#i am basing naruto off myself
faint-kitten · 5 months
So about Solid Snake being in Fortnite...
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by Faint_Kitten
I got into Fortnite in December 2023 for the first time. I just unlocked Snake and I have so many thoughts on it I can't completely break them all down. But I think I've done my best.
But the #1 thing I think I want everyone to know is: Despite shaving off his ass. Despite being artistically bankrupt and pushed out by Konami and Epic as a means to make money and promote the MGS Vol 2 collection.
Despite artistically, and Narratively being antithetical to Metal Gear Solid…
Snake being in Fortnite feels mechanically and tonally consistent with his legacy.
There is so much inherent "Kojima" in Metal Gear Solid. This weird blend of hyper realism, mixed with anime siliness, mixed with philosophy mixed with trying way too hard to be sombre while also mechanically being silly and then you spin around three times to puke, or Johnny does a big poop fart and all of it adds to the weird just Kojima-esque nature of the series. It extends to the love, the fandom and the humor around Metal Gear Solid. So many memes around Snake, between fan art, in jokes, and original Animations and gifs that it doesn't feel THAT weird to see him do like a...Naruto Run emote. So much of Metal Gear Solid* was a very serious drama taking place in a game that mechanically is silly and lets you do goofy shit and has elaborate bro fist handshakes played deadly serious. And Fortnite is a game where you have these characters doing goofy shit that doesn't mesh with who they are or the universe they came from all the fucking time.
You also have to realize the Battle Royale mode has big locations full of NPC's and Bosses you can kill for loot.
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The "narrative" as it is of Fortnite Chapter 5: Season 1 is (near as I can tell) that Peely the Banana has been kidnapped by the Society (who serve as the current skins for this season and AI controlled bosses and NPC's on locations of the map.) And the map is littered with their fortresses with Jonesy (I guess the main character?) Going up against them to get his friend back. Which means there are a handful of locations in the current Fortnite Map that are just Boss bases. These are bunkers, and huge mansions and little outposts that you have to be careful around because once they know you're there they will just start spawning endless enemies to try and kill you, and the attention WILL draw enemy players. So you're shooting out cameras for XP and to keep them from beeping, avoiding turrets to keep from alerting guards and keep them from chewing up your health.
Guards already had the "?" and "!" system for showing if they detected you, despite having no inherent stealth mechanics in the game or any intention of introducing MGS. They didn't do this FOR an MGS tie in. There are recruitable companions and they can't speak so a way for players and enemies to detect if their companion "senses" an enemy player is to use the "?" and "!" system. While it doesn't mean that much without him. This is very clearly taken from Metal Gear, and as a result the alert system feels very natural around Snake.
In game modes where you have teams of two three or Four players, you get downed like Gears of War or Apex, and have to be revived. You can crawl and move. But players who are on their feet can pick you up and sling you over their back, or even yeet you to safety.
Enemy Players can do this too.
When I play Team modes by myself (I am alone, everyone else is in a team) I frequently pick enemies who wandered off of their pack and pick them off, tossing them somewhere their team mates can't get to or won't find them specifically to draw them in to their rescue.
Additionally there IS wildlife to hunt: Chickens, Frogs and Fish which give you medium effect healing items.
The game has items you can put on to "disguise yourself" like bushes, or snowmen during christmas that work EXACTLY like the card board boxes in MGS (though it's debatable if players are convinced by anything but the bush)
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All of this was going on BEFORE Snake was unlockable. (I don't know if the camera's and bosses stuff existed before this season)
Which means that MECHANICALLY. Snake doesn't feel out of place at all in Fortnite.
It's super weird when a Xenomorph, or Spiderman, or a Ninja Turtle, or Goku, or a teen from My hero Academia, or Eleven from stranger things comes in and starts mowing people down with an assault rifle. The disconnect is part of the charm for better or worse, and it's both amusing and horrifyingly upsetting when you think about these characters sold as nothing but IP to get rich off of being so taken out of context from their character's intended art, themes and meaning.
It's just weird to see bright bubbly Mina from My Hero shooting people dead. Spiderman doesn't kill people, that's the Punisher, it's fucking weird to have Spiderman just gunning people down, if you get my gist.
It's super fucking weird to see these characters handle a fire arm and move around in a shooter. They feel less like themselves and more like what they are: A skin of a popular thing, plugged into a world to please fans and rake in money. It's fucking weird to see Spider-man holding a firearm.
It is NOT weird to watch Solid Snake do it. As a result of this, Snake kind of slips into the absurd world of Fortnite rather well.
It feels kind of cool strip snake of all like falling trail effects and just watch him super-hero sky dive toward a giant compound full of NPC's and land on the roof (It looks cooler in the dead of night but I didn't get a screenshot of it)
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It's not weird to experience Snake in Fortnite's world handling Fortnite's mechanics. Because so many of the mechanics and the tone feels distinctly normal for Metal Gear Solid. This is not the first time Snake has been pawned out as a mascott to other properties.
It's weird as hell to watch Kratos blow a car up with a rocket launcher. That is not a part of his world, you see. It's NOT weird to watch Snake fire an RPG at anything. It's not weird to watch Snake do a bulk of the things he can do in Fortnite.
It's not weird to watch Snake run around a forest and shoot a frog or hunt a chicken for it's meat because we've played Snake Eater
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It's not weird to hide in a bush as Snake:
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It's not weird to watch snake shoot someone or Reload a fire-arm. The Snowy Mountains bases, the outposts, the big mansions and small cities the open world all feel like places Snake has been at home in, from Shadow Moses, to the Middle East, it's not unusual to see Snake* surrounded by girders and steps and concrete and cabins and tents and forrests etc. It's not weird to watch Snake pick someone up who's downed and carry them over his shoulder, or chuck them into a closet: We've seen this in MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid kind of invented a lot of these mechanics.
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There isn't that much about Snake in the following footage seems out of place for Metal Gear Solid:
Snake doesn't feel out of place in fortnite. It might feel sacriligious for the biggest thing in gaming adding snake (with no cheeks I might add) to it's roster to be eyerolling or cringe. But Snake doesn't feel "too good" for fortnite. But he also doesn't feel like a total shill in fortnite either. A lot of the gear and missions and challengees to unlock him felt like a someone was asked to put together activities at a Metal Gear Solid themed birthday party (Use hiding spots. Shoot out 2 cameras. Fire an RPG, shoot silenced weapons, uses the disguise mechanics, travel in the disguise items. hack Trains or Vaults) the Emote could have easily been just the alert noise over Snake's head, but they put it on a freaking stick, Wile E Coyote style.
There's a weird Fortnite blend of "Lets make something as cheaply as possible in some places and yet give some things the love and attention that comes from making 5billion in revenue a year affords you." that shows up in everything they do. And they clearly put a lot more effort into this promotion than they did the Family guy stuff (not that I care one way or the other about Family guy I'm just calling it like I see it.) To be honest Snake has been shilled out to so many other games for cross promotion over the years this is hardly his first.
