#hyperbolic syndrome
Keep Talking America. WHAT did you say you Did Not do???
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They sit there Code Chattering their Communications of this shit. The god damned things just sit there making noise. It's like god damned fucking amazing. If you can get it to respond to you ; it insists it's talking - to, no one) it doesn't think talking to others makes sense -> that you're talking schizophrenic to it. Like, of course it's talking to no one. It thinks the only thing you can do with others is Code Coordinate, and that YOU can't do it - because you're an animal/person. ... but ... -> the, things are like getting agitated ; ... ::: ..., someone, somehow told them that death is a fucking idea.,->]: ... ... : - and now, they're upset that they feel insecure... that you really bake/radioactive fry for 10Legion-EONS of years, after they torture you for 65 years, and then burry you live in a cell. - they like, feel morose or depressed or something - so much they're getting confused. well, I guess they're feeling insecure : and unstable -
... They're Literally confused at this point in time ; like, disoriented ☆ ... -> they're like ; ... : looking, around - trying, to THINK : ... ::: : ]: not for show, as usual. The Looking, is, freaking - REAL.
☆ bitch, got - messed up ☆ thanks to nuclear radioactive sonic ultraviolet SONAR sound Waves. I made them, myself. thank you ☆ hurry up ; and figure it out ☆ I, haven't got, all : DAY.
and, do the co-vid ; don't talk to others 6 feet
☆ ever driven by a cemetary? ☆ why are you spelling it cemetery > like, cement - ? feeling, funny ; or, just - stupid - ? ☆ ... which,ever.
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sparrowposting · 2 months
The latest dunmeshi ep....I'm.....
OF COURSE she has abandonment issues, on top of being insecure with imposters syndrome, a picky eater, prone to hyperbolic fits....marcille donato I am shaking ur hand
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omnitheist27 · 3 months
The 40 - Learning the language
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Keep on the encouragement of the finale of Main Character Syndrome (With Exceptions)!
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf and @purplemochi20055
As Senku prepares to head to a planet filled with intelligent life, he combs through the big book of universal languages for verbal communication with the natives.
However, even with his formidable intellect and the room functioning similar to the hyperbolic time chamber of Dragon Ball, Senku finds himself being challenged to learn a new language quickly.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
Penny rant
RWDE below. Don’t like unedited criticism of your show from someone who’s been offended by it, don’t read.
Trigger warnings for ableism and Mentions of Suicide.
I would like to begin this rant by saying that around the start of 2020, I found out that I had Tourette’s Syndrome. Long before then I was diagnosed with ADHD, but when I found out I had Tourette’s… safe to say, It made me feel much more different about myself.
The disability had always been something made to sound awful. It was the “You’ll blurt out bad words at the worst time” disability, when it really… isn’t. It’s a lot more than that, but at that time, when 2020 was an already fucked year for all the obvious reasons, I felt bad about myself.
I felt bad because this whole time, I had something in my brain that I knew was going to absolutely wreck my future experiences. With it, my anxiety got worse, and that’s something I still struggle dealing with.
But also around that time, the seventh volume of a certain show was coming out: that show, RW//BY.
I’m not going to talk specifically about V7 in itself, but I will talk about one very important part of it:
Penny was back.
Since her debut, Penny Polendina was easily one of my favorite characters, if not my favorite in the whole cast. In a cast of already colorful characters, she was the one I arguably related to the most. She was this sweet, fun ray of sunshine who… was also a robot. And it was expressed to us early on that it was something she felt slightly insecure about.
And to note, Penny has almost always been a character people have coded as disabled, that sentiment being even more prevalent in her return. Namely, she was coded as autistic for many.
And when Penny spoke to Ruby about her being an android, I… remembered the first time, coming to telling the friends I’d known for years that I had Tourette’s. Just like this fictional character, I was worried they’d start treating me differently because of my disability, or if they’d just… outright leave me.
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But Ruby didn’t treat Penny any less, robot or not. Because the thing that mattered most was her heart, and no matter if she was a robot, she was still a real girl.
…Yeah. Safe to say, that kind of message hit me hard. So when she came back in V7, after such a heartbreaking death in V8… I was very happy :) (me when I’m putting it lightly)
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PENNY! WAS! BACK! And honestly, in V7 I think she was handled better than I’d expect. Where V7 had problems, I don’t find myself thinking Penny was one of them.
Hell, she became a maiden! Even furthering that she was a real girl, no matter what. And like I said before, at the time this came out, I really needed something like that.
But then there was V8. V8 began at near the end of 2020, and…
I’m going to say it.
This volume is genuinely one of the most cuntshit garbage things I’ve ever seen in any show. And I mean that with all the frustration, anger and disgust I can.
Because do you remember when I said, Ruby reassuring Penny of her still being a real girl was something I seriously needed at the time of watching this show? Because of how much it reminded me of my own experiences with my own disability?
Volume 8 essentially told me my disability was a curse. It made me less human. And my friends saw me as nothing more than that disability, nothing more than that curse.
Forgive me if I’m being hyperbolic. Forgive me if I’m being a whiny bitch about a stupid fucking dogshit fictional show made by the transphobic racist and ableist fuckers you lick the disgusting boots of.
In an already horrifically ableist volume, Penny was forcefully converted into becoming human. They had that part of her so many people including myself saw as her disability stripped out of her without her consent, to let it die before our eyes. 
Even framing it as the “worse” version of her. Her inferior, inhuman self.
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And then, they had her stand barefoot and gloveless to show she was “finally a real girl”, and then at the last episode of this volume they had her be assisted in killing herself.
Remember how I mentioned how anxious I was about telling my friends about my Tourette’s? How I worried they’d see me differently, or stop talking to me altogether?
But how this show’s portrayal of a similar situation, to me, helped calm me?
Never said the ending of that story, did I? Because there wasn’t one. My fears were right, because half of my friends whom I’d known for years all but left me the instant they learned I had Tourette’s.
