#i am so sorry this took me so long anon! i didn't realize it had been literal months please forgive me!
a-not-so-clean-blog · 26 days
Eiden x top FTM reader ♠️
The foxes toys. 1800 words
Reader keeps shirt on. Magic dildo.
Being with Eiden has been an absolute rollercoaster. You had met only a few months ago when he just came to this world, lost and almost out of his element. Despite being in a whole new world his charm and charisma was electric.
You were well aware of his growing clan, and how he stabilizes their essence. While physically you have an open relationship there is no doubt that you are the only one who has his heart. The clan members are also fully aware of you. Some are definitely more welcoming than others, but all in all you get along with them fairly well.
“Hey Eiden, I'd like to try something different tonight.” You ask as you sit next to him on the bed. He instantly perked up hearing that chime in your voice that he knows is going to lead to a fun night.
“I'm always down to try something new!” The spark of interest and excitement in his eyes shone like stars. The look only got brighter as you opened a bag filled to the brim with different shaped sex toys. “Where did you get all of these?!” He was surprised but his voice quivered in excitement as he picked up one of the toys and it started vibrating in his palm.
“I may have asked the fox to let me borrow them…” You blush a little when his eyes snap to meet yours, instantly suspicious.
He let out a low hum. “He never does anything without it benefitting him as well. What exactly did borrowing these cost you?” He asked slowly and rightfully cautious. Thankfully one look down at his pants and anyone could see he hadn't lost any of his excitement, maybe he even got a little more turned on.
You shrug. “He just wants to know which one gets the ‘best reactions’ from you.” Eiden gives a slight laugh at the air quotes. Any stress you had melted away at the sweet sound.
“That sounds pretty cheap for him, but I won't complain!” Eiden gives a toothy grin. “I don't want to waste any more time.” He takes your hand and guides it to his thigh. You chuckle softly at his eagerness. Cute and earnest, if a little demanding.
You gently push him back on the bed and take your time unbuttoning his pants. His breath hitched when you pulled his pants and boxers down around his knees. His cock sprung up and slapped himself in the stomach, letting out the sweetest whimper when you pulled away.
“What are you doing?” Eiden shut his mouth when you started to strip off your pants. His heart raced when he saw how erect your little dick was too. No matter how many times he gets to see your body he always thinks it was something glorious. He would easily worship you if you'd let him.
Taking out a blue dildo you turned it over a few times in your hand before looking at Eiden. It had a few straps attached to it and Eiden knew exactly what it was for.
“Kuya said I have to wait to use this, but said I should wear it for a while first.” You gasped softly when you put the base of the dildo to your tip and the soft material seemed to mold around your shape. You secured the straps around your waist and hips. It felt similar to wearing a jockstrap.
Eidens mouth was already watering at the sight of your new big blue dick but he only got more restless as you pulled out a few more toys, two small vibrators and a long tapered plug. He almost looked like a puppy trying to sit still while you dangle treats in front of him. You pushed him back down on the bed and took his pants all the way off discarding them in a heap on the floor, his shirt soon joining the mass of fabric.
There he laid completely bare for you, even spreading his legs to give better access to his cock and ass.
“Trying to make yourself more enticing for me?” You asked in a clearly teasing tone. Eidens smile just grew as he responded.
“Is it working?” You both already knew the answer but you also knew he got off on banter. He wanted to be a brat but was far too eager to commit.
“Yes.” You picked up one of the vibrators and settled yourself between his open legs. After turning it on to a low setting you gently pressed it against his tip. He flinched and moaned softly as you slowly slid it down his shaft and let it rest at the base for a moment before playing with his balls. Once you were satisfied with the sounds he was making you dropped the vibrator lower and pressed it against his tight sphincter. The vibrations slowly loosen the muscle until you could press the toy into his ass.
Eiden started squirming as it slipped in completely and started massaging his insides. It wasn't until after he stopped squirming did you put the plug into his ass. Slowly driving the vibrator deeper into him as well.
“Mmmnhh~” He moaned loudly as the plug popped into place securing itself and the other toy deep inside of him. You kissed up his neck and groped his chest as the toys worked their magic. He was already singing like a canary but you wanted more. Grabbing the last vibrator you turned it on and started pumping his cock with the vibrator snugly pressed between your palm and his twitching member.
His moans became louder as he struggled not to cum. He looked so hot that you couldn't help grinding your crotch into the bed. It felt so good that you wanted to melt but then again Eidens voice always made you feel euphoric.
Eiden reached up and grabbed your shirt by the collar pulling you towards him. He looked so needy, so desperate for you. It was exhilarating. You gave him exactly what he wanted in the form of a sloppy kiss that would make an incubus blush. When you pulled away Eiden had coated himself in a thin layer of his own cum.
“Awww, couldn't wait for me first~” He blushed as you teased him. He could barely think right now but still knew what he wanted, what he needed.
“I can't help that you know all my weak spots. Now hurry up and fuck me before I cum again.” He whined, shaking his hips up and down waiting for you to pull out the still humming vibrator and plug. The plug slipped out easily and the vibrator followed with a satisfying pop. Before he had a chance to complain about the emptiness you lined up your new cock to his ass.
Your knees almost gave out as you pushed the tip of the strap through his clenching ring of muscle. It felt like pleasure was injected straight into your nervous system making your whole body light up at once. The dildo was clearly enhanced because as you pressed the tip against Eidens hole you could feel the heat as if it was against your own skin.
“F-fuck, is this what your dick feels like? Gods I'm jealous.” You bit your lip to hold back your moans and you slid all the way in. Eidens face contorted into a starstruck pleasure. You had to stop though as small tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“Eiden? I'm sorry, did I hurt you?” You gently cupped his face as you started to pull out. Immediately his legs wrapped around your waist holding you in place. He shook his head softly as he nuzzled into your touch.
“I'm just happy that I get to be fucked by my boyfriend. I'm so happy-” You cut him off with another deep kiss. Your heart felt light as your tongues danced in each other's mouths. His mouth was sweet but his moans and whimpers were even sweeter.
When you started moving again his sounds only tasted better on your lips. As Eidens legs locked tighter around your hips it became troublesome to do long strokes, so instead your thrusts became harder and shallower. Eiden was loving every moment of it. One of his hands tangled itself into your hair while his other hand clenched around your shirt. Your arms caging Eiden beneath you as you pounded harder into his ass.
It felt amazing, feeling all his sweet spots from the inside. Every time you hit a spot he liked you could feel him clench around you. You could feel how hot his insides were and how smooth it felt on your cock. Your cock, YOUR cock. Yes, your cock finally piercing your wonderful boyfriend, truly it was a dream come true.
You kept going even after you could feel yourself coming to the edge. Your head felt fuzzy and your skin sweaty, but that just added to your pleasure. Eiden was getting close too, his hard cock bouncing against his stomach every time you thrust deep inside him.
You could feel your own orgasm beginning to overflow. You wanted to cum, you wanted nothing more than to cum and fill Eidens ass with your cum. You are so close, just a little more and-
“Nnnnh~” You let out a low moan as you cum hard, like something snapped inside your gut. A lewd warmth spread between your legs as you enjoyed the feeling. For a moment you felt Eiden clench around your dick as he came as well.
Eidens eyes went wide as he stared at you in shock and amazement. “What?”
“Did you just cum inside me?”
“.... WHAT?!” You both looked down and sure enough a thick liquid was dripping from Eidens spent hole. A thick blue liquid. When you came you didn't realize that the dildo also reacted and melted inside of Eiden, acting as artificial cum. “Well that explains why Kuya gave me like seven of these.” You started to finger Eidens ass and more of the blue goo leaked onto the bed. Eiden let out a tired moan as you fingered him and you let out a small laugh.
Pulling him close you kissed him on his temple and whispered in his ear. “Let's get you cleaned up. Knowing the fox I have a feeling this ooze has some extra properties, so unless you want to find out what he has planned…”
“I'll take a bath.” Eiden smiled tiredly. “I think I've cum enough for today.”
“I'll get it ready for you.” With another chase kiss you left to go draw him a warm bath. This turned out much better than you could have ever hoped. Unfortunately now you feel like you owe that old fox. That was probably why he didn't ask for much in the first place now that you think about it.
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pretty-red-garnet · 6 months
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Quarry • Fluff
This took so long and I am not happy with it at all. I am so sorry to the anon who requested this! I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I just could not figure out what to write for this request. Again, so sorry. I hope to get back into writing more soon!
Part 2
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     Chaos. Everything was complete chaos. Gunshots, groans of walkers, the kids screaming in panic, Shane shouting orders. A rifle thrown in your hands, fingers trembling as you took shots, walkers falling to the ground. Lori, Carol, and the two kids were hustled into the RV, and you stood guard by the door.
     Rick and the group came back from Atlanta suddenly, yelling and shouting and putting more guns in more people hands. Your eyes kept flicking to your brother, Shane, as he took down geeks. Everything was going so fast and your head was spinning.
     And then, silence. It was eerie, how so much panic and chaos could turn quiet so shortly. The once bustling camp enjoying a fish fry now was now nearly half the size. The earth beneath your feet was covered in blood, some red and fresh from the people, some was almost back, the walker blood.
     Andrea dropped down to her sister and let out a cry, and that's when you finally turned away, opening the door to the RV and letting them know it was clear. A hand dropped to your shoulder and you flinched, the tips of your fingers brushed the knife at your waist before you realized.
     "You good?" Shane asks, and you give him a jerky nod. He pats your shoulder once more and parts from you. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and survey the camp.
     There's bodies everywhere, both human and undead. You can't stand looking at it, you can't stand Andrea's cries as the background noise. You turn on your heel and begin walking away, towards the woods. Maybe it wasn't safest, but you needed a breather away from everything. They were beginning to stab the brains of the dead, and you couldn't watch them put down the people you once considered friends.
     You sit heavily on a overturned tree, the rifle you swung on your back makes a metallic noise when it hits the wood. You sigh, bringing your elbows to rest on your knees as you bury your face in your hands.
     You're only alone for a moment before you hear footsteps and you shoot your head up, heart racing and eyes glancing about before you spot Daryl. You huff out a breath and take your eyes off him, hastily brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
     "You're getting sloppy, heard you from a mile away," you tease, your voice teary. Daryl scoffs and plunks himself down on the trunk beside you.
     "Didn't wanna scare you." You nod, because you knew he had purposely made himself known. You'd been hunting with the archer enough times to know he was never sloppy.
     "Did my brother send you?" You ask, still staring down at your shoes out of embarrassment that he'd seen you like this. All teary eyed and pathetic looking.
     "Nah, too busy starin' at Lori and Rick," he says. It's your turn to scoff now. "You alright?"
     "Yeah," you answer, risking a little glance at the man beside you. He was biting his lip in a way that made you believe he was worried, so you force a little smile. He doesn't look convinced.
     "No Merle?" You ask. Daryl shakes his head, breaking his gaze from yours. "I'm sorry." Daryl throws you a little glare out the corner of his eye, but it lacks any sort of real anger. "I am."
     "Sure," he says, sarcastically. You narrow your eyes and bump his shoulder with yours.
     "Ok, I know me and him weren't exactly besties," your emphasis on the word makes Daryl give you an exasperated look. You just smile. "But I can still be sorry, I know how much you care about him." Daryl hums. "Besides, I don't think anything will take down that man. I'm sure he's fine."
     "Yeah, probably," he says with a huff of air escaping his lips. You're both quiet for a moment, and Daryl eyes you worriedly. "You sure you're alright?"
     "Yeah," you say with a shrug. "Just... worried. About everything."
     "I get that." You get silent again, and Daryl starts to bite and pick at the skin on his thumb. "But you don't gotta be."
     "I don't?" You ask, brows pulled forward and looking at Daryl intently. "Why's that?" Daryl shrugs and decides that the ground is more interesting than looking at you.
     "'Cause I'll always look out for you," he answers, quietly. You smile and place your hand on Daryl's shoulder in a gentle manner. He flinches just a bit before turning his blue eyes to you. He has a soft expression on his face, the one that's reserved for only you
     "Thank you," you say, in a sincere and soft way Daryl's never heard directed at him before. He nods, shakily. "I'll always look out for you, too."
     "I know," he answers, standing up. "Come on, ain't safe out here."
     You aren't completely sure when the unlikely friendship of you and Daryl began. A cop and a loud, brash redneck wasn't exactly an expected duo. Although, you do know a much different Daryl than most. A much kinder, softer version of himself, one he keeps locked behind a very tall, very solid wall.
     You're sure the only reason Daryl has shown this side of himself to you was because you're the only one to treat him like a person, not like some ticking time bomb. Not like some untamed animal or uncontrollable being, just a person. You had shown him a kindness he wasn't used to, and even after a few attempts at keeping you at arms length, you're closer than ever with the man.
You’d admit that maybe your feelings for the man weren’t completely platonic. But that’s to be expected considering you spend so much time with him. He’d taught you some hunting tips, so you hunted with him most days. All that time together, it wasn’t a complete surprise that a little crush would form.
Daryl leads you back to your tent, avoiding the mess of the dead loved ones. It seems most have agreed major cleanup can wait until morning, and have returned to their reserved tents. Dale stayed on watch, mostly for Andrea's sake, just incase she wouldn't be strong enough to take out Amy, you assume.
Daryl lingers at the opening of your tent. You have a unsure, nervous look to you. Your hands wring and fumble with themselves, and your bottom lip in firmly in place between your teeth. He's not fond of your anxious presence.
"I don't want to be alone," you whisper. You grimace, eyes screwing shut briefly before they open again. "Sorry, that makes me sound so pathetic." You let out a breath of air that's supposed to resemble a laugh, but it falls short. "I'll be ok, I'm not even really alone anyway. Shane's tent is right next to mine—"
"Wanna stay with me?" Daryl asks, before he can even think. The words just escape him, embarrass him, and he's about to take it back before you answer.
"Would you mind?" Daryl wants to say absolutely not, of course he doesn't, but what comes out is a grunt and a shake of his head accompanied by a shrug. Daryl turns towards his tent and juts his chin at it.
"Come on." You follow behind him to his tent. His and Merle's are beside each other, both farther from everyone else's tents. They have their own small fire pit and some tree stumps for chairs. Not far behind is a string of cans, a perimeter for the campsite.
Daryl leads you into his tent, holding the flap open for you to climb in behind him. It's small inside, some clothes and spare bolts for his crossbow laying about. A thick blanket is splayed out to act as a barrier from the hard ground. It's Daryl's turn to be nervous and fumbling, watching you take in the small space.
"Cozy," you say with a smile, laying down on the blanket. Daryl hesitates, sitting near the closed entrance and as far as possible from you. You frown. "Lay down. There's room for both of us." You pat the spot on the blanket beside you.
Daryl's eyes flick from yours to the space beside you. He eventually obeys after seeing your unrelenting gaze and lays down beside you, kicking off his boots and keeping them close.
You watch as Daryl does so. His muscles are tense, even as he lays down. He's stiff as a board, arms crossed on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling of the tent. He's ridged, and you feel the tension radiate off his body in waves.
"Am I making you nervous?" You ask, a teasing tone to your voice. It’s mostly to cover up your own anxiety over being so close to him. Daryl scoffs and turns his face away from you.
"Yeah, right." You laugh softly, and Daryl feels a smile twitch at his own lips at the sound. "Just ain't used to sharin' the covers, better not be a blanket hog."
"I'm not, I promise."
It gets quiet, both just laying beside each other, sleep not catching up with either. The gears in your head spin at a million miles a minute, and Daryl glances at you every few minutes, his own thoughts racing, until finally, you speak.
"Do you ever think..." you pause, and Daryl watches you carefully. "That you just aren't good enough? No matter what you do?" Daryl's brows furrow. Where did that come from?
"Plenty," he replies. "Have I ever thought you weren't good enough? Nah, never." Daryl adjusts so his arm is resting behind his head, he keeps his gaze straight to the ceiling even as he feels your eyes burn into him. "Where's this comin' from?"
"I don't know." You shrug. "Been thinking about it a lot lately. About if something happens and I can't save Shane, or Carl. You." Daryl's heart flips.
     "Took out a lot of walkers today," Daryl says. "I think you'd be right there if anyone needs your help."
     "I'm not strong enough."
     "Stop," Daryl snaps, he whips his eyes to yours.
     "I'm not. I'm not my brother, and I'm not like you or Rick. I'm not strong, I'm not meant for this." Your voice grows weaker as you go on.
     "You're a cop, you helped people, right? You took out, what? Ten walkers all on your own? I saw you." You let out a humorless laugh, tears spring at your eyes.
     "The only reason I became a cop was because Shane did," you admit. "I felt like I had to follow him, to do something."
