#i am taking night classes to get better at writing my little guys lol
itstimeforstarwars · 5 months
I’m taking a class about medics and hospitals and after every class I take I have to heroically refrain from rewriting a different chapter in galidraan.
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lainiespicewrites · 9 months
Someone to take her home
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Hey guys so I wrote this a while ago! This is a Henry one shot it an OFC because I'll die on the self insert hill! LOL it gives me so much comfort. Is that weird IDK. Anyway this story is kind of heavy. I wrote this to get out some feelings about an SA that I had experienced. I've always been someone that if I'm stressed I rewrite the situation with a comforting outcome or a better outcome to release the stress or make myself feel better. I wanted to sort of write myself a way to get some comfort from the trauma. And I hope having a character like this sweet soft version of Henry may help some of you too. I never reached out for myself for help and maybe I should have but if you experienced something please talk to someone. If you need someone to talk to or just want a place to let it out my DM's are a safe space <3 Just as disclaimer this doesn't mention any of the actual situation that happened to me. Just a filler to get out the emotion. Still this is a fluff with lots of love and sweet gentle young Henry bc I just know in my soul this was and is how he is as a person!
Warnings: Light Cursing, Trauma, Mentions of sexual assault. (Please reach out for help even if it's just talking to someone about your situation. My DM's are open if y'all wanna talk after this <3)
Description: OFC goes to college party and meets Henry and they become fast friends. and he helps her when things turn bad with a guy he warned her about.
I stared at myself in the mirror one more time. I needed to leave soon. If I looked any longer I would find something I hated and talk myself out of going. So I grabbed my bag and turned off my bedroom light. Nervous didn’t begin to describe how I was feeling. I’d never been to a party like this before. Sure I’d been out a few times in high school. But it was usually theater cast parties. And one time my friend and I stole some captain morgan from her parents liquor cabinet. But this was on an entirely different scale. 
Most of my drinking was a night in with the girls with wine or movie night drinking games. God I sound so boring. It’s not that I don’t enjoy partying. I was genuinely excited to be invited out tonight. Lilly and I had worked together for a few assignments in class. And we would say hi when we ran into each other in the dorms. But, I never expected to get a text this afternoon inviting me to her boyfriend's party. Purdue was an incredibly large campus. Upwards of 40,000 plus students. Yet somehow Lilly’s boyfriend Riley Hardesty seemed to know everyone. He was known for throwing huge parties all year. They weren’t exclusive. You could just be driving through the neighborhood and stop in.  But she told me a friend of  Riley’s had asked her about me. 
Matt Parker. I know of him. He’s in my English 204 lecture. But we’ve never talked. But he is really attractive. So maybe something good would come from all of this! I decided just to walk as my dorm wasn’t far from the house Riley and his roommates lived in. It was a cool night in mid october and I was definitely regretting the little black denim skirt I was wearing. I was smart enough to wear a cardigan but it was still cold. Thank God it's only 2 blocks down. I bit my lip nervously. Am I even going to know anyone here? Anyone I actually talk to? It’s too late now. I already got dressed and ready. I walked here. I have to go through with this. 
I took a deep breath and walked inside. Things were already full swing. I could hear the music outside before I even opened the door. No one seemed to notice me and honestly I was okay with that. I looked around scanning the room. Almost everyone had a drink in hand, standing around in groups talking. The smell of  pot hit me immediately as I started to walk through the house. I wasn’t  the least bit surprised. I made my way to the kitchen where I found multiple drinks, alcohol and mixers available. I kept it simple and grabbed a wine cooler. Something fruity. I was definitely going to need a buzz if I was going to be here longer than 5 minutes.
 I pushed my way out of the kitchen and found a quiet corner to drink and observe for a while. I was busy listening to some guys talk about last weekend's football game when I heard someone’s voice. And I realized they were talking to me. I shifted my eyes seeing a guy standing next to me. He was maybe 6’1, blue eyes, and brown hair with soft curls. I gave him a gentle smile,
“I’m sorry, what was that?” I asked. He smiled and chuckled softly. His smile was beautiful. 
“I uh, Just noticed your shirt. Are you a Def Leppard fan?” He asked. I looked down. I completely forgot that was the shirt I was wearing. I just thought a band t-shirt would look cute with the skirt. But
“Yeah! Well I know a few of their songs! My Mom was in her 20’s in the 80’s and she loved them!” I said. 
