#i actually yawned so many times while writing this hahaha
singmeyoursimpsong · 2 years
yeahhhhh feeling pretty touch deprived rn so how about some soft and sweet steddie?
like, I'm imagining exhausted grad-student Steve who is working on his masters thesis at their (his and Eddie's) little apartment kitchen table well into the night and is so focussed that he doesn't notice Eddie is home from his shift (he works at the local radio station) until he feels his face suddenly being tipped up and to the side and there is the warm, slow press of Eddie's lips on his
and Steve sighs into the known comfort of Eddie's touch, Eddie's taste, Eddie's scent, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie
and Eddie pulls away after a moment, the fingers under Steve's chin now tracing his brow and tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear
and Steve is twisting in his chair to wrap his arms around Eddie's waist, Eddie stepping into the space between his knees and placing his hands on Steve's tense shoulders to start massaging. Steve looks up at Eddie -
and he grins up at his metalhead boyfriend, stupidly in love, leeeans his body into Eddie's
how's the writing going?
and it's not going well... Steve's expression turns sour despite the way he melts into Eddie's touch
rough... but i'm glad you're here now. how is everything at the studio?
not too bad, definitely not as rough as you say your writing is going
Steve makes a frustrated groaning noise because it's true, he's really struggling with getting the words out in sentences that make sense... and lets out a yawn
c'mon big boy...
and Eddie is sliding Steve's reading glasses off the bridge of his nose and folding them before setting them down on top off Steve's scattered papers on the table
I think it's time to sleep
and Steve lets himself be led away by the hand, into flannel bedsheets, and finds deep sleep with Eddie's fingers in his hair
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Can I request a calm unbothered strawhat reader and she a swordsman. That law almost went nuts cause she doesn't listen to his plans much. And oh my god I love your writings so fricking muchh😍🤩
Hi!! Of course darling! I swear poor Law is gonna burst someday hahaha, poor thing ♥ This is actually a little drabble of how I imagined myself if I was at Dressrosa so many times. Plus I wrote it in a “comical” style, so please enjoy~ If you or someone would like me to keep including the reader into the canon AU I’d love to do it! Dressrosa is by far my favourite arc ever, so I wouldn’t mind at all writing some more ♥ Thank u for your request and your kind words! ♥ ~
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TW: None. Stressed Law (as always). You can see this as romantic or not depending on how you wanna read the ending ♥
WC: 692
AU: Canon AU (Dressrosa Arc)
“So did everybody get the plan?” asks once again Law before descending the ship. “Yes!”, “Uhum”, “Right” everybody assures, but not you. You were sleeping the whole day, and of course you didn’t hear Law at all. “(Name)-ya…” he asks you. “Hmm?” you ask him, already expecting to hear him shout at you. “Did you get the plan?” he asks calmly, yet with a twitching eye. “Yeah” you stand up, giving Law your Katana so you could stand up.
“Thank you, darling” you tell him, grab your sword, and stretch your arms in front of the emo doctor that’s been with your crew for a couple of weeks now. Grey eyes and big dark circles look at you, you can feel how much he hates your laid back style, as much as Luffy’s unpredictable ways.
You walk away and before descending the Sunny, you turn around and tell him “Cooome on, Torao!! Let’s have some fun, smile…”. He looks at you with pure hate and shouts -losing his calm- “I CAME HERE TO KILL DOFLAMINGO, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN??!”. “Right, right. Let’s kill that bitch, then” you tell him, and jump off the ship into the coast.
Of course you didn’t follow the plan, it was too damn boring. Plus, the things should be done as they are needed depending on the consequences. Isn’t that the leitmotif of your captain Luffy?...
While swinging your katana and running away from the stupid guards and some toys over the streets of Dressrosa, you stumble upon your fellow swordsman Zoro. “What the fuck are you doing here?” you ask him. He laughs at you and points up. Luffy is hanging from who knows what and has Law grabbed with his legs.
“Da fuck are you two doing up there?” you shout, obviously laughing your ass off. “Mugiwara-ya, let me down now” he says and in a matter of seconds your senchou falls over him into the remaining floor destroyed by that funny voice stone douche. “What’s the name of that thing?” you ask, with teary eyes from all of the laughing, in between Law’s insults towards Luffy.
Law looks at you “PICA!, his name is fucking Pica. Stop laughing” he says. “I’m sorry” you tell him, wiping tears from your eyes. And then you notice he is handcuffed. “Pffff Law why are you handcuffed?” you ask him tilting your head to the side and trying to drown the need to laugh at him. Again, a twitching eye when he looks at you. “Why don’t you tell me why you are here and not where I planned you to be?” he asks, breathing hard. The shouting is imminent. Law is gonna kill you.
“Yeah… about that…” you say, confirming you haven’t even thought about the plan. “You didn’t follow the plan, right?” he asks laying on the ground. You hesitate to answer but you finally do. “I didn't” you confess.
Law is red, his eyes hold fire, twitching eyebrows, eyes. He clenches his mandible; you can hear his teeth grinding. “Mugiwara-ya?” he says calmly. “Yes, Torao?” Luffy says, completely unaware of what’s about to happen. “Remember when I told you I was gonna kill you first once I get uncuffed?” asks Law. “Mmmm” says Luffy, for real not remembering shit. “Never mind…” he says and looks directly towards you “I’M GONNA KILL YOU FIRST!!”.
You widen your eyes, perhaps looking at him with a scared expression. Yet, you don’t give a single fuck. You actually enjoy it when the doctor loses it. “Pfffff…. HAHAHAHAH” you start laughing once again and unsheathe your katana. Law looks at you, genuinely scared. You yawn, look at Zoro as if he already knew what you are about to do and then…
“For fuck’s sake (Name)-ya!!” Law shouts panting. “Ah don’t be such a pussy. You are free from those handcuffs, come here and now kill me if you dare” you tell him, winking.
“You. Me. When this is all over, we're gonna have a conversation” he says, but then gives you a side smirk and walks away with Luffy to take down his evil uncle… ♥ ~
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To Our Beloved Tartaglia
Summary: A story on how two people say i love you without saying it.
A/N: Fluff for today’s birthday boy! I’m buying him a cake and celebrating his birthday! Implied sex at the end.
The freezing temperature of Dragonspine was one you’ve grown to find as a minor inconvenience. Though you do enjoy playing in its place and exploring it for treasures, you’ve never grown to like it. It was just a tourist destination in your humble opinion. Not that anyone who knew you agreed, even Paimon had wondered if you were quite alright in your brain.
Of course, correlation breeds attachment and from the moment you heard Tartaglia offhandedly mention how Dragonspine was like Snezhnaya in its freezing temperature, you’ve dedicated a time in the day to spend time in it to ensure that your body would not be shocked when it finally lands in Snezhnaya. If anyone noticed how you’ve silently grown fond of the place, you’d deny to your dying breath that it had to do with Tartaglia.
Not even Kaeya’s impressive boob window would be able to make you admit your growing intentions to tie down the volatile Harbinger to your side through marriage. There were some things you wanted to keep close to your chest, and this was one of them.
It stood to reason then that you would have kept your sudden desire to perfect the art of cocktail mixing or to be more honest, perfecting Blue Lagoon. Your sudden daily appearance in Cat’s Tail had been the talk of Mondstadt, it grew large enough that even the Traveler and Paimon had dropped by.
“Paimon wonders why you would work here just to practice your bartending skills?” Paimon had asked after being served a non-alcoholic drink.
“I wanted to make a drink for Childe with the fire water he gifted me on my birthday” You revealed as you finished the Long Island and gave it to the Traveler, “On the house.”
You winked at them.
“Huh? Why would you even want to do that?”
You smiled and didn’t answer Paimon, opting to give her food to distract her. On the side, the Traveler gave you a knowing look but you merely signaled them to keep it a secret. 
“I really hate the taste of fire water but it does its job in the cold. I don’t know why you’d want something like this, comrade...but if it makes you happy-”
“Since you hate the taste of it, give me enough time to make a drink suitable for you.”
“Hahaha! There’s no need to go that far, I’ve drank this when I was just a year in the Fatui!”
“Then I’ll give you a drink just for you as Tartaglia.”
When you saw his letter today, you couldn’t help but feel the bubbling emotion in your heart. Excitement rushed through your veins as you ignored the rest of the letters addressed to you to read his letter. You sat in front of your house’s door step, smile on your face as you read his letter.
You couldn’t help but imagine the whine in his tone, you lamented that the two of you couldn’t have bumped into him at Dragonspine but your travels took you far and wide through Teyvat. The chances of meeting him by chance were low, so you resigned on buying information of his whereabouts.
Nothing substantial, just sightings of him if only to fake a chance meeting but it didn't happen so far. The two of you were always on the opposite ends of Teyvat that you had half a mind that Celestia itself was sabotaging your love life. Your heart felt elated at knowing he was fondly remembering the time you had spent with each other, as well as the sparring sessions that always seemed like on the verge of something more.
When your eyes read the final words on his letter, you couldn’t help but feel your heartbeat quicken.
“A special day?” You muttered to yourself, your mind quickly churning as you hastily went inside your rented home in Mondstadt and quickly rushed towards your room to grab your room to change your clothes. You had thought he was in Snezhnaya so you had already sent his gift earlier, timing it so that it would arrive today but if his letter was to be understood, it meant that he was in Liyue today.
‘If I use the waypoints, I can get there quickly and spend the day with him!’ You thought as you began to meticulously fix yourself. You wanted to show him the best sides of you today.
Your clothes were meticulously picked, the outfit would pose no hazards during a battle while at the same time accentuating your figure and increasing your charm. You wanted to be prepared on the off chance Tartaglia wanted to have a spar, but if he wanted to go on a date,
“Then I’ll be prepared as well!” You giggled as you finished checking yourself out and began to apply light waterproof make-up. Your lips were glossed and purposely drawn to capture his attention on how kissable it was.
You sprayed a soft floral perfume before winking at the mirror and making your way to the nearest warp point and teleporting yourself in Liyue. 
You landed softly in front of the teleport waypoint in Feiyun Slope. The effort you spent on yourself was noticeable, the mid-morning populace of Liyue took a couple of glances at you. Anyone could tell that you were about to go on a date, eyes followed you as you happily walked towards the Northland Bank.
“Good morning, Vlad!”
“O-oh! Good morning! Are you here for Lord Tartaglia?” Vlad asked you, blushing after being caught mid-yawn.
“Yeah, I was hoping he was around here” You replied, suddenly feeling embarrassed at your haste.
Vlad grinned, it was no secret to the employees of the Northland Bank that you and Lord Tartaglia frequently went out together. As far as they were concerned, marriage was a foregone conclusion between the two of you.
“Of course! Just head straight to the second floor! Lord Tartaglia is still in his office around this time!” 
“Thanks! I heard Nadia’s into crab tofu this days~” You happily helped Vlad to further his relationship with Nadia.
Each step that you took made your smile brighter, your head was full of thoughts about him. Wondering if he had gotten stronger, was he eating well, did he get new scars, had he visited his family recently, was he taking good care of himself. All of this went through your head as you headed to his office but most of all you thought,
‘Did you think of me as much as I thought of you?’
Your heart was bursting at the seams and you couldn’t wait to be reunited with him. Your footsteps slowed as you reached the door to his office, you could hear the soft muffled sounds of scribbling behind the door. You stood in front of it, debating, thinking, on the words you wanted to say to him.
You hesitated, wondering if the words on his letter were just politeness and not a reflection of his true feelings towards you. You lingered in front of the door, listening to the sounds inside the room, and wondered if you could cross the line today. You thought of the package that had surely already arrived in Snezhnaya, before your thoughts could even spiral further down the road, the door opened and in front of you stood Tartaglia.
Somehow, against your will, you couldn’t help but smile at him. Your traitorous body revealing your heart right in front of him without any regard for your reservations.
And when he smiled back, eyes soft as if the mere mention of his name had not revealed your fondness of him, you felt yourself fall in love with him again.
Your name felt safe in his mouth, treasured, and when he pulled you close and held you in a tight embrace, you prayed that he wouldn’t hear the quick and rapid pump of your heart nor would he realize how easily you melted in his embrace.
“You came! I didn’t really expect you to come so quickly!” His tone was bashful, pleased, and a little bit shy and it made you even softer for him.
“Neither did I! I was hoping you were here since I’ve never been to your home in Morepesok before…” You trailed off, feeling shy.
He laughed softly, “If you keep that up, I might just really think you’ve missed me so much!”
“I did miss you” You admitted with soft eyes as you watched his face slowly turn red.
“Comrade…” Tartaglia averted his eyes, the back of his covering half of his face, “I’m no match for you today.”
You chuckled softly, “Mhm. Before that let me greet you first.”
He looked at you and you wondered what sort of face you were making right now. You sincerely hoped it wasn’t weird or ugly.
“I’m listening.”
“Tartaglia, Happy birthday” You stepped closer to his personal space, hands on his chest as you tiptoed and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“I’ve actually sent your gift to Morepesok but since you’re here...today I’ll give myself to you.”
Tartaglia blushed as he grasped your hands and with unconcealed anticipation replied, “How bold! I can’t believe you’re saying that in broad daylight!”
“What’s bold about it?” You asked him “I’m willing to do anything you want today as your present since your real one is in Snezhnaya.”
You frowned at his reaction, “I-I can change it to something else! Do you want new weapons?” You worried that you had disappointed him with your stand-in gift.
He coughed upon realizing his reaction and hastened to explain himself, “I mean, I’m glad to have you today! You can’t change it to something else!”
You felt relieved at his words. Tartaglia continued speaking, “I want to go on a date with you today, eat your cooking for lunch, and then spar in the afternoon, and we finish this at my room.”
“As you wish!”
In the morning, after Tartaglia had finished signing and writing the documents for the Fatui, the two of you ate breakfast at Wanmin Restaurant. His skills in using chopsticks were marginally better but it still took him many attempts before he could eat a couple of bites.
It was cute. It was endearing. And you were so so in love that you didn’t mind picking up the crystal shrimp and feeding it to him. 
“C’mon now, don’t be shy” You told him when his mouth remained close and you could see the hesitation in his eyes “You’ll need all the energy for our fight later.”
You locked eyes with him as he ate from your chopsticks, seeing up close how long his lashes were, the slight curl on its end and the fascinating blue of his eyes. You wondered if Tartaglia could see how much you loved him, if your eyes betrayed the depth of your affection for him. But as soon as he removed his mouth from the chopsticks, crystal shrimp gone, the moment had ended and you ate from your bowl of Universal Peace.
When you saw him swallow, you immediately reached for the Squirrel Fish and took a piece of it, offered it to him and Tartaglia ate. Had it anyone else you wouldn’t have bothered but as always, Tartaglia managed to be the exception and you didn’t mind.
After eating, the two of you walked along Liyue Harbor, browsing shops and buying him small trinkets to bring back home. You visited the blacksmith to commission him a new bow, one designed to further improve his skills at the bow. You would pick it up later in the day, and Tartaglia dragged you to watch opera. The two of you sat close, closer than usual and the butterflies in your stomach never settled down. His hand never left yours and you wondered what sort of picture the two of you painted in the eyes of Liyue’s populace.
You couldn’t help but wish that you could keep on celebrating his birthdays with him from now on.
By the time the play ended it was past lunch time, so the two you went to the market stalls and bought ingredients for a late lunch before heading back to his apartment. Tartaglia helped as you made his longevity noodles, telling him the story behind it from a time before Rex Lapis’.
“I guess, you must really like me that much if you’re giving me this to eat!”
“Well, since we met in the middle of my life, I wanted to make sure that we’d have a lot of time to spend together to make up for it” You teased him even if it was the truth.
You didn’t know what the future held for both of you but you wanted to be part of his life longer than the time you weren’t in it. In his kitchen, you served him the noodles, every part of it made with love and well-wishes for his life and you hoped that there would be more years to come that you could spend it this way.
‘I wonder if you could tell how much I love you with each bite you take?’
When all was said and done, when the two of you had gone through all of his wishes, you both sat at the pavilion in the Dwelling in the Clouds, stargazing and observing Celestia. Between the two of you were two glasses filled with Blue Lagoon.
“You know, I never thought that you’d really make a drink with Fire Water that I’d like” Tartaglia said, his gaze far away “Say, do you do this for others too?”
“I don’t” You confessed, your face felt like it was on fire, you had never been comfortable speaking out your love unless it was hidden behind a joke or said in a playful careless manner.
A moment later, Tartaglia’s movement had you looking at him, drinking in the rare sight of his gentle smile, a genuine one that carried only what you dared to hope was fondness for you.
“If you keep this up, looking at me like that, I might really get my hopes up” His voice was soft and gentle as his face came closer to yours.
“Say comrade, if I kissed you right now what would you do?”
Before you could even think of a reply his lips were on yours and you were pushed down the bench, glasses strewn aside as Tartaglia’s tongue entered your open mouth and kissed you deeply. Your arms embraced his neck as the two of you kissed passionately, drowning in each other in gentle passionate bliss above the clouds. His hand lingered on your thigh, squeezing and caressing it as he applied pressure on your crotch and creating a friction that had you arching your body close.
When the two of you came up for air, you looked so debauched that Tartaglia almost couldn’t help but devour you right then. The flush on your cheeks, the dazed look in your eyes and your glistening red lips that had been a temptation to him all day created a picture that would always linger in his mind.
“If I asked you to give yourself to me…” Tartaglia’s hand traveled down your inner thigh, getting closer to the sides of your crotch “would you?”
“...yes” You covered your eyes, if only to hide your embarrassment.
His soft laughter had you peeking back at him.
“Thank you”
His lips were back on yours and made no move to stop him as his hands went under your clothes, playing with your body as if he had spent time thinking on how to elicit moans from your mouth. He was gentle but purposeful in his acts as your clothes were removed piece by piece and discarded into a pile on the floor.
You bit your hand as he took you apart again and again, plunging you into a passionate love affair that had you crying for his name and tasting the sweetness of his love with each kiss. It felt sacrilegious to have done such an act in a place owned by the Adepti but each bite, each kiss, had your heart pounding in excitement.
You loved him as ardently as the fires of Natlan, as deep as the waters of Liyue’s seas, you loved him with all of your heart and every fiber of your being. What bliss it was to experience this love that made you feel human, that the mere mention of his name could bring a smile on your face.
How wonderful it was to be in his arms right now, enjoying the bliss of being loved and loved in return. With your hands clasped together with his, your heart filled to the seams, you spoke,
“I’m glad to have met you.”
When Tartaglia had left that letter on your doorstep,  he had stood in front of it for a long while. Wondering what you would say if he was the first thing you saw in the morning. Would you greet him with a happy birthday? Or would you scream in fright? His thoughts went on and on as he merely stood there thinking upon dozens of scenarios if only for you to be the first one to wish him a happy birthday.
He wanted to tell you that his days were no longer the same without you by his side, that the mundane everyday life no longer felt exciting when you weren’t there to experience it with him. He wanted to tell you how he always wanted you to just show up whenever your informants inquired about him.
He had entertained the thought that you would one day show up in his workplace, food in hand and his name on your lips but he knew that you were the type to stick to your duties, and really he couldn't fault you for that when he was the same. But sometimes, the selfish and childish part of him wanted you to throw away everything for him.
Just for a while, just for a moment, if only to have something to look back upon when all was said and done.
So when he had seen you standing before him, eyes bright and looking at him like he was your most cherished person, he couldn’t help the happiness that was bursting at the seams. And now that you were in his arms, on his lap with your head on his chest, he couldn’t help but kiss you again and again. Making up for lost time, for all of those moments when he could have breached the line and made a move but didn’t.
“Stay with me” He offered, asked even when he knew that it was impossible right now. Not when either of your allegiance could go against each other any time, you with the Adventurer’s guild and him with the Fatui.
“One day” you promised.
And that was enough for him. It gave him hope that both of you would make it out alive. It gave him something to look forward to when his time with the Harbingers had come to an end.
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
The Way Haru Gets Sentimental When He’s with Rin
This is gonna be a long one, so I put the rest under the cut. There's just so much to say about RinHaru and how they get all cute and sweet when they're together ^_^ Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did writing it!
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So I noticed in the Drama CDs and some of the character interviews that Haru readily gets sentimental when he’s with Rin; you’d think that, sensitive crybaby that he is, it’d be Rin who would initiate the sentimentality, but surprisingly, oftentimes it’s Haru getting all up in his feels while Rin is the chill one.
And coming from a non-expressively sentimental person as Haru, I die and come back to life every time these moments happen because they’re just way. too. PRECIOUS 💜 I don’t know what it is about Rin, but for whatever reason Haru is just more open with his sentimental emotions with him—it’s like Rin brings out the “romantic” in Haru ^_^
For example, from the BD Extra Rin and Haruka Special Talk:
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Rin: Yeah, those guys, in the time I hadn’t seen them they’ve become much more senpai like.
Haruka: I don’t really know how to say it but, I feel like our feelings and bonds will be passed down forever……
Rin: Haha, you’ve become sentimental huh?
Haha, Rin even calls Haru out on his sentimentality! Haru randomly texts Rin to tell him he left his water bottle at Haru’s place when they were hanging out with each other. As Haru can’t type to save his life, he ends up calling Rin and they start chatting about the All Japan Selection and the after party. Not exactly a sentimental conversation, and yet still Haru openly gets all tender and feelsy. We don’t often witness Haru get all like this, so seeing him do so in a random convo with Rin is so adorable and really highlights how their relationship is something special (and not just a rivalry like some people try to make it out to be).
We get another display of it in the RinHaru Character Song Duet Series Drama, Track 3:
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Haruka: The futon’s over there. Lay it out yourself.
Rin: …Are you even listening to me?
Haruka: Or do you want to sleep together in the bed again like old times?
