#hurt!jensen ackles x nurse!you
cevansbaby-dove · 5 months
Barely Breathing (but still alive)
Jensen Ackles X Girlfriend!reader.
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So i got this idea after finding a prompt that jumped out at me. This will be a bit sad but i hope you enjoy it either way.
Warning:Mention of blood loss, gun fight. reader gets hurt.
it was another day in Dallas with Your boyfriend Jensen. You and him were heading out to a con in Seattle and you were excited to join him on stage.
"baby have you seen my blue shirt?" He asked you as he walks out of the closet.
"No did you pack it already?" You ask sliping out your flats.
You were in this cute outfit.
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"It's not in there baby i don't know where i put it" he says fiddling with his hair.
"here let me try to find it." You set your purse on the bed and walk into the closet and look through his shirts. "ah ha found it"
You walk out holding the shirt. "it was behind your Hawaiian shirts which i know not what to get your this Christmas" You giggle.
"I love those shirts baby"
"Yes but you love me more...i hope" You said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
He laughs wrapping his arms around you. "yes i do love you more than shirts"
He places a kiss on your cheek and then grabs his bag in one hand and your hand in the other. "ready?" You smile. "yes sir"
When you two land in Seattle you are greeted with a large group of fans. Jensen takes your hand leading you through the group. You two walk to the car when a gunshot rings out.
Jensen turns pushing you to the ground lightly. He looks around. "What the fuck just happened?!" He yells.
He looks at you and you are passed out with blood soaking your shirt.
"No no! y/n!" he looks at his guards. "Get Her to the ER NOW!" they lift you into the car and jensen sits by you placing your head on his lap. "hang on baby hang on."
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jensen rushes carrying you in. "i need a nurse or a Doctor! please my girlfriend has been shot!"
He says and some nurses rush to his side checking on you. "She's lost a lot of blood we'll take her from here"
Jensen sets you on the bed then watches with tears in his eyes as they roll you away.
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he calls up jared explaining what had went down and Jared asks. "is she going to be ok? I can come over to stay with you guys"
"I..." jensen lets out a broken sob. "I don't know what i was thinking...that bullet was probably meant for me! And now...God"
Jared sighs. "okay it's ok i'll be over right away." Jensen nods then a doctor comes out and Jensen says.
"hey jar I have to go i'll see you soon"
"Alright man" Jensen hangs up and the doctor says. "Jensen Ackles?"
"yea that's me, how is she?"
"Well she's lost a lot of blood it was an inch from her lung which is very lucky in her case."
Jensen nods as the doctor explains how you are. "She'll need to stay over night for us to keep an eye on her"
He nods. 'Can i see her?" The Doctor nods. 'Yes follow me please"
He leads jensen down a hallway and to your room where you are hooked up to machines and drips via IV.
"I'll check on her in a bit"
Jensen nods. 'thanks doc"
Jensen sits by you taking your hand placing a kiss on it. "Shit..." he says as he wipes away more tears.
"Baby please pull through....I..I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you."
He watches you breathe softly. "You have to be okay baby" He says with a tear rolling down his cheek.
He places your hand to his forehead hoping you'll pull through.
taglist:@cutedisneygrl @alternativeprincess94 @k-slla @jackles010378
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ana-swritings · 2 years
Merry December 2022 - Day 8
Day 8 of Merry December
Prompt: Memories
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x OFC (Aubree)
Words: 630
T.W.: N/A
Summary: Making it up to you.
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Jensen wasn’t one to talk about his feelings or memories at the drop of a hat, especially not with a complete stranger, so he would later blame it on the morphine drip that the doctor had put him on after he had been hurt while doing a stunt.
His girlfriend, Aubree, had just left to get something to eat for herself, when his nurse asked him what he was going to give Aubree for Christmas. Jensen looked at her like a deer in headlights, making the nurse ask him if he even knew what to give Aubree.
He tried to play it off, but the uncertainty was clear in his voice and the nurse quickly caught on to it. That was when she asked the question that would make Jensen blame the morphine later on. “What did you give her last year?”, she asked, a question so simple, but yet so personal, memories of Christmas past flashing before his eyes. Before he knew it, he was telling the nurse all about it.
This was only their second Christmas together and Jensen hadn’t really decided what to get her. The year before had been a nightmare and at the time he had promised to do better this year, but he was already failing.
Last year he had barely any time to get Aubree a present. His work hours had been insane, and he was almost sure they weren’t going to be able to spend Christmas together, but at the last minute they managed to switch a couple of his shots and public appearances and Christmas was on again. That left him with finding a gift in time for Christmas.
Only having a couple of hours free before having to meet Aubree, he had gone to the mall, hoping he could find something she would like, but not really finding anything. With time running out, he made a last-minute decision that he would regret. He decided to go with an empty recipe book.
Any other time, the idea would be a sweet one, considering that Aubree was an amazing cook and had a box filled with loose recipes. But not for Christmas, especially their first one. He regretted it the moment he had it wrapped but was now committed to going all the way with it.
The disguised look of disappointment in Aubree’s eyes when she opened her present didn’t go unnoticed and was enough to make him regret every decision he had ever made. She tried to play it off, thanking him and saying that it was just what she needed. But when he opened his and saw a brand-new guitar sling with his name stitched across it, something he had mentioned he had to buy to replace the worn out one he had, he made a silent promise that the next year he would make it up to her and give her something she would really love.
The nurse didn’t say a word the entire time. Once he was done, she smiled and told him that first, he was right, the present had been awful. Useful, but awful. And second, that he needed someone who would help him find something that Aubree would love.
Just as he is about to tell her that he could do it on his own, Aubree walked in, ending their conversation. Jensen smiled, as he watched his girlfriend talking about their Christmas plans with this kind nurse and if they had put up their trees or not, as she unpacked her lunch.
Maybe getting someone’s help wouldn’t be that bad. Afterall, he messed up the first time. All he knew was that this year he had to get it right and who knows if with someone’s help, he just might be able to do it.
Hope you enjoyed it. :)
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A Supernatural Love
Chapter Thirteen: A Vacation
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, some alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing, Language
Word Count: 1907
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List:  @streets-in-paradise  @leigh70 @sexyvixen7 @deandreamernp @universallyraylangivens @siospins2 @let-me-luve-you @lyarr24 @nancymcl​ @hobby27​
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  The flight went quick and you were thankful that the hat and sunglasses were enough disguise for the four of you.  No one knew you, not really. You had been lucky enough to avoid the press whenever you were with the three of them.  Gen was the rising star being a star on Supernatural and dating Jared which got out quickly, but they weren’t hiding it.
“Almost home”,  Jensen said to no one in particular.  You were excited to see his home and where he grew up.  You wanted to know everything about him but you were nervous that you would be meeting his parents in ten minutes.  He must have sensed your tension.  “You have no reason to be nervous, my family is going to love you.”  You smiled at him but you still couldn’t help but feel like you didn’t deserve this wonderful man in front of you.
Cliff pulled into Jensen’s driveway and everyone piled out.  Jared grabbed Jensen’s luggage and yours so you were free to make sure that Jensen wouldn't trip on the gravel.  The last thing he needed was another injury.  He walked in calling out, “Mama, your favorite child is home!”  To which multiple voices were heard.
“Oh my goodness!  I am so happy you are home Jensen!  Oh and Jared too!”  She hugged them both, commenting on Jensen’s injuries and looking him over until he told her he was fine.  She wasn’t convinced but she turned to you and Gen.  “You must be Y/N and Gen!  I have heard so much about you and it is so good to finally meet you!  Please call me Mama”  She proceeded to hug each of you.
“Thank you so much for letting us stay here, it is so good to meet you” You told her, surprising yourself with the confidence in your voice.  
“Oh my goodness, as if you would stay anywhere else!  I am just sad that Jared and Gen are leaving so soon”  She gave a sad look to the two of them.
“We would love to stay but my mom wouldn’t hear the end of it if I didn’t get home as soon as possible.”
“Well I can’t fault her for that, but please come in for something to drink before you go!”  She ushered everyone in and went to the kitchen to pour some lemonade. 
“Thank you”  Gen said when she was handed her glass and everyone else ushered the same sentiment when their turn came.
“Jensen, your sister is in town this weekend and she is in town picking up a few things.  She was so excited to hear you finally brought your girl!  We all were”  She said the last sentence to you and smiled.
“I am glad I finally was able to have a chance to bring her too. She is one special girl.  She is the one that made sure I made such a good recovery.  She had to put up with all my crap and she didn’t flinch once”
“Sounds like a keeper then”  His mom said.
“I didn’t do much really.  I wasn’t allowed to be his nurse but I did whatever I could, including smuggling anything that wasn’t jello”  You said.
“That stuff is the worst, I never want to eat that again”,  He scrunched up his nose.
“My son, ever the drama queen”
“That’s what I keep saying”  You giggled and so did his mom.
“Hey now, no fair teaming up against me!”  Jensen faked being hurt.
“Get used to it man, I am preparing for the same situation when I bring Gen home.” 
“If you find any tips let me know”,  Jensen said, trying to get off the couch.
“I will”  They hugged and everyone said their goodbyes. Cliff drove them to Jared’s parent’s house promising he would come back in the morning.
“Can I help with anything?”  You offered.
“Very kind dear but no, Mackenzie will be home soon enough.  If you could just make sure Jensen gets up the stairs okay I would really appreciate that”  She said with concern in her voice.
“Of course, I keep trying to do my best to make sure nothing else happens to him”
“I believe that, it is easy to see you both care for each other very much”  His mom said in a low voice for only the two of you to hear.
“What are you whispering about?  Me, I assume”,  Jensen walked over.
“Not everything is about you dear.  Now go upstairs and show her to your room.  With everyone home, you will just have to share a room but I am sure that won’t be a problem”  His mom gave him a plotting smile and just hugged him and walked to the kitchen again.
You walked up the stairs in silence trying to make sure he made it okay while carrying two suitcases.  He led you to the room and when he closed the door he said, “I can always sleep on the couch if this makes you uncomfortable.”
“Then you will be uncomfortable and we are not about to do that to you.  Besides, I don't mind sharing a bed.  We have before”  You reminded him of the one night in the hospital.
“That was different, I was dying and injured”
“You are still injured”  You retorted, turning to put the suitcases at the end of the bed.  He put his crutches down and grabbed a hold of you.
“I just want to make sure you feel as comfortable and at home as possible.  You just tell me what you need from me and I will do everything I can to make it happen”  He looked you in the eyes and with such intensity it took you by surprise.
“Jensen, I know you would do anything for me and I would do anything for you.  I already feel really good here and honestly I think not being with you would make it worse”  You continued to look into each other's eyes and with your revelation he smiled slightly and started to lean down to kiss you.  You closed your eyes and right before your lips touched there was a knock on the door.
“Hey Asshole, you coming down for dinner?”  said a woman’s voice.  Jensen looked disappointed but turned to the door and opened it.
“Missed you too, sis”  They gave each other a hug and talked for a minute before she looked around him and saw you.  “You must be Y/N!  I’m Mackenzie, the best of the Ackles.”  Jensen scoffed”
“She likes to exaggerate.”
“So do you apparently, you said she was smart, but she is with you”
“Hey, be nice.  I want her to stick around”
“It’s okay, really I am only with him because I felt sorry for him” You said while putting your arm around his waist.
“I think we are going to get along well”  She smiled and walked down the stairs.
“Just ignore her, I usually do”,  He said to you.
“She seems like she really cares about you even though she teases you.”
“She does but her first instinct is to be a jerk.  You get used to it though.  Come on the sooner we have dinner the sooner we can finish what we started”  He whispered in your ear.  That did sound good to you.
     Dinner went well, with you meeting his dad and brother.  They were really nice but his mom was a saint.  You knew you would get along really well with his family.  You helped clear the dishes while Mackenzie got some dessert ready.  The boys stayed seated and out of the way.
“Jensen tells me you want to become a doctor?”  His mom said to you,
“I do, that is my dream but for now I am studying and working as a nurse.”
“Seems pretty intense, but Jensen was right, you do seem smart and motivated.”  Mackenzie offered.
“Thanks, I don’t know about that but I am working hard to see if I can make my dream come true.  Jay has been really supportive, and I don’t know if I can do it without him”
“He has always been like that.  A rock for everyone”  His mom said.  “He gives his all in whatever he does.”
“Including accidents apparently”,  Mackenzie said.
“Mackenzie!  We are still trying to get over this. Now is not the time for jokes.”
“Now is the perfect time, it helps everyone be less serious and put it in perspective.  He is doing okay and we need to be thankful and not dwelling so much on the negative.  It isn’t healthy either, Ma”  She then brought out the dishes and serving tray.
“She means well but she is rough around the edges. Please don’t take her too seriously”  Mama said to you.
“She seems sweet regardless of everything”  You smiled at her to which she returned.
“So do you.  Jensen has wonderful taste and you are no exception.  It is clear that you love each other very much”  This caught you off guard and you didn’t know what to say.  “Oh honey, don’t worry about it.  I am a mother, I notice things.  We just met you but we like you very much, so stop worrying about whatever is holding you back.  Now, let’s join everyone shall we?”  You followed her into the dining room thinking about what she said.  
How was meeting the family?  - G
It was good, everyone seems really great and I love Mama - Y/N
I told you that you had nothing to worry about!  See you tomorrow - G
You put your phone down on the bathroom sink and brushed your teeth. You then slipped into one of Jensen’s old T-shirts because of course you forgot to bring pajamas.  You really liked his shirt so it was a blessing in disguise.  When you walked out you saw Jensen sitting up already in bed.
“Wow, you look really good in my shirt.  Something to remember”
“Glad you like it, I love this shirt so it works out for me too”  You gave him a smile then got under the covers.  You were glad you put on a pair of his boxers too because you didn’t want to seem like you wanted to jump his bones, even if you did…
“You have enough room?”  He asked you as he turned off the light and you made yourself comfortable.  “I don’t want to be too close.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind if you were a little closer.  I like having you next to me”  he turned to you.
“Believe me, I want to do a lot of things but I made you a promise I wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with and I intend to keep it.”
“That means so much, Jay, but I am more than happy to be here with you, in your house, learning all about you.  I am also more than happy to be in here, sharing this bed with you.  The only thing that can make this better is if you put your arm around me.”  Where the confidence came from you had no idea.  He just looked at you for a moment and you thought that you said the wrong thing.
“I would love to cuddle with you, come here”  He put his arm around you and held your hand with his free one.  Yep, you could definitely get used to this.
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
Mending A Broken Heart (Jared x Reader)
Warnings: SMUT, breeding kink, unprotected sex, (wrap it before you tap it, kids,) oral sex, female receiving, slight praise kink, angst, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of non-con, mentions of cheating, reader has PCOS, fluff, strong language.
Pairings: Jared x Reader
Characters: Jared, Jensen, Danneel, JJ Ackles, Misha (mentioned only)
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You get a call from you older sister, Danneel, saying that she is in labor. When you arrive, your first niece is being born. You call your soon to be husband to inform him of JJ's birth, only to have a woman answer his phone.
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You were on a mission.
You walked with purpose through the hallways of the hospital, not even stopping when a nurse asked if you needed help. You were Y/N Graul. You didn't need help to find your sisters freaking room.
"Ackles." You said, approaching two men. "Padalecki. How's my sister?" Just as the words left your mouth, you heard an ear piercing scream. "That answers that question." You pushed past them and into Danneel's delivery room.
"Ma'am, you can't be in here!" The doctor ordered.
"She's my sister." Danneel waved her off. "She can be here." The mother to be let out another groan of pain. You grabbed her hand, letting Danneel use it to relieve some of her pain. You winced slightly. Your sister had a strong grip.
You didn't understand how women could all over the world could go through this pain. Especially those without epidurals. 
"I want Jensen!" She cried.
You nodded, quickly making your way out into the hall. "Ackles! Get your ass in here!" Jensen gave Jared a scared look before following you inside.
"I'm here, sweetheart." He assured her as he took your place. You hid your smile at brother-in-law's kindness. You and Jensen never got along, mostly because you were so alike. You were both hard headed, but you had a big heart. You'd never say, but you secretly liked him.
"C'mon, Dannie," You encouraged, coming on the other side of her. "You've got this. Push!"
Danneel yelled once more, gripping both of your hands and she tried to push. "No! No, no, no. I can't do this!" She whined.
"You can and you will!" You demanded. "You are Danneel Ackles, you are a badass, powerful woman and you will be a great mother! All you have to do is push!"
"Easier said that done!" Danneel barked, her  auburn hair sticking to her forehead with sweat.
"We're almost there, Mrs. Ackles! One more push!" And with one last scream, and one last push, Danneel fell back on the bed, panting heavily. There was a small cry that pierced through the room, which caused the three adults to look over at the doctor.
"Congratulations," She smiled softly. "You just gave birth to a healthy baby girl."
Danneel and Jensen shared wide smiles as their newborn baby girl was set into their arms. "She's beautiful." Jensen whispered. "She has your eyes."
"She has your nose." Danneel looked over at you, her eyes filled with joy. "Y/N, can you give us a minute?"
"Of course, Dannie." You kissed her forehead. "I'm so happy for you."
You exited the room, only to find Jared pacing back and forth. "How are they? Danneel stopped screaming. Is she okay?" He asked, worry written across his face.
"They're okay. Better than okay, actually. Danneel just became a mother to a beautiful baby girl." You beamed proudly.
Jared let out a relieved laugh as he surged forward to hug you. You stood stiffly in his hold, unsure of what to do. You weren't used to physical affection, as your boyfriend rarely held you anymore. The last time you had been this close to Jared was at Jensen and Danneel's wedding when you both walked down the aisle together.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him, patting his back awkwardly. "Sorry," He apologized sheepishly. "I'm a hugger."
"So I've noticed." You said, stepping away. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some exciting news to share with my family."
You found an empty hallway and began to call every family member you could think of. Gino was first, obviously. You knew how excited he was when he found out Danneel was pregnant. Your parents were next, and then your cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
You cringed as you looked at the last name on your contacts. Will.
You hadn't been on very good terms as of late. The two of you had been fighting constantly, especially after you found out Danneel was pregnant. You were beyond happy for her and Jensen; they were finally starting the family they had always dreamed about.
Fuck it. You might as well get it over with. It rang three times before it was finally answered. "Hello?" An unfamiliar female voice said.
"Uh, who is this?" You questioned, starting to get defensive. It was four o'clock in the morning in Vermont.
"Lacy," She answered simply.
"And what are you doing with my fiance's phone, Lacy?"
"Who is it, babe?" You heard Will in the background.
"It's your fiance, William. The one that I didn't know you had!" Lacy screamed. "You asshole! I can't believe you cheated! And I can't believe you dragged me into it! We're done!" You felt your throat close up, your eyes began to well up with tears.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. You kept repeating to yourself. This was the happiest day of Jensen and Danneel's life, you couldn't bring them down.
"Y/N, baby, this really isn't what it sounds like." Will claimed after Lacy threw his phone at him. 
"No, Will, I think it's exactly what it sounds like." You whispered harshly. "You cheated. After three years, you cheated on me."
