#i actually have this insane thought that he kept the videos for a reason
sleepanonymous · 6 months
For today's Lost Media post, I have another video for you. As always, no face or identifying features are shown.
Corelia- Aviation Live Piano Cover
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So the video was from Ves's YouTube channel, but this screenshot of the description is not. I'm also pretty sure this is the description for the original Aviation cover (which I do not have) and not this live piano version. Also, either the person who uncovered this video cropped it and zoomed in, or the poor girl filming was so zoned out by this point she didn't realize lmao.
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therealsquiddo · 6 months
can we get like a thing of how you see lifesteal!squiddo ?
( as in stuff about what happened with the nuke, how they thought ash was gonna kill them and was okay with it, yk^_^ )
Sure :)
When it comes to Lifesteal Squiddo- or any character on any SMP- you have to consider the doylist perspective (out of universe) versus the watsonian perspective. (In-universe)
Lifesteal Squiddo is just a very dramatized version of my real life self... Like, how in real life when something mundanely bad happens, you might exaggerate and mime fainting for a laugh; that's what Lifesteal Squiddo is. I do that because it's entertaining and it's my job to entertain you. When something bad happens, I don't care, it's just our jobs- but to Lifesteal Squiddo it's the end of the world. When something good happens, I'm probably pretty happy, but to Lifesteal Squiddo it's the greatest thing ever.
With the nuke, the entire time I was thinking "How can I work this into a video? This will be a dramatic plot twist, people will like this..." and that sort of thing. But to Lifesteal Squiddo there is no Youtube, so she was just angry.
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In real life, on my first day on Lifesteal, I didn't really understand that it was sort of a roleplay thing because I'd never properly played on an SMP before. So, I was nice to Ashswag because he'd added me to the server and I felt like I was in his debt, plus I wanted him to be on my team or whatever. But then I ended up with a character who had been nice to Ashswag for no reason, and I'm like, "okay, maybe he's their hero or something. Maybe they look up to him. Maybe she sees something in him that nobody else does". Squiddo was okay with Ashswag killing her because she was so ashamed that she'd disappointed somebody who she so badly wanted to befriend. In real life, I was okay with it because it meant I finally had an excuse to log off lifesteal to go to sleep ahaha
Although, I actually was happy when Ashswag gave me hearts, I really did think he was going to kill me. I'm glad I get to keep playing. I couldn't sleep that night because I kept smiling... That's probably the only time Lifesteal Squiddo and myself have felt the exact same thing
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Anyway, with the election stuff, I thought the entire thing was brilliant!! I'm so so happy that 4CVIT and Red won, especially after I dropped that horrible video about him (which, please don't actually believe it's real!!) I just kept thinking, he's going to get such an insanely good video from this. For Squiddo though, from a doylist perspective, Ashswag voting Mapic and then banning me/her is him drumming up suspense. It's our job, he's good at his job, it makes sense. But from a watsonian perspective, Ashswag has suddenly switched up on Squiddo for absolutely no reason, which is going to make her very sad. Hopefully that explains it well enough!
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artiststarme · 1 year
Bye Bi Steve
Thank you @nburkhardt and @doubleb11 for the ideas on this fic! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Now with a Part 2!
All throughout his life, Steve has denied his interest in guys. He discredited his feelings for Tommy H. as friendship and placed his attraction to Billy as jealousy. He liked girls, had loved Nancy, so he couldn’t be interested in guys. Steve kept telling himself that all throughout high school, all throughout 1985, up until a random day in the summer of 1986. 
It had been a shift just like any other, covering for Robin while she mooned over Vickie at the community pool. Steve was organizing tapes in the romance section in a way he knew would infuriate her when she came back when he heard the bell chime. “Welcome to Family Video, how can I-”
He stopped mid sentence when he saw it was Eddie. His hair was pulled back in a bun showing off the contours in his neck as well as a couple of piercings in his ears. His skimpy black T-shirt that showed off his scars and tattoos in equal measure did nothing to mute Steve’s attraction. 
“Hey Big Boy, when do you get off? It’s hot as shit out today and I refuse to go to the community pool with all of the religious zealots and their mothers. Fancy sharing your pool with the rest of us peasants, my liege?” Eddie blinked up at him through his eyelashes. 
Fuck, shit, fuck! This was not what Steve needed today! 
Fortunately, his outward composure remained calm despite his internal crisis. “I work until 10 tonight,” Eddie groaned but Steve plowed through the interruption. “BUT, I can give you my house key so you can swim. You can bring the kids over and use the pool as long as you watch them, alright?”
Eddie nearly hopped up and down in excitement, “thanks Stevie! I knew I could count on you! I love you!”
He went to run out of the store but Steve called him back, “Eddie! I didn’t give you the key. Here, try not to make a mess please?”
“No promises, Stevie. Thank you!” Then, he pranced through the door and was gone with a squeal of the van’s brakes. 
Very calmly, Steve walked to the door and flipped the open sign to closed. Then he turned the lights off and made his way to the dingy floor of the bathroom. It was there that he spent the next thirty minutes on the verge of consciousness, having a panic attack so brutal that he thought it might kill him. His entire life, he thought he only liked girls but just a moment of seeing Eddie looking so hot so effortlessly was enough to unravel everything he thought he knew about himself. 
Once he wrapped his head around being attracted to Eddie (he’d seen monsters with faces that opened up like a flower filled with teeth, there were stranger things than finding a hot guy hot), he realized that he needed help. He couldn’t go to Eddie for obvious reasons and Robin was too busy to help him with his crisis. So he did the only thing he could think of… he called Nancy Wheeler. 
Using the store phone at Family Video while hiding behind the counter was a low point for him but so was calling his ex-girlfriend to tell her that he might like guys. He waited for her to pick up the phone for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds. 
“Hello, Wheeler residence. This is Nancy.”
“Nance, it’s Steve. Can you come to the video store to talk? I’m kind of having a crisis and I need to talk to someone. Robin and Eddie are busy and I really need to talk to you because I think I might actually be going insane,” he rambled. 
“Steve? Calm down, what’s going on? Aren’t you working right now?” Her voice filled with concern as she questioned him. 
“Obviously not well! I had a crisis so I shut the door, it’s fine. Can you please come? Please, Nancy?” Steve was begging her but he hoped she wouldn’t hold it against him. 
He heard her sigh and then, “fine, I’ll be there in five minutes. Just- hold on, okay? I’m sure everything will be fine.”
And so, he waited for five minutes in a sense of fake calmness. His hands were still shaking with leftover anxiety and sweat was dripping down his forehead from the stress but he was fine. He certainly didn’t jump a foot into the air when he heard a gentle knock on the door. When he peeked over the counter to see a confused and worried Nancy though, he calmed a little bit. 
He unlocked the door and opened it just enough to pull her inside before slamming it closed and locking it again. “Steve, are you okay? You don’t look very good.”
He started pacing back and forth in front of her. “Okay so, I have something really important to tell you and it’s kind of a secret? Like if you tell the wrong person, it could get me killed. But I have to tell someone because I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind.”
She put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “Steve, just tell me.”
“I think I like guys. Eddie specifically, I think I like Eddie.” They both stared at each other in silence. Nancy’s face was blank as she thought over his words and Steve’s heart only seemed to race faster at her nonchalance. 
“Okay, is that it?” She asked him. 
“What do you mean, ‘is that it’? I’ve been freaking out all day!”
“Steve, it’s okay that you like Eddie. Thank you for telling me and I’m glad you felt that you could trust me with this information. Why are you freaking out about that?” She reassured him. 
“I like girls, Nancy! I can’t like Eddie!”
“Why not?” She asked with her eyebrow raised. “No one can tell you how you feel besides you, Steve. If you like Eddie, then you like Eddie. There’s nothing stopping you from liking girls and boys.” 
“Nance, you have to be either gay or straight. There’s no in-between.” He said in frustration. 
“Yes there is. I read an article about bisexuality, it’s when you’re sexually attracted to both girls AND guys. So if you like Eddie and still like girls, it sounds like you’re bisexual,” she explained to him. 
Steve’s eyes widened but his voice was small when he whispered, “and that’s okay? It’s okay that I’m bisexual?”
Nancy gave him a soft smile, “of course, Steve. It’s perfectly fine to be bisexual. And I’m pretty sure that Eddie has a thing for you too.”
Steve grinned at her words and pulled her into a hug that she returned gently. “Thanks Nance, I needed that.”
“Of course. Things may be awkward between us but we’re still friends, Steve. And I meant it, I’m glad you felt safe enough to tell me.” 
They talked for a few more moments and by the time she left, he felt a lot lighter. He was bisexual and that was okay. 
It took a few more weeks of coming to terms with his sexuality before he could tell Robin and Eddie. Both of them had come out to him so he felt safe in the fact that they would support him whole-heartedly. Even then, it came out accidentally while watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at their weekly movie night at the Harrington house. 
“He’s hot, I’m digging the fishnets,” Steve said while throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
Both Eddie and Robin snapped their necks to look at him. Eddie looked a little hopeful while Robin looked offended. “Steve, you can’t just say that. Are you seriously making fun of our favorite movie?”
Eddie’s hopeful expression turned mutinous at her words and he scowled. “That’s not cool, man. We’re trying to share one of the most important movies in queer culture and you’re mocking him because he’s wearing fishnets? What, does that infringe on your fragile masculinity so much?”
Steve hurried to backtrack and set the bowl of popcorn down on his coffee table away from his flailing arms. “What, no! I seriously just think that Tim Curry in fishnets looks hot, I’m not making fun of anything!”
“You’re not gay, Steve,” Robin told him confusedly. 
“I’m half gay! It’s called bisexual, it’s when you like guys and girls. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys about it, I was still wrapping my head around it…”
“What, you’re serious? Steve, that’s not a thing. Bisexual is what people say they are when they’re so much of a slut they’ll go for anything.” Eddie said, shaking his head. 
Steve looked to Robin, hoping to get some reassurance but only received a scathing look in response. “Being bisexual isn’t a thing, Steve. It’s just what people call it when they pretend and try to hurt the people that are actually gay. I can’t believe you would do that.”
“I wouldn’t! I’m serious, I like both guys and girls. I’m not trying to hurt you guys or be a manwhore. I really am attracted to both. I thought you guys would be more understanding,” Steve’s voice trailed off at the end in hurt. He never even fathomed the idea that they wouldn’t accept him. Their support had been guaranteed in his mind so now that he didn’t have it, he didn’t know what to do. 
Eddie scoffed, “Steve, you’re just confused. You have to be either gay or straight, there’s no inbetween. And you’re the biggest ladies-man I know. You like girls.”
Steve sighed. He felt like his best friends were attacking him for no reason. He finally found his people, felt safe and loved by them, and then ruined everything by being honest. He couldn’t believe that the people he loved and trusted the most were rejecting him. 
“I just told you that I like both. Yeah, I do like girls. I love them, I think they’re great. But I also like guys. I don’t know why you guys aren’t accepting that, especially after I accepted both of you but I think you should leave.”
“Steve-” Robin tried to speak but he cut her off. 
“If you guys can’t accept me for being bi, I think you should leave,” he said sternly. To his complete and utter heartbreak, they each picked up their things and walked to the door without another word. 
Robin turned around just enough to tell him, “Steve, you’re just confused. You’ll get over it eventually and when you do, give me a call.”
And with that, she closed the door behind her. 
Steve didn’t even try to stifle the sobs as the ‘Sweet Transvestite’ song played in the background. He rewound the tape on autopilot, tears streaming down his cheeks all the while. He’d just lost two of his best friends, two people that he’d gone through everything with, just because he was a little too different. 
With tears still streaking down his face and sobs wracking his frame, he made his way to the phone perched on the wall. He dialed the Wheeler’s number in a haze and only came back to himself when he heard Nancy’s voice filter through.
“Hello, Wheeler residence. This is Nancy.”
“Nance,” he said, barely decipherable through his tears. “I told Eddie and Robin that I was bisexual and they told me that it wasn’t a thing! They left and I don’t think we’re friends anymore! After everything we went through, they left because I like guys and girls. What is wrong with me, Nancy?”
“Are you serious? They left just like that? Steve, listen to me. Nothing is wrong with you and you are valid in your feelings. Honestly, if they can’t accept you then they don’t deserve you,” She told him seriously. 
“Nance, I don’t care if they deserve me or not. They’re all I have. The kids come and go, my parents hate me, and Hopper checks in sometimes but I can tell he has better things to do. Robin and Eddie are the only friends that I have consistently. And you I guess. But if I lose them, I lose everything.” Another sob tore from his throat and even Nancy started to tear up on her end of the call. 
“Steve, no matter what, you have me. I know that’s not good enough but I’ll always be here for you. I’m going to go talk to them and fix this. Just relax and maybe call Hopper or one of the kids to come over to check on you, okay? I’ll handle this,” she reassured him. 
“Okay, thanks Nance.”
“Of course, what are friends for?” And then the line went dead. 
Nancy was livid. She couldn’t believe that two members of the Party, two of Steve’s best friends that had been through the same shit as the rest of them, would be so intolerant over who someone else was attracted to. Seeing a giant flesh monster made out of melted humans and a vindictive man that could kill teenagers in their own minds were fine but Steve liking guys and girls was too much? Ridiculous.
As soon as she hung up the phone with Steve, she grabbed her car keys, a cardigan, and her gun then made her way to the Buckley house. Eddie’s van wasn’t parked in front of it so she made her way to the Munson trailer next. Both Robin and Eddie were sitting on the stoop of the trailer and only barely glanced up when she pulled in front of them.
“Um, hey Nance. Can we help you?” Eddie asked her disinterestedly. Although, he became much more interested, and afraid, when she pulled her pistol from her car. 
“Get in the trailer.”
“Okay, we’re going. What’s with the gun?” He stammered. Both he and Robin bolted inside the trailer and Nancy quickly followed. 
“Nancy, please. We didn’t do anything! Are you being controlled by Vecna or something because you’re pointing a gun at us and we don’t know why. You’re our friend! You don’t want to kill us! Is your favorite song still Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper? I don’t know all the words but between Eddie and I, we can probably bring you out of it. Just don’t shoot us!”
