#human cloudjumper
shootingstardraw · 1 year
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Human Cloudjumper
Claude J. Perk aka a human Cloudjumper version
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midoristeashop · 1 year
undragoned dragons pt 2??1! + bonus human toof expressions
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@sboochi cloudjumper for u my dear
y’all really ate up my last undragoned dragons post (tysm I love all of u) I might do more wink wink wonk
Edit: HELLO to ALL people who have reposted this or are planning to repost this (looking at you Pinterest) please don’t!! I do not appreciate my art being reposted and respectfully if you have please please take it down thank you
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purplemarkedclouds · 3 months
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"Beauty in Ruins" - Undertale by TobyFox
Art by Me! There is more to come.
The Music that helped me find the tone I wanted for this piece!
It is a wonderful Album, go give it a listen! <3
I love CloudJumpers Undertale Tracks!
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thecosmicmap · 9 months
Strap in folks this is gonna be a long one.
So as we know Dean Deblois is the writer of HTTYD2 and 3. As a writer you have a list of rules you should follow. One such rule is “show don’t tell.”
Dean disregarded this rule and we mainly see it with Grimmel and the Night Fury genocide. In the movie he tells us “I hunted every last night fury except yours” yet Grimmel has nothing to show for it. No trophies, no night fury hide cloak, not even a claw. The most we get is a few “facts” about Night Furies that aren’t even true, or can’t be proven to be true because we’ve only ever seen one Night Fury.
“Night Furies can’t survive the cold.” Yet Hiccup tells us (in GOTNF which is canon) that winter in Berk lasts for most of the year.
“Night Furies can’t fly long distances” Yet Toothless’ wings are large and wide, which allows him to glide for long periods of time.
“Furies mate for life.” We would never know because we only see one Night Fury in the entire franchise. And if we take a look at other dragons, it seems they only see their mate during mating season.
And why would Grimmel know that if he’s trying to kill off the Night Furies forever? What’s the point in knowing their mating habits if there’s never going to be any Night Furies again? Did he just look at a Fury pair and go “yeup. They mate for life.”
Now another thing about Grimmel is that his hunting method is unreliable. One, he left his bait without any restraints. Imagine if the Light Fury woke up minutes before and just left? Boom! No more bait. What if Toothless wasn’t horny and was mad at the Light Fury for trying to kill Hiccup multiple times? Boom. He wouldn’t be trying to deal with her and the plan is ruined because the bait isn’t appealing to the target. What if Toothless didn’t smell her and never showed up?
Lots of plot conveniences. It happens in the entire movie. Dean also had to confirm that yes, Grimmel did kill all the Night Furies in an INTERVIEW because people didn’t believe that Grimmel genocide the Night Furies. And Dean only did this because he thinks Toothless is special because he’s the last Night Fury.
Now we could be here forever talking about how stupid grimmel is as a villain and how stupid it is to even entertain the thought that ONE man and his six, drugged dragons were able to commit genocide to a species of intelligent, elusive and fast dragons, but let’s just continue.
Another rule Dean disregarded is having good characterization. Or ANY characterization!
The Light Fury immediately comes to mind. Name one personality trait she has that we actually see in the movie. You can’t, can you? Because Dean actively wrote that out. There was a deleted scene of Light Fury and Toothless’ romantic flight which gave her much more personality, yet Dean wrote it out and gave us the boring one we have now.
Also, can we just talk about how she doesn’t have a name? Her name is literally “The Light Fury.” Which is the same as naming a Golden Retriever Golden Retriever.
I know Hiccup would’ve named her. Hell, anybody would’ve named her! But no, Dean decided that she didn’t need one because “how else would she be wild”?
Dean says this in an interview, “We intentionally try to keep her [The Light Fury] wild and elusive, to kind of represent something that is pure dragon, that hasn't been tainted by human beings by domestication.” Which just goes to show that Dean doesn’t know what domestication is.
(Dean also doesn’t know what a subspecies is because if he did, then he would know a Light Fury can’t possibly be a Night Fury subspecies because they have too many differences).
1. this means that Dean thinks all of the dragons that have benefited from human companionship (Toothless, Cloudjumper, Meatlug, Stormfly, etc) are tainted.
And 2, there is nothing “dragon” about the Light Fury. She has small feet (Hiccup’s head is literally bigger than her feet), small claws, a small mouth, her wings are weirdly shaped, she’s curved, she has no protective scales and her tailfin is in the shape of a heart, which would actually mess up her flight.
Many people have said this is because she’s semi-aquatic. But this is disproven by the fact that we’ve never seen her in the water and the art book.
Here’s two direct quotes: “We had to explore how the Light Fury would walk and make her feel like a female.” “We had to control all the shapes while keeping her both powerful and graceful so she didn’t fall too much into the reptilian category.”
The Light Fury is a plot device, a “agent of change” in Dean’s words.
Now while we’re on the topic of characterization, let’s talk about our main cast. We’ll start with Toothless.
Toothless is Hiccup’s best friend, who will do anything to protect him no matter the costs. He’s sassy, intelligent, curious, loyal, protective and playful.