“Or do you want to sleep together in the bed again like old times?” FOLKS THE WAY I TOTALLY LOST IT WHEN I FIRST HEARD THIS DRAMA OMGGG. Haru is canonly offering Rin to share the bed with him. Like they used to before. And Haru isn’t being facetious about it, listen to the way Haruka says this line and you’ll hear how he was 100% sincere in his offer. And Haru strikes me to be the type that isn’t all that touchy-feely, so for him to offer someone to share a bed with him is just…not a normal Haru thing to do. But he offers so to Rin and like PEOPLE. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY CANON AHAHAHAHA I’M THRIVING XD.
And then on top of “wanna sleep together?” (as if that wasn’t enough death for us), we have a very caring Haru pulling a Mamakoto and asking Rin a bunch of questions to make sure he’s good:
Rin: Oh. Thanks for pulling out the futon.
Haruka: You didn’t bring your pillow?
Rin: As if I would.
Haruka: Will you be able to get to sleep?
Rin: Don’t make fun of me.
Haruka: Are you leaving early tomorrow morning?
Rin: I’ll be waking up at 6 to go for a jog before I go. If I miss even a day’s training, it affects my performance.
Haruka: Then I’ll run with you.
[more sentimental-when-with-Rin Haru under the cut ⬇️ #bless]
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Haru is firing off all these questions to Rin, asking him if he’s gonna be able to sleep without his pillow, wanting to know when he’s gonna leave in the morning, telling Rin that he’s gonna run with him in the morning so he can spend as much time with Rin as he can before Rin even has a chance to offer Haru to run with him. We get a glimpse of clingy!Haru, and the way we see this side of him come out around Rin (is too adorable) says so much. Haru is so involved—and you have to listen to the audio to really experience the way Haru is asking these questions, for you can hear just how concerned about and interested in Rin he is. 
[Haru quietly enters his bedroom. RIN is sleeping]
Haruka: [smiles] Good night, Rin.
This part killed and then resurrected me, omg HOW AM I EVEN ALIVE?? Haru not only takes a moment to smile while watching Rin sleep (you literally hear the pause and Haru’s little laugh in the audio), the way he whispers “Goodnight, Rin” is so soft and caring; Haru sounds so content and happy to have Rin back in his life, just like old times, and it’s too much for my soft RinHaru heart to handle 😩.
​The impression I got from this entire drama cd track is that Haru is just so happy to have Rin back in his life, but not only just back in his life, but back as a friend. After all these years and heartache, they’ve reconciled, reunited, and they’re doing things like they used to back in elementary school. We know that Rin’s friendship in elementary school meant a whole lot to Haru (just watch Starting Days, read High Speed 2 and rewatch all of Season 1 if you want to doubt that), and now the two of them can resume that precious friendship. Haru’s whole demeanor and actions read as excitement, contentment, and a touch of anxiousness that he and Rin and doing things together again like they used to—Rin spending the night at his place being one of those things. 
I’m sure Haru felt a little anxious about it all, similarly to how someone finally gets that thing they’ve been yearning for and wants to make sure it’s taken care of. We see it in his “clinginess”, in the way he offers Rin his favorite t-shirt, in the way offers Rin to share the bed with him; we see it in the way Haru fires off questions wanting to know if Rin’s gonna sleep well and when he’s leaving in the morning. It’s the way someone who lost someone they cherish but gets them back in their life would act—it’s attentiveness and anxiousness, eagerness and contentment and wanting to spend as much time with the person as they can. 
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There was also a brief but still very cute Sentimental Haru moment in the Free! Illustration Works CD Drama, Track 8: A Promise of Rainbows
MAKOTO: The four of us swimming together like this reminds me of our days in the swimming club. Like how Rin tried to make rainbows while we were playing in the pool.
NAGISA: That sure brings me back.
MAKOTO: Rin back then was a lot more open about his emotions.
RIN: Lay off it. […]
[(Makoto and Nagisa) jump into the pool, leaving Rin and Haru standing on the side]
RIN: Hm? What?
HARUKA: …Make rainbows again, okay? [jumps in]
RIN: Make them?
NAGISA: Rin-chan, come on in!
RIN: …Heh. Okay. I’ll make rainbows for you.
Again, you really have to listen to the audio track in order to fully appreciate the softly tender way Haru tells Rin to make rainbows again. And the fact that Haru waits until it’s just the two of them to say this to Rin makes it extra intimate and special.
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Also in the Free! DF Drama Cd, we see Haru’s sentimental side crash right into the party, no invitation needed (Track 10 - Haruka and Rin’s Drive):
Rin: There’s… still another 3 hours until we reach the training camp. You can sleep if you want, Haru.
Haruka: You’re such a rough driver that I’m too worried to fall asleep.
Rin: Heh, speak for yourself.
Haruka: Besides…
Rin: Huh?
Haruka: This is the only time we can talk properly.
You guys already know how I lost my mind over this drama cd track (if you like to witness my meltdown, you can do so here) for this entire drama is everything and more. Haru would rather spend the long drive to “talk properly” with Rin instead of sleeping, since it’s one of the only chances they’ll get. It’s so sweet and shows that Haru does value the time he gets to spend with Rin, whether it’s swimming-related or not.
Haruka: What is it like living in Sydney?
Rin: It’s pretty good. I train with my friends every day, then we go eat after training.
Haruka: So you made new friends there.
Rin: Yeah. There’s David, Chris, Johann, my coach Mikhail, and many more.
Haruka: Were you able to see a sight you’ve never seen before with these friends?
Rin: Eh? I wonder… I probably did see it, but…nothing compares to the sight I saw when swam with you and the others, I don’t think. What about you, Haru?
Haruka: Same here.
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So the guys are just chatting about their life in Tokyo and Australia when suddenly, Haru brings up the “sight you’ve never seen before” motif. Both Rin and Haru cherish that “sight” they saw together, the one that Rin promised to show Haru during their first ever relay as a team. For Rin, “Nothing compares” to it and Haru agrees. (Also, can we please appreciate how Haru wants to know if Rin’s new friends can show him that “sight?” Hahaha Haru, luv, your jealousy is showing).
Rin: Let’s nap for an hour?
Haruka: Okay.
Rin: Do you know how to put down your seat?
Haruka: Right here?
Rin: Yeah.
Haruka: This reminds me, around this time last year, we slept together like this, Rin.
Rin: Huh? …oh you mean the hotel in Sydney?
Haruka: My whole world changed since that day.
AHAHAHAHA omg—Rin is all, “Great let’s sleep” and after a few moments of silence, Haru’s suddenly goes “REMEMBER WHEN WE SLEPT LIKE THIS TOGETHER IN THE BED RIN??? IT WAS LAST YEAR AND RIGHT NOW TOTALLY REMINDS ME OF HOW WE SLEPT TOGETHER LIKE THIS IN THE HOTEL ROOM” KSSFKSDKDKK I’m CACKLING, omg Haru’s too much 😂 Rin’s tryign to sleep and out of the blue Haru starts reminiscing on RinHaruralia and how they slept together and he wants Rin to reminisce too 😂 Haru’s so sentimental around Rin it’s so friggin precious. And Rin’s just all “YAWN oh yeah…the hotel YAWNS” and I imagine Haru with his hands behind his head, reclining in his seat and smiling up at the stars through the windshield as he says “Yeah and my entire world’s been changed ever since that day we slept together like this Rin.” People this drama cd is too much omg.
Haruka: I want to… swim relay again.
Rin: Let’s swim together. But on the world stage this time! I don’t know what the team will be like, though.
Haruka: Yeah. One day, definitely.
Haruka: Rin?
Haruka: He’s asleep.
Haruka: One day, definitely, we’ll see a sight we’ve never seen before again.
Sentimental Haru is too precious for this world. I love that when RinHaru is together, our sensitive and quick-to-tears shark prince is the one who’s all chill and laid-back while it’s Haru—the prince of bare-minimum expressiveness—is the nostalgic, sappy one. Do you see what these two bring out in each other? They complement each other in such a dynamic and interesting way, it’s lots of fun to watch/hear them together, especially now that they’re friends again (though they’re entertaining to watch as rivals, too).
Before I end this, I’d like to leaves some quotes about Rin’s effect on Haru from KoyAni staffs/the actors:
“Haruka can’t ignore Rin, he’s concerned for Rin, and of course he loves Rin–that’s the kind of existence Rin is to him.” — Shimazaki Nobunaga {x}
“Haruka rarely shows emotion and uses water as his reason to live. However, when Rin appears in his life, his entire world changes.” — Producer Shinichiro Hatta {x}
“The one who is always able to *stir feelings in Haru’s heart is Rin.” — Nobunga Shimazaki, cast interview in the Haruka and Rin Mook
(*Other translations for “stir feelings” included fire up/arouse/put in motion) [translation via: hinalilly]
It’s never too late to jump aboard the SS RinHaru, people. We have cherry blossoms and loosy-kun t-shirts—oh, and a whole lot of canon material to feast on 😉 
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princess-sengoku · 3 years
Secret Santa Fanfic
@hunny-pp This is for your request in Secret Santa for this year. I hope this is great. Merry Christmas to you and Merry Christmas to everyone else. AAAA My first fanfic to be posted on Tumblr :')
Carnival Competition
Rating: K
Modern AU
Summary: Shingen and Kenshin are going to Osaka carnival to see who can win the most games at the carnival.
The carnival's in town as everyone from all over the land of the rising sun go to one of the most underrated festivals in the land; Osaka Carnival. The fun games, great food, and amazing rides that it had was all in good fun for everyone to enjoy. Once Shingen heard for himself that the carnival was going to be in town tomorrow, he just had to call Kenshin to join him for the carnival. He was disappointed that he didn't show up last year, then again they weren't dating at the time. Maybe this year would go in his favor? He and Kenshin could at least compete in the games, kinda like a battlefield? Shingen was in Osaka for a quick vacation and the carnival would be the top of the cake. With that in mind, Shingen picked up the phone and began to text to Kenshin.
Shingen: My stoic dragon "nemesis", are you still awake?
Kenshin was comfortable on his futon at his Castle, just starting to head off to bed and sending a quick prayer to Bishamonten to thank the god of war for allowing him the pleasures of life. There was wine, business, and finally Shingen. Shingen was probably one of the most worthy friend and business partner he could ask for in this life. Although he didn't show much happiness on his stoic face, his actions show that he cares for him, especially when he accepted to be Shingen’s boyfriend. Speaking of Shingen… 'Bing Bing'. Kenshin heard his phone go off. "It is almost time to go to bed… Who's texting me?" He said, visibly annoyed. He picked up his phone and once he saw the message, he softened a little bit. It was Shingen. 
Kenshin: Tiger of Kai, my "nemesis", I was about to go to bed, but I can talk for a bit.
Shingen gave a good-natured chuckle at Kenshin's message sent a couple of minutes later. Of course he forgot that Kenshin would be getting to bed around this time.
Shingen: Sorry about that, I was hoping maybe this year we can go to the carnival together. Think of it as a date.
"A date?" He mouthed to himself. When was the last time they had a date together? It had been a while. They were both taking it slowly so they wouldn't be discovered and to have it at a carnival, that everyone was going to…
Kenshin: Are you sure you want me to go?
Shingen was not giving up on making him go to the carnival. They were always competitive when it came to the games. A lightbulb went off in his head. He can use the games as an excuse for him to go.
Shingen: I bet I can win a lot more games than you. Don't worry I'll give you some prizes :)
Shingen always knew how to push Kenshin's competitiveness button. They both were like strategists in their own businesses but eventually one must come on top eventually. He really now was interested in this carnival but he would conceal his intentions to him.
Kenshin: It is tempting to go to the festival to have a friendly competition. Go have fun. Good night "nemesis"
Shingen shrugged at his message. At least he tried to convince him to go. At the back of his head, he did feel that Kenshin would come here. He just had that hunch.
Shingen: Good night. Don't have a rough night.
As soon as he got Shingen’s message, Kenshin got dressed again, called his limo driver, and took a blanket. He would now begin to surprise Shingen to the festival date. "Shingen, let's see who wins the most games." he thought with confidence. They always liked competitive plays over each other. He just thought of what kind of games would be there to play as the limo left with him inside, going to Osaka, as he drifted to sleep.
~The next morning- 8 AM~
Shingen saw the shining sun glimmer in the curtains as morning came and he was just starting to wake up from the tiger's slumber. This short bald man yawned as he sat up in the bed, slowly getting his act together. It was also very hot today when the festival and vacation was in the summer. He could only imagine what the south had to deal with like the Shimazu in the summer. After 10 minutes of just sitting there, he finally got up to brighten the room. The curtains opened and Shingen shielded his eyes from the brightness a bit. Once it got adjusted, he finally saw a limo in front of the hotel. It had the Uesugi symbol on the side and the limo was white. He could see Kenshin come out the doors. "Hahaha, I knew Kenshin would be here!" Shingen said to himself. He put on a tiger print t-shirt with some khaki shorts and some sandals.
Kenshin walked out of the limo with a nice short sleeved buttoned white shirt with white pants with some nice black loafers. He was casually sleeping the whole ride so he would be well rested for today. Carnivals are mostly energy sucking. The driver let him know he's here so he doesn't have to rest during the day. "Great Bishamonten, please give me strength to have fun today and beat Shingen in a whole bunch of games." He prayed. They both met in the lobby and gave a hug. "Haha, I knew you would come. So are you ready for the carnival?" Shingen asked. Kenshin gave a small smile and nodded. "I am. Looking at the clock means that it had just started." Said Kenshin as he looked at the clock which read 9:00A.M.
Looking out at the carnival laid out before them, it was full of life and high fun energy. Many games, food stands and other attractions can be seen before them. People were walking around them full of laughter and friendly talk. You can't really hear what they had to say because there were so many people and they were loud. Shingen and Kenshin simply walked side by side together holding pinkies looking out at what games they should play.
The first game they saw was kinda strange with a huge log and there were lines in the ground. Musashi was actually the one hosting that game. "Hey you two! Do you want to try the log toss? 1 yen to try it and the rules are clearly read on the sign." He managed to get Shingen and Kenshin's attention. "You want to have a go Kenshin?" Asked Shingen. "Sure" said Kenshin blatantly. 
They both walk up to the wooden sign. It was well made with no chances that anyone can get a splinter and it looked really smooth for writing on as shown in words that are painted on. It says the following: 
Log toss:
'You throw a log as far as you can. This can be played for competition. If you are solo, you win a prize no matter what. If you are against each other, then the winner gets a prize.'
Shingen was known to do some lifting at the gym sometimes, Kenshin watched him while he worked so he knew as well. They've decided to do the competition version. The prizes included stuffed animals, posters and pins. Shingen went first as he went and picked it up by the sides then he spinned around a few times getting ready for the wind up. He threw it up and away pretty far and it landed with a thud and the ground shaked a bit. Musashi ran to where the log went with a measuring tape and a flag. "150 feet-1st person!" Musashi announced. Kenshin smiled at Shingen’s impressive performance. It was as expected for him as was a worthy challenge for Kenshin to try to beat.
"You're next Kenshin." Shingen said as he stood back with a smirk, a smirk that Kenshin loved a lot. "I have practiced a bit in lifting." Kenshin remarked as he picked up the log. He winded up by standing back a bit then using the force that he gathered to launch the log forward as he stepped forward. It flew not as high as Shingen did but it definitely was going far. There was a thud in the distance and Musashi was running fast with the other marker. "Not bad! It's about… 160 feet. The second person wins!" Musashi announced happily as he went to pick out a prize. Kenshin kissed Shingen on the forehead proud of his own victory. "Well done 'nemesis'." Shingen said, congratulating him. Musashi gave Kenshin a big tiger plush. 'It would be perfect for Shingen.' Kenshin thought.
Many hours go by with more prizes, food, the times they went through a funhouse and a haunted house in a succession while holding many little toys, pins, posters, more stuffed animals. It was a lot to carry for a long time, then again they had played lots of games. Games were ring toss, balloon pop, guess what's approximately in the jar, bumper cars, test your strength, and many other games.
It was the last few minutes of the carnival to be open for the day. There was one more game they wanted to try for a magnificent dragon plush. Shingen was immediately reminded of Kenshin when he saw that plush. "Kenshin! Before we go let's try this game!" They both look at the bucket of water with ducks floating right along. The sign read the following:
Lucky Duck:
'You hook a duck on the hook stick provided to you. Get a star duck (which the star is on the bottom) to win any prize you want.'
"This game sounds simple and quick." Kenshin remarked. "You can do this game." Said Kenshin as he gave the game owner 1 yen to play the game.
Shingen concentrated on the pond itself like a fire trying to get hotter by the minute. Any of those ducks could have a star on the bottom and any number of the ducks could have stars. They all looked the same. All he could do would be to guess which one had the star and which ones didn't. He took the hook stick on the ground and just went for it, eyes closed. When he opened them again, he looked underneath the duck and a gold star was at the bottom. He won the game and the dragon. "This is great!" thought Shingen as he got the dragon in his hands.
As Shingen turned he saw Kenshin take the tiger plush out of the mass of prizes they won and handed it out like it was a gift for him. Shingen saw a slight blush on Kenshin's stoic face. "So umm… this is for you 'nemesis'." Kenshin said in a softer voice than usual. Shingen laughed out of kindness a little, knowing that Kenshin wasn't used to the sometimes sweet moments of their relationship. "Thank you 'nemesis'. In return, I will give you this dragon I just won."  Shingen blushed a little bit as he received the tiger and Kenshin received the dragon. They soon divided all of the prizes in between them. Shingen’s vacation would go on and Kenshin would join in for the last week that Shingen had left.
P.S. as a bonus I give you some headcanons of the pairing on google slides that I made myself. This helped me create the fic lol.
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myheroaizawashota · 5 years
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[OKAY!!! So this upload had a really buggy time on my end, causing me to copy and paste the post and repost it like that. We love when tumblr takes a dump on itself hahaha. Ha. Ha. Regardless I LOVED writing this prompt! In order to save it i didn’t get a chance to proof read it before editing it! Hopefully it still reads well! I loved this prompt so much and had so much fun with it! @lucacangettathisass ]
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Have you ever made a call so harshly against your better judgement the thought of it was enough to rattle the heaviest of sighs from your body? Aizawa had on occasions, but this…this took the cake. After six excruciating months of endless attempts to blatantly express his subtitle emotions for you, he finally decided to consult an outside source. Just thinking about it made his body shutter. Truthfully, he debated festering with his emotions until either he couldn’t stand them any longer and rushed to your home intentions driven with passsion as he smashed your lips together, or until he died. Either of these seemed like a viable option, though the realist inside of him knew his best course of action would be to enlist the help of his friend. The fact of the matter was Aizawa was lousy at flirting, whenever he’d leave you with subtitle hints of his affections you’d either unintentionally ignore them, blissful with your own ignorance, or laugh as if they were a joke. He couldn’t stand it any longer. Every part of you held his heart hostage, which was shocking to him. Typically unbiased for looks, he couldn’t seem to pull himself over yours. You had this poor typically austere man, wrapped around you’re tiny little pinky and you didn’t even seem to realize.
Rubbing his index fingers roughly into the sides of his forehead, the pro hero sat in irritation listening as the overly enthusiastic and obnoxiously deafening blonde next to him rattled off the most half-witted idea he’d ever heard. “i got it! Here’s what your gonna do, walk up to her, look her in the eyes and go ‘hey gorgeous you don’t happen to have a pencil on you do ya? Cause I wanna erase your past and write your future’.”
Appalled, Aizawa drew in a long breath before releasing a groan of frustration “I don’t ask this question enough, but we’re you by any chance dropped on you’re head in your developing years as a child? I can’t walk up to her and spout nonsense like that.”
Offended Yamada crossed his arms, huffing as he turnt his head away from the brooding pro. “Uncool…I thought it was pretty clever, get it since your name is Eraserhead…huh? Get it? Erase her past? That’s quality and you know it.”
“Clearly we have different ideals when it comes to quality.” The slightly smaller of the two men huffed, his large palms moving to scrub across his face. This was all so ridiculous. While he knew his way was in no means working, he had a sinking suspicion Yamada’s way would end no better for him. The typically flat expression that usually sat fixated on his lips began to droop at the corners, pulling his mouth down into a frown. “I’ve tried being subtitle with her, maybe that’s where I’m going wrong. I should try being more forwards, directly tell her how I feel.” 
Sprawling his thin lanky body across the couch, and incidentally Aizawa’s lap, the voice hero gave a cheeky grin up at the other. “Right, and your feelings are what exactly? Ya’ know since you’ve always been one to be up front and open with those” he sneered. Without hesitation, the erasure hero knocked the others body off of his, standing to his feet. “Whoa whoa! Not cool man, not cool!” 
While the other was ungodly infuriating, he was right. Aizawa had never once been direct with his feelings for anyone, let alone you. If he was going to make any leeway in this situation, he was going to need to open himself up in a way nobody had ever seen him do before. Unphased by the fact he was leaving the other alone in his home, Shouta headed off for your home hoping to finally tell you everything that had been on his mind. He knew eventually Yamada would let himself out, though he’d probably come home to an empty fridge.
On your doorstep stood a man typically collected and unflustered, the same man now stood with nothing but nervousness riddling every inch of his face. It was unlike him to be so unnerved, but when it came to you, well you bought out the impossible in him. Pulling himself together, his arm reached out as his fist beat against your door. It was late, and the more he began to think rationally about the situation at hand, the more he began to regret coming here. Allowing his mind to talk himself out of his seemingly wise plan, he began to back away from your door, both his legs and heart stopping when the door swung open, you standing noticeably sleepy on the other side. “S-Shouta?…” 
Caught, Aizawa swallowed the lump that had began to form in his throat, he scratching the bits of scruff that laid on the underside of his chin. “Hey...May I come in?”
