#i also have marine stuff to post every so often
hotdyke-hardstyle · 9 months
💞new year new blog makeover💞
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so0thsayer · 1 month
random lost boys HCs !!! (x gn!reader)
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I have to get these out of my system. They have been marinating for far too long man omg. Also, this is also my first post so................ lets pray i did this right🙏🙏 also i didnt really proof read lol
let me know if you wanna see more stuff like this :3
WARNINGS: mentions of scars, drugs, biting, scratching. slightly suggestive (nothing too crazy)
David: 𖦹 I'd kill for you.
𖦹 loves to leave marks and love bites anywhere he can sink his teeth. His favourite places to mark would probably be the back of your neck, between your shoulder blades and the inside of your thighs. He understands the importance of the marks not being visible to the public - so he likes to sink his fangs in places that most people cant see. BUT- he'd def leave hickeys in very obvious spots.
𖦹 Wants everyone to know you're his. Not afraid to get handsy in public if you let him.
𖦹 enjoys a good book every now and then, but only when your head is on his lap.
𖦹 typa guy to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, or his arm around your waist/ shoulders 24/7.
𖦹 Your seat in the cave is right next to his
Paul: 𖦹 He’s very touchy, but times that by 1000 when he gets his lips wrapped around that stick of holy grass (yes i am a paul does drugs sometimes believer). He would want to feel the heat of your skin, even scratching at you sometimes just to have a piece of you under his nails.
𖦹 Not scared to show affection in public. He has no shame.
𖦹 CONSTANT flirting
𖦹 Has a collection of stolen goods. Even stuff that he would never use. If you show an interest in a trinket he has stolen, he'll give it to you whether you want it or not.
𖦹 music buff. loves sharing his takes on popular songs and artists. He likes to bring you to the boardwalk stage to listen to some live music, usually sitting on the outer skirts of the crowd.
𖦹 has a bunch of stupid pet/nicknames for you. (dollface, sugar, sweetness, etc.)
Marko: 𖦹 hovers over you a lot. Always getting up and going places with you without a question, even if you dont ask him to come. He just really enjoys your company, never shy of interesting conversations.
𖦹 This man's love language is playful teasing, dont try to tell me otherwise !!! Not even in a mean way- just always striving to make you laugh in his own way.
"You got something there" He points at your shirt. As you look down, he flicks your nose. "Gotcha." He chuckles.
𖦹 the best at cooking out of the four of them, often taking over the cook pot to make your favourite meals.
𖦹 he'd bark at someone if they tried to get with you LMAO
𖦹 one of his favourite ways to pass the time with you is hitting the up the boardwalk clothes stores. He loves picking out new clothes for you, letting you know how good you look in them. "Damn, babe."
𖦹 having you over his shoulder gives him a constant ego boost.
Dwayne: 𖦹 I'd die for you.
𖦹 definitely love marks, scars etc. idk, he just seems like the kinda guy who would. He loves the way they feel under his fingers as he caresses his lover’s skin. He reads the stories they tell like brail. And for stretch marks, he loves the way they glisten in the light as they fade, and he loves the way they make an indent, rather than a bump for once. Perhaps he'd also like leaving a few marks of his own, like a bite mark or two, but he also doesn’t want to hurt you at the same time.
𖦹 cuddling with this man would be incredible.
𖦹 loves it when you play with his beautiful hair :3 (has a hard time asking for you to tho- he feels a great warmth when you do it without him asking). honestly just loves being touched by you in general
𖦹 he isn’t so much a go out of his way to smother you kinda guy, but he will gladly hug you tightly if you hug him. His favourite ways to touch you are to wrap his arm around his waist, putting his arm over your shoulder while you’re sitting with each other and stroking your hair and skin while you lay your head on his lap. He just loves to feel your warmth on his cold finger tips.
𖦹 100000000x more affectionate in private dude
𖦹 the moment you ask him for something he’s on it. “Hey, could you get me-“ and he’s already handing it to you. He loves helping you in every way possible.
hope you enjoyed my first post !! :3 I know it's kinda short but I couldnt really find anything else to add😭 i am stressed
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grainjew · 9 months
On Gallifreyan Vestigial Gender
[this is the revised and expanded version of some rambling i initially did in my cowriter's discord DMs. i tried cite sources where i could, but a lot of this has been marinating in my brain since half-absorbing posts twenty pages deep into peoples' dw tags 3 years ago, and also i spend way too much time on the wiki, so please excuse anything i can't quite source, which is most of it. huge thanks to @oriigami for being my original conversation partner and contributing extremely to the concepts here, and to @bird-of-paradox and @waywren, neither of whom I am being allowed to @, for bothering me into not leaving it as unreadable discord screenshots]
There's this tendency among queer Doctor Who fans to look at Time Lord society, with its alienness and regeneration, and ask, frustrated, "Why do they even have gender?"
I sympathize with this extremely. I've been the one asking this question plenty in the past, and I do think it's a bit silly, and even sillier that the genders are "man" and "woman" and there are apparently two of them. But I also think that the section of canon most insistent about the Gallifreyan gender binary, the 7th Doctor novels from the 90s, also has the potential to be the most interesting about it.
Now, this is not to say that the text of those novels isn't weird about gender in a flawed, written by (as far as I know) cis people in the 90s way. But I think that you can extrapolate and queer what's there in very interesting ways, often because it's so flawed in the first place: Gallifrey, too, is an extremely flawed society. Decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core, as the show put it.
So, VNAs Gallifrey: living Houses and their female Housekeepers, cultural and literal planet-wide sterility, Loom birth, rigid overcomplicated bureaucracy, the enduring legacy of the pre-Rassilon Pythian regime. The gender binary as presented here goes something like
women: chaos/magic/psychic powers/superstition/the house (scary)/biological childbirth/fertility men: cold rationality/order/science/bureaucracy/loom-birth/sterility
The Pythia and the Lord President. Magic and science. The House and the Web of Time.
Obviously a lot of this is classic gender binary stuff. But let's put the exasperated question of "Why must we do the gender binary like this?" aside for a moment and think about Gallifreyan society instead.
Pythia-ruled and Time Lord-ruled Gallifrey have a lot of the same problems in the end, just wearing different faces: they're both very much totalitarian states that believe themselves to be above everyone else. But while the Time Lords observe and micromanage the Web of Time from their Panopticon, maintaining its integrity to their standards, the Pythians didn't have time travel, so this preoccupation with control manifested--as far as I know; this is the bit in the meta where I admit I haven't actually read Time's Crucible yet--as keeping the entirety of society in one psychic hivemind, leaving nobody any privacy, plus a lot of future-reading and prophecy and whatnot.
The main relics of that societal layout into post-Rassilon Gallifreyan society are the Matrix, which has every single dead Time Lord's brain in it and does their prophecies for them, just couched in a little bit more science than Pythian magic, the Houses, which are alive all around you and in which you're constantly being watched by the Housekeeper through her mirrors, and, of course, the gender binary.
The Pythia was always a woman. Women were the ones with vast psychic powers, with magic; women were the ones in charge. Pythian Gallifrey was a heavily gendered society. This is because Gallifreyans are a kind of bug /shot with the "irrelevant to the point at hand" gun.
And so, when Rassilon rebelled, he was very much playing the part of "opposite gender with opposite worldview." The Pythia had female magic and superstition; he had male science and technology. His most trusted Founders were either all or mostly men, depending on the version of events you prefer. (Personally I have my doubts about the Other.) Rassilon built his new society as a man, among men, in opposition to the matriarchs before him.
Gallifrey, despite the invention (or theft, depending on the story) of regeneration allowing people to trans their gender randomly and sometimes unintentionally, never left the gender binary behind.
The whole point of modern Gallifreyan society is that they're still stuck in that exact same moment Rassilon took over (and the Pythia cursed them to sterility, if thats the version you're going with). You could easily make an argument for this being some cycle of abuse type situation; Rassilon and co overthrew the Pythia and immediately did exactly what she was doing to them to the wider universe. I tend to read it as a regeneration: it's the same society, really. It just died and was reborn, and now it looks and sounds different.
The downside of trying to translate a discord conversation into a proper meta post is that sometimes making a coherent transition between thoughts is impossible. So to introduce the next bit of this post, I'm going to hand you off for a moment to this post about the 8th Doctor's "I'm not sure I've ever even been a man" quote from Interference. As op of that post says, the Doctor is genderqueer even by Gallifreyan standards- he's being questioned in that scene by another Gallifreyan, who doesn't understand his experience of gender.
The EDAs are full of "Eight is nonbinary" quotes, of course. Every queer fan who's ever engaged with them has a collection (and if anyone knows where that one google doc compilation that was going around awhile back went I'd be in your debt, because I'd love to know if my collection is missing any), but almost all those quotes refer to his genderqueerness in human terms, as observed by human companions, or in response to human assumptions. Except that one. Not only is Gallifrey's gender binary alive and well in a society where people can literally change their gender when they die, but the Doctor doesn't fit inside it.
All this to say that being a renegade Time Lord is a nonbinary thing to do. Especially the Doctor, with all sorts of weird Other Timeless nonsense in their biodata. Women stay on Gallifrey (or Karn!) and do magic and watch you. Men stay on Gallifrey and do science and watch other people. Renegades go out and do whatever they please. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So. Gallifrey has a gender binary. It's vestigial, a remnant of an earlier iteration of society with a much sharper male-female divide, and it doesn't make logical sense for it to exist. So: How does it manifest? And what function does its continued existence serve in the interests of the status quo and ruling class?
Let's take a look at 7th Doctor novel Lungbarrow.
Lungbarrow introduces us to (among many other things) the living Houses of the Time Lord Families, and to the family structures within: the patriarchal figure of the Kithriarch, the always-female Housekeeper, bound in her ritual marriage to the House itself, and hordes of petty squabbling Cousins.
Kithriarch is already an interesting title. It's obviously a gender neutral version of matriarch or patriarch, but the role itself seems to be almost entirely a male sort of thing in opposition to the feminine Housekeeper.
The Housekeeper, meanwhile, seems to be in a direct conceptual and societal line of descent from the Pythian priestesses: she can see anything within her domain, she has a psychic connection to the House, from whom she cannot hide anything, she can command the wooden Drudge servants and other House subsystems, she prioritizes the House above all where the Kithriarch is supposed to prioritize the Family. Women are frightening and powerful psychics. They know everything you want to keep secret, and prioritize the collective.
