francoise-larouge · 4 months
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Sur les quais©FrançoiseLarouge2023
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aurianneor · 14 days
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Une aide militaire sous conditions
L’aide au développement et l’aide en sécurité doit être conditionnée à l’adhésion aux valeurs humanistes des Lumières qui sont universelles.
Il ne faut pas soutenir un régime dictatorial qui oppresse sa population. Le soutien inconditionnel des Etats-Unis à Israël qui pratique un régime d’Apartheid contre les Palestiniens n’est pas normal. Cette aide aurait du être accompagné de contreparties. Le soutien de la France aux pays du Sahel contre les guérillas Islamistes ne s’est pas accompagné d’une exigence de démocratie et de développement humain. La protection américaine de l’Arabie Saoudite contre l’Iran et l’Irak a été fait malgré le fait que l’Arabie Saoudite fait la discrimination homme/femme, la torture, le régime dictatorial monarchique, etc. Au Gabon, la France a soutenu la dynastie Bongo au pouvoir pour permettre au pays de prospérer mais en échange on a pas demandé de progrès démocratiques et humains. Du coup maintenant les Gabonais se sont détournés de la France. Au Mali, il n’y a pas eu d’exigences à l’aide militaire, les Maliens ont vu que cela protégeait le dictateur au pouvoir et se sont tournés vers les milices Wagner. Cela crée du ressentiment dans la population. C’est une trahison des valeurs universelles de la DUDH.
A Taiwan, en Ukraine ou en Corée du Sud, la protection de l’Ouest a ses exigences en terme d’élections, de progrès humain de lutte contre la corruption. Ces pays ont fait des progrès humains formidables: ce sont de vraies démocraties respectant les droits de l’homme, avec de vraies élections, sans persécutions des femmes ou LGBT+, ils n’agressent pas leurs voisins, etc. C’est donc possible.
Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 avril 2024, l’Iran a lancé une salve de 300 missiles et drones sur Israël dans le but de tuer un maximum de gens sans pouvoir discriminer civils et militaires. C’est un crime de guerre. Si l’Iran ou ses alliés au Moyen Orient venaient à renouveler une telle attaque, Israël aura besoin de l’aide militaire des pays occidentaux pour la défense de sa population. Cette aide doit être sous conditions: l’arrêt des massacres à Gaza, l’arrêt de la violence dans les territoires occupés et la fin du régime d’Apartheid contre les palestiniens. L’aide de l’Ouest s’arrête au respect des valeurs humanistes universelles. La déclaration des droits de l’Homme est universelle. Ce n’est pas du néo-colonialisme, il n’y a pas d’occupation e ce qu’ils font est inacceptable. Ils sont signataires de la DUDH.
Si un régime est aidé sans adhérer à ces valeurs quelles seront les conséquences? Le soutien inconditionnel à Israël a aussi conduit à soutenir le gouvernement israélien qui massacre des Gazaoui en toute impunité.
Il faut négocier ces conditions publiquement. Il faut que les violences s’arrêtent. Il faut que quand l’Occident arrive, il y ait de la sécurité, des écoles, la santé, du développement et de la prospérité. Sinon, la déception est grande et cela nourrit le fait que les populations se détournent de l’Occident.
Conditional military assistance: https://www.aurianneor.org/conditional-support/
Quand la force est légitime: https://www.aurianneor.org/quand-la-force-est-legitime/
Pour une défense européenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/pour-une-defense-europeenne/
Le compas moral: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-compas-moral/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration/
Liberté et vivre ensemble: https://www.aurianneor.org/liberte-et-vivre-ensemble/
Comment regagner la confiance?: https://www.aurianneor.org/comment-regagner-la-confiance/
Police et justice pour le peuple: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-et-justice-pour-le-peuple/
Guerre et Paix à l’ONU: https://www.aurianneor.org/guerre-et-paix-a-lonu-en-1961-lavion-du/
Les rouges et les jaunes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-rouges-et-les-jaunes-foulards-rouges-contre/
La preuve qu’on sait ne pas se battre. – Quand la force n’est pas légitime…: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-preuve-quon-sait-ne-pas-se-battre-quand-la/
Arrête de financer la haine: https://www.aurianneor.org/arrete-de-financer-la-haine/
Police, Armée: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-armee-manif-des-policiers-je-suis-gilet/
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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6 mars 1577 : mort de Remy Belleau, poète de la « Pléiade » ➽ http://bit.ly/Remy-Belleau Comptant parmi les sept poètes qui formaient la « Pléiade française », Remy Belleau, qualifié de « peintre de la nature » par Ronsard, acquit une certaine notoriété grâce à ses pastorales et son poème « Amours et Nouveaux Eschanges de pierres précieuses »
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❤️🌺🌼La mascotte de #magictrafic notre Licorne vadrouilleuse en mode #roadtrip vers le @sial.paris revise les cours d l'@ecole5.3. 🤔D'après vous qu'est ce je revise en ce moment.? Je vous aime.💕💖💗💞🍀 #nutrition #pleinesanté #santementale #santenaturelle #santé #conseilsanté #bienetreaunaturel #bienetre #mieuxetre #conseillèrenutrition #thérapeute #humanity #humaniste #holistic #therapieintegrative #integrative (à Nathalie Beylot-Layens Sophrologue, Art-thérapeute & Formatrice) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjvAYLZqNV4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jhoumous-fr · 2 years
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Ce qu’on mange, un choix personnel ?
