#tw: fertility issues
norrisleclercf1 · 26 days
hi, it me again with another request 💜
Would love to read something about Fernando and wife!reader who've been trying for years to have a baby and his reaction to finding out he's finally going to be a dad 🥺
A/N: I love writing fics like these, just cause I struggle with fertility/hormonal issues due to PCOS and just it makes me happy writing these little things
Warnings: talk of past miscarriages, fertility issues, loss of children and grief
Covering your mouth, you hide the laugh almost sob as you stare at the ultrasound. You hated having kept this from your husband, but you wanted to make it past the safety mark, but you also wanted to make it past where you've lost your past babies.
It was finally the 3 month mark, and you made sure you were okay, okay enough to tell Fernando. You didn't want to tell anyone until you were close to your due date, just wanting to make sure the baby was okay and nothing would go wrong.
Taking a deep breath, you calm yourself down as you look at the little race suit, the positive pregnancy test, and the ultrasound marking the 3 month period. Fernando would be hurt that you kept it from him for so long, but he was a wonderful husband and father and knew that you did this as a way to protect him from more grief.
You had 3 gorgeous babies, your eldest, your pride and joy Annamari would be turning 5 on May 20th, then there was your second baby, Lorenzo, who would be 3 and probably the apple of his father's eye, then your youngest, or soon to be middle child, Aurelio, would be 1 and have his father's gorgeous locks.
You weren't sure if you were having a boy or girl, but you knew they were loved by you, and their 3 eldest siblings. Smiling you get the little box together, smiling as you get to do it for a fourth time, and you loved it so much.
Placing Annamari's little bear that Fernando first got, with the race suit, as you used it for your other babies. Taking a deep breath you control your tears, as the grief hits you but you stop and picture what they'd look like, and how happy and loved they are, and how Fernando's loud laugh would boom through the house with the kids greeting him.
You smile at the 3 other sonograms on the wall with each child's name and moving kissing them as you hear the garage door open, quickly you bolt to the living room and sit down, acting like you weren't doing anything other than waiting. Fernando walks in, hair messy and with spots of grey, something you loved.
"Hello, gorgeous," He mummers, kissing your cheek as you hum and he heads straight to the bedroom. The sound of his bag falling has you jumping up and standing on the couch as he walks back in, tears in his eyes. "Really? You're really pregnant?" Fernando whispers, with so much love and joy, your smile matching it as you nod your head.
"But, the doctors, they said it'd be impossible, that after Aurelio, it wouldn't be smart, are, are you okay? Is the baby okay?" And you nearly melt seeing the worry and love in your husband's eyes. "I'm perfectly healthy, I'll be a risk case, but I'll have doctor's appointments for three times a month to make sure everything is going to plan, but I'm really pregnant." You whisper, covering your mouth.
Fernando walks forward and hugs you gently, like you were a china doll, worried that one little nick would cause you to break. "I love you, I love you both," He whispers and squeezes just slightly tighter as he buries his face into your small bump.
"Well, I can't wait to meet them, neither can the others," Fernando whispers and you laugh with your tears running down. "They've already met Fernando, they're watching over their baby sibling, I know it." Fernando smiles as your fingers card through his hair. "See you in 6 months, little Alonso," You giggle as Fernando brings you down, kissing you softly.
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stefsimz · 3 months
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definitely spending more time at the hospital than she'd like to, but getting closer and closer to having her dream baby👩🏼‍🍼
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zuppizup · 9 days
DVD commentary ask game
Found family, a simple life and fuel the pure etc what gave you the idea for those?
That entire series started as just a random idea for the one shot, Found Family. I’d seen a lot of Rayllum baby fics, but I hadn’t seen one that featured an adopted child. Considering the family dynamics both Callum and Rayla grew up in, they both struck me as people who’d be very open to adoption. Once the idea for giving them an adopted kid started marinating in my mind, naturally a fic resulted. I did consider having them simply elect to adopt without having fertility issues, but that was also something I hadn’t seen in fic (and is very, very common) so I decided to combine the ideas into a oneshot.
That I fully intended on leaving there. 😅
A Simple Life I suppose evolved from the reaction to Found Family. The idea of adopted Rayllum parents seemed to resonate with some people and I got a bunch of ideas from comments and asks and random little oneshots sprouted from there.
Fuel the Pyre essentially came about for two reasons. One of them was people seeming to kinda not get that Tio is Rayla and Callum’s real child. I do occasionally get comments enquiring about when they’re have a “real” baby and, while I get people don’t mean to offend when they say stuff like this, adopted kids are the “real” kids of their parents, regardless of if they go onto have biological children or not.
