#i am not normal about them and i will never be normal about them
blue eyes so green (18+)
Ewan Mitchell x reader / Aemond Targaryen x reader
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A oneshot where Ewan becomes cross with you for having a sensuous dream... about his character, Aemond.
a/n : yet another Ewan fic to ring in the season premiere! Expect a whole lot of Aemond fics while we're in the thick of the new season. Happy premiere day, my loves!
word count : 1k ▪︎ masterlist
The silver-haired Targaryen emerges from underneath your skirts, his deft fingers buried in the layers of cloth to keep them away from your prized cunny.
His curved lips are left puckered, parted and glistening from the sheen of your juices. He had practically lost his mind when you finally returned from your duties with the Septa, the hours far too long for him to be away from his lady-wife.
So, with only a few raspy words of desire -
You have kept me waiting
All day long I have longed for a taste of you, my wife.
I will make certain that you never wish to be parted from me again.
- he had lifted you atop the desk in his study, haphazardly shoving his heavy leather-bound volumes of histories and philosophies.
And in a haste, he delighted in a sweetness that can only ever be known to him. Just him, because you will only ever be his.
Your cunny is his. Your kisses all his own. Your heart, his possession.
And he is yours. All yours. He will never tire of making this known. "My love," his tone is desperate as he kisses you hungrily, the exquisite rarity of a prince begging, "I am yours to take for tonight, and every night, for as long as I am breathing."
"Oh, Aemond," you croon, tracing his features with your fingertips, "my sweet husband. Is that your fancy way of telling me that you wish to fuck me for eternity?"
He smiles against your skin. He has always loved the pert particularity of his wife's humour.
"Oh, my sweet sweet wife," his hands seek and they find the fastenings of your dress, the keys to his kingdom, "you know me so well."
And long into the night, you ride a dragon.
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All throughout the morning, you can count on one hand the times your boyfriend actually spoke to you.
A few rushed, almost incoherent responses are all he seems capable of sharing.
And it is starting to bug you.
"Baby," you reach for Ewan's hand as the two of you peacefully have your Sunday breakfast.
He squeezes your hand in return, at least, but he doesn't fully meet your gaze.
You retract your hand, and for a split second, his hand scrambles to keep a hold of yours on instinct, but he lets it go with a sigh.
You try again, your tone now more demanding, "Alright, Ewan. Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wro - "
"Look at me."
He takes his sweet time in doing so, his blue eyes raking from his plate to the expanse of the dining table, to your arms and finally your face. He takes another deep breath, unfazed by the attitude you're showing him.
"Some dream you had last night, huh, babe?"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh yeah," he tilts his head, with the solemn confidence of someone who thinks he has the upper hand, "you just about woke me up with all your squirming and moaning."
"Oh." It dawns on you just what he is hinting at. Normally you would only recall some odd bits from your dreams, and sometimes they would even be gone from your mind as soon as you wake. But not the one you just had - no.
That one was just too good to forget.
"Baby, come on," a giggle escapes your lips, feeling less heavy now that you know what he is so worked up about.
"It's not funny," he pouts, fighting back a laugh as he can't help but mirror his beloved's glee. He dramatically pushes his plate away, but the annoyance isn't there. "You basically cheated on me," he pretends to complain.
"Do you even know who I dreamt about?" You amble over to where he sits, and his eager arms take you onto his lap. So much for being infuriated at you.
He doesn't answer, shaking his head as he absently caresses your hips.
"You," you clarify, and his eyes shoot up to meet yours, "well... you meaning Aemond. I had a dream about the one-eyed prince."
He shrugs, "I know."
"You... you know?" You try to stand up but his sturdy arms keep you firmly in place. "You know who I was dreaming about, and yet you sulk all morning?"
"So what? I can't deny that I'm still jealous. Aemond would be a pretty fierce competitor for your heart, darling."
"But he's you!" you squeal, lightly punching his chest. He takes your forearm and pulls you closer to press a soft kiss against your cheek.
"I know," he smiles. "I suppose I was just getting way into my thoughts."
"You think?"
"Hmm," he narrows his eyes, his features taking on that cheeky guise he expertly sports so often, "if you were to choose, between myself and Aemond - "
"Oh no," you laugh dryly, prying yourself from his arms and returning to your seat, "I am not playing this game."
"Who do you think would be a superior lover in bed?"
"Ewan - "
"Come on, darling," he prods lightheartedly. "Humour me."
"Well," you say, "why don't you hurry up and finish your breakfast so you can convince me to your side?"
His cheeky sneer disappears at your insinuation, in its place an indicative clenching of his jaw.
A moment passes. You take a delightful sip of your orange juice, satisfied.
Sure enough, you hear his chair scrape loudly as he stands and makes his way to you.
"Fuck breakfast," he rasps. "Time to make your dreams come true, darling."
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pillowspace · 2 days
hello. i am. perhaps 👉👈 interested in that au art with the verry sleepy looking sif. would you. maybe be open to sharing what its about?
Sleepy Sif <3 sure, I sorta just made it up on the spot after I had already finished sketching, but it kinda stuck with me. Here's extra dialogue that I was going to draw, but I got tired:
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Basically, it's an AU where Siffrin never left the island north of Vauguard. The people there are like ghosts, going through routines while never processing much of anything, while the country itself is like a hazy dreamscape you can't quite focus on without it all falling apart. Loop serves as an anchor, keeping Siffrin the most coherent out of anyone on the island, though Siffrin is still forgetful and, as you said, sleepy.
I know that Siffrin's king, but I can't decide what they were previously. If he lived a normal life and Loop just went "you're the closest to a person out of anyone here, why shouldn't we live in luxury?" Or if he was already a prince before the island stopped existing. Either sounds interesting. Regardless, it's not like Siffrin would remember though.
Isabeau ends up on the island due to some incident with a boat and a storm I suppose, no one can really choose to go there on purpose. Maybe the others also came along, Isabeau just hasn't found them on the island yet.
Since the island is being held to reality with flimsy tape and Siffrin's been entirely alone outside of Loop's company and villages of unseeing eyes, Siffrin unconsciously sways the island into being inescapable, dreading when they'll leave while still trying to be supportive. Since Siffrin seems to have such a fierce but melancholy bond to their home, no one's really gathered the will to ask if he wants to go with them yet.
That's the general idea! I also like to imagine different colours come and go on the island, but red's always there. Sometimes the grass is grey, sometimes the grass is green. Etc.
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jadewritesficshere · 2 days
Slow and Steady
Steve Harrington x female!reader
Summary: You're ready for your first time with your boyfriend but are nervous based on past experiences. Steve is determined to make you feel good (3-5k words my computer broke around 1500 so I finished this on Tumblr dont know exact word count)
Contains: pure smut, reader has vaginismus (not explicitly named in the fic), talks of anxiety/nerves/doubt, fingering, cumplay, p in v, no condoms please wrap it up, creampie, pet names (Steve calls you Baby)
please note I am not a doctor. This is based on how sex is for me, not every two experiences are the same
18+ only
You sigh in pleasure. Steve is kissing your jaw, sucking lightly at your pulse that's beating wildly for him. You can feel a rush of tingling warmth spread from your spine to your lower stomach. Your hands roaming up and down his shoulders, trying to memorize the contours of his muscles. The way his hand squeezes your hip as if you would drift away if he let go.
Steve sighs, pressing his forehead into your cheek before giving you a final kiss and starting to pull back. You whine, gripping his biceps. "Steve don't! Plea- keep going!" You aren't sure you're fully making sense as your thoughts are only Steve Steve Steve. "Baby, I don't want to get carried away without talking first," Steve cups the side of your face with his hand, thumb lightly moving back and forth over your cheekbone.
"I want to make sure you're ready," Steve says looking deep into your eyes. You look away, feeling ashamed. You shouldn't be, you know this. But that doesn't stop that feeling from welling up.
You remember the first time you had sex, how much it hurt. But people told you that was normal, that it's better the next time because you weren't a virgin anymore. But that time hurt like hell too. And the next. And the next. Like you were being ripped apart, like there was something wrong.
And then your doctor told you the name of it and how some women had it. Said there were ways to work around it and work through it, but it was like cotton in your ears. All you heard was there was something wrong with you. You know there isn't, but your deceitful mind tells you there is. And now you tense up as things start to progress, making things worse unintentionally. All you could think was, 'well no one would want to work through it since no one else has before.'
But then Steve came in and tore all your defenses down. Weasled his way in with stupid pickup lines and free car rides. Rolled his eyes and gave you a 'are you seeing this?' look as he bickered with the kids before sighing dramatically and giving them what they wanted. Would wear a stupid apron when he cooked and would sneak food off his plate onto yours to make sure you had enough. You didn't stand a chance.
When Steve made out with you for the first time you wanted to cry. Thought "well this is it. He's going to leave like the rest after this." But when you stopped him, he didn't pout. He didn't roll his eyes or gripe at you, claim you led him on. Didn't try to force the issue. Steve took your no as a no and asked no questions, just pulled back smiled at you with a bulge in his pants and asked if you wanted to choose the movie now.
You broke down in tears as he tried to comfort you. And you told him everything. About how it hurt and had never been enjoyable for you. How you were scared it would hurt again. How you really liked Steve and wanted to do it with him but didn't want to disappoint him like the others. How you didn't want him to leave like the others.
And Steve let you cry into his shirt. And Steve calmed you and told you, "I'm sorry they never took care of you the way you deserve to be taken care of. If you never want to have sex, we don't have to. I love you regardless of sex, I mean yeah it would be fun and I'd like to, but like- if you aren't having a good time I don't want to do it. If you do want to try, Baby, we can take it really slow. Slow and steady. But I don't want you to feel pressured to have sex, we don't need it. If you want it we can and if you never want it we don't have to."
It was like a balm to your soul. Aloe vera on a burn you didn't realize still stung. Just knowing Steve cared enough to not call it quits made you feel desired. But that little lying voice in your head said he'd get upset and move on.
But months passed and Steve stayed. Lovely, caring Steve. Steve who held your hand and proclaimed it was a perfect fit. Steve who kissed you so sweetly, following your lead. Steve who never protested or became frustrated when you stopped things from furthering on. Steve who would help you slip your shirt back on and hold you close after making out. Steve who never once complained about "leading him on" like others have.
Steve who was the first to say," I love you," and never pushed you to say it back. Steve who bought your favorite books and tried to read them so he could have another bond with you. Steve who always knew what to say to brighten your day. The Steve who showed he loved you in every little way he cared for you.
A hand on your face snaps you back to the moment. Steve frowns slightly," You okay? You went somewhere for a minute." You shrug," Got lost in my thoughts." Steve's eyes bore into your own, as if trying to see into your mind. "If you want to stop here, we can-" "No!" You interrupt, running a hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck.
Steve pauses, waiting on you. "I want to continue. I'm just...nervous? They say relax, but then how do they expect me to relax when I know how its been in the past? And then I get tense because I'm nervous and then I'm nervous because I'm tense and then-" Steve cuts you off with a kiss. Your eyes flutter shut as he gently kisses you. It's so tender and sweet, you can practically feel the cavities forming from how sweet it is.
Steve pulls back enough to say," If anything is uncomfortable or hurts you tell me okay? If you want to stop then you say it." You nod but Steve clicks his tongue," I need your words Baby." "Yeah, okay."
Steve kisses your forehead, murmuring an "I love you". He leans back enough to help you pull your dress off and over your head. "Fuck me," he whispers, mouth falling open. Any thoughts of cowering or hiding yourself melt away as his eyes further light up with lust. "Planning to," You grin.
Steve snorts as he laughs, shaking his head slightly before ripping his shirt off. You bite your lip as you look at Steve unabashedly. Usually you try to sneak peeks, like when he lifts his shirt to wipe sweat off his forehead after a run. But now you can just look. You tentatively run a hand through his chest hair, causing him to shiver.
"Now here's what we're gonna do," Steve lightly palms himself over his jeans, groaning before speaking with a raspier tone," I'm going to take such good care of you. You're gonna take your underwear off and-"
You push your underwear down, kicking them off. Steve's jaw goes slack as he stares at your glistening cunt. "That all for me?" Steve asks. "All for you. I want you," You reach a hand out and press against his bulge, causing him to let out a whine before he grips your wrist. "Get comfortable Baby."
You lay back against the bed, relaxing into the pillows. "Now, you're gonna finger yourself." Steve instructs. You scoff," Didn't you just say you were gonna take care of me?" Steve smirks as he grabs your hand," Oh I will, but look," He holds his palm against yours," My fingers are so much bigger then yours."
It's shocking how big his hands are compared to yours. His fingers are longer and thicker then yours. You can feel yourself get wetter at the thought, but also a hint of nerves come back.
As if Steve has a glimpse into your mind, he slowly runs a hand up your shoulder to cup your face," There's no rush. I can do this all night. Slow and steady, remember?" Steve leans in and kisses you softly. You sigh into the kiss, slowly melding your mouth against his. The tip of his tongue traces your lip, leaving you begging for more.
Steve pulls back enough to whisper," Touch yourself," before trailing kisses to your jaw and neck. You can't suppress the shiver that runs through you as he hits that one spot. Steve lightly sucks on your neck as you slowly trail a hand down.
Your trembling (from nerves, excitement, or pleasure you can't tell) fingers slowly part your lips. You can feel how wet you are, starting to drip onto your thighs and under you. You slowly circle your clit, relaxing at the feeling of pleasure taking over. You moan softly as Steve continues to pepper your neck with kisses.
You lower your hand further, fingers tracing your entrance. You coat your fingers with your slick before slowly pushing your middle finger in. It doesn't hurt at the moment, but feels uncomfortable. Your brow furrows slightly, concern starting to come back. Steve is there though, kissing your forehead until you relax and using one of his large fingers to deftly circle your clit.
You pump your finger in and out, discomfort dissipating each time until you're reveling in the feeling. "There ya go," Steve murmurs reverently as your mouth falls open at how good it feels. Steve wraps his hand around your wrist, causing you to whine as he pulls your hand away.
Steve maneuvers your hand so only two fingers remain up before guiding them back to your pussy. "There you go Baby. Doing so well," Steve praises as you slowly insert the two fingers. It takes a second to adjust, to get used to the feeling.
But Steve distracts you by kissing down your chest. He reaches behind you and unsnaps your bra with one hand, the other grabbing your wrist and guiding you into a faster pace.
You let the bra straps fall down your arms, laying loosely. Steve peels your bra down and groans as your breasts sway slightly. "So fucking gorgeous," Steve groans," Doing so good." You don't even have a chance to warn him as you tumble over the edge of pleasure. You moan and gasp as you writhe against your hand. His tongue feels electrifying as he circles it around your nipple, finger circling your clit again.
