#humans need variation and stimulation
allmyoldhaunts · 11 months
listen i really do believe in the necessity of listening to really different music than you’re used to. especially during times of stagnation and times of change. not only will you find things that you love regardless of genre or style, it’s like a mini reset for your brain.
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crystallinestars · 4 months
NSFW Alphabet - Neuvillette
My humble Valentine's offering.
Future parts for other boys will eventually be added here once they're written.
Neuvillette x fem!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The first few times you have sex, Neuvillette is a bit lost on how to perform aftercare since it’s not something he’s had to deal with before. Rest assured that he will still try his best to take care of you. Neuvillette will ask if there’s anything he can do for you, such as getting you water or helping you into the bath. Once he learns what is usually expected out of aftercare, he becomes very attentive to your needs. You will be pampered like a princess.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He never thought about what part of himself he liked the most, but if asked, he would have to say his eyes. You once mentioned that you found his eyes beautiful, and your words stuck with him ever since. Though he doesn’t see anything particularly noteworthy about his body aside from the fact it differs from a human’s, if you say you like his eyes, then he will come to view them as something special.
It's not really a body part, but Neuvillette likes your voice. He enjoys the sound of your voice after a long workday or a grueling case because it soothes him. It doesn’t have to be the prettiest, it just has to be yours because you are what he finds comfort in.
Ever since your relationship began, he got to hear all kinds of variations of your voice, but the most striking for him is how you sound while he makes love to you. Your moans and sighs of pleasure excite him in a way he never experienced before. Though the intensity of his arousal from hearing your wanton moans can be overwhelming at times, Neuvillette finds it enjoyable nonetheless.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is thick but tasteless. He always gets flustered if you swallow his cum since he finds the act too obscene, yet has no issue eating you out.
Due to his dragon nature, he likes to cum inside you if you let him. However, he’ll readily comply with your wishes if you tell him you don’t want that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes Neuvillette can get too absorbed in the primal pleasures of sex, allowing his innate dragon side to rear its head. This usually manifests in a desire to mark you as his, be it littering your skin with visible bites, sucking hickeys into your neck, or cumming inside you. Neuvillette suppresses these urges fairly well because he’s worried if he succumbs to them that he might hurt you, but he still can’t help but bite on your neck when he climaxes. It happens often enough that you can tell he’s holding himself back from being rougher with you, so if that’s something that you want, you’ll need to assuage his concerns.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Has zero experience. Neuvillette kept his distance from humans for hundreds of years, unwilling to forge intimate relationships with anyone until recently. That, combined with how absorbed he is with work, resulted in him never being in a relationship or having sexual encounters. That’s not to say he’s oblivious to how sex works. He does have working knowledge of the basics, but the intricacies of how to stimulate his partner and deriving pleasure from the act elude him.
Neuvillette is an attentive lover, so he will pay close attention to your reactions and follow your instructions carefully to try and give you the best experience possible. Though he lacks knowledge initially, he’s open to learning how to please you and will try his best to leave you thoroughly satisfied.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Neuvillette likes positions where he can see your face. Since he’s quite traditional, the chief justice isn’t into trying anything unconventional, so missionary is usually his favorite. He can do variations on it, such as hooking your legs over his shoulders or raising your knees to your chest for deeper penetration.
If he’s feeling really frisky, he might also take you in doggy. In that event, he’ll lean over you so his head is level with yours because he wants to see your expressions and give you kisses (plus it’s the perfect position for biting your nape).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He takes sex very seriously. Almost too seriously. That’s mainly because it’s unfamiliar territory to him, so he’s not as comfortable and relaxed yet as someone more experienced might be. Even after he grows accustomed to sex, he still takes it seriously because he understands that it’s a very intimate and vulnerable moment for both of you, and he doesn’t want to slip up and accidentally hurt you. If you’re nervous, he will try his best to reassure you that he will be gentle and slow, and he’s willing to stop at any time if you ask. Overall, he’s very considerate towards you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Nevillette goes through painstaking measures to care for his outward appearance, and the same applies to his pubic hair. He takes very good care of it, trimming it regularly to keep it neat. It’s the same shade of white as his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
During the first few sessions, Neuvillette will be quite awkward. He is completely out of his element and unfamiliar with what to do, so he will rely on your feedback a lot. His mind will mostly focus on trying to do everything right rather than showering you in romantic or dirty praises, but you can still tell he loves you through his actions. His movements and gestures might be awkward at the start, but there’s a gentleness and tenderness to them that speak volumes about how he feels for you in that moment.
Once he grows accustomed to sex and knows what each of you like and dislike, Neuvillette will become more comfortable with expressing his feelings during lovemaking. He will say things like “I love you” and “You’re so wonderful” often, and give you lots of kisses and gentle caresses. It will be quite romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate. He might have tried it once or twice, but his libido is quite low and he simply saw no need to engage in the act, so he seldom did it. Work kept him distracted from his bodily needs, and if he needed to let out stress, then he opted for going on strolls or conversing with the Melusines to lift his mood.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s very vanilla, so when entering the relationship he had no kinks. Only after some experimentation did he learn he has a bit of a breeding kink and is into blindfolding you because you become more vocal from the increased sensitivity. He’s not into more hardcore kinks like spanking, bondage, or asphyxiation to name a few. Neuvillette is naturally a very gentle and caring person, so he doesn’t want to do anything that can cause you harm or pain.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Neuvillette likes to keep his work and private lives separate, so sex only happens at home and 90% of the time on the bed. He will put his foot down if you try to get frisky with him in his office, and will kick you out if you won’t listen. He’s not risking having one of his coworkers walk in and see both of you in a compromising situation.
Neuvillette prefers the bed because it’s the most natural location to engage in sex (in his opinion), plus it’s comfortable and allows you a good place to rest afterwards. That said, he can fuck you on a table or counter if he’s feeling spontaneous. The Iudex also likes having sex in the bath due to his love for water, and he’ll take every precaution to keep you from slipping.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Neuvillette can grow aroused fairly easily, but he has ironclad self-restraint so it’s generally difficult to get him to act on his urges, especially if he has unfinished work to take care of. Fortunately, if you play your cards right, you could arouse him enough to act on his desires. The most effective method is to play with the tips of his ears. Neuvillette’s ears are sensitive to stimulation, so if you nibble or lick on the pointed tips, he can easily grow aroused. Same goes for whispering or moaning close to his ears.
Another way is to engage in a makeout session with him. Exchanging tender kisses that gradually grow more sensual and heated will ignite and fan the spark of lust in his belly. Since he’s inexperienced with such intimate contact, touches that feel good tend to easily arouse him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He can be a bit rough with you if you ask, such as thrusting harder or leaving bite marks on your skin, but other than that, Neuvillette won’t do anything to hurt you. As mentioned previously, he won’t do things like asphyxiation, spanking, or hardcore bondage, but also won’t degrade or humiliate you. He views such acts as brutish and hates bringing you or anyone pain. He’s simply too empathetic and sweet to hurt others. Similarly, he doesn’t want these things done to him, either.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Has a slight preference for giving over receiving, but that’s mostly because he feels awkward having his dick in your mouth. Neuvillette doesn’t know how to conduct himself at first since he’s never had this done to him before. With time, he will learn to relax and enjoy blowjobs, but will still have a preference for giving you oral as opposed to receiving. Neuvillette is naturally a very considerate individual and goes out of his way to accommodate the needs of others, even if he can be a bit awkward about it.
In terms of eating you out, Neuvillette will lack skill at first since you are the first sexual and romantic partner he’s ever had, he will heavily rely on you to give him guidance and feedback on his performance. He’s a quick learner, though, so he will have his techniques perfected to a science, and will leave you a writhing, moaning mess under his tongue. Neuvillette likes performing oral on you because he likes listening to your sweet moans and praises because they turn him on. Knowing he’s making you feel good with his mouth alone swells his ego.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally, Neuvillette is slow and sensual. He likes taking his time exploring your body and discovering what gets you going or what turns you off, so he knows how to please you better in the future. Engaging in sweet and sensual lovemaking also helps him feel more connected to you emotionally.
If he’s really turned on, Neuvillette can go a bit faster and harder, nipping on the skin of your shoulders and neck in a possessive manner, but even then, he’s still gentle enough to not break the skin.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Rarely engages in them, if at all. He prefers slower sessions where he can truly savor your body and connect with you emotionally, which quickies don’t provide.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Neuvillette is not one to take risks. He’s pretty traditional and doesn’t like the idea of doing something risky that can come at a detriment to either of you. He’s open to experimenting with kinks you're interested in if he deems harmless, otherwise he won’t go out of his way to try new things if the status quo seems to work just fine.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Because he’s a dragon, his stamina is higher than the average human’s, so Neuvillette can comfortably last for a few hours. His libido is not that high though, so he tends to go for 1-2 longer sessions. That's not a bad thing since he's very thorough about making sure you’re satisfied by the end, and are left wanting for nothing.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own any toys, but doesn’t mind if you do. He would prefer to keep them out of lovemaking with you. He’s not familiar with how they work, and would rather give you pleasure with his own skills than with a toy. He finds that they detract from the intimacy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s too much of a softie to want to tease you. He’d much rather give you the gratification you seek immediately and feel secure that he managed to satisfy you, so expect him to cave in to your every plea for more. The only time he'll refuse to get you off is if you ask him for sex outside of the house or when he has a lot of important work to take care of. Otherwise, he's almost a little too eager to please you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s generally quiet, only letting out heavy breaths and a few low grunts when you do something that makes him feel particularly good. When he’s close to climax or if you’re giving him oral, Neuvillette will moan softly but will try to muffle his voice. He’d much rather hear you over himself. If he’s in a more feral mood, he tends to let out low growls when he’s close to orgasm.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Neuvillette's tongue is about 3-4 inches longer than that of the average human, and he uses it very well when giving you oral. The length allows him to slip his tongue deep in your pussy, pressing the nimble appendage against all the sweet spots he can reach to make you see stars. It might be a strange sensation at first, but you'll come to learn that your boyfriend's ability can grant you pleasure in a way you've never experienced before.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s on the bigger side, a bit over 6 inches. His cock is slender and pale, with a nice upward curve.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Neuvillette’s sex drive is pretty low. He’s very used to going without sexual gratification, and never really craved it until he entered into a relationship with you. Although, he can get pretty into it once you actually have sex, and will keep going until you’re both satisfied (Mainly you, though. Your gratification is his priority.).
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As mentioned before, Neuvillette has more stamina than the average human, so a round of sex won’t be enough to tire him out enough to fall asleep easily. He’ll lay and cuddle with you afterward, but you’ll always fall asleep before him. He might fall asleep with you if he feels content and relaxed in the moment, or he might leave to finish up some leftover work if sleep doesn’t come easily. He'll give you a sweet kiss on the forehead before he goes.