Baffled by his late night drop by, you couldn’t imagine a reason this man would show up so late if it wasn’t a matter of grave importance. With fingers spreading their way across your face, they working their way at the corners of your eyes, you stepping aside allowing the other entrance into your home. Giving the smallest of yawns, your hands stretched over the top of your head leaving your midriff exposed, as you moved to follow lazily behind the other as he made his way in. “It’s half past eleven, what are you doing here?” you asked. 
While typically timid and reserved, you felt comfortable enough around the other to speak boldly in front of him….also you were damn near exhausted and your brain didn’t have the energy to play your typical shy front. You let your body drop like dead weight to your couch, you pulling your knees to your chest patting gently at the seat next to you. 
His heart began to pace quickly in his chest, the sight of you looking so soft and gentle in your sleepy state was enough to end his life. Setting himself down beside you, his typically tired eyes were filled with something you hadn’t seen before, though you couldn’t place your finger exactly on what it was. Lost in his eyes for just a moment longer than you should of been, you couldn’t help but turn a peachy shade as the bridge of your nose began to heat. “What are you staring at me like that for?” 
Unaware he was staring, the other couldn’t fight the small blush that struggled to hide against the pale porcelain of his cheeks. “I didn’t realize I was staring…I just…” he paused clearing his throat, eyes casting away from yours “You look really beautiful, I didn’t think anyone could look so pretty just dressed in pajamas…” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, smiling down at your lap as you tucked one of the half waved strands of hair that hugged the curvature of your cheek behind your ear. “I hope you didn’t come all this way just to be nice about my pajamas.”
“Actually, I did. I came all this way at half past eleven to tell you that youre beautiful all the time, not just at night when you answer the door for me. All the time. When you’re at work, when you’re relaxing with Mic and I while he makes excessive commentary that makes you smile and laugh, even when you’re sad youre still the most beautiful person I’ve ever looked at.” His words fell aimlessly out of his mouth, his eyes casted anywhere but yours in this moment. The never fearing pro hero had finally been stricken with fear, he to anxious to meet his gaze with yours as he pushed on “I’ve been trying for months to tell you I like you. Clearly, up until this point I don’t think you’ve taken my hints…or maybe you have. Maybe the way you push off the subtitle hints I give is your way of letting me know you don’t care about me the same way I care for you…I don’t know, but I don’t want to take the chance, I came here to let you know that I…like you. A lot.”  His lips pursed together as he sat, hands folded apprehensively in his lap, his grip causing the knuckles to whiten as he clenched them together. “In retrospect this conversation could have very well waited till morning….or at least have been sent over text..”
Floored by the others confession, you sat silently trying to gather the words that had magically fled your mind. It was as if every word youd ever learned in your many years of life seemed to have all at once left your brain, you sat floundering for a cohesive sentence. The only thing you could manage to push out was “I’m an idiot.” Confused by this response, Aizawa rose a brow, eyes flicking up to yours in search of a better answer. Not exactly the response he was hoping for. 
“I’m not uninterested I’m just…a shy idiot.” Your sighed palms rubbed across your face as you shook your head. “Shouta I’m sorry…” 
An apology….that wasn’t any better to hear truthfully. Digging his teeth into the corner of his lip, he moved to stand, truthfully just a bit embarrassed and ashamed by his own pitiful display of emotions. As he moved to break for the door, his hand was caught by yours, pulling his body effortlessly back to the couch. “I’m sorry it took me all of this to realize how you were feeling. I guess….I’m not the best when it comes to picking up on hints. I’m a bit on the shy side, so I never really pick up on social hints like that…my brain just thinks ‘oh well that was nice of him to say’. I guess when it comes to things like this, I’m kind of oblivious”  you laughed giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He remained silent for a moment more, his heart jumping when he felt the heat of your body move to press against his arm, your nose pressing right against his shoulder as you rubbed it there softly “I like you too…..I never said anything back because well…I didn’t know how. Truthfully I didn’t think you’d be interested in someone so boring and shy like me….”
In that moment, the corners of his lips pulled up into a smile. It lit you heart up to see. Come to think of it, you’d never seen the other smile before in your whole year of friendship. Smiling in response you gave his shoulder a gentle kiss before constricting your arms around his. “I’m glad you told me how you feel Shouta. You know…if you want…um…you could…um..” 
Gently sliding his index finger to the underside of your jaw, he titled your head up, moving to effortlessly capture your lips between his, sighing in satisfaction. He’d wanted to do this for quite some time now, and it felt good to finally do so. “If you’re asking me to stay the night the answer is yes.”
[ Much like last time, these texts weren’t requested, but I couldn’t help myself, but wonder what would have happened if Mic and Aizawa would have texted the reader one of the ridiculous pick up lines Mic was trying to sell on Aizawa!]
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heathendolan · 6 years
Shared Covers (G.D)
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Summary: It becomes habitual for Grayson to climb in with you at night, and both of you are avoiding the elephant in the room, and Ethan’s a bit tired of it all the while.
Warnings: None besides swearing
A/N: Ahhhh my first Grayson fic released! This was actually kind of difficult to write since I’m a die-hard E girl hahaha. Anyway, enjoy !! 
Word Count: 5.4K+ || masterlist
You were dragged from a near coma when you felt your blanket lift. You groggily opened your eyes, blinking wearily at the vague figure standing over you.
“Grayson?” you guessed, propping yourself up on your elbow. You leaned over and switched your lamp on, staring at him through squinting eyes.
“Hi...” Grayson mumbled above you, shifting between his feet. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“...Do you wanna get in?” you suggested, not seeing what else you could possibly do. A quick glance at the clock told you it was 4 AM, an unreasonable hour to be woken up. However early it was, you couldn’t bring yourself to be even the slightest bit annoyed with your best friend.
Grayson nodded and you scooted over, letting him slip under the comforter. He snuck his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest. You felt your stomach swoop at the domesticity of it.
“You came into my room at 4 in the morning to cuddle?” you murmured against the bare skin of his chest. He nodded above you, chin rubbing against the top of your head. You grinned and then blushed when you realized he could probably tell he made you smile since your lips were pressed against his chest.
“Is that my shirt?” he asked, a smile evident in his voice, and scrunched the fabric in his fingers. When he saw it a few minutes ago through lamplight, he saw the navy blue cotton with their high school logo and a lacrosse stick marking the front. ‘Dolan’ was printed on the nape of the neck.
“No...” you drawled, your cheeks afire.
“So it’s Ethan's,” he pushed. You nodded and he huffed unhappily. However, when he ran his hands up and down your back, he felt the graphic rubber was shaped in 07, which was his number. “Liar,” he accused, the two of you giggling in the dark.
“I only lied because I don’t want you to take it back. This is my favorite sleep shirt.”
Grayson hugged you tighter to him and dragged his fingertips along your back. “I’m sorry for waking you up,” he whispered.
“Don’t be, if you can’t sleep you can always come in here. I think I sleep better too, when you’re here,” you confessed, your voice even despite your hot cheeks.
“Hmm, alright,” he agreed, sliding his hand into your hair. You groaned in happiness when he started scratching at your roots and pulling at the strands that cascaded down your back.
“Okay, sleep in here every night if you’re going to do this,” you moaned making Grayson chuckle. You closed your eyes again, relaxing under his touch. “Do we have anything to do tomorrow?” you yawned.
He hummed back a no, sounding as though he were on the brink of unconsciousness. You flattened your palm against his chest and situated yourself a bit before letting yourself be swallowed by sleep.
Ethan blearily peaked his head in Grayson's door, noticing a crumpled duvet and lack of human. With a frown, he strutted down the hall into the kitchen in hopes of finding his brother sitting at the bar eating breakfast, but to no avail. It was about 7 AM on a Saturday, and, knowing Gray as well Ethan knew him, he would be tucked in his bed, passed out until noon.
He walked to the guest room where you always slept. Twisting the door handle, he pushed it open, grimacing when it creaked. Poking his head in, he noticed one body and then another. A smile graced his face at the cheesy, cheesy scene in front of him.
He dug out his phone and snapped a picture of the two absolutely tangled up in each other. You were wedged between his legs, your belly on his bare one, your nose tucked beneath his chin. Your legs were intertwined messily, Grayson's arms wrapped snug around the small of your back, your arms weaved around his neck. How could they not know they’re in love with each other?
Ethan shook his head and turned to leave. However, the door creaked yet again, stirring Gray. “E?” he rasped.
“Mm, yeah?” Ethan hummed, turning around.
“What time is it?”
“About 7.”
Grayson sighed happily. “Thank God,” he groaned. “Oh my god, I have to piss.”
Ethan laughed. “How’d you end up in here?”
“Couldn’t sleep at all, by 4 I guess I just..” he faded, not quite sure how to end that sentence. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he got up to waddle over to your room, but it worked out for him.
"I see. If you were up so late, go pee and then go back to bed,” Ethan offered.
“And wake her up? No way, I’ll just fall back asleep,” Gray scoffed, shutting his eyes decidedly.
Ethan rolled his eyes with a warm grin. “You’ve got it so bad,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“I, uh, said you’ve got the best bed, to sleep in, right now. We should really switch out the beds so that I can have this super comfy one, and the guest doesn’t get the best bed,” he covered poorly.
“What? (Y/N) sleeps here like, 3 or 4 times a week. She shouldn’t get a shitty bed. Leave her and her comfy bed alone,” Gray grumbled.
Ethan shook his head as Gray only further confirmed what he actually said. “We’ll see.”
“E,” Grayson barked.
“Chill out bro, I’m kidding. You guys can keep your comfy bed and snuggle in it all night if you want to, I don’t care,” he responded, finally seizing the opportunity to mock their position.
Grayson flushed down to his chest. “Would you just let me go back to sleep? If I don’t fall asleep soon, I’ll need to actually pee, and then I’d have to wake her up. Shoo.”
“Yeah, you just don’t want to stop cuddling with her-“ Ethan started laughing before he was silenced by a throw pillow being chucked his way.
The second time it happened was a few nights later. Grayson tossed and turned in his bed, kicking the covers that were too hot, yanking them back up when it was immediately too cold. He groaned and kicked his feet childishly. Throwing his comforter back, he jumped out of bed and padded to your room.
He opened the door to find you still awake, turned on your side with the glow of your book lamp illuminating your face. “What are you still doing up?” he asked with a smile, leaning against the doorframe.
“I could ask you the same,” you murmured, glancing up from your novel.
Grayson chuckled and walked over to the bed, sliding into the spot beside you. He tucked an arm over your waist and settled in, propped his chin above your head. “Whatcha readin’?”
“The fourth Harry Potter,” you replied, flipping the page with your index finger. Gray tried to read along with you, but you were a far faster reader and kept cutting his sentence off with your advancement.
“I don’t know how you can read this series so many times. This has to be your 10th time reading them all over,” he teased, squeezing you where his arm draped by your waist.
“16th, actually,” you confirmed. He rolled his eyes even though your back was to him. “And besides, I think I find something new every time I read them. They’re magical, I mean, obviously, but really, there’s something about them that I just can’t get enough of. They’re enchanting and engrossing and endlessly readable.”
“Anymore ‘en’s?” Gray mocked.
You giggled, “Of course: they’re enjoyable, engaging, enhancing, enticing-“
“Oh my god, you are such an English geek,” Grayson laughed loudly, his contagious laugh sending you into a fit of giggles.
Through the dim light of the moon, Grayson noticed the red sleeve of your hoodie that adorned your body. “You are an actual thief.”
“This is my hoodie!” he exclaimed, tugging on the oh-so-soft fabric he adored so much. He should be even a little annoyed that his favorite favorite favorite hoodie was swept from him, but he wasn’t. Not in the least.
“Is it?” you gasped in faux surprise.
“You’re lucky I’m nice, I should be taking back what’s rightfully mine,” he warned. “That’s my favorite!”
“You can have it back if you want, but just know you’d be breaking my heart, because this is my favorite hoodie, too,” you pouted. You snapped your book shut and set it on the desk, twisting to face Grayson.
“Break your heart? I couldn’t if I tried,” he sung. You gaped at him with a smile.
“...Oh honey if I get restless!” you continued on.
“Baby you’re not that kind,” he sang back, sliding his hand underneath your chin dramatically.
“Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum bum,” you hummed.  
“Don’t go breakin’ my heart!” Grayson yelled, leaning back.
“You take the weight off me!” you shouted back.
“Oh honey when you knock on my door!”
“Ooo, I gave you my key,” you said, your voice cracking and a fit of laughter ensuing.
The two of you broke apart from your embrace, stood on the bed and threw your heads back, singing loudly and very off key. “Woohoo! Nobody knows it! When I was down, I was your clown, Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Right from the start, I gave-“
“Holy fucking shit, it is 4 in the fucking morning and I am trying to fucking sleep, shut the fuck up!” Ethan shouted from the doorway, flicking on the lights. You and Grayson exchanged a glance, hardly containing your giggles.
“Oh, come on E,” you pouted and hopped off the mattress, running to him and throwing your arms around him. “Have a little fun.”
Grayson joined you, encasing Ethan in a sandwiched hug. “You guys are so lucky it was funny to watch... and record. I’m never deleting this video,” he remarked.
“Wait, let me see,” you giggled.
He pulled up his phone, the video still playing on loop. It was of Ethan walking down the hall, your voices echoing throughout the house loudly. Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Ethan lifts his phone, and through the shining moonlight, you can see Grayson and you pointing at each other in action, both holding invisible microphones. When I was down, I was your clown. Woohoo! Nobody knows it! Grayson slides a hand underneath your jaw and you place a hand on his chest, both for theatrics, of course. Right from the start, I gave- Holy fucking shit, it is 4 in the morning!
“Please send me that,” you beg through a fit of laughter. Ethan nods chuckling, and texts it to you.
“Okay, but seriously, go to bed, you hooligans.”
You shoo a more-or-less grumpy Ethan off before climbing back in beneath the covers. As the door shuts, you two burst into laughter, still energetic from your karaoke session.
"Wanna go swimming?" Grayson asked lowly, his nose pressed to your temple.
"Gray, it is four in the morning..." you scolded through giggles. "...But yes. Let's go." Grayson grabbed your wrist and pulled you from the comfort of your comforter, dragging you onto the wood floor and out into the hallway. "Wait, I don't have a swimsuit..." you muttered.
"How do you not have a swimsuit here?" Grayson groaned."You should honestly just move in with us, seriously."
"I can't, Sierra would miss me too much," you sing-songed. "I'll just go in my underwear."
Grayson swallowed hard, feeling his throat tighten up. "Yeah," he squeaked out, "but since I have a swimsuit, I'm going to go change.. I'll see you in a minute,"
You nodded and departed to the kitchen, grabbing two waters and the box of cheez-its tucked away in the back of the pantry just for you. You snuck out the back door, the warm California air coating your skin, peeled off the red sweatshirt Grayson loves so dearly, and shucked off your athletic shorts. You were left in a plain black set, no decorations or fancy lace as you might have hoped. As you debated changing, Grayson walked out of the back door carrying two bottles of water and another box of cheez its. "Great minds think alike," you smirked, gesturing to your snacks and his. He laughed, but it came out squeaky and small. You grabbed the ponytail wrapped around your wrist and dipped down to tie your hair back.
Gray had to fight a groan just looking at you. Your figure's mouth-watering, with a curved waist and hour-glass shape. Your underwear is plain, thank god; Grayson isn't sure if he could handle anything decorative.
"You ready?" you asked.
"Of course," he mumbled darkly, advancing towards you with menacing claws.
"G, just let me jump in on my own," you pleaded, creeping backward until your foot caught the edge of the pool. He shook his head, a genuine grin gracing his features. "G." Grayson crouched down before sprinting towards you. You yelped and dodged to the right, narrowly missing his aim. You watched in shock as he dove clumsily head-first into the deep end, sinking a ways before returning to the surface, sputtering. You laughed so hard tears collect in your eyes, spilling over the edge as you shook with giggles. Grayson cracked up too, clutching the edge for support as he wheezed and rasped. "Instant Karma," you choked out, holding your stomach with the dull ache only true laughter can give you.
"C'mon, get in you baby," he coaxed, still chuckling.
You nodded and sat on the ledge, slipping your legs into the cool water. Grayson grabbed you round the waist, and, with many protests, pulled you into the blue. "I was going to come in at my own pace," you whined, pushing at his shoulders. He still held your side, always, always touching you in some way.
"Yeah, but you're far too slow for my taste," he smirked.
"As if I care about your taste," you snarked, dramatically flipping your sopping wet hair off your shoulder. Gray hoped you cared about his taste--you were specifically his taste; you were all he ever wanted.
"Okay sassy pants," he mocked and squeezed your side.
"Grayson!" you squeaked, splashing him childishly.
"Don't start something you can't finish, I will drown you, (Y/N)," he threatened, his words heatless.
"Wouldn't that be a eulogy," you laughed. "'(Y/N) was such a good friend for so many years, but then she playfully splashed me with water once, and I had to end it all for her,'" you said, mocking Grayson's voice at your fake funeral.
"Oh please, I wouldn't be that nice. I'd say, '(Y/N) was decent, sometimes she cooked for my brother and me, and other times you wreaked havoc in our home, like the time you splashed me evilly, and I was forced to drown you.' I think everyone would understand my motive," he smirked.
"You wouldn't even be able to speak at my funeral, you'd be in jail for murder," you scoffed, splashing him again.
He shrugged and dunked your head beneath the water. You came to the surface sputtering. "It'd be worth it."
"Oh shut up, you couldn't survive a day without me, you'd miss me far too much," you said smugly.
Grayson wished you weren't so right.
You propped your elbows up on the ledge, lazily swishing your feet in the water. Grayson mimicked you, pressing his arm right up against yours. You watched the dark moonlit sky transition into one of navy, the moon shifting overhead.
You guys floated and talked about everything and nothing: which dinosaurs were the coolest, if there was a god and what he looked like, at what ages you thought you’d die and how, where you’d most like to travel, your favorite childhood TV shows, and what your scariest dreams were.
"And I was in the closet in this big creaky house, like the stairs are here, and I'm upstairs in a closet, and I heard this creaking from the thing walking up the stairs," Gray explained, drawing an invisible map on the concrete ledge. You had propped your chin on your hand and watched his every move, from the way his mouth curved to the dimple that imprinted when he got excited. "and it's walking towards the closet, right? And I'm covering my mouth to keep from screaming when all of a sudden it stops right in front of the door I'm hiding behind. And it laughs--but like, from outside the door--and then it grabs me from behind. Like, it was in the closet all along!" he exclaimed, his hands waving around dramatically.
"Oh my god, I would piss myself," you cringed. "Seriously, my stomach just dropped just listening to that."
"I know! Dude, it was so scary. I slept with Ethan for like, a week," he panted, exasperated. You shook your head, turning to look at the skyline.
"G, look at that sunrise," you gasped, pointing to the masterpiece in front of you. Oranges and pinks splattered messily above the horizon, forming a framework for a glowing yellow sun. The sky was violet, darkening as it stretched into space. Puffy clouds hung to the ocean, reflecting the colors that painted the air.
"It's beautiful," he croaked. You glanced at him and his mouth was agape with awe. His hazel eyes were wide with wonder, dark circles smudging his under eyes. Grayson's defining freckle that dotted his chin stood out against his tanned skin, centimeters away from his plump pink lips. He looked in awe, but more than that, he looked breathtaking. “Are you seeing this?” he asked, glancing at you and back to the sunrise, mouth still ajar.
“Um, yeah, no, it’s probably the best I’ve ever seen,” you nodded, hesitantly turning back to the world’s second most beautiful natural wonder.
You gawked at the rising sun, still exchanging stories here and there until it rose to its full totality, beginning to bake the southern California air.  “We still haven’t slept,” Grayson noted, glancing up at the sun, wincing at the brightness. “What time do you think it is?” he asked as you lifted yourself on to the pool ledge.
“I have no idea. I’m rarely up to watch sunrises so I honestly have no idea what time California wakes up,” you chuckled.
“This city never sleeps, there’s no waking up,” he smiles, poking your side. He yawns widely and pulls himself up to your level. “Is there a going to sleep for us though? I’m tired now,” he asked.
You nodded, “Let’s just dry off and then I need to shower before I can sleep again, I hate the feeling of chlorine.”
“Hate it huh?” he smirked. As the two of you rise, he picked you up by the waist and threw you back into the pool effortlessly. You screamed, of course, but your wails were quickly drowned out by the water burying you to the concrete floor of the pool.
You pushed off with the soles of your feet, glaring at him as soon as you resurfaced. He was cackling, and you caved and laughed along with him. “I hate you,” you groaned with a smile. “No really, I do. I’m currently plotting your death, Grayson Dolan, watch your back,” you insisted.
“Oh I’m really scared,” Grayson smirked, lifting his hands in defense. “You’re just so intimidating, (Y/N).”
“You’ll believe me when it happens, now help me out you asshole.”
Grayson leaned down and extended his hand, falling straight into your trap. You lifted up and tugged on his wrist with both hands and all your weight, jerking him into the pool with you. He makes a sickening flop when he crashed to the water, only intensifying your giggling-fit.
“I.. deserved that, I did,” he admits, laughing loudly. You nodded, cloaking yourself in a towel before you strutted back into the house, stranding a sopping wet boy.
You rinsed off in the shower, sudsing your hair and lathering with honey-scented soap. Lazily you left, sliding on your (Grayson's) favorite red hoodie and athletic shorts once more.
You returned to your bed to find him already unconscious—truly knocked out. He was snoring, mouth stretched inhumanly wide open. You chuckled, ran a hand through your damp hair, and crawled into his space. Dragging the duvet over the both of you, you turned, and, with little dignity and a lot of blushing, wrapped yourself around him and drifted to sleep instantly.
