#i adore them and it would eat the same thing as my mantis to start
hazel2468 · 5 months
Holy fuck I ordered it.
Mantis inbound.
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Repost: Ask on Taeyung Smoking and BTS Outgrowing their Idol Image
Anonymous: Hi, BPP! I am a baby ARMY (2 years) and I thought there would be harsher reaction to V caught smoking, but I feel relieved there's not. Do you think ARMYs are getting calmer/accepting/not judging? I mean I am still confused by the fact we do not know who their real life partners are (as a western fan it was so weird for me, although I understand it could be dangerous for a said partners). Or is it BTS that has already outgrown an "idol" image, although I think they were never ones... And that is why I adore them so much.
Hi Anon,
Lol at “ARMYs getting calmer/accepting/not judging”.
I have something to say about your perception of ARMY after spending ~2 years in the fandom but we’ll get to that later. (I’m guessing you’re from Dynamite era, but wouldn’t that make you at least pre-school ARMY by now? How do these terms work?)
I think it’s a bad idea to try to use reactions to Tae’s smoking pics as a gauge for how “ARMYs” behaviors have evolved, because many things about the reveal on Saturday/Sunday/Monday were unique and not comparable to any other previous ‘scandal’ for the boys. My personal opinion is that nothing about ARMYs reaction to those pics was unusual at all - contrary to perhaps popular opinion, the core of the fandom has largely treated BTS members as independent adults who can drink, smoke, fuck, eat/diet within reason, lol.
Here are some things that influenced dominant reactions:
The Grammys: A lot of ARMYs were focused on the Grammys and knew that as this is k-pop, there would be someone who would try to create controversy from any angle. So (1) ARMYs were mostly distracted with the Grammys, (2) they were also prepared to not let anything sour this moment for the boys.
The source: As Tae’s pics were obviously taken by a sassaeng, it was easy to discourage spreading it or giving it much attention on that basis alone.
Tae’s smoking is old news: A lot of people in the fandom have known for a long time that Tae vapes and smokes. It’s been all over Korean forums for years, and on the international side, well…
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Both photos showing Tae’s vape pens are from 2019 and the first time I saw a mention of him smoking an actual cigarette was in 2020. So this is something a lot of ARMYs knew but didn’t think was a big deal and either downplayed or ignored.
Solo stans were occupied, but opposing fandoms were not: I’m not sure if you notice, but the people who typically freak out about controversies for BTS members are usually from other fandoms or multis/mantis with overlaps with BTS solo stans. This is something that happened in 2019 with jikook’s 'controversies’ with women (Jimin in the Paris pub and Jungkook casually backhugging a woman). It was Exols, blinks, and a few multis that were moots with Tae akgaes / solo stans that were in GCs that started the hashtags and created all the noise. Also in late 2021 with Tae’s 'controversy’ of visiting a museum where a woman he knows happened to be present, it was jikook akgaes / solo stans and shippers that spread those photos along with hate and sensationalist language. And with Jimin’s 'controversy’, also in late 2021, of another woman who happened to be in LA while the boys were there, this happened literally two weeks after Jimin akgaes had stirred up controversy for Tae (the museum photos), so it was no surprise when ARMYs noticed it was mostly Tae akgaes and taekook shippers spreading the rumors for Jimin. In every case, people from other fandoms and multis were at the center of that mess. The very same thing happened with Tae’s smoking pics, except in this case, solo stans were also largely pre-occupied with the Grammys. They were too busy screenshotting 'locals’ praising their idols and otherwise just drumming up hype. The people who wanted to create a scandal out of those pics were obvious and on Sunday you could search up “Tae smoking” on twitter and see tweets from blinks with 30K likes and everyone from Onces to Stays to Shawols to NCTzens in the quotes hyping it up lmao. It would’ve gained traction if solo stans weren’t also busy, but they were, so by Monday ARMYs had gotten some of the primary accounts suspended.
Now, about solo stans, these are the people who are extremely sensitive to the perception of their preferred idol. These are the people now trying to say the pics are edited, saying that Tae doesn’t and can’t possibly smoke, and otherwise reaching all the way past Timbuktu to preserve his 'pure’ image. A lot of ARMYs, by contrast, were reminding people (from other fandoms who thought there was a scandal here) that Taehyung is a 26 year old man in a country where roughly 40% of men smoke. It’s primarily solos and diet solos who are committed to keeping the 'idol images’ for their faves, though this particular scandal is kinda weird because a lot of idols are known smokers.
One other factor I can’t ignore is the subject: Tae - I’m under no illusions that if it was Jungkook or Jimin caught smoking, it would have been a bigger deal. Taehyung has the most solo stans out of all the members, so this also controls for the sort of negative news that gains traction for him, but also the sort that gains traction for members considered to be his competition by his solos i.e. Jimin and Jungkook.
There are more diet solo stans who are masquerading as ARMYs, than the fandom is willing to admit (to its own detriment) and I think Taehyung in particular has a lot of fans like this. Anyone going 'I hate company stans’ or is a hardcore Taekook shipper, is someone I’d put in that category.
I’d say BTS has been outgrowing their 'idol image’ since 2018 when they started to assert themselves more as artists who cannot be pigeonholed into the k-pop category, and they've also done this in more subtle ways such as how Jimin first got tattoos that were still considered to be taboo, followed by Jungkook who got a full sleeve of tattoos in the following years. Again, it was solo stans and people from other fandoms who tried to make those things a scandal, but the core of the fandom supported BTS members in all these choices. Jin is practically 30 years old, and (because of the pandemic) BTS members spent the longest time they’ve lived apart for the first time in 2020 and 2021 which allowed them time to personally explore all sorts of things (Jimin and Namjoon’s weverse interviews come to mind), and I’m curious to see if we’ll have more individuality in their new album that’s supposed to signify a 'new era’. A lot of older ARMYs are still the core of the fanbase, are growing up with the band as well, and have generally always treated the boys as people who have agency and can make their own choices.
You mentioned BTS dating and how the fandom could respond to that but that’s a whole can of worms that probably deserves its own post. (Cause I’ve seen some major delulus who really think they have a chance with these guys from the most unexpected parts of the fandom). So if you’re curious about that in particular, please send me an ask.
Now, this is unconnected to anything in this post, but there are real horrifying things happening in the world right now. Yesterday, some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Ukraine, in the small town of Kramatorsk, were forced to start evacuating. Russians butchered everyone from toddlers to grandpas in Bucha, and now my friend is on her way to Kramatorsk to assist with last minute evacuations there. These are people who have no money, no resources, no plans, but are forced to leave all they know just to try to avoid certain death. If you’re able to donate but haven’t yet for any reason, please consider donating to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. If you’re in a country with a strong parliamentary system, please consider reaching out to your representatives to put more pressure on Russia and do more to support Ukraine. If you’d like to do this through ARMY resources, a link is here.
Originally posted: April 6th, 2022 8:58am
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The Obey Me Brothers and Undatables vs An Insect/Arachnid Loving MC
I find it amazing how many people find it disturbing that I just love some insects and arachnids (not more than birds but still, insects can be both cute and cool even when they manage to terrify me so I can't help but love them lmao).
It's so cool how insects are actually the most dominant species in the world even before humanity existed and will most likely still be even after humanity ceases to exist, of course some of them actualy spread disease and such but it's not all of them and the mosquitoes that do spread it are females and they are just sucking your blood to feed their babies and the males like flowers over your blood, I actually don't like all spiders but I love tarantulas with all my heart although I can't say the same for wasps, they are evil but they can be so cool I have so many mixed feelings and cockroaches can be so adorable specially the forest/wild ones, have you ever seen them eat fruits??? They are so cute! And don't even get me started on how a d o r a b l e beetles are-
Lucifer vs Ladybug
Taking strolls in the Castle's garden when you are accompaning Lucifer in his work are very common.
Just taking a fresh breath of the Devildom's air in between breaks with you by his side powers him up like crazy.
Now that being said, he doesn't really appreciate losing your attention to a little, colorful, bug crawling on one of the flowers in said garden.
"Lucifer, look! It's a ladybug! It's so different from the human world!"
That is true, ladybugs in hell were brighter in color and had a toxin in their bodies that- Oh wait
"Don't touch it!" Lucifer grabbed your hand in realization "haven't you learned anything about bright colors in nature? The toxin in their bodies can melt your skin off!"
He really didn't expect your eyes to get even more shiny.
"Ladybugs in Devildom are both bright and dangerous??!! I'm so jealous!"
With that, he became both exasperated and more in love with you.
Does this have a relation to the fact that you love him and his brothers even thought they are demons?
He is definetelly giving you a brooch in the shape of a ladybug later
Mammon vs Cockroach
If you think this man didn't scream like a plate being scratched with a fork when he saw a cockroach in your bedroom, you are wrong.
I mean, okay, he was on the floor and the thing just decided to crawl up to his head out of nowhere.
He jumped over the table so fast it probably has beaten a world record.
"Aw! It's a baby cockroach!"
It's true, it was very small compared to adult ones, but Mammon didn't care.
And of course instead of killing it you just raise your eyebrown at him while scooping the thing up with a paper.
And of course you needed to bring it really close to him just to watch him squirm before you decide throw it out of your bedroom's window.
He definetelly will ask you to wash your hands before comforting him even if you didn't even touch the cockroach directly.
Leviathan vs Dragonfly
You cannot tell me dragonflies in Devildom are actually very few and actually have the size of a small dragon.
It all happened on the day you and Levi got lost in the forest searching for a raven that stole his just purchased phone charm of a game that he was currently addicted to.
Both of you were looking for a way out when you heard an extremelly loud buzzing noise from somewhere in the woods.
Of course both of you followed the sound because first, you just know that must be one big ass insect since it sounded almost like a helicopter and you had to see it, and second, Levi suddenly forgot all about the charm (and being lost) and started rambling about how 'it couldn't be! Is it really-!'
And that is how you guys found his new Henry.
A giant, navy blue, shiny dragonfly, that was currently eating the Raven you and Levi were searching for.
Let's just say Levi got his charm back and both of you got a free ride to the House of Lamentation.
Satan vs Spiders
Where there are old books, there are spider webs, and where there are spider webs, there's at least a 50% chance there are spiders in there.
So you can say Satan was quite familiar with the eight legged creatures, although he never really paid them much attention.
That is until he found they were of your interest.
You will never see someone start to give spider names, treat them with courtesy and have small talks with them faster than with this man.
Getting a book from the House of Lamentation's library and there's a web in the way along with a resident spider? "Excuse me, I will have to disturb you a little, I hope you don't mind a bit of damage to your home"
He is reading and suddenly sees a spider dangling down from a web string right besides him? He is definetelly letting it land on his hand just so that he can show it to you.
One day he even choses to read a book in his berdoom that a tiny spider was standing on. The sight of the tiny thing crawling around the pages as he reads it and explains some things out loud is so precious to see.
Asmodeus vs Scorpions
Of course, what would suit the Lust Demon better than his own patron?
That is until you teach him that there are more than just one type of scorpion, and there is one type that has really big claws and a thinner tail that are usually pretty big in size.
Why would learning that be a bad thing, you ask? Instead of stinging its food, it actually grabs it like a crab.
So yes, the day Asmo held one and didn't use his charms, it pinched him.
Needless to say, it was chaotic.
Leaving the fact he is never approaching those kinds of scorpions ever again, he coos a lot at you while you coo at the small scorpions.
If you tell him the fact that they are his patron just makes you love him more, he will be so happy he will be squealing for the next 5 minutes.
He has definetelly taken a few dozens, of pictures for you while holding one or more scorpions.
His followers in the devilgram were surprised at how even while holding that thing, Asmo still looked amazing.
Scorpions definetelly became sensation in Devildom after that.
Beelzebub vs Flies
Again, nothing better than his own patron.
If he didn't have to swat them off his food that is.
He has definetelly eaten some accidently.
"Look! I managed to make it crawl up to my finger without scaring it!" you say.
"That is cool. But you should probably wash your hand." He replies.
He's right, wash your hands if you ever grab onto flies.
He finds it really cute that you like insects, and it makes him tingly on the inside when he remembers that his symbolic creature is an insect itself.
Don't hold back on asking him to change into his demon form more often, he is very happy to do it.
He starts paying more attention to insects and flies in general after he finds out how much you love them.
How big their are, their color, where he saw them, what were they doing, if they tasted good.
And then he proceeds to tell you all about it.
He is very cute.
Belphegor vs Butterflies
It's not that he attracts butterflies, no. But he actually likes them, finds them cool even.
Did you know some butterflies disguise as another type butterfly because that type is actually not very tasty to eat so the animals stay away from them?
And how many of them have patterns on their wings that look a lot like Owls and again, it makes animals stay away from them?
And the whole symbolism of life, death and rebirth around them? And the fact that the larvae eating everything around them reminds him a lot of Beel?
Belphie definetelly likes butterflies and you cannot tell me otherwise.
So when he finds out you love insects? Oh he is definetelly taking you to the best butterfly watching spot either in the Devildom or the Human World.
It's specially cute when he falls asleep and one lands on his face.
He definetelly had a minor heart attack when he woke up to the sight its wings but he will never admit it.
Also definetelly grabs it and puts it on you instead.
It's counterproductive as you end up looking too cute for him to handle.
Solomon vs Beetles
I mean beetle fights.
You thought you liked insects, just wait until you see this man cheering on a beetle like an excited kid.
Also finds it hilarious when one just yeets the other away.
And because now you are there to feed more into his love for beetles, one day he casts a spell on two of them to make them big enough to ride and just showed up outside your window like:
"No time to explain, get in the beetle"
Because of safety measures, no, you guys didn't have a giant beetle fight.
But you did ride them around the Devildom forest at 2am.
You thought it would be an insane ride with lots of adventures
But you guys just ended up star gazing while laying on them.
He forgot to turn them back to their original size and they scared a few of the residents of Devildom.
Simeon vs Mantis
Warning: it's a big goreish
When you introduced the praying mantis specifically to Simeon, he was immediatelly in awe.
And then you proceeded to show him how they can have many shapes and forms, be it as leafs, tree branches, and others.
And he was so intrigued!
But then you gave him the more, specific details.
Like how they can feast on their prey while they are still alive.
And how it actually can attack small birds such as humming birds, eating their brain tissue through their eyes.
And how the females practice a cannibalism ritual, feasting on their partners after mating.
That's when his writer self came to light.
What I mean is, he was now both horrified and extremelly inspired.
Simeon can be scary sometimes.
Diavolo vs Ants
If you can find ants in every nook and crany around the world, you cannot tell me you can't find them in hell.
If they are able to travel the sea just by being taken along with baggage on accident, they have definetelly come to hell the same way, specially black crazy ants.
So honestly, I wouldn't find it surprising that Diavolo would have at least one big colony of ants he takes care of.
But he didn't have it until you pointed out why ants were awesome to him.
"They don't eat the leafs, they are farmers and what they eat is the other tiny creatures that decompose the leafs" "they can go to extreme lenghts to find their food and they have a real good teamwork, often they don't eat right away but instead bring the food back to the colony to feed the young" "Some ants that live in tropical weather that rains a lot, such as the amazon, can swim! And they do it together in big, ant, nests!"
Needless to say, he was intrigued.
Such tiny creatures are able to eat other insects much bigger than them? And they love sweets?
They actually like their homes clean and throw their trash into the very corner of their enclosure? Their bite can actually hurt a lot even to creatures gigantic copared to their size such as humans??
He had his own personal colony the very next day.
Barbatos vs Bees
This man definetelly has his own share of appreciation for bees even before you told him you like insects.
They are very good helpers in the garden, their honey can be used on a extremelly big variety of both food and health products along with their wax, and honestly, they're just so fuzzy and cute.
If you want to get a rare laugh or chuckle out of him, make bee movie references.
He will just stop in his tracks and cover his mouth as he tries not to laugh.
You could almost make him spit his drink if you do it while he is drinking something.
And you can't tell me this man can't make bee related puns with a straight face. It's unbeeliveable
Aight, imma head out
(This was basically an insect/arachnid appreciation post and I have no regrets)
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lunabonita · 3 years
My Webtoon Recommendations
These are webtoons that are all 10/10 for me. Of course it doesn’t have to be a 10/10 for you, so just a reminder, do not attack me for liking a webtoon that you do not. These are my opinions and we are not going to have the exact same taste. Please be respectful.
Your Throne
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Genre: Fantasy
Chapters: 75
Status: Ongoing
“Tensions are brewing under the seemingly calm surface of the Vasilios Empire, a kingdom ruled by the Imperial Family and the Temple. Lady Medea Solon has lost her place next to Crown Prince Eros, but resolves to win back whats rightfully hers. Will she reclaim her throne?”
You know whats amazing about this webtoon? The summary leads you to think that what shes winning back is the prince. Wrong. Shes trying to win back the throne. I love how this webtoon doesn’t try to make it a girl focusing her goals on a man, but on power. Medea is such a strong and well written character that you can’t help but love her.
The second protagonist Pschye, who of which is the person who took Medeas place as Crown Princess, is the complete opposite of Medea. At the beginning you hate her, but as the webtoon goes on and Medea and her get a better understanding of eachother due to them switching bodies as a wish from God, you begin to root for them as they team up to take over the throne from the Crown Prince.
The art is so beautiful and I constantly found myself at awe from the amount of detail put into it.
The Makeup Remover
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Genre: Romace
Chapters: 78
Status: Ongoing
“After years of being told to focus on studying, Yeseul feels lost when she starts college and is suddenly expected to pay attention to makeup. When a chance encounter with brilliant makeup artist Yuseong leads to her taking part in a televised makeup competition, Yeseul begins to question the role that makeup and appearance play in society.”
This was created by one of my favorite webtoon creators Lee Yone. Their art is just so amazing and their stories always include such good topics.
For instance, The Makeup Remover’s theme is loving yourself for who you are. It shows how people treat you based on your looks and as someone whos struggled with that kind of thing for a while, this webtoon really touched me. The main character Yeseul is such a relatable character, even when trying to reject beauty standards, she still came subject to the pressures of living up to the people around her. She struggles with trying to love her own appearance and I really like that this webtoon didn’t try to be like, ‘fuck the beauty standard im better than that screw pretty people!!!’ it actually showed realistically how people struggle with self-image. I also love the main love interest because oh my god, we need more men like him please. He doesn’t care about Yeseul’s appearance and genuinely loves her for her personality.
Also, art is amazing. The author is so talented and you should support them by reading and liking the chapters.
Surviving Romance
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 14
Status: Ongoing
“When Chaerin Eun becomes the protagonist of the romance novel she is reading, she expects a fairytale ending with the novel’s love interest, Jeha. But when a bizarre twist makes her realize the story is not playing out as it does in the book, she’ll need the help of an unlikely character from her class to defy the new storyline and find her happy ending - if only she can figure out who this ‘Unknown Extra’ is first!”
Hands down one of my favorite webtoons by a long shot. You ever see a webtoon and think, ‘oh yeah, thats going to be a good webtoon’? Thats how this webtoon was for me. It was so good that I spent hours searching for other chapters that hadn’t been uploaded to webtoon yet on other manhua websites. I discovered it because it was also by the author of ‘The Makeup Remover’.
If there is one thing you need to know about me, its that I am a huge horror fan. So when I saw that my favorite author on webtoon had a horror themed webtoon out? You bet your behind that I binged it. Let me tell you, best choice ever.
Think of it as if ‘Ino’s Law’ and ‘Quarantine’ were combined with amazing art and a badass MC.
The Remarried Empress
I love how it is set up to the point where she cannot ‘quit’ until she completes the novel. Creating scenarios where she must survive while meeting the standards in the book. It is such an amazingly written webtoon and I cannot wait for more chapters to be released.
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Genre: Fantasy
Chapters: 82
Status: Ongoing
“Navier Ellie Trovi was an empress perfect in every way - intelligent, courageous, and socially adept. She was kind to her subjects and devoted to her husband. Navier was perfectly content to live the rest of her days as the wise empress of the Eastern Empire. That is, until her husband brought hone a mistress and demanded a divorce. ‘I accept this divorce… And i request an approval of my remarriage.’ In a shoking twist Navier remaarries another emperor and retains her title and childhood dream as empress. But just how did everything unfold? “
Am I in love with Navier? Yes.
I absolutely adore how this story was set up. The first chapter begins with the big divorce scene, followed by Navier saying that she was going to be remarrying someone else since he wants to divorce her. This sets up a picture that gets completely shattered as you read the chapters. How everything falls into place with the reason behind the divorce and the remarriage is just so well written. The art is so good and and everything is just so insanely well done.
I absolutely love Naviers character, from her regalness and devoted loyalty to her role as empress, all the way to her petty moments and times of sadness. She is truly a character that you want the best for, and I cannot image anyone not liking her. Also the story is just so capable of making you feel emotions. I’ve laughed, cried, and got angry during the course of reading this webtoon. I love how betrayed I felt when the emperor brought home his mistress. It felt like I was in Navier’s shoes!
This is such a well done webtoon and I'm so excited for Navier to get all of the good things she deserves in her new Kingdom and with her new husband.
Witch Creek Road
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 74
Status: Ongoing
“A survival horror about love, acceptance, death, and revenge. And sexy flesh-eating demons. Yeah, it has those, too.”
This series seriously mind fucked me. The way that this story is set up, you don’t see the full picture until the later chapters. Season two literally blew my mind. It is also very gorey so keep that in mind if you don’t like that kind of stuff, but for me that makes it all the better. It is just so wild and crass that you can feel your heart pumping in anticipation.