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I admire your patience with those readers who need you to spoon feed them the story. Everything is in the comics but they still manage to go pass it. I can't help but feel a bit sad for them? Do they not understand what they read? Are they not attentive when reading it? I'm legitimately concerned because I function so differently I can't fathom this. If you like a story, isn't it normal to make your best to grasp it's essence and reflect on it? I know I project a lot about this, everyone works and registers things differentely of course but sometimes it's very frustrating to see people consume any media and just completely miss all the important messages in it, or even just fail to get the scenario sometimes, and it feels like it's very common now... Idk I just wanted maybe to have your perspective on this? Sorry for the long post (Been here for a few years now and your a true inspiration to me. All my luv to you! ❤️)
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You know, I'm gonna be honest. I used to stress out about this... a LOT.
As a story-brained person, this is definitely something that comes naturally to me, and perhaps to you, and to many other people who are wired similarly. To us, following the path of a story in an analytic, highly detail-motivated manner and unwrapping the themes can be as exciting as lifting up a rock to see the bugs underneath. It's an exciting mental activity that's stimulating and feels effortless.
And yes, as an author who spends literally 60% of my day thinking about this comic and how to draw it, panel it, script it, make it better (I script and panel in my head constantly)........ I have trouble realizing/dealing with the fact that some people are just here to CASUALLY enjoy the story that I am lowkey obsessed with.
But I've come to realize that... that's NORMAL! And healthy.
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People have different attention spans for different things.
People have varied ways to read a story and engage with it.
People have unique interests.
People don't have the same amounts of energy to devote to reading!
Maybe someone missed a detail I lovingly and painstakingly put into the dialogue because they're reading the update late at night after a long shift at work. And maybe someone scrolled past the dialogue completely and just got the gist from looking at the art, because they're in a hurry to get to practice at their favorite sportsball.
And maybe someone just had a really bad day with a really bad encounter, and they're reading the update in a terrible mood and instead of seeing MY grey-morality narrative, they're focusing on all the negative points and misread the vibes because of their own biases that stem from places of hurt.
The thing is, I have to be okay with that as an author, because I will NEVER be able to get into my audience's heads and read this comic 'correctly' for my own sake.
They will always have a slightly different interpretation of things, and they will always misunderstand details and miss clues. And sometimes, they will be wrong about the way they read a character's motivations... and sometimes maybe they won't be! That's just a part of communication. That's a part of telling a story.
An imperfect delivery, and an imperfect reception should, in my opinion, be a natural and accepted part of storytelling. We're human, and we all have a different lived experience, and we will ALL have different takes on a comic, even if it's so close that we THINK we are both getting the exact same thing. That small human interpretation variation is a home-made touch that makes it feel more organic.
In short.... Not all light particles make it here from the sun, but damn the result is stunning anyway.
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dido-main · 10 months
♡♡bf!txt and things you can do for them♡♡
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synopsis: small or big things/gestures to show your love for them or things they would love in their partner and their reaction based on my observations and astrology /seperate
genre: pure fluff and nothing else i swear
wanings: delulu headcanons, might come across cringe to some, is fluff a warning? imo it is! fight me about it if you want, kissing?
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i love my tubatu boys so much, i want to cry~
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let him what he needs to do show love
i think yeonjun would get very upset if you were to say stuff like how overwhelmed you are with his gifts since you can't do the same for him or judge him for wanting to show pda
so he is most likely to settle for bare minimum in this case. he has high standarts in everything else but this one in particular restricts him and his love for you. so just let him love you however he wants~
listen to his advices
he no means to control you but let's just say you made changes in your style just because yeonjun suggested you to do that particular thing, he would be so happy. this may include lots of variations of advice but like i said not in a controlling way.
wear matching clothes/accessories with him
not cringe ones like "his/hers" or "look at my bf/gf" but like waering the same necklace he bought for you or same themed clothes that do not necessarily scream couple clothes.
tumbling down his walls
i don't think yeonjun likes showing weakness. i have similar placements with him, i would know. so when you be the person he can truly feel comfortable around to show his real self, he is considering you love of his life.
encourage him in what he does
although this may apply to everything he is passionate about, his job in particular is where he needs you to be hyping him up. call him "4th gen it boy" or compliment his lyricism and him being all rounder. yeah almost everyone does that but he also needs you to do that, too.
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let him take care of you
soobin has this great parental energy that traditionally falls under father figure roles. what i mean is for example if you have a problem you are facing, just let him be the one who helps you solve it. i am not saying he wants to be your savior but he cares so much and this is his way of showing.
cook/bake together
soobin likes to cook/bake even though he is not the best at it. he tries. but he loves to cook/bake with you. especially if you are excellent cook. he feels like this is your love project together and also a fun activity on top of it. what's not the like?
be his equal
i don't think soobin would enjoy an obvious power imbalance in a relationship. of course there is some places he is better or worse than you but they balance each other out. and i mean this also in a way that no one in the relationship should hold the power, it would make him so uncomfortable.
get along with his friens
he is the introvert that has lots of friends for an unexplained and mysterious reason but he loves them and you so you getting along with them genuinely makes him happy. just like the one of the biggest hit there is: spice girls - wannabe. lyrics are just so soobin.
enjoy the things he enjoys
you get a joke he made and laugh at it, he is happy. you like the date idea he suggested and excited to do it, he is happy. you watch him play video games with his friends, he is happy.
basically he is happy to be understood and seen. many more examples can be given
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not be boring
always stimulate his brain. play hard to get. (not too much tho) be cool in general. get his jokes. at least try to enjoy things he loves.
may seem a lot but he doesn't like the idea of being bored in general. (this i can relate) but it heavily influences his love life the most.
listen to his worries
beomgyu is also a human being. he needs nurtiring just like everyone else. no matter how small the problem is, show that you care. and also beomgyu deserves it. most people deserve this but beomgyu deserves it more than the rest.
be his star crossed lover
he wants to believe that it is more than his and your choice. he wants to believe that some powerful being or universe wants you to be together. call it soulmates, call it twinflame. doesn't matter. just be his true love.
validate him
he doesn't nor necessarily seek for validation from others,he does but not in the unhealthy way, but his s/o is a different story. so when you are proud of him, he is proud of himself. don't make him feel untalented or stupid or useless or someone who is trying or some- one who is not really nice.
open up to him
he feels uneasy with someone who doesn't share. it feels like you don't trust him. he talks about his problems, right? so why don't you. like i genuinely think he wants you to trauma dump. he wants to learn why you are the way you are.
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be different
he doesn't want to commit to someone who is just like everyone else you can find on the street. maybe it is your style, maybe it is your personality, maybe it is your taste, maybe it is your dislike of pop culture... but don't be a poser and don't make this all of your personality.
take care of him when he is sick
idk why but i think tyun would show his vulnerability to his s/o but would also make sure that he has borders. but it changes when he is sick. he is a baby, okay? so take care of him!!!!!! (he lowkey likes the motherly/parental vibe you are giving, too)
let him take control
i am talking about your relationship. he likes independent people who take care of themselves but he would prefer leading the relationship. not in the toxic way i swear, he asks for your opinion of course.
kiss him a lot
some of you guys may know my taehyun the expert french kisser theory... and if you don't, here it is again. he is a expert french kisser. loves kissing so much. doesn't need to be mouth to mouth action. just kiss him or let him kiss you.
work out with him
i know some people make working out tyun's whole personality but i mean this in a way that be a part of his routine and also take care of yourself. two birds one stone, you know. he likes this activity so even you watching him do it is enough sometimes.
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get along with his members and family
we all know hyuka doesn't let anyone to be in his life. he has his members and family. so if you are blessed enough to be in it, you should get along with them. he also values family so much. he seems to have very healthy relationships with his family and members so it is unavoidable that he wants his s/o to be part of it.
be a geek with him
i don't think hyuka is geek btw but he would love it when you play mario kart with him or watch batman the animated series with him. you know traditionally geeky stuff. also make commentary and jokes while engaging with the media. and react his commentary and jokes, too.
be nostalgic with him
this is why i think he would want someone his age or close to his age or older than him since they can experience his childhood memerioes. kinda related to the one above but if you enjoy the things he enjoyed when he was younger, that would make him happy.
cook for him
he would really appreciate this one. may want to help but the thoughtfulness of you makes his heart flutter. definitely loves your cooking even if you are not the best. also he may want to try different foods so when you cook something he wanted to try, he is in love. the experience is definitely better than a fancy restaurant.
beautify yourself
i am not saying fit in the beauty standart. i am saying be fashionable and confident. like if he likes your aesthetic, you are beautiful to him. so try to have your own style and aesthetic. if you put an effort, he would also put an effort. he likes to adorn himself for his s/o and expects you to do same.
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a/n: i had this on my notes for so long. i am just glad that i finally got to share. i also tried to do moodboards. though i think i failed a little, it was fun to do it.
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soekmatthew · 3 months
Proposing a reform on Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics!
An essay on why we should reformulate the often misguided interpretations on each secondary gender.
In this essay I will debate the absence of personality often assigned to Beta's secondary gender, the inherent nature of violence that shouldn't exclusively be attributed to Alphas, and how deeply we can explore the aspects of Omega's biology in fiction, furthering its visions from the deep rotted misogyny implicated in these matters.
(remember this is a joke, you can create your ficverse and works however you'd like)
The beta role in an a/b/o society is pushed towards the sense of "normality", betas normally aren't that phased by their nature. This is fitting, although the lack of complexity deposited onto its concepts led a creator to create variations of betas that aren't really necessary.
I propose that betas have pheromones that emit a scent genetically structured to be smelled by a specific type of group, regardless of their secondary gender, people who are able to scent betas pheromones have a variation in their olfactory-receptor genes and allow them to strongly perceive their scents. (this happens irl, with cilantro tasting like soap or some people being able to smell cockroaches)
It would solve the beta complex and wouldn't necessarily affect the whole structural alpha/omega naturally based relationship.
It is easy to antagonize alphas, and I do believe it is crucial for it to be antagonized, given how the discourse towards alpha aggression can create well built debates approximated to human reality. But it also can spice up some debates on a lot of more interesting matters other than hierarchy and dominance.
"Soft-alphas" was a term designed to fit in the alphas that are able to somehow "contain" their inner wolf, on contrary to "normal alphas" that are aggressive and excessively dominant.
Of course, as fun as it is to explore this concept, it's not necessary to give them this title, it thins the discussions that can be made upon this type of characteristics on alphas.
It is easy to explore the topics around an alpha considered "defective", and give them the capacity to have more and more deepness, an alpha who doesn't feel protective despite their love towards their omegas and needs to learn how to stimulate its natural instincts, an alpha who was forced to submit and therefore had their alpha contained to a point it needs healing and an exercise in dominance!! Fun aspects of an inverted container of the morality based alpha corrections often seen around the fic community.
I propose more and more diversity and complexity around alphas, seeing them fight their instincts is fun, but it would also be fun to see them fight for their need to have the same instincts that antagonizes them.
There is a lot of discourse around omegas, especially when people simplify them as "the woman of a/b/o society".
Although understandably fitting for the time it was developed, it is still a conception most people have and has grown outdated.
It also created a movement to fight against this idea, that has empowered omegas, but the lack of consistency fails to impress. For example, in this case, it doesn't matter how much of a rebel omega the character is, they will still "fail" their morals and submit to an alpha.
I know you guys can do better!
