#no offense. but constant negativity is annoying
ocarinaofpride · 10 months
twitter is just a constant slew of horrid shit and then i come on here and everyones chill as hell Whats the deal with t hat
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
One of my favorite Deeply Pathetic Javert Things is how often he puts on a big show of loyal bootlicking self-martyrdom only for no one to even notice. I love it when a long-winded description of Javert haughtily martyring himself for the unjust government he worships is followed up with a short comedic note about how literally no one even sees him or cares. Things like:
Javert, who, bound to his post, had not so much as moved his head during the whole of the attack on the barricade, and who had gazed on the revolt seething around him with the resignation of a martyr and the majesty of a judge.
Marius had not even seen him.
Javert bestowed a respectful salute on the mayor, whose back was turned to him.
The mayor did not look at him, but went on annotating this docket.
On entering he bowed to M. Madeleine with a look in which there was neither rancor, anger, nor distrust; he halted a few paces in the rear of the mayor’s armchair, and there he stood, perfectly erect, in an attitude almost of discipline, with the cold, ingenuous roughness of a man who has never been gentle and who has always been patient; he waited without uttering a word, without making a movement, in genuine humility and tranquil resignation, calm, serious, hat in hand, with eyes cast down, and an expression which was half-way between that of a soldier in the presence of his officer and a criminal in the presence of his judge, until it should please the mayor to turn round. All the sentiments as well as all the memories which one might have attributed to him had disappeared. That face, as impenetrable and simple as granite, no longer bore any trace of anything but a melancholy depression. His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency.
At last the mayor laid down his pen and turned half round.
“Well! What is it? What is the matter, Javert?”
And then my favorite one:
“This man was at the barricade,” said he in a low voice and as though speaking to himself. “He is the one they called Marius.”
A spy of the first quality, who had observed everything, listened to everything, and taken in everything, even when he thought that he was to die; who had played the spy even in his agony, and who, with his elbows leaning on the first step of the sepulchre, had taken notes.
Javert spends the hours before his death pointlessly “taking notes” he expected no one to ever receive, solely because it’s what the government ordered him to do and he has no purpose outside of licking boots and following orders.
And there is something really compelling about that, in contrast to characters like Thenardier and even Jean Valjean?
Thenardier and Jean Valjean act overly conciliatory and submissive to their “social superiors” while in public, and then secretly express resentment for them in private. Jean Valjean will speak politely to a cop like Javert in public but calls him “that Javert who has been annoying me so long, that frightful hunting dog” in private. Thenardier will praise the wealthy bourgeois “Leblanc” when he has no other choice but threaten and torment him the moment he has the power to do that instead.
But Javert is an authoritarian who is completely earnest in his bootlicking. He doesn’t just worship his superiors to their faces; he continues worshipping them when he’s alone. He salutes them respectfully even when their backs are turned.
Javert bestowed a respectful salute on the mayor, whose back was turned to him.
In the one moment where Javert believes he’s acted out of resentment—daring to outwardly express and act on his personal negative feelings for a superior, by accusing Mayor Madeleine of being Jean Valjean — he confesses his crime immediately and tries to force “Mayor Madeleine” to fire him for what he sees as a horrific unforgivable offense.
When there’s no one else around to police Javert’s behavior, he polices himself. He forces himself into this state of constant, unending, horrible, pathetic, bootlicking deference to a government that does not value his life and never will.
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hopeymchope · 10 months
re: toxic fanbases. I'm not good at telling what fanbases are toxic. I'm both a doormat ("that rando who started yelling at me all of a sudden probably has a good reason and I'm dumb for not seeing it 👍") and a weirdo who tends to stay within very small circles. With Danganronpa, I feel like there's *something* that makes it a little jarring compared to other communities, although it's by far not the worst community I've personally interacted with.
Its popularity definitely plays a massive role; it's actually impressive to see how active Danganronpa circles remain after all this time, but the downside is that there's a lot of brainrot, distant memories, and most importantly people who've been involved with it for WAY too long. I myself have definitely grown horribly bored of having the same tired debates be brought up time and time again - I can imagine people with a different personality from mine getting very upset over that.
Though I don't feel a connection to that aspect at this time, the prevalent young fanbase also comes with its qualities and flaws.
I could go on, because this community is so large and so old that it's genuinely, like I already mentioned, jarring at times. I'll turn my back from being told DRAE is irredeemable media because it uses dark humour to see someone draw a Komaru with giant tits requesting coitus. There are times when interacting with Danganronpa fans has made me wish I'd just never known about Danganronpa at all, so all things considered, even if I can't put words on it, there's a strong negative aspect to it.
At the same time, I don't know how it being Danganronpa specifically relates to some negative experiences I had - was some of the abuse I endured as a Wiki admin related to the way the DR fandom is? Or did it have to do with Wikis more than it did with DR, with French users more than it did DR? Maybe the problem is that this series has given so many of us such intense brainrot and we can't stop getting involved with it.
Sorry if this long ask is annoying in any way - I figured you might be interested in exploring the conversation around how the DR fandom might come across as toxic, objectively or subjectively OTL
One thing I remember for sure is that when I posted Akudama Drive LGBTQ headcanons, I felt perfectly fine and happy about it - but when I decided to post my Danganronpa headcanons too, I had a strong feeling that I was taking a risk, however small. That's not a very nice feeling to get as an adult who's just trying to be a little happy and silly with PNGs.
Oh, I don't mind a long ask at all! I'm grateful for the detailed thought you put into this, honestly. :) I'm a pretty wordy person myself — you may have noticed.
I think a lot of what you're describing as negatives within the DR community are unfortunate constants with fandoms of ANY popular media these days. Not ALL of it, but....
Every piece of media is gonna be declared irredeemable/offensive/problematic by some parties now if it delves into any kind of darkness or deals with any kind of major crimes, it seems like I've seen more than one person online state — with a straight face, mind you — stuff like "Danganronpa is toxic AF, many of those characters are LITERALLY murderers" and I'm just over here thinking are you fucking serious? I don't remember seeing people say stuff like this in my fandom circles before 2019 or so, but I see it everywhere now. It seems to have grown more prevalent since the 2020s hit? There are people who just can't stand to deal with any moral grayness, any dark theming, etc — and they don't think anyone else should allowed to enjoy that stuff either. (Now I'm wondering whether there are people similarly dismissing Akudama Drive. Much smaller fandom, so maybe you don't see that. But I can imagine someone grumbling "These characters are LITERALLY criminals, wtf." LOL)
We all know Internet Rule 34, but I feel like there are certain built-in multipliers to it that increase how widespread it is. Animated media? That's a multiplier that will cause even MORE porn to exist. Japanese media? That's another multiplier. Which means there's tons of porn of DR characters — even for the teen characters that're underage in most countries like Komaru. At least I've never stumbled across porn of the small children like the Warriors of Hope, THANK FUCKING GOD. I sadly don't doubt that it exists, but I hope to god it remains in a dark corner, out of my goddamn sight.
And I definitely feel much, MUCH more afraid to say anything about LGBTQ headcanons for popular media than I do for relatively small fandoms. Maybe that's partly symptomatic of being American in an era where tolerance and acceptance of LGBTQ people is sliding horiffically backwards? At least I think I'm safter to share such things on Tumblr than I would be on Reddit. I'd be afraid to talk about my personal DR LGBTQ headcanons, too. I've even drafted a post about that once and then been like "You know what? No. I'm not opening myself up to abuse for this," leading me to delete it. I've done similarly for the Madoka Magica fandom as well... too active, too big = too likely to result in blowback. I believe Akudama Drive is a pretty small fandom, though, so it makes sense to me why that'd feel like a more comfortable place to talk LGBTQ concepts.
But with all of that said, I can't claim that the infighting over interpretations of characters and events that I see on the DR Wiki is something that every fandom deals with. Maybe some of them do; honestly, Fandom Wikis weren't really so huge a thing before I got deep into DR in the back half of the 2010s, and I haven't really gotten involved with any of the Fandom Wikis I've come across afterwards either. So I don't know for sure! But it seems like that could be uniquely unpleasant about the DR fandom — the way people define "canon" as a matter of personal interpretation.
Since I'm stuck on the English side of the DR Wiki, I'm not certain whether you deal with the same stuff in the French incarnation. Characters like Komaeda and Ouma are especially difficult to police — they have so many fans who think they are pure of heart, and so many fans who find them loathesomely manipulate, and you can't necessarily be certain what about them is true or false. Put all that together, and it's hard to keep things to "Just The Facts" when people fundamentally disagree on what the facts ARE, which can lead to a lot of infighting among the people editing the thing! God... even deciphering the truth about what's going on in V3 and determining how we should or shouldn't explain that haziness is an awfully sticky wicket all by itself.
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gxldencity · 1 year
4, 7 & 24 for the 🔥🔥 asks!
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Tbh I don't have a last straw anymore. I use and abuse the block button liberally. If I see an annoying opinion, I block. Sometimes, I don't even finish reading the post because you usually can tell it's rancid from the first 2 lines.
I've blocked half a fandom at this point bc of the constant negativity. I simply don't care anymore. I'm here to have fun. If you take personal offense to that then that's your problem not mine.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Alngksgnw as you're said hate IS a strong word and I don't hate characters really unless there is a good reason for me to hate them.
So when I say I began to dislike Dorian Pavus after seeing how the fandom acted towards him, I don't hate him. I guess I do find him fascinating and relatable to an extent but I also don't think he's written perfectly as some people act like he is. Revisiting Dorian's quest as an adult with a fully developed brain and way more comfortable about my own queerness made me realize that I dislike how Dorian didn't really have agency whether to reconcile with his father or not. I know it's the point of The game to have a choice but Idk a bit more dialogue about the choice could've easily solved that problem for me.
I also have issues with Dorian's Indian coding lmao and have since felt like I was duped. It just feels like a cop-out? Like Gaider and team knew about the complaints people have about his comments wrt Asians in Thedas so they made him Asian—only mentioning it in a forum post or Twitter I think 🫠 so to this day ive seen people still surprised that he's Asian—without considering how to code him as Indian in the game.
Things like his clothing having some influences from the cultures in India or family structures and mannerisms. I mean it could be as simple as Indian coding the people of Quarinus so you don't just have this one Indian coded family in the entirety of Thedas. The Alexiuses could've also been Indian coded.
(An aside there's more layers to this like the unfortunate implications of coding a group of people who own slaves as poc but I could write a whole post about Dragon Age's attempts of trying to put Asians in this game)
Anyway, that's canon lol. Fandom makes this all worse. I could just point at the Orientalist depictions of Dorian in fanart and just end it here but nope it goes deeper. Somehow, Dorian attracted the worst kind of fandom. Like the Solas and Cullen stans maybe louder but I was there Gandalf. I was in the trenches. People were forming cliques around this one BNF and their friends. I was in the clique and it was all good until Tresspasser dropped.