     "Don't matter." Daryl's brows furrow. He isn't sure where this is all coming from. Sure, he'd seen you seemed to always be behind Shane, following whatever he said to do. It bugged him a little, how he always bosses you around. He didn't think it ever bothered you.
     "It does matter," you say with a scoff and sit up. Daryl follows, slowly sitting up next to you. "I was never meant for it. I could barely even take statements sometimes without wanting to cry."
     "Just means you care 'bout people." You shrug.
     "It means I'm weak." Daryl shakes his head and nudges you with his elbow.
     "Ain't weak. And you ain't pathetic, neither." You hang your head.
     "I wish I was like Shane, he's strong, he helps people."
     "Yeah, well I like you just like this," Daryl admits, even as he feels his face heat up.
     "Yeah?" You finally smile, shyly, turning your head just slightly to peek at Daryl. Daryl clears his throat and lays down, turning his back to you.
     "Ain't saying it again. Go to sleep." You laugh, actually laugh, and lay down.
     "I like you just how you are too, Daryl," you mumble, before sleep finally overtakes you.
Everyone is up early the next morning, you suspect nobody really slept. You had kept waking up every hour, and Daryl was still up staring at the ceiling when you'd glance at him. Footsteps and movement around the camp began right when the sun came up, and you and Daryl followed right after.
Everyone is bustling around now, burning the walkers and burying the dead, as Glenn had insisted. It isn't long before panic shouting is heard from Jacqui.
"Jim got bit! Jim's bit!"
Even more panic, angry shouting from Daryl, and arguing ensues. Daryl wants to kill Jim right then and there— which earned him quite the glare form you— thankfully it quieted him down a little. Rick wants to head to the CDC for a potential cure, and your brother is adamant Fort Benning would be the best bet. You were little ways away from their discussion, chatting with Carl.
"Y/N, what do you think?" Shane asks, suddenly. You sigh and take a few steps closer, away from Carl. You were hoping they would just figure it out and leave you out of it.
"Well," you begin, and Shane's slight narrow of his eyes doesn't go unnoticed. He wants you to go along with him. "I'm sure if there's a cure, Fort Benning would know. They are military, must have doctors."
Daryl scoffs, and you glance to him in surprise. He holds your gaze, but you can't place his expression. Your brows knit in confusion.
"There you have it, Rick," Shane says cockily, breaking you from your trance. You look away from Daryl.
You walk away, leaving the boys to argue further. You honestly don't care where you end up. From the looks of the city, there's nowhere safe, not the CDC, and not Fort Benning. It doesn't matter to you where they decide to go.
"Hey," Shane says, approaching you where you're taking down your tent. You drop the pole you're holding and stand up straight. Shane has a pissed off look on his face.
"CDC then?" You ask. His expression darkens.
"You could've had my back a little," he whispers angrily, getting closer to you. You turn away to hide your rolling eyes. You return to your task.
"I don't care where we go, Shane. It's all the same to me." He grabs your upper arm, not tight enough to hurt, but it's enough to pull your attention back to him.
"Yeah, as long as you get to follow your boyfriend, right?" You narrow your eyes, reeling away from Shane slightly out of shock. His face is close to yours. "Saw you come out of Dixon's tent this morning."
"So what, Shane," you say, yanking your arm from his grasp. "You aren't my father." He exhales heavily through his nose.
"Stay the hell away from that guy," Shane demands, his finger coming up to point at your face. You set your jaw, a fist balls at your side, and you smack his hand away from you. And then, for maybe the first time ever, you don't just do whatever your big brother tells you to.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Shane."
You drop down heavily into the truck's car seat. Daryl glimpses at you from the drivers seat, and he looks at you questionably. You don't say anything, instead glaring out the passenger window so viscously, Daryl's surprised it doesn't shatter.
"You ain't goin' with Shane?" He asks. You scoff.
"No," you answer, shortly. Daryl shrugs, mumbling an 'ok' and starting the engine. He takes off towards the CDC, and you continue your angered glare.
"So, you got your own opinion on this whole thing, or do you always just follow along with whatever your brother says?" Daryl suddenly asks, making you whip your eyes to him. He's staring straight to the road, and you scoff loudly.
"Oh, that's really something coming from you," you say sarcastically, letting out a sharp laugh. "You followed your brother around like a lost puppy, but I'm the one always going along with my brother? Bullshit."
You regret bringing up Merle as soon as you finished your sentence, but anger is clouding your judgment. Your frustration at Shane mixed with Daryl's unwarranted comment is just about too much to handle.
     Although you feel a twinge of guilt, Daryl's comment was ridiculous coming from him. He always would follow his brother around, do whatever he said to do. He never even seemed to care whenever Merle went on racist, sexist, something just plain mean tangents, even if Daryl never agreed or joined.
     But still, Merle was his brother, no matter how awful, that you understood more than anything. Shane was one to ruffle a few feathers too, and you understand better than anyone how oppressive it can be to forever be in the shadow of an older brother. Never getting your own opinion, or word in, forever just following along.
     "You're right," Daryl says. You turn your head to him quickly in surprise. He doesn't face you, his eyes looking at the road in front of him. "I've always gone along with Merle, no matter how shitty he was, or what trouble I'd get in."
     "You're right, too," you admit with a loud sigh, your anger fizzling at Daryl’s sincere tone. "I've never really done, hell, even said what I've wanted. I always just followed what Shane's doing."
“Think it’s about damn time we do what we wanna do,” Daryl says, after a few moments pause.
“Yeah, yeah you’re right!” You exclaim, smiling brightly. “Screw Shane!” Daryl laughs, and you turn your head to fully look at him.
He’s biting at the skin on his thumb, and he gives you a small, crooked grin when he notices your eyes on him. The sun cascading through the window of the truck makes him glow, and you can’t help but think that he looks just beautiful. His bright blue eyes sparking, how his light brown hair looks almost blonde in the yellow light. You’d never noticed just how handsome he is.
“The hell you starin’ at?” He asks suddenly. Your face flushes violently at being caught ogling, and you whip your face towards the window.
“Nothing,” you fumble out, he just hums an unconvinced noise of acknowledgment.
You bite your lip harshly to stop the grin that threatens to split your lips. You sneakily take another glimpse at Daryl, taking in his calm expression, the way his eyes narrow to block out the brightness from the sun.
Maybe it was just a crush, or maybe you’re head over heels in love with him. It doesn’t matter now. All you know is that Daryl understands you like no one ever has, and you aren’t letting that go any time soon.
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runningfrom2am · 4 months
cold nights // part nineteen
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summary: you showed him colours he knows he can't see with anyone else.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.3k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: i'm sorry it took me so long to post this omg i am behind on writing bc i'm so sick but i'm also trying to get ahead on requiem BUT-
Important Announcement!!:
cold nights will officially have a season 3! i wasn't sure but i had a good idea for what the epilogue would be and then i realized it would be so much better as another fully developed idea. so, that will be coming soon!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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Coryo smiles as you run up ahead of him, picking up his pace slightly and dropping his bag next to yours.
Some of the others are already stripped down to their bathing suits and running down the dock. It is beautiful here, not that he ever doubted you.
He watches as you peel off your dress, another short one similar to the one you had worn for most of the time he'd known you. This one wasn't sewn in at the middle, so you can slip it quickly over your head. Your bathing suit must have been homemade, too, and it allowed him to see how the bruises and scratches on your back were all but healed while you toss your dress to the ground. He notices quickly that it was exactly the same as Lucy Gray's, maybe your mother had made you matching ones. That's so sweet.
Your skin looked so beautifully soft- just like it should have the first time he saw it, spare for the scars on your calf and your arm, it was just what he imagined.
You kick your shoes off, and the wood of the dock is hot against your bare feet as you run down to the end, diving head-first off to the side to avoid jumping right onto any of your friends.
It seemed to Coryo that you weren't afraid anymore as you briefly looked back at him while you were running. The excited scream you let out when you lept from the dock made his heart flutter. This is exactly what he had wanted, from the very beginning.
When Coryo jumps in behind you, you can hear his shout and feel the water shift around you as his body breaks the surface. You turn under the water, its clarity allowing you to see where everyone is. You loved this. The memories of this lake kept you safe, almost. You can hear muffled laughter above the water, deciding to take your time before coming up for air. You didn't need it just yet.
You swim away from everyone deep under the surface, scanning the lake floor for anything interesting. Really, it was just sticks and rocks and mud, but one day you may find something else exciting, but not today.
"Where is she going?" Coryo comments, watching your body as you kick away deeper under the water.
"Wherever she wants." Lennox answers plainly, treading water as he stares at him.
"She's looking for secrets." Maude Ivory giggles, splashing him in the face. At least she gave him somewhat of an answer.
He quickly lifts an arm to block the wave, but it fails miserably. "What kind of secrets will she find at the bottom of the lake?" He coughs out, wiping the water from his eyes.
"Once we found a watch." Lucy Gray shrugs, looking from him to you. "Which is odd because we didn't know anyone else knew about this place. The secrets are what happens when we aren't here."
You hardly noticed the lack of oxygen until it almost felt too late, quickly swimming up and pushing your hair out of your face so you don't inhale it by mistake.
"Anything good today?" Lucy Gray shouts over to you as soon as she's noticed you've come up.
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so!" You pant, pushing yourself through the water back toward her.
"So, that's a no?" Sejanus asks and you laugh, shaking your head.
"Just rocks and sticks." You explain, joining them again and bumping shoulders with Lucy Gray. "Some weeds, if that's your fancy."
"Oh, yes, that's right up my alley." Sejanus chuckles, cupping his hands to block out the glare of the sun as he looks down into the water anyway.
"I've never been to a lake before," Coryo says, breathing heavily as the waves from the kids splashing keep coming up too close to his face.
"What? Really?" Lucy Gray and Sejanus ask in unison, and you smile at him.
He nods, eyes locking with yours. You feel the need to say something. "Is it everything you dreamt of?" You ask.
"Just about." He grins.
"Oh? What's missing?" You giggle.
Oh, only being able to hold you without retraumatizing you.
"It's not that anything is missing," He comes up with as an excuse. "There's just more birds than I expected."
"Oh, yeah. They like it out here." You hum, looking up at the trees while Lucy Gray whistles out a tune for them to mimic. You smile. "Why, you don't like birds either?"
"Never been the biggest fan, no." He chuckles.
The birds echo her song back to you repeatedly. Coryo turns around to watch as if there was anything to see besides these black birds flitting around the trees and above the cabin. "What kind of birds are they?" He asks. "I've never seen that before."
"We call 'em Mockingjays." Lucy Gray tells him.
"'Cause they'll mock ya if you mess up the song!" Clerk Carmine jumps in, climbing onto Lucy Gray's back under the water.
"Oh, I wouldn't know." Your friend teases him, gripping tight onto the boy's legs as he starts to shout. He knows what's about to happen, and clearly you do too as Coryo watches you and your brother quickly swim out of their reach and closer to him.
You laugh, watching as Lucy Gray takes a big dramatic breath in and sinks under the surface of the water, pulling CC down with her as he screams and splashes.
The sun dried you quickly after you decided you had had enough of the water, climbing back out onto the dock and deciding to just lay your blanket there to dry off on while you took the book and snacks from your bag.
Coryo had been sitting with Lucy Gray and Sejanus, but they were just talking to each other more than him. Not that he could have paid much attention. He was just watching you.
"Can I go talk to her?" He asks with little regard for the conversation that he was interrupting.
They both look over at him. "I mean, you could try. Would that be okay?" Sejanus answers, looking to Lucy Gray for confirmation.
"No. Let her have her peace and quiet." Lennox interrupts as he walks back up in front of them, pulling his shirt back onto his now fully dried skin.
Lucy Gray sighs."Just... Don't be stupid." She advises Coryo, nodding him on. "Len, we'll be right here."
Your brother shakes his head slightly, glaring between the three of them with nothing short of adamant disapproval.
Coryo nods slightly, taking the preferable answer by getting up and heading back down onto the dock.
Lennox looks back over his shoulder to where he just was with Maude Ivory looking for katniss, before taking Coryo's spot on the deck.
"Did she not tell you anything about him?" Lennox mumbles to Lucy Gray, eyes locked on his sister and her 'friend' as he stands over her. "No, she must have- because you were at The Hob last week. You saw it."
"I saw a girl with a lot of unresolved trauma have an episode." Lucy Gray explains, watching Lennox take Coryo's spot next to her. "He made a mistake, but he wouldn't ever hurt her."
Your brother opens his mouth to argue, but Sejanus interrupts. "I know it isn't my place, but Lucy Gray is right. He would sooner die than hurt her."
"Okay, well, explain how he's sitting right next to her when he's already hurt her so bad she may never recover!" Lennox whispers, gesturing to the dock as if they couldn't already see you there.
"I'm not defending anything he's done. That's not what I meant." Sejanus explains. "I just mean he would never do it on purpose."
"Accidents are clearly bad enough."
"Len, he just wants to make amends now." Lucy Gray insists. "And she wants that. I know she does, she's really trying."
"Listen, if it helps..." Sejanus starts, looking back out at you and Coryo on the dock. He can tell how nervous his friend is, watching you intently as he picks at the wood finish beneath him and listening to you talk. "He really loves her. I know it's not my place to tell you that, but it was bad when she was gone. He hardly spoke a word to anyone, he wouldn't put her book down- it was really hard on him. We weren't sure if she had been executed for cheating, and it was killing him to be left in the dark."
"That's not love, that's guilt." Lennox mutters, watching you closely.
"What's the difference between love and guilt?" Lucy Gray asks him rhetorically. "He wouldn't feel guilty if he didn't care."
"The difference is he wouldn't have come here and made the same mistake again."
Lucy Gray bites into her lip, slightly shaking her head. That was an honestly good point.
"I was in the arena, too. I saw what he did." Sejanus says after a moment. "He saved my life, it was my fault. It was shocking... you know, the overkill, but I can't say for certain I wouldn't have done the same thing. We were both pumped so full of adrenaline that I truly believe that's what it was." He explains. "I mean, I was behind him, so I don't know what she saw- but it looked like adrenaline to me."
"How do you think she felt?" Lennox asks, eyes wide. "She was in there for three days! You and him were there for what, ten minutes?"
"Wait..." Lucy Gray backpedals, looking at Sejanus. "Sejanus, what do you mean you thought he was executed for cheating? Like, in the games?"
Sejanus swallows, nodding. He looks over at you but quickly looks away. "Yeah, uh... Coryo told me that she used rat poison to kill two of the others. And he did something to keep the snakes from biting her, but I don't think he was caught for that."
Your brother and best friend look at each other like they'd just seen a ghost before their eyes simultaneously track to you. You were laughing.
"She didn't... She didn't tell me that." Lucy Gray says quietly. "Did you know, Len?"
"That doesn't surprise me." Sejanus shrugs and they both look at him, shocked and confused. "Well, she doesn't know either. I don't think, definitely not about the snakes, but she told the Dean it was salt. That I gave her." He laughs slightly at the end, but they don't find it funny. "By the time she left, she was fully delusional about it. She knew what it was, Coryo gave it to her to protect herself because he needed her to win. She was really upset by the insinuation that it, in fact, was not salt."
Lucy Gray and Lennox look at each other again, unsure what to say. It must have been worse than they thought. Regardless, they knew it must be eating you alive.
"Can I join you?" You hear Coryo's voice above you after about ten minutes of listening to the mockingjays sing Lucy Gray's song back to her as she sat on the porch of the cabin. The sun was so warm on your skin that you could have fallen asleep here if you weren't reading your book.
You squint against the sun as you look up at him. "Yes, you may." You agree, and you feel him sitting down next to you as the wood creaks below him.
You find yourself holding your breath, even as you return to your book to try and remain relaxed.
He's not going to hurt you.
"What are you reading?" He asks after a moment, thinking your arms must be asleep for using them to hold the book and support your weight for so long.
"It's called 'Much Ado About Nothing'." You answer. "Another Shakespeare piece."
"Do you like it?" He asks, lifting his leg to rest his elbow on his knee while you sit up, crossing your legs and letting the book fall into your lap.
"I do." You smile down at the page. It is much more lighthearted than Romeo and Juliet, as much as you would have loved to come home and drown yourself in your favourite book- the boy next to you unintentionally made it impossible. God, you were so embarrassed by the letter you wrote to him. Your cheeks flush just think about it. All you did by surviving was make everything weird.
"Another tragedy?" He inquires, attempting to read some of the words on the page as it's opened on your lap.
"No." You chuckle, shaking your head. "It's a romantic comedy, actually."
"Oh, wow. You changed it up?" He asks, only somewhat shocked. It would only make sense that you couldn't handle much more tragedy since you've been home.