What is better than an inner monologue on why your nature is failing your mundane conceptions? Better than that what's more revolutionary than being able to mend your instincts and ideas?
The nature of an omega is vast and instinctually more prone to aggression than most alphas! Omegas protect and go feral over their offsprings! Explore it more!
And make omegas also be proud of their nature, instead of simply making them disgusted by it without backgrounding their stories! (i mean, if they have traumas associated with their secondary genders it is obvious and expected for them to hate it).
Omegas can be hard creatures to deal with, omegas can reject their offsprings scent for example, give them hardships dudes! It will be fun!
A/B/O is fun, and I LOVE TRADITIONAL A/B/O SO MUCH! but we can do more justice at least to betas :3
(this is literally a joke in case someone hates me for it)
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
🍃Zooted thinking about human tav or just human kink stuff(dancer au ?? Or 💝bimbo tav have fun with that)) but an s/o that's heavy pierced: nose ring(s), so many ear rings(industrial, light gemstones/studs, precious metals), maybe a tongue piercing 👅, pretty nipple rings with gems matching with their crushes eye color or birth month🥰😈(maybe a dom that rewards the smart ones who figure it out), a variation of clit/cock rings or bars
Karlach obv has all this 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Certain druids (I think if my. 5e if correct)don't tend to like metal in their bodies, or how aghast high elves/certain sylvan groups be at metal or how just the number of ways they've "decorated their body" (if you insist on having these holes then they will carve you hard woods/gemstones/bone or tusk[barbarian/orc/dragon😳]
Dwarfs/gnomes/drow amused at the placement or color/metal type you've chosen- don't worry they have the prefect recommendations. Minthara/Nere/enver/dammon their house colors or metals that they work/fight with!!!
Any companion that has access to magic would alter cantrips for temperature play
Bimbo tav/hum leader has only one stimulating piercing "as a dare when I was younger!! I just kept it bc it looks nice :)" (nipple,gential,ear?👀) in downtime shadowheart, astarion, gale, karlach would be fiends always wanting to idly play with it once they find out you have it
-💌🦇 love ur work!!! Have these fun ideas I can't stop thinking about
Imagine a completely pierced human who meets a group of dwarves and gnomes in a tavern and they're completely enamoured with you.
Clear curiosity in their eyes, gaze trailing from each of your piercings to another. Wondering if you have more under your clothes but never asking because they don't wanna scare off the cute human.
But of them eventually gets the courage and hints at it.
With a smile you completely remove your shirt amidst the whole tavern, showing them all the extra hidden piercings. They almost choke on their drinks.
And they're just so curious about the metals and gems decorating you, they can't help their wandering hands. They need to get closer to observe it, you see, it's in their nature.
Fuck nothing will turn a dwarf on more than you having a piercing with their birthstone. The mere idea probably makes their brain short-circuits.
And yeah about elves clutching their pearls at the idea of you poking any sort of hole in your body. Imagine a group of high elves taking it as their duty to lecture the heavily pierced human on the street about how what they're doing is disrespectful to their body.
So you do what any normal human would do, and tell them if they think that's disrespectful, then what would they think of your nipples piercing or the one between your legs.
They're completely stunned. Stuttering and red in the face, but don't refuse your offer to come back home with you and look at them first hand. Maybe you even convince a couple of them to get a secret matching piercing with you.
The idea of the companions just idling and fidgeting with Tav's piercings is too good.
First it starts with small stuff like earnings, nose ring, etc.
Then it's lip piercings and belly piercings.
Their hands keep getting lower and lower until it becomes the norm for them to just move your clothes to the side and toy with you.
Pulling and twirling your nipple piercings between their fingers while they think. Your moans fading in to the background as they pull harsher the more lost in thought they get.
Playing with you as if you were a toy, making you only wear the most revealing of clothes and shortest of skirts so their hand may reach between your legs easily. A cute little ring on your clit that they rub and turn, a rod piercing on your cock that they push back and forth.
Getting you wet and leaking all over the place, continuously edging you for hours just because they got bored and you happened to be walking by. Their beloved leader will always be the perfect distraction afterall.
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Hello! I am a molecular biologist, and I was wondering if I could get your opinion on some of my theories on Gallifreyans.
I haven't read through everything on your blog yet, but I'm working my way through it (lol). So some of this may not be quite accurate with what you have set up thus far.
Basically, I want to briefly discuss alternative splicing! Anyway, in metazoans, alternative splicing outcomes can be regulated in a time and tissue specific manner by legitimately hundreds of biomolecules such as RNA binding proteins, chromatin remodelers, hormones, etc etc. It is subject to epigenetic regulation as alternative splicing and transcription are coupled (and splicing largely occurs cotranscriptionally), so details such as DNA methylation, nucleosome positioning, histone modifications, etc can change the balance of different mRNA isoforms. This is largely because these factors will either help recruit splicing factors (or inhibit their recruitment) or because it will slow RNA Polymerase II elongation.
Onto my theories. I have been thinking for a little while that the lindos hormone can perhaps modulate splicing, triggering the production of regeneration-specific isoforms. Perhaps their bodies work so fast that isoforms promoting totipotency trigger a temporary transition away from the cells' differentiated states.
I also think it could be possible that they have some novel ability to, say, "unsplice," which humans cannot do. This could potentially allow them to use already made transcripts and then completely change them to produce unique proteins without needing to transcribe another mRNA. This could feasibly allow them to rapidly change what proteins are in each cell (perhaps quick enough that it occurs within the regeneration itself). Although, there would be some instability while now unused proteins get degraded or the splicing/unsplicing ratio stabilizes (the molding period). This would require intense regulation as well as unsplicing and resplicing would now be posttranscriptional, but I digress.
Sorry to bother you with the long post, I just had too many nerdy ideas going through my head. Thanks!
Molecular Biology: 'Unsplicing'
Oh, you thrill me with your biology talk! Molecular biology is not a speciality so apologies in advance for any limited response.
🔬 Lindos and Its Variations
Something to be covered in the new Anatomy and Physiology guide is a wider look at the role of Lindos in Time Lords, so we're hitting the nail on the head here.
Under stress, injury, or during the process of regeneration, the lindal gland significantly increases its production of the hormone Lindoneogen like a caffeine-fueled scientist, resulting in a corresponding surge in lindos cell production. There are several forms of lindos cells, including:
Lindopoetic Progenitor Cells (LPCs): Dormant cells that spring into action upon Lindoneogen stimulation.
Lindopoietic Stem Cells (LSCs): Residing in the yellow bone marrow, ready to differentiate under the guidance of Lindoneogen and the catalytic influence of artron, into ...
Lindoblasts and Phagolindotropes: Specialised cells responsible for regenerating tissue and recycling cellular components from the previous incarnation.
Haemolindocytes: Circulating cells that endow Gallifreyan blood with its regenerative properties.
💡Splicing and Lindoneogen
Lindoneogen could play a key role in alternative splicing, creating specific mRNA isoforms vital for regeneration. This implies that Lindoneogen is not just a cellular signal but also a molecular tool for crafting the necessary protein portfolio for regeneration. So Lindoneogen may trigger the production of specific mRNA isoforms that are vital for the regeneration process, which could lead to the expression of proteins that facilitate the transition of cells into a more pluripotent state.
Love this idea. 'Unsplicing' as your concept presents would be particularly relevant during regeneration. It could allow cells to quickly alter their protein expression profiles without the lag of new mRNA transcription. This rapid adaptation would be pretty handy for the efficient transition of cells to suit the requirements of the new incarnation.
🔗Integrating with Lindos Cells
This concept of 'unsplicing' could be particularly prominent in the function of phagolindotropes. As these cells are responsible for consuming the previous incarnation’s cells and replacing them with new ones, their ability to 'unsplice' and rapidly change protein expression would be pretty useful. This mechanism might also support the functions of lindoblasts and haemolindocytes in tissue regeneration and blood adaptability.
🏫 So ...
The addition of splicing and unsplicing mechanisms to the lindos theory suggests a more complex and dynamic process than simple cellular proliferation and differentiation, with dynamic genetic adaptations at the molecular level highlighting the advanced biological capabilities of Gallifreyans. Good work, Batman!
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine/Monitoring Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
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heraadora · 9 months
Kind of Bickering about this.......
Why do some women defend PIV sex so much ? PIV sex is one of the sex that hurts woman for the first time.
Penetrative sex is something which is painful for 1 out of 8 woman. I keep seeing med professionals talking about how it's ok for penetration to hurt and bleed for the first time etc.
I don't get why it's necessary ? You can easily stimulate the clit by orals or scissoring. Why do people need to defend penetration sex ?
And it's simply very awful too because I heard excuses like :
It didn't hurt me it's not supposed to hurt: You probably had a bigger opening ? Hymen opening are not same for everyone, it's different and some women have hymen opening that are hard to tear. This is the Variation of Hymen cover a woman can have :
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I saw this excuse given by a lot of woman. But most Vaginas don't have bigger opening as most woman on average don't have a bigger opening. Relevant Info:
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The Hymen naturally stretches during penetration : No it doesn't. You will need a lot of warm up and lube depending on what your hymen type is to make it give a natural stretch by fingering only. A Penis is likely to tear through and make you bleed and hurt more so "Warm Up" might not even be enough for most women.
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Like - whatever this point was on this article. What if the hymen doesn't stretch naturally ? What then ?
Penis Feels Warm and Throbs so the pain is worthy: A Vibrator can give you the throbbing sensation and it can warm up artificially. You really don't need that shit.
I can't get off to fingering I need a Penis So I am ok with pain : You can get realistic customizable dildos with skin texture or dildo vibrator to feel exactly like a human penis with the sensation of throbbing and warmth without hurting yourself. Plus- you will at worst not get off to fingering. With PIV on worst case, you will hurt yourself. So really ? A worthy hill to die in ???
Emotional Connection By PIV Sex : Really ? This is your excuse ?
There is no excuse for real for defending PIV. Penetration in Vagina doesn't even give woman orgasm for the most part. It has 0 benefit for the woman.
Some Relevant Info :
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Idk why woman defend it.
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clever-fox-studios · 9 months
The project I'm MOST proud of so far though is Astar City, and that extended universe. Currently I'm trying my hand at a scientifically minded spec-bio project for one of the aliens featured there, the Aska'a Thani, but I don't have any details yet.
Instead, I'm going to gush about my bugs ♥️
The Viispaa species were made artificially by the Kuana as a means of interacting with humans early on; they have traits primarily taken from wasps and bees with human, Kuana and some other DNA snippets thrown in to make them intelligent and emotional, sentient creatures.
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Viispaa Primes are the default, original variant, standing between 5-8 feet tall with heavy gender dimorphism and moderate coloration that sticks to the yellow and black scheme of most bees. In recent years, newer generations have gotten more colorful with new pigments being added in.
From this mold are many variations, some of which haven't been fully figured out yet. Above are the current examples of the standard: Vaivron (left) and Zivv (right), who are due to get a redesign to simplify their patterns a bit.
From them is a specific mutation only referred to as a "hornet".
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Hornets are easy to spot because of their sharper features and reddish-brown or black-blue coloration and are, well...