Now take all of this, and throw it in the trash because this isn’t the toothless you’re going to see in THW. In THW Toothless’ playfulness is shot to the max, making him more like a slobbery puppy than the lethal panther he was in HTTYD1.
Toothless isn’t protective of Hiccup at all, his intelligence is below hell itself and we don’t see a lick of sass. Httyd3 Toothless is physically incapable of looking scary because his face has been deformed to to look blocky and smushed together. He lacks any aerodynamics and we can even see it in his flying. He looks like he’s struggling.
Toothless and Hiccup’s friendship is so watered down in this movie, just for the sake of romance. That’s not how it should be. Romance and friendship go hand in hand, one is not more valuable than the other.
Astrid is nothing but Hiccup’s emotional support, yet she also puts him down. “you gave him [Toothless] his freedom, what were you expecting?” This implies that the dragons are being held captive and Toothless doesn’t want to be with Hiccup.
Which he does, as we see in GOTNF. Toothless only left to get Hiccup’s helmet, then he broke the auto-tail. But why would Astrid even say that? Thats so insensitive 😭.
The twins are dumbed down (despite proving to actually being intelligent), Snotlout is flirting with a woman who’s 20 years older than him (and might be his aunt, depending if you see Hiccup and Snotlout as cousins) and Valka outright tells Hiccup that they can’t hide away from the world.
Which is true, they can’t. Because eventually they will be found. Now remember this, it’ll come back later.
Now, when writing a story it’s important to move the plot along in a way that doesn’t seemed forced. When I think of this, I think of Trollhunters: tales of Arcadia.
The protagonist (Jim) goes into the villain’s home in order to rescue his friend’s baby brother, yet he gets trapped there. His friends have to get him out of there, which allows the villain to be freed from the Darklands. This happening allows the story to move forward in a way that makes sense and isn’t forced.
Now back to HTTYD3. Let’s look at the scene where Toothless and the LF get captured. The Light Fury smells grimmel, she calls to toothless, runs towards Grimmel and gets shot.
Toothless runs over (ignoring Hiccup’s warnings) approaches Grimmel, takes forever loading a plasma blast while sloooowly walking towards Grimmel, allowing the man to shoot him and make him go night-night.
Hiccup runs over, also taking forever. And the next time we see grimmel he’s already tied up two dragons (BY HIMSELF) in these complicated straight jackets. The other dragons come around (finally) ready to attack, yet Grimmel threatens the light fury and tells Toothless to call of the dragons.
“But isn’t Toothless asleep?” I hear you ask, and to that I respond with “no, he’s not. He miraculously woke up in time to call the dragons off, despite the light fury still being knocked out cold.”
The dragons are called off and grimmel leaves on his quad-copter. The dragons follow them, even though Grimmel didn’t tell toothless to make them follow.
Do you see how forced this is? There’s many more forced plot points, but we’ll be here forever talking about it and this post is long enough already.
Next up on the broken rule list, Dean let the antagonist win. Now it’s okay for an antagonist to win, but never in the third act.
Grimmel’s ultimate goal was for dragons to disappear. Dean himself says “he does not want a world in which dragons roam free.” And what do we see at the end of HTTYD3?
The dragons disappearing into the Hidden World forever. Exactly what Grimmel wanted.
Finally, the last rule Dean broke is having a consistent plot. Now the plot of each movie is a bit different. Httyd1: Hiccup shows Vikings that while dangerous, dragons aren’t monsters. And it’s better to work together than working apart.
Httyd2: Dragons are being captured and enslaved, we need to save them and fight for our friends.
Httyd3: toothless needs to get a girlfriend. He HAS to, despite not ever showing to want one, but he’s horny right now so YES, he HAS to.
But the franchise has an overarching narrative about humans and dragons coming together. That no matter what, they will prevail because they’re working together.
Well in HTTYD3 yes, they prevail. But the dragons leave. Why, you may ask? Because no matter what they’ll always be bad humans so there’s no point fighting.
Hiccup sends the dragons to an underground glittery cave that doubles as a prison, and six years of friendship is thrown down the drain for a female Toothless met three days prior. Hiccup tells the audience that dragons will hide until humans learn how to get along (despite the many humans that already get along with them).
And that’s it. The end. No more.
“But wait!” I hear you ask, “Won’t the dragons eventually be found again?” And to that I say, “Oh, you remember!”
Because yes, the dragons will eventually be found out again. And because Hiccup gave up on fighting for change, these humans think dragons are dangerous monsters and will undoubtedly enslave/kill them.
We even see this with his own kids! Zephyr thought dragons were monsters and was ready to hurt them in order to “protect her family”. Humans of the future will no doubt act like this as well.
Humans and dragons will never learn to get along if they are never around each other. Change won’t just happen, you have to fight for it. Like the end of slavery, or the Women’s Rights Movement. Those things didn’t just happen, people had to fight for change and they had to keep fighting because if they gave up then nothing would change.
And when the dragons are inevitably found once again, it will be Hiccup’s fault when they’re either killed or enslaved.
