#i can get yelled at for even daring having a differing opinion on a topic than an oomfie of mine
ocarinaofpride · 7 months
twitter is just a constant slew of horrid shit and then i come on here and everyones chill as hell Whats the deal with t hat
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neighborhoodscorpio · 4 months
Okay… in defense of the homewrecker.
The Ariana Grande hate is so crazy. I just feel like you have to be the most unserious person in the world to get worked up and feel the need to say something about a celebrity’s love life. Especially NOW. There are hundreds of abusive, toxic, physically harmful, predatory men in the entertainment industry and you can log on to see nothing but love for them! For FREE! Let alone every literal war happening right now. Yet this woman gets tangled in an affair and I see walls of hate everywhere. I don’t even care if what she did was wrong. I literally don’t. Half that industry should be in prison and y’all are yelling at her.
Let alone all the female artists who have made music very transparently about being The Other Woman… fucking baby daddies… etc etc. I feel as though she’s getting a misogynistic public punishment for presenting as a good girl figure and behaving differently. Weird aspect of the culture where indefensible behavior is more often tolerated when it’s openly shared.
Getting on a feminist high horse about jumping on Ariana Grande is laughable. The contempt for her is sooooo emotionally charged. I’m so surprised and confused by it. It feels like her biggest crime was daring to act like every other baddie while being 5’2” and I’m serious when I say that LMFAOOO… like… The amount of women jumping on it is crazy. They are speaking about feminism to hate on Ariana Grande. Girl we don’t have rights in half the states in the US. Ariana could steal five husbands and her feminist impact would still be greater than your comment. The fact that she did public democratic advocacy during the last election is literally enough to cover it. It’s like every woman feels as though miss Grande stole her man specifically. It’s giving traumatized. And I get that. But…
I have a really really really really hot take about cheating to add. To wrap up the whole topic… since I’ve been flabbergasted seeing the public opinion on every fucking website that I log into… listen. If anyone can steal your man, you should know about it. If you married a pathetic little worm, you should know about it. Instead of living your whole life convinced that your partner isn’t a piece of shit, I think it’s best to see what they’re capable of. My REALLY hot take is that the people who “steal” partners are doing a service. They’re the ones who reveal shitty character. They’re deep in the morally grey, to me.
Even though they might be doing it for self-serving reasons, obviously, there’s still a valuable function there. If a woman ever “stole” a partner from me, I’d thank her, key the guy’s car, and sleep really really well knowing that I’m not counting on someone weak. I wouldn’t even mourn what we had because it wasn’t actually there. If someone can’t even demonstrate a level of certainty with petty shit, I would never want to find out how weak they were in serious situations. Sooooo many men are horrible fucking people. If they cheat in love, they cheat in business, and elsewhere. The double standard is crazy there too. A woman doing romantic crimes is prison worthy. A man assaulting people though… just in his nature.
If anything, I feel bad for the women who actually want the cheating men they pursued. They’ve won a terrible life tournament and don’t even know it. The male validation is so strong, so addicting, that they can’t see the material damage that they’re causing to themselves, let alone OTHERS. If you can’t recognize that as a symptom of patriarchal poison idk how to talk with you about it. Feminism is so shallow in the mainstream that there is NO analysis if a woman’s actions are unsavory. Women hurt women because of men every single day. To be honest, if there wasn’t a baby in the picture, no one would give a shit about Ariana’s actions, and I haven’t seen that point made anywhere, either. An affair is an affair and no one cares. You hurt a woman? Who gives a shit. But now you’ve hurt a BABY? Suddenly the conversation turns into some bullshit about feminism. One of the most vile expressions of patriarchy is valuing a woman’s reproductive capacity more than her personhood, and this is no fucking different. Now that she’s reproduced, she almost deserves personhood. Outrage. Social commentary, even. Again— especially sickening in todays climate.
I just really can’t take y’all seriously. If it pissed you off just say that. But don’t invent a feminist argument to make yourself feel justified for hating Ariana Grande now. From that angle, there is far too much nuance to not make yourself look stupid.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
On the topic of JK, and other 'problematic' media:
I think people get too wrapped up in group dynamics, that they feel they must align themselves to the 'good guys' and stress themselves out on definitive moral thoughts and actions based on what another group or perceived majority is shouting. And I think that's just a recipie for an unhealthy relationship with the world at large.
It's good to listen to multiple perspectives, but ultimately you're your best moral arbiter. Decide for yourself what arguments make sense from each side, what things feel right to you, and then stick to it. Be open to new perspectives, but you shouldn't let every contrary opinion make you feel like an inherently bad person because the conclusions you reached were different. Figure out what your personal moral pillars are and mould your worldview based on those things.
On the other side of that, you gave to accept that other people are going to also come to different conclusions. There is no perfect good and bad. You don't have to agree, and your disagreement can determine how you feel about and view others, but they're no less human or even inherently bad. (Unpopular opinion, I reckon)
You can even hold views, feelings, and desires you consider bad or not great and not feel all that bad about it. Nobody's perfect.
You're allowed to be human. To have little idiosyncrasies, bad habits, bad moods, and be a little hypocritical even. Stop feeling bad for being a person and start deciding what kind of person you want to be, regardless of the in-group.
(Sorry, that turned out a bit longer than intended, I just see you get a lot of asks that seem to feel like they need to easily fit on one side or the other because of what everyone else is yelling. You look inwards for you foundations, and outwards for your framing)
I'm laughing my ass off because I was like "What? Jungkook is not problematic! How dare!"
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writertitan · 3 years
Grandfather Clock (III)
pairing: levi x f!reader
word count: 7068 (oops)
themes:  adult f!reader, arranged marriage, multi-part fic, levi is a stubborn asshole at first, no love at first sight here folks
a/n: the final part!! enjoy!!!
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Read Part 1 Here
Read Part 2 Here
On the 20th day of Levi’s engagement to you, he found himself tense, frowning, and sitting across a less than pleased Erwin, right in the commander’s office. 
Erwin sat at his desk, deep discontent written all over his face, with his arms folded tightly across his broad chest. 
Levi knew the scolding was coming and cursed himself in his head for being so careless. He hadn’t really meant too much by it. Mike had just been asking him how things were going as they walked down the hall together and the words had just tumbled out. Levi didn’t like talking about his personal life in general, mostly because he had hardly had one prior to getting engaged, but now he was extra wary. 
“Not much to tell. Just thankful she agreed not to have an actual wedding and to prolong it as long as possible.” 
That was all he’d said and he’d said it with a tone of finality that Mike understood well. It was the tone that warned not to push it any farther. 
It was just Levi’s luck that Erwin had rounded the corner as the words left him. The commander had bristled as he processed what Levi had said and then blurted out that he needed to see the shorter man immediately, in his office. 
Levi had never seen Mike hurry off so quickly before. 
And now here he was, tense and waiting for Erwin to lash out at him. 
The words came moments later, but Levi didn’t get yelled at, which made him feel worse. Erwin was quiet, stern, and very open with his disappointment. 
“Is it true? You really asked that of her?” 
“Yes,” Levi sighed, running a hand over his tired face. “I did.” 
“You didn’t even consult me about it. Levi, I hope you know I’m trying to grant you as much freedom as I can in this situation, but this was out of line. I’m sorry, but you don’t have that kind of say.” 
Erwin’s words made Levi wince a little, but he tried to keep a stoic face. He could see that the commander was waiting for him to say something, but Levi didn’t quite know what to say. 
He thought of you for a moment, and thought about how confused he’d been lately, and then looked at Erwin with a hint of a frown. 
“You’ve hardly given us any freedom,” he blurted out, and then cursed himself yet again. He’d used the word “us” instead of “me” and he knew that Erwin would catch wind of that. 
He did, and he even seemed to soften up a bit, raising a brow curiously. 
And then Erwin used you as ammunition. 
“You’ve stripped away any semblance of choice left for her by making her agree to your terms. She has even less freedom than you. Is that what you wanted?” Erwin asked, but the question was more rhetorical than anything. 
Levi’s frown grew deeper. His mind went back to you, how broken you’d looked when he’d said he didn’t want a wedding day, and how he wanted to wait as long as possible to actually be married. And then his mind took him to that day you were feeling unwell, and how that same broken expression appeared when he’d gotten upset with you. 
His chest grew heavy when he realized he had helped in breaking you. 
And even worse, he hadn’t gone back to visit you after that day, when you had fainted. It had spurred too many mixed emotions in him and he had wanted the space to clear his head. And you had confirmed you were still unwell in your most recent letter to him from yesterday. 
But maybe you were lying. Maybe Levi had broken you so much that you wanted to start keeping your distance from him. 
That’s what he wanted, right? 
Is that what you wanted?
Erwin’s unanswered question echoed in his mind. 
If that was what he’d wanted, why did he feel this way, so horrible, after being called out by Erwin? 
“I just don’t know what to do,” Levi finally said, unable to meet Erwin’s gaze. 
Erwin hummed and sat back in his chair, arms now unfolded as he looked at Levi. The conversation had gone way beyond Levi’s little mistake. As much as he wanted to help his friend, there was a reason Erwin had been wandering the halls. He had, in fact, been searching for Levi. And he had, in fact, been wanting to discuss the topic of you. It had been mere coincidence that Erwin had caught Levi’s confession. 
“Talk to her,” Erwin said, eyes on Levi, who was still looking anywhere but at him. “And I’d suggest going today. There was a reason I’ve been looking for you.” 
At that, Levi flickered his eyes to Erwin, a hint of curiosity in them. And, dare Erwin say, even a little bit of worry hid behind the silver. 
“Well, spit it out,” Levi said, already making to stand up. “What happened? Is something wrong?” 
Erwin also stood up, slowly and deliberately, and didn’t know how to answer that. 
“There’s been some...civil unrest recently. Some of the working class citizens have been getting riled up because of some recent unfortunate events with the upper class,” Erwin explained, watching carefully for Levi’s reaction. “Some of my intel has told me there’s talk of a few riots being planned.” 
“What kind of ‘unfortunate events’ are you talking about?” Levi pressed, arms at his side with hands clenched into fists. This didn’t sound good. 
“Seems like your fiancee’s father has been in some bad business deals that affected a lot of his workforce. And he’s got quite the workforce, if you remember,” Erwin murmured, looking a little thoughtful as he tried to gage Levi’s reaction. “I was looking for you to tell you that I’d like for you to go and check on things. I’m not sure how extreme the situation is.” 
Levi was already halfway out of the office and didn’t bother to answer. He was, without a doubt, upset. 
Upset that Erwin didn’t let him know about this immediately. 
Upset that it would take a while to get to you. 
And, curiously, he was upset that he was upset. What the hell was going on with him? 
In your parlor room, you were curled up on the sofa and reading your favorite book. It took all your willpower to try not to think about how, just a few days ago, Levi had touched those very same pages. 
He’d kept his distance since then, though you had certainly had some part in that by sending him a note to say you were still sick. It wasn’t true at all and you’d felt almost back to normal the next day, but you couldn’t really face Levi yet. Despite forgiving him and allowing yourself to have a little bit of hope that things would turn out okay for the two of you, it was obvious that Levi was still on the fence with you, and had a very specific opinion about who you were despite not getting to know you. 
You were using this time away from him to think of ways to show him that you weren’t that way at all, and that his impression of you was, truthfully, completely off the mark. 
As the grandfather clock sounded off at noon, it brought you back to reality. You set your book down, not that you’d actually been reading much of it, and sighed when your stomach grumbled. Definitely lunchtime. 
You stood up and stretched, about to walk to the kitchen and bother Chef Erlo when you realized something seemed...off. 
The clock struck noon for a final time and you realized that that was the only sound you could really hear from all over the house. Silence engulfed you when the grandfather clock stopped, and you peered out into the hallway, baffled when you saw absolutely nobody in sight. 
Feeling like you couldn’t break the silence, you stayed quiet as a mouse as you made your way to the kitchen, hoping to hear the usual bustle of noise there for lunch. Maybe that’s where everyone was. It was lunchtime, after all. Had you forgotten it was somebody’s birthday? Sometimes you’d sneak the staff into the servant’s quarters for a bit of a break and have a little birthday celebration during lunch, but you were sure nobody’s big day was today.
But you didn’t make it to the kitchen. As you got closer to the foyer, you could hear the commotion outside, interrupting the eerie silence in your home. Instead of going to check on things, curiosity got the best of you and you ended up peering out the window to see what was going on. A little gasp left your lips when you saw what was outside. 
Hoards of people were at the gates of your home, screaming and shouting profanities as they tried to make their way inside. Your heart sped up at the sight, absolutely terrified at the pure hatred they all wore on their faces. You couldn’t really make out what they were all saying, but you heard the profanities, and you heard your father’s name enough times to know that this was personal. 
The guards situated outside at the gate were pushing back as much as they could, and you even see that some of the Garrison soldiers had come to help out, but the crowd seemed to be growing bigger and bigger by the second. At any moment, it would bubble over and spill past the gates of your home. 
Right to you. 
Once again, after a lifetime of avoiding your father and his business to try and escape it, you were being dragged right into the middle of it instead. 
You had to run. The anger outside was something that was almost tangible; you could feel it weighing heavily in the air even from where you stood inside your home. No doubt that someone would try to hurt you just in the belief that it would hurt your father to know they’d gotten to you. 
For a brief moment, Levi flashed through your mind, and you sincerely regretted lying to him about still feeling unwell when his face popped to the front of your head. Maybe he would have helped you. Maybe not. The anger you could feel from the crowd outside was unfortunately similar to the anger Levi had bestowed upon you just a few days ago. 
As you backed away from the window, you thought of all the different places you could go to hide. So lost in your thoughts, you didn’t register the footsteps sneaking up behind you and gasped when a hand clamped against your mouth to keep you quiet. 
Before you could try and scream, a familiar voice whispered in your ear, “Shh, it’s only me. Let’s go.” 
You whirled around, tears of relief springing to your eyes as you hugged Greta tightly. 
“Greta,” you breathed out shakily, pulling away to look at her with wide eyes. “What’s going on?” 
“Let’s not talk here, come on,” she whispered, tugging you towards the servant’s quarters, where you knew the wine cellar was situated. As soon as the door was closed and locked behind the two of you, Greta practically dragged you down the stairs. It was cooler down there and you shivered involuntarily. 
There was dim candlelight at the end of the steps that lit up a narrow hallway, one that led towards a heavy wooden door. Chef Erlo was there holding a candelabra with one hand, a silver key in the other. 
Your tears of relief spilled over at the sight of him. 
“Erlo,” you whimpered, moving to hug him as well. He was just as quick about it as Greta was, gently stepping away from you with a small and sympathetic smile. 
“We’ll get you out of here safely, miss,” he promised you. 
A pang of fear hit you and you looked between Erlo and Greta, hand at your chest as you thought of the worst. 
“And everyone else? Is everyone okay?” you asked them.
From above, you heard glass shattering and heavy thumps. Your heart pounded so hard against your chest that you worried your ribs would crack from the force. The fear you felt in that moment was unparalleled, unmatched by any other situation in your life. You’d never been this scared in your entire life. 
“Everyone is safe. Except for you,” Greta said, and she nodded for Erlo to open the door. He unlocked it and hurried you both inside, but you stopped in your tracks when you saw Erlo wasn’t following. 
“I’m going to lock the door behind me and slip the key under the crack. That should buy you some time,” he said to Greta, avoiding your gaze. 
“What are you talking about? You’re coming with us, it’s not safe here! Something’s happening outside, people are angry and I don’t know why,” you rambled, tearing up again. Greta reached over to squeeze your hand, but everything about it was rushed, too hurried to really be a comfort to you. 
Erlo flashed you another small smile, and then gave you a wink, his crow’s feet prominent as he finally flashed his goofy smile. 
“I’ll be fine, miss. Don’t worry about me. It’s not me they’re after,” he assured you, but it didn’t make you feel any better. 
Chef Erlo was like the father you’d never had. It was impossible to allow him to do this, but Greta held you back as he shut the door and locked it once again, with the key slipping underneath moments later. 
Greta let go of you to swipe it off the ground, and then began to push you forward, nearly in the dark save for cracks of light at the door opposite the room. 
The faint smell of wine permeated the air and you found yourself wishing for a glass to calm your nerves. Greta led you to the door in just a few moments flat, using the same key to unlock it and hurry through with you in tow. 
It was the bulkhead entrance to the wine cellar, where the merchants would come deliver or take some wine. Part of your father’s business. It was where a lot of things were delivered. On the few steps there beneath the wooden doors, there was a maid’s dress and some worn shoes. One look at Greta told you that the new outfit was for you, so you wasted no time in nearly tearing off your dress and kicking off your shoes to put on the much simpler garments and better blend in outside without striking too much attention to yourself. Your current outfit would have been a dead giveaway to your status. 
Greta lifted one of the doors up just enough to peer out cautiously as you changed, making sure it was safe to leave. Once she was sure it was, she nodded to you and lifted the door up quietly, keeping it lifted for you to hop up the short steps and out into the spring afternoon. 
It was cloudy outside, threatening to rain. As if on cue, a crack of thunder sounded and you felt it was remarkably similar to a cliche in your favorite novel; it always rained whenever your favorite character was feeling upset. 
You didn’t have much time to dwell on that. Greta gripped you by the elbow and tugged you away from the house in a pace that was rushed but not too much that it looked suspicious. Now that you were wearing new clothes, you looked like everyone else outside. There was no real need to rush and risk getting caught. 
Nobody paid the two of you any mind. The real focus was on your house that was currently getting ransacked. 
The sight made your heart sink to your stomach, but your tears had already dried. 
It was true that these people were destroying the only home you’d ever known. It was true that in that moment, you were sure you’d never go back to it. But you just couldn’t find it in you to cry about this. Your tears were reserved for your staff and worrying about their wellbeing. 
Whatever your father had done, it probably deserved this level of outrage. 
Although you were filled to the brim with fear and adrenaline, above all, you felt a peculiar sense of freedom as more and more people pushed their way past the gates of your home to run inside. 
Greta gave you a moment to watch the scene before steering you away with promises to explain everything as soon as she got you to safety. 
The only time tears actually did threaten your eyes again was when Captain Levi’s face pushed its way into your mind once more. 
Maybe you would never see him again. And maybe he’d like that. 
Levi was all too familiar with feeling dread settle in his stomach and harden like a rock. He’d experienced it all his life, countless times as he watched comrades die, often such a big part of his nightmares and the reason for his insomnia. 
He didn’t expect to feel that rock in his stomach as he approached your home. Rather, what was left of it. 