You see this clique hated that Tresspasser ended with Dorian and the Inquisitor being in an LDR—because Dorian was off trying to fix a country—to the point where some of them acted like they broke up. Hello? Okay 1) That is such a poor reading on long distance relationships 2) Dorian...got a phone crystal for the Inquisitor, u know a tech that didn't exist in Thedas so they can stay in touch.
It also isn't enough that they didn't like it. Others have to Not like it as well. I remember talking to the BNF about my Inquisitor and Dorian, how they stayed in touch as Dorian was y'know trying to fix a country and the BNF told me that it was a depressing situation for my Inquisitor and Dorian...even though it isn't and they're perfectly happy.
(An side, not from this clique but I wouldnt be surprised if some of them also held this opinion but I saw some accusations from folks that Bioware is homophobic because Dorian and the Inquisitor are in an LDR. This is how batshit this fandom is).
Anyway, to keep it short, I was 19-20 when all of this happened. I probably said some stupid shit around that time but I should tell you these people were in their late 20s to early 30s. They were affected by a 19-20 year old with just a handful of followers saying stupid shit. They were so affected by the barely adult saying stupid shit that one of them stalked me, vagueposted about me and when I found out they were vagueposting about me, proceeded to gaslight me and told me I was the one stalking them. :)
Not only that, they also harassed one of my friends to not posting their fics ever again, harrassed a friend of a friend for trying to steal the BNF's spotlight 🙄. Come on some of you have fucking children.
I don't think I could look at Dorian in the same way which is a shame because for a time he was important to me but like God, it was rough.
I also have not forgotten nor forgave :) hence why I have the studio behind that chorus game or whatever it's called now blocked :) and would not be playing it. Do not care if David Gaider is the one writing it. I mean he kinda was the weakest link in that writing team imo (and I also hate his prose).
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Very cliche but anything to do with the mages and templars
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stilltrails · 2 years
I know im a bit late about this, but about the people complain about people writing the kidnap family to only be happy. I dont think I have read a longfic where the more bitter part of the story hasnt been adressed. And most of the shorter fic that dont include it take place at a time where it wouldnt be on the forefront of the characters mind so it would then subtract from the story and anyway theres nothing wrong with only wanting to write happy things and anyway for me personally the bitter start of the relationships is a great part of why i like it and I think thats the case for many people. So I dont think people actively ignore it people just dont want to always focus on the bitter part of it.
Thank you for the comment and I have so many thoughts on the supposed "happy" washing of E&E and M&M, because frankly it's annoying. You're absolutely correct.
I have noticed that no one in the fandom is hounded for their fandom portrayals as much as people who like Elrond, Elros, Maglor, and Maedhros together have been.
And it's weird. It's weird that fandom portrayals are criticized, it's weird that we're some of the few fans that are insulted and who others assume can't comprehend how a nuanced relationship operates.
I don't even see Silvergifting shippers hit with the constant, "Okay but remember it's abusive".
I honestly think a lot of the "Why don't these people just understand how toxic the twins relationship is" comes from anger at Tolkien himself, who viewed at least Elrond and Maglor's relationship in a very positive light. And we tend to build our stories based on that.
But we also, as you've pointed out, do focus on the negative aspects of it. Most, if not all full length stories do.
To reiterate, it's insulting and offensive to those of us in this part of the fandom who do work our assess off to fill in the gaps with what Tolkien left us.
I'm sorry we're not focusing 100% on the sad shit that happened. But get this--we don't have to. And it's hurting no one if we do portray them in a functional relationship. At a point I cared about representing both sides, but the more annoying people get the less I tend to care.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 8 months
I just need to say about the commenting on Emma’s weight, drug use, or life situation “just because she’s not dating Evan anymore.” When people were bringing up Emma’s weight they were actually saying she looks better so I don’t see how that’s bad, but also nobody is commenting on her “just because they’re not dating anymore” it’s because she’s a verifiable horrible person who is abusive. Maybe I’m a bad person but I don’t think it’s horrible if snarky comments are made towards an abuser. There are stans of Emma that Simon at least used to, I don’t know if he still does, be friends with who would make fun of Evan’s appearance a lot. Saying he has “coke pores” (just one mild example, there’s worse) stuff like that. He had no problem with that but because a few people on this blog made snarky comments about filler use of a domestic abuser it’s now abhorrent and nasty?
And just another thing, nobody’s trying to hide the stupid retweet or dumb off the clock video, but I don’t see the point in bringing it up frequently and unnecessarily. Like it doesn’t need to be brought up every time a fan makes tweets like “Evan’s so unproblematic” or stuff like that. This is something that annoys me about celebrity culture and social media in general, the way people feel the need to continually bring up something stupid a, usually at the time very young and ignorant, celebrity did 20 years ago. People grow up, they learn, they change, it’s okay to let people live down past mistakes that don’t represent who they are. I cannot stand the constant condemnation, criticizing, and nitpicking that happens on social media.
you are exactly right, simon consistently says and has said far more offensive and negative things than anyone on here has said. this is a person who liked a tweet wishing terrible, violent things on evan. all of our ire is directed towards someone (emma) verifiably terrible, someone we have no moral obligation to flatter. we have no obligation to speak kindly of an abuser and overall awful person.
honestly, he’s just scrambling and has been for days because he’s being confronted with the reality that he is disliked by most people who are aware of his twitter presence, because he is a terrible person who does everything he can to make sure you know it. again, you’re right - you can absolutely acknowledge mistakes a person made without constantly bringing it up, years later, especially when you claim to know the person is not a bad human being. there’s no good reason to continually remind people of shit from years ago, especially when they are not even worth being mad over.
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steveezekiel · 11 months
Proverbs 31:10 (NLT)
13 A foolish child is a calamity to a father; A QUARRELSOME WIFE IS AS ANNOYING AS CONSTANT DRIPPING.
14 Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth,
Proverbs 19:13,14 (NLT)
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• A Word to Women
- I want to admonish you as a wife and a mother, to live right. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, If you have not taken the step (Romans 10:9,10).
AND if you had, then be serious with your Christian life and walk in the light of the Word of God; for your children to have a good thing to emulate in your life (Joshua 1:8; James 1:22,25).
- If you wanted to claim that your husband has offended you, wronged you, and that has caused or contributed to how you behave and a number of negative things you do at home.
- I want to admonish you to forgive your husband and change. Not only because of your husband, but for the future of your children.
- Whatever negative character you put up at home, in order to spite your husband, would be picked up by your children, either consciously or unconsciously.
- Whatever you do has a serious impact or an influence on them, whether you know it or not. It has psychological effects on them.
- You may put up some attitudes or characters to spite, hurt or upset, your husband, in retaliating on what you may claim he has done to offend you (Proverbs 9:13; 21:19; 27:15).
- The truth is, that will not hurt your husband alone, the impact of such attitudes would be much more on your children.
- In some of the attitudes, you may have not seen the effects of them now when they are still young in age, but as time passes, you will begin to see them manifesting in their characters—both towards you and their father.
- Some of the things that you are doing today, which are being done to spite, hurt or upset, your husband, in retaliation of what you believe he did to offend you; will cause you to shed bitter tears, if you do not change before it is too late.
- Children are copycats! They learn through what you teach them, tell them to do, and through observations, what you do not tell them to do—but observed in your Life.
• A Woman
A woman shared her plight with me in one of the counselling sessions when I was pastoring. Her concern was, the first daughter does not have any regard for her father, that is, she does not honour her father as she supposed.
I told her, what she was seeing in the girl could be the fruit of the seed which she had sown a long time—when the girl was still small, or growing up.
AFTER a careful thought, she agreed with what I said. She said when the girl was still small, her father was not a good provider, as in being faithful on certain responsibilities at home. Whenever the man returns from work, he used to come home with some things for the daughter which they would eat together.
- But she herself would be fuming and angry with the man, speaking against him. Even telling their daughter as young as she was then, Would those things that your father is buying for you to eat, pay your school fees? And other offensive words of such.
- Today, that child has become a young adult, but she does not have regards for the father. She despises him!
- She, the mother, may have forgotten all she did then, but the seed had been sown in the daughter.
- The man now has become a changed person, but the negative thing she, the mother, did is having a negative impact and effect on their daughter.
• Admonishments
- Whatever wrong thing your husband may have done against you, forgive him; because of the future of your children.
- Choose to live in line with the Word of God. If truly the man had offended you, let God handle that. God is the God of justice, and He is not partial (Deuteronomy 10:17; Romans 2:11; Colossians 3:25).
- Most of the things that many women holding as offence, which they claimed their husbands did against them, are things they supposed to have overlooked and forgotten.
- Even some of such things may be things their husbands have forgotten about—that did happen.
- My mother would tell me and my siblings what my father did against her, even when the man is no more alive. Telling us what he did wrong when we were small and he is late now, what would we do about it? Since the man is late!
• Women do allow pettiness and Unforgiving.
- The reason why God has not been able to defend some women and help them about the injustice which they claimed their husbands did against them is, they find it difficult to forgive their husbands and forget about the past. They are retaliatory and vengeful!
- They wanted to avenge for themselves! BUT God says: "Beloved, DO NOT AVENGE YOURSELVES, BUT RATHER GIVE PLACE TO WRATH [of God]; for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," Says the Lord" (Romans 12:19 NKJV).
- Let God avenge for you! If truly the man, your husband, has done you bad, and does not repent; you forgive as the Scripture says, and let God who is not partial repay him.
- Give the matter to God. Stop overreacting on issues that happened between you and your husband.
- If you knew and did believe that God is a just God and He is not partial, then give the matter to God:
READ: Deuteronomy 10:17; Romans 2:6,11.
- Any negative character or attitude that you put up at home, to spite, annoy or upset your husband (Proverbs 21:9,19); IN order to show or express your grievances, will bear fruits that you would not like to reap or harvest in the lives of your children.
"A QUARRELING [contentious] WIFE is as BOTHERSOME as a continual dripping on a rainy day."
Proverbs 27:15 (Expanded Bible)
"It is better to LIVE alone in the DESERT [in a desolate land] than with a QUARRELING [contentious] and COMPLAINING [angry] WIFE."
Proverbs 21:19 (Expanded Bible)
• However:
Proverbs 14:1 (NKJV)
• It is my prayer that you will not fail in your marriage, and not regret later in Life, in Jesus' name.
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astroaquarium · 4 years
Moon in Astrology: Who are you really?
the moon sign tells us how and the moons house tells us where;
who are you really...
Aries Moon:
🐯 you are very childlike and youthful-young at heart, you never want to grow up and deal with real world adult life
🐯 you are extremely passion driven, you see something you like and you stop at nothing to get it
🐯 you are a very impatient person, you want what you want and you want it now-its hard for you to stay in one spot or in one mood you are always moving forward
🐯 you struggle most with anger, it consumes you, makes your blood boil-there is an untammed rage that lives inside you
🐯 your mother may have been very childlike and have aggressive temper tantrums or alternatively been extremely driven, loving, and passionate
Taurus moon:
👛 you are grounded and reality focuesed, your feet are firmly on the ground so much so it is hard for you to ever really relax
👛 you find it hard to keep motivated, and match others pace, you like to take it easy and go at your own pace-you do not work well under pressure
👛 you struggle with overindulgence. this could be food-related, money related, drugs, anything. It is a coping mechanism which you use to fill emotional voids.