"I did." You smile. "It's quite funny."
"Will you read me your favourite part?" He suggests, watching your eyes as they light up with excitement from the request.
"Okay, so..." You quickly flip back through the pages and into the first act, scanning for the lines you're looking for. "Okay. Here." You pretend to clear your throat.
"In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one: so that if he have wit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse; for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a reasonable creature." You recite, dragging your finger along the page so he can track what you are reading. You remembered it, but it might have been easier for him to follow that way.
Coryo watched you the whole time, and by the end, you were a giggling mess. You thought it was absolutely hilarious, and he smiles at that.
"What does that mean?" He chuckles.
"So," You laugh, a hand pressed to your chest. "Basically, she's talking about how she was arguing with Benedick and won. The punchline is that she let him keep one of his wits, because if she didn't no one would be able to tell him from his horse."
Coryo laughs at that, shaking his head. "That is good." He agrees.
"Isn't it?" You smile. "It's a welcome change of pace."
"Yeah, Romeo and Juliet was... yikes." He says, ticking his jaw and peeling up some of the wood from the dock between you.
"You read it?" You ask quietly, eyes widening as you look over at him. It shouldn't shock you, he told you he would, and that he even looked forward to it. "What did you think?"
"Of course I did," Coryo nods. "I really enjoyed it."
"It doesn't seem like it..." You laugh nervously, looking down as you flip back to the page you were on before closing the book.
"No, truly. I did." He insists. "Just... for lack of a better term, it was tragic."
"Yes, well..." You chuckle, shrugging slightly and tucking your book back into the bag next to you.
"It was heartbreaking!" He laughs suddenly. "And that's your favourite?" He looks at you then, head tilted as he slightly shakes his head.
"Okay, so," You laugh, rolling your eyes. You were used to defending this to others who have tried reading it. "That's what makes it so beautiful. It's so touching, they died for each other thinking they were in love, but they also hardly knew each other. It forces you to wonder what could have been, and I like that."
"Okay, well, you're right." Coryo agrees. "I didn't like the ending, but that's the point, I suppose. The rest was good, it reminded me a lot of you."
"I think I forced a bias onto you. My apologies."
"You didn't force anything on me." He smiles, shaking his head. "All I knew is that you loved it, and that made it so much better."
Your cheeks flush as you busy yourself by pulling out the bag of cherries. "Would you like some?" You offer the bag to him and he reaches in, taking just a couple out and popping one into his mouth.
"I finished it all before you left." Coryo tells you, and you hold him out another empty paper bag to spit the pits into.
"That good?" You smile and he nods.
"Can I..." Coryo starts, and you tilt your head at him. He doesn't want to ruin your day by bringing this up. Everything on your face shows hope, even excitement for what he is going to say. "If you can't hear this stop me, but the book made great company in the mentor hall."
For a moment, he saw nervousness flicker behind your eyes, but still, you nodded. You wanted to hear anything he had to say- you just hoped you could stomach it.
"Oh, that's fine. I'm... I'm glad." You try and smile, distracting yourself by popping a cherry into your mouth.
"I was alone most of the time. I didn't go home." He tells you, trying to say what he wanted but still be as vague as possible.
"It must have been so horribly boring." You laugh nervously, swallowing the cherry pit as you reach for another of the small red fruits, picking the stem from it and flicking it into the lake.
"I wish it was." He replies, watching you closely to see if and when he's crossed a line. You nod in understanding, and he takes a nervous breath in. "I... The alternative was that I got sent home like some of my classmates. I wasn't going to leave until I had to."
'Until I had to.'
So he was forced to go in for Sejanus. Why on earth would they not send peacekeepers? Why another child?
"I... I appreciate that." You stammer out, looking down at your lap, noticing for the first time that your hands were trembling. "That must have been uncomfortable. I apologize."
Coryo furrows his brow at you. "No, I'm sorry. Why would you apologize to me?" He asks. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. That I couldn't get you out."
"You did more than you had to." You say, voice quiet with your honesty.
"No." He shakes his head. "I had to do everything I did. I couldn't let you die."
"You saved my life, and... and-" It happens very suddenly when a tear falls down your cheek; you didn't even notice you were starting to panic.
"No, wait, I'm sorry, hey, don't cry..." Coryo says quickly. He wants to help, to do something, but he feels helpless. Again. He feels sick with the knowledge that he always says the wrong thing.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." You mumble, trying to wipe your eyes but you're finding it hard to speak.
"Don't be, please don't be sorry." He pleads with you, shifting so he's kneeling next to you, placing a hand on your back.
You almost jump away, head flying to look at him. He's just rubbing your back. He's only trying to help.
Instinctively, your eyes search for his. They aren't hard to find, and all you can see as you search them is worry. Nothing malicious. "I... Do you want me to get Lucy Gray? Or your brother?" He offers, grabbing your shaking hands in his free one. "Just take deep breaths."
You nod, scared to look away for even a second. So he has to.
Coryo turns back, swallowing his pride. "Lennox! Lucy Gray!" He shouts, drawing their attention quickly.
He accepted the berating he was about to get from your brother before it even came.
"What did you do?" Lennox asks him, forcing himself between the two of you.
"We were just talking and I think I said something- I don't know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." Coryo answers honestly, standing up and taking a step back.
You're watching him, intently, despite Lucy Gray taking over holding you and talking to you in hushed tones, trying to ease your mind.
"I'm okay." You tell her, nodding. You don't look at her, only watching him. Watching his eyes- but nothing changes. Baby blue. Worry. More worry.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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calicoheartz · 28 days
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Embracing Truth ; Paige Bueckers ┈﹒
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꣑୧ — summary | paige helps her gf come out of the closet 💐💌❤️
wc ; 870
— warnings | smalll hints of homophobia , anxiety related topics , mainly fluff + established relationship
my master list ㇀♡
1) i am sooo sorry for not responding to ur request anon! I accidentally deleted it from my drafts :(
a/n : this was so sweet and cute to write 🥰 this definitely healed something in me. Enjoy ◡̈
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Paige sat on the edge of the bed, watching as her girlfriend, y/n, paced nervously back and forth between the blondes dorm. She could tell something was weighing heavily on your mind, and her instincts told her it was something serious. 
You and Paige had been dating since your second year of college, meeting during one of your shared classes. You knew you had always been into girls, often experimenting with them in highschool. But there was one problem, your parents didn't know.
They weren't necessarily homophobic per say, but to be fair the conversation of you being gay never was a topic of conversation. But the idea of one day having to tell them terrified you, especially since you knew the relationship with your girlfriend was becoming serious.
“Y/n, what's wrong?” Paige asks, snapping you out of your thoughts as she stood up and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder to stop your pacing.
You took a deep breath, looking up at your girlfriend with tears welled in your eyes managing to croak out , “I don't know Paige, I really need to tell my parents… I need to tell them about us. But I'm just afraid that they won't accept me, accept us. What if they kick me out? Disown me??”
Paige’s heart ached at the sudden fear that lingered in your voice,  as she pulled you into a warm, comforting hug, holding you tightly. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I’ll be right by your side every step of the way. We’ll get through this together, I promise.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that Paige would be there for you, and be by your side. “Okay,” you whispered, “Okay, let’s do this.”
A few days had passed since you had the conversation with your girlfriend, part of you wanted to procrastinate for as long as possible, because they would eventually find out regardless of when they were told. But your subconscious knew that now was the time, especially since you were serious about the blonde. You had to embrace the truth, your truth.
You and Paige drove over to your parents house one Friday evening, in the hopes of possibly sharing this important news over dinner. You were a bundle of nerves, but the blonde held your hand reassuringly as the two of you began to walk towards the front door. You took a pause, hesitating to ring the doorbell , after gathering your thoughts, you gently pressed on the round button in front of you, revealing a small chime in reply. You were soon greeted by your parents, who were surprised but happy to see them. 
“y/n, Paige, what brings you here?” your mother chirps. Hugging the both of you before inviting you two inside.
As you walked through your house, skimming past the dining room and making your way towards the living room, you plopped down on the couch before breaking the silence, “We have something we need to talk to you both about” your voice trembling slightly.
Once the rest of them had joined you on the couch and surrounding seats, you took a deep breath and began to speak again. “Mom, Dad, you know how I’ve known Paige since freshman year of highschool? And how we’ve spent a lot of time with each other since then..” the two of them nodded in response before you continued, “well.. I realized that I like her  more than a friend way. What I’m trying to say- I’m saying is that I’m with Paige. Like we’re dating..” your voice trailing off before facing them both in the eye, as your eyes had been previously wandering and focusing on different objects in the area. “Im gay.”
There was a brief moment of silence as your parents processed the information. You feared the absolute worst as the seconds of silence passed by, but then you mom spoke up, her voice filled with love and acceptance. “Sweetheart, we love you no matter what. We just want you to be happy.”
You couldn't hold back your tears as you hugged them both, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. Paige wrapped her arms around them all, feeling grateful to be a part of such a loving and accepting family.
After the initial shock wore off, your parents welcomed Paige with open arms, eager to get to know her now officially as their daughter's girlfriend. You all spent the evening talking and laughing, and you couldn't have felt more loved and accepted. 
As the night came to a close, and as the both of you drove back to the blondes dorm, you couldn't stop smiling. Your heart was full of love for Paige and your family, as you squeezed her hand as a way to silently say I love you.
“I love you, P,” you whispered quietly, your voice filled with emotion. “I love you too, y/n” Paige replied, squeezing your hand back gently. “I'm so proud of you.”
And in that moment, that's when you knew that no matter what challenges you both faced in the future, as long as you had your girlfriend by your side, you could handle anything.
as always, thank you guys so much for reading!! don't forget to leave reqs :)
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paradiseprincesss · 27 days
Jonathan Crane with a cam corder… 📸
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mind games - jonathan crane x reader
hello anon! you asked and you shall receive. please enjoy xoxo. this gave me a fucked up idea about the whole camcorder thing...oops. i am SORRY.
summary: as fate would have it, you meet handsome stranger who you learn is named jonathan, and the two of you hit it off well - so well, that he invites you back to his place after a romantic date. what you didn't realize was that this wasn't the doing of fate at all, it was a plan jonathan had in the works for a long, long time.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: NON-CON, jonathan is in his joe goldberg era (he's stalking), manipulation, voyeurism (no like, really), non-consensual filming/recording, obsessive behaviour, p in v, guys this is just super fucked up i have...no explantion
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you didn't see it coming. you wouldn't have gone running into his arms if you did. jonathan was the loner type - never opening his heart to anyone.
that was until he saw you - he was taken with you from the moment he laid eyes on you. you had to be his; he wouldn't have it any other way. he was set on having you succumb to him.
this man had an immense amount of self control. he had prowled, waited, stalked and targeted you for months and you didn't have a clue. he first saw you on the street by his apartment at 9:48 pm exactly on a fateful friday night - you stole his tainted heart.
on that particular night, you were heading to your favourite bar with your friends, and he watched you as you stepped out of your uber. his eyes lingered for much too long, and before he knew it; he was plotting.
he lurked in the shadows of the night to see when you would leave, and he got his answer - 12:58 am. that was the time when he saw you leave the bar, waving goodbye to your friends as you waited outside momentarily for an uber to pick you up.
he noticed everything about you down to a t. the way you parted your hair, the colour of your nails, the way you did your makeup, what kind of clothes you wore - everything.
while you waited for your uber, your intuition kicked in - was someone watching you?
but you tried to shake the feeling - it was probably just paranoia, it was late, after all. he watched as you stood there waiting, and knew he had to make a move then and there.
"excuse me, miss!" you hear a mans voice say from behind you, causing you to startle slightly, and he noticed. "i apologize, i didn't mean to startle you. i just came over to say that perhaps you should wait inside the bar rather than outside on the street. this part of gotham isn't exactly known for it's...friendly townspeople."
the way he spoke calmed you down - he had a gentle, caring aura and you took a good look at him as well. he was handsome - my god was he handsome. he was perfect; every detail about him was almost godlike. the first thing you noticed about him were his striking, blue eyes. you didn't know someone could have such beautiful eyes.
"oh," you managed to softly say after an awkward moment of checking out the handsome stranger in front of you, "thank you for letting me know, but it's okay. my uber should be here in a minute." you thank the seemingly kind stranger, and he nods.
"right, well - be safe. have a good night." he says softly, and you almost got lost in his eyes again.
"thank you, you as well." you reply, a small smile on your lips.
and with that, he was gone - walked right back into his apartment building without another word. well, that's what it looked like, anyways. however, that was far from the truth.
your uber arrived within mere seconds, and you got in. jonathan watched from the shadows of an alleyway behind you, and as you and your uber set off, he hailed down the nearest cab he could find.
"just follow that white car over there." he tells the cab driver, and the guy doesn't question it. this was gotham after all, nobody ever questioned anything - nobody had any morals.
you were too focused on texting your friends, still a little tipsy, in the uber to notice that a cab had been tailing you for the last fifteen minutes.
as the uber driver pulled up to the curb of your house, you get out and thank him tiredly. you grab your keys out of your purse, and unlock the front door of your house. closing the door (and thankfully, locking it) behind you, you switch on the lights of your home.
you threw your jacket on the couch and slipped off your high heels with a sigh. unbeknownst to you, someone was watching your every move through your curtains - which you habitually left open a little too often. jonathan let his sinister thoughts run wild as he watched you from the street in front of your home, standing just far enough so that he wasn't noticeable.
he watched you like a lion stalking it's prey - silently and from a distance, undetected.
suddenly, his eyes widened as he saw you start to undress in your bedroom upstairs, too focused on his lewd thoughts about you to notice that you had even gone upstairs.
foolish girl, he thought to himself as he creeped on you. slowly, you slipped your dress off, and to his surprise - you weren't wearing any panties under your dress.
where you an exhibitionist? a thrill-seeker? a huge freak? just mental? maybe you were just slutty, who knows. but as he was trying to collect his thoughts, he frowned.
you threw on some baggy pyjamas - disappointing. he wanted to see more. but what came next perhaps shocked him more than the whole no panties thing; you got into your bed, and held up what appeared to be pictures of some sort in your hands.
and you started crying.
you were actually crying, and that caught jonathan off guard.
why were you crying? did someone hurt you? did someone break your heart? shatter it in two? ruin you?
the questions ran through his mind endlessly, and he felt himself wanting to know. so, he decided to document this moment so that he could get to know you better.
jonathan liked to document things. that was a habit of his that he couldn't quite seem to kick.
unbeknownst to jonathan, you were crying over old photos of you and your ex-boyfriend. he wasn't a good person by any means, quite the opposite - but that didn't mean you weren't going to mourn the relationship. it had barely been a month since the two of you split; and you were so vulnerable right now.
at that very moment, you wished someone else could be there for you. that you could run into someone else's arms and they would save you - because you craved it. you needed it. and jonathan seemed to sense that without you even having to say a single word to him.
he could save you, he thought. he could be the one to show you what real love looked like.
taking the little, handheld camcorder out of his suit pocket, he started to record you from afar; recording you crying. it was rather innocent, really. at least, it started out that way anyway.
god, some sick, twisted, creepy individual could be watching you - you should really close your curtains, jonathan thought to himself as he watched you, smirking coyly at the irony of it all.
after filming you for a few more minutes, he slipped the camcorder away, and hailed a cab down the street from yours back to his apartment.
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the sun was shining beautifully, the birds were chirping, and the weather was divine on this pleasant summer day. you were loving this summer weather, and you were currently standing in line at your favourite coffee shop, waiting to order an iced latte.
but jonathan already knew that.
he watched you get ready to go out as he stood on the street in broad daylight staring at you through the windows, since apparently you didn't know how to close your fucking curtains.
he got some good footage that day on his camcorder.
as of now, jonathan was stood behind you in the coffee shop, acting like he hadn't just filmed you like a sick freak for the last few hours. as you went up to the barista to order, you reached into your purse to pay - only to realize you had forgotten your wallet at home.
but again, jonathan was aware of this because technically, he was there in spirit when it happened.
so, what did he do? he offered to pay, of course. because he's just that kind.
"here, i got it-" he said from behind you, pulling his card out to tap on the machine. you looked behind you in surprise - but you recognized those striking eyes immediately.
it was the kind stranger from the other night! he really was a sweetheart, wasn't he?
"oh, gosh, thank you." you say, flustered at the interaction and slightly embarrassed. "it's no problem-" but he pauses, smiling at you for a moment, "hey, you're the girl i saw the other night. i'm glad you made it home safely."
you smile back at the stranger, yet to put a name to his gorgeous face. "yeah, yeah that was me." you say, the two of you stepping aside so that other people could order. "thank you again - i'm so embarrassed." you laugh softly.