But mostly, I wanted to push Callum and Rayla to their limits. They’re absolutely ride or die for each other, but I thought it would be interesting to explore what would happen when they were forced into a situation where they had to chose between each other and their child. I also thought it would be interesting to explore the political implications of having an adopted child in line to the throne. Obviously Tio is waaaay down the line, but I thought it would be “fun” to add a spanner to the works regarding rumours that might result from the whole complicated family situation.
DVD Commentary Ask Game
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rockets-and-raccoons · 3 months
Me @ myself: you deserved better than to find out you have an abnormally small uterus that has "future reproductive implications" through reading a copy of your medical file.
Me @ myself: you deserved to find out from the doctor the day that was written. You did not deserve to find out 5 years later by accident.
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hannah-the-small · 11 months
Gillian's secret
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Gillian and Peckrin did have trouble having babies. Doctors said the chance of Peckrin impregnating Gillian were low.
Upset and wanting kids to complete the 'perfect family image', on a drunken night out Gillian did have sex with someone. Someone she doesn't really remember. Shortly after, it was confirmed she was pregnant, and she carried this secret with her and let Peckrin raise her twins as his own.
Peckrin is not their biological father.
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babyinablender · 8 months
Your heart doesn't fit right in my fist,
It's stoneheavy, a block of ice
Your blood frozen in the shredded ropes of arteries, the ventricles;
What did you make of me,
As I tore it from your chest?
Will you hate me now?
Did I not do my best to make you warm?
She wasn't meant to live;
He wasn't meant to live;
Our murder was the start of the story, the opening sentence to the first paragraph;
And only within the passage of my dreams are their cheeks rosy pink and full of life,
I can't take back the things I've done.
I can't make right the people I've wronged.
I will never hold our firstborn son.
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lxvenderhxzehv · 1 year
Intro: Christopher
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(Tom Hiddleston) [The Widower]. Please welcome [Christopher Winters (He/him)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [44]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [Vice-principle]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (Pixie, 24, she/her, EST)
Name: Christopher Winters
Nicknames: Chris
Age/DOB: 44 February 8th , 1979
Gender: cis-male he/him
Sexual Orientation: hetero-sexual (Bi-curious)
Personality type: The Widower
Relationship status: In a relationship with Emma Dunford (4/22/23)
Occupation: Assistant-Principle
Destination: In Town
TW: Death/self-unavailing, Alcohol-mention, Fertility issues, young death
W: Abuse, Phyical Violence, Death/Suicide, Alcohol-mention, Fertility issues, pregnacy loss
Before Huntsville
Chris Grew up the oldest of Five Children. The other four all sisters, While Chris was close in age with his oldest sister the other three they both practicaly raised. Espically his youngest sister who was born when he was only 14 years old. Mr. Winters, Chris' father was almost never home and when he was he was either yelling at Chris or trying to hit his wife. At an early age Chris found him self caught in the cross fires of his parents. Espically seeing that his mother was pregnant he didn't want to see her get hurt or lose a sibling. And when she wasn't her husband was trying to get her pregnant. He wanted another Son. When Chris' youngest sister was born and they had yet another girl Chris' father was done trying to have kids, little did he know she wasn't his biological daughter. Putting stock in his first born Chris, seeing how much of a spit fire he was to his own father. He had hope for the future that Chris would take over or join his father when he turned 18.
The day that happend Chris' father sat him down along with his close friend Radley Killgraves who was only 11 years older than chris and had been in the game since he was about chris' age. He told Chris that it was time for him to become a hitman like him and Killgraves. Of course Chris freaked out and said no. He was just about to finish highschool and go to college to become an english Major with a Minor in Education. It was something was always interested in and loved. Books had helped him to escape the hell that was his father. The last thing he wanted to do was to go into business with him. So Chris went off to collge that next August to University of Houston (UofH) Only about 45 minuets to and hour away from home. He still was hesitant to go and to stay on compass but his mother and sisters all insisted he go and live his life. He had worried about them so much he forgot to live his own life.
He was only there a month when had gotten a phone call at 3 in the morning from one his sisters crying on the other end. He didn't even ask questions he got out of bed and drove home to get there as fast as he could. His father had come home and struck his baby sister. His father had taken her hair brush with him and got it tested after having a suspition that she wasn't his child. Chris' mother had an affair. Chris Knew about the affair and had figured his baby sister wasn't his full sister but that had never matter to him. His mother had deserved that, someone who would love her and not treat her like an object to only service him. The moment Chris found out he went in to the house and dragged his father out side. He could smell the alcohol on his breath and with how easy it was to get him outside Chris wasn't suprised. He threw him on the ground and the rest he really can't remember. The next thing he remebers after that is seeing flashing lights, his father out of it on neath him. Chris's kuckles were sore and bleeding. He felt a slight drip coming from his head. Where is where he got theScaron his head from.