“She has good taste! They’re awesome! Are you here by yourself? Not trying to be creepy I just noticed you were by yourself over here and I wanted to make sure you were alright,” He rambled. I nodded.
“I look that out of place huh? Yeah, I um. I’m friends with Riley’s girlfriend. Well not friends necessarily. But I know her. Anyway she invited me because of some friend of Riley’s but I don’t know this isn’t normally my scene. Wow that was a lot,” I blushed. “Sorry,” I mumbled. 
“For?” He smiled, raising an eyebrow. “We’re talking. I like getting to know people! And I totally get it. This can kind of be a lot sometimes. I actually came with some friends but I needed to step away from all the crazy for a second. I’m Henry by the way.” He smiled, extending his hand. I took it and He squeezed mine softly. 
“Alayna!” I said. 
“It’s nice to meet you!” He smiled. “Which one of Riley’s friends? If you don't mind me asking,” He raised an eyebrow. 
“Matt Parker,” I said bluntly. “You know him,” Henry took a sip of his beer and nodded. 
“I do, He’s alright. We’re sort of friends I suppose. He may have good intentions. Listen, I know you don’t need my advice, but just be careful around him. I don’t know what you were expecting with him or hoping for. But he can be a little, well, if I had a daughter I wouldn’t trust him with her. But I could be wrong. I’m sorry, that was a bit much. I don't want to ruin your evening,” He said. 
“For?” I smirked copying his face from earlier. “You seem to have pure intentions. Just looking out for someone. That’s really kind of you actually. I honestly don't know what I was expecting. But I can handle myself. I didn’t really come out tonight for him. I wanted to actually let loose and have fun for once. I’ve been trying to have more adventures, meet new people, make new friends.” I smiled looking him in the eyes on that last part. He gave me a big smile and held out his beer bottle to cheers me. 
“To new friends,” He spoke and we clinked our bottles together. “I like you, I mean talking to you.” He said. 
“I like talking to you too! I was honestly super anxious about coming tonight. I was worried I’d be too anxious and awkward to have fun or it would be too much. Because this is a lot. I’m 100% sure I saw someone do coke off the kitchen counter. But I’m actually enjoying myself. Right now anyway.” I laughed. Henry chuckled. 
“Good! Well, I’m going to go find my friends but, what's your number? I’ll send you a text real quick and if you get overwhelmed or uncomfortable  or need to escape all of this for a bit come find me! Or text me. I’d be happy to be there for you.  And we can just chill out for a while.” I smiled and gave him my phone number. It was nice to meet someone as kind as Henry. You don’t meet a lot of people that… genuine and gentlemanly in places like this. He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before he walked off to find his friends. I wandered off to get another drink while I was standing in the kitchen waiting to grab another wine cooler. I felt someone lay their arm across my shoulder. 
“Hey gorgeous,” I recognized Matt’s voice. I gave him a soft smile. 
“Hi,” I spoke. 
“I’m glad you came tonight, You having a good time,” He asked, clearly buzzed. 
“Yeah,” I said tentatively “One hell of a party!” I laughed. 
“For sure!” He smiled and moved to the side of me taking his arm off my shoulder. “What are you drinking babe?” He asked. 
“Just Mike's lemonade.” I chuckled awkwardly. 
“Aw come on girl you can do something stronger than that huh?” He joked. I shook my head.
“I probably could but I’d rather not get sick.” I said. 
“Aw well come on at least do a shot with me?” He asked, giving me a puppy dog face and pouting. “Just tequila, we got training wheels!” He added. 
“I don’t know… I don’t wanna get too crazy,” I said. 
“Nah, it’ll be alright, it’ll just loosen you up a bit!” He spoke already pouring the shots. He slid one over to me. And a piece of lime. “Ready?” I picked up the shot and stared at it questioningly. 
“Alright,” He smiled. We clicked the glasses and hit them against the table before taking the shot. It was super bitter. I immediately followed it with the lime. But it didn’t help much. When I looked up again Matt had gotten me another Mike’s from the cooler.
“Atta girl!” He smirked. He took a step closer and I took the drink from him. Then I heard someone call his name from across the house. They were starting another game of beer pong. “That’s my que babe, but wait for me yeah? I’ll come back to you after this game!” He smirked and left a wet kiss on my cheek before running off to join the boys. 