They even have their own website that goes further into the lore because it’s just so wild. Also the art style is just so amazing, because it complements the story and horror theme so much. You hate most of the characters because they suck, and it is so satisfying when they are killed. Also it has it’s sad moments but I think it is a nice break from the horror so it isn’t so overwhelmingly scary.
I binged this series and I recommend reading only a few chapters a day so you don’t overload your brain.
Other then that, an amazing webtoon. Seriously, go read it, support the author, so much work goes into the story and art that it’s insane.
Dating With A Tail
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Genre: Romance
Chapters: 36
Status: Ongoing
“On the dawn of her 29th birthday, unlucky-in-love Yunha discovers a shocking family secret: she’s started growing a fox tail, the mark of an ancestral curse. She must find her fated love before her 30th birthday or she is destined to become a fox forever! Even with her new-found enchanting power to attract men using her scent, will one year be enough to break the curse before it’s too late?”
Oh my gosh this is just such a good webtoon. It has amazing art, story telling, and characters. The true love interest was there the whole time, the villain isn’t who you’d expect it to be, and the spirit who cursed her is just! Im not going to spoil it but go read this webtoon!! It is so good and deserves more love.
Also Yunha is just so relatable?? Like she put off finding the woodcutter (her fated love) for 29 years and waited last minute to find him. Homegirl is me trying to do a project for school. Also to get rid of the scent that makes men attracted to her, she just starts eating a ton of garlic and that is just so funny to me.
Also I would go to church for the priest anytime if you know what i mean ;)
Omniscient Reader
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Genre: Action
Chapters: 53
Status: Ongoing
“Dokja was an average office worker whose sole interest was reading his favorite web novel ‘Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse.’ But when the novel suddenly becomes reality, he is the only person who knows how the world will end. Armed with this realization, Dokja uses his understanding to change the course of the story, and the world, as he knows it.”
I cannot get over how high quality this story is. The world building is phenomenal, the art is fantastic, and the characters are very fleshed out. This deserved all the hype it has gotten so far and more.
I love the ‘mc thrown into a different reality’ trope so much. Just like with surviving romance, Dokja’s world became the story he was reading. Also a very cool aspect of the story is the level up and the fact that its like a game. Earth has turned into this show for god like creatures to watch and it follows Dokja trying to survive. I also really like that TWSA has a protagonist, but Omniscient Reader’s protagonist is not the protagonist that was in TWSA. There is just so much lore and I’ll say it again, the world building is just phenomenal.
The Ddokkaebi’s and Dokja’s interactions are also just some of my favorite moments from the story so far. And oh my goodness I would die for Lee Gilyoung. Thats it, thats the tweet. That little boy could probably kill me with his giant praying mantis and I would let him if it would make him happy.
Not So Shoujo Love Story
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Genre: Comedy
Chapters: 45
Status: Ongoing
“Romance super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it’ll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival… for Rei’s heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!”
This is just such a cute webtoon. The style is very appealing and while the humor can be childish and weird sometimes, it still has made me laugh a lot. I know the humors not for everyone but just keep in mind that it does get better as the story progresses and gets more serious.
Also its a gl! I’m really unable to find good gls these days that don’t fetishize wlw relationships. Rei being painted as a mean trouble maker whos just misunderstood and Hana being the ‘perfect girl’ who only wants Rei’s attention is such a cute dynamic. They balance each other out and better each other. Also stan Rei for constantly sticking up for Hana even if she doesn’t necessarily like her in the beginning, she has very good morals and sticks to them.
Also the defying stereotypes in this webtoon? Just god-tier. Really makes you think twice when you judge someone just on first impressions alone.
Odd Girl Out
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Genre: Drama
Chapters: 264
Status: Ongoing
“After a successful winter break makeover, Nari is finally ready for her high school debut. But somehow, she ends up friends with the three prettiest girls in school! Follow Nari as she tries to navigate her brand new high school life surrounded by beauties.”
This story has made me cry multiple times. A lot, even. It is just such a beautiful tale of friendship and finding support in people who are unlike those around theme. It also tells a great story about how anybody can be the ‘odd girl out’. Be it the fat girl, the beautiful girl, the rich girl, or the laid back girl.
It goes so deep into its characters that you even feel bad for the minor antagonists. It really makes you feel for the characters and the reasons behind their actions. Also I know its long, believe me I binged all 260 chapters in the span of three days, but oh my god it is worth it. Also I know the art is kind of off-putting, in fact that’s kind of why I put off reading the story, but I’ve honestly grown to love it and the writing is so good that the art could be literal stick figures and it wouldn’t matter.
The story is amazing and also I just love Nari. She’s just the best.
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Genre: Horror
Chapters: 67
Status: Completed
“Six old school friends are invited to be the first visitors of GremoryLand, a new horror theme park that promises an experience as unique as it is spooky. But once this experience starts there is no turning back, and they find themselves tested beyond what they imagines, facing their most desperate fears in order to survive.”
This is definitely one of those stories were you kind of need to turn of your brain and choose to ignore ‘plot holes’ while reading the early chapters because this story definitely gets crazy if you don’t know the ending. Believe me if you stick with it it will all make sense and the satisfaction you get from finding the ending is just so worth it.
The story is so good, and who Gremory is you would literally never suspect. When it was revealed who Gremory was and how he was able to create Gremoryland is so fucking mind boggling that you would never guess. I had to do a double take. It wasn’t like one of those random characters with a vendetta type of twists, but like one you can pick out from clues throughout the story.
Its so good and twisted and just so worth at least giving it a chance.
These were some of my favorite webtoons on the app! Of course it’s not all of them because unfortunately there is a 10 image limit. I also made this because I’ve run out of new webtoons to read and would love if you guys commented some of your own recs. I can also do a part two with other ones I liked if y’all want more recommendations. You guys can even request specific categories like Drama or Sci-Fi and I can tell you my favorite ones from that genre.
Also a reminder - if you disagree with any of my praise of these webtoons be respectful about it. At the end of the day it’s my opinion and you don’t need to be rude when disagreeing with that opinion.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Modern!Wrecker as a Country Boy/Redneck head canons:
Here is my one over Echo, I plan on doing the rest later!
These are all based off @spaceydragons original post! Please check out their blog they have some rad ideas 😌💙
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Okay so Wrecker would be the aggressive hard-core one of the group
By aggressive I mean "not afraid to get dirty, BUT would not even harm a fly."
He is very soft and isn't too fond of hunting. He loves wildlife too much to hurt it
One time you and him were hiking and he found a baby bunny and nearly started bawling because of how cute it was.
You and him often go on nature walks
If you know a lot about nature and explain things to him about it he will love you for 1000+ years.
He loves hearing your passions
He will pick you up to set you on tree branches for giggles. Unless your scared of heights, then he won't.
Be ready to go mudding because he loves it, with his big truck that can get out of anything because him and Tech customized it.
He will also love you forever if you bake pies
You often have to chase his away from the kitchen while they're cooling(yes, he gets his own pie. We spoil him in this household)
10/10 piggy back rides
Your feet are tired? Piggy back ride
You're sad? Piggy back ride
You're sick? Piggy back ride to the living room if you wanna lay on the couch because he will not let you do anything BUT sleep
Everyone thinks he's well- dumb, but he's actually really smart.
He may not be book smart, but he is street smart
He can fix vehicles like no other
He taught you everything you know about vehicles
Oh, you also better hope you aren't allergic to dogs because he comes home with a new one at least once a month
So be thankful tbb has a lot of land they own
When you two first start dating he's afraid you won't like how rowdy he can get, and how messy he can be, but you don't mind one bit and he loves you for it.
He saw you playing with Omega once and his heart melted. He thought he was going to combust with how adorable it was
Man will eat everything you cook
Even if it's the first time you made something and it didn't turn out great
He doesn't care, he will do anything to see that pretty smile of yours
Idkw but I feel like he asked you out by saying, "wanna be the cowgirl to my cowboy?" And everyone was astounded that 1. He overcame his awkwardness and thought of the line and 2. That you said yes.
Wrecker will never admit he heard Echo use it once at 79s
Wrecker loves picking you flowers, unless you have really bad allergies
Then he refrains and just points out the pretty ones that reminds him of you when you go on your walks.
When the two of you go to town he helps you pick out plants for the garden
He has his own flower garden and you cannot change my mind
But I feel like ladybugs frighten him
He got bit by a cornbug(they look like lady bugs) once when he was younger and it traumatized him
He likes watching the bees, but if they get too close he screams and runs inside
Same with wasps and spiders
Once he was attacked by a Pray Mantis and he has now decided he only likes butterflies and moths
He LOVES lifting you up to help you pick from the fruit trees 🥺🥺
If he sees you struggling to reach. Instead of reaching for you
He also loves swimming with you.
He grabs you by the waist and lifts you up, or sets you on his shoulders.
You often find him walking around with one of your hens under his arm.
He calls himself the chicken whisperer because only he can pick them up without them running away.
The two of you always win at the game chicken against his brothers and the 501st
Only time he's been jealous was when you paid more attention to a dog than you did him on one of his needy days
Other than that he's not really a jealous type. He trusts you
Oh, he also loves tractors and will take you for rides in them
Tractor rides can occasionally get steamy as well iykyk
He has ptsd and nightmares from the war and you are always what calms him
Even just your gentle breaths and presence in his arms while you sleep next to him is enough to calm him down.
He gave Lula to Omega, so for his birthday you made him a Lula 2.0 out of an old dress/shirt of yours and an old flannel of his. The dress/shirt was one of his favorites that you wore, but it was old and ripping so you put it to good use.
If you guys get a place of your own you occasionally steal Omega, and Cuts kids on weekends because you and Wrecker are the best Aunt/Uncle and Uncle
This man will sing to you out of the blue and is a really good singer. I don't make the rules
Man makes you blush after he's been working outside for a while 😳
Oh, you also get to borrow his oversized shirts and flannels
He also will save up money to buy you matching bracelets or necklaces
He would get a locket with you in it so he always has you by his heart 😌
In conclusion. He is a wholesome man, looking for a lover who would get muddy with him.
I could write more but it is currently 1am 😭
I might make another post for more ideas later or just write him a small drabble for wholesome purposes
@andiebell2023 @kaitou2417 @murdertoothpick
If you want tagged in future posts comment "future tag"!
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pirate-kwazii · 3 years
Watching Ring Of Fire now so here’s more of my thoughts
Is that a fence in the water
Is everyone groaning about the sea urchin and crab or yawning? I can’t tell
Okay I’ve had the Vegimals song stuck in my head for awhile now
Kwazii’s alarm clock shoots tennis balls at him- same
And Dashi starts the day with yoga
Tweaks fell asleep playing video games mood
Shellington what the fUCK
Tf is that- is that lava?!?
Oh ring of fire like the volcanoes- I feel stupid now
They’re doing their role call out of order
What the fuck Kwazii why did you eat 17 kelp cakes
Is the only thing you eat is seaweed
*terrible accordion playing* *everyone winces*
How many cousins do you have peso?!?!
Kwazii: I’m going out and FAST!!!!
Captain: *eyebrow raise*
Kwazii: I mean I’m checking the engine
“Don’t push the Z button” Kwazii is definitely going to press it I bet all 3 of my dollars
Wait why did Peso and Barnacles need a Gup if they were taking the octopod?!
How much time does Tweak have to keep making all these gups?!
Aw Kwazii loves that Gup so much
Kwazii’s copying it omg-
Shellington and Dashi are such nerd friends it’s actually adorable
Tremors those are probably important
Ring-shape? Like the ring of fire-
Oh no comms are down
Mateys you should’ve stayed at the Octopod
Kwazii saved Tweak’s life and now it’s flooding
Why don’t they know about the Ring of Fire if they LIVE in the ocean
Oh no the comms are down they can’t reach them!!!!
Damn at least no one is alone...
Of course the Chinstrap Penguins live on a volcano
Well at least Shellington and Dashi are alright and above water so there’s a lower chance of drowning
“How does he know I’m an octonaut?” Maybe it’s because you’re wearing the octonauts colors and the logo all over it
Wow itd be faster to push the stupid thing
Last time you guys followed the screaming sound there was a tsunami
Well at least you found the whales you wanted to find
“I’ve always wanted to see a whale but not like this!” I’d sure hope so Shellington
Of course the volcano erupts
Tweak Kwazii are ya okay?!
Now is not the time to copy Barnacles- holy shit it worked
She just noticed that?!
Shit you guys are stuck
Kwazii beggars can’t be choosers
Why is that the only way to get across Tweak
No Tweak pay attention
I really hope you guys can hold your breath
She’s pulling a Ladybug and the things she looks at glow now
Improvised fire extinguisher
Eww they landed in seaweed and a banana peel
Why does everyone end in the garbage disposal- sorry compost
Oh he almost fell in-
*opens door and floods room* Guess we’re swimming after all
Tunip leave him it’s natural selection
Grouber just sits and eats during a panic- same
“Lesson Nine- dealing with disasters” what
Why is the background of those videos so bad
I mean it’s rad but also bad
Tunip: *hands the Vegimals a bunch of shovels* good luck
Mateys how did that dirt pile work-
*quickly unplants all the seaweed*
*vacuums the animals*
“You gotta save us!” Why didn’t you get their attention sooner?
Why do none of them notice the volcanoes that they live on/near
We’ve seen the rafts it won’t work
How the hell did you think of that
Is that even possible
They only leave Inkling in charge when legit no one else is there
Kwazii and Tweak: *mimic pirates, rabbits and Barnacles*
Peso and Barnacles: *mimic penguins*
Wow Inkling is not good at this I see why he’s never in charge
Even Kwazii and the Vegimals have managed the octopod better than that
Why is there is Disco Ball
Why does it always switch to the training videos
“Dashi’s so good at this” yeah it’s almost like it’s her JOB
Took you long enough jeez
What is they fall off of the “slide”
“Mothers and babies first” anyone else can perish
Well that egg is dead
Oh never mind he got it
I mean she and Kwazii are trying not to be set on fire so I’m sure she’d get it
“I just hope everyone else is okay” well shellington and Dashi are stuck on a volcano that’s exploding trying to get a beached whale out on a very slow Gup, the Vegimals are trying to evacuate the garden, and Tweak and Kwazii are trying to get out of the burning and flooding repair area so no I don’t think anyone else is okay
“This isn’t working” no really Dashi
Oh the crabs know Kwazii that explains so much
Another Training Video?!
The crew all look so nervous when they appear in a training videos
Oh now Dashi and Shellington are mimicking Tweak
Poor Shellington he’s clumsy
“I have to say I.. really like that plan” yea cuz it’s the one that doesn’t involve you burning in the lava
Shellingtons getting a workout in oof
He’s about to fall into the lava
Now the crabs about to fall into the water
Oh god he’s screwed
Crab jump on the whale- now he’s flying
Shellington get out of the lava!!!
Alright some people are safe
Oh never mind the other volcanoes are erupting too
That water level is dangerously high are they gonna be okay
Kwazii don’t phrase it like that it sounds like you’ll die
Oh god oh no his tail
Mimicking Barnacles saved the day
Oh they are alright thank god
They’re gonna be traumatized from this- *angst time*
“And how will we get up there” Kwazii making good points again
Kwazii with a grappling hook is a terrifying idea please get one
And now they find out the comms are down
Kwazii trying to be helpful
Another video but this ones useless-
They sounded the octo alert together!!!
Kwazii and Tweak: ya we’re good
Also them: *trying to not to drown or burn*
They are all gonna connect to each other like Voltron aren’t they
Tweak: I got a plan
*crashes through the hatch*
Kwazii: *excited cat sounds*
Yeah they’re going together naturally
“Mega Gup Z” epic naming skills Tweak
“Seat swap” “wait a minute- WHOA”
“It’s completely covered in sea creatures” there’s no way you get all of them
Oh good some are swimming away
“Sit tight” they can’t really do anything else Captain
Do we know where they go after being S U C C E D into the mega Gup z?
And now rocks are everywhere
Kwazii’s excited cat noises are giving me life
Couldn’t the crabs walk away?
Oh no they’re getting stuck in the volcano-
Oh they’re good thank Neptune
Dashi: yea it’s bout to erupt we gotta go
Peso: I saw something inside there we gotta go look
Does Peso want them to die
Of course the animals sound snobby
“Why ever would we do that” CUZ ITS ERUPTING i swear all the creatures have the IQ of a walnut
“I didn’t even make a button for it” bruh
Yeah just like Voltron
Kwazii: *even more excited cat noises cuz he gets to destroy things*
Why do you all name the moves with the word “mantis” in front of them?
They all share one braincell and Barnacles and Peso have it 90% of the time
Tweak gets the other 10%
Everyone else runs on pure chaotic energy
“Tweak Status Report!” Tweak: WE ARE FUCKED
Let Tweak say “Fuck” 2k21
Kwazii: *e x c i t e d c a t n o i s e s*
*throws sea creatures at whale*
*blows up into five gups in massive explosion in front of erupting volcano*
Is all that sea urchin thinks about is food
“You know what I’d like? Dinner” “you know what pal, that sounds great”
“Have the eruptions stopped” “yea but that’s not what I called about”
Is Inkling trying to be more than that guy who sits in his library all day?
Yea it’s not hatching because of the bandage all around it
Please say the egg doesn’t die
Oh it’s alive good
Octonauts: remember that island that got destroyed by a volcano? Would you like to live on an island that volcano created?
Penguins: not really
Octonauts: too bad
Vegitoa? Wow
“It still felt like we were working as a team” maybe cuz you were all copying each other the whole time
“You really, really need to update those training videos” yeah fair enough
Of course the Vegimals still remember the dance
I see what the hype was about that was a fantastic movie mateys... though everyone’s probably gonna have some problems after that
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obi-wan-is-babe · 5 years
Relationship: Cal Kestis x f!Reader
Summary: “Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” “You look handsome in the moonlight.” *fluff*
Key: Y/N= your name
“They’ll never make it.”
“Greez! Not funny,” Cere slapped the Lateron on his top right shoulder. She scooted her chair closer to the table to get a better look at Cal and Y/N on the couch. She watched for a minute as they just chatted with each other. “I think they’re cute. Y/N seems to get through to him in a way we never could.”
“Still, they’re going to fast,” Greez turned his back to his dinner to look at the two sitting on the couch. “In my day...”
“In your day, there was no Empire.” Merrin appeared and walked over to the table. “While I do not understand your relationship culture, I would say they get along well and they seem to care for each other. Is that not enough?” She looked concerned, like maybe she did not understand the culture at all and was afraid she would be wrong.
Cere gave her a quick, reassuring smile. “That’s exactly enough,” Cere stared Greez down with a pointed look.
Greez grunted dejectedly then snatched up his dinner. “I’m gonna eat this in the cockpit,” and he stormed off. Cere just sighed and invited Merrin to join her at the table.
Cal watched as Greez stomped past the two of you. He turned to look at you with an innocent curiosity, “What do you think’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t think he likes me much.”
“What! How could he not like you?”
You looked into his puppy dog eyes, and melted under his adorable gaze. You could not understand how he did it. Cal was always perfectly sweet and a little confused, it broke through everything you had built up to protect yourself during your time rebeling against the Empire, it felt awful and amazing all at once. “Don’t worry about it right now. I’ll talk to him later.” You watched as his lips turned into a subtle smile. You scooted slightly closer to him, letting your legs touch ever so gently.
A blush spread quickly up Cal’s cheeks and he went to lean closer to you when-
“Landing! Everybody get into their chairs so we can be safe,” Greez’s voice rang throughout the Mantis, shocking you and Cal into jumping apart.
Cal ran a hand over the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, “Guess we gotta...go...sit.”
You grinned back at him and nodded. You watched as he walked into the cockpit and sat next to Greez.
“You and Cal are very compatible,” Merrin’s voice came from behind you.
You jump and grab at your chest. After catching up to your heartbeat, you spun around to look at her. “Merrin! You startled me.”
“Apologies. I just thought I should tell you.” She studied your currently blush filled face for a moment. “Have I upset you? Your face is flushed.”
You touched your cheeks gently. “Uh, no. No. I’m not upset. Uh...thank you. I guess.” You watched her nod slowly and wander over to a place to sit before landing. It was that obvious, huh, even Merrin could tell you liked Cal. It felt like everyone, even BD-1, could tell you like Cal. Everyone except the daft boy himself.
As you sat during landing, you couldn’t help but think about those grassy, green eyes of his and the way they look at you when you talk to him. And the way he ruffles his rusty colored hair when he doesn’t know what to do. You let out an audible sigh, and immediately regretted it. You glanced made sure no one heard it, but then you caught his eye and he smiled at you. Gods, you could have melted right then and there.
Tonight, you thought to yourself, I’m telling him tonight.
The Mantis took to landing in a big open field in the middle of the forest, an area where Imperials are to lazy to travel all the way to and check. This was one of your first contributions to the group when Cal saved you from the troopers in one of the villages nearby. In all honesty, this place was beautiful but came with heavy baggage that you never really wanted to come back to. But for the Resisitance, for Cal, you would do almost anything.
You landed around the highest point in the moons’ rotation. The stars were sparkling and you knew the night would be warm. It was always warm and comfortable. Right after landing, Greez and Cere took off to meet with a Resistance informant.
Before leaving, Cere pulled you aside. You looked at her in confusion before she gave you a slight smile. “You and Cal should go stargazing, it’s a lovely evening.” You immediately looked to the ground and started stuttering a response when she gave your shoulder a pat and walked away.