You can barely hear Steve saying," That's my girl. Doing so well Baby." Your mouth is hanging open as you take in deep breaths. Warmth, euphoria, and ecstasy flow through your body freely. You come back to your body slowly, aware of Steve holding you hand, his thumb moving back and forth caressing your hand.
"My turn to touch you Baby," Steve growls out. You blink up at him a few times, still coming back down to earth. You nod as you remove your fingers. They glisten in the light from your wetness. Steve inhales sharply before darting forward, licking your fingers. You aren't sure if it was you or him who gasps, but Steve's mouth is suddenly surrounding your fingers.
Steve sucks and licks the wetness off your fingers. His eyes flutter shut as he moans. You can feel yourself getting more turned on as you watch Steve. Steve blearily opens his eyes, still sucking on your fingers. His eyes heavy with lust.
You gasp as Steve trails a finger through your folds, coating them in your release. Steve pulls off your fingers with a sudden pop, lips glistening from spit and cum. "You taste so fucking good Baby. Can't wait until I can bury my face in your pussy," Steve slowly inserts a finger as he speaks," But we'll save that for next time okay?"
His finger is definitely bigger then yours. It is slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. Steve redirects your attention by circling your nipple with his tongue again. With his free hand, he caresses and pulls the nipple he is currently not kissing and sucking on.
Steve adds a second finger once he's felt you fully relax against him. Once he's seen the unconscious tension in your shoulders go away. When he sees the clench of your jaw and your furrowed brow relax. Steve knows you have no clue you are doing this, but he is attentive and sees the signs.
When Steve adds a third finger is when you sharply inhale. Steve immediately pauses," Too much? What do you need?" "Just give me a minute," You try to steady your breathing. It doesn't hurt but it doesn't not hurt. It's a pressure and a pinch and pain but not the worst pain you've ever felt.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, looking away. "For what?" Steve frowns and grasps your chin, forcing you to look at him," Baby, it's okay! I can spend all day here with you- i want to spend all day with you. It doesn't bother me that this takes time. I love you. You're worth it. You're like everything to me. You should enjoy this too, not just me."
You can feel the tears start to form but you blink them away. You lean forward and kiss Steve again. He hums slightly against you before deepening the kiss. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, pulling moans and gasps from you. You barely notice Steve moving his hand again, pumping his fingers in and out of you.
When Steve pulls back, his lips are swollen and his face flushed," Do you think you are ready or do you want me to add another finger?" You pause for a moment to think before whispering," I'm ready, just...go slow?" Steve smiles and kisses your forehead," I can do that. That's my middle name." You giggle as Steve blinks at you," That was dumb forget i said that."
He removes his fingers and you can feel yourself clench at the loss. But your heart beat picks up in anticipation as Steve finally sheds his boxers.
Steve can't help but smirk as your jaw drops. Steve is big. Bigger then you expected him to be. There's a prominent vein you want to lick, follow all the way up to the flushed tip. There is pre-cum leaking from the top. You can see at least one freckle near the base, and another on one of his balls.
Steve crawls over you, hovering above. "You ready?" He asks, eyes staring into yours. You nod. "Want to hear your pretty voice Baby," Steve threads his hand in yours. "Ready as I'll ever be," You grin shakily.
Steve positions himself at your entrance. "Hold onto me, okay?" Steve inhales and slowly exhales. You run your hands up his shoulders to the column of his neck before threading a hand through his hair.
You squeeze his hand tight as the tip of his penis enters you. "I got you, I'm sorry," Steve murmurs as he squeezes his eyes closed. "Don't be," you gasp. It isn't painful like it has been in the past. It's a stretch, slightly uncomfortable, but not painful.
Steve murmurs praises once he's seated fully in you. You exhale slowly as you get used to the feeling. Any further nerves and tension slowly goes away. You feel so good. Full. You lean forward barely touching Steve's lips with yours. Steve chases you, enveloping your mouth with his.
"Please move Steve," you whisper in between kisses. He nods. Steve slowly moves out, it makes you want to weep at the loss, but he's suddenly filling you again.
You gasp in pleasure. It's never been like this. Felt so good. "Fuck," you gasp out, nails scratching against Steve's shoulder. He grabs your leg and positions it around his hip, driving deeper into you," Yeah, we are."
You would chuckle, but you can barely think straight. Warmth spreads throughout your limbs. Pleasure. Ecstasy. You moan wantonly as you writhe against Steve as your orgasm overtakes you. Steve squeezes your hand in his, grounding you into this moment, as he presses his forehead to yours.
Every breath you exhale, Steve inhales, and vice versa. His weight pressed against you, holding you close. His hips stutter against yours, you feel his warm wet seed paint the inside of your walls. You are wholly consumed by Steve.
You slowly come back to your senses, to Steve kissing your neck. You hum slightly, pulling back to look at him. "That was...amazing," you smile at him. Steve grins back before kissing you once more," Let me get something to clean you up, I'll be right back."
You feel empty as Steve pulls out, a slight sting at the loss that dissipates quickly. Your combined release spills out of you as Steve stands up. Steve's jaw drops slightly at the sight, stomach muscles twitching as his cock kicks back up in interest.
Steve shakes his head and returns to the task at hand. He heads into the attached bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and running it through warm water. When he returns, he carefully cleans you. You shift uncomfortably from the unexpected texture against your sensitive skin.
As soon as Steve is done, he tosses the washcloth towards the hamper. He scowls as he misses, causing you to laugh. He crawls into bed next to you," Foul play, I was distracted." "Oh?" "Mmhmm" Steve covers you with a blanket and pulls you into his side.
You curl into Steve, hand resting against his chest. You can hear his steady heart beat. You absent-mindedly trace letters on his skin. "I love you," you murmur. You pause, waiting for a response.
Your brow furrows and you lift your head to look at Steve, who remains silent. You snort out a laugh. Steve's eyes are closed and his jaw slack as he breathes through his mouth. Dead asleep as you confess your love for him. You grin as you kiss his pec, laying your head back down.
You'll tell him again when he wakes. And again that evening. And again. And again. And-
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thesilmarillionblog · 19 hours
A Sweet Distraction
Volume 2
➳ Click here to read the first part!
Summary: When you're in a club, you have to make sure Soldier Boy stays out of trouble and doesn't draw attention of other people while Butcher and the boys look for Payback members. Whatever it takes, you have to keep him busy and distracted.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: +18! (MINORS DNI), Language, some fluff
Word Count: 3025
A/N: English is not my first language.
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Ben's lips curled as your tongues connected, and you felt your heart speed up as you gave him a gentle kiss, not knowing if it would calm his rage. You were shocked when, in spite of his rough nature, he gave you an affectionate kiss in return, as if he didn't want to frighten you away.
When his kisses got deeper and his tongue took over your mouth, leaving you gasping, you drew away. Seeing that his chest had gotten back to normal, you relaxed and exhaled deeply.
He winked at you and said, “You did a good job here, sweetheart, huh? You certainly know how to surprise me.”
You found yourself laughing uncontrollably as you observed his flirtatious behavior toward you. 
Your eyes wandered around the club as you muttered, “I just hoped surprising you would work,” blushing beneath his focused stare. Everyone continued dancing madly to the loud music, seemingly unaware that Soldier Boy was going to kill them all if you didn't stop him.
He led you to a quieter area of the club and said, “Well, it definitely worked,” when you bought him another drink. He was not getting drunken in any way.
Because he was a man with PTSD and was unpredictable, you were still terrified of him and wanted the night over as quickly as possible. However, you felt safer and more at ease with him because you didn't feel pressured to kiss him against your will. He was becoming even nicer to you. 
“So, why are you working for Butcher?” he inquired, setting his empty glass down on the closest table. 
You mumbled, “I'm not working for him,” as your nails gently traveled across the wall behind you. “His wife, who I was really close to, is hurt by Homelander really badly. She was the most kind human being I've ever encountered. So actually, I work with him let’s say.” 
He nodded to you despite the fact that the fact that he didn't clearly understand the situation or the dynamics amongst you all. 
“Butcher told me you're going to kill Homelander,” you muttered, as if you could be heard by someone else. “Are you truly capable of that? Killing him?” 
Soldier Boy laughed at your questioning and your clumsy attempt to find out if he was truly passionate about killing Homelander. “Of course I can, and I will,” he declared with pride. “He's just a foolish son of a bitch with a weird cape, and he's a cheap fucking knockoff. Just another worthless item to be used by his masters.”
You chuckled at his word choice and self-confidence, which fit him absolutely well. 
You said, "Honestly, I was very scared of you; well, maybe I still am, but I'm starting to think you're not that bad," feeling a little brave after his kind behavior toward you.
“I'm a tough bad supe,” he was whispering to you, raising your chin with two fingers and gently massaging your jawline with his fingertips. You shuddered, knowing that he might easily hurt you if he briefly loosened control. “But you know, just for you, I can show you how much I can be a gentleman.”
Even though you were still terrified of him and his abilities, your face flushed at his daring behavior right away. However, you were too weak to control your excitement. Being a supe or whatever was something you had never considered, so you muttered, “To be honest, I'm not that interested in getting intimate with a supe.”
As he drew nearer to you and prepared to press you to reconsider, he questioned, “Why not?”
Just a little while ago, Soldier Boy considered finding a simple supe woman to give his seed to and have a quick, hard fuck with, but now that he thought about it, he found you to be more interesting than those simple supe women who were boring and way too confident for his tastes—or perhaps he just liked your shyness at that particular moment. 
You said, your face flushed, “I heard there are supes who hurt people when they got close,” allowing him to touch your face with his massive hands. 
“There are no other men like me,” he remarked, with a grin brushing your lips with his thumb. 
You whispered, “No doubt. However, it's risky, don't you think? Considering the imbalance in power and everything.” 
“Believe me,” he added, continuing to playfully stroke your lips with firm hands. “I've fucked a lot of regular women just like you before; I can guarantee that none of them experienced any injury. People find themselves drawn to fucking supes for a reason.”
Your pulse raced with excitement and a hint of fright as you allowed him to touch you, unsure of whether or not to believe him. It felt like just the two of you, in between the din and the background noise. Soldier Boy was undeniably attractive, and his extraordinary strength only served to heighten the thrill you felt. 
“You want to distract me, right?” He heard your rapid heartbeat and sensed that you were putting your legs together, so he smiled and muttered something in your ear. “If you allow me to get into your tiny, aching pussy, we can both get pleasantly distracted. I would be happy to provide for your every need. Actually, I'm giving you a chance, so count yourself fortunate.” 
Telling him you didn't want to be touched would be a big lie. So, as he continued gently brushing your cheek with one of his powerful hands, you placed yours on his hand and gave him a forceful but delicate kiss to find out if he was being truthful about being a gentleman or not. 
Unexpectedly, he gave you the same tender kiss in return, and you could feel a little smile creep across his lips. After a while, his gentle kisses became more intense as he pulled you toward his powerful chest with his large hands behind your neck. Under his powerful hands, you felt secure. After a while, his powerful and seductive kisses left your lips red and ruined, and you pulled away to catch your breath.
He asked in a harsh voice against your lips, “So, what do you say?” as he continued to give you short kisses that increased your desire for him.
You gave it a little consideration, letting your hunger and physical desires gradually take the place of your fear of him, and then you nodded to him, “Uhm, yes.”
Soldier Boy's lips met yours with a smile as his hands hovered over your hips, slowly squeezing you until you left speechless and made to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet.
With a harsh voice, he asked, “Yes for what?” knowing that tonight, when he
finally got in your panties, you would make his dick warm with your tightness. He could feel his large cock getting harder by each second.
As he attempted to get you to talk when you were consumed with his exquisite little touches, Soldier Boy chuckled at your shyness. 
You said, “Yes for,” stumbling for words. “A small distraction, let's say?” 
Soldier Boy chuckled in a low voice at your description of the issue. He almost said something filthy about your naive demeanor, but he chose to refrain from putting you through more discomfort than was necessary. 
While guiding you to the second floor's darker corners and the rooms there, he teased, “Fine, baby, it doesn't sound that miserable anymore for you, huh?”
Then, just as a man was ready to crush you with his clumsy walk, Soldier Boy pushed the somewhat drunk man to the other side of the wall, and you found yourself inside a small, dark room that smelled strongly of drugs and alcohol. He stated, “It's all safe in here,” as you hurriedly scanned the room before he wildly began kissing you. 
He was taken aback when you kissed him tenderly on the lips, and you hoped he would be as kind as possible. You stroked his long beard and smiled at him. 
His tongue in your lips made you shiver and as he gave you a passionate kiss, your fingers danced over his long beard. He drew back and shoved you against the wall, making you gasp. He lifted your dress confidently and met your eyes with his darkened ones to check whether you were still afraid of him.
He gently assured you, “I won't hurt you,” right before his big fingers began to stroke your clit through your underwear. “Just relax.”
As he felt himself becoming more and more difficult for him to control, but he made his choice to make you feel comfortable and wet by giving you pleasure you needed. Soldier Boy gently inserted one of his fingers inside of yours, causing you to sigh a little louder this time after rubbing your clit some more and eliciting small noises from your mouth.
He answered, “You can take it,” and then carefully inserted his entire meaty finger inside of yours. “You're so good for me.”
You pushed yourself to take his entire finger in between his compliments and begged him to lift you up so you could be in a more comfortable position. Thankfully, he got the message right away and effortlessly raised you up with one hand. He then proceeded to gently touch you while whispering compliments against your lips.
You pressed your lips to his as he began to touch you more roughly, kissing him wildly as your fingertips played with his long and thick beard.
When Soldier Boy felt that you were close and that you were moist all over his hand, he added another finger. He bit your bottom lip gently, then whispered, “Cum on my fingers, sweetheart,” as he increased his strokes and found your most sensitive area with skill.
As you neared your climax, your legs trembled and you began to clench around his thick fingers between his praise while you moaned loudly against his mouth. When he took back his fingers, which were coated with your slick, you whimpered in protest. You were rather touch-starved, and you knew your body needed more.
He shoved his fingers in your mouth before you could even respond, growling, “Taste yourself,” as you held him tightly since your legs felt like a jelly. “Taste your sweetness.”
Your body became consumed with a desire to please him, so you hesitantly opened your mouth to let him to use it whatever he pleased. When he saw that you were ready to follow his instructions, he smiled mischievously and gave you the finger, saying, “Suck it, baby.”
When he put his hardness between your legs and ordered you to suck his finger so you could taste your own wetness, your heart began to race. As he carefully slid his fingers back and forth in your mouth, your tongue curled around his finger, giving you the sensation of a salty slick, and he pretended that you were sucking his cock instead. 
His lips twisted in enjoyment as he observed your submissive demeanor, and he growled, “You're a little dirty cocksucker, aren't you? However, I'll give you another chance to suck me off with your adorable little mouth later.”