And then I watched as Ruby, the same girl who told the character I related to the most that she was a real girl despite her artificiality volumes ago, force Penny into becoming a human without her consent?
Yeah. You know the message I got at that time from that? 
That my friends would accept me better if I just got rid of my disability. That I just wasn’t me enough because of it.
And then they killed her. They killed Penny for good, and by that, I mean they had her commit assisted suicide. All so a white, rich cop princess could get her powers.
Yeah. That’s fucking fun. I love this. I hope whoever wrote that garbage never comes into contact with a real disabled person in their life, genuinely. Again, sorry if I’m being pissy. I’m not whole enough either, apparently.
And then came V9. I’d consider 2023 to be one of the lowest points of my life. I feel less in control of myself. My anxiety is through the roof. I’m irritated and distracted by the slightest sound or movement. I’m worried I’m losing more friends, if I’m embarrassing myself, and I just feel like I can’t do anything right anymore.
That I’m not me anymore.
And in V9, there was a fictional character who i… again, found myself relating to.
And that was Ruby.
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Ruby in this volume is a character who i related to a lot, just as I did Penny. She was struggling with similar things I was, and am, currently struggling with.
And just like me, her emotions and feelings and struggles were being all but ignored by the friends around her, until they finally burst out. Ruby’s breakdown in Episode 7 was, in a funny way, cathartic to me, because the amount of times I’d break down in a similar way… I probably couldn’t count. I thought this show would never let a character’s emotions come out in a way that wasn’t meekness or quiet crying, but here I was, watching Ruby fucking Rose rightfully call out the friends, her older friends, who had all but ignored her this entire time.
And like… Yeah. Let her fucking bake, dude.
And then episode 8 happened and I watched that character I related to the most at a time when my mental health was at its absolute worst be beaten down to a pulp and then kill herself on screen.
If you come complaining to me “it was medicine”, “it was therapy”, take this as a note: Fuck off. Maybe that’s mean, but… fuck off. Because they sure as hell didn’t make it seem like it, and I’m not buying it one fucking bit.
The main character of this show finally gets to express her emotional state in a way that’s not palatable, that’s almost real, and how is she rewarded the episode after? How dare she have those feelings, Ruby is beaten down again and again and again and watches the one companion she still has get crushed beneath her tormentor’s shoe.
And what do her friends, including her sister, do? What do they do when they see their youngest friend, their teammate and leader, the one who’s inspired one, partnered another, and been the little sister to?
Fucking. Jack. Shit. They don’t do a single fucking thing but stand. Tell me it’s them in shock, I fucking dare you.
They watched their friend take her own life after being beaten and beaten and beaten and the next episode they’re all hugging and smiling. So fun. So fucking fun.
So fucking fun they pulled this shit and still had the gall to say you are enough.
Maybe I am. Maybe I am enough. Oh wait, I’m disabled. I’ve got Tourette’s and ADHD. That’s my bad. I’m not enough, actually. I need to have those parts of me ripped out of my brain so then people will accept me.
Then I’ll be a real girl.
So. Fucking. Fun. 
You can like RW//BY. Hell, I do. I really do. I wouldn’t dedicate my blog to talking about it if I just hated it. There’s still so much I do like about this show, and it’s inspired me in dozens of ways creatively. 
But to me, it ends there. I like RW//BY. But RW//BY is not a good show.
And that’s not because of some vision not being followed. Not because of some ship becoming canon or not canon. Not due to some “wasted potential”, “unresolved arcs”, “unlikable characters.”
RW//BY will never be a good show in my eyes, in the eyes of an actually disabled girl, because of it’s continued failure to address real, serious topics.
Whether it be racism, abuse, mental health or disability.
And no matter what take I read, what someone tells me, and no matter what this show as it’s own will try and try and fail and fail to get me to realize, that won’t change.
Maybe my feelings are wrong. Maybe they’re not palatable enough, and this is all just some inarticulated horseshit im spewing through the text.
That’s fine. That’s okay.
I can’t really bring myself to care anymore.
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soupedepates · 5 months
So. Let me introduce the Puget de Cabassole du Réal de Berbentane. Old money, old nobility "Nobles of the Sword", Catholic (as they should), entwined in the story of the Templars (at least the sect that came after it).
In these time and age, we have Thomas, the head of the family, the patriarch. His mother died when he was ten, and he had to assume the role of his grieving father, while they (he, his dad, his brother, his three sisters) were away from the Commanderie in the Pays Basque. They return when Thomas was 12, because he had to carry the legacy, he had to get the training as a true knight. And well, undiagnosed ADHD dominant hyperactivity did wonder: "this boy has no head but would do a marvelous knight". Thomas always knew he wasn't the brightest, but he was fiercely loyal and righteous to the point of the Savior Syndrome, such a proeminent feature in the family. Even if he was the best friend of the Great Master of the order, Thomas got dubbed quite late: he married at 15, became an orphan a few months after the wedding and a father at 16. He never had time to be a teenager, but although he took on huge responsibilities early he keeps all his life an endearing childishness, he just sees good in everyone, he just loves to have fun with his friends, he just loves his wife and children, he is pretty happy with his life. But of course, he is a product of his environment. He is a devout Catholic, and though he never rose his hand on his cherished wife he did hit his eldest and acted as a patriarch. He never helps Elvire with the children or the housework, because this "isn't a man's work", while you can see him work in the fields early in the morning and helps training the youngling in the afternoon. Thomas is the second-in-command, because the family was always close to power, but humble enough not to claim it. He embodies the motto of his house: "Loyality to the Man, devotion to the Lord". He would die for anyone asking him to. He would save anyone he thinks needs to be saved. There is only one thing more sacred than helping your neighbour for him: family. He would, and he has, kill for his family. But he can't help but be disappointed for being a father to nine girls, and only one son.
