#i also like the idea that a dragon's sex plays no role in it
iturbide · 1 year
Just curious, since you have a lot of headcanons involving the dragons- do you think some Manakete’s have some from body dysphoria while in human form?
Okay, so this is just me personally: I think that dragons have a period where they need to get used to their manakete body (something that's faster if they start when they're younger, since they grow up with both forms, compared to older dragons who have to learn how to do everything the manakete form can do after living for so long with an entirely different body plan). But I don't think they have dysphoria, necessarily -- because I like to think that their manakete guise shifts to the appearance that feels right to each dragon. Some things are outside their actual control (like age -- a young dragon will always look like a child, an old manakete will be wizened etc) but everything else? Fair game. One dragon really likes short hair? Their manakete guise will have it as short and fluffy as they like. Another really likes more feminine styles? Their manakete guise will have a wardrobe to match their tastes. Barring a handful of limitations, a dragon's manakete guise is a reflection of how they see themselves -- and the sky really is the limit.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
“I will never have a little girl. I was the Mother of Dragons.”
I can’t tell if this is dramatic irony from GRRM and he means to subvert it or it’s a statement that may come to fruition ? Targ restoration seems very unlikely but I look at how “no one will ever marry me for love” and the willowy creature line is so obviously dramatic irony but can the same be said for the Dany line? Lot’s of Dany stans think so and obv think it’ll her and Jon’s child…I do find it funny that they’re the same people who claim that Jon’s willowy creature line isn’t ironic at all and that Sansa’s despair over only being chosen for her claim won’t be subverted at all 💀
I think that context here is a key in explaining why the line is begging to be subverted for Sansa, while acting (at best) as false bait in a broader metaphor of doom for Daenerys.
How would you like to marry your cousin, the Lord Robert?" The thought made Sansa weary. All she knew of Robert Arryn was that he was a little boy, and sickly. It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love. But lying came easy to her now. "I . . . can scarcely wait to meet him, my lady. But he is still a child, is he not?" (ASOS, Sansa VI)
For Sansa, the line plays on two things: 1) her disillusionment with an innocent but character-defining dream is already complete in the perfect middle of the series. What an excellent moment to set up an ironic hint where her arc will go from there. 2) Easter egg of an as of yet unknown fact: there is another cousin to whom marriage is going to be on the table. "It would be so sweet to see him once again" she later thinks of that not-yet-cousin, "but of course that could never be." Another never. What could possibly ensue down the line? It's pretty blatantly begging to be subverted.
Dany, meanwhile, is thinking this while in the process of fully embracing her dragon identity in the grasslands at the end of the fifth book (happening almost concurrently with the fourth book, so chronologically between the middle and the end). She is exiting her Mhysa-arc, abandoning the maternal role she took on at the end of ASOS, which had quickly entailed locking up her dragons for killing a little girl.
"Drogon killed a little girl. Her name was … her name …" Dany could not recall the child's name. That made her so sad that she would have cried if all her tears had not been burned away. "I will never have a little girl. I was the Mother of Dragons." Aye, the grass said, but you turned against your children. (ADWD, Daenerys X)
Her children being the dragons.
Dany is torn between these idea of motherhood. Mother to the people, mother to dragons, mother to her own children. But, crucially, this chapter ends with a decision. She avoids examining the thought of her "moonblood", she divests herself of her commitment to Meereen, she summons and mounts Drogon, turns him away from Meereen, hunts on dragonback and gorges on the charred flesh of a horse that died screaming, calmly awaiting Jhaqo's khalasar to find her. She chooses the dragons.
The pregnancy she miscarried in the grasslands during her bout of starvation and dysentery was conceived in Meereen. Fairly soon after she started having sex with Daario and Hizdahr, even. Is it miscarried in the process of choosing to leave Meereen.
“To go forward I must go back,” she said.
She has chosen a new direction, back to her dragon identity, her personal quest. Nothing about this invites the idea of an ironic twist on motherhood being her future after all, which always stands in opposition to the dragons. The imagery is utterly consistent on that front.
In order to thematically reconnect to motherhood for herself, she would have to utterly reject the dragons, and that's going to be both extremely unlikely, and also increasingly meaningless the more she already achieves for herself through them. It's not much of a sacrifice if they have already given her power, devotion, armies, vengeance, the path to Westeros and the means to achieve all her goals. If Hazzea is not enough to convince Dany of what matters more, where is the meaning in being given "a little girl" for herself down the line, after yet more little girls will have died? Thematically, the time to earn this reward passed the moment she chose Drogon.
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yukidragon · 10 months
Sunny Day Jack - Omegaverse AU Headcanons
Soooo… A/B/O. Alpha/Beta/Omega, also known as the Omegaverse. Let’s see what happens when I mix it with Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, shall we?
This is going to be a pretty off the wall ramble, since, well, Omegaverse doesn’t have any set rules besides Alphas are strong, territorial, and are thirsty as hell because of the pheromones Omegas give off when they go into heat and are ready to make babies. I’ve found during my idle browsing of various pages on the subject that each storyteller tackles the rules differently, sometimes wildly so.
So I’m just gonna do whatever I want. Sounds good?
I’ll take your inability to respond as a resounding yes.
Content warnings: this post is going to be full of talk about sex, from sexy times to sex organs, and maybe even some smutty snippets if I feel inspired. I mean, Omegaverse is rooted in sex, so it’s a given. There might be mention of the darker sides of sex like SA and sexual harassment, but I’m going to be mostly sticking with shamelessly indulging in my OTP as much as possible. That means I’m going to be using my OC Alice in the main character’s role, but feel free to play around with any of my headcanons for your MCs if you feel like dabbling in this silly crossover of smutty subjects too.
First off, Alice (/MC) is an Omega in this AU, and all the love interests are Alphas. It’s fitting for a protagonist of an erotic romance game with a bunch of suitors, don’t you think?
Yes, even Ian is an Alpha. I’m playing with the tropes a bit, and I think it would be fun to play with the idea of Ian being intimidated by the pressures of being an Alpha. Not to mention I can see his mother coming down even harder in this universe due to his Alpha urges.
The Worldbuilding
It might be good to go into how I’m going to define the basic rules of my dip into this Omegaverse. In this world, genders are sorted first into Alpha, Beta, and Omega. After that they’re divided further into male, female, or any other flavor of non-binary. There’s a hell of a lot more gender variety in this world, and a lot of folks who have both sets of sexy bits to play with.
There’s also a supernatural aspect to these genders that give Alphas and Omegas extra abilities that Betas don’t typically have. Betas are the closest to normal humans and tend to have the same amount of male/female/intersex variety. They’re the largest percentage of the population, and are susceptible to the influence of Alphas. Still, they, like all people in this world, are much more in tune with their instincts than people are here.
Alphas are all capable of insemination, and as such regardless if they have a clit, a dick, or whatever else, they produce sperm. Those who also have a uterus as well tend to be regarded as female or intersex Alphas.
What separates Alphas from Betas are their supernatural abilities. Alphas tend to be bigger and stronger, with sharper senses. They have a commanding presence to them that mildly affects others. It’s not mind control, but it can influence the instincts of Betas to make them feel inclined to submit to their will proportionally to how strong the Alpha’s will is. Because of this, Alphas often are the ones who take commanding roles and other positions of power. They also often clash with other Alphas often because of this instinct to take charge of others.
Alphas often have some slight animal features as well. Sometimes they’re born with harder nails like claws, or fangs. Sometimes they have extra features to their dicks like you’d find in a Bad Dragon toy. Knots and wolfish instincts are the most common features an Alpha can have, but more rarely you get other animal features, like a cat’s ability to purr and have smaller bumps/ridges on their penises that similarly are meant to keep a cock locked in place after cumming. These animal influences can result in very interesting variety in the bedroom for those who want to sample what various Alphas have to offer.
Yes, I was thinking of Shaun when I came up with these alternative animal traits. I just couldn’t picture him acting wolf-like or having a knot like the other guys. I mean, maybe he could pull off the catdog look, but I think it’s more interesting if his features are more on the feline side.
Alphas are more sensitive to the pheromones of others due to their enhanced sense of smell. They also tend to have a much higher libido than Betas, so it’s not uncommon for them to be very sexually promiscuous. There is a supernatural aspect to the pheromones as well that allow Alphas to “mark” others with a unique energy signature that makes it easier to find them and let other Alphas know that someone with that mark is under their protection. These marks can only be made with consent of both parties involved, and are usually temporary depending on the relationship the Alpha has with the person marked.
Mate marks are made when an Alpha wants to mate for life with one person in particular. They’re a very serious commitment that can’t be undone, and it can’t be done if either party is even the slightest bit uncertain about that level of commitment to one another. As such, it’s not something that happens anywhere near as often as marriage.
By mating like this, an Alpha is sharing their life with another person, regardless of gender, and their mate is agreeing to the same. Mates are able to sense things about their mate all the time, no matter how far apart they are, with a strong sense of empathy and the ability to pick up when they’re distressed, in danger, horny, etc. This can lead to mates being clingy and instinctively seeking each other out more than usual relationships. This also has a tendency to make for a lot of sexy fun times between mates.
Those who have gotten these mate marks are called a “fated pair.” Since it’s so difficult to commit so completely to another person and allow them so much access to yourself, these marks are rare enough that the pair are thought of as soulmates. There are even stories of fated pairs who were reborn and found each other again in their next lives. Mate marks are all unique to that fated pair and can be fairly complicated, sometimes even very colorful. This is a magical world after all.
A fated pair are fully committed to one another. The idea of leaving their mate for someone else becomes unthinkable. In a way they’ve become one and feel incomplete without the other. Their strengths and pain are shared. They are no longer able to feel romantic or sexual attraction to anyone else but their mate, but they make each other stronger by being bound together. The natural abilities of Alphas and Omegas increase with the mate mark, making them more powerful, and Betas awaken their own supernatural power - the power to dampen or even neutralize the abilities of other Alphas and Omegas.
An Alpha can have their fated pair be an Omega, Beta, or even another Alpha. Not every Alpha has a fated pair, and polyamory is more common and more accepted in this universe. With so much gender diversity, pansexuality is far more common than heterosexuality in this world. The topic of sex is also less taboo to discuss due to the phenomenon of “heat” and “rut.”
Heat and rut are when a person experiences an increased desire for sex and their instinct to reproduce is heightened. The only difference is whether the person’s desire is to impregnate someone (rut) or be impregnated (heat). This is a side-effect of the supernatural powers of the people of this world, and as such affect Alphas far more strongly than anyone else, but Betas sometimes experience a milder version. It doesn’t seem to be tied to a particular season, but more to the individual. Sometimes a heat/rut can be set off by an Alpha getting too excited while using their powers for a prolonged period of time.
Of course, we can’t talk about heat without going into Omegas. Omegas are the rarest type. If Betas make 90% of the population, Alphas take up 9%, and Omegas only 1%. All Omegas have a uterus and are capable of being impregnated and carrying young. Omegas are empaths, very perceptive to the emotions of others, with the supernatural ability to heal, and are often thought of as nurturing figures.
Omegas also are the only ones that can instinctively make Alphas submit due to their pheromones. When in heat, they can send anyone receptive nearby into rut. Their smell is appealing even to Betas and they have a natural allure to them, though Betas can’t go into heat/rut.
Now, in a lot of Omegaverses, this is where the dubious/non-consent comes in hard. While I can understand the appeal of a character going into heat, desperate for sex, attracting everyone and making them desperate to have sex with them… Consent is king in this house, baby, and that includes my version of Omegaverse.
