#i am kissing u mwah mwah
acerathia · 6 months
ru if u are so inclined and feeling chatty today i’d love to hear about some little tidbits of you and obito if you’re comfy sharing!!! if not maybe just some obito hc’s you love and think about a lot???
!! hello kendy!!! how r u today??? i am always happy to talk to u <3 <3
the first thing, beside the whole complicated childhood friends to whatever happens to lovers lmao, is the way he just loves to?? just flop onto me? like any time he sees me laying down, he just throws himself on me, and he's bigger and heavier, but he never stops doing that 😔 suffocating me between his tits every day 😔😔 also, before getting into a relationship, bc u know the whole enemy thing and i was kinda mad at him for that tbh, kakashi (bc he can as the hokage smh) would just loove to put us together for missions, and every time i 'punch' one of them LMAO
generally, obito has like big golden retriever energy at home, even if it seems like we're both just cats outside the house. and due to me being in love with him for years, i just cannot resist him in any capacity 😔 and bc he still has some evil tendencies (makes him somewhat mischivious oops), he makes use of that 😔😔 his pranks are going out of hand tbh 😔😔
he's soo silly and bbg, i wanna bite him and he just lets me tbh
pls, tell me about some of ur favorite tidbits with kakashi!!
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stuckinapril · 9 months
A girl’s lip balm can be so personal to her
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balls-on-my-face · 8 months
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when u and ur long distance low maintenance long term casual girlfriend accidentally break ur no pda rule
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usernyoom · 8 months
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19/10/23, Austin - Daniel Ricciardo has his seat fit during the run-up to the 2023 Austin Grand Prix
📸 by Rudy Carezzevoli
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
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in case you're wondering how its going rn
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spirallingstarcases · 6 months
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for @josephtrohman ‘s bday :33
a tiny liddol winter pining joetrick + cats for kelcis bday :3 everyone go wish her a happy bday or else >:(
close up!!!
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theclod3215 · 1 year
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Me spending hours drawing this: Man sure would suck if some eldritch god of madness showed up and idk became a voice in my head or sumthing and I helped them learn about being human,,,
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eleven] A Colorful Day
I know they'll come for me, if I need, if I need... For I see the love in you; it feeds me, it feeds me.
Daniel keeps utterly surprising me! But it was there in black and white autonomy: Suraj won the show's third First Kiss! Congratulations to @gothoffspring and her lovely botanical boyyy 🥹
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#god i am so sorry posts have been all over the place these past two days!!! i just paid rent and almost dryheaved lmfaooo#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#suraj kennedy by gothoffspring#||#i don't think i've mentioned this but the songs i've linked#are the songs i listened to while editing their pictures dfkhds#josiah deserved a song dammit but u kno#dreamy kiss caps bwah#these two have some of my utter favorite caps omg the extras??? are just... shoujo quality mwah#i did NOT expect this!! their romance bar was on the wiggly whirly the entire date! (their friendship bar was scootin up just fine) but#out of absolute nowhere#dan was just fucking talking to the guy#and the next time i clicked on suraj it was right there: first kiss. and i said - okay dan if you're thinkin I Want To Kiss Him while#he's talking then you're goddamn gonna#but bwuh omg the song is really good for them in its own haunting way#there's a schism between these two that's so fascinating...#like suraj is nervous around dan but dan is also nervous around suraj??? i feel like neither of them have found a rhythm comfortably with#each other but like... not in a bad way???#they're drifting closer and closer together in the effort to meet in the middle and its SO INTRIGUINGGG#BUT GODDD ISNT SURAJ FUCKING STUNNINGGGG#LOOK AT THAT MAN'S FACE#LOOK AT HIS EYELASHES LOOK AT HIS GENTLY PARTED LIPS#THERE'S A REASON DAN'S FACE IS BARELY IN THESE SDJKHFSJH#so dreamy... fwah i just adore it
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amiharana · 1 year
what do you guys think revali and link's love languages are?
for revali, it's absolutely words of affirmation but i'd also like to propose quality time as his "secret" love language. nobody wouldn't expect this stuck up birdie to be a sucker for doing things like flying together or napping in a hammock together, but once you think about it more, it makes more sense. and revali's arrogance and irritation are significantly quelled after getting back from a training session at the flight range or fishing in the hebra plunge with link.
for link, it's most certainly physical touch and i propose his "secret" one as acts of service. i love the headcanon that rito "kiss" by pressing their foreheads together and nuzzling each other or whatever, but i think link is the #1 rito kiss enthusiast. at this point, everyone in rito village has seen link on his tiptoes cupping revali's face in his teeny little hylian hands to initiate a rito kiss and revali's squawking and complaining, but ultimately returns the gesture much to link's delight.