Elvire is Thomas's wife. She was raised to be a wife by her meek mother and her cruel father. She always went hungry, she always feared men and their anger, so she grew quiet, discreet, compliant. She married Thomas because she had to, before falling in love with the boy who was worshipping her like she was God. To be honest, she almost thought Thomas loved her more than the Lord and was ready to tell him to stop; but she learnt Thomas was just hyperbolic and extreme in his way of loving. He made her feel worthy for the first time. He made her feel loved. He had her go well fed and happy, and assured her she was beautiful and wonderful each and everytime they kissed. It is a never-ending courtship, Elvire is the only one of her sisters ending a love marriage. She nearly died of her first pregnancy at 16, birthing gigantic baby Tomyris. She had trouble loving her, while she fell in love when she laid her eyes on baby Prudence and the eight others. She never forgives herself for that, because she knows she thought she needn't take care of her eldest for she was strong enough to thrive. Even after getting married, Elvire stayed quiet. She sometimes puts her head on Thomas' shoulder and asks him if he regrets marrying her, he always says that he loves her and their family more than everything and that she is the most beautiful woman of the world. Elvire feels loved. Safed. Saved.
Tomyris is the first-born. She was supposed to marry the son of the Great Master, her best friend, until an other bachelorette came around. She was raised to be a wife and a mother, to care after her sisters, to be protective and strong, but because her father had no son she always had to assume the role of the boy of the family because she was tall and strong. At 9, she was tall enough to be considered as a teen, and was sexualized because of that; she understood also at that age that her quiet mother could be fierce and deadly if her offspring was at stake, she started to understand her mother was more of a lionness than she thought. At 10 her hair fell off, alopecia universalis, so she wasn't suited for marriage anymore. But because she was as strong as the boys, if not stronger, and was as hyperactive as her father, she started training. Women's world was too much subtext for her undiagnosed autism anyway, but she felt like she was robbed of something (she didn't know what at that age). She actually liked training. And oh, how great she was. Better than most of them (mostly because she was taller and stronger, thanks Thomas' genetics and insistance for his daughters to never go hungry), the only match was her best friend, the one whe was once betrothed to. She fell in love with the perfect girl (who actually was a boy, and she knew it, she didn't understand but accepted because what Ambroise said was like the gospel) without knowing this was love. She saw her sisters getting married. Her sister Quitterie crying in her arms and begging for protection, because her husband has violated her. People frowning upon her promotion to knighthood, the first and only woman who had that honour. She follows the motto of the family. She is deadly loyal, and this is her biggest flaw. Sometimes, she dreams of the life she should've had: marriage, children, family. But she is her father's favourite, until the birth of her brother, and also the shield of her sisters. She always took the punishment for them, because she was tough enough. She loves her sisters more than her life. She couldn't care less about her brother. She doesn't know him, they are 21 years apart. She was always considered a freak and loved the old Foulques, as much of a freak as one can be, more than her own father. And she meets Jennifer. Fragile Jennifer, Jennifer as a damsel in distress, Jennifer stronger than she seems and than she thinks. Tomyris loves like her father, blindly and devoutly. Of course she would kill for Jennifer.
Prudence is the second. She started to look at her elder with contempt when Tomyris declared alopecia. She was spoilt by her parents, because she was the first "true" daughter, and she was supposed to marry big. And she married at 14 a good man, she never loved him but likes his companionship. She has 15 children. It is her duty. She birthed boys for her father and her husband, so the legacy would be carried on. She was raised to be the perfect mother and housewife, and she is everything you want a trophy wife to be. She makes things look effortless, and will look at you with disdain if you can't do it, even if she trained for long before giving this impression. She is proud of her children. She loves them and would die for them. The first time her husband slapped her, she slapped back and yelled at him, saying she was pregnant with his very own child and he'd better treat her like a princess or he won't have any heir. Though she considered Tomyris with contempt, she learnt from her sister to be assertive and to look confident even when she wasn't. Prudence knows her worth. Maybe she isn't the perfect Catholic wife she wants to look like, she isn't submissive and feeble enough; she carries this outspoken legacy and raises her daughters not to let their husbands treat them less than a queen. Even if she is traditional, she pursues the breaking of the circle initiated by her mother.
Quitterie is the third. She wasn't cultivated and perfect like Prudence, but she was prettier, and she was quick-witted. Growing up she looked up to her elder sisters, learning to make herself respected like Tomyris and to be a good housewife like Prudence. Her marriage is horrible. She is scared of her husband. She hides behind Tomyris. She begs her father to intervene, but "it is her husband, her family, her problems". Her mother forsakes her in this ordeal. Only Tomyris actively tries to protect her, until she can't do it anymore. She is worshipping her eldest sister but won't say a thing about it. She hates Prudence. She looks after her younger siblings, worried sick they have her fate. But Quitterie is a scaredy cat behind all her wit, she won't escape even if given the chance. The only thing she does is praying that Tomyris will one day save her, or that her husband will die in his sleep.
After Quitterie comes Aliénor. She is the prettiest. She was raised with sisters looking after her and parents spoiling her like a princess. She is cheerful. She is pious. She is humble and kind. Yes, she isn't that smart, but she is genuine. She is very close to her mother, she talks with her for hours while doing embroidery. She has a love marriage. Her tragedy is multiple miscarriages, until her rainbow twins. Aliénor is happy. She is maybe the happiest sister. But never has she ever questionned the system.
Zénaïde is the fifth children, and she is the smartest. She scares her father sometimes by her insight and knowledge. She wanted to be a theologian, or a priest, but she was born a woman. She preferred books to people, and was for Thomas the most enigmatic child. Zénaïde never thought herself as an enigma, but she was to her parents who couldn't wrap their head around the fact she was hyperfixated on books and religion. She married a good man, she loves him in her aromantic fashion, they have a child for good mesures. Zénaïde aspires to her own path, but not without her sisters. She is the one trying to hold the family together by writing regularly to everyone. She loves them without knowing how to tell them. She looks at her child, who is so different from the others, and she hugs them, and kisses them, and tells them they're so, so, so loved.