"Well you didn't give me much of a choice, did you?" He growled.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't let me touch you in almost eight months. What else was I supposed to do? I have needs, Y/N."
"You know why we haven't done anything!" You hissed, tears running down your face. "You know exactly why!"
"Can't you just get over it! God, Y/N, we could always try again!" He yelled.
"Get over it? Get over it?! I lost my baby and you just want me to get over it! I can't just forget about it, Will. I should be having  my baby - our baby - in five weeks. July ninth."
"You know what I mean, Y/N. Of course I don't want you to forget about the baby, but we could always try again! It wasn't the end of the world!"
"Yes, it was, Will! You know how hard it is for me to get pregnant ever since I was diagnosed with PCOS-"
"It always comes back to that! 'Sorry, I can't have sex with you today because I feel bloated,' or 'Sorry I'm acting so down, my depression is bad today.' You use PCOS as an excuse to everything!"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to calm yourself. "It was never going to work, was it?" You said quietly. "We both want kids, but I can't give you that. I can't give you a lot of things, apparently. When I come back, I want you out of my house. I'm going to be staying with Danneel and Jensen for a while. They're going to need some help with the new baby. It's a girl, just in case you were wondering." You hung up the phone, taking in a shaky breath.
"Son of a bitch!" You wailed as you threw your phone against the wall. You slowly slid to the floor, putting your head in your hands. You tried to quiet your sobs by biting your lip, which only caused your mouth to be filled with a metallic liquid.
Get it together, Y/N. You wiped the tears off your face, trying to calm yourself down. You couldn't believe this was happening. Your sister, your best friend, just gave birth to a healthy daughter. You should be celebrating, not crying over your crappy fiance. Ex fiance. 
You picked yourself off the floor, grabbing your phone as you did so. Of course it was shattered. You quickly went to the bathroom, your puffy face startling you. You splashed cold water on your face, which got rid of it for the most part.
You made your way back to Danneel's room, where the atmosphere was happy and joyful. Something that made your mood lighten just a fraction. "Hey Mama! How are you?"
"Doped up on pain meds," She grinned. "Having a baby really hurts. I knew it would hurt, I mean, I've seen the videos, but damn, that was awful." You laughed as you brushed her hair back.
"What's her name?"
"Justice Jay Ackles." Jensen answered, bringing your niece forward. "JJ for short. Do you want to hold her?"
You nodded eagerly as JJ was set into your arms. She began to fuss a little, reaching out for her father. "Shh, shh." You cooed. "It's okay, sweet JJ. I'm your Auntie Y/N/N. You'll get to meet the others soon enough. They're going to love you, just like your mommy and daddy love you. You are going to have a whole village looking after you, did you know that? Yeah, you have me, your uncle Gino, that's mommy's brother. Then you have your uncle Josh and Aunt Mack, that's your daddy's siblings. Then of course you have Uncle Jared and Misha. Those are daddy's best friends."
Jared and Jensen smiled at you. You were already so in love with JJ. "Danneel's knocked out." Jensen whispered. "The nurse wants to take JJ up to the nursery while she sleeps." You nodded as you handed over the baby. "Alright, I'm gonna go get us some food. You guys want anything?"
"No, I'm good." You shook your head.
"Same." Jared agreed.
And with that, Jensen left you and Jared alone with a sleeping Danneel. You grabbed your phone out of your back pocket and tried to turn it on. Just your luck, the screen stayed black. That's what you get for throwing your phone at the wall.
"What in the hell happened to your phone, Y/N?" Jared questioned.
"It fell out of my pocket." You lied. "I guess I'll have to buy and new one."
"Damn, that sucks." He frowned. You gave a small shrug, not saying much of anything. "Are you okay, Y/N? You don't seem like yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, normally you like to take jabs at me and Jensen. Hell, the only one you really like is Misha. Plus, ever since you came back in the room, you've been frowning and your eyes are still puffy from where I know you've been crying." You felt your heart sink to your stomach. "I know you don't like me very much, or Jensen, for that matter, but we do care. What's wrong?"
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to sort out your words. "I can't say it here. Follow me."
You grabbed Jared by the hand and led him to where the nursery is. You needed something happy to cheer you up.
"Let me start this by saying that I don't hate you or Jensen." You didn't take your eyes off the adorable babies, but your hand was still brushing up against his. "I have known you both for a while now, and I care about you guys. Making jabs and snarky comments is how I show that I care." You could see Jared smiling out of the corner of your eye.
"I called Will this morning to tell him that Danneel had the baby." You saw Jared's smile fade slightly. "A woman answered his phone, and usually I wouldn't think anything of it. I would make an excuse that it's his secretary or assistant, but it was four a.m in Vermont when I called. Her name was Lacy." Your voice cracked.  "And it's my fault!"
"Y/N, it's not your fault-"
"But it is, Jare," You whispered. "It is. I pushed him away for months. Do you know how long it's been? Eight months. It's been eight months, Jared. And Will 'has needs.'"
"That's the dumbest excuse ever." He mumbled.
"This next part. . . I haven't told anyone but Will. Not Danneel, not Gino, not my parents, anyone. So you have to promise not to tell anyone. I'll tell my family once I'm ready, but for now, they don't need to know."
Jared's frown deepened. "I won't say anything, Y/N, I promise. Are you okay?"
"No," You shook your head. "I haven't been okay for a while now." You took a deep breath before continuing. "Last year I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – PCOS for short."
"Yeah, I've heard of it." Jared said softly, his eyes filled with pity.
"Will and I had been trying so hard for a baby. And when we found out I had PCOS, we stopped. And I was heartbroken. I've wanted to start a family for so long, and to get that news hurt me. And it hurt Will." You felt your hands start to shake.
"One night after I had one too many drinks, I passed out on the couch, and I woke up the next morning in my bed with all my clothes off and Will lying in my bed beside me. I don't know what happened that night, but I know I didn't want it. And four weeks later I found out I was pregnant." Jared's jaw clenched and his eyes held something malicious.
"I didn't care how it happened. I know I should have, but I was just so excited to have a baby. To be a mother. And then when I went to my OBGYN, she told me I had. . . I had a miscarriage."
"Oh, Y/N," Jared said sadly, resting his hand on your shoulder.
"I lost my baby. And I don't know what to do with myself, Jare." You cried. "W-what am I supposed to do?"
You were shaking uncontrollably now, unable to calm down. "That m-might have been my only chance!" Jared swallowed hard as he brought you in for a hug. "I want my baby!" You wailed.
"I know," He whispered as he gripped you tight. "I know, honey. I am so sorry. This is so unfair to you. You deserve so much better than this."
"What if it was my last chance?" You sniffed.
"It wasn't," He assured you as he rocked you back and forth. "There are fertilization treatments, surrogacy, adoption. . . You'll be a mother one day, Y/N, and you'll be the best mother a child could ever ask for."
"Really?" You asked in a small voice, looking up at the tall man. He smiled as he brushed back a piece of your hair and wiped away your tears.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest and your breaths quickening. "Jared,"
"Kiss me."
He didn't have to be told twice as he leaned down to kiss your lips. He cupped your face with both of his hands, bringing you closer to him. "Mm," He moaned, pulling away. "Not in front of the babies. They're too young to be scarred this way." You laughed as he dragged you away to a bathroom, making sure no one was in there before locking the door.
Jared grabbed you by the waist and gently pushed you against the wall. He wasted no time as he pressed his lips against yours once more. His tongue slid across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter, which you happily granted.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. Jared put his hand on the back of your thigh, encouraging you to jump. You got the memo as you lifted yourself up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He moved and set you down on the counter.
"Do you want to keep going?" Jared asked, breathless.
"Yes," You nodded, your face flushed. "Please, Jare." He groaned at the nickname.
"I love it when you call me that." He said as he ran kisses down your jaw and to your neck.
"And I. . . Love it when. . . You kiss my neck like that." You panted as you began to unbutton Jared's shirt. You ran your hands across his abs and looped your fingers around his belt buckle.
"You are far too overdressed." Jared complained as he tugged at the hem of your shirt.
"Why don't you fix that for me?" You smirked. There was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he pulled your shirt off your body.
You covered your stomach as you suddenly felt shy when Jared's eyes raked over your body. He frowned as he pulled your arms away. "Why are you hiding from me?"
"I- I dunno. It's just. . . All the girls you've been with in the past like Gen and Sandra are so beautiful and I look nothing like them -"
"Let me stop you right there," Jared said sternly. "You are gorgeous and incredibly sexy. Don't you dare compare yourself to them, because they could never be as beautiful as you. Don't let any asshole tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" You nodded slowly, fighting off the smile that crept onto your face. "Good, now let's pick up where we left off, shall we?"
Jared pulled down your jeans and tossed them aside, along with your panties. He looked at you like he hadn't eaten in days and you were a four course meal.
He began to trail kisses up your thighs, getting so close to where you wanted him to be only for him to pull away. "Quite being such a tease!" You growled.
Jared have you a smirk. "Yes ma'am." And with that he pulled you forward slightly so you were sitting on the edge of the counter. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before a wave of euphoria hit as you felt Jared's tongue on your clit.
"Oh-" You moaned, only for Jared to cover your mouth with his hand.
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, would you?" He questioned. You shook your head, desperate for him to return to where he was. "Be a good girl for me and stay quiet." His kissed you on the mouth before going back to eating you out. You bit your lip in attempts to silence your moans.
"Fuck," You whispered as you leaned your head back. Jared began to tease your hole with his tongue, making you gasp and grab onto his long locks.
You felt warmth spread through your stomach and a familiar coil began to tighten. "Oh, god, Jare, please keep going!" You encouraged him. "I'm so close."
At those words, Jared pulled away abruptly, making you want to cry out. "Sorry babygirl, you can only come when I say you can."
You frowned at his words. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy it." He winked. Jared began to unbuckle his belt; you could see his growing erection through his jeans. "I don't have a condom." He said defeated. "Are you clean?"
You nodded. "What about you?"
"Yeah, I'm all good." He assured you.
"Then we should be fine, it's not like I can get pregnant anyways."
"You never know." Jared said as he nipped at your neck. As he left love bites on your neck, you began to pull down his jeans, revealing his hardon. You pushed yourself off the counter and got on your knees, only for Jared to pull you back up.
"Not this time, kitten. This is about you, not me."
"But I want to make you feel good." You protested.
"Next time, baby." You smiled at the thought of a next time. He quickly turned you around so you were bent over the counter. "You're so wet." He growled as he grinded against you. "All this for me?"
"Yes, Jare. Only for you." You panted, desperate for his cock.
"Good," He murmured against your neck. "I've been waiting a while for this to happen, there is no way I'm letting it go to waste. Do you still want this?" He questioned, wanting to make sure you were still comfortable with it.
"If you stopped now I might have to kill you." Jared slowly pushed into you, as he didn't want to hurt you. You gasped in surprise; you had never been with someone as big as him. He gave you time to adjust to his size. "Move." You pleaded.
Jared chuckled as he slowly began to thrust into you. He grunted at the feeling of your warmth. "Fuck, Y/N." He moaned. "You're so fucking tight."
He began to pick up speed, which earned a moan from you. Jared put his hand over your mouth to silence your sounds, but you could still hear you skin slapping together.
"Oh, fuck." He growled. "I'm gonna cum. Gonna fill you with my seed, make you all round. God, you'd look so fucking sexy carrying my baby." Your eyes rolled into the back of your head at his words, causing your walls to clench around his dick. "Would you like that, huh? Being so full of my cum that it runs down you legs."
"Oh, fuck yes." You nodded. "Please, Jared, fill me with your cum. Make me carry your child." You begged.
Jared gripped your hips tightly, (definitely leaving bruises) as he rammed into you. You struggled to keep quiet, as all you wanted to do was scream from pleasure. "You're going to look so good filled with my cum." He purred.
"Let me cum with you." You whined, the coil in your stomach was ready to snap.
"I'm so close." He grunted, sweat dotting his brow. "Cum with me, babygirl. Cum." He demanded.
You shuttered as your coil finally snapped and you rode out your orgasm on Jared's dick. He followed soon after you, blowing his load into your womb.
"Holy shit," You muttered. "That was so fucking hot."
"You're telling me." Jared said as he slowly pulled out, making you feel empty. You began to clean yourself up and put your clothes back on.
You both looked a mess; swollen lips, messy hair and to top it all of, hickeys scattered your neck. You reached up on your tip toes to flatten Jared's hair. "At least our hair covers the bruises." You grinned.
"So, what happens next?" Jared questioned.
"I guess that's up to you." You shrugged. "We can either go on a date and see how this plays out, or we can forget this ever happened."
"I don't want to forget." He shook his head. "I don't think I could forget."
"Good," You smiled. "I was hoping you would say that." Jared grinned as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
"I have a really good feeling about this."
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Alive at the Scene
requested: yes ship: Jensen x Reader rating: General tags: mention of car accident summary: You've been in a car accident. Jensen is there for you. word count: 744 written/created for anon
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Jensen opened the door and immediately his secret hope for Girl Scout Cookies was lost. Two police officers stood in front of him. “Hello, officers.”
The officer on the right nodded his head and the one on the left, spoke up. “Hello, sir. Are you the husband of Y/N Ackles?”
Jensen’s heart dropped and he was 76% sure he was going to throw up. “Yes, I am. Is she okay? What happened?”
The officer on the right took his turn to speak, “She was in a car accident about five miles into town. Another unit is at the hospital, we came from the scene. You can learn more about her condition once we escort you to the hospital.”
“Do you know if she’s alive?” Jensen’s throat felt thick and he thought he might hyperventilate.
“She was alive at the scene. Like I said you can learn more about her condition at the hospital. Come with us, please?”
“Yeah, let me grab.. sorry, let me grab my wallet and stuff.” Jensen scrambled to get his phone, keys, and wallet. He felt like he was moving in slow motion. You had gone out to grab ice cream for the two of you while he cleaned up after dinner. It couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes ago. Jensen sniffed and headed out the door, “Let’s go.”
Your body hurt. You could hear a voice that sounded over what you guessed was an intercom, and the squeak of tennis shoes on linoleum. The air felt a bit stuffy and the blanket that covered you was not the least bit comfortable. Your feet were freezing. Despite the ache in your bones you tried to stretch, stopping immediately for two reasons: 1) The agonizing charlie horse in your right leg and 2) the tug of something on your arm.
You opened your eyes, only to squint them because of the crusties that had built up and the fluorescent lights. As you surveyed the room, you saw your favorite person in the world.
“Jensen,” you croaked. Clearing your throat you tried again, “Jensen.”
Jensen’s head twitched and his eyes opened. He was slow to react, but you could see the exact moment he realized you were awake. “Y/N? Y/N!” He jumped up from his seat to stand by your bedside. He leaned down to kiss the top of your head. “Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?” He looked around, pressing the nurses’ call button when he found it.
“Sore. I tried to stretch a minute ago, but my leg cramped up and something pulled at my arm.” You took this chance to look down and saw it. “The IV. How long have you been here. How long have I been here?”
“It’s been about 8 hours for me. Not much longer for you. Do you remember what happened?”
You tried to think. “I left the house, but I don’t remember when or how or what for. It hurts to think. The light really hurts.” You close your eyes and swallow down the nausea building in your throat.
You heard Jensen’s footsteps and heard when he turned off the light in your room. He walked quietly back over. “You left home for some ice cream. You weren’t gone for more than 20 minutes when two police officers showed up telling me you were in a car accident. You were knocked out, definitely have a concussion.”
Jensen was gently smoothing your hair back while you rested your eyes when a nurse gently knocked on the door frame. She spoke softly, “Hi there, is she awake?” You lifted you hand up in a half-hearted wave, eyes still closed. “I see. I’ll let your doctor know. Do you need anything?”
“Water… body hurts, too… please and thank you…” Your voice was quiet and weak, the longer you were awake the more your head hurt. Jensen’s hand felt so nice
“Some ice chips and pain meds, please,” Jensen clarified for the nurse, pulling a chair over with his foot, so he could sit by your side. “Is she okay to sleep some more?”
The nurse smiled at his concern, “She can sleep. We’ll be coming by pretty frequently to check up on her. No need to worry about any of that, you just rest with her.”
Jensen nodded, not taking his eyes off of you. “Thank you.” As the nurse walked away, Jensen kissed your forehead as you began to doze off.
tags: @kittenofdoomage @supernatural-jackles @luci-in-trenchcoats @ravengirl94 @sis-tafics @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @acreativelydifferentlove @impalaimagining @squirrel-moose-winchester @deans-baby-momma @flamencodiva @akshi8278
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Christmas Wishes - Part 1
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Summary: Jensen and Katherine are going through a rough patch in their marriage. Jared winds up in a coma from a car accident. What will happen if he never wakes up? Will Jensen and Katherine ever have a family of their own? Pairing(s): Jensen x OFC!Reader, Jared x Gen Word Count: 3925 Parts: 1/3 Warnings: fertility issues, car accident, hospitalization, coma, comatose, miscarriage (mentioned), unprotected sex, p in v, oral (fem receiving), Jensen is a bit of an ass for a moment
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When I was young, I was told that the possibility of me ever having a child would be close to impossible. At the time it didn’t bother me. I was young, in no shape or form ready to take on parenthood; I was also pretty sure I would never want to have kids of my own. I love children, don’t get me wrong, I just never thought I would want any of my own. I had always hoped that if I did have children, that they would be just as amazing as my niece and nephews.
It wasn’t until I met the love of my life and we’d had the future talk that I realized that just maybe I did want to experience motherhood for myself. Just imagining him with our child – our little girl - in place of my niece melted my heart.
It broke my heart telling him that we may not have a future as a family of three or more. Just the look of devastation on his face will be one that will always haunt my dreams. He promised me that he would love me no matter what, that he would be okay if it was just the two of us. I believed him for the first five years of our marriage but as time went on, we started drifting apart more and more after each miscarriage I’d had.
We’ve made it to our 10th anniversary, but I fear we may not make it to our 11th. Most nights when we argue now, he sleeps in another room. I’ve come to dread bedtime and come to loathe sleeping alone. I miss my husband, so much it hurts.
The sound of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles saying that I had a phone call brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID. It was my sister-in-law, Gen.
“Hey Gen, what’s up?” I asked her. Maybe she wanted to get together and that could be a good distraction from my possibly failing marriage.
“Katherine, you need to get to the hospital.” My heart stopped. My mind was coming up with all these worse case scenarios. “It’s Jared.” I stopped breathing. I knew he was having trouble lately. I prayed to God that it hadn’t gotten bad enough that he broke his promise to me; to always keep fighting. A promise that we had made to each other when he’d lost a friend and I had attempted suicide as a teen. My brother is my rock, my whole world, I didn’t know how I was going to cope if any had happened to him. He’s everything to me, I don’t know how to function without him.
“It’s not what you’re thinking. You know that he would never do that, especially if it meant breaking a promise to you. He was in an accident on his way home from the store. He didn’t have the kids with him so they’re fine and safe.” I let out a sob I hadn’t realized I was holding in.