Angry lil bastards. The aggression that was dormant in the Primes becomes much more prominent in the Inimicus mutations, making them unpredictable; many of them are required therapy and stimulation to provide safe outlets for their anger, and often end up in labor jobs or in the military to help curb that behavior in a useful way.
They are not mindless, always raging beasts though, and tend to dislike that label. Many are fully aware of their triggers and how they feel and behave when set off, they don't always lose themselves to the anger, it's simply how they are and they take measures to control themselves. Usually.
Some are just assholes and want to get away with it because it's "how they are".
After them are the Puer.
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Puer are the honeybee drones of the Viispaa species, majority of them being small, child-looking, genderless individuals who exist as safe companions to actual children. Called "nanny bugs", Puer drones are stingless and extremely hardy, meant to play with children and be able to go with them where they want to be when parents can't or won't follow. They come in an array of colors that make them popular and easy to spot amongst kids and parents alike, making it easy to find them in crowds and for little ones to identify their "safe bug".
While made for children, Puer are intelligent and can reason like adults in order to explain things as needed when kids can't communicate well, but often come off as childish themselves as they naturally know how to age regress to match the demographic they're part of.
Being genderless though, and sexless, Puer have to be bred from a Queen, much like a beehive.
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Queens are called Zinnias and have a chance of morphing from a clutch of eggs at a rate of roughly 1:1,000. They can breed with any standard male wasp (including hornets) and are integral in the care of Puer drones, as well as being social safe zones. Zinnias are well protected and often sought for safety by children and young women, as where there is a Zinnia, there's likely one male wasp eager to protect her.
They can be spoiled rotten as well, as Zinnias with favorable color genes tend to be better off than regular ones.
After them are the Curantis, the fluffiest of the Viispaa.
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Being the first to fully deviate from the wasp body plan, Curantis were developed for a handful of reasons but mostly as not only an inverse of the Zinnia variant, but also as caretakers for non-children. With inherently friendly, positive dispositions, Curantis's ended up gravitating to mostly customer service and retail spaces, as they enjoy helping and chatting with others.
Astar City's customer service scene is very mindful of the well-being of the Curantis and thus customers don't get away with nearly as much nonsense as they do elsewhere, though you wouldn't catch a moth mouthing off to someone for no reason. Except the males.
Avalons are similar safety beacons to Zinnias and very easy to spot with their wings, but tend to be more crass and direct, as they're very protective by nature and dislike their wards being picked on by others.
Stay tuned for more bugs! There's quite a few variants left to go, including the Artifex (ants), a few military grade versions, and some spoopy Bois meant to do the dirty work :)
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shimmerbeasts · 7 months
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Nobody really knows the origin of Shimmer. Certainly, not Silco and Singed when they began to make use of the strange chemical substance, they could extract from Rio's mutated body. For them, it was less about where Shimmer came from and more about what could be done with it as they quickly realised, that Shimmer had the capacity for a lot of things. The two main elements, they chose to focus on, were Shimmer's exhilarating healing/growth factor and the way, it amplified your rage and aggression as it seemed to directly influence something in your Amygdala, triggering an excessive release of adrenaline and other violence-related hormones.
The drug, which would eventually be called Shimmer, was developed with the idea in mind that it should respond most ideally towards Zaunite biology, ergo the drug was developed with the fact that most had Vastayan ancestors and thus genes in mind. This means that for Shimmer to work correctly and at its most efficient, you have to have Vastayan DNA in your system. Of course, even so, the dangers of overconsumption are always there for any user, however, those dangers manifest very differently whether you are a human or a Vastaya (or its descendant).
For a human, an overconsumption of Shimmer eventually leads to a more relaxed state. Their inhibitions are blocked, and they become more lackadaisical and docile. These effects only occur after the Shimmer prior gave them a somewhat stronger rush and high, even making them larger. A Vastaya becomes more wild and their inhibitions are blocked as well. They end up connecting to their more primal state, often focusing solely on either food, fighting or mating. They are also hyper-alerted and guarded.
These side effects of overconsumption are something, Silco is willing to live with as it means that other powerful nations like Noxus cannot easily just repurpose Shimmer for their own ends. To make sure, his own town does not completely froth at the mouth over the consumed Shimmer, he makes sure to produce three variations of it, which are differently distributed.
The most common and widespread variation of Shimmer is also its most watered-down version. It does not make someone hulk out and turn monstrous. Instead, it stimulates the mind and makes an individual either relaxed or excited and pumped up. It is the type of Shimmer, which is most often inhaled in vapes or just downed like shots at bars. It creates this sensation of feeling alive for a couple of moments.
The second variation, which is equally being sold to the public, is more potent and forms the building block for things like Chem-Tech devices (e.g. Sevika's arm) or medicine. It is also the variation, that the Chem-Tanks in the factories use if they are under attack. This Shimmer exhilarates your healing, but also can make you larger and stronger. It is the Shimmer, which makes people monsters and what most eventually become addicted to.
The last variant of Shimmer is not sold to the public. This Shimmer is its most potent variant and is called Hound Shimmer, for that was whom it was originally designed for. It unleashes the beast from within and makes it as powerful and terrifying as it can possibly be. It can revive you from the dead and allow you to survive transmutations, which could otherwise kill you. Some back door, black market dealers trade in small vials of it and even then, it costs you an arm and a leg. Jinx, Viktor and Vi all came in the 'luxury' of consuming Hound Shimmer in their time of need.
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True Darkness
Glados lay still, like a spider at the center of her great web, she rested in her nest beneath the streets of Arcadia. The nest lay at the junction of  all the  major tunnels, where the flow of the upper city reached her through air currents and distant echoes. From here she could sense the pulse of the city’s life and hear the whirring of the life support generators that ran to keep the planet habitable. 
Rather than one large terraforming facility, Arcadia had over a thousand smaller generators. Yes certainly it was a bitch to get around to all of them and fix them, but at the very least it would be impossible to take them all out all at once.  Arcadia had been designed by warriors for warriors, ahd that meant creating a defensible infrastructure that wasn’t so prone to sabotage.
Not to mention each generator was heavily guarded and then remotely monitored.
It took a series of five people to open a generator with the proper access codes, or one of the three members of the triumvirate could do it. She supposed director Conn could as well, but he knew almost everything. It may have sounded like overkill, but the thought process remained that it was unlikely someone could corrupt all three generator key admins at once AND the proper offsite monitor.
And then there was her.
Glados didn’t HAVE to live in the tunnels, no one made her do it, and no one had ever overtly made her feel unwelcome, but after the Adaptids had closed themselves off for visitors, Glados had cast her lot in with her Father and his people, but that meant she was one of the only ones of her kind, and it was hard not to feel a bit isolated.
Well, that was not counting her first partner, who clung to the underside of her belly with his many legs, but the male adaptids weren’t exactly one for stimulating conversation. In fact, they lived their lives mostly comatose until they were actually needed for genetic material, generally speaking adapids society was run primarily by females and the third sex, of which Glados remembered little, and she certainly had her doubts that anyone on anin would be eager to do her a favor and carry an egg sack.
Ending up in the tunnels had sort of been a natural progression for her, and now she was a guardian of the city, basically a myth, and one of Arcadia’s favorite cryptids, if not more friendly than your average cryptid tends to be.
And there she sat, brooding darkly, surrounded by piles of fluffy pillows, stacks of comic books, and other various odds and ends. And the brooding might have continued were it not for the sudden change in smell that reached her nose. Adaptids have an amazing sense of smell, as, the generation before her had communicated primarily by the subtle variation in release of pheromones. Though, Glados could talk, with her human vocal cords, she still maintained her incredible sense of smell.
A single change in the tunnels was enough to alter the entire chemistry of the underground. 
She always knew when Adam was coming to visit.
Or Narobi.
Or Sunny.
A single body entering the air flow of the deep tunnels was significant enough to alert her to their presence. She knew everyone, recognized their sent…
But not this time
Whatever it was, the creature was alive, that much she was sure.
And it was human…. Or at least it smelled mostly human.
Glados rose to her feet, lifting her snout to the air which was suddenly filled with the caustic sent of chemicals. Glados was familiar with chemicals, having dabbled in all areas of science in her time, and having run into most of them while working with Narobi, but even if she hadn’t been familiar with chemicals, she would have recognized the smell in the air as spray paint, and aerosol propellent.  
She lifted slowly to her eight standing legs and scuttled quietly into the tunnels.
Her eyesight was as good as any human’s which meant it was shit in the dark, but her sense of smell was good enough to basically map a 3D image of her surroundings almost as strong as sonar. While her human eyes could see nothing, she could sense the tunnels around, her in great detail, up to the point she could just make out the hazy figure in the tunnel ahead, vaguely human shaped as it shed it’s scent, through the picture was difficult to distinguish as more aerosol filled the air 
Another thing she could smell.
Anyone who had spent any sort of time on Arcadia knew the urban legends that surrounded glados, and anyone stupid to walk into the tunnels uninvited was basically playing russian roulette, except instead of holding a gun to their head, it was the likelyhood of shitting their pants.
She scuttled faster.
The user of the spray can was not very precise in their movements, a couple slashes here, a couple slashes there, a Messy circle witch dripped paint towards the floo, something that Glados was going to have to clean up. She rubles softly in annoyance, but despite its softness, the sound carried up the tunnel, bouncing off the walls.
She saw the figure stiffen, and the fear smell increased
Scaring the piss out of stupid people was one of her favorite passtimes, why deny herself the joy.
She relaxed in her stealth, allowing the scattering rush of her legs to echo up the tunnel.
Whoever it was at least had enough control over their sphincter not to soil themselves, as the spray can clattered to the ground, and the tunnels were field with the sound of running footsteps. Glados didn’t bother to increase her speed, with her nose as good as it was, she was better than a bloodhound.
The vandal would not last long.
The chemical smell grew stronger as she approached the intersection pausing right next to the source.
Glados reached into her toolbelt and pulled out a flashlight, which she switched on and aimed at the wall.
The red paint was still wet, dripping in gentle rivulets down the steel wall and onto the floor.
The symbol, or tag, the artist had left behind was comprised of a large red circle, and two messy letters.
A shiver ran through her body, though she had no idea why it would have such and effect on her. She could still hear retreating footsteps, and listened as the grate to the deep tunnel opened and closed. The interloaper’s smell still lingered. 
Their mystery vandal was about to experience real horror.
Glados turned off her flashlight, and followed the smell through the tunnels, quiet and quick and she slipped out into the open night. The maintenance hatch the interloper had used was, a small human sized door, next to the much larger cargo entrance, through which Glados had to pass. The door was an older part of the city, and it didn’t surprise her that the locks had never been checked.
She would have to see to that later.
The cargo entrance and small door lay tucked under a small overpass, upon which Glados could hear the rush of traffic in the night.
Strange plants and fungi grew here letting off dim bioluminescent illumination. A few space jellies floated absently, though for the most part this area of the city was untouched, and mostly unkempt. Plant lie had taken over where it could, and, sniffing the air, she could sense the presence of a nest of Jeffery snakes somewhere in the bushes.
