#i am pazuzu
infinite-sykosis · 9 months
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somethingshifted · 1 year
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two of them
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regina-mortis · 8 months
Listen, The Exorcist: Believer was a decent enough movie, but, as a sequel, it could never compare to the TV show.
The way season 1 portrayed Pazuzu... One of the best villains I've seen.
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featherwurm · 1 year
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Picking up from the previous:
- Not even a day later, and Pazu’s enchanted gun went out, much to Vol’s distress.
- Milan, with usual sense and tact, offers a channeling so the party can try to figure out what happened.  Vol, after knowing all the learned in the Vistani Camp outside of Valaki has some ideas.  The group needs to hurry up and figure out how to bring Pazu back so Vol can kill him.
-  Milan gets a bunch of bombshells on his past dropped on him by Yevgeniya at the Tser Pool as the group gleefully relates their exploits in the last few weeks.  It’s some emotional dissonance as he learns where he came from (while Yevgenia’s cats scream a little.)
- Vol found a very cute stuffed toy, a little orange cat they have promptly named Jorts.  They’re getting more and more junk on their belt, but this one seems to be pretty neat.
- Hey remember this?  Well, since the body has been in gentle repose, Mortimer is now able to resurrect him, and father and son have a tearful reunion.  Milan hold’s back from his usual bite, for the moment.
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apatchworkstar · 1 year
I am. Turning the idea of will-o'-wisp!Fuuta fanart in my mind
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tenshindon · 1 year
What would Puar and chiaotzu’s fuse name be Putzu or Chiar?
putzu reminds me of the devil so lets go with that one
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n41r · 7 months
Hello, it's Monday~
You know what that means~ Time for me to scream- /slapped
This week's chapter is Kurt's Chapter! And I might possibly talk about the next chapter as well, which is the chapter about Red Empress and Prince Mardok
Anyway, about Kurt's Chapter now-
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In this chapter/volume, we finally caught a glimpse on one of the New Chapters series protagonist, Burn!!!
But I have a bone to pick here-
Why my boy Culann didn't get an introductory box- You see, since Ares's chapter, Tanta consistently get his introductory box present, but Culann didn't
Why, tho- What is this discrimination against my boy???? WHAT HAVE CULANN DONE AGAINST Y'ALL, PLS-
A-anyway, continue-
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Son, if this cloak really is your family heirloom/ancestor's heritage, shouldn't you treat it more carefully???? The cloak have tear on it already, shouldn't you be more careful???
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Also, here is Kurt!
And now I can see why his card illustration have him standing on a wooden box, that's pretty cute actually-
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And I feel the need to say it now, Dran is hella powerful- I meant, I only face him in a battle once and with his 2* form, but he absolutely kicked some ass-
Also yes, Dran is a male monster- I'm not gonna lie, I thought Dran was a female character at first- I meant, his EN voice is very feminine- Given I've only face his 2* version, his 3* version might have more masculine voice? Thought for some reason, I have a doubt-
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Also, it kind of saddens me to see Dran basically being sacrificed by the other villagers And gosh, after seeing his voicelines from the JP fanwiki, it saddens me even more- He is just as scared of his own power, rugkuerhjgr;;;
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In this page, we are shown that Kurt is actually not someone from this particular village, but from uhh... umm... Asyria? Spelling might be wrong since I used Google Lens, but I'm sure his evolution item have the correct spelling I might try to get that item and take a pic of it someday
Also, might make a separate post about Asyria (spelling might be still wrong), because I just realized something that I've stupidly overlooked-
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Also, this panel intrigue me I thought Pazuzu was acting on his own, but he was actually commanded by someone of higher rank???
And by looking at the cloak's collar and sharp nails, I have a hunch that this might be Demon Duke Astaroth, and beside him might be (emphasize on might-) Demon Queen Riviere
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I only base this assumption because they are both Demon race and both higher in ranking (and possibly class as well) compared to Pazuzu in this chapter, who seems to be in his 3* form
And gosh, look at the preview for the next chapter,
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The man that I detest, Grand Marshal Nergal- The grudge I held toward Nergal is wholly personal tho, don't worry about it-
Buut, since I already read and know what chapter is next, I'm not going make another "screaming about Oreca lore manga" post next week
Instead, I'll patiently wait for Flow's chapters for the next few weeks-
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Because hell, the chapter preview that Neferu-san told me ends on a really hanging cliffhanger- I wish there will be a conclusion on this robot invasion arc, because I'm dying to know-
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achoirofcritters · 9 months
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I am almost too late but today was Pazuzu's 6th Birthday!
