#i am honestly confused if it’s supposed to be some kind of a roast of me
tubborucho · 1 year
I came looking for archeology because I have no life. Alas, I found someone with even less a life instead
(are you alright?)
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here!
A/N: I apologize for all the profanity in this part ahead of time. I think I’m going to do M/W/Sat updates, as long as my writing permits, and then maybe Wed/Sat updates. I got the day off because it snowed so I thought I would post this since it’s ready haha
* Well you’re royally f*cked
* There’s a big stupid smile curled on your face, and every time you try to hide it, it just comes back wider
* You really shouldn’t be happy right now
* “What has you in such a good mood?” Edward’s got a matching smile of his own.
* Oh shit. It’s fine, you’ll just play dumb.
* “How do you know I’m happy?” How about the dumb grin you’ve got on your face you stupid b*tch.
* You would have smacked your own forehead if you weren’t aware Edward was watching your every move
* You’re lucky Edward’s nice and he doesn’t call you out on it
* “Whenever you’re happy it kind of radiates off of you,” his voice lowers “you know because of your powers”
* Ah, you didn’t know you did that
* “So what do you think about the new girl?” You blurt it out like it’s an intrusive thought
* F*ck. Just-okay just play it cool. Play it cool.
* F********ckkkkk what’s wrong with you.
* Is being happy making you act like a moron?
* He shrugs
* “Just another human, I kind of wish everyone would shut up about it though. Having to hear people talk about her and think about her is getting annoying. It’s like being in a tunnel with one too many echoes.”
* Ah, so he hasn’t noticed yet.
* “I wonder what she’s thinking about.”
* Edward just shrugs again.
* What the f*ck Edward take a hint!
* “Edward?”
* “Yes dear?” He has the nerve to grin after using that pet name. The criminal is teasing you. Some best friend.
* And still it makes you outrageously happy
* You have to force your smile into a straight line
* “What’s the new girl thinking?”
* He looks over to her, Tyler and Mike are fighting for her attention, both of them a moment away from tugging on each arm and shouting “mine!”
* You see him search, you’ve heard enough about his powers to know right now it’s like mall food court level of chatter for him, but in a few seconds he’ll focus on her and realize he can’t hear her thoughts.
* Knowing how prideful he is though, he’ll probably deny it.
* “I don’t know I can’t read her mind” he says bluntly. “Do you think the school music teacher would teach me how to play violin if I asked?”
* “What?!?”
* “I know it’s kind of inconsiderate to ask but-“ you click your tongue
* “No not that!” You gesture towards Bella “you can’t read her mind?!? Isn’t that kind of a big deal?”
* His eyebrows thread together
* “I can’t read your mind either”
* Yes but you’re from a completely different world, in a body that radiates despair (and apparently joy now). You’re basically like some type of eldritch being from another dimension. 
* Edward doesn’t see it that though
* “Honestly it’s a relief, one less mind I have to tune out.” He walks ahead of you as you stay motionless in the middle of the hallway
* What the f*ck is happening?
* “Are you coming? We’re going to be late for Biology if you keep lagging behind like that.”
* How could you forget? The whole story starts because Edward is super into Bella’s blood! He fantasizes killing her for like- the entire class period.
* You were worried for nothing, just because they didn’t have the cafeteria moment isn’t that big of a deal
* The thought makes you both relieved and a little sad
* Still it’s for the best, this is the way things are supposed to be
* And who knows, if you have to leave maybe you can poach Rosalie and Emmett to leave with you
* And maybe Jasper, he won’t like having a human around the house all the time
* “Mr. Cullen, Ms. Eleazar” Mr. Banner hands you each a worksheet.
* Oh right the onion cell worksheet. Ah right the mitosis crap. Well hopefully Mike remembers enough that you both can hobble through
* “New year means new seating arrangement!” He tells you both excitedly. The seating arrangements on the projector.
* “Why am I next to Edward isn’t the seating arrangement supposed to be alphabetical?”
* “I decided to go by grade this time, you should be happy! Aren’t you two...friends?” You can tell your teacher is confused by the nature of your relationship, almost as much as you are. 
* “Super happy Teach.” You mumble taking your seat next to Edward who’s grinning like an idiot
* “You can’t say he’s picking favorites when it’s merit based.” He grins and you roll your eyes
* Angela’s sitting next to Ben Cheney, they seem to be discussing the trigonometry homework, and how it’s basically impossible
* Oh right, he’s supposed to be her boyfriend this year. 
* Personally you think Angela could do way better. But love is blind, you’ll ship it if you have to. 
* And right on cue Mike walks in, Bella following close behind. He takes his seat on the table behind you while Bella talks to Mr. Barnes
* “Why didn’t you guys sit with us at lunch today?” Mike is practically leaned over the entire width of the table.
* Before you can say anything Edward snorts
* “Because (Y/N) was getting lectured for staying out all night again”
* Mike looks like his eyes might pop out of his head
* “W-what? Out all night?! Without inviting me!” You roll your eyes.
* “He’s making it more dramatic, I went out for a run early in the morning because I couldn’t sleep and everyone was freaking out because they thought I got kidnapped.”
* Like any vampire or human stood a chance against you and your violent mood swings
* Mike’s so caught up in lecturing you about how you need to be more careful
* “There’s a lot of weirdos out there!” Yeah you live with them
* That he doesn’t even notice Bella’s taken a seat next to him
* Now that you get a better look at her, she is kinda pretty. She’s the kind of person who probably always looks good in photographs, no matter what the angle. Nice cheekbones and big brown eyes. Modest on boobs and butt, but she’s skinny so it works for her.
* “Hey, you’re Bella right?” You give her your friendliest smile, and you don’t miss the light blush that blooms on her face.
* You’re not sure whether it’s from your beauty or because she’s just not used to so much attention. She just nods.
* “Have you already seen the three whole things there are to do in Town on a Friday night?”
* Bella actually laughs at that. She’s got dimples, and little wrinkles that show up at the corner of her eyes. It’s cute.
* “One of those things is going to the library, so really it’s only two things.”
* She giggles again.
* “Is the other one going over to your house to play monopoly?” Mike asks, a grin arching onto his face
* “No my house is out of town, the other thing is to go to the school football game”
* “I’m not really a big fan of football” Bella hesitantly says, and Mike and Edward laugh
* “Yeah no one here does, everyone goes for the half time show, or just to hang out.” 
* You’re pretty sure your entire friend group only goes to the games to see your cheer routine, especially this year since you’re captain now. The first junior captain in a long time apparently. The news actually made the local newspaper.
* Everything is going good, and you’re starting to think maybe you and Bella might be friends.
* “Why don’t we have a board game night at our house again? Last time was-“
* You stop sentence, you were having so much fun you almost forgot why Edward was so obsessed with Bella.
* The slight breeze from the air conditioning brings her scent to you.
* You cover your mouth and nose with your hand
* Her scent is REVOLTING
* “(Y/N), are you okay?” Mike asks
* You vaguely feel Edward’s hand on your shoulder, has he not caught her scent yet?
* It’s pretty hard to miss
* Like gym socks, with a overly sweet base, it’s like-
* Your head snaps up, and your hand clamps over your mouth and nose even harder, but not because the scent is revolting
* She smells like cheese, perfectly aged Gorgonzola cheese, or maybe Brie?
* You smell the sweeter undercurrent stronger now, it’s like warm juicy peaches
* Roasted peach salad tossed with Gorgonzola and olive oil
* How many times have you dreamed about eating that while basking in the warm sunlight
* “I knew you shouldn’t have eaten those leftovers at lunch,” Edward says, but you know it’s performative, thank god he’s still got some sense after smelling her.
* “Mr.Banner, I think (Y/N) ate something bad, is it alright if I help them to the nurses office?”
* “Yes and hurry!” He’s practically shooing you out as Edward pulls you by the arm
* Nooooo, you wanna smell her moreeee
* You have the sense to not wine and keep your mouth covered.
* Edward doesn’t take you to the nurse, you both don’t stop walking until you’re at the parking lot
* “What the hell was that?” He asks, it’s the first time he’s seemed even remotely angry with you
* He seems more confused then angry though, you’re so shocked you actually sit down on the curb.
* And after a moment of hesitance Edward sits beside you, placing his hand over your own
* “She smells good Edward, like really good.”
* Edward laughs
* “Yeah I gathered that” he shakes his head. “I thought you were supposed to be a picky eater”
* “I aaaaamm” you moan, your head is cradled in your left hand. “She’s like one in a million”
* “You’re one in a million” you lift your head to see Edward looking at you with that stupid sh*t eating grin.
* “Really Edward my life is falling apart because I want to eat someone, and you think the appropriate response is to flirt?”
* To be fair, he’s always flirting, it’s basically apart of his personality at this point
* “You’re being melodramatic.” He chuckles and throws an arm over your shoulder. “Worst case scenario you kill her, Carlisle doles out his funeral punishment-don’t ask, and then we have to start over as freshman again somewhere else.”
* You groan, you finally worked your way up to a junior, you were just starting to get used to this crappy town, you don’t wanna start all over again in a new one
* “What’s the best case scenario?”
* Edward thinks hard for a minute.
* “Best case scenario...the music teacher agrees to teach me how to play the violin and I impress you with my magnificent playing.” You smack him on the arm.
* “Not the best case scenario for you!” You know he’s doing it on purpose. He just wants to make you laugh
* It works, you do laugh. How much more absurd could this situation get?
* “Everything’s going to be fine, if Jasper can handle having to smell 300 students he thinks smell good, you can handle 1.” 
* He’s got a point
* “Wait-didn’t she smell good to you?” Wasn’t that like, the whole d*mn point?
* His eyebrows thread together and he shrugs
* “Um, she smelled alright, no better or worse than the others. I’m not sure what you smelled-“
* What you smelled? The rich but refreshing flavor profile is sublime
* The f*cking heathen doesn’t even know what he’s missing
* “But to me she smelled like peaches”
* Well he kinda knows what he’s missing
* “She’s definitely anemic though, there’s a sever lack of iron in her scent” ah that must be that cheesy smell you’re getting
* Well ain’t this ironic. The girl who’s going to steal your best friend is only getting noticed because of you.
* “I don’t know, personally I prefer Henrietta the 3rds blood, but that’s just me” he’s lying, your blood is good and all, but it’s definitely still not on par with a humans blood
* He’s just trying to make you feel better.
* He rubs your shoulder, before patting it and moving to stand up.
* “Now come on, we have to make you eat some human food so you can throw up in front of the nurse and she lets us leave school early”
* You roll your eyes, anything to leave school early huh?
* “Yeah all right, lead the way Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Brooding”
* “Why do you always say that? I don’t brood that much anymore!”
* “You know how some people have resting b*tch face? You have resting brood face.”
* “Says the person who literally radiates despair” you shove him as you both walk towards the vending machine
* You take a deep breath as you watch Edward fumble with the vending machine
* The dork literally sticks a credit card up to the glass and demands the machine give him chips. 
* (Y/N/N) why isn’t this working? Am I supposed to insert my card through this slot?” 
* You laugh. You’re pretty sure he’s not doing this on purpose.
* “You’re supposed to use cash Edward.”
* You watch as he fumbles with his wallet muttering:
* “Do you think it’ll take a twenty dollar bill?”
* You watch in amusement as Edward tries - and fails- to use a twenty dollar bill, and then proceed to use obscure profanities to curse “this vile wretch of human technological advancement” 
* You feel a sigh of relief escape you.
* Yeah, everything is going to be fine. 
Tags:  @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @xxxmuxxx @puritanicalhypocrite
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pascalpanic · 4 years
F*ck Around and Find Out (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Sequel to Fooled Around and Fell In Love
Summary: Your former fling and now boyfriend, Javier Peña, had a shitty day. Instead of soft comfort like last time, you go for something a little rougher.
W/C: <3k
Warnings: SMUT (18+), oral sex (m receiving), handcuffs, bottom!javi if you squint, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it babes), creampie, also lots of language but that’s a minor concern here lol
A/N: Well, I fucked around and found out. and it led me to this.
This is a sequel to Fooled Around and Fell In Love (linked here and above), but you can definitely read it as a standalone too!
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Javi had another shitty day. Working for the DEA is a fucking grind, to say the very least. His weeks normally consist of at least one shitty day, but this one takes the cake for the entire month. 
He could’ve really used your calming touch, a kiss on the side of the face, something just to ground him, but you were busy. No matter how hard it was for him, Javier would not admit defeat. He would not ask for the tenderness he knew you’d so eagerly give, he couldn’t. He didn’t know how. So he didn’t, he took his anger out as he furiously wrote a report on the typewriter, smoked half a pack more than normal, and drank at least two pots of coffee from the break room. 
When the day ends, the clock striking 5:30, he pulls on his jacket with no hesitation. “Where the fuck are you going?” Steve asks as Javier shoves his shit in his briefcase. 
“Home, Murphy,” he snaps. “I’m getting the fuck out of here before I strangle Stechner until that balding head pops,” he grimaces. 
Steve’s eyes widen. “Well. Get some rest, maybe get laid. Get that shit outta your system.”
“Don’t you fucking talk about my girl like that,” he threatens.
Steve raises his hands in defense. “Just… saying that you need something to get that anger out. Have a good night, Javi,” he says and gets up from his chair, going god knows where. Javier couldn’t give less of a shit if he tried. 
Javier then proceeds to drive over to your apartment. He pulls out his brick of a sat-phone in the car and calls yours. You pick up after a few seconds. “Hello?”
“Hey dulzura,” Javier says with a sigh. 
“Hi, where are you? You could’ve just found me,” you chuckle, crossing your legs. You’re sitting on the edge of your desk, where Javier could’ve easily known you’d be if he had a single brain cell left that wasn’t being roasted by his hotheadedness. 
“I’m headed home- well, to your apartment. If I spent one more fucking minute in that place…” he trails off, anger fading to exhaustion. “And I just want to spend some time with you. Maybe slow dance in the kitchen again.”
You smile, hugging your free arm tight around yourself. “Of course, babe. You can get comfortable in my apartment, have a drink or something. I’m gonna be about an hour or so before I’m home. Fuckin’ Limón left a paper trail in Medellín and we’re trying to wrap it up.”
He sighs. He’s already waited this long, but he doesn’t know how to ask. He doesn’t know if he can ask, if he can tell you that he needs your love right now or he might burst. “Okay,” he says, nodding. 
His voice is so tired. So sad. You pout a little, looking over at your own cluttered desk. “Or… I suppose Limón can wait until the morning. He’s not going to do something crazy overnight, right?” You chuckle. 
There’s a small smile on Javi’s face now. “If he does, I will personally take over whatever you’re doing.”
You smile at the words. “Maybe I want him to do something crazy now,” you tease for a moment. “Well, I’ll head home now. Meet you at my place in a bit. I love you,” you tell him honestly. 
“Love you too, baby. See you in a bit,” he says and hangs up. He lets out a deep sigh at the relief of your voice, of the way just talking for you with less than a minute can take all of his stress away. 
He parks outside of your place, unlocking the door with the spare key you gave him. He sets his briefcase on your kitchen table. He finds a bottle of wine in your refrigerator and pours two glasses, sipping one and setting the other down for you.
Javier looks around your apartment, smiling softly. There’s a photo of the two of you on the end table by your sofa. It’s a shitty print of the two of you smiling into the disposable camera, faces washed out by the flash. Javier picks it up and chuckles. You’re grinning ear to ear, exposing your teeth and pressing your cheek to Javi’s. He may not show it, but he feels the same, although his smile is significantly smaller than yours. Closed lipped. His brown eyes show the weight of his joy. 
He sits on the couch and watches the TV with half of his attention. His anger from the day sinks back in, making him forcefully breathe slow to remain calm. She’ll be home soon, he reminds himself. She’ll kiss your skin and wrap her arms around you and tell you how much she loves you. You know she will. 
But Javier can’t wait. He gets up, pacing around the apartment. It’s only a short drive from the embassy to your place, but you probably had to put away some files and shit. He’s in the middle of his third lap from the kitchen to the living room when the doorknob rattles. 
He opens the door and sees your smile, and he wastes absolutely no time in cupping your face and kissing you deeply. You giggle at first, taken aback, before wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing back. You walk him backwards into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind you and slipping off your heels. “Bad day, huh?” You ask between kisses as the two of you meander to your couch. 
He breathes out a confirmation and you frown softly. “We better fix that,” you tell him, pressing your forehead to his. 
“I think we’d better,” he nods and kisses you again hungrily. Hard. Desperate, his tongue pressing against the seam of your lips. 
You break away as you reach the couch, sitting next to him and pulling him down with you. “Can I take care of you tonight?” You ask him, running a hand through his tobacco-brown waves.
He frowns a little. “What do you mean take care of me?” He asks, his head tilting to the side with his confusion. 
You smile. “Treat you right. Mainly in bed, that was kind of my plan,” you chuckle. 
“Oh really? Is that what you had in mind?”
You nod and press a soft kiss to his face. “You deserve it. Let me take the lead for once,” you mumble, kissing his jaw and his neck. “If you’ll be good for me.”
“What happens if I’m bad?” He mumbles, his head tilting to the side. He pulls you onto his lap, angling his head so you have better access. 
“Why don’t you fuck around and find out, hm?” You ask teasingly, nipping at his skin. He gasps in surprise and smirks. 
“Do your worst, baby girl,” he murmurs, and you kiss him again desperately. 
Your lips cling to his, arms pulling him as close as you can get. You don’t care that you’re still in your work clothing, you straddle him and palm him through his jeans. He groans and you push your tongue against his, moaning softly. 
The two of you stay like that for a little bit, your hand palming Javier’s hardening dick in time with your lips against his. He’s straining against his jeans, bucking into your hand when you pull away. 
You get off of him and stand, hands on your waist. You examine his belt, searching for one of the tools you know you can always find there. He’s about to ask if you need help unbuckling it, like the sarcastic asshole he is, before you lean down and grab the handcuffs with a grin. “I told you, I’m gonna take real good care of you. Now let’s head to bed,” you tell him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
He’s stunned, really. He’s never been anything but dominant in bed, always taking the lead, always putting in the heavy efforts. Even when you ride him, he’s the one thrusting up into you. But you jingle the handcuffs in front of you while you walk him to your room, and he thinks he’s already seeing stars.
“Fuck,” you sigh as you walk into your room and Javier squeezes your ass. You turn around, stripping your blazer and unbuttoning your shirt. “Take off your clothes,” you order him.
Javier obeys, smirking. “I think I kinda like it when you boss me around,” he teases, eyes widening in lust as he sees the curve of your breasts when your shirt falls to the floor. 
“Then you’re going to have a very good night,” you assure him teasingly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Is this okay? I know normally you’re the one doing this.”
“This is fucking perfect,” Javi laughs as he pushes down his jeans and then his boxers. “I’m excited to see what you have in mind. You know I’m down to try anything once.”
“You ever been handcuffed?” You ask, holding them up now that you’re in just your bra and panties- unintentionally matching today, a dark silky black. 
“No,” he admits. 
You raise an eyebrow. “I kind of expected someone like you would’ve, Peña,” you tease, pushing him down onto the bed. “Hands above your head. Got it?” You ask. 
“Yeah,” he mutters out breathlessly, putting his hands against your headboard. He positions himself readily for you, already rock hard and ready for you to do whatever the fuck you want. 
You smirk at the sight, tracing your fingertips over the line where your bra meets the flesh of your tits. “And you don’t get to touch tonight,” you tell him with a smirk, “but I promise it’ll be all about you.”
He smirks too. “Get over here so I can kiss you, at least,” he asks, and you nod, straddling him and bending down to kiss him where he lays, flat on his back. You grind your panty-covered slit across his dick, and he shudders as he can feel your wetness through the cloth. “Baby,” he mumbles. 
You pull away and look down at him, hands tracing over his body. “You’re so fucking hot, Javi,” you chuckle, fingers splayed out against his abs. “I am so lucky that I get this whenever I want it.”
“Whenever,” he nods in agreement, sitting up and kissing you again softly. 
“And I have never been one to take what I have for granted,” you murmur as you press him back down into the bed and kiss at his collarbones, his pecs, his abs and stomach and down to his hips. You leave soft marks across his skin, tasting every inch of it. “So fucking hot, Javi. God, you make me so wet whenever I even think about this.”
“Missed you today,” he breathes out as you slowly pump his dick, twisting your hand around him. “Needed you. Some love.”
“Yeah? You could’ve come and got me,” you chuckle, pressing kisses around the base of his dick. “Asked me.”
“Didn’t know how,” he admits breathlessly, grunting as you lick around the base slowly. “Didn’t wanna bother you.”
You pout up at him, stopping for a second. “You can always come get me, baby. You know that.”
He nods. “Doesn’t matter now. Just… oh fuck,” he shudders as you take the tip in your mouth, shivering at the sound he makes. “So good, Goddamn.”
He won’t last long at all tonight, but that’s fine by you. Tonight, you intend to get your pleasure through his, to put him first and treat him to a night of relaxation. Your hand pumps the base of his dick slowly, making him cry out and tug against the restraints of his hands, as your other hand pulls off your panties. 
“Javi,” you murmur with a devious smirk. “Good boys don’t tug.”
Even when you’re the one in control, Javier still holds the power. He can still make you do whatever he says. “Good girls don’t tease,” he flirts right back and it goes straight to the pooling heat between your legs. 
“I’m the one in control here,” you remind him, even though it’s weak. You both know it’s Javier pulling the strings. You rub his thigh softly. “Just relax for me, baby. Let me take the lead, just let it all go. I’ll take care of you like you take care of me.”
His thick adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “I’d relax better if you were riding my dick.”
“God, Javi, you’re so impatient,” you whine and look up at him. “I was getting there.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckles. “Take your time then. I’ve got nowhere to go,” he shrugs, clanking his handcuffs around as a reminder that it’s not only a joke but literal.
You shoot him a glare and he gives an apologetic little smile that makes you giggle. “God, have I mentioned how much more I like you when you admit you love me? You’re not so intense in bed, even though you still can be. You can even be… cute.”
“I am not cute, dulzura,” Javier frowns.
“Yes you are! Look at that cute-ass pout you’re giving me,” you laugh. “You are adorable, Javi. Especially when you make those noises when I go down on you.” You take the tip in your mouth again, swirling your tongue around it.
Javier holds back the noises, now trying to prove a point. He’s nearly silent for the next few moments as you work him just the way he likes it with your mouth. You pout and pull away. “Will you let me hear those noises again if I get on your dick?”
Javier’s panting but he smiles and nods. “Maybe I’ll even listen to you and relax.”
You grin and bring your lips to his, kissing him deeply. “I think you will, because I have a surprise,” you murmur.
“I thought the cuffs were the surprise.”
“Just one part of it… I want you to cum inside me tonight. Raw.”
Javier’s breath catches in this throat. “Fuck, you’re sure?” He asks, desperate to touch your sides and grope your breasts in that gorgeous black bra. 
You nod. “I’m protected and clean.”
He nods back. “I am too, now please, baby-” You waste no time and sink your hips down over his, shuddering at how good it feels. “Javi,” you whine as you push all the way down, his thick cock bottoming out inside of you.
Javier’s already on the verge. “Fuck,” he grunts, biting down on his lip. Your hands rest flat on his chest, pushing him down into the bed. He can’t roll his hips up into you, can’t try to control the movement. It’s all on you. “Please, cariño,” and he’s already whining for you. Needy, desperate.
“Yeah baby? What do you want?” You ask flirtatiously, hovering your breasts in front of his face. Your hips wiggle teasingly on his, making him groan from the friction.
He pulls his head up to bury his face in your cleavage, tracing his tongue around the warm flesh of your tits. “Take it off for me. Please, baby.”
“No,” you say forcefully and lift all the way off of him, leaving you feeling achingly empty inside. “I’ll stop like this if you don’t behave.”
“I’ll do anything, dulzura,” he nods, hooking a leg around yours. “Please, just-”
“Good,” you practically purr as you line yourself up on him and sink down, moaning. “God, you’re so thick. Feel so good inside me Javi.”
He throws his head back into the pillow, your incessant teasing making his dick ache with tension. “If you keep fucking edging me, I’m gonna die,” he chuckles.
“Oh baby, this isn’t even real edging,” you murmur into his ear. You finally give in, putting your hands over his on the headboard, bouncing up and down on him. You kiss around his neck, working soft marks into places the shirt can cover tomorrow. “How does it feel?”
“So good,” he groans. “You feel so good on top of me, get me so deep inside of you,” he shudders, hips wiggling a little but stopping the motion as it makes you slow your pace.
“You’re a quick learner,” you mumble as you lick a hot stripe behind his ear. “You gonna cum for me?”
“Yeah,” he nods frantically, shuddering. “Please?”
He said please. Javier fucking Peña just asked you for permission to orgasm. You could get used to this. “Yes, come on baby, cum inside me,” you tell him and he follows your command. He thrusts up into you once, desperately, and the friction leads him to spill his hot seed inside of you. 
You whimper at the feeling, biting your lip. “Good job,” you mumble as you work him through it. It’s pure bliss for him, the feeling of your walls clenching around his bare dick and your slick soaking the hot skin there.
As he’s done, you slow down and roll off of him, grabbing the key to the handcuffs from the nightstand and unlocking the cuffs. His hands immediately find their way to your sides and pull you on top of him, kissing you hard. “That was so good, baby.”
“I thought so too,” you chuckle. “Maybe next time you can stop being such a stubborn bastard and give in for me.”
He nods. “I do like that. Although, I won’t lie, I like destroying you more,” he teases, fingers tracing down to the aching clit that never got an orgasm tonight. His own cum mixes with the wetness dripping from you in anticipation. “Mm, you need to cum, don’t you?” he groans and bites his lip. “Let’s fix that, baby.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @dreamingindigital @theteddylupinexperience​
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mego42 · 4 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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Brian Zvonecek x Reader Wake Up
Written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: Swearing, childbirth (from both animals and people), mention of miscarriage, mention of infertility, mention of fear and insecurities about not being able to get pregnant, it’s really not as angsty as it sounds I’m just being careful, fake Instagram post at the end
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“You’re the only one I wanna wake up to”
“Well, we’ve been married for seven years so I should hope so.”
“You know what I mean, Y/N.”
“I do.”
After Brian went to work you dropped your daughter Sasha off at school before heading to work yourself. You weren’t a first responder, you were a doctor technically, but not one for humans. You work at the aquarium as a veterinarian. It was an interesting job, you were always up doing something interesting. For example, as you were performing an ultrasound on a guitar shark, all that you could think about was how your mom had wanted you to be an accountant. “And there’s the heartbeat, there is at least one pup in there. I’d like to check again in a month or so, there hasn’t been a lot of research done on these guys so I don’t know how long gestation will be, or even how many pups she’ll have in total. Let’s get her back in the exhibit, I’ll set up another appointment. And her handlers? That’s you- and you? Okay great, we’ll need to up her allotted food. I think just straight up doubling would be best, if that seems like too much you can dial it back, and if it seems like too much page me, got it? Good.”
You still smelled like seawater and blubber when you got home to a tea party in your living room. The sight of four massive firefighters wearing tutus and costume jewellery all while crammed into tiny chairs at a tiny table always made your day. “Hey guys, mind if I steal a lemon square?”
“Mommy you’re home!” Sasha tackled you as well as a five-year-old could. “Is Halo pregnant? Is she?”
“Yes, she is. There is at least one baby on the way. There are probably more though because...?”
“Guitarfish in the wild have six babies on aberage!”
“That’s right! Look at you, getting so smart!”
“Yeah, soon you’ll be smarter than me.”
“She’s already smarter than you, Brian.”
“That’s not nice uncle Sevy. No more cookies for you.” Kelly looked genuinely hurt at the punishment Sahsa had dolled out on him. “But they’re chocolate chip. Chocolate chip is my favourite.”
“Then you shouldn’t have been mean to daddy.”
“I’m gonna go shower, you guys continue with your tea party.” You left with a wink and a kiss on Sasha’s forehead. Brian got this soft look in his eyes as he regarded the two of you, and in the back of your mind you weren’t surprised. He’d never been shy about wanting two or three kids, you’d just been delaying it a bit because of how labour intensive your work was. And there was the added danger of what could happen to a fetus under lots of water pressure when you went diving into the large, and deep, exhibits. But you didn’t want to put off the discussion any longer, if you were being honest, you wanted more kids too, and there was already going to be quite the age gap between Sasha and any future sibling(s). You thought about how to bring up your points, your concerns as you stepped out of the shower into the steam-filled bathroom. Ultimately, Brian could not and would not force you to have another child. If you didn’t want another, he would leave it at that because he understood where most of the labour in the reproductive system lay.
Kelly, Matt, and Joe were still in your living room hanging onto Sasha’s every word. Every few seconds Sasha would slap on of Kelly’s hands away from where it was creeping towards the cookie plate. You spotted Brian in the kitchen, prepping a roast pan of potatoes, carrots, and sausages for dinner. You slinked up to his side and kissed his cheek. “Mhmm, you don’t smell like whale anymore.” 
“Gee, thanks. What a way to make your wife feel special.”
“I’ll just put this in the oven and then dinner should be ready in forty-five minutes. Why don’t you join the princesses and I’ll set the table.”
“How about I set the table, you finish cooking dinner, and then we leave the princesses alone for a minute and we have a talk in private?”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Then sure.”
You two had stepped into the guest room, Brian slightly confused. “Is everything okay? And why are we talking in the guest room instead of hours?”
“How would you feel about turning this room into a nursery- I’m not pregnant, but what if we started trying to have another kid?”
“I- are you sure? I mean, I know with work-”
“Brian, I want another kid. Truthfully, I’ve felt bad putting it off this long, creating such an age gap.”
“Hey, you were doing important research that revolutionized-”
“I know, Brian. I don’t regret it, I’ve just felt bad. I see how some of the Hermann Horde are closer than others and a lot of it is due to age. They’re at different stages in their life so they never get the chance to have the same interests or go through things together the same way.”
“You’re thinking about it the wrong way. Sasha will be able to advise them on so many things in ways we just can’t. And she’ll be the cool older sister because she’ll know different things and have different freedoms. They won’t fight as often because they probably won’t like the same toys or clothes, Sasha will teach them how to deal with us, I mean they might not be close at first, but they’ll have such a great relationship when they get older.”
“Sasha is going to be amazing big sister.”
“Without a doubt.”
It had been ten months. You still weren’t pregnant. Honestly, it was stressing you out. What if you couldn’t get pregnant now? What if you waited too long and some problem popped up and now it was too late? You could tell it was wearing on Brian, too. “Mom? Are you okay? You and dad seem... Off lately.”
“Oh, yeah, we’re both okay, don’t worry honey.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” Sasha didn’t look convinced as she walked into her school, but you let it be. You took a moment to ground yourself in your car before driving to work. You loved your job, absolutely loved it, but diving was your favourite part and you couldn’t do that while trying for a baby. Once you said you were taking a break from it all your co-workers immediately assumed you were pregnant again. You’d gone from joyful suggestive looks and hugs to pitiful glances and concerned pats on the shoulder. It was grating on your nerves and insecurities. 
Today Melody, a harbour seal, was predicted to give birth. Everyone was on edge. Sometimes these things happened on schedule, sometimes they didn’t. But regardless you remained solely on-call for the perky seal. And while desperately hated to admit it, you were jealous. Of a seal. Who gets jealous of a seal? What kind of person did that make you?
You were brought out of your reverie when Melody plopped her head in your lap. Her eyes soulful. Worried. Was the labour starting? You did another check, and she was. You yelled for your assistants.
Poor Melody, she was in pain, and you could tell she was nervous. This would be her first pup, and even mothers got nervous about their first borns, you supposed. You made sure to stroke her head when you could. “Don’t worry Melody, everything will be okay.” The birth had gone smoothly, Melody and her currently unnamed pup were doing well when pain ripped through you. It was as it someone took and electron pole and buried it in your abdomen. You screamed and fell to the ground. The pain you incurred from hitting your hip and your head on the ground were nothing in comparison to what was going on further down. Oh no, what if I am pregnant and I’m having a miscarriage? The pain stopped but only for brief moments and the only time you could remember feeling anything close to as bad as this was minutes before giving birth to Sasha.
Everything was a blur of distressed seal noises, salt water, splashing, screaming, and sirens. You came back when Dr. Manning gave you you’re diagnosis. “That’s- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- not- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
“It’s called a ‘cryptic pregnancy’. I know it doesn’t feel real because you didn’t go through a normal pregnancy, but you are in labour. Don’t worry, Maggie’s called 51, Brian is on his way.”
“Y/N! I’m here- what’s going on?!”
“So- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- as it turns out I’m pregnant.”
“Actually she’s in labour.” Doris bluntly spat at Brian, she raised her eyebrows and pulled her lips into a line, all of which conveyed just how much she was judging you poorly at the moment, the next bucket full of gossip for MED churning in her head.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU KNOW WHAT DORIS, MOST WOMEN HAVE NINE MONTHS TO PREPARE FOR GIVING BIRTH AND I’VE HAD LESS THAN AN HOUR SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, GET OUT, AND STAY OUT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” You honestly felt like you were dying, and the absolute last thing you needed was a catty, gossipy nurse making an already life altering and stressful moment more so. She quickly bolted out of the room, April taking her place. She was quiet, subdued, clearly thinking of her failed attempts at getting pregnant. And while you felt awful for her, you were immensely grateful for a nurse that wasn’t Doris. “I’m right here, honey.”
“You smell like smoke.”
“You smell like fish.” Him in his turnout pants and you in a put up wetsuit, you really did make a pair.
“Squeeze my hand.”
“I’ll probably break it.”
“I’m yours to break.”
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hi everyone. Strap in for character development, and the ridiculous lengths that are needed to cause the development. Hope you all enjoy.
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Four - Fighting In The Moonlight
Day Three: Wednesday
When Freed woke the next day, he wasn't surprised to find he didn't suddenly like Gajeel Redfox. The last few days of pointless antagonism and ridiculous challenges didn't slip his mind, and the stalemate between them was as tenuous as it could possibly be. This was what he expected; a weak apology after an argument was hardly going to fix everything that had happened between them in such a short time, and the overwhelming dislike they held from each other. That wasn't how emotions worked, and it certainly wasn't how Freed worked as a person.
Though, the multiple blow-ups that Freed had indulged in were hardly how he acted either. Maybe Gajeel had knocked him off kilter more than he thought.
The rest of the last night had been awkward; perhaps the most awkward situation they had been in yet. At least before, they'd had their anger and resentment to focus on, but their conversation seemed to take that away. For the rest of the night, they were two men who had a lot of issues and no way to voice them, healthily or otherwise.
A few times, Freed had considered apologising. Then, he told himself that he had nothing to apologise for, and that Gajeel was the one in the wrong. That left him with a sickly feeling in his stomach, because he knew it wasn't entirely true.
Dammit. Freed wasn't particularly fond of emotional exploration, and Gajeel had somehow forced it on him.
"I know yer awake," Gajeel grumbled, voice more sleepy than angry. Freed opened his eyes slowly to see the sun in its mid-morning state - it still annoyed him slightly that Gajeel was an early riser while Freed was fond of sleeping in - and Gajeel sitting by a fire. "I made you breakfast."
With a little frown, Freed sat up as he blinked away the sleep. He had been doing all of their cooking since they had arrived, partially because Gajeel wanted to test him and partially because Gajeel clearly liked what Freed could do with fish. This was one of the aspects of the week Freed had actually liked, as cooking in multiple situations with limited resources was something he found oddly fun. Still, he wouldn't complain if Gajeel was going to take over the chore in some kind of peace offering. He looked at the breakfast offered to him and scrunched his face in confusion.
He had made toast. Had he made bread somehow? No, that was ridiculous.
"It ain't poisoned," Gajeel continued speaking. "I ain't pissed on it or anything."
"That didn't once cross my mind," Freed croaked a little as he spoke. "I was confused as to where you got the bread from."
"There's a village with a bakery half an hour's walk away, stopped by and got some supplies," Gajeel shrugged, and Freed frowned. Surely that went against the entire point of this survivalist retreat. Gajeel seemed to preempt the question. "The whole living off the forest thing was because I didn't think you could handle it. Sounds petty when I say it out loud," He chuckled. "But a mage can't stay in a hotel - I thought that's what you were doin' - so I wanted to make sure you could handle yerself. You can, so no point in eating fish again when we don't have to."
Oh, that was shockingly mature. Both the admission and the reasoning for stopping the survivalist aspects of the training. Perhaps Gajeel had more emotional maturity than Freed was giving him credit for.
Perhaps it was his time to make an effort too.
"That's reasonable," Freed agreed, taking the toast before speaking again. The next sentence he had to force out before annoyance at Gajeel filled him again. "I must admit, if we're being honest with one another, I have found your exercise to be rather genius. I'm quite impressed."
Oh, he actually meant that. That was unexpected.
"Genius?" Gajeel scoffed. "You makin' fun of me?"
"Not at all," Freed corrected, because if he actually did think Gajeel was impressive then he wasn't going to recant on his words. "The fact you've essentially made a gymnasium out of things you can find in a forest is impressive itself. It allows for the benefits of specific exercise, while also lowering the limitations. You could learn to swim in a pool, for example, but learning in a lake adds the complications of pond life, temperature, shorelines and distractions. You could weight train with barbells, but doing it with the tree trunk means you're ready to lift things that aren't meant to be lifted and will offer less support," He took another bite of the toast. "You've essentially replaced the comfort of a gym with the practical requirements of a mission environment. It's quite impressive."
"Oh, shit," Gajeel grumbled a little, and looked away. "Thanks."
"There's also your intention to push my limits," Freed saw Gajeel tense just a little. "If I were the type of man you wanted me to be, I expect this would have been torturous. So not only did you make a practical training environment, you found a way to do it while also making me uncomfortable as you could," He smirked a little. "You're smarter than you look, Gajeel."
"Can't tell if yer complementin' me or not."
"I am, if a little backhandedly," Freed commented, and Gajeel hummed a little.
They sat beside one another for a short while, and Gajeel wordlessly handed Freed a small metal mug filled with coffee. It wasn't the type of bean that Freed would have chosen for himself, but there was a certain satisfaction in the burn on his tongue. He also normally would have added some milk, but this particular roast didn't seem to need it. He would have to look into it.
When their breakfasts had been finished, neither man spoke for a few minutes more. Freed still expected Gajeel to have some sort of challenge or task ready for him as he had the previous two days. Eventually, once the quiet had begun to unnerve him, he spoke again.
"Other than the fight, what have we planned today?"
"Kinda thought that was all we needed," Gajeel shrugged, not looking towards Freed as he kicked dirt onto the fire to extinguish it. "Maybe we could go back before it gets dark? I dunno."
"Right," Freed was speaking quietly. Something was clearly wrong with Gajeel. "If you wish."
"Ain't got anything else planned," Gajeel stood as the fire burned away.
"Right," Freed repeated, disbelieving. Had he hurt Gajeel's feelings? That didn't make him particularly good. It didn't make him feel guilty, exactly, but it wasn't great. "I'd like to stay until the evening at least. Maybe returning to Magnolia at night would be good for us both; I don't typically travel at night so perhaps it will help broaden my horizons."
"If you want," Gajeel still wasn't looking at him.
"So, if we've got most of the day with nothing to do, perhaps we should go with what you planned originally," Freed suggested, and Gajeel glanced towards him for a moment. He looked away quickly. "I expect it would be equal parts humiliating and exhausting."
"Oh yeah," Gajeel chuckled a little. "You would've cried."
"Would I?" Freed challenged. "Maybe you should prove it."
"Maybe I should."
When they looked at each other again, they both wore the familiar edge of challenge in their eyes, but this time the reasoning behind it was different. Not kind, not friendly, but not hateful either. An odd middle ground, one that they could work with.
"On the count of three, we fight," Gajeel stated, and Freed gave a nod.
It was evening now, with the moon high in the sky and the stars illuminated the darkness. As they had for the last three days, Freed's muscles ached from a day of physical activity and a variety of challenges. Today, though, had been a little different. While the challenges were clearly designed to prey on Freed's supposed weaknesses, Gajeel approached them with an attitude almost teacherly in his helpfulness. An entirely reluctant teacher who had lost all enthusiasm for his job, but a teacher nonetheless.
They had made camouflage for themselves, which consisted of covering their exposed skin in mud and leaves. Freed suspected that if they'd done it the day before, Gajeel would have sat back and watched with Freed amusement. Instead, he showed Freed what to do, and led by example.
Next, they'd made a boat out of dead wood, originally to highlight the lack of practical skills Gajeel thought Freed had. But under Gajeel's tutelage - he'd done this many times before meeting Pantherlilly, so was proficient at it - they managed to make a working raft.
