#humane movie
tinyreviews · 5 months
Tiny Review: Humane 2024. Intriguing mix of human psychology and environmental message.
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I went into this with low expectations. I don’t particularly enjoy horror. But this pretty good, at least up until the end. And it isn’t really that horrible, more Purge-like.
Great characterizations. Intriguing premise. Good setups, tension, and turns. Recommended.
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Humane is a 2024 horror thriller film directed by Caitlin Cronenberg, and written and produced by Michael Sparaga. It stars Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire, Sebastian Chacon, Alanna Bale, Sirena Gulamgaus, Uni Park, Enrico Colantoni, and Peter Gallagher.
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granitefilmreviews · 24 days
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With some excellent world building and a great setup, Humane provides some good social commentary, even when it's sometimes overwhelming you with how many ideas it has.
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notherpuppet · 6 months
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Buckshot: Part 1 of 4
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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leveractionlesbian · 5 months
saw a movie the other day called Humane. never heard of it, but i realized that i'll only have truly special movie watching experiences if i try new stuff
it was okay. i can tell the director has studied a lot of film, and has picked up on a lot of the sound design and cinematography, and knows WHY and HOW to implement them, it just lacks the polish and execution of a more experienced director.
the writing is... not very good. every character is one note and the social commentary is all over the place, with a little bit to chew on but overall a waste of the idea. the plot is generally fun to watch play out, but extremely derivative, with only one or two interesting twists on the format.
the acting is pretty terrible from most of the cast the whole way through, and they're working with some pretty bad dialogue. none of the characters are interesting and their small universal arc doesn't feel earned or really have anything leading up to it.
to be more positive, it's fun to watch. i had a good time. everything is just good enough to be entertaining, and the special effects are actually really good the entire way through. it's actually paced out extremely well, and the movie feels fast, which is a positive in this case. the editing and sound work are generally good, nothing really stuck out to me as bad, which is an achievement all on its own.
while it's an extremely promising directorial debut, the film on its own is pretty lackluster. i enjoyed it because i just like that genre of horror movies by default. maybe drink a little before watching it like i did to help drown out the writing and acting, and you'll have a good enough time.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 5 months
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Guardian swap au for 4/13 ^ ^
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ssunphire · 4 months
honestly i will NEVER get over how pretty sokka looked in kyoshi warrior makeup and i think we should talk about it more
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shouty-y · 2 years
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Rewatched Goncharov (1973) and did a few studies of my favourite scenes
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nataliedecorsair · 1 month
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What if there was a Borderlands cartoon instead of a movie? Here's my take on it, I drew some "fake screenshots" showing what it could've been. And there is a hidden frog in there 🐸 It's also my AU stuff mixed with canon, in case you were wondering.
Btw, the loader here is the Loader Bot from Tales. I was thinking how he's slowly started getting conscious, that's why he's looking at Jack like that. Generally speaking, I prefer older Borderlands games, so this art is my ode to them. Hope you like it
I also have other fan art posts dedicated to the early 2000s animation, and Hades + Eris crossover
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FNAF Phone guy was wild for saying that to Michael..
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52lololol · 3 months
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Pixar really made him said "I can fix her"😭😭😭💀💀
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: cannibal
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multific · 6 months
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Yautja x Reader
Summary: After you gave birth to your son, it took you some time to get used to having a half-Yautja and half-human. 
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You felt sore all over. 
You moved against the fur but your whole body felt sore.
You could hear your mate’s soft breathing, it immediately made you feel at ease.
Yet, something felt out of place.
As you stirred from your sleep, you sat up in your bed and looked around. Everything looked normal, except for one thing.
The little child who used to be under your heart was now in a crib beside you. 
You looked at your mate, sleeping soundly beside you.
He got used to sleeping with you to the point where he didn’t even care anymore if you moved or woke up. 
It wasn’t always like that.
He often woke up with you when he took you into his home, but he got gradually used to you being with him.
You moved over to the crib, leaving the warmth of your bed, you stood up and got your son out of his crib.
It was a little strange to call him your son, after all, he looked nothing like you.
He looked like a pure Yautja, except for his eyes, his eyes were yours.
He wasn’t sleeping when you lifted him out of his crib, instead, he was watching, learning.
You ignored all the pain in your body as you moved out of the bedroom and into what you would call a kitchen.
You got yourself a glass of water as you sat down on one of the chairs. With your child in your arms, you moved him so you could see his face.
He laid in your lap.
“Will you never cry?” But your Baby had no reply. Of course, he didn’t he wasn’t even a day old. You watched him as his eyes wandered from your eyes to your chest and hands. 
You held a finger out to him, which caught his attention and he immediately grabbed it.
He continued to watch your finger as you smiled.
This little moment reminded you that even if he looked like a Yautja, he was still a baby.
Your baby.
This little boy in your lap was not so long ago in your stomach.
It was crazy to think about.
Your house felt a little too quiet, usually you were never up without your mate. So, this felt a little strange. 
You looked at your son.
“How am I supposed to feed you?” You said as you lifted him, trying to see if he was hungry or not. He was, you didn’t know how, but you could tell.
You pulled your nightgown down and you didn’t know how, but he was a natural.
You watched as he fed. 
He truly didn’t feel like your son. You looked after so many Yautja babies when you joined their tribe, this felt almost like one of those moments.
Except for the feeding part. Only a mother can feed their child.
And your son was no exception.
While he was born into a very high place in the hunting tribe, he was still your son. 
A highly anticipated member.
Your Mate was the right had of the tribe leader, a high position with lots of responsibilities.
One of which was to bring a son into the world.
Which you just managed to do.
You had a pregnancy which left your body sore and your mate feared the worst, but thankfully, you were able to give birth without any major issues.
And now, here you were, holding him and feeding him.
Your thumb ran down his little cheek, right next to where his mandibles were.
“You are beautiful.” You smiled and the child just kept looking at you.
Once he finished eating you pulled your gown back and pulled him to your chest, laying him down.
Did Yautja babies even burp?
Guess you will find out soon.
He did burp.
A small little burp.
And soon, he was off again.
You got up from the chair and headed back to the bedroom.
You got in, the fire was still going, but now, your mate was up.
He looked at you then at your son in your arms.
“He was hungry.” You said as you put him back into his crib before climbing back on the furs.
You let out a long yawn before getting under the covers. 
Your mate made a sound before laying back down himself. You lay down closer to him as he pulled you closer.
Maybe it was a difficult thing to give birth to a Yautja baby. Maybe it was difficult being married to one as well.
But you loved them both with all of your heart and that was enough, more than enough.
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@castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @il0vebeingdelulu @deliciousfestsalad @groovyqueer @lilliumrorum
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noknowshame · 6 months
always a fun time when real life people are doomed by their own narratives. like guys you know it doesn’t have to be like this right? this isn’t a stageplay the foreshadowing isn’t real until you make it real
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The healing and lasting love of a mom
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sailorsenshigifs · 3 months
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beebeedibapbeediboop · 5 months
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Human calcifer...don't ask me why
He probably steals Howl's clothes
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