#i already watched the smosh is bored
glass-windows · 9 months
i had to cancel my smosh membership for a couple of months because college is expensive BUT i was able to renew it after christmas and i’m starting to finally catch up on content i missed!!
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v44v13nna · 1 month
“Time to say goodbye to the stepmother nails”
angela girratana x fem!reader
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morning before angela has to go into smosh for an afternoon shoot, gets a little sexy but angela is too conscious and worried about her nails
warmth. your first thought as you start to feel yourself wake up. feeling around the bed for your girlfriend, in a subconscious search for her reliable body heat.
a raspy “mornin baby” from the warmth beside you lures you in closer as you circle your arm around angela’s waist, humming in response to her. reciprocating, angela mimics your actions and places her hand under your shirt, resting it on the small of your back and drawing lazy eights with her nails.
relishing in the feeling, you move closer to her, slowly intertwining your legs together before softly kissing her neck and mumbling out “how are you?”.
“better now” she replies.
moving her hand up your back, dragging her nails up and down it a few times before resting it on your ribs, stroking her thumb on the underside of your chest in a gentle, knowing manner. sighing softly you savour in this moment. angela won’t have to go into work for at least a few hours, you think after a few minutes, already seeing the morning light breaking through the curtains.
yawning, you pull your arm away to stretch the remaining drowsiness from your body. “am i boring you that much?” angela says, now prodding at your ribs causing you to start laughing and pushing her shoulder but not enough to move her hand from its claimed place.
“never” you laugh as she joins you, her husky laugh filling the air. “you’re actually pretty captivating you know” you murmured, leaning forward to meet her lips. in an instant angela meets your lips, shifting you onto your back before moving above you, straddling your left thigh from the previous entangled position.
breaking the kiss you look up at her to utter a “please”, guiding her hand further up before looping your own arms around her neck.
cupping your boob, angela smirks breathing out an “okay princess” before kissing you again, eager to please. tongues melding together. angela’s nails pinching at your nipple as raise your left thigh, grinding against her core, both moving in tandem chasing each others rising desire. wanting more, angela removes her hand, breaking the kiss as well causing you to whine softly. angela immersed in pleasing you tugs your shirt off, latching onto your neck, kissing, biting and sucking while you moan, gripping her hair pulling her in closer, grinding against her as she pushes into your thigh.
running her nails across your body, angela’s hand starts to move further down, reaching the band of your underwear. sliding a finger under, teasingly stroking your soft skin.
suddenly, her hands stop, hesitating to move lower.
shifting, you grind against her letting out a soft “please”.
usually angela would fold under your demands and begs, always ready to please, but having long nails is a field angela is not used to. pulling away to look at you, angela bends down to kiss you as soft as she can. separating, you whisper “are you okay?”, holding her face in your hands, stroking her cheeks softly. mentioning her nails and her fear of hurting you, you can’t help but coo.
blushing and huffing a “shut up” at you, angela doesn’t fight the smile the smile growing on her face, entranced by your flushed cheeks and messy hair. raising a hand to rest over top of one of yours, cradling your hand between her face and hand as she turns to kiss your palm, mumbling a quiet “love you” into the soft skin before looking back to you, eyes full of love.
leaning up, you kiss her, softly this time but still as eager, desperately showing her every ounce of adoration you feel in this moment, before pulling away to grab her hand that was overtop your own. stroking her hand, starting from her palm before reaching her fingers you say “you don’t have to use these you know”.
in almost an instant you watch the smirk rise on her face, you know her newfound determination to adhere to this will be long lasting. after all, angela prides herself on loving you.
after angela had gone to work, you spent the rest of the day lazing around. having a nap, showering, before walking spork. eventually crashing on the couch, you check instagram. seeing your girlfriends story, posted a few hours prior, you can’t help but giggle as you reply. “pussy whipped”.
also so sorry this came out WAYYY later than i wanted it too. tbh ive had this sitting in drafts since i saw the post but (like every ao3 author) i ended up in hospital for over a week. i am okay now that i can finally publish this 🙏🙏
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wienersmosh · 3 months
Lunchtime with Smosh podcast LORE
so i've done the liberty of listening to the first episode of the Lunchtime with Smosh podcast and compiling all the "lore" we've learned during this episode. i watched it a total of three times bc i loved it so much and i was bored so i decided to do this.
(i did not include lore that they have already previously talked about in other videos.)
has never had a deviled egg
would ask if he could come with ian on his walks
has not used shampoo in 4 years but will use it if his hair gets actually dirty; his dandruff decreased when he stopped using shampoo and his hair used to be really dry
lately has been washing his foot first bc of a new tattoo
washes his pits and bits first in the shower (after conditioning his hair)
wishes chester bennington from linkin park didn't die
thinks ian would stop world war ii soon after it started (the invasion of poland)
likes socializing only if it's one on one where they can have deeper conversations
doesn't like small talk, thinks it's peaceful when no one sits next to him at lunch
was the most angry with ian when they were coming back from their high school grad night. they were on a bus while anthony was sleeping and ian clapped and screamed in his face. anthony yelled "WHAT THE FUCK! STOP!" and was aggressive to ian. he later felt bad about it but was too embarrassed to admit it to ian.
would tell a friend if they had bad breath but not an acquaintance
one of his icks is when he's hanging out with someone and the person is uncomfortable with silence so they try and force small talk with him
likes being alone with someone else's presence; if he can sit in silence with them that's how he knows they can vibe together
starts an internal clock and waits 5 minutes before eating the last piece of food
another ick is when people gossip; his brain shuts down and he goes quiet; feels like gossip is judging other people for no reason (however he will occasionally join in and laugh at what other people are gossiping about)
his top four favorite movies are arrival, home alone, home alone 2, and our universe on netflix, which is not a movie
thinks running so much back then made him stupid. he'd be at anthony's house while they were writing smosh sketches and be tired all the time. he'd pace around anthony's room being restless and would say "i didn't run today, i got too much energy"
loves taking walks around his neighborhood and look at flowers; is a power-walker and thinks his gait is "off" when he walks slowly
washes his feet in the shower bc his feet are gross
thinks anthony has a "hot cousin"
wishes anthony bourdain didn't die
farts freely at disneyland and will not blame someone else if they fart bc it's part of life
would cheer anthony up with a long hug; doesn't think complimenting him on his posture or telling him a cum joke would cheer him up
would stop the challenger explosion so that there'd be another one where big bird can be in and there's a chance the second one could explode
makes coffee and talks to six people first thing in the morning (according to anthony)
"i like people"; thinks people hate him if he doesn't talk to them; thinks people don't sit next to him on planes bc he looks like a shooter
people didn't sit next to him at school and people don't sit next to him at lunch at smosh unless he's the one that joins them at the table
worst fear is having bad breath; only acquaintances have had bad breath and wonders if that's the reason they never became friends
is uncomfortable with silence and will talk to avoid it during dates
one of his icks is when he goes out to eat with someone and they don't venmo him for the food; the person has been demoted to acquaintance and that them not venmoing for food has been a pattern; the dishonesty bothers him more than the money
another ick is when people leave the last piece of food on the plate bc they're too polite to be the one to finish it
another ick is when anthony doesn't want to gossip
letterboxd top four is city of god, spaceballs, RRR, and they came together; has rated 988 movies on letterboxd
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sage-lights · 4 months
met you at the right time (this is what it feels like)
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word count: 2287 Their friends at Smosh were starting to take note of the way Amanda and Angela acted with one another, and it was confusing the heck out of them. Or Amanda and Angela are very happy as a "secret third thing."
Chanse didn’t know when it started, or if this was any different than how Amanda and Angela had always been. But he first took notice of it during an otherwise unremarkable lunch at the Smosh office.
As much as he loved working at Smosh, he had to admit the filming schedule was often brutal. Their call times were usually between eight and nine in the morning. But after a shoot went overtime earlier in the week, Selina had asked the cast to come in at seven today to compensate and ensure they filmed all the videos they had planned for this shooting block. This morning, he rushed through his usual routine, skipping breakfast with barely enough time to make it out the door.
All of this to say, Chanse was starving. It was all he could think about during the last “Try Not to Laugh.”
After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally time for their lunch break. The office had ordered deli sandwiches for everyone, and while Chanse was usually not one to turn down free food, there was a container of last night's leftovers in the fridge calling his name.
While waiting for his lunch to reheat in the microwave, he twirled around the kitchen a bit and checked what flavors of Celsius and La Croix were still stocked. He soon grew bored and leaned against the island counter, people-watching instead. From his position, Chanse had the perfect view to observe all his coworkers milling around the main meeting area.
Near the end of the long tables where the catering was set up, Chanse spotted Angela and Erin engaged in an animated discussion. Judging by Angela's comically shocked expression, he assumed it was about the insane Tinder message Erin had shown him that same morning. He chuckled—straight men are a whole other breed of crazy.
Erin and Angela arrived at a table near the mural at the back of the room where Amanda, Kiana, and Selina were already eating. As expected, Angela sat right next to Amanda—they might as well carry a “Reserved” sign with them everywhere to perpetually save the seat next to them.
The microwave behind him dinged, and Chanse grabbed his lunch before joining them.
“Hey, y’all!” Before Chanse even sat down, Erin swept him into the conversation.
“Oh, my God, Chanse! Remember the Tinder date I was telling you about?” He nodded, “I’ve got updates.”
“Already? Damn, it’s only been a couple of hours!”
“I told you, he’s. Insane.”
Angela scooted her chair back and stood, “Let me get a drink before you continue. Got a feeling you’re not even halfway through the story.”
“Yeah, you go do that,” Erin halfheartedly shooed Angela away, “Because I want you guys to be sat for this story!”
She returned to their table holding a drink in each hand and passed Amanda a grapefruit La Croix before cracking open her own berry-flavored Celsius. Amanda muttered a soft “thank you,” and Angela responded by gently patting Amanda’s leg. Throughout the whole exchange, they didn’t look at each other, didn’t acknowledge the strange act of domesticity. Like this was just considered the norm for them.
Chanse looked around, but no one else seemed fazed. He shook his head, wondering if anyone else had even noticed it.
Angela glanced over, and he caught her gaze, giving her a skeptical look. She stared at him, confused, before turning back to Erin.
He didn’t know what to think anymore.
This was something to file away for later. Angela was definitely getting questioned about it on the ride home.
Arasha knew she should be paying attention to the notes their director was reading. Especially since the live show was coming up so soon and the sitcom format they were trying to pull off had some very technically complex elements to it.
She tried for a while, her eyes flicking between her friends and the director. But she couldn’t focus on the director’s words when there was a much more interesting scene playing out in front of her.
She’d been squished between Amanda and Angela enough times to know they were naturally touchy people. Angela would randomly lean on her shoulder for brief moments, Amanda would place a hand on her leg while laughing, and Arasha often found herself playfully hitting her friends’ arms to emphasize certain parts of her stories.
