#i am not someone who derives pleasure out of watching a pairing i care about be like. this unhealthy
ohallows · 1 year
god I'm so fucking angry spent hours reading a 1.3mil word fic that started out incredibly and then turned into this shitty dark and twisted gaslighting abuse story that just like. god the turn doesnt even make sense it's like in the span of three or four chapters all the characterization got wiped and reset with people who don't even align with the previous hundred or so chapters. I'm so mad lmao
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Sadist
- order 6 | Headcanons | Heartslabyul, Pomefiore + Idia
Gender neutral
Sadist (noun) — A person who derives pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
Note: Personal headcanons again! I did characters that I think would pair terribly (or perfectly depending on how you see it) with a sadist. Also this is sfw, I just think sadist characters are funny.
Small warning: You’re picking on all of them and making some of them cry. Also a bit of slapping
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Riddle Rosehearts
You seem so normal at first glance. He truly believed you were a normal person, actually he thought you were kind. But, he was extremely mistaken. He found out by when you began teasing him. It’s Floyd all over again! He saw how you giggled and smiled in genuine satisfaction in seeing him frustrated. He would thrash endlessly when you would lock him into place by grabbing his wrists and making him face you. You would make comments about how red his face was.
“Aw~ are you blushing? Do you enjoy me teasing you?”
Though after the first incident, you acted so different than the person that teased him almost to tears the other day. You offered him your slice of the tart at the unbirthday party.
“Trey’s tarts are tasty. Have some of it!”
It scared him how you acted so sweet and caring one time, but the next time you would go out of your way to make things harder for him. It was be roulette everytime he spoke to you. Was he gonna get a sadistic jerk or a loving friend?
He thought it was some sort of alter ego or someone was controlling you.
Though, he was always too scared to ask you or tell anyone about it.
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Trey Clover
He is also a sadist. Though compared to you, he’s nothing. He can see your thought process and try to make you loose interest but in doing so, makes you more eager to see him get angry. He tries to hold himself back from showing any negative reactions around you. You would go as far as to sabotage his cooking.
“Trey—! Why is the tart—?!” Riddle coughed and covered his mouth, “Spicy?!”
He immediately turned to you as you waved a half empty hot sauce bottle in the air with an accomplished grin.
Yet, you can be an angel. Like the time he ran short of money at Sam’s mystery shop. You paid for his items out of pure kindness. You also praised him for his cooking skills.
“Trey! Your pastries are always so delicious. I’m jealous of your skill. Could you teach me sometime?”
It always threw him off. He didn’t expect you out of all people to be a secret sadist. Well, it’s always the people who you least expect.
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Cater Diamond
Definitely not prepared for it. He was so caught off guard. Luckily, he did not have to experience it first hand. But he saw how cruel you could be.
“My, my it appears neither of you have gotten anything done. Are both of you so pathetic you can’t solve one question?”
“I-I’m sorr—“
“Awww you’we sowwy, aren’t you? Continue to apologize, come on I’m waiting.”
You slowly moved the two poor freshmen to tears while Cater listened pitifully from another room. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Are you really the same person? You’re the one that asked for help when creating a MagiCam account? You didn’t even know what to put for a username or bio!! You were so lost and innocent (in his eyes).
“Cater, someone …DMed…? Me. They said that they want me to be a model?”
“Yikes, that’s a scam! Don’t reply to it!”
It was rather sweet seeing how unaccustomed to were to the internet. But just to make sure… He made you take a sadist test.
“Just answer the questions!”
“Wait what is it about?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see.”
He handed you his phone and watched as you tapped the answers.
Do you like seeing someone in physical pain?
Do you like seeing people cry?
Very much yes
Do you like seeing people frustrated?
Do you like being the cause of somebody’s pain?
Extremely so
Needless to say, you were officially deemed a sadist no matter how much you protest it.
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Ace Trappola
He’s one of the unlucky subjects that saw your sadistic side at its peak. He thought you were light hearted and easy going when he first met you, you didn’t even bat an eye when he insulted you and mocked you.
But he found out otherwise after inviting you to study. He thought he could mess around a bit and drew something on the side of your paper. Your eyes spotted his pen on your paper and you immediately flicked your hand at the pen, sending it flying into the air. You raised up your hand and slapped his hand, a smack noise went throughout the room. The pen you flicked fell back down and hit his head as he withdrew his hand.
“Ow! How did you do that?” He squeezed his hand.
“Quit messing around. You look totally pathetic.” You said with a glare. He swallowed and continued on with his work.
After about an hour or so, you decided to see how far along Deuce and Ace have gotten. Deuce was doing fine, even though most of his answers were wrong, but Ace hardly had anything done. Ace brushed you off as you scolded him for his laziness.
“You’re the one who invited me. Don’t you dare waste my time.”
“C-Chill out—“
“What are you tal—“
“On your knees, Ace.”
He reluctantly complied and you stared down at him. “Now, I want you to explain how within one hour and 27 minutes you only got 14 questions done. What were you doing the whole time? Deuce is on question 28 and I’m already done.”
“Errr… I was—“
“Goofing around, I know that.
Let’s see, there’s 45 total questions. So how would you like 31 slaps on your wrists?”
Ace shuttered and rapidly shook his head. “N-No please!”
After that lesson, he strongly believed someone was influencing you with magic. It has to be. You’re too chill to ever to that!!
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Deuce Spade
He should know from experience that appearance doesn’t always match personality. But you looked so polite and nice! You were very nice too! At least that was until that one study meet you he had with you and Ace.
He knew you were serious about studies but you took it to another level. Ace’s wrists were as red as the roses he painted by the time it was over. Deuce saw you the next day and you were acting completely normal.
You smiled at him and Ace and gave him an extra eraser.
“This eraser is in the shape of a flamingo! Ace, here’s a hedgehog one!!” You said enthusiastically. Ace, still resentful from last night, took it and stuffed it into his pocket. You smiled all the same. It scared him. When was gonna be your next out burst..?
He was always in his toes around you. He tried to decline every study meet up that you suggested but when you’d ask, Riddle would be right there saying “you could learn a thing or two from them.”
Leading up to where he’s at. It’s not even his fault! It was Ace who started it!
“My, my it appears neither of you have gotten anything done. Are both of you so pathetic you can’t solve one question?”
“I-I’m sorr—“ Deuce was quickly cut off before he could explain.
“Awww you’we sowwy, aren’t you? Continue to apologize, come on I’m waiting.”
“I-I! I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to waste your time b-by messing around. But it was only because Ac—“
Deuce yelled as he felt his wrist burn bright red after being slapped by your tough hand. Tears slowly started to form in his eyes and he looked down in defeat.
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Vil Schoenheit
Your beauty was one of an emperor, it was the best way to describe it. You took authority if needed and kept up appearances. He tolerated you. But, he really didn’t expect to hear all these rumors flying around.
“Have you heard, that magicless prefect is a total sadist! They even have enough guts to mess with the housewarden!”
“Rosehearts?! And he let them get away with it?!”
Vil was disappointed in Riddle for that but soon came to an understandment after witnessing your odd tendencies up close.
“P-Please, where did you find that?”
“In the classroom, you don’t happen to know who it belongs to, do you?”
“It’s mine! Please return it.”
“Hmmm… Should I? Maybe I will if you get down on your hands and knees and beg. Go on, beg for me to return your precious little journal.”
Vil watched in utter disbelief as you made this poor boy plead with you while on his hands and knees.
After that, he was unsure what to think of you. Your caring attitude became sickeningly sweet and unnerved him.
“Good morning! Thank you for the skin product suggestions, everyone has been saying I look a lot better!”
“No problem at all..”
“Anything wrong?”
“Not at all. Get along now, I have duties I must attend to.”
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Rook Hunt
Ah, the beauty you possess is ethereal. He wishes nothing more than to see every part of you. He enjoys the way your personality can flip like a switch and you can conceal how you really feel so well. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, you are. He praises your every presence and loves the way his compliments throw you off.
“Ah~ please use those words on me, Roi du Sadisme!!”
“P-pardon? What do you mean?”
Simply because of that, you never break character in front of him. You are an Angel around him. You even talk to him and converse about many things (He’s a bit handful but he’s interesting). He wants nothing more than to see your show your sadist side, preferably towards him. He makes small comments about it and you act oblivious.
“I don’t call you Roi du Sadisme, for nothing.”
“Hehe I sure hope not!”
The thought of him being so utterly obsessed with being talked down by you intimidates you. Enough so you want to avoid him. You sometimes drop by other people he’s also infatuated with and then flee when he’s distracted.
“Good morning, Leona!” You said as you felt Rook’s beaming gaze on you avert.
“What do you want herbivore?” He said with a tired voice.
“You ought to get more sleep.”
“Are you just here to waste my time?”
“Ah, I’m sorry. I’ll be leaving now.” You spun around and ran away.
You looked behind you and there stood Rook.
“Oh? Did I spook you, Roi du Sadisme?”
“S-Stop calling me that!”
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Epel Felmier
Oh no, you’re one of the many people Epel would like to avoid. Not only are you the type to make fun of his appearance, you’ll physically pick on him. You know exactly how to push his buttons to make him react the way you want him to.
“Your hand is so very small, isn’t it?”
He didn’t bother hiding his true personality around you considering you didn’t make an effort to hide yours. He gets to see the worst of you, you get to see the worst of him. Sometimes it gets to the point where Epel can’t control himself. Not even Vil can tick him off this much.
“Wouldja just’ stop?!”
“Why would I ever do that—“
You froze for a second and held your cheek. “Oh wow, you really just did that.” You said with an amused smile.
But when you two aren’t showing aggression, people say you’re a good combo.
“Epel and MC are a perfect match!”
“True, they look like really good friends!”
Epel’s soft, quiet boy appearance and your nice, angelic personality makes it appear so, apparently… (Yall can be enemies to lovers if y’all would just work it out)
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Idia Shroud
Eek! He’s officially scared of you. He is naturally distrusting and suspected your kindness was nothing but an act but for once he was right? It even shocked him. But no matter what you say, it can’t hurt him. He already degrades himself.
“You never leave your room, how does a robot have more a social life than you?” You snarled at him. But no response. You were put off by this and crossed your arms.
“You’re right. I don’t have a social life. But… please say more!!”
“W-What the?!”
He actually loves the way you speak to him. He admires how you can so confidently talk down on people. People also tend to like you even with your rude personality. Teach him your ways!
“Sadist, please teach me how to be like you! Teach me how to be confident but likable!!”
“I-I-I have to go.” You said as you ran off. You nearly tripped.
People are difficult, and he ends up being rude because he doesn’t know how to react, leading to people disliking him. But you’re rude and people still love you!!
He sometimes finds himself stalking you. He’s painfully obvious about it and always makes you stop what you’re doing.
“I studied all night and still only got a 55/60… What did you get Ace?”
“I got a 55 too, Deuce here got 47!”
“Hey! I studied hard too!”
“Maybe next time we should study together?”
“N-No that’s ok. We’ll get Riddle to help us!”
“Aw that’s uh— uhhh…” You quickly cut yourself off as you heard someone muttering loudly behind you. You didn’t want to turn your head but you already knew who it was.
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lavishedinjimin · 5 years
a little bit of sugar, daddy [5]
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↳ Pairing: taehyung x reader
↳ genre: smut
↳ rating: 18+   
↳ word count: 5.6k
↳ warnings: dom!tae, sugardaddy!tae, ceo!tae, SPANKING!!, dirty talk obv
— synopsis: Taehyung - a sugardaddy and a businessman, a man who derives his life from sex, pleasure, and money. Y/n - a girl working at a small cafe, whose sex life is as dry as the weekly delivered coffee beans. Will Y/n adjust to the new lifestyle she agreed to, and keep up with all of the dirty antics with Taehyung? 
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Taehyung’s eyes widen for a quick moment, but he immediately replaces it with a simple smile. He walks over to you and makes a come here motion with his index finger. You gulped, your heart thumping against your chest as the feeling of suspicion fills your body. You made your way to him, his smile never fading. He holds your shoulders as he caresses them gently. He looks down at you, “Wait for me in the living room, Y/n. Okay?”
You furrow your brows as you shook your head side to side, being absolutely confused. “Why is she here?” You look over his shoulder to see Crissy standing there with her arms crossed in front of her, a sly smirk plastered on her face. There was something skeptical about this situation, and you weren’t feeling the atmosphere. It was like they were talking about you.
