trashasaurusrex · 1 year
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elsa sketches, as promised
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cnsrs · 2 months
same person dude
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beanscanmakeyousilly · 8 months
i like him 😈😈😈😈
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beansnpeets · 2 months
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I received many doggy kisses today and it was great
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jacqal · 2 years
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commission for my buddy plutomutt of the world's most specialest bbygirl <3
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Going into the Bruce Wayne adopts a random fictional orphan famous AUs: Bruce Wayne becames the legal guardian of the Baudelaire childrem. Now Count Olaf can try to murder trick and steal TWO whole fortunes.
Imagine Klaus in the Wayne Massion library and discussing books with Jason and having conversations over feeling missplaced and not yet belonging to the Waynes even tho he fits with Duke and bonding with Barbara over her time as a librarian
Violet helping Lucius Fox invent equipament for Batman and bonding with Dick over their shared eldest daugther sindrome and working in the cars with Jason and Bruce and bomding with Tim because Tim totaly would not fall for Olaf's bs.
Sunny cooking with Alfred and being a menance with Damian and learning to talk with Cassandra and Bruce finally having the toddler experience and being besties with Stephanie who will see sassy powerfull baby and become automatically the cool older sister.
All while Count Olaf and Esme Squalor bond with the Rogues Gallery. And even fied with some of them.
Olaf discussing arson with Firefly and trying to outdrama Riddler and bounding with Deadstroke over the fact everyone forgets about their weird comentaries involving a fourteen years old.
Esme exanching date advices with Harley and doing make-up with Joker and bullying Jonathan because he dresses like a poor person.
All while Lemony(the only person that can maybe take Bruce's place over being the most paranoic human being ever) fails in finally meeting the Baudelaires because he keeps getting lost in Gotham because he is a trouble magnet and everything there is trouble.
Also Alfred sassing Mr. Poe. Everyone's dream.
For my personal preferences let Batman take the place of the Vilage of Fowl Devotees: that would mean that we still have Duncan and Isadora, we already have Esme and Jacques may not die. Absolute perfection.
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We’ve done it fellas! We’ve found the worlds literal worst image
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Corn Maze
Frozen Modern AU
Everyone hopped out of the van, ready to go pick pumpkins. 
“Look! A corn maze!” Olaf shouted, before running in. 
“I guess we’re doing the corn maze first,” Elsa chuckled, walking on ahead.
“Kristoff?” Anna asked, tugging at his hand. 
He smiled. “How hard could it be?”
They couldn’t see Elsa or Olaf by the time they got inside, and somehow the maze was more complicated than it looked from the outside.
“I guess we’re trapped in here,” Kristoff laughed. 
“Do you really think so?” Anna asked seriously.
“There you are!” Olaf shouted. “Come on, we found the exit!”
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suncakeartcive · 2 years
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-waves Olaf in front of ppl- you WILL like him you WILL like him you WILL like him
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antiquery · 2 years
finished the penultimate peril last night and I will never ever forgive Neil Patrick Harris for making me cry about, of all characters, Count Olaf
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mimiteyy · 2 years
every time i try to play minecraft I end up spending like 5 hours installing/configuring mods instead
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hamadacare-xoxo · 2 years
Listen, the day Mirrorverse surprise adds Tadashi to their roster I’m never shutting up-
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 44
Aperçu of the Week:
"Anyone who thinks everything is connected to everything is just too lazy to sort it out."
(Nikolaus Blome, leading German political journalist)
Bad News of the Week:
I tend to sympathize with liberal parties. Because their theoretical DNA of "live and let live" appeals to me in principle. But nowadays I find it increasingly difficult to sympathize with the German liberal party FDP (Free Democratic Party). Especially when it comes to energy policy, an essential topic in recent and upcoming times. First the cheap populist proposal to impose a real and true lifetime extension on the remaining German nuclear power plants beyond stretch operation. Including new fuel rods - in other words, the diabolical stuff for which there is still no final (stock) solution - even in the party program of the FDP. And now fracking, too.
Seriously? That just doesn't make sense for two very simple reasons. First, the extraction of fracked gas is significantly more expensive than the development of solar and wind energy. Moreover, their reserves are unlimited. And secondly, gas is a dead end from the beginning. We here in Europe are just trying to overcome our economic (and comfortable) dependence on gas. And not just to stop filling the pockets of despots on this continent and neighboring Arabia.
But above all because gas releases the CO2 it contains when it is burned - something even the witches didn't like. The negative relevance of this for climate change is now only questioned by honks. Perhaps Mother Nature really did have something in mind when she stored the substance seemingly inaccessible beneath the earth's surface. And then the more stupid than wise Homo sapiens came up with the idea of opening up the depots - and burning them off.
And now the FDP actually wants to break open layers of rock in this country with the help of pressure and chemicals in order to extract shale gas? Despite the politically unsuspiciously proven dangers for such trivialities as underground stability or groundwater quality? If this is how the party-politically comprehensible demarcation from the policies of the unloved coalition partners, the Greens and Social Democrats, is supposed to look, all I can say is: think twice!
Good News of the Week:
Much has already been philosophized about the personality's affinity between Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro. It was therefore not surprising that some political observers feared that this populist might not have fully adopted the meaning of a peaceful transfer of power. There was enough to read between the lines. And then it actually looked that way. Déjà vu.