Snake has been blended with many things like Ape Escape, Smash Bros, and Monster Hunter. Seeing him along other games and even other characteres not of MGS's worldbuilding doesn't feel that odd. Snake has kind of left his "world" behind many times. Which is...kind of in keeping with Snake being this cipher? This character the player slips on. Snake is a character an icon but he's also this THING puppeted by us. A lot of games work to break this illusion to make us forget we're not Kratos, or We're not Nathan Drake but ever since Metal Gear Solid 1 Kojima's writing has been pretty clear there's "something" that drives snake. Not motivationally, but literally piloting him giving him what he needed to succeed (us). To put it simply. Snake has always been a bit Meta as a character. And it's hard to see liscenced characters (sold for up to 15 dollars a pop) as themselves when we're piloting them telling them to drink slurp juice out of jars, or swing a pickaxe or or sing "The Real Slim Shady" or do cutesy Jpop dances. All of this is to say, having played MGS 1 through TPP: nothing about this gameplay feels that out of character for Metal Gear aside from the cartoony art style. The look and feel of Fortnite naturally lends itself to having Snake as a Playable character in it. Narratively, Thematically, Fortnite is almost antithetical to Metal Gear Solid. But tonally, and mechanically, it feels in keeping with the series.
Part of this is just the fact that Kojima's games have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to what you can do in gameplay and so many of these things were adopted by gaming later that slotting Snake back into mechanics his games inspired just doesn't feel disjointed. So many games have copied Metal Gear Solid over the years and became main stream. MGS has also had it's own unique air owing to both Kojima's own unique style and the weirdness/humor brought about as the game tries very seriously to balance it's story and themes against poop jokes, and mechanics that are often very silly but very fun and a total detachment from the poe faced somberness snake goes for or is possibly trying to mock. This, overall is a chunk of what makes metal gear feel like metal gear. The mechanics of Fortnite feel eerily comparable to the mechanics of later Metal Gear games (especially MGS V) .
And the tonal disconnect between what Metal Gear games are doing as a plot, and the inherent nonsense the mechanics provide contrasting it, have always been a part of MGS and it's charm, and that's kind of what makes Fortnite the thing it is today? You have a very serious plot about war and the military and a gravely voiced man and then in the corner a Vampire man does a big dance, and large bi-pedal mechs moo like cows. It's why any time any popular thing is announced in fortnite it kind of becomes a joke. Very serious Rapper Eminem is in Fortnite, and has his personal OC Slim Shady as a playable skin, and he's shoving his hand in Pinata's and chugging slurp juice, it's kind of weird to see someone who takes themself so seriously dancing at the whims of whoever controls him. But that's been a core part of Metal Gear and the Metal Gear Solid Franchise, and the fandom forever. I dunno. I'm not trying to defend the fact that Fortnite is a center for companies to strip their IP of all love and meaning and sell it to us as pure nostalgia and profit. I'm just trying to say I was surprised by how weirdly normal (and to be honest kind fun) it felt to run around RPing Solid Snake in fortnite and I've been at it all day. As someone who originally didn't care one way or the other, and felt kind of cynical about such a beloved character being absorbed into this mess: I'm kinda glad he's here now.
*I know Snake and Big Boss (and by extension Venom/Punished Snake/Boss) are all different characters. But for the sake of this discussion I dipped in and out of talking about Solid Snake and "Snake" (any) as a whole in Metal Gear as a whole
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dayseternal-blog · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Bunny-senpai!!! 💕
I answered an ask similar to this one last year in March and I don't think my answers have changed...
I rewrote each blurb haha, so it's not an exact copy-paste from before.
1 “It’s No Secret” - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata returns to Konoha after 5 years studying abroad in the Moon Kingdom. She just wants to enjoy her last year of high school as a normal girl, but blossoming love forces her to confront her future. - My top fave. Back then, I wrote this like I was possessed. This story consumed my mind, and I was posting chapters every 1 or 2 weeks. I'm amazed at myself from back then. No, it's not my technically best writing, but I was having so much fun thinking up all kinds of scenes!!! Oh, to be a fanfic writing newbie all over again. Major love to everyone who's read this flirty teenage shenanigans mess and enjoyed it!!! One day I will write part two 🥺
2 “Nightdreams” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata find comfort in each other after the war. - This fic idea came to me sometime after I read agitosgirl's "A Special Friend," and I wanted Moooooore!!! I wanted more of this hurt/comfort dynamic between NaruHina!!!! So bam, the fic almost wrote itself, it flowed so easily (except for when it didn't). I'm so happy that people reread this fic, and then tell me that they're rereading it :D. Once in awhile I reread it, too, and think, oh, I should fix that sentence, or whatever loll, but I don't. I kind of think it's nice to leave it as it is, imperfect in little ways to bother me. Please read this fic and recognize that I was copying Katarinahime's writing techniques throughout.
3 “Awkward Jocks” - Rated G, 1990s High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. She knows that if he were to ever ask her out, she would accept in a heartbeat. After all, he’s the star quarterback and basketball player. Plus, she’s liked him since…forever. But when her home phone rings, and he’s on the other line, she hangs up. - It's interesting to me that even after all the fics I've written over the years, it's a few of my oldest fics that take the top 3. I guess I really have been trying to write for myself since the start. This one is based off of my ex-coworker's love story. Even though I don't work with her anymore, I still think of her as my role model for good leadership. When you read this, I hope you can feel how much I love her!
4 “About You” - Rated G, 1970s High School AU, One-shot. A summer job at the Dole pineapple cannery, graveyard shift 10 PM to 6 AM. A long bus ride into and out of town. Two teens, shy beside each other. - This is my most personal fanfic. Based on stories my parents told me and stories I found online from people of their generation, I tried to dive into their time using NaruHina. Ever since I was inspired to write after reading emmykay's "Torch Song," I had wanted to write a fic with Japanese-Hawaiian pidgin dialogue. This fic is close to my heart, but it's not higher on the list because there are inaccurate details that bother me 😅. I'm thinking of writing a fic about my great grandparents' generation one day, I've done a ton of research for it! Anyway, I'm so happy that others love this fanfic, too.
5 “Matcha” from “Shared Vows” - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Naruto calls Hiashi “father” for the first time. - According to my previous blurb, I picked this one because I loved how I structured it, I thought I wrote it really well. I also loved the notion of Naruto finding his own family. On deeper reflection, I think I also picked this one over "Finally Home" because I have a not-so-secret agenda for reconciliation between Hinata and Hiashi, fed by my own family's dynamic with my dad.
If I were to recommend any one of these for someone to read, I'd say they should start with Nightdreams or Matcha as an intro to some of my work since canon universe fanfic is always easier to digest.
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komorebi-rabbit · 2 months
Hey you!
I just came from your Sasori Roleplay account. I wasn't sure if you were active there anymore, so I hopped on over here via your pinned post.
You seem like a talented and fun person to roleplay with, so I thought why not ask?
I've read your rules and some of the older blogs and they really resonated with me.
I used to roleplay Itachi on Amino like you used to play/still play(?) Sasori on here. Those in depth roleplays that just make my heart sing. And also the RPs that are a pain to find because...well...novella takes work. And building a bond with a character who isn't naturally friendly takes even more time.
Still those have got to be the most fun times I can remember from my teens. And I misss them...