With a swift motion, he removed his finger from your mouth and guided you both to the bed behind you. When Soldier Boy removed his hardness from his pants while holding your neck and pulling up your dress. The moment you felt the tip of his cock at your wet entrance, you shivered with anxiety, your cheek facing the sheets as you waited nervously for him to take you. You moved under Soldier Boy and forced him to release his grip on your hip, causing him stare at you perplexed before he inserted his cock into your pussy.
“What now?” he questioned while you were looking at his enormous dick in fear as he gave himself quick, forceful strokes.
“I’d like to do it in that position,” you murmered shyly, trying not to look at his enormous cock.
Soldier Boy noticed your anxious expression and your naive tone as you expressed wanting to be fucked in a missionary position. Without even realizing it, his heart began to soften, and he leaned over you on the bed, forcing you to lock your legs behind him as he began to kiss you again to help you relax. 
“Do you want to watch me fucking you?” He removed your tiny panties from your pussy and raised your dress so he could see your nude lower body. “Watching my cock slide inside your pussy,” he questioned. 
“Yes,” you moaned as you felt his thick cock on your stomach and mumbled against his mouth. 
After pulling the hanger off your dress and exposing your tits to his view, Soldier Boy spit on his own fingers and began to caress your sensitive clit some more. When he quickly sucked on both of your hard nipples, you let out a deep moan. Then, with a daring gaze into your eyes, he spat on his own fingers more and said, “Your adorable little hairy pussy looks so delicious. I'm fucking tired of shaved little bitches. You're really appealing to me, sweetie. A real woman.”
His fingers and his compliments made you feel close as his hand continued to play with your clit. You attempted to control your moans but were unsuccessful when he abruptly inserted two fingers back into you, forcing you to clench around his fingers once again.
He said, “I can make you come as much as you want, sweetheart,” as you whimpered loudly and opened your legs wider. Your eyes welled up with tears as you realized how empty you felt and how much you needed him to fill you.
“Beg me to fuck you.”
You quietly said, “Please,” running your fingers through his long beard.
“That's not how you beg,” he muttered aggressively.
You clamped your legs around his hips and moaned, “Fuck me, please,” as you attempted to get him to move on you.
As you continued pleading with him to get inside you, your eyes clouded with desire to be fucked by him, Soldier Boy grinned satisfiedly against your lips. He held his firm cock in his hand and moved it back and forth against your clit, forcing you to continue begging.
You both groaned when he finally pressed it against your entrance, and he moved very carefully to avoid hurting you with his strength. But you were so wet that he didn't even have to push, and he effortlessly glided inside you, which made him smile proudly. 
He encouraged you, saying, “You're taking me so good,” and attempted, very carefully, to insert his entire shaft inside your pussy. “Just a little bit more.” 
When he gave you a firm hip squeeze and thrust his entire hardness inside of you, you felt a little uncomfortable at first, but you quickly grew accustomed to the length of his dick and forced yourself to suppress your groan of discomfort.
He waited inside of you, and you murmured softly, “Can you be gentle?”
“You want to be fucked slowly?”
You nodded to him, and he surprised you by kissing your forehead tenderly and smiling a little. He said, “I'll fuck you as you like it tonight.”
You both gasped with ecstasy as he began to slowly move his cock inside of you. He looked into your eyes, his muscular hands holding you in place as he slowly smashed his dick within your pussy.
With every stroke, he snarled and praised you, saying, “You're so fucking tight and nice. I should have fucked you sooner.”
He was fucking you slowly but with powerful strokes that made you sigh with pleasure. He was also extremely mindful of every facial expression you made. When Soldier Boy sensed your hips frantically striving to match his thrusts, he began to move a little quicker and harder. He was aware that your body was capable of more. You felt yourself moving closer to him again as you groaned louder and gripped his face as he began to fuck you harder. 
“Cum on my cock, sweetheart,” he commanded, wrapping his hands around your neck and shifting slightly on top of you. It got harder to keep himself from spilling inside of you as he fucked you carefully, seeing as your tits bounced with each stroke. 
Your legs trembled with incredible pleasure as soon as he gave you the order to cum and hit you with his powerful thrusts, dominating your body, and you screamed in intense pleasure. You had no idea that you needed to be fucked in that particular way. You forced him to fully press against your walls by raising your hips and clenching around his big cock. You were shaking under Soldier Boy wildly as he continued to fuck you in between orgasms. 
With a low growl, he shoved his entire cock within your pussy and grabbed your tits with one hand while spilling his thick, white ropes inside.
“Fuck,” he growled as you clenched around him one more time and he kept spilling inside you for minutes, filling your insides with his sperm.
As he filled up inside of you, you both snapped to reality, and he planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
He took his softened cock from your insides, and he chuckled when you smiled against his lips and while you were trying to catch your breath in bliss.
When he palmed your pussy and got back his sperm to your insides, which were leaking out of your thigh, you both moaned. 
“See,” he teased you. “No damage was done. I gave you an excellent attention.”
You boldly put your hands to his flushed lips, closed your eyes, and gave him a quick, hard kiss. 
“You're indeed a sweet little distraction to me.”
A/N: Well, that was all. It was just a two chapters long fic, but you can check my Masterlist for long Soldier Boy / Reader fics.
Let me know what you think! Comments and reblogs are very appreciated and important to me. ♡
Taglist: @n-o-p-e-never @mostlymarvelgirl @libby99hb @arrowenchantress @aleemendoza2425-blog @anundyingfidelity
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hello! sorry to bother you but i am currently working on character designs for my next d&d campaign. i am creating a winged elf inspired by avariels, and he will have some form of physical disability which causes them to be unable to fly. however, i am not very educated about physical disabilities, so do you know any which might affect limbs such as wings and any ways i could portray life with them and accommodations for them in a respectful way? any tips are appreciated. thank you :)))
Wing disabilities are a bit harder to research than regular human limb disabilities, but you might be amused to learn that the very first thing i found upon a quick search for bird wing deformities was something called "angel wing", found in many different bird species. I've linked the article I found. It develops over time and can be corrected, but obviously when it happens in wild birds they have no means to fix it on their own and it becomes permanent.
Angel wing is a deformation of the wrist area, making it droop and then turn outwards. Once it's permanent, the crooked shape of the wing makes flight impossible. If a winged humanoid had this problem, they would need to worry about things like how far the crooked wing sticks out, maybe bracing it to alleviate chronic pain. I'm sure something like that would cause pain, even if it wasn't mentioned in the article. It may be helpful to clip the feathers on that part of the wing, so they're not in the way. Finding a comfortable sleep position may also be a bit tricky.
Other possible wing disabilities which I have not researched at all but sound like plausible congenital issues for people with wings:
- underdeveloped wings. They never get big enough for flight, maybe the feathers never grow in properly, possibly they're also shaped wrong for flight. Could come with chronic pain, weak muscles/atrophy, etc.
- missing wing. Somehow just didn't develop a wing, or developed a nub where the wing should be. Could also be missing just the "hand" part of the wing.
- general feather growth problems. Weak feathers, feathers that come in short, chronic molting that causes a lot of unhelpful bald patches, etc.
- chronic joint pain. Wings appear to be normal, but the joints hurt a lot and movement is difficult.
You can also go the route of disability by injury, having a wing broken or amputated or otherwise harmed in a way that is difficult or impossible to recover from.
Overall, the accommodations needed could include pain relief, a brace to keep the wing in a comfortable folded position, feather clipping, massages, etc. Mobitiy aids to let this character fly without the use of their wings is easy to handle in fantasy because you could give him an enchanted flying device of some sort. Magical prosthetic wing might work, but that depends on the disability you're working with and also wing prosthetics are pretty tricky. It would not be as functional as a real wing. If the wings are fully grown and intact, but the problem is something like joint pain, then a flight brace to steady the wings could be useful. They'd only be able to fly for short bursts though, probably. But it would be akin to giving someone leg braces so they can walk, while also having access to crutches or a wheelchair. You can work with your dm on figuring out what's allowed in the campaign setting.
As for being respectful in how you portray the character, I think the most important thing is to let them be a full person. The disability is obviously a major part of their life, but they ought to have more personality than that. Hobbies, interests, attitude.
They're also allowed to be sad about the disability, but this should not be their main defining trait. I think it is pretty normal to be sad that you have a physical difference preventing you from doing something other people can easily do. The problem in fictional characters who are sad about their disabilities is that it often becomes Their Entire Thing and then the character arc is either "so I became evil about it" or "and then they died" or "but there was a magical perfect fix!" all of which obviously don't respect the reality of being disabled. But making them totally happy go lucky about it also doesn't work. So you just need the middle area there, as that's the most realistic one. How does it feel to have a permanent disability? Well, it ends up feeling pretty normal when you're used to it. Sometimes it sucks a lot. Sometimes you hardly pay attention to it. Focus on making your character emotionally varied and give them an interesting personality that makes their interactions with other characters more fun.
Roleplay games are great for that, because you'll have to mesh with the group and really flesh out your character relationships as you go.
Anyway I hope that was all helpful! No illustrations to show, because I'm sleepy today. But good luck with your character! And maybe go check out @cripplecharacters for extra advice on generalized disability rep if you haven't already!
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sleepyjuice · 17 hours
10 + 16 with jj please? (maybe smth like going back to the chateau the night john b and sarah “die” and consoling each other with a bit of badly timed tension? or any other ideas you have!)
I loved this so much!!!! what a bittersweet concept 😭
warnings: some angst (canon events for the most part from the show), liiilll bit of fluff, smut 18+!!!!!, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, jj being an absolute dream in this<3
No one ever prepares you for what you’re supposed to do after learning that two of your best friends were most likely dead and you would never see them again.
You somewhat prepare yourself in life for moments where you are inevitably going to lose people, but once the moment is over, then what?
As you and jj walked silently back to the chateau after what had turned into one of the worst days of your life, you wished more than ever that someone somewhere had written your entire life out for you so that you could ask them for all the answers. How to just go on with your life after something so traumatic.
Pope and Kiara had gone home with their parents which left just you and your boyfriend, jj. You were sure your parents were worried about you, surely they had heard what happened, but you hadn’t checked your phone in hours.
jj opened the door to the much too quiet chateau once you arrived, tears falling from both of you once again as you stepped into a place that held some of the best memories of your lives, now empty. It just felt wrong to be there without John b and Sarah.
Everywhere you looked was a different memory. The silly arguments on the couch, the beers you all shared in the kitchen, and of course, John b’s bedroom, bed unmade from the last time he slept there, clothes on his dresser that he would never get to wear.
“It doesn’t feel right here without them.” jj broke the silence, his voice low as he removed his hat, kicking an empty beer can that lay on the floor across the room.
You nodded in agreement, stepping over to jj and wrapping your arms around his middle, your head resting against his chest as you sighed.
“It really doesn’t.” You responded, one of your hands rubbing gently against his back.
“You staying here tonight?” You asked him after a moment, tilting your head to gaze up at your boyfriend, his arms holding you close to him.
jj nodded in response, resting his chin on the top of your head, exhaling slowly into your hair as he shut his eyes. He had never lost someone in this way, and he didn’t know how he was supposed to handle it. He was a spontaneous person by nature, but this was way too much of a curveball to even begin to figure out.
You stood there in each other’s arms for a few minutes, the only sounds being the soft rain outside and the clunky AC that surprisingly still worked humming softly.
jj was the first to break the silence.
“Can you stay?” He asked quietly, pulling away slowly from the shared embrace to look down at your sunken eyes.
You met his gaze instantly, bringing a hand up to run your fingers through the bottom of his hair, nodding your head in response.
“Of course I’ll stay. I don’t think either of us should be alone right now.” You spoke softly, exhaling shakily, feeling genuinely unsure if breathing would ever feel the same again after today’s events.
So you stayed. You and jj ended up showering together, both of you eventually getting uncomfortable in your wet clothes that were dampened from the storm.
You shared a joint, both for yourselves and in john b and Sarah’s honor. John b especially would smile at the fact that two of his best friends were lighting up in his home the night he died. Regardless of why you did it, it was something at least semi normal in your nightly routine.
You and jj didn’t talk too much, but there was never any awkward silence. Finding conversation at a time like this was yet another challenge you would face.
So you called it a night at around 3 am, kissing goodnight after crawling into jj’s bed. Maybe by some miracle you would wake up to find that it was all just a super realistic nightmare. An epic prank by your subconscious.
You lay with your back facing jj, one of his arms wrapped loosely around your waist, the room just dimly lit by the moonlight that shined through the window. You focused on jj’s soft breathing, assuming that he had fallen asleep, hoping and praying that sleep would also find you soon.
That was too much to ask for, as your mind could not stop replaying the earlier events over and over, making it impossible to get some rest. You shut your eyes anyways, hoping at some point you would become too physically exhausted and your body’s need for sleep would win this battle.
You were close to giving up and allowing yourself a sleepless night, when you suddenly felt jj’s hand move softly down your waist, rubbing down to your thigh.
“You awake?” He murmured quietly, almost positive you were still awake based on your unsteady breathing, but on the off chance you were asleep, he didn’t want to disturb you.
You turned your head at the sound of his voice, meeting his tired eyes. Although he also looked like he hadn’t slept yet.
“Yeah, can’t sleep,” you sighed, pushing your body back slightly into his touch, “my mind is goin’ a mile a minute right now. Can’t think of anything else.” You admitted, watching as he nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, same.” He hummed, planting a few soft kisses on your shoulder blades before resting his head there.
“Maybe we could try and distract ourselves…” jj whispered against your soft skin, kissing it again as he awaited your response, his body now fully pressed against yours.
“What do you mean?” You questioned quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. You had an idea what he meant, and you pressed your ass back ever so gently to meet his crotch, testing the waters.
He let out a soft sigh at the feeling, tilting his head up to kiss your neck, his hand focusing on rubbing your thigh, slowly but surely inching its way towards your inner thigh.
“Just— feel something other than this pain, y’know?” He confirmed your suspicions as he began to grind his boxer clad dick against your ass, his kisses becoming a bit more lustful and his fingers now grazing against the waistband of your underwear.
“Yeah..” you breathed, nodding your head as you tilted your neck, granting jj easier and better access to kiss and nip at your sensitive skin there.
You felt him nod against you, his half hard dick now fully hard against your ass as he continued to grind against it.
He groaned softly before tugging gently at your underwear, his unspoken command leading you to pull them down off your legs, leaving you completely naked besides the shirt you were wearing. You felt jj rid himself of his boxers after you, leaving him fully naked now as they were all he had gone to bed in to begin with.
You moaned quietly once you felt him freely, your body reacting quickly to his sensual touch, arousal pooling between your legs as you pushed your ass against his fully hard cock.
“Let’s just forget for right now, yeah?” jj hummed, using his free hand to guide his cock between your wet folds, gathering your arousal to coat himself, pumping himself softly as he used both your wetness and his precum to lubricate himself.