Gen gave me moment. “I’m on my way. Do I need to call Jensen, or does he already know?”
“I called him right before I called you.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. I got up from the couch and headed to our mudroom to get my shoes on. As I grabbed my keys and purse, I told Gen I would see her in a moment.
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I was almost breathless by the time I had reached the nurse’s station. All I could manage to get out coherently was Padalecki. The woman didn’t even look up at me before saying that she was not at liberty to give any information regarding the patient. I was trying to remain calm. I may not have Padalecki blood running through my veins, but lord knows that I have my brother's short temper and quick, sharp tongue. I was raised a Padalecki, that’s all that matters.
I took a deep breath so as not to say something I shouldn’t. My brother needed me, and I was not about to get thrown out by being a bitch. “Look nurse, I’m his sister, I kind of have a right to know about the condition of my brother. Not to mention his best friend is my husband.”
Still the young nurse wouldn’t look up at me. I couldn’t decide if she was a fan of the show and didn’t like me because she thought Jensen could do better or if she was just being a bitch. My patience was beginning to wear thin. It wasn’t going to be long before she got a tongue lashing if she didn’t tell me where my brother was.
She looked up at me. “I don’t care who you claim to be. I am not divulging private information about a patient to you and the rest of you nosy, obnoxious fangirls. I don’t care how many of you come in asking to know what’s going on, I’m not going to tell you. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. It’s none of your business. You are not Mr. Padalecki’s sister, nor are you Mrs. Ackles. Now, you need to leave before I call hospital security to escort you out.” She went back to typing on her computer.
Just like that my fight left me. With everything going on with Jensen and I had caused some tension between him and Jared. I hated it. I might currently be Mrs. Jensen Ackles but now I didn’t feel like her. Like any good big brother, Jared has taken my side and I feel so guilty about it. I mean, I don’t feel like there should be sides. Yes, Jensen and I are having marital issues but that doesn’t mean he needs to practically lose his best friend because of it. 
The nurse’s words just hit too close to home and with my anxiety rearing its ugly head I couldn’t find it in me to fight her and demand she tell me what room my brother was in or what the hell was going on. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes getting ready to fall down my cheeks. Wordlessly I turned on my heel and walked back to my car. I wasn’t going to leave; I could never bring myself to when Jared was in the hospital, no matter how bad my anxiety was getting to be. I just needed a moment to collect myself. The kids didn’t need to see their aunt like this, especially with their father in the hospital. I knew Gen would try and mother hen me. I honestly didn’t know how Jensen would react, if he would even care. Oops, I think that came out a little bitter. 
By the time I got myself calmed down and my anxiety quieted mostly, half an hour had passed, and I hadn’t realized it. Not until I heard my phone going off, alerting me that Gen was calling.
“Where are you, Katherine? We’ve been waiting for you.”
“Hey Gen, I’m in the parking lot. I just needed a moment; I didn’t want the boys seeing me in my state.” I partially lied. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about the nurse and how her words affected me. I was embarrassed that I let her words affect me the way that they did. “I’ll be up in a moment.” She said “okay,” and we hung up.
I took a couple of deep breaths. I could do this. I wasn’t going to let her scare me away again. My big brother needed me, no matter the kind of condition he was in. I got out of my car with my head held high and went back into the hospital.
Unfortunately, the same nurse was still on shift - I had hoped that there had been a shift change in my absence. No such luck. I took another deep breath and continued to hold my head up high.
“Excuse me, but I would like to know what room and floor my brother is on please.” Once again, she didn’t even look up at me. What is wrong with this young woman, rude much? I was always taught that you looked at someone when they were speaking to you. Someone needs to learn some manners. 
The young girl let out an annoyed sigh. She finally looked up at me with a glare. A pathetic one at that. “I already told you that you weren’t getting any information. There is no way in hell that you are Katherine Ackles. I took a Hippocratic oath when I took this job. Celebrity or not, you are not family to the patient, therefore you are not getting any form of information out of me.”
I was glad that she was taking her job seriously and in part protecting my brother, but I was annoyed that she wouldn’t tell me anything. “I’m serious, I’m Katherine Ackles. I have every right to know where my brother is and what his condition is. I’m glad that you’re doing your job, but this is ridiculous.”
“Listen lady, you’re not the first nor will you be last person to come in here claiming to be Katherine Ackles. You’re not getting any sort of information, nor will you be getting any access to Mr. Padalecki and his family. Now, you can either leave peacefully and quietly or I’m calling security to escort you out as I said earlier.”
I was getting fed up with this child. “Do you even watch the show are know anything about the actors and their families? If you did then you would know that I am Katherine Ackles. I would like to speak to the head nurse on shift. This is outrageous!”
The nurse rolled her eyes and picked up the phone to call security. “I don’t watch the show, nor do I really care about celebrity gossip. Besides, someone like you couldn’t possibly be the wife of Jensen Ackles from what I have seen of the man. I would hope he has better taste.” I was shocked. I was too stunned at her unprofessionalism to fire a response back. 
The security guard had gotten there quickly and before I knew it, he had me by the arm -quite forcibly might I add. There was going to be bruise there tomorrow, I could already tell. 
Just as he was about to roughly take me out of the hospital, I could hear the heavy footsteps of my husband. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jensen sounded pissed. 
The security guard stopped. He looked slightly confused. “Escorting this woman out, sir. I was told to remove her; she was being uncooperative and was trying to get information on a patient she has connection to.”
Jensen grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the now fully confused guard. “Of fucking course, she has a connection! Why pray tell are you escorting my wife out of the hospital when her brother is currently in surgery? We’ve been waiting for her upstairs for fifteen minutes. I came to see what was taking her so long.” Jensen was about to rip this guy a new one. I must admit I did feel kind of bad for him. Not too much considering he did manhandle me rough enough to leave a bruise. If Jensen doesn’t see the red handprint already forming on my bicep, then the guard might be able to live. Regardless of what was going on between us, he wasn’t going to take kindly to someone hurting me – let alone a woman.
The guard looked to the nurse behind the desk. I smirked to myself. She would about to be in for a rude awakening. “Nurse Turner asked me to escort her out.”
“Did you think to ask Nurse Turner why you were to escort my wife out?”
The guard had the sense to look guilty. “No sir, she just asked me to escort out the woman that was trying to impersonate a patient's family member for information and refusing to leave.”
I could see the annoyance growing on my husband’s face. “Did it occur to you that maybe she was actually claiming to be who she was, that maybe Nurse Turner was confused. Someone should have asked for her ID as confirmation.” He whipped his face in annoyance.
“Correction, she wasn’t confused she was being a judgmental bitch, Jensen. She didn’t believe that someone like me -someone my size- could be your wife. She said and I quote, “would hope that you had more taste”. She wouldn’t believe that I was your wife and couldn’t be Jared’s sister, therefore, she wouldn’t tell me anything. Hence why it’s taken me forever to get to y’all. Even if she was required to ask for proof of identification – which I think she is – she is clearly refusing to do that part of her job. She’s just a snobby little brat with too much attitude and no manners.” I looked right at Nurse Turner and saw her turn white. That’s right bitch. 
Jensen narrowed his eyes at the Nurse. If it was possible, she paled a couple of shades whiter. “I want to see the head nurse on duty. This is not acceptable. You had no right to treat my wife the way that you did. Even if she wasn’t my wife, you should still treat her with respect like any decent human being. It’s rude and shallow to judge her based on her size. 
“I will have you know that my wife is beautiful inside and out. I wish I could say the same for you. If you will excuse us, we have a family that is waiting for us upstairs. I want to see the head nurse within the next fifteen minutes.” With that Jensen gently tugged my hand and led me towards the elevators.
It was silent between us as we waited for the elevator. I was beginning to worry if he had been putting on an act. He still held my hand in his, so that kept the hope burning within me slightly. 
“Thank you, Jensen, for what you did back there. I know that things have been off with us lately, with all the fighting. Thank you for still having my back.” I gently squeezed his hand in thanks. 
The elevator dinged and he pulled me with him. Once we were in the elevator, he pulled me into him. I immediately melted into his embrace. For the first time in a long while I felt like I was home.
He kissed the crown of my head. “I will always have your back, My Sweet Persephone.” I teared up at the use of my nickname that he had only for me. Maybe there was hope for us after all. “That nurse worked your anxiety up, didn’t she? That’s why you were in your car when Gen called you.” I couldn’t bring myself to speak so I just nodded my head. He held me tighter and placed his head on mine. We stayed like that until the doors opened a moment later. We walked out hand in hand. For the first time in a while, I had hope that everything was going to be okay between us.
We reached Gen, the boys, and Odette; Gen being the first to spot us. She ran to me and wrapped me in a hug. 
“He’s in surgery right now. All I know is that a teenage girl was texting when she hit him. She has a couple of scratches and a minor concussion but other than that she’s fine. She hit the driver side. They haven’t told me much else. They said as soon as they know anything, they will tell us.” I hugged my sister-in-law tighter. My brother was stubborn and a fighter. He was going to be okay. He just had to be.
“He’s gonna make it through, Gen. You know how stubborn he is and how much of a fighter he is. We both know that this isn’t how his story ends, he won’t let it be.” She hugged me tightly back.
“Damn straight!” We pulled apart and I walked over to the kids to check on them. Tom and Shep were sitting at a kid’s table coloring while Jensen had Odette in his arms. My heart warmed and broke at the sight. I began wondering if we would ever have that. I still had the slightest bit of hope that we just might. I didn’t want to lose my husband. “I saw you two came up holding hands. Does this mean that everything is starting to get better between the two of you?”
Before I could catch Gen up on what had happened downstairs, the head nurse walked past us and towards Jensen. Jensen looked up from a sleeping Odette and his facial expression changed from peaceful to angry.
Gen grabbed my hand and pulled us a little way away so that we could talk. “What happened downstairs Katherine, what took you so long to get up here?” I took a deep breath and told her everything that had happened upon my arrival, about my anxiety attack in the car, and the whole fiasco that Jensen walked in on.
She was speechless. “Yeah, he was pissed. I couldn’t believe what came out of her mouth either. Let’s hope that where the guard grabbed me doesn’t bruise - if it does, that Jensen doesn’t see it. For a moment, it felt like old times, like we were how we used to be before all the arguing. He actually called me his wife and remembered I existed. I don’t understand it but I’m not gonna complain.” I looked over at my husband still talking to the horrified head nurse. A small smile formed on my face. “I actually have hope now that I just might have my husband back, that my brother has his best friend back. I have hope that things will be okay with us. For the first time in a long time, I just have hope.” 
Gen gently squeezed my hand in support. “You know that Jared and I both are rooting for you and Jensen. We know that he loves you more than anything in the world. He’s just, I don’t even know, but I hope that you do know he loves you. Don’t give up on him. I know that the last miscarriage has really done a number on your marriage but you two are meant to be. I just know it!” She pulled me in for another hug “Never forget Jared’s motto, Always Keep Fighting”. I think this applies to that as well.” I nodded my head.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone coming towards us. It was the head nurse. She looked angry and embarrassed.
“Mrs. Ackles, I would like to apologize for the behavior and treatment of one of my nurses. Had it been my decision she would not have been hired. Her father is a major benefactor of the hospital and insisted she have a job here. Her father is trying to teach her responsibility and whatnot. This is unfortunately not the first time she has done something like this. I will be talking to her father and with any luck she will be removed from her post. I personally don’t like the girl, but for the time being my hands are tied. I do promise you, Mrs. Ackles that she will be reprimanded and punished accordingly.” She began walking away before she stopped and turned back to me. “If I may say so, Mrs. Ackles, you are a very lucky woman to have such a loving and supportive husband. He reminds me so much of my late James. Regardless of what Nurse Turner says, you two make a beautiful couple. I must admit that I fangirled - as the young people say - with my daughter when news of your engagement broke. We always, what is the term -shipped? - the two of you.” 
I couldn’t help the reddening of my cheeks. “Thank you so much, your support means a lot. Thank you for handling the situation. If you would like, I could sign something for you and your daughter, it’s the least I could do in gratitude.” The older woman waved me off. 
“Dealing with unruly nurses is a part of my job; I don’t just tend to patients. You don’t need to give me anything for simply doing my job.” The kind woman smiled at me. “All I want is for you to keep loving that handsomely sweet husband of yours and doing a great job on the show.”
I smiled in return. “Yes, ma’am, I can do that for you.”  With that, she went back to her duty and was off to talk to a nurse in big trouble. 
I walked over to my family and sat with them to await news on my brother.
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I was just about to fall asleep on Jensen’s shoulder when someone began walking towards us. Seeing the doctor caused me to be wide awake. This was the moment of truth; the moment that we would know the fate of my world. We all stood up to greet the doctor. It felt like it was taking the doctor forever to reach us. His facial expression wasn't giving anything away. I couldn't decide if that was a good sign or bad sign.
“I’m assuming everyone here is for Mr. Padalecki?” We nodded our heads. Gen grabbed my right hand while I grabbed Jensen’s right arm. Thankfully, the kids were all fast asleep in the chairs. I wouldn't want them to awaken in case the news was bad.
“We’re expecting him to make a full recovery.” I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again. “However, that is only permitting if he wakes up from his coma. We’re confident that he will.” Just like that my world came crashing down around me.
“He sustained mostly minor injuries other than the blow to his head. He had some internal bleeding that was quickly patched up. A couple of broken ribs and a bruised lung. All in all, he’s going to be fine. His body has put itself to sleep so that he can heal better and at its own pace; it’s just a matter of how long it could take. He will wake up, I can assure you, I just can't tell you when that may be.”
I hadn’t realized that I’d begun falling until I felt Jensen wrapping his arms around me. Yes, it was good news that Jared would indeed wake up. I just wished that it would be now and not days, weeks, or months from now. I could only pray that his body would heal him by tomorrow.  I heard a loud sob only to realize that it had come from me. Jensen pulled me even tighter and began stroking my hair. He kept telling me over and over that Jared was going to be fine, that he would wake up soon -the doctor had said so and doctors are rarely wrong. That’s what scared me the most, Jared’s doctor could be the one doctor that was wrong. I could feel my vision blurring and blackening due to my inability to breathe. It didn’t even register that Jensen and Gen were calling out my name. Everything went dark.
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@dean-winchesters-bacon @waywardnerd67 @ladywinchester1967 @dammitsammy @snffbeebee
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Jensen Ackles: Should have been me
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*Credit to gif owner* 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader 
Pov: Jensen 
Warnings: coma, Jensen talking to himself, driving accidents, accidents, almost death, angst, fluff, car accidents, regret. 
Request: Hello gorgeous, may I pleaaase request an flangsty Jensen x reader one shot where they get into a car accident and the reader is the one who's severely injured?? Thank you so much, can't wait to see where you go with this idea 😭😭
WC: 1.5k 
A/N- I know that this request was put in a long while ago. I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it. But I really enjoyed this request and the idea. thx! 
You know that gut feeling you get some times. That feeling that tells you ‘This is going to end so badly’. I should have listened, I should have done something else, we should have stayed at the hotel just a day longer. Just a day longer and I wouldn’t be sitting in this damn hospital room.
Looking at Y/n with tubes and wires connecting her. She shouldn’t be laying in a bed in a cold room, stuck in her own mind. She should be laughing and curled up against my side while we watch a movie. Neither one of us should be here.  
How many times have I said that drunk drivers shouldn’t be allowed to even own a car? How times have I told Y/n to be safe as she drives to work, or just down to the supermarket. This is why I tell her to be safe, but you see the problem with this is I was the one driving.  
You see I’m not the one hurt, she is. How in the hell am I the one breathing on my own, sitting her with only a few cuts and bruises? I don’t understand how I came out unscathed, but Y/n is hooked up to machines and wires deep in a coma.  
We had been up in the mountains for our fifth anniversary. A way to get away from everything. It was the best way to spend it. We had a cabin to ourself. No waking up at six in the morning, or having to hastily kiss each other in the morning light before we both had to drive off to work. It was the most blissful I’ve been in a while.  
Y/n said that we needed to get back home. Said we had to leave yesterday; I couldn't understand the rush to leave so early. We had enough time for when we got back and we’d go straight back into work. No need to worry about being clung to each other. Not wanting to leave each other warm embrace in the morning.  
She countered that with saying that she would like to sleep in her own bed or at least a full night before rushing back into work. How’d she like to get comfortable with being home after our two-week vacation in the mountains. I guess I understood now after she explained. I watched her pack her things, and dance around the room.
I watched as she shined like the brightest star in the sky, even during the day. Now though I watched as she laid still in a hospital gown. Eyes closed. Breathing still normal. All I can do is watch her, I’m not a doctor, I can’t help.  
This not being able to help is killing me. I picked at my nails as I listened to dings and bells happen outside the room. I just hope she wakes up. That’s all I can do is hope right?  
Minutes turn into hours turn into days, and into weeks.  
I can’t leave her here, and go home I’d feel horrible. So, I rent a room and visit her every day the nurses know my name now. And they let me stay past the visitor's time. Every day I come in and talk to her, talking to her is the only thing I can do. I talk to her about everything.
The tariff to the hospital, what’s been going on with ‘supernatural’, how much I miss her voice, and her bright filled with life eyes. I break every time I walk in, seeing her motionless body besides her chest moving up and down due to the machine.  
“Y/n please, can you wake up for me?” I ask her everyday as I rub my thumbs against her knuckles. I get nothing in response. “Y/n I miss you so much. I don’t know what to do anymore. You’ve been like this for weeks now.” I say as I bring her hand up to my lips to kiss her knuckles.  
“I don’t want you to go, not yet. I want to live a long, amazing life with you. You can’t leave me, not just yet.” I say a stray tear falling down my cheek. I get up and walk around her room, I turn the little TV on a low volume, but still the little bit of time that I do pay attention to the TV. It gives me peace of mind.
I know that sounds bad, but it gives me a sort of peaceful feeling. I know that I can sit with her and watch TV. I hope to god that she can hear me, I hope to god that she can hear me laugh and hear me talk to her.  
I left the hospital room after the sun was deep behind the horizon. I drove for a few hours riding around the town that has now become my half way home. Please wake up. Just please wake up Y/n. That’s all I can keep thinking about. Her waking up, that’s all I want.  
Days go by and I repeat the same process over again. I see her in the morning and stay for god known how long. I talk with her and we watch TV, and I leave when the sun is far gone from the sky. I’m trying to grab a rhythm here.  
I trying to hold on to anything.  
I sleep through the night for the first time in a while. But I’m awaken by my phone dinging. Groggily waking up and answering. “Hello?” I say trying to figure out what’s going on. I look over at the clock on the side table.  
“Yes, this is Mr. Ackles correct?” The women ask in what seems like a rush. “Yes, that’s me. What’s this calls for its three in the morning right now.” I answer back. “Sir, Mrs. Ackles... Is awake sir.” She speaks. In the few moments of silence my heart breaks, reforms, shatters, my breathing becomes ragged, and then everything stops at once, when the rest of her sentence comes through my ears and into my brain.  