"don't be," he says gently, "i'm jonathan, by the way."
he finally introduced himself - but he already knew you quite well. a little too well. you gave him your name, briefly introducing yourself, and he looks at you through his glasses.
"well, it's lovely to, er- meet you again?" he laughs softly, and you giggle - your voice giving him butterflies. "right, nice to re-meet you." you tease, making him smile again.
"are you doing anything today? hopefully not getting too tipsy, i hope - kidding." he says to you with a friendly tone, and you shake your head laughing. "that wasn't on the agenda today, no."
he knew that it wasn't. he knew that today you had nothing planned. you just wanted to enjoy the pretty weather, maybe go for a walk or something with your iced latte. and how did he know this, you ask? well, that's simple.
he stood by your window last night, camcorder in hand, and recorded you talking to your friend about it on the phone in bed - in just your bra and panties.
"i'm taking the day off today." your voice brought him back to reality. "i think i'm just going to enjoy the beautiful weather today. i love the sun, it makes me feel so energized - i dunno."
"i agree with you there." he says, nodding as if he was hearing about this for the first time. but your next question actually caught him off guard. "d'wanna join me?"
he looks at you for a moment, and you start to get flustered again. "sorry- i'm sure you have a girlfriend or something-"
"hey, hey-" he says soothingly, "first of all, i do not have a girlfriend. and secondly, i would love to. it's my day off as well, actually."
you beam at him, and he finds your smile so cute. god, he just wanted to fucking choke you right then and there - but of course, he had some self control.
the two of you spent the day together, enjoying the gorgeous summer day, and you hit it off instantly. you learned that his full name was jonathan crane, and that he was a doctor at arkham asylum. you told him about what you did for a living, and he told you he found it "fascinating."
before you said goodbye, he asked for your number which you willingly gave over. the rush of being able to actually talk to you was almost too much for him, and his brain was short-circuiting at the mere thought of it.
that night, the two of you parted ways - but you both ended up back at your place; you just weren't aware that you had company.
this time, taking your photos and filming you from afar wasn't satisfying the urges in him anymore. he needed more. as the sun set, you finished doing the dishes and cleaned up after cooking dinner. you made your way to your living room, switching off your lights - except a slim lamp that stood beside your couch.
getting cozy and comfortable in your house wear, you put on your favourite show to watch, and sat back blissfully on your couch - while someone else was watching you in the dark.
he had managed to make his way in through the huge window - which you stupidly left unlocked - by your living room hours earlier while you were preoccupied upstairs getting changed.
he did a pretty good job at hiding out of sight from you - and he internally applauded himself for that.
suddenly, you got up from the couch, startling him, and he hid closer to the shadows - lurking in the darkness of what you called home.
he watched you finally close those fucking curtains, then returning to the couch you previously sat at. he wondered why now of all times you decided to close your curtains-
that's when he heard it.
soft, little moans were being drawn out of your pretty lips as your fingers ghosted over your clit. he could feel himself getting painfuly hard at just your sounds - because remember, he couldn't see all of you from where he was hiding.
so, you were indulging in a little self pleasure - was that so wrong? to be fair, you thought you were all alone. your moans got breathier, louder as you slowly slipped two fingers into your aching hole.
jonathan - being the sick psychopath he was - snuck his way around the darkness of your downstairs floor, trying to be as stealthy and quiet as possible. finally, he saw what he was so desperately trying to see.
you with your baggy shirt, which had ridden up, exposing your pretty tits and your fingers in your pretty pussy, panties thrown on your living room floor.
he watched, and he had to physically hold himself back from taking you right then and there - trying his hardest not to moan at the sight of you fucking yourself with your fingers.
slowly, he slipped his hand into his pocket - and pulled out his camcorder. pressing record, he started to film you from where he was. he was definitely going to jerk off to this later. he filmed all of it - you fingering yourself, your pretty moans, and of course, when you came all over your own fingers.
after you came down from your high, you laid breathless on your couch for a good while. jonathan took this opportunity to sneak out of your house - undetected.
that night, he watched that video of you on repeat, over and over, cumming all over his fist as he breathlessly moaned your name.
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you shook your head as you laughed in the dimly lit restaurant, "it was the worst date i'd ever been on."
jonathan looked at you, smiling and laughing along with you. "that sounds...brutal, if i'm being honest."
the two of you were on your first official date - which you had been discussing over text and on the phone, and now it was finally happening. jonathans obsessive little heart was overflowing with joy.
the two of you were currently drinking expensive champagne and sharing "worst first date" stories - and you really thought this man, this stranger who fate brought into your life, could be the one.
he was so funny, so kind, so charming - it was like you knew him for ages.
as the date came to an end, he took your hand, holding onto it softly after paying the bill (because he's still a classy guy, after all), and spoke to you in a saccharine voice.
"would it be so terrible if i asked if you'd like to come back to my place?"
you blushed and bit your lip, shaking your head. "not terrible at all - count me in."
and that may have quite literally been the biggest mistake of your life, maybe even bigger than the mistake of not closing your curtains.
as he parked his car in the parking garage of the apartment complex, he helped you out of his car and held your hand as he took you into the elevator and then to his apartment.
unit #303 - you'd come to never forget it.
as the two of you got inside his place, you took a moment to admire the classiness of his apartment. it was clean, minimalistic and dark, and just like him, it appeared to be a perfectly normal from the surface.
"you truly are stunning." he said lowly, pulling you close by your waist, making you blush.
"i really like you, jonathan." you tell him softly, and he gives you a gentle kiss. willingly, you kiss back - unaware of what was to come next.
"i knew i had to make you mine the night i first saw you." he says, looking at you with a soft smile. you didn't think about what he really meant here - you weren't even aware of what he really meant. "that's so sweet." you whisper, and his grip on your waist tightened suddenly.
"no, really." he says, tone growing slightly impatient, "i couldn't stop myself."
your breath hitches in your throat as you aren't too sure what he means by this - but you try and give him the benefit of the doubt. "uh," you laugh nervously, "t-thank you, i guess?"
then he went quiet.
"would you like to see my mask?" he asks, after a moment of silence - and you look at him confused and slightly scared. "your...mask?"
suddenly, he's guiding you into the bedroom, and you're feeling both confused and very anxious - but your anxiety skyrockets as you take a look at what was in his bedroom.
photos of you covered the wall - pictures of you that you weren't aware had even been taken. there was photos of you talking on the phone to your friends, cooking, watching shows - and then there were the not-so-innocent photos.
pictures of you with your fingers buried into your cunt, pictures of you walking around naked, and pictures of you posing in your lingerie on the bed; taking pictures of yourself in the mirror to send to someone else.
your body went into flight or fight - and you tried to make a run for it but a cloudy gas filled your senses, causing you to scream erratically. what appeared in front of you was horrendous - your worst fears brought to life, clouding your vision.
and there stood jonathan in the midst of all the chaos - in what appeared to be some sort of burlap mask. staring at you with those deadly yet beautiful blue eyes through the small holes in his mask. as his toxin started to creep into your system, you noticed he was holding something in his hand.
a camcorder.
judging by all the pictures of you on the wall, you knew where this was going and it made you fucking nauseous.
"n-no.." you whimpered, shaking as he took hold of you and threw you onto the bed. he propped his camcorder up onto the bedside table, the red light flashing; indicating that he was indeed filming this.
he ripped your clothes right off you, and at this point, you were a sobbing mess. "please don't do this - you don't have to do this, jonathan."
you begged, you screamed, and you cried; but to no avail, he kept going. kept undressing you and forcing you down onto his bed - scarecrow mask still covering his face.
"keep screaming like that and i'll cum." he says, pinning you down on the bed with such force you didn't even know if it was humanely possible. the hallucinations of the toxin had you thrashing and screaming, and while you were busy fearing for your life - he was busy undoing his pants and belt buckle.
"no, no, please no-" you pleaded with him, but he didn't give in - he was never going to set you free. "shh, let me see your fears consume you, my love." he whispered, picking up the camcorder again.
you were drugged up out of your mind at this point, the toxin taking it's full effects on you. just as your high was reaching it's deadly peak, you felt the tip of his cock poke at your cunt.
you sobbed at the feeling of it - just by the tip you could feel how thick he was - how big he was. he was going to rip you open; you could just feel it.
"say hi to the camera, my love." he tells you, while spitting onto his cock to try and fit it in with a little more ease. as you sobbed with the camcorder in your face, he pushed himself into you with a staggered thrust.
the feeling of him forcing his cock in was brutal.
"i-i can't take it!" you thrashed and screamed, but he kept your wrists pinned down with one hand and the camcorder in the other. "too big?" he cooed, "fuck baby, you can take it. and if you can't - i'll force you to."
he fucked you roughly, your tight cunt squeezing him in all the disgustingly right ways. you weren't trying to get wet - it was just your body's natural response. at this point, you had stopped crying from either pure shock or from the drugs - probably both.
"fuck, that's right baby. say my name." he groans, panning the camcorder down to film your abused little cunt taking his huge cock - pounding into you mercilessly.
"should i cum inside?" he grunted, fat cock pushing into your cervix - undoubtably bruising your insides. "yeah, i think i will. you'd look so pretty with my cum dripping out of you."
you shook your head no, pleading with him to pull out since you weren't on any contraceptives at the moment - but it dawned on you that he probably knew that.
"please no, pull o-out, ah- jon, pull out!" you wriggled around in his grasp, begging and pleading with the psychopath who was balls deep in your cunt right now.
"no." he spat, and continued his assault on you. "you can fucking take it." you tried your hardest to push away from him, scratch him, bite him - anything to try and get away but it was no use. his grip was unwavering.
after a few more excruciatingly painful thrusts into your abused cunt, he painted your walls white with his sticky cum, filling you up to the brim.
"god, i love you." he whispered as he spilled his seed into you, and you sobbed at his words in pure disgust. as the toxin slowly wore off, you laid there lifelessly, the light inside you draining minute by minute. your eyes darted around the bedroom, taking in all the eerie pictures of you scattered all over the walls.
your mind flashed back to the fateful night you first met him; your intuition was right - it never lies.
someone was watching you.
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a/n: i will be writing a bunch of soft, fluffy crane fics and drabbles to recover from THIS. ok bye
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th3secr3th1story · 11 months
can you do one of geto and gojo when they say i love you for the first time??
gojo and geto saying "i love you" for the first time
of course, thank you for the request, anon! and whewww sorry for being mia but im back (hopefully.)
warnings: none, just fluff! some angst in gojo's if you squint?
words: 1,060
he had to physically restrain himself from saying it after just a month of dating. it was a struggle.
he didn't want to rush you or make you feel like your relationship was on full blast, but he was so smitten! he knew he loved you practically right away.
he wanted to save it for the right moment, maybe after a romantic outing at your favorite restaurant, but it slipped out during one of your fights after you caught him neglecting his well-being yet again.
"my god, satoru, you're not listening to me, i swear," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
you weren't sure how long the two of you had been fighting, but you were so tired, just wanting to get your point across and go to bed. however, you couldn't see that happening anytime soon, as gojo wasn't even trying to acknowledge what you were saying.
"really? because i think my ears are working just fine. and it sounds like you want me to quit," he retorted, hands on his hips as he looked over at you.
you knew he was sensitive about the topic of overworking, but there was only so much you could ignore before stepping in.
"i'm not saying i want you to stop going on missions! we're both sorcerers, for fuck's sake. it's our job. i'm just asking you to be more careful. you're relying too much on your infinity and you're barely taking care of yourself," you breathed, trying to keep your tone even and measured.
you pressed on, more softly this time, "did you really think i wouldn't notice your eye bags or the fact that sometimes you don't come home until 2 in the morning covered in god knows what?"
"that's not true! why do you have no faith in me?" you didn't think it was possible for your fist to clench anymore without either breaking it or throwing it at gojo's face.
"why can't you see how terrified i am? it's only a matter of time before you don't come home, satoru."
gojo's words died in his throat, finally catching sight of the fear and dread in your eyes. his heart tightened a little.
"i love you too much to let anything like that happen to me, baby."
"i know, but- wait, what?"
he walked up to you, placing his hands on both sides of your waist, pulling you into him.
"you heard me. i love you so much, baby. you're everything to me. i understand what you're saying now."
you placed your hands on his chest, the entire fight forgotten with just those three words.
"i love you too, satoru."
gojo pulled you in tighter, afraid that if he let go you'd take those words right back.
"say it again. please?" he asked.
"i love you so much," you smiled, half-whispering.
gojo moved one of his hands up to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
"so...are you still mad at me?" he quipped, smiling softly.
"this is a nice moment. let's not ruin it."
similar to gojo, he also wanted to find the right time to say it. but unlike the other, geto can actually wait for the perfect moment.
it took him a little longer to come to terms with his feelings for you due to his fear of vulnerability, but once he realized how deeply he loved you it was practically the only thing on his mind.
you and geto had slept in longer than usual that morning, seeing that it was a saturday.
"baby, wake up," he whispered, trailing soft kisses down your neck, pulling your back into his chest tighter. he had successfully convinced you to spend the night at his place (although, you hadn't resisted at all).
"nooo," you whined, melting into his embrace. "it's saturday, we can just stay here all day!"
"i was going to take you to that one cafe you love down the street, but i guess this works, too."
you huffed. "why do you hate me?"
after a nice breakfast spent over pastries and coffee, geto walked with you down the street to your favorite bookstore, letting you pick out a few novels to bring home. he paid, of course.
now, the two of you were seated together on the couch, your legs straddling his waist as you played with his soft hair. his hands held onto your hips, somehow pulling you in closer with each passing minute.
you noticed how his breath kept catching in his throat. "are you okay, suguru? something you want to talk about?"
finally, with a mix of courage and fear, geto took a deep breath and whispered in a soft tone, "you are the most important person to me."
"above satoru? i'm honored," you chuckled, hoping to distill some of his fear.
he merely smiled, continuing on with his speech.
"i've always been scared of opening up. i mean, of course, i have satoru and shoko, but vulnerability was never something that came easy to me," he spoke, a light blush dusting his cheeks at those last words.
you listened attentively, taking in everything he was saying, noticing how he was struggling to get his thoughts out. you gently stroked his neck, hoping it would encourage him to keep talking.
"but with you, it's different. i've always been drawn to your presence. this feeling i have, it's confusing and so complex, but absolutely undeniable."
he paused momentarily, perhaps bracing the both of you for his next words.
"i love you, y/n. you don't have to feel the same way, and you also don't have to respond right now, but i needed to tell you."
you cupped his face, rubbing your thumbs over his cheeks.
"i love you too, baby. more than you'll ever know," you whispered, the impact of his confession clear in your expression.
he (somehow) pulled you even further into his embrace, a hand coming up to the back of your head to rest it on his shoulder as he buried his own in your neck.
"move in with me?"
"huh??" you gaped, pulling yourself away from his neck to look into his eyes, seeing only sincerity and adoration.
"baby, you basically already live here. this would just make it official. what do you think?"
"...of course."
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runnning-outof-time · 5 months
Id like to request a blurb! Also congrats on 3.5k followers!
John + "I didn't get your name."(fluff)
Thanks for sending this in, anon! I’m sorry it took me so long to write your request! I hope you like what I did with it. I decided to share one last story in 2023 - here’s hoping that 2024 is filled with many, many more. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
A Happy New Year
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 914
Summary: (Y/N) meets a charming man by chance while at a New Years Eve celebration.
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The excitement of the people in the city square rose with each passing minute. The people of Birmingham were all ready to ring in the new year. But no one was as ready for 1920 to come as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was.
She’d had a tough year, one that she was ready to forget. Her friends had decided to take her out to the city square in hopes that they’d be able to ring in the new year on a high note. (Y/N) eagerly agreed. She was so ready for some happy.
But what she didn’t expect was to lose her friends halfway through her time spent in the public space. They said they’d be going to one of the vendors for something to eat; that they’d be back right away. Some twenty minutes had passed by now though, and (Y/N) was getting tired of waiting. So she decided she’d go out to look for them.
But all of her searching had turned up empty. They were nowhere to be found. She couldn’t help but let out a sigh as she came back to the same place she started at.
“You lost, love?” a man’s voice came from her left. She turned to find him leaning up against the wall. He was wearing a long, dark coat and had a peaked cap on his head. It was pulled down so that his eyes were covered, but she could see a toothpick perched between his lips. Even though it should have, she didn’t find his presence to be ominous in any way.
“No. Just looking for someone,” she answered, sending a closed mouth smile in his direction.
“Someone I can help find?” he asked another question.
“It’s a lost cause,” she brushed his offer off, “thanks though.”
Nothing more was said as (Y/N) turned to look out at the crowds of people that were gathered in the square. She could have left, but something was keeping her in that spot.