Can you guys believe he's this old already?! Here he is looking absolutely beautiful and for once harnessing his modeling skills on a hike we had earlier this year! My little goofball, and a vicious, stinky man, I can't even fathom that he's a Whole Adult. If you've been following us for a while, time to feel old!
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yamayuandadu · 20 days
I am interested to know about the 4 winds and what is their role in mythology
You’re in luck because while there isn’t much material, it’s fairly easily accessible - by reading Wiggermann’s The Four Winds and the Origin of Pazuzu you can learn 90% of what there is to know. However, since he doesn’t cover the myth(s) involving the South Wind, I figured a brief summary is in order - you can find it under the cut. All images are taken from Wiggermann’s article, and have been reproduced here for educational purposes only.
The four winds are the West Wind (Amurru; not identical with the god Amurru), the East Wind (Šadû), the North Wind (Ištānu; no relation to the phonetically similar Hittite designation for sun deities) and the South Wind (Šūtu; I’m not aware of any connection to the goddess Sutītu, who was essentially a deified Sutean - ie. “Southerner” - stereotype much like how Amurru was a deified stereotypical Amorite). The names are virtually always translated into English, so I’ll stick to following this convention here. The South Wind, who has a plenty of solo attestations as a literary character, is usually female, and the other three male; this reflects the grammatical gender of their names. However, there is at least one case where the North Wind is referred to with feminine terms regardless of that. It seems fairly consistent that regardless of their gender the four are treated as siblings, though. We know they shared the same mother but her identity is never specified. Not that unusual, really. In Mesopotamian astronomy, the winds’ names could also refer to specific constellations: North Wind is Ursa Major, South Wind is Piscis Austrinus, West Wind is Scorpio and East Wind is Perseus and the Pleiades. Note that some of these connections are not exclusive to them; Scorpio or individual stars forming it could be instead associated with Ishara, Ninigirimma, or even Lisin.
While it can be difficult to identify minor deities in Mesopotamian art, the four winds are distinct enough to make this fairly straightforward to researchers. All of them are depicted with wings and windswept hair (of course), but there are additional traits unique to each. The South Wind, as expected, looks feminine and typically has entwined legs; the North Wind is partially theriomorphic (the rest has no animal traits save for their wings); the West Wind is bent over in an acrobatic pose; and the East Wind is, essentially, a “generic wind” iconographically. The oldest example of a depiction of the group is a seal from Sippar from the nineteenth century BCE, which shows the four of them surrounding a weather god, presumably Adad:
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Wiggermann based on this attestation suggests that the group might have originally emerged from the theological speculation of Adad’s clergy from Sippar, and that the seal might depict a set of statues displayed at his local temple. Hard to prove, but compelling, imo. However, personified winds occasionally can be found in earlier sources too: one of Gudea’s inscriptions poetically described the North Wind as a winged man, there’s also a seal from roughly the same period showing Adad, his spouse (presumably Shala) and a winged attendant who might similarly be a wind. However, they were not exclusively associated with the weather god - there is also at least one reference to them acting as messengers of Anu instead. South Wind sometimes appears as a servant of Ea, as well.
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With time, the South Wind essentially overshadowed her siblings, and could be recognized as an independent wind deity. She eventually lost part of her original iconography: the wings vanished, but a standard horned crown started to appear on her head, indicating stabilization of her status as a deity. She plays a major role in the myth Adapa and the South Wind. The eponymous hero breaks her wing (or both of her wings) with a curse (notably no physical contact occurs), and as a result she stops blowing. Anu therefore summons Adapa to heaven. He plans to essentially deify him, but this doesn’t come to pass because Ea convinced him to refuse any gifts he might receive. 
In this article you can learn more about the history of this myth. Most notably, recently a new version has been discovered during excavations at Tell Haddad (ancient Me-Turan). This is relevant to your question since it seems to its compilers it was South Wind who mattered more than Adapa - the narrative is more concerned with her restoration than with its expected protagonist! Anu asks Adapa why did he break her wings, he seemingly does not answer, and instead the focus shifts to declaring a new destiny for the South Wind. Her arrival is said to bring an unspecified disease, which however is also cured by her departure. By breaking her wings, Adapa made her unable to leave, which seemingly meant the disease could not be cured. Interestingly, this might actually be the original form of the myth - in other words, it was originally about the South Wind, with Adapa as a side character, with the switch of importance only occurring later. 