After that, Gajeel had lifted the no magic rule. He thought that, for their fight, they should know their opponent. They had taken turns showing off their magic, using it against a tree. Freed had been pleasantly surprised by the range of spells that Gajeel possessed. He had thought the man could only turn his body to iron, so to see what he was capable of was enlightening.
Honestly, it has been a good day. Maybe the other days would have been good if they hadn't been determined to hate one another.
"Three," Gajeel said, voice low. "Two. One."
They both lurched forward, Gajeel with iron crawling up his arms to replace his skin and Freed with runes spiralling down his sword. They were both fully dressed in their normal clothes - their coats had been essentially abandoned on the first day, so the extra weight was a little unfamiliar - so that they could battle in the same conditions they would in a mission environment. Now that he had a glimmer of objectivity, Freed could admit that Gajeel really had thought this out well. Tactically, he was bordering on genius.
An extended fist cast in iron shot towards Freed, and he pushed his sword to parry it. He was knocked back, but managed to stay on his feet. With a muttered spell, the runes swirling around him shot forward, plastering themselves onto Gajeel's metal skin.
The yelling of pain was cathartic, and Frees watched with a grin as Gajeel recoiled.
Still, Gajeel clearly wasn't the type to let some pain runes stop his stubbornness. He gritted his teeth and lurched forward, arm mutating into a blade of black steel. The magic used to cast the spell must have overwhelmed the pain runes, as they shattered on his skin, and Freed cussed under his breath. Dragon Slayer magic was inherently powerful, so simply plastering the man with runes until he could no longer stand wouldn't be enough.
Gajeel ran forward with his sword arm extended, and swung for Freed's gut. Freed lowered his sword to protect himself, and saw that Gajeel's sword arm wasn't as sharp as it could have been. More a baton than a blade.
How considerate.
For a while, all they could do was parry one another. Freed needed to reevaluate his strategy while Gajeel needed to build up to something more powerful. Freed was a better swordsman, and until Gajeel had enough energy to use his ranged spells, they were at a stalemate.
Metal beat against metal as they battled, cutting through the relative silence of the forest. The moonlight and the stars illuminated the battle, dancing off the nearly stilled lake they had chosen to fight beside. Were there any wildlife nearby, they had decided to scarper away, no doubt sensing the overwhelming magical energy emanating from the two fighting men.
Freed's sword met Gajeel's, and the sparks that flew made both men wince and recoil a little. They both jumped back a few steps, panting and taking a moment to recover.
"Sword ain't just a prop, huh?" Gajeel huffed. "If my skin wasn't iron, you would've got a few cuts in."
"And if you hadn't dulled your arm perhaps you might have to."
"Couldn't risk cutting yer perfect skin," Gajeel taunted, but it didn't feel as cruel as his other comments had been intended to be. "Basically all you've got, isn't it?"
"We'll see," Freed retorted.
With a sweeping motion of his sword, Freed quick-casted a perimeter of runes around them. They implanted themselves in the dirt before glowing bright and magical. Walls shot upwards and the effect took place, lifting both of them off the air as the effect of gravity lessened. Gajeel seemed taken aback, stumbling in the air that lifted him and looking for something to latch onto. He found nothing, and Freed smirked a little.
Freed cast his own wings to counteract the gravity spell. Runes now flying around him, he forced his magic outwards and sent tendrils of power towards his opponent. Normally this combination of spells would have been too taxing, but three days without had given him an excess of power.
Iron cut through his runes, and Gajeel's extended fist slammed into Freed's face in a vicious punch.
Dazed, it took him a moment to see what had happened. With his left hand, Gajeel had made multiple strands of iron and buried them into the ground, allowing himself to be anchored in place. He had pulled himself down so that he was on the ground again, albeit a little unsteady on his feet. With this stability, he was able to essentially make Freed's gravity rune useless.
A metal hand wrapped tightly around Freed's neck, and pushed him into one of the large trees in the rune perimeter. Freed gasped a little, his throat being crushed as Gajeel pushed forward. Even knowing the man would stop before seriously injuring him, Freed began to panic. A tingling of brimstone rose over his skin.
Instantly, he cast a spell. The reversal of the gravity spell, that doubled the pressure rather than halved it. They were both flung to the ground, and Gajeel's extended arm retreated to prop him up.
Both men struggled to keep themselves from collapsing, and Freed felt the magic flowing through him. Powerful and relentless, he quickly tried to utilise it. Tentacles of runic streams shot forward, all meant to hurt their target. They wrapped around Gajeel's arms, legs and neck, burning into him and making him yell in pain.
Scales formed on Freed's arm, but he didn't notice.
"Iron Dragon's Roar!" Gajeel yelled over the pain runes, and a flurry of magic filled the space between them.
The spell hit Freed like a truck. The dominating burn of powerful magic hit him, the pain tripled by the barrage of metallic shrapnel cutting away at his skin. A dragon slayer's roar was an experience that Freed had so far avoided - when he trained with Laxus, the other man refused to use the spell for fear of hurting his teammates - and the unfamiliar sensation was hellish. He was knocked off his feet, flung backwards and pinned against the wall of runes by Gajeel's magic. He knew he was yelling in pain, but couldn't hear himself.
Seeing it as his only next step, Freed cut the gravity runes entirely. For a moment he was forced back further by Gajeel's roar, and he yelled in pain as his back cracked against a fallen log. At least the change of gravity had thrown Gajeel off balance, as his roar cut through the trees, and into the sky, parting the clouds.
Brimstone. Fire. Darkness. They all coursed through Freed's veins.
He didn't notice it, though. The pain from the spell and subsequent fall was all-consuming, meaning the mutation of the skin on his right arm turning to scales went unnoticed, as did the burning in his throat.
Gajeel, apparently less affected by the fight than Freed, was on his feet and running towards Freed quickly. He had turned his arm to the sword again, and Freed could see he was grinning through red tinted eyes. Gajeel clearly thought that this fight was already finished, and Freed felt a rush of anger flow through him.
He would not lose a fight to Gajeel Redfox.
He would not lose a fight to a man who had tried to humiliate him.
He would not lose a fight to a man who had disrespected him.
He would not lose a fight to a man so inferior to him that he shouldn't be breathing the same fucking air to him!
Oh. It was too late, wasn't it.
Without control of his body, Freed raised his arm. It had been fully transformed into it's demonic counterpart, and Freed could only watch as magic crackled and formed at the end of his claw. He couldn't stop it now, it was too late for that. His attention had slipped, and Gajeel's parting of the clouds had allowed for direct moonlight to hit him, strengthening the demon inside of him enough for a minor takeover,
A beam of concentrated darkness flew from his claw, hitting Gajeel directly. The spell was an amalgam of every rune Freed had: pain, torment, trauma, paralysis, unconsciousness, poison. In a word, the spell was hell.
It hit Gajeel right in the heart, and Freed watched with wide eyes.
The ensuing scream sent a chill through him.
Gajeel flew backwards, and Freed watched as his eyes closed and he was knocked out. With heavy breaths, Freed forced his arm upwards and shot as much magic through his claw as he could. It was a foreign and horrible sensation, turning his runic magic into darkness, but he needed to do it. He was burning through all the magic that the demon had taken from him, exhausting himself to the point where the demon's influence would have to die out. The magic ripped away at him, and the claw began to shrivel.
The exhaustion hit him in waves, and his bones felt like they might break. He panted and heaved, nausea hitting him as he closed his eyes. It was only when he heard a loud, echoing splash that he forced his eyes open again.
Gajeel was in the lake, unconscious and with his energy sapped from him.
With as much energy as he could muster, Freed ran towards the lake and dove in. The cold hit him and woke him slightly, and he pushed on to swim towards where Gajeel had landed. The ripples were still breaking the surface, acting like a beacon for Freed to find him. He pushed on despite his aching arms, gritting his teeth as the creeping of brimstone ran over the back of his exposed neck.
Gajeel wasn't floating. He was sinking. Ignoring the demon fighting for his body, Freed submerged himself in the water and began to swim down. He saw Gajeel's body and quickly hooked his arms around the man's chest. He was limp, and Freed was quickly pulling him to the surface.
Dragging him to the shore was hellish. His body screamed in protest, but he kept going until they were on the rocks that bordered the lake. Freed wanted nothing more than to lie down and let his exhaustion take over, and he very
Gajeel was still unconscious.
Putting him on his back with his head tilted back slightly, Freed pinched Gajeel's nose and brought his mouth to Gajeel's. He breathed in heavily, forcing air into the man's lungs as best he could. He alternated between that and chest compressions, arms still burning as he forced his hands on the other man's chest.
Eventually, Gajeel spluttered out and spat water towards the side. He coughed and groaned, throat hoarse and eyes unblinking. Freed wanted to explain, or at least to help Gajeel further with his recovery, but felt exhaustion overtake him. He quickly wrote a rune to heat and protect them, before his eyes fluttered shut.
"You lost control, didn't ya?"
Gajeel's words cut through the silence of the train ride to Magnolia. From the moment Freed had woken up half an hour ago, their conversation had been limited. They had discussed if they were both healthy and uninjured (they were, more or less) and how they should get home in their exhausted state. Freed had teleported them both to the train station, and runed their carriage so Gajeel wouldn't be overly affected by his motion sickness. That had been it for conversation.
Freed had hoped to keep it that way. His relationship with Gajeel was tense enough before he attacked and nearly killed him, he now expected a verbal and perhaps physical assault from the other man now. He would have deserved it as well. But Gajeel had said nothing, as if he didn't have the energy to be angry,
"Excuse me?" Freed asked, pretending as if Gajeel wasn't entirely right.
"You didn't mean to do that spell, probably didn't mean to transform yer arm either, did ya?" Gajeel shrugged, as if the statement was both uninteresting and unimportant. When Freed said nothing, he continued. "You looked scared. Scared of yerself when you hit me with the spell, and scared for me when you resuscitated me."
"I didn't want to see you injured," Freed brushed off, Gajeel did not need to know about this. "Perfectly rational."
"If you didn't wanna injure me then you wouldn't have used the spell," Gajeel shrugged, looking at Freed as Freed looked out the window. "I deserve to know what happened, City-Boy."
Freed wanted to scoff, but perhaps Gajeel was right.
"No, I didn't intend to use the spell on you," Freed admitted, watching as the night rolled past them. "You have my apologies."
He wouldn't meet the man's eyes, because he didn't need to dammit. Gajeel had spent the last three days - well, two days, since he'd changed his mood today - tormenting Freed in whatever way he could. The entire point of this exercise had been to make Freed feel small, and pathetic; well, maybe not. He could have been crueler, and he did seem to have a flimsy reasoning behind everything he had done. Either way, Freed using a single spell on him didn't suddenly make them best friends, and it certainly wasn't enough to make Freed forget what had happened throughout the week.
Frankly, perhaps Gajeel deserved it. He might have deserved to be left in the lake!
The realisation hit Freed with force. The attempts by his demon to possess him brought a lot of anxieties up to the surface, mainly about the possibility of losing control of his body. It was a valid concern - the demon would kill everything in its way if in control - but often made him forget about the smaller repercussions of his demon's growing power.
It wasn't just physical, the demon's effect was emotional. While it grew in power, it's cruelty infected the mood of him and everyone around him. It was why he had exploded at Gajeel so many times, and perhaps the reason Gajeel was hell-bent on making this horrid for him.
Dammit, he should have known this. He should have told Gajeel that this might happen!
"I can almost hear ya thinkin'," Gajeel commented. "And I know I ain't been fair in ya, but I don't think yer some kid without restraint. So you wanna explain what happened?"
Maybe he did owe Gajeel that.
It was comical really. Now he knew his demon was to blame for his foul mood, he suddenly saw how ridiculous it all was. Gods, how hadn't he realised it before.
"My demonic take-over isn't exactly like that of the Strauss'," Freed sighed, looking towards Gajeel again. "Rather than being born with a demonic alter-ego, like Mirajane, I have a living demon inside of my soul. Technically speaking, I'm being possessed at all times, I simply have the right magic to stop it from taking over."
"Oh," Gajeel grunted, because he clearly couldn't think of anything else to say. Freed expected that, most people didn't know how to react when they were told a demon could overthrow the man next to them. "Shit."
"It is," Freed agreed. "Typically it isn't an issue. It gets stronger around the full moon, and around the shortest day of the year. When they happen to coincide, it's power grows and incidents like that happen. I should have warned you, I'm sorry."
Gajeel didn't say anything. He looked Freed up and down, clearly worried. Freed understood that.
"It won't happen again," He assured, though it wasn't exactly a promise he could keep,
"You really got a demon living in you?" He asked, and Freed nodded slightly. "How the hell did that happen?" They weren't there yet. Freed tensed a little, and Gajeel seemed to know that was a limit not to push. "You gonna be okay to keep going with this? I know I was trying to push you around but if we need to call it in, I don't think Makarov's gonna be too bothered."
"It should be fine," Freed said firmly. "It only happened tonight because I lost concentration. I won't allow that to happen again."
He wouldn't. The demon was not going to control him, nor his life.
"Well, now I know what to do if it happens again," Gajeel said, and he was smirking now. Not a condescending one, nor particularly cocky. It was to break the tension. "So if yer voice gets all creepy and yer eye all glowing, I'll knock yer ass right out before y' can blink."
"You have my eternal thanks," Freed drolled.
"These runes are fucking amazing y'know," Gajeel turned the conversation away. "Ya think you'd be able to teach the bookworm how to cast 'em. Don't think I'm gonna get on a train without 'em anymore. Finally understand why people find it relaxing."
"I don't expect so," Freed chuckled a little. "They're more complex than you'd think. Levy might not be prepared for a spell like it just yet."
"Say that to her and I think she'd hit ya," Gajeel laughed. "But if that's the case, then I might have to kidnap ya for my next mission. Ain't a problem right?"
"Well, if you're being so kind as to offer to knock me out, then I suppose I owe you," Freed smiled a little.
"Damn right ya do," Gajeel grinned right at him, sharp teeth so clearly visible. "Especially after the fun couple days we just had."
For the first time, the two men shared a laugh together.
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
La Grande Maison: A Mystery in Three Acts 🎠
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The rooftop is your safe haven. It’s your escape from the woes of the world below and, you and your best friends take every opportunity you can to visit this special place. It’s here that time slows down, that all your problems seem to fade away...
But when one of you goes missing, not even the rooftop can save you from the nightmare that has yet to unfold. 
Pairing: Jimin x Reader (but also this one is mainly about good ol fashion friendship)
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Word Count: 25k 
Warnings (please read me!!!): angst (like seriously chief this one is ROUGH), alcohol use (not excessive), drug use (not excessive), violence, mentions of murder/crime/kidnapping, swearing (excessive), mentions of death, character death (not major), SMUT (18+ only please). 
A/N: hello yes. It is me. This one is ALOT my friends. Like holy freaking heck. I am honestly so incredibly excited for you to read this and, I can’t wait to see what you think of it. It’s my actual baby and, I’m kind of nervous cause, I’ve never written a fic like this before so, I really really really hope you like it. If you do, please let me know, feedback means everything to me. 
Please Note: Bolded text indicates when characters are speaking Korean
Regarding Taehyung’s French scenes (yes our boy is fluent in french in this fic), I did my best. My french isn’t perfect so, if there are mistakes I am super sorry. 
Please please please let me know if you liked it!
I love you all so much, please enjoy.
Act I- Sur La Grande Maison
The rooftop is a place you often end up.  
It’s a little cliché, you think: a bunch of misfits corralled onto a dodgy high-rise building in the middle of the city, cigarette smoke wafting in the air.  
But you and your friends aren’t delinquents.  
The worst any of you has ever done is get a speeding ticket and that only happened because, one of you had dared Hoseok to go over 100 miles an hour on the highway: Hoseok never turns down a dare.  
But no, the rooftop is a quiet place despite the shady motel it rests upon and, it’s a place you and your group of friends cherish for different reasons  
Jin likes it because; he can spot new street food vendors from the massive height of the building. He’s made all of you try some interesting shit but, most of the time, it’s delicious.  
Namjoon has perfect view of the river and, sometimes he separates from the seven of you to write poetry while gazing down at it.  
Yoongi doesn’t always join you but, he finds himself dragging himself out of the house to listen to the underground rappers that perform in the club next door.  
He thinks he can do better.  
He’s probably right.  
The rooftop gives Hoseok the space to dance; he doesn’t have it downstairs in the room he rents and, he can’t afford a practice room. So, he brings out his old speakers and amuses the rest of you while he moves fluidly around the concrete.  
Taehyung loves to paint the skyline and, the roof allows him a view that he can’t get anywhere else. He’s painted it a hundred times but, he hasn’t used every color; not yet at least.  
Jungkook brings his dads old polaroid up every time you guys meet. He takes unflattering pictures of all of you and, you know it’s just for fun but, what you don’t know is that he’s made a collage on his wall of all of them and, he smiles at them each morning as he heads to work.  
And Jimin well…  
Jimin has a lot of reasons why he loves the rooftop:  
His friends of course; he can’t imagine his life without all of the late nights/early mornings he’s spent huddled up with his best friends, laughing so hard he can’t see straight.    
The view is amazing, it makes Jimin feel like he lives in a penthouse despite him working three minimum wage jobs just to keep a shitty roof over his head.  
But all of those things pale in comparison to his favorite thing about the rooftop: you.  
You’ve been friends since high school but eight months ago, he started realizing that the little crush he had is actually full-blown LOVE and, that he should probably tell you soon before he loses his shit.  
Luckily for him, you reciprocated.  
It wasn’t easy at first, Jimin’s a jealous man and, he let his trust issues get in the way but, after a few stupid fights, he decided he needed to grow up and knock it off.  
The rooftop saw it all, the fights, the making up, the making out and, one night when everyone fell asleep, Jimin made you cum three times underneath the blanket the two of you were sharing.  
It’s a little filthy he knows but, he gets kind of primal around you, he wants everyone to know you’re his.  
But he knows when it’s appropriate to do so and, he’d never try to control you.  
Unless you two were in bed together then, there are times when you give him that control.  
He always brings you down nicely though, he always kisses your forehead...  
You think you might fall in love with him a little more each time.  
A voice brings you out of your thoughts and, you look up across the makeshift bonfire to see Hoseok smirking knowingly at you.  
“There’s an old mattress over by the chimney if you and Jimin need to relieve yourselves...”  
There is a small echo of laughter that moves through the group and, you cock your head in confusion, “What are you talking about?  
Jimin throws a cigarette butt at him, wrapping an arm around you, “Fuck off. She doesn’t realize she does it...” You feel him tuck a bit of hair behind your ear, smiling fondly at you, “Don’t worry about him, he’s just mad he doesn’t have a girl looking at him like that.”  
You turn towards the rest of your friends, “Wait what do you mean? What did I do?”  
With chaos in his eyes, Jin takes the cigarette Namjoon passes to him before nodding to you, “You were eye fucking your boyfriend.”  
“Shut uuuup.” You answer immediately, burying your face in Jimin’s neck which prompts a pleased round of laughter to move past his lips.  
You didn’t realize you were doing it but, you don’t protest his observation.  
It’s been nearly a month since you’ve had a night off, meaning you’ve gone without your boyfriend’s touch for way too long.  
He tugs you closer to him and presses a kiss to your head whilst everyone else laughs at your expense.  
As the night breeze rushes in to move between the eight of you, Jimin holds you even tighter, tugging the old knitted blanket around your body.  
“Give her a break, she’s been without dick for a long time...it’s been like a month since we met up.” Taehyung interjects, taking a drag of the cigarette before passing it to Jungkook.  
Cigarettes are nearly $10 a pack, so they share one at a time and, pitch in when the supply runs low.  
You don’t smoke but five of them do and, you’re kind of thankful your boyfriend isn’t one of them.  
“So? Do you guys not meet up in between? Y/N has a studio, plenty of privacy...” Jin waves his hand between the two of you, judgement in his eyes.  
Jimin tenses up beside you, not really enjoying the way the conversation has shifted, “We both work 3 jobs hyung, you know that.”  
“You’re right. Sex is probably quite straining for you...” Jin smirks, enjoying the annoyance in Jimin’s eyes.  
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jimin’s eyes are narrowed and, you are quickly coming up with a plan to distract your boyfriend from Jin’s teasing.  
His not exactly a good candidate for roasting; he’s far too sensitive for that.  
“You know cause it’s...” Jin positions his fingers in such a way that suggests that Jimin has a small dick  
“Jin-” Namjoon groans in warning but, Jungkook and Hoseok have already started snickering.  
You expect your boyfriend to pop off, guns a blazing, eyes alight with offence but, instead he just smirks.  
Letting his hand curve around the ball of your knee, he says something that nullifies Jin’s insult,  
“You don’t have to have a big dick to be good in bed hyung...”  
Jin isn’t phased and he raises his eyebrows as he holds the cigarette to his lips, “That’s something people with small dicks say.”  
Hoseok and Jungkook snicker again, enjoying the drama and Taehyung grins from behind his phone, shaking his head.  
Jimin’s smirk widens as his hand continues to trail up your thigh, “Do you think I’m bad in bed?”  
His question is spoken into your ear and, his breath against your skin causes a shiver to run through you.  
“No.” You giggle, leaning into him and, he’s quick to tighten his grip on you, his lips quickly finding the side of your head.  
“Now, Y/N...every good relationship is built on trust. You two will never last if you continue to lie.” Jin’s laughter escalates to a full-blown windshield wiper volume and, surprisingly enough, it’s Yoongi who shuts him down  
“Your fiancé made you sleep on the couch with me the other night because, you were too drunk to get it up so,” Yoongi tilts his head as if he’s wagering two options, “you're not really in the position to be talking shit.”  
Everyone’s face turns up in surprise as Yoongi, or Mouse, as they like to call him, puts Jin on blast without even looking up from his phone.  
“Mouse just ended your whole life bro.” Hoseok cackles, throwing back a bit of vodka as Jungkook leans into him with the weight of his laughter.  
Jin waves him off like the unbothered king he is and, gestures to the vodka bottle in Hoseok’s hands, “Mouse’s have tiny dicks too so, he’s just jealous.”  
Namjoon literally cringes in his seat, looking at Jin with incredulity, “Mice not mouse’s...”  
Taehyung laughs at that, leaning forward a bit to warm his hands around the fire. He looks exhausted but, then again, so do the rest of you.  
But it speaks volumes doesn’t it?  
That you’re all hear together, on your only days off, soaking up every bit of time you have.  
Roasting aside, anyone can see that there is nothing but love between the eight of you.  
If you had it your way, you’d spend every night up here.  
Jimin reminds you with his lips, just how long it’s been as he places a few kisses against your cheek, “Come play with me.”  
You giggle, turning in his grip to meet his grinning face, “You sound like the twins from The Shining...”  
Jimin’s eyes wrinkle with his laughter but, he’s quick to place a searing kiss to your lips along with another sinful phrase, “Please? I haven’t seen you naked in a month.”  
You shake your head, tucking hand behind his neck to pull him closer to you, “I’ve sent you nudes...”  
Jimin’s quick to kiss you again but, his lips pout further and, you notice the scent of after shave lingering around his face.  
That shouldn’t turn you on but, for whatever reason, it does.  
“Yes you did and, trust me when I say, I put them to good use-” He kisses you again, nudging your nose as he does, “but I want the real thing.”  
“Let’s go then.” You whisper against his lips  
He kisses you once more before, getting Hoseok’s attention, “Yah, I need your key.”  
Hoseok lives on the 8th floor of the motel you’re currently loitering on and, his room is a place you and Jimin often end up during nights like these.  
Most people would be weirded out by it but, for you guys, it’s normal.  
You don’t bat your eyes at the seedier sides of life, you’ve all lived through it in some way.  
Hoseok just smirks, reaching into the pocket of his jeans, “Stay off my bed unless you plan on inviting me this time.”  
Jimin just flips him off, grinning fondly at him before taking your hand and, tugging you towards the door.  
“Don’t be too long, we wanna play poker!” Jungkook calls after the two of you and, although Jimin has a mission in mind, he responds anyway.  
“With what money?”  
“We’re playing for bragging rights obviously, that shit means more to you heathens than actual money.” Namjoon smirks, taking a swig of the vodka before passing it to Yoongi.  
“That doesn’t apply to me; I would sell all of you for an even $500.” Yoongi remarks, taking a big gulp and, bearing his teeth as it burns his throat.  
The rest of you just laugh but, before you can add your two sense, Jimin is tugging you behind the door.  
He has you pressed up against it immediately, his hands finding your waist whilst his plush lips kiss you with everything he’s got.  
You’re quick to reciprocate as your hands slide around the curve of his neck. Delicately, your fingers tangle into the hair at the nape of his neck and, it spurs Jimin on even more as he groans into your mouth.  
“Christ, what are you doing to me?” He laments against your mouth, causing laughter to bubble past your lips, “It’s not funny...” He laments but, he’s grinning as he does, walking you backwards towards the elevator, “I’ve only been kissing you for ten seconds and, I’m already so hard.”  
You tug him through the elevator doors the collar of his t-shirt all while trying to keep your lips connected, “Should I only expect you to last for ten seconds too?”  
Jimin grunts in protest, his brows furrowing cutely as he shakes his head, “Don’t make fun of me, I missed you...” He whines playfully, smirking when you hitch a leg around his waist.  
“I missed you too.” You breath and, you always marvel at young Jimin can make you feel.  
You’re fully grown, sexually active adults and, yet here you grinding into one another like a bunch of hormonal rookies. The denim of his jeans pressing against the soft cotton of your panties hits you right in the pit of your stomach and, you’re honestly a little shocked by how wet you are.  
Jimin slides the key card through Hoseok’s door several times before it finally works.  
This motel is not a featured business on Yelp.  
“Fucking door- ugh Jesus I don’t know how he gets this open when he’s hammered.” Jimin laughs, pulling you close to him as soon as he shoves Hoseok’s door shut.  
“I have found him sleeping in the hallway before.” You point out but, the importance of your reply dies on your tongue when Jimin steps back to pull his shirt off.  
You don’t hide your reaction either, letting your eyes wander over the masterpiece that is Jimin’s body.  
He’s slightly tan from his days working at the pool, his sinewy muscles protruding tastefully against his smooth skin; it’s enough to make you drool.  
But to center yourself, you comment on something tangible before you literally start begging for him,  
“Your tattoo is healing nicely.” You nod your head to the black ink scrawled across Jimin’s ribs  
The word ‘nevermind’ has never looked so good on someone's skin before.  
He just smirks, “Yeah, it’s still a little sore though.”  
“Oh?” With a tilt of your head, you let your eyes scan over it again, “Should I kiss it better?”  
Your question doesn’t get answered because the next thing you know, Jimin has you on the couch, sat astride on his lap with your shirt half way up your torso.  
“I want you naked- I don’t give a fuck if they’re waiting on us...”  
All you can manage is a nod and, Jimin quickly tugs your shirt over your head.  
He connects his lips to the crook of your neck, sighing into your skin as if the taste alone soothes him.  
“You missed me too right?” He mumbles causing you to gently tug on the black tendrils of his hair so he’ll face you.  
“Of course.” You peck his lips once before pushing him back against the arm of the couch, “See?”  
Jimin nearly busts right there when you lean back to pull your skirt up, exposing the dampened material of your panties.  
Your boyfriend has a panty fetish that nearly warrants concern. For months, he would beg you to leave your panties with him after the two of you had sex until finally; you were down to your last 8 pair.  
He bought you more of course but, that didn’t stop him from begging all over again.  
“Fuck these are my favorite...” He winces at the sight, letting out a shaky breath before his darkening irises find yours again, “Leave them on.”  
You smirk, letting your skirt down and, pecking at his lips once again, “I thought you wanted me naked.”  
He bites down on your bottom lip, pulling it for a moment and, letting it snap back in place,  
“I changed my mind. I wanna cum all over these pretty little panties you’re wearing instead...”  
Jimin makes good on his promise.  
Sex with Jimin is something else.  
The pleasure he brings you is so intense it’s almost painful.  
It’s almost painful because, you hardly see each other and, if you had it your way, you’d be in his lap all the time.  
But, life doesn’t work that way.  
So, you take what you can get.  
He makes you cum twice on his dick, with his thumb pressed firmly against your clit.  
He whispers dirty secrets in your ear and, somehow manages to make you feel both filthy and beautiful all at once.  
Prodding another weakness of his, hickies, you help him reach his own release and, within 10 minutes he’s attaining the orgasm he’s been craving so desperately.  
“Fuck, I missed you so much...” He croons into your neck, nuzzling his nose there for a moment as you run your fingers through his hair.  
“I missed you too.” You smile, kissing the shell of his ear  
The two of you stay like that for a moment, kissing on one another, relishing in your reunion.  
When the time is right, the two of you will share a place one day but, for now, you have to continue working hard and saving money for the things your future.  
And speaking of making money...  
Your phone buzzes in the pocket of your skirt and, you sadly drag your attention away from your boyfriend to see a text from your boss at the nursing home  
Xander: Christian called out tonight :/  
Xander: you want to work a double?
Night shifts pay time and a half and, it would be another 8 hours on this next paycheck...  
It’s like a punch to the chest really.  
Because, you have to leave.  
One your one night off in nearly a month.  
You feel like crying but, you know that’s ridiculous.  
Jimin’s face falls as he sees the text on your phone but, he knows that his disappointment will only make you feel guilty and, he really doesn’t want that.  
So instead, he curls a finger underneath your chin and, kisses you with a tenderness that he doesn’t often display.  
Not that he isn’t sweet with you, it’s just that his lips are sinful and, normally they are working you into a frenzy.  
The time you two have together is so limited that everything always feels so rushed but, in this moment, he takes the time to kiss you slowly.  
And as he brushes a thumb across your cheek, he makes a promise to you, “I promise, we’ll get our break someday and, when that day comes, I’ll be kissing this pretty mouth of yours every chance I get...”  
You smile, leaning into his hand, “I’ll make you breakfast every morning…and we can decorate together our place together and-“
Jimin interrupts your fantasy with a kiss, grinning fondly into your lips, “Anything you want.”
You wrap your arms around him once more, tucking your face into his neck, wishing desperately that you can stay here with him all night…
“I love you.” You whisper into his skin  
“I love you too.” He replies, kissing the side of your head
Jimin walks you downstairs to the exit of the motel and, he tries his best to swallow his disappointment.
Your car is in the shop so; you’ll catch the bus right up the street and, try to remind yourself why you’re working so hard.
With a tight and lingering embrace, Jimin says his goodbyes to you, pecking your lips a dozen more times.
“Text me when you get home tonight…” He requests with a soft voice and, you nod, kissing him once more before stepping outside.  
Jimin leans against the stained glass, watching you with love in his eyes as you turn to wave frantically at him.
It brings a giggle to his lips as he waves back, feeling an ache in his heart as you disappear into the crowd of people.
Jimin knows he’s never loved another person the way he loves you.
He knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
But what Jimin didn’t know is that the agony of watching you leave after only a short time with him is nothing compared to the pain he has yet to endure.
Because tonight is no ordinary night.
Tonight, is the night you go missing.
Kosei Police Station, Thursday 6:24am
It’s been 54 hours since your friends heard from you.
Xander called Jimin, your emergency contact, when you didn’t show up for your shift Monday night.
The group promptly blew up your cell phone, trying any means necessary to reach you.
When there was no reply, they showed up to your apartment and much to their horror, the property manager has no recollection of you returning home.  
“How long has she been missing?”
Jimin wants to scream at the uninterested clerk behind the desk.
He wants to scream in general.
The police station should be in full chaos at the news of your absence.
They should be on the phone with every available resource, repeating your name and details over and over.
But it’s not.
It’s eerily calm and, he doesn’t understand why.
“The last time I saw her was on Monday. She was supposed to work that night but, her manager said she never showed up.”  
Jimin doesn’t recognize his own voice.
He feels like he’s outside of his body.
“Mhm…” The man drone behind the glass, casually typing a few things into the computer, “And what was her name again?”
Jimin’s blood boils over and, thank god for Namjoon because, he immediately intervenes.
“Y/N Y/L/N. She’s __ years old, she has __ hair, __ eyes and, she was last seen at the Paybrook Motel, Monday night. This isn’t like her to disappear. What is your protocol for these kinds of things?”  
The man enters the information before shrugging at Namjoon’s question, “Uh we’ll send a squad car out to do some ground work but, uh honestly most cases like these are resolved pretty quickly, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
Taehyung arches a brow, leaning in towards the bulletproof glass, “You wouldn’t- you wouldn’t worry too much about it? Our best friend is missing…”
The man nods immediately, as if he’s amending his mistake, “Of course, I just mean- she’ll probably turn up you know, most people do.”
Jimin’s eyes are stinging, he’s trying his best to keep it together but, the fluorescent lights are blinding him, the stale scent of old coffee makes him want to vomit, he feels like he’s losing his mind.
“Y/N isn’t most people…” Jimin spits, his eyes honing in on the man, “She wouldn’t just vanish like this, something must have happened to her, this is an emergency. Why aren’t you sending someone out right now?”  
“Sir, this is the inner city, no offense but, people like her disappear all the time…”
Jimin’s eyes narrow, “People like her? What the fuck does that mean?”
“Jimin.” Yoongi murmurs, wrapping an arm around him and urges him away from the desk before things get out of hand.
Surprisingly, Jimin follows but, not without sending a warning glare towards the clerk.
Long story short; the police are no help.
They don’t understand the gravity of the situation.
They don’t seem to grasp the pain the seven of your friends are feeling.
Even if they did, it doesn’t appear that they would care either way.
But the thing is, your friends are used to this.
They are used to being let down by the people who they’re supposed to trust.
Their hardships cultivated a unique ability within them each of them.
And that ability was to fend for themselves.
So a plan is made to spread out and search for you on their own.  
With heavy hearts and fire running through their veins, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and, Jungkook leave their responsibilities behind to search for their best friend.
Act II- Sous La Grande Maison
Jimin- Chillzzz Ice Cream Parlor, Black Swan Brewery and Pub, Cozy Acres Retirement Home  
Thursday 7:38pm-10:01pm
Jimin spent most of the day retracing your steps like a mad man. He went back to the motel and, walked along the path you would have taken to the bus stop, he showed your photo to every person who would give him the time of day. He spoke with subway drivers, businessmen in suits, homeless people but, no one spoke up, most of them wouldn’t even look at him…
He cried beneath the awning of the motel, not even noticing the judgmental looks that were thrown his way.
For good measure, he calls you and texts you another 50 times as he tries to swallow the acidic taste of fear crawling up his throat.
Where the fuck were you?
He visits your boss at the ice cream store but, she says she hasn’t seen you since your shift Monday morning.
He makes his way to the dive bar you wait tables at but, they have the same story except they haven’t seen you since Sunday night.
Everyone at both locations says the same thing though…
“It’s so unlike her you know? To just disappear.”
“I really hope nothing happened to her.”
“Whatever you need, just let us know.”
Jimin feels like he wants to pass out.
He feels like he’s been dropped in the dead center of a nightmare.
But, he knows he has to act quickly
The city has a habit of swallowing people whole and, he’ll be damned if his girlfriend falls victim to its clutches.
He makes a final stop at the retirement home you work in to speak with Xander.
Xander shows his concern for you in a big way; it makes Jimin slightly uneasy.
“Oh my god what are we gonna do? The police aren’t on it? How are they not taking this seriously?
“Jimin, we have to find her man, I would be devastated if something happened to her.”
“She’s my best employee, she’s absolutely precious…”
Jimin has half a mind to tell him to ‘shut the fuck up’
This is his girlfriend.
His everything.
Not Xander’s.
But Jimin knows he’s sensitive right now and, Xander’s behavior is a nice change of pace.
At least he gives a shit.
With all of his leads coming up dry, he decides to visit the one person who just might be able to help.
Someone who always assured him that they would be there should he need absolutely anything.
Someone who just might have the means to operate above the incompetence of the police department.
“Come here.” Lady’s voice is tender and, reassuring as she quickly pulls Jimin into her chest.
He collapses into her arms, an abrupt sob leaving his lips as he clutches the satin of her blouse.
Lady is a special person.
Jimin started working as her pool boy just over a year ago and, she quickly welcomed him into her life.  
She was becoming the mother Jimin never had and, in this moment, in the wake of his misery, he needs her more than ever.
“I don’t understand-“ He cries into her neck, her perfume is far too strong for his liking but, he remains close to her anyway, “Where is she? She never does this, she always gets back to us I- fuck…what if something happened to her? What if someone ki- ki…oh my god.” He wants to throw up, he can’t even get the word to pass his lips because, the thought of you being harmed literally sickens him.
“Shhh shhh shh, honey it’s ok, just breathe for me alright? Just breathe…” She coos, rubbing his back gently, her face tight with sadness, “I already have my guys working on it. They got started this morning once the news broke. I’ll put flyers up at the country club as well; everyone I have at my disposal is out there looking for her alright?”
Jimin just nods, he isn’t able to say much through his tears but, her words do calm him slightly.
Lady has resources that Jimin doesn’t have and, for the first time, he is going to accept her help.
She’s offered to assist him many times in a myriad of different ways:
Rent money, tuition assistance, money for textbooks, a new car…
But Jimin’s turned them down all the same; he never wants to feel like he owes someone for something.
He accepts the free food and, the occasional fancy clothes she gifts from her deceased husbands closet and, if anyone thinks of judging him for strutting around in dead guy clothes, Jimin would promptly remind them that he is wearing Gucci and, they are not.
This time though, Jimin doesn’t protest; he will take all the help he can get from anywhere he can get it…
“Let's get you a cup of tea or something, c’mon...”  
Lady ushers Jimin to the rich color of her lignum vitae dining table and, she even ensures she pulls out a chair for him to rest easy on.  
Jimin practically slumps into it, his body helpless.
Lady already had a pot ready for him and, although Jimin tries to act like he doesn’t enjoy it, she knows Lavender is his favorite...
“The police have her vehicle information in their news report, I’ll have my guys searching for her civic in no time.” She murmurs, pouring his tea and, eyeing him carefully.
Jimin winces, watching the steam rise from his cup, trying to hold onto reality, “Her car is still in the shop.”  
“That’s right my goodness,” Lady puts a hand to her chest, shaking her head,  “Do you think the person who cut her cables had something to do with this?”  
His heart sinks but, he hesitates a moment before responding, dread filling his chest once again, “I- I don’t know maybe? It’s not impossible. It’s been in the shop for the last two months though, it wouldn’t make sense for them to wait so long. Oh god, unless they have been watching her? Do you really thinks that’s possible?”  
She brings him into her arms again, the pads of her fingers rubbing gently against his lower back, “There are sick people in this world Jimin. But I promise you honey, we are going to do everything we can to bring her home.”  
Jimin leaves Lady’s house with a slightly better outlook.
You are still missing of course but, at least he has someone powerful on his side.
Lady is an incredible person and, without her, Jimin thinks he might lose his mind.
Jin- The Night Market, Friday 8:22pm  
You all like the rooftop for different reasons, Jin likes it for the landscape of the night market: The neon lights illuminating the different food carts, the bustling movement of all of the patrons eager to try the next deep fried delicacy. As he walks along the wet cement, he smiles to himself, remembering all the times he used to drag the seven of you down here. He always saved his tips from the restaurant, and once a month, he would splurge, buying everything in sight. The complaints would soon cease as he shoved fried cheese in your faces, the desire to eat like royalty overcoming the group. And you would, you’d eat until you couldn’t walk anymore and, Jin would feel warmth blooming in his chest as he watched all of his friends, whom were more like family, eating well. He’s the oldest, he would think, it was his job to watch over the people he loves. It’s in this moment, as he’s reminiscing that he feels despair tear through his heart.  
He had failed.  
Because, one of you were gone.  
One of you weren’t safely tucked under his mother-goose gaze.  
Your smile comes through his subconscious then and, it feels like a thousand tiny needles scurrying up his cheeks to prick at his eyes.  
You always laughed at his puns, no matter how stupid they were
You always tried whatever food he put in front of you, no matter how strange or spicy it was, you’d humor him.  
With a heavy hand, he wipes the tears from his eyes before they can spill over.  
He doesn’t have time for pain right now.  
Because, tonight he’s at the market for different reasons.  
Tonight, he was here to investigate.  
The Night Market vendors are an interesting crowd, most of them were older, just trying to make ends meet by selling their creations but, there were a few newcomers that Jin’s noticed over the years.  
They were lured in by the neon, the paper lanterns, the money…  
They didn’t understand the culture of this place and, Jin resented them for it.  
