#i am sure that more accusations will come to light but i am also sure that longterm the accused person will get away with it
jennibeultimate · 5 months
TW: Sexual abuse
It's making me sad that so many skaters and coaches turn out to be awful human beings.
And what's making me even sadder and angry is that nothing will come of accusations with lasting impact.
The sad truth is that even if victims come forward in the grand scheme of things in the figure skating world abuse gets a "pass" in the long run and nothing happens. Even to the extent that parents willfully let their chilren skate with abusers in favor of "pushing a career".
Show me someone that was publicily accused and was really canceled to never set foot into the skating world again in any form?
They remain skaters or coaches or whatever...
Sick and tired of the slogan that "cancel culture" kills careers when it never does.
Believe the victims!
An old story that is hunting me for years now and cannot be more disgusting but just shows you how the skating world doesn't care:
Maybe you don't remember Karel Fajfr's case from the 90s but I do. (Or let's say it was brought to my attention again in 2019, first in 2014) He was sentenced to prison for sexual abuse of minors and got a 3 year coaching ban and yet after this he was coaching again bc parents believed he would be a good coach. And in 2019 there were new accusations of abuse but guess what the skater got the dead end and was charged for slander instead. So if a coach can still coach until this day even if he was proven guilty of sexual abuse and parents still let their kids train with him I fear that there is no change possible in figure skating. You can get away with anything it seems...cancel culture wtf...I bet even most of you have never heard the case at all. Maybe it's bc this is a German coach but he coached well known athletes who are now coaches Michal Brezina and Ondrej Hotarek. And he even got a virtual appearance as a coach character with his bright orange glasses on Yuri on Ice.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 month
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fuck the neighbors
pairing: jeon wonwoo x f reader
summary: curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back- at least, that's what they say.
warnings: swearing, blood, asshole!wonwoo, mingyu is canonically a whore, light blasphemy, smut (18+ ; mdni)
smut warnings: hard dom!wonwoo, allusions to voyeurism, degradation, oral (f receiving), blood play?!?!? (just a little bit!!!), wap!reader, massive cock!wonwoo, choking, protected sex
word count: 3.3k
reader notes: reader is significantly shorter than ww + described to have long-ish hair
You’ve never felt as small as you do right now. Wonwoo looms over you, smirking. He isn’t even that much taller than you, you just seem to shrink into yourself when you’re around him, which seems to be happening more and more often lately. 
“Found you,” he whispers. 
“I... wasn’t hiding,” you say, your voice coming out in a squeak. 
“You know it isn’t nice to lie,” he chides, taking a step closer to you. You take a step backward in kind, only to be met with the cool concrete wall against your back. “It also isn’t nice to eavesdrop.”
“I didn’t- I wasn’t trying to,” you insist. 
Wonwoo tsks. “I don’t believe you. What did I just say about lying?”
“Well, it isn’t nice to be super loud all the time either!” you scoff. “You have neighbors, you know.”
The overhead light flickers. You and Wonwoo both stare at it, the inconsistent hum of electricity filling the silence before the light eventually decides to stay lit. You breathe a sigh of relief. You really needed to stop overlooking sketchy apartments for the sake of the rent, especially if you were going to have to deal with people like... him. 
Wonwoo cocks his head to the side. “What are you talking about?”
“What do you mean what am I talking about? Listen, I don’t care who you fuck but if you could be just a little quieter-”
Wonwoo cuts you off with a laugh. “That’s what this is about? That’s why you were snooping outside my apartment? What, were you hoping to catch a glimpse of her leaving or something?”
So you had been right... you’re not sure whether or not you’re happy about that. What you are sure of, though, is that you’re offended that you’re being accused of snooping. You open your mouth to defend yourself but stop short. 
“You’re bleeding,” is what you say instead. 
Wonwoo touches his lip, thumb brushing across the cut he must not have noticed until you mentioned it. He looks down at his fingers briefly then back up at you. 
“Come with me.”
“Wha- huh?”
“You want to know what’s so loud, right? So come on.”
You follow him blindly back down the hall to his apartment, the one right next to yours. You’re doing everything a final girl in a horror movie shouldn’t do, but you’re dying to know what’s been keeping you up at night. 
Wonwoo unlocks the door and stands aside to let you in first. With a gulp, you cross the threshold and slip off your shoes.  He does the same. 
The apartment is quiet, for once. It looks a lot like yours but mirrored. The kitchen is off to the right instead of the left. The half bathroom is on the wall opposite to yours, likely connected via plumbing.
The place is a lot cleaner than you expected too. It’s sparse, typical for a single guy, but still relatively well decorated. 
Wonwoo heads straight to the kitchen and turns on the sink. He wets a paper towel and dabs at his bottom lip, wincing as he cleans the wound.
“Why am I here?” you ask when he doesn’t offer an explanation. 
He doesn’t answer right away. Granted, the man was still bleeding but he’d dragged you here for a reason and now you were just standing in his kitchen. 
Eventually, he disposes of the paper towel, washes his hands, and walks across the living room without saying a word. You know he expects you to follow him but you almost don’t want to. You do follow him, you want to leave as fast as possible, but you consider it. 
He opens the door to what you know is a bedroom and points inside. You stare at him blankly. 
“What am I looking at?” 
“This isn’t my room,” he says. 
“It’s my roommate’s.”
“You have a roommate?”
“I do. I have a roommate. He’s the one you share a wall with. He’s the one banging a different girl every night. Your issues are with him, not me.”
Now that you were thinking about it, you have seen a slightly taller, beefier man around the building. That must be who Wonwoo’s roommate is. He definitely had the face to pull all the girls Wonwoo was referring to. Not that Wonwoo didn’t-
“So take it up with him.”
You shake your head and purse your lips. “No, that doesn’t explain everything. I’ve heard your voice too. Unless you’re the one he’s banging...” you trail off, letting the implication hang in the air. 
“He’s not my type,” Wonwoo says flatly. 
“Okay, then what is it?”
“C’mere,” he says, moving along the wall to what you use as a breakfast nook in your apartment. 
In his, the space is empty save for a punching bag hanging from the ceiling. 
“You box?”
“It’s a hobby.”
“Is that why you were bleeding?”
“Yeah, I just got back from the gym.”
“And that’s what I’ve been hearing?”
“That’s what you’ve been hearing.”
You nod but don’t say anything else, half waiting for an apology that he doesn’t offer. He just leans against the wall with his arms crossed.
“Well, do you think you could practice your hobby before midnight? Or at least try to keep it down when you do?” you huff in annoyance.
He sighs like what you’re asking is the biggest inconvenience he’s ever been posed with but concedes.
 “I guess.”
“Thank you.”
“You’ll have to talk to Mingyu about his... hobby, though. Or get noise canceling headphones. That’s what I did.”
“Oh, okay.”
Silence stretches between you again, heightening the tension in the room. You don’t know what to do. Were you supposed to show yourself out now that you had your answers? Wonwoo isn’t giving you any indication that he wants you to leave but he isn't giving any indication that he wants you to stay either. 
You don’t have the time or energy to deal with this. You can’t read the man’s mind. No matter how hard he stares at you from across a room. With a definitive breath, you turn on your heel to head for the door just to be stopped by Wonwoo’s voice echoing behind you. 
“Are you disappointed?” 
You stop but don’t turn around. “What?”
“Are you disappointed that it isn’t me you’ve been hearing?” he clarifies. 
Heat rises to your cheeks. “Wh-what do you mean? Why would I be?”
You feel him approach from behind, his shadow closing in on you before he does. 
“Because it isn’t my voice you’ve been touching yourself to.”
“What?!” You do turn around this time, whipping around so fast your ponytail almost whacks Wonwoo in the face. 
“You don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me when I pass you in the hallway?”
You scoff, breathing a subtle sigh of relief. All he had to go off of was a look but if he had heard you through the wall, if he had that irrefutable evidence, it would definitely be over for you. “If that’s what you think lust looks like, I feel bad for all the girls you have slept with.”
“Resentment and lust have a very long history together,” he whispers. 
“You think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you?”
“But I’m right, aren’t I?”
You feign ignorance. “About what?”
“About you.” He measures you up with his gaze, something triumphant flashing behind his eyes. “Tell me I’m wrong,” he presses. “Tell me you’ve never gotten off to the thought of me and I’ll drop it.”
You weigh your options. You could lie. You could save yourself the embarrassment and lie right to his face, although given your track record thus far he’d see right through it. Or, you could tell him the truth. You could admit to wishing you were the one in what you thought had been his bed all this time. 
You settle on silence and let him draw his own conclusion. A smirk tugs at one side of Wonwoo’s mouth. So he did think highly of himself. 
“I fucking knew it,” he murmurs. 
Before you can deny it, he straightens back up and starts walking toward the back of the apartment. 
“I’m going to take a shower,” he announces. 
You don’t move from where you’re standing, unsure of what he wants you to do. Was he hinting at you to leave? Was it an invitation? 
Wonwoo looks back over his shoulder at you. “Are you coming?” 
“Hopefully,” you mutter.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
The water is already running by the time you slip into the bathroom after Wonwoo. You watch quietly as he undresses, letting the door click shut gently behind you. It occurs to you that you should be taking your clothes off too but you can’t look away. 
Wonwoo’s kind enough to snap you out of it. “I didn’t ask you in here just to watch me.”
“You didn’t ask me in here at all,” you point out, “you just expected me to follow you.”
“And you did.”
Damn, he had you there. 
With a noise of indignation, you pop the button on your jeans and start to wiggle out of them, unable to bring yourself to look at him again now that you’re also exposed. You can feel his eyes on you, though. It has the same effect his presence always has on you, and you attempt to cover yourself with your hands.
“Shy?” he muses. “Cute.”
“Shut up,” you sputter.
You don’t think you’ve felt this self conscious since college and then he laughs at your response which does nothing to help.
“I can’t call you cute?”
“Not if you’re patronizing me.”
“How do you want me to say it, then?” he asks, sinking down to his knees on the floor in front of you. You stare at him in disbelief. “You want me to say it like this? Want me to tell you how cute, how pretty, I think you are, from down here? How pretty I think this pussy is?” Wonwoo leans forward as he talks, further and further until his hair is tickling your tummy and his lips are moving against your skin. “Spread your legs for me, baby,” he murmurs. 
You do, taking hold of the countertop so that you won’t fall as Wonwoo slots himself between your thighs. You take a deep breath to brace yourself for the feeling of his mouth but absolutely nothing could have prepared you for the way he presses a gentle kiss to your pussy before diving in. The softness of the action compared to everything that led up to this moment, compared to the way he was now drowning himself in you, is enough to make your knees threaten to give. Your grip on the counter tightens and you bite down hard on your bottom lip to keep from moaning out loud. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction, though you’re sure he already knows he’s got you right where he wants you.  
Wonwoo hitches one of your knees over his shoulder so that he can get even deeper inside of you with his tongue. He drinks you in, breathes you in, douses himself in you like he’s trying to baptize himself in order to atone for his sins.  
If this was his apology for all the noise, he’s forgiven ten times over. 
You can feel callouses on the palms of his hands as he traces them up your legs and over your ass, pulling you even further into him. The force of his grip causes you to stumble but he catches you before you can fall and helps you to regain your balance. 
“I’ve got you,” he assures you, backing you up into the sink. “Here, hop up on the counter.”
“What about the shower?” you ask, suddenly remembering that the water had been running this whole time. 
“Oh shit-”
Wonwoo turns around and reaches to turn it off, drying both his hand and his face with a towel that had been hanging on the wall. 
“Now, hop up on the counter.” 
“Are you sure?” you ask, glancing at all of the skin and hair care products scattered across it. 
Wonwoo pushes them out of the way then nods. 
“I’m sure. Mingyu won’t care, trust me. He’d be a hypocrite to.” 
You sigh but hoist yourself onto the counter anyway, too horny to worry about it any longer. Wonwoo steps in between your legs and lets you wrap them around his waist. He leans down, you think he’s going to kiss you, but he goes for your neck and kisses you there instead. 
“Why are you pouting?” he asks, voice muffled and vibrating against your throat. 
“Want you to fuck me,” you lie. 
It’s not a complete lie, you do want him to fuck you, but it certainly isn’t the full truth either. You’re afraid that if you’re honest with Wonwoo about wanting him to kiss you it’ll turn him off. He’s not about to make love to you, that much is clear, so was kissing off the table? Was that too intimate for a hookup like this? Would he think you wanted something more if you asked?
“I was getting to that,” he insists lowly. “So impatient.”
“You’re the one who ate me out as soon as you got me alone. You haven’t even kissed me yet.” 
There. Maybe if you challenged him he’d give you what you wanted. 
“Oh, you want me to kiss you, huh?”
He wraps a hand around your neck and pulls you in, finally pressing his lips to yours. Men were so easy. 
He tastes like you imbued with unfamiliarity. Blood, you realize when you pull back and see the cut on his lip had reopened. It isn’t much, just enough to make him look vaguely vampiric. You swipe your thumb across his bottom lip and push it into his mouth for him to suck on. 
He does, but he has the audacity to pretend not to like it.  
“You’re sick,” Wonwoo scoffs. 
“And you’re still hard.”
“Two things can be true at the same time.”
He kisses you again before you can get another word in, dropping his free hand between your legs to ensure you're truly unable to talk back. 
He uses his fingers to tease you for a moment or two and then he teases you with the head of his cock, pressing it right up against you and making you whimper into his mouth. 
“Tell me, what have you been thinking about all these months,” he murmurs, “when you’re in your bed all alone listening through the wall?”
“I- it’s embarrassing...” you protest. 
Wonwoo draws back, tonguing his cheek as he gazes down at you. “Tell me or we’re done here.” 
You’re not sure whether or not he’ll make good on his threat but you don’t want to call his bluff and risk blowing your chance to actually live out the fantasies you were too embarrassed to share. 
“I thought about... this,” you say hesitantly. 
“This? You thought about me fucking you here?”
“You’re going to have to be more specific then, angel.”
“It was, um, in your bed.”
“You mean Mingyu’s bed.”
“I didn’t know that at the time,” you whine.
He smiles. “I know. You know, if you had just paid a little closer attention you would have realized he sounds nothing like me.”
“I was a little distracted at the time,” you whisper.
“Yeah? Distracted pretending it was you in those girls’ positions?”
You nod reluctantly. 
“Poor baby,” he pouts, “must’ve been so jealous but so wet you just had to touch yourself, huh?”
You hate that he’s right. You hate that the condescension turns you on even more. 
While he’s talking, Wonwoo snakes an arm behind you and grabs a condom from a jar on the counter. Did he and Mingyu just keep them out for guests like they were cotton swabs or something? Did they get laid that often? 
He tears the foil packet open with his teeth and rolls the condom on as you watch and unconsciously spread your legs even wider for him. 
“Ready?” he asks, holding your face with both hands. 
It’s probably the first earnest interaction you’ve had with him. His eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation and even when he finds none, he waits for you to answer.
“Go ahead.”
You keep your eyes trained on his face as he guides himself inside of you, watching the way his eyelashes flutter and his breath hitches when he feels the heat of you around him. He pushes himself in slowly but the stretch still knocks the wind out of you, leaving you gasping for air.   
“Breathe, baby, breathe. You’re okay.”
You can hardly hear him over the roaring in your ears but you do your best to listen, chest heaving as you desperately try to anchor yourself to him. 
Wonwoo doesn’t move until you urge him to by wrapping your legs around his waist and squeezing his hips with your thighs. It isn’t easy at first, despite how wet you are for him. He’s that huge. 
You almost wish he wasn’t just because you don’t think it’s fair for any man’s ego to be warranted, especially one as big as his. Though you suppose it’s fitting. 
 After a few rough strokes, he starts to play with your clit again to get you to relax a little. It works, your eyes roll and your head falls back against the mirror as the tension eases from your muscles. 
“Does it feel as good as you thought it would?” he presses. 
“B-better,” you admit.
“That’s because it wasn’t me you were hearing.”
You groan, annoyed that he still hasn’t let it go. You doubt he ever will. 
“It’s okay. I’ve thought about this too,” he confesses.
“You have?”
“Have you seen yourself?” he scoffs, “Don’t sound so surprised. I’d s-see you in the hallways, see the way you’d glare at me- fuck... who knew all this time you were right next door fantasizing about me while I fantasized about you. We could’ve been doing this so much sooner.”
You want to tell him that you have all the time in the world to make up for it now but you can’t find the words. They’ve dissolved on your tongue and left you with only his name to repeat over and over like you’re in a trance.
“Louder,” he pleads as fucks you even faster.
“But our neighbors-”
“Fuck them,” he spits. “They already hate us because of Mingyu, let them know my name too.”
Apparently you aren’t the only jealous one between the two of you. You want to laugh but you physically can’t, too caught up in the incandescent feeling in your stomach that threatens to engulf you entirely. 
“Fuck, are you about to cum?” Wonwoo gasps, lips parting in concentration. 
You nod. “Just a little more,” you beg, “yeah, exactly like that... oh fuck-”  
“I’ve got you,” he assures you. “Let go, I’m right there with you.”
It’s surprisingly sweet of him and you think he might realize it too because he grabs your jaw and pulls you in to kiss you as you fall apart together so that he can’t say anything else. 
Once you come down, he’s the first to start putting you both back together. 
“Wanna actually take a shower now?” he asks, holding out a hand to help you down from the counter. 
Your knees wobble on your landing but Wonwoo’s quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders wounded-soldier style and sit you on the closed lid of the toilet.  
“Take your time,” he tells you, kneeling on the tile in front of you. 
“Thank you.”
“Do you want to stay the night? I mean you can hardly walk. There’s no way you’ll make it all the way home.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “All the way next door?” 
“Exactly! It’s better not to risk it, right?”
You chuckle. “I guess.”
Wonwoo grins. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you home myself in the morning. I’m a gentleman, after all. And then we can piss off your neighbors.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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hyunsvngs · 7 months
kinktober !
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kink: tentacles
pairing: kim seungmin x fem!reader
wc: 2.3k
tentacle kink: a sexual interest in tentacles and the imagined creatures that have them.
It had to work. You would die if it didn’t work.
Then again, you’d probably die if it did work. You’re trying to summon Slenderman, after all. No one would understand why except for you. You’ve always had an affinity for all things macabre and dangerous, and maybe you’re a little messed up. After deep diving on Reddit, you were more than dubious that the creature actually existed. You had to find out. You had to see for yourself.
Clearly not that bad, because you hadn’t gone into the woods like they’d told you to online. The October weather was ultimately too cold to be trekking through branches and fallen leaves, even to try and summon your favourite Creepypasta entity - you did the second option instead, drawing a quick symbol on your wall with marker and all of the lights turned out.
The poem felt a little silly coming from your lips, despite Reddit users insisting it’s mandatory for the summoning. It felt even sillier when you stared at the symbol, barely visible through the moonlight flooding in beyond the curtains, but you had to persevere. If he was real, he’d come to your room and meet you. If he was real.