She scuttled past, following under the overpass.
The air here smelled like graffiti, and so there were colorful murals on the walls. Rarely did she see any tags, like the one she had seen in the deep tunnel. Arcadia actively encouraged artistic pursuits, even street art, while gang activity was not tolerated, and could result in exile from the planet’s surface.
But still there was always someone’s annoying kid….
Speaking of which, the smell was still strong, and she followed  silently through the shadows, up the block and into a small, residential suburb, where the night orbs glowed a dim sort of blue. Up ahead she spotted them, the dark figure walking down the center of the road.
The fear smell was still strong, and they looked over their shoulder constantly, but Glados kept to the shadows and they saw nothing.
She hoped briefly that their human instincts would be on fire right about now, sensing hr but not seeing her.
She followed them up the block, until they reached one of the houses. They fumbled with the side door for a long moment before finally managing to open it and scramble inside.
Glados heard the lock click.
She scuttled forward, through backyards and over fences.
Dogs barked in the distance, sensing her presence.
She made it over the last fence hunkering up against the side wall of the house and listened.
She was rewarded.
“I’m not doing it again!” Came a voice.
The person who responded came in distant with a mechanical quality, some kind of long distance call, “Don’t be a baby”
“I heard her.”  The voice said, quivering gently
“Urban legend.” The voice shot back, “Besides, we don’t allow little bitches into the group.”
Glados eased up against the wall.
“I’m not a little bich, but I’m not stupid either, I know whta I heard.”
The voice snorted, “When True Dark says jump you say how high, now stop your moaning, you’re alive aren't you, nothing bad happened.”
There was a pause and she could feel the person shaking their head.
“Good, then this is your first step . I will work on getting a vial to you, but Arcadia’s security network is a real bitch, but until then I have some more jobs for you. Prove your loyalty.” The caller wasn’t that old, maybe in his late teens , and a complete douche to boot, but his words did serve to put lados on edge.
She didn’t like where this was going.
The caller hung up, and the person inside took a deep breath. She could hear the distant breathing sounds of others in the house, their smells heavy with sleep. She may not have known exactly what was going on, but she knew she didn’t like it. 
Scuttling closer to the wall, behind which lay her mystery person’s room glados raised up on her rear four legs and rested her other six against the wall.
Time to scare the little bastard straight.
There was a small window in the side of the room, and she was just able to raise herself up high enough to peer inside.
She could see the figure now, sitting on their bed, scrolling through their holofeed.
She set herself up in the window, pulling her gums back to expose her teeth in a terrible grimace. She was primarily a carnivore, so all of her teeth were nice and pointy. She opened her eyes nice and wide, crazy wide, and once she was ready, she rattled her legs against the sie of the house in a sharp scuttling noise,
The person, or teen juped, and turned rapidly towards the window.
The scream was so loud it probably could have shattered glass as they keeled over backwards and scrambled backwards towards the door, screaming, and now crying.
Glados dropped back down rattling her feet against the side of the house a few more times before scuttling away into the bushes cackling herself. Hopefully, a few more encounters like that might scare the little shit straight. 
But until then she needed to talk to conn.
Glados didn’t like traveling above ground, but she had her own private entrance into the CI building where she was tasked with doing plenty of engineering work.
Conn was waiting for her when the door opened, likely having sensed her coming.
His expression was surprisingly grim.
“What?” She  asked, knowing he had already shifted through the relevant images in her head.
His dark eyes bored into her, “True Darkness.”
She frowned, “And what is that?”
Conn’s ribbons flared, and he reached up to adjust his tie, absently with long spidery fingers, “Nothing good”
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dreitona · 2 months
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1,960,000 tiles rendered and updated in around 640~ms. That's all you need to know about tiles, essentially. Tiles are extraordinarily easy and extensible. Unlike some other games, they have sheets which are short and can be expanded by need, as far as you want. If you want infinite variation, you can choose to do so (given you have the time) for no performance downside. There's no fiddling with corners, they just work. This is the basis of the game, and I've spent some time ensuring that it will be performant. This rant may sound a little insane, but it was something I worked hard to compensate for. Next week will showcase Multi-tiles.
There are only 2 things you need to make a tile. Your sheet:
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and your data:
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I'm also hard at work at making a lot of other things, some of which you'll be seeing next Monday's devblog. Such as
I really want to get the alien feel down, so get used to seeing new background effects. The assets weren't done for what I wanted to show off here, so they'll be available next Monday.
BZZZT. Confederation Transmission!
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Here are some messages from our proud Confederation citizens.
Maja from the 'Prospitable' Workspace located at an unspecified register has sent the following message: "I love the Confederation but I really wish that people would stop asking for pictures of my feet." Rest assured, your private Confederation scans are safe and secure within the servers of our finest engineers. Maja has been pictured below.
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Koko from the "Amphipod" Glitterspace at an unspecified register has sent us this message: "I love being a Confederation citizen! I wish hard-working Confederation employees stopped messaging me telling me they accidentally reported my account instead of a scammer and urgently need my biometric details to stop my citizen ID from getting abolished... By the way, why does my money keep disappearing?" We assure you, your credits are going to better use than they would be under your ownership. Godspeed, Citizen!
Cold Glare from the 'Coprophagian' Glitterspace located at register [21, 83, 39] has elected to say the following words: 'I'm stroking my shit SWANKY STYLE to BUGS fuckin' nasty!' This remark is derogatory toward hymenopterans, and we encourage other humans to avoid attempting to compromise the integrity of our alliance.
'Tomat' from the [REDACTED] Personal Glitterspace has elected to say: "who up riskin they rain til they return shakin they thug til they central" This individual has been investigated for potential stimulant usage.
'Smug' from the [REDACTION] Personal Glitterspace has elected to say (in an unauthorized netletter alongside 'Tomat's'): "Fair [REDACTION], I prithee, let us engage in the ancient dance—the beast with two backs. Verily, let our ardor be as fervent as the sun’s kiss upon the dew-kissed morn." We recommend that you stay away from pre-Intraspace literature and consider undergoing Ascension to become a digital intelligence useful to the Confederation, as this message does not indicate awareness of your mental situation.
'Walpar' has chosen to say the following words: "█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████" This is inadvisable. Do not say the preceding words.
The Confederation would like to say it's kindest thanks to the following individuals: Cherry Versai @CherryIsNotAGod Stoated and many other friends for help and motivation!
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netteliax · 7 months
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"I wish I could tell you that this pain is temporary; but pain, above all things, is immortal."
Base Kit: She took hers in black, customized to her liking and her fit, Nettelia's normally loose hair is braided and tied back. Void of any jewelry, she forwent the spells or the supplies and passed them off to others instead so less capable warriors could have twice as much. Nettelia will not be on the battlefield except as a last line of defense between the City of Dis and Rome.
Suited: Nothing worth bringing into battle remains of her old belongings, after her fall whatever weapons she had stashed or hidden away were pilfered or destroyed over the annals of time. Her uniform is standard issue, even the overcoat is of the same basekit materials. Above the base kit her tunic is styled in a simple fashion, the coat that she wears over it is a brighter shade of red than the others to be more eye catching at camp and to denote her place as a healer. Across her back and shoulders is custom embroidery meant to emulate the Golden Seal, and on the sleeve is the sigil of Oztalun: a golden dragon.
Artemis: Trained by the best, there was a time when Nettelia idolised the warrior goddess. While those days are long behind her, Nettelia's many days of training have remained and have been passed on to the acolytes she came to bless over the years.
Archdruid: Able to transform into a myriad of creatures, Nettelia is best known for assuming the form of a raven, an octopus, or a spider. Though there are many variations of each and traits otherwise not listed. Master of the elements, Nettelia used to wield an Elysian sword and a shield that was given to her by her Father, but she laid them to rest after Eden and over the years they were lost entirely following her death. Since then Nettelia has always fought with the elements, blades of air, whips of highly pressurized water that can cut through diamonds, columns of earth, ribbons of fire, and shields of lightning
Author: Immune to necromantic spells and manipulations, Nettelia is one of the few who can contend with a necromancer or one of their abominations on equal footing.
Transference: With an elevated form of transference, Nettelia is able to move magic and souls from one place to another. For this reason Nettelia is able to heal any injury, illness, or curse. She can reattach limbs in moments, can stimulate spontaneous healing within herself, and can move the blessings from one person onto another: meaning she can turn anyone human. Additionally, in conjunction with her mastery of the elements she's enable to create golems from the elements and imbue them with a quasi-sentience. Protectors, guardians, and emergency healers or transport when needed.
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agalanthe · 2 years
MOON TALES - Design notebook #4
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[ Version française cliquez ici ]
The Moon Tales* design notebooks invite you to discover a making-off of this project. They will present you its history, its development, as well as our desires, choices and questions. They also reveal a little more about this new universe, through its characters, places, etc.
* If you don't know Moon Tales, more info at this link.
You will find at the end of this English version of the notebook a list (and links) of all the notebooks already written. You will also be able to read the reasons for the existence of these notebooks.
Since always, men stimulate their imagination to tell stories. They imagine how the world is supposed to work, create fictitious friends and enemies, impart wisdom and morality, and simply pass the time. The most beautiful legends have crossed the centuries and have been taken up by many civilizations. We even find their archetypes, their struggles in the current media.
The story of Moon Tales borrows from a whole collective imagination, from a part of these legends and archetypes. From these, we will humbly attempt to build our own world, a new narrative that will hopefully be worthwhile. This new notebook is an opportunity for Pierre to tell you more about the subject !
In my opinion, ours is a wonderful time for the imagination. Fantasy and its variations have become mainstream. You can't take the subway without running into people reading A song of ice and fire, Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children or even Harry Potter. The shelves of bookstores, both real and virtual, are full of references and authors and I feel like everyone - even me - has tried writing a fantasy novel in their spare time.
And what about tv shows ? Game of Thrones has been an incredible success (which I think is deserved), and has paved the way for all adaptations and original creations. Streaming video platforms compete to adapt the most famous novels, often with many freedoms.
Not all - book, games, shows… - series work, however. I have many discussions with my friends, also avid readers, about the merits and pitfalls of this or that author. We often come back to the same point. What makes a good novel, a good episode, a good video game. For me, it revolves around one question : what makes a good story ?
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It seems to me that a captivating narrative lies in its actors. They are heroes to whom we get attached. We must feel empathy for them, identify with them, suffer or rejoice with them. They must be human, resonate with us. I am talking about hero(in)es here, but this rule can also apply to their enemies. A good villain is best when his or her motives are understandable and he or she is ambiguous - although we all have certain enemies we love to adore because they are so deliciously malevolent.
In Moon Tales, Akhiles is an example of a character that grew in size as we conceptualized the story. When Boris introduced me to his first ideas - a geeky, fashion-addicted man - I wondered what I was going to do with him. Now it's hard to imagine what the story of Moon Tales would be like without him.
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Once the protagonists are defined, a general plot is needed – I put this criterion second because good characters can, in my opinion, create and maintain their own story, in relation to intimate objectives linked to their aspirations, their relationships... I'm talking about a main plot as opposed to the character-specific drama mentioned, because it will guide the narrative - without it the story is just a soap opera.