“Yah! You’re the money man yeah? Are you buying me out tonight? Where are your friends?”  
Jin is forced out of his inner thoughts and, he meets the eyes of an older gentleman who owns the Mandu stand; one of his favorites.  
“I’m not here for much tonight, my friends are busy but,” He selfishly scans the selection of dumplings, plump and ripe for the taking. He points to a pork and vegetable one to the right of the case, “I’ll take one of the pork ones for the road. Is it ok if I ask you a few questions?”  
The man wrinkles his brow in confusion, “Me? I guess so, what can I do for you?”  
With a deep sigh, Jin pulls out his phone, with a photo of you as his home screen. He swallows back the bit of misery in his throat as he sees your face, before showing it to the vendor, “This is my friend. She went missing three days ago and, she was last seen up on that rooftop over there, “ He gestures to the motel, “She left alone and, she would have walked right past here on her way home. Did you see her at all?”  
As he pushes his glasses up his nose, the man squints at the photo, trying to make sense of it. After a moment, he shakes his head.  
“Sorry. I haven’t seen her.” His eyes flit over the image again, a bit of darkness lingering in his eyes, “Pretty little thing though…”  
Jin immediately rips his phone from the man’s view, disgusted at his comment but, he doesn’t want to make a scene and risk his line of information being cut off.  
“Thanks. If you remember anything let me know. I’ll be around for a bit.”  
He grunts in response, his interest waning as another customer walks up to his stand.  
Jin feels an immense amount of frustration; why the fuck does this man think its ok to gawk at you despite what he’s just told him?  
Does he have no heart?  
Raking his hand through his hair, Jin takes a deep breath. He doesn’t have time for his emotions right now, he needs to push forward.  
He moves throughout the stands, showing your picture to every familiar face that will give him the time of day.  
The chorus of no’s that echo back at him, slowing chip away at his resolve and, he feels himself growing desperate as he nears the end of the market.  
He hates how suspicious he feels.  
He hates that this place, which is home to so many happy memories, is now shrouded with a kind of darkness that he’s only ever read about in books.  
He feels sick with the thought of coming back without you; he doesn’t think he ever would.  
There is a few stands left, which Jin moves through without success before he finally reaches the Tteokbokki stand.  
It’s his favorite and, normally he’d be shoveling an entire tray of it into his mouth.  
But tonight, the smell of the sauce makes his stomach turn.  
“Excuse me, have you-“ Jin begins wearily but, he’s quickly cut off by the man beneath the umbrella.  
“You’re here about the missing girl right?”  
The man’s brow rises but, it does nothing to smooth out the valleys of wrinkles between his eyes.  
“I am…” Jin crosses his arms, reluctant to continue the conversation as the man smirks salaciously in his direction, “How did you know?”  
His smirk grows when he holds up a yellow walkie-talkie, “Word travels fast. I’m guessing you’re here to ask me if I’ve seen her and, I would tell you that I have but, unless you have something to offer me. I’m afraid that’s all I plan on telling you.”  
Jin’s face immediately flushes red. Anger floats up beneath the surface of his surprise but, he knows that if he reacts in the way he that wants to, the man will shut down.  
“What do you want?” He mutters through the tension in his jaw.  
The man’s gaze travels over Jin’s figure before settling on the pocket of his jeans, “Buy me out for the night and, I’ll tell you what I saw...”  
A quick scan of his cart shows Jin roughly 3 dozen trays of Tteokbokki. Even if he had an appetite, he doesn’t have the stomach or the means to consume that much food, nor does he have a way to get it back to his apartment.  
“How much is your cart worth?”  
The man tilts his head, squinting his eyes in thought, “Well, its 3 for a tray and there’s 47 on the cart…you do the math.”  
Jin finally does send a glare towards the man; enraged that he’s capitalizing off of his grief but, he types in the calculations none the less.  
“$141…” He concludes, showing him the number on his cell phone, “I don’t have that much.”  
With a shrug, the man gives Jin a look of faux disappointment, “That’s a shame, I guess my memory is a little hazy then. Maybe I saw her, maybe I didn’t-  have a good night.”  
“Wait- please I…” Jin takes a deep breath, pulling out a wad of cash from his pocket, “I only have $100 right now but, I can get more. I work at the sushi restaurant up the street, I’ll bring you all of my tips for the next week.”  
The man eyes him suspiciously, mulling over his offer, “The next two weeks…”  
Jin’s never been so angry in his life and, part of him wants to flip over his cart and, leave him to clean up the mess but, he knows he has to bargain with him.  
He has no other choice.  
“Fine.” He throws the money onto the counter with a stern look, “Keep the food, just tell me what you know.”  
The man takes his time, counting the money greedily, smirking with satisfaction as he tucks it into his shirt pocket.  
“I saw your friend leaving that motel you always hang out at. The one across the street-“ He nods to the ratty building, “She left and walked along the road for some time before a man approached her.”  
Jin’s heart picks up, “A man? What man? What did he look like?”  
“I didn’t get a close look. He was tall and dressed in some fancy ass suit. They walked together all the way up the road until I couldn’t see them anymore. She didn’t look uncomfortable; in fact…it kind of looked like she knew him.”  
As the man tells his story, Jin writes all of the details down in his phone but, the last bit confuses him.  
He didn’t know you knew anyone that owned a suit.  
Suits are a luxury that neither he nor any of the other guys can afford.  
So who were you with then?  
“That’s all? Anything else you remember?”  
The man shakes his head, “That’s all I got for you. Thanks for the cash, I look forward to seeing you again with the rest of it.”  
A chorus of snickering comes with his last comment and, Jin finally decides he’s had enough of him.  
With a roll of his eyes, he walks away, leaving the hustle and bustle of the night market to slowly fade behind him as he makes his way up the street.  
He begins typing a message to the group chat, informing everyone of what he found.  
He sees your icon at the top of his screen whilst he does and, it triggers the tears collecting in his eyes to finally spill over.  
Namjoon- The Marquee River, Friday 9:54pm  
Namjoon loves the rooftop for the view of the river. He loves the way the sun and moon expertly change the color of its surface from a crystal blue in the daytime to an inky black in the evening. He loves the way people congregate around it. It’s such a stark contradiction to the city. Everyone always looks so happy and so patient with one another. Families are sprawled out on picnic blankets, friends are laughing and sharing homemade dishes, lovers walk along the river holding hands…  
It’s a magical place.  
Well, at least Namjoon thinks so.  
The boys tease him for it, they call him Namstradamus and, say he concerns himself with hypothetical situations far too often.  
But you get it though.  
You’ve sat with Namjoon on many nights while he smokes a cigarette, watching the interactions with the same fondness he does.  
You laughed as he did little voices for the people he saw and, listened eagerly as he created stories for each of them.  
You told him he should be a writer and Namjoon felt a satisfaction that his imagination could entertain you.  
Deep down, being a writer is something he’s always dreamed of.  
He wishes he was on the rooftop with you now, laughing and bullshitting.  
He wishes he could see your smile when Jimin shouts a raunchy compliment your way and, makes a comment about how Namjoon is trying to steal you from him.  
Its all for fun though.  
Namjoon doesn’t love you like that but, the way he loves you makes tonight’s task so much harder.  
He loves you like a sister and, his sister is gone.  
And he has to figure out why.  
Namjoon is wearing his father’s coat; it’s the only thing warm enough for this weather he tells himself but, really he wears it because it’s the nicest thing in his home.  
It makes him feel capable, even though he’s never felt more inadequate in his life.  
There isn’t many people left at the river tonight, the cold weather is keeping everyone inside along with the news of your disappearance.  
Namjoon has someone in mind though.  
Someone who is always here: the groundskeeper.  
Namjoon notices him emerge as people begin packing up their things but, he doesn’t approach him just yet.  
He stands back and observes his behavior, carefully planning what he needs to say.  
But, Namjoon doesn’t get much time as the groundskeeper has noticed him too.  
“What is it you seek madam? I can do anything…anything you wish.”  
The voice of the groundskeeper is ominous; it makes the hair on the back of his neck stand at attention but, his words confuse him even more.  
“Uh excuse me, I’m really sorry to bother you but, I was wondering if you’ve seen my friend. She went missing a few nights ago, I have her picture here…” Namjoon goes to pull out his phone but, the man stops him with a laugh.  
It’s not a pleasant sound, it’s crazed and dismissive, it doesn’t mirror the laughter he normally hears from the river.  
It makes his stomach turn.  
“I know what the princess looks like madam, I’ve seen her looking down at me many times.” The moonlight shines upon his face then and, it’s enough for Namjoon to make out his features.  
He looks filthy, skin alight with grease, hair matted with the same substance, his eyes are blue and unfocused. A giant scar interrupts his features and, Namjoon does his best to remain composed despite his appearance.  
“So have you seen her? She would have walked right passed here on her way home.” He flashes the picture towards him anyway but, it only prompts another ridiculous laugh from him and, Namjoon feels himself growing irritated.  
“Yep! That’s the one! The princess marked for slaughter, oh but she runs from her fate doesn’t she? She runs and runs and runs runs…..she runs a lot. It’s no use madam, you’ll always catch her in the end.”  
As he hears the word slaughter, Namjoon feel his blood boil over and, he quickly grabs the snickering man by his shirt, “What the fuck are you talking about?”  
The man falters with a gasp but, his laughter continues, his breath fowl and unkempt, “She is gone forever. Left to destiny…left to rot…”  
Namjoon feels his heart jump in his chest and he tugs at the man’s shirt again, harder this time, “What do you mean gone? Did you do something to her? If you touched her, I swear I’ll fucking kill you, my friends and I will tear you apart!”  
Tears don’t aid in Namjoon’s attempt to look tough but, he can’t help himself.  
His grief is unbearable and, all this man can do is laugh…  
“I have nothing for you madam…what’s done is done.” He seethes, bearing his grimy teeth as he smiles  
“Why do you keep calling me madam? You know who I am, you’ve seen my friends before. What the fuck is wrong with you?”  
The man responds by placing a dirty hand against Namjoon’s cheek, leaning in towards his ear, “You are…a work of art madam, it was a pleasure to serve you…”  
With this, the man shoves away from Namjoon’s hold and rushes back to the trashcan, muttering to himself all the while.  
Namjoon feels unsafe around him, especially as he notices how empty the river has become so, he decides to get out of there.  
He wipes his tears as he moves through the trees back towards the noise of the street.  
There is nothing but utter anguish inside of him now.  
One of his best friends is missing and, his only lead is a raging lunatic.  
He sends his findings to the group chat anyway, praying that someone has more information than he does, praying that this nightmare will come to an end. 
 Yoongi- Ginseng Night Club, Saturday 12:04am,  
Yoongi hates clubs. There’s too many people, they’re too loud, everyone is drunk and stupid. He doesn’t really see the point in them. However, Ginseng has a vibe he can appreciate. It’s a little more laid back, a little less expensive and, it’s major upside is its showcase of underground rappers. Yoongi’s never had the courage to get up on stage but, he likes to listen from the rooftop. He judges the contestants from a far because, let’s face it, most of them are trash but, he enjoys their enthusiasm. Some of them are actually pretty good though and, a lot of times Yoongi has to swallow the avarice he feels when he hears them. He can rap too but, the only people who know about it are his friends.  
They tell him he’s good enough to make it big but, Yoongi never believes them.  
He misses freestyling on the rooftop though and, tonight he’s missing your reactions in particular.  
You were always pushing him to perform and one day, drunkenly, you had managed to convince him to promise you that he’d perform at Ginseng on his 26th birthday.  
That date is steadily approaching and, although he was terrified of keeping that promise, he desperately wishes that were the reason he was pushing through the crowd at Ginseng right now.  
But it isn’t…  
Tonight, he’s here to deal with bleaker matter: your disappearance.  
Ginseng is cheaper for a reason and, that reason happens to be the crowd.  
It’s known for its cast of shady characters: drug dealers, con artists, underground fighters, etc.  
He thinks it’s a little pointless, walking into a room full of potential criminals, hoping one of them has the heart to spill any information regarding his missing friend but, he had to try.  
Yoongi decided on all black for the evening; it makes him feel bigger and, prepares him for the onslaught of human interaction he’s dreading.  
Immediately, his chest is met with the hammering base from the speakers, whilst his nose is met with the stench of cheap liquor and, all eyes are on him.  
He’s an unfamiliar face in a club that profits off of regular attendees but, he swallows his anxiety and, soldiers on, heading straight for the bar at the back of the club.  
“What can I get for you?” A short haired woman barks over the music,  sending a mild glare Yoongi’s way.  
He notices the tattoos adorning her neck and arms and, he feels intimidated by her presence but, he responds none the less.  
“Whiskey neat.” He mutters, sliding a ten her way and, she eagerly strips it from the counter, shoving it into the register.  
“You’ve never been here before.” She notes dryly, grabbing a bottle of Jack from the shelf.  
Yoongi nods, shifting on the barstool, “Yeah, I’m here to see if anyone’s seen my friend. She disappeared on this street the other night…”  
The woman smirks, nodding her head towards the crowd of people, “Do these people look like they’d be up for snitching?”  
He glances back momentarily, “No but, I thought I’d try anyway. I have a picture of her…” He pulls out his phone, flashing the image of you towards the bartender.  
She gives it a once over before shaking her head, “Haven’t seen her. I’d remember her if I had. Girlfriend?”  
“No…” He clicks the side of his phone, shutting the screen off, “Do you know if I could talk to someone who comes here a lot? Like a regular or something? I’m not trying to cause trouble but-“  
“These people aren’t gonna tell you shit unless you speak to Jaebeom first and, I don’t know if he’d be willing to talk to scrawny little thing like you.”  
Yoongi has to swallow back the feelings he gets from her insult, feeling smaller and smaller under her gaze.  
“Who’s Jaebeom?”  
“The owner.” She pushes the drink Yoongi’s way, spilling some of it onto the dirty countertop, “He only does business in Korean…”  
“Call him up then,” Yoongi retorts sternly, growing annoyed with her attitude and the carelessness with his liquor, “, that’s my native language. Or tell me where he is…”  
“He’s a busy man… I don’t know if he’ll have time for you…”                  
“Ask him anyways.”  
There’s a bit of a stare off lingering between the two of them but, Yoongi doesn’t falter, his confidence waxing.  
He’ll be a dick if he has to, he doesn’t care; he has to figure out where you are.  
She rolls her eyes, grabbing the receiver from underneath the bar before muttering something into it. Something causes her to raise her brows in surprise and, she looks a little disappointed as she passes the receiver to Yoongi.  
He takes it, holding it up to his ear,  
“What do you want?”  
Moving the receiver to his lips, he responds clearly, trying to mask his nerves, “My friend is missing and, I want to know if you’ve seen her. Or if you know anything about her disappearance.”  
The man chuckles deeply on the other end of the line, “Am I a suspect?”  
“Everyone is. But I’m not a cop; I’m just here to see if anyone has seen anything.”  
“And the police? Do they know about your little friend?”  
Yoongi grasps the receiver firmer, attempting to amp up his toughness as he responds, “The police are fucking useless. Look, just let me show you here picture, if you haven’t seen her, I’ll leave.”  
There’s only a bit of silence but, it’s enough to get his heart racing before he finally gets a reply, “Second floor, room 632. Don’t make me wait for you.”  
Yoongi obliges, pounding his drink and rushing off to meet the man behind the voice.  
Jaebeom seems to tower over Yoongi despite the mere inches he has on him and, he looks more intimidating than Yoongi ever could.  
Three facial piercings, arms wrapped completely in tattoos, loose tank top adorning his muscular figure; if Yoongi were in a different world, he’d be wishing he was meeting this stranger in his room for different reasons.  
“Let’s see it then…”  
Yoongi shows him the photo of you and much to his surprise, Jaebeom nods, pointing a finger towards it, “I’ve seen her before, not recently though. She came in a few months ago and bought a bottle of Midori from me. She’s your girlfriend?”  
Yoongi shakes his head, “No, she’s with my other friend but, you’ve seen her? Did she come in alone?”  
The room smells of marijuana and as Jaebeom lifts a joint to his lips, Yoongi can see why.  
He nods, blowing out a billow of smoke, careless to where it ends up, “She was alone yes, I didn’t speak to her much. She was polite, left me a tip, batted her eyes a bit and left. She’s cute, it’s a shame she’s taken.” He smirks, lifting the joint to his mouth again, “Both literally and figuratively….”  
Yoongi takes a deep breath through his nose, attempting to calm down, “You haven’t seen her since?”  
“No. Honestly, why are you here? Do you really think my guys are into kidnapping? There are plenty of hot woman downstairs. No one is looking to steal. You’re on the wrong side of town for this shit. “  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean,” Jaebeom flicks the ash onto the floor, nodding to the window beside him, “You should be asking questions in the Upside. They hunt poor bitches like that for sport.”  
Yoongi’s anger floods his brain before he can process everything he’s said, “Watch your mouth. She has a name and, I suggest you learn it before I-“  
With a puffed out chest, Jaebeom steps toward Yoongi, “Before what huh?”  
Yoongi moves back, shaking his head, “Nothing I-“ He sighs, holding his hands up, “I’m sorry. I’m angry, its been a long week. My friends and I just want her home.”  
Jaebeom deflates a bit, scanning over the smaller man in front of him, “My sister disappeared two years ago. Same street. Like I said,” Jaebum plops down in his arm chair, sadness flashes through his eyes, “You’re in the wrong part of town…”  
He nods, biting his lip at Jaebeom’s admission, “Did they ever find her?”  
“They might have…” He takes a hit of the joint, blowing it out with a scoff, “if they fucking looked.”  
Yoongi’s blood runs cold then, seeing the similarities between the two situations.  
No one cares about the people who disappear from this part of town.  
He leaves Jaebeom’s room, feeling worse than when he had arrived but, he reports his findings to the group chat anyway.  
Maybe Jaebeom was right, maybe him and his friends were looking on the wrong side of town…  
Jungkook and Hoseok- The Paybrook Motel, Saturday 7:07am  
Jungkook and Hoseok are newer to the harshness of the city. They come from sweet families, with good intentions. The lack of financial resources is compensated with a lot of love and encouragement. Their lives were similar: simple and sweet. They didn’t have too many run ins with childhood trauma or absent parental figures; they loved their home life, probably to a fault.  But given their lack of money and their love of their friends, they also found reasons to love the rooftop. Hoseok uses the concrete as an affordable practice space and Jungkook uses the view as the main muse for his photography.  
You’re running through their head as they approach the motel.  
Hoseok feels a pang of sadness in his chest as he remembers all the times you would cheer him on from your lawn chair, calling him the b-boy of the year, smiling from ear to ear even when he fucks up his choreography.  
Jungkook remembers showing you an album he made of the summer the eight of you had. He remembers you growing teary eyed as he neared the end and, telling him what an amazing photographer he was. He swallows back his tears, gripping Hoseok’s hand as they approach the entrance to the motel, taking a deep breath.  
“Maybe we shouldn’t-” Hoseok looks uneasily toward their connected hands, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip. “I just don’t want them to say anything to you.”  
Jungkook looks down, his chestnut irises narrowed in confusion, “But, we’re just friends hyung...”  
Hoseok nods, sending a sweet smile towards his pure friend, “I know Kook but, they don’t know that. I promise I’ll hold it as soon we leave ok?”  
And Jungkook really has to act like this doesn’t further his misery, sniffling once as he finally nods, pulling away from his best friend, naïve to his reasons for ending their platonic affection.  
Hoseok pats his arm before swinging open the stained-glass door to the motel, allowing Jungkook to step in front of him.  
There is a woman sitting behind the counter, staring intently at her computer screen, not even bothering to look up at the two men that have just entered.  
“Good morning.” Hoseok sends a watery smile her way, which she doesn’t reciprocate.  
In fact, she doesn’t even look his way but, instead she shoves a piece of paper across the wooden countertop, “Fill this out, there’s only two rooms available- “ At this point, she does eye the two of them with a judging glance, “single beds only.”  
“We don’t need a room mam we-” Hoseok begins, feeling rather annoyed but, Jungkook cuts him off and, practically shoves his phone over the counter.  
“This is our friend, her name is Y/N and, she went missing four days ago and, the last place we saw her is here. Have you seen her? Do you remember if anything suspicious happened?”  
Jungkook’s voice is reedy, full of desperation to the point that he grows a little out of breath.  
Hoseok had a plan with a little more finesse but, he knows how desperate Jungkook is to find you.  
He feels the same way...  
The woman looks affronted by his sudden outburst but, she glances at his phone anyway. It’s only for a moment before she brings her attention Hoseok’s way, not bothering to address Jungkook.  
“Nope. I’ve never seen her, sorry.”  
The dismissiveness in her tone surprises Hoseok. He was expecting her to keep her responses to a minimum but, her lie takes him back.  
“Wait are you serious? I live on the 8th floor, my friends come in here all the time. There’s no way you’ve never seen her before.”  
He steps closer to the counter and, the way the woman looks up stirs something inside of him.  
It’s unsettling and insidious.  
It’s as if she’s deceiving them and, she wants them to know she’s deceiving them.  
“I’ve seen you here before,” She shrugs, conceding with part of his point, “but I’ve never seen her. Although, I’m surprised she doesn’t rent a room here too, she looks like the type.”  
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Hoseok feels the venom in his tone and, although it’s unlike him to lose his temper, something about this woman enrages him.  
“Hyung please...” Jungkook’s soft plea paired with a hand to his lower back is enough for Hoseok to back down for the moment but, his nerves are still alight with suspicion. “Mam, we’re really sorry, we’re just worried about our friend. She’s been missing for a while and the police aren’t really doing anything. Are you sure that you’ve never seen her?”  
The woman seems to soften a bit momentarily but, as something on her computer seems to move suddenly into her view, she toughens up again, shaking her head.  
“Never. Is there anything else we- I can do for you?”  
Hoseok grits his teeth, restraining his urges to throw her glass of iced tea into her face.  
“No, I guess not.”  
She offers a thin smile, that doesn’t reach her eyes, “Have a nice day then. Thank you for visiting The Paybrook Motel.”  
Before Hoseok can throw an insult her way, Jungkook offers a pleasant goodbye before practically dragging his hyung out of the lobby.  
“Yah! Why were you so easy on her? She’s obviously lying! Did you see the look on her face? She knows something Jungkook, I’m telling you she does...” Hoseok is ablaze with frustration, moving quickly to the end of the awning that decorates the front of the motel.  
He’s waiting for Jungkook to join him but, instead he sees his friend moving aimlessly towards him, tears in his eyes.  
The sight makes Hoseok’s heart ache.  
“Hyung...don’t you get it? No one wants to help us.” His voice is wavering through his sadness, doing it’s best to keep afloat, “Even if she knows something, she doesn’t want to tell us. The police won’t help, the signs we put up are all in the sewer by now- no one gives a shit that she’s gone.”  
At this moment, Jungkook breaks down, his tears finally streaming down his face. He stops in the middle of the walkway, disregarding the confused looks from the patrons heading into the building.  
“Shit Kookie, don’t cry ok?”  
Hoseok rushes over to him in the midst of his hypocrisy, because he’s crying too.  
He hasn’t cried since you disappeared but, seeing his best friend break down and, knowing that life would never again be the same crushes him in a way he can’t handle.  
“Come here...come here. Hyung is here ok? Ok? We gotta pull it together.” He sniffles, pulling Jungkook into his arms, placing a kiss on top of his head.  
Jungkook doesn’t let up and, continues to cry silently into Hoseok’s t-shirt.  
“I just want her to come home hyung...”  
Hoseok nods immediately, tilting his head back to slow his tears. It’s a useless endeavor but, he tries anyway until a man’s voice interrupts their moment.  
“I saw her.”  
Hoseok and Jungkook are quick to pull away, turning their attention towards the voice in question.  
It’s obvious the man is a security guard of some kind but, Hoseok has never seen him before.  
“Excuse me?”  
The man nods to the rooftop, “I saw your friend the night she left here.”  
Hoseok approaches the man, noticing the way he seems to shrink away from his presence, “What did you see? Did you see anyone with her?”  
He nods, “Yeah, that small dude you hang out with, the messy hair...he was wearing a yellow shirt?”  
Jungkook moves to stand behind Hoseok, “That’s her boyfriend. He’s one of our friends too, he walked her out that night. He came right back up though, did you see anyone else?”  
The security guard smirks, “Hm that’s interesting.”  
Hoseok narrows his eyes, “Why?”  
The guard nods to the street parallel to the conversation, “Because she met up with someone else...”  
Jungkook and Hoseok make eye contact then, a bit of shock running through them.  
“Who was it?”  
The guard chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, his indifference insulting the two of them, “Listen, I’m new around here alright?  I don’t know names or shit like that, I just know that after your friend was kissing on one guy, she met up with some dude in a suit, you can do with that what you will but, that’s all I got for you.”  
“Jin hyung said something about a suit too.” Jungkook mutters beside Hoseok prompting a nod from him.  
“Thank you. We appreciate it and, uh listen if you hear or see anything else. I’m on the 8th floor. Room 26.”  
The guard nods, tipping his hat toward the both of them, “Will do. Be safe out there, this city is uh, an interesting place.”  
As the man moves back towards the motel Jungkook turns to Hoseok, bewildered by the information they’ve received.  
“Hyung do you-” Jungkook hesitates, the words not wanting to leave his tongue, “-do you think she left on her own? She wouldn’t do that right?”  
Hoseok keeps an eye on the guard as he disappears behind the stained glass, a sick feeling looming in his stomach.  
“No Jungkook, she wouldn’t.”  
Taehyung- La Petite Galerie, Saturday 12:46pm  
Taehyung's been painting since he was a child. Adopted into a French family, he learned his two favorite crafts from an early age: painting and charisma. He was the star of his elementary school, wooing his classmates with the use of his second language and, wooing his teachers with his painting abilities. Consistently, he placed first in his school’s art fair. He was labeled as a prodigy and, selected for all of the finest performing arts schools in the city. However, prestigious art schools come at a price his family couldn’t afford. So, he had to stay behind with the rest of his classmates, whilst his parents begin saving money. He’s so thankful that he did though because, high school is where he met his second family. The family who he’s met on the rooftop since he was 15 years old, the family who’s helped him through his darkest days, the family who’s recently been torn apart...  
He’s missing you as he walks into the gallery.  
It’s one of his favorite parts about the rooftop along with the view of the city skyline.  
You and Taehyung have sat together many times, admiring the well-dressed people walking into the gallery.  
You would always say that they were simply apart of a different world and, that you never hated them for their riches.  
Taehyung admired that about you because, he wishes he could say the same.  
But, he knows he’d be lying.  
One day, Taehyung had been brave enough to come into the gallery and, he actually made friends with the owner.  
Taehyung makes friends with everyone.  
But this woman, Clementine, had a particular soft spot for his French abilities and, gave Taehyung discounted admission for all of his friends.  
Eventually, Taehyung brought the eight of you in with him and, much to his surprise, you all enjoyed yourselves.  
He remembers that day as he steps under the warm glow of the gallery lights...  
Jin made puns about the paintings  
Namjoon endlessly dissected the potential meanings behind them  
Yoongi had admired them quietly, murmuring observations that no one could hear  
Hoseok laughed way too loud at the statue bestowing a marble penis  
Jungkook kept to Taehyung’s side as he expertly explained the stories behind the artwork  
But the image that hurts Taehyung the most is the way you looked at Jimin as he stared in awe up at the paintings.  
Taehyung had never seen someone so enamored with another person before and, he realized why so many artists use love as their muse.  
He felt happiness in his heart that you and Jimin were so happy, so much so, that he didn’t even bother thinking of his own romantic future.  
He was content.  
His family was here, admiring art in their own way, just as it was intended.  
A bit of panic rushes through him at the thought of never having you all together again.  
But determination comes along with it, reminding him why he’s visiting the gallery today.  
“Excusez-moi, j'ai rendez-vous avec Clémentine aujourd'hui (Excuse me, I have an appointment with Clementine today).”  
The woman behind the ivory desk smiles pleasantly at him, “Ah oui Monsieur Kim, asseyez-vous et je sais qu'elle est arrivée.” (Ah yes, Mr. Kim, have a seat and I’ll let her know you’ve arrived)  
He bows his head slightly, sending a tight-lipped smile her way, “Merci.” (Thank you)  
Taehyung takes a seat on the upholstered chairs near the entrance, thankful that the crowd level is mild today. It’s unexpected for a Saturday but, he doesn’t complain, he doesn’t think he can handle excessive human interaction.  
He waits for roughly 10 minutes before a nimble woman with auburn hair comes bustling out of the back room, arms opening wide as soon as she sees him.  
“Taehyung, ma chérie viens ici, viens à Clémentine...” (Taehyung, my darling come here, come to Clementine)  
Her pink lipstick accentuates the pout in her lips as she ushers Taehyung into a tight hug, her fake breasts providing very little comfort but, he accepts her affection anyway.  
He needs it.  
“Bonjour Clementine, (Hello Clementine)” He pats her hips respectively, smiling warmly as he pulls away, “Merci de me rencontrer... (Thanks for meeting me).”  
She scoffs, waving him off as she eagerly pulls him into her office, “Non-sens, je n'accepterai pas de gratitude de votre part pendant cette période.” (Nonsense, I will not except gratitude from you during this time)  
Taehyung offers her a half smile, adjusting his coat and stepping through the archway.  
Clementine’s office is tasteful, covered in various shades of pink and her most favorite pieces she’s hand-picked from the gallery.  
It’s a little loud for Taehyung but, he agrees that it’s uniquely Clementine and, he feels content enough in her presence to deal with it.  
She rushes around her desk, plopping down on her pearl encrusted office chair, “Asseyez-vous ici mon doux garçon...” (Sit here my sweet boy)  
Her face stays firm with pity as she places her manicured fingers on the marble, “Dis-moi, ont-ils entendu quelque chose?” (Tell me, have they heard anything?)  
Taehyung left posters at the gallery the day after you went missing and, Clementine was all too eager to post them all over the building’s exterior.  
He shakes his head, settling into the crushed velvet beneath him, “Non. La police n'a rien. J'ai peur qu'ils ne la recherchent même pas.” (No. The police have nothing. I’m afraid they aren’t even looking for her.)  
With a tsk of her lips, Clementine shakes her head, “Inutile.” (Useless) She spits the word, leaning back into her chair, “Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose? Je sais que tu as dit que tes amis regardaient.” (Have you found anything? I know you said your friends were looking)  
“Nous avons entendu quelques choses, mais nous n'avons pas encore beaucoup de pistes. On se retrouve demain soir pour faire un plan.” (We’ve heard a few things but, we don’t have many leads. We meet tomorrow evening to make a plan.) He feels the disappointment in his heart, wishing he was giving her a different answer, his predicament leaving him helpless.  
“Desole.” (Sorry) She replies, pouting her lips and tucking her auburn hair behind her ear, “C'est dégoûtant de voir comment cette ville est dirigée.” (It’s disgusting how this city is run.)  
A humorless laugh leaves Taehyung’s lip as he nods, “Oui. Oui ça l’est. C'est pourquoi je suis venu vers toi clémentine.” (Yes. Yes it is. That’s why I came to you Clementine.)  
She looks a little flustered by his comment, scooting closer to the edge of her seat, placing a hand to her chest, “Moi? Qu'est-ce que tu as besoin de moi?” (Me? What do you need from me?)  
Taehyung feels a little dirty at his next move but, he does it without a second thought.  
Smiling, he extends a hand towards Clementine, catching her gaze with his, “Nous venons de mondes différents oui?” (We come from different worlds, yes?)  
Against her better judgement, Clementine places her hand timidly atop Taehyungs, nearly shuddering at his warmth, “Oui, mais ça n'a pas d'importance.” (Yes but, that doesn’t matter)  
Taehyung pretends to be surprised by her answer, “Non? Pouvez-vous voir au-delà de cela?” (No? Can you see beyond that?)  
She leans towards his voice, allured by the way it caramelizes in the air around her, “Je ne vois pas ces choses. L'argent, la couleur, l'âge, ce n'est pas important.” (I don’t see these things. Money, color, age, they aren’t important)  
If he were in a different situation, he would notice the ignorance in her statement. But instead, he begins rubbing his thumb over the back of her knuckles, smiling prettily all the while.  
Clementine is melting beneath his touch, her body subconsciously slouching in her chair.  
“Vous vous souciez de moi malgré ces choses, n'est-ce pas?” (You care for me despite those things, don’t you?)  
Eagerly, she nods, licking her lips before tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, “Oui mon amour.” (Yes my love.)  
Taehyung  leans closer to her, mustering up the best smolder he can manage, “J'ai besoin de savoir ce que vous entendez dans votre monde chéri.” (I need to know what you hear in that world of yours darling.)  
Bless her, Clementine really is doomed.  
“Mon monde? Que voulez-vous dire?” (My world? What do you mean?)  
Taehyung delights in her confusion, taking a moment to seal the deal as he raises her knuckles to his lips, “Vous êtes au country club de Chamomile oui?” (You are in the Chamomile Country Club yes?)  
As he asks his question, he presses a few kisses to her skin, keeping eye contact with her all the while.  
Clementine lets out a shaky breath, placing her free hand to her chest, “Mon dieu...” (My god...) She mutters under her breath, fanning herself before responding to his original question, “Oui, Je suis.” (Yes, I am)  
He grins, still kissing over the expanse of her knuckles, “Dites-moi, entendez-vous quelque chose d'étrange lorsque vous assistez?” (Tell me, do you hear anything strange when you attend?)  
“Étrange?” (Strange?)  
“Oui, etrange. Quelque chose que vous n'êtes pas censé entendre.” (Yes, strange. Something you are not supposed to hear.)  
Clementine’s eyes shoot back and forth across the room, looking unsure of her response, “Mon amour, tu sais que je veux t'aider mais je déteste les potins. C'est désagréable.” (My love, I really want to help you but, I hate to gossip. It’s distasteful)
Taehyung pretends to smile fondly at her, stopping at her middle finger, dragging his lips up the length of it, “Il n'y a rien de désagréable chez toi bébé.” (There is nothing distasteful about baby) As he gets to the base of her hand, he parts both her middle and ring finger before licking right between the two digits suggestively, “En fait, je parie que vous avez un goût incroyable.” (In fact, I bet you taste incredible)
Clementine’s pink lipstick is smudging with the amount of times she’s licked her lips but, she does it again anyway for good measure.
“Vous avez une langue en argent Taehyung, prévoyez-vous de l'utiliser sur moi?” (You have a silver tongue Taehyung, do you plan to use it on me?)
The deep timbre of his chuckle sends goosebumps up Clementine’s spine and, her body is stretched across her marble desk in a rather uncomfortable way but, she doesn’t care.
All she wants is Taehyung.
“Voici ma proposition: vous utilisez votre langue pour parler et quand vous aurez terminé, j'utiliserai la mienne pour goûter.  Comment cette sonne?” (Here is my proposal: you will use your tongue to speak and, when you are done. I will use mine to taste, how does that sound?)
Clementine’s legs part subconsciously beneath her desk, the pink satin of her underwear stained with her arousal.
With her hand still in Taehyung’s grip she clears her throat, tilting her head innocently, “Le Country Club, que tu dis?” (The country club, you say?)
Taehyung smirks, sending a nod her way, “Oui.” (Yes)
“Je me souviens avoir entendu quelque chose de mal le mois dernier.” (I do remember hearing something wrong last month)
He kisses the back of her hand sweetly before returning it to the desk and, allowing her the proper head space to recall information.
Because, who in their right mind would be able to tell a story whilst Taehyung was kissing on them like that?
Clementine seems to deflate a bit, attempting to compose herself as Taehyung gestures for her to continue.
“Quand j'étais dans le salon de thé, je pouvais entendre les costumes parler de quelque chose qui me faisait un peu peur.” (When I was in the tea room, I could hear the suits talking about something that scared me a little)
Taehyung’s brows furrow, “Les costumes?” (The suits?)
She nods, biting her lip in hesitation, “Oui, c'est ce que les membres appellent les propriétaires du country club.” (Yes, this is what the members call the owners of the country club)
He’s watching her intently, nodding as she explains, “Qu'est-ce que tu as entendu?” (What did you hear?)
She seems to crumble under his gaze like a paper swan; torn between her desire to please him and her desire to remain proper.
“Mon amour, c'est vraiment une chose terrible…” (My love, it’s really a terrible thing…)
Taehyung’s quick on his feet, taking her hand yet again, throwing a yearning look in her direction, “Clémentine, s'il vous plaît ... mon cher ami est absent. Vous pourriez être le seul espoir que mes frères et moi ayons pour la ramener à la maison en toute sécurité. Quand elle reviendra, je te couvrirai de mille baisers pour te remercier de ce que tu as fait.” (Clementine, please…my dear friend is absent. You could be the only hope that my brothers and I have for bringing her home safely. When she returns, I’ll cover you with a thousand kisses to thank you for what you have done)
Clementine sighs dreamily, her hand limp in his grip, her legs parting further at the baritone in his voice,
“Un millier?” (A thousand?)
Taehyung gives her a thin smile, “Un millier. Maintenant s'il te plait, ma rose, dis moi ce que tu as entendu.” (A thousand. Now please, my rose, tell me what you heard)
Clementine shrinks again, looking warily around the room before she finally answers, “Je les ai entendus parler de meurtre.” (I heard them talking about murder)
It’s then Taehyung feels the hot fiery sting of fear stabbing its way into his gut, “Meurtre?” (Murder?)
She senses his uneasiness so; she tightens her grip on his hand as she continues, “Ils ont dit qu'ils prenaient le travail d'un homme important qui allait au-delà de ce qu'ils avaient fait auparavant. Ils étaient inquiets de se faire prendre.” (They said they were taking a job from an important man that went above and beyond anything they’ve done before. They were worried about getting caught)
Taehyung shakes his head in disgust, hoping desperately that you aren’t connected to the conversation she heard.
“Quoi d'autre?” (What else?)
Clementine shakes her head, “C'est tout ce que j'ai pu entendre, mon thé est arrivé pendant leur conversation.” (That’s all I could hear, my tea arrived during their conversation)
Taehyung holds back his anger as he’s reminded of the kind of person Clementine really is.
She’s sweet sure but, she’s tragically selfish.
She’s well off and, only cares for matters that concern her; otherwise she is uninterested.
All he can muster is a tight lipped smile as he suddenly stands from the crushed velvet, “Je vois. Merci de votre temps, appelez-moi si vous vous souvenez d'autre chose.” (I see. Thank you for your time, please call me if you remember anything else)
Clementine rises with him, rushing around her desk, “Tu es en train de partir? Je pensais que tu resterais un moment, tu ne devrais pas être seule en ce moment chérie.” (You’re leaving? I thought you would stay a while, you shouldn’t be alone now honey)
Taehyung gives her the fakest smile he can muster, brushing his thumb across her rubbery cheek, “Je reviendrai te voir. Merci pour votre aide, vous êtes un saint.” (I’ll come back and see you. Thank you for your help, you’re a saint)
She rubs her face against his hand like a cat in heat and, whines for him in a similar fashion, “Mon dieu, nous sommes comme Romeo et Juliette…” (My god, we are like Romeo and Juliet…)
He’s disgusted by her lack of awareness but, he plays the part anyway, tucking a finger underneath her chin, “La séparation est une si douce douleur.” (Parting is such sweet sorrow)
With a brush of his lips against hers, he quickly departs, leaving Clementine alone with her desire.
Taehyung rushes through the afternoon crowd of the gallery, feeling grateful for the crisp air that greets him when he pushes the doors open.
His mind is racing; this is the third mention of the suits and, although it isn’t much, it’s the only solid lead the seven of them have.
They need to re-group as soon as possible because, the likelihood that they fill find you alive wanes with each hour that passes.
Taehyung feels horrified at the thought that passes through his brain:
What if they are already too late?
Act III- Tuer La Grande Maison
“Jungkook, pass me a cigarette…”  
Jimin mumbles from across the fire, the light drained from his eyes.  
Jungkook’s first instinct is to question him; Jimin quit smoking two years ago.  
But, he stops himself just as the words crawl up his tongue and, instead he nods silently.  
“Here you go.” He practically whispers, passing the cigarette to Hoseok who then moves it around the circle.  
There is a stale bit of silence that rushes through the group and, everyone seems to look at Jimin to start things off.  
But Jimin doesn’t look up, he just uses his shaky hands to light his cigarette. He takes the first inhale, his eyelids flutter as the nicotine infiltrates his senses.  