Charming is certainly not a word I would use to describe him. But he’s nice. And he’s just trying to make sure I have fun. There’s no harm in that. I wandered around the party again. I opened up my new bottle and tossed the cap on a nearby coffee table. I thought about watching the beer pong game but I honestly wasn’t interested. I found the door leading to the backyard and saw there was a bonfire going. I stepped outside and found an empty seat by the fire. I watched it crackle for a bit and took a long sip of my drink. I felt a warmth inside me and knew it was coming from the alcohol. I started to relax as I listened to the fire and the white noise of the people chatting around me. It was a gorgeous night.
“Hey!” I heard a voice from behind me. “Funny meeting you out here!” Henry spoke, pulling up a chair next to me.
“Hey!” I said excitedly. “It’s calm out here. I like it!” I said. Henry smiled. 
“I do too, I love a good fire. Fuels the soul.” He half joked. 
“ I love the smell! Is that weird?” I laughed. 
“No,” He chuckled softly “Not at all! So, besides the band on that very cool shirt, What other music do you like?” Henry asked, leaning back in his chair and taking a long swig of his beer. 
“Oh all kinds. I’m a big lover of the stuff from the 70s though! Elton John, Heart, the Beatles, I guess they’re technically 60’s. I know it’s kind of old school but. I feel like they just don’t make music like that anymore.” I explained. 
“Classic! I like it,” He smiled. 
“What about you?” I asked. 
“Oh I’m all over the place too. I’m actually a big country fan!” He smirked. 
“I wouldn’t have expected that from you but I respect it. It’s not my favorite genre but there are definitely some good ones there!” I smiled. Henry and I chatted for a while. We talked about our majors. He's a history major. Where we’re from, he has an accent but I didn’t want to ask and be weird about it. He told me he’s from the UK. We talked about books, history and our friends. It was nice. A little while later I felt an arm around my shoulder again. I knew it was Matt. 
“There she is! Did you think I forgot about you babe?” He asked. 
“No,” I smiled blushing softly. He smiled. 
“Hey Henry! Are you having a good time, man?” He asked. Henry nodded and finished his beer. 
“Yeah! Actually I should go get another one. It was nice talking to you Alayna!” He smiled at me before he got up and left. I don’t know why but I could tell Henry wasn’t the biggest fan of Matt. He said they were friends earlier but I think he was just trying to be nice
I was shaken from the thought when I heard Matt’s voice again. 
“Hey, follow me!” He said enthusiastically. 
“Okay,” I smiled. I got up and followed him back inside. He led us upstairs and down the hall to what I assume was his room. 
“Too many people out there, I wanted to be alone with you,” He smiled. 
“That’s really sweet! It is pretty crowded.” I said. 
“Yeah,” He said blankly. “Are you enjoying the party?” He asked. 
“I am,” I said half telling the truth. I enjoyed talking to Henry. 
“God you’re so gorgeous,” He said. “I always want to talk to you in class but you always leave so quickly I never get the chance.” He said. 
“Thank you,” I blushed. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. I don’t know if I wanted it or if it was the alcohol but I nodded. He smirked and leaned in kissing me on the lips. It was gentle at first but then he quickly started using tongue. I felt kind of awkward. So I backed away. “Oh sorry, you okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” I lied. He just nodded and went back to kissing me. I kissed him back a bit but then I felt him start to feel me up. I froze. I really didn’t want that. He moved his hand under my shirt and I stopped him. 
“Uh Matt, I really don’t know about this.” I said nervously. He pulled back 
“It’s fine, nobody's gonna come in, don't worry about it.” He said and started kissing my neck. Oh god this sucks. 
“No I mean. I don’t… want to do this.” I stuttered. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun babe, it’ll be alright.” He kept feeling me up and continued kissing me. I felt stuck. He pushed himself against me, grinding into me. He moaned. I swallowed hard. Fuck, I really didn’t want this. 
“No, Matt, I really don’t want to.” I said again. 
“Shhh just go with it.” he said, shushing me. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.” He said, sliding his hand under my skirt and rubbing his fingers against me. 
“No, stop Matt,” I said again, my voice quivering. He was definitely stronger than me. He used his other hand to take himself out of his shorts and he grabbed my hand putting it on him while he kept touching me, forcing his fingers inside. It hurt. I don’t know how but finally I found the strength to push him away from me. He stumbled back and fell against the bed and I ran out of the room. I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes already but I had to get out of this house. I quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door. Matt was pretty drunk so I don’t even think he tried to follow me. I walked a little way down the street and stopped letting out a sob. What the hell just happened. How did I let that happen? How could I have been stupid enough to trust him or follow him? I didn’t know what to do. I probably should have headed back to the dorm but I didn’t want to be alone right now. I took to my phone trying to think of who to talk to. 