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oldfilmsflicker · 8 months
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new-to-me #674 - Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant (Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person)
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cyber-corp · 9 months
Just saw Barbie at my local cinema and holy shit was it an experience.
People from all walks of life, families with their daughters, young lovers, seniors all came to see Barbie and all appropriately dressed in hot pink.
Especially fitting considering the film’s humanistic message. You don’t have to be all of the things that are expected of you, what you are already is good enough, so just enjoy yourself! Such a universal message that I think only something like Barbie could pull off.
But also this film is on Zoolander levels of humour, could not breathe during the Ken-off.
Ken out of Ken.
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
From what I can see, all the commentary on the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie thinks this story is trying to answer its philosopical questions, and completely overlooking the fact that all the answers these characters find are the wrong ones. The right answer is in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and Mockingjay. You can tell because the main character of this story is the villain in the other ones.
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weirdmageddon · 6 months
i posted this on twitter also but it’s still eating at me. i’m so fucking embarrassed to be jewish rn. i dont want to be associated with this ongoing bullshit from israel. why do we need our own state. theyre just making every jew across the globe look bad in general even though many of us are conflicted about zionism and the legitimacy of israel as a state
people have hated jews throughout history for no fuckin reason but now israel exists but now its like. GIVING people reasons to hate us as a group. note that i DON’T conflate zionism with jewishness, but a lot of people in the world don’t know the difference because theyre uninformed and been dripfed cultural antisemitic tropes their whole life and that’s the scary part is them falsely putting two and two together. like what the fuck israel stop youre just putting fuel on the fire for people around the world to hate an entire group of historically persecuted people if youre being this shitty with your insane colonialism and apartheid like……I Want No Fuckin Part Of This. you’re spelling our own doom. you cant just swoop in and go “mine now” and then oppress the people you took land from under a regime without my blood boiling at the injustice no matter WHO you are. even if my lineage is tied to you. so when news outlets support israel it doesn’t feel like they have the best interest of jews as a people in mind. it’s in the interest of a zionist ethnostate and whatever that christian zionism belief is about the jewish people returning to the holy land as prerequisite for the second coming of jesus. its not like they care about us as a dispersed ethnocultural group, it’s all for that religious narrative that a bunch of people in the US are backing.
saying you want all jews to die is antisemitic. beating someone up because they’re jewish and no other reason without knowing their views is antisemitic. criticizing human rights violations perpetrated by israel and the belief that one group deserves more rights another is not antisemitic. and the fact that israel has the ability to pull that antisemitism card in response to criticisms of the violations they commit because their state is the “jewish homeland” drives me fucking insane. take fucking accountability for your actions. and yes, there do exist full-on anti-jewish groups in the middle east that go beyond hatred of israel’s policies and existence as a state and i’m tired of people pretending there aren’t in fear of appearing to seem like they support the state of israel. on the other side of things many people overestimate this by fearmongering and saying EVERY arab is out to get jews worldwide, telling people like me “they want YOU dead”. this is not the belief every person in the middle east and it really rubs me the wrong way that people group millions of individuals into all-encompassing lumps like this. many people there do understand nuance of this political situation.
even if i have that “right of return” by israeli law or whatever, i don’t feel obliged to it; it does not register as fair. why do i have a “right of return” when i’ve never even been there in the first place while palestinians who have homes there can’t return to them? what’s the basis for that? substituting objective reality with an imaginary reality? i don’t think like that. i can hypothetically come and go whenever i please but palestinians are severely limited in mobility? what makes me more entitled to that land than the people who lived there for centuries? nothing that comes from natural law thats for sure. it’s all artificial and inflated.
but at the same time i also dont want to be the target of antisemitism and caught in the fray just for being ethnically jewish. once people start calling for the genocide of entire groups we’ve got issues (and you better believe this absolutely applies to the palestinian victims in gaza too), because people who dissent to the violence perpetrated by the loudest are caught in there with the people who are perpetrating the violence. lack of nuance. people conflating israel and its zionist apartheid policies with jewish ethnicity and culture worldwide. other people conflating being terrorist anti-jew with muslims worldwide (like that 6-year old palestinian-american boy that was just stabbed to death in chicago). scary times man. but as a jew i can’t just opt out of this if it’s how i was born as. i don’t have control over that. but i can control what i think and what my beliefs are
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talesfromthecrypts · 3 days
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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) // Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023)
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francoise-larouge · 1 year
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unbidden-yidden · 5 months
To be honest I'm spiraling a little bit about how much people refuse to see other human beings as human beings lately.