Through the smoke, Jimin shoots a dead gaze across the circle, “I have nothing else to report. Lady says she has her best guys on it but, I don’t think it matters…”  
Yoongi interjects, “Aren’t you wondering about the suits? I mean they have to have something to do with this. It’s not a coincidence that three of our sources mentioned them…”  
Jimin lets a humorless laugh leave his lips, “The suits,” He shakes his head, “They sound like a bunch of fucking DC villains.”  
Namjoon and Jin exchange something wordless between them before Jin decides to speak up,  
“Jimin, I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for all of us but, we need to keep at it. We have good information; we just need to keep digging.”  
Jimin feels his eyes burn with the promise of tears but, he just doesn’t have it in him to cry right now.  
He’s too exhausted.  
With another drag of his cigarette, he meets his hyung’s eyes with a hopelessness that shakes Jin to his core, “We don’t any money hyung, that’s all this town cares about. Maybe that’s all she cared about too…”  
Yoongi is known for his tepid disposition.  
He’s known for being the careful one, the collected one; so much so, that in high school Jin and Namjoon used to call him Mouse and, sometimes they still do.  
But right now, Yoongi is angry and, he’s not angry for the same reasons he was yesterday…  
“What are you insinuating?” Yoongi’s tone is clipped and, the intensity of his stare is enough to garner Jimin’s attention.  
He flicks the ash onto the ground, “I’m just saying…maybe I should consider the possibility that she left town on purpose.”  
“You should consider?” Yoongi bites back and, the tension between the two men immediately disperses throughout the group.  
Jimin glances to the side before looking back at Yoongi, “Yes. It’s been almost a week. The police aren’t interested in finding her, no one seems to want to speak more than they have to and, the only lead we have is that she met up with some man in a suit. According to all of your reports, she looked comfortable with him. So, what if she was? What if she was tired of being in this filthy fucking town?” He scoffs, bitterness in his tone, “I wouldn’t blame her honestly, I just wish she would have disappeared before making me fall in love with her. That would have been nice…”  
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”  
Yoongi stands up, another rare occurrence, and glares at Jimin over the fire, “Do you realize how selfish you sound? You aren’t the only one who lost someone Jimin, she’s like a sister to us. She’s not the type of person to just run away from her problems and, you should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting that she’s that much of a coward.”  
Jimin is a respectful man, he honors the age hierarchy amongst his friends but, he disregards formalities in this moment and fights back.  
“She isn’t a coward. It’s a brave move to leave your family behind to pursue a better life, I just wish she would have left a note or something.”  
“Jimin,” Namjoon interjects, trying to keep the peace as he places a hand on his thigh, “Y/N didn’t run away. She wouldn’t do something like that. C’mon you know her right? She loves you, she loves all of us.”  
Jimin crosses his arms defensively, “Did she? I mean…from what I’ve gathered Namjoon, you don’t abandon the people you love. But she left me anyway…”  
Yoongi moves closer to him, throwing is own cigarette into the fire, his brow furrowed with his growing frustration, “Why do you think your relationship with her is more important?”  
Before Jimin has a chance to respond, Yoongi interrupts him.  
“Because you two fuck? Is that why?” He glares at his best friend, with a level of fury that stifles Jimin’s martyrdom, “She taught Jungkook how to drive, she stayed up with Jin and Namjoon for six weeks straight when they were studying for their exit exams, she took Hoseok to work for months while he was saving up for his car. She gave up her studio for Taehyung’s family and, slept in her car while their house was recovering from last year’s flood. She- “ Yoongi starts out with a strong voice but, it slowly begins to falter as he gets to his addition to the list. His black hair moves fluidly with the breeze and, he looks away from Jimin. “She was there the night I- when I was…”  
The sentence is loaded and, thankfully for Yoongi, he doesn’t need to complete it.  
They all know what he’s talking about.  
Jimin feels an enormous amount of guilt wash over him as he sees his calm and collected hyung, fight the tears in his eyes.  
“Just because she’s your girlfriend doesn’t mean you get a bigger stake in grieving over her, she’s important to all of us, not just you.”  
The heaviness is enough to crush the seven men sitting around the fire.  
Yoongi is frozen in his spot, staring down at Jimin with the authority of the second eldest but also, with the desperation of a friend in need.  
Jimin finally lets the sting win and, the tears fall unceremoniously down his cheeks as he tries to meet Yoongi’s gaze.  
“I’m so sorry hyung.” He’s ashamed of his behavior and, he expects Yoongi to scold him further but, instead he kneels down beside him, placing a firm hand on his leg.  
“We are going to find her.”  
It’s all he says but, it prompts to Jimin to pull him into a hug and, the two of them share a moment before Jungkook says something that shifts the course of the evening.  
“Hyung…” He begins, looking up from his phone, “How does your friend know what kind of car Y/N drives?”  
“My friend?” Jimin sniffles, wiping his tears with the back of his hand, “What friend?”  
Hoseok looks uneasy beside Jungkook as well, staring intently at Jimin as he awaits for an answer.  
“Lady. The one you work for, how does she know what kind of car Y/N drives.”  
Jimin just shrugs and, with a nod he requests another cigarette as Yoongi returns to his seat,  
“She said it was in the news report the police published. I thought it was weird too especially since her car’s been in the shop but, the police have access to that kind of information so it makes sense.” He replies with a narrowed gaze, jerking his chin in his direction, “Why?”  
“There’s nothing about her car in the papers.”  
With Jungkook’s response, time almost freezes as a few members of the group seems to realize something dreadful.  
“Wha- How do you know that?” Jimin hasn’t caught on yet but, he knows his friends well and, there is a change in their posture that he notices, “Why does that matter?”  
Jungkook turns his phone in Jimin’s direction as a demonstration and, his voice begins to shake with his realization, “I searched everywhere hyung, it hasn’t appeared in a single article. How would she know something like that? Her car has been in the shop for two months…”  
Jimin’s reaction is immediate denial but, something crawls up his throat; something he doesn’t want to acknowledge.  
“Are you really thinking Lady had something to do with this?” He guffaws, taking another hit from his cigarette, “You know she’s like 70 right?”  
“Have you ever mentioned that she drives a civic before?” Hoseok chimes in, a look of concern on his face.  
Jimin shrugs, annoyed by their inflated reactions, “I don’t know? I wouldn’t remember telling her something like that but, I wouldn’t doubt if it came up especially when her cables were- “ His mouth parts then, cutting off his own sentence, “When her cables were cut…”  
“What are you talking about?” Yoongi pipes up and, everyone seems to lean towards the center of the circle subconsciously, growing closer without even realizing it.  
“When I was…” Jimin’s eyes are lit up with a thousand emotions as he tries to gather his thoughts, “When I was talking to her about Y/N she asked me if I thought it was the same person who cut the cables on her car. But-  I don’t remember telling her why Y/N’s car was in the shop.”  
“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Hoseok rushes out, nearly tripping over his words.  
“I- I didn’t make the connection, I just thought she was trying to help… oh my god.” Jimin brings his watery gaze around the circle, “Oh fuck. Do you think she knows? Do you think she knows what happened to her?”  
“Jimin…” Taehyung finally breaks his silence, “I think she is what happened to her.”  
And he wants to protest, because Lady is like a mother to him. She’s always there, helping him through his difficulties; she even gave him advice on how to confess to Y/N properly…none of this makes sense.  
“Think about it,” Taehyung continues, “She’s the wealthiest person in town, she knows everyone, she’s always checking up on you…don’t you think it’s a little odd that she’s so involved?”  
“I don’t know, I just thought she had connections, that’s why I went to her in the first place.”  
Jimin feels weak at this development and, Jungkook quickly takes his hand to soothe him.  
“What are we waiting for then? Lets go.” Yoongi stands with a firm look of determination but, Namjoon stops him.  
“Wait, we can’t just go busting into an old woman’s house and accuse her of kidnapping our friend. We have to have enough evidence…”  
“We have enough evidence.” Hoseok inserts, wearing a similar expression to Yoongi, “And old woman or not, if that bitch has our friend-“  
Jin comes through, intervening as things get intense, “Namjoon is right. We can’t do that. Look at us, she’d get one look and, call the police and, then we’d be the ones in handcuffs.”  
“Hyung, we literally just established a solid reason to be suspicious of someone.” Jungkook asserts, confusion evident on his features.  
Jin rolls his eyes, “All we’ve established is that Jimin may or may not have told her Y/N’s cables were cut. Lady owns half of the city, she’s more than capable of finding out what happened to Y/N’s car. This isn’t a lead, it’s odd yeah but, it’s not enough to accuse her with. She probably looked into Y/N’s vehicle information as soon as she went missing...”  
With Jin’s reasoning in place, the group seems to deflate a bit and, Jimin feels slightly relieved that he doesn’t have to suspect yet another person he’s supposed to trust.  
“I don’t know.” Jungkook’s small voice asserts, “I still think it’s weird.”  
With pursed lips, Hoseok nods along with his statement, looking longingly at the now empty back of cigarettes, “I agree.”  
“We don’t have to drop it completely, if anyone has any ideas on how to figure out more information, we should do that. Every lead is worth pursuing.” Namjoon murmurs  
“What do you think we should do?” Jungkook’s Bambi disposition is privy to Namjoon’s opinion and, he often turns to him in times of stress.  
“I have an idea.” Yoongi speaks instead, running his hand over the back of his neck, “I think I need to go back to the club. Jaebeom said the police might have found his sister if they had bothered to look for her, it kind of made me think that he had an idea of where she ended up...”  
“I’ll go with you.”  Jimin replies, throwing his cigarette into the fire  
Yoongi shakes his head, “I should go alone. He was kind of an asshole when I went the first time, I don’t even know if he’ll talk to me again.”  
Jimin chews on the inside of his cheek, wanting to protest but, he trusts Yoongi’s judgement.  
Besides, he can’t handle anyone’s attitude right now.  
“Anyone else think they need to revisit their leads?” Yoongi surveys the circle with cat-like precision, already crafting his future conversation with Jaebeom in his mind.  
Namjoon has glanced towards the direction of the Marquee River several times now and Jin, who is so tuned in to his mannerisms, notices.  
“What is it?”  
Namjoon purses his lips, “I think I need to speak with the groundskeeper again…”  
Hoseok wrinkles his nose in disgust, “The crazy guy with the bad breath?”  
He sighs, finally pulling his attention from the direction of the river, “What if his rambling actually meant something? He kept calling me madam…”  
“Namjoon,” Jin begins, placing a hand on his thigh, “he’s obviously sick, he didn’t even know who you were. How are you supposed to get anything meaningful from this guy?”  
“I don’t know. But, I think I should try…”  
“I’ll go with you hyung.” Jungkook vows, his eyes wide with his faith, “If that guys tries anything on you, I’ll kick his ass.”  
Jungkook’s very serious statement elicits something that the rooftop hasn’t heard in a while: laughter.  
They all laugh for a moment, basking in the tiny bit of innocence still left in their complicated world.  
And as the laughter dies down, Taehyung offers a sentiment that they can all agree on,  
“Let’s go find our friend.”  
After a few more cigarettes and a swig from Hoseok’s bottle of vodka, they all part ways.  
Namjoon and Jungkook head to the Marquee River whilst Yoongi prepares himself for a second visit to Ginseng. Jin and Taehyung head back to the night market to see if any of them have more information and, Hoseok finally convinces Jimin to get some rest.  
He’s been up for three days straight but, he hasn’t slept a full night since Tuesday.  
It’s hard but, after a bit more vodka, he finally passes out on Hoseok’s sofa.  
His torn between wanting to dream of you and, praying that he won’t.  
He wants to see your face but, fuck, it hurts so bad to do so.  
Namjoon and Jungkook- The Marquee River, Sunday 5:49pm  
Thankfully, the sun is just on the brink of setting when Namjoon and Jungkook arrive at the river. On Namjoon’s last visit, the moon was out and, very little people were left which left him more vulnerable. Now, not only does he have daylight on his side but, he also has a very vigilant and very protective dongsaeng to keep him company.  
“I’m just gonna stand back and, let you do your thing hyung but, if things get a little heated…I got your back ok? You just say the word and I’ll lay him out.” Jungkook vows, puffing his chest out as they approach the area Namjoon last saw the groundskeeper.  
He chuckles, patting Jungkook on the shoulder, “Thank you. I appreciate you coming with me. We shouldn’t be too long, especially if he starts rambling again.”  
Jungkook just nods, keeping close to his hyung, resisting the urge to hold his hand.  
He really wishes platonic hand-holding was more acceptable.  
Namjoon tenses up as he spots the groundskeeper near one of the trash cans but, he takes a deep breath and jerks his head in his direction, “There he is…”  
Jungkook nods, his expression tightening a bit as he prepares for the worst.  
“Hello?” Namjoon calls out tentatively  
The groundskeeper is dressed in slightly cleaner coat but, Namjoon still tenses up regardless.  
“Good evening gentleman.” The man turns around, smiling brightly, a rake grasped firmly in his hand, “What can I do for you?”  
Namjoon is confused.  
Is this the same man?  
He looks the same but, cleaner?  
And he isn’t laughing...  
What the hell is going on?  
“Uh good evening um...” Namjoon’s eyes flit to Jungkook, “Do you uh- do you remember me?”  
The man cocks his head, narrowing his eyes for a moment before shaking his head,  
“No, I’m so sorry I don’t. Have we met before?”  
Namjoon nods immediately but, for a moment he wonders if the experience he had the other night was some sort of stress induced hallucination.  
“Yeah, I came here the other night. I asked you if you had seen my friend?”  
For good measure, Namjoon holds up his phone, showing your photo and, the man pushes his glasses up his nose and leans in.  
He still has the scar but, his face isn’t greasy.  
His hair is combed to the side and, he doesn’t smell like slow death.  
Namjoon’s heart picks up at the thought of his own sanity slipping from him until the man finally seems to remember something.  
“Oh my-” He pulls back and shoots a wary look Namjoon’s way, “I do remember you. My goodness, I am so incredibly sorry, I probably scared the daylights out of you.”  
Namjoon’s polite nature causes him to chuckle uneasily but, he keeps his distance, not fully trusting this guy’s demeanor.  
“Yeah you uh, you definitely did. So uh...”  
The man cuts him off, placing a hand on his shoulder, “I suffered a head injury two years ago. The damage to my brain causes brief bouts of psychosis and, unfortunately I didn’t have enough money to refill my prescription.” The man extends his hand towards Namjoon and Jungkook, “My name is Nestor, please forgive my behavior. I can imagine it was quite shocking...”  
Namjoon and Jungkook were raised to be polite men so, despite their hesitation; they shake his hand, bowing their heads as they do.  
“I see. I’m sorry to hear about your accident.”  
Nestor chuckles and, something flashes in his eyes that Namjoon can’t quite decipher, “Oh it was no accident son, I was attacked.”  
Jungkook narrows his eyes and, although he claimed he wouldn’t speak, his curiosity gets the best of him, “By who?”  
Nestor looks to the side for a moment before glancing back at them,  
“I can’t remember.”  
“That’s awfully convenient.” Jungkook can’t help but observe with a pouted mouth and, Namjoon lightly smacks his chest.  
“Sorry but, you don’t remember?”  
Namjoon’s intricate brain is searching for ways to connect the dots but, the man is offering him very little information.  
“No, the doctors said I was attacked and, left for dead. I suffered damage to my hippocampus and, this caused a pretty bad episode of amnesia. I couldn’t remember who I was or how old I was, the only thing I could remember is my cat’s name...” He chuckles and, the clouded film over his eyes adds to the pain that flashes through them, “Which is quite funny you see because, my cat’s name is Cognac so, when I kept asking for Cognac, the nurses would try and explain to me over and over that I couldn’t have alcohol in my state.”  
Jungkook and Namjoon offer their condolences in the form of breathless laughter but, their level of empathy quickly absorb Nestor’s sadness.  
“Anyway...” Nestor gestures to Namjoon’s cellphone as a means to change the subject, “I have seen your friend before but, I don’t remember the last time I saw her. I’m terribly sorry...”  
Jungkook pipes up, “It’s ok sir, we understand, your hippo is damaged, that’s not your fault.”  
Namjoon’s mouth opens in disbelief and, he wants to correct Jungkook’s mistake but, he has more important matters to attend to.  
“I hope this isn’t too much for you but, the last time I was here- “ He hesitates, glancing over at Nestor, “-last time I was here, you kept calling me madam. Is there any significance to that?”  
“Oh...” Nestor chuckles, tucking a bit of his gray hair behind his ear, “I’m sure I was talking about my wife. It’s common for me in those episodes to ask for her. She passed away two years ago.”  
This is something Namjoon has been waiting for.  
Two years ago, this man was attacked.  
Two years ago, his wife passed away.  
Two years ago, Jaebeom’s sister went missing.  
There must be some correlation.  
“It was lovely meeting you gentleman. Unfortunately, I have to get back to my duties,” He gestures to the multi-colored leaves littered on the ground, “, these leaves aren’t going to rake themselves.”  
Namjoon understands of course and, they quickly shake hands again but, just before the two men turn to leave, Jungkook’s randomized curiosity strikes again.  
“What happened to your cat?”  
Nestor seems to search his brain and, his features almost crumple with a bit of desperation,  
“I don’t- I don’t remember.”  
Jungkook just nods, offering him a small smile before him and Namjoon move through the trees towards the street.  
Yoongi- Ginseng Night Club, Sunday 8:37pm  
As Yoongi enters the club for the second time, he carries himself much differently. He ignores the looks from the patrons littered on the couches, he ignores the bass vibrating in his bones, he ignores the jabs from the bartender as he asks to speak with Jaebeom.  
His anxiety is replaced with determination.  
When Jaebeom swings open the door a second time, he’s toned body is only covered by a pair of jeans.  
With another joint between his fingers, Jaebeom smirks down at Yoongi, “Are you here for business or pleasure?”  
Yoongi shamelessly allows his eyes to move over Jaebeom’s figure, admiring it but, also noting that his skin is littered with more than just tattoos.  
Nail marks run down the length of his abdomen, purple bruises congregate on the left side of his neck and, his lips are swollen with evidence of kissing.  
“Looks like you’ve had enough pleasure for the evening.” Yoongi notes in Korean, forcing his gaze away from Jaebeom’s body, “I need to ask you a few more questions.”  
Jaebeom’s smirk never falters as he pulls the joint to his lips. With a jerk of his head, he ushers Yoongi inside, shutting the door behind him, “Make it quick, I have company coming…”  
Yoongi wants to make a comment but, he knows it’s not important enough so, he starts with his first question, “I know this might be hard to talk about but when I was here last night, you said something about your sister going missing.”  
A noticeable change runs through Jaebeom’s body as he takes his seat, “Yeah, what about it?”  
“I thought it was odd that they-  my friend and your sister,” He elaborates, “went missing on the same street and the way you spoke about it, it was like you knew something about where she went…”  
Jaebeom tenses up with the subject change but, he sees something in Yoongi that he likes, there is an honesty to him that Jaebeom fucks with, “I have a feeling, yes, but I could never prove it.”  
Yoongi offers silence as a way to encourage him to continue and, Jaebeom obliges despite his hesitation.  
“Her and her boyfriend used to come in to the club every Thursday night for Happy Hour. They had been dating for a while and, things seemed to be going all right. But one night, she came in alone and I asked her where he was and, she told me they were taking a break.” Jaebeom’s expression shifts again and Yoongi, being the empath that he is, senses the onslaught of negative emotion. “She wouldn’t tell me what happened. She just kept begging me to stay out of it and, she made me promise her I wouldn’t confront him. He came in to the club later that night and, some of my guys told me they got into a huge fight-“  
Yoongi interjects, “Did you see anything?”  
He shakes his head and, before he elaborates, he takes another hit of his blunt, “No, I was up here doing a deal but, the next thing I know, my friends are coming up here and, telling me that my sister ran out of the club, crying and shit. I tried to call her, I even went out on the street and, asked everyone if they saw her but…” His voice tightens before he blows smoke from his lips, “…nothing. I blew up her phone for the rest of the night but, she never responded. I went to the police the next day and, surprise surprise, they were fucking useless. They kept saying that ‘girls like her runaway all the time’ and ‘she’ll be back before you know it.’ I was so angry. I couldn’t believe they didn’t care. I did the same thing you and your boys are doing, I started my own investigation and, I didn’t get very far until, I found her cell phone in the club’s dumpster.”  
Yoongi surprise is evident on his face and, it prompts Jaebeom to comment on it,  
“Yeah I know right? You’d think that would have helped but, it only made everything more complicated. I looked through her messages to try to figure out what happened and-“ He blows a heavy breath between is lips, shaking his head, “Her boyfriend was cheating on her but, it was with some old chick, like his boss or some shit…I don’t know.”  
“His boss?”  
He nods, “Yeah, he worked the Upside as a pool boy.”  
Yoongi’s heart drops then, down to the pit of his stomach and, he literally feels the sweat collecting in the wells of his palms.  
“A pool boy?” He has to clarify, just so he’s sure he heard him right  
Jaebeom nods and licks his lips, “Yeah, my sister found out he was fucking her; at least that’s what I got from her texts.”  
“My friend works as a pool boy too. It’s his girlfriend that missing.”  
Jaebeom’s brows rise before shaking his head, “Shit…” He takes another hit, “That’s a hell of a coincidence.”  
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”  
Yoongi and Jaebeom regard each other for a moment before Jaebeom’s mouth turns up in a smirk, “I guess you have an old lady to visit then. If you see my sister’s boyfriend, slap him around a little bit for me heh…”  
Jaebeom seems to gulp the pain he feels down his throat before finishing off the blunt and throwing it in the ashtray.  
“Wait, did he disappear too?”  
He nods, “Haven’t seen him since that night. I just assumed he was living the high life, I mean, I don’t blame him…I’d suck on some old lady titties too for that kind of money…” Jaebeom quickly replaces the blunt in his hand with a the bottle of beer he had sitting on his side table. He takes a swig before holding out to Yoongi, “You want some?”  
Yoongi doesn’t understand his attitude towards his sister’s disappearance. If he knew where her boyfriend was, why wouldn’t he go talk to him?  
But he takes the offer, throwing back a bit of stale beer, letting the slight warmth from the alcohol soothe the rawness in his chest.  
“Why didn’t you go up there? If that’s where he is?”  
“I don’t have contacts up there. There was no way they’d let me in, look at me…” He chuckles, gesturing to his rough appearance, “Besides, I don’t know where that bitch lives and, honestly, it’s probably for the best. I don’t know what I’d do to that guy if I found him…”  
A few more words are exchanged before Yoongi decides he needs to leave; he has a lot to report and, he feels as though time is running out.  
As he’s moving to the threshold of the door, Jaebeom get his attention.  
As Yoongi turns around, Jaebeom leans forward in his seated position, placing his elbows on his knees, “What’s your name?”  
Yoongi’s lips twitch, “Yoongi.”  
Jaebeom grins, nodding his head in consideration, “Yoongi. Alright then, well if you ever want to take a night off from your detective work and, uh you know,” He nods to the bed, “have some fun, you know where to find me.”  
Desire stirs in Yoongi’s stomach and, he’s flattered honestly, that such a handsome man could take interest in him but, he knows he couldn’t take a night off if he tried.  
He’s got a friend to find.  
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He sends a smile towards Jaebeom, bowing his head slightly, “See you around.”  
“I hope so.”  
The information they have accrued is once again exchanged amongst the group and, there is only one conclusion that everyone continues to arrive at:  
They have to get inside Lady’s house.  
So, putting their heads together they concoct a plan that just might work.  
The plan is simple.  
Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung will take Lady up on her offer of a home cooked meal.  
Thankfully, Taehyung’s closet is full of clothes that look far more expensive than they actually are; working at a thrift store has its perks.  
Jimin is dressed in a gray and black suit, covered in a gaudy brocade pattern.  
Jungkook choses a floral blazer and black slacks, complete with a simple white button up he borrows from Taehyung’s father.  
Taehyung donns something slightly less subtle; a black and silver blazer with a similar brocade pattern to Jimin’s suit jacket.  
They take time on their hair, doing it up as if it were each of their wedding days.  
When it’s all said and done, the three men walk out of Taehyung’s room looking like they came straight out of Interview with Vampire.  
Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin are dressed in all black.  
They will serve as a distraction during dinner to enable the younger men to explore the property undisturbed by Lady’s security guards.  
It’s not an easy task but, they are more than ready to attempt it.  
An invitation to dinner is of course incomplete without a gift for it’s lovely host.  
Tonight, a bottle of champagne is clutched in Taehyung’s grasp as he strolls up the cobblestone walkway.  
However, this champagne is slightly modified to fit this evening’s itinerary.  
“Doxepin, it's what I take for insomnia. This shit is strong, I only have to take one and, I’m out like a light in 30 minutes...” Yoongi had explained, pushing his prescription bottle towards Taehyung, “Slip that bitch 3 or 4 and, she’ll hit the floor. When she wakes up, just tell her she passed out for a few minutes…”  
And so it was.  
Lady's home is massive.  
It’s the biggest house the men have ever seen.  
Jimin has stood in its immensity before but, Jungkook and Taehyung are almost disgusted by its grandeur.  
The white paint seems to stretch upwards for miles, the greenery of the vines decorating it in such a way that it almost looks serene.  
Nothing could be farther from the truth.  
The lawn is immaculate.  
Carefully trimmed hedges sculpted to perfection line the walkway that leads to the dark oak that encompasses the front door.  
They aren’t here for a lovely dinner inside this massive house.  
The true nature of their visit is simply to gather more information.  
They aren’t sure how but, Lady is connected to your disappearance.  
Tonight, they will gather enough evidence to warrant an investigation.  
Maybe then, the city below them will finally pay attention to their cries for help.  
Lady doesn’t greet them at the door but, another intriguing person does.  
“Noah...” Jimin greets the suited man with a smile that is far too sweet.  
But he delights in the man’s surprise and, Jimin connects another piece of the puzzle.  
Noah is a classmate of theirs.  
He was fortunate enough to land a job in the Upside after graduation.  
He was fortunate in that his family had money and connections that pushed Noah ahead of his fellow alumni.  
Noah knew you well.  
Noah is dressed in a suit.  
Noah works for Lady.  
It seems there is a connection but, instead of pummeling Noah like he wants to, Jimin simply bows his head as he steps through the threshold of Lady’s home.  
“Wh-What are you guys doing here?” Noah stutters, trying desperately to compose himself.  
Taehyung offers the same smile adorning Jimin’s mouth, “We’re here for dinner. What are you doing here?”  
It’s a loaded question and Noah knows it but, he’s helpless to act on this knowledge because, he is required to treat Lady’s guests with respect.  
“I work here.” He mutters, gesturing towards the dining room, “She’s uh...she’s right in there.”  
“Aren’t you going to offer to take our coats?” Jimin feigns innocence, nodding to the coat rack beside the door.  
Noah nods and with shaky hands and, he accepts each of the coats before hanging them up.  
“Enjoy your evening gentleman.”  
The three of them walk away with a sense of satisfaction but, they are also sick with the knowledge of where one of their former friends ended up.  
Money can create the most dastardly of monsters.  
“Oh my goodness you’re here! Come in, come in.”  
Lady appears at the archway, dressed in a red satin gown, her grey hair piled elegantly atop her head.  
Time has been kind to her, Jungkook thinks, she doesn’t look 70.  
But then again, age seems to be less of an issue when you have millions of dollars at your disposal.  
“Lady these are my friends, Jungkook...” He gestures to the man on his right, who bows respectfully offering a boyish smile.  
“Thank you so much for having me Lady Noona, you have an incredible home.”  
Lady is already flustered; she can’t believe Jimin has friends as handsome as he is.  
“And Taehyung...” Jimin continues, smirking at Jungkook’s acting skills.  
Taehyung, takes her hand, keeping eye contact with her and lowering his lips to her knuckles, “Enchanté, votre maison est belle oui mais pas aussi belle que vous.” (Enchanted. Your house is beautiful yes but, not nearly as beautiful as you.)  
Lady’s face rushes red and, she giggles like a demented schoolgirl, fanning herself as Taehyung releases her hand.  
“Oh mon dieu tu l'es aussi. N'hésitez pas à continuer...” (Oh my goodness, you are too much. Please don’t hesitate to continue.)  
“My lord Jimin, you didn’t tell me your friends were so handsome and, that one of them speaks French- “ She eyes Taehyung teasingly and he responds by winking.  
“He was adopted when he was younger by a French family, he actually doesn’t speak English very well.” Jimin lies, strolling into the dining room and, beginning his search for something incriminating.  
She nods, her eyes alight with intrigue, “I see well,” She leans into Taehyung’s frame, lowering her voice slightly, “Ne t'inquiète pas je n'aurai aucun mal à communiquer avec toi.” (Not to worry, I’ll have no trouble communicating with you)  
Taehyung chuckles at that, bringing his lips to her ear, “Bien sûr, vous en avez déjà dit beaucoup.” (Of course, you have already said so much)  
Lady is floored and, enlightened with desire.  
So much so, that she arranges for Taehyung to sit right beside her.  
The dining table, Jimin remembers, is smaller to create a more intimate setting.  
Jimin takes a seat across from Lady who sits at the head of the table whilst Jungkook and Taehyung settle into the two middle chairs between them.  
The first course is a salad topped with fancy ingredients the men barely recognize but, they dive into it anyway as Lady begins the conversation.  
“Any word about Y/N?” She ventures solemnly, giving her best look of concern.  
Jimin smiles, saccharine as ever, “Nothing so far but, I’m sure your men will give me an update soon.”  
Lady nods mid-chew, pouting her lips slightly, “Of course sweetheart, they send me updates whenever they have something.”  
Taehyung interjects, “Ne parlez pas encore d'elle, ça ruine mon humeur. Je t'ai apporté quelque chose. L'homme du magasin a dit que c'était sucré, peut-être que nous pourrions l'avoir avec un dessert?” (Don’t talk about her yet, it ruins my mood. I brought you something. The man at the store said it was sweet, maybe we can have it with dessert?)  
This surprises Lady of course but, as Taehyung hands her the bottle of champagne adorned appropriately with a twist off cap; She smirks salaciously and nods.  
“Tout ce que vous voulez...” (Whatever you want...)  
Taehyung arches a brow, leaning in towards her once more, “Tout ce que je veux?” (Whatever I want?)  
This is part of the plan of course, to disarm her and, Taehyung is doing an incredible job.  
“Oui.”  (Yes.) She practically coos in response, shameless to the presence of the other men.
He chuckles darkly and, beneath the table he places a hand on her thigh, “Et si je te veux pour le dessert?” (What if I want you for dessert?)  
Jimin wants to hurl a little bit because, although he can’t understand what they are saying, he knows something inappropriate is going down.  
“Jimin, your friend is going to make me misbehave.” Lady giggles, licking her lips as she eyes Taehyung hungrily.  
He plays it off though, this is part of the plan.  
“I’m sorry about him. He’s a shameless flirt.” Jimin chuckles lazily, eyeing Jungkook from over his water glass.  
“No apology needed.” She smirks, flushing a further shade of red as Taehyung sends a wink in her direction, “Now, tell me Jungkook, what is that you do?”  
Jungkook smiles brilliantly, looking eagerly at her, “I work as a paralegal for a law firm a few cities over but, on the weekends I work as a personal trainer.”  
The lie is so well executed, Jimin and Taehyung want to cackle but, they hold it together, sticking to their script.  
“Oh that is so impressive. I hear Law careers are increasing by 18% over the next 5 years, it’s an incredible industry to get into.” She compliments, stabbing more of the lettuce onto her fork.  
“I’m glad you think so Noona, I can imagine someone as successful as you has a lot of wisdom for someone like me.” Jungkook’s Bambi eyes are on full display as he stares longingly in Lady’s direction, licking his lips.  
His words have a double meaning and, Lady knows it, she wonders how she got so lucky to have two handsome men flirting with her.  
“I know my way around sure,” She remarks with a smile, “I can introduce you to some of my colleagues, many of them work in your prospective field.”  
“Really?” Jungkook beams, “That would be an honor Noona, thank you so much.”  
Lady nods and places a well-manicured hand over his, “Of course, any friend of Jimin’s is a friend of mine.”  
She turns to Taehyung, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of her, “Et vous, quel est votre métier?” (And you? What is your job?)
Taehyung pouts slightly, eyeing her in a way that suggests embarrassment, “Je suis un artiste. Je vends mes tableaux. C'est un travail très difficile mais, je l'aime tellement, je ne peux pas imaginer faire autre chose.” (I am an artist. I sell my paintings. It’s a very difficult job but, I love it so much, I can’t imagine doing anything else.)
Lady melts at his words, a longing sigh leaving her lips, “Bien sûr. C'est tellement admirable que vous poursuivez ce qui vous passionne.” (Of course. That is so admirable that you pursue what you’re passionate in.)
Taehyung smirks, eyeing her as he takes a sip of his water, “Merci. Je suis curieux maintenant, de quoi êtes-vous passionné?” (Thank you. I’m curious now, what are you passionate about?)
Before she can answer, the second course is served: roasted beef with a béarnaise sauce on a bed of microgreens.
Rich people shit, Jimin thinks but, he smiles graciously none the less.
He isn’t hungry, he hasn’t been hungry for the past week so, he pushes the meat around the plate as he continues to survey her dining area.
There is nothing out of place but, then again, he isn’t sure what he’s looking for.
The only thing he can do is wait for dessert…
Once Lady is out, they will be able to search for what they need.  
“Lady, do you live here all alone?” Jungkook feigns concern, tilting his head.
She smiles sadly and nods, dabbing her lips with a silk napkin, “Yes I do. My husband, Nestor, died two years ago of an aneurysm.  I’ve been alone here ever since, well minus my guards of course. I’m sure you saw them outside but, they don’t live here full time.”
Jungkook has to stifle his shock.
The name Nestor, isn’t a common one.
In fact, he’s only ever heard it once before...
Jungkook kisses his teeth, pouting his lips slightly, “Oh noona, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”
She pouts too, mirroring his expression, soaking up all of his sympathy, “That’s alright dear. I manage just fine, I have to admit though, it’s so wonderful having company. It gets lonely up here.”
The youngest smirks, “Oh of course Noona, I can only imagine…” He places a hand on her thigh beneath the table, rubbing gently over her dress, “A woman like you should never be lonely.”
Jimin and Taehyung have to physically repress their reactions to Jungkook’s acting abilities; it’s a side of him they have never seen.
Anger is something Jungkook doesn’t encounter very often.
But as he looks into Lady’s face, he feels rage coursing through him.
Because, he knows she isn’t genuine.  
He knows there is something off about her.  
Jungkook would normally never dream of harming another person but, when his friends are getting hurt, his morals begin to loosen.
“Oh my, you boys make me feel young again.” Lady chuckles before taking a bit of her beef, “You know…I have the resources to assist you, I tell Jimin this all the time but, he’s just so modest.” She winks at him and, Jimin pretends to shy away from her compliment, “I could really help you with your chosen career paths. Taehyungie,” She turns to him, flashing the pearl white of her dentures, “Ma sœur Clemtenine possède une galerie au centre-ville, je suis sûr que je peux lui faire acheter une partie de votre art. Je sais que j'aurais certainement adoré en acheter ...” (My sister Clementine owns a gallery downtown, I’m sure I can get her to purchase some of your art. I know I’d certainly loved to buy some)
Taehyung’s stomach drops at her statement but, he remains composed and arches his brow, “Clementine? C'est un nom tellement intéressant…” (Clementine? That is such an interesting name…)  
Lady giggles once again, “Oui, nos parents étaient des gens excentriques.” (Yes, our parents were eccentric people.)
“Ils étaient probablement beaux aussi…” (They were probably beautiful too…)
Taehyung winks again and, he must admit, he’s getting off on how easy she is to trick.
She fans herself through her uneasy giggle, nudging his knee with her own, “Oh arrête de me flatter, je suis sérieux, je pourrais vraiment t'aider” (Oh stop flattering me, I’m serious, I could really help you.)
Taehyung pretends to be touched as he places a hand to his chest but before he can reply, a loud voice rings in through the intercom above the dining table.
“Mam this is Noah. There is a disturbance down at the main gate, we have to leave to go check it out, are you alright in there?”
Lady rolls her eyes, unbothered, “Of course Noah, I’m with my friends. Go take care of it, update me when you’re done.”
Anxiety swims into the stomachs of the three men; phase one is complete.
The guards are due to be distracted and, all they can hope is that Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and, Jin stay safe in the process.
“Is everything alright?” Jimin tilts his head, glancing towards the speaker.
She smile reassuringly, waving him off, “Of course, this happens all the time. It’s probably just the homeless, poor things, they beg at my gate sometimes. I don’t engage with them though, as much as I want to help, I don’t believe in handouts you know? It teaches them nothing.”  
This both confuses and enrages Jimin all at once.
She has no problem offering her resources to the three of them because, lets face it, it’s obvious she is partial to their good looks.
But he’s disgusted with her way of thinking.
Everyone deserves a fair shot.
He can’t understand how people, especially fortunate people like Lady, could have this outlook.
But then again, without the abuse of the working class, how would people like her make all of their money?  
“I’ll drink to that.” Jimin smiles, raising his glass and, the rest of the table follows suit, sipping from their crystal goblets.
Then, something peculiar happens…
Beneath their feet, against the expensive lacquer on the wood varnish, there is a banging sound.  
Lady tenses up but, deflects immediately, her surprise quickly smoothing out of her features, “Forgive me, I’m having a wine cellar built beneath the dining room, they’ve been measuring all morning so, it looks like they are getting started on the construction.”
Jimin’s expression shifts and, he stares across the table like a snake honing in on his pray, “Oh? That’s so weird, I didn’t notice any construction trucks outside.”
Lady smiles gracefully, “They have been working for quite awhile, part of their team left to gather more supplies. I’m so indecisive, I changed my mind about the interior several times…” She turns to Taehyung, feeling uneasy under Jimin’s gaze, “Que pensez-vous du marbre noir?” (What do you think of black marble?)
Taehyung’s eyes light up, “Ah, marbre noir? Excellent choix, si séduisant.” (Ah, black marble? Excellent choice, so seductive.)
She entangles her fingers with his beneath the table cloth, shooting him a suggestive look that makes Taehyung sick to his stomach, “Oui, vous l'êtes…” (Yes, you are.)
All Taehyung can manage is a smirk and, a thumb over the back of her knuckles.
His patience is running out.
“L'heure du dessert?” (Dessert time?)
He nods to the kitchen and, Lady immediately blooms with excitement.
“Oui, oui…” She smiles, craning her neck towards the kitchen, “We’re ready for dessert now, what’s taking so long?”
Crème Brule is served alongside a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and, Taehyung whispers something in her ear about her being similar to the French dessert.
With flushed cheeks, Lady giggles (for the millionth time) and, begins eating.
“Chérie, es-tu prêt pour le champagne que j'ai apporté? Il ira bien avec ce dessert…” (Darling, are ready for the champagne I brought? It will go well with this dessert…)
With her approval, Taehyung pours the bubbly liquid into each of the flutes, smirking devilishly at his friends as he does.
Taehyung watches her like a hawk and, picks up her glass, getting dangerously close to her as he lifts it to her lips, “Boisson. Dis-moi ce que tu penses.” (Drink. Tell me what you think.)
Like saucers her eyes widen and, she’s so enthralled with Taehyung, she doesn’t notice another round of banging beneath the floorboards.
But the rest of them do.
Her eyes flutter as she sips some of the bubbly liquid but, Taehyung isn’t satisfied.
“Ah ah…Avale tout pour moi.” ( Ah ah…Swallow it all for me)
She obliges, practically spluttering at his double entendre.
“Bonne fille.” (Good Girl) He chuckles darkly, his heart thumping in his chest, he likes this.  
He has to admit.
There is something so satisfying about fooling an opponent.
He’s turned on by it.
She gulps as she continues to stare at him, completely captivated.
“C’est delicieux.” (It’s delicious) She finally manages, dabbing her lips with the silk once again.
“Tu fais un bon show…” (You put on a good show) He remarks, smirking before pretending to sip some of his own champagne.
There is a bit of silence that moves throughout the table before Jimin takes the reigns once again,
“Lady, I really appreciate you having us tonight. We needed a night off; things have been so difficult lately.”
Lady immediately smiles, forcing her eyes away from Taehyung, “Of course sweetheart. You know I’m always here for you.”
Another sound is forced against the wood below and, for whatever reason, this startles Lady.  
“Goodness, they are loud…” A nervous laugh leaves her lips and she attempts to stand up before faltering a bit, eyeing Taehyung immediately as she seems to stumble.