However, Arasha sensed a difference between their general touchiness and whatever was happening with Amanda and Angela now. The intentionality of their movements set it apart; she knew they were both fully aware of their actions. She just wasn’t sure if they realized how differently others interpreted them.
Arasha tried again to focus on the director’s notes, but her eyes still drifted to the couch in front of her. The conversation about character choices and blocking faded into the background.
Amanda leaned against the armrest with Angela settled remarkably close to her. As their coworkers asked questions and pitched ideas back and forth, Arasha watched the two of them whisper amongst themselves. She remembered the way Angela and Amanda had shared a look during last week’s rehearsal, the silent communication that seemed almost intimate.
Now, watching them whisper and laugh together, Arasha felt her suspicions solidify. It was very reminiscent of how they were acting during Under the Mistletoe. Now that she thought about it more, she definitely should’ve clocked this behavior much earlier.
Maybe live shows just brought out something within them. Then again, Angela and Amanda have always been close, both figuratively and literally. But this time around, they didn’t have the guise of alcohol to hide their physical affection behind.
Angela reached over to the other side of the couch and grabbed the white chunky knit blanket, draping it over her and Amanda’s legs. She swung her feet onto the couch and tucked them underneath the blanket before leaning back into Amanda’s side. The taller woman sat up to wrap her left arm around Angela’s shoulders and pull her in impossibly close.
Here they are, the middle of the workday, cozied up with one another as if they were in the comfort of their own apartments.
They must know this isn’t how platonic friends act with one another, right?
Courtney didn’t make a habit of prying into other people's lives. They knew just how much all her friends and coworkers valued their privacy and it would be hypocritical for her to speculate considering how long their relationship with Shayne was kept private from their online audience.
But she couldn’t help the curiosity swirling in her mind as Amanda talked about a fan edit she watched recently.
They were sitting on the Smosh Mouth set, microphones in front of them on the wooden table, and cameras capturing every moment. Courtney watched Amanda as she described the edit, reenacting parts of it for them.
What was interesting, however, was that Amanda made a blatant request for more. And knowing their audience, Courtney was sure that Amanda would soon to be flooded with dozens of edits across Instagram and TikTok.
Sure, Courtney would concede that they had watched their fair share of edits—she remembered sitting in the old Defy office years ago reacting to them with Olivia. She might have also indirectly encouraged edits of herself and Shayne in an old SmoshCast episode. And plus, she would be remiss if she ignored the fact that they just made a comment about how all the girls on the cast look at each other with pure adoration and love.
But still, never had Courtney ever asked for edits of herself to be made. It got her thinking, to say the least.
As the podcast recording wrapped up, Courtney’s mind lingered on Amanda’s request. Casually, she brought it up again.
“So, about that edit you mentioned…” Courtney began, her tone light but inquisitive. Amanda’s eyes lit up, and she pulled out her phone  to it to show them.
Courtney knew you couldn’t trust everything you saw on the Internet. People could manipulate photos and videos to fit their narratives. But as she watched the edit of her close friends, she started to believe it too.
Observing Amanda rewatch the edit, Courtney saw a familiar look—soft eyes and a small smile. It was the exact expression Shayne had given them countless times.
Hm, there was definitely something more there.
The entire cast and crew were gathered at a karaoke bar now, drinking and singing their hearts out. Even after weeks of rehearsals and an hour and a half long live show, it seems that with this group, the urge to perform just never went away.
Courtney spotted her friends tucked away in a booth, and by the looks of it, Chanse and Arasha are arguing intensely over something. They slid in next to Arasha, lightly bumping her with their hip so she’d scoot over.
“Who’s winning?” they joked, taking a sip of their cocktail.
“Look at Amanda and Ang over there,” pointed Arasha, “They’re so in love and they don’t even know it.”
Chanse looked shocked, “You just said that you don’t think they’re going to get together!”
“Emphasize on the ‘they don’t even know it,’ Chanse!”
Courtney chimed in, “Give them some credit guys! I bet you they’re not as clueless as you think they are.”
“$10 says it’ll take them a months to realize they’ve got feelings for each other,” Chanse insisted.
Courtney scoffed, “five months, tops.”
“You guys forget,” Arasha cut in, “they’re both idiots. It’ll take them at least until end of the year, if not longer.”
“You’re insane!” exclaimed Courtney.
“What? Already doubting your prediction?” Arasha said with a cheeky grin.
Chanse smirked, clearly scheming already. And the girls know that a scheming Chanse was a dangerous Chanse.
Courtney looked pointedly at him, “No interfering! If we’re doing this, we’re playing fair.”
“Fine,” huffed Chanse, “If we’re playing the long game, then I think we should up the stakes.”
Arasha laughed, “$20 good enough for you?”
“I’m thinking more like $25 from each loser.”
“Jeez, Chanse. We’re not made of money here!”
“It’s go big, or go home, Arash.”
If there’s one thing you need to know about the cast, it’s that they’ve all got a serious competitive streak. There’s no way any of them were backing down from a challenge.
“Okay, I’m in.”
Chanse looked over at Courtney, “You too?”
“Fuck it,” Courtney sticks their hand into the center and her two friends join, sealing the deal.
Courtney hoped that Amanda and Angela would figure out their feelings soon, for their own sake. Though selfishly, winning $50 from the whole ordeal wouldn’t be a bad bonus.
Shayne laughed when Courtney informed him of the bet they had going with Chanse and Arasha, and told his wife that that Arasha would likely end up winning the prize money.
He had gotten much closer to both Angela and Amanda over the past couple of years working together, and was immensely grateful that Smosh Mouth had given him the capacity to work with Amanda in a way he hadn’t had the chance to before.
Despite his extroverted on-screen persona, Shayne was much quieter in reality. He preferred to be a spectator rather than a participant. So, not to toot his own horn or anything, but Shayne thought he knew them pretty well by now.
Amanda was an open-book, though she wasn’t often vulnerable. She told crazy stories from her life before Smosh, grand tales of the otherworldly adventures she’d been on, and gives great advice when you ask her for some perspective.
But she often didn’t talk about her feelings. Amanda mentioned it off-handedly in Smosh Mouth episodes and conversations outside of work that she doesn’t like to let her personal life affect her ability to do her job properly. Shayne admired her in that manner, no one could ever claim Amanda was anything less than a true professional.
Angela was the complete opposite. Shayne related to her in the ways they were both private people, preferring to discuss their work or whatever TV show they had watched recently. He didn’t find small talk to be shallow, at least in this scenario where he’s not trying to seem cool to a stranger. Both of them just didn’t think to talk about themselves often.
What separated Angela from Shayne was her innate vulnerability. It was difficult to not wear your heart on your sleeve when you were as earnest a person as Angela was. Their coworkers liked to tease her occasionally for it—you couldn’t tell her anything without getting a shocked Pikachu face in return.
However, together, they balanced each other out nicely. When they were around one another, Shayne noticed how Amanda’s walls would slowly start to crumble away, and Angela got excited to recount the mundane details of her day.
Honestly, they seemed perfectly content just the way they are now. Something a little more than best friends, but a little less than lovers. And hey, if it works for them, who was he to tell their friends to act differently?
(Angela was scrolling through TikTok before bed with Spork happily curled up on her chest, petting him softly to lull him to sleep. Hopefully, this time, he won’t sneeze in my face after I’ve already exfoliated and moisturized, she thought to herself.
A video of a random girl lip syncing to a song she vaguely recognized popped up. The text above her read “yk your friendship is elite if people think you’re dating.”
Without missing a beat, Angela sent it to Amanda.
angela: literally us
Angela smiled like an idiot to herself. God, she loves Amanda. So much.)
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
idk what specifically but something with damangela and forehead kisses? 🥹 i've seen damien mention a few times that nothing gets him more fluttery than that and would love to see it with that pairing!! thank you so much 🥹
Damien/Angela - Forehead Kisses - Damangela
By the time Damien is deemed ‘non-contagious’ Angela is about to lose her mind with how much she misses him. Sure, they FaceTime and Angela gives him the rundown on the happenings at her latest StarKid show and what’s been going on at the Smosh office, while he tells her how bored he is, but it isn’t the same as seeing him in person. 
Damien and Angela are already both extremely busy people. Damien is only slowing down because he’s got covid and sort of has no choice but to stop. He still streams, which Angela watches, and affectionately texts him during because she can’t believe he’s streaming while sick but at the same time expects no less from him. 
The time they get to actually hang out is already limited by their demanding schedules so Damien having covid only makes everything feel worse. She is near feral with excitement when he texts her and tells her the doctors gave him an ‘all clear’ to have visitors. 
When she arrives she brings a card she had passed around at Smosh for everyone to sign along with a few recorded messages that make Damien smile and laugh, a soft and touched expression on his face as he reads over the card. 
“God, I’ve missed you,” he says to her, drawing her into a hug, his arms winding around her back. 
“I missed you too,” she says into the warmth of his shoulder. 
He pulls back and he looks a little tired as he’s not in perfect health yet. She reaches out and cups his cheek where his beard is darker and thicker than it’s been since she’s known him. 
“Scratchy,” she says. 
“I’m going to shave it down soon when I have the energy,” Damien says with a laugh. 
“I don’t hate it,” Angela is quick to say. 
“I know, but I don’t love it.” 
Damien sits on the couch, tugging a blanket across his lap. Angela wants to sit by him but a part of her is nervous to catch covid from him. She remembers all too well how Anthony passing covid on to Ian almost put the company in a tizzy. 
“Are you hungry?” Angela asks instead. 
Damien shakes his head. “No, my appetite is pretty shot.” 
“I did make you some pasta,” she says. 
“So sweet of you. Homemade pasta from my little cannoli.” he throws on a cheesy Italian accent. Angela breaks into giggles. 
“Stop, oh my God.” 
She tucks the tin-foiled covered pain into his fridge so he can hopefully eat later when he finally feels hungry. He leans his head back on the couch and he’s looking at her with a soft smile. 
Angela smiles back at him and then walks over towards him. Instead of going to the front of the couch, she goes to the back and leans over so her face is over his, her hair tickling his cheeks and nose. 
Damien lets out a laugh and then Angela leans down and presses a kiss to his forehead. 
Damien hums happily, his eyes sliding shut at her affection. 
In some ways, he reminds her of his cats, and she knows exactly what he likes at this point. 
“God, I missed you.” 
“You said that already,” she teases, her face going pink, “not that I’m tired of hearing it.” 
“I mean it,” Damien says, “I found myself missing all the little things. Like, the smell of your hair from your shampoo, and Spork sleeping on my lap when we’re watching a movie, the way you sing to yourself when you cook. Even your snoring.” 
“Wow, you must really have missed me if you miss my snoring.” 
“Can’t wait to be lulled to sleep by the chainsaw like sound of your snoring, Ange.” 
She playfully punches his arm and he laughs, pressing a kiss to her cheek and then her jaw, before seeking out her mouth. 
The angle is kind of weird because she’s leaning over the couch and she’s really risking it by kissing him but she can’t wait one more second to feel his mouth pressed to her own, warm, his facial hair scratching pleasantly at his skin. 