(There's also something here about how Lungbarrow presents duelling dualities--the Doctor and the Master, the CIA head and the Lord President, the Kithriarch and the Housekeeper, the masculine and the feminine--but I haven't quite tied it into the rest of this yet.) (Although while we're mentioning the Master. He's girlcoded by Gallifreyan standards and the Rani is boycoded by the same. I will not be expanding on this at this time just trust me.)
I think Housekeepers and women who want to be Housekeepers try to keep their self-image as women strong enough that they never regenerate into a male body (whatever a '"male body" means, of course, but I'm not sure Time Lords have gotten that far in their queer theory yet). I also think that there are more female Kithriarchs than male Housekeepers, because Housekeeper is much more heavily ritualized role in keeping with the Pythia's more ritualized general vibe, but I do think female Kithriarchs are still few and far between.
I also think that these are probably the most explicitly gendered occupations on Gallifrey, although of course you'll see some drift. Most women are out there getting the same scientific, military, and bureaucratic positions as men. But there's this lingering specter of gender roles, a Pythia-shaped hole that exists around the concept of womanhood. As my cowriter put it when we were talking about this, an "ideal of womanhood. not ‘ideal’ as in desirable, [but] ‘ideal’ as in the quintessential image of the thing."
This is further amplified by the continued existence of the Pythians in the form of the Sisterhood of Karn, living in their perfectly functional all-women magic society just out of sight. Their presence at the edge of the Gallifreyan consciousness must haunt the Time Lords, as any imperialist power is haunted by its own past and its own ultimate impotence.
Because that's the other thing. Gender roles are, to quote my cowriter again, "stupid and antiquated and historically potent tools of authoritarianism." Of course the Time Lords have them. Have you seen them?
They're tools of control, of conformity, of idealizing the past. Of conservatism. Consider, to once more quote my cowriter, "the weird traditionalist psychosis of having gender roles in a society that can’t bear children."
The ideal woman on Gallifrey is still the Pythia, millenia or even billenia on. And the ideal man is still the Lord President Rassilon.
[thank you for your time! if you liked this please consider checking out my fic Something Old, which is about lungbarrow, the adventuress of henrietta street, and the gallifreyan concept of marriage, and in the writing of which i initially articulated most of the thoughts in this post. i've previously characterized it as a fic that's actually a meta post. and please don't be too mean to me for anything i got wrong in here! i'm just a little guy]
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styllwaters · 1 year
what are sea crawlers' homes like? i.e. floor plans, decor, entertainment, that kind of stuff, also, what are the differences between ocean and land? or rural vs urban?
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Sorry for taking so long to answer this one! I wanted to do something big for it :)
Explanations under the cut!
Ocean-dweller settlements are located underwater, although they often breach the surface! They are nearly always built out of disks, the coral-like sessile organisms I mentioned in my last post. Generations of selective breeding and gene editing have given the disks the ability to survive heavy modifications. Disk-based buildings are carved out from the inside to make rooms and tunnels - this is the traditional method, and has been practiced for millions of years.
Every disk has a canopy, which is essentially an underwater balcony. They are enclosed by translucent domes, which are made of a tough organic-derived fibre. Decorations, in the form of colourful stones and gardens, are very popular. Non disk based marine homes have also been around for a while, but they are only used if disks cannot thrive in the area (due to lack of sunlight or otherwise).
Red disks are bred in suburban areas for their smaller size. They cannot combine with neighbouring disks. Typically house 2-5 individuals.
Purple and blue disks are the standard for reef cities in urban areas. They can grow many stories high, and are very clustered together. To an outsider, it can be a nightmare trying to navigate the cities. The largest varieties can house up to several hundred individuals.
I also dabbled a bit in other features like the viewing screen (AKA a sea crawler TV) albeit not much. Apologies for not giving a more detailed internal view, I wanted to keep things digestible.
These are a lot simpler than their ocean counterparts, but are just as tough - if not more. Shore-dwellers don't need to worry about the extra maintenance of keeping their houses alive; they are composed of stone, wood, and fired clay, amongst other materials.
Caves excavated into cliff-sides are the most common type of home. Ramps which lead into the ocean sit at each entrance, and a second entrance is often placed at the top of the cliff. When the land is too flat to excavate, huts and cabins are the alternative. These sometimes resemble disks, with canopies for sunbathing and relaxing.
The only settlements built far away from the shore are research facilities and stations for terrestrial sophonts hailing from other planets.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 9 months
in which lunch is had, old stories are told, and a misunderstanding is cleared up.
part five of the post-marineford portion of the near miss fics! (1, 2, 3, 4) if you have no idea what i'm talking about but would like to read a shanks/buggy story about kissing in disguise and then having to deal with the emotional fallout of doing that, click on this link, that's the tag for the whole thing in chronological order. (plus some complaining about writing, one inspirational improvised musical number, and a snippet of shanks pov) if you do know what i'm talking about: my intense examination of the cover to chapter 581 and frustrated googling of phrases like “oden cart curtain name” has finally paid off! also, i’d apologize for where this part ends, but that would be an enormous lie, i’ve been planning on ending this part on that line from the very beginning. >:3c enjoy!
With heavier topics taken off the table, the flow of conversation became smooth and easy.  Shanks asked about Buggy’s crew, his recent travels, his plans for the future; Buggy asked about the best places Shanks had been, who he’d met.  At Buggy’s request, Shanks devoted a full twenty minutes to a detailed description of his meeting with Rayleigh; to Buggy’s delight, it turned out Rayleigh was in Sabaody because Shakuyaku, the former Amazon empress, lived there.  Buggy had always been impressed by her, if a little privately judgy of her taste in men, so hearing that the two of them had semi-retired together made him smile.
As did the revelation that Shanks had first seen a wanted poster for Buggy the Clown—his earliest one, actually, before he’d perfected the crossbones and had still been experimenting with lip tints—when Rayleigh pulled a copy out that day.  “He keeps an eye on all the newspapers, from the four big seas and the Grand Line alike,” Shanks explained, digging his toes into the sand. (Buggy had gotten tired of his push-pull relationship with the tides and insisted they move further up the beach.) “I think he’s found and kept a copy of every one of our bounties.”
Buggy tried not to be obvious about how much that meant, but he had never been good at holding back the waterworks when he got emotional.  Sniffing thickly, he said, “That stupid old man… your bounty’s gone up so many times over the years without the picture ever looking different!  What a waste of his space.”
One of Shanks’ eyebrows went up—probably, Buggy realized a moment later, at the implication that Buggy had also been keeping track of Shanks’ bounties.  Ah, well, in for a penny… “Seriously!  It’s bad design!” Buggy insisted.  “If the only changes someone like me ever noticed are that you grew that shitty little beard—”
“Shitty?”  Shanks pouted, running his thumb along his jawline.  “It’s not that bad, is it?”
“It’s worse without the mustache,” Buggy said bluntly.  Shanks played up his shock, gasping and grabbing at his heart like an elderly man.
Buggy rolled his eyes.  “As I was saying: if all I ever noticed was the beard and that your hat disappeared at some point, your average citizen’s not going to realize the Marines have released a new poster and the bounty went up!”  Jabbing a thumb brazenly at his own face, Buggy said, “At least I had something new going on each time.”
Shanks cocked his head at Buggy.  “About that… do you change your makeup style so often for fun, or are you still searching for the perfect look?”
Buggy scoffed.  “There’s no such thing as perfection when it comes to art, or fashion,” he said.  “There’s just advancing your craft.  Every time I change my look up, I’m incorporating newer and flashier techniques, and better supplies.  The makeup I had access to fifteen, even ten years ago would never have lasted a day in Impel Down, let alone weeks.”
“That’s true,” Shanks said thoughtfully, hand on his chin.  “The stuff you have these days is much—” He cut himself off, glancing over Buggy’s shoulder.  Buggy turned to see a cluster of men in ragged prison uniforms standing maybe forty feet away, staring at them and then glancing away awkwardly when they met Buggy’s eye.
“I told them not to bother me today,” Buggy grumbled, giving the group a half-hearted glare.  They visibly quaked, knees knocking, but neither moved nor explained themselves.
“I guess our presence is interfering with their shore leave,” Shanks said, slipping back into his sandals.
Looking past the men revealed the beach had gotten crowded while Buggy wasn’t paying attention—save for a fifty-foot ring of emptiness centered on him and Shanks.  These men had only approached them because there wasn’t anywhere else to be.  Sighing, Buggy stood up, brushing sand off the seat of his pants.
“Lead the way, then,” he said grimly.
With a polite smile and a wave to the former prisoners, Shanks walked back up the beach.  Buggy gave them a glare, and a threatening slice-your-throat gesture (made more emphatic by the way Buggy separated his neck as he sliced) to encourage their silence before following Shanks further inland.
The terrain got a bit jungle-like as they went on, but there were neatly trodden paths between the trees.  It was a civilized corner of nature, and Buggy found he didn’t mind walking through it with just Shanks and his questions for company, even when those questions started getting a bit specific for Buggy’s tastes. (What did Shanks need to know about his plans after he found Captain John’s treasure, anyway?  Was he trying to go after Buggy’s next prize while he was still busy with the current one?)
It was the middle of the lunch hour by the time their jungle path led them back into town, which was almost suspiciously convenient timing.  Buggy glanced at Shanks, trying to figure out if he’d planned this or was just aimlessly wandering.  Well, either way he’d better lead them somewhere soon—Buggy was hungry!  He wanted to eat the kind of food he couldn’t get back on the ship—nothing a typical chef in a typical kitchen could manage.  He wanted something that involved a deep fryer, or another equally specialized device.  Something that would be too much of a hassle to make on a ship.  Something…
“Hey!”  Shanks turned to grab Buggy’s attention, pointing at a yatai on the opposite street corner.  “What about that?”
Buggy spotted the word written in bold white letters on slate gray cloth and started to laugh. “What are we, on a themed vacation or something?”
“You’re the one who put the idea in my head!” Shanks said defensively, grinning.  “I know it’s out of season, but…”
“No, you’re right, we have to,” Buggy said, and led them to the oden-ya.  “I’m just going to look like I’m obsessed, is all.”
Ducking under the bamboo noren curtains, they found themselves in a cozy space, with three stools set up along a polished wooden table the same length as the cooktop.  A gorilla mink stood behind the partitioned oden pot, rotating skewers of fishcake in their niches within the steaming broth.  He glanced up at their entrance, a friendly customer service smile spreading across his face.
“Welcome!  Looking for oden this afternoon, or just something to drink?”  He gestured to one side, where beautiful little sake flasks and other bottles of alcohol were arranged on shelves that took up the whole side wall of the cart.  “I’d be happy to warm a flask of sake up for you on the stove if you’d like.”