Gemini moon:
👭 you are deeply afraid of emotional connection, you avoid it at all costs, because you dont know how to relate to others on an emotional level, only intellectual. you lack emotional intellegence and too find it difficult to address ans understand your own feelings let alone others.
👭 you use hummor a lot to deflect. Hummor that is often other-focused, making fun of others, other peoples behaviour, or the external environemnt. Your joking nature can often be regarded as offensive, outlandish or unwarented to some, this is not what you intend, but you dont feel accountable for offending others with who you are. This is purely a mechanism to detract from yourself and the flaws you recognise in yourself.
👭 your mother may have been emotionally distant and not encouraged talking about feelings
Cancer moon:
🐚 you are extremely soft, loving, and giving, but this is a side of yourself you like to keep under wraps. Your emotions are strong, intuitive, and bold, you have a great understanding and knack for relating to others emotionally and can often sense pain and emotional hurt in others. You are a healer, a nurter and a giver-these are great qualities which can sometimes be abused and taken advantage of by others leaving you feeling drained and used.
🐚 you are highly sensitive and words cut deep for you. you take things said to you and about you to heart and can act out in a childish and/or volitile way when you feel attacked. This is a coping mechanism at dealing with your emorional pain which can ultimately leave you feeling even more emotional unrest.
Leo moon:
🌞 you are like sunshine, bold, bright, and full of energy. You are a bit of a primadonna/diva, you give off a lot of confidence, and like to talk yourself up. This is often an overcompensation for an upbringing that was focused on performance. You may only know of how to recieve love and affection from putting on a show.
🌞 you overexaggerate. This is a means to gain sympathy and attention that you so dearly crave. Your mother may have been very self-involved and never gave you the attention you needed.
Virgo moon:
🥗 you are a worry wort, you are constantly on high alert, looking behind your back, on the edge of your seat, in a constant state of over-arousal. You are always anticipating something to go wrong or thinking about what could go wrong, this keeps you up at night.
🥗 you need routine. others like it, or hate it, but you need it for emotional stability. You need to have things exactly how you like them when you like it. Control is a huge thing for you, this could be because your mother was very particular with how she raised you and always stuck with a routine, this may help remind you of a time you felt safe.
Libra moon:
⏳ you are self-unaware. You don’t have the best grasp on who you are, what you want, or what you are about. To cope with this, you seek out qualities in yourself you cant see in others. This means your connections with others are a vital part of your emotional idenity and without these meaningful relationships you crumble.
⏳ you struggle with dependancy on others, when others let you down you feel lost and cheated.
⏳ you may also struggle with disharmony in your relationships, whenever you argue or come into disagreements with others it can be realy damaging to you emotionally because you rely so much on reassurance from others to confirm your idenity. It may also really bother you because conflict is something you like to avoid, you would prefer to disregard your own opinion/feelings if it means you get to keep the peace and avoid the argument.
Scorpio moon:
🦅 you keep your cards close to your chest, your secrets are guarded by your heart, and your vulnerable side is rarely exposed. This is a coping mechanism to avoid disspaoitment and emotional unrest. As although you are a deeply emotional individual and feels things on a intense level, it scares you, who you are and what you feel are intensely overwhelming and this is something you want to keep burried deep within.
🦅 you are emotionally manipulative at worst and at best extremely emotionally intellegently tactful. you understand emotions very well, are extremely intiuitive, and can feel vibes and undercurrents that others cannot pick up on. This can make it very easy for you to take advantage of others emotional state to your advantge, or alternatively provide in-depth counselling and targted advice.
Sagittarius moon:
🏹 you are free-spirited and wise. You are naturally exapnsively minded, you are open to new things and new challenges more than most people, you are a risk-taker, and don’t fear the consequences of your rash actions.
🏹 you are emotionally void of expressing your feelings in a way that can be understood and heard by others. As you would rather deflect using hummor/running away or any other way possible. You don’t like to dwell on negative feelings, however you embrace and overexaggerate the positive ones.You are an optimist, almost depricatingly so that you don’t accept negative facts of reality.
Capricorn moon:
⚔️ you are practical, driven, goal-orientated and very prideful. Your extremely driven, which is what makes you so hungry for success in material form, whether that be wealth/trophies/awards/property/power/fame, you want something tangible you can show ofd for your hard work. This can sometimes be easy for you to neglect other areas in your life and see to emotional coldness/distance. You see feelings as time-wasteing, impratcial and a burden onto others. You wouldn’t want to worry/annoy others with your problems.
⚔️ your mother may have been absent or not very emotionally present in your life or taken on the role of the father, or may have been raised by a single parent. This may have made it hard for you to ever feel like you can be emotionally vulnerable with a care giver who was too busy or not present.
Aquarius moon:
🦩 you are unlike anyone else, you have a different way of seeing the world to others and often for this feel misunderstood. You may struggle with feelings of alienation, and often feel lonely, like no one can ever truely understand you.
🦩 you are an activist, a humanitarian, and have some very strong beliefs that you firmly stand by. You stand up for the underdog when no one else will because that who you identify with most.
🦩 highly stubborn, things are often your way or the highway. you dont shy away from confrontation nd in fact love to hammer your point home. this can get you into trouble.
🦩 you are emotionally closed-off, not because you are unemotional because you feel intensely and on a global scale, but because you don’t understand them. you are intellectually dominated, you think too hard, its hard for you to verbalise or understand emotions.
Pisces mooon:
🔮 you are soulful, an old soul, artsy, and often psychic. You feel on a mass scale, you are an emotional spounge-picking up on the undercurrents and vibrations of others. this can leave you in a very vulnerable state of being taken asvantage of as well as beinf emotionally abused and drainned because you take on so much of others pain.
🔮 likewise you are very sefless, you would do anything for those you love without thinking about how it affects you, always putting others wants and needs before your own.
🔮 you can be prone to addiction, either alcohol or drug abuse, or something completely different; shopping, money, sex, eating etc.
where this is expressed...
1st house: who you really are is shown on the outside, you dont hide who you are or pretend to be someone youre not. you are true to yourself.
2nd house: who you really are is shown in your values, you are what you value. your possessions reflect your true self, you buy and collect material items that express yourself and how you feel.
3rd house: who you really are is shown in how you communicate and talk to others. You express yourself and how you feel in the way you write and talk and how you interact with your siblings-they know the real you.
4th house: who you really are is shown in how in your private space, this could be your home, your room, a place where you feel safe and comfortable, your family know the real you.
5th house: who you really are is shown in your creative purisuits, what you do for fun, and how you express yourself creativly is where your heart really lies.
6th house: who you really are is shown in how you schedule your day and go about your mundane everyday chores, also in how you care for your pets-they know the real you.
7th house: who you realy are is shown in your partnerships; romantic and professional. you enter partnerships with people who you possess qualities you dont recognise in yourself.
8th house: who you really are is shown in your secrets and what you keep hidden from others.
9th house: who you really are is shown in your belifs religious or otherwise.
10th house: who you really are is shown in your reputation, or what you are striving to achieve.
11th house: who you really are is shown in your friendships, and how you feel about the collective.
12th house: who you really are is shown in your subconcious, dreams, and other altered states.
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ellsss · 3 years
Toxicity in fandom.
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I have honestly had it up to HEREEEEEE!
I’m absolutely through with the rampant harassment, accusations and bullying I see online these days. I thought leaving fandom twitter was a solution to this, and that I would finally stop seeing people be harassed, shamed, and called horrible names for things that shouldn’t be as big of an issue as people make them out to be, but in actual fact, I’ve come to realise that being on tumblr, TikTok and Instagram is just the same.
I’ve noticed people actively talk and seek out things that make them uncomfortable, and instead of curating their own online experience and talking to close mutuals about it or dm’ing the person they have an issue with in a calm manner, they make call out posts, harass others, let other people harass them, tell everyone to block them. And I am SICK. OF. IT!
This has become a normal thing on socials and it’s absolutely not normal.
It’s quite frankly, incredibly disturbing that it’s become so common and people actually get praised for “holding people accountable” or “calling it out” which really means punishment and condemnation. Personal arguments or criticisms (even valid ones) shouldn’t be done with an audience. I understand that some things do need to be condemned, but publicly shaming and letting everyone know what they did is so psychologically damaging and it only makes things worse.
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Some things, if it truly puts people in danger, do need to be posted about, especially in regards to security, hate crimes (although there tends to be exaggeration with this sometimes), grooming and lying about yourself online. But in most cases, it’s about people’s feelings and not about whether it could really harm people. Feelings are important, and if something has made you uncomfortable and has upset you, that’s valid, and you can express it. But the way to do it is NOT by hurting someone else.
Something that’s been annoying me in the atla/tlok fandom is how so many people generalise people to make them the scapegoat for the toxicity, especially when someone has done something in regards to race. I’ve noticed the constant influx of ���white/cis people are the reason why POC(or even people in general) are leaving the fandom”. And to me, these posts do NOT solve the issue. They actually alienate and make ALL people of that community feel guilty for things they cannot change.
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No one should feel guilty or wrong for just existing. That’s the point of solving the worlds ills isn’t it? That people feel and are treated as if they matter.
As a black person, I get the criticisms of some racism that goes on in this fandom in particular. Some of them are valid, however, some of them aren’t and are honestly just used to start shit. I’ve noticed that a lot of the time it’s the latter, and not actual cases of racism.
I agree that sometimes, there are white people that speak over POC in the fandom, and it is frustrating, especially when what’s being spoken about isn’t offensive. I also agree that sometimes, the claims of racist behaviour do need to be spoken about. But they need to be spoken about in the right way. Not in witch hunts and callouts.
If we are going to hold people to account, we need to hold ourselves to account as well. Self accountability is key.
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If you have a criticism of what someone is doing you talk to them as if they have freaking feelings. You don’t chastise them and say “this is racist take this down or else” or “this is so unacceptable you are a horrible person”. Firstly, the first thing is a threat. Saying “or else” means you’ll do something if they don’t do what you want. And secondly, the second thing is a massive attack on someone’s character. Whether you think they are bad or not, you don’t respond to negativity with more negativity.
You also don’t resort to gate keeping either by saying “white people shouldn’t write fanfic for something that isn’t about them” or “you can’t draw this”. All of the things mentioned are things I’ve seen people say. That IS NOT the way to go about this. Also, just because something has minorities in it doesn’t mean that those who aren’t minorities can’t enjoy that thing, or that they can’t relate to characters. There’s more to these characters than their race and ethnicity (although representation is important).
