#i also gotta figure out a way to draw his scarring
jo-v-ie · 1 year
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mementoasts · 1 year
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jonathan sims head archivist of the magnus institute london
#IM JUST POSTING HIM RANDOMLY BECAUSE I CANNOOOOOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME DRAW ANYONE ELSE. I HAVE APHANTASIA MAN IT'S HARD OUT HERE#i just started season 3 and heard him mention the graying hair i was like hm.. what if i tried drawring some characters.#i'm actually super happy with how he looks... i had some prior inspiration bc i followed one artist who's posted fanart b4--#(which is how i first heard of the series) and so i already kinda had a picture of him in my head bc of that (i love their art sdfghgfdjh)#so i was jus sketchin and i was like.... yeah this looks ok. i wanted his hair to be kinda just pokin up every which way in front--#--because i imagine him constantly running a hand through it. otherwise it'd look nice n tidy. i just sketched til it looked good enough#the eyes were easy because i wanted sharp and tired. the color was just me testin shit out and being like oooo that looks pretty#the outfit..... i just googled some like business casual stuff LOL. i thought it looked nice#bag and flashlight because he's dungeon crawling#he's also filipino for no reason other than i said so#OHHH YEAH freckles. freckles are cute. also worm scars.#i gotta say i didn't wanna put glasses on him but i thought he looked nakey without em.. but also it might be bc i was strugglin w lineart#the glasses make him look younger i think. which is bad!! he needs to look at least 35!!!#i dunno if i have it in me to draw the others;;;;;;;;;; martin i can't figure out a color scheme for-- and tim & sasha.... waauugghhh....#it's hhhhaaardd because when i'm like reading anything i cannot *picture* characters.... i just get like..... a feeling yknow.....#again i already had some vague images for jon (and martin) bc i saw fanart before lol so that's what showed up in my head#i have a good *feeling* of what sasha should look like but i cannot for the life of me draw it....#i keep sketching and going “noo this doesn't look like her” <- i DON'T know what she looks like#i've somehow instead ended up with a sketch that really feels like melanie tho lmao#if you're somehow at the bottom of this long ramble i will send you $500.#the void given form
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meanbossart · 9 months
Just gotta say that the way you draw facial expressions is soooo dynamic, and your art makes me grin with equal feral glee when I see it. 🥰
I love your spooky smiley deranged durge, will you tell me more facts about them?
Thank you so much! And YES i certainly can uuhhh lets see
-In my personal canon he has no name, having first assumed to have forgotten it along with everything else and later being told/figuring out that he renounced any in favor of being called Bhaalspawn, Slayer, Death Bringer, Bhaaling, and any number of edgy titles we hear throughout the game lol he did this pre-tadpole to emphasize his birth-right and deny himself any personal identity. He never picked a name for himself post-tadpole and everyone just refers to him as The Drow, Astarion also calls him his usual pet names.
-He's not necessarily one for luxuries but still likes pretty, ostentatious things, especially jewelry. Pre-tadpole DU drow wore them generously, post-tadpole doesn't understand his own fascination, but he likes wearing rings and holds some sentimentality for specific pieces. (he never threw away the "magic" ring he stole from the tiefling child in act 1)
-Every expression of love and affection he had pre-tadpole came out pretty twisted, but with this in mind he very much adored Orin, though you would never guess it from seeing how they interacted with each other.
-The patterned scars on his chest, face and neck were mostly self inflicted (the rest he had Orin's help for). The one's on his arms were an "accident" kinda but he still put them there willingly (and gleefully lol)
-He has a borderline irrational hatred for drow women. He hates drows in general, though mostly because they're uptight and snobby and less so because of, yknow, all the slavery and child killing etc.
-Despite looking evil as hell he's very much morally neutral post-tadpole. He's pretty much a "do what you have to do to survive" kind of guy - and sometimes a "because i want to" kind of guy lol.
-He thinks very highly of himself which makes him overly bold. This got him through the whole campaign and destroying the brain but it also makes him a huge liability LOL its also a source of conflict in his and Astarion's relationship because he lowkey doesn't think Astarion can make it without him - he continuously and completely fails to realize how this is an issue.
-The only other people he has respect for and trusts are Shadowheart, Astarion and Jaheira. Ironically these are all people he didn't get along with well at all at the start.
-He's kind of a hopeless romantic, he's just weird about it. He's pretty much picked Astarion as his person and kind of devotes his life to him now, sometimes to a troubling extent.
-I'm writing a whole story that takes place post-game here where you can gleam a lot more about his character and learn things that i can't share yet because it would be a spoiler hint hint nudge nudge
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chaos-lioness · 1 year
Happy Rosh Hashana guys have some marker experiments with my new favorite Jewish character of all time, Brian Jeeter. And Krejjh!!! ID below, lengthy design decision ramblings below that :)
[ID: A marker drawing of Krejjh and Jeeter from The Strange Case of the Starship Iris. Jeeter is a light-skinned human with short curly hair. Krejjh is an alien with four arms and mid-length hair in elaborate braids. They are lying on a mattress together with their arms and legs overlapping, partly covered by a blanket. Krejjh is face down and their limbs are spread out across most of the mattress. They are drawn in purple. Jeeter is face up and smiling slightly in his sleep, and drawn in blue. He has visible top surgery scars and oxygen tubing leads from under his nose to a machine beside the mattress. Also on the floor are two pager-like devices, a pile of notes and books, and a tablet showing two figures in elaborate hats. END ID]
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Marker test number two has been marginally successful!! Still trying to figure out how best to get a degree of smoothness. My main regret with this is Krejjh’s sleeping position honestly. ‘Krejjh is exhausted flops face down and takes up the whole bed’ is, I maintain, a hilarious idea. But now we can’t see them smiling back at Jeeter! Their fancy braids are supposed to be a Dwarnian thing, I wanted to give them something appearance wise that could have cultural significance. I figured Dwarnians might have a variety of hair textures just like humans, so I wanted to go with something that works similarly for lots of different types of hair. I have them on a mattress to drive home the makeshift way they’re using the new ship (I intended this to be set mid season 2). The stuff on the floor is supposed to be coms, linguistics research, and everyone’s favorite Dwarnian soap. Also, big thanks to @high-voltage-rat for answering my hopefully spoiler free vague questions, this was a good drawing to have a resident Biomed Person for! Believe it or not a lot of work went into figuring out where Krejjh’s extra arms should go that would not have been possible without her anatomy textbooks and well-informed suggestions. (The muscles for the bottom arms are upside-down versions of the musculature in human shoulders (and Krejjhs’s top arms) if anyone was wondering. Also the bone structure is behind their digestive organs, so their stomach pokes out more than a human’s… which you could also see if I chose their sleeping position better. Alas.) Also for telling me enough that I could Google the right words to figure out an oxygen tank but Future but like the Right Amount of future. (The nose piece is name dropped so I left that pretty much unchanged, but rat said you’d usually need pressurization at night so the ‘tank’ is a little more flexible and technologically advanced than what we have right now in the real world. So it can act like a cpap and it squishes but you still gotta lug it around, keeping it nice and cannon aligned.) Finally, they’re so uh. Scantily covered because the ship is allegedly kept at 37 degrees… which for a while I thought was Celsius but maybe it’s Fahrenheit?? Anyway. 37 Celsius is really warm. So. It was the only logical way.