"Late night last night?" Ethan taunted, barely concealing his smirk. Grayson shot him a warning glare: whatever unspoken tension that had always existed between Gray and you was just that; unspoken. It was never discussed; it was off limits. The three of you were lazily strung along the couch, Grayson sandwiched between you and Ethan. You two began slumping, laying all your weight on Ethan, battling unconsciousness while a horror movie chased across the screen.
"Yeah, but you were too much of a pussy to join us, so we had to have fun on our own," you retorted, stretching your back out across the laps of the two of them. You leaned up and poked the underside of Ethan's chin, and he rolled his eyes.
Oh, I'm sure you did, Ethan thought. "Maybe next time we can just wait and go swimming in the morning instead of waking Ethan up at four AM, singing some stupid Elton John song," he bit back, though his words held no heat. He, in return, poked your cheek, a grin stretching beneath his index finger. You lifted a hand and ran it gently through his hair, but soon patted the side of his face, leaving a subtle sting.
"Nah, there’s no fun in that," you giggled, turning to face to the movie again. Grayson coughed beside you, lowly, but obviously. Ethan peeked over at him, nearly rolling his eyes when he noticed a scowl. He nudged him with his elbow but was ignored entirely. You twisted to look at Gray, and seeing his glower, said, "G? You sleepy? Or are you grumpy because you aren't getting any attention?"
A smile broke out beneath Grayson's frown. "No, I'm good, but I'm tired. Really tired."
"Wanna go to bed?" you offered, cupping his jaw. He nodded and lifted you off him, carrying you off the couch.
"You're going with?" Ethan asked you, a smug smile fighting it's way to his face.
"Guess so," you shrugged, chuckling up at Grayson. He shook his head with a grin, still holding you between his two arms. He carried you to the guest room down the hall, you two giggling the whole way, and Ethan gagged.
Even as Ethan sat and watched the slasher cinema on the screen, he was distracted by the boisterous, open laughter and squeals echoing from your room. How could those two be so clueless? They had to know this wasn’t normal best friend behavior. Best friends acted how Grayson and Ethan acted, or how Ethan and you acted. Not how you and Grayson acted. No sir, hopeless love is what that was.
Grayson passed through the living room to grab a water bottle from the kitchen, a flush still staining his skin from laughing. He was still grinning, a few chuckles escaping even as he stood alone raiding the refrigerator. It was then that Ethan decided 'in love' looked good on his brother. Happy looked good on him. But as he returned and passed Ethan, Grayson frowned and asked quietly, "Hey, it's none of my business I guess, but do you have a thing for (Y/N)? If you do it's cool, I'm just wondering."
Ethan, who had been drinking at the time, choked on the water in shock, coughing through a fit of laughter. "What?"
"I just saw the way you guys were acting a minute ago. Seemed flirty," Grayson huffed, glaring at his cuticles that were suddenly so interesting.
"Um, no, Grayson, I do not have a thing for (Y/N)," he shook his head still chuckling.
"Why are you laughing? (Y/N) is the best girl a guy could ask for," Grayson grumbled, meeting his eyes. Ethan shook his head, noting how absolutely gone Grayson was on you.
"Bro... I would never do that to you."
"Do what to me?" Gray asked, a furrow in his brow.
"You've got to be shitting me." Ethan groaned under his breath. How could someone be this oblivious? "I'm your brother you know, and your best friend. If you haven't figured it out by now, then you're a fucking idiot. But if you haven't, I wouldn't... I wouldn't ever try to make a move on (Y/N). That's your girl, G."
"No, no (Y/N) is to me like (Y/N) is to you," Gray panicked and denied, his hands raised defensively.
Ethan laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Like hell she is! The day I make heart eyes at (Y/N) is the day I'm guilty of incest. I do not have feelings for (Y/N). She’s a sister to me.”
Gray wedged his thumbnail between his teeth, gnawing on the nub. “Duh, me too,” he mumbled, the words tasting sour in his mouth.
Ethan's eyes widened unnaturally and breathed, "Christ Grayson, stop lying to yourself, you know you're in love with her."
"No, I'm not!" he said. "I don't even know what you're talking about."
Ethan closed his eyes and dragged his hand down his face. “Alright, well, go to sleep, maybe when you wake up you’ll have a brain.”
Gray scoffed and turned to leave with a scowl. However, as he walked down the hall, a frantic feeling rose in his throat. Had he been obvious? Had he really been that obvious? He had always been so careful: made sure his eyes didn't rest on you as long as they'd like and always fought down the urge to curl around you on the couch. He thought he had been discreet, but clearly not.
As he reached the fork that stood between your room and his own, Gray paused with a jumble of thoughts. He creaked open your door and, to his relief, found your eyes glued shut and your breathing heavy. He shuffled over to the bed and kissed the top of your head, smoothing your hair down where it laid on the pillow. When he pulled back, a hand came with him, fisted in his cotton tee. "Where’re you going?" you whined, eyes scrunched in confusion.
Grayson grinned warmly, tugging the blanket over you. You were wearing his 4OU tour shirt, completely drowning in the fabric. His heart swelled. "'M going to my room bub," he whispered, running a hand over your hair again.
"No." you groaned. "Please, just sleep in here. I sleep so much better."
Grayson's panic resurfaced. 'That's your girl, G.' Squeakily, he rushed out, "I can't, I um, I-"
"It's okay, you don't have to," you muttered, and while a frown formed on your face, you flipped onto your side.
"I..," he drifts off, not sure how to explain that he's sure he'll accidentally confess his undying love for you if he slides in next to you.
"It's all good. Goodnight, Grayson," you said evenly.
Grayson stood there debating his options for 20 full seconds. Then, he turned, slipped out of the room and across the hall to his own room and crawled into a bed far less inviting. And so, Gray lied in his bed, cycling through possible scenarios where you and him could work out, in another life, for hours. He tossed and turned, kicked his covers off, dragged them back on, changed tee shirts, wrote down video ideas (which, at this point in insomnia, were absolutely senseless. For example, Grayson came up with the sleep challenge, where they took naps while being recorded, and saw who could sleep continually the longest. It sounded good, really good, at the time), scrubbed his hands down his face in frustration, and listened to a variety of music.
He even read. He rummaged through his room, sure you left it behind the time you fell asleep on his bed and he, out of his own concern, slept in the guest room. After tearing his room apart top to bottom, he found it; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He flipped open the book, and smiled wide; this book was you. He leafed through the pages and found that they were all  smeared with highlighter on quotes or sections you particularly loved (though it seemed as though the entire book had been stained), notes in pen, pencil, and blue marker cluttered the pages, comments varying from 'the moment I realized Hermione was far cleverer than Harry' to 'what an IDIOT.' His heart was pounding with the acceptance that he, Grayson Dolan, was entirely, hopelessly, irreversibly in love with you. He already knew this, but accepting it was different. Fighting all his urges was becoming too much, he had to tell you before some other guy noticed how helplessly beautiful you were and snatched you up first.
So, he slammed the book shut, only on page 25, and while his nerves were still buzzing with anxiety and nervousness and love, he hopped from his bed. He padded out the door, opened yours, and crept through to find you propped up, reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a pen wiggling between your teeth. "Yes?" you asked quietly, coldly.
"What time is it?" he asked, fingers twiddling by his side. He clenched his fist and then relaxed it and repeated this many times.
"3:21 A.M."
"Alright, here goes nothing," Grayson breathed out.
''G, what are you-"
"I'm in love with you," Gray muttered, his voice four octaves too high, his breath shaky and soft and horribly small.
"I can't hear you G, what?"
"I'm, I'm-" Grayson groaned. "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" he shouted, loud, clear, even and big. He ignored Ethan's cheering from the other room and instead, stared back at you, whose pen had dropped from your mouth. "I'm in love with you, I'm so, so in love with you. I don’t- I can’t- I can’t even breathe when I’m around you sometimes, it feels like every time I look at you, you’re just too beautiful and it doesn’t matter if it’s when you’re my plus one at a wedding or we’re watching a movie, you are so beautiful to me.” he gasped, his words tumbling over one another in a rant. “My mind is-is like fuzz when you do anything, I saw you reading in here the other night and my heart wouldn’t stop pounding. It is insane how much I love you. I pray to God all the time that I would have the courage to tell you, even if you didn’t feel the same, so I won’t have to live with the regret of what could have been. We could be great together. I’m so in love with you.”
You gaped at him in complete disbelief. It was as if a vacuum had sucked out all the oxygen from your lungs, depriving you of any relief until you got up and kissed the boy who was shaking in front of you.
And so you did. You threw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire off of you, the ink from your pen bleeding into the sheets of your bed, climbed out wearing just his tee, and practically launched yourself at him, grabbing anything you could: hair, shoulders, his tee, his jaw, and slotted your mouths together. It was so forceful Grayson teetered backward, but he wrapped you up in his arms and spun the two of you in a circle, and smiled so big you couldn’t even continue kissing.
“‘M in love with you too,” you mumbled against his mouth and giggled.
“Hmm? What was that? Say it again,” he persuaded, setting you down.
“I said, I’m in love with you.”
“One more time?”
“I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU,” you screamed, grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. And then you were laughing, and then Ethan was cheering through the walls once more, and then you two were laughing even harder. “Alright, now you’re sleeping in here all the time so I can actually pass out. I’m exhausted,” you groaned, running a hand through your hair.
Grayson nodded, his stomach full of butterflies knowing this was the start of something amazing.  You pulled away from him and flipped back the blankets, grabbed his hand and pulled him in. Grayson kissed you a few more times for safety (and just cause he could), and then, as quick as a light switch, you were fast asleep, tangled limbs and all.
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lyssala · 5 years
Your Heart is the Only Place
Pairing: Terra/Aqua, Kingdom Hearts
Setting: One month after the previous chapter
Rating: K
Notes: LISTEN It’s my birthday so have some sappy sappy fluff cause what better way for me to celebrate hahaha We’re getting real close till I can finally actually write the babies! Not quite there yet, but soon. I actually like how this one came out though I was stuck on it for a little while. I just wanted a quiet moment with the Wayfinder Trio more than anything <3
Previous Chapter / AO3
7. Warmth
“And then, we got pushed right into the chalk drawing, like it came to life all around us.”
Out of the corner of Terra’s eyes he could see Ven waving his arms around frantically like that would describe adequately what was going on in his story. It didn’t, even to people who had eyes to see him, but Terra appreciated the effort Ven was going through to keep Aqua entertained.
“It almost had a strange feel to it,” Ven continued. “Like we could tell it was a world inside a world, which is I guess why we got asked to go in the first place. Something like that wasn’t heard of in other worlds so they wanted to make sure nothing was bad about it.”
“I see,” Aqua said. She sounded alert and interested to what Ven was saying but there was also a layer of exhaustion to her voice.
“Well, the only thing bad was the outfit Terra had to wear. I wish I had been smart enough to remember to take a picture to show you. You’d all probably cackle about as much as I did.”
“I think you did enough cackling for all five of us,” Terra said, trying to focus on the papers scattered over the desk but the words were blurring together. He reached up to rub his forehead, letting his eyes close for a second. How late was it?
“That’s true,” Ven snickered.
“Even though you had to wear the same outfit.”
“Yeah, but I pulled it off spectacularly.”
“Real cute, Ven,” Terra yawned. The temptation to just keep his eyes closed and fall asleep right on the desk was tempting but he forced his eyes back open to look down at the reports he was supposed to be finishing. He used to wonder what Eraqus did in his study all the times that he wasn’t teaching or training with them; Terra didn’t quite have to wonder anymore.
“I’m sure you were,” Aqua said and he didn’t even have to look to hear the amusement in her voice. “Both of you.”
That only sent Ven into a spiral of laughter again.
It was a warm night, summer coming in fiercely. Terra had the windows in his room open, the night air blowing in and hopefully taking out some of the humidity. It smelt almost like it would rain, but every time he looked the stars and the moon were clear, not a cloud in sight.
“But everything was…” She cut off with an exasperated sigh. “Ven, do you mind, getting…”
Terra turned around in his chair looking over to the bed where Aqua was trying to push herself up to sit better.
“Got it,” Ven said, leaning backwards almost off his spot on the bed to grab an extra pillow that must’ve fallen off at some point. “Here, lean up a little more.”
Aqua did as he asked while he secured the pillow behind her lower back. She sighed again when she leaned back against the pillows that were already propped up against the headboard of the bed, but this time she at least seemed a little more comfortable. “Thank you,” she said. “But everything was okay? On the mission?”
“Everything was fine,” Terra said, resting his arm on the back of his chair even though he knew the faster he got this paperwork done the faster he could go to bed. “No problems.”
“No problems at all,” Ven nodded as to support the statement. “It was fun even. Have you ever seen penguins wear suits before?”
Aqua laughed, and though it was breathy and tired, she still had a smile on her face as she looked to Ven. “Suits, really?”
“Really! They even danced.”
“Oh? Will you show me?”
Ven reached a hand to the back of his head, like he was suddenly embarrassed. “I dunno, I don’t remember.”
“Don’t be modest,” Terra said. “I’m sure you could do it off memory.”
“Hey, you’re just teasing now,” Ven huffed. “How about you do it.”
“No, Aqua already knows what a terrible dancer I am. I don’t think she needs a reminder.”
“I beg to differ,” she chuckled, though it was broken with a sharp breath, her hand fluttering down to the side of her stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Ven asked, quickly leaning forward to her.
Nights like these Terra was thankful that Ven liked to hang out with them more than he liked to sleep. Aqua refused to let Terra abandon any sort of work for her, but she was also having a difficult time getting any sleep. He knew it only came with the territory; she was eight months pregnant and the bigger the babies got the more active they were at all hours of the night. Not to mention the additional strain it put on every inch of her body let alone being comfortable enough to fall asleep. When Ven was here to keep her company and look after her if she had any discomfort made Terra feel a little more at ease, even if he’d gladly leave his work any chance he got.
“Oh, nothing,” she said, though her voice was strained slightly, gesturing for Ven to give her his hand. “They just don’t seem to understand what sleep means.”
Ven let her place his hand over to the side of her stomach and he must’ve felt them moving around because his blue eyes lit up. “Not even a little bit.” Ven leaned in a little bit, rubbing his hand gently against her. “We’re going to have so much fun, you know that right?”
Terra yawned again, leaning his chin against his arm as Aqua reached her other hand up to Ven’s head, brushing some of his bangs from his face. The babies must’ve done something in reaction to his voice because he was grinning as he looked up to Aqua.
“I think they do,” Aqua said.
Ven gave her another quick few taps before he flopped down on his back on the bed “Since it’s so close now, what do you think of the genders? Staying the same? Changed at all?”
“You’re only asking because I know you guys have a bet going,” Terra snorted.
Ven placed a hand on his chest, looking a little outraged. “Excuse me, how dare you think I’d profit on my future nieces or nephews.”
Terra arched his eyebrows.
“And because we all know I’m going to win so it’s pointless to discuss that fact.”
“That’s what I thought.” Terra glanced over to Aqua who was laughing slightly but was also already watching him. She didn’t say anything about him essentially abandoning his paperwork but it was also like…
He glanced to the clock in the corner of the room. It was already nearing two o’clock in the morning, so maybe she already understood he probably wasn’t finishing it tonight.
“I’m still the same,” Aqua said, tapping her fingers absent mindedly. “I think its girls. I couldn’t tell you why, I always thought it was a girl before I found out there were two so I figure there could be two just as easily.
“I know I probably should listen to you,” Terra said.
Aqua got this look on her face, which despite her exhaustion was so familiar a teasing face he saw countless times. “When have you ever?”
Ven clapped his hands over his mouth trying not to laugh.
“Yeah, yeah.” Terra rolled his eyes, even though he was just happy that she felt well enough to still have that personality of hers he loved so much. “I’m only saying I remember how I was as a kid, only boys could cause you as much trouble and annoyance as they have.”
“He has a fair point,” Ven said.
“Well what about you then,” Aqua said, reaching over to push lightly at his head.
“The best of both worlds, a boy and a girl.”
“Why?” Terra asked, more curious than accusing. It was reasonable enough he supposed, and it’s not like he never thought about it either but Ven sounded so sure in the fact that there had to be some reasoning behind it.
“Because, you guys were like meant to be together,” he said. “I always knew that before I even knew that I knew that, so I think it would be destiny’s way of…I dunno, making things right after things went wrong for so long.”
Okay, well, that wasn’t quite what Terra was expecting but still felt a smile on his lips; both from the sentiment and from how mature Ven sounded when he said it. Sometimes it was hard to realize how much he grew up, that he wasn’t that scared little boy any more, that he was ready to be a master in his own right but Terra found himself more proud than sad.
“That’s sweet, Ven,” Aqua said, her eyes looking a little watery. “I like that.”
He waved her off slightly, be the smile from the approval was clear on his face. Terra loved that the castle had so many residents again, that there would be even more. He loved that his family, both through friendship and now blood, continued to grow but there was something special to him about the three of them. It was how his life started really.
Terra didn’t really remember his parents, they died when he was young but ever since he was brought to the Land of Departure with Eraqus it was home, they were family. Aqua came after and while they butted heads a lot as they both tried to figure out how to be friends with each other, once they understood how the other operated, what made them happy, what made them mad, what made them laugh, they were inseparable. When Ven came into their lives he was like the little brother neither ever had; their own unique family that couldn’t be broken apart even when outside forces tried their damnedest. Sure they were missing one important family member, but only in body not in heart.
Terra often felt like Eraqus was still with them in the quietest of the halls, in the warm breezes that blew around their hair, in the moonlight that kept the darkness at bay at nights. He knew he wasn’t the only one; Ven often said because they left their wayfinders on Eraqus’ memorial they left him a way to always come back to them, even if they couldn’t see him. Aqua would hum in approval, the thought of him being still with them comforting. Terra knew because he felt the same way about it.
He hoped it was true, because in a month and a half he was going to need all the help he could get, especially from the only dad he ever knew. Terra tried not to worry about it, but late at night when he realized that he’d never even held a baby before how was he supposed to know to take care of his own kids it wasn’t exactly easy. He saw the lives of two kids who trained under the same master, and how one was led to darkness while the other embraced light. How was he supposed to lead anyone down the right paths when he himself wasn’t always on the right path?
The comfort of Aqua and Ven talking, of their presence was starting to fade, leaving Terra’s chest clenched, making it feel hard to breath. He didn’t have time to push off the what ifs any more when every day came closer to the reality that he was going to have two lives in his hands.
“Terra,” Aqua said, making him blink his eyes. Both Aqua and Ven were watching him, and Terra wondered just how long he had zoned out. “C’mon, I know you’re about to fall asleep on that chair.”  
Ven looked like he was about to laugh at catching Terra passing out at his desk but Aqua looked a little more knowingly; despite the smile her forehead was furrowed. Maybe not knowing exactly what he was thinking, but something along the lines.
“Alright,” Terra said, pushing himself up from the chair to walk over to the bed that was already looking a little full; considering Ven rolled over on his side to face Aqua it was clear he had no thought of leaving.
She carefully inched herself forward on the bed, moving aside some of the pillows so there was room for him. Terra did his best not to jostle her too much as he climbed in behind, kicking his legs up on the bed on either side of her. She laid back against him with a small sigh, but one he at least knew was a content one as he placed his hands over her stomach.
He could easily feel them moving around, clearly the reason she was still awake. It made his chest feel warm for a moment, feeling living proof that they were there and they were real never got old, but he couldn’t shake his previous mindset that easily. Terra leaned his head down slightly, placing a quick kiss to the side of her head, letting the easy comfort of Aqua’s presence try and make him relax.
“Do you have names yet?” Ven asked, tapping his finger against the blanket under him.
“Not since yesterday when you asked last,” Aqua chuckled, though she was sounding significantly more tired.
“C’mon,” he said. “You need names, names like make it so real.”
“Believe me, Ven. It’s plenty real to me.”
Terra snorted, closing his eyes, his head still leaned up against hers.
They were all quiet for a moment and Terra thought the two of them might’ve actually fallen asleep this time, but the babies were still moving around and Ven was shifting on the bed.
“Hey,” he said, though his voice was much quieter than before. “Can I ask you guys something personal?”
That question could be alarming coming from a teenager but Terra knew from his own embarrassing experience, Eraqus was plenty adept in giving those sorts of talks. Ven was already plenty aware of what went into actually having kids.
“Of course,” Aqua said. “You know we’ll always be honest with you, Ven.”
He was quiet, hesitant almost. Ven was always curious and always open with that curiosity so it was strange to see him nervous to ask them something. Terra opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Ven who was picking at the blanket.
“Do you guys ever get scared? Like about all of this?”
Terra swallowed the lump in his throat, afraid that maybe he accidentally spoke aloud when he was lost in his mind a few minutes ago but it wasn’t directed just at him. He knew he was afraid, and often afraid for that matter, but voicing that to the two people he loved the most was a lot harder.
“Oh, Ven,” Aqua said in that soft tone of hers. “Of course, absolutely.”
It wasn’t like he didn’t know, but there was something about the honesty in her tone that made him feel not quite as alone in his own fears.
“I get scared sometimes too,” Ven said, not looking up at them. “That like something bad might happen to you or them, and then I don’t know what I’d do. I don’t know if I could do it again.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s okay to feel that way, that’s what love is. You don’t want anything bad to happen to the people you love so much so that it hurts sometimes. You know what makes me feel better?”
Ven did look up that time.
“You,” she said, reaching her hand out to ruffle his hair. “Terra, and Sora, Kairi, Riku, and Lea all people who I know if anything ever happened to me would not only take care of our children, but would take care of each other and that’s all I’d ever want.”