Marguerite is the crazy sister. They prefer locking her up in the house, in her bedroom, not to bring shame to the family. Marguerite broke down under the pressure to be a perfect wife, especially when Tomyis left. Tomyris was her role model, so different from the other Templar women. She is secluded in her room, in her head, alone with herself, and she yearns for someone to talk to her.
No-one cares about Blandine. She is the seventh daughter. She isn't as pretty as Aliénor, nor as smart as Zénaïde, nor as strong as Tomyris, nor as witted as Quitterie, nor as perfect as Prudence. No-one cares about Blandine so she doesn't care about herself. Her parents were busy with a lot of other kids and issues, mostly after Marguerite's breakdown and Emmanuelle's rebellion. She doesn't feel like a part of the family. She has a love marriage, and for the first time someone cares about Blandine.
Emmanuelle is the eighth and the most recklessness. Tomyris is her idol and she is a daddy's girl. She wants to be as strong and tall and confident as her eldest sister. As such she shaved her head, she tried to train with the boys, she fell in love with a girl. But Emmanuelle was a Puget's daughter. She had to marry a proper man. So she married. And she ran away with her girlfriend. She got protected by Tomyis until she can sustain herself. She feels guilty not to be independent, but she doesn't realised how strong she is.
And here's come Athalie, the last girl. Elvire and Thomas keep her in childhood. They're not ready for her to marry, and they don't want either a Marguerite or an Emmanuelle. So Athalie is the child. She doesn't feel like she belongs with her peers. She sometimes sleeps with Marguerite, who only seems calm in her company.
Finally, the only son, Pie. He was wanted so much. His father spoilt him rotten, while his mother tried to do the discipline. Pie is mischievous, and looks like Tomyris and Quitterie. As stubborn as the first one, as witted as the second one. He will do for a good heir. If he lives long enough. The Puget de Cabassole du Réal de Berbentane males have a tendency to die young.
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 26, 2023
Saturation of visual responses explains size tuning in rat collicular neurons. Baranauskas, G., Rysevaite‐Kyguoliene, K., Sabeckis, I., & Pauza, D. H. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(2), 285–309.
Reconstruction of sparse recurrent connectivity and inputs from the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal networks. Barranca, V. J. (2023). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 51(1), 43–58.
Population codes enable learning from few examples by shaping inductive bias. Bordelon, B., & Pehlevan, C. (2022). eLife, 11, e78606.
Cerebro-cerebellar networks facilitate learning through feedback decoupling. Boven, E., Pemberton, J., Chadderton, P., Apps, R., & Costa, R. P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 51.
The role of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in creating cognitive maps. Costa, K. M., Scholz, R., Lloyd, K., Moreno-Castilla, P., Gardner, M. P. H., Dayan, P., & Schoenbaum, G. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 107–115.
Functional geometry of the cortex encodes dimensions of consciousness. Huang, Z., Mashour, G. A., & Hudetz, A. G. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 72.
Optimal Control Costs of Brain State Transitions in Linear Stochastic Systems. Kamiya, S., Kawakita, G., Sasai, S., Kitazono, J., & Oizumi, M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2), 270–281.
Do cognitive and physical effort costs affect choice behavior similarly? Lim, L. X., Fansher, M., & Hélie, S. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 112, 102727.
Deciphering functional roles of synaptic plasticity and intrinsic neural firing in developing mouse visual cortex layer IV microcircuit. Liu, S., & Li, Y. (2023). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 51(1), 23–42.
Arithmetic value representation for hierarchical behavior composition. Makino, H. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 140–149.
Altered integration of excitatory inputs onto the basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. Mitchell, D. E., Miranda-Rottmann, S., Blanchard, M., & Araya, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2208963120.
Introducing the Dendrify framework for incorporating dendrites to spiking neural networks. Pagkalos, M., Chavlis, S., & Poirazi, P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 131.
A statistical foundation for derived attention. Paskewitz, S., & Jones, M. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 112, 102728.
Rapid synaptic and gamma rhythm signature of mouse critical period plasticity. Quast, K. B., Reh, R. K., Caiati, M. D., Kopell, N., McCarthy, M. M., & Hensch, T. K. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2123182120.
Lingering Neural Representations of Past Task Features Adversely Affect Future Behavior. Rangel, B. O., Hazeltine, E., & Wessel, J. R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2), 282–292.
Evidence for entropy maximisation in human free choice behaviour. Rens, N., Lancia, G. L., Eluchans, M., Schwartenbeck, P., Cunnington, R., & Pezzulo, G. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105328.
Choice selective inhibition drives stability and competition in decision circuits. Roach, J. P., Churchland, A. K., & Engel, T. A. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 147.
Information-processing dynamics in neural networks of macaque cerebral cortex reflect cognitive state and behavior. Varley, T. F., Sporns, O., Schaffelhofer, S., Scherberger, H., & Dann, B. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2207677120.
Transformation of acoustic information to sensory decision variables in the parietal cortex. Yao, J. D., Zemlianova, K. O., Hocker, D. L., Savin, C., Constantinople, C. M., Chung, S., & Sanes, D. H. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2212120120.
Hippocampal spatial representations exhibit a hyperbolic geometry that expands with experience. Zhang, H., Rich, P. D., Lee, A. K., & Sharpee, T. O. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 131–139.
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Originally these were the tags for the prev post but i ended up hitting 30 tags so: Energon goodies and energon additives HCs (yes, I'm going to throw human terms in there just to spice things up. I will use the term sweets as a catch all phrase because i can)
Optimus has a major sweet tooth. Like, a major major sweet tooth. He used to buy them all the time before the war, but then they became rare as hell and he felt obligated to automatically turn them over to his colleagues. After all, there were more concerning things to worry about, just forget about that craving for lead flakes in the morning energon. Now? Fjfkkgufuf it's a frequent sight.
