#human garbage blogging 2014
blazehedgehog · 8 months
Do you agree with Gaming Journalists and what do you think of gaming journalism in general?
What does this even mean, dude.
"Do you agree with gaming journalists"? On what?
Do I agree with Shacknews that Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a 10/10, and with Digital Spy that it's also a 7/10? Do I agree with Let's Clear Up Those Halo Battle Royale Rumors?
Like, I've gotten some bait on this blog before, but this is 2/10 stuff, man. This is some hot 2014 garbage. Like no matter what I say, you're gonna go all
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"Very interesting. Then do you care to explain why..." No thanks.
My real answer: Something I learned during my time at TSSZ and being around a few people who were deeper into "the biz" than I is that everybody needs journalism more than they realize. Corporations are pushing for consumers to become their personal cheerleaders more than ever before, which makes criticism and the journalistic exposing of information seem villainous.
After all: Xbox is my friend now, so how dare you attack the Xbox. Behavior that used to be reserved for the most dedicated fanboys is now the expected room temperature. I've talked about "The Cult of Naughty Dog" before, and that's the same thing. If a corporation can get you to be parasocial with them, then they have won, and being parasocial with a corporation means shunning real investigative journalism that would otherwise undo them. Journalists and critics used to be marketing tools, but by undoing the press pipeline and talking directly to fans, journalists and critics are painted as untrustworthy for being wildcards that don't always toe the company line.
And there has been more than a decade of people with a "I choose to be stupid and ignorant on purpose" outlook, which just makes that more frustrating. We've all seen screencaps where some brainless rando tries to explain something to a person who is an expert in that field. The rando thinks they're flexing their brain, but in some cases they are arguing with the person who literally wrote the book on their topic of conversation. Some people don't want to know anything but still pretend like they know everything, when there are real people out there doing real work to uncover real truths.
Misinformation is the real problem. It should not surprise anyone that there are people out there deliberately eroding the foundation of journalistic integrity, because the less people trust journalism, the easier it is to get away with lying. The easier it is to lie, the easier it is to control the mainstream, the easier it is to scam people out of their money, so on and so forth.
And misinformation is more than just "this one news article is fake." There are long running campaigns to install people into news organizations themselves to publish false information for all manner of different goals, but it's all the same: nobody trusts anyone and it's making everyone dumber.
That's when we get crypto currency. And NFTs. And now people claiming that generative AI will save humanity. Grift after grift after grift where the people at the top of the snake oil food chain make off with billions of dollars while the rest of the world is left scratching their heads.
The law isn't going to catch them. If they do, it'll take years. Look at how long it took for Sam Bankman-Fried to get caught -- he operated for almost half an entire decade. The amount of damage somebody can get away with in five years is significant.
We need journalism. Real journalism. Good journalism. Watchdogs that keep an eye on things and blow the whistle when it goes bad. Somebody to enforce accountability that isn't a cop.
Where do you find that? That's the hardest question. I'm lucky enough that I know people I trust because they are long time friends, or friends of friends, and thus they've been properly vetted in my circle as The Real Deal. But there are a lot of outlets out there who claim to champion "truth" and "intelligence" in a way to prey upon insecurity. I mean, c'mon, Trump's social media platform is called "Truth Social" and is basically the furthest thing from the truth you will ever get from anyone, ever.
The more obsessively they try to convince you they're telling the truth, the less likely it is they actually are. Which in itself could be an attack meant to undo the foundations of trust in people who actually know what they're talking about. By casting doubt on the very concept of truth itself, they can lie with increasingly greater efficiency.
Any advice I give feels like it is incredibly circumstantial. Which is the point, and is why we're in the state we're in.
Here's a good pdf by The News Literacy Project that's probably a good place to start. The general gist is "you'll have to do a lot of fact checking for yourself" but that's unfortunately where we're at these days.
But by and large I would say life is a lot harder for real journalists right now than I think some of their critics have ever thought about. There are people out there trying to do actual good work and being a bubble-brained moron about it just makes everything harder for everyone.
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Attacking machine learning training by re-ordering data
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We have increasingly outsourced our decision-making to machine learning models (“the algorithm”). The whole point of building recommendation, sorting, and “decision support” systems on ML is to undertake assessments at superhuman speed and scale, which means that the idea of a “human in the loop” who validates machine judgment is a mere figleaf, and it only gets worse from here.
There are real consequences to this. I mean, for starters, if you get killed by a US military drone, chances are the shot was called by a machine-learning model:
From policing to hiring to housing to lending, from social media promotion to what song you hear next on a streaming service, ML models supplant human judgment, backed by the promise of unbiased, mathematical choices. Humans may be racist, but algorithms can’t be, right?
Wrong. I mean, super wrong. The problem isn’t merely that using biased data to train an algorithm automates the bias and repeats it at scale. The problem is also that machine-learning is a form of “empiricism-washing.” A police chief who orders officers to throw any Black person they see up against a wall and go through their pockets would be embroiled in a racism scandal. But if the chief buys a predictive policing tool that gives the same directive, it’s just math, and “math doesn’t lie”:
Thus far, algorithmic fairness audits have focused on training data. Garbage In, Garbage Out: biased training produces a biased model.
But a burgeoning research field based on adversarial attacks on training data shows that we need to go beyond checking training data for bias. In April, a team from MIT, Berkeley, and IAS published a paper on inserting undetectable backdoors into machine learning models by subtly poisoning the training data:
The attack calls into question whether it’s possible to verify that an algorithm whose training you outsource to a third party can ever be validated. The bank that hires a company to ingest its lending data and produce a risk model can’t prove that the model is sound. It may be that imperceptibly subtle changes to a lending application would cause it to be approved 100% of the time.
In part, the fiendish intractability of this attack stems from the difficulty of validating a random number generator. This is a famously hard problem. It the subject of Godel’s life-work, and it was how the NSA compromised an encryption standard:
Now, “Manipulating SGD with Data Ordering Attacks,” a paper from researchers at the University of Toronto, Cambridge, and the University of Edinburgh shows that validating a model is even harder than it we thought:
In a summary of the paper on Cambridge’s security research blog, the researchers explain that even if you start with unbiased — that is, broadly representative — data, the order in which you present that data to a machine-learning model can induce bias:
That’s because ML models are susceptible to “initialization bias” — whatever data they see first has a profound impact on the overall weighting of subsequent data. Here’s an example from the researchers’ blog:
[A]ssemble a set of financial data that was representative of the whole population, but start the model’s training on ten rich men and ten poor women drawn from that set — then let initialisation bias do the rest of the work.
As they say, the bias doesn’t have to be this obvious: subtle nonrandomness in the data ordering can poison the model. And as we’ve seen, validating random-number generators is really hard. That opens up the twin possibilities of malicious model-poisoning to introduce bias, and of inadvertent bias in a model because of bias — not in the data, but in the data-order.
This suggests that auditing a model for bias is much harder than we thought. Not only must you confirm that a model is free from bias, but also free from biased ordering. This is not something that regulators have really come to grips with — for example, the EU’s AI’s regs contemplate examining data, but not data-order:
Even if we do decide to include data-order in AI audits, how can we validate the order after the fact? There are ways to look at a piece of data and figure out whether it was used to train a model — but as far as I know, there’s no way to start with a model and work backwards to find out its training order.
That means that if a regulator suspects that a model was deliberately tampered with, they will likely have to take the prime suspect’s word for it when seeking to determine what the training-data’s order.
Image: JonRichfield (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_throw_of_two_dice_as_in_the_game_of_hazard_IMG_1705s.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A pair of six-sided dice whose pips have been replaced with the menacing red glowing eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. They are on a background of falling binary rain from the Matrix movies.]
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elisacassiani · 2 years
More clothes, more problems
Hi there! My name is Elisa and I am a college student in San Diego, California. I am passionate about clothes, beauty, and fashion, but I am also a firm advocate for sustainable living. Unfortunately, these two often clash, especially when you're a broke college student. My goal for this blog is to start a conversation about the damages caused by the fashion industry, and offer advice on how to live sustainably while still looking your best.
This first post will serve as an introduction to the issue as I feel like many people are not aware of just how harmful the fashion industry is. Here are some facts on the issue from Geneva Environment Network:
The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of humanity’s carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined (UNEP, 2018). If the fashion sector continues on its current trajectory, that share of the carbon budget could jump to 26% by 2050 (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017).
The equivalent of one garbage truck full of clothes is burned or dumped in a landfill every second (UNEP, 2018).
Approximately 60% of all materials used by the fashion industry are made from plastic (UNEP, 2019)
500,000 tons of microfibres are released into the ocean each year from washing clothes — the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017)
Much of this is due to the rise of fast fashion. Brands like Shein, H&M, and Mango encourage consumerism by selling incredibly cheap clothing at the cost of the planet. The low prices entice customers to buy more clothing more often, and the subpar quality causes them to get rid of more clothing more often. In fact, “the average consumer bought 60 percent more clothes in 2014 than in 2000, but kept each garment for half as long” (UNEP, 2019). Fast fashion, social media, and consumerist culture allow trends to change at the speed of light, while pressuring the public to keep up with them. Our society has been caught in this never ending desire to have the “new best thing”. This is especially true for the younger generations who have grown up under the heavy influence of social media. I am a prime example. Though I have grown up surrounded by sustainability advocacy, I was not aware of the damages caused by this industry until later in life. And even now, I struggle to balance my love for clothes and my desire to live a more sustainable lifestyle. However, I hope that through this blog, I will encourage myself and others to adopt (even if just a few) more planet friendly habits, and hopefully make a small difference in the world.
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masteroftheblade · 3 years
What are your favorite and least favorite animes? Why do you like/dislike them?
oh god here we go lmao 🤠👍 prepare for an entire novel as always lol
my favorite animes atm are Naruto, Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, and Claymore. Overall, my favorite genre of anime is shonen (and in case you dont know what that is, its basically shows that are marketed to young boys. it'll have shit like superpowers and poorly written female characters). My least favorite genre is Shoujo (marketed at young girls). I honestly don't hate the entire genre, I just hate how much romance is in there since im pretty romance-repulsed. If there were more Shoujo series like Claymore, I'd probably be in love w/ it. I'll start talking about these shows individually, starting w/ Naruto.
1. Naruto.
Honestly, the only reason I started watching Naruto was because my friends peer pressured me into doing it, and it actually differed from what I expected it to be story-wise. The beginning of the show started off amazing; it had excellent world building, magic systems, interesting characters, and it attempted to address how messed up the whole shinobi system is. But then Naruto got on the front page of Shonen Jump, and everything went down from there. It started to focus more on cool fight scenes than the actual plot. I wont get too much into that, because you can literally find entire blogs dedicated to dissecting that, but Naruto killed itself w/ its own popularity. That said, I love the characters and world building and I can look past most of its flaws anyway.
Would I recommend reading/watching it? Yes, but only to say you did it for bragging rights. Don't go into watching Naruto if you want deep looks into imperialism and militarized governments, because you will get the complete opposite of that :P Also the best way to watch it is to watch it with friends.
2. Dragon Ball.
I only started watching DB about a month ago, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I think its a garbage series. The fight scenes have little to no weight to them, because no matter what, the protagonist of that episode will always succeed in some way. For example, when Goku (a 12 y/o boy) was fighting Giran (a 10ft tall godzilla man) and was getting his ass beat until Goku just... randomly grows back his tail that was cut off earlier and wins. We are never told why he grew back his tail, and i think he only gets it back so he can have a cool fight scene in a later episode. Goku can literally be battling genocidal gods and he will still always win. The show also goes out of its way to sexualize/show a female character being harrassed. Every. Fucking. Episode.