“Okay,” Ven said, a small smile on his lips.
“And I know…” Aqua said as she reached for Terra’s hand, lacing her fingers with his. “Terra gets scared sometimes too, it’s not just me.”
“I am right here,” he said, though he wasn’t actually upset; it was the truth after all.
“Yeah, I know but you’d never actually say it.”
He couldn’t ever say she didn’t know him.
“For the same reasons?” Ven asked, glancing up to Terra.
“Mostly,” he said, also not a lie. The fear of something happening to him again and not only leaving Aqua and Ven but two small children now was enough to keep him up at night at times.
“He gets worried he won’t know what do to as a father, that he won’t make the right choices or won’t be able to be there for them like he wants to be but he should know he’s wrong.”
Terra shook his head and laughed despite himself. He supposed it was pointless to keep anything from her. “Am I now?”
“Absolutely. I know it because I’ve had bandages put on my knees by you, and I’ve watched you encourage Ven to be the best person he could be, I’ve seen you make special meals for Sora, Kairi and Riku that reminded them of their home, and I’ve seen you keep Lea on his toes in training like Master used to do to you. All not your biological children, sure, but that doesn’t matter. You do all those things without thinking, so stop thinking.”
“Should be easy for you, Ter,” Ven chuckled.
He supposed it was the mark of their own family bonds that he could reach out to gently hit Ven in the head as he leaned in to press a kiss to Aqua’s cheek. It didn’t make all the worries that swirled around in his head and the pit of his stomach vanish, but it did make him feel more at ease that in the least she believed in him just fine.
Ven was careful about it, but he scooted in, wrapping his arms around them as best as he could as his head rested on Terra’s other arm. “Well, I know you’re the best parents I ever had so I think any kids of yours are lucky. I know I was.”
Aqua hummed as she reached an arm around him but it sounded slightly choked. Terra closed his eyes as he leaned his head against the headboard, breathing out slightly.
It was scary most all the time, the closer she got to her due date the harder it got but at the same time no matter what they had each other. They already went through the worse and here they were, still awake at two am in one of their rooms keeping each other company. He supposed he should know they could get through anything as long as they were together, and in this case it was a good thing, a very good thing.
He looked back down to try and see if they wanted to move but it was too late. Terra noticed the babies had settled under his hands, Aqua’s eyes were already closed, her breathing rhythmic. Ven didn’t make it much better; he was snuggled up next to them, his head buried but Terra could see Ven’s side’s rising and falling. Also Terra’s arm had already fallen asleep.
Of course, how did he not see this one coming?
He carefully untangled his hand from Aqua’s, moving to flip off the lamp on the night stand next to him. The darkness wasn’t quite as scary as it used to be, plus the moonlight was shining in through the window.
Terra sighed as he leaned against the headboard again, eyes glancing towards the open window. His family really was much bigger now, his world even so much bigger and yet these were the times he’d cherish the most, when it was the three of them.
A warm breeze blew in through the window; blowing over them and making him close his eyes with a small smile. Ah, of course, how could he forget?
When it was the four of them.
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Reconnecting (Chapter Six)
Pairing: Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor X Reader
Word count: 6213 (yes, I’m serious) 
Summary: (Y/n) and Roger have been friends since the cradle. When they’re suddenly pulled apart and reconnected years later, they both can tell that the relationship has evolved. They lead very different lifestyles now. Can they continue what they had, or go for something more, with this gap between them?
Warnings: Cussing, a lil blood, violence, Paul almost fighting someone
A/N: Good afternoon, lovies! I’ve got a surprise for you, as you may have seen me post about a couple days ago! Click on these words to be taken to the Reconnecting Spotify playlist! I felt like a playlist embodying the themes and events of this story would be appropriate. Also, if you listen in order, it takes you through the story chronologically. I will still be adding songs as the story progresses, because some, if added now, would serve as spoilers. I hope you guys listen and enjoy! Now, I bring you the most words I’ve ever written for one chapter of anything. I hope you love it! 
Master list is in my profile description! :) 
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Ridge Farm Studio looked homely enough. Of course, it was a farm out in the middle of nowhere, but you decided you’d make it work. If you’d be here for at least a month, maybe longer, you’d have to.
You parked your car next to Roger’s. Everyone was unloading their luggage and setting it over by the farm house. You’d just brought one suitcase, so that part wasn’t too difficult.
“All right everyone, let’s head inside. (Y/n), get the luggage for us.” Paul Prenter, Freddie’s manager, gestured to all the suitcases before taking the band inside.
“Wha--what? Hey! Get back here!” Paul continued to walk away, while the rest of the band grabbed whatever they could to take inside. They all gave you a pitying look. They knew you hated Paul more than anyone. You couldn’t stand people who thought they were better than everyone, and Paul was the epitome of that kind of person. You groaned, grabbing one suitcase in each hand and putting a makeup bag under your arm before heading up the stairs into the house.
You followed everyone to the upstairs of the house. Paul gave Freddie the biggest room, Roger and Brian got smaller rooms, and John was stuck in the basement. Which meant you had to navigate the three floors, trying to figure out which bags belonged to whom, because no one thought to tag them. It took you a good forty-five minutes to get the job done, because apparently Freddie needed seven suitcases for clothes alone. (“What the hell, Fred?” “Sorry darling, but you know how I am!”)
You stepped into the kitchen, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. “And (Y/n), you’ll have to sleep in the barn.” Paul sat at the table, sifting through papers.
“Oh no no no, that is not happening.” You put a hand on top of his paperwork to direct his attention to you. “And where, pray tell, are you sleeping?”
“Freddie and I are sharing a room.” Paul smirked at you smuggly. “Maybe if you were useful to them, you could’ve gotten better sleeping arrangements.”
Fuming, you swiped all his papers onto the floor before storming outside. Ever since Freddie had hired Paul as a manager, you two had been at each other’s throats. You couldn’t agree on a single thing and your personalities clashed. He was far too controlling for your taste.
“Pick these up, bitch!” he yelled after you.
You ignored him, flinging the door of the house open. Roger didn’t mention Paul would be there. You would prefer cleaning up after James’s drunk ass than dealing with him.
Speaking of Roger, he stood across the yard, looking up when he heard you. He was squatted down, butt sticking out, with a chicken at his feet. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Roger looked back down at the chicken, reaching out to poke it. “Roger, don’t mess with the chicken.”
“I’m going to mess with the chicken.”
The chicken puffed out its chest, slightly charging at Roger. He screamed loudly, falling back on his butt.
“I told you!” you yelled. You sat down and grabbed your stomach because you were laughing so hard. Big bad Roger, scared by a chicken.
He stood up, wiping the dust off his backside. He mocked your laugh, putting his hands on his hips and sticking his elbows forward for emphasis. “Hahaha, that was sooo funny! I love when Roger makes a fool of himself!”
“It’s true, I love it.” You had your back against a wooden post.
“Oh buzz off.” Trying to hide a smile, Roger walked past you and into the house, leaving you to die laughing on the porch.
Ignoring Paul’s desires for you to be as far away from the house as possible, you made camp on the couch after everyone had gone to bed. You’d lied to Roger about where you were sleeping because you didn’t want him to feel bad that you didn’t have a room. You pulled a rough blanket over your body; it was the only one you could find. The couch wasn’t too comfortable either. You sighed, figuring you were used to little sleep, so this shouldn’t be too different.
After two hours of tossing and turning, being unable to sleep, you heard someone come down the stairs. Quickly, you rolled over and closed your eyes, trying to even out your breathing. Whoever it was padded into the kitchen, running the sink. Likely getting a glass of water. They came back out into the living room, taking several loud gulps. Then, they were silent for a few seconds. “(Y/n)?”
“...yes, Roger?” you answered slowly.
“Why are you on the couch?”
He sighed. “Okay, but why not in a bed?”
“Hey, Paul tried to put me in the barn, this is an upgrade.” You rolled back over, facing him.
He widened his eyes, his anger showing through them. “You can’t be serious.” You nodded. He scoffed. “That’s bullshit. This couch is bullshit. Get up, we can share a room.”
“Roger, I don’t want to encroach on your spa--”
“Also bullshit. How many sleepovers did we have as kids?” He held a hand out to you to help you get up. “It’s a queen-sized bed. It’ll be fine.”
You had to admit, now that you were both adults, sharing a bed like you did as children would be weird. As far as either of you knew, you weren’t attracted to each other. But you were both attractive adults who knew what implications of sharing a bed were. Regardless, you were longing to sleep in a bed, so you grabbed his hand and pulled yourself off the couch.
You followed Roger up the stairs and into his room. You didn’t hear any noise coming from Freddie’s room, which you found strange for the night owl singer and his loudmouth manager. Roger’s room was right next door, so you were actually grateful for that quiet. Until the cold hit you.
“Oh, my GOD, Roger, this room is freezing!” You rubbed your arms up and down, trying to create some heat.
“That’s part of the reason I got up.” He laughed. “That’s also probably why I was given the most blankets.”
“I miss the couch,” you joked. “There’s even a fireplace down there.”
He let out a dry chuckle. “It gets better once you’re under the covers.”
You gave a sarcastic thumbs-up. “Okay, I’ll hold you to that if I freeze.”
“It is not that cold, you drama queen.” Roger shook his head, laying down. “Goodnight.”
You slipped under the covers on the other side of the bed. There were a significant amount of blankets, which you were grateful for. You pulled them up to your chin, smiling at the much more comfortable feel of the mattress. “Night, Rog.”
You stared straight ahead, at the wall, while Paul talked about today’s plans. He wasn’t even the band’s manager. You were closer to that title than he. He shouldn’t be making the daily schedule for everyone. Living with him was going to be your living hell.
“All right, is everyone good with that?” he asked. The band members nodded groggily. Brian looked about ready to face plant into his cereal. Paul had woken everyone up at the crack of dawn, and no one was happy about it.
Everyone stood up, getting ready to walk over to the studio part of the farm. You downed your last bit of orange juice, setting the cup down in the sink.
“So! How’d you sleep last night?” Paul asked, leaning on the counter next to you.
You sighed angrily. “Very well, thank you. Roger let me sleep in his room.”
“Ah,” Paul said stiffly. Then he smirked. “And, uh, how do James and Gayle feel about that?”
“What are you implying, Prenter?” You gave him a death glare.
“Oh nothing, nothing.” Paul patted you on the shoulder patronizingly before exiting in the kitchen.
Seeing red, you followed him, violently shoving a chair out of the way as you left. You heard your enemy chuckle up ahead.
“Okay,” you said, rubbing your temples. “We’ve been in here for six hours. Freddie’s had to pee eleven times, Brian’s over there nodding off, Roger doesn’t know what song we’re on, and we have yet to record anything.”
Everyone collectively groaned. This album was proving difficult. Aside from several songs no one could agree on, the band didn’t seem inclined to get any work done.
“Just take a break,” you said, motioning for the band to leave. Everyone except yourself, Paul, and Brian left the room. Brian had laid himself on the floor and was already asleep. “This better just be one bad day,” you remarked to no one in particular.
Paul sighed. “Yeah...let’s hope.”
Half an hour later, the band came back. They woke up Brian and put out some songs they weren’t quite finished writing yet. “We figure if we finish these today, we can start recording tomorrow,” Freddie explained.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” You nodded. “Let me know how I can help.”
Brian yawned. “What’s a sweet food?” he asked randomly.
“Chocolate?” “Candy.” “Sugar.” “Cookies!”
He frowned. “No....”
You sat next to Roger, who seemed very deep in thought. “What are you writing?”
He smirked. “A car song.”
“Like, something you can listen to in the car?” you asked.
“Sure…” he answered slowly.
You gave him a funny look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see.”
Roger’s room seemed even colder the second night. Maybe it’s because your blood was boiling from another argument with Paul.
“What did I do to him thought?!” you shouted, knowing he could very well be right next door. “I’m just trying to do my job until Sheffield gets here!”
“You did almost fling milk in his face.” Roger was in bed, shirtless, arms behind his head as he leaned on the headboard.
“He mentioned my ‘womanly emotions’ first.” You sat down on the edge of your side of the bed. “He deserved more than milk in the face.”
“Just go to sleep. You’ll feel better tomorrow.” Roger shifted down into the sheets, turning off his bedside table lamp.
You wrapped yourself up in the blankets, still shivering. You didn’t like being cold. It made it hard for you to function normally. Maybe it was dramatic, but that’s how you were.
“Jesus, you’re shaking the whole bed.” Roger suddenly pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. “Stop. Shivering.”
You blushed. “Okay, I-I’ll try.”
He smiled, though you couldn’t see it. He liked being able to cuddle you, though he wouldn’t admit it out loud. You liked it too, because he was warm, and his arms were safe.
You sighed. “Thanks. Goodnight, Roger.”
“Goodnight, (Y/n).”
You were awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of piano and singing. Roger’s arms were still tightly wrapped around you, and you still felt warm and comfortable. You spent several minutes debating whether or not to get up; you wanted to know why Freddie would be singing at such an hour. Eventually, your curiosity got the better of you, and you gently unwrapped yourself from Roger’s arms and the sheets before heading up to the loft.
“Love of my life...you’ve hurt me…” You peaked around the wall, seeing Freddie at the piano and Paul in a chair on the other side of the room. You retreated back behind the wall, listening contentedly. “You’ve broken my heart, and now you leave me....” Such a beautiful, yet sad, song.
You heard Paul stand up, which made his chair creak. “Is that about Mary?” he asked.
Freddie hesitated. “Yes.”
Both men were silent for several seconds, making you suspicious. You snuck a look around the wall again and had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep silent.
Paul was kissing Freddie. On the lips.
Freddie seemed entirely uncomfortable. He pulled away from Paul, looking completely bewildered. He looked down at the piano, not wanting to meet Paul’s gaze.
You stepped back down a few stair steps, trying to calm your breathing. You still couldn’t believe what you’d just seen. Was Freddie cheating on Mary? Did Mary know? What was going on??
Roger, meanwhile, had woken up to your absence. He sat up, looking around the dark room, in which you were nowhere to be found. He figured you’d gone to the bathroom, so he lay back down and decided to wait until you got back to try to sleep again.
You gently stepped the rest of the way down the stairs, trying to be as silent as possible. If Paul or Freddie saw you, you didn’t want to know what would happen. You were still trying to figure out if you wanted to ignore it or mention it to Freddie, or maybe even Mary. If something like that happened to you, you would want someone to tell you.
Stepping back into Roger’s room, you knew he was awake. He was on his back, staring at the ceiling. When you closed the door, he looked over to you, smiling. “There you are. Welcome back.”
“Yeah, I’m back,” you replied, distracted. “Sorry, if I woke you.”
“No, it’s okay.” He held his arms open for you again. You laughed, scooting into him. You heard his breathing even out a few minutes later, meaning he’d gone back to sleep. You stayed awake, pondering the events of the day, but mostly the ones you’d just witnessed. It bugged you, a lot. It wasn’t your business, but you were close to Mary, so it sort of was. Either way, you couldn’t help but worry about something you couldn’t change.
An hour later, you heard Freddie and Paul go to bed.
You woke up on your stomach with Roger’s arm under you. His other arm was hanging over the side of the bed. You cringed, pushing yourself up and off of his arm. You didn’t know how long you’d been like that, and you didn’t want to know how bad his pins and needles in that hand were going to be.
The light streaming through the window indicated that it was the middle of the morning, which was strange. Paul hadn’t woken everyone up. Or, at least, he hadn’t woken up you and Roger.
“Rog. Roger. Roger Taylor.” You repeatedly poked Roger’s face, trying to wake him up. “C’mon, we have to get the day started.”
Roger groaned, flexing the hand of the arm you were laid on. “What time is it?”
“I don’t know. Nine o’clock?”
“Wow. I got to sleep in.” He laughed, sitting up and stretching. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty well with my own personal heater with me,” you joked. “You?”
“Like a log.” He flapped his hand around. “Jeez, what did you do?”
You giggled, grabbing his arm to stop him from accidentally hitting you. “You’ll be fine, just give it a few minutes.”
“Okay. Once I regain feeling in my arm, I’ll shower and meet you down at breakfast?”
“Sounds good.” You both got out of bed, heading off to do separate things.
“Not strong enough? What do you mean, ‘not strong enough’?”
“Roger, just look at the lyrics.” Brian sat at the bar, trying to eat his breakfast peacefully.
“Let’s see what you’ve written then!” Roger snatched some papers off of the bar, looking at them intently. “‘You call me sweet, like I’m some kind of cheese.’”
You raised an eyebrow at Brian, the hand holding your toast suspended in midair. “That’s the sweet food you went with?”
Brian shrugged. “It’s good.”
“Wow.” Roger threw his hands out in frustration.
“Is that-is that, you know, ‘With my hands on your grease gun’? That’s very subtle--”
Roger cut him off: “It’s a metaphor, Brian!”
You snorted while John chimed in, “It’s just a bit weird, Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?”
At some point during the spat, Freddie had walked in behind you. “Children, please. We could all kill each other, but then who would be left to record this album?”
“Statistically speaking,” John started, “most band’s don’t fail, they break up.”
You stopped chewing mid-bite, giving John an incredulous look. “Why the hell would you say something like that?” Freddie asked. John shrugged, still eating. Freddie rolled his eyes, directing his attention back to the angry blond. “Roger, there’s only room in this band for one hysterical queen.” He promptly exited the kitchen, probably the smartest thing he’d ever done.
“You know what your problem is,” Brian said, still attempting to eat quietly.
“Oh, and what’s that?” Roger snapped.
“You know your song isn’t strong enough.”
Roger nodded, still fuming with anger. He meandered over to the stove before grabbing a piece of bacon straight out of the pan, throwing it into Brian’s face. “Is that strong enough?!”
“Roger!” you shouted.
In one swift motion, he swept everything off of the bar. “That?!”
Fairly used to violent outburst from him, the three of you just stared at the floor where the smashed plates and ruined breakfast lay.
He turned around and grabbed the coffee maker, prepared to hurl it straight into Brian’s face. “Not the coffee machine!” you three yelled, holding your arms out to stop his arm. He held it up for several seconds, panting.
“Can you just fucking chill for five seconds?” you demanded. “Maybe not break Brian’s nose?”
Roger slammed the coffee machine down onto the bar, storming out of the kitchen. You sighed, then began looking for a broom to sweep up his mess with.
“Where’s Roger?” you asked Paul and Freddie. They were standing in the studio, their stress clearly showing.
“You won’t believe us if we told you,” Freddie replied, rubbing his forehead.
“Try me.”
“Okay.” Paul turned to you, crossing his arms over his chest. “He’s locked himself in a kitchen cupboard.”
“What?” you questioned. “And why on Earth would he do that?”
“He wants ‘I’m In Love With My Car’ to be on the B side of Bohemian Rhapsody.” Freddie shook his head. “He’s been there for at least an hour and refuses to come out until we agree to his wishes.”
“Sounds like a hostage situation. Except Roger’s both the captor and the hostage.” When both men looked at you like you were crazy, you continued, “Yeah, I’ll just go try to get him out.” You turned to head back to the kitchen.
Once inside, you noticed several other things on the floor, such as broken plates, food, silverware, and the coffee machine. He must’ve fought with someone again.
“Roger.” No reply. “Roger Meddows Taylor, get out here right now!” you demanded.
You rolled your eyes. You tried to open all the cupboards until one didn’t open, indicating which one he was in. “Roger, doing this isn’t going to solve your song problem. You’re just being a pissy baby.”
“I’m still not coming out.”
You sighed. “Okay. We’ll just record everything except your vocals and drums. I can probably fill in for you.” You chuckled at the prospect. “Just stay in there and starve.”
“Joke’s on you, I grabbed some food. I can stay in here as long as it takes.”
You stood up, brushing the floor dust off of your pants. “All right, whatever you say.” Just to mess with him, you turned on the sink so it ran at a trinkle. You left the kitchen but stood just outside the door, listening.
A few minutes later, you heard a sigh from the cupboard. “I have to pee.”
“Freddie, you have to talk to him.” You sat next to Freddie on the couch. “We haven’t been able to get anything done in two days. We’re wasting our time here at this point.”
Freddie groaned. “Yes, I know. It’s just...a very weird song.”
“It’s probably not the weirdest thing he’s said. Nothing else comes to mind off the top of my head, but...I’m sure.”
Freddie laughed. “You’re probably right. Maybe we could give it a chance. It certainly can’t be Brian’s cheese song on the B side.”
You chuckled. “True, very true.” You hesitated, wondering if you should say what’s on your mind. You figured it would almost haunt you if you didn’t, so you just went for it. “Fred, I saw you and Paul kiss last night.”
Your friend stared straight ahead, into the unlit fireplace. He looked exceptionally sad, like the kiss was weighing very heavily on him. “Please,” he began, looking over at you, “please don’t tell Mary. I love her, and it wasn’t my doing. She would be crushed if I cheated on her. Which I didn’t, but I can’t make that situation look to be anything else.”
“I won’t tell her,” you promised. “But you will have to, at some point. She has a right to know, even if it wasn’t something you necessarily initiated.”
He nodded. “I know. I just don’t want to see her hurt.”
You grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “She loves you. She’ll try to understand.”
He smiled at you, squeezing your hand back. “Okay darling, since you pried into my personal love life, may I ask you a question?”
“Fire away.”
“Is there a thing between you and Roger?” Freddie turned so he was facing you better. “Because you two would make the most adorable couple.”
“Oh, my God, Fred, no!” You burst out laughing. “No, Roger is my best friend, we wouldn’t date. Besides, I have James and he has Ga--”
“Yes yes, I know. But you seriously can’t see that you would be great together??” Fred had his hands out in emphasis.
You shook your head. “No, Freddie. He and I are more...platonic soulmates, if you will.”