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sezija · 1 year
Ok i think i’m actually going insane not talking abt this so fuck it
Dragonwalker Hiccup AU
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My fic of it, set during HTTYD1; basically just a prologue
Ramblings underneath (like, a lot. i’m warning you.)
So basically, Dragonwalkers are humans who, when they fall asleep, turn into dragons. Just go watch Wolfwalkers actually it’s a very good movie and the concept is very hard to put into words, i’ve found.
Anyway; thoughts. Many MANY of them. :)
Valka’s had her dragon form (a night fury) her whole life, and lived on an island w her family AND a family of Night Furies. (Night Furies live in family packs, w the parents leading/raising/teaching their children (they only have 1 egg at a time, and only lay up to 3 in their whole life) until they’re old enough to get their own mate and start their own pack. (When a Night Fury pair’s children all have left and started their own families, they will sometimes join their children’s packs since they can’t hunt and fight on their own that well as they get older.))
And bc thw sucks and Grimmel, a man who is still alive, somehow killing off an entire species of dragons is stupid, i’m using my sibling’s idea, which is that Grimmel’s family has been hunting Night Furies for generations. It’s a family tradition basically, tracking and killing them until none are left. (And every person in his family has been killed by Night Furies, further motivating them.)
So Valka’s family (dragon&dragonwalker) were all killed, and only she escaped, ending up on Berk. Fell in love w Stoick, tried to make the vikings stop killing the dragons, was taken by Cloudjumper, the usual. She reunites with Hiccup early, during RTTE, just bc i want them to kick dragon hunter ass together. The war w Drago happens later.
Also i’m completely discarding the whole “king of all dragons” thing, it doesn’t fit w how i want this world to feel. Also toothless sucked as Alpha, i dont want that. And what i’ve always liked abt the HTTYD dragons is that they’re animals. The whole “king of all dragons” kinda,,, ruins that. So that’s also gone now.
I’ve been having a lot of thoughts abt how dragon flocks/packs/pods work, and these are my current ideas;
A “Flock” is a group of dragons of different species, under the control/protection of an Alpha (the Red Death’s flock, (Valka’s) Bewilderbeast’s flock, that one flock of dragons in RTTE s2e8-9 “Edge of Disaster”)
A “Pack” is a group of dragons of the same species, under the control/protection of a leader/queen/etc. etc. (speed stingers, fire worms, terrible terrors, (night furies in this AU))
A “Pod” is the same as a Pack, except for Tidal-class dragons specifically (a pod of seashockers, scauldrons, etc.)
The whole franchise is very inconsistent abt this so i’m working w what i have ok
The “Great Beyond” was separated from Berk/Berserkers/etc. by a heavy wall of fog all around them. There were some spots you could cross, used by traders and such, but the rest of the world has stayed pretty separated from this one corner of the world that experiences Dragon Raids.
However, after the Red Death’s demise, the fog has been slowly dissipating, allowing more to cross over; this way, the riders taking hours and hours of exhausting flight to reach “the great beyond” AND Gobber somehow making his way to Dragon’s Edge on a small, rickety boat both make sense; the more time passes, the easier it is to cross.
A lot of the conflict in the series comes from the human characters not understanding why the dragons are doing something, so giving Hiccup the ability to communicate with them takes away a lot of it, which i’m not happy abt bc it means i need to come up w my own stuff >:( (communicating w the dragons is actually kinda difficult in human form, since his hearing isn’t good enough to hear a fair amount of their vocalizations, and his throat isn’t made for producing those sounds.)
Anyway, my thoughts have been specifically focused on one episode of RTTE, my favourite one since i first saw it, up there w Dire Straits and Enemy of my Enemy; s3e8 “Stryke Out”.
In this AU, hiccup is taken by dragon hunters in his dragon form, taken to a dragon fighting ring. He’s worth a lot to them, being a Night Fury (this is what the art at the top of the post is depicting). He’s caged up for a few weeks until the news of a Night Fury in the ring spread enough, and he has to start fighting. The Riders figure out where he is due to these rumours, and interrupt his fight with the Triple Stryke 3 days into him being forced to fight the other dragons, the same day Ryker came to collect his cut of the money again.
Anyway, that’s all i rly wanted to get out rn. Just. Obsessed. Hiccup becoming crueler and much less forgiving towards dragon hunters after this experience. He’s seen their cruelty many times before, but being caged and muzzled and forced to hurt other dragons if he wants to live, dependant on them for food, even for the capability to eat it, bc of the hook they put in his mouth, really just... changes him. God i love torturing my faves <3
He would take the Dragon Fliers&their Singetails so personally here.
anyway, art;
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(i forgot to add his chin scar in many of these oof)
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months
My question may be a bit ridiculous but I still want to ask based on your analysis,
In the HTTYD series, Hiccup was always called "Fishbone" because he was born prematurely, yes, he was like that in the first movie and he couldn't even lift a bucket of water, but in the next movies, the armor he wore was mostly made of iron pieces. In order to prevent hard falls and to soften the blows, the thickness of the iron should be thicker than normal, right? Technically, it would probably be like that. Okay, back to the question, damn.. I forgot the question I was going to ask. Okay wait, it takes physical effort to lift that much weight, but when we examined his costume, and even in the first scene of the movie, during the secret attack, we saw a soldier say to Hiccup "People don't have such fishbone legs!" (That's how it was in my language, I can't remember the English version, excuse me.) So.. is this physically possible???