That said, it is a fun show, and I really enjoy watching it. Like Naruto, I really love the characters and the world they are in, I just hate the way it was handled, and its painfully obvious that DB was made by a bunch of old men in the 80s. Unlike Naruto, however, I really appreciate how simple it is. It doesn't force a narrative about space genocide or whatever being bad, and I'm very thankful because that kind of narrative would be absolutely botched in this kind of series. It's also nice to have a show that doesn't take itself too seriously. Shows like AOT are amazing and important, but those shows can be overwhelming with their heavy subject matter. I would only recommend watching DB if you want to see some really good art/character design. Don't take the show seriously, and you'll have a good time.
3.Attack On Titan.
This anime was actually the first I've ever seen! I saw the very first episode when it aired in 2014, so I'm definetely biased in that regard, but I still try to look at this show in the most objective way I can. This show does almost everything right. The pacing, the characters, the art, the plot, you name it. It takes a concept that looks silly on paper and turns it into this grueling story about war, politics, and the trauma of being a soldier. It never treats it's characters like they're only one-dimensional, or like they are there just for one purpose only. These characters feel human in a way Naruto and Dragon Ball could never be. But there is one thing that has me concerned about this show, and its about the weirdly anti-Semitic undertones it has.
You probably heard the controversy already, but it really effected the way people on the outside of the fandom view the series. The show is heavily inspired by European culture, specifically that of Germany, and there are an ethnic group of people called The Eldians in the show that are pretty anti-Semitic in this kind of setting. The Eldian people have the capability of turning into Titans, and the Titans are what divided the world and killed millions. As a result, another group of people started doing the shit the Nazis did to Jewish people, basically making the Eldians into this weird allegory for the holocaust??? Which was kind of a shock to me when I first realized that was the angle they were going for. I genuinely did not expect that considering what the series started off as. The foreshadowing is there and all, I just didn't think they'd use real-world events as inspiration.
Now, this actually has the complete opposite problem Naruto and DB had. Naruto and DB had amazing ideas and concepts that went to shit, AOT's whole holocaust narrative was trash from the beginning.
The show could have easily had a different kind of social/political commentary without even going near the holocaust narrative. It comes off as kind of a half assed idea that people put way too much effort in, so it's kind of in this weird grey-area between "modern anime masterpiece" and "what the fuck were they trying to get across with this show?". If you asked me what the moral of the show was, I wouldn't be able to tell you.
Now, because of the fact that the Eldians can literally turn into man-eating beasts, this makes the comparison of Jewish people and Eldians very racist, and it doesn't help that Japan is still full of legitimate Nazis, making the whole situation look even worse. Since I am not Jewish, I wont speak for other Jewish people. There is a very heated debate on whether the show is racist, and frankly I don't think it's within my right to say if it is or isn't. What I will say, is that I really loved the show and appreciated the social commentary it provided, and I think a lot of people would benefit from watching it, but I think it's also important to listen to Jewish people's views on the show. For this reason, I specifically avoid reblogging AOT stuff, but I do love that show and I wont hate on people who do reblog stuff from it. It's definitely not a light watch, but it does provide a lot of thinking material.
4. Claymore.
This. Show. Was. Amazing. But. Underrated.
First off, this is a shonen show that is led by a majority female cast and a female protagonist, and all of those women are badass swordwielding lesbians and I love it. Second, the art style is beautiful. Third, the story is really interesting from so many angles, so much so I am not even going to mention what its about because you dont need to know, you just need to watch it and see what happens. The first season was an absoloute ride of a show, and if you love shows like AOT or Berserk, you'll love Claymore. Honestly, this show was what AOT should have tried to be. It also has its fair share of militarized imperialist commentary, but this is the only show on this list that actually fucking critiques imperialist ideals and has a main character that actively refuses to participate in that kind of oppressive system, choosing to fight it all together.
But the show got fucking cancelled right before the first arc even finished. You can thank shows like Naruto for that 🙃🙃🙃
10/10 Would reccomend, but just be prepared to be left on a major cliffhanger. You can try reading the manga, but it's kind of hard to follow since all of the warrior girls look the same.
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niamhuncensored · 4 years
I've seen a couple of posts urging people to check blogs on posts before reblogging them and i want to say, as someone who does that a lot, uhh....NO ONE SHOULD FEEL REQUIRED TO DO THIS?????
reasoning below the cut. tw for mentions of self harm. nothing specific but the phrase does come up.
TL;DR: running background checks on blogs is labor-intensive, upsetting and possibly triggering, and will suffer from the same problems tumblr has always had rrt discourse and cancelling
for one thing, running a background check is not a "10 second check" kind of thing. I've spent a long time checking blogs, before, mostly for transphobic and aphobic sentiments. it is not easy, for a number of reasons:
people can turn off blog searching, so even if you type in the exact text of a post, it won't come up
even if their search is on, tumblr notoriously has a shitty search function.
even if search is working fine, they might be posting/reblogging screenshots, which won't come up unless they've been described
they might very rarely post about the things you're looking for
they might post a lot of translated quotes, so God help you if you're searching for "trans" on their blog. same with Ace Attorney fans.
the blog search function includes people's urls, so people with the phrase of your choice in their url will also clutter your search.
so unless the person in question has [garbage person of your choice] in their title, bio, or about, you're not in and out in 10-30 seconds. Your options are to run a half-assed check and potentially miss something, or to hunker down for several straight minutes of lurking. Hope you're not uncomfortable with that, and that you'll remember what you're even doing in the first place.
second off, it can be deeply upsetting! it's a risk you take when you check blogs that you'll find the content you're looking for, but that doesn't make it hurt less to find it. No one should feel obligated to seek out content that might harm them, even emotionally. Obligating people to do this will result in people getting hurt, and possibly continuing to scroll through said content in an act of self harm.
Third, if you're looking for a lack of content, you're going to turn up a lot of false positives, leaving you nothing to reblog and a shit ton of wasted time
One post in particular encouraged people to keep an eye out for crypto-terfs. while this is a good, well meaning post, one thing it mentioned was that, if a blog did not return anything related to trans people when you searched, it was likely a crypto-terf blog.
below are some other reasons you can't find anything about trans people on their blog:
the blog has a consistent focus that is not queer-related
they have searching turned off
they have deleted all of their relevant posts, for any number of reasons
they posted screenshots that weren't described
the search function is fucking up
any of those reasons could explain why you're not finding trans issues in their blog, without them necessarily being a secret terf.
There is no set boundaries delineating "problematic" content
if a tumblr user posts something problematic in 2017, are they cancelled now? people have talked before about how harmful it is to have old posts dragged up and used against you.
this is more of a tumblr cancel culture issue in general and not specifically only an issue because of background checks, but it does come up quite often. if you run a check and find shitty posts from 2014, do they still matter? what if they're the most recent posts on the subject? does that change your answer?
and what kind of content is problematic? off color jokes? "X is valid but they are not LGBT" posts? just reblogging unrelated content from shitty people? If your answer is "yes to everything," then i hope you haven't made a "gaslight gatekeep girlboss" joke recently.
additional, non-paragraph-worthy reasons/rebuttals
just use shinigami eyes! most people are using their phones anyway, and not all transphobes are flagged yet. and there's not a shinigami eyes for every issue you could choose.
no one asked you to do full checks, just to read their fucking bios. again, just the bio is not effective. most people, crypto-blogs especially, won't say "i'm a garbage human" in their bio. that's kind of the whole point of crypto-blogs.
background checks generally just take too goddamn long sorry not sorry but you can't do a thorough check in 10 seconds unless the user is a fucking idiot or the stars align
people use this site for fun y'know
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castielsgrace · 4 years
on the subject of ryan haywood.
i haven’t been an active part of the rtah fandom since around 2016, and i haven’t really watched their content in the last few years. but as someone who’s blog was once dedicated to the fandom, who once wrote fanfiction featuring ryan (which now makes me physically sick), and who was 100% a ryan stan, i feel the need to address the recent events. 
under a read more for those who don’t care, or who are not in a place that they are able to read about this right now. tw for mentions of sexual coercion and grooming.
the internet is a breeding ground for predators. it’s a platform that allows its users to put forward whatever version of themselves they want, and that makes it dangerous. 
we want to trust the people that we see on screens because we think we know them. we spend hundreds of hours (especially when it comes to rtah) watching their content, and it’s easy to become disillusioned to believe that means we know what they’re like irl. it doesn’t. 
ryan haywood abused his Good Guy/Dorky Dad persona to manipulate emotionally vulnerable fans into sexual situations, some of whom were minors. he used the fact that many of us trusted him to have good intentions to get people into situations they otherwise may not have been comfortable with. and that’s fucking disguising. 
i was one of the people who loved the fuck out of him when i was actively involved in the fandom, which you can very easily see if you go far enough back on my tumblr. him and ray were my favourite members by far, and when i went to rtx back in 2014 they were the two i wanted to meet most (i met neither  l o l). i spent hours watching ryan’s streams and finding comfort in them as a college freshman alone in my dorm in a different country and with no friends. i felt comforted by his content.
now i feel fucking sick to my stomach at the thought of him. 
the truth of the matter is this sort of thing happens way too often. conventionally attractive men with internet followings of predominantly young girls are using their platforms to take advantage of people they think won’t have the guts to say anything about it. we saw it ten years ago with the Great British YouTuber Scandal (tom milsom, alex day, eggplant), and I don’t doubt we will see it again. 
it’s so, so important to remember that these people that we watch and love and look up to are strangers. we don’t and won’t ever really know what they’re like when the cameras are off, but they groom their audiences to blindly trust them. that’s so fucked and i wish there was more that we could be doing about it, but i just... don’t really know what that would be. 
just remember to be careful when you’re interacting with influencers--especially those you publicly look up to. there is no reason they should ever ask you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. don’t let them abuse the platforms that we give them. 
and, most importantly: when a victim steps forward, FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM. it doesn’t matter if they’re talking about your ~~uwu cinnamon roll fav~~. victims should not have to choose between telling the truth and getting attacked by hundreds of angry fangirls or keeping quiet about the situations they are being placed in. be sympathetic. listen. acknowledge that you don’t really know the person that you’re idolizing. 
and finally to my rtah family, whether you watch their videos every day, or you’ve been out of the fandom for ages like me: i’m here for you. 
i know how shitty it feels to realize that someone you trusted has done something like this. your feelings of hurt are no less valid just because it’s an internet personality. a lot of us grew up watching these people when we were at our most vulnerable. their videos were there to cheer us up when we were at our lowest and i know that it fucking sucks to have those memories tainted by this. 
you were not wrong to love and support ryan. he had a very convincing persona that he put forth on the internet (bedtime stories at the end of his streams, anyone? laying it on a little thick maybe), and he had even those who do know him irl and see him every single day, fooled. he’s literal human garbage for what he did, but don’t let yourself feel bad for things that you couldn’t have known were happening.
take care of yourselves. and if anyone needs to talk, i will always be here. <3
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Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism by Kerth Barker
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We read this book so that you don’t have to. Upon discovering Satanism, one thing you might do, is browse Amazon in search of reading material. If, like many of our readers, you’re money savvy and like to hunt for deals, you may be tempted to find the cheapest satanic books. DON’T. This was one of the first to come up on the list. At only £5 for a physical copy, it looks like a bargain.  It is not. You will lose brain cells.
Please be aware that this book talks about child abuse, and so this review may be triggering for some.
Kerth Barker is a man who has written many fictional titles in which he depicts his own “Satanic abuse”, committed by various Satanists; most of which are apparently part of the illustrious Illuminati. They control everything in the world, want to see it destroyed, and yes, they all want to have sex with him. It is a classic example of Satanic Panic and is further proof that to this day, we still need to fight these unfathomable, despicable excuses of human beings who spread such codswallop. Spoiler alert. This guy (pictured below) is a con artist.