Angela gives in because what the hell. She’s already kissed him. She makes a show out of rolling over the back of the couch until she flops down next to Damien.
“So, you’ll be back to the office soon?” she asks, her head on his shoulder. 
“Next couple weeks or so,” Damien says. 
Angela stretches and settles herself more firmly against Damien. 
“Good, I can’t wait.”
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notthatalex · 10 months
alright man your fics got me into the chosen so now you're legally obligated to tell me his lore because i know absolutely nothing
1. Chek out this post
2. More:
I find it interesting that Chosen started out as "weird nerds that thinks highly of himself" but then in the middle it got a bit muddled, with the Chosen Multiverse videos. (A bunch of different chosens from different universes meet up to fight.
And there is no explaining that away with anything but at least something magical/out of this world going on.
But I think other than shayne straight up telling people that's that is Chosen truth more than once, in the past videos there has been a even bigger effort to show that he is just some guy who either lies a lot or is a bit delusional (i am a both truther)
So how do you explain the multiverse videos? Well I think the real answer is that they thought it made a fun video, so they did it. But that's boring, it is true, but it is boring and I am already reading too much into it so I have constructed an answer. Call me Matt pat, let's go:
I have 3 theories actually:
1. It is literally another Chosen. In the BAF Legacy BTS video, Shayne talked about how the Chosen is literally The Chosen One in all Universes except the one we know. This was to explain the BTS Legacy Chosen, which is confirmed to be separate. So he could as well.
2. It is our Chosen in the Multiverse Vidoes, but he has no control in opening the portal etc. All the other Chosens played by other people in those videos have powers and traveled through the universe to him. He is just good at gaslighting.
3. None of The Chosens in that video have powers and it is just a contrived LARP.
If you ever feel like soaking up all the Chosen lore. There is an appearance list in chronological order on the wiki that I keep up to date.
But it's a lot of video so here is my ultimate list to hit the most important plot points and get the best overview of his character
1. Playing Blackjack in VIVA Smosh Las Vegas
- first appearance
- very funny
- good view on very early Chosen
- interaction with Brianna
2. The Chosen vs Augustus Bakugan
- first nintendogs videos
- very important to me
3. POV: You enter a Gamestop
- second nintendogs video
- gives inside in his home life
- biggest loser coded vibes here
- where the ship name nintendogs comes from
4. The poppy playtime videos with Brianna
- big must
- him interacting with other characters over a long time just gives more insight into his character we otherwise wouldn't get
- also they are just so funny
- fun fact: shayne didn't actually play the game, they watched game play and reacted to it
5. The Chosen's Morning Routine (GRWM)
- get to see his living situation
- literally an overview how he spends his day, waht he eats etc.
- most important lore videos in my opinion
5. The Greatest Unsolved Mysteries w/ The Chosen and Sarah Christ - Smosh Mouth 22
- a very new one
- so much lore
- him and wet cop interacting is the best thing that happened
- one of the rare times where someone else is there to call his stories out
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mightypocketcow · 1 year
saw the smosh ask game but I think I would rather ask. uh. what is the appeal of smosh to you? what makes it special?
oh heck that's a real good question! Long answer ahead.
for me... I started watching Smosh about 11 years ago (possibly 12? for some reason I thought it was like 9 or 10 but it was longer than that), in middle school. A friend of mine was having a sleepover, and one of the other girls was like "oh this is really funny, you gotta watch this YouTube video" ... and I cannot for the life of me remember what video it was. It might have been "Firetruck", or one of the "If [Blank] Were Real" videos. But I thought it was absolutely the funniest thing ever, and we watched several Smosh videos (including Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig), as well as a couple of other YouTubers who I first got introduced to at that sleepover... like Joey Graceffa, Daniel Howell, Phil Lester, Connor Franta, Troye Sivan, and Tyler Oakley (all of whom I still follow). I went home and, for the very first time, made myself my own YouTube account so I could subscribe to them.
Now, in sixth grade - before all of this - I had my very first major depressive episode. So by the time I started watching these YouTubers, I had already had several depressive episodes. I also had my first major (singular, not ongoing/complex) traumatic event that I could vividly understand in eighth grade. So I was having a real rough time.
I watched a lot of YouTube videos on my own just to distract myself from my own brain and from everything else going on, starting in seventh grade when I had saved up for my very own iPod touch. I watched a lot of stand-up comedy - most of which was not actually appropriate for a 13-year-old - but I also watched a shitton of YouTubers like Smosh, particularly stuff on the second channel, back when it was just "IanH" and a bunch of "Ian is Bored" or "Lunchtime with Smosh" videos (I was replied to on Twitter a couple times during this period and I absolutely lost my mind lol).
Once I hit high school, most of my friends were not into Smosh - they were more into Dan and Phil, Tyler, Joey, etc - but I was still real into them... in high school, I sent them fan art and a letter, and Sohinki opened it ON CAMERA in one of his Mailtime with Sohinki videos (#2, around the 11:40 mark, I was at school when I saw it and literally screeched in the English hallway and started crying, my friends were like "WTF??"). I never got a response to the questions in my letter but I ain't even mad.
So now that I have established how long and how deep my love for Smosh runs... it's time to establish the current vibe.
I never really stopped watching Smosh. I never unsubscribed or stopped following them or anything like that. But Anthony left the same month I graduated high school, and I had already been kinda rizzed by my "friends" (at the time) for still liking Smosh, because they viewed Smosh as being something that kids were into or something like that. So I had kinda been falling out of watching them very much. And it genuinely made me feel sad and left out that I stopped doing something that brought me so much joy, but I kinda just wanted to fit in I suppose. But when Anthony left, I cried. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I had been already losing something that made me happy, and then it was breaking apart and becoming something I didn't remember it being. I don't feel that way about that era anymore, but I remember thinking that at the time.
I got back into Smosh for the most part shortly before Defy shutdown, and then I vividly remember being excited about the tour video of the new office and excited about Rhett and Link buying Smosh. I was part of a Smosh fan Discord group (the SmoshCord, as it is dubbed), and I wrote fanfiction in 2019 (that's still up on my AO3), and I was very into it again. And I felt happy about it.
And then I found out that my now-ex partner liked Smosh, and we watched videos together sometimes, but they are really pessimistic and nitpicky and stuff much of the time, and they don't like certain cast members, and blah blah blah... so sometimes it was really hard to watch the videos with them, and some videos they just refused to watch... they would even criticize the old videos, when I would go back and watch old Game Bang videos or something. I got anxious about it, and I was kinda pulling back for a while, and I left the SmoshCord. I said it was because Discord chats were really overwhelming me for a while and I got anxious, and while that's partly true, it was partially because watching Smosh was making me feel guilty and anxious. I can be a very vulnerable and impressionable person sometimes, and my ex's opinions on certain things were starting to wear me out and weigh me down, but I didn't know how to get them to stop, and I didn't want to talk to people in the SmoshCord about it because I didn't know how to do that either. So I just left. And I didn't watch a lot of Smosh. Or Daniel Howell and Phil Lester. Or really any of the ones that used to bring me joy.
A little while ago, I started getting back into them again. I started by just rewatching old videos by myself again, and then I sometimes watched new videos, but often about a week after they came out. And this became true for many of the YouTubers I used to enjoy, but particularly for Smosh. I kinda missed the start of Angela and Amanda and Arasha and Chase and the other new folks, for the most part, and even Jackie and Tommy, and didn't really know who they were for a while (they did all grow on me rather quickly!)... and then I remember vividly watching that one Arasha deception video a little while ago and it was absolutely one of the funniest new videos I'd ever seen, and that's when I realized I still really loved Smosh, and it still meant a lot to me. Sure, there can definitely be some missed jokes or even entire videos that miss the mark. And I won't ever pretend to be a superfan or anything, and some of the videos or even entire series are not really my cup of tea (potentially unpopular opinion but I don't particularly like Let's Do This lol), but I am really getting back into it, and I am so psyched for all of this to become as important to me now as it used to be, but in a different way. My partner and I split near the end of May, which marked a new chapter for me, and the return of Anthony coming in June meant a new chapter for Smosh too.
...sorry for the rambly answer. Probably way longer than what you intended to get. TL;DR it's a nostalgia thing that has evolved into a genuine, more mature (not mature as in stuck-up and stuffy, obviously) enjoyment of a fun thing that has been fun for a long time in different stages of my life.
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sandyrantsxo · 2 years
I'm boring
I found out that I have a new fear. A fear of being too boring and not interesting. Well, I know that I'm not as exciting as other teens my age, but I've never ever expected that I'm this shallow and there's really nothing worth knowing about me.
Exhibit A. I'm not "pretty". Like, I know I'm pretty but I just don't pass the conventional standards of being pretty.
Exhibit B. I'm not skinny, and I'm fine with that. That's the least of my insecurities. I love my body the way that it is and it took me time to finally accept that this body is mine.
Exhibit C. I don't play sports. I used to be sporty but now it's just not in my radar. I used to play badminton, volleyball, chess, and even basketball. Damn, I used to be so great in badminton and basketball.
Exhibit D. I love isolating myself from others. Yes, I might not come off as an introvert but most days I just wanna spend time alone when I'm outside our house. It's just so chaotic back home so when I'm out with my friends, I'm trying to find this peace and calmness from my surroundings, thus making it look like I'm an introvert. Well, I might be an ambivert, but who cares, right?
Exhibit E. I don't have a lot of friends. I have 5-7 friends but then that's it.
Exhibit F. I don't have a lot of money. We're not rich, so I can't go out and buy things and flex it to everyone. Let's be honest, people like you when you have money, which leads me to exhibit G.
Exhibit G. I'm not popular. I would be fine being a basic bland bitch if I was famous at school or whatever, but I'm not!
Exhibit F. I don't have a talent. Yes, I can dance, sign, etc. but I'm barely good at it. I guess I'm pretty decent, that's all.
Exhibit G. I don't have an interesting hobby. I don't watch animes. I don't listen to kpop. I don't watch k-dramas, even famous Western series. I don't know how to draw or paint. I suck at content creation (TikTok/YouTube). It's hard to find friends when all you do is watch comedians have fun on YT or watch an adult man play Roblox and other video games. Well, I love Smosh, Flamingo, Taylor Swift, and other indie-pop (not completely underground) artists, but then that's it. Literally. I used to like writing, like novels, poems, short stories, but now it feels as if it's a chore. I hate to admit it but I don't enjoy it as much anymore, which makes me sad because I feel like I'm straying away my first dream when I was teen. To be a published author.
Exhibit H. I'm awkward. My humor's off in comparison to my peers' humor. Maybe it's a result of watching sketch comedy? I don't know. I try not to think about it often because it makes me sad that people don't know what meme I'm referencing to. Even my FYP's different from theirs, lol. I laugh at little things that I shouldn't be laughing at. Maybe it's also a result of being chronically online. I don't know.