To be honest, it's a question that has been on my mind for days before going to bed and has been keeping me awake for ridiculous reasons..
Not ridiculous at all! It's a great question!
I did a little research just to be sure, but it is entirely possible to be lean and strong, it does have to do with how you exercise though. It's like with gymnasts, they are incredibly strong, but also can be on the leaner side.
I also had to scroll back a bit on my blog to reference this post that also talks about Hiccup's strength.
I don't think it's ever explicitly stated when he started working in the forge with Gobber, but smithing does take a considerable amount of muscle, not to mention just holding on to Toothless while he flies. Using his flight suit as well must use a good amount of strength. Now, based on how quickly he made Toothless' tail, I'm guessing he had been in the forge a couple years at least. There are headcanons that he was sick a lot growing up, and that could also explain why he's so small for his age and not as strong in the first movie as he is a few years later in Race to the Edge and the other two films.
I like the fishbone callback! In English, I believe the line was "No human has legs that skinny!"
Do animated films play a little with the laws of physics? Definitely!
But, we do see many instances proving that Hiccup is stronger than he looks. I'll just name a few off the top of my head:
• Knocking Dagur off a cliff
• Knocking Toothless off a cliff
• Stopping a man twice his size wielding an axe with rope that Hiccup is holding taught (I literally had to rewind and make sure I had seen that right, but it's true! He does)
• Catching and carrying Astrid when she was dead weight easily
These examples are all from Race to the Edge, I'm sure there are some from the movies, but those are just what came to mind first.
And you're right, his armor definitely isn't light. Based on the color, it's probably not Gronckle iron since it has a specific coloring and a distinct pattern (though that would make more sense for his armor, as it's known to be lightweight and incredibly strong). The pieces do look thick, at least a 1/4-1/2 inch maybe (at least the shoulder pieces, but don't quote me on that), and wearing it as much as he does is bound to build up muscle.
It does appear that Hiccup takes more after Valka physically, and she is lean and definitely muscular as well. I'm no expert, but the fluidity in which she moves using her staff and while standing on Cloudjumper proves that she's strong while staying on the thinner side.
Since Hiccup is often underestimated due to his size and age, I like that this is another area where he takes people by surprise.
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ronyway · 9 months
Hiccup can awaken dragons out of control effects.
For examples:
1) Cloudjumper came into his house when he was a baby during a raid. The raid in which he was most likely controlled by the Red Death, but when Valka came into the room, Cloudjumper was tame and only scratched Hiccup because he was curious about the other human and in a tiny space.
2) He tamed Toothless after he shot him down, after which Toothless didn't follow the Red Death's orders. Because he had Hiccup around him. And working together they killed the Red Death.
3) When he was under the Alpha's control in the 2 movies he was away from Hiccup and under the direct effect of the Alpha's control but when Hiccup touched him he broke out of the control.
In scenarios 2 and 3, other dragons didn't come to help the ones with the control ability by easily shooting him. Why? Because Hiccup was there and somewhat cancelled out the control ability.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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enderfenderdragon · 6 months
just more thoughts-
hiccup x reader who is part night fury?
like the reader has toothless's wings, ear and tail... but with the human body as the rest.
i dont know.
just thought about how he would react about you and how he would react when he or you/reader stumbled into him.
maybe in the woods and your cautious about anyone but cloudjumper and toothless?
maybe the reader is friends with the light fury? just for more plot?
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hiccup is sixteen when he flees berk. he's been hiding toothless for months with increasing desperation and finally accepted that it simply isn't possible to keep this up. already, astrid almost stumbled across them and only the flimsy excuse of secret practicing has managed to placate her enough not to question, but not stopped her suspicion. when toothless is discovered he will be killed. and toothless would defend himself - and maybe hiccup if the other's would deem him a traitor - and probably take a bunch of vikings down with him. they both know that. they both don't want that. in addition to the ever growing danger, toothless has gotten restless. he seeks to fly more again and to live in freedom and peace. it's only hiccup's nostalgia that has held them here. it doesn't survive seeing his peers kill dragons, while the other vikings cheer them on. the only reason hiccup hadn't had to also kill one was because he realized the danger his sudden improvement held for toothless and pulled back to dead last and they were one dragon short. he wants neither dragons nor vikings dead and that is what will happen when he and toothless stay. so they leave. in the middle of the night they take to the sky and don't look back. * stoick is fourty-five the night the sky wakes up in flames. it's miles and miles away from berk but something horribile is happening out there. he thinks it might be the gods reconing, a new ragnarok. orange fills the sky long before the sun rises and then there is suddenly darkness once again. everyone in the village is on high alert but the night stays calm after that. as soon as the sun has risen and the boats manned he sets of to find out what happened. hiccup doesn't see him of but maybe stoick just didn't find him in the chaos. it's only after his return to berk three weeks later, knowledge of the giantic dragon corpse heavy on his mind, that he learns that hiccup has vanished. * valka is thirty-eight when cloudjumper, caught in a travel mood, finds another nest. so many dragon species all living together is something she never saw in nature, where there wasn't a bewilderbeast to shield them. then she sees the human. her first attempt to kill him fails because he cowardly hides behind the nightfury. how dare he. how dare he shield himself behind a dragon when humans have killed thousands of them. but then the other dragons also come to his defence and after cloudjumper throws him off of the nightfury he flies on his own.