i love the idea of revali braiding and doing hair maintenance on link as part of their nightly routine, or link looking for his weapons because where the fuck did they go until he finds revali in their shared roost, polishing his shields and retying his bow strings, all of his quivers fully stocked of regular and elemental arrows. revali is still quite bristly and blunt, so he's all mumbling embarrassed at being caught doing something sweet for his mate like, "it's incredibly dumbfounding that they still call you the hero of hyrule when your idea of weapon maintenance is sliding your blades against a rock like a bokoblin" or "i see now why you go through bows within a moon as quickly as you eat. you aren't changing your bow strings out and you're just using them until they snap! were i any less disturbingly infatuated with you, i'd dissolve our coupling for such atrocious behaviors." link just smiles at him, fond and warm, and any irritation revali feels dissipates into the air as he returns to the weapons, his feathers ruffling and muttering under his breath.
oop. now i feel like writing fic for this. 😳
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parksoeun · 1 year
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miraclewoozi · 4 months
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hi everyone ! <3
i very recently hit the milestone of 500 followers on this blog! first and foremost, i want to say a super huge massive great big THANK YOU to everyone who has followed me here, and also to anyone who has ever interacted with one of my fics! i want you to know that genuinely, every like, every reblog, every ask and every single piece of feedback warms my heart so much. couldn't do this shit without you guys. second and... secondmost? (don't look at me like that) i wanted to try to give back some of that love and play around a little (especially with writing for members i've never written before) by doing a little event. SO... until my birthday on the 14th MARCH, i'm going to be be taking prompt requests! (t's + c's under the cut, please read them! i will delete any asks that don't follow these simple guidelines.)
exactly four weeks, from today! any asks sent with requests after THURSDAY 14th MARCH will be deleted!
to send a request, just send me an ask containing both the member you're requesting for and a prompt from one of the following lists! fluff | smut | angst
regardless of whether your request is for smut, fluff or angst, MY BLOG IS STRICTLY FOR PEOPLE 18+ ONLY. please respect this. minors, do not interact with me: you will get blocked.
if you can, try not to be too specific with your requests: ideally, member + prompt only. however, if you picked a fluff prompt but wanted it to be a smut piece, that's okay! just let me know. otherwise, keep it minimal.
i'm going to try to keep these relatively short (ie. no more than about 2.5k words each). don't hold me to that though. if something tickles my fancy it'll no doubt be more.
please be patient with me. i'm new to this. i may not (probably definitely won't) write these in order of receiving them. i might take some time to get to yours. i am not ignoring your ask! i'll likely even end up writing some of these after the event has ended. please don't come into my inbox asking where yours is because i might cry. thanks. <3
everything for this event will be tagged mw500party! do with that what you will.
i am not taking regular requests at this time! hard hours are always welcome (please come and drop your most unhinged thoughts in my inbox, i'll love u forever) but if you send a request that is not linked to a prompt as per this event, it will just get deleted.
if (strong on the 'if', i am 90% expecting this to flop and therefore for this post to self destruct in like 3 working days) i get overwhelmed with the number of these that get sent in, i may choose to close this up early. that's at my discretion. i'll try not to! and i'll let you know if that seems likely to happen.
and... that's it? i think! again, i really can't overstate how much it means to have you guys all here and supporting me. thank you, from the bottom of my silly little heart. i hope you'll stick around for wherever my brainworms take me from here on out. peace.<3
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acerathia · 7 months
ruruuuuu i’m praying that #7 is a good song for zoro + kae… i love you to the moon and back—thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us!!! <3
kaekae!! i love this song personally!! it's pretty, well, you'll see LMAO, but!! i love you to infinity <3
All you have left are memories, memories of the sea foam against your toes, of corals and algae glinting underneath the rays of the sun. And all you wish, is to trace your own steps back, to make more memories, for all times. But no matter how far back you travel in time, you always land in the same space, in the same time, over and over again. A goodbye, barely a goodbye, barely confessions. But you held back, you stayed silent. You knew it was too late, you knew it won't ever work out. You on land and him on sea. And how dare you take him away? From the love of his life? The adventure and the sea, the sword and the passion? And you knew you could never love anyone else ever again. Because it won't be the same, behind every action you only would see him, his dimples, his assurance, his strength and compassion. Even if some things started to fade as he slowly turned his back towards you, telling you that everything would be fine. All while keeping his gaze to the horizon, never on you. So, you let him go, you didn't turn your back to him, but, you didn't hold onto him either. Accepting defeat. Even if it means to be lost, to be lost in your own memories of a long gone past. The only thing you're still clinging on, is his return in the future, the chances, the possibilities, one glance at him, no matter if you moved on or not. Because all you could think while watching the ship embrace the horizon was simple.
'I wish you could love me again.'
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bitternace · 10 months
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flurry of dancing flames, with the silly hair (affectionate)
[ID: two digital drawings of axel from kingdom hearts. the background is light blue and the colors are faded.
In the first, he is shown in a wide forward stance, as he takes a long step. Both arms are extended to the sides, and on either hand he holds his characteristic weapon, eternal flames. he grins, one of his eyebrows raised as his hair and the tail of his coat flare behind him.
the second is a close-up of his face. /End ID.]