“I will be exploring this evening.” Merrin’s deadpanned voice again surprising you. You just nodded in response, trying to calm you heart for the second time.
As you stood there regaining your sense of being, Cal cleared his throat behind you. You spun around ready to hit something this time.
“Woah! Hold it. It’s just me.” His eyes dug into yours and you relaxed.
“Sorry, it’s just...Merrin puts me on edge when she does that.” You both laughed lightly then stood in a pleasant silence. You were the one to break the silence when you asked Cal, “Would you like to go stargazing?”
A wide grin broke across his face, “I’d like nothing more.”
The two of you made your way to the top of the Mantis, bringing one of Cal’s ponchos to use as a blanket. As you acended the ladder, Cal reached the top first and offered you his hand as you followed up behind him. You took his hand and stepped onto the top of the ship. Cal laid down his poncho and the two of you took a seat.
The two of you made pleasent conversation, you told him stories of other rebels you had met and he’d talk about some of the weird things he found while scrapping ships. At some point, Cal ended up sitting behind you as you told him about the first time you had talked to a Force-wielder, she had really cool duel lightsabers.
You had only noticed when you felt a light tugging at you hair. You bend your head backwards to look at him, “What are you doing?” You giggled slightly at the concentration in his face.
“Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” He pushed your head back up and went back to the light tuggin of your hair.
“How do you know how to braid hair?”
“I learned when I was a padawan, I watched as many fellow padawans get their braids done and kind of picked it up.”
“Oh,” you forgot to hide your surprise, “I always forget that you’re a Jedi.”
“Well, I’m not technically. I never went through the final trials.” You heard the sadness in his voice. “The Jedi Order fell before I was even any bit prepared to take them.”
You gently reached back and took his hands off your hair. You scooted around to look at him and took his hands in yours. “I’m sure you would’ve made a great Jedi.” Your eyebrows raised slightly in a reassuring expression. Cal gave you a crooked smile and gripped your hands a little tighter.
Hesitantly, you leaned forward and touched your forehead to his, and felt as he leaned into it. Your shoulders relaxed and in that moment, everything felt right.
You two sat like that forever, your original task left up in the heavens as you experienced the galaxy right across from you. The wind gently caressed you two and the moonlight seemed to glow brighter. The Empire and the Resistance was forgotten. Greez, Cere, Merrin all left behind this moment.
Every little moment between the two of you was deepening this contact and it was perfect.
“Hey! Cal! Y/N! Get down from there!” Greez’s voice was so faint, but it broke through the silence that Cal and you were so desperate to share.
You pulled away first, looking into his eyes with an understanding you felt more than knew. He looked content and happy, all you had ever wanted for him.
You leaned forward, so you could speak only to him. “You look handsome in the moonlight,” you whispered in his ear. When you pulled back, you could see the tips of his ears grow pink.
The ship was never the same after Cal met Y/N.
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cinnalock · 4 years
TWST Mond Twin Headcanons
((A masterlist of all the random facts and trivia bits for the Mond twins. I may create separate posts of new things in the future, but those new bits will always be added/archived in this post! As with some of my other character lists/profiles, a “last edited” date will be posted to inform when the last addition was.
Diamond Crown Academy, Katherine’s school, is created by @phoenix-manga.
Last Edited: 5-15-2020, added DCA Festival headcanons, corrected an old headcanon, newly added headcanons are in bold font.))
GENERAL HEADCANONS: headcanons that don't necessarily fit into a specific category, mainly little general snippets about the twins.
The Mond twins are a...peculiar set of siblings. They're friendly enough at their own schools, but get them together and you'll likely never see one without the other. They're very attached and seem to only trust each other. Despite how nice they seem, there always seems to be the aura that you talking to them feels like you're intruding in their space and better play by their rules because of it.
There's a rumor that the twins aren't entirely human, if they're human at all. Some believe they're fae or fairy. The twins have never addressed these rumors themselves and, if confronted with them, tend to give vague answers that neither confirm nor deny. Some believe that in of itself confirms the rumors, but the Monds have been known to be mischievous and may simply get entertainment out of confusing their classmates.
Despite their cunning, secretive behavior, the twins aren't bad or evil. They're mainly mischievous and distrustful of others. They're neutral at their worst, just wanting to protect each other above all else. They might relish in the chaos of something like a prank, but destruction and devastation doesn't sit well with them. They're not above schmoozing and sweet-talking to get something like an extension on homework or the last tart in the lunch line, but they wouldn't betray a friend to serve themselves. Ultimately, it's better to be on their good side, but being on their bad side isn't much of an inconvenience, unless the situation is very, VERY bad.
In regards to the above headcanon, the twins mostly represent characters that appear to be on the villain’s side before ultimately abandoning or straight-up betraying them, or characters that you’re absolutely sure are the main villains before the actual villain’s plot comes to light and you realize they were working against the evil.
"Canonically" for TWST Katherine might not be part of NRC due to the "all-boys school" angle, but at the very least she'd visit a lot; if she was part of a NRC dorm, it would be Ignihyde like her brother despite everyone and their grandmother expecting her to be sorted into Pomefiore. In Ignihyde, she'd specialize in web design, but she'd also have a knack for engineering; seeing various pieces like a giant puzzle to put together to make things work. Many classmates would come to her for help with building their own PCs.
Thomas and Katherine share a bank account, but have their own cards attached to it. Both earn relatively the same amount of money in their side jobs. Thomas' payments might be more substantial in the moment, but Katherine is commissioned much more frequently, either through bulk orders of products made by her own hand or companies paying substantial amounts for the rights to various recipes they pay her to concoct.
As proud as Thomas is of his sister's accomplishments, Katherine sends him a hysterical amount of perfumed goods of her own creation, asking for critiques. He does what he can, but to reduce them overwhelming his dorm room, he usually does his initial "testing" with them once before leaving them in a box on Pomefiore's doorstep.
Katherine's animal companion at DCA is an orchid mantis named Lamarie; while normally only the companion's owners can hear them speak, Thomas can hear Lamarie talk as well.
Lamarie is a very conceited, boastful little bug to the point where Vil would describe her as "full of herself" if he could hear her speak. Despite her selfish attitude, she cares about Katherine dearly and will go to great lengths to protect her, even if the effort isn't always necessary.
The Monds use a similar fragrance mainly comprising of cloves and fresh rosemary. Thomas' cologne also contains hints spearmint and bergamot. Katherine's perfume also contains hints of lavender and patchouli. Their respective scents are present in various products made by Katherine, and they regularly bathe with the pure oil mixtures stirred into their bath water. This leaves their smells being particularly persistent (almost overwhelming) and while Katherine says there's no magic additives, non- or weak-magicked beings tend to find themselves being slowly entranced or even "hypnotized" by the smell after a certain period, weakening their resolve and rationality.
While their favorite food is chestnuts, both of the twins' favorite dish is chicken curry, though Katherine likes Indian-style curry while Thomas likes Japanese-style curry. While both enjoy a certain level of spiciness, they tend to exaggerate their ability to tolerate it, leading to some...interesting scenarios when the host/cook takes their word on such.
While curry is their favorite food, Katherine enjoys caviar tasting, though Thomas finds caviar gross. However, Thomas enjoys artisan cheeses while Katherine loathes it.
Both twins love boba drinks, particularly ones with lots of fancy toppings. Thomas eats the toppings out of the whip cream with a spoon before drinking, Katherine likes to drink the toppings through her straw as they sink into the drink.
The twins are relatively neutral when it comes to sweets, though once in a blue moon they get plagued by a ravenous sweet tooth. They prefer baked goods over candy when it comes to satisfying their sugar cravings. Thomas is a straightforward cake-lover, especially chocolate (god tier: chocolate lava cake); Katherine will say her favorite dessert is French macarons because of the aesthetic, but she'll sneak out at the crack of dawn to get donuts for the aforementioned sugar craving above.
Thomas is naturally gifted in herbology and plant-based magic. Katherine grew into it in her teens with lots of training and practice, but she had the terrible luck of frequently killing plants when she was a child. When Thomas discovered his affinity, he'd often revive the plants to keep Katherine from crying. Katherine's prized possession is a lamb's tail succulent Thomas gave her when they were kids that he guided her into keeping alive. Thomas doesn't have a passion for herbology, but he keeps a small potted lilac tree in his dorm, as Katherine gave it to him as the first plant she was able to successfully grow during her first year at DCA.
On the flip side, Thomas could burn cereal as a child. Like how he helped Katherine with gardening, Katherine has tried to help his cooking skills. He learned well enough, but without a dedicated cooking class at NRC (chemistry being the closest thing, which HAS surprisingly helped), his learning process has been slow. He's an okay cook now, and what he does make is at least edible if not enjoyable, but it's definitely not pretty. (Thomas: *standing casually in front of a collapsed cake* "Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.")
While Thomas is in the board game club, if the club is cancelled or on the days it doesn't meet, he sometimes sits in on magical shift or track and field clubs to help get regular exercise in; he also helps in tutoring/instructing junior students in the clubs.
If the gardening research club doesn't meet, Katherine might show up to the greenhouse/club room to watch and fuss over the plants, even if she doesn't actually interfere with them because she wants to be a good gardener. Sometimes other clubs, usually the volleyball club, will drag her to their meetings to keep her from worrying.
Thomas is usually on the magical shift team for Ignihyde during the tournament, but he's willing to yield his position on the team if there's 7 players stronger than he is.
BACKSTORY HEADCANONS: headcanons relating to their backstory or explanations of how their origins affect other aspects of their life.
The twins were taught how to read, write, and most basic skills by Mim, including how to use magic. This was to her advantage so they could be independent enough to follow her orders (and not bother her when she had no tasks for them).
However, King Arthur adapted magic into his being over his long life, both by being tutored by Merlin for so long and then over the course of his main journeys and triumphs. Spending so much time with the twins as kits, he imbued them with a little of this magic and is the main reason they remember him so well despite how young they were.
In short, the twins had an adaptation to both good and black magic when they were young.
The twins can change between being human and being squirrels. They themselves have wondered if they could transform midway into a hybrid form, but they’re worried about getting “stuck” and haven’t tried. They also don’t want to try because being born as squirrels is a secret they’ve kept from their classmates (they believe it’s a secret to the teachers and staff as well, but both Crowley and Citrouille are well aware of this, despite not knowing full details of the twins’ origins).
Since Mim is an incredibly powerful sorcerer, the twins adapted a human lifespan once they were transformed by her. They were only a few months old as young squirrels when she transformed them and they had become children as humans, but they also started to age as humans as time went on.
The twins adore mainstream human cuisine, but they still have the tendency to snack on nuts and berries they pluck straight off the plant. They have to be careful of this habit because while they can digest certain things like fresh acorns, they have to be mindful that someone might notice them eating raw foods that would normally be poisonous to humans, such as uncooked acorns.
Naturally, the twins excel at Animal Linguistics. They have to be particularly careful about this because animals on campus risk revealing the twins’ secret to other students proficient in Animal Linguistics if they’re spotted transforming. They have to feign natural excellency at the subject as humans, but also not be found out when transforming into squirrels to use their natural forms to their advantage.
The twins don’t remember Merlin very well from the short time he was looking after them. While he seemed kind enough in wanting to save them from Mim, they’re not interested in reuniting with him because they don’t know his true intentions.
What they don’t know is that Merlin had managed to locate them when they started school, but has decided to leave them alone for the most part. His original agreement with Arthur’s son was to make sure they were released safely into the wild and he sees their current situation as a way to interpret it. He’s normally away, but sometimes he checks in, guiding them as a disembodied voice or animating objects to lead them in the right direction. The twins write this off as normal absurdity in their magic-filled schools and don’t realize it’s him.
The twins weren't sorted into Savanaclaw or Sagamore despite being animal-humans partially because they're not clear hybrids. Another, bigger reason is that their memories from being in nature are not pleasant ones (first being orphaned as kits and then living under Mim's hand) and they want to distance themselves from nature and their "origins" as much as possible.
They put a lot of effort into learning as much as they could about the modern world in such a short amount of time. Their knowledge is certainly passable, but they still slip up here and there. They prioritized learning alchemy for potions that could help them stay awake to study longer or help retain information a bit better. The same came with learning how to use computers as they noticed it was important in the current society. It was difficult for them when they were in hiding before they enrolled, but their fear possibly being enslaved by another witch encourage them to study hard and get stronger in both knowledge and resolve.
Lamarie knows they’re origins and the twins know she knows, but she keeps their secret to respect their wishes and protect Katherine, worried that the witch from their past might be trying to find them.
Lilia and Malleus are also highly aware that the twins aren't human, but they keep it to themselves.
One reason the twins use such strong fragrances in their products is because when they were still hiding at NRC, one persistent Savannaclaw student could pick up on their scent in rooms they were previously in during the night. Even if they were in human form in that room, the student specifically mentioned picking up on the scent of "squirrel" so it lead the twins to believe that even as humans their natural scent/musk smells animalistic. They threw the student off their literal scent before he could find them out by slipping a potion into his drinks and food to give him horrible allergies for the rest of his time at NRC, making him unable to smell clearly until he graduated.
IN-GAME HEADCANONS: headcanons regarding how the twins would work as canon characters in the actual game.
Thomas' unique magic is called "Found Your Weak Spot". He zeroes in on an opponent's weakness, whether it's physical, emotional, or magical and identifies how to exploit it; his attacks become critical.
Katherine's unique magic is called "Take a Deep Breath". A pleasant, but abundant fragrance overtakes her opponents, confusing their minds and slowing their movements, making their attacks much easier to dodge.
If they were in the game, they'd have an overblot boss battle as a special event. During the event, a side story would unfold where the player finds out about their past. The event would reward the player for participating by giving them rare cards where the twins unlock a human-squirrel hybrid form (similar to Savanaclaw students). The cards would depict stories of the twins trying to come to terms with being more open about their origins with their classmates, as well as trying to adjust to their hybrid forms.
CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS: headcanons explaining how the twins, either separately or together, interact with canon or other OC characters.
During holidays where students can visit home, the twins stay at NRC, normally spending it having huge gaming marathons with Idia. While it took years of getting to know Thomas for Idia to open up to the idea, he enjoys how they're much more willing to venture out to restock on snacks and other supplies in his place. Ortho, unsurprisingly, has to be the voice of reason and makes sure the trio doesn't die from their diet of pizza and chocolate pretzels during this time.
Going back to how the twins have relatively normal diets, they will eat the most decadent, indulgent food concoctions (think burgers with jelly donuts as buns or hotdogs with s’more toppings) in front of Vil just to horrify him. Vil’s motions to have them banned from Pomefiore dorm and a restraining order from him personally have gone unapproved.
While not particularly kid-oriented, the twins are very good at interacting with Ortho. Thomas tries to look after him when Idia isn't around, particularly performing small maintenance on Ortho's suit (such as replacing worn wires or tightening bolts) when it wears a little from extensive use in the middle of the school day. Katherine has had less interaction with Ortho, but gives him little trinkets and souvenirs from DCA when she visits Thomas.
Cheka doesn't know the twins all that well, but he likes their long hair worn in braids (or, as he calls them, their "head-tails").
HOLIDAY HEADCANONS: headcanons specifically centered around how the twins celebrate the holidays.
During their first Christmas at NRC when they were hiding, they'd sneak into dorms and watch holiday movies any students were watching. They were enamored by gingerbread houses and managed to get a boxed kit each year to decorate, but now that they're older, they decide on a design and Katherine will bake the pieces herself when she visits NRC during the holiday break. Ortho typically joins them and has fun helping decorate the structure; he tries to get Idia to join, but the older Shroud tends to hyper fixate on one area to decorate and over-obsesses on how to make it "perfect" to not ruin the overall look of the gingerbread house. They're all glad Idia joins them, but they worry about whether or not he's actually having fun with it.
DCA FESTIVAL HEADCANONS: headcanons regarding the festival held by Diamond Crown Academy.
Katherine gives her bath products to be sold at the perfume booths by the alchemy students. She checks in occasionally to see if they need more of her products (and sometimes to man a stall for awhile so someone else can take a break), but she's normally involved in the more physically active attractions.
Katherine's duties for the festival rotates throughout the course of it. Since one of her strongest subjects is Obstacle Run (see: squirrel), she spends a good amount of time at the obstacle course being a potential challenger for the visiting students to race against.
Katherine is part of an idol group, but with rotating performances from different groups, she doesn't have to spend a lot of time on stage.
Despite not being a dorm leader, a lot of DCA students recognize Thomas as Katherine's brother (either as a formal acquaintance or just "hey, he looks exactly like the girl from Chateau Beastiale") so the native students are more open to approaching him out of familiarity. Some students even "drag" him to a certain booth or attraction to get his opinion on their hard work.
The first few years, Thomas was content to just wander around on his own. He tried hanging out with Rook during the festival for a bit, but the attention Rook tends to get got a little boring for Thomas to put up with. Now he just trades off who he hangs out with, if he hangs out with anyone at all while Katherine's busy.
Thomas doesn't realize it, but he has a bit of a "prince charming" reputation himself. This is because of his long hair and charming demeanor, but DCA students fawned over him at a distance one time while he was helping Katherine fix her hair before one of her performances, people swooning over his caring "older brother" instinct.
Aside from watching Katherine's group, Thomas tries to distance himself from the idol performances. Whether it comes from wanting to tease their colleague's brother or just wanting Thomas' attention, some groups will drag him on stage after their initial performance and encourage him to try and dance along to one of their songs. He goes along despite being embarrassed because he'd find it more embarrassing to "run away" or cause some sort of scene at Katherine's school by protesting.
Thomas usually spends his time trying out different foods, but he'll also find himself in the art gallery, trying to see if there's any pieces inspired by King Arthur or the twins' original home world. If there is, he purchases it immediately if he artist lets him, but given the unlimited points of inspiration in the world, he almost never sees any pieces.
He also spends a surprising amount of time at the Futterwacken dorm because the sentient tea sets stir a strange feeling of nostalgia in him. While he doesn't interact with Riddle too often, them both enjoying the tea parties at the festival allows them to catch up and have fun in familiar company, even if they don't usually hang out at NRC.
It's through the above that Thomas came into a possession of a very strange sugar bowl. The dish's enthusiasm humored him a great deal and when he asked about it, it brought attention to how nobody at DCA actually knew where that particular sugar bowl had come from and, with the staff's permission, they allowed Thomas to buy it and take it back to his dorm. The little bowl's antics still continue to amuse him, but he can't seem to make it understand that he doesn't want sugar in anything other than coffee or tea. He doesn't drink energy drinks or do his alchemy homework in his room anymore...
SPICY HEADCANONS: a link to general headcanons regarding NSFW headcanons about the twins. This set of headcanons will always linked at the bottom of the post. These headcanons will typically contain explict, sexual details so please do not read if you are not comfortable with such. (no link exists at this time)
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Trigger The Light (Ch.4)
The small quantum tunnel that Scott had wouldn't be enough, so Tony started building a larger one with Scott's help as they waited for the rest of the team to arrive. Quill helped as well, but he just did the heavy lifting while Tony and Scott handled the engineering. Not that he had much choice. The moment Tony announced they were going to build a bigger tunnel, he looked at Quill and told him he was helping because he was 'freakishly strong' for a powerless god hybrid.
Quill was pretty sure there was an insult in there somewhere.
"Flash Gordon, come lift this will you?" Tony calls from the skeletal structure of the tunnel.
Quill sighs. "Sure why not."
He walks over and helps lift a panel for the billionaire to weld and distracts himself by looking around the large room. It was pretty empty since most of the others were out gathering the rest of their team members from all corners of the world, but Steve and Scott were still there. The captain was busy getting lunch together for everyone's imminent arrival, and Scott was sitting on a table fiddling with a circuit board in his lap. Quill quickly discovered that the younger thief had a tendency to puff out his cheeks when he got frustrated or annoyed with something he was working on, and he thought it was adorable. The pout that followed was just icing on the cake. Quill never thought he would look at another man and think any little things he did would be adorable. Sure, he's appreciated a man here and there, but Scott was a whole new ballgame...he had this unexplainable urge to protect him.
He can protect himself, Quill firmly reminds himself. He knew that, yet, a part of him refused to accept that. Was it maybe because Scott was Cassie's father? He was protective of her so maybe it was rolling over to Scott...but that wouldn't make sense because he was protective of Diana as well and he didn't have the urge to protect Tony. In fact. His mind was pretty content to leave the billionaire to his own devices.
For the most part.
He didn't want Diana to lose her dad too.
"Alright. You can let go now." Tony interrupts Quill's thoughts and they both move away from the panel. "Hey Stuart Little! How's that board coming?"
"Just a second!" Scott shouts. After a little more fiddling, he lifts the circuit board from his lap, hops off the table, and walks over to them. "I had to rewire some things but it's good to go now."
"Good. I'll get this wired in with the rest." Tony climbs back through the skeletal structure as Steve walks into the room with a single white bag and holds it up.
"Soup's on!"
Quill snorts. "That's not going to feed all of us."
"Of course not. The rest is in the kitchen." Steve throws the bag at Quill and the pirate barely manages to hold it to his chest. Scott grabs the bag from him and looks through it with a growing smile. "You got tacos!"
Quill snatches the bag from him and holds it up out of the younger's reach. "Those are all mine."
"Do not test me when it comes to tacos Spaceman!"
"Or what?" Quill taunts.