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shootingstardraw · 2 years
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Human Cloudjumper
Or Claude J. Perk. My man
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deer-motif · 2 years
I’ve seen a handful of alternate universes where Hiccup gets taken that night with Valka, but what if Hiccup gets taken instead of Valka? like I have a lot of ideas and I need to get them out of my brain
1) For the first movie, instead concepts of feeling like an outcast to your own people and parental issues, it’s going to focus a lot more on the affects of grief/how to move on without pushing it down and marital issues (stoick and valka love each other dearly but you can’t tell me they wouldn’t have issues; dw they work through them because of the first thing).
2) Hiccup, instead of being taken by Cloudjumper, gets taken by a night fury. This sets up Valka’s motive for shooting down a night fury, as she narratively takes Hiccup’s place. Overall she still believes in the idea of peace with dragons (or at least claims such), but she’s dead set on taking down the local night fury because she believes it’s the same one that took her son. When she realizes that it’s Toothless, a very obviously juvenile dragon, she just. can’t take it any more. all that anger she held just fizzles out. “I did this. You aren’t the dragon that took my son.”
3) Everyone else in the original dragon riders group has now gained a crazy dragon lady aunt ! Astrid + Valka’s bond means a lot to me, especially because in that one comic there’s a flashback where Stoick mentions that they’ve always wanted a daughter. iirc we don’t really see Astrid’s parents much? if at all? arguably you could say this about the rest of them but Astrid is obviously a more prominent character in the first movie so I think Astrid forming a strong bond with another female warrior, especially an adult figure to look up to and rely on, would be nice (I know there’s technically Heather later down the line but she’s not really a permanent fixture in Astrid’s life in regards to canon).
5) also since Hiccup wasn’t in Berk this means we get Astrid as a chieftess by the end of HTTYD 2. also there’s a budding romance between Hiccup and Astrid by the end of the second movie but nothing comes of it (yet) because THW isn’t real and I haven’t thought up my own third movie yet
6) HICCUP’S CHARACTER DESIGN IS. LIVING IN MY HEAD. sorry I just think it would be. really cool ! also he would behave so much like a dragon because he was literally raised by dragons. he learns to speak common tongue from observing other humans/mostly traders and eventually his allies (such as the Wingmaidens) but he doesn’t really spend much time with humans overall so he’s much more accustomed to communicating with dragons so he himself is very dragon-like.
7) Unfortunately the night fury that takes Hiccup is not seen again after going out one night :( This is where Cloudjumper comes in and takes care of Hiccup as his own, like the night fury once did. Hiccup was young when the night fury disappeared, so he doesn’t remember much of her, but is amazed when he first meets Toothless. the two get along like a house on fire :D
8) also Valka and Toothless’s relationship >>> she realizes that she’s lost her way and she is perpetuating the cycle of violence and hatred onto a new generation and is refusing to continue it. Toothless is pretty much the same as he is in the original movie, but I guess you could say his actions are seen much more through a childlike lens? since Valka is significantly older than him. I personally believe that Toothless never grew up with his parents because while he obviously has amazing prowess as a dragon, there seems to be abilities that he never had access to previously that I feel he would have if he had grown up with another night fury in his life. so he kind of imprints a little on Valka’s motherly nature. but these two are literally besties :( inseparable family. eventually Stoick joins in too and they’re just. it’s like that one meme: “ah yes: me, my wife, and her two ton dragon.” I love them.
9) also you know that little intro Hiccup makes for Stoick at the beginning of HTTYD 1? it’s altered a little bit because this is through Valka’s narration. not badly, but a little funnier. like so: “They say that when he was a baby he popped a dragon's head clean off of its shoulders. Do I believe it? Absolutely not.”
10) I’m just saying shit and not really getting out any of the main points but i just. have a lot of Thoughts ! ask me about them!!
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10blue10 · 2 years
How Dare You?!
(Toothcup week ‘HTTYD3 AU’)
Toothless could smell something. It was oddly enticing, which was annoying, because he was perfectly comfortable right here with Hiccup. Watching his adorable, beloved, clever human play with bits of prey-skin and a charred stick. Listening to his voice eagerly chattering to about something called ‘the hidden world’, whatever that was. It sounded like a hatchling’s story time.
At last the urge to follow that odd smell became too strong. Toothless still didn’t want to leave Hiccup, so he nudged his human until Hiccup asked “what is it, bud?” He jumped around urgently. “You wanna go flying?” Hiccup got to his feet at last, and Toothless immediately scooped him up. “Whoa! Okay!”