“We’re looking for both, thanks,” Shanks said warmly, stepping up to the counter.  “I don’t suppose any of your sake is sourced from Wano?”
The mink wrinkled his nose thoughtfully.  “I may have some in storage, but that stuff tend to run a little pricier, given… well, if you’re asking for it, you must know.”
“Of course you have expensive tastes in booze and nothing else,” Buggy said with a smirk, bent down to inspect the sake that was actually meant for sale.  “Come on, look, they’ve got some West Blue stuff, you were always a sucker for your home ocean.”
“Oh?”  Shanks leaned over Buggy to get a better look at the stock, and a prickle of heat went up Buggy’s spine.  “Ooh, I do like that stuff.  But I really had my heart set on something from Wano…”  Turning back to the mink, he said, “Sorry to trouble you, but can you bring out what you have from Wano?  I promise the price isn’t an issue, and I won’t have any problem drinking a flask of each.”  The mink ducked around back without complaint.
“More like a couple flasks of each,” Buggy muttered, but he didn’t mean it cruelly.  Shanks liked a drink, he always had—and rumor said the last time he saw Whitebeard before all this he’d matched him cup for cup.  Whitebeard-sized cups, too, which meant he had to have a crazy tolerance these days.  Good for him.  Buggy wasn’t quite as capable, but he could hold his liquor.  He wouldn’t be any kind of ex-Roger Pirate if he couldn’t.
“Guilty,” Shanks said, sing-songy, reaching over Buggy’s shoulder to snatch one of the larger bottles of shochu.  “Can you grab a flask or two of the West Blue sake for me?”
Buggy rolled his eyes, grabbing two.  “One of them’s for me.”
“We can share,” Shanks said mildly.
Buggy snorted. “If by ‘share’ you mean I get one cup and by the time I’ve finished it the flask is empty, sure, we can share.”
Shanks laughed.  “Am I that bad?”
“You’re just too fast about it is all.  I like to linger over a drink, really savor it.”
“Oh, you like to take your time, do you?”  Shanks’ smile, already suggestively wide, spread wider still when this comment flustered Buggy.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” he snapped.
Why do you sound disappointed, Buggy was tempted to ask—except no, no he wasn’t, he did not want to know why Shanks might be disappointed Buggy hadn’t intended to be suggestive.  He had already decided he wasn’t going there.  “I just mean you rush things a bit.”
“…do I?”
Once again feeling like Shanks was reading things into what he was saying, but this time not at all sure what deeper meaning Shanks was taking from his words, Buggy averted his eyes, setting the pair of sake flasks down in front of the stove top.  “Yeah, I know you like getting drunk, but there’s such a thing as pacing yourself, you know?”
Before Shanks could respond to this—with who knows what kind of misinterpretation of Buggy’s words this time—the mink returned, a crate of sake in flasks and jugs of various sizes in hand.
“Here we are!”  With a soft grunt of effort, the mink set the crate down in front of Shanks.  “Let me know if anything catches your eye.”  He spotted the flasks of West Blue sake Buggy had set down and quickly made room in a pot of steaming water for them to sit and warm up.  “Now, were any items looking especially appealing today?”
Buggy glanced sideways; Shanks was occupied with intently inspecting the sake.  Well, if he wanted something specific he could ask for it later.  “Two bowlfuls of whatever the chef recommends, for now.”
The gorilla nodded.  “Coming right up!”  And he was as good as his word, quickly throwing together a wide, shallow bowl of savory golden-brown broth with a skewer of fishcakes, an egg, and a few slices of daikon for each of them. It looked wonderful, warm and familiar, and it smelled even better.
Before Buggy could take a sip, Shanks had flung his arm across Buggy’s chest, blocking the spoonful of broth from reaching his mouth.
“Hang on,” Shanks said, weirdly serious.  “You have to have this first.”  He held out a small flask of Wano sake, tilted just far enough to encourage Buggy to grab a cup and accept the pour.
“Not warmed up?”  Shanks expression didn’t so much as twitch.  Buggy huffed.  “Fine, fine... you and your expensive tastes.”  He accepted the cup, swirled it for a moment to breathe in the aroma—they really did make it different in Wano; was it something in the water, or the rice?—and took a sip.  Then blinked, goggled at the half-drunk cup, and slung back the rest with a warm floaty feeling in his chest.
Setting the cup down, he breathed, “Is that...?”
Shanks grinned.  “Special pure rice brew.”  He spun the flask around to reveal the maker’s mark.  “From the Kuri region of Wano.”
Buggy snatched the flask away.  Looking it over, he said, “Seriously?! From the same brewery?”
“And you wondered why I was so insistent.”
Buggy shook his head, laughing a little in disbelief, and poured Shanks a cup of the stuff.  He glanced up at their host, politely not bothering them even though he had to be confused, and said, “This exact same sake was the first drink the two of us had, back when we were—what, eleven? Twelve?”
“Something like that,” Shanks said, watching Buggy with a pleased smile.  “Stolen out of Oden’s rooms on a dare—”
“—you’re the one who dared me!” Buggy snapped.  Thinking back, he added, “And he must have let us take it, we weren’t sneaky enough at twelve to get past Oden—”
“—oh, definitely,” Shanks agreed.  “Bet he thought of it as a rite of passage, stealing your first drink from under the nose of your honored elders.”
Buggy snorted.  “Definitely,” he echoed.  Giving Shanks a look, he passed this flask along to the mink as well.  “This stuff isn’t so fancy heating it will ruin the taste, right?  Might as well try it the way it was meant to be had.”
“Of course,” the mink said with a gracious smile, adding the flask to the steaming pot on his stove.  He watched the two of them dig into their bowls—delicious, of course—without comment, but as he carefully retrieved the first of the West Blue flasks from its bath he said, “Now, I haven’t thought about this in a long time, so I’m afraid I can’t quite recall… which of you is Shanks and which is Buggy?”
Buggy blinked dumbly up at the gorilla, his mouth full of radish.  Next to him, Shanks was pulling a similar face.
Hastily swallowing his mouthful, Buggy cleared his throat and said, “You know… both of us by name? But not well enough to know which is which on sight?”
The gorilla smiled sheepishly.  “I wasn’t sure until you brought up Oden.  That’s Kozuki Oden, isn’t it?  Which means the two of you must be Shanks and Buggy, they were the only other young people on the boat in all the stories I heard.”
“What stories?”
“‘The only other young people’…” Shanks lit up.  “Do you know Dogstorm and Cat Viper?”
Buggy nearly smacked Shanks.  “Seriously?!  Not every mink knows each other, Shanks!”
“Heh, actually...”  Buggy stared up at the gorilla mink in disbelief as he shrugged, making an embarrassed expression.  “The truth is, I only learned how to prepare oden at Duke Dogstorm’s request.”
“Duke Dogstorm?”  Shanks whistled.  “Somebody’s moved up in the world.”
Buggy jabbed him in the side with a free-floating elbow.  “I don’t want to hear that from you, Emperor Shanks!”
Shanks winced—an exaggerated gesture for the benefit of their audience—and leaned away from Buggy.  “Oh, come on,” he whined, “it’s not like I meant to become an emperor or anything.”
“Oh, of course not,” Buggy said, rolling his eyes and shoving a piece of tsukune in his mouth.  Eyes shut, he declared, “I’ll bet I can tell you exactly how it happened, too.  You had a meal with some mediocre pirate crew and made friends. Then some shitty Marines started beating the hell out of them; they could’ve just arrested the crew, but they decided to torture them for their own amusement.  Well, you could hardly let this abuse go unchallenged, could you?  So naturally you had to step in, and sent the Marines running with their tails between their legs.  And it was only natural that the pirate crew was thankful to you, but you never dreamed they’d all vow to follow you forever, forswearing their own flag in favor of yours.  Not daring to call themselves true Red-Haired Pirates, of course, but Red-Haired Pirates adjacent.”  Rolling his wrist, Buggy concluded, “And then that happened another twenty or thirty times, because you never learn.”
Opening one eye a crack, he glanced at Shanks.  “How’d I do?”
Shanks, red-faced, his fist pressed to his mouth to hold back laughter, nodded weakly.  “Well, uh... you’re not wrong,” he wheezed out.  Taking a drink to clear his throat and calm down, he sighed.  “Though you make it sound like far more of a foregone conclusion than it felt like when it was first happening.”
“That’s the benefit of an outside perspective,” Buggy said snippily.  “And also hindsight.”  Waving a hand in Shanks’ face, he said, “But enough about you!”  Jabbing the pointer finger of that same hand at their host, Buggy said, “What’s this about you learning to make oden for Dogstorm?”
The gorilla mink smiled, his eyes wide, and Buggy suddenly remembered hearing once that gorillas didn’t actually smile, but instead bared their teeth as a threat against potential enemies.  He pulled back his hand as casually as he could manage it.
“Do you really want to hear the story?  I’m told I can be a bit long-winded,” the mink said, fishing one of the Wano flasks out of its water bath and offering it up.
“Yeah, let’s hear it!” Buggy said, pouring a cup for Shanks, then handing over the flask so Shanks could do the same for him.  “I don’t know about Shanks but I haven’t heard anything from Zou in years, I’m dying to hear what those two have gotten up to.”
Closing his eyes, Buggy took a sip of the warmed Wano sake, not knowing Shanks was doing the same thing at the same time.  They set down their cups and sighed in unpracticed unison.  Suddenly aware of their double act, Buggy scowled at Shanks, who ignored him and made an encouraging gesture to their chef.  “Please, go ahead. I’d love to hear news of Dogstorm and Cat Viper.”
A sad expression washed over the gorilla’s face.  “I’m afraid I can only give you news of Duke Dogstorm.”  At the looks on his guests’ faces, the gorilla threw out a hand and said, “Not to say—please don’t misunderstand! Lord Cat Viper still lives! It’s just that I have not met with him since he and Duke Dogstorm first returned to Zou.  They... keep separate courts, and hours, and my service has always been to the day.”
A wrinkle appeared in Shanks’ brow.  “They don’t talk anymore?”
“It always turns into a fight.  Often one with devastating consequences for their surroundings.”
Buggy frowned.  That didn’t sound right.  Well, not the destruction—that sounded like those two—but fighting so badly they couldn’t even share waking hours... “What happened?”
The gorilla sighed.  “As I understand it?  Kozuki Oden died, and neither could forgive the other for failing to save him.”  A moment later, he gave Buggy a concerned look.  “Oh, are you hurt?”