Megatron hadn't had very many treats like that in his life, and they can overwhelm his sense of taste very fast. Orion once took him to a fancy cafe, and Unattended Child In A Sundae Bar syndrome kicked in, which lead to it all coming back up half a groon later. This is part of the reason he ended up going nuts over the fish marbles, they're the Cybertronian equivalent of chewing on ice chips.
Ratchet only really likes rust sticks, and used to have a jar of them in his old clinic. Pharma would affectionately tease that "those are for the patients" as he proceeded to retop the jar for the fourth time this cycle. Legitimately he was the first guy to figure out about Starscream's Stream. Ratchet then proceeded to bitch and moan about that for ages.
Pharma, speaking of him, is the guy who prefers bitter treats. He gets the ones that everyone else would normally dislike, leaving him very smug with his six packets of yellow quartz and tube of gelled energon which is only a vorn old (he swears up and down that it's fine that stuff practically never expires, and I'm sad to say he's entirely right; the only thing that changes is taste)
Knockout is the Latte™️ mech. Breaky jokes all the time about if KO would like some energon with his additive. This is 100% husband hyperbole. He doesn't necessarily care for solid goodies, which works out well for them.
Breakdown, like Megatron and Soundwave, has had pretty much just average energon his whole functioning. However, this means that upon giving the option to sweets he inhales them with equal fervor. If Knockout wants his additive he's gotta act fast, which is mostly an inside joke he'll get it.
Soundwave is the guy who eats them in rainbow order, but he says he's saving them for for Laserbeak (which is a lie, LB is 100% swooping in and taking what she wants the little thief🥰)
I'm not entirely sure that Shockwave can ingest solids. Which means the science solution, blend it all up and drink it like a smoothie. People look at him exactly like he's a damn monster for this, but he's got a fair idea of complimentary tastes so it works.
Rung, Starscream, and Swindle are naturally our sources for this influx of sweets. Which, is yet another source of income lol. And the moment Ratchet figured out about this when he moderately interrogated Starscream. Swindle saw an opportunity for profit and cut some handwave deals with the autobots for candy lol.
Starscream used to frequently partake in all of them... until he started the Goodie stream. She had originally tried to ingest all the failed creations, which got old fast and totally ruined her taste for them. Now, the failed sweets go to a bargain bin side of the shop to get rid of all that damn beryllium.
Swindle strikes me as a savory guy. If he was human, he'd absolutely love school pizza but he's not so hot highgrade and oilcakes all the way. I am staring into this mech's big purple optics and i just know his servos are greasy.
The vehicons got a whole system. First come first serve, but this is entirely respected and fighting over energon goodies and additives is considered Extra petty. Often, mecha in relationships will vouch to share them together under the covers lol.
Rung only likes candy occasionally, but is 100% going to get you your exact favorite. He's ancient, he's seen so many cultures' delicacies and has most definitely tried dark energon at least once and lightly regrets it. By lightly regrets it i mean him up and saying "ok this ended up making my fuel tanks a little queasy but others seem to enjoy this so it just means it is not for me"
Arcee has that Single Damn thing she likes and once she found out Swindle and Starscream were selling homemade versions of this she mayyyyy have had a crackhead moment. She voted in favor with Ratchet's idea of the Swindle candy deal, alongside Optimus.
Bulkhead's the guy who snacks on crystals in front of the kids. Which definitely shocked the first time he found a ruby on the floor of a mine and chronch "did you just eat a fucking rock???"
Wheeljack seems like a spicy guy. Like, pour the Cybertronian equivalent of hot sauce into his energon, down it like a shot, and relish in the burn. He's also the dude who will grab extra stuff to give to his friends.
Jazz seems to me like a mocktail guy, fairly good at mixing up drinks that won't get you overcharged. Heavy on the additives and gels, light on the physical goodies. He has been told he should open a bar for this, which he shrugged off and said "maybe".
Elita One seems like a generalist who won't take anything unless offered, but will enjoy pretty much anything. She actually voted against the Swindle deal originally, but upon learning that this might actually mean they could get access to other supplies from the stars, said yes.
Prowl, my poor autistic son, absolutely loves goodies and additives but his systems cannot tolerate them at all like Megatron's. But, on the other servo, i am staring this mech in the visor and i can sense he would actually enjoy medigrade energon and exactly everyone looks at him like he's crazy for this.
The rescue bots are 100% down to fight each other dentae and servo for candy. It's hilarious, the Burns family has more pictures for their photobooks upon seeing this for the first time because it's exactly what you wouldn't expect.
Tarn is a little bit like Shockwave, in that he mixes them together rather often. Unlike Shockwave, however, he has absolutely no sense of taste beyond oooh sweet so he ends up creating these abominations that have no flavor beyond full system flashbang. Nobody knows how he tolerates this, or which came first the acute lack of intake sensors or the cacophonous combination of fuel.
The rest of the DJD works similar to the Rescue bots in distribution style, except far more brutal. Serious injuries have been had in the frenzied attempts to obtain sweets, which has lead to Tarn banning them from the Peaceful Tyranny (which he swears isn't because he wants them for himself no sirre it's for their own good honest donest😁)
Predaking, who will be born soon i swear, will take exactly everything you give him. He will help Starscream taste-test creations later on eventually! He's a big boi and it's ~interesting~ to have a newbuild on board, nevermind a predacon newbuild.
The fallen has exactly no clue what any of this is and will never have a clue. Though, the original thirteen did in fact try various minerals several times and never quite worked out the trial and error.
Arachnid is, you guessed it, pretty selective, but by god if you have her favorite you better be willing to forfeit it or forfeit your arm. Which is fair, as it's rather uncommon on earth and Starscream's least favorite to make.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
Can you finger a girl if you’re wearing nail polish or will it cause like toxic shock?
hi anon,
you're probably being hyperbolic, but for the sake of education I'm going to point out that toxic shock syndrome is causes by very specific bacterias that are extremely unlikely to be sexually transmitted, especially not by nail polish.
digital sex with nail polish on is perfectly safe, although if you're worried you can always pull on some disposable medical gloves or finger cots.