You were perplexed by Taehyung’s look, it seems like the situation was nothing for him. His smile went even bigger and without expecting it, he gives a quick peck on your lips. “Let me handle this, angel. Will you trust me?” His eyes burned deep into yours, and you couldn’t help but get lost in it. You clenched your jaw, finally nodding. “Okay,” he releases your shoulders, “Be a good girl and wait for me.”
You quickly scurried to his living room and sat on the L-shaped couch. You couldn’t help but get anxious, trying to figure out what they were talking about. Taehyung, in the meantime, turned back to Crissy who was holding back a laugh. Taehyung rolled his eyes, “Can you just get to your point. Why are you here?”
She chuckles, running her left hand through her blonde hair. “Jus’ wanted to see if you’re down with another girl,” she simply shrugs as she looks over to where you were sitting, playing with the hem of your shirt. “I mean, she seems so plain and boring, Tae.”
Taehyung senses his veins fill with rage as he tried his best not to lay a hand on her, “Absolutely not,” he spoke with a deep voice, enunciating every syllable carefully, “I’m not like you, Crissy. I don’t go around and find some random chicks I wanna fuck then throw them out the next day. What I did with you was the most regretful thing I’ve ever done.” He spat, his dark eyes bold with anger.
“Come on, you know my boyfriend knows nothing,” she says with a giggle, stepping closer to Taehyung. He steps back quickly, clenching his jaw as he stared down at her.
“I don’t lie, not unlike you.” He says within gritted teeth.
Crissy groans, the loud sound makes you turn your head to them. You frown when you still see Taehyung’s angered expression. What were they on about?
You saw how she steps a foot towards Taehyung, placing a hand on his chest. She leans forward and whispers something in his ear, her mouth curved in a smirk. Your eyes widen at the sight, jealousy arising your body. You gulp and immediately looked away.
Taehyung, on the other hand, quickly pushes her away, but not enough to make her stumble. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“God, Tae, you’ve become so boring now. You probably got that from Y/n. Don’t you wanna have fun and fuck two girls?” She bites her lip, but Taehyung just looks at her with utter disgust. He crosses his arms in front of his chest. 
“Y/n is not boring at all, Crissy. In fact, she’s the most interesting person I’ve ever met. You have no right to say that if you don’t know who she really is,” he bites the inside of his cheeks for a moment before continuing, “And no. Final answer. Now get out of my house.”
To Taehyung’s relief, she doesn’t say anything more than a blunt “Fine, whatever.” She sighs heavily, smiling up at his face. “Well, if you finally get your mind together and stop fucking that dull little bitch then you know where to find me,” she winks, and Taehyung couldn’t hold it in any longer. He roughly grabs her jaw, forcing her to look at him. Taehyung’s eyes were filled with fury, the veins in his neck protruding. 
“You don’t talk to my girl like that, you hear me? You watch who you’re talking to, Crissy, you don’t know what I can do.” He growls at her, but the smirk on her face never fades away. Taehyung figures out that she likes this, and that’s making him angrier. He bluntly pushes her away, “Get the fuck out.”
Crissy says nothing more and gives him an over-exaggerated wave. She opens the door behind her and walks out, slamming the door shut.
Taehyung calmed himself down, running a hand through his hair. “That bitch,” he mumbled, turning towards you who was already looking at him with wide and frightened eyes. Taehyung forces a small smile and walks over to you. His heart clenches when he sees your sad frown, and he quickly walks over to where you were sitting. He sits beside your body, pulling you close to him as he nuzzles his face on the crook of your neck.
“What was that about?” you murmured quietly, turning to face him. He examines your face for a moment, seeing the sadness in your eyes. Taehyung almost felt guilty that you had to see that, but he wanted to be as honest with you as possible. He lifts his right hand and gently cups your cheek, soothing your skin with his thumb. He grins lovingly at you and presses a kiss on your lips. It was long and tender, and you couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach as he did so.
“You know who she is, right? You’ve seen her a couple of times.”
You nod, “Mhmm.”
The first time you’ve seen Taehyung was when he was with her in the café. You boldly remember how he spanked her ass at that time, and you want to throw up from the thought. Taehyung seems to know what you were thinking when you lower your head down. He places a finger below your chin and makes you look back up at him. “I already cut our relationship at that time. We weren’t ‘together’, or whatever you call it.” He sighs, forcing himself to continue, “She just wanted to come back to me. She was obsessed and she can’t seem to move on.”
“You remember when I told you how she revealed our relationship to my employees?” You nod your head, listening carefully, “Well, that wasn’t the only reason why I cut it off with her.”
You cocked your head to the side, “It wasn’t?”
He sighs, “No. You know how I am, angel. You know that as my submissive, you’re mine and mine only,” Taehyung moves back to give you some space as he continues, “She apparently had a boyfriend while we were together. She kept it a secret and she lied. Later on, I found out that she was further sleeping with this thirty-year-old man.” You gasped at his sentence, not believing that that Crissy would do such things.
“By sleeping, you mean…”
“She had sex with him, angel,” he forced a little sympathetic smile. You frowned, upset, and furious that she would have the audacity to do that. “Obviously that didn’t settle well with me. I got so fucking angry. I was so hurt too.”
You snuggled closer to him, pressing your body on his as you hugged him. Taehyung chuckled from your actions and pulled you closer, giving a kiss on top of your head. “I’m sorry that happened to you. You don’t deserve it.”
He pulls your face close to his, his hands on each side of your face. “I want you to know that I don’t just do this for the sake of sex and pleasure, Y/n. Don’t think that I do. I want to help people, I want to provide them assistance for the things they can’t get on their own. I hope you understand that.”
You nodded instantly, “I know that, Taehyung. I know you’re not a bad guy, and I thank you for taking care of me.”
Taehyung looks at you sincerely, his eyes never wavered. He spoke in his strict and commanding tone, “I hope I can trust you as well, Y/n. Please, always be honest with me. Tell me whatever that’s going through your head and let me know. Whatever’s happening in your life or if you have some complaints or any second-thoughts, please don’t be afraid to tell me. I want to protect you and take care of you as much as I could. I don’t want you to be like her—”
“I’ll never be like her. Ever.” You stated truthfully. You weren’t a fan of lying to hurt people’s feelings. Especially with Taehyung – not with all the things he’s gone through. Taehyung nods, “Good.”
Taehyung was leaning forward to kiss you but he was interrupted when the doorbell rang, and you couldn’t help but anticipate that it was the pizza. All you wanted was pizza, not drama.
“I’ll get it,” he speaks as he stands up and walks over to the door. You clap your hands in excitement when he brings back a large box of pizza from Domino’s. “Here you go,” he places it on top of the coffee table, handing you a large cup of iced tea as he immediately sipped on his own. “I’m so fucking hungry,”
You laughed at his statement, agreeing, “When I went down from your room and I saw you talking to someone, I had a thought in the back of my mind that it was the pizza guy.”
Taehyung chuckles, pressing a wet kiss on your lips from the iced tea, “Domino’s delivery isn’t that fast in our place, baby girl.”
It’s now been two weeks since you first met Taehyung. Thankfully, he lets you focus on your studies and disregarded the obvious lust for you from time to time. It’s been a while since he last touched you, and he was aching to do it again, but the two of you were so busy with your own places of work.
Taehyung would often space out in the middle of his board meetings as he fantasizes about you. His eyebrows would furrow as he would think about undressing you, removing your such conservative clothes, bending you over his desk, and exposing your bare ass to him. He was definitely an ass type of guy, and he would love to spank your soft and cute flesh until it was red with his handprint. He’s already imagining it – how you would struggle to sit down from the pain that all the spanking, reminding you who you belong to.
“Mr. Kim,” one of his employees said, trying to get his attention. Taehyung looks up and notices everyone looking at him. 
He smirks as he plays with his bottom lip, “I’m sorry, you were saying?” He would feel his dress pants getting tighter and more uncomfortable as the time passes by. He tried his best to look like he was listening to whatever shit they were talking about (that he already heard hundreds of times), but all he could ever think of was you. Taehyung takes a deep sigh as he readjusted himself. 
‘Oh, Y/n. Wait until I see you.’
“I really don’t understand why you need to bring me to your workplace, Taehyung.” You meekly said as you pulled down your denim shorts that were riding up your thighs as you walked. Taehyung had requested to invite you to his company building for moral support, which you thought was ridiculous. He chuckles as he wraps a protective arm around your waist, walking through the main lobby. You looked around you and noticed that several people were giving you looks, glares, as for why you were that close with their boss.
“People are looking—” you said as you tried to remove his arm, but he was stronger and didn’t let you.
“Let them see.”
The heels of his shoes made little clicking noises as the two of you made your way to the elevator. You insisted to pull away with a stronger force but he made a loud ‘tsk’ sound, “Uh-uh, baby doll. Remember what will happen if you disobey me.” He leans down and says right above your ear, making you shiver. You finally back down, letting him grip your waist a little stronger. As you approached the elevator, you thanked god that there was no one inside. Taehyung immediately pressed the close button so that no one could come inside and invade both of your privacy. Your eyes immediately expand when you saw him press the twentieth floor. 
“You, that’s so…your office is on the twentieth floor?” You said in disbelief. There’s no way that his office was that high up. He nods with a sly smirk, “Mhmm, we’re gonna be here for a long time.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit insecure when you noticed that the doors were reflective, and you can see both of your reflections. You scoffed at your outfit choice; black denim shorts with a white button-up tucked in on the front, paired with a white two-inched blockheels sandals and your hair in a top bun. Taehyung, on the other hand, looked stunning as usual. He wore a gray suit with a white dress shirt underneath and his black oxford shoes, his black hair neatly parted in the middle. The sight in front of you made you blush – the way how he had his arms around your waist as he pulled your close, indicating that you were his. His property.
Taehyung noticed how you stared profoundly at his appearance in the mirror, poking his tongue inside his cheek when he sees you blushing. His hand teasingly strokes your body up and down gently, the feeling of his big hand against your figure made you shudder. You look at him through the mirror and you immediately land on his eyes that were already fixated on yours.
“You okay there, angel?” he asks with a smirk, knowing exactly what he does to you. You nod at him, forcing out a smile. “Yep.”
“I really like what you’re wearing, Y/n. You look so beautiful.”
You chuckle as you lower your head for a second, “You say that all the time.”
Taehyung suddenly pushes your body against a corner, his body completely towering over you. He traps you with his arms as he leaned his head down to your level, close to your ears as he whispers, “And all the time I mean in, Y/n. I’m so lucky that I’ve got to have you, baby. So lucky that I get to meet such a beautiful and amazing girl. Only for me,” he growled, his deep voice electrifying your skin. He actually spoke with such sincerity that you believed him. You always did. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride when he said those words to you.
You felt his hand crawl up your body, up to your cheek as he stroked your soft skin, “Mine to touch,” He swiftly gives you a chaste kiss on the lips, a shade of red forming your cheeks from his sudden action, “Mine to kiss,” And in a quick motion, his hand flies down to your crotch, pressing against it causing you to gasp, “Mine to fuck,” he muttered in a deep and raspy voice. You couldn’t help but release a little a whimper from his little unexpected act. “I swear to god, Y/n, if there were no cameras in here I would’ve fucked that tight little pussy of yours with my fingers.”
Your eyes enlarge in shock when he says those words, both from excitement and fear, “There’s…there’s cameras? What if someone—”
“Don’t worry, angel. This footage will only be seen by one of my good old pals that I trust a lot, it’s nothing to be worried about,” he smiled down at you. “And besides, wouldn’t it be fun to give him a little show, hmm? Let him see how pretty my angel looks when she’s all fucked out, huh?”
You gulp, his eyes suddenly getting darker and you know what that means. “I-I…”
Suddenly, the door opens on the seventeenth floor and the two of you instantly separates. You quickly fix your clothes as you saw a woman entering, giving you a weird look before greeting Taehyung, “Mr. Kim.” Taehyung nods his head once, “Ms. Gayle. Have you heard from their head chief yet?” He asks with a strict tone, and you quickly remembered that he owns this place – quite literally. This was his building. It quickly daunted you that he was in such a high position of power, and he can literally do anything he wants. The feeling made you feel small because you were really a nobody.
“Yes, Mr. Kim. You’re set to meet with him very soon. They’re on the road.”
Taehyung smiles at her, “Good.” He looked at the reflective glass in front of him and fixed his suit jacket, glancing towards you for a split second. You were a bit over two feet away from him, your hands behind your back as you waited diligently. He smirked, loving how adorable you are.