Exhibit I. I'm nostalgic about everything. I tend to stay in the past and compare everything to what happened in the past. Although I always tell everyone that I'd rather pay attention to the future rather than the past, I can't deny that sometimes, it's good to reminisce the good times. I miss being a kid and truly enjoying the holidays. I miss being a kid who wishes to be an adult so she do everything she wants. Turns out adulthood is not that simple. Fuck, I'm not even halfway into adulthood and yet I'm already feeling this way.
I could probably write more about how boring I am. Just yesterday, I found myself talking to chatbots. Yes, those AI things that makes you feel like you're actually talking to a real person. I rate it a whopping 10000000/10. It works so good. I got it to write an essay for me. Twice. I even came across an AI chatbot with a background story. I loved every minute of talking to them. Weird, right? Told you so.
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cve-th3mvsic · 9 months
Also not religious, but have no problem with religion. Not to be offensive, but are you by any chance neurodivergent?
Outlines? boring. Necessary for some people, but boring. I see why you're putting that off.
I will water gun you if I'm bored. See, I don't need to explain why I do what I do. I just do. For fun.
I might not water gun you... But I probably will.
💧🔫 pew pew mf
~ 🔫 (water gun not gun) anon
yes me too
and none taken, yes i think i am- i’m on the spectrum- i was diagnosed with level 1 autism, which i guess is “high functioning”
i’m watching smosh pit act out their youtube comments and for some reason everytime i start watching something i get so caught up in it that my brain is just stuck in the mindset of whatever i’m watching
one time after watching.. what was it- some disney movie.. idk if it was brave or big hero 6 (cuz those are my favorites. also tangled. i love tangled with all my life.) i don’t know why but i just felt so.. cocky? not cocky but like.. bold? i was sayin shit as if i were super cool (i am super cool, but cooler , if possible)
that’s not 1100% related but that’s okay. my point was my mindset is weird rn and i was js laughing my ass off so rn i think everything is funny
i think outlines can be helpful….. if i do them right. and i don’t choose to put it off, i just get distracted… like i got on my ipad earlier to start writing, but then i thought “wait i need an outline.” “wait i wanna look up zodiac stuff actually, i wanna figure out when my character’s birthdays would be” “wait now i wanna look on youtube to see if there’s a video of the song “i wouldn’t mind” but bill kaulitz is on it. there’s most likely not gonna be one but whatever” then i went on youtube and ended up watching a video of johnnie guilbert trying to “flirt with AI” (he did not, he just talked to his ai self, jake webber, jesus christ and santa claus.)
yay i got distracted again
this is consistent and you have probably learned that already. i probably even already said this before..
we are opposites on that…. i always feel like i have to explain myself, idk why but it just happens and i do it and then i get sidetracked and.. you get the point
oh my god, did you just water gun me.. i thought we were friends, man! water gun anon, i feel offended. /j
0 notes
a-singleboat · 4 years
Locked In
Word Count: 4.1k
Request: great! you’re a really good writer! could I get a Shayne Topp x Reader where they end up doing a bunch of romantic scenes together in a sketch, like slow dancing and a nice dinner and the cuddles, and you guys have been flirting constantly for months and after the shoot Damien, Court, Ian and everyone lock you two in a room because they’re TIRED of it not going anywhere - @mrtopphaasmyheart​
A/N: this actually turned out a lot longer than i thought it would... sorry not sorry!
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It was Saturday night when they emailed out the filming schedules for the upcoming month. You were sitting at home, reading a book and being “insanely boring” as your friends had so eloquently put it. 
But as much as you had wanted to go out with your old college friends, that week of filming had really taken a toll on you and your body. Now, as a YouTube personality, you weren’t required to do your own stunts due to the fact that stuffed dolls could easily take your place for comedic effect. However, being a former stuntwoman for a few months during college, you loved the adrenaline crashing through a window or two gave you. 
As Smosh’s stunt coordinator, that meant you weren’t on screen as often as your coworkers. Which is why the upcoming month’s filming schedule shocked you. Aside from a Try Not to Laugh and a few Smosh Gaming videos, you were also scheduled in an Every Blank Ever. Namely, the Every Valentine's Day Ever video. 
Considering Valentine’s Day was a little less than a month out, it wasn’t weird that they wanted to get this video recorded and on its way to editing. What was weird was the fact that most of your filming blocks aligned with Shayne Topp’s. 
It wasn’t a secret that you were the group flirt. Next to Courtney, you were both the most notorious for flirting with your coworkers on screen and, in your case, off. 
But with Shayne… It started five months ago. Five months ago, your harmless flirting turned into something a little more than for-good-fun. 
Five months ago, the flirty little winks you sent in his direction meant more than something friendly and the words exchanged turned into something more than just words. But you were sure that was all you. 
There was no way Shayne felt the same for you. After all, he was an extremely friendly guy and he acted that way to everyone. That was your best defense. That he was just really nice. 
You shook your head as if the motion would shake the thoughts from your mind. You closed your book and laptop, shoving both items off to the side. You reached over and clicked your bedside lamp off, settling in for the night. 
You’d figure it out in the morning, you decided, closing your eyes and letting sleep take you off to another world.
The next morning, you met up with Courtney and Olivia for your weekly Sunday brunches. You had settled on a new place, rather than your regular brunch spot. The only difference was this place offered outdoor seating, which was nice despite the fact that it was still January and it was sixty degrees Fahrenheit. 
You guessed you could blame the warmer-than-average weather on global warming. 
“What’d you do yesterday, Olivia?” you asked as Courtney wrapped up her recount on the movie night she had with one of her many siblings. They had gone out to watch The Turning, much to her sister’s amusement and to Courtney’s torture. 
“I just hung out with Sam,” Olivia revealed, shrugging. “Wrote in my filming schedule in my planner.”
You took a sip of your mimosa, nodding along. “Yeah, I had a mellow weekend too.” 
Courtney kicked your foot under the table. “But did you see who you were paired with for, like, eighty percent of the scenes, Y/n?”
You shrugged, setting your drink down. “Shayne? Yeah, I saw it.”
Courtney poked you this time. “For the Valentine’s scenes. You know, the romantic stuff!”
She wiggled her eyebrows as you fought to keep the smile off your face. “We won’t even be shooting those until Wednesday.”
You and Shayne had about three or four romantic scenes in the Every Blank Ever, marked ‘Breakfast in Bed,’ ‘Dinner,’ ‘Proposal’ (which was a continuation of ‘Dinner’), and one unspecified scene. You figured they’d tell you what the unspecified scene was when it came time to film it. 
“So that means you have until Wednesday to fantasize all about it,” Olivia said, wiggling her fingers like she was a wizard spreading magic. 
You laughed slightly, shaking your head. You held up a hand and asked your waiter for your check. You thanked them when they brought over the little black book, shooing off your two friends as they tried to poke fun of you. 
As the baby of the group, you figured a little teasing was warranted. It came with the territory. 
But by the time Wednesday rolled around, you figured your status of the baby of the group wouldn’t help you much. 
Sarah Whittle, one of your bosses, stood near you as you did up your own makeup. She was waiting patiently for the curler to heat up so she could do up your hair, making you feel much like she was your mom helping you get ready for Prom night. 
“You ready for today's scenes, Y/l?” she asked in a teasing manner. 
You rolled your eyes and took a break from applying your mascara to stick your tongue out at the older woman like the child you were. 
“It’s the breakfast in bed scene first,” you complained as you nearly poked your eye out with the wand. “Why do I need to have my hair curled if I just woke up?”
Sarah picked up the curler after sliding on the black cloth glove that was designed so that she couldn’t burn herself too badly with the heated stick of metal. 
“Well, you’re going to be wearing a hair covering for this scene so your curls can set for the dinner scene,” Sarah explained before winking. “Plus, it’d be less work for me later.”
Since Sarah had already sectioned off your hair, it made it easier for her to curl the pieces and then pin them up with bobby pins to keep them secure. Once she finished, she reached over and grabbed a patterned shower cap and slid it on over the little bundles of curled hair. 
She explained that the residue heat would essentially act like one of those giant hair dryers that you would sit under at a hair salon, but with less health risks. 
After you were finished with hair and makeup, you were ushered off to costume where you were given a nightgown and a robe.
You thanked whatever deity was up there that you had been provided a robe before making your way to set, passing a dressed up Courtney, who waved enthusiastically at you. You resisted the urge to jokingly throw up the middle finger at your friend, instead choosing to wave back and give a tight smile that showed off your discomfort. 
Thankfully, Ian was the scene’s director, which immediately put you at ease. It wasn’t that you had anything against the others. In fact, you loved being able to work with Ryan. It was just the fact that since coining Ian as your Smosh dad, you found it easier to perform better in scenes like these if someone you had already been emotionally vulnerable with was the one behind the steering wheel.
“Okay,” Ian said, clapping his hands together. “Y/n, you’re going to wake up and maybe yawn a little, and then Shayne is going to come in with a tray of food. I want you to take a bite, and chew through it while pretending you like it. You got that?”
You shucked your robe, handing it off to one of the assistants that were on hand. You gave him a thumbs up before settling into the bed, moving down so it looked like you were sleeping. 
You waited, counted three breaths, before you heard Ian call, “Action.”
You waited two more breaths before ‘waking up,’ yawning and groggily rubbing your eyes. You sat up in bed, moving yourself so that your back was flush to the headboard. 
“Good morning, Sweetie,” Shayne said, pretending to have come through a door. He made his way over to the bed and set the tray over your lap. You smiled at him, imagining what domestic life with Shayne would actually be like.
“Good morning,” you replied, remembering that this was a scripted moment. “What’d you make for me?”
Shayne settled into the bed next to you, pointing at each item as he listed them off. “I made the pancakes I made you on our first morning together, as well as the scrambled eggs that I know you love so much, and I got you some orange juice in a mug with a heart on it that I found from our local flea market.”
You acted like it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you. Putting on a face that would read to the audience that you two were madly in love. “Oh, honey. I love it, thank you!”
You kissed his cheek, thinking nothing of it as you moved onto the next part of Ian’s directions to you. You put a spoonful of eggs into your mouth, making a face at the ‘taste.’
“Do you like it?” Shayne asked, still in character. 
You made a face that was halfway between joy and disgust, acting like it was the worst thing you’ve ever eaten. “It’s great, Steve.”
Ian called for a cut and you reached out beside you as the assistant from earlier rushed to hand you a bucket. You spat out the food, scraping your teeth along your tongue to get the residue egg out of your mouth. 
She handed your your robe next, to which you replied, “Thank you, Julia,” before pulling the article of clothing on. 
Shayne threw an arm around your shoulders as you got out of bed, pulling you back and wrapping his arms around you. You laughed, feeling your cheeks burn with half embarrassment and half oh-my-God-what-is-he-doing. 
“They got us up this early, they can give us a few minutes to nap,” he declared, settling his head atop yours the best he could in the awkward position he had put you in. It was nothing new, Shayne being touchy with you, but this time was different. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what, but you knew something had changed. 
