#i am going to be okay
dreamhousecafe · 1 year
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i am going to be okay
my socials
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trick-of-the-troubles · 3 months
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cipherexists · 3 months
opening your animal crossing new leaf from when you were 14 and checking your inventory to find this:
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am i supposed to be okay after reading that
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bongsavior · 10 months
it's not shit i haven't had to go through already.
this is not my end
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sassygwaine · 2 years
Exceedingly sorry if this is weird but I just wanted to tell you how impactful your writing in the altwss verse has been for me (felt both too personal and too impersonal to just pop in the AO3 comments section). It's so clear how much personal work and growth informs your writing and, as a result, it is genuinely transformative and restorative to read. It sounds silly to say that a fanfic about the blorbos from my shows was the thing to finally get me to go, "Oh, things can actually be better," but that's what happened! The little spark of hope is just so contagious, and you're so realistic about the ups and downs and the work it takes that it actually makes it feel possible, even after years and years and years of staying stagnant. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your writing with us ♥️ (again, sorry if this is weird/overstepping to put in your inbox, you absolutely do not have to acknowledge/respond to this at all!!!)
i hope it’s alright that i am responding this; it’s far too important for me to keep to myself
from what i’ve seen, this is the case for many many people who have read my work, and i have to tell you it is an absolute joy for me to impart even a glimmer of hope
there was a very long stretch of time where i was convinced i’d never be happy, that i was incapable of it through some fundamental wrong inside of me
at the time, i thought myself a coward. looking back, i am in awe of the strength i had to keep going even when i had no hope at all.
i owe a great deal of my recovery to a change in circumstance. don’t believe your brain when it tells you all of what you’re feeling is your fault or in your control.
if you are currently surviving by whatever means necessary, i am rooting for you, i am hugging you, i am cursing everybody who’s ever hurt you, i am sending hope for the day you don’t have to claw yourself out of the dark
you are worthy of life and happiness simply by virtue of existing
you are worthy of the work it takes to love yourself
your past actions will never take away your capacity for growth, and you are so worthy of growing
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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voidoffline · 5 months
!This is a drawing! Not a screenshot!
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This is nineteen hours of work. (Not the build I based this off of- it only took me like a few minutes to build it XD)
(This is the next build of mine that I will draw)
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peblezq · 11 months
Good Omens 2 was like reading a 100k fanfic in the middle of the night that you realize was left unfinished and last updated 5 years ago, and you are left alone with this earth-shattering cliffhanger
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cowboybukake · 5 months
how lucky am I to have loved so much
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Beautiful from Ordinary Days
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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mrmillipede · 3 months
jigsaw couldn’t run total drama for shit but if Chris McLean got a hold of the saw traps I don’t think anyone would be alive in the franchise
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inkskinned · 9 months
i love when words fit right. seize was always supposed to be that word, and so was jester. tuesday isn't quite right but thursday should be thursday, that's a good word for it. daisy has the perfect shape to it, almost like you're laughing when you say it; and tulip is correct most of the time. while keynote is fun to say, it's super wrong - i think they have to change the label for that one. but fox is spot-on.
most words are just, like, good enough, even if what they are describing is lovely. the night sky is a fine term for it but it isn't perfect the way november is the correct term for that month.
it's not just in english because in spanish the phrase eso si que es is correct, it should be that. sometimes other languages are also better than the english words, like how blue is sloped too far downwards but azul is perfect and hangs in the air like glitter. while butterfly is sweet, i think probably papillion is more correct, although for some butterflies féileacán is much better. year is fine but bliain is better. sometimes multiple languages got it right though, like how jueves and Πέμπτη are also the right names for thursday. maybe we as a species are just really good at naming thursdays.
and if we were really bored and had a moment and a picnic to split we could all sit down for a moment and sort out all the words that exist and find all the perfect words in every language. i would show you that while i like the word tree (it makes you smile to say it), i think arbor is correct. you could teach me from your language what words fit the right way, and that would be very exciting (exciting is not correct, it's just fine).
i think probably this is what was happening at the tower of babel, before the languages all got shifted across the world and smudged by the hand of god. by the way, hand isn't quite right, but i do like that the word god is only 3 letters, and that it is shaped like it is reflecting into itself, and that it kind of makes your mouth move into an echoing chapel when you cluck it. but the word god could also fit really well with a coathanger, and i can't explain that. i think donut has (weirdly) the same shape as a toothbrush, but we really got bagel right and i am really grateful for that.
grateful is close, but not like thunder. hopefully one day i am going to figure out how to shape the way i love my friends into a little ceramic (ceramic is very good, almost perfect) pot and when they hold it they can feel the weight of my care for them. they can put a plant in there. maybe a daisy.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
liking dnd is so funny because yeah you play the actual game sometimes but mostly you just think about the game and watch other people play the game and slowly go insane thinking about how much you wish you could play the game and hoping that buying more shiny rocks will fix everything
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
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Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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