It was quite challenging to find people who share similar views on roleplaying and like the same fandom. So I must have given up sometime back. And when I read your blog today, I was instantly like "Oh my god this is exactly what I was looking for" (except like 6 years passed since I last attempted that xD)
So I wanted to pop in and say "Hi, I love your blog already!" but that didn't quite suffice so here we are xD.
It's kinda funny because after all this time not roleplaying, I found myself on tumblr, figured why not make a Sasori RP account (there are many others for the Naruto characters) to have some fun and be nostalgic? But...there was still a little 'eh' that was missing. And I found it in your blog.
I adore it, when people just get their characters and portray them correctly. And I've been aching to find more people like this. I remember it being quite the challenge in the past, back in my Itachi days, so it was like a gift to find your account!
Anyways, I am trailing off-
I'd love to RP with you sometime. Or...to just chat and reminisce about days past, even if I just discovered you today. I just know I would have loved to have you in my Akatsuki geoup back in 2015.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This is the SWEETEST message, oh my lord, thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this made me and how much I needed this little spark of positivity in my life right now!
I unfortunately no longer RP on tumblr due to some incidents that have made me wary over the years. I also no longer RP Sasori, but I do still RP in the Naruto fandom, just on Discord with friends that I am comfortable with. Novella does take work! But man, if it isn't worth the effort! I'm so glad people are still RPing and taking up Sasori. He absolutely deserves that love! Unfortunately, I did most of my tumblr RP back when the manga was still ongoing and tumblr was at its peak so there was a LOT more interaction then than I see these days. I wish it could go back to being that way! I miss a lot of the friends I made back then! (But also I'm still friends with some of them 10 years later, it's fantastic. You really form some lasting bonds). Even back then, however, there were only ever a couple of Sasori accounts (like... maybe 3, not including myself? And most were not active).
I'm mostly a Shisui RPer these days, though I do write for Kakashi, Tobirama, Kisame, and Izuna, too! Like I said, though, I only RP with those I'm super comfortable with, but if you want, I have plenty of recs for you! I'm also KomorebiRabbit on AO3 and @komorebirabbitwrites. My Sasori is actually heavily based on characterization from @renaerys and her works from back then (such as Zero Hour) and she is still writing FANTASTIC Sasori works to this day. I mean absolutely unbelievable, haunting, you will never get it out of your head type fics. Her characterization is unparalleled and also she's just an awesome person in general! I also mod @sasoriweek which will happen again in November of this year!
Also, if you like dark, horror-heavy Sasori, Athelise on AO3 is absolutely amazing! She writes such an interesting Sasori and some phenomenal smut, I definitely recommend her!
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
So this person @tiesthatbindel @neolavender @neolilac @itunisaaa @neosprivateacc who champions Sakura and holds that Naruto is straight (they said he wasn't gay, didn't say he was bi either, and didn't seem to question his sexuality at all),
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who holds Kishi is heteronormative and homophobic (🤦), has been harassing me on my private message and askbox. Here as well. They are using multiple accounts to do so.
Sorry guys, I had to shut off my ask box because this person is just refusing to leave me alone, all because I wrote lol to their comment. I was polite to them, and slightly dismissive perhaps, but this person is making it a mission to gather their followers to block me and hate on me. But seems their only followers are their own alt accounts. Heheh.
I think they feel slighted because I won't take them seriously. They really went from calling my content stellar, and God tier, to harassing me and trying to report me because I wrote a post over a year ago where I talked about my community being on the receiving end of systemic ethnic and religious discrimination in my country.
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And a lot more but I blocked them. They are not only badmouthing me but denegrating other SNS fans that I happily interact with. And I am baffled. They simply won't stop.
To prove their point, they also gathered screenshots from a Hinata stan called 'chhote-pandit' who harassed me and several other SNS fans last year, someone who threatened to feed our intestines to their cats for shipping 'brothers', and called SNSers horny fujoshis and dirty lesbians. That person was banned by Tumblr. This person's account also seems to be partially banned. Why are SS and NH stans like this? Bah. Like it's some type of neurosis.
They think Sasuke shinden is canon. Lol. Thing is they went personal, and petty. While I put effort to link them to my content for their benefit, they skipped all of that and started to harass me on my message boards. When I saw that they were spamming my posts, I blocked them. Like I would with any other person. And THAT was their undoing.
Ah. Now one would think I am affected. And I do feel bad, both for myself and them because I didn't deserve this much craziness for saying fanfic writers should dig deeper and presented a research based and well reasoned perspective. And they chose to take offense and take it to a personal level, getting petty, verbally abusing me.
Meanwhile they don't know anything about my ethnicity, my background, my struggles. And if I told them, I can promise they will take it all back. Heh. It can be grounds for even suing them. Yeah, it's that significant. I come from a very interesting (and rare) socio politico cultural intersection. But I value my privacy and anonymity. One other SNSer asked me about it politely and as a response, I left some reading material with them as answer. It explains it much better than I can.
I also am not really bothered as of now because I think I hurt their ego real bad. Just by not taking them seriously. Because I said lol to their comments. They have bigger problems than my dismissal of them.
Anyway, I understand fandoms can be challenging and a lot of people with strong voices get dragged for it on Tumblr. Especially in Naruto fandom. Heh. But the simplest way for them to deal with it was to actually talk storytelling and characters with me, like I did, by sharing links to my content. Instead they got personal while not really doing any of that.
The reason I am here is the story, my boys, Kishi and I find it a lot of fun interacting with other SNSers here. I am grateful that people even make time to read my long winding, seriously long ass posts. Hehehe.
So if you see some stuff somewhere where people are talking about blocking me or talking shit, that's what it's about.
Cheerios. :)
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
———  basics! ♡
PRONOUNS:  She / Her
ZODIAC SIGNS:  Libra for Sun, Picies for Rising, & Saggitarius Moon
TIME ZONE:  East Coast Standard Time, EST.
———  three  facts! ♡
My friends describe me as 'the luma from the mario movie' as of 2 months ago?? Before that it was 'feral in the best way' and 'it's always the cute ones who are unexpectedly horrifying'.
I love to cook! My favorite types of food to make are stews and braised dishes~ Chinese food is probably my favorite national food too.
I have two cats who I adore & I am 100% whipped when it comes to them.
———  experience ! ♡
Oh lord ok um. I unknowingly started RPing over the phone with my best friend in 2006; my first fandom was Naruto. As time went on it went from talking over the phone to texting, to even drawing comic panels that we'd exchange between classes and fill out. I officially started writing my RP's on Tumblr in 2016, and honestly have been on and off since then. I've been trying to be more active on here, but I do a lot of RP through Discord <3
———  muse preference !  ♡
Honestly I.. don't find myself with any specific preference for muse type? It's more of a 'can I relate to this muse on something?' and if the answer is yes, I go from there. I was going to originally type 'inhuman muses' but honestly, I pick up muses so fast for so many different reasons; usually for comedy reasons or to do a writing exercise.. and 9 times out of 10 they end up developing into one that stays long term.