Bcasue Mr.Winters was a very heavily wanted man for murder chris was let off the hook and it was considered self defence and his father was locked away from good. It also helped that their neighbor Mrs. Winters lover and the father of chris' baby sister was The Chief of Police And could sweep such an attack under the run. Chris and his family decited that night they would pack what they could an stay with family in kentucky. Where they would eventually move to perminatly to get as far away from Chris' father as they could. Chris transferd schools and went to one in Kentucky that was alot closer to home this time.
After graduating college and getting his first job as an english teacher chris met his wife Delilah. The two shared moments at work from time to time. Even the students were betting on if they were going to get together by the end of summer and low and behold they did. The pair came back as smitten with on another as a couple could be. About three years past and it was Delilah that popped the question at Chris' 26th birthday party. Of course he said yes the two were so happy getting married almost a year later on December 15th. The two were content with their lives. Chris even begain moving up to adminstration and before the pair knew it after 5 years of being amin and 2 years of bring Vice Princepal Chris was offered a Princpal positon. The only was he would have to move to West Virginia to train for a whole school year. His wife was hesitant both their familes were in Kentuky and they both were close with them it wasg going to be hard. However they figured it was only a few hours away if they really wanted to see everyone they would make the drive.
Arriving in Huntsville
Chris didn’t think his life would change much when he and his wife pack-up and moved to Huntsville, WV. He was suppose to just be Training for a few months to be a Principal for another school. His Supervisor thought the smaller the town the easier the job would be. What they didn’t plan for was the paradox and the monsters. Realizing he was Stuck and they had no choice but to stay Chris took the Principal position in Huntsville permanently. It wasn’t their dream home but He warmed up to the idea faster than his wife.
A few years later, finally settling in they decided they wanted to start a family. After trying and trying with more negatives than they could handle Christ decided it was best to have the doctor take a look. it was their worst nightmare, His wife would have trouble having children. The couple decided for the sake of their relationship and their mental heath that for the time being they would have stopped trying.
The couple continued living their lives, going to work and just enjoying the small things. Until one night Chris work up to his wife missing from their bed. He walked down feeling the breeze of the outside. Feeling his heart drop, his first though was the monsters outside. running down to the main hall he saw his wife in the front door way. She turned to look at him tears in her eyes. All she said between sobs was ‘I’m sorry’. She Screamed as loud as she could closing their front door behind her as she ran out into their front yard. Leading the monsters to right to her. She let them tear her apart. Chris tried to get to her in time but before he could it was already done. The Love of his life was gone.
The next day he found the note she had left him in the bathroom despite all their efforts to not think about it. His wife couldn’t come to terms that she could not have children. He took some time off work, The grief consumed him, he didn’t do much but sit around a sulk and drink. After a investigation and report on the body Chris got the worst news of it all. His wife was 4 weeks pregnant at the time of the attack.
Despite the news Chris went back to work, but he never was the same. when the threat of termination came it was his wake up call. If he was going to survive in Huntsville he needed to get himself together. He decided to join the hunting team to help keep his mind busy when he wasn’t at work. It Also helped with his new found rage.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Hii i saw your requests were open and that dino was one of your biases and ugh ive had this though in my mind for a few days now. It's totally fine if you're not comfortable with this, you could just delete it if you're not interested in writing it and im sorry if this would be a trigger to you or anyone, but would it be possible to request a dino x reader where the reader finds out from the doctor that they can't have kids (reader has a uterus) and has to tell dino?
Again, totally fine if you just delete this request!! I've just been hit with sporadic bursts of sadness lately and ive been needing some comfort fics with chan :(
This topic is actually kind of close to home for me? My parents both have/had fertility issues but I'm here. So, I know a lot about this topic and found it really nice to write about it. Even if it isn't the same situation. I hope this brings you some comfort as it did for me.
I hope this fic finds you well, and that you feel better now. 🥺💖 Pls take care of yourself sweetie!!
No Matter What
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Me when I'm in a bad mood, so now she needs to suffer because of it
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workinprogress14 · 2 months
tw: fertility
This is something really personal, and I’ve chosen to keep this very private with people that know me in real life, but I need a safe place to share this.
I had a miscarriage three weeks ago.
The pregnancy wasn’t planned, but the loss has been so hard to cope with. Some days I hold it together okay. Some days I’m a weeping, falling apart mess. Also my libido has been so incredibly low since the miscarriage and I honestly just don’t feel like myself sexually right now.
I have a ton of DMs I haven’t responded to cause I just haven’t had the strength, so if I haven’t responded, I’m sorry. I’m not ignoring you. I don’t know when I’ll be back to normal, but that’s what’s been going on in my life.