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The Satanic Panic was born in the United States in the early 1980's. Evolving mainly from rumours of Satanic Ritual Abuse (commonly referred to as SRA). Allegations involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. By the late 1990's this epidemic of paranoia had spread to many parts of the world.
The first written account of SRA, which was a major trigger for Satanic Panic, was Lawrence Pazder’s 1980 book Michelle Remembers. Much like Kerth Barkers book, it was written in the form of an autobiography of Michelle Smith. Told by Smith and her husband to her Psychiatrist, Pazder himself. It is easy to see where Barker gained his inspiration. Michelle Remembers has now been completely discredited, but not before major uproar and accusations stemmed from it. Triggering what was essentially a mass witch hunt.
Mike Warnke is another example of how the Conservative Christian right added fuel to the fire. After appearing on ABC'c show 20/20 in an episode titled "The Devil Worshippers" Mike Warnke was frequently cited as an expert on the occult. After all he claimed to be an ex high ranking member of a Satanic organisation. He was debunked in 1991.
We bring up Warnke’s ‘The Satan Seller’, as it has the most in common with this month’s book. More importantly it's author Kerth Barker.  The whole book reads like twisted fantasies of repressed sexuality and identity. And is dangerous in its accusations. He seems intent in ushering in a new age of Satanic Panic! In a failed attempt to seem like he isn’t trying to create unneeded panic, he states in his first chapter that he is not talking about all Satanists. He ‘acknowledges’ that there are some Satanists, who are not into cannibalism. It is almost like he is expecting there to be a #notallsatanists trend as we cry out in anger about how we are being misrepresented.
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After a warning that adorns one of the first pages, it's plain to see that this was not going to be a light read. Amy (who regrettably suggested this book), read the whole thing in one sitting, fueled by pure hatred. With Lynsey and Cato getting through it almost as quick, they found it to be equally as excruciating. It left Cato wondering what dark secrets the author is really trying to hide, and Lynsey feeling as though it had taken all of her white blood cells, which where then shat on. 
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Going down the list of chapters, it becomes clear fairly early on that Barker is either insane, or he is  taking the piss.
The first chapter starts off with Barkers need to announce that he is a Christian and that Satanists ruined his life. It escalates at a rapid pace from 0-100. Paedophilia, murder, cannibalism and ritualistic abuse, none of which are a laughing matter, spring out of nowhere.  Barker, in all his inability to convey himself maturely sees it as an opportunity to put himself as the centre of an entirely fictional world. According to his book, from a young age he was a candidate, who was primed to become ‘one of the greats’.
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The book is scattered with accounts of blood drinking, aliens, surgery and a resistance that communicates via discarded cigarette cartons and rubbish piles on the streets. Somehow Barker knows how to instantly interpret piles of garbage into something meaningful, which is more than we can say about his own work.
Barker often speaks of his enforced alter ego Kathy, and her special meetings. These ‘multiple personality disorders’ are still being used for fuel satanic panic today, and it is something that The Satanic Temple is working to fight against.
It is clear upon reading that this book is in fact less to do with actual satanism, and more to do with his lustful desires and need to be admired in a sinister sort of way. This comes in a range of forms, mostly being preyed on sexually, even talking of his own ejaculation and public sexual acts. Some of them are just laughable. At one point in the book, he tells of how the ‘Baron’ was walking up a set of stairs in front of him.
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Barker sure does have a wild imagination. It is a shame the same can not be said for his choice in character names; the ‘Baron’ and ‘Dark Mother’ being the most excruciatingly cliché.
The deeper you get in, the more apparent it is this book is about spreading fear and attempting to force conservative christian opinions in disguise. One such example is Barkers take on the ‘Gay Agenda’.
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This sort of damaging propaganda is not only inaccurate, but it is giving homophobes everywhere an excuse to stop the LGBTQ+ community having rights.
‘But where were his family?’ we hear you all ask. Conveniently all of Barkers close family are Christians, and only an older, lesser know family member was a Satanist. It begs the question, while he was being carted around by the ‘Baron’, what did his family think he was doing. There isn’t much talk of his actual family. He has been careful not to mention them too much or claim that they were in fact in on it, because that would be too easily debunked.
The worrying thing about all of this, is that there are so many people who believe the rubbish Barker has written. In fine-combing this book it is easy to see the tactics used by Barker to convince the reader. The most prevalent being the illusion of rationality. He states he believes in religious freedom, and that he isn’t trying to convert anyone.
The main tactic used in this book, is making the characters seem human. If you stand up in court and give a character assessment on someone whom you have spent a vast amount of time with, but only share with them the negatives, you may well fail in convincing the jury. It can make it seem like you are ‘trying to hard’. It doesn’t sound logical, but even Hitler was nice to people sometimes. By talking about some of the nice things that these so called ‘Satanic Abusers’ did for him, it makes his story seem more believable. Because surely if he was making up this whole entire story, he would make it all murder and horror. Wrong. He has added in these ‘niceties’ to make you think exactly that.
There are people out there, who genuinely go through sexual abuse as a child. There are victims and survivors of horrific crimes. This whole entire book is a kick in the face to the people who really have suffered. 
Towards the end of the book, he goes all ‘David Icke’ on us and claims some of these high ranking Satanists are part of a reptilian race that are controlling us and taking over (I don’t suppose that has anything to do with the fact he is a fan and David Icke recommended his books). Also in case you weren’t aware, the moon is actually a hollow space station.
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The biggest contradiction written throughout, it whether or not we are actually doomed. At one point he claims we aren’t far away from being completely ruled by these high-adept, alien Satanists. Only to then write a whole entire paragraph as to why they’re going to fail. It's almost as though he knows it isn’t going to happen because he made it all up, so he has to write a reason why it doesn’t come true. 
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If these Satanists were ever nearly as powerful as claimed, and the stories true, he would have never been able to write this book. All the time he happens to just know everything about the destruction of the world as we know it and has access to books that nobody could ever possibly prove existed because after all… Illuminati.
He talks of the weakness of others and how he can help them overcome their blood addictions. But the entire time he is on his own high. A throne of disillusion.
To sum things up, ‘Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism’ is one of the worst books we have ever had the malignant displeasure of reading. There is just too much wrong with to be able to cover it in one blog. 
Again, we do not recommend you read this book. We read it so you don’t have to. But if you so wish, you can read part of it for free here or you can purchase it from Amazon here.
Ave Satanas!
This book was published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (16 Nov. 2014). It is copyrighted to the author, Kerth R Barker and we are not endorsed by him or anyone else to write this blog.
Kerth Barker image source Blood drinking image source Illuminati pyramid image source Alien image source
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patricksmusicblog · 5 years
My Favorite Albums/Projects From Each Year of the 10s
The 2010′s decade is about 6 months till its end, mind-boggling enough, this blog has existed for 9 years of it starting mid-2011. Thank you to everyone who’s ever taken any sort of time out of their life to read, think about, or even just glance at one of my reviews over the years it’s meant a lot. Special thanks to those who’ve sent music for me to review or just to listen too and those who’ve reached out and bonded with me over music and more the past few years. This is a compilation of most of all my favorite albums/mixtapes/eps over the years. I’ll probably condense it by years end to a top 50 albums of the 10′s list at the year's end. Hopefully, you find something you haven’t heard and enjoy.
2010 Favs:
Drake- Thank Me Later(Rap): Katy Perry- Teenage Dreams(Pop) Vampire Weekend- Contra(Indie Pop) MGMT- Congratulations(Psych Rock) Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday(Rap) Morning Benders- Big Echo(Indie Pop) Kid Cudi- Man On The Moon II: The Legend of The Rager(Rap) Earl Sweatshirt-Earl(Rap) Four Tet- There Is Love In You(Electronic) Logic- Young Broke and Infamous(Rap) Ceremony- Rohnert Park(Punk)                                                       Baths- Cerulean(Electronic) Caribou- Swim(Electronic)
2011 Favs:
Drake- Take Care(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- Section 80(Rap) Elzhi- Elmatic(Rap) Tyler The Creator- Goblin(Rap) A$AP Rocky- LiveLoveA$AP(Rap) Adele- 21(R&B/Pop) Braids- Native Speaker(indie pop/experimental) Common- The Dreamer The Believer(Rap)                                           Death Grips-Exmilitary(Rap/Experimental)                                                        Thurz-LA Riot(Rap) Logic- Young Sinatra(Rap) Plaid- Scintilli(Electronic) The Roots- Undune(Rap) Battles-Gloss Drop(experimental rock) Africa HiTech-93 Million Miles(Electronic) Torae-For The Record(Rap) Oneohtrix Point Never-Replica(Electronic) Wale-Ambition(Rap) Danny Brown- XXX(Rap)
2012 Favs:
Death Grips-The Money Store(Experimental Hip-Hop) Death Grips- No Love Deep Web(Experimental Hip-Hop) Kendrick Lamar-Good Kid MAAD City(Rap) OFF!-Off!(Punk) Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!(Post-Rock) Cloud Nothings- Attack On Memory(Post-Hardcore) The Act Of Estimating as Worthless-Amongst These Splintered Minds//Leaden Thoughts Sing Softly(Indie-Folk) Big Krit-Live From The Underground(Rap) Aesop Rock-Skelethon(Rap) Crypts-Crpt(Electronic) BBNG-BBNG2(instrumental Hip-Hop/jazz rap) KRS-One- The BDP Album(Rap) Killer Mike-Rap Music(Rap) Nas-Life Is Good(Rap) Animal Collective- Centipede Hz(Psych-pop/Experimental Music) Torche- Harmonicraft(Punk) Squarepusher- Ufabulum(Electronic) Rapsody-The Idea Of Beautiful(Rap) Grimes-Visions(Synth-Pop) Joey Bada$$-1999(Rap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnwUlyjmloI Theesatisfaction -Awe Naturale(Neo-Soul)(R&B)
2013 Favs:
