#i am really tired
opossumonashelf · 4 months
First submas drawing of the year, Emmet and his bird.
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Haven't drawn in a bit since the holidays had been really taking alot of attention from art so now i got to get back into drawing.
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kikathedemon · 5 months
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Guess I'm back at my bullshit again, qnd right on time for Christmas. Yaay.
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witch-in-the-swamp · 9 days
"Invincible" has reignited my passion for super heros
This is gonna be quick, but my favorite thing about Invincible is how it did their "What if Ssuperman was evil" storyline, and subverted every expectations since the beginning
Unlike most storylines, Invincible showed how evil Omni-Man actually is from the get-go. It didn't wait a season, not even an episode to show how ruthless Nolan is, but at the same time they showed this brutality, they also made us feel empathy (for the lack of a better word) for him, through not only his family's eyes, but the whole world. However, one could argue that "The Boys" did the same thing with Homelander, but I would argue that Homelander felt like a spectacle since the beginning. I would also argue that the main point of both stories is not "What if Superman was evil", but you could say this applies to both series.
But here is where "Invincible" shines the most. They double back on the trope. They make the "Evil Superman" good again; or at least is what it seems they are going for. They are making us feel empathy for him again, feel sorry that he's about to be executed, that he caused the pain of a whole planet, and most importantly, that he caused pain to both his wife and son. And they are succeeding in it because we can see how much this is actually hurting Nolan, we are seeing this ever since the end of season 1 actually.
I honestly don't know what else to say without repeating myself lol. "Invincible" truly subverted every expectation with the "What if Superman was evil" trope and succeeded
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artie-party · 4 months
I'm so sick of trying to read people's tones I just need that fucking rat from horrible histories to pop up in the corner and say 'that's 100% accu-rat' when someone's being genuine
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cinnauromi · 6 months
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Black Friday doodles and w.i.p Tgwdlm and npmd doodles 🤪
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slayerchick303 · 5 months
i think there's a reason they wrote a scene where lucy met those gay guys on her trip, the story she tells hawk. bc among other things, it shows she's not oblivious, and i think she'll notice something in hawk's behavior, maybe the way he acts towards her (ie not as a loving husband sexually attracted to her) or maybe he'll at some point say something about tim that inadvertently reveals to her that he's not talking about platonically good friend.
This will be TLDR, but these are some of my thoughts.
That's certainly a possibility. She's an intelligent woman. That being said, she didn't suspect Leonard was gay until she met those 2 men in Spain. That's despite him being her brother. She's also grieving the loss of her father, as is Hawk. She may take any initial oddness in their marriage as a result of that.
She also presumably interacted with both Hawk and Tim together at Joe McCarthy's party, and she wasn't suspicious. Of course, Mary was accompanying Tim at the time. Mary could've deflected any curiousity Lucy felt about Hawk and Tim (just like beards are designed to).
However, Hawk only saw Skippy as the person he was fucking at that point. Hawk is clearly coming to terms with the fact that he's in love with Tim, and he may find hiding his feelings more difficult now. I can see him and/or Tim slipping with their covert measures as their relationship gets more intense.
The show is clearly going to divert from the book a lot, so it appears like Hawk, Tim, and Lucy could be thrust into some mutual engagements with professionally-lead social events. It'd give Lucy a chance to observe them together. I can't see Hawk frequently inviting Tim over for no reason (especially since Tim no longer has a beard). I believe that if Lucy invited Tim over for a small-group social setting of her own accord, Hawk and/or Tim would try to dissuade her from doing so again.
I doubt Lucy would be suspicious of them after a single get-together. That's assuming that she didn't observe a serious "infraction" like intimate touching (i.e. holding hands), kissing, etc. I don't believe Skippy or Hawk would leave evidence of their relationship in writing. Then again, they could let their guards fall with the love of it all.
I think it would have to be 1 big thing or lots of small frequent occurrences to make Lucy realize what's going on between her now-husband and Tim.
Just my personal thoughts.
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kanohimineka · 7 months
The Death of the Power Rangers: A Eulogy
I know it seems it may be early, or late, but I feel I need to eulogize Power Rangers for a second. Yes, I know it's not done yet. Cosmic Fury comes out in about a week, and Hasbro is planning a reboot... eventually. However, this feels like the end of an era.
I don't just mean this pre-reboot Hasbro era. As far as I'm aware, we are leading up to a 2024 where there will be essentially no Power Rangers efforts, toy or filmic, for the first time since the series started. Of course, we've come close. After RPM, Disney planned to kill the brand outright, but they still output a bizarre reissue of the original series with comic panels in 2010 before Saban rebought the brand and quickly produced Samurai for a 2011 release. Power Rangers has always seemed to find a way out of cancellation. From In Space to Wild Force to RPM, Power Rangers has, somehow, always found a way. But now, in the year's 30th anniversary, the main series's luck has finally run out. Even still, it is trying to push it's luck. Cosmic Fury seemingly only exists because of delays within the reboot.