“Mhm, let’s forget.” You spoke, barely a whisper. You hadn’t moved much from your original position. Your back was still facing jj, only now you had positioned your ass upwards just a bit so that you could align yourself to give jj access to you.
He didn’t respond verbally, pumping himself a few more times before aligning his cock with your wet entrance, slowly pushing himself inside of you.
You both let out a long, still quiet, moan at the feeling, your walls hugging his cock immediately as he began to move slowly inside of you.
The two of you had slow and soft sex plenty of times, typically after a long night when you were both super tired but still in need of a release, or early morning when you were sleepy but still needing one another. But this was a different type of need.
“So good, baby, feels so good.” jj cooed, his face pressed against your neck, eyes shut and brows furrowed in concentration, both of your minds forced to focus on the physical feeling of pleasure you allowed yourselves to feel.
You whimpered into the pillow, arching your back slightly so he could reach even deeper inside of you, reaching one of your arms behind you to caress the back of jj’s head, your fingers kneading into his messy hair.
The only sounds heard in the dark bedroom were your soft grunts and moans mixed with the sound of jj’s balls slapping against your ass. Not nearly as loud as this particular bedroom usually was during times like these, but that wasn’t what you needed right now.
jj reached one of his hands over the curve of your ass to find your clit, rubbing circles against it as he continued to thrust himself inside of you. He already felt pretty close, with his emotions being completely heightened, and he wanted to make sure you were able to finish too.
You squeezed your eyes shut as he worked at your clit, all the while his cock was hitting the perfect spots inside of you, your pussy beginning to clench around him as you whimpered, your breathing growing more ragged.
“I’m close, jay, fuck. Gonna come.” You gasped, feeling your muscles begin to contract as your body was hit with euphoria, a feeling that would be far from your grasp for a long time. After tonight you had to grieve, so you relished in this small moment of pleasure you were able to feel.
“Fuck, good baby— yeah, so good. I’m close, fuck, I’m close too, sweets.” jj grunted, your orgasm had your pussy clenching and hugging his cock even tighter, your release soaking him which triggered him to follow.
“Fuuuck, oh god,” he stammered, thrusts sloppy as he felt himself release into you, groaning loudly into your skin as he filled you with thick spurts, “yeah, yeah, perfect, baby.”
You moaned as he filled you up, your pussy fluttering at the feeling of fullness, his release feeling perfect as you came down from your own.
“So good, jj.” You said shakily as he pulled out of you, feeling him kiss the back of your neck before using his thumb to turn your head to face him.
“Thank you, baby, thank you.”
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athynathens · 2 days
chapter one : a purple sticky situationship
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“From where I’m from, you’re called a dwarf.”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x Amphyr Domino (m•free)
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE.This short story is a crossover between the Boku no Hero Academia world and Winx Club world. It will take place after the battle with All for One and Shigaraki. Let’s just all assume (and I know this is the outcome) that the villains are defeated and everything is back to normal.
SYNOPSIS. Amphyr and Bakugo’s first meeting was rather a sticky situation. Currently, the two are literally stuck together thanks to Mineta’s sticky purple balls. Now, the two have no choice but to navigate the day with each other, like literally.
WARNING. Spoilers from the manga will be stated here. If you wish to not be spoiled, then it is best if you don’t read this.
AUTHOR’S NOTES. I know what yall probs thinking. Why winx club? why that show? I mean I don’t blame yall cuz that show also has some really bad written characters and plots. But like, just think about it! mystical beings in a world of quirks and heroes? someone from another realm in a world of heroes? doesn’t that just excite you? well it excites me, hence why I am writing this story after all. like bro, this is giving me avengers infinity war type of shit — well not really but you get me right? hopefully you get me…
TAGS. @lovra974 @selmasemlan @andysdrafts If you wanna get tagged, comment down below!!
amphyr domino’s profile | the world in betweens masterlist
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GETTING stuck with Bakugo Katsuki, one of U.A.’s top students of Class 2-A, was something Amphyr never anticipated.
Bakugo twitched in anger, feeling purple sticky balls attaching even more to his uniform. This crisis happened so fast for the both of them.
Bakugo was just walking with his classmates while Amphyr was also walking to her table with Hatsume. The next thing they know is the collision of their bodies, making their food trays scatter in the floor.
The sticky balls were in between the left arm of Amphyr and the right arm of Bakugo. The two were so stuck together, they can hear each other’s breathing.
The brunette cursed silently, not expecting this sticky situationship.
“Fucking Grape Head! Get your ass back here, damn it!” He screamed, emitting small blasts from his palms.
Bakugo kept moving aggressively, causing her uniform to rip a bit. The brunette panicked, seeing the perverted eyes of the male gazes in the cafeteria.
“E-Excuse me! Calm do—” The blond was not listening at all. He kept tugging on your uniform, ripping the jacket vastly.
Amphyr’s eye twitched in annoyance, channeling her energy to her palm.“I said calm DOWN!” She slammed it on his face, a small blast emitted from her palm.
Smokes surrounded his face from the impact, making Class 2-A to gulp in respond. The boys were getting ready to get a hold of him if Bakugo chooses violence.
Bakugo’s body stiffened, and red orbs turned dark in wrath. He turned around with a vein popping out of his forehead. He took hold of her collar and growled, “Oi. You wanna die, fucking extra?”
“Dude, you’re about to rip my uniform from all the tugging you’ve been doing. What are you trying to do? Undress me in front of the whole school?” Amphyr looked down at her ripped blazer.
Bakugo’s eyes quivered, looking to his side to see a bunch of perverted extras looking at her. The latter clicked his tongue and harshly let go of her collar.
After the riot between both of them, their classmates and teachers ran to them. Class 2-A shared a mix of laughter and concerns with their blond friend while Amphyr’s class, Class 2-H shared their worries and fear for her. They were scared that she was stuck with a hot-tempered hottie student.
Bakugo’s palm had small explosions. “Where the fuck is that purple turd?” He snarled, vision white in frustration.
Kaminari entered the scenario and spoke, “I am here to convey a message from my dear purple turd friend. He said and I quote: I’m sorry Bakugo! Don’t kill me! I swear! It was an accident!! Although, you should thank me for being stuck with a girl, or else you will die a lonely and loveless life!”
Amphyr gulped when he saw him flaring up. In a soft tone, she chanted a spell to create a barrier between him and her. And she was right to do so since he did exploded…
Suddenly a white scarf wrapped around Bakugo’s body, restraining him like a feral animal. Amphyr watched with astonishment, her sweat began to form as he sees him cursing loudly while trying to move.
“You’ll destroy the cafeteria with all that blasting, you brat,” Aizawa groaned, slightly getting angry at him.
“Oh dear! Are you two okay?” Principal Nezu came running to the scene.
When the two confirmed their concerns, the principal clapped his paws together with a smile. “Well then!! I know for a fact that Class 2-H and Class 2-A has a test after lunch!! Both of you can take your tests together in the same classroom!! Ectoplasm Sensei, is it okay if Bakugo stays in Class 2-H?”
The mathematics teacher shook his head, “No sorry. I’m also grading attendance. Power Loader Sensei? Is it alright if your student can take her exam in Class 2-A?”
He nodded, “I don’t mind. How the hell will she cheat anyway if your students know nothing about our topic.”
“Perfect!! I will prepare another chair for Ms. Domino here!!” Principal Nezu smiled, jumping up and down.
“Doesn’t the school have spares? We can ripped these out and just wear the spares,” Amphyr suggested, but Principal Nezu shook his head.
“I’m afraid it’s not possible, Ms. Domino. The spares have all been used by students already!! The spares of the spares will arrive next week!!”
“Or we can just fucking remove the blazer. These sticky motherfuckers are just stuck in our blazers,” Bakugo retorted.
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. It’s school policy that every student should wear their complete uniform!!” Principal Nezu answered, placing both paws up.
“So yer saying?!? I’m stuck with this extra till school ends?” Bakugo screamed angrily, he screamed so loud that her hair began flying.
“Oh my magix, please give me strength,” She prayed mentally.
Principal Nezu nodded again, “Yep!! She will be stuck with you till the end of your three periods!! Now, the problem is how you two will go to your respective classes after your tests.”
“Well. After Mathematics is all hero practice,” Aizawa added.
“In the Support Department, I gave the last two periods as project time. I believe that the two can divide the hours together, but they must discuss it between themselves,” Power Loader suggested, causing the teachers to nod in agreement.
In the end, Amphyr offered that Bakugo can use the second to the last period to do his training while the last period will be her time slot to work on her project. The blond can only huff in annoyance, subconsciously placing his hands in his pockets. But to no avail, he couldn’t due to this damn sticky situation.
“DAMN IT!” He exploded.
Fast forward with eating their food, and never in Amphyr’s life she wished that lunch should finish quickly. Because being stuck with Bakugo was one thing, but eating with this man was another damn thing.
The blond had a hard time eating because of the attachment of their arms. The chopsticks would bump her fingers, hindering him from getting the food.
Amphyr offered to feed him, but his response was an explosion.
As the time passed, Amphyr and Bakugo entered the classroom together. Giggles and talks came about in the classroom as the two walked further in.
“So what happens if one of you needs to pee?” Kaminari teased, causing some boys and girls to laugh.
Iida stood up, running towards Kaminari with his karate chop hands. “Kaminari-kun! You should not say something inappropriate to them!!”
Kaminari returned a whined, but he was struck by the neck with Jiro’s earphones.
“Kaminari’s right. How will you go to the bathroom?” Kirishima struck the question again, gaining the attention of everyone.
“Fucking extras,” Bakugo growled. “Mind your own damn business.”
Mineta enraged, “HAH? I gave you like every man’s dream to be stuck with a woman!! The least you can do is tell us every single detail of—” He stopped speaking when Bakugo blasted him off across the room.
Amphyr just stood there. The brunette has no idea how to respond to this optimistic atmosphere. Moreover, she was shocked that everyone treated this hot-tempered boy with jokes and laughters. Amphyr kinda expected that they will quiver in fear beneath his gaze.
“Ne! Ne! Ne!” A cheerful voice caught her attention. She turned to the side to see a pink-skin girl with really cool eyes.
“I’m Ashido Mina!!” She smiled while pointing at herself.
The rest of the girls came closer, crowding you while Bakugo could only click his tongue in irritation. They were really cheerful towards a stranger, and it made Amphyr overwhelmed a bit.
“Hello. I’m Domino Amphyr,” She introduced with a shy tone. Her body bowed down to show respect and said, “Sorry for the intrusion.”
“Your name!” Momo’s eyes twinkled. “It’s really unique!!” She exclaimed with a joyous tone.
Amphyr smiled, returning her compliment with gratitude. Meanwhile, the boys shoved the girls to the side. Their sudden appearance made you frightened a bit, especially with their tall ass height.
“HEY! I’m Kirishima Eijiro!” He introduced while hardening both of his arms with his quirk.
The rest of the boys began pushing Kirishima away just to introduce themselves. Iida and Midoriya tried telling them to step back a bit, not wanting to overwhelm you — well, it’s fucking too late for that.
“Hey pretty lady! I’m Mineta Minoru!!”
Amphyr looked down to see that tiny purple person near her. He was too close for her liking. But judging by his appearance, the brunette thought that this is the guy that trapped Bakugo and her together.
“So you’re the purple turd?” She asked with puzzlement, causing Mineta to flinch violently.
“WHAT THE FU—” He was stopped by Mina covering his mouth.
Mina chuckled, still covering his mouth tightly. “I’m sorry about this midget here!! He doesn’t really like it when girls like you insult him, especially about his appearance.”
“What is a…midget..?” She asked, intrigued with this new word. This midget terminology is not of Magix or in Domino.
Hagakure yelled happily, “It’s a term we call for short people!!”
Amphyr’s eyes twinkled, happy that she learned something new. “From where I’m from, you’re called a dwarf.”
The entire class froze for a moment, but soon they all started shivering in excitement. However, Mineta was not happy about it and started jumping up and down violently while throwing his arms around. The brunette was definitely confused with this reaction.
Suddenly, Sero’s tape was wrapped around Mineta’s body, concealing him from doing anything violent.
Mina burst out laughing, “You’re something Domino-san! Ne! Ne! Ne! After you got yourself free from this hot-headed freak here, wanna hang?”
“The fuck you called me, Alien Face?!?” Bakugo yelled, emitting small explosions from his palms.
Soon, the dynamic of the class turned chaotic. Sero and Iida trying to conceal Mineta; Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari trying to hype annoy Bakugo while the rest are too busy introducing themselves to Amphyr.
Amphyr was overwhelmed with the enthusiasm for she never experienced this in Alfea. All of her classmates in Alfea are rather poise, elegant and courteous. Not that she is implying that this class has none of those, but Alfea students are not this chaotic since most students come from high class of nobles, wealthy families and known families.
Being quiet and poise is a mandatory need for the daughters of those families.
Amphyr has to admit, she actually likes this atmosphere. It may be overwhelming, but this was really fun.
Unknowingly, she smiled at this fun scenery.
Bakugo saw the look on her face, he didn’t understand why she was showing such an expression. The blond stared at her with bafflement. But, the latter clicked his tongue in annoyance. He wanted to sit his ass down after all. However, to do that, he needs Amphyr to sit down too. The two are literally stuck together for fuck’s sake.
With that, the blond created small fireworks on his hands and created a small explosion. Everyone flinched after hearing his blasts, wondering if they did anything to upset him.
“Oi. My ass wants to be sat in a damn chair here. Can’t do shit if you’re all crowding her and me like damn bugs,” He rasps, making everyone move back slowly while sweating down from their foreheads.
“Keep up, extra!” Bakugo yelled, tugging you closer.
“Yes. Yes. Yes,” She sighed.
Good luck Amphyr! Is the phrase that everyone’s thinking right now.
It took them 5 minutes to figure out how they should even position themselves on the chair. Class 2-A watched nervously, seeing how Bakugo just kept yelling while Amphyr surprisingly answered calmly.
It was weird for Class 2-A to see some stranger not terrified of Bakugo. First meeting with him can cause trauma since he is very harsh — heck, they were even scared of him the first time they met. The class couldn’t comprehend how she was able to keep up with him.
Few minutes later, Ectoplasm Sensei entered the room with the test papers. He cloned himself to give the test papers in each column. However, the actual Ectoplasm Sensei personally gave Amphyr’s test paper.
He instructed to everyone about the reminders and consequences of cheating. Afterwards, he allowed everyone to begin.
The test was hard — no surprise since it is a damn math test, but the smarties in class had no problem at all. As usual, Yayarozou and Midoriya finished quickly. Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida finished afterwards. The rest just had their brains malfunction from the problems given.
Since Bakugo finished quickly, he instantly got bored. The blond lets out a sigh, carefully letting his eyes looked to his side.
He watched how she sat, her sitting posture was so straight that it looked elegant to see. He shifted his eyes to her expression, his eyes saw how calm and poise her entire demeanor was.