I saw I had a text. It was Henry. “Hey it’s me! Henry I mean lol feel free to text me anytime.” I sent him a quick text taking a deep breath and trying to pull myself together. I didn’t want him to see me like this. I was so stupid. He tried to warn me. 
“Hey, it’s Alayna, where are you?” I sent it. To my surprise he responded almost immediately. 
“By the fire, You okay?” it read. 
“Would you wanna go on a walk with me?” I asked. There’s no way I could go back there. 
“Sure :) where are you?” 
“On the front sidewalk like 3 houses down toward campus.” 
“Be right there!” true to his word about 2 minutes later I saw him walking down the sidewalk toward me. 
“How are you?” He asked. 
“Good,” I nodded absentmindedly. 
“Were you leaving?” He asked.
I um,” I stuttered “Yeah, it was just… too much. I was gonna head home. I feel stupid I was just gonna walk home. I'll be fine, I’ll let you have fun. I don’t wanna interrupt your night.” I rambled. 
“No! Please do! I’d be happy to walk you home. Talking with you was the most fun I had tonight actually.” He stated simply. I smiled weakly.
“I’m glad.” I said. 
“Are you alright?” He asked me. I sighed trying not to get emotional. 
“Yeah, just a little overwhelmed and tired.” I lied. We walked in silence for a bit. I couldn’t believe how kind he was. The fact that he would leave his friends to walk me home. He was genuinely concerned about me. That feeling made me even more overwhelmed and finally after everything I could help but start crying. I felt like I had no control over my body as I started to sob. I felt my shoulders start to shake. Henry stopped and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Alayna what's wrong?” He asked me. I tried so hard to speak.
“He wouldn’t.. And I said… no, but he kept…” it all came out in broken sobs. Henry didn’t say anything. He just pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. After a few seconds. I started to calm down and tried to steady my breathing. 
“Shh it’s alright,  just breathe.” I heard him say. I slowed my breathing. “Did he touch you?” He asked gently, trying not to upset me again. I couldn’t speak, I just nodded. Henry went stiff. I looked up and saw his jaw was clenched. “Mother fucker,” He mumbled quietly under his breath. Then he spoke louder “Do you want to go talk to someone? Like report it?” He asked. Again his voice was gentle. I shook my head. 
“I can’t, I know I should but I really can’t, not now.” I said. He nodded. 
“Okay, well let's get you home.” He said. I started to walk again. Henry kept an arm around me as we walked. We were quiet the whole way there. He walked me all the way to the door. Wanting to make sure I got in okay.
“Thank you,” I said. But just as he turned to leave I grabbed his hand. “Wait, please don’t go.” I said, trying not to sound desperate. Not that I had the energy to care. 
“You want me to stay?” he asked. I nodded. 
“Yeah, no, I .. I don’t .. You don’t have to, I’ll be okay.” I said. 
“Hey,” He paused, grabbing my hand. “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” So I took off my shoes and slipped into the bathroom to change into some shorts. I laid in my bed and Henry sat next to me. “Do you want to watch something?” He asked. I nodded. And turned on my TV scrolling aimlessly. I stopped on some old 90’s sitcom. 
“Thank you, for staying,” I said. 
“You shouldn’t be alone right now. And I meant what I said. I had more fun talking to you tonight than with anyone else.” He smiled sympathetically. 
“I did too,” I said.  I sat up going to kiss him but he stopped me.
“Not tonight, darling. Believe me I would love to kiss you. But I think you’ll regret it later if you do this now. I like you. I’m not going anywhere. Let's take this slow. You’ve been through a lot tonight. I’ll still be here when you’re ready. But I think tonight you need to rest.” he said. The universe gave me Henry tonight. If I hadn’t ran into him. I’d have been alone after being sexually assaulted by a guy I barely know. Any other guy wouldn’t have treated me like him. He was so gentle and respectful. He was genuinely looking out for my best interest when he could’ve taken advantage of my vulnerability. I just nodded.
“I’m sorry that was stupid.” I sighed. 
“No, it wasn’t” he put his arm around me pulling me into his side and I naturally rested my head on his chest. “You don’t need to apologize. Try to get some rest.” He spoke gently. I could hear his heartbeat and my breath slowed to match the rhythm. Eventually so did he. I looked up to find him asleep with his arm still around me. I settled in snuggling into his side. All the noise around me slowly faded away and I finally got to rest, falling asleep in Henry’s arms.