But he felt it settle in his stomach, a dread so heavy that he almost had to hunch over, and he looked on in horror as people continued to run in and out of your home. Many people were running out with valuables in their arms. Others were running inside just to destroy everything in sight. 
He was far too late, by the look of things. 
His eyes darted around, a futile attempt to locate you, but of course he didn’t see you anywhere. 
Soldiers and guards were doing what they could, and Levi could see reinforcements marching in, but it was too late. 
It was too late. 
Levi hopped off his horse and pushed past people and soldiers alike as he ran into your home, taking in the sight of broken glass and ruined furniture and banged up walls. 
It was disgusting. 
He went to your room first and only found it ravaged and empty with no signs of life. 
Levi knew he was being crazy. Of course he wasn’t going to just find you there. In fact, the thought of seeing you in the middle of all this would have actually been worse. But not knowing where you were had his stomach in knots. 
As a last resort, he checked the parlor room, where you’d shared an afternoon that had left Levi questioning himself and questioning you. Mostly himself. 
He got there as the grandfather clock chimed at the top of the hour. It was just as ravaged as your room, but curiously enough, he noticed your favorite novel on the ground by where the side table used to be. 
He picked it up and clutched it tightly, and then made a promise. 
He would find you and he would get your book back to you. It was the only possession you had left in the world, he realized, looking around. 
He’d find you. 
He wouldn’t rest until he’d found you. 
A cup of tea warmed your hands as silence filled the room of Greta’s mother’s kitchen. 
The two women stared at you with so much sympathy, and so much worry, that it made you feel loved and yet also a little small at the same time. 
Greta had just finished explaining everything to you. 
Your father had been atrocious, and had taken advantage of his employees. He was in protective custody because he’d anticipated this riot to happen. Nobody knew where your mother was. It was a miracle that Greta and Erlo had managed to help you and everyone else out before you’d gotten hurt. Or killed. 
And now you didn’t know what would happen next. 
Your spirits, already low, dimmed even more at the thought of Chef Erlo. You desperately hoped he was okay, and hopefully he was. After all, he’d been correct: nobody was trying to hurt him. Only you and your family. 
“Are you sure everybody made it out safely?” you whispered to Greta, who immediately nodded. 
“Everyone’s been aware of some of the...tensions around town,” she explained. “We all had an exit plan in the works, just didn’t realize we’d have to implement it so soon.” 
You flashed a brief and sad smile, nodding once as you took a sip of your tea. 
“Thank you for getting everyone out safely first. It means the world to me.” 
In your mind, you were just as responsible for your father’s sins as he was. To think you didn’t even have a clue of what was going on. It was embarrassing. 
As if reading your mind, Greta’s mother, May, reached forward to squeeze your arm reassuringly. 
“It’s not your fault, darling,” she murmured. “It wasn’t your place to know.” 
You sighed softly and kept your eyes on your tea, frowning to yourself. It was true that you had basically been forced to be cooped up in the house, and now you were thinking there was a clear reason behind it now. You hardly had much say in your day to day schedule, especially after getting engaged to Captain Levi. Still, it didn’t feel good to be so in the dark. 
And the thought of Captain Levi sent your heart aflutter. Did he know? Had he been aware of this the whole time? Was this part of the reason for your arrangement? 
Slowly, you picked up your gaze from your tea to settle on Greta, biting the inside of your cheek before asking the question you were dreading to ask. 
“What happens now?” 
She didn’t look too sure either as she pondered your question, finally settling for shrugging her shoulders. 
“I don’t know, miss,” she answered honestly. “I hate to say it, but it depends on your father. He and your mother will start looking for you once they realize you’re missing.” 
The thought made you nauseous. Despite such a horrible outcome of your day, that peculiar feeling of freedom had been what kept you going. There was some sort of thrill attached to it. 
You realized it was achingly similar to the hope you felt for your arrangement for Levi. The chance of things looking up, turning around. 
All this hope and nothing to show for it. 
Now you were hopeless. 
News had gotten to Erwin quickly. Levi saw the commander ride in with other squad leaders as he helped beat down and arrest some of the rowdier citizens at your home. He hated to be there and wanted to go off and find you more than anything, but someone there had to have seen you, or seen what happened to you. 
So far, nobody seemed to remember seeing you. In fact, some people had sworn to him that the house had been empty of people the entire time. Not a soul in the home at all. 
When Erwin stepped past the gates, Levi had never wanted to pummel him so badly. Instead, he shoved a badly beaten merchant towards his commander with a growl, eyes nearly feral as he found the calm blue ones that he hated more than anything at the moment. 
“You said there was civil unrest. You didn’t say there was an entire fucking mob,” he snapped. 
Erwin remained calm, casually stepping over the merchant to get closer to Levi. 
“Seems I was deceived,” he admitted, looking around. “Her father kept me in the dark. I had no idea about any of this. But I suppose you’ll be pleased to hear that I’m calling off the deal. We can’t tarnish the Scouts’ reputation even more by doing business with this family.” 
Levi’s body went cold at the news. 
Just a couple of weeks ago, he would have felt nothing but pure relief. Now, he felt nothing but pure dread. 
“What about…?” 
Levi couldn’t even say your name. It caught at the back of his throat and he struggled to breathe. He tried his best to remain as stoic as always, but Erwin knew him so well, and could see the concern at the edges of Levi’s gaze. 
“There’s not much protection we can offer her, being her father’s daughter. She’s under his control,” Erwin reminded him. “Do you know where she is? I heard she’s declared missing.” 
Levi nodded once to confirm, his worry amplifying at Erwin’s words. 
He couldn’t protect you. Not while you were still affiliated with your father. 
“People are saying that nobody was in the house,” Levi said, giving the commander a rundown of events. “I did a quick search, didn’t find any of the staff. No one was around.” 
Erwin hummed a little, hands behind his back as he took in the sight of the damaged house in front of him. 
“No surprise there. Our man of the hour is already in protective custody, having predicted this well before anyone else, and his wife was visiting with a friend, and now they’re all in protective custody as well. It’s just your ex-fiancee that we’re having trouble locating. Perhaps she’s with her staff.” 
How stupid of him. Levi hadn’t really thought of that possibility yet. He’d been so focused on finding you, assuming the worst, that he hadn't taken the time to really think it through enough to realize that you were missing along with the staff. 
Erwin was already five steps ahead of them. 
“Some of the scouts are off to find the staff members that don’t live here in-house. One of them is bound to know where she is.” 
Levi couldn’t help the small sigh of relief that left him, but he still felt useless if he wasn’t doing more to help. Without another word to Erwin, he marched off to do another quick search around the entire perimeter. 
Some medics had come onto the scene as well and he was surprised to see a couple of them towards the back of the house, dragging someone out of the cellar. Levi had admittedly not really looked down there, knowing all there was, was food storage and wine cellar that someone had told him was all cleared out by now. 
A familiar old man was getting dragged out and treated. He was badly beaten, bruised from head to toe, and his breathing was raspy and uneven. 
Levi knew him to be a staff member and his heart skipped a beat. 
Before he knew what he was doing, he was kneeling beside the old man, shaking him to get his attention despite the angry protests of a medic. 
The old man opened his eyes and grimaced, but his face grew soft at the sight of Levi. 
“Captain Levi,” he greeted him in a hoarse voice. “You’re a little late, don’t you think?” 
“Where is she?” Levi asked, voice soft. “Do you know?” 
“I know,” the man confirmed, nodding slowly as his eyes closed. “Greta...Greta took her. She’s...with Greta’s mother. But don’t know where...she lives.” 
Greta. Levi knew that name. It was the name of one of the maids. You looked to be friends with her. 
“Thank you,” he said, very sincere, before standing back up. More determined than ever, he made a beeline for his horse, a plan of action already formulating in his mind. He could make do with the information given to him. It was all he needed. 
He was going to find you. 
The sun hung low in the sky as May and Greta made up Greta’s old bed for you. 
You had insisted on sleeping anywhere else, even the floor, but Greta had already set her mind on sharing a bed with her mother. 
“I shared a bed with one of the other maids all the time, whenever we felt like it,” she told you. “I actually like it. It’s nice having another person there with you.” 
You still felt a little guilty but stayed silent, and opted instead to watch the sun lower through the window of Greta’s childhood bedroom after being shooed off. 
Greta and her mother chattered amongst themselves and you didn’t have the heart to join in just yet. You felt so drained after the day’s events that you couldn’t muster up the energy they had. 
What kept you so anxious was also the thought of having to stay under your father’s thumb. 
It was maddening to know that after everything, he still had your life in his hands. To be a highborn lady was to be in shackles. 
A plan was starting to formulate in your mind, one where you could fake your death and run away and find work as a maid or maybe even a governess. Greta could help and confirm that you’d been taken, never to be seen again. You could grab your clothes that you’d discarded, if they were still around, and maybe douse them in animal blood or something, to really sell it. 
But your plan was cut short with a pounding at the front door downstairs. The knocking was so intense that all three of you froze and looked between each other, fear prickling your spines. 
When the door clearly sounded like it was trying to be opened, May sprang into action and ran downstairs, which kickstarted your adrenaline. You ran after her, afraid for her possibly getting hurt, reaching out for her to try and stop her from going any farther. 
“May, no!” you hissed, eyes on the front door that was now in view. Someone was slamming into it, the lock jiggling unsteadily, until it finally gave in. 
You were paralyzed in fear as the door flew open, but fear gave way to shock at the sight of Captain Levi at the entrance, looking frazzled. You would have never predicted you’d ever see him as anything other than composed or angry. 
As soon as your eyes locked, you ran to him. 
“Captain Levi!” 
He stopped you before you could throw your arms around him and, at first, you felt embarrassed by it, taking it as a rejection. 
It wasn’t until he started examining you, hands lifting and twisting your arms and turning your face this way and that, that you felt your heart warm up. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked. He was cupping your face, holding your jaw familiar as his eyes scanned your face for any signs of injury, and that frazzled look he held only softened when his eyes finally met yours. 
You shook your head slowly, keeping his gaze, hands shyly reaching up to cover his over your jaw. 
“I’m not hurt,” you whispered. “Just scared.” 
Levi frowned and reluctantly let go of your face, but his hands didn’t travel far. He rested them on your shoulders while your hands gently gripped his forearms, the two of you in your own little bubble. 
“You don’t have to be scared anymore,” he promised you, sounding so earnest. “Nobody can hurt you while I’m here.” 
Your bottom lip quivered, emotional at the thought of him willingly protecting you, but also emotional at the more sinister situation at hand. 
“My father can,” you told him, squeezing his forearms as the words left your mouth. “Greta says he’ll be looking for me soon. I can’t escape him.” 
Levi’s eyes hardened at that, grip also tightening on your shoulders, before he groaned and stepped away from you to run a hand over his face. 
“Erwin said the same thing to me,” he admitted, pacing back and forth. He briefly looked towards Greta and her mother, then to the now broken front door, and blankly stared at them before muttering, “I’ll fix that.” 
He turned back to you, arms crossed, as he took on a look of deep concentration. It was only there for a few moments before he snapped out of it, holding your gaze as he seemed to come to a conclusion. 
“You can’t be under your father’s control once you’re married,” he pointed out. 
At first, you didn’t understand. You raised a brow, a little peeved he was bringing it up, and nodded once. 
“I suppose so…,” you agreed, a hint of a frown on your face. “But I’m assuming we won’t be getting married after this, so I’m kind of shit out of luck.” It was the first time you’d really sworn like that in front of Levi. In front of anyone. It was nice. 
Levi tensed up a little and broke his eye contact with you to look away, and you could have sworn he looked a little flustered. There was a hint of pink at the tips of his ears, which shocked you.
“What?” you pressed, also feeling a bit of heat creep into your face. 
This wasn’t happening. No way this was happening. 
Levi hadn’t wanted to marry you even when it was basically required of him. 
Your hopeless romantic little heart was just playing tricks on you. He wasn’t possibly going to suggest… 
“I gave my word and I don’t intend on going back on it,” he said, still not looking at you, ears still pink. “Got any better ideas?” 
“Captain Levi…,” you began, but then trailed off, not knowing what to say, until finally you managed out, “You don’t have to do this.” 
He scoffed a little, eyes finally flickering back to you. Tentatively, he stepped forward until he was right in front of you again. You stayed perfectly still as he lifted a hand to place it on top of your head, giving you a small pat before ruffling up your hair. 
“I have something for you,” he said suddenly, taking his hand away to reach into the pocket of his coat. 
And then your favorite novel was in your hands, a little more crumpled up than usual but basically intact. 
Tears sprang to your eyes and you hugged the book to your chest gratefully, looking to Levi with nothing but adoration. 
At that moment, it was all you owned in the world. You didn’t even own the clothes on your back. 
“That was really nice,” you choked out, gazing down at the book again with a small smile. 
Levi stepped forward again, closing the distance between you as he rested a hand on your shoulder again. 
“Let me protect you,” he said, tone filled with an air of finality that you couldn’t argue with. “I know I don’t have to.” 
He didn’t have to say the actual words; you understood what he meant. 
I want to. 
Marriage was all about compromise. 
In the end, Levi didn’t get to prolong his nuptials, since marrying you had to be done quickly. However, it also had to be done in secret. So, at the very least, you figured he at least got half of his wishes respected. 
The moment the ink was dry on the certificate, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. You shed your maiden name to gain a new surname, fully protected from your father now and fully backed by the Survey Corps. It was your 30th day of knowing Levi. Your 1st day of being married. 
You took in a deep breath as Erwin took the document from you to sign as a witness, and you turned to Levi with a small and timid smile, which he actually tried to return. It was brief, but it was appreciated. And when he lifted his hand to pat your head affectionately, you melted a little.
“I’m sorry you didn’t have a big wedding like you wanted,” he murmured, eyes staring at you with a hint of remorse. “I should have never made you agree to that before.” 
A half-smile tugged at one corner of your mouth and you shook your head, nudging your shoulder to his playfully. 
“I never really wanted to have a big wedding,” you admitted to him. “I just wanted to have a special day for myself. And for my husband, of course. Didn’t have to be a big thing. It just needed to be special.” 
Levi seemed to lighten up at that, giving another brief smile before murmuring, “That’s a relief.” 
“What do you mean?” you asked, but he didn’t respond, choosing instead to stand up and offer a hand to help you on your feet as well. 
You smoothed down the cream dress Greta had so kindly let you borrow and followed Levi out the door, head held a little higher now that you were an official Ackerman and nothing else. Instead of going to Commander Erwin’s office to go over a few next steps like originally planned, you found yourself following Levi outside. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, puzzled, but Levi scoffed a little and turned to look at you from over his shoulder. 
“If you could just be a little patient, I promise you’ll find out soon enough,” he said. 
It was a beautiful day, you had to admit. The spring temperature was perfect and you basked in the sunlight, feeling freer than you’d ever felt before. 
You stepped onto the grass in the courtyard, eyes towards the sky, and it wasn’t until you heard several people clear their throat that you tilted your head down to take a look. 
Your heart nearly stopped as you saw Erlo, Greta, May, and Charlie, and some of Levi’s friends, sitting on the grass, a spread of what looked like a marvelous lunch in front of them. 
Shouts of congratulations were passed around and you lit up at the sight, heart feeling full as you stumbled over while dragging Levi along. 
You turned to him, eyes bright and excited, still not quite understanding. 
“What is this?” you asked, looking between your bubble of friends and your brand new spouse. 
Levi looked a little uncomfortable, but in that cute way, and Greta beat him to the punch with the answer. 
“It’s your wedding day, so we’re celebrating, of course!” she laughed, then nodded towards Levi with a cunning grin. “It was your husband’s idea.” 
Levi’s entire face flushed at the term but he also looked murderous at being found out. 
You grinned at him, feeling warmed at his gesture, and you made a mental note to pull him aside later for a real thank you. 
At that moment, you made do by sneaking a kiss to his cheek, fully appreciating the way he got flustered. 
Erwin had made up a new room for you at base and, after a full day’s worth of celebrating your wedding day, you were ready to fall into bed. 
The room was right next to Levi’s, which you appreciated. It seemed funny, almost, since of course spouses typically shared a room, but under these circumstances, that wasn’t very likely. 
You cared for Levi and you could see that he at least cared for you in some ways, but those feelings would need to be nurtured with time. 
The two of you were in front of your bedroom door, with you yawning up a storm, and Levi grumbling about getting you to bed. 
You burst into your room and made a beeline for your bed, not bothering to really look around at your new room or even change out of your clothes. As soon as you were on the bed, you felt your drowsiness start to overtake you. 
Before you passed out, you peeked over at Levi, who was getting situated at a desk. 
“Aren’t you gonna sleep?” you asked, yawning again, and Levi turned to look at you briefly. 
“Not for a while,” he answered finally. 
You frowned at that but didn’t argue with him, your heart bubbling over with so many questions and feelings that you just couldn’t hold in anymore. 
“Do you still dislike me?” you blurted out, face heating up at your lack of filter. 
Levi raised a brow, pointedly looking towards the new ring on your finger. Then, his gaze softened, and he leaned back in the chair he sat in. 
“No,” he answered. “And I was wrong for judging you before. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance sooner.” 
You stayed quiet for a moment, but kept your eyes on Levi, no matter how hard it was. 
“Do you think you’ll fall in love with me one day, now that we’re married?” 
You couldn't stop that question from tumbling out either, but you were too curious to feel embarrassed. 
Levi’s ears flushed pink, a cute new trait you were catching onto. He looked away from you briefly, clearly trying to find the right words, and he took so long to respond that you felt your heart start to sink. 
But then he stood from his seat and moved to kneel beside the bed, a hand reaching up to smooth some hair out of your face.
“Let me focus on protecting you first,” he said. 
His eyes were the softest they’d ever been. They gave you another answer. 
“I’m going to love you,” you promised him. You still couldn’t admit that you were actively falling in love. Not to him, not right now. But another time. 
“I don’t deserve that, after how I acted,” he whispered. 
“I’ll always forgive you,” you whispered back. “And I’m going to love you.” 
Levi moved his hand from your head to tuck you into the sheets a little better, avoiding your gaze. Neither one of you said anything for a minute, a comfortable silence falling between you like that afternoon in the parlor room. 
As you began to drift off, Levi’s soft voice filled your ears with one final promise. One that was meant more for him than for you. 
“I’ll figure out how to love.” 
You were too tired to notice how the sheets smelled like Levi. You were too tired to realize that the room was clearly already lived in and had typical possessions of a squad captain, from ODM gear to a desk clearly stacked up with documents. 
You’d been too tired to remember that your bedroom door was the right one and not the left one. You’d been too tired to notice that you’d opened the left door. 
Levi was too besotted by you to correct your mistake. 