“She’s like damn Ponytail,” Bakugo thought, referring to Momo as Ponytail.
The blond gazed upon her brown locks, he eyed the highlights shining from the sun rays. His brain somehow finalized that Amphyr’s hair is similar to a Croissant, thus making a new nickname for her.
“Croissant must be hella rich too,” He added, continuing to stare at her hair.
Minutes passed, and Amphyr is finally done answering her test. Now, the latter has no idea what to do next, and answering those questions kept her mind occupied in this awkward situation Therefore to keep her mind occupied, she began thinking about the project.
For the project assigned to her with Hatsume, Power Loader Sensei wants them to create a stimulation for the heroes-in-training. He specifically wants this machine to be able to analyze its strengths and weaknesses. With this analysis, the stimulation can utilize their weaknesses and train them.
Hatsume will be the sole designer of the stimulation itself, manufacturing the machine as its own baby. Amphyr’s intelligence will be exclusively for data collection; gathering and formulating the statistics of every possible weakness a hero has.
Moreover, both of them will partake in constructing the codes for the machine and coding the illusions to act as monsters to match every student hero’s weaknesses.
“—ssant! Croissant! OI! CROISSANT!” Bakugo yelled.
Amphyr snapped back to reality, moving her head from side to side. That’s when she noticed everyone was gone.
“My apologies. I wasn’t paying attention. We agreed to do your hero training first, yes?” Amphyr asked, looking straight into his red orbs.
He looked at her for a short while before gruffing, “Yeah. Now move your ass, Croissant.”
Amphyr tilted her head in perplexity, bewildered by the sudden nickname. The two of them stood up slowly from their chairs, and they walked out of the classroom with Bakugo holding a suitcase with his right hand.
Amphyr noticed a throb from his right hand. If she remembered correctly, Bakugo had surgery on his right hand and is currently going through rehab. It’s a mystery to her why he never got prosthetics.
“Shall I carry that for you?” She spoke, catching him off guard. He halted his walking, turning his head to the side. Amphyr saw his eyes turned wide in shock, which ultimately confused her a bit.
“Your right arm. I know you are going through rehab. I think it’s best if you don’t carry something heavy for now,” She articulated her thoughts.
Bakugo stared at her, not knowing how to respond or act. Although Bakugo’s rough attitude has toned down over the months, his pride and ego is still there. How can he possibly ask someone, let alone a girl, to carry his stuff.
Amphyr sighed, “If you wish to heal faster, drop the ego act and give it to me.” She showed her palm to him, asking him to give the handle of the suitcase to her.
He looked away, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He gave her the suitcase, causing her to wince a bit. Amphyr didn’t expect it to be this heavy.
“Fucking shit, his hero outfit must be that heavy…” She whispered, but Bakugo heard her.
The blond did not expect her to curse; Amphyr had been talking to him with such formality. The fucking politeness is hurting his damn ears.
“So you can say those shitty words too, huh?” He spoke his mind. “You’ve been too damn polite this entire time you’ve been with me. I almost thought curse words are an allergy to you. The fuck are you? Some kind of Princess?”
Amphyr flinched at the word princess. This did not go unnoticed by him, but he decided to let it slide for now. I mean, why should a small business matter to him anyway?
The brunette chuckled, “Yeah right. If I’m a princess, then…”
She looked to his side, staring into his orbs with a smile, “…you must be a knight.”
He stared at her again, blankly looking at her smile. For some reason, it didn’t annoy him. He can somewhat tolerate if the guys smile at him and probably tolerate the girls from his class smiling at him, but anyone laughing and smiling at him annoyed him a lot.
“How fucking weird,” Bakugo thought, looking back at the hallway.
The moment they stepped inside the training room, lots and lots of debris flew in the sky. Amphyr was shocked to see the scenery of destruction. Although she is used to seeing the destruction in Magix and Domino, it’s nothing compared to the wreckage back in her hometown.
Bakugo tugged her, pulling her to a certain spot. The blond asked her to open the suitcase and get his grenades with such a nice tone — sarcasm implied.
Rolling her eyes, she opened the suitcase to reveal a giant grenade. Her eyes twinkled in amazement, grabbing it gently with one hand as she inspected it slowly. Bakugo arched her brow in confusion, not understanding the hype.
“Your quirk. It’s related to explosives, right?” She asked, and Bakugo responded with a nod.
“Then, what are these big grenades for?”
Bakugo sighed, “Those are called Grenadier Bracers. As my sweat secretes nitroglycerin, these weapons can—store your sweat to amplify your power,” Amphyr finished his sentence, still admiring his choice of weapon.
His eyes went wide a bit. “You know your shit, huh?”
“Of course. I am a support student after all. We even had a test about the hero students, mostly about their quirks though,” She explained, standing up while trying to support his weapon with her body and hand.
“A test? About us? That’s fucking creepy,” Bakugo stated, being blunt about it.
Amphyr sighed, “Yep. It was creepy since the entire support department had to practically stalk every hero student.”
“What the fuck. That shit is so fucking messed up,” He cursed.
“Tell me about it,” She sighed, remembering seeing a support student climbing up a wall to study a hero student.
The brunette subconsciously attached his weapon to his right arm. He was surprised to see how she attached his Grenadier Bracers perfectly. However, his amusement went down the drain when he noticed her doing adjustments. His brow arched, not expecting this sudden change.
“There, is it lighter?” She asked, looking at it for the last time.
Although it was impressive that she managed to make it lighter, Bakugo can’t help but feel annoyed that she tinkered with his weapon — a weapon he personally commission for.
“Oi. You shouldn’t fucking tinker with other heroes weapons without consultation. My weapon is indeed lighter, but it’s basic courtesy that you fucking consult with me first. Just because you seemed smart and all that shit doesn’t give you the right to fucking meddle with my damn business,” He scolded.
Amphyr flinched, not realizing the mistake she has done. Back in Domino, she was so used to doing things her own way since no one can defy the Crown Princess.
“I-I am so sorry…I didn’t realize I—” She began rambling on how sorry she was. Bakugo can’t help but think that it’s probably her first time being scolded. Judging on her whole character, Amphyr seemed like a top student who excels everything and aims to be the best — just like he was in the past.
“She’s like a tamed down version of me, except I don’t fucking apologize for shit,” Bakugo thought, clicking his tongue afterwards in annoyance.
“For fuck’s sake. Stop fucking rambling, damn it. Just think before you act,” Bakugo said, adjusting his arm to the new feeling of the weapon.
“S-Should I return it to its original state? I can try to do it now,” She suggested, but Bakugo shook his head.
“It’s fine. I quite like this. Not bad for a fucking extra,” His eyes looked at the side, grinning down at her.
Amphyr’s eyes quivered, having mixed feelings with this situation. Being scolded for the first time was definitely a bad feeling, but she can’t help but be grateful that she got scolded too? This unknown feeling is a mystery to her.
“You’re a good person, Bakugo-kun. Thank you for this lesson,” Amphyr smiled, really grateful for this opportunity.
Bakugo stared at her again, confused with her reaction. Normally, people get annoyed when they get criticized, but she doesn’t seem to show any form of irritation. How weird. The blond examined her once more before turning to the block of stone.
“Do you have some of a quirk or something? Cuz if you fucking do, better make use of it to protect yourself. I’m gonna blast the stones,” Bakugo warned, positioning his palm in front of the stone wall.
She nodded in response, chanting a spell beneath her breath. Bakugo watched as she created a barrier for herself, he watched with a stunned face as he wasn’t expecting a defensive quirk from her.
Seeing that she’s safe, Bakugo concentrated all his energy into his palm, but he tries to remember not to make the blasts too powerful for his hand. Afterwards, he released his explosives which targeted a certain spot in the stone wall.
Amphyr watched with astonishment, not expecting him to be in his great performance even with an injured arm.
This training of his continued on until his time slot was finished. The blond was sweating heavily, panting and groaning from exhaustion.
While the blond was not looking, Amphyr twirled her index finger around then placed her palm up to reveal a water bottle. The water bottle dropped on her hand and she asked, “Should I throw this water to you or it’s safe to go near you now?”
Bakugo turned his head around, stunned to see her holding a water bottle. “Where the fuck did you get that?”
Amphyr flinched, “A girl’s gotta have her own secrets, you know?” She shook the bottle side to side, articulating if he wants water or not.
When Bakugo confirmed that it’s safe to pass the bottle, she swiped two fingers up to remove the barrier between them. The brunette handed him the bottle, and he chugged it down.
“Thanks,” He rasped.
Amphyr blinked thrice before speaking, “You’re welcome.”
“So,” He spoke, wiping his sweat with a towel. “Where are you taking me, Croissant?”
Amphyr opened her phone, pressing the text icon to see Hatsume’s message. “Hatsume-san wants to meet me in the classroom. I guess it’s my turn to drag you around, huh?”
Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance with her teasing tone.
“Keep up, Bakugo-kun,” She copied his tone from a while ago.
His eyebrow twitched violently, “You cheeky lil’ brat.”
She giggled, “C’mon! Let’s go!! Chop Chop!”
The blond can only roll his eyes, noticing how excited she got when it was her turn to do the work. It surprised him on how eager she was to go to the classroom too; it only showed how much she loves being in the Support Department.
“Oi. You’re going to rip my uniform from all that tugging, Croissant. You trying to undress me or something?” He suddenly teased, copying her tone from a while ago
— wait, why the fuck is he teasing?
Amphyr halted her walking, facing him with a blushed face. “D-Don’t use my words against me!”
He arched his brow, “You used my words against me first!” The latter yelled in irritation.
It was her turn to twitch in annoyance. “YAH!” She yelled, facing him completely.
Ho? Ho? Ho? Bakugo watched with amusement, not expecting her to stand her ground. Even with his huge figure towering her small frame, she looked up at him with fiery eyes.
“Hey! What’s going on here!!” Someone suddenly yelled. The two looked at each other before running away, trying to escape from a possible detention.
They both ran until they’ve reached Amphyr’s classroom. The two students panted heavily from that unexpected running marathon.
The brunette played with the hem of her skirt, feeling guilty with what she did a while ago. It wasn’t like her to suddenly scream like that. She knew that it was right to apologize so she did.
“I’m sorry for shouting. That was wrong of me,” She apologized, bowing down. “I guess I was still a bit angry by the fact you kept tugging into my blazer back at the cafeteria.”
The blond gazed at her again, not expecting her to be blunt about it. The latter just rolled his eyes in response, “Do you ever stop apologizing, extra? It’s not a damn big deal.”
It really wasn’t to Bakugo — in fact, he was quite impressed that she stood her ground. Truthfully, he hasn’t met a girl potentially screaming at him with confidence. Usually, the girls would indeed scream at him, but after one look from Bakugo they would run away like damn extra cowards.
When Amphyr didn’t, it piqued his interest a bit.
Suddenly, his brows furrowed. When Amphyr reminded him of the cafeteria incident, he recalled something. She used some kind of explosion quirk in the cafeteria, yet she also used a barrier quirk a while ago too. His head snapped back to Amphyr, who was standing outside their classroom door.
“Does she have two quirks like Icyhot? Or multiple quirks like Izuku? Who the fuck is this woman?” He thought, analyzing her from head to toe.
In a dash, the doors opened which revealed an excited Hatsume. She pulled Amphyr inside, dragging Bakugo inside as well.
The blond stared at the place, he doesn’t come here that often. He was amazed to see a giant machine in front. His head looked side to side, glimpsing the students working on something.
“AMPHYR! The funny-looking person tried to change the data for our baby!” Hatsume whined, pointing violently at the messed-up table.
The brunette stared at her in fright. “Which did he try to change?” She asked, walking to the table.
“This!!” Hatsume pointed at the data that Amphyr collected over the months. It was the data on the student’s weaknesses and strengths.
Amphyr inhaled a breath, trying to keep herself composed. This wasn’t the first time that he defied her. She sighed, “Was his attempt successful?”
Hatsume clapped her fingers together and stuttered, “W-Well yes and no…”
Amphyr didn’t talk, waiting for more information. Hatsume got the hint and continued explaining, “Well his attempt to change was not successful, but when I caught him, he accidentally pressed the delete button and some of your research is gone…”
Bakugo’s eyes moved down, watching her face harden in frustration. He even noticed the new aura around Amphyr; it felt heavy and ominous.
“Mei,” Amphyr spoke in a deep tone.
She flinched violently, all her body hair standing up. Shit. She’s on a first-name basis…she’s definitely angry. She stood up so straight with her hands on her thighs. “Y-Yes?”
The brunette turned her head to her, forehead now clenched in anger. “Fucking bring Tadashi to me.”
Hatsume instinctively stepped back and saluted her. “Roger that!” She ran deep into the classroom to look for him.
Amphyr leaned down to the table, placing both arms down the table. Bakugo scanned her, interested in how this will go.
Hatsume arrived in a few seconds while dragging this Tadashi by the collar. “HERE!” Hatsume yelled, throwing him down to the floor.
Tadashi cursed, rubbing his head in pain. He looked up to see Amphyr’s flared eyes and Bakugo’s sharp eyes. He flinched, getting pale with the two’s intimidating atmosphere.
“Oi. Who gave you the right to meddle with my damn business?” Amphyr asked, trying her best to not look angry.
“She meddled with my business a while ago too. How the tables have fucking turned,” Bakugo suddenly thought.
He continued his train of thought, “But at least when she meddled, it benefited me. With Croissant’s situation, it’s not beneficial.”
Tadashi scoffed while standing up “It needs some improvement!! I mean we are classmates, aren’t we? Didn’t Power Loader Sensei say we can help each other with improvements? Why are you so angry with this? I’m just following Sensei’s orders!”
Amphyr took a deep breath, trying to stay calm even though her forehead vein was very visible. “I believe I already took in your opinion about your proposal regarding the use of monster robots instead of using illusions to depict the monsters.”
Tadashi smirked, feeling proud that she listened to his proposal. “I’m glad that you were smart enough to agree to my idea!! Isn’t it easier to use robots instead of illusions? At least the heroes would literally feel as if they are the—” He stopped talking when he saw her laughing.
The brunette stared at him with a smug look, “I believe you misinterpreted me when I said I took in your opinion. I never said I agreed with it. Even Hatsume agrees with me.”
Tadashi snapped his head to the pink haired and yelled, “HATSUME? You what?!?”
Hatsume smiled, “Of course!! It only makes sense after all!! Using illusions instead of actual robots can lessen the damage from the cleaning team and from the student heroes! There have been reports that actual robots have caused life-threatening injuries which can hinder their performance as student heroes even more! Amphyr went around and asked students about it, even the Principal!!”