You ended the poem, finally opening your eyes and sighing. You blinked at the wall, quickly looking around the room. What a load of bullshit. Slenderman isn’t real, then. You’d proved it for yourself, and-
“This is fucking ridiculous,” There was a thud behind you, and you spun around on your bed, hazily trying to see who had joined you in your room. You reached over with a squeak, flicking your lamp on. There, in what almost looked like the Slenderman from your dreams - a man, dressed in a suit and dark, ebony hair pushed back from his forehead. He kicked an imaginary stone with his shoe, shoving his broad hands into his pockets and finally looking up at you. He blinked at you a few times, and then raised an eyebrow. “Why are you scared? Did you not ask for this?”
You huffed. “Well, you’re not Slenderman.”
The man groaned, head rolling back. He cracked his neck effortlessly on both sides, and then stared back into your eyes. His gaze was piercing, dark and feeling all too consuming. “I am- I’m like his brother, but not in the way you humans adhere to. He sends me for cases like yours. Minor, petty things.”
“Cases like mine?” You scoffed, resisting the urge to punch the man in his annoyingly attractive face. He wandered over to your desk, wholly unaffected, and started to flick through your diary. “Hey-!”
“Cases like yours,” He repeated, a small smile flickering on his lips at one of the pages. “Sexually charged cases. You are a little fucked up, aren’t you?”
You bristled. You knew exactly what page he was looking at. Your diary was for mundane things, your day-to-day life, but it was also where you detailed your more… late night fantasies. Recently, some rather obscure things had been taking up the majority of your brain, and maybe that’s what had pushed you to summon Slenderman. You’d never admit that, though.
In all honesty, this guy was kind of hot. You weren’t sure if it was the mysterious atmosphere about him, if he was clearly otherworldly judging from his alabaster skin, or if it was his long legs in those suit trousers. If you were of a different state of mind, you’d have believed he was the entity you were trying to reach. There was just one thing.
“Aren’t you a bit short to be related to Slenderman?”
The man stopped. He sighed, and then shut the diary, before turning to you with one long, accusing finger. “First off, I’m not that short. Secondly, I told you, it’s not the same as what you humans think siblings are. Also, I don’t have to prove myself to you.”
You grinned. “You just tried though, right?”
He rolled his eyes, stalking over to the bed. “I think I’ll kill you sooner than I planned. You’re rude.”
“You’re rude too,” You huffed, trying to kick him in the leg from your position on your bed. Instead of catching it with his hands, a pitch-black tentacle sprouted from his back and wrapped around your ankle, effectively pinning it down and rendering you motionless. You gasped, and he raised an eyebrow. “What the-”
“We do have some similarities,” The man began, drawing the tentacle tighter. “We’re of the same species, for one. I suppose I’m not as prestigious as him, but you seem happy enough to have me here, right?”
You blinked. “I would actually prefer if you left, in all honesty.”
“Can’t,” He shrugged, withdrawing the tentacle. Your ankle flopped back to the bed and you grabbed it instinctively, slightly disappointed to feel no traces of the slimy limb. “I need to kill you. It’s in the rulebook, you know? Once you’ve seen one of us, you have to die, or my mission will fail.”
What were you meant to do in this situation? You didn’t really want to die. You hadn’t thought the whole thing through at all. You’d expected to just see traces of the entity, perhaps catch him from the corner of your eye - you were instead left with a sexy long-limbed man standing in front of your bed, basked in the soft orange glow of your bedside lamp.
“Why kill me when you could fuck me instead?” You’d said the first thing that came to mind. The man’s jaw dropped, before it quickly reverted back to normal, his head tilting to the side in confusion.
“You are pretty weird, aren’t you? Unusual. A little fucked up, like I said.”
“That wasn’t a no,” You hummed. The man’s eyes burnt a trail down your legs, exposed in your sleep shorts, and then his eyes were fixated on a patch of skin revealed on your shoulder from where your shirt had slipped to the side. You scoffed, yanking the shirt back into place. “Oh my God, you want to, don’t you?! That’s why you haven’t left!”
He shrugged. “I’ve never fucked a human. It could be fun.”
You blanched. Okay, you hadn’t expected to get this far. After you had, though… Well, he had tentacles. That was something from your deepest, darkest desires, something that you would try to push to the back of your brain and scrunch your eyes shut tightly with your hand shoved down your pyjama trousers. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. You were already getting wet, clit throbbing with need.
He started to move towards you. First, it was one knee on the bed, and then the other joined, starting a slow crawl that resulted in his face getting closer. You hadn’t realised you were moving closer, too, and you gulped. “What’s- what’s your name?”
The man chuckled, face only inches from yours now. His face looked young, you noticed, yet his eyes held a wildfire inside as if there was so much you didn’t know. There was so much you wanted to know. “Seungmin.”
You had no time to debate it, because his lips were pressing against yours. They were soft, plush, and you found yourself whimpering into his kiss. He’d effectively shut you up. Without a second passing, Seungmin was dominating your mouth, pressing his tongue in and rolling it against yours. How did just a kiss feel so good?
You let him push you back into the sheets, forearms landing on your pillow either side of your head for purchase. He deepened the kiss, his hands moving to tangle in your hair as he held you in place. You felt your pussy flutter, achingly horny despite the lack of stimulation, and your breath caught in your chest. 
Seungmin pulled away and you licked your lips, chest heaving. “I.. can I see them?”
“See what?” He mused, thumb brushing along your lower lip. One look at the amused expression on his face told you that he knew. 
“The…” You gulped, legs parting to allow him closer to you. His bulge was thick, pressing tightly against your core. “The tentacles, Seungmin. Can I see them? How many are there?”
“Four, baby,” He leaned down, nipping at your neck. You gasped, hips bucking up, choosing not to comment on the pet name in your haze of lust. “I can put one in your pussy, one in your asshole and one in your mouth. How’s that? Is that dirty enough for you?”
You whimpered, grinding on his bulge. Seungmin allowed it, hands moving to your hips to aid your movement. It had your sleep shorts slipping around, fabric sticking to the wetness accumulated on your folds. You whined, arms thrashing until they settled around his broad shoulders, still clad in his expensive-looking suit. “What about your cock, Seungmin?”
“My cock?” Seungmin scoffed, running his tongue up your neck. It made you squirm, thighs clenching around his slender waist. His hair tickled your skin, dark and perfect as if he’d spent hours styling it. You knew he hadn’t. “I can fuck you without needing to cum, baby. I doubt I can say the same for you.”
“No, I’ll- I’ll probably cum as soon as you put one in, to be honest,” You admitted, cheeks burning crimson with embarrassment. 
“Hmm, that makes a lot of sense,” Seungmin reached down, yanking your sleeping shorts down. It bared your pussy to the room, cold air hitting your clit and the slick on your pussy. It made you jolt, squeaking as Seungmin saw you in such an intimate way. “You’re wet. Are you feeling impatient? Needy, even?”
“Yes! Yes, God, I need it,” You huffed, spreading your thighs further. You were practically spread eagle now, and you ran your fingertips over the soft expanse of your tummy, just barely visible below your shirt. You continued the journey down your body, looking up at Seungmin with pleading eyes, and then you pressed two fingers into your clit. You flinched, wailing at the stimulation. “Ah, I’m so horny, I’m so horny, what the fuck-”
“Stay still, I’ll give it to you,” Seungmin murmured, and then you caught sight of them again. Four pitch-black tentacles sprouted from his back, seeming to forego his clothes and then one was tickling at your entrance. You moaned, because were they suckers?
It was easy to learn that yes, his tentacles had suckers, and he was now brushing one over your clit. You obediently moved your hands out of the way, back to their position on his shoulders. It sucked onto the swollen bundle of nerves with ease, and just as you started to squirm, another tentacle was pressing into your tight, drippy hole. You could feel the amount of slick you’d gushed beneath you, ruining your bed and quite possibly ruining you for any other man. The appendage itself was lubed, brushing through your own wetness and creating a filthy noise that rang throughout your bedroom.
“Don’t squirm,” Seungmin commanded, hand running up your thigh comfortingly. The tentacle pushed in further, and you clenched, wet, heavy breaths coming from your mouth. “That’s it, good girl. Let it push inside you, just like that.”
The tentacle was narrow at the tip, but it flared much further out after an inch or so. The stretch made your pussy leak even more than what was imaginable. You didn’t think you’d ever been this wet. The appendage was long, but Seungmin kept pushing more and more until you were taking around five inches of it, and you whined, reaching down to press at his stomach.
“Too big, too much,” You protested, but Seungmin shushed you, pressing a kiss into your cheek.
“Your pussy’s just too little, baby. Too tight,” He grunted, and then he pushed another inch in. “Take it. Take it for me, and I might think about giving you my cock later.”
“Your- would you?” Your eyes were teary, toes curling into the bed. “Been good. Tryin’ to take it, ‘s just- it’s so thick, so long. Seungmin, Seungmin, sir, sir, you said you- you’re not gonna kill me?”
“How can I kill such a sweet thing?” His hand moved to your cheek, before moving down, wrapping around your neck. The pressure was light, but very much there, making you moan out into your room. “You’re whining so pretty for me. Calling me sir, taking this just like it’s my cock. You’re dirty. I have to keep you around, don’t I?”
You nodded, legs thrashing on the bed. Your chest heaved, a blotchy pink rash overtaking your skin. “It’s good, it’s so good, so thick, oh- Oh, I think I might…?”
“You think you’re gonna cum?” Seungmin scoffed. “Already? Alright, do it. I’ll let you. Just this once, okay?”
You keened, hands gripping onto his shoulders. Your fingernails must have been digging into him almost painfully, but he didn’t flinch, staring straight at you with the same dark, piercing gaze. Your pussy clenched down, tight and fluttering, and then you were-
You gasped, eyes fluttering open as you attempted to look around your bedroom. The sun had just begun to rise, but your boyfriend was awake, and pulled you into his chest upon seeing your eyes open. 
“Sounded like hell of a dream,” Seungmin smirked, his eyebrow raising. You bit your lip, staring up at him. “Was it about me?”
“Always is,” You mumbled, burying your face in his shirt. He chuckled, shoulders shaking as he rubbed down your back with a tender, broad hand. “It was dirty.”
“Yeah? Another reenactment of how we first met?”
You sighed, brushing your hand down one of his tentacles. It laid bare on your bed, and twitched with approval as you fidgeted with it.
“Yeah, something like that.”
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
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Corporateworker Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: He was glad he took her to Japan on a business trip, one of the best decisions of his life.
Genre: Fluff (suggestive at the end)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Est.Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Ratings: nc-17
Banner: @cafekitsune
Linked with: Must Be Love
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"What year is it?" she hissed, curling into the blanket even more, humming as the cool material soothed her burning, aching body, while ducking into it because for some reason her lover had declared 'And let there be light.'
"It's almost 2 pm", his knee dipping into the mattress, hands gripping the soft covers that she was cocooned in, trying to pull them off her head, but she groaned in refusal, "Go away, I am in pain because of you."
Quirking an eyebrow at her muffled accusation, he shook his head, his glasses at the tip of his nose as he tried to think of what she meant by the statement. Choi San was supposed to attend a conference in Japan for a business deal, and since he now had the perks, he had asked her if she would like to accompany him on the three-day trip, he would be busy during the first two days but he had promised to show her the city and spend time with her like actual tourists on the last day before they were to leave. She had instantly agreed, like she would ever say no to him - well, he couldn't say no to her either, so perhaps this was a two-way act of 'simping '. He was also glad that her business was doing well and that she was able to hire a good assistant manager to help out Jongho when she wasn’t around- Yunho was a great guy.
The two had arrived at a decent time yesterday, checked into the hotel, tested out the springs of the mattress, as she’d like to call it, and had a nice meal at a local restaurant nearby, when he had told her about the gym at the hotel, one of the many facilities his job gave him access too, for some reason she had been very eager to ‘hit the gym’ with him, not that he had any issues, he loved working out with people, so who better than her?
He had a meeting early in the morning, once he had come out of the shower, he had thought of waking her up so she could go for breakfast, but the sight of her blissful slumber had him reject his own proposal, opting to tuck her in tighter and kissing her goodbye, much like their usual routine. The meetings went well since Yeosang and the lot had provided him with sufficient material, and for once, Mingi had decided to send the right papers. His meeting had ended early, and lunch meant he had some time on his hands, which is why he had dropped by to check up on her, to make sure she was enjoying herself. Was she…perhaps upset with him? Should he have checked up on her sooner? Maybe she wanted to spend more time with him- he had been very busy for the past few months, and this trip was probably the most time the two had spent together without him being called to work or her being called to the café because Wooyoung and Jongho disagreed on to add resins to the cookies or not. Maybe she thought the two would spend more time together here- well, technically he did say they would, but not on the first day and it wasn’t like her to be irrational, she had always respected his work ethic, only interfering when it became too hectic for him- one of the many things he loved about her. Then it must have been something else. Was she mad because she couldn’t go to the breakfast buffet? If that was the case, then he had the answer to spend some quality time with her and for her to eat.
"I know you must be hungry, that’s why, I got Mrs.Choi breakfast, let’s eat together before I have another meeting,” his words soft, noticing how her grip loosened, peaking up from behind the covers, pouting at him, “Say that again.” She whispered, slowly pulling up, her back resting against the pillows as she looked up at him, reaching for the strings of his hoodie, “Say that again, please.”
All too soon her lover's soft expressions morphed to a cheeky Chesire-like grin, eyes twinkling with curiosity, his whole being oozing with confidence, “Say what again?” his expressions laced with faux innoncence, pouting at her, cupping her face staring at her intently when she mumbled, “What you said earlier.”
“What? let’s eat together before I have another meeting?” lowering himself, he watched her sigh, grateful for how soft the pillows were, but she gently shook her head, “Before that.”
“Ohhh- you mean, ‘I know you must be hungry’,” he paused smiling down at her when her eyes snapped open, her expressions laced with annoyance, he knew what she meant, but why give it to her so easily when he could have some fun-
“OW!” pulling back he placed a hand on his chest, rubbing his pec through the cotton material, trying to sooth the pain and burning sensation, “Did you just pinch my-
“That’s what you get for acting all cocky, Mr.Choi.”
“Well, Mrs.Choi, are you going to come eat or not? I have another meeting at four.” He said with a huff, still rubbing the area, as he stood up, it was then that she noticed his change of attire- did he not wear a suit for the meeting?
“I can’t move and did you go to the meeting dressed like this?” she asked only to shiver at the cold air hitting her form when he pulled the covers off her, frowning, “What do you mean you can’t move? I showered after coming back- Are you hurt? Did you pull something at the gym last night? Why didn’t you tell me?” His questions were thrown around as he started to manoeuvre her body, ignoring her yelp when he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down so she was lying on her back, “Is it your ankle? Did you sprain it while on the treadmill?” He asked before flipping her over onto her stomach, “Or your back? Is it a throbbing pain or a shooting up your spine kind of pain?”
“It’s the ‘I went to the gym to stare at my husband workout but he didn’t get the hint and thought I wanted to become Mr. Muscle like him’ so we worked out for two hours kind of pain.” Her words were muffled by the mattress, only for her to squeak when he flipped her around, glaring down at her, though she only smiled at him, admiring the way the onyx tuft of hair had grown back- he never did approve of that couple’s magazine anymore- poking out from under his grey hood.
“I’m married to a perv.”
“I wasn’t the one who flashed my neighbour- SAN WAIT!” heaving her up bridal style he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he walked towards the coffee table as she gripped onto him for her dear life, “First of all I didn’t flash you, I was fully clothed and secondly, I told you I’m on the clock and would like to enjoy a pleasant meal with my perverted wife.” Setting her down easy on the couch he smiled at her, no hint of annoyance on those sweet features of his, leaning closer to peck her cheek before lifting the lid of her personal, traditional Japanese breakfast, consisting of the usual; steamed rice, miso souple, pickles, grilled fish, tamagoyaki and even some tofu. Admiring the presentation of the food she smiled, picking up the utensils as he brought a chair and sat next to her, she was plating it for him, grabbing a piece of the rolled omelette and raising it to his lips, “Sannie, did you pay for this separately? I don’t think they serve breakfast at 2 pm.”
Smiling at her he gratefully took the bite, admiring how she still made sure to feed him well, even if it were pointless considering he’d always be in the mood to have a meal with her. Not answering her question he nodded towards the food, “It tastes better warm, Mrs.Choi.”
She was eating quietly, while he was busy typing on his phone, this was often how it would go for the two, the comfortable silence enveloping them into their own little bubble, where the two would be too engrossed in their own activities, yet, be hyper-aware of each other’s presence. The only words exchanged would be nonchalant, casual chatter, which to the outsider would seem immensely pointless, but it wasn’t for them. He’d love the way she’d chide in with the ‘try this, Sannie’ and feed him even if he was too busy reading a report. She loved how even if he was busy typing away, he would be attentive enough to notice her little needs, like when he’d stop typing to reach for the bottle of water, unscrew the cap and pour it in a glass for her, then casually going back to work, or how he’d hand a napkin before she would ask.
“We should get little Kang, something too.” She stated, putting the dishes away in a neat manner so she could cover them with the lid, “Though he still isn’t sure if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t think either would make a difference though,” he mumbled chewing on his lower lip, thumb scrolling on the screen as he stared at it, “I’m sure he’d be thrilled either way.”
“That’s true,” she sighed, thinking of how happy Yeosang was when he told the two that he was going to become a father, he even asked San to become the child’s godfather, which had the broad-shouldered man sobbing like a little boy, nodding as he hugged the dad-to-be to death. That is until the others pulled him away, once they noticed Yeosang turning blue, only for her husband to whine and hug her instead, mumbling onto her shoulder, declaring how happy he was for his friend.
“Do you…have a preference, Sannie?” she asked, leaning closer to him, placing her chin on his shoulder, though he didn’t look away from his phone, it must be something important then, but she really did want to know, did he have a preference? She knew her parents didn’t, especially how they raised her like a little princess, but maybe San did- truly a conversation you have before your marriage but maybe his ‘I don’t mind’ changed to something more specific.
“I…” he paused to stare up at the ceiling as if waiting for a revelation of some kind, “Don’t have a preference, I told you, boy or girl. I would love our child endlessly.” His words had her heart doing backflips, swooning over him even more if that were possible, but his next statement had her figuratively bawling in pure bliss, “Though I get to name her if she’s a girl, princess treatment from day one.” With that, he went back to typing, as if he had not just said something extremely important, something extremely intimate.
“Then, I can’t wait for when we’re ready,” she whispered, leaning closer to peck his cheek before she got up, only for him to grab her arm and throw her over his shoulder as he stood up, ignoring the way she screamed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??”
“Fulfilling the desires of my wife.” He stated all too simply, as he marched towards the bed, and tossed her on the bed, watching her whole-body bounce at the soft impact, “What? WHAT? Don’t you have work- NOW? LIKE NOW-NOW?” she crawled backwards, till her back pressed against the headboard, watching him take off his glasses then throw the phone on the couch.