“She... How long? Can I come now? Is she going to be, okay?” I asked in a rush now, understanding the rush of the first words that the women spoke to me. “Sir, you can come now yes, please. She’s asking for you.” “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I said and clicked the call off.  
She asking for me. I need to call Jared. Wait no I ‘ll call him after I see Y/n/ Y/n asking for me. She’s talking. She’s awake. Y/ns awake.  
I quickly grab a pair of sweats and slip my shoes on grabbing my keys and phone along with my jacket. I slip into my car and drive off to the hospital. I’m there within eight minutes beating the time I told the nurse that called.  
The ride on the elevator is slow, painful slow. The need to see Y/n boiling over the top of me as the doors open and I can see the ICU floor. I just slowly waked through the unit, and to her door.
You’d think that I’d be more excited knowing that she’s okay, and awake. But I’m scared that it isn’t real and she isn’t awake. That would be a cruel game that my mind could play on me.  
I slide the glass door back, I can hear her voice, I can hear her giggle. I think... no I know that’s her laugh. I slowly walk through the thresh hold of her room. I take a deep breath and I start to want to cry. She’s laying up in the bed, no tubes to be seen, she’s got her color back in her face.  
Y/n looks over and pulls her arms out reaching for a hug. I stand for a minute. “Baby you going to come over here and give me a hug?” she says. I smile and walk over to her, I grab at her hands first looking down at them, noticing her ring that’s still on her finger. I looked down at her, still smiling so much that my cheeks are starting to hurt.  
“Hi.” I say as I hug her. “Hey cowboy, I still hurt a little, but hi back.” Y/n says. God it’s like nothing ever happens. She’s still her sassy self, she still smells like peaches and crème. Y/n is really here in my arms. “I miss you, Y/n.” I said keeping her in my grasp.  
“I know, I heard you. I miss you too.” She says back. I release her and grab a chair to sit close with her. Instead, she grabs onto to my hand. “Sit up here with me, please.” Y/n says and how can I say no to her. So, I slip my shoes off, only know remembering that I’m in my sweats and whatever else I grabbed.  
I settle next to her, my arm going under her head, and her head falls gracefully into my chest. God how much I missed doing this with her. “I think I could use another vacation again. What do you say?” She says looking up at me.  
I smile again and laugh. “I could sure you a more minutes of just this with you.” I speak.  
Completed: 04/01/2021 
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cevansbaby-dove · 8 months
Caring for jensen.
Jensen Ackles X Reader girlfriend.
After jensen comes home from set you feel bad for the wounds he has gotten so you try to help him get patched up. Just pure fluff in this one shot.
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"Thanks Jar for telling me.." You smile as your in the living room waiting for Jens to get home after a long day of filming Supernatural.
"yea no worries it's not too bad just a cut on his arm"
You nod. "got it thanks" he hangs up and you set your phone down and look at the door waiting for jens to walk through.
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"honey I'm home" You look at him and say getting up from the couch. "Hi baby!" You hug him and he hisses. "Y/N that hurt" You pull away and look over his body. "Jens sit down, Jared told me you got hurt on set."
Jensen sits down and looks at you.
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"Y/n it's part of the scene" You look at his arm and see a cut. "this is why you should go easy" you grab the first aid kit and grab the stuff from it.
Jensen chuckles. You look at him as you place some cream on the wound. "What's funny?"
"Nurse L/N you don't have to do this really I'm ok" You open a band-aid and place it on the cut and them move to his face that has a cut above his cheek.
"I care for my boyfriend when he needs me" You smile and place the band-aid on the cut. "there all done"
You put your things away and look at him and he says. "Sooo besides jar being a tattle tail how was your day?"
You chuckle. "he was just worried about you Jens he was making me aware" Jensen nods.
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"you have been quiet about me taking dean back...you sure that's all that's going on?"
You sit back and fold your arms. "N..No i guess i got some news that i am still trying to process"
"What news? you got a Raise?" You shake your head and look down. "something else"
Jensen tilts his head. "is this twenty questions??"
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You look up at him with tears in your eyes. "I'm Pregnant jens"
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"Your....what!?" he stands up and wrap his arms around you and picks you up. You hug him. "your not mad about this?" You wrap your legs around his waist.
He smiles at you and says. "why would i be? Darling I love you I mean we did use protection but obviously that doesn't work."
He kisses your lips softly and you pull away. "your sure your not upset? We didn't talk about having kids...we talked about getting married but-"
Jensen cuts you off by kissing your cheek and all over your face. "Darling there is no one i would want to be a mother of my children than you"
You smile. "Good to hear now uh...can you let me down?" Jensen sets you on your feet and says ."who else knows?"
"Jared and Gen so far. I haven't even told my family" Jensen nods and says. "God i love you sweetheart" He places a kiss on your head.
Taglist. @k-slla @nicoline1998enilocin @cutedisneygrl @armystay89 @alternativeprincess94 @patzammit @deanwritings
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The Accident
Request:  I am here again!! I am so glad your requests are open😍 can I request on Jensen and daughter reader story? Jensen is a doc and reader is in accident. Jensen is her doc after she brought in hospital so no emergency no needed, dislocated shoulder maybe? Ooh ooh Needle phobia also? I wanted to add some more stuff but I am so excited that your req are open that I forgot everything 😂 please write if you can think of some more. Angst, fluffy stuff please? Gracias❤️
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader
A/N: I hope this is alright. :)
Feedback is welcome!
Word Count: 2059
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You should’ve known that nothing gets past your dad, especially when you show up at his work place with a dislocated shoulder along with a small cut on your side to boot. It wasn’t anything serious really and not to mention it was such a ludicrously gained injury too, but leave it to the hospital staff to page your dad who was head of Orthopaedic surgery. 
“Where is she?! Where’s Y/N?!” Your dad’s voice could be heard. The nurse looking after you in one of the rooms turned around just in time to see Jensen storming in. 
“Hi Daddy” You grinned at him. You were a little loopy from the painkillers.
“Y/N! What happened, baby?” He looked so worried and out of breathe and he was still in his scrubs. It would seem he ran here after his surgery. He grabbed the clipboard with your details on it and began going through it.
“Nothing big. Just my bone fell out of place when I fell off my cycle. Stupid motorbike dude crashed into me.” 
“What?! Y/N!”
“Dad it’s fine. It was an accident. He lost control.” His anger sobered you up a little and you tried to calm him down.
“Lost control?! It could’ve been worse!” He was angry, his baby girl got into an accident and he didn’t know how to process it.
“But it’s not. It’ll be fine. Besides it happened close to the hospital. So some people helped me come here.” You made the mistake of shrugging at him and winced immediately. Luckily the painkillers were doing their job. 
“Don’t move, Ms. Ackles. You could make it worse.” The nurse said. She was a sweet thing who was very gentle with you.
He sighed. He didn’t want to argue about it right now. So instead he made his way to you to check on your shoulder. He gently grabbed your arm to check how bad the damage was, making you gasp in pain and tear up. 
“It’s going to be okay. We’ll just pop it back in no time.” He said, calming down to not spook you out even more.
“Daddy, it hurts.” You said wincing from the throbbing pain on your shoulder and sides.
“I know, honey. Just try to relax okay?” He said, grabbing everything needed for after fixing your shoulder. 
He came back beside you and motioned for the nurse to hold you. You looked at them wide eyed, the fear sobering you up a little. The nurse had a solid grip on your uninjured shoulder while Jensen grabbed your other arm, getting ready.
“Okay, on count of three, we’ll pop it back in.” He said looking into your tear filled eyes. 
You didn’t dare move. You sat there stiff as a board. 
“Sweetheart, you need to relax.” He whispered worriedly. 
“I can’t. It hurts a lot and I’m feeling cold. My left side hurts. I can’t relax.” You said sniffling. 
“Okay, look at me baby girl.” Jensen said standing in front of you. 
You looked into his eyes and a tiny sense of calm washed over you. Your dad always had a way about him that made you feel so safe. 
“Tell me about your day.” He smiled at you. 
“I-I didn’t do much actually. I just spent it watching a movie in my room before this.”
“Yeah? Which one?” 
“Ice age.”
Jensen laughed at that. “You always loved that one. You used to recite the dialogues by heart as a kid.” 
“Hey, it’s a really awesome movie.” You smiled a little.
“I agree.” He was rubbing your arm, trying to warm you up a little. He felt you relaxing as you talked more about the movie and while you were distracted, he motioned for the nurse to hold you once more. 
He watched your eyes widen when you realised what was happening. “Hey c’mon. Tell me more, don’t stop.” 
“I really like the tiger. He’s hilarious.” 
“Y-yeah. He’s like you when you’re grumpy.” You said smiling very little.
“Hey now. I always earn my grumpiness.” He said smirking at you. 
And as soon as you relaxed some more, Jensen popped the bone back into place making you gasp out in pain and gripping his scrubs tightly.
“Shh, it’s over. It’s over. That wasn’t so bad.” He kissed your forehead and wiped away the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“It was horrible! You didn’t warn me!” You snapped at him, still reeling from the pain. 
He put your arm and shoulder in a tight sling and then hugged you tightly to him, placing kisses on your head and summering apologies for not warning you.
“I don’t like you right now.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“Aw, man I’ll have to make up for this then” He said pulling back and booping your nose like he always did when you were a child. “Now lie back. Let’s take a look at your bruise.”
You did as he asked and lifted up your top. Jensen pulled back the bandaid stopping the blood to take a look at the gash. He noticed the small bruises around the wound going up to your ribs and he sucked in a breath. He pressed around the area to see how bad the damage was, making you flinch. 
“Luckily you don’t need stitches. And no ribs broken.” He mumbled mostly to himself.
You felt him, clean the cut once more before dressing it with a fresh bandaid. You noticed the frown on his face and your heart hurt for worrying your dad like that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jensen’s eyes snapped back to yours immediately, “What for?”
“I got hurt and worried you.” You said. “You told me not to cycle during peak hours and I still went.”
“We’ll talk about it later.” He gave you a tight smile. You knew he was still upset with you for not listening to him and you felt really guilty. You were his only child and you were all he had after your mum died and it made him over protective of you sometimes.
Meanwhile, the nurse came over to you with a shot. The second you noticed it your eyes went wide. 
“Daddy, no please.” You whimpered. You hated needles. You were so terrified of them and the very thought of something sharp sticking into your body filled you with so much anxiety. 
“Sweetheart, this will prevent infections.”
“Please no I’ll take my chances. Get that thing away from me!” You were doing your best to not cry again. You already shed tears over your shoulder and you didn’t want to cry again over a stupid needle. 
“Y/N, I know you hate them, but it’ll be over before you know it.” He tried to sooth you.
“NO!” You yelled, trying to get up. But in a hurry you moved your injured shoulder making you cry out in pain. 
“Okay, okay. No shots. Just take a breath baby.” Jensen was doing everything to keep you still and not aggravate your shoulder further. He could see you were going into a panic attack and he was freaking out internally. There were only a few times he had seen you get this way and it had killed him. 
He coached you through the breathing and you had calmed down a little. The nurse had moved away to give you two some space which you were grateful for. Once you’d calmed down Jensen asked the nurse to place the shot on the table.
“I’ll take it from here. Thank you.” He smiled at her before she left. 
“Please daddy.” Your lips were trembling and the sight of you broke his heart. You looked like a little kid all over again and it reminded him of the first time you had to get a shot for getting hurt. You had created a big fuss and he had to carry you and walk around the hospital till you calmed down. 
“Be a good girl for me, baby? I promise this is the last one. After I’ll give some more painkillers, the sleepy kind so you can take a nap in my office till I’m done. Does that sound good, baby?” He said wiping away a tear. 
You shook your head no making him chuckle. But he knew he had your attention so he went ahead and cleaned your arm with a cotton ball and then reached for the shot. Your hands were shaking at this point and you wanted to run away so bad. Jensen rubbed circled on your arm, trying to show you that he was right there and he’s be as gentle as possible. 
You closed your eyes tight as he brought the needle close to your skin. “You’re so brave baby girl. I’m so proud of you.” He whispered as he gently sunk the needle in. 
“I hate this. I hate this so much.” You kept repeating it with your eyes still closed. 
“There all done. It’s all over.” He smiled at you, rubbing the area with cotton once more. He got up and kissed your forehead once more before disposing the injection. He then brought over the painkillers for you to swallow. 
“Let’s go to my office. Do you want me to get you a wheelchair?” 
“No, I can walk.” You mumbled trying to sit up.
Jensen came over and helped you up and gently led you to his office where you promptly got comfortable on his sofa till it was time to go home. 
The two of you made it home after a few hours and you went straight to bed. But some time later you made your way back to the kitchen to get a midnight snack. Your shoulder was hurting and the bruises were painful too and you couldn’t sleep. 
You reached into the cupboard for some cereal and placed it on the counter. Everything was hard to do with one hand and adding the lack of sleep, you were frustrated beyond belief. You brought over a bowl and tried to open the packet inside the box with one hand. You yanked the thing really hard using your mouth for leverage and the damn thing split open, spilling the contents everywhere. 
“Dammit!” You cursed. 
You heard footsteps coming into the kitchen and you turned around to find you dad standing there looking amused. 
“Fancy seeing you here. Need help?” He asked coming over to you. 
You sighed at him. “I can’t do anything.” 
“It’s only for a few weeks. You’ll get better.” He said pouring the cereal into a bowl and taking some for himself. 
There was silence between the two of you while you ate. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” Jensen broke the silence. 
You shook your head, a frown still marred your face. 
“Same. Night shifts really mess with my sleep schedule.” He tried making conversation. 
There was silence again before you broke it. 
“Are you still mad at me?” You whispered looking into your now empty bowl. 
Jensen stopped the spoon midway, looking at you, and then placed it back in the bowl before talking. 
“No, honey. I was upset back in the hospital but not anymore. You just really scared me. You’re all I have left, Y/N. You’re my heart. If anything happened to you I don’t know what I would do. It’s why I expect you to listen to me. And as a dad it feels so unfair that the other guy didn’t get hurt while my baby did.”
“I’m sorry, daddy.” You said.
“It’s quite alright, baby. I’m just glad it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.” 
“How bout we watch something on the telly for a while since we both can’t sleep?” 
“Yeah. Sounds good.” You smiled at him. 
He took your empty bowls to the sink as you went to the couch in the living room. He placed a lot of pillows against the arm rest and helped you settle into them comfortably so your shoulder wouldn’t hurt. He then got comfortable next to you, placing your legs over his leg. He turned on the telly and flipped to some random channel. Few mins into the show, you were fast asleep feeling much better with your dad next to you. 
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@hobby27 @akshi8278 @castiellss @miss-nerd95
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Won’t You Stay (Part 3)
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Summary: Jensen is injured on set which leads to pushing back one of the biggest stunts of the movie. Later on that night, Jensen walks the reader to her car where a few sparks start to fly...
Pairing: Jensen x Director!reader
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, minor injury
A/N: Please enjoy!
“Jensen! Run it back again!” you called the next morning. He jogged back to his first mark, spinning around and taking a deep breath. He’d taken a hard fall a few takes before on a stray branch and had been slow to get up. You knew something was bothering him but he didn’t say anything so you decided to keep going. “Action!”
Jensen ran through the woods and paused right at the camera, panting a few times before he looked around nervously.
“Cut! Good, very good, Jensen. Just what we need,” you said. “Moving on to 12!”
“Uh, after lunch,” whispered AJ.
“Let’s break for lunch and then get going on the big scene for the day,” you said. You let out a sigh, leaning over to your AD. “Thank you. I thought we were running late again.”
“We’re ahead of schedule. Everyone here gets their union breaks so don’t worry, someone will let you know if we’ve gone too long. Don’t stress so much,” he said with a smile.
“We have one of the biggest stunts of the film today. I am more than a little stressed,” you said. You hopped out of your chair and walked to the lunch line, making sure everyone went through before you went to get yours. You didn’t catch Jensen though and headed to his trailer when you didn’t see him around. “Jensen? Are you in there?”
“Yeah,” you heard from the other side of the door. “What do you need?”
“You get some lunch yet?” you asked.
“I’ll grab it in a minute,” he said.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “You were moving a little slow those last few takes.”
“Yeah, fine,” he said. You leaned against the door, staring at the name plate panel on the outside.
“You’re doing a hell of a job of convincing me, Jensen,” you said. 
“Y/N, I’m fine, really,” he said as a small whine came out of him.
You rolled your eyes and opened the door, stepping up and spotting Jensen in his kitchenette without a shirt on.
“For fucks sakes, Y/N. What if I was naked?” he asked, putting his arms around himself. Your gaze went to his ribs, a dark purple spot there he tried to cover up.
“Hey, you are not okay,” you said. He sighed and put down the roll of bandages in his hand on the counter. “Did you get hurt this morning? I saw you fall in the woods. You should have said something.”
“It’s a bruise,” he said. You sighed and stepped over, Jensen closing his eyes. “We have a big stunt this afternoon and as long as I wrap it up-“
“I am cancelling the stunt. We’ll push it back,” you said.
“My actors are more important to me than schedules or budgets. You get injured, on or off set, you tell me, no matter what,” you said. “Understand?”
“Okay but-“
“My dad, action hero, supernatural horror, romantic leading man, devilish boy with the soft core, has a very important rule when it comes to acting,” you said.
“What’s that?” he asked, taking a deep breath and wincing.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s your dream role. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story you love. If you’re not respected and treated with kindness on the project, you walk away. If it’s not a safe environment, you walk away. It’s a good rule to have, Jensen,” you said.
“What are you saying?” he asked.
“I’m saying that I will go tell the studio that we need to push back scene 12. We can do it when you’re healthy. Until then, no stunts for you,” you said.
“I don’t want to cause any trouble,” he said.
“Jensen. It’s no trouble at all. Honestly. It’s my job. Now put on your shirt and let's go to medical, get you fixed up and then have some lunch, okay?” you said. He nodded, pausing as he pulled his flannel on. “Need help?”
“I like your dad’s rule,” he said. “I think I’ll be okay on this project though.”
“You will be,” you said. He started to button up his shirt and you turned away to give him his privacy.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s not like I don’t have to get down to my undies for this thing at some point,” he said. “I’m so looking forward to that day on set.”
“Well the ladies have a thing for Lyle. But this is your personal space. I’m sorry I came into it without permission. I thought you were hurt. I won’t do it again,” you said. “I promise.”
“It’s okay. You were concerned,” he said, finishing with the buttons. “I’ll just remember to change in my bedroom from now on.”
“Good call. Ready to go get your check up?” you asked.
“Alright,” he said. “Lead the way, boss.”
“I thought I said not to-”
“I’m teasing,” he said, bopping your nose. “Boss.”
“Keep it up, Ackles,” you said, grabbing his arm. “Let’s go get you feeling better.”
“I’m really not that bad,” he said as you walked out of his trailer. 
“You don’t want to mess with bruised ribs if you can help it. At least the nurse will be able to get you wrapped up all secure and she probably has some good pain meds,” you said.
“I mean, I can go on my own. I’m not five. You gotta be starving. Go get your lunch, Y/N.”
“Ackles. Anyone ever tell you you’re grumpy when you’re not feeling well?”