Heat and rut don’t strip an Alpha/Omega of their ability to consent or affect their judgment. It can be intense like starving for a good meal, but it never goes to the point that they’re willing to choke down rotten food. There’s a limit to the horniness, and consent is taken very seriously.
While an Omega has the power to set off rut in others and be alluring, it only affects those that are receptive to the Omega sexually. Asexuals in this world simply aren’t affected by these supernatural pheromones, or at least not as strongly depending on where they are in the asexual spectrum. Demi-sexuals still need that strong emotional connection before being affected, for example.
An Alpha that is receptive to an Omega and thus affected by their heat has an instinct to submit to the wants of the Omega. If the Alpha wants the Omega and the Omega doesn’t want the Alpha, they won’t be able to bring themselves to do anything except pine for the Omega due to their strong instincts. If an Omega wants an Alpha, but the Alpha doesn’t want the Omega, then the Alpha doesn’t get affected by the Omega at all.
That’s right, I’m leaning in hard on the supernatural angle to ensure that all parties are consenting even when affected by magical horny vibes. While this doesn’t eliminate SA altogether from this world, as scumbags are going to prey on others regardless of their wants, this supernatural horny magic isn’t going to sign off on non-consent in this version of the Omegaverse.
Betas for the most part are immune to these heat/rut pheromone shenanigans and pretty much can just potentially find Alphas, Omegas, or other Betas attractive in a more conventional way. They are also capable of reproduction provided the individual doesn’t have health issues that get in the way of that.
If Alphas have the ability to make Betas instinctively inclined to follow their lead, Omegas have the ability to make Alphas instinctively want to protect them. Even the most feral Alpha has a hard time overcoming their instinct of not wanting to see an Omega harmed.
Going feral is something that only happens to Alphas. Typically this is tied to intense emotions, usually aggression in combat, protectiveness, possessiveness, or even horniness. They might even have more animal/monstrous features as their supernatural nature spikes. Reasoning with an Alpha that’s gone feral is best left to Omegas, a beat down from other Alphas, or heavy dosing of sedatives.
While Alphas are apparent from birth, Omegas are usually only discovered after they have their first heat, or a traumatic event awakens their ability to heal. Since the person’s desires are what cause heat/rut, these states only happen when the person wants to reproduce and in what way they’re capable/wanting to do so. Someone who doesn’t want to produce children won’t experience heat or rut, even if they might experience elevated levels of hormones at times.
What’s the difference between heat/rut and being horny? The desire to make babies. Bo, for example, would be going into rut all the time with how much he wants to make his puppy have his pups. Alphas and Omegas have the potential to be exceedingly horny and affect others through their pheromones without going into rut/heat.
Though rare, Omegas are also capable of siring children and going into rut if they have the right equipment for the job. Likewise, Alphas can birth children if they have a uterus and can go into heat if they want to do so. An individual’s will strongly affects this supernatural state of horniness and their desire to reproduce.
Alpha Joseph Cullman
Now, with the foundation of the Omegaverse we’re working with out of the way, let’s get to the characters we know and love. Many of the broad strokes of the SWWSDJ timeline are the same in this AU, but changing the finer details can craft a very different picture.
Joseph Cullman was born an Alpha, but he struggled with the role. Sure, he could more easily intimidate others, make them submit, but ruling by fear does not earn you love. He was clumsy with his connections with others, showing off his strength and trying to get attention in a desperate bid to be loved.
It’s just fortunate that this troubled Alpha found his fated pair when he was young.
Yes, this AU is mixed with my reincarnation AU, which I talked about in previous posts here and here. Come on, fated pairs? It was practically begging for a reincarnated soulmate storyline!
Mary thought she was a Beta until the trauma of being told that she was going to die before reaching adulthood awakened her healing powers and allowed her to heal her chronic illness, revealing her to be an Omega.
Omegas, being so rare with the power to heal, are exceedingly coveted. Mary’s parents, being narcissists who saw their children as extensions of themselves, were keen to exploit this power for fame, fortune, and acclaim. This made them tighten their grip on Mary, and when they found out an Alpha was sneaking into her bedroom… ho boy they put a stop to that.
Joseph, having Alpha instincts to protect the only person who cared about him, especially since Mary’s Omega nature was affecting them all the more, fought even harder to keep her. This led to an altercation between him and her parents. Instead of something bad happening at Haberdae High, it was his escalating conflict with her parents that led to things breaking down for him.
The fateful incident where everything went wrong involved Joseph losing control of his rage, resulting in him going feral, with Mary being kept from him so he couldn’t calm down until it was too late. This led to a very violent incident that resulted in police involvement. The Phoenix family pressed charges despite Mary’s protests and Joseph, being a minor, was sentenced to juvenile hall.
Joseph wasn’t left unscathed mentally from going feral. He remembered vividly what he did and was horrified by his extreme acts of bloody violence and loss of control. It left him seeing himself in a much more negative light.
It made him feel like a monster.
Unfortunately, things went from bad to worse for Joseph. While he was locked up, the Phoenix family moved away. Whatever reputation he had left in that small town was destroyed, and everyone avoided him. Even his parents grew more distant from him, ashamed and afraid of the monster their Alpha son had become. Teachers and other authority figures scrutinized every move he made, ready to come down at him for any perceived slight, and Haberdae High felt almost as much of a prison as juvenile hall did.
Of course, Joseph ran away when he couldn’t handle it anymore. He also couldn’t let Mary go in spite of everything. He tried living on his own for a while, but loneliness ate away at him more than the hunger he felt while living on the street without a home.
Life for Mary wasn’t sunshine and roses either. Her parents exploited her new healing abilities to line their pockets, having her heal rich investors even when overuse of her powers was damaging to her health. It was almost ironic - her parents used to be so concerned about her health, but now it was like it no longer mattered to them, not when she was finally useful to them. Besides, she would eventually heal herself, so what did it matter that she suffered for a while? She needed to grow up and help out the family, in their opinion, especially after all the trouble she put them through with Joseph.
Ever since Mary’s powers truly awakened, she was increasingly aware of the fact that her parents didn’t truly love her. Being able to detect other peoples’ emotions can let you know when people are faking theirs. Their affectionate displays had strings attached, and their emotional abuse just highlighted the lack of care she could feel so painfully clear with her powers of empathy.
Fortunately, since Joseph is an Alpha, he left a mark on Mary, which allowed him to eventually track her down. It was a shock when she heard a familiar rapping at her window in a place states away from her old home, and then saw a familiar face that she had been aching to see for so long.
Though Mary was aware of the violence Joseph committed while going feral, even being the one who had to heal the damage he left behind with her powers, she still loved him, and she could keenly feel his love for her in a way she didn’t feel from her parents.
Joseph didn’t feel worthy of being with Mary, feeling himself unclean, monstrous, but when he found her, he couldn’t leave her again. He just couldn’t live without his sunshine. He gave in to his weakness once again and asked her to run away with him. They could leave their toxic families behind and just be together. All the adults in their life failed them, and their bond was too strong to want to be separated, even if it meant that they would be struggling on the streets.
Despite the guilt Mary felt for abandoning her family, she agreed to run away with Joseph. However, while Joseph ran away without a plan and only the clothes on his back, Mary didn’t want to be quite so reckless if she could help it. In the middle of the night, she stole money and her parents’ car keys so they could get some distance before selling the car so that the police wouldn’t be able to track them that way. They traveled quite a while even after that, taking on new names to make sure no one would track them down. It was easier for them to disappear in the age before the internet.
Joseph made sure to protect Mary from dangers that come from being homeless and on the run. He was a strong Alpha who was no stranger to getting into fights, and sometimes he had to do things he regretted in order to make sure they were both safe and stayed together. They had enough money to last them while they traveled and put distance between them and anyone who knew them.
Eventually, the two managed to find a place to make a new home. Joseph took the moniker of James, and Mary changed her name to Maria. (Yes, I had to get that Silent Hill 2 reference in.) When introducing themselves to other people, they claimed to already be married, even if they couldn’t be legally. Joseph James got the part of Sunny Day Jack, and things were looking up as the show took off.
It was when James finally felt like he made himself into someone truly worthy of someone as kind and loving as Mary Maria that he wanted to take things further, for them to be a fated pair. Maria had actually been the one to bring up the idea first, and they had attempted it before, but it never successfully formed. It was only when James felt less haunted by the mistakes of his past and happier with the person he had become that he was able to feel worthy enough to become one with his sunshine at last.
The pair were happy. Things weren’t easy, and they had plenty of challenges to face, but they loved each other. They promised each other forever.
Then the Incident of ‘84 happened.
A fated pair has many benefits of their mating, being stronger together and feeling each other’s pain and joys, but unfortunately the downside is that when one dies, the other is quick to follow.
Joseph, James, Sunny Day Jack, [Redacted]... the man known as all these things was sent to a hellish afterlife, deprived of the chance to reincarnate thanks to the wicked machinations of LambsWork Productions and what they did to him. Yes, I’m going with my headcanons that Jack’s fate of being trapped in the tape was by design and not an accident. I mean, I’ve had fun playing with that in other AUs, so why not here too?
Since Mary/Maria wasn’t part of the ritual, she was spared the hellish fate. She was reborn as Alice and the King family made her far happier and feel more loved than the Phoenix family ever did. Still… she felt like something was missing, a longing she could never quite explain. She was born with an unusual intricate birthmark. Some thought that it looked like a mate mark, but that couldn’t be. It was already there on her neck since the day she was born.
Besides, fated pairs are just people who bond for life and entwine their energies together. Soulmates and reincarnation are just silly superstitions made up by romantics…
A Fated Pair
Alice had a similar childhood as she did in the main universe, meeting Ian in the 1st grade and befriending him. Over time he started having romantic feelings for her, but, unfortunately, she never reciprocated them.
It didn’t feel right to Alice. She loved Ian like a brother, but the idea of romance with him felt… wrong. It almost felt like a betrayal… but of who?
Ian’s upbringing was strict. His absent father was an Alpha who paid child support and wasn’t loyal to his mother, making his mother come down harder on him, especially after learning he was an Alpha too. Even as a child, he was shamed for his desires or standing on his own. She shredded his pride to ribbons, and he could never fully use his powers as an Alpha while living under her roof.
His mother went after him for any relationship Ian had, so it was difficult for him to make friends. Alice stuck with him when others were chased away, and more than once his mother warned Alice to watch out for Ian and his predatory Alpha desires. This was made worse when Ian’s mother found out Alice was an Omega. Ian’s mother immediately branded Alice as a whore who was wired to entice all Alphas into rutting for her all the time.
Needless to say, Ian was a lot happier when he grew up and could go no contact with his mother.
Despite the accusations and harassment, Alice helped Ian break free of his mother’s grip. They eventually moved in together in college, but they weren’t in a relationship, no matter how much Ian wished otherwise. Eventually, she helped encourage him to pursue his dream to become an actor, and he left for a fancy college to help him along the way.
In California, now completely on his own, Ian learned to spread his wings. He was surprised by how many people found him appealing now, both sexually and as a romantic partner, especially as he learned how to assert himself. He started exploring his sexuality for the first time. He had wonderful experiences with multiple partners, but he longed for the security he felt with Alice and held out hope that someday, maybe, she might return his feelings.
Ian wasn’t the only one pining for Alice, even when off at college seeking out his dreams. Shaun fell for Alice when they went to college together. Without a boyfriend to scare him off, he tried to shoot his shot with her… eventually. Poor guy was flustered and fumbling over himself for quite a while, blurting out embarrassing things and accidentally self-sabotaging more than once. Unfortunately, with Alice not feeling that way towards him and his miscommunications, he never even got the chance to be turned down like Ian was before he had to go off to another college as well.