Somewhere, a grandfather clock chimed as midnight struck. 
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marvelslut16 · 3 years
Idiots in love
Pairing: William ‘Bill’ Weasley x reader 
Synopsis: (Y/N) has been in love with Bill ever since she met him their first year at Hogwarts. Will she finally tell Bill how she feels, like Mrs. Weasley hopes she will, or will Fleur and Ginny’s assumptions about (Y/N)’s love life get in the way. 
Word count: 2.9k+
Warnings: Angst. Dumb asses pining after each other. Fleur, if she counts lmao. Brief mentions of death. 
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for months, I wrote it as a self indulgent piece since I can’t date Bill in Hogwarts Mystery and I wasn’t sure if anyone would actually read it. It's cannon divergent. Also, tell me if you want a part 2!
My first fic of the new year! Hopefully I'll be way more consistent and inspired this year. Thank you to everyone reading any of the fics I write, I love you all!
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“Molly, he’s happy with her,” you roll your eyes at the older woman who had become like a mother to you over the years. 
You met her at Kings Cross Station the morning of your first year, she helped you cross the barrier, your parents are muggles who are afraid of anything different. You were in Bill’s year, the two of you becoming fast friends on the train ride. Through your years at Hogwarts you two became inseparable, both becoming Head Girl and Head Boy together. You two always studied together, explored the castle together, went to Hogsmeade together, you did everything together. Well, except one thing, you didn’t fall in love together; you fell for him, and he fell for that foul, loathsome Emily Tyler and now Fleur Delacour.
You spent almost every Christmas Holiday under the burrow’s roof, along with most of your summers. The burrow was your real home, and the Weasley’s were your family. After you and Bill had graduated Molly and Arthur insisted you use their first names, both convinced you and Bill would finally get together. But that didn’t happen, you both went separate ways, barely even owling over the years. He went on to be this fantastic cursebreaker for Gringotts, getting sent all the way to Egypt. And you, you became the astronomy professor at Hogwarts, you thrived in the subject and Professor Sinistra transferred to Uagadou.
“But you’re perfect for him,” Molly nags. You loved the women with your whole heart, but she really needed to learn when to drop matters of the heart. Especially when the topic of discussion was set to arrive soon. 
“Not everything works out how we want it to,” you sigh as you hand her a clean dish to dry, you had wanted to clean the dishes the muggle way. “Especially when it involves one's heart.”
The two of you are waiting for everyone to arrive, Arthur is picking the kids up from the train now that it’s summer holiday. You had apparated to the burrow after the students boarded the train, now officially a part of the Order. Dumbledore and Sirius are dead, but that just means that everyone needs to fight harder. 
“I just want you to be happy,” Molly’s eyes are soft and sad as she looks at you. 
“I am,” you smile through the lie. There’s a pop from the living room, assuming it’s just Charlie you continue. “I don’t need a man Molly, my students make me happy.”
“Mum,” the unmistakable voice of William Weasley calls as he walks towards the kitchen. “I have great news, Fleur and I are engaged! We want to get married this summer!”
You accidentally drop the plate you're washing back into the soapy water, causing some to splash your shirt. For a split second you see Molly’s face fall before she puts on a bright fake smile as she turns to her eldest. You refuse to turn and see him, you thought you had enough time to prepare yourself to see him again, but you didn’t. He refused to see you after he got hurt during the battle of the astronomy tower when he was in the hospital wing and ignored you in the few weeks following.  
“Oh, wow,” Molly tries to come up with a response that won’t upset him. “This quickly?”
“I can’t take the chance, not now,” his mood is hard to read from his voice. He almost seems too defensive when he responds. “Not with everything happening.”
Your heart stops its thumping for a second, you didn’t realize it would hurt this much to see him happy. You want more than anything for him to be happy, but you also know that his mother and sister will never approve of Fleur. And he’ll never be fully happy because of that. But maybe you're wrong, maybe you don’t really know him. Maybe you never did. 
“I can’t believe I signed up for bloody astronomy again,” you can hear Ron complain through the open window before Molly can respond.
“You know you love me,” you holler out the window as Ron and Ginny get closer to the house. They’re the only two at Hogwarts now, they’re growing up so fast. 
“Yeah, yeah professor,” he mutters as he walks through the door before grinning widely at you. 
Even though you had seen Ginny hours ago, the younger girl runs up to you and throws her arms around you. You laugh as she pulls back and makes a face as some of the soap suds transferred to her shirt. 
“You just saw (Y/N),” Ron rolls his eyes at Ginny’s actions.
“Yeah but that’s different,” Ginny defends. “At Hogwarts I can’t talk to her about boys, or eat dinner with her, or ask for Quidditch tips.”
“I’m always up for talking about boys,” you grin down at the red headed girl. You laugh and apologize to Molly as Ginny pulls you from the kitchen and up to her room. 
You don’t glance at Bill, you can’t. You’re too scared that all of the feeling you have bottled up will resurface with just one glance. You miss the way his eyes soften at your interaction with his sister, and how they trail after you as you get pulled past him. You sit with Ginny as she fawns over Harry for close to an hour, interjecting occasionally when she asks for your opinion. This is what you always imagined having a younger sister would feel like. 
“What about you?” she asks with a teasing tone in her voice. 
“What about me?” you laugh lightly as your eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“You and professor Snape,” she’s smirking. 
“Severus?” you laugh before your face pulls into a disgusted look only Ginny can see. “We’re coworkers. Dare I say friends. And he’s a part of the Order, we have to at least tolerate each other.”
“Mhm,” she sounds unconvinced. “He smiled at you the other day! In the Great Hall, where people could see! He never smiles!”
“Ginny, we’re friends,” you try to get through to the stubborn teen. “Plus he’s known me since I was eleven, that would be gross.”
Before Ginny can respond there’s a knock on the open door, you turn around and see Bill for this first time in years. His red hair still falls to his shoulders, and he still has that fang hanging from his ear. There are scars down his cheek now, those and the fang make him look bad ass. Your heart stutters as your eyes meet his, the heartache that disappeared when you were gossiping with Ginny resurfaces with just one look.
“Dinners ready,” he says before turning and walking back down the stairs. 
Dinner is loads of fun, the two eldest Weasley’s joining the group since there’s a small Order meeting afterwards. Dinner is full of Charlie joking with you, something you're happy about since Ginny wouldn’t be able to bring up Severus again. You ignore the giggles and the French accent that poke holes in your heart as Bill only pays attention to Fleur, who showed up at the Burrow when you were upstairs. 
After dinner you agree to show Ron and Ginny some Quidditch moves you had picked up over the years, borrowing an old broom left behind by one of the other boys. Remus and Tonks appear in the front yard, signaling that the meeting would start momentarily. Ron thanks you as he continues to practice the moves as you fly to the ground. Ginny follows you, wanting to get a drink from the kitchen before it's closed off to the youngest two. 
“Are you going to take his last name, or is he going to take yours?” she teases. 
“Ginny, not now,” you sigh, not sure how to get it through her head that you have no feeling for the potions master without revealing that you’re in love with her oldest brother. You aren’t sure who’s worse, her or Molly. 
“Alright, whatever you say Mrs. Snape,” Ginny wiggles her brows in your direction as you head for the kitchen. 
“Mrs. Snape?” Severus’s monotonous voice comes from behind you two. Ginny’s eyes widen before she takes off running, and a strangled sound leaves your lips.
“Ginevra Molly Weasley, that’s a month of detention next year!” you yell after her. You take a breath before turning to stare into Snape’s obsidian eyes. “Ginny saw you laugh at my stupid joke in the Great Hall a few weaks ago and now she’s convinced you have feelings for me.” Severus raises his eyebrows at you before looking in the direction Ginny ran off in. “She’s just a kid Sev, don’t hold her delusions against her.”
“Weasley’s,” he mutters before heading to the kitchen himself. Dumbledore had told a select few in the Order the plans for Severus to kill him so Draco didn’t have to, and since the Headmaster was already dying nobody was as mad as expected. “Don’t you have feelings for the oldest one?”
“Be quiet!” you hiss, as look to make sure no one heard. He smirks before walking into the room where the meeting is to be held, leaving you standing confused in the hallway.
The meeting is small tonight; Remus, Tonks, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Sev, yourself, Bill, and Fleur. The rest had prior engagements unfortunately, so it was essentially just family and Severus. 
Molly uses her magic to pour you a glass of tea as you sit beside Sev, the only open seat. You smile a quick thanks before lifting the cup to your lips. The warm liquid soothing your tired throat, students liked to talk over you during the last week of school so your throat was a little raw. 
“Do you want a cookie with that, love?” Snape’s monotonous voice is slightly louder than it normally is. The term of endearment comes as such a shock that you spit out the tea that's in your mouth, landing across the table on Fleur. 
There was no denying that Severus’s question was directed at you, he’s holding the plate full of Molly’s cookies right next to your face. The room goes deathly silent as the seconds pass by. Ginny, who was getting herself some pumpkin juice, drops the glass she was holding, it shatters when it hits the ground. Molly, Arthur, and Charlie abruptly stop their conversation to stare at you and Sev in shock. Remus furrows his eyebrows as he looks between you two, Tonks looks like she's holding back a laugh. A flash of pain seems to cross Bill’s face before it goes blank, and horror crosses Fleur’s when your tea lands on her. 
“I’m so sorry!” you cover your mouth, thankful the liquid wasn’t warm enough to burn. Bill doesn’t even turn to look at his fiancee, just stares at you. 
“Are you alright?” Snape has a small smile only you can see. You aren’t sure how to respond, especially as you stare at the amusement dancing in his onyx eyes. 
“I knew it!” Ginny yells, finally breaking the few seconds of silence, seconds that felt like years. You flick Sev’s leg under the table, and he has the audacity to grin larger.
“Thanks honey,” your eyes narrow slightly as you grab a cookie off the plate, passing it to Bill without looking away from the man in all black. 
The rest of the meeting is awkward, and as soon as it’s over you pull Sev out of his chair and outside. The cool night air cools your burning cheeks and he lets out a laugh that he had been holding in.
“What was that?” you pull at the ends of your hair. 
“We made your precious Weasley jealous,” even though he’s smirking, there’s no change in his inflection. 
“And now they all think we’re together!” your voice is high pitched and squeaky. 
“Good luck with that,” he disapparates before you can respond.
“I hate you!” you yell at the spot where Severus was just standing.
“You and Snape, huh?” Charlie’s voice cuts through the silent night. 
“Not bloody likely,” you roll your eyes, before plopping onto the ground. Charlie joins you as you lay and stare up at the stars. “He heard Ginny saying she thought he liked me, and he knows who I like, so he decided to run with it. He’s actually fun when you break through his cold exterior.”
“You still love Bill,” it isn’t a question. No matter how many times you denied it while you three went to school together, Charlie never believed you. 
“Yeah,” you sigh, turning to look at him. He’s already facing you so you continue, “your mum kept going on about how I should be the one with him this afternoon. She won’t drop it.”
“I love my brother,” Charlie makes sure you keep eye contact with him as he continues. “But he’s being stupid. I agree with mum, you should be the one marrying him.”
“He’s happy without me,” your voice comes out sadder than you thought it would, guard finally down. “We’ve barely talked in years, and he wouldn’t even let me see him after the attack. He doesn’t need me, nor does he want me in his life anymore.”
Charlie just sighs, annoyed that neither you nor Bill could see the truth starring you both in the face. You love each other. Charlie just lies next to you in comforting silence, staring at the night sky until he has to head back to Romania and you off to bed. 
A single tear slips down your cheek as you lay down in the bed that once belonged to Charlie. Ginny enters the room without knocking, and you quickly wipe away the tear. 
“Why didn’t you tell me!” she practically screams. 
“There’s nothing to tell, he was messing with you, Gin,” you look her directly in the eyes so she knows you aren’t lying. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” she sits beside you on the mattress. 
“I’m in love with Bill,” you whisper, finally saying the words out loud. Sure you had agreed with Charlie earlier, but you had never said the five words out loud before. It feels like a weight is lifted off your chest, until a new wave of heartache hits you. “I have been since we were in school, and it hurts Ginny. Fleur, she’s perfect, I couldn’t possibly compete with her.”
“You’re so much better than her, (Y/N),” Ginny grabs your hand, causing you to look up at her. “And he’s a fool if he doesn’t see that.”
“Thanks Gin,” you smile sadly, squeezing her hand before she heads off to her room. 
“Zank you,” Fleur’s French accent is the first thing you hear in the morning. Ginny comes up behind you as you stand in the hallway, and puts her hand on your shoulder. Today is the day you forget about all of this foolish childish love you have for Bill. 
Molly watches you closely as you sit down at the breakfast table, Ginny plopping down beside you. As you talk to the young girl about Quidditch over breakfast, a black owl flies through an open window. You roll your eyes as it plops a letter beside you, you give the owl some of your toast before it flies out of the window again. Ginny looks over your shoulder as you open the letter, the rest of the Weasley’s not-so-secretly watch you read it. 
The letter isn’t anything special, just Severus letting you know that you had left a book at Hogwarts. You know full well he’s being his dramatic self, going out of his way to send an owl, just so he can say he was right. He even added a p.s, asking if Bill had gotten jealous yet. You laugh at the ridiculous question, causing Bill to excuse himself and walk outside. Fleur doesn’t move from her seat, causing you and Ginny to make a face at each other.
A few moments pass before you decide to follow your old best friend against your better judgment, but someone should check on him. He’s in the backyard pacing like a madman, running his hands through his long hair and pulling on the tips. 
“Bill?” you ask softly. He whips around and looks at you, once again his face is hard to read. Your eyes, however, soften as soon as they see what Fenrier Greyback did to him. “What’s wrong?”
“You and Snape?” his voice is hard and cold. “He hated us growing up, and you just pretended that never happened and you're with him? He hated you!”
“It’s none of your business William!” your voice is high pitched, you’re angry. He doesn’t talk to you in ages and now all of a sudden he thinks it’s okay to judge your relationships. “We were annoying kids back then, of course he hated us.”
“You could do better than him!” his anger seems to rise at the use of his full first name. 
“We’re just friends!” your voice is shrill, and you're sure everyone inside can hear you two clearly. “Not that it’s any of your business anyway! Severus was letting me know I forgot some of my belongings at Hogwarts. You have no right to judge who I choose to spend my time with and who I befriend, not when you haven’t tried to talk to me in years Bill!”
With that you turn and head away from the burrow, not wanting to face anyone right now. Especially any of the Weasley's, and most of all, Molly. Bill calls your name as you walk away from him, but you don’t turn around. You can’t. William Weasley has broken your heart multiple times since you met him, and you aren’t about to give him the satisfaction of watching himself break your heart all over again.
Part 2
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Hi, this is me (again)! If you have time and motivation can you please write something in High school AU (i just love it so much). Maybe something with MC who is told by her mother that as a girl she doesn't have to be smart she just have to be beautiful, she shouldn't have her own opinion and should only find herself someone who will take care of her and rfa + minor duo heard that? But remember that your well-being is the most important and it's ok to take a break! We love you!
High School AU where the RFA overhears Mc‘s Mom saying to her that she doesn’t have to be intelligent but beautiful
Hey my love, thank you for sending in a Request! Just like the last Requests I will leave out the Minor Duo due to the busy time. However I will write it again if you want to, yes? Hope you like it, please give me your opinion!
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,,Sometimes I wonder how parents raise their daughters,’’ Jumin mumbled as he walked down the hallway with his best friend Jihyun.
Jihyun laughed at his friend’s words.
,,I mean, I’m not wrong, am I?’’ Jumin asked.
,,Today in music class, a girl chuckled and thought she was cute. The teacher wanted to know if she knew something about Beethoven and she simply looked at me and said, ,,Jumin-oppa, I don’t know, can you say it?’’, it was so disgusting!’’
,,Well, I think she just has a crush on you,’’ Jihyun laughed.
,,No, she doesn’t,’’ he corrected.
,,She just wants my money,’’ he said and with that they finally changed their shoes and went out, ready to go home.
Neither Jumin’s or Jihyun’s driver was there. Instead, a girl with her mother stood there.
,,No one cares about your good mark you got in math. The world doesn’t need a doctor like you! All you have to do is to find a rich man and do what he wants! Just listen to him and be pretty for him so that he always will love you. Everything else is not important,’’ the mother told the girl who was looking down.
,,See, I told you,’’ Jumin said, shaking his head.
However, at the second look he noticed that the girl who was looking down was you, the one who was always a bit better than him at school.
,,What your mother said is completely wrong,’’ Jumin said loudly.
,,Keep studying. An intelligent wife is more exciting than a dumb chicken like everyone else,’’ he said and with that Jumin finally saw his driver and dissappeared.
The next day, you saw him again.
,,Thank you,’’ you said.
,,You showed me that my feelings are important too. I will fight for my way thanks to you,’’ you smiled and walked off, making Jumin blush and keep up with you…
You and Zen were very good friends.To be honest, one of you just had to say something about a relationship and you guys would finally become a couple.
,,Okay, Hyun, my mom is here, so tomorrow at my house?’’ you asked him.
Both of you planned on studying together to start your dream of being in entertainment.
You wanted to become your boyfriend’s manager.
And of course, even though your prince was intelligent, you were the most intelligent of the two of you.
A few hours later, Zen did as he was told. The young boy already met your parents.
They were kind, much kinder than his mother. He saw your parents as second parents even through you often told him that your mom was manipulative and mean.
Zen rang at the doorbell. The loud sound was heard and a few seconds later an older woman opened the door with a smile on her lips.
,,Hyun! My favorite son-in-law!“ she joked and pulled him in, hugging him.
,,How are you? Wait, you’re here for Mc, right?“ with that she called you, her daughter, who a bit later stepped down the staircase.
You had your hair up in a messy bun, the one Zen loved so much.
You were wearing other clothes than the one you had today at school. It looked much more comfortable.
You and Zen could feel your mother tense up as you walked down.
However, you ignored her and went up, giving Zen a kiss and making him sit down.
And then you began to study, which ended with you both arguing about this one question.
,,You have to subtract this from here and add it on this side,’’ you explained.
,,No! Why are you doing it like that?!’’ Zen asked you back.
,,Gosh, Zen! Just do it your way and I will do it my way and later on we can check!’’ you told him, a bit annoyed by now.
Suddenly, your mom came in with a few snacks.
,,How do you dare?’’ she asked.
At first Zen thought that she meant him, but apparently she meant her own daughter…
,,First, you open the door like that! You look really bad! Totally messy! And then you also argue?! Don’t act as if you’re intelligent. Just do what he says and accept that! You don’t even know how to study! Just be an obedient wife!’’ your mom hissed.