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Another thing that’s been really frustrating in fandoms in general is the way people react to the smallest things in fandoms. Especially within the resident evil fan base. Bekka Prewitt, the voice actress for Bela Dimitrescu was harassed for days on end because she missed a comment on a livestream saying “say gay rights”. They used that to say she’s homophobic.
In addition to this, there’s been a sudden backlash on a cosplayer, because she said she headcanons Lady Dimitrescu as straight. People piled onto her and said she was erasing her queerness, despite the fact that there was no confirmation of Lady Dimitrescu’s sexuality. I know people have said that because Maggie headcanons her as LGBT, that’s confirmation, but I just don’t see it that way.
To me, something is only canonised by the creators, so that would mean CAPCOM and the team. If there isn’t an official statement or a character profile by CAPCOM saying that she’s LGBT, in my books, people’s imaginations can go where they want with these characters.
It’s as if people are gatekeeping how others view characters now because they want representation so much. I love Lady D, and I personally HC her as a lesbian, but if someone doesn’t think that way I don’t feel hurt by that because I recognise that not everyone sees characters the same ways I do. And im saying this as a member of the LGBT community.
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What annoyed me the most, is that when the cosplayer put out a statement apologising, people accused her of gaslighting because she said she wasn’t trying to hurt anybody and because she cried.
In fandoms, the usage of buzzwords like “gaslighting”, “manipulation”, “toxic”, “fascist” etc, are constantly weaponised by people doing the exact thing that they are accusing the other person of. One of the things I’ve noticed is that people who make these accusatory statements are THE most manipulative and toxic people, and THEY gaslight others without even realising it. This is the type of impulsivity and lapse in judgment that is ruining fandoms.
It’s as if people have turned fandom into activism.
For me, and probably many others, fandom is supposed to be an escapism from the horrors, the ills and the constant displays activism in the world. While activism is a good thing when done right, it shouldn’t be constantly displayed through something that’s supposed to help us forget. I get that in fandoms, especially in tv shows and movies created these days, it discusses important themes relevant to what’s going on in the world and in the fictional world explored.
But just because that’s the case, does not mean that projecting every current issue onto people’s opinions in fandom is a healthy way of dealing with that. It’s got to the point where people are full blown drown off of platforms and doxed because they don’t have the same ship, or the same opinions about well received characters, or about the themes in general because they’ve attached current issues onto these things too much.
What’s sad is that because of all of the things I’ve stated, whenever there is an issue that should be talked about posted by anyone, either mutuals or activism pages, I either roll my eyes or I literally feel nothing, because in my experience it’s all been performative and it’s only popular human rights issues that are being talked about. I want to care again. But, because of everything I’ve observed and gone through it’s hard for me now.
I didn’t come into fandom to be afraid of losing my livelihood, my sanity, and even friends that I have grown to love. All of these things I have observed haven’t made me feel safe. It’s made me stop trusting people, it’s made me more cautious, it’s even made me less tolerant somewhat.
I don’t want anyone else in fandom feeling this way, I think we need to do better in approaching issues in fandoms, and we need to recognise when there’s no issue at all, so people can enjoy content however they wish.
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not-twst-enough · 3 years
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“*sniffs* because of my tears, I ended up breaking most of the rules. *sniffs* *sniffs* I really.....am the Queen’s worst soldier.....*sniffs* hck! uwaaaahhhhh!~”
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Name: Gale Sombre
Japanese: ゲイル・ソンブレ
Romanji: Geiru Sonbure
Other Name:
Monsieur Fausse-tortue (Rook)
Ukame-kun (Floyd)
Crybaby-senpai (Ace)
Voiced by Sakakihara Yuuki
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Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: February 19
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 174cm
Eye Color: Turquoise
Hair Color: Dark Blue and Green highlight
Coral Sea (formerly)
Rose Kingdom
Race: half-cow; half-tortoise (hybrid)
Family: Unnamed Father and Unnamed Mother
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Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Second
Class: 2-D Student no. 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Cooking
Best Subject: Defensive Magic
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Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Gelatin
Least Favorite Food: Escargot
Dislike: Riddle’s anger
Hobby: Making Gelatin
Talents: Cullinary
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Unique Magic: “Shell of Grief”
His UM has ability to engulf a large area with his aura, causing anyone within his reach to be overwhelmed with intense feeling of sadness and uncontrollable cry. This ability doesn’t mean to be in constant depending on Gale’s decision whenever he activate with his own freewill
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He is the most melancholic crybaby of Heartslabyul and never smiles. Gale is easily emotional at anything that he would constantly cries over. His clumsiness, many mistakes he have done to whatever he helps, horrifying things like danger, intimidation of others, Riddle’s punishments, the weirdness of NRC. All of these are droving him to be more sad that he usually ran away to his dorm and hides in isolated rose maze that is a safe place for him to cry no matter how long he stays. Due to his personality, he’s been mostly neglecting the rules and duties as the Queen’s soldiers. Almost everyone in Heartslabyul (sometimes Riddle himself) have forgotten about him. Some other knew of his personal disappearance but thought it’s troublesome to bring him back because of his melancholic behavior.
He often been easily teased and naming him a “coward” by many because how fragile and cowardly he looks. Either showing their affection towards him and jokes around with pranks but know that he is too sensitive when it comes to jokes. Making up scary jokes or stories would frighten him the most which obviously him begun to cry. Although he wouldn’t mind the good jokes as long as someone has to reassured him if it aren’t true and apologize that is offensive to him. Even Gale doesn’t always smile he would love to see those who’ve been around with him, smiles. He may be an annoying crybaby or a fragile coward to people’s eyes but he has a big kind heart. He is quite a shy one having hard time converse one another and showing his expressions other than sadness due to his past. Wouldn’t want to be the center of the attention by anyone. He’d usually thought negatively by mumbling harsh words to himself subconsciously that people would find it annoying. Find a way to cheer Gale up would be a hard mission to do but in order to zip his mumbles, they need various ways to bring his hopes up. It’ll take longer for Gale to feel what’s “happiness”.
In a good side, he’s surprisingly smart and a bit skilled at baking/cooking. He is very serious during class rather he’s really good at academic work than physical work thanks to growing up being well-educated back from his hometown he’s kind enough to help others explaining very detailed information and everyday he went to the library and studied by himself since Library is a quite place. Gale rather likes to stay quite places like in the rose maze and botanic garden. There are times he could be very serious but passionate if it’s about cooking. He’d nervously accept anyone’s help in baking & cooking if they promised to keep in mind of his teaching. Gale was actually wanted and tried his best to grow close relationship with anyone even if he always ran away from everyone. He’d slowly develop understanding new feelings from his observation and experiences. If something is serious that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to defend himself and other people he love. that really upsets him that much, he’d unexpectedly would show little bit of his true colors than he didn’t realized
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Quick warning that his backstory is a bit angst ⚠️
Gale was born to be a unique sea creature. A hybrid.....a frown hybrid to be precise. Apparently the parents have to live separately due to his father’s demand of work on the surface so from now on, his mother was the one who’ll raise Gale in the Coral Sea. Every mermaid children even from his school have avoided Gale because of his grotesque appearance: a body of a sea turtle and a horn & tail of a cow as a results of being isolated from them at the young age. Some mermaids did dare bullied while ridiculed Gale naming “son of a sea demon” which makes Gale constantly to mourn everyday alone on the rock until he realized he’ll never fit in with other mermaids or sea creatures. After some time, he and his mother had moved to the surface to reunite and live with their father at the Rose Kingdom. The differences from Sea of Coral is that Gale likes the atmosphere of the Rose Kingdom. People were been nice to him and the children wanted to play with Gale then he made few friends there but still until now Gale is still very insecure of his true form except only Heartslabyul knew who really was that they accepted him as also respected his decision to keep it a secret from outside students.
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He is the twisted version of the Mockturtle
The name Gale was named by his parents decision that is from an old English word of gal "jovial" and “light” meaning cheerful as they wanted their son to be the happy one. Sombre is a French word based on Latin sub “under” & umbra “shade”
His parents are actually different races as his father is a cow while his mother is a sea turtle
Gale has a hobby of making gelatin as the reference from an old Jell-O commercial in 1956
He has this other ability he could transform to his turtle form and quickly hides inside his shell whenever he was jump-sacred
He is the one who made the beret to design like Heartslabyul themed
He with Azul and Leech twins used to be an old classmates from their elementary school in the Coral Sea
Despite being sorted to Heartslabyul and as a Coral Sea-born, he doesn’t fit in well with Octavinelle students. He tried to, though.
Every spring break, he only visited Coral Sea to meet up with his relatives from his mother’s side
(Heartslabyul banner originally belongs to 👉🏻 @/piraticusdorm not mine)
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captain-hen · 3 years
It’s worth noting to your anon (not you I think you get it) is that most people only get “pressed” when there’s hate in the character tag on tumblr or on ao3, or when there’s lengthy metas on why this female character is perfect. The thing going around at the moment is constant accusations being thrown at certain parts of the fandom who do like a female character with never any evidence or basis. It’s very rare that anyone would get annoyed if people just stopped obsessing over who they hate.
hi, nonnie! you make a very valid point, and i totally get it when people get upset over bad takes and hate. i am one of those people, after all.
they don't just stop there. they take offense to any criticism, however valid, of their fave. they take offense to parallels drawn between their fave and other characters that can be seen in a negative light (this was something that happened with me). they make disabled people in fandom feel unwelcome by jumping down their throats for pointing out ableism on the show, by accusing them of 'unnecessary discourse', by calling them misogynists or even insinuating that ableism isn't an important topic to discuss. they're quick to throw around serious real life issues to support their ideas (case in point: me being accused of saying that misogyny against white women is okay when i was simply criticizing fandom's almost obsessive defense of taylor). i think that that is what my previous anon was most likely referring to.
in my opinion, this fandom—like most others—has two extremes. The first one: vilifying and hating on a female character for no reason, accusing and holding her responsible for things she has never done or is not responsible for. The second one: insisting on sanctifying a female character, erasing all of her flaws, perpetuating the idea that anyone uncomfortable with said flaws is a misogynist. Both these extremes are misogynistic in their own ways. The first one is bad because you're holding a woman to some impossible standard you would never hold a man to and you're hating on her simply to prop up a man. The second one is bad because you're erasing important personality traits of a woman simply because she doesn't conform to your standards of morality, you're insisting that a woman cannot be anything other than a saint and that any flaw she does depict is simply a mistake on the part of the writers. See how both of these takes are extremely problematic? Both sides are unable to meet in the middle and find common ground, both of them are incapable of seeing nuance and both of them equally contribute to the negativity in fandom. and it's really, really exhausting—and that is what i think my previous anon was trying to point out.
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hi! hope the new year is going well for you so far!! could i request sfw alphabet for karube pls? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i really appreciate that you're writing for aib!
You’re welcome! Here’s your request! 🥰
SFW Alphabet | Daikichi Karube
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Daikichi Karube
Genre: fluff
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*this is based in real life, not in the Borderlands
A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I can definitely see him being quite affectionate
He gives off the vibe that his love language is quality time
He would show affection through just staying by your side
He wouldn’t even necessarily have to be touching you
When you go out for dinner with your friends, he would always make sure you’re sitting next to him
Yeah his affection would come through as just being around you
B - Best Friend
(What would they be like as a best friend?)