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So on the TLT Discord, after posting the sketches of Zero and Rust, Nethie and Cage both mentioned swimsuits (context: I censored Rust in his boxers because i didnt know if it was too risqué)-- Nethie saying specifically the official tour posters. To be honest, i forgot about those outfits and wanted to do something with them so here's a WIP (I put a divider cause this is long-ish):
For this post I'm going to use he/him//his pronouns for the Tombsonas btw!
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Contexr: While taking a break from surfing, Zero found out the hard way why Tesla avoids going into water that has living creatures in it. So, Zero being Zero, decides to poke the sleeping bear (quite literally) even more and enjoys being shocked by Tesla.... Who is debating if he wants to see if he can kill Zero using a ballpoint pen.
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Rust helped Armstrong out of the water and found out that Army had made a few new friends; much to Army's excitement and dismay (he can't get them off of his diver's suit)
Also debating what tats. to add to Rust, so im open to ideas! Nothing on his arms or neck-- otherwise all my old art would bother me lmfao [This also reminded me that I've gotta make a ref for his piercings and scars--and where he has grey body hair (because it's where there was old scaring!)]
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Spoilers for Doc's section of the "Chosen" comic, by the way, so skip this section if you don't want spoilers lol.
After seeing Doc just staring out at the water; not in a gazing in awe or fun way either, just staring. Zelimir decided to ask if Doc wanted to, quote, "-join him". Not being specific enough with his words, Zel finds out that Doc can manipulate water*. After a few moments, Zelimir explains that he meant to join him swimming not... whatever Doc was doing. Of course, Doc knew that Zel wanted that but figured it would be fun to mess around with him (plus, Marshall may be a tad bit afraid of swimming).
Drawing Doc as the canon model is so strange-- or well mostly canon (I'll never draw him without hair unless it is for a shitpost). Like having his normal outfit is so weird to me lmao
*During the Chosen comic "Survive" , when Marshall ends up joining with Doc, the mob who'd been attempting to murder Marshall (... let's be honest here, less normal just murder and probably more like linch Marshall) was drowned to death by Doc. Meaning Doc has to have some sort of water/muck manipulation abilities--even if it just cause Doc was living there. (Here's that panel btw- this is why I love Marshall and Doc)
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So yeah that's about it! I plan to add more to the drawing (hence the weird cropping) and will *probably* resketch all of these but I figured it was worth sharing lmao
I also found out that i struggle less to draw feet if i draw animal paws eith the raised heel (like where they are on their front toes ina fursuit type thing) and then add a heel 💀 lmfao
Thanks for reading and looking at my work! Much love yall! /pos
(Also here's the poster with the swimwear in question-)
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Also one more thing- It is absolutely HILARIOUS to me that Doc is in his 100% normal gear/outfit when going to the beach. No swimsuit- sunglasses- or even just like a flower lei; no, he's in his black (p)leather jacket, black jeans, an arm wrap, black boots, a black hat, and (the only extra thing) a black umbrella. Hopefully Tombsonas can't have a heatstroke lmfaooo
Okay I'm done yapping I swear lmfao
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shovson · 10 months
vampire au stuff about bites, vampirism, and also turning in the little f1 coven sorry i want to ramble and i don't feel like drawing what im trying to convey so u get this....
(incoherent, includes ferlando (im sorry.....))
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i did an old halloween drawing about my vampire au because there are some different ways of how vampires can become vampires in my lore
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vampires were originally aliens from another planet, very similar to earth. not much is known about that planet due to the first vampires not really saying much about it, wanting to simply settle into their new homes. idk how to transition from older vampires to newer ones yet...... many of the first vampires have disappeared due to hunting but few remain alive, but they stay hidden. because of this, to newer vampires, they have a legendary status with some myths and stories tied into their origin and power.
the modern vampire is far from the original aliens, most of them were bitten and turned.
humans can be turned via a bite. bites on the neck and bites on the wrist are the most common and other bites are seen as odd.
bites via the neck indicate an extemely close bond among two people. romantic or queerplatonic. the mark is out there, uncovered, a representation of the devotion a pair may (or previously may) have). bites like these can be a source of happiness and loyalty for the person or often a bitter scar and reminder of the past relationships that have gone. the people on the grid with this bite are: lance (bitten by prev lover), george (bitten by current lover), esteban (by current lover), there's gotta be more but it's not coming to me right now
bites on the wrist are either by friends or strangers. sometimes they represent someone who was turned by force. they're more hidden (some drivers choose to hide it via a watch or jewellery) and usually don't mean much to people, though not always.
covens (usually larger ones) may have a person designated to turn new members once they join. these people are called guides.
the f1 coven (name tba....) demands all drivers who come into the sport be turned within a year. they're willing to make exceptions for extensions but the harassment of christian horner and toto gets so fucking annoying most drivers will turn to be left alone. the current guide is lando norris, given to him by fernando who was the guide until his retirement. fernando also turned lando and they share a complicated but fun bond.
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some vampires are born, usually by two vampire parents and very rarely by vampire/human relations. vampire/human vampires are extremely rare as their children (dhampirs) are closer to human than vampire. for a vampire to be born of that bond is practically a miracle.
born vampires age like humans and can choose when they stop aging (i guess slow down...havent decided). when vampires feel that moment, they must go to a religious figure (most vampires choose the devil but not all) to ask and confirm their decision. a lot of vampires choose to be young (and a lot regret that) but not always (like toto). some born vampires may have powers that their turned counterparts may not have. not always though.
the end
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revan-escence · 2 years
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“...After Moff Xerxian failed to quell an uprising on the Imperial-conquered world of Sullust, the man was summoned to a private audience with Darth Marr. After the meeting, Xerxian dictated a letter of resignation and shot himself, leading to many rumors about what had happened. The most predominant one was that the Sith Lord had removed his mask and allowed Xerxian to view his supposedly ruined face.”