“It’s not so nice to be betrayed by your friends, now is it?” She lowered the gun enough for them to relax before she continued her crusade. “Steve called me in tears today because his best friends, the people he trusted to accept him, rejected him and tried to call him confused when he said he was bisexual. Do you even know how much that hurt him? He called me three weeks ago having a crisis because he realized he liked a guy and didn’t know he could. After I explained it several times and assured him that it was okay, I told him that you guys would accept him. Not only did you guys trample all over his feelings, you’re also making me look like a liar. And I am not a liar.”
“No, Eddie! When you and Robin came out to the Party, we accepted you. You were nervous and scared to tell us but we all accepted you because someone’s sexuality doesn’t change who they are as a person. Steve was just as nervous to tell you that he was bisexual and you ridiculed him. What if we had done that to you when you told us? Eddie, what if Dustin had laughed in your face and told you that you had to be confused? Robin, what if Max had yelled at you and said that lesbians didn’t even exist? Whatever you imagine that would’ve felt like, Steve is feeling it right now.”
Tears were dripping down Robin’s face and Eddie had paled several shades. Both of them were at a loss of what to do and neither one could find any words to say. 
In turn, Nancy dealt the final blow. “The worst part is that the reason he figured out he was bi was Eddie. You were his bisexual awakening and then you ridiculed him for it. He feels awful now and I don’t know if he’ll forgive you guys for this.”
Eddie’s face paled even further and Robin brought a hand up to her lips in shock. Nancy just shook her head, tucked her gun into her waistband, and walked back to her car. She’d done what she came to do and now she had an ex-boyfriend to comfort.
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Could you do the Danganronpa V3 Boys being a passenger Driver for the Girlfriend father who doing a driving test and this like this video
This is an interesting prompt, I've never written for something like this before.
I can do my best!
V3 Boys as Passengers of S/O's Dad
Shuichi Saihara
When you first started dating, Shuichi was still really self-conscious about himself, and was worried about his impression on your Dad. So when he asked him to help with his driving test, Shuichi thought it would be a great way to bond. Thank god he wasn't wearing his hat this time, cause it would be gone by now. I'm talking it would have flow into the Atlantic ocean by now. Your Dad was absolutely insane behind the wheel, and Shuichi didn't need to be the Ultimate Detective to know that. He desperately grabbed onto the seat to stop himself from flying away. The majority of the time he was silent, but at the last hurdle a giant scream rung out Despite feeling like the world was spinning, Shuichi actually made a good impression on your Dad! He was super thankful and appreciated Shuichi's help. With a shakey hand, he gave a thumbs up, dreading having to do this ever again
Gonta Gokuhara
Car? What's a car? Gonta has never even been in a car his entire life, even when he went to school. He always just walked everywhere, that's what he was used to. So when your Dad asked him to join him on a driving test Gonta was happy to assist! He really wanted to make a good impression on your father, and wanted to prove he was worthy to be your boyfriend. Oh dear god get him off this thing- For a first experience in a car, this was NOT ideal. Your Dad was infamously known in your family to be an erratic driver, and Gonta had never even been on a roller coaster before. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he gripped on anything he could grab onto. So many screams almost escaped his throat but he was trying soooo hard to not be rude! Gonta is a gentleman, he can handle this! Yeah, at the end when your Dad thanked him, he gave a weak smile and nod, legs shaking. When he offered to drive Gonta home, he QUICKLY declined and said he'd walk! For the next few months just the sight of a vehicle made him break out into a cold sweat
Hm, riding in a car, huh? Kiibo never really had to ride any vehicle or public transporation before, so this was a new experience. He had a minor moral crisis (a robot in a non-conscious vehicle? Is that appropriate, does he need to ask it's permission?). With your Dad's reassurance, Kiibo was able to shake it off and join him! If he had a heart, it would have lept out of his mouth at this point. The constant road bumps and sharp turns threw his systems out of wack. It felt like his eyes were spinning in their sockets. He kept trying to give feedback and tips, but every movement quickly shut him up in fear. He managed to be quiet at the beginning, but near the end he couldn't hold in the screams anymore At the end of the drive, Kiibo managed to realign himself and give some good feedback. He made sure to make notes on the speeds your Dad was going and the angle of his steering. Your Dad nodded his head and took notes, grateful for the input. After he got home, Kiibo pretty much collapsed into your arms (thankfully you didn't fall over from the weight of his metal) and nearly cried. He was pretty sure it was retribution for entering the car without it's consent. Just hold him for a bit, he'll get better
Kaito Momota
Driving lessons? Hell yeah he'll join! Kaito was already good friends with your Dad, so helping him with a driving test was a no brainer. Not to mention he's gonna be an astronaut, he's gotta get used to G-Force. Let's go! Oh lord. Oh lord oh jesus. Kaito is a brave boy... BUT NOT A BRAVE ENOUGH BOY FOR THIS- Sure, he isn't great on roller coasters, but he never expected to experience anything like this in his life. For some reason it was even worse! Probably because one wrong wheel turn and they could be dead. Unlike a lot of the others, he did NOT hold in his screams. Kaito was screeching at the top of his lungs, mouth foaming The moment he stepped out of the car, Kaito collapsed onto the ground. Feeling the sweet sweet earth was comforting. After thanking him, your Dad tried to console him, but Kaito insisted he was fine. He just needed a few moments or else he'd probably throw up. Thank god rocket launches are this bad! ...right?
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi doesn't really give too much a damn if your Dad likes him. It's a nice bonus and makes it easier during family events. But even if he didn't like him, Kokichi would date you anyways. When your Dad asked him to look over his driving test, Kokichi decided why not? He was bored anyways, might as well do something to pass the time Okay, so he was fine... at first. For the first half he was actually having fun! It was kind of like a roller coaster at an amusement park and it was super exciting. He had his hands up and everything, laughing like crazy. That all came to a sudden halt when they were 1 second away from crashing into a tree, only saved by a sharp turn. Now he was scared. Kokichi realized that this wasn't safe fun anymore, his life was in the hands of an inept man. For the rest of the test, he was crying and screaming in fear After the test his face was covered in tears, and was left sniffling like a child. Your Dad asked if he was okay, but Kokichi did what he does best: lie. Nah, he was totally fine! All that crying was just a joke. That answer satisfied your Dad, but inside Kokichi was still shaking and scared
Korekiyo Shinguji
The thought of a man his age not having a license intrigued him. Most adults earn their license early in their development, usually at age 16. When your Dad asked for Korekiyo's help, he happily agreed. It would be a great way to study and inspect your father, and get a good read on your family's history and behaviors Jesus christ. Korekiyo has never experienced anything like this before. Let's be real, he is a kinky bitch, he's used to getting thrown around. But whiplash is not sexy! His body was as stiff as a board the whole drive, in fear of losing a limb. He's never thrown up in his life, but this is definitely the closest he's gotten. At first it was mildly interesting, even humorous. But at this point Korekiyo's plan to study and inspect was thrown out the damn window. All he could think of was the inevitablity of meeting his dead sister in the afterlife After the drive ended, and his life was spared, he let out a sigh and loosened up again. Your Dad thanked him for the company, and Korekiyo humbly accepted. At the end of the day he realised he didn't learn a damn thing about your father or your family that whole ride. Maybe it should stay that way
Rantaro Amami
When your Dad asked him to help with his driving test, Rantaro happily agreed. He had a good relationship with your father, and felt this would be a great way to get to know eachother. Drive around, chat a bit, have a good time Rantaro is a chill man. Nothing really fazes him, and even if it does he's pretty good at hiding it. This was no different, but fuck it was the hardest situation he's ever encountered. His mouth was tightly shut and his eyes wide open. He tried his hardest to initate a conversation, but every bump made his mouth clamp shut. Even if he got the words out, there was no way your Dad would hear, he was too focused on aceing this test At the end Rantaro put on a good facade of calmness. Your Dad tried to apologize and see if he was okay, but Rantaro brushed it off and assured him he was fine. The day ended on a good note, but Rantaro was sure he'd never drive with your Dad again... at least until he got his license
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma was fine with being a passenger. Your Dad was trying to get his license at a higher age, that's admirable. He can't really reach the pedals on a normal car anyways, so Ryoma thought it couldn't hurt to try out a normal sized car for once. Can't be that bad right? This man already knew he was going to be dead soon, he now accepted this car would be his tomb. Death Row was a distant dream, his body will be found in a pile of scrap metal. With every bump they hit, his body would fly up off the seat, only saved by the seatbelt. Ryoma was completely silent the whole time. There was no point in screaming Even when the car stopped, it took a hot minute for Ryoma to even get out. It took your Dad calling his name to break him out of his trance. His voice was calm when accepting your father's appreciation, but inside Ryoma was still ready to shake hands with the devil. He loves you so much, but that day it was tested
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spadesncrows · 3 months
ok so abt that au i was talking abt before,,, 🥺👉👈
To start off, this is something I’ve had in the back of my mind for quite a bit that I haven’t been able to fully express and show due to reasons I’ll mention later. This project has lowkey given me some brainrot so I hope my words don’t just sound like I’m going clinically insane LMAOO i swear I’m so definitely normal abt my aus guys (denial)
Dead Casino is a twst au I’ve had for a while but has been on the backburner for being very unfinished. However, since it’s a little (keyword: little) bit more fleshed out, I think I can at least give a general summary on the concept !! :D
First off, the concept behind it was a direct inspiration from mlp infection aus I’ve seen on insta. Since mlp was a large chunk of my childhood and certain variants of horror had become an interest of mine as of late, I liked the idea of mixing them together. But—of course—when I enjoy something just enough, it eventually becomes a feeling of “how can I forcefully throw it in with my current obsession into the mind equivalent of a blender” and Dead Casino was the smoothie that came out of it. Essentially, the resulting foundation is that NRC experiences a zombie apocalypse, but as with most things I obsess over, I wanted to build on that.
To get into the nitty gritty of it first, there’s a few core things abt the infection that basically effect not only what the characters face, but the story itself:
The infection is primarily based off of blot, and the concept of it using something/someone as a vessel to control and harm others
While blot zombies are the most common creature plaguing the school, blot has the capability to take over different objects as well when under specific circumstances, which leads to the creation of (mostly) nonhuman blot infested monsters
Over-accumulation of blot can lead to an increased vulnerability to the infection. This especially targets those that have overblotted prior to the outbreak, even if they had seemingly “fully recovered” :)
As for the story, I don’t wanna get super into it just bc yknow spoilers, but the general overview is relatively simple(ish). Basically, it folllows Ace and the rest of his group of survivors (mostly Cater, Trey and Jade) after the initial outbreak on campus. I wanna say anywhere from a month to a month and a half?? Basically enough time to be at least a little more accustomed to everything going on if that makes sense !!
Ace and co. take refuge in classrooms near the cafeteria, but just like everyone else, is not allowed to leave the safezone unless permitted. Surprise surprise, he leaves the safezone not permitted. In fact he does this multiple times through the first couple chapters alone. And the whole story.
But essentially, Ace manages to figure out two things the first time he leaves the safezone in the prologue:
That there are living survivors in Heartslabyul trapped there under the rule of their infected housewarden, which—by extension—likely means the situation may be the same in other dorms
That both Deuce Spade and Grim—who he hadn’t seen since the outbreak and assumed were dead—were actually alive and MIA.
And that basically kickstarts the rest of the story !! The main group infiltrates different dorms in the hopes of reconnecting with any survivors, all while trying to solve the mystery of their old friends’ whereabouts :)
Now the reason why a good chunk of this au was pretty much kept under wraps was for one main reason specifically: I had zero clue how to present it.
My initial thought was “oh!! Fanfic :3” and then it scrambled into “…comic? Animation? No?? Both?? Neither??”
…and then it kinda just sat there. I had the story, I had the idea, I had the biggest brainrot, but no way to properly explain or show it. And then I got the thought that plagues me every single time—at least once—I join a fandom: make it a video game.
At first, i wasn’t going to. But then it clicked into place just a bit too well and the ideas kept coming together and it wouldn’t stop and now we’re here :3
More specifically, Dead Casino is gonna be portrayed as a desktop game ^^ (i took like two game dev classes, sue me /j)
here’s some ideas for different mechanics I thought of including !! They’re all on my spam blog, but I have a third blog in the works rn where I’ll have all the info organized eventually :3
[1], [2], [3]
And here’s some irl doodles I’ve made for this!! These are beta designs and the like for different characters and stuff !! (Tw for body horror, knifes and guns, lmk if I need to add any more warnings ^^)
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babybulls15 · 4 months
he's gonna go and get us both in trouble
(Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz Jr., 1.1k, rated G, 1/1)
(based on that one video from the Miami shoot where it looks like Carlos is reaching up to fix Charles' hair, they're being oblivious menaces and driving the photo team insane in the process, POV Outsider, Ambiguous Relationship, kind of, they're acting like a couple soo, Idiots in Love, Crack)
They can't keep their hands off each other. It's becoming a problem.
Read it on Ao3 or below. :))
(Tumblr kept throwing this at me and somehow it got stuck.
Thanks again to the wonderful @leversainz for beta reading and preserving what's left of my sanity! <33
I hope you enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts! :3)
When Sal had taken over the role of lead photographer for Ferrari a few months ago, she’d known it would not be a cakewalk. She’d known they were going to have high expectations and standards. She’d not known it was going to be this kind of chaos.
Really, it should be simple. A simple photo shoot. Get the drivers into the clothes, position them on the set, take the photos and repeat until the whole line has been visualized - nothing new, nothing really exciting.
Also not a lot of room for problems. Sal is a professional, Carlos and Charles are professionals, everyone is a professional, who’s been through this exact thing about 1000 times before. However, for some inexplicable reason, shooting together seems to make their two models prone to ignore all that professionalism in the room and throw their own out the window with it.
Prior to her first shoot, Sal had already heard stories from the PR-team about most of the vlogs and challenges going a bit awry. But nothing could’ve prepared her for whatever they are.
(Teammates? Friends? Boyfriends? Insane mostly.)