It was after her friends were gone that Alice really started feeling lonely, especially in an apartment meant for two people. She still remained connected to Ian, Shaun, and other friends through phone calls and online communication, but something was missing.
When Alice was around her friends and family every day, she could forget about the strange longing she always felt. When she was alone, it was so pronounced. She took to wandering when not at work, trying to find… something. She didn’t know what. She just… needed to find it. She had to. The world wouldn’t be right until she did.
That was what drew her to the thrift store and a certain video tape. It was compelling in a way that it was almost confusing for her. It was as if this strange old tape filled her with a longing that wouldn’t be satisfied until she took it home with her and watched it.
When Alice played the tape, she found what she was missing for so long.
Sadly, Jack forgot who he was entirely in his 40 years of hell, but a part of him recognized her right away. He didn’t even remember her name, but Alice was his sunshine, he knew it. He knew that he loved her with his whole heart instantly, and longed for her touch in a way that left him weak.
Needless to say, Alice was very confused when she woke up and saw a giant clown in her apartment. However, unlike in Sunshine in Hell, her shock wasn’t as strong. She didn’t retreat from him. There was such a sense of relief and completeness he brought her that reassured her in spite of the surreal situation. It was so strange that she was certain she had to be dreaming. There’s no way this feeling and this beautiful man who made her heart flutter like no one else could was real…
Jack greeted her, all smiles. He was her new best friend forever, and she was the reason why he was there. When he held her hand, he could’ve melted from her warmth, and she never felt so warm and safe from someone’s touch before.
It was just so absurd to Alice. She magically summoned a children’s show clown as her best friend forever? Definitely a dream. Besides, she was sure that she dreamed about this man before. His touch was so familiar, and being with him felt so right. These warm fluttery feelings felt too good and a part of her had been aching for this for so long…
Alice decided to just enjoy the dream for as long as possible.
Jack was startled when Alice suddenly kissed him, but definitely anything but displeased. He returned the kiss with a passion she didn’t expect. She had never actually kissed anyone before, so she was caught off guard when his tongue slipped so easily into her mouth. Still, it was almost the most natural thing in the world to let him in, to twine together with him so intimately and feel their heat and taste meld together. His scent was heady, delicious, familiar…
It wasn’t outright heat and rut since neither of them were thinking of making babies, but their instincts and hormones kicked in. The connection between them made them share and amplify each other’s arousal. Alice never felt this with anyone before and was almost overwhelmed, but there was this familiar security with him that kept urging her along. Jack was almost overwhelmed by all the sensations after going without for so long, but he drank them all in greedily, and her most of all.
There was no phone call to interrupt them. Instincts kicked in and clothes started coming off. The motions were so familiar to both of them, these hot kisses on equally hot skin that tasted so sweet and nostalgic. Consciously they forgot one another when death separated them, but their souls did not forget, and their bodies ached to reconnect after being apart and missing each other for so long.
It was only the discomfort of the lumpy couch that prevented them from having their first time then and there. Alice barely had the sense to direct Jack to her bedroom, and he carried her the entire way, their hearts hammering hard.
In the bedroom, it all suddenly became so much more real to Alice, and she started feeling fears, doubts. Even in this world she experienced a traumatic SA incident as a teen, and she was aware that she was alone and naked, with a half-naked giant looming over her.
Jack was so gentle though, so familiar. He slowed down when he noticed her trepidation. He confessed his love for her, how he was sure that he was waiting for her for so long… and he could feel she felt the same.
“You felt it too, didn’t you?” Jack said, his voice a whisper low and husky from the heat churning between them. “You’ve felt like something… someone was missing for so long… It felt like a piece of you was missing, like you could never be complete without that special someone.”
Alice swallowed hard in a futile attempt to alleviate her dry throat. She stared up into those beautiful dark eyes that ached with a longing that she felt deep down in her soul. He was right… she felt this way for so long…
“Don’t worry,” Jack said soothingly as he leaned in closer, inching them both back towards the pillows. “I’m here now. I’m right here… and now we won’t ever have to feel alone ever again.”
“Jack���,” Alice whispered, rolling his name on her tongue and it tasted so sweet, just like his kisses. She never knew kisses could taste as sweet as the ones Jack gave her. She wanted more, a part of her ached for more, more of this mysterious man who seemed too good to be true.
Jack reached out to touch her cheek, but hesitated as Alice jumped a little. “Is this okay?”
For a moment Alice hesitated, her heart pounding hard enough it echoed in her ears. Then she tentatively reached up to tug off the glove so she could feel his palm against her cheek directly. The touch of his skin was like fire, and it melted away so much of her fear, leaving her once again aching for more. She turned into his hand and lightly pressed her lips against his palm before whispering against his skin. “Yes.”
Was this a mistake? Logic would say so, but Alice had never felt anything so right before. Jack felt like a missing puzzle piece. His lips fit so perfectly slotted with hers, their bodies melded as if they were always meant to be one. She was tentative and uncertain, but she let her instincts guide her to touch him and lean into his touches and kisses that set her skin on fire.
Jack was so gentle, and he took care not to rush her. He savored every touch, every kiss, every moan. He memorized every inch of her body, wanting to etch Alice so deeply into his mind that he would never forget any part of his sunshine ever again. It felt like practically a sin to forget even a second with her, but at least his soul remembered. His hands moved with familiar purpose, finding all the sweet spots that he instinctively knew would make her arch into him and cry out his name so beautifully.
At some point Alice went from reluctant to impatient. She felt so good, and she loved the way Jack moaned when she touched him, how he could whisper such beautiful words of love and praise into her skin. She felt loved in a way that she never experienced before, yet at the same time was all too familiar… and a part of her eagerly anticipated that connection that would allow her to feel him fully, to experience all of his love.
This time it was Jack hesitating, not because he didn’t want to keep going - far from it - but a few exploring fingers between her legs made it quickly apparent that Alice wouldn’t be able to take his cock, and definitely not his knot unless he fully prepared her first. This body of hers had never experienced anything so big inside before, and he had to take extra care to stretch her out and get her ready.
Those big, thick fingers of his brought Alice to orgasm more than once, and eventually her frustration was too much. She needed Jack inside her, her body practically screaming for it. “Please,” she begged, flushed and embarrassed but her own neediness. “Please, Jack… I need you.”
Jack felt his heart squeeze at that plea and the desperate look in his sunshine’s unforgettable blue eyes. “Alice…” He removed his fingers, coated in her slick, and couldn’t help but taste her. Sweet and sticky, and the way she blushed at the sight made him feel a little greedy. “Alice… I love you so much.” A part of him was fit to burst, aching for her, but he needed just one more thing. “Can I ask you for something first?”
“What?” Alice asked between breathless pants. She spread her legs open wide for him, more than ready. She felt practically ready to do anything for him in that moment.
“Can you say it?” Jack whispered, desperation of his own creeping into his voice. “Can you tell me that you love me, just so I know for sure?”
Alice felt her pulse spike at the request, and that little voice at the back of her mind reminded her that what she was doing was crazy, but it lacked any fire and soon was lost under the fluttering warmth that filled her, that Jack gave her.
It was crazy, but so right. Her instincts were absolutely certain of that fact, and in that moment all Alice could think about was how much she needed Jack.
“I… I love you, Jack,” Alice whispered, the words coming out soft but far more easily than she ever expected. Once the words left her lips, the more right they felt. The next time she spoke her words came out more clearly, more certain. “I love you, Jack.”
Jack practically melted, those words setting him free in a way he had been denied for 40 long years. He couldn’t hold back any longer. His lips found hers again, and his hips moved with purpose. She moaned what sounded like his name against his lips, which acted as a muffler as he eased himself inside her nice and slow.
Alice was expecting Jack to be big - his cock had been so hard, hard, and heavy in her hands - but he felt even larger inside of her, filling her more than she thought possible. Vaguely she remembered her first time should be painful, but there was only a delicious stretch that bordered on pain, but was a glorious ache that left her feeling so full. She clung to her mate, digging her fingers into his back as he bottomed out inside her, and they finally became one after being incomplete for so, so long.
“Oh… oh God,” Jack shuddered. Memories flickered back of moments like these - from a clumsy but sweet first time to countless unions that came so expertly - and all the love and pleasure crashed into him. It was so much after an eternity without any sensation but a numb coldness. It took all his willpower to keep still and make sure that Alice was comfortable. He would never forgive himself if he made her feel any pain.  “Oh my God…” He had to take a moment to look into her eyes again, finally feeling truly whole again.  “Alice… You feel so amazing from just this.”
“J-Jack…” Alice panted. She fumbled for words, overcome with sensations and emotions that felt more powerful than anything else in the world. Despite his size, Jack just fit just right. Everything was so intense and overwhelming, yet nothing else in the world ever felt as right as this. She needed more. “Ple-please…”
Jack bent down to kiss her forehead, gently smoothing out the slight ridges there. “I’m going to move now.” He showed her a smile as dazzling as the sun. “I’m going to fill you with my love.”
Alice let out a shuddering cry as she felt Jack start to move his hips. He drew back so far that a part of her felt an irrational panic that he was going to pull out, but those fears were quickly alleviated as he brought their hips together again.
It was a slow and steady rhythm to start. Jack was determined to make sure that Alice never experienced even a second of pain, and the noises she made let him know just how good a job he was doing. He could feel the pleasure he brought her echo through his body, and his body’s pleasure resonated into hers the same way. They were one, moving together with practiced ease that came so naturally to the fated pair.
It was Alice who urged Jack to go faster by digging her heels into his backside, her legs wrapped around his hips. She couldn’t control the tempo from this position, but she could cling to him tight and make her needs known. “Mmm… more please! Jack please!”
“As you wish, sunshine,” Jack cooed before capturing that begging mouth of hers in another hot kiss. “I’ll give it all to you, all of my love.” He relished the cry she let out as he started to go faster, harder, and the pleasure made his head spin. His eyes rolled upwards, and for a moment he was sure he had gone to heaven as these powerful feelings of love washed over him. “Oh Alice!”
His praise and words of love were addicting, and Alice couldn’t get enough. She could feel his love surrounding her, inside her. The way Jack kept cooing and encouraging her drove her crazy, and words of love spilled from her lips in return, broken up by ragged breaths and cries of pleasure as he drove himself into her harder, faster.
Alice barely registered when their position changed, her legs bent back in his firm grip, but she felt just how much deeper he could thrust himself inside her, making her see stars.
The world disappeared, and nothing mattered but this desperate hunger they had for each other that bordered on animalistic. Their instincts howled for one another and the love they shared. Their bodies collided and meshed together, hot and sweaty. The air was thick and heavy with heat and the perfume of pheromones that left them both lightheaded and aching with need.
Jack managed to keep his senses enough to keep whispering words of love and praise for his irreplaceable mate, but Alice could barely do more than call out his name between animal cries of pleasure.
The pleasure continued to build, and before they reached that glorious crest, Jack bent down, his mouth seeking out her neck. His fangs grazed across that familiar mark he created a lifetime ago then sank in, renewing their sacred vow that they would love each other forever.
The world went completely white and Alice could only scream his name as she clung to Jack, her body convulsing around him with pleasure she didn’t think possible. She didn’t even notice when she was able to take his knot, but she could feel it pulsing inside her along with the rest of his cock as he came. He flooded her insides with warmth, and she relished in the heat pooling in her belly.
As the tide of pleasure slowly started to recede, Jack drew away from her neck and licked his lips. His sunshine’s blood was just as sweet as he remembered, and the mark glowed with a gentle, familiar light, just like the day he first made it. Alice moved in closer as he drew back, her instincts crying out for him, and he moaned as she sunk her teeth into the mark she left on him so long ago, a mate mark identical to hers.
