save, Mr. Kurtzman.” She had to hand it to him; Leo was anything if not polite.
“I owed you one! So, did you wipe out the Kraang computers?” 
“We did, by the skin of our noses.” Donnie shrugs.
“The only reason we survived was because of April. Whatever you did back there saved us all.”
“I have no clue what I did,” April sighs, clinging to her friend’s arm for emotional support. Y/n pats the top of her head softly, offering comfort in whatever way she can. “I was freaking out and then zap. The Kraang were toast.”
The van slows to a stop, and Leo opens the door for everyone to exit. “Well, I’m off. Somebody’s gotta keep an eye on the Kraang. Let me know if you need my expertise again, you know where to find me.” He hands Leo his card.
“And uh, blue one.” Leo’s about to walk off with the rest, April filling y/n in as they walk back to their apartment. Kurtzman gestures for him to come close, and he obediently leans in. He sees Kurtzman hesitate, looking at y/n in case she overhears. 
“Here’s a piece of advice. Watch out for the Water Whisperer. Remember the question I wanted to ask earlier? Remind your brainiac brother about it if you want to stay safe. 
You have no idea what she’s capable of.”
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brokenmelodies07 · 2 years
Sundays With A Twist
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Summary - Mark Lee is just another college student who wishes that his Sunday goes according to plan, but what happens when he disappears in a cloud of blood red smoke?
Genre - Mythology
Warning - None, except bad jokes
Normal Sundays do not end up with you being in the midst of demons and wild creatures, but hey you're Mark Lee, normal is just not your cup of tea. 
Sundays were Mark's favorite. Sundays were everything he was not - calm, collected, peaceful, stress-free. As usual he woke up at 4am, did his morning routine, almost slipped on  Haechan's discarded clothes and left home to be done with his new song before the weekend gets over.
Humming his new song, Mark strolled the streets, on his way to the studio. He expected to do a lot of things today:
1. Finish the new song
2. Buy a new notebook (after Haechan spilt coffee on the last one)
3. Pick up his guitar from the shop (which Haechan should have payed for)
4. Submit his assignments
5. Actually get eight hours of sleep (probably not possible because someone keeps shouting and smashing keyboards at 3 in the morning!!!!!)
Wow, Haechan was a menace, but unfortunately there’s nobody else other than his childhood best friend to split the bills with. If there was something not included in his schedule, it was to be whisked away in smoke by a couple of teenagers. 
In the middle of the streets of New York, Mark started turning into smoke. Not just regular, white, dustless smoke, but a blood red one.
He shouted, cried and screamed for help, but the pedestrians just walked through him, like he wasn't there. 
Mark evaporated into the air and traveled as nothing more than just atoms and molecules into the depths of the earth. It was all too much for him. Like seriously? Does sleep deprivation really make you hallucinate this much? No, right? But, who knows? Maybe he should Google it.
After about what felt like a milli-second, Mark became human again, in the middle of a red, endless dessert.
Looking around, Mark slapped his face once, twice, thrice. Yet, he didn't wake up. 
"Dude, why am I not waking up?" Mark questioned, slapping his face a couple more times.
"That's gonna bruise after some time," said a voice he didn't recognise.
Mark looked around, searching for the owner of that meek voice.
"You'll need to apply some ointment on that," said a short boy with impish features who emerged from the shadows. 
"Hi, I'm Renjun, sorry for summoning you"
"Yeah, sorry for summoning you, we didn't know what else to do" said a taller boy with flaming orange hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, what the heck?"Mark questioned
"Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you? What do you mean summoned? And what is that foul smell?"
"Could you go slower, we're not fluent in human language, yet" said a tall, muscular guy with spotless white hair.
"Yeah, what he said" voiced two new boys, one who was tall, lean and had pink hair and a boyish charm and the other, who was shyer, taller and looked like he hadn't eaten for days.
"Excuse me, can you wake me up? I've got a lot to do and I'm not wasting my time hallucinating. Hellooo, God?" Mark called out, looking up, thinking that God was up there somewhere saying "This is what you get when you don't sleep"
"Is this a good time to tell you that God kind of went on vacation, he won't be back till the spring fest."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,VERY FUNNY!!" Mark laughed, "Now , if we could speed it up a bit, I would like to wake back up"
"I don't think he understands us,"said the shy one. 
"You’re Mark, right?" asked the orange haired boy
"If you're going with my English name, then yeah..."
“Great, you just need to help us with this programming and then you'll be sent back“
"You're kidding, right? 'Cause computers and I don't go anywhere near each other, I don't even know how to shop online, bro!" Mark exclaimed.
"You are Mark from facebook, right"
"Excuse me? No, how would I be Mark Zuckerberg? I'm not even American, dude!"
"Huh?" they all collectively said together.
"Just a minute please" they said and disappeared into thin air.
What was with the obsession with disappearing into the air lately?
"Sooooo" they said, reappearing.
"So?" started Mark.
"We may or may not have accidentally mistaken you for someone else and we can't send you back."
"Sorry for the trouble, but hey we can be friends,"  said the shortest one.
"Yeah, I'm Chenle, son of Hermes," introduced the boy with green hair.
"Hi! Jaemin, son of Aphrodite. Welcome to the club, dude!" Said the pink-haired boy excitedly.
"Nice to meet you, I’m Jisung, son of Hermes,"  the shy one mumbled.
"I'm Renjun, son of Athena, Goddess of wisdom and warfare, and that's Jeno, son of Ares, God of War,"  said the shortest one.
"Well, I'm Mark Lee, a college student who survives on a lot of caffeine and watermelons. Nice to formally meet you, I guess?" Questioned Mark with raised eyebrows.
"So, is there any way you can teach us about programming?" asked Jeno, who Mark assumed must be their brawns.
"Yeah, if you have fulfilled the purpose we called you here for, then you're free to go, that's how the magic works" explained Renjun, who obviously was the brains.
"Well, I might know someone who's currently studying programming in college"
"Really? If he can help us out, then you both would probably be free to go"
"Let's summon him now, what's his name?"
"Lee Haechan," smirked Mark, knowing that this would be enough for all the times Haechan stabbed him in the back and annoyed the living daylights out of him.
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theodorecanaryhood · 2 years
Outlaws: Battle your demons
Outlaws series, part 10 - Trevor Signorino as Jason Todd a Male reader (Silver Canary)
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Scarecrow went knocking all of the police officers out, his fear toxin going through the air. Officers trying to fight back.
Crane was on a mission trying to find Batman, Red Hood and Silver Canary…after abducting Silver Canary before Scarecrow was determined to get him again.
‘Freeze’ Officer Jenson called as he came out holding a gun, Scarecrow laughed as he sprayed the Officer with gas.
Officer Jenson falls to the ground as Commissioner Gordon bursts through the door, before he can do anything Scarecrow runs away.
‘Bat signal’ Gordon says to himself as he rushes off to the roof.
Gordon stares at the night sky as the bat signal shines into the sky, he hears footsteps approach him from behind.
‘Jim’ Batman says as he comes to the roof, both men facing each other now they speak of the attack on the GCPD.
‘Scarecrow attacked the precinct, he’s escaped and I figured you would be the best for this’ the Commissioner said, Batman nodded.
‘Is there anyone else that was with him?’ Batman asks, Gordon shakes his head.
‘Not that I know of, I guessed you could look into it, same as me’
Batman nods as he shakes the Commissioner’s hand, taking his exit as he gets into the Batmobile.
‘Hood’ Batman says as he answers the phone to his second Son, Jason comes over with sounds of fighting in the background.
‘Saw the bat signal, figured I’d give you a call to see if there’s anything you need’ Jason replies over the phone.
‘Scarecrow has escaped after attacking the GCPD, I’m en route now to find him’ Batman replied.
There was a silence for a few seconds as Jason began to speak again, clearing his throat.
‘Scarecrow? Do you want me to help?’ He asks his Father, Bruce nods a little as he turns sharply round a bend.
‘If you can help, but best to keep y/n out of it for now, as his last run in didn’t go well’ Batman says as Jason sighs.
‘He won’t like the news when he finds out, but I guess so’ Jason chuckled as he then hangs up and meets Bruce in China Town.
You roll restless in bed as the sun hits you, hitting different as it’s early morning.
Jason’s arm remains around your waist pinning you down, you roll over to face him. Seeing his sleeping face as he stays in his heavy sleep.
‘Morning gorgeous’ you whisper with a smile, kissing Jason gently on the cheek as you roll out of bed.
Another late night patrol meant Jason didn’t get in till around 4am. You had stuff to do and wanted an early start on the day.
Jason rocked into the kitchen around 11am still in just his underwear with his bed hair. Sleep still present on his face.
‘Morning hot stuff’ you whistled as Jason laughed, walking over and kissing you.
‘Hey handsome’ he smiled as he kissed you again. His eyes heavy as he still hadn’t slept enough.
‘There’s a whole pot of coffee, I’m gonna run out to the store quickly’ you said as you stood up.
Jason nodded as he gave a sleepy smile while you put on some shoes, Jason had an incoming call from Bruce.
He knew it was about the two still looking for Scarecrow, and he knew he would have to tell you. However, Jason didn’t know how you’d react.
Jason thought about the time you saved him from killing the Joker, the time you gave to look endlessly for him.
‘What?’ You asked almost out of disbelief and shock as Jason told you.
‘Crane escaped from GCPD’ Jason repeated, you looked a little scared but also angry.
‘When did this happen?’
Jason had to be honest, he couldn’t keep it from you. You would find out the truth anyway.
‘Last week’ Jason replied, not looking at your face as he answered. Knowing you would be angry.
The silence intrigued Jason to look at you as you suddenly stood up, Jason wasn’t sure what you would do.
‘You can hit me if you want’ Jason remarked as you faced him.
‘I’m not gonna hit you, I am angry but not with you’
Jason looked confused a little as he watched for your next move.
‘Babe, I’m not angry with you. I get why you didn’t tell me, the guy abducted me and you’re worried. But you should’ve told me earlier’ you smiled as you placed a hand on Jason’s cheek.
‘Y/n, it was Bruce’s idea. He didn’t want to worry you’ Jason revealed, you nodded as you smiled.
‘I understand, I guess you guys could use my help’
Scarecrow stood on the rooftop of the nearby church as his back was to you. Of course you anticipated he knew you were coming.
‘Silver Canary, we meet again. I missed you’ Scarecrow said, you huffed as Scarecrow turned around.
‘I figured’ you sarcastically replied as you raised your fists.
‘As a boy, I used to torture birds’ Crane said as he walked closer to you.
‘I’m not your therapist, Scarecrow’ you once again replied sarcastically as Scarecrow went to spray you with fear gas.
Suddenly a smile pellet was dropped and Scarecrow couldn’t see you anymore, Batman and Red Hood appeared either side of you.
‘Stand down, Crane’ Batman growled, holding a batarang as Red Hood pulled out a pistol.
‘You didn’t think I came here alone, did you?’ Scarecrow laughed as he revealed that he wasn’t alone.
Mad Hatter, Riddler, Penguin and Mr Freeze we’re all there too.
‘Five against three, hardly seems fair’ Red Hood remarked as he gave a kick to a nearby tank. Abandoned on the roof.
Batman took charge of taking down Scarecrow while you and Red Hood took on the others.
Penguin and Riddler were easier to take down but Batman was having trouble keeping Crane down, along with Mad Hatter and Mr Freeze not being willing to take hits.
‘Fuck it, cover your ears’ you said, rushing forward as Bruce threw himself out of Scarecrows way.
The remaining villains stood in front of you as you nearly burst a lung, letting out your Canary cry. Knocking them all over and giving a final kick to Crane to knock him out.
Batman called Jim for assistance in taking the criminals back to lock up while he sped off in the Batmobile, you and Jason following behind on Jason’s motorbike.
‘That was epic, we should team up more’ Jason said as he collapsed into bed, feeling satisfied as he lay comfortably.
‘We should, nothing better than a bird and a Bat Boy fighting crime’ you remarked as Jason pulled you into bed with him.
Jason kissed you hard as you pulled him in, holding him close to you. Jason began tugging at your shirt with one hand while trying to remove his underwear with his other hand.
‘Now?’ You laughed as Jason attacked your neck and shoulder.
‘Yes, now’ he breathed out as he held you down once he’d got all yours and his clothing removed.
You slept soundly knowing Scarecrow was off the streets, knowing Jason wasn’t out till 4am and safe next to you.
You knew Jason would sleep heavier and longer tonight as the exhaustion was kicking in, but you knew he needed the rest.
A new adventure would happen soon, but for now laying in your husbands arms was all you needed.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
the fact that the prae cutscenes are unskippable in even duty support is one of the funniest and most sadistic things square has done
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dead-boys-club · 2 years
† 91 | haitani rindou.
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warnings: n/a a/n: it’s 4am, mind typos and nonsense. request: here. prompt list, requests still open: click
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From: Ran  ♡ Just so you know, he’s on his way.
Staring at the text, you reached up to pinch the bridge of your nose, immediately pressing the call button on the older male’s contact. He answered relatively slow for someone who’d just been texting you and you cut off his greeting pretty quickly. ‘Why is Rindou on the way to my house and how did he find out about this, Ran? He has no right to be coming out right now.’
Hearing the sigh on the other end, you frowned even further. ‘You know why, we all know why. How, on the other hand.. he happened to see your text about it a few days ago, I wasn’t even aware he’d seen it until now,’ he answered and you could hear the ruffle of his suit, knowing he’d shrugged despite your inability to see, ‘He doesn’t but he wouldn’t listen to me or Takeomi, so.. Why don’t you just hear him out this time, huh?’