Taehyung reacts, standing with her and, holding onto her waist, “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chérie?” (What’s wrong darling?)
She mumbles something incoherent which prompts a sadistic grin to appear on Taehyung’s mouth, “Vous sentez-vous un peu endormi?” (Do you feel a little sleepy?)
She nods, clinging to him helplessly as he guides her to the settee beneath the window,
“C'est bon chéri, dors pour moi. Je promets que je serai là quand tu te réveilleras.” (It’s ok darling, sleep for me. I promise I’ll be there when you wake up.)
Lady’s eyes are growing heavier when Taehyung lays her down and, as he does, he places a kiss atop her forehead, “Si jamais tu le fais…” (If you ever do…)
Her eyes widen at his threatening tone but, before she can process it fully, she passes out in his arms.  
Taehyung, Jungkook and, Jimin all look at each other for a moment before, they spring into action.
They shove the dining table aside, disregarding the sound of the expensive china as it crashes to the floor.
There is a Persian rug that covers the sound and, that is quickly shoved aside to reveal something that makes their stomach turn.
Because, beneath the dining table, there is a cellar door.
Jimin swallows his fear and with shaky hands, he leans down, “Hello?”
He tries again, his chest numb from the force of his beating heart, “Is there- is anyone down there?”
Jimin frantically looks for a way in but, the hatch is sealed with a padlock.
“It’s locked, we need a way to-“ He begins but, a voice interrupts him.
A voice he is longed to hear for what seems like eternity.  
The men look at each other with such heightened emotion that it could power the entire city.
Because, that voice belongs to you.
“Y/N? Baby? Oh my god…” He clutches the wood, banging on it without a reason why, “Baby? Is that you?”
Down in the cellar, beneath the big house you were taken to, you begin to cry at the sound of your boyfriends voice.
You must be dreaming you think.
He can’t be real.  
Is it possible?  
Is the nightmare finally over?
“Jimin!” You cry weakly, using all the strength you have.
The woman who forced you down here hasn’t fed you since your arrival.
She’s just left you down there, along with the rest of her secrets.
The room you’re in isn’t very big.
It’s constructed crudely and made of stone.
There are only two things to keep you company:
A pile of bones and, a pile of money.
When the woman laid you beneath her home, she said only one thing to you,  
“You will die down here. You will die beside the life you will never have and, while you do, I’ll make sure he gets everything he could ever want.”
Jimin chokes back a sob as he pounds against door yet again and, he doesn’t notice that Jungkook is already scanning the room for solution.
“I’m right here baby, I’m right here, I’m going to get you out ok? Just hang on…”
You cover your chapped lips with the palm of your hand, sobbing into it.
You couldn’t believe it.
He found you.
He actually found you.
You didn’t know how and, it didn’t matter.
You just want to go home.
“Jungkook and Taehyung are here with me, we’re going to get you out!” He calls and, as if on cue, Jungkook appears beside him with hammer, “Watch out.” He grunts, determination in his eyes, “Y/N! I’m gonna break the door in ok? I need you to move aside so you don’t get hurt!”
You laugh in disbelief at the sound of your friend’s voice, “Use that brute strength of yours Kookie! Show that door who’s boss!”  
He chuckles at that, tears collecting in his eyes, “I got you Noona, just make sure you’re not in the way!”
Taehyung is smiling too, trying not to lose it at the sound of your voice.
He keeps a careful eye on Lady, who is still passed out on the settee.
If he hated her before, he wants to kill her now.
Taehyung knew she was involved yes but, he never suspected she had you locked in her fucking cellar.
Jimin is itching to get you in his arms, he wants to claw through the wood himself but, instead he stands back and, lets Jungkook hack away at the cellar door.  
You can see it.
The expensive wood slowly splintering above, light pouring in through the jagged cracks.
The only light you’ve had down here is a single bulb hanging from the ceiling.
It’s been torture.
But, none of that matters to you right now.
The only thing you can focus on is the sight of your boyfriend’s face as he tears the remaining wood away from the frame.
“Jimin…” You whimper, ignoring the weakness in your body before crawling your way up the stairs, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms.
Jimin breaks down, reaching out for you…
You’re still in the same outfit he last saw you in.
“Baby, come here…come here…” He pulls you into his arms, his body shaking with his cries as he holds you so tight, it’s almost painful, “I got you, I got you. You’re safe now, you’re safe…”
You’re face in his neck, sobbing whilst your fists clutch his blazer.
You don’t fully understand what’s going on, or why they are here dressed like little princes.
But, you’re not in the headspace to ask.
You just want to stay in Jimin’s arms and, never let go.
“We’re so sorry…” Jungkook sniffles, wrapping his arms around you and Jimin.
Taehyung follows suit, letting his tears fall, “We’re going to make sure they pay for what they did to you.”
Time seems to stand still as you relish in the affection of the people closest to you.
“Don’t ever be sorry. Look what you guys did…you found me. You saved me.” You whisper weakly, your face remaining in Jimin’s neck.
“Jimin? Taehyung? What on earth is going on?”
The sound of her voice makes your blood run cold…
Lady is sitting up, disorientated but before she has a chance to process what’s going on, Taehyung grabs the carving knife from the dining room table and holds it up to her neck.
“Funny, we were going to ask you the same question.”
Lady’s mouth parts in shock, her eyes widening in fear, “I- I-“ She glances around the room before she spots you and, her heart stalls, “I can explain…”
Jimin wants to freak out on her, he really does but, he doesn’t want to let go of you.
“Lady…” He spits from the floor, setting his piercing gaze on her, “Why the fuck is my girlfriend in your cellar?”
She hesitates and, Taehyung can tell she’s looking for a way out so, he presses the knife into her skin, “Answer him.” He hisses through his teeth
Jungkook stands as well, prepared to back him up should he need it.
“Jimin please, you must know. I was only looking out for you…women like her, they ruin men like you. I was trying to protect you.”  
“Protect me?!” He barks, shaking his head in disbelief, “By murdering the only woman I’ve ever loved? By putting my friends and I through the worst week of our life?!”
Taehyung holds the knife steady as he jerks his head towards her, “Stand up…”
She obliges, mouth parted in disbelief, her hands up in front of her submissively, “You’re working three jobs to support yourself, I’ve been trying to help you but, I knew you wouldn’t accept it unless you had no other choice. I knew she…” She sends a glare your way, “…would always be in your ear. She was all you ever spoke about, I needed to get her out of the way so, you could start focusing on you.”
“She has a name you crazy bitch…” Jimin lets out a humorless laugh, helping you to your feet, “She has a name and, a life and, people who love her and, you…” He points a finger in her face, “…you tried to take that from her. How many people have ended up in your basement huh?! How many lives have you ruined?!”
Her expression shifts to one of pure malice, a devilish smirk appearing on her lips, “Why don’t you ask your little girlfriend?” She turns her gaze towards you, “Tell him, tell him how many skeletons you found beneath my house.”
This angers you.
Initially, you didn’t understand.
You didn’t understand the significance of running into Noah that night.
You didn’t understand why he offered to call you a Taxi.
You didn’t understand why the driver intentionally missed your turn.
And after you were knocked out, you didn’t understand why you were brought to this place.
The big house.
But now, it makes sense.
This pathetic excuse of a woman, gets off on kidnapping the less fortunate.
She breeds new monsters in the process, taking their loved ones and capitalizing off of their grief.
She takes them in and, turns them to stone.  
“You wanted them to think I was dead…so you could convince them to leave their lives behind.” Your voice isn’t a hundred percent but, your gaze is steady as it pierces into her.
She chuckles despite the knife being pressed to her throat, “Hmm so it does have a brain. I knew I couldn’t convince Jimin to work for me unless I broke his heart first. Men are much easier to manipulate when they feel like they have nothing left.”
Taehyung practically snarls, “Let’s waste this bitch, we can tell the police that-“
Lady’s cackle is abrupt, her eyes crinkling with delight, “The police! Ha! The police work for me, why do you think they never looked for your little friend hm? They knew where she was, I pay them a pretty penny to keep their mouth shut.”
Another almost cartoonish voice interrupts the conversation as it crackles over the intercom, “Mam is everything alright in there? We heard a commotion.”
It’s one of the guards.
Jungkook is prepared to fight, he looks around for a weapon and, grabs the hammer from the floor.
“Noah! No everything is not ok! It seems as though my guests have overstayed their welcome…” She seethes before another smile appears on her lips, “Kill them…”
Jimin grabs you immediately, pushing you behind him and, Taehyung’s grip tightens on Lady’s waist, keeping her in place.
“Uhhh yeah I don’t know who the fuck Noah is but, uh-  oh wait! Yah, Hoseok! Isn’t Noah the one you hit with the Range Rover?”  
The voice morphs again and, you actually laugh at the sound of Yoongi’s voice echoing through the speaker.
“Holy shit…” Jungkook chuckles in disbelief
“That scrawny little blonde dude??” Hoseok’s voice literally warms your heart as it reaches your ears, “Yeah he’s out like a light sorry, anyone else you’d like to speak to?”
“Who the fuck are you?” Lady hisses, panic settling into her senses, “I’ll have the police here in minutes, you’ll be thrown in prison for the rest of your lives!”
“Ouch, we were afraid you’d say that. See, but the thing is, we destroyed all of your fancy ass cameras but, we left the audio running so…” Jin’s voice chimes in next, explaining her demise, “the only thing the police will hear is a taped confession, you wrinkly ass bitch. And let me just say my dear, you look like your pussy is covered in dust and, that’s why you’re going down, all because you thought you might get some dick...pity.
Jin’s insult causes laughter to move through the four of you and, you can’t help but, feel moved at how dedicated your friends are.
“You filthy bastards, you better get your grimy hands off of my cars before, I add grand theft auto to your long list of charges.”
They laugh hysterically on the other end of the line before; Namjoon speaks up, “Ok boomer.”
In the next moment, Lady takes advantage of the distraction and, quickly lunges at you, her hands going for your neck but, before she can reach you, she’s knocked out of the way by Jungkook.
It’s an instinctual reaction but, it does the job
Because instead of landing on you, Lady falls down the hole in the floor to the cellar.
The four of you rush over to the entrance to see her body laying still at the bottom of stairs.
There is a bit of silence before you speak up, staying close to Jimin, “What do we do?”
He smirks, wrapping an arm around you, “Leave her. Let her die alone with her all nice shit.”
Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and, Jin rush in finally and as soon as they spot you, they sigh out in relief.
“Oh my god.”
“You’re ok.”
“We knew we’d find you. Fuck, we missed you so much.”
“If you ever get kidnapped again, I will beat your ass.”
You just smile, giggling at their comments, holding them close.
“Thank you for looking for me. I love you guys so much.”
Yoongi nods to the cellar door and, him and Jimin exchange glances, “Here.” Yoongi tosses him a small black hard drive which Jimin catches seamlessly, “Throw that down there too. It’s the audio from tonight…”
The rest of you aren’t sure how they managed to do it.  
But, those questions are reserved for later.
Right now, you just want to get out of there.
Jimin smirks, standing over the edge of the hole in the floor before dropping it in, relishing in the sound it makes as it clatters down the steps.
“Should we call the police?” Hoseok asks, slightly breathless from all the excitement.
“Why would we?” Yoongi grins, shrugging his shoulders, “Girls like her disappear all the time…”
“Good point.” Jin nods returning his grin, and everyone’s eyes are still trained on the hole in the floor.
You aren’t sure if she’s dead but, you’re hoping she isn’t.
She deserves to spend the rest of her life suffering for what she did to you, for what she did to so many others…
“What happened to the guards?” You ask, lacing your fingers with Jimin and, he responds by tightening his grip on your hand.
“We knocked em out. They’re tied up in the garage.” Namjoon remarks coolly
“Let’s get out of here. We need to leave town for few days until the police figure everything out.” Taehyung says, finally dropping the knife to the floor.
“Good thing we have a ride then…” Hoseok holds up the keys to the Range Rover and, the eight of you are giddy with the promise of freedom.
Jungkook stays close to Namjoon and, as rest of you exit the house; he spots movement in the corner of his eyes.
Near the coat rack, sits a long-haired white Persian cat.
Jungkook can’t help himself.
If he isn’t going to kill this terrible woman, he’s at least going to take her cat.
Hit her where it hurts you know?
“Hyung…” He stops Namjoon and, he looks confused for a moment until he spots what Jungkook is pointing out.
Jungkook doesn’t wait to reach out to the furry creature, “ Here kitty kitty.”  
The cat rubs against his hand, tiny purs erupting from it’s mouth and, Jungkook smiles as he takes it into his arms.
Namjoon smirks fondly at the two of them before his eyes light up when he sees the name engraved on the cat’s golden collar.
“Cognac.” He breathes and, he and Jungkook share a moment as they exit the house.
The eight of you pile into the Range Rover, with Jin in the driver’s seat and, immediately, you find yourself beside Jimin.
“I thought I lost you…” He whispers desperately, placing a few kisses to your lips.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper back, smiling into his lips before leaning forward to make an announcement to the rest of the car, “Hey guys uh…I think I have a way we can leave town for a bit.”
“How?” Hoseok furrows his brow, leaning around Jimin to see you.
“With this…” You grin and, from the middle of your bra, you pull out several bundles of money, each of them labeled $20,000.
You left the bones in the cellar for the police to find.
But the money?
The money, you took with you.
The police wouldn’t need it for their investigation right?
The seven of them look at you in shock before Yoongi lets out a sound you’ve never heard him make before; it’s pure unfiltered joy.
“Oh fuck yeah…”
Plage de Maeva, Tahiti- Two Months Later
Justice came in pieces.
It started with Cognac and, the massive fortune Lady left behind; both of which were returned to their rightful owner, the man at the river.
Then came Jaebeom; the eight of you dropped off a few thousand for him at the club, along with your findings.
A different precinct responded to the distress call from Lady’s home.  
She survived the figurative fall yes but, the fall from grace that would soon follow completely destroyed her.
She was brought in on 9 counts of first degree murder, 7 counts of kidnapping, stalking, conspiracy to commit fraud and, a myriad of other charges.  
The suits were brought in as well and, suffered similar fates.
Between them, 293 years of prison was to be served.
The staff at the motel, the patrons of the Chamomile Country Club and, even Clementine herself were all publically humiliated when the news broke of Lady’s true nature.
She had been paying them all for their silence.
No charges were brought against them but, their statuses as pariahs seemed fitting enough.
The news came to all of you quite late because, you were far too busy enjoying your own personal victories…on an island called Tahiti.
520,000 was certainly enough to get you out of town and, by the looks of it, you may never return…
“Every second, every minute, man I swear that she can get it Say if you a bad bitch put your hands up high, hands up high, hands up high Tell 'em dim the lights down right now, put me in the mood I'm talking 'bout dark room, perfume Go, go!”  
Yoongi’s voice echoes loudly with the help of his microphone as he raps the lyrics to a rather befitting song by Kendrick Lamar.
It was karaoke night on the rooftop of your resort and the eight of you, along with your loved ones are enjoying every second of it.
Hoseok rushes on stage with Yoongi, laughing as he does, “I recognize your fragrance (hol' up!) You ain't never gotta say shit (woo!) And I know your taste is A little bit (mmm) high maintenance (ooh) Everybody else basic You live life on an everyday basis with-“ He holds the mic out and, the rest of you scream the lyrics with beaming smiles.
Jimin is behind you, with his arms secured around your waist, giggling through the words.
He’s euphoric at the moment, he’s never been so happy in his entire life.  
Namjoon hits the stage next, and the song continues with the help of your friends and the crowd,
“I mean I write poems in these songs dedicated to you When you're in the mood for empathy, there's blood in my pen Better yet where your friends and them? I really wanna know you all I really wanna show you off Fuck that, pour up plenty of champagne Cold nights when you curse this name….”
Jungkook and Taehyung are at the front of the crowd hyping them up whilst Jin sings loudly with his fiancée.  
The next part Jimin croons into your ear, tightening his grip on you as the words have so much meaning:
“And anytime…” He sings, kissing into your neck, “You can get it, you can get it, you can get it, you can get it- And I know just know just know just know just what you want…poetic justice, put it in a song, alright.”  
You turn in his arms then, kissing him deeply, pouring everything you have into it.
“You kept your promise.” You whisper, grinning against his lips.
“My promise?” He giggles, kissing you back, his eyes deep with emotion.
You cup his cheek, biting your lip as you hold back your tears, “The night I disappeared, you promised me, we’d get our break…”
His smile widens and, rather than use his words, he just kisses you again.
Because, he can.
Because, you’re safe.
Because, you’re his.
The rooftop is a place you often end up.  
It’s a little cliché, you think: a bunch of rich kids corralled onto a fancy ass resort building on a tropical island, the waves crashing in the background.  
But you and your friends aren’t ordinary rich kids.  
The worst any of you has ever done is rob an old lady’s house, push her down the stairs, leave her for dead and, then ruin her life but…
To be fair…
That bitch deserved it.
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dolantwinsfavss · 4 years
Fallin’ All In You {e.d}
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Hot chocolate, pajamas, and cookies. A holiday tradition you’ve shared with your best friend for many years. But of course, the cookies always ended up being a complete disaster.
“Ethan!” You shouted from the kitchen.
“What?” Ethan said frantically as he ran into the kitchen. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
You picked up a cookie and handed it to him, smiling internally at the fact his first worry was if you got hurt. “Taste this.”
“Why? What’s wrong with them?”
“Just taste it.” 
He took a bite of the cookie and seconds later, Ethan was running to the sink to spit it out and rinse it out with some water, “Holy... Why is it? Why is it so s-”
“Salty?” You said laughing at the horror on his face.
“Yeah!” Ethan said walking over to you. “I followed the recipe exactly! It said 1 cup of sugar and 1 tsp of salt!”
You walked over to the cabinet and placed the salt and sugar containers in front of Ethan, “Point to me which one is the salt and which one’s the sugar.”
Ethan pointed to what he thought which was which, explaining the reason why the cookies were so salty.
“Ethan. You mixed up the sugar and the salt!” 
“Well how am I supposed to know?! You put them in the same exact container and they look exactly the same!” He attempted to explain himself. Maybe he was right about them easily getting mixed up and you should move them into different containers.
“You could’ve tasted them to make sure!”
“I just went with my gut! You know I don’t bake!” Ethan said.
“I think you made that pretty obvious tonight. Next time I’ll do the baking, like I do every year.” You laughed while getting the frosting.
“You still want to decorate the cookies?” Ethan questioned, knowing now that the cookies were no longer edible.
“Of course.” You smiled at him, meeting those hazel eyes you loved. “It’s a tradition, isn’t it?”
For the next 30 minutes, the two of you decorated cookies, showing each other the good and the bad ones.
“Look who it is.” Ethan said, showing you a cookie cutout of a man which he decorated with some clothes and a mustache.
“Is that supposed to be Grayson?” You laughed as he nodded his head, admiring the way you tilted your head back and the way your hair fell off your shoulders.
A few minutes later, silence fell between the two of you until Ethan said, “You know even though we somehow manage to ruin the cookies every year, I think this tradition is my favorite.”
There he was again with those kind words that never failed to make you smile. It was your favorite too. Every tradition you had with him was your favorite.
“It’s my favorite too.” You said in a hushed tone as he looked over and smiled at you.
“What?” You questioned, noticing his stare as you felt the blood rush to your cheeks.
“Nothing. I um I’m just wondering how you got frosting on your cheek.” He chuckled watching you miss the spot as you attempted to wipe it off.
“Here I got it.” Ethan said softly as he held your cheek while wiping the frosting off with his thumb.
Instinctively, you leaned into his warm hand, wishing this moment could last forever. But then fear struck the both of you. “I um... We should probably start cleaning up.” You said nervously, beginning to clean up your mess and leaving Ethan to sit there wondering what he did wrong.
Eventually the two of you settled into the living room and put on whatever movie you wanted to watch that night, but Ethan didn’t mind it. Just as long as you were happy. However, Ethan would be lying if he said he didn’t feel his heart skip a beat like those many other times he’s been desperately trying to ignore ever since he met you.
Like every year, the movie eventually ended up playing in the background as the two of you became too focused on the conversation you were having with each other. 
“Do you know what you’re getting Grayson this year?” You asked before taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
“He’s been really into speedos lately and I have no idea why. But I’m going to get him a razor as a joke to shave that mustache of his.” Ethan said, earning a laugh from you.
“Oh my gosh...I’ve seen so many tweets from fans about that. There was one that compared him to the Mr. Pringles logo and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference.” You said jokingly as the both of you laughed.
Eventually silence fell between the two of you, simply enjoying the comfort of each other’s presence until Ethan handed you a poorly wrapped box with a golden bow on top and said, “Hey I have something for you.”
“E... I thought we said no gifts this year.” You sighed feeling guilty since all you had to give him was a hoodie. 
“Yeah I know... I just wanted to get you something. You know just cause.” Ethan shrugged, anxiously waiting for you to open your gift.
“You know I hate when you spend money on me.”
Ethan turned to face you as the both of you sat cross-legged and leaned in a bit as he placed a hand on your knee, “I know. But... just open it.”
You unwrapped the gift and opened the box to reveal two tickets to see Shawn Mendes in concert, something you never thought you would be able to attend. “Ethan... H-How did you get these? I thought his concert was sold out!” 
“I may or may not have got them during the pre-sale after you had mentioned wanting to see him in concert.”
“I’ve only mentioned wanting to see him once.” You stated.
“Try twenty times in the past week.” Ethan jokingly said.
“Okay whatever. But these must have cost you so much money! Here let me pay you back. How much were they?” You said frantically grabbing your wallet before Ethan placed his hand on yours to stop you.
“Y/N it’s okay. Really. It’s my gift to you.” Ethan said with a smile on his face.
“Oh my god!” You said leaping up to give him a tight hug, catching him a bit off guard. “Thank you thank you thank you.”
You pulled away and stared at the tickets in your hand, “I can’t believe I’m actually going to see Shawn Mendes!”
“And I know they’re not front row or anything b-” Ethan said as he played with his thumb nervously.
“Ethan. I don’t care if they’re not front row or if they’re nosebleeds. I just... I can’t believe you got these for me.” You said smiling at him, “Thank you for the best gift anyone has ever given me.”
“Anything for you.” Ethan said, pulling you into his side and giving you a kiss on the top of your head. And he meant it. He would do anything in the world to see you so happy.
You cherished the moment for as long as you could, enjoying the warmth and comfort of your best friend. Honestly just movies and hanging out with your best friend would’ve been perfectly fine, but him going out of his way to get you something that made you happy, was a bonus. You would have never thought you’d be so lucky to find someone like him. 
“I got something for you too, but it’s not much.” You said pulling away and reaching for the bag by your feet.
You handed Ethan the bag as he accepted it from you and said, “I’ll be happy with whatever you got me. So I’m guessing we both broke our deal about no gifts this year?”
“I guess so.” You shrugged watching him take out the tissue paper, hoping he wouldn’t be too disappointed in what you got him.
“A hoodie! I’ve been meaning to buy more because I don’t know what hap-“ Ethan said as he took out the hoodie from the bag, but suddenly became confused when he realized what he was holding, “Wait. Isn’t this mine?”
“Yeah you gave it to me a while back so now I’m giving it back to you now.” You shrugged.
“So you gave me back my own hoodie? As a gift?” Ethan questioned you.
“Hey in my defense you said no gifts this year!”
“But I still got you something!” Ethan chuckled. He wasn’t mad. He just found it funny because this would be something you would totally do.
“So did I! It just happened to be something... I’m giving back to you.” The truth was the reason why you were giving it back to him was because it didn’t smell like him anymore.
Sure he had a closet full of them you could steal from, but this one reminded you of how lucky you were to have Ethan in your life.
It was freezing cold tonight and you were stupid enough not to bring a jacket to a bonfire with some friends. Some of them you only knew of, such as Ethan and Grayson Dolan.
You were so captivated by the story Grayson was telling that you didn’t realize your marshmallow caught on fire and that someone sat next to you until they grabbed your marshmallow stick, “Whoa. Careful.”
“Oh my gosh. I should’ve been paying attention. Thank you.” You said slightly embarrassed before looking up at who had saved your marshmallow. 
The moment you met his hazel eyes, you felt breathless. It was one of those moments you swore time had stopped. Those eyes. Those dreamy, hazel eyes you would soon learn to love.
“Here you can have mine.” He offered as he handed you his perfect smore. 
“Thanks Ethan.” You accepted the offer and took a bite, letting the combination of roasted marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker fill your mouth 
“You know who I am?” 
“Who doesn’t? I’m Y/N.” You said putting your hand out for him to shake as he did the same.
His large hand was probably twice as yours, crushing your much smaller hand, but somehow his hand was warm on this cold night. “You cold?” Ethan asked, feeling how cold your hand was.
You rubbed your arm, looking into the fire as you finished your smore. “Um no I’m go-”
Before you could finish, Ethan was taking off his hoodie and handing it to you. “Here. Take this. It’ll keep you warm.”
“Ethan it’s okay really. I’m fine.” You said, beginning to push the hoodie back towards him.
“You’re practically freezing right now.” Ethan chuckled.
“What about you? Won’t you be cold?” You asked.
“I’ll be okay. I was getting hot anyway.” Ethan reassured you with a smile.
“Thanks.” You said before putting on the sweatshirt as his scent surrounded you.
Ethan nodded his head as he listened to Grayson go on about his story, desperately trying to stop himself from staring at you. Even though he had met you just a few moments ago, there was just something about you that made him feel so drawn to you. Was it your smile? The way the fire made you glow? Maybe it was...everything.
Between the talking and stolen glances, somehow time passed by without you knowing until Grayson came over and put his arm around Ethan. “Hey man it’s getting pretty late. I think we should go soon.”
You could tell Ethan was surprised by the sudden touch of his brother as you watched his eyes widen, “So I guess I should get going.”
“Well it was nice talking to you Ethan.” You smiled at him as he did the same.
“Bye Y/N.” Ethan said before walking away towards Grayson.
Typically, it took you a very long time to feel comfortable around someone, despite how long you had known them for. But there was something about Ethan that made you feel so safe and comfortable around him, that you could be yourself without having to put on a fake smile. Maybe it’s the way his voice was so calming or maybe it was everything.
Looking down, you had realized you were still wearing his hoodie. But luckily he wasn’t too far away so you grabbed your things and jogged towards him, calling out his name. “Ethan!”
He quickly turned around and saw you approaching him, “You okay? Do you need a ride home?” 
“No. No, I'm all good. I drove here myself.” You were flattered by how caring he was. “I forgot I was still wearing your hoodie.”
You began taking the hoodie off when Ethan stopped you, “Y/N just keep it.”
“What? Why?”
“Just take it.” Ethan reassured you. “It looks better on you anyways.”
You could feel a smile form on your face, not knowing what to say. How can someone be so incredibly kind? “Thank you.” 
“I’ll see you later, Y/N. Drive safe, okay?” Ethan said as he began to walk backwards towards his car.
“Bye Ethan.” You said as the feeling of excitement and happiness consumed you before walking away towards your car, the smile never leaving your face.
Ethan got into his car as Grayson stared at him, “What?”
“Nothing. I’m just wondering why you just gave Y/N your favorite hoodie.” Grayson asked with a smug grin on his face.
“She was cold. That’s all.” Ethan said as he started up the car.
“Bro, you don’t even let me wear that hoodie and we’re twins!” Grayson laughed.
“Whatever man. It’s nothing. Let’s just go home.” Ethan said putting the car in reverse.
“If that’s your story.” Grayson chuckled at his brother, but he knew this was more than just nothing. 
And so did the both of you.
**end of flashback**
Since that day, you’ve learned to love his aroma. It somehow provided you comfort and filled the missing piece of Ethan when he was out of town. So when it started to lose his scent, why not give it back and have it smell like him again?
“Oh so it’s not even a gift for me? It’s really just for you? This was my favorite hoodie you know?” Ethan teased pointing to soft material he held in his other hand.
“And it’s my favorite too! I wear it all of the time.” You attempted to explain to him, but by the look on Ethan’s face, you knew he wasn’t going to budge. “Look, just think of it this way. You get your hoodie back... for now and when I ask to borrow a hoodie one night then I’ll just take that one! We’re sharing it!”
You couldn’t tell him the truth about why you loved the hoodie so much. Maybe you were afraid that he would think that it’s weird. Or maybe because you were afraid of him finding out about how much you loved him.
“Alright fine.” Ethan chuckled as he put the bag down before putting on the hoodie. “But you have to admit, this looks better on me anyways.”
You shoved him lightly and said, “You wish. You even said it yourself that it looks better on me.”
“Whatever.” Ethan said as he pulled you to his side, keeping his arm around your shoulders, “Let’s just finish the movie.”
As the two of you sat there watching the movie, Ethan had noticed a small little heart with your first initial and the letter E embroidered onto the wrist that wasn’t there before. He nudged you lightly and asked, “Hey what’s this?”
He held out the sleeve in front of you for you to see, “Um a little while ago I accidentally ripped a little hole there so I sewed it up. I hope you don’t mind. I can take it out if you want.” 
“No no It’s okay. I really like it.” Ethan said looking down at you with a smile on his face, intertwining his fingers with yours.. “It makes the hoodie really feel like it’s mine.”
He couldn’t focus on the movie anymore. All he could do was feel his heart pound against his chest. Everything in that moment had felt so right. Everything with you felt right.
Eventually you fell asleep as Ethan held you close beside him and stared at the heart on his sleeve. He knew from that night when you two met, you would be in his life for a while, but never like this. He never expected to be so drawn to someone, so captivated. He never expected to be so close to someone other than Grayson and he sure as hell never expected to fall in love with you.
164 notes · View notes
Okay can we talk about ACOSF???? Bc on booktok all I’m seeing is so much negativity about how people don’t like feysand or don’t like nesta but?? I read this book, loved it, thought nesta grew SO much and we got to see feysand from a different POV which gave them depth! Plus a baby!!! I can talk about it forever
We can absolutely talk about ACOSF. I have thoughts, feelings, opinions and this is going to get long. And, uh, any of those super negative critiques:
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Alright, alright, alright, so initial feelings? I enjoyed it a lot. Like, way more than I thought I would honestly because going in I was like eh, Nessian, but I loved Nesta’s character development and the flirt-to-roast ratio with her and Cassian and every single time Cassian called her Nes or God help me ARCHERON, my soul reached another plane of existence. Don’t even get me started on that one time she called him General. The noise I made was not audible to human ears. 
That said, there were some parts that I was like: oh ok, that’s happening. So, because I cannot function without organization, let’s break down some of the major things that happened into a LIST WITH OPINIONS ATTACHED
Sexual Tension Fucking fuck, these two idiots. Pining after each other while both desperately wanting someone, anyone, to be like — please stay in bed and cuddle me all night?!?! Idiots. Both of them flush with power and the ability to make people legit terror before them and they’re so goddamn soft with each other. Which is kind of hysterical because they are also able to rip each other to shreds? Oh my God, some of those fight scenes, I just—my heart was in my throat. And I do not want to hear a single word of how CASSIAN IS MEAN TO NESTA? Were we reading the same book, internet? Bro is In Love. From the G E T. 
Which leads us to—
S O L S T I C E  God, rip my romantic-loving heart out of my body. Learning what was in the box from the solstice before made me screech and then the music. THE MUSIC. Can we talk about Cassian, feared general, dude who has canonically lost track of how many people he has killed, cornering an ENTIRE ORCHESTRA to recreate music for Nesta? I just—f u c k. It was a lot. A lot. And then we circle back around to how soft they were and there’ll never be another and I am going to have to pace around a bit. I loved it. I love them. I nearly screamed when it took Nesta a few more chapters to realize it was a mating bond, and then Cassian just bolted because he also couldn’t quite deal with it, and I am still not super sold on the mating bond, like, as a thing, but I kind of went into this book pretty certain this was going to happen, so...good. Also them arguing by the Sidra, oof. 
There was a lot of sex in this book. I knew there was going to be a lot of sex in this book. I must have told my husband four different times, “God, there is a lot of sex in this book.” Some of it was good. Some of it was kind of cloying in its descriptions. I genuinely lol’ed at Nesta fantasizing about being straight up railed by both Cassian and Azriel. (Why was that in there? Still don’t really know, felt a lot like very obvious fan service, but it was also kind of hysterical.)
JEALOUSY DIDN’T MAKE ME WANT TO RIP MY EYES OUT I hate jealousy plots. HATE THEM. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves in relationship writing, but I was super into it here??? Cassian cutting in on the dance and TAKING DANCING LESSONS. It was good. I enjoyed it. 
Nesta’s Power Yo. YO. This was really cool. She was terrifying and out of control, while also learning how to be in control and intimidating and I was like YES, GET IT. When Rhys flew into the House and Nesta was just wrapped in silver flames, that was super cool. Also Rhys being freaked out by her? Kind of bad ass, honestly. But. But! I wish it was explored even more. I wish we got to learn what she could really do and the extent to which she could do it, because I thought it was a fascinating possibility to parallel Nesta to Feyre and I don’t really think we got that. Like, Feyre Cursebreaker — with power given from all the High Lords, this bringer of new life and a fresh start for all the courts. Then her sister — with power stolen from the Cauldron itself and death at her fingertips. With all the comparisons of Feyre and Nesta, I really figured we’d be gunning towards that eventually ESPECIALLY with Feyre being pregnant, and the idea of life in that capacity. Also, what was the point of Lucien saying “Gods help you all” or whatever he said when he was watching Nesta train if...nothing ever really came from that? We’ll circle back around to that in a second, during what will be my ending-based soliloquy, but first let’s talk about—
Feyre Being Pregnant, Why That Kind of Felt Like Twilight and Why I Get Why Rhys Was Being an Idiot Listen, part of the reason I wanted to read this book was for what I assumed would be the Feysand crumbs we’d get. Most of me was convinced that this book would not take place in Velaris and I was mentally prepared for that. Color me pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t and we got an IC feast. But. But! Part two! I’ve mentioned how I’m never really here for...pregnancy being like this ultimate endgame, and I understand why Feysand wanted a kid and I get it, I do. Just the whole thing with she’s going to DIE felt very Bella Swan, was kind of dramatic in mela-sort of way and I TOTALLY GET WHY RHYS KEPT THE WINGS A SECRET. Was it idiotic? Yeah, of course. But I don’t think we talk about his trauma enough, really. Those fifty years under the Mountain are not just gong to disappear, and I cannot really blame him for totally losing his mind at even the idea of Feyre dying. This is not a dude who is trying to control Feyre. I’ve never felt that way about Rhys. At all. This is a dude who has already lost ALL of HIS control and is desperately trying to hang on. He’s already had his entire world shattered six ways to Sunday, this was obviously going to destroy him. Aside from, y’know, straight up killing him too. (That was dumb, guys.) And I think telling Feyre would have made it REAL for Rhys, which he obviously could not cope with. Was I surprised that Feyre’s pregnancy was such a big plot point in a book that was supposed to be super Nessian focused? Yeah, for sure. But also—I like established relationships and Feyre and Rhys could not stop making eyes at each other. Not totally here for the deadly pregnancy trope, not totally here for using family as a trauma recovery, but sort of understand it. 
Training, Valkyries and Friendship Bracelets Like I said, I thought this book was gong to take place in the Illyrian camps way more than it did, but I L O V E D the training sessions. Adored Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn’s friendship and how often they teamed up to snark Cassian and Azriel. I was painfully here for all three of them together and the sleepover in the House warmed the cockles of my cold, dead heart. Especially when the bracelets proved so important during the Blood Rite. Which—let’s talk about the Blood Rite. Didn’t expect that!! Was pleasantly surprised by that!! Nesta drawing the literal line in the dirt made me fist pump the air. (And is another parallel to Feyre and her taking inspiration from old Fae legends, but that’s neither here nor there, whatever I’m not here to harp on missed opportunity.) I thought it was really important that all three of them got to showcase their own power too, and how they worked SO WELL together and I was just really glad that there was such focus on this sisterhood outside of literal sisterhood. I thought those relationships were so well done and it was just such a joy to read about their growth and strength and I loved them. Am I here for Gwyn and Azriel? Maybe. Possibly more here for Emerie and Mor? Maybe maybe. 
The House I thought it was Amren, for a very long time. Like secretly helping Nesta still and I was really into that idea and really into Amren not being able to totally let Nesta go and I wasn’t really into Nesta bowing to Amren. 
THE ENDING Oh my God, so much happened. So quickly. With some occasionally jarring scene cuts. The Blood Rite surprised me, but I was not surprised by Cassian getting ensnared by the crown. Fully expected something like that to happen, was still making ridiculous noises when he tried to turn the dagger on himself instead of killing Nesta. LOST MY MIND WHEN NESTA UNMADE THE QUEEN. I’m still sort of...confused about the Trove, though. I know there are a fair number of hanging plot threads that are gong to lead into other stories, but I just—I don’t know, when they were talking about the High King and everything I sort of thought they were leading towards Nessian being that. I know the whole IC was very into Rhys and thematically it made sense, but also let’s consider—I don’t want that? Rhys needs to get his shit in order and his own Court to calm the fuck down and again I think the potential for LORD OF THE BASTARDS and LADY DEATH to ascend to this position of power and lead the world into this new era was there and I just, I don’t know, I liked the idea of it. Particularly when so many people have referred to Nesta as a Queen. That whole thing in the prison happened, y’know? I’m not sure (read: I’m fairly positive) that won’t happen now, especially because Nesta gave up so much of her power to save Feyre. And I know that’s a TALKING POINT™ but also...I was pretty cool with that? Once it came out that Feyre was going to die, it made sense that Nesta would be the one to save her—to twist death again, and kind of seize control of it. Granted, I’m still a little confused by the Trove and what everyone’s going to do with all that power, but Nesta saving Feyre was this perfect sort of wrap up. For me, at least. I think they balance each other out in a lot of respects, and that was really the last step of Nesta’s growth. Also, uh, back on my Feysand ‘ish and Rhys screaming and crying and trying to get to Feyre? o o o f. Also, also, RHYS BOWING TO NESTA. I CANNOT TELL YOU THE LAST TIME I CRIED AT A BOOK, BUT I CRIED AT THIS BOOK. RHYS, BABY, I ADORE YOU. 
Nesta Finding Herself I just really—liked it. I think sometimes in these sorts of stories we get people who are so focused on characters being “the bitch” and having an edge and we have a tendency to think that’s what makes them STRONG. Nah, that ain’t it, son. I don’t want to read about someone being a dick just for sake of being a dick. Nesta was NOT IN A GOOD PLACE. She was self-imploding and destroying herself and getting her POV made it blatantly clear that she thought she deserved that. That she truly believed she didn’t deserve anyone else. And as much as the romance was good and the friendships were fantastic, the key to this story was Nesta (as cheesy as it sounds) learning to love herself. To find worth in her own self. Reading about Nesta simply learning to want to live again, for no one except herself, was really, really good and I think, for the most part, well done. Which is why it makes sense that Nesta gives up some of her power. This isn’t about being A BAD BITCH, PATENT PENDING. This is about love, and joy and embracing your own faults. I get the disappointment over Nesta losing her power. I do. But I’m not sure she totally did? Maybe that’s too positive, or too naive, or something, but...whatever. 
Other things that I really enjoyed, include but are not limited to: Cassian having allergies Nesta absolutely decimating Tamlin. And Tamlin’s just like...a lion all the time now, huh? And, uh, also is Tamlin Gwyn’s dad??? Like, is that a thing? Am I crazy?  Nesta telling Elain to fuck off (Also, Elain—darling, I wish you got more character development. Elain is to SJM what Belle is to me in CS fic. Sometimes I think she just forgets about her.) Azriel calling out Cassian for getting BLOWN at the dining room table Azriel getting Nesta a Solstice gift and then THEY HUGGED Nesta wanting an over the top mating ceremony. Get it, girl.  Feyre going full on Court of Nightmares in the Hewn City Nesta making it down the steps
Other things I thought we’d get more of and just...didn’t Whatever the fuck Lucien has been up to, and more on the continent with Vassa and Juran More stuff in Illyria Reaction to the trio in the Blood Rite Amren and Nesta reconciling. I know Nesta apologized, but Amren kind of got on my nerves.  Nesta understandably criticizing the IC and their tendency to get a little sanctimonious.  THREE SISTER PEAKS. THREE BAT BOYS. THREE VALKYRIE. WHAT IS IT SARAH? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? 
9 notes · View notes
lightsandlostbells · 4 years
wtFOCK season 3, episode 1 reaction
So! It’s a million years too late, but I decided to talk about wtFOCK season 3. 