Merry Chistmas y’all, I’m back with a drawing I made while hiding from my family these festive holidays. I’m also trying to download SWTOR on my laptop and it’s stuck about 60% of the way through. Hopefully I shall play again!
Decided to re-do the headcanon I have for Darth Marr’s face, I’m ignoring the wookieepedia part that says he’s a Human because I find Sith Pureblood characters to be in short supply on the Dark Council, they should be everywhere with their elitism. Also I think they’re neat. Also I think that lightsaber scars should be more common and horrifying because a weapon that cauterises your face immediately should be terrifying to go against- and if Marr supposedly has a ruined face enough to spark such a rumour, it gotta be horrifying. Also I think they’re neat.
Also massive thanks to @nusaran for helping me figure out what I was doing with the scar colouration, I was stuck on it for ages!!!!!
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notknickers · 1 year
aww thank you. I'm still learning to draw scars. I defo need to make time for more studies. (we both gotta buckle down)
oh man. fanart, if done well and a lot can get me to do almost anything. seeing fanart of Ghost back in November 2022 is what got me into this fandom in the first place.
I'm a bit picky with headcanons but yh. im fully aware a lot of them are just watered down to be vessals for our kinks and affection. At the end of the day. they'er our silly made up blurbos U///U but yh theirs defo gaps in these guys's personalities that we can fill in (which is what we're doing now lol from the short bios we're given)
fanart (nsfw) and audio of these blurbos together. I'm waiting on my lounge chair right now to be presented to me.
hey man. Rivals to lovers makes sense. I'm stumped with who would make the first move though. becasue like you said, both of them aren't the most affectionate of people and don't trust too quickly; at least on the battlefield. like they could respect each other on the battlefield and stuff. but to get them vunerable to love hmmmmm. might need to bend like a pretzal for either of them to act on their feelings even in the most subtle ways… unless we have one of them a lil more unhinged in this department. claps hands* What if Konig is the more unhinged one and Ghost just doesn't know how to handle his feelings or Konig, like, does anyone really wanna make the over 6 foot tall batterying ram upset. Anything can happen in delulu land
my fanart is literally made up shit if you were dating Ghost ooc XD
love that the whole fandom are in on the joke of eldritch/ocotpuss/cathulu Konig since the chibi drawings of him look like a cute octopuss and the bio updating and saying His hood hides something more hideous. I'll check out your fic….(hehe heat cycles)
btw. sorry for the late reply. fell asleep after work (¯﹃¯) also I'm bad with writing hehe
hey, don't worry. life outside the machine takes precedence! plus, sleep is gooood, rest to your brain while increasing your chances of dreaming of your blorbos! it's a win-win, but thanks for replying.
now i must absolutely write that eldritch!könig/civilian!ghost fic! i have so many ideas that i left xeno!könig and his tentacles aside for a while, but after i've dealt with the five different colonel!könig/recruit!dommy mummy!reader and colonel!könig/tmale!base medic, perhaps i'll have some time to figure it out!
oh! don't even say it! today i was all excited about a fanart idea i had while at work, then i was confronted with the reality of actually drawing it... what an ice cold shower!!!
i'll get back to it as soon as i get over the trauma! but good luck with your studies, you're already ahead!
pretty pixel vessels!!! i am also very nitpicky. in fact, i've noticed, the more concrete an idea i develop of könig, the less open i am to changing interpretation (even though i still like reading others'!)
the only thing i am glad about entering the fandom when i did is that i initially conceinved this blog as a magnus archives fanblog. if it started as a könig simp blog, i would probably have called myself something like... königsheftyballs or something and i'm so grateful that didn't happen. im' much happier as a jaredhopworthsknickers!
and yes, smutty ghost fanart was my gateway drug.
(i don't know if i remembered linking you the fic in question that sold me over the ghostsoap ship, but it was this one.)
for the audio, it's easy. here's the link and happy listening! (very nsfw, very explicit). it's one hundred percent out of my headcanons: no, könig the forty-plus-year-old colonel is not simon 'ghost' riley who got his mask at a hot topic or halloween costume shop's little bitch.
time to pull ranks on that one!
(still, enjoyable listening and great voice acting, though!)
true, but them being affiliated with opposing factions opens up interesting scenarios: could either be captured by the other? could that mean the the captured is assigned to the capturer for intel extraction or other expedient? could it be that each finds out that the other is way less sadistic and more compassionate and simply human and matter-of-fact than they initially thought, which changes the mutual way they see each other, while still being wary, because of their curcumstantial enmity?
commonalities? they are both masked, they both have something to hide, something that hurts to this day, the need to create someone who can endure interfacing themselves with the world and its demands while their tender cores still reel and recover, but that they can put aside, when they're alone, to catch breath and regain their whole selves or, the opposite, feel incapable to abandon even when no one is around, as they have become too fragmented.
just throwing ideas around, but there is so much to dig up.
their similarities might draw them to one another: could they have finally found someone who gets it? could they afford to be a little vulnerable, to show a little bit of their soft bellies and hope not to be stabbed from side to side?
but, being enemies who work for different factions with different goals surely would stand in the way: if trusting and opening up is harrowing and dreadful, doing so with an enemy operator can be outright fatal... so much at stake, but what if this were the only chance they have at genuine human connection? a friendship? comfort in wach other's bodies? darethey hope for more? are they delusional? is the imprisonment getting to them?
re: your ooc fanart: and that's brilliant all the same! my latest fanart was nothing but an excuse to put könig in a skimpy little outfit and parade him around! if you like ooc ghost dating your insert, do more of it!!!!!!
i always laugh when someone comes along, thinking themselves smart by pointing out that "well, akshually ghost and könig would never date in canon", because you're in the wrong place, luv. go play the game, write/draw your canon-compliant stuff or only interact with fic and fanartists who are as attached to canon as you, but stop yucking in everyone's yum. it's called fandom, not candom.
i will go on a perilous mission to find all the ghost/könig artists i can and report back, sir! yes, sir!