That’s it you guys please let me know what you think. I love you all so much! You’ve shown my writing so much love 🥰
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queenofmistresses · 11 months
I want you there
a/n requested by anon! so excited to write all of these requests, I think I’ll keep them in the order of the request on the ask just to help me out lol! Hope you like them!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately I can’t write like I’m it’s based in Ireland- i was raised to talk like i’m middle class even tho we’re poor 😂
I was getting so excited for prom. I had picked my dress, decided how I was doing my hair, and makeup, everything. It was all planned out. It was amazing.
Until James told me that the Doctor Who convention is on the same day. Right when I’d finally plucked up the courage to ask him. What am I meant to do now? I was so excited, even if we were going as friends. It was going to be one of the best nights of my life.
Now, I’m stuck with the guys who asked me. A guy who is an absolute arsehole. Apparently I would rather go with him than alone. I don’t want to go alone. Not after I told Michelle how excited I was about who my date was going to be- avoiding the fact that it’s her cousin.
So here I am. Waiting on the steps in my house. In the dress I spent hours choosing and taking in to fit perfectly. My hair perfect, my make up perfect. And my date barely having spoken to me since he asked me out.
Oh. And he’s late.
Maybe it’s better if he’s late. Maybe it’s better if be doesn’t come at all. Maybe I should take everything off and tell my mum to pretend I’m sick if he does come.
I give up pretty quickly, I never wanted to go with him. I sigh and head up to my room. I stand in my room for a bit, just staring at my reflection in the mirror. I had never felt like I looked nice in anything I wore before. But I went all out. I saved every penny I could so I’d be happy with how I look.
But the more I keep staring at myself, the more I hate how I look. The longer I stand there, the more imperfections I see. I don’t know how long I stay there but before I know it I’m crying. All my friends were out having fun, probably not even noticing that I’m not there. And James is probably having fun at his convention.
I want to take everything off, get into my pyjamas, curl into bed and sleep. Then I can forget about this night completely. I start with my hair, slowly taking the pins out and letting my hair fall down.
Before I get very far I hear a knock on my door. Already frustrated I yell out, “Mum I told you I’m fine. I’m just going to bed and I’ll forget about it.”
“Um- y/n? It’s James.” I hear in response. I quickly scram to wipe my face.
“Hold on! I’m um- changing!” I yell out. When I’ve done the best job I can (which isn’t a very good one to be honest), I open the door and am faced with James. In a suit. And a Doctor Who scarf. With his hair done. Looking so, so handsome.
“James? What are you- why are you- huh?” I splutter out, unable to gather my thoughts.
“Wow. You look amazing. I- wow.” That takes me by surprise. After a moment he shakes his head and realises I’m still waiting for an answer. “Oh! Your mum called, she said your date didn’t show up.”
“Oh. It um really doesn’t matter. I didn’t like him anyway.”
“T-then why do you look like you’ve been crying.” I chuckle at that.
“It doesn’t matter. What about your Doctor Who convention? You were so excited for it.” He shrugs.
“I’ll go to the next one. Do you er, wanna go to prom together?” I almost start crying again at that. He looks so goddamn handsome, I want to mess his hair though.
“I look a mess, you’ll have to give me 10 minutes to fix all this.” I indicate towards my face. He walks towards me, just a few steps, looking almost nervous. “But yes, I’d love to.” He breathes out, smiling. “You can just sit on the bed if you like, and I’ll um try to fix this.”
He nods a little and sits on the bed while I get started on pinning my hair back. I think I can feel him staring at me, one quick glance tells me I’m right. “What?” I laugh, seeing him just watching me.
“You’re just- pretty. I mean you always are but you put a lot of effort into it and you just. You look perfect.” I can’t not blush at that, so I look away and finish off the look.
“Ready?” I ask him. He stands up and holds his hand out for me to take. I slide my hand into his and smile, standing up.
“Let’s go then.”
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day! I wanted to request savanaclaw with a bear beastman s/o? They have a huge appetite, is cuddly, and is almost as lazy as Leona.
Gasp? I’m doing requests again?? ik ik this is really really late, (and this was one of my more recent ones lol)
but there’s no time like the present!
𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐬/𝐨!