Their exact relationship is a big question mark to everyone, probably even themselves, but they do seem incredibly comfortable - constantly in each others space, touching in some form or another.
And the worst thing is, no one can even really fault them, as they actually don’t seem to be doing it on purpose.
That, in of itself, is not a problem. It starts becoming one, when the people they work with need them to not do that for a few hours, and it is apparently impossible.
(They’re not getting downright handsy, but the way they move around each other is still too physically intimate to be edited around the power of teammates and friendship.)
Sal recognizes it from her own relationship – the need to be close, the bubble of intimacy that makes everything else disappear - so when she has to reposition them for almost every second shot because they keep unconsciously shifting closer to each other, she can’t find it in herself to blame them. At this point, she’s gotten used to it.
(That doesn’t mean she can’t still send them chastising looks every time it happens.)
What she definitely can and will blame them for though, is their current predicament - the candid videos of the new race suits, that are taking way longer than they need to - because Carlos and Charles seem to have a lot of trouble with the 10 cm gap between them. It has repeatedly taken about 20 seconds after positioning, for them to get lost in themselves and instinctively move closer again - much to the chagrin of the videography team.
After they have to cut off the video for the fifth time, because neither of them can keep their hands where they’re supposed to be, Sal also starts blaming the director.
She keeps giving them the call of “Act natural! Like you’re in the garage preparing for the race!” and somehow the guys seem to take that particular one very seriously.
Because, just like before every race, they are completely in their own world, oblivious to whatever is happening around them. Sal has photographed enough Grand-Prixs and therefore witnessed enough of their pre-race rituals, to know the phrasing is really not helping anyone.
They’re now on their eighth attempt to get a particular candid shot of the two drivers in their shiny blue race suits wearing equally blue sunglasses.
The longer she looks at it, the more ridiculous the scene becomes in Sal’s opinion, but it’s the last one and they need to make it stick, so everyone can finally go home. Although the photo-part of the shoot is done and the videographer has taken over two hours ago, Sal and the rest of the photography team are still there (company policy...) and it is starting to drag.
Most of the staff not actively working is gathered around the director and her video monitor, impatiently waiting. They need one minute of usable footage for the promotion. One minute.
As the first half counts down, everything seems to be going swimmingly - they’re keeping it cool, they’re keeping it civil and most importantly they’re keeping it an appropriate distance apart.
At around 20 seconds to go, Charles starts fussing with his hair.
It’s an innocent enough thing, to go down without any protest from the crew. But then Carlos, in a gesture that seems too intuitive to be entirely conscious, starts moving his hands up to where Charles’ are buried in his curls.
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. It is almost entirely silent. No one is even looking at the two drivers. Everyone knows what’s coming is inevitable, so the only thing that matters is the clock ticking on the video timer.
Carlos’ hands reach Charles’ head with about 10 seconds to go. As he starts untangling his teammates hands from his hair and gently takes them into his own, the silence is disrupted by a cacophony of almost unison groans from the team. 10 seconds. 10 seconds later and it would’ve been completely fine. Everyone is already resigning themselves to do the whole thing over again, when the director sighs loudly and shakes her head.
“No. This ends now. I do not care how we do it, but we will find these 10 seconds somewhere else. Cut the last part. We are done here.” Then she gets up from her chair and, to everyone’s surprise, simply leaves the studio.
There is a moment of stunned silence, before the whole team lets out a collective sigh of relief and immediately starts moving to pack up.
Oblivious, Sal thinks as she waves back.
As the two drivers are ushered to the dressing rooms, Sal sees Charles lean into Carlos, making the other man reach out instinctively, pulling him closer.
They smile and wave her goodby, when they pass where she is zipping up her bags - talking animatedly to each other, once again caught in their own world.
Shouldering her equipment, she watches them for a moment longer. Carlos has one arm wrapped tightly around Charles’ waist, like he has been restraining himself the last six hours and now needs to make up for lost time. Charles is no better, as he seemingly tries his best to reduce the space between them even more, practically melting into his teammates side.
Sal sighs, turning to leave. They really are insane.
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starlightwoofwoof · 4 months
Do you have any other akumatized villain/victim designs for the smxmlb au?
Y E S I D O A C T U A L L Y -
honestly one of the main reasons I made this AU lol
soooooo I made edits of them cause I didn’t really feel like drawing them (except for Sweetener, I kinda had to draw him) but ye- HERE WE GO THIS MIGHT BE LONG BECAUSE I WANNA EXPLAIN A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THEM
okay, first of all, of course I did the main characters, ✨ these little sh!ts ✨
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These are Scratch and Punk, The Spooky Kids
okie so I think I might do a list of things for these guys lol
Reason for Akumatization : okay I have two ideas, we can go the goofy route and make them fight over a piece of Halloween candy from, like, 5 years ago- (or we can go the darker/more serious route and make it have to do something with like what happened in SM6)
Corrupted Item : That piece of candy- (or something else for the other route, not sure)
Fun Facts :
They got akumatized together
You might think they’re still in costumes, BUT NO THEY’RE R E A L
Their powers are making people do the Spooky Dance and celebrate Spooky Month .. FOR E T E R N I T Y
okay, next up, we have THE HAT BOYS ‼️‼️‼️
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Rage, Regret and Rejoice (there’s no yellow lol), The Emotiongang
Reason for Akumatization : The trio were having a sleepover, until Ross and Roy had a fight about .. actually I haven’t really thought about it, probably something about Roy’s parents- (Robert didn’t even realize the situation until it was too late)
Corrupted Item : Ross’s beanie (idk why his specifically but ye-)
Fun Facts :
They also all got akumatized together
yes they’re inspired by those theatre masks-
Regret and Rejoice’s mouths on their masks can’t move, although, Rage’s can
honestly, I’m not even sure if I can call Rejoice a villain, he’s just happy to be here- (no thoughts, head empty)
They can produce auras from themselves of their respected emotions, making people around them feel the emotions they’re producing (Regret and Rage don’t like Rejoice’s powers since they mess up with their negative emotions, and evil plans-)
Next, we have the villain which I showed in the introduction post, K e v i n
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The Sweetener
Reason for Akumatization : probably something Kevin-usual, him being angry about his job
Corrupted Item : His work hat
Fun Facts :
His powers are kinda scary- he has a bunch of candy, obviously, but they’re not normal candy. As soon as you eat one of his candies, you slowly turn into one of his candy minions and follow him wherever he goes, like some kind of zombie (whatever that means-)
I’m not sure what he is honestly, like obviously he’s a candy monstrosity, but idk if that’s gum, some weird form of cotton candy or even ice cream-
He can speak, but he usually just roars, growls and groans most of the time
I kinda wanted to name him ‘The Candyman’ but I thought that was too basic sooooo The Sweetener was my next best idea-
And finally, the last one (for now-), we have Rad :D
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The Glitch
Reason for Akumatization : .. I have no clue to be honest, Radford is such a happy guy, but ye-
Corrupted Item : His funky 3D glasses
Fun Facts :
His powers are being able to go in and out of screens (kinda like Prime Queen) and I like to think he can also possess people, like a ghost-
He is still a pretty happy guy, just more like the insane kind of happy-
man all I can think about is the Sonic Adventure 2 Dub (Hero Story) video where Eggman kept calling himself The Glitch- (watch me make a funny animatic thing soon lol)
OKAY THAT’S ALL OF THEM- (obviously I really want to make more, I just haven’t had many ideas, BUT MAN I WANNA MAKE AN AKUMA! STREBER SO BADLY- I know I can just make him vampire themed but still, I wanna make him more than that for some reason-)
Feel free to ask (or suggest, especially with Glitch’s backstory-) anything about them okie see you lateeeeeerrrrrrrr :3
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
One Fan’s Thoughts on 9-1-1 Season 7
(fair warning this is about to be a long ass rant post so buckle up; if you, like me, get anxiety over speculation and discussion of the show, this may not be the post for you to read… but i need to get my thoughts out there because i have kept them bottled up for so long that it is taking a mental toll on me.)
there’s something so gutwrenching about laying awake in bed thinking about how you have been the closest you’ve ever been to actually seeing a queer ship you’ve stuck with for six years actually going canon just to be hit with an immensely overwhelming sense of doubt because every time the story presents a natural path to develop in that direction, the writers completely veer off in an insanely different direction despite constantly trying to push this narrative of “if it goes there naturally” while ignoring the plethora of times it already has gone there naturally but has been passed over for some insanely far-fetched plotline that contradicts points that have been set up in the past…
i’m not trying to put a dampner on things or worry anyone, and like i mentioned in my previous post i am NOT closing on buddie, but i still can’t help but feel cinical and pessimistic about it when it feels like Tim is just blatantly baiting us at this point. Like at times it doesn’t even feel like he’s actually open to exploring buddie when he is constantly retconning his own storylines from previous seasons, and making excuses every time he deliberately chooses to ignore the countless number of chances that crop up in the story, instead deciding that because he wants to redo hitchcock he’s going to rewrite the history he created in order to fit a convoluted plotline that borders on farse just to a) not give fans what they have been begging for for years, b) shoehorn in his vertigo fanfiction, c) stir up drama rather than actually giving us something pointing in a positive direction to combat the 5000 other depressing plotlines he’s trying to cram into a 10 episode season.
i really thought tim was going to bring back the old vibe we had before KR took over and messed things up, but so far this season has felt like a jam-packed rushed mess that resembles a middle schooler’s first forray into a wattpad angst fic, and it’s disheartening to have sat with the show since the first season just to see it fall off so hard w s6 b, only to rebuild hope that things might go back to normal w s7, just for it to spiral even further into jump-the-shark territory.
And this is not just about buddie. There have been numerous times this season that have just been recycled plot points from previous seasons rather than something new and fresh, simply for the sake of melodrama. Old plotlines that had been seemingly finished are being rehashed and recontextualized out of nowhere, characters are getting entire traits and development completely rewritten and replaced with something almost unrecognizable to newer fans, there has been very little positivity within the narrative to allow us to breathe between traumatic moments, and the few positive moments we have received have been lukewarm at best, and have done nothing but cause derision and hate to be spread throughout the fandom.
PR for this season has been a mess. At times it feels like Oliver Stark is the only actor who exists on the show, and that Buck is somehow the titular character— not that Buck’s coming out storyline is not important, it absolutely is, but the entire season should not be focused solely on him just because of a two episode arc that honestly didn’t tell us anything new about him besides canonically confirming what we’ve known to be true since the second season.
We have cast members stirring up drama by indulging fans through paid video responses, and cast members on live getting asked to weigh in on fandom drama that they honestly have no reason to be involved in. We have news outlets constantly being approved by the PR team to ask questions about a popular ship to bait viewers into watching the show when there has not been any concrete evidence either way of whether or not they actually plan to go there, dragging things out for another season when they have no confirmation yet in whether or not they will get a 9th season (and if they do, probably coming up with some other bullshit reason to drag things out), confirming that certain plot points were planned to happen in the past but for some reason now they are like “but that’s not what we’re doing anymore so you have to live with present and be happy with what you get.”
There is no reason why 6 years can’t be a long enough time for a slow burn. There is no reason for characters to be given increasingly convoluted arcs that callback to plotlines that have been otherwise nonexistent for years at this point. There is no reason to drag fans of a ship along just because you’re too scared to lose they’re viewership rather than just flat out saying “no we aren’t ever going to do it” or actually committing to it one of the hundreds of times the story opens a path to it.
No, the choices made this season were not “the only way” we could have been given the same dramatic beats. The choices made have not been some sort of end all be all to the story with no other possible outcome. Tim did not need to send the show off the rails the way he has just because he wants drama. Yes it’s a drama show, but there also need to be moments to breathe. Yes it’s a drama show, but that doesn’t mean you can’t let characters be happy. Yes it’s a drama show, but that doesnt mean you have to fuck up the narrative every time it starts going in the direction of something the fans have begged for for years just because you don’t want to give it to them.
It’s disappointing to see how careless they are being with things this season when previous seasons the actors and writers have been so cautious about what was said about buddie. now we have every interview mentioning buddie in some way, yet we only get told “idk 🤷” and see nothing concrete in the story to firmly hint one way or the other. It’s disappointing when you start feeling like you are being dragged along because a corporation knows that ship baiting won’t ever actually backfire/have a negative affect on them, so it ends up being a lose-lose situation for the fandom.
Maybe it’s because I have been burned too msny times by TV shows in the past, but nothing about this season or the PR surrounding it has given me faith that Tim or the writers actually care about anything other than viewership. Otherwise we would be seeing clear signs of the growing seeds of buddie, but so far all we’ve seen is the same framing choices that we’ve seen in every other season that are being made to deliberately keep buddie fans drawn in and theorizing when the writers have most likely already thrown out any plans that there might have ever been for buddie to go canon.
Mostly, I am disappointed in the fact that Oliver has been so heavily involved in pushing buddie speculation after being so careful to not lead people on in the past- i know that some believe that this was a sign that buddie is coming and he knows it is, but as the season draws to a close it feels more like he is just showing where his loyalty lies even though he knows the show isn’t going to take it there. I am not blaming oliver for buddie not going canon or trying to insinuate that he is queerbaiting in any way, but i can’t help but feel like i wouldn’t be so dejected about the way this season is going if he hadn’t started interacting with and sharing buddie content before any sort of confirmation was given.
now do not get me wrong i absolutely ADORE oliver and i am not in any way trying to attack him or speak against him in any way, I am simply saying that his sudden vocal support and campaigning for buddie is only going to add on to my disappointment in heaps if they don’t make buddie canon, especially after JLH said Tim made Madney happen bc she asked for it, but he still hasn’t made any sort of definitive move towards buddie after the same amount of time.
and lastly my disappointment also lies with the fact that ryan’s acting ability has been wasted on this crackfic plot… ryan is one of the most underutilized dramatic actors on the show, and the fact that the only serious arc he has gottne this season isn’t even that serious because of how out of character and preposterous it is is really disappointing. ryan deserves better, and eddie deserves better, and it is disappointing seeing him acting his entire heart and sole out in a plotline that makes his character out to be the bad guy in the situation when this is something eddie would never do under normal circumstances. Ryan’s talent has once again only been used to show trauma and this time it wasn’t even trauma that feels natural within the story, and especially after his recent interview it disappoints me that we are once again reiterating that eddie is somehow mentally unstable enough to have an emotional affair with a woman he knows nothing about just because she looks like shannon. Eddie has simultaneously had so much yet so little development, and seeing some of the theories of where his character is going in the context of ryan saying s8 will be a “reset” for eddie doesn’t fill me with excitement over where his story is going and actually makes me worried that we are going to see regression rather than progress for the sake of drama… i just don’t want to see eddie’s character revamped to a point where he has lost all of his development from the past 6 seasons just because Tim wanted to turn eddie’s plotline into a melodramatic telenovela.