You knew Ran meant well but that didn’t extinguish the agitation that built at his suggestion. ‘It’s been three years of this nonsense.. he can’t just decide when he wants to be here and when he doesn’t. If he’s not going to man up and actually do something about all of this, I’m moving on. And it’s not even a “well, you could do it first” situation because when I did, he said that wasn’t something he ever wanted.. so, why exactly should I hear him out?’
It was somewhat petty and talking it out could potentially solve the problem for everyone, including those who had been dragged in without actually being involved, but it wasn’t something you were prepared for. You’d been rejected once and you weren’t exactly keen on going through it again with his excuses. 
The other end was silent for a moment before Ran gave a hum of acknowledgement. ‘I know he’s been a dick, trust me.. we all know.. if anything, just put an end to it all. Don’t just accept it and back down. Tell him,’ he finally said, ‘I’ll deal with it when he gets back. Otherwise, enjoy your date.. if it goes bad, well, you have all of our contact information.’
Rolling your eyes, you resisted the urge to pinch your bridge again. ‘A bad date doesn’t constitute murder, Ran,’ was all you said, hanging up the call. There was barely a moment between setting your phone down and a knock on your door, a specific knock that you knew far too well. No matter the situation, the urgency or the reason, it was always that shitty little tune of a knock. You thought about not answering and just heading out the back but that wasn’t exactly the adult thing to do, so you pulled the door open. 
Standing there was a familiar face, lilac and navy hair, in his signature light teal suit, looking like nothing in the world could hold his interest for more than three seconds. 
‘I preferred it when you had black and blond hair,’ you pointed out, stepping away from the door to finish cleaning up before you left. 
‘Always sharing your preferences that no one asked for,’ he answered, closing the door behind him and stuffing his hands in his pockets. If it were anyone else, the comment would have gotten him kicked right back out but you knew there wasn’t any real malice behind the words. Plus, you were known for making such comments, especially when your mood was sour.
‘Why are you here, Rin?’
Crossing your arms, you straightened as you faced him, prepared to possibly get drunk off your ass in response to the rejection and bullshit you knew you were about to face. Again. 
His lips pursed briefly, the first sign he had any emotions that evening, and shifted his weight. ‘Don’t go on that date.’
It garnered a laugh from you, the way he spoke like he had any authority to tell you what to do and you were wondering just who had coached him into that. Most of the others knew better than to try and do that, so the confidence almost made your skin crawl in the worst way. ‘Why? I hate to remind you but I am a grown adult. It’s my choice.’
‘You know why.’ He was getting agitated and you could see it in his eyes, purple gaze flickering just slightly. ‘I don’t care if you’re grown, you can’t go.’
‘..”Can’t?” Who the hell do you think you are, Haitani?’ At that point, you were going over nearly every instance with him in your head, wondering just when your feelings developed and why. ‘Say it. I want you to look me in the eye and give me a single damn good reason why I “can’t” go on this date.’
Rindou faltered visibly, almost in defeat, but he wasn’t going to back down quite that easily. You half expected him to roll his eyes and leave, taking his frustration out at one of the clubs but that didn’t happen. Instead, he just raised a hand to ruffle through his style hair and clenched his jaw before finally speaking: ‘I love you, alright? Fuck.’
All of your emotions seemed to die out in that moment, staring at him and feeling like the world faded away; he what? You knew he liked you, it was obvious in his treatment towards you most of the time but after his rejection in the past, those were never words you expected to hear. You didn’t know if you were ready to face that, though. Rejection could have been handled with a few drinks, new faces and slowly moving on but love? You needed to actually process that. 
Before you could say anything, there was another knock on the door and you had a decision to make. ‘Rindou.. the last time we talked about this, you told me you never wanted anyone. You didn’t want a commitment, you didn’t want a relationship and now you’re here, suddenly changing your mind? That’s not how this works.’ You wished it did though. You wished you could say it back and just go on your merry way with him. ‘I.. I have a date, right now.. he’s here,’ you said, settling fully back down in reality.
‘Y/n.. don’t,’ was all he managed to say as he watched you grab your things and head to the front door. His attempt to reach for you resulted in you pulling away, setting your hand on the doorknob.
‘If you want to talk about this later.. I’ll be home sometime tonight,’ you mumbled, ‘if you’re just being a huge, possessive dick who is just doing this to have some control over me.. leave. And I mean it, Rin. I don’t want to see you here if this is just going to be some game to you. If you want me to take this seriously, just wait.’
Thankfully, the date wasn’t supposed to be that serious and you were pretty sure neither of you were looking for that. Based on your conversations, it was kind of more of an outing to drink and be idiots; Rindou didn’t need to know that, though. He stayed silent as you left, making sure to get a glimpse of the guys face before he was left in your apartment. For a brief second, he thought about leaving and took a step towards the door, that disgusting fear of a commitment going wrong twisting into his gut.
However, when you returned at one in the morning, he was asleep in the living room, looking painfully uncomfortable in one of the recliners. You didn’t fail to notice that his eyes looked a bit red and his features a little puffy.
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seungfl0wer · 2 years
hii i hope you're doing well! can i ask for bangchan fluff of him meeting the reader's older brother who they think of as a fatherly figure cus he raised them more than their parents?
very specific sorry
it's totally okay if you don't want to
I hope this is good🥺 I tried my best I was honestly stuck on this thought for the last few days. Writing and just deleting😂 side note I wrote this at 4am so I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes.
*Brotherly Love*
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You and Chan have been dating for 7 months now, he met your parents but today he’s finally meeting your brother. Your brother is finally back from abroad, excited to see him you ask Chan if he wanted to meet him as-well. He of course said yes although he seems a bit more nervous to meet your brother than he did with your parents.
You planed to go out to eat but with both Chan schedule and yours it was hard to find time for that. Your brother suggested going down to the icecream shop by the lake you two use to go to as kids. It made you so happy to think of sharing such a special place with Chan. Especially it being with him and your brother.
After schedule Chan met you at your house, he tried to dress up a small bit but also not wanting to dress to formal just for icecream. He smiled when you opened the door to greet him but quickly turned to a worried look “how do I look? Do I look to formal? Do I look sloppy?” His questions filled the air and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Chan, babe you’re meeting my brother not going on a date with him.” You teased.
He chuckled a bit playfully smacking your arm “I know I know I just- I’m nervous ok?” He said playing with his hair. Ah those little curls of his you just adored when he let his natural hair be. You kissed his cheek “you look handsome as always alright?” He nodded taking your hand and you both were off.
While sitting at a red light you turned to ask him something “why are you so nervous babe?” You said tilting your head a bit. He sighed “you always talk so highly of him, and he was such a big part of your life growing up. I feel like if he doesn’t like me it’d be a deal breaker.” His voice almost stutters the last part.
“Well I do take my brother opinion seriously I don’t think I’d let that effect us, cause I love you dummy” you said playful poking his cheek. Your words made him relax a bit knowing if he happens not to like him you aren’t just gonna go ghost. He places his hand on yours “and I love you to babe.”
You both arrive at the place seeing your brothers car you immediately run out of the car giving your brother a huge hug. He smiled at you patting the top of your head “dang did you shrink?” He teased. You rolled your eyes “nope you must have.”
Chan makes his way to you both fettling with his strings on his jacket. “Y/b/n this is Chan” you say introducing him as Chan bows a small bit “ah this is the one I keep hearing about huh?” Your brother says with a playful smile “I’m sorry I know you got your hands full with them” he says pushing you softly. Chan chuckles a bit “I’m not a lot to handle and why are you laughing” you say pouting.
Your brother messes your hair a bit “it’s nice to finally meet you” he says extending his hand out to Chan shaking hands. Your brother rests his shoulder on you “so we gonna get some icecream or just stand here all night” he says before walking towards the stand. “Bet I can beat you” you challenge him “always a compilation with you” he says with a smug smile “a challenge you always lose”
With that he says getting ready to run, you both sprint to the stand chan watching with a smile.
It made his heart so happy seeing you so happy. You somehow beat your brother there “hmm seems like you’re just getting old and can’t keep up” you teased “uh huh maybe I just didn’t want you to lose in front of your boyfriend.” He teased. You all 3 got your icecream and sat at the table near by. The night was filled with laughs as you all sat there. Reminiscing on the old times your brother and you had here. Chan and him bonded over music quickly, it felt like they were friends in a passed life how they just clicked so fast.
Before leaving your brother smiled at him “I’m glad they have someone like you to keep them under control. But I’m also glad to start some new memories here with the 3 of us.” Your brother shyly said. Mooshy things were never something he was good at but he wanted to make sure Chan knew he was welcomed.
The smile on Chan’s face said it all, he was ecstatic to hear that. All the worries he had before were all gone and honestly he felt even closer to you after this.
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angsty-omi · 4 years
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you get jealous of their manager
suna rintarou; sakusa kiyoomi
angst to fluff, hurt/comfort.
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suna rintarou
when rin told you about the new manager, you didn’t expect her to be blonde, curvy, and absolutely gorgeous. honestly, just looking at her made you insecure. the way all the boys gawked at her everytime she walked by. you didn’t care about the boys though, you only cared about a boy, your boyfriend rin. she’s with him longer than he’s with you. practices take up most of his day, so you only saw him once he got to your shared apartment where he was too tired to do anything that exterted energy. to be fair, you were fine just staying in, but imagining him with her during practices made you uncomfortable.
it was even worse when he’d go out to dinner with the team and her. you couldn’t remember the last time he’d even ask you on a date. you hated the way he stopped trying once you started dating. starting to reach the AMs when you called him.
“y/n?” his slurred tone showed that he was drunk.
“suna? where are you? it’s almost 12 am.” you scolded. how could you not? he’s drunk and with a girl that you were very envious of.
“first of all, can you chill? i literally told you that i’d be out with the boys, i don’t understand why you’re getting so upset,”
“upset? you’re literally out with a girl who’s very attarctive” you frustrated.
“oh i see what this is now, you’re jealous and you don’t trust me.”
“it’s not a matter of trust, it’s just i fe-feel uncomfortable and i oh i don’t know wanted to talk about it?” you started to raise your voice. the attempt to set a boundary has failed, and rather was replaced with you being the enemy.
“she’s my friend y/n, get over it because you’ll be seeing a lot more of her,” rin hissed.
“i’m not telling you who you can be friends with or not, but you have to understand where i’m coming from” you murmured.
“just leave me alone, i can be friends with whoever i want, and the last thing i’m going to do is let a bitch dictate that.” suna argued loudly.
it was followed up by silence, with a girl voice cutting in, “rin-rin let’s do this song together!” in a high pitch squeal caught the mic.
“oh so you’re rin rin now huh? i can’t be surprised considering how much time you spend with her!”
“well maybe i like hanging out with her. did you ever think of that y/n? it’s nice to have someone who wouldn’t nag or bitch about me, she doesn’t pry for me to open up,” he attempted to justify his actions.
“okay fine then, if she’s soooo perfect than just date her” words just started spilling out of your brain, and it was too late to take it back.
“maybe i will!” he roared. after he sunk in what he was saying, he followed up with “w-wait i didn’t mea-” trying to save his relationship.
“do whatever you want suna, whether you’re with her or not it’s not my problem anymore, i’m done.” you ended the call, tears freely flowing down your face.
you couldn’t sleep that night. pathetically, you’d hope that suna would at least give you a call back, or any sign that he still cared for you. but he didn’t, and you assumed that was your answer. you would reevaluate the relationship after a good nights sleep on the couch. you couldn’t sleep on the bed due to suna’s lingering scent.
when 4am rolled around, the door opened as quietly as possible. suna assumed that you were asleep in bed, and was prepared to join you. when he walked in the bedroom and saw the bed still made, he panicked. did you really leave? were you actually done with the relationship? he checked everywhere, the bathroom, kitchen, the basement, and not the most obvious place ever. he dialed your phone, and heard loud ringing from the living room. he slapped his forehead in stupidity and made his way over to you. his heart broke at the sight. the way you tried to fit your body with the throw blanket, unaware that you were shivering at the cold. your face was also pale, with dried tears on them. you looked so broken and so drained. immediately, suna carried you off the couch bridal style, and tucked you into the soft king sized bed. he then, moved onto his side and slid under the sheets. it’s only when he grabs your waist is when he feels safe enough to sleep.
five hours later, you awake with dried tears still in your eyes. you wiped them with your arm, and felt weight around your waist. once your eyes were cleared, it was suna. you let yourself comfort in his warmth for just a bit more, knowing that there’s a huge argument to come.
“suna we can’t just not talk about this,” you whispered into his ear, knowing he was awake. he hid in the crook of your neck, “i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry, please take me back.”
“i can’t just accept your apology blindly, we have to set boundaries or else we’ll never move forward.” you sighed while tracing circles on his bare chest.
“i’ll never even look at her again,” his face deadpanned. your laugh vibrated against his chest, “that’s not needed, it’s not really her fault anyways. how about, we spend more time on dates and devote days for each other?”
“anything, princess.”
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sakusa kiyoomi
sakusa hated physical touch, the spread of germs with a single handshake grossed him out. that’s why he built a cold exterior to prevent many from getting close. however, when he met you, you happened to be the exception and you took pride in the fact that he was only comfortable with you. he’ll never admit it to you though, and claims he only ‘endures’ your hugs. although, you knew your limit, you would never show affection in front of people. if there’s one thing sakusa hates, it’s PDA.
so you couldn’t really blame the new cute manager for flirting with him, because it seemed like he was single. listen, you trusted sakusa with your whole heart, but you just wanted to see how he would react with a girl flirting with him.
you hid behind the door, eavesdropping behind the door.