At some point, Zen jumped up and grabbed your hand, storming out with you ,,I finally understand what you mean,’’ he told you before he comforted you.
You could almost say that Yoosung was kind of a stalker; he always followed you around, observed you, and dreamed about you, the girl of his dreams.
You were the most beautiful girl at his school, as well as the most intelligent and kind human being.
He never saw someone smile that bright, laugh that happily, or think that hard.
The young man was totally different and for you, he wanted to change.
One day, it was a cold afternoon and Yoosung could feel that it could begin to rain. He wanted to ask you if you were interested in going home with him.
And after a lot of hesitation, the boy finally approached you.
However, he was about to go again when he saw that you were talking to someone.
Yoosung didn’t mean to overhear you guys but he heard.
And his heart was crushed at the words you had to listen to.
,,I already told you that you won’t go to that school, Mc! Your studies may be good, but you should learn how to make kimchi and be a good wife! Just find someone who will take care of you and your family and both of you will be much happier,’’ the woman said.
,,I am your mother and  I know what you need,’’ she nodded and opened the door.
,,However,’’ you began ,,I don’t want to live like that! I am me!’’ you said, louder, trying to fight her. However, no one helped and the situation ended with you staying back while she drove off.
Even though Yoosung said that eavesdropping shouldn't be said out loud, he did as soon as he heard you sob.
,,What she said isn’t true,’’ he called.
,,I, for example, like independent people,’’ he said and was about to go away when you suddenly pulled him back.
,,Help me, please,’’ you begged him, your red puffy eyes on him while your trembling hand tried to stop him from leaving you.
Yoosung hugged you and padded your back.
,,I will help you. I will be here for you,’’ he assured you.
And so your long journey began...
You and the brown haired girl were best friends.
Well, deep in your heart you knew that you may have felt a bit more than that, but this was a completely different topic.
You and Jaehee did everything together.
You two went shopping together, went to school together, and hung out together.
You and Jaehee often wore matching outfits and ate the same lunch.
Jaehee’s house was almost yours too because you stayed there so many times. 
But Jaehee never really visited yours, after all these years, she couldn’t remember what your kitchen looked like, how your house smelled, and what color your walls were.
And the reason was that your mother was a quite strict one with everything else, but an open mind.
One day, it was the day of the school’s drama production. You played a big role in it because you were the one who scripted everything and helped the teacher a lot.
Jaehee never saw such an intelligent person.
Such a kind person.
And she never saw such a bad mother like yours.
Actually, it was kind of her fault, Jaehee thought.
Your mother approached her and asked her where you were staying.
And without thinking about it, Jaehee told her that you were behind the scenes.
Your mother walked there on her red high heels, the dress way too short for a theatre at a school, and her perfume almost too strong for her.
Jaehee could feel a headache coming up as she smelled the strong aromatic smell on her.
Without thinking about what she would see, Jaehee followed your mother, curious why she would search for you.
In that very minute, your mother observed how you were arguing with a boy. The older boy one class above you who actually had a crush on you, or so it was said.
And from the frozen expression on your mother’s face, Jaehee could tell that she wasn’t okay with the way you were talking to him.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ she asked you, making Jaehee twitch at her sudden yell.
Apparently you felt the same.
,,I told you tons of times to shut your mouth!’’ she hissed.
,,The young boy was talking to you! You should have nodded and agreed with him! Don’t tell him to do it better or different! How did I raise you?!’’ she asked you.
From afar, Jaehee could see that your eyes were watery.
,,I only want the best for you, but what can I do if you ignore me? You should simply be obedient and make sure that you find someone who will just take care of you! 
Get out of these dirty clothes and apologize to him! Maybe he will show mercy!’’ she said, standing on her right leg and pulling the white Gucci bag on her shoulder again.
,,No need,’’ Jaehee finally dared to say something.
,,I will take care of Mc and then she won’t need to change,’’ Jaehee said.
,,Don’t worry, I will treat her better than you,’’ she scoffed.
,,You are such a tomboy!’’ Saeyoung teased you and let you run off before Saeran could find you for taking his idea of making the garden more beautiful.
He never saw a girl like you at the school he was visiting thanks to a friend of his and his fiance.
The catholic school only accepted intelligent students or students with money, but he never expected you to be there. You were a little tomboy that was super intelligent and kind of rich.
Usually the rich people there were just dumb.
,,He got her,’’ Saeyoung laughed as you stopped.
He guessed that his twin brother found her from the other side, but he was so wrong.
Approaching you to make him calm down, he suddenly realized that the high, annoyed voice wasn’t his brother, but instead, a woman’s voice.
,,Again, you look like garbage,’’ the woman said.
,,Didn’t I tell you to look like a lady like everyone else and just try to find a good person who will take care of you? Instead, what are you doing? Walking off like that in dirty clothing,’’
Saeyoung could hear that the person you were talking to was annoyed.
,,Mom,’’ you tried, making the red haired boy even more curious.
,,No, mom, you will embarrass me.
Now, please go and put something else on and try to make someone like you in class.
Like I said, studying isn’t the most important thing as long as you have a person who will give you money and a house.
Look at me, I also didn’t study a lot, but your father came to like me.
My tights helped me to have you,-’’
,,The only reason why he didn’t leave yet,’’ Saeyoung said from behind, approaching the both of you.
His uniform was dirty from the place he stayed hidden and his hair was just as messy as yours.
,,I beg you for pardon?!’’ your mother asked you and began to play with her nails on the purse.
,,I said that her father didn’t leave you yet to make sure that Mc isn’t alone with you, a manipulative old hag.
Besides he is sleeping with your friend daily by now,’’ Saeyoung said, laughing and trying to pull you away with him.
,,How dare you-’’
Saeyoung laughed. ,,What? Make you realized that there won't’ be a man forever who will just like you for being obedient like a dog?’’
With that, he pulled you along with him until he reached Rikas place with a sobbing you holding his hand.
19.03.2021// 22:05 MEST
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the-golden-choice · 3 years
can I get a cutsie RAVN imagine with him and his SO cuddling and reading comic books but then they get into a MArvel vs. DC fight???? Please??? <3
✩comic book✩
ravn x reader
words: 705
hey alexa, play “fight club” by lights
✩oneus masterlist✩
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Mornings like these were your favorites, ones where you could just easily relax in the comfort of your own, rundown apartment. The living room that was always freezing, no matter what you did to the thermostat, didn’t seem all that bad while you were sitting with Youngjo on the small couch. The two of you were directly across from the tv, but neither of you made an attempt to turn it on. Youngjo had his back against the arm rest, his legs spread lazily along the length of the couch with you sitting right between them. His arms wrapped around your torso in order to hold a small comic in front of the two of you. Together you all flipped through each page, reading the words carefully and studying the colorful illustrations that went along with them.
“Are you done,” he asked quietly. You hummed in response, watching as Youngjo turned the page carefully, not taking any chance in ripping the page. He laughed quietly as the two of you read the page all about Tony Stark and his usual rich guy bullshit. You glanced up at your boyfriend, questioning his sudden reaction. Noticing your eyes on him and not the comic book, he laughed even harder.
You sigh, “What’s so funny?”
“I’m just thinking about how Batman is basically Iron Man,” he answered with a shrug. “They’re both rich superheroes who lost their parents and used their money to build suits that help them fight crime.”
“You know, technically Iron Man would basically be Batman.”
Youngjo rolled his eyes as he set the comic book down on your lap. “It doesn’t matter because Tony Stark's better than Batman.”
You gasped, turning to face your boyfriend. “Don’t you dare insult Bruce Wayne,” you yelled.
“What do you mean,” he questioned. “Literally everything in Marvel is better than DC.”
“No, no, no,” you started, standing up from your sitting position. “DC is and always has been superior.”
Youngjo scoffed, “Just considering the movies, Marvel is superior.”
There was no argument there, Marvel has been showing up DC's movies. That much you could admit. “I’ll agree that marvel has better movies,” you sighed. “DC has been fucked over when it comes to movies, but DC stories are so much better and darker.”
“They’re definitely darker,” he agreed. “But that doesn’t mean they are better.”
“DC’s characters all have interesting backgrounds and they're supposed to be these mystic beings that work for the good of humanity,” you started. You took a deep breath in order to prepare for your rant. “They include a perfect balance between action, tragedy, and comedy. DC started right after the Great Depression, so their entire purpose was to show that when humans work together they can get through hard times. DC’s comics provided a great sense of hope in a dark time.”
Youngjo rolled his eyes as you finished your monologue. Apparently, you felt very strongly about the whole DC vs. Marvel topic. “All of that may be true,” he sighed. “But Marvel focuses on everyday people becoming superheroes, and they cover more of the human aspects of being a hero. That’s why most of their characters don’t have superpowers at first.”
“True,” you accepted, trying to think of a new argument to support your opinion.
“Both are good,” Youngjo stressed, standing up. He moved over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Also true,” you replied, relaxing in his arms.
“Marvel and DC are good in different ways.”
“Yes, and I prefer DC while you prefer Marvel,” you explained. “That’s nothing to argue over,” you stated, walking back to the couch with Youngjo.
“Exactly, nothing to argue over,” he agreed. He pulled you down back onto the couch, returning to the position he was sitting in previously.
You nod for a second, eyeing him as he gets comfortable again. “But,” you start, drawing out the word for an unnecessary length of time. “DC’s better,” you conclude, shooting up from the couch and running out of the room. Youngjo rolled his eyes, laughing lightly at your childish behavior. You didn’t always act this way, but it was the mornings that he spent with you like this that he loved the most.
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author-luna · 3 years
Villain!Sokeefe/Ruewen family AU
Hi there everyone! A little while ago, a friend and I were talking about Sokeefe and what might happen in book 9, and then I had this idea for an AU where Sokeefe as well as the Ruewen family (Gardy, Edaline, Sophie and alive!Jolie) have been villains all along.
The idea couldn’t leave my mind so here I am.
Word count: 2.9k
Trigger/ Content warnings: mentions of nightmares
Please don’t hesitate to message me / tell me in the comments in case I should add any warnings!
My idea for it was that during Keefe’s time with the Neverseen, they were able to get him on their side
They make him work as a double agent, while thinking he is loyal to them
His joining is fueled by the fact that he feels like the Black Swan isn’t doing anything to help them nor are the utilizing them how they should
He knows that they could defeat the Neverseen in the bat of an eye, if only the Black Swan helped them reach their full potential by not sheltering them
But Keefe has his own agenda, which involves shattering both the Black Swan and the Neverseen
In his opinion, both organizations are hopeless and the best way to actually achieve what they want is a different approach
His plan is to get both the Neverseen and the Black Swan to destroy each other as well as the council, leaving the elvin world exposed
Then, in mits of all chaos, a new organization should take the position of power and work to redefine the elvin values and society
He has thought quite far ahead, but a lot of stuff is still up for debate and he doesn’t really mind because he knows he’ll come up with something in time
After he comes back, he finds it harder to play pretend than he originally thought it would
He can’t bring himself to think about the betrayal everyone would feel after they find out
Even worse, how Sophie would take it all in
After all they’ve been through and how she still trusted him, he can’t take any risks
One day though, when he and Sophie are both hanging out together and the topic of the Neverseen comes up, he can’t take it anymore
It slips out of him before he can even think about it
and suddenly it’s quite, too quiet and yet so unnervingly loud because the blood is rushing in his ears and the air is swirling and Sophie is just shocked
he scrambles to explain what he meant, cover up or anything
but then Sophie just starts shaking and oh god he really messed up didn’t he-
he is convinced that she hates him now but then the shaking turns into faint giggles and the giggling turns into soft laughter which then erupts into a laughing fit and he just wants to call Elwin so he can check on her
after a little while Sophie calms down and sits down, her hands in her lap and her eyes looking at him expectantly
at first our boy is just confused but the she tells him to sit down and explain
when he looks at her like she went insane she tells him that she knows him, he would never do that if he didn’t find value in it
so, he sits down and tells her all about it
from the very start, how he spend his stay to how they recruited him and about why he joined and his own plans
Keefe talks for a while, and when it all come to end, he is surprised by how much better he feels, almost like a weight has been lifted off him and he could finally breathe
Sophie stays quiet for a while, her eyes looking into the distance
Keefe stars fidgeting and pulling loose gras out of the ground because the silence is heavy and he thinks that she definitely hates him now
when Sophie finally looks at him, she is smiling, s m i l i n g and he thinks she finally went crazy
she seems to have read what he thought on his face because now shes pouting and she hit his arm in a playful manner, which leads Keefe to throw a handful of grass on her and suddenly they’re rolling around, chasing each other and laughing like normal people
when they finally stop to catch their breath and they find themselves under Calla’s tree which is ironic, Keefe thinks
the silence now isn’t heavy, it’s comfortable like they've came to a silent agreement
when Sophie speaks up, Keefe can’t help but feel nervous
he is expecting a lecture, a list of things he already knows, maybe even a screaming match because that’s what he deserves
instead, Sophie just whispers a single phrase
‘I trust you’
and it’s enough to bring tears to his eyes because she still trusts him, she isn’t going anywhere and she is still his friend
and then they talk for hours
it’s about everything and nothing in particular
they exchange stories and jokes, laughter echoes through the air followed by a light hearted silence and for the first time in ages Keefe feels like everything might turn out good and he dares to hold on that bit of hope he usually tries to suffocate
Sophie herself feels the same
she thought about yelling at him or scolding him, but deep down she knows that it doesn’t matter
and when she said she trust him, she meant it with each fiber of her body
a little voice in her head tells her that she’s laughing with the enemy and that she’s foolish for trusting him, that she’s a traitor herself for doing it but she snaps back saying that maybe she wants to be a traitor and that she doesn’t care, and the voice shuts up
for the next few days, the voice keeps whispering that she is the enemy as well because she’s trusting Leefe, but whenever she says that maybe she wants to be the enemy, the voice shuts up and that makes her think
Keefe made good points, his plan could use some improvement but the point still stands
her thoughts are constantly running and circling back to the same question ‘Where do I stand? What can I do?’
and at night, the overthinking gets to her
her dreams are haunted by what if’s, but one dream stand out to her
that night, she dreamt of her friends, her family, Keefe and herself in a future where there is no Neverseen
in her dreams, her friends and her were at the beach in San Diego, Linh is playing with the water and everyone is just having fun
when she turns around, she sees Grady and Edaline laughing with her human parents and she hears her human dad’s barking laugh echo as he retells a story from her childhood
she feels a hand on her shoulder and when she looks up, Keefe is standing besides her, looking fondly at the scene
he notices her staring at him and he looks down to her,a soft smile on his face as he whispers ‘We did it Foster’
she jerks up from sleep and she could swear that she can still hear the laughter, smell the water and feel the lingering touch of Keefe’s hand on her shoulder
that night she realizes that this is the future she wants, one where she doesn’t need to hide her human self
she lays awake for hours, and the next morning she finally makes a decision
in the night, when she lays awake, she mentally reaches out to Keefe, and when he opens his mind to hers, he is confused
but with an unbelievable determination she tells him that she is joining him
there is a lot of arguing from his side, but Sophie expected as much
she tells him that if he doesn’t want her to work with him she’ll join the Neverseen on her own so he gives up for now and tells her he will make arrangements for her to meet the others
after the meeting, they take Sophie in as part of them
obviously they don’t trust her from the start and she has to work very hard to earn their trust
they give a lot of assignments that involve morally questionable things that Sophie at first refuses to do but gives in
wherever she goes to these type of missions, she mentally seeks out the comfort of Keefe’s mind, who gladly will distract her, comfort her and talk to her until she feels better
it isn’t a pleasant thing for her to lie to her friends so openly, and she often struggles with hiding it, but Keefe is always right there to help her
they keep talking at night, just basking in the security of each other’s mental presence
because sometimes, things don’t seem that bad when you have a friend by your side
Sophie’s telepathy gets even stronger with the help of Gethen, who teaches her how to hide things securely from Fitz and Mr.Forkle
‘Gethen is okay I suppose’ Sophie begrudgingly admits one night during their nightly hangouts, after Keefe asked her about their training session
he teases her and laughs at her when she threatens to mentally slam a pillow at his head, but secretly she find that his laugh is quite adorable
after the Nightfall fiasco, Vespera and Gisela finally start trusting Sophie more because she kept up the facade so well
they call a meeting with her to ‘formally introduce her’ and during the meeting, she’s a bit nervous
of course, she has been kinda member all this time, but now being officially part of them was making her giddy with nerves
they do the protocol of introducing her to everyone, making her swear herself in, talk about her position yada yada, but the only thing she can focus on is Keefe's hand that intertwined itself with hers under the table and three familiar hooded people in the back
at some point during the meeting he had grabbed her hand to stop her from tugging on her eyelashes and to keep her grounded and steady, and to be fair, the soft circles his thumb kept tracing over her knuckles and the menatlly reassuring things he said to her were soothing and kept her from freaking out
but as much as she wanted to focus on the meeting, her attention kept going up to the three hooded figures in the back
she couldn’t help but feel like she had seen them before, their posture and presence so familiar
she was so distracted she barely noticed how everyone left the room, leaving only Gisela, Vespera, the hooded figures, Keefe and her in the room
when Keefe squeezed her hand, her attention snapped back to the room and she noticed that the figures came closer
Gisela suddenly asked her and Keefe to keep calm since they would now let them into the identities of three of their members
once the hooded figures let down the hoods, Sophie might have yelped in surprise and Keefe might have pulled her closer,just to put his arm around her and there is a tiny chance that Sophie buried herself deeper into his comforting side hug
in front her stood her parents, her elvin parents and with them their daughter she saw them mourn
it didn’t make sense to her how Edaline smiled at her and how Grady sheepishly scratched his neck and especially not how Jolie, the Jolie form the pictures and Prentice mind, shyley waved at her
Gisela and Vespra left them alone and told them to explain and sort it out
the moment they left, Keefe and Sophie started bombarding them with questions
finally, Grady and Edaline explained that Jolie had joined the Neverseen a while before she joined the Black Swan and how she recruited them
her death and all the mourning was just an act to keep everyone from questioning them when they try to get information or when they try to spy on the council
Jolie told her about how she was able to make herself a new identity under the name Trix
upon asking how she could be Trix if his ability was being a Guster and Jolie being a Conjurer jolie answered that she kept gusts of wind stored in the void that she could use and redirect to her liking
they tell them about their positions and how they actually always assisted them in some way, and Sophie feels abit betrayed for not knowing earlier
her and Jolie talk for a bit, getting to know each other and Sophie decides that Jolie is quite amazing
Edaline notes that they should go before someone notices their absence and Sophie takes her home crystal, leaping her and Keefe back to Havenfield
for a second they stand in the living room, hands intertwined and faces close
and before they could speak, they hear someone clear their throat and Sophie lets go of Keefe’s hand in embarrassment
Keefe is a bit upset, he already missed the way Sophie’s hand had fit into his own and the comforting feeling of rubbing his thumb against her knuckles
with a glare, Grady sends him home
after Gardy leaves him alone, he smirks to himself and makes it his mission to hold Sophie’s hand often
now time skip to Unlocked
at first, Keefe didn’t plan on telling Sophe where he’s going because he still was convinced that he is a danger for her
but 2 nights away from the lost cities and he suddenly found Sophie towering over him, hand on her hips and a glare so deadly he probably would have been 6 feet under
sheepishly, he asked her what she was doing here and she just punched his arm
cue an hour of lecturing about how they were in this together and he shouldn't have left without telling her
that’s when it dawned on him
why was she here, and if she was here with him, who was in the lost cities
she sat down besides him, setting down a backpack and saying that she was also a runaway
for the next month or so, they wandered around the world
with her teleporting, their birthfounds and Keefe’s new abilities, they had no problem at all with traveling and staying undercover
in the lost cities, Grady and Edaline helped keep the suspicions at bay
they covered for them and made sure no one found them
cue another showdown between the Neverseen and the Black Swan
this time, it’s a full force one and everyone instinctively knows that this battle is the last
all the intelligent species hold their breath as the war rages, gnomes and elves fighting on each side with all they’ve got
there are losses of course, but the biggest one is when Sophie and Keefe suddenly appear in the middle of everything
their friends stop and look at them with bewilderment, and it soons turns into shock when Keefe takes out a microphone like thing and tells everyone to freeze
as the battle stops, Sophie whistles a tune and Silveny descents from the sky
she lands in front of them and gently, Keefe helps her up and sits behind her
their friends would love to follow them with their eyes, but their gaze is fixed into the distance, and so, they don’t notice how Silveny flies them up to the middle and how Sophie starts expanding her mental grip on everyone
when she finally has everyone listening to her, she takes turns with Keefe to tell them about the future, how both the Neverseen and the Black Swan can’t guarantee a good life for them and the council even less
they end their little speech with them asking their friends to trust them, and Keefe sends everyone but Fitz,Biana,Linh,Tam,Dex,Marella,Wylie,Stina,Bronte Grady and Edaline to sleep
they land and talk with their friends, telling them everything that has happened, from them joining the Neverseen to their time in the human world
and as they stand there, all the stories told and feeling laid bare, they hold each others hands
they know that there is a high possibility of their friends not forgiving them or even not wanting them back
they also know that they might have to leave the elvin world behind forever
that's why they hold each other, because they know that as long as they have each other, the world can throw anything at them and they will get around it
because when Sophie lovingly whispered ‘As long as we have each other, we’re invincible’ after Keefe woke up from a nightmare, it was a promise
and as Keefe whispered a ‘It’s us against the world’ back, it was a mutual understanding,a promise and a reassurance that tells the world ‘We belong with each other, each a heart and a soul that is stronger together’
so when Biana breaks out into a sprint to hug them and everyone joins, hugs exchanged, laughter echoed and stories told, they don’t let go
the future might be uncertain, but it’s a bit better if you have friends with you to stand against the uncertainty
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gffa · 3 years
Hot take. You are a human being. Running a blog. Who also happens to like Star Wars. How dare your thoughts and opinions differ from any random single individual's in the fandom???? Lumi is problematic for THINKING THINGS! HoW DARE U????