(by which i mean, i will write you in the inbox or leave the links in the dms, so you'll find them when you have time. no hurry!)
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ruby-static · 2 years
Reading up on Mira lore and I gotta say that I really like their bond with Lena! That said, how does "The Phantom and the Sorceress!" fit with Mira present? If they're Lena's mentor, then wouldn't Webby and Violet take her to them, or is she too embarrassed and/or stubborn to go to them for help?
Ohhh man I've been thinking about that actually-
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My idea has been that they originally go to Mira for help, but it turns out he's been having the same problems with Phantom Blot as well. (Given that his role in a dangerous prophecy makes him a 'magical threat' in Blot's eyes.) He reveals that he recently had a run-in with Phantom Blot, and nearly got his ass kicked, so he's trying to figure out how to stop him as well. And sadly, not much yet.
So Mira can help Lena with her magic like usual, yeah- But with all of them basically in the same boat about Blot, there's really only one other person they know that could have any idea how to take out this guy- and that’s Magica.
Neither him or Lena like this at all, but Mira promises to have the group's back and begrudgingly helps Magica train Lena. But the two are constantly butting heads while doing so.
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Seriously, these two would be at each other’s throats-
When Blot finally comes around for the final showdown, Mira is also a bit of a target of Blot. (Y’know. Magic. Prophecy bs.) But thankfully Lena manages to take blot down as in the episode. And from Mira’s perspective, seeing Lena unlock her true magic gives him a little hope about his own situation.
…Which is near immediately ruined by things going horribly wrong for Mira directly after. (Which is a plot line I’ve mentioned here and there where Talon finds a way to capture/control Mira, leading towards the escape/rescue that ends in him getting his eye scar.)
So yeah- It’s a hell of a lot of fun to think about it, and I’d love to develop it a little further! “The Phantom and the Sorceress!” is one of my favourite episodes of the series, so it’s just kinda neat imagining my weird little dude being a part of it. (And so glad you like Mira and Lena’s dynamic! I need to draw more of them so damn bad-)
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@spacecatdet​ @bluiex​ Sadly, I'm not an artist nor am I good at describing visual looks of people. Also I didn't really put too much thought into the fungi choice it was just "poisonous mushroom? ok good" lol. Also my sporelingsona makes some assumptions on the Father/Mother Spore AU so unless it's approved by you two, at a baseline this is an au because afaik some of these concepts are not universally canon among the various different spore au's. (i.e. Scar & Grian having kids which are ‘royal sporelings’) Also his story is way angstier than I intended LMAO... Oops? I really just wanted to make him just an ordinary caretaker/protector kinda guy but I guess I wanted to be quirky :P
My sporelingsona's name is Telperion. However, it was not always that. The boy before Telperion is long gone, and when he wasn't - he was a nobody. He grew up in the poorer part of town that was overlooked by many mayors of the district. Though the new mayor, Mumbo, was making a significantly better effort than his predecessors it wasn't enough to get the young ones life out of the gutter. His parents vanished early on, and he lived on scraps and the desperate hope that one day his parents would return. They wouldn't, not ever. Eventually, one week he did not gather enough pity from the more fortunate townsfolk to get by, and in a fit of dejected delirium, ran off into the forest where everyone was warned not to go, by way of people vanishing mysteriously. He ran and he ran, until he collapsed face first into- was this grass purple? And writhing? He didn't know. He saw figures surround him, but when they saw someone on the cusp of adulthood, clearly struggling - on a path which end was drawing closer, they let down their guard. They beckoned their Father, who's heart panged for the young one and he held out his hand, deadly gaseous wisps flowing out from him. For a moment, the scene looked familiar. Sitting low on the ground, with a tall man reaching his hand down. It felt like home. It felt like his dad found his way home, though he knew the Father wasn't his. (Not yet, at least.) Uncaring of the consequences, he held out a shaky hand and joined the hivemind.
Thus, Telperion was born.
Now, onto what the actual 'sona is. His associated fungi is the Green-spored parasol - Chlorophyllum molybdites. There are many small growths on his body, but there is a large one on the left side of his head, angled as if it were a classy wide-brim hat. He wears a mixture of grey, pick and gold, with the most notable article of clothing being a long, pink scarf that trails to the floor. It's loose enough that it frees his neck to allow shrooms to grow and spores to spread from his neck and it's settled nicely on the canopy of shrooms on his shoulders. Mycelium has woven in the thread of the scarf, reinforcing its durability and allowing him to control it like a tentacle - mostly used for defense.
Speaking of defense, because of his lack of supportive figures in the past, he has taken up the role of a caretaker, and will watch over, guide and protect newly-turned sporelings, or sporelings born amongst their citizens. Normally if they are threatened, he will attempt to subdue and restrain - though, not without violence - the intruder before either turning them or questioning Father or Mother for their fate. However, due to his loyalty and respect to Father Spore for personally saving him, if a royal sporeling (direct offspring of Father and Mother Spore) is among those he is watching for that day - whether they are simply in the group or he is specifically tasked to watch over them specifically - he will abandon all pretense of trying to add to their ranks and assault with extreme prejudice until they are nothing more than a feast for his ravenous charges. I mean, he’s a caretaker. Gotta feed the kids ;) Notes: I just reread the hivemind post and it specifically says “You have been turned by the mycelium and now a sporeling. We want to see what you look like!” so oops on that front, this is based off my OC that I made when I was like 12 and I’ve been running with it since because... why not lol?
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this is what my gaudy MC skin looks like so imagine a big ass parasol shroom on his head, a long ass mycelium ridden scarf, more realistic clothing and that’s pretty much him 
also im sparkle anon hi
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sunsproutgarden · 9 months
GRAHHH I gotta post these age regressor uf!papyrus hc ramblings some where outside of like. One person
Okay so.. the way I write him is like he's built this whole.. wall, lets say. This mask to survive his hostile, violent, and fearful environment. He's always appearing so tough, strong, and resilient, as physically evident by his abilities in combat and the scar earned from asgore. But as with anyone, this wall is temporary and cannot last, no matter how much he tries to make it so.
Because he had to live in an ever worsening underground, as well as taking up a position in the royal guard in his youth (personal hc it was his teen years) he never really got to or hardly remember what it's like to be a kid or even be taken care of and protected, instead, he has to take up that mantle and be everyone else's protector on a near daily basis.