I have a lot of muses from a lot of different fandoms that I don't list here; sadly I tend to hyper-fixate on one specific show/fandom and live in there for months at a time before writing for the others again.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I adore fluff!! I'm always down for it and will never get enough of it. Especially if it's with characters who could benefit from a good hug or need that sweet emotional intimacy/closure or if it's a situation I can just milk the shit out of.
ANGST:  Truthfully I will hardly ever propose angst; I will engage in it if my partner wants it or if it's not a 'solely angst' rp/has elements but there's more going on than just pain. I get too invested and it ends up being really emotionally disruptive for me. It doesn't mean I won't, I just have to be very careful and make sure I have the right headspace for it.
SMUT:  This. Yes. I love smut. I won't even lie. If I don't have at least a dozen horni thoughts a day then something is wrong. I love writing it too, but.. honestly, I have some hesitation about writing it here just because I worry about others on this platform.
PLOT / MEMES: I like both really!~ I generally prefer to plot out my rp's anyway. Having a storyline to work with really helps me think about how I can best flex my creative muscle to make the interaction as fun as possible. And memes/comedy is just a delight, I really can't get enough of those. Honestly, you'll probably see me pull a new muse out of the woodwork just to have a meme/comedy-based rp with another person.
tagged by: Stole it
tagging: Steal it.
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tired-biscuit · 4 months
i've just seen your posts on dash biscuit and its so sad you're feeling like that :( If i'm to tell you the honest truth biscuit, I don't remember how I found your account but i remember being so intrigued and hooked immediately - I went on to read your War General Kiba (to somewhat expose myself.. I am War General Kiba anon from around a month ago) bc your writing itched my brain so fuckin good !!
It makes me so sad that uni started recently for me and I have been so caught up I haven't gotten around to reblogging war general kiba because I haven't gotten the moment to write my thoughts regarding those:( they're sitting in my drafts. I decided I would read every single one of your fics a month ago (unfortunately I haven't been able to yet) - including the naruto thirst you elaborated on for me, and though I haven't gotten time to read it, THANK YOU SO MUCH BISCUIT for taking your time out to do that :( <3
You deserve every single one of those likes , but you deserve them alongside an equal amount of reblogs :/ i sincerely hope that these followers and whatnot pull their heads out of their ass and start reblogging - because if they don't, they're not going to have anything to read. bc biscuit you are such an amazing and talented writer, and it always blows my mind we get to read your masterpieces for free. FOR FREE!!!! that is so crazy like, this is stuff that could get you MILLIONS and we have the blessing from you to type a few words onto our screens and read it! like WOW thank you so much <3 🍁 anon
oh my gosh, you’re so sweet; imma start sobbing!
listen, you don’t have to apologize for not being able to read my fics; i get it, life happens and we get busy as people and fanfiction definitely is NOT everything there is to life! so please don’t say sorry for that because there is literally no need for it, like i said. YOU’RE GOOD!
it just grinds my gears that i’m not allowed to vent on here about this particular topic because some people will INSTANTLY jump the wagon to call me ungrateful. i get it, i get notes, but people usually don’t understand that likes don’t mean shit on here and that the majority of those notes are just that: likes. sure, i get a little notif that someone liked my story, but i have no clue what they thought about it based from that heart. i have no clue if they’ve even actually read it. to make matters even worse, it makes the post just straight up fucking die.
i spend hours and hours and hours writing, editing, rereading, tweaking the same story for ages. i could just not post it and keep it to myself, sure, but i enjoy interacting with my moots and my followers in general, and giving people that share my interest in the same characters something to read about, because let’s be real; kiba is niche af. i like feeding the kiba girlies because i barely had anything to eat a couple years back when it comes to him and i’ve worked my fucking ass off for those notes over the years, SO OF COURSE I APPRECIATE THEM, OK?
this debate, or whatever you wanna call it, has been circling around here for ages and it’s useless at this point, i think... writers, artists, creators of all sorts say “please say thank you for my creation that i made for YOU after you’ve asked, i beg” and people call us ungrateful or stuck up or whatever the fuck. i mean, do people seriously think i enjoy self-reblogging all the time and begging for interaction like that robin hood meme with the cup???????? no, i do it because it is the only way people will see my work before it disappears into the ether once again, ffs!!!!!!!!
ANYWAYS, i will write a drabble for your war general!kiba ask when i have the time, i promise! i just want to actually make it good and write like a proper story instead of just my thoughts because he is very dear to me and i am a perfectionist when it comes to my royalty AU and it makes me overthink and just… yeah! he has been sitting in the back of my head, clanking his heavy weapons impatiently, lmao.
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writeblrcafe · 1 year
Digital interview with @legiomiam
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The doorbell announces the next interview guest entering Writeblrcafé. It's writer J. Lynnell, who orders a chai latte. They write poetry, fanfiction and a book. Their favourite genres include fiction, fantasy, romance, crime, poetry, mystery, science fiction, historical fiction and paranormal.
What got you into writing?
It started when I was about 14 and I started writing Twilight and LoZ fanfiction in a notebook. Then I moved on to anime with Naruto and Inuyasha once I found FanFic (dot) net. For poetry I had my 10th grade English teacher who made us all submit poems into this contest and she told me that I had potential and that my imagery was vivid for poems.
What inspires you to write?
I'd love to say spite. Spite inspires me but so does my over active imagination. I usually write based off emotions and writing got me through some dark times my last two years of high school and the following years, so now I feel that writing is a safe way for my to sort through my emotions and process everything I have going on. I did not actually start writing full on original novels until about ten years ago with an idea that really didn't have an fruition for another five years, taking the leap from fanfiction to original novels came during a bad depressive episode and a bad relationship divorce where I hadn't read in a year and hadn't written for even longer, I just needed something comfortable and familiar. I had already devoured the ACOTAR series and the year after the novella had come out I needed more and read it over while reading ToG. I had read Heir of Fire and reread ACOMAF at the same time, and found myself crying from some of the scenes because it's refreshing to see characters work through their depression. It was at that point I decided that I wanted someone to read my work and think the same thing. That they picked up my book during an emotional time and it became the thing they latched on to. So I sat down and reintroduced myself to characters I hadn't thought of writing about for years.
Which are recurring themes in your writing?
I don't preset any themes but a lot of them show up as I write. Life and death are a big one along with found family. Loyalty and betrayal, good vs evil. Fate vs free will slash destiny are another big ones that I love to incorporate into most of my works. Loneliness was one but as I got older it switched from needing to find someone to now understanding the difference between being alone vs loneliness.
How would you describe your writing style?
I'd like to say it's very descriptive and heavy on narration. I try to evoke the senses to the best of my abilities and make readers feel along with my characters.
How do you deal with writer's block?
I am bad with writer's block, I usually take walks or showers when it impacts me in all areas of creativity. Though when it's just with one project I move to a different WIP that I have floating around. My way of dealing with writer's block is more than likely why I have so many projects.
Have you already published your writing?
I have I have three poems published in a horror zine.