LOL, OKAY, I’ll write a more serious response:  I don’t mind that other people disagree with me about stuff, I don’t even mind genuine attempts at discussion!  I do think that you probably have to step more carefully than you would with other topics--at least with some of us, because we’ve had enough bad faith bullshit to last us a lifetime--but that we’re not closed to all conversation, regardless of whether it’s good faith or bad faith.  I have had and do still have conversations with people who disagree with me! What I mind is when people come to me like I’m just here for them to argue with, when it’s clear they’re not engaging with anything I’ve actually said, when it’s clear they don’t want to have a discussion, but just want to tell me how wrong I am.  That’s only going to get shitpost meme responses from me because I think that’s far funnier and more productive.  I don’t owe anyone on this hellsite my time or energy for these things.  I will gladly give it to those who take extra steps to be considerate, but I don’t owe it to anyone. (I will say, however, that if you want to approach me to have an honest discussion about it, I promise to try to be as genuine as I can in such a conversation.  I can’t guarantee that it’ll be a fruitful conversation, but I can guarantee that I’ll give an honest shot.  You can send me an ask here or, if we’re in block with each other, over on mirkwoodings.) But also I think what you’re saying is important to keep in mind, too.  Yes, I am very loud.  Yes, I post a lot.  But also yes I am just one blogger on the internet.  I’m not obligated to agree to something or be some sort of blog-for-everyone-in-the-fandom, I’m here for the opinions I hold, I’m here for the things I like.  Disagreement is fine!  I follow plenty of people I disagree with on stuff!  But they’re kind and considerate people who recognize that disagreeing with stuff doesn’t mean you have to go around putting that on other people. (This is setting aside more serious issues of shitty behavior in fandom, that’s a whole other discussion.  I’m talking about stuff like, “I think it’s funny to make fun of Anakin for the things I relate to about him.”  Agree or disagree, whatever, but it has nothing to do with you, if it’s not your thing.) Ultimately, I have some popular opinions, I have some unpopular opinions, I’ll keep yelling loudly about all of them, and I’m happy to answer serious questions (when I have the emotional reserves for it, I’ve been cycling through a lot of mental health spirals lately, not worrisome bad, but definitely a lot of “I am not dealing with anything serious on tumblr today” places) and have conversations, but at the end of the day, I’m one person running a blog with the goal of entertaining myself.  I’m here for me.  Everyone should be on their own blog for themselves, you can’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm, even just virtually.
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goldie90 · 3 years
Watching Pocahontas with the Sawyers
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Another movie that I really loved when I was a child (and I still love it today) The story about two people from completely different cultures, falling in love with each other, despite all the problems it causes is simply amazing and it´s definitely another movie I would love to watch with the Sawyers. 
But of course, not every member of the family would like it.😄
Like with almost every other movie, it will take some convincing, before Drayton will agree to watch it with us. I guess, the best thing to tell him would be the fact that the movie is vaguely based on a real story (but I think, I should probably omit the word vaguely when I tell him that😉) Of course, he would still be reluctant about it, because he fears that it´s going to be another silly and highly unrealistic movie and therefore he would ask me beforehand if there are any robots or talking animals in it. And he would make it very clear that I will get a beating with the broom,🧹 if I dare to lie to him about this (as if I´m not already know that🙄). But because there are in fact no robots or talking animals in the movie (and he didn´t ask me about talking trees...) I can assure him with a clear conscience that he got nothing to worry about and so he grumpily agrees to watch it. Although, he makes sure to keep his broom close to him. You know, just in case. (Also, it´s nice to cuddle with your best friend while watching a movie) 
Also, during the opening scene he will already need his broom, cause when Chop sees that John Smith and the other men are going to travel with a ship
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he just can´t help wondering if they will run into some sea monsters or sea people 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️(because, yes that´s always the first thing that comes to his mind when he sees scenes like that) and of course, he have to share his thoughts with us, even though he knows that he shouldn´t talk about such topics when Drayton is within earshot. Much less so when he sits right next to him with the broom in his arms, but Chop just can´t help himself and so we´re not even five minutes into the movie, when my favorite brother in law already gets the first of many smacks on his head.😩
The second smack goes to Nubbins, when this scene happens:
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Because when this young man named Thomas goes overboard during the storm, my darling will manically laugh, because it looks like Thomas is going to drown and in Nubbins´ opinion that´s an incredible funny thing to happen, so of course he gets pretty excited, which means he wouldn´t calm down and his laughing fit would make it really hard for the rest of us to pay attention to the screen, so Drayton gives him a hard smack with the broom and yells at him to shut up. But at this point, he won´t even need to tell him that, cause when Nubbins realizes that Thomas is not going to die,
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he will abruptly stop to laugh and instead just disbelievingly shook his head, because he just can´t understand why John Smith rescued him. In Nubbins´mind it makes no sense. These two don´t even know each other, they´re just ended up on the same ship, so why the hell is John helping Thomas? Why can´t he just let him drown and enjoy the show, like every normal human being would do? If this guy was a family member or a good friend, then of course, rescuing him would make sense, but a complete stranger? That´s just stupid! At this moment my darling will come to the conclusion that there´s something deeply wrong with John Smith and he won´t hesitate to tell us exactly that, until Drayton yells at him again and threats him with the broom. 
But during this scene:
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Something very unusual happens, because Drayton and Nubbins actually agree on something (which is really rare). As soon as Nubbins sees how Pocahontas jumps from the cliff, he will be absolutely convinced that she´s not going to survive that stunt and of course, he wants to see her die (you know, because it´s fun🙄). So when this is not happening, my dear husband will get really angry, because it´s already the second time in the movie that someone could have died but didn´t. Seriously, what is that all about? Drayton is asking himself the same question (although for different reasons). So when Nubbins says something like: “Why - why she didn´t died? She - she should be de - dead!” Drayton will look at him, nodding slightly and saying: “You´re right boy, she should....It would be much more realistic.” Then Nubbins will nod enthusiastically and say that it would also be much more funny, while Drayton would mumble that you don´t survive a jump from such a height. And then this conversation would go on for a while and me, Chop and Bubba would have no other choice but to listen, (grandpa don´t know what´s going on anyways) so it would be pretty hard for us to pay attention to the screen. The only good thing coming out of Nubbins´ and Drayton´s odd conversation would be that Drayton would be too distracted to be annoyed by Chop singing along during the music parts. 
But he would be annoyed by this scene:
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A talking tree? A TALKING TREE? That´s.... no, that´s too much for Drayton. Why does he always have to watch such stupid, unrealistic movies with us? There are so many useful things he could do instead. Also, didn´t I told him that there wouldn´t be such silly things? And didn´t he told me about the consequences if I´d lie to him about this topic?😨 
And right at this moment him and I would look at each other, he with an reproachful expression on his face, me with a nervous one and then I could see how his fingers clutching the broomstick more tightly and I would know that now I´ve got to run, so I would get up from the couch and run out of the room and he would follow me with the broom, to give me the promised beating, while the twins and Bubba would simply continue to watch the movie (it is so common that one of us get chased with the broom, that the others don´t pay any attention to it. It´s a pretty normal thing in this house).
Anyways, Drayton would chase me around for a while, until I end up with my back to the wall at some point and then I would try to talk myself out of the situation and he would say something like “I told you and I told you that I don´t want nothing of that nonsense!” And I would reply that he only said that he don´t want to see talking animals - but he never said something about trees. Yes, I would have to play a bit dumb here, while I ask him all innocently: “How should I knew that talking trees are also off limits, Drayton? You didn´t told me.” And actually, it will make him hesitate, right when he´s about to hit me, because I have a point here, but his hesitation wouldn´t last. No, just when I think that I can get out of this without resceiving a beating, he will give me a hard smack on the head, because he thinks that I should have knew that he would never, NEVER want to see a movie with a talking tree in it. 
So when we finally get back to the rest of the family (me of course with some bruises🤕), Pocahontas and John already met and Nubbins would currently be in the middle of a angry rant about their first encounter, because he absolutely hated this scene.
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It was again one of those moments when his hopes were getting up all high, just to be crushed right away and let me tell you, he hates these moments, he really hates them. Why does it always have to be like this, everytime he watches a movie? It looks like someone is going to die and he looks forward to it, but then nothing happens. It´s so frustrating. Take this scene for example: It seemed like John was going to shoot Pocahontas, which would have been such a great thing (not as good as stabbing her with a knife🔪 or slay her with a hammer🔨, but still good) but all of a sudden, he changed his mind and instead decided to have a friendly conversation with her.
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It makes no sense. Also, it just confirmed Nubbins´ suspicion that there´s something seriously wrong with this guy, because no person in their right mind would do such a thing. No, John Smith must be completely insane, there´s no other explanation for the stupid things he does. 
While Nubbins rants about this topic and tells everyone of us exactly what he thinks about John, Chop will loudly wonder about how long it will take till John will sleep with Pocahontas, cause yes, he´s absolutely convinced that there will be a sex scene in the movie.🙄 Of course, Drayton who´s already in a bad mood due to the whole talking tree issue won´t be all too happy to hear him talk about such indecent things, so now Chop is the one who have to run away from the broom, while I would try my best to calm Nubbins down, which wouldn´t be easy.😩 I would have to assure him, that there will be indeed a death scene in the movie (which I would regret real soon, because from then on he would ask me every other minute when exactly it will happen and he would only shut up after Drayton smacks him with the broom). 
At this point everyone, except Bubba, grandpa and of course Drayton himself would have some nasty bruises. Also, the only reason Drayton agreed to continue watching the movie is because I promised him that there wouldn´t be more talking trees (or any talking things who are not supposed to talk). Of course, I told him that the talking tree he´d already seen would make another appearance (honestly, I wouldn´t dare to lie to him about this) and even though he wasn´t happy about it, he begrudgingly accepted it, because after he had processed the first shock about the talking tree, he thinks he can endure to see it again, as long as there are not more of them. 
Yes, he can endure to see grandmother willow again, but one thing he definitely CAN`T endure are Chop´s perverted comments during this scene:
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Yes, Chop would be absolutely convinced that now the two main characters are going to have sex right there in the woods and again Drayton (whose face would turn dark red, the second Chop starts to loudly wonder in which position John will bang the pretty lady) have to smack him with the broom to make him shut up. 
But just when Chop stops his inappropriate speech, his twin will get a really hard laughing fit, because things just started to get chaotic on screen:
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Watching these two men fight is so much fun and Pocahontas´ unsuccessful attemps to make them stop are also pretty amusing. Yes, my dear husband is really enjoying this scene, because in his opinion it is the best thing that happened in the movie so far and he really don´t care who wins the fight - as long as someone dies he´s happy.😟
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So needless to say, when it finally happens, Nubbins will be completely overjoyed.
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Kocoum is dead! Oh, that´s great!  And the fact that Thomas was the one who killed him, makes the whole situation even more fun, because you wouldn´t have expected this. No, not from this shy young man, who almost drowned in the beginning of the movie. Yes, Nubbins is still a bit disappointed because he survived (which we know, is only John´s fault😒), but now he´s also glad about it, because if Thomas died, he wouldn´t have been able to kill this native american warrior and in my darling´s opinion, this would really be a shame. So right now Thomas is actually his favorite character in the movie, because he´s the only one who actually killed someone, instead of just talking about it (like Governor Ratcliffe and Pocahontas´ father do) No, Thomas actually did it and Nubbins respects that, he really does. 
Also, something that makes the whole thing even better in his opinion, is the fact that Thomas get away with it, while John is captured by the native americans. At this point, Nubbins will actually laugh so hard that he falls off the couch.🙄
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He just can´t help himself, the whole situation is just so damn funny. Pocahontas´ dad now wants to kill John (and this time it actually seems like he´s serious about it), meanwhile Ratcliffe, Thomas and the other men are planning to rescue him, so it seems like at this point, a war between these two groups is unavoidable and surely this means that more people are going to die and damn, how great is that? Also, it´s really funny to see how desperate Pocahontas gets at the thought of John getting killed. 
Yes, currently Nubbins really loves the movie, but this will change abruptly during this scene:
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What the hell is this woman doing? She just ruined a perfect moment with her stupid rescue operation! Why did she do that? WHY??? While Nubbins is completely shocked, Bubba who was actually holding his breath, will now audibly outhale, because he´s deeply relieved about the fact that Pocahontas´ father is now not going to kill John. He couldn´t have stand it, if this had actually happened, because unlike Nubbins, he don´t want John to die. No, Bubba wants to see him and Pocahontas getting married and maybe having some kids.💕👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Yes, that would be nice. Meanwhile, Chop will simply smile and say something like: “I´d kne- knew that she would do this! Can´t have him ki- killed, before she was able to get- get laid by him, right?” Needless to say that Drayton will smack him with the broom for this comment. 
Meanwhile Nubbins will still be angry about the whole thing and he still can´t understand why Pocahontas did what she did, but when I tell him that it is because she loves John and maybe say something like: “I would do the same for you.” He will actually think about it for a moment and then he would come to the conclusion that, okay, maybe it makes sense. But still.... the scene should have been different. Why did her father not simply kill them both? When he shares this thought with me, I would remind him that “He´s her father. ...Would you kill your own child, Nubbins?” Well, after thinking about it for a moment, he would have to admit that no, he wouldn´t. And then he would most likely say something like: “But some-someone else could have kill-killed them both! It would be much-much better.” At this point I would simply pat his shoulder, while  discretely rolling my eyes. Seriously, it makes no sense to discuss with him. He thinks that the two main characters should have died and nothing what I say would change his mind. 
For Nubbins, a movie is only good when many people die in it, so of course this moment:
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will make him feel hopeful again, because he thinks that now John is going to die. Also, at this point it will make him especially happy, because in his opinion, John really deserves to die, due to his stupidity. This crazy guy just rescued again someone for no particular reason, so of course he deserves to die! 
So needless to say that he will be really disappointed and also very angry, about the fact that John survives, but at least he´s seriously injured , so now he have to sail back home, which means that he and Pocahontas now have to say goodbye to each other, which is also a funny moment.😩
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At least the main characters can´t be together in the end. Nubbins is really relieved about it, because he just can´t stand happy ends in movies. (For him a real happy end is, when by the end of the movie, every character is dead.🙄) 
Meanwhile, Chop will be a bit disappointed because John and Pocahontas didn´t had sex, but exceptionally he will keep his thoughts to himself, because he already got beaten up enough by Drayton while watching the movie and he don´t want to have more of that. 
But while Chop is just disappointed, Bubba will be incredible sad, because this ending is not what he wanted it to be. He´d wished for John and Pocahontas to be happy together for the rest of their lives, but now everything turned out completely differently and poor Bubba just can´t stand it. He starts to cry and Drayton have to comfort him, which will lead to me resceiving another beating with the broom, because I suggested to watch this movie and therefore it´s my fault that Bubba is sad. 
Also, this night Drayton won´t sleep very well, because he will have a very scary nightmare. He dreams about walking through a forest, when all of a sudden all the trees around him, are starting to talk to him.🌲🌳🌲
He wakes up screaming and afterwards he would be too scared to go back to sleep. And because of the sleep deprivation, he will be even more grumpy than usual in the morning, which will lead to everyone of us getting beat up before we even had breakfast.😟
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Speculating about sexuality
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It’s time to get a little controversial on this blog. Or at least talk about a controversial subject. I’ve recently seen some fandom discourse about this subject from multiple sources. A lot of people have the opinion that discussing a celebrity’s sexuality is a bad thing, something you shouldn’t do. I strongly disagree.