“Meeting got delayed, it’s at five, I have enough time for,” With a slight groan he pulled off his hoodie, a small smirk gracing his lips when he noticed her visibly gulp, gripping onto the sheets with anticipation and excitement, watching him get on the bed, crawling towards her as his hand found its destination, cupping her warm, blushing cheek, face a breath away from her, “a practice round or two.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @marsvillee
@mlysalt @spooo00oky @the-kpop-simp
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
not fair - ch1
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in which your boyfriend is perfect in every single way... except for one and kei can't just sit back and watch you suffer... ch1 | next [masterlist]
// "i don't know if you could handle me" ~ ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ~ 9731 ᴡᴏʀᴅs
a look into this chapter/tw: 18+ super nfsw!, cheating (seriously, major plot point), use of character first names (idk what got into me when i wrote this 3 years ago), degradation, choking, face-fucking, dom/sub undertones, face slapping, stop light system, squirting, dirty talk, mentions of unconscious fucking, the smallest amount of plot that becomes more prevalent as the chapters continue on, soft after sex kei, cross posted from ao3, afab reader she/her pronouns
send an ask and i’ll add ya to the taglist! ~ ♡ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ♡
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It wasn’t unusual for Kei to be over while Tadashi was out of town. It happened quite frequently, actually. You two were best friends, even before Tadashi was in the picture. You never let anything come between you two, not even Tadashi. Tadashi understood too. He was never jealous of the time that you spent together or accusing towards the two of you and flirting remarks you would pass. You and Kei were just… well, you and Kei.
But tonight was different. Tonight, you were in yours and Tadashi’s bedroom, which wasn’t the unusual part. Tonight, you were both on the bed, which also wasn’t the unusual part. Tonight, you were sitting with your chin on Kei’s chest and your leg between his legs, your knee resting on his crotch. This wasn’t even an unusual position for the two of you, who often would press yourselves together in intimate positions. Tonight, you finally admitted to Kei that Tadashi has only made you come twice in the entire time that you’ve been together. 
“What? Like, dating? Or?” Kei asks, his eyebrows furrowed together, looking thoroughly disgusted and confused, “because it could just be that you’re both too soft n-.”
“Like, ever, Kei,” you interrupt, looking just as confused and disgusted as Kei was. 
“That’s horrible,” he scoffs, “You just let that happen?”
“I don’t let it happen, Kei. It just happens.” You rest your head completely on his chest, sighing dramatically. “He’s amazing. He’s incredible. He’s so nice and he’s kind and he’s pretty and he’s everything that I need!” 
Kei scoffs again at your words, “but he can’t make you come?”
“But he can’t make me come,” you repeat, shaking your head against Kei’s chest and then look back up at him. “I just, I haven’t gotten off from someone else in so long. Only me, alone, in the bathroom.”
“That’s so sad,” Kei says, the disgusted look still lingering.
“What else am I supposed to do about it?” you groan, frustrated. 
“Get someone else to fuck you,” Kei shrugs. He doesn’t laugh or hint at a joke. He’s being serious.
“Wha- What? I can’t do that…,” you hide your face from Kei, ensuring that he doesn’t see the redness on your cheeks.
“Sure you can. Look, you have needs, okay. He can’t satisfy them. You just have someone else do it.”
“I don’t trust anyone enough to do that.” You feel horrible even contemplating the option. A terrible light bulb goes off in your head. 
“You…,” you start, hesitantly. Kei’s eyes widen immediately at the start of your sentence. 
“No. No, absolutely not. He’s my best friend,” Kei shakes his head.
“You’re my best friend,” you say, softly. “I don’t trust anyone else! You said it yourself. I have needs, Kei. He can’t satisfy them. I have to find someone else to do it.”
“You’re really going to use my own words against me?” 
“Yes,” you state so matter-of-factly. 
“No. I won’t,” he shakes his head, looking away from you, but not moving you from on top of him.
“Kei, please! I couldn’t do this with anyone else, but I’m just,” you take a deep breath, ready to lay all of your shame out on the table. “I need this. I’m so desperate, please.” Kei introduced this idea to you and so quickly you needed it to become a reality. You needed it to become a reality with Kei. 
Kei looks you over, your chin pressed against his sternum as he breaths. “Fine. You want to know the real reason?” Your interest is piqued. You tilt your head, curiously. 
“Hm?” You can’t believe you’re even having this conversation, but now you’re in too deep. 
“I don’t know if you can handle me,” Kei pushes you off of him and promptly gets off the bed. 
“Wha- What do you mean?!” You’re offended. He’s acting like you’ve never had sex with a condescendingly cold person before. You scoff at this statement, rolling your eyes dramatically, and standing up with him, following him.
“I mean, I don’t think you can handle me,” he repeats himself, not wavering his tone or message. He adds after a second of your angry face, “You’ve been with Tadashi for almost 2 years. You guys have probably been having vanilla, missionary sex, maybe doggy style if you’re feeling extra spicy, the entire time you’ve been together.” He waits for your objections before continuing, interrupting them, “I know I’m not wrong and I know Tadashi. He’s just as nice and “sorry, (y/n)!” in his day to day as he is in bed.” You’re silent. You know he’s not wrong. 
Tadashi has always been so accommodating and kind in every aspect of your relationship. He tries so hard in bed, he really does, but he’s made you cum maybe twice in your entire relationship with the help of yourself, though he would probably claim many more times than that seeing how often you fake it. You hate yourself for it, but you’ve tried so hard to teach him, to show him, to tell him exactly what you want and how to do it, but he never gets it. It’s exhausting and has been way easier to just to fake it and then finger yourself later in the bathroom after he’s gone to sleep.
You want Kei so badly. You want to come so badly and you know that right now is your only chance. “I- I can handle you.” Your voice is much more timid and much less convincing than you anticipate it being. 
“I don’t think you can.” Kei’s voice, in contrast, is steady and low, already causing your core to feel warm. 
“I can, Kei, I can. Please,” you hold onto his arm, looking up at his face, pleading, “please.” You sound much more confident, and also much more despairing as you whine for him. He looks at you for a few moments, his eyes trailing up and down your body and finally stopping on your eyes, searching for the overwhelming excitement and consent that he needs to move forward.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asks. This is the final time he’s going to ask or question you. He needs you to be absolutely positive because he’s not going to hold back. You nod desperately. “Verbal consent, (y/n), I’m serious.”
“Yes, fuck, yes, Kei, please. I need this. Please, I can handle it, anything, please.” The string of words leaves your mouth quickly. Kei waits another few seconds after, giving you plenty of time to change your mind before closing the gap between you both. His lips are on yours and his tongue is in your mouth so quickly. He’s holding your jaw as he tastes every inch of the inside of your mouth. He sucks your tongue into his mouth, hard, allowing you to explore his mouth. His tongue is harsh against yours, but it feels so good. He pulls away abruptly, already lifting your shirt over your head and running his hands down your body, his hands sculpting around every curve. 
“If at any time this gets too much for you,” he presses kisses into your neck, nudging your chin upwards as he starts to softly roll the skin between his teeth. “Yellow means we’re moving to somewhere you’re uncomfortable with.” He licks your neck, pressing his entire tongue against your skin. When he pulls away, the air is cool against the freshly wet flesh. “Red means that you’re uncomfortable and you want to stop immediately.” He moves down to your collarbones, nibbling on them and breathing heavily against them. 
“If you can’t speak,” he grabs your hand and taps 3 distinct, hard times against your skin with two fingers. “3 taps, hard so that I can feel them without a doubt, and two fingers to know it’s intentional.” His eyes are on yours, his look stern and serious. “Do you understand?” You nod, overwhelmed with all of this information.
“(y/n), verbal consent. I don’t fuck around,” he says, his eyebrows raised expectantly. 
“Yes,” you nod confidently, despite the questions forming in the back of your mind. Maybe you couldn’t handle him. You weren’t expecting this level of safety precautions, maybe just a safeword considering how he made out that you couldn’t handle him. Maybe he was right. 
“Repeat.” Kei’s lips are back on your throat, sucking the skin so hard that you feel the bruises forming almost instantly. His hands are reached around to your back, one hand sliding down over your ass and the other unhooking your bra before you notice what he’s doing. He tosses it to the side and presses himself against you, your nipples dragging against the fabric of his shirt as he massages into the flesh of your ass. 
You can’t exactly think straight, but it’s important that you remember these even when you can’t think. “Y- Yellow means caution, that I’m starting to f- feel uncomfortable about something.” Kei digs his fingers into your flesh as he moves his head down, capturing your nipple in his mouth and twirling his tongue around it. “Fuck,” you moan, tilting your head back. 
He pulls away from your nipple, the cold air feeling even colder on your spit sheened nipple, causing it to get even harder. “What else?” 
You answer quickly, just wanting to feel his tongue on your nipples again. “Re- Red means that you- that I- I want you to stop because I’m- I don’t like it- I’m uncomfortable.” Your nipple is back in his mouth. He’s sucking on it with such purpose, the suction sending waves of pleasure through your body. 
“A- And, I’m going to, ta- tap on you to- to show you, but please, please don’t stop, Kei.” You grab onto his shoulder and tap with two fingers against his back, 3 times with enough force for him to feel them. He listens to you, nodding as you tap against him, but keeping your nipple in his mouth. He rolls it between his teeth, bringing his hand up to pinch the other one between his fingers. “Fuck,” you breath. 
He stops, coming back up to face you. “Good.” His fingers are making quick work of your button and zippers and are quickly in the waistband of your jeans, pulling them to the ground, but leaving you in your underwear. On his way back up, he runs his hand up the inside of your leg, following your ankle to your calf to your inner thigh leading to your pussy as he uses one finger to rub once between your slit, pressing harder into your clit, rubbing two circles before stopping and stepping backward. You can’t help but moan at this tiny, delicate touch. He’s still fully dressed and you’re suddenly aware of what you probably look like. Your instinct is to try to cover yourself up from Kei’s hungry eyes, but he starts rubbing his cock through his pants. Your eyes are drawn to the bulge in his jeans. You feel your panties get even wetter as you see how big the bulge is. You’re almost positive that Kei could see how much wetter you got, how the dark spot on your panties grew when he started rubbing himself. 
He pulls his own shirt off and you marvel at how toned his body is, how perfect his skin is. He takes a step towards you, his hard bulge only inches away from your thigh. Your breath stills. “Take them off, baby,” he encourages. You listen to him, beginning to lower yourself to your knees, but he holds your elbow, not allowing you to drop. “From here.” You’re confused at first until he uses his hand to rub in between your lips through your panties. “I want to be able to touch you.”
You nod, your breath skipping as you try your hardest to focus on undoing his buckle. It seems like such a difficult task right now, your mind completely infatuated with the feeling of Kei’s long finger rubbing against the doused fabric of your panties. You seriously can’t figure out how to undo his stupid buckle, but he just lets you struggle. You think that he’s being nice as he pulls his finger away, allowing you a moment to think straight, but he brings the finger up and sticks it into your mouth. “Suck,” he says, low. You listen, sucking on his finger, trying to multitask and undo his buckle. “Sloppier, baby,” he coerces. You listen again, your fingers on his buckle stilling and focus on the spit drooling out of your mouth. He pulls the finger from your mouth and places it back between your lips, pressing harder into your clit and moving faster, pushing your panties in between your lips until your bare lips are exposed and your panties are bunched up between them, completely hidden. Kei’s finger slips past the panties, dipping into your flood for just a moment before running his finger back down the strip of your panties, pushing at your hole. Your moans are fluttering as you try to sink onto his fingers. He holds on in place harshly. 
He starts counting down. You’re confused, so confused. You don’t know why he’s counting down or what will happen when you reach the end of it, but you’re hoping for the finger to enter you. “3… 2… 1…” You close your eyes in anticipation, but he pulls his hands away completely. 
“I- Kei- No, please, why?” you beg.
“I told you what to do and you were too busy and concerned with what you wanted. Now I’m not going to touch you,” he says so matter-of-factly. You wanted to laugh. You thought it was a joke. You needed it to be a joke, but now Kei is taking off his own buckle, which he does in 10 seconds, might you add. He’s taking off his own belt, throwing it gently to the side and undoing his zipper and button. 
“Kei,” you whine, “It’s… It’s not fair.” You’re pouting. You know he doesn’t find it cute and amusing when you see his facial expressions. “It’s just… You were making me feel so good.”
He scoffs, “Just from that? Tadashi must be treating you worse than I thought.” Your cheeks burn at the mention of your boyfriend’s name. You want to tell him to stop saying his name, but you know he won’t listen to you anyways. Instead, you just nod at him. He laughs.
“Please, Kei. I couldn’t focus,” you complain, trying to excuse yourself, but he’s not listening or he doesn’t care or maybe both. He pulls down his jeans, only the thin fabric of his boxers are covering his hard, long member. You swallow, hard, looking at how big he is. Tadashi isn’t necessarily small, but he’s definitely not big, and more so, he’s definitely not this big. Your eyes are glued to Kei’s boxers as he pulls them down, releasing his cock. A gasp escapes your lips, a sharp inhale into your lungs as you truly take in how big he is. He’s not just long, but he’s thick. You’re getting even wetter as you think about everything you want to do to him and what you want him to do to you. 
“Can you listen this time?” he asks, condescendingly, a disgusted look on his face. You nod excessively, so quickly that your vision blurs. You’re ready to do anything that he asks you to do. You just want to touch his cock. He smirks at how eager you are. “Take your panties off for me, baby. Nice and slow. Turn around when you do it.” He knows exactly what he wants. 
You start pulling your panties down, slowly, like he’s asked of you. You want to have them completely off, but you know you have to listen to Kei especially after last time. When the panties are to your knees, you’re facing completely away from him. “Bend over.” His words are so commanding and harsh. You do as he says, bending over to pull your panties all the way down to the floor. You can feel how exposed your pussy is from behind in between your legs, can feel the air highlighting every inch of wetness.
You hear Kei step closer to you as you stand their frozen, your panties around your ankles. You can feel his cock graze in between your legs just briefly before he controls it, ensure that no part of you is touched. He leans forwards, pressing his hips against your ass and brushing his cock between your lips for the smallest fraction of a second. “What does Tadashi call you while he’s fucking you?” The question stuns you, your knees buckling and your heart beginning to race. You know that you’re almost fucking his best friend, but you don’t need to be reminded of him every few minutes. Still, you know that Kei wants an answer and you want Kei to be good to you, so you answer. 
“H- He calls me sweetheart,” you stutter. Kei actually laughs, stepping back away from you and holding his stomach as he repeats it. 
“He calls you sweetheart when he’s fucking you?” he asks, trying to make sure he heard that right. 
“Yes.” You suddenly feel more embarrassed at this admission than you do at the position you’re in. He grips onto your hips and you want him to enter you so badly, but instead he turns you around to face him and gently pushes you onto the bed, lying flat on your back, your head propped up against a pillow. 
“Spread em,” he gestures towards your legs as he spits into his own hand, slicking his cock as you spread your legs open, exposing yourself to Kei. 
Kei is towering overtop of you, a knowing smirk on his face as he moves the fist he’s made around his cock, stroking slowly, squeezing his hand as he gets to the head and letting the pressure off as he returns back to the base. You know how desperate you look underneath him. You don’t need to see it in his glasses to know, but you do, and it makes you even wetter. Your legs are spread apart, the breeze from the fan making you painfully aware of how warm and flooded you are and how erect your nipples are. Your hands are beside each retrospective hip, gripping onto the sheets, waiting for him to enter you, but he doesn’t move, doesn’t even get closer. 
“Touch yourself,” Kei sneers. You don’t know what to do. You heard his words clearly, but your body isn’t making any move to do what he’s asked of you. You wanted Kei to touch you, you didn’t want to do it yourself. He takes a step towards you, his hand around his cock moving faster. “Let me see you play with yourself, sweetheart. Show me,” he coos, his tone changing to endearing in such a short amount of time. Hearing Kei call you what Tadashi calls you shakes your entire soul. You feel so conflicted but so hot. You want to hear it again. It sounds so much better coming out of his mouth. It makes you want to please him. You want to make him proud. 
You nod at him, timidly moving your hand down to clit and rubbing small, diffident circles into it. Your fingers don’t feel nearly as good as Kei’s did a few minutes ago. It doesn’t help that he’s watching you so intently either. It’s embarrassing to be completely open and on display like this, lying underneath someone who wasn’t your boyfriend, but, rather, your boyfriend’s best friend, your best friend. You have to shake the thought out of your mind before your body doesn’t allow you to get off. You close your eyes, trying to focus on the sensations of your fingertips brushing against your swollen clit. Your eyes are only shut for a few seconds before Kei is clearing his throat. 
“Eyes open. Look at me,” Kei clarifies. His hand hasn’t stopped moving as he’s scanning your body, evidently very happy with what he sees. Even with this gorgeous sight in front of you, it’s hard for you to lose yourself in the moment being stared at so eagerly. “Both hands.” He tilts his chin up at you, gesturing at your hand that’s still gripped onto the sheets. 
With your other hand, you cup your tit, rolling your hard nipple in between your fingers while maintaining your pace with the other hand. “Good girl,” he says under his breath. A moan escapes you. He raises his eyebrow, cockiness seething from his smile. “Yeah? Are you my good girl?”
You nod obnoxiously, a strangled noise coming out of your throat as you move your attention from your nipples to your wet hole, teasing yourself with your fingertip. You’re getting into it now. The situation is weighing on you but in the best way possible. You look up at Kei and your mind is still screaming that he’s not your boyfriend, but the louder the voice gets inside your head, the wetter your desperate pussy gets. He’s not your boyfriend, but he’s here, watching you tease yourself and torture your own clit as he jerks off above you, because your boyfriend can’t get you off like Kei can; no one can get you off like Kei can. He knows it too. Even when you would try to get off in the bathroom after having sex with Tadashi, it never felt this fucking good. 
“Do you want to be a really good girl?” he asks, his hand now gently rubbing on your inner thigh. 
You know that he’s just using those words, that phrase, to get exactly what he wants, but it only makes you want him more. You would do anything to be good for him. You want him to use you, to satisfy his every need with any part of you that he wants to. “Please, please, Kei. I’ll do anything.” Your own voice surprises you at how desperate it sounds. 
“Sit up.” His tone has switched back to the harsh, commanding asshole that he was before as he grabs onto your arm right as you’re about to insert your finger fully into yourself. You let out a defeated sigh before sitting up, looking at him innocently. “Stay still,” he demands. Kei walks over to you, getting closer and closer until the tip of his head is pressed up against your lips. You go to open your jaw to take him into your mouth, but he stops you, holding your head still. 
“What did I say?” he growls at you, grasping a fistful of your hair as punishment. “Repeat it.” 
“Stay still,” you repeat, your lips opening slightly around his head, allowing some of the precome to line the inside of your lips. You want so badly to lick your lips, but you know that Kei wants you to just sit there, so you don’t move. Your head is still as he swipes the spongy head across your lips, stroking the length as he does so, causing more precome to drip out of the slit and onto your lips. He pushes forwards, but you keep your mouth still, the tip only entering into your mouth when he nestles it in there. It touches your closed teeth and you shutter, trying to keep as still as you can.