“Let him know to meet me at my office.”
The door opens on the nineteenth floor, and the woman leaves with a goodbye. Taehyung takes the chance to pull you back close to him, “You’re very cute,” he whispers in your ear. You roll your eyes playfully as a scoff escape your lips, “Thanks for letting me know.”
Both of you finally exit the elevator and he leads you to his office. Once you step in, you couldn’t comprehend how extremely polished and expensive it looked. The color scheme was exactly like his house, whites, grays, and blacks. You noticed that there were some gold accents here and there and a lot of paintings. “It looks like your house.”
He snorts behind you, “It is technically my house.”
“You’re gonna hate what my apartment looks like,” you stated as you walked over to a black shelf that holds many trophies and certificates, inspecting them. Taehyung tilts his head to the side slightly, folding his arms across his chest as he made his way to you, standing behind you. “You think? What does it look like?”
You turn around to face him with a sly grin on your face, “First of all my place is way more colorful than yours. I have a nude pink room plus I have a yellow fridge.”
“Are you serious?” he laughs, his eyes turning to slight crescents. “Hey! Don’t laugh at that!” you giggled and stepped away from him, “my uncle bought it for me as a housewarming present.”
Suddenly, the doorbell rings and the sound echoes around the room. “I’ll get it!” you spoke as you rushed toward the door without rethinking. 
Taehyung tries to stop you, “Y/n—!”
Your mouth slightly parts when you were faced with a tall and well-built man who was wearing a clean, black suit. He, too, was a little bit shocked to see you open the door, for he didn’t know who you were. “O-oh, sorry.” 
The man in front of you gives you a smile, and you couldn’t avoid peering at his slight dimples as he did so. “No, no, it’s alright.”
You abruptly hear Taehyung cough behind you, signaling that he was still in their presence. You turn around and saw him look at you with somber eyes, a single eyebrow lifted up. You instantly step away from the man and let them have some space.
Taehyung walks over to the man and gives him an award-winning grin, “Jungkook.”
“Mr. Kim, long time no see,” they both went in for a handshake then followed by a hug with the other hand – you didn’t know what’s it called but men always did it. Taehyung chuckles at him, “You know you can call me by my first name.”
“I know, but I wanted to show a good impression with this lovely lady you have right here,” Jungkook suddenly turns to your direction, a smirk playing on his face. Taehyung felt a fire in his stomach when he heard him say that, but he had his control. You struggled to find the right words but Taehyung thankfully saves you. “Jungkook, this is Y/n.” 
Jungkook gives you a polite smile, “Nice to meet you, Y/n.” Were you supposed to give him a handshake as well? You turn to look at Taehyung with a slight panic in your eyes. He was clenching his jaw as he looked at you intently.
Was that supposed to be a no?
You gave Jungkook an awkward smile back and a simple ‘hi’, making him smirk and attend his attention back to Taehyung.
Little did you know that Taehyung was clenching his jaw as he observed your every move. He knew what was going through your mind, and he saw how you kept playing with your fingers as a sign of nervousness. He already knows all of your little mannerisms that you don’t even notice doing.
Jungkook made his way to sit on a chair across from Taehyung’s. He releases a little moan once he got to sit down, “God, Taehyung. Why do you need to have your office on the twentieth floor.”
Taehyung didn’t say a word to Jungkook but he quickly made his way over to you and muttered something in your ear, “Behave.”
Your eyes widen for a split second but you nodded instantly. He suddenly grabs your wrist and drags you back to his table, not knowing what he’s about to do with you. You furrow your eyebrows when he has sat on his chair and pats his lap. Unbelievable.
Jungkook knows what was going on. He smirks in his seat as he looks at your confused state, his elbow resting on the table as he played with his bottom lip.
He was a fellow CEO of his own architectural business, JJK Architecture and Design, and was actually Taehyung’s colleague. They helped each other in achieving their dreams, and luck was completely on their side. There was never a competition between both of them, and frankly enough, today they needed to talk about a partnership for a project together.
But you were flustered as fuck. You’re not going to sit on his lap in front of another superior! Taehyung’s eyes told another story, though. He was testing the waters, finding out if you’re going to obey him. The thought was just so ridiculous for you, but you really didn’t want to disappoint him. What will Jungkook think? The idea wasn’t professional at all.
“It’s okay, Y/n. Don’t be uncomfortable.” Jungkook reassured you, smirking at Taehyung, “It’s not new to me.”
You tried your best not to overthink his words. Taehyung abruptly pulled you down and forced you to sit across his lap, your legs dangling on the side of his right thigh. Taehyung laughed quietly as he heard you hitch your breath up, his left hand caressing your back to calm you down. “It’s okay, angel.” You couldn’t believe how Taehyung was so comfortable around Jungkook like he wasn’t even there.
“Anyway, back to business,” Taehyung spoke, his demeanor suddenly changing.
“Your girl?” Jungkook abruptly asked as he nods his head towards you, making you gulp.
“Yes, she’s very special.”
The two of them were like brothers. Jungkook was not that different to him, he also had a lot of flings with women but without all that ‘dom and sub contract’ thing and without mentions of money getting involved. It was all sort of like one night stands. Jungkook doesn’t know that Taehyung does this whole ‘sugar-daddy’ thing though, Taehyung thought he’d just keep that to himself.
The whole time you sat idly on Taehyung’s lap was the most unusual thing that had happened to you this week. You didn’t understand a single word they said, and you found yourself constantly shifting on his lap. There were times that you forced yourself not to move when you figured out their conversation was getting more serious, and you didn’t want to be a distraction. However, there were also moments where it was getting a little bit awkward, and you found yourself readjusting your way of sitting on his lap. Taehyung, on the other hand, couldn’t focus half of the time from the way your thighs were brushing against his crotch. He tried his best to focus on their important meeting but you just keep moving. His hand would squeeze your thigh, giving you a warning. 
“Don’t fucking move,” he mutters in your ear with a raspy voice. 
The time has gone by and they were finally wrapping everything up after many note-taking and keyboard clicks later. “Okay, we’re done,” Taehyung smiles at Jungkook, “I hope t-th – shit.” He mutters the last part in particular when he feels you shift around him for the nth time, and he felt his cock growing harder underneath his pants. You looked at him with a confused and concerned expression, “Are you okay?” you whispered in his ear, but he ignored you as he clenched his jaw.
“I hope this project will be a success, Jeon. Looking forward to our next meeting, hopefully with some of your workforces and operatives as well.”
Taehyung stands up from his seat and you finally hop back down on the floor. Once he escorted Jungkook to the door, he bids his farewell. “Y/n,” he calls your name out, whipping your head at him with your brows raised up, “Yes?”
He chuckles, a bunny-like smile forming his lips, “I’ll see you soon.”
Taehyung pushes him outside his office urgently, not even letting you reply. When the door was shut, he locked it in an instant and made big strides over to your figure.
He firmly grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him, “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“What?” You replied in such bewilderment that almost had you in guilt. Did you do something that made him upset?
“Didn’t I tell you not to move? Huh?” Oh, that. Your mind fumbled with words to reply with but nothing came out. Taehyung scoffs, looking away for a moment in disbelief. “You didn’t follow my words, sweetheart,” he growls lowly, and the tone of his voice turned you on, “look what you did to me.” He suddenly grabs your hand and runs your palm down his clothed stomach, teasingly slow until it reached his hardened dick. You gasp at the feeling, suddenly remembering how big it was. Taehyung bites his lip as he slightly grinds his cock on your palm, humping your small hand. You whined from the dirty scene in front of you, your mind telling you to pull your hand away but your body refused to.
“You made me so goddamn hard, angel. I couldn’t even focus.” He roughly pulls you towards his desk and forces your body to bend over the furniture, a yelp escaping your lips from his sudden roughness. Taehyung groans when he sees you bend over for him, his dirty fantasies of you finally coming to life. Your shorts rose up a bit and it exposed more of your skin, and he couldn’t help but lay his hands on your butt. He massaged the soft and plump skin, making you mewl. No one has ever touched you like this before, and his big hands touching you like that made you horny.
Taehyung leans himself down behind you and you can feel his bulge against your core. His mouth nibbled on your ear, causing a quiet moan to escape your lips. “You disobeyed me, baby girl. Did you purposely do that to get punished, hmm?” His monotone voice sent goosebumps to erupt from your skin as you instinctively jerked your body back, trying to feel more of him. Taehyung grunts as he smacks your right butt cheek hard. You shrieked from the feeling, closing your eyes from the combination of pain and pleasure.
“Are you trying to test me, baby?” he chuckles, “do that one more time and I’m not going to hold myself back on you. What we did back in my bedroom was like nothing for me. You know I can fuck you much harder and rougher than that.”
Your little moan was cut off when he lands another smack on your clothed ass, “Now answer me, did you do that on purpose?”
“N-no. I was just trying to readjust myself,” another loud slap came in contact with your ass, even sharper than the previous ones. Your face was shaded in red and you knew your ass would be too. “Remind yourself who you’re talking to.”
“I’m sorry, s-sir.”
Taehyung steps back for a moment, feeling content at your state in front of him right now – his favorite girl bend over for him. His hands fly to the waistbands of your shorts, pulling them down. He immediately growls when he sees your wetness soaking through your grey panties, and your buttcheeks already painted in red. He caresses your behind gently, taking his time to feel your nice and full ass. He was biting his lip and his eyes were filled with lust. Even if you were bent over in front of him, he still thought that you looked so angelic. You still had that touch of innocence in every lewd thing that you do. You still exuded your pureness, and Taehyung would never think that he’d get turned on from the thought of that.
“You didn’t follow my simple rule, angel. And what was that rule?” he teased you by applying the slightest bit of pressure on your wet pussy, making you close your eyes tightly and whine.
“That I shouldn’t move, sir.” You spoke quietly, hiding your face on your forearms.
“That’s right. Thought you’d be a good girl and obey that easy command.” He spanks your ass again, and your eyes fly open from the stinging sensation it brought. “S-shit,” you whimpered, your pussy clenching around nothing. Taehyung loved how your body would slightly jerk forward, and how you would desperately try to find a place to grab onto. He has an idea and grabs your wrists in one hand and presses them on your lower back, resting your cheek on the hard table.
“You’re gonna take whatever I give you like the good little girl I know you are, understood, baby doll?” his raspy voice spoke and you tried to nod, “Y-yes, sir.” You were nervous, not going to lie. You didn’t know how long he would do it for, and you were so nervous that someone could hear outside the office. But you can feel how you were dripping wet underneath your panties, and it hasn’t even properly started yet.
Taehyung lifts up his hand and swiftly lands it on your ass, the loud sound resonating throughout the room. You bite your lip as you tried to prevent your loud moans from spilling out. You heard him scoff behind you, “Don’t fucking hide those moans, angel. You know how much it turns me on to hear you like that,” his hand lands another sharp slap, finally freeing your moans as you let go. Tears were already forming your eyes as you tugged on your arms, “S-sir, please,”
“Please, s-sir—aahh!” this particular spank was even harder and intense from the previous ones, and you can hear him groan behind you. Was he gaining pleasure from spanking you? Your eyes let the tears fall down as you sobbed. He didn’t give you any time to get yourself together and spanked your ass once more. “Does my little girl liked to be spanked, hmm? Makes you so wet and horny, huh?”
A moan escaped your lips from his dirty talk, feeling how he gave your hind a tight squeeze. “Yes, I d-do, sir,” you spoke breathily, sniffling.
“Look at that dripping wet cunt, babe. God, does your pussy belong to me, baby?” 
“Yes, yes, sir. I’m yours and yours only,” you mewled. It hurts, obviously, but there was a strange sensation of pleasure that you weren’t expecting. Taehyung hums in satisfaction. “I love your ass, angel. So fucking pretty. I’m saying this to you now, Y/n, you won’t be able to sit down after this.”
Taehyung finally lands his last spank, making your body jolt forward and shake from the immense feeling. “Aah, fuck! S-sir, please…”
He smirks down at you as he strokes your ass gently, feeling such satisfaction as he takes a good look at your red and bruised ass. He pulls your shorts back up and lifts you back upright. You turn to look at him with such confusion written on your face, “Y-you aren’t…you aren’t gonna—” you look down on his rock hard cock beneath his pants, wondering if he’s going to fuck you or not.