Honey Bones- Honey Bones EP(Synth-Pop) A$AP Rocky-LongLiveASAP(Rap) Joey Bada$$- Summer Knights(Rap) Daft Punk- Random Access Memories(Disco,Electronic,Funk) Janelle Monae-Electric Lady(R&B)                                                Braids- Flourish//Perish(Electronic/Synth-pop)                                Daniel Avery-Drone Logic(Electronic) Anamanaguchi- Endless Fantasy(Electronic/chiptune) Am & Shawn Lee- La Musique Numerique(Electronica) The Haxan Cloak-Excavation(Experimental Electronic) My Bloody Valentine- MBV(Shoegaze) Danny Brown- Old(Rap) Charli XCX- True Romance(Synth-Pop) J.Cole-Born Sinner(Rap) Katy Perry- Prism(Pop) Rapsody- She Got Game(Rap) Tyler The Creator- Wolf(Rap) Paramore- Paramore(Pop-Punk/Alternative) Boards Of Canada-Tomorrow's Harvest(Electronic) Mac Miller- Watching Movies With The Sound Off(Rap) Run The Jewels- Run The Jewels(Rap)
2014 favs:
La Dispute- Rooms Of The House(Post-Punk) Solids- Blame Confusion(Post-Hardcore) Cloud Nothings- Here and Nowhere(Post-Hardcore) Off!- Wasted Years(Punk) Autistic Youth- Nonage(Punk) Sleepstream- They Flew In Censored Skies(Post-Rock) Indian- From All Purity(Black Metal) Glassbooks- Deluge(Post-Punk) Mono- Rays Of Darkness(Shoegaze) Manchester Orchestra- Cope(Alternative Rock) Kidaudra- Ache(Synth-Pop) Mars and The Massacre-Blackout(Garage Rock) Hivehead- Garbage(Punk) No Axis- Labyrinth(Electronic) American Wolf- My Main Sport(Post-Rock) Charli XCX- Sucker(Pop) Run The Jewels- Run The Jewels 2(Rap) Aphex Twin- Syro(Electronic) J. Cole-2014 Forest Hills Drive(Rap) Clipping- CLPPNG(Experimental Rap) Adult Jazz-Gist Is(Experimental Rock) Freddie Gibb & Madlib- Pinata(Rap) Kimbra- Golden Echo(Pop) Logic- Under Pressure(Rap) FKA Twigs-LP1(R&B) Deadmau5-While(1<2)(Electronic) Napolian- Incursio(Electronic) Eprom- Halflife(Electronic) Wolves In The Throne Room- Celestite(Electronic)                   Basement Jaxx- Junto(Electronic)                                          Tokimonsta- Desiderium(Electronic) Vessel-Punish, Honey(Electronic) Plaid- Reachy Prints(Electronic) Skyzoo & Torae- Barrel Brothers(Rap) Big K.r.i.t- Cadillactica(Rap) Uncommon Nasa- New York Telephone(Rap) French Montana-Coke Boys 4(Rap) Death Grips-Government Plates(Experimental Hip-Hop) Future-Monster(Rap) Nitty Scott MC- The Art Of Chill(Rap) Prhyme- Prhyme(Rap) Common-Nobody's Smiling(Rap) Shabazz Palaces- Lese Majesty(Rap) Mastodon- Once More 'Round The Sun(Metal)
2015 favs:
Kendrick Lamar- To Pimp a Butterfly(Rap) Tame Impala-Currents(Psych-Pop) Shlohmo- Dark Red(Electronic) Chelsea Wolfe- Abyss(Dark Wave) Dr. Dre- Compton(Rap) Joey Bada$$-B4.DA.$$(Rap) Protomartyr- The Agent Intellect(Post-Punk) Battles- La Di Da Di(experimental Rock) Girlpool- Before The World Was Big(Punk) Alabama Shakes- Sound & Color(Blues-Rock) Theesatisfaction- Earthee(rap) Square Pusher- Damogen Furies(Electronic) The Chemical Brothers- Born In The Echoes(Electronic) Earl Sweatshirt- I Don't Like Shit I don't go Outside(Rap) Grimes- Art Angels(Synth-Pop) Lupe Fiasco- Tetsu & Youth(Rap) Braids- Deep In The Iris(Electronic/Synth-Pop) Scarface- Deeply Rooted(Rap) Drake- If Your Reading This It's Too Late(Rap) Jay Rock- 90059(Rap) A$AP Rocky- At Long Last A$AP(Rap) Torche- Restarter(Sludge Metal) Aldo Calrissian- Future Shower Thoughts(Electronic) The Game- Documentary 2.5(Rap) Future- Beast Mode(Rap) Future- 56 Nights(Rap) Lana Del Rey- Honeymoon(Baroque pop) Adele- 25(Pop/R&B) Constant Deviants- Avant Garde(Rap)
2016 Favs:
A Tribe Called Quest-We Got It From Here...Thank You For Your Service(Rap) J. Cole-4 Your Eyez Only(Rap) Tacocat-Lost Time(Punk) Weezer-The White Album(Alternative) Danny Brown- Atrocity Exhibition(Rap) YG- Still Brazy(Rap) Schoolboy Q- Blank Face(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- Untitled Unmastered(Rap) BBNG- IV(Hip-Hop) Beyonce- Lemonade(R&B) Kamaiyah- A Good Night In The Ghetto(Rap) Solange- A Seat At The Table(R&B) Faxada- Cohost(Electronic) Celestial Sight- Through The Flat Fields(Electronic) Torae- Entitled(Rap) Kidaudra- Blue Human(Electronic) Aesop Rock-The Impossible Kid(Rap) Death Grips- Bottomless Pitt(Experimental Hip-Hop) Constant Deviants- Omerta(Rap) Man Bites Dog- Entertaining The World(experimental)-                  James Blake- The Colour In Anything(R&B) Drake- Views(Rap) Hivehead- Please Eat Ants(Punk) Damocles- Grizzly Neutron(Electronic) Kodachrome- Journey Into Imagination(Electronic) Lil Yachty- Lil Boat(Rap) Brooklyn White- One(Rap) Flatbush Zombies- 3001: A Laced Odyssey(Rap) Parquet Courts- Human Performance(Indie Rock) Run The Jewels- RTJ3(Rap)
2017 Favs:
DJ-V-The Mad, Mad, Maniac(Rap) Aldo Calrissian- Destroy All Bring New(Electronic) Cloud Nothings- Life Without Sound(Post-Hardcore) Honey Bones- Black(Electronic) Tops- Sugar At The Gate(indie rock) ZoThejerk & Frost Gamble- Black Beach(Rap) Metz- Strange Peace(Noise Rock) Lorde- Melodrama(Art Pop) Tone Chop & Frost Gamble- Respect Is Earned Not Given(Rap) Raekwon- The Wild(Rap) Big K.R.I.T-4eva Is A Mighty Long Time(Rap) Breakfast Muff- Eurgh!(Punk) Epiglottis-She Unravelled the Heavens and The Light Shone Through(Electronic) Jay-Z- 4:44(Rap) Protomartyr- Relatives In Descent(Post-Punk) Four Tet- New Energy(Electronic) Joey Bada$$- All Amerikkkan Bada$$(Rap) SZA- CTRL(R&B) Rapsody- Laila's Wisdom(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- DAMN(Rap Converge-The Dusk In Us(Metal/punk) Princess Nokia- 1992 Deluxe(Rap) Bibio- Phantom Brickworks(Electronic)
2018 Favs:
Reason-There You Have It(Rap) J.Cole- KOD(Rap) Pusha T- Daytona(Rap) Jay Rock- Redemption(Rap) Royce Da 5'9- Book Of Ryan(Rap) Meek Mill- Championships(Rap) Noname- Room 25 Jean Grae & Quelle Chris- Everything's Fine(Rap) Aphex Twin- Collapse EP(Electronic) Kidaudra- Pluto IRD(Electronic)https://kidaudra.bandcamp.com/ Dirty Projectors- Lamp Lit Prose(Experimental Rock) Black Panther: The Album(Rap) MGMT- Little Dark Age(Electronic) Hinds- I Don't Run(Indie Rock) Dream Wife- Dream Wife(Punk) Phryme- Phryme 2(Rap) Tone Chop & Frost Gamble- One(Rap) Cupcakke- Ephorize(Rap) Freddie Gibbs- Freddie Gibbs(Rap) Tierra Whack- Whack World(Rap) Flatbush Zombies- Vacation In Hell(Rap) Cardi-B- Invasion Of Privacy(Rap) Lil Wayne- Tha Carter V(Rap) 21 Savage- I AM > I Was(Rap) Kodak Black- Dying to Live(Rap)                                                     Logic- Young Sinatra IV(Rap) Converge- Beautiful Ruin EP(Metal/punk) Princess Nokia- A Girl Cried Red(Emo-Rap) Naked Giants-Sluff(Punk) Moaning- Moaning(Post-Punk) Chrome Panther- A Screaming Comes Across The Sky(Electronic) Shame- Songs Of Praise(Post Punk)
2019 Favs so far:
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib-Bandana(Rap)
Beast Coast-Escape From New York(Rap)
Styles P-S.P. the GOAT: Ghost of All Time(Rap)
Shlomo- The End(Electronic)
Avey Tare- Cows On Hourglass(Electronic)
Skinny Girl Diet- Ideal Woman(Punk)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jilotRrvtsQ
Dreamville- Revenge of the Dreamers III(Rap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZNBRzhTv8
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maplestreetsims · 6 years
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get to know me tag!
so, i came to catfish you all with my updated simself, also i made her with alpha cc bc why not?
I saw @galaxsims did this and i thought it might be fun, so the point of this is to make a simself and answer some q’s so people get to know you better
I’m going to tag anyone who wants to do this, Just go crazy 
   - trash under cut -
1. What is your full name? Constanza
2. What is your nickname? most people call me coti, i had a few friends that called me constance tho
3. Birthday? July 1, 2000
4. What is your favorite book series? i dont read as much as i used to so i dont have one
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? aliens yes, ghosts...maybe? just for the spookines of it all tbh
6. Who is your favorite author? i dont read dont come for me
7. What is your favorite radio station? i never listen to the radio, mostly spotify
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? anything cheese flavored, or like pizza? idk im thinkin chips here
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? amazing, cool!
10. What is your current favorite song? literally queens entire discography??? like i saw bohemian rhapsody last week, i liked queen before but now im like on hyperdrive or something
11. What is your favorite word?  chaos
12. What was the last song you listened to? Somebody to love, by (you guessed it) queen
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? hmm... i dont know, skam, maybe freaks and geeks
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? pride (2014) always makes me feel happy when i watch it, i really like it
15. Do you play video games? yes
16. What is your biggest fear? Ending up alone, but not romantically, more of like no friends, or family
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i dont know... i just try to be a good person?? like i put myself in others peoples shoes and treat them how i would like to be treated i guess, bc i know how its like being treated like shit and i wouldnt want that for anyone lol
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my socializing skills? or lack thereof 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i like them both the same
20. What is your favorite season? i dont like any season sjdjsdk
21. Are you in a relationship? nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? just.. happiness?? not only my own but like everyone in my family (yikes) also my innocence 
23. Who is your best friend? haha ha
24. What is your eye color? brown
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown 
26. Who is someone you love? no one honestly, maybe my pets?
27. Who is someone you trust? literally anyone who is nice to me, that’s bad
28. Who is someone you think about often? my friends, classmates
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? nothing currently
30. What is your biggest obsession? The sims, life is strange and detroit become human.....also queen?, weird combinations
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Art attack! also the cocodrile hunter??? that was my shit!!
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I know i just said i trust everyone but like....i dont open up, like ever
33. Are you superstitious? No
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Elevators?? and cars...are those phobias?
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? Editing, playin sims... u know
37. What was the last book you read? I cant remember fghjkljhg probably something for school
38. What was the last movie you watched? Bohemian rhapsody rip
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? i wish i could play any musical instrument, but i suck tbh
40. What is your favorite animal? cats and dogs™
41. What are your top 5 7 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
@pollinationqueen​ @cosmic-espie​ @omiscanking @bloomlet @gunthermunch @cowberrys and @mellocakes ♥♥
42. What superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis??? um hell yeah why would anyone want anything else
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? this is weird but when im riding the bus home, listening to music
44. What makes you smile? my simblr, youtube videos...
45. What sports do you play, if any? i wish
46. What is your favorite drink? coca cola beech! 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I dont even remember, but i had to write something like that around this year at least
48. Are you afraid of heights? yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? it used to be hearing people chew, but i think im over it
50. Have you ever been to a concert? no, never
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? No
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a vet
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? idk sis
54. What is something you worry about? my future, and my life
55. Are you scared of the dark? sometimes
56. Do you like to sing? yes, only when im alone
57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah, but i tried not to, it felt like i was missing out and that kinda made me feel like shit??