The marking ritual wasn’t necessary to repeat, but it was like a renewal of their vows, of the promise that nothing, not even death, would keep them apart. Now, as the pair slid into a gentle afterglow, they brought their red stained lips together in a kiss that sealed them together forever.
After the Afterglow
Of course, eventually Alice is going to be aware that what she just did with Jack is very serious. There’s going to be fears and uncertainty even if a part of her is feeling so content with him. When it’s just the two of them, it’s so easy to fall into him, to give in to her instincts and love him just as completely as he loves her. His love is so addicting, so familiar and safe. It’s hard to have to face reality when this dream come true is so wonderful. A part of her is no longer missing anymore, and she can’t imagine living without him.
Since I suspect that MC’s love and closeness with Jack will allow him to be more real the more strongly they feel it, he’s going to be a lot more real in this AU a lot more quickly. Being a fated pair is a magical bond that can’t be broken. Add it and the general supernatural nature of this world, and Jack has a much stronger hold on reality thanks to Alice, especially after they share so much love as soon as he appears.
This means Jack doesn’t just appear in mirrors and in cameras, but also in front of other people. He doesn’t experience the world as a ghost, though he still has to contend with just suddenly appearing out of nowhere with no ID and all the other issues that come with suddenly existing in the world again.
However, just because Jack is more real doesn’t mean that he’s human again. He’s still a very supernatural being in a world full of people who have sharp animal instincts. Alphas like Ian, Shaun, and Nick can sense that something is wrong with Sunny Day Jack despite his bright and shiny smile. This is something these three are more sensitive to due to their attraction towards Alice and their Alpha instincts telling them to protect the Omega they care for.
Since Alphas have better senses to a supernatural degree, maybe they smell something… off about Jack, see something unnatural about him. Perhaps he’s a bit… staticy? He’s not simply another Alpha to them, he’s something not right. He’s uncanny… and dangerous.
And, much to these Alphas’ concern, Alice doesn’t see that at all. She has no sense of the danger Jack poses. All she sees when she looks at Jack is the man who she loves with all her heart, who loves her just as much.
Will Shaun, Nick, or Ian manage to shine a light on this shady clown and expose what’s wrong with him, or will their fears be proven to be unfounded? Will these Alphas clash with claws and fangs or worse? Will Jack have to go to extremes to make sure no one takes his sunshine away from him ever again? He’s gone feral before because of the fear of losing her, and it’s pretty common for Alphas to clash in this world after all, especially when it’s to protect someone they love.
Good thing Omegas have the power to heal when Alphas are ready and willing to tear into each other, but hopefully Alice won’t have to heal the wounds left behind from her lover’s feral frenzy like she did back when her name was Mary. Jack certainly doesn’t need more sins weighing down his soul when he’s finally clean now. Fortunately Omegas have a knack of keeping Alphas from losing control when they’re around… at least, unless they want them to lose control during sexy times.
Wow, this ramble went on a lot longer than I expected. I guess that’s what happens when I need to go into full-blown world building, huh? Anyway, I hope you enjoy my take on Omegaverse with the SDJ cast, and my spicy bit of writing between Jack and Alice! Maybe I’ll dip into this AU again sometime.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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tomyo · 1 year
Nimona and a Decade of the Queer Experience
To me one of the most anticipated aspects of the Nimona adaptation was to see how they changed the a lot of the queer themes from the original comic. Nimona was created in a time where it was still taboo to represent same sex relationships in anything trying to be marketable into an era where it is so commonplace that Nimona would have seemed regressive if it stayed true to the material.
Naturally the way Blackheart and Goldenloin are portrayed has greatly changed but also has a lot of the message from the original. Nimona is now about the trans experience.
This isn't to say transness was never at the core of Nimona but I don't think even baby nonbinary me would have been able to connect it directly to that.
Nimona the comic, to me, deals with similar but different issues from Nimona the movie. The comic was a story of trying to upheave an untrustworthy militarized state through the initially goofy lens of a budding father daughter relationship that ultimately fails.
Blackheart at the start of the comic already is trying to defy the government and Nimona seeks him out because he's actually playing the role of the villain already. She herself felt like this mix of female and queer rage. It made believe somewhat in the idea that the little girl by the end of the story was truly her who had once tried to do better for her home and was rejected for becoming something *different*. Overall you can feel more presently that deafening dread that Blackheart and Goldenloin love each other and acknowledging that would ruin both of their lives. This is moreso due to that whole conflict of their ideologies and sides they are on interfering but the metaphor is there. We could read this easily as Blackheart being out of the closet and at odds with society where Goldenloin on in the closet and working on the name of oppression. By showing Blackheart looking visibly like a villain it harkens back to the queer coding of Disney villains and a feeling a lot of queer people had to experience at that time, being an enemy to the public simply for existing. Coming back to Nimona, she's the perfect example of a trans masc egg experience; punk in a way that isn't fully certain in embracing or trashing anything feminine. Not fully androgynous but butchy and an unfocused anger at everything around them. I can never speak for the entirety of the trans experience but I know the feeling being born in an afab body and violently hating the society that I want badly to accept me, the way we insist that we intend to fully express our being while also creating this weird mix of unconvincing conformity. Again I laugh so much at her design elements; shaved head, tomboyish in chainmail but with curves, and short dresses, and impractical belts. Her actions also read as someone who's greatest sore point is loss of her bodily autonomy which ultimately she's subjected to during the climax. The monster/power of Nimona to me tends to ultimately mirror more of an emotional state rather than transness itself. Both version of Nimona have people see it as something Nimona is inflicted with rather than a part of her existence as she reveals at the end. Even Blackheart believe he can cure her of it with the equivalence of a procedure or medication but it's because he only perceives Nimona as the little girl and not the little girl as a part of the whole that is the dragon. I think there is a lot of things we can read into the dragon being and even at the idea that queerness is something people seek to cure that doesn't need one in the first place. And ultimately that's why the story ends on the somber tone it does, the biggest focus of the story was how Blackheart became the parent to Nimona and misguidedly tried to 'fix' her. And like a lot of people, especially for the time period, Nimona had to leave behind the family and society that couldn't accept her as her.
And so we move forward through the years.
Media is not made in a vacuum, Nimona the comic is a critique of early 2010s ideologies and maybe doesn't even worry about them as serious in a pre 2016 world. Nimona 2023 however exists on the other side of that threshold. Like I said, I don't think the original comic was consciously trans mostly because the zeitgeist wasn't conscious of transness. 2012-2014 (the comic's creation period) encapsulated me personally going from no aware knowledge of gender to confusion at learning my friend's pronouns to fully identifying as nonbinary in a world few people knew what that meant. But not long after that we had Korra's ending, the reveal of Ruby and Sapphire, Kaitlynn Jenner, Menanists, and then the nightmare of the 2016 election and all that came with it. The truth is a contradiction occurred; queerness became a part of the in group so long as it followed the rules of heteronormativity. I think it is fair to say a lot of queer people became more eeeh conservative for lack of better terms. For once we finally had a chance to be out and so long as we followed the conditions set out, exist well. We can live comfortably, why rock the boat? In other words, respectability politics. We are then at odds with those who believe we should keep complacent for fear of being rejected.
That brings us to Nimona the movie.
Blackheart no longer is the guerilla activist he once was, we now are introduced to him as a part of the system; specifically the model minority. Movies only have so much time for you to build understanding of it's world themes and ideas and so it tends to need to be more punchy with getting the point across otherwise become less coherent. So rather on the nose "Knighting a non noble is against god" as very flatly stated in the begging. Since the time of the comic, being gay has been normalized and we now see Blackheart and Goldenloin start out as a couple (to be frank I couldn't fully tell if they were official or not but they were all but in writing together) and by in universe logic, Goldenloin is the golden child pastor's son with divisively accepted boyfriend. Blackheart is an inspiration for his common men while his noble classmates are disgusted at the idea of him being allowed the same rights as them, essentially being allowed to be an policeman. It's his role as the model minority that he still believes the system is right when he is framed for murder; it is the one bad actor who's at fault despite a whole society shunning him with little reasoning needed.
Nimona in the other hand is a bit more in control of the relationship. Nimona of the comic latched onto a spurned man who was more methodical than she was in her work but Nimona of the movie is pretty much what pushes Blackheart into the image of a villain. Movie Nimona's goal is more or less to find community and for reasons we will get to only believes she can find it with other cast aside from society. She is jaded enough to know that Blackheart will continue to be labeled as the way they do to her. This time the shape shifting is explicitly trans; Nimona now is no longer worried about experimentation or trying to be cured but of being called a monster, the fear of her, and eradication; words I feel like I've heard too much in lgbt spaces lately. She talks about wanting her own demise with her heard turned down and eyes somber in moments that hit too close to home. She is a worn down warrior for her own existence. On safer grounds with Blackheart she more wittingly challenges his transphobia. Blackheart cannot perceive her out of the binary that she is default a girl and her transformations are something else, he asks if her transitions hurt, and he tries to convince her to blend in with others for his own comfort. As he spends more time with her, he's able to view the world he was taught differently and doesn't view the less pretty sides of Nimona as scary. However, programming is hard to free yourself out of.
The Director is by definition, conservative. She believes is a religious like text that society should not change unless it all falls a part. Her belief in this runs so deep that she easily is willing to kill pseudo religious figures as her personal code of morals override any actual logic in faith(anyone remember how magas talk about Trump as being sent by God while also disavowing him for encouraging vaccinations?). Her rhetoric that non nobles with be a societal slip eminates classism and racism (commoner is somewhat of a race allegory). She denies her own words to hold power, criticizes Nimona of whispering deceipt into blackhearts ear while actually being the one doing so to Goldenloin, and justifies her actions through holy scripts. She holds a stern belief in cleansing the society of it's demons down to intending to kill a large part of her society to rid it of the tran metaphor Nimona is. She is the quintessential conservative power so bent on it staying that way that she will destroy everything in spite of any logic to why it's right. Goldenloin, as the champion of the institution, a head cop if you will, looks upon the chaos learning the director's intent to kill thousands and says "what are we doing here?" A lot of institutions (aah there's the naming for you) in our country are like this. I think to some like, there are people who entered religion or became a police officer because they wanted to do good. But the rhetoric in these spaces can skew that perspective exponentially. Some with better access out may find that point of "What are we doing her" The moment the logic of the system no longer makes sense. I would love to talk more a lot this an the comic institution at a later point.
Back to Nimona and the queer identity.
Nimona was searching for a group to accept her, changing her appearance to fit in. She thinks she has it with Gloreth until Gloreth is taught that Nimona's existence was monstrous and rejects her as well. The scene of the villagers attacking her is poinient as well; they endanger and threaten her with violence (which would likely have been more explicit if not for kids) and she first turns to something weaker to escape but they refuse and so she is forced to turn to something bigger ane vicious in order to live but it only sets up the narrative that there is a reason to fear her when she didnt attack first, she simply had to protect herself. Nimona in the present is ready for her death, the narrative so out of control that it breaks her.
Blackheart is able to bring her back from the brink by doing the important thing of truly apologizing, have humility for his mistrust and bigotry, and offer her support on equal terms. Nimona this time does not flee her friend that failed her but sacrifice herself for the hope of a better future beyond the walls.