He chuckles at your words, fixing the stray hairs away from your face as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. You gulp when you felt his length pressing against your lower abdomen. His mouth was brushing against yours, teasing you, “This is your punishment, angel. You’re gonna be left in those wet soaking panties of yours until you get home and you’re not gonna touch yourself, understood?” He spoke with such sternness and a domineering attitude and you couldn’t help but obey instantly.
You weren’t planning to touch yourself anyway.
You only wanted him to do that to you.
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
Akshkshd any chance you’d be willing to write Indruck with prompt 8 (sfw)?
Quite willing! I decided to make it a continuation of this fill, but it can also be read as a standalone.
8. Where’s your enemy when you just watched a sad movie and need a hug?
This is simply nonsensical. 
Indrid is a supervillain, a mastermind, a force to be reckoned with.
He is not supposed to be sitting here, weepy-eyed, on his couch on Tuesday night.
After his casual phone conversation with his arch-nemesis that accidentally gave away his location, he’d assumed Duck would arrive at his hideout within twenty-four hours. That they’d banter, perhaps trade blows, before Indrid made his escape. 
Instead, he waited a full two days before receiving a vision of Duck arriving with the rest of the Pine Guard. That would not do, and so he took what he needed and blew hideout #12 to smithereens, taking up residence in hideout #33 (contingency plans are his strong suit). 
The next two times Duck foiled him, he did so with at least one other hero. The banter ceased, as did any feelings of, well, pleasure Indrid derived from the encounter. Now it was all business. He let Duck know as much by knocking him out with a special smoke bomb designed to circumvent his powers. 
Tonight was his night off, and he settled in with snacks and blankets to watch a movie. He Foolishly opted for the second film in a favorite series. It was supposed to be a western love story, but because it’s a middle film it ends with a tearful farewell between the lovers. And the third part doesn’t come out until next summer. 
He could research the studio, flit off to Los Angeles and steal the third film for himself.
Or he could roll over, hugging his round, squishy mothman pillow, and feel sorry for himself. 
Everything will be alright. In the movie, he means. The heroes will be reunited, the once-villainous one of the pair will be redeemed, and they will live happily ever after. 
That must be nice.
It would be nice.
Nice to have someone kind and brave in love with him, someone who would see him as his whole self, hold him tight and touch him. Hug him when he does silly things like watch sad movies.
When was the last time someone hugged him? Or touched him at all, for that matter? As he thinks, his mind supplies only “Duck” as an answer. It’s true, the hero touches him often enough when they fight, trying to use his strength hinder Indrid’s agility. 
Duck probably gives amazing hugs. 
Indrid wants Duck to hug him. 
No, absolutely not, he is not going down that mental path again. It will just make him frustrated at all the wrong things.
Instead, he picks up his communication pad.
The Moth: The Richardsons are hosting a gala. Anyone care to crash it? Might be some nice jewels worth stealing.
The Englishman: You git, they tapped this channel remember? That’s why the last message is from six months ago.
He groans, whacks his forehead with the pad. How is he getting so careless? Is he losing his touch? 
“That settles it.” He says to the empty living room. Holding his head high, he strides into the bedroom, wall of gadgets and disguises glinting in the dark. 
Then he bellyflops onto the bed, intending to stay there until the weekend.
Duck is worried about Indrid. And not in the “what the fuck is he planning” way. The Moth was always a careful, elusive villain. But lately he’s gotten so sloppy Duck wonders if this was another cloning or mind-control scheme gone awry.
Not to mention he’s never had to thwart Indrid on a Tuesday. Minerva and the others insisted he had to take Indrid’s comment in the monitored villain channel seriously. And so he once again tracked his location, and is now standing in the entryway, alarm system blaring. No booby traps activate, and Indrid doesn’t appear.
There’s a faint groan followed by a silhouette in a room at the end of the hall jabbing a control panel angrily before laying back down. 
It has all the marks of a trap, except for a bad feeling in his gut.
He makes it to the room with no issues, finds Indrid rolled on his side on a large, black bed, his back to Duck. He’s cuddling a pillow, face pressed into it.
“Indrid, you threatened to rob the D.A’s party. I’m not goin anywhere. Plus, I’m still kinda pissed about that gas you used on me. Had a cough for a week after.”
“Oh dear, that was the least likely outcome. My apolog-” Indrid stops talking when Duck uses his SmartRope to tie him up from a distance. He glowers over his shoulder, then sighs.
“C’mon, you ain’t even gonna try to get free?”
Indrid rolls halfheartedly, over and over, until he falls off the bed, disappearing from view. 
Duck circles the foot of the bed, ready to settle into their usual rhythm. Indrid will have gotten out of the rope, be ready to spring, quip on his lips, as soon as Duck sees him…
….Or he could be still tied up, laying on the floor. 
Okay, apparently he’s captured the Moth for real.
“Off the floor, let’s go.”
“Oh for fucks sake.” He bends down, hoisting Indrid easily into a standing position, arms around him to steady him as he gets his balance. Indrid stiffens, bracing for a roughness Duck has zero interest in showing. 
Then he sighs, so softly that Duck might have imagined it. 
Duck wraps him in his arms more firmly, draws a hand across Indrids back checking the rope.
The same noise, so quick it’s almost a chirp. 
“Indrid?” He doesn’t move his arms, inhales sharply when the villain drops his forehead to his shoulder, hiding his face against the neck of his suit, “You, uh, you okay there bud?”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“I watched a sad movie. Now I am sad as a result. You can either leave me to my shame, or take me to your hideout that I can easily escape from.”
Duck snaps his fingers, and the rope drops to the ground. Indrid stays huddled against him. 
“You know my identity, right?”
A nod. Duck unclips his mask, makes Indrid step back as pulls off the top half of his costume, leaving him in a white undershirt. 
When he opens his arms again, he watches Indrid pause, no doubt contemplating if he ought to strike now. Then the villain turns away, embarrassed.
“This is absurd.”
“Nothin wrong with wantin a hug. ‘Specially not from me, I’m a hug master.” 
Indrid sits down with a huff, rolling so his back is once again to Duck. A hunch paws at his mind, and he gets onto the bed, lays facing Indrid. Leaves space between them, but reaches out a hand and runs it along a strip of exposed skin, Indrid’s shirt riding up from his moth-patterned pajama pants.
Indrid whimpers, not with pain but with longing, and so Duck scoots closer, keeps stroking his side. This time when he rolls over there’s no pause, no pretending. He presses as close to Duck as he can, hands knotted in his shirt and face hiding in his neck. 
He’s crying, soundlessly, the only tell the drops hitting Duck’s skin. 
“Jesus, must’ve been some movie.”
A weak laugh, “It’s not even a tragedy. But regardless, I do no wish to talk about it.”
“Don’t have to talk at all if you don’t want. I can keep quiet too.”
“No, that’s ah, that’s not necessary. In fact, I would like very much to hear you talk more. About whatever you please. I lo-, ah, I am fond of your voice.”
It should bother him, how easy it is to hold Indrid like this. How natural it feels to talk about his plants, his cat, harmless adventures from his youth. How badly he wants to apologize for whatever it is that’s making the thinner man so sad. 
The bigger storm of feeling swirling in his chest dampens any sparks of worry. The ways Indrig sighs contentedly and nestles closer sending protective, terrifyingly sharp affection prickling across his skin. 
When the villain is sound asleep, Duck slips from the bed, tucks a blanket around those narrow shoulders, and pulls his mask back on. But before all that, he plants the most covert kiss possible on Indrid’s forehead. 
The next time they meet as hero and villain, neither says a word about that night.
But neither has forgotten it. 
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The Pull (30/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was given to the line. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 4281
A/N: PLEASE let me know what you think of this scene/ story! There’s a different writing style near the end I am not sure how I feel about so I hope you enjoy at least! Truthfully, interaction makes me so very happy and I love to hear from all of you! So, comment, reblog, send me smashed keyboards, anything works 😘
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You’re at lunch with Lydia, Isaac, and Allison. Isaac and Allison are talking about some weird voicemail she had gotten yesterday and Lydia seems like she’s lost. Every sound seems to make her jumpy.
Reaching out, you cover her hands with yours. She looks up at you and smiles sadly. Rubbing your fingers across her knuckles, you offer whatever support you actually can.
It takes her a moment, but she squeezes your hand back before she turns to Ally, “So what do you know about the recording?”
“Nothing yet. We’re going to ask Mr. Yukimura after classes today. Did you wanna come with?”
Lydia immediately shakes her head, “I should just head home.”
“Are you sure?”
Lydia nods her head before standing up from the table abruptly and making her way out of the cafeteria.
“What about you Tasha?” Allison asks.
You had watched Lydia walk out of the cafeteria, eyes still glued to her retreating form you nodded your head, offering an absentminded, “sure.”
Pulling your phone out you look at the texts you’d gotten.
Peter: I’ve got a possible lead. But let me stress this Little Wolf, there is no guarantee this is going to work.
Ro: Dad’s trying to get in contact with Mr. Akihiro
Aaric: T and I are trying to get in contact with Akimi and Asuka.
T: They’ve gone underground since their Tia got another tail. It’s apparently not a good idea to piss off a four-tailed kitsune.
You look at the texts but don’t respond. Of course, there’s no guarantee that anything would work. You were dealing with a damned Kukan. These weren’t like demons, not something to be excorcised by some holy person. You’re not even sure Constantine could help with this.
Kukan were a force of nature, like all other Kitsune they enjoyed mischief. But a Kukan derived its pleasure from chaos, from fear, and from the powerlessness those they played their tricks upon felt.
The boys, well you weren’t sure that you liked the idea of Aaric and T anywhere near Akimi or Asuka but that just may be because the two had been trying to secure what you saw as yours.
Hearing your name being called, you turn and see Derek coming down the halls. Waiting for him, it’s not long before he’s got a hand on your shoulder and is lifting your chin.
“Peter said you had a rough night.”
You made a hmm sound in the affirmative, “Bad enough I wanted to shift.”
“And today?”
“Back to the dull ache. Whatever last night was about it seems to have settled if only for now. Though, I’m not sure that means anything.”
“Wait, back to a dull ache?” Derek stresses the word back and you realize that you hadn’t told him that the ache was there. It was just always something you dealt with. Isaac knew but he hadn’t told Derek which made you smile.
Shaking your head at Derek you murmur, “It’s nothing. Leave it be.”
Derek’s face scrunches in that way that you know means he’s annoyed but there’s nothing to be done for it and you tell him as much. He merely makes a negative huffing like sound.
Wanting to change the subject, you step away and ask “So, were you able to get a hold of Kira?”
“Found her scent but she was at home.”
“Why didn’t you have Aiden knock and ask for her?”
“Because it was after midnight and you have school today,” he points out like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Truthfully, it should have been but you had been much too distracted with everything going on. Stiles’ well being had been the most important thing.
“Well then, we’ll have to find her. It won’t take too long. Classes are gonna be out in about 10 minutes. First, though I wanna check on Scott.”
He nods his head and the two of you make your way to the boys' locker room, Derek goes in and a moment later he’s out with Scott.
You shake your head, “Nothing concrete. Though not for lack of trying.”
“Deaton says he’s still looking into it too.”
Scott pulls his backpack tighter against his shoulder, “I’m gonna go check on him - in the hospital.  Make sure he’s doing okay. You wanna come?”
You start to say yes but the weight of your cousin's hand on your shoulder stops you.
“She can’t. We’ve got a few things to take care of first.”
Scott just nods his head. You reach out and squeeze his arm, trying to be reassuring. When he turns to you, you suggest “I can come by after.”
Just as the words leave your lips the bell rings. The sound seems to take Scott by surprise but he nods his head. He turns and begins to walk away. The sight of him breaking your heart, it’s as if every step carries the weight of the world with it.
You look at Derek and then back to Scott. It takes you a split second to make the choice but you do. Moving towards Scott you call over your shoulder, “Text me the details. I’ll be there in a bit.”
Scott’s not made it very far so you’re able to fall in step with him pretty quickly, “I’ll give you a ride to the hospital.’
“But my bike-” he begins before being cut off by your negative tsking sounds,  “You can have one of the twins get it for you or have someone bring you back when you’re in better shape but if you ride right now, you’re not gonna make it in one piece.”
Scott stops his walk and turns to look at you, his eyes are scrutinizing you and you wait for him to say something. He hasn’t struck you as the type to lash out but he’s going through a lot and, from what you’ve seen with Stiles, he probably hasn’t had a chance to recover from the issue with the sacrifices.