Full disclosure, I’m a Larrie. I’m a 1D fan who believes Harry and Louis are a couple. I’m also a 5SOS fan. Now I know many 5SOS fans seem to be wary of Larries in particular. I know some people have taken it too far sometimes. But also, it’s hard to compare Larry/1D to 5SOS in many ways, because Larry and 1D themselves have done a lot of things to encourage fans looking into things they normally might not. It feels to me as if 5SOS fans saw the things that happened in the 1D fandom, turned around and decided to do the exact opposite. This is a good thing in some ways, but it also leaves no room for critical thinking.
Now back to 5SOS. I’ve had a few conversations about this topic and what it comes down to is this. 5SOS are famous, they live a life that’s (partially) being seen by the public and the media. Now this will sound cold, but it’s a fact: 5SOS are a product. When we interact with them on social media, we interact with a product. In the end they want to keep selling their music to us. In order to do so, engaging with fans is part of their job. It doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it, it doesn’t mean they’re not genuine. If you work in a supermarket part of your job may be stocking shelves. You have to do it because it’s your job, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it as well.
Part of the product that is 5SOS is their relationships. We see their girlfriends plastered over their social media, they mention them in interviews, etc. That’s not something they HAVE to do generally speaking. If we are to assume that (for argument’s sake) all 3 current 5SOS relationships are genuine, then they don’t have to show us their girlfriends if they don’t want to. This means they either choose to do so, because that’s what they want, or these girlfriends are being presented to us for a reason (PR, bearding, etc.). Which of these it is, is for you to decide. Both options make them become part of the product. We are allowed to question that product, since we are the ones consuming it. If the person in question has made comments that can be regarded as them hinting at not being straight they open the door even further. You cannot tell someone to come over and then slam the door in their face because they get too close.
If 5SOS want to they can keep their relationships private. Their social media profiles are not the same as ours. They are a representation of the product they are. A representation of their image. That’s why celebrities often have private profiles as well, where they can share private things that they don’t want to share with the public.
The 5SOS girlfriends themselves are a product as well. They all have careers that involve being in the public eye, they are just as well selling us a version of themselves. 2 public people dating does not mean we automatically HAVE to see that they are dating. Celebrities can keep things a secret or low-key if they want to. In fact, I’d dare to argue they have more tools to do so than you and I.  
You can look at it like this, if I’m buying a laptop I’m doing research online, I’ll check out reviews. I’ll ask questions at the store. I question the product before I buy it. That’s not that different from what we do as fans. Before we buy their music we question if this is a product we want to buy. Most of the time that’s an unconscious decision we make. Sometimes a product can becomes unsatisfactory after a while and we choose to move on from it. I know it sounds cold, but it’s not that different with celebrities. If 5SOS keep showing me their public girlfriends on their public social media, I get to question that. If I come to the conclusion that I think that what they are telling me is false. I get to discuss that. Being a fan does not equal always taking things at face value.
There’s also a double standard in this fandom. Some people are more than willing to yell about how problematic and toxic the girlfriends are in their opinion. Which means they are allowed to poke into (what they think is) a real relationship between 2 people. When Luke says Teeth is about Sierra, they question his words and don’t hesitate to say their relationship is toxic. But when it comes to sexuality suddenly that’s a no go. I am absolutely not a fan of the way some of the way girlfriends behave. As long as this happens in a fandom environment I am also fine with talking about that. But if you disapprove of one thing and then do something similar, maybe it’s time you start practicing what you preach or leave people to have their own opinions.
This doesn’t mean you should tell the guys directly that you think their relationship is not real or that you think they are not straight. You don’t harass their friends, their crew, and their family about this. Discussing a celebrity’s sexuality/relationship should stay limited to fandom spaces. With social media it’s a lot easier for celebrities to see what we say about them. Therefor I always suggest being mindful of what you say (they may be a product, but they are still people). Personally it’s why I enjoy Tumblr, because most celebrities don’t go on here and (most of the time) we can safely discuss things that are more difficult to discuss in a place like Twitter. I will say, just because we are questioning a product, it doesn’t mean we get to be rude in the process. You generally don’t go to the store and start yelling at the salesperson if you don’t agree with what they tell you.
People seem to think it’s disrespectful to say someone is gay. Why? Is there anything wrong with being gay? Absolutely not. We live in a society that’s very heteronormative, being straight is seen as the “default” sexuality. It should not be. If you’re going to argue that it’s disrespectful to say someone is gay, then please also don’t assume they are straight. You can have personal thoughts, sure. I have personal thoughts on the specific sexuality of the guys in 5SOS as well. But I keep in mind that my personal thoughts aren’t a fact. I could be wrong. So unless someone has specifically stated their sexuality it’s best to not assume anything and keep an open mind.
Then finally I want to briefly touch on a topic that goes hand in hand with what I’ve talked about: shipping. Some people have a problem with shipping when it comes to real people. For some people shipping is just enjoying the idea of 2 people together even if you think they aren’t. While other people truly believe in that relationship. There’s nothing wrong with any of that as long as it doesn’t become invasive. It all comes back to what I’ve said before. We are consuming a product. The relationships between the 5SOS guys are a huge part of that product. The chemistry between them is part of why we love them. I’m not saying they are pretending to like each other. I fully believe their chemistry is genuine, but it does help sell the product. It also means that sometimes the guys/their team plays into that chemistry to sell the product.
They guys should not have a problem with fans shipping them together, because it’s not up to them to decide that. They sell us their relationships, so we get to form opinions about that. If we stay in our own fandom space and do not become invasive by showing them or people around them fandom content (fics, headcanons, manips, etc.). Then they should not come into our spaces and invade stuff we enjoy in that space. I get super uncomfortable whenever I see celebrities reading fanfiction or being read fanfiction. Fanfiction about them is not for them. It’s made for fans to enjoy and they should stay away from that. I want to encourage you to go and read this answer* about shipping real people. Because sometimes other people’s words say it better than my own words ever could.
With that we have reached the end of this post. As usual I am always open to discuss this in an adult manner. If you feel like you have anything to add to this discussion, feel free to send me an ask/dm. Or reply to this post. If you like/agree with what I write I would love it if you reblogged this post. That’s the only way more people can see it. My blog is small, so reblogs are very much needed to keep the discussion going. Don’t think of coming in my inbox and yelling at me how everything I said is wrong and bad and awful, because it is only going to get you blocked. If you don’t agree, that’s fine, but I’m not going to tolerate any hate.
Finally, just because you are allowed to speculate and question whatever 5SOS or any other celebrity/influencer tells you, doesn’t mean you have to. If that’s not your cup of tea, then that is more than fine. The reason I wrote this post is because we need to stop making people who think critically about the things they are being told, feel guilty about what they do.
* Please note that the author of this post does not have anything to do with what has been written in this post. If you have a problem with anything in this post, please direct it to me and not them.
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Shadamy Swordland | Ch 2 | Sacred Arts
“I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth on the count of three, but you’re not to make a sound! We wouldn’t want to draw any attention to us, now do we, lass?”” The stranger now held a dagger dangerously close to her throat. Amy felt the cold steel against her skin and didn’t dare exhale too deep, terrified it’d cut into her flesh. Unable to nod in agreement, she could only widen her eyes in good hopes the other understood. “One… Two… Three.” She felt the gloved fingers slide away from her now dry mouth. Automatically she gasped and panicked, the sharp lines of the dagger pressing into her throat with every shallow breath. “Good girl. Now, let’s have a chat.” The other said, stepping in to face her, still holding the dagger in place. Amy looked up in astonishment to a creature with a sensual vibe over her. Their manner of speech aligned with the smug grin on her face. She wore a dark coat with fabric that seemed to hug her body in a way that barely left anything to the imagination, her sharp shaped wings the only thing uncurved about her physique. How could she have missed her when she scanned the place? “Then talk!” Amy snarled.
She tried to keep her voice down. The woman pulled back the hood of her coat onto her shoulders, revealing her white skin and big ears. Her lips were full and her two sharp canine tooths drew Amy’s attention.
“Why so rushy? Oh, that’s right! You have to get back to your dorm in time so they won’t notice you’re gone. Imagine all the rumours you’d cause!”
“If you’re so worried about my reputation, you could let me go, you know?”
The bat suppressed her tendency to mockingly laugh in her face and shifted the dagger to her slightly press into Amy’s muzzle.
“You’re too naïve. Ah, where are my manners?! I haven’t introduced myself to you yet.”
“I’ve been wondering about your manners as well.” Amy angrily hissed at her.
“You don’t want to go down that road with me, dear.” Her voice turned dark and serious. “On the topic of manners: it is wildly indecent that a member from a low-rank family such as yourself is in a romantic relationship with a high-ranked knight, who happens to be your trainer as well.”
A cocktail of frustration, fear and disgust roared inside her, sending tremors to her limbs. If she weren’t tied up, she’d teach this woman a lesson.
“…And quite a passionate one I must say.” The bat lowered her eyelids and locked eyes with her, clearly trying to get under her skin. Amy felt her cheeks redden in both embarrassment and anger, feeling exposed and violated by how much this stranger knew about her and Shadow. “H-how much do you know?”
“More than enough to offer you a deal.” “Let’s hear it.” Amy said unwillingly. She added scepticism to the tone in her voice.
Shadow rushed in without warning and knocked her over with force, taking both of the females by surprise. He pushed the bat down, one of his hands clenched around her neck, the other pointing out his magnificent sword at her. She struggled to escape his hold and failed, but still managed to cock a smile, unnerving Shadow and Amy.
“So, you’re coming to save the day after all, my lord.” ‘They seem to know each other,’ Amy quietly muttered to herself. “Cut it out!” Shadow yelled angrily. He increased his grip on her. “Are you hurt?” Shadow asked his student. She shook her head at him, never been more relieved to see him. His courtesy towards her sent a rush of adrenaline to her chest. She watched how he confidently moved to master his opponent with his muscular arms. Amy loved how strong and masculine he was, but was suddenly alarmed when she saw this ‘Rouge’-woman seriously struggle to breathe.
“H-hear me out, Shadow!”
“You’re unreliable and corrupt to the core! Give me one reason why I would listen to you!”
A series of coughs and grated voice followed from her almost clenched shut throat in attempt to get him to listen to her. They turned into background sounds when his girlfriend called him to order, afraid he’d push it too far. The grip on her neck reduced at once, grasping both of her wrists instead now. Shadow then lost his balance when she suddenly disappeared underneath him and he tumbled unto the floor. That darn bat with her endless number of spells!
“My, my. It seems you have forgotten how well I know my ways around the sacred arts there, knight.”
Rising to already to lash at her again, he was dumbfounded when he turned around. His girl gasped and let out a high-pitched squeak, seeing how the dagger of the woman lightly scratched her neck. He sighed and lowered his sword. “Put it in the sheathe!” Rouge ordered. Reluctantly he obeyed.
How things could become this ugly in so little time?
“Talk.” He sneered at her, crossing his arms.
“Here’s the deal: you two are going to help me out. I’ve had enough of being an outcast! My clan is on the edge of perishing. There’s not enough food, we’re poor and being used as a doormat, looked down upon and being abused way too long now!”
“How is that our problem?” “I’ll tell you: It became your problem the minute your self-discipline failed you and ya couldn’t keep your hands of this one here.”
Shadow’s eyes narrowed, disgusted by the way she portrayed him, but didn’t bother to go against it. “But of course, that all depends on how determined you are on keeping this a secret, Shadow.”
“That’s dirty! You are just loving this, aren’t you?” “You think you know me so well! I wished I wouldn’t have to do this, but I have no choice. I have to find the gemstone!” “It’s always been about luxury and prestige with you. If you’d ask me, you got what you deserved.” “Well, I am in fact not asking you, so keep your rude opinion to yourself. This isn’t about jewellery! I’m at the point where I can’t even feed my children properly anymore!”
His eyes widened in shock. He didn't know that she had kids now. “If I had simply asked for your assistance, you would’ve for sure rejected my request- that is IF you even were to hear me out in the first place. There’s no other way for me to get what I want but to blackmail you. Am I wrong?” Rouge’s bright blue orbs glistered even more brightly through the tears that filled her eyes. Amy couldn’t help feeling a little sorry for her. “Probably not.” He scratched the squills on his head in discomfort. “There’s someone who can help me and my clan to get out of this horrible situation. I need to bring him the infamous turquoise gemstone for his plans to work and the two of you are going to help me, seeing how you’re able to perform special skills and all…”
Shadow seemed to understand what she was talking about.
“What gemstone?”
“Oh, you haven’t told her? This ought to be even more interesting than I thought.”
“The special skill I performed earlier is only a sacred art spell. It’s no big deal.” Amy stated in confusion.  She did not understand what was so special about it.
“And what do you think is the source of the power allowing you to do so?” “I haven’t given it much thought actually.”
“Well then, I’ll assume you are familiar with the legend of the gemstone that was used by greedy men with a thirst of power to let destruction befall our realm in the past. The one they tell you scary tales about in kindergarten, the one which’s tremendous power is a great taboo and the use of it a violation of the law.”
Amy nodded. “That’s the one.”
“That makes no sense! It’s supposed to be sealed away in a faraway kingdom. There’s no way that could be the source of power providing us the magic of the sacred arts.”
“That’s what they want you to believe.” She pointed in the direction of the academy. “Wherever that blasted stone is located, its’ range of power has an enormous scale. Its’ influence reaches our realm, providing a mysterious power, a power all the sacred arts are based on. In fact, you’re not that different from me, a dark mage.” …
“Especially him. He seems to know his way around spells I can’t even decode, let alone perform.” “Nonsense! Shadow would never use dark magic!” “It is in fact true, Amy.” Shadow heaved a sigh. He grunted and let out a soft curse under his breath, shifting his gaze away from Amy when he saw the painful look on her face. This was not the way he wanted her to find out about this.
“And you didn’t bother to tell me?!”
“I didn’t exactly have the time, now did I? Tonight’s the first time I have ever performed a sacred art spell around you. It’s complicated…”
“I’m listening…” “As much as I’d love to listen to the two of you argue, the sun is about to rise. Once your secret is out, you’ll be useless to me,” Rouge interfered. Shadow and Amy shared a glance, silently admitting they did not have a choice but to help her. He unfolded his arms and held out his hand to the bat.
“Wonderful! We’ll meet again here tonight an hour past curfew. Don’t be late.”
Shadow ignored her, hating to be ordered around by anyone but Amy and long wishing for this nightmare to be over. He walked up to Amy and untied her to rub her sore hands, only shifting his gaze up to hers once. She kept eyeing him in a mad way and he knew that look on her face meant trouble for him. “Now warp her back to her dorm so she’ll be back in time, will ya?” “Just because we’ll be working together does NOT mean you are to interfere in our relationship. Stay out of it!” “Heh!” the bat cocked a self-complacent smile. “Relationship…Who would’ve thought?” She nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders in disbelief and closely walked past them to the ladder, briefly touching Amy’s shoulder. “You’re his weak spot, lass. The only one I could ever find,” Rouge whispered.
The bat spread her wings and flew off into the distance leaving a beaten, chagrined Shadow behind with an upset Amy. Shadows hopes on a calm, peaceful day evaporated like snow on a sunny day when he realized he yet had to spend the day practicing swordfights with her. Reading someone wasn’t one of his qualities, but her offended mood was so evidently present, there was no doubt he misunderstood this time. She brushed off the dust and straw, dressing herself in her cloak. Arms crossed and boldly making him catch her gaze before she left, she made him a wordless promise: she would not go easy on him.
Fire and torments, this is not happening!
< Previous chapter: read here.
> Next chapter: read here.
My head’s been feeling a little fuzzy over the last few days. I have no idea if this is a good follow-up to the oneshot right now xD Let me know your thoughts and whether you would like a third chapter(: I have written the draft for that already.  Send me a PM for typo’s, ideas or feedback if you will. I am an amateuristic writer and English is not my native langauge^^’ LOL.
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How about a sequel to the Naida/MC? When Nadia invites MC on a heist with her, the Poppy is worried for MC so they test to see if Nadia really cares about MC by making it look like MC’s will be caught (but it’s one of them as a fake guard) to see if Nadia stays to help MC and she does. When MC realises it’s the Poppy she’s upset bc they didn’t trust her judgement and leaves with Nadia, but Nadia convinces her to talk with them bc while she’s angry about being tested they were looking out for MC
Written by @an-awkward-ghost
Flashpoint’s heists were different than the Poppy’s. Nadia, back when she thought she was infatuated with Vivienne, had spent days studying their methods. They truly had the best combination of abilities and talents someone could ask for, and Nikolai knew how to put everything to good use. Nothing was wasted, any chance of failure would be immediately squashed before it could so much as exist. And if something unexpected did happen during a heist, well, they knew how to improvise. It was annoying, yes, but something that Nadia could respect – they were the best for a reason, after all. Part of that was remaining untouchable.
And while Nadia was aware that safety should be top priority, there was a unique thrill in doing things more freely that she would never give away. Flashpoint preferred to go all in, figurative guns blazing, taking what they wanted while everyone watched, unable to do anything.
She loved committing their expressions to memory, all stunned fear and enraged surprise. It was much better than imagining their reactions to a calling card, in her opinion.
When she had invited MC to work with them on their next heist, she knew the Poppy wouldn’t approve of her methods. They were like one big, stubborn, overprotective family she had to win over – the most disapproving “in-laws” in the world.
Fine, that was fine. Nadia could have Flashpoint play it safe for one heist. She’d never let Karina come to any harm, and hell to anyone who believed otherwise – she’d show the Poppy she can be trusted.
Thing is… she didn’t quite think she’d have to prove it this way. She expected a talk, maybe a heated debate, but nothing this dramatic nor extreme. Weren’t the Poppy supposed to play it safe?
And everything had happened so fast.
Karina had been telling her about her recruitment, high on adrenaline, laughing freely and warmly like the wind in spring. The whole experience had been invigorating, even if the heist wasn’t as crazy as Flashpoint usually preferred.
“I wish it had been me who discovered you,” Nadia had told her, in one of those moments where she didn’t feel the need to be dominating, in control. Karina had softened at the admission, had looked at her as if she were an undiscovered treasure she was itching to commit to memory.
They walked together to the back exit of the mansion Flashpoint had infiltrated in. Nadia wasn’t concerned about the rest of her crew – they were probably already waiting for them, since Karina and her might have gotten a bit… distracted… during the heist.