Humans are flawed. We hurt each other. Sometimes terribly. Sometimes unforgivably. Sometimes we commit monstrous acts that feel impossible to understand to most of us.
We are also good. Often in small, seemingly insignificant ways, but that matter in the aggregate. Sometimes it's big things, too. And sometimes we do incredible things that require bravery that most people have a hard time understanding how one can muster it.
But ultimately, we are human — the good, the bad, the ugly, the incredible, the mundane, the monstrous, the subtle evil, and the humble kindness — it's all so very, very human.
Most of us are complicated and inconsistent; our relationships with each other even more so. In the collective, it becomes complex enough that it requires whole fields of study.
People spend ages working to discover and understand themselves, never mind anyone else, and yet we are so arrogant and simplistic towards each other. We give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and yet struggle to not make snap decisions about one another's motivations.
And yet despite all that, it really is possible to approach each other with compassion and a willingness to understand. It is possible to care about multiple things at once. It is possible to hold onto multiple truths. It is possible to hold people accountable without cruelty and with honesty, yet understand the reasons why they acted the way they did. It is possible to balance mercy and justice. And one without the other is not really either. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's possible.
It is possible. You don't have to dehumanize other people; that is a choice.
It's always a choice.
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francepittoresque · 8 months
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3 septembre 1653 : mort de l'humaniste et philologue Claude Saumaise ➽ http://bit.ly/Claude-Saumaise Médecine, jurisprudence, théologie, philosophie, histoire ecclésiastique, antiquités grecques et romaines, langues anciennes, langues orientales : dépeint par Ménage comme le plus honnête et le plus sociable des hommes, Claude Saumaise avait tout fouillé
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theygender · 1 year
Thinking about the way that John Gaius went from being an avid anti-capitalist, environmentalist, and humanist; the only person left in existence who may have been able to keep Earth and all of her children alive through the coming apocalypse and had the drive to keep working on saving the world even when it seemed hopeless, no matter what obstacles were thrown his way... To becoming not only the person who pulled the trigger to personally kill the Earth and everyone left on it, but also becoming the god-king of a colonialist murdering empire of his own making, killing every planet that crosses his path? I'm chewing through my power cable and it's gonna make me short circuit
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vladim-3d · 1 month
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Frutiger Aero Sonic
Cool ideas come to me at 3 AM.
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andromeda3116 · 8 months
gah now i'm getting On My Shit about the discworld again and like i've said what i want to say about the witches and the watch but there's also small gods like i will never be over small gods i finished it and i was like... has this... has this healed some of my religious trauma?
if you've never read it, the plot is thus: on the disc, gods get their power from belief. therefore, the more believers a god has, the more powerful they are. and so, there is this god -- om -- who has risen in power, who has a country devoted to His worship, which hunts down and slaughters heretics and infidels, to whom people pray multiple times a day and make pilgrimages to His holy city, which has a huge citadel and huge structure of a complex religion devoted to his worship. and, on a whim, He comes down one day to see how things are going.
and discovers that he has no power.
that, in this country of millions who profess to worship Him with all their hearts, there is only one person left who actually believes in Him.
and there's a lot of meat there, and a lot more plot to delve into, but the core theme ends up boiling down to this:
can you forgive your god for how they failed you?
and do they deserve that forgiveness? how can they earn that forgiveness?
because ultimately, the forgiveness that the messianic archetype is embodying is not that of the god's grace, but of the people's -- to forgive their god his absence. to give their god another chance to be their god.
and whether or not you, in the end, can forgive, it gives you the language to realize that this is what you were asking for with your last prayers. whether or not you can ever go back, whether or not there have been other reasons since that have convinced you further, it gives you the language to accept that your god failed you. and it is not your fault.
this book speaks loudest, perhaps, to those of us who left our church with grief, not with anger. with hurt betrayal, not with the fires of defiance.
it didn't change my lack of religious belief, but it helped me conceptualize my feelings about the church, the things that went deeper than intellectual arguments. about that sense of betrayal, that hurt, that twisted-up knot within me that it had built, and it gave me the mirror within which i could see that i had been failed by my beliefs. it wasn't that i hadn't believed enough, it was that my belief had been betrayed by the absence of an answer.
there have been other reasons since then that have cemented my atheism, but small gods made me stop hating the church i used to love, because it made me recognize why i hated it so much and said "you're not wrong, it didn't have to be this way. you were betrayed and you were failed and you can let it go, now."
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