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Next to the South Wind, the West Wind probably fared the best once the group ceased to be depicted together. He absorbed his brother’s non-human traits, and in the Middle Babylonian period sometimes had the tail of a bird or stinger or a scorpion, and on top of that a set of talons. The acrobatic pose remained consistent, though. Wiggermann thinks that he was subsequently fused with the apotropaic image of Humbaba’s head to create a prototype of Pazuzu, but this remains speculative.
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My redneck neighbor Doug on 'The Solitary Clone'
Oh boy, a Daddy Warcrimes episode, happy happy joy joy!
Here it is, Doug's review of 'The Solitary Clone' or, as he calls it, 'Daddy Warcrimes Goes To Texas'.
Nothing much to say...enjoy, you lot. Doug liked this episode, but he likes Daddy Warcrimes the same reason I enjoy characters like the Joker and Daemon Targaryen: I AM NEVER BORED.
CW: Daddy Warcrimes do what he do and Doug narrates it. Need I say more? Oh and if you're from Texas, I apologize ahead of time. Doug shreds the Lone Star State something bad in here.
Oh boy, we arrive at some dry-ass dump. It’s gross and there’s corn and everyone seems a little off. Must be Oklahoma.
Wait, there’s peaky mountains, must be Texas. Didn’t know Texas was in Star Wars but whatever. 
Well, here’s the Empire, but wait! This dump is run by an angry lady with a bucket on her head dressed like a hippie beekeeper. I’ll call her Beekeeper Bitch.
Anywho, looks like Beekeeper Bitch is holding the government officials hostage today, which is what they do for fun in Texas I guess, besides make barbeques and do weird shit at football games. I hate A&M so much. 
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Now, here’s Daddy Warcrimes, having a nice nap in what looks to be the broom closet at my job where the junior engineers always end up banging each other at least once a week. I’m surprised there’s no bleach in there. Jeez, Daddy Warcrimes, no blanket?
Poor Daddy Warcrimes, trying to make friends with the other dudes at lunch and no one wants to go near him because he was forced to sleep in the Dirty Shag Closet. At least the clone cafeteria has turkey legs like Ren Faire. I wonder if it’s because Daddy Warcrimes crashes where the younger employees screw each other all day and there’s stains on the walls no one wants to talk about. Oh well. 
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Oh, now we gotta see MBA-Rob. No turkey legs for Daddy Warcrimes today. I hate this little asshole, of course he’s dicking around on his stupid assed phone while Daddy Warcrimes waits and fantasizes about killing and smoked meats.
No one will swipe right on you, Rob, you’re unemployed and gave your last girlfriend an itchy crotch. Or is it left? Up and down? How does that thing where you meet ladies work? 
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32 rotations…wtf is this Waterworld shit? How come Daddy Warcrimes isn’t burned to a crisp? How did he survive on that dump? Damn, the man must be part roach, I guess, wow. 
Now he’s got his sweet Johnny Cash armor back on, just looking at him makes me wanna watch that western robot show with Ed Harris again. He’s hanging out in front of that script that possessed Linda Blair back in the day. Does Pazuzu exist in this universe?
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Oh, shit, it’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend! What in the what what. Glad to see he’s still around! Where’s his gold armor? Did he get it after Obi-Wan…you know, that makes me too sad to think about. I’m sorry, Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, that must have been rough on you. 
Well, looks like he and Daddy Warcrimes are off!  Where? They’re off on a charming romp to squash some rebellion!...wait, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Who are we rooting for? I’m confused. When did Star Wars get confusing? Am I old now?
Ya know who's not confused? Daddy Warcrimes! His job is pointing, shooting, killing. Which, I get, man. I worked in the oil industry. Speaking of which, they’re back in Texas, but where? Are they in Marfa? This looks like one of the shittier towns in West Texas, outside of El Paso. Are they making meth? Is the Empire the DEA? 
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You know, this place is quite nice for someone like Daddy Warcrimes. Second amendment respected, the locals spoke in grunt, and smoked meats for everyone! Speaking of Texas, I wonder if there’s a Buc-ee’s inside, and the Empire wants to take over their jerky emporium, and that’s where this mess came from.
I miss Buc-ees, I could go with a hot brisket sandwich and some Beaver nuggets, get some red velvet fudge for later. 
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No wonder Daddy Warcrimes is shooting everyone, the man is hungry! 