“Actually yes,” he chuckled. “My parents would fully agree with you.”
“I had a feeling,” you said. He was a little slow as he walked but you didn’t push him to go faster. “Jensen. If you do get hurt again, please say something. Even outside of work.”
“I will. This kinda sucks,” he said. “Not that I’m a whimp or anything. But it does hurt.”
“What hurts?” asked your dad, popping out of the bathrooms nearby and jogging down the steps.
“Jensen has a nasty bruise from a fall this morning. I just want him to get checked out in case,” you said. “We’re going to push back scene 12 in the meantime.”
“Hm. Any idea what we’ll do instead?” asked your dad.
“Something easy going. I have to see what sets we have available,” you said.
“What about when Hale and Lyle sit and talk that night? You could probably do that without too much hassle in the studio,” said Jensen.
“He does have a point,” you said. “Scenes twenty eight and nine and thirty three? You guys think you could study those while I get it organized?” you asked.
“Yeah. I think that’ll be good. Oh and Jensen. Put some aspercreme on that bruise tonight before bed, ice for ten minutes and then wrap it. It’ll help. I’ve taken my fair share of hits,” said your dad.
“Thanks Ethan,” said Jensen as you went over towards the medical area with him. You got on your radio and told Mark and AJ the new plan while Jensen was checked out by the nurse. You knew you’d be getting a nasty phone call probably within the hour but you tried not to think of that when Jensen came outside and gave you a thumbs up.
“Doing okay?” you asked.
“Not broken. Just bruised the muscle. Got some medicine and a better fitting wrap to use. I feel better already,” he said. “But I was advised to take it easy for the next week.”
“Awesome. I’m glad it’s not too bad. We’ll make sure that we rework the schedule to do some easy-going scenes for you this week,” you said. Jensen walked with you back towards the lunch tent, most people either done or wrapping up with their food. You got a wrap and salad, sitting down with Jensen at a free table. You wolfed down your food, Jensen chewing slowly. He stared at you and you ate more slowly, Jensen chuckling quietly.
“I like a girl that’s not afraid to eat,” he said. “Go for it.”
“I don’t know why I’m rushing anyways. Everyone needs time to prepare for the new scenes,” you said. “You probably have an hour or two to learn your lines.”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” he said. You took a bite and tried to enjoy your meal, Jensen looking like he was in less pain than earlier. “So how do you become a director?”
“Hate yourself and the idea of ever sleeping again,” you said, smiling to yourself, Jensen returning it. “Well the truth is I grew up on film sets. I know a lot of stuff that most people don’t get to learn until they’re older. I started working when I was fourteen on set actually. Only a few hours a week after school or on the weekend but I learned a lot about camera work, pacing, lighting, basically everything. By the time I was done with college, I was interning in the production office and when I was working on my deal for the movie a few years later, I was confident enough that I knew all of the ins and outs to pull it off.”
“Wow. You were in training your whole life for this, huh,” he said.
“Sorta. I actually had a pretty average desk job for two years after college. I was writing in my spare time but I didn’t do any of this kind of stuff then. I missed working on something like this. Once the book was published, I knew I was going to write for a career and get back in the business if I could,” you said. 
“I’m glad you came back to it. I like working here,” he said, showing off a soft smile and bright green eyes. “The set I mean. It’s better than pretty much every project I’ve ever worked on.”
“It’s only day three. I have plenty of time to mess this up,” you said. You let out a dry laugh, Jensen cocking his head, giving you a friendly 
“Maybe that’s true but you have to have some serious talent to be put in charge. I wouldn’t write that off for nothing if I were you,” he said. You nodded and finished up with your wrap, diving into your salad as you noticed a piece of his hair flop down over his forehead. 
“You even got Lyle’s hair,” you said, pointing towards it. Jensen cocked his head and ran his hand over his forehead and up, the piece sticking back up. “Fixed it.”
“Thanks,” he said, wetting his thumb and running it over the spot.
“I caught a bit of your reel from when you were on Supernatural,” you said. Jensen paused but continued eating. “You do realize it was a good show. It wasn’t cancelled for bad acting.”
“I wish we could have gone a little longer is all. I really liked that story,” he said.
“Maybe someday Netflix could pick it up or something. You never know,” you said.
“Maybe. Right now though Lyle has my full attention,” he said. He took his last forkful of lunch and swallowed. “I better go learn my lines.”
“You got some time. Don’t rush,” you said. He hummed and stood up, turning to leave.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said over his shoulder. “Thanks for writing the book.”
“Thank you for reading it,” you said softly.
“You got this,” he said before he took off back towards his trailer. You smiled to yourself and tried to believe what he said. 
Then your phone had to ring and you saw your boss calling.
“I’m sure this is going to go well.”
“Hey,” said your dad as you stretched from your chair at the end of the day. “I heard that studio exec said more than a few not nice things today.”
“Yup,” you said as you grabbed your bag. “Kinda made that time I cried after failing Calculus seem like not such a big deal.”
“You were such a good student. Your first semester of college was a hard change. Also your professor was a dick,” he said.
“Yeah, well nothing compared to being told off by my boss,” you said.
“I called Bryerson,” he said. You whipped your head around.
“Dad. I told you not to do me any favors on this whole deal,” you said.
“It wasn’t a favor. I heard what happened, just like everyone else. I called all of our bosses to let him know that you prioritized safety over a stunt. It won’t even cost that much to push filming back. You want to know what he said? That was the right call. You just made a friend up top today, kiddo,” he said.
“...Don’t call Bryerson for me again,” you said as you turned away. “Thank you.”
“Get some sleep at home tonight, Y/N,” he said. 
“I will. Give Anthony a noogie for me,” you said.
“What’s Ella getting?” he asked with a smirk.
“Also noogie. I’m an equal opportunist older sibling torturer,” you said, laughing to yourself.
“You can always move back home, kiddo. We miss you,” he said.
“I’m twenty seven dad. I stayed long enough. I need my own space,” you said. “But I’ll try to be better about coming home more.”
“I know. Still getting used to it is all. So go home, try to relax and remember you did a good thing today,” he said. “Want a ride home?”
“No. I have a quick meeting but then I’ll get out of here, promise,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“Yes you will. Night, sweetie,” he said. You got a quick hug before he headed for his trailer and you went to the production office to go over your new filming schedule.
An hour later you trudged out of the office with a yawn. You slipped on your jacket and backpack, hitting a few lights in the quiet building before you walked out the front door. You hummed and headed across the studio lot for the parking lot, whistling as you went.
You were about halfway there when you heard a noise come from the trailers. You paused and looked over at the little maze of them, poking your head down a dark row.
“Hello?” you asked.
“Do you always talk-“
“Fuck!” you shouted, spinning around, Jensen wincing in your face behind you. “I���m sorry.”
“I probably deserved that,” he said. “Sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
“I thought I heard something,” you said.
“It’s probably the generator. It kicks on sometimes,” he said.
“What are you still doing here? We wrapped an hour ago,” you said.
“I was watching dailies and had to sign some worker’s injury report thing at medical,” he said. “You?”
“Got bitched at again for pushing the stunt back,” you said.
“Jensen. I will take the bitching. I’m happy with my decision today,” you said. “Don’t worry about it. How’d the dailies look?”
“Cool,” he said. You giggled and he laughed. “Sorry. I know that’s not the technical term.”
“No. Cool is what I’m hoping for,” you said. “You like the camera stuff?”
“My dad’s an actor too actually. I grew up hearing about the whole industry. I’ve always been interested in the process,” he said.
“Ah. Another Hollywood baby,” you said.
“Nothing like you. I grew up in a house in the suburbs, nothing fancy or anything. I came here like once before I tried out acting. I had a very boring stereotypical childhood,” he said.
“I would have liked that,” you said. “We moved a lot growing up. It wasn’t until my dad got married that I went to the same school and stuff.”
“Yeah but your dad is Ethan Y/L/N. That’s pretty awesome,” he said, smiling wide. “It’s got to be fun working with him.”
“It is. It’s nice to see more of him. I moved out two years ago. I don’t make it home much lately,” you said.
“Any reason why?” he asked.
You shrugged, Jensen nodding. 
“I moved in with my boyfriend,” you said.
“He’s not in the picture anymore, hasn’t been for about a year,” you said.
“Oh,” he said. “Yeah, I’m kinda between girlfriends myself.”
“Wow,” you laughed. Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. “No, I like that. It’s funny.”
“Sorry. Last girlfriend sort of slipped some personal stuff about me in an interview. I wasn’t a fan. It kinda turned me off from dating to be honest,” he said.
“She give out your address or something?”
“Talked about our sex life to MTV,” he said. 
“Oh. Wow. That’s just bad,” you said. 
“Yup. I don’t care if she thought she was giving me a compliment. That’s too personal to share,” he said.
“I don’t blame you,” you said.
“Being single has its perks though, right?” he asked. “We can stay up how late we want, no one to crowd the bathroom. No one eats your leftovers on you. It’s not the worst thing in the world, that’s for sure.”
“Oh yeah,” you said. You had to admit there were some upsides but having someone to come home to wouldn’t be half bad either. You gave him a smile, Jensen turning towards the parking lot a ways off. “I uh, should get home. We have an early day tomorrow.”
“I thought we didn’t have filming until two?” he asked.
“You don’t. I’ve got an assload of prep work to do before filming starts,” you said. He nodded and looked at you, the night air quiet. He moved a little closer and you saw his eyes dip down to your lips for a brief moment.
“I’m sure you do but you should probably sleep in,” he said, cupping your cheek. You stared at him, his hand quickly pulling away. “Uh, bags under the eyes.”
“You sure know how to make a sleep deprived girl feel pretty,” you laughed. He chuckled but it was forced and you saw him make a face at himself.
“Sorry. I uh, still get nervous around you,” he said.
“I wrote a book. Ain’t no reason to be nervous with me, Jensen,” you said, giving him a smile. “We should both probably head home though and get some sleep.”
“Agreed,” he said. You started to walk towards the lot, Jensen walking the other way for a second. “Sorry. Forgot I parked in the far lot.”
“I thought the actors had their own lot right around the corner?” you said. He stared at you, looking past with a tired smile.
“Just let me walk you to your car. It’s the least I can do after scaring you,” he said.
“I’m a big girl, Jensen,” you said.
“I know that. But let me walk you,” he said.
“Is this a you’re a gentleman thing?” you asked.
“This is me asking my friend if I can walk her to her car late at night so that I feel a little better knowing she got there safe,” he said.
“Alright,” you said, Jensen staying by your side as you walked in the quiet night air. “Thank you.”
“I’m not perfect but my parents did a few things right,” he said.
“My dad would appreciate that,” you said. “Mom too but dad’s always been a tad protective.”
“I never realized that the Y/L/N that wrote The Dark Woods was related to Ethan Y/L/N,” he said.
“You a fanboy of all the Y/L/N’s or just me?” you teased, getting closer when you heard shuffling on the other side of the lot fence.
“Well every boy growing up the past two decades thought he was awesome,” he said, moving to your other side. “I liked your book a lot though.”
“Why?” you asked. “I get that Lyle is kind of a dreamboat and like, the ideal guy but why do you like it? Give me the guy’s perspective.”
“Because Lyle could have been a bad guy and he turned out to be good,” he said. “Hale really treated him well.”
“Hale did kind of kidnap Lyle just a smidge,” you said with a laugh.
“Because he thought Lyle killed his son,” he said. “Then he ends up taking Lyle under his wing.”
“You know, I almost had Hale be evil,” you said.
“Why? Their relationship is even more important than Lyle and Molly’s,” said Jensen. “Nothing against Molly, I love her too but Hale and Lyle is so interesting to read about.”
“It was a rough time and I took it out on my characters,” you said. “It was wrong though, to do that to Lyle. Sorry. I know he’s not real.”
“You created him. He’s real, Y/N. He’s a good role model, for men and women,” he said. 
“So you like his relationship with Hale the best?” you asked.
“Lyle was alone and Hale was kind to him after he realized Lyle didn’t hurt his son. Hale became a good dad to him,” said Jensen. 
“Hale’s based on my dad a bit you know,” you said. 
“Your dad is a vigilante?” teased Jensen.
“No. No. But you know, he was a single dad to his son and then to Lyle. I know what that’s like,” you said.
“I’m glad you didn’t make Hale evil,” said Jensen. “It would have crushed Lyle.”
“You really know that character, don’t you,” you said.
“He’s not a stereotypical guy. He’s not any one thing but at the end of the day, he’s good. I don’t know, it’s just...he’s more like how guys actually are, you know?” he said.
“Not in my experience,” you said. “Guys fucking suck. Except you. You’re sweet.”
“Well, you’ve also never dated me so it’s entirely possible I do indeed suck,” he chuckled. 
“Jensen,” you said as you spotted your car and started to slow. “I um…”
“I know. Fanboy has to learn when to keep his mouth shut,” he said. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”
“Hey,” you said, grabbing his wrist before he could head back for the other lot. “I think it’s cool you like this story so much. No one besides my family ever encouraged me to write or thought I was any good until I got published. I think Lyle’s really lucky he ended up with having you play him.”
“I’ll try to do him justice,” said Jensen.
“Jensen,” you said again. “Saturday night. I...I don’t think us seeing each other outside of work is such a good idea after all.”
“I’m sorry for bothering you,” he said as he turned away.
“I’m just crazy busy and I’m not ready for a relationship, Jensen. Maybe neither of us are. After filming is done we could-”
“It’s okay. I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. You sighed and stared at him, waiting for him to go. “Get in your car.”
“So I know you got in your car okay,” he groaned. “Just do it.”
“Guys don’t do that sort of shit outside of movies and books,” you said.
“Yes they do,” he said with a small smile. “You obviously haven’t met too many great guys then.”
“Thank you for walking me to my car,” you said as you put your hand on the door. He didn’t say anything and you rolled your eyes, sliding inside before you were turning the keys and heading home.
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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A Supernatural Love
Chapter Twenty One: A Pool Party
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing (I suck at writing Jensen’s POV), Angst, Some swearing
Word Count: 4944  this one is a little longer, hopefully it makes up for the previous shorter ones!
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List:  @streets-in-paradise​​​  @leigh70​​​ @sexyvixen7​​​​  @deandreamernp​​​​  @universallyraylangivens​​​​  @siospins2​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​​ @lyarr24​​​ @nancymcl​​​​  @hobby27​​​
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     Both couples, Jared and Gen and Jensen and Dee, decided to stay the next week which made you happy.  This meant that you were supposed to see Dee again professionally.  However when you heard she had come and was about to leave you immediately went to her room and found James and her laughing.  You knocked and walked in to see her wiping a tear.
“What’s going on?”  You said with a smile but a curious look at James.  He had no reason to be here.
“Hi Y/N, I came in early and James here was nice enough to take a look at my arm.”  Dee responded.
“I was at the nurses’ station and heard them talking about your patient and I couldn’t miss the chance to meet the infamous girlfriend of an old acquaintance”  He smiled.  Now you got it.  He was jealous still and wanted to be involved in what was going on.  You wouldn’t make a scene here but you knew you would be having a loud evening later.
“How nice of him”  You said. It also didn’t escape you that she said James and not his professional name.
“She is healing nicely and should only have to miss the one pool party”,  James said.
“Pool party?”  You asked.
“Jared’s parents will be out for the day tomorrow and so Jared, Gen, me and Jensen will all be there.  Of course you both are welcome to come.”  She said not looking at you but James.
“That is very nice of you, but we wouldn’t want to intrude”  You said and James looked surprised but quickly changed his expression.
“I understand, I wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable”  She gave you a knowing look.
“I appreciate that Dee but honestly, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.  To let you in on a secret, I was once in your shoes with an old boyfriend years ago.  We weren’t serious but once his ex came around it wasn’t good, let’s just say that.”
“I was hoping you would be a horrible person”, She admitted.  “It was easy to assume as I didn’t know you and I wanted to make you out as the bad guy because I was intimidated.  But having met you I clearly can see you are wonderful.  I see why he picked you”  She smiled.  You were taken aback by her confession and you could tell she meant it.
“I did the same with you.  I know I was very wrong, you are great and honestly I enjoy you”  You told her and it wasn’t a lie.  It just made the whole thing more uncomfortable.
“Well with that said if you want to go you can, don’t feel like you are hurting me somehow.  You and Jensen are both in a relationship and there is no reason why you can’t see your friends and we can all be adults about it.”  She said.  She was right, you were all adults and it wasn’t like you were trying to steal her man, were you? No, even if you wanted Jensen you would never be the one to break up a couple.  You weren’t that kind of girl.
“I agree.  Thank you Dee, maybe we will come tomorrow.  It would be nice to see Gen and Jare again before they leave town.”  You smiled.
“Then it is settled, we will see you tomorrow.”
“I will walk you out”,  James said.  That was weird, he never walks patients out but whatever, you didn’t want to talk to him yet anyway.
     That night you told him you had to talk to him and he seemed put out knowing something was coming but he came anyway.  When he came in, you both sat on the couch after saying your hellos.  It all felt stiff.
“So what’s going on, Y/N” James sounded tired.
“What happened today?”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know.  Why would you take my patient?”  You countered.
“I heard she was coming and I wanted to meet her, it’s not like she is a typical patient”  He countered.
“That’s beside the point.  You only saw her so you could meet her.  You keep acting jealous and keep trying to keep tabs on everything that is going on”  You tried to keep your voice calm but it kept rising in spite of you.
“You’re being crazy.  I wanted to meet her because I have been part of this since day one.  Don’t forget we were friends when you first met him.  Who was the one who you told all your feelings about, huh?  Who held you when you cried when he was in the hospital almost dead?  What about when he broke your heart?  It’s like you want to keep making me out to be some crazy jealous person to fit your narrative.”  He was also getting angry.
“That’s not true.  You knew I loved him and that I dated him, this whole thing is complicated but just because he and I used to date doesn’t mean anything now, it’s been over for awhile get over it!”
“Me get over it?  What about you?  If I even mention his name you start a fight with me.  Why can’t I talk about him?  We never mentioned him for three years because you couldn’t handle it.  I didn’t say anything at first because you needed time to deal but after that it never changed.  It’s like you are not over him at all.  Why does it all have to be so complicated?  Are you sure it’s me that has a problem, or is the problem you?”  
“I don’t have a problem, I told you I am over him, it’s been three years you need to stop asking about it.  I was fine before he showed up and yes it’s been weird to have this all come up but it’s fine, I am fine, so why aren’t you?  Why are you always so paranoid?  We will never see eye to eye on this which is why we stopped talking about it.  As long as Jensen isn’t around we do so well, why can’t we when he is here?  And why do you have to flirt with his girlfriend?”
“What are you talking about?  I never flirted with her”  He seemed a little too defensive.
“Just admit it, you were flirting.  You were laughing and giggling and you even walked her out.”
“That’s because I am a good doctor and I have conversations with my patients.”
“She isn’t your patient!  She is mine and you never walk your patients out, why her?”
“Because she is more than a patient she is someone we know.”  He was calmer now.  “You are acting childish and need to start being an adult about this”
“I’m being childish?  You are the one who is checking out the competition like an insecure little boy.”