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black bear
Oh god, they’re everywhere, from swamps to desserts, even to fucking jungles. You don't realize how prominent bears are until you research em.  They also come in other colors?? Which is so weird to hear)
As much as I like to say Leona curls up into your bigger stature when you sleep, he doesn't, sorry babes 🤕
But oh my god, bears are adorable, like ah
Also, bears are (obviously) taller than lions… so except for an obvious height difference 🫦
And unfortunately… it's by a lot… Leona is 185cm / 6'0 so you’d be 200cm and 6’3 😺
I don’t make the laws, I only enforce them 😋
People don’t think you're a beast man, yeah I know, crazy right? Mainly because of your short ears and tails (Like how I found out Ruggie had a tail from one of his cards)
And since a lot of people think you won the genetic lottery, they just assume that the rising atmosphere is because you’re so tall and braully 
But Leona knew, oh god he knew the moment you entered Savanahclaw
Anyways, yall are like night and day. I mean, yeah, you're a bit sluggish, and a little slow, more of a gentle giant than a force of nature compared to Leona. Especially with his cold and calculating personality.
But it surprisingly goes together??
No, you won't be able to pry Leona out of bed, but he can convince you to join him 😼🤭 (The most he’s ever done is offer you the spot with the most sun, and who are you willing to ignore an offer from the Leona Kingscholar)
Y/n: Leona get up, we gotta go to Trein’s class
Leona: And deal with his not-so-pop quiz, I don't think so. It'd be better for your health to take a nap, with me, in the sun. What’dya say 
Y/n :
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If Leona ever loses you- what am I talking about, you're the tallest beast man/student in the school, which he likes- loves to rub in Malleus’ face 
Leona: Bet those horns are trying to concentrate on something 
Malleus: Interesting, cause I believe that ego of yours is compensating for something as well
Ladies ladies, please!
Even though you're more easygoing compared to Leona, you are still a bear beast man
Yes, you are a big cuddle bug and love hanging out with your friends/boyfriend… But my guy, you’re a fucking behemoth. So, unfortunately, you're gonna have some issues, like when people scurry away in fear whenever you're present 
Or dodge your ‘bear hugs’ matrix style because of your natural strength  
But that’s okay! Cause you’ve made it a game out of your friends to play ‘hide and go squeeze!’. They go about their daily life in constant fear of being ‘found’ by you… And boy oh boy do you get excited when you spot one. 
Floyd loves you
Though, there are some.... altercations.. about your reasonings on why you like squeezing the soul out of your friends 
Running full force with a beaming grin on your face with arms wide open, your long legs practically disappearing under you with how fast you were. Your friend's screams of horror echo through the historic buildings of NRC.
Obviously, Leona hears the shrills of your friends. 
He smirks ‘better them than me’
There will be some barriers to take care of. Like Leona’s pride, and his ‘no PDA rule’ …
Bitch 🙄
As previously stated, I would love to write about you encasing Leona in your big beefy arms as you lounge on his bed with the sun warming you both…
I mean you could try, just expect him to get VIOLENT
Or at least do it begrudgingly. 
And thus sparks your mission of getting him used to you
Now having a policy of not 1, not 2, not even3 or 4, but 5! Hugs per day!
And if you don't meet that quota with your friends… well.. 😈 
“Hug me and you’ll regret it” 
You're bound to at least get one hug from him!
While you are more energetic than Leona; constantly chasing your friends around campus like Michael Meyers, you sometimes spend hours on end just lounging. 
Cause you, unfortunately, have a social battery that requires you to spend hours, and sometimes days alone. When your battery dies, it dies, and you won't budge. 
Becoming lazier than your boyfriend, you’ll just barge into his room, honey pot plushie in arm, and join him in bed. When he tries to wake you up... he can’t, cause you’re out cold
Of course, this had prompted some talks with Leona,  unfortunately for him (fortunately for you) you were in your mood and decided that you didn't care
Tbh, you're like an extremely toned-down Floyd
My guy, he loves you so much, he just doesn’t know how to show it 🥺
I’m lying, he buys you premium food and will dangle it over your head. 
If you aren’t terrorizing your friends or napping, you're munching 😼
Oh, you want that new black pasta with wagyu meatballs? Make Ruggie leave him alone
Ooooh, you want a bag of Doritos? Then deal with Ruggie
OOoooo you want this half-eaten lollipop he found on the field? Skip class and nap 
*double takes*
You are a human vacuum with an enabler
For my obey me fans, think of Beel
If Crewel takes away your emergency snacks, you're just pulling out more, if Trein confiscates those, you're simply pulling a bag of chips from your blazer???