Maybe it was the fact that you had just filmed a scene in which you both were a couple. The fake engagement ring that sat on your finger reminded you of that. The fact that this was fake. 
“Come on,” Ian scolded, a laugh also written across his face. “The sooner you both get through the next three scenes, the sooner you can go home.” 
You wriggled out of Shayne’s grasp, laughing as he tried to tickle your sides. It wasn’t the fact that you were insanely ticklish, no. It was the fact that his hands on you felt so undeniably right, that your brain had thought of no other reaction but to laugh. 
“Alright,” you surrendered, “I’ll go. I’ll see you at dinner, Mr. Topp.” 
He kneeled on the bed, raising up from his sitting position. He bent at the waist jokingly, a goofy grin on his face. 
“Until then, Ms. Y/l.” 
You gave him a two-finger salute in farewell before disappearing from set, making your way back to hair and makeup. There, Sarah awaited you, anxious to take out the pins and reveal her ‘masterpiece.’
Once your hair was revealed, which did look insanely good, you set to work on applying a modest amount of makeup, knowing that the amount of lights on the set would even out your complexion. 
From years in show business, you’d learned that a healthy medium between your normal everyday makeup and stage makeup was the way to go when filming in a closed set. As far as you knew, you wouldn’t be filming outside or in any dark or enclosed spaces. 
When you were carted off to costume, you were glad to trade out your nightgown and robe with a red dress that really did flatter your figure in the best ways. You gave Lindsay a spin when she asked you to before being carted off to set for the second time that day. 
Luckily, you’d be in the same outfit for the next three scenes you had to film that day, which meant no more back and forth between departments. 
You thanked whatever deity was up there because ten minutes in and the heels Lindsay had put you in were already cutting off circulation to your toes. 
“Okay,” Ian said, and clapped again. It was a habit of his that didn’t look like it was going anywhere soon. “For this scene, we’re going to film the dinner and proposal all in one and splice it in editing and whatever. I’ll stop you if I want to give a little more direction, but you know what you’re doing and so does Shayne.”
You smiled at Ian’s attempt at easing up your nerves. No matter how fake, getting proposed to was always a nerve-wracking experience. 
Shayne walked up to set next, dressed up and looking a little extra fancy. 
You bumped his hip as they set up the scene, threading your arms through his. “You clean up nice.”
He smirked. “I could say the same for you, Y/n.”
You felt the heat rise into your cheeks, hating that Shayne could get any kind of reaction from you. 
You heard Ian call action and immediately started walking. The two of you gossiped about the “hot new Italian restaurant” your boss recommended before arriving at the entrance. 
“Hello,” Damien greeted them, an Italian accent gracing his lips. “Do you have a reservation with us tonight?”
Shayne stepped forward a little. “Yes, Copper. That’s C-O-P-P-E-R.”
“Copper,” Damien repeated, though his accent botched the pronunciation a little for comedic effect. “Ah, yes. C-O-P-P-E-R. Right this way.”
Damien ‘led’ you to your table, though in all reality, the cameras cut as the set changed slightly, the restaurant tables coming in and some of your coworkers coming in to fill the seats around you. 
Damien asked for your order in proper waiter fashion before dashing off to ‘fetch your drinks.’
You leaned in, tucking some hair behind your ear as to not obscure your face from the cameras. “Babe, this place is really fancy. Are you sure you can afford this?”
Shayne scoffed and brushed you off. “Of course, I can afford this!”
He made a joke loudly, and you laughed nervously, looking around and apologizing to the other patrons of the bar as scripted. 
“Babe,” you hissed. “Quiet down, people are staring!”
He scoffed again, doing his little bit before returning to the script. 
“Let them stare!” he announced, climbing onto the table. Your eyes widened as you held onto the table, even though you fully well knew that it was bolted down to the set. 
“Ramona, I am in love with you and have been since I first swiped right,” he declared, putting his hand to his heart. He jumped off the table and leaned over to another table, taking the engagement ring right off an extra’s finger. 
You watched as she acted offended, storming off with her fiance. 
You returned your attention to Shayne, who was down on one knee in front of you. “Ramona, will you marry me?” 
You looked around, acting shocked and repulsed by what had just taken place. You gave it a few moments, waiting for the comedic timing to line up, before bursting out into fake tears and saying yes. 
The crowd around you burst into cheers, you could hear your coworkers clapping and calling out congratulations as Shayne held you in his arms. 
Ian called cut but Shayne didn’t let you go, holding you around the waist with one arm instead of two. 
You saw Ian and Courtney exchanged glances with Damien, but thought nothing of it, enjoying the feeling of Shayne’s arms around you. You looked up at him, staring into his bright baby blues. 
“What do you think the next scene is?” you asked him, leaning into his side. His arm tightened around you.
“I don’t know but I hope it's something to do with dessert,” you said excitedly. 
Shayne cocked an eyebrow at you, causing you to realize the secondary meaning to your words. You slapped his pec, unsurprisingly meeting the hard muscle there, before slapping yourself in the face for not realizing it sooner.
“That’s not what I meant,” you insisted, separating yourself from him. You crossed your arms over your chest as he laughed at what you had said. You ended up laughing a little as well, walking away from the set and kicking off the heels. 
While they were absolutely beautiful, they also made your feet hurt like hell. The assistant, Julia, offered you your casual shoes and you took them, making a mental note to get the woman a gift basket or something sometime in the future. 
Ian came up to you as you were sliding on your Crocs, clicking the toes together happily as your feet were enveloped in the surprisingly comfy croslite. 
“You ready for this next scene?” Ian asked, taking a sip out of his mug. It was nearing lunchtime now, meaning they had less than an hour to film this next bit. 
“Does that mean you’re going to finally let me know what the scene is?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow. He chuckled and patted your back. 
“You’ll figure it out,” he said, clapping your shoulder. “It’s all improv but you’re both extremely great at that!”
You winced at his tone of voice, not believing him at all yet you allowed him to lead you and Shayne into one of the prop closets, already decked out with studio lights and everything.
The presence of the lights put your mind at ease and considering you were wearing a red dress paired with your bright yellow crocs, you crossed your fingers in hopes that they weren’t about to record anything past waist level. 
Ian pushed Shayne into the closet slightly, causing the man to tumble into you. He caught you around the waist while reflexively grabbing hold of a shelf fixed to one of the walls. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks once more, glad that his attention was more focused on making sure the two of you weren’t about to collapse onto the floor right then and there. 
Once he got the two of you back on your own two feet, you wheeled around, ready to confront Ian but was met with a closed prop door. 
You approached the door knob and twisted it, to find that it was locked. You shook it in hopes that this was one of the closets that would just slide open to no avail. You and Shayne were stuck in the closet with one of the hottest stage lights the company owned. 
“We’ll be back in thirty minutes,” you heard Ian call out, the sounds of Courtney and Damien snickering coming from beyond the door. 
“You’re dead, Hecox!” you shouted before resigning. “They’re not gonna let us out in thirty, minutes, are they?”
Shayne chuckled, trying to make the best of the situation. He had already made himself comfy on one of the wooden chests. 
Then, the stage light shut off and that’s when the panic set in. 
“Oh, my God,” you freaked, eyes going wide. The only light was now the half-dead emergency bulb in the ceiling of the prop closet, leaving the both of you in what was essentially the dark. You turned around and started to pound on the door, calling for your boss, Courtney, anybody. At one point, you found yourself calling for the assistant that had followed you around all day. 
“We’re going to die in here,” you lamented, leaning up against a wall. 
Shayne hopped off the chest and came over to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you into his chest. 
“We’ll be fine,” he comforted. “It was probably just a blackout. We’ve been getting them around the studios pretty often recently. They’ll probably come back for us in a few minutes when they realize that the building’s powerless.
You nodded, calming yourself down in his arms. He was right. The crew wouldn’t leave you in here during a blackout… would they?
You started to think about how much of a safety and fire hazard leaving the two of you in here would be and started to panic again. 
“Shayne,” you whimpered. “What if they can’t get back to us? If the building is on lock down then they wouldn’t be able to use their key cards to get us out and I don’t even think Ian remembers where he put the backup keys and--”
You were cut off by a pair of lips covering yours. You let out a muffled noise of surprise, before closing your eyes and leaning into the kiss. Your hands flew to his hair as he pulled you even closer, if humanly possible. 
Now, when someone tells you that the fireworks aren’t real, they probably weren’t doing it right because here, with Shayne, it was like the Fourth of July. You felt the lust, the passion, the absolute adoration for the man that held you in his arms well up inside you until you had to pull away for air. 
You pulled back, struggling to regain control over your breathing. You looked up into his brilliant baby blues and searched for a reason behind what he had just done. 
“Uh,” he licked his lips, “you were panicking and I had to do something so that you wouldn’t pass out or--”
You cut him off that time, standing up on your toes to meet him with another kiss, just as passionate as the last. 
“What was that for?” he asked, when you finally pulled back. 
You bit your lip. “I’ve liked you for a long time,” you finally admitted. “And it sucks that it took our coworkers locking us in a room together that I finally grew up and did something about it.”
Shayne glanced at the still-closed doors. “Yeah, those assholes. Forcing me to get kissed twice by the woman that I am deeply infatuated with.”
He kissed you again, laughing as your lips met. You pulled back and kissed his cheek and then down his jaw, settling one last kiss over his lips for good measure. 
“You know, we should totally fuck with them,” you proposed, a hint of playfulness behind your eyes. “And then go home and figure this out on our own terms.”
Shayne’s eyes met yours with the same intentions behind his eyes as yours. “Are you thinking that I’m thinking?”
You nodded before kissing him again, and again, and again…
It was forty-five minutes later until your coworkers came to your rescue. 
Putting your plan into action, you crossed your arms and turned your head away from him. You were sure there were still black tear marks down your face from when you had started crying earlier, after realizing the power in the building had gone out. 
Ian was the first to apologize upon seeing your disheveled state. Thankfully, he had taken the state of your hair and makeup as a sign you were actually distraught. He apologized, along with the others, for locking you in the prop closet in the first place. 
You told them it was okay and that you just wanted to go home after the ordeal you had been through. 
Surprisingly, you had managed to escape the building an hour later. You met Shayne by your car, giggling as he grabbed you around the waist. He peppered your face with kisses before setting you down, allowing you to unlock your car. 
He entered from the other side as you thanked whatever deity was up there for making today one of the days he had decided to carpool with Damien. His excuse was that he was just going to Uber back to his place, seeing as it wasn’t that far from the studio.
Although that was a load of bull, the two of you were heading back to your apartment to work things out. 
“Those idiots,” Shayne joked as you pulled out of the lot. “They were none the wiser.”
You laughed as you drove away from the building. “I’m sure they’ll figure it out by tomorrow. After all, I’m your ride in tomorrow.”
Shayne shrugged, reaching over the console to grab your hand. “I’m fine with that. As long as I get you all to myself for tonight.” 
“I’m fine with that,” you said, a grin on your face. You would spend an eternity with him if it meant you got moments like these in the future. And you were fine with that.