He nods his head and you motion for him to follow you towards your bike. As the two of you walk, he thanks you - for finding Stiles.
“It was nothing,” you brush off, uncomfortable with the praise. A part of you feels like you should have kept him from ever ending up there. It was something that you were gonna have to work on.
“It’s not nothing Natasha.  He could have died if you hadn’t found him! The rest of us were looking in buildings but you thought about the preserve.”
“Scott,” you beg, “it was instinctual and I got lucky.”
“But you listened to them.”
At this point, Scotts stepped in front of you and you can only nod your head as you bite your lower lip. You’re not sure what Scott sees on your features but he deflates and nods his head as well, “Let’s go.”
Hopping on your bike, you wait for Scott to get situated before the two of you are taking off. It doesn’t take you nearly as long as you thought it would, or you’re more distracted with your thoughts than you care to admit before you’re pulling up to the hospital.
Taking his helmet off, Scott asks you, “Are you sure you don’t want to come in right now?”
Grateful for the visor that covers your face gives you a moment, you shake your head before lifting, “I have to take care of something with Derek. Hopefully, it’ll help with whatever this is.”
“Have you ever dealt with something like this?”
“Not me… I don’t think anyone in my family has. But, they’re looking into it.”
Scott nods his head and walks into the hospital. You watch him go before checking your phone. Derek’s taken Kira to the substation to walk through what happened with Barrow. It’s a good idea, especially if that had been a vision of something more.
Revving up your bike, you pull up not too long after them.  The three of you are walking through the room and you have to work at controlling your breathing. The place is threatening to overwhelm you with memories of that night.
“It’s Stiles’ bat…” you hear Derek say.
Looking to where he and Kira are, you see that Stiles’ bat had, in fact, managed to get stuck to some metal box of some sort. Derek goes to pull the bat down but it takes him a moment and he actually has to put some strength into it.
“Der?” you ask softly,
“It’s magnetized,” he says as he moves the bat against what looks to be a scratch on the floor. The bat travels along the scratch when it gets pulled to the metal box.
Stepping back from it, Derek looks at you then at Kira. “Kira, I need you to tell me everything you know about foxfire.”
Kira looks at you, a terrified look on her face before she begins to shake her head, “I - I don’t.. I don’t know anything more than just the, just - um… children's stories.”
“Kira, it’s okay,” you reassure her, “Just tell us what you do know.”
They’re running tests on his host but the blood work is all coming back normal. The wonderful thing about technology is, the more the humans have evolved it, the less they believe in his powers. Which makes them more terrified when they’re unleashed.
The problem is he’s not a demon. He can’t just posses his host. No, he has to get approval since the man is still alive. Which means that he has to figure out a way to be allowed in. Threatening the girl hadn’t done anything so he would have to get more creative.  
They’re taking him to a new room and this one has a machine in it. Watching the group, there is his host's father, his best friend, and the mother figure. Another man, this one in white is talking to him, “... you’re going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It’s due to pulses of electricity…”
Void’s laughter echoes within his host's mind and he can feel the terror. The electricity is going to allow him to communicate. But, what to do with the gift he’s been given.
His father walks out and he observes as Stiles turns to Scott, “You know what they’re looking for right?”
Scott looks like he’s trying to put it together for a moment and Void needs him not to get it. He needs to know what this healer is looking for.
“It’s called frontotemporal dementia,” Stiles is saying and that’s when he has it. Quieting down, he listens to what Stiles has to say and begins to sift through the memories the boy has, “Areas of your brain start to shrink. It’s what my mother had… It’s the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers… There’s no cure..”
Sinking further into the memories, Void looks for the memories that involving the mother.  He can hear Scott promising to do something, to fix the situation should his host have this frontotemporal dementia. It makes no difference, he only needs his host to accept him and then there is nothing they can do. Stiles will be no more. Once he has the memories he wants just below the surface, he notices that Stiles is now in the machine.
Feeling the electricity crackling Void relishes in each pulse of electricity.
Pulling into the hospital parking lot, Derek’s lucky to get a parking spot pretty close to the front. He gets off the jeep quickly followed by you and Kira. While she hadn’t known a whole lot about fox fire, what she did know from her stories was rather terrifying and you needed to get the information to Scott.
You’re rushing but Derek calls your name and you turn to see Kira, standing nervously by the jeep.
“I don’t know if I should go in. You’re going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used fox-fire, created by me, to jumpstart the Nogitsune’s power inside Stiles”
The way she words it sounds awful and you nod your head but Derek looks like it hasn’t clicked so you point out, “We’re going to tell Scott that she basically helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend.”
You can see it click in Derek and he tells her she should probably stay behind. Tossing her the keys, the two of you make your way into the hospital building.
Finding Scott turns out to be pretty easy, grabbing his attention he comes to you and Derek. “I’ll let you two talk,” you motion. “Ummm, where’s Stiles?”
“They’re uh- gonna run some MRI stuff. If you wanna go check on him before they start or uh- let the sheriff know you’re here,” Scott informs you, pointing at a door just down the hall.
You look towards the door but decide against going in there. You’re not exactly sure that you’re welcome. Clearing your throat you inform them that you’ll just go get some water and be back in a bit.
You take your time getting the water. Figuring that you should check on Allison and Isaac you call. When Isaac doesn’t pick up, you try Allison. It would seem that the voicemail that Allison got was a prank of some sort from a Japanese internment camp. The problem is that the one on Allison's phone has to be a fake as the name of the internment camp, Oak Creek, wasn’t actually one that existed.
When she asks where you are, you tell her, you’re at the hospital waiting with Scott for them to do some tests on Stiles. She asks if you want her to come over and you agree, thinking that Scott would probably appreciate the help the most.
Not sure how long it actually takes but when you make your way back up to the waiting room their in, you hear Derek and Scott conversing.
“Think of it more like sharing a few trade secrets,” Derek is saying and you smile softly. It would seem that Derek is doing something for Scott. You’re willing to bet it’s a way of helping him. Derek, meanwhile, hasn’t finished his part of the conversation with Scott.
Coming to the waiting room, you lean against the door and watch as Scott nods, confirming that he knew Cora was back in South America. Derek’s telling Scott that taking Cora back, however, wasn’t the only reason he’d left.
You’re curious as to what else would make him leave and so you pay closer attention. Derek says, “I needed to talk to my mother,” and you stiffen.
He had used the claws to talk to his mother when she had told him about you. What else had he talked to her about?
Scotts asking Derek for clarification, “Your dead mother?”
Derek nods and you point out to Scott, “It’s actually possible to communicate with the dead if they were supernatural. There are ways that are less uncomfortable than others but they’re all there.”
Pulling the conversation back to what was at hand, Derek tells Scott, “She told me something that changed my perspective… on a lot of things.” You’re holding your breath, waiting to see what it is that he’s going to share.
“She said my family didn’t just live in Beacon Hills. They protected it. This town needs someone to protect it,” he points out and levels a look at Scott, “Someone like you.”
You’re somewhat embarrassed that you thought Derek would out you but at his words you can’t help the feeling of pride. Perhaps, if he trained up Scott, then he would come home with you, and possibly your mate.
Scott looks confused and asks why, Derek is about to respond but you cut him off, “It’s what we do. When we claim territories, it’s our job to be the protector of the lives within our territories. Allow people to live their lives but keep them as protected as you can.”
Nodding his head, Scott looks like he’s contemplating something when he says, “And someone like you to teach me a few trade secrets.” There’s a moment of calmness in this. Scotts trust in Derek something that you’re happy to see. Derek, unsurprisingly, shows no outward response but you can tell that he’s enjoying the praise.
The moment of calmness passes very quickly however when Scott's whole demeanor changes as he stands, “He was trying to protect us.”
“Stiles, Stiles was protecting us,” he says emphasizing Stiles’ name the second time around. Before you or Derek can get any further clarification, Scotts taken off running down the hallways. You both follow after him only to end up on the roof of the hospital.
Scotts standing there, looking around and you look at Derek only to see the confusion on his face. A moment later, he’s asking, “Scott, what are we looking for?”
Scott shakes his head and says he’s not sure.
“Okay guys, let’s think about it then. What kind of damage can someone do on the roof of a hospital? If Scott’s right, Stiles wasn’t just up here struggling with himself. He would have been struggling not to do something,” you point out. The feeling from earlier, though this time it feels as if it’s building.
The three of you begin to look around the rooftop. A loud clanging sound catches your attention and you turned to see that Scott’s pulled down a duffle bag. Partially open, the bag is full of different types of tools, one of which is a wire cutter.   
Stepping forward, you kneel down and pick up one of the cutters. “Guys, what…” you trail off as you turn the tool in your hand.
A whispered fuck gets your attention and you turn to see that both Scott and Derek are looking on top of one of the cages. Moving so that you can see, there’s an electrical cord that’s been cut into, the wiring now exposed.
The terror in the pit of your stomach suddenly feels like a tangible weight and before you realize it, you’re sprinting through the halls.
He’s never been so grateful for the curiosity of children. Though it’s not likely that Stiles remembered what his mothers MRI looked like consciously, but thanks to the curiosity of an 8-year-old, it was still in his subconscious.
Using some fox magic, Void layered a picture of Stiles mother’s MRI over Stiles own brain. The sorrow and hopelessness that began to sink in from the other room a welcome feast.
As they continued in the machine, Void could feel his host becoming restless. From what he’d noticed, the boy wasn’t one to be still for very long and this was frustrating him.
Good. Now the games could truly begin.
Stiles was blinking his eyes, trying to ignore the sound of the whirring machine he was in. The blinking turned into him squeezing them tight. Opening them, he found himself standing outside the machine.
He was dressed in regular clothing so he knew it had to be a dream of some kind. Turning, he saw the bandaged figure he’d seen yesterday. The one that had been haunting his dreams
“Have you figured out my riddle yet?” The bandaged creature asked as it walked around the room.
Following, Stiles tried to catch sight of the creature but it moved too fast.
Void watched as the brunette tried to catch sight of him and stepped closer to the boy, “If you answer correctly, we might consider letting them go.”
The two beings looked at each other. A sense of foreboding filling the space between them. One taking the foreboding sense as a gift to be cherished the other fearful of what lay before him.
The brunette, terrified of the answer questions, “Letting who go?”
The creature in the tattered bandages bares pointed, silver fangs at him, “Your friends, your family. Everyone who ever meant something to you,” it taunts. Moving towards the Stiles, Void continues, “We’re going to destroy all of them Stiles. One by one.”
Terror runs down Stiles’ spine. He can tell that the bandaged creature means what he says. Flashes of his friends and family dead fill his vision and all tears fall.
“Why?” he questions, his voice shaking from fear.
Void feels the fear and merely smiles wider, “Everyone has it, but no one can lose it,” he begins before turning to Stiles, “What is it?”
Stiles hears the damned riddle again and Stiles shakes his head, “I don’t know.”
“Everyone has it, but no one can lose it,” Void questions again, this time, the frustration evident in his voice.
“I don’t know,” Stiles responds again with shaking voice.
Void needs him to understand, if he doesn’t understand then there’s no way that he can get in. His voice drops into a guttural, demonic sound as he repeats, once again, “Everyone has it, but no one can lose it.” Pulling at the bandages around him he asks, “What is it?”
Stiles, who has turned away from the creature in front of him puts his head between his hands. He’s trying to push out the ice in his veins. Trying to focus on the words and what they could mean.
“What is it?”
Still, nothing comes and in desperation, Stiles screams that he doesn’t know.  When suddenly it hits him.
There was a night, after having figured out Anansi that he had sat down with Natasha for a movie. They’d watched Peter Pan and she had made a comment that she was curious if the thread would be enough to keep both parts of Peter together before she went on to ask how they’d been separated to begin with. That’s what it was!  
“A shadow,” he whispers and turns. The creature was taking off the last of his bandages and Stiles finds that he’s looking at himself. Except, there’s an unending cold depth in his eyes.
“Your friends, your family,” his mirror states, “Everyone who ever meant something to you.”
“No,” Stiles begs with a shake of his head.
“Your friends, your family. Everyone who ever meant something to you. Scott, Allison, Lydia, Natasha…”
Hearing her name, Stiles couldn’t explain the feeling of dread that ran through him. It was as if everything the world had ceased to be and he was being slowly flayed alive. A growl escaped him before he’d realized and he went to attack his mirror when suddenly he saw his friends dead on the ground before him.