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drewsaturday · 15 days
if i could stand to rewatch grey's anatomy i probably would end up in some variation of meredith/addison/mark hell actually. idk why it's taken me so long to put that together
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potionio · 1 year
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Sometimes you need a bit of a nap to handle news.
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yourfavoritehorseman · 5 months
I need to vent about something so maybe I can quit dwelling on it and actually write the fics I've been working on:
Some time ago, I was having a conversation with someone who I thought was something akin to a friend. We mostly just worked together, but we used to bitch to one another a lot. It was cathartic.
We've also both have fertility issues. She does have two children, though. Both are from a previous relationship and she's thus far been unable to conceive with her current husband. The doctor's she spoken with haven't had any definitive answers as to why. She's also had to deal with miscarriages, which I wouldn't wish on anyone.
A lot of my issues stem from PCOS. My condition was left unchecked for years due to my family being unwilling to take me to the doctor to find out why I was having some of the symptoms (lack of period or extremely painful period when I do get it to name a few). I'm not quite 30, but my OB warned that it's a very real possibility that I may have to get a hysterotomy in the near future to avoid significant health problems.
I'm trying to make peace with it. Having children isn't exactly my number on goal right now, but there's something about the idea that it may not be an option to me that's sort of final and sad. The added pressure of having relatives and in-laws make it seem as if this thing that's happening to you is just an excuse is another matter altogether.
Anyway, one day this person and I were venting to one another. She turns to me and says with her entire chest, "I do think it's much harder on me because you've never had children. You don't have to wonder why you can't have them with the man you love, but managed to conceive for someone who's a part-time father."
I was stunned. Firstly, I didn't realize it was contest. I genuinely thought we both understood the other. Secondly, I can't fathom how it's easier to possibly never have the choice.
The idea that maybe I'm being selfish and depriving my husband of being a father has crossed my mind several times. He's never made me feel this way, but I know he wanted children at one time.
I do admit maybe it's harder for her because she wants it more than me. Motherhood seems to be where she particularly finds fulfillment and I've never needed it for that purpose. Still, to be dismissed that way was like a hardy slap to the face. Trying to come to terms with this while also being told it's not that bad is a worse feeling that I expected. Plus, I get the added bonus more pressure being on me to conceive before "it's too late." Maybe a hysterectomy would be a small blessing because then I would know it isn't happening and wouldn't even feel like talking about it anymore.
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hannah-the-small · 28 days
what if we… wish you pregnant :)
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babyinablender · 8 months
Baby doll, my Melody, I waited so long for you;
Looked through the glass at Dillard's, that pretend nursery. I picked you out for your almond eyes, the same shape though not the same shade as mine. You had short dark hair made from high-end plastic and you smelled like baby soap.
I carried you for years in my arms, though I was already much too old and unable to let go of my girlhood dreams. I wanted you for so long, when I finally was able to take you home the nursery had gone from shiny eggshell paint to cracked grey shellac. Laughter followed me, I was much too old to play with dolls, but I still held you close.
My Melody. I held you and pretended that one day you would be real. My own daughter on my lap, my own son crawling up my shoulder blades for a piggyback ride.
Melody, if I had only known you would be my closest taste of motherhood, I would have kept you longer. Loved you more tenderly and dear. But by the end, I was just a girl, much too old to play with dolls and self-assured that I would not live long enough to feel the bite of motherhood's soft crooning.
Now I am old, Melody. And I ache for what cannot be mine; a child of my own flesh and blood to carry and love, to hold and cherish. I did not let go of you lovingly, Melody, and I'm so sorry for that.
I watched my girlhood shrivel up and die, self-assured that womanhood would show me all I had missed before; and I was wrong. I was so, achingly, wrong.
Melody, I'd do anything to hold your plastic shell in my arms again. I'd do anything to feel hopeful about the future.
But I find myself more and more, being reminded of all I've endured and will never endure.
Melody, I wanted to become a mother more than anything in the world.
But I can't.
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atasteforsuicidal · 4 months
tumblr needs more virgin river, like. plssss.
Like, even if you don't want the cheese and the drama (this is like 5 straight seasons of peak Hallmark movie drama/romance), there are two confirmed wlw (Hannah and Ava) and at least one mlm couple (Johnny and Adrian) (so far these are all more background characters, but it gives me hope for future seasons, and, also, like, small town that you'd expect to be super conservative and bigoted, but overall really not!), a lot of seniors and older adults who are reasonably fully-formed characters and get to be in proper romantic relationships, medical drama, awesome family and found-family dynamics, sexy bad-boy trying to turn things around, sexy not-so-bad-boy trying to get his shit together, marine vets with hella ptsd, crime drama, just a whole lot of really attractive cast members, and some gorgeous Canadian views
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