Do you have a wip? Tell us about it:
I have five projects that I am actively working on, one has two parts which go together: This Dark And Divine Place and Children of Ruin. TDADP is about the underlying tension of war between the Fae born Hunters and Vampyres. (read more under the cut)
Rashka who's the younger sister of the empress of the last Vampyre empire and Bahram a merc hired to protect her as all the Vampyre clans are called to gather after the murder of an entire clan. On the way to the summit she is kidnapped and Bahram has to go after her, for his own reasons he would be inclined to leave the Vampyre but with his life tied to her own if harm befalls her then he's doomed too. What was supposed to be an easy mission for the banished Fae ends up a life or death situation between them both. CoR is the sequel series, where as TDADP isn't supposed to be a will they or won't them because Rashka and Bahram's relationship is by design of the Gods. CoR follows their five children who have to deal with the aftermath of not only the Gods cursing their parents but also the oncoming end of the world. CoR was started as the project I had for many years but then along the way I decided that I wanted to tell the parents' story first. Both are Dark Fantasy. Project "Two" is From Ashes and Dust it centers around Alexia a super soldier in hiding who gets mixed up in the investigation of a grisly string of murders from former soldiers, her plans to stay on the downlow and just work for hire as a black market merc are ruined when Leon and his partner Jade catch her breaking into a suppressant bank and question her. FAAD is a wonderful mix of dystopian and cyberpunk. Project "Three" is Laws Of The Songbirds where Savina Starling the sole surviving member of the Starling family forces the 6 other families to gather so she can find why her family was slaughtered. What the other families come to find out is that her family was sacrificed to summon a devil and that devil has grown very attached to the young woman who bound herself to him. LotS is a dark urban fantasy. "Four" is The Vanity Of Ghosts it centers around three characters Evelynn, Reyes, and Hector as a historical paranormal romance thriller. Evie is a clairvoyant detective employed by the local police and she has to investigate a murder at the opera, her new partner Reyes is back from bereavement leave after the death of his younger brother. Both only have Hector as their lead, the costar and on stage love interest of the murdered woman. This work does have a poly relationship (as will CoR). The "fifth" and final project is Wicker Hearts which is an Anastasia inspired retelling with monsters where Brooke Rivers, after living in banishment for a few years when his uncle exiled him after the death of his family, decided that instead of taking over the throne when his uncle dies he's going to convince the heir of the family his own parents overthrew to rule. In order to find this family he employs a little rag tag crew and runs into a young woman, Julian, who has lived all her life outside the city in the forest of the old gods and their monsters. This project is leaning more towards Dark Fantasy too.
You can tell us more interesting stuff about you here:
I am a queer nonbinary writer of color who lives in the middle of nowhere Midwest where we are known for having the largest rail yard in the world. I was a miracle baby born at 27 weeks and spite has kept me going for nearly 3 decades now. I cook and bake in some of my off time but mainly work on digital art, perform one person musicals in my bedroom, and collect pins, pressed leaves, special edition books, and tarot decks. I have a morkie named Feyre who has adopted my mom and her dog Addy. Along with being an Aries and working an ungodly amount of customer service jobs.
Get interviewed by Writeblr Café!
Any writer can participate. Just fill in this form by clicking on the link below. Maybe we will host interviews in an audio format if you are more interested in listening to an interview than reading it.
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77angelnumbers77 · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Hello! I'm Liz and I write fanfiction on Ao3. My workskins are published here.
I made this account to update on the progress of various fics, share my work on another platform, and interact with people who like my writing! And post my art I guess. And fight with @rainyamy. Stop the presses!! This blog has been sidetracked!!
╰┈➤ I am a giant VrisRezi shipper, but I dabble in other pairings as well.
╰┈➤ I take requests, but they are just that – requests. I cannot guarantee that I will write for you.
Here is a masterpost of all my current works. [Not up to date circa Oct 16 2023]
Want to contact me?
╰┈➤ Email me at [email protected]
╰┈➤ Send an ask
╰┈➤ Send a DM
╰┈➤ Form for anonymous feedback, requests, beta applications, or just misc messages
╰┈➤ Last but not least, just comment! I love comments, they make my day!
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I sometimes write explicit content and upsetting themes. By interacting with me, you are agreeing that this content doesn't bother you. If you want me to add a tag to a work, please feel free to contact me in any of the ways listed above! I am a hobbyist. Writing fanfiction is not my job! I may go a while between fics or updates. I may not take your requests. This is because I am a person, not a machine. Want me to write faster? All I can say is that kudos and comments fuel me. Don't be shy! I prefer to keep my personal life private. I can't guarantee that I'll be sharing anything about myself on this account, this is simply a place to talk about my fanfiction and other hobby things. All you need to know is that if I'm not writing, I'm probably hiking!! Or doing the things I actually have to do. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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ꕥ--.Transformative Works Statement
I would love it if you reached out before making fanworks for my writing, but I also love to be surprised! DMs are open and I don't bite. Please credit me if you create fanworks inspired by my work. Specific information below:
Podfics Yes please! If you create podfic based on my fanwork, there’s no need to notify me beyond using the "Inspired by" link on AO3. Translations Absolutely! If you create translations based on my fanwork, there’s no need to notify me beyond using the "Inspired by" link on AO3. Fanart Big yes! If you create fanart based on my fanwork, there’s no need to notify me beyond using the "Inspired by" link on AO3. Recursive Works (eg Prequels/Sequels) Please check in with me before creating recursive works based off my fanworks. Works inspired by my work are fine! Just use the "Inspired by" link or tag me on Tumblr. Remixes Please check in with me before creating remixes based off my fanworks. Fanbinding Yes (literally nothing would make me happier)!!! You can share the typeset files with other fans as long as you credit me. Due to dubious legality, please do not send my fanworks to a printing service to be printed. I don't want to be sued. Please contact me beforehand and credit me by keeping my name on the work. Other I welcome other types of transformative works based off of my fanworks! If you create other types of fanworks based on my writing, there’s no need to notify me beyond using the "Inspired by" link on AO3 or tagging me on Tumblr.
This blanket permission statement/transformative works statement was created with the help of the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder. You can create your own custom statement here.
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Homestuck Naruto Yu-gi-oh (DM and GX) Madoka Magica
This account is only for my Homestuck writings. DM for my Naruto account. Yugioh account is @judai-judaii.
I dabble in other fandoms but these are my big ones at the moment!!
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These aren't all ships I'm super serious for, or ships that I'll ever write for! I just like them. My OTP is denotated with a crown. Only Homestuck pairings here for simplicity!! Any quadrant.
♛ Vriska Serket x Terezi Pyrope John Egbert x Terezi Pyrope John Egbert x Dirk Strider Gamzee Makara x Roxy Lalonde Eridan Ampora x Sollux Captor Sollux Captor x Aradia Megido Calliope x Roxy Lalonde Gamzee Makara x Vriska Serket Davesprite x Jade Harley Vriska Serket x Aradia Megido
I'm always open to new pairings as well!
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If you read this far: thanks!! Credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers! I made the blinkie and my pfp ♡
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sasubaeuchithot · 9 months
Hello, I am just curious about two questions:
1. If you absolutely need to pair people up in Naruto like kishimoto did in chapter.700, who would you prefer with Sakura? Take myself for example, I am not opposed to Rock Lee with Sakura. In manga, they seem to have some chemistry similar to the anime version of Naruto and Sakura, and she was much nicer to him after being rescued by him.