Just as she was reminiscing, feeling proud delight bubble in her chest and a spark of delicious heat, the Poppy had sprung into action.
Or, well, a “guard” did.
He came out of the literal shadows, unexpected like rain in September.
Nadia had been walking ahead, already out of the mansion. If this had occurred before Nadia had become aware she had feelings for Karina, she might have snorted and continued on to safety, glad to have gotten rid of Vivienne’s little toy.
But that’s not what happens at all.
The first thing Nadia hears is Karina’s surprised yelp. All rational thought leaves her at that moment. Before she can even blink, she’s already turning around, heading inside again like a demon let loose, hand moving towards her knife.
It takes her a moment to understand the scene before her, but the moment she does she sees red. Karina is caught in the guard’s grasp, expression open in honest surprise. Nadia can detect a tinge of panic twisting alongside ever eternal frustration, and understands this situation has happened before, and Karina had been as powerless then as she was now. Everything shifting with volcanic rage in her expression, Karina stomps on the guard’s foot with vigor.
The guard curses and yelps and flinches and Nadia instantly sees her opening. She pounces, eyes zeroing in on the spot that would guarantee a kill. It was second nature at this point.
True, she had promised to change for Karina. To hold back. To search for other methods, for other solutions. Nadia had grumbled and accepted it, but the instinct was never gone, not really. It’s the first thing that came to mind when something went wrong.
It’s the first thing that she was doing now, falling back into old habits.
The guard blocks her, still holding to Karina. She moves with him, a harsh tug that sets his balance off. That’s everything Nadia needs. Her knife is light and sure in her grasp, hungry for vengeance. She won’t miss.
“Nadia, wait!”
Against her better judgement, her body freezes mid strike, automatically responding to Karina’s yell- no, to her order. Unable to do anything else, she fixes the guard with a fulminating glare, daring him to do anything.
Karina continues. “I know that voice. Leon?”
The guard remains tense, though now thoroughly non-threatening.
“Leon?” Nadia repeats, with a huff. She can see it now, in his wide shoulders and tall frame. The knife would have been ineffective against someone like him, a mere bee’s sting. She huffs, relaxing her posture, still somewhat wary. “Explain. You didn’t betray them, did you?”
“Us,” Karina corrects, eyes narrowing. “And he’d never…”
She trails off at the same time Leon lets go of her, moving to take off the mask covering his mouth. His expression is filled with silent, thunderous determination.
“You guys planned this, didn’t you?” Karina asks, quietly. “You wanted to see what Nadia would do if I was in danger.”
Leon doesn’t shy away from her, which Nadia has to give him credit for. Karina could be scary when she wanted to, eyes dark like the deep end of the sea, where you couldn’t do anything else but drown.
The Poppy was hellbent on believing she was only deceiving Karina, weren’t they? After all this time? All of this?
Indignation burns away all other feelings. She distracts herself playing with her knife, frowning.
“Do you really trust me so little?” Karina explodes. “Do you- do you think that I don’t have a brain to make decisions or something? I know Nadia is dangerous. I’m not blind. I’m not a poor judge of character. I just- what were you guys thinking? Doing this- this… this test! What the hell were you trying to do? Provoke the inevitable? Nadia wouldn’t have abandoned me!”
Karina turns around, hand grabbing Nadia’s and dragging her off without another word. Leon remains where he is, resignation clouding his face, but even from here his relief is evident.
“I can’t believe their nerve! God! What if you hadn’t stopped and ended up stabbing him?”
“We are talking about Leon here. He can tank a knife.”
“I mean, yeah, but this could have been worse! It could have drawn in real guards, and then what?”
Nadia shrugs, knowing silence is the only option. Karina needs to vent.
“And I can’t believe they don’t trust me. I’ve told them about our dates, you know, you’d think they’d see-” She cuts herself off, quickly switching topics without really ending them. “I just know Remy and Jett must have driven all the other guards away. If we run into them, I’ll- oh my god, the maid we saw on the third floor! That’s it, I’m yelling at Vivienne too. I’m yelling at all of them.”
Nadia squints, vaguely remembering the maid Karina is referring to. The Poppy had clearly taken measures to ensure Karina wouldn’t be in any real danger whatsoever. This little test of theirs…
She sighs.
“And don’t get me started on Zoe, she probably-”
“-was watching the whole time! The moment I see another camera, I am-”
“-so flipping her off!”
“Angel. Darling.”
That seems to make the trick. Karina whips around to glare at her.
“Don’t use darling. Please.”
Nadia nods. “Yes. I apologize. You weren’t listening.”
“Listening? Oh! I’m sorry, Nadia, I didn’t consider how this would make you feel… they are just acting like complete assholes, I know you would never-”
“No, no. It’s fine.” It’s not. Nadia is a woman of her word. She had told the Poppy that as soon as Karina and her had started dating, and to have her word so quickly brushed off…? It irked her. A lot. But she sucks it up and faces her girlfriend with the most neutral expression she can manage. “They are your family, Karina. I understand why they are worried.”
“They shouldn’t be.”
“But they are. As much as I dislike being tested like this, I’d say it helped win their favor. We should have no further problems from them.”
“But to go this far… they really crossed the line this time. I won’t forgive them.”
Gently, Nadia tugs Karina’s hand so she’ll stop walking. “If only humans weren’t this emotional... but the fact is they have a right to feel worried, just like you have a right to be angry.”
“We. Just like we.”
A small smile curls up her lips. “Just to be clear, I’d have done the same.”
“If you were dating Vivienne. I would have tested her, too.”
Karina’s eyes go wide. “Hold on. That day, on the rooftop. You came to test me.”
Nadia swallows the fact that she had originally intended to kill her and just nods. The memory of her past self’s plans still made her skin crawl, even after all this time. She can’t fathom why she’d ever want to harm this woman, this angel. At least those thoughts are long gone, now.
Her girlfriend huffs and shakes her head.
“Am I the only one that would just choose to have a talk?”
“A shovel talk, you mean.”
“Hah. Maybe. So, your point was… I should forgive them? Really? Are you sure?”
“Oh, no, you can still bring them hell. Actually, please do. I was just trying to make you see things their way.”
Karina’s smile is downright predatory. “Oh, I’ll give them hell all right.”
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pekorosu · 4 years
just a lil “if ash lived” headcanon that i need to unload somewhere bc i've been holding it in for a long time
- set within the manga ‘verse
- takes place when ash and eiji are in their early 30s... so around the mid 1990s?
- i don’t get the weird animanga trope where older = longer hair, so they’re gonna look the same... maybe with slightly shorter hair bc they get regular haircuts now 
- (note: i've always interpreted long-haired eiji as symbolic of the fact that he couldn't move on from ash’s death)
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- ash and eiji will continue living in the states, idk if still in NYC or somewhere else. they’ll move around a lot though.
- ash will mostly remain underground as he had to fake his death after lao’s stab, but he does it in a "hiding in plain sight" kind of way. only a handful of people know he’s still alive.  
- ash spends most of his time on the computer, mostly coding, hacking, being a nerd, among other fun stuff.
- he also takes on “jobs” anonymously, and occasionally from max (who’s still into investigative journalism) when he needs info that can only be obtained through Dubious Means.
- i also like to think that ash's a bit of a hacker robin hood lol. but he isn’t doing it purely out of the goodness of his heart, as part of it is a subconscious need to atone for his “sins” and cleanse the gnawing and persistent feeling of shame that gets amplified when he’s around eiji.
- also whatever he’s up to these days would ofc still be Highly Dangerous and Illegal, but it keeps him busy and would sate the part of him that’s still hungry for adrenaline without him having to engage in stuff like active bloodshed or substance abuse. basically that’s how i imagine he’d try to cope with life the only way he knows.
- eiji continues to do photography and other part time gigs bc he does not like the idea of mooching off ash forever, and he slowly makes a name for himself.
- ash and eiji live together but they are NOT together in a romantic sense... not yet >:)
- therefore eiji will probably date other people in the meantime, which gets a little troublesome bc it's not like he can bring them home to where his secret Very Important Friend is secretly hiding.
- ash will maybe have one-night stands every now and then. or not. idk. this isn’t a very important detail.
- anyway there will be lots of clueless but mutual pining :)
- ash especially, is of the opinion that they should start living separately bc someone will eventually track him down, maybe someone who has a past or present grudge on him. combined with his current activities, it’s only a matter of time before eiji would unwittingly get dragged into his problems again.
- eiji is v adamantly against that plan bc he's sorta developed a debilitating sense of paranoia that ash might just get killed somewhere while he’s not looking. not that ash isn’t paranoid either, but his insecurities often tip the scale over to “eiji is safer away from me” than “with me”.
- basically they’re doing their whole “stay. no, leave. no, stay” dance all over again, but like, dragged out over MANY YEARS.
- you thought eiji’s letter would’ve cleared up any crossed wires? 
- like yea, there was probably a beautiful honeymoon period of about a year or two after they reunited, before their respective trauma and issues started creeping in and fucking things up again.
- esp on ash’s end, i think he’d engage in a lot of self-sabotage. and eiji is only human, he has his own limits and baggage too.
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- there will be a government conspiracy plotline but on a smaller scale compared to canon that i am unfortunately not knowledgeable enough to worldbuild on, but it will probably have something to do with cybercrime/cyberterrorism/stuff like that bc it needs to tie in with ash's hacking shenanigans.
- i've heard that sing ends up becoming some sorta political big shot in yasha? idk, i haven't read it myself, but since china’s rising status was mentioned in GoL i imagine the plot should relate to that somehow.
- therefore sing would also get to be in this story! 
- i guess this means yut-lung would come into the picture at some point as well, and it would be a good opportunity for a redemption arc but i haven’t given it much of a thought bc i’m indifferent to his character orz SORRY.
- look i can’t do plot, but i am basically envisioning a political thriller with a side of slow burn romance (wait, you mean like a rehash of canon?)
- i’m thinking max is the one who kicks off the story by bringing something fishy to ash, and they just end up uncovering more and more and MORE stuff as they keep going.
- so for like 80% of the story, ash and eiji will be separated bc ash will be busy spying or infiltrating something... and being at the center of Plot Things, while max and eiji will be more on the outside dealing with the journalist side of things. i’m fond of max-ash interactions but i’m also REALLY CURIOUS about max-eiji’s dynamic :D
- meanwhile sing will be like, half in and half out i imagine. he's versatile like that lol
- ...i did NOT mean that in a dirty way
- anyway, this will provide ash and eiji ample space to work out their issues separately, as i think living in close quarters for so many years has actually been aggravating them. ofc those issues don’t get 100% resolved by the end, but some time apart from each other to cool off and spend with other people should provide a bit of perspective.
- i want ash to make some NEW FRIENDS (!!!) that are on the same wavelength as him bc there’s only so much that he can tell eiji and i’m sure he gets rather lonely, so there will be OCs that he will meet in the middle of Plot Things.
- ash will get trapped at some point. preferably with sing so they can have a much needed heart-to-heart talk. they’ll have a lot to hash out, ranging from the events in BF, shorter’s and lao’s death, all the way to ash’s love life. 
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- btw i like the idea of eiji and sing being close drinking buddies who confide in one another but ash is kinda, justalittle, not very happy about that LOL 
- i mean, it's not like eiji can confide in ash when ash is the topic at hand, ya get me? as for sing, he’s similar to ash in the sense that they live dangerous lives, so i imagine he just finds it nice to be able to hang out with someone mundane like eiji every now and then.
- not to say that ash and sing aren’t talking to each other at all, but i think they’d have a bit of a rift between them. sing probably does feel some resentment, both at ash for killing lao AND at himself bc he knows deep down that given a choice, he would’ve saved ash over his own brother. ash can sense that tortured vibe, so eiji’s like their middle man. AND THAT’S WHY THEY NEED A HEART-TO-HEART TALK
- (SIDE NOTE: i want akira to have a role in this too. i actually have a separate headcanon that happens prior to this story... kinda like an alternate GoL? 
akira goes to the states to visit eiji, but ash is also there, yeah? akira and ash start out sorta prickly with each other bc ash is all weird and standoffish and always cooped up in his room. she probably mistook him as a jobless model mooching off eiji at first since 1) eiji and ibe have never spoken about him back in japan (cuz he’s supposed to be dead), 2) why would eiji be living with some random hot guy? unless they met during one of his photography gigs? right??? 
and then she ends up witnessing them in the middle of a tiff, which makes her not like ash even more bc HOW DARE HE YELL AT POOR OKUMURA-SAN??? UNGRATEFUL JERK!!!
but over the course of her visit, she snoops around learns a bit about their history and gathers hints as to why their r’ship is kinda strained. also ash and akira somehow end up bonding (reluctantly) over their emotional insecurities and part on a friendly rivalry to win over eiji’s affections (which eiji is completely oblivious to. also akira may have been 100% serious but ash was just jokingly playing along with her (OR WAS HE???)). anyway long story short, ash teaches akira some cool tech/IT stuff along the way so that leads to her gaining an interest in the field. 
she won’t be able to do much in this story, but a minor role would be cool :)
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 ^ a lighthearted gyoza-making scene amid all the angst)
- (SIDE NOTE #2: i ALSO want cain to feature in this, but bc canon provided very little bg info on him it’s hard for me to figure out where he’d fit. but i suppose that’s precisely why it would be great to include him, since i can just make up my own backstory! lol. for now, i think he should be connected to one of the new OCs to make him more central to the plot. or heck, he can be involved himself! ...yeah, i’m just salty about how cain was treated more like a convenient plot device compared to the other major side characters. we barely know anything about him even though he was one of ash’s most trusted allies. #caindeservedbetter2k20)
- anyway, back to the main story. ash (and his new "friends") barely escape where they’re held hostage. ash would be rusty with combat now as he’s spent the past few years doing only stealth work and being rather sedentary. 
- so there’ll be lotsa old man!ash jokes like them poking fun at him whenever he complains about his back hehe
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- when they finally emerge outside they find themselves in the middle of nowhere! they then hijack a passing pickup truck and do a roadtrip back to civilisation. ROAD TRIP FTW
- at this point, quite some time has already passed and ash even has a fuzzy beard and mane and all. he’s standing at the back of the truck with a small smile on his face and the wind blowing in his hair, thinking GONNA GO BACK AND SEE EIJI, MISS HIM LOADS, HELL YEA 
- (bonus: this song and this scene is the catalyst for this entire headcanon btw)
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(drew this about a year ago. i was trying to imitate the manga’s art style... and the ash i had in my mind was a little different. i’m too lazy to redraw, but he’s fuzzier now okay! MORE FUZZ! like an actual freakin LION!)
- meanwhile, eiji and max will get into some deep shit around this point? 
- eiji in the pic above was me imagining that the Bad Guys had tossed some damning evidence (eg. severed body part?) on the ground like “ash’s dead/ash’s in a lot of danger now so hand over all the info u have”
- and eiji and max are like. SHOOKETH
- this would be the 3rd time ash has “died” after all, and as they say... 3rd time's the charm...
- eiji almost gives in, but then max spits in their face like fuck no and then... yeah. they get beat up and taken away or something lol
- EDIT: hmm... what if the Bad Guy is someone IN the government, and he uses his power to get eiji and max arrested for aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive (ash). and then ash has to rescue them... JAILBREAK STYLE
- also it might be cool to introduce ash's mom somewhere in this story... maybe SHE'S the villain! mwahaha *drama intensifies*
- anyways they will get saved by ash and gang bc that’s just the way things go, BUT! only on the condition they already made it out at least 80% of the way bc GODDAMN IT👏LET👏EIJI👏BE👏BADASS👏FOR👏ONCE👏 
- (that is, after he overcomes the initial shock of ash possibly being dead again... again...... again............)
- there will ofc be moments of “oh my god, you’re okay” "i thought i lost you...!"
- something like this, because one can never have enough cheesy reunion scenes
- this will eventually lead to REVELATIONS (of the romantic kind, yes) 
- buuuut they will never say "i love you" directly to each other bc ash is too emotionally constipated and eiji is too japanese. it's okay, they will communicate it through heated stares 👀
- i would love for there to be a scene where they have to be separated again for Plot Reasons and ash sorta hesitantly goes all "...will you wait for me?" as a direct parallel to canon!eiji's "i'll be waiting" and it’s like,
- FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! ash has finally allowed himself to ask for this, to let himself want it! 
- but i think it'd be hilarious if eiji pops up while ash's in the middle of the final showdown and ash's like WTF I TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME and eiji's like I WAS WORRIED OKAY YOU WERE TAKING SO LONG
- idk how this is supposed to end...
- oh wait! since the plot is government-related, maybe Someone will be able to pull strings to wipe out ash’s criminal record (past and present) and give him a brand new 100% legal identity, as thanks for his efforts? or maybe ash (or sing) just does it himself somewhere along the way LOL. anyway, he’ll be able to start over with a fresh clean slate and finally work on recovery FOR REAL NOW. yes this is a happy ending AND it didn’t require him to go to japan /flips off canon
- ...i realise it’s never going to be that simple but W H A T E V E R
- (also they probably will visit japan in the future with that shiny new passport... gotta meet the in-laws and all y’know)
- who do i gotta pay to write this cheesy self-indulgent fic for me
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Oneshot: Substance - Bucky x Reader
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Summary: After stumbling upon certain things on your boyfriends phone, your self-esteem drops below zero.
Warnings: Self-hatred, Angst, Fatshaming, kinda Self-Harm (like withdrawal, not eating enough and overly excessive sport), one or two Swear Words.
Words: ~2900
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A/N: Didn’t want to keep you guys waiting any longer, so this has been written in an hour without proof-reading. please have mercy with my soul
“Heya, sweetie-pie. Mind giving me the usual?”
There he was, 12 o’clock as usual. Bucky was leaning over the counter and staring at you with his piercing blue eyes.
He gave you a wink as he shoved the money over the counter, looking around the small but full diner. It was always that crowded at this time of the day.
“Come on, you doofus. You know it’s on me” you chuckled as you pressed the coins back in his hand, relishing at his warmth for a brief second before stepping back.
It has become a ritual to prepare his favourite on almost every single day, even though he claimed to love everything on your menu. His therapist once told him that a certain routine would help him adapt to society again, and he stuck to it pretty closely.
And visiting your restaurant was an important part of his day.
“Do you think we can spend the evening?” Your boyfriend was sipping on his coffee, eyes lighting up when you finally got him his piece of plum pie with whipped cream.
When you watched him eating it in almost one bite, you kind of admired him for being able to eat basically anything without gaining weight. But well, on the other hand, training and fighting were his daily bread, so it was no wonder those calories would be burned like it was nothing.