Anyway, sorry for the rant— maybe it’s the stuff that’s going on in my personal life combined with the fear of getting played by yet another network tv show ship baiting that’s making me feel this way, but this season has left me feeling so pessimistic and cynical about the show as a whole, but mostly about buddie and it hurts. I love both of these characters dearly, and i want them to finally understand that everything they’ve ever needed in life they have in each other, but it feels like ever time we are on the verge, another wild card is played and it’s getting old atp.
i don’t say any of this to cause an argument. i don’t say any of this to poke and prod at people. i say this as someone who has loved this show and given it 7 years of my life who feels like my experience as a fan is being shat on in favor of melodrama rather than thoughtful storytelling… not to say there haven’t been really good moments this season, but overall, it has really soured things for me the way Tim has handled/taken the narrative in many ways, and I don’t know if I will be able to watch season 8 until i see concrete evidence that things will be better. i am not kidding when i say this takes the spot as my least favorite season after season 6, regardless of if we get any hope or not next ep… and that is what upsets me.
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b4tracha · 1 year
Getting Closer to SKZ
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(Sorry I disappeared,, I have been busy with uni..)
Bang Chan: Because he is a very busy person, he honestly forgot that he gave you his number until randomly he got a message asking if you wanted to hang out. He was clueless until he realized you were the hot guy from that group hangout. He almost immediately said yes, but calmed down once he realized how insane he would probably look to him. Instead, he calmly said yes, and the very next day after a recording session, he was going to go eat with you.
Getting closer was easier than he thought it would be honestly. Chan can be very shy when it comes to very attractive men, so the fact you wanted to interact with him was mindblowing. You could make the stupidest joke in the world and Chan would giggle like a child, ears hot and red. Your smile, charm, demeanor and just attitude had the man hooked. 
Now you guys were hanging out at least multiple times a week. Because Chan was a very busy guy, that usually meant you were in the JYPE building in his mini studio watching him work in awe and giving comments while he got bashful and tried to hide. He tried to keep you away from the other members, but the other members of 3racha were bound to meet you. Now you were the subject of Chan teasing. He couldn’t go outside the dorm without Jisung or Changbin going, “Going out with Y/N again~?” He hated to admit that they were actually right most of the time.
Lee Know: The second he was home with Dori after the check, he took a selfie with each individual of his cats. He talked about them alot to you while at the vet and he wanted to show them off to you(while also showing his visuals off as well.) He giggled when you fawned over Soonie and Doongi as you haven’t met them. That was then the start of the “play dates.”
The kitten you had rescued and then decided adopt and take care of was obviously too young and small for her to be around the other three, but that didn’t stop Minho from begging you to come over with her, so he could cuddle her while watching you play with his babies. He was very persuasive when he was whiney, but you didn’t mind all that much.
He kept you hidden from the members and wouldn’t mention you to the other members, not for any particular reason. He just wanted you to himself, much like a cat. Once he was on break, he would beg for you to come to his house in Gimpo to bring his baby (you or the kitten, didn’t matter the answer.)
Changbin: You weren’t exactly a regular there as he found out when he went the next day and you both ended up talking. You just had a bad muscle strain and required weeks of physical therapy to build it back up properly. He didn’t mind honestly. He actually enjoyed helping you in your workouts and even gave tips so it wouldn’t happen again.
After workouts, you guys eventually started to eat together afterwards and exchanged contacts. You could rip the loudest laugh out of him honestly. Every couple minutes, the restaurant would be a decent volume and then you’d hear Changbin’s laugh rip from the corner of the room. At some point the owners even threatened to kick you guys out before you guys just left and walked for a bit until it was time to part ways. If Stay saw a workout video or two from a new angle, it was probably from you. Not that they would need to know..
Hyunjin: Hyunjin is an artist. That meant sometimes he had try new things. Meeting you gave him just the right amount of motivation to keep doing down the art shop and buying new things. You must think he was going broke with the way he kept going in and out and at a chance of getting a glance of seeing you. 
Eventually, he got the courage to ask to draw you. It came out of nowhere for you, because he doesn’t say that much to you, but he does tend to stare but it did start to make sense now. Nonetheless, you did agree and went to a local coffee chop and he started to sketch you doing random things like a boost of sudden energy to make anything under the sun. Once he was done, you both started to talk about art and your favorite styles and mediums and artists and anything you could find. 
Hyunjin felt like it was easy to talk to you. He felt like it was easy to look at you. He would find himself doodling you. He didn’t mind that much as sometimes he would just change a few things and post it on Instagram or Bubble for Stay. Maybe you were easy to write about too..
Han: When you offered him ice cream, at first he thought a little small cone or something. No, you asked him what flavor he wanted and got him the biggest cup you can get for it. When Jisung went to say something, you just admitted wanted to talk to him more. Que brain circuit. No, that’s okay.
Han enjoys talking to you alot. You both ended up going to the park together more often, which was kind of a shock for the home body that his dorm mates usually knew. You guys would walk the trail, or lay in the grass and talk, or even feed the fish or ducks in the pond whenever you guys could. It was relaxing being with you and letting go for once. 
 One day, he brought you back to the dorm to show you a song he made and he never felt more nervous in his life. At first, your face was unreadable but once it was done there was a big goofy smile on your face that just made his heart hammer twice as much. 
Felix: Before his manager could pull him away, you ended up slipping your number in his pocket. He didn’t realize at first, so he was bummed that he could never talk to the hot guy that was flirting with him again. That was until the wind blew a little too hard and he dug his hands in his pockets, finding the paper. He was shocked, yet impressed. As soon as he got privacy, he added you in his contacts and spammed you. 
Neither lived in the country that the event was being hosted at and you didn’t live in South Korea, so it would be hard to meet in person. However, that didn’t mean anything to him. He loved texting you. If you thought his messages on bubble were excessive, his messages with you were even more extreme. Anything he did in his day would be accompanied with a selfie and a message. And like you were when you first met, you called him pretty and told him about your own busy day. It wasn’t perfect like he wanted it, but he enjoyed talking to you. If someone asked who his last contact was? Well, he would have to plead the fifth.
Seungmin: Because of you, the company put a restriction on how much coffee Seungmin could drink. He would come in every day before any lessons or practices starts and if your shift hasn’t ended, would come back. He enjoyed going to that little shop so much that he even had your work scheduled memorized so he didn’t come when you weren’t there.
Eventually, the conversations started outside the coffee shop (because of the restriction.) He wasn’t that big of a texter, but he did love checking up on you during dance practice or vocal lessons breaks. Even at work, you answered him quick. If a member asked who had him smiling so big, he snap with some stupid snarky comment everyone knows he doesn’t mean. He wanted to keep you his little secret just for a little longer. Even Jeongin, who goes with him everywhere, doesn’t know about you just yet. 
I.N: The next time he saw you he wasn’t having a shopping spree. He honestly almost forgot about you. Being an idol, it was hard to constantly keep up with people. You tapped him on the shoulder and spoke to him casually like that was something normal to do. He was worried it was a fan, but it was just you. The store was having a slow day, so he just decided to stay there. You talked about fashion, aesthetics, and even the tips you said you wanted.
But after a while, your boss told you off about talking to customers while on the job, so you had to stop. Jeongin got annoyed about it, but you didn’t care that much. As much as you hated your boss, he wasn’t around that often and you liked working there and people-watching and seeing all the visions people had with clothes. You both decided to exchange numbers and send different things like clothes and shoes or even stupid posts you found funny. If you wanted to complain about your bosses, you’d go to each other and give each other advice as best as possible. The two of you were definitely two peas in a pod. 
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kenniko · 10 months
I wrote a kenniko fic!! (and uploaded it on ao3!)
~don't forget me (I beg)~
pairing: Niko/Kenny of Beta Squad
summary: For Niko's wedding day, he asked Kenny to be his bestman. How would Kenny have the audacity to deny the offer? He would do it in a heartbeat. But somehow, for reasons Kenny hoped would fade as they grew, he hoped that he would do it without a heavy heart. He had hoped that the love he felt for Niko would fade. Maybe not.
[angst, unrequited love, hurt/no comfort]
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"Kenny, Kenny, Ken!" Niko shouted at Kenny.
They had just finished filming for a Beta Squad video, and everyone had already left the set except for Niko and Kenny and some of the remaining staff. They had planned to go out for lunch together. Just to catch up on what's going on with their lives. Niko was busy with his girlfriend. It was the only topic they talked about whenever they're together or with the boys.
So it wasn't a surprise when they went for that lunch at Nando's, that Niko told Kenny that he already proposed to Sophia, and obviously she said yes. But what was actually surprising was when Niko told Kenny that he wanted Kenny to be not just a groomsman, but the best man. Kenny thought that Niko would ask George, or any other person that's not Kenny. Niko has plenty of friends after all.
"What?" Kenny had told Niko, with mouth filled with coke.
"I want you to be my best man. I'm going to tell the boys to be my groomsmen on Tuesday when we go out for dinner. Back me up on this?" Niko had never sounded so serious before.
A little bit of unwelcomed feelings erupted inside Kenny. As rude, and as mean as it sounds, Kenny hoped that Niko would not go into the stage of marriage. But that's just his selfishness talking, he truly wanted himself to be happy for his brother, Niko helped him alot, and Kenny really just wanted him to be happy. And unfortunately, Niko was happiest when he's with Sophia.
How long has it been since Kenny realised that what he felt for Niko wasn't a casual brotherly love? Kenny hoped, he really hoped, that that foolish feelings would fade as they both grew up into the men they are. But it was sad to say, love is a very complicated feeling and it is a very hard thing to control. Kenny had always found "love" in terms of romantics, a curse. It only brought misfortune. It only punched Kenny in the gut, always left him awake at night and unable to sleep. Every second of his life, like a fog in his mind, like a shadow that never leaves him alone, the same smile kept appearing in his head, the same laugh and voice kept ringing in his ear.
Kenny, at some point, might've reached the point of insanity because of it. But the man who made him crazy, was also the man who helped him heal. If that wasn't a curse, then what is? Kenny had been cursed by the greatest curse of all. And Kenny hoped it would stop, but he wouldn't be lying when he said he loved every single second of that internal suffering.
"Me? Best man?" Kenny said. It was a great privilege to be chosen as a groomsman, it showed that they are very important to the groom. Best man was more than that. Kenny would've expected Niko to choose his brother as the best man. That would've made more sense.
"Kenny, why are you so surprised? Didn't we talk about this back when we were kids? You know I'll never go back on my words. We promised each other that we'll be each other's biggest supporters. When we get married, we'll be there giving cringey, silly speeches, and we'll be each other's best man. Nothing changed since then; you'll always be my most important friend, Ken."
Kenny felt a lump form in his throat. Indeed they did. They promised each other that whatever happens in the future, they'll always be by each other's side. Through thick and thin, and through all the ups and downs in life, they'll go through it together. That was what they promised, and when they made that promise, Kenny brought up marriage for reasons Kenny couldn't remember why. Maybe Kenny was already knees deep in love with Niko at the time.
When Kenny brought up marriage, Niko continued it because Niko's aunt had just gotten married a week before that, so Niko somehow knew everything about weddings. It was his first wedding where he could actually remember and understand what was going on. Kenny had only went to two weddings at that stage of time, and it was when he was still a toddler, and as a child that couldn't understand what was going on. So Niko explained everything to Kenny about it. Bridesmaids and groomsmen, and finally to the topic of the best man.
Niko had said about how a best man is the groom's most trusted person, where if anything goes wrong with the event, or the marriage, or just with the groom's life, and the groom wasn't able to say anything to his family or wife, he would be able to tell his best man. The most important person in the groom's life (with an exception of parents and obviously, wife). That is the best man. And like children, they gave a pinky promise to each other, how they would be each other's best man when they get married. Because at the time, and until then, even until now, they are and always will be each other's most important person.
Just by the thought of it, Kenny almost teared up. They had grown up so much, from those little kids that are just horrible at academics and school, boys that dropped out of university without two shits about their future, and ended up being lectured by their parents. How they would get out of the house to see each other despite being grounded, and when they came home, they'd be hit by their moms. Now, Niko's getting married, having a family.
Time flies very fast, but Kenny's love for Niko stays the same. Never moving, and not slow, not fast either. Unwavering like a statue.
"I just thought you'd choose your brother, or George."
"I thought about that as well, but my mind always comes back to you. You know me better than anyone, I know you better than anyone. We even promised each other, there's a lot of reasons to choose you. So, do you....?"
"Of course I'll be your best man, Niko. I'm so happy for you man. Congratulations. "
Niko smiled, and just hummed and continued eating.
"So when's the wedding?"
"Next year, probably around July, the actual date..don't know yet but it's either 23 or 24."
The actual date was 24 July, and the whole venue was very beautiful. The groomsmen and Kenny wore grey suits, the bridesmaid also grey but a bit more sparkly. Sharky said it was silver. Kenny couldn't care less. Which was very irresponsible, and very mean of him, considering the fact that he's the best man.
Kenny and the whole team had a very tough time trying to make everything perfect, especially when there are so many people in the team. Sophia had 8 bridesmaids, and groomsmen the same amount. And all of them have a very dominant clash of personalities, just like Niko and Sophia. They both have very different tastes, Niko liked it when it's simpler, he loved the greens and wished that there would be a lot of plants. Sophia wanted a lot of lights and candles, with a few flowers, but mostly modern. It was hard to take both into consideration. But everything went well in the end, except for Chunkz who ended up with a small spark of hatred towards one of Sophia's bridesmaids.