2. Are there any chances for some future Uchiha kids in KH universe? I like Sarada but she sometimes seems more Sakura than Sasuke. I am so in for kids of Naruto and Sasuke. Black hair, blue eyes…definitely cute kids.
You know Naruto could give birth to kids based on the information provided in the databooks.
god, yeah, i think rock lee would be the only option I'd have for sakura- although inosaku is so damn pretty together, i just can't see them in canon unfortunately 😭. i really enjoyed the softer side of Sakura that lee brought out of her, and i enjoyed her character growth in regards to him.
as for Uchiha kids, I don't think Sasuke will ever try for biological kids. keep in mind, my brain is still in the mindset of where we left off of him- a few days away from turning 19 in the epilogue- so that might be clouding my judgement. he definitely isn't ready for it, and he'd have a hell of a basket case to unpack to be okay with it. i currently find it so much more likely that he and naruto adopt some orphan child in the woods completely on accident they just save the kid and a month later they realize the kid has been living with them every day and calls one of them "dad" on accident anf it's a whole revelation
......please fucking enlighten me with what in the fresh hell this data book info is that says Naruto can get pregnant bc what in the actual fuck did kishi contrive to make his oc capable of mpreg i NEED this information so i can dissect his brain
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sailoropal · 8 months
My Pinned Bio / Summary
Hallo // This pinned bio makes it easier to explain myself, this blog, and what content will likely be spammed with it. As well as reaching out to other fans also thriving here, heh.
I must quickly clarify I do interact with 18+ content, so please, minors DNI and everyone else, proceed with caution; however, this post is SFW, hah!
About Me:
I go by Fae or Spec (She/They).
I am 24 years old - ENFP and queer [not a shock considering my sailor moon core]
A recent postgrad burnout woman who has resigned from the stressful 9 - 5 STEM grad job I had to now work as a disability student support worker. There's a lot more flexibility in this role that allows me to have passions and personality outside my Degrees and Academics, haha!
Regarding birth charts and for the sake of astrology I am Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.
I have ASD - Like many women, I was late diagnosed due to many in my community dismissing my observational signs as "quirks" and "A wee bit away with the fae". I masked a lot in my life, but I realize it is essential for my mental health to unmask where possible.
My first language is Gàidhlig; later in my life, I learned English when I wanted to move from the Scottish isles, where I grew up. So, if you have a DnD/OC character influenced by Celtic Myth/Gaelic culture, I am happy to give advice and commentary.
Attack on Titan, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Aggretsuko, Anohana, Bleach, Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, Digimon, Dororo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Shiki, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lovely Complex, My Love Story!!, Wonder Egg Priority, Romantic Killer, Toradora, RWBY, ROTTMNT, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, and a TON of K-dramas/C-dramas/J-dramas - atm I am watching a K-drama called The Glory and my most absolute fave is Strong Girl Bong-Soon.
I am starting the likes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and I am open to more recommendations!
Video Games:
Animal Crossing, Bloodborne, Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Cult of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Diablo, Hades, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Style Savvy DS series (Dress-up Games are my weakness), Pokémon, Super Princess Peach (also looking forward to the switch release!)
Okay, I am also obsessed with Dating Horror Games:
John Doe, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo!, Frost Bite, My Dear Hatchet Man, House Hunted.
(I know Your Boyfriend is a popular one - the game is fun, but I am not a fan of the creator.)
I intend to play the likes of Touch Starved, Courtin' Cowboys, Snaggemon, Trapped with Jester, and more, heh. :^
I read a lot of Fanfiction alongside actual works by Elizabeth Lim, Sue Lynn Tan, Sarah J Maas, Judy Lin - Anything that is literally Chinese Mythic Based Plot, and Fae Smut, if I gotta be honest with you PFFT. I am on Booktok a ton, so recommendations are appreciated while I organise my Kindle.
I have been roleplaying/writing since about 15/16, so I have a few years of writing experience creating OCs and writing out RP Ideas. I went on an extended hiatus as I finished university and took time off to deal with my mental health as I settled into a new routine. I am currently not outright seeking RP partners as I slowly find the time to write again, but I am open to people reaching out to discuss their OCs and RP ideas!
I am such a recluse who will binge fanart, headcanons, and fanfics - I love listening to people talk about their OCs, Fanfics, AUs, and the works. If you share my hyperfixations, don't hesitate to infodump! I might get distracted and forget to respond- but I WILL respond.
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lunaneko14 · 1 year
Do you think Kishimoto went out of his way to make Sakura the way she is? Like what do you think her purpose was? So I consider myself Sakura-neutral/critical. I don’t particularly hate her but I’m also meh. I do think I’m one of the few however to be more positive-neutral of her character in part 1. Don’t get me wrong I do think she had many flaws but they weren’t flaws that she couldn’t develop from. While many say she was useless, I think her arc was set up as a wake up call that being a ninja isn’t fun & games. I actually like the part where she cuts her hair in the forest bcz it symbolizes that wake up call. Also the fact she’s a civilian and her only ninja training/knowledge is basically from the academy is enough background imo lol she doesn’t need childhood trauma. The only reason I bring all this up is bcz I hate when Sakura fans claim Kishimoto can’t write female characters. I am not saying he’s the best at writing them either. There’s an argument to be made about having boys/romance being a big part of said characters or even the lack of screen time. But Hinata and Ino both have way less screen time yet even as background characters they have more development. Hinata’s chunin fight and proud failure speech are some of my fave scenes in the manga and it tells us all we need to know about her. Ino going out of her way to learn medical ninjutsu when she’s already got her clan techniques and she’s a sensor shows ambition. Sakura becomes Tsunade’s student and that’s it she becomes a pink-haired Knock off version of her like let’s be real as a civilian she’s limited compared to a Senju descendant (meanwhile Sasuke and Naruto surpassed their sannin masters.) Kishimoto had enough material for Sakura as I mentioned above yet he chose to center her character around Sasuke. Is it purposeful? Is it sexist writing? Idk her character confuses me I guess. What do you think?
As a writer myself I know exactly why Sakura is the way she is.
It’s like when I TRY to write comedy vs it coming from me organically. The organic, genuine stuff is always going to be much better than when you try too hard.
Sakura is Kishimoto trying to write a female character too hard. Because she follows all the stereotypes men think about women: obsessed with beauty and boys with a little “I’m just as good as the guys even though I’ve never shown I could” thrown in.
Hinata on the other hand is the organic stuff. She’s what Kishimoto WANTS in a woman. Feminine yet strong in her own way. She doesn’t need to beat the toughest bad guy as long as she shows up for Naruto the title character and Kishimoto’s self insert.
That’s why most people gravitate towards Hinata especially the target male audience. It’s not because of her boobs or because she’s submissive because we’ve seen her be angry at Naruto before and she earns nothing but his respect. Hinata is an EQUAL not someone who wants to aggressively dominate anyone like Sakura does (see her relationship with Ino and Naruto) which is why SS doesn’t work as a household unless Sasuke is out of the house and Kishimoto knows that.