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For Lilith prompts, how did Lilith react to finding out that Ava accidentally killed Sister Frances? Proud? Annoyed that it was an accident? Mad because she didn't get to do it for Ava? Jealous because Ava got to confront her captor/tormentor and Lilith never truly got to do that to hers (aka her mother?)
She finds her staring out the window morosely. The expression fits Ava's face strangely, like a macabe clown attempting to draw out a laugh at a funeral.
"I know why I'm up, but what the hell are you doing here?"
Ava startles, jumping slightly and knocking her head against the window. "Fucking christ, make some noise next time." She whisper-yells.
"Why are you whispering?" Lilith humors her and drops her voice to a whisper.
"Bea is passed out on the couch." Ava gestures behind her where Beatrice is curled into herself on the couch.
"And why aren't you over there being sappy and disgusting and cuddling in your sleep?" Lilith asks, gently moving Ava's legs over so she can sit on the window sill next to her. Ava waits for her to get comfortable before throwing her legs back over Lilith's lap.
"Couldn't sleep." She says, resuming her window staring.
"Usually when you can't sleep you run around the block, not stare into the sea like a byronic prince." Lilith says. Ava arches an eyebrow, wordlessly asking for her to explain, and Lilith just rolls her eyes. "You're more angsty than usual. What gives?"
Ava glances out the window again then back to Lilith. "Did you ever like it?"
"Like what?"
"When you killed someone." It comes out as a horrified whisper.
Lilith shrugs, looking out the window and finding a low swooping bat to focus her attention on. "Sometimes. I did it so they didn't have to. I liked myself better that way, even if I didn't like the act every time."
"I think I liked it once."
The statement floats out in silence and Lilith lets it settle.
"Tell me about it?" She asks eventually.
"It was an accident, but it also wasn't. Do you remember the orphanage?"
It suddenly clicks. "The woman who killed you." Lilith looks over to Ava but the other woman won't make eye contact with her. "Ava."
"No just..." Ava pouts. "I don't know how to feel about it. It wasn't necessary but it just felt good—"
"It was necessary." Lilith cuts her off. "If you didn't do it, Beatrice would have."
That startles Ava enough to make her look back at Lilith. "What?"
"Beatrice would have killed her if you didn't." She states blandly. "And it would've destroyed her, because at her core Beatrice is a very good person."
"I don't —"
"I am not a very good person." Lilith continues. "You're a fairly okay person, but you deserved that revenge. You deserve to enjoy it. It would eat Beatrice alive if she had to do that for you because she would have liked it too. That woman," Lilith spits out, "she killed you Ava. She tried to do it again when you were brought back to life."
Ava shifts her legs to hug them against her chest. "You think I'm a fairly okay person? Careful Lilith, a girl might think you're sweet on her."
Lilith stands. "Sweet on you? Beatrice is really rubbing off on you." She grabs Ava's head, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "You're a good person Ava. Liking one bad thing does not make you irredeemably evil, otherwise I sure as hell wouldn't be here. You're okay."
Ava looks up, capturing Lilith's lips in a longer kiss. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. Seriously."
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
im such a hypocrite cuz i haven't been drawing for very long and i havent found my art style yet at all but.. i really want to see more saiki k fanart where the characters have unique and different noses ARGH
i want to see.. aiura with a super wide nose, kuboyasu with a hook nose, saiki with a huge straight nose, imu with a button nose, etc etc.. trying to do it myself but i cant even draw any nose from the front lol
i just love love love when people stylize the hell out of anime characters who literally have the same face for the most part.. its great with every feature but i just love noses and having a unique one can set a character's personality hole face apart from other peoples..
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b-o-e · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome Home - Clown Illustration Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Wally Darling (Welcome Home)/Reader, Wally Darling (Welcome Home) & Reader Characters: Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Eddie Dear (Welcome Home), Sally Starlet (Welcome Home), Julie Joyful (Welcome Home), Poppy Partridge (Welcome Home), Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home), Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home) Additional Tags: jealous wally darling, wally stares a lot lol, he doesn't know what else to do bahahah, smoochy kisses mwah mwah mwah, romantic, the neighbours are being mean to wally lol, he is being teased, they are most definitely testing him, errrr, can be read as a oneshot or a series, makes a lot more sense if you've read my fic alone with you lol, as this is take two, yknow, yuh, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, RAAHHHHHHHHHHHH BARK GRRRRRRRATGYHAHHAHAJrararRARRAV Series: Part 11 of silly lil wally things:) Summary:
Jealousy isn’t a common feeling for Wally, but sometimes, things get on his nerves.
the ao3 link for alone with you, take two! woo!
here is a tumblr link to alone with you, take two!
here is a tumblr link to all my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order! had to do this before I forgot, haha! I knew I was bound to. like and reblogs are very appreciated! have a great day! :))
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