Whatever was making the weird scent, it was coming from the woods of Berk. Toothless landed not far away and made Hiccup dismount, so he could approach with caution. Of course Hiccup tried to follow him. Toothless growled softly until his human got the idea and stayed put. Then he slunk forwards.
When he emerged into the fern-filled clearing, it was to see something very odd. A pure white dragon that looked like him. Well, a Night Fury, anyway. Only something was off - and not just the colour. This dragon was smooth, barely any scales at all, and there was a very strong female scent coming off of them.  
He hadn’t smelled a female-scent that strong before, and wrinkled his snout up. The female looked over her shoulder at him and purred. ‘Hello, alpha.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘Who and what are you?’
‘I’m just a lonely, lost drakaina in need of protection,’ she replied, slinking towards him. ‘As for my name, you can call me whatever you like, alpha…’
This close, her scent was overpowering. It made him sneeze. She recoiled. ‘Sorry. Please don’t stand so close… you smell kind of weird. No offence.’
The white dragon pouted at him. ‘Don’t you like it? This is my natural scent.’ She fluttered her wings to waft it at him. ‘It’s stronger than normal because… well, I don’t have to tell a strong male like you what time of year it is, do I?’
‘It’s summer.’
She purred. ‘No, silly. It’s mating season for us Furies. Just so you know, if you’ve been getting any urges, I am available.’ She stretched luxuriously.
‘No thanks. I almost forgot. Welcome to Berk. Help yourself to fish, don’t set stuff on fire, and no matter how annoying some of them are, don’t hurt the’-
‘Human!’ she snarled. It looked like when Hiccup scrunched his pillow up. She reared up and fired a blast over his shoulder at - his human, who hadn’t stayed put after all. Toothless leapt in the way and took the blast on his wing.
‘HOW DARE YOU!’ he roared at her. ‘I just told you not to hurt the humans!’
‘It was sneaking up on us!’ she protested, trying to get past. ‘It’s a threat!’
Toothless growled. ‘No, he isn’t. The humans here don’t hurt dragons. The one you nearly killed is my human. My best and dearest friend. Understand?’
She stared at him in disbelief. ‘Humans are dangerous! Quick, we must go!’ With that, she leapt into the air and flew away. Toothless blinked. Then he turned to check on Hiccup. “Woah. Did you see that? It was like a Bright…”
“A Light Fury!” Astrid exclaimed breathlessly. When did she get there?
“Yeah, yours is better, probably. Whoa, bud. What’s wrong?” Hiccup asked when Toothless nuzzled him. “I’m fine. Thanks for the save. Sorry for scaring off your new friend.” Toothless snorted. He wasn’t friends with that female.
A few days later, Toothless and Hiccup were flying off in search of this so called ‘hidden world’. They were accompanied by Astrid and Stormfly, Valka and Cloudjumper, and the rest of their friends. As they were gliding beneath the clouds, Astrid suddenly exclaimed “up there!” and pointed above them.
Toothless looked sharply, in case it was a threat. At first he didn’t see anything. Then a white silhouette that wasn’t a cloud soared past. That female was back. He caught a whiff of that overly strong scent of hers again and sneezed.
“She’s beautiful,” declared Astrid. Toothless wasn’t so sure. He thought she looked weirdly smooth. Why was she following them? As he watched, she flew through one of her own fireballs and disappeared. Toothless shrugged and kept flying. Then out of nowhere, he felt Hiccup get ripped off his shoulders.
His human yelled, and Toothless roared. He dived and easily swept Hiccup out of the air, then slowed to a hover and looked around for whoever had attacked them. The Light Fury reappeared not far away, looking confused. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked him. ‘I just saved you from that human on your back!’
Toothless snarled at her. ‘I need his help to fly, you idiot! And even if I didn’t, he’s my best friend. You could have killed him!’ She looked scared and fled.
“Man. She really doesn’t like me, does she?” remarked Hiccup.
‘I don’t like her either’ Toothless growled as she turned herself invisible again.
The hidden world turned out to not only be real, but beautiful. Toothless couldn’t wait to explore it further with Hiccup. On the way home they passed over an island and heard frightened roars coming from it. ‘Help me! Help me!’
Toothless recognised the Light Fury’s voice. “Did you hear that?!” asked Hiccup. Yes, he had, and now they were going to have to save her. Great. He flew down, followed by Stormfly. They found the Light Fury lying unconscious in front of some thick ferns and bushes that and no sign of her attacker.
Stormfly’s nostrils flared. ‘I can smell a bad human’ she snarled, and flicked a spine from her tail. It landed in the ferns and they heard a muffled cry of pain. Toothless promptly fired at the same spot despite Hiccup’s protest. When the smoke cleared, they could see a man with a crossbow dead on the ground.
The Light Fury jerked to her feet in alarm. Toothless and Stormfly landed behind her. She stared at the man’s body and exclaimed ‘you killed him!’
‘He was a threat! He was using you as bait to lure dragons in’ he told her.