Tadashi’s face paled up when she mentioned the Principal. “That’s not possi—Honestly though, Amphyr did all the talking while I was working!! Man! You should have seen her going back and forth!! She didn’t take a break, dude! This group mate of mine immediately got to working when she entered the classroom after going around the school! How cool of her!!” Hatsume kept interrupting Tadashi’s sentences.
“There you have it, Tadashi,” Amphyr smiled. “Your proposal was taken into consideration, but we won’t push through with it.”
“You piece of—” He trembled in anger, attempting to say another word.
“Tadashi,” Amphyr roared as her eyes glowed, releasing a small power wave. This wave caused him to fall back to the ground.
He shivered in shock, turning pale in fear. He did not expecting such a powerful force from his rival — it was rare for Amphyr to show off her quirk after all. The latter looked up to see her sharp and frustrated eyes.
“Don’t make me repeat my words, Tadashi. If I see you go through my research again, I will remind you where you stand once more. Do I make myself clear?” She asked, the pressure of her gaze made him shiver more in fear.
Bakugo stared with shock. He wasn’t expecting a power wave from her. “Her power wave…even I fucking stumbled behind. Judging by her appearance, she can control it. A wave like that is hard to control, but she was able to control it like it was damn nothing. Who really is this fucking woman?” His thought, head still spinning from her power wave.
Power Loader Sensei came in afterward. Hatsume explained the situation to him, and soon he scolded Tadashi. After a while, Hatsume and Amphyr began talking and coding for their stimulation. Bakugo watched them with a bored look, looking from their research to the walls.
The two continued to work until their time slot was done.
Hastume decided to stay for a bit, pleading with Amphyr not to drag her out again like before if she stayed a bit later than expected. Amphyr rolled her eyes playfully, placing her tongue out. The two waved their goodbyes and left.
Now that the day was over, Bakugo and Amphyr decided to walk back to his dorm room. The blond was persistent since he wanted to be back in his room since the day was tiring. Amphyr, not wanting to deal with his rough attitude, agreed.
The two walked to the Class 2-A dormitory. They entered to see some of the guys and girls in the common area. Everyone greeted them, offering food to the two. However, Bakugo just shook his head and then dragged Amphyr with him to his dorm.
The two traveled to his dorm through an elevator and walked in the hallway. Bakugo got his card key and allowed the door to scan it. The door opened to reveal his room.
“Get in here, extra,” He gruffed, pulling her in and then closing the door.
Amphyr looked around; his room looked cozy. All Might posters are up his wall, heavy dumbells at the side, a smart TV by the wall with a gaming console, and surprisingly a bean bag too.
“You done lookin’ around, Croissant?” Bakugo asked, and she nodded in response.
“Nice room,” She praised, and he only gruffed.
“I’ll remove my blazer so you can fucking leave,” He rasped, using his shoulders to slide the blazer down.
Amphyr was feeling quite..melancholy. She hates to admit it, but the time she spent with Bakugo was quite a journey. It’s through him she was able to see his classmates and learn something new.
With Bakugo, he couldn’t really say that he’s quite sad that this sticky situation will end, but he isn’t entirely pleased either. I guess you can say he got used to Amphyr. Besides, it’s been months since he was entertained. When she screamed at him and scolded that extra a while ago, he was definitely amused.
When Bakugo finally removed his blazer, he immediately laid down on the bed. He placed both of his hands behind his head while putting his ankle on his knee.
Amphyr stood there for a moment, feeling blue with the farewell. “See you later, Bakugo…”
She turned around, clutching his blazer to her stomach and walked towards his door. When Bakugo heard the door closing, his eyes snapped to his door then sighed.
“See ya later, Croissant…”
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the world in betweens masterlist next chapter
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vasyandii · 3 days
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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kevinsdsy · 22 hours
“sometimes riko let kevin stay with him afterward.”
kevin’s gaze moved over jean in a slow sweep, taking stock of his injuries. jean knew better than to look for anger in his stare; the best kevin could manage was bottomless guilt. kevin had seen worse than this before. sometimes riko let kevin stay with him afterward.
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jean could barely breathe. every short breath he took required so much effort that he didn't know how he normally did it with such ease. he felt like he was dying, but that was such a familiar feeling that he worried he must wake up tomorrow anyway. kevin’s green eyes were as distracting as they were alarming. if kevin was allowed to stay, jean must be looking like hell right now. he counted his breaths just to make sure he was actually breathing, and when he finally convinced himself he wasn’t going to take his last breath, he tried to get up.
he barely managed it, but with kevin’s help he was able to get himself up into a sitting position. kevin’s expression was as familiar as it was sickening. he had seen the bottomless guilt many times before.
i am jean moreau. i belong to the moriyamas. i will endure. jean knew his place. jean knew he would endure as much as riko needed him to. so why was kevin looking at him like that? how did kevin dare look at him with so much sympathy and guilt on his face that jean wondered if he deserved to be in this position. i am jean moreau. i belong to the moriyamas. i will endure. jean immediately cursed himself out for even letting the thought slip.
“jean…” jean huffed—it was the only response he could manage right now. “can you get up?” kevin silently asked in french. non. jean knew the answer already, but he still tried to get up. it was a desperate attempt, but kevin didn’t comment on it. “let’s get you to the wall. it’s just gonna be a few steps.” kevin assured him. the few steps felt like a mile, but with kevin’s help jean managed to place his back to the wall which gave him some kind of balance. kevin sat next to jean and jean turned his face to kevin. kevin took this as his chance to softly take jean’s face in his hands and place his fingers on jean’s bottom lip. jean hadn’t even realised the familiar bitter taste on his lip was his own blood until he saw kevin’s hand. he sighed at the sight, turning his face away from kevin again to force his face out of his hands. “i don’t need your pity.” jean weakly demanded.
“so, what is it you need?” kevin asked. jean huffed; both kevin and jean knew it didn’t matter what he needed. it was an unfair question to ask, since it’d be impossible to consider his needs in the first place. jean wouldn’t even know what he needed; he had never given it much thought anyways.
jean placed his head on kevin’s shoulder. for a second he was thankful that the amount of pain he was in made it impossible for him to cry without increasing the pain in his lungs, so he didn't move and he didn't let any tears slip.
“how long?” jean asked after a long minute. kevin didn’t have to ask what he meant. it wasn’t the first time they were sitting like this, calculating how much time riko would allow them before losing his patience and temper again. “fifteen minutes, maybe, then he’ll start getting restless and annoyed about my soft behaviour towards you.”
“give me ten,” jean offered. that should give kevin enough time to get back to riko before riko would start itching for pain again.
“i’ll give you twenty,” kevin told him. "you need it."
jean knew he should ignore the peace offering so he could make check how bad his injuries actually were. instead he closed his eyes and let kevin softly nudge him awake when he was finally drifting away too far.
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over and over, i fuck myself over, and under and under, i do it again.
morning and evening, i felt i was grieving, until i said fuck you, and never again.
daytime or nighttime, i feel i'm on my time, but time is fickle, just like a friend.
and with my departure, from the pain i harbor, i feel i am sinking, and sailing to swim...
I'm worried about Ragatha.
She'd definitely be better off not looking at mirrors for a while. Even more so if she stopped reciting random depressing songs to her ceiling, for no other reason than to dig a deeper hole, to sink further down. I can hear her singing to herself every night, the same songs she plays on all her instruments. What a beautiful voice. How beautifully she plays. But, it's always so sad.
She keeps falling. Faster. Further. Her screams can't be heard anymore. And yet she never falters. How many miles - and what kind - of shit has she been through, to think this is okay? How long did it go on for, for her to think it's normal?
It's not healthy.
But she doesn't mind. Somehow. She'd break her own arms herself if it meant Zooble would stop losing their temper at her, if it meant Jax would stop terrorizing Gangle, if it meant Kinger could just remember the little things.
She's such a wonderful person. Amazing. An unstoppable ray of sunshine for anyone willing to look at her. She's the kindest person I've ever met. Even behind all that fog, she cares, maybe more than anyone. It's so sweet.
It's so easy to see she's hurting though. She hurts so much sometimes I can see her hide her tears, I can tell she deflects all the time.
If only she knew she didn't have to hide. If only she saw it. If only she knew she's more than a toy.
If only I could get through to her.
I guess I should've listened when Kaufmo said to never fall for a girl with baggage. Seeing her like this just hurts.
I hope she can figure it out. I try so hard to make sure she's doing alright, and she always insists I don't have to worry. And I can never hide how much it devastates me that she thinks I'd drop the subject so quickly, and just act like I don't care. I do care. I care so much I think i'll fucking die if she doesn't start seeing through my eyes once in a while.
God. This is the longest entry i've ever written. My hand hurts.
Goodnight, I guess. Here's to hoping.
my plan when i find a character i like (in no particular order):
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this is how i feel about ragatha. in case you didn't notice. i love her as a character so much i just wanna put her under a damn microscope. the influence has influenced me and now i share the obsession with ragatha that mod bee from @ask-the-rag-dolly has been afflicted with.
pomni is such an observant character. and caring. and overall very smart. she can't pretend she doesn't notice all of ragatha's little lies and slip-ups.. and it eats away at her, knowing she can't do anything, knowing ragatha can't and won't accept help right now. ragatha needs to come to terms with it on her own. a therapist is what ragatha needs.
but in a video game? and in my au, in the middle of a broken world full of corporate greed and the cold, unforgiving whims of mother nature? if she found a therapist in either, it would be considered a once in a lifetime historical discovery. the school textbooks would have a chapter on it.
either way, something's up in the darkest depths of that cotton-filled brain of hers, and she's just built to think it doesn't matter. she's built to make sure everything stays nice and positive and okay. when we ALL see it's not. goddamnit ragatha i will make an oc that is a licensed therapist just so you can stop being such a sad wet dog and start practicing the art of self-partially-enjoy oh my god you sweet little door hinge
(song lyrics at the beginning are from over & over by rio romeo btw, theyre very cool pls check them out)
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dunmeshichilchuck · 2 days
For That One Guy on Tumblr, part 4
Chilchuck x !fem !halffoot reader
You were going to have to be strategic about this. You didn't want to step on Chilchucks toes after all, and you didn't know if there would realistically be work for more than one halffoot. It sounded like Chilchuck was strictly no combat, so maybe you could pick that side of it up? But even if you could convince them of your usefulness, would they be willing to sign a contract to take on a new party member? You frowned, considering.
You heard your name and glanced up. "yes, sorry, what?" 
"What do you think you want to do?" Marcille asked. "I'm afraid that I can't cast the leaving spell to get you out of here, it's not my specialty, but maybe we could get you back up to a higher floor? You could find another party and work your way back up."
"....I was actually going to ask if I could travel with your group." You hesitantly explained. "You wouldn't need to pay me or anything, and I don't eat much. I am skilled in my field and I could definitely be a big help to Chilchuck in disarming traps and giving advance warning of threats." You continued on with something that was only half a lie. "I think your group really can take down the mad mage, and I'd like to be a part of that." 
You were also pretty good at drawing monsters away or distracting them, or even engaging in combat if necessary. But you figured you'd keep that little tidbit to yourself while you figured out the dynamics of the group. Chilchuck had seemed to be pretty against the idea of halffoots as bait and combat participants, if you really needed to use it as leverage you could, but otherwise it wouldn't be wise to offer services he'd shut down already. After all, alienating the other halffoot in the party could only go badly. 
Marcille looked surprised, but before she could say anything, Laois jumped in. 
"Yeah! That would be great! Chilchuck you've talked about the difficulty of disarming traps before, if you had a helper wouldn't it be a lot easier? You guys could work in a team! And she's right, halffoots don't eat much." 
Chilchuck frowned consideringly. "Hmmm, I usually don't work with others....I guess we could give it a shot but if you get in my way and aren't helpful you'll have to stand back with the rest of the party. I'm good at my job and I don't need anyone jumping in trying to help and fucking it up."
You nodded, trying to keep a look of some kind of humble gratefulness on your face, reminding yourself firmly that you needed to stay on the good grace of the guy you'd be working with. But internally you felt the full concentrated wrath of a thousand suns. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? The god king of traps? All you were suggesting was working as a team to do shit like simultaneously disarm arrow and pressure traps and shit. You'd have to be fucking stupid to not be useful to another trap disarmer. Maybe he had more experience in this dungeon than you, but you'd hit plenty of other dungeons before this one was even discovered.
Senshi piped in. "I'd want to have y/n along for a bit anyway." He turned to you. "I'll need to draw up a careful food schedule for ye. I think you'll need to be eating a small amount once every couple of hours for the next few days."
Everyone kind of nodded, and...that seemed to be that. Through the rest of the night, you kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, more questions to be asked, someone to demand you demonstrate your skills, but it never happened. No one pried into your business, and it seemed to be just business as normal.
Once nighttime hit you were set up to share a bedroll with Marcille. A little awkward but Marcille was skinny and you were half her size so you actually both fit pretty nicely without having to be too tightly packed. 
Laois attempted to suggest that perhaps you and Chilchuck could share a bedroll, being the two smallest party members, but Chilchuck shut it down with a clearly practiced level of defensive aggression. 
Before bed Senshi popped up with a bowl full of delicious smelling soup. 
"Took me a bit but I've made some hearty stew with the lamb chops! I'm just giving you the broth to drink right now, but in the morning you should be able to eat it fully."  
You drank the broth slowly and carefully under the watchful eye of Senshi. You also noticed that Chilchuck casually positioned himself strategically close to you, although he was feigning an air of unconcern. 
So NOW the fucker cared what happened to you. He'd insult your ability without even knowing about you, but apparently he'd deign to babysit. 
You shot him a somewhat halfhearted glare as you pointedly sipped your soup with all the patience of a woman determined to prove she did actually have survival skills. 
By the time you were finished with your food, everyone else was already settling down. You slipped into Marcilles bedroll as quietly as possible, and almost immediately passed out cold. 
Tag list, ask to tag:
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kerubimcrepin · 1 day
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episode 20, The Tree of Life)
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I like to think he was looking for any sign of Armand being a sussy baka, or, alternatively, Armand being actually worried about the things he's been told.
Sadly, Joris finds neither.
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I like to think that Joris and Amalia&Eva have a good pre-established relationship for the following reason: it's shown to be good enough for him to get onto the balcony and for them to be immediately happy about it, instead of going "what the hell are you doing here?" or "were you spying on us? (he was. even if it is for the good of the world.)"
Maybe that's another reason Armand hates him — besides Joris insisting on the instructions that were given to him and not bowing down to Armand's ~power~ — Joris may be a yet another person who likes his sister more.
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Btw Joris is doing batshit insane tower climbing again, just like in the Ush comic.
Never change, king.
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Get ready for my deep, deep, insightful commentary into what the fact that Joris believes that no issue is insolvable implies within the context of his "has seen countless human deaths" life:
I think I hauve covid.
Do you think one of the solutions that he has for issues is to wait it out and watch, as the walls of the prison that are "circumstances of life", start to decay?