They were all in their separate rooms now, a few minutes left until people started coming in. Niko's parents and family members, also Sophia's were all greeting the guests. Some of the groomsmen and bridesmaids were also welcoming the guests and double checking everything.
The only ones in the room with Niko are Kenny, George, and Sharky.
Kenny was adjusting Niko's bow, a habit the two always shared whenever they had to wear formal clothing -it was usually a tie, now Niko's wearing an actual tuxedo for his marriage- when Niko started speaking.
"I'm scared, you know?"
Kenny looked up, George was at the back making sure Niko's outfit was neat. Sharky was there taking pictures, also helping from time to time. For moral support.
"Don't be scared. It's your big day! You should be happy."
Kenny meant every word. Between the two of them, at least one had to be happy, at least one of them had to be brave. Kenny's not the one to do all that. All the time Kenny spent preparing everything, calling up people, discussing with the wedding planners, every single second was like a stab to the side of his stomach. It's not an instant death, but it really fucking hurt.
But Kenny could never bring himself to dislike Sophia, because Niko was never his to begin with. Kenny never said anything to Niko, he kept his feelings locked away. Kenny only had himself to blame. Plus, Sophia also became a very good friend of Kenny, she was sweet and kind, he can see why Niko fell for her. She was a very strong woman, stern and powerful, just like Niko. Kenny knew Niko liked powerful people just like him, he liked it when people stood up for themselves and when they're confident in their own body.
That was one of the reasons why Kenny considered boxing in the first place, if Niko could see how strong he was, how powerful he was, maybe, Niko would fall for him too. High hopes result in the highest of disappointments they say.
"You brought a napkin, right Ken? Cause I think I'm going to cry."
Kenny laughed, even while he was hurting inside, Niko would always bring a smile to his face. Like it had always been.
"I brought two, cause I think I'm going to cry too."
The four men in the room started laughing. When Niko looked neat and tidy. Kenny took a step back, so did George. Sharky was already far so he didn't need to.
Niko looked at himself in the mirror.
"Okay. We have to leave now, don't wrinkle up your fit and-" Niko's hands were on their way to touch his bowtie. "Do not touch that as well." Kenny said as he slapped Niko's hand playfully.
"You're happy for me, right Ken?" Niko didn't know why he asked that. But he felt like he needed to say it, needed to confirm that Kenny was completely happy for him. Niko already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it. Niko felt like he also needed some sort of confirmation from Kenny, Niko's excited to have a life with Sophia, but he wanted Kenny to be happy too. Happy for him. Because everything that Niko did in his life, before he even met Sophia, Niko's first priority is to make sure Kenny's not disappointed in him, that Kenny is also happy for him.
Kenny is half his soul, before he realised that there was more to his soul than just half. There was plenty of room, and Sophia filled the empty spaces.
Kenny couldn't answer with a yes or no. Because he knew his honest feelings, he knew the answer, and he didn't want to say it.
"Stop asking stupid questions, Niko. I know you're nervous, but you'll be fine. "
Of course Kenny would mock him. It wasn't an answer Niko wanted, but it was an answer from Kenny. And Kenny ended it with his laugh that always brightens up Niko's mood.
"Okay. You guys go now. See you guys. " Niko said with a full grin.
The three men left the room and went to where the others were.
On their way to the aisle, to stand besides the groom. Kenny's head was just replaying the speech he needed to make in front of the guests, and in front of the married couple.
"My brother Niko,"
"My brother Niko,"
"My brother Niko."
Kenny had to make sure he wouldn't let any unwanted, and honest words slip out of his tongue. When he practised the night before the wedding. Like the pathetic, sad sack man that he was, he tried saying, "My lover, Niko." It sounded so beautiful, he kept saying it the whole night.
It sounded magical, so perfect, but so wrong.
When Kenny saw Niko looking at Sophia, who was so beautiful by the way, walking down the aisle. Kenny had lost all hope for his own happiness, and only hoped for Niko's.
Because like night and day, you can't experience both at the same time, and maybe in this lifetime. They were both too impossible to happen.
Perhaps the world destined Niko to be gifted all the happiness in the world, and Kenny was the one who held their suffering. But seeing Niko happy was enough for Kenny, even though it wasn't his own. Life is so unfair sometimes, but Kenny was used to it anyway.
He didn't mind.
Kenny's a very good liar.
"-my brother from another mother, Niko.."
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Don't forget me, I beg,
I'll remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead."
29 notes · View notes
Trying (and Mostly Kinda Failing) to Give Meaning to Lyric Placement and Background Shapes in "Cat"
(Or: me going insane over things I’m not even sure mean anything)
Hello people of the jury! Today I want to talk about a few things about Kazui’s latest MV, Cat, which have been eating at my brain for a while. Essentially, the way that the transcribed lyrics show up all over the place, out of order, in different colors and languages; the shapes we see throughout the background in different colors; and what both of these things could mean. I emphasize could because it’s all a mess and I’m not entirely confident we’re supposed to read into these things as much as I’m reading into them here. But oh well, if I don’t share this my head is going to explode, so I might as well.
(There’s also a chance a lot of what I say here has been said before. Sorry if it’s redundant)
CW: Suicide and depression, tumultuous relationships, internalized homophobia.
OP what the fuck are you talking about
Let’s start with what I mean by “lyric placement.” As you’re probably aware, the Cat MV has its lyrics transcribed in a very particular way. Sometimes words show up way after the lines are said, sometimes they’re repeated, sometimes they’re in French, sometimes they have extra words thrown in there, etc.
The main thing that tipped me off that something may be up is this line:
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As you can see by the subtitles, the line is:
Since when have I ignored my feelings? It’s better to be a let down, than be let down yourself.
However, the MV also has the word “lie” on screen, even though it’s never said in the lyrics. Unless the subtitles are wrong, but I trust that’s not the case.
Now, if I had a nickel for every time a weird-ass MV showing the inner thoughts of a blue haired liar with somewhat homoerotic undertones had English words which appear on screen yet do not correlate to the Japanese lyrics being sung… I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. (/reference)
And it’s not difficult to figure out why that would be the case. If you recall from his second voice drama, Kazui believes he should have kept lying to Hinako, to keep her happy. This is also stated in his interrogation questions.
(T1) Q18: Do you regret your “murder”?
Kazui: I do regret it. I should have kept lying.
Unless he’s lying, which he has no reason to do, we can tell he would have preferred continuing the lie if it meant Hinako stayed happy. That means, in his eyes, being a let down is worse than being let down himself. That’s why the word “lie” shows up when he says the opposite in the lyrics, he doesn’t actually believe it. It’s assumedly just something he told himself right before “letting down” Hinako by telling the truth.
So, since the MV pulls a cute little trick with this line, is it possible that the placement of the other transcribed lyrics is significant? Well, that’s what the rest of the post will try to answer.
Then there are the colors. As you know, geometric shapes of all kinds of colors appear throughout the MV, and I believe these could mean certain things. Take a look here, for example.
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to touch, to caress
That’s the lyric we’re shown as Hinako’s crush towards Kazui is made evident for the first time in the MV. And in the background, we see a blue circle and a pink circle intersecting, and in the video, pulsating like a heartbeat. If we assume blue to be Kazui and pink to be Hinako, it’s showing the idea of the two being together, “touching and caressing.” I noticed this thanks to Napkin's MV analysis, I recommend you watch it if you haven't!
So now, if that really is significant, are the other shapes and colors significant? For one, as blueepink07 pointed out in this post, it’s possible large part of the color scheme was chosen to align with newspapers, because Kazui wants us/Es to uncover his lies as if we’re/they’re getting information from a newspaper, or something like that. For more specific ideas… that’s what the rest of the post is for.
>The placement of the lyrics sometimes recontextualizes their meaning, and we have to figure out how.
>Lyrics in French, which are always smaller, are used in two ways. Either they simply repeat what the English words say, to give them emphasis, or they replace English words, which usually happens when the line alludes to Kazui’s "temptations", aka his homosexuality. And yeah, I’m assuming he’s gay, because in my eyes it’s honestly more heavily implied than some of the stuff we believe about other prisoners. I’ll give some of my reasoning later.
>The color of the lyrics and the shapes in the background can often be important, though there's a non-zero chance a lot of it is just aesthetics. As a warning, some of the wilder things I bring up not even I fully believe, but I'm going for the completionist route. If you have any better ideas for any of these, please feel free to tell me!
>Blue represents Kazui, pink represents Hinako. As much as gendering colors is stupid in concept, it is useful for symbolism, so.
>Light green represents Kazui’s "temptations", since it’s connected to the green apple which shows up repeatedly.
>Yellow… Okay, so this one is where stuff begins to break down. It’s really hard to tell what yellow could mean, but seeing the meanings the color usually has, I’ll say it represents a sort of desire for happiness. It’s similar to light green, but not quite the same, it’s more general. Yet, it still makes the same dark green color when it mixes with Kazui’s blue as light green does. His happiness and temptations are closely linked. Yes I’m even bringing the intersectional colors into this.
>Red represents Kazui’s deepest desires. It’s the color which floods the background as he bites the pigeon, after all. It’s “stronger”, deeper than light green and yellow, but it’s sorta similar still.
>A darker red appears occasionally on some intersections, possibly representing blood and therefore Hinako's death.
>Purple only exists as the intersection of two colors, but its meaning changes depending on which colors are mixing. When blue and red mix, it’s Kazui’s desires; when pink and blue mix, it’s Hinako’s desire to be with Kazui.
>Orange... shows up like once it's kinda weird. I took to google again, and it usually represents enthusiasm, which is different enough from happiness that I'm comfortable saying that's what it is.
>The reason so many colors have similar meanings is to be able to convey Kazui’s emotions with more nuance. Please bear with me.
>Sometimes, colors mix very little, to the point where I think it’s not meant to be important. I have to add this or else the post is impossible. You’ll see what I mean.
Alright, still with me? Sorry for the prelude, but it was easier to explain it all now before we really get started.
Unhinged Analysis, Start!
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(Ah, Tumblr 30 image limit my beloved. Making me do shitty collages in Microsoft Powerpoint just so I can have visuals in my post about the funny apple man)
We open with the song title for obvious reasons, as well as blue backgrounds because it’s Kazui’s MV, a small overview of the colors we’ll see later, and a lyric repeated in both English and French for emphasis.
Lie until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade
It’s the main thesis of the song, that Kazui, the king of the masquerade, believes it is better to keep lying until things improve than tell the truth and cause harm.
We also see his name and prisoner number, and an interesting introduction to the colors in circles. These are likely purely aesthetic, but if you want an actual explanation... uh.
To the left, red and blue intersect and form pink, which doesn't usually happen. Usually, when red and blue intersect you get purple or a deeper red, not pink. I think the colors are partly inverted on this scene, noting the darkened background, so we're meant to take whatever the colors would usually mean, and reverse it. So Kazui and his deepest desires intersect on Hinako? Well, it's actually the opposite. Kazui's deepest desires don't include Hinako. Does that make sense? I say this is the meaning because the lyric there is "Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye". Keeping in mind the "destined love" is Hinako, it's clear Kazui doesn't like the relationship, we been knew.
The intersection also exists on the right, but there's also a white circle which inverts the inverted meaning and thus shows the truth. (???) So the part where Kazui is by himself turns into an enthusiastic orange and the intersection with his deepest desires turn into green.
You may have noticed that already makes absolutely no sense. I hope you can forgive me. Remember, I said they're probably just aesthetic here.
Anyways, the masquerade lyric and the title show up again but in inverse order for aesthetic reasons, which I think is neat.
I really think this is just an introduction, and there's not much to read into.
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The road the car is on is yellow and blue, with them mixing into dark green in the middle (that color does not exist on its own). As everyone does in life, Kazui is trying to stay on the road to happiness. Yes, we start off with quite a stretch, but most of this is going to be reaching, so. The dark green shows that part of that happiness would be something related to his “temptations”, his likely homosexuality.
There’s a pink circle hovering around, Hinako. She also seeks “the road to happiness”, and has her own desires (the red from the intersection of her pink and the yellow). That leads her to getting close to the blue of Kazui. Eventually, she becomes so prevalent in his life that her pink color strikes through the entire frame, showing the two were probably close in some way before the whole marriage thing happened.
I’ve already explained how and why the word “lie” is added into the visuals even though it’s not in the sung lyrics.
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Behind “I just wanted” we see a blue and a light green circle intersecting almost fully, cementing light green as the things Kazui truly wants.
The circles behind “to touch, to caress” have already been explained.
“I just wanted to be touched” is accompanied with an interesting visual; a light green and a pink semicircle separated by a yellow triangle. I believe this represents the divide between Hinako and the things Kazui truly wants, the divide being his happiness.
You’ll notice that pink and light green intersect slightly, which is why I said sometimes that doesn’t mean anything. They don’t intersect enough for it to be significant. How much intersection is necessary for us to consider it relevant? Well… whatever fits the scene the best :v
“So” is pink for Whit- wrong fandom sorry
“So, it’s wrong?” With the pink “so”, Hinako stands behind all the regrets Kazui might have about what he’s done.
(My arms hurt from reaching too much-)
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This scene is one of many which really makes me doubt the colors actually mean anything most of the time, but I can still try to think of an explanation. A lot of the colors pass by, as if they’re simply events and experiences in Kazui’s life. Temptations, happiness, etc, with nothing intersecting too much. Though worth noting, blue and pink never touch on this scene, as if Kazui doesn’t want to be too close to Hinako, even though she’s an important part of his life.
There is one intersection I think may be interesting, though. Front and center, a blue rectangle is split right through the middle by a red line. Although there’s a lot going on in Kazui’s life, his deepest desires are always right in his core, front and center. That’s part of why red works as these “deepest desires.”
Oh shove that! INNOCENT, isn’t that right?