Kei moans as he drags his sensitive head across the fronts of your teeth, your cheek bulging as he slides it into the side of your mouth. The combination of his grunts, his hands in your hair, and the thought of him using you for his pleasure all have your pussy aching to be touched. You want to touch yourself so bad, but you know that Kei will be angry. 
“Open,” he finally tells you. You let your jaw fall open as you look up into his eyes, fluttering your lashes at him, but he doesn’t look at you like you’re adorable or cute or pretty, he looks at you like he’s starving. “Tongue out.” You instantly stick your tongue out. “Good girl.” Your pussy throbs. That’s all you wanted to hear from him. You want to hear it again. 
“Lick the precome from my slit, sweetheart.” There’s that name again, shaking your being. Kei positions his cock at the tip of your tongue. You’re not expecting the name and the specific language has you blushing. You do as you’re told, focusing the tip of your tongue to lick the precome from his slit. The salty sensation on your tongue makes your mouth water for more. Kei drags his head down your tongue before taking a step back. He hasn’t told you to move your head or your tongue, so you don’t, despite everything in your body telling you to whine and pout at how far away his cock is from your mouth now. You’re so focused on where his cock is that you don’t notice that he’s bent over towards you or the glob of spit that falls onto your tongue until it’s already coated it. 
You barely have any time to react, only savoring the taste for a moment, before Kei stands back up and rests as much of his cock as he can on your tongue without actually entering your mouth. The slickness of his spit on your tongue and your warm breath from panting causing Kei’s cock to pulse. You can feel it. Kei looks down at you and lets more spit drop from his tongue. You’re not sure if he missed or if this is where he was aiming, but the spit lands right beside your mouth, dripping down your chin and onto your chest. 
He’s thrusting his hips slowly, gliding the underside of cock across your tongue. Your jaw is already starting to ache from staying open so wide, but you don’t dare relax. It’s like Kei can read your mind. “Wider,” he grunts, angling the tip of his cock down. You force your jaw to open uncomfortably, but the smirk that Kei gives you is worth any amount of discomfort that you feel.
Kei gives you no warning as he forces his entire length down your throat in one swift movement, groaning as he feels how tight your throat is around him. You try to gasp in surprise, your gag reflex triggering as his cock slides down your throat, but he’s blocking your airway. You take in air from your nose, but it’s not enough. Kei doesn’t budge in the slightest, just strokes your hair as he mutters “good girl” over and over again. You focus on his words and your breathing and the fact that you’re making him feel good right now. 
“Tongue out,” he demands, his hands grabbing your hair now instead of stroking it. Your nose is pressed up against his stomach and your tongue is sticking out as far as you can force it out of your mouth. You can feel it grazing his balls, every time you flick your tongue, his grip in your hair gets tighter and his groans get more guttural. 
Drool is leaking out of the side of your mouth as Kei’s cock pulses in your throat. Your head feels light and you’re pushing back into Kei’s hands, desperately trying to get air. You need to get a good breath or you’re going to pass out. He pulls you off of his cock. You’re coughing and inhaling deeply several times trying to recover. Kei gives you these few seconds of reconciliation before starting to get annoyed. 
“Open,” he nods down to the spot that you were in before. You assume the same position, chin tilted up, tongue so far out that it’s painful, jaw aching from forcing it open so wide, your lips swollen and sheened with spit and precome. “Good girl. Fuck, you’re such a good girl.” You love to hear the praise coming out of his mouth. It’s making you drip. 
You’re expecting his cock, but see his eyes close to yours and now you can’t breathe for another reason. He spits in your open mouth, but not on your tongue this time. The spit goes directly down your throat and you let it slide all the way down. His fingers are wrapped around your throat putting pressure directly on your airway, quickly getting so tight that you can’t breathe again. “But I decide when I’m done with your throat. I decide when you get to breathe again. I decide when I pull your pretty fucking mouth off of me. You don’t get to make those decisions. If I want to fuck your throat until you pass out and keep fucking your throat when you’re unconscious on the floor, I’ll do that.” You want to moan at these sentences, at the thoughts that are now flooding your head, but you can’t. No noise comes out of your throat at all, it can’t. Your hand comes up and wraps around Kei’s wrists, your eyes roll back into your head as his grip gets tighter. He’s waiting intently to see if you want to tap out, but when he doesn’t feel any pressure against his wrist, he tightens even harder, his fingers shaking. “Do you understand?” he commands. You nod as best as you can. When he pulls his fist away, you take in so much air that your head starts to pulse. Your breaths can’t be large enough. “Now open.”
You assume the same position. Your breathing finally slows when he rests his balls on your tongue. You’d never done anything this dirty with Tadashi. This was foreign territory for you. “Suck.” You can feel him above you, stroking his cock as you take one of his balls into your mouth. The entire situation feels so dirty , but you can hear Kei’s moans and grunts and you never want to stop. You continue sucking, focusing on the ball in your mouth and your tongue against it. 
“Take both in your mouth, you fucking whore,” Kei says, getting into this very quickly. The degradation makes your clit throb and pussy clench. You open your mouth wider, taking the other ball into your mouth. Your mouth has never been this full before. Your nose is pressed against the underside of his cock, but you can barely focus on that. “Stop,” he grunts. You release both balls from your mouth with a pop , your tongue still sticking straight out, waiting for whatever he wants to do with you next. 
“Good girl. Deep breath” You listen to him. He slides his cock into your mouth as soon as you’ve taken a good breath, grunting at every inch that slides down your throat. He holds it there again. You close your eyes, focusing on your breathing, and making sure that you make it through. Then you feel a sting on your cheek, startling you. Kei’s palm had made contact with your cheek. Your eyes snap open. “Eyes on me. Look up at me, sweetheart.” You moan around his cock and he inhales at the vibrations around his length. A single tear rolls down your cheek as the residual sting lingers. Your breathing is okay, manageable this time until Kei plugs your nose. 
“You better open your throat wider or I’ll have to fuck your unconscious body and you won’t be able to cum. It’ll be just like Tadashi, huh?” Your eyes open even more so at this sentence. Kei pulls his hips back, taking most of his length out of your throat before slamming back in. You missed your small window for air. You sit, patiently waiting for him to start moving again. You breathe as much as you can as soon as he pulls back. You’ve forced your jaw open even wider and have allowed your throat to open, allowing the smallest bit of air in. 
Kei’s thrusts into your throat get more and more frequent each time until he’s pistoning into your mouth. His hips are thrusting into you, abusing your poor throat, at such a fast speed. Every few thrusts, he buries his cock as deep in your throat as he can, holding it there until he feels you starting to fall, your eyes rolling back, and your jaw relaxing. 
“Gag on my cock,” he commands, continuing, “I want to feel you gag on my cock. It feels so good when I feel your abused throat constrict around my cock. I’m too big for you, aren’t I? You’re so used to small cocks, aren’t you, sweetheart? You can barely handle how fucking big I am.” It’s true. It’s all true. 
He hits the back of your throat, your body convulsing slightly as you gag. You can feel the muscles in your throat tighten around his cock. He loves the feeling so much that he does it again. And then again. Your stomach is twisting as he hits it for the 4th time. He glides his cock down your throat. The noises that he’s making are magical. 
“Swallow.” You swallow whatever liquids you can. “Yes, fuck,” he groans, “again.” You swallow again, significantly less fluid in your mouth. “Again.” You swallow again. “God, your throat feels so good, I might not even need to fuck you.” You can’t help but to whimper, swallowing again around his cock. “Fuck, I could just cum down your throat right now and leave you on the bed for when Tadashi comes home. Maybe he can help you.”
You want to shake your head no. You want to beg for him to stay, to touch you, just to tell you to cum. If he just told you to cum right now, you think you could. You’d do anything for him right now, but you can’t. You can’t do anything except let him use your throat for whatever he wants to use it for. He laughs at the panic in your eyes as he pulls out of your throat, stroking his cock above you. “Or maybe I won’t even use you to cum, huh? Maybe I’ll just make you watch as I blow my load onto your pretty face. Tadashi would love coming home to that, wouldn’t he?” 
You don’t know how to answer that, so you don’t. Kei doesn’t like that. You feel a sting across your cheek, harder this time. “I asked you a question.”
“I- N- No. No, he wouldn’t like that,” you answer truthfully, even though you don’t think it’s the answer that Kei wanted. It’s exactly the answer Kei wanted.
“But would you like it?” he smirks, waiting for your answer. He hasn’t stopped stroking his cock, moaning as he swipes his thumb over the head. “Don’t lie to me…,” he pauses, “sweetheart.” His smile is pure evil.
You nod timidly before verbalizing it. “Yes. I would like that a lot, Kei.” 
He laughs again, shaking his head. “Tch. Pathetic.” Your entire body feels warm and embarrassed. He leans over you, getting so close to your ear that his low whisper sounds like a scream. “It sucks that I want to ruin you, then, huh?” A shiver disperses through your entire body as you shake your head no. No, it definitely doesn’t suck that he wants to ruin you. 
“I want you, now.” Kei finally decides. He pushes you back on the bed again. “On your side.” You’re conscious of how little you know about sex positions, particularly ones where you lay on your side. He pulls you to the edge of the bed, laying almost completely on your right side, save for the small parts of your back that are touching the bed. He positions himself between your legs, lining himself up with your throbbing pussy. It hasn’t been touched since you didn’t listen to Kei. You know your hole is tight, but so lubricated that it’ll swallow him just as easily as your throat did. He takes your leg and rests it on his shoulder. 
He rubs his head in between your lips, pressing up against the hole. “Please.” It slips out of your mouth, but you’re not going to apologize for it. Kei rubs his thumb against your clit, using your own wetness to lubricate your swollen nub, his finger moving effortlessly against it. You can’t stop whimpering. 
He doesn’t stop to ask if you’re ready, or prep your hole with fingers, he just starts sliding into you. He’s not even halfway inside of you when you decide that you’ll never be this full again. It takes your breath away. You can’t breathe, but you’re trying. You’re gasping for air as he inserts his entire length into you. “Kei, Kei, Kei, fuck, Kei.”
“I haven’t even started fucking you, sweetheart.” He presses a kiss into your leg next to his face as he slides completely into you, not stopping until his hips are pressed up against you. You’re waiting for him to let you adjust to how thick he is inside of you, but he doesn’t. He starts moving almost instantly, rocking his hips backwards and then thrusting into you completely. You’ve never had anything so deep inside of you before, not even your own fingers or a dildo. 
Kei picks up the speed, rocking his hips into you repetitively, in such a rhythmic pattern that you’re already almost there. You know, and he does too, that all he has to do is angle just a bit down and he would be obliterating your g-spot. Even without it, you can feel your arousal heightening so high. His thumb is still rubbing circles into your clit. “Kei- Kei, I think, I-,” you breathe, stuttering over your words, so filled with cock and pleasure that your head is foggy. 
“Already? You’re already going to cum? God, you really are starved of some good cock, aren’t you?” he teases, picking up speed even more. “I’m not even hitting your g-spot. I’m not ready yet. You’re going to cum without me even trying?”
You know you should feel embarrassed, but you’re not. You have no shame in letting yourself go. “Fuck, Kei, I’m coming, fuck.”
Your eyes squeeze shut. Your head presses back so far into the bed that you know how messy your hair is going to be. Your toes curls and your knuckles are white against the sheets. The entire time, no noise comes out of you, despite your mouth being completely agape. The pleasure is obliterating you. You can’t think of anything at all except for the pleasure. How good everything feels. Kei hasn’t stopped fucking you. He’s slamming into you as you ride your orgasm to completion. As soon as you’ve stopped cumming, you want to cum again. You need him to make it happen again. 
“I’m not stopping until I’m finished. If that means that you’ve cum so many times that your orgasms hurt by the last one, then so be it,” he thrusts into you again and again. His hand has moved from your clit and is instead wrapped around your leg, using it as leverage to fuck into you even harder. Every time you think he can’t fuck you harder, he proves you wrong. He’s almost growling at this point, fucking you so deep and hard that you exhale every time he pounds into you. 
“You’ll never cum from anyone else again,” he slams into you, “Every other guy that you ever take will never compare to me, will never be as good as me. Their cocks won’t fit inside you like mine does. They won’t fill you up as much as I can. I’m ruining you. I don’t even think you’ll be able to make yourself cum after this. Every time you want to feel pleasure, real pleasure, you’ll have to call and beg for it. When you’re in bed with Tadashi, so late at night, and he’s sleeping next to you, you’re going to have to call me and beg to meet up with me so that I can get you off.” His words are just making you get closer again. You know that he’s just talking dirty to you, but you know how much truth weighs in those words. He’s right. 
“You know that, don’t you?” he asks, breathless from how relentlessly he’s fucking into you. 
You nod at the sentence, still thinking repetitively over the words he said to you and how true each of them is. Kei reaches down to start rubbing your clit again. He can see you’re close. He can feel that you’re close. Your pussy is gripping his cock, the rigid, wet walls milking him as you have your second orgasm.
“Yes, yes, Kei, fuck. I’ll never feel this full ever again. Please, please, will you fill me after this time? Please, I can’t imagine never fucking you again. Please,” you moan through your orgasm. You want confirmation of something to look forward to. You need him again. 
He laughs at how unapologetic you are at begging for him again before he’s even finished with you. He doesn’t answer but instead asks a question. “Tadashi fucks you doggy style, sometimes, doesn’t he?” He fucks you through the end of your orgasm. 
You nod, hesitantly, still blown away by cumming twice already. “Sometimes,” you reply. Kei snickers. 
“On all fours,” he directs you. “I was serious when I said I wanted to ruin you, baby.”
You assume the position on all fours, a position that Tadashi will sometimes have you take him in. You’ve never understood the hype around this position, but you’re hoping Kei teaches you. A sting spreads from your ass as Kei spanks you. You’re already feeling the hype. You whimper. 
“Again?” he asks, smirking. You nod, wanting to feel the pain but knowing that he’s going to do it regardless. He spanks you again, harder this time. He doesn’t ask if you want it again, just spanks you for a third time, even harder. You won’t be able to sit tomorrow if he continues on. You kind of want him to continue on. You’re not met with another sting, but Kei’s cock thrust completely inside of you until his hips are pressed against your ass in one motion. You choke on your own breath, coughing in surprise. 
He brings his hands up and snakes one into your hair, grabbing a fistful, and the other on your shoulder, using it to pull you back onto him. You hear your skin slap against his, hard. You can feel the sting on your ass from where Kei spanked you as it smashes against his thigh. He’s so deep inside you, you think you can feel him in your stomach. 
Kei’s chest goes flush against your back. He whispers into your ear, “The next time he’s fucking you, you’re going to say my name.” It’s almost hypnotic, how low and intriguing his voice is. “You won’t be able to get me out of your mind,” he tells you, each thrust into you punctuating his words. He straightens back up, gripping your hips as he fucks into you. His fingertips are going to leave bruises. “Do you know why?”
You shake your head no. You want him to tell you why. You want him to say anything to you, anything at all. 
“Because you’re my bitch,” he says so seriously, moving quicker as your wetness grew, slicking him even more at the sentence, “and Tadashi has never hit this…” Kei thrusts, angled into your g-spot. The sensation makes it feel like lava has erupted in your stomach. “and it’s all you’re going to think about when you’re in this position.” He knows exactly where it is and he won’t stop smashing the head of his cock into it repetitively. “How this is what it could’ve felt like, but he’ll never make you feel like this. So you’ll be thinking of me the entire time and you’re going to say my fucking name.”
It’s too much. Everything about this situation is too much. You’re speechless. You’re aware of every part of your body that Kei has gripped onto or smacked. Your eyes roll back into your head. You don’t even know what’s happening, only that Kei’s cock feels so good against your walls and slamming into your g-spot. You feel a warm sensation run down your legs slowly at first, but then explode onto the sheets beneath you and Kei’s cock and his lap as you scream for him. “Kei! Fuck! Yes, Kei. I won’t ever think of anyone else. Only you. Only you, Kei, fuck. Oh fuck.”
“Fuck, you just squirted all over my fucking cock, fuck.” For the first time tonight, Kei sounds like he can barely speak. He can’t think of a witty retort about how good he made you feel, he can only keep repeating those words. “Fuck, you squirted so fucking much all over me, baby. Fuck, good girl. Fuck.” He pulls himself out of you. If it weren’t for the mind-blowing orgasm you just had that you need a minute to recover from, you would’ve whined endlessly until he was back inside of you. Kei looks so focused right now and you’re realizing that his hand is on his cock, wrapped around right where his head meets his shaft, squeezing, not stroking. His chest is heaving and he’s swallowing excessively. He had to stop himself from cumming too early. (Define too early?) He’s made you cum 3 times already, feeling your pussy tighten around him as he didn’t even stutter, and has fucked you for over an hour, not even mentioning the abuse your throat went through.
You think he’s waiting for the sensation to pass before entering back inside you, but he drops to his knees, pulling your hips towards him. “You’ve earned this, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your skin. You feel his nose press up against your ass, his tongue sticking out and licking from your clit to your hole. He doesn’t use the tip like Tadashi does, he uses the flat side of his tongue, exploiting every part of the surface of his tongue. Your arms shake as he sticks his tongue into your hole, fucking it, moving his face back and forth. “Fuck, Kei.” 
He moves back down to your clit, flicking it with the tip this time, fast, before sucking it into his mouth and running his tongue over it again and again as he suctions onto it. “Holy fuck. Oh my God.” Your face is down in the bed, your arms refusing to support you anymore. The sounds that are coming from behind you are almost enough to make you cum on their own. Kei is slurping all of the juices that he’s created since he first started touching you.  You can’t see him, but the sounds are incredible. You can’t see him. 
“Kei, Kei, can I lay on my back? Can I see your face? I want to see your face.” You know you’re not in any position to ask him for anything, but you hope he listens to you. You want to watch him eat you out so badly. He hums into your pussy, nodding as he flips you over, spreading your legs even further. He looks up at you, his mouth completely clamped over your entire pussy, his tongue working particularly hard, creating an insane amount of pressure on your clit, swirling around it, in between your lips and slit, fucking into your hole as deep as he can. His eyes never leave yours. You try to keep up with him, but it’s too fucking much. Your head falls backward, staring up at the ceiling. Kei’s arms reach up, grabbing onto your tits, rolling both of your nipples between his long fingers.
“Look at me,” he mumbles into your pussy quickly before continuing his expertise. You listen to him. It’s the least you can do. You look at him, your eyes watering at the pleasure that he’s creating for you. It sounds so messy, so sloppy, so fucking good . 
“Don’t- Don’t stop. ‘M gonna-,” you moan so loudly that it scares you as Kei works even harder, sucking your clit into his mouth and nibbling it softly before using his entire mouth, his lips, his nose, his chin to rub against your pussy, spitting on it repeatedly to slick it up. “Fuck!” you’re screaming now and you can’t help the sensation release from you again, the clear liquid spraying from between your legs onto Kei’s face. You can’t even feel apologetic, but you don’t think he wants you to. He doesn’t stop rubbing your clit through your orgasm, you clench your thighs together, completely overstimulated, but he doesn’t stop. He keeps rubbing your clit through the pain and into another wave of pleasure that quickly crashes into another orgasm. You’ve never come that quickly together before. There’s no squirt this time, only insane pleasure washing over you as you pant and scream Kei’s name. 