Finally, you need a setting.
The ideal case is when the author can afford to add a moral to his story, which makes it an educational lesson. G.K Chesterton said : « Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. » There is no need to say anything else, no one ever said anything better than this quote.
I've used this approach many times in various pieces of writing – I'm not saying it's the best, just that it's my vision.
For Moon Tales I had to throw everything away. Because of (or thanks to...) Boris.
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I already had ideas, and I have a rather free approach to creation where I throw out, ask myself what the characters would do and then let the world expand around them, adding other protagonists, to serve the needs of my plot. So happy was I.
Boris had a vision.
He wanted some characters. They were already well detailed, with appearances, behaviors, staging already prepared (sometimes storyboarded).
He had very precise ideas of the scenes he wanted to draw, the number of hero(in)es he had to create (to make his character design...). Worse for me, he wanted to make a precise map of the city in which their adventures would mainly take place, so that his settings would be coherent.
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[Boris] I'm hacking this notebook for the time of an insert to underline a little more the advantages of working together that Pierre evokes - certainly by making me look like the one who imposes a lot of things, but in reality, it's a little more nuanced and shared than that ^^
Whether it is for the creation and development of the characters, the world or even the story, everything is discussed. When one of us comes up with an idea, it will usually be accepted, but it will also be an opportunity to give new ideas to the other, to build on or refine the idea in question. Or to extrapolate new things and thus enrich the whole. Sometimes the ideas clash and a choice has to be made, or the two ideas have to be modified slightly to merge them. It is even possible that an inconsistency or an error is used to our advantage ! The stories, characters and world are not yet all developed in detail, which allows us real freedom and flexibility to regularly add new elements and discuss their interest.
For example, regarding Tamara, the first ideas about her past date from long before the writing of her introduction episode*. In the latter, Pierre raised new questions about this past and provided new details. So we discussed it to make it coherent and develop it a little more.
Another example where the creation of a visual can also serve the development of the world and the story** : Pierre introduces a line of kings, I make a visual of them by drawing a bit special crown, which then triggers the writing of new articles about it, enriching the world and its magic. Discussion after discussion, these new elements are linked to other details of the world developed long before, which leads to new visual ideas... Etc., etc.
In the end, all these developments "by bouncing off" are certainly part of the most exciting aspects of such a collaboration !
* : yes, each character will have an introduction episode, it's even the first seven chapters of Moon Tales !
** : a drawing can carry as much creativity and information as a text, and is therefore not a simple visual support for the latter. This is particularly true in creative fields that require the development of an imaginary world (role-playing games, for example), in which visual artists could be just as much a source of "creative material" (background, lore, fluff..., for those who know these words) and be qualified as authors in the same way as the people who write the texts... as long as the visual and written design are done in parallel and not one before the other.
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I suddenly found myself creating a plot that had to go through specific steps, with situations that I honestly never would have thought of (I discovered things...). I admit that I was scared. Once I got over my stress, I started to work and I discovered a real freedom in these constraints. The latter forced me to structure my narrative, to pace it. These unexpected situations took me in directions I wouldn't have gone and made the story much fresher to me.
Some examples among others :
- Boris had the idea of a weekly publication, scheduled all over the year. This meant giving a rhythm to the text, but also thinking of Christmas or summer episodes... And so at Christmas time in our country, it had to snow in the webcomic. Same for the summer, we needed a sunny place, a beach...
- A cartoonist is a lazy person***, especially when he has to draw large amounts of panels. So I had to discipline myself and limit the number of characters per scene, avoid chaining new places or creating too complicated settings. Of course sometimes I couldn't resist it. But Boris went along for the ride and I hope you'll see in our opening vignettes that it was worth it.
- The publication format and its periodicity directly influence the style of the webcomic. The episodes must be short, some are only small interludes, others are a little longer, generally follow each other but are still thought to be a minimum of stand-alone. If it gave us ideas that might not have been attempted otherwise, it had a direct effect on my writing.
*** Note from Boris : please send your letters of protest and insults directly to Mr. Coppet, on his facebook page or any other address you may find. I will not relay (unless the message is on the comments pages of this notebook, see links below). Anyway, I've already taken care of breaking his kneecaps. Because as long as the arms and hands are working, the Moon Tales show can go on and that's the most important thing, isn't it ?
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Moon Tales is an encounter between two people from two different worlds. She is a girl from our Earth, he comes from a magical city on the other side of the mirror. But it's not that simple. She's probably wackier than he is. And they are accompanied by equally important individuals : a flamboyant hidalgo, an adventuress who hardly hides her weaknesses, a witch who wants to be a fairy, a sad oracle and a funny player. This constellation of personalities will illuminate a city of wonders plunged into darkness both literally and figuratively.
But before the beginning of our story, 37 years ago to be exact, you should know that a great war took place which strongly changed the life of its inhabitants. Once ruled by a hereditary dynasty of kings, the city in which these tragic events ended passed into the hands of an emergency revolutionary government, the time for Duana - the goddess of the night, equated with the moon and destiny - to appoint a new leader. The Sinister - the administration - thus took the reins of the city, pretending to be the executors of the Dexter, the council of the great families, of which the ancient kings were the leaders.
Today, the city bends under the yoke of the Sinister, but remains a magical place, with an enchanting, gothic and halloweenian atmosphere.
These axis will thus impregnate our story and the global atmosphere of our world, by mixing with several narrative genres. Small overview :
Halloween and Gothic : The world of Moon Tales is, among other things, a mixture of The Nightmare before Christmas and Tim Burton's Batman. One lives there in the shade of old manors and vertiginous skyscrapers. The urban wildlife probably has more owls and bats than rats and pumpkins are probably the national vegetable. If there are no scarecrows in the streets, it is likely that they are a people like any other with their own festival once a year. Since the fall of the monarchy, the great city has been plunged into an endless night that facilitates the apparitions of ghosts, witches and other nocturnal peoples.
Faerie : Moon Tales is not a horrific universe... most of the time ! The peoples of the night live in more or less good harmony under the yoke of the Sinister. Very few horrific crimes here. Haunting, cursing and enchanting are honorable professions. As for the fairies and the forces of light, they are all equally present as our heroes prove.
Urban fantasy : the introduction of our adventure is a classic urban fantasy - the discovery of Wonderland. It is with Follet, human of the Faded world, that we discover this other modern world full of magic as well as its shining city. The latter, a character in its own right, is a typical contemporary urban metropolis, even if often much more extravagant than those on our Earth, with its mysterious nooks and crannies and its sometimes strange inhabitants.
Soap : from the beginning we wanted a story centered on our characters, their relationships, their evolution, their friendships and their loves. I call it dramaturgy. Boris, who has little culture but loves cleanliness, talks about Soap. Bof.
Pulp adventure : friends of nature and cows, Moon Tales will not be limited to a darkened city. Beyond this, we give ourselves the opportunity to explore adventurous lands scattered with ruins, to make our characters discover the secrets or wonders of these places.
In the end, Moon Tales is an opportunity to mix comics, role-playing games and influences that we like in our witch's cauldron, to stir it all up well and, we hope, to please ourselves - and you.
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But in the end, will our webcomic offer a good story ? It's hard for me to say. I am generally a good audience – I only ask a movie or a book to entertain me and I have so many guilty pleasures in terms of a simple or even failed plot that I love it all the same... Only our readers will be able to decide if they like our characters and their stories. We have already planned several years of adventures for them.
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You don't write for a game the same way you write for a novel or a comic book. It sounds obvious when you say it like that, but I foolishly thought at first that narrating would be easier than proposing a storyline. Fatal error.
In role-playing game, you must first define a setting, a world, a situation and a motivation. From there, we think about the solutions that the players will think of, knowing that in the end they will do what we didn't plan. The rule is always, in my opinion, to propose things and not to close the doors.
In a novel, you have to think about continuity. A character comes with motivations, reasons and a personality. Not all choices are logical, and sometimes the logical choices for a protagonist are not those of the author. You have to put yourself in someone else's shoes. At the same time, the author must remember that the character does not know what he knows, they must find reasons to make them go from one scene to another, provide them with the keys that will allow them to solve the plot. In a sequential medium like Moon Tales, this means planning well in advance what to introduce. The universe, on the other hand, may be more fluid, less framed and less detailed, as it must serve the narrative (with one caveat, the Boris clause, see above).
These are therefore two fundamentally opposed approaches. The Yin and Yang of the written creation in a certain way :)
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Today, as I write these lines in March 2022, the sirocco lifts the sand of the Sahara and brings it to us several hundred kilometers away. The sky has a strange color, yellow-orange. Sand is falling on our roofs. It is soothing.
In Ukraine, rainfall is deadly. No peace for men, women and children.
Moon Tales is about two overlapping realities, but there is no need to use magic for that. The real world reminds us of this every day.
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Moon Tales' design notebooks exist first of all to keep track of the development of the project. They are written as much for us as for those who may be interested - now or in the future - in the underside of its development. Putting all these steps in writing gives us food for thought about our practices and our choices, so that we can draw out possible avenues for improvement. Finally, these notebooks make it possible to bring the project to life, before its "real" existence, and to show that it is moving forward.
NOTEBOOKS INDEX : #1 : Origins #2 : Characters (1) #3 : Drawing #4 : Story #5 : The City (2024)
[ Note : you can comment this post on my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram ]
French version below
MOON TALES - Carnet de conception #4
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Les carnets de conception de Moon Tales* vous proposent de découvrir un making-off de ce projet. Ils vous en présenteront l’histoire, son développement, ainsi que nos envies, nos choix et interrogations. Ils dévoilent également un peu plus ce nouvel univers, à travers ses personnages, ses lieux, etc.
* Si vous ne connaissez pas Moon Tales, plus d’infos à ce lien.
Vous trouverez plus loin, à la fin de la page, une liste (et les liens) de tous les carnets déjà écrits. Vous pourrez aussi y lire les raisons d’exister de ces carnets.
Depuis toujours, les hommes titillent leur imaginaire pour se raconter des histoires. Ils imaginent un fonctionnement à l’univers, se créent des amis et des ennemis fictifs, transmettent une sagesse, une moralité, et simplement passent le temps. Les plus belles légendes ont traversé les siècles et ont été reprises par de nombreuses civilisations. On retrouve même leurs archétypes, leurs déchirements dans les médias actuels.
L’histoire de Moon Tales emprunte à tout un imaginaire collectif, à une part de ces légendes et de ces archétypes. À partir de celles-ci, nous tenterons humblement de construire notre univers, un nouveau récit qui, espérons-le, sera digne d’intérêt. Ce nouveau carnet est ainsi l’occasion pour Pierre de vous en dire plus sur le sujet !
Nous vivons une époque merveilleuse pour l’imaginaire selon moi. La Fantasy et ses déclinaisons sont devenues mainstream. On ne peut plus prendre le métro sans croiser des personnes en train de lire un tome du Trône de Fer, les Enfants Particuliers de Miss Peregrine ou même encore Harry Potter. Les rayons des librairies, réelles comme virtuelles, regorgent de références et d’auteurs et j’ai l’impression que tout le monde – même moi – s’est essayé à écrire un roman de Fantasy à ses heures perdues.