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dont think i have one, but more like a bunch of them? and only at specific times if that make sense, like the outside of that theater at nightime when i went to see a play with my friends a while ago
59. Where would you like to live? mmm maybe the usa? or anywhere where i could get to speak english all the time
60. Do you have any pets? a cat and a dog, Mercury and Candy!
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, def
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets, im never up for sunrises anyways, unless i stayed up all night
63. Do you know how to drive? no but i hope that i do at some point, although im scared of cars
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones
65. Have you ever had braces? nope, my teeth are as straight as me
66. What is your favorite genre of music? rock, indie...maybe pop rock?
67. Who is your hero? i dont have one
68. Do you read comic books? not really
69. What makes you the most angry? myself sometimes
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book all the way, when i do read that is
71. What was your favorite subject in school? cinematography class???? idk how it translates properly but that was my fave, although the teacher fucking ruined it for all of us tbh
72. Do you have any siblings? nope
73. What was the last thing you bought? a bus ticket
74. How tall are you? 4′9...yikes
75. Can you cook? not at all
76. What are three things that you love? this blog, my family and my pets
77. What are three things that you hate? hooo boy
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? i have 0 friends what does that mean? jk i actually would say its pretty equal 
79. What is your sexual orientation? yes
80. Where do you currently live? Uruguay, montevideo
81. Who was the last person you texted? my dad
82. When was the last time you cried? last week
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? jenna and julien, and probably every sims youtuber(seriously)
84. Do you like to take selfies? not so much
85. What is your favorite app? tumblr, or youtube
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? its alright
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? portugeese
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? mmm all of them
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? Nop
91. Are you religious? no
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? The ocean
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? hahah no
94. Are you allergic to anything? i used to be allergic to a bunch of shit when i was a kid but im not allergic to it anymore?? like chocolate, oranges....cats, and dust
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yes
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? always hopefully
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? i dont really ask for advice that often so...idk
100. Are you a good liar? No, but i try
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? i used to talk to myself all the time, but now i barely do it, thats a good thing right?
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no, i used to when i was a kid but it was pure garbage
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? look for an id to see if i cant turn it in, if not....well
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes, but only in certain things
108. Are you ticklish? i dont even know, probably not
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no
110. Do you have any piercings? yeah, my ears
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? idk
112. Do you have any tattoos? No, but hopefully i will some day!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? i dont know....
114. Do you believe in karma? yeah
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no
116. Do you want children? yeah why not
117. Who is the smartest person you know? honestly i don’t know
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? doing a cindirella theatre play for my school when i was 12, i was cindirella, i dont wanna talk about it njxkcfxf
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? not that i remember, i always end up falling asleep, dosent matter if its like 10 minutes 
120. What color are most of you clothes? green.........i dont even like green
121. Do you like adventures? yeah maybe, depends on what it is
122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah i have actually lmao, it was on a kids tv show 
123. How old are you? 18
124. What is your favorite quote? “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory!!
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witwerlove · 6 years
Ok, I know I always say that I don’t particularly like gossiping about Sam’s personal life on here, however I'm always prone to doing it anyways. Even if it makes me super uncomfortable. But something has come up and it definitely brings a new perspective to things that have long since been left in the past. And I’m choosing to talk about it on my own because I feel it’s important and it’s relevant, not just in regards to Sam....but life and the society we live in today.
So as some of you that have been following me since damn well near the early months of this blog’s creation, Sam used to date Chloe Dykstra. Their relationship began in June 2014 and quietly ended sometime in 2015. While they were together, the two of them seemed to be genuinely happy and very much in love. Hell, I encountered them together in real life with my own eyes when I met them back in May 2015. But sometimes you learn that even if someone appears to be happy with someone, that is not always the truth.
And that is what brings us to the catalyst for this rant.
Yesterday Chloe posted an article about her ex and his abusive behavior towards her behind closed doors when they were together. She didn’t give any names, but everyone knows that it’s about Chris Hardwick. And today, it’s blowing up all over the internet. Let me just say it was heartbreaking and hard to read. Honestly, I cried. Because of Sam, I formed a connection to Chloe. I got to meet her, talk to her, and hug her, however brief. But she was so incredibly nice and sweet to me. And even though she and Sam have been broken up for years, I still sporadically keep up with her and I’m still a fan. Which is why her words really resonated with me. And also because I’m not a cold and heartless human being that lacks empathy. I’m so proud of Chloe for finding the strength within herself to finally break free of Chris and his abuse, despite it being so difficult to do. I hope she has finally gotten the closure she spoke of wanting. And that Chris gets what he deserves. What he truly deserves. Because he is absolute scum. And even before all this came out and exploded all over the internet, I never liked him. I’ve read some stuff on twitter and people aren’t surprised about his behavior. I personally feel like I can’t speak much volume because I don’t know him. I have seen very little of Chris, but the vibe I got from him was just not good. I didn’t know why and I didn’t think about it, but now it feels like....intuition.
But tying all this back to Sam, Chloe does mention him in the article. Not by name, of course. But as someone who followed their relationship, I am absolutely sure that it’s him.
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She refers to Sam as a “knight in shining armor”. Which, out of context, would seem so sweet. I don’t know Sam personally, obviously, but I feel like I have been around him enough to know that he is a genuinely good person.
I remember a couple years ago, I got an anon message asking me how I felt about Chloe “cheating” on Chris with Sam. After reading Chloe’s article, re-reading my response to the ask, and putting the pieces together, I feel a bit bad now. I had no idea who Chloe or Chris was before she was dating Sam. And none of us knew about what she was going through with Chris. But I never wanted to believe that Sam would willingly participate in infidelity. I feel like I might have swept that under the rug. I think maybe because I didn’t want to believe that someone I admired and respected so much would do something so.....problematic. And it was in the past. Sam and Chloe (and Chris) had clearly moved on from it. But after reading that article, it shines new light on everything. We still don’t know the whole story and we never will. Because that article wasn’t about her finding salvation in Sam, it was about being her trapped and breaking free to tell her story. Which I commend her for. I’m so proud of her for being able to find her light through the darkness. I wish her all the happiness in life.
Another thing Chloe mentioned was that after she left Chris, he used his connections to get her fired from jobs and furthering her career in the entertainment industry. She was completely blacklisted. Reading about that made lights and sirens go off in my head. Because back in 2014, Sam had been cast to be in a video game called Tales from the Borderlands. And who was his co-star? Chris Hardwick. Then a few months later, it was quietly reported that Sam had been replaced by Troy Baker. No explanation given. I remember being so upset because Sam had spoken of the job at cons and I always get excited when he has a new project. But I just brushed it off as perhaps there was a conflict between Sam and Chris in relation to Chloe....maybe? And in hindsight, to some degree, I was right. I just never thought it was that serious. Back then I was just upset that Sam lost a job. Whether Chris got him fired or Sam left on his own, I’m glad he was never a part of it.
So I'm definitely having some feelings about this whole thing and just wanted to vent about it. Because I am with Chloe. I believe her 100%. She or any women who have came/come/will come forward about abuse have nothing to gain from lying. The women who share their experiences have more to lose than their abusers. We as a society are getting better at rectifying this, but we are not entirely there, as Chloe said. 
That being said, please DO NOT bring this to Sam. I beg for you to NOT tweet him about it. So far, so good. But I’m sure it will get to him if it hasn’t already. But I don’t think that it’s our place to get involved. If anything, please send words of encouragement to Chloe. Because this is about her and her trauma. Sam is just a piece of the narrative. I’m feeling a tad bit hypocritical talking about this, when I preach that I don’t like talking about Sam’s personal life. But it’s there. And I obviously don’t know the whole story, but this is how I feel about it. I feel affected by this, in a small insignificant way. As a fan of both Sam and Chloe, but more importantly, as a woman. I’m glad Chloe was able to get out of this situation and  share her story with us. I hope human garbage Chris Hardwick gets dumped. And I hope Sam is not affected by this.
I never expected to revisit this, but here we are. There appears to be no bad blood between Sam and Chloe (that I know of). They both seem happy in their lives. And I hope it stays that way. I love them both, long after their breakup. They are both wonderful people. And even though I know he won’t say anything publicly, I really do hope that Sam reaches out to her. 
And with all that being said, I’m putting this thing to rest. I feel like I had to come back to this and put things into perspective. For myself. And for my love and support for Sam and Chloe moving forward.And just how I feel about it as a woman and a human being. I will continue to love and support Chloe and all who support and fight for the #MeToo movement. The heat may have died down, but the fire still burns. Every day. If you have been abused or assaulted, of any kind, no matter who you are, know that my heart is with you. I have been fortunate enough in my life to not had to go through such horrors, but I am deeply sorry for any and all who have and do. You are brave, strong, and beautiful. You are important and you are worth so much. You don’t deserve anything less than feeling safe and loved in the healthiest way possible.
I don’t know what else to say, so I’m gonna leave you with this adorable picture of Sam and Chloe in happy times because I’m feeling nostalgic. :)
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great-pan-is-dead · 3 years
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I posted made mistakes 1,480 times in 2021
31 unoriginal bullshit spouted (2%)
1449 mindlessly regurgitated (98%)
For every nonsense I said, I redooted 46.7 posts.
I added 28 tags in 2021 because I don't have time for bullshit
#wwdits spoilers - 5 posts
#loki - 4 posts
#wwdits - 4 posts
#nftumblcryptids - 3 posts
#interview with the vampire - 2 posts
#😳😳😳 - 2 posts
#😩😩😩 - 2 posts
#eczema - 2 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 2 posts
#we're fine - 2 posts
Guess I didn't have many tastes in this 2015 renaissance year
Longest rant: 135 characters
#my taste music taste is exclusively the gay tunes crumbs of my teens whatever new wave i was already listening to and recent gay rights
My Top Nonsense in 2021
Many eczema memes for this trying time
not to silmarillion live blog but it has a whole taken twenty-five minutes for the first mention of women,,,
4 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 19:33
What they say: I'm fine
What they mean: The 2014 sleeper agent in my brain that thinks about the concept of genderfluid Loki every hour of the day has woken up and is ceaselessly screaming
4 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 14:27
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9reblog if you know her
11 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 17:36
shout out to all my folks with eczema/dermatitis/psoriasis. how are you, how you coping, i hope today has been kind
take a wash to what ever degree you can manage today, whether it be a bath or a sponge, or clean clothes. remember your meds both oral and topical. i love u, ur cute, be easy on urself
dream of the day humanity will break free of flesh prison as brains in goop tanks
31 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 17:24
in the eventual heat death of early 21st century internet culture i want the only evidence that youtube ever existed to be hbomberguy's sherlock is garbage feature length masterpiece no i do not think i need to elaborate
35 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 11:55
I removed the link because don't do this peak cringe
Thanks to all three of you for appreciating my genius
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quadload517 · 3 years
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Mac
Ben 10 game download for pc. Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Bad Ending. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a visual novel adventure game developed and published by Spike as the first game in the Danganronpa series. The game was originally released in Japan for the PlayStation Portable in November 2010 and was later ported to Android and iOS in August 2012. To promote Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and grow its popularity , use the embed code provided on your homepage, blog, forums and elsewhere you desire.Or try our widget. Hollywoodedge, Cute Gliss Elect Up CRT2013302 (1st & 4th glisses) Hollywoodedge, High Pitched Desk Bel PE191901. Hollywoodedge, Large Ceramic Pot Bre TE023001 / Pottery Drop Break PE112401. Hollywoodedge, Punch Body Hit 1 Thud PE100801 (echoey) Hollywoodedge, Sword Shing Long Clan PE245201. Miscellaneous Anime Sound 21. Playing through the Prologue Welcome To Despair of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc on the PC.Game: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy HavocPlatform: PC (Steam) ht. I5 m430 passmark. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc presents a fascinating look at the human experience, using smart storytelling to invest you in this dark and creepy world. Feb 11, 2014 9:00am Player Reviews.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Free Download Mac
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Mac
Part 45: Trial 2, Part 2
Click here to watch this update's video. : Sorry, but I didn't kill anyone! : You say that, but do you really expect any of us to believe it? : Perhaps if you had an alibi, that would change things.. : Ohh, an alibi, huh? Now we're talkin'! : When you compare your past murders to this incident the modus operandi matches completely. What more proof do we need? : Kyeeeehahahahaha! : Give it up. You killed her. Is Genocide Jack really the killer? I feel like something doesn't match up.. : All those murders in the book were done exactly the same, but there's something quite different about Chihiro's body.. > Shoot 'the modus operandi matches' with 'Status of the Dead Body' : Are the methods of murder really exactly the same? I'm not so sure about that.. : I think there's a slight difference between the Genocide Jack cases and this one. : Huh? How's it any different? : Uh-oh, you don't know? Well then, human garbage, let me tell you! : I murder with passion and conviction! I consider myself a professional, and I have a very particular way of doing things! Imagine you go to a fancy Italian restaurant. They're very picky about the noodles, the sauce, everything. But what happened to Chihiro.. It'd be like if that same Italian restaurant started using Ragu or Chef Boyardee! This is no creation of mine!