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stinky-and-the-pain · 4 years
& then there was one
my parents finished renovating our house my freshman year of high school. i was 14 and finally had my own room...a place i didn’t have to share with my 11 year old brother or my 3 year old sister. i painted it green & a couple of months later painted a tree on one wall and filled the branches with lord of the rings quotes. it was my sanctuary. 
my grandma gifted me my first laptop around the same time. she won it in a company sweepstakes and gave it to me because she had one already. it was the coolest thing. we had a family computer in the office (nee playroom) that i had played both sims 2 and 3 on. but now i could take the sims to my room! 
amongst other things. 
i played skyrim religiously after my brother got bored of the xbox, as he was also gifted a playstation 4 along with GTA V. i also adored several creators on youtube, at that time a bastion of comedic skits and random tangential clips lasting no more than 6 minutes or so. i felt deeply invested in the community -- not so much with fellow audience members but with the youtubers themselves; as if these videos were a two-way conversation. shane dawson led to desandnate led to smosh led to kalel cullen led tobuscus led to pewdiepie led to cryaotic, etc., etc. they were great! 
forget the boy bands of the 90s and early 2000s....which youtuber did you want to date? SMASH + fuck, marry, kill in the back of the chilly and damp bus driving home from a scholastic bowl meet. my heart ached for these people. they appealed so deeply to me and i fell madly in love with them all. and i wasn’t alone; we all fell in love. 
i’m not sure how i found out about omegle. at a slumber party or birthday, someone pulled out their laptop & we could see and chat with strangers. live. no supervision. we were...14? 15? had to be 14 because i succinctly remember laughing a while later when i told a grown man i wasn’t 18 but actually 14 after he had finished for me. all while sitting in my new green bedroom. 
for the longest damn time i thought i had an extremely average adolescence. i was lauded as independent and mature, and took pride in that. maturity meant i was better but also inherently prepared for what life was throwing at me. plus independence meant that i could effectively do whatever i pleased. and to that extent, i never attended a party (though i did sneak over to a boy’s house when i said i was going to a friends’ but that was later figured out and actually excused) but i pursued other exploits. 
another piece of the puzzle is that youtube around 2010 appealed to people exactly my age. and was simultaneously extremely sexual. the mass cancellation of shane dawson is ultimately rooted in his behavior around this time. and this behavior was broadcast to us, 12-14 years old, which signaled to us what could be deemed appropriate. queue me believing that men around the ages of 19-25 could find me, a barely there 14 year old, attractive. and boy did i run with that. 
i spent immeasurable time on omegle. it was thrilling, especially when men’s faces would light up as my video appeared. “finally, a real person and not just a dick!” i remember one, zach herzog (sp?). he was so kind, introducing me to imgur which rounded out my early internet diet. he had a girlfriend but at one point admitted to me that she was not as pretty as i was. we would message on kik for hours. he graduated college a year after we met (my junior year of high school). jake was around that time too. but honestly jake was special in that we met through omegle chat (no video). and we actually chatted for about 3 years, at one time making sure to watch the weekly game of thrones episode (freshly downloaded off pirate bay) together and discussing what went down afterwards. after we skyped with video on, we slowly stopped communicating. 
another, stephen i believe. he was from the UK and i only remember that because of his accent and that i had him say my (fake) name multiple times. i never once used my real name nor talked aloud to these men. always text. but does that matter? over skype, he would send videos of himself jacking off...which would have been pleasant save for the fact he liked smacking his penis near the end and i couldn’t take that seriously. 
the first man i reciprocated for -- that is, i obliged requests to show parts of my body -- was sam. i don’t remember anything too striking about him save he did his business to me while we were still on omegle (only strange because the fashion then was to move to somewhere more ‘private’ and stable like kik or skype) and then promptly ghosted me. somewhere in my hs junior year planner, there are notes to sam asking him if he would ever come back. 
then senior year. so stressed with college applications (i applied to one school) i spent most of my time in my bedroom alone, indulging in a healthy diet of top gear and youtube, by this point dominated by cryaotic and pewdiepie. but i always had time for my dear favorite, capndesdes (of desandnate fame who later made his own solo channel where he published several q&a’s and apartment vlogs). october 2013 and i was wearing his blue ‘crescent moon face’ shirt (referencing the photo booth video). i met Anthony, Mike, and David on omegle. i immediately picked out Anthony and sure enough he was interested. him being in a group, i knew we wouldn’t be doing anything that night but the video chat was fun. the connection even died at one point but we got back in contact as i had shared my twitter (and my real name, though for months he believed my fake name was my middle name because i felt bad telling the truth). i guess i should’ve known this time was different when he insisted on skying the next morning before i went to work. i felt embarrassed for how i looked but he said i looked beautiful. and was so earnest i had to believe him. 
we skyped everyday. every day. essentially right as i got home from school because that’s conveniently when he got off work. oh and i eventually had to admit that my microphone was not in fact broken. we played minecraft and gta on the xbox. he said he planned to visit me one day. but that’s absurd, right? i would laugh and say ‘you’re too much.’
he visited november 9 2013. drove all the way up. i was at my friend’s birthday party. we had just woken up and he revealed he was in our town. i gave him directions to the park so we could meet. i remember running to him from my car, friends sitting in the back seat. we walked about two miles around the park, chatting. he was even more beautiful in person. the sight of the freckles on his nose are still so vivid. even after all these years remembering, my naiveté still strikes me. a day later, he asked me to be my girlfriend as we walked to his car after dinner. i said yes, that i would do him the honor of making him the happiest man on earth. a day later, he took (but i also gave) away my virginity. he met my friends and then we said goodbye on a rainy and cold afternoon. i still sometimes smell the sweet mustiness of that room. 
a handful of memories that are still striking after 7 years:
washing the strawberry lube off myself in my parent’s bathroom, praying they did not ask why i had spent the last 5 afternoons and evenings staying so late at a friend’s house; forcing myself to connect to Lorde’s music after he said he enjoyed her first album; saying that thin mints were my favorite after he admitted to buying too many; taking my adventure time backpack to the hotel room and filling out my cheatsheet for my physics test the next day while he watched and eventually rolled me over to kiss me; feeling too insecure to lead him around town so instead opted to stay silent as he chose what to have for dinner; eating at my favorite local mexican restaurant after losing my virginity; showing my friends the pictures we had taken in the hotel room and them losing their minds. 
after he left, i was devastated. and essentially remained devastated for the next 7 months. i cried the morning after he left, while driving to work and listening to ribs. 
there’ll be more, when i have strength. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by sassybabexo
Describe the clock in the room you’re in. I don’t keep one in my room. The tiny reminder on my phone is enough.
What movie did you see last time you went to the cinema? It was still the same boring movie, Knives Out. I’m not sure if nearby cinemas are open again, but none of the new films sound interesting anyway so it’s fine.
Do you know anyone named Lucas? What’s he like? Yes, he’s a younger cousin that I used to babysit a lot. He’s one of the most effortlessly funny and easygoing people I know, and is so very simple. My mom and I always remark at how well he was raised as he has turned out to be so well-behaved, kind, and such a gentleman. I’m shy around my cousins in general because I’m a lot older than most of them, but I always love seeing him around when our sides of the family get together.
Do you know anyone named Jordan? Whats he like? I don’t think so, but I know there are many kids with Jordan as their middle name because they were probably named after Michael Jordan. Welcome to the Philippines, where basketball is life lol.
Do you know anyone named Brooke? Whats she like? I mean kind of. I constantly work with the media, being in PR, and one of the people on my contact list is a Brooke. She’s a horrible replier though, and I’ve never interacted with her yet.
Do you know anyone named Tara? Whats she like? No one comes to mind.
What type of shoes were you wearing last? My white Puma sneakers.
Tell me about all the cuts or scabs you have on you atm They’re all from Cooper. I also have a weird cut on my right index finger that came out of nowhere, and it currently stings if I scratch it.
Hows the weather in your neck of the woods? It’s a lot more bearable now. Would be until March at most. I’m having the time of my life wearing my thicker clothes and turning off the fan every night, haha.
Do you watch Smosh? I used to, until about 2014 maybe. I was obsessed - waited for new episodes every Saturday morning, watched all the BTS videos, watched Lunchtime with Smosh and Ian is Bored, waited for Food Battle every year, and went to the Smosh Pit website everyday lol. My interest died down when they started highlighting more cast members (I’m sure they’re great, it just killed off the Anthony/Ian-only magic for me).
It’s a channel on YouTube. I suggest you check it out. I did, like 11 years ago lmao.
Do you have any step-siblings? Nope. If I somehow had some and I was only told now, I wouldn’t want to start building a relationship with them this late.
Are there any new kids at school? I’m not in school anymore. But this question made me look back and remember how I was always excited for the first day of each school year because it meant new faces :)
Do new kids come often? Around 5-10 new students came in every year, I’d say. We’re only around 150 in the batch, so 10 new faces was already exciting for us.
Cats or dogs? Dogs.
What are your cousins’ names and ages? You really want to ask a Filipino?
What class do you have in first period? For the life of me, I can no longer remember my class schedule from my final semester in college. 
Have you seen Paranormal Activity? Yep. A bit of a guilty pleasure.
Name five things you can grab from where youre sitting? Phone, a hair comb accessory, an unopened pack of push pins, scissors, earphones.
Do you like Marilyn Manson? He scared me as a kid, but now I don’t have any emotions towards him really. Most days I’m envious of him for having married Dita Von Teese.
Have your parents ever had surgery? My dad used to have a benign cyst on the back of his head/neck and he had it surgically removed when I was a kid.
If you own a camera, what colour is it? Only the one on my phone, which works fine for me. The phone itself is black.
Do you remember the last time you tripped? Yups, must’ve been a couple of weeks ago.
What did you trip on? I was chasing Cooper who was running for Kimi (which was 100% not going to end well if he got to him) and I slipped on the floor. I had a nasty cut/bruise on my knee but at least I got to grab his tail, lmao.
I tripped on my own two feet :/
Who was the last person you talked to through Facebook inbox? Angela.
What were you two talking about? She said she’s finally starting on Start Up, and I told her to enjoy and reassured her that I’ll be okay if she ever ends up on Team Do-San HAHAHAHA
Have you ever eaten a kangaroo steak? I haven’t.
Is there a mall where you live? So many. There are five nearby ones I can easily go to if I wanted to.
What brand are the headphones or earbuds you use? I’m currently borrowing my dad’s Samsung earbuds.
Has anyone ever told you you’re just not good enough at something? Not to me, but my ballet instructor told my parents that I didn’t seem to have any natural skill for ballet. Which was fine, because it’s true.
You ever listened to every single song by one artist in one sitting without skipping any songs? I’ve tried this, but I always end up skipping one or two.
What did you last have a detention for? We don’t have detention.
Do you have a bike which you ride regularly? I wish I could ride bikes first...
Are you on non-speaking terms with any relatives? I don’t speak with my brother, and I only talk to one of my uncles if he talks to me first.