“Gosh, delicious as always” Bucky mumbled and you couldn’t surpress a quiet laugh at your dork while you were serving another customer. “And I mean you in that dress, not the food. Love your style.”
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You usually avoided to fuel his stupid way of flirting, no matter how flattered you felt anyway. So you simply changed the topic. “Dunno. Might get late. Today seems to be very profitable.”
It was just wonderful how understanding Bucky was. Well, he knew he was a piece of work as well. Why should he be mad if you were sucessfull anyway?
So he just shrugged with a wide grin as he handed you over the empty plate, saying “Well, then I’ll tidy up the flat until you’re done. Guess who’s gonna get a back rub when they’re back home?”
“Sounds like a Netflix and Cuddle evening?”
“Everything you want, doll.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, knowing you weren’t all that comfortable with PDA - at least at work. “I won’t bother you any longer.”
“You’re never bothering me.” Smirking, you admired the way his muscles bulged through his sleeveless top. “Distracting is a far better word.”
He won’t comment on your statement, rather winking at you and mumbling something like “You just wait until later...” as he already rushed out of the entrance.
Six hours later you were finally able to end your twelve hour shift and close the restaurant almost on time - well...plus the few customers who came about five minutes before closure, and having to clean up the mess you’d always leave behind when cooking as quick as possible.
“I’m home, darlin’!” you cheered as you threw your bag into a corner and got rid of your shoes.
Seems like he was in the shower, at least he yelled something like ‘having something for you when he’s done’.
Well, if the surprise was something cute or nasty - you’d have no problem with either one.
“Hey, babe!” his voice called you out of the bathroom. “Can you look up when we made the reservation for cinema? I made a screenshot from the booking confirmation.”
He’d always ask for that kind of stuff in the weirdest situations. Probably because he knew he’d forget it otherwise.
“Alright.” His smartphone was placed on the nightstand, as usually. It was a miracle that he learned to use it that quickly, but on the other hand he’d always been very invested with new technology.
The two of you had no secrets. And even if: Taking each others cellphones wouldn’t really tell you something you didn’t already know about each other, so it had never been a no-go to use the others phone.
You sat down on the edge of the bed after throwing your sweat-soaked and stained clothes into the basket, wishing Bucky would hurry up so you could clean up and enjoy some hot water.
Scrolling through his picture folder, you hummed a happy little song, already wondring what you’d do on your day off tomorrow.
James is still pretty awkward in todays society, but hell he knew how to treat a woman. And dates were his speciality.
“I can’t fi-” Your words turned into a loud gasp as you saw the preview image of a seemingly naked woman. Shocked, even though you felt bad for prying instead of trusting your partner, you klicked on it to see the whole picture.
It was exactly what you thought it was. That sort of picture drunk elderly men would send each other in Whatsapp Groups.
A beautiful woman, only wearing a thong and presenting it in a - let’s call it ‘seductive’ pose.
And the worst of all was the headline, floating above the models face:
“The Perfect Woman”
This was not the only pic of some sort - you found a dozen of it, videos as well.
Disgusting was the only thing that came to your mind.
Not the woman, though. You were not one to slut-shame anyway.
But a feeling of disgust came up when you layed down the phone and went to the mirror, watching yourself closely. And for the first time, you were not satisfied with what you were seeing.
Sure, you’ve always been kind of chubby. But up until now you’ve never doubtet your beauty.
Curves were always something beautiful to you, even though you had to admit that some days, you were asking yourself why you had to be the only one of your friends who had that hard cellulite and stretch marks.
Maybe if you’d already have kids or were older, you’d be fine with it, but...
On the other hand, your friends would admire the fact that you had bigger breasts and a ‘peach ass’, as they’d call it.
Your mother used to call it ‘atomar boobs’ and ‘birth-enthusiastic hips’, always making you laugh about how self-ironic she was. But on the inside you knew how much she was struggling as well.
There were so many forms of beauty, and you loved every single one of it - including your own. But now..
“Ugly” you told yourself again and again, while trying to find a suitable pose that didn’t make you look like a small, wobbly piece of fat.
Did the opinion of a man really matter more to you than your own? Now you also felt kind of pathetic.
Actually, you were just hurt. Of him not being honest, and obviously searching for something...you didn’t want to say ‘better’, but rather ‘different’ than you.
As former Winter Soldier, he might not be that popular, but his looks sure did the trick anyway. So why not searching for a thin woman if he loves them so much?
Or does he already know them? What if those were not mere pictures, but woman he actually contacted?
The thought alone made you tear up.
You’ve tried. Your whole life you did and he knew that.
It’s a problem you’ve been struggling for your whole youth, after all.
No matter how much sport or diets you tried out, your body just wouldn’t change. Even after you’ve got diagnosed with hypothyreosis, the medication would only do so much as prevent further weight gain.
Things got a lot easier when you were grown up, and the bullies would decrease.
You learned to love yourself, and realized that many people were into exactly your kind of body-type. After finding your own style and way of living, things became so much easier and you could finally be yourself.
“Heya, there” a familiar voice snickered behind your back, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
The only reaction Bucky would gain was a pained groan, yet you didn’t dare to make a scene just yet. You wanted him to take the hints and be honest with you, that was what you had decided.
“Didn’t find the picture. Go look yourself.”
With that said, you’d walk straight past him and towards the bathroom. It took you quite a while to cry to your hearts extend, sobs being deafened by the pattering sounds of the shower.
You wrapped a towel around yourself, but when you saw your reflection again as you put on some lotion, you decided to wear the bathrobe.
No matter how you moved, you felt like some fat would always wiggle or roll up somehow - and Bucky felt your discomfort as soon as you greeted him with a twisted face.
“C’mon here, babydoll. We can talk.” He patted the spot right next to him on the bed, and goddamn it was just too unfair how he was posing there on the mattress, looking like a fucking adonis compared to you.
The very second you stiffly layed down next to him, you felt his hand slip under your bathrobe and squeeze your thigh, making you gasp.
“Maybe I can cheer you up otherwise before we talk...” he breathed into your ear, adding a bittersweet “I missed you.”
“Bucky, please. I’m tired.” Perfect. You managed to get that sentence out without your voice cracking once. Now you just needd to turn around and wrap yourself in your comforter before he’d see the tears in your eyes.
You didn’t want him - or anyone else - to touch you ever again.
“O-okay...” James stuttered, already reaching out his hand to touch your shoulder. But in the end, he retreated it, realizing you needed some time for yourself. “Imma be at the sofa if you need me.”
“Or tell me what the fuck is wrong all of a sudden...” He kept himself from saying that.
The following days were the hardest ones yet to come - for both of you.
It all started with you declining all offers from friends to go swimming or visiting some food-places, slowly but steadily withdrawing you from the happy, active life you’ve built up out of anger and shame.
You had grown quite distant as time passed, at first finding any kind of excuse for intimacy, and afterwards not even bearing any kind of physical contact. Not to speak of simple and carefree talking...
The air had become strained around the two of you, but Bucky was too afraid to ask you what was wrong.
Instead of letting off some steam through work as always, you took a few weeks off. It wasn’t like you needed the money anyway, looking at how successfull your work was.
Your restaurant, even though being more of a small diner, had been on the top of New Yorks most popular ones for years. And you were damn proud of it.
Bucky would always say you’re the only one who cooks just like home, and meanwhile you knew all of his favourite dishes.
An unconscious smile ghosted your lips when you thought back to the day where Bucky would go all Winter Soldier on a dude that made fun of you for being “a wandering cliché: a fat woman running a kitchen”. Ouch.
You didn’t go on vacation those days - there was different work to do.
Actually, you liked sports. For fun, that is. Like going to swim with your friends, or going for a walk. Sometimes visiting the gym, even. To you, it was more part of a healthy lifestyle instead of a competition for appreciation.
But now, things were different. You tried to built up your confidence again through secretly visiting the Avengers training rooms - yet to no avail.
Steve kindly offered you help with any certain training, but you declined. This was something you wanted to achieve yourself.
As if that would change anything about your feeling of betrayal...
“Fuck!” you exclaimed after almost falling off the treadmill, having to use the emergency turn-off. Even though many people assumed it, you weren’t really unfit. But those past days, you’ve just overloaded yourself through excessive training and eating almost nothing.
You kneeled down, desperately trying to catch your breath. Looking down, you saw your bruised knuckles from punching the bag earlier and thinking of that damn beautiful woman on Buckys cellphone.
If only you would have the courage to talk this through with him...but you were afraid of the outcome. Of the truth.
Knowing you were all alone on the floor, you finally gave in to your emotions, huddling to a fetal curl and starting to sob over your deadlocked situation.
Dear god no - it was Bucky. What was he doing here? It was not his usual training time!
On the other hand: What else did he have to do in his free-time, now that the other Avengers are on a mission and his girlfriend is avoiding him at all costs?
Actually, he wanted to let off some steam as well. But seeing you like this swung his mood in an instant, and he aided you immediately.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?!” There was genuine compassion in his voice, sorrow even. As if it was his fault.
He was kneeling right next to you, and for the first time in two weeks, you wouldn’t flinch at his touch. “Let me help you...”
“You don’t need to play anymore, James” you whimpered, slapping his hand away. “Just get this over with.”
Now you’ve got him mad. “What the fuck did I do wrong to deserve this, Y/N?!” he screamed and his metal fist would meet the floor, cracking it broken.
“I know damn well I’m far from the perfect boyfriend...” Bucky began to sniffle, still clenching and unclenching his fists. “But I thought you’d love me as I am.”
“You’re one to talk.” Fuck it, now that you seemingly screwed up anyway you could talk freely. “I’ve seen the photos, Bucky. Of the perfect woman. Many of them. Seems like you prefer something not remotely close to me.”
For a while, there was only silence.
Bucky dug his face deep into his palms, as if he wanted to disappear in them - or simply to facepalm in a pretty weird way.
“Doll, is that what all this is about?”
His reaction made you feel kinda strange. “Y-yeah.” Did you overreact?
“You know I don’t possibly know her. Don’t care about her or her body either.” He sat there, cross-legged and with a face as dark as your heart had been those past weeks.
“Then why do you keep a ton of photos of naked models on your phone?!” You jumped onto him, effectively knocking him over and pinning him on the floor. Out of a whim, you wanted to run away, but he trapped you in his hold.
“Gosh, why can’t you talk to me for once?” It almost sounded like he found it funny. “You’re usually one to be upfront about everything.”
A sole tear escaped every eye, but Bucky would catch them with his thumb.
“Sam sent them to me. We have that Whatsapp-Group, and he’s simply that single, horny dude that finds that kind of stuff funny. You know I never delete anything. I have over 5000+ photos on that shit phone.”
You were stunned, looking at him in disbelief. “I’m sorry, doll. I should’ve know you’d stumble across them eventually. But you were always so confident and strong, the thought of it bothering you never crossed my mind.”
“Y-you-” Gosh, what a fucking idiot you were. “You’re not at fault, Buck! I’m so sorry! I feel so stupid right now.”
“And I thought you wanted to leave me...” he murmured, mainly to himself.
“Wha- how could I ever?! You’re the love of my life! Why else do you think your opinion matters this much to me? Look where we are right now!”
“And you know that the beauty-standarts of the 40s are exactly what you look like, right?”
The situation changed so drastically, it left both of you in boisterous laughter.
When you finally catched your breath, holding your thummy at how much you laughed, Bucky would not give you a break - rather cupping your cheeks and pulling your lips onto his.
“Look” he breathed out calmly, his cheek barely brushing yours. “I feel stupid for even saying this, but: My girl doesn’t have to be a model. Beauty is a concept, dear. Everyone pictures something else when they think of it. And I think of you.”
You had already snuggled up onto his chest as he swiftly picked you up, your ear able to sense his heartbeat. Absentmindedly running your hand over his prosthetic one, you realized that you were not the only one who was self-conscious about their appearance.
But just like you never doubted the true beauty of your lover, neither did he.
“Y/N...You’re strong and smart and kind. No one had ever touched my heart the way you did. That’s all that counts.”
@bepo-is-sorry @fuckthatfeeling@anythingandeverythingmarvel@bucky-fanfiction @blondekel77@kaneki-fuentes @vxidnik@antboyandbumbblebee @lokis-queen05@you-like-this-chain@hiei1300 @lilypalmer1987 @andiyholly@elevenismysweetie@uwu-sebastianstan @seasidespecter @you-like-this-chain @your-pixels-are-showing @wildefire @elfprincess81@escapetheshackles@jellyfishflowers @look-to-the-stars-and-wish@bucky-to-my-barnes @tarithenurse @chennyetomlinson @kenzie-cold-greenkale@jaylarkson @doa1518 @wtfholland @thisgirllikeme@awesome-fangirl-334 @pvnk-bivch @chipilerendi @mandei355@buckybonky@commissioner23 @remember-padfood @chibiyanai@lost-and-wandering-alone @outcastedghost @cautrida@inumorph@meyoko10 @stargurl16 @trashyemonerd@slutforbuckybarnes@tinytravisty @unknownuserhasjoined@otaku-tater@hiddlestoner3059 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981@lust-for-pan@fruityflies @iamburdened @death-beetles@shaunamart @fire-in-her-veinz @red-writer13 @libbymouse@lokiscure @i-am-always-famished @alexa4444 @4-a-m @indica-witch @lou-makes-me-strong @phasma-trash @hiddlestoner3059@rocknroll-is-thewaytogo @purpstraw @lovelyangelofasgard@elevenismysweetie@orighami @trashkidsblog @the-resident-demon @littlemartiangurl@thelowkeylokifanblog @za24ever@trubluepensfan @chibiyanai@dsakita @lady-loki-ren@caticorndancingonpainbows @loving-life-my-way@crappyimagines @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @elwyn7@celestiacq@amor67figment-love @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981@sweetpeaismylifenow @stanmarvelcu@thewordsinthesky@larryopium @hiei1300 @janepetersonxxx​ @untoldshortsofthefandoms​ @lokis-queen05​ @saxgirl21​ @limedane21​ @sparkling-gayyy​ @lokiscure​ @getdowntothatfunkysound​ @emyhonny​ @randomfandompenguin​ @marvel-madness @dyanlzbb @inumorph @gian-giannina@chipilerendi @pseudonymfox @neptinite-writings @cautrida@kaneki-fuentes @exhaustedcommonsense @theicecreamhero@killerbumblebee @tarithenurse @sgtbucharest @lokis-helmet@wonderlandteaparty @sweetpeaismylifenow @bionicbishop @red-writer13 @bloodiedskirtts @boohooiamthefool @jackstrenchcoat@chipilerendi @sleeplessnight-pointlessfights @welcomingpayne@crimefightingspiderguy @longlivethereaper @a-wanna-be-emo@lokidoki-e @holy-loki @slutforbuckybarnes @mandei355​ @morefics2read​ @otaku-tater​ @khatrinaarts​ @grincheveryday​ @jessiejunebug​ @youtxbemusic​ @marvel-madness​
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robotslenderman · 4 years
OK but screw the whole “Brujah whose activism is their entire personality” stereotype. There’s like, SO many ideas and places you can go with a clan whose weakness is to argue, criticise, and be contrarians.
Give me Brujah who(se):
Is an activist primarily for groups that are less popular, ie the disabled and overweight.
Is an activist for groups that are mostly socially unacceptable even in left wing groups, ie they’re campaigning for otherkin to be legally recognised as animals.
Activism is several decades out of date, even though they know this. But for some reason they feel compelled to keep being an activist for a social issue that no longer has the same context or is no longer relevant in the society they live in -- ie, their focus is on decriminalising homosexuality in a country where there’s marriage equality and the focus is turned on employment or adoption rights. And no, they’re not focusing on decriminalising homosexuality in a country where it’s actually illegal, they’re focused on it out of context.
Activism has nothing to do with social justice. EG, all they ever try to do is turn the conversation towards how you shouldn’t let your cat outside.
Genuinely thinks they’re oppressed because they’re part of (privileged group here).
Genuinely thinks they’re oppressed because of (insert something that has nothing to do with oppression here). EG, “Hair curlers exist?? YOU’RE CLEARLY TRYING TO GET ME TO CONFORM TO CERTAIN BEAUTY STANDARDS, FUCK YOU.”
Was vegan in life. It shows.
Was vegan in life. It doesn’t show, until the topic actually comes up.
Was vegan in life. It doesn’t show because they’re mad about toy soldiers or something else mundane.
Very reserved, and so most people don’t know they’re Brujah unless they’re told. It’s not until the Brujah trusts you that they will suddenly unleash all of their Opinions on you.
Doesn’t give a shit about social issues or any other issues at all, but will go on rants about the pettiest, most unimportant stuff. They’re not even dressing it up as being for a good cause, they’re just fucking Like That (eg they won’t claim they’re against purple hair dye because it somehow promotes unrealistic body standards, they’re just against purple hair dye because they hate the colour).
"Activism” involves something extremely obscure, like how mad they are about certain microscopic staining techniques from the ‘50s that nobody uses any more and how fucking dare they.
True opinions aren’t known, because they will literally argue against anything they perceive as being the dominant thought of a group, simply because they feel morally obliged to show a different perspective to what’s being discussed and react badly if you tell them not to treat it like it’s a game. Bonus points if they actually have integrity and are following some sort of internal logic that makes perfect sense... but nobody else can figure out what that is, not unless they get to know this person well.
Is otherwise your stereotypical activist, but nobody has any idea because they’re diehard Cammy and are dressed to the nines like a Ventrue while lying in front of bulldozers.
Thinks Kindred all suck and keeps trying to make friends with Garou and wishes they were a werewolf.
Thinks people of all species all suck, and keeps getting mistaken for Gangrel because they just want to be left alone to play with their animals.
Will get into all-out mudslinging, name-calling, yelling arguments; then go out for metaphorical drinks with the person they’ve just called a horrible racist that kicks puppies like nothing ever happened.
Ideals are technically and morally correct by modern standards, but is abusive as hell in how they go about trying to uphold them, and is genuinely a lovely person when they’re not doing this, leading to the mindfuck of everyone who interacts with them.
So sick of the Brujah because again, they’re a contrarian so they’re bound to think groups suck, and keeps trying to get adopted into a different clan.
Autarkis through and through. They tried to join the Anarchs but their compulsion to undermine the dominant narrative meant they couldn’t stand it there so they went independent. They would have started a movement, but they keep arguing with potential followers so they’re on their own because they can never keep them.
Seriously. There are SO MANY THINGS you can do with the Brujah even if you stick to the “activist” stereotype! Don’t make your Brujah your stereotypical “I’m antifascist and I hate the Camarilla and I have absolutely no nuance or depth”!
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