Something he instantly regretted because Scott proceeded to punch him in the ribs. Quill groans and hunches over to clutch at complaining muscles and the thief grabs the now lowered bag. He grabs a couple of tacos before handing the bag back to Quill and smirks at the older man before striding away with his food. The punch didn't hurt that bad, but it would definitely make Quill think twice in the future. Hopefully there would be a future whether or not Scott remained just a friend.
"He did warn you." Tony points out. "Leave a couple of those on the table for me will you? Go eat with your boyfriend."
Quill turns and glares at the engineer. "He's not-I'm going to throw them at you and you can eat them off the floor asshole!"
"Chill Porcupine. Not everyone knows about your little crush on him."
Quill sighs heavily and pulls a couple of tacos out of the bag and sets them on the table per Tony's request before walking away.
The pirate ignores Tony as he hears the unmistakable sounds of his ship, walks out to the back, and watches with sympathy when Rhodey lands in front of Scott and scares the man of his lunch. Just from where Scott was sitting, Quill was sure part of the tacos were blown away by the ship as it landed. To think the younger went to such lengths to get his food and then have them blown away.
He pulls another two out of the bag he's holding and hands them to Scott, and just when he sits down and pulls out the three leftover, he freezes. There were two ships sitting on the field, and one of them he was sure had been abandoned on a planet years ago. Half of it had been missing then, but now it was sitting thirty yards away, and in one piece.
"No way." Quill gasps out and Scott gives him a look from beside him.
Rocket steps onto the grass and looks between Quill and the second, smaller ship. "You're just now seeing that? It's been here for the past year."
The pirate abandons his tacos on the bench next to Scott and jogs over to The Milano with a look of awe as he looks it over. Quill honestly thought he would never see it again. When it had been abandoned, he considered it gone because there was no doubt some junkers would come across it and strip it of anything valuable, but it was there. When he went inside, he found that almost everything was still there.
"You're welcome Starmunch!" Rocket calls from outside the ship.
Quill would thank him later, even if he did call him Starmunch. He'd call him a trash panda and call it even anyway. He was too busy getting himself reacquainted with his ship right now.
"I was nice enough not to eat these perfectly good tacos you left behind. Monster." Scott says from the mouth of the ship before stepping in further and handing the food over to Quill.
"Right. Food. Thanks." Quill replies absently as he sits at the table.
Scott stands nearby as Quill sits back in his chair and throws his feet up onto the table, and he unwraps his taco to take a bite. It was polished off in the span of a minute and Quill only slowed down halfway through his second before looking up at Scott. He wipes his lower lip free of sauce with his thumb and sucks it off as the younger looks around and then raises an eyebrow in question when the thief looks down at him.
"So...what's so special about this ship?" He asks. "Isn't the other one yours?"
"Yeah, but everyone uses that one. This is mine. It always has been from the beginning. Memories...you know?" Scott nods and Quill finishes his second taco before continuing. "We had to abandon it on a planet after we crashed."
"It couldn't be fixed?"
Quill pauses his unwrapping of his third taco, and shrugs before resuming and taking a bite. It was then he told the story of his heritage. How he found his father, what said father planned to do, and how they had to kill Ego to keep him from taking over the universe. Scott sat in the chair next to him as Quill rambled, and remained quiet throughout the whole story. In the back of his mind, Quill wondered if Scott actually cared or if he was just being considerate and letting the powerless celestial air out his laundry. The second thought had Quill's heart clenching.
But Scott surprised him.
"You're sure you don't have those powers anymore?" He asks and Quill nods.
"Yeah. I watched the light in my hands disappear. And yes, I've tried just to make sure." He says when Scott opens his mouth. "Nothing. Except maybe the strength and possible longevity." Quill finally finishes his lunch and looks up at the roof of his ship.
"Do you miss space?" The man beside him asks quietly.
"Not like I thought I would." Quill admits. "My father figure died because of Ego, and Thanos was kind of the last straw for me. Drax, Mantis, Groot...they're gone because of these damn stones...and he killed Gamora for one of them. She was my best friend...and I thought I loved her, but…" He trails off and Scott tilts his head curiously.
"But what?"
"Well, looking back after recent events, I realized it wasn't romantic love. She was just a good friend." Quill huffs in amusement. "It's probably a good thing. She yelled at me a lot so that wouldn't have been a healthy relationship. She deserved better than me."
"You shouldn't sell yourself short. Anyone would be lucky to have you." Scott reassures him and Quill stretches as he drops his feet to the floor with a thunk.
"Yeah, well, if you know anyone, be sure to send them my way." The pirate says with a chuckle as he stands. "Want a tour?"
Scott gave him an unreadable look for a few moments before it morphs into a smile and he stands up as well. Quill shows him around both the Milano as well as the larger ship, and he slips into the captain's quarters to grab a few things before Rocket took the ship out again. Specifically the first mixtape his mother had given him. Unfortunately, Ego had destroyed the second one along with his walkman, but he missed listening to the first one. Now that he had the Milano back, he could listen to it again. He didn't have much faith that Tony had something sitting around that would play the tape because the man was too advanced.
"You really were out of touch if that's what you've been listening to for thirty years." Scott comments from the doorway. 
"It's literally the last thing I have left from my mother. I had no way of listening to it until now."
Quill passes by Scott and motions for the other man to follow him as he walks back to the Milano, and then walks straight for the cassette player built into the ship. He pops the tape in and presses play, and quickly loses himself in the familiar music when it starts up. Even after thirty years of endlessly listening to the same songs over and over again, he never got sick of it. It was nice to have a few happy memories returned to him.
When a slower song comes on, Quill turns to Scott and smirks. "Dance with me."
Scott scrunches his nose. "It's a slow song."
"And?" Quill grabs Scott's hand and pulls him closer. "I'll even lead."
"I'm capable of leading-"
"Nope. Too bad. I'm taller and older." The pirate quips and grins when Scott scowls up at him.
"Be careful Spaceman. People will start to think you're flirting with me."
Quill's heart jumps up into his throat but he swallows it down when Scott allows the older man to lead them. It surprisingly didn't take very long for the pair to fall into an easy rhythm, and Quill barely noticed how easily they moved around the open area of the ship they were dancing in. He noticed just enough to remember what his mother told him as a child.
Dancing is an exercise of trust. The easier you move, the more your partner trusts you.
He had no idea if it was true, but he still liked the idea that Scott trusted him. That they flowed around so smoothly because the younger thief trusted that Quill wouldn't let go or knock him into anything. Maybe it was the music, the heat building up between their almost touching bodies, or even the damn near golden eyes he finally got to see when Scott made eye contact...Quill didn't know. But something gave him the courage to open his mouth and whisper three words that had those golden eyes widening.
"Maybe I am."
He tilts his head down in what seemed like slow motion and he hears the moment Scott sucks in a breath. He wasn't pulling away or pushing Quill away so he took that as permission to proceed. When Quill was a hair's breadth away from kissing Scott, a shout had them jumping away from each other as Rhodey walks into view.
"Did you guys hear me? Tones says lunch break is over. Time to get back to work on the tunnel."
Quill rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry. Music was going and we were talking and touring the ship."
It wasn't a lie and the colonel seemed to accept it and walks away with a final warning to get back inside, and Quill looks over at Scott. Except the man was already halfway down the ramp, covering his mouth with his hand, and sporting a bright red blush that reached his ears. As soon as both Rhodey and Scott are out of sight, Quill groans and drops into the nearest chair and leans forward to bury his face in his hands. He had no idea what was going to happen now. His feelings were out in the open for Scott, and while He didn't run as Quill was making his move, he fled after the interruption. Was Scott glad nothing happened? Or was he maybe disappointed? Quill was disappointed, that was for sure.
He was so damn close.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Gen 7 Retrospective
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That's at least a little more sizable than the XY generation was. Granted we have some Alolan Forms to help inflate the numbers a bit. Sure, if you were to count Gen 6′s Mega Evolutions, Gen 7 would be the actual smallest Gen to date. But remember what I said last generation's recap with how Gamefreak seemed to be taking a “quality over quantity” approach for that generation? That mentality seems to be back in full force here. 'Cause we're looking at my second favorite Gen right behind Gen 5.
I did bring up that Gen 6 was my third favorite generation in terms of the new, numerical Pokemon introduced. What has Alola muscle over it is how it's crammed as much inventiveness into the designs as they could think. The starters, the Legendaries/Kinda-Legendary Ultra Beasts, even the common fodder Pokemon have a little more going on than their typical ilk. And even some of the more boring designs like Oranguru and Passimian have interesting battle mechanics by changing the way you can approach double battles entirely on their own.
That also seemed to be a focus this generation. Not all of course, but a lot of the new Pokemon seemed to be based on different gameplay interactions and having unique abilities or signature moves. Between Salandit's Corrosion to Minior's Shields Down to Mimikyu's Disguise to Toucannon's Beak Blast and to Toxipex's Baneful Bunker. They really tried taking a shot at making each Pokemon have something unique to bring to battles. They even essentially made a more tournament-rules friendly alternative to Arceus in Silvally.
But there's a little subject more contentious about Gen 7 than the Pokemon, of course. That being the games themselves, which feel like they got the fandom split. I like Sun and Moon, but even I'll admit Gamefreak's gotta try a little harder for Gen 8. All the inventive things they've tried from a gameplay perspective ultimately don't change much. The game still had an 8-mini-act structure just like the Gym games. HMs getting replaced with Ride Pokemon is nice, but is still the same mechanic with different dressing. The biggest changes in the usual story structure don't even matter that much, the biggest change feeling like you get to know the region's Legendary Pokemon from the very start in the form of Nebby. Otherwise, it's just A Little Bit Better Written Than Usual. Y'know, not that Pokemon games tend to be master classes in writing anyway, its only real competition there being Black and White's story. (And even then, Sun and Moon's in desperate need of a Skip Cutscene button.)
Then there’s the Let’s Go games, which I suppose are technically Gen 7 games. Those got even more divisive. Some love it, others hate it. I personally just find it boring as a rather dumbed down remake of the Kanto games, only really playing because it was an excuse to use Melmetal. There’s some neat things in there that I wouldn’t mind seeing implemented in the main series (namely overworld-wandering Pokemon and AVs replacing EVs.) Just please keep the very poorly implemented Go-imitating catch mechanics as far away from the main series as possible.
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Pokemon’s also starting to get more competition recently as well. Other than Digimon of course. Ni No Kuni, eventually Tem Tem, of course, the rise of the mighty Yokai Watch, which to my understanding, has been wrecking Pokemon in terms of sale numbers in their home region. Each of them implementing monster-catching RPG mechanics in their own unique way. I can’t speak for Yokai Watch, but Ni No Kuni is a lot more like a traditional JRPG, with the monsters being familiars that still fight in battle, but the trainers themselves also participate in the battle as well! And Tem Tem, while very much like Pokemon, is giving it more of an MMO angle. While I’m not one to shout about how much Pokemon just NEEDS to make an MMO with ALL THE REGIONS already, I am interested in seeing where TemTem winds up. It IS a Kickstarter game that made way more than it asked for, but as we know from a certain Strong Numerical Value That Is One Less Than Ten, that’s no guarantee it’ll be amazing. But worth keeping an eye on. It still has the potential to be something Gamefreak’s gonna have to watch out for.
Whether I like these other games or not, I appreciate that they exist, because they mean that sooner or later Gamefreak's gonna have to get their ass in gear and do something about it. I'm really getting burnt out on a new Pokemon game coming out literally every year. What I've wanted more than ever is for Gamefreak to at least take a hiatus from the yearly releases to have the game that comes after said break to really kick it out of the park. I get that the Ultra games probably didn't take up much development time and from my understanding Let's Go was made by a whole different team, so those games coming out in the years between Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield might not have much bearing on the latter's quality, but still. Pokemon's not had a major mechanical update since they introduced Abilities in Gen 3. I just hope Gen 8 does something interesting or has some form of major mechanical overhaul. Not asking Pokemon battles to be in real time or anything. Just some new Super Forms and powerful one-off moves aren’t gonna cut it for me. After over 20 years of Pokemoning and on, what, year 8 of a new Pokemon game coming out every year? I'm a little bit fatigued.
...Okay, let's end this on a better note than that.
I AM still exciting to see what Gen 8 has to offer, and I hope they mean it when they say they're trying something different. And of course, I'm ALWAYS gonna be excited to see some more new Pokemon. Gens 5, 6, and 7 are proving they're nowhere close to being out of steam yet, and I can't wait to see more Gen 8 Pokemon come our way in the coming months.
Top 10 Favorites of Gen 7:
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Dangit this is hard. So many to love! So many new super-duper-tippity-top favorites!! Shout outs to Palossand, Silvally, Salandit, Xurkitree, and Buzzwole. There's just too many good'ens!!!!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite of Gen 7:
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Amazingly, the only Pokemon here I really “dislike” is Zeraora. The rest are just that cherry-picked handful of Alolan Pokemon I don't really care that much about. Hurray!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite Overall:
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Almost got through with no new additions. Almost.
The Cutest:
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God this Generation was good for Pokemon I just want to pick up and hug. Or in Mimikyu's case, get horrendously murdered by because I got a little too close to taking its rag off. And I'd still say “Thanks.”
The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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The Spookiest:
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This gen was really good to scratch a Halloweeny itch. A BUNCH of cool new ghosts, complete with the eerie head leech Pokemon I never would’ve suspected would make it into Pokemon!
Most Creative:
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Weirdest/Most Unique:
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This section here could've been filled with Ultra Beasts alone if I really wanted to, haha.
Most Forgettable:
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Magearna is here not necessarily because I think the design is forgettable, but gee wizz I keep thinking it's not a Gen 7 Pokemon.
Most Personality:
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Here's a new section! Gen 7 had a lot of personality-based designs, so there was actually a fair bit of competition for a slot like this. Buzzwole and Bewear are just hilarious, and I'm still thoroughly impressed with Meltan. They managed to cram so much adorable personality into such a simple design. And I’ll eat my hat the day we get a Pokemon more smug than Salandit.
Most Under-Appreciated:
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Poor Stakataka keeps getting dismissed because of its bad typing... not that I can blame anyone because Rock/Steel is easily the most boring of all the UB typings, especially when we had room to have a Ghostly duo between it and Blacephalon to have us our first Rock/Ghost type!
Most Long Overdue Concepts:
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Seriously, how'd it take 7 generations to get a wolf and a mosquito? Let alone 6 generations to finally get a second MANTIS and traditional horse Pokemon?! As far as spooky Pokemon go, you'd think a shipwreck would be one of the easier and more obvious concepts to go after, even if the one we finally got didn't take the form I expected it to. And Araquanid's just here because a fully evolved BUG/WATER was a long time frickin coming.
Best Regional Variants:
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At least I'm naming the category that way because Regional Variants better be a series mainstay from now on!! These are the Alolan Forms with the most fun alternate take on their original forms. And Vulpix and Ninetales are there because fox solidarity.
Best Ultra Beasts:
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Again, I really hope Ultra Beasts won't be an Alola-Only thing. I want to avoid talking about Gen 8 spoilers to be considerate of anyone that wants to avoid those, but a certain image carved into the ground in a particular scene has me hoping Ultra Beasts might be returning. And that Xurkitree could have a big brother in the near future. There's hardly much basis because said carving could literally be anything, but. Please.
Anyway, I love the Ultra Beasts as a concept of extra-dimensional alien beings. Some sell the look of freaky aliens better, especially ones like Nihilego, Xurkitree, Kartana, and Celesteela. But nonetheless, these 6 are my favorites out of our roster. HOPEFULLY so far.
Pokemon That Should’ve Gotten Alolan Forms:
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I tend to agree that limiting Alolan Forms to Gen 1 Pokemon only was a silly thing to do, but even minding that, I feel like there was crazy amounts of missed potential here. Seel and Dewgong just desperately need some fresh attention to stop being Pokemon’s more forgettable critters. While I suppose Lapras and Tentacruel are excusable given they’re sea dwellers regardless, I totally wouldn’t mind electric jellyfish versions of the Tentas, or even a Kracken-based form for the former. This was also MORE than an opportunity to redeem Dragonite with a more Dragonair-like variant. And some tropical jungle variations of Paras and Venonat would be neat. I’m just saying, a Venomoth turned into more of a Tropical Hawkmoth would’ve been killer.
And Parasect hurts the most. You’re telling you’re gonna have Parasect inhabit this jungle area along with another, brand new mushroom Pokemon. AND you’re gonna introduce the concept of Gen 1 Pokemon taking on new forms based on the new and radically different habitats in Alola. And you’re just NOT gonna place some glowing mushrooms on their backs, turn them pale white, and call them Bug/Fairy types?!?!?! Hello?!?!!??!?
...Oh, am I forgetting something?
Top 50 Favorites Overall:
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...Surprise! Yeah, just sorta decided “why not?” This is our last Gen for the rest of the year, so let's end it on a “Look At All My Favorites!” type of a bang. Also because it pained me to see all these not make it to some sort of Top Favorites highlight. And of course, they might not be 100% consistent with scores or previous Top 10 favorites. I'm only a human with a finicky brain that is constantly changing how absolutely precisely I feel about every single one of these. 
And... that's it... that's every single Pokemon reviewed. Every single Gen Recapped. We've had lots of ups and downs and plenty of getting a little too excited about cartoon animals. Gen 8 is still a ways away, and even when it comes out, I'd like to wait a few months to let the new designs settle into my mind before I go writing opinion pieces on all of them. And of course, for official artwork to be out for everybody.
BUT I do have a handful of ways to pass the time until Gen 8 does come out... What's up next exactly? Well, we won't have to wait too long, thankfully...
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voxcomentumultis · 5 years
Half-Celestial Cody Timeline
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2004-2005 (Cody’s age: not yet born)
Ego, irritated by Yondu’s refusal to hand over Peter, decides to break his own promise to himself. The Expansion is more important than his feelings for Meredith. 
He meets a woman named Andrea Morgan. She is a sweet and quiet woman with a fondness for butterflies. She is the only child of an older couple that have both passed at this point.
Andrea falls pregnant and tells Ego, and over the course of the next month, he shows and tells her all about what their child will be able to do.
Ego eventually tells her that he must return to his planet for the time being so he does not lose his powers, but he will return. He tells her he is unsure exactly when, but sometime in the next few years. This is a lie that she believes. Just before leaving, he plants a tumor in her pancreas.
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2006-2007 Cody’s age: 0-1
Andrea gives birth to Cody.
Excited by what Ego had previously told her, she encourages the powers Ego told her Cody would have, and within months of his birth he begins exhibiting these powers. 
His celestial powers begin as amorphous balls of colored light but over time they begin to take shape, specifically of the butterflies his mother adores.
For his first birthday, she gives Cody a big blue butterfly toy made out of soft teething-friendly material.
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2008-2009 Cody’s age: 2-3
Events of Iron Man.
Andrea falls ill and is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Despite best efforts, it takes her fairly quickly. She writes about being sick in the last few pages of her journal, and quits writing when she admits herself to the hospital for around the clock care.
During Cody’s final visit, Andrea tells her son “I am always with you.” He is disturbed by how different she looks, but is able to recognize her. He falls asleep with his head against her shoulder, and she passes while running her fingers through his hair.
At 3 years old, with an unknown father and no other family, Cody is placed in foster care.
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2010-2011 Cody’s age: 4-5
Events of Iron Man 2, Thor, and The Incredible Hulk. Steve Rogers is unfrozen.
Cody begins having nightmares about his mother’s death. His powers made stronger by the intense emotion of a four-year-old, he frequently creates impressions of how she looked the last time he saw her that change gradually over time.
Cody begins telling people that “canker” at his mother when asked about her. Eventually he forgets exactly how she died.
Cody is given new foster parents, Katie and Whelan Young. They foster him for 15 months.
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2012 Cody’s age: 6
Events of The Avengers.
Cody has gone from telling people that “canker” ate his mother to saying, “The Canker Man ate my mommy,” thus creating the Canker Man. His skeletal appearance is a warped version of how he remembers his mother. His screeches were originally her raspy breath. His eyes glow yellow like the color of her sclera the last time he saw her. He functions similarly to an immune system, indiscriminately destroying anything that causes Cody extreme emotional distress.
Katie falls ill with a bad flu, and it scares Cody, though he’s not entirely sure why.
The Canker Man “eats” Katie by absorbing her entire body. Whelan, previously asleep next to her, screams and searches beneath the blankets for his missing wife in complete denial.
Cody develops his fear of accidentally harming others.
Whelan begins desperately showing Cody pictures of her in an attempt to get him to bring her back. 6 years old at this point, Cody does not remember her right. He brings her back very off to the point she’s barely Katie at all. He cannot sustain her for long either. Whelan can’t help but hate him for this.
Whelan watches news reports of Loki’s attack on New York. He sees the destruction the Avengers cause in their attempts to stop the attack and it only adds fuel to his hatred of Cody, who he sees as being like them.
Whelan comes into Cody’s room one night and aims a gun at the sleeping boy, but instead turns to pull the trigger on a Canker Man in the hallway, waking up Cody and causing it to disappear. With Cody now awake, Whelan can’t go through with his plan to murder Cody to spare others of his pain. He calls the police on himself and Cody is taken away.
As a result of Whelan’s failed murder attempt, Cody develops his fear of retaliation as well as his trust issues and severe insomnia.
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2013 Cody’s age: 7
Events of Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World.
Cody is fostered by Peter and Doris Clemens.
Through unknown circumstances, the Canker Man kills both of Cody’s foster parents.
Cody spends almost a month alone in the Clemens’ apartment. He goes door to door once he completely runs out of food. A neighbor calls CPS.