He would be so chaotic
There would never be a boring moment when he’s your friend
He’s definitely the loud extroverted friend, so if you’re more quiet and introverted he would like adopt you
Would be so defensive of his best friend, like no one can ever say shit that even potentially hurts your feelings otherwise they’ll take his fist to their face
He would send you countless snapchats everyday of him just doing the dumbest shit
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s a tall man, so if you’re more small then he would engulf you
Playful cuddles 24/7
Tackles you into the couch when he wants to cuddle
You don’t get a choice, no matter what you’re doing, if he wants cuddles, he’s getting them
He would love to have you sitting on his lap while he scrolls on his phone or watches tv
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
You can’t tell me otherwise, this man is such husband material
Such loving husband vibes
He would do most of the house work when you move in together
So sweet, would always offer to clean up after dinner and help you with the dishes
Cooking wise, I really think it wouldn’t be his strong point
But he would love being your assistant in the kitchen while you cooked
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he would be really mature about the situation
If he had to break up with you, he would tell you straight up
It would be the healthiest break up you could possibly have
He would hate to drag you on when he didn’t feel the same way anymore
Would be upset for a few weeks, but would definitely want to stay friends with you after you’ve both recovered
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’d probably want to get married rather quickly
Why wouldn’t he? If he truly loves you, he’d want to give you his everything, including his future
(After seeing how he wanted to propose to the woman from the bar he worked at, even though she was already dating someone else)
Yeah, he wouldn’t rush it, but he would definitely keep it in his mind quite early into the relationship
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, physically and emotionally?)
Gentle giant vibes
He likes to have his fun being a little bit chaotic and rough around you, but majority of the time he would be gentle, making sure you feel safe and happy around him
Emotionally, no offense, but I feel like he’d be a bit dumb
He wouldn’t know how to handle negative emotions, or you opening up to him about problems
But you would always be able to tell he was trying his hardest
Might say things that he wouldn’t mean or sometimes sound a bit insensitive, but he always has good intentions
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often would they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are his most favourite thing in the world
You would never be able to escape his hugs
Back hugs 24/7
Sometimes he would run up to you from behind and just throw himself against your back
Usually only does that if he hasn’t seen you in a while though
His hugs would last forever, he would take forever to let go of you
Tight hugs, he would squeeze you close to him so tightly, you cheek smooshed up against him
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Probably a good couple of weeks
When he does eventually say it, it has so much meaning and love behind it
He would probably say it when you’ve had a shitty day and gone over to his house to be consoled
Didn’t even realize he said it until he saw the look on your face
Would say it every day from then, whether it be in person, over the phone or over text
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when their jealous?)
I don’t think he would get jealous too often
He’s more of the protective type rather than the jealous type
He trusts that you love him and would never choose someone else over him
The only thing he would act strangely about is if you spend day after day at someone’s house
He would feel a bit neglected and lonely, but would always cheer himself up by hanging out with Alice and Chota
But if some guy was to ask you out when he was there, he wouldn’t be aggressive about it
He would probably just politely state that you’re taken
Yes, much gentleman
K - Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where would they like to be kissed?)
He would live for heated kisses
Like really passionate ones that you would have on a really romantic night together
But he would also adore just the small little pecks you give each other when one of you was leaving the house
He would love kissing you so much that sometimes you would have to push him off your lips just so you could breath
Aggressive kisses all the time though
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
You can’t convince me otherwise, he would make the best dad in the world
Perfect husband material and father material, he’s a deluxe edition
Would love toddlers and could spend hours playing with them
Every kid loves him, there’s not one kid that’s scared of him cause he has the most friendly personality
If you have little cousins or nephews/nieces, he would never leave them alone
Definitely can see him having like 20 children
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Lazy mornings are the best mornings
He most likely sleeps in, unless he has to get up and go somewhere
Takes him like an hour to crawl out of bed
Yeah he wouldn’t be a morning person
You would sometimes have to jump on him to wake him up
Or drag his ass off the bed
But most of the time when you try he just sits up and drags you back into bed with him and cuddles you
He wouldn’t ever let you go, once he has you in his clutch you might as well give up
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
At night I feel he would become more energetic
Some nights you would sit on the couch together and watch horror movies while drinking wine
He would go to sleep late on most nights
If you’re an early sleeper, he would kiss you goodnight then stay up on his own for a little while
But when he finally comes to bed, he would pull your against his chest and fall asleep with you tucked underneath his chin
Wouldn’t be able to sleep without touching you
If it’s too hot to cuddle, he would just hold your hand
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
He seems like the kind to just be an open book
He wouldn’t have much about himself to hide, unless the topic was super personal
You would be the only person he would tell though
He would become more and more trusting as the relationship progresses
The first time he would open up to you seriously would probably be around 7 months into dating
You two would’ve sat together on a park bench on a late night, probably a bit too drunk for your own good, and Karube would’ve opened up about his personal life
I feel like Karube is the sort to hold his problems in, but they would eventually all overflow and come out after a minor inconvenience happens
That’s what would’ve caused him to share his true problems and feelings with you on that night
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
He definitely has trouble managing his anger
He can sometimes get a bit physical when he’s angry
Don’t get me wrong, he would never hurt you
But if some random guy was to insult you in the street, oh no
Karube would see red
In terms of relationship arguments, he would find it really hard to stay mad at you
Would probably get more annoyed at the fact that he can’t be mad at you when he should be
He’s too sweet and too loving to his close ones to ever hurt or yell at them
If he truly was mad though, would just go on a short walk to get rid of his stress
Q - Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you?)
He would remember quite a bit I think
I mean it wouldn’t be every little detail, but he would remember important things
There would be rare occasions where he would forget one of your family members names or forget your favourite colour
But it would never matter too much and he would always just laugh it off with you
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite memory he has of you two would be a date you went on when you went to a giant arcade together late at night
He loved watching you be so amused by all the games and laugh your head off at each others jokes
You would’ve been so competitive with each other at the car racing games, yelling and having the time of your lives
Afterwards you probably went and got ice-cream together and sat at the beach underneath the moon
Karube would love this memory because he would always treasure the amount of fun you both had and the constant smile on your face that was caused by him
S - Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oooooo boy. Even if someone breathed at you wrong this man would have a go at them
Big strong man coming to protect you
He’s like a barrier, like if someone kind of dodgy tried to talk to you, yeah not today fam unless you want to crack a punch over the noggin’
If you two were walking in an area that seemed kind of sketchy, Karube would pull you so close to him you would practically be on top of him
He wouldn’t ever be afraid to put himself in between what’s potentially going to hurt you/his family, no matter the situation
Although sometimes you do get worried that someone might hurt him really bad one day, but until then Karube will remain as stubborn as he is
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Would put so much effort into things it would be ridiculous
Definitely plans anniversary dates like a month before they even happen
Always buys super expensive gifts for you, like jewelry and designer clothing
Likes spoiling his baby a lot
On anniversaries, he would bring you to a fancy restaurant and have a really romantic dinner with you
Then bring you to a club and spend the rest of the night dancing to funky music together
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I feel like he would forget to clean things up sometimes
I mean he wouldn’t be unbearable messy, but he would just leave the occasional bowl or drinking glass where it shouldn’t go
Maybe a few piles of unwashed clothes here and there
But if you asked him to clean, he wouldn’t argue and would just do it
He would hate doing the laundry, probably would be the only house chore he’d truly despise
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they about their looks?)
Not that concerned
It doesn’t matter that much to him what he looks like
But he would always keep his beard/mustache short
His style of clothing would be pretty much the same every day
If you and him were going out on a casual date though, he would try to touch himself up
Maybe some gel in his hair and a nice jacket to go with his outfit, but nothing too out there
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You would probably be his safe space where he can project his daily worries onto
He would feel quite lost without you, because he bottles things up
And not having you around to look after him while he’s emotionally vulnerable would make him really stressed and upset
His negative emotions come out in anger, so he would become a bit scary if he doesn’t share his feelings enough
You would make him feel more grounded and more stable
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
I have a feeling he would use really cheesy pickup lines with you
Even after you would’ve been dating for years, he’d still come up with ones he’s never said before
At the most random of times as well
One time he poked his head in while you were in the shower just to tell you a pick up line
It would be such a weird quirk of his, but you would adore it and his stupid pick up lines anyway
Y - Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He has a thing about cockroaches
Never would he ever touch one, no matter how badly you had to get rid of it
He would be able to take care of spiders, wasps, moths, but cockroaches was where he drew the line
If he saw one, would probably be super over dramatic and spray a shit ton of bug spray on it
In terms of in a partner, he would never be able to be with someone who spent most of their time indoors
He understands that the serenity of home is super comforting, but he would rather be out having fun than staying at home all day
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He takes up 80% the bed
Spreads out like a starfish, more than often almost pushing you off
You wouldn’t know if he did it consciously or not, but it would become so annoying if it was distracting you from sleeping
Sometimes you would sit up and just lay across him as use him as a mattress
As he sure seems to fit the space of one
SFW Alphabet Template
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mintvender · 4 years
May I request Y/N being stressed/angry and lashing out to the harem boys? Maybe yelling or accidentally hitting them? Sorry if your requests are full or closed!
(Please have a happy/fluff ending, If you can! I can't handle sad endings 😅)
Don’t worry, anon, you will definately know when requests will close. On top of that, it will be sometime until it will close. Also just a warning, this entire serie is pretty angsty so please be prepare. I also apologized for not releasing this earlier. Anyways, enjoy 🌿
BTS’ Reaction to Y/N Lashing Out
Warnings: None
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Kava kava: a shrub from the islands of the Pacific Ocean that helps to relieve stress and alter moods.
Kim Taehyung
Work have been piling up and has been causing you quite a bit of stress. Deciding to try and finish them all, you stayed within your study hours on end to push through the piles of work.
However, luck seemed to not be on your side tonight with unexpected matters constantly coming up after one another; to top it off, Taehyung had decided to personally come visit you.
Although he came with a reasonable purpose, because of how much stress you were under, it had clouded your mind, making you unable to realize what Taehyung was here for.
As a result, the moment you lashed out and knocked the pile of papers next to you, time seem to stopped.
Surprise at your rash actions, you couldn’t help but gaze over Taehyung’s figure, anxiously searching his face for any negative reaction.
However, contrary to what you were expecting, Taehyung decided to close the gap between you both. Before being in physical contact with you, Taehyung kneeled down and began to pick up all the fallen manuscripts and placed them neatly on the desk.
Afterward, he just hold your hand and told you that he was not mad at you. After the initial shock, you apologized and decided that it was time to end the day.
“ You don’t have to apologized, I understand what you’re experiencing.”