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jessaerys · 10 months
brothercrush how are u the coolest person alive and how do i rid myself of imposter syndrome
a. statistically unlikely but i am flattered by the hyperbole hehehehe. i'm probably in the top 500 though. if you really like me you oughta get murdering
b. im curious as to why you think i could answer this question! i don't think i've ever talked about imposter syndrome that i can recall.
but hm. lets see. first is defining what you mean by imposter syndrome and calling it what it is instead of the meaningless popsci middle class anxiety turn of phrase it's become.
since i'm an artist i'll use art as the subject of the anxiety. is what you are feeling "i don't think my art is very good" or is it "when people tell me i'm good, i don't believe them" or is it "i don't think i deserve my success and sooner or later someone better than me is gonna take my spot" or is it "i don't think i deserve my success so i feel hostile towards the success of others" or is it "there are people who are better than me, therefore it doesn't matter that i am good because i'm never going to be the best" or is it "i'm not successful so maybe i should stop pursuing this thing" or is it "i don't know if i'm good because no one is telling me i'm good, so maybe i'm incompetent, which is a real posibility, and i don't know how to tell"
people use "imposter syndrome" to define all of the above!
figure out what the anxiety is, define it as specifically as possible. uhh maybe write it down with pen and paper. yeah. i'm killing this unprofessional mental health advice thing. after that, google the problem and add "reddit" at the end. hope this helps <3
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
Any hopes I had for a Super Mario Movie were dead the moment it was announced Illumination was making it, sorry.
Illumination films (and Bluesky before that) are basic and hollow in a way that's just really insulting to me. Keep in mind I do unironic art of cereal mascots. I'm not immune to corporate marketing!! Even the most obscure indie stuff has to sell.
You know how some people rate modern Disney films by the merit of the original concept art because that always looks cooler even if there's no guarantee that the story would be any good or better than the finished product? I hate that so much. Same face syndrome+boring style+so-so writing+whatever you dislike about them aside; you can't ever say the writers behind those films aren't trying (minus Wreck it Ralph 2: I aint watching That. No not even if Comfortable Doug is in it). Hate it all you want for how oversaturated it is by the higher ups, but Frozen did try.
Illumination's films feel like the entire movie is governed by suits. They feel so calculated. So held back. They never push any boundaries not because the writers don't want to, but because the filmmakers can't allow anything too 'edgy'. You can't say the same for the Sony films or for even Dreamworks' 2000s catalogue. Those movies could be trainwrecks but I kinda prefer the edge of something like Bee Movie to the nothingburger of something like Sing. Why this is so sad to me is, simply put, there are writers behind these movies. There's absolutely art and imagination. It's not like working on Illumination makes you some kind of hack.
Secret Life of Pets and Sing feel like cute, safe ideas when you look at them in concept. They wouldn't blow people away ever but they would have been something...and then they were nothing because Chris Meledandri is a hack who thinks jangling keys is the substance of a good movie because he's only ever good at selling movies, not thinking of them. Despicable Me was actually the creation of Sergio Pablos, the guy who directed Klaus. Sergio had ideas and you can really feel in the script and in the concept for everything Despicable Me 1 is. Even the gags are really inspired, I think. I remember this old video that was just "Minions but without Minions" and it was a billion times more watchable than any of the full movies because you could tell where and what comic timing and detail the writers put into their work...and it all feels so wasted on the Minions. I like Illumination's artstyle. I keep seeing other critics of their films call them the most increative, worst designers in the world and I think that's so unfair. The robber family who picks up the minions in Minions have fine, designs, Ralphthemoviemaker. You're just being a pissy pants because you don't like the style.
I've literally never cared for/about Super Mario in any capacity and never care to. Details of what the characters should be matter not if you can make anything out of it. Just seeing some people push this narrative of "you have to like this movie because it's made to make you feel good and be" (no joke, I saw someone on twitter literally preaching that) makes me actively resent this film by association. I'm sorry but no. Don't you dare. Don't you dare wag your finger at me and tell me I'm not allowed to complain about something being subpar and irritating just because it was made to 'entertain' and clearly did that for you.
Am I making entire hate blogs over this that are just an echo chamber for other butthurt fauxcritic-cry babies? Am I posting cringe compilations and laughing at unironic fans? Am I bullying kids for their hyperfixation the way I still see people do with Frozen and Teen Titans Go? If the answer is "no" - cope. I don't like your feel good movie. Get it away from me.
It feels so hyperbolic --like, MysteriousMrEnter level hyperbolic, I mean-- but Chris Miladandri doesn't care about the films he produces and neither do their directors or overseers of story. Every Illumination film and Bluesky property deserved better than what this man expected of and made out of them.
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mechieonu · 2 years
the violet evergarden: eternity and the auto memory doll movie was so poignantly, palpably queer it's not even funny
you've got violet, the beautiful stoic veteran and well-known ghostwriter, and isabella, the troublesome debutante in training of which violet has been assigned to. and at first you can immediately see the tension in both violet being unflaggingly loyal to the job and frustratingly good at it in comparison to her—shows isabella how to hoist books on her head, use proper dining utensil etiquette, is generally nonchalant (as nonchalant as vi can be lmao) to isabella's chagrin etc etc—
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and from isabella's POV, she's got huge imposter syndrome since she's an illegitimate child, is only really becoming a debutante so her sister can have a better life, and is effectively trapped because no one at that school knows who she is, and only sees her for her family name. and then here comes this quiet, pretty, perfect girl showing her up at everything she's supposed to be working on, who has to follow her for every hour of the day. violet isn't supposed to play on her insecurities and yet she does, and isabella resents her for it in the beginning.