You’re out of breath. You can barely move. You’re so tired from all of the times that you’ve come, but you know how hard Kei is and you know how badly you want his fucking cum. 
“I want to be all the way inside of you,” Kei states. You’re confused and he can see the confusion on your face as he cleans his glasses with the blankets on the bed. 
“How? I mean, like, weren’t you… already all the way inside me?” you ask him, innocently.
“Deeper,” he says, laying down on the bed next to you and flipping you on top of him so your soaked pussy lips are wrapped around his length. He grunts at the feeling. You lift off of him as much as you can muster with how weak you’re feeling right now. He helps you, grabbing onto your ass and lifting gently until you’re up high enough for him to line himself up with your hole. 
“Sit,” he commands. You listen to him for the millionth time tonight, lowering yourself onto his cock. His cock hasn’t grown since he fucked you doggy style, but it feels so much bigger. It’s so much deeper inside of you as you’re seated on his cock. Your walls grip him on the way down.
“Fuck, you’re tight. How does Tadashi last so long in you?” he asks, genuinely wanting to know. 
You laugh for the first time all night, “He doesn’t.”
He holds onto your hips, looking up at you and how breathtaking you are. Your tits are out, moving with every breath that you take. It makes Kei’s cock twitch inside of you. “Bounce on my cock, baby.” He’s asking so much of you with the state that you’re in right now, but he knows you’ll listen to him. “Be a good girl. Bounce on my cock. I’ve done all the work tonight, sweetheart.” That’s all it takes. You get a sudden surge of energy as you nod, using your knees in the bed as springs to slide up and down his cock. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. His fingernails dig into you again, bruising the already bruised skin. How are you going to explain all of these marks to Tadashi? You don’t even care at this point. You want Kei to keep making more. He’s guiding you up and down, though you’re doing most of the work. “Faster, baby, fuck.”
You listen. You bounce up and down on his cock faster, getting higher before slamming down against his lip. Your tits are bouncing just as wildly. He moves his hands from his hips to your tits, grabbing onto them and massaging them as you milk his cock. You purposefully tighten around him on the way up and relax on the way down. Your tight pussy desperately gripping at each inch of his length, coaxing the cum out of his cock. “God, fuck. Milk my cock, baby, yes.” Kei’s lines are becoming less demanding and more appreciative. They’re still commanding, but less harsh. He moves his hands back to your waist, lifting you almost completely off his cock, your head only tightly squeezing his head. 
“Ready?” he asks. The bliss on his face is still there, but there’s so much devilish intent now too. You don’t have time to ask questions or to even tell him yes as he fucks up into you. His hips are moving so quickly up that even though your body isn’t moving, the ripples of energy are tearing through you, shaking them violently. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, Kei.” You’re already there. You’re already ready to cum just from penetration alone. 
“Not yet.” This is the hardest demand yet for you to listen to. “You can only cum when you feel my load fill you up.” You swallow hard, but nod frantically. 
He’s grunting so loudly as he claps into your pussy from underneath you. He’s getting so deep inside of you with every thrust. You’re speechless. You’re so on the edge the entire time that he’s fucking you like this that you can’t focus on anything else. He pulls you down completely on his cock and stops thrusting for a second. He’s breathing heavy as he snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you onto his chest, his cock still just as deep inside of you, but this time when he fucks into you, he hits you g-spot on the first thrust. “Kei, Kei, Kei,” you can’t stop saying his name, “I can’t- I can’t hold it.” You barely even notice the tears running down your cheeks as the pleasure is so built up inside of you. 
“Fuck, baby, fuck, almost.” His thrusts are getting sloppy, his cock is pulsating, you feel so fucking good wrapped so tightly around his cock, but he needs to feel you cum. He needs to feel your pussy tense up as he drills into you, knowing that he’s the reason you look so pretty, your face contorting from pure pleasure. He wants to feel you milk him, coaxing his big fucking load out of his balls and deep inside you. He can make you cum. He doesn’t have to ask you. He can just make you cum, even despite you trying to be such a good girl and listen for him. 
He holds your hips steady, slowing down for a few seconds, catching his own breath, letting himself relax. You’re both grateful and so sad about this. You’re grateful because you would have cum just then, but you’re sad because you wanted to cum so bad it hurt. He stills for a second and then he’s fucking into you again, but differently this time. His arms are shaking from holding you down against him so tightly, not letting you move, despite your numerous attempts to squirm, as he thrusts up into your tight, aching pussy mercilessly. You’re sobbing into his shoulder.
“I- I- I can’t hold it, Kei, please.” You’re trying to be so good for him. It’s making his balls tighten, but he doesn’t want to come yet. He can’t come until you milk it out of him. Do it. Cum, he thinks as he picks up speed, like sprinting the last half mile of a marathon. It’s as much as he can give and he wants it to be enough to push you over the edge without having to ask. You’ll feel so much better tightening around him while you apologize to him for not listening. 
“I’m going to cum, Kei, please, please, please, I’m sorry, fuck. I can’t hold it any longer,” the string of words come out so fast that they practically overlap each other. You cum around his cock, your pussy throbbing, gripping so tightly onto his cock as he keeps up the intensity of his thrusts. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you scream out. You start repeating his name over and over again, unable to think of anything else in the world. 
With your pussy clamping so hard down on his cock, it’s exactly what he needs. He feels his balls tighten, his cock throbbing inside of you as his hips start to stutter messily. “Fuck, sweetheart, fuck, you’re making me cum, fuck,” he grunts, snapping his hips into you as hard as he can as he unloads inside of you, strings of cum filling up your insides, squeezing out of your pussy as he tries to fuck them deeper into you, but has already overfilled your abused pussy. He’s still cumming, feeling it leak out of his cock, when he pulls his cock from your pussy, letting it land on your ass and back down on his own cock. He slides his cock back into your pussy, going as deep as he can as before exhaling a final breath. 
You’re both quiet for a second, not talking about anything that just happened, just breathing. You’re still pressed up against his chest, cum dripping out of your pussy and onto Kei. You know that you should both clean up, but you’ve never been this tired in your life. You can’t even roll off of him and you don’t think he could push you off. 
“When will Tadashi be home?” he asks, panting, trying to regain himself. 
“He doesn’t get back until tomorrow morning,” you hum happily, listening to his accelerated heartbeat. You don’t move, but he doesn’t ask you to move. Your breathing is more irregular than his is as you close your eyes. “Can we nap? I need to nap. That took so much out of me.”
Kei’s quiet for a moment. There’s no laugh or retort, he just nods, wrapping his arms around your waist and stroking your hair. He grabs the cleanest blanket that he can from where he’s pinned to the bed, draping it over top of both of you. You hum at the warmth. He knows that this is a part of the whole degradation thing, the comforting at the end. That’s why he’s doing it.
“Goodnight, Kei,” you smile up at him lazily, kissing his chest before laying it back down. “Oh, wait, Kei,” you look back up at him. 
That’s why he’s doing it. 
“Thank you,” you smile at him, blinking slowly. You’re so tired that you don’t even notice his heart skip a beat as you thank him. 
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rafeswifeee · 4 months
dark!rafe finds u sneaking into ur house at 2am and finds out u have been hanging around with the pogues and assumes that u fucked jj so he fucks the jj out of u ( u never even fucked jj ) 👏👏
Fucking Pogues.
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word count — alottttt
Pairing: Dark Rafe Cameron x (female) Reader
▶️ This is dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
(Give me more ideas guys aswell)
WARNINGS: Dark!Rafe, toxic relationship, abusive relationship, domestic violence, manipulation, heavy smut
SUMMARY: thinking ur smarter then rafe and then getting the shit fucked out of you.
AN: this is my second post and thank you to everyone that followed me and liked my first post I hope u enjoy this one, make sure u give me ur darkest ideas. Please, reblog and give me feedback.
You quietly but sneakily entered your house, locking the door behind you. It was currently 2 am, and you had just driven home from the other side of the island because you had to sneak around to hang out with your friends pope,jj,Sarah,John b and kiara. Your boyfriend Rafe didn't like your pick of friends, often calling them ‘dirty ass pogues’ and claiming that they were all ‘trying to take you away from him,,’ and that fucking annoyed me because they are such a kind and chill group of people and they meant a lot to me.
Just because Rafe had some sort of rivalry with The Pogues didn't mean you had to, and to be honest, the reasons he has for disliking them are so childish; because of his ‘little problem’ with them, you were most of the time isolated. But Still, you wouldn't let Rafe take away your social life, so you would sometimes sneak out your window late at night, go to the cut, visit your friends, and come back home as if nothing happened.
He also accuses you of having a crush on jj and flirting with him which is totally stupid because you only see jj as a friend nothing more? You definitely were not going to cut all your friends off because Rafe told you to. It wasn't like you were going behind his back and cheating.
You always made sure you covered all of your tracks so u didn’t get caught. Knowing Rafe had your location at all times, you left your phone at home every time you snuck out. You would always make it back in two-three hours at the most just to be extra careful. You knew if Rafe found out about you sneaking around, he would be fucking furious; you had been disobeying him for months and lying straight to his face.
As you crept up your stairs, trying to be as silent as you could, you couldn't help but laugh and giggle for some reason; even though you hated to admit it, you and Rafe never did anything fun together. I guess, you two had ‘fun’ in his way, like going to party’s,golfing,doing drugs, ‘Rafe stuff,’ but you two would never do anything you wanted to do, and with The Pogues, it was the opposite; you got to get messy stuff, get absolutely wasted on the beach, surfing together and even do girly things like trying new styles on Sarah or kiara’s hair or do eachothers makeup, just things that would be impossible to do with rafe. It was a weight of my shoulders to finally do something fun that you actually loved.
You slowly and gently opened your bedroom door, which was pitch black; you had turned all your lights out before you left; you felt around on the wall for the light switch, flipping it upwards. The lights blinded you for a minute or two, but you jumped when you saw the tall built figure on your chair that u have in the corner of your room. When your eyes finally adjusted to the really bright lights, it was 100% worse than what you could’ve ever imagined.
Rafe was sitting on your white fluffy chair that he had bought you, staring directly into your soul; his face was dull but had a spark of anger in it, which was horrifying.
You stood there as frozen as a statue not knowing what to do, not able to break the tense eye contact or move.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Rafe asked, breaking the silence; his voice was deep as fuck, empty of emotion as he got comfy on your chair, manspreading waiting for you to explain yourself
You tried to speak but nothing was coming out, your throat felt dry, you felt like u couldn’t breath and it was starting to get really hot all of a sudden, you were speechless.
“Don’t make me repeat myself y/n,” Rafe said smirking and talking loud and clear waiting for you to speak once again; he was allowing you to come clean and tell the truth.
“I was…” you blinked a couple of tears back. “I was with the Pogues but I swear we wasn’t doing anything stupid or getting in trouble we were just hanging out.” you looked up and then back at him trying to ignore the nervousness running through your body, fidgeting with your hands waiting for his response.
Rafe smirk immediately dropped into the most serious face you’ve ever seen. Did this anger him?
“What have I told u about those dirty ass Pogues y/n.” Rafe shouted standing up out of the chair walking towards you slowly, looking at your shoes thinking about what he said. “U have some sort of obsession with these Pogues” he said pissed off, awaiting a response.
“No I don’t there just my frie-”you said trying to speak but rafe cut you off, his head tilting slightly and his eyes narrowing like he had just figured out something.
He began walking closer to u until u was pinned against the wall.
“Yeah you do have an obsession with them and especially with jj ur fucking him aren’t you?” Rafe questioned you gripping you by your neck as he combs his finger through his hair.
“No rafe what the fuck are u crazy no I’m not he’s just my friend!”You say accidentally raising your voice at him, you
Realised you shouted at him and looked back down at your shoes.
“Lower ur tone when u fucking speak to me!”rafe yells back at me a bit walking over to the bed and sitting down on it
“I didn’t mean to raise my voice and we were just hanging out, and I'm sorry; I know I should have-” You were just blurting out anything that came to mind, trying to improve this situation.
“Come here.” Your boyfriend mumbled, cutting you off; his voice was low,demanding and shaky.
“N-no”I say shaking my head to nervous to go near him right now
“Ok,” he shakes his head before running his hand through his hair again and saying something under his breath that you didn't quite catch.
But before I know it rafe’s charging towards me angrily,I try make a run for it out the bedroom door but I felt a handful of my hair being pulled into a tight grip.I try to fight him off but he’s to strong,he bends me over the bed and pulled my shorts down revealing my black lace thong.
if you make any noise…” he paused just for a second,giving a hard smack to your ass. “I'll kick your fucking teeth in.” he threatened, voice still shaking. “Do u understand me?”
I nod as best as I could considering my heads shove into one of the pillows.Then i hear the noises of his belt unbuckling and his pants falling down.
“Good girl”he says giving another hard slap to my ass before moving my lace thong to the side lining up his dick with my entrance
“rafey can u go slow.” you moan as he rubs the tip of his cock through your folds, feeling how wet you are. “Please.” you shudder as he pushes against your entrance, his cock easily entering you with how wet you are.
“ready?” rafe hums, and before you can register his question, his thrusts suddenly deepening and quickening, pounding into you while pulling you back onto his cock with his one hand.
“oh fuck!” you shout out, not caring who in the area is going to hear you screaming.
Rafe smacks his hand over your mouth turning ur loud moans into muffles.
“Did I say u could make a noise u stupid slut?”he questions knowing u can’t answer him
I just shake my head no quickly and he continues to pound in me 100x faster than he was before taking his hand off my mouth and rapidly rubbing my clit with it instead
“Whose pussy is this?”he questioned pounding faster into ur tight little pussy knowing u was close to cumming
“Y-yours daddy f-fuck” you said messing up ur words from how much pleasure was going through ur body
“you gonna cum for me?” rafe questions, his fingers still rapidly rubbing over your clit. you feel his cock swelling inside of you and know he’s not too far away himself.
“Y-yes fuck I-I’m cummingggg” you scream out squirting all over his dick and hand
He continues to chase his nut since he was almost there, overstimulating you in the process until u feel warm liquid release into you.
U roll over onto ur back and lay there tired as fuck ur eyes shutting by the minute and rafe lays ontop of you
“Your mine,not jj’s not anyone else’s.mine and if you speak to jj ever again I’ll kill u and him got it?” He questions you
“Yeah I understandddd” is half asleep
“Atta girl” was the last thing y/n heard from rafe before she fell into a deep sleep for the night
Whoever requested this lemme know if I did I good job and if I could improve anything let me know pookies x💙
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jeonbunnie · 10 months
love is gone
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pairing: reader x jeon jeongguk
anon suggested: “I had this idea for a fic it's angst with a lot of heartbreak with soft smut based on love is gone by Slander ft. Dylan Matthew, basically the oc and jungkook have been in a relationship for two years but recently she's felt him drifting away from her and things aren't the way it used to be so she plans a super cute date night in hopes of saving their relationship which he agrees too but he doesn't come home that evening....when he does come home the next day and mentions they have to talk she knows what he's going to say but she thinks if she can show him one more time he'll feel how much she loves him...but in the end his love is gone.”
summary: Jeongguk tries to let you down easy.
genre: angst; smut; 18+;
content/warnings: POV shifts; boyfriend!jeongguk; established relationship;break up!au; hurt/comfort; make up sex (kinda lol); fingering,unprotected sex
soundtrack: love is gone— by slander ft.Dylan Matthew (highly recommend listening to the acoustic ver)
a/n: writing this made me… 😮‍💨 mark me down as sad and horny byeeeeeeeee. Also reader has brown eyes bc of reasons. Brown eyed girl supremacy, mwah!
word count: 1.4K
♪ It tears me up when you turn me down. I'm begging please, just stick around♪
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"Baby, let's talk."
Something about the way he said it made your heart crack. The tone of his voice, the softness of Jeongguk's words, there's a finality to it all that made you anxious for what came next.
"Can you come with me for a minute?"
You didn't want to have this conversation. You already knew where it would lead.
Everything in you wants to say no. But it's the first time you've seen Jeongguk in 24 hours and the first time he's held your hand in weeks, so you let him lead you outside, helpless against his touch.
You couldn't face him when you sat down on the park bench, and you're sure the words you've been avoiding will be written all over his expression, so instead, you look out at the horizon.
It was hurting you. Sitting at the bench with Jeongguk so close but so far away, the distance between you verging on strangers.
You had half a mind to lash out and accuse him of breaking up with you in public so you could accept it quietly and not cause a scene. But you know him.
You know your boyfriend was kind and gentle-hearted. He probably brought you out here because you loved sunsets, and he wanted to give you a nice memory even as he said goodbye.
In the distance, the sunset was a red-orangey glow, casting everything the light touched in golden warmth—but you can't feel it. All you feel is ice-cold dread for what's about to happen.
So you beat him to the punch. "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"
All the air rushed out of Jeongguk in a sigh. "Am I that obvious?"
You would have laughed at his question if it hadn't hurt you so much. "You've been avoiding me all week. Last night, you asked me for space, and now you want to 'talk.' We haven't talked in days. I might be blindly in love with you, but I'm not an idiot," you said, trying hard to keep the words from coming out bitter.
Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair, nerves on edge. Masked behind your anger, he could hear the hurt in your voice, and he hated being the cause of it. This wasn't easy for him, letting you go. But he couldn't keep you either.
"I think," he started. "I think we should start seeing other people."
At his confirmation, a hot tear slid down your cheek. Before you could wipe the tear yourself, Jeongguk reached out, closing the distance between you, and brushed the tear away with his thumb. He never could stand seeing you cry.
"Did I do something wrong?" You asked, barely keeping yourself together.
"No. Of course not. It's not you—"
"—It's me?" You finished, offering him a wobbly smile. "You don't have to say that just to be nice."
The look on your face made Jeongguk's chest ache so much he could barely breathe. "I don't wanna hurt you. . ."
"But you don't want to stay either?"
He doesn't answer that question; somehow, the silence between you only makes you feel worse.
"I see. . . "you said, nodding your head. "So that's why you didn't come home last night."
You fell asleep on the couch, waiting for him to find his way back to you so the picnic basket you packed remained untouched on the counter. You thought you could remind him of how great things used to be by recreating your first date at the park.
It involved fairy lights, wine, and homemade sweets filled with the love you hoped to remind him of. The love you hoped was still there.
Now you realize Jeongguk was never going to come back home to you. Not last night or any night after.
In a way, you're grateful. Considering the surprise you had planned, it would have been embarrassing if he had come home the night before.
Of course, you still made it to the park, but the situation was dramatically different now. But instead of making up, you were breaking apart.
"I'm sure you noticed how different things are between us now," said Jeonggguk. "Last night, I needed time alone to think. I tried to imagine myself without you. And the thing is, I could….and it all felt so."
You bit your lip, holding back more tears. "Is there anything I can do to convince you to stay?"
Jeongguk was quiet for a moment, and hope built in your chest, but it died just as quickly when you saw him shake his head no.