“Is he really competition?”
“You know what I meant”
“Do I?”
“Now who is being childish?  You know what, I am going to go tomorrow and see my friends. Come or don’t I don’t care”  You got up and walked toward the kitchen near the front door and leaned against the counter.”
“Do you want to see him?”  He came up to you really close and asked.  You had nowhere to look but his eyes.
“I am going to see my friends.”  You looked him in the eye and answered truthfully.
“Yes, but do you want to go so you can see him?”  He deserved the truth.
“I want to see him so I can get some sort of closure.  I think we all need that.”  He nodded and you weren’t sure if the nod was in agreement or something else.
“I am not going to go.  You need to do this alone without being stressed out with my presence.”
“I think that’s a good idea”  He didn’t like the answer but knew it was the right thing.
“I’m going to leave.  Maybe I will see you Monday at work”  You didn’t say anything and just nodded and watched him walk out the door.  You hadn’t had this kind of argument since the beginning of your relationship when most of your conversations circled around Jensen.  You also knew that you had to make a decision regarding your relationship because it was on the fence and you couldn’t keep riding it anymore.  It had been struggling for awhile and deep down you knew you were forcing something.  But you couldn’t keep ignoring it, especially with Jensen in the picture.  And as long as you lived in Dallas, were friends with Jared and Gen, and even thought about Jensen, your relationship with James didn’t stand a chance.  It was exactly like he said the first time he backed off all those years ago.  As long as Jensen was around you didn’t stand a chance.  It was only Wednesday and James didn’t want to see you until Monday.  At least you had a few days to figure it out.
     The next morning you told Gen you were going to come to the pool party.  She was so excited and you couldn’t get ready fast enough.  You grabbed your maroon bikini and it reminded you that it was the one you wore the last time you were in the water with this group.  It also reminded you to get a new swimming suit.  
     You pulled into the driveway and walked to the back gate and opened it.  You were greeted with waves and shouts of hello from Gen and Jared.  Jensen smiled at you.  You didn’t see Dee though.  You waved back and shut the gate taking a quick deep breath.  You could do this.  It was just friends.  You were still on edge from the previous night but tried to shake it off.  You were here to see friends you hadn’t seen in a long time and you were going to enjoy it, regardless.
“Hi Gen”  You gave her a hug when she came up to you and embraced.  She was in a black bikini, a big sun hat and sunglasses.  “Looking hot as ever, you know you already have Jared right?  You don’t have to try so hard”  You teased to which she playfully shoved you.
“I want the ring so I won’t stop until I have the rock”  She teased back.  You knew they were in love and knew it was only a matter of time until Jared got the balls and finally put a ring on it.
“I am rooting for you, girl.  Let me know what I can do to help”  You winked and she smiled.
“Finally going to share her?”  Jared said when you walked towards them and he got up from his chair and hugged you.
“Never but she insisted.”  Gen said.
“I am so glad I get to come see you guys one more time before you leave” 
“Don’t talk like that Y/N we are going to enjoy the day and not think about parting.  Besides, we wanted to all go to dinner tomorrow at this nice restaurant in town and we want you to come”  Jared said.
“That sounds nice.”  You said enthusiastically.
“James is welcome too, of course.”  Jared said cautiously.  You frowned and apparently this wasn’t the right response.  “Trouble in paradise?”  Jared asked jokingly but still with concern.
“We had a fight last night but that seems to happen a lot so it’s fine”  You tried to brush it off, but you didn’t miss the quick look between Gen and Jared. “Really, it’s fine.”  You said.
“Where is he?”  Gen tried to ask innocently.
“He, um, was busy and couldn’t make it”  You said trying to sound convincing but no one bought it and you mentally kicked yourself for how bad you were at lying.
“Too bad.  Maybe he can make it tomorrow”  Jared said, trying to cover.
“Maybe”  You said but weren’t hopeful.  Gen gave you a sympathetic look but you knew she was going to badger you with questions later.  At this point Jensen got up from his chair and came over.
“Hi Y/N” he said, giving you a hug.  You were surprised at how quickly he swooped in but weren’t upset at all.
“Hi Jensen, how are you?” You asked.
“Better now”  he gave you a wink.  You blushed.
“Where is Dee?  I haven’t seen her yet”  You asked.
“She decided to go shopping in town.  She hasn’t been downtown Dallas yet and since she can’t swim with her cast on, she decided she’d have a better time there.”  Jensen said.  You thought it was curious since she seemed so excited yesterday, but you knew first hand how quickly a mood can change overnight.
“That’s too bad but she is a city girl so I am sure she will like that a lot more”  You said.  You liked her but you liked being just the four again.
    Jensen and Jared decided to get in the water and they splashed you and Gen causing groans and laughs respectively.
“So what’s going on with you and James?”  
“You don’t waste any time do you Gen?”  You sighed.  “We got into another fight last night.”  You proceeded to tell her everything that happened at the hospital and then in your apartment.  She listened and nodded and didn’t show too much emotion for her.
“And how do you feel about all of that?”  She asked once you had finished.
“Honestly, I feel confused.  I know I am right because I have seen this behavior since before Jensen and I started even dating.  But what he said hurt last night and if I am being honest it probably hurt because it is partly true.  He and I are not clicking and it has been an issue for me.  It didn’t bother me before but that’s probably because most of our issues are about Jensen.  I hate it but it is the truth.  But if a huge part of both of our lives is a core problem, were we ever good in the first place then?  I really like James and on paper we are so good together but I just don’t know anymore.”
“You knew that you wouldn’t be together as long as Jensen is in the picture.  Sure you never truly clicked but you are good friends and there could be worse relationships than just a solid friendship”  Gen said gently.
“But I don’t just want friendship, I want love.  I had that with Jensen and I want to feel that again.  I never felt that with James, not even on our best day”  You finally admitted.
“Have you admitted that before?”  Your friend asked.
“Not out loud.  I didn’t want that to be real.  I really wanted to make it work with him. He is such a good guy”  You sighed.
“No one is arguing that.  James is a good man and any girl is lucky to be with him.  But Y/N, you don’t love him.  You don’t have to but you need to be honest.”  It was tough love but you needed to hear it.
“I don’t know what to do.  I think he feels the same way but I don’t think either of us is ready to let go.  We both wanted something and wanted it to be each other I think.  But am I overreacting given how the past week has flipped everything upside down?  I don’t want to make a decision based on something that will be over at the end of the week”  You said.
“Jensen won’t be here forever and you can pretend it didn’t happen if you want, but all the issues you brought up to me in your relationship aren’t based on Jensen.  I think you know deep down you and James aren’t meant to be”  
“What do I do?”  You looked up at her.  She gave you a pity smile.
“You be honest with him and once that is taken care of you can finally be honest about your feelings for Jensen.”
“What are you talking about?”  This surprised you.  “What feelings?”
“Oh please, don’t be like that, we are too old for that kind of fake behavior now.  You clearly still have feelings for him but you need to decide if it is feelings that will never go away but you can be friends or you can decide if you still love him and belong with him.  Either way only you can decide that, regardless of what I might think or anyone else but you can’t do that until you figure out the whole James situation.  But for now, we better join the boys”  She said looking over at them watching you both.
“You are right, nothing can be done right now and I came to enjoy time with my friends and I will do just that.”  
“Good.”  She smiled and got up walking to the edge of the pool where Jared had a sly smile.  You knew what was about to happen so you walked to the shallow end and put your feet over the edge.  Jensen came up to you.
“You don’t want to be a part of that either?”  You asked him, nodding to the couple.
“Nope, I love them but I don’t feel like being a third wheel if I don’t have to”  He chuckled.
“They just need to hurry up and get engaged already.”  You smirked. 
“True enough.  I am sure it will happen soon though.  If it doesn’t I am going to propose and get it over with”  You both laughed.
“I don’t know how much Dee would like that”  You said to test the waters.
“She’d just have to deal”  He was nonchalant about it which surprised you.
“Interesting. I am surprised you aren’t proposing yourself then”  He looked at you.
“Why would you say that?”  He was surprised.
“You have been dating for almost a year,  I am sure you have thought about it.”  
“Have you thought about it?  You and James have been together for awhile”  Gen must have told him once she found out.  Typical.
“I don’t think we will be walking down the aisle anytime soon”  You said a little distantly.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?”
“Any trouble for you?”  You countered.
“Dee is a great girl.”  He said.
“But?”  You pushed.
“I don’t think we will be walking down the aisle anytime soon”  He smirked, stealing your words.
“Fair enough.”  That ended that productive conversation.
“Are you going to get in?”  He asked.
“Maybe”  You didn’t move.
“Just gotta do it, it’ll be better that way, like ripping off a band-aid.” 
“Just warming up to it”
“Let me help.” Before you knew what was happening he grabbed a firm hold around your waist and pulled you under.  You gasped for breath when you surfaced but he didn’t let you go.  You smacked his toned arm.
“I hate you!”  He just laughed.
“No you don’t.  Now you are in and now you can enjoy yourself”  He defended.
“I was enjoying myself where I was at”  You countered.
“But now you can actually have some fun”  He did a backstroke around you, finally letting go.
“Want to play something?”  They called you both.
“Anything to get away from this idiot”  You said, smirking at Jensen.  He pretended to be offended.
“You can hate me all you want but you know I am right.”  His confidence coming back.
“Whatever”  You rolled your eyes.  Jared and Gen shared a knowing look.
“Want to play chicken?”  Jared asked.
“I haven’t played that in years!”  You giggled.
“Dude you are 20 feet tall, that's a disadvantage for me.”  Jensen said.
“I think you are just looking for excuses cause you know I’m going to beat you”  Jared challenged.
“That’s it, Y/N get over here, we are going to beat this fool”  Jensen said, grabbing your arm. You got on top of his shoulders and he held a firm grip to your legs.  Gen got on top of Jared and the game started.  You splashed around, won some, lost some.  All around a good time then the game was called for a breather.  You and Jensen went to the side of the pool for a breather as you were both tired.  
“We totally had them.”  He said, moving a little too close to you.
“Definitely, they just called it cause they knew we would win again”  You encouraged.
“Oh yeah.  We are an amazing team.”  He smiled at you and though it felt nice to be a team again you couldn’t help but think of Daneel.
“I am glad we were a team against Gen and Jare because I wouldn’t want to go against you and Dee, seeing as you are the new dynamic duo”  He paused to run his hand through his wet hair.  That man would be the death of you.
“Just like you and James?”  He challenged.
“You sound a little bitter”  You countered.
“I just know you deserve better and never wanted to be with him”
“That’s not true, I am with him now, aren’t I?”
“Does that mean you want to be with him?”  At this point Gen and Jared got out of the pool to sit on the lawn chairs and dry off.  You weren’t screaming but you only assumed they heard though they didn’t let on.  You were thankful for the little bit of privacy they tried to give you.
“Whether I do or don’t isn’t your business anymore”  You said quietly while trying to maintain eye contact but it was hard.
“What if I want it to be?”  The way he was staring at you made you think he could see straight into your soul.
“What about Dee?  Is that fair to her?”  This caused him to lighten his gaze a little but he never moved away from you; he moved closer until you were touching.  He looked down at you with an unreadable expression.
“She doesn’t deserve to get hurt.  You don’t deserve to be with someone who doesn’t deserve you.”  You knew you needed to get out of this situation so you responded with,
“Isn’t that why we broke up?”  You were proud of how confident you responded because you felt the exact opposite.
“We broke up because I was a selfish asshole who was an idiot and let you go.”  
“We didn’t know how to do long distance.  We were young, dumb and in love.  But that was literal years ago”  You almost pleaded searching him for some sort of answer.
“That’s all true but doesn’t change the fact that I regret it every day.”  He was looking at you so intently it was almost as if if he didn’t, he would die.
“What are you saying, Jensen?”  At this point you would believe anything he said, and he knew it. He moved closer until your lips were almost touching.
“I am saying that I wanted to call you everyday.  I almost did after we hung up.  Why I didn’t I’ll never know.  You deserved so much more, and I want to prove that to you.”  
“I believe you.  I want to, anyway.  But honestly, how can I?  You broke my heart because it was too hard to be together.  Why would anything change?”
“Because I love you.”  He said it so simply as if it were just a well known fact and almost didn’t need to be said.
“You don’t mean that”  You looked away.  “And if you do that’s worse.  Dee deserves better, I deserve better, and so do you.”  You looked him in the eyes again with a confidence you didn’t have.  “Forgetting all that, love doesn’t change anything that happened.  We still face the same challenges we did three years ago.  I am not near you and long distance is a bitch.”
“We will figure it out.  I know we can.  I can’t lose you again.”  You thought he was leaning in for a kiss but you looked away so he couldn’t.
“That’s naive and you know it.  Don’t be that asshole who has old feelings brought up and cheats on his girlfriend to figure out that those feelings aren’t true.  Even if those feelings are real, don't do that to Dee and don’t put me in that position.”  You looked him dead in the eye with your growing anger in the pit of your stomach.  “You need to figure out what you want.  If you want Dee, don’t talk to me again.  If you want me, figure out your shit with Dee. She deserves better.  And then come up with a plan to make it work other than ‘I love you the problems will figure themselves out’.  They don't, and we well know it.  We are long past that.”  You turned to go but he held your arm.
“Don’t Jens, we both know this isn’t okay.  Let me go because if you don’t….”  He waited for you to finish.  You shed a tear that you had been holding back that finally wouldn’t stay away. “If you don’t, I will come running back to you”  
“Okay, I’ll figure my shit out.”  You gave him half a nod and he let your arm go.  You got out of the pool and grabbed your stuff not bothering to dry off, just putting your towel around you.  
“Thanks for a good day guys, I will see you later”  You heard them murmur a goodbye but you didn’t bother to stick around for pleasantries.  You had to get out of there.
Jensen’s POV
“Dude, what the hell happened?”  Jared said.  Y/N had just left and I grabbed my towel and harshly dried my hair.  
“Just leave it alone, man.”  I didn’t want to talk to him, I knew they could see us and probably heard half of it.
“Jensen, you have to tell us something.  You haven’t seen her in years, why are you trying to kiss her?”  Gen said.  She wasn’t mad, just concerned.
“I don’t know.  Seeing her again just brought up a lot of the old memories and feelings.  I realized that I still love her and it hit me that I just can’t lose her.  I hit rock bottom when she left, I can’t let her go twice.”  I sat down heavily and ran my hands through my hair.
“Did you tell her that?”  Jared asked.  
“I tried to, but I just sounded like a selfish prick again.  I keep doing that and she deserves so much more than a guy who broke her heart again to show up without a plan and ask her to come back.”
“Do you think you can figure out how to be together again?  Not much has changed in terms of distance and whatever else was going on”  Gen asked.
“Before I was just selfish and the work scared me.  I didn’t want to lose her and put in all this work for something to end.  I was convinced it wouldn’t work because long distance never does, and so like a dumbass I decided that it would just be better to end it before we got more hurt.”
“Was that better?”  Jared asked.
“At the time I thought it would be but after it happened I knew it was the wrong choice.  I wanted to call her back and tell her I was an idiot but I also knew that I didn’t want to hold her back somehow. She needed to do this and I didn’t want her to feel guilty about leaving or that it was the wrong choice to go.  She needed to go and the last thing I want is to come between her and her goals.  But of course I didn’t tell her that and all she knows is that I’m some dick who didn’t want to work too hard and put in effort in a relationship that is the best thing that has or will ever happen to me.”  Neither said anything for a moment.  They shared a look between them and Jared grabbed Gen’s hand.  What I wouldn’t give to be able to hold Y/N’s hand right now.
“You need to tell her that.”  Gen said kindly.
“I tried and I sounded like a dick.  I don’t blame her for saying she never wanted to see me again.”
“Did she honestly say that?”  Jared asked, surprised.
“I hope so.” Gen said earnestly.
“Um, okay thanks Gen.”  I was pretty hurt.  I knew she was Y/N’s best friend but I thought she was also on my side.
“What I mean is, she has standards and she deserves to have all of you with a plan to get her back.  Not some guy who is in a relationship with no plans on building a future.  She knows she doesn’t want that so that’s why she said it because you didn’t have a plan and she doesn’t know you are trying to get one.  But what she really means when she says that is her being defensive because she really loves you.  You can’t doubt that, it’s so obvious.”  My head shot up.  Y/N loves me?  
“She does?”  Gen giggled.  
“Obviously.  If she didn’t she wouldn’t have come.  Why would she?  She would call me up and say she wanted to see Jared and me when you weren’t around.  She knew you were here.”  She gave me a really encouraging smile and I needed it.
“Will you help me come up with a plan to get her back?”  I asked hopefully.
“First things first, what do you want to do about Dee?”  Jared interjected.
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
An apple a day
Pairing: Doctor!Jensen x Reader
Summary: You were just having a bad day, that’s it. I mean, dislocating an arm while carrying cartons into your new apartment? That could happen to everyone. But intentionally miss three vaccination appointments? That could only happen to you. If only the doctor wasn't so cute...
Word Count: 2,507
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of pain and injuries, syringes and stitches
Author’s Note: This story is based on a request by @myopiamystical So reader has an accident. And she gets dislocated arm or leg. She is brought to ER, the doc is Jensen. Reader is allergic to most of the sedatives so Jensen has to relocate it with reader being conscious. This scene + the very same day, later reader has to take some injections (2-3) which she is very afraid to take it from nurse, Jensen overhears and does it himself. Can you write these two with all the fluff? Jensen asking her out, inviting her over dinner since she was just released from hospital and the whole date? I changed it slightly but I hope you like it. This one is long. Enjoy and shower it with love.
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"Gabe, I'm fine! I already said that!" you repeated in annoyance as your future neighbor pulled you into the emergency room. "Now come on, Y/N," he said and dragged you toward the emergency room by grabbing your arm. "Ouch..." you hissed and tore your arm away from him as you rubbed across it to dull the pain. He raised his hands apologetically. "It's okay. It's okay." Gabriel held the door open for you and immediately the biting scent of antiseptic hit you. Men and women in scrubs hurried around, caring for patients. You meandered your way through the chaos to the reception. The cold light shimmered on the bright tiles on the floor and everything was white and turquoise. Typical hospital. The receptionist didn't even notice you until Gabe finally cleared his throat.
"Excuse me. My friend here-" He demonstratively put his arm around you, but you stiffened under his touch and escaped his embrace. "She's moving and she got caught. Her arm is hurting a lot," he explained. He probably meant well, but you were quite capable of talking yourself. You denied it. "It's not so bad..." you said, looking at the dirty tips of your sneakers. She checked you out and then handed you a clipboard. "Fill this out in the waiting room." she ordered and nodded towards the waiting room. You nodded. Gabe was about to follow you when you turned around again. He was a nice guy, but you hadn't known him long. "Thanks for bringing me here, Gabriel. You don't have to wait anymore. I can handle it." you said, hoping he'd take a hint. Of course he didn't. "Oh, nonsense, it's no problem. I'll wait with you, neighbour." He winked at you and you sighed inside. "All right, neighbour." You mumbled and sat down.