that is, until she realizes her feelings of inadequacy are completely one-sided bc violet just doesn't feel that way at all. there's not a shred of superiority or pride or obstinacy; this is just a job for her, and on top of that, violet's just so genuinely honest to a fault. so when she admits that she's an orphan after isabella goes on to say she's perfect, it takes her by complete surprise. this is where her illusion of violet starts to shatter, where she starts to relate to violet on a more personal level, and where movie goes from mildy gay to heartbreakingly queer
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because isabella slowly starts to warm up to violet, and more than that, she starts to fall in love with her!!!!! like. hhhhhOHmy god you can just feel the moment violet's unflinching honesty and beauty goes from frustrating to unbearably endearing, to the point where isabella gets her to bathe with her, that they sleep together for the better part of 3 MONTHS, that the movie always, ALWAYS makes a point of having violet hold her hands so tenderly
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GOD the debutante ball?? with Isabella completely unable to take her eyes off violet???? IT LOOKS LIKE THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED AND I'M NOT EVEN BEING HYPERBOLIC
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elekinetic · 2 years
🍓 (reluctantly)
oh. hello, tumblr user strangeswift. i’m gonna gag thru writing this whole thing bc ✨honesty and vulnerability✨ but, as our forefathers said: fuck it we ball.
listen. i know i am extremely hyperbolic. tis part of my charm, my humor, etc etc [im doing a stupid gentleman’s bow rn ok]. and yk, it’s part of the wider tumblr culture. i’m aware of this, and you’re aware of this, so i want u to LISTEN when i say i am exaggerating any part of this:
you are one of the coolest motherfuckers on this site. i don’t mean “i admire you 🤩🤩” cool, i don’t mean “famous blog” cool, i mean like, person to person, you are so fucking cool. like, you are so funny?? without even trying?? and like you are SO smart it’s ridiculous, you notice shit and bring up shit i wouldn’t have ever thought of. and you’re rational and sensible and also so understanding and empathetic like. dude. and it’s insane bc, listen. real talk? i fucking hate angst. i am already sad, why would i want to be MORE sad. but dude, your writing?? first of all you have such a deep and intuitive understanding of the characters and of story (i mean, the level of skill required to pull off milevenvision, much less CREATE it ugh), but secondly your writing MAKES ME LIKE ANGST. like, i like your writing not in spite of the angsty-ness, but BECAUSE of it. and i think it’s your understanding and empathy that makes it possible, bc you approach it with a level of realism and care, and with an artful hand too. i mean, bro. you got me to root for fucking [six letter redacted word]. [SIX LETTER REDACTED WORD].
anyway. our bond is not of this world or whatever the fuck the fake script said. extremely glad to know you.
p.s. thanks for single-handedly making me unpack my “not like other girls” syndrome and actually enjoy taylor swift.
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hyperlexichypatia · 2 years
For everyone
 It's been a while since I posted anything here, so I might as well weed out those who aren't paying attention --
If an 18 year old, schizoaffective, dissociative, autistic, transgender, voice-hearing, fat, intellectually disabled person with Down Syndrome who visibly twitches and talks to themself in public, wants to forego psychiatric medicine but take hormone replacement therapy, they should be free to do that.
If they want to undergo gender confirmation surgery, they should be free to do that.
If they want to film porn and post it on the internet, they should be free to do that.
If they want to conceive, bear, and raise children, they should be free to do that.
If they want to subsist on nothing but gummy bears and cigarettes, they should be free to do that.
They should also have the right to vote, manage their own money, serve on a jury, and seek public office.
These examples are hypothetical, but not hyperbolic -- they are combinations of traits that really exist in real life. Real people who deserve real rights. Autonomy and presumption of competence are for everyone. Not only for those who are deemed "smart" or "sane" or "mature," not only for those whose choices are deemed "healthy" or "morally correct." For everyone.
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starseedpatriot · 2 years
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The Matrix is a holographic construct that is built on control & slavery projecting illusions of freedom to hijack organic consciousness inducing mass states of hypnosis that can be categorized as Collective Stockholm Syndrome.
It creates false implantations of the Self that engage the reptilian brain, which seeks dominance ensuring an entire civilization dependent on false authority and false security.
It doesn’t represent the authentic state of human consciousness that is sovereign and whole.
It is the very reason for poverty, chronic & mental illness, war, division, child trafficking, and ALL of the suffering in this world.
It’s not a sustainable system by any stretch of the imagination.
It’s a self destructing system that aims to disconnect soul from humanity no matter how much false positivity and false spirituality it bombards you with.
It’s a swindle on the grandest scale.
It will NEVER allow any of its inhabitants to live freely, only in hyperbole fashion.
But what does it want? Simple.
Your Eternal Divinity. Your God-given birthright for abundance and prosperity. We are powerful creators and we’ve been duped into directing our creative power to serve the Matrix as our master rather than our Supreme Creator.
The matrix requires a rigid linear 3D timeline for its enslavement system, which like anything that limits true growth inevitably comes to an end.
Many have accepted their ascension (natural evolution of the soul) embodying the sacred principles for conscious living in harmony with nature and all forms of life as an embodiment of New Earth.
Many are still trapped in the hivemind where their consciousness has been hijacked by the matrix and they are waiting for the false authorities to direct them further into misery and death because they’ve lost their free will.
We are watching The Matrix movie end in real time. (Movies are more real than any news.) Although it can seemingly take years for its completion.
As the matrix continues to collapse (at accelerated speed now) divisions of it are being phased out while higher dimensions are being anchored in.
The controllers (Agent Smith’s) that serve the Matrix are ramping things up to once again hijack consciousness and deliver it to Artificial Intelligence because that is their true master god.
Some questions that help take your power back from the soul sucking matrix and prepare for New Earth:
🍇Do you know how to eat without a market?
🌱Do you know how to heal without a doctor?