On the days he's just so worn down and stressed out, be it for job reasons or stress from trauma, he locks himself in his room so that he can have complete sanctuary.. removing himself from his usual garb to wear pajamas and read comic books and play with the action figures stashed under his bed. I like to think he also has a little sketchbook that he scribbles in and writes little blurbs to vent his feelings about that day or about the subject of the drawing.
Though if he's not engaging in hobbies to destress, then he's curled up in his bed quietly sobbing to himself, wrapping his old blanket so tightly around himself that his clawed hands threaten to tear the fabric. I feel like he'd also be the type to hug pillows if he falls asleep in a regressed state (most plushies are too small for him to hug in a way that helps him)
Absolutely no one knows of this side of himself apart from sans (and me if this is my selfship au) and he refuses, outright denies any help from him. Will even deny that he even does it because it's just way too vulnerable to even talk to him about. "WHY WOULD I NEED TO BE CARED FOR, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO?? I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF."
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luvsavos · 11 months
Oh damn…yeah on the “Aiden has killed a guy” thing we definitely disagree 😅 I gotta say, the concept of turning INTO an Elder Dragon is seriously something else…and it’s so neat that you also LOTG…I was like “hey how come at the end Aiden’s a solemn and then you see him at the beginning of World and he’s like “heyyyyy”. And she’s like “probably trying to be cool”. Still love how he sees you sitting alone and is like “absolutely not :)” ah, hold on, lemme continue this in another ask 😅
worry not this is absolutely wonderful i love talking in depth/length about characters like this<3
honestly my main backing for saying he's had to kill someone is two things: a) i like to make my faves suffer and having to kill another person would weigh VERY heavily on aiden, b) guild knights already do that as is, so while it's definitely FAR more likely that aiden was tasked with Just going around to help protect people, it Is a possibility and i use that to my advantage to make him suffer<3 i'd say he's fine but [gently pats the top of his head] this bad boy can fit so much repressed trauma in it LMAO
aiden was, i believe, the second instance of someone getting poofed into an elder dragon by vodrem; everyone else was just normal monsters (shang was an anjanath, and ended up keeping the alt form because he looked like the anja that raised him, the admiral was a tigrex, the huntsman was an acidic glavenus, the tracker was an odogaron, the seeker was the other elder dragon, an eo garudia; i don't THINK there were others but this was over a year ago and my memory is fuzzy</3 achilles also ended up getting poofed into an elder dragon at some point after the guild arc part 2, a xeno and then safi'jiiva, after aiden got spooked back into the fatalis form and let him drain some of his energy to speed up the molting process. he also ended up keeping the safi form, albeit by choice, so now he's just kinda this fucked up Black Dragon Lite™️ safi with primarily black colouration and dark red mottling and purple energy, i actually have a drawing i did of it somewhere as a ref for my friend, he is Very Pretty😌) i chose fatalis primarily because of how heavily i associate aiden with fatty (thanks iceborne) but also since i thought itd be interesting to explore a kind and outgoing and bubbly character like him grappling with the innate violence and rage of a fatalis... yet again making him suffer LMAO. to give him credit, he's done a good job at it, mostly because he typically just ends up being an oversized skittish cat who refuses to actually use any of the fatalis capabilities (save for flying, which he does admittedly enjoy). pancaketalis<3 i'll draw him fatalis'ed eventually, once i figure out how to texture the burn scars since they wouldn't be all that visible bc of the black scales
i definitely see aiden as the kind of person who doesn't, like, really Want to Let others see any solemness or whatnot from him most of the time; he's energetic, excitable, social and outgoing, and wants to maintain that---he doesn't want people to worry over him, i think. after all, he's usually the one that's trying to cheer everyone else up and support them, which may sort of be a way to try to deal with his own issues, in a way? me too buddy me too
i also adore how he's introduced in world, i think it's part of what got me to like him so much tbh. him immediately gravitating towards the one person sitting alone that didn't appear to have anyone else but their palico around with them, because everyone should feel included and welcomed, and while everyone else is already eating and talking away the player character is just sorta There, so of course, he strikes up a conversation, because that's what he does<3 nobody gets left out or left behind
(sidenote: i love that the fatalis pre-cutscene mirrors the intro cutscene. chefs fucking kiss im so normal about that)
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21stcenturygworl · 2 years
Girl you've unleashed a monster 💀 It's currently 4:00 am and I just had an idea for a request do here am I! Also I saw the different caracther ask so this one is for the John Marston enjoyers.
Also I send a previous ask but I don't know if it actually sent it so answer this one just in case cause I revised the text in this one while the past one was probably a mess .
So this John is John after the gang slip up. John is in town doing things that a man working on a ranch would do like buy supplies and honestly just being a normal man for once when he notices a person looking very intensively at him. At first he's like "Do they recognise me from the gang?" but dismiss the thought when they see they're drawing something. And no-one would take time of their day to draw John so the person is probably painting something else and John is just being paranoid.
Fast forward some time and our man John is out in town when he spots a crowd forming near a building. And let's be honest he is bored so he goes to investigate. So apparently it's an art exhibition and look John has never been an art guy but a voice that resembles Hosea too much urges John to go take a look cause "it's never too late to have culture". So in he goes. John is looking around and yes some nice landscapes, pretty flowers and wait hold up is that a protrait of him? And well if it's not that's a shame cause it resembles John to a t, scars and all. And ok John has a mixed reaction to this. He's a wanted ex gang member and having his face anywhere is a danger but also he can't help to be flattered. And wow great timing is that the artist? John's goes up to them and he's like " Honest I'm flattered but I feel like I have to mention I have a wife and a son." And the artist is like "Oh I know." And points at another painting. It's Abigail and Jack.
Now your turn :)
this has been in my inbox for like, idk, a century IM SO SORRY TO HAVE KEPT YOU WAITING... but I'm here now bestie
i hope you enjoy!!
Picture Perfect
John Marston x Abigail Marston (mentioned)
John rolls his shoulders after the sack of cracked corn hits the wooden bed of the wagon with a thud. Oh, he knows the ladies back at the farm are gonna love this. The “ladies” being the chickens, of course. The distance he has to ride to town just to get supplies is a pain, but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. Living an honest life is hard work, surprisingly.
Some part of him had always thought a “normal” life would all be easier, like a dream come true. The idea of being able to walk around without fear of being attacked or having to watch his back all the time had been a long-held desire. But, as he slowly acclimatised to his new life, he began to realise that perhaps it was not easier, nor more difficult than his old life was. It was just… different. He supposes that it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but rather a new experience that’s testing his limits and strengths in different ways. Although it’s still not at all what he had expected, he’s determined to make the most of it, learning lessons along the way.