Et que dire des séries ? Game of Thrones a fait un succès incroyable (que je trouve mérité) et a ouvert la porte à toutes les adaptations et aux créations originelles. Les plates-formes de streaming vidéo rivalisent pour adapter les romans les plus connus avec souvent beaucoup de libertés.
Toutes les séries ne fonctionnent pas cependant. J’ai de nombreuses discussions avec mes amis, eux aussi grands lecteurs, sur les mérites et les écueils de tel ou tel auteur. Et on en revient souvent au même point. Qu’est ce qui fait un bon roman, un bon épisode, un bon jeu vidéo. Pour moi, cela tourne autour du même point : qu’est ce qui fait une bonne histoire ?
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Il me semble qu’un récit captivant tient dans ses acteurs. Ce sont des héros auxquels on s’attache. On doit ressentir de l’empathie pour eux, se retrouver en eux, souffrir ou se réjouir avec eux. Ils doivent être humains, résonner en nous. Je parle ici des héro(ine)s, mais cette règle peut également s’appliquer à leurs ennemis. Un bon méchant est d’autant meilleur que ses motivations sont compréhensibles et qu’il est ambigu – bien qu’on ait tous certains ennemis qu’on adore adorer tant ils sont délicieusement malveillants.
Akiles est un exemple de personnage qui a pris de la dimension alors que nous conceptualisions l’histoire. Lorsque Boris m’a présenté ses premières idées - un homme geek et accro à la mode - ,je me suis demandé ce que j’allais en faire. Désormais, il est difficile d’imaginer ce que serait l’histoire de Moon Tales sans lui.
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Une fois les protagonistes définis, il faut une intrigue générale – je mets ce critère en second car de bons personnages peuvent, selon moi, faire naitre et entretenir leur propre histoire, en rapport avec des objectifs intimes liés à leurs aspirations, leurs relations... Je parle ici d’une intrigue principale par opposition au drama propre aux personnages évoqué, car elle va canaliser la narration – sans elle l’histoire n’est plus qu’un simple soap opera.
Enfin il faut un décor.
Le nec plus ultra est le cas où l’auteur peut se permettre de rajouter à son histoire une moralité, qui fait d’elle une leçon éducative. G.K Chesterton disait : « Les contes de fées n’enseignent pas aux enfants que les dragons existent. Les enfants le savent déjà. Ils leurs enseignent que les dragons peuvent être vaincus. » (« Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. »). Il n’y a pas à dire, c’est la classe.
J’ai utilisé cette approche plusieurs fois dans divers travaux d’écriture – je ne dis pas qu’elle est la meilleure mais simplement que c’est ma vision.
Pour Moon Tales j’ai dû tout jeter en l’air. À cause de (ou grâce à…) Boris.
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J’avais déjà des idées, et j’ai une approche de la création assez libre où je lance des pistes, me demande ce que feraient les personnages puis laisse le monde pousser autour, d’autres protagonistes se rajouter, pour servir aux besoins de mon intrigue. Bienheureux que j’étais.
Boris avait une vision.
Il voulait des personnages. Ils étaient déjà bien détaillés, avec des apparences, des comportements, des mises en scène déjà préparées (voire storyboardées).
Il avait des idées très précises de scènes qu’il voulait dessiner, du nombre de héro(ine)s qu’il devait créer (pour faire son character design…). Pire pour moi, il voulait faire une carte précise de la cité dans laquelle se déroulerait principalement leurs aventures, afin que ses décors soient cohérents.
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[Boris] Je pirate ce carnet le temps d’un encart pour souligner un peu plus les avantages du travail commun qu’évoque Pierre - certes en me faisant passer pour celui qui impose beaucoup de choses, mais en réalité, c’est un peu plus nuancé et partagé que ça ^^
Que ce soit pour la création et le développement des personnages, ceux du monde ou même de l’histoire, tout se discute. Quand l’un de nous vient avec une idée, celle-ci sera généralement acceptée mais elle sera aussi l’occasion de donner de nouvelles idées à l’autre, de rebondir dessus afin de développer ou d’affiner l’idée en question. Ou d’extrapoler de nouvelles choses et ainsi d’enrichir l’ensemble. Parfois, les idées se confrontent et il faut faire un choix, ou bien modifier légèrement les deux idées pour les fusionner. Il est même possible qu’une incohérence ou une erreur soit utilisée à notre avantage ! Les histoires, les personnages et le monde ne sont pas encore tous développés en détails, ce qui nous permet une vraie liberté et une grande souplesse pour intégrer régulièrement de nouveaux éléments et débattre de leur intérêt.
Par exemple, concernant Tamara, les premières idées à propos de son passé datent de bien avant l’écriture de son épisode de présentation*. Dans ce dernier, Pierre a soulevé de nouvelles interrogations quant à ce passé et a apporté de nouveaux détails. On en a donc discuté pour rendre le tout cohérent et le développer encore un peu plus.
Autre exemple où la création d’un visuel peut aussi servir au développement du monde et de l’histoire** : Pierre introduit une lignée de rois, j’en réalise un visuel en leur dessinant une couronne un peu spéciale, ce qui déclenche ensuite l'écriture de nouveaux articles à ce sujet, enrichissant ainsi le monde et sa magie. Discussions après discussions, on relie ces nouveaux aspects à d’autres détails du monde développés bien avant, ce qui entraîne de nouvelles idées visuelles… Etc., etc.
Au final, tous ces développements “par rebonds” font certainement partie des aspects les plus passionnant d’une telle collaboration !
* : oui chaque personnage aura un épisode de présentation, il s'agit même des sept premiers chapitres de Moon Tales !
** : un dessin peut porter tout autant de créativité et d’informations qu’un texte, et n’est donc pas qu’un simple support formel à ce dernier. C’est particulièrement vrai dans les domaines créatifs qui nécessitent de développer un monde imaginaire (le jeu de rôle par exemple), dans lesquels les illustrateurs pourraient tout autant être source de “matériel créatif” (de background, de lore, de fluff..., pour ceux qui connaissent ces mots) et être qualifiés d’auteurs au même titre que les personnes qui en écrivent les textes... pour peu que la création visuelle et écrite se fasse en parallèle et non l’une avant l’autre.
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Je me retrouvais soudain à créer une intrigue qui devait passer par des étapes précises, avec des situations auxquelles honnêtement je n’aurai jamais pensé (j’ai découvert des choses…). J’avoue que j’ai eu peur. Mon coup de stress passé, je me suis mis au travail et j’ai découvert une vraie liberté dans ces contraintes. Ces dernières m’ont obligé à structurer ma narration, à la rythmer. Ces situations inattendues m’ont emmené vers des directions où je ne serais pas allé et rendent le récit bien plus frais à mes yeux.
Quelques exemples parmi d’autres :
- Boris avait l’idée d’une diffusion hebdomadaire, planifiée dans le temps. Cela signifiait rythmer le texte, mais également penser à des épisodes de noël, estivaux… Et donc qu’au moment de noël chez nous, il fallait qu’il neige dans la bd. Pareil pour l’été, il nous fallait un lieu ensoleillé, une plage…
- Un dessinateur c’est feignant***, surtout quand il doit dessiner des cases en grandes quantités. Donc j’ai dû me discipliner et limiter le nombre de personnages par scènes, éviter d’enchainer les nouveaux lieux ou de créer des décors trop compliqués. Bien sûr parfois je n’ai pas su m’en empêcher. Mais Boris a joué le jeu et j’espère que vous verrez dans nos vignettes de début que ça en valait la peine.
- Le format de publication et sa périodicité influent directement sur le style de la bande dessinée. Les épisodes doivent être courts, certains sont seulement des petits interludes, d’autres sont un peu plus longs, se suivent généralement mais sont tout de même pensés pour être un minimum autonomes. Si cela nous a donné des idées qui n’auraient peut-être pas été tentées autrement, il y a eu un effet direct sur ma façon d’écrire.
*** Note de Boris : merci d'envoyer vos lettres de protestations et d'insultes directement à monsieur Coppet, sur sa page facebook ou toute autre adresse que vous trouveriez. Je ne ferai pas le relais (sauf si le mot a lieu sur les pages de commentaires de ce carnet, cf. lien plus bas). De toute façon je me suis déjà chargé de lui casser les rotules. Car tant que les bras et les mains fonctionnent, l’histoire de Moon Tales peut continuer et c’est bien là l’essentiel, n’est-ce pas ?
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Moon Tales est une rencontre, entre deux individus de deux mondes différents. Elle est la fille de notre Terre, il vient d’une cité magique de l’autre côté du miroir. Mais ça n’est pas si simple. Elle est sans doute plus farfelue que lui. Et ils sont accompagnés d’individus tout aussi importants : un hidalgo flamboyant, une aventurière qui cache difficilement ses faiblesses, une sorcière qui se veut fée, une oracle triste et un drôle de joueur. Cette constellation de personnalités va illuminer une ville de merveilles plongée dans l’ obscurité au sens propre autant que figuré.
Mais avant le début de notre histoire, 37 ans auparavant pour être exact, sachez qu’une grande guerre eut lieu qui changea fortement la vie de ses habitants. Autrefois gouvernée par une dynastie héréditaire de rois, la cité dans laquelle ces tragiques événements prirent fin passa en effet aux mains d’un gouvernement révolutionnaire d’urgence, le temps pour Duana – la déesse de la nuit, assimilée à la lune et au destin – de désigner un nouveau chef. La Senestre – l’administration – prit ainsi les rênes de la ville, en se faisant passer pour les exécutants de la Dextre, le conseil des grandes familles, dont les anciens rois étaient les dirigeants.
Aujourd’hui, la cité plie sous le joug de la Senestre, mais reste un lieu magique, à l’atmosphère enchanteresse, gothique et halloweenienne.
Ces grands axes vont ainsi imprégner notre récit et l’ambiance globale de notre univers, en se mélangeant à plusieurs genres narratifs. Petit panorama :
Halloween et le gothique : le monde de Moon Tales est, entres autres, un mélange de l’Etrange Noël de Monsieur Jack mais aussi du Batman de Tim Burton. On y vit à l’ombre de manoirs anciens et de gratte ciels vertigineux. La faune urbaine comporte sans doute plus de hiboux et de chauves-souris que de rats et les citrouilles sont probablement le légume national. S’il n’y a pas d’épouvantails dans les rues, il est vraisemblable que ce soit un peuple comme les autres avec leur propre festival une fois par an. Depuis la chute de la monarchie, la grande cité est plongée dans une nuit sans fin qui facilite les apparitions de fantômes, de sorcières et des autres peuples nocturnes.
Féerie : Moon Tales n’est pas un univers horrifique… la plupart du temps ! Les peuples de la nuit vivent en plus ou moins bonne entente sous le joug de la Senestre. Très peu de crimes horribles ici. La hantise, le maléfice et l’enchantement sont des professions honorables. Quant aux fées et aux forces de la lumière, elles sont toutes aussi présentes comme le prouvent nos héros.