“sakusa-senpai, can you please help me up?” the cute manger whined.
“can you not get up yourself?” sakusa groaned.
“no i think i twisted something,” as a girl, you knew exactly what she was doing and her execution was poor. you rolled your eyes, assuming sakusa too would know what she was doing.
but he didn’t.
“thank you, sakusa-senpai!” she squealed, and then what you can assume, she hugged him. because then it caught him by suprise, and they both fell together, with her on top of him. you didn’t hear him scolding her, rather he was laughing. he was happy with her presence when he wouldn’t even physically show it with you. you decided to just walk in and stop this.
amidst of their laughter, both heads looked up at you. “sakusa, don’t you have to get home soon?” with an eyebrow raised.
“uh actually sakusa-senpai it’s getting dark, mind if you could walk me home?” she babbled.
“fine, y/n you can walk yourself right?” he said casually, while packing up his things.
“y-yeah i guess” you stammered.
on your walk home, you were reevaluating what just happened. no longer did you feel special anymore. your brain started to overthink itself, why did they look better as a couple? and why was he so relaxed around her? was i just not the right person? has he found his true love? all these scenarios made you start to tear up. you were in love with the germaphobic man, for god sakes.
when you got the shared apartment, you immediately took a shower, knowing that sakusa was going to nag you anyways when you got home.
then, you started on dinner and chopping up some vegetables when you heard the door open. he nodded at you, acknowledging your presence and was waiting for the hug you gave him everytime he came home. but you didn’t, and he awkwardly just stood there for good minute or two. to your suprise, he was the first one to make the move. he wrapped his arms behind you and resting his head on your neck. immediately, you shrugged him off.
he furrowed his eyebrows, “is there something wrong?”
“i don’t know, is there something wrong?” you repeated his question.
“i wouldn’t know, that’s why i asked.” he bellowed.
you put the knife down and faced him, “you know i love the double standard of how i have to shower before i get to touch you, but that whore gets to touch you whenever,” you ranted.
“our new manager? you can’t be serious. we fell, it was an accident.”
“maybe you thought it was, but i know what she was doing because i, too am a girl. if you guys just ‘fell’ why did it take so long for you to get back up? why’d you let her touch you for so long?” you questioned.
“i wasn’t thinking about it, not everything i do in life is rotated around germs-”
“except when it’s with me” your voice cracked. “right? it’s when it’s with me, that must be it. that’s why you never show any affection, but it’s okay for you because you’ve gotten tons from me and her!” you raved.
he tried to wrap his around you, but you moved out the way.
“don’t touch me with that whore’s filth,” you muttered, turning off the burner and stomped to your shared bedroom, slamming the door. your insecurities were roaring on the inside. sakusa chose to sleep on the couch, thinking you needed space. but, that was the least thing you wanted. you wanted him to beg, or to at least apologize.
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over the following days, you didn’t wait for him outside of practice. in fact, the only time he saw you was in the morning before classes and at night when you left leftovers for him in the kitchen. after the argument, he pushed everyone away, especially with the new manager. he only wanted one person’s touch, yours. and to achieve that, he had to put in some effort. that night when he got home, he went straight to the shower. you assumed it was just a normal silent treatment day, so you went to bed scrolling.
you felt the weight on the other side of the bed. knowing who it was, you continued to aimlessly scroll on tiktok. sakusa abruptly grabbed your waist and coddled you, drowning you in pecks all around your face.
“mh.. sakus.. sa.. mh..” continuously getting cut off with his cute pecks on your lips. you decided to let go of the whole manager situation, and let yourself to just be happy. you wrapped your arms around his neck and put him even closer to you. he then pulled away and you dramatically groaned.
putting his face close to yours, “i love you y/n l/n.” before continuing.
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a/n: if you like this series please request some characters you’d like to see!
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stansethandpaul · 3 years
Jealousy Jealousy (rewrite)
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Angst -> Fluff: Embry Call x GN!reader
Summary: Embry gives y/n a slap in the face about reality after they constantly sulk about Bella.
A/N: I'm much more content with this one and I actually might end up deleting the other one, sorry about that. I actually took a lot more time editing this and didn't write this when I was burnt out compared to the other one! I'm just overall way happier with the other one because I knew that the other one wasn't my true capability.
warnings: angst (that's all I could really think of tell me if you see anything else!)
Constant notifications vibrated Jacob's phone as we sat on his couch together watching the movie on the screen. I shot him a look of annoyance, signaling him to check his phone which he did swiftly. His eyes shot open in surprise before he shot up from the couch and throwing on a shirt and shoes, hopping out the door as he attempted to put the last shoe on.
"Sorry y/n! Bella just told me she was free, you know what it's been like for her!" He hastily shouted out before sprinting down the gravel driveway.
"Bye!" I shouted back, trying to hide my disappointment.
I grimaced at the situation. On one hand, I knew how the sudden disappearance of the Cullens devastated her, especially Edward's sudden abandonment but this happened way too many times. But on the other, Jacob was like her puppy dog now, it was like I wasn't even his friend anymore, it was like our friendship meant nothing.
Knowing that Jacob wouldn't be back anytime soon, I got my stuff and locked the door behind me before driving over to Emily's place to surround myself in the livelier company.
"Sup y/n! Missed me didn't ya!" Jared boomed as I opened the door to which I replied with a "you wish". I chuckled at his dramatic pain as he pretended to hold his heart, eyes shut and face contorting.
"Know where Embry is?" Questioning the dramatic boy as I peered around the room to see if I could find any trace of the lanky boy, no luck.
"Finding your loverboy huh? With the deepest of regrets, I must inform you that he was put on patrol today." He said, mocking my curiosity over Embry's whereabouts. I stuck my tongue out at him to tease him before flipping him off and leaving to the porch to await Embry.
"Knock it off Paul, it's not what you think"
"yeah sure, and if it wasn't what I HEARD THROUGH THE MINDLINK then I don't know what else it could have been"
Their voices permeated through the thick fog as their silhouettes came into view, Paul's muscly tall physique was seen locking an arm around Embry's tall lanky but lean body.
"Aw buzz off Paul," Embry said as he struggled to get Paul's arm off of his neck. He laughed at his struggle before letting go as he noticed me, shooting Embry a smirk to which a slight blush came onto his face, only noticeable as they got closer. Odd.
"Sup Paul," I smirked at him before turning my attention over to Embry.
"And hello to you too wolf boy," teasing him to which he shot a glare at me before attempting to stifle his laughs.
Paul said a prompt bye before jogging into the house to fill up his appetite whilst Embry sat down next to me, his body warmth radiating. The cold air nipped at my skin, pushing me to get closer to the much warmer boy as I swung my legs into his lap and resting my head on his shoulder.
"Jacob left again?"
A sigh left my mouth at his obvious question.
Closing my eyes promptly, I answered with a short nod. A response that showed my true feelings after all these times of being blown off by Jacob.
We sat in silence, my eyes closed as I felt his shoulders move up and down in a rhythmic motion, lulling me to sleep almost. The deafening quiet seemed to almost suffocate us before I decided to talk.
"I don't know what to do anymore Embry, I'm always there for him when he needs me but, he runs to her at the drop of a hat or more like a single text message," I grumbled, reminiscing about the times Jacob's left me in the dust for Bella, excuses sprouting up.
"Why does everyone in this town seem to be so infatuated with her," expecting no response I kept going.
"Is it because she's Charlie's daughter? Hell if I was his child Jacob would be all over me too right? I'd be the hot topic of town too, people staring at me wherever I go, being suddenly accepted by the Cullen family and Jacob. I'd really have the best of both worlds wouldn't I?" Scowling at my own questions, I turned to Embry for answers.
"Am I not right?"
"Helloooooooo, Earth to Embry?" I said, poking his cheeks with my finger. His brows seemed to be furrowed together, eyes lost in thought, his attention elsewhere.
There seemed to be no response from him to which I huffed and turned back to stare at the fog rolling in.
Closing my eyes to embrace the serenity once more, his lulling voice startled me.
“I don’t think it’s true.”
I turned my head towards him, curiosity piqued by his response.
“Let’s be real Embry, I’d have the best time of my life if I was Bella fucking Swan. Every guy would love me, all the attention would be on me and I wouldn’t be a second option again. Hell, I’d even be able to actually confess to my crush without fearing rejection.” Bitterness laced the last sentence as I satirically spoke my mind. Looking at Embry’s hands and wishing they were embracing mine, the sudden gesture of his fist clenching as his knuckles turned white shocked me, he was mad.
“God y/n, why the hell do you always need to compare yourself to Bella? She hasn’t even done anything to you. It’s always Bella this Bella that if I was her blah blah blah. Get over yourself, you’re not her and you won’t ever be. Learn how to appreciate yourself and live YOUR life and stop moping around. So what Jacob runs to Bella each time, you have Jared, Emily, Paul, and everyone else.”
A long silence suspended in the air.
“You have me and you come running, you never see the other people around you cause you’re too busy complaining. You can’t even see how much I love you cause you’re so stuck up about being Bella and being Jacob’s priority aren’t you?” Finishing his sentence, he proceeded to get up before walking away. Stopping before reaching the woods, his back faced to me, he spoke simply.
“Find me when you can learn to be y/n and not Bella.”
His form morphed before running into the woods on all fours, leaving me stunned. After a brief moment, tears flooded my eyes. I never got to tell him that I do like him, I never got to tell him that I just want his attention, I just wanted him.
Thoughts spiraled in my head, I was jealous of Bella for sure but I was jealous because of the attention she was given. I just wanted Embry to treat me like she was treated, I wanted to be special to him.
I ran home, I ran because I was scared. I was scared I wouldn't be able to look at him properly.
Weeks passed as we ceased to talk, and I ceased to exist in the small town of Forks. Or so I thought.
I groaned as heavy knocks assaulted my front door, I picked up the phone looking at the time. Who the hell shows up at someone's house at 4am?
Throwing on a sweater and sweats, I dragged myself to the front door, the cold hardwood floor seemingly repelling me from ever making any progress. I swung the door open, grumbling as my eyes were half open wondering who it was.
Jacob Black.
Mentally sighing, I invited him inside from the pouring rain, he seemed devastated.
He sat down after he changed as I made him some hot chocolate to comfort him.
"She chose him y/n, he came back and she chose him over me. She drove to Italy for that stupid bloodsucker." His cracking voice was more than enough for me to grasp his frustration and devastation.
"I dropped everything for her, I did everything for her y/n. And she still chose the guy that skipped town huh?" Laughing bitterly at the situation, I stared at his cup before handing it to him.
"Maybe if I was better than Edward I would've won this stupid fucking battle," his words escaping his clenched teeth. He was like me, we were jealous of someone, someone that seemed to win everything, someone that we were not. The words spoken to me by Embry were words I carried with me even as I was moping over the whole situation.
"Stop comparing yourself to him, Jacob. You're not Edward and you won't ever be him. You're so insistent on being better than Edward or being Edward that you can't even see what's in front of you. I was always here for you Jake, I was always here but you treated me like I was a second option. You left me in a heartbeat for her but you never had time to spend with me, not even five minutes, when you were with her," I too chuckled bitterly at the ironic situation, me and Jacob were similar in many ways.
"Learn to live your life, don't live it for her or because of her, learn how to live it like you want." Those words seemed to resonate deep within both of us. After finally speaking those words, I realized that I was ready to live my life as y/n, a citizen of the small city of Forks, and not vying to be Bella, the new girl to forks.
I stood up, putting on shoes hastily before grabbing the handle. I could sense Jacob's attempt to stop me and apologize for his treatment but I knew better.
"It's ok, I know you're gonna apologize. I'm not going to accept, I want the Jake that will care and treat everyone with the same importance that you had for Bella. Come to me when you're ready, but until then I hope you grow and learn how to live your life."
I paused again, one foot out of the door.
"I have someone important to apologize to, someone that didn't leave me in the blink of an eye."
I hurriedly shut the door behind me before running to the woods, my lungs burning and legs aching as I forced myself to my limit. I ran and ran, visions of the houses slowly turned to trees, the crunching leaves under my feet reminded me of the days we would all run through the woods.
My breathing became labored as I was reaching my breaking point but it was close, our place was close. Then, in my distant vision, I could see it. That one pine tree, seemingly normal to many, but to me, it held our memories. The initials only reassured my assumption as I knew that he would be here waiting. As I got closer to the tree, my legs gave out under me, sending me tumbling to the ground whilst tree branches scratched my arms and ripped a hole in my pants.
"EMBRY! EMBRY I'M HERE PLEASE!" I shouted into the dark forest, eyes tearing up once more as I pleaded.
"I LOVE YOU EMBRY CALL AND I'M SORRY I WAS TOO BLIND TO REALIZE IT!" I shouted once more before crumpling closer to the ground, my tears now fully flowing and hitting the dead leaves below.
Maybe I took too long, maybe he moved on, maybe I was too jealous of someone to even realize his love.
As sobs continued throughout my body, the hope of him ever coming was diminishing.
I was too late.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong but warm arms wrap around my waist and pulling me up.
"Shhh, it's ok I'm here now."
That voice, I looked up to see Embry's face which held a dorky grin. I threw my arms around him as sobs still left my body, the emotional rollercoaster was far too much for me to handle.
"I-i'm s-s-so sorry Embry, I was too focused on trying to be Bella that I-"
"I know, I know, I heard it all," shushing me as he rubbed circles on my back consoling me. After what felt like hours in his embrace, I finally calmed down and only tear stains remained.