“Are you here with anyone?” she asked before she even had the chance to think of what she was saying.
“I, uhh…” the man started to say, but (Y/N) jumped in before he could finish his thought.
“I’m sorry, it’s none of my business…I shouldn’t have came out and asked that,” she scrambled to apologize for her abrupt question.
“It’s not a problem,” it was his turn to brush her off. (Y/N) finally built up the courage to look his way again, and she couldn’t stop her cheeks from heating up when she noticed that he was smiling. Butterflies were set off in her stomach when she noticed that his eyes were now visible too, and they were practically twinkling. “I am here alone,” he then answered her original question.
(Y/N) nodded in response to his statement, mentally kicking herself when she realized that she had no clue of what to say next or where she was even going with her question.
“Is there a reason why you aren’t looking for the person you’ve lost?” the man asked, his brows furrowed.
“Oh I’ve spent my time looking for them,” she answered, “it’s just not how I wanted to ring in the new year. Besides…maybe I want to spend my time with you now,” she couldn’t help but smile as she finished speaking.
“Oh really?” the man question, unfurrowing his eyebrows so that he could raise them as the corners of his lips tugged upwards in a grin.
“Yeah, why not?” she tried to be nonchalant as she shrugged, “two people, alone in the square celebrating the new year. It’d be better to be in the company of someone, right?”
“Who’s to say I was here to celebrate?” he challenged her.
“You…you’re not?” she quickly became confused, stumbling over her words.
“I wasn’t before, but I am now,” he answered, his grin reappearing as she let her nervousness come out in a chuckle, “I’d enjoy celebrating it with you,” he added, sending a wink her way.
“Well I’m honored,” she smiled at him, his gaze on her making all of her confidence return. “I just realized…I didn’t get your name,” she pointed out.
“I didn’t get yours either,” he countered.
“Well I asked you for yours first.”
The man chuckled at her insistence before sharing his name with her: “it’s John.”
“It’s nice to meet you, John. My name’s (Y/N),” she shared her name with him, sending a smile his way.
“I believe the pleasure’s mine,” he grinned, once again setting the butterflies off in (Y/N)’s stomach. She giggled at his statement and then dropped her eyes to the pavement as she mentally kicked herself once more for acting like a school girl in with a crush front of a man she’d just met. Maybe there was some truth in the act though - she couldn’t deny that a crush was starting to develop for this man.
“Well, John…” she started, lifting her eyes to his once more, “I believe that we’ve got a happy new year in store for us now.”
“A happy new year, indeed,” he agreed with her before adding, “now let’s go enjoy ourselves.” (Y/N) quickly nodded along with his suggestion before he placed his hand against the small of her back and led her towards the square.
And enjoy themselves they did…so much so that their happy new year started off with a midnight kiss.
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I…I’m not quite sure I like the direction I took this one in. It was one of those where I had an idea but not so much a path for executing it. I hope you liked it anyway! Thanks for reading!
**tags will be put in the reblogs so that hopefully the notification gets sent out
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melloween-candie · 11 months
Take My V Card [C.G]
"Gladly~" Carl Gallagher x Virgin Fem Reader
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Requested // Request Rules
"Carl Gallagher x Fem! Read where she losses her virginity to him"
A/n - Sorry it took so long for me to reply to some of these. 😅
I'm going in order~ but anyways... You're next! 💕
(Hope you like it! 🥰)
Submitted by Anon
Warning! Sexual content, Virginity loss
Word Count: 2,042
[Smut/Fluff] 18+
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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Dear Diary
I've been with my boyfriend, Carl, for a good couple of months now. In fact, today is our 6th month anniversary, and I was wondering...
There I said, wrote it.
Look, the truth is... I'm still a virgin, and NOT just any virgin but a COMPLETE virgin. I'm talking about- never kissed anyone, never got naked or seen someone naked in front of me, never had sex, never experienced anyone eating me out, and never had someone give me an orgasm.
It's honestly super embarrassing... All my friends have lost theirs already. One by one throughout high school... They Lowkey said I'd be the last to lose it cause, quote on quote, "Your too good to do it."
I don't want them to see me like that, but I also know giving in to pure pressure is just a sign of weakness. But I also can help but want to... I KNOW IT'S WRONG.
I mean, I'm only 17... Well, I'm about to turn 18 soon... So it's okay, right? As long as I use protection? I mean, my boyfriend did say he'll wait for me whenever I'm ready and stuff... Maybe I am ready...? Or at least I want to be...
Well, I can't help but want this so bad... Stupid teenage hormones. Anyways I guess the next time I get in here will be when I'm a "real woman of experience"~
***Narrator's Pov***
You closed your diary, ensuring it was locked so no one could enter. Then placing it in your special little hiding place that not even your boyfriend, Carl, knew about.
Soon after, you quickly got ready for school, not wanting to miss the school bus on your first day back.
Time skip!~
Dear Diary
I know what I said... I still haven't done it... I know it's stupid, but I got too scared. I was going to ask- I swear! He was right there... But then I panicked and backed out.
But hey! On the bright side, I found a pack of condoms in my brother's room. UNUSED, obviously. God, that would be soooo gross... But anyways, the night is still young. I already told my parents that I was going to Carl's house tonight to 'study.'
Now this time, when I come back, I'd really be a real "woman with experience.~"
Time skip!~
You arrived at Carl's house, knocking on the door. Carl opened it.
"Y/n? What are you doing here-er I mean, I'm glad you're here! Though normally you'd call me first...?" Carl was clearly surprised by your random visit... You could tell why.
"Carl... Is there a reason why you're in your boxers?" You giggled slightly as you walked in.
"Oh, sh*t." He didn't even realize it. He tried to cover himself up as he closed the door. Putting on a random pair of shorts on the floor, he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
"Anyways, uh, what are you doing here?"
"I-um. Are you the only one here?"
"Yeah," Carl said. "Everyone else is out doing something tonight-"
"For the rest of the night?!"
Carl scrunched his eyebrows at your sudden enthusiasm. "Uh, yeah. At least that's what they all said."
"Good cause- I have something to tell you." You were clearly eager. "Let's go to your room!"
"Umm, okay?" Carl gave you a small smirking look. He was confused but somewhat excited to hear what you wanted to say. Perhaps he had a feeling...~
Time skip!~
You closed the door behind you; slowly, you turned around to see Carl standing there in slight confusion.
"So, what's up?" He asked.
You held your hands behind your back, holding a pack of condoms.
"So, listen... I've been thinking. All my friends already did these, and well, I kind of want to do this too... Though I never did it before." You were so stiff standing there trying to explain to him want you wanted without admitting it. You knew you'd be discussed in yourself if you'd flat-out asked. Your parents didn't raise you to be- 'horny.'
"Are you asking..." Carl's smile grew as he got closer to you. "What, I think you're asking?!"
You couldn't even say another word. Completely embarrassed, your cheeks were now red as you extended your hand out to him. Giving him the condom as you looked away.
Carl then grabbed it; slowly, though. To him, this felt like a dream. Like many dreams before, he dreamt of you and him doing 'lots of things.' Though every time he prayed, it wasn't a dream, and this time, his dream came true.
"A-are you sure?!" He tried to be gentle with the following words he said, but he was clearly excited. You looked at him in his eyes and nodded. With your hands hiding behind your back, you let him take the lead.
He smirked as he slowly grabbed your face; slowly, he leaned in, kissing you sweetly. Then he pulled away. Your face was inches away from his as he looked at you in the eyes. "I'll go slow. I promise." He said, now fully smiling.
All you could do was blush as he nibbled on your neck, gently pushing you against the door. He grabbed ahold of your hip as he moved to your ear. Nibbling it playfully. You could feel the smirk that stretched across his face. All you did was bite your lip as you felt 'that feeling' grow stronger.
Carl moved back to your neck as he attacked it; he laid his hands all over you, touching you, groping you. As he pressed his body against yours.
"Ahh..." A low, breathy moan escaped your lips as you closed your eyes, fully accepting this. You could feel your body heat intensifying with every touch.
Carl then pulled himself away from you. He looked into your eyes deeply then he kissed your lips passionately. Squeezing your breasts, causing you to open your mouth, letting him slide his tongue in. He didn't even ask for permission. He didn't need to.
"Mhmm..." Your moan was muffled as he groaned into your mouth. Grinding his pelvis onto yours, causing more friction. He then pulled away, and a string of saliva connected your lips. He smiled, taking a breath as he sneakily slithered both his hands under your shirt.
"Nee!" You squealed, feeling his cold hands touching your bare stomach. You looked him in the eyes. He was looking at your stomach, then he looked at you. Your eyes meant, and you could tell he was about to do something; he had that evil smirk on his face.
Then quickly, he groped your breasts, causing you to squeal. But most importantly, Carl was shocked. His hands were still touching your bare nipples-
"What? No bra?" He says teasingly.
You just blushed as you grabbed his hands. Looking away with embarrassment. He smirks, then he lifts your shirt exposing your breasts. You yelp, not expecting this. The cold air now surrounds your nipples.
You wanted to close your eyes, but you couldn't. Something about the way Carl looked at you as he slowly kneeled down, leaning closer to your boobs.
He licked his lips, not breaking any eye contact as he did so. Then he engulfed your left nipple into his mouth. Liking it as he played with the other one.
This sensation was so new to you. Quickly you shut your eyes, biting your lips in the process. You shuddered at the first contact. Now you moaned quietly, shuddering with each stroke his tongue made, as you quivered underneath him.
Then he stopped. You opened your eyes to look at him. He had that playful smirk on his face again. Your eyes made eye contact as he slowly kissed the center of your chest, going down to your stomach. You scrunched up. He thought it was cute, smirking even more, knowing he had this effect on you.
And then he finally got down to your belt. He looked up at you then he undid your belt, throwing it somewhere.
"Take off your shirt." He demanded. As he playfully pulled down your skirt.
You threw away your shirt in the same direction. What you didn't expect was Carl to quickly hoist you up onto his shoulder.
He then threw you onto the bed. Not even giving you a second to sit up, he pounced onto you. Towering over your fragile body...
"You- You said you'd be gentle." You said with a slight giggly tone.
All Carl did was take off his shirt as he pinned you to the bed. "I will, later, though." He then bit your neck hard, causing you to groan. As you were distracted, his hand slowly found its way down to your panty.
Slithering its way under it, he sneaks his way into you. Putting a finger into your entrance. Your moan became more lewded.
"Mm- Carl~" You grabbed onto his shoulders as you looked him in the eyes. "P-Please." You begged.
Without any hesitation, Carl quickly sat up. Taking his hand away from your area, you whined in disappointment, wiggling around like a baby.
"Stop wiggling." He said while smiling. He was so eager to get your panties off, throwing them away in the process. He couldn't stop looking at your 'lower lips.'
Then he grabbed your legs, spreading them apart. He looked you in the eye as he smirked; slowly, he lowered his head down to your lady part. And out of nowhere, you felt him. His wet tongue, that is. He wasn't quiet about it either. You could hear all the lewd noises he was making. The slurping sounds... everything.
You held on to the sheets for dear life. Moaning your heart out. You were so close... But Carl didn't give it to you. He pulled away, sitting up in the process. Whipping away the juices on his lips. He smirks.
"Not yet~," He says as he removes his pants. You can clearly see his boner... "Like what you see?" He says playfully. You just blushed even more as he slowly pulled his underwear down. He then applied the condom.
You closed your eyes and nodded. You felt really nervous, but you also felt excited. Then without any hesitation on his part, he shoves it in you.
You opened your eyes, biting your lip hard. Your back arched as you felt the pain. Carl leaned in, hugging you as he kissed you sweetly. You both felt the blood dripping down your 'areas.'
"Are you okay?" He whispered in your ear.
A tear rolled down your cheek. "Just- give me a second." You said in-between low breathes.
A few minutes passed, and you gave Carl the go-ahead. He started off slowly. Not looking away from you as he pleases you. The room was now filled with moans as the bed started creaking. Soon after, you felt that tight knot. You asked Carl if he could go harder. You didn't even need to say more after that.
His speed dramatically increased as both your moans and groans became louder, filthier, more lewded as you both got closer.
Carl grabbed your hands, holding them as his thrusts got sloppier.
"I'm close..." He muttered, groaning with sweat. All you did was moan as you nodded your head. Holding his hands tighter as if to say you were close too.
Soon enough, you both released. You spazzing as your back arched, moaning Carl's name as he held your hips tightly while he injects his sperm into the condom.
After that, you two lay there for a hot minute. Surrounded with your sweat and the stench of freshly made sex roamed the room. Your body temperatures engulfed you both comfortably.
A few minutes later, Carl removed his di*k from in you, and he took off the condom, throwing it in the process.
You just looked at him a smirked as he looked down on you. Smiling, he said, "So, how was it?"
You smiled excitedly, pulling out another condom; you said- "Ready for round two?"
Carl smiled at that.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I would like to request something, More like a comedy/fun/silly request :3
So... Have you ever thought about how would Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust and Lucifer would react to their female s/o calling for them in a visibly mad tone for their complete name from the kitchen?? Maybe them knowing that they didn't thawed the chicken they try and run away from her but she teleports in front of them and tuggs them from the ear (motherly behaviors entered the chat) while saying something like
"Oh, honey, you're not gonna escape from me, and NOW you're gonna clean the house for ONE WEEK"
(in headcanon format please 😌) (also I rode on one of your posts that you got many HH and HB requests so if you wanna ignore this, go ahead I don't really mind, It's your decision ^^)
notes: OMG ANON THIS IS SO FUNNY! sorry this took so long btw, ive had so many requests to get through lol and this is a pretty difficult idea to actually turn into a writing piece, but that's what makes it more fun lol. and dont worry about the too many requests about HH! I just thought it was interesting that i had a lot of fans of the show lol. thanks for the request anon and I really hope you enjoy!! WARNINGS: I left out Lucifer because I don't know too much about him and kept the reader gn because Angel Dust is gay, so I didn't want to make it a female s/o. thanks for the request <333
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this man isnt easily intimidated by anyone
i mean he is the radio demon frrrr
but you?
oh this man is TERRIFIED OF YOU
not when you're lovey dovey, just when you're mad
which to be fair isnt often
but you went to leave the house and pressed a huge kiss onto Alastor's cheek before leaving. You told him that you wanted him to do the dishes while you were away and he gave you a thumbs up telling you that it would get done
but then you get home
and find out that not a single plate was clean
Alastor was relaxing upstairs and you were on the verge of losing
not helpful that you had an awful day on top of it
you called him by his full and complete name from when he was alive and while he was upstairs, he felt chills down his spine
he quickly ran downstairs and realized the mistake he had made a little too late
"do you expect me to do these, Al? you've been sitting on your ass ALL DAY, I am not doing any of this!" You pointed to the huge pile of dished and Alastor felt defeated
he apologized a thousand times and ended up getting them done both clean and fast in record time
and he bought you flowers to apologize
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you were at work when you remembered you needed the chicken pulled out of the freezer to thaw
you quickly texted husk and asked him to do it and all he sent was a thumbs up emoji
you prayed that he did what he needed to do
you got home in a very chipper mood from your day at work to find no chicken on the counter
you tilted your head and checked all over the kitchen
in the pantry, on the counter, in the cabinets, in the fridge
and finally
in the freezer
you almost lost your shit right then and there
you called Husk down to the kitchen and he walked in, picking at his fingernail before noticing you there
"hey babe, welcome home."
you crossed your arms and he noticed how pissed you look
the chicken
mans went to run off, but you quickly teleported in front of him and grabbed him by the ear
"oh no you dont, mister. where do you think you're going?"
"to my room?" he tried, shrugging
"not on my watch. it looks like you're not only getting me dinner out tonight, but you'll be doing the dishes for three weeks now."
husk sighed, but agreed to your terms. he hated it when you were upset
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omg mans is a brat
let me tell you
you wake up in the morning smiling
like so happy that you had the best sleep cuddled against this softie
and then you remember that you have a super important meeting that day
and then you ask angel in the NICEST voice "do you mind getting the dishes out of the way today, love? I have a meeting today."
he shoots you the DIRTIEST look and has the AUDACITY to say "no. im not up for that. Im tired"
and turns away from you
you poke him so hard in the back
"what?!" but he turns to you and recognizes that expression
mans effed up
he apologizes immediately and then tells you that he'll do them
he doesnt end up doing them btw
hazbin hotel masterlist | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
Strawhats with Rob Lucci’s younger sibling? But they aren’t aware of CP9 due to ✨reasons✨ and just think their big brother wanted to work at Water 7
Anon, I have some extremely unfortunate news for you. My dyslexia pulled a fast one on me and completely omitted the word 'strawhats' from this request, and I didn't realize it until I had already finished writing it and came back to post it. I am so sorry, feel free to send this request in again if you want to give me another shot to properly answer it. I'm gonna be reading requests 50 times over just to make sure I don't do this again. I am mortified. Hope you like this regardless, so sorry again.