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Translation from politespeak: "I am going to cause a political incident with your cringe brother to help you tell your father about Nox's plans."
I love how ready he is to beat people up. And to cause a political incident.
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Joris after getting down from the balcony railing, now suddenly very much below everyone in the room, in a matter of fact voice: After I slam the tree stump on the floor to create a loud sound, — and probably damage said floor, sorry, — you are going to scream that the iop returned. I will keep hitting random things until they run in. When the guards do run in, I beat them to unconsciousness with my magic wand. You can also hit them if you want, — yes, yes, you can use the candelabra, or any other metal object in the room, — but do not hit them on the head without me! It's very easy to accidentally kill a person, when you're not used to beating them to unconscious on a relatively regular basis.
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Bugs when you lift a rock.
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God knows, Joris is extremely aware of how bad the thing he just did is, and how much trouble he'll be in afterwards. God also knows that Joris probably doesn't give a shit.
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The little slam... The commanding voice... He's everything.
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When Joris is this polite, he is either angry as fuck and can't do anything about it, or angry as fuck and about to beat you to death.
This little "I insist" is so uncalled-for. He's just mocking them at this point, considering what he is about to do.
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Something I really noticed this time around, is that Joris really likes kicking things. He kicked Pinpin, he kicked these guys... This is a trait he gets from Kerubim, sure, but he takes kickmaxxing to another level by, very cockily, doing half this battle with his hands behind his back on a simple whim.
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He is the same exact type of an insane, prideful asshole as Kerubim. It maddens me when people think he's actually humble and normal just because of his introversion and more low-key facade.
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He may not scream "I'm smarter and better and stronger than every loser in this room" outwardly like his father, but exudes the same exact noxious aura nonetheless.
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You know why I also think Joris thinks of Amalia and Eva well?
He put this little show on, — fighting two simple guards with pirouettes, hands behind his back, and a little touch of magic, — just for them. We know what he actually fights like when he means it. And it has none of this insanity.
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You see, he points out his ability to fight off an army of simple, normal people, all alone. And on one hand it's just reassuring Eva and Amalia that they have nothing to fear...
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...and on the other hand, it makes me think he likes it when random teenagers think he's cool and awesome.
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Even though this blog is crepinjurgen-focused, I want to say that this is one of my favorite wakfu episodes. This scene always makes me tear up.
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Anyway do you think Joris just carries with him ropes to tie enemies with whenever he goes — or did he take a rope from somewhere within the castle? How often does this happen? Does he do this as a torture method too? Does he—- [I am removed by the secret police by being way too insane today]
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Still using vous, despite hating his ass.
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[guy who made a blog that's 33% dedicated to talking about doomed siblings] Yeah it's so sad that even Tot doesn't understand Clephee's potential, and how insane her relationship with Eva is. Imagine loving your sibling, but they never feel good enough, and they keep leaving you. They turn everything into competition, never celebrate your wins because they feel like their losses. Imagine speaking so little — being so distant, that when you have a happy dream of that sibling, it's them as a child, way back before. And imagine that this sibling wants to turn you into a fur coat— [I am electrocuted]FHDSJHDFJKsdhfsdhfERR-
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There are so many people unconscious and Joris is actually freaking the fuck out, which makes me think that, for the past 10-20 minutes in-universe, he and Armand have been doing the Joris whack-a-mole thing.
Like, Joris is actually alarmed/bewildered by the fact that Armand will literally not listen to a single fucking word and just keeps mindlessly punching the floor.
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Is he insane? Is he for real?
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At this point, he's worried for the guy's health. This has been happening for a while. He sounds scared.
Like Armand keeps hurting himself in his attempts to beat Joris up and it's scaring Joris shitless because it's actually starting to get a little bit weird and off-putting.
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Yet he turns around so nonchalantly.
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dragonstailbutch · 15 hours
Hey sorry i am trying to like. find examples of what you mean when you talk about mra stuff and (trans)misogyny in forcemasc content and tumblr search has betrayed me once again, can you explain?
(sorry I normally wouldn't ask but I wanna make sure I'm not perpetuating anything!! Also fucking tumblr search!!! it is ridiculous!)
so ive been sitting on this ask for months since ive got it. i want to do it justice and try to take it at face value that its being honest in asking.
The thing is, theres this trend and a weird amount of effort to be like force femme, to be forceful and like its something to fearful of and give in to. But we cant do that, cause all that does is reinforce the idea that being a man is a toxic thing. I saw this post the other day where a transman talked about like, the whole "raised as a weapon" thing, the violence and horror of being a man and raised that way versus how they felt growng into it as a transman. How they wanted to reclaim that phrase or something? i could be misremembering.
But that was never the intent of forcemasc. It wasnt actually about being a dude, literally *forcing* someone who was unwilling into masculinity, none of the posts that i made that started the community (and yes i, a transfem butch woman, started and made this community and some of yall need to get over yourselves) were ever about that, it was intended to be a soft mimic or even a call to forcefemme.
i was all about making it soft and tender for a reason, cause if i didnt i was only reinforcing the toxic masculinity narrative, "men fighting in the mud" "men are dominant and cool" " to be a man is to be forced into masculinity and to be disgusted with the feminine" or whatever. When masculinity isnt about just men, and being butch isnt just being masculine. masculinity should also be sensitivity, not domination. i wanted it to be better, show a better side of what masculinity could be, what being butch is.
Ive spoken before a bit too, about the tags people used and added to forcemasc, and really maybe i was wrong in ever naming it forcemasc. people used and still use tags like autoandrophilia, autoandrophile, androphile, autogynephilia, androphilia, and autogynephile. Ive seen so many people with urls and tags and posts calling themselves transandrobros, literally calling themselves MRAs, as if that was something to be proud of, as if they dont understand that they arent fighting for their and our rights, they're fighting for cis-mens rights by using those names and terms, not transmascs/transmens rights. I can understand ignorance, but weve talked about how the words you use have history, especially those like the tags i mentioned and androphilia and androphobia and others, all of them have roots in deeeeeeeply misogynistic and transphobic people and history.
Literally all of these are awful and are phrases that arent and wont be reclaimed because theyre history is one of pain and hurting trans people, one of coercive 'help', literal forced detransitioning and reinforcement of MRA and terf narrative that men are both good and the worst creature alive and that to be a woman is to be disgusting and the purest thing all at once. That to be a transwoman is sick and we shouldnt be trusted.
Im trying to be very kind, not scream and rage, not because i dont desperately want to, but because if i do, as a butch transwoman, ESPECIALLY cause i claim being butch, people wont listen to me no matter how much of what i say is meaningful. one of the reasons why im doing this NO, instead of in anothr day or two, is that im coming to terms with the fact that the situation will just get qorse, not better without words.
Part of why im still sane is that ive gotten a couple asks here and there about how my posts and creation of the community has helped them and its so wonderful to see that, genuinely so amazing to see people recontextualize and love themselves. its wonderful and im so fucking happy about it.
i personally made this space so i could love myself, who i am as a trans person and my body, and i knew that other people needed and wanted that for themselves too and i wanted to help, share this love with more people. That to be hairy and chubby and masculine and butch was a nice thing. But to me it feels like it was coerced into being a thing for Men. A thing no longer for me or people like me who share the butch culture and name to no longer enjoy cause people unfamiliar with kink and tran history have decided that masculinity and butchness are the exact same thing. Id say people should go be a bear, but you wont learn their culture either and thats cruel and insulting to bears.
We deserve better You deserve better. Stop falling for the lies and hate. We beg you
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siconetribal · 3 days
Beyond the Bookshelves (4)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: When you want to read but the universe won't allow it, Loki is deep in the delulu and that's ok, Thor's golden retriever energy to Loki's prickly cat vibes, work stress, how to meet with royalty, tiny midgardian vs giant asgardians,
Summary: You’re a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You’ve been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: The power of acetaminophen, water, proper food, and actual oxygen to my brain is what made this chapter possible! Thank you for patiently waiting, I hope you enjoy it!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! (If I missed ant tags, please let me know, I'll add you right away!)
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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Agent Pruyn is not so fond of me, much like many of the others. The bird and spider were quick to support my plan, though. I was not expecting help from anyone, but I suppose they’re wise enough to see that I know my strengths and have proven myself to be an asset in more ways than one. Loki walked into the library as per usual, ready to welcome the silent comfort it would bring. Sadly, that silence was not to be had with the sound of not one, but two voices. It’s that blasted chatty Captain Star. He is bound to try to strike up conversation again and ask unnecessary questions pertaining to how I feel and how I am adjusting. Loki quickly looked around for a potential escape route that would avoid meeting him and get him quickly to his usual corner. He knew he could easily teleport himself from one spot to the next. However, he already had been given an earful by said star-spangled leader about how it was ‘rude to vanish in the middle of a conversation’ and how ‘he should minimize his magic use to me more approachable’. To avoid a repeat of that, Loki simply avoided using it whenever Captain Lectures was not around.
It was the second voice that surprised him. A familiar voice that reminded him of a subtle force and scattered papers. The very same voice that said the owner thought he was a mute for never speaking to her. Which is utterly preposterous. I have spoken plenty of times between invading the Earth, addressing the public, and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. It’s not as if she’s gone out of her way to greet me either, where would she even begin to conceive such a notion on her own? He frowned, trying to recall all the times he had been to the library. She only ever interacted with him in a professional capacity. Watching the two walk in the opposite direction of his intended destination, he breathed a small sigh of relief and quickly made his way to the table that always had a book waiting for him to read. The Metal-Man’s technology is quite fascinating. He marveled at the new book that awaited his arrival. Picking it up, he sat back into the plush seating and began to read.
At least, he tried to read. The loud voices of the other two kept interrupting, and he was unable to properly get into the mindset of losing himself in the text. Each time he thought they were done, it seemed to start back up, which irked him. The first two times were mere chance, but for it to happen repeatedly had to be intentional. The only problem was proof. They could not see him, nor could he see them. 
You are overthinking, Loki. It’s because of that petty agent that you’re now thinking everyone is out to trouble you. You’ve never had trouble in the library before, why would it start now? If anything, that woman’s chatter is keeping Commander Shield busy and away from you. It’s a blessing in disguise. He reminded himself. He listened to the two prattle on for a little longer, not really paying the content any mind; he simply was waiting for the conversation to end so he could peacefully begin to read. And just it did, he wiggled back into his seat and opened the book once more. He snapped it shut and sat up in his seat. She is the librarian?! “That woman is the one Agent Hill was referring? Why would they assume I’m acquainted with someone like her? We’ve hardly ever spoken to one another, but clearly that is not my fault. She’s perfectly chatty with Officer Gabby over there.” He muttered to himself. There was a slight sting in his chest at this fact. Even in his sanctuary, he was facing prejudice. Why should her lack of conversing with me matter otherwise? Thor has the ability of AllSpeak, he can assist her. I have my mission to attend to, tomo-, he frowned. His mission was postponed while Thor was still set to go. That meant that he was the only available translator. “No matter, she is to approach us first, as per Agent Hill. Why should I go out my way for her when she has done little for me?” He continued to grumble to himself, propping an elbow on one of the arms of the chair and resting his cheek into the hand as he resumed the book once more.
The chime of his phone was the one to shatter the moment this time around. He closed the book once more and returned to the table. Taking a few deep breaths, he pulled the horrid device from his pocket and glared at it.
How anyone finds having such a thing with you at all times as practical or essential is beyond me. It’s a metal leash where anyone and everyone can disturb you at their whim without a care of whether you are available to be bothered. Though he found the various things it could do fascinating, in the end it was still a means to dealing with people around the clock, and he disliked the idea greatly. The device lit up and chimed again, as if it knew he was looking at it. Frustrated, he tapped the screen awake and used his fingerprint to unlock it. Now where are these notifications, again, ah, yes, up here! He carefully navigated his way towards an email thread which looked to be between himself, Thor, Agent Hill, and Director Fury in reference to the translation project. “So she isn’t as scatterbrained as she seemed. She looked into our schedules to make sure we had time to meet and made it a time both could be present instead of having multiple meetings.” He mumbled. He scrolled lower to see Thor’s reply, agreeing to the time. Loki quickly responded as well, agreeing as well, but also requesting where she intended for them to meet. Satisfied, he tossed the phone lightly onto the table and picked up the book once more. Now everything was set and he could finally read in peace.
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Y/N was surprised to see a response from either of the princes so soon, but was all the more grateful for it since their meeting was last minute. Leaning back in her computer chair, it tilted back silently, as she swiveled side-to-side The location to meet had to be easier for them to reach and still make it to their next appointments.
The cafeteria will be pretty busy around then and to head up to their lounge area is a bit much. Plus, the Avengers might be there, and I don’t want to impede on their downtime by talking about work things. They might have too many questions or the topic might get lost through distraction. I can’t really leave the library for too long, either. The daily meetings are one thing, but trying to get to some place and back would be a waste of time. I suppose the only proper place would be here at the library. I can close it for about thirty or so minutes for my lunch. She hummed to herself, trying to see if this was a beneficial spot for everyone. “Loki already comes here, so I doubt he’ll be against it. Thor has been here from time to time as well, so he’s not completely unaware of this location. The training hall is not too far from here either, so neither of them will be late for that. Alright, sounds good!” She sat up in her seat, the chair springing up and rolling forward into her desk. She quickly sent out the reply of time and location, with a small sign-off stating that she looked forward to speaking with them. Now that that’s done, one teensy weensy problem, how do I talk to alien princes?! Royal etiquette training was not including in my onboarding training! “And one of them hates me, so the brother is obviously going to hate me by defaults, right? Sibling solidarity and all that good stuff?” She lightly slammed her head on to her desk. “I didn’t expect ‘hated by alien princes’ on this year’s bingo card, let alone checking it off!” She let out a heavy sigh of defeat. “It won’t be that bad, right?”
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It was that bad. It was straight up awkward from the moment the two of them walked into the library, together. Both were tall, handsome, and very intimidating in their own ways. She knew all this, and yet seeing them together made her feel like a Lilliputian in front of not one, but two, Gullivers!
“Thank you for coming on such short notice, please, let’s take a seat over here.” She pointed towards some tables to her right and led them over. She motioned for them to take their seats and waited for them to sit before taking her own seat. Those of higher status are usually seated first, I’m sure this will help ease the tension, right? “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Y/N Y/LN. I am the director of the Resource Management department of S.H.I.E.L.D. As per my email, I’ve asked for your time to discuss how to best work together on the task of translation.” See, you got this! Play it cool, like any other board of directors meeting!
“Yes, Agent Hill spoke with us about this matter. We would love to be of assistance to you in any way we can.” Thor smiled, the brightness comforting Y/N to feel less tense. He certainly had the charisma to be a well liked leader, if his smile was enough to ease up the tension. “But as you’re aware, we are Avengers and are sent off on missions globally for many days at a time.”