The lyrics here are just what’s being sung, but it’s interesting that they’re on the floor. It’s almost as if Kazui is looking down on these words, disrespecting them by walking on them. He doesn’t truly think he can shove aside his wrongs, he doesn’t consider himself forgivable. At least, not yet.
(T1) Q19: Do you want to be forgiven?
K: I’m not sure. I also want my weakness to be tolerated, to be honest.
Well, sorry my guy, but I’m still voting you inno, compared to the other people here you did some wrong things but it’s really not that bad.
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(I'm skipping scenes that don't have anything relevant)
The blue background is just because this is the turning point of Kazui’s life, when he succumbs to societal pressure to marry Hinako. A bit self-centered to think of your color when proposing to someone else, maybe, but that’s not entirely new for Kazui, huh? Flawed characters, gotta love ‘em.
However, you’ll notice the lyrics never actually make it into text.
Maybe, perhaps… or… could it come true… like It’s for the sake of true love, who wouldn’t lie for that?
These are some of the only lyrics in the song which are never ever transcribed. The others are:
Let’s take a breather
To be caressed by you, that would be perfection - I wanted to be loved, just like a cat
Lick that sin and oppose punishment, until you can meet the king of the masquerade
I cannot for the life of me give you a good answer as to why that happens, but I can give a weird and stupid answer!
Because “Let’s take a breather” is framed as the start of the conversation Kazui and Hinako had which led to her death, it’s possible the lyrics not transcribed are things Kazui said to her in that conversation, and they show up out of order. Not literally, he wouldn’t tell her he wants to be loved like a cat, but more so the meaning behind them. He told her he lied “for the sake of true love”, as he thought “it could come true” if he just stuck with it long enough. He wanted to be loved for who he is (“like a cat”), and, uh… to savor that sin of lying, so she can meet who he truly is? Maybe something like that.
I don’t know. It’s a huge stretch, but I don’t see why else they wouldn’t be transcribed.
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Oh, yeah, this clusterfuck.
As far as I can tell, the lyrics here are only the ones from the following chorus, not the previous lines. I can make out, vaguely:
Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple
I believe these lyrics are represented like this to show inner turmoil, a chaos inside Kazui’s mind. He despises the love assigned to him by “destiny” (societal expectations), but he goes with the sequence anyways: dinners (dates), camouflage (lies), you-know-what (you know what? I don’t actually know what that means, though I can assume). There’s affection, but it’s not really love. This love is a two way deceit, as Kazui lies to Hinako and himself, telling himself this is what he wants.
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“Victim” and “perpetrator” are written only in blue, pink and yellow, representing the union of Kazui and Hinako in search for happiness, but excluding Kazui’s actual desires. (Or maybe it's just the newspaper thing). “Let’s keep it simple” is in both pink and blue because both of them are involved in the “victim-perpetrator” duo.
Notably, “Victim and perpetrator, let’s keep it simple” also shows up in French, again for emphasis. It’s a core part of Kazui’s character that he blames himself fully for what happened.
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So this is the big part for all y’all Kazui/Bartender shippers out there. Kazui grabs a green apple out of a bunch of red ones, and it turns into a glass of an alcoholic drink. (The hand disappears from view for a moment, but it's still the same one as Kazui wears his watch and wedding ring on the same hand). And hey, you know how Hinako is represented by a red apple at the end? (Note how it falls and hits the ground, possibly representing Hinako’s suicide). I and others before me think red apples are women, the ones which Kazui is expected to like, while the green one might be a man.
I say that because it turns into a glass, which may represent the bartender, just as the next line plays:
Phew, oh wow I’m drunk Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?
Note that he says the line, he doesn’t actually sing it, possibly implying it’s an actual thing Kazui said in real life. Now, it’s actually very possible that this isn’t happening at the bar from half itself. As pointed out by errorscribes in this post, the furniture doesn’t actually match either the bar or Kazui’s home, meaning he might be in a secret third thing. Still, however, the connection between the apple and the glass remains, especially since this “one thing turns into another” trick does actually happen a few times in the MV, notably with the wedding ring.
There’s a few more things which make me believe it, but that was just a small tangent to explain why I'm decently convinced Kazui is gay, since I still see quite a bit of discussion around that.
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After confessing to possibly the bartender, Kazui explains he wanted to ask “so it’s out in the open.” Note how that’s color-coded blue, possibly implying Kazui is “out in the open”, as in exposed or, perhaps more literally, out of the closet. He seems laidback and relaxed as he says it, but it’s likely a lie, as the background suddenly turns to an ominous black while he retains the same position.
That’s when he says “I just got a little greedy”, with “greedy” repeated for emphasis. The pink is likely because this is something he wants to tell Hinako, as a sort of half-apology-half-excuse.
The lyrics of the next scene, with Kazui and Hinako having a dinner and all that, are transcribed right after, in what may be both the most interesting and the hardest-to-explain scene for this theory.
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So, here's what I think we're looking at here. It's a chronological retelling of everything that happened after Kazui and Hinako got married, that's why the numbers are there. That's why the song's title, Cat, and Kazui's name are constantly on screen; it's the main story of the song.
We start with a glass falling, the calm before the storm, the moments before the disaster. In French and red, we see the lyrics from the scene prior:
All those things I wanna do that I can’t say out loud I gotta keep it inside and act The beating of this heart… see… it’s no longer about good and bad… it isn’t I realize the futility, but I still can’t help but dream
Kazui is repressing his feelings for now, those things he can't say out loud. The desire to express his feelings slowly stops being about good and bad, moral and immoral, it's a primal need, like a cat's need to hunt doves. See the connection to red?
"I realize the futility, but I still can't help but dream" is repeated in English for emphasis. Even though he knows it will be useless, he can't help himself, he wants to act on his true feelings. In particular, I believe the "dream" is to be loved by whoever the hell he confessed to (possibly the bartender), and this is what caused Hinako to commit suicide, seeing the distorted line in his Voice Character Reveal.
I'm so d[um]b... Wh[y] d[i]d I [h]a[v]e to [dr]e[a]m?
Note that "01" is written in both Kazui's blue and the yellow of happiness, showing that this scene is about him looking for happiness (deep analysis there, folks). Note the arrows, too. Hinako's pink arrow is literally between Kazui's blue and his happiness (yellow).
And that was when his feelings were repressed; because then, the glass hits the ground, showing that number 02 is when things went wrong. The lyric in English is "Phew, oh wow I'm drunk", as it's something Kazui isn't afraid of admitting. But in French, smaller, we see something he may want to say a bit quieter: "Phew, oh wow I'm drunk. Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?"
(By the way, I'm not using direct translations, but rather what the corresponding lyric is in English. Probably should have mentioned that earlier)
We reiterate he’s drunk, potentially to further imply a connection to the bartender, and we have Kazui’s confession. Notice the colors used are yellow and red, possibly because we’re seeing the confession of Kazui’s deepest desires as he attempts to be happy. Well, technically you might say a few things are pink, but since the saxophone is red, I’m assuming that’s the main color we’re supposed to take note of. Instead, the pink is almost an afterthought, as if Kazui is only thinking of Hinako sparsely in brief moments of lucidity from his drunkenness.
03 is the weirdest in terms of colors. The lyric displayed is “Love (plus) Destiny = Crap. Smash it, shatter it, bye-bye.” I believe this is referring to the aftermath of the confession in 02, where the “destined love” of Kazui and Hinako starts to break down.
Why is there orange, then, if the relationship is breaking down? Well, because Kazui doesn't like the relationship. He's originally enthusiastic about revealing the truth and shattering the relationship (orange), because he thinks it will bring him happiness (yellow). Well, enthusiastic is maybe an exaggeration, but it's close to it at least. I'll explain what makes me believe that in a moment, bear with me. However, that's not how that would play out.
To see that it didn't go as Kazui had hoped, we have to look at the blue bars and the orange circles. It took me way too long to notice, but I think the blue bars are for the piano that plays in the scene, like the saxophone that showed up in 02. By that logic, the other thing could be some… kinda flute? I don’t think so. I have no idea what that is.
In any case, although it's a bit of a stretch, something interesting happens with these bars and circles. It’s hard to describe without the video, but if you look at them (preferably at 0.5 speed or something) you’ll see that when 03 first shows up, the bars and circles appear in a neat pattern, but as the lyric “solidifies”, the bars and circles begin “sputtering”, the pattern breaking down.
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Neat pattern, few lyrics.
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Broken pattern, full lyrics.
So, I think that's meant to represent Kazui hesitating about the destruction of his relationship. He starts enthusiastic, with the pattern stable. But as the idea that the relationship will come to an end starts to solidify, represented by the lyric slowly forming more and more, he starts to realize there might be some drawbacks he hadn't anticipated, which is why he starts to hesitate, and the pattern breaks down. The pattern doesn't have a concrete meaning, it's meant to give the vibe that Kazui is hesitating, which I swear makes sense if you look at it in the video please I swear I'm not that insane yet please-
The reason for Kazui's hesitation becomes evident in number 04. Do you see those white ovals around this number? Don’t they look a lot like clouds?
I believe this is the balcony scene, when Kazui tells Hinako the truth, and she commits suicide. That’s why her pink is front and center, while Kazui’s temptations lure in the background in light green. They’re the context, the set dressing, for Hinako’s part of the play, if you allow me some half-adjacent metaphors. The colors mix into a dark red which almost looks like blood. I don’t think I need to explain how the death scene is connected to blood.
And with this scene in mind, where Hinako dies after learning the truth, Kazui reaches the conclusion represented by the lyric on screen. “Lie, until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade.” Repeated in French for emphasis,. After Hinako dies, Kazui starts to believe he should have simply kept lying as he was doing before, when he still was “the king of the masquerade.”
Does any of that make any sense? I am grasping at straws and trying my damn hardest to reconcile all these things, but most of them are nonsensical. I have to remind everyone, I’m still not entirely sure I’m not just looking at nothing here.
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The lyric that plays as Kazui falls to his knees is "I can’t stop, I can’t be normal. This feeling, it can’t be gratified", which is transcribed in the next shot.
Before we get to the shapes, we have to talk about the added lyric, which I find very interesting. The word "can't", big in the background and in pink. Possibly because Hinako can't gratify "this feeling." However, there's a funny thing about the word "can't"; it's a homophone of Kant, the philosopher Kazui and Es discuss in the second Voice Drama. I think this might be intentional.
As the characters discussed, Kant believed that lying is always inherently inmoral, even if the liar has good intentions (oversimplification, don't come at me philosophy majors). However, I want to talk about it a bit more in depth. Although I am dumb and I am not very good at philosophy, what I could gather is that Kant believes lying is unethical because it impairs the ability of others to make rational, informed decisions. He argued that because our freedom ends where others' begin, then we cannot lie, for that would impair the other's freedom. Regardless of what you think about this belief system, it's clear some connections can be made with Kazui. Under this logic, his lies impaired Hinako's freedom, as presumably, she wouldn't have married Kazui if she had had all the information from the start.
(Again, I am likely oversimplifying things, but I am not gonna write a thesis on Kant to try and figure out the funny liar Cat-boy)
Why am I bringing all this up? Am I just trying to trick you into thinking I have any idea what I'm doing? Correct! Seems Cat taught you well to avoid misdirection.
But in all seriousness, it's because that logic is the best (read: not actually that good but it's what I have) way I have of interpreting the shapes on the background. There's yellow triangles crossed by blue and then pink, but notably, they intersect little and seem to go in different directions. As if the path Kazui and Hinako are in are different from the one which leads to happiness. The idea here is that while Kazui obviously isn't happy with how things are going, Hinako couldn't be truthfully happy under Kant's ideas. Because she wouldn't have true freedom of thought until Kazui stopped lying to her, so in a way, her own happiness was also a lie. Thus why the lines representing her always go in a different way from happiness. And because she can't be happy, the yellow of her fake happiness turns into dark red as it crosses that word, again possibly referencing her death.
Is it a stretch? Oh, absolutely! I don't even know if I'm interpreting Kant right! But I frankly have no idea what else these things could mean. It's possible some of the shapes are merely aesthetic, and this is one of the scenes which make me believe that. I'm open to audience participation, you figure it out.
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More imagery of a scattered and broken relationship, with blue and pink shapes all around Kazui, but which only barely intersect. The small French words are part of the lyrics, "this feeling, it's yearning to be satisfied." As I said, sometimes French words are some of Kazui's more hidden thoughts. This brings up an interesting dichotomy of "this feeling can't be gratified" being expressed in English and bigger font, while "this feeling, it's yearning to be satisfied" is in French and smaller. It's possible Kazui finds it easier to admit that his feelings can't be satisfied, rather than admitting he wants them to be satisfied. Interesting insight if true, it would mean Kazui has an easier time accepting hopelessness regarding his feelings than actually admitting to the feelings themselves. It sounds a bit weird in text, but I think it sorta makes sense in an "internal conflict" kinda way.
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Let's take a breather
Thank you Kazui, I really needed a breather after all those stretches I made. Anyways, as part of this MV imposed intermission, I want to explain what I meant when I said Kazui was "enthusiastic" to break off the relationship.
Kazui takes off the wedding ring and turns into a cigarette, as Hinako watches in horror. The symbolism here is important; what Kazui is doing is pulling back the curtain, he's revealing how he actually feels about the relationship. It's like a cigarette, something he engages in for some form of momentary relief, relief from societal expectations, but still something ultimately harmful for him. This truth is why Hinako looks so horrified.
And we see exactly what Kazui is trying to do with this relationship when he puts the cigarette to his hand. He's trying to put it out, and in his mind, this is an abrupt and almost violent act, as that's the impression we get from how fast this frame flashes on screen. It's also worth noting, the act of putting out a cigarette like this would also hurt, showing that Kazui is also harmed by this action.
With the understanding that Kazui is actively trying to end the relationship, also shown by him biting the dove later, his expression tells us a bit of how he feels about it. And it's all smiles and smirks up until Hinako falls.
Now, to clarify, I think Kazui is presenting himself as far more aggressive and enthusiastic than he actually was at the time. I really doubt he actually smiled when he broke the news to Hinako. But I also believe it isn't a complete lie, there was some enthusiasm on his part to maybe try to live the life he genuinely wanted. And that's why 03 has the color orange.