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2014 Cody’s age: 8
Events of Before I Wake, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1, and Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2.
Cody is fostered by Mark and Jessie Hobson, who previously lost their young son Sean when he accidentally drowned in the upstairs bathtub. Mark is ready to move on, while Jessie only thinks she is.
When Jessie learns of Cody’s powers she, like Whelan, attempts to get him to bring back a lost loved one. The difference here is that Cody did not know Sean at all, and Jessie does not even admit to herself that that is what she is doing.
Eventually Jessie realizes her mistake and attempts to make up for it, but by then it is too late. Mark is killed by the Canker Man. Not long after, Jessie is as well.
Bounty hunters who are very clearly not from Earth break into the house one night to find him alone. Cody is allowed to pack a small bag before he’s dragged onto a spaceship. He fills his backpack with his old butterfly toy, his mother’s journal, a viceroy in a mason jar, and a spare change of clothes.
Unlike with Yondu’s faction of ravagers, their desire to eat a terran is not a joke. Cody is kept alive and relatively healthy because they’ve been paid half a million units to bring him to his father. Cody kills 3 of them on different occasions that have him completely freaked out.
Cody arrives on Ego’s planet. The bounty hunters tell Ego about what Cody can do.
Ego explains to both of them what their powers are and the fact that they’re immortal. He walks them both through his explanation of the expansion. He taps both of their foreheads to let them see eternity.
Ego admits to killing both of their mothers in nearly the same way. Peter is quick to react violently, while Cody is frozen with shock. Cody finally attacks when Ego crushes the Walkman. In retaliation, Ego impales Cody on the tendrils of lights as well and smashes his mason jar containing the viceroy.
The Guardians crash through the ceiling and obliterate Ego’s form, freeing both half-brothers. Cody climbs onto the pod and has a meltdown over how strange and terrifying everything suddenly is.
Terrified of Ego, Cody does not help Peter fight their father. Instead, he aids the other Guardians in their plan to blow him up and their battle against the Sovereign.
When Mantis’s hold on Ego breaks, he traps everyone with mounds of rock or tendrils of light. What he does to Peter, he also does to Cody, though his main focus is Peter.
Peter attacks Ego, freeing everyone. Cody escapes on the ship with the others as the core of the planet explodes.
Cody did not know Yondu, but seeing everyone else around him cry makes him cry.
Now aware that he actually has family, Cody asks his newfound half-brother if he can stay with them. He is relieved when he’s told that he can.
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2015-2017 Cody’s age: 9-11
Events of Avengers: Age of Ultron to Thor: Ragnarok.
Cody travels with the Guardians, helping out on less dangerous missions and slowly working to control his powers.
Initially intimidated and frightened by those around him, he slowly grows comfortable around them. Perhaps it is the fact that Peter is his half-brother, but for once in his life he does not feel like he doesn’t belong.
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2018 Cody’s age: 12
Events of Ant-Man and the Wasp and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as the beginning of Avengers: Endgame.
The Guardians come across the Asgardian wreckage and bring a stranger with one eye onto their ship. Cody does not recognize him as Thor, despite being a fan of the Avengers prior to being taken by the bounty hunters. Once Thor tells them who he is, Cody is immediately excited and the room is filled with a short-lived swarm of butterflies in Thor’s colors.
Cody goes with Peter to Knowhere. Thanos turns him into something resembling a bunny. He turns back when Thanos leaves with Gamora.
Cody uses his black butterflies to help in the attack against Tony, Strange, and Parker on Titan before they all realize they’re on the same side. 
When discussing their plan to take down Thanos, Cody asks if he can help, but Tony shuts him down, explaining he’s already furious that Parker is with them at all and he’s not about to let a twelve-year-old fight as well. Cody tells them that he can see through the eyes of his creations if he tries hard enough and is told he can fight only on the condition that he stays hidden and well away from the actual battle.
Cody hides among the ruins and fights while seeing through the eyes of a butterfly, leading a swarm of his creation against the titan. He creates a duplicate of himself to help pull off the gauntlet.
Peter attacks Thanos upon hearing he killed Gamora. Thanos wakes up and throws everyone off of him, destroying Cody’s duplicate in the process. Duplicates, especially ones he uses to see through, are draining to him, and Cody is unable to continue fighting. He remains hidden among the ruins.
Cody comes out of hiding once Thanos is gone, exhausted. He makes his way towards his brother, wanting to comfort him for what happened to Gamora, but before he can get to him, Mantis fades in Peter’s arms. Then Drax turns to dust.
Cody doesn’t register at first that Peter is dead, and doesn’t really know at one point he starts screaming. The next thing he knows he’s trying to piece together a pile of dust on the ground. Someone pulls him away and he’s not sure who, but a tornado of black butterflies erupts from the ground and from them come a Canker Man who begins searching for a long-gone Thanos.
Already exhausted prior to his outburst, his creations disappear and Cody passes out in the arms of the person holding him. He wakes up on his brother’s ship and finds that Tony and Nebula are the only other survivors. He’s inconsolable the entire time they’re stuck in space.
Cody is in as bad a shape as Tony is when Carol returns them to earth. Cody tells Rocket that Peter, Mantis, Gamora, and Drax are dead. Rocket and Nebula comfort each other while Cody is given much needed medical attention.
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2019-2022 Cody’s age: 13-16
Events of the time skip.
Cody spends a year at the compound. He grows fond of Nat and asks Tony if he can use his lab for his own small project. Using his powers to aid him, he creates his own version of Peter’s helmet, one with a blue face and green eyes. During this time, he has also been perfecting his control of his powers, and can now fully control the Canker Man.
He asks Rocket and Nebula to return to earth because he wishes to join them. He sews a big black butterfly to the back of a spare ravager trench coat and tells them he’s going by Star-Fly now. He says he’s not quite Star-Lord and never will be him, but that the world needs someone to fill in his shoes, and who better than his half-brother? Cody uses his powers to intimidate wrongdoers into surrender to avoid needless bloodshed.
Frequently, Cody uses his powers in his sleep and temporarily creates copies of those they lost or scenes from his own memory. On at least one occasion, Rocket finds “Peter” flying the ship even though it’s currently on autopilot, then turns his head to see Cody asleep in the other chair.
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2023 Cody’s age: 17
Events of the rest of Avengers: Endgame.
Cody is not a part of the time travel. There aren’t enough particles for him and he is the only minor in the room. He does however question Rhodey about Peter upon his return.
Cody is caught beneath rubble when the compound is destroyed. He creates the Canker Man to help free him.
He goes all out in the battle against Thanos. His enormous swarm of butterflies towers over the battlefield and tears apart members of the titan’s army like frenzied piranhas. Multiple Canker Mans appear and devour enemies as well.
When the battle is over, Cody is finally able to see Peter again. Both of them are wearing their helmets. They tap the buttons to reveal their faces, and Cody collapses against his half-brother with exhaustion and weeps into his chest. He’s missed him so much, and he can hardly believe that Peter is real.
Cody becomes an official member of the Guardians. No longer will he be left behind on missions. He happily welcomes Thor as part of the team.
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bucky-barfs · 6 years
46 Jumps
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46 Jumps: A Mantis Fanfiction
Relationship: Mantis x Reader
Rating: All Ages! 
Summary: You find yourself going out of your way to buy fruit for the sweet empathic guardian. Of course, when the others find out you’ll never live it down.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1083
Author’s Note: I’ve been needing to write cute things ever since I saw Infinity War. This takes place after the second GOTG but before IW. Mantis deserves the world. Don’t @ me. 
You’d met The Guardians during a chase, they were being chased and you were just there. While you were there you’d stolen what they were fighting over in the first place. They'd caught you when Drax blasted the wing off your ship and sent you spiraling. You’d crashed into them and grounded both of your ships for at least a week. During that week you all became surprisingly good friends. No hard feelings were harbored over your attempt to out smart them and you weren’t that upset about your ship. After all, Rocket fixed it up better than it had been in the first place. You kept in contact with them after parting ways, sometimes assisting them on their missions. Right now you found your ship docked on theirs, a small hallway was open between the two ships. The Guardians came over to your ship whenever they pleased and you did the same. What was yours was theirs and what was theirs was yours. That didn’t stop you from being alarmed when you woke up to the sounds of rustling at 3am. Of course space didn’t exactly have it’s own time, you kept a Terran watch on your wrist. It wasn’t entirely accurate at all but the familiarity of it gave you a small comfort. You grabbed your blaster and crept out of bed, heading for the source of the noise. A smile found its way onto your face as you crept around the corner and saw your small kitchen area. There, basking in the light of your tiny fridge was Mantis. You could hear vague sounds of her eating. Based on the sloppy wet noises your best guess would be the sweet plum-like fruit you’d bought from a small planet named Xeplara. She adored them, which was part of the reason why every time you went past Xeplara you made a point to stop and pick them up. Maybe you were a little sweet on the soft alien girl, maybe. After another minute of watching her eat you realized you were being totally creepy. She jumped about a mile high when you cleared your throat. The sight brought a soft smile to your face, as you watched her expression morph from one of terror to one of guilt. “I was-” She started to explain. You shook your head. “Y’know there are worse things to wake up to than a cute alien eating all my food.”   She looked horrified, “I am so sorry! I did not mean to eat all your food.” You giggled, “Mantis, it’s a joke. I don’t mind. I only ever buy the fruit for you. It’s too sweet for me.”   You hadn’t meant to reveal that but due to her limited social history she didn’t understand the depth of what you’d said. She tilted her head, her wide eyes staring at you uncertainly. The offending fruit still held in her tiny hands. “You did not have to go out of your way to buy me food.” You waved her off. “It was nothing. It was on the way to where I was going anyways.” Okay, maybe it was more like 46 jumps away from where you’d been going. But she didn’t need to know that. She still looked torn. You sighed and shook your head. “Night, Mantis. Eat away, seriously.” You shot her an encouraging smile before returning to your sleeping quarters. The next morning Mantis stood beside Drax, watching Quill and Rocket argue. You stood in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall and observing. Occasionally sharing a ‘can you believe this’ look with Gamora. Mantis briefly left the room, appearing back by Drax’s side with a piece of fruit. At the wet sounds of her eating the fruit the boys stopped arguing and turned to look at her. “Can you quiet down?” Rocket grumbled, glaring at her. She froze and looked around horrified. “It’s a moist fruit, leave her alone.” You spoke up, rolling your eyes at the raccoon. Peter shuddered and let out a disgusted noise. “Can you not say the word moist?” “Isn’t that your food she’s eating?” Rocket said turning to look at you. You shrugged, they were allowed to eat anything of yours. Plus, you bought it for Mantis. Not that you would ever let the others know that. They’d never let you live it down if they knew about your little crush. Mantis decided to speak up, “She said she bought the fruit for me.” Oh no. Everyone turned to you, Rocket now had a devilish grin on his face and Peter had let out an excited gasp. “Now why would you do that?” Rocket asked, stalking towards you in a predatory manner. Oh god no. You shrugged. “It was on the way to where I was going.” “When?” He challenged. “Last week.” “Last week you were headed to Yasneon.” Gamora spoke up. “Your point?” Of course, Gamora had to get in on it. If there was anyone that could catch you in a lie it was her. “Well, we were in Xandar which is only 14 jumps from Yasneon.” She explained tilting her head at you. There was a knowing look in her eye which let you know that you were completely screwed. Rocket was about to deliver the finishing blow and you instinctively tensed up. “Xeplara is 46 jumps from Xandar!” He pointed an accusing finger at you. Your upper lip twitched into a snarl as you reached out and smacked his paw. “Why would you go 46 jumps out of your way to pick up fruit for Mantis?” Drax asked, looking completely lost. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for him to figure it out. Then his eyes lit up and you knew it was over. His booming laugh echoed throughout the ship. “You like her!” He pointed at you with one hand and the other clutched his chest. “This must be so embarrassing for you!” Your face heated up as you let out a groan. “You’re all the worst.” You turned to head out of the room, only to be stopped by Mantis calling out after you. “You are very kind, thank you.” She said, beaming at you. You shrugged and gave her a sheepish grin before skedaddling back to your room. Drax’s laughter still echoed throughout the ship, not even in your room could you escape the suffocating embarrassment. But, the sweet look on her face when she said thank you definitely made it a little better.
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Jessica Jones, Guardians, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and just all sorts of growth
This is probably the one where we really got off the handle, so just keep that in mind.
macrocondy3point0 After many trials and tribulations they finally arrive at the border And are greeted by Shuri 's toe
twitchystitch jessica looks up and up, and up some more "...Okay. It's a REALLY convincing illusion." shuri pokes them with her toe "With really good animatronics and shit."
macrocondy3point0 We haven't really established much about Shuri here have we? Other than she's really big and hangs out with Mantis (I think I should mention from the movie, Shuri is also meme trash) https://youtu.be/HTqNOGeGNeU https://youtu.be/Pe0qZQTDeHw
twitchystitch SHE IS A MEMING FIEND im assumign that shuri saw them coming from a distance and just had to be the first to greet them
macrocondy3point0 How did they not notice her?
twitchystitch she somehow overhard their talks on the phone with friends and
twitchystitch she couldn't resist the urge to greet them my guess is that they wren't paying attentio nwhere they should, she craated some kind of camoflauge cloak solely for this ocassion and jessica really is not expecting the giants to be Real
macrocondy3point0 How's patsy react?
twitchystitch jessica is stubbornly refusing to acknwoeldge obvious patsy is like "SHE'S EVEN PRETTIER THAN I THOUGHT SHE WOULD BE" about to swoon heart eyes ad sclaped hands *clasped
macrocondy3point0 And of course, where there's unrestrained excitement There's Mantis
twitchystitch OOOOH I HADNT EVEN THOUGHT OF HER see after ifrst both of them think something is a bit odd about the sky it's a lovely but unusual shade and then it starts MOVING THAT IS NOT THE SKY THAT ISS A REALLY GIANT LADY
macrocondy3point0 Her hand rushin down to scoop them both up
twitchystitch jessica makes a small startled noise, her skepticism is desperately trying to hold on
twitchystitch patsy is holding onto the nearest bit of finger for dear life they are brought up to m assive face dominated by huge lips which smooch 'em
macrocondy3point0 Shuri was impressive enough, but Someone as curvy as Mantis
twitchystitch "HI NEW FRINEDS!!!"
macrocondy3point0 What sort of thoughts do you think Mantis has about them at first?
twitchystitch "SO SMALL AND SO CUTE!" she instantly picks up on jessica's cynicism and skeptical nature and this makes her sad but it also makes her obligated to get her to be Happy (also consider that promximity to them makes Jessica increasingly strong, that she can do things like make Mantis move
twitchystitch only a tiny bit but still she is now extremely strong
macrocondy3point0 Once the shock wears off, she's gonna HATE it How do you think she first notices?
twitchystitch like first sign is that she pushes on mantis' finger and the finger moves this finger is as long as a continent, possibly jessica notices that as odd but so big that she cant process it but then some other time shel eans on mantis' foot mantis is slightly psuhed aside SHE CANT IGNORE THAT
macrocondy3point0 and that's only after a few minutes exposure An idea It's not just that she's gotten stronger, but that the vast majority of actions take ludicrously few calories to achieve So if doing something like pushing aside Mantis' finger barely burns, say, 10 Most average, everyday activities don't burn any at all
twitchystitch ooooh this sounds really interesting she might be fueled by calorie consumption now but it takes very ltitle to do ANYTHING, as you say so she starts building up a LOT of fat VERY fast
macrocondy3point0 Which in turn means that she holds onto calories REALLY easily
twitchystitch since almsot nothing can burn off an appreciable amount
macrocondy3point0 And since they're in Wakanda and being given food meant for Wakandan women
twitchystitch who are of course huge and strong its far more than she can easily process? LOTS OF WEIGHT
macrocondy3point0 How much do you think she packs on over their first night?
twitchystitch around, say, 50 pounds extra at this point she's cautious about what she eats
macrocondy3point0 (Also) (I bought this WG pack with Jessica and Patsy once, and)
Husky fat Jessica is a major cute
twitchystitch YES i was thinking the same thing?? i have a new favorite thing: Jessica being LArge and happy
Even the first one here is very good
twitchystitch THESE ARE REALLY GOOD TRANSITIONAL PICS chubby jessica is ludicrous degrees of Cute
twitchystitch (now i wonder if anyone has done JEssica devouring Kilgrave; I've a fondness for retributive vore) OMGOSH SHE IS ADORABLE THERE???? why is husky jessica so endearing
twitchystitch in the new turning of the marvel Earth, this is a standard look for models now reporters gotta be CHUB to make an impression
twitchystitch jessica becomign the calmer, more patient one is appealing imagine that as they get ultra husky Jessica becomes a lot more laid back and calmer
twitchystitch while patsy is increasingly less patient and has no more impulse control jessica IS her impulse control
twitchystitch jessica is totally capable of draining inentire kegs with ease now jessica is strong enough to jump to the moon and back with no calorie expenditure she just likes sitting around and not having to do anything
macrocondy3point0 I love it when characters get so big that they don't even need underwear for modesty's sake
twitchystitch SAME after you get to a certain point
twitchystitch underwear is impractical and too confining (your own body mass is your modesty somehow it makes sense to them
macrocondy3point0 Consider Jessica being remarkably cool for her weight Like, she barely produces much body heat So she's very chill to the touch
twitchystitch oooh i like this a lot its a good contrast to the ultra warm giants one time danny made a drink cold by hiding it in her fat folds for a while
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Jessica and Patsy meeting Okoye and Peter
twitchystitch (i have no diea what the defender dynamic is but im forced to assume they now all live together and its like a goofy sitcom) A GREAT DUO MEET UP jessica is stunned at them not just because of the size but because peter is blasting music real loud "HOW DID YOU EVEN GET A MUSIC THING THT BIG" she pauses "WHY IS IT ALL OLD SCHOOL MUSIC"
macrocondy3point0 Honestly, we don't address it much
macrocondy3point0 but those two must look INCREDIBLY lewd to outsiders
twitchystitch two gigantic immensely curvaceous women all dressed in the nude in the LEWD to say nothing of how touchy feely they are weith each other (a fun idea for mixing it up with these concepts; introduce someone who has nothing to do with the situation and how they freak out over the Lewdness) im forced to assume that these two are basically draped over one another
macrocondy3point0 One perfectly smooth, the other exceptionaly hairy Both sweating profusely
twitchystitch perfectly contrasting one another, in polar opposite ways
twitchystitch jessica takes a picture okoye notices the noice and picks them up "And who are you, spying on us?"
macrocondy3point0 the two of them get instantly soaked Is Okoye actually mad at being spied on, or is she teasing?
twitchystitch teasing she only gets mad when it's serious she would be mad at, say, loki showing up to Ruin everything (if you ever need someone to show up and cause trouble for Plot fun, loki is always there to do just that) she's just teasing these tiny new yorkers
macrocondy3point0 Not that she lets on, of course
twitchystitch she enjoys teasing and scaring regular human sized people in the sense of HEIGHT, of course (they're hardly human sized in girth) she gently squeezes them, smirking and combined with her sweat, it makes them all woozy in a pleasant way
macrocondy3point0 How long do you think it takes the two of them to pass the ton mark?
twitchystitch a couple of weeks, as while they retain almost all calories it takes them some time to start getting bigger appetites oens suitable to their station
macrocondy3point0 that's a good cat post
twitchystitch a thing non-cat owners never seem to be told about is how DANG WEIRD cats are at this moment my cat is sitting next to me, guarding my soda SHE IS A STEELY EYED SENTINEL, WHO ONLY OCASIONALLY FLEES FROM HER OWN SHADOW AND SMALL BUGS
macrocondy3point0 I love this AU we've created
twitchystitch it's so nice and full of Goodness got any ideas for an official name for it??
macrocondy3point0 Not really, unfortunately
twitchystitch ah well; if you tihnk of anything, i'm open to ideas~
macrocondy3point0 I'd imagine it takes a while for the two of them to really put on weight Or at least Jessica
macrocondy3point0 i'm thinking Mantis only really makes her stronger and calorie retentive Patsy burns calories at a normal rate, but Wakandan food tastes good
twitchystitch YES its a combination of mantis' feelings on her and jessica's powers making her retain callories patsy is more or less a normal human, minus the alterations but wakandan food is so filling and so good
macrocondy3point0 Jessica might not want to bloat up too fast
twitchystitch (plot twist, one of theire original reasons for closing borders was because they noticed that their food kept making outlanders super chub)
macrocondy3point0 Jessica is straining her clothes, and can go a long time without food So she eats sparsely
twitchystitch every time she does, she gains a notable amount of weight every meal her seams start straining
macrocondy3point0 She doesn't MIND the weight gain, thanks to Mantis' influence But she doesn't really want to burst her clothes
twitchystitch "I like these clothes. They're iconic and shit!" she's trying to moderate her weight gain and she's doing pretty well considering that
macrocondy3point0 (Her rear is always prominently outlined)
twitchystitch well, proximity to mantis and moderation do NOT mix (giant jessica butt is a must)
macrocondy3point0 It's the first thing that starts growing
twitchystitch imagine jessica initially being super smug about her engorging ass and then slightly concerned about how its starting to strain her pants "I like it getting big but... okay, seriously, what the hell?"
macrocondy3point0 When do you think she figures out that it's the food?