Have you ever had to be on crutches? Nope.
Other than the keyboard, what can you hear right now? The whirring of my fan, the purring of a car’s engine outside, and Kimi’s light snoring.
What colour is your pencil case? I don’t use one anymore, but my last ones were pink and brown each.
Does your cell phone have a case or cover on it? It does have a case. The back of my phone is made of glass, so I absolutely have to have a case on it all the time considering how clumsy I already am. It also has tempered glass on the front.
What did you last cry about? I was overwhelmed with how much people expressed their support and love for me in my yearend essay. I shut myself out from the world for so long because I didn’t think anyone could help, and I only now realized how beautifully kind they can be - even the ones I haven’t talked to since high school. It was a signal to me that these are the people worth keeping and that I should stop putting in efforts for those who don’t even appreciate them.
Describe your pajamas. I’m only wearing a pajama top at the moment. This one is light blue and silky.
How’s your hair styled right now? It’s just bedhead.
Do your grandparents know how to text message? All of them do/did, except for my maternal grandmother who refuses to learn any gadget.
Have you ever stood on a tack? Nope.
It hurts like hell :/ I bet.
Do you know anyone who has cancer? I...don’t think so. I think.
Would you ever consider home birth? Probably not.
Have you ever had a penpal? Nope.
If so, what is his or her name?
Have you seen all three High School Musical movies? Technically yes, but I slept through the third one because I was sick when my cousins and I watched it in the cinema.
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thefandomdirtymind · 5 years
Prince Damien : Born in a Sunbeam. Part 1
Tumblr media
Fandom : Smosh 
Damien Haas x Reader 
Y/H/C = Your hair color   -  Y/E/C : Your eyes color
Hi, here's the first part of my prince Damien fic. I don't know exactly how many parts it will have because my plot is already planned, but I always have a couple of ideas who's pop up. So, I hope you will like it. If you do, please let me a comment to let me know, it will mean a lot to me and let me know that you want more. Disclaim: English is my second language and I stop writing for a long time, so, it happens that my grammar or words weren't exact. I use of all the tools in my possession, but some mistakes can still happen.
The day the loved and cherished Queen of Ainsel give birth to her first child, a little boy, was one of those perfect days. You know, those mornings when the sky was so blue that even the cloud in contrast seem whiter. When the air, warmed by the bright sun, is so pure that it let you think that nothing today could go wrong.
The baby, prince Damien Haas, first in the succession list for the throne, but for now only a newly human. Take is truly first breath of air. At the same time, a golden sunbeam entering the room, giving to the scene a mystical aura who make talk the population for many years after the event.
In fact, another unusual thing happen that day, making almost secretly grow the legend. But, that part, on the contrary of the sunbeam situation, was only known by a small group of people.
It happened when the little prince, sleepy by the miraculous event of his own birth, embrace the warm and comforting breast of his mother. While his little eyes slowly close, the queen, in joy, tell for the first time his name, wishing him a good sleep.
If you listen to these people who's swear being in the holy secret. They will tell you that. At that moment, the little hair of the baby start to glow blue for a few seconds before coming back to normal. The king and the queen, after sharing a glance, decided it was a sign of the gods. And nobody tell them wrong.    
 ----Many years later----
Standing in front of his rivals, his arms lock on a defensive posture, his short sword heavy in his hands. The prince Damien was watching every move of his opponents. Around him, blowing into the trees, the wind was murmuring rumors about a late autumn.
Quickly stepping back, he raises his sword into the air, blocking the assault of the first man. Profiting of the energies of the impact of the two blade. He suddenly turns on his heels, taking the second man by surprise with an unpredictable attack, making him lose his own sword under the shock and fall on the dirt.
With now a smirk on his lips, Damien takes the second sword, changing with ease is strategy. Adapting his posture for is current double sword situation, he let escape a little laugh.
“ Looks like you need more training” The prince mock, watching his last adversary obviously trying to find a way to still win.
“ Shut up! I think”
Flipping in a smooth move both swords on his hands. He suddenly attack him, crossing the two blade in a scissor posture against the throat of the now defenseless man.
Around them, the noise of people clapping their hands and cheering for their winning champion, suddenly exploded.   
“ And that's why you always lose against me now Joven ” Damien proudly tell, removing his weapons from the breathing area of his friend.
“ Not always it was just easier when you were smaller and younger” Joven reply, giving his now useless sword to a young squire.
“ Or when only one sword was too much for you” The voice of his best friend Shayne said, still busy at removing the dirty dust of his pants.
Damien smile, precautionary giving the swords to his own squire before passing an arm around the neck of his best friend.
“ Come on guys, one day you will beat me for sure “
Now in his late twenty, the little boy born into a sunbeam grow up to be a strong and tall man, loved by his population and his proud parent. Well known for his kindness and his contagious smile, the prince of Ainsel was also known in the other countries for being wise and physically pleasant to the eyes.
If you ask the villagers, they will tell you that he also likes, from time to time, to escape the castle for an unofficial and secret visit. Wearing a basic set of clothes, he often sits near the fountain at the center of the market and read for the young children and illiterate people. It usually happens too, that, in those days, the pocket of some lucky people become heavier than before.
In a thankful and safety gesture, the villagers start to call him Cleverbones the reader, keeping in this way his secret and warn a possible abduction by a rival country.
An only thing was bothering the citizens and the royal family about the prince Damien. As much a gentleman he was, the man had made a clear estate about the fact that he didn't want to take a fiancée of a wife soon.
For a long time, kings and lords of every neighbor country had sent her daughters in visit. Hoping that he will fall for their delicate beauties or at least interesting personality. But, with a profound respect and a polite conversation, he had declined every princess and ladies they had sent to him.
Shayne Topp, son of the Swordmaster of the castle and best friend of Damien. Never fail to find in this matrimonial parade, a fun way to tease the poor prince struggling with the young womans in tears and the exasperating reactions of his parents.
“ What's the name of this girl who came last month” Ask Shayne, when Damien and him was leaving the practice yard.
“ Which one?” Damien asked, taking a shortcut and taking the path of the stable. “ The brunette, the blond or the so shy one that I had to not watch her directly? “
“ The blond girl” Shayne reply, following is friend between the box of the stable, often petting the head of a horse.
He didn't have to ask questions about the reason of their presence into the barn. After following Damien for so long, he already knew that the man needed a little sensation of liberty and planned to pay a visit to the villagers. Of course, as a good friend, the blondie was also ready to go with him and with luck find new interesting thing in the market.
“ Courtney” The brunette tell, his attention focus at closing the little metal clip of his old and used cloak. “ Ready?”
“Yes, her! What was wrong with her, she was really pretty“ Shayne reply, opening at the same time the secret passage they discovered few years earlier.
Leading to the back of an alley, the exit was giving to the boys the perfect way to escape the castle without being noticed. Outside, the wind was already caring to them the smell of fresh bread and vegetable.
“ Yes she was. But, I don't know, she was not ... I didn't feel it and that shouldn't be fair for her.” Damien respond. “ But, is dad is a lord, I think you could try your luck if you want”
The laugh of Shayne, loud like usual, make some people turn on their way.
“ Yeah sure, hey girls my royal friend turn you down but , how you're doing?! “ The exclamation was followed by a fun wave movement of Shayne eyebrow, making Damien laugh.
“ I wish my parents stop this ridiculous nonsense. I don't want to be married soon. I know it's my duty, but the more princesses and ladies I meet, the more I found them, identical, boring, nice, but not much.” The subject, already over talk making each time Damien anxious and tired.
“ Oh trust me, I will know it when I will meet...”
Suddenly escaping the shadow of an alley, a feminine silhouette cross their path, letting behind her a mysterious perfume and the flash of a long strand of (Y/H/C) hairs. Like the prettiest crescent moon, he only saw a small part of his perfect face, almost mask by the hood of his purple cloak. Walking fast she was pressing against his chest a couple of books, avoiding without any problem the dense crowd of the market.
The laugh Damien was about to produce died suddenly on his lips. “ the one...”
Reaching the other side of the market street, the girl slowed her pace giving a unique and fast glance around her. Meeting the gaze of Damien, she stay still for almost a minute, before turning his heels and engaging herself into a particular dark alley.
For the prince Damien, who a month ago didn’t believe in love at first sign. It was the start of many sleepless nights and daydream about some mysterious Y/E/C eyes.
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smosh-stuff · 5 years
Apocalypse AU - Origins
“Maybe tomorrow” hahahaahah,,,
It’s 2 am and Im REELING rn so this may be somewhat incoherent but I don’t care
Okay, so before I can explain how they met, there’s some more terms that I just came up with and need to define.
The Nameless: The blanket term used for a secretive and unidentified group of raiders. They’re much larger, scattered, and professional than any pack, and most consider them more of a small network of several packs, though no one knows for certain how many there are. They’ve been terrorizing packs in the No Man’s Land since a short time after the Smosh pack was formed.
Mutts: The blanket term used for the irradiated, mutated beasts that roam the wastelands. They’re hostile, vicious, and pretty fuckin gross. There are a lot of different types of mutt mutated from different creatures- but it’s pretty hard to care about whether it’s a cow or a goat while it’s trying to tear your throat out.
Lurkers: Mutts that are primarily nocturnal.
Ruins: Any structures that have been abandoned. Not the jungle ruins you may imagine- these are the ruins of modern society; shopping malls, cities, towns, suburbs, etc.
For Toxicitea, it started with Ian. After Smosh was destroyed by the Nameless, he was one of the sole survivors. Not one to take a defeat, he set out to form a new pack and to regain the status he’d lost. It didn’t take him long to find some strays who would join his new pack. 
Mari had found Joven when the latter had been trying to raid the same set of ruins as her. At first, they’d been ready to kill each other, but when a group of Mutts suddenly ambushed them, they became allies of circumstance. After Mari saved Joven’s life during the fight, Joven offered to team up with her, as opposed to her killing him. His Guard’s ability is one to give energy to things around it- physical or spiritual- and she decided he seemed useful enough, so they became a duo. 
Later on, the three of them had met Wes, who’d found himself injured in a solo battle against a violent handful of fellow strays. Mari and Joven drove the hostiles off and helped Wes recover. Due to a strict code of honor he’d formed in the pack that had raised him, he decided that in order to repay them, he’d join their alliance and protect them moving forward.
Ian found them a short time after Smosh’s destruction. Despite news of the pack’s demise, the group still knew Ian for his impressive reputation and accepted his invite. 
Olivia and Courtney had met each other a while back. 
Olivia had been a stray for as long as she could remember- the pack that had raised her as a baby was wiped out when she was still young, and she could barely remember them. She’d grown up in the wastelands on her own, and because of this developed eccentricities that prevented her from finding a pack even later on. 
Courtney had grown up in a good-sized, tightly knit pack. It wasn’t until she was becoming a young adult that they were killed by the Nameless. Devastated, she struggled on her own- not with survival, but the loneliness. When she met Olivia, stumbling upon her campsite in the dead of night, Olivia had initially viewed her as a threat. But Courtney talked her down, and by the sunrise they’d already decided to become a team.