Buggy blinked.  Staring down at his hands, he realized he’d snapped his chopsticks in half.  “I... no, I’m okay.”  The gorilla carefully plucked the broken shards of wood out of Buggy’s grasp, along with a splinter or two that had tried to wedge their way into his palms.  Thankfully the Chop-Chop fruit could handle any kind of stabbing, from needles up to legendary meito, so Buggy really was fine.
While the gorilla disposed of the pieces of wood, Buggy clenched his jaw, feeling Shanks’ eyes on him.  “I can hear you thinking.”
“…it makes sense,” he said quietly.  “What else could come between those two but the loss of someone who was as important to them as Oden?”
Buggy shot Shanks a narrow look out of the corner of his eye.  “Pretty sure I told you this morning that I was done talking about sad shit,” he warned, and Shanks raised his hand in a placating gesture.  The gorilla confirmed that Buggy wasn’t hurt, pointed out the extra chopsticks sitting in a cup to his left, and at their insistence told his story while they returned to their meal.
Dogstorm’s court sounded like a sight worth seeing.  Minks of countless animal forms, musketeers and attendants! To think Oden’s retainer had retainers of his own now!  And to think that he acted like a guy with such noble dignity, after the way he used to behave.
As the gorilla reached the end of his story—having made the closest thing to oden as could be produced with ingredients native to Zou, with Dogstorm pleased by the effort but quietly unsatisfied by the taste, the gorilla had left the court making a vow to learn the secrets of the oden-preparing arts, promising not to return until he was confident he would be able to put a true smile on the duke’s face—Buggy nudged Shanks in the side.  He glanced at Buggy, a half-eaten skewer of fishcakes sticking out of the corner of his mouth.
“Can you believe,” Buggy said with a shit-eating grin, “that the noble, wounded Dogstorm this guy is talking about is the same one who tarred and feathered Mr. Rayleigh?”
Shanks nearly choked before starting to laugh.  “How did I forget about that?!”
“I’m sorry, Duke Dogstorm did what?” the gorilla said incredulously, staring between the two of them.
“Wait, wait,” Shanks said, before Buggy could start to tell the story.  “If we’re sharing stories of mutual friends, you have to share a drink with us too.”  He grabbed a clean cup from a stack to one side and handed it over to the mink.  Shanks gave Buggy a pleading look, and with a magnanimous smirk Buggy chop-chopped a hand to swipe another sake flask from the water bath and pour for both of them.  “So—”
“Don’t you tell it!” Buggy snapped.  With a grin and a wave of his hand, Shanks metaphorically turned over the reins to Buggy, and took the opportunity to return to his sake and his meal.  “So,” Buggy said to the mink, “the first thing you need to understand about Dogstorm and Cat Viper is that they acted like respectful little attendants when Oden was around, but when it was just the four of us?”  Glancing at Shanks, who was grinning around the skewer in his mouth, Buggy cackled.  “They were just as bad as we were.”
Buggy went on to describe the prank in loving detail, alternating bites of fishcake with the reactions of the crew (mostly hysteria, especially from Roger) and the multiple attempts to blame the prank on someone else (Dogstorm nearly succeeded in pinning it all on Buggy, but forgot himself and corrected Rayleigh on where the tar had come from).  Shanks followed this up with a reminder of another time the four of them had been absolute nightmares to the crew of the Oro Jackson, and the story Buggy told about that day brought their host to literal tears of laughter.
They went around like this for over an hour, topping off their bowls and drinks all the while, recalling old times with the golden burnish of nostalgia softening the edges, easing the hurts and offenses of youth.  Gradually, the last of the fear Buggy had been clinging to all day faded.  It was hard to think that your childhood dread mattered much when looked at from so far off, in so fond a way. It was easy to smile at someone who so readily smiled back.
Eventually the broth pooling at the bottom of their bowls grew cold, and the flasks of sake they’d bought ran dry.  Not a soul had tried to enter the yatai while they were present, and Buggy felt a fleeting burst of pity for the gorilla’s business… until he saw how well Shanks tipped. With a light heart, Buggy waved a slightly drunken farewell to the mink—he’d paced himself pretty well, but a half-dozen bottles of sake split between two men were still going to have an effect—and ducked back out into the wider world.
The air outside was not exactly cold, but it lacked the cozy warmth of the oden-ya’s atmosphere.  It set something within Buggy out of alignment—or maybe back into place?  He stood just outside the noren with a hand pressed to his chest, trying to place the feeling, when Shanks made his own exit and nearly ran into him.
The proximity of Shanks at his back, with the last traces of that soup-warmed air drifting in his wake, sent a burst of longing down Buggy’s spine so intense his knees went weak.
Shanks’ hand went to his shoulder.  “Careful,” Shanks said, hoisting Buggy fully upright, the flat of his arm firm along the breadth of his back.  “You alright, Buggy?”
Fuck.  Even though it was the wrong arm, something about Shanks putting an arm over Buggy’s shoulder made his stomach flip and his heart kick into high gear.  Stupid, loyal organs didn’t have the sense Buggy’s brain had been given, to recognize that feeling feelings for Shanks was a very bad idea.
“Fine,” Buggy croaked out, taking a few careful steps away from Shanks to confirm he was steady enough to make that lie truth.  He shook himself off.
“Your tolerance not what it used to be?” Shanks teased.
“My tolerance is normal,” Buggy insisted, not looking back at Shanks.  “Yours, on the other hand...”
“Yeah, unlike you I’m actually fine,” Shanks said, picking up his pace to match Buggy’s stride.  Glancing around, his back straightened involuntarily with recognition.  Nudging Buggy’s shoulder with his own, he said, “Here, there’s a park nearby where we won’t be bothered.  We can sit down, let you sober up a little before heading back to the ship.”
Buggy drifted in Shanks’ wake on some old instinct.  It was only mid-afternoon.  “There wasn’t anything else you wanted to do?”
Shanks glanced at Buggy over his shoulder.  “What?”
“I dunno, some... sight you thought I should see, or a shop you like or something?”
Shanks blinked.  “Buggy, I’ve never been to this island before. I asked the locals for recommendations yesterday so I could have a good time with you.”
Buggy’s face went hot.  “You—stop saying shit like that!  Don’t you know how that sounds?”
“How it sounds?” Shanks echoed. He led Buggy through a tall, metal gate, into a walled-off plot of land with very little to it, just rock-paved paths, plaques underneath oddly colored trees, and the occasional bench.  Closing the gate behind them, he spun on Buggy.  “How does it sound?”
Buggy scowled and stormed past him.  Like Shanks didn’t know.
“If it sounds like I’ve missed you—well, sorry, Buggy, but I have.  I thought I’d been pretty obvious about that.”  When Buggy turned an incredulous look on Shanks, the corner of his mouth turned up, amused.  “Obvious to everyone but you, I guess.”
“You—you didn’t miss me,” Buggy said, insistent.  “You missed—” he gestured vaguely between the two of them. “—someone knowing you, without you having to say anything.  You missed having a history with someone.”
Shanks shook his head.  “I would love to see many people from back then again, but I’ve never missed any of them like I did you.”
“Oh, come on!” Buggy spat, “what was there to miss?  A greedy little brat who couldn’t decide if he hated you more than he was jealous of you?  A coward who ran and hid from every fight?”  The memory of Shanks leaning in close, a hand on his face, shot through Buggy.  Resisting another stab of longing, he blurted out, “Some stranger’s pretty face?”
“I missed my best—” Shanks’ face screwed up in confusion.  “A pretty face?”
Buggy hadn’t meant to say that.  He grimaced.  “You know.”  Swiping a hand across his face, he chop-chopped his nose off for a moment, hiding the gap behind his free hand.  “This one, that you liked so much that time.”
Understanding lit up Shanks’ face.  “Oh, the gorgeous stranger with stunning eyes.”  A sheepish expression coming over him, Shanks looked away, askance.  “Can I tell you something embarrassing?”
Buggy blinked.  Not the response he’d expected.  “Uh, sure?”
“I only thought those eyes were so stunning because they reminded me of yours.”
Buggy’s jaw dropped.  “The hell they did!”
“They did!”  Shoving his hand over his eyes, Shanks smiled self-consciously.  “Oh, I felt so ridiculous later.  That poor guy, I thought, was deserving of more than my secondhand affections.”  Dropping his hand to look at Buggy, he said, “Though that’s nothing compared to how ridiculous I felt the other day.”
Buggy swallowed, mouth dry.
“I’m sorry, Buggy,” Shanks said after a long, silent moment.  “If I’d known it was you, I wouldn’t have kissed you like that.”
Buggy blinked.
Well.  Of course he wouldn’t have.  That went without saying.
He stepped back.  “I know that.”
“You do?”  Shanks frowned.  “I… good.”  Shoulders hunched, he turned to peer down at a plaque mounted beneath a pink-leafed bush.  “That’s good.  I don’t want there to be any more misunderstandings between us.”
“What’s there to misunderstand?”  Buggy spotted a bench and sat down.  He immediately felt clearer-headed.  Maybe Shanks was right about his tolerance.  “I get it.  You kiss strangers, not old friends.”
Shanks paused mid-step.  “Are you…” He spun to frown at Buggy.  “Are you deliberately misunderstanding me?”
“Hm?”  Buggy had just gotten comfortable, hiking one knee over the bench’s arm.  What was Shanks talking about now?
Buggy craned his head back to look up at Shanks.  He looked tall from this angle, and taller still when he leaned over Buggy, resting his hand on the back of the bench.  Shanks’ expression was unreadable, but intense.  Buggy’s mouth felt dry again.  Oh, this was bad.
“I was not apologizing for kissing you.  I was apologizing for kissing you wrong.”
“Kissing me wrong?” Buggy echoed bewilderedly.
“If I’d known that stranger was you, I still would have kissed you, if you’d let me,” Shanks said bluntly.  “I’d kiss you now, if you’d let me.  But it wouldn’t be like that kiss, it would be different.”
Buggy blinked, dumbfounded.
Shanks… wanted to kiss him.
Not the stranger he’d taken him for back then, but Buggy himself.
Had wanted to kiss Buggy then.
Still wanted to kiss Buggy now.
Would kiss him in a different way from a stranger.
“Different how?” Buggy croaked out.
For a long, agonizing moment, Shanks stared blankly at Buggy.  A furious heat rushed into Buggy’s face—there was no way to take a sentence like that back.  He couldn’t pretend it was simple curiosity.  He couldn’t pretend he wasn’t eager to be kissed.
Slowly, Shanks grinned, infuriatingly smug.  “Would you like me to show you?”