Scott’s throat had been slashed open as blood poured out of him. Allison had been stabbed and an arm was missing as she lay covered in dirt. He could barely make out Lydia’s red hair but it was matted and there was bruising on everything he could see. There was a body that was strewn across the room in different pieces, skin charred beyond recognition but somehow he knew it was Natasha.
“Please,” he whispered softly as he closed his eyes to the sight in front of him.
Finally! Void had what he needed. Cackling, he stepped into the forefront and pushed Stiles back. Opening his hosts eyes, he found that he was back in the whirring machine.  He may have misjudged the boys feelings for the girl but it was not a mistake he would make again.
Laying there, he watched and reveled in the feeling of the world around him. The cold air of the hospital room and the metal of the machine. The lights flickered and he watched as his previous plans were proven to already be in motion.  
As you ran back through the hospital, the lights flickered in and out. You had to weave in and out of people. Just as you were about to make it to the door to the MRI room, the power went out completely. The lights come back on and you can hear Mr. Stilinski’s frantic voice as he asks where his son is.
Pulling the door open you pass the adults and both you and Mr. Stilisnki are the room that holds the MRi machine. Checking around and behind the machine, both of you confirming that Stiles isn’t there.
“Help me find my son,” Noah asks and you nod your head.
Making your way through the hallways you move down the stairs. Completely missing the sight at the end of a hallway in your rush.
Void watches as the elevator doors open and she appears. It has been a long time since he’s seen her and it's not a very pleasant sight now. She will have to pay for what she’s done.
“You know me,” she states and Void is tempted to scoff at the understatement. Instead, he merely nods his head and she continues, “Then you know I won’t be deterred by your choice of hose. Even if it’s an innocent boy.”
He’s counting on it. Instead of letting anything go though, he calmly asks her, “Are you threatening us?”
Smoke pops up around the Kitsune and her Oni appear. “Now I’m threatening you,” she smugly points out..
Void’s not sure of their strength at this distance but remembers the one from the other day and responds to her, “We’re not really afraid of your little fireflies.”
Having said what he needs, he turns around and begins to walk away, joining the crowd. The kitsune calls out that if she cannot defeat him she knows someone who will and Void merely keeps walking, taking in the fear of those in the hospital and the despair of those who know they are to die.
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adhdzagreus · 5 years
Agelast roark hamilton :3
Agelast - A person who never laughs.
Baby I'm in love and maybe it's starting to tellOnly thing that I can do is hold it in, hold it inI was told that I'm a man now and I'm not allowed to cryThe only thing that I can do is hold it in, hold it inHah!
Hold It In - Jukebox the Ghost 
Sterling was a palace guard. He’d been hired on as a guard some ten years ago, and he’d worked his way up through the ranks from doorman to corridor patrol. Someday, he was hoping he might even be promoted to captain.
He had two main duties, and he took pride in each of them as he considered them both important to the integrity of the palace. The first was patrolling the corridors for signs of intruders. Almost never did someone enter the palace without permission, but it was important work nonetheless because if someone did, he would surely catch them.
The second was standing guard in sensitive locations such as the throne room, the treasury, or the royal wing. This was secretly his favorite of his duties since it put him in close proximity with important people like the royal family. He was very proud to be able to tell people that he was doing his part to protect the Empire, and he enjoyed telling his friends about the workings of the castle.
In fact the only person who enjoyed a bit of palace gossip more than he did was his co-worker Amos. When standing guard, they often worked in pairs, and Amos was his most common partner. He would stand on the right side of the entry to the royal suites, and Amos would stand on the left, and the two of them would look very serious and stern to dissuade anyone from coming to bother the emperor, the empress, or the prince. The same rule applied when they were guarding the throne room.
After so many years of work, Sterling had gotten to know the royal family quite well. None of them seemed to know who he was. In their matching armor, the guards were quite interchangeable after all, but the royals were one of Sterling’s and Amos’s favorite subjects of gossip.
There was the Empress Alexandra who was always poised and elegant and planned the most opulent balls. And of course there was the Emperor Elias who was as powerful and intelligent as you would expect an emperor to be.
And then there was the Crown Prince, the sole heir to all of Hamelin. His name was Roark, and he was as serious a young man of eighteen as you could hope to find. When Sterling had first joined the palace guard, the prince had been a very serious young boy, and he had only grown into a more serious young man with time. If he weren’t so intimidating, it would’ve been almost comical how solemn the prince was. In all his years of guarding the palace, Sterling had never once seen the prince laugh.
Amos claimed to have seen him laugh once, but Sterling didn’t believe him. Amos’s imagination was known to get the better of him at times.
Despite his seriousness, or perhaps because of it, Sterling was fond of the young prince. He’d watched him grow up, like everyone else in Hamelin had, with the weight of the whole Empire on his shoulders, and he’d borne it remarkably well. Sterling had never seen such a levelheaded teenaged boy.
The prince excelled at his studies, both magical and academic, and the general consensus was that he would make a very fine emperor someday. Indeed, he seemed born for the role. He had an unusual air of gravitas about him and an impressive mastery of magic.
“Heard much about the ball last night?” Amos asked as they were standing guard outside the throne room.
“Just what I heard from the doorway. I was working a shift last night,” said Sterling. “You?”
“I had the night off, but I heard it quite an affair. Is that true?”
Sterling nodded. “It was one of the fancier balls I’d seen in a while. That’s to be expected, of course. It isn’t every day the Crown Prince comes of age.”
“Who all was there?” Amos asked with interest.
“Oh, it was a huge turn out. Feels like I saw half the kingdom come in.”
“Yeah, the rich half I’d imagine.”
“Naturally,” Sterling said. “The emperor isn’t going to let his son marry someone who can’t add anything to the royal coffers.”
Amos snorted. “You got that right.”
The two exchanged amused looks, deriving no small amount of pleasure from deriding their superiors behind their backs.
“So,” Amos said, “do you know who he spoke to?”
“Presumably he spoke to just about everyone,” Sterling replied. “But I’ll be surprised if anything came of it. He looked pretty bored going in. It’d take quite a girl to catch his eye.”
“I don’t think it’s his eyes that are the problem. It’ll be his heart. It’d take quite a woman to get through that ironclad exterior,” Amos said knowledgeably.
“You’re not wrong,” Sterling said. “There seemed to be quite a few young woman there who were more than willing to try.”
“Oh, yeah?” Amos said with interest. “Anyone in partic--?”
The two guards fell silent and stood at attention at the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor. They grew still as the owner of those footsteps came into view. It was the same young man they’d just been discussing, and Sterling felt a jolt of worry that he’d perhaps heard them, but that was quickly replaced by relief as the prince gave no sign of this.
He didn’t look annoyed in the slightest. In fact, he looked… happy, Sterling realized with shock. The guard almost didn’t recognize him without his usual sober expression. The prince was instead wearing the faintest of smiles. His eyes, usually fixed ahead, were distant and dreamy, and he was plainly lost in thought.
Neither of the guards said a word as the prince passed them by absently on the way into the throne room, but they exchanged shocked looks.
“What in the world?” murmured Sterling.
“You don’t think…?” began Amos.
The two fell silent, listening intently, as voices started up in the throne room behind them.
“There you are. You’re late.”
“Am I? My apologies, Father.”  The prince sounded honestly surprised to be late.
“Very well. Take care it doesn’t happen again.”
“Yes, Father.”
The emperor began to discuss the day’s agenda in a businesslike, matter of fact, sort of fashion. After a while, he interrupted himself to say, “Are you listening, Roark?”
Sterling would dearly have liked to have seen the prince’s face as he replied, “Of course.” The tone of his voice was not convincing.
“I only ask because your attention seems to be somewhere else this morning. Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, who could say?” Sterling couldn’t be certain, but he thought the emperor sounded amused. “Perhaps we should discuss more exciting matters. Such as last night’s ball.”
“That would be… fine,” the prince said.  
“From my perspective, it went rather well. What do you think? Any potential candidates?”
The prince was silent for a moment, and Sterling and Amos instinctively leaned closer to the door to listen.
“I need your permission to court Kyoko!” the prince burst out. Beside Sterling, Amos let out a soft gasp of delight.
“Oh?” Now the emperor definitely sounded amused. “The chief engineer’s daughter?”
“Yes, Father, she was at the ball last night,” the prince said hurriedly. “You must have seen her. She has long shining black hair, and she was wearing a pale purple gown. She was the most beautiful woman there.”
“Calm down, I know who you’re talking about,” the emperor said, quite entertained. “You spent most of the evening with her.”
“Oh.” The prince sounded flustered.
“You may of course have my permission to court her. It’s a perfectly suitable match. Your mother will be pleased to hear it.”
“Oh, thank the gods,” the prince said with relief.
“I must say, I was expecting this to be more of an ordeal. You were remarkably quick to make a decision.”
“It was no decision,” the prince replied. “There was only one possible choice.” Amos let out another soft gasp, and Sterling shot him a look.
“That taken with her, are you?”
“I… I suppose,” he muttered. “This is all… very strange.” Sterling privately agreed, having never seen the prince this animated before.
The emperor laughed, clearly finding all of this extremely entertaining. “Tell you what. Let’s arrange another meeting with her.”
“I-I would like that very much.”
“Excellent. I’ll get in contact with her father. Now that that’s settled, you may go.”
There was a beat of silence, during which presumably the prince nodded, and then he exited the room, past the two guards who were struggling to contain their glee.
The prince gave no notice of this, entirely immersed in his own thoughts. He set off down the corridor at a brisk pace, almost ran into a wall, blinked at it, startled, and course-corrected.
Sterling grinned and looked at Amos who had one hand over his armorclad heart. “Our prince has fallen in love,” Amos whispered as the prince moved out of earshot.
“Who’d have thought it?” Sterling said. “Seems like only yesterday he was a quiet little kid.”
“He’s got it bad,” Amos said with delight. “Did you hear him? He said she was the most beautiful woman at the ball.”
“I heard his father say he spent most of the evening with her,” Sterling said.
“Did you see her?” Amos asked. “This Kyoko, the chief engineer’s daughter? What’s she like?”
Sterling tried to remember all of the guests from the night before. “I remember her. Pretty young woman. She seemed happy to be there, just excited, you know? She must be something to have done such a number on our prince.”
Amos nodded. “Oh, I hope she likes him. He seems smitten with her.”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Sterling said. “He’s the prince, and he’s good-looking to boot.”
“Love is about more than titles and appearances,” Amos chided. “It’s a joining of hearts.”
“Yeah, but…power and good looks can’t hurt either.”
Amos tried to hold back a laugh. “I guess not.”
“I do hope this goes well for him,” said Sterling. “It’d be great to have a princess.”
“Oh, wouldn’t it?” said Amos, delighted.
“Sure would,” said Sterling. “Maybe the prince wouldn’t be so serious all the time if he had someone to laugh with him.”
“Now there’s a thought.”
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Are Misha and Danneel aware of Misheel?  And how does it impact Jensen?
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A doll face just sent this monstrosity to me.  There are a few things that need to be factored in here.
Hellers lie.  Its par for the course with them.  I have had many hellers approaching me with claims that Jensen is fine with destiel because he ''told them so during photo ops and autos''.  But he bashes the same people on stage.  It makes no sense, unless you factor in their habitual lies.  That was what I thought as well, until I realized that this heller was bold enough to tag Misha and Danneel in the tweet.  Only someone who knows that they wont get told off by the tagged individuals, will make such a confident move.  That means Misha and Danneel must know about this.