Doesn’t help that your unique magic is honey pot. Allowing you to pull out what you want from any pocket/item you can place things in 
Ruggie: Man I’m starved… 👀
*Y/n pulling out a box of donuts from the trash*: Well I hope you have an appetite 
Y/n : *opens box*
Y/n: For nothing 🫵😼
you end up giving him another box cause you felt bad
You’re in the culinary club, sorry 🫤
Like yeah, you love having fun and physical activities and all… but free food 🤨
Delicious free food
But even if the food isn't all that great, food is food so you can't complain. And since you're the combined size of Riddle and Lilia, you need a lot
And you’re always bringing your food to Savanaclaw where you always feast with Ruggie. Sometimes when you're proud of your latest work, you’ll bring it to Leona to taste test
“Mid” This is the most delicious shit he's ever had-
Fine. If he can’t appreciate it then you’ll just bring it to Ruggie-
Leona: *Pulls out a slice of cake* Then you’ll miss out on dessert
Leona knowing that he got you to stay with him without actually having to put any effort / be vulnerable: 😼
You: 😦
I think that your tone shifts around Leona like with your friends you’re more outgoing. With Leona you’re calmer, not forcing yourself out there to not appear as the big bad bear you're implied to be. 
But just you. 
The good thing about Leona is that he doesn't care who you are (except if you're in Diasomnia) or what status you have in society. Cause if he likes you, he likes you
I think yall are cute, and many people don't see how you guys are even associated, let alone dating. 
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Also a black bear!
I know I didn’t go too into detail about your appearance in Leona’s, but let's be real, he'll use it to scare Ruggie / Malleus away
But Ruggie on the other hand….😺
Boy oh boy does he have fun scaring the shit out of people with it (Whilst you -pretend to- remain oblivious to it all)
For example, someone cut Ruggie in line for food, already seeing their grubby hands reach for Leona's lunch.
Ruggie has two options.
 He can of course use his UM 
      2. confront them 
what you didn't know is that there’s a secret third option!
 Work smarter, not harder! Is his motto for a reason. So he doesn't see the harm in having you (temporarily) go in front of him. tap them on the shoulder leering down at them. 
Cleanup on aisle 3🤭
Yeah you're also tall asf
Though something I want to get out of the way is that  male hyenas are more submissive to female hyenas… however
You're a bear, and as far as I'm aware, you're not female 
But you're taller than him, so I think you guys have a pretty equal relationship.
As long as you're happy, he can't complain. And as long as he's happy, you are too. 
The favoritism is awful. 
Like… lawd 🪑🧍🏻
If you cause trouble in the dorm all Ruggie's gonna do is groan, complaining how you're making his job harder than it needs to be
That's it. 
But if it’s someone else, he gets so annoyed, like passive-aggressive towards them for days on end
Like tripping, ignoring, glaring- basically the whole 9 yards. 
And if someone blames you or points out favoritism? 
Leona gets involved cause they’re just causing so much trouble now! Constantly spilling things, causing fights, and bringing down the dorm's average 
Sigh, if only they kept their trap shut, oh well!
The more I think about your and Ruggie’s relationship, the more I think about bees
Ruggie will do anything for you cause you're just so sexy
But, it’s an equal exchange. If he does something for you, you gotta do smthn for him
-Like crush him with your thighs-
Be careful, cause he would do anything you wanted (within his power) only to ask for smthn outlandish, (I’m thinking sexy time stuff)
Okay okay, he’ll ask you to take care of some heavy lifting around to dorm, how you react is up to you cause he’s your sweet whittle bf..
now let's see those muscles -
Fuck you, Ruggie likes em thick
Where he’s from food is scarce, so even now he likes someone with a little meat on their bones. 
Something about the way your tummy peaks through your shirt as your snoozing away just makes him want to bite you
You're taller than him. There's more of you to love!
Ik I’ve been making him thirst the whole time, but that's his doing, not mine. 
He values your quality time together, which isn't very often. 
When all is peaceful within the dorm and Leona isn’t man-babying it up, he's immediately running towards you for an impromptu hang out
Okay, there's something called Ruggie bucks. Hang with me here
The way it started was when he started charging you ‘Ruggie bucks’ for each food run 
Ofc you never heard of that, so you had to pay actual money for them 
He doesn't like to exploit you like that, but you know he loves you for you and not your money and valuables.. right?