He rolled his eyes, imitating you talking with is hand. “Blah, blah, blah. That is the cheesiest way I’ve ever heard someone say, ‘I like him but he doesn’t like me back.’”
You socked him in the arm, hard. “Shut up! No, that is not what I meant, and no, I do not like Roger!”
Freddie winked at you. “Okay, whatever you say.”
You groaned, standing up and walking briskly to the kitchen. You walked over to the sink, which was still trickling, and shut it off. “Still need to pee, Taylor?”
“No, I’m good now,” Roger answered.
“Eew!” You gagged for dramatic effect. “I was going to tell you what you wanted to hear, but now I may just let you sit in there in your own piss.”
The door to the cupboard flung open. Roger did, indeed, have a dark stain on the front of his light pants. “You’re serious? (Y/n), don’t joke with me.”
“Yes, we’re going to give your strange car song a try.” You shook your head. “You are one of the craziest people I’ve ever met. That stunt caused us another day’s delay.”
“But it worked!” He grabbed you into a bear hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground and shaking you back and forth.
Your diaphragm was constricted in the hug, so your speech sounded more like a wheeze. “Roger, you smell like mothballs and urine, I think you need another shower.”
“Oh, true.” He set you down, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry.”
You gave him a gentle punch on his upper arm. “Hey, you’re cool. I’m interested to see how your song sounds.”
“Me too. I assume you talked to Fred about it?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “He’s not thrilled, but we’re both willing to give it a try.”
“Thank you,” he said, smiling down at you. You looked into his eyes, and stared for a bit longer than you should. You looked down at his nose, not wanting Fred to be right.
“No problem.” You gave him another quick hug before pushing him towards the house so he could shower.
After another cold night of cuddling with Roger, it was finally time to get some recording done. Roy Thomas Baker, the producers, and Norman Sheffield had arrived, and neither were too pleased with the lack of progress. You promised they’d be getting things done today, whatever it took.
The deal was that if Roger got his song on the B side of Bohemian Rhapsody, then the latter song would be recorded first. Said song required Roger to sing the name of famous astronomer Galileo over and over again. Very high-pitched.
“Galileo!” he began. “Galileo! Galileo, figarooo!” He took off his headphones. “How was that?” he asked into the microphone.
“Higher,” Freddie demanded. Brian, at the other microphone, turned it on. “Can you go higher?”
“Um...I can try?” Roger redid his line, going very slightly higher. “That better?”
“Higher,” Freddie said again. Brain relayed the request.
This went on for several times, until Roger began to get frustrated. “If I go any higher, only dogs will hear me!”
Freddie insisted he go higher. Roger tried the line a few more times before asking, “Who even is Galileo?” Brian, who had a degree in astrophysics, facepalmed before telling Roger to do the line again.
Roger did the line at least twelve more times before Freddie looked satisfied. “Are we done? Can I get a drink?” Roger questioned.
“Fred?” Brian asked.
The singer nodded. “We’re good. Let him drink something.”
Brian laughed, turning the mic back on. “You’re good.”
Roger sighed. “Thank God. That took forever.”
The four members of the band crowded around the microphone stand. The walls behind them had been set up to get a better sound, and they were ready to record the operatic section of the song. They had rehearsed it several times, wanting to make it perfect. Everyone agreed that it was wonderful, and was ready to be recorded.
The band recorded several takes of the section, each attempt sounding better than the one before it. The last take, however, was hands-down the greatest, and you could tell the band thought so too. They started getting a little jumpy and excited, and once they reached the end of the section, they accidentally knocked the walls down, falling with them.
After your laughing fit, you went into the recording room to see if everyone was okay, but they were also laughing. Mostly at John, who hadn’t realized the wall was falling and grabbed onto Freddie at the last possible second. And still fell.
“John, you goof,” you joked, reaching down a hand to help him up.
“Hey, it was Brian’s fault!” John retorted, pulling himself up with your help.
“On the bright side, the guitars back there are okay.” Brian pointed to the back of the room, where a rack of guitars sat.
“That’s an expensive bright side,” Roger remarked, causing everyone to laugh again.
You shook your head, chuckling. “Okay everyone, we’re done for today. We’ve recorded enough.”  
Everyone whooped and punched their fists in the air, running off to enjoy the rest of the night.
“I have no idea.”
You pointed to another constellation. “Okay, what about that one?”
“Do I look like I’d know about stars?” Roger asked, pointing to his face.
You laughed, shaking your head. “These are the easy ones! Anyone could name the Big Dipper!”
Roger glanced back out at the sky. A few seconds later, he suddenly gasped. “I know what those are called!”
You looked to where he was pointing, and saw a shooting star fly across the sky. You looked over at him once it was gone. He was smiling, and it was the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen.
He made eye contact with you. “What?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you answered slowly. “I’m fine.”
Both of you found yourselves leaning in. It wasn’t a conscious decision by either of you, it just felt like the right thing to be doing at that particular moment. He grabbed your upper arm, pulling you closer as both of you closed your eyes.
The door behind you slammed open, causing you two to rip apart and eliciting a scream of shock from you.
“Darlings! We’re watching a movie if you want to stop lip-locking for a while!” Freddie was smiling down at you knowingly.
“Get out of here!” Roger shouted. Freddie laughed, closing the door.
You scooted away from Roger, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Do you want to go watch the movie?” you asked, not looking at him.
He leaned against the porch post, sighing. “Not one bit.”
Recording “I’m In Love With My Car” was interesting. Roger was the only one who looked like he was having any fun. The others looked massively confused and disturbed. Roger had yet to answer John’s question of what, exactly, he was doing with that car, but everyone had a fairly good idea about the answer.
Roger poured his heart and soul into the song, and you were entranced. You two had slept facing away from each other last night, not wanting to deal with the fact that you had almost kissed. Since that moment, however, you were seeing things in Roger that you hadn’t seen before. For example, little ticks he had which you found adorable, like running his hands through his hair or biting his lip. You were also noticing how truly attractive he was. It was a strange experience. You’d known him your whole life, and suddenly these things were hitting you like a freight train.
You couldn’t help but wonder if he was feeling anything similar.
He sang while the other members of Queen jumped in for background vocals. Roger kept making eye contact with you through the glass, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was looking up to see if you were watching, which you were, of course. The whole sight was captivating for several reasons, not the least of which were the hilarious facial expressions Freddie, John, and Brian wore.
Baker leaned down to the microphone. “That was great. Let’s try to get the instrumental parts down now.”
Roger stayed in the recording room to do the drum parts. You laughed at the prospect of him having to perform this song on stage, playing drums vigorously while singing. The band looked at you strangely, thinking something was quite wrong with you.
“We’re playing tennis after dinner,” Fred announced. “There are courts on the back of the property, so we’re going to go have some fun.”
You set your fork down, looking over at him. “I can’t play tennis. I have no idea how.”
“Have you never been to Wimbledon?” he asked.
“No, I’ve never had the money or a reason.” You resumed eating.
“Okay, that’s a crime,” Roger said, sliding his food away. “We’ll teach you how to play tennis and then take you to Wimbledon.”
You frowned. “All right, whatever you guys say.”
Once everyone had finished eating, the five of you headed out to the tennis courts. Freddie had taken the liberty of finding several rackets and balls, distributing them to everyone. You decided the games would be doubles, and whoever was left out would be the umpire.
“Okay!” Freddie shouted. “It’ll be me and Brian versus the Taylors!”
“I will hurt you with a brick,” you threatened. Freddie held up his hands in resignation.
Roger wrapped an arm around your waist. “C’mon, (Y/n). We’ll make a great doubles pair.”
“We’re going to get our asses handed to us,” you corrected.
“True, but we’ll have fun while it’s happening.” He led you over to your side of the court.
As predicted, you were losing badly. Your racket seemed to have a hole in it and John was biased towards the other side when you did win a point. At least, that’s what you wanted to believe, but you knew you were probably screwing up.
Now, it was your turn to serve. You bounced the ball a couple of times, trying to envision the ball landing where you wanted it to. You gingerly threw it up in the air, testing it. Then, you tossed it up and whacked it as hard as you could with the racket. It flew way off course, almost leaving the court area before it hit whoever was entering the area straight in the face.
Any guess who it hit?
Roger turned away so Paul couldn’t see him laughing. His face was red and his hand was covering his mouth in an effort to silence himself. Paul was holding the bridge of his nose, trying to stop the blood that was dripping onto the pavement.
“What the fuck, (L/n)??” he screamed.
You too were trying not to laugh. “I’m sorry Paul, but that was a perfect fault.”
He stormed towards you. “That’s the last time you disrespect me.” He held out his hand that wasn’t holding his nose, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. You grabbed his wrist, trying to wrench him off of you, eyes wide in surprise.
“Prenter!” Roger shouted, grabbing Paul by the back of his shirt and yanking him back as hard as possible. Paul let go of your shirt, falling onto his back. “That’s not okay! She hit you on accident!”
“No she didn’t!” Paul pushed himself up, deciding to let his nose bleed freely. He looked about ready to charge at you again before Roger grabbed him around the middle, pinning his arms to his sides.
“It’s about time you left,” he said threateningly. He began to drag a squirming Paul back to the house.
You flipped him off while Brian put a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?” he asked gingerly.
“Yeah. Just wish I would’ve hit him more down south.”
Brian winced, laughing. “Yeah, he deserves more than a bloody nose.” He gave you a pat on the back. “Let’s go get dessert or something. We can always play tennis later. Maybe you’ll hit Roger next time.” Your jaw drops in offense. You smacked his arm away from you, causing him to chuckle.
Roger and the boys had to talk about music things later that night, so he came to bed a couple hours after you. You hadn’t been able to get to sleep for whatever reason, so you were staring at the ceiling, trying to make yourself bored and tired.
But you weren’t bored. You were thinking about Roger, and how he defended you after you gave Paul what he deserved. Granted, you could’ve handled the situation on your own, but it was nice to have someone care about you like that.
Roger took off his shirt and exchanged his jeans for pajama pants before slipping into bed. He gently brushed his hand up and down your arm. “Come over here, I’m cold.”
You laughed, moving over into his arms. He held you tightly, as if he really didn’t want you to leave. “How’d the music discussion go?” you asked.
“Pretty well,” he answered. “We know exactly what we want to record, and in what order we’ll put the songs in. It’s going to sound beautiful.”
You closed your eyes, leaning your head onto his chest. “I know it will.” You yawned loudly, saying, “Now that you’re here, I’m super tired.”
He laughed. He began to run a hand through your hair, making you even more sleepy. “Get some rest. You deserve it.”
You fell asleep to the peaceful beat of Roger’s heart.
The rest of the album took a little under a month. You and Roger continued to share a bed and sleep as close together as possible for warmth. Neither of you mentioned the almost-kiss for the rest of the time, and it was killing you. The more time you spent with him, the more you felt different about him. You felt like you were developing a stupid high school crush on your best friend of twenty-six years. And you felt terrible about it.
Often, you thought of James. He was sitting at your flat, waiting for his girlfriend to get back home, while his girlfriend was developing feelings for someone else. You knew you’d have to talk to him, like Fred needed to talk to Mary. But you also had Freddie’s predicament: you loved James, more than most anything, and you didn’t want to hurt him.
Once it was time to leave the farm, everyone packed up, Paul made you get the suitcases again, you “accidentally” dropped one on his foot, he almost got physical again, and Freddie had to step in and move his manager away from you. You had long since given up on avoiding conflict with Paul. Plus, it was fun to mess with him.
You and Roger stood on the porch, saying your goodbyes. You hugged him and said, “Drive safe.”
“You too.” He hugged you back quickly. He let go and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead. “See you tomorrow?” Everything was recorded, but most of the sound mixing and editing still needed done.
“Absolutely.” You both headed down the stairs to your respective cars. You still couldn’t see Roger’s car without thinking of the song. You’d laugh, Roger would roll his eyes, and then laugh with you. You got in, started the engine, and followed his car out and away from the farm.
Reblog and tag your ship name for you and Roger! 
@thessxoxo @roger-bang-the-drum @slavsher @sabbrriiinnaa @i-ship-it-ironically @blissfully-queen @oyoke @borhapqueen92 @girlpluto @secretsweetscollectionblog
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jincherie · 7 years
Timid Mini Scenario | Sweets
Companion piece to Timid, set in the 2 months before they got the call about the cafe. Pairing: Jimin x Reader Genre: fluff, Hybrid!AU Words: not drabble length (2.8k+) Warnings: none Notes: As promised, one of the ‘drabbles’ I’m doing to fill in a little more of Jimin and the MC’s time together in Timid before the cafe is fixed and all that follows. Apparently I don’t know what a drabble is because this is entirely too long. I am writing another one that will come after this sometime soon (titled Uno, probably the same length).
Jimin accidentally eats all of your favourite cookies in the middle of the night and spends the entirety of the next day trying to keep it a secret.
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Masterlist || Original oneshot. Timid | Companion short. Uno
The air was cool against the skin that was exposed where he lay in the bed, slowly causing him to wake more and more until he was blinking blearily, the dark ceiling greeting his sleepy eyes. The room was still cast in shadows, and it couldn’t have been any later than 1 or so in the morning. Why was he awake? Jimin sat up slowly, rubbing his face and yawning noticing his mouth was quite dry. He had no idea why he was awake, but since he was he may as well go and get a glass of water.
Coordinating his tired limbs to remove from the blanket was harder than he’d thought, and he would have fallen on his face had his arm not shot out to grip the bed post. He let out a soft breath, feeling his tail twitch behind him. He stood slowly, adjusting the waistband of his pants around his tail to a more comfortable position as he did so.
He had better luck navigating his way to the kitchen in the dark, eyes having eventually adjusted. If his silly human owne—housemate could do it in the dark, with her significantly weaker eyesight, then he could too. He tried to push the fact that he’d nearly thought of the woman as his owner from his mind and instead focused on reaching the kitchen and getting some water. He didn’t want to trip and wake her up, because then he’d probably have to explain why he was awake at such an ungodly hour and he didn’t even know why himself.
The kitchen was obviously a wider space than the hallway, so he had much less difficulty moving about in the dark. He still turned the light on in case, though. He was still half asleep and couldn’t account for his coordination skills right now.
He located a glass easily and filled it up, the cool liquid doing wonders for his dry mouth. He could feel his ears and tail moving happily. He finished the glass quickly and filled it up halfway, downing that in no time as well. Having gotten what he came for, he was about turn and leave when he sniffed out of habit and a the most appealing, delectable smell touched his senses. He froze in place, sniffing once more. That smelt amazing. He could feel his mouth beginning to water slightly. What was that?
He followed his nose to the pantry, sniffing once more to be sure it was in there before opening the doors as quietly as he could. They let out a tiny squeak in protest, but Jimin knew that you slept like the dead and although the sound of him crashing into a wall might have woken you, the tiniest squeak from a door on the other side of the house wasn’t going to.
Eyes searching the cupboard for the source of that delicious smell, they quickly located a box to the left on the very top shelf. His gasped softly. The cookies you had brought home yesterday! The ones you’d claimed to be your absolute favourite. How had he not smelt them before? Surely he would have noticed an aroma as appealing as this.
The longer he stood there taking in their scent, the more he longed for them. Surely it couldn’t hurt just to have a few? He knew you wouldn’t mind, you’d said everything here was his as much as it was yours. You actually encouraged him to take some things without asking every time, like when you’d made popcorn for a movie you were both watching and he kept asking each time before he took another handful. The thought made him smile. He was pretty sure you would support anything that made him happy, and these cookies… he was certain that even a couple of these cookies would make him very happy.
And so he decided, as he reached and brought the box down from the shelf, he was going to have a few, and then he was going to go to bed.
The box opened easily, and so did the plastic packet within. It wasn’t long before the first cookie was in his grasp and on its way to his eagerly awaiting mouth. The second the cookie hit his tastebuds he nearly cried. It was delicious, he’d never tasted anything like it. Usually he would take his time and nibble and savour his food, but he couldn’t help himself this time as he continued eating and the cookie disappeared within seconds. Licking the remaining crumbs from his lips, he reached for another one. Just a couple, then he would go to bed.
What felt like only a couple of cookies later he looked down and, to his absolute horror, found the box completely empty. He couldn’t believe his eyes. How had this happened?! He’d only had a few…
Directing his gaze down at his shirt he found it absolutely covered with the evidence of him scarfing down all the cookies, crumbs littering the chest area and collar of his t-shirt. A swipe of his tongue over his lips and a brush of his finger against his cheek found his face to be in a similar state. He felt ashamed. What had happened to his self control? They were just so delicious, he thought he’d been moderating how many he had, but in reality he’d just been scarfing them down without even realising. He was a mess.
Suddenly he realised the gravity of his situation. He’d just eaten the entire (and only) box of your favourite cookies! In the middle of the night no less! How was he supposed to explain this to you? Sure, he knew you’d be okay with him having a couple of the cookies, but all of them? At once? When you hadn’t even had a chance to have any yourself? He didn’t want to think about how you could possibly react to this.
A small part of him knew he was being irrational, knew that you truly wouldn’t mind that he’d had them all, but Jimin felt like he was in the middle of a crisis. He did not want to jeopardise how you felt about him in any way. What if you hated him after this? No, he took that back. He didn’t think you were capable of hate. What if you really dislikes him after this?
Panicking, he did the only thing he could think of and shoved the box and all the incriminating evidence deep, deep, deep into the kitchen bin, throwing some other things on top for good measure. He was going to bed, and he was going to sleep, and tomorrow he would absolutely not mention that he ate the entire box of your favourite cookies in the middle of the night.
.  .  . .  .  .
When you awoke the next morning, it was feeling refreshed. You hadn’t had a night’s sleep that good and restful in a long time. Stretching your limbs languidly, you let out a happy, satisfied sigh and slipped out of the bed. The floor was cool beneath your feet and you were thankful you wore socks as you made your way out of the bedroom into the kitchen.
The first thing you noticed was that Jimin wasn’t up yet, which was a little strange. He was usually up before you. You shrugged it off, however. Perhaps he was just enjoying an extra hour or so of sleep.
The second thing you noticed was that the bin was slightly overflowing. You stared at it a second. Huh. Well, you reasoned, you hadn’t exactly taken it out in a while, so it wasn’t really surprising. You’d have to take it out today.
Starting to hum a little, you went about the usual routine, turning the kettle on and moving to the pantry to retrieve the cereal. To you surprise, in your usual sweep of the pantry’s contents, you noticed that the box of cookies you’d left for Jimin was gone. You’d brought back two boxes of your all-time favourite cookies for the both of you to enjoy yesterday, and had shamefully already eaten the box you’d bought for yourself. You just couldn’t control yourself around those cookies, there was something about them that just removed all your inhibitions and turned you into a literal cookie monster. You hadn’t realised that Jimin had already eaten his. You made a note to ask him what he thought of them later, and if he wanted you to get more the next time you were out.
Still in a good mood, you continued making breakfast for both you and the cute hybrid currently staying with you. It was about half an hour before he finally emerged from his room down the hall, by which time you’d managed to have cereal and pancakes, along with some coffee, for both of you.
“Good morning!” you beamed at him, leaning against the bench.
Jimin returned the smile, before his gaze fell to the open pantry doors behind you and he shot ramrod straight. He quickly moved over and shut them, letting out a laugh that sounded more nervous than anything. His ears twitched restlessly. “Hahaha, silly! Don’t leave the doors open or you’ll accidentally walk into them sometime!”
You raised a brow, noticing the odd lilt to his usually melodic voice that accompanied his somewhat strange behaviour, but simply let it go. You smiled at him. “That’s true.” You laughed. “Thanks for looking out for me Jiminie!”
He grinned brightly at the sound of your laughter, cheeks colouring pink in happiness. He moved away from the pantry, taking his place at the table and giving you a happy look as you joined him.
“Thank you for making breakfast again.” He said, somewhat bashfully, before digging in.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, starting to eat your own breakfast. You ate in amicable silence for a while before your thoughts wandered and you grew curious as to whether Jimin had as good a sleep last night as you did.
“How did you sleep last night, Jiminie?” you asked with a small smile, fully expecting him to flash one in return.
Instead the hybrid jumped, nearly choking on his food. You watched in worry as he coughed a little before soothing his throat with the drink next to his plate. “Uh, I, uh… It was good. Yeah, good.”
You watched as he pointedly avoided your eyes and focused on the food before him. He was acting weird, definitely, but you wondered why. You decided to ease over it for now, pretending like you hadn’t noticed his odd behaviour. You’d find out why he was acting strange later.
“That’s good,” you said, returning to your own meal and moving your gaze so he felt less pressured. “I slept really well too! I woke up feeling so good this morning. I haven’t slept that well in a long time.”
Jimin hummed, offering you a brief smile before stuffing his mouth with food. You wondered what could possibly be up with him.
.  .  .  .
The day had finally come to an end, and with it— your patience. You needed to know why Jimin was acting so strange. The whole day he’d been really weird. He’d nearly shrieked when you went to take out the trash, offering hurriedly to do it himself and not even waiting for an answer before quickly taking the bag from your hands and dashing off out the front door.
Around lunch time you’d been mumbling to yourself about making some cookies, since you felt like baking something. He’d picked up on your words from the other side of the house with his incredible hearing and come running to tell you cookies were overrated and you should be thinking more about making cakes and cupcakes. He had then proceeded to make a hasty escape, with the excuse that he had yet to make his bed.
Another time you’d gone to get your cup noodles out of the pantry for a snack and at the sound of your footsteps in the kitchen he’d come racing in. He’d hastily assured you that he’d make the noodles for both of you this time and proceeded to gently kick you out of your own kitchen. You’d moved to the loungeroom in shock. What was making him act so strange?