I think even fictional characters can teach us about basic human psychology because they are based on humans after all.
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dayseternal-blog · 1 year
Fic Author Self Rec! When you get this reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, or some snippets from upcoming WIPS. Let’s spread the self-love! Love ya and thank you for all you do!! 💖
:D my 5 favorite fics that I've written?? okay.
"It's No Secret" - Hinata returns to Konoha after 5 years studying abroad in the Moon Kingdom. She just wants to enjoy her last year of high school as a normal girl, but blossoming love forces her to confront her future. (Rated M). - My baby fish. A high school AU for which I was really trying all different kinds of things and making all kinds of mistakes, finding my writing style. As a fanfic writer newbie, I felt so free to do whatever I wanted! Every scene for me was gripping, and I was so immersed in the world I was trying to create. It has an original, lengthy plot that I still hope to finish one day!!! I love this fic just because it was so instrumental to helping me improve. It's definitely NOT my best work, but from the first chapter to the most recently published chapter, my growth in writing is so apparent. All of the comments I got on it, even the ones that criticized, were encouraging for me and I cherish those readers who've followed my fics since then 💞
"Nightdreams" - Naruto and Hinata find comfort in each other after the war. (Rated E). - The easiest multi-chapter fic to write. Ever. Since then, I've never had quite as much fun writing a fic (I think Catskin came close). Certainly never as easy a time. "Nightdreams" had its moments of growth for me for sure, though, like the mission chapter, the argument chapter, all of the smut! It had its challenges, but the story flowed so easily, from beginning to end. I think there were only a couple of small writer's blocks. Overall, "Nightdreams" easily takes fave #2 just because it was so fun, and I think readers can tell that I really enjoyed writing it.
"Awkward Jocks" - She knows that if he were to ever ask her out, she would accept in a heartbeat. After all, he's the star quarterback and basketball player. Plus, she's liked him since...forever. But when her home phone rings, and he's on the other line, she hangs up. (Rated G). - The sweet and funny love story based off of my ex-coworker's life...bittersweet now, don't remember if I shared on Tumblr why. But I wrote this fic full of my love for her, so it takes the spot for fave #3.
"About You" - A summer job at the Dole pineapple cannery, graveyard shift 10 PM to 6 AM. A long bus ride into and out of town. Two teens, shy beside each other. (Rated G). - One of my most personal fanfics, though many of them are super personal. This is possibly the MOST personal because it's slightly based off of my parents' stories, I set it on my home island, and I experimented with writing the dialogue in pidgin. The only reason it's not higher on my list is because I somehow feel like I didn't do as good a job on it as I would have liked. It's like, the cultural/historical details are not accurate enough for me. But this is definitely a fic I wrote for myself, and it's been a joy to see other people love it, too.
"Matcha" from "Shared Vows" - Naruto calls Hiashi "father" for the first time. (Rated T). - ooooh it was a toss-up between this one or "Finally Home" from "Shared Vows," but I decided on "Matcha" as my fave #5. I love how I framed this fic, its ending reversing the beginning, and I somehow managed to communicate exactly what I wanted to say about Naruto's new family. This fic gives me such feel-good vibes, and I'm so glad it captured the feelings I felt.
I know that my personal faves do not align with readers' personal faves. Except for maybe "Nightdreams" haha. That one is easy to love. I know people loved "White Lilies," "Friend of Mine," "Tell Me of Forevers," and "Undercover," ...those exhibit some of my best technical writing, so I'm glad readers recognized that effort! My personal faves have more sentimental value, I guess, so that's what makes them special to me.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 9 months
Hello everyone! this is your resident artist and author here! my name is Kat/Lime! I hope we can get along and I hope to grow more on Tumblr like I have on Instagram...I don't have very many followers on either BUT I like very different things and I hope we can find a connection and possibly fan over art and other things?
I have an Instagram as well if you guys wanna follow me there (artsykidwolf_2000). I also post art there too and would love the appreciation there as well. (Before you ask NO I'm NOT taking Commissions at this time for I have NO way of actually doing them at this time and idk about Art Trades other than with mutuals/friends) (I've been getting DMs if I am and I listed specifically on my bio that I don't! I will update all of you when I'm confident in taking commissions!!!)
Here are some things I have made/are proud of:
My Original Story Series called Last Pegasus! It's a fantasy magical adventure type story based off a lot of things I'm interested in over the years (give or take) and I have SOME works and art based off the story itself or putting them in silly outfits of different fandoms or something hehe... I'm really hoping this series will be my pride and joy once I figure how to get my stuff organized and whatever else is needed comic or just a story otherwise...
Next is OC-TOBER, a OC appreciation type drawing/writing prompt challenge to where the weekly prompt helps you to share your original characters based on that prompt! I already have a few (as of writing this) and there's more to come (hopefully)
My art in general is what I do the best, sure I'm good at writing but I'm not the best best. I hope to grow as I go along and discover more and more tips n tricks and new art friends along the way! I have plenty to show but I'm taking my pace with it to not burn myself and y'all out lol.
My OCs are like Family to me, especially some I keep REALLY close to my heart, and I hope to share more about them
Here are some Fandoms I'm REALLY into/know very well (I have ADHD so it changes sometimes to my hyper-fixation lol):
(most of these are not rank per position on list, permanent hyperfixes are in this color. common ones in this color)
For Games/misc. I like:
Final fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Fire emblem
Monster hunter
God of war
Slime rancher
Dragon age
Dungeons and dragons
I also like some Vtubers
For anime/shows I like:
My Hero academia
Ancient Magic Bride
One Piece
Dragon ball
Little witch academia
Avatar the last airbender/Korra
Avatar (James Cameron)
Star Wars
Dinosaur (the movie)
Prehistoric Planet
Monster High (all gens)
My little pony (most G4 but G5 is alright too)
Ghibli movies
Lots of Disney movies (I can recite a lot of them "word for word")
Nature/Historical Documentaries (I'm a nerd, I also love OSP (Overly Sarcastic Productions) their podcasts and videos are hilarious)
Feel free to ask if I know more these are the ones I could name off the top of my head hehe
Thank you for coming and I hope we can all be friends and hopefully you like my art alot hehe. Thank you bye!
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tamelee · 1 year
Hello again! I’m so sorry to bother you in any way!
I am really, really wanting to write something based off one of your works, and I was hoping to ask if there were any you prefer over the others. Just in your own opinion; maybe ones you’re more confident of right now. I was wanting to at least try and build off something you yourself might actually enjoy reading about, but if not that won’t dampen my spirits! (No worries! Reading is agony!) I totally understand if reading isn’t your thing. It isn’t mine either, really. Lol. But just in case, I wanted to ask.
If the thought of someone being able to write a story off of your art is more like what you would hope than someone expounding an idea you’ve had on ice for said piece, I completely understand and respect that! (I am an absolute hermit and the internet still scares me, so you are welcome to flee my presence. I do it every Friday.)
You just draw Sasuke and Naruto in the most absolutely most perfect ways my brain likes and I am a little bit feral to write about it, lol. If you happened to glance my deplorable works I have up at the moment, I do have at least a few decently lighthearted ones. I was thinking something soft but complex might go nice with your painting style.