twitchystitch i want to say surprisingly like a week in she initially asumes its a weird function of her powers takes her that long to work out that its her food intake causing it
macrocondy3point0 Patsy's own gain probably helps her figure it out
twitchystitch "Okay, me getting fat as hell is one thing and a gifted thing, but patsy's regular human. No one in hell this is just about me."
twitchystitch she dmeands to know what the hell the Wakandans put in their food "the stuff of hopes and dreams" she is told, with a sttraight face (its a matter of national pride to mess with foriegners like thaT) (like australia and drop bears)
macrocondy3point0 (Patsy: Significantly gassier than Jessica?) (Especially given her increasingly short temper and impulse control?)
twitchystitch YES jessica has a LOT of self control patsy has none she will start aruging about something and just
twitchystitch let out a massive belch it is somehow angry
macrocondy3point0 How long does that switch take?
twitchystitch three weeks they get used to the food theier new states of being and the food and new state of mind makes jessica calm down a lot and just sit back while patsy is free to be the loud one with the shift in polinteness going in the world now she adapts not longer there after to being gassy and not caring
macrocondy3point0 For as much as Patsy eats, she's still behind Jessica in overall weight)
twitchystitch yes jessica is just the queen of massive weight patsy could stuff her face nonestop for a whole day and jessica could still make more weight in a signle leisurely meal
macrocondy3point0 She might not eat much, but whenever she does deign to eat, she eats a LOT and since she doesn't use any of it, it all goes to her body
twitchystitch YES table's creak a she eats and her digestive systme converts every gram into more biomass
macrocondy3point0 Patsy becomes incredibly jealous
twitchystitch in their world now, big is the new beautiful
macrocondy3point0 Even though Jessica would like to keep her clothes intact, she also gets a very smug sense of satisfaction in letting Patsy come close to touching her, and then surging ahead with a leisurely breakfast
twitchystitch whether your a giant or a fatblob, hyper curvy milf or just muscular, you gotta get BIG and she is super jealous jessica LOVES winning but she's more quietly smug than outright "AHAH HA" about it patsy seethes with envy wakandan cooks love jessica because she is an excellent taster
macrocondy3point0 I forget, did we decide if Wakandan women are taller on average? Instead of just the royal guard?
twitchystitch i dont think we discussed that but i think its a fine idea; how about the average wakandan woman is upwards of 7 feet but not to the extremes of the reroyal guard?
macrocondy3point0 They tend to baby the two outsiders
twitchystitch they're so small and kind of grumpy and its ADORABLE they can feed them all they want
macrocondy3point0 Even though Jessica can easily bench press ALL of them At once
twitchystitch they enjoy carrying them about like pudgy baskets the entire population of wakanda she could do it (including the giants?)
macrocondy3point0 Possibly would strain her enough to make her actually use all that excess energy
twitchystitch imagine Jessica doing something like punching out a god or similar ultimate foe
twitchystitch and reverting to her original build (she immediately would get back to building up the bulk) (she would probably be considering their Ultimate back up weapon in this case)
macrocondy3point0 Well, in case Mantis doesn't instantly take care of the problem like she does all problems
twitchystitch sometimes she doesn't notice in time or was distracted by a passing bug in her defense, the bug is VERY cute
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Mantis expanding random bugs to massive proportions because she takes a fancy to them for a moment
twitchystitch "LOOK AT THIS CUTE BUG" the ladybug is now the size of a truck or the Helicarrier
macrocondy3point0 I say the latter It's still tiny to Mantis but to everyone else
twitchystitch yes should the bugs have their mannerisms altered? like the bigger they get they become docile
macrocondy3point0 Yes.
twitchystitch giant beetles that people tame and ride like really big ranch animals shield's new base of operations is a very large ladybug
macrocondy3point0 They also become very soft
twitchystitch there's also a giant hive of kaiju ants, even mantis isn't sure why she made Those YES still chitinous but its squishy springy they make soft squeaking sounds
macrocondy3point0 What other sorts do you think she's expanded?
twitchystitch i feel like the uglier or more unlovable it is the more likely she has taken a shine to it and madde it big and Loved mantis is drawn to the things no one else considers
macrocondy3point0 So like?
twitchystitch so like an ACTUAL mantis or two cockroaches scorpions and spiders
macrocondy3point0 The mantises are as big as her
twitchystitch all just sort of roamign the land like mobile pillows with legs
macrocondy3point0 She's fascinated by them
twitchystitch YES they wiggle their antannaes at each other having a thoughtful conversation
twitchystitch "Oh my!" shes ays "how insightufl!"
macrocondy3point0 Their pincers and arms aren't sharp at all anymore Just large masses of squish
twitchystitch they instinctively hug things instead of biting off the heads of meates, they just bonk their heads together Mantis really rubbed off on them
macrocondy3point0 Even the other Guardians think it's just a little weird
twitchystitch "Mantis, we love you and endorse you but the bug thing is... weird, it's just weird, okay?" rocket yells, "THIS ONE IS MAKING GOO GOO EYES AT ME, I SWEAR, IT TOTALLY IS!!!"
macrocondy3point0 She responds by creating big bug friends for all of them
twitchystitch OBVIOUSLY they need to be more familiar with the bugs to love them properly peter: OH GOD THE SPIDER IS IN MY HAIR ITS IN MY HAAAAIR! (im forced to assume that spider man is riding the spider and is just kind of there) everyone gets their own bug friend tthat terrifies them bucky refuses to leave whatever he lives in wakanda HE DIDNT ASK FOR BUGS
macrocondy3point0 He keeps getting more, because Mantis is sad he doesn't like them and keeps sending more
twitchystitch all of them in bucky' house are impossible bugs from the pre-Cambrian era those really REALLY big bugs but
twitchystitch even more onstrous and spooky looking and huge now "YOURE WELCOME" she says cheerfully
macrocondy3point0 But soft
twitchystitch bucky silently vows revenge somhow they are squishy and huggable the bugs are like giant living plushies basically imagine bug themed plushies but Alive, that is what mantis creates
macrocondy3point0 They really just keep going on about their business, but with all their needs permanently taken care of They'll take empathetic impulses from mantis and do what she asks because she asks REALLY nicely
twitchystitch if someone with the right powers asks the bugs, they say they do as she asks because she is so sweet and nice the spiders web people up because clearly they need some nap times the bugs do their best to be Helpful but go about it in weays that tend to annoy people
macrocondy3point0 Imagine that happening to Okoye Standing on duty when a massive squishy spider sneaks up on her and webs her up
twitchystitch she is left trapped and wiggling and ENRAGED bits of her sweat sizzlign throug hthe webs the spider gives her a swing as if to say 'oh come on, you needed a nap'
macrocondy3point0 Imagine their bites being able to calm people down
macrocondy3point0 Mantis basically transforms their venom into feel good juice
twitchystitch I LIKE THIS EVEN MORE scorpions sting peoplee and they fall down, giggling and wobblign cheerfully all venom becomes Happiness
macrocondy3point0 Temporary bloating too
twitchystitch (des tihs effect bug themed heroes too??)
macrocondy3point0 i'd say so
twitchystitch people hit with the venom swell up even ones wheere its just thematic like Ant Man
twitchystitch spider man too scott kisses a date and she bloats up and gets all giggly
macrocondy3point0 Oh my god I love that What happens if he and wasp kiss
twitchystitch MUTUAL BLOAD AND GIGGLY but becacues a wasp's venom is more powerful than an ant's he gets more of it while she starts floating
macrocondy3point0 Do keep going I love this idea
macrocondy3point0 And might even ask for a quick write-up tonight Just because it's so great
twitchystitch i'd be good wit hthat!
macrocondy3point0 Do you think you could? A couple of quick paragraphs at most
twitchystitch like say peter gives MJ a peck on the chee and she starts floating up too, getting super giggly (yes! i could definitely do that!)
macrocondy3point0 I'll leave you to it! sorry
twitchystitch :)
macrocondy3point0 (Be sure they get Big) (Like, a quick peck produces Big) (A deep kiss?)
twitchystitch ULTRA BIG the more passionate and deep the kiss the more big
macrocondy3point0 Scott and Peter have a great power at their disposal
twitchystitch kisses that make BWOOMPH
macrocondy3point0 All thanks to Mantis
twitchystitch more powerful than super strength or size shifting
macrocondy3point0 It makes Peter's dates awkward though Scott mostly does it to Hope
twitchystitch often surprising her with pecks on the cheek her cheeks swell up and her curves swell out before her body expands hugely
macrocondy3point0 She finds it highly endearing
twitchystitch (MJ likes to tease Peter by inviting him to deliver one of those venom smooches)
macrocondy3point0 Also Definitely Black Widow
twitchystitch YES DEFINITELY her venom kisses are EXTREMELY strong
macrocondy3point0 How much more than Peter or Scott?
twitchystitch hmm lets say that if Scott makes people bouncier and floaty and peter makes them swell out and almost eweightless than natasha renders anyone she kisses into a soft blob that floats completely free of gravity possibly going where she wants them to?
macrocondy3point0 Also, I'd imagine that they take much longer to deflate
twitchystitch yes with it depending on the venom strength of whoever does it
twitchystitch natasha takes the longest for them to deflate
macrocondy3point0 Peter's are quicker, but keeping in with the whole thing about Spider-Man having massive potential, they get big fast
macrocondy3point0 (It does make keeping a secret identity awkward)
twitchystitch just posted! YES he meekly is followed around by a stream of would be girlfriends that are interested in a quick smooch MJ is almost permanently kind of round because she REALLY likes being like this (she ends up developing self inflation powers as a consequnece its just what mantis does to ya
macrocondy3point0 (If I can go for maximum sin?)
macrocondy3point0 (What about Aunt May)
twitchystitch ALSO EFFECTED doesnt matter if the kisses are platonic or not the venom must flow into recipiewnts of affection or teasing, in black widow's case
macrocondy3point0 Who do you think Nat smooches most often?
twitchystitch apart from villains to keep them under control? she smooches hawkeye a lot in a platonic sense
macrocondy3point0 Yeah?
twitchystitch hawkeye ends up floating up even though he's fairly resistent to it through sheer stubbornness (hulk would also be effected
twitchystitch through sheer vulnerability to genuine affection
macrocondy3point0 But yes, aunt may
twitchystitch what if the kisses go both ways? like if they are kissed the effect happens so she gives peter an affectionate peck and starts swelling
macrocondy3point0 Which is especially cute given how slender and sinewy he usually is
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 Imagine if the first time he found out about Mantis' effect was giving Aunt May a good night kiss
macrocondy3point0 and the sheer SHOCK of it
twitchystitch getting him with his own venom? YES he comes to the compelte strong conclusion HE HAS DOOM KISS POWERS he declares he must remain forever celibate
macrocondy3point0 And yet
twitchystitch this lasts all of six hours when MJ pops up in the morning for a 'SUP SUP' smooch
macrocondy3point0 She doesn't know yet, but she kisses him full on the lips the second she sees him (She rushed in so fast, she didn't even notice Aunt May still floating on the ceiling)
twitchystitch aunt may is just "??????" just finding out he was Spider Man was enough of a shock and since MJ gets a full lip kiss the effect is much strongero n her
macrocondy3point0 Of course since it calms her down, she doesn't mind too much
twitchystitch she goes straight to full balloon VERY quickly MJ is DELIGHTED "SHIT ive never felt GIDDY before, this is frickin sweet"
macrocondy3point0 They run out of room VERY fast and she's still inflating
macrocondy3point0 Peter is MORTIFIED
twitchystitch he is pressed between a wall and MJ's expanding body (which she finds very pleasing indeed)
macrocondy3point0 Neither of them leaves until she starts deflating by like noon By which time she's already clammoring for more and eager to tell EVERYONE
twitchystitch by this point manits power's are doing enough weird things that the city just rolls with it and SHE GRABS PETER: "AGAIN, DUDE, AGAIN!!!" she busts into school, significnatly larger than before and yells
twitchystitch "SUP SUP GUESS WHAT PETE DOES NOW!"" he is mortifeied beyond measure
macrocondy3point0 Guess what you just did
macrocondy3point0 You just convinced me that needs its own mini-story
twitchystitch !!! THIS PLEASES ME
macrocondy3point0 Significantly larger MJ dragging peter into school, loudly announcing what he can do, and getting him to kiss as many girls as possible Think you can?
twitchystitch (i am seriously all about MJ developing inflate powers as a result too) YES I DEFINITELY CAN
twitchystitch mind sending in a prompt for that?
macrocondy3point0 Sent
twitchystitch AWESOME
macrocondy3point0 Looking forward to it (YOu think you could make notes about her voice and bounciness?)
twitchystitch -thumbs up!- my energy for talks feels pretty much spent for the day
macrocondy3point0 sorry
twitchystitch mind if i go off now?
macrocondy3point0 I don't mind but like
macrocondy3point0 This new direction has me VERY enthused sorry
twitchystitch (I can definitely do that!) its cool like having more suggestions for stuff would also be good for the writing of that
macrocondy3point0 I might send like five or six because i have so many ideas
twitchystitch (i glad i can help you come up with stuff that gets you so enthused, too!)
twitchystitch THESE ARE ALL GOOD go right ahead! heck whenever i give you an idea u got open permission to send it in
macrocondy3point0 Before you go, one more thing how often does MJ smooch Peter, and is the effect any different than when he smooches her?
twitchystitch hmmm i say that MJ is EXYREMEELY smoochy with peter it makes him floaty and get very rounded she loves doing this and then hugging him its like turning him into al iving plush
macrocondy3point0 Good thing he has his webs to pull himself along
twitchystitch sometimes she walks around, using his web as a leash or towline to keep him coming along
macrocondy3point0 Mantis bringing world peace leads to a lot of situations like this
twitchystitch all over the world sudden swells of bizarre and new powers makign everyone Happy
macrocondy3point0 Former heroes using their powers for weird things like this (Honestly, Peter spends more time bloated than MJ)
twitchystitch A world of Strangeness but Happiness
macrocondy3point0 (She's very dominant)
twitchystitch YES because she is so kissy and domineering
twitchystitch just grabbing him and smooching him until he bloats up
macrocondy3point0 she definitely loves doing it to random people too
twitchystitch i super endorse this dynamic sure she can inflate herself but she loves making other people puffed and floating and happy
macrocondy3point0 Do you think his venom is more potent if he releases it while inflated?
twitchystitch YES if he kisses while inflated people dont just go straight to balloon
twitchystitch but become much much larger
macrocondy3point0 MJ definitely loves getting kisses from him while he's blown up
twitchystitch imagine her clinging to him and recieving dozens of kisses
macrocondy3point0 (Does she have any cute nicknames for him?)
twitchystitch and as she swelled bigger and keeps him right against her body she calls him thigs like balloon boy, puffed up pete, puffy, things of that narure if its balloon or smooch related she's made a pun nickname for him
macrocondy3point0 (Also) (everyone with this power)
macrocondy3point0 (Massive lips)
twitchystitch YES, OF COURSE gigantic lips are one of my jams MJ typically puffs up her lips to large size even normally but anyone who gets hit by this especially if kissed
macrocondy3point0 Great on girls, great on boys
twitchystitch because the venom first goes to the lips gigantic pfufy smooching lips
macrocondy3point0 Peter becoming highly dependent on MJ
twitchystitch he becomes extremely fidgety and distressed wtihout an MJ kiss every few hours
macrocondy3point0 It probably takes a while though Like, she spends more time heavily inflated at first
twitchystitch im thinking that eventually, even her default is super curvy and puffy by this world's standards
macrocondy3point0 Because of how much she likes the sensation
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 How so?
twitchystitch even after she discovers that she enjoys pumping others up, she spends a lot of time like that LIKE SAY she is always at least a bit balloonified, so that her curves are puffed up huge lips, gigantic curves, a tendency to float when she walks
twitchystitch a surprisingly high pitched voice
macrocondy3point0 Of course, even though she's perfectly capable of doing so herself
twitchystitch when she hugs you, you sink into her
macrocondy3point0 she absolutely loves using Peter for it
twitchystitch yes she grabs him, pulls him into a kiss "It's mroe fun this way, ain't it Pete?" SMOOCH PUFF UP
macrocondy3point0 No I mean, to inflate other people
twitchystitch THAT TOO she yanks people in pushes them into a kiss with him and then they are orb shaped and floating up all giddy idea, some of that happiness is always transfered to MJ she gets giggly as an after effect
macrocondy3point0 This is all very good. (She probably insists on keeping him in a stretchy spider-man outfit at all times) (Just so everyone knows exactly what she has)
twitchystitch yes! its like he's wearing a sign she can pointe to and yell "LOOKIT MY MAN" its also convenient for the bwoomphing up
macrocondy3point0 It's been like a week since Peter wasn't floating. He finds that distantly concerning, but not too much.
twitchystitch it just feels too good to be a REAL bother and MJ likes it so he's happy with it
macrocondy3point0 what do you think becomes of Gwen?
twitchystitch i want to say she becomes MJ's partner in, if not crime, inflatation shennaigans
twitchystitch the more reserved and sweet one about it while MJ is more domineering about it
macrocondy3point0 She's usually riding on top of Peter
twitchystitch in er defense it is very very comfy up there peter doesnt mind whatever makes the girls happy makes him content
macrocondy3point0 What's his diameter on average anyways?
twitchystitch 12 foot diameter, maybe?
macrocondy3point0 Makes it rather difficult getting him inside
twitchystitch sure they could deflate him but
twitchystitch MJ gets mad at the notion HER PRECIOUS PARKER NOT BEING PUMPED UP AND HAPPY SHE WILL DESTROY WHOEVER SAID THAT but first she has to get him inside gwen and MJ just trying to shove hi mthrough the doorway, he squeaks al ot
macrocondy3point0 Fortunately, anyone who gets pumped up is quite malleable
twitchystitch they're almost like living huggable clay mj likes to sqush his cheeks until he giggles in this case, he rapidly ends up cube shaped
macrocondy3point0 So they're able to just
twitchystitch because of doorway
macrocondy3point0 stuff him through the door They also reassume their normal spherical form after a time Thing is most rooms aren't really large enough to let him do that so he winds up squishing up against stuff
twitchystitch their bodies tremble and eventually pop back into shape the rooms are just full of peter mj prefers to sleep like this now, with him as the bed or blanket
macrocondy3point0 gently kissing various parts of him for extra soft
twitchystitch its like kneading
twitchystitch but more fun for her
macrocondy3point0 This wasn't what he epected his life to be like when he started superheroing But it's nice
twitchystitch he didnt expect to get a girlfriend adn now he has MJ who is VERY nice and makes him happy
macrocondy3point0 Do you think she likes to mess with Aunt May too
twitchystitch yep! its more like good natured pranking aunt may isnt sure what she expected from what is basically gonna be her daughter in law
macrocondy3point0 Is there any difference in the way Gwen and MJ puff up?
twitchystitch i feel like MJ does it more gradualy; a bit of her arm here, her face there
twitchystitch its like a transformation sequence gwen likes to do it all at once if she can
macrocondy3point0 And their final forms?
twitchystitch but smoothly, while MJ's actual growth is abrupt hmmm i'm thinking that Gwen is a full round balloon while MJ is powerfu lenoguh that she can retain roughly human form, it's just well, extremely plush she CAN become a clasiscal round balloon if she feels like it, too
macrocondy3point0 All this inflating definitely pushes up their average heights if they ever return to fully deflated forms
twitchystitch YES how tall are you thinking
macrocondy3point0 Like 20 foot at least For all three
twitchystitch OOOOH YES (ironically a long time ago i contemplated mary jane having giantification powers) MJ is often at this huge size when she can, since she spends so much time a little bit inflated gwen a little bit less while Peter spends so much time inflated he has no idea of his new size until he is deflate
macrocondy3point0 Peter's likely tallest of the lot, really
twitchystitch and ironically the most submissive and totally devoted to their whims
macrocondy3point0 he never really stood a chance MJ is just too forceful a personality
twitchystitch she basically sat down, put her arm around him and said "yo you're my boy now" and he was like "okay" THIS IS HIS LIFE NOW
macrocondy3point0 and that was BEFORE all this
twitchystitch (i am EXTREMELY on board for this MJ/Peter dynamic) now he is literally living on a tether by her hand and very cool with it, too
macrocondy3point0 She's the one who wears the webshooters now They're the only way she has enough leverage to properly drag him along
twitchystitch "she's the one who wears the webshooters" is like code for dominance and he is the first one to insist that of course she ought to do it imagine her webbing his wrist and tugging him along "Cmon pete, we got places to be" (he sometimes catcheis himself about to say 'yes ma'am)
macrocondy3point0 What's an average day look like for them?