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: Let me rephrase that, in a way that maybe makes more sense.. : There are two clear differences between the Genocide Jack cases and this one. There's one clear difference between the murders.. > The victim's fatal injury : For one, the cause of death is different. In the Genocide Jack murders, all the victims were killed the same way. According to the case file, they were all apparently killed with..a pair of scissors. But Chihiro died from a blow to the head, right? : Ah, yes! That is remarkably different from the other murders! : Wouldn't it be strange for someone who kills the same way without fail to suddenly change their method? : And there's more--one more conflicting detail. : That's right! In my recipe of murder, if the bloody message is the tortellini then the arrangement of the body would be the pesto sauce! : Could you please stop comparing killing people to cooking..? : S-So..are you saying the other difference has to do with how the body was arranged..? That's right. The second difference is related to how she was suspended. > What was used to suspend her : Do you remember what the killer used to suspend her? They'd used some kind of rope to hang her up by her wrists. : What is your point? : Well, in all the previous Genocide Jack cases, something else was used to suspend them.. : Specifically, pairs of razor-sharp scissors. : And guess what! I used my own specially designed scissors for the murders AND the arrangement! : Like I said, I'm a professional. So naturally I'm very picky about the tools I use! : And--andandandandand ya know what else!? Big Mac said there's two differences, but he's wrong! : Big Mac..? Are you referring to me? : Listen up, Big Mac! There's actually one more difference! : ..Huh? : My word! You really didn't notice? Take a look at who the victims were in each Genocide Jack case.. There's a pattern there just waiting to be discovered! : A..pattern? : Figure that out, and it'll be plain as death why I couldn't have possibly killed that little loli girl! Hmm..let's see.. There was a pattern surrounding the Genocide jack victims, and Chihiro didn't fit it..? I..I think I figured it out! I know why she couldn't have killed Chihiro..! > Because Chihiro was a girl
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: Even if you didn't figure this out from the details in the case file, the other two answers are thankfully absurd enough that they can't be right. : Is it because..Chihiro was a girl? : BINGO! Bull's-eye! Right on the money! : What are you talking about..? : In all the Genocide Jack cases, all the victims had something in common. Ken Harada, 32. Tetsuhiro Honda, 17. Shoji Gaku, 23. Kanno Isei, 14. Takeshi Yoshida, 30. Komatsuna Taro, Takefumi Gono, Uchida Naohisa, Takeshi Masamune, Yuto Yumejima, there was no end to it.. : They were all..guys? : That's right! The people I kill with such passion and conviction..are all adorable little men! Kyaah! I can't believe I said it! I'm so embarrassed! : The hell is wrong with you!? : I can't help it. I'm just a full-throttle boy-on-boy fangirl! And the mopey side of me just hates it! : But now I'm on the fast track to becoming a full-fledged fanmadam! : So since Chihiro was a girl and not an 'adorable little man'..you wouldn't kill her? : Would an Italian chef suddenly start making ramen, just because they're both noodles? Don't be stupid!
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Free Download Mac
: I have too much passion and conviction to cross that line! That's the absolute reality of the one and only! : We get it. You've clearly explained your hobby and your philosophy. But that's not all there is to it. : It's a different matter entirely..when you're forced to kill in order to survive. : Quiet, lowly cur! : Lowly..cur? : I would never kill for a reason as petty as mere survival! And! If by some fluke I *did* kill to survive.. : ..why would I bother with the message and arrangement!? It'd make me the obvious suspect! : That..does make some amount of sense. : PLUS! Whatever reason I have for killing, I would NEVER leave out my prized scissors! Who would go out of their way to use a big stupid heavy dumbbell!? : Maybe you used the dumbbell cuz you couldn't find any scissors in the school? : 'Any' scissors? I don't just use 'any' scissors! I only use my own set of high-class, envy of the entire world scissors! : Okay, whatever, there still aren't any in the school.. : Are you sure about that..? ♪ Music fades out. ♪ : Da da-da daa! : Grgh! She's fully equipped! : That's right! So I can kill anywhere, anytime! Why would I resort to dumbbells or rope, when I have my trusty scissors by my side? Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. You can't, can you? Gutter dogs, all of you! Not to mention, I have no clue how to tie a good knot. So rope's totally out of the question anyway! : Ngh..ngraah..! I have no idea what's going on anymore..! Could such a heinous villain really be innocent!? : But..the body really was suspended, right? And nobody but the police knew about that.. : Yeah! That's why we figured it had to be the real deal and not some copycat killer or whatever! Actually, hold on..there *is* one person.. One person who could have copied the Genocide Jack cases! : The one who dragged us around during the investigation, who showed us all the evidence.. : Byakuya..it's possible you could have found out, isn't it? You'd have no problem gaining access to classified government documents or internal police records. Plus, you'd already looking through the Genocide Jack file before this all happened, hadn't you? : .. : A-Are you saying..Mr. Togami did it? : .. : Then the reason he pushed the theory of Genocide Jack being the killer so hard was because he wanted to pin the crime on her! : So he rearranged the scene to disguise it and make it look like I'd put my stamp on it..! : The adorable glasses man was behind it all!? Ahh, I'm on fire! : ..Well, Byakuya!? What's your response!? : I see.. So now the suspicion falls on me. Then I must ask..when would you say I began acting suspicious? Surely you must have an answer.. : Hmm, looking back and thinking about it now, the way you were acting right before we discovered the body was a little strange.. : And the locker rooms.. They're suspicious. Very suspicious, indeed. Wouldn't you agree? : Huh? Suspicious..? : It seems nobody's searched the locker rooms. Let's start with the girls locker room.. : You wanted to go to the girls locker room right away, right? But since you're a guy.. : I should have naturally thought of the boys locker room first. Is that what you want to say? : The victim was Chihiro. A girl. Hence why I said we should check the girls locker room. : Nothing strange about that, I'd say! : On the contrary, there's something *very* strange! : Okay then, what's so strange about it? : Go ahead, share with the rest of the class. There was a clear contradiction in what Byakuya just said.. I need to make it clear to everyone..! : Next we're going to add something called a Truth Flashback. If you aim and a weak spot and hold down the Triangle button then you'll
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Mac
memorize that weak spot. This memorized phrase can only be shot once as a single Truth Bullet. If you shoot or change the Truth Bullet, it will disappear from your Truth Cylinder. However, you can use this flashback feature as many times as you want. If you don't seem to have the answer to a lie or contradiction in your loaded Truth Bullets it might be wise to memorize a different weak spot and use that to make your case. When's the best time to flashback? Well, you'll just have to use your keen wits, won't you? : I think this is the last mechanic in the Nonstop Debate. Like the tutorial said, you can use this mechanic to use a weak point that someone says and turn it into a Truth Bullet you can use to break through a different weak point. This debate introduces the mechanic so it's not too difficult to do but later cases will get tougher. There's also no indication of when you want to use a memorized statement instead of your loaded bullets so you have to be very aware of what bullets you have. While that sounds potentially unfair, the good thing is that you won't need to use this mechanic in a good 80% of the Nonstop Debates and when you do it's usually obvious enough that you're supposed to use it. I like it for adding that little extra layer to the debates. It makes you think and pay attention. : So you said Byakuya was acting kinda weird before we found the body.. But he was acting weird..how? : If you're presented with the opportunity to check out the girls locker room, you absolutely take it..! That's a natural reaction for any guy! : The victim was Chihiro, who was a girl. So of course I would suggest we check the girls locker room first. There was no time for pointless distractions. What's so strange about that? : I wish you'd taken me with you.. Hearing Byakuya's comment about Chihiro being a girl, I realized there's a clear contradiction there! I need to make that contradiction clear! : How could Byakuya have known who the victim was before we even discovered her? That's the contradiction! However, our only Truth Bullet is the Monokuma File #2 bullet, which doesn't really help us in this situation. That's why.. : ..we need to borrow Hina's statement. The weak point gets loaded into our Truth Cylinder as a greenish bullet. It will disappear after we fire it or if we change bullets, so when firing them make sure your shot will hit otherwise you'll have to go around the debate again. > Shoot 'The victim was Chihiro' with 'before we found the body' : I'll tell you what's so strange about that.. Because up until we actually discovered the body, we couldn't have known who the victim was! : So your claim that you went to the girls locker room first because Chihiro was the victim doesn't hold up! : I see..That's a good answer, I must admit. Interesting. : Very interesting, indeed! But your reasoning is still too weak! : Huh..? : What's wrong? Is that it? Surely you've got more than that. Go ahead, show us.. What's with Byakuya's attitude..? It's like he..doesn't even care. I've got him cornered, but he's acting like it has nothing to do with him..! : What's the matter? You're not finished already, are you? There must be more to it.. : Th-There is..I think.. : There *is* more to it. Think about it. We just talked about the differences between this case and past Genocide Jack incidents. The proof you're looking for is hidden in there.. : ..Oh? Proof that I'm the culprit, you mean? : .. The differences between this case and other Genocide Jack murders.. The evidence that proves Byakuya is responsible is hidden in there? What could it be..?
0 notes
fatebreaking-a · 3 years
Would recommend to anyone experiencing this kind of nonsense, anons off. Maybe even asks off.
Every once in a while, this happens. From 2014 to now, it’s a cycle of garbage. Is it okay? No. No, it’s really not okay. But thanks to how the internet and IP bans work, if someone is really committed to making sure you feel bad about yourself...
They’ll find ways to get around the IP ban. They’ll invent fake accounts and send trash. They’ll tell you... really awful things that you should never say to anyone. 
And ultimately, the problem is that we, reasonable people - we expect others to act reasonably. With a conscience.
But when someone’s out to hurt you, justifications don’t matter and right and wrong don’t matter.
You are not responsible for other people’s actions, feelings, and behaviors. You are only responsible for yourself.
So protect yourself. Turn asks off entirely if you feel you need to. We understand. We get it. 
And we don’t think it’s okay.
Whatever your opinion on someone is, however you may feel, you have a responsibility to address those feelings in a way that’s fair. A moral obligation to do so. 
Unfortunately, no amount of telling someone who wants to hurt you to stop will change their mind. They don’t care if you’re hurt. You being hurt is the point.
I’ve been here long enough to see the consequence. And the consequence is really simple. More and more, blogs are private-only, no-personals, anons-off. People cannot trust each other.
It’s just - I think the irony of being the person who makes the community hard to trust and feel bad and then complaining that people are critical of it and want to improve the situation - I think that irony is lost. Well, I think any sort of reasonable argument is lost on such a person. Life is full of nuance, but typically, pinning someone else’s behaviors onto a person and blaming that person for someone else’s reactions and decisions is pretty unreasonable. It reeks of the same energy as “You made me do this.”
I don’t know what the point is.
I guess the point is, protect yourself, because expecting humanity from such people is a lost cause. People will support you if you ask for it. That’s what reasonable people will do, whatever their personal grievances are.
Maybe this is exceptionally defeatist, but that’s my take.
And to those reasonable people who are reading this, I encourage you - as ever - to be responsible with your words. To hold yourself accountable. To, even if you feel wronged, take a breath and remember that there is a real person behind the screen, who may not have the same experiences as you, the same life experience, and so on. 
And as ever, to be kind.
And if you cannot be kind, if you cannot be polite, if you feel so aggrieved by someone - at the very least, be humane.