Jeongguk forced his face to stay neutral. "I will always love you, but just not in the way I wish I still could."
"So this is it then? We're over? Just like that?"
You want to cry, scream, and beg, but Jeongguk is still and calm beside you. So calm you know he's already decided to end things, and you know him well enough to know how stubborn he is that he won't change his mind now that he's made it up.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I understand if you don't want to be around me, I've already made plans to stay at Joons tonight if you prefer me gone."
That was the last thing you wanted. "No," You said, pushing down the sobs that threatened to come from your mouth. "Can you stay, please?"
Jeongguk hesitated, looking away from the face of the setting sun. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea…" He didn't want to give you the wrong impression that there was any way to salvage your relationship. And more than that, he didn't want to lose his resolve because a night with you would make it that much harder to walk away.
"Just for tonight? I don't wanna be alone." It felt stupid to want him there now when he was the cause of your pain, but Jeongguk was one of the few people in your life who knew how to comfort you. You wanted him close, even at the most inopportune moment.
The word 'no' was at the tip of his tongue, but he turned to look at you, and the hurt he found there in your big brown eyes had him saying 'yes.'
And he knows he shouldn't, but Jeongguk can't help but comfort you like he always has. Even though you broke up, it didn't change the fact that he still cared for you, still had love for you. He told himself it was just a reflex that had him reaching for your hand on the walk back home.
It's reflex that has him curling up next to you in bed and wrapping his arms around your waist to be the big spoon, as always.
Reflex that has him kissing away your tears, neck, and shoulder.
Reflex that has his hands sliding underneath your clothes to rub you through your underwear, desperate to make you feel good.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
And before he knows it, he's sinking into you with a groan, getting lost in the familiar warmth of your body.
You're so wet it was easy to slip inside, and even though he's already inside you, so close, naked body flush against yours—it's not enough.
Jeongguk still wanted more.
He couldn't help but grip your thigh, lifting your leg to push in deeper, to feel more of you as his cock slid in and out of your heat.
It has to be a reflex because it can't be love that has his hips driving into you, over and over and over again.
It can't be love that has him moaning into your mouth, kissing you until you are both out of breath, till you clench around him and he spills inside you, filling you up so perfectly.
Because if it is love and not the memory of loving you that makes it so hard to pull away hours later when your tears have dried, and your heart beats steady as you sleep dreamless on the side of the bed that used to be his—then Jeongguk is making a mistake. It was possibly the biggest mistake of his life.
Jeongguk isn't sure he can live with being the one to break both of your hearts. But he'd rather end it all before your relationship's indifference could turn to something cruel. He'd finish it now before you could hurt each other further.
If he had thought about it more, Jeongguk might have seen the love hidden in his actions. That there was something here worth saving, worth fighting for.
But that wasn't what he wanted. Jeonguk didn't want to think of everything he was giving up walking away from you.
It was much easier to pretend his love for you was gone.
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dduane · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you’ve shared your ao3 account? Like, have you acknowledged “this account is mine,” or do you keep it personal? Totally respect if you keep it under wraps I just wanted to know if I’m missing something. Hope my wording of this makes sense!
No, it's OK, I get it. You're asking "Have you publicly ID'd a given AO3 account as yours?"
No, and I'm not going to. Because it contains fanfic I've written for pleasure—exactly as I started writing it in my teens—and I have no desire to have that publicly connected with me.
Leaving the usual legal concerns aside (and not being even slightly concerned that a judge would fail to find the fiction "transformational", if the truth came out in a court of law) a significant part of this effort is about answering the question: "What would happen if people read fiction of mine and they didn't know Diane Duane was responsible for it? What would their reaction be?" That urge to discover whether the fiction stands on its own, without the inevitable shadow cast by one’s reputational backstop, still comes up for me in some moods. So when the itch to write fanfic comes up, I scratch it. And all I can say is that, by and large, the results have been satisfying.
Frankly, it's a ton of fun. There's no one to satisfy (at the most immediate level) except me and the local embodiment of the Creative Urge. No one will ever accuse me of "just churning [this] out for more $$$$", because there is no $$$$. And there's room to stretch further and harder than I might normally do in my public work (because there's more forgiveness for failure: and in the arts, I think, failure is absolutely one of the most effective ways to grow). Whatever comes back to me in return for this work—and it is work, some of the hardest I've ever done—is in the form of raw appreciation. So, people, on behalf of my colleagues, let me just say: comment on AO3 fics, yeah? You don't have to be fulsome about it. A word or two will do. And bestow kudos where you may. It's all an AO3 fanfic writer asks.
...And of course some people will say: "Are you off your rocker? You're traditionally published for decades, you have awards, you've been on bestseller lists, how can you not be sure that what you're doing's any good?" ...But you know, no writer is sure all the time. All of us wake up in the middle of the night some time(s), thinking "I'm not sure I've still got it..." and squeezing our eyes shut in terror of future reviews containing the horrible conjecture that Maybe We Never Really Had It To Start With. When you've spent a significant portion of your lifetime making stuff (up) out of nothing, the horrible suspicion that maybe it really has been nothing all the time—I mean, nothing nothing—is unavoidable.
So sometimes some of us want to go out in disguise (and I don't mean paid pseudonymic work: that proves nothing in this particular arena) and see how we fare. I know other traditionally-published writers who've done this—names that would surprise you—and who, by and large, have done it for the same reasons. We are the dark figures, hooded and cloaked, sitting in the shadows of some of the more prominent fandoms that express themselves on AO3; eyes glinting in the firelight, enjoying the reactions to the stories we've got to tell.
It's not bad here, in the shadows. For one thing, you're in a better position to appreciate the figures moving in the light. There's a lot of extraordinary talent on AO3 (and elsewhere in the online fanfic world), sharing stuff with us out of their own hard work and from their own urge toward grace. It's a privilege to read them. (Some of them are better writers than I am. I appreciate them: and comment, and leave kudos, because that's how appreciation is concretely shown. And I take notes.)
Beyond that, there's nothing much to add except that I have no plans to stop. And also: that I think kindly every single day of the very small and exclusive group of people who know "who" I am on AO3, and have kindly kept that data to themselves. Your confidence honors me, friends. May the Work do you honor in return. :)
And now: I owe you all an update, so you'll have to excuse me while I get on with it. :)
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varpusvaras · 2 months
'Cute' was not a word Bail would've used for himself.
No one else really did, either. His mother had started calling him her 'handsome boy' pretty exclusively before he had hit four, and Bail had not thought anything about it, only that it had definitely made him feel bigger and older. Which was a lot, since he had at that point been as tall as Rouge, who had just turned seven.
He had not though about it at all until he was a couple of weeks shy of nineteen and holding Breha's hand on their evening walk. He raised his brow when Breha suddenly glanced down at their hands and laughed softly under her breath.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"Nothing", Breha answered. "I just like how you always want to hold hands. It's cute."
Bail also looked down at their hands. Did he? He supposed he did. He still held hands with Tia a lot of the time when they were out, and touches like that just were a thing in their household. That was how they showed affection, and Bail was happy Breha liked it as well.
"That's good", he said, not able to contain a smile spreading on his face. Breha smiled back, and glanced back down at their hands, before looking Bail straight in the eye.
"You're cute", she said, and Bail suddenly felt very hot on his face.
"Oh", he managed to say. "Thank you?"
Breha laughed softly again, and squeezed his hand.
Bail thought about it for the rest of the week.
Bail stared himself at the mirror.
"That's a contemplating look if I've ever seen one", Breha said. Bail sighed.
"I am contemplating", he said. "...does this make me look too...wide?"
He was not usually the one to be self-conscious about his appearance, but even he had his low points. Preparing for his first appearance as Alderaan's Senator was, apparently, one of them.
Breha gave him a look.
"I don't think you can be "too" much of anything", she hummed. "Especially when it comes to your own body. But, I think you look good. Very dashing and robust."
That got an unintentional laugh out of Bail.
"Robust?" He asked, raising his brow.
"Yes. Strong and hale", Breha said. She walked up next to him. She looked tiny compared to him, in her sleek and light home dress.
Bail saw her look a little bit more intensely at their reflection.
"Of course I'm a bit biased", she said. "I like you being tall and broad, and don't mind at all when something accentuates that."
"Thank you", Bail said. "I was just thinking, since I'm already the tallest person in every room I walk into. I wouldn't want to look too imposing."
"You won't", Breha said without hesitation. "You look too kind for that."
She turned to look at him proper.
"The only tiny downside of your height is that I can't see your cute face all the time straight on", she said.
She smirked when Bail didn't quite manage to fight back the flush.
"You're doing that on purpose", he accused.
Breha tilted her head.
"Yes", she said. "And I can see it's working."
She laughed as Bail picked her up and pressed kisses on her face.
"You work too much", Fox said.
"I'm sure", Bail answered. He bit back a laugh when Fox sighed loudly.
"Yes", Fox said, and flopped down next to him. He wouldn't be staying the whole night in the Cantham house, as it was too far away from the base and he had a shift the next morning, but Bail still enjoyed every moment of every opportunity he had of having Fox in his home. "You work way too much. You're too handsome to work that much."
He brushed, a bit clumsily, Bail's hair away from his face. Now Bail did let out a low laugh.
"Thank you", he said. "I appreciate your opinion on that, though I think the wine is making you exaggerate a bit."
It was making Fox slightly uncoordinated and hazy-eyed. Bail had not thought about the fact that his position as the Commander of the Guard didn't leave Fox with a lot of downtime, and definitely not enough downtime for him to get drunk, like many of his brothers did while they were on Coruscant. The wine they had had earlier that evening had hit Fox a bit harder than was intended.
Fox almost pouted.
"It's not", he said, and sat back up, leaning over Bail slightly. "I'm very correct."
"Of course you are, my love", Bail said, though the amused grin on his face was probably not selling his words to Fox at that moment.
"I am!" Fox said, tapping Bail at his forehead. "You are way too cute to be working so much!"
Oh. Bail had mostly gotten over being embarrassed of how much of an effect such a little word could have on him, but now it hit him on full force again.
"I-" he started, only to be instantly interrupted.
"Way too cute!" Fox repeated. "It should be illegal! I need to call Breha and tell her that she needs to make it a law-"
"Oh, no, no, you don't need to do that right now", Bail hurried to sit up as well as Fox leaned away and started reaching for his commlink. "You can talk to Breha tomorrow, alright? She's probably sleeping already."
Fox blinked a couple of times.
"Oh, right", he said, and turned away from the commlink. He took one look at Bail's face and frowned. "Are you okay? You look very dark on your face."
Oh, Bail was sure he did.
"I'm fine", he said. "How about we lay down for a moment, before I take you back to the base?"
Fox didn't say anything for a moment. He kept staring at Bail, with his brow furrowed, until suddenly his eyes seemed to clear up a bit.
"I see", he said. "Is it because I called you cute?"
He squinted his eyes at Bail when Bail failed to answer immediately.
"Maybe?" Bail knew he was done when Fox slowly nodded at that.
"I see", he said, again. "Interesting."
"It's definitely way too interesting for your current state", Bail said. "Now, lay down, please."
Fox nodded again, and did lay down, though he kept staring at Bail very intently the whole time. He reached his hand, and lightly brushed his fingers over Bail's cheekbone.
"Interesting", he said under his breath, and Bail knew that this wouldn't be the last he heard about this.
Three weeks later, Fox, this time completely sober and clear intention in his eyes, partially climbed over Bail and leaned close.
"Cute", he said, and pressed a feather light kiss on the corner of Bail's mouth. He smirked so smugly at Bail's rapidly warming face that one would've thought he had just won the war all by himself.
That first kiss was definitely the last light touch for the night. Bail was sure that had been the intention all along.
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onceonafullmoon · 9 months
Guessing Game
Rin x GN!Reader
Warning: slight possesive behavior from Rin, not severe but enough to note. Reader is GN but is noted to wear stockings. Reader is a foreigner in Japan. fun fact this was just a mess of dialogue I daydreamed before I actually decided to refine it, maladaptive daydreaming come through 💪🏽💪🏽!!
“…because…stockings are… out of fashion?” You question more than answer before lighting up at your new idea. “Oh that’s why! My fashion choices suck!” He looked distinctly like he wanted to bash his head into the wall, and even with the way he was avoiding answering you, you couldn’t help but feel sympathetic.
“You can’t come to my games.” Rin says abruptly, causing you to pause, your ramblings of all the things you wanted to do now that you’re back in Japan cut off.
“What?” You ask before sitting up on the couch, straightening up to look at him. “Why?”
“You—” He cuts himself off, seemingly trying to find the right words. 
“You’re too distracting.” He eventually settles on, hands fiddling with each other in an uncharacteristic show of nerves that has you furrowing your brows.
“As if!” You scoff. “ How?”
He stares at you, trying to gauge if you’re serious or not. 
“…You seriously don’t know?” He asks after a  bit.
“Oh come on, I mean I’m annoying, but I’m not that annoying, like I’d at least have common decency to shut up during a game.” You say, knowing of your penchant to ramble.
“That’s not why.”
“Oh, then it’s ‘cause I’m a foreigner? I’m sure that’s a little distracting, but too distracting either. I mean, even the most xenophobic person there would stare like… I dunno, 5 minutes before getting over it.” You say, remembering the looks you got when you first moved in middle school.
“No— that’s not it either.” He says, looking more and more put out as you continue.
“Shit, is it my mannerisms then? Like, do I come off as an asshole or something? Or like, a weirdo? I mean, I am pretty weird, but I don’t think that’s obvious at first glance so…”
“‘You ever think it’s because of your looks?” He asks finally, his impatience reaching an all time high.
“Pfft— okay sure, I’m not that ugly.” You laugh, looking at him, only to stop laughing when you see a deadpan look on his face.
“Oh my god, am I?!” You gasp, looking scandalized.
“I didn’t think I was like a model or anything, but I didn’t think I was below average in the looks department either…” You start to ramble, feeling a pit form in your stomach. “I mean Jesus, I know the beauty standards here are harsh, but I didn’t know they were this harsh.”
“Who the fuck told you that you were ugly?” Rin finally asks, his expression equal parts annoyed, angry and confused.
“No one!” You protest, before pointing an accusing finger at him. “It’s just cuz I was joking and saying “I’m not that ugly am I?” And then you gave me your patented ‘(Name) are you an idiot?’ stare, so I just assumed you meant that I was… now that I think about it you probably meant that I was an idiot for thinking that was the reason…”
“You are an idiot.” He sighs, relaxing slightly into the couch with the knowledge that he doesn’t have to fist fight someone. 
(And he would, if it was for you.)
“So that’s the reason? Cause I also feel that’s not obvious at first glance, but I do space out sometimes…” You trail off before looking at him, rolling your eyes as you see his exasperated face. 
“Why are you face palming?” You pout. “If you would just answer my question instead of making me play a guessing game we wouldn’t be in this situation!”
“(Name)...” He says, finally deciding to give you a hint. “...why do you think everyone was looking at you the day you wore stockings?”
“…because…stockings are… out of fashion?” You question more than answer before lighting up at your new idea. “Oh that’s why! My fashion choices suck!”
He looked distinctly like he wanted to bash his head into the wall, and even with the way he was avoiding answering you, you couldn’t help but feel sympathetic.
“…because my fashion choices are good?”
“No, god damn it (Name), it’s because you’re pretty!” Rin finally snaps.
You stare at each other unblinkingly for a few moments, you blank faced, and him growing more and more flustered.
“…for real?” You ask, somewhat flabbergasted, before shaking your head. “Wait, no, you’re joking, okay good one, now tell me the real reason.”
“Why would I lie about something so embarrassing?” Rin says, despite not wanting to admit it.
“Okay, so I’m supposedly really pretty, but I haven’t gotten any valentines?” 
“…of course you did.”
“Yeah exactly so— wait I did? And more importantly how do you know and not me?” You ask, raising a brow in response.
“…” He averts his eyes, not wanting to answer.
“So, you’re lying?”
“No, I— I threw them away.” He admits, looking more sheepish than you’ve ever seen him.
“What?! Why? I know you reject everyone, but that doesn’t mean I have to.” You frown, despite knowing you wouldn’t have accepted any of their confessions.
“That’s the problem.” He begrudgingly says.
“That you don’t have to reject everyone.”
You stare at him, trying to comprehend his words.
“…forget it, I said too much. I should go.” Rin says, moving to get off the couch, but you pull him back with your hands grasping his.
“Wait a minute, you— you like me?!” You gasp out, looking at him with widened eyes.
“Now you use your brain?!” He scoffs more than questions, an unfamiliar blush rising on his cheeks.
“Oh fuck off, you were being purposely vague.” You say, before you switch back into your questioning. “But you… you seriously like me?”
“… I’m… fine, yes, I like you.” Rin says, looking over to see your unreadable expression.
You stare at him again.
“… I’m going now.” He says, pulling his hand free from yours,
“No— wait!” You protest, coming out of your shell shocked state. “No, I’m sorry, I was just— like— shocked, sorry— no, I mean, a good shock, like a birthday present surprise shocked.”
“…what?” Rin questions, trying to keep up with your rambling despite his years of training.
“Ah— that was very poorly worded, I mean— I like you too is what I’m trying to say.” You manage to get out, shooting him a flustered smile.
“…oh.” He gets out.
“…Okay, uh, cool.” You say.
The silence between you both drags on for a bit, until you can’t help it and you start talking again.
“So uh, what exactly is the protocol now cuz I don’t actually know what to do…”
Rin gives you a painfully fond look paired with a rare smile that makes your heart flip.
“You’re so stupid.” He says, although it sounds more like a complement than an insult with the way he sounds.
You smile despite yourself and roll your eyes. “And you’re emotionally constipated, just say I’m cute already.”
“And inflate your ego further?”
“...Says you.” You retort, before pausing briefly to speak again.
“So… Can I come to your game now?”
You pout at his swift decline before giving him a pleading look. 
“… if I wear your jersey can I come to your game?”
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anon-sect · 2 months
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Max was in the back room monitoring the security cameras. He kept an eye on one guy who seemed suspicious. He didn't want to jump to conclusions before seeing any evidence of foul intentions. As he monitored him, he saw him stuff several store items into his jacket and zip it up. He had to teach this shoplifter a lesson. He told one his employees to keep an eye on him while he left to confront the guy.
The employee pointed to the guy when he got in the area of the store. He has had stuff go missing recently but was unable to catch the culprit. "I think you have something that belongs to us." He spoke to the guy, who seemed to brush off the accusation.
"I don't know what you are talking about." Larry replied back, trying to play it off. As long as they couldn't prove it, he could once again get away with stealing from the store. So far, they haven't caught him yet.
Max was not letting him get away with robbing them blind once more. "I saw you on the camera stuffing a few items in your jacket. You can either fess up or I call the police and show them footage from my security cameras." He paused as he decided to increase the pressure on him. "I think you have been the one doing the recent thefts in my store. I am sure my cameras can probably prove it if I look a little further." He finished. If the guy failed to submit, he would proceed with his threat for sure.