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Please more rookvil content~
Perhaps some headcanons on how Rook absolutely ravishes Vil ❤️
Also on his obsession and subsequent antics
Siiigh how much I love to talk about RookVil~
We do have a couple of headcanon posts about them, and I’ll leave some links in case anyone wants to read them, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get a new portion of some smutty ones, Anon. There isn’t a lot, but they ended up being a bit lengthy, so I hope you enjoy them.
The first RookVil hc post (sfw + nsfw)
RookVil’s first time
Alright, so the new ones!
They absolutely did have sex after the Beanfest (AND during it too!) and they absolutely did have sex after the first part of the Halloween event… and after the second part too. Both of the times they spent quite a lot of time without sex prior to that, because Vil has this weird thing when he doesn’t let Rook touch him when he’s preparing for something important. Vil always says that it’s just so they can concentrate, but in actuality it’s a mix of him wanting to have a reward for himself and him wanting Rook to be absolutely starved, unhinged and animalistic when they finally get to bang each other’s brains out.
There has been a couple of times when Rook fucked Vil until he passed out. Usually Vil always tries to wash himself as soon as possible after sex, and Rook doesn’t really mind getting all dirty and marinate in each other’s juices for some time (ew), so whenever he fucks Vil so hard that he passes out, he gets so shamelessly happy. And of course he touches Vil while he’s asleep with 0 energy…
Rook knows better than to ruin Vil’s nice designer pieces, but when it’s something easily replaceable, he could rip his clothes off of Vil’s body while undressing him. He’s ruined a couple of his nice shirts because of this + a bunch of Vil’s underwear. Vil could get angry at him for that, but Rook usually puts Vil in a necklock and chokes him right after that. He actually chokes him quite often, and it gets Vil very defenseless and painfully turned on.
Speaking of Rook’s obsessions… I would say that he keeps a diary in which he records every sexual interaction he’s ever had with Vil, but knowing Rook I’d assume that he just… remembers all this stuff. He remembers too many extremely specific details, and Vil always complains that he clutters his mental storage with this non-important junk. But that’s just Vil being embarrassed that Rook remembers every time Vil said something dirty to him during sex.
Rook used to write poems about Vil’s certain body parts and how much he loves to fuck them. He still does this sometimes, but when they just started dating he wrote like 5 poems per day. Vil is conflicted about those: he reads them of course, but still scolds Rook for writing them. But also never throws them away. But also says that they are way too obscene for anyone to read and if someone finds them he’ll have to poison that person.
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anulithots · 4 months
Ooh...So excited when I know that you are now a fan of Link Click, too.... Can I ask something from Link Click? What do you think are Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Also, can I ask your top fav characters and fav moments from the series (Link Click), if you don't mind me asking (again)....? Thanks so much....
KLDKJfdskj THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! I had answered it, wanted to save it for further thoughts... then tumblr wiped the post.
I cry. Sorry this took so long!
BUT I Did handwrite some stuff down, so here we go!
(Just a note that while I proabably will analyze link click - how could I not - I won't try to do as much analysis as I did with Jujutsu Kaisen... because... well I did too much. Maybe burnt myself out? I hyper analyzed that to the point where it became another school subject... and LInk Click actually SHOWS backstory, so I don't' have to connect as many dots. )
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CHeng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's strengths and weaknesses.
Cheng Xiaoshi: he's empathetic, but so much so that it turns into impulsive decisions. Other than that, when he does have space and time to process his emotions, he's INCREDIBLY good at strategizing based on the factors of the environment + the emotions of those involved (Lu Guang will follow rules without being as adaptive)
Overall, I'd describe the Cheng Xiaoshi emotion pipeline to be this:
gets overwhelmed with strong emotions, especially when possessing someone or in a high stakes situation. In this state, he'll do reckless, impulsive decisions, oftentimes for the good of others... but he usually regrets it later
CXS has more time to sit with and process his emotions. He usually withdraws from the world at this time. (Post episode five, or after diving into the photo on his own, when he thought Lu Guang was dead)
He does his whole 'I have a plan thing' and it's ridiculously smart. He just needs time (and lots of it) to process his emotions.
Cheng Xiaoshi is also almost.. too trusting. He trusts others, empathizes with them, so easily feels and assimilates himself with others that he'll... probably get taken advantage of. (See season two)
He also clings to the people he has. This is neither a strength nor a weakness... it's both, it's a trait, and it will become either beneficial or a detriment depending on the situation, as is the case with a lot of character traits. The plot tests the flaws and benefits of a character. (Sorry small tangent)
CXS tries to prevent the same pain of loss from befalling anyone else/ people he possesses. He fears being alone (probably also feeds into his 'too trusting' + relies on Lu Guang thing. Neither are inherently flaws) and perhaps part of the reason he is so impulsive is because his parents left him so suddenly. He gets so stressed because he has to help them/save them, and he must do so immediately, before they leave him forever.
(See I'm analyzing but I'm having trouble with fitting CXS into the overall themes... hmmm.. I'll figure it out.)
Lu Guang:
I'm not sure if he restrains his emotions, has subdued ones, or if whenever he's around CXS he can act more 'low energy' because CXS is... a lot. /aff
(See Lu Guang sitting on the couch differences from when CXS is there versus when CXS is in a dive
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Versus when he's alone:
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*feet on the table*
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*bouncing his foot*)
He acts like he's the level headed one, but he's far from it. Even in season one, especially in episode five (when he took a risk and it ended up backfiring on CXS) he can and will freak out the moment something doesn't go according to plan. And who often doesn't go according to plan?
Cheng Xiaoshi.
Lu Guang does his very best to... prevent against this. He means well. Pretty much every moment he's on screen is him trying to protect CXS.
He does keep secrets, but overall, I think he isss pretty open about what he thinks and feels (except for when it comes to CXS to his face... he'll gladly talk about it to Qiao Ling). In... I think it was episode six, he openly told Cheng Xiaoshi his reasoning for going back in time to deliver the messages in episode four... to alleviate the client (and prove to himself that it is possible) of regret.
As far as the 'strengths and weaknesses' go, for all the issues and benefits that happen because of him, it's really caused by his personality, his traits, that will be either useful or detrimental depending on the situation. LInk Click is wonderous at using the plot to fully explore the nuances of the characters, so none of their traits are 'black and white'. Very 'trolley problem esque' and up to the viewer to decide. *buzzes and explodes* /pos
In essence: Both CXS and Lu Guang are emotional idiots in their own ways (CXS's just louder about it /pos /aff) and QIao LIng is actually the only levelheaded one here.
... I need some more time and rewatches before I can fully analyze them well so that's that for now!
What I love about their dynamic
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They both trust each other, and will break all of time and space (or not break all of time and space) for the sake of the other.
Like Lu Guang, for all the times he says that CXS cannot change the past, that he shouldn't interfere, caves if it means giving Cheng Xiaoshi solace. (Episode five when tried to help Cheng Xiaoshi save his mom, and in season two when he let Cheng Xiaoshi dive to allow police assistant guy - I forget his name - to give a flower ring to his wife)
For Cheng Xiaoshi, he'll resist his impulses and emotions, even if it causes him immense pain, to comply with what Lu Guang would've wanted. Epppiisooddee fivvee is a good example of this. (And of course... I think it was episode two of season two where Cheng Xiaoshi decided not to go back in time for the sake of Lu Guang's wishes). Cheng Xiaoshi 'gave up' on trying to save everyone in the town because of Lu Guang's urging, and even throughout all the dives he does, as early as episode one, he trusts Lu Guang.
Also, in a less dramatic sense, ... alll the little things they constantly do for eachhh other aklsjfkaslfklasjd fSCREAMSSS
Lu Guang checking on Cheng Xiaoshi during his nightmares, comforting CHeng Xiaoshi after the trauma that was episode five, the both of them constantly teasing each other, how comfortable they are in each other's presence. IT'S SO QUEER PLATONIC CODED I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Fav characters and moments.
(in the prev version of this ask I started listing out EVERY SINGE scene in season one and started going to season two... I love them all. I love them all so much I'm going to rewatch it again.)
But as of now I'll list them out and include some of my screenshot collection (it is growing heheheh)
In episode one where Lu Guang slurps his noodles to tease CXS after he couldn't eat his spring rolls
The moment in episode two where Lu Guang proclaims that the mission is hopeless and CHeng Xiaoshi says 'Just because you don't see hope doesn't mean there is none'
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Also Lu Guang smiling when CHeng Xiaoshi says how he wishes Lu Guang could've tasted the noodles too. There's Lu Guang smiling at things Cheng Xiaoshi says, what more does one need in the world?
Like in season two where Cheng Xiaoshi is restrained and QIao LIng slaps the lawyer guy in the face (I'm slow with names and need to rewatch season two)
Honestly episode five is a masterclass in good writing. The moment where Cheng Xiaoshi's mom is singing to him, then it cuts to Cheng Xiao's mother dying is just... *sobs*
Cheng Xiaoshi's backstory in general... it was either in episode ten or eleven... or nine??? I still have to rewatch up to there. Epsically because CXS's backstory was explored in really nuanced and explorative ways before the whole thing was revealed, which makes any rewatches 1000x sadder. It's such good writing holy herbs.
In episode... seven I think it was.... when CXS as Doudou punched the human trafficker and Lu Guang had a surprised pikachu face... peak fiction. How this donghua manages to make me smile and laugh then ugly cry and stare at a wall for the next few hours is beyond me /pos /sooo impreeessive the wriittttnggg.
Lesbian Noodle ladies were amazing. 100/10. Bring them back the trio needs happiness
Lu Guang wanting to go the funeral in season two with an IV and half formal clothes, half hospital gown. He's smart but in the 'I've memorized an entire Library but can't navigate a practical/social thing to save my life' sort of way. Love him for that.
Wang Juan. She has an Ivan (alien stage) haircut and she was great and yes I have another aesthetic crush shhhh
When the trio dressed up as the cartoon characters to reunite Doudou with his dad.
Cheng Xiaoshi arguing and bickering with Xu Shanshan. Then when he dives as her, he immediately makes her look bad and it's hilarious
In the 5.5 extra where Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang play video games against Qiao Ling and both of them lose.
Qiao Ling and CXS both beating up a bunch of people. Peak siblings
CXS and Lu Guang beating up Qian Jin (I looked up the wiki and it has character namess yessssss). Peak queer platonic partners.
Moments like these? IDK I just like the idea of them spending time together without necessarily needing to talk to each other, comfortable in the silence.