I finally lifted my head to meet his eyes properly this time, he stared back with tender eyes.
"You finally learned how to live for you huh?" He asked, not expecting an answer to which I was oblivious.
Before I could respond, he pressed his lips to mine. I didn't try and fight it and melted into it instead.
I was blind to be jealous of Bella when I already had something that she fought to keep.
Smiling mentally, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.
Taglist: @krispypotato @therandomficwriter @crackheadenergy101 @cole22ann @uraveragegorewhore @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @theonlyabby02 @lendeluxe @sassybadqueen @myflicker @junitorials13 @leahishotclearwater @pillowjj @mangobubblet3a @fuzzy-panda @beautiful-1nsanity @asprinkleoffaithandtrust @remembered-license @gutflorizt @sassybadqueen @britty443 @tsukkiswifeey @uraveragegorewhore @blackqueens01 @asprinkleoffaithandtrust @remembered-license @alwayshave-faith @nichia88-blog
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
❝ three answers ❞ jyugo
[𖤐] it's 4am rn what did i just write....sorry about that LMAO if you want someone to blame blame sammy their the one who started all this. its all her fault. blame. them. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this all the same, for my nonexistent nanbaka fans <333
[𖤐] this does contain a mention or a pretty major manga spoiler, so read with caution!!
❧ masterlist
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jyugo has never been one to want anything; it’s a fact that deep down, he’s always known. it was never something that bothered him too much, (maybe because he never wanted to think about it) and so he never really took the time to ask himself, ‘what do i want?’.
he answered this question for the first time when he almost lost everything he didn’t even know he wanted.
even when it was all dangling right in front of his face, even when he was about to lose the one thing he had wanted, his thoughts were still jumbled with confused thoughts and questions that didn’t clear up until he saw his chance walking away. his chance. a chance. i want…
“please!! give me a chance!!”
“...took you long enough…”
in that moment, when his number plate clanked against the stone floor, he suddenly knew how it felt to have the most important thing to oneself be almost taken away. in that moment, when he was given a chance, he swore that he would never let it happen again; that he would never let anything important to him be in danger, he never wants to lose the people close to him. he doesn’t want to be the monster that he was in the past, so he’s decided that he’ll do everything he can to protect the people he could never stand to lose.
the second time he answered this question is when he fell in love.
this feeling makes him feel like every other emotion he’s ever felt was fake; they all paled in comparison to this sensation. he still isn’t able to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing, hell, he doesn’t even know what he should do with this feeling in the first place, (should he tell you? how does he handle it? it’s times like these when he wishes he knew his parents.).
he has never needed anything so badly that he would be willing to do anything to have it, that he would reach out for it so desperately that he forgets everything around him. he never thought that he would be able to experience such a vivid emotion such as this, and now that he’s feeling it, it almost feels like an amazing ride that he never wants to get off of.
i mean, how could he not fall in love with you? everything about you was just...amazing, (he wishes that there was a better word to describe you, but he doesn’t think there’s any words he knows that would be enough to do so). you had the kindest soul he had ever seen, always there for others and putting other people’s needs above your own, (he thinks you should worry more about yourself). he admired everything about you, and yet, what was holding him back? why would he avoid your gaze whenever you would glance over at him?
you can’t have them, you know that. you’re a monster.
oh, that’s right.
he almost forgot about it for a moment there, but how could he? the little voice in the back of his head was there to help him remember it; that little voice that sounded exactly like him, (he said that he would be able to control the elf inside him, but this was the sacrifice he made to have that control in the first place).
“hey, jyugo, is everything alright?”
“oh, sorry! you just seemed kind of down, like something’s weighing down on your mind...you probably wouldn’t want to, but you can always talk to me if you need anything, alright?”
just like that, you had saved him yet again, and you didn’t even know it. each time he was drowning in his own thoughts, you would pull him back out with just a few simple words. he would cling to them every time, holding onto them with such a grip that he didn’t even know was possible; you were truly something else, and he was forever grateful for it.
when he had finally managed to confess his feelings for you, (it was by accident, and it was caused by uno, nico, & rock) his world was turned upside down. he had surely thought that there was no way you could would like him back, there was no way somebody like you could love somebody like him, and yet, the words coming out of your mouth seemed to say something different.
“I-i really like you too jyugo!”
for a while, everything was perfect. now, he had everything he could ever want, and there was nothing that could take this away from him. sure, there was still the occasional incident, but as long as you were near, surely nothing would happen, right?
he’ll be able to grow up and go to an ice cream parlor with you and experience all the wonderful things in life with you, and he’s giving you a promise ring for now, but he swears that one day he’ll take you to a pretty spot with cherry blossoms and he’ll get down on one knee and ask you to marry him, and then the two of you would get married and you would yell at rock for trying to eat the cake before he was supposed to, and then he would take you to go do everything you’ve ever wanted to do and the two of you would buy a house and you would yell at him for trying to paint the walls himself, and it would all be perfect. for now though, he was going to savor every single moment with you; every late night that he spent having whispered conversations with you, every smile that you would flash his way, every time you would lace your fingers with his, he was going to have it for the rest of his life.
oh, how stupid he was to think that it could last forever.
he’s been left alone more times that he can count, so why was he so surprised when it happened again? maybe it was because it was his fault, or maybe it was because you didn’t want to leave him, you didn’t want to go just yet. maybe it was because you were slowly dying and there was nothing he could do about it.
“h-hey, stay with me, (y/n)! you can’t go yet, i-i have so much to tell you!!” he hurriedly pulled you into his arms, his eyes frantically looking over your body, only to find the color red slowly seeping through your shirt.
“you shouldn’t...cry, i think you look prettier when you’re smiling.” how could he smile in a situation like this?!
“w-we’re going to take you to okina-sensei, and he’s going to-”
“no, he’s not. jyugo, you have to keep going, alright?” don’t say that, it’s like you’re saying you’re gonna...
“stop talking like that, y-you’re not going to…”
“there’s...so much you can do with what you have...you’re special that way, so don’t go thinking that you need me to do what...i know you’ve always been able to do.” i need you though…!
“(y/n), p-please-!” no, stop looking at him with that smile on your face.
“ever since i saw you...i knew that you were different...thank you for letting me partake in a dream...even if it was for just a little bit…” stop talking like that, you’re not going to die.
“s-someone get okina!!!” you’re going to survive this; you have to.
“jyugo...hehe, are you going to...keep your promise…?”
“what? (y/n) please…”
“you said that you...were going to marry me, right?” please don’t do this to me.
“(y/n), w-will you marry me?”
“of course...i’ll marry you jyugo. hehe, i’m so happy right now...” even with the tears sliding down the side of your face, you were gently smiling up at him, almost like you hadn’t been coughing up blood just a moment ago.
“we’re gonna get married soon, and, and we’ll have a nice wedding and…”
“i know…” your hand shakily reached up to cup his cheek, the metal of the promise ring he had given you cool on his skin. he leaned into your touch, the tears in his eyes falling rapidly down his cheeks and over your hand. there was no way this was happening, not now, not to you...
“please don’t cry...can you please smile, one more time…?” it took everything in him, but because it was you asking, he was somehow able to turn the corners of his lips up just a bit, giving you a small smile despite the flood of tears pouring from his eyes. your gentle touch against his skin brushed his bangs from his eyes, a fond look in your eyes that were also flooded with tears.
“i’m so...happy right now...thank you for everything, jyugo, i love you...so...much…” the panic that was set aflame in his heart when he felt your hand drop from his cheek and when he saw your eyes flutter closed was akin to nothing that he’s ever felt before.
“(y/n)...? (y/n)!! don’t close your eyes, please wake up!! t-there’s so much i have to tell you, you can’t go yet! p-please…!”
why was it that everytime he found something that made him happy, it would get snatched away from him? was it these shackles? was that the reason why? if only he could have rid himself of this curse, then maybe he would finally be normal, maybe he would have been able to marry you.
the third time he answered this question, it was when he lost everything, and it was the final time he answered it.
howd i do 😃
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
utopia- peter maximoff
yeah... im back being in love with Peter <3 enjoy loves <3
word count: 3k
warnings: angst and fluff, wandavision spoilers
id be open to writing more parts if anyone was interested <3 (I wrote this at 4am if it’s all over the place im sorry)
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You didn’t know much, but one thing was for certain; you didn’t belong here.
This morning you had opened your eyes and were met with a town that seemed like the very definition of the suburban dream. Your mind screamed at you as soon as you came to in the strange and indisputably new environment, telling you that this town was your home. The fact that you couldn’t remember anything before your eyes had fluttered open didn’t fill you with the utmost confidence about the legitimacy of the voice in your head, or the utopia that surrounded you.
All you knew was that you came here to look for someone. This someone was someone very important to you and you had a feeling that you were exactly where you needed to be to find this someone. There was one minor problem though; you didn’t have a clue who this special someone was, just that you needed to find him.
Cautiously, you found yourself wandering the town that seemed to be lost in time. All of its residents dressed like they were all attending an 80s themed party, yourself included. You couldn’t recall pulling on the ridiculous getup but that voice told you not to worry about it. It wasn’t long before you were in the middle of the town square, people bustled around you happily, all of them eerily going about their day as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Nobody looked stressed or sad or anything other than animatedly happy.
The realisation caused a slight panic to begin in your chest, there was something very wrong happening here and you didn’t know what. The very second you began to show anything that didn’t come across as positively blissful, the voice you’d been hearing since you opened your eyes sounded in your brain, louder than ever.
You are happy here. WestView is home. You are home.
Despite her soothing tone, you weren’t convinced.
“Who are you?” You demanded out loud, whipping your head in all directions, eyes set in a glare as you watched the citizens of the town acting none the wiser to your question.
Within seconds a woman appeared before you, a sweet smile on her face and two children by her side. “Hey there, you must be the new neighbour.” She spoke kindly, something familiar about the woman caused you to immediately relax in her presence although that relaxation felt somewhat… forced.
With a hesitant nod you looked around again, you brought your eyes back to the little family and offered them your best friendly smile, “It seems I must be, yeah.”
The lady giggled and held her hand out towards you, “Nice to meet you, I’m Wanda. And these two are Billy and Tommy.” You took her hand in yours, suddenly overwhelmed with an influx of thoughts that didn’t seem to be yours. Suddenly you were giving Wanda the most sparkling smile you could manage, not entirely sure why your mouth had formed such a smile for a complete stranger.
“Pleasure to meet you all.” Were the only words you could manage, still riddled with confusion as to what was going on.
Wanda returned your smile, Billy and Tommy seemed almost enamoured by you as they both stared at the new arrival. Glancing at her boys, Wanda knew she’d have to keep a very close eye on you, you were a mutant and stronger than even you knew, hard to control. But she had let you through her barricade as soon as she realised who you were and why you came.
“What’s your name?” Billy had asked and Wanda grew nervous as she noticed your eyes lose their smile for a second as you blanked on the simple question.
What was your name? It took you a moment or two before you regained your composure and extended your arm to the little boy in front of you who shook it excitedly, “Y/n. My name is Y/n, it’s really nice to meet you two.”
“Say, would you like to come and have dinner with us?” Wanda offered and you nodded your head gratefully.
“Dinner would be lovely. I’m feeling quite airy today, a good feed might help.” You told her with a laugh.
You walked to what you assumed to be Wanda’s residence, Billy and Tommy spoke excitedly to you as you walked, the pair of them strolled on either side of you fighting for your attention and entertaining you as they constantly tried to one up each other.
“You’re so cool! I can’t wait for uncle piet to meet you!” Tommy commented, prompting a soft smile from Wanda and an agreeing nod from Billy.
With a laugh you ruffled the boys’ hair, “Uncle Piet, huh? I bet I’m way cooler than that guy.”
“Don’t let him hear you say that.” Wanda laughed, her hold on you lessening as you began to relax on your own accord.
It only took a few more minutes until the four of you arrived at their house. As you entered you took a second to take in the interior, the 80s theme not as glaringly out of place to you as it had been earlier.
“Vis! Pietro! I’m home and I’ve brought a guest!” Wanda’s sweet voice sounded from the kitchen.
“Uncle Piet hurry up! Come meet our new friend!”
“Come on! Come on! Hurry up!”
Billy and Tommy yelled up the stairs impatiently and you smiled fondly at the boys, crossing your arms over your chest as you anticipated meeting ‘the funnest guy in the whole world’.
“M’coming! Jeez.” The deep voice made you freeze. For the first time since you arrived in WestView you could finally say you recognised something.
The thumping of feet running down the stairs had your heart beating out of your chest and when you finally came face to face with the man the twins had praised so highly you thought your ribs were at risk of breaking from how rapidly it was pumping.
The man looked at the twins, expectantly, “Alright. Where’s the one making you two so excited?” He hadn’t noticed you yet.
With a shaky breath, it bagan coming back to you, he was the someone you were looking for. He wasn’t just someone special, he was your love. And there he stood, silver hair unkempt as usual and his signature grin painted his lips.
“She’s-“ Billy started but Peter cut him off.
“She? You guys get yourself a lil girlfriend? Huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you couldn’t help the breathless laugh that left you. He was still your Peter. Funny, lighthearted, great with children and not completely thoughtless behind his gorgeous doe eyes like the rest of the town’s residents.
The airy laugh caused a shiver to run up his spine. No, you couldn’t be here. Not you. But he knew without even turning his head that it was you, his girl, the love of his life. The loyalist person he’d ever had the privilege of being able to love. Of course you’d follow him to a whole different reality.