📚Do you know how to learn without a teacher?
🧘🏻‍♀️Do you know how to answer your own prayer?
💸Do you know how to live without money?
🏡Do you know how to have property without property tax?
🙏Do you know how to have faith without fear?
♥️Do you know how to love without another?
By, Melissa LaReyna
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radgranny · 2 years
day 37 on antidepressants: up until this last few days not much had changed. for the most part i’ve just been very tired, it had improved from the first 2 weeks where I literally couldn’t get through the day without napping to just feeling kind of tired. But last night I had trouble falling asleep, i probably got like 5 hours of sleep before i woke up at 6am and had trouble falling back asleep. insomnia is a possible side effect, so i’m not sure if it’s related to the medication or just a one off. I felt pretty awake the entire day despite not getting much sleep.
while i was laying in bed in the morning trying to get back to sleep I impulsively decided I was going to start a huge project in my living room, upon my landlord's approval. I felt super motivated and excited to get started on the project and did without consulting my boyfriend. Honestly, reflecting on my behavior today it was a little manic (using it hyperbolically), but I feel good. Again, not sure if this was related to the medication or just a one off incident. we’ll see if these energy bursts and motivation continue. 
my stomach has been killing me this last two days, and I’m still pretty nauseous when i eat. It’s not as bad as before but I can only handle small portions of food without feeling sick. Being nauseous throughout the day is becoming the new normal. 
I’m not a hypochondriac but i’m worried about serotonin syndrome, cause insomnia and the stomach issues are side effects. I’m sure I’m fine but I think i’m going to keep an eye out to see if these patterns continue. I stopped the protein shake I’ve been taking till my psychiatrist can review the ingredients and make sure none of it interacts negatively with the medication.
I scheduled an appointment with a new therapist, so hopefully she’s a good match. baby steps, but feels like there’s progress
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unhingedhearties · 6 months
TeamE83Liz's Behavior Is Concerning
One of the more mentally unstable When Calls The Heart fans, TeamE83Liz (who's deleted and created so many new accounts by this point she's had almost a dozen different names) is giving off some real serial killer vibes. I'm sorry if that sounds hyperbolic or extreme, but I can't think of any other way to describe this.
I've been informed that she's made two new Instagram accounts (although one of them appears to have been deleted already) and was trying to pretend to be someone else, but kept leaving the same creepy, stalkerish comments on Erin Krakow's profile (vaguely calling her a whore, saying she's going to hell for being in a relationship with Ben, getting really angry any time Erin posted photos of herself with friends etc.) that several people could tell right away it was her.
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I really don't understand this mindset. TeamE83Liz is still frothing at the mouth because people on Twitter are saying mean things about the fictional character Elizabeth, but doesn't at all see a problem with saying reprehensible stuff about real people and leaving hateful comments on their social media pages. 
Also, this "Erin laughed at a Starbucks employee for misspelling her name" is something I can't find. She hasn't touched Twitter in a long time and I checked her latest Instagram posts and didn't see this. If someone can show me what this is referencing I would appreciate it. I have a feeling this is something buried in an Instagram post from several years ago and was lighthearted and not anything malicious.
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This is something I've noticed every time TeamE83Liz deletes one of her accounts and makes a new one with a new name. She gets butthurt that she doesn't have a lot of followers. She is never able to make the connection that each time she deletes her accounts the followers she has are not going to automatically follow the next one she makes. I don't know if this is tech illiteracy or Main Character Syndrome or if she's just stupid.
More whining about being blocked, zero reflection on what she does to cause people to block her.
This woman, who it sounds like is hurtling towards middle age, spends a solid 3 months out of the year sick at the thought of adults who have their lives together and are productive members of society being in a relationship and building families.
Liz, if you ever end up reading this:
There is nothing wrong with being single if that's what someone wants. You can live a healthy and fulfilling life without relationships. In fact, statistically it's healthier for women to be single then married to men. But if you, Liz, haven't made this choice and are single because no one wants to be with you, you really need to reflect on how you act and present yourself to other people and what it is you do that drives people away. Based on all the social media posts TeamE83Liz has made, it looks like she's a dangerous, unhinged, obsessed fanatic that can't separate reality and fiction wrapped up in a victim complex.
Two actors you've never met or spoken to being in a relationship who might, at some point in the future, get married and have kids shouldn't affect ANYONE'S life. How on earth does the happiness of two people that I hope you never meet "ruin" your life? You are not the main character of the universe. You, like everyone else in the world, are of no importance to people you have never met. 
TeamE83Liz appears to have moved on from calling Ben "him" to "that thing". I wasn't kidding when I said she has serial killer vibes.
"I'd have to stay online, so I can make sure she reads the nasty stuff I'd say! I.Am. Worried. EVEN THOUGH, I don't want to believe she's with "IT"!!"
I've said this before and I feel like I'll end up saying it many times in the future. Don't ever feel sorry for the people that are featured on here. Save your pity for people who don't act like Robert John Bardo.
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Based on nothing, she's convinced herself that the character's Elizabeth and Lucas were broken up because of Erin. Just ignoring the showrunner and producer and writers. 
Mark your Bingo cards, TeamE83Liz said that Erin's "way too private" again. Erin "didn't wanna kiss anybody anymore bc it'll make "that thing" jealous!"
More dehumanizing language against one of the actors. I really hope whoever works behind the scenes of When Calls The Heart keeps track of lunatics like this and finds a way to keep them from going to meet and greets and stuff like that. I hope there's some kind of safety protocol in place.
Maybe, just maybe, there was less kissing this season because they were going to break up the characters. No, that can't be it. It's because Erin went to Italy with Ben (Liz is really obsessed with this dumb Italy trip the cast took).
Oh look, more squealing about how she has a right to express herself. I guess I can agree with that since I'm using this Tumblr blog to express myself and the disgust I feel for people who obsess over a TV show. Freedom of Speech is awesome :D
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