Unfortunately, it didn’t last forever. A massive, irradiated dust storm hit them one day while they were traveling. They both survived but were separated thoroughly, unable to find each other. Once again, they were on their own.
Olivia was badly injured in the storm. She would have died, if Wes hadn’t found her. Unable to stomach the idea of letting her die, Wes carried her back to the Toxicitea camp, where the group helped her. Olivia’s Guard ability, they discovered, could create fire. While it wasn’t the most amazing ability, it was certainly useful, and she had a great deal of gratitude towards them for saving her. In the end, when she was healthy, she agreed to join the pack.
Meanwhile, Courtney wandered the wasteland aimlessly after the storm. Brokenhearted over the loss of her friend- over never having the opportunity to be more- she felt hopeless. That was when she met Lasercorn.
Lasercorn, like Olivia, had been a stray for most of his life. He had known Ian for a long time- They met while the Smosh pack was still whole. Lasercorn had joined the pack near the end of its lifespan. During the Raid that destroyed the pack, Lasercorn watched Ian turn and leave the camp- while Lasercorn was on the ground, screaming for help after being wounded. Against all odds, he’d survived the attack, but he harbored a burning grudge against Ian for leaving him for dead. He’d decided that the best revenge would be to crush Ian’s hopes of regaining control of No Man’s Land- but to do that, he needed a pack of his own.
When Lasercorn met Courtney, he found her on her own in a small pop-up-inn that had been built out of some ruins. She wasn’t especially well known, but she’d gotten her face around for her impressive Guard, which had the ability to heal others. Lasercorn saw the worth in that, knowing himself and his strategies, and figured she’d be a great asset to a growing pack. Courtney was convinced that Olivia was dead and aching for companionship, so she accepted his offer on the spot. They didn’t have to travel long before they found two more.
Noah and Keith had both ended up in the same pack. Keith had joined a bit earlier, taken interest in for his combat skills and his Guard ability- amplifying or dulling sound waves. Noah came later. He was young and not especially skilled in fighting, but the pack decided he was worth taking for his Guard ability to read the emotions and intentions of others, able to tell in an instant whether someone is lying or not. Keith and Noah were at odds in the beginning, but after some time, began to develop a bond. This grew to the point where they were nearly inseparable. Unfortunately, Noah was always clumsy, and after a while in the pack, he made one too many mistakes for the leaders. The group decided to throw Noah out. However, Keith stepped up to defend him. In the end, they were both run out of the pack but stuck together, even as strays. 
They met Courtney by chance. The three of them got trapped in a set of ruins after nightfall when a group of Lurkers was hunting outside. In such a small space, they were forced to interact. Courtney, nothing if not charismatic, got the two to tell her about themselves. After getting to know them and what they’re capable of, Courtney brought them to Lasercorn at sunrise when they escaped. After some convincing, he offered to take them into the pack. With few alternatives, the two agreed.
Later on, they met Damien.
Damien and Shayne were raised in the same pack as children. They grew up together- training, scavenging, traveling by each others’ sides. The destruction of their pack was a mystery. No one knows who did it- only that it ended with their camp in flames. After the destruction, the two of them traveled while looking for answers to their pack’s demise. However, Shayne ended up coming to a conclusion that sent a rift between the two of them. He’d become convinced that it was the pack leader himself who’d aided in the destruction- the pack leader, who happened to be Damien’s blood father. Insulted and unwilling to entertain the idea, Damien lashed out, and Shayne fought him back. 
The argument, fueled by misdirected rage that the two of them had pent up throughout their tragedy and the aftermath, got ugly- to the point that Shayne, in a fit of anger, destroyed a pendant that Damien had made for him when they were children, which had been a symbol of their friendship for years. When it was all said and done, Damien left, and the two were separated from then on.
After becoming a lone stray, Damien began to focus entirely on honing his skills. He became a talented marksman, and his name became known in the North of No Man’s Land. Well-versed in the goings-on of the wastelands, Damien recognized Lasercorn’s name when he approached him. When Lasercorn offered an invitation to Damien to join the pack, Damien accepted, seeing it as a fresh start.
Shayne, similarly, focused on his own goals. But while Damien focused on his combat skills, Shayne focused on wielding his Guard. His Guard ability was more volatile than most- being able to increase force. This could apply to anything- his body, his voice, objects he moved. As a child, he’d often lose control of it. He spent his time alone often secluding himself entirely, communicating with his Guard and training his abilities.
He met Olivia one day while training. She had been out to scavenge for resources and found him alone in some ruins. Fascinated by his ability, she approached him. As it was entirely out of the blue, he was defensive at first, but after realizing that she didn’t intend to attack him- at least not immediately- he began to actually talk to her. Well, talk is a strong word. He mostly attempted to get rid of her, but no matter what he did, she followed him like a puppy with a stream of questions and conversation topics as seemingly endless as her energy. Eventually, he relented and asked exactly what she wanted. She replied by taking him to the camp. She explained to Ian what she’d seen, and Ian, intrigued, talked to Shayne. After Shayne demonstrated his skills, Ian decided to ask him if he wanted to join the pack. Shayne was admittedly beginning to grow lonely, and bored with being on his own, so he accepted.
As for Kimmy, well- her story is one that spins into something much, much larger...
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smoshimagine · 6 years
Could you write a Damien x Reader x Wes poly!headcanon where the reader owns a café/bakery? Like what would happen if Wes and Damien visited and what the reader makes at their home. If you want you could always make it a cat café because cats are adorable and I would adopt one if I could.
Yeah of course, Love! Im not including the cat cafe option since im not familiar and don’t wanna write it wrong. But, I’ll include cats a different way!
- the three of you had originally met at the bakery/cafe place that you own since they heard the place made really good cakes and decorated them really nicely
- The two also buying additional fresh cookies from the oven you offered them
-also they were already dating when the three of you met and they started to come around more often and chatted with you on your break
- you had started subtly crushing on them and asked about their relationship and things like that
-which is when you found out they wanted another member of their relationship
- and after hanging out so much, you asked them on a date!
- you guys went to some arcade and got ice cream and kept giggling and laughing
- after a couple more dates you all officially started going out!
- they introduced you to everyone in smosh, and they were glad everyone liked you
- on your off days you show up with brownies and cookies and pass them around the office
- they get so fuckin hyped and finding out you’re there and that you brought sweets
- in Damiens contact his name for you is ‘The baker💕’ cause of course it is
- Wes has you as ‘Angel Cakes!’ Cause he’s a fuckign nerd
- They visit you in the bakery on their break or off days and buy some stuff and flirt with you as a joke
- your new coworker who’s a teenager and brand new gets the wrong idea and pulls you away from them for “help in the back”
- you say thank you and explain they are your boyfriends and its okay, and they’re immediately embarrassed about it
- Also after a few months you three move in and it’s a wreck
- Cause you bring home sweets and stuff a lot, Damien and Wes do gym dates pretty often, and you tag along sometimes depending on the day
- on your way back one day you spot a kitty cat with fluffy grey and white fur and yellow eyes hiding under one on of your neighbors car
- Wes texts Anthony to bring a can of cat food cause you found a stray cat, and he was there within a few minutes with a can of cat food
- he helps you guys set it down somewhere outside with a bowl of water and stays for a bit and has some of the cake left over that you made when you got bored at 2am
- eventually the cat is meowing outside your door and just fucking walks in like he owns the place
- taking a seat on Damien’s lap and just falling asleep
- Anthony takes Wes to go buy some cat supplies, getting a cat bed and some toys, along with a litter box and food
- you and Damien were playing with the cat and trying to decide on names
- a few minutes later they were back and setting everything up
- whenever you’re cooking you usually have to have one of the boys hold the cat so it doesn’t get burnt
- when you all have off days you literally eat raw cookie dough and frosting while cuddling in bed watching some movies with the cat
- and you sometimes show up to work in one of their shirts since you just have to wear the apron and name tag at work
- “you look like you’re wearing your boyfriend’s clothes” “I am”
- I dunno what else to write -mod johnny♡
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craving-horans-hug · 7 years
Livestream hide and seek - Shawn Mendes imagine
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shawnmendes has started a livestream! Click here to watch before it ends!
I get the notification on my phone as I lay comfortably in my bed, I smile and swipe my finger across my phone screen and Shawn’s beautiful face appears. 
“Wow we already got 21 thousand people joined, jeez.” Shawn laughs, he’s laying on his stomach in what seems to be the living room couch, chin resting on the back of his forearm. I can see his eyes skimming over the screen reading the comment section, shaking his head and laughing at a number of people calling him “daddy”. “Album 3 is almost finished guys, you’ll be hearing something soon.” He says ending with a wink, knowing everyone hates that word.
I click on the comment box and start typing “where’s your girlfriend???’’ I laugh at the thought of his reaction. Everyone then points out my comment and I see Shawn’s eyes crinkle as he begins to smile. “My girlfriend?” Shawn laughs, he taps his pointer finger on his chin and furrows his eyebrows as he pretends to think, “She’s here somewhere,” Shawn says as he pushes himself off from the couch, “let’s go find her!” 
I hear footsteps pacing downstairs, running back and forth pretending he doesn’t know where I am, “Babe!” his yell echoing upstairs, I see him look at the camera and smiles as he begins to run up the stairs. I hide underneath the blanket with my phone waiting for him to find me. I turn down my volume so he can’t hear himself talking from my phone. I hear his footsteps at the front of my bedroom door and see him smile as he flips his camera to show our bed, “I think she's in here somewhere,” he whispers into his phone, “thats weird, I don’t remember making the bed this morning.” he says sarcastically pointing out my frame in the blankets, I cover my mouth to stop from laughing as I watch his face break into a smile.
He slowly begins to take a few steps back then runs towards the bed and jumps onto the spot right next to me as I let out a scream.
“Oh there you are Y/N!” Shawn laughs as he pulls the blanket from my face, he brings his head right next to mine and faces his phone towards us, “I found her guys!” and he places a kiss on my cheek. He wraps his arm around my waist and has the camera face the both of us while we spoon.
“I though I lost you forever!” he says dramatically hugging me tighter, putting his face in the crook of my neck, “I know I thought you’d never find me, then I’d have to find a new musician to date.” I say jokingly, I feel his head lean up and watch him just stare at me and then I let out a laugh, I take his face in my hands and squeeze his cheeks together, smoshing his face. He furrows his brows at me, “Thats not nice.” he fake pouts, “I’m just kidding, I love you.” I say as I kiss his smooshed lips. “I love you to, even if you hide from me sometimes.” he jokes. We share another kiss and then turn back to the live stream and answer questions about his album and our relationship, Shawn’s lifestreams are definitely never boring.
Hey guys! just thought I’d do this little imagine for all you Shawn fans! Feedback is always appreciated! INBOX IS OPEN!! I take Stranger Things requests and The Good Doctor now!
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