I had fairly positive feelings about S1 of wtFOCK. It was the scrappy underdog of the Skam remakes, in a way, and what it lacked in polish, it made up for authenticity. I was very willing to overlook its flaws because of what I perceived as genuine attempts to connect with teenagers. I was really, really holding out hope that future seasons would improve on its flaws. And ... well. (Disclaimer: I still haven’t seen S2. Sorry! I just failed to keep up with all the remakes and S2 is my least fave so I didn’t feel that motivated to make it a priority, even though I did like Zoë a lot in S1.)
Heads up - I didn’t care for this season. A lot of people did, and I would never, ever want to ruin someone’s enjoyment of something, even if I personally didn’t like it. So please take this as a warning that I have a lot of negative things to say, and don’t read if it’s going to harsh your buzz for a pairing or a story that you deeply love. However, I didn’t want to just be grumpy and angry the whole time, so I tried to think of constructive ways to fix certain problems I had with this season. No guarantees that they’re satisfying solutions, but it was an interesting exercise.
Also, I didn’t watch this in real time, and I paid barely any attention to fandom reactions and/or drama, so it’s very possible that I am missing context, or that pacing issues didn’t register with me quite as strongly, etc. If one of the actors ate a live dolphin on Instagram, and then got into a fight with fans on Twitter about their right to eat live dolphins, and now fandom has canceled the problematic dolphin-eating actor, I legit do not know, do not come at me if I’m like “This actor is doing a good job” with “Wow, didn’t know you stanned dolphin-eaters??? YIKES.” Honestly, for the purposes of just grading this season on a storytelling level, I would prefer not to know anything about the cast or crew unless it directly has an impact on the show itself.
Clip 1 - House party
OK, I did like this flashy intro shot, immersing us in the Wild ‘n’ Crazy Teen Party of Wild ‘n’ Crazy Youths.
Amber rejecting every dude in site … When Will Gay Vilde Rise. (I know there have been some f/f storylines in the remakes, but if there’s one involving an actual Vilde, please let me know.)
Luca saying “We’re not walking around in a high school drama” - you can hear the rimshot.
I do like the transition from the party up to the bathroom, that’s a cool shot. wtFOCK’s directing so far is more ambitious than it was in S1.
Robbe is clearly a mess and they acknowledge his problems at home right off the bat.
We go back downstairs. wtFOCK’s version of Magnus knocks his drink on Amber and she gets pissed. She gives him the finger and he falls in love. Still a better love story than S3 Daphne/Basile.
It’s a small point, but I don’t get why we didn’t get this moment before jumping up to the bathroom with Robbe and the others? It would be a far smoother transition, just on a practical level and also in the sense of fully immersing us in Robbe’s POV after a quick update with the other characters.
Belgian Magnus joins the guys in the bathtub and announces he’s in love. They roast him when they find out it’s Amber and start talking about hot chicks. Moyo starts grilling Robbe about his type of girl, in a crass, sexual way.
This is honestly not a bad start to Robbe’s story at all. Robbe is clearly more reluctant to get into his interest in girls than Isak was - Isak was more fuckboyish from the start, Robbe seems like he’s about to start squirming and doesn’t really give an answer to Moyo’s questioning. Which is fine! I think it’s fine to start off the POV character at different stages of performing heterosexuality, as long as it’s taken into account in the writing of the character’s whole arc. The fact that the boy talk is so crude and sexual just ramps up Robbe’s alienation.
I swear, I will never understand how the girls in this scene just go into the bathroom and pee in front of strange boys … like maybe I am just a ~prude but that seems like a recipe for disaster and I would not trust those little fuckers to not be secretly recording me on the toilet.
Her peeing is kind of a power move, like marking her territory.
Also L M A O at Robbe starting to flirt with the girl while she is pissing … like now this comes off as a kink thing. OK, Robbe. Jokes aside, this gets across the same meaning as the scene with Isak: he starts to flirt with her because he was encouraged by the other guys.
Uh, flush the toilet, lady. And use some TP.
Now this version of Emma seriously radiates some Natalie Portman in The Professional vibes.
She orders him to stand up and then starts kissing him. I get way less of a vibe of Robbe’s mad game with women (like how Isak negged Emma into kissing him) and more like this girl is the love interest out of an indie romcom, all mysterious and spunky. She kisses him like once after taking his jay and then leaves. The boys all crack up. Moyo tells Robbe it’s his responsibility to get the weed back which lmao, no it’s not, all you assholes were there and could have intervened.
This scene is perfectly fine and even effective! Not entirely the same vibes as OG, but it still has a purpose and some obvious cause-and-effect, and there are some nice stylistic choices.
Clip 2 - Party pt. 2
Robbe is now making out with mystery girl. We already have a divergence in characterization from OG. Isak was being performative about making out with Emma and shut it down once the guys left. Robbe is making out with this girl because he wants to be straight, I guess? If it’s not to appeal to his friends, it’s likely that this is for himself. Again, I have no real problem with this change if it’s incorporated into Robbe’s overall arc and characterization. My thing is, if you’re writing this scene, do you realize the differences in characterization? Or do you think this is interchangeable from what happened with Isak? The latter is where you run into problems, because then the writing shows lack of nuance. I bring this up here because, well, you can guess how I feel about later events. 
Luca seems rather aggro about the mystery woman, which I assume is because she still has the hots for Robbe?
It makes me laugh that we got this first-person POV as Robbe leaves through the garage, because of the “Smack My Bitch Up” song being played in the last clip (the song had an infamous music video, banned from MTV in the ‘90s, that was from a first-person POV). But again, WTFock is trying harder with the cinematography and direction, good for them.
Robbe ditches the cops by jumping on the bike with Belgian Emma. OK, I get it, Belgian Emma is too cool for school. 
I have kinda mixed feelings on that, actually. I mean, I’ll be honest - I don’t see why any Emma has to be made into someone more palatable. Definitely don’t demonize her or present her in a misogynistic way! She deserves sympathy and dignity as much as any character on a Skam. But … it’s fine if she and the Isak aren’t like, amazingly compatible except for his sexuality. The Even character is supposed to be the one who really shakes up the Isak’s world! The Isak is supposed to be lost and confused and drifting and then Even comes in and is someone he can really open up to. Not just because he’s another guy who’s into guys, but because Even’s personality meshes with Isak’s so easily while still challenging him and introducing him to new things. In a way, it does kinda diminish the effect of the Even if the Isak meets ANOTHER mysterious stranger who’s an awesome person. Or at the very least, it lessens the feeling of the Isak’s detachment from everything.
And again, this could work if the writing realizes it. You can totally craft a subtly different arc from the pieces of Isak’s season. It’s just that (speaking from the future) I do not feel this is what happened.
Clip 3 - Tagging time
I don’t think it’s necessary to break up all the parts of a longer scene/set piece into a bunch of different clips. If you start a scene at 16:00, it’s OK to have the clip take place over several hours. You don’t need to chop it up unless there’s a reason why this pacing might benefit the story. Honestly, if you’re watching in real time, I think this method is often less effective at building tension/emotion/etc. But wtFOCK is not the first remake to try this tactic.
... this part where Robbe and Noor put on masks sure hits differently in 2020.
Belgian Emma’s name is Noor and she takes him to a warehouse, or something? It’s very secret and Cool Kid. And IDK, it’s fun, but again… I think making the Emma that much of a fun mysterious cool exciting person is very much diminishing the effect of Robbe’s isolation. We had a good start with establishing that alienation while he was in the tub, but now his reactions to her rad hipness feel way too sincere and act against the major character conflict of his season. He seems nervous to go with her, but not because he’s with a girl, just because it’s a risky scenario.
Noor hands Robbe a spray paint can and leads him to tag a wall. There’s  a guy taking pictures. So I’m assuming one of the guys in masks is the Even? The POV seems to shift to the photo guy briefly, like we’re seeing Robbe through his eyes. And even though I’m not a fan of POV breakage, I do think this is a cool way to introduce the Even without really introducing him, you know? If that’s him. (EDIT from the future: Ummm, so that wasn’t Sander, right? I’m rewatching and it doesn’t look like him. Soooo that part has even less relevance than I originally thought. Got it.) (EDIT from the future beyond the future: @hellswolfie tells me that this actually was Sander, so I am just bad at recognizing people, lol.)
Robbe and Noor take off their masks briefly to kiss. Uhhhh, did the scene really just … cut off there? Because L M A O what a weird choice. We don’t get to see what Robbe creates on the wall, which could be a great way to establish his character, AND we end with him on a smiley, contented note which does not boost his POV at all. It legit just makes him seem like a guy who’s into this girl, and sorry, even if that’s his public persona at this point in time … that’s not what we, the audience should be getting at all. 
Clip 4 - Boy squad morning after
Robbe skateboards to meet up with the guy squad. Again, the directing is far better IMO than in S1.
Robbe got the weed back so that conflict is over, I guess.
He gets a call from his mom and stops laughing with the guys and gets serious. He walks away to take the call. Then he starts to open up to Jens about his mom freaking out, and then Moyo spots some girls so they all ditch Robbe to go chase girls, and WOW, Jens, please turn in your Jonas card. 
Don’t love that we didn’t hear his mom on the phone. There’s no reason not to let us hear what she���s saying since it would be in Robbe’s POV AND as it turns out, they just tell us about the situation with his mom right off the bat, anyway, so it’s not like there’s much point in hiding it. 
This was effective in a sense to establish how girl-crazy his friends are, as well as setting up Robbe’s isolation, which I was worried wouldn’t come across as strongly after meeting Noor. But I think they could have NOT mingled in his mom issues to make this part more effective. Like if the goal was to show more of Robbe being alienated because he’s gay, then that’s not entirely successful, because there are non-gay reasons why Robbe wouldn’t join his pals on the girl chase. I mean, even a horny hetero Robbe might not want to chase girls with his bros because talking to his mom is a downer, so it’s not necessarily because of his sexuality. Plus he just found a girl he liked in Noor, so apparently, he’s not on the prowl. What this part IS communicating that the Belgian guy squad doesn’t have much interest in their friend’s family struggles, which ... ehhhh, maybe not great in the grand scheme of the storyline? These guys can be flawed, for sure, but we do need them to care about Robbe’s well-being. And Robbe tried to open up here, so the flaw is not in him, it’s in his friends. I’m going to let it slide because Jens was offering to help Robbe in the first clip, so it’s not like he’s been a totally insensitive friend this whole time. 
Clip 5 - Phone call from Robbe’s dad
Noor jumps on Robbe and they make out. She shows him the garage and they talk about the tagging world or w/e. Again, not sure why they are portraying Noor as like … a legit love interest. I don’t get much of a sense of discomfort from Robbe. Isak was just not into Emma and was uncomfortable when his bathroom flirting came back to haunt him. And I don’t think it’s TERRIBLE not to follow that route, but you can’t just make this huge change if you don’t account for it in future episodes and Robbe’s overall arc. (EDIT from the future: Which I don’t think they do, otherwise I wouldn’t care.) Every scene should count in furthering Robbe’s character, especially this early in the season where we’re just getting to know his particular struggles. If Robbe is trying to convince himself to like girls, then I want to see definite vulnerability in how that’s portrayed.
I blame the directing/writing more than the acting for the lack of discomfort, since I sensed Robbe’s lack of comfort just fine in the bathtub scene.
Makeouts get interrupted when Robbe’s dad calls. Again, not sure why we aren’t hearing both sides of the conversation? Because we’re in Robbe’s POV. Why wouldn’t we hear them? This seems like they just want to create some suspense or mystery over the situation with his parents. But it’s perfectly possible to do so while still letting us in on the phone calls. In fact, it’s arguably more intriguing to let us listen to some phone calls where we get some vague details but nowhere close to the whole story. It’s not like Robbe’s dad is going to explain the whole situation to his son in an exposition dump. We can get some crumbs to tease us, while still keeping us in Robbe’s POV and not feeling like the show is cutting corners.
Robbe gets mad at his dad and tells Noor he needs to be alone. Closeup on Noor as Robbe walks away. OK … why? Why on her and not Robbe when it’s his POV? Why the focus on Noor’s feelings when we really need to be establishing our protagonist’s mindset in the beginning of this season? I’m not saying her feelings don’t matter, I’m saying that well, this isn’t her story. It would be better to see Robbe’s pained reaction as he leaves.
Clip 6 - Robbe’s dad drama
Jens comes running up while Robbe is being sad. Robbe says that it may be necessary for him to stay with Jens because Robbe’s mom has been committed to a mental health institution and Robbe doesn’t want to stay with his dad. Ah, so I guess we’re hearing that right away. Which honestly makes not hearing his phone calls to his parents even funnier - like you lock us out of his POV arguably for the suspense, but then you end the suspense anyway by just telling us what happened a scene or two later? All right. I guess there’s suspense in that we don’t know exactly what’s up with the mom, mental health-wise, or the root of Robbe’s problems with his dad.
It occurs to me that maybe they just didn’t want to hire people to voice Robbe’s parents? Or put in the time to film both sides of the conversation? I have a hard time believing either of those because it’s so lazy, but. 
I mean, just turn the phone conversations into text conversations if you’re not going to let us listen to Robbe’s parents on the other end.
They go and play football without really resolving the situation. Sad music plays while Robbe joins in. Also, someone was calling Robbe, and I assume it was his dad, but it’s not shown.
These clips are VERY short and choppy so far. You could easily combine the last two, so Robbe is with Jens instead of Noor when he gets the other phone call from his dad, leading into this conversation.
We know immediately about Robbe’s mom’s situation instead of it being a mystery, like with Isak. Which, again, isn’t inherently wrong, but then I want them to DO SOMETHING with it. 
Clip 7 - Jens and Jana
Oh hey, Jana got her braces off! IDK if that happened last season or this one, but it was something I liked, seeing a teenage girl with braces on a teen drama. That rarely happens unless it’s a joke or a plot point.
OK, they really need to film Robbe’s phone so I can actually see who’s calling…
Jens tells Jana about Robbe’s parental situation. I’ll note that first she asks if something’s up with Noor, so news of the Robbe/Noor relationship must have traveled really fast since they’ve only just gotten together. Like Robbe and Noor are clearly dating, going off Jana’s comment, and not just hooking up. Then Belgian Magnus wants to know about hooking up with Amber. Meanwhile Robbe is having a conversation off screen with his dad? Guess it wasn’t important!
And that’s the problem, obviously. It’s his POV season, anything you decide to show SHOULD be important to his storyline. 
Also … it’s fine that we’re focusing on Robbe’s shit home life since that’s relevant to his story, but almost nothing in these clips has set up Robbe’s attraction to men, and only slightly his lack of interest in girls, which was negated by him seeming very interested in a girl afterwards. And knowing how long this season takes to get going with the Even character, it’s a pretty glaring omission.
So we don’t see Robbe’s phone call with his dad, but he gets snappy about it when Jens asks. One of the boys (I can’t tell who) says that Robbe’s on his period.  Gonna be real, I don’t care for this squad so far. 
What was the point of this clip? We already know Robbe is having problems with his dad, which is the most relevant part to the plot here. We shouldn’t be wandering from Robbe’s POV so much, but even taking that into account … we already know Belgian Magnus likes Amber, so that’s not necessary to establish. And we didn’t need to see Jens tell Jana something we already know. I assume he tells her so Zoë can find out and offer a room, but there’s no reason to see Jens tell Jana this, so. Filler clip. 
Clip 8 - Zoë and Robbe at the lockers
Yeah, Zoë offers Robbe a place to stay here, but again, we didn’t need to see the news travel down the Jens-Jana pipeline. It could have been condensed more efficiently.
Robbe doesn’t want to because he says his dad wouldn’t approve. Zoë says she hopes things get better with his mom and Robbe at first snaps and tells her to leave it, then says thanks. This is an actual good interaction, writing-wise, kudos.
I liked Zoë a lot in S1 and I like her here again. I really should watch her season despite my Noorhelm allergy. The scene of them kinda smiling at each other across the hallways reminds me that this is probably the strongest relationship in the whole season, tbh.
Why was this clip so short? So many of these clips could have been combined into one. I mean, Zoë could have said, “I heard from Jana who heard from Jens...” without us needing the previous clip. Although, did Robbe really want anyone else to know about his home life? Lol @ Jens just blabbing Robbe’s private business.
So I guess they didn’t set up the Eskild situation in S2 that would lead to Eskild offering Robbe a place to stay? 
Clip 9 - Robbe gets roommates
Robbe is in Zoë’s room. He sees her “everyone you know is fighting a battle” quote next to the mirror, which is a detail I actually quite like in context with the rest of this storyline and Even’s condition. It’s a good Skam thesis overall.
I guess Zoë met with Robbe’s dad. Zoë calls him a tough cookie. Robbe doesn’t want to speak to him. They bond a little over their parental problems. Again, a nice detail.
Belgian Eskild appears and teases Robbe a little before announcing that Robbe’s dad has agreed to let him stay in the flat. Yay!
Oh, so Senne is staying there, too? At least they didn’t do a pointless Noorhelm breakup in this version.
Milan (the Eskild) tries to go in for a hug and Robbe isn’t cool with it, so at least that’s something with Robbe’s issues with men. (I think? The thing is, Robbe also does not really know Milan, so it’s not as weird that he’s not ready to be affectionate with a near-stranger.)  (EDIT from the future: Keeping the S2 almost-kiss that’s referenced in the next clip in mind, I can rationalize this moment as a continuation of that awkwardness from Robbe’s POV.) 
They chat with Lisa (Linn) who wants to direct Robbe on what he is and isn’t allowed to touch in her room, heh.  Milan and Zoë have cute interaction, and Robbe looks happy. I do like the flatmate vibe so far, they seem fun.
Clip 10 - Robbe and Milan
Senne and Zoë get cute. I haven’t seen S2 so I can’t give my opinion on their version of Noorhelm, but I did think a few things about them were less creepy in wtFOCK’s S1 than in OG. Milan talks about how they’re a Disneylike couple and Robbe laughs.
Then Robbe apologizes for something that evidently happened in S2, where Milan tried to kiss Robbe at a party? Again, I didn’t see the scene. Milan says he’d never try to do that. He offers Robbe a hug, which he accepts - tbh I don’t know if Robbe SHOULD accept based on where he is in his character arc, maybe he should have more skittishness? But it’s a nice character moment, at least. They really have to make up for lost time with the Robbe-Milan relationship, so I can get that they need to establish some closeness fast.
Not being in the wtFOCK fandom, I kinda wonder if there was backlash to that scene from before and this is damage control, LMAO.
I feel like you could’ve tweaked this to be more representative of Robbe’s issues, like have him stress here that he’s not gay, because it’s a sweet scene but again, I don’t feel like this episode built up Robbe’s internal dilemma very well. You could make this not just about smoothing over whatever bump there was in this relationship, but also about setting up some internal tension with Robbe’s sexuality issues. Multi-tasking - it’s great!
EDIT from the future: OK, I tracked down the S2 scene, and yeah, while it illustrates some of Robbe’s internalized homophobia, I really think you needed to carry this through to this clip. Because that was a very public situation, and they made a point of emphasizing onlookers’ reactions. I feel like you need to show that Robbe’s internalized homophobia isn’t just about external reactions, but internal struggles, because ... so far, that’s what it is? Like what is he doing with Noor otherwise? 
Clip 11 - Housewarming party
Party is underway. Yasmina is there and is friendly with Robbe. It sounds like they’re working on a school project together. Aaron (Magnus) and Moyo are talking about hot chicks again.
Noor arrives and the boys tease Robbe about how far he’s gone, Robbe looks pretty chill and happy until Moyo says Robbe’s getting laid tonight and you can see the nerves and reluctance take over. Okay! A character detail that actually works for his arc! Yes!
Partying, makeouts with Noor … sorry but they are wasting a lot of time with this relationship. ROBBE ISN’T INTO HER. Here’s the thing: I don’t want to demonize any of Evak’s female “love interests,” right? It’s pointless anyway because Evak is the endgame pairing, Sonja and Emma aren’t “threats” in the end, but also because they’re not bad people just for wanting to date these two guys who happens to want each other instead. And I think you can do interesting things with Sonja and Emma as characters. I’ve read Sonja fanfic that’s really good!
But when it comes down to it … this is not the story of Robbe/Noor, and there’s a point where it feels like there’s too much development for something that is really intended to be a speed bump in Robbe’s journey. 
I guess it’s a pet peeve of mine when gay stories devote a ton of time to het relationships, to the point where it begins to overshadow the main gay relationship. Love, Victor did this to an absolutely ridiculous degree. (I actually made notes for Love, Victor reactions, but hesitated to post them because 60% consisted of me typing I DON’T CARE ABOUT THESE STRAIGHT ROMANCES.) And I GET it, this is an experience many gay kids go through in their coming out journey, but also, less charitably… you don’t need het romance to dominate everything. You don’t need to make this about how a gay person being gay hurts a straight person. I genuinely appreciate that once Isak kisses Even, it’s fucking over with him and Emma, that plot thread is done. 
Anyway, Noor tells Robbe he’s so fucking hot and Robbe looks more uncomfortable, moreso when she wants to see his room and he goes off like he’s headed to Mordor.
Aaron checking out Amber … okay, again with all the het. I don’t care!!! This is not important right now!! 
Noor pushes Robbe onto the bed, ugh please don’t have them Go There.
She takes off her top and Robbe touches her boob like he’s sticking his hand into a porta-potty. We see his discomfort so at least this part is effective and relevant to Robbe’s arc. Noor is taking off her bra when the boys come into the room, wanting the weed. Okay, you dumb fucks, you’re teasing your bro about getting laid and yet you think it’s cool to enter his room when he’s with a girl? I mean, that’s a lucky break for Robbe, but his friends are extra stupid.
The mood is killed, Robbe goes hunting for weed. Episode ends.
Lmao, some of my changes sounded a lot like “be like OG Skam S3.” Because Skam S3 was well-written and made sense. But I tried to think of edits that worked with what wtFOCK was presenting, not just repeating OG.
(I’m also repeating a few things in this section that I said above, btw)
While this episode doesn’t make me angry or anything, it’s got a serious problem with dithering. The first clip is a solid start to the season, but afterwards, so many of these clips feel like filler. There’s a lack of substance to them. It was hard to write about them because they ended up feeling like two minutes of nothing. 
Did we need to see repetitive mentions of Robbe’s troubled relationship with his dad? No, it’s an important plot detail but we could have established that more concisely in fewer clips. Did we need to see the process of how Robbe comes to stay with Zoë, Senne, and Milan? No, not really. Or at least not dragged out over at least three clips. 
I don’t feel like I’m in Robbe’s head to the extent that I should be  so far. Some of this is because the show just flat-out locks us out of his POV, like not showing the phone call in the Jens-Jana clip. But a lot of it is also because of the narrative dawdling. There’s just not as much to analyze unless I bring in Skam season 3 and project what we know about Isak onto Robbe. And that’s not a good way to adapt a story.
The framing of Robbe/Noor needs to change. Combine the bathroom intro with the aborted sex scene - the boys are sitting in the tub, teasing Robbe about getting laid, so he makes out with Noor and they go into a bedroom where he’s clearly not into this, and then Moyo and Aaron come in asking for weed because Robbe still actually has the weed from the bathtub at this point. Or do what Skam France did (can’t believe I’m referring to Skam France) and have the arrival of the cops interrupt the makeout/sex session and Robbe takes his cue to exit.
But frankly, it’s not great to have Robbe acting or looking too cozy with Noor, like this is a legitimate romantic arc except when it gets to the sex. The point is that this isn’t a romance. Even if you want to show some cuddly, non-sexual scenes with Noor, you have to show more of Robbe’s reluctance and fear throughout. 
Show Robbe’s fucking phone conversations with his parents!!!! Good Lord. He’s not ordering a pizza. These are important aspects of his story. Capitalize on that family tension, show us what a bad place Robbe is in at the start of this season. 
Now, about the lack of Even in this episode. Not introducing Even is a bold move, but not necessarily a smart one. Even’s introduction in Skam is not just the intro of “the love interest” - he’s the catalyst for almost everything in Isak’s story. Consider that in episode 1, Isak is seen mostly unhappy and bored - he’s distraught after kissing Emma, he’s checked out of his friends’ lunchtime girl talk, he zones out staring at his teacher’s boobs, he doesn’t want to be at kosegruppa. Isak is actually very passive and just going through the motions, doing what people tell him to do. But once Isak meets Even at kosegruppa - well, that’s when Isak wakes up. In the next few clips, we see Isak taking action. And sure, they’re small actions, searching for Even online, watching the Even video over and over, asking Vilde if there will be more kosegruppa meetings. But we can see that Isak now cares about something, he’s paying attention. Of course, Robbe’s story doesn’t have to follow the same arc. However, it does the season a huge benefit to get him intrigued by something at this point, so we the audience are not just sleepwalking along with him for a few episodes.
There’s also just the simple fact that we have only 10 episodes to establish a love story and make us care about the Even character, and it’s a very risky move to waste too much time. If you are really killing it with the rest of Robbe’s arc, this could still work, but ... well, that’s not what’s happening here.
If they didn’t want to full on introduce the Even directly, one thing they could do is subtly and indirectly find ways to include him in the narrative and create some mystery. Let’s say Robbe sees the Even’s artwork somewhere and is like whoa, that’s cool, and we can tell that it resonates with him. Or he admires Even’s graffiti, or it makes him laugh, whatever. Basically Robbe has some kind of emotional reaction to a thing the Even has created or done, which helps to set up that relationship even before we officially meet the Even.
If we want to add a little more, perhaps Robbe sees a mysterious dude in a mask tagging a wall, but they get interrupted by the cops or something and have some kind of brief but intriguing interaction with each other, and Robbe’s like, who was that guy in the mask? Or Noor takes Robbe to the tagging place, the police/security bust them, Robbe and Noor get separated, and Robbe gets helped out by the Even so he can escape. So it’s an important moment, lots of adrenaline, we can frame it like there’s a sudden ~charge~ between them (ooOOOooo the Even helped Robbe stand up and their hands touched like this was a fanfic, etc.), but he doesn’t learn Even’s name, maybe he doesn’t even see his face because Even has a mask on, so Robbe spends part of the next few episodes trying to figure out who that guy is, casually asking Noor if she knows a guy like that, keeping his eyes open. Maybe we have some fakeouts where Robbe thinks he sees the Even again but it’s just a false alarm. He’s on edge, eager to know more about that mystery guy, and so are we. Bam, we have “awakened” Robbe from his deep sleep. 
If you’ve seen Netflix’s The Get Down, there’s even a scene like this where Jaden Smith’s character gets caught tagging by the cops, he runs and flees with another young dude, and they have a moment where they recognize each other as graffiti artists they admire. While watching that scene for the first time, without any context or spoilers, without even knowing if there would be LGBT content in that show, I immediately thought, “This guy is his love interest.” Not even because it was overtly romantic. Because the way it was written and shot told us that this meeting was important. Because they had an instant connection. Something similar could have worked for Robbe and his Even. But in any case: it would have been best to establish something between those characters, even if it wasn’t an “official” introduction.
Stop focusing on Aaron/Amber when it’s not in Robbe’s POV. Reverse the scene at the beginning with Aaron videotaping and Amber getting spilled on. She gets pissed, he falls in love, and then we follow him upstairs and we meet the boy squad. That is a very obvious, very clean transition that doesn’t interrupt Robbe’s POV as it technically hasn’t started yet. So IDK why they didn’t do that, lmao.
Some changes with the Milan relationship:
Tweak the apology scene to be more representative of Robbe’s issues. Have Robbe apologize while still stressing that he’s not gay. Have Milan be chill and not question that statement, but maybe Robbe is so defensive that it comes across as unconvincing. 
Then have Milan be the one instead of the boys to interrupt the Noor almost-sex scene. Milan wanders in acting drunk, haha Milan, he’s wacky. Robbe doesn’t realize it (though the viewers do if they’re paying attention) but Milan is only pretending and is “subtly” rescuing Robbe because he realizes, based on the earlier scene, that Robbe might be struggling with his sexuality and he wants to give him an escape option. (Although I still think it’s best to combine the not-sex scene into the opening clip, but this could work, too.)
Basic questions we need to be asking, clip to clip: what is the conflict? Where is Robbe’s head right now? Why is this scene necessary? How did this scene come to be - what’s the cause and effect here? How does it advance Robbe’s story? Is it redundant? How do we tell this story in a narratively economical manner? 
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missingartist · 5 years
The Witcher’s Mate Chapter Four
The noise in the tavern was loud, but even with all the rampant rodgaring and laughing Adva was very sure of what she heard.
‘Dwarven Spit?’ She blinked down at him, confused.
‘You are Adva, aren’t you?’ Geralt eyes piercing through her as she nodded dumbly. ‘Well, then I require Dwarven Spit to make the Thunderbolt potion.’ The Witcher spoke clearly, tilting his head as he observed her.
‘Of course, I do, I have some Thunderbolt already prepared, Lord Fagen wanted it for his men when they first tried to kill the beast.’
‘Hmmm,’ Geralt observed her once again. It was the first clear view he had got off the being that’s scent overwhelm him.
The women would barely come up to his chest; perhaps 5ft5, making him over a foot shorter than him, his mind couldn’t help but wonder about how his large body would cage hers as he moved over her, how easy he could manipulate her body with his massive form, consume her, possess her. But also how pretty she would look over him, riding him, his hands guiding her as she did, lush, full lips parted as she screamed and moaned, eyes wild. Adva had sparkling blue eyes, dark like the ocean in a storm, with flecks of silver waived through them, emotion breaming, that gave everything but revealed nothing. Her face was soft and pale, a healthy cream with a natural flush that travelled around her cheeks and down her neck, that peeked out over her flimsy blouse. Even under the ill-fitted garments that wrapped her, he could see a pear-shaped body, broad hips and narrow waist leading up to pert breasts. Easily a handful to play with as she rode him or to fondle as he pounded her from behind. Then there was her hair, dark brown hair in loose ringlets that faded into a dark gold, which would look attractive wrapped around his fingers as he was buried inside her or sprawled across his pillow or bounces side to side as she rode on the back of Rouche. Even in his fogged haze, there was a brief moment of comparison between Adva and Yennefer, Yennefer with her purples eyes and sweet scent, slim body, full breast and quick wit against the plump body of innocent Adva, flower of a merchant trading town with her shy glances and tender smile.
‘A healer, alchemist and a tavern maid… not something I would expect in a trading town. But not all trading towns have rampant Griffins wondering about.’ Geralt pondered, taking a hearty gulp of strong-smelling mead.
‘Griffian…why would it be a Griffin?’ Adva questioned. The half-bird, half-cat creature did not have toxic claws or attack random towns, hell the town was not even near any mountains, she supposed that the nest could have been attacked or robbed but why it was terrifying this town, why now?
‘Sit down… eat with me.’ Geralt ordered, cutting into the lamb in front of him.
Adva hesitated, she didn’t want to sit down the Witcher, that dull throb was back between her eyes and her body ached, all over, but the glare that Vivian sent across the room to her forced her to sit across from him. Vivian was kind mistress but a harsh businesswoman, she took care of her own, but business was business and gods help anyone who stopped her getting coin. Geralt hacked off several thick bits of meat and tossed then to a side plate that he pushed towards her. Blood oozed from the meat, the buttery smell mixed with the lemon and rosemary causing her mouth to salivate. When had she last eaten? Honestly she couldn’t remember. Edgerly, she took a slice in her hand and started to devour it, the flavour burst in her mouth and she gave a satisfied moan, she felt like a beggar who had been given her first meal in months. Poking her plush pink tongue from between her lips Adva licked greedily at every drop of the salty meat juices, only to find the White Wolf staring darkly at her causing a tingle of some unknown feeling to surge through her. An embarrassed flush rose from her neck and turned her a rich shade scarlet.
Geralt watched as the blushed travelled across her chest with a vast degree of pleasure, the hum of magic throbbed intensely in the air, he had never been on for tales of romance especial those of soul mates, but he made been a Witcher for many years and seen the power of them between the humans but for Witchers were just tales romanticised by people like Jaskier. There was an attraction, something he had never felt before not even with Yennefer. This woman was not even his type, too virginal and shy, bookish even. She was eye-catching for sure, could make a fair bit of coin in a place like this, or at least marry well; instead, she hid in the kitchen. Geralt was sure she could even persuade Lord Fagan to send her to train with the best mages in the world, yet here she stood cooking his meal, looking dead on her feet. Why?
For a while, Geralt busied himself with devouring his meal, he had too stopped himself from moaning with every bite he took, while his companion sat fidgeting in her seat. It couldn’t be helped that his mind filtered back to his naughty daydreams, how she would squirm under him as he slowly.
‘How do you know it was a Griffin? I thought they only lived high on the mountains?’ the healer asked quietly.
‘Because I am a Witcher, its what I do.’
There were several more moments of silence as Geralt demolished the leg of lamb, the girl staying almost perfectly still, like a poor little mouse who had caught the eyes of a passing snake and froze to the spot praying that the reptile would continue passing by.
‘Know much about Griffins? Doesn’t seem the sort of thing that a small-town girl would know. I don’t think parents would approve of a sweetling flower knowing that.’ Geralt questioned as he pushed the plate away, leaning back against the cool stone wall.
Adva observed him for a moment in silent contemplation; she had nothing to hide but her questions made her uneasy. Did the Witcher believe that she was hiding something? Adva had not even considered that the Witcher might want to investigate her, perhaps what was what the strange feeling that overcomes her, some Witcher power to make suspect reveal the truth. That was it, no other explanation for it. If she told him what he wanted this feeling would lift, and the man would move on with his hunt and leave her alone.
‘I was abandoned as a toddler, so I really don’t think they would care. I apprenticed with Tradi for a brief time and now I help the Lady Cersi if she requires. I have learnt a lot from both.’ Adva softly spoke, trying not to twitch under the intense, unblinking gaze of the man.
‘Apprentice to the Great Tradi of Browdon such an honour.’ Geralt replied in a dry tone, Adva did not know to take it for sarcasm or not. ‘Hard to see why a hard-working maid would no longer be in his service?’ he uttered leaning forward in his seat, his face close enough to fell it hot puffs against his skin.
‘Lord Fagen didn’t like his treatment of those in his care and saw fit to move me, I end up here. Vivian housed me from the orphanage.’ Adva stated in a matter of fact, pushing her back against the chair in a bid to create enough space as possible between them.
‘Why not sent you to train you at the Guild of Sorcerers.‘
‘I assumed he isn't want to waste their time with someone with weak magic.’ Adva bit out, not going to the guild had never bothered her, she saw herself as nothing special, and she didn’t have a desire for power or gilded palaces being waited on hand and foot, it was tone in which he spoke, cold and with hidden meaning.
‘I find that hard to believe; someone could use nettles and rosemary to fight off a vicious toxin seems like a powerful individual to me.’ Geralt raised an eyebrow, noting the hum around her had become agitated as it fizzled and popped nervously.
Adva shrugged and remained silent, trying to avoid the scrutiny of his eyes. Whatever spell the gold eyes where wielding she wanted to end, it was consuming her, gnawing at her bones. Her skin was beginning to itch and prickle like from some fevered heat.
‘Or perhaps the noble Lord of Brightwater wanted you to himself, Madam Vivian seems to the intent of selling your virginity to the highest bidder, that if you even still have it. I can't imagine anyone staying pure in a place like this ’ Geralt prodded.
It had all become too much, the look, the magic, the feeling creeping through her bones, fizzled and popped and it took all her control not to surge her power and pin him to wall and kick him square in the pants or kiss him, but she just enough grip on her sanity to raise elegantly from her seat and smiled ‘I will retrieve your Thunderbolt potion Sir; I’m sure you will want to get on with your hunt so you can collect your gold.’ Adva puffed out and marched her way back to the safety of the kitchen.
Geralt stalked through the streets, silver shield in hand, Jaskier cowering behind him, his only weapon a quill held in shaky hands. All the townspeople were barricaded in their homes — no sign of the creature. Geralt cursed under his breath as he made his way down a darkened alley, the scent of Adva still clung to his clothes, lingered on his skin, it was the faintest of traces but still enough to get him harder than steel, battling a monster was hard enough, but with a cock as hard as steel was enough to make him want to kill every man in sight. In the tavern, he had received several offers after Adva left, but the smell of her made it impossible too even consider the offers. It was like trying to persuade some to have a piece of bread after tempting them with a juicy roast. A hushed voice broke Geralt path of though. Elvish if he was not mistaken.
‘Is that Elvish?’ Jaskier asked scribbling frantically on his parchment.
‘Hmm,’ Geralt frowned.
The Witcher inched closer to a yard that seemed to be the source of the voice. The building was a little way off the main street, at the back of a large building. The Whitchers golden eye found a significant gap in the wooden fence and eyed the yard. It seemed to be a builders yard, field with scraps of metal and wood, large crates lay scattered around a cellar door. A figure stood behind a box as he mumbled obscure words, producing an ominous grey cloud. The medallion around his neck began to vibrate fiercely against his chest. Dark magic hmmm, would explain the toxic claws of the creature. Jaskier leaned against Geralt sword arm as he perched to look through the gap as well, earning a dark look from his friend. The man continued his spell for several moments till with a flourish he stepped forward and released a catch on the celler door.
‘Isn't that Tradi… what's he doing with that book?’ Jaskier whispers as a deafening crash broke through the yard. A magnificent Griffin broke through the doors, hovering silently above the man's head staring deadly ahead at the man, a grey cloud absorbed itself into the creature whose eyes turned a murderous red but remained still hovering in the air. Waiting.
‘We have waste to much time; the Witcher has arrived. Kill Adva; I don’t care if you have to drag her out the whorehouse. Take her far from here and dispose of her. I will follow and take her book. Kill any person you see. This is my command.’ Tradi spat, snapping the book closed before disappearing into the night as the creature screeched into the air.
‘Fuck’ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The night was quiet; the tavern had long fallen into silence apart from the odd giggling woman or the occasional thud of someone moving in the rooms above. The moon hung high in the inky black of the sky, illuminating the workshop. Adva worked tirelessly in the silvery light, even in the near darkness her eyes could make out every mark she penned in the large book in front of her, the young woman eyes only leaving the stiff pages of the old book to carefully eye the brewing potion on the hearth. The concoctions needed careful and constant attention which was enough to keep the women from her rest, though her eyes were heavy with the want of sleep. Honestly, she couldn’t remember when she had slept last but she couldn’t, that itch clunge to her skin, it gave her restless energy. Damn that Witcher and his strange magic.
Resting the quill in ink, she stretched, feeling the soft clicked of her tired joints. Standing she tended to the cauldron and checked the various herbs that were drying and added more of her secret elixir to the leathers soaking in the trough she had cared away in the stone floor. Her room was a converted scullery, a crooked room, far away from everything, drafty and damp but it allowed her privacy to study, the room held a small selection of books, mostly one she had managed to buy cheaply from passing booksellers, some gifts from Cersi and Lord Fagen. The Lord of Brightwater had been very generous in her education. It would not be dawn for a good few hours, and the potion was coming along nicely but slowly, she could make use of the next few hours and start replenishing the various wares she sold or organising her ingredients but instead, she pours herself a glass of weak tea and sat herself back in the worn chair, it squeaking and squalling in protest as she did so as she picked up her quill and began to frantically glide her nib against the yellowed pages. Adva had written no more than a half-page when a muffled cry broke through the silent night air. She could feel every hair stand to attention and the impending dread fill her body. Standing shakily, Adva moved to the small window in her room; it was only a couple of inches high and just peaked across the ground in front of the tavern. The only thing to be seen as the gentle grass dancing in the soft breeze and the shining eyes of two rabbits that had broken cover in the night to hunt for food.
Tentatively, she pulled open the squeaky door, cursing as its sound cut through the night's air. Casting her eyes about, the landscape looked calm and tranquil only the gentle breeze was felt. Then another cry caught her attention. It was faint but in the silences of the night sounded as if it had been screamed. ‘Hello?’ Adva called out into the night, nothing or no one answered.
The bush in front of her shivered in the night, rustling as if something thrashed gentle from within. Adva advanced carefully; her eyes wandered the landscape. Peering over the dark fern leaf to see a large pair of red eyes glaring back of her. Time was still, she wasn’t sure how long she stood looking at these glowing eyes, she wanted to scream but her voice caught in her throat. A thousand thoughts raced through her mind; she could run, hide, scream or shout, throw a blast of magic or a rock. All of the thoughts faded into black as the creature growled and slowly slid forward. A glistened claw snapped out and clamped down on her waist; the tip of the claws pierced her skin.