God, DAMN, Daddy Warcrimes waiting and staying perfectly still while he’s getting shot at and the TANK holy SHIT he is a BAD ASS but a BAD PERSON and I am CONFUSED BUT I LIKE IT? 
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("Meat Muffin, you got a doctorate, diagnose me, what is this feeling where I’m confused but happy?"
"It’s just being happy, Doug, and my doctorate is not in psychology.")
And those crap robots are shooting at them again, but are these good guy robots? Didn’t we spend the last few years hating on them? Oh wait, they’re reprogrammed for defense…oh.
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Have I ever told you how much I hate those damn things? They look like vacuum cleaners, if someone made art of a vacuum cleaner that they wanted to be human. Non sexy vacuum cleaners.
("Doug, when did you ever think vacuum cleaners were sexy?"
"Never, don’t know what you’re talking about.") 
Why does this feel like an FBI siege? Is this based on Waco? Shit man, I was in the navy when that happened. This ain’t good. This really is Daddy Wacrimes's Texan adventure, isn't it?
But what is good is Daddy Warcrimes and his GUN. Look at those trick shots like the man is yelling ‘SKEET’ and ‘PULL’ like you wouldn’t believe. I bet he’s the type of person who throws a tantrum at the ice cream store because his favorite flavor is ‘bullets’ and it ain’t on the menu.
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Look at him and Obi-Wan’s boyfriend just going up and killing robots left and right. He ain’t good, but that ain’t bad. Which is…good or bad? Ah, whatever, I like this damn show. 
And there’s Beekeeper Bitch bitching at the Empire’s Bitch. Those couches look comfy. 
Daddy Warcrimes is coming your way! When she’s not wearing her helmet, Beekeeper Bitch looks just like my niece! Wow! Oh, now I don’t know, is she bad? Good? She wants independence for her people, maybe Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend and Daddy Warcrimes can listen to her? 
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Oh, shut up, Empire Bitch, no one cares. ‘Execute her’ uh shut up, your hat sucks and don’t you know that Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend is a free-thinking MAN who might just up and take a DUMP on your LAWN. 
Well, no. Damn, Daddy Warcrimes, you cold-assed sonofabitch. 
‘Hang her body in the square’, what in the hell, this is dark, Dr Meat Muffin, are you letting your sweet girls watch this show? One of them’s a baby, I hope not. 
(I was 100% watching this with my 2 year old, it was on Disney, what do you expect- Dr. MM)
Welp, Daddy Warcrimes is back where he started, chilling in the cafeteria and his new best friend is his helmet. Wonderful. The helmet will at least make eye contact with him. 
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Back to MBA-Rob being a dick to everyone and now Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend has run off. Probably to drink himself into a stupor and cry in a shower somewhere. I know I would, too.  
We really didn’t learn anything in this episode, did we? Well, I learned that Daddy Warcrimes is living a confusing life, never gets to eat and has to sleep in the Dirty Shag Closet. But at least he's got his helmet and his gun and MBA-Rob.
I know he’s bad, but he’s good at that, which is bad…but for me, it’s good?
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Four
Thursday 7:30 PM
I stood at the counter flipping through a magazine and occasionally glancing up to the movie that was playing on the TVs around the store. It had been a slow fucking night; nobody wanted to be out while there was a killer on the loose. Randy was in the back where the adult only section was. I don't even want to think about what he might be doing back there besides putting returns back. I had driven myself to work tonight since I had gone home right after school.
I sighed and grabbed the phone from beside me. "Bradley Video," I answered. "Hello, yn." I stood up straight, "um…hi. Can I help you with something?" I asked. There was silence for a few seconds before the person answered. Something in my gut was screaming at me that this wasn't someone calling to ask about a movie or how late we were open tonight. "What's your favorite scary movie?" They asked. I sighed heavily, "Barney. Bye now," I said, annoyed.
"Don't you fucking hang up on me or you'll come home to find your sister the same way you found your whore of a mother!" My whole body tensed, "who is this?" I asked. I looked around the store and out the windows. "Better question is where am I?" they said. "Okay, then where are you?" I asked. More silence. My gut was telling me to rush home and check on Sidney. "Watching your sister sleeping on the couch. Let's play a game," they said.
"What kind of game?" I asked. He darkly chuckled, "I'm going to ask you some questions. If you get them wrong Sidney dies and her blood redecorates your living room." I could feel my pulse pick up, my hands were starting to slightly shake. "Fine. Ask your fucking questions," I said. He hummed and I could just see the smirk that probably spread across his face.