He whipped his head in your direction, his mouth falling open as his eyes landed on your form, your eyes shining the way they always did when you’d see him after a long mission.
“Peter?” The boy felt his heart crack as your expression dissolved into something between confusion and panic. He quickly zoomed over to you and pulled you into him, pressing your head into the crook of his neck to hide your expression from Wanda who had yet to return from the kitchen.
His lips hovered close to your ear, “Pietro, you have to call me Pietro. I’ll explain everything, I promise just act natural for me, alright?” He murmured, moving his hand comfortingly up and down your back, aware that the twins were watching Peter pulled away but wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you forced yourself to smile as the pair of you faced the boys.
“How’d you guys manage to find my girlfriend in this dump?” He asked jokingly, smirking proudly as their faces dropped.
Billy glared and raised his little eyebrow at his uncle, “Your girlfriend?”
“You were right, you two. He definitely is the funnest person but I still win in the cool department.” You said, laughing nervously and hoped you weren’t being too conspicuous.
“Oh come on,” Peter groaned, “I haven’t seen you in forever and you’re already making fun of me in front of my nephews? That’s cold.” He pressed his lips to your temple, keeping them there for a few seconds, they were firm and sure and they let you know that he was really with you, you’d found him and he was real.
When Wanda re entered the room you felt your shock ebb as if it were being drowned beneath the surface before you could calm it naturally. You allowed your body to melt into Peter, your unintentional, sitcom worthy smile making his way across your lips again.
“Oh good, so you two have met then?” Wanda grinned, knowingly. Peter gave her a grin of his own.
“We’ve done more than meet.” He told her suggestively and you poked his ribs gently.
“You should’ve told me you were a Maximoff,” You giggled out as Peter littered your face with kisses while the twins gagged, the silver haired man pulled away from you for only a second to stick his tongue out at his nephews before he returned his attention to you as you chastised Wanda softly, “I would’ve been able to prepare myself to see this loser.”
Peter scoffed and gently pushed you away before speeding to catch up with your body. He wrapped his arms around your torso from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder, “She loves me really.”
Peter knew exactly what Wanda was after; a perfect family. He understood that’s what she wanted but he didn’t know how far she would go to achieve that goal. He had to make sure you played along, he couldn’t lose track of you again.
Your next words caused a stir in the hearts of both the siblings, your head was turned and your gaze was locked on Peter’s face, eyes free of any outside emotion as you broke out of Wanda’s hold and what Wanda read off your face wasn’t fear nor confusion, it was nothing but pure adoration for her brother.
“I do. I really do.” You told him, eyes becoming glassy before Wanda managed to regain control of your mind. You cleared your throat and gave Peter an airy smile, gently placing your lips against the curve of his jaw and he bit the inside of his cheek as he held you, allowing the conversation to flow easily and trying his best to support you as you unknowingly exhausted yourself fighting against his sister's hold.
He had a feeling you hadn’t remembered your mutation yet. You were one of the most powerful mutants Xaviers School had ever seen, your powers similar to Jean and Charles himself. Telekinesis was a tricky game, especially when you weren’t aware of it.
He remembered when he’d met you, you were with Charles and Hank, in his basement and asking for his help. He smiled to himself when he thought of how you’d been just as confused as him at the time.
You had no control over your telekinesis back then, similarly to now as you sat playing a board game with the twins, lights would flicker when you laughed and the very ground you walked on would shake if you got angry enough.
“Her mutation, it’s strong.” Wanda commented breezily as if it were nothing, floating through the kitchen going about her business as Peter’s eyes never left your form.
With a sigh he murmured, “She’s powerful, Wands. Trust me when I tell you that this whole thing could come crashing down if you don’t let her access her mutation.”
Wanda paused, her jaw clenched. With a flick of her wrist the panel that was allowing Peter to gaze at you from his place in the kitchen shut in his face. He turned to face Wanda then, an incredulous look on his face.
“What do you mean.” Peter only let out a tired laugh.
He shook his head, “Why did you let her in in the first place? You could’ve kept her out if you didn’t want her here.”
“She came for you, Pietro. You were the only thing on her mind. I didn’t realise she had power until I’d let her in.” She seethed, glaring at Peter.
“Maybe this was a mistake…” Wanda began, clenching and unclenching her hands as she considered her next actions. Noticing her uncertainty, Peter stood up and approached her as she spoke, “I should send her back.”
Panic flooded the speedster and before his sister could so much as move a finger he grabbed both of her hands in his, “No!” He shouted, desperately.
“Please don’t. I’ll look after her, just… just don’t take her away from me. Not again.” He begged, shaking his head frantically and Wanda knew in that moment that sending you away would create more problems than it would solve.
With a steady nod Wanda squeezed her brother’s hands, “She’ll stay here. But she’s your responsibility now. If she becomes a problem she’ll have to go.” His sister explained causing Peter to once again nod his head frantically.
“There’s an empty house next door. It’s yours, take her home, she’s tired I can tell.” Peter left the kitchen without another word, a smile on his face as if the conversation with Wanda hadn’t shook him to his core.
When he entered the living room he watched fondly as Billy tried to impress you and Tommy sat contently beside you. Wanda had released you from her influence and you were simply fighting sleep while simultaneously keeping the twins occupied. Even without your mutation, Peter knew you were a superhero.
“Alright, nerds. Stop bugging my girl.” Peter walked casually to the couch and pulled you up gently, kissing your temple like he had done earlier, “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”
When he pulled away you were looking at him, your expression somewhat defeated, “Home?” That’s right, he reminded himself, you didn’t know where home was.
He nodded gently, interlocking your fingers with his and led you to the front door.
“Bye boys!” He called over his shoulder, not bothering with a proper goodbye tonight.
True to her word, the house next door was vacant and ready for the couple to move into. As soon as the front door was shut Peter attached his lips to yours, feverishly moving his hands to your cheeks as you melted against him.
“I’ve been looking for you for so long.” You croaked, pulling away, select memories had began to return upon meeting his lips.
Completely overwhelmed you nuzzled your cheeks into his palms when tears began to leak from your eyes. Peter pulled you closer, bringing his forehead to rest against yours, “I know, baby. But I’m right here, I’ve got you.”
His words had only served to push you further towards the edge and you gripped his wrists to keep his hands in place, using him as an anchor. He shushed you gently once the picture frames nailed to the wall began to clatter against the plaster while you struggled to even out your breathing.
“I couldn’t think, Pete. I couldn’t- I couldn’t keep her out. There’s something so wrong here, we need to get out- we have to get out.” You rambled, tears streaming down your face now as the panic Wanda had pushed away from you earlier now manifested into a full blown panic attack.
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/n, look at me, okay? Neither of us are under her control right now, you’re safe, you’re with me and I’m not going to let her so much as flick her wrist at you, do you understand me?” He spoke steadily and sternly, caressing your face so gently as if he was afraid you’d break.
After a second or two, the walls stopped shaking and you let Peter guide you to the stairs and into a double room. Carefully, he undressed you and redressed you into the shirt he’d been sleeping in, something in him just knowing being surrounded by his scent would calm you down.
Your hands snaked around his waist after he finished getting himself changed, with a content sigh you pressed your lips against his shoulder before pulling away to look into his eyes, “You’re sure you’re okay?”
Peter nodded his head, eyes softening at your concern, “M’better now.”
Before you could respond Peter had zoomed the pair of you into the floral double bed. He lay on his back, his silver hair sprawled against the pillow and his eyes looking at you contently. You gazed at him from your space against his chest, your body completely flush to his, the arm he had wrapped around your waist making you feel safe.
He hummed in approval as your finger lazily traced his jaw, he grinned dorkily, he watched your eyes fluttering open and shut as you struggled to stay awake. Peter wrapped both arms around you tightly, pulling you up ever so slightly to let your face rest against the crook of his neck.
“I love you, Y/n.” He whispered when he felt your fingers toying with his hair gently.
You hummed, pecking the skin of his neck, “I love you, Peter. Or should I say Pietro?” He couldn’t stop his chuckle when he felt your lips form into a smirk as you continued to peck lightly at his neck.
Peter shook his head, his hands moving up and down your back, slowly and softly as he told you, “Nah, I just wanna be Peter with you. You’re the only person in this wacko town who knows who I am.”
“We’ll get out… and then we can go back to being whoever we were before we ended up here.” You spoke sleepily, but honestly, he knew you believed what you were saying.
He wanted to ask why you’d put yourself in this situation but he knew why. And he knew he’d follow you into anything like this too.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been proud of the love the pair of you shared, considering it had landed you in a borderline tyrannical suburbia. But even a barrier that wiped memories, a witch who could bend time, space and the very reality around her couldn’t keep the two of you apart.
Neither of you knew what would happen in the future but that didn’t matter so long as you had each other. As your breath evened out against his neck Peter promised himself that he’d find a way to get you both out, get everyone out.
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
that time i knew i liked you too
as always, I was melting everytime the dreamies release new content. Hyuck just looked so adorable I cannot handle it. So here’s another scenario with him😊🌻
for my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“No no put me down, let me at him. Jeno, put me down” you said as you trash around Jeno’s shoulder. How you got there is a repeated story that always starts when you and Haechan are in the same room. 
“No, you’re going to hurt someone”
“Yea, I’m going to hurt him. Let me down, stop using your strength on me” you pounded your palms against his back but he just continued walking further away from Renjun who was holding Haechan back from you
“Would it hurt the two of you to just admit you like each other?” you hear Jaemin ask from beside you “Want to get smacked too? for the last time I don’t like him” 
Jeno finally put you back down on your feet, the two guys looking at you with a ‘we don’t believe you but we’ll pretend we do’ look
“I don’t!”
“Mhm, sure we’ll go with that” Jeno told you with a smile, his eyes disappearing completely while he does. This time instead of manhandling you, he just threw his arm casually around your shoulder but you know he’s trying to make sure you won’t run back to where Haechan was. 
“There’s a very thin line between love and hate” Jaemin mumbled, you looked over at him with a glare making the boy shoot his hands up in surrender. 
The chaotic relationship between you and Haechan started with friendly banters, he was a natural joker, the mood maker of the group. You on the other hand, is the exact opposite. 
When you exchanged schools, only knowing your cousin Jeno, he was quick to introduce to his group of friends. Ofcourse they were very nice and welcoming, you were on the same year as the four of them: Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan. Soon after that you became an honorary member of that group, girls and some guys would sometimes ask favors from you to set them up with the guys. This always made you wonder why, not really understanding the craze other people have over your friends. In your eyes they were pretty normal, at times weird most times too loud.  
“Remember that time you threw a tantrum when someone asked you to give Haechan their valentine favor”
You scowled at the memory, last year during valentines one girl came up to you asking you to give Haechan her card and chocolates. You were too shy to say no, so after school was finished and you were all waiting in the parking lot, you all but practically shoved the box of chocolates to Haechan. The rest of the guys cheering but you cut them off by saying it wasn’t from you. 
“I did not. I was just not having a great day that day”
“Sure, you should see the look on his face when you said it didn’t come from you” Jeno said making you look over at him “Why? How did he look?” you asked, your curiosity getting the best of  you
“Wouldn’t you like to know” Jaemin teased you
It is true you both get on each other nerves, there’s one little thing that contradicts everything that just came out of your mouth though. 
You do like Haechan, more than you will ever care to admit. You’d rather be dead than ever admit you like him. Because at the end of the day, even when you two want to rip each other’s head off, you always end up together somehow. 
The next day you were waiting for Jeno to finish his last class since he picked you up this morning, sitting outside on one of the empty benches with book in hand. You were too emerged on your reading material that you didn’t notice the figure now sitting in front of you. Only when you turned the page and craned your neck to stretch it you did you notice the guy sitting across from you, 
“What the fuck! How long have you been there?” You asked Haechan, holding your book against your chest. “Long enough to notice how bad your posture is” he answered
“Says the guy who can’t sit or stand straight” you mumbled, closing the book and tucking it away in your bag
“If I were you, I’d be nice to the guy who’ll be driving me home”
“I don’t see Jeno here” you said looking around you, your cousin nowhere in sight. “No stupid, he has basketball practice. He asked me to drive you home”
You just shot him a blank look, for a couple of seconds he just shot you the same look before standing up
“Have it your way, I can just leave you here” then started to walk towards the parking lot. Scowling at his retreating figure, you quickly threw your bag over your shoulder following Haechan’s steps. 
He can already hear your hurried steps, a faint smile forming on his lips but he quickly shook it away. Acting nonchalant when you finally caught up with him,
“No, you won’t. Jeno will have your ass if leave me”
“No, he won’t” 
“Oh yea my bad, you don’t have an ass” he looked over at you, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. Silently daring you to repeat what you just said, so just send him a big sarcastic smile
“Watch it, babe. Don’t bite what you can’t chew”
“I don’t even know what that means, but let’s just pretend I do for your sake” You pat him on the shoulder before walking ahead. For awhile, neither of you said anything. A random playlist was playing while Haechan hums along, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. 
Haechan looked quickly over at you, your attention was focused on the scenery outside. If he could, he would look at you a little bit longer but he didn’t to be too obvious and that would be dangerous. So he just hummed as an answer, 
“huh?” you asked, looking over at him
“What do you mean what?”
“You called my name?”
“Oh I was just thinking about it, I didn’t know I said it outloud” you mumbled, you really didn’t mean to say it outloud. You were just looking out the sunset, it reminded you of his nickname which then made you think of his name. 
“You were thinking about me?” he chuckled
“I’d rather not comment on that” then it was silent again, thankful that he didn’t push it any further. 