John's moment of quiet reflection is quickly forgotten when he senses a presence watching him. He turns, scanning the area for any signs of who it could be, and then he spots her. Sitting in the shade of the awning in front of the baker's shop, she holds his gaze for a moment, before her eyes quickly dart away. It's almost as if she was expecting him to notice her. His brow furrows. She doesn’t look familiar. But it’s such a distance, maybe he should get closer just to be sure…
He feels himself physically relax when he notices she’s drawing. He looks to his side, figuring she was staring at the horses rather than at him. Arthur used to draw animals all the time as well. Hell, he’d be sitting just like that woman is, eyes darting up and down between paper and subject.
A sigh through his nostrils escapes him, followed by a smile appearing on his face. Well, that was a long time ago. Unfortunately, he’s going to have to take the subjects of the drawing with him. He climbs into the driver’s seat of the wagon. With the reins in hands, he begins the long journey home.
The next time John returns to town, he’s in a sour mood. This is due in part to the frequent arguments he’s been having with Abigail. Things have been tough lately — the two of them keep struggling to see eye to eye on many issues, and John is doing his best to keep it all at the back of his mind.
For now, it’s just him and his horse, and just for the afternoon he’d like to keep it that way.
Once his trusty steed has been seen to, with ample water and shade provided, John ventures further into town on foot to carry out his errands. As he goes about his way, he notices that one of the buildings he has been past many times before has now attracted a large crowd of people around its entrance. Intrigued, he steps a little closer to see what’s going on. As he gets closer, he can hear the excited chatter from the crowd and can tell that something special must be happening. Which is surprising for a sleepy town like this, honestly.
He pushes his way through the throng to get a better look, and to his surprise, he sees an art exhibition.
Here, in all places? John nearly scoffs at the idea.
Yet his feet betray him, staying firmly planted in the ground instead of walking away. John looks at the entrance to the building from under the brim of his hat. Smiling people exit the building as they enthuse about the pieces on display.
Ah, to Hell with it. Entry is free, anyway.
John takes off his hat and steps inside the building. It’s nothing like he’s used to. He’s never been the “artistic” type — that was Arthur, even though not many people knew it. Still, even John can tell that the person who made these paintings and illustrations put a lot of love into them. The walls are decorated with vibrant landscapes, still lives, portraits, and other works depicting the simplicity and beauty of… life. The room is filled with people admiring the artwork. John takes in the scene with a sense of wonder and awe.
He meanders through the exhibition, taking in the various pieces of art. He stops to admire a painting of a horse, which reminds him of his own horse waiting for him just outside. He can’t help the smile on his face. Then he moves on to the next piece.
To his surprise, he sees himself staring right back at him.
John blinks at the bizarre sight. That’s him. No doubt about it. From his clothes to his hair to the scars and — does he really make a brooding face like that?
Other visitors seem to have noticed, whispering with intrigued smiles when they see John looking at the portrait of himself.
“Oh!” a voice calls out from behind John. “Um, this is a pleasant surprise, I must say.”
John whips around and finds himself face to face with the woman he’d seen weeks ago. She smiles up at him. With a cheery voice she introduces herself, telling him her name. She’s the artist of this exhibition.
“I’m— I’m John Marston,” he responds, stumbling over his words. He gestures at the portrait behind him. “You painted me.”
The artist clasps her hands together. “I did! I hope you take no offence?”
John shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips despite the confusion. “No, no offence. I’m just… surprised.” He looks back at the portrait. It’s amazing. He can’t believe someone was able to capture him so accurately.
“Do you like it?” she asks, her eyes searching his face for approval… or something.
Awkwardly, John shifts his weight on his feet. He’s a little unsure of what to do with his hands. Suddenly he’s very, very aware of how there are many other people at this exhibition, of which many are watching his interaction with the artist. “Yeah, I do. I’m real flattered,” he begins, still trying to find the right words to say. He clears his throat, then lowers his voice, “I just… Erm… I’ve got a wife, and a kid…”
“Oh! Oh, I know!” the artist says to his surprise. She turns around, then points at another set of paintings towards the other side of the room. “I painted them too.”
John takes a few steps forward and sees the two portraits of Abigal and Jack, their faces bright and smiling. And there’s one painting of the three of them together, with John standing next to a wagon with his arm around Abigail. Jack is seated in the wagon.
His heart swells in his chest and his throat tightens, causing him to take a deep breath.
“I’ve seen the three of you in town together many times. You always seem so happy,” the artist tells him, wearing a wistful smile. “A picture perfect family. I… wanted to capture that.”
John leaves the art exhibition later, with a swirl of emotions that leave him feeling somewhat perplexed and overwhelmed. He can’t quite make sense of all the feelings surging through him, but deep down he knows one thing for certain: errands be damned. He’s going home to hug his wife and son.
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Together Again
In Backspace, Emerald has set up a meeting that will make both groups happier because they have what the other needs. Emerald forgot to mention one key difference.
Callisto/Prophis (1195 words) 
“It’s not exactly common for a Callisto-”
“I’d prefer if you stopped referring to me as ‘a Callisto’.”
“To arrive without his respective Prophis, if they were romantically involved that is.”
“What are you suggesting?” Callisto asks hotly, internally seething at the suggestion that he did not care for Prophis. 
Emerald stops walking before slowly turning to the man. “I’m implying nothing, only stating that your group is stranger than we previously thought.”
“Where are you taking us again?” Glib asks before Callisto can lob a fireball at the shadowed man. 
Emerald glances down at Glib before resuming his walk. “The group that arrived here before you was odd in a similar fashion. It is rare for those romantically involved to not appear together, no matter those in the relationship, and believe me,” Emerald casts a glance over their shoulder at the group trailing behind them, “I have seen some odd pairings.” 
The party gives each other questioning looks, minds wandering to the worse outcomes of these romantic pairings before Emerald draws their attention back. “But it is not only the romantic loss that sets your group dynamic apart.” They stop in front of a bulkhead door and the raspy-voiced individual turns to them, an almost optimistic look on their dark face. “You are also missing a close friend.” Although none of the group says anything, the mood of the room dampens as they separately grieve S.G.