twitchystitch they head out, doing thier thing, going to get food and make sure all three of them are fed up with peter floating by on MJ's wrist usually she feeds him by hand because he's EXTREMELY passive
macrocondy3point0 MJ tips their servers with kisses
macrocondy3point0 they normally dont' complain
twitchystitch hard to complain when you get puffed up and full of JOY from it! then they usually wind up in the first adventure of the day such as herding giant beetles which are clogging up traffic
macrocondy3point0 oooh yeah They still get involved in various superheroics But it's more of the "solve a nuisacne" variety than fighting villains
twitchystitch exaclty!! oen time a whole bunch of balloon people got stuck and the job was to
twitchystitch figure out a way to get them to be unstuck
macrocondy3point0 MJ's solution was to make Peter REALLY big and then use his mass to shove them out into the open and tether them down until they deflated
twitchystitch YES she gave him a strong push and it was like shot-putting (this should be a sport) (bowling with giant puffed ups)
macrocondy3point0 Imagine their team-ups with Scott and Hope
twitchystitch technically its the Bug Team up but everyone knows its the smoochy puffing kiss guys and the ladies who give thme thier marching orders
macrocondy3point0 Hope allows scott to keep his form most of the time
macrocondy3point0 She's the one who gets puffed up most often Because she's a LOT better at using her body while in that state
twitchystitch her wasp powers make her good at navigating while in that state
macrocondy3point0 Scott tends to get overwhelmed by the euphoria
twitchystitch (also her wasp stings make peopel puff up too) IDEA SCOTT TENDS TO randomly switch size while puffed up one second he might go sub atomic in giddiness the next become a hundred feet high still orb-shaped either way
macrocondy3point0 You see why she doesn't trust him with it And prefer he smooch her into enormity
twitchystitch "Clearly im the only one that can be trsusted with this power" she say as she pulls him into a kiss that leaves her the size of a building and shockingly fleet for her size
macrocondy3point0 are there any meaningful differences between scott and peter's kisses?
twitchystitch HMMM i'd say that scott's kisses take place immediately, while peter's take a longer time to happen (additionally scott is more of a lovestruck fool everytime he smooches while peter is just going with whatever's happening
macrocondy3point0 Imagine the two of them interacting
twitchystitch they might be in balloon form or not but peter is like just swooning over them, while otherwise just sort of he sits and wobbles like he's grooving to inaudible music scott does his best to act like a big brother while a bit miffed that peter is technically more experienced with this than he is now
macrocondy3point0 still, if hope says no, it MEANS no (A great idea)
twitchystitch Hope's word, as far as he's concerned is much worse than the word of deities because
macrocondy3point0 (Jessica comes back) (MJ spies her)
twitchystitch her retribution is more swift and mad
macrocondy3point0 (Instant infatuation)
twitchystitch YES MJ takes one look at this Cool Badass and just heart eyes (IMAGINE MJ HAVING A POSTER OF HER EVEN BEFORE THIS HAPPENED
macrocondy3point0 how big would she be by the time she returns?
twitchystitch Jesisca: when the hell did they make posters of me??? her weight is probably
twitchystitch incalculablew by mundane means shei s SO heavy that her legs shouldn't be able to move at all but she's so strong it doesn't matter she just uses hoverchairs and doesn't care (if she's no talelr than before, than MJ will be 20 feet tall and able to pick her up squish hug that sounds ADORABLE
macrocondy3point0 the shock of what she saw in Wakanda means she's not TOO Surprised by what's going on here, but It's still a little eyebrow raising especially since she doesn't remember this spider guy being a big-lipped puffball
twitchystitch MJ is like "She is so HUGE, like its if you turned one of my balloon guys into solid fat... I LOVE HER."
twitchystitch jessica is like "I rmemeber you being a guy in way too much trouble WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" peter points vaugely at MJ "she told me to smooch her" jessica: that explains fuck all peter: -shrugs-
macrocondy3point0 Jessica's probably wide enough to fill up a street
twitchystitch the streets shake when she walks
macrocondy3point0 and given that we said she was strong enough to move Mantis' finger on her first day of knowing her, a few months in Wakanda have made her POWERFUL
twitchystitch partly from the force of how much strength she exerts to move a sinclge stpe
twitchystitch NOW IF SHE WANTED TO she could probably kick the earth out of orbit she makes canon hulk look puny (IRONICALLY)
macrocondy3point0 And yet very chill about it
twitchystitch she's the most powerful Gifted in the world but she doesn't flaunt it or brag about it or ever really show it she's cool enoguh to know she doesn't need to show off
macrocondy3point0 She's ALSO not immune to a good smooching
twitchystitch MJ suddenly materializing 20 feet of lovestruck fangirl SMOOHC and jessica is puffing up
macrocondy3point0 those enormous lips smothering her head And pumping her entire body full of venom
twitchystitch her first thought is what the heck right after that as those lips are so soft
macrocondy3point0 Question is, is that enough to generate lift?
twitchystitch and the breath so nice
macrocondy3point0 Given her sheer weight
twitchystitch she thinks "...hey... that's kind of... nice..." and PPOMPH HMMM it does sound appealing for Jessica to be ballooned but so heavy she remained groundbound? imagine the huge bloaty fat ball still on the ground
macrocondy3point0 How MUCH does she expand though?
twitchystitch im imagining her fat spreading out so its something like a rather lumpy pancake OR, possibly
twitchystitch her body expanded to the point where her fat becomes a smooth orb the latter is obviously gonna be MUCH larger
macrocondy3point0 so you know which I prefer It's still very much got the texture and consistentcy of flab, but compeltely rounded out And yet STILL not enough to make her float It's like she's full of heavy gases
twitchystitch YES i like this some flying type people land in her sink in and are lost for hours
twitchystitch its liek quicksand but harmless and soft and fun
macrocondy3point0 MJ has wasp airlift her to a more open area
twitchystitch Jessica likes the opportunity to spread out not so much MJ making constant HORRIBLE PUNS at jssica's expense but she can live with it
macrocondy3point0 oooh what sort of HORRIBLE PUNS?
twitchystitch like say "This place looks great, Jess. Feel like 'spreading out'?" "Yeah sure" she says as she flattens
twitchystitch expanding outwards "that sounds like-" she stops the pun hit her "GODDAMIT, MJ."
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Mary Jane becoming damned and determiend to figure out what it takes to get her off the ground
twitchystitch do they need to get ever flyer on earth lifting her? A REALLY big helicarrier? the mother of all repulsor engines? she WILL FIND A WAY
macrocondy3point0 I mean more how many kisses does it take To get a jessica balloon floating
twitchystitch MJ is willing to find out at least a hundred? each one smothering jessica's increasingly large face in MJ lip prints she is gonna test the HELL out of that
macrocondy3point0 How's Jess feel about that?
twitchystitch initially annoyed
twitchystitch but the kisses feel so NICE
macrocondy3point0 (Also, some of those kisses are DEFINITELY from Peter)
twitchystitch she starts swooning but she still acts
macrocondy3point0 (Especially since his are more potent)
twitchystitch reluctantly grumpy imagine peter and MJ smooching her from either side of her face like two fairies kissing a giant while JEssica pretends she's not flattered "yeah yeah, do whatever you guys feel like..."
macrocondy3point0 Oh my god
macrocondy3point0 Just had an idea Imagine Jessica idly talking about Wakanda and all the things she saw over there, and specifically bringing up the giant insect population And what she saw a spider doing to Okoye once and MJ starting to put things together in her head regarding Peter If ONE spider-bite made him Spider-Man...
twitchystitch OOOOOOOOH "So... what would ANOTHER do??" she asks with a devilish grin
macrocondy3point0 From THAT kind of spider
macrocondy3point0 Peter's too caught up in smooching jessica to notice they're talking about him
twitchystitch jessica: Hey. happy dude. They're talking about you. PEter: ...whaaat... -smooching sounds-
macrocondy3point0 Imagine how chilly Jessica's body must be at that scale
twitchystitch soothing and cool just like jessica hereslf says MJ being a total DWEEB jessica just GROANS
macrocondy3point0 Assuming she CAN make Jessica float
macrocondy3point0 how big will she get by that point?
twitchystitch .... CITY SIZED?
macrocondy3point0 Imagine how ridiculously puffy her face would be by that point
twitchystitch just a mass of soft, her eyes not even visible dominated by a gargantuan pair of lips
macrocondy3point0 The sudden jolt of movement when she takes off, though
macrocondy3point0 She'd also have to be in a RIDICULOUSLY good mood
twitchystitch to others she looks pretty mild but to anyone who knows her the faint smile and ocasional giggle SHE IS NONSTOP ULTRA HAPPY the rest of the Defenders do a spit take at this with perfect unison
macrocondy3point0 How long does it take, do you think?
twitchystitch to get off the ground or to reach this size?
macrocondy3point0 Well, they both come with one another
twitchystitch with her sheer size it takes her several days to clear the ground comepletely
twitchystitch after peter is introduced to the giant spider (he and the spdier spend a long time just talking to each other, somehow he says 'you dont just smooch at the start of a date') and he returns with buffed spider powers
macrocondy3point0 you know that MJ takes them all to Wakanda To show off what she's done with Jessica
twitchystitch it still takes a week of work or so to start pumping up jessica to floating size
macrocondy3point0 (Imagine Okoye and Peter being puffier than when she left thanks to that spider)
twitchystitch okoye now looks utra thicc thanks to the puffiness while peter quill is almost mega chub from thep uffiness massive lips for both all the better for smooching each other up
macrocondy3point0 Okoye's slope downwards and rest upon her chest
twitchystitch SHE HAS THE MOST IMPRESSIVE PUFF SMOOCHES peter's face can fit between 'em qulll, specifically all of peter parker can vanishe between her lips
macrocondy3point0 Also, even though Okoye has been bitten more often by the spider trying to force her to rest, Peter has more of an allergic reation So she spends a lot of time just sort of lying down, rocking back and forth in her own softness
twitchystitch she is literally allergic to calming down the spider looms over them approvingly peter rocking in her own massive body (whoop, i am feeling tired - u -
macrocondy3point0 OK, last thing I swear Compared to the stature we left her lift, muscled with a massive gut, how much has Okoye puffed up?
twitchystitch NMMMHMMM
twitchystitch i feel that she looks VERY thicc overall due to thep uffing? it looks rather MILFy with her curves and softness HOWEVER she's still got a ton of muscle on open display she's just enormously squsihy to boot even her muscle is soft to the touch
macrocondy3point0 that puffiness doesn't JUST amplify fat after all
twitchystitch you poke, you sink into it ultra soft puff effect
macrocondy3point0 (What about her nipples?)
twitchystitch i lowkey love puff nipples permanently engorged maybe super big relative to her boob size?
macrocondy3point0 oh?
twitchystitch her nips being very big relative to her boobs, always making indents against whatever is covering her boobs if her hair is down and long enoguh to go there you can still make out the nips against her hair
macrocondy3point0 well, if she had hair
twitchystitch sometimes she pokes them and her finger sinks in
twitchystitch (CANT BELEIVE I FORGOT)
macrocondy3point0 How big have her breasts gotten anyways?  Because I was thinking for all her growth they initially remained modest But with this...
twitchystitch quill routinely swoons over her hmm consider some boob growth as a result of th espider's attention bringing out some of her maternal side and thus, boob size her boobs might still be modest by the new standareds of growth like maybe bigger than her head?
macrocondy3point0 They slope to the side because of the sheer mass of her belly
twitchystitch if thats not too small YES she seems a bit proud of how powerfu her stomach is that even boobs like hers are forced aside by its mass
macrocondy3point0 It DEFINITELY rests on the ground now
twitchystitch still got muscle on it she effortlessly moves because of pure Strength
macrocondy3point0 Also, idea Her butt is where the spider bites her most often, so that has gotten particularly big
twitchystitch YES her butt is almost as big as her belly?
twitchystitch (ultra soft and squishy quill sleeps on it most of nights
macrocondy3point0 like she wouldn't adore smothering her with it
twitchystitch imagine okoye just leanign back, massive butt pressing into quill' whole body with a smug smirk all the while
macrocondy3point0 which is impressive, given how much quill has puffed up she basically has parade float proportions now
twitchystitch she even floats up with movements, now and then she can float right into Okoye's arms
macrocondy3point0 why is it that the spider bites her too anyways?
twitchystitch spreading the love it felt bad that quill wasn't getting bites too insufficiently puffy
macrocondy3point0 (Also, while they've gotten big from multiple bites, don't forget that they get HUGE when bitten)
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 (And loving wrapped up in spider webs)
twitchystitch like a single spider bite will cause massive growth in the associated area the spider is like a therapist, will web you up and bite you until you are calm and in a position to discuss things imagine the puffed upe peopel being all wrapped up and loving it squeeing happily at the wraps
macrocondy3point0 (Ball Okoye)
twitchystitch she swells up into a massive round shape that peter can hug
macrocondy3point0 No more border guarding puffy nap time~
twitchystitch she just yawns rolls against peter
macrocondy3point0 (Of course it's less a ball and more a ball with three massive boulders)
twitchystitch dozes off the boulders make for more leverage! and more squish for naps
macrocondy3point0 Peter usually winds up bitten in her sleep and wakes up surprised that she can't move while Okoye is slowly deflating
twitchystitch that spider is super fussy when it comes to them it wants them to haev a balance of snuggle
macrocondy3point0 imagine peter's hairs puffing up too~
twitchystitch becoming a big, squishy mass, perhaps? rising up over her head, almost poofed up squishy to the touch
macrocondy3point0 well her body hair too
twitchystitch a fine layer of squish all over her body
macrocondy3point0 does anything happen with their sweating?
twitchystitch the sweat becoming like bubbles that float up and go on until they hit something Consider: the sweat causing mild puffing in whatever they hit
macrocondy3point0 wakanda is coated in them
twitchystitch literal pockets of swelling all over wakanda trees puffed up cliffsides that are more misty than usual because sweat bubbles popped and are reaining down mist turning whatever it tocuhes into Soft
macrocondy3point0 Okoye simply rubs the slope of her belly and looks out over the scope of the nation
macrocondy3point0 nodding to herself
twitchystitch she sees the gentled, puffed sight of the land and she thinks
"i have done good things"
macrocondy3point0 and then CHOMP
twitchystitch SPIDER THINKS SHE NEEDS MORE HAPPY the spider deserves to be its own character
macrocondy3point0 OK, very very last thing, I swear, then I let you go Sorry to keep extending this but it's so good (Peter - puffing - bulge -how much?)
twitchystitch > u <
macrocondy3point0 HOW MUCH
twitchystitch HOW ABOUT big as okoye's belly?
macrocondy3point0 Jesus how do they keep him modest?
twitchystitch HMMMM either the local fabrics are really, REALLY stretchy or with his current mindset he doesn't mind so much and
twitchystitch MJ is proud of what she has made (assuming that this is Spider Man Peter, not peter quill?
macrocondy3point0 it's often the tether point for webs yes
twitchystitch MJ: LOOK AT MY DUDE~! peter: -has just enough sheepishness to blush-
macrocondy3point0 Modesty's long out the window, and MJ wants to show off EVERYTHING she's got
twitchystitch she probably wears very little especially when puffed up because of this same pride peter is an extension of that
macrocondy3point0 is it usually flaccid or erect?
twitchystitch typically flaccid he's usually too chill to have a strong reaction otherwise MJ prides herself on able to get a Reaction out of him she says with lots of eyebrow wiggling
macrocondy3point0 Jessica's VERY impressed by it
twitchystitch "Holy shit." she gives a thumbs up at MJ
macrocondy3point0 a very slow, squeaky thumbs up
twitchystitch she doesnt move much but its so impressive that she just has to do SOMETHING
macrocondy3point0 MJ often angles him so she can sleep on it
macrocondy3point0 what exactly does MJ do to get a reaction?
twitchystitch soetimes its as subtle as winking at him or puffing herselfe up to a size that he can see easily and sliding herself against him but she's not much for subtlety normally so its often things like just kissing him in a non-puffing up way the slightest tocuh from her can have a STRONG reaction from him
macrocondy3point0 how much does it expand?
twitchystitch well going by how that Okoye belly size is flaccid state lets say it gets at least a third larger? (possibly when its just a small reaction)
macrocondy3point0 peter squeaking meekly
twitchystitch (IT GOT MORE ADORABLE)
macrocondy3point0 jessica getting to watch the whole thing
twitchystitch MJ just grinning wickedly jessica raising her eyebrows very slightly
macrocondy3point0 he really is just her boy toy this is very good
twitchystitch boy toy peter being totally dominated by MJ is my new favorite thing i did not even know i wanted more of this but now i really do
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So I watched The Ancient Magus Bride ⚠Spoiler Warning⚠
When I saw the ad of this show on Instagram I said in the comments if that girl doesn’t fall in love with the skull man I’m going to be very disappointed. I WAS NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST! I’m gonna talk about this very differently and this might be really long so I’m sorry. So here’s my thoughts on the anime.
Firstly the opening. I don’t really pay attention to openings because I’m on my phone but this one made me stop everything and shush my boyfriend. Talk about something that grabs you. The singer’s name is Junna and she’s only 16 years old. The guitar is amazing and the visuals during it are great and those opening lyrics. WOO! It’s something new and fresh. Get away from the rock style music in a anime about step sisters in love (Citrus) or some dude singing high pitched with a great guitar riff and that be the only part I enjoy (Tokyo Ghoul). I love this opening. I listen to it in my free time and it just fucks me up.
WATASHI WA KOKO. Fucks me all the way up.
So in the beginning we see a girl with red hair and green eyes from Japan whose name is Chise (like cheese and say) and she’s selling herself because she wants to feel wanted and almost jumped from a building because she hates how she’s treated like an outcast. The scene then goes to Chise in chains walking through this auditorium like place with other creatures and this is the first indication or how visually amazing this anime is. Behind Chise are like giant wolf creatures and the reflection of the light from aquariums just….this anime is stunning. The animation quality of this show is 16 outta 10. I usually dont like when a serious anime turns chibi for light banter but when this anime does it I have no issue. The design of Chise, the vibrant colors, the lighting, reflection is absolutely gorgeous.
People are bidding on Chise and a man with a red blanket over his face and antlers bids 6 million on her. In this scene she’s sold to people in a…illegal magic auction i assume and Chise is a Sleigh Beggy.
A Sleigh Beggy is a person who has overwhelming amount of magic flowing from them but the amount of magic is so much that their bodies can’t handle it and they die in a year or two which is weird by the way because if Chise has been a Sleigh Beggy all her life and has lived this long you’d think shed be okay to live a little longer but whatever. Plot holes are like pot holes you can ignore them when you know where they are.
Throughout the show it’s implied but never directly said that there have been other Sleigh Beggys but nobody has really seen them in person. This is mostly because of how every new person she meets is shocked and amazed at her.
Back to the auction after a man bids 6M he wins her and we see that hes maybe 6'11 or 7 ft tall and has a wolf skull as a head (yes I looked it up). His name is Elias and they call him the Mage of the Thorn. We see why later in the episode and in episode 7 when Chise gets stabbed by a giant mantis and he looses his shit. Turning into this creature that I wish I could explain.
Immediately after the auction Elias takes her to his house and removes her chains with a touch. The house is adorable and I love it. I couldn’t live in it by myself though. Elias has a maid named Silver but Chise calls her Silkie. She cooks, cleans, and tends to the garden. In episode 15 we learn that Silkie is a Banshee and she fell into a catatonic state after her first family died. This Faire spirit leads her to a new house and he asks why she was there and Silkie says “I want my family.” this is the first time we hear she has a voice. And that she can talk. Being a banshee though I doubt she really could without breaking stuff or warning of death. 
Even in the short lived sentence Silkie is whispering. The Faire dresses her as a Victorian era style maid with a bonnet and wide dress and names her Silver. In the same episode we gets lots of quiet time with her as she sits around an empty house waiting for Elias and Chise to return. When Silkie was first introduced in the show I thought she would be the quiet character that doesn’t have emotions but everyone would love. In the first few episodes when she gives Chise her plate of breakfast she wraps her arms around her shoulders and rests her chin on her head. In the quiet segment with Silkie she shows that she is bored and misses Elias and Chise in the house. When they return Silkie is happy and hugs Chise. I love Silkie as a character. She takes care of both Chise and Elias which is adorable and she has a scene where she stands outside Elias’s bedroom door with a bat and that got a chuckle from me. Hell I rewinded that scene a few times.
After being taken home ,in the first episode, Chise, while in the bath internally monologues, reveals that her mother tried to kill her and her father and brother left her at a young age. She was bullied in school and pushed to the point of almost jumping off of a building then bringing us to the introduction of the anime.
While Chise is in the bath faire sprites come to greet her and call her Robin and say her red hair means she’s got great magic abilities. Later on in the night one of the faire sprites invites her for a walk in the forest to go outside. Turns out it’s a trap to lead Chise into what’s called “The Other Side” which is basically a relm where Faires live in meaning shed be a Faire. Chise choses not too because Elias is the only home and family she knows so she tells them no and then Elias comes to save her and we see his magic for the first time. Aftrr this scene we get to the meat and gravy of what this show is about. Elias says he will train Chise as his apprentice and he wants her to be his bride.
As Im sure you can tell this anime is about magic but unlike the successful Fairy Tail and the failure (in my opinion) that is Black Clover this is something very different and new. There are mages, sorcerers, witches, dragons, faires, centaurs, and demons in this world and we see so many variations and different kinds of each of these things. Even knew kinds of magical creatures that I’ve never seen before. You can truly see the time, effort, and dedication to this show and its absolutely amazing. I wish I could think of another word but this show is just amazing.
The first episode is very good about making you want to watch the next episode so find out more about the characters and story. It’s also very good at not revealing too much but just enough about Elias that not only makes Chise want to know more but also you.
Elias Ainsworth is a creature of some sort but nobody really knows what. He doesn’t know what but he is half fae. The first memories of his existence are of him walking. He can go into the shadows of people and hide in them (something he does with Chise a lot) and also has this weird ability to change his form from something wolf like with a fish tail, to something snake like, and in episode 18 he turns into this mass where he tries to eat Chise because he’s throwing a temper tantrum. Why? Cuz Chise had a friend over. No I’m not joking. 