“Want to grab something to eat?” he asked, this made you look over at him “I heard there’s this new café in town” he added. 
“Tell me the truth, can you read minds?” you asked him, you were just thinking about that too. You were planning to go later today after he dropped you off, maybe ask Jeno to come with after his practice but it makes more sense to just go now. You just didn’t expect Haechan to ask you 
“Only yours” he said with a smirk, sending you quick side eye. You rolled your eyes at him, “Can we go though?” you asked
And that is how you find yourself at the new café with your frenemy and kind of crush, Lee Haechan. You happily entered the place, taking in the smell of coffee and cake in the air, 
“Are you a dog? Stop sniffing” You hear Haechan say from behind you “Can’t help it, it smells so good. Oh my god is that chocolate cake” your attention was already on the rows of cake displayed. Completely missing the fond look on Haechan’s face as he watch you excitedly look at the snacks. 
He won’t say it but he finds it so adorable how happy you get with just the little simple stuff. 
“Do you want that? What do you want to drink?”
“Vanilla latte for me” you smiled up at him, for a second Haechan forgot how to breath forgot how to act around you. You were smiling so genuinely at him he wasn’t sure what to feel. 
“How about you?”
“Will you eat all the cake again or will you actually share it this time?” he asked back, dismissing his previous thoughts before you notice anything weird happening.
“I don’t recall doing such thing”
“Mhm sure, sweetheart. I have three other guys as witnesses” you scowled at him before turning back to the cake
Haechan ordered your drinks and cake while you sat outside and wait for him, you offered to split the bill but he just pushed you towards the door when you tried to pay for your food. Like he literally pushed you out
“Wipe that pout off, here’s your cake” at the sound of his voice, you put your phone down and smiled up at him. Well more at the plate of food he was holding
“Have I told you you’re my favorite?” you teased him, making the boy chuckle at you. You were already diving into the snack, happily swaying one hand in the air. 
“I’m starting to think you only like me when I give you food” 
“You’re thinking right” you answered straight away to tease him, chuckling when you felt him lightly kick you under the table. 
Later that day when you were finally home and was doing some homework, Jeno came over to check on you
“You made it home in one piece, that could only mean Haechan didn’t”
“Can’t say he will be missed” you replied, not even bothering to look up 
“You will though” this made you glare up at your cousin, “Why are you here again?”
“Oh right, well me and the guys plus a couple of other friends are going out of town this weekend, want to come with us?”
“When, where and who?”
“The guys, girls on some of our classes and Mark hyung is coming too. We’re renting a house with a pool, it looks really cool and we’ll stay there from Saturday til Sunday afternoon maybe”
You contemplated whether you wanted to come or not, it did sound fun. Plus you feel like you do need the time off anyways. 
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“I thought you hated each other” Jaemin said, looking between you and Haechan who is sporting the same look of boredom and annoyance. It’s currently 4am, kind of freezing outside and the guys are still loading the car with stuff.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” Renjun added, that earned a glare from Haechan and you. 
“Who else are we waiting for?” You grumbled, you wanted to get in the car and get some more sleep. Almost regretting ever agreeing to come to this trip, you felt a tug on your jacket sleeve. Looking over at Haechan who was holding out his coffee to you, you just shook your head at him. You liked drinking coffee, but  iced americano is not something you’d ever opt to order
“The girls are meeting us there, they said” Jeno answered you
“So who’s going in whose car?” Renjun asked, looking around the group
“Who’s driving again?” you asked, “Jeno and Haechan” 
You looked over at the boy leaning beside you, “You’re driving? You look like you’re about to pass out”
“That’s why I’m drinking this”
“I’ll go wherever I can sleep for the duration of this trip”  Jaemin said, already walking towards Jeno’s jeep getting in the passenger seat. 
“How about you?” Jeno asked you, “I’m with Jaemin, I don’t really care as long as I can sleep some more”
“Backseat is still pretty spacious, make yourself comfortable” he said then opened the car door for you, doing exactly what your cousin just said. 
“I thought you were going with Haechan” Jaemin said from the front seat, “Don’t start with me right now, let me sleep then you can bug me about him later”
The rest of the trip you were sleeping soundly at the backseat, the two boys talking amongst themselves. It was a four hour car ride so by the time you got to the vacation house it’s still too early for lunch. 
“Who wants to go to the grocery with me?” Jaemin asked, Renjun saying he’ll come with and pulling Haechan along with him
Hours later when they got back and finished unloading all the food for the weekend, you were just lounging around. Some of the guys were by the pool while you were in the lounge area with Jaemin and Jisung when Jeno and Haechan showed up. You were happily snacking on some cookies you when Haechan spotted you, Jeno immediately noticing Haechan’s gaze on you and the cookies you were holding
“Please tell me you you’re not going to fight over cookies”
“Will that make you happy?” Haechan asked his friend to which Jeno nodded as an answer, “Too bad then, give me back my cookies” Haechan turned his attention back to you, reaching out to grab the bag of treats
“I don’t see your name written here, plus I was the one who told Jaemin to get it at the grocery store”
“I went with him to the grocery store”
“Should’ve bought your own cookies then”
“I did! Those are mine”
The two of you were too busy arguing to notice the other guys have left the room to join the others outside, leaving you and Haechan alone in the lounge area. You sat on the opposite sides of the big couch, just chilling when Haechan walked in demanding to give his cookies back
“I’ll give you five seconds to give it back”
“Oooh I’m so scared”
“5, 4, 3” just as you were about to take another cookie from the bag, you feel his hand clamp around your ankle then pulling you towards the other side of the couch where he was sitting.
Now your legs are draped on his lap while his arms rest on them, “You said 5!”
Haechan just glared at you before snatching the bag out of your hands and taking some cookies for himself
“Leave some for me” you said as you try to reach for the bag “No, you already ate half of it”. 
You scowled at him until he gave the bag back to you, not even moving from your current position since you are pretty comfortable and the boy don’t seem to mind. Already busy scrolling through his phone, 
“Why aren’t you downstairs with the guys? I heard the girls arrived too”
“Too tired”
“I heard Yeji came today”
“You know she gave you those chocolates last year for valentines, right?”
“Like you would ever let me forget” he was still scrolling through his phone, one hand resting on top of your legs comfortably. If any of the boys walk in on you know they’d probably shoot you weird looks but when it’s just the two of you, you don’t really fight like cats and dogs. 
“Don’t you like, like her back atleast?”
“I mean she said she liked you, don’t you think it’s a bit mean to not talk to her after that. Plus,. I think she came so she could spend some time with you and yet here you are hiding away”
“Well maybe I like spending time with you”
You looked at him like he told you the most ridiculous and confusing fact, Haechan looking over at you when you didn’t reply back to him
“What’s that look for?”
“Who are you and what have you done to Haechan?” You asked, leaning over to put a hand over his forehead. He just chuckled at you, swatting your hand away
“I just got the chills when you said that”
“Like the good kind of chills?” he teased, “No, the kind that’s making me want to throw up kind of chills” you sarcastically replied
He scowled at you, pushing your legs off of him before standing up. “You know, it’s not that hard to just admit it”
“Admit what?”
“That you actually like hanging out with me”
“I never said I didn’t, even if you get on my last nerves”
“I like keeping you on your toes, baby. I’ll be outside if you miss me” he winked at you then walked out the lounge area. 
What just happened? Was he flirting with you? Did he know? You thought to yourself.  
And boy does he love getting on your last nerve. You will never assume that he’s doing thing on purpose just to piss you off, but after your conversation with him he’s been talking more to Yeji the whole day. 
He’s naturally friendly and affectionate, no one can argue that. And it’s not like you have a right to be jealous, your pride is too high to admit Jaemin’s actually right.
You do like Haechan. 
So what do you do? you mope around without meaning to, the boiys noticing your change in mood throughout the night. 
You were just standing beside Jaemin as he grill the meat for dinner, not really saying much
“You’re going to burn holes to the ground if you keep staring at it like that” Jaemin said as he look over at your brooding figure
“Let me be, I don’t any place else to be”
“Uh how about hanging out with our friends”
“Your friends” you mumbled making Jaemin laugh at you, “Oh my god, I cannot with you. If it bother’s you this much, just admit it already. It will save us both the time and emotional stress”
“Hiw are you getting stressed, I’m literally not even saying anything here” you told him, lightly hitting him on the back. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the garden area, Haechan was watching you and Jaemin. Not in a creepy way though. He just happen to notice you’ve been missing, only to find you standing by the grill with his bestfriend
“Yah Jeno, is there something going on with Y/N and Jaemin?” Haechan can’t help but ask when Jaemin laughed at something you just said
“I mean they always hang out”
“Yea, well they’re friends” Jeno shrugged, “We’re friends too” Haechan grumbled, taking a big gulp of the drink Jeno just put on the table
“Are you perhaps jealous of the two?” Jeno asked, “Absolutely not, I was just asking”
“Well, don’t tell Jaemin I told you this but I think he’s going to ask her out this weekend” that was a complete and total lie, he only said that to push Haechan to finally do something. And judging by the way he’s now practically glaring over your make makes Jeno think he did the right thing. 
“I heard you even went out on a date with him” Jaemin said, making you look at him with confusion 
“Huh? When?” “The other day when he had an emergency practice”
“We just went to the cafe, it wasn’t a date”
“Right, right. Because that’s how you spend time with a person you don’t like”
“I don’t don’t like him”
“So you like him?”
“If i say yes will you stop?”
“I-” “Say yes to what?” Someone said from behind you, making Jaemin stop his sentence. 
Haechan looked back and forth between you and Jaemin, while Jeno looked like he was about to laugh. 
“Nothing” you answered quickly before Jaemin could utter another word, then skipped away to where the others were. Jeno was shooting his bestfriend with the ‘just go with it’ expression before Haechan catches on
“What was that about?” Haechan asked, “Oh I was just asking her something” Jaemin answered with a cheeky smile
He couldn’t have asked her already, right? Haechan thought. As the night went on, he can’t help but notice how you were obviously avoiding him. You looked like you were enjoying yourself when the guys invited you to play beerpong with them while this time he’s the one moping around. 
When you went inside to get something from the kitchen, Haechan immediately shoot up from his seat to follow you. Itching to ask you if Jaemin asked you out or not. 
“You think he’ll ask her out?” Jeno asked as he watch Haechan follow you, “Huh? Haechan? Why what did you tell him?” Jaemin asked back
“That you were going to ask Y/N out”
“Bro what the fuck, he’s going to kill me if I do”
You on the other hand had no idea about this, so when Haechan cornered you in the kitchen suffice to say you were pretty shocked, 
“Did you say yes to Jaemin?” he asked
“Say yes to what?”
“Didn’t he ask you out?”
“Huh?” you asked confused, Jaemin definitely did not ask you out. You know for a fact that he’s currently crushing on the new girl, Yoo Jimin. 
“Are you not sure or you just don’t want to tell me”
“I’m so confused, one why would Jaemin ask me out and two why would I not want to tell you?” You asked, geniunely confused with him. “Because”
“Because?” you urged for him to continue
“God! You’re really going to make me say it first will you?” he sounded so frustrated you almost laughed, “I don’t know what you want to say Haechan, but please go ahead because like I said I’m very confused right now”
It took him approximately five seconds to think about his next actions, he counted up to three in his head before saying screw it then the next thing he know he was grabbing you by the waist, his lips on yours. 
You definitely did not expect that this is how your weekend will turn out, and you most definitely not think you would end up kissing Haechan. But here you were, trapped between the counter and him. His arms secured around your frame while your hands were resting on his arms. 
It’s like your mind and body were to separate entities, not one part of a single body because in your mind you were freaking out but your body was acting like this was how it was supposed to be all along. 
When the two of you eventually had to come up for air, you can’t help but stare at him
“What was that?” you whispered, his forehead resting on yours
“Me shooting my shot” 
Then you were laughing, Haechan looked at you like you just lost your mind
“You know this is the part where you say it worked”
“I- wait hold up. You like me?” you asked him, “You liked me first!” he screeched, pointing a finger at himself
“Says who?” 
“Says your cousin, then Jaemin and Renjun. Then you” You made a mental note to hit those three guys later
“Me? Just the other day I almost punched you in the face. If that was your indication of me liking you then you’re really messed up in the head”
“So you’re saying you don’t like me?” he asked, this time with a more serious look on his face. 
“I could neither confirm nor deny” you answered, trying to rile him up even more. You already know the answer, but it was nice to see Haechan like this.
“You know in my head, this wasn’t how I imagined this moment would turn out”
“Oh so you imagined kissing me” he smirked you, “As much you imagined kissing me” you retorted back, you had him there. 
“A bit underwhelming, not gonna lie”
That made Haechan do the thing you think is so attractive but never told a single soul because it was your secret, it’s when he pokes the inside of his cheeks with his tongue whenever he’s annoyed or things don’t go his way. 
“Are you saying I’m not a good kisser?”
“I’m saying it could be better” you shrugged, enjoying your new found power over him. It was short lived though because the next thing you know you were thrown over his shoulder then he was walking back out the patio. 
“Yah, Haechan don’t hurt her. I need to bring her back in one piece” you hear Jeno say 
“Sure, but it’s fine if she’s a bit wet right?”
“What?” you screamed then you were thrown in the pool, quickly resurfacing to the surface to see Haechan smirking at you. Instead of saying anything you just swam towards the ledge, hoisting yourself out the pool. 