The final part to mention; the walls. The walls are mad out as a big deal in this. No one leaves beyond them and the one small town of Gloreth fills to a big capitalist tech dystopia that markets dragons as both cute mascots and something to eradicate to as young as children. Society is a small shoebox not allowed to even see beyond the walls; see a new potential of this world. Simply put, the beyond is the beyond of heteronormative society. Even as society has become more accepting of LGBT identities, it has only liked to consume it in an easily interpreted manor. There are a lot of even just fringe identities that used to get lambasted for being weird simply for existing, trying to apply those same rules within their spaces as they've become socially acceptable. For every push forward we make, there is still presentation and identity that will get ostracized for being out of the box. We create these walls and only build them out further every so often rather than knocking them down. If there is anything to take from Nimona it's to embrace the beyond.
Morning edit; Hiii thank you for reading all of this. I kinda furiously typed this after watching the movie last night and there are certainly some flaws for it. Towards the end you can see a lot of typos because I was literally falling asleep and there are definitely some concepts I would've liked to flesh out better but kinda glossed over to focus on what the stories were saying about Nimona specifically. I think if anything, I'd want to reexamine Blackheart in both stories because I honestly forgot a lot of his actions in the comic, same with the institution because it took a while to even remember about the Director being a character from the comic. To be real, there's some really specific events on where Nimona was made that tend to hit me pretty hard so I rushed through the comic when I read it last year. I might try to take me time now because Nimona is so meaningful. I even want to talk about how it made sense Disney tried to shut it down (I'm certain there's a lot of business reasons but I don't think it was compatible with the Disney brand). For all the ways we have queer stories, I don't think we see a lot of trans stories yet. I'm hoping the series like Dead End Paranormal Park and Nimona are the start of a new era that focally represent that.
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arsensonfire · 2 months
✶⋆.˚ 1x1 rp ad / rp partner search
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DMs: open
keywords: MxM, fandomless, queer pairings, angst, realistic, horror, sci-fi, fantasy (low and high), dungeons&dragons, dd/taboo, fandom
my name' s arsen, i'm 19m in the eastern standard timezone. i'm looking for lit. writing partners who are 18+ and semi-active (2-3 posts a week) in similar timezones. my main genre is angsty modern, open to any other genres and fandom plots.
lit level
★ my literacy level is literate but i tend to mirror my partners. i have a strong preference towards literate and above but i appreciate any reply. i write in third person (and would prefer if you did too), and capitalize (dw). i mainly write on discord and use tupper / make private servers.
★ i'm a yapper OOC but if you're less talkative that's fine. i play both male and female roles (as well as genderqueer characters), if anything, would prefer a partner that writes strictly male characters than strictly female characters. also prefer MxM or more queer pairings, platonic or romantic.
fandoms / fandomless
★ i enjoy fandomless plots for the most part, but i have a few fandoms. been craving plots around marvel (specifically something involving the new deadpool/wolverine movie 👀 or spider-verse), dungeons&dragons or harry potter.
★ don't have many boundaries, but will ask that you are mindful of my life outside of our threads and respect my time away. i do have the tendency to rot or not reply in the same day twice and checking in is fine but do not hound me for a post please. i will do the same to understand and respect any boundaries you may have. xenophobia of any type won't be tolerated, or blatant disrespect.
sex scenes
★ sex scenes i have no issue with, erp gets pretty redundant for me without a plot. taboo and deaddove are a fave of mine, especially with darker themes; very few triggers besides watersports and bathroom play.
mun notes
★ i'm looking for those who are passionate about world-building, character development and collaboration. original plots usually take the cake for me bc i love gushing over characters and original lore and i enjoy making OCs as i go. ghost-friendly but also just friendly so don't be afraid to communicate for any changes/ideas/etc.
that's it for now! DM me directly or like this and we can discuss ! ^^
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dsudis · 1 year
So I have not the first idea what critical thingy-bob is but I've just reread all your Witcher fics and it's not enough so clearly I'm going to have to follow you into a new fandom. Is there a primer? How much do I need to know? Is it like OG Bandom where a hundred fics in I'm still not sure how many bands there are? Or Teen wolf where I couldn't quite face the source material at all but feel like I have a handle on the whole set up?
:deep breath:
Okay, so! Critical Role is a long-running Actual Play show on Twitch/YouTube--each episode is three to five hours of watching a group of voice actors sit around a table and play Dungeons & Dragons. All of their main D&D campaigns take place in the world of Exandria which they have created for these games, and as the campaigns go on they connect to each other in various ways, so it does all become one vast interconnected story. Critical Role has a good wiki that gives overviews of all of this stuff and links to videos, but just so you know where to start looking and how it all relates...
Their first campaign began as the home game this group of friends played in their spare time for a couple of years before they turned it into a Web Series (largely, they've all said, so that they'd have a reason to definitely get together and play every week). That first campaign, Vox Machina, is currently in the process of being adapted into an animated series, with two seasons available on Amazon Prime: The Legend of Vox Machina.
Currently, Critical Role is running its third main campaign, Bells Hells, which started in the fall of 2021 and shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
The second campaign, which began in 2018 and ended in the summer of 2021, although there continue to be shorter bonus episodes, is the one my currently-posting sex pollen fic is about, and it's called The Mighty Nein. My fic is set fairly early on in the run, and this is the official artwork of the main characters at that time:
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Left to Right: Mollymauk Tealeaf, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord Stone, Frumpkin the Fey Cat Familiar, Caleb Widogast, Nott the Brave, Jester Lavorre, and Yasha Nydoorin.
The entire run of The Mighty Nein's campaign comprises 600+ hours of videos (also available in podcast form) but if you want a quicker route to getting an idea of the story of it all, you can read the recaps or for the even shorter short version, watch the animated recaps which compress the whole story into about an hour of cute animatics voiced by Critical Role's official Lorekeeper, Dani Carr.
I hope this helps!
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sleepingdeath-light · 6 months
snake fruit cookie + edging their submissive!dragon s/o ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (02/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; snake fruit cookie
outline ; “Hey I'm 21 years old and I wanted to give you a request since I read your poly snakefruit, hydrangea, dragon!reader thing...
Had idea for a smut hcs request....what if...snakefruit was with a dragon reader who loved to be edged and possibly teased...like snakefruit could edge them for a while until they are demanding snakefruit to finish them when they are at their limit, like can't take anymore edging and NEED to get off. Like as long as they have a little control, they enjoy being at snakefruit's teasing mercy, just snakefruit playing with their privates until they are going crazy
Sorry if it sounds weird just...really like the concept of a dragon reader and snake fruit and ontop of that, edging so I thought...why not combine the 3? Also I'm a fan of your work...I might send in a more wholesome request later. Anyway hope you're having a good day! “
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, dominant leaning!snake fruit cookie, sadist!snake fruit cookie, submissive leaning!reader, masochist!reader, bratty!reader, edging, bondage, degradation & humiliation
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
as someone who has spent the vast majority of their life chasing the same power and status that dragons so naturally hold, snake fruit cookie would be quick to jump on the wonderful opportunity your submission has given them — the freely offered control over you, a so-called superior being to a mere mortal like them, and your pleasure and the freedom to take out all of their frustrations on you without the fear of you retaliating in a way they couldn’t fight back against
of course they’re no fool and try their best not to take this golden opportunity for granted (no matter how tempting it is to do so) by making themselves out to be as perfect a dominant as you could ever want, lest you tire of their antics and search for someone much better able to match your strength and stamina (leaving them powerless and back at square one, once again, in the process) — after all, no matter how eagerly you adopt the role of ‘submissive’ in the bedroom, there’s still a distinct power imbalance between the two of you that leans heavily in their favour and they do their best not to forget that
that being said, and despite their constant lingering awareness of that imbalance, snake fruit cookie is still more than capable of keeping pace with you during sex and never shies away from scolding you or punishing you for bratting out with them — and, thankfully for them, that’s something that you come to be both very thankful for and greatly attracted to as your relationship progresses from casual dalliances to a proper relationship
one particular punishment that they’re especially fond of is, as one might guess from the title of this post, edging — more specifically edging you until you’re on the brink of tears and practically shouting at them to just let you cum already and that you’re getting tired of their games
sometimes they’ll combine edging with bondage: heavy chains wrapped tightly around your wrists to force them to remain bound and stretched above your head, a careful latice of scratchy rope covering your abdomen, maybe they’ll add in a stretcher bar to keep your legs spread nice and wide for them, and if they can find some more chains laying around they may even restrict your tail so you can’t use it against them in the heat of the moment — the two of you knowing full well that you’re more than capable of breaking free from your bonds if ever you wished as you wait for the other to break (them, testing how far you’ll let them go with their illusion of dominance over you and how far your patience goes, and you waiting to see when or if they’ll back down and go back to cowering like all your past mortal lovers have — a thrilling game of cat and mouse)
other times they’ll throw in a mixture of humiliating and degrading language because, being as much of a sadist as they are, they just can’t help themselves but get a bit mean with you — calling you every name under the sun from ‘pathetic’ to ‘whorish to ‘slutty’ whilst remarking on how hard/wet you are, how eager you are for your hole(s) to be filled, how humiliating it would be for your fellow dragons to know just how desperate you are for a mortal to pleasure you, to know just how much of a needy little brat you are for them — and they’ll only stop if you utter an agreed upon safe word or they decide to finally let up and allow you to climax
occasionally their possessive side will come out along with some of their more physically sadistic tendencies — like biting or scratching at your stomach and thighs wherever your scales are the sparsest, or even biting deep and angry marks onto the exposed flesh of your chest and throat if you happen to enjoy that side of them — and if you happen to cry out in such a way that implies that you belong to them despite your power imbalance? then you’ll be swiftly, immensely, and roughly rewarded for it
they’re extremely patient and can easily spend hours between your thighs, teasing you with their hands and mouth until you break and start half-demanding, half-begging them to let you finish — really, they’ll go for as long as you’ll allow them because, again, snake fruit cookie lives for this level of control over other beings (especially someone as powerful as a dragon)
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talenlee · 24 days
Story Pile: Manhunter
Before Clarice, before NBC, before Norton.
Before Mikkelson. Before Hopkins.
Before Grissom. Before Logan Roy.
Before the lambs, and before the Academy.
Content and Spoiler warning. This movie, Manhunter, is a movie about a serial killer who has violent sex with corpses and doesn’t really get less grisly from there. There’s nothing unexpected if you’ve looked at the box cover, but it really is like that. I will also talk about the plot of the movie, which will in course involve some information about whether or not some major characters die. The comparisons to the other version of this movie Red Dragon come up, and it’s kind of hard to compare them without talking about the way both end.
Manhunter is a 1986 movie directed and written by Michael Mann, who is, I understand, a person, based on the 1981 book Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, who I also understand is a person. This movie is the first adaptation of Red Dragon, which was then iterated on in 2002, featuring Edward Norton as the central character Will Graham, and the fan favourite Hannibal Lecter played by Anthony Hopkins, reprising his role from the award winning Silence of the Lambs (1991). This was then reprocessed further into the story of the TV series Hannibal in 2012, which took Will Graham from a central character with a single story arc involving Lector and instead kinda just ran around in circles for a few days of watch time.
But that’s just the sprawling leviathan that came after this movie, and most notably, a sprawl that explicitly is not like this movie. This movie has no continuity, no sequels, no prequels, and isn’t even the same story present in the book. This is what happens when someone takes a book and wants to adapt it to a movie, and makes deliberate choices about what the movie is or is not going to include and therefore, be about.