That's probably why the Cosmic Fury suits look a bit bad. They were on a production crunch only rivaled (and probably beat) by Samurai season 1. But still, this essentially marks the death of what we've known as the Power Rangers. When it does continue, it will probably end up with a completely different feel. Yes, there will be no Sentai footage, but it will also seemingly be missing the overly earnest yet endlessly charming Tokusatsu charm in exchange for Marvel inspired cynical quipiness. This sucks even more in a year where One Piece proved that Tokusatsu stylings can work in a high budget prestige series and both work for audiences and critics alike. I would hope for better, but comments about the corporate reactions for the franchise gives me my doubts. As always, the people at the top of these companies are often the dumbest and least qualified people to make art. Support the Strikes. (Not to be overly antagonistic to Simon Bennet, we attack him to much. It's mostly the corpos up top.)
Anyways, this corporate idiocy has led to the death of a franchise that ultimately helped me through some of the darkest moments in my life. I won't get too much into it, but finding Power Rangers in my childhood was one of the few lights in my youth, alongside Bionicle and Pokemon, and it was still there through most of it. I watched SPD first, and it hooked me. I learned about the universe through reruns of Dino Thunder. After missing RPM through bad marketing, I refound it in Samurai and, while that show isn't greatest, it led me to be introduced to some of my favorite Sentai suits, the Samurai suits, and later, the Gokaiger suits. I found Sentai, and the grander world of Tokusatsu productions, around Dino Charge, finding Youtube videos on the subject. It helped that the universe was still connected. Each show is individualized, which allows me to appreciate each one on their own, but the few connections did help me to feel connected to my childhood. But now, it'll be gone soon. I haven't been the closest to it in a bit, mostly looking at Ultraman, Kamen Rider, and the original Sentai for my fix, but I did still appreciate it.
A bunch of this in my adult life came through the Lightning Collection. It gave me figures of some of my favorite series, especially since it started when I first started seriously collecting action figures. However, alongside the main series hiatus, this series seems like it will go on hiatus alongside it. This is mostly through rumors, though credible ones at that. As of right now, we have only heard about a few unannounced products, and Hasbro isn't particularly good at hiding listing leaks. The Lightning Collection feels like the perfect line to have going during a hiatus like this. It is a collector focused line not trying to tie into any current content, looking back on the past of the series in a fun, relatively inexpensive way. And Hasbro keeps lines like this up without fitting content, they make GI Joe stuff after Snake Eyes flopped, and those figures have been strongly received. However, I guess a part of this has come from fan displeasure with the line. Yes, there were some general Hasbro issues before, but the move to Vietnamese factories have hit PR hard. Yes, other lines have had complaints, but none have been on the level of Power Rangers in terms of QC issues. It is absurd, I've had to mostly drop out of the line because of it. But it is still sad to see.
This leads to yesterday. Hasbro has this super paltry segment in their Pulsecon show, on the level of series that don't have current Action Figure lines, only 20 minutes, as opposed to Transformer's 45. In which, they only talk on the show coming out in a week and 2 toys that went up for order that day. I decided to pick up the Omegas, with which I'll be mostly checking out, symbolically. I do still need to finish SPD and Dino Thunder, but for me, this feels like a nice symbolic ending. It fits for what Hasbro wants to do further in the show. A set of weird, Western exclusive suits that play on weird MMPR nostalgia. I prefer these over any of Hasbro's live action efforts so far, in terms of original suit designs, but still. It symbolically shows, to me at least, the end of the Power Rangers. The end of something important to me. It's bitter, it's a bit stupid, but it's happening anyways. Maybe the new stuff will be good, who knows. But given Hasbro's attitude towards the brand, it won't be the same. Therefore, I need to bow out in this 30th anniversary. Symbolically at least.
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serious-goose · 4 months
i have to get up at 4am... do i sleep or stay up
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skytlake · 2 years
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[ID: meme template of person throwing hamster at camera. a bottle of ibuprofen is edited on top of the hamster. text reads "woe, ibuprofen be upon ye"]
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gentrychild · 2 years
I don’t get why people are being rude to you about ascendant?? It’s a hella good fic and if they don’t agree they could literally just stop reading??? Like why??
*looks at the comments* They are offended that I follow canon, which makes it a waste of time, and they disagree either with my characterization of Izuku or with my storylines in general.
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
it's rlly late but i can't stop thinking abt this
so... how does inosuke cough? like, obviously he's a feral boi™ right? so, he probably doesn't know (at first) that u're supposed to cover ur mouth when u cough, right?
does he cough like
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girly pop i WANNA KNOW
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nurfhurdur · 5 months
It's about time someone hands me an undisclosed amount if money.
Like I'm waiting.
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forthwtaintedsorrow · 5 months
I am this close to end it all. (my fingers are touching.)
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thycursed · 1 year
I have been looking too long
Y'all help what is the name of that one bagginshield fic on ao3 where Thorin is injured and dying and Bilbo untangles his hair with oil in the medical tent?? Where is it??? Please help me tumblr gods.
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ephemeral-darkness · 7 months
Finding out Neil Newbon is from Solihull is fucking sending me.
One one hand, woo regional rep. On the other.. ASTARION WITH A BIRMINGHAM ACCENT
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localcreamery · 1 year
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He angy
I only have enough spoons to practice one expression.  College is really kicking my ass right now
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