"The category is horror movies. First question: Who is the killer in Friday the 13th?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "Mrs. Voorhees. I thought these were going to be fucking hard," I said. "Looks like she lives for now. Second question: In the Exorcist, what is the Demon’s name?" He asked. I had to think for a couple seconds. The movie wasn't my favorite but it also wasn't bad. "Pazuzu." I heard a low growl? Was this motherfucker growling? "What's the matter? Pissed you can't stump me?" I asked.
"Third question: Am I inside or outside the house?" My stomach dropped and my heart slammed against my ribcage. "Don't you fucking touch her!" He laughed. Like he actually fucking laughed! "Can you get here in time, yn? Let's find out." He hung up after that and I rushed around the counter and ran to the back. I ran into Randy on the way to the break room to get my keys. "Whoa! What's going on? Why are you in such a rush?" I pushed him out of the way and went straight to my bag.
Once my hand grabbed a hold of it I rushed back to the front of the store. "Wait, yn! Where are you going?!" Randy yelled. "I have to go, he's at the house!" I ran out the door and got in my car leaving Randy standing at the door confused. I sped out of town and within five minutes I was pulling onto Elm Street. I pulled into the driveway, put the car in park and rushed to the front door.
"Fuck!" The door was locked. I ran around the porch, up the stairs to the upper deck and to the stairs that lead to the top floor. I tried that door but it was locked too. "Fuck!" I looked up and cringed. "Good thing I don't ever lock my fucking window." I climbed up to the room and carefully made my way to my bedroom window. Pushing it up I climbed in and rushed over to my door when I heard Sidney scream.
I swung my door open and saw someone in a black cloak slammed into her door. "Hey, asshole!" I yelled. I grabbed the baseball bat by my door. His head snapped towards me. I spun the bat in my hand, "three seconds to back the fuck away from my sister's room before I beat your fucking head in." Now don't get me wrong I was fucking terrified and I know I'm being fucking stupid threatening a killer but I was not going to let him near Sidney.
My grip tightened on the bat as my hands started to shake. He turned his body completely towards me. I noticed the knife in hand. The white ghostface mask was fucking creepy. His head tilted like he didn't expect me to show up. My heart was pounding against my ribs. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when he bolted down the stairs. I wanted to vomit. I looked over the railing and heard the door slam shut. "What the fuck."
I walked over to Sidney's room after a few minutes when she came running out. "Sid?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me with her down the stairs. When I looked behind me I saw Billy coming out of her room calling her name. We made eye contact and his eyes widened like he wasn't expecting to see me too just like the killer didn't expect to see me. When Sidney opened the door she yelped, making me jump. Dewey was there holding the white ghostface mask in his hand.
We were outside Dewey asking us questions about what happened. Sidney was sitting in the ambulance that was there and I was leaning up against it, the bat still in my hand. Two other police officers brought Billy out in handcuffs, putting him in the back seat of the police car. He kept saying Sidney's name until Sheriff Burke showed up then he was telling him to call his dad. "Oh, my god, Sidney!" I looked over to see Tatum running over to us. "Are you okay? Yn, what're you doing here I thought you were at work?" She was looking between us.
"I was until I got a call from the killer threatening Sindey," I said. Dewey tried to move her out of the way and she pulled away from him. "She's staying with us. Their dad's away for the weekend. And yn too if you want to," she said. "Does mom know?" He asked. She rolled her eyes, "yes, doofus." I put my hand over my mouth to hide my laugh. "Babe!" I pushed off the ambulance to see Stu running over to me. "Stu? What're you doing here?" I asked.
Dewey was leading Sidney to his jeep and Stu watched as the car with Billy in it drove past us. Then Dewey and Tatum left. "I was going to come over and try to convince you to come stay with me while your dad is gone. What the fuck happened? Are you okay?" He asked. He started to look me up and down for any injuries when I saw Gale making her way towards us. "I'll explain in the car, come on." I pulled him towards his car as Gale yelled my name. "Fucknl off!" I slammed the door shut and Stu drove off towards the station.
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tyrantisterror · 3 months
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No Sympathies Old Demon Concept Art Dump Part 5: Still More of 'Em
By request, I am posting the demon concept art I made for what would eventually become my first novel, No Sympathies. It's art that's over a decade old at this point and kind of hard for me to look at without thinking about its myriad flaws - I'd rework most if not all of these designs now, and even back then I kinda felt like I got a lot better at designing demons towards the end of the batch than I was at the beginning, which made me want to redo the whole project again. Someday I might, too, though probably only as a series of pencil sketches.