As for what’s in this movie, there’s a serial killer, called the Tooth Fairy (because he bites things), and an investigator called Will Graham who seems to be good at working out how people like the Tooth Fairy thinks. Recruiting Will means the FBI can recruit an old case of his, a Doctor Hannibal Lecktor (spelled differently, for legally distinct reasons), who it turns out is already enmeshed in this case through communication with the Tooth Fairy. Cat and mouse, Will puts together a puzzle, they uncover information from Lecktor, and we learn about the Tooth Fairy, mystery gets solved, people get hurt, conclusion at the end where Graham shoots the Tooth Fairy then goes home to recover and stop dealing with weirdo serial killers because how many of those can ever really intrude on one person’s life.
I’ve seen this story a few times. The most direct comparison is between the two movies, Manhunter and Red Dragon. Particularly, Red Dragon sticks closer to the book, where the Tooth Fairy fakes his death and comes to Will Graham’s house to hunt him, culminating in a tense standoff where Will has to insult and abuse his (step-)child, to get an opportunity to separate him from Dolarhyde and save everything. Will also gets further injured here, meaning twice he’s been maimed by serial killers, and the final notes of the story are doleful, helpless, and grim. Since that movie presents itself as a prequel to another movie, and therefore, in that narrative, Lector is going to be a persistent problem, the whole result is very doleful, very helpless, and has a sort of ‘behold, the tragic world of monsters we are presenting as realistic.’ In Manhunter, Will actually gets away okay, because the story doesn’t benefit from showing how a maimed monster man is actually probably something like an actual supernatural horror, and instead centers itself on the main character, that Will Graham guy and the story ideas set up in the start of the narrative.
There’s a sense of 1986’s material realities to this movie as well. The tapes whirr and grind, the buttons chunk and thonk, the spaces to store these machines are big, and the machines occupy most of it. There are numerous scenes where the TV screens Will is watching are made vast in the frame, one even where the TV he’s looking at – just its side – slowly gets panned in on in a way that makes it look like the screen is preparing to lunge forward and eat him. Dollarhyde’s height is emphasised by putting him in technical spaces that are cramped, like times he’ll walk through a doorway and almost touch the roof.
And on Dollarhyde, he’s what the story ostensibly wants him to be, really, in this piece. This is a psychological horror movie, not a slasher horror movie. This is about supposedly real people who could really exist, and not the cheap tricks of a maniac with a knife. Rather than spending a chunk of run time on what Dollarhyde believes, and why he believes it (because he is extremely mentally unwell, as hinted at by the fact he stalks and kills people), this movie is instead interested in showing him as a person. He’s a guy who sucks, and he sucks because he lets himself suck and fixates on the things he feels entitled to. There’s not some pantheonic justification, some dizzying fantasy in the back of his mind that gives his evil license.
He’s just a guy who sucks telling himself a story that it’s actually not because he sucks but because he’s the most special boy. And the story of the film handles that fairly well, I think. There’s no rapturous replication of the painting central to the mythos of Red Dragon. There’s a short montage of scenes of him building his relationship but throughout it all he’s shown to be selfish and sinister. He doesn’t crime wizard his way into a museum and eat a painting the size of his torso. When he lashes out at people over his paramour, it’s not presented as a just punishment on a creep that went too far, a cathartic titillation of enjoying being the serial killer’s cohort, but instead it’s just an arsehole lashing out at something benign.
It’s grounded, it’s closer, it’s more human and it doesn’t present these things as special. Everything is more mundane, more real, and more whole. Particularly, that Lekctor is just some guy who killed his patients in bad ways, and that he was mostly focusing on much younger women. Makes sense, given the doctor he was based on was a guy who most notably murdered his boyfriend, someone over whom he had power. It’s just… not a fantasy of the criminal. It’s fantastic for its cops – task forces moving smoothly and excellently and having the same two guys moving in all parts of it is pretty silly, but you know, it’s not an unpleasant fantasy in the context.
This movie was never going to be the thing that spawned a franchise. Look at what it did with Lecter. Even compared to his book counterpart, he was far less exoticised, less of the Americanised image of a European noble trapped in a world so terrible as to bind him alongside McDonalds and mini-marts. No, the Lecter of Manhunter is a Lecter that can exist; a violent, cruel, self-aggrandising arsehole, using the little bit of spark he has to fan a flame in himself to frame his cruelty as somehow something beyond what it always is. A violent, selfish, smug bully, as always, an arsehole, and rich and posh.
The Hannibal Lecter that comes after this is a steady enshrinement of what Americans love; he is a noble who will eat you, and the idea that someone with the layers of privilege he has is a monster is meant to be the juxtaposition that makes him terrible. It is the eternal need of the so-called sons of the revolution to find some king and present their necks to him. Everything after this point in the franchise is the ongoing yassification of the actual idealised fantasy of what America wants: the evil, contained and defeated, struggling against its bounds, but nonetheless safely and humanely controlled.
Fun when a movie makes everything that follows it worse, we don’t see that often.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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illfoandillfie · 9 months
2023 Advent: Day 18
So, for those who don't know, I watch a lot of book related content on youtube and at the end of November I was watching someone's TBR (to be read) game she was playing to pick what she'd read next. Partway through her game she asked her partner to help her and ya'll it was highkey giving some daddy dom vibes. So of course I had to write a blurb about it.
Big thanks to Lauren for helping me decide on Jack for this one.
Warnings: daddy kink, dom!Jack, sub!Reader, onlyfans, thumb sucking (not in a baby way), a lil degradation/humiliation, nothing especially explicit but references to bondage/sex toys/kink exploration/sex tapes/spanking/general kink stuff.
When you’d started making video content about books and what you were reading, you’d not expected it to end up the way it had. On OnlyFans. You’d had Youtube in mind, inspired by the people you followed there who reviewed new releases and the like. But Youtube had been harder to crack into than you’d expected and you had to be careful with how you spoke about certain topics or else your videos would be removed. Not ideal when spicy romance novels were your thing. In fact, it was after a video you’d made comparing language in a few different romance novels had been taken down, you facetiously told your boyfriend, Jack, you’d be better off posting on OnlyFans and then somehow it had stopped being a joke and you’d actually done it. And, to your surprise, got yourself something of a following. 
Your account had evolved a little since then. You still did the book reviews and chatted about what you were reading and upcoming releases that interested you. But you’d branched out a bit too. Now you also got your kit off. There were a handful of video demonstrations of literature themed sex toys like dragon dildos (perhaps a stretch to call literary) and the 50 Shades of Grey branded bondage equipment. You’d read books out loud whilst sitting on vibrators, modelled lingerie based on fictional characters, and discussed not only erotica fiction but also nonfiction about sexuality and kink. The overall theme of your content was smart is sexy and to emphasise it you always tried to dress the part, even when you were just talking to the camera, in an exaggeratedly sexy school uniform – microskirt, knee high socks, pigtails. Your dream was to be able to film something in an actual library or bookstore.  
Jack helped out and encouraged you. Mostly he stayed behind the scenes, helping with filming and lighting and even editing sometimes. But he also came in handy when you were making the more typically OnlyFans type content. There were videos where you recreated sex scenes from books, testing if the positions described were as easy to achieve as the novels would have you believe, and recently, you’d begun a weekly series going through The Art of Sex chapter by chapter. You’d give a brief run down on whatever position or kink the chapter of the week explored and then perform the act with Jack’s help. You weren’t quite sure what you were going to do when you reached the chapter on swinging but you were sure Jack would have an idea or two. Perhaps a role playing scene. 
One of your first series and one of your most innocent was your monthly TBR game. It was a concept taken straight from youtube. At the end of each month you posted a video where you’d draw out random prompts from a jar to help decide what books you’d read the next month. You filmed it sitting on the floor with a pastel pink cart full of books beside you, though of course wearing the sexy schoolgirl outfit. You opened the video discussing the books you’d read from the last TBR list. For every book you didn’t read, you earned five spanks which Jack was only too happy to give you. He hovered behind the camera waiting for his moment. Typically after that he wouldn’t appear in the video again. But, every so often, you needed his help.  
This time the prompt was too broad, and you were overwhelmed by choices. You sat there staring at your cart for much longer than you usually would, unsure what book to officially pick. It didn’t help that it was the first prompt of the video. You couldn’t even begin to guess what other prompts you might draw or which titles you might pick later. Jack normally only got to choose your books when the “Daddy’s pick” prompt was drawn but you decided this was a special occasion.  “Daddy,” you said, pushing yourself to your knees and looking at Jack who was standing to the side.  He adjusted the camera subtly to keep you framed nicely, “Do you need something darlin’?”  There was something about how he interacted with you during filming that made you switch into submissive mode. His tone of voice was so authoritative, and he was always fully dressed whilst you were so exposed and on the floor looking up at him. It made you go all little girly. “Which should I choose Daddy?”  Jack hummed and, to your surprise, stepped in front of the camera as he walked towards you. It made you tilt your head back further to see him and he took advantage of your position, stroking your cheek gently before laying his thumb against your lips.   It was second nature to draw it between your lips and suck as Jack hummed in thought.  “Pretty ironic that you tell everyone smart is sexy when you go completely stupid when you’re horny. Bet if I touched you now you’d be all wet from thinking about all these filthy books you read.” Jack examined the three books you’d pulled off your cart, his thumb still between your lips. Finally he tapped your cheek so you’d release him, bent over and picked up his choice. “I’ve decided to be nice and pick this one for you because I know it’ll be useful for a video you’re planning.”  You clapped excitedly, “I’d totally forgotten that Daddy, thank you!”  Jack chuckled, “Anytime darlin’,” He bent over to give you a small kiss before striding back behind the camera, “No go ahead and finish your game.” 
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divinekangaroo · 10 months
While "patiently" waiting for fic updates :) , was wondering what other stories you're working/will be working on? Will you be writing still when you go back to work?
No pressure btw, this is me trying to manage my expectations XD
lol, yeah -> my 8 hours of blissful 'do nothing but write idly' day has dropped to about 2 hrs in the evening. the increasing arc of life resuming. The writing is still ok in these 2hr bursts but getting it to a readable standard is agony. The one benefit is that these 2 hours are probably going to be the same 2 hours I'll have once back at work.
My past fandom experience is that I usually mono-play in a fandom for around 5 years -- but I've never had kids+work+other family commitments when writing before.
I do hope I still have the drive to keep writing once am back at work. I can already feel that anxious itch of pressure, though, and my way of coping with pressure is to aggressively prune everything (friends, family, hobbies, chores, self) that causes the slightest bit of peripheral friction so I can concentrate on the thing that I can't prune (work, money, survival). BUT, this time, I go back to a new area-director role rather than my past project-director role, which should have less crazy deadline pressure/inconsistent hours than most construction work, so I'm just not sure what to expect. It'll be the first time in my life when I actually have a desk job with consistent hours.
Of my current Last Second Ending arc, I really want to finish the Holford fic, the Diana fic, and the Charlie fic (the 'Churchill' vehicle, although I'm so many chapters away from Churchill it's nuts!), which are all the live and incomplete multi-parters-- but as multiparts they are more challenging to do. I have several other ideas/snips scattered through the timeline, but they're fairly short as drabbles, flash-fic or circa 10k standalones, so they will be less heavy to complete and easier to do around work hours -- but they do tempt me now because they're more easy and fun to produce. This timeline's list of ideas has stayed stable for a couple of months now, so at least I know what 'finished' looks like for this arc, even if I don't quite get there.
I do have two firm AUs which itch at me wildly (timeline arcs again). I'm desperate to write the first piece of both as an anchor/test, but keep deferring because I know I'll have to sanity-check my motivation after finishing (or hitting a motivational brick wall with) Last Second Ending.
The 'easy' AU is the 1990s AU which is Tommy x Lizzie, set broadly post S3 and to the end of S4 as an AU S4. It's easy because there's only a few scenes in my head but they're all pretty heavy/hardcore and I can't find an 'in' for framing them yet.