Without another word, Emerald slides a card across a scanner, a green light blinks rapidly, and the door opens as the sound of air decompressing echoes through the quiet corridor. The heavy door slowly opens, and Emerald steps through followed closely by Callisto, Glib, and Goodbid. 
Standing in the middle of the room is a group of three people, two of which talk in hushed almost aggressive voices while the third stands to the side of one, face obscured but posture uncomfortable.
“I’m just saying, don’t get your hopes up,” the S.G. variant hisses. They look identical to their S.G. except for a jagged, lightning-strike-shaped scar that runs the length of their face, fanning over the majority of it. If the changeling had facial features, the scar would have horribly distorted them or made them unusable. 
“And I’m saying that there is nothing wrong with a bit of optimism,” Prophis says. His hair is braided loosely and pulled to the side, strands of chaos magic glistening in the light. He is dressed identically to the other Prophis, but his eyes are tired, more so than their Prophis’.
“Um, guys?” the third figure speaks up, though his face is obstructed as he half hides behind Prophis, his nervous tone is clear. “They’re here.”
Callisto stands slack-jawed as the other two men step in around him. Emerald shuts the door and walks to the center of the room, allowing the two groups to stare at each other for a moment before he speaks, “Considering your backgrounds are extremely alike, with only a few notable differences,” he nods to the figure still hiding behind Prophis, “the council and I decided that it would be in both parties best interest to combine your groups.” He looks between them before nodding to himself, satisfied. “I’ll leave you to get orientated.” The room goes dark followed by heavy footsteps and the lights come back to an Emerald-less room. 
A heavy silence permeates the room before Goodbid takes off his hat and steps forward. “Ain’t no reason to beat around the bush,” he says bluntly before his smile softens at the edges. “We know who you are, and you know who we are, but I gotta ask, who is that hidin’ behind ya?” 
S.G. and Prophis give each other uncomfortable glances but the person behind Prophis slowly steps out. He is an air genasi with long white hair, tied back in a similar way that Prophis used to wear his hair. He is wearing a tight black long-sleeved shirt, simple black cargo pants, and work boots. Sticking out of random pockets are numerous tools and the genasi’s face is streaked with oil and soot, making it clear that he was working on a machine before coming to this meeting. On his back is a sword that strikes the party as familiar, but they can’t place where they’ve seen it before. 
“Hi,” his voice shakes as he throws a glance at Prophis, making sure the man is still there before gaining more confidence and making eye contact with Callisto. “I’m Reylias, and I’m your son.” 
The dark-haired man stares at Reylias, mouth agape before Glib starts laughing.
“God, I wish S.G. was here to see your face!” he gasps, doubling over as his entire body convulses.
“Why is that?” S.G. asks, voice clearly skeptical.
“Because when we met Reylias, S.G. gaslit him into thinking that his dad was Callisto!” Glib explains as he straightens back up. “He almost believed it too.” Goodbid and S.G. cackle as Callisto, Prophis, and Reylias still look at each other like anxious animals. 
“Father was never fond of hugs,” Reylias says quietly, “but I had to watch him die without the chance to tell him goodbye.” He looks back to Prophis who nods encouragingly. “And I know that I am not your son, but.” he takes a deep breath and rushes out, “I was hoping to get a hug from you.”
Callisto stands stock still as the room waits for his reaction. Callisto suddenly surges forward and draws the genasi into a tight hug, burying one hand into his hair to pull his head down. Reylias collapses most of his body weight onto the smaller man as he wraps his arms tightly around him. Callisto rubs a soothing hand down the taller’s back as they both breathe raggedly. 
Callisto laughs as he pulls Reylias’ face away and cradles it into his hands.
“We always wanted a child,” he says with more emotion than anyone -other than Prophis- has ever heard from him. He kisses Reylias’ temple as tears streak down his cheeks. “I’m glad I finally have one.” He releases the taller’s face and pulls him into his side as he turns his attention to Prophis who has begun to silently cry. “Come here, my dear.” He holds out a hand which Prophis takes. “There are many stories that need to be shared.” Callisto kisses Prophis -which Reylias jokingly gags at- before they devolve into giggles and tears.
S.G. sneaks past the family reunion and joins Glib and Goodbid whose jaws are sitting on the floor. 
“That was weird, yes?” the changeling says in their heads to which the boys nod. “Do you want to go to the cafeteria and let them have their moment?”
Glib doesn’t respond, but Goodbid slowly turns his head and nods. They quietly sneak out the door as the happy family tells stories from their respective timelines.
“Happy Callisto is the weirdest thing I think I've ever seen,” Glib says once they’ve reached the hallway, “And I saw a Frankie Goodbid making out with a pastel-colored Zalkas while riding a black Warhorse Friday in the breakfast hall.”
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP2
Ah we get the OP this week and that real quick frame of a “game over” screen with our two protags with the options being “continue?” or “kill” is very concerning!
Wait what’s the back of Maru’s hoodie say? “We are neither machines nor..” what? It gets cut off!
The art style keeps changing and honestly I kinda dig it? Especially when it goes line-less, like that once sequence of Kiruko running where it literally looks like she’s chasing her outlines.
I was so focused in trying to figure stuff out that I didn’t really listen to the song.. but I’ll give it another listen now. And I like it.
What’s going on with wheelchair boy’s arm? Is that why we always see him in a bed or wheelchair? Or is this mark a result of something weird?
I’m all for loving whomever you want but aren’t y’all just children?? like that was more than just a simple kiss man!
The hell is with these kids? Last ep it was Taka doing parkour and now this Kuku chick is jumping and clinging to trees like a damn frog.
Why. are kids. sending shower pics. to each other??
Tokio really does have a collection of Kona’s drawings. I’m sure they got some kind of meaning.
What on earth is in the window? Also, this man-eater has a name? Hiruko? What, were they people before?
“She fed us some sort of drug to put us to sleep.” Yeah I thought of that last week too after the fact. Maru fell asleep way too quick for someone who is always up longer than Kiruko, and the inn owner didn’t eat any herself either.
Oh hold up, I can read the back of the hoodie now. “We are neither machines or game pieces.” … That still concerns me greatly! Could they really be part of a game? Or a dream reality? Maybe they got multiple lives? Answers would be GREAT right about now.
That certainly is one hell of a creepy monster, what the fuck? It’s got different attributes of several animals and it has ultrasonic whip things or something?
I love that even in the middle of an intense chase scene they still choose to give our protags some funny faces.