Eagerly you began to fill in the sheet. Complaints, medications, allergies. You were allergic to many sedatives and wrote that down on the paper. Last tetanus vaccine? You had to think about it, so you tapped your pen against your lip. You had no idea. You didn't like getting vaccinated. You weren't anti-vaccination, but you were afraid of injections. So you crossed the line and brought the clipboard back to the reception.
A few minutes later a blonde doctor's assistant appeared in the doorway and called your name. "Ms. Y/N L/N?" She read it out loud and looked up. "Yes, that's me!" you said, rising from your chair. "Follow me, please." She led you through the hallways into a white-painted consulting room. She must have sensed that you were uncomfortable, because she smiled at you. "Please sit down. Dr. Ackles will be with you in two minutes." With these words she closed the door and left you alone in the sterile room. Your gaze wandered and you looked at the various information panels and anatomical drawings on the walls. On the desk in front of you was a model of a human eye and the walls were decorated with drawings made by children. Almost always there were suns, rainbows or a house with a child on it. "Thank you, Dr Ackles" was written on it in scrawly letters.
Suddenly the door opened and the doctor entered. He was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope was hanging around his neck. He had blond hair and looked young. The turquoise shirt stretched over his muscular upper body and he definitely looked good. He smiled at you in a friendly way. "Good afternoon Ms.-" He glanced quickly at the clipboard in his hand. "L/N. I am Dr. Jensen Ackles." His green eyes sparkled as he gave you his hand, which you shook with your uninjured arm. His handshake was warm and firm.
He settled on the other side of the desk opposite you. "Well, Ms L/N, how can I help you?" he asked with a friendly smile. "Well..." you started. "I'm moving and I'm in the middle of a mess. I was taking apart a shelf and I got caught on an old nail. The nail scratched my forearm, but we fixed that. The thing is, the pain made me abruptly snap. Then my shoulder cracked and now I can't move my arm anymore," you said and looked a little ashamed to the side.
Dr. Ackles immediately stood up and circled the desk. "Let's have a look." he said, looking at your shoulder. "The joint is definitely dislocated and should be put back into place." he noted seconds later. He hurriedly took a look at the clipboard. "It says you can't take sedatives, so we'll have to do it without," he explained and you swallowed. "Don't worry. It'll be quick and it will only hurt for a moment." He reassured you when he saw your concern. You nodded reluctantly. "All right," you agreed.
Gently, he placed his hands on your shoulder. "Let's count to three together, yeah? Then I pop your shoulder in. So, ready?" he asked. "Yes," you replied, clenching your teeth together. "All right. One." You breathed more rapidly. "Two." Suddenly, he pushed hard on your shoulder and the joint snapped back into place. "Ouch." You sucked in the air through your teeth. A sharp pain shot through your shoulder. Then the pain ebbed and turned into a dull throb in the background. You moved your arm in disbelief. "Didn't we say on three?" you asked and a laugh escaped your lips. Dr Ackles agreed. "I'm sorry. It's a trick I often use on children because they're less prepared and less afraid, then." He smiled at you crookedly and shrugged his shoulders apologetically. His hand casually brushed across your neck before he stepped away from you.
"Now, let's have a look at that scratch," said Dr Ackles, urging you to roll up your sleeve. He opened the bandage and examined the wound with a professional eye. "The wound is badly reddened at the edges. Have you cleaned it?" he asked. You shook your head and bit your lip uncertainly. A worry line appeared on his forehead. "A rusty nail, you say? When was your last tetanus vaccination?" the blond man asked with concern. You shrugged your shoulders. "I-I don't know. I-I - well... I'm pretty scared of needles." you mumbled and he nodded. "What happened after you dislocated your arm?" he asked further and made some notes. Then his green eyes found yours again. "Well." Embarrassed, you tugged at your shirt. "I fell down and hit my head on the floor," you muttered. "Did you pass out afterwards?" the young doctor asked immediately. You nodded tentatively while he disinfected the wound.
"All right, Ms L/N. In any case, you must spend the night in the hospital under observation. There is a suspicion of a concussion." he explained to you after lighting into your eyes. You nodded softly. "Very good. I will now give you some medicine. Amber, my assistant will help you take them and then bring you to a room where you can spend the night. We'll get you a tetanus vaccination tomorrow." You tried to block the thought of the upcoming vaccination. "Thank you, Dr. Ackles." He nodded at you with a smile, looked like he had something to say, but then Amber came into the room. Dr. Ackles was needed in another room.
You had Amber tell Gabriel you were spending the night in the hospital. Gabriel wanted to see you again, but Amber insisted it wasn't a good idea because you needed rest. He brought you a duffel bag with your toiletries and clothing in the late afternoon.
You had already been lying on the bed in your room for several hours, surfing through the internet in boredom. You were accommodated on the third floor of the hospital and listened to what was going on in the corridor. Shoes squeaked on the linoleum and every few seconds a door slammed. You glanced through the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the sun set slowly behind the building complex. It bathed your room in an orange light and every move you made cast long shadows on the wall with the door to the hallway.
A knock tore you away from your thoughts. Before you could say anything, the door opened at almost the same moment. Dr. Ackles' blond head appeared in the doorway as he peered into the room. "May I come in?" As if you'd lost the ability to speak, you just nodded without saying anything.  When he entered, he smiled at you impishly while hiding something behind his back. Curious, you watched him enter the room.
"I came back to check on you." Dr. Ackles came to your bed. "I stole some pudding from the cafeteria" said the blond with a cheeky grin, triumphantly holding up a glass of pudding. He winked at you and the gesture caused butterflies in your stomach. "And, um, well..." He suddenly seemed embarrassed and scratched his neck nervously. Then suddenly he reached out to you with a book. You were surprised to receive it. "What is that?" you asked. "Storm of Roses" was written on the cover. "I brought you a book from my office. Against boredom." Your fingers were running over the worn pages. You opened it at a dog's ear, and your eyes went over the lines. "It's obviously some cheesy romance novel." He said. You looked at him with a smile. He immediately blushed and cleared his throat. "Uh-uh, not that I would read something like that. A patient left this in the waiting room. I'm just keeping it for her," he stuttered. You raised your hands defensively and bit your cheek to suppress a giggle. "Of course." you replied seriously, flipping through the pages. "But it's quite good - at least that's what I've heard." He bit his lip and took a deep breath. To spare him any more humiliation, you stepped in. "Thank you, Dr Ackles." You gave him an honest smile as you pressed the book against your chest and looked at his rose-tinted cheeks. He avoided your gaze.  So, Dr. Ackles was a hopeless romantic. Interesting.
You spent the rest of the evening reading the book and eating your pudding at the same time. Eventually, you got so tired from the medication, you could barely keep your eyes open. It was only ten o'clock, but soon you fell asleep with Dr. Ackles' book on your stomach. Two hours later Jensen stuck his head back in the room. He was on emergency duty that day and had to take over the night shift on call. With a slight smile on his face, he realized that you were already asleep. Silently he stepped into the room and leaned the door behind him. Then he went to your bed, gently took the book from your hand and put it on the bedside table. Then he tucked you in and finally turned off the light next to your bed. On tiptoe he sneaked out of the room again and quietly pulled the door into the lock.
The next morning, after breakfast, you waited in the waiting room with a cup of coffee and Dr. Ackles' book. It was still early, but there was already a hustle and bustle in the hospital and you watched the people. Then the door to Dr. Ackles' consulting room opened. A little boy came out of the room with a lollipop. "Thank you, Dr Ackles," the boy beamed at him. Ackles smiled at him. "You're welcome, buddy. And wear a helmet next time, yeah?" "I will." said the boy, and the blond leaned into the door with folded arms, watching the little boy run excitedly to his mother. Then his eyes fell on you. He waved at you with a smile and you melted away. He was just too sweet.
Amber pulled you out of your crush. "Ms. L/N. It's your turn now." Like last time, you followed her into the consulting room. But you were disappointed to realise that Dr Ackles was not there. "The doctor said you need to be vaccinated against tetanus, is that correct?" You nodded and watched in panic as she prepared the injection and disinfected a spot on your arm. Just as she was about to prepare the syringe, you flinched. She stopped in surprise. "Is something wrong, miss?" Embarrassed, you dodged her questioning glance. "I'm afraid of needles. I wonder if Dr. Ackles could take over. It's not that I don't trust you, but..." Amber nodded sympathetically. "Wait a minute. Let me see what I can do." She disappeared, and a short time later Dr. Ackles entered the room. You were relieved to see him.
"Hey there. How are you today?" he asked in his calm and deep voice. "Fine, thank you. I'm just a little scared about the injections and I was hoping, well, you could help me -" You fell silent when he disinfected the spot again and refilled the syringe. "Well, we're going to count backwards from 1,029 in 13 steps, yeah?" he said. Confused, you looked at him and stared anxiously at the syringe approaching your arm. "Look ahead, Y/N. I can't hear you count." You looked ahead and began to count shakily. "1,016" you muttered and jerked as the syringe pierced your skin. "What's next?" Jensen asked and distracted you. You continued to count and were soon so concentrated that you didn't even notice the syringe. Only when he dabbed the blood off your skin did you look up surprised. The young doctor smiled at you. "You did great, Y/N." You noticed that it was the second time he used your first name. Then he put the Band-Aid on you. "You see? You get a special unicorn patch. It's only for the really brave girls." He winked at you. You blushed and a smile crept up your lips. "Thanks, Jensen." You just used his first name too. His fingers gently stroked your skin as he pressed the patch on. "Would you like to have a lollipop like Tommy?" he asked afterwards. Tommy must have been the little boy from before.
Laughing, you shook your head. "I don't think that's necessary. It hardly hurts anymore." His green eyes sparkled in amusement. Then he took a step back and cleared his throat. "Well, that's it. You have officially recovered. Don't let me see you back here again so soon. Take care of yourself for a while, okay?" Your heart got heavy when you realized it was time to go. You grabbed his hand and shook it. He was called into the next room. He touched you for a moment as he went past you and then he was gone.
At home, you dropped your bag on the floor and closed the door. You threw your jacket on the sofa when suddenly something fell out of your pocket. You bent down in surprise. It was a red lollipop and a note was wrapped around it. Curious, you rolled it up and read it.
Dinner at my place, brave girl? Call me, Jensen xx
Wanna get tagged? Head to my bio or drop an ask.
Jensen/Dean tags: @vicariouslythruspn @crazybutconfidentaf @zizzlekwum @ashthefirefox​ @outofnowhere82 @rintheemolion​ @myopiamystical @vicmc624​ @imaginationisgrowth @seven-seas-of-fuck-you
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kickingitwithkirk · 3 years
Summary: After Supernaturals end Jensen’s life turned upside down. A year later an unexpected movie offer gives his career a second chance but it comes with an unexpected surprises.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x OFC! Lili
Word Count: 839
Warnings: cursing, divorce, child custody, drinking, irritable Jensen
A/N:  I had an idea about a Jensen making movies again short series and wouldn't you know it, weird dream time. This story has components from my favorite W. Somerset Maugham short Rain and Lace by Shirley Conran.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
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Jensen is sitting on his back porch watching the sunset paint the horizon in pastel shades of orange and pink.
JJ and the twins left with Danneel half an hour ago after spending the last two weeks with him. Now he couldn’t be inside the too quiet house, feeling that it was somehow mocking him. Downing the last dregs of his beer he once again contemplated how he ended up here alone.
A year ago his life was incredible. Supernaturals extended last season came to its highly emotional end after delayment from the pandemic. He had talked it over with Danneel about the different options for his career: keep acting full time or concentrate more on his music, taking the occasional guest starring role and/or directing, allowing him to spend more time home with his family. He told her he was seriously considering the latter.
The first blow came days later over breakfast. Danneel simply announced she had fallen out of love with him and wanted a divorce.
The divorce had been mostly amicable. All she asked for was the lake house, half of their net worth and controlling interest in the brewery, you know, not much.
Jensen initially agreed to a quick divorce on two conditions: the bulk of the money would be put in trust for their children and shared custody. Danneel readily agreed but then she slipped up. A ill timed comment to her lawyer that Jensen wasn’t supposed to hear about the monthly child support revealed her true intentions.  It was at that moment he knew his choice.  
Jensen’s last minute curve ball was hanging up finalization, insisting on having primary custody with all holidays split equally between them, none of that you get them on this one and me the next crap. He had already missed so much of their young lives, he’d be damned losing out on anymore.
His next hit came in the form of several parts he was up for not panning out and his role on The Boys turned into a guest appearance in the season three finale then full time starting season four.
So here he sat on his back porch drinking beer as the Texas heat slowly waned, alone.
The front door slammed shut as a deep, honeyed voice called out, “Jack, you in,” followed by a heavy tread crossing the old oak wood floors into the kitchen, the fridge door opening, the sounds of bottles clinking briefly before it bangs shut.
A few seconds later Jared walks out the open French doors handing one to Jensen then drops onto the other Adirondack lounger, his large feet dangling off its end. “Dani picked up the kids already, thought they were staying till tomorrow?”
Jensen grunts before downing half the bottle in one go, “She said since it’s the twins first day of preschool wanted to make sure they got there, like I’m incapable of getting my own kids up, ready and there on time.”
“I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way…” Jensen gives him a you serious look, “but on second thought, knowing her, she did. Sorry.” Jared makes his my foots in my mouth expression and takes a drink.
“Naa, I’m the one that's sorry. It’s been one of those weeks, not the kids but Davis won’t stop calling, texting, keep telling him I not gonna consider that shitty script he’s been pushing. Man, the story lines on Days were helluva a lot better.”
Jared pulls off his beanie running a hand through his shortened hair, “Yeah, that’s kinda why I’m here. He left me a voicemail, said it was urgent you call him cause what he’s got is big, like Disney opening big...”
“He sounds serious. Look, what’s it gonna hurt, give him five...” Jensen opens his mouth, “..two, give him two minutes and if it’s really BS, tell him fuck off.”
Jensen tips his head back against the chair staring at the porch roof. He really didn’t have the energy but knowing Jared, he would keep at him till he did it.
“Fine. I’m only doing it to shut you up.” Jared smiles happily kicking back, nursing his beer as Jensen gets up and goes into the house shutting the doors behind him. He can hear Jensen talking but can’t make out what was being said.
Jared finished his beer and is playing with the label when Jensen walked out with an expression he’d never seen before making him sit upright. “What’s wrong?”
He almost missed the chair sitting down and starting a string of unintelligent babbling; some movie, can’t be right, why cast me...“Jen..dude, your not making any sense and it’s starting to freak me out!” Jensen refocused on him.
“Holy shit! I’ve got a meeting Tuesday afternoon in LA with Zimmer!”
“Zimmer?” Jared furrowed his brow in concentration, running the name around his grey matter, that name, he knows it from where. “Whoa, do you mean Zimmer the director Zimmer?” Jensen can only mutely nod.
“Holy shit!”
tags: SPN @donnaintx​​
Dean/Jensen @flamencodiva​​
Rain @stoneyggirl​​
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Sweetheart and his bodyguard
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Summary: Jensen is used to be the hero on his show. He’s not a coward, not at all - but when he gets attacked by an unknown man the studio insists on a full-time bodyguard. Specialist in protecting people while living with them - you agree to protect Jensen but he doesn’t like the fact a ‘small’ girl shall protect him. Will you be able to protect the unwilling actor?
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Bodyguard!Reader
Characters: Jared Padalecki, unnamed ofc’s
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, possessive Jensen, dirty talk, both not being sure who’s in charge, fun, fluff, language, a hint of crack
Passcode for this last chapter: Hera – Guardian angel retires
Ms. Bodyguard Masterlist
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“Jesus that guy doesn’t even look like me, Ackles,” groaning you must watch Jensen hover over you like a mother hen. He forced you to come to his house two days ago and since then, he’s not letting you do anything but lie on his bed.
“I know, you’re sexier but let’s watch the movie anyway,” Jensen snickers, covering you with another blanket.
“I do not freeze, Jensen. Stop suffocating me with pillows, blankets, and gifts,” he winces at your tone, a frown on his face. “I know you are used to girls whining about her period or headache but I had it worse, baby.”
Baby, the word let Jensen's eyes lit up and his frown turns into a dirty grin.
“OH, I’ll only take good care of you to let you heal faster. You owe me a night to remember and any night after. You were wrong about my ex, so your ass is mine,” now his features darken, and you gulp audibly.
“I never said you’ll get my ass, Ackles,” humming Jensen checks your temperature, noting the degree value. “You’re not a nurse.”
“You are dead wrong, sweetheart. You ass belongs with me, I am your sexy nurse and we are going to have naughty and loud sex as soon as the doctor gives his okay,” Jensen grins widely and you groan, closing your eyes.
“Why didn’t I let him kill you,” you smirk now, opening your eyes to find Jensen still next to you. He is lifting the blankets to check on your wound. “Can I call you Nurse Ackles now?”
“You can call me anything you want to when you are underneath me, writhing on my dick,” you lick your lips, not missing the way your body tingles close to Jensen. “Maybe I’ll let you call me Sir?”
“Dream on, sweetheart,” Jensen nods, still a dirty grin on his lips. “I’ll not call any guy Sir or daddy. If you are into that crap, look for a nice submissive girl.”
“I’d like you to handcuff me, throw me around the room and ride me like a stallion,” no longer holding back Jensen carefully removes the band-aid, wincing at the sight of the closed wound. “Does it still hurt?”
“I got hit by a projectile which hit my body with,” you can see Jensen flinch so you do not tell him how it feels to get hit by a bullet. “I am better, Jensen. I’ll need a bit more time but soon I’ll punch your nose for your dirty talk.”
“Damn, talk dirty to me, terminator. Makes me want you even more,” snickering you let Jensen cover you with the blankets. He lies next to you, switching the large TV at the opposite wall on. “Terminator or something else?”
“How about Supernatural? I was at the episode, wait, uh-the one with the tiny black-eyed guy sacrificing himself,” addicted to the show you smirk as Jensen looks for the next episode. “You’re not that bad, Ackles.”
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“How is Y/N?” watching his friend rummaging in the kitchen Jared smirks. “Earth to Jensen. Jay, I asked you a question.”
“Fine, Jared. Her wound is healing, she’s tough as ever and I still didn’t get to see her naked,” frustrated Jensen tries to open the milk only to fail and rip the carton open, spilling milk all over his shirt.
“I am going to go…yeah,” Jared smirks, walking out of the kitchen, laughing as Jensen mutters under his breath. “Call me if you need anything, Romeo.”
“Asshole,” grumbling Jensen places the milk onto the counter to walk upstairs.
Your voice on the phone catches his attention and his throat tightens hearing another Greek god's name leave your lips.
“I am sorry, Cat but Hera,” you whisper hearing your friend sigh before she replies to your passcode. Jensen stands in the doorframe, frozen to the spot as you give Cataleya last instructions.
Remembering you handed him a list with the passcodes Jensen unlocks his phone and his breath hitches in his throat. “Out of business?”