But here, for posterity and nostalgia's sake, they are. In this batch, from top row to bottom, left to right:
Pazuzu - ok this one I only included because of Pazuzu being the main demon of The Exorcist, and the goal of this project at the time was just to draw a bunch of demons from big works of demon fiction I knew. I'm less comfortable with including Pazuzu as a demon now than I was then given that he's from his own mythology with its own rules.
Lamashtu - and she's included because I was playing a lot of Pathfinder at the time and it has Pazuzu and Lamashtu as rival demon lords, but, again, kinda uncomfy with that now
Verrine - this was the design that made me feel most of the previous ones were too stripped down/simplified - demons should have more of a sense of style, they shouldn't all be naked beasties
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valarhalla · 3 months
Babylonian Rhapsody
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Bohemian Rhapsody translated into the Akkadian (Ancient Babylonian) language. Transcript under the cut.
Annum minde ilī, nitakkalšunūšim- Yes surely the gods we trust in them,
Ina ḫirītim amqut, u kaššī ibšimanni- I fell in a canal, and the flood carried me away,
Inīkunu, ušeptī- Your two eyes, I caused them to open,
Awīlī- Young men,
Anāku wardam- I am a slave,
Kīttam ul īšûnim- They have no justice for me,
Annīkīam allak, ullīkīam allak… - Here I go, there I go.
Ema ašnātim išīaḫ, eredde, eredde… - As long as the wheat grows, I am led, I am led…
Eredde… - I am led.
Ummum, awīlam amḫaṣ - Mother, I killed a man,
Qaqqadšu aṣbat, itti ḫaṣṣinīya amḫaṣ- I seized his head, struck him with my axe,
Ummum, napīštī banīat - Mother, my beautiful life,
Annuma napšatam attadīši- Now I threw life away,
Ummum, ši uštaddi- Mother, I caused her to fall to ruin,
Anumma uštassīki- Now I made you cry out for me,
Šumma anāku ul utarrūninni- If they do not bring me back,
Atlakā, atlakā, ilī ul ibellūniāti- Go on go on, the gods do not rule over us.
Ilī, dīnī iṭeḫḫe- My gods, my judgement approaches,
Eṣemṣērī inarruṭ- My spine trembles,
Pagīrī itašmumāku- My body I have injured,
Ina šulmi alik, zikāru - Goodbye man,
U sinniš, ezzibikunūti- And woman, I leave you all behind,
Ummum, uuuuuuuuu- Mother, ooooooo,
Mâtum ul aḫaššeḫ- I don’t want death,
Aḫaššeḫ ula, ula ūtallid- I wish I was never born.
Ṣalam awīlim ammar, Ṣalam awīlim- I see a statue of a man, a statue of a man,
Raqādum, raqādum, ana ramānīya sīrāku- Dancing, dancing, I have danced in a circle for myself,
Adad u MušḫuššI, Pazuzu u Hanbi, la!- Storm god and dragons, demons and father of demons, no!
Galileum, galileum, figarum, Ningishzidaa…..- Galileum, galileum, figarum, Ningishzida…
Anāku wardam, la irammūninni- I am a slave, they do not love me,
Šū māram ekām, ištu illutam ekam- He’s a poor boy, from a poor family
Balātšu gimlāšu, ištu karāšim šūati- His life spare him, from this calamity
Annīkīam allak, ullīkīam allak- Here I go, there I go,
Ummīya, la!- My mother, no!
Ula nipaṭṭarka- We will not release thee!
Puṭrāninni! - Release me!
Ummīya- My mother!
Ula nipaṭṭarka- We will not release thee!
Puṭrāninni! - Release me!
Ula nipaṭṭarka! Ula nipaṭṭarka! Ula nipaṭṭarka, ka, ka, ka, ka- We will not release thee! We will not release thee!