I'll repeat it because this really isn't something I want to be misinterpreted on. While Kazui was somewhat enthusiastic to break off a relationship which was clearly making him unhappy, the video is very much exaggerating how much enthusiasm he actually had. At least, that's how I see it.
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As stated, the lyrics cut back and forth very quickly to give the scene an aggressive edge, as if Kazui revealing his feelings is somehow a visceral act of violence. Accompanying the words are the definitions in French, because why the hell not. And yes, some parts aren't transcribed. Don't ask.
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Like I said, red floods the background, as Kazui’s deepest feelings become all encompassing for the scene. They’re what caused Hinako to commit suicide, after all.
As I mentioned, “to be caressed by you, that would be perfection. I wanted to be loved just like a cat” aren’t transcribed, but:
Maybe act capricious, at my word and at my fancy
Are the words which make up a silhouette of Hinako as she’s about to jump. If you’re unaware, “capricious” essentially means unpredictable, acting on impulses. So, like a cat. I believe the pictogram here is meant to represent how Kazui’s “capricious” actions led to Hinako’s suicide, and it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
… Well, there’s also a way to read this where Hinako is the one acting capriciously, killing herself purely on impulse. You know, it’s been pointed out before that Hinako’s hair was already fluttering when Kazui bites the dove, implying she was already falling when Kazui revealed his feelings and destroyed the marriage. If you want, you could read this as saying that Kazui is subconsciously aware that his truth wouldn’t be enough to push the average person to suicide, so Hinako was “already falling” in the sense she had some pre-existing issues which contributed to her decision. For example, if she was already suffering from depression. And thus, in a sense, she also acted unpredictably, capriciously, when she jumped.
I think this is a possibility, and it would make Kazui’s inner world more nuanced than it already is. He’s a smart man, so even if he can’t quite get himself to believe it, it’s possible he logically understands suicide isn’t something which people usually do for only one issue. I’m not sure if he would call her capricious, though, feels a bit mean in my eyes.
Anyways, while I wanted to acknowledge that possibility, I still think the first thing I said is the most straightforward interpretation.
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Finally, my torture the video ends with the ever prevalent “Lie until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade,” this time with yellow, blue and pink. For aesthetics mostly, I imagine, but it is interesting that once the apple splats, presumably representing when Hinako hits the floor, the color pink disappears, so “follow the king of the masquerade” only gets blue and yellow.
Another interesting thing is that the word “Lie” accompanies Hinako as she falls backwards, and it almost looks like a mountain of lies is pushing her back, as in, pushing her to suicide. “Until it gets better” and “follow the king of the masquerade” also have fun visual things, but I do think those are purely aesthetic.
Red consumes the background as we see Kazui covered in blood, the result of his deepest feelings in his eyes.
Finally, the last line, “lick that sin and oppose punishment, until you can meet the king of the masquerade”, isn’t transcribed anywhere. I’ve always found that line interesting, though. What does “licking the sin” imply? Is he speaking to us when he tells us/Es to “oppose punishment”? And have we not met the king of the masquerade yet? Presumably there’s a good bit of background we’re still missing on Kazui, but how far does it go? Is he trying to manipulate us/Es into an innocent vote?
… I swear, this fucker better not have a complete heel turn on trial three. I’m choosing to trust him… for now, but I might have to look into it further.
Still innoing him now though.
So what did we learn? Not really all that much, most of this is somewhat nonsensical, and almost everything else could be gleaned from the lyrics themselves. I just wanted to share my pain, even if I have my doubts about a lot of this. There were a few interesting things to note, I guess. I don’t know what else to add, frankly.
Anyways, inno Kazui. And while you’re at it, inno Amane too.
If you made it this far, then I think you deserve the color yellow! Take care!
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
The hardest lesson you will learn if you are interested in learning about Nazi Germany: so may people posting content about it are actual Nazis
No seriously if anyone is starting to get into WWII/Third Reich history, it is so easy to be indoctrinated because the main message a lot of Nazis spit now is that Hitler was bad and the SS were bad, but everyone else was chill.
And it’s hard to realize the narrative they’re spitting is wrong unless you know a lot going into it.
I have been watching a dude called “TIKhistory” the last few days on youtube and something felt off about his takes, but a lot of them had at least some plausible deniability and enough factual information that I thought it was still worthwhile.
I just start watching another video from this dude with the title “The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2” which is an insane title and caught my attention. And then my answer was given by the first five mins of his video when I realized this dude was, at the least, a wehraboo, and at most, an actual Nazi.
Pretty much any non-Nazi historian agrees that Hitler started WWII because 1) he wanted to conquer Europe 2) he wanted “Lebensraum,” aka living space for “Aryans.” Where German people, with no Jewish or Roma people present, can have ample space to live.
You know why most non-Nazi historians agree on this? Because Hitler fucking said this. In his literal book. That everyone read.
WWII was declared by the Allies when Germany invaded Poland for LeBeNsRaUm. Yes, Germany never wanted to fight Britain. You know why? 1) they were white enough 2) a fucking ocean kept them apart. They wanted all of Europe + Soviet Union. That is why WWII started.
See how quick it was to get to that point? Fucking TIKhistory’s video is forty five minutes long. That’ll happen when your point is horeshit and also not true.
Hitler started WWII. All of the generals and higher ups at least knew of the Holocaust and most perpetrated their own massacres for shits and giggles. The Nazi army wasn’t really that great, they just knew how to play the cards in the circumstances they were in (they used horses a fuck ton. You don’t see it because a lot of documentaries use footage from Nazi propaganda in which they weren’t recorded). These are all basic facts for non-Nazis. So warning that if anyone you meet challenges those three facts, they probably are a Nazi
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taikk0 · 1 year
Randy (Celestia) gaslights the audience, lying about why his wife (Sharon takes the role of Luna) got banished to the moon in the intro, turns out the reason she got sent to the moon was all his fault, and not because she's actually evil, and he's just an asshole of a princess and a really shit ruler. No one has any idea how Equestria is still standing
THIS JOKE during the scene where Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette invite Twilight to Moondancer's party and she declines. I have no idea who the other three are in the AU but this is just so in character for Stan imo
the creator of the AU mentioned that Stan, Randy, and Sharon have never met in person before, and Randy and Stan have only communicated through letters. I think it would be really funny to have an emotional moment where Sharon and Randy are revealed to be his parents "you saved me... I'm so proud of you, my son..." and everyone gasps but disingenuously, like a "WWHAAT!! NO WAY!! 😱😱" like they were played by bad actors since it's been so obvious since the very beginning, where the audience knows that the rulers of Equestria are Randy and Sharon and end up making the connection early on, but the characters don't. And I find it so funny if their reaction was genuine for the characters but not in the delivery to make a jab at the "twist" everyone saw coming. "you've grown so much since I last saw you I almost didn't recognize you! I love you so much... I-I'm sorry" "no no, it's okay Mom! you tried to murder me because you felt alone and unloved, isolated... [MY LITTLE PONY THEME STARTS TO PLAY IN THE BACKGROUND] Without friendship and without the love in your heart, you turned into something monstrous. The envy and hatred you must have felt for the princess was too much! because she was always a better leader, and let everyone in Equestria do what they wanted! so you decided to use your gift for selfishness and misdeeds that-" "wait what?! what are you talking about?! I wasn't banished to the moon because I was jealous of Celestia!" "you... weren't..?" "I was banished to the moon because SHE thought I was a nagging bitch for wanting her to be a better ruler!! she kept forgetting to lower the sun. and when she wasn't, she said she needed some extra time for her pot farm to get more sunlight! like for christ's sake Randy these people haven't gotten any sleep for almost a month now and all you do is sit on your ass in the throne room doing fuck all while everyone in the kingdom went hysterical!! and-" "Randy?? wait. if you're my mom, then does that mean that the princess...?" "That's right my faithful student!" Randy descends from the heavens like a dove with an evangelical light beaming behind him "I... am your father." and shit happens I guess idk I'm not a writer this is probably so very very terrible but hope I got the point across, but after this, I want stans whole takeaway to be: "holy shit princess, you're my dad?!" to "oh. this is the princess...? AND my dad?"
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Craig introducing the Tucker family but most of them are just stripes. going from photos of stripe #1 to #11 sliding to each photo that all look exactly the same, but skipping #4. later introducing #4 along with Thomas, Laura, and Tricia. this makes absolutely no sense, I just found it funny to have a ridiculous replacement for the Apple family scene because there's no way we can naturally replace it. "Why are there so many stripes?" "That's his extended side of the family."
Something about flutter-butters and these birds
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Just Cartman in this au. he is so uncharacteristically nice and fun and loveable that I think every scene he's in he needs to be so sickeningly sweet and all of South Park loves him that he makes the audience uncomfortable by being the complete opposite of who he actually is. like rabbi cartman but cranked up to the max.
"The true meaning of friendship isn't to face your hardships alone, it's to drag other people down with you <3" and everyone celebrates like there's absolutely nothing wrong with that friendship lesson Kyle steps out from the crowd "Y'now, I learned something today too, and it's that-" and the camera pans to Randy, Sharon, and Stan having their own conversation that moves the story along. You can still hear Kyle in the background, and you can still hear him talking and doing hand gestures out of focus. No one is paying attention to Kyle.
Something about Craig being the element of honesty but sounding like he's lying all the time but it's literally just how he talks and it never changes
Not really a joke idea, but the thought of Cartman singing the laughter song, especially with his voice and weird accent is so funny to me that I really wish someone could make an ai cover of it..................
Something I really want to see in this rewrite personally (and My Little Park content in general) is the way you can parody MLP when it's mixed in with a show like South Park, and how ridiculous it is to see South Park mixed in with a show like MLP. Make it a self-aware Steven Universe but it's the version of Steven Universe that the Steven Universe haters think it is. And make the Disney Junior version of Family Guy.
anddddddd that's it for me LOL not really much of a writer. good luck on the rewrite though, hope you have fun!! ^^ To be honest, I'm not really that funny either, and the thought of writing my own south park jokes, especially with the jokes that are IN South Park?? YEAH NO SORRY I AM STAYING SO FAR AWAY 💀 That's what I like about My Little Park, I get to enjoy South Park without enjoying South Park. I have such a love-hate relationship with SP it's RIDICULOUS. I like South Park but only version of it I made up in my head <3
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inchidentally · 9 months
tricky asks below! pls do not rb as that removes the readmore for some reason and I want to keep these out of tags <3
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the fact that we're having to to discuss friendzoning about two friends anon we're really in it now aren't we
I want to take a moment direct ppl to this interview if they like Carlos tho bc his interviews are always so intelligent and thoughtful. you also get a much more authentic persona out of him when he speaks in Spanish. there are more videos on that account from that interview too.
I love that he listed Checo and Fernando so highly bc of course he gravitates toward ppl he can speak to in his born language. the three of them personality wise are pretty different but whenever they move toward each other you can tell they're in compatriot mode.
but yea what he said re Lando and racing is exactly what Lando says - and what nobody ever wants to post except begrudgingly. the 'bromances' are dressed way up by fans and media but there is no deeper narrative and it's not that serious. when they're driving, all friends disappear bc winning is the only reason to even be in F1 let alone the only way to stay in it for certain. even the comments on videos like that are next to nothing bc they're not "shippy" videos. but it's authentic and true that these guys are F1 drivers first and foremost and wayyyy after that it's nice to have some regular buddies to hang with. we should all be able to put shipping aside and appreciate the actual drivers these guys are and the fact that they can put aside their intense competitiveness to be so friendly.
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asgfkasgfksag I love that last part anon. fr I've found it so funny that the larrie carlandos class Oscar in with all the women they despise bc it threatens their ship. it's like sexy Brazilian woman, sexy European woman, sexy IG Baddie, and... Oscar.
that's wild though about lestappen having their own larries. how in the hell do ppl look at Charles and Carlos and even bother pretending they dislike let alone hate each other. we literally have real life F1 examples of teammates who are neutral/uninterested in each other w KMag and Hulk and teammates who bitterly hate each other w Ocon and Gasly. if Charles and Carlos were even in a dislike/disinterest category we wouldn't see them giggling and touching right up to the last day at Abu Dhabi this year. and side note but we also wouldn't see their gfs enjoying spending time together during races and events either, which Alex and Rebecca do.
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I've seen that too it's insane. when has Lando NOT considered Silverstone the most important race on the calendar for him?? and nothing will beat his high over that podium until his actual win, nothing. (the fact that he kept saying how Oscar deserved to be up there with him was just the icing on the cake)
and like can they please just remember here that Lando was excited and happy on that podium in Singapore for himself as well???? that his own result meant more to him than a Ferrari driver?? yes he was happy for Carlos but Lando is sort of an actual F1 driver and if he could've knocked Carlos' ass aside and gotten that top spot for himself he very. much. would. have!! and that the double podiums that followed meant more to him bc y'know the team he drives for get more points?? carlando is a miniscule part of Lando's F1 career and Carlos is less a part of his life than Max V in terms of drivers who spend non-driving related time with him. after that being George, Alex and Daniel. and then Carlos.
yea honestly I'm not sure if the larry element has always been in carlando fandom and the latest Netflix/Liberty Media commercialization of the ship has just amplified it or if these are a bunch of new ppl who only go for the unhinged accounts. but that side of the ship literally view Lando as someone who responds to Carlos and does nothing else so huge shock that they try to override his actual choices and his actual race weekend with Carlos literally years after Carlos left him for Ferrari.