The bird-like creature launched into the air, jerking her arm as it lurched into the air, her legs flailed helplessly in the air, and the ground disappeared from underneath her, eyes struggling to focus on something, anything. Pure evil seeped from the bird and fizzled against her skin; it felt wrong and dark. Her other hand clawed at its talons, her fingertips stinging as the sharp edge sliced into them, as she tried blindly to free herself in the face of the burning wind that attacked her face. After what felt like an eternity, the creatures movements halted as it let out a mournful cry releasing her from its steely grip. A soundless cry left her lips as she plummeted to the ground, her body jolted as it made contact with something solid. Opening her eyes, she came face to face with Geralt of Rivia, or at least that looked like him; deep black veins covered his face that was now a sickly white.
Adva didn’t have time to react before she was dropped onto her feet and the Witcher removed his blade from behind his back swinging it a deadly swish as it cut through the air. The beast was ensnared by a thick silver chain, that it struggled and strained against, she could hear the chain groaning with every pull. Reality began seeping in; the Griffin had tried to kill her and still might. The creature burst free, shards of silver ricocheted across the field, the feathered cat wiggled its wings as it launched for the Witcher. The fight was a ballet, elegant forces as he twirled and darted across the grass, the roar of the bird and the swish of the sword-singing as it slashed against the talons. The travelling bard appeared from nowhere shouting encouragement as he rushed over her side. ‘Yes, Geralt! Saving the damsel in distress. This will make a brilliant Ballard.’ The young man gushed at her.
Adva felt her grip loosening on what was happening; it felt like a nightmare. One minute she was caring for a young child in the healer's hut than being interrogated by a Witcher who was now suddenly defending her with his life, his own personal bard shouting his praise from the sidelines. When her brain was finally able to catch up she found Geralt being throw again a tree. A wave of angry surged through her as his body splintered through the young tree, and the breast roared around as it charged around at the two petrified companions. In her angry Adva body reacted in a way it had never done before, she forced her hand to waved over the ground and summoned a ball of water that gurgled and thrashed as it ranged in the air, without a second thought she threw the ball toward the cat-like creature. The creature flew back with a terrible screech.
Geralt readied himself its time to see the monster being pushed back with a bone crashing force of a ball of water. Adva stood in front of Jaskier or Jaskier coward behind her as the women eyes glowed a bright blue. The creature choked back water as its great talons scraped along the stones as in a deadly threat. Without a though, Geralt brought sword up above his head and sliced into the beast's wing, causing it to collapse on the floor then with lightning speed thrust his sword true to pierce the heart of the possessed creature, watching it sink to the ground.
With a grunt Geralt moved slowly he watched as her eyes returned back to normal, the aura around her was clear and bright, throbbing with energy and vigour, she smiled wearily at him which Geralt couldn’t help but smile back. There was a nervousness that took over her aura as her hand rung out in front of her. As he approached her mouth opened several times but no voice spoke out. ‘You have got to teach me that…’ Jaskier panted out. ‘…Will come in useful when Geralt runs off.’
‘Water Manipulation is a rare talent among Mages…unheard of in healer.’ Geralt grunted.
Before Adva had time to reply a smash caught her attention, turning her head to observed her house in the distance, a bright yellow glow shone through the thin window of her room. Even in the pain that stung her side she was well aware she had not left any candles burning, she never did, her eyes were well adapted to the dark. Another hideous clattered sounded out and she flung herself up the verge the beast had carried her down and back into her room.
Standing at her desk the Mage Tradi stood gripping a book from her shelves, starring angry at its pages. His hair was damp from sweat that glued his wavey mane to his forehead and neck. His green obs were wild and murderous as they turn to look up.
‘Is this it? Is this your book? Where are the notes? The spells?’ he spat, hand flailing wildly with the book. ‘I possessed a Griffin, murdered those pathetic fools for this? A bunched of scribbled gibberish? What does it all mean? Tell me or ill have that Griffin pull you whore friends bodies apart slowly and make you watch!’
‘Tradi….’ Adva pleaded stepping into the room entirely.
The man lunged aggressively; a sharp searing pain tore through her already exposed side. Where the Griffin had torn open her dress leaving weeping scratches, now were open in deep gouge. In Tradi’s other hand was her paring knife, a curved blade she used to prepare her potions, it glistened in the darkness, smeared with her blood. Geralt was suddenly there, his silver sword pushed under the Mages throat, the Witcher white teeth bared angrily.
‘You possessed a Griffin that is very dark magic. Any last words.’ Geralt spat against the man's face, pushing him harder into the wall as the weaker man kicked and struggled against him.
‘You cannot kill me! I now possess the book of ultimate power. I am invinsa….’ The man crumpled to the floor as the Withers blade cut through his throat, almost severing his head from the body. Blood viciously spurted out across the room, coating Geralt with a healthy spray and he sheathed his sword and picked up the book in clasped tightly in the deadman's hand. Jaskier was now helping the young girl to her feet as she stared in horror at the deadmans body as its entire contest of blood flooded onto the floor. Her dark blue eyes rose to meet Geralt’s in a silent plea. It was only now that Geralt though of how young she looked and how small, something so innocent and tiny that in one brief moment it could disappear at the snap of someone fingers. The fact that someone as close as Tradi, someone she worked with could be a threat and not even realised the danger she was in. Or the fact she possessed something that made her a target, that was a deep worry at the core of his soul.
‘He wanted one of your books, why? What is so important that is would cause a Mage to possess a Griffin?’ Geralt eyed her suspiciously. The woman appeared shocked and confused, her heartbeat pounding at the breast, the magic that surrounded her hummed softly calling to him, demanding his submission. ‘I don’t…’ Her doe-like eyes pleaded with him for help understanding.
‘You don’t expect me to believe that.’ Geralt spat, he temper flaring violently in him, whatever spell she had cast was driving him insane; he didn't know if he wanted to choke the life out of her with his bare hands or push her skirt off and fuck her against the wall, the emotions that he felt surging within him were conflicting and overwhelming. Not since a child had he felt such an abundance of feelings, not since that night, his mother gave him away.
A whimper broke from her lips as she cast her eyes down to her side, her hand pulled away from the dark material of her dress to reveal the thick layer of blood coating her hand. Geralt looked down confused, frozen in surprise. There was so much blood in the room the coppery smells had mulled together he hadn’t even noticed the potent smell of apples and ocean intertwined with it. The rage he felt at her had clouded his vision, blinded him to the blood pool into her skirts. emotions pounded in his chest as he watched the woman crumpling into Jaskier arms.
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gloves94 · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 22
Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Cursing?
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It had downright been a foul week.
The First Task of the Triwizard tournament had already occurred.
Thankfully nobody had been injured too badly. Harry had received a scratch from the dragon and had come in first tied with Krum for first place. Fleur had come in last and Cedric, after having some points deducted from having part of his face burnt off by the dragon, came in third. This incident had landed him in the Hospital Room where he was constantly surrounded by hordes of adoring fans, friends and students that were concerned for him.
It was early on a Saturday when Nel decided to pay her friend a visit. Thankfully it seemed like the Hospital Room was vacant with the exception of Madame Pomfrey.
She approached Cedric who was sitting on his bed content with half of his beautiful symmetrical face covered by a bandage that would hopefully heal nicely. “So what’s the verdict Scarface?” She asked crudely as she took a seat on the chair next to his hospital bed.
The older boy looked up from a get-better card he had been reading and smiled at his business associate laughing slightly at what he interpreted to be a joke.
“Madame Pomfrey says it’ll heal nicely, won’t even leave a scratch.”
Of course, it wouldn’t.
Leave it to Cedric to keep his stupidly beautiful face intact after almost having it burnt off. Hell, who knows he could be the only one able to be able to pull off a half-burnt face and look just as handsome.
“You cost me ten galleons,” She sighed crossing her arms over her chest upset.
“You bet on me?” Cedric laughed a little incredulously. “Like a racehorse?”
She didn’t want to think about the stupid bet Malfoy had talked her into.
“Ladies choice,” Draco had said with the mocking tone of a gentleman as they sat in the stands ready to witness the four champions taken on the first task.
Without giving it much thought Nel bet on Cedric. She needed him to win if she wanted to get paid. Also, why would she doubt his abilities?
“You’re not betting on Scarhead?” Malfoy scoffed. “What? No faith in your friend?” He spat out the word friend almost as if it was toxic.
“I’m not going to bet on Harry exactly because he’s my friend!” She huffed irritated. (It wasn’t a complete lie.)
If only Cedric hadn’t slipped towards the end. She should’ve bet on Harry who at least tied with Krum. Then maybe she would’ve been ten galleons richer instead of having to painfully cough them up. At the rate these bets were going she would lose all her money to a brat that didn’t even need it.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” Draco said ostentatiously taking the golden coins from her. It really wasn’t fair.
Come on! He didn’t even need it!
“Don’t talk to me,” She grumbled before leaving and going to check on Cedric at the Hospital Room.
“I’m running a business Diggory,” She said cooly.
Cedric eyed her oddly. She could be so strange sometimes.
“I thought that was you the other day, standing by the door, hiding,” He teased sitting up taller. She avoided his hazel eyes. Nel would’ve never admit it to her business partner but naturally she was concerned for him. I mean who wouldn’t? The golden boy had almost been turned into a roast marshmallow.
“I’ve got a clue for you,” She informed. “About the second task.”
He looked at her attentively. The Second Task of the tournament wouldn’t be until late February and they were barely at the end of November. How had she figured it out so quickly?
“I think it has to do with the Great Lake,” she said scratching her chin seeming deep in thought. Or at least that’s what Nathair had mentioned to her. The adder had said that when creeping around the castle grounds he had seen some men in suits, probably from the Ministry of Magic as well as Dumbledore, Hagrid and others walking around the Black Lake’s perimeter. “Some of the Ministry members were seen walking around it.”
“What? You think they’re going to make us wrestle the Giant Squid now?” His eyes widened slightly at the horrible thought.
“Not sure,” Her brows knitted together. Honestly, she wouldn’t put it past the Ministry of Magic. Her eyes fixing on a random spot on the window above his hospital bed. “What about your clue?” She turned her attention to the large golden egg besides his bed.
Cedric explained it was just terrible shrieking. Completely undistinguishable noise. He said it didn’t sound like anything he had ever heard before. Both tossed and debated some ideas of what the potential next task could be.
“Whatever it is, I’ll keep doing some research,” she stood up and stuck her hand inside of her book bag. “Here,” She spoke her voice less harsh as she pulled out a card that was lamely hand crafted and a knitted thing that resembled a lemon? Or a ball?
He eyed it curiously as he picked it up and gave it a strong squeeze. “Did you make this?”
“It’s a knit lemon stress ball. It’s enchanted to never explode no matter how hard it is squeezed,” She explained. “Feel better,” She said quietly, ready to run to the opposite side of the room. Embarrassed for showing concern over the Hufflepuff. Specially for Cedric. To him this was probably garbage, his friends and fans had probably gifted him way nicer and more useful presents.
“Thanks, Nel, this is really thoughtful,” He smiled sincerely flashing her the dashing smile that made all the girls around him swoon. She remained silent simply wanting to exit the room as quickly as possible. “Where are you going?”
“Snape has summoned all the Slytherins in the Assembly Room. Merlin knows what kind of vile torture he’s got in mind for us,” she half joked.
Despite having been joking, the Slytherin hadn’t been far off. Snape did have a torturous idea in mind. Ballroom dancing. With him.
“There you are!” Tracey said to her friend the moment she arrived to the large room where all of Slytherin House was gathered. Snape stood in the center of the room looking beyond irritated. Even Mr. Filch was in the room standing by the sides next to an ancient looking record player, holding his dancing partner Mrs. Norris in his arms. “Where were you?” Tracey asked.
“Oh!” Nel shot her a mean glare. “So, I can’t ask where you’ve been, but you can?” She shot before giving her friend the cold shoulder.
Tracey grew silent and looking burdened with guilt turned away from her friend ignoring the stab she had just taken at her. It was true. Tracey had now been sneaking off been missing from everybody’s radar from weeks and nobody seemed to know where she was, what she was doing or who she was with. It even seemed like Tracey had crossed the point of lying after having been caught in one of her lies more than once.
On the other hand, Daphne seemed much too distraught by the current events.
“Isn’t this exciting?” She said in a dreamy tone as she beamed at her friends and clapped her perfectly manicured hands together.
“What is?” The dark eyed girl uttered in a dark tone as she glared at an older Slytherin that had been starring at her from across the room. It also seemed like the audience had been divided into males one side of the room females in the other.
“The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guest gather in the Great Hall for a trivial and rather dull conviviality,” Snape began to explain. His nasal voice echoing off the walls of the large room lulling some younger students to sleep. “As representatives of the host school and Slytherins I expect each and every one of you will represent the House with pride. Foolish behavior will be unacceptable, and I will not tolerate the lot of you acting like a cluster of dunderheads,” He took inhaled a deep breath sounding absolutely drained. “Sadly, the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance and to save yourselves and Slytherin House the grueling humiliation - we will be reviewing the basics of ballroom… dancing,” he scowled almost spitting out the word as if it physically hurt him to say it.
Most of the girls in the room chatted excitedly and turned to gush at their friends. One of those being Daphne who probably already knew what she was going to wear, how she was going to do her hair and make-up and probably even who her date would be. Tracey looked terribly uncomfortable through the meeting keeping her gaze lowered to the wooden floor and Nel had a blank look of confusion on her face. She had a hard time telling her right from left how was she supposed to bloody learn how to ballroom dance and from Snape.
“I am certain the majority of you have had dance lessons before,” He grumbled almost resembling a miserable wet crow. This ball, it almost sounded like he had a personal vendetta against it. Yikes.
Amongst the excited girls was Pansy who felt the need to make an announcement. “I’ve been taking lessons since I was six,” she bragged proudly while keeping her eyes fixed on the prize. A certain blond across the room. Was she secretly hoping to impress him?
Most of the males groaned dreading having to hunt down dates and get their dancing shoes ready.
“Congratulations Parkinson,” Snape said deprecatingly his tone heavily dripping with sarcasm. “I will now proceed to demonstrate the basic footwork with somebody inexperienced who lacks the proper grace required to perform the art of dancing.”
Nel was too busy snickering at the Professor’s sarcastic comment she didn’t realize he called on her. Pansy shot her a triumphant glare, that’s what she got for laughing.
“What?” She looked around the room nervously. She would’ve been a lot braver if he had asked her to slay a dragon or take down a giant squid. Nel had never danced in her life. Maybe that one time when Wool’s Orphanage held a local fundraiser back in London in which the children had to torturously perform a dance to “Jingle Bell Rock”; Even that had been a catastrophe. She winced slightly at the embarrassing memory of accidentally kicking a boombox directly into someone’s face.
“Professor, as a concerned student-“ She began with persuasion. “I think you should select a more prepared, even a more eloquent partner. Everybody heard what Parkinson said, she’s practically been dancing her whole life-“
He silenced her with a deathly glare that commanded her up to her feet. She let out an exhausting sigh as the loud sniggers were heard around the room as she approached the professor. Embarrassed she rubbed her arm standing next to the Potions Master feeling both extremely awkward and small standing next to him with all eyes fixed on the two of them.
“As I said. If an unskillful, inelegant person like Saintday can be taught to dance, so can anybody in this room.”
‘Geez, alright, take it easy with the compliments,’ she thought resenting his comments. Again, the majority of the room laughed. This was humiliating.
“Silence,” Snape snapped his loud voice echoing the newly found silence in the room. “The House of Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the Wizard World for nearly a millennium and I will not have you sullying that name in the course of a single evening.” He paused before stretching out a pale hand. “Ms. Saintday,” he bowed his head slightly.
The quiet laughing in the room made her cringe as she took the professor’s hand.
That had been absolutely mortifying.
“I’m never going to let you live that down!” Theodore laughed loudly as they excited the Assembly Room. The four Slytherins walked together as they exited the room and the Gryffindors went in.
“Even if you deny it I know you’re one of Snape’s favorites. Private lessons with him and now a personal ballroom lesson?” He teased in reference of the private meetings Saintday had with the professor in order to improve the weak control she had over her volatile emotions.
“I will kill you,” She cursed. Laughing, Theo excused himself and said he was going to catch up on some Transfigurations homework.
“My dress should be arriving soon,” They overheard a loud voice bragging as the three girls attempted to walk away from its source. “It’s made out of the only the finest silk. Imported. Cost a fortune. Initially daddy opposed but once mother convinced him I just had to have it – well he caved. Obviously, his little girl has to have the best of the best. Wouldn’t you agree Daphne?”
“I’m excited to see your dress!” Daphne responded unaffectedly. Above all things came art, beauty, design and fashion.
“I might be the best dressed, of course after you,” Pansy added eyeing Daphne with some resentful bitterness. She turned to look at Millicent hoping her best friend would have her back, but instead she seemed distraught, probably also distressed about what she’d wear to the dance or who her date would be.
“I’ll say,” Pansy cleared her throat. “I can’t wait to see what rags you pull out of the rubbish bin Saintday. That is if you even manage to get a date for the ball. With that disgraceful footwork and graceless poise, I doubt it,” She laughed obnoxiously with her friend.
Nel was ready to lunge at her Tracey and Daphne held her back. “Shut up Parkinson nobody cares about you or your stupid dress you irrelevant twit!”  She shouted at her. Pansy gasped and began rambling about who was really relevant and who wasn’t.  
“Don’t listen to her Nel,” Daphne said looking over her shoulder as they walked away from the other two Slytherins and descended into the dungeon. “She’s just looking to get a reaction out of you.”
The irritated Slytherin was about to respond went something vibrantly orange phased through her a loud cackling laughter followed. Oh no.
“Oi there, if it isn’t Slytherin’s Spotted Cod,” He levitated before the three girls with a broad Cheshire grin that meant the poltergeist was – as per usual - up to no good.
“Spotted… Cod?” Tracey repeated the nickname with confusion. Nel gave her a look not to ask.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten Dots,” Peeves leaned in dangerously close looking at her eye to eye. Of course, Nel knew what he was referring to. He was referring to that time he showed her the secret passageway out of the Defense Against the Dark Art’s Office. She had been hoping he had forgotten but of course, Peeves never forgets.
“You know Peeves, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” She said running a hand through her hair nervously.
His ghastly face instantly shifted to a scowl. “We had a deal,” He growled out becoming more agitated.
“I don’t have time for this,” She admitted sincerely. She really didn’t. In between her work, lessons with Snape, helping Cedric with the tasks, finding a dress and somehow convincing Ellar to ask her to be his date for the Yule Ball, Nel really had her hands full. For once she just wanted to have a perfectly ordinary night. She tried to sidestep the ghost, her two friends following behind, but Peeves once again phased through her.
“You owe me!” He shrieked loudly as the poltergeist began throwing a terrible tantrum. The pipes in the ceiling above them burst soaking them. Some of the armor figures in the dungeon all bent in unnatural ways and cold water rained down on them. Daphne spit out a mouthful of water and glared at the poltergeist with great distaste.
“Alright,” Nel ceded to her side of the bargain. “Alright,” She raised her hands in a truce. “You got me. I’ll do as you wish,” she let out a frustrated breath.
“You know what to do!” he cackled manically before backflipping out of scene. She rubbed her temples in great frustration at what she would have to do. Daphne and Tracey didn’t seem to question his motives. Both simply stood very still.
“Is this water…” Tracey spoke after a moment. “Clean?” She wondered out loud.
“I don’t want to know,” Daphne pivoted on her heel as she rushed inside of the Common Room sounding almost as if she was going to vomit. “Same,” The brunette followed with repulsion.  
After a rather disgusting Saturday morning Daphne and Nel decided to head to Hogsmeade for the day to go dress shopping. Tracey had excused herself with a blatant lie that neither of the two bothered calling out. Daphne already knew what she was wearing to the ball. She actually had a tailor personally make it for her over the summer holiday and she was praying it still fit her. Being a good friend, she offered to go dress shopping with Nel for fun... Nel doubted that Cloelia would bother in sending her an outfit, let alone a fine dress for the ball, but then again who knew maybe if Ellar was her date?
“Do you think he’s going to ask you?” Daphne asked in the carriage to Hogsmeade. “I don’t know,” The other girl babbled with excitement.
“I mean- we have been talking a little more and more each time, the other day he held my hand in the Great Hall.”
“Really?” Daphne enthused back with the same enthusiasm  
“Well, kind of- it was more of a pat,” She admitted the reality. “But- never say never, right?” She laughed lightly as they arrived at the Wizard village.
Distraught looking at the snow that was beginning to fall Daphne pulled Nell out of her daydream. “Look!” She hissed in a loud whisper. “There he is!” She discretely pointed at the wizard whom the two had just been talking about. Speak of the Devil…
Ellar was wearing a dark blue coat and appeared to be window shopping for something outside of Zonko’s. He was with some of his Beauxbaton school mates who were all laughing at a particular prank toy.
“Go talk to him!” She urged her friend nudging her forward.
“Are you nuts?” The other shot back looking down at the gray jumper she was wearing and dark jeans. Definitely not as presentable as she wished she’d be.
“I can’t talk to him now – He’ll think I’m asking him to the dance!”
“That’s the point!” Daphne struggled as she snaked her arm under her friend’s and dragged her forward the two bickering back and forth until they stood in front of the group of French students. “Just smile!” She advised with a sharp hiss through her clenched teeth.
“Bonjour,” Daphne greeted politely in poor French. Although Nel doubted any of them even heard or listened, most were probably distracted by her smile and glowing cheeks.
“H-Hi Ellar,” Nel stammered not even remembering to greet him in the French she had been practicing so hard to impress him.
“Daphne, is it?” Ellar greeted taking her hand in his and leaning in to kiss her face three times on each side like the French did. “Elowen,” He turned his attention to her and did the same.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“We came dress shopping. You know, for the Yule Ball,” She edged on the topic anxiously. Dancing on the heels of her feet, lightly swaying forward hoping he’d take the initiative to ask her.
“I see,” He acknowledged and wiped the edge of his nose. “I’m sure you’ll look very beautiful,” His lips stretched into a thin smile. “The both of you,” He added also acknowledging Daphne. With that he bid them goodbye before walking into Zonko’s with his friends.
Daphne brought a hand to her temple when she saw her friend literally pressing her face against the window shop’s glass starring at the back of the French boy’s dark wavy-haired head.
“Ugh..” She groaned out painfully. “Why didn’t he ask me?” She cried out dramatically.
Daphne rolled her eyes and peeled her desperate looking friend off the glass. “Maybe it wasn’t obvious enough.”
“I think it was pretty,” she touched the tip of her nose. “On spot.”
“Just ask him yourself next time you see him,” Daphne advised.
“But I want him to ask me. Not the other way around!” Nel cried back childishly. Daphne tried to convince her it wasn’t a big deal if she did the asking. Easy for her to say. Everybody would probably be dying to go to the ball with the prettiest Slytherin.
Again, Daphne shook her head as the two walked into a large pink and teal shop that was named Gladrags Wizardwear “245 years dressing the Elegant Wizard” a sign outside of the shop read.
“What about this one?” Daphne immediately rushed to a beautifully sleek plum colored dress evening gown. Nel almost had a heart attack when looking at the price tag. “How about we look in the discount section?” She coughed awkwardly already feeling her wallet stinging from the unnecessary expense of wearing a dress.
“Nel,” Daphne held onto her hand, stopping her in the spot and giving her a knowing look. “This is a once in a lifetime event. We are never going to live another Yule Ball,” She said melodramatically sounding as if it was a life or death situation. “I know you’re careful with your spending, but don’t you for once want to treat yourself?” She insisted.
Elowen didn’t want to look into her persuasive grey green eyes. She knew that if she did, she would cave. Daphne wasn’t wrong, she had been hoarding her savings like a dragon sitting atop a small fortune. But then again, she had been very careless about it even losing some of it to Malfoy in stupid and unnecessary bets. Maybe, just maybe Daphne was right, and she deserved to allow herself one nice treat.
“Don’t you want to feel like a dream? Have all eyes on you for one magical night?”
It was too tempting. Her greedy eyes looked at the expensive dresses in the shop and she wondered just how easy yet unnecessary it would be to swipe one of them or trade the tag with something in clearance. She didn’t want to be the only girl wearing a uniform at the ball. Specially not if she was planning on attending with Ellar Lestrange. The young man would probably show up looking like a dreamy prince from a faraway land and she would look- well… Like what she really was – a nobody.
She couldn’t help but think of Pansy’s cruel taunts and her and Millicent’s loud laughter. Insecurity also pricking at her side to buy the damn dress.
“Just imagine,” Daphne continued to press. “You, Ellar, the night… It’ll be like a fairy-tale!”
Daphne painted a very tempting image of what the night would be like. Magical.
She was right. She had to do it. This was completely a necessary expense. She was going to dazzle not just Ellar Lestrange, but everybody that ever looked down at her during this night. Even Parkinson and Bullstrode.
“Let’s do it,” She quickly caved before she changed her mind. “Really?” Daphne’s eyes went wide and she squeezed her friend’s hand tightly as she jumped squealing eager to begin shopping before beginning to ramble about the jewelry, she would lend her and how they were going to do their hair and make-up and shoes- of course you couldn’t forget the shoes.
Nel’s head was still spinning from having spent such an unreal amount of money on a dress she would probably only wear once. The girls had returned to the Common Room where they left the dress before Daphne asked her to come to the Courtyard with her to paint since Theodore and Tracey were nowhere to be found.
“Let me get this straight,” Nel said sounding terribly bored as she stood next to Daphne holding a tray of acrylic paints as the girl painted a canvas with the school’s Courtyard. “You’re painting what exactly? Haven’t you painted the same Courtyard at least a dozen times before?”
Daphne looked at her as if she was insane. “Well,” She began her artistic digest. “It’s never really the same is it? No matter how many times I paint it my mood is never the same, the light is never the same. It’s always a different season or a different perspective. Even if to you it’s the same dull courtyard it never is to me. In a way life can be like that too. Like the way a day is always different from the night before or the day to come, or the way two thumbprints or even two loves are never really the same.”  Daphne got a dreamy look on her face before realizing she had perhaps gotten too carried away in her passionate artistic declaration. Regardless she didn’t apologize for her boldness. Nel starred at her friend in awe and her eyes scanned the same Courtyard she had been in hundreds of times before. Daphne was… well, right. She had never taken the time to romanticize her day in such a manner, but then again who did?
“Like- take a look, what looks different?” She encouraged.
“The First-Years are playing gobstones by the entrance, Diggory is out of the Hospital surrounded a lot of Hufflepuffs – typical. Malfoy is climbing up the courtyard’s tree-“ Her eyes narrowed on the silvery blonde that was suspiciously climbing up that tree he had been up in a couple of weeks ago. However, she found it odd that he was alone.
“That’s weird,” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as he appeared to be carving something into its bark.
Putting the paints on a tall stool next to her friend she approached the tree with a mistrustful attitude. Daphne smiled a little and shook her head. No day was the same as the last. Who knew, maybe today she’d paint the ancient tree being set on fire by Nel Saintday.
Autumn leaves crunched under her feet as she approached the oak tree. Upon closer inspection she saw Draco up on the tree eating a green apple with one hand and indeed carving something into the bark with his wand in his right hand.
“I didn’t take you as a vandal,” She said loudly startling him so much he almost fell down “Then again, why would I be surprised?” “Stars, Saintday, don’t sneak up on me!” He snapped rudely before hopping down with a crouch before gracefully dusting any invisible dirt off himself.  
“Why are you vandalizing the tree?” She asked her newest friend. If that’s what they were.
“Why are you sneaking up on me?” He shot back defensively crossing his arms over his chest. “Geez, I was just making conversation,” She raised her eyebrows before walking away from the hostile Slytherin. “I figured bothering you would be more entertaining than watching Daphne paint.”
“So, Greengrass and Nott. I take it they’re going to the Yule Ball together,” He commented changing the topic.
“Yeah,” Nel scratched her cheek. “Seems like it.”
They hadn’t really talked about it but judging by how close the two seemed it made sense.
“And Davis?” He walked towards her, the way he seemed to swagger pompously as he took another bite from his apple. Nel shrugged in a disinterested response. Sad that she had no clue who her best friend intended on attending to the dance with.  
“And you?”
She gave him a blank look before shrugging in an exaggerated manner. She wanted to go with Ellar Lestrange. She wanted him to ask her, but as of now nothing was official. “How on bloody hell am I supposed to know? They just told us about the stupid dance today,” this time she was the one who raised her guard at the invasive question. He probably wanted to make fun of her just like Pansy had earlier in the day.
“Wouldn’t put it past you to take Professor Snape. You two really swept the dance floor today,” he laughed at the dance lesson they had had earlier that day.
Alright. This conversation was over. Glowering, Nel turned around to return to Daphne. She wasn’t going to stand there just so he could take jabs and make fun of her all afternoon long.
“I’ve got a proposition for you Saintday,” He called as he continued to enjoy himself.  
“I’m not playing any more games with you Malfoy,” She called over her shoulder as she began to walk away from him. “You always cheat.”
That wasn’t a complete lie. The boy had known he would befriend Viktor Krum at the World Cup before he gambled that they would sit together. Last time when gambling during the First Task, well, that had just been sheer dumb luck. Although she wouldn’t put it past him to fix the game in some type of way.
“Come on, I’m offering you a chance to redeem yourself and make up for your loses,” he dangled the offer. It sounded like the kind of thing gambling addicts told themselves. What was one more bet. One more shot to make up for what had been lost. She had already lost some money to him and spent a ridiculous sum of money on a dress. Maybe it wouldn’t have seemed like a lot to him, but Nel cherished every knut and galleon that she worked for. Unlike him, allowing money to slip through her fingers and down the drain wasn’t a luxury she could afford to have.
“How about this,” He proposed sinking a hand into his pocket almost as if he was hiding something. The other still held half an eaten apple, he appeared to be thoughtfully chewing it when he spotted Cedric Diggory across the Courtyard surrounded by other Hufflepuffs.
“I bet you don’t have it in you to ask Diggory to be your escort to the Yule Ball.” She looked at him incredulously. “I’ll give you five, no ten galleons if you do it.”
Alright, so it wasn’t a gamble. It was more of a dare than a bet.
Her eyes turned to also look at the Hogwarts’ Champion who was enjoying his day out. She contemplated the dare for a moment. Malfoy didn’t know her, and Cedric were well acquainted. She could use this to her advantage just like he had previously done with Krum. She had to laugh at his ridiculous offer, “And why would I do that for five- no, ten galleons?” Odds were that Cedric would most likely say no. But the gamble wasn’t if he said yes or no, it was if she dared put herself through that.
“If you’re lucky and he says yes, you get to go with Hogwarts’ second best.”
“Second best?” She laughed. If anything, Cedric was Hogwarts most eligible date to the Yule Ball. She could’ve bet that at least a dozen of girls had asked him already.
“However, if he says no,” He leaned in closer and carelessly tossed his unfinished green apple over his shoulder. “You’ll just have to settle for the best of the best,” he flashed her a self-important smile. “Who then? Krum?” She asked genuinely curious not aware she was she taking a stab at his swollen ego.
“Me. Saintday. I’m talking about me,” He said in an annoyed tone when he realized she wasn’t well aware he was Hogwarts finest. “Obviously.”
She gave him a funny look. There was no way. An unexpected feeling of nervousness flooded her stomach. She let out a edgy laugh completely taken aback by what he was suggesting. “Are you asking me to the Yule Ball?”
He stood awkwardly and let out a weak laugh and a dramatic scoff.
“All I’m saying is, to make up for your rejection, I’ll put myself through the martyrdom of escorting you to the ball,” He combed a hand though his hair. “I mean, since no one else will,” he just had to add with snide.
Of course, he was going to be a rude arse, even about this. She shot him a foul look and hit his arm harder than she intended to. As if she couldn’t find a date to the ball. “How gracious of you,” She drawled out sarcastically. “I didn’t know the great Draco Malfoy could be so generous with his time.”
She looked at him hard, with a cross look, “If you’re asking me just say so,” she dared him.
“I’m not,“ he spoke quickly in a defensive tone. She took a moment sizing him up and just what his true intentions were. Why couldn’t he just bloody admit it if he was asking her to the Ball?
“Make it twenty and you’ve got yourself a deal,” She stretched out a hand. “Deal,” Both shook on it. “And no-“ She pulled him in still holding onto his hand tightly. “I am not going to the Yule Ball with you.
With that she marched towards Cedric and the other Hufflepuff Sixth and Seventh Years. She stood before them putting on a brave face and combing her hair back as she appeared to be more confident.
Nel didn’t even want to go to the Yule Ball with Diggory or with Malfoy. Her narrow tunnel vision made her obsess over the Beauxbaton student. She had a feeling that Cedric would say no and then she would just take Malfoy’s money, blow him off and be twenty galleons richer. Who did the slimy git think he was? His words stung her just like Pansy’s had earlier ‘if you even manage to get a date for the ball.’ Maybe she wasn’t the most popular girl in school, or the most pleasant person in Slytherin House but she still wanted to be asked to go to the dance.
“Diggory,” She cleared her throat. “A word,” She pulled at her sweater’s neck hoping he wouldn’t note how bright her ears were.  
His friends all hooted and howl at the request already expecting Elowen to be another girl shooting her shot at going to the ball with Cedric. Nearby bystanders ogled as the two walked to an empty spot in the courtyard. Even Daphne watched from a distance wondering just what had happened since her friend left her side.
Draco watched from underneath the oak tree’s comfortable shade with a smug smirk on his face. There was absolutely no way that Diggory would ever agree to go to the Yule Ball with Elowen. Of course, he had perfectly calculated the outcome of this gamble as he usually did.
He saw her say something to Cedric, her lips moving and body language shifting uncomfortably as she dropped the bomb. Diggory was silent for a moment before speaking.
With that the two walked away from each other.
Elowen walked back with flushed cheeks and her eyes wide in surprise. Draco couldn’t tell if the source of the color was from anger or embarrassment.
“I demand my twenty galleons,” She stuck a handout and looked at him angrily. Still wearing a smug smile Draco pulled out a coin pouch and handed it to her. “We’ll have a good time,” he said genuinely looking forward to the ball.
Eyes turned into slits she almost tossed the velvet coin purse back at him. She didn’t want to go to the ball with him, or with Cedric or with anybody else. This whole thing had been a stupid idea. One that wasn’t even worth twenty galleons.
Malfoy’s plan went down the drain with three simple words: “He said yes.” She said upset.
“You don’t look too happy about it,” He said dryly nothing how disappointed she seemed at the news.
“Of course not!” She snapped. “I didn’t want to go with him or with you! And now I have to go with him!” She screamed. “This is all your fault!” She accused him before retreating back to the inside of the castle. “And for the record!” She stood before again turning to give her a piece of her mind. “I don’t need you to be my pity date. I can get a date whenever I want and with whomever I want. If today wasn’t proof enough for you!” She spat angrily before finally leaving.
Draco tossed his head back and his hid face for a frustrated moment. How could he have majorly messed this up?
AN: *evil laughter*
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phukao · 4 years
roasting my faves part two: oxygen
This criticism is less serious than my MGYG post, but still.
All thoughts are under a cut because these are negative thoughts and not everyone wants to see negativity on their feed/in the tags even if it is only joking/out of fondness. Also, please remember I love these shows a lot. That does not put them above criticism.
Again, hit up my Ask or reply to chat about this!
Firstly, I am not going to discuss the heterosexual nonsense that is Petch and Khim. I am officially skipping their parts unless I see Khem because Fourwheels is my baby carboy. Also, Perth deserves better. The end.
Let’s be real, SoloGui move at the speed of light. Now I would like to preface this by saying that I have not read the Oxygen novel. I do not find SoloGui compelling enough to want to but this means all of my opinions are based on series only. I actually love how quickly they caught feels rather than the usual period of denial/conflict we see in other stories, but I agree with the people who joke about how WEIRD it is that Gui agrees to move in before they’re even in a relationship. It’s probably so they can pack the next episodes full of drama, but it’s still hilarious.
Where is the FRIENDSHIP? A major strength of the author’s work is that Solo, Jedi and Kao have a really awesome friendship and support each other numerous times during both Oxygen and Nitrogen. The series is almost completely glossing over them. We saw a SMIDGEON of them in episode five, but they are supposed to be constant. For example, Solo and Jedi are supposed to rescue Kao when he’s being beaten up, not Phu. Phu is supposed to be at work, as he says. How the fuck did he end up at the school? The world may never know. The “Stay away from my bunny!” line was supposed to be said during the scene where Phu’s classmates are about to fight with Kao. The writers probably thought it’d be better for Phu to be the rescuer, I guess? I didn’t mind the change but I miss the friendship!! I feel like the series is more focused on the two pairings than anything around them.
Combining two different timelines is HARD and WEIRD. PhuKao is not supposed to happen at the same time as SoloGui. During Oxygen, Phu is in the UK for the year off he took after the fighting incident. So when Kao starts pursuing Phu, SoloGui are already together. I think this is why we see the friendships take a backseat. It’s hard to tell both stories without messing with the timeline and affecting events. But this also makes it hard to predict what exactly they will be able to cover this season. I predict everything from book one of Nitrogen with happen to some extent, and then season two, which actor Phu confirmed will be called Nitrogen, will be book two of Nitrogen. It’s just weird because we’ve had a beach trip already, but there’s ANOTHER faculty trip to Khao Yai in Nitrogen that I think will happen because Nut mentioned a waterfall? Again, not a complaint so much as a perpetual state of confusion.
The experienced actors outshine the newbies. Of the main four, Boss is the only one who’s acted before. Yes, I am biased, but I do think his experience is clear compared to the others. I find Petch and Nut’s delivery rather monotone, and though I will cheer my baby Phu on forever, I think he struggles playing character Phu. A couple specific examples of this point are below. The actor who plays Petch also comes off more naturally than the others, which makes sense because he’s actually acted before. I definitely think we’ll see them grow over time, but at the moment I find Boss is the only one whose acting I can say I love.
Forget the husky comparison, Solo is a cat meme, I will hear no argument. As I mentioned above, some of the line delivery is killing me. I have decided that Solo is very much the cat from this meme:
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Need proof? 
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THE FIGHTS? NO THANK YOU. I am not capping anything because I can’t take it. Can we just skip the fights if we aren’t going to bother we good choreo? Both fights have taken me out of the story. I get that this is a romance and plenty of other series have had cringe fight scenes, but I really can’t take it anymore. 
If we are going to include a hurt/comfort scene, let’s have it make sense. I was so excited for the PhuKao post-fight scene and I honestly can’t watch it. I tried rewatching episode six and found most of it really cringe which I have NOT felt about the rest of the series. Here’s a list of what’s wrong with that scene:
Phu has a bed. One of the ~Roger Film Excusive Extra Scenes Which I Can’t Figure Out How to Fucking Pay For~ is Phu and Kao sleeping in bed later. JUST DO THE WHOLE SCENE IN THE BEDROOM SO IT MAKES SENSE.
Kao was supposed to be REALLY FUCKING BEAT UP and all they did was give him a little lip cut and a cheek bruise which somehow didn’t get worse the next day. There was no reason he even needed to take his shirt off and get wiped down. His shirt wasn’t even dirty. 
Phu is supposed to be a workaholic. Now, granted, they have made some attempts to show this. Phu comes home with lots of papers, Phu mentions he works so hard he gets sick, he kind of? brings up he has a separate work phone which makes him sometimes forget his personal phone. But in the story one way you can see how much Phu is starting to care for Kao is that, despite all of his work, he lets Kao stay with him. PHU WORKS FULL TIME FOR A COMPANY IN A DIFFERENT DAMN COUNTRY WHILE ALSO FINISHING HIS LAST SEMESTER OF UNI HOW ARE WE NOT SHOWING THIS. Phu sitting up in bed working on a computer with Kao sleeping next to him is how the post-fight scene is SUPPOSED to end, and it becomes something they do often. I feel like their relationship loses some of its weight when you don’t see how much Phu already has on his plate when he decides to let Kao into his life.
THE STANCE, THE FUCKING STANCE. Like Cat Meme Solo, this is just an observation. Someone needs to help baby Phu learn how to stand. Just... stand. I mean..... look at this:
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I’ve literally started shouting STANCE!!!! at my screen now. You can see, though, how much more natural Boss is by comparison. 
Am I still allowed to say I love this series? BUT I DO! I can’t wait for Saturday so we get more to swoon over or laugh at, depending on how you feel!