Larry didn't need to be arrested for shoplifting. He could call the store owners bluff, but that could land him into a lot of trouble with law enforcement. He didn't want that. He unzipped his jacket and handed the items to the store owner. "Happy now? Can I go?" He asked back, annoyed that he was caught.
Max had no intentions of letting the culprit just walk out his store without learning a valuable lesson. "Sure, just know I will report the other thefts, and report you as the suspect." He threatened to him.
Larry surely didn't want that to happen. He had to bargain with the store owner to keep law enforcement out of the situation. "What can I do to make this situation vanish? Do you want me to never come back into your store ever again?" He asked, wondering what he would request to keep the cops out of this mess.
Max smiled. "A weeks time helping me out here at the store and with other things would do." He offered to him. Max smiled because he knew exactly how the thief was going to help him, and it wasn't just in the store only.
"Okay, deal, just don't call the cops, okay." Larry agreed. He followed the store owner to the back as ordered. Once the door was closed, he saw him hold a strange device in his hands. "You time starts now." The store owner spoke as he fired a ray of light from the device. A few seconds later he lost consciousness and fell to the floor.
Max smiled happily as where the thief once stood was now a black pair of AND1 sneakers. One week's time under his feet should do it, he thought to himself as he took off his current shoes and put on the newly formed sneakers. They felt so good under on his feet. He should try more living inanimate objects more often, he thought.
Larry suddenly awoke to a slightly foul odor. He tried to get away from it but found himself completely unable to move on his own. He also felt himself wrapped around something that was causing him an intense measure of pain. He finally figured it out when he felt toes wiggling on his face. The foul smell was in fact the vinegar smell of sweaty socks. The pressure he felt was feet standing on and crushing his insole face. He was literally a pair of shoes. He knew exactly whose feet was wearing him, the store owner. He wanted to curse the guy out, but now all he wanted to do was be normal again. He didn't want to be footwear. Just standing still was very uncomfortable for him as sneakers. All of the store owner's weight bearing down on him, along with foot odor and sweat. He mentally pleaded for this to be some crazy dream, but it was his reality. A week's time as sneakers, he thought his mind might not survive it.
As Max continued to work, he decided to the thief really needed to learn a lesson that would be permanent. Since he stole from him, he would steal his humanity from the thief. He would keep him as his sneakers and treat him as the object on his feet. No more humanity for the thief. At least this way, he won't have to worry about him stealing from his store ever again. The next thief he catches just might be a pair of socks. If living inanimate objects felt this good, he just might have to get more. As for how the thief would feel about being shoes for the rest of his life, he didn't care how the guy felt about it. Shoes don't have any rights anyway.
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sheetsonfire · 1 year
Fandom: Chicago Med
Characters: Halstead!Sister, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead
Genre: hurt/comfort, illness, fluff
Warnings: seizures, hospitals, injections
Word Count: 1897
Summary: The reader has a rough day of seizures, they are reluctant to go to Med until they have no choice. - but things are always easier with two big brothers by your side.
Requested By chrisevansdaughter: [...] could it be possible for you to do a halstead! Sibling reader where she has seizures, because of previous problems with low blood sugar and she had one whilst they are at home after not feeling the best, but she has to take a trip to lex because they don’t let up but she hates the hospital so it’s just fluff and comfort from a personal experience.
A/N: Thank you so much to @elius-learns-to-write for convincing me this wasn't total garbage. Sorry, it's shorter than usual, I am having a confidence crisis, but I'm working on it! I hope my research on this subject made this more readable.
The first thing that registers is the sharp throb of a headache that radiates throughout your forehead, intense biting stabs that make you wince even in the haze of your semi-consciousness.
The second thing you notice is the heaviness in your limbs, your eyes feel sensitive to the light and your absolute reluctance to move is the giveaway that you hadn’t fallen asleep on the couch in a natural or peaceful way.
Soon the memory of your intense nausea and shaking came back to you. There are vague memories of you trying to make it to the couch but not quite managing it - slumping into the arms of your brother, Jay, who luckily happened to be heading to the kitchen.
Your blood sugar must have been in the tank, causing you to pass out. You started seizing soon after, leaving Jay to holler out to Will who was in his bedroom to bring the emergency kit that he kept for when you stayed over.
The third thing that comes to you is that the ‘pillow’ beneath your head was not a pillow at all, but rather the muscular cushion of someone’s leg.
There's a hushed murmur of conversation that you can't quite concentrate on when a clearer voice reaches you, “Come back to us, kiddo, open those eyes.”
A gentle hand cards through your hair, brushing stray strands away from the clamminess on your forehead - it sparks a flurry of warm memories of being cared for, of being protected, from childhood right to the very present.
The owner of the voice was simultaneously irritating for asking that you wake up, but also soothing upon registering it to be the voice of your brother Will.
“Mngh, no. Hurts.” You mumble, turning yourself to face the back of the sofa, trying to somehow make Will’s leg comfier to rest your head on.
Your brother chuckles, squeezing your shoulder, “I know, I know it does, but I need to make sure the glucagon is doing its job.” Ah, yes, the magic of glucagon, the thing in charge of keeping your blood sugar in check, especially after a seizure.
“You finished napping yet?” Another voice comes from the direction of the kitchen, and you huff, playfully punching Will in the knee.
Will sulks as he pays for Jay’s teasing remark, “Hey! What was that for? I’m not the one accusing you of napping.”
You groan as you try and sit up, squeezing your eyes shut as the headache zings behind your eyes. “Mh, you’re closer, otherwise he’d get it.”
“He deserves it more anyway, he’s the one that stabbed you.” The voice is closer to you, on the couch, by your other side. Jay makes yet another joke as he tries to keep the mood light, wrapping an arm around you to steady you in your newly upright position.
“How are we doing, sweetheart?” He asks softly, being more sincere now that he was taking a look at you. You were groggy and in discomfort - seizures often took it out of you.
“Peachy.” You grunt, opening a weary eye to see Jay offering you a sandwich and a bottle of water. Something with carbs was always advised after a seizure, and Jay was usually the one to take care of that department, he always made the best sandwiches. ‘Thanks, Jay.” You murmur, sitting still as you slowly snack on your recovery food taking sips in between.
Jay's warm palm moving in small circles on your back is a safety blanket for you, feeling the tension between your shoulders and at the base of your neck begin to melt away.
You answer Will’s questions as you let him take the new readings with a finger-prick test, the method he swore by due to the delay in a glucose monitor reading.
Jay had taken that time to focus on looking out the window, moving his view away from the needle.
Will does what he needs to do with the lancet, pricking you for a sample of blood.
Like a well-practised dance, Will takes the test strip with your blood and inserts it into the meter, waiting for it to provide a reading, whilst you hold a small piece of gauze to the prick on your finger.
Will sighs, humming in concern.
“These levels aren’t what I’d like, Y/N, if it gets worse or you start to feel like you’re gonna seize again, we’re going to Med.”
Jay turns back to you at those words, a grimace on his face, knowing that your reaction to Will’s decision would be emphatically in opposition.
“Will, seriously? No way, I hate that place, I’ll be fine!” You try and stand up to prove your point, only to feel the world swim and your legs fail to cooperate.
“Woah, hey.” Jay is quick off the mark, hooking his arm around you to bring you back down to the couch.
You glance at Will who’s got his hands out to steady you too, you involuntarily scowl at his “Told you so.” expression.
“A little backup would be nice.” Will addresses Jay, scratching at his head as he wonders whether he should just take you to Med now, not missing the way you try to act like you’re not moments away from passing out again.
“Don’t look at me, you’re the doctor and the bad cop in this situation, I get to be the good cop when it comes to medical emergencies.” Jay seems rather smug and it makes you laugh half-heartedly despite your exhaustion and shakiness, both you and he shared a deep disdain for Will’s place of work.
You’re trying to get up again, not really sure where you want to go or what you want to do. A fog of confusion shimmers in your mind, and before you know it Will is grasping your shoulders, looking at Jay.
“Lay her down on the floor.” Will commands, and Jay wastes not a second in obeying. He shifts to support your head and gently encourages you to lie down on the floor, giving you one of those stern yet loving looks as you try and resist. He’s watching worriedly as your eyes wander erratically, knowing you’re trying to fight what’s coming.
“It’s alright, Y/N, just-” Jay’s about to encourage you to let it happen, to let them take care of you when your whole body goes limp. Jay holds you steady, turning you on your side as you begin to convulse again.
Will moves back to his kit, preparing a secondary dose of glucagon, there’s little Jay can do but stop you from hurting yourself as you ride it out.
Your brothers share a look as Will injects you in your upper arm, there’s an unspoken agreement that there is no choice but to take you to Med now, they needed to get this under control in a secure environment with additional solutions available - even if that meant you’d be in a sour mood later, they would take it.
The second you consciously smell the air after waking up you let out a disgruntled groan, you knew exactly where you were - and it wasn’t Will's apartment anymore.
You were indeed at Chicago Med, and more specifically in the diabetic clinic on the third floor - a space you were unfortunately all too familiar with.
“Hey kiddo, you with us?” A gentle voice pulls you to open your eyes properly, scanning the room briefly your gaze settles on Jay sitting on the chair beside your bed, smiling at the sight of you finally awake.
He had his detective badge around his neck.
Observant as he was trained to be, he clocks the question on your lips, and speaks before you can ask, “Visting hours were over a few hours ago, so was shift change - so I may or may not have implied it was a police matter of importance that I was here with you.”
You laugh groggily, but then it falters into a frown, softly chastising your brother. “Jay, I shouldn’t get special treatment.”
Jay chuckles too, you were always conscious of not using his job nor Will’s to get any kind of tenuous form of preferential care. Your self-awareness was something he admired about you.
“I know, I’m sorry, sweetheart…” Jay pauses, scratching at the back of his head. “But uh, Will got called in downstairs, and I couldn’t sit at home alone knowing you were up here alone too… You worried me today, Y/N.” There’s a somberness in Jay’s eyes, he didn’t do well with not being able to have control over a situation, and not being able to help fully was one of his biggest struggles.
Your eyes soften, carefully reaching out a hand to hold Jay’s. “Big brother, I’m alright, they’re really great at what they do here, I’m sure they’re gonna figure out how to keep me on a safer track with all this. I’m feeling better, I promise.”
Jay shakes his head with a smile, despite your disdain for the hospital you had always done better than him. “When did you get so wise?” He teases, squeezing your hand gently.
“I’ve always been wise, thank you very much.” You snipe jokingly, taking mock offence to the idea that you hadn’t always been of sound logic and optimism.
“Yes you have, you definitely get that from me though, not this guy.” Will’s voice catches your attention, he was now in scrubs and had you giggling a little more as he poked fun at Jay.
Your other brother studies you with his medical eyes and then his worried sibling ones, approaching the free side of your bed. He smoothes out the flyaway hairs atop your head, giving your shoulder a squeeze. “How are we doing, kiddo?”
A yawn escapes you, still holding Jay’s hand as you shrug, reaching for Will’s hand too, “Much better. I’m sorry I caused such a fuss. Do they know what’s going on?”
“Nothing to be sorry for, Y/N.” Will reassures, “They think you might have overdone it this week with the extra shifts you took on after school, your body couldn’t keep up.”
You sigh with an understanding nod, it didn’t surprise you that was the cause of your problems, “I thought I was doing a good job of keeping up, guess not.”
Will gives you a reassuring smile, “Hey, it’s alright, sometimes we can’t always get it right. You know you can always ask me or Jay to help you keep track or reassess, it’s not a bother.”
“Never a bother. It’s not even a question.” Jay chimes in, squeezing your hand gently.
Listening to their reassurance made you feel more relaxed for the first time in a few days, knowing that it was okay to take it easy and rely on your brothers a little more than you had been lately. “Thanks, guys. I guess you are pretty good brothers after all, even if you did stab me with needles and drag me here.”
The two of them laugh at your slight pout, Will looks at you with that smug face, “Sweetheart, sorry to say but we’d do it again and again if it meant getting you better.”
“And I carried you, actually, there was no dragging.” Jay corrects, feeling smug.
You huff, but you’re smiling too, slapping at both of their arms playfully, “Figures.”
tags: @chrisevansdaughter - @elius-learns-to-write - @resanoona - @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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checkedandfound · 1 month
Theories on recent drop in content:
*Disclaimer: please note that these notes have my personal take on them, they are not to demean or put anyone down. I don't consider myself to be a part of any specific fandom, but I do enjoy talking and theorising about my favorite shows/movies/anime/dramas - that said, I will say clearly; I am not just a Polin fan, nor am I just a Kanthony fan - I am mainly a bridgerton fan.*
Personally I think all of these uploads are staged 🤔 am I complaining? Not at all but it does make me wonder about how many people have caught on, and if they will do the same thing for future seasons (assuming the show will go on till at least 6 to 8 seasons).
We got our CARRIAGE SCENE OMG like the way my heart dropped, but I would like to eco someons here and say the last scene of the leaked sneak peak trailer could be spliced, because Pen looks like she just saw colin opening the door to her carriage, where as Colin looks like he is in the carriage arguing with Pen.
Also I checked out the person who gave the insider info about 1 to 6 ep of season 3 on reddit - I would say what they have said is contradicting alot from what we have heard, seen and got (again no accusations here, I just have a feeling that there is not a whole lot of truth in what they have said but again maybe I could be wrong too)
TBH I have no issues with Benny or Colin really exploring themselves a bit, when of course used for proper plot relevance ofc. The latest 2 sec scene of Benny and Lady Tilly making out was though okay.
I do a 80% think we will get our confrontation b/w Pen and Colin - he will find out for sure the Pen is Lady whistledown, I do think they might teak it a bit and to amp up the drama, could show that they are being followed by the people of the place.
I totally get when people say if there is any of the siblings who has taken after their mother (violet) - it's Colin for sure. Plus the friends to lovers trope is such a vital part from Violet's story (and will be later for Fran's story as well).
There are always candles, mirrors and/or the color red following the shots when colin is looking at Pen. Coutresy of @waltricia going in such detail! Do check their blog out cause their keen eye is the type to look forward too.
And omg the theme of spiring is SUCH a wonderful tone to the whole season - knowing both Bees and Butterfly get their nector/polin from flowers - and it's not just surrounding them, because as we could see our latest shot of our dear Victountess smelling some (I have a very strong sense it's because her time to get a new beginning is coming as a child will enter either at the start or will be announced in part 2 ending). Also to add on here that in Greek mythology, flowers represent fertility. And specifically the flowers that our she is smelling. - again thanks to @waltricia, I could really put my lazar shape focus on this detail 😂
I absolutely love how whenever there is a vulnerable scene for Pen, the lighting represents moonlight or soft violet/blue light on her. And when it's revelations, For both Pen and Colin - the lighting starts glowing on their face and you could see they are in the spot light.
Also from the interview I definitely get the vibe that the next season we could have our main couple as Eloise/Philip - again just an opinion but plotwise I would actually like to see a mix of both El and Benny's season (as you can see, I have a soft spot for one Mr. bridgerton in particular, soft yet confident emotionally caring men are my weakness). Personally it would make alot of sense cause both stories are interconnected, we'll also get to know more about Polin, etc.
Also also, when I read the season 3 ep 1 over view on reddit - the way I gasped! Because a line mentioned there was how when the mondrichs got their new estate, they have a relative named MICHAEL?! (Those who know, they know from the books), who was coming to town so maybe instead of just being cousins with John (Fran's 1st husband), he could be also related to our dear Mondrichs 🥺.
~ Fin ~
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hulhudhonado · 6 months
Petty Crimes
Synopsis: Wriothesley just can't seem to get a certain journalist off his back. But to his surprise this journalist is very thorough with their work and it seems they aren't willing to give up just yet.
CW: -
HC: Reader is gender-neutral and uses They/Them pronouns, Reader does not have a vision. Reader is a journalist working at The Steambird.
Characters: Wriothesley, Sigewenne, Mentions of Neuvillette,Furina, Traveler and Paimon
Note: Ok, I promise I'm writing the Neuvillette one, it just is much longer than I expected so I apologise for that. Instead have this one which is shorter but I am still proud of it. I love Wriothesley's design and attacks and LORE but had to skip the banner because I wanted Furina so badly. So think of this as me coping with that. There are going to be some Fontaine spoilers but honestly, it is so little I don't think most people would notice it. As always please make sure to interact with the post, I love seeing the tags or comments I get in the posts, and I'm glad people like my silly ideas about characters I like. Enjoy!
The first time you ended up in the prison was by accident. You just happened to be with a kamera at the wrong place and time and ended up being accused as a stalker. Since the judgment was decided by the Iudex and the court now, the easiest solution was to throw you in prison until the actual perpetrator had come to light. At the time you were cussing and throwing hands with the guards but the minute the Duke came into your vision you couldn’t help but halt.
You couldn’t believe it, this was every Steambird employee’s dream. To be able to meet the Duke and have a proper interview with him would reach the headlines in an instant. However, to no one’s surprise, he had rejected your proposition. Before you could make any more moves to convince him, the actual culprit was found with the help of the traveller and his flying partner and you were forced to say goodbye to the Fortress of Meropide. Just like you had entered, you were kicking and screaming when they threw you out.
So you had to make a plan to somehow enter back inside. Being an esteemed journalist at The Steambird, it was no surprise they refused to let you in and casually stay in the prison. Most criminals tend to stay there even after their term is over but you didn’t have an actual reason to be there. But if you wanted to get a scoop before Charlotte could beat you to it, you needed to take some desperate measures.
- - -
“So, you were sentenced to 30 days in the Fortress of Meropide for taking a picture of Lady Furina while she was chasing her hat that was blown away by the wind?” Wriothesley could only raise an eyebrow at the statement. It wasn’t a surprise that some people ended up here for ridiculous reasons, but the amount that you had accumulated over one year was just unbelievable.
There was the time you decided to release a bunch of birds inside the Opera Epicles. It wouldn’t have been an issue to get them out, but somehow you managed to train them so they could coordinate their movements to somehow re-enter the Opera Epicles after they were thrown out.
 Then there was the time you filled all the water fountains in the district with Fonta and to this day people still cannot figure out how you got your hands on such a large shipment without any suspicions arising. 
To put it simply, the list was endless and at this point, you had probably been in and out of jail more than any citizen he had met. He honestly would not have cared the slightest about you if it wasn’t the fact HE was the reason you were acting like this.
You beamed at him in glee, notebook and pen ready in your hands. He could also see the kamera peaking out of your satchel, probably filled with a brand new film. He tried not to scowl. He couldn’t help but be a bit annoyed by your persistence.
“You know with a track record like this, everything you have done up to now is going to sound more interesting than whatever comes out of my mouth.” He sighed, dropping the papers onto his desk and to no one’s surprise, you immediately began to write down everything he said.
“Maybe for another journalist, but what point is it for me to write about my own stories? I write scoop about celebrities, not my memoirs. ” You answer, pen on your chin trying to figure out which category his statements could fit.
Wriothesley could only sigh. Every time he did all he could remember was Sigewinne’s words. 
‘ Don’t sigh too much, you’re going to end up sighing away all your happiness!’