“I got to go, Cat. If you need help, ask Scott, or call me. I suggest you’ll get happy and stop doing this shitty job,” you hang up, facing Jensen who smiles at you.
“You are not going to leave,” you shake your head, watching Jensen close the distance between you. “You’re going to stay.”
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He’s holding you against the wall, not caring your nails bite deep into his shoulders. If anything, he urges you on to hurt him, to make him feel you are there, wrapped around him.
“You’re so tight, baby,” groaning against you Jensen grips your ass tight enough to dig his blunt nails into your cheeks.
You would give him a snarky comment, would call him sweetheart to show Jensen you are in charge but his cock hits that spot making you cry out, and you can only dig your nails deeper into his flesh and watch him fuck up into you.
He is determined. His brows furrowed; Jensen seems to calculate how to take you apart to make you stay.
“You know, you’re not that bad,” you grin, giving Jensen a wink when he carries you toward the bed to toss you onto the mattress.
This time you grasp his arm, flip him over to straddle his lap, letting his length slap against his stomach.
“Going to make you cry out my name, sweetheart,” sliding your hands over his chest you grin wickedly. “Maybe carve it into your chest.”
“No, terminator. This is my game,” you shriek feelings his hands grab your waist. He’s squeezing your flesh and you let him, of course, you would never tell Jensen so, flip you onto your back. “Gotcha, sexy kitten.”
He’s proudly crawling back between your legs, a sexy smirk on his lips as you let him spread your legs to slide back into you.
His forearms braced on each side of your head seconds later he looks down at you. Before Jensen can protest you cup the back of his neck to bring him down for a messy kiss. You smirk, knowing he believed he’s in charge.
“You know, sweethearts make their girls cum,” you challenge, watching Jensen toss one of your legs over his shoulder. “You gonna play fair, Ackles?”
“I am going to destroy this little pussy, terminator,” he groans, feeling your cunt contract around him when he starts moving his hips. “Feel this? Feel how deep I am inside of you?”
You nod, playing coyly for Jensen, but you can’t hold back your bratty side for long. “Fuck, Ackles, is that a toothpick?”
“You little minx,” you would laugh but your legs end around his waist and your hands get pinned above your head. “Gonna fuck you now.”
“Uh-huh, there he is,” watching his cock slide in and out, in and out, you try to muffle the noises escaping your tongue. “Not that bad, Ackles. More, fuck more.”
“Yeah, my girl wants more,” cockiness dripping from his tongue Jensen starts moving his hips at a madding pace.
You wanted to take over control again but only this once, you let yourself fall back onto the pillow and just – enjoy the show…
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“That was a C+, sweetheart,” pants leave Jensen's lips when he turns to face you.
He’s a gorgeous sight. Sweat runs down his chest, his hair sticks to his forehead, still, his eyes sparkle and his lips silence your mocking tone. “Maybe a B+ for trying.”
“That was, without a doubt, an A+ performance, Y/N. Just admit you never came harder,” Jensen gasps when you roll to your side to pat his cheek. “Y/N?”
“You know, I like me a good partner,” you hum to yourself. “I think I’ll keep you, sweetheart. Now let’s talk about your performance…”
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Around five years later…
“Look out, no! Oh-god, down, you need to roll over,” gasping you rush to your sons’ side, helping him fight his sister who tried to attack his teddy bear.
“You know, showing our children how to take their toys down without getting caught is not the way to raise them,” you grin at Jensen’s tone. He plays the grown adult while you show your kids how to trick their father.
“Uh-huh, Mr. Ackles,” you pat his chest, licking your lips lazily. “What are you going to do about it, sweetheart? Punish me for being a bad bodyguard?”
“I’ll let the nanny who will arrive in ten minutes take care of the kids and then I am going to bring my bodyguard upstairs and teach her how not to ruin our kids,” Jensen states and you kiss his nose. “I mean it, Y/N.”
“I know baby but,” you press your lips to his plump pillows, “I want to play with you and show you how I can take you down on my bed and use your body.”
“Tell me more, terminator,” gasping against your lips Jensen moans when you fist his hair. “I want to know everything…”
“Let’s start with how I stole your heart, Ackles…”
That’s it, this is the end. Maybe if I find the time I’ll write a prequel to tell ‘terminators’ story. Stay tuned.
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Ms. Bodyguard Tags
@healojane​​​​, @bitchwhytho​​​​, @marvelouslysherlockedhunter​​​​, @mimzy1994​​​​, @couldabeenamermaid​​​​, @abbessolute​​​​, @vicmc624​​​​, @fantasydevil2002​​​, @bobbie3939​​, @mamooska8​​, @winchestergirl82​​, @winchester-wifey​​
More tags in reblog. Maybe this way tags work.
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Welcome to the masterlist of the @spnfluffbingo​
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Square > Therapist AU [PLANNED]
Therapy [TBA]
Square > Breakfast in Bed This Is Me [Part 04] [Jensen Ackles x Reader x Jared Padalecki]    Finally, you face the real problem and asks for help.
Square > Nurse AU TBA
Square > Enemies to Lovers [PLANNED] Bad Girls [Amara x Reader]
Square > College AU The Occultum [Dean Winchester x Reader] AU     All the stress you were going through started to affect your normal life, reaching the point of having hallucinations.
Square > Hurt/Comfort This Is Me [Part 02] [Jensen Ackles x Reader]    After sharing about your past and distancing yourself a little, it led you to an injury and hiding it from everyone.
Square > Sat On Their Lap Instead Of The Chair House Party [Jensen Ackles x Reader] +18    Jensen and you put an end to the teasing.
Square > Tattoo Artist AU Inked [Part 01] [Danneel Ackles x Reader]     Your best friend since high school opens a tattoo shop and offers you a job position you can’t deny. This opportunity brings a lot of people into your life, and some of them are meant to last for long.
Square > High School Teacher AU Coach Winchester [Dean Winchester x Reader] AU    Sometimes your coaches can also give you life lessons.
Square > Age Gap Two Can Keep A Secret [Jared Padalecki x Reader]    Comments from people got the best from you. Your not so secret boyfriend was there next to you.
Square > Dance Teacher AU [PLANNED] Shut Up and Dance [Dean Winchester x Reader]
Square > Movie Night [PLANNED] Inked [Part 03] [Jensen Ackles x Reader]
Square > Free Space This Is Me [Part 01] [Jensen Ackles x Reader x Jared Padalecki]    You tell your best friends a secret you’ve been keeping for all your life
Square > Friends to Lovers A Moment [Dean Winchester x Reader]    A moment in life can change everything.
Square > Accidental Baby Acquisition [PLANNED] Rivalry [Lucifer x Reader]
Square > Music Producer AU [PLANNED] Rockstar [Danneel Ackles x Reader]
Square > Emergency Date AU TBA
Square > Fake Dating My Brother’s Best Friend [Jensen Ackles x Reader]    You fall hard for your brother’s best friend.
Square > Photographer AU [PLANNED] Compulsive Lingerie [TBD x Reader]
Square > Best Friends to Lovers [PLANNED] Proposal [Dean Winchester x Reader]
Square > Private Security AU TBA
Square > Best Friends since Childhood The One That Got Away [Jensen Ackles x Reader]    A song bring back memories of your first love without knowing that he was going to turn your world upside down for a second time.
Square > Neighbour AU Take It Easy [Dean Winchester x Reader] AU     Dean takes your mental health in his own hands
Square > Bodyguard AU [PLANNED] The Bodyguard [TBA x Reader]
Square > Blind Date First Date [Jensen Ackles x Reader]    Your best friend set you up on a blind date. Little did you know it was going to turned out very good.
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Jensen Ackles: Mrs.Ackles?
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Pairing: Jensen x Wife!Reader 
Pov: Jensen 
Warnings: Panic, character almost death, Cute babies, Jensen thinking. 
Request: Sorry to bother you, but can I please request a Jensen x wife!reader where she's pregnant (maybe twins) and while she's in labor things gets complicated and she starts bleeding and loses consciousness and Jensen is there with her and he's panicking and she nearly dies but it's all okay in the end??
Word Count: 2.4k 
Taglist: @akshi8278​ @deanswaywardgirl​
“I’d love to say we could go do that cute little picnic thing you wanted to do Jay, but I think my water just broke!” Y/n said, as she walked down the stairs. Well, I’m not upset, I figured that if we wanted to something, that our baby girls would want to come into the world.  
“Okay, stay there... actually sit down, and I’ll grab the go bag.” I said skipping stairs as I ran upstairs. I ran into the girl's nursery grabbing there little black bag, clothes and anything that they’d need on the way back home.  
Thinking ahead I had placed Y/n bag near the front door. When I came down stairs' Y/n was taking deep breathes, and had one hand on her stomach while the other rested on her lower back. I’d like to think that I was doing pretty well with the whole situation.  
Throwing the bags into the back of the car, I walked back up to the house, seeing Y/n trying to slip on her slippers. “Do you want some help, babe?” I asked getting on my knee and carefully slipping them on her feet. When she stood up, she winced. I raised an eyebrow, but let it go when she said “It’s fine. But can we get to the hospital now!”  
I wrapped my hand around her waist, and we walked out of the car. I opened her door, and she slid into the seat, leaning the seat back. I buckled her in before walking around the car and into the driver seat. “I promise to be careful while I drive.”  
As I drove, I made sure that I didn’t hit bumps, or drive to fast. Making it to the hospital via short cut. Months ago, I had traced the best, and fastest way to get to the hospital, but that regardless. I made to the hospital, I drove up to the emergency side letting a nurse take her in a wheelchair.  
I drove off finding a parking spot, unfortunately it was on the fifth floor of the parking deck. I ran to the closet elevator, clicking the ‘ground floor’. No elevator music played, just the silence. Then suddenly a loud ding altering me that I was now on the ground floor.  
When the elevator doors opened, I looked around the area of the hospital looking for the emergency entrance. In the corner of my eye, I saw the huge red blocked letters, so I ran across the crosswalk, and up the sidewalk until I made it to the doors of the emergency entrance.  
There was Y/n in a wheelchair a nurse holding the handles to push her, “Hey, I’m Y/n husband.” I said to front desk nurse. “Okay, well Mr. Ackles I just need to sign a few papers. Here and then we can get your wife in a bed.” The nurse said handing me clipboard. She had so nicely highlighted the section that I had to sign, a few signatures and a few questions that we asking if Y/n was taking any prescription drugs, or when was the last time Y/n had eaten.  
I handed the nurse back the clipboard. She looked over at the other nurse and saying “Take her up to delivery floor, Room 11.” The nurse started walking and I had to catch up with them. I hadn’t brought any of the bags with me, thinking that wouldn’t be necessary.  
We got into another elevator and the nurse pressed the floor 4. “So, what are you having?” She asked. Y/n was taking deep breathes, and I realized that she probably wasn’t going to answer the question. “We are having twins.” I said rolling on the back of my heels. “This must be your first?” She said Y/n shook her head “Thi.. This is our first yes.” She spoke  
“Well, my name is Taylor. I can’t wait to see your bundles of joy. I work in the delivery room.” Taylor said as the elevator ding that we had hit the 4th floor. “So let me ask you something Mrs. Ackles.’ Y/n shook her head ‘When was your last contractions?” Y/n put her hand stomach.  
“Last contraction was about 2 minutes ago. I’m thinking about 3 minutes apart, Taylor.” Y/n said. This part I hadn’t kept up, even when we went to classes. Apparently, I was supposed to pay attention, but I didn’t. Taylor pushed Y/n out into the hall, and up to another reception desk. “This is Y/n Ackles, and her husband, she’s having twins, and she says her contraction are about 3 minutes apart.” Taylor said.  
I gently rubbed Y/n’s shoulder and she placed her hand over mine. I crouched down and whispered into Y/n’s ear “Everything is gonna be fine. I can see you fidgeting” The lady at the desk came around with a medical alert bracelet. It had Y/n’s age, her weight, her name, and her room. “Take her to the room 11, Taylor.” The front desk nurse said.  
We again started to walk; Taylor started talking again. “There’s a gown for you to change into. Mr. Ackles you can help her, right?” “Yes of course” I said. “Oh, and there’s a gown for you as well Mr. Ackles for when Mrs. Ackles go into labor.” Taylor said as she walked into our room.  
I walked around the wheelchair and in front of Y/n, she gripped onto my hand and forearm. “Here Mr. Ackles.” Taylor handed me Y/n gown. “I’m going to go outside let you, and Mrs. Ackles have some privacy.” Taylor said sliding the divider sheet, and then the glass door.  
I walked with Y/n to the bathroom, she rests her hands against the marble counter. I slipped her shoes off, reached up to unzip her pants sliding them her hips thighs and finally off her legs. “I can’t believe that we are actually doing this today.” Y/n said. I stood up looking at her for a moment. She was just as beautiful as the day I first met her.  
Y/n took a deep breathe, and placed her hand on her stomach. “Shit, this hurts Jay.” She said “Just breathe. I promise I’ll be fast about this.” I said rubbing small circles into her stomach. Trying to take any pain she was going through. “This is like having a period on steroids Jay.” Y/n said giggling a little.  
“I have to take your shirt off, dear.” I said, Y/n placed her hands on my shoulder. I made sure to be careful of her baby bump. I lifted the shirt that was mine, up her frame, take her one hand out of the arm, and then doing that with the other.  
I unclipped her bra, and slipped her underwear off. Y/n put her hands back onto the counter behind her. I slipped the gown on to her arms and then softly turned her around, and tied the back loosely. We walked out of the bathroom and back into the room, I set her into one of the chairs. “I’ll be right back okay.” I said bending down to kiss Y/n on the temple.  
I walked out moving the divider back and open the glass door back. I walked out, “Taylor” I said as she came over. “I got her into that gown, I put her in one of those chairs.” I said rubbing the back of my neck. “Let’s get her in the bed.” Talor said. Walking into our room. Y/n still sitting in the chair. “Hey sweetie, me and’ “Jensen” I said ‘Me and Jensen are going to move you to the bed.”  
Y/n smiled and shook her head. I went to one side of Y/n and Taylor to the other side. Y/n stood up bracing her weight onto both of us. Once we had her on the bed Taylor did somethings to make sure she was comfortable. “Okay so Doctor Becerra will in soon to check how dilated you are.” She said before walking out of our room.  
A few hours later Y/n went into labor, Taylor had put me into the gown, and went to Y/n other side to hold her hand. Everything was going fine, Y/n had given birth to our first daughter, the nurses taking her to clean her off and wrap her up in her pink little blanket, but as Y/n went to push for the second time. I could sense that something was wrong.  
The doctor was giving Taylor a look of concern. “Is everything okay?” I asked getting more and more worried by the second. “Taylor what is going on?” I asked again. She gave me a look before looking back at the doctor. “Jensen, Mr. Ackles I need you to go outside for just a second.” She spoke.  
“No. I’m not leaving my wife” I said worrying falling into my cracking voice.
“Mr. Ackles, Please just for a minute.” Taylor said coming over to me, guiding me out. When we pasted Y/n all I could see was blood, my breathing quickened and I walked a little faster out of the room. As I walked out of the room, I heard the doctor say “Mrs. Ackles? Mrs. Ackles?”  
I went to sit down but I couldn’t I instead paced through the halls. As I got closer to the room I heard “She gone unconscious, but she’s breathing. There a lot of blood. Looks like she had a clot.” I sat down, thinking of all the worst things that could happen.  
I could lose my wife and a daughter; I could only have a daughter have to raise her. I’d have to be all I had and all our daughter had, Or I could lose just my wife and have two amazing daughter that grow up to look like her. I could lose everyone and be alone. I’d be a lot of thing, but strong wouldn’t be one of those things.  
I saw another 3 nurses rush in. Taylor coming out, and sitting down next to me. “Mr. Ackles?” “hmm” I said my hand running through my hair as I started to stress even more. “She has a clot, that’s what making her bleed excessively. She’s still breathing, which is amazing. Do you want to go see your first daughter?” She asked me  
I fought with the idea in my mind. I didn’t want to leave my wife; I didn’t want to leave Y/n all alone. Swarmed with people she didn’t know, but I also knew that if she was awake right now, she’d be shooing me in the direction to where our first daughter lay. “Yes, that’d be nice.” I said walking next to Taylor.  
It was a quiet walk, no more than 20 steps from where Y/ns room was. Taylor pointed to which baby was Y/n and I’s. The name tag said Ackles family. I smiled as I saw my daughter little finger wiggle. Taylor patted my shoulder. “If you don’t mind me saying’ I shook my head ‘You and your wife have made a very beautiful baby girl. And Jensen if I may she’ll make it.”  
Taylor walked off, and let me there to take a long look at our daughter. I was starting to think we hadn’t even picked out names. That was actually my plan for today, go out on a picnic and eat some unhealthy food, and sit there go over names.  
But the more I thought about it. I was thinking that once Y/n gave birth to our second daughter we could maybe name her hope. Hope that everything will be okay. Maybe we could name our first daughter Nova, and maybe in honor of Taylor our nurse we could have her middle name being Taylor.  
I stood there and again smiled. I looked up and saw the nurse picking up my daughter. Her eye open her eye colored like her mothers. She was so cute and adorable, it looked like she had a small smile on her face. I couldn’t wait to hold her, and her sister. But most of all I couldn’t wait to hold their mother.  
Taylor come back a few minutes later. “Jensen, sir. She’s awake and holding your younger daughter. If you’d like to come back to the room.” She said with a huge smile. We walked a little pep in my step. When I walked there was Y/n holding out second daughter. Next to her was our first daughter.  
“Where’d you go?” Y/n said. I walked over to her and kissed her temple ‘I love you’ I said against her forehead. “I love you too Jay.” She spoke. A huge relief of breath left my system. I smiled looking at my family. “We have to name out kids you know.” Y/n said.  
“Yes, yes we do. I was thinking’ I said as I walked over to our first daughter to pick her up. ‘That would name her Nova Taylor.” I spoke. “Taylor as in the nurse!?” Y/n said with a smile on her face. “Yes, we can name her that Jay.” She spoke.  
There was a moment of silence. “I was thinking Jay... Maybe we would name her.’ swaddling our second daughter in her arms. ‘Hope. But if you don’t like that it’s okay.” Y/n said. “No, baby that’s... it’s prefect.”  I said rubbing her shoulder.  
“I know that you were scared. I know why you weren’t in here. I’m sorry that I scared you that much. But I want you to know that I’m here with all three of you. And I'm not going anywhere.” Y/n said a few tears falling down her already tired face. I put down Nova, and wiped away a few stray tears. “It’s okay baby, I know you aren’t going anywhere; Now get some sleep.” I said taking Hope out of her arms.
The minute I took Hope out of her arms, Y/n had drifted into sleep. “You gave me and mommy quite a scare. I have a feeling you’re going to be a trouble maker.” As I finished my talk with Hope, she opened her eye, they looked like mine, a jaded emerald colored.  
Another thought ran through my mind as I set down Hope. Nova was going to be a daddy’s girl, and my precious Hope was going to be Mommy's girl. I was happier for that though; I was so overly filled with joy that I had my entire family in one room.  
Completed: 02/28/2021 
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