Kim Namjoon
With another day having audiences with different people, it was almost a guaranteed that your day will not be that great. With the accumulation of reports from the servants of a potential thief, you desperately wanted to resign this position and go back to what you were doing. Unfortunately, there was no going back when you are this far in.
Anyways, coincidentally, today was also the day of your monthly health checkup. Unfortunately, you totally forgot about it and dismissed Namjoon’s calls when he came.
Despite already sensing your mood, Namjoon continues to press on until you yelled at him, even throwing a book at him. Dismissing him on the spot, you didn’t even think about your actions until hours afterward.
Guilty of what you did, you summoned him to visit you again. You both then spent the time together to resolve the problem, apologizing for your guys’ rash actions.
“ I should have stop when I saw how busy you were. I apologized.”
Jung Hoseok
Going outside the suffocating palace was always a pleasure for you. Having the chance to forget your worries and just be yourself doesn’t always happen after ascending the throne so you definitely cherish these little moments.
Usually, you would spend most of those times alone but this time however, Hoseok have decided to accompany you on your little journey. You agreed, thinking of him as just a companion who you would spend your time with, not as his babysitter.
Maybe it was his innocent looks that attracted what’s opposite of him. The longer you guys are outside, the more wicked people became towards you. And to top it off, Hoseok doesn’t seem very affected by how vulgar they were being.
Finally having enough, you entangle your hands with his and stomped towards the opposite direction, openly ignoring yells coming from behind while lecturing how oblivious he is. Though, after minutes of voicing out your problems, Hoseok became eerily silent. Quiet little mumbles were then heard coming from his mouth which you assumed were apologies.
Deciding that it was enough adventure for a day, you pull Hoseok towards the palace, not forgetting to tell him that it was indeed alright.
“... I am sorry... I didn’t know.”
Min Yoongi
Yoongi can be quite clumsy when he is nervous and that is his usual mindset whenever he is with you. Normally, you wouldn’t even bat an eye if he were to accidentally knock the piles of work that you have worked on for hours — you have a soft spot for him.
Now that was what happens most of the time. However, you also tend to be quite witty when you’re frustrated, fully flaunting your adrenaline.
Making witty comments about his little mistakes, you — at that moment could not tell how much it affected Yoongi.
Unfortunately, his self-esteem continues to decline further when your arm went a little to close to him when he accidentally swept the tea cup off the desk. You immediately stood up and kneeled down, about to help him pick up the shattered pieces when he suddenly flinched at your actions.
Instantly backing away, you noticed the shivers that were wracking down on his petite figure.
Gently apologizing, you carefully brought your hand to his cheek, slowly to not agitate him. Using your other hand to bring him into your embrace, and staying there for how ever long he would need.
“ I-I am so sorry... Didn’t mean to break it...”
Jeon Jungkook
Training with Jungkook was something that you do quite frequently, either for relieving stress or to work on your skills. This time around, it was for the first reason.
Normally, you and Jungkook would both jokingly points out the opposite’s mistake or weakness whenever you guy duel, especially on Jungkook’s part. However, this time around, you weren’t in the mood to get teased and it definitely backfired to the both of you.
Jungkook’s words have went a little too far and had offended you.
Without even a chance to react, you pointed your blade against his neck, scaring him in the process.
Warning him for his precarious action, you lowered your sword before closing the gap between the two of you.
Noticing how you managed to slide the skin of his neck amidst the heated moment, you then dragged him to the benches nearby to get treated. Carefully applying the medicine to the open wound while paying attention to the apologies slurring out from his mouth, you still remained quiet.
After finished bandaging the cut, you lead him back to the training ground and force him to fight you, claiming that he must compensate you both physically and vocally.
“ Your majesty can punish me. I crossed the line, thus offending you during the process.”
Kim Seokjin
With how loud Seokjin can become, you are not very surprise how fast annoyed or frustrated others can get from just from a conversation with him.
However, you didn’t expect that you were part of that as well — at least when you’re not stressed. Anyways, with Seokjin having literally nothing to do within the palace, he definitely used that to his advantage when talking — pestering you.
Trying to ignore his constant pester, you tried to resume your previous work. Accidentally striking your hands up in frustration, slapping Seokjin with the brutal force, you were suddenly snapped back into reality.
Luckily, all he did was screamed at you while exaggerating his now crimson cheeks. Forcing you to help him apply the medicine while hear him complain seemed not that bad as of now, as long as you don’t lose him.
“ YAH! Be careful, do you know that compensating me by just applying medicine is not enough??? Lucky for you, I didn’t receive any major injuries!”
Park Jimin
Flirtatious and frustration does not combine well, especially between you and Jimin.
In these moments, you guys might as well label each other fire and ice with how different you are.
Smoke could almost be seen surging out of your ears, cheeks so crimson that you can almost be described as a tomato. On the other hand, Jimin was sitting opposite of you, calmly looking over your work as though it was nothing worth keeping.
Taking offense of how much time you have put on these manuscript, you snatched them out of his grasp, yelling at him to leave the room.
Stunned at what you just did, Jimin could only sit there and stared at your demolished figure.
Noticing how he had yet to move, you stared into his eyes, silently ordering him to leave.
But how did you ever thought that Jimin would leave you alone, especially in this kind of situation? Freezing at how close he suddenly is, you were dragged from your disastrous desk to the bed.
After getting tucked in, you got hugged by Jimin, spending hours there afterward.
“ You better still be here the moment I wake up. If not, don’t expect to be doing anything tomorrow!”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
t... tiara thief + “have you been waiting up this whole time?”
fandom: knight squad relationships: arc/ciara, pre-relationship word count: 1,482 a/n: okay, first of all, i want to thank you for this prompt because it single-handedly pulled me out of the writer’s block i’ve been suffering for months. i haven’t completed something in a hot minute, so despite the fact that i wrote this all in one go while i was supposed to be studying for my calc test tomorrow and reading it over once was the extent of my editing so it’s probably Not Very Good, writing it made me incredibly happy. it’s so fluffy and i love writing their dynamic and just,, it’s such a great prompt for them and i hope you guys like it! dedications: tagging my dearest fellow tiara thief stans:  @ciara-knightly@perhapspearl @mistyskiesrambles @willexs @taylorswiftrulestheworld @onplanetmars @neshatriumphs @zackmartin @knghtsquad @soni-dragon @hopefulbeautifulfool @cactus-con @waterisntreal @bitchmilsky summary: In the morning, she’ll chalk it up to the fact that she’s not thinking straight. She’s too tired to think about the implications of it, too out of it to actually use her better judgement. And too lonely. She’s been Princess Angelica for days—she wants to be Ciara for a night. She misses Arc, misses having his steady presence by her side, familiar and constant and unconditional. She just wants him to stay.
It’s late by the time Ciara makes it back. The castle is still and dark and dead-quiet as she approaches her bedroom, heels dangling from one hand and the skirts of her dress pulled up in the other, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion. 
It’s not the muscle-aching, satisfying sort of tired that always comes after a long day of training or a successful mission, though—it’s the kind of weariness that’s accompanied by flashes of irritation and leaves her feeling more than a little drained. Not for the first time, the itch of resentment towards her Princess duties crawls under her skin. She should’ve spent the last few days on a daring quest with her squad, not faking smiles through ball after ball. But it’s the height of trade season; they have appearances to keep and responsibilities to fulfill. There’s a whole mess of politics involved that she’s slowly familiarizing herself with, getting comfortable with her position. And yet she misses the tension of her bow, the adrenaline rush of a fight, the thrill of a good adventure—and she misses her team.
They should be back by now. She was supposed to meet them in the training yard tonight, but the party ran long and she couldn’t pull herself away, so she’d had to cancel at the last minute. They’re meeting at the Tasty Trunk first thing in the morning to catch up over breakfast, but still, she’s half-tempted to take her passageway into the squad room and see them right now. 
But it’s late, and they’ve just gotten back—they’ll all be asleep. 
Ciara huffs a minute sigh and pushes open her door. She should get some rest, anyway, so she’ll be ready for training in the morning with a slew of excuses about her miraculous recovery from an illness that didn’t really exist. When she sees her bed, another wave of tiredness hits her full-force; she’s almost ready to throw herself under the covers without even changing out of her gown.
Except she can’t. Because there’s a figure slumped in the armchair by the balcony.
Her hand goes instinctively to her side, before realizing that she’s not in her gear and therefore doesn’t have a weapon. Mind whirring, she weighs the risk of transforming in front of this person—but after a moment, she realizes that they haven’t moved. She shuffles her feet to get a better angle, and moonlight spills over a head of blonde hair, rumpled clothes, and a dark green shoulder pad.
“Arc?” Ciara hisses.
“Wh—” He jerks awake, falling right out of the chair. His sword is still sheathed, but it hits the floor with a clang, and the sound rings through the room and makes her wince. His head jolts around before his wide eyes land on her. “Ciara! Hey, hi! Fancy seeing you h—here,” he finishes around a yawn, blinking the sleep from his eyes.
“You’re in my room,” she says pointedly. There’s a part of her that thinks she should be annoyed, that she’s tired, and he scared her, and the noise probably woke half the castle, but in truth she’s just happy that he’s here. She would never say it out loud, but seeing him makes something in her chest swell.
“Hmmf...touche.” He smacks his lips, clearly still half-asleep even after being startled, and Ciara registers that he’s streaked with dirt and dressed in his gear.
“When did you get back?” she asks as he pulls himself into a sitting position and redoes the top few buttons of his shirt.
“A few hours ago.”
“Have you been waiting up this whole time?”
Arc rubs at his eyes with the back of his hand, and the gesture is so painfully endearing that Ciara feels herself melt a little, a rush of fondness surging through her. “We were s’pposed to meet up in the training yard,” he says, and yawns again. 
“I sent you a mirror message that I couldn’t make it.”
“Well, yeah, but I had to come chew you out in person for bailing on us.” He pouts, nothing serious behind his words, and Ciara finds herself lifting a hand to hide her giggle.
“Oh, yeah? Chew away.”
He fixates her with his drowsy eyes and says, with the utmost sincerity, “You suck. And—and I hope you find dragon dung in your pillow.”
She laughs openly now, the happiness and easy comfort of seeing him pushing away every negative emotion from the night. “Just say you missed me,” she grins teasingly.
“I did not.”
“I hope—I hope Sage covers you in unicorn poop again. I hope someone steals all of your tiaras, even the sparkliest one. I hope your snack catapult breaks.”
She gasps. “Take that back!”
“No. You deserve it.” He gives a little self-satisfied smirk, his eyes fluttering shut. It’s obvious that he’s just about ready to pass out again, and as Ciara tries and fails to stifle a yawn she remembers that she’s not that far off either. She moves to nudge him with her foot.
“C’mon, get up.” 
He groans and swats blindly at her. “I can’t. I’ve lost that ability. Also, my back hurts. Your chair is not as comfortable as it looks—false advertising.”
“I didn’t ask you to sleep there,” she snorts, kicking him again. 