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.... I reached my image limit *cries*
(and sorry it took me so long to answer it)
... now I want dumplings
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thivell · 4 months
Sharing Some OCs
Hi hey! I have uhh… a Jedi and a handful of half baked clone sketches I did when I was bored (there’s a few more but post is already long)
also this is a real long post and I apologize
Jedi OC
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Dunno how effective his pole staff works but hey it’s cool and does exist canonically -
Clones - most of my sillies are clones rn. Currently I’m working out a battalion that’ll be my little clone collection but I also have an oddball squad that’s a little mix of canonical characters and ocs
451st Battalion Clones
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not all my babes are drawn out but a few are- they are incredibly rough though and we’re drawn when I was just finishing up the clone wars show
Commander Delgado/ CC-8933
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Captain Maverick/ CT-4751
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First Lieutenant Makeshift / CT-9663
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Second Lieutenant Krypt / CT-5769
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That’s it for my boys rn, but I’ll slowly start making my way through the rest of them- with my stuff still being fidgeted around I’ll most likely change the 451st boys into being 176th and go under my Jedi OC.
I have two marines Port/CT-3742 and Starboard/CT-5065. They got their names because of the directions of the numbers (Port’s are all facing left and Star’s are mostly facing right). But what’s silly about them is they’re always on opposite sides with Starboard seen on the left of Port and vice versa especially when they walk. Why is that you ask? Well it’s because while most clones are ambidextrous they still have preferred hands; for Port that’s his right and for Starboard it’s his left. They’re both little shits that when combined make one half of a braincell and that’s all they got and they definitely gaslight the shinies into thinking they have port and starboard mixed up. They were based off of two orcas with the same names.
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Oddball Squad Clones
so the oddballs are essentially clones that look too different or are deformed due to genetic degradation, you can think of them as being like 99 but being the precursors to the bad batch. As stated earlier it’s a mix between canon and non canon clones. As of right now there are
Two canon clones - Captain Vaughn and Commander Blackout
I have not drawn Commander Blackout but he has aniridia which is an eye condition where there is little to no pupil in the iris, causing vision issues. For him it’s not too severe, he needs some corrective measures in his helmet but can see even without them, but he does have light sensitivity and often gets migraines due to fluctuating pressure changes behind his eyes. He also has incredibly dark eyes and blackout styled tattoos that start from his upper back then go down to his pecs and down his arms, also has some on his calves.
Vaughn I have drawn- he has vitiligo that in the photo mainly collects on his face with multiple different layers of different skin pigmentation showing, but it is a full body thing (it even goes to his hair). But it’s one of the main reasons he keeps his helmet it on for long periods of time
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There’s 4 non canon clones right now: Whiteout, Zombie, Caid, and Discovery. Both Whiteout and Zombie have sketches but Discovery and Caid don’t.
Caid (Kade)
Caid’s thing is that he is completely mute due to the fact that his larynx never developed. He’s got some skin warping and scarring over his throat from it. He has quite of a few scars over his face and notably knuckles because he throws himself into every battle. He’s a little spicy and sassy. you can think of him as Bumblebee from the transformer series if you’ve seen that. Right now his backstory is a little wobbly but everyone in the oddball squad usually has multiple facets of training if they can. Caid mainly works as a nursery care taker and watching over the tubies and the other very young clones but he also goes on high stake reconnaissance missions to gather intel. The way he communicates is mainly though GHS (Galactic Hand Signing- my SW version of an international sign language) and he also has short field commands embedded into the com device in his vambrace (he usually has a data pad on him too to type out anything he needs).
Discovery has two major deformities that affect his arms; his left arm barely ever developed and ends mid bicep and his right arm stops just after his elbow for a few inches. For this he was given cybernetic replacements but he’s mostly used as a lab rat for testing, he doesn’t like it but it hardly squashes his never ending child like curiosity with the world he’s been exposed to. Usually getting him in trouble with Vaughn and frequently visiting Whiteout, the medic.
Whiteout/ CT-8651
Whiteout has full albinism, from his skin to his eyes, and while they aren’t true twins- he and blackout consider themselves ones as they have been in the squadron the longest. Whiteout specializes in being a medic but also does pretty well with a sniper. He’s incredibly soft spoken and sweet and occasionally gets a stutter but he’s trying his best. Especially with Zombie watching over him now he feels safer to stand up for himself.
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now .. the zombie explanation has to be a little lighter for the sake of ages and tumblr. I cant sugar coat this exactly but I won’t go into the nasty details.. Zombie got his name dude to the fact he was put back together with parts that belonged to other squad members. It was a suicide mission and none of them came back alive but they were used in an experiment by one of Nala Se’s apprentices. He got his name zombie 1) from his lack of talking 2) his usually stone cold or mildly agitated exterior and 3) from the fact his scarring show off how he was literally stitched back together.
He wasn’t originally part of the oddball squad since on his original body his only odd thing was the fact he and green eyes but after he comes back he very quickly gets pulled into it. He has an absolute soft spot for Whiteout and is the equivalent to scary attack dogs with separation anxiety
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Whiteout and Zombie as of right now will eventually be tagged on to 104th with Wolffe and Caid might be going into 212th or works mostly under them for missions.
that’s all for now lovelies, thank you for reading!💕
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moodywyrm · 1 year
Assuming this is in the same sort of universe as basketball Abby where they have that lovely apartment (I’m still so happy that you took the time to like sketch out the apartment. It’s so neat and I literally want to live there) near campus where Lev comes to visit often. Reader has a good relationship with Lev, but since we’re kind of on a Jerry train right now, what would Jerry’s relationship be like with Abby’s partner?
OHHHHH now this is my shit. this is part of the college basketball abby x chubby reader universe!
I've actually thought about the reader and jerry's relationship quite a bit, just because Jerry is a huge part of Abby's life (obviously) and there is no way she would ever be able to have a relationship where her partner and her dad weren't at least friends or coexistent to some extent. When you two first got together, she was both completely sure it was gonna go great between you and her dad, and fucking terrified that something would go wrong.
the first time you and jerry meet it's at dinner, I wrote about it here. abby literally had no reason to worry at all, because it went so well!! jerry loves how much you care about abby and just how genuinely good you are, and you love how much jerry cares about his daughter and her happiness, and he's genuinely just a kind man. after that, you and jerry are just good friends!!
he'll drop by the apartment every now and then with food because he "accidentally" cooked too much for lev, yara, and himself. usually, abby is out at practice or class or something else, on her very organized schedule that jerry Knows, so you two just hang out until she arrives.
it always ends up with the two of you hanging out in the reading nook with coffee or tea or other drinks, talking for hours and hours. he'll tell you about work, weird happenings in urgent care, etc. etc. you tell him about class, whatever weird stuff has happened with abby or haley or soot. abby comes back to see two of her favorite people just laughing like maniacs on the armchairs.
omg also! haley loves jerry. the lil pitta adores him!! whenever you can abby mention "grandpa" she's Ecstatic, wiggling and looking like a croissant, grumbling and running for her collar. soot is ambivalent, but you have, on occasion, caught her napping on the couch with him whenever you take them to the Anderson Family Home.
You and Jerry get along well!! And abby loves it, so much. it makes her all warm and fuzzy, knowing the love of her life and her dad get along so well. can you just imagine trips with the both of them? going to an aquarium with them and then just getting bombarded with facts from three Andersons? bc I firmly believe Lev also loves animal facts, even marine animals despite his fear of the ocean. you and yara are just standing there like. help. please.
I would love to write more about this but I think I've gotta keep my posts short for now, until I can get into a rhythm again <3
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starlupis · 10 months
Heya! I go by Star(I’m also figuring out a secondary online name because Star is very common I realize :( ) and I use she/her pronouns! This is my only blog and I post pretty much anything on here, but mostly art and alterhuman stuff.
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(Blog title loosely translates to “May the stars always be in your favor” in Latin. It’s something random I came up with one day and thought it sounded cool)
✧★ ABOUT ME !!! ★✧
I’ve been doing art for essentially my entire life(no idea when I started digital art, but my guess is around 2018? No idea) and animating since late 2019/early 2020(don’t know the EXACT time)!
Furry 🫵(you can find my fursona here if you’d like to see them!) + wolf/dog kemonomimi
I am type 1 diabetic but heavily doubt I’ll mention it often(excluding during disability pride month probably).
I’m also a malaptive daydreamer and it’s where a lot of my OCs’ lore/backstories originate from lmao
involuntary pet regressor + age regressor but I’m still kinda aware of stuff when regressed? It’s complicated idk
I am an alterhuman/nonhuman. this is the ONLY platform I talk about it on and that’s pretty much the sole reason I don’t link my tumblr anywhere. Bit more on my experiences/-types below if you’re interested!
I am a wolfdog(specifically stray/wild) and dromeosaur(haven’t figured out the specific species. Might be otherfix/otherspin?) therian, cryptidkin(possibly monsterkin), and dragonkith/hearted.
My wolfdog theriotype is sorta complicated?? Some days I feel more stray/wild dog some days I feel more wolf. I also don’t have the high prey drive(or the aggression a lot of the time) associated with wolfdogs. But I DO feel like a wolf and a stray dog and associate myself with being both.
My dromeosaur theriotype I’m not 100% sure on. VERY likely otherspin or otherfix.
My cryptidkin(perhaps monsterkin) kintype is hard to call a kintype because it’s sort of on the physical level? I don’t have a tangible “cryptid” form other than associating it with fog, claws, and glowing eyes(and sometimes back spikes, I don’t know). This and my wolfdog theriotype sorta mesh together sometimes.
I feel very connected to and drawn to dragons and also did when I was younger. I’ve always found myself empathizing with them more even when they’re made to be villains in stories. Might be dragonkin but I’ve never really actually bothered looking into it.
Wolf. Not wolf therian or wolfhearted or anything just wolf. I can’t explain it.
Not really questioning anything but I’ve been getting pretty intense wing phantom shifts for some months now(on back and VERY rarely sides of head) and also thinking “woah that’s literally me” towards border collies. I also HEAVILY associate myself with werewolves and sometimes joke about myself being one but I’ve never really used the werewolfkin label.
punk(working a battle jacket!! will post photos when I’m done if anyone wants to see it)
aroace + agender spec
^I don’t explicitly use xenogenders but dirtgender and werewolfgender really resonate with me!
I do have anxiety(diagnosed) so my apologies if I take a while to respond to something!