Yandere Rob Lucci x Sibling Reader
2.7k words
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This was going to be a good thing for you, a healthy change of pace. An opportunity to move on from your past and no longer let it weigh you down. It was for the best, even if everything felt more than a little hollow right now.
After you finished putting away the rest of your belongings, you meander to the open window to take in your brand new surroundings. Water 7 was easily the most beautiful city you’d seen in your entire life. 
A light breeze carried the scent of the ocean into your small apartment. The walkway as well as the canal beneath you was busy, full of people going about their daily lives. Everyone here seemed so gleeful and carefree, as if they didn’t have a single problem hanging over them. You wonder if you’ll be able to fall into a similar state of mind.
Probably not, but you can dream.
Your train of thought is interrupted by your cat, Roberto, leaping up onto the windowsill next to you. You lightly scritched behind his ears as he looked down at the bustling city with his typical scowling expression. He was the grumpiest cat you’d ever met, but that just made his toleration of you all the more endearing in your humble opinion.
Shutting the window, you make your way to the door, “I’m gonna head out and take a look around the neighborhood, don’t cause any trouble while I’m gone.”
Roberto barely spared you a glance before jumping down to the floor to curl up in a sunny spot to sleep. A small smile tugged at your lips. Yeah, you weren’t worried about him doing anything bad in your absence. For all his standoffishness, he was a very mild mannered cat. As long as his food and water bowl were filled (which they were), he was fine.
You’d barely made it out the door before a couple of kids went sprinting around you, narrowly avoiding a collision. One of them shouted a quick “sorry” over their shoulder but kept on running to wherever their destination was, giggling about who knows what.
They looked similar. Siblings probably. Just like that, your mood took a nosedive, much to your aggravation. How childish to be bothered by merely seeing two potential siblings. You needed to get over it already.
It’s not like you were ever going to see Lucci again. He was gone and you needed to accept that.
The relationship you had with your older brother was odd to say the least. Mostly in the sense that you didn’t really have one to go off of. The last time you’d seen him, you were three years old, so you two could only be so close.
At the time, you felt like you were thick as thieves with him. Wherever he went, you followed, and vice versa. He’d do everything with you. From tying your shoes before you figured it out, to letting you wear his top hat, to fighting anyone else at the orphanage that had the audacity to try and pick on you. Even back then, you could distinctly remember how stoic he was, but you never doubted that he cared about you. And also his pigeon, Hattori. 
The only time you could recall where he was upset with you was when you’d spent the whole day pestering him to tell you about your parents. The orphanage was all you’d ever known, but surely he remembered something about them. After hours of changing the subject or blatantly ignoring you, he snapped, “It doesn’t matter! They aren’t here anymore, only I am. Just be happy with that and stop asking.”
You didn’t bring it up again. Not that you exactly had much of a chance to.
The following day was a strange one. Some men in suits showed up and took Lucci “on a walk”, not letting you come with. They never came back. When you asked the nun running the place where your brother was, she acted like she had no idea who or what you were talking about. It was as if he’d never existed.
Without your brother around to protect you, it became abundantly clear what a shithole that place was. You’d come to the sad realization that he’d been giving most of his food to you so you wouldn’t have to go hungry. There was also the issue of having to watch more and more kids disappear every couple of years and having no idea what happened to them or if you were going to be next. The general consensus between you and the remaining children was that they were being sold into slavery, but you never were able to confirm that.
As soon as you were old and strong enough to go off on your own, you did. For years you would bounce around the island doing odd jobs to stay alive all while trying to get a clue as to your brother’s whereabouts. Nothing ever came up, so when you scraped together enough money, you left for another island.
You repeated this cycle for years. Working, investigating, and then moving when the trail was cold. As disheartening as it was, you couldn’t bring yourself to give up. He wouldn’t give up if the roles had been reversed, so you wouldn’t either.
At least that’s what you told yourself at first. When you were first thinking this, you never imagined that he would still be missing over a decade later. You had never considered that you would genuinely never find so much as a hint to his whereabouts. Or his livelihood. 
At this point, it was easier to assume he was dead.
“I could go for a drink,” you mumble to yourself as you take a look around and notice a bar. You’ve been so caught up in your own thoughts that at this point you don’t even know where exactly you are. How responsible.
You push open the door to the establishment and do a quick once over. It’s busy, but not crowded. You should be able to quietly enjoy a drink or two without much trouble.
The sound of wings flapping catches your attention, and the next thing you know, something lands on your shoulder and starts cooing. Slightly startled, you snap your attention to where it landed and see a white pigeon happily nestling itself into your neck.
Holding out your hand, you gently guide it onto your finger to get a better look at the bird. It’s wearing an adorable red necktie and looks positively thrilled to see you for whatever reason. Despite your previous bad mood, you can’t help but smile. You’ve always had a soft spot for birds. What a cutie.
Someone at a nearby table laughs loudly, “Look at that Lucci, even your bird is better at making friends than you are!”
Your blood runs cold.
“Lucci?” No. No it can’t be. 
Slowly, you crane your neck around to look at where the voice had come from. That’s when you see it. The top hat. The dark, curly hair underneath it. Your breath catches in your throat as the man turns around. His facial expression is one of pure annoyance, until his eyes meet yours. Then he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
It’s him. He’s aged, obviously, but you would recognize those features anywhere. That’s your brother. That’s Lucci.
As if on autopilot, you mindlessly approached him, “Lucci, is that really you?” Your voice is so quiet that you’re not sure he could even hear you. He didn’t respond, so you continued, “I looked everywhere for you. Is this where you’ve been?”
Logically, you know you should be ecstatic to see him again, but as he continues to silently gawk at you something else creeps into your heart. 
“You gonna say something, or are you just gonna keep staring?” One of your hands snaps out to shove at his shoulder. Still nothing. “I’m your fucking sibling, your own flesh and blood, and this is how you treat me after all these years?! I thought you were dead!” His fists clench and unclench, and his breathing is becoming uneven, but he still won’t talk to you.
In a fit of fury, you snatch a pint of beer off the table and throw the contents of it in his face, “Fuck you, I never should have wasted my time looking for you!”
Hattori flies off you from the commotion and is circling the table. The patrons of the bar are mostly silent save for some gasps and hushed whispers, but you don’t hang around any longer. You can’t. You don’t want to let that bastard have the satisfaction of seeing the tears that are seconds away from spilling over. 
How dare he? How dare he do this to you? You’ve spent all this time remembering him fondly, searching for any sign of him, and when you finally find him completely by accident, this happens. He gives you the silent treatment and acts like he doesn’t know you. You thought he was dead or a slave when in reality he was leading a normal life and getting a drink with his buddies. 
Maybe he’d been glad to get rid of you.
You choke out a sob as you run, not sure where your feet are taking you but hoping to see anything that can point you to your apartment. All you want to do is to curl up in your bed with your cat and cry. Fuck it, maybe you’ll pack up your things and leave Water 7 tonight. You can’t stomach the thought of seeing him again now.
You can register the sound of someone running after you. Probably the guy whose drink you threw if you had to guess. Way to go, (y/n), making a scene and ruining your reputation within hours of moving to a new city. You don’t want to face the consequences of your actions though, and pick up the pace to try and get away from them.
This doesn’t work and they close the gap far quicker than you expected. Strong arms wrap around your torso, and they pick you up and carry you into some quiet alley. You try to kick and scream, but your kicks do absolutely nothing and a hand covers your mouth. 
As soon as you’re out of sight of the general population, you’re put down and pushed into a wall. You can finally see who your assailant is, only to lock eyes with Lucci. Scoffing, you slap away his hand, “What? Now you want to talk?” 
“Yes, I do,” his response surprises you. You hadn’t actually expected him to speak to you after how he was acting at the bar.
“Oh really? How come you didn’t want to talk before? Too embarrassed to speak with me in public?”
“I can’t speak with you publicly, but not for that reason.”
He didn’t elaborate further, but you decided to move on. There were a lot more things to get to. You cut to the chase, “Where have you been?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Forget this, he’s fucking with you at this point. You try to walk away from this pointless conversation, but he’s holding onto your wrist and won’t let go.
“I’m leaving, I don’t want to talk to you,” you’re trying to wrench your arm out of his grasp but he’s much stronger than you thought. He wouldn’t budge.
“We’re not done talking,” his eye twitched in irritation at your behavior.
“We never started talking! You aren’t saying anything meaningful, I would get more out of talking to a brick wall!” You screamed at him, trying not to start crying again. 
While you’re trying to get away, you feel something land on your head. This makes you stop and calm down ever so slightly. The cooing immediately gives away that it’s Hattori. You hold up your hand for him to hop on. How is it that you’re connecting with the pigeon more than your brother? You sighed, “At least someone is happy to see me.”
From your peripheral vision, you can see Lucci stiffen and avert his piercing gaze. He grumbles a bit, “I am… Happy. To see you.”
You scoffed, “Wow, that sounded so convincing.”
Lucci released your wrist, and if it weren’t for Hattori thoroughly enjoying the attention you were giving him, you would have taken the opportunity to leave. You eyed him warily as he inched closer to you, looking incredibly unsure of what he was doing. Then his arms reached forward and enclosed around you in what was hands down the most stiff and awkward hug of your life.
He let go and took a couple of steps back, refusing to make eye contact with you, “There, do you feel better now?”
Your memories took you back to the time you’d scraped your knee while playing tag with Lucci when you were children. In typical little kid fashion, you were inconsolable from the minor injury. He carried you back to the orphanage and bandaged your knee himself, but didn’t know what to do when he saw that you were still upset. In a last ditch effort to get you to calm down, he’d brought you into this uncomfortable side hug while looking everywhere except for at you. The whole display was so silly looking that you couldn’t help but giggle at him.
Despite everything that just transpired between you two, your heart felt warm. He hasn’t changed a bit after all. You chuckle, “No, that hug was terrible. Not to mention that now I smell like beer.”
“And whose fault is that?” His eyes narrowed at you accusingly.
“Yours for making me mad enough to throw it at you,” you laughed again at the dramatic eye roll he did in response. 
“You’re the only person in the world who I would let get away with that, I hope you appreciate that,” he muttered.
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” you shrugged off the comment, not putting much stock into it. The previously tense atmosphere had relaxed, but there was still some awkwardness to it. It was unavoidable really, after this much time apart you two didn’t know each other. What were you supposed to talk about? The questions you asked before went unanswered so now you didn’t know what to do.
“What are you doing in Water 7?” Lucci had mercifully been the one to break the silence.
“I just moved here. Wanted a fresh start, you know? What about you? Can you at least tell me that?” 
“I’m a foreman at the Galley-La Company, have been for a few years,” he states plainly. 
You’re honestly surprised to have received a real answer. You decide to push your luck and ask another question, “How come you never came back?”
Lucci took his time mulling over how to respond, “I wasn’t able to. If I could have, I would, but it wasn’t an option. I can’t tell you why, but I need you to believe me. The second I’m in a position to do so, I will tell you, but for now I simply can’t.”
“What the hell are you tied up in?” Something bad is going on here, but you’ll be damned if you have any idea what.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Well, looks like he’s done answering your questions again. At least you made some progress. The awkward silence came back, and you found yourself wanting to go home. You needed time to take all of this in and decompress.
Setting Hattori onto Lucci’s shoulder, you tell him as much, “It’s been… Interesting seeing you again, but I’m tired and want to go home.” You don’t wait for him to respond before hurrying away.
“I’ll walk you back,” Lucci closes the distance quickly and the look on his face leaves no room for argument. You suppose that’s fine. Him knowing where you live will make meeting up again later easier.
You have no idea how your relationship with him is going to evolve after this. Considering how much time has passed, it’s impossible for things to go back to how they were. Maybe you’ll be able to forge a new and improved sibling bond with him, but only time will tell.
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mangoshorthand · 5 months
I just saw your little post, I'm sorry I didn't clarify. Yes, I am a cis woman and I have more of a swimmer's body (I've been a swimmer for years so it's partially natural and partially conditioned) with wider hips and broad shoulders (typical swimmer long legs too). I hope this helps and sorry for such an inconvenience 😅
- birthday anon 🎂🎉
Original request, (paraphrased):
It's my birthday today and I was wondering if I could get a happy birthday from Five. I guess my prompt would be that throughout my life a lot of people forget my birthday (even my family) and often don't show up so if Five just remembered and decided to be soft and sensual and caring, that would make me the happiest person ever.
No problem Birthday Anon. Sorry this took a couple of days. Happy belated birthday! Also I made you a barista sooo...enjoy that I guess.
The Birthday Girl | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 2.8k words, Rated E
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Being born at the start of the year was always a harsh reminder of the fact that you weren’t the main character of all existence, something which it took most people much longer to realize. It was worse when you were a kid, with Christmas and birthday presents amalgamated into one by relatives already stressed out from gift-buying, but it still kind of stung now. Yeah, people had lives and it was a tricky time of year, but you surely didn’t need to be the main character of all existence to have people simply show up for your birthday. 
It was a nice place, you thought, glumly as you popped the olive from your martini into your mouth and chewed it thoughtfully. Not too crowded, the music loud enough to dance to without prohibiting conversation. The drinks were cheap and good quality. It would have been the perfect place for a birthday get together. 
You sighed and rested your elbows on the bar. You should have got the picture by now. You were a full grown adult, you knew how it went, and yet you still foolishly invited all your friends and even some family out. 
You’d never imagined that all of them would come, but you thought that at least a few would turn up. Over the past week, as you’d expected, they’d nearly all messaged their excuses and apologies and dropped out. For some, it was too close to going back to work after their christmas break, some were still away, while others were still recovering from New Year and unable to face the idea of partying again so soon.
You didn’t really blame those guys, (at least they had the decency to inform you that they weren’t coming), but you couldn’t help feeling angry at the no-shows who hadn’t even bothered to inform you, leading to you sitting alone in this bar, all dressed up for nothing.
You turned your head, surprised to hear any voice addressing you. 
“Five,” you said, smiling nervously in greeting.
This was not what you’d planned. He was your favorite customer, yes, he said you made the best coffee in the city, but could you call him your friend? Did two years of late-night coffee twice a week count as a friendship?
He usually came in on one of your late shifts, looking immaculately dressed but gray with exhaustion. At first, he hadn’t talked, just drinking his coffee in silence and leaving with a murmur of thanks and a generous tip, but over time he’d been more receptive to your gentle offers of conversation, and gradually he’d shown up primarily to talk, sitting at the counter as you worked, sipping endless cups of coffee and keeping you company. 
What he hadn’t told you himself, you’d put together from snippets of conversation. You knew about the Umbrella Academy and the apocalypse, but it didn’t really factor into your picture of him. To you, he was just Five: the amusing mix of pessimism, wit, and an old man’s nostalgia for times past incongruous with the body in its twenties.  
Over the time you’d known him, he’d grown into your life easily. He had you looking forward to your late shifts and spending the time between them making mental notes of things to tell him next time you saw him. Your conversations with him were easy and intimate (you’d told him a few things you wouldn’t tell your diary on your deathbed), but the relationship was still this weird, context-bound thing. He was the customer, you were the server.  
He’d surprised you into inviting him to this little get-together a couple of days before new year. It was your first late shift after Christmas, and when he’d arrived and taken up his usual perch at the counter, one of his first remarks was:
“It’s your birthday coming up in a day or two, right?”
“Uh,” you faltered, “Um - yeah.”
He looked at you doubtfully. 
“You don’t sound very sure.”
“No, it is. I’m just surprised, is all. People always forget.”
Five shrugged.
“You told me last year. You swapped shifts to go out for dinner.”
“And you remembered that?”
It touched you, the way he spoke so casually, as if he couldn’t possibly do anything but remember this about you. So you invited him to come tonight, hoping he’d say yes but not read too much into it. For months, maybe longer, you’d been wondering, and his attitude then was the thing that pushed you to find out once and for all.
You had to know for sure whether this was something: whether you and he would be the same in a different environment, or whether this thing would just crumble to nothing outside of the diner’s soft-lighting. It would be a good test, you thought, and having other people there would act as a buffer in case of any awkwardness. 
In this, you had been thwarted, because now he stood beside you, looking more smart-casual than you’d ever seen him, frowning in a gray blazer over a dark tee.
“Well…happy birthday,” he said, dumping a giftbag on the bar with a clunk that signaled a bottle inside, “it’s rum. You said you liked mojitos.”
“Thanks,” you said, nodding, as he sat on the barstool beside you. 