Arc blinks his eyes open at last and lifts a hand into the air, looking up at her expectantly. She rolls her eyes and takes it, hauling him off the floor. “Idiot,” she grumbles, though she can’t keep the affection out of it. 
“Your idiot,” he responds without missing a beat. Distantly, she thinks that she’s going to wonder over that line again and again when she’s not so sleep-deprived. In the moment, though, it just feels right.
“M’kay, I am going to bed,” Arc announces blearily, and starts making his way to her passageway. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“You don’t have to go,” she says, and then bites her lip. Maybe if she had an ounce of impulse control left over, she would’ve stopped herself, but she doesn’t. 
He stops in his tracks and turns to her. “No offense, but I think the beds in the squad room are more comfortable than your floor, if only by a little—”
In the morning, she’ll chalk it up to the fact that she’s not thinking straight. She’s too tired to think about the implications of it, too out of it to actually use her better judgement. And too lonely. She’s been Princess Angelica for days—she wants to be Ciara for a night. She misses Arc, misses having his steady presence by her side, familiar and constant and unconditional. She just wants him to stay. The words stumble out: “My bed’s big enough for both of us.”
He blinks at her. Tilts his head, like he’s trying to tell if she’s serious or not. He opens his mouth and then closes it, rubs at the inside of his eye with his fist, and then says finally, “Are you sure?”
She shrugs. “As long as you’re out by morning, or my dad will flay you alive.”
“I’m not afraid of your dad.”
“He’ll call my sister.”
He winces. “Okay, her, I’m scared of.”
Ciara laughs a little and holds her hand out to him, palm-up, and he slips his fingers between hers and lets her tug him towards her bed. He strips off his vest and his shoulder pad and sheath, and she takes the tiara off her head and lets her hair loose from its updo. She doesn’t have the energy to change out of her dress right now, just aches for the warmth of her covers and the softness of her pillow.
When she turns back around, Arc is staring at her. There’s exhaustion still worked into the corners of his face, but there’s something else, too—a sort of softness behind his eyes, a little burst of affection.
She smiles to herself and crawls into bed, burrowing into the sheets. “C’mon,” she tells him quietly, patting the empty space beside her, and he hesitates for a moment before nestling into place.
His whole body goes limp almost instantly. “I’m going back to my thieving ways for one last heist,” he mumbles, muffled by her pillow. “I’m stealing your bed.”
“Not allowed.” He’s warm and soft beside her. She presses close to his shoulder, her eyes slipping closed. “You smell like sewage,” she hums.
“Fought a troll.”
“Did you win?”
“Duh.” His breathing slows, and she matches its pace without thinking about it. She feels light and safe and floating, and she’s barely half-awake when his quiet voice breaks through her haze again. “Ciara?”
“I did miss you.”
She nuzzles into his chest, warmth flooding through her at the knowledge that she’ll wake up next to him. Even as she’s drifting out of consciousness, she feels herself smile. “I know.”
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Worship me- Chapter.1
Worship me- Chapter 1.
word count- 3.3k
Summary: Harry is the typical bad boy in town, and Y/n is an innocent Catholic school girl, with a few skeletons in her closet
Warnings: mentions of abusive family, arranged marriage, some major angst and triggering themes
(this in no way is meant to be offensive, I grew up catholic and in a very bad household it was very toxic and detrimental to my health mentally and physically and I endured a lot of harm from the hands of the catholic church. But please remember that is only my experience and I support anyone with whatever religion they chose to practice, and please keep in mind this is fiction and meant to be taken as such. Xoxo H)
 The sun was just reaching it’s full peak as Y/n finished putting on her school uniform, she always hated how early she had to get up for school and it didn’t help her parents forced her to get up at 4:30 each morning to pray and read the page of the bible her father had picked out for the day. So, by 6:30 she was already knuckling at her eyes while buckling her black Mary Janes and rushing out the door with an empty stomach since her mother always said ‘fasting in the morning showed devotion to god’ which she truly didn’t understand. She didn’t understand a lot of the things her parents pushed on her and her siblings, some of it even scared her but she knew better than to open her mouth about it, she knew all she’d get in return is a tongue lashing and her faced shoved into a bible while she got spanked by her father. She found herself growing more and more scared as she grew older, her home seemed to get more hostile as the days went by but to her it was normal, it’s all she ever knew so she never questioned the things her parents groomed her for.
She tried not to drag her feet on the sidewalk while she made her way towards her school, she knew it would scoff her school shoes and her mother got very angry the last time she came home with scarred leather on the toes. Y/n truly felt exhausted today, she felt sad, tired, a bit overwhelmed and very hungry since she wasn’t allowed any food after 6 in the evening and then she had to withhold breakfast from herself in honor of god. She was really starting to feel the negative affects of some of these practices, her body getting thinner, her energy dropping quickly and the shivers and headaches were constant. Yet she kept her mouth shut, because ‘That’s what nice girls do’, and y/n didn’t want to be bad she wanted to be praised, she wanted to be adored and loved. But no matter how submissive she is to her parents; she never seems to get any of what she needs. She even kept track in her diary of how many days it had been since someone told her they loved her, today marks day 128.
She could barely hear the chatter of her peers as she made her way through the corridor, her head was already beginning to pound in her temples and her exhaustion was like a weighted blanket draped over her. She didn’t realize she was walking straight into the wall until she felt a palm press against her forehead stopping her from smacking her head into it, her knees still knocked into the navy blue tiles that decorated the bottom half of the walls causing a small ‘umph’ to escape her lips as she shifted her sleepy eyes to the person attached to the hand. There she saw Harry, his left eyebrow was raised slightly in a questioned manner while he looked down at her.
Y/n knew Harry, they were friendly with each other and she really liked him. He was the only person who really payed her any mind, and while she knew he was a bit of a trouble maker he was always kind to her. They shared a science and English class together, their desks lined up next to each other in the cramped classrooms of her private school always making their knees knock together and elbows to push each other’s work off the desks by accident, something rather annoying but the pair got along well enough it never caused his notorious attitude to flare up.
“You okay? Walkin’ like a zombie today kid.” He popped his gum between his teeth loudly, making her eyes blink on reflex before she brought her palms up to rub them slightly. “I’m really tired…sorry I didn’t mean to bother you”. Harry had no idea why she was apologizing, but he noticed it’s something she did a lot. Even when there was nothing to be sorry for and it always made him feel a bit sad, it was odd to him since the usually group of friends he hung with was very much the rough and tumble, unapologetic type.
“What are ya’ talkin’ about? Didn’t bother me, was making sure you didn’t hurt yourself, love.” While Harry was not a soft or sweet kid typically, he was always gentle with the girl. He called her pet names a lot and tried to keep his usual rough tone out of his mouth while he spoke to her. She was a sweetheart and he truly appreciated how pure her aura and personality is and he never wanted to do anything to jeopardize that. It was rare for him to ever be around a positive person if he’s being honest.
She simply shrugged and nodded, a yawn escaping her mouth before she looked up at him with hooded eyes, his own narrowing a bit just having a gut feeling something was off. She looked frail almost, he’s never seen her look dull and he didn’t like it. He was used to her being warm and bubbly, so seeing her look so down made his jaw clench. “Hey, look at me Y/n. What’s wrong? Can tell somethings up, want to talk to m’ about it?” her eyes seemed to glaze over a bit at his proposition, she wanted to talk about it but she knew she couldn’t. Her parents had forced into her mind that if she opened her mouth and told people about her feelings or things that went on at home, that god would hate her and she was scared of that. She was too deep in their game to see her parents would be the ones under gods harsh gaze, not her.
So she fought against the thoughts begging to be verbalized and gently shook her head, “No no, it’s okay…we have mass in a few minutes. Wouldn’t have time to talk anyway…it’s alright.” She shot his idea down, which concerned him further but he let it be, listening intently as she spoke again. “C-could I have a hug?” she was shy, she knew her parents would be very angry if they found out she had been alone with a boy, let alone having any physical contact even as simple as a hug or a high five. She hated that rule, and right now she knew the chances of her getting in trouble so she took the chance. She could feel her nerves prick her palms as he waited for his response, yet she felt a bit relieved as he opened his arms and let her press herself into him. She noticed a sense of security warm her while his broad arms hugged her small figure, he stroked her back slightly frowning to himself when he could feel her spine against his thumbs. Only then did he notice how thin she seemed to become since he first met her when she was a freshman and he was a sophomore last year, the girl one year his junior seemed to be shrinking instead of growing which made him a bit alarmed but he knew it wasn’t a good time to pry. Even as calloused as he is emotionally, he still has the ability to read people and what they need so he decided to just give her the comfort she requested, keeping a protective palm resting on her back as he walked into the school’s chapel with her.
Harry loathed the Catholic school his mother forced him to attend, he wasn’t exactly a bible thumper like the nuns and teachers that were breathing down his neck 6 hours out of his day. He didn’t like how the priest looked at his female classmates, or how they used the idea of God to scare people into submission rather then painting him as a warm, forgiving figure that he really should be made out to be. The only reason Harry was still attending the hellish school was because it made his mother happy and feel like her son was safe, and staying out of trouble for at least a good chunk of the day. Harry loved his mother; he knew she wasn’t fond of the trouble maker reputation he seemed to make for himself as he grew into young adulthood. And so, he did her the solid of attending and giving her some peace of mind.
Harry made sure to go into the same pew as Y/n letting out a grunt as he leaned down to his knees on the small padded strip meant to help their knees not hurt as bad yet it did very little to create a barrio between his knee caps and the hard floor beneath.
He mumbled a snarky ‘I’m not the one usually on my knees’ to himself, getting a glare from one of the nuns walking down the aisle doing a head count for student attendance but he only flipped the bird to her when her back was turned. Y/n was struggling to keep her head from resting on the pew in front of her, she was truly struggling to stay awake at this point finding herself jolting a bit every few seconds as she started drifting off, only able to fully get her composure when the head priests voice boomed through the speakers in the chapel, making her flinch and assume her earlier position while he read out a few verses, instructing them to bow their heads and pray along with him. Harry of course mocked the priest while Y/n robotically followed along as much as she didn’t want to, she was too sad to think about the weight of the words from the sacred book and her knees were aching yet she was too afraid to not say it, the fear crawling up her spine when she thought about what her parents would do if they found out she didn’t recite the prayer with her peers.
 Somehow Y/n managed to make it through her four class periods, she admittedly had retained nothing she was taught that day and by this point it was 2 in the afternoon and her head was pounding so bad she thought her skull might crack and her brain would eject itself in protest to her lack of hydration and nutrients coming in. she was in agony, and Harry hadn’t left her alone all day because he could read her like a book. To be honest he was scared she might keel over and die from how unwell she looked, and so he caught up to her while she was walking out of the school snagging her elbow, eyes watching as she barely responded to his sudden grasp and shifting so he was facing her. “Hey, hey love let me drive you home. I’m not taking no for an answer you look like you’re going to pass out.”