Ai ummīya, ai ummīya,, ai ummīya puṭrīnni- Oh my mother, oh my mother release me,
Ba’alzebub šumI īde, īdeanni- Ba’alzebub knows my name, he knows me,
Īdeanni, Īdeanniiiiiiiii- He knows me, he knows meeeeeeeee…
Ana yašim abnī lirmûšunūti- May they throw stones at me,
Ina edinim ana mâtum līzibūninni- May they leave me to die in the desert,
Ai, narāmī- Oh my love,
Ai, lūbussunūti- Oh may I flee from them,
Uḫtallaq-ma, uḫtallaq tuḫtallaqī- Surely I am lost, I am lost, thou (fem) are lost,
Ilī ul ibellūniāti- The gods do not rule over us,
Seḫer u rabi (īdû) - Everyone knows,
Ilī ul ibellūniāti…  ilī ul ibellūniāti…- The gods do not rule, the gods do not rule over us
Niāti… - Over us…
(Ema ašnātim išīaḫ… - As long as the wheat grows…)
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varina-has-a-gun · 5 months
Varina Gal (she/her)
Level/Class: 8 Rune Knight Fighter / 2 Bladesinger Wizard
Background: Anthropologist
Criminal Contacts: Fiasco and Johnny
Alias: Cynthia Rox
Friend of: Lake, Cynthia, Sparrow(Katarina), Katarina, Little Katarina, Johnny, Lionel, Fiasco, William, B3’s BODY and HEAD
Best friend/sister: Lake
Sister 2: Valentina
Family: Ever Expanding(Valentina needs to calm down)
Location: Might as well be hell
Wants to be at: anywhere that I can not be constantly angry
Party: Chain Breakers(I like the new name)
Party Members: Lake Galatfire, Sparrow, Lionel, Fiasco, Johnny Goldfiddle, Me, Wendy, B3’s BODY and HEAD, William, Little Katarina
People who owe me: Lionel, Stick(I guess?)
People I owe: Spooky Freeze Devil?, Fierna
People who I am no longer in debt to: Pazuzu(screw that guy)
Favorite game: Monopoly
Favorite candy: gummy worms
Head space: catastrophic
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 6 Part 1:
We start with Christine receiving a call from Oscar. She understands the situation. Since the script will be pushed forward a little, it will be necessary to make ad-lib adjustments. However, what she does remains the same. "Entertaining our customers" is their only job. Apparently that scene over there It looks like it's about time to reach the next stage. Let's leave this to Baron. He is the perfect fit for this scene. That is exactly what they, the Entertainers, are proud of, a professional among professionals. We switch over to narration about Barong’s backstory. It is believed that the round dance of light and darkness with his rival named Ogre Randa will last forever as long as this world exists. However, neither the body nor the mind of Baron, who is not a "god", is by any means eternal. Baron devotes his existence to his "role", dances as if squeezing everything out of it, and finally throws himself into the flames. And it was said that the name "Baron" would be handed down to a new dancer along with the mask. This Baron loved to dance. He loved to dance and see the happy faces of his guests. He wanted to be consumed by it. That was the root of Baron's identity as he proved himself as an entertainer. In other words, it is proof that you are yourself. In this world, What only you can do. If that will come true in the end, it doesn't matter if his body and mind disappear from this world.
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We cut to Pazuzu and MC who are sharing information. The great guild alliance’s goal in a nutshell, is to "recapture the members who have disappeared from this world." The guild masters of the Gurus and Wanderers, as well as some members of the beast tamers, are nowhere to be found. They suspected the involvement of the Entertainers and from MC’s story, the possibility has increased. The privilege of the Entertainers on the management side is to freely add and remove "roles". MC had been "spirited away" somewhere else until recently. “Behind the scenes” of Yurakucho. That's what Oscar calls it. And behind the scenes, there are countless shadows that seem to be the missing people whose lives are unknown. That's why the alliance top priority right now is to secure Oscar. Find out the "base" where he is located, detain him, and find out the truth of the "spirited away" people. MC ask about the Beast Tamer Guildmaster, they haven’t met them yet but they do remember seeing them from the broadcast from the other side. MC’s vision is starting to blur and they almost fell to the ground but Pazuzu catches them. Pazuzu glance at MC’s missing arm and tells them it would be best if they step away from the battlefield for a bit since they can’t fight in the state their in now. Hastur shows to tell Pazuzu that Yuma went off by himself again. Hastur ask why does that human always disobey our advice and run off alone. Pazuzu said their guild master just wants to be useful to them but even Yuma doesn't know what to do. The rest of the Beast Tamers have a Tamer and Beast role. They can analyze "roles" and "rules" and derive countermeasures against them. Knowing each other, helping each other, taking the reins and stabilizing them, that's what they do. However, even with their research, they still can't come to a clear conclusion about Yuma's true identity. Is Yuma's ability to transform into a beast an 'rule', or is he really such a creature? No matter how many scientific tests prove that he is human, his assertion of "I am a beast" does not waver. And the two could never be distinguished systematically and logically in Tokyo. No one can see what Yuma is not even Yuma himself. If no one is watching their back, it is the same as "nothing". And what is "nothing" cannot be controlled. That's why, like a stray dog ​​out of control, Yuma always run out on his own. If it's not someone who knows the same position and the same pain as him, it won't resonate with Yuma, and he can't stop it. Pazuzu, Hastur, and MC hears Yuma howling in the distance. Pazuzu runs off to where the noise came from and MC follows him. Hastur tries to go with them but Beowulf keeps interfering.