“You look like you need a hug” you shot him a wicked smile as you walk towards him, you can hear cheers and laughter coming from your friends
“No thank you, baby. Maybe later”
“Come here”
“Don’t want to”
“No more kisses for you. 3 2″ then you were back in the pool again but this time Haechan was in there with you. Laughing as you watch him shake his hair out of his face, 
“Stop laughing you look like a wet dog” he said as he swam towards you, arms snaking your waist once again. As his lips close on your once again, you can’t help but smile. You’re pretty sure you heard your friends scream but all of that was background noise, it’s just you and him now. 
“How about that? Am I a good kisser now?”
“I don’t know, maybe try again”
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yuta-nakamots · 3 years
only human - d.sc
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Pairing - Boyfriend!Sicheng x Fem!Reader
Genre - Angst, Smut, Fluff, Established Relationship!AU
Warnings - implied character death, description of having a stroke, unprotected sex, creampie, cock warming
Summary - You dream about Sicheng all the time and love telling him about them when you wake up. But this one, you hope to never see again even if it did give you a happy ending.
Word Count - 2.1k 
A/N - I really did dream this about Sicheng but without the smut lmao I was so freaked out when it was happening 
Written for the Dreams Unfold Event hosted by @neosmutcollective​. Check out the masterlist here.
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You were driving on the freeway to a destination unknown, accompanied by your boyfriend Sicheng and his close friend Lucas. The reason why Lucas was with you was also unknown. There were hardly any other cars on the road, your headlights casting a desolate glow in front of you.
It was almost completely silent aside from the quiet lo-fi music that Lucas was playing through the sound system until suddenly from beside you, “where is my arm?” Sicheng muttered. You paid it no thought, thinking he was just drowsy from sleep. “How is the road?” His voice rose at the end, as if he didn’t know what the word ‘road’ meant.
“It’s good babe, it’s not too bumpy or anything,” you answered, playing along with whatever charade he was putting on.
“My head...hurts,” he groaned, “and we spin?” At this rate you were getting really concerned. Looking over at him, his face was contorted in pain as he was curled against the door, showing that he wasn’t just spouting nonsense.
“Lucas,” you whispered, checking into the rear-view mirror for him, “call the ambulance,” you ask of him once you see that he’s awake. He did what he was told as you pulled over to the shoulder of the road. “Give me the phone,” you commanded anxiously, which Lucas gladly obliged to, probably because he had no idea what to say anyways.
“911, what’s your emergency?” The operator began.
Your focus was on Sicheng again as you tried to describe his state. “Hi, I was driving on the I-205 and my boyfriend began saying weird things and saying his head hurts and something is spinning.”
There was a slight pause as the operator took note of the situation. “Ma’am, did he mentioned anything else.”
You knew he had said other things but couldn’t remember exactly what they were. You watched as his right hand flew to his left bicep before he whimpered pathetically, “arm gone.”
“He keeps saying that his arm is gone, but it’s clearly not.” You relayed.
“And these statements, are they in full, coherent sentences?” The operator asked.
“No, not really.”
“Ma’am I believe he is having a stroke. Please give me an address or approximate area so I can send an ambulance your way.”
“Uh, we just passed exit 288 I believe, we’re pulled over on the right hand side of the road on the I-205.”
“Alright thank you, medical support will be there soon. Please stay on the line with me until they arrive.” You nodded as if they could see you. “Where were you traveling to?”
“I-I don’t really know…”
“Uh-huh,” the operator acknowledged as if you had said a real location, “and who are you traveling with?”
“It’s me, my boyfriend, and our close friend.”
“May I ask for all your names and your phone number?”
By the time you had given the operator all the information, you could already see the flashing lights of the ambulance as it approached. “I think I see the ambulance.”
“Alright ma’am, thank you for your cooperation and I wish you the best.” With that the line went dead. How odd.
You stepped out of the car and motioned for Lucas to do the same. As the paramedics came to greet you with a stretcher, you led them to the passenger door, opening it as gently as possible so Sicheng wouldn’t fall out. He kept moaning and muttering things incoherently though he was clearly in even more pain and was more confused than before as the paramedics situated him onto the stretcher.
You and Lucas followed them as they loaded him onto the ambulance and allowed them to do their job. They were hooking him up to machines to take his vitals and you must’ve looked awfully distraught for Lucas to speak up. “He’ll be okay, you know.”
“How do you know that?” You question.
Lucas shrugged, “I don’t know for sure but it’s better than saying he won’t be okay, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you sighed apprehensively, “I guess.”
There was a commotion coming from inside the ambulance and you saw them beginning to do CPR on Sicheng and his heart rate flat-lined. Something about this didn’t seem quite right. If he is experiencing a stroke, why would they be doing compressions? As far as you knew, a stroke dealt with the brain while CPR was meant for the heart. And weren’t they supposed to be doing all this on the way to the hospital?
After what seemed like only a few seconds, the paramedics stopped assisting him and their leader came up to you, “he is dead but we will take him to the hospital for clearance.”
“W-what?!” You exclaimed as the paramedic walked away. Lucas had to hold you back from going after them and only released you once the ambulance started to pull away. “He’s dead? He can’t be, there’s no way! I swear humans can survive a few minutes without a pulse...they didn’t even try to restart it with the AED!”
As you stormed over to get into your car and follow the ambulance, Lucas held you once again, bringing you into a hug. “Y/n, it’s okay,” he whispered, grasping onto you firmly, the rumble of his voice spreading through you.
“But Sicheng isn’t okay! You can’t just let him go like that!”
“It’s okay,” Lucas repeated, though this time you felt his grasp on your arm get tighter and almost as if he was shaking you. “It’s okay,” he said once more, “y/n, wake up,” he pleaded. Though the voice wasn’t his, it was Sicheng’s.
“Wake up,” you heard once more and you felt your realities shift as your eyes sprung open staring straight into Sicheng’s from where he laid next to you, your limbs flailing at your sudden consciousness. “Hey, calm down, it’s just a dream,” he told you, one of his hands coming to rest on your cheek.
“It was- You were- Th-they said you were dead! You had a stroke and died but they didn’t even help you!” You spewed.
“Baby, it’s okay, I’m right here,” Sicheng assured you, “look, we’re in our room, in our bed, and it’s 4am in the morning.” He could tell you still didn’t believe him entirely. “We are not in a hospital, trust me. This is our apartment, the one we bought together last year.”
As your sense started to return to normal, your brain finally wrapped itself around the situation and you swung a leg over Sicheng, straddling him before leaning down and kissing him. “I though you were gone,” you confessed, tears welling up in your eyes at the thought of losing him.
“I’m right here,” he promised between kisses, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You basked in the feeling of his lips on yours, your tongues entertwining as Sicheng deepened the kiss. He wrapped an arm around your waist before sitting up, both of your torsos pressed tightly together. As you settled back into his lap, you felt something poking into your thigh. You broke the kiss to look down and saw the clear bulge in his athletic shorts, confirming your suspicions. “Dong Sicheng, I can’t believe you’re hard right now, at this very moment.” He pursed his lips, his eyes going wide as they bore into yours, waiting for your next move. “I had a nightmare that you died and you’re turned on by that?”
“No no, I’m not turned on by that-”
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t know,” his hands flew up in exasperation, “I just woke up from you tossing and turning and it was like this.”
Resting your arms around his shoulders and bringing your forehead to his, you brought your bodies impossibly closer while ever so slightly shifting around in his lap to tease him. “I don’t believe you,” you told him with a smirk.
“Well are you going to help me or not?” He nearly pleaded, his hips pushing up against yours.
You snuck a hand past the waistband of his shorts, unsurprised at his lack of underwear. “I guess I have to,” you complied, grabbing ahold of his warm and pulsing length. You began pumping a hand up and down his cock, causing his head to fall to the crook of your neck. Sicheng left messy kisses across the expanse of your neck, and exposed collar, his hands going up your shirt to gently cup your breasts until he decided his was tired of it and began puling your shirt off.
The second it was off past your chest, Sicheng’s lips were already on you, covering the untouched areas of your chest, latching onto a nipple while his hand played with the other. You cradled his head almost as if he were a baby, with both of your hands getting lost in his soft brown hair. You let him suck and fondle at your breasts for a little while longer until the ache in your core grew to be too much.
After sliding your bottoms and near-soaked underwear off, you repositioned yourself above the head of his cock, using a hand to help guide his member into you. As you lowered yourself onto his length, Sicheng busied himself with kissing along your jaw, his hands moving to hold your hips once you were fully seated in his lap. Ever so slowly, you let yourself rise and fall on his cock, making him moan and lean backwards against the headboard of the bed.
Placing your hands on his broad chest, you used it to gain leverage as you began bouncing on his dick. Sicheng looked so pretty beneath you, his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink, his lips plump and slick, his skin covered in the slightest sheen of sweat. You continued your movements until you felt your legs growing tired, opting instead to draw mindless shapes in his lap. You relished in the way his slick member slid in and out of you, feeling so good when it stretched you out.
This tempo wasn’t all to Sicheng’s liking though, but he took matters into his own hands, his arms coming up from behind you, his fingers gripping onto your shoulders as he rolled the two of you over and began rocking his hips into yours. You wrapped your legs around him, allowing him to push deeper into you as he gradually started to go at a steady pace.
He let go of your frame in exchange for planting his forearms on either side of your head so he could watch your expressions as he got high off of his cock. Your eyes closed at the feeling of overwhelming pleasure when he hit the deeper parts of you, filling you up ever so perfectly. “Yes, just like that,” you told him as your walls were clenched around him, so soft and warm whenever he thrusted into you.
Sicheng started to let out little whimpers as he continued thrusting, a sign that he was getting close. You reached a hand down to stimulate your clit, wanting to come with him while he moved to sit back on his knees, pulling your body further down the bed. In this position, he began drilling into you as he desperately chased his high. “Let me do it,” he breathed when he saw your hand between your legs. He pushed it away and quickly replaced it with his own, his thumb drawing circles onto your clit.
You heard his breath hitch and felt his hips stutter as his length twitched inside of you. Sicheng pushed himself to be fully connected with you as he released in your walls, shallowly thrusting as if to milk his own dick, “I love you,” you quietly blurted. The feeling of his hot cum spreading in your core brought you to your own orgasm, your muscles fluttering and spasming around him. Sicheng held you as you powered through your own release on his member, not wanting to lose the feeling of warmth around him just yet.
“Fuck, I love you too,” you answered as you started coming down off your high. You could feel the mix of your juices start to spill out when Sicheng set your hip back down onto the bed and moved to lie on top of you. His cock was softening inside of you but you didn’t mind it all that much since you were already on you way to sleep again though hopefully with a more pleasant dream this time.
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hellooo I saw you were taking requests again!! :D Would you be alright doing a bit of a hurt/comfort ish playful fic like Tommy asking techno to help train him. Techno notices that tommy starts to completely overwork himself and comforts him about like not feeling good enough to be techno's brother and techno playfully tickling him to force him to take a break? I'm sorry if this was a long prompt, it's 4am lol... Thank you so much!! :D
summary: tommy wants to be as strong as his brother techno, but doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to a/n: sorry i haven’t been active this weekend :[ im on the last 3 weeks of school and they’re piling so much stuff WAAAH warnings: swearing, self consciousness, self doubt (this is a hurt/comfort fic!) w/c: 1.6k
“Techno, how did you get to be so… strong?”
“Hard work, Tommy. A lotta’ hard work.”
Tommy huffed, crossing his arms. That was definitely not the answer he wanted, because the boy wanted to be a force to be reckoned with now. “Well… what kind of hard work?” He egged on, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Well, experience is a big one- I’ve done a lot of fighting and gained a lot of perspective from that… uhhhh… I study books with ancient techniques? I uhhh, let me put some thought into this, kid,”
Techno continued to think, putting a hand to his chin in thought. None of these Tommy liked, as they both took much time, perseverance, and he was just too young to have had as much experience as his brother. “Oh, I’ve trained a lot-”
“Aha! Training! How do I train?” Tommy cheered, almost leaping with how excited he got. The boy assumed he would be able to be unstoppable after one training session, but his older brother didn’t know how to convey that it wasn’t possible- but also didn’t want to crush his spirits at the same time.
“Tommy,” Techno started, then let out a long sigh, “..it’s not that easy. I’d be willing to help but-”
“Let’s go now then, big man!” The blonde exclaimed triumphantly, marching towards the entrance to their house’s backyard. Techno watched him stomp out the room towards the back exit, shaking his head and following the boy.
When he arrived outside, Tommy was already in a set of armor with his sword out, grinning madly at Techno. With an amused huff, the piglin picked up his sword and stood a good distance from in front of him.
“Alright, the first thing is stance. Make sure you’re standing so you’ll be able to block on any side of you.” Techno placed his sword down, heading to Tommy. He gently moved his arms and shoulders to be in a preferred position. The boy stood there, completely stiff like a statue.
“Y’know you gotta loosen up, you need to be able to block and dodge attacks and can’t do that when you’re stone.”
“I gotta be like stone, so I can’t be knocked down!”
Techno shook his head, pushing his hand into Tommy’s side, making him fall on the grass. “That wasn’t fair!” Tommy whined, getting up and brushing the dirt off of his light armor. “All is fair in fights, kid. You never know what your opponent will do.” The piglin explained, pushing up his glasses.
Tommy muttered something under his breath, getting into the fighting stance his brother showed him. “I’m ready!” He announced, Tech sighing. “Tommy, you need to know the basics before going into battle.” He frowned, crossing his arms. “There are no basics in war!” Tommy rebuttals, using the phrase Techno used earlier against him.
“Actually there is-”
“I didn’t ask!” Tommy ran at Techno, falling onto the dirt as the man stepped to the side. “You don’t just run at someone and expect to get a hit on them, smartass.” He playfully flicked his brother’s head, who grumbled and got up, trying to get more hits on Techno.