In episode 3 Chise meets Lindel who is the caretaker of the Land of Dragons and she goes back to him in episode 12 and this is when Lindel explains how he met Elias. Elias unsure of what he is, is very confused. He thinks he used to eat humans which seems like a stretch but sometime in an episode when Chise sleeps in Elias bed with him (the same scene with Chise and the bat) and he’s threatening to eat her. Not a personal kink of mine but I don’t kink shame. In the beginning it seems that Elias just wants to help her but then it turns into Elias learning emotions and more about humans. It’s adorable really but often problematic.
I say problematic because and @redslayvega talked about this in their post about how both Chise and Elias have mental issues. A summary of their post is that Chise is willing to do anything to make anyone happy besides her while Elias is very dependent on her and has separation anxiety. Anytime Chise leaves to do her own thing he pouts and that affects Chise however she does keep doing it. I forget which episode it is, but when Chise hangs out with Alice on Christmas Eve he says she should’ve done it and he doesn’t trust her to go out alone anymore. In episode 21 the dude takes one of Chise’s dear friends to trade places with her when she gets the dragon’s curse. I mean jesus Elias. Chise rocks his jaw and is pissed. I would be too. She gets angry saying that she wanted to think about it with him. He can’t stand the thought of her leaving him. 
Besides that Chise and Elias’s relationship is very adorable and I absolutely love it. It changes from student and teacher to mother and son, to father and daughter, and in reality their just two kids who need to figure out what emotions really are. Chise doing more than Elias. The sound Elias’s skull makes when he rubs it on Chise’s face is a small but awesome detail. There’s a love between them and it’s not the main focus of the show however a very important aspect and also a good way to build character development and make good relationships between people. The two of them are just too cute. In Episode 6 Elias takes Chise to “The Other Side” to heal her and when they meet the Faire King and Queen the two talk about what kind of kids Elias and Chise should have. Then they bet on how many. Chise blushes at the possibility of having kids with Elias and Elias starts to feel things in his stomach. Butterflies. Elias protects Chise as much as he can and Chise helps Elias when he throws fits i.e. the temper tantrum we talked about earlier.
Chise gets a familiar and names him Ruth in episode 7. Ruth is a black dog who is tormented by the death of his master who was run over by a carrige. I think. He doesn’t remember what he is and it isn’t until episode 8 that he remembers and the two bond and he becomes her familiar. When she dies he dies and they are emotionally connected. I think Chise calls him her brother but I can’t remember. In the same episode of 7 and 8 we also meet the main antagonist of this series.
It threw me for a loop when they introduced an actual antagonist . Up until the point it seemed to be episodes of small missions and favors and days of shopping. If that’s all the show was going to be about I would’ve been okay but them throwing in this was amazing. It happens so suddenly too and there’s no preparation.
There’s a sorcerer named Renfred and he and Elias dont seem to be on good terms but have a good enough relationship to work together when needed. He has an apprentice named Alice who is hot in a suit and generally V attractive. In her backstory she was just a kid on the streets doing drugs until Renfred found her. We first meet the two in episode 4 and 5 when there’s a black mass in the land of cats and while Chise wants to destroy it without hurting the cats Alice and Renfred think to destroy everything. Then in episode 7 Alice is trying to kill Ruth (before he became Chise’s familiar) and Chise uses a potion on her that puts people to sleep. Alice wakes up and explains she’s looking for this kid who’s apparently evil and when she says this a giant mantis mean to stab Alice stabs her and then we’re introduced to the villain and main antagonist. 
His name is Joseph (my boyfriend’s name) but it seems his...demonic name is Cartaphillius. He gets mad when you call him that. He is a sorcerer who wants to make a chimera for some reason. He doesn’t even remember why in this scene. I forget who explains this but Joseph is immortal cuz of someone who cursed him and can’t die. The bastard gets his arm ripped off and just says “Oh silly me.” Like dude. Joseph really does have a reason for what he does or a “goal” of his. He goes around doing fuck all just because he can. We see him mostly doing “experiments”. In episode 4 and 5 we found out he’s the reason for the black gelatinous mass in the land of cats and that was a failed experiment. In episode 19 some goons of his (or people he possessed not sure) take dragons and he kills one for some reason. I dont remember if he just wanted to or if he had a reason but he puts the other one on auction THE SAME AUCTION CHISE WAS AT BY THE WAY. 
In that same episode Chise has a dream with Joseph in it and it seems like there’s another form like some sort of demon or monster inside of him. In the dream when they first start talkig he sounds like a sweet but confused kid then he starts to loose it and pins Chise to the ground and his eyes turn hollowed out. That leads me to think maybe he and Chise are connected somehow. It’ll be interesting to see how what his story it. Something tells me however that Joseph really just wants death. He’s been around so long that he just wants to die fucking around until he finally does. If that’s the case Chise will grant him that death because that’s just how her character is.
I absolutely love this anime. It’s visually amazing. The characters have so much depth and story that I just want to see more of. The plot is simple on the surface but it’s so much more. This is a very different and new anime that I’d recommend to anyone. This anime breaks the 13 episode rule so I’m hoping this show just does the entire manga in one go like Twin Star Exorcists did. I absolutely love it to the core. The animation quality is 10/10. The design is amazing. The colors. The textures and backgrounds give me a feeling. There’s a scene where Chise falls into a river and she sees this giant river dragon and it’s absolutely breath taking. The background music gives this ambiance. So much stuff in this anime is perfect and is done right. This is how you do a magic anime. Agree with me on some things or not. This is a good anime. This is a great anime and I love it with every fiber of my being.
16 outta 10. I’m ready to bleed for this bitch. I know this was sloppy and all over the place but understand one thing. I’m ready to bleed for this show.
Next review will be on Citrus (part 3) and the problem child that is Black fucking Clover and I have some choice words. My boyfriend says hi.
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Drunken Road Trips and Family Bonding
Chapter 5
Please Tell Us Why You Had to Hide Away For So Long
When Peter had shaken Yondu's shoulder early the next morning, saying he was going into town to pick up supplies, Yondu had sent him off with two rules before rolling over and going back to sleep. "Don't buy anything, yer still a Ravager idjit. And bring back some of what ever you Terrans got for booze, if yer gonna get soft again like last night I ain't goin' through it sober." Quill had rolled his eyes, pulling his Ravager coat over his shirt. It stood up to the elements, kept him warm, and had about fifty different pockets for stashing illegally obtained materials. Of course, not everything could fit in pockets, so he grabbed a collapsible repulsorlift and a Ravager tarp, modded to able to put up a decent camouflage.
While you couldn't count on Ravagers to have things like food or water on all their ships, they always had stealing supplies.
It was a ten mile trek to town, but it went quicker thanks to a few rocket boosted jumps. He stashed the lift at the edge of town, throwing the tarp over it, the camouflage activating as soon as it settled. The first thing Peter did was find a vending machine outside a gas station and shake loose a Coke. Even after twenty years, it still tasted the same. He tossed the can aside, jacked a full can, and set off farther into town. Ridgeton had always hovered between small town and small city, mom and pop stores right next to large sporting goods dealers. Peter approached one of those large sporting goods stores, the window displays stuffed full of hunting trophies.
It took him five seconds to jimmy the lock, then two to activate the jammer in his pocket. It would block any signals going out to security companies and render any security footage to mere static. Peter grabbed a cart, pulled out his earbuds, and set his Zune to play. He smiled, remembering how Yondu had shoved it into his hands before Stakar had come over to their ship, ready to welcome Yondu back after hearing about what he had done. Yondu had pressed the device into his hands, earbuds tangled around his fingers. "Saw ya lost yer Walkman. Found this at a junker's, she said everyone on Terra was usin' it." He'd hit the center button, the display lighting up. "We had a copy of yer music in the data banks, I transferred it for ya."
Peter had grasped it like a lifeline. "Well, not all of it. Ego smashed the second tape."
Yondu had snorted, shaking his head. "If you think we didn't scan and log every single thing in that little pack a yers," He just shook his head again. "It's all on there, plus about three hundred other songs."
Three hundred songs had left him speechless, as well as the fact that Yondu had actually done something kind for him without threatening to space him or eat him, when Stakar had grasped Yondu by the shoulders, making some proclamation about how Yondu had proven himself a true Ravager in the end, and if anyone wanted to dispute that, well, Stakar was one of the fastest draws in the galaxy and they were more than welcome to try.
Peter danced through the store, Mr. Blue Sky blasting in his ear drums, dragging a cart behind him. He threw in whatever he could find, high dollar fishing poles, hooks, line, enough camping supplies to last them a month. He made sure to grab two cans of bait, knowing Yondu might just eat a can of worms just because he was tired of fish. He even did his best to pick up gifts for everyone. For Drax, two massive serrated hunting knives. Gamora, a leather archery guard she could use to keep her sword hand from bleeding after getting blisters. As much as he wanted to, Rocket would probably not appreciate the stuffed raccoon, so he grabbed the little guy a collection of gun parts and candy. Turned out the raccoon had a sweet tooth, which they discovered after he had eaten every piece of Xandarian sugar puffs on the ship. Drax had almost strangled Rocket for that, stopped only by Gamora wanting to do it herself. He picked up a variety of animal plushes for Mantis, because God knows Ego hadn't given that girl enough things to hug in her life. Yondu was getting an absolutely adorable bobblehead of a mountain lion. Kraglin was getting a knife, the antler carved with a cool design. For Groot, a collection of these new fangled things called CD's that apparently held music. He thought Groot would really like one in particular, some band called Mouse Rat that sounded pretty good when he put it in a boom box.
For Nebula, well, he just picked her up some magazines. He didn't even really look at them as he dumped them in the cart. That was all the fishing stuff, but he would need more than that. He wanted enough Cokes to last him a life time, and enough ice cream that he could eat himself sick. Plus, what kind of camping didn't have s'mores? So before he pushed his ill gotten gains out of the shop, he opened the safe, which for someone used to cracking Kree lockboxes, was nothing. He pocketed the cash, then pushed his cart back to the repulsorlift. The futuristic wagon was pretty full, but he figured he could fit more in.
But the grocery stores wouldn't be open for hours, so Peter left everything under the tarp and made his way back into town. He figured he'd find someplace to hang until the stores opened up. He was figuring a stoop or a park, but then he saw something called an Internet cafe. There were already a few people headed in, sleepy eyed and groggy. He walked in, and the smell of coffee overcame him. Turns out you could get coffee pretty much anywhere nowadays, if the people in front of him were to be believed, but apparently this place was pretty good. He ordered a large, with enough creamer in it to make it more like a hot chocolate than a coffee. He listened in to a couple of guys as he waited for his coffee.
"I'm telling you, I saw a UFO last night. Came blasting down over my trailer, then set down in the forest somewhere."
"Jerry you got into your moonshine again, and we all know it. You were going on about chemtrails the last time, and you smelled like a damn still."
"Greg, I swear to God I wasn't drunk last night."
Chuckling and sipping his coffee, Peter made his way over to the row of computers set up against the wall. They were pretty primitive, no holograms but an actual glass display. He hadn't seen that since they landed on some planet that had yet to make contact with the Xandarians. Fortunately this Internet thing wasn't as hard to navigate as the Kree cyber service, which he'd have to have Kraglin crack for him once when Peter had his bounty tripled in Kree space after an incident with a Kree general's daughter that the general had blown completely out of proportion. Hell, the thing on this computer even opened up to something called a search engine. Of course, Peter being the smug self-absorbed asshole (Gamora's words, not his) that he was, he immediately searched his own name.
There were only a few results, but one caught Peter's eye, something from a cold case website. He clicked on it and started to read.
Twenty-five Years and Still Holding Out Hope
May 15th, 1988, was the worst day in Robert Quill's life. That night, his daughter Meredith passed away from an inoperable brain tumor and her son, Peter Jason Quill, disappeared. Robert contacted the police, but despite their efforts, they could not locate Peter. Now, twenty five years later, Robert has still not given up hope that Peter is out there somewhere. He invited our reporter to visit him, and we found his house filled with pictures of his children and grandchildren.
He keeps a picture of Meredith and Peter separate, set atop the mantle. It shows a beautiful brunette with an arm around a smiling five year old. Robert spoke briefly about his daughter, "She was always so loving. She loved that boy, even if his father didn't stick around. And he was a bit of a troublemaker, but he was a good boy."
Robert has searched for Peter ever since that day in 1988. He still hasn't given up hope. We have included a digitally aged picture of Peter Quill at the end of this article. We ask that our readers look for anyone matching this picture, and contact the tip line that Robert Quill has open.
There was a phone number listed at the bottom of the page, and Quill couldn't help but chuckle at the picture of "him". It looked nothing like him, rather chubby actually. But there was another picture farther up in the little article. His grandpa, standing by his fireplace and looking at the picture of Peter and his mom. Peter pursed his lips, then reached into his pocket, jotting down the phone number on his hand. There was nothing wrong with calling his Gramps and telling him he was still alive. He'd find a payphone after he got groceries, before he made his way back to their campsite.
He hung around the cafe for a bit, before heading out and finding himself in the midst of paradise. There was some new store here called Wal-Mart that was absolute heaven. Quill piled his cart there high with everything he could think of, spices, sweets, ice cream, marshmallows, a gross of Coke and twenty boxes of macaroni and cheese. He also found that movies were apparently on the same type of disc as music now. He grabbed everything he could recognize, Star Wars, the Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, and thinking of Yondu, a copy of Mary Poppins. It took most of the money he'd stolen, but he felt pretty good as he walked out of the store. There had to be some kind of tech on the ship that could read those weird discs, and he could finally show everyone what he had grown up with. But it turned out that finding food was easier than finding a payphone nowadays. Everyone seemed to have these somewhat bulky handheld comm units now, and when he'd asked a lady for a nearby payphone she had looked at him like he was crazy.
"Don't you have a cellphone?" She asked, already hurrying away.
Peter snorted. Did it look like he was carrying around a giant briefcase? It took him a little while to find someone who mentioned that there was an old payphone at the library. He pulled his cart in with him, dug out a couple quarters, and dialed the smudged number on his hand. It rang three times before going to a message machine, his grandfather speaking. "Hello, if you have any information relating to the disappearance of Peter Quill on May 15th, 1988, please leave your name, number and your information and we will get back to you."
There was a beep, Peter took a deep breath, and spoke. "Hi Gramps, it's me. Peter. Sorry I haven't called. Listen, I'm in Ridgeton, out at the lake you and me and mom would go to. I don't know how long I'll be here, a week, maybe? Anyway, I'm calling on a payphone, so I guess if you want, you can just come find me at the lake. So, um, bye." He hung up the phone, turning back to his cart. Even if his grandpa didn't come out, at least he'd know he was alive.
After he had made it back to his stash, he dumped everything into the repulsorlift, and set out on the much longer trip back.
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powlokisdiary · 6 years
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Wise up Wednesday! Oddball species - some of the oddities of this world. One thing i have noticed, as have many others, is that i tend to love the more bizarre looking species that this planet has inhabiting it. Don't get me wrong I love all animals, but some of my favourite species are just bizarre looking or are relatively unheard of by most people. I have no idea why i like them so much, or why i'm more drawn to liking them over the more 'normal looking' creatures 😂 So I have tried to come up with a list that consists of just 6 animals, 1 from each of the 6 basic animal groups (these are: invertebrates, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish), that i considered to be my favourite. It has been one of the hardest lists i have had to come up with 😂 Without further ado, i present my top 6 oddball species! And yes, these are real! #1) Sarcastic Fringehead (neoclinus blanchardi) - fish representative Other than its prehistoric looking exterior and the fact it kind of looks like the creature from Star wars episode 1 at times (the gooberfish/opee sea killers just incase anyone was wondering what i was on about), it hides a rather colourful interior that is revealed as a form of elaborate defensive display. It's mouth is literally a giant rainbow umbrella! Now if that's not cool then i don't know what is! #2) Pink underwing moth, the caterpillar to be precise (phyllodes imperialis) - invertebrates representative I find all moths beautiful, and this one is no exception. It looks a weird sooty grey colour overall until you see the striking fuschia pink underwings that stand out from a mile off. But it's actually the caterpillar I adore as it has a rather interesting defense mechanism. It has a 'painted skull' style marking behind its head that it will show to imminent threats by tucking its head around into its belly. I like to call them sugar skull caterpillars as they remind me of the beautiful painted skulls from the day of the dead celebrations. #3) Hellbender (crytobranchus alleganiensis) - amphibian representative Literally a giant salamander with beautiful mottled patterns. I love salamanders and axolotks anyway, but the supersized versions are just so cute! So this animal (along with the chinese giant salamander) are just definite wins for me 😁 the fact that amphibians like these are so endangered as well makes them all such rarities that deserve attention. #4) okapi (okapia johnstoni) - mammal representative A rather odd looking creature that looks like several animals mashed together. These aling with jerboas have intrigued me since i saw them in an encyclopedia when i was in primary school (so since about 6/7 years old). I wrote a science paper in year 2 about them and nobody believed they were real until i brought this encyclopedia in to prove it! They are such secretive animals that utilise 'disruptive camouflage ' to break up its outline and help it remain hidden in the forest habitat. They have prehensile tongues and their closest living relatives are actually giraffes. #5) Hoatzin (ophisthocamus hoazin) - bird representative Where to start! Apart from the fact that when i was growing up this bird reminded me of the artists renditions of a prehistoric archeopteryx, this bird has a rather offensive nickname. They are called stinkbirds..... Cows take ages to digest their food because of what they eat right? Well these birds are the same, their diet of leaves are very difficult to digest, so much like the cow it has evolved with a foregut fermentation system to help it break down the tough plant matter, and its thought they are one of the few (if not the only) birds to have this adaptation. But because of their diet they also have a natural odour that smells like cow dung 😕 And the chicks have very prehistoric adaptations to help them evade predators, they have claws on their wings! They would normally nest above water so that when a predator approaches the chicks will just fall out of the nest into the water below until its safe. They then use these claws to climb up the tree back into the nest again. #6) rough backed litter snake (xenodermus javanicus) - reptile representative AKA The dragon snake, and its the only snake of this genus. These snakes have beautifully glossy scales with 3 pronounced ridges running down its back that make it look like the mythical beasts out of old stories. Their appearance alone just leaves people in awe. An incredibly rare snake in captivity due to the delicate nature, that coupled with the fact its so elusive in the wild means not much is known about its behaviours. It is considered as a 'real' mythical beast by many because of this. Some honourable mentions of critters considered for this list are: Gharial, devils flower mantis, goblin shark, mantis shrimp, saiga antelope, isopods, jerboa, fairy armadillo, aye aye, lamprey, siren, atlantic wolfish, lung fish, arowana, bichir, palawan binturong, mourning bird, frogmouths and potoos, trilobite beetles, banded linsang, chinese giant salamander, coelocanth, viper fish, angler fish, kagu, glass frogs, chinese softshell turtles, vinegaroon, and the solenodon. And believe me, this is a cherry picked list of the oddities i love! And they are all real creatures that are still alive today, with some deserving a lot more attention than they are getting. After the recent news of the death if Sudan, the last male noryhern white rhino in the wild (and therefore the fundamental extinction of this subspecies), I have made this wise up Wednesdays feature a focus on oddballs - most of which need help and acknowledgement before its too late. Just because a species numbers are not yet critically low doesn't mean we shouldn't be working on raising awareness about it or protecting it. Conservation of a species is a very complex isdue and its seemingly getting more complex with the amount of people there are on the planet. I think though that after reading about the coverage on sudans death, this issue has really been highlighted, and i personally have thought that there are 2 key elements as to why the entire situation is so unfortunate. The first part is obviously his death itself (because thats never nice) and the inevitable extinction of this subspecies - that is tragic no matter how you look at it. The second reason i find it unfortunate is the fact that only when 'all viable hope was lost' did so many people actually show acknowledgement to the species and the plights it faced, stating 'they were angry', or how much of a shame it was. But without his death many of these same people would not of known these creatures existed or needed help, and i find that a real tragedy because they didn't show this much compassion when more could of been done to prevent this. There are so many species on the planet right now that are in a similar situation and are likely to go the same way if we continue to give things such little acknowledgement. The amphibian crisis for example. Right now there is still time to prevent it from happening. There have been talks of trying to rekindle the lineage of the northern white rhino via artificial insemination, and the fact that this is a subspecies maybe warrants the involvement of other closely related subspecies to be involved in rekindling the lineage again. The southern white rhino is the other subspecies of white rhino and has a large enough population to entertain this idea. These are simply discussions i have read about in various articles so have no idea whether its plausible or not right now. The inclusion of such odd (and possibly incorrect) information though is to elaborate a point further, it was a subspecies with close relatives, so nominate races and other species still presently exist meaning it isn't entirely lost. Some species though are not so lucky, the sumatran rhinoceros for example is an entirely unique species with NO CLOSE LIVING RELATIVES. If this species was the one in the news right now there would be no chance of rekindling it. It would truly be gone, especially seeing as its closest relative was actually the prehistoric wooly rhino from the ice ages. What i'm basically saying is that it's a shame that so many species are not given the recognition they deserve when they aren't pretty much extinct. All species in my eyes are worth recognition and preservation - even the oddballs! So don't wait around until theres nothing left, many of these species are wonderful and so unique that it would be a shame to not appreciate them :) And with a little more awareness being raised i hope it makes more people realuse whats out there and how important it all is. It doesn't matter if its in abundance now, just don't make the mistake and wait till its pretty much gone before giving them recognition :) **images from Google as i haven't managed too see some of these wonders yet! One day i shall though, I would hate to not see these beauties!* www.facebook.com/TheLokiDiary #wiseupwednesday #lokisdiary
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