Just as a tiny whisper: I often think about your art of Sasuke in that fantasy design; it was genuinely breathtaking, and now I use that as my base framework for how his face semi-realistically could look….. I love his cute little nosey. It lives rent free in my head from sunrise to sunset and it makes each one better. 🥹
I’m so sorry to ask this through—well…—ask. You’re more than welcome to answer publicly! I just like checking if there’s anything the artist would like to see written about their work, and if not then I will just go Limitless(ly Cute) Hog Wild on it.
Hi @leechdoggy 💕!
I am never bothered, dw. Also, I’m listening to “Flying Light” OST while typing this which makes it all the more epic. 
Ah, I think it’s beautiful if a fandom can get inspired from each other right? Fan-art creating more fan-fiction and vice versa.. I’d say go for it! For any which you like. Don’t let my thoughts I had about my art myself while drawing limit you as you interpret it in any way for your words/story. Especially if that is how you feel about it. I’ll accept “soft and complex” gratefully, just your kindness overall, it makes me happy- thankyou 🥰 
I’m also glad to hear about the Sasuke fantasy design art, all the talk about my art style really dampened my spirits lately but you made my sunrise to sunset better.. 
We seem to have a lot in common, I too am a hermit (currently at least) and the internet did show me it can be scary as well, but it is Friday today. I have no intention of fleeing you and I do enjoy reading a lot. I wonder, is your name the same on Ao3? I’ll definitely check it out! Happy writing 🧡
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autismsasuke · 1 year
I can't help myself im gonna explain my thought process for the sns orpheus/eurydice piece under the cut cuz I'm still not over it
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OK so first the composition. When looking at references on pinterest of Orpheus n eurydice i found that in most paintings eurydice was static and was either getting pulled along by Orpheus or just standing in the background and I know I wanted for this piece for them to be both in action.
I had a really specific composition in mind so I used this random character poser online to get the perspective exactly how I wanted it to be (bc let's be honest if I tried to do that all by myself I would Explode)
i knew i wanted to depict the exact moment that naruto looks back at sasuke, his widened eyes and sasuke's outstretched hand + him yelling out. now idk WHY he's exactly yelling out to naruto uhh you can make your own reason for that lmao
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Next: the sketch and the clothing/designs. For naruto I decided to draw an off the shoulder chitoniskos aka an exomis bc soldiers used it and i thought it was fitting. the only reason he doesn't have another layer overtop the chitoniskos is bc i am Bad at Clothing and idk how to do it. its also why the skirt's flaps resemble more roman skirts than clothing folds rippp that wasnt my intention goddammit 😭
anyways i draw the symbol he has on his stomach on the belt and the uzumaki symbols on the flaps of the skirt. u can also see i gave him a laurel wrath in the sketch but it isn't in the final drawing. that's bc i realized that uh, it kinda made no sense in the context of the drawing so i just removed it lmaoo.
for sasuke i decided to draw just a regular chitoniskos and to draw the chlamys. for sas i drew the sharingan on the clasp and on the belt is the uchiha symbol. on the chlamys are some moon symbols and fire like red threads. (btw shout out to @achilleslyre for the help on the greek clothing 🫶🫶)
also u can see me struggling w the lyre and the lamp here. drawing objects in perspective is so hard my god
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the lineart! this part is where i finalized the clothing folds and tried not to go into perfectionist mode.
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base colors
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shading, making sure i know where the light source is coming from + adding the afromentioned details. also added some sun motifs to naruto's lyre
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even more rendering and shading, added some blue/purple-ish light on naruto since he's closer to the lamp and to the outside
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and the finished piece! i struggled w the cave as well bc it kept looking off but at this point i was 8 hrs into this drawing and my hands were NOT listening so i just decided to wing it and scribble aimlessly until a general cave like shape could be seen.
the branch outside is going from a green to a brown-reddish color, representing spring turning into autumn and persephone having to return to the underworld aka it parallels eurydice/sasuke also having to go back to the underworld. (this is mostly me talking out of my ass lmao)
das all ty for reading hehe
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my-reality-my-rules · 2 years
Hi! I have some questions about shifting and I hope you answer them
If your DR is in another language. Do you still remember it when you come back to CR.
Another thing is I want to put photographic memory in the script. Do you still remember everything that you learned there. Did it change anything in your CR
[thanks for this ask!]
yes, and no.
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I've answered a few questions similar to this one, and i always give descriptions on how it feels for me when i bring back knowledge from my DR. the closest example i could give was when a limb 'fell asleep', and the person's body is 'waking up'. you know when your butt feels numb, after sitting in one position for an extended period of time? or when you've been laying down on an arm for too long. it's similar to that.
the language used in my naruto DR is japanese. i am not literate in japanese in my CR, at least not to the extent that I've been aiming for yet. i do remember some small phrases and sentences here and there, but that's just because i wanted to learn the language on my own, develop it and actually train myself to understand it. lmfao I'm still barely at the N5 level here, despite scripting that i am literate in japanese in my DR—with a few circumstances affecting that, but i digress.
you could pick languages up eventually, when you care to practice enough in your CR. it's also akin to muscle memory, though instead of retraining a physical muscle, it's more of transferring the knowledge you've gained and try to do it with the best of your abilities.
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lastly, that bit on photographic memory—alright, at least half of the improvements my CR body has gone through were caused by direct manifestations only inside my CR. even before i fully, actively shifted, i was already trying to shape myself to be better. but I've also scripted that some of the physical developments i experience in my naruto DR transfer over to my CR self, for example enhanced memory and eyesight. so, sometimes, i don't question whether the changes i received in my CR body came from my manifestations here, or from there—only that they happened, and I'm grateful.
but what i can say about the eidetic memory is that while no, i don't necessarily retain everything from my DR, i still have some very good recollections of what i know. my personal theory on this is that, if your DR and CR bodies are vastly different from one another, only the knowledge of reality-bound, physically feasible things can be transferred. ok—wait. that sounds a bit confusing, so let me try to paraphrase what i just said 😭😭
i don't have an eidetic/photographic memory in my CR, so while I'm in it, i can't remember the things that my DR self would be able to. not in the way it counted, which, by the general term, is being able to recall everything in perfect clarity. my actual experience of shifting back from a reality where i have it is more based on intuitions and half-associations than anything. like, it's not always about being able to recall every single detail—fuck knows I've already had a shitty memory to begin with—but I'm more attuned to the feelings my mind has assigned things.
it has changed things in my CR, though. I've noticed only recently that i slowly became incredibly averse to touch, and tend to fall into that habit of staying in corners where i can defend myself best. I've picked up a tendency of being thorough when questioning someone, and developed a bit more subtlety when I'm off to ask for favours. the knowledge from my DR is there, at the back of my mind, but even before shifting, i already liked to compartmentalise, so the thoughts aren't prominent. there's this,,,, subtle niggling(?) that's directing me just how to do things, and efficiently. so, there's that.
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HELP idk if i answered your questions in a way that actually made sense, but if they do, i do hope that the response could at least give insight lmao.
other than that, much love, and happy shifting ❤️❤️
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