But the second is that weird-arse Dragon Age II fusion AU which is less pairing focused and more family focused, albeit a great deal of pairings and sex within - but it could be a fascinating little monster of a thing, so I'm letting that simmer in back of mind until well after I get back to work to see if there's sufficient motivational drive. It's likely to become a 'what if the PB version of the Real World also had five millennia of Blights, mages, the Fade and Circles as part of Real World history/currency?' idea (alternatively: magic is real but it's pretty fucking ugly what humans do with it).
I also have about five loose BUF-Britain AU list of flashfic sketch ideas, which are generally 'things and scenes that might happen if Mosley was voted into power and took over england', which is primarily Tommy and Alfie.
And I have one solitary sort-of crackfic sort-of-not-crackfic -- S5 from the 'My Property' scene onwards but with the addition of a male chastity device -- which despite the crack premise will actually be really difficult to write compelllingly with the amount of scene checking and chronology I'd need, and accordingly is so low on the list I only think about it in idle moments to amuse myself.
There were a range of other ideas (like a 28 Days Later AU, or a Butcher x Baker AU, or why can I not have these endlessly magnificent threesomes I desperately want to read) but mostly they were isolated 'wouldn't that be cool' scenes without any sustained continuity or theme, so with time limits, they've sort of withered away.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - I’m All Over The Place & Sarcastic About It
Nov 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 13 of 14 - Cake is such a bratty seme. And we got incandescently happy boyfriends for half an episode, and then Earth gets to cry. Earth always cries. Good thing he’s pretty at it. I do actually like the noona romance. Sometimes even the hets get to me. Because I'm a sap. And I love a pining younger man. I actually really really loved the bit at the end with the two mothers. It’s really rare to see that level of older adult character representation and close female friendship in a BL.
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 5 of 8 - Oh, I knew this was going to get rough but I didn’t think they would actually fist fight. It’s interesting that this one is up against Falanruk, because I hated the two player system in that one, but I’m fine with it in this show. There’s a touch of TharnType or maybe more KinnPorsche with Mangkorn & Yai, that they pivot so quickly from violence to sex, hate to passion. Real enemies to lovers with all that bottled up passion destined to explode one way or the other. The sex in this show is similarly treated as a kind of violence, in a kinky way. Also it’s v high heat. But from a romance thread standpoint? The way these two are dodging about each other is just frustrating. Also... NO SINGING! 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 6 of 10 - Baby’s first jealousy. But omg is this show slow. I think it’s fair for Ai to want Nhai to actually say something positive about their relationship. I like that these 2 talk fully about sex before having it. And now it’s a secret relationship. (I do keep imagining what Mike & TT would have done with these roles.) Oh HI Games! (Second Chance). Cutie! This sudden side dish is v good, gimme MOAR? CRUMBS. @heretherebedork​ CRUMBS! 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 5 of 8 - Wait, who are these girls allasudden? I guess they are Kewin’s fag hags? I suppose every good gay does need a coven? Especially if ghosts are involved.
Makes me wonder who I’d draft for my BL coven... hum. I sense a meme coming on.
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 4 of 12 - Mean’s wig is so terrible. Yes, I realize that’s intentional. But still, too distracting. Props shouldn’t be required to do your comedic acting for you, honey. I really do like the actor who plays Champ, and I really want him to lead out his own BL. (If he wants to of course.) I’m so glad JaFirst are finally occupying the screen together. They’re just that much better when they’re TOGETHER. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 12 of 13 These two do heat so well. Ugh but the dairy reading “reconciliation” scene was truly gross. This show. Why is the villian the seme? Look, sorry Thailand, Japan can do this, you just... can’t. It’s clumsy and makes anyone with half an empathy uncomfortable. - DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Hard Love Mission (Sat WeTV) 3 of 4fin - Phenomenally dull Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity who ends up his manager, only 4 episodes and it still could’ve been shorter. It’s a bummer, the concept wasn’t bad. ALSO Chinese censorship got its gross mitts all over it (thank you, Tencent). Do not waste your time. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I’M WATCHING AND NEITHER DOES IT 3/10 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) 7fin - Just lovely, all the hets are getting married! How rare and special of them. How lucky they are. But I have no idea what’s going on with our leads. It’s very Romeo & Romeo allasudden. And the grandpa is v confusingly evil. Great chemistry, but like Check Out, just a terrible story and an ultimately unfathomable BL. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 5 of 12 - These leads! Best example of the pillow clutch trope ever? I think so. World’s most gentle flirts. Seriously: The Ache. We dealing with some serious abandonment issues. Meanwhile, in the land of May/December, baby boy kabedon is my kryptonite! (Also the name of my indie band’s first single.) I identify WAY too much with the bartender character. He pretty much opens his mouth and says what I’m thinking 90% of the time. 
“Someone’s lack of defenses can be so overwhelming.” - Best BL quote of 2022? May be. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 3-4 of 10 - postponed until next week. Read about why here. 
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Thurs Viki) 7-8fin. Ah regrets after a drunken gay pass. Also: killer confrontation confession scene with them both so torn and confused and hurt and unsure! Brilliant. It’s so cute after, with them soft & cute with each other as experimental bfs. JaeYun having fangirls was adorbs, and HoJoon dealing with the resulting jealousy was fun to watch. Also HoJoon is so gone and so inept and uncool about it. And then JaeYoon learns who HoJoon really is. Man this show moves FAST. Ah KBL. I wish we had more time with these characters. I would have liked sweet bfs for longer. And Holland is back, such an adorable plot device. Hi, cutie! The reconciliation/confession was good. How much do I love that the final make-out scene was precipitated by the eroticism of informal language? SO MUCH. V linguistically sexy. FInal review below. 
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 5 of 10 - This is going to be weird sounding coming from me but I think what I’ve decided that this show is just too much manga. Not yaoi per say but MANGA. Like, aggressively MANGA. I was thinking as I watched, “This singing group is comically bad.” Then I realized, “Oh that’s intentional, like the credit sequences for ABL - they are meant to be.” And then I realized: Every part of this show is a parody. Not the same as ABLon the whole, but similar in its components: The idol group is a parody of all idol groups. The high school drama is a parody of all high school dramas. The otaku mangaka is a parody of all otaku mangaka. The yaoi is a parody of all yaoi. And the BL of all BL. In the end, this entire show is just Japan messing with us. And frankly I’m beginning to enjoy it for that when I actually dont’ enjoy it as a BL at all. Again, like ABL.  
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 3 of 8 - I do enjoy the credit music on this one. Backstory ep: so we get to watch them fall in love. Goodie. Pain for all! Or more, watch Mitchan fall and be confused, since Koichi is already utterly gone. Argh! Why does Japan always spend its best pennies on pain? A truly glorious confession scene, and then... a dead fish kiss. For which I’m actually strangely grateful. Frankly, if they also managed the physical chemistry in this show, it’d totally destroy me. This way I’m going to be only mildly destroyed. *whimper* 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. DNF
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 28 eps - dito
2 Moons 3 Thai (Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
SELF (Thurs YT) - DNF
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) 1of ? - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. Thinking I’ll wait and binge.
In Case You Missed It
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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Viki) quick pitch:
This is a solid little office set KBL about a rich kid who ends up both the boss and tenant of a total sweetheart cutie, and falls madly in love with him. Although the show suffered from KBL’s shorter length, I love the kissable lips pair, they deliver solid all round chemistry despite limited screen time, which is rare from Korea. So I hope they stay branded and we get even more from them in the future. Ultimately I recommend this show, a solid  8/10.
If Japan didn’t dominate the office BL niche with shows like Cherry Magic and Old Fashion Cupcake this BL probably would get higher marks for me. But it’s a difficult hill to climb (although I’m delighted to see Korea try). Even though Japan and Korea often give us the same length shows, I feel the brevity in the Korean stuff in a way that I don’t with the Japanese stuff. Frankly I think it’s Japan’s sophisticated cinematography facilitating the complexity required by shortness (what’s left out has to be implied by the lens and the acting) where Korea’s more commercial and simplistic style (which works great in longer Kdramas or something like Light On Me) falls short (pun intended) with their short KBLs. 
OH, and here’s a special extra extended kissing scene for this pair, just for extra proof on chemistry. 
I’m finishing up my UWMA rewatch today.
Much anticipated office set Thai GL GAP the series will have 12 eps and will premier on Nov 19 on Idolfactory’s (SCOY) official youtube channel. Go subscribe, now. Trailer here. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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TOMORROW! Between Us (Sun iQIYI & YouTube?) - trailer here 
Tuesday: I Will Knock You (Tues Gaga) - Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy + younger seme pairing.
LITA & 12% finish. 
Nov 2022 line up:
Nov 18: I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) A college kid & tutor confronts the leader of a gang who then turns out to be his next student. Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy, + younger seme pairing, bully romance?. Adapted from korean_rabbit's y-novel of the same name, directed by Champ (2gether).
Nov 19: GAP the series (Sat YT) - 12 ep office set GL from Thailand. 
Nov 26: 609 Bedtime Story (?? WeTV) - another OhmFluke vehicle that’s rumored to be a good story. A one night stand leads to a series of mysterious premonitions and a possible parallel universe. 
Nov ??: My School President (?? GMMTV YT) initial trailer here - it’s Love Sick + Korea & Japan's influence. 
This week’s best moments?
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That’s one way of putting it honey. (Tooth) 
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Baby’s first kabedon! (Tooth)
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Meanwhile, in the land of Big Dragon, they trying on Taiwan for size (that’s what he said). 
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The mosquito trope returns with a vengeance this week! 
Is it a WinTeam foreshadow from the whole Thai BL industry? 
Might be! 
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Rise up broccoli nation! 
This weeks earworm: Kang Daniel’s Parade 
(last week) 
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
Ok so I went through your Helaemond tag a little bit and had complete whiplash because do not cite the deep magic to me etc., I was shipping it when it was me and iskarieot writing unhinged posts about BTS scenes for the Helaemond adult actors before the episode with them even aired. I dipped around the finale or maybe a little before (I have zero recollection) and had NO idea of the fandom furore lmao. I wrote one of the first Helaemond fics in the AO3 tag (💅) and was literally just mainlining the spice melange ok. I was seeing things my terrible purpose
I cannot believe it got this out of control???? All the moralising??? Nobody (all 5 of us) gave a fuck about team Black/team Green and it wasn't intended to discredit either side at all, although I did love the idea of Alicent's children doing the same shit as Rhaenyra - that was more because I love death misery and despair and Alicent/Rhaenyra parental role-model family tumbleweed free-for-all. You made our children like this!!! lesbian parthenogenesis so true so true
Anyway I really enjoyed the dark courtly romance of it all, one of the things which specifically interested me is that Aegonfail sloppy wet wish-I'd-been-born-a-girl-to-marry-Rhaenyra's-kids-aka-my-cousins-nephews is bad at practising Targcest since he's not interested in Helaena in the one scene that started it all, which is like, a Good Thing Perhaps, but Helaemond is also a little bit True Love, and so everything is lovely and fucked up. It made all the characters much more interesting because you get complexity added to three, even four characters in one fell swoop, illegitimate children or nay. Power is a shadow on the wall etc. I didn't actually like, have a dog in this illegal child fighting ring; I am interested in the way these characters interact with, resist, covet the feudal system/positions therein, the way men and women alike negotiate what power is afforded based on sex and arbitrary inheritance, and being in love with the wrong brother who has the Audacity to not want to Practise Incest, and so on and so forth. (This is my extrapolation anyway. I think it's interesting that dragonboy cannot dragonboy but also has the most beautiful dragon ever and is going to be the king styled after the vewy fiwst Aegon. At least one Targ has gotta have a bit of an ick with this whole business and Mummy's Number One Boy who's passed out drunk and doesn't even wunna rule has to be it for me).