The final straw had been when you’d asked him at dinner if anything had happened that had made him act so differently. The poor hybrid had jumped, squeaked, and gone bright pink in the face before promptly ignoring your question and blurting, “You look really beautiful today!”
Not only had he completely avoided the question, but it had taken you an entire hour to recover from your flustered state at his comment. The time for answers was now, and you were going to get them.
“Jiminie~,” you cooed at the hybrid taking a seat on the couch next to you. He looked to you, a small smile on his face. You lifted the blanket, gesturing for him to come closer. He did, smiling shyly as he shuffled over and nestled into your side. He’d opened up a lot lately but still got a little shy at the prospect of cuddling with you.
You smiled at him, looping your arms around him and pulling him close, before pressing play on the movie. You had him right where you wanted him.
“Jiminie~” you cooed again, tightening your hold. He stiffened, seeming to sense that the situation was about to take a turn he wouldn’t like. You lifted a hand to begin gently petting his ear, arms still firm in their grip. “I know something is up with you~. Please tell me what it is~”
He seemed to be torn between succumbing to your petting and remaining in complete control of his actions. “y/n—“ he whined, straining lightly in your hold, the slightest rumbling bunny purr in his throat. “I’m- there’s nothing—“
“Don’t fib, Jiminie.” You crooned, fingers moving against his side. He jerked, a sudden giggle escaping him before he gasped. You continued. “Tell me what’s wrong, please~.”
He opened his mouth, a stray giggle escaping before he attempted once more to deny it. “T-There’s nothing—“
“That’s it! Jiminie, tell me what’s up and I’ll stop! Oherwise…” you left your sentence hanging and instead demonstrated with your hands, beginning to tickle him relentlessly. He shrieked, letting out uncontrollable giggles, writhing in your arms. You were a master tickler, he hadn’t stood a chance.
In just a matter of seconds he shrieked once more, “Ok-kay—pfhaha— fine I’ll tell y-you! y/n, p-please—!”
You withdrew your hands, staring at him and waiting expectantly. He had his eyes closed, and was leaning back against the couch, breathing heavily as he recovered from your sudden attack. He bit his lip after a while, seeming slightly distraught. He opened his eyes and glanced at you briefly before averting his eyes.
It was a couple of moments before he spoke again. He seemed to be deliberating on what to say and how to say it. “I…”
You waited, holding your breath. He closed his eyes and spoke in one big rush. “IgotupforsomewaterlastnightandateallyourfavouritecookiesI’msosorry!”
You blinked. “….What?” you asked.
Jimin glanced at you before looking away again, heaving a sigh. “I got up last night to get a glass of water, and I saw your cookies… the box of your favourite ones… in the cupboard… and I ate some…. I ate them all, the whole box… I’m so sorry y/n!!”
You blinked at him. Was he talking about the box of cookies… that you left for him? Specifically for him? Was this… why he was upset?
Jimin looked seriously distraught and you honestly wanted to facepalm. This soft, squishy idiot.
“Jimin, you know… those were your cookies? I bought a box for each of us and I already ate mine. That box was yours.” You said, looking at him and genuinely trying not to laugh.
The bunny hybrid froze, eyes finding yours. You watched as he processed your words, and consequently realised that he had been stressing about nothing. His face went pink, and he stared at you a couple seconds more, before turning and burying his face in your shoulder with an embarrassed groan. “Oh my god.” He mumbled into your shoulder. “Oh my god.”
You laughed and patted his back. “There there Bun, it happens to the best of us.” He groaned from your shoulder, pulling back to lean against the couch and cover his face in embarrassment.
“I can’t believe this.” he whined. “I’m an idiot bun.”
You giggled at his words, pulling him close again and kissing his head. “Yeah, you are, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The pink blush on his cheeks didn’t leave for the rest of the movie, and neither did the small, happy grin.
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estro-gem · 4 years
Black and White in Grey: Chapter 8
Author’s note: I was on a roll and thought I might post the next chapter as well!
I’ll have to warn you about STRONG-ISH LANGUAGE in here. I couldn’t bring myself to keep it all clean. I did attempt to warn you, even though I know that most people skip the author’s notes... oh well...
This was a fun chapter to write, so I hope it is just as fun to read! Things get steamy, but not in the way most would think - fellow gutter minds, hahaha!
Lets go! Enjoy!
This was not happening. This was not happening.
It’s hard to explain, but Discord wasn’t joking when he said he wanted to catch up with her. Or rather, for her to catch up with him… in the Dream Realm…
She lost Discord in the Dream Realm.
She wasn’t prepared for him to suddenly jump in head first – when he said that he wanted to ‘get the ball rolling’ – as he put it. He left her with a poke the her muzzle and a cute ‘You’re it’ before teleporting away. Since she felt the foreign presence calling from the far-away Dream Realm, the pony knew it was Discord.
It wasn’t really her fault, but Luna scolded herself for not taking it as a given that the Lord of Chaos would pull a stunt like this. What an ass. He was roaming the minds of her subject freely now, and probably driving them to madness as he went. Well, not without driving her to madness in the process.
He just knew how to get under her skin.
As she chased his presence dream throughout dream, he only left her a single glance at him before he jumped into someone else’s dream. It was infuriating how he seemed to run circles around her. The princess was scrambling around in her own realm like a headless chicken, with the intention to find Discord and prevent him from doing anything dumb, all while checking the subjects’ dream for nightmares.
She actually stopped her chase with the crazed spirit just to take care of a few distressed subjects that were, in fact, terrorized by nightmares. It took 3 subjects with nightmares, for her to notice that Discords movements in the realm had frozen during those times along with her.
It confused her, but it mostly fueled the fire within her even more. The blasted, petty, irrational, competitive side of her felt almost offended that he felt the need to wait for her to finish her duty as princess, before continuing their ridiculous chase. The subject was left almost confused.
She was the Princess of the Night and this was her realm.
No rival ever had to wait on her in her own realm. She didn’t care how messed up that sounded. She was determined to catch that menacing draconiquus – and scold him for wasting her time. She was angry… but when Discord started taunting her in the brief moments she caught up to him, she was pissed. Fueled with a goal and furious for a reason.
She loved it.
Discord would leave comments, like, “Get with it, sleepy head!” or, “You can’t even catch me in your dreams!”
For the longest time, the pony stayed silent, only focusing on trying to hit him with a non-fatal energy blast – at least enough to just startle him – but soon gave in to the burning need to snap something back at him, “Maybe I’d be more eager to stop you if your insults weren’t so predictable!”
Oh, that struck a nerve and Luna saw it. She knew that would get to him.
The Lord stood frozen in an open meadow with clear skies, his fingers in mid-snap – about to jump to another subject’s mind, when he heard the insult the princess spat at him. He looked positively startled and, much to Luna’s satisfaction, deliciously insulted.
He gasped, “What a nerve you have! Calling me, the Lord – the embodiment of Chaos itself – predicta…” Discord couldn’t bring himself to even finish the word. He was too caught up in the smug smiled of the dark princess. If Discord was faking this, he was a damn good actor.
“Oh, but it was only the first word that came to mind, Lord Discord!” she said in a mocking concern. In her mind, she was just a relieved as she was smug that the chase was over, but she milked what she could from his stupor, “There are many other adjectives suitable for my name-calling towards you! Like… boring! Dull. Bland. Shall I continue?”
The look on his face was priceless. He seemed so out of his element – wordplay intended! Luna soaked in the shift in his expression, from surprised to determined. She gotten to him, she already won. Everything about to follow, was just an added bonus. If Discord wanted to extend their banter by trying to pull his ego out of the hole it dove into, she would accept any comeback he threw at her.
“Princess, your fire is a sight for sore eyes.”
Maybe, except that comeback.
What the hell did that even mean? That was so random, coming from him. His expression was one she wouldn’t be able to imagine any day before now. It was odd, but so intriguing. She wanted more of this… whatever she had brought out of him.
It almost threw her off her game, but she tried matching his stance with one step forward, “Well, little cults that toy with fire get their fingers burned.”
“Oh? But I can’t resist – can’t keep my claws at bay.” Discord said lowly, taking a step of his own towards Luna, hungry eyes boring into hers, accompanied with a smirk, almost making her flustered for a reason she couldn’t comprehend. Her expression wouldn’t falter though.
“What else is there to expect from someone with no self-restraint?” Luna smugly said, stepping towards him once more. Closer. She needed him closer. No matter how much this sudden change of pace made her wonder about the funny tension in the air.
“You are one to tell me I have no self-restraint… after hunting me down like a predator?” Discord questioned, his voice still lowered and quiet. Stalking towards her, making her almost blush. Why?
“As any predator…” Luna paused, noticing how close they were, standing but a two feet apart, “…I have an acquired taste.”
She was almost certain that she didn’t control her own tongue anymore. She didn’t know what came over her, but she couldn’t stop. This whole situation was pulling her into something that just didn’t seem to ever be satisfied.
“Is that so, princess?” Discord practically purred, bending down just above her level, making Luna internally quiver in anticipation.
This was getting… very… interesting.
“What the hell, guys?!”
An unknown voice suddenly broke the noble’s intense gaze they held, only to look at the mare that interrupted them.
Cadence. This was the mind of Cadence. They were in Cadence’s dream, the princess of love. Her comment fell on an odd place of Luna’s insides, feeling embarrassed that they were caught, even though, in her mind, it was just aggressive banter.
It was nothing to be ashamed of.
“Anyway…” Cadence spoke up again, seeing that neither of the two culprits were going to, “Discord, I wanted to talk to you? You know, in private… about that thing…?”
“Oh, right! That thing! We can talk all you want once you’ve escaped Dreamland!” Discord said, his playful, normal tone ripping what had Luna lulled moments ago, out under her hooves like a blanket. She was also confused by Cadence’s request. She couldn’t ponder too long about it, as there was a shift in Cadence mind.
“This is a dream?” the Princess of Love questioned, earning a nod from both of them. She spaced out for a moment, “Wow… can I do stuff, like shape-shifting and change the grass into a pit of dry beans?”
“You can try, yes…?” Luna said with a cringe. This was all weird!
“Changing things and manipulating common laws of nature is my shtick! You darn lucid dreamers…” Discord mumbled, crossing his upper limbs like a stubborn child, “Why would you go with dried beans, anyway?”
Cadence scoffed with no real bite, “Are you kidding? Have you ever put you hoof into a sack of dried beans? It feels so good.”
“It’s said to be therapeutic.” Luna added in agreement, before shaking her head, to focus, “Discord, we should probably go.”
“What? But I wanted to teach Cadence the fundamentals of chaos!” Discord whined, causing Luna to roll her eyes. Her horn glowed as she prepared to teleport herself to the waking realm.
Before they knew it, the deities, were in the throne room once again. Discord’s arrival was delayed, as they each teleported themselves. The princess check the clock and found that her shift was as good as done. Her eyes widened. Her subjects… she had neglected them!
“Well as fun as this was, Lulu, I’m beat.” Discord said, yawning, “You sure put up with a lot more than I remember.”
“I didn’t put up with anything!” she said worried, “I didn’t attend to my subjects tonight! I let myself get distracted by you – and it’s not like I can just go back and fix it, because everyone is waking up soon! I need to –”
“Oh, Lulu, you are such a character!” Discord laughed, Luna too panicked to be mad at his careless attitude. He calmed down, still smiling, “We tore through everypony’s mind tonight! We were on fire! You covered every nightmare like a pro and nothing stood in your way.”
That’s right, the chase! She chased Discord through every dream of everypony sleeping that night. In a normal shift, she could cover half the kingdom and cover the other half the following day.
But this time, she managed everpony. It was huge! She didn’t even feel as if she was working, it all just flew by… because of the Lord of Chaos, Discord. He made it happen. He made her forget about almost everything that was bothering her for a whole night.
She just took about 12 hours to realize it.
She looked up at Discord and smiled – there was no use containing it. Discord’s smug expression faltered as the dark princess lit up. Smiling at him – for him. He couldn’t help but give his own genuine smile back.
That fire. It captivated him.
“Thank you, Discord. That was… something else, wasn’t it?”
“Do you expect anything else from me?”
They shared a short laugh, before falling into a definite, awkward silence, which Luna felt obligated to brake, “Let’s not do that again any time soon.”
“Agreed. See you next week.”
Discord didn’t reply. He was already gone.
Next: Chapter 9
Previous: Chapter 7
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midnightrose1520 · 7 years
Mafia Afterdeath: Chapter 13; Homeless Love Part 2
( heyyyyyy guyssss sorry for keeping u waiting been quite busy lately. Anyways here we go!!) “M-my name is Red.”, Red says shyly taking his hand. Pappy smiles helping him up. “Wow your literally skin and bones.”, Geno says as he looking over them both. Red scoots away from him a bit holding his brother tightly in a protective manner. “We aren’t gonna hurt you two. After all we kicked that dude butt saving u two.”, he says smiling lazily giving an calm demeanor. Red looks at all 3 of them. 1 can obviously tell their homeless like himself. 2 he literally just saw these brothers take down an grown adult who was very dangerous. Lastly his third observation seeing Geno’s eyes flicker a red color when he saw him kick the dangerous man. Which stick out a bit to Red. After all why would a naturally blue eye boy eyes turn red? (*coughcoughmcoufhcoufharkcoyghthiscoughintocoufhmemorybank*) All the sudden though Red feels tired and exhausted collapse to the ground as Pappy catches him and Blue caught Edge as Red dropped him when he collapsed. “Let’s get them to our home and quick before that dude wakes up.”, Pappy says to his brothers carrying Red bridal style. Red slightly flusters and blushes as he passes out. “Wow they look awful though.”, Geno says looking at them. “Let’s just get home..”, Pappy says sighing. As they all get to their meek makeshift home. It not to bad as it actually quite big fitting all 5 in their well enough. Blue begins to cook making sure to give Red and Edge large portions when he done. “ I don’t wanna take the meds! I don’t like them!!”, Geno says pouting angrily at Pappy. Pappy looks at his younger brother with inpatients, "I know u don't like them but to helps u from having bad dreams and nightmare flashbacks." , he says rubbing Geno head. ".....Can I take them after I eat though?...", Geno asks a little quietly. He was separated from his two older brothers for 9 months before they reunited. Many bad things happened which is why his eldest brother got the medication for. " Fine but u take em right after dinner.", he says sighing deeply. Geno smiles and hugs him as Pappy hugs him back rubbing his head. Blue looked over and smiles then to Red and Edge. Blue can tell Edge looks slightly more healthy then Red indicating that Red must of gave Edge most of his portions to him to keep him as healthy as possible. Pappy looks at Red slightly blushing thinking to himself "Man I must admit he really cute.". Geno sees his brother blush and starts teasing him making Pappy incredible embarrassed and flustered. Just as dinner got done, 20 minutes later, the new guest woke up. "Mmmm...Brother where are we?", Edge asks stretching and yawning. Red rubs his tiredly looking around saying, "I'm not sure..". He looks around as the aroma of food fills Edge and Red senses. Blue gives them their big portions, "Here u two go eat up as much as u want", he says smiling. "Though after we eat as well!", Geno says his cheeks puffed out since he really hungry. Pappy chuckles rubbing Geno head. "T-thank u..", Red looks at them with much thanks in his eyes though waiting see if it really alright to eat this much from them. "Well what u waiting for dig in u two!", Pappy says with a lazy smile while giving Geno his plate of food. Edge and Red don't hesitate as they starting eating their food without trying to wolf it down in a single bite. "Man you two eat almost like Geno here", Blue says a little teasing to his youngest brother. Geno shoots a pouty glare, "I do not!!", making Pappy burst out laughing. Edge looks around course this nice warm vibe making him tense not use to it. The same for Red but glad at least him and brother are with good people. "So what your guts name? We trusty didn't introduce ourselves well back there.", says Pappy as he eats. "O-oh um well my name is Red", Red says a little shyly. "I'm Edge", says a little bluntly since he still focusing intensely on eating. "My name is the Magnificent Sans!!", he says proudly his eyes sparkle a little making like he has giant stars in his eyes. "I'm Geno! I'm the captain of this good vibe boat!!!", he says his chest puffed out. Red giggles a bit while Edge snickers a bit seeing how cute he being. "Hahaha yea bro! My name is Papyrus but just call me Pappy or Pap for short", he says with a laid back voice. "Nice to meet u three", Red says, "We appreciate for saving our backs back there. That dude had us locked in that damn basement for months almost starving us.". "How u get out of there?", Pappy says listening intently. Edge speaks up saying quite proudly, "I punched him right in the kisser!!". Red nods, "Yea and we literally ran for like 4 blocks before running into u 3.", Geno looks at them with a bit of sympathy knowing what it liked to be trapped. Blue senses this and rubs his head. Geno smiles at his older brother. They all talk about a bit of their back grounds of how they ended up homeless kids with no parents. Red and Edge explained they were kidnapped and were sold off a couple times before coming here. They said they don't remember their parents as they both were pretty young. The Gaster brothers look at them feeling for them. They explained on how they lost their parents quite young and were put in a orphanage until they decided to run away together. They did this in fear of being spilt up from each other. After dinner was done and Pappy making sure Geno took his pills they all layer down. Edge next to Blue. Red next to Pappy and Geno right in the middle fast asleep. "Your little brother very up beat and cute", Red whispers to Pappy smiling. Pappy blushes a little and chuckles, "Yea~ though sometimes he stubborn as a mule for a 5 year old". Red giggles a lot. Blue and Edge are also asleep sleeping close to each other for warmth as winter slowly starts settling in. Pappy gets close to Red and as Red makes sure Geno warm as well. They all fall asleep cuddling into one another as that day two more were added into their family. ~~~~~flashback ends~~~~~~~ Reaper's eyes sparkle giggling, "Daw that so adorable and beautiful of how you all met!". Geno chuckles nodding at Reaper's reaction. Everyone pretty much eating dinner as they told the story. Red yawns tiredly, "Well im going to hit the hay.", he says stretching as well standing up. "Same here", Pappy says doing the same. Red and Pappy both head to their shared room hand in hand while they kissed each other walking away. Reaper smiles at the cute engaged couple. "I guess I shall head to bed as well! After all the Magnificent Sans must need his rest to do his tasks tomorrow!!", he says brightly. He then feels Edge pick him as he carries Blue to their bedroom. Blue blushes and flusters at Edge about carrying him. Only earning a smirk and peck on the lips from Edge, "You talk to much for a tired guy.". This making Blue explode in a blush. Geno laughs a little seeing his older brother get easily flustered by the smallest of things. "Are u tired doll?", Geno says to Reaper. "A little bit", Reaper says yawning. "Then I shall show u to a guest bedroom~.", Geno says smiling holding his arm out for Reaper. Reaper blushes by this taking his arm as Geno leads the way. Geno takes him to one of the many guest rooms for Reaper to use for the night. "Here you are doll", Geno says opening the door for Reaper. "Thank you so much Mr. Geno. You really don't need to do such wonderful things for me.", Reaper says a bit bashfully. Geno smiles warmly at that beautiful creature in front of his eyes and kiss his forehead. Reaper explodes in a blush making Geno smirk a little. "It's always a pleasure of doing these things for yea doll. You can just call me Geno though. Don't have to be so formal with me doll ~.", he says a little flirty like making Reaper go redder then he already was. Reaper nods shyly, "T-thank u...G-goodnight G-Geno.", he says flustered. Geno nods kissing his hand and walks away. Before though Geno frisky walked away Reaper went on his tippy toes and kissed his cheek. Geno blushed though didn't have time to fully process it as Reaper ran into the guest room shutting it yelling goodnight. Geno walks away now in a daze state into his room. Geno changes into his pjs and lays on his bed sighing to himself. "God have I fallen hard for that beautiful musical doll", he says chuckling. Those last words he said as he went to sleep. (Boom I did it holy crap this took 2 days for me to write!!!!! Reaper Sans belongs to @renrink Geno Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies Swap brothers and Fell brothers belong to their respective owners The version of these characters and this story owned by me! Hope u enjoyed! Peace!!)
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enaasteria · 6 years
Answered Asks // 1
This first bulk ask is for Music Anon as you sent me your reactions while reading and I LOVED THEM SO MUCH. Under the cut!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 30th 2018, 6:51:00 pm · 4 hours ago But what happens after 18 T_T?! Do we send them off to happy ending AU? But okay I can’t wait to see them being all fluff balls like omg I need fluff after all that angst (though I do love angst but they deserve their happy)! Btw, I sent you a message about a song that reminded me of chapter 11. I was just wondering if you’ve received because I remember you saying your inbox eats your messages sometimes :)
18 is the epilogue. It really is just a cute scene I have in mind that I want to write out that gives insight into what their life is afterwards. And yes!! the music ask is in my inbox. I’m saving it for when I can really focus on the lyrics. My brain is a bit loopy right now from finishing 17 so I want to take my time and enjoy the music you sent. I’ll definitely listen to it tomorrow morning when my brain is refreshed~~~!!!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 30th 2018, 7:10:00 pm · 3 hours ago
Okay I saw that you enjoy messages while we’re reading so I’m going to send you a lot of annoying ones which will make you sick of me. I’m at the scissors part and can I just say CHANYEOL? WHY?! DO YOU NOT READ THE ATMOSPHERE. IT SHOULD BE SEHUN AND AHRI ALL TANGLED UP AND PRETZELING, NOT YOU AND SEHUN!! Buuuut awwwww the hand holding. SOFLUFFYLIKEABUNNY. I literally had to wear my pyjamas and run to bed so that I could enjoy it in my most comfortable position. Back to reading! - musicanon
I’m gunna answer all of your individual messages personally because I LOVED READING EVERY ONE OF THEM. THEY WERE THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY NIGHT MUSIC ANON. THEY REALLY WERE. OMG. I had to rewrite this part so many times because I couldn’t figure out how to get Sehun and Ahri to the bathroom scene. The flow was completely off and I was like---let me try having Chanyeol being a fidgety mess and grab Sehun all over the place and voila. LOL
Ended the intense haircut session xD! I love the way you describe scenes in which Ahri cradles Sehun’s face. It’s so intimate and loving. I also love how both haircut sessions in the story kind of depicts how Ahri is letting Sehun into her world. But this time, he wants to venture deeper and she also wants him to come closer. So much has changed! Did Sehun read a manual on perfect boyfriend 101 because damn boy, you’re giving Ahri (and me) heart attacks! STAYINYOURLANE. 