It was a shame he couldn’t keep his promise, but honestly, the only one he could blame was the columnist who sat right across him. “ I am no celebrity. My answer remains unchanged. No interview.” He reached over for his cup of tea, which had turned cold at this point. He didn’t realise that time had passed so suddenly. It seemed you were just capable of taking over a person’s life just like that.
He tried to stand up to make a new cup only for you to halt him. “Oh did your tea get cold? Sorry, let me make you one.” Before he could react you already took his cup and made your way to the kettle. He blinked in confusion before settling back into his chair. “Are you even sure you can make it right?” He decided to humour both you and himself. He knew you were just trying to suck up to him so he might change his mind, he wasn’t dumb though. Maybe he could use it to his advantage and kick you out of his office. As he tried to wrack up another reason to kick you back outside, a fresh new cup of tea was placed before him. 
And it was perfect.
The tea was infused almost too well. It was pure black with no random additives that Sigewinne insisted were better for his health. No sugar, creamer or milk. There weren’t even any tea leaves left in the brew.
He took a sip, surprised with how it wasn’t boiling since you had just prepared it. A suitable warmth reached his lips as he took a sip of it. He had to stop himself before he could chug it down. He wasn’t an animal, he knew proper tea etiquette.
“Are you a fan of tea, Journalist?” He asked unconsciously. He wished he had shut his mouth, you already write down everything that comes out of his mouth and he didn’t need to give you any more leverage. To his surprise, you didn’t immediately go and reach for your notebook once again.
Instead for once, you looked away from him, refusing to meet his eyes. “I do partake in tea sometimes but I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite. I prefer sugary drinks usually.” You answer, sheepishly brushing your hands together, continuing to look away. Wriothesley squinted at you, unsure whether you were acting shy due to embarrassment or because you were a bad liar. “This tea is steeped far too well for you to be saying that.”
You almost immediately beamed up, your shy demeanour leaving in an instant. “Oh! That’s because I learnt how you liked to brew your tea!” Your eyes reached his and he wondered if you realized what you had just admitted to.
“Isn’t it a bit suspicious you know that?” He asked, taking another sip, it was certainly good tea. You again turned embarrassed. “Well, you tend to pick up some things when you stay around a certain place often.”
“Oh?” His curiosity getting the better of him, leaned towards the desk to fully take you in. “Please do tell me what you have collected thus far.” 
“Well, a journalist can’t show everything they have gathered, unless it’s properly published.” You mumble, trying to slowly back away from his desk. For once you were trying to get away rather than him trying to get rid of you. It intrigued him a bit, what else were you hiding? “Well, unless you do have permission, I doubt you will be going around publishing articles. That is unless you were a scandalous reporter?”
He was shocked to see how wide your eyes grew, for once your usual reporter nature had gone from your face, now looking like any normal citizen living in Fontaine. “I would never! It is unethical!” You defended yourself, you would never dare to publish articles without people’s permission. “Then you wouldn’t mind me reviewing what you have unless you have something to hide?”
And that was how Wriothesley ended up with all your documents, which were now scattered on the desk alongside your prison testaments. You only handed him the documents relating to him but he was surprised to see that you have accumulated quite a number of them. It made him wonder why even bother with an interview if you already had so much knowledge about him.
“This is everything? You have been working hard it seems.” He said. His teacup was now empty, but he needed a new brew if he had to sit all day just to read through everything that was left. You had already collected his entire existence on these papers. His best and his worst moments.
“You know, now I’m starting to doubt that your first imprisonment was a mistake.” He chuckled to himself, which only made you feel red hot with embarrassment. “This is all public knowledge. Sure some were a bit harder to find but if you know what you’re looking for it gets easier” You mumble, fidgeting with your hands. He wondered why you were so embarrassed.
Everything written here was all about him, but you acted as if you were the one on full display. He continued to flip through what you had written. The words you had articulated were quite intriguing, if you did write a scoop about him he was certain he would have had his nose in the papers as well. All your points had thorough evidence with the times and dates it was recorded. There was even certain information he completely forgot about himself.
“You know, with such extensive research you have done, you can pretty much write a whole article about me. Hell, you could even fake an interview with me and I would honestly think I did an interview with you and forgot about it.” He said, placing down your work on the desk once more so he could fully take you in.
He wasn’t one to pay attention to the little details if he wasn’t interested but when he took another look at you, it felt as if he was seeing a completely new person. Your notebook was tucked into the little front pocket of your shirt, and he could see scratches and marks on the visible part that stuck out. Some corners of the pages were dog-eared while others had little sticky tabs poking out from them. Your pen was now tucked behind your ear, it was blue, the colour that usually was smudged on the palm of your hands which you were currently fiddling with. Lastly, your Kamera, the film may have been brand new but the Kamera was fairly old, a dent was visible on the top and he could see a sticker of a Melusine on its side, the same one he would see stuck on his gauntlets from time to time.
You suddenly didn’t seem like the annoying tenacious reporter on his back. You were a journalist, a writer. You had something you wanted to work on. A passion which seemed to exceed expectations. You were not worried to ask questions over and over until you got an answer but you were embarrassed to showcase your work, afraid of the judgment that others give. 
“You know you don’t need to have an interview with me? You can just write whatever it is here and get it done.” He answered, collecting all your research together to hand it back to you.
You shook your head, sighing. You finally turned to look at him. The prison was not known for its lighting but the way the light reflected onto your eyes made it shine with a passion he couldn’t seem to grasp. It almost distracted him from your words.
“It isn’t the same. I want it to be authentic. All of this-” You pointed at your work, which was a full stack at this point. “ was just from the ‘grapevine’ as some may say. I want to hear about your experiences and thoughts from you.”
He thought about your words. It bounced in the walls of his head, like an unstoppable echo. No one up to this point had ever bothered to go directly to him to ask about certain things. It was always the rumours. 
The Duke bought his title. 
The Duke would snap your neck if you looked at him wrong.
The Duke is under a permanent sentence in the Fortress of Meropide.
And here you were, asking him directly, even though everything written in your documents was fully true with proof, whether he could give some time of his day just to ask the same questions all these papers could answer.
He could only chuckle, one that wasn’t in a joking tone. “You like me quite a lot don’t you, Journalist?”
He watched as your sincere reporter's face morphed into what he could only describe as pure embarrassment. He was only shocked with his words but your expression completely delayed his bashful reaction. Instead, he smirked, a bit satisfied for once you weren’t on your high horse.
You grabbed the documents, stuffing them into your satchel and shutting it so quickly he could hear how crumpled they were getting.
“Well, it seems since you aren’t willing to do an interview today I’ll come again another time.” You almost yell, trying your best to close your bag so none of the papers would slip out.
“You’re right, aren’t you glad you have more than 30 days to ask me again?” He retorted, only to see your eyes grow wider. He was certain if he could touch your face, it would have been burning up with how much blood had rushed to your face.
Before anything else could have been said, you turned around rushing yourself out the door. He watched as you scattered down the stairs, making sure not to fall before finally hearing the door shut loudly, the metal clamps echoing in his office. However not a second later the door hinges squeaked once more, and you peeked your head a bit from the staircase.
“Um, goodbye, for now, Sir.” 
And with that you rushed back down once more, door shutting as loud as it did the first time you left. And Wriothesley could only laugh, he wasn’t sure if he had laughed so much before his entire life. Who would have thought that the pure journalist might have a slight crush on him? It intrigued him a bit.
You were here but the only proof of your essence was in your prison statements and the teacup which you brewed tea for him. You were careful not to leave any of your documents or items around, it prevented Wriothesley from coming after you because technically he had nothing to hold against you.
However, he knew he probably would not be able to see you for some time unless you finally got the courage to come to him again. He fiddled with the empty teacup once more. Well, who knows, maybe he would finally come around to doing that interview with you, perhaps he will answer one question at a time while you brew him another cup or for a change of pace he could brew a cup for you instead. You would like sugar in yours, wouldn't you?
It seemed now he had to do his little research on you and maybe, just like you, be a little petty just to be able to see you every day during your 30-day prison sentence.
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circusmania · 4 months
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Notes: This story is first-person narration, since I couldn't decide on an x reader or x oc. This gives free imagination on who will be in the main character's shoes. The main character will be a nameless character, meaning no one will address the main as anything specific. The only detail will be that the main is perceived as a male.
STORY INTEL: A new boy, Marcus, has just transferred to Cheshire High. Everyone is warned to stay away from him, as he looks as if he just crawled out of a grave. However, our main character seems to be somewhat drawn to him. Judy displays her negative feelings towards Marcus, wanting the main character to stay away from him. Although she seems unreasonable, there has to be more to the story, right? Just what are they hiding? What secrets lie in wait for him to uncover?
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
I wish that
Across your back
Was a zipper
And that I
Could just crawl in
Forever a part of you.
I'm suddenly shaken awake. I look to my side to find my girlfriend, Judy Presley, giggling to herself.
“Sleeping already? Class barely started!”
I quietly laughed, raising my head to look at her.
“I've been busy with football practice, I'm worried about the upcoming tournament. I've only just found out that Oliver broke his-”
“Hey, no worries!” Judy rubbed my back. “You can come over to my house today, so you can catch up on some sleep.” She winked.
I laid my head back onto my crossed arms on the table. I wasn't in the mood for that today… Anyway, I ready myself to fall back into slumber, fully expecting to be hugged by sleep.
However, that idea was cut short when the teacher clapped his hands.
“Quiet down everyone, today we have a new student.” This piqued my interest. “Marcus, come on in.”
A tall, slender boy with long (and I mean hip-long) black hair came in. His hair covered half his face, with only the septum piercing and mouth left out in the open. I could tell he was a gothic-alt based on his clothes.
Judy cringed next to me. “What's with this guy? He's so ... depressed, looking. She chuckled, causing” the teacher to look our way.
“Alright, Marcus, go sit at the desk table next to Judy. Judy, raise your hand, please.”
Marcus sat at the nearby desk; there was something about him, I couldn't pinpoint. I realized I was staring too long when Judy elbowed me.
“Ow!” I whisper-yelled.
“SH! You two!” The teacher side-eyed us both before going back to teaching.
“What's with the staring?” She asked, suspiciously.
“Nothing just found him-”
“Weird, satanic, faggy-”
“JUDY! You can't say that!-”
“I've had it with you both! Since you both cannot stop being lovey-dovey with each other…” The teacher scanned around the room, “Judy switch with Marcus.”
“But sir, I-” Judy argued, still blushing from the lovey-dovey accusation.
“No buts Judy, if you're going to be disrespectful in my class you're going to be punished. This isn't kindergarten anymore.” He said, turning back to the blackboard.
I whispered a silent apology to her, but I'm not sure if she heard it.
She sighed before grabbing her stuff and standing up. She passed Marcus, silently glaring at him before sitting down. I'm sure she won't let me hear the end of it at lunch…
I looked back at Marcus, who was now organizing his binder and pencil case, occasionally looking up at the lesson. Now I could get a better look at him. His clothes consisted of only black and grey shades with ripped baggy jeans, platform boots, and a t-shirt with some rock band, I presume. He wore all kinds of chains, necklaces, earrings, and rings.
He was the complete polar opposite of Judy. She always put her light brown hair in a ponytail with a white bow, wore perfect matching season clothes, and had well-made makeup. I would be lying if I said she wasn't something but, Marcus, he was also something… Wait, why am I comparing them??
I rubbed my temples and groaned.
I looked back at Marcus, only to be met with him facing me!
“You have very pretty eyes.” He said, giving me an affiliative smile.
Gasp His voice?? Holy shit, it's … almost unrealistic…
“T-thank you…”
I internally slapped myself, was I seriously stuttering?? God, I'm so embarrassed.
I heard him lightly chuckle beside me.
What's going on with me? I must be coming down with something!
゚+: *✧・゚:﹤ 🔔🔔🔔﹥: ・゚✧*:+゚
“Judy this, Judy that, shut your goddamn mouth!” I shut my locker, half listening to Judy's rant. “I hate that fucking teacher! Who does he think he is, separating us like that!?” I nod, just letting her get it all out of her system.
“Hey guys, wait up!” A small voice behind us made Judy shut up.
We both turned towards a familiar girl. Vanessa Kareem, Judy's BFF (as she calls it). Vanessa and her have always been friends. She was pretty much the spitting image of Judy except for her black silky hair that was in a grunge haircut, her blue eyes, and her much paler skin.
“Hey V, how's it going?” Judy smiled, forgetting all about her rant.
“Nothing much, however, you'll never guess what happened! I've just received another A! In science too!” She waved her test around, looking at me for words of praise.
“Oh, uh, congrats Vanessa, although I'm not all that surprised… you're pretty smart. I can't remember the last time you've gotten a B.” I rub the back of my neck.
“Me neither…” Judy said, a bit sourly.
Vanessa laughed, “Oh, stop it! Both of you! He-he. Anyway, how are you guys?”
“I'm glad you asked, we're doing pretty miserable,” And there she goes again… “I got switched seats with the new vampire wannabe.”
Vanessa blinked. “You two aren't sitting together anymore?”
“No! Can you believe it!? We always sit together! Ugh! I'm so pissed off! Fuck that new kid.” Judy screamed.
“Hey, don't say that! He's not all bad.” I intervened.
“And what makes you say that?” Judy cocked an eyebrow.
“He… He said my eyes looked nice.” I pinched the palm of my hand.
“Your eyes indeed do look nice,” Vanessa said, causing Judy to side-eye her.
“Yeah, well, I say that all the time! As a matter of fact, I think your hair looks immaculate today!”
“Thank you, Judy, and erm, Vanessa.” I give them both a wary smile before continue walking to the cafeteria.
There, MY best friend, Omar Thomerson, sat devouring his lunch. Omar, he's been with me since the universe was created. We're convinced we were best friends in our past lives. I've always thought of him as the geek in our friendship. He's always been obsessed with any fantasy fiction he can grab on. Greek mythology, science-fiction, astrology, you name it. He has dark brown hair with a shag haircut, freckles, and brown eyes. His typical wear is a worn-out hoodie and cargo pants.
“Hey, Hey, there's my best friend!” Omar patted the seat next to him.
I sat down with Judy and Vanessa trailing after me. I gave him a high five before opening my lunch box.
We all chatted and ate, Omar occasionally bringing up the big party he is planning on having at his house this weekend.
“Our whole grade is going to be invited! You guys better all be coming, especially you” Omar said, smirking at me.
“The whole grade? Don't you think that's too much? I mean, I know you own a big house but…” She sighed, “Not only that, but I might have plans this weekend.” Judy said, taking another bite of her salad.
“I'm for sure coming, I would never miss your parties!” I slap his back jokingly.
“I'll be going too!” Vanessa beamed.
“Well… maybe I'll have time to swing by,” Judy said.
“Great! I'll be holding you all to that then.” Omar smiled.
We continued our conversation until something caught my eye, a familiar half-face going out the back cafeteria door. The only thing behind there are dumpsters and roaches…
“Hang on, guys, I'll be back.” I squeezed out of my seat.
“Want me to come with you?” Judy sat up.
“No, no, I won't be long anyway,” I said before running out after Marcus.
I opened the back door and closed it behind me. I looked around and as expected there were only dumpsters.
I advanced towards one of them and looked behind it, but nothing-
“What are you doing?”
Want to read ahead? Click here!
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freya learning she is a grandmother. (Baldur daughter)
I included before and after scenarios of Baldur and Freyas falling out, because I couldn't resist lol.
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Headcanon/Preference # 16
Picture NOT mine.
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| Before the falling out |
• So if this happens before she casts her spell to protect her son...
• She will make an even worse mistake.
• You're so little and frail, so sweet and beautiful. A true gem to the realms, and the fruit of Baldurs light.
• So in order to protect you, she impulsively casts the spell over you instead of her son.
• She was ecstatic to be a grandmother, and to care for you whenever you're father would allow her to.
• She thought she was doing a good thing by casting her protection spell over you.
• But when she comes to realize the repercussions of her actions... The side affects the spell had on you.
• She felt horrible, and tried her best to keep it from Baldur, fearing he would keep you from her.
• That didn't last long, he knew you so well already, and the moment he realized you no longer cared to eat anything, though the lack of nourishment never seemed to harm you.
• And you no longer reacted when he blew raspberries onto your pudgy little tummy, something that used to put you into a fit of giggles so strong you often spit up a bit.
• He immediately sought out healers to make sure you were not ill.
• And when he learned it was magic... Vanir magic... He immediately turned to his mother, accusing her of all sorts of horrible things.
• She tried to defend herself, and tried to make him understand that she was only trying to protect you.
• But her pleas fell on deaf ears.
• In Baldur's eyes, she had betrayed him in the worst possible way, she had cursed his child, his only child.
• He would never forgive her for this, and if he were strong enough, he'd have killed her for it.
• Baldur's light grew dark, but never against you, his little shining star.
• And he swore that no matter what it took, he'd find a way to reverse this, even if that meant traveling to unknown worlds.
• Even if he had to fight dragons, trolls, giants, or ogres with his bare hands, or even burn worlds to ash and ruin, he'd find a way.
• You were still a babe when she was cast out, and you don't actually remember her, but you do remember the lullaby she used to hum to you.
| After the falling out |
• She never knew about you until Atreus mentioned the young god/goddess traveling with Baldur.
• She tried to subtly ask Atreus about you, and with how close he describes your relationship, she initially assumes you're a lover.
• Desperate to know more she scours Midgard for more answers, and is astonished to find you are in fact Baldur's child.
• She's hurt that she was never told about your birth, or that she was there to watch you grow.
• She's also honestly surprised Odin didn't rub the news in her face, considering everything else he's done to her.
• Now that she knows about you, she's desperate to meet you. Even so desperate to go to Mímir for advice on how she could cross paths with you.
• And eventually that time comes, and you meet her while scouting for your father. Which is probably ideal considering he'd freak out if he knew.
• You're admittedly confused when this strange woman begins talking to you as if she'd known you your whole life.
• "Look at how beautiful you've become." She beamed. "You have your father's eyes." Her own eyes glossed over.
• "Do I know you?" You questioned, your hand placed on the hilt of your sword, unsure if you could trust this woman.
• She notices your unease, and hold her hands up a little to show you she means no harm. "I'm afraid not, but I know you."
• "Who are you?" You demanded with a growing fire in your eyes, it's then she realizes you've inherited not only your father's rage and distrust, but his father's as well.
• "I am your grandmother Freya." She explains with a sad smile, wishing she could embrace you in a warm and reassuring hug.
• You scowl in return. "You're the reason my father suffers." You hiss with venom, and she wondered for a moment if you'd kill her for it.
• She bowed her head in shame, you'd probably never understand her side of the story, as your father had clearly ingrained his side into your mind.
• "You better hope father doesn't find you. He intends on killing you if he ever does." You warned before stalking away, vanishing before she could stop you.
• She felt even worse now, than she had when she first found out about you.
• Because now she had met you, and she knew you cared not for her, you didn't sympathize with her.
• You merely pitted her, and that hurt so much more, than if you had outright hatted her.
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