He took a quick glance around, intelligent green eyes taking stock of the bar. 
“Is it just us?” he asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow in a way that made you chuckle.
“Yup,” you smiled, ruefully, “most people canceled, but there were three who just haven’t remembered to show up. I told them to meet me an hour ago, but no word.”
He frowned again, so you offered a little explanation:
“People forget when your birthday’s just after the holidays.” and then, with a smile at him, added, “Except you, of course.”
“Hm,” he said, with an air of contemplation, perhaps reflecting on why you’d told him to meet you later than everyone else. Seeming to dismiss it, however, he turned back to you:
“So you’re stuck with me?”
You looked back over at him, and a smirk developed on his face, one corner of his mouth turning up to complement his cocked eyebrow. 
And in that moment, you made a decision, one that was two years in the making. Why play these games? Why experiment with him? Worst case scenario, he finds another diner. 
“It’s stupid to be here with only two of us. Do you want to come back to mine? Maybe we crack open that rum and help me drown my birthday sorrows? I only live on the next street.”
The rum was never opened, because on the street outside your apartment, he stopped you with a hand on your arm.
He’d been silent ever since he agreed to come with you, and when you turned to face him outside your door, he fixed you with such a serious look that you took in a shallow breath.
“Sorry if I make this awkward, but I gotta know. Is this just a drink?”
You looked back at him, studying the earnest slope of his brow and his tense mouth; how the two freckles on his cheek disappeared into a small cleft in his cheek. It was a face that surrendered smiles reluctantly, but you could nearly always tease several out before the end of any shift. 
You shook your head wordlessly.
His adam's apple bobbed in his throat. His eyes, so often scowling, scathing or sardonic, fixed you now with a look of pure, open adoration. His thick lashes did nothing to shade you from the intensity of that look, from the opalescent green of his pupils that pulled at you with such fascination. 
When he spoke, his voice was very low.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, unable to keep your eyes on his face, choosing to study the neckline of his tee, beneath which a hint of sturdy collarbone was visible.
He reached out and gently ghosted his fingers down your cheek. 
“How could anyone forget your birthday?” he murmured. 
Then, he leaned forward and kissed you.
The chill January breeze momentarily played about your neck. A shiver ran through you, but not from cold: from his gentle lips against yours; from the feel of his soft hair between your fingers; from his body close to yours. 
Sweet, chaste and cherishing, it might have seemed platonic, that kiss, but for the way his tongue slipped briefly into the fray, though pulling back quickly: showing you that he had more should you wish to take it.
And you did. You wanted it to the point that you chased his lips when he tried to pull away. He smiled at this and let you catch him, letting your lips part his and your tongue enter his mouth. 
Finally, he succeeded in breaking the embrace, though leaving his hands softly on your hips.
“Take me upstairs?” he asked, huskily.
His mouth beside your ear, he held you on his lap like a beautiful fragile thing. He ran his fingers reverently up and down your thighs, like a servant privileged to touch precious silverware with kid gloves. 
He kissed you again, soft and syrupy, as if he was eating fruit perfectly sweetened on the vine, trailing his lips down your shoulder, humming with satisfaction.
 “God,” he whispered, “I could kiss you all day.”
The tender hunger in his tone sent a tingle straight to your core. 
It was a shame to have your back to him. When he’d thrown off his shirt as if it was nothing, your eyes drank him in: the softly defined muscles that were outlined by his movements and the trail of sparse, dark hair disappearing below his waistband. All this time, under those sharply cut suits, there was this.
But you couldn’t focus on the regret too much, not with his strong forearms wrapped around your naked body, his smell of antiperspirant and aftershave, and not with the heat of his hard arousal against your ass and lower back. 
His fingers clearly stated their intent against your inner thigh, pausing an inch away from where you needed him most. 
“May I?” he asked, breath tickling your ear. 
You could hear a little hint of mischief in his voice; the ironic move of his eyebrows.
“Yes please,” you breathed.
“Anything for the birthday girl,” he whispered, nuzzling briefly at your neck.
And he stroked your outer lips with gentle fingers, his index trailing back up your slit, the tip skimming slickness that had already gathered there.
He made an appreciative sound at his discovery, and you moaned at the throb of pleasure from just this teasing movement, bucking against him and momentarily pressing his cock against you more firmly.
“You’re so pretty,” he rasped into your ear, fingers parting your outer lips to reach your excited nub and stroking it in smooth, luxuriant circles, “look at you. So perfect.”
You whimpered and tossed your head helplessly against his shoulder. Heat was already building in your sex, your toes curling against your sheets. The foundations for your orgasm were laid from his very first touch of your aching pussy, your body crying out for him from the moment he kissed you. Now, you were helpless to his fingers: as confident and efficient in rubbing your needy clit as in all his other movements. 
“You deserve to be treated special.” he whispered, “This good?”
You could hardly say more, brain scrambling like beaten eggs until no vocabulary remained but the name of the man whose fingers were making come slowly drool down your thighs.
“Want me to stop?” he whispered, tenderly.
You shook your head fiercely. 
“Fi-ive!” you whined again, becoming completely inarticulate now as his ankles hooked around yours, holding your legs open gently. He could sense you beginning to ride your edge, could surely sense the heat burning and coiling and tightening in your stomach until - 
You cried out when you came, feeling more come gush from you, soaking his fingers and your thighs alike. He spoke softly to you as the waves of pleasure broke on you one by one, each bringing a fierce buck of your hips backwards against his hard, hot cock, sandwiched between you.
“That’s it.” he encouraged, “There you go. Feel good, sweetie?” 
You could do nothing but whimper and let yourself be carried by the rapture, surges exploding down each limb again and again.
“God, you’re so beautiful.”
Your orgasm subsided, leaving you panting against him. 
Through your recovery, he whispered more tender affirmations and praise into your ear, kissing and nosing at the side of your neck as he tried to distract himself from the tingles going up and down his length and the precome still leaking from his tip as your movements against him teased his excited cock. 
After you’d caught your breath, you became aware of the needy way he was kissing you; of the barely-there grinding of his pelvis; of his dick rubbing against you.
“Can I -?” came the desperate, half-articulated whisper.
“Yes please,” you replied.
He laid you down as if you were fragile, like an injured dove held in cupped hands. His gentle movements offered a stark contrast to the state of his gorgeous, curved cock. The tip was an angry pink, his balls high and tight with arousal. Intrigued, you began to caress that heated, swollen part of him. He hissed as you weighed and massaged his balls in one hand, the other closing around his shaft, already slick with precome.
“Don’t judge my stamina based on this, okay?” he said, voice cracking as his neck arched along with your strokes, “How about you stop that and we can try for quality over quantity?” 
It was spoken with self-consciousness that seemed unnecessary to you, given that he’d just rubbed your clit to a thigh-trembling orgasm quicker and more effectively than anyone you’d ever been with. You let his cock go and kissed him on the mouth as he lowered himself towards you. 
When he entered you, his mouth was still on yours, and you felt his sigh or relief against your lips. 
He filled you perfectly, your plush walls immediately gripping him, surrendering him reluctantly as he withdrew. You could see the tight pinch between his eyebrows. His eyes were already screwed shut. 
The whisper was small and strung out, and you kissed his cheek and lips to encourage him as he let out a few, trembling breaths. 
“That feel good?”
“Yeah,” you gasped, “it feels good, Five. 
His strokes were slow, but skillful, his hips rutting with gentle fluidity. 
“I want to make you feel good,” he whispered, stroking your cheek, “I want to show you how special you are.”
From the movement of his body alone, you would have imagined him in complete control, not even close to his edge, but his increasingly fevered whispers and messy kisses to your lips and neck told a different story.
“Your pussy is so good. It’s so fucking wet.”
You kissed him back, nodding and moaning in affirmative as that perfect curve rubbed you just right inside, the low tempo building an ache as sweet and gentle as his thrusts. You gasped, pulsing around him, and his hips stuttered for the first time.
“F-fuck.” he breathed, “So hot. So perfect.”
He tensed.
“I’m close.”
You smiled against his ear. You were on birth control and you knew enough about Five to know that he didn’t raw-dog every barista who made him a good cup of coffee. It wasn’t logical or sensible but it was the only thing that seemed right after two years of illogical, foolish denial. 
“Come inside me.”
“You sure?”
You barely had time to confirm it to him before he let out an inarticulate cry. His dick pumped hard inside you, coating your walls with his load with his head buried in your neck, still keeping you gasping throughout with controlled, gentle, sensuous pumps of his pelvis.  
“You want coffee?”
You lay, bare-breasted on his chest as Five combed his fingers through your hair, feeling warm, content, and glowing from his tenderness. 
“Let me get it for a change.” he said.
“Wow, it really is my birthday,” you teased. 
You heard a short exhale of laughter as he extracted himself gently from the bedsheets. 
“Sure is.”
And, with as little care for his nakedness as if this was his own apartment, he headed across the bedroom, turning back at the door with a wry smile.
“And it’s not over yet.”
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed): @thebearmage, @nevbrooke-555, @fiannee, @abeeabee6969
Oneshot Masterlist >> HERE
NOTE: I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See oneshot masterlist for request status and more.
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watchoutforthefanfics · 5 months
The Curse of the Companion || unrequited! Eleventh Doctor x reader
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Inspiration: Gilded Lily by Cults + anon request "the reader deals with the consequences of being the doctor's companion and unrequited love."
TWS: angst, unrequited love, anguish, and heartbreak.
[[A/N: sorry for taking so long I am mad depressed so get lit. Hope you enjoy, anon :) ]]
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The legends speak so wondrously of the Doctor. It didn't matter where you were, you always saw them -paintings hung up in galactic galleries, stories told to alien children, and even among your city! You'd heard from a coworker (really from another chain of people you assumed) the idea of a man sent only to save Earth every time they needed it. And maybe there was a detail wrong like the box was green or he didn't speak a word -lord knows that wasn't true.
He often said that in every legend there's usually a companion, an equal part of the story.
"You'll be remembered just as I am."
You'd heard of the blonde with big brown eyes, Rose, the one who carried on -Martha, the fiery redhead Donna, or the Ponds -something in your chest stung.
Legends of the Doctor being cursed weren't new, the last Gallifreyan, so many enemies, losing so many people- He was the epitome of a tragic story.
But you wondered, often, just why the companion's curse wasn't so spoken of.
To know the Doctor was a blessing, to explore the world, the galaxy, mind you- was a blessing. It was freeing, exciting, and wonderful.
Learning about so much more than anyone even had the opportunity to was a blessing.
But... loving the Doctor was a curse.
You weren't the first, and you knew somewhere deep in your chest that you wouldn't be the last. Even if you stayed with him until your bones grew brittle and your hair turned grey, the Doctor would keep moving.
And yet still, you loved him.
The world would keep turning, the danger would keep coming, and he would stay the same -saving Earth, no matter what. You knew that he'd loved some of them, truly loved them and part of you wondered if you could be one.
But you weren't. You knew it.
When he spoke of Rose, of River- He'd get this look in his eyes, a faraway look of both love and grief, loss.
He didn't look at you like that.
And one day, you realized it.
You couldn't sleep, the Tardis was whirring, and somewhere distant you could hear the tinkering of his tools. He'd sent you to bed because you were acting odd. All he could think of was sleep.
"Go, sleep. Humans need that, yeah?"
He cared, but not in the way you did.
"I'll be here ready when you wake!" he'd exclaimed so excited, you knew this would hurt. It would hurt either way.
You'd die on this ship for him, you knew you would. You'd never have a family, or see your Mom again, but you'd die here. Happily. Because you loved him-
"Oi, what are you doing up?" he remarked offhandedly, and you took a moment to look at him, "-I told you to sleep."
His big green eyes, his floppy hair, his stupid bowtie.
"Couldn't," you answered, short but honest.
The Doctor turned to you, tilting his head curiously -bright and twinkly. You wished you could erase it from your brain for a moment because such a look begged you to stay.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, Doctor-" you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Whatever I did," he hummed, standing, "-I do lots of things couldn't tell you what- I'm sorry."
"Do you want me to grovel? I'm not above groveling."
"I want to go home."
He startled for a moment, green eyes fading before brightening, "Is that why you're so grumpy? You could've just-"
And then he looked at you. You looked different, like a stone statue -bags under your eyes and redness blossoming there. He almost asked why you'd been crying, before something in him righted.
"I want to go home," you repeated, but it was empty -hollow like the hole in your chest.
He looked at you for a spare moment, something in you watched his hearts break in his chest, "I have... I have so much to show you. You can't just-"
"Doctor, please," you urged, and now suddenly you were crying, "-I need to go home."
He looked at you even more, like he was trying to read you so desperately trying to understand. You were sure he couldn't. He wouldn't know, you were too good at hiding it -you'd gotten that way one too many River visits.
She was so sweet to him and powerful as a woman, time lady, the perfect match. You couldn't blame her for loving him, you did yourself.
"Why?" He asked, openly, something in you sunk.
"Do I have to tell you?"
"No, you don't have to," he echoed, and slowly flipped a switch like it took all of his energy, "-I'd never force you to do anything, you know that."
"Then-" you started.
"But," he interrupted, soundly, "-I believe I deserve something. Anything. I can't... I can't accept it if you... if you don't tell me why."
You pursed you lips, inhaling a shaky breath, "Doctor, I can't tell you. I'm sorry."
"Did someone... threaten you? Are you in danger?"
"No," you bubbled up, something in your chest throttling, "-no, Doctor, I'm... I'm perfectly safe, I just-"
"Want to leave," he uttered, a little desolate, a little heartbroken. Something in the green, green of his eyes that screamed 'so soon?', and yet you couldn't stop it. Something in you continuing, pushing further, let me out, let me out, let me out-
"You really don't want to tell me, do you?"
"Doctor," you whispered, biting back the instinct, "-I can't."
And then, he looked at you.
Green eyes and floppy hair, stupid bowtie, and tweed jacket, he looked at you in a way that you saw sometimes -far away and distant like he knew everything in the world. Did he know?
His head tilted, his eyebrows pulled together, and he looked at you. Like he... like he recognized what you were doing.
"Oh," he spoke, "...it's... it's the thing, isn't it?"
"The thing?" You questioned.
"I'm an old man, Y/N," he smiled, a bittersweet kind of one, "-I'm not stupid."
"So you- you know," you remarked, slowly -your heart on the brink of beating out of your chest.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I've seen it before. I know that look- You... you-"
Martha, something in your mind dinged, "We don't have to."
"You love me," he finished, his green eyes scattered everywhere but at you, "-don't you?"
"No, no shame in it now," he hummed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "-I understand. I know."
"Fine," you sighed, sinking to the metal floor, cold pressing into your skin, through tears, "-I do. I love you."
"Y/N," he faltered.
"Don't," you stopped him, "-just don't. I know you don't-"
"How do you-"
"I know," you silenced him, shaky breaths inhaling into your chest, "-Doctor, I know you. More than you know. And I know who you love... it's not me."
He turned to look at you, green eyes scattered across your face, "I could."
"Doctor, please," you echoed out wiping at your eyes, legs pushed into the metal, "-don't pity me."
"Y/N, if you give me time-" he seemed desperate, roaming closer to you -only desperate to keep you.
"Doctor, stop."
He froze.
"This isn't... This isn't something that can change. I could die here and you wouldn't love me," you spoke something in you breaking, "-not really."
"I love you in the way that matters," he spoke with a firm voice -speaking as though it was a fact. Like he could convince you.
"Like a dear friend," you concluded.
"No, no," he started, so close to you (you took a step back), "-like a companion. Like my companion."
"And it's different?"
"Very different," he replaced that step towards you, platonically brushing his hands down your arms -you knew the drill, "-it's... it's hard to explain. I just, sometimes believe the universe is wrong."
"Wrong for what?" You echoed, a little softer.
"Wrong that I chose my companions," he hummed, "-I think in some twisted way you chose me, Y/N. And... and everyone before you did the same. Every companion I've ever had has altered me to who I am today."
"And you're saying I-"
"You are a part of me, my dear, dear Y/N," he spoke, and suddenly you saw tears built at the corners of his eyes, "-I will truly never forget you. No matter what you believe, every companion carves out a space in my hearts."
"So, I can go," you echoed out and suddenly it didn't feel right, "-you will move on but you won't... you won't forget me. No matter how hard I believe it."
"No matter how hard you believe it," he finished and suddenly he was smiling, a big wide smile that made your eyes hurt -just a little.
Something in you healed just a smidge.
"This is a good ending," he clarified, "-no death, no break in the universe if I come to see you, nothing."
"And you promise to?"
"Promise what?" He questioned the tilt of his head not unlike a puppy.