She rounded on him and snarled. ‘You killed my human!’ Then she flinched, as if realising what she’d just said. Toothless’ eyes widened. ‘No, wait. I mean’-
‘You help him!” Toothless roared. ‘You were trying to help him kill me and Hiccup this whole time! HOW DARE YOU?!” Enraged, he leapt at and grappled with her. She shrieked and struggled, but she was weak compared to him, and he easily pinned her down. Then he began to charge another blast.
“STOP!” yelled Hiccup, running forwards. “Toothless, stop. Just let her go.”
Toothless hesitated. Hiccup would be upset if he killed her, and he didn’t want that. ‘I’ll spare you’ he growled at the Light Fury. ‘But if you try to hurt him again, I will kill you.’ Then he stepped back. She scrambled to her paws and fled once more, hopefully for good this time. Toothless snorted irritably.
“What was all that about?” asked Hiccup, reaching out to him cautiously. Toothless nuzzled his beloved human. In that moment he realised, even if the Light Fury hadn’t secretly been working with their enemy, he still wouldn’t have wanted to be her mate. All he really wanted was to stay and be with Hiccup.
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saturnniidae · 6 months
4, 7, and 14 for the Httyd ask game :0
4. What is your favourite type of dragon and why?
I can't narrow it down to one, but my top three are probably: Deathsongs, Stormcutters and the Boneknapper
Deathsongs because they remind me of rainwings from wings of fire (my first dragon media obsession) with the bright coloring and ear frills as well as the amber being vaguely reminiscent of the acid rainwings spit.
Stormcutters because I absolutely adore Cloudjumper. The way he moves (owl + dog like body language) is incredibly fun to watch and his design is gorgeous.
And the Boneknapper because I had an obsession with the special as a little kid as well as having a one in SoD, iirc. Also, the concept of a scavenger dragon coating itself in an armor of bones is badass.
7. Do you have any OCs? If so, talk about their appearance, backstories, and personalities.
No, unfortunately. I've not really been into OC making since middle school. Not sure what happened, but I kind of lost interest and shifted to focusing on pre-existing characters 😭 I'd like to make a Dragon Rider sona one day though if feel the inspiration to.
14. Which part of the franchise has your favourite animation style?
The first movie era, hands down. The rough, somewhat bleak (in the beginning, at least) gritteness of Berk's scenery, the textures and lighting, Toothless' original design (Cat-like, sleek, very clearly built for speed over raw strength, you can literally see the dust in between his scales) and the original designs for the all the dragons tbh, they feel more.. textured and wild (which I guess makes sense. Later, while they're still, very much wild animals they've become accustomed to being cared for. But still.)
And with the human characters as well!!! I love how much personality their designs have alone; Hiccup has crooked teeth and so many freckles, Astrid has really choppy, greasy looking bangs that she's always shoving out of her eyes, Snotlout's actually missing a tooth, and most of the kids have like, visible dirt on their skin and clothes.
I love how 'imperfect' the designs for all of them are!! And like of course they are!!! Like these kids were training to wage war against dragons! Of course they're gonna be grimey!! I dunno, I just feel like a lot of movies/shows aren't willing to have that level of perceived realism in their character designs. Httyd's cast feels so real to me despite how insanely stylized some of the characters are, and its an absolute shame they seemed to have lost that in the later installments.
(Hiccup's teeth magically get straighter, his freckles fade, Astrids skin is no longer ruddy, her hair looks like it's been shampooed or something, her freckles are completely gone and that's just the second movie. As it goes on the characters' designs and the world around them feels less full of life and more like shiny, plastic figurines. Especially Toothless.)
All the first movie era stuff has just a completely different feel to it that the rest if the franchise hasn't been able to replicate
Anyways, tysm for the ask! I had a lot of fun answering these!!!
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Touhou: Bad Apple (Avlönskt)
In der Dunkelheit, ganz umhüllt von tiefer Schwärze, tanzt die Apathie/Doch ich werde ihrem Schritt nicht folgen/Чи не видно те, що душа із кожним кроком/Тихо так моє серце залишає?/Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity/With nothing but my pain and the paralysing agony/¿A quién he de imitar o quién ser?/Pregunto a mi reflejo que me dice: “El espejo miente”
"First of all. The sheer fucking power of this man. He's studied so many languages to be able to sing in a combination of them almost completely fluently. If that isn't enough to fuck someone up already I don't know what will. Second: the musicality. The orchestral arrangement of Bad Apple (originally made by Cloudjumper) is already so incredible, but Avlönskt added in extra vocals in between verses and they're so beautiful and dramatic that now I cannot imagine the song without them. This is the perfect song to imagine a dramatic fight scene to for just about any character you could imagine, or just to marvel at the languages, or to feel the unity of all our human experiences coursing through our veins. Hell, Bad Apple is already such a huge social phenomenon, and getting to hear it in a mix of languages really adds to the feeling that we are touching something universal and transcendent, something beyond all of us that screams in every beating heart. Ugh. This song. I love it so much. I'm tearing up typing this. He even made another version in languages he doesn't know as well. What a fucking rockstar."