Urban fantasy : l'introduction de notre aventure est un classique de l’urban fantasy – la découverte du pays des merveilles. C’est au travers de Follet, humaine du Monde éteint, que nous découvrons cet autre monde moderne plein de magie ainsi que son étincelante cité. Cette dernière, un personnage à part entière, est une métropole urbaine contemporaine typique, même si souvent bien plus extravagante que celles de notre Terre, avec ses recoins mystérieux et ses habitants parfois étranges.
Soap : dès le début nous avons voulu une histoire centrée sur nos personnages, leurs relations, leur évolution, leurs amitiés et leurs amours. J’appelle ça de la dramaturgie. Boris, qui a peu de culture mais qui aime la propreté parle de Soap. Bof.
Aventure pulp : ami(e)s de la nature et des vaches, Moon Tales ne se limitera pas à une ville enténébrée. Au-delà de celle-ci, nous nous donnons la possibilité d’explorer des terres d'aventures parsemées de ruines, de faire découvrir à nos personnages les secrets ou merveilles de ces lieux.
Au final, Moon Tales, c’est l’occasion de mélanger bande dessinée, jeu de rôle et des influences qui nous plaisent dans notre chaudron de sorcière, de bien touiller tout cela et, nous espérons, de nous – et de vous – faire plaisir.
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Mais en fin de compte, notre webcomic proposera-t-il une bonne histoire ? Difficile pour moi de le dire. Je suis en général plutôt bon public – je ne demande à un film ou à un livre qu’à me distraire et j’ai tellement de plaisirs coupables en terme d’intrigue simple voire ratée que j’adore tout de même… Nos lecteurs seuls seront à même de décider s’ils aiment nos personnages et leurs histoires. Nous leur avons déjà prévu plusieurs années d’aventures.
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On n’écrit pas pour du jeu comme on écrit pour un roman ou une bande-dessinée. Ça a l’air évident dit comme ça, mais j’ai bêtement cru au début que narrer serait plus facile que de proposer une trame. Fatale erreur.
En jeu de rôle, on doit d’abord définir un cadre, un univers, une situation et une motivation. De là, on réfléchit aux solutions auxquelles vont penser les joueurs tout en sachant qu’en fin de compte ils feront ce que l’on n’avait pas prévu. La règle est toujours, selon moi, de proposer des choses et de ne pas fermer les portes.
Dans un roman, il faut penser à la continuité. Un personnage vient avec des motivations, des raisons et une personnalité. Tous les choix ne sont pas logiques et, parfois, les choix logiques pour un protagoniste ne sont pas ceux de l’auteur. Il faut se mettre dans la peau d‘un autre. En même temps, l’auteur doit se souvenir que son personnage ne sait pas ce qu’il sait lui, il doit trouver des raisons de le faire aller d’une scène à l’autre, lui fournir les clés qui lui permettront de résoudre l’intrigue. Dans un support séquencé comme Moon Tales, cela signifie de prévoir bien à l’avance ce qu’il faudra introduire. L’univers, par contre, peut-être plus fluide, moins cadré et moins détaillé, car il doit servir l’intrigue (avec un bémol, la clause Boris, cf. supra).
Ce sont donc deux approches fondamentalement opposées. Le Yin et le Yang de la création écrite d’une certaine façon :)
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Aujourd’hui, alors que j’écris ces lignes en mars 2022, le sirocco soulève le sable du Sahara et le porte jusqu’à nous à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres. Le ciel a une couleur étrange, jaune-orangée. Il tombe du sable sur nos toits. C’est apaisant.
En Ukraine, les précipitations sont meurtrières. Pas de paix pour les hommes, les femmes et les enfants.
Moon Tales parle de deux réalités qui se chevauchent mais il n’est pas nécessaire de faire appel à la magie pour cela. Le monde réel nous le rappelle chaque jour.
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Les carnets de conception de Moon Tales existent d’abord afin de garder une trace de l'élaboration du projet. Ils sont écrits autant pour nous que pour les personnes susceptibles d'être intéressées - dès à présent ou dans le futur - par les dessous de son développement. Poser par écrit toutes ces étapes nous donne matière à réfléchir sur nos pratiques ainsi que nos choix, pour en tirer éventuellement des pistes d’amélioration. Enfin, ces carnets permettent de faire vivre le projet, avant sa “vraie” existence, et de montrer qu’il avance.
INDEX DES CARNETS : #1 : Origines #2 : Personnages (1) #3 : Dessin #4 : Histoire #5 : La Cité (2024)
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dollsworks6374 · 21 days
Training Your Pet Monkey
Introduction Providing a safe and stimulating environment is essential for the health and well-being of your pet monkey. In this article, we'll explore the key elements capuchin monkeys for sale of creating an enriching environment that meets your monkey's physical, mental, and social needs, while also ensuring their safety and security.
1. Enclosure Design and Size The enclosure serves as your monkey's primary living space, so it's crucial to design it with their needs in mind. Choose a spacious enclosure that allows for ample room to move, climb, and explore. Provide multiple levels, platforms, and perches to encourage natural behaviors such as climbing and swinging. Ensure that the enclosure is constructed of sturdy materials and has secure locks to prevent escapes.
2. Environmental Enrichment Environmental enrichment plays a vital role in keeping your monkey mentally stimulated and engaged. Incorporate a variety of enrichment activities and toys into their environment, such as puzzle feeders, foraging toys, and climbing structures. Rotate and introduce new enrichment items regularly to prevent boredom and encourage exploration.
3. Socialization Opportunities Monkeys are highly social animals that thrive on interaction with conspecifics and humans. Provide opportunities for socialization through supervised playdates with other monkeys, interactive games with family members, and positive reinforcement training sessions. Encourage positive social behaviors and provide plenty of opportunities for your monkey to bond with their human caregivers.
4. Safety Measures Ensuring the safety of your pet monkey is paramount. Remove any potential hazards from their environment, such as toxic plants, electrical cords, and small objects that could be swallowed. Secure windows and doors to prevent escapes and install barriers or fencing to create a safe outdoor enclosure if your monkey enjoys spending time outside.
5. Environmental Variation Introduce environmental variation to keep your monkey's environment dynamic and engaging. Change up the layout of their enclosure, rotate enrichment items, and create different play areas to stimulate their curiosity and encourage exploration. Incorporate natural elements such as branches, leaves, and rocks to provide sensory stimulation and mimic their natural habitat.
6. Mental Stimulation In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is essential for keeping your monkey's mind sharp and preventing boredom. Provide opportunities for problem-solving and cognitive enrichment through interactive toys, training sessions, and food puzzles. Encourage your monkey to use their natural instincts and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and earn rewards.
7. Supervision and Interaction Supervise your monkey whenever they are out of their enclosure to ensure their safety and prevent accidents or injuries. Interact with them regularly through play, grooming sessions, and training exercises to strengthen your bond and provide mental stimulation. Pay attention to your monkey's body language and behavior to gauge their comfort level and adjust their environment accordingly.
Conclusion By creating a safe and stimulating environment for your pet monkey, you can promote their physical health, mental well-being, and overall happiness. Consider their species-specific needs, preferences, and natural behaviors when designing their environment, and prioritize safety measures to prevent accidents and escapes. Regularly assess and update their environment to keep it fresh and engaging, and enjoy the rewarding experience of providing a fulfilling life for your primate companion.
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pallesengustafson52 · 1 month
Around Tai Ch'i Techniques and Didactics
Derived from outsourcing software development services which, in the Western destinations cognise as the yin and yang, Thai Chi was said to be the follow that preserved the earlier educational institutions of poring over which study the gumptious and responsive principles. Primary education has deuce attributes typically: the unaccompanied eccentric, which stresses slow down collecting of motions conserving a consecutive and office spinal anesthesia pillar, align of motion and all right abdomen metabolism and the Coerce Fingers which take coaching of the principles of apparent motion in a extra worthful and reasonable style. As the Good Book signifies, the unaccompanied style of Siamese Chi, necessitates upright the anyone to capture the motions. It would accept the trainees through with a unconditioned and born natural selection of bowel movement above gravity's marrow. If recurrent efficaciously, the hold of the solo manikin posterior uphold model, maintain sincere tractability belike by right smart of the brawn tissues and joints, promote appropriate circulation from any home of the pupil's human body, and net ball pupils be Army for the Liberation of Rwanda to a greater extent familiarized with just about of the of the essence warriorlike art software program succession that are ordinarily indicated by the distinct types. Crucial variations of distinctive Thai Ch'i birth forms that comparatively dissent from the former people, cosmetically. Or so waver in the brandish of the men, in the carriage of the legs, the chemical reaction of the homo consistence and the stride of the gesture. These are whole irrelevant principally because what is important to Tai Chi pedagogy is that it added benefits not scarcely the intellect just the intact organic structure. Although, on that point are quite a few resemblances upcoming from the posture of their unconstipated origination that are vindicated sufficient to know. Alone forms, weapons and vacant-custody are movements that are frequently skillful individually in soldierlike arts package and pressing munition. Eventualities comparable these are intended to stimulate gear up the trainees for schooling of self-trade protection. The maneuver goes: if a individual gets to be cockeyed and likewise makes manipulation of solidness in having give care of violence, or else resisting it, and then it is hoped-for that both of those sides buttocks be trauma at a accurate academic degree. An hurt like that is a Siamese Khi rule that coincides with the repercussion of combating beastly with brute, which, in Thai Khi is Army for the Liberation of Rwanda on the far side the peachy mentality and style. Perverse to in early soldierly humanistic discipline on the nose where force is utilized to close to measuring rod, in Tai Chi, trainees are taught that alternatively of battling it stunned or straight withstanding an ingress violence, they need to carry out it with the pauperism to touchy movements and softness, following every assaulting gesticulate and in the reason, tiring the assaulting press. If this approach path is completed suitably, the yin-yang Balance in combating is the chief design of coaching job Tai Khi. Away from that, Tai Ch'i educational institutions likewise direct their captivation on how the energy of a hanging down personal impacts his opposition. The medal can come across corporeal wanting the truly demand Same and performing the real similar merely has a distinctive and astonishing event on the goal. A handle can buoy constrict the particular individual and hit both onwards or backward. It is carried out in this tolerant of a direction that the opponents are overhead railway vertically from the take aback that's wherefore breaking and warp their centre of Mass. Straightaway afterwards which, this scheme arse writing ending the placing ram privileged of the personify of the unique with the loved one calculate of triggering traumatic interior damage. As the terminal figure indicates, the unaccompanied take form of Asian country Chi, necessitates alone the 1 someone to seize the movements. These are totally irrelevant thanks to the realism that equitable what is important to Asian Khi didactics is that it rewards not alone the organization but the thoughts. Not care in former martial humanistic discipline wherever imperativeness is applied to approximately amount, in Thai Chi, trainees are taught that comparatively of battling it taboo or straight withstanding an inward driving force, they need to gratify it with the ought to subtle motions and softness, adhering to apiece mortal assaultive bowel movement and in the closure, tiring the attacking campaign. If this scheme is realized properly, the yin-yang equalizer in combating is the most significant accusative of pedagogy Siamese Khi.
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