Before Danneel fell in my eyes, I had no real issues with her.  I was not a fan of hers because I really didn't care for her work.  I didn't hate her.  I don't know her well enough for that.  She was just somebody's wife.  The only thing that really irritated me about her, was that she regularly argues with her husband's fans on social media and over issues related to Jensen himself.  That means she reads tweets sent to her.  One gossip monger masquerading as a journalist, claimed that Jensen and Jared were in love, and that Danneel was a beard and a PR device to cover what Jensen really was.  Danneel took it upon herself to deal with this guy online.  As a PR person myself, I can tell you that what she did was a PR nightmare.  Any communication online never truly gets deleted.  If a two bit journalist says something, the general SM public won't care.  But when a celebrity starts fighting back, people will sit up and take notice.  Not only did she fight with the guy online, she even did a podcast with the journalist, about Jensen's sexuality.  In other words she was adding more fuel to the fire.  People who were not even aware of the rumor, were now fully invested in it, because she drew so much attention to it.  Danneel should never have done that.  Jensen has a voice too, and he didn't use it, even once during this whole online battle.  Danneel is very quick to fight Jensen's fans, but recently she has been very quickly to respond to pro-Misha tweets and leaving a like on the tweets.  There is no chance she didn't read this.  I know what her motivation is, and a job is a job after all.  What baffles me, however, is how she can be ok with this.  She is supposed to love her husband, but she seems fine about bonding with fans who threatened her husband's life.  How can this be an acceptable career move?  And for what?  To carve a niche for herself?  How is being seen as Misha's side whore ''carving a niche for yourself''.  And the fact that the heller wrote ''misheel confirmed'', makes me realize that Danneel must know about this.  Misheel, for those of you who are still unsullied and innocent, is the tinhat name for Misha and Danneel.  It is a derivative of Cockles tinhat theory.  Cockles involved just Jensen and Misha as a tinhat couple.  Because that didn't make sense, they came up with JDVM which involves Jensen, Misha and their wives have orgies, because Misha was vile enough to share his bedroom situation with everyone.  And the tinhats assume that this must be the kind of sex Jensen and Misha are having.  They segued into Jenmisheel, completely leaving out Vicki, because unlike Danneel, Vicki stays out of the limelight so they know very little about her.  And Misheel tinhats leave out Jensen perhaps because Danneel gushes over Misha, while Jensen remains disdainful towards him.  Anything to keep Misha relevant, I suppose.  Even saying that he is having an affair with his co-worker's wife, is acceptable.  So long as Misha is part of a narrative, that narrative is celebrated.  There are so many ever changing narratives to their tinhatting because there is not credulity to their tinhat theories and they know that.  Misheel only emerged after Danneel started overdoing her fangirling of Misha.  And by heller logic, if you are a fan of someone, it must mean you want to sleep with them.  Hence, Dr Sexy being proof that Dean is bisexual.  The fact, that she might be okay with Misheel, shocks me.  So she is willing to fight a journalist online and do a podcast because she doesn't want to be seen as one man's beard, but she has no problem being seen as another man's whore?  I don't understand her logic.  How hungry could anyone be for fan approval, that they are willing to embarrass their husband and disgrace their marriage in public.  I don't think Jensen knows any of this, because unlike Misha and Danneel, Jensen actually has a full time job, and is not fandom savvy [like Misha] nor does he engage his fans online [or fight with them, like Danneel].  If she knows about Misheel and is going behind Jensen's back with this, then she is horrible human being and Jensen deserves a better wife.
I wouldn't be surprised if Misha did say this.  But it still shocks me.  It is almost as if Misha's ethical and moral threshold is nonexistent.  And he doesn't seem to fear that Jensen will find out.  He doesn't seem to stop and think that what he is saying is terribly damaging and inappropriate.  Sure, he and Danneel may have a laugh over fans thinking they are having sex with each other, but I can't see Jensen laughing alongside.  After all, this is his wife.  Which man is going to find humor in people thinking his wife sleeps with another man?  If Jensen knows about this, then its going to shock me more anyone else.  I think, personally, that Misha know about Misheel and he is enjoying this.  Perhaps he does like the idea of being with Danneel.  Unlike Destiel, which he forces for leverage, this pairing is something he can totally be enthusiastic about.  After all, he is a straight man, and Danneel may be pretty to him.  He might push this pairing because its a welcome change from pushing himself with a dude.  Not that he will stop pandering destiel or cockles.  Destiel and cockles are what he considers his money makers.  This pairing is for his own enjoyment and amusement.  Misha and Danneel have a history because they worked in the TSA short film project, and are now on the Random Acts board of directors.   Perhaps Misha isn't as enthusiastic about his marriage.  Maybe he likes Misheel because his marriage seems like a open arrangement, a social justice stunt and not like a proper marriage.  From the wedding [where Misha wore a wedding dress and Vicki wore a suit] to the sexual activity in their home [where Vicki's friend is regularly invited into their bed], everything seems to be done for shock value and not from the heart.  Misha is the cuckold in his marriage.  Misha and Vicki know each other for a long time, and I think they just got used to each other.  But they seem more like friends rooming with one another.  They are a couple around their children.  I can understand why Misha was ok with the bedroom arrangement initially.  The idea of watching two women have sex in front of you, is exciting to any straight man, but after a while, you start to realize that unless you are knocking her up, you are essentially the third wheel, and she doesn't necessarily need you, just your sperm.  She can get that anywhere.  If Danneel and Misha pre-arranged this Misheel thing, then I am incorrect about Misha, and they are both merely attention mongers, and Danneel has no respect for her unsuspecting husband and their marriage.  Because the day Jensen finds out, she is serious trouble.  He is leave her in a heart beat.  But if Misha is doing this of his own volition, for his own morbid pleasure, and Danneel is just an enthusiastic minion, then he is a complete leering scumbag that Danneel needs to stay away from.  And, if this is the case, Jensen won't break his ''epic friendship'' with Misha.  He will clock the pervert right between the eyes and break his nose. 
Lets see how or if Misha and Danneel respond to this tweet.
PS:  I need to point this out because some people always get the wrong end of the stick.  I am not a tinhat [not that there is anything wrong with that].  I am not a wife hater.  The wives are very seldom in my thoughts.  I am not impressed by them, but I am not jealous of them for marrying their husbands.  I am not out to ''get'' Danneel.  I am merely questioning what her motives are.  If her husband shows her the threats and abuse he is getting online, why is she going out of her way to impress his abusers.  Don't say my words are uncalled for.  Danneel, like anyone else on earth, is not infallible.  She is just a person.  If you can tolerate criticism towards Jensen, Jared and Misha, then you can tolerate this as well.  I am not hating.  I am critiquing. 
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sweetness47 · 6 years
Don’t Look Behind You Part 6 – The Hunt, The Betrayal, The Hurt
Pairing Mafia Boss!Castiel/Misha x reader
A/N: This is for #spnkinkbingo hosted by @spnkinkbingo  @fanforfanatic. The story will be written from both the reader’s POV and from Misha’s POV.
Square filled: Handcuffs
Warnings: Violence, language, smut, fluff, gang violence, mentions of sexual abuse, sexual assault, child abuse, murder, I’m covering all my bases here. PAY HEED TO THE TRIGGERS! NOT FOR UNDER 18, OR ANYONE WITH HISTORIES OF ANY MENTIONED WARNINGS!
Just a side note…these warnings may not apply to all chapters, but I’m setting out the warnings anyways!!
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Misha’s POV
Monday morning arrived quicker than any of us wanted. We gave ourselves an extra hour to get ready, and I made sure to explain my plan to Y/N for her work area. The new janitor, Jim, was going to be on that floor for the entire work day, and he would remain until she was finished work. He had been fully briefed on the situation, and what my expectations were of Y/N’s safety. Jared was going to drive her to and from work, and she would let him know if any overtime was going to happen. If she ended up working late, he would wait inside the building, outside the office door, until she emerged.
I had sent a picture of Y/N to Jim yesterday, so he would know what she looked like. In turn, I walked her to the office, stopping briefly to casually motion toward my friend, who gave a slight nod in our direction. Y/N smiled at him and turned to the door, opening the lock so she could step inside. I went in with her, and walked through the place beside her, making sure there were no surprises. My transmitter didn’t pick up any odd frequencies of bugs or any such listening devices, but I left instructions with Jim to check regularly as well. After I was satisfied with her surroundings, I brought her into my arms and she melted into the embrace, and our mouths sought each other in desperate need. A polite cough interrupted the passionate moment, and we turned to find Jensen casually leaning on the wall, arms crossed, grinning like a child at Christmas. Y/N blushed furiously and stepped away, but her hand stayed locked with mine.
Jensen’s voice filled the silence with jovial delight. “Please tell me this isn’t a dream. Seriously Y/N, this is freaking awesome! Does Danee know yet? How long have you been an item? Why didn’t you say…”
I stopped his quiz with a stay of my hand, and gestured to Y/N, who cleared her throat. “Jensen, no one knows yet. This literally just happened over the weekend. All I know for sure is I haven’t slept that good in a very long time. He makes me feel safe, loved, and I love him.” Her confession to him, even though she already confessed as much to me, hearing her tell someone she trusts makes my heart soar. She loves me. I love her as well, something I never thought I’d hear myself say. Until Friday, I’d never found a woman worthy of my love, and now that I have her, I don’t plan to lose her.
The first week goes by quickly, and I am amazed at how quickly Y/N has adjusted to her new schedule and the changes made to her life. Jared enjoys spending time with her, he even allows her to sit in the front with him when he picks her up or even when he drops her off. This is rare in itself, he almost never allows anyone to spend time in the front, except occasionally me, and that is usually when urgent business needs to be discussed. Our evenings are filled with talk of work, next day plans and the latest updates as they come in regarding the danger we still find ourselves in. Jared leaves after dinner, his girlfriend is in town for the weekend, so he will spend his Saturday and Sunday with her. She lives in Atlanta, so they don’t get to see each other often except when she’s on a business trip. I made sure she was clean, as I would with anyone, and discovered she owns a cleaning business, with over 100 locations across the U.S. There are two locations here in Boston, and she comes to check on them every two months. I’m certain she comes here more than most because of Jared, but he’s happy to see her, which makes me happy.
Y/N watches as Jared leaves and remarks that she’s from the same place where her brother went to tech college and is currently working. I make a mental note of that, as seemingly coincidental as that is, and stand, holding my hand to Y/N and she takes it, standing now with me. We retire to our bedroom, where I produce a pair of soft handcuffs and a sheer lace short nightgown. She smiles and removes her work clothing, donning the delicate lingerie, and making a seductive gesture my way. In less than two seconds I have crossed the room and I cuff her wrists, and then carry her to the bed, where I attach the cuffs to the headboard. There she lay, unabashed and wanton, her body writhing in anticipation. She parts her legs for me, and I see her juices, she is so wet and I haven’t even started yet. I remove my clothes, my large cock already standing at full attention, pre-cum dripping from my slit, and it takes every ounce of willpower I possess not to take her right there. My plan goes beyond a simple love session.
I make sure as always that I have her approval. My heart would never allow me to take her if she was not willing. I love her too much to hurt her in that way. I go to the drawer by the bed and produce a feather, a decent-sized dildo, and a container of whipped cream. She licks her lips and her eyes gleam as she watches me, there in her gaze is the approval I seek. As she continues to follow my movements, I take the whipped cream and spray it on her wet pussy. She gasps as the cold topping comes in contact with her heat, then I go down, my tongue eager to feast on the dessert before me. Her scent fills my senses as I partake of her essence, tracing lines up and down her folds, juices mixed with the sweet cream. Her hips buck and push my face more into her center, and my appendage finds her entrance, darting in and out at a furious pace. My fingers join the merriment, her mouth uttering cries of intense pleasure. Now I suck hard on her clit while I fuck her with my fingers, three of them, and her first orgasm rips through her in droves, like vibrations from an earthquake. I ride her out, inhaling every drop of her sweet nectar as though I were starving. But I’ve only begun.
Now I take the dildo and begin to fuck her with that. The throbbing pussy coats the new toy in slick, her pressure building again for round two. I don’t allow her to come yet, and instead go to phase two, taking the wet dildo and as I turn her to her side, and slowly insert it into her ass. Her breath stops and she moans, deriving nothing but pleasure from my actions. I smile and finish inserting the item, then I keep her on her side as I once again insert my fingers into her wet folds. My name is on her lips again as I move my fingers, then begin moving the rubber cock, synchronizing so both are rhythmically fucking her at the same time. Her body bucks and her moans fill the silence, the juices flow around my fingers as she comes again, this one harder than the last, hitting with the force of a hurricane, strong and fast. I continue my vigorous ministrations, the aftershocks only adding to the moment.
As her third climax runs through her, I remove the toy and my fingers, lapping up the soaking folds, then I drive my painfully hard cock into her slick. My lips are on hers, claiming her, giving her tastes of what I experienced, a taste she eagerly receives. I slam in and out, my thrusts are fast and furious, my need outweighing all else. She welcomes the assault, wrapping her legs around me, and I am her prisoner as I fuck her. Then I am crying out, my hot seed spewing forth, filling her completely, and I feel her clench around my shaft, as her fourth orgasm wracks her small frame.