YOU NOTICED. YASSSS. When he kissed her inner wrist LIKE. PLEASE @ LORD. PLEASE BLESS ME WITH THIS ROMANCE IRL. I NEED THIS. EVEN HALF OF THIS ROMANCE. I ain’t a greedy lady but I just want some heartfelt moments like this. Haircut session. My hearteu. Side note---I really need my bangs cut. Where can I get an apt Sehun to cut my hair??? BUT SNIFFS. This is how I see Sehun being with the person he loves. I really think he would dote on her and really love her to the extent of his capabilities. It just makes me go uwu.
Btw, Soi being like are you sure you’re done reminds me of the scene in Black Panther where T’challa is having his fam reunion and M’Baku is like YAWN are you done? Are you done?! Cracks me up!
OMG. BLACK PANTHER. You are just about my favorite anon. Thank you and let me love you forever and ever.
Oh dear lord, I hope Yua’s work troubles weren’t the ones you were going through (or something similar)? Also, I hope you weren’t referring to your cousin x_x. But of course, if you were then SHAME ON ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DO THIS TO YOU. You’re like Ahri though! Strong and elegant in her way of dealing with things <3 Soi’s desire to smush the lovebirds together perfectly describes my own. I always think of the NOW KISS meme whenever Sehun and Ahri are in close proximity. JUSTKISSCOMEON - ma
Every work trouble I really did go through. I write a lot from experiences so this whole chapter encompasses a lot of moments I dealt in real life. The work, the 23 hr straight shift, the glass frame and rewriting it. All happened. But it’s also a reason why I quit so now life is a lot better without those leadership boogers. WHAT IS THIS MEME YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT AND WHERE CAN I FIND ITTTT???
How funny would it be if Ahri playfully called Sehun Monsieur and Sehun launches into full French mode like Bonjour oui oui mademoiselle (my last French lesson was 15 years ago. it’s been awhile xD). Ahri be like dafuq I’m out - ma
Ahhhhhh my dearest music anon. She would straight up respond back in fluent french and let him live out his wildest dreams PUAHAHAHAH
TIE SCENE SO CUTE *hearteyes* I can imagine it playing out in my head!!! I have to applaud Ahri for being able to tie it on someone else. I can only tie it while it’s on my neck, loosen it and give it to someone else. And lol, of course Mr Perfect Boyfriend has the ability to somehow make his gaze softer on command xD. Ahri bby, how are you not melting. SOI?! YOU JUST SAID YOU WANTED THEM TO KISS AND NOW YOU’RE INTERRUPTING THEM. For a good reason. BUTSTILL. Just wait 30 seconds!!! - ma
RIGHT. This chapter made me CRY A RIVER AND IM STILL A MESS. And Monsieur Oh is adept with his facial structure and actions and can be any man you want him to be. You want sturdy burly Sehun. You got it. Soft, cherub Sehun? NO PROBLEM. He can do it all!!! But honestly I would melt too and she sort of does. Eventually LOOOOL But to Soi’s defense, she just has terrible timing. HAHAHAHA She’s my baby. I love Soi. I love Yua. I love Ahri. I love Yumi. I love all my girls.
Ohgod! Poor Ahri for having to do all that name writing! Sehun is right. She’s got this! But you’ve perfectly described me whenever I make a mistake in my writing. I’m like FFS I NEED TO REWRITE THIS WHOLE THING. That’s why I like pencils because rubbers exist. Look at Ahri getting all turned on by Sehun’s knife skills *waggles brows* it’s like her artistic rendition of lumberjack Sehun. I bet Sehun is already planning their wedding. Crossing mirrors off the list or else the missus would cry -ma
This was another one of the scenes where I wrote from experience. I was helping out a wedding and this bride made her seating charts just as I described. Her wedding was outside and it was windy and it knocked over one of the seating charts. I had to rewrite all those names and it was such a PAIN IN THE BUTTTTT. OMG ARCHITECT SEHUN WOULD BE SO HEUNGNNGNGNG. She goes and visits him at the office while he’s drafting a building. AND SHE JUST LOOKS AT HIM AND ITS HIS TURN TO ASK HER, CAN YOU LOOK AT ME LESS INTENSELY PLEASE, AHRI. IT would be just cutest.
CONGRATS TO THE BRIDE AND GROOM! Dude I can’t believe you forgot her name. I don’t do this at all *rolls eyes and acts self righteous* btw, I didn’t know about the least to most important bridesmaids/groom thing! It actually made me laugh because if you’re asked to be one, you know exactly where you stand in the ranking xD. ASDFGHJKL. HANDHOLDING. FITTING PRECISELY IN ALL THE EMPTY SPACES IN BETWEEN. WALKING DOWN THE AISLE. That’s it. They’re officially married in my mind. No arguments! - ma
Seunghyun and Lia’s meeting was actually how I met my husband. He didn’t remember my name actually but I remembered his and it was and still is how I torment him LOOOOL. It’s not really least important to most important. I just did it for writing purposes but it’s your wedding. Sometimes people just place people in certain spots based on their height LOL. AHRI AND SEHUN. MARRIED> I DEAD.
Oh Chanyeol, you finally have met your violent happy ending. He’s a pup in love! Very unexpected but I approve. Yeol and Ahri’s pact doesn’t stand because Sehun and Ahri just got married (and secretly stole Seunghyun and Lia’s thunder). OMGKEEPERS! ISEEWHATUDIDTHERE. Man Sehun, how does it feel listening to how you’ve been a dick to Ahri in KeepersAU (also early in ApartmentAU)? But he made amends so he will be forgiven. IS HE GOING TO GIVE HER JEWELLERY?! He said he wouldn’t unless ...! - ma
HE’S A PUP IN LOVE AND THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE ISSSSS. IT was never really a true pact to begin with. Just a joke to mess with Sehun that I added in and I don’t think Ahri would’ve ever went through with it tbh. She’s not the type to marry someone at all, if ever and even if she’s old and wrinkly, she wouldn’t marry someone if she didn’t wholeheartedly love him. AND YASSSS KEEEPEEPEPERPRRSSS. I’m glad you see it. I was really proud of this. I wove in so many stories for this chapter. My brain was about to burst. AYEEEE. WILL HE. WILL WE FIND OUT IF HE GIVES HER JEWELRY in 18??? We shall see.
I just died of fluff and I’m not even done yet. I had to take so many breaks in between reading by smushing my face into the pillow because my heart was bursting with cotton wool!! Not gonna lie, I wanted to smack Sehun for using >100 batteries. BE ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY BOY. Even if you’re in a fictional scene. But A+ for set up. The jar of longing is so sweet! BESTILLMYHEART. HAHAHA I CANT BELIEVESHE TOLD HIM ABOUT HOW SHE CLASSIFIES HIM! Married couple spilling all their secrets & kissing -ma
ITS SO FLUFF RIGHT? LIKE I CANT EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW I DID IT. I can’t even live right now because I’ve never written anything like this before. I’m more into darker stories where things are just pain and crying and tears and heart breaking torment. SO THIS WAS A 180 FROM WHAT I USUALLY WRITE. I hope it wasn’t vomit inducing fluff but IM SORRY. THE BATTERIES. Would it help if I said they’re rechargeable?????? AYEEEE. VERSIONS EQUATE TO CREATIVITY. Who knows, it might be a kink. OR. he could spend the rest of his life entertaining her with versions and asking her what do you call this one? how about this one? AHRIIII~~~~~~She would major regret this later on hahaha
Aw, I’m glad Ahri got to see the stars!! And promptly decided that she wanted to be with Sehun instead. Omg HAHAH. I was like how do you unofficially own a star? Did he call the international space agency or Spock or something and told them to fly a toothpick flag up with the names of Sehun and Ahri written on it xD? Btw are those star designations real? I tried googling but ended up with Supreme Court cases lol! Whenever Sehun tells stories that his father told him, and he says that (tbc) - ma
YES! You can can actually “buy” a star and “name” it. It’s definitely not official. It’s not like N*SA will recognize it but it’s just a sweet gesture and that’s why he said unofficially. The star designations I used aren’t real but they are formatted in that way. I had do research on this and it’s really long and windy and hard to explain because even my brain was like---i can not understand this. The letters are usually an abbrev of the telescope used to discover the star and the numbers are sometimes the year found or the date or coordinates. Like I said, really complicated science stuff so for the sake of fic writing, I just made it simple and put in some numbers that mean stuff LOOOL
And he says that it’s been passed down from generation to generation. I have this picture of ancient Egyptian Sehun wearing the Pharoh headgear in my mind telling his son about how KeepersAU Sehun was a dick and how he should cling to a girl called Ahri when he meets her xD! HE IS SO SMOOTH IN THIS CHAPTER. I spilled tea on myself so many times while reading. Can I just say that the we are stars for eternity idea (unless they decide to be a supernova) is so creative and so fitting for them?
AHHAHAHAHAHAH PHARAOH SEHUN. IM DED. OMG. I will never forget this memory and look. Another version of Sehun to make me want to die in a pile of fluff. And tbh---I really imagine Sehun coming to Ahri’s classroom with the kids all around him. Ada. Joon. They’re all around him in a circle as he tells embarrassing lovey dovey songs about Sehun and Ahri and it just makes me smile soooo much. ISNT IT. I HAD THIS IDEA FOR 3 YEARS AND I FINALLY WROTE IT OUT AND IM SO CRY TEARS OVER IT???? But yes---no supernova. no kilonova none of that colliding and bursting together business LOL.
You are so incredibly thoughtful in crafting a sense of continuity and meaning for Sehun and Ahri <3. I think that’s why they are so addictive as a couple. Because we get to see the way they’ve grown, the way they accept the hurt they’ve inflicted upon each other and themselves but actually reflect on it and come out stronger. I love the honesty and kindness they’ve shown each other in this chapter. How they’ve come out of hiding to show that they do indeed love the other. - ma
THANK YOUUUUUU. OMG. THIS REALLY IS SO SWEET. Your messages made me so much and I’m addicted to them as well. They’re like my babies and I just want to give them all the happiness to make up for all the pain I put them through. 
I loooove the parallel scenes between this chapter and the previous ones because this time, their words and actions mean something deeper. I wish I was as eloquent as you are because I don’t have words to describe how beautiful they are together. They are so in love and I’m in love with them being in love *_*! Casually throwing myself in their relationship. I’ll be waving pom-poms in the bushes where they can’t see teehee! Can we have a reincarnation AU based on the last line xD? - ma
AHHHHH IM NOT ELOQUENT AT ALL. I really fail at words and I might reread to fix some things but YESSS. I’m all about parallels. I love making full circle of things to make sure it all ends cleanly and making sure they’re not who they were but better people now. REINCARNATION AUUUUU. MAYBE. MAYBE. I have a few reincarnation prompts saved so I might dig into them and may something will spark???
Thank you thank you thank you for writing this absolutely brilliant story <3. I know nobody is as attached to Sehun and Ahri as you are but we’ve all loved them together for the past three years. THEY ARE LIKE OUR BABIES! I teared while reading 17 T_T. I can’t let them leave the nest. They need to stay within our arms forever!!! How many thank yous can I say before you want to hit me? WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? You’ve blessed us with this story and I only hope I could do something in return. - ma
THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME. I’m not sure how long you’ve been with my blog but if it’s been 1+ years or even from the beginning, I really want to thank you for your patience. I know I’m not the quickest writer out there but I’m nevertheless so grateful for your words. For your sentiments. For all that you’ve written for me to make me smile. THESE MESSAGES ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH AS GRATITUDE. I really love how you reacted to them and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Nothing makes a writer happier than reading messages like this and seeing how you loved this story and cherish it as much as I do.
Okay, I’m probably getting annoying by now. so this is the last one I swear (also because tumblr is being like WHOA WAIT AN HOUR BEFORE ASKING MORE. So I’ve had to switch my WiFi mode on and off so that it doesn’t recognise me as the same person). I’m just gonna reread the chapter again and again, and again tomorrow and again and again. Thank you for this masterpiece. suffice to say, I more than love it so don’t you dare think that it’s anything short of fantabulous! throwsheartsatyou - ma
This is not annoying at all. You’re not annoying, MA. omg TUMBLR DOES THAT??? I never knew!!!! But really, thank you again endlessly for all that you’ve written. I appreciate it so much and I’m so happy you love this story. You are just the sweetest and I PROMISE TO LISTEN TO YOUR MUSIC RECS TOMORROW THE MOMENT I WAKE UP. hugs you. LOVES YOU. THROWS CONFETTI AT YOU.
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wanderbitesbybobbie · 6 years
SO THIS IS SYDNEY: Expat Stories - Life, Work, and School Abroad
So basically, I am writing this post at 12:12 AM AEST because first, I can’t sleep. Second, I want a clear documentation (in writing) of how messed up my sleeping pattern is because of my current job and school schedule. But I am thankful for my current job. I really am. I love how chill the cafe is. I don’t mind waking up really early for about 2 to 3 times a week, and finishing early as well.  But, I am in the process of adjusting because I got used to being alive and awake at 1 in the morning. But now, I have to be asleep at around 7 or 8 so I can wake up and function at 3 in the morning. That’s kind of a drastic change for me. So surprise, surprise! My sleeping pattern is all over the place. Hahaha. Anyway, all I can do is just imagine myself one day, sipping on a cold glass of champagne, maybe in a 5-star resort somewhere, reading my previous blogs and telling myself, “Awwww… those were the days when I was slaving my butt out trying to gain all those experience.”
Today, I woke up at 3 AM as usual after a seemingly 4-5 hours of sleep. Of course it wasn’t enough for a 10-hour shift. I kept yawning like a lion the whole day. But anyway, I woke up at 3, prepared for work, and headed out. I was running late for some reason or maybe I was too slow in the bathroom, pondering about life while I was brushing my teeth. It added up about 7 mins on my usual routine. I started walking down the road as my workplace is merely a 20-minute walking distance from where I live. My earphones were plugged in with Dua Lipa playing. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this white Ford sedan pulled over at my side of the road. I wasn’t paying attention, it’s super early in the morning so I kept walking. Then, I noticed the lady driver signalling me to come to her. I pulled my earphones off and walked to her passenger side. I thought she was lost so I was preparing to make my brains work for directions. So the conversation went this way:
Uber Driver: Hi! Are you on your way to the train station? (with her passenger window down)
Me: Yeah. (Because… maybe, she doesn’t know where the train station is so I was pointing to that direction.) 
UD: I’m going that way. Do you want a free lift?
Me: (Thinking… Hmmm… Maybe it won’t hurt if I get a free ride. Besides, I’m almost late.) Oh, that would be awesome, thank you. I’m actually going near the station, near KFC, a little bit further down by the junction. 
She nodded, and opened the passenger door. So I got in her car.
UD: I saw you cross the road. I slowed down when I saw you and I was trying to call you, but you wouldn’t look back. I was thinking if I was gonna take you in. Then you started walking fast, and I said, omigosh she’s too petite to be walking this dark, alone on the streets. Yup. I’m taking her in. 
Me: Hahaha I’m fine. I’m like this every other day. 
UD: What? Walking alone on the street? Where are you going this early? I’m Michelle by the way. I’m an Uber driver. I just had a very wonderful night on the road, so I want to share the good vibes before I go home. 
Me: Wow. That’s good. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Michelle. I’m Barbara. I’m on my way to work. 
UD: Oh, KFC opens that early?
Me: Hahaha No. I’m a pastry chef. I work at the cafe in front of KFC. We open at 6:30. So I have to start doing the breads and muffins at 4. 
We drove for about 5 minutes and we were almost there. 
UD (whose name is Michelle): Wow. That’s very admirable. You’re doing good for humanity. I can’t even wake up early to make myself an egg for breakfast and you’re doing breakfast for the entire Bondi. Yup! I made the right decision of giving you a lift. I feel like I helped humanity too. (We both laughed.)
As we were about to approach my workplace, I said my heartfelt thanks. 
Me: This is my stop. Thank you so much. God bless you. 
UD: You too. You are a blessing. Have a good day ahead.
Me: You as well. Have a good day ahead. Thanks again. 
So I ended up being 5 minutes early than the head chef, and the shop was still closed. But, that’s ok. I would have been about 10 minutes late if she didn’t give me a ride. The day started well and ended well.
Today is one of those days when I just had an anxiety attack two nights ago and I am still recovering from that blank feeling, but I got to force myself to function for work. I literally had to compose myself and drag myself to be a normal human being. So I did my usual breakfast routine. I made the brioche dough, popped it in a box for proofing, did the scones, baked some muffins, made some Cinnamon and Nutella Rolls, made donuts, made sourdough, made heaps of carrot cakes (got myself a scorching burn in the process), prepared some date balls for rolling, and all of a sudden… the head chef said to me… “I just confirmed your Monday.” My face lit. Then he followed up with “You don’t have to work on Saturday.” Whooootttt! Wait what? “This Saturday or next Saturday?” So my brain got a little bit excited. Man, that’s 4 days rest starting Friday! Whoa! “This coming Saturday.” He replied. OMG! What a bliss!!! So, I just realized… Honey, that’s the rest of your Spring break, because you won’t feel any break when you start with your hotel training. Hahaha. Enjoy!
I woke up and started the day with a massive headache. I kept sneezing. The weather is as fickle as it could be. One day, it’s sunny, next day, it’s rainy and the temperature would drop from 23 to 11 in a snap. Anyway, Thursday is a school day for me, but not your average “school day” like Finance Tuesdays. I get to run as Front of House/F&B for lunch service at The Apprentice Restaurant (which my school owns and it’s being run by students including the chefs). I was wearing my uniform and this day marked my most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had in Sydney. So my F&B uniform is a black skirt, white blouse, and a coat, just like how you would see any other hoteliers. I was wearing black stockings and black shorts underneath my skirt. The sun was out, but I stopped for a bit to wear my coat as it wasn’t as warm as I expected it to be. I honestly don’t know how it happened. I crossed two intersections already. To my surprise, I looked down. I saw my skirt up my thighs, and my shorts saying hello to the world. I was like WTF!!!! I pulled my skirt down and casually walked really fast. I was super embarrassed I didn’t want to look sideways or even look back to see if someone was looking. Hahahaha. I literally have no idea how long it has been like that. I was pretty sure I pulled my skirt down before I left the house. Anyway, I received a free box of white chocolate macadamia cookies at the train station. They were campaigning for something, and I didn’t read it. I just took the cookies. Shame on me! Hahahaha. I started being conscious wearing that skirt. I kept on looking down my thighs the whole time!
As I arrived at The Apprentice, my teacher noticed I’ve got a bit of a flu. So he instructed me to make myself a cup of tea with a squeeze of lemon. Cool! Instant breakfast! Free tea from school plus free cookies from the train station. Not bad for a Thursday! I was supposed to be serving 7 people but my table of 4 did not arrive for their reservation, and 1 person from my table of 3 couldn’t make it so I ended up serving two people only and apparently one of them was the person I was looking for to talk about my hotel work placement. God is good! The moment he saw me, he said, “Hi Barbara. How’s it going?” I smiled at him and said, “Hi Tony. Holiday Inn just called me. I’ll be having a chat with them tomorrow at the hotel for the roster.” “Oh great. But the reason I want to have a chat with you is because Sofitel wants you as well. See, you have options. So tell me whatever you have in mind with your schedule, OK? Because I can easily talk to Sofitel and tell them if you’re interested as well.” I gave my best smile, quickly nodded, and said thanks. Wow! What did I do to deserve this kind of opportunity? Again, THANK YOU LORD. And thanks for the free food ALWAYS.
30 September 2018 FRI-YEY!!!! SPRING BREAK!!!
It’s the start of our Spring Break for this semester. Friday is the start of my 4-day break… out of the many breaks (hopefully, in the future… when I’m not as broke anymore. Hahaha). It’s one fine day. I went to Holiday Inn and confirmed my schedule. I went for a uniform fitting and attended a mini “briefing”. I have decided to push with Sofitel as well, but I’ll finish Holiday Inn first. I don’t know if I’m going the right direction for my career, but yes. I want to try both. I mean, I love being a pastry chef… but I also love the hospitality industry in general. Just the thought of being in a hotel everyday gives me that really fancy feeling. It’s a positive feeling, so my receptors say it’s a good one. Hahaha. I spent the rest of my Friday with my cousin. We pigged out, rode the most expensive Ferris Wheel ride I’ve ever had in my whole life (but the view of the entire Harbour was worth it), talked about life, our dreams, our plans for 2019. I don’t know, but I am really excited for what lies ahead.
2017 and 2018 might not be the best, but I have a feeling that 2019 would be a breakthrough. I’m claiming it. It’s a positive feeling again, and it’s good, right? 🙂
OK. I gotta get some shut-eyes. I plan to walk by the beach if the sun is out and weather is warm the moment I wake up. We’ll see. I am updating this from time to time actually. It’s just that there are days when I would start to write, but I would end up malfunctioning (if you know what I mean). That’s another story to tell. I hope I get some time to update this again soon! Thanks for reading my non-sense train of thoughts. 🙂
SO THIS IS SYDNEY: Expat Stories – Life, Work, and School Abroad was originally published on WanderBitesByBobbie
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