0 notes
caffeineandcurses · 3 years
Dutch Brothers Golden Eagle Mocha
Welcome back, to my second drink for the blog! Today we’re getting into some classic caffeine.
I got really curious about trying to enjoy coffee for a bit, back in 2015 or 2014. I started enjoying it, I bought a french press, I learned how salt could cut the bitter taste of coffee if you add it to the grounds, I experimented with creamers, milks, blond roasts, french roasts, flavored roasts, whole beans that you grind yourself so the coffee keeps fresher, cold brew concentrate...
I then, sadly, burnt out on it, half because my fixation passed, and at the time lived in a small kitchen where I was really bad at cleaning up after myself. After I moved up to Washington, I briefly got into getting fancy coffee from the increased number of fun places in my new home, before disaster drove me further away. My French Press broke, and after an intensifying battle with gallbladder disease, coffee was just too hard on my digestive system from about 2017-2021.
My gallbladder has been out now for almost two years, and after experimentally getting myself a coffee from one of the mentioned locales up here - namely Dutch Brothers - I can proudly say I survived with no ill side-effects, and coffee is back on my rotation.
Today’s Drink!
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Dutch Brother's Golden Eagle Mocha
Part of the appeal of Dutch Brothers, to me, is learning all of the fancy flavoring names, and getting to order them. Sure, that may just mean it’s a reskin of proper coffee house jargon, but the forever child brain I have just has more fun saying “can I get a Golden Eagle Iced Mocha with whipped cream, please?” And what that translates to, from Dutch Brothers, means I am getting an iced espresso and chocolate milk drink, flavored with vanilla and caramel. I don’t know what DB’s claims on their beans are, but a shot of espresso has about 64mg of caffeine; if that’s too little, you can order additional shots in your drink.
My Customizations:
Medium, iced (gotta have it cold, and I like a bit extra to last me a while)
Mocha, not Breve (I learned that it's a bit less bitter, to me)
Whipped cream, or “soft top” as it is in Dutch lingo
There is a “proper” definition of a mocha coffee, but all it means here is that instead of a shot of espresso iced with half-and-half (breve), I am getting it in an iced-over glass of chocolate milk, which adds an extra flavor to the drink. Sometimes I also throw in getting an extra drizzle of caramel on top of the whipped cream, for kicks. As mentioned before, I find Breves from Dutch to be bitter, almost tasting a bit rubbery.
Hands-down, as of writing this, it is my favorite coffee. It’s probably WAY too sweet, for some, but for me it has the same pleasant qualities of Kettle Corn - you either like the mix of the little bit of salty and the sweet, or in this case the candy flavors and the coffee, or you find something that’s more one or the other.
But, I mean, to no one’s surprise...I’m 100% That Person.
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Does anyone else feel a sort of “imposter syndrome” when you talk to “Real Coffee Enthusiasts”? You don’t have to out yourself, we can just exchange knowing looks. I get you.
My secret coffee shame is why I love the atmosphere of ordering at Dutch Brothers. It’s been made fun of, but the welcoming, friendly, earnest humanity of the Dutch Bros. workers no matter which location I go to is tremendous. They really just want to make your coffee the way you want to drink it, and most of their beverages are already overly sweet and Garbage Fire Tastebud-Friendly.
The obvious advantage, to buying a giant iced coffee that you can just sip at over an hour, is that you get the caffeine added in steadily, not all at once, which personally, makes me a lot less jittery and anxious. I also definitely understand a difference, in how I feel about Coffee versus Tea. Tea really does feel meditative, cozy, a quiet focuser, like I’m settling in to start writing a novel about hobbits. Even when I don’t feel a little bit of paranoia, there’s something about coffee that makes me sit up more and feel aggressive, like I’m about to take over a rival syndicate via airstrike as soon as I get The Briefcase. I feel ready.
I also have a definitely LOW threshold - Dutch Bros let you add an extra shot of espresso into your drink, which I tried more recently, and the effect was a coffee that made me act hyper, talk fast, be out of what I would label strictly as “my” personality. It's probably the closest thing I, personally, will experience to being on cocaine. I know better than to say "the closest thing I will experience to a hard drug" because no matter how we cutely dress up our societal acceptance of it, caffeine is a drug.
That will have to be a good self-help tip for me on how to handle caffeine; yes, it’s fuel, but if you throw all of it onto the fire at once, you’ll just get a huge explosion that causes a bunch of chaos that you can’t control, and then burn out; also, your fuel tank has a MAX CAPACITY for one (1) shot of espresso. Ration it more carefully, and you can keep burning longer.
Here’s hoping I remember it next time I get an energy drink that’s ACTUALLY fully sweet and way too palatable, instead of dunking it can and all into my stomach at inhuman speeds.
0 notes
extradan · 6 years
Hey I like your art a ton and I was wondering just how long you have been drawing and working to improve as an artist.
Oh my gosh haha thank you so much for liking my art!
I have been drawing for the longest time, I think ever since kindergarten, well at least the artistic dedication! 
I used to draw my when i was in middle school, starting from fourth grade i have been drawing more and more frequently until fifth grade in which I was drawing on a daily base, back then I would also be sitting and making animations on flash, which unfortunately I dont have backups of
but from middle school, up to high school 2012, my art never improved, it was just all the same all the time, I was back then on ritalin and I decided to start my first pony blog, while updating my blog, I couldnt consider yet Tumblr being part of the effective social websites that I go on as nobody was following me and I had no one to intreact with back, tumblr would be the thing i would check once every few days, it was nothing to me but a mere another google plus, until i was sponsored by catfood-mcfly back when he was running the Herpy Derpy blog, and thats where I got recognized and I was determined to continue my activity on tumblr as an ask blog, and I have gotten to become more interactive with people, being inspired by the many of the art I have been seeing from following other people, I would adopt and experiment with what I saw mostly shines through their art, and 2012 was the year I have made the biggest change in my art throughout the months, whitin 6-8 months I have improved by a ton!  tumblr was a very resourceful to the evolution of my art! and I also made so many friends and I have as well learned to become a better person! I am a better person of who I used to be in the past, and i am still improving! there are still a lot of things I need to work about myself as a person!
Also stepping out of drawing in flash and starting doing my stuff in sai was revolutionary to my art, flash back then wasnt recognized fully as an animators program by macromedia and neither by adobe, as they saw it an all purpose program for making goptimized ames and ads, only until all browsers and webpages grew out of flash and flash officially was blocked by all browsers since you could have implanted malicious codes into flash files, only then flash recognized as an art and animation tool for creators.
So moving to sai allowed me to build sketches and bodies easily and paint and yadda yadda and it was all great and helped boosting my art upwards
Flash limited my improvement as I wasnt drawing sketches on flash since you couldnt just lower the opacity of the layer you drew the sketch on, you would have to go through several actions to achieve that, but you would be lowering the opacity of your selected drawing and not the layer, I couldnt also paint on flash and flash ever since the stone age had those horrible vector tools that SUCKED DICK unless you do stretching and smoothing and fixing, in my opinion at least, they did improve the vector system a bit BUT IT STILL SUCKS, i prefer bitmap brushes more, which why I prefer Toon Boom harmony as a program for animators.
If you have been back in the days, you could have watched me go through a several phases! like drawing like atryl, raikissu’s shading and coloring styles, florecentmoo’s shading techniques and eye pupil style, and I uhh.. dont remember the rest, but theres have been a lot of artists out there whom I adopted artistic traits like:
theflyingtacoz, kittentoots(drunk fluttershy), w300, Santi, belaboy, dr idiot, inzergue (big impact on my current style), David (the guy who now works on mighty magiswords along with kyle), fungasm, colorlesscupcake (known as caek now), ahappypichu (a pretty powerful current impact on how i paint my art today), uhh, also “pinkie in private” which, to this day, drawing the way the draw the cheek for their characters, and some other artists I that I couldnt come up in my mind but I did adapt a trait or two from.
My current big inspirations are artists who work on OK KO and as fake as it might sound, my own fiance! yes!! they have been an inspiration for me for quite a while even back at 2012, but to how I viewed it, I never really dared to adopt anything from them because I was so out of their league, and my art was still shaping and i already had ideas that I wouldnt think would work if i mixed some of their’s, but now that my art have been developed and has a solid state of how it looks, they inspire me so much!!
Drawing ponies was probably the best practice I have ever had that thanks to that I have pushed so far in the art that I do, ponies are so simplified!! and easy to draw! it allowed me to produce more and that means that it allowed me to experience differently with each time! 
It helped me improve with a lot of stuff like gesture, facial and painting and other other minor stuff! drawing ponies was such a booster seat for me!
But unfortunately, from drawing ponies alot you wont learn how to draw humans, which understanding muscle, action line, figure and bones is so crucial for drawing, anything really! understanding how the body works is extremely fundamental and its there for you to know how to manipulate the drawings your making, of any specie, its not there to just teach you how to draw the anatomy of the human body, that will only serve as a plus.
I have learned a lot from ponies but how bodies work and draw clothes lmafo, to this day I cant draw clothes for days
in 2014 I ordered a really good book and I have polished my anatomy and human drawing skills, I yet dont know some stuff because i stopped practicing because of varios reason like relationship, access and physical health.
In the begging of the year I acquired a cintiq and it been nothing but dreadful to me, but im using it because i spent.. so much money on it.. and i have been so concerned about bringing it to my home country as well.. but it has the adventage of a screen so... 
its just, I dont have a low enough desktop or high enough chair to draw on it, its always above my shoulder no matter the angle and it puts so much weight on my shoulders, the thing is heavy too so its not something you could lean on your legs while you draw, neither it is portable, it made work much more harder and difficult and I wasnt drawing as frequesnt because my time wasnt so so enjoyable, my 2015 as well become a dreadful year to me and I was feeling guilty and shitty everyday, and it was my fault because it was all my doing and i let myself feel that way, and I had barely the stamina to work on my art ever over the year, I also lost my passion and motivation to draw and basically it dragged also to 2016, I drew a few commissions but I didnt produce much art neither, then I flew over the united states and I didnt have acess to drawing for 4 months as i was away from my equipment, my fiance had the equipment, but that means that I would have to use their computer for all the dedicated hours I use to work on my art and they would have nothing but a mere phone to entertain themselves, also our time togehter was really precious and every minute counted, so we rathered having fun other than doing work work work
2017 came and I still had the sense of drawing lost in me, I would draw whenever i would have a piece of paper available to me since I find fun in that, since im comfortable and cozy and i dont have to concentrate the entirety of my body weight on my hand and arm as i draw, but I would never draw on the cintiq unless its a miracle or if had a crazy comic idea in mind that i had and MUST HAD executed, i almost didnt draw anything in 2017, and neither in this year but the ok ko drawing i have recently created, but I found a new comfortable focus and its doing 3d, I am using my mouse to do everything and i dont have to feel my horrible chair scraping againt my butt like sandpaper, and I dont to feel like my shoulders are about to give up, I did try Tam’s 13hd and it was so much more comfortable and nice to draw on as i could put it on the bed or on my legs, but I cant afford another expensive piece of equipment, especially not in this generation of technology, wacom fucking sucks but no other brand is willing to be their competitive because tablet is not the purchase the average person would make.
Another reason why I have been so held on drawing and using the cintiq, which was probably the most major thing was it’s total, hot flaming shitty garbage diarrhea poopy stank abysmal horrible disgusting nasty dumbass smelly drivers which made every chance i had to draw a miss because i would battle myself from 30 minutes to over a hour fixing my tablet to draw a single thing, and its been like that every time i would turn my cintiq on! the situation was severe and everytime i would find a solution, it would be later suppressed, it was so harsh that i had a few months in which nothing I would do would make the drivers function, i was basically tabletless, so many, and a lot of opportunities for me to create a piece of drawing was flushed in the toilet with the rest, and so it was a deeper burden on my passion, determination and motivation to draw.