Ah shit, that thing is the lady’s son? That’s why she didn’t want our duo to go out and hunt it..yet she had a huge gun herself.
“I was almost eaten by one, so I know..” Well that explains her scars from before.
Yeaaahh I knew that death was coming. Rest in peace lady. So much for thinking that monster was protecting her.
Aw, I like how Maru accuses Kiruko of only thinking about defeating the monster instead of the lady who just died but turns out she was already shedding tears.
How do you both expect to kill this creature though..? The gun is out of shots and Maru, I know you were strong against those thugs last time, but could your hits really hurt this thing?
… Huh? He touched it and some weird spirit hand went inside it to crush a heart? Maybe? Help??
What was this Great Disaster huh? But damn Kiruko really is bad with numbers, she can’t remember how old she was for anything.
“The only thing I can kill is Hiruko!” Oh is that the collective name of the monsters? I thought it was just the last one individually.
Jesus christ that was such a hard ass fall! Taka has gotta be dead. Or got a concussion or broken something. No way in hell he gets up fine from that.
“There’s a guy with the same face as me out there somewhere.” Okay but how do YOU know that Maru?? And why we gotta inject this person with a drug? This show is good at keeping SECRETS.
Who’s this Mikura now? Oh, his mom maybe? Or whoever this lady that give Kiruko the job and gun to protect Maru.
And she has the same kind of weird marking over her body as the kid from earlier with the wheelchair.. that boy ain’t gonna make it huh?
Oh god so there really were crocs in the water they just sailed over. That’s hilarious. They had every reason to freak out then!
They’re both very trusting to eat the nice food these farmers prepared for them when the last person who offered them a meal drugged them!
Kiruko does kinda look like this Kiriko Takehaya kart racer but not quite the same, however she did react to the whole “killing your brother” thing.. so maybe they are similar? Somehow? Maybe it’s like whatever is going on with Maru and Tokio and how those two look alike.
OH LOOK. A symbol with some kind of bird in it. How very Promised Neverland of you!
Oh, well I picked up the little hints that Maru might’ve felt some kinda way towards Kiruko but I wasn’t actually expecting him to outwardly say them?!
“My body is a woman’s, but in here, my mind is a man’s. So.. I’m a man.”  Are we saying like..by choice? In which case good for you. Or like.. due to some crazy experiment because that’s the vibes this show gives me with these kids being anything but normal? And maybe that’s why she..? he? this person can never remember the correct age.
Mmm the ending is nice too. I might like the song better than the OP? Also, Taka gives me Don (TPN) energy for some reason.
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critcallylowhp · 2 years
Tell me more about Humanformers diabetic Fulcrum
So, very similar to me, he was diagnosed at a very young age. He’s never really known not being diabetic. He was a lil bullied for it in school and other kids hated him cause he got special snacks. (He was actually dying though so ya know. I’m still salty about being hated for that and it’s been at least 10 years)
When he reached middle school, he was able to get an insulin pump and did really well with it! He was able to do everything in his own and kept up with his diet and sugar levels like he was supposed to. He was the doctor’s dream patient.
Slowly, he just learned to not tell people he was diabetic. Since he’s so skinny he’d get a lot of “I thought you had to be fat to be diabetic” comments and stuff like that. He also hated people pointing out his pump or any continuous glucose monitors and it made him insecure. So, he just started hiding it.
When he finally reached college, he wanted to be as independent as possible. Sadly, this meant he’d have to make some serious medical choices. Due to the price of pump supplies, he switched back to insulin shots. That way, he could pay for it without his parents help even though they insisted they’d cover it. And… he did really well at hiding it.
Don’t do this. Seriously- I know most juvenile diabetics already know this, but never ever hide it from the people you live with! It’s super dangerous and can get you killed. Super low blood sugars can cause seizures and super high ones can cause ketoacidosis which can lead to diabetic comas.
The rest of the Scavs do eventually find out, but not the easy way. After a typical night of cheap beer and weed for them, Fulcrum doesn’t wake up right away. Misfire is the one who finds him and he isn’t really responding. So of course, there’s panic.
Spinister, the only one in any kind of medical school steps in and figures it out pretty quick. They call for paramedics while they search his room for any kind of help. Turns out, Fulcrum didn’t have any glucagon because he didn’t want to have to pay for something he may never use. (Think of it kinda like an epipen.) So, they gotta use what the do have… Cue spins shoving icing covered fingers in fulcrum’s mouth and rubbing it against his gums. (Gets the sugar into the bloodstream without forcing him to swallow. Also, don’t do this unless it’s an absolute life or death situation!!!!)
Fulcrum wakes up to fingers in his mouth and in his low blood sugar haze, freaks out as well. There’s a bit of shouting and screaming, but all eventually calms down. Paramedics show up, take care of him in the spot, and then leave the Scavs to have a very awkward conversation.
Fulcrum does confess it and he’s mortified. Not only did he never want them to have to know, but for them to find out like this is terrible. Krok goes full dad and is putting glucose tablets in every drawer in the house. He’s watching fulcrum like a hawk for the next month and checking on him before he goes to bed.
Misfire? Oh he’s loosing his mind. He’s been dating Fulcrum for like a month and has even done the deed and he never noticed? Now he’s starting to see all the little dots on the back of Fulcrum’s arms from the shots and how his fingertips look scarred from checking his blood sugar.
It still takes all of them by surprise when they see Fulcrum draw up insulin. Sometimes he does it at the kitchen table since there’s more space than the bathroom. Crankcase had to double take when he saw Fulcrum tapping the bubbles out of he syringe cause he completely forgot. He thought Ful was just shooting it up at the table
Overall- fulcrum is the diabetic I wish I was djdbsjjsjs im horrible about checking my blood sugars and keeping up with supplies. My doctor hates me-
Also- some pics of stuff for ref.
This is the insulin pump I actually have rn! I don’t have the lil white thing on the side there which is the continuous glucose monitor. I should though… I haven’t checked my blood sugar in months shhhhh
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This is typically how glucagon comes. I now have a nasal spray instead, but I think it’s only recently come out.
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Then glucose tablets! These things are like Candy to me- I used to look forward to low blood sugars as a kid so I could these bad boys. (The best flavor is grape btw)
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Now, my insulin comes in a vial, but I think fulcrum would mainly use the preloaded pens. I used to use them as a kid and my friend uses them now. This is also the exact one I used 10 years ago Omg- they still make them!!!! I can remember the clicks so distinctly
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