“Yes, I am aware, and I can’t thank you enough for allotting some of your free time to assist me in this matter. The archives are one of the greatest things we have. There are texts here from all around the universe that are still unknown to many of our agents. The goal is to have all of them scanned into digital copies and have translated copies as well to allow easier access between all of our locations and even allow access to the Avengers while on their missions. It’s a very difficult task that requires many people, but S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have the means to hire so many for such a task and risk someone leaking the information, nor can it sacrifice the agents on staff who are needed for the missions and risk the safety of the people because they pulled people. I, and my department, along with your help, will be working on this task.”
“We are both due to depart by week’s end, but once we return, we will gladly assist you, right  brother?” Thor turned to Loki, who had been silent throughout this entire time.
I’m guessing Mr. Thor doesn’t hate me? But Mr. Loki clearly does? What did I do to be hated by him?! Did I step on his foot one time, or maybe I whacked him with a book unknowingly? I would’ve definitely noticed if I hit someone like that, right?! She racked her brain for any inkling of a clue as to why she was disliked so much by the younger prince. Is it because I called him mister? Is that not okay? I mean, I don’t see anyone else calling him ‘His Highness’ or ‘His Grace’ or ‘Lord’. Oh no, did I call him that one time and did he think I was mocking him?!
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 His blue eyes were trained on the Librarian the entire time. She was poised and cordial, nothing like the rushing mess he encountered days ago. She was articulate, but she was nervous. Though her face gave away nothing, her fingers were interlaced tightly with one another. There was a slight tremble in them. Thor was happily giving away his blessings and promises, while Loki was not sure, not yet. Though, the promise of secret text was rather enticing. He wondered if they had anything from the other realms.
“I am no longer due to depart, my mission has been temporarily suspended.” The words came out before the younger prince realized. Why was he given such unnecessary information? He had no intention of being roped into this useless charity work. His eyes narrowed at the genuine surprise on the Librarian, who looked hopeful, too hopeful.
“That is rare, were there complications?” Thor frowned.
“It’s not something to discuss in present company.” Loki cut the conversation short, seeing her flinch at the sharp words.
“You’re right, it’s not wise to speak so freely about such information with unauthorized people.” She readily agreed. “But if you’re no longer due to leave, would you be willing to work with me on setting up a plan on how to best work with your ability?”
“Very well,” he sighed. “We can coordinate a time for here. Perhaps later today after my training.”
“Excellent,” Thor grinned and roughly smacked Loki on the back, earning a scowl from his younger brother. “You may not know this, but my brother is one of the greatest strategists in the nine realms! He is well-educated and far more scholarly than myself. He is the best person to work with on creating a plan, and I will follow along with what you’ve decided. I will do my best to keep up with him and not drag you down.”
“You will be just as helpful, Mr. Thor. You are able to translate like he is, which is exactly what we need.” Y/N was quick to assure his easily excitable brother, earning an eye roll from the raven haired younger prince.
“Please, Director Y/LN, call us by our names. We are the ones who will be under your care throughout this undertaking. There is no need for such formalities between us.” Loki stared at his brother as he completely lost his mind.
How are we under her care if she needs us? She should be respectful of us taking the time to assist her in something the organization as a whole deems to be of the least importance! 
“You don’t need to call me by title when it’s just us. Y/N or Y/LN is fine. Some just call me ‘Librarian’ as well. In official meetings with other directors you’ll need to abide by rules, but between us, I’m not all that strict with it. I mean, you’re the ones doing the dangerous work. I think that alone deserves respect.” Her words stunned Loki.
“Even me?” The words slipped from his lips in a low whisper. She turned to face him with a questioning look, but he made no attempt to repeat or clarify himself. “Very well, Librarian. I will return some time after my training session. We can discuss more than.” Loki stood from his seat and quickly left the room. It was getting too chummy, and he was not comfortable with it.
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"My apologies, Y/LN. He’s not the most easy to get along with at first, but he really is one of the best.” Thor slowly stood from his seat, while Y/N watched Loki disappear behind the door. She quickly tore her gaze away and looked up at Thor.
“Why are you apologizing? He didn’t do anything wrong. I was going to end the meeting anyway, since it’s about time you both left for your training sessions.” She raised an eyebrow at how quick Thor was to apologize and try to assuage her. He’s trying to help Loki fit in, but if he’s always apologizing, that’s not helpful. But then again, I’ve never really interacted with either of them. I’ll wait before I say anything. This could be a one time thing. She stood from her chair and extended a hand to the stunned God of Thunder. “I look forward to working with both of you.” She smiled and he happily to her hand in his, kissing the back of it.
“We are in your care.” He smiled and left a surprised and slightly flushed Y/N.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @jainaeatsstars @msdjsg7 @tom-hlover @kneelingformyloki @gruftiela @gigglingtiggerv2 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr
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nvuy · 1 day
How do you write so well? I'm trying to get into writing because I YEARN to create, but it is very difficult. Do you have any tips? I try and create, but it feels like there is a brick wall in my brain 😫 I also struggle to come up with ideas 😭😭
oh worm thank you so much im so honoured… i don’t want to just say ‘practise,’ even though that is half of quite literally improving in anything.
i am going to long post now. you’re welcome. this is my little guide to writing. in no way am i saying my writing is perfect and world class five stars, but this is just some things i learned along the way that helped me get better!!!
now this is all assuming considering you read my works that you also want to write reader inserts, but even if that’s not the case, i think all this stuff applies to normal writing as well.
what i do like to think is that ‘good writing’ is very very subjective. for example, i prefer much more philosophical pieces, ambiguous endings, extensive world building, and things like that, and i like to put it in my writing.
however, what you may like about my writing could be what someone else absolutely hates. not everyone can be bothered to read 4 pages on a heavy description of a quiet deserted street in the rain, or a dusty old library , or the bustling atmosphere of a cafe. some writers like to do scenarios without fully developed plots. some do.
what really helps is to find where you lie on this spectrum. do you prefer overtly poetic descriptive writing, or straight to the point, no beating around the bush? or does it depend?
i know it’s sounds taxing to write heavy descriptions and worldbuilding and this and that, but if you like to read it, chances are you may also like to write it yourself.
this is a tip i lowkey thought was common sense, but i’ve spoken to moots on discord and other platforms about it, and a lot of writers just… don’t know about it?
basically it’s that A First Draft is a First Draft. this has been said time and time again. j.r. tolkein didn’t write LOTR in a day, rowling did not write the entire harry potter series in one shot. nobody did that.
as well as this, my first drafts never start out as fully fledged stories. most of them look like this:
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notice the obnoxiously large gap in between? yep! two entirely different scenes, but under the same concept. you don’t need cohesion in your drafts. that comes with time. get all your ideas down first.
my first drafts are awful. they’re absolute dogshit. most of the time, i abandon a lot of my works altogether. but i never delete anything, because sometimes i may come back and suddenly get inspiration again.
most of my first drafts look like this:
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notice how it lacks with everything. there’s no flavour here. it’s incredibly dialogue heavy, and it’s clearly supposed to have some sort of surreal feeling to it.
come back to it later only when i feel like it and rewrite it only when you feel like it:
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same concept, same exact scene, but now it has more emotion. because i’ve written it a second time, or maybe even a third, or fourth (anymore than that, and im sorry, but drop it. it’s doing you more harm than good). so many people hit this writers block because they want their first draft to be perfect and it won’t ever be.
don’t focus on the itty bitty details. get the idea down first. you can always come back later. it really really helps to get out of ruts and stuff.
another thing: You Don’t Need To Start With Writing Fanfics Right Away. and i wouldn’t recommend it. not doubting you, or any other young bright-eyed writers, but fanfics are gruelling work that require lots and lots of planning.
i would honestly recommend getting started and finding comfort with one shots and/or headcanons, or drabbles, or whatever else short fics are called, because they require a lot less dedication, and it’s a lot more fun, because you can spring from one idea to another. majority of my works are short fics for a reason. it’s a lot easier to write, and i personally find it more enjoyable :) try it out!
(this next segment is assuming your fic wants to take place in a different area than canon) (otherwise, check out descriptions/images/videos of the place your world is supposed to be set in!! same idea!!)
if you’re unsure about worldbuilding and what exactly this place you’re creating is supposed to look like or how it might function, browse pinterest! there’s so many real and/or fake & rendered places on that site. is your area really cold and constantly snowing? search up some art with those key words. it could help you gain a clearer image!
let’s use an example: say the world im building my fic is based in a very cold, always snowing, always icy town. we go on pinterest, have a bit of a look around, and then we go Ooh this looks interesting!!
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this is a painting by alexander andriyanov.
who are these people? where are they? what’re they doing? is horseback and carriage their primary mode of transport? do these people have access to vehicles like cars? do cars exist in my world at all? what are the surrounding buildings? etc etc.
TLDR: what im trying to say is if it helps you, look at something, listen to music, watch a movie, and then ask the question How Do I Make This About Me?
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this speedpaint by darek zabrocki helped me get an idea of what snezhnaya in my multi chapter fic on ao3 was supposed to look like. obviously snezhnaya isn’t released in genshin just yet, so it allows me a lot of creative freedom in that regard.
you can always always use other people’s works as inspiration. why do you think so many songs these days use samples from older tracks? it’s basically the same thing. obviously, don’t downright copy, that’s plagiarism, but seriously. if you’re struggling to create this world in your head, pinterest is your best friend.
in terms of coming up with actually plot ideas, i said it before and i’ll say it again. movies, shows, games, other people’s stories, other fanfics/books, paintings and other forms of artwork, history, etc.
if you’re writing a fanfic, most writers like to take the canon route, and you’re welcome to do that.
if you’re worried about your own ideas being lacklustre or you can’t think of anything, but the canon storyline is good for your fic, canon divergence is always fun!
for example! i haven’t posted it here, but i always did have this idea of a neuvillette centric fic based on the love letter he received in one of the world quests. so you take something that happened in the game, and then you ask AGAIN: How Do I Make This About Me?
in terms of thinking up an entirely different idea or concept or prompt or whatever you want to call it, there’s honestly no right or wrong way of doing it. it’s really, really difficult though. i have so many ideas that are more suitable for one shots that fully fledged fanfictions.
again, read books you like. read other people’s works. read lore of the fandom you’re writing about, or better yet, sometimes i go off of a fleeting thought that a random NPC said at some point in the storyline that had little to no effect on the story.
what constitutes as a good plot and a bad plot is a matter of opinion. as long as there’s evident improvement (or the opposite, if that’s your fancy) of your characters in your story, whether that be their personality, relationship with others, or whatever, then you’ve successfully written a cohesive narrative.
how most of my works start is actually because i randomly come up with one scene in my head that haunts me. i call them Brain Rots™.
for example, in my scaramouche fic on ao3, the scene that started the entire thing was of some sort of solider that presented a ring to the doctor in a very cold and barren wasteland.
and then i asked, what is the significance of this ring? is the solider injured? should the doctor care? why are they there in the first place? where is this place? where do they go after this?
hopefully you get the picture.
TLDR: figure out what makes your Brain Rot™ about the particular scene that’s playing on repeat in your head, find your inspiration through any sort of media you enjoy consuming that you find directly links to your ideas (because most likely if you enjoy something, you’ll be inspired by it more than you would with something you actively don’t like) (and this ‘media’ ranges from pictures, real life anecdotes/stories, video games, other fics, music, art, etc.), ask questions (How Do I Make This About Me), and then answer them yourself!!!!
and also just practise and practise and practise!!! you will subconsciously develop new skills by consuming media and reading other people’s works that you really like. it all comes with time :) !!!!!
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bimir · 8 hours
it's not something strange or unique to say that after the last haikyuu movie, most of us got into it again, but at the same time, I know for sure that I'm not the only one who benefits the most from this re...union.
I went to see the haikyuu movie alone, and at first, it didn't hit me that much. maybe it was because I couldn't help but wonder how much I would have enjoyed it with my best friend, but we are grown-ups now and long distance.
after a couple of days, the internet was full of haikyuu content again, just like during lockdown, and because of that, I also got into it again and realized how much of a masterpiece it is.
haikyuu is well known, but in my opinion, it is underestimated and categorized by others as just a silly volleyball-sport anime. it saddens me so much that there are so many people who will never get to embrace this piece of art.
Furudate not only created a coming-of-age story, a story that inspired and still inspires generations to fight for their dreams, to engage in the complex mess of relationships, teamwork, and partnerships. haikyuu teaches you that if you really do have a dream, and if you are really ambitious, if you work hard for it, your time will come too. but it also teaches you that not choosing to be great is not a tragedy; your dreams of what a good life means can be different from the ideals of others: "life is unfair, but damn it, at the same time, it is really fair too."
so why did I go on writing about this? because I can't comprehend how haikyuu manages to be there for me at the best time—or the worst, better said—how it really took its "comfort anime" title seriously for me. I started haikyuu in my last year of high school: extremely stressed, depressed, and anxious, so scared of what the upcoming end would mean for me that I'd tricked myself into living by coming to the conclusion that I'd simply not make it to 18 if I didn't see a future for myself. it seemed only fair and the universe would do its thing, no? I know, kinda depressing and triggering, but it did help that miserable me then, it did help but not in the way I prayed it would. the universe didn't send me "death," it sent me life and hope through haikyuu. feeling so empty, so bland for such a long time, haikyuu managed to make me laugh and cry. it doesn't sound like much, but real ones know what I'm talking about. seeing their connection, their ambition, the troubles and feelings I was so desperate to put into words right in front of me saved me from my misery. I began to wish to live, to wish to be like them, to wish to fight, to wish to connect again with people.
now, after almost 4 years, I'm in my last year of uni. the main reason for my depression back then in high school was because I didn't know what to do with my life, what uni and career to choose. hell, I didn't know I would take this path until last autumn, but here I am, on my way to becoming a teacher. it's hard, really hard, but right now, after the new movie, I finally committed to start and finish the manga even though I knew bits and pieces of what happens. it was the best time to read it now. over these 3-4 years, I pondered why I couldn't start getting into the manga and see for myself what happens, but damn it was the best time to read it now. seeing them go all out on their path, learning that in order to succeed you need to fight and fight and fight, to push through, to overcome your limits, to push yourself, to not take it easy if you really want it, came at the best time as I got into a slump and a burnout from learning too much but also not learning enough. I've got to see all of the characters continuing to be pros while fighting for their way, but also choosing to let go of something they once loved in order to live a normal life.
haikyuu is like a reminder that there is more to life than just your high school/childhood years, that your path could take a 180-degree turn at any point, but at the same time, it makes you appreciate those times and not want to sweep your childlike wonder, your growth, and mistakes under a rug. Furudate was a genius for creating haikyuu, and I really hope and pray that haikyuu will continue to be there, to comfort and save future generations until the end of time.
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