Iris (The Goo Goo Dolls)
And I'd give up forever to touch you/'Cause I know that you feel me somehow/You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be/And I don't want to go home right now/And I don't want the world to see me/'Cause I don't think that they'd understand/When everything's made to be broken/I just want you to know who I am
"It is a very bad thing that this song often plays in grocery stores and at the dentist's office, because it makes me cry. imagine walking around the world knowing that one of the songs that fucks you up could play in the goddamn dentist's office at any moment and there's nothing you can do about it. That in and of itself is something to be fucked up about. Also this song is gay. "And I'd give up forever to touch you /.../ you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be" there's a gay interpretation in there. Why isn't the narrator going to heaven? Why does he have to give up forever to touch his partner? Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay."
Poll Runner: The song ever. You'll be screaming your lungs raw. The lyrics mean so much.
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nova-lunar0 · 3 months
Here’s some lore of the ‘Parent Bellroc’ Au
Ok! So this Au is set waaaay before the events of ‘Wizards: Tales of Arcadia’ so this when Bellroc is not ready to wipe out humanity yet.
The Au starts, five years after Valka was taken by Cloudjumper. Stoick is busy with his chief duties like preparing the village for winter, stocking up food and dragon raids etc. So He leaves Hiccup in the house alone with Gobber (cause he knows if he leaves Hiccup for a second then might be some damage). Gobber does good job of watching him for a while… until one snowy day, he notices that Hiccup is gone and starts to panic. (You shouldn’t told him this stories Gobber!)
Meanwhile with Hiccup, he goes off looking for some trolls. He’s been wandering around the forest for hours until he sees this bright light and starts heading towards it, but that’s when he saw the most astonishing thing in his life. A person who was wielding in their hands.
Bellroc looks at the young boy, in disgusted and confused. They were just trying to burn down the forest so that the Vikings living here would leave so that the dragons wouldn’t have a problem getting food. But what they didn’t expect was to find a small little Viking reaching to touch them. They step away from him, but he still kept coming towards them. So they raise their staff and was about to stab the Viking, but when he touches them for first time. Something sparked…
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ashersmut · 2 years
Dragon Guardian Jack au
I was brought back into the world for a reason. My spirit followed the wind to the island of Berk where dragons saw and welcomed me as one of their own. 
Therefore, I will fight to protect them as long as I exist. 
Seven generations later, Hiccup is born. Jack watches Valka with her newborn from outside the Haddock home.
Gods…another one. He’s so small. I almost feel sorry for him.
Valka turns her head, as if she hears a voice. She looks directly at Jack, who stares back with disbelief. The winter spirit hides quickly, making an escape to the sky.
Thats…that's impossible. I've been invisible to mankind for centuries. That woman. Who is she? I need to speak with her face to face.
That night, Jack leads a dragon raid to have Valka captured. He brings her to the secret nest of the great Bewilderbeast. The winter spirit sits upon the Alpha dragon like a king, looking down upon his hostage with curiosity. 
You...I saw you earlier today. Who are you?
I think we have a lot to talk about. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea. 
The two of them sit down to talk, while drinking hot tea.
These creatures. I've never seen them up so close before, but this one (Cloudjumper) is gentle, intelligent, and beautiful. They all are. 
This woman's soul reflects my own. Perhaps that is why she can see me and others cannot.
You're different from the rest of them. 
I've always felt like an outsider on the island. I tried everything to stop the fighting, but it was impossible to reason with Stoick. I just wish the generations of bloodshed would come to an end.
For the first time, I felt like I made a mistake. I escalated the conflict between dragons and humans, and I need this woman's help to change history.
Do you wish to go back to Berk?
I don't know. I worry about my family…my son. But I do not miss the fighting. This home of yours is peaceful, and I wish to learn more about what you do. Would you care if I stayed for a little while?
You may stay for as long as you want.
Ten years later. Valka has decided to stay in the sanctuary. She and Jack work together to rescue dragons from hunters, and they take turns watching over the sanctuary when the other is gone. She still thinks of her family often, and she worries about her son. 
If you're thinking about your family, you're welcome to leave. 
It's been far too long. What would Stoick think? The person I am now, my ambitions…they conflict with the traditions of Berk. I'd be dead to them whether or not they already believe I am. 
Perhaps, but I have faith that one day, we can restore peace between dragons and mankind.
People are not so easily changed. You and I were born different.
Besides, I can’t afford to leave this nest. Not now. These creatures need me.
You have the heart of a mother and the soul of a dragon. That's why I've always admired you. 
I'm a terrible mother. I fear my son would resent me, knowing I've been away all this time.
I'm sorry, Valka. I should have never brought you here.
No. It was my decision to stay. I should thank you for your hospitality and the knowledge you've given me. 
And I'm glad to have you as an ally and a friend. If there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know.
There is one thing…
I may as well stay here for the rest of my life, and I'm content with that. But…if something were to happen to me, would you please watch over Hiccup?
Of course. I will make sure nothing happens to him.
An idea I had that's been sitting in my drafts for a while...something to give Hiccup and Jack some more history. I may or may not illustrate this at some point? I'm a pretty lousy writer so please excuse the strange writing format.
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