On election night, Bolsonaro was in the lead. Then Lula da Silva first caught up and then overtook him. Bolsonaro made no statement, let alone acknowledged the antipodean's election victory. Then there were the first roadblocks, tires burned, the conceitedly deceived people shouted "No to Lula!" Bolsonaro was still silent. The first protesters called - no joke! - on the military to stage a coup. For that, you have to know that Brazil was already once ruled by a military dictatorship for more than twenty years. The word "oblivion of history" echoed in my head, on it the hair stood up.
But then everything turned out well: first there were confirmations from all sides, up to the Supreme Court, of the legitimacy of Lula's election. Then there were hints from Bolsonaro's camp that the ex-president would not oppose an orderly transfer of office. Then the military leadership made clear it would not be available for a coup. And finally, Bolsonaro himself spoke out, calling on his countrymen to abandon the blockades because they would hurt everyone. Good, no conceding his own defeat. And, of course, no congratulations to the successor. But someone had probably read the polls that the image of a bad looser could be detrimental to a possible re-election in four years.
So now I am calmly waiting for the first scandal revelations or lucrative book contracts. And investigations by tax authorities. And by public prosecutors. Because you don't need a crystal ball to discover one or two indications of illegal behavior in the conduct of Bolsonaro and his protégés. These may spare Lula - provided he manages to stay in good health (he is, after all, almost as old as Joe Biden) and can continue to some extent with the successful and popular program of his first two terms in office from 2003 to 2011 - from having to run against a political zombie in four years' time. And thank God or whoever: there are no midterms in Brazil.
Personal happy moment of the week:
My little big girl is now a student. And her start at the university in Munich went and goes very well. So far, not only has she already found friends, but also all the lecture halls. Gets along with the subjects and the professors. Likes the mensa and the lifestyle. And is already getting extra curricularly involved in her faculty: the day before yesterday, she and a fellow student won the pitch to lead the student project "Running Dinner." Everything in green area so far - I am very pleased.
I couldn't care less...
...about the discussion whether Olaf Scholz during his China trip sufficiently pointed out human rights - whether working conditions in the Corona lockdown, the oppression of the Uyghurs, the system of social points etc. - or not. As long as it remains with well-meaning words, maybe one or the other moral sense in this country feels addressed, but nobody in China. After all, Scholz invited the bosses of BASF and Volkswagen on his delegation, not Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
As I write this...
...one hears more and more loudly the dramatic drumbeat of the acid test of US democracy next Tuesday. Will the Republicans take the majority in both houses of Congress? Can the same society really classify Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Green as representatives of the people? Does being a pro-life advocate keep you electable if you have had an abortion yourself? The real elephant in the room, however, is not even on the ballot. Namely, the fundamental question of whether Donald Trump will run again in the 2024 presidential election. What is actually his personal decision, the Grand Old Party's approval is considered a mere formality. Speaking at a campaign event in Iowa the day before yesterday, he said, "I will very, very, very probably" run for president. "In order to make our country successful, and safe and glorious." Is that supposed to be a threat or sarcasm?
Post Scriptum:
Last week I was still struggling here about tomato soup on Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers." A little unsure how to classify the value of civil disobedience when it serves a greater good. It became more tangible to me the day before yesterday, as I passed the sit-in by "Last Generation" (who has it in their hands to avert climate collapse) climate activists on Munich's busiest street. I was impressed by the replica of a blocker to a passerby (clearly an old white man) who simply called him the ring muscle which is not located in the eye: "I'd rather not have to sit here either."
In an open letter to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the "Last Generation" wrote: "You promised us, binding under international law, to make efforts to limit global warming to +1.5°C. Yet you have not done so." Unfortunately, this is true. According to the model calculations of a study by the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW) from last year, the climate goals of the Paris Climate Agreement will be clearly missed with the currently planned measures of the German government. What the government-appointed (!) expert council for climate issues yesterday confirmed impressively.
"Climate goals?" According to the Duden (German language definitions) a goal is "something towards which someone's action is quite consciously directed, which someone seeks to achieve as the meaning and purpose of his doing." And according to the English Wikipedia "an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve." Consciously directed? Purpose of his doing? Commit to achieve? Sadly, there is little evidence of this.
Given the current activist bashing - since, of course, emergency vehicles can also be stuck in a traffic jam caused by a sit-in - I increasingly get the impression that cause and effect are being confused. Deputy government spokesman Wolfgang Büchner, for example, said yesterday in all seriousness that the limit of legitimate protest is reached when the endangerment of human life is accepted. He will not even have been aware of the bitter irony of his statement....
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beanscanmakeyousilly · 8 months
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thoughts-reasons · 2 years
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allthegeopolitics · 5 months
A group of German civil servants have written to Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other senior ministers calling on the government to “cease arm deliveries to the Israeli government with immediate effect”. “Israel is committing crimes in Gaza that are in clear contradiction to international law and thus to the Constitution, which we are bound to as federal civil servants and public employees,” the statement says, citing the International Court of Justice’s ruling in January that Israel’s military actions are “plausible acts of genocide”. According to the organisers of the five-page statement, around 600 civil servants have voiced support for the initiative, which has slowly been gathering traction for months through professional networks and word-of-mouth across a range of ministries.
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