But yeah, now im doing 3d and it feels like a fresh hobby to me since I felt that im not going anywhere in and with my art (even though I yet have to learn how to draw bodies better, let alone drawing limbs, feet and CLOTHES!!)
and now the future has yet to be revealed!
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Kill The Moon - Doctor Who blog (Is This The Worst Doctor Who Episode Ever?)
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet... then I envy you, you lucky bastard)
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I... really... didn’t want to watch this one again. The first time I saw this back in 2014, it elicited a reaction out of me so violent that it would have made a Hell’s Angel blush. I HATED this episode with every fibre of my being and I’ve been dreading coming back to review this. I had to bribe myself with chocolate in order to get through it again and, even now as I’m typing this, I’m seething with rage. The very thought that my TV licence fee contributed to this pile of absolute garbage fucking disgusts me.
So... Kill The Moon.
Let’s start with the first immediate problem that jumps out. Courtney. What the fuck is she doing here? You could literally cut her out of the story entirely and it wouldn’t have made the slightest bit of difference. Actually no, I tell a lie. It would have made one difference. The episode would have been slightly less grating to watch. She’s so fucking annoying that I was hoping a gruesome death was on the cards for her. She’s constantly moaning about being bored or that she’s not special, which considering what an arrogant little bitch she’s been presented as over the course of this series, it probably wouldn’t hurt to have the Doctor take her down a peg or two. You certainly don’t want to encourage someone like that into believing they’re a special little snowflake because it’ll just reinforce their selfish behaviour, and I’m alarmed that that’s what her teacher Clara is trying to do. What the fuck?
So the TARDIS crew land on the Moon and meet three astronauts. One of them is played by Hermione Norris, who gives such a dull and lifeless performance that I’m almost impressed by it. The way she says her lines, she sounds as though she’s only just woken up. Mind you, if I was lumbered with a character this one dimensional, I wouldn’t put much energy into my performance neither. Also there are two other astronauts played by two other actors who do absolutely nothing. They’re all bland, boring characters and I’m sure they have names, but I can’t be arsed to remember them because that’s how fucking boring they are. I don’t give a single shit about any of them, partly because the writer Peter Harness has given me no reason to care about them, but mostly because I was too busy trying to make sense of Kill The Moon’s moronic morass of pseudoscience and dumbass non-logic.
So the Mexicans have made a lunar mining base on the Moon only to discover there are in fact no minerals on the Moon. At all. None whatsoever. Then once you’ve finished laughing at that stupidity, we’re then expected to believe that after years of technological innovation, everyone just stopped going into space. And apparently there’s no way to get to the mining base other than using an old space shuttle from a museum. So the Mexican company didn’t have any of its own ships it could send up in case something went wrong? None of the intermediate stages of spaceflight between a shuttle and a mining colony were available neither?
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But wait! It gets worse!
The Moon is getting bigger. That’s bad. Tidal waves and floods and all that jazz. So what’s the solution? Nuke the fucker! Yeah! That will make everything better! Except doing so could potentially send chunks of radioactive Moon rock at the Earth and cause an apocalypse (assuming the rocks don’t just form back into a sphere shaped mass again because that’s how gravity fucking works). Also the Moon acts as a counterweight to the Earth. So if the Moon disappeared, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun would become more erratic and the planet would wobble uncontrollably on its axis, causing the seasons to fluctuate wildly. So blowing up the Moon could actually make things worse. Whoops!
And why is the Moon getting bigger? (Are you ready for this? You’re going to love this one?) The Moon is an egg!
Well no, wait, actually that makes perfect sense. Because we all know when a chicken lays an egg, the egg gets bigger and heavier as it incubates. OH WAIT! NO IT DOESN’T! THE EGG GETS LIGHTER! SO HOW THE FUCK DOES THE MOON GAIN AN EXTRA 1.3 BILLION TONNES IN WEIGHT? WHERE DID ALL THAT EXTRA MASS COME FROM? THIS IS UTTER BOLLOCKS!
And it just gets even stupider when you take this baby creature into account. How does killing the creature solve the problem of the tidal waves? The reason the tidal waves are occurring is because of the increased mass of the Moon. If you kill the creature, that mass doesn’t magically go away. You’ve still got a dead creature orbiting the planet. The mass is still there. Even if you were to accept the possibility that the nukes would blow the creature to smithereens, it’s more likely that the bits of luna rock and alien guts would form back into a sphere under its own gravity, thus causing more problems for the Earth.
Now yes I know this is Doctor Who. It’s never exactly been scientifically accurate and if I were to go through all the bad science in Doctor Who stories, we’d be here all day. However in order to maintain our suspension of disbelief, the science doesn’t necessarily need to be accurate, but it does need to make sense under the show’s own internal logic. This... doesn’t! The science in Kill The Moon is so stupid and so nonsensical that it actually takes you completely out of the story. It’s hard to be scared of the alien spiders once you find out they’re prokaryotic (just... huh?!) and it’s hard to take the Doctor seriously when he’s spouting unscientific bullshit that is objectively wrong. And all the stuff I’ve been saying, this isn’t some obscure stuff that only a Stephen Hawking or an Albert Einstein would know. You can literally GOOGLE this crap! There’s simply no excuse for such shoddy science. So either Peter Harness is lazy as fuck and couldn’t be bothered to do basic research before putting pen to paper or he’s a complete and utter idiot. And that would be one thing if all that results in just a stupid story, but it’s another thing entirely when the writer brings that same laziness/stupidity to the table when tackling sensitive, real world issues.
As I watched Kill The Moon, with Clara and um... the spacewoman debating whether to kill the creature or not, the penny dropped with a horrible clang. Yes, Doctor Who is going to talk to us about abortion. Now of course this isn't the first time the show has tackled difficult subject matters and there’s no reason why a show whose audience is predominantly children shouldn’t be allowed to discuss and explore sensitive subjects. It all depends on how it’s done. Abortion is a tricky one because there are essentially two parts to the pro-choice/pro-life debate. The first is that of the woman’s autonomy, to which the answer should obviously be yes. A woman should absolutely have the right to decide what she does with her own body. The second part is where things get murky. The rights of the foetus. Namely, is abortion murder? That all depends when life officially begins, except nobody can agree when that is. Is it at the point of conception? During the first trimester? The second? When the embryo takes on a human shape? When the woman actually gives birth to the child? And that in turn raises a whole new set of questions. Let’s say that life officially begins during the second trimester. Does that mean the embryo still has rights during the first trimester just because it’s going to be alive? What about sperm and egg cells? Does that make condoms immoral just because those sperm could fertilise an egg and could create life? So what does this mean then? Are the pro-life group campaigning for the right to life or the right to potentially have life? Is ‘potentially’ too broad a definition and is it in fact restricting a woman’s autonomy? Which brings us to the ultimate question. Whose life is more important? The mother’s or the foetus’? What if giving birth to the baby harms or kills the mother? What if other factors prevent the mother from giving a baby the quality of care it deserves? Whose life takes precedent?
Now I’m not going to tell you my views on abortion because, frankly, they’re irrelevant to this. I’m merely demonstrating how complicated this debate truly is. These are questions with no clear right or wrong answer and there’s probably never going to be a clear, definitive answer. A lot of it really comes down to your own personal morality. So if you’re going to write a story about abortion... well... don’t. That would be my advice because you’re bound to piss somebody off no matter what you do. But if you still persist, you need to do your fucking homework before you start and make sure you handle the subject with tact and discretion.
With this in mind, how does Kill The Moon go about doing this?
The Doctor discovers the existence of the creature under the Moon’s surface and remarks upon how beautiful it is, to which Hermione Norris’ character responds by asking how do they kill it while a sinister music cue plays over the scene.
Wow. Subtle.
This is the reason behind my intense dislike towards this episode. Not only does it make the same mistake most New Who stories make by stripping the moral complexity out of morally complex situations and spoon-feeding the answer to the audience, it also becomes offensively dangerous when you factor the abortion metaphor into the equation. The episode takes a hardline pro-life stance, portraying the pro-choice side as irrational baby killers, even going so far as to have the Earth (or half of the Earth at any rate. The other half not visible to the Moon doesn’t get a say apparently) vote whether to kill the creature or not, and then have Clara go against their unanimous decision to kill it and stop the nukes for no reason other than babies are good. (I feel I should point out there was nothing to suggest the creature wouldn’t have swooped down and devoured humanity the moment it had hatched. The fact that it didn’t only shows how grotesquely lucky Clara was with her rash decision). There’s no effort to actually have an intelligent discussion about this. The decision is made right from the start with the irrational baby killers merely being an obstacle in the righteous pro-lifer’s path. Not only is it biased to an insulting degree, it’s also intellectually dishonest. If the only way you can support your argument is by demonising the other side, all it proves is that your argument doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
Oh, let’s talk about Clara because she really fucking pissed me off. I was amazed by the number of people who were angry over the Doctor’s decision to leave and not intervene in the decision because that was the only thing about the episode I actually liked. You may call bullshit considering the number of times the Doctor has interfered in human affairs, but as far as I’m concerned, he made the right choice here. He recognised how complex and difficult the decision was and he also recognised that it wasn’t his place to make that decision for them. Like he said, it’s not his home. It’s not his moon. It’s not his choice. Which is what makes Clara’s temper tantrum at the end all the more egregious. For starters it’s a bit rich her chastising the Doctor for leaving them when she was prepared to do the same thing less than 10 minutes before. Also what is she actually complaining about? That the Doctor paid her and the rest of the human race enough respect to make the choice for themselves? Doesn’t really make sense when you put it like that, does it? Clara basically comes across like a spoilt child, moaning and shrieking at the Doctor because he was no longer at her beck and call and she actually had to think and act for herself for a change. And rather than have the Doctor just tell her to grow the fuck up (or better yet, give her a sharp dropkick out of the TARDIS and find a companion who’s actually likeable and well developed), the episode clearly expects you to be on Clara’s side and tut-tut at the Doctor disapprovingly even though he hasn’t actually done anything wrong. Clara is basically upset because she had to think for herself, and that worries me.
Kill The Moon is not just bad. It isn’t even terrible. In fact I’d go as far to say that it’s one of the most despicable things I’ve ever come across. It’s not just because of the shit story or the bullshit scientific inaccuracies. It’s because of how cack handed and irresponsible Peter Harness is when it comes to the central theme. The very thought that this episode could give kids a skewed, biased and utterly warped view of abortion thanks to a writer who is either too stupid or too lazy to do proper research into the subject makes me sick to my fucking stomach. Also Steven Moffat can go fuck himself too. Oh yeah, I’m not letting him off the hook. He’s the showrunner. He’s the one who looked over this script and went ‘yep. I see nothing problematic about this whatsoever.’
This is the episode that made me stop watching Doctor Who. I felt so sickened and so insulted by what I had just watched that I actually flung up my hands and went ‘fuck it! I don’t want to watch this show anymore!’ It hurt to do it. I love Doctor Who, but I couldn’t continue to watch fucking morons like Moffat and Harness grind it into the dirt. So I left, vowing never to return until Moff-Face was shown the fucking door. And this Christmas, I’m finally going to get my wish.
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Which leaves me in an interesting position going forward with my reviews. Beyond this episode, I legitimately have no idea what’s going to happen. I know a few tidbits of information from what I’ve seen on Tumblr. For instance, I know that Missy is the Master (that didn’t come as much of a surprise. I mean really, who the fuck else could she have been?), I know that the Doctor returns to Gallifrey at some point and I think Clara ends up dying at the end of Series 9 (couldn’t have happened to a more deserving companion as far as I’m concerned). Beyond that, I genuinely have no idea what’s in store for me from here. But at least I’ll be safe in the knowledge that no episode can possibly be as bad as Kill The fucking Moon.
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