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thranduilland · 4 years
The Nectar of the Gods
(So many things I’m supposed to be doing instead of this, but I wrote this instead. I am still in Barduil hell... this was supposed to be like a cute little thing and it became this, oops.) The first time Bard visits Mirkwood, Thranduil doesn’t honestly expect anything to be different. Bard is not a morning person and, as far as Thranduil can tell, has never been one, but once he’s eaten his breakfast and gotten himself ready for the day, he’s normally pleasant to be around once again.
Not so the first time he visits Mirkwood.
“Good morning, meleth.” Thranduil greets, a happy smile on his face as he listens to the forest waking up outside his window. Bard grumbles and buries his head under his pillow, Thranduil simply laughs and leaves him to it, rolling himself out of bed to go and get ready to face the day.
Only, he meets back up with Bard for breakfast, the two of them sitting in the Great Hall, Thranduil’s people happily chattering all around them, but Bard is grumpier than Thranduil thinks he’s ever seen him. His head resting on the table in front of him and his food untouched beside him.
“Bard?” Thranduil queries, something a little like worry nagging in the back of his mind. His only response is a groan. “What’s wrong?”
“Coffee!” Bard mumbles into the wood of the table, Thranduil frowns in confusion.
“Coffee?” Thranduil queries, sounding out the unfamiliar word, trying to determine if he’s ever heard it before. Beside him, Bard’s entire body goes still.
“Please tell me you know what coffee is?” Bard pleads, the first time Thranduil has ever heard him beg for anything.
“Describe it.” Thranduil demands, deciding that whatever this coffee thing is, it’s obviously important.
“Little brown beans that you get from a plant. You roast and then ground the beans and put the powder in hot water and it makes the nectar of the gods!” Bard describes, Thranduil blinks at him in confusion and Bard whimpers.
“I do not know this bean.” Thranduil finally says, wincing when Bard let’s out a sad little noise. “Is it important?”
“It is, honestly, the only reason I get out of bed in the morning.” Bard replies, still talking to the table and apparently not ready to change that any time soon.
“I’m sorry we don’t have any, Bard.” Thranduil consoles, wondering what is so wonderful about this ‘coffee’ that it leaves Bard in tears at its absence. For, he’s absolutely certain that he can see tears in the corner of Bard’s closed eye.
“Do you have tea? You have to have tea, right?” Bard asks, something a little like cautious hope and dejection in his voice.
“Of course, we have tea!” Thranduil exclaims, mildly offended. “What kind of place do you think I am keeping here?”
“Well, forgive me, your greatest majesty, but you don’t have coffee, how was I supposed to know you think tea is important?” Bard snarks at him, all without lifting his head from the table. “Where is the tea?”
“In the Healing Halls, of course. It’s medicine.” Thranduil replies, exasperated and still mildly concerned when Bard moans into the table. “Bard, I am very concerned for you.”
“I’m going back to bed.” Bard mutters, pushing himself up from the table and stumbling out of the room. Thranduil following after him, his concern growing with every step.
“Bard? Are you sick? Do you need to see a healer?” Thranduil queries, keeping his voice low, when he notes how the human keeps flinching away from the bright lights that line the halls, and the sudden laughter of Thranduil’s people as they go about their morning. He’s more than just a little worried now.
“’m fine.” Bard mumbles, pressing a hand to his head. “Go enjoy your day.” The human grumbles, disappearing into Thranduil’s room, Thranduil frowns and follows him through the door, finds the human has collapsed face down on the bed, his arms tucked against his sides.
“I’ll send for one of the healers.” Thranduil decides, turning on his heel.
“’m fine.” Bard insists, even though he hasn’t moved an inch when Thranduil turns to look. “Jus’ nee’ coffee.” He mumbles, snuggling his face against the pillows. “Mmm, coffee.” He mutters and Thranduil is astounded to watch the human fall asleep within moments.
He sends the healer in, anyway.
“I don’t really know what to tell you, aran.” Head healer Lindariel states, looking at the sleeping human before them. “He doesn’t have a fever, or a cough, and he’s not been injured. I don’t know much of human illnesses, but perhaps he caught something before he arrived here?”
“He was complaining about coffee, before. Have you heard of it?” Thranduil asks, looking down at his human lover with open concern. “I’m very worried for him.”
“I’ve not heard of this coffee. What is it?” Lindariel queries, cocking her head to the side in curiosity.
“It’s apparently a bean grown from a plant, the humans roast it and grind it into powder, that they mix with hot water and it apparently makes some sort of ‘divine’ beverage.” Thranduil replies, turning to his healer to see if she has any knowledge, but the curiosity on her face doesn’t diminish.
“I’ve not heard of this. I will investigate.”
“He also asked about tea? Could we give him some?” Thranduil queries, resisting the temptation to bite on his lower lip.
“I will prepare some for him.” Lindariel decides, before moving off to do so, already lost in thoughts about where she might find information about ‘coffee’.
Thranduil sighs, looks once more at Bard, then turns to go and do his kingly duties for the day, he’s already put them off long enough.
Bard appears at lunch; he’s clutching a teapot and a mug like they are the most precious things on the earth when Thranduil sinks down beside him at the table.
“You’re looking a lot better.” Thranduil says, feeling better for it.
“Tea really is a wonderful medicine.” Bard replies, smiling at Thranduil, though it looks a little crazed and now that Thranduil’s sitting beside him, he can see that Bard’s hands are shaking.
“Bard, how much tea have you had today?” Thranduil queries, suddenly concerned for a whole different reason.
“I think this is my eighth cup.” The human replies, frowning at him. “Why?”
“I think you shouldn’t have anymore.” Thranduil says gently, reaching forward to try and take the teapot away, but Bard just grips it tighter.
“No, I need it.”
“You don’t have coffee!” Bard exclaims, lifting the mug to his lips and downing the contents in one go. “This is the only alternative, so I’m drinking it.”
“If I can find some coffee for you, will you stop drinking the tea?” Thranduil asks, resting his hand over Bard’s, when the man tries to pour himself another mug full.
“Alright, I will try to get some coffee for you, in the meantime, maybe you should eat lunch and then go and rest? You’re probably still tired from yesterday.” Thranduil coaxes, pushing just a little of his power into his words, sees the fog that forms in Bard’s eyes.
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea.” The Dragonslayer agrees, putting down both the teapot and the mug and reaching for his plate instead. Thranduil watches him eat, picking at his own food as he does so. Then, when the bell rings to signify the end of the meal, Thranduil walks Bard back to bed. Then, he goes and sends someone to Dale, to find out about ‘coffee’ and bring some back, if at all possible.
Bard doesn’t meet him for dinner.
Thranduil is woken in the very early hours of the morning, or the very late hours of the night, depending on your point of view, by Galion. He looks at his sleeping human, before quietly rolling out of bed and going to meet his friend in the living space outside his room.
“What’s happened?” Thranduil asks, wrapping his gown around him in the slight chill.
“Meludir returned with coffee.” Galion explains, an amused smile on his face. “Apparently, humanity runs on coffee.”
“I’m sorry?” Thranduil exclaims, blinking at his oldest friend, who just laughs.
“The people of Dale would like you to know that they consider it an act of war to withhold coffee from them. They will forgive you for this offense against their king in this instance, but they warn you that you are on thin ice.” Galion dutifully imparts the message while Thranduil just stares at him in stupefaction.
“But what is it?”
“I don’t rightly know. Did you want to go and try some? Meludir has been crowing about it since he came back. He and the off-shift guards are in the wine cellar trying it out since the humans showed him how to make it.”
“Let’s go!”
Descending the stairs down into the dungeons, they both pause, closing their eyes and inhaling a rich and nutty aroma. Thranduil vaguely remembers having smelt this at various times throughout his dealings with men, but he’s never figured out what caused the smell. Obviously, it’s whatever this ‘coffee’ is.
He and Galion continue to follow the smell, to find the off-shift home guard all gathered around a pot resting on the table, the aroma wafting from it. He shares a look with Galion, before they both cross to peer into the pot, staring into a black liquid within.
“Is it… safe to drink?” Thranduil asks, perplexed as to how the drink can smell so lovely and look so unappetising.
“It is very safe to drink, so long as you do not drink in excess.” Meludir helpfully replies, though Thranduil notes his legs are jingling up and down, like he cannot keep them still.
“How much have you had to drink Meludir?” Thranduil queries, reminded of Bard at the lunch table.
“Four cups so far!” Meludir helpfully tells him, a giant smile on his face. “It’s very, very yummy!”
“Why did we send the lightweight to fetch the mystery beverage?” Thranduil queries the room at large, no one has an answer for him, so he sighs and turns his eyes back to the liquid in the pot. “Very well, since Meludir has already attested that the drink is not poison, someone pour me a mug.” Feren is the one who moves, grabbing down a mug and placing filter paper over the top, then pouring the liquid in. They all stare at the black grounds left on the filter paper, that Feren carefully takes from the mug. Feren slides the mug across to Thranduil and joins the others in looking at him with expectant eyes.
“Mellon nin, are you sure?” Galion queries, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other. “Perhaps I should-“ but his oldest friend doesn’t get to finish his statement, before Thranduil is lifting the mug to his lips and sipping it. He can’t quite help the face he makes at the bitterness, but there’s a rich earthy taste to it that he thinks he might like.
“Hmm.” Is the only audible reaction he gives to his audience, before taking a few more mouthfuls of the drink, debating its taste, still undecided after those few mouthfuls. “I don’t feel different.”
“Just wait!” Meludir helpfully exclaims, smiling at him. “I feel like I’ve spent the entire day eating sugary treats!”
“Oh, good. We definitely wanted to be drinking this while we’re supposed to be sleeping!” Thranduil huffs, but it doesn’t stop him from taking another sip. They all patiently watch him drink his coffee, he wonders if this is how the poison tester feels and decides that should he ever need another poison tester, he will ensure they are well cared for.
It’s about ten minutes after drinking the cup that he feels the tingling in his fingers and feels the exhaustion from the day falling away from him, until he’s smiling with wide eyed excitement, feeling like he’s just had a long, refreshing nap.
“Oh.” He exclaims, looking into the pot, from which the others haven’t been brave enough to try any yet. “I’m not getting any further sleep tonight.” He announces to no one in particular and goes to sit beside Meludir, watching the others with expectant eyes. “Well, go on then! Try it!”
None of them make it to bed that night.
“Bard! Wake up! Bard!” Thranduil exclaims, bouncing on the balls of his feet while he tries to rouse his human from slumber. He hasn’t felt this light on his feet since he was at most Legolas’ age. His heart is racing in his chest, so fast he thinks it might be unhealthy, but he hasn’t had the presence of mind to focus on it, because he’s too busy feeling like he’s going to vibrate out of his own skin. “Bard!” His human grumbles and rolls over in bed. “I found your coffee!” Thranduil excitedly tells him, doesn’t expect Bard to shoot up from the bed and stumble towards him on unsteady legs.
“Yes, coffee!” Thranduil agrees, grinning wide. “Come!” he snags Bard’s wrist and drags the human to the door, but the moment it’s open, Bard is off running, following the heavenly smell that’s wafting through the halls. Thranduil laughs behind him, the sound so delighted to his own ears, the way his laughter hasn’t been for many, many thousands of years now. He chases after his lover through the halls, his laughter drifting off the walls as his people stop in shock to watch them go. He doesn’t care that he’s being undignified. He doesn’t care that he’s running through his halls, laughing with wild abandon the way his people here have never seen him.
All that he cares about is ensuring his Bard finds the coffee because Bard is right. It is nectar of the gods and he can’t believe no one has told him about it before!
“How much coffee have you had?” Bard asks, sounding a lot more awake and happier than he has since he went to bed the night he arrived.
“The Off-shift and I spent the night and most of the morning drinking it.” Thranduil answers, his eyes closed as he happily sways back and forward on his stool down in the wine cellar. He wonders if this is how humans feel when they’re drunk, it’s an experience he’s never actually had in his life, because it’s so hard for elves to get drunk. They’re more likely to grow bored of drinking than to ever drink enough for the beverage to really affect them more than a tingling in their fingers and an extreme feeling of tiredness. “I think I’ve had maybe ten cups!”
“Don’t drink anymore.” Bard warns, Thranduil frowns, opening one eye to look at the human. “Overdose can be fatal.”
“Mmm, alright.” Thranduil agrees, letting his eye slip closed again as he resumes his swaying.
“Coffee makes elves drunk. That’s interesting.” Bard mutters, Thranduil just hums back at him. If this is what it feels like to be drunk, he likes it. It’s blissful.
“I’m not being a king today.” He announces to Bard, like it’s some great secret, he hears Bard chuckle but doesn’t open his eyes.
“No, I don’t think that would go well for anyone if you tried.” Bard agrees, Thranduil hums happily. “We should probably get you to bed, before you get to the emotional portion of intoxication.”
“When did you have your last cup?” Bard queries, Thranduil hears him setting down his mug on the table, but still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Before I came and got you.” He answers, though his words seem to slur together and he frowns in surprise.
“Alright, let’s go put an elf-king to bed.” Bard coaxes, Thranduil jumps a little when he feels hands on his arms. “It’s just me.” Bard soothes and Thranduil collapses against him, suddenly feeling boneless and weightless, like he could just float up and join the stars in the sky.
“What is happening?” he asks, but he knows the words don’t come out sounding how he thinks they should. “Bard?”
“You’re drunk.” Bard explains, grunting as he scoops Thranduil up into his arms. Thranduil hasn’t been carried like this, when he hasn’t been injured, since he was an elfling. He’s not sure if he likes this drunk feeling anymore.
“It’s alright. You’ll be fine in a few hours, I promise.” Bard soothes him, as he carries him back through the halls. In the back of his mind, Thranduil realizes that his people will be watching this too, but he doesn’t have the focus to care, snuggling against Bard and letting his head loll. The world seems to spin, but he’s certain he hasn’t opened his eyes in a while so he doesn’t know how the world could possibly be spinning when he can’t see it doing it.
“I’m still here.” Bard assures him, his voice gentle and far away, Thranduil relaxes at the sound of it.
“I love you.” He says, his mouth now apparently having a mind of its own. “I know you doubt that sometimes, but I really, really, really love you, lots and lots and lots.” He promises, feeling a little like a child as he says the words, but his childhood was some of the happiest years of his life, so he doesn’t mind. Luthien had been there, his beautiful and bubbly cousin, who fell in love with a mortal. He hadn’t seen what all the rage was about with Beren, but Luthien had promised him he’d love a mortal someday, too, and then he’d understand. He’d laughed when she’d said that but look at him now.
“I love you, too.” Bard replies, pressing a kiss to his forehead, then Thranduil feels himself being laid down on something soft and Bard’s pulling away.
“No!” Thranduil exclaims, blindly reaching for his human, his eyes refusing to open, even as his questing hands find Bard’s wrist and hold tight. “No, no, don’t leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Thranduil. I’m just getting you a glass of water.” Bard promises, but all Thranduil knows is that his heart is suddenly beating too quickly in his ears and he feels a fear so great he thinks he might be sick of it. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
“Everyone always leaves and then it’s just me.” He mumbles, deciding that he very much hates this being drunk thing, doesn’t like it at all and would prefer never to feel this way again. “They make me love them and then they just… poof… gone. I don’t want you to go, too, but you will, because you’re human, like Beren and I don’t know if I’m strong like Luthien. She was so strong. The strongest.” His strong cousin, his first friend in the world, his lovely cousin and she’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
“You’re the strongest person I know, Thranduil.”
“Even if I am strong like her, I can’t be mortal. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.” he repeats over and over again, his mind stuck on the words.
“No one is asking you to be mortal.” Bard’s voice cuts through the litany and he gasps in startled surprise, Bard takes the moment to free his arm, but before Thranduil can react, he finds his human’s warmth pressed up against him, his arms around Thranduil and pulling him close, holding him tight. “No one is asking you to be anything more or less than who and what you are.”
“You’re gonna leave me.”
“One day, yes.”
“I don’t want you to go.” He exclaims, turning in Bard’s arms and clinging tight to his clothing, tucking his face into Bard’s neck as his breaths shake over his lips, the tears burning in his eyes. “I love you. Don’t leave me. Don’t go.”
“I’ll stay as long as I can, I promise.”
“Don’t go.” His voice cracks and the sobs are quick and so encompassing, the fear and grief he feels so overwhelming he can’t do anything but give in, sobbing and pleading and clinging to Bard like he is the only thing in this world that matters. He feels his energy fleeing him all to quickly and with one last desperate plea, falls into a thick and heavy darkness.
The world is too bright and too loud and too obnoxiously happy when Thranduil wakes in the morning. His head feels like an entire mountain of dwarves have moved in and are trying to chip open his skull. He moans and rolls over, so his face is in the mattress, as he pulls the pillow up over the back of his head. He hears a familiar chuckle beside him and moans again.
“Come on, you need to drink some water and eat something.” Bard coaxes, but Thranduil just groans at him. “Are you really going to let a hangover be what defeats you?” the human teases, Thranduil snarls and pushes himself up to sit and glare at his lover, who holds out a glass of water, unfazed with a stupid grin on his face. Thranduil snatches the glass from his hand and gulps it down in one go. “Good, now you can have some Hair of the Dog.” Bard tells him, Thranduil just blinks at him stupidly, but his human doesn’t seem inclined to explain.
“What is that?” he finally demands, glaring again. Bard smirks, and takes the empty glass from him, turning to place it on the bedside table on Bard’s side, before grabbing a mug of a familiar smelling substance. Thranduil pulls away a little but Bard just laughs.
“It’s Hair of the Dog. You drink more of what you had the night before, to ease the hangover.” Bard explains, holding out the mug again. Thranduil glares at it. “The hangover being the headache and all the other wonderful things happening to you right now.”
“Fine.” Thranduil grumbles, grabbing the mug and downing the coffee. It doesn’t take too long before he starts to feel a little better. “Now what?”
“Now you spend the day drinking water and eating.” Bard answers, grinning and climbing from the bed. “Come along, love! You put off being a king yesterday, you don’t get to put off being a king today, even if you’d like to. This is what you put me through every single damn time you kept giving me wine before and after the BOFA. This is payback.” Bard cheerfully announces, laughing when Thranduil lobs a pillow at him.
“Being drunk is horrible!” Thranduil whines, before forcing himself to get out of bed, even though he doesn’t want to. “Never drinking coffee again!” he promises himself, not realizing the lie he has just uttered.
Bard does not speak of any of what Thranduil said while under the influence that night, and Thranduil never remembers saying any of it.
Thus, Mirkwood becomes the first Elven Realm to discover just how stupid they can be while under the influence. They are not the last.
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❉ 139 Dreams (Koushi Sugawara) Magical
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff
Word Count: 2,790
Pairing: Reader x Sugawara
World: Haikyuu!!
Author’s Note: In this fic, Suga is eighteen and the reader is twenty. I dreamed about this and immediately fell in love with domestic Suga and I just had to write this.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
Your keys jingled as you unlocked the door to your house, scaring away a moth that had been perched on the doorframe. Upon entering, the smell of roast stew tickled your nostrils, making your stomach growl and brow furrow. Were you imagining things because of how tired you were? You didn’t bother taking your shoes off as you headed down the hall until the kitchen came into view.
Koushi stood at the stove, carefully stirring the contents of the pot. A baby blue and white striped apron sat around his neck, tied loosely around his waist. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard you, offering you a warm smile. “Welcome home! Dinner is almost ready.”
Your body fell into one of the kitchen chairs, stifling a yawn. “What are you doing here, Koush?”
He pouted, placing his hand on his hip. “What, you’re not happy to see your loving boyfriend?”
“Of course I am,” you beckoned him closer and he obeyed, standing between your legs as you gently held his hips, his forehead resting against yours. “I could definitely get used to coming home to you. You just surprised me, is all. I didn’t know you were going to be here.”
“Hmm, I’m moving in with you the second I graduate, so you better get used to it quickly~” He pecked your lips before returning to the stove to check on the food. “How was work?”
“Long,” you wrinkled your nose as you untied your boots, kicking them under the table. “I got assigned to Casa Valore today. You know, that really uppity place on the other side of town.”
“The country club?” He inquired with surprise. “You have to have serious cash to get a membership there, from what I hear.”
“Mhm. This bitch kept trying to get in even though she doesn’t have a membership, right? Claimed she knew the owner. Intimately. Then she starts going into detail about their supposed exploits.”
Koushi bit back a laugh as he gathered rice onto two plates before pouring some roast on top. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Nope,” you stood up, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet. “Every. Friggin’. Detail, Koush. You want tea?”
“Water, please.” He set the plates down on the table before taking his seat. “What happened to her?”
You poured a bottle of water into the glass with ice before doing the same with a soda and setting them on the table, collapsing back in your chair across from him. “She was spouting some really dirty shit just as a family of three walked up. When the mom heard her, she went off. The lady was terrified.”
He nodded to show that he was listening, taking a bit of the stew.
“The mom ended up punching her. One little hit and she was out like a light. Then she started after me for not stopping the woman.” You rolled your eyes, stuffing a spoonful of rice into your mouth.
He frowned at you, concern shining in his hazel eyes. “I still can’t believe you’re not allowed to touch people. You’re a security guard, it’s your job to prevent things from escalating, but you’re not even allowed to interfere when someone acts out.”
You shrugged one of your shoulders. “You get used to it after a while. What about you? Any problems at school?”
“Well, I don’t know if you’d call it a problem, perse.” He responded, tapping his chin as he thought back to mid-day practice. “Noya came running into the gym screaming his lungs out. It took some time before he was calm enough to explain what had happened.”
You sipped your drink, brow quirking as you waited for him to spill the tea.
“Apparently, he was running down the hall when he bumped into his classmate. When he helped her pick up her books, he found this manga she was working on. He claims she was shipping him with Tsukishima.”
The thought made you snicker. “Ah, the shipping days of high school.” You shook your head as you stood up, carrying the empty plates to the sink. “‘Kay, you win. Your story was better than mine.”
Koushi came up beside you, pushing your hands away from the dishes. “Let me, love.”
“You cooked dinner, it’s only fair.” You knew how stubborn he could be, so you shifted your position so you were behind him, arms sliding around his slim waist and chin resting on his shoulder.
“You worked all day.”
“Hmm, and you went to school then spent hours at practice.” Your lips twitched up at his huff of frustration and you rubbed soft circles into his side to appease him.
“Just let me take care of you, Y/N.”
With a soft kiss to beneath his ear, you conceded. “Fine, fine. I’m gonna go take a shower.” You released him, heading up the stairs into your bedroom. After gathering your clothes, you stepped across the hall into the bathroom, turning on the water to let it warm up.
When you stopped to think about it, your relationship with Koushi felt like a dream. He was just so perfect in your eyes. Kind, caring, loving, selfless. Everything he did was for others, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process. He was patient, too – he had to be in order to deal with you and your job. You couldn’t help smiling as you stepped out of the shower.
‘How in the hell did I get so lucky?’
Koushi was already lying in bed, scrolling through his phone as he waited for you to join him. He glanced at you when you entered the room. “The group chat is blowing up tonight.”
You slid under the covers with a yawn, shoulder brushing against his as you looked at his phone. “About what?”
“No idea. The messages are coming through too quickly.”
Your eyes narrowed at the screen, trying to pick out keywords that could piece the story together. “Movie, scared, black widow, glass, death, girl, pizza.”
Koushi snorted, his hand flying up to cover his mouth. You sent him an amused look. “Sorry, it was just so dark and then pizza.”
You hummed. “I think Tanaka’s sister is making him watch the grudge. Or maybe the ring? Probably used pizza to bribe him into watching.”
“That makes sense.”
You yawned, not bothering to try and cover it as you slid down until your head landed on the fluffy pillow. Following your lead, he plugged his phone in before settling down against your side, his head using your shoulder as a pillow. You brushed your hand through his grey locks before resting it against his back. “Good night, baby.”
He hummed softly, his limps tangling with yours as sleep started to claim him. “Good night, love.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You stepped into the house around noon, kicking your shoes off in the doorway. The AC was blasting through the house, keeping the heat of summer at bay. As you stepped farther into the house, you noticed the TV was on, playing PBS kids on low volume, which was strange because you had never seen your boyfriend show interest in kid’s shows before.
With a shrug, you continued toward the kitchen, an ice-cold soda calling your name. “Ow, shit!” Pain shot through your left foot and you hopped on your right, holding the injured foot in your hands. Your eyes narrowed at the object that had created your pain before frowning in confusion, picking up the square object. “The hell? Aren’t nesting blocks for toddlers?”
Setting the toy on the table, you headed upstairs in search of your boyfriend, but he wasn’t in the bedroom or the bathroom. That left the storage closet at the end of the hall or the guest room, and you highly doubted he was in the former. You pushed the guest room door open softly, eyes widening a bit at the sight.
Koushi was sitting on the floor with a boy sitting in front of him, probably around two-years-old, playing with toy cars and action figures from the popular anime, My Hero Academia.
Something about the scene just seemed so magical to you. Your heart started to race within your chest as you thought about him as a father, the father of your child. Honestly, children were never really something you thought about, but seeing him interact so softly with this child… it stirred something within you.
With a soft smile, you leaned against the doorframe. “Koushi, did you go and have a child with someone else?”
His hazel eyes slid up to meet yours and he chuckled. “Of course not. You’re the only person I want to have a child with!”
You hadn’t been expecting that response and your red cheeks showed it, but you hid it behind your hand, faking a cough. “So, who’s the kid?”
“My nephew, Sasuke,” he explained, gently rubbing the top of the boy’s head. “My sister suddenly went into labor this morning and couldn’t find anyone to watch him, so I went and picked him up.”
“You should have called me, I would have taken you.”
“It’s okay, it wasn’t far!” He smiled brightly, his hair shifting across his forehead when he tilted his head. “You’re home early. Did something happen?”
“Sort of.” You rubbed the back of your neck. “Apparently, the manager has been skimming funds from the clients and the CEO found out. He came in this morning raising hel -” You eyes shifted to the small child before clearing your throat. “Raising a fuss.”
“Oh wow,”
“Yup. Everyone was sent home until they can get everything sorted. With pay, of course.”
“That’s good.” He pulled himself to his feet before lifting up his nephew, holding him against his hip. “Come on, it’s time for lunch.”
The boy giggled, his small hands grabbing at his uncle’s shirt. You followed him downstairs, taking a seat at the table as he sat the boy beside you, kissing the top of his head before heading to the fridge.
“Are you okay with a sandwich, love? I wasn’t expecting you home early so I didn’t make anything.”
“I don’t mind,”
Sasuke looked up at you curiously, reaching out for your arm. You held your hand out to him and he was just barely able to wrap his hand around your finger, pulling it up and down and giggling as if it were the most amusing thing he had ever done.
Koushi looked back at you with an apologetic smile. “Sorry I didn’t ask before bringing him here. I didn’t think you’d mind.”
You hummed as you watched the boy, lifting your arm and watching as he pulled it back down before giggling. “You’re fine. My foot definitely minded when it stepped on the nesting blocks, though.”
He giggled, covering his mouth with this hand.
“Glad my pain amuses you, babe.”
“Sorry, sorry~” His eyes were amused as he set the small squares of sandwich in front of his nephew, who instantly dropped your hand to grab the food. “Eat slow and careful, Sasuke.”
Sasuke nodded, carefully grabbing one of the squares before taking a small bite.
You turned your gaze to your boyfriend as he got to work making your sandwich and his own. He just had such a domestic aura about him that made you feel so warm inside. The future was not something you thought about often, but for some reason, you started to think about spending the rest of your life with this man. You knew he would be just as amazing as a husband as he was a boyfriend and that thought made your heart flutter within your chest.
Setting the food down, he took a seat across from you, watching his nephew with a happy expression. The three of you ate in silence, just enjoying each other’s company, but the peace was broken when his phone lit up on the table.
“It’s from my sister,” he commented as he pulled up the message, his eyes lighting up as he read it. “Oh my god. She had twins!”
“Really?” You quirked a brow. “That sounds… like a handful.”
“Definitely,” he sweatdropped. “Can you take us to the hospital to see them? She wants Sasuke to meet his new siblings.”
“Yeah, of course.” You finished off your food before clearing the table while he grabbed the bag with Sasuke’s things.
“Shoot, I need to grab my charger. Can you take him?” Koushi handed the boy off to you and you held him against your hip, pulling the front door open. You were a bit worried because you didn’t have a car seat, but you were sure that Koushi would sit in the back with him and keep him safe, and you’d make sure to drive more carefully than usual.
He came jogging from the house, making sure the door was locked before heading to the backseat and pulling the door open, setting the bag on the opposite side of the seat. He held his hand out to take his nephew. “You’re gonna sit in the back with me, okay? We don’t have a car seat so you have to behave and not move around too much.”
“‘Kay!” Sasuke agreed with a high pitched voice.
You started the car, turning the AC on to battle against the summer heat as you waited for them to get settled before taking off. The hospital wasn’t far by car, taking only about ten minutes to arrive even with moderate traffic. Koushi tried to pick up his nephew once everyone was out of the car, but the toddler started fussing, refusing the be picked up.
“Do you want to walk, instead?” He asked softly, to which Sasuke nodded. “Okay, but you have to hold my hand tight and not let go. Can you do that?” Again, he nodded, holding his small hand out to the grey-haired male. You took the bag from him, slinging it over your shoulder as you walked on the other side of Sasuke, just for added protection. It surprised you when the small boy grabbed your hand, but you certainly didn’t mind, nor did you miss the loving look that Koushi sent you.
His sister was on the fourth floor and when you stepped out of the elevator, you gently patted the boy’s head before heading toward the waiting room.
“Where are you going?” Koushi frowned.
“It’s your family, I don’t want to impose.” You smiled reassuringly. “It’s fine, go on.”
He bit his bottom lip as he thought it over before hesitantly nodding, gently tugging his nephew down the hall.
The waiting room was empty and silent, making your ears ring. There was a small TV mounted in the corner, but someone had muted it. Captions were playing across the bottom of the screen, but they were too small to read unless you were right next to it. You weren’t very fond of hospitals – something about the sterile environment just made you feel strange, but the maternity ward wasn’t too bad.
You pulled out your phone, scrolling through your MyBook page, sharing posts you found amusing or responding to tags from friends. You got bored of that pretty quickly though and decided to search for anime memes, finding a few that made you chuckle. You soon got bored of that, too, sliding down in the chair with a sigh.
The door opened, Koushi stepped inside with something small in his arms. He was smiling brightly, eyes lit up like stars. “Y/N, meet my niece, Yin.”
Your body tensed as he brought the newborn closer. You gently pulled the blanket away from her face, your finger sliding across her cheek. “She’s so small,”
“Do you want to hold her?”
“Ah, no, I -”
He chuckled softly. “Love, you’re not going to hurt her. I asked my sister and she said it’s fine.”
“Okay,” you breathed out, holding your arms out, carefully holding the newborn in your arms. She barely weighed anything, like you were holding a feather.
His hand gently caressed your arm to keep you calm. “I can’t wait for us to have our own children. You’re going to be such a good parent.”
“What are you going on about?” You muttered, keeping your eyes on the infant as if scared she would disappear if you looked away. “We’re too young for kids.”
He hummed softly, pressing a loving kiss to your cheek. “Hmm, maybe I just have baby fever.”
“Pretty sure you do.”
“It’s your fault~” He pouted, making you quirk a brow.
“How is it my fault?”
“You’re gorgeous with a child in your arms.”
Blood rushed to your cheeks at the declaration. “S-Shut up, Koushi.”
He covered his mouth with his hand, stifling his laughter.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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I watched Broadway’s Dance of the Vampires so you don’t have to
Ever wondered how bad the broadway version actually is? Now’s your chance to find out, my friend...
So about a month ago, I came across a bootleg of the broadway show and, because it was late and I am a Certified Idiot, I decided to watch it and write down my thoughts. Having heard how bad it was, I knew to expect a train wreck, but I had no idea just how much of a train wreck it was going to be until I pressed play and witnessed something that truly cannot be described in words.
I was originally just going to post my whole list of thoughts but it ended up being over 5000 words (many of which were me screaming NO and wHYYY) so I’ve put it in a separate post, so click that link if you want to read it in its entirety!
Instead, I’ve decided to do a (slightly) shorter summary of ‘highlights’, if they can really be called that, with a kind of silly score for each ‘category’. A review, if you will. I’m sure I’ll have missed some things, but this should hopefully at least give you an idea of what exactly they did to poor Tanz der Vampire. Still, I apologise for the length of this in advance - I just had a lot of thoughts, okay?
A quick disclaimer: While I have seen clips of producations of Tanz from various countries, I’ve only seen the whole production once - the Berlin bootleg from somewhere around 2009-11 - so I’ll mostly be comparing with that!
I know the broadway musical is a big taboo subject, so I’m not expecting many, if any, to actually read any of this. But if you ever wondered how bad it was and didn’t want to have to actually watch it, this post is for you!
So, without further ado…
The Characters: -7/10
Let me begin by saying that many of the characters bear almost no resemblance to the originals. The worst case, of course, is with Giovanni von Krolock. A cringeworthy caricature, his awful faux-Italian accent, terrible jokes and horrifying bat form make him the polar opposite of what Krolock is supposed to be. In my notes, I actually referred to him as Giovanni rather than Krolock, because this is not Krolock; where Krolock is mysterious, aloof, powerful, and occasionally slightly sarcastic, Giovanni is silly, makes puns in nearly every line, and commands no respect or fear whatsoever. I resent that I began to ironically enjoy mocking him by the time I’d finished watching it.
Alfred is absurdly confident and confrontational, and narrates everything he writes in his journal (and tbh is probably a closeted bi). Sarah now apparently has friends and is allowed to leave her room. Koukol doesn’t exist, and is replaced by a man that Krolock hypnotises, who sometimes acts like a dog. Herbert is French, ridiculously stereotypical, and there is a very poor attempt from Krolock at pronouncing his name in a French accent. The other characters are fortunately mostly the same as the originals, although not entirely.
The Music: 2.5/10
Oh, the music… how do I begin?
Long story short, it was generally horrible. Multiple songs were cut entirely, and others were mashed together into strange frankensongs. The opening song, for instance, is completely different (and was what immediately made me realise I’d made a terrible mistake in deciding to watch it). The lyrics were mostly not as interesting as the original German lyrics, and often had less syllables, so the songs often felt empty and drawn out.
Many of the songs had slightly different overall meanings/purposes to their German counterparts, and I though that songs like Total Eclipse and Invitation to the Ball were way too sappy and romantic, lacking any of the drama and tension of Totale Finsternis and Einladung zum Ball. Krolock had been so ridiculous the whole time that Die Unstillbare Gier sadly could never have worked, even if the lyrics had been better. The singing itself was actually pretty good from what I remember, which was the only thing that saved the music, but Krolock’s horrible accent ruined many of the songs he was in. There was so much potential for it to be good if they’d just done a faithful adaption…...
I could go on forever about the music (as I do in my full commentary) but that would probably need a whole new post! So instead let’s move on to…
The Costumes: 2/10
Boring. Sarah’s red ball gown is nice enough, but all of the other vampires’ costumes are painfully simple and poorly designed. Krolock lacks a cape for most of the musical (which is a crime), Herbert is dressed in a hideous bright blue coat and an aggressively yellow wig, and the finale costumes are just simple black leather coats. It all lacks any of the detail or, in Herbert’s case, sparkle, of any of the other versions of the costumes that I’ve seen. While I should probably note that this was in 2002, it is still noticeably simpler than other productions of Tanz around the same time. Krolock also lacks his usual makeup, and Herbert’s is just ugly. And Krolock’s top hat in the opening? Why???
The Staging: -5/10
When they aren’t dancing, most of the ‘staging’ is just the characters at opposite sides of the stage facing each other. It doesn’t matter what is supposed to be happening in the scene, or the message of the song; they just... stand there. Occasionally, if you’re lucky, the characters might stand next to each other, but such close proximity is a rare occurrence in Dance of the Vampires, saved mostly for Alfred or Krolock with Sarah or Herbert and, in a strange duet about books, Krolock and Professor Ambronsius.
Krolock does pretty much nothing in Die Unstillbare Gier, and the staging for Einladung zum Ball was very confusing, at least when they weren’t just standing still. Sarah’s bedroom inexplicably becomes a cloudy place with no floor, and it was never quite clear whether the scene was a dream or not. Considering the rest of the musical, either possibility is honestly equally likely. At one point at the start of the first act, Krolock literally rises out of the ground in a huge coffin. I could go on. Also the sponge Krolock gives Sarah is a fraction of the size of the one he gives her in the original, which I like to think is a metaphor for the broadway production itself.
The Sets: 3/10
While not accurate to any other versions at the time or since, a couple of the sets were admittedly quite pretty (though still not quite on Kentaur’s level). However, there was no inn structure for the first act, and some of the sets were quite limited. One of the most popular (and nicest) sets in the second act is a huge stairway covered in a frankly impractical number of candles.
In the finale, despite the characters on multiple occasions declaring that the story takes place in Transylvania in “18something”, the background is for some reason Times Square with all of its neon signs (which I’m pretty sure did most certainly not exist in the 1800s). Whether a huge location change and time skip of a couple hundred years has taken place or whether the directors and set designers finally gave up trying to make the story make sense, I have no idea.
Worst Moments:
I just had to include this section! These are only a few of the worst and/or most bizarre moments I could pick out. I’m sure there’s more that I forgot but here are some (read: quite a few) of my favourites:
Krolock, wearing a top hat, rising from the ground in a giant coffin before saying, “God has left the building”
Krolock appearing as a hideous animated bat thing
Sarah and her friends getting high on mushrooms in the opening
The fact that Sarah’s birthday is on Halloween at midnight during the total eclipse of the moon
Krolock offering Alfred a sponge shaped like a penis then slowly tilting it down when Alfred says no
Ambronsius decorating Sarah’s room in Halloween decorations to scare off Krolock
Krolock genuinely being convinced that Sarah is a literal princess until he visits her room
Krolock and Ambronsius harmonising about books together
The big grey winged gargoyle demons dancing on the bed during Carpe Noctem
Krolock repeatedly dressing in a big grey dress and pretending to be his own mother/wife/who even knows what
Alfred angrily threatening Krolock, followed by Krolock physically attacking Alfred (this happens on more than one occasion)
The nonsense ‘prophecy’ they randomly introduce
“I use my body as a bandage, I use my body as a wound” (and this is instead of “Ich will frei und freier werden, und werde meine Ketten nicht los”) WHAT DOES IT MEAN
Koukol-replacement saying, “Okay, here he is, the man you’ve all been waiting for, his excellency… the Count von Krolock!) and Krolock waving and pointing like a rockstar as he kisses people walking down the stairs to the ball
Krolock dramatically dying on the stairs at the end of the ball for a solid minute
The Good Parts
Surprisingly, there were a few redeeming features!
Firstly, the couple of songs where they kept things very similar to the source material (such as Knoblauch) were actually quite good at times. Unfortunately, this isn’t to say that they were necessarily good, but compared to the less faithful parts they were a nice surprise, even if Knoblauch was never my favourite song from Tanz.
The singing itself was generally pretty good too! I also hate to admit that I did at times find myself laughing a little at the awful jokes.
And... uhh...
...yeah, that’s about it...
Some Highlights From My Notes:
And finally, here are some out of context quotes from my notes that I feel sum up the musical quite well:
It sounds like he’s about to start a really sad rave
I was gonna roast the lyrics some more but I’m gonna be honest I’m not sure what he’s saying
This feels on the same level of what kind of acid trip hallucination parallel universe have I landed in as seeing the Cats film in the cinema
Is this actually Deadpool in disguise with all the fourth wall breaking
Crawford looks like he regrets everything and can I just say Michael so does everybody else
He looks like a potato or a rock or that neutral nicolas cage face that people put on the sequin cushion
This sounds like a poorly written Krolock/reader wattpad fanfic
Giovanni would highkey be like lol arent i so random rawr xd on myspace
He might as well have said, “Itsa me, Mario”
They’re just stood there like two pigeons aimlessly squawking at each other
Alfred is like a chihuahua with small dog syndrome barking at a bigger dog, except Giovanni is barely bigger and is a flea-infested Chinese Crested dressed in a cheap Halloween costume
The throne glides like a magic carpet only it doesn’t leave the ground so I suppose it’s actually more like a chair with wheels, which is much less exciting
He just stands there like a poorly-dressed rock
-22/10 would not listen again
Final Comments:
So, if you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope that was somewhat informative and/or entertaining for you! It took me weeks to get through the whole musical because I couldn’t stand watching it for too long at a time, and maybe you can see why! Like I said at the start of this monster of a post, there’s probably a lot that I’ve forgotten to mention, so if you’re unfortunate enough to have seen any of this car crash of a musical, feel free to add your thoughts! :D
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