"Come visit me," you clarified, slow and unsure, "-I know, I know I'm leaving... but you're still-"
"The Doctor," he spoke, soft, "-and you're still-"
"Your companion," you let out a big gust of air, and something in you felt light and airy again.
It was the curse of the companion, sure, but nothing would amount to the knowing the Doctor. Being able to love him-
You were certain it was something much different than a curse.
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Hey is it ok if you could do fluff with Hunter and a badass!caring!human Reader who is very protective to the people she cares for and has a soft spot for  Hunter (when he's not messing the denizens of the Owl House)
Hi anon! I am so so so sorry this took so long I've been swamped with school work and been going through some writers block. If you don't like how this turned out let me know and I'll redo it! Also since it wasn't specified if you wanted romantic or platonic I went with romantic I sincerely hope that's ok. Also it got a little angsty in some places my bad
Hunter with a badass s/o
You and Luz were besties so when Luz was going to get sent to that camp you decided to tag along so she wouldn't be lonely
Not once did you expect that you were actually going to end up in a magic world
You didn't care as much about becoming a witch as Luz did, while yes it seemed interesting you were more interested in hand to hand combat so you ended up stealing a sword
In any case the first time you met Hunter you didn't know that he was the golden guard
You were in the market getting some stuff for Eda when you came across a book stand and you realized that some of these books were about the savage ages, you figured Luz would enjoy them so you went to buy them
That's when he stopped you and started talking about how those books are banned and for good reason
You didn't feel like getting sent to the conforatorium right now so you begrudgingly decided against buying the book.
Afterwards you decided to ask the kid his name and if he wanted to hang out with you
He was very hesitant but ended up agreeing to it
After that day you two became fast friends and you became partners soon after
When you found out he was the golden guard your relationship had started to get bumpy but after he found out how much of a douche Belos was everything was (sorta) back to normal
When he ran out of the Owl House you chased after him and when you found him in the woods you had a heart to heart and told him that if he ever needed you you'd be there.
The first time he saw you fight he fell harder than he already did
Like he was down bad before but now he's down bad
When King's tide happened you fucking punched Belos for being a dick to your friends
You almost got killed because of it but ut was totally worth it
All in all you two are adorable and Luz and Amity are jealous
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ifangirlalot · 7 months
hey!! I'd just like to say that I ADORE your theme and your writing. Could you maybe do a reader that performs a scene with Finn and it's triggering for her and Finn doesn't know because he thinks she's just improvising and he doesn't realize until after?? It's totally okay if you don't want to do this btw I just thought this would be cool lol
˗ˏˋ "𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐃" 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ˎˊ˗ | starring finn wolfhard
*~fluff!~* [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘]: reader having a panic attack, finn unintentionally triggering [name]'s anxiety, accidentally not acknowledging and apologizing until later
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, hope it's good since this took me maybe fifteen minutes lmao.
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[Name]'s POV
Reading a romantic scene on the script is so much less nerve wracking than actually doing the scene. When I read that my character and Finn's would have to kiss, my belly fluttered with butterflies. Actually, I felt a little excited. But then, as the day we were meant to shoot the kiss scene, I got steadily more anxious until it was all I could think about.
I had liked Finn for a while, what if I fucked it up? What if he didn't like the kiss? Oh God, what if he doesn't want to and I have to kiss his stunt double and I somehow fuck that up too? I wasn't ready for this. But unfortunately, anxiety has this habit of speeding up time, so the day had arrived before I even blinked. The scene passed as it was meant to..
But then.. Oh God, Finn was leading in.
His soft red lips met mine and my entire body felt like he had ignited it. Like my lips were fire and his were gasoline. My ears were ringing and my heart was pounding against my eardrums. It felt like my body was disconnected from my mind and my lips had gained a mind of their own. My lips pressed against his and I shakily moved my hands to his shoulders.
His hand wandered up my thigh.
Oh god oh god oh god Finn this wasn't in the script why are you doing this oh god please don't do this don't do this don't do this...
My entire body froze, but Finn didn't seem to notice. He continued kissing me, his thumb brushing against my thigh while his other hand held my cheek. Meanwhile, I felt like I was short circuiting. Like I was just a shell. It took everything in me to keep myself from shaking.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Later on, I hesitantly knocked on Finn's trailer door. "Um.. Finn, can I.. talk to you, please?"
Finn smiled at me, which usually would have brushed away all the troubled thoughts I was experiencing, but not today. My body was still on edge from Finn's improv. I was shaking now, my face pale and my eyes twitching around the room. His smile quickly dropped when he saw my troubled expression.
"Hey.. [Name], you okay?" he asked, concerned, his dark eyebrows furrowing into a worried v.
"Um.. Finn, why didn't you tell me you were going off the script?" I whispered, not meeting his eyes. I looked down at the carpeted floor of his trailer, my arms wrapped tightly around myself, as though I were trying to keep myself from falling apart. "It.. just caught me off guard."
For a second, Finn was silent. I could almost hear the pieces clicking together in his head.
"Oh- fuck! Shit, I am so sorry, [Name]- I-I swear to god I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was going to make you uncomfortable! Jesus Christ-" He suddenly seemed stressed, his hands pushing into his hair back with his hands as he began to pace. "How did I not notice? I have anxiety, I should have realized! I should.. have.." Finn's words trailed off as he blew out a breath between puckered lips.
"Finn.. it.. it's okay.." I said quietly, hesitantly reaching out and grabbing his shoulders. Then I let my arms wrap around his torso, my head resting on his chest. He immediately relaxed and wrapped his arms around me with a sigh.
"I-I'm sorry, [Name]. No more improv unless we discuss it first, I promise."
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sissylittlefeather · 8 months
Hi, I'm dying to see new Elvis fanfic so here I am.
Prompt 5 with young Elvis and could you make both fluff and smut. My idea is that Elvis cums prematurely and he's embarrassed so reader reassures him.
Hey Anon! I'm sorry this took me so long. I wasn't able to write for a while, but I think I got my groove back. I hope you love this!
Prompt: "That was quick." With 50s Elvis
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie
You thought Elvis was cute even when you met him 3 days before your 13th birthday. You'd been close friends ever since, but you tried to never let on that you had a crush on him. He seemed to enjoy just talking to you and you let that be enough for you for years. Then, he started singing and playing shows all around the south. You didn't see each other nearly as often and you were finding it hard to ignore the fact that you missed him desperately.
Now, here you sit on the front steps of your parents' house in your favorite dress anxiously waiting for him to arrive. Finally, he pulls up in a shiny new Cadillac and jumps out to open the door for you. When he gets to you, he leans in and kisses your cheek, making your heart skip a beat.
"Hey, honey. Didja miss me?"
"Nah, I've been pretty busy myself. Where did this come from?" You lie and gesture to the car.
"Just bought it! Do ya like it?"
"It sure is pretty." You say as he opens the door and you slide onto the seat. He runs around and gets in the driver's seat. You ride along quietly for a while as he talks about what it's like to play shows and the people he meets on the road. When he gets to a stoplight, he pauses and looks over at you.
"Y'know, speakin' of pretty. You look really nice, tonight." You snap your head over and look at him as he gazes at you. He's never called you pretty before.
"Thank you..."
"No, I'm serious. Have you always been this pretty, darlin'? And I just didn't notice?" The light turns green and he turns back to look at the road. You're not sure how to answer him, so you settle on playful teasing.
"I've always been a pretty girl, Elvis. It's not my fault you're the last one to figure it out." You say with a grin.
"Oh? I'm the last one? You got a buncha fellas chasin' ya around these days?" He tries to say it jokingly, but there's an edge to his voice. Is he jealous?
"Well, not a bunch, but a few." You don't care about any of them, but he doesn't need to know that. You say it really to gauge how he'll respond.
He turns to look at you and he's not smiling anymore. Instead, he grits his teeth and pulls off the road to a clearing that looks out over the town. Once the car is parked, he turns to look at you again.
"I-I-I'm sorry, honey. I guess I'm just protective of you, is all."
"I don't need you to protect me. I'm a big girl, Elvis." Your cheeks flush.
"Yeah, I noticed!" He grabs the steering wheel and grips it tightly. "That's what I'm tryin' to tell ya." He turns back to you. Your heart is pounding and you're breathing so fast that there's no way he can't see it. His eyes flick down to your lips and it feels like you might just die right there on his front seat. You've wanted him to want you for so long.
"I missed you like crazy, y/n. I didn't even realize how much you meant to me until I couldn't talk to you every day. You're all I think about. Talking to you, being around you, kissing you..." When he says the last part, he leans in close to you and presses his soft lips on yours. After a few seconds, you pull back a bit.
"I lied earlier, when I said I didn't miss you. I miss you every minute of every day." You whisper and look down, afraid of what he might say next. He puts his hand under your chin and tips your face up to look him in the eye.
"You are everything to me, y/n. Will you let me love you? As more than a friend?" It's like a dream come true and you're only half sure you heard him right.
"You... you want me?" He smiles and chuckles lightly.
"With my whole heart, baby." He moves his hand to the side of your face and kisses you deeply on the mouth, parting your lips with his own and letting his tongue slip into your mouth. You feel your warm center get even warmer as he kisses you. As the passion overcomes you both, he lays you back on the seat and slides his hand up under your skirt. In the heat of the moment, you forget that as a lady you should tell him no, and instead let him grab your panties and pull them down. He runs his hand up the inside of your thigh and pushes one finger into you. You stop kissing him just long enough to moan at the sensation. He smiles with his nose still touching yours and adds a second finger, continuing to push into your wetness.
"Oh, Elvis." You moan into his mouth, catching your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Honey, I've wanted to see you like this for so long. Will ya... will ya let me make love to you?" He watches your face carefully for a sign that you want to say no. But you nod frantically.
"Please." He smiles again and sits up. You sit up too and your hands go straight to the buttons on his pants. You can see his hardness pressing against the fabric and you need to see him entirely, need to feel him inside you. Once his cock is free, you pull your skirt up and straddle him, sinking down onto him slowly. He groans as you take each inch of him inside you. Then, he grabs the back of your neck and pulls your mouth down to him, kissing you passionately as you begin to move on him. When you switch to grinding against him, pushing him deeper inside you, he pulls back from the kiss suddenly, a look of panic in his eyes.
"Oh, fuck, baby, no- I-I-" Before either of you can do anything else, though, he comes inside you, hard, and sets his head on your shoulder.
"That was quick." You laugh lightly as he groans.
"Shit, I'm sorry." He still has his face buried on your shoulder in embarrassment. "I-I-I've just wanted ya for so long. I couldn't control it... I-"
"Elvis. It's okay. That's not the only time we're gonna do this." He pops his head up off your shoulder and looks you in the eyes.
"It's not?"
"Oh, honey. I've loved you since I was 12. You think I'm gonna give up that easily?" He laughs and wraps his arms around your waist.
"Give me an hour. We'll go to the diner or something. And then I'll show you I know how to do this right. I love you, baby." You nod and kiss him again. You'll give him a thousand chances. This is all you've ever wanted.
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luffyslove · 8 months
Hello! I saw your post and was wondering if you could do a Death the Kid X autistic! Reader? If not that’s totally fine and hope college is going well for you :)
Hi Anon!
I was pretty scared to start writing this since I'm not on the spectrum and I didn't want it to be offensive in any way. I did my best to research and reached out to some of my friends to help!
I didn't know if you wanted this to be a fic or headcanons so I did both!
Pairing: Death the Kid x GN!Reader
(Please keep in mind all characters are aged up, none of them are minors)
Warnings⚠️: Kid is kinda rude in the beginning but it turns into fluff I promise
How you meet
You walked into Lord deaths office, being the newest transfer student of the academy. Lord death invited you to take a seat right in front of him.
"Ah, Y/N, correct? I am very happy to have you at our academy. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!" He hands you your new schedule. All you do is stare at the paper. It's like it's not even real. You feel yourself drift away, like you're in the clouds, floating. You can hear Lord death talking to you, but you don't process it. Not at all. Who knows how long you stayed like that, drtifting away. It's not until the first bell rings, and he tells you to make your way to class that you realize you didn't catch anything he said. Not wanting to seem rude, you smiled and left. That was some time ago. Now you were in the middle of some hallway, wondering where you took the wrong turn.
You looked at your schedule and back at the school map, schedule, school map, schedule-
Where was I again?
That's right, class, you were trying to make your way to class. Just then you felt yourself become overwhelmed. You didn't know where you were, what to do, or who to ask for help. As you walk by, trying to take in your unfamiliar surroundings, you reach into your pocket and start playing with a bobby pin.
Maybe I'll calm down more with this. Maybe I can find my classroom before the next class starts!
You begin to giggle at yourself, wondering how you got here in the first place.
Not looking ahead, you ran into what seemed like a wall, until you see papers flying everywhere and a man in front of you.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Can't look where you're going?!" He shouts. This causes you to shut down. No longer are you giggling and smiling trying to make your way to class. You're on the floor staring at this man, not daring to say a word. He had black hair with white stripes, golden eyes, and, a suit? Weird. He goes on and on about how he organized the papers for hours on end, ready to place them around the school at their respective corners, each one at the same height. As he continues to ramble, your eyes look around, you need something to ground yourself in this situation.
My bobby pin! Where's, where's my bobby pin?
You start searching for your precious bobby pin on all fours. While trying to find it you feel tears well up in your eyes. You try to blink them away but it's no use, and one falls. Coincidentally, it falls on one of those paper flyers the other guy had. And he saw.
No longer is he shouting at you for what you did, no longer is he glaring at you, instead he stares softly at you.
"Are you looking for something?" He asks. You look at him, a lump in your throat preventing you from speaking.
"I'm sorry I got carried away, I just, I spent a long time organizing these flyers for the school, my father asked me to. I'm Death, Death the Kid." He extends his hand out for you to shake, but you just loom at him. You want to move, but you can't, you want to talk to him, apologize, maybe even scream back, but you can't. You want to, but at this moment it's like the whole world is suffocating you.
He gets up and reaches his hand out "Come on, I'll help you up" Your hand trembles as you take his, he pulls you up. He picks up your schedule, "Y/N huh? So you're new, now I feel like more of an asshole" He laughs. "Come on, I'll take you to the bathrooms then I'll walk you to class" As you both make your ways to the bathroom and Kid stays outside, you look in the mirror at yourself. Your hair disheveled from the impact, mascara running, puffy red eyes from the tears. You do your best to make yourself look presentable and walk outside the bathrooms.
Kid looks up, "Feeling better? I can walk to class if you would like, I don't have anything better to do." He smiles. You feel it, you can feel yourself trying to talk to him, to tell him something. "The flyers..." You meant for the sentence to come out bold, but instead it came out barely above a whisper. "Hm? Is something wrong?" He asks. If it were earlier you would've been talking his ear off, info dumping like there's no tomorrow. "I'm sorry about, about, the flyers" You spoke up a little louder, fidgeting with your hands. "Oh, I can always print out new ones" He smiles. "Right now, we need to get you to class" He grabs your hand and leads you down the hallway you both came from. Your eyes scan everywhere, but bobby pins are pretty hard to find when there's papers scattered everywhere they shouldn't be. You let out a sigh, "If you're looking for something, I can help you find it" He suggests "I need to clean all this up anyway. Can you, tell me what you're looking for?" He asks. "B,bobby pin" is all you could manage to say. But before you know it Kid is on the floor grabbing the flyers and stacking them neatly, all in their respective piles while looking for your bobby pin.
"Got it" He yells, causing you to cover your ears. "Sorry, did I scare you? I guess you don't like when people are too loud..here" He places the bobby pin in your hand. You smile, wishing you could thank him, but a smile will do. "Come on, let's get you to class before, oh, there's only 10 minutes left." Your small adventure had taken too long and now you missed your first class at the academy, before you began to spiral Kid gripped your hand tighter, "It's okay, we can spend them together." He smiles. There was something about him that made you think you two were similar, and that you two would grow very close in the future. "Alright, what now, Kid?"
When you date
A complete sweetheart
Adjusts his rooms lighting to your liking
Buys you things to fidget with
Let's you talk his ear off about whatever you're obsessed with at the moment
Doesn't make loud sounds with you, tries to tell others to be quiet
Introduces you to his friends
You go to black star when you're feeling understimulated, he always gets you going
You guys have study dates
Never works out, Kid can't write his name, you can't focus on the paper
Hand holding!!
If you're in a crowd and it's too loud, Kid knows when you need time. Rubs his thumbs in circles on the back of your hand
If it's too much he will take you outside and you two will talk, your head leaning on his shoulder while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear
Will always kiss you on the forehead
Talks for you at restaurants or with new people
He just wants to make sure you feel safe and heard!!
A/N: I hope this wasn't bad! It's my first time writing in awhile so please let me know what you think!
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