ALSO EVIL!!!! /j (acting like a fictional villain is a functional coping method I swear)
If anyone’s wondering! My username(I use the same one or some variation of it on nearly every platform) is star(I don’t know quite where this came from but I blame StarClan from Warrior Cats) + wolf in latin(Lupus) but the second U is replaced with an I :D
my interests are paleontology(THIS ONE IS A REALLY BIG INTEREST I’VE BEEN OBSESSED WITH PALEONTOLOGY SINCE I WAS LITTLE I usually refer to it as my special interest but I’m not quite sure if I can call it that since I’m not diagnosed with autism or ADHD yet. heavy emphasis on dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals but ancient plants n stuff are rlly cool too), marine biology, wolves(another interest I’ve had since I was a little kid :D), Greek mythology, and birds ^^
DNI if Zooph*lia, NSFW/k!nk blog, radqueer, or basic DNI criteria
#✧star drawz - art/animation/doodles/etc
#✧star makes things™ - cosplay, physical/3D art, that kinda stuff
#✧feral things - alterhuman stuff
#✧the creature speaks (and will not stop send help) - rambling/long text posts
#✧chaos control - I DO plan to post stuff about my webcomic eventually so this would be the tag for that
some other socials/accounts if anyone wantz them:
Instagram - @/starwolf_art (this is where most of my art is)
YouTube - gonna clean up a bit then relink
DeviantArt - @/StarWol3 (I rarely post there)
Etsy - ConstellationWares (no listings currently but I plan to sell device backgrounds and OC adoptables, and cat masks eventually?)
Ao3 - StarLupis
Artfight - StxrWolf (I revenge every attack !!)
gonna also link my webcomic here when I finally redo the first chapter!
I usually follow back unless you don’t want minors on your blog or you’re in my DNI!
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xdrakesboyfriend · 10 months
more one piece phone hcs (but only for the characters ive met) :)
part 1
ace, like luffy, has alot of games on his phone, but unlike luffy he actually has a decent amount of social medias, that being youtube, instagram, tumblr, twitter n twitch
he doesnt post alot on twt, ig n tumblr tho, but streams semi frequently on twitch, n when he does post its usually just stream clips or pictures n videos of his brothers n friends; he might upload a vod or two onto youtube every once in a while but not often
smoker doesnt have any apps on his phone other than the default ones; uses the clock n reminder apps, just using them for their intended purposes (setting timers n reminders), he might use the stopwatch feature on the clock up to time himself while working out tho
tashigi doesnt have many apps, only really having sudoku, a handful of puzzle games n twitter, only uses twitter to follow sword/sword fighting related accounts n doesnt really post much
koby has a few socials, mainly twitter, instagram n tumblr, he posts on tumblr frequently about his crushes his friends luffy n zoro, he only really uses ig to follow whichever strawhats thatre on ig (but also to stare at luffy n zoros selfies but thats unrelated)
he doesnt use twt often but pretty much exclusively uses it to follow artists, alot of which dont even post stuff related to his specific interests
helmeppo has a handful of socials, having snapchat, instagram, twitter n tiktok
he posted frequently onto tiktok n instagram, especially when before he became a marine, but after he became one, the frequency of his posts slowed down substantially
he tends to post the occasional selfie onto snapchat n will sometimes spam tweet about whats going on in his life
(wasnt in the strawhats version cause she wasnt a strawhat yet when i first made it 💔) robin prolly doesnt have many socials, only having instagram n twitter to follow friends, prolly has a few streaming apps like netflix or whatever so she can listen to true crime shows/documentaries, also has spotify to listen to true crime podcasts
garp only downloaded netflix n disney+ onto his phone tbh but even then its just so he can watch documentaries more than anything, doesnt understand how the damn thing works tho n doesnt use it often unless he wants to watch something
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patriciavetinari · 4 months
Also a post I've been marinating for some time, but I had a thought that when I see very valid concerns from autistic and neurodivergent people about untold/unwritten rules about communication and social life and now that I've fallen into a certain vintage rabbit hole I keep thinking how those rules used to be much less unwritten because that's what etiquette was there to teach.
But this is such a big topic and I realize the bourgeois origins of etiquette but on the other hand it is/was at some point an entire field of learning and developing.
I don't necessarily think neurotypical people are inherently (even less genetically) better at social norms or even social cues, I mean most of us will meet plenty of people that are rude, offensive, inconsiderate and we wouldn't know about their mental health or they would be neurotypical and still fuck up social situtations. They might get away with them in some scenarios because Those specific fuck-ups would be considered Lighter than common and harmless neurodivergent behaviors because of current socia norms.
Society and every form of behavior is shaped by mainstream views and politics, so a society thay hates neurodivergency will have an etiquette that hates neurodivergency, but essentially, etiquette as a study is still the tool to achieve some common ground in understanding social behavior and set up norms for being considerate that have been changing with the times.
Etiquette as a tool can very much be used for good, especially if rewritten and reurposed to include neurodivergent people, just like it has been repurposed to not include a chapter for disciplining a slave.
I just think that now on social media popular etiquette content focuses too much on stuff like napkin placement and how to cross your legs and how to eat a prawn correctly with knife and fork and less on how to have a conversation, which in itsef is and has always been a skill and neurotypical people are also generally garbage at conversations, genuinely, because it's not really viewed as a skill anymore.
Things like choosing words, expressing yourself, being mindful of the time spent speaking, including others in a respectful way, eloquence – this is not some underlying genetic code that neurotypicals inherit and neurodivergent people lack, it's all a skill that can be honed. Plenty of neurotypical people make others uncofortable in social situations, even if the manner of the doing this might be different from neurodivergent people. Not even necessarily that, because even on tumblr one regularly sees discussions and polls if certain very common behaviors are considered offensive or helpful and the answers are often very polarized (eg opinions on infodumping, providing help by wallowing together or planning actions, is telling your own story to comfort another's misery helpful or not etc etc etc). Is it worse etiquette to infodump or to consider person infodumping weird and ostracize them? Discuss.
Still, I'd say, honing the etiquette and rhetoric as skills intended to resolve Anxieties around social situations could help a lot of neurotypical people be more at ease in that area of life. I should probably research if any such work exists already, because I frequenty see neurodivergent people here sharing advice on how to fit their behaviors better into society which is an advice, essentially, on how to be more considerate – which is etiquette. Tumblr users are writing etiquette advice.
So I think we should very much lean into that and explore that. Instead of saying 'what is a safe way to infodump or stim' we can reframe it as 'what is the etiquette for taking the floor to talk about a passion at length / what is the etiquette of incorporating stimming into a social setting'. And this absolutely should go both ways: 'what is the etiquette of communicating with a non-verbal person' etc etc.
And yes I 100% do think it should be framed less as a medical / patronizing / coping issue and more like 'this is a fellow human being, be fucking polite and considerate to them'.
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mahikamihan · 2 years
Firstly, although I watch basically every crunchcraft stream, sometimes I miss details especially if multiple people are streaming at once, but I'll try my best and maybe have a look at the VODs tomorrow (which I am very happy to do btw)(and I haven't been able to watch any of Miyoungs solo stuff really because she streams too late for me TT ^ TT )
Ok so, I think we're on the same page with the pets- I don't think she ever gave them names- especially the llamas and her parrots- but i'll double check. I didn't watch when she got the cats so idk about that either.
Foolish has visited the deep dark (in the mine near his boat) a couple of times, and came across another portion of it when adventuring with Miyoung and Karl more recently.) But the first time he came across it was when mining for resources with Tina a couple of days after Karl joined- so significantly after his first death. I would agree that he is definitely more careful while in caves now, especially because he knows very little about the deep dark. However, he is very steadfast and curious by nature so he has been taking more risks. Besides just being curious and a bit stubborn, I think his persistance to mine and explore unsafe areas comes from him identifying his role (at least until sam started the iron farm) as the provider for the server- being the most competent minecrafter- risking his life in the pursuit of vital resources to ensure the future safety of his friends, e.g Iron armour for Tina.
The boys are really dedicated to the One Piece bit LMAO, so I predicted with Sykkuno being a marine it would create new tensions. In One Piece, even though there is competition and often battles between pirate crews to claim the title of king of the pirates etc., there is a common enemy in and unspoken alliance against the Marines (who are basically the government/ military) who want to take down all pirates. Therefore, in that way there could still be a significant and central rivalry between pirates like Karl and Foolish, while they acknowledge a wider issue in the common enemy of the marines aiming to stop them both.
Also yes, transcribing Karls book was a lot, but top tip, I figured out that (if you are on laptop/pc at least) you can screenshot/ clip the image of the page from the stream and then input it into a browser image to text converter, that made it a lot quicker.
Hope this helped!
I love talking Crunchcraft and I think sort of unintentional lore is so much more fun to make headcanons and interpret stuff from
I'll check in on ur blog so feel free to ask anything else- or if u just make a post about something I might send an ask with my take/ adding stuff if you'd like
omg you don't have to look thru the vods if you're too busy! I'm just naturally curious about the little details 😅 (and yeah, miyoung streams late, it was a pretty dry of streams this morning, so I thankfully got a chance to catch up on some of Miyoung's and Tina's vods while at work)
i go on a pretty looooonnnngg discussion below the line, be warned! (hope you don't mind, I am just in such an inspired mood)
glad to know im not the only one having a hard time with the pet names :') I only knew of muffin bc Tina mentions her when she was talking to miyoung in one of her late night streams, and she got the cats from karl/foolish's streams when they were coming back from adventuring i think? idk if she ever picked names for the parrots/llamas, and she usually mentions them offhandedly in her streams so they're a blink or you'll miss it kind of thing compared to foolish and karl
it's actually SOOOO interesting that they found the deep dark after Foolish's first death, like, especially pretty early on when the revival system was placed! I kinda had a lore-y headcanon similarly that he was pretty level-headed leader and explorer, only much more rebellious and stubborn headed when he first joined the server. Through his first death, he has had this little anxiety that he carries with him about caves and unforeseen dangers now. He get very protective and afraid for his friends when they go in the dark, mining and such (I like a little angst sprinkled here and there). And he make judgements and analyses of other's first deaths as well in order to better himself (the vod reviews). I think crunchcraft!Foosh really understood the weight of his death bc through his hubris (love for treasure and recklessness), he left tina in a dangerous cave alone without a way to safely navigate back home that basically sparked this whole death tax and revival fees. Like imagine having a friend so so integral to your survival and well-being you bend the rules of the universe/server to just have them back. That's some fucking poetry like,,,, what in the accidental characterization that's just ... 🤌*chef's kiss*🤌
:O aaah! i'm so relieved you know one piece bc I would have never gotten that reference! ever! I hope they go through with it in their RP-ing, even a little bit, I would love love love to see it happen and the chaos that would ensue. esp if sykkuno is the opposing force sldklsdk *side eyes his first time meeting rae on mc he blowed her up accidentally*
omg the book thing is genius, im stealing that method now hehehe XD i was typing as i watch the entire time! ;-; i was about to quit thank god he only went up to 18 pages in mc
feel free to check in here every now and then, i think i might engage with more crunchcraft lore knowing that people are getting interested and looking forward to them now and again. I have like, one drabble for miyoung's first day on my queue ready to post and working on foolish's and maybe karl's first days as well. it's suuuuuper fun thinking about how they would be interpreted story/plot-wise!