I'm guessing it's enraging watching Carlos do with Charles all the jokey sexual/romantic things they kept wanting him to do w Lando but sorry folks for all that we slow down certain moments and obsess over them sharing an umbrella to walk down the pit lane it's literally brotherly behavior. I've got another anon who brought up my tags of carlando being Charles and Arthur and it straight up is. all the physical carlando stuff is what they do. and I say this as someone who fully does twist all those carlando moments into something romantic/sexual lol. but gotta be able to keep that line between reality and fantasy.
fortunately Lando is chronically online enough to brush this crap off and Carlos just sees the carlando fan stuff as decent publicity. but fingers crossed it doesn't escalate even further to Sky Sports or F1 pushing it and fans getting so crazed that Lando or Carlos has to put their foot down. if it's already swamping McLaren social media and Lando's fan accounts then expect it to get even worse.
the lack of Oscar's presence in all of these places is probably the lamest thing bc good lord the guy has a long term gf can they all admit that as Lando's ACTUAL teammate he has more relevance to Lando's career than any former teammate? and can McLaren please get their act together next season and bring back Unboxeds and stop splitting up Lando and Oscar content when they never did this with Carlos or Daniel?? sorry Oscar ain't a wacky character but we all happen to love his dynamic with Lando.
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you just answered that question anon and it's exactly why I can't believe they want carlando back as teammates. as things are we get to have a nice sprinkle of carlando content throughout the season and no drama! do they truly want silly challenges videos so badly that they want to watch the entire friendship sink like a stone now that Lando would be challenging and beating Carlos AND that now it would be Lando as first driver and not Carlos? the Sainz family's warmth is there bc they never had to see Lando as a direct competitor or hindrance to Carlos' success. they'd turn on him in a fucking second when Carlos didn't get an update and Lando did or Carlos wanted to change the car but Lando didn't or Lando was the reason why Carlos missed out on a podium. the main reason why Charles and Carlos work so well through the drama is that they're such similar people and can keep a level head and distance from it all. Lando is n o t h i n g like Charles' personality. Lando cannot translate frustration and misery into anything, it just sits with him until he does better. Carlos literally said he didn't know what to do with Lando when he'd get into those funks. imagine all the god awful repeats of that carlando "breakup" clip from 2021 bc Lando can't hide anything on his face and he'd be fed up with Carlos or his family or himself and christ.
it would be so. so very bad. can they at least be happy that Lando's got a nice placid easygoing guy in Oscar as a teammate and carlando content still rolls in.
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I could def see the fact that Oscar is neither older brother or younger brother age for Lando and they do all the same gen z references and the same hobbies is probably part of whatever they perceive as a "threat". like it's still such a reach but it would explain the way Lando fan accounts try to post as little Lando with Oscar as possible but dredge up 2019 slowed down Carlos shoulder bumps and shit lol.
truly I personally don't know if the Oscar and Carlos dingdongs play much of a part for carlando fans bc honestly Carlos has quite a few regular enemies on the track alsgfjlsagf. by this time they've got to know that. Carlos sometimes can't drop the red mist even hours after a race so Oscar just happens to have come in for a share in his rookie season! but especially with how much Carlos has actually seemed to chum around with Oscar before and after drivers parades etc (even ignoring Lando a couple times to do so !!!!!! gasp horror etc)
side note that I'd honestly be glad if Oscar chose never to get into golf bc ohhhhh the shit fit if he went golfing at the same time as Lando and Carlos. even though Lando golfs with tons of people and they always play in fours anyway.
I still personally think that the mostly straight women who buy into the bromances to the point of thinking this is how gay relationships actually look are pretty cold toward Oscar bc even Lando has said that Oscar's brought out a new level in Lando's driving and that he likes how calm Oscar is. so the fact that Oscar and Lando aren't fake gaying it up and they're also not doing a bunch of physical touch that can be edited and slowed down to look gay to those women has got to look like Lando being I guess unhappy or like they have no chemistry. so they'll allow that Oscar can be cute sometimes and maybe sometimes he can be cute with Lando. for a treat. but that in their mind Lando is meh about Oscar and is just dying to have the guy back who... actively chose to leave ??
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I never saw that cartoon but I remember one from the summer that had Lando and Oscar together in a boat - SHIP CONFIRMED???? CARLANDO OVER??
jesus christ thankfully the drivers never see these comments.
and yikes at the meltdowns over that Carlos trip to Monaco bc he was with Rebecca the whole time and rumors were that they were looking at apartments. I do hate myself for liking gossip but it's literally in a sit back and enjoy the madness way lol.
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askfgakg anon are you by any chance part of the sainz family?
(if I didn't answer your ask here it's probably bc it's something I'd rather discuss privately/don't want to stir up in fandom. feel free to message me tho <3 tumblr may also have devoured it bc it still does that sometimes)
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gamora-borealis · 9 months
hi so im one of those ppl that watched dnp religiously years ago and ive been out of the loop for a long time so what’s the thing about the wedding theory & the phil tag thing? if you dont mind explaining or maybe pointing me in the direction of someone else who could?
Oh well hello welcome back! Very long rambley answer under the cut :)
Tbh there's been way more insane stuff that's happened since, but in 2022 the biggest thing that had happened was Dan released his video "Why I Quit YouTube" where he announced that he was going on a solo tour ("We're All Doomed") and making some YouTube videos to go along with / promote the tour ("Dystopia Daily"). So I don't remember the exact details (I bet if you search dan and phil iceland on tumblr you might find some stuff), but Dan's tour was supposed to end in Iceland, and based on some stuff his friend PJ said on twitch it seemed like maybe he (and his gf) and Dan and Phil were going to have a vacation in Iceland after the last show. And idk if there was anything else (like maybe based on stuff they were liking on social media idk lol) people were like... what if they are having a wedding in Iceland after the last show? Apparently Iceland has been advertised as a gay wedding tourism destination too so idk. I think tumblr phannies were just bored and clowning but also it was 2022 which was the infamous prophesized year they were supposed to get married (based on a joke Crabstickz made years ago), so there was this thought like, what if they get married in early 2023 (when the Iceland show was supposed to be) out of spite.
Anyways, the Iceland show ended up getting cancelled. I'm not exactly sure why, but there were some other cancelled shows too and some people suspect it was due to poor ticket sales / too many shows in one city / issues with venues (maybe they were scheduling some that were too big) / issues with promotion (dan's management and touring agencies left most of the promotion to him outside of the standard local venues in-house promotion). Both Dan and Phil got new management this year after all that (Dan now has an agent for his comedy / touring stuff, Phil has an agent for his own channel, and then they have another agent for the gaming channel).
Anyways, 2023 kicked off and Dan and Phil started doing all kinds of insane stuff, which that's a whole other long post about how wild this year has been (Japhan 3.0, OnlyPhans, Gaming Channel comeback, Dan being a slutty nun for Halloween baking, Catboy calendar, etc) and they have been pretty open and comfortable together online lately (while still being fairly private) and more settled in their lives that some people actually think they might actually be getting married. Which, idk maybe we are just being insane again but this time I actually do think it's more believable lol. They bought/designed a house together (though I think it's actually a condo? penthouse? something like that) and Phil has had some health issues so even though they might not really be the kind to want to get married, some people are wondering if they might do it for legal reasons and also to maybe celebrate their relationship with family since Dan came out to his family and then like 9 months after their coming out videos the pandemic happened. Also doesn't help that next year is their 15th anniversary, which the anniversary of the first day they met takes place on the same day Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance are performing at the We Were Young Festival 2024 lmaooo. I mean some people are still convinced that they are queerplatonic and romantic exes or something like that but there's a lot they have shared that heavily implies that they aren't.
Okay, now the Phil tag examiner... Idk there was this blog that kept sending people asks anytime they posted something in the Dan and Phil or dnp tags that didn't explicitly mention Phil, and were like "hello this is the Phil tag examiner please keep posts only about Dan out of the Dan and Phil tag" and it was kinda funny to be honest. It stopped after a while idk what happened to them but no one was taking them seriously.
Anyways, I got back into dnp while Dan was on his tour about a year ago, and it's been such a wild year and now is probably like one of the best times to start watching them again there's sooo much new content with the gaming channel and they are being very authentically themselves it's really great.
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drawingpad-studios · 11 months
(Slight TW for slight blood and gore??)
This was gonna be an October video, but with no response from the voice actor, I'm assuming he's busy and thought I wasn't doing a video anymore since I did say I was considering not doing the video at least without voice acting. Which is my fault, I shouldn't have had doubts about voice acting after asking. I just didn't want to ask too much, y'ah know.
Anyways here's what the update would have had(minus the speed paint)
This is some sprite edits of final designs of As Thin As Paper characters (made them sprite edits for easier reference of out of battle sprites in game) along with the idea I had for each one. (5 instead of 6 because Lanter's design is honestly being a bitch to me)
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First in the list is the first npc you encounter in Super Paper Roblox, Aaron O’ Nare. Which has given the corrupted name of “The Wandering Narrator” for obvious reasons. Since he was the first concept art made for this game, there wasn’t really a set and stone idea of where the story of the game will go. There was no plan of story, gameplay, only a basic plan of the concept. Starting off there was just gonna be a corrupted design of all named npcs, there was no plan of which ones will actually be used in game. So his concept was able to be a little bit more “fluid”. Basically laying down the foundation for the other concept arts. Even though he’s kinda one of the more basic ones, with just skinnier bodies, torn skin, teeth and longer limbs, Now for the idea of how he was sort of glitched and turned into this design Starting back when the original Super Paper Roblox was deemed unplayable and locked up, the glitches and bugs target Aaron first. He was easy to mess with. His only role was to narrate. But what happens when the glitches and bugs decide to take that away from him? Withdrawals start to set in. anywhere he went, he tried to narrate the other npc’s lives, but the bugs kept that satisfaction of doing something he loves away from him. All the torture. Nothing but rejection and insanity. All until, something in his head just snaps. And now, after all the breaking down from the glitches and bugs that plagues the land, he’s nothing… he can’t narrate, no one and nothing will let him. He can’t take it. To the point of violence. 
Basic idea is that in the first chapter to keep the boss, Aaron, from attacking you early or at all, you have to keep him narrating your travels in at least the first chapter. With him wandering and stalking you, protagonist, throughout the first area until the end where you’ll be in the first boss fight. Pretty easy though, sense he IS supposed to be the first boss out of the 12 total bosses.
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Next up on the list, is Scriptliss and the crystal that keeps him immortal. These two were one of the funnest ones to design. Like he’s an immortal and the crystal is what makes him immortal. He’s essentially a god. How could I not go all out? The main inspiration of these two in particular is the Yokai, Tenome, with the eyes on Scriptliss’ palms. The inspiration probably would have probably made more sense with Otempes, since the Tenome is an old man spirit, but hey it wasn’t his time on the mauling table. Anyways, it also made sense to make Cogen like a sort of core that keeps Scriptliss alive and together even after “dying”, since that crystal is already holding a part of his soul inside.
How they ended up in this situation was simple. The glitches and bugs got a hold of all of Scriptliss’ insecurities; his regret of his behavior in Paper Roblox 2, and his worries and regret of what happened to Tess Aract. Basically, blinding him with flashbacks and flashforwards, until he is made to fall into some gears, tearing his body up. Meanwhile, Cogen gets into an altercation with Aaron that ends with Cogen almost shattering for taking over the narration during chapter 8 of the original game. One thing led to another, and Cogen basically replaced Scriptliss’ spine to keep him together.
They’re supposed to be in the boss of chapter 2, so they’re a bit harder than Aaron but still easy. Since he is named “Blind Immortal”, you can probably guess that the sort of idea of the gimmick of chapter 2 is to sneak around and try to not run as much to avoid an early boss battle. Along with not running alot, you will also have to stay still if they have a palm up. Like a t-rex, they see movement better than anything else.
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this doll of the hour is our next victim on the surgery table. Honestly, with some of the designs, you can tell where the steam dies a bit here and there. Especially for Wiscara, but oh well. Basically, sharp scissor limbs accompanied by a starved torso and stitches especially over the mouth. Constant pain, but no noise can come out. That’s all. I honestly feel like a dick to Wiscara for doing this to her.
Before she became like this, she and her brother, Artrist, were running away from a certain late game character that will not be named yet. Getting caught and attacked, ending with Wiscara being a sole survivor but being limbless and almost fully butterflied. With the help of one of the pumpkin head cousins, she was helped. But the help made her sewn up, doll style, from the glitches. Practically making her lose her humanity, yet still tortured by the visuals of the death of her brother.
She’s gonna be the 3rd boss in the lineup. Though the gimmick of her chapter has not been thought of yet. Probably hiding. No ideas in my head at the moment. not everything is set in stone yet.
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Going a bit out of order, because something about her design in her concept art was just yelling to me. Just… something. Anyways, it was obvious to have Pink I as a giant fucking eye. Though her design couldn’t just stop at that. So basically, one thing led to another and screw it; iron maiden and a pinch of venus fly trap and frog. It just felt like something she would be. Just her original game personality just gave a certain E N E R G Y. I mean, it has been kinda implied in the original game that her answer to most things is nukes, so.
With how she got like this. Out of everyone, she was the most willing to be changed. She didn’t mind. It gave her more power to mess with, so why not. There weren't really any insecurities that weren’t hidden well, that the glitches and bugs can get. So, she couldn’t be broken down like the others. It only was really after she saw how the others transformed when she wanted in on the action.
Basically, this is what happens when you want to make a horror fan game, based on glitches corrupting others using insecurities, but a character in the original game doesn’t really have any possible insecurities you can find and pull out and the one core aspect of them that is that they basically have a wild trigger finger.
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Back in order. The final design we have today is for Otempus. Not for Boxdria though yet, she has a 3d sprite. Anyways, with the missed opportunity to use Scriptliss’ Inspiration here, his design is still rather good. With Boxrida basically turning wilder than in game and almost eating him. It was either him or her. Best friend against best friend. And as you can probably tell in the concept art, regrettably to him, Otempus ended up winning. No back design for his final design, because I was a tired wimp, lmao.
His corruption reasoning was already mostly explained, so we can just move onto his chapter. He’s the chapter 4 boss, though he isn’t really one for fighting. In fact, he is supposed to be a sort of temporary ally in the chapter, helping with puzzles and maybe giving a little help in battles. Only being an actual boss enemy at the end of the chapter when the glitches take Boxdria’s soul and make Otempus fight you. Also, if you end up not killing him, you might or might not still have him as an ally after his boss fight at the end of his chapter.
In the future, I might make non sprite designs of these characters that will be the model for in-battle sprites, thou that will only come after I get each character their final design.
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