I gather her into my arms, releasing the handcuffs and tossing them over the side of the mattress. She snuggles in willingly, placing kisses on my chest and shoulder. We drift off to sleep, exhausted and sated. My phone interrupts our sleep around three in the morning, Jared’s voice on the other end, panicked and worried. I am up immediately, pulling on my clothing with one hand while listening and talking with the other. Y/N sits up as well, as she hears bits and pieces of the conversation, pulling on her own clothing. I motion to her to stay here, that it isn’t safe, but she argues with me, insisting that her safest place is at my side. I think back to what she said to me when we first met, and she has proclaimed this a few times. Yet I am hesitant to bring her with me, Genevieve, Jared’s girlfriend, has gone missing. He got to his place to find the entire apartment in shambles, and while Gen’s things were there, she was nowhere to be seen.
I plead with her one last time. “Y/N, this is too dangerous. Jared’s girlfriend is missing. I can’t give this my full attention if I am also worrying about you. Please, just stay here until return.”
She shook her head and countered. “Misha, Jared is my friend too. Besides I don’t want to be alone.”
“What if I send for Jim? He could stay with you while I am out.” My eyes search hers, hoping she will agree to this compromise. “He won’t let anything happen to you.”
Y/N took a deep breath. “I would rather be at your side, but if you believe that I am safer here, with Jim, then I will stay. But I won’t allow you to go until he gets here.”
I nodded, accepting the terms, and I call my old friend, explaining the situation. He arrives in 10 minutes, it helps that he lives in the same building, and once he is settled in, I make my way over to Jared’s place. He doesn’t live far, but I take the car to be safe, you can never be too careful at night. I park and rush inside, finding my brother sitting on the couch, his head bent forward, his hands running through his brown hair. Upon seeing me, he gets up and I give him a reassuring hug, telling him we will find her and get her back. I mean every word of that statement. Together we search the place for any clues that might give us an idea of who did this. I find some torn paper on the floor in the washroom, looking like they were to be flushed down the toilet. They didn’t make all and I retrieve the three clues off the tile. As I read what I can, I frown, the words on the little pieces of parchment don’t make sense. I see part of a name, and what looks to be another name, a number and the latter half of a time. The number could be part of an address, but with out more details, I can’t say where. I put them in my pocket for now, leaving my findings out of the mix. The last thing I want to do is worry my friend even more.
Gen’s personal belongings are strewn across the bedroom floor and on the bed as well, as if someone was desperate to find something. But the way some items lay almost seemed placed, like they were staged to look like they’d been thrown around. I took pictures of everything and went back to the living room, where Jared was also finding some oddities.
“Hey Misha, does this look weird?” he asks as he points to the coffee table, tipped over on it’s side, but nothing that fell off the decorative piece was broken. If this had been a real fight, the dishes that were on the floor would be broken, as would the glass top of said table. The lamp on the side table was knocked over on the floor as well, but also remained intact, like it was placed. There were pillows and cushions tossed around the room, some dining chairs tipped, but the carpets were untouched. The china cabinet remained in one piece, and other than some flower pots on their sides from the cushion tossing, there was no physical damage.
I decided to pull out the paper I found and show my friend. “I found these by the toilet in the washroom Jared. Whatever this was, it wasn’t supposed to stay around. I imagine the rest made it down the sewer system.”
Jared mimics my reaction as he reads the same words I did. He looks up at me and we leave to head back to my place. The writings haunt my thoughts as we return, and I can see my friend’s mind working as well. None of what we found make sense, but now we need to put out word, possible security threat in the city and possible betrayal. When we enter, Y/N runs to me, then to Jared, giving him a sisterly hug. He smiles at her gesture and returns the affectionate embrace. I go to the office and begin sending word to my city families, appraising them of the new developments and warning them to watch their backs. Jared informs Jim of our findings as well, and the older man nods, patting Jared’s shoulder and taking a seat in the office lounge chair.
Once all my notifications are sent, I lean back in my leather chair, closing my eyes for a moment. Y/N comes over and sits on my lap, burying herself in my large embrace. I welcome the distraction and just hold her, placing chaste kisses on top of her head. With all that is happening, she is always my light, a guardian angel here to guide me through the hardships. I no longer believe I can survive without this precious gift that fate has brung into my life.
“Marry me Y/N. With all that’s going on, I don’t want to leave things till it’s too late. I don’t know what tomorrow has in store, but I do know that I love you. This may not be the best timing, and I am not the most ideal choice for the perfect husband, but I’m hoping you’ll consider my proposal.”
Y/N’s eyes went round like saucers, a huge smile slowly making it’s way across her gorgeous face. Even Jared and Jim were smiling, despite the circumstances. She let out a squeal of pure delight and screamed “YES!” at the top of her lungs.
“Would my family be able to come?” she asked hopefully. I pondered this, knowing her family was important to her. I also knew that danger was still lurking, and bringing more people around right now gave the traitors more targets to use against me. But my love for Y/N won out, and I nodded to Jared to make some quick calls. As it happened, one of my friends here in the city was a minister, so I called him. He was thrilled to be of service, and said he would have his church set up for the occasion, including some extra bodyguards and some snipers, both inside and out. Jared gave Y/N a secure phone with which she called her parents first, then her sister and brother-in-law, then her brother in Atlanta. The only one that couldn’t make it was her brother, he couldn’t get the time off work in such short notice. He wished her the best, promising to send flowers and a gift after he finished work.
Reader’s POV
Jared drove me to pick up my family and I introduced him as Misha’s best friend/driver. His friendly manner and charm had my entire clan eating out of the palm of his hand within minutes. Then they descended upon me, congratulating me and asking all sorts of questions, all except Jensen, who had already met Misha. His greeting was one of joy and delight as he picked me up in an enveloping hug and whispered, “That’s awesome sweetheart! I hope he makes you happy.”
I whispered thanks, tears streaming down my face. Everyone gave us inquisitive looks, especially Dani, who actually gave me a death stare, one that said “how come he knows before me?”. I promised to tell her everything once we were in the car. Jared opened the doors, and allowed the ladies in first, then the gentlemen. As we drove to the church, I told everyone the basics, how we had met, how everything just clicked after that. I confessed my love for Misha, and told them he had healed me from a lot of my childhood nightmares, mentally. My mom was happy crying at the end of the tale, as was Dani. They both gave me big hugs at the same time, then my dad and Jensen followed suit.
When we arrived at the church, my sister, mother, and myself were ushered into a separate room, where a gorgeous dress hung, complete with shoes, corset, veil and the most amazing bouquet of white roses I had ever laid eyes on. “Oh Misha, What did you do my love?” I whispered to myself as I took the beautiful gown off the hook, inspecting the work of art. The tag said Amore by Anna Sorrano. It was a mermaid style made from Mikado fabric, almost a satiny feel to it. The back had these delicate buttons all the way down, a stunning classic, yet modern, dress that would make any woman feel like a princess.
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Mom and Dani helped me into the dress, then between the two of them managed to do my hair and makeup in record time. Both women stood back when they were finished, speechless at the transformation they had just created. I stole a glance in the long mirror, and my breath caught in my throat at the image before me. The lace veil only enhanced the beauty of this already stunning gown, and indeed, I felt like a princess. Dani helped me into the white satin shoes and handed me the bouquet. Then she changed quickly into the bridesmaid dress that was purchased at the same time. I was a little shocked when Misha asked me if my sister was close to my size, to which I had replied yes, but never thought he would be buying her a dress as well. Mom did her hair to mirror mine, adding baby’s breath to the braided crown. Dad knocked just as we finished, and couldn’t believe the sight before him. Two of his favorite ladies in the world were now two of the most beautiful in the world. He came up and kissed my cheek, and motioned for my mother to go and sit, stopping to give her a corsage and a kiss before she sat.
Dani went out first, meeting up with Jared, who was Misha’s best man. His expression upon seeing me was priceless, jaw dropped to the floor, eyes bulging and I could almost swear he was drooling. He came over to give me a hug and to tell me the dress looked absolutely stunning. I smiled and thanked him, and he went back over to my sister, and also complimented her dress, to which she said thank you and I could swear she blushed. Jared took Dani’s arm as the wedding march began to play, leading her down the aisle, Dad and I close behind. Misha watched as I started walking, and I couldn’t help but smile. He had picked the dress, but didn’t realize how nice it would look on me till he saw it on me. He could only stare as I made my way to the front, the small crowd of family and friends also quietly expressing their delight. As my father took my hand and placed it into Misha’s, he looked over at my husband-to-be and said, “Thank you for helping her find love. Treat her well.”
Misha bowed and led me up the stairs to where the minister waited. I handed Dani my bouquet and we took each others hands as the service began.
“I stand here today, to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony. Misha Tippens Collins and Y/F/N Y/L/N have consented today to become husband and wife, and are pleased that they could share this event with their close family and friends.” He paused here, staring at the small gathering. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
My father and mother stood up. “We, her father and her mother, do give Y/N to be married to Misha this day.”
The minister nodded and smiled. “Misha, turn to Y/N and repeat after me. ‘I, Misha, take you, Y/N, to be my wife. I promise before God and these witnesses to love you, honor you, protect you, cherish every moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.’”
Misha turned to me. My stomach was doing somersaults as he spoke those words, and the love that radiated from him melted any resolve I might still be carrying. “I, Misha, take you, Y/N to be my wife. I do indeed promise before God and these witnesses to love you, to honor you, to protect you, and cherish every single moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”
Then the minister turned to me. “Y/N, turn now to Misha and repeat after me. ‘I Y/N, take you Misha, to be my husband. I promise before God and these witnesses to love you, honor you, protect you, and cherish every moment we have together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.’”
I smiled. Tears threatened to spill as I cleared my throat and began. “I Y/N, take you Misha, to be my husband.” My voice cracked, but I continued, and I felt the first tear fall. “Before God and these witnesses this day, I promise to love you, to honor and protect you, and to cherish every moment we spend together, both in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” Misha smiled and reached up to wipe a single teardrop from my face.
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The minister nodded and turned to Jared. “The rings will be exchanged now.”
Jared reached into his pocket and handed Misha my ring, and I watched as he slipped this diamond band on my finger. His words were filled with promise as he said, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
Then I stood shocked as Jared handed me one that mirrored my own except that it was made for a man, this man. As I slipped the gorgeous jewelry on his finger I also said the words, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
The minister raised his hands in joyous momentum. “As sure as we have witnessed the union of these two souls, I am pleased to pronounce Misha and Y/N, husband and wife, joined together under God.” Then he looked at Misha. “You may now kiss the bride.” Misha wasted no time and pulled me into his warm embrace, his lips crushing mine, his tongue invading, caressing my own, sealing our marriage vows. Cheers and shouts of congratulations vibrated through the entire sanctuary, as we waved and made our way down the aisle, where the reception hall awaited.
Misha’s POV
We were officially husband and wife, and to my ears there were no sweeter words spoken in that moment. We made our way to the dining hall where my chef, along with my closest friends, have prepared a wonderful meal to share with our guests. Y/N’s family have a German background, so I had Louis prepare some well-known dishes from that country. German potato salad starts the courses, along with Rouladen, Spatzle, Schnitzel, German fries, Pretzel buns, and for dessert a very delectable Black Forest Cake. For beverage we were given a choice of Riesling, which is a popular German wine, or German beer. Louis had indeed outdone himself this evening. The feast was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and Y/N’s father came over to tell me as much during the meal.
As the evening drew to a close, people gathered to wish us well and take their leave. Y/N’s family stayed till the end, as they were promised some more information about this man their daughter had fallen in love with and married within the span of a week. Jensen helped with the start of the story, saying how Y/N had saved my life, and how I had come to the office with her to intercede on her behalf for being late. Then I took over and explained how I had invited her to the charity function, and everything just happened from there. Then I was enveloped into a hug, first by Y/N’s mother, then the rest of the family joined in. I was now part of their lives, and they welcomed me without question. Jared was also invited to join the family group. I have never experienced love like this, so freely given, unconditionally accepted into their inner circle just because I married their daughter.
We all exited the church together, talking and making plans to get together for another meal, a chance to get to know one another better. Jared was also invited, to which he happily accepted. I was so engrossed in all the family talk I never saw the black car slowly making its way down the street, nor did I see the window slowly open. It wasn’t until Y/N screamed and pushed me out of the way that my mind came to focus. The gunshot echoed through the block and Y/N’s body covered mine, my hand on her waist. But my horror was realized when my hand came back red, fresh blood flowing from the bullet wound in her side. And worse, I saw two faces in the car, one looked a lot like Gen, and the other was that of Y/N’s brother.
@legion1993 @spnkinkbingo @fanforfanatic
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