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risingscorchingsuns · 7 months
hi everyone, welcome to my blog!!!
my name is Leon, and i really, really love demon slayer! kny has been a huge comfort for me for years, and it’s been a special interest of mine since about november 2023. i want to create a space that is safe and fun to share with other people who are as passionate about kny as me!! :D my main is @lavenderbrigade but im more active here!
a bit about me!
yippeee yay i love demon slayer!! it’s my main special interest, and it means a lot to me! rengoku is my favorite character and all-time comfort character, (i have a tattoo to honor him!) but i love every character, really!! my other favorites are sanemi, genya, akaza, mitsuri and senjuro, to name a few!!
my pronouns are strictly he/him! please do not use any other pronouns for me- this includes they/them! (i have nothing against they/them pronouns, they just don’t suit me <3) i am a gay trans man, and a lot of my writing for Hikaru reflects my experiences as such! :)
additionally, i am very neurodivergent and often struggle with tone and responding quickly to dms! please be patient with me- i am trying my best! tone tags are very helpful for me <3
This is a kny blog, but my other interests + hyperfixations include resident evil, (4 specifically!) deepsea marine bio, minecraft, and stardew valley! im always happy to talk about non-kny stuff, i just have constant rengoku autism <3
rules and expectations!!
i am 20 years old! that being said, this is a sfw blog!! i won’t ever post any direct nsfw here, but I may post gore/body horror at some point, generally aligned with what would be typical of Demon Slayer. any posts that contain more than mild gore will be appropriately trigger warninged! i also might post kissing and things like that, but never anything too explicit! my nsfw blog is @hikaru-after-dark- follow there for horny posting lmao
mostly though, this is just a fun safe space for me to blorbopost about rengoku and to share mine and my friends’ ocs :)
additionally, I have read the manga, and this page will contain spoilers!! please keep that in mind!!!
DNI and boundaries!!
DNI if you:
are a proshipper
ship RenTan specifically but really any of the ships that fall into that category
hate on furries
do not support lgtbq+ or otherwise queer people
look man just don’t be a bad person ok
not exactly a DNI, you’re still welcome on my blog, but please note i will probably not follow you back if you also selfship with rengoku! i mean no ill intent- doubles make me anxious and it’s a personal boundary 😓
My Tags!
I’ve got a few tags, and frankly im kinda bad at keeping them organized, but I do my best!
#hikaru eritora - my Karu tag!! Anything Hikaru related goes here 🪲
#leon writes - my writing tag! Here you can read my fics, oneshots, and anything else I write.
#leon rambles - this is primarily KNY analysis, but it’s also the occasional miscellaneous ramble! I love talking nonsense into the void <3
#leon askbox - anything that comes from my askbox!!
#leon says words - man im just talking lmao. professional yapper over here
#leon scribbles - my art tag! Here you can view my artwork :)
#not kny - exactly as it sounds! This tag is for anything on this blog explicitly unrelated to kny. It’s rare that I use it, but I like organization lol
#kny analysis - anything related to kny meta or narrative analysis!
#writing resources archive tag - this one’s mainly for me, but you’re welcome to poke through it! I keep my writing tips and tricks in here :)
I have some various side characters, but my main and favorite oc, as well as the face of this page, is Hikaru Eritora! I plan to reveal more and more of his story over time, but if you want to know a synopsis of his story, you can find it here!
My Writings!
I am an amateur writer!! So far everything I’ve written has been for Karu, but who knows! I just like stories :)
Full Length Fics/Oneshots:
Blazing Heart’s Rhapsody
Don’t Let Go
Requiem of the Subconscious
Completed RP Thread Archive:
Brothers in Arms (with @definitelynotgideon)
OC Refs!!
Here’s Hikaru’s ref!! I absolutely adore any headcanons, asks, or other questions I get about him, so please feel free to shoot me some!! My inbox is always open!!
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Thank you for reading, and for being on my page! Set your heart ablaze!!! ❤️‍🔥
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rabid-citrus · 8 months
Heyyy, you said its okay to ask about your aus and stuff, so im curious! It would be nice hearing more about your oc universe! Maybe you can make a post listing all of them? No pressure ofc!
Oh boy, where do i start
So there's like 3 original worlds I've created in my head + miitopia and a really self-indulgent fnaf au that's been marinating in there since 2016, and i could write a 40 page essay on every single one if i had enough time and motivation, so I'll just give you shitty summaries for now
Carpet Clowns – collab w my bestie @s1rchek, basically my jester girl Daisy-Bell moved in to live with s1rchek's self-proclaimed scientist Kapeta who studies the mushroom plague in a godforsaken russian city of Mukhosransk, and they witness the horrors together.
Carpetclown Cryptids – so basically what if our ocs were cryptic entities terrorizing a russian village; Kapeta would be the local leshy who looks like a black silhouette with moss and mushrooms in their hair wearing a nightgown(?) and who hates humans and curses the most irritating ones with rot and shrooms-growing-over-you disease(go ask my friend, they know their victorian theydy better than i do) and Daisy would be known as Field jolly (полевая веселушка) who appears in the fields at the late evening and wears a jester cap to go with her bright dress. The Field Jolly often has a flock of large hawk moths (aka the death head butterflies) following her, and she might offer you a poppy. If you accept, you'll die within a month and a butterfly similar to her flock will crawl out of your mouth.
CCRPG – carpetclowns fantasy rpgmaker game plot involving missing king, a cult and your average rpgmaker game stuff. we joke the whole game is just Kapeta and Daisy's power fantasy
Tales of Calmford Town – my 100% original microcosm that basically boils down to "Flanelle the french-canadian mime boy and Dots the russian clown girl live together in a small town full of qirky friendly people and go on adventures together" And they're both members of clown species who need to cheer people up to get emotional sustainance regularly, or else they might get sick. Essentially the most light-hearted and whimsical story on this list
{unnamed, i call it playrooms for now} – stories about kids getting sucked into bootleg backrooms and trying to survive there. also there's friendly toy entities. and weird creatures like a parasite that eats your flesh and mind and tricks you into ingesting it by disguising itself as a cake. that's basically it lmao
Flipside AU – fnaf au with it's primary focus on the puppet and it's variations from across the games, both official fnaf and the fangames. Lots of fnaf lore angst, lots of headcanons, and the majority of puppets have human names now. For example the og puppet is named Charles (they picked it himself to honor Charlie). also sentient AIs and the titular Flipside is the afterlife/dream world (I DIDN'T KNOW of dsaf when I came up with that name and the concept, don't at me)
Miitopia Au – my miitopia playthrough but now WITH MIITOPIA LORE
i will actually post art of them all once i finish with my exams :-) hope you like it!
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ninelivesart · 9 months
About Me (Kind of)
Doing this Drawing My Reads challenge this last year, made me realize there's a lot people don't know about me. You don't have to know anything about me, of course. But since I've had an uptick in followers, I thought I'd share a few things anyway. For context.
I'm a librarian! Technically a Library Clerk because I don't have my Master's. But this last year I got promoted to Programming Clerk. And I specifically run my library's Makerspace. Which means I get to play with cool, creative machines all day. This also means that I sometimes get to just vibe to audiobooks and draw stupid stuff (it's ideal). My primary focus at the moment is our laser printer. So I will 1000% be adding those creations into my rotation soon. Expect to see some SVG files and wooden bookmarks and things on my Etsy shop soon.
2. That being said, it's important to note that I hardly ever pay for books. I have access to a full library 40 hours a week. So please don't think I'm out here spending hundreds of dollars on these books. I very rarely pay for them.
3. My education is in books. I have a degree in English and Literature. I minored in Journalism. I didn't get to go to art school because there just weren't a lot of options for me back then. So I am a self-taught artist. And I'm lucky to have found a job that combines both of my passions.
4. I am a fully adult woman. I read a lot of very adult books. I'm closer to 40 than 20 and I have a teenage son. Please keep that in mind when interacting with me.
5. My reading tastes can sometimes seem contradictory. I love romances but I tend to stick to fantasy and scifi. I don't do contemporaries very often. And I don't read classics because chances are, I've already read it, analyzed it, wrote an essay on it, and read it again. I did my time and now I'm in debt for classic literature. I'm just trying to have fun. So sometimes I might diss a popular book and be very critical about it. And then turn around and wax poetic about alien smut. I don't expect much from the alien smut. I do expect more from serious books.
6. I pick my reads with a randomizer! This is why I sometimes take a long time getting to a sequel. I have made exceptions for a series I wanted to continue right away. And sometimes I roll again if I'm not in the mood for the book I got. I'm going to try to be a little stricter on this in 2024 though. With the exception of the audio books I listen to at work. I always search Libby for what's available now so I'm not wasting my work time, searching every book on my TBR to see if it's in.
7. You are more than welcome to send me suggestions! I'll probably just stick them on my TBR so I can't guarantee I'll read it quickly. But if you think I'll like it, feel free to recommend it. I'm also happy to talk books with you if you need someone to vent to about a book you know I've read.
8. You are also welcome to add me on Storygraph (beautawn) or TikTok (NineLivesArt). I'm stepping away from Goodreads, so you probably won't see a lot of updates on there. But I post drawing videos on TikTok and I update my Storygraph pretty regularly.
9. However, I don't do reviews! Why? They make me uncomfy! Sometimes I really need to marinate with a book before I decide if I like it or not. Rating systems make me anxious. And my mood alters my decisions. I also don't like being mean. I'm fine talking about my feelings with other readers, but I don't like leaving reviews. Especially if I plan to make art for it. Don't want to draw a lovely portrait and then bash the book.
10. I do plan to continue this project into the new year. But I am planning on doing it a little different. I have some other (non book related) projects I want to work on, and I want to push myself to focus more on the things I need to improve. I really want to focus on environments this year, so I'll be drawing scenes from the book instead. Which means I may not draw a book even if I loved it.
Thank you for following my reading/art journey! I didn't expect this silly little project to have such a positive response. I love when people talk books with me and I actually made friends with a few authors this year! So overall, it's been a very positive experience and I'm ready to jump into the New Year and see what it brings!
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