The piglin continued to step out of the way, eventually sighing and easily disarming him from his blunt training sword.
“I can’t do it! How can I even be your brother?! I can barely even hold the sword, it's so heavy! I’m done with this, I’ll never be as strong as you!” Tommy fumed, throwing his armor off and stomping inside the house to go up to his room. Techno put his training sword away, sighing softly. ‘The kid has potential, he just gets ahead of himself.’ Techno thought, then heading inside to go upstairs to check up on his little brother.
“Can I come in?” He knocked on the door, hearing a small ‘no’ from inside. Techno huffed. “Please? I want to talk to you, Toms.” He asked again, then hearing nothing. “Fine.” Tommy gave him permission to come in, which Techno gladly took.
“Hey,” His brother sat at the foot of his bed, looking at him. “You’re just so cool. You’re Technoblade, everyone knows you as strong and scary. And… and I’m just Tommy. The little brother, the obnoxious one.” He ranted, sniffling softly as he curled his knees in and hiding his face.
“I wouldn’t say that, Tommy. I’ve heard people talk about how brave you are, which I’m gonna have to agree with. Also, you’re not obnoxious, I wouldn’t want to hang out with you if you were.” Techno showed him a small smile, opening his arms. Tommy leaped into them, wrapping his arms around his brother and holding his cape with an iron grip.
“Really? People think that?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you about that, kid.”
“I am pretty brave and cool, I gotta say,” Tommy chuckled softly at himself, his giggles slowly growing as Techno sighed at him. “Oh, I’ll give you something to laugh about!” He exclaimed playfully, his dull claws shifting around his waist.
“TEHehehechno!” Tommy made the poor mistake of shifting onto his back, so now he was just sprawled across his brother’s lap, stuck in his tickly grasp. “Tommy!” Techno playfully mocked, snickering at Tommy’s small growl in defiance.
“You’re really brave to try to rebuttal my attack, ain'tcha?” He spoke lowly, slipping one of his hands under Tommy’s loose shirt to lightly scratch at the sensitive skin around his belly. “Yohou suhUHUCK!” He complained, kicking his legs out in front of him. “What did you just say to me? You really are fearless.”
The boy was about to smile triumphantly until a blunt claw gently scritched over the bundle of nerves over his hip bone. “SHIHIHIT- Nohot thahahat!” Tommy complained. “Sohomewhehere else!”
“Y’know Tommy, when I tickle Ranboo right here he’d dip out right away. You must be tough if you can withstand this!” Techno praised, a fond smile washing over his face. Tommy continued to shake his head, the ticklish sensations making him tingle all over.
“Hmmm, let’s see if I could make you break. Highly doubt it for how well you’re taking it though, kid.” He chortled before laying Tommy down and skittering both his fingers up his sides. “IT’S SOHO BAHAHAD!” He arched his back, a wheeze escaping him. The claws continued to explore up his sides, dragging back down before stopping at his upper ribs to scribble over the ticklish skin there.
“WHIHIHIYYY?!” Tommy whined, slamming his arms down. “Because!” Techno smirked, drilling his fingers as they were trapped and he couldn’t wiggle them anymore. “THAHAHAT’S WOHOHORSE!” He screeched, the piglin just laughing. “Then free me, smarty!” His fingers continued to drill and prod as much as they could, shifting up to reach his underarms.
“NOHOHO! IT’LL BEHE EVEN WOHOHORSE!” Tommy grumbled, kicking his legs. “Good observation, Tommy! Never let your enemy get an advantage!” His brother praised again, smiling down at him. The grumpiness in the boy’s tone turned more gleeful, the pinkette grunting in success.
“But what if the enemy planned a surprise attack?!” Techno exclaimed, leaning his head down to blow a raspberry over the upper part of his tummy, repeating the action but on his navel next time. “I WIHILL SUHUHURVIVE!” Tommy retorted, trying to push at his head. “I’d like to see you try.” He challenged, lifting his shirt a small bit before leaning down to place nibbles along his lower belly and around his hips.
“FUHUHUCK! TEHEHECHNOHO!” He threw his head back, still holding onto Techno’s hair but not really pushing him away. Techno was genuinely surprised- usually, his nibbles can kill anyone and make them plead for mercy. “Wow Tommy, you can withstand my nibbles? You must really be a champ, huh kid?” He complimented, smiling at Tommy’s giddy squeal.
Techno knew how much Tommy needed this, he needed to hear how actually brave and tough he was, because the truth was the kid was strong, just needed to hear it to believe it. “You were able to survive that, but can you survive this?” He devilishly smiled, moving his claws over to scritch at his lower tummy as he nibbled up his sides.
“YOHOHOU’RE HOHORRIBLE!” Tommy shrieked, kicking his legs and arching his back, but still wasn’t begging for mercy like Techno thought he would. “Able to survive again? This is like the hardest time I’ve had tiring someone out, Toms.” Techno admitted, Tommy giggling and happily chortling in response. He was genuinely proud of himself, feeling stronger than ever.
“Alright. I give up.” Techno chuckled, pulling his brother in for a hug while he calmed down. “I wohohon!” Tommy announced excitedly, hugging him back. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” The piglin sighed contently, pulling away.
“You know Tommy, being strong is more than just physical strength. You gotta have the right mindset, and you’ve definitely got it. I’ve never met someone as strong-willed, enthusiastic, and brave as you.” Techno explained, rubbing his stomach and side area, trying to help with the after-tickles.
“Yeah, really.” Techno chuckled, getting up. “How about I teach you a lesson in some historic techniques in fighting, I think you’ll find it interesting.”
“Books are so boring- ugh, fine.” Tommy crossed his arms, standing up and stretching, before following his brother out of the room. “What were you boys doing?! I thought Tommy was being attacked for a hot minute.” Phil laughed from the kitchen, seeing them walk by. “I beat Techno in a tickle fight, that’s what happened!” Tommy laughed, nudging his brother.
“Yep. He beat me. Strong kid, I tell ‘ya.”
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Dad Shangqi & OC (Xu Xiayi)
A/N: Xiayi is a teen here. Only towards the ending, there is a brief mention of Y/N. Hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
Genre: PG-13
Warnings/Notes: Some inspiration taken from actual comics. Story is entirely my own. Fight scenes. Gif is inspiration as well.
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Xiayi picks herself up, ignoring the dull pain at her sides. Xialing circles around, waiting for her to get back into position.
She needed to do this right.
With a determined shout, Xiayi advances on her aunt, making sure her kicks were adjusted to Xialing’s feedback.
‘Better. But your kicks have too much emotion. You won’t be able to finish your opponent off if you keep that anger.’
‘I’m not angry!’
‘I must have been mistaken then.’ Xialing removes her hand wraps. Oh if only her brother could see this. In more ways than one, Xiayi was truly his daughter.
‘Mei Mei I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!’
For the first time in a very long while, she sees the mighty Avenger and martial artist reduced into an exasperated father who just can’t seem to read what his teenage daughter wants.
‘I miss mom,’ Shangqi slumps on the table as Xialing pours herself another cup of tea.
‘How about I have a girl’s day out with Xiayi? I’m going back to Macau in less than a week.’
Xiayi sits on the bench, taking a swig of water as Xialing takes a seat beside her. ‘Penny for your thoughts?’
The young girl sighs. ‘I want to help Baba on his solo missions. The ones without the avengers. But he still thinks that it’s too dangerous for me.’ Xiayi furrows her eyebrows as she remembers her heated conversation with her dad.
Aha, so that’s what it was.
‘Maybe he doesn’t getting you hurt.’ Xialing starts with the most logical reasoning.
‘I know. But I’m not completely helpless. He trained me since when I was six and now you - a great martial artist are making sure that I don’t get pummeled into… beef jerky while I’m fighting!’
‘I’m glad you think that my skills have helped you greatly,’ Xialing chuckles at her niece’s attempt to glorify her. ‘But you know that fighting doesn’t only happen on a mat.’
Xiayi falls silent.
‘I don’t think your father ever thought you were not capable, Xiayi. In fact he always believed that you had the potential to be someone great.’ Xialing tells her. ‘But greatness takes time. It takes time because it takes a lot of strength to carry that greatness in the long run.’
Xialing can see the girl being slowly convinced by the second, so she continues. ‘When I was the only girl, and your grandfather didn’t allow me to train with the boys, you know what I did? I trained even harder than them. And that’s what you will do to show your father that you can. The question is, are you ready?’
There was the smile that Xialing was waiting for so long. The two woman rise, walking back to the mat once more.
Six months later, 4am
Somewhere near Brooklyn Bridge
Shangqi finds the air in his lungs being knocked out of him for what could be the umpteenth time. Flipping himself up easily, he comes face to face with a woman in green, sneering at him.
‘Just give up already will you! This would be much easier if you give me the rings.’
‘What’s the fun in that huh?’ Shangqi wipes the blood off his face, enjoying the irritation plastered on her face.
‘You leave me no choice then.’ Baoyu released a scent of purple vapor in his direction. Shangqi tries to move but realizes that his foot has been caught.
Ah shit.
Shangqi almost thinks that the vapor has gotten to him as he sees an orange roll to a stop at Baoyu’s feet before releasing orange gas. He tries to see through the barrier of fog, but all he can hear is a loud hit followed by a thump to the ground.
And Xiayi walks out of the fog, completely unscathed.
‘Hey baba!’ She cheerfully waves, either ignoring the shock on his face or was just really clueless.
‘Xiayi, what are you doing here?’
‘Saving your ass apparently. Who’s that woman?’ She keeps an eye peeled on any threatening figure.
‘Zheng Baoyu. She wants the rings. Now stop evading the question.’
‘Fine!’ Xiayi raises her hands in defeat. ‘I wanted to help you ok but since you never let me, I trained with Auntie Xialing, Katy and Grand Aunt! They figured it was time for me to come and show you that you were wrong.’ Shangqi raises his brows at the last sentence that was very unlike Xiayi.
‘That was Katy’s words, not mine. Anyways, it looks like evil perfumer ain’t out yet.’ She points into the direction of the fog that was slowly clearing.
‘Who’s this Shangqi? A little demon spawn?’
Shangqi whips his head, glaring daggers at the villainess. ‘Ok lady you went too far.’ The rings glow bright once more before Xiayi stops him.
‘Is ok Baba, I got this.’ He stares hard to make sure his daughter knew what she was getting into.
‘Yes! Let her “handle” me.’ Baoyu cackles. ‘I’ll make sure that her defeat is as painless as possible.’
Xiayi steps in front of her father, wielding a sword, taunting the woman in front of her.
‘What you waiting for? I don’t have all day lady!’
The bell rings, signaling the end of class. Xiayi picks up her books, sliding it into her bag. Waving goodbye to her friends, she exits the school to see Shangqi waiting for her.
‘Baba? I thought mama would be coming today.’
Shangqi opens the passenger door, revealing a brown shopping bag. ‘I realized I was working so much on my missions that I didn’t have the time to get a Christmas present for you.’ He carefully observes his daughter’s movements to the mystery gift. ‘And I think it’s high time that I apologized for my behavior.’
Xiayi softens, ‘No baba, I should be sorry. I knew you were trying to protect me. Auntie Xialing was right. I had to prove it to myself first that I was capable enough to be on the field before proving it to anyone else.’
‘And you did prove it to me baobei. Gosh, the way you handled that sword, Zheng Baoyu didn’t stand a chance. Looks like your Aunt outdid herself as a teacher.’ Shangqi marvels.
‘Hey, don’t forget Katy. She taught me how to aim. Must say it helped when I managed to trap Baoyu with the pole.’
‘How could I forget? You looked like an Olympic athlete throwing that.’ Chuckling, they both get into the car. ‘Open it, I think you’ll like it.’
Slightly puzzled, Xiayi unwraps the box, opening its content to reveal a long red sleeved outfit with black pants.
‘I don’t know how you feel about having an outfit that’s similar to mine when you’re on the field.’ Shangqi looks out of the windows, anxiously waiting for her response. ‘There’s even a mask if you want to stay anonymous,’ he quickly adds on, seeing her staring numbly at the box for a few good seconds. ‘I know you’re still in school and sometimes the attention can get quite out of hand-’
‘I love it Baba.’ Xiayi discards the box by the side, giving her father a hug. ‘You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you.’
Shangqi relaxes in his precious daughter’s embrace, finally glad to set things right.
‘Oh and Baba? I don’t think I’ll be needing the mask any time soon.’ She folds the red silk cloth back into the box. ‘I’m pretty sure yesterday’s fight kinda revealed my secret identity.’
Shangqi laughs, starting the car. ‘Well, if you ever change your mind.’
‘I won’t. Sides, I want them to know they shouldn’t mess with us. We do make a pretty sick team don’t you think?’
As the car rolls out of school, Shangqi couldn’t help but to take a peek at Xiayi who was nothing else but ecstatic.
‘Brother, sooner or later she will need to face the world.’
‘I know that Xialing but you know we don’t deal with small time criminals.’
‘I understand your need to protect her. And you can do that best when you let her fight side by side with you. That is how she will learn.’
Hell, he was worried. But Xialing was right. He needed to let the rope loose around Xiayi for her to show her true power. His raw strength, Xialing’s strategic thinking, your compassion. All in his girl. Xiayi was the best out of all of them.
A making of a true warrior.
A/N: This was a last minute idea actually while I was on the train haha. Added in the 🎄 factor while I was at it since it’s Christmas where I am now! Once again, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!😉
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