Y/n was too tired to fight, so she allowed herself to be guided to his car and put into his passenger seat. She smiled slightly with droopy eyes when he buckled her seatbelt for her, softly closing her door walking around the car to get into his place behind the wheel.
A soft grumble emited from her stomach, catching both of their attention and causing her cheeks to blush slightly, “ ‘m sorry, I’m a bit hungry..” Harry nodded while fumbling with his keys, “when’s the last time you ate?” she hesitated for a beat before deciding to be honest, “Lunch yesterday…didn’t have dinner and my parents make me fast every morning so I haven’t eaten.” The boy snapped his heads towards her, eyes widening and heart starting to beat faster in worry “Wait, really? So you haven’t eaten in-“ he paused to do the math in his head, they eat lunch at 11am while at school so now at half past two it had been a really long fucking time. “- 26 hours? Oh god, Y/n that’s not good, that’s not healthy. Here I have some water and a few protein bars left over from practice yesterday.” He popped the glove box open to pull out his snacks, handing two bars to her and grabbing his water bottle from the cup holder to hand to her, cracking it open for her and holding it for her, tipping it against her sleepy lips, seeing as her hands were shaking just holding the cereal bars he didn’t want her to accidently slosh the water all over herself. “thank you” her voice was quiet, but he heard it letting her drink a few more sips before she started to slowly eat the bar, her eyes closed and head resting against the window as she chewed with all the energy she had left. “You not sleeping either?” Y/n shook her head “Not really, have to get up at 4 every morning…went to sleep at 1, so I only got 3 hours…I feel like I’m gonna pass out. I really don’t feel good Harry”
Before he even turned the car on, he was making a mad dash to hold a rouge plastic bag under her chin while she spewed up the food she’d just eaten. He guesses since she hasn’t eaten in so long, the snacks upset her sensitive stomach. Y/n whimpered when the stomach bile forced it’s way out of her mouth into the bag the burning waking her up a bit and causing her to choke on it a bit. Harry didn’t make fun of her like she thought, she fully expected him to kick her out of his car and she wouldn’t blame him. She felt horrible, and very embarrassed yet he kept one hand holding the bag and the other used to tip her forwards do he can rub and pat her back keeping her from aspirating the vomit giving her gentle comforting words while he fished a napkin out of the console to wipe her mouth for her. “It’s alright kid, get it out. Stomach is upset huh? You feel warm too, jeez Y/n I’m sorry you’re not feeling good. How about I stop and get you a ginger ale and take ya’ home so you can get some rest?” she nodded slowly letting a few tears spill over her waterline only to be dried by another tissue held in Harry’s hand. “It’s alright, don’t gotta cry you’ll be okay I promise.”
 Harry kept true to his word, getting her a soda and taking her home giving her his number so she could text him if she needed him. Y/n tucked the slip of paper in her sock before exiting the car, she didn’t want her parents to take it from her so she made sure to hide it. “Thank you, I’m sorry your car smells like puke now..” Harry chuckled a bit “It’s alright, it’s smelled worse before. Not exactly the cleanest car in town hon”
The banter was soon finished as he dropped her off, driving off leaving Y/n to go back in her home. Greeting her parents before telling them she wasn’t feeling well and heading upstairs to take a nap finishing the remainder of her soft drink as she tucked herself under her blankets letting herself drift off.
When she woke up, it was nearly 10pm and she still felt like she needed a year long slumber to recover, but she knew she didn’t have a chance since her mother had woken her up to do her nightly hour of praying. She was beginning to hate the night routine; it was painful and tiring and she felt vulnerable and small.
When her father noticed her sluggishness he took it as disrespect, not having a care as he yanked his daughter by her underarm to stand bringing her downstairs harshly tossing her onto the couch. He gave no regard to her tears as he screamed at the girl, telling her horrible things and forcing her to hold her knuckles out for him to crack a ruler down on. She had bitten into her cheeks so harshly trying to stop the sobs that she could taste the blood in her mouth, but she didn’t dare speak as she took her punishment. She didn’t understand why he was giving her such a harsh treatment when she hadn’t done anything wrong but none the less she internalized it and made herself believe she deserved it.
“How many times do I have to tell you to sit up straight?! How many times do I have to beat it into you?! You think any man is going to want you when you’re such a sloppy disrespectful girl? You bring shame onto this family Y/n!”
Y/n didn’t miss the bile rising in her throat as her father used an arranged marriage- one she didn’t even want- to guilt her into submission. Her father believed in marrying his daughters off young, usually for a hefty payment. He’d done it to her two older sisters, Alexis when she was 15, and Cassidy when she was merely 13 years old. It wasn’t legal marriage by any means, but the girls didn’t know that. The men her dad basically sold his children to were predators but of course Y/n was made to believe it was normal for her dad to marrying her off to a man 20 years older than her. ‘Gods plan’ he called it, but it was scary to her. she didn’t want it, it made her feel violently ill thinking about having to marry a older man who always made her very uncomfortable when her dad would bring her to meet them. The way they looked at her gave her chills, the requests they made regarding her purity, the services she’d provide them with, it made her feel so objectified she sometimes wished to not wake up some mornings so she didn’t have to feel like she’s one day closer to her fate of being a predators indentured servant, used as a pawn and play thing.
The one time she had hinted she didn’t want to be married off, her mother denied her food for 3 days and made her take cold baths to ‘cleanse her’ of her ‘greedy wants’. Y/n truly felt terrified, she was shaking in front of her father while her brain was going into fight of flight. Her feet raced up the steps when her father dismissed her, and as she locked her bedroom door she remembered the slip of paper in her sock.
She knew the risks of reaching out to Harry, her parents knew of the boy. Everyone in town did, hard to forget a street brawling, angsty teenage boy who has been caught more than once by neighbors shit faced drunk or smoking weed with his friends and of course it caused floods of gossip through the rather conservative community yet she decided the risk was worth it if it gave her a sliver of hope to escape the nightmare she felt she was in.
Her fingers gripped her phone tightly as she typed in his number, writing him a text
‘Harry, it’s Y/n are you awake?”
His response was quick, maybe 30 seconds after she’d sent hers
‘yea, what’s up? You alright? Feeling better?’
A fresh wave of tears were building in her eyes, shaky fingers typing out her next message
‘no, Harry please help me. I’m scared please.’
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steveezekiel · 11 months
Proverbs 31:10 (NLT)
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13 A foolish child is a calamity to a father; A QUARRELSOME WIFE IS AS ANNOYING AS CONSTANT DRIPPING.
14 Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth,
Proverbs 19:13,14 (NLT)
• A Word to Women
- I want to admonish you as a wife and a mother, to live right. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, If you have not taken the step (Romans 10:9,10).
AND if you had, then be serious with your Christian life and walk in the light of the Word of God; for your children to have a good thing to emulate in your life (Joshua 1:8; James 1:22,25).
- If you wanted to claim that your husband has offended you, wronged you, and that has caused or contributed to how you behave and a number of negative things you do at home.
- I want to admonish you to forgive your husband and change. Not only because of your husband, but for the future of your children.
- Whatever negative character you put up at home, in order to spite your husband, would be picked up by your children, either consciously or unconsciously.
- Whatever you do has a serious impact or an influence on them, whether you know it or not. It has psychological effects on them.
- You may put up some attitudes or characters to spite, hurt or upset, your husband, in retaliating on what you may claim he has done to offend you (Proverbs 9:13; 21:19; 27:15).
- The truth is, that will not hurt your husband alone, the impact of such attitudes would be much more on your children.
- In some of the attitudes, you may have not seen the effects of them now when they are still young in age, but as time passes, you will begin to see them manifesting in their characters—both towards you and their father.
- Some of the things that you are doing today, which are being done to spite, hurt or upset, your husband, in retaliation of what you believe he did to offend you; will cause you to shed bitter tears, if you do not change before it is too late.
- Children are copycats! They learn through what you teach them, tell them to do, and through observations, what you do not tell them to do—but observed in your Life.
• A Woman
A woman shared her plight with me in one of the counselling sessions when I was pastoring. Her concern was, the first daughter does not have any regard for her father, that is, she does not honour her father as she supposed.
I told her, what she was seeing in the girl could be the fruit of the seed which she had sown a long time—when the girl was still small, or growing up.
AFTER a careful thought, she agreed with what I said. She said when the girl was still small, her father was not a good provider, as in being faithful on certain responsibilities at home. Whenever the man returns from work, he used to come home with some things for the daughter which they would eat together.
- But she herself would be fuming and angry with the man, speaking against him. Even telling their daughter as young as she was then, Would those things that your father is buying for you to eat, pay your school fees? And other offensive words of such.
- Today, that child has become a young adult, but she does not have regards for the father. She despises him!
- She, the mother, may have forgotten all she did then, but the seed had been sown in the daughter.
- The man now has become a changed person, but the negative thing she, the mother, did is having a negative impact and effect on their daughter.
• Admonishments
- Whatever wrong thing your husband may have done against you, forgive him; because of the future of your children.
- Choose to live in line with the Word of God. If truly the man had offended you, let God handle that. God is the God of justice, and He is not partial (Deuteronomy 10:17; Romans 2:11; Colossians 3:25).
- Most of the things that many women holding as offence, which they claimed their husbands did against them, are things they supposed to have overlooked and forgotten.
- Even some of such things may be things their husbands have forgotten about—that did happen.
- My mother would tell me and my siblings what my father did against her, even when the man is no more alive. Telling us what he did wrong when we were small and he is late now, what would we do about it? Since the man is late!
• Women do allow pettiness and Unforgiving.
- The reason why God has not been able to defend some women and help them about the injustice which they claimed their husbands did against them is, they find it difficult to forgive their husbands and forget about the past. They are retaliatory and vengeful!
- They wanted to avenge for themselves! BUT God says: "Beloved, DO NOT AVENGE YOURSELVES, BUT RATHER GIVE PLACE TO WRATH [of God]; for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," Says the Lord" (Romans 12:19 NKJV).
- Let God avenge for you! If truly the man, your husband, has done you bad, and does not repent; you forgive as the Scripture says, and let God who is not partial repay him.
- Give the matter to God. Stop overreacting on issues that happened between you and your husband.
- If you knew and did believe that God is a just God and He is not partial, then give the matter to God:
READ: Deuteronomy 10:17; Romans 2:6,11.
- Any negative character or attitude that you put up at home, to spite, annoy or upset your husband (Proverbs 21:9,19); IN order to show or express your grievances, will bear fruits that you would not like to reap or harvest in the lives of your children.
"A QUARRELING [contentious] WIFE is as BOTHERSOME as a continual dripping on a rainy day."
Proverbs 27:15 (Expanded Bible)
"It is better to LIVE alone in the DESERT [in a desolate land] than with a QUARRELING [contentious] and COMPLAINING [angry] WIFE."
Proverbs 21:19 (Expanded Bible)
• However:
Proverbs 14:1 (NKJV)
• It is my prayer that you will not fail in your marriage, and not regret later in Life, in Jesus' name.
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