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We cut to Amduscias inner thoughts. He think it would be embarrassing if people thought that someone like him was being cheered for. Why are you here? Why are you standing in front of me? He don't know anything. However, what is certain is the guild of the opponent displayed by the "app" at hand. He had always thought that he was on the same side as himself. He hoped arbitrarily and was betrayed arbitrarily. Amduscias ask himself why is he here and why is he fighting Yuma. There's no way Yuma would believe him by explaining that it just happened. He don't know how to explain. He don't know what to do. He can't see the future as an idol, and He can't even do a stage that can fill the venue's capacity. He don't think he can stand on my own from now on, and he don't even know where he should stand. Even after joining the Entertainers, he still don't know anything. What should I do? I don't even know what is right. As expected, I already knew. I don't think I'm the "main character of the story". If I were to play the role of the main character in the story, I'd probably put out a tremendous amount of power and stop this fight. But I can't do that. I'm not the main character or anything. Ambuschias recalls seeing Solomon. That overwhelming power that can sink a battle in an instant, and presence, he can't be like that. No one in this world, even myself, can confidently say that I am not at fault.
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MC and Pazuzu reached Amduscias and Yuma. MC recognized them from the broadcast. We cut Ahura who said it’s time to move to the stage. Nobumichi ask where are they going. Ahura said since long ago, it has been decided that there is only one stage on which he, the ally of justice, should stand. The small and powerless, a place where those born destined to always lose in the end. To the place where there is an ally of evil, recognized by this 'ally of justice' Ahura Mazda. Ahura’s eyes darkened.
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We cut to Amduscias and Yuma who are still fighting but are both sad and confused about why they’re fighting in the first place. Pazuzu tries to reach out to Yuma but Barong stands in his way. He brings Nyral and Boogeyman with him and that brainwashing music starts playing. Barong said as long as he know who his audience is, he don't care if this world becomes his enemy. It doesn't matter if it ends here. It doesn't matter even if he’s gone.
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werewolfsoldat · 7 months
heres a decent introduction to this account. UGH
THIS ACCOUNT WILL CONTAIN POSSIBLY TRIGGERING CONTENT, CONSISTS OF: sexual situations/themes, guns (shotguns and rifles preferably), demonic or offensive art or portyral (nazis), slightly gross or weird things
names i go by (do not call me all. just pick one): Jürgen, Pazuzu, Hans, Wolfgang, Gargoyle, all thatz
pronouns: he/it. I do not like being called by any feminine pronouns or as they/them. Its fine if you dont know me and call me by they/them, but if you do then DONT. i also hav some neopronouns that are optional to call me
im queer.
Im a minor. im not gonna be in october tho RAAHH (im 17)
Im a werewolf otherkin + pupgender + some other neogenders related to canidae.
I am mentally disordered. I do not feel very comfortable discussing my diagnoses currently, may edit this and add them tho. (im severely schizophrenic + ASD and may have possible mpd)
I like Third Reich and Wehrmacht stuff. I do not idolize or sympathize with Nazis in any shape or form or seem as if I do. Your stupid if you think I am. I also like other things such as Demonology or just mythology in general. I also like human-animal monsters (such as Gozu, The Minotaur, all that) I also like hunting, gardening, fishing, all that!
I like movies. My favorite films currently are Schindler’s List, Bad Moon, Cujo, Gingadensetsu / Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, Gozu, Šišanje, Good Boy, Lamb, The Long Long Holiday, Sgt Stubby, Madness Combat (not a film i know idk what to consider it..) and some others. May post about those.
This account is also not kid-friendly. If you are below the decent age of 14, do not interact. Do not also interact if you are sensitive, have a weak stomach, or easily offended or shocked.
I am also up for rp (EW CRINGE) with some ocs. (especially if you like war rps because have my ocs are war relted uGH)
Reichblr member. didnt know if thats a positive term or not but im using it because people who post ww2 stuff use it...
I have fixations on certain members of the NSDAP (Josef Mengele and Amon Göth), but I do not idoloize them in ANY way.A A A A A
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