I want to end this ask with an apology because I feel partially culpable, for some reason. I'm literally just a tumblrina nobody but at the very least I can say at ground zero (I didn't see your posts back then but also if you were There, you were There as well ofc - I'm sorry I didn't go back that far through your tag or see you mention when you started shipping it, and also Everybody Matters in fandom no matter when you join, and I want us all to hold hands, and I hate when we fight cries) it was never ill-intentioned. We were just crazy
My goodness, what an interesting piece of lore. 😅 You certainly pointed out a few of the themes that make helaemond appealing from a shipping point of view. The fact that you started to ship it just based on the actors' BTS just goes to show how perceiving a random interaction can open up new perspectives.
I personally started posting a few weeks after the season finale, but, like many people, my helaemond eyes opened just watching the dinner table scene (in conjunction with the Driftmark conversation between aegond regarding Helaena it was just a compounded thing).
And, of course, like you said it was never really meant to be anything other than a fun ship to play around with! I had very little clue about the endless moralising that was about to follow - November 2022 me would tell you it's goofy af to be so stuck up about another incest ship in THEE incest show and, honestly, she'd be right.
So, there's absolutely no need to apologise, we were all just trying to vibe within the freak slice of fandom. I don't think anyone started ~peddling this ship as an inside job against team green or to discredit Alicent or whatever the hell other chronically-online interpretation I've heard. :))
Personally, I know I've used this as a pretext to procrastinate from my actual responsibilities and it was definitely.....interesting.....to witness all the varied reactions, some more unhinged than others, but, at this point, all of us need to step back a little and chill, because there's nothing really to debate anymore. It's the time for fan artists and fic writers to shine.
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baladric · 1 year
tell me about your sad man!!!!! 🥺🥺
oh man i am still not used to saying things on here and ppl going i see that you have said a thing pls elaborate on that thing, also THANk u bless u so on and so forth
my sad sad man is named ALISTAIRE FINCH and he is the protag of a story about some idiots who killed half of god as a power grab and fucked up the fabric of reality as a whole (SECRETLY), condemning these two civilizations on opposite sides of the veil to a dysfunctional symbiosis and eventual collapse, until alistaire is selected to take the place of the last court composer of the immortal court (A SURPRISINGLY HIGH STAKES ROLE) and is forced to pack up his (HARD WON) life and move to the other side of the veil (WEIRD, CREEPY, WHY IS THE WEATHER WARM HERE WTF DO YOU MEAN Y'ALL HAVE SUNLIGHT ALL YEAR) where he finds out kings are exactly as stupid and bitchy as all the stories say and asks way too many questions (dont you think its kind of Weird that you can't Create Things without kidnapping humans to do it for you what's that about) and finds out the thing about some idiots killing half of god and listen i don't know if he's gonna feel moved to fix it or not yet but what i do know is he has some extremely freaky sex with the bitchy king, and honestly what more does anyone want in a story
ive been playin w him for like Years but i never found where he fit—knew he was a composer and a pianist, knew he was Chilly™ (he is,, also,,,,, where the idea of assassin couriers, came from,,,,...,.. which is definitely for sure unrelated to everything) but then i 1) reread the locked tomb 2) watched akira 3) listened to a lot of rachmaninoff 4) played hyper light drifter and 5) got obsessed w the demiurg, and now i not only KNOW what's up w him, i have Soooooo much actual shit to play with and i am gnawing gnashing biting biting biting biting;adlkfjaw
bonus points: royal line of shifter dragons, court intrigue with morally dubious fey-adjacent nobility/socialites, alistaire's very excellent sister juliette who's gonna get herself in so much trouble and then fix it her own damn self bc She Might Be Low On Common Sense But Her Mistakes Are HERS Dammit, extremely haunted magic, and a great deal of horniness about the tactile experience of live music
A is also,, a triple capricorn. so that's really too bad for him
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BL Wishes
My List of things and Plots that I Would Like to See In BL
FIRST: Rapid Fire Specific Drama Edition:
Big Dragon S2: I need it, I need it now and I need at least one kinky scene with MossBank because I have not forgotten about the lack of kinky sex in s1. I know it's going to focus on a new couple but I need at least one sexy kinky time with them please and thank you.
I need Minato Coin Laundry s2 not to break them up, or have stupid cheating plots. (The bar is in hell)
I need both Domundi (The Next Prince, Naughty Babe, Love Upon a Time, Middleman) and Taiwan (I forgot the names of announced shows but it's in my blog somewhere) Line Ups to come to me and I need it now. Especially Taiwan.
I need Make A Wish to be more available, I could only find it with Italian Subs, I didn't watch it yet, but the ending seems to be hinting at a season 2 and at the possiblity of a poly ending (or at least a love triangle) so I need other people to be able to watch it as well.
The HIstory franchise needs to get its shit together and start producing more and better shows. Like for all of it's fault I did like History 4 and History 5 was fine. But I need more, I need them to do 2 shows again, I don't want them to "fine" I want them to go all out. Go Crazy. Just don't kill gays again.
Now More Generic BL Wishes:
VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me vampires, maybe even some werewolves. I need it, I know that we have Mafia BLs but I want Vampire BL god damn it!!!! The main four actors of Cutie Pie would be great a Vampire-Werewolf BL. And I know Fluke Natouch would be great as a Vampire as well (he was in 2015 movie playing a human to vampire co-lead). I also think Earth Cooheart would be great as a Vampire. And MossBank, they would be great in a werewolves pair.
Speaking of Fluke Natouch and Earth Cooheart I need both of them to get more adult and darker roles. I need Cooheart to be allowed to be a little sexy, and I know Fluke would do a darker powerful role justice, I want him to be in a role where he bringes "bigger" man to their knees. I want to see him covered in blood (I say this with love)
POLYCULE with the main four actors of Cutie Pie. This is entairly @respectthepetty's fault. I saw the MaxZee posts on her blog and and It send me down a rabbit hole. By the way did you know there are no true polycule fanfic of the four of them, there is something, but not true polycule and never with Lian and Yi as a pair. Truly no one knows these characters they way @respectthepetty knows them.
Also @respectthepetty's fault for putting this in my head: Domundi Line Up Mash Up. Bad Friend and Middleman Ship meet Cutie Pie and Naughty Babe's ships. In one big BL. The idea is now in my head and it's glorious. Let's Do It!!
Choco Milk Shake Thair Remake but Poly this time. Not sure what trio could do this, but I need it.
LET GUN KISS SOMEONE WHO IS NOT OFF. Listen I realize that OffGun are probably GMMTV best pair branding, and I know that both Off and Gun are going to bank on this pair and be settled for life. I don't even need Gun to be in an endgame ship with another actor, I just need him to kiss another male actor. Not Me would have been the best scenario because of the twins situation. But they didn't go there, and I will never forgive them for that.
Related to Number 5, I had this idea for a plot with an OffGun endgame ship, that started with Gun's character being in a relationship with Sing (because I am still mad about ToddBlack - Listen they have baited us twice with GunSing kiss I need this now) who cheats on him and Gun has to move out and finds an appartmant with Off's character and maybe another roomate played by Tay because I love the Tay/Off dynamic. We would get scenes with Gun and Sing together, showings us flashbacks and stuff but also an OffGun endgame. WIN WIN!!
I need more shows with parents that are in the murky gray area between full acceptance and abusive, I need them not to change their mind at the end and I need a realistic exploration of what it means for a queer person to have parents in that gray area, I want them to question if it's worth it to have to be one that is keeping that realtionship alive. I am also loving the trend of dramas dealing with homophobia and I need to see more of it. I don't want it in all my BLs far from it, but I do like when BL goes there.
More disable characters in BL, preferably by disable actor's but this is a streach so, I just need more disability in BL.
And more actually fat characters, not like Jao in SCOY (which I Love, but calling him fat, felt like a bit of a strech)
And Obviously more GLs and more masc women in GL
I think that's it. Those are the major ones. Feel free to share your thoughts on your own wishes or if you agree or disagree with any of my ideas.
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anotherrpfinder · 3 months
Hey, I’m a 20-year-old female who’s currently looking for a partner, who’s 20 or older, to do Cookie Run rps with.
My ideas
Sunlight(OC) and her husband,Pitaya Dragon,spend a nice little date together.
Croissant is stuck in a time loop,forced to repeat the same exact day over and over again.Slowly but surely losing her sanity
Frilled Jellyfish will always remain loyal to her lady,even when her lady isn’t as radiant as she used to be.
Pure vanilla and White lily have a small talk alone at night in the fairy village.The conversation starts off well enough but soon takes a turn when the mention of dark enchantress is brought up
About Me
My paragraph limit is 5-12 sentences/semi-literate.
Discord is the only site I am willing to RPing at.
I start a RP with a basic idea of what’s gonna happen rather than thinking up an extensive, in-depth plot line.
I like to include smut in most of my RPs.
I prefer it if my partner is familiar with Ovenbreak and Kingdom lore since I like to include some characters from each game in my RP. It is not a deal breaker if you only know one of them.
While I am most comfortable playing my OCs,I am also open to playing most of the canon characters such as
Ananas Dragon cookie
Black pearl cookie
Licorice Cookie
Rockstar Cookie
Parfait Cookie
White Lily Cookie
Dark Enchantress Cookie
Pomegranate cookie
Strawberry Crepe
Golden Cheese
Hero Cookie
Shining Glitter Cookie
rebel cookie
Limits(things I wont do): toilet play, feet kinks, inflation, gore-related kinks, underage sex, role-playing with actual people, incest, rape, pedophilia,and bestiality.
If you are interested, then DM me"Love Birds In the Red" so we get started.
discord username:Cheesecakemermaid1048
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lunarcheeseybakery · 3 months
Hey, I’m a 20-year-old female who’s currently looking for a partner, who’s 20 or older, to do Cookie Run rps with.
My ideas
Sunlight(OC) and her husband,Pitaya Dragon,spend a nice little date together.
Croissant is stuck in a time loop,forced to repeat the same exact day over and over again.Slowly but surely losing her sanity
Frilled Jellyfish will always remain loyal to her lady,even when her lady isn’t as radiant as she used to be.
Pure vanilla and White lily have a small talk alone at night in the fairy village.The conversation starts off well enough but soon takes a turn when the mention of dark enchantress is brought up
About Me
My paragraph limit is 5-12 sentences/semi-literate.
Discord is the only site I am willing to RPing at.
I start a RP with a basic idea of what’s gonna happen rather than thinking up an extensive, in-depth plot line.
I like to include smut in most of my RPs.
I prefer it if my partner is familiar with Ovenbreak and Kingdom lore since I like to include some characters from each game in my RP. It is not a deal breaker if you only know one of them.
While I am most comfortable playing my OCs,I am also open to playing most of the canon characters such as
Ananas Dragon cookie
Black pearl cookie
Licorice Cookie
Rockstar Cookie
Parfait Cookie
White Lily Cookie
Dark Enchantress Cookie
Pomegranate cookie
Strawberry Crepe
Golden Cheese
Hero Cookie
Shining Glitter Cookie
rebel cookie
Limits(things I wont do): toilet play, feet kinks, inflation, gore-related kinks, underage sex, role-playing with actual people, incest, rape, pedophilia,and bestiality.
If you are interested, then DM me"Love Birds In the Red" so we get started.
discord username:Cheesecakemermaid1048
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