Even so, the transactions begun
For every food/errand run, homework completion, and excuse on why you weren't in class, you had to cough it up
Luckily he gave you 50, but now you had to start spending wisely cause you were running low…
“Eh? You don't got enough Ruggie bucks? Hmm, that is a problem…” He thoughtfully said hand scratching his chin as he looked out into the distance 
Before you could even speak, a grin stretched across his face “Well, it seems like I’ve saved enough, and you're now technically indebted to me…so” he drawled out
“You have to do something for me”
Oh brother
You groaned, Ruggie’s laugh echoing as your brain wrecked itself for ideas on what Ruggie was planning
“15 Ruggie bucks for 2 hours of cuddle time”
… What?
Ladies n gents, that's how you request affection from your partner without outwardly saying your touch starved, thank you, n' good night!
But honestly, this is a win for you
This is canon, suck my dick
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A polar bear!
Okay- every mc is taller than their boyfriend 🤭
Jack is 192? (6’3?) Sucks cause you’re 205 cm (6’6) 😎
And like how 5’7 seems different on a guy and a girl, but you're still taller
Oh my god. Like Leona yall are night and day. you exude friendliness and Jack exudes emo wolf man. 
I believe that you two met before NRC, not like with Vil but you two were neighbors. 
He and his younger brother (more to come later) were out playing in the snow when he tripped!!
Jack, worried like how a big brother should be quickly went over to help (and to destroy the ice block that harmed his brother >:( 
As Jack was about to reach him, the ice block starts rising, snow trickling off and disappearing into the holes it created in the already snow-laid ground. Jack could no longer see his brother as there was an ice wall in the way. 
Alarm bells rang erractily in Jack’s head as his ears tensed up. He tried running faster, but his legs were too short to run efficiently in the snow 
“Aww you woke me from my nap,” the ice block said
Legs tripping from shock, Jack landed face-first into the snow, his ears twitching from the sudden coldness. 
As he lay there only one thing was running through his mind… ‘did that ice just talk?’
Though they were in a snow pocket, he was able to pick up the sounds of muffled voices.
Yep, it did
Ladies and gentlemen that's how I met your husband
But from then on you wouldn't leave him alone. Constantly there to play with him and his sibling(s) 
At first, it was begrudgingly, or more like he was watching out for his siblings not sure if you were a danger or not. By the looks of your tall, slightly pudgy exterior and white ears, you're a polar bear. He thinks, cause you certainly are lazy 
And that never stopped. Even at NRC
I like to think that you guys aren’t dating yet, but had a mutual pining for each other ever since you were little. 
Wolves mate for life, so when he revealed his crush to his mom at the fine age of 13, she made a huge emphasis to make sure you're the one
So that's what he's been doing, making sure. 
For 3 years… 
Remember how I said Jack was a lone wolf? Well, it’s usually him alone or you trailing behind. The first years joining later on as you two were dragged into the group 
They were fine with Jack, as there were some people around his height in their respective dorms… but you? You were in another ballpark. 3 inches does not seem a lot, but when you're tall every inch counts *cue Epel clenching his fist*
Oh yeah, Epel keeps on staring at you for whatever reason… and Jack does not approve of it and immediately asks if you've noticed it
“Huh? Oh, yeah I have, but I don't mind since he’s kinda cute” you hummed, stretching your arms as you muttered something about an afternoon nap. But Jack didn’t like how easily you said ‘ Epel was cute’.
Jealously jealously
Leaving to ask Epel, you couldn't help the small chuckle leave your lips.
“Oh y/n? Yeah, I really admire them for their strength and for how tall they are…”
Now Jack may be a little naïve, but he wasn't stupid so he knows nothing's going on between you two and knows Epel wouldn’t try anything (if he wasn't stupid)
Mission success!
Jack tried to keep you happy, cause wolves are and were ahead of the times. Valuing their partners equally no matter who they are
And as long as you're happy, he’s happy. 
You couldn't do anything wrong in his eyes. Come in with mud dripping all over the floor, scratches littering your skin as another, smaller member of savannah claw comes in looking like he just got mauled by a bear
He’ll lightly scowl you while he’s just so passive-aggressive… no. While he's just so aggressive towards the other guy, even if it’s an upper-class man. 
You don’t even have to shed some crocodile tears to get out of trouble. Though when Ruggie comes along, or Leona...
They don’t care, just stop causing trouble. 
If you thought that did anything to improve your relationship with the wolf... you were wrong
Still dancing around each other in a love tango, everyone could tell Jack was getting more and more exhausted, from trying to convince you to join some kind of sports team, to stop napping all the time - and spend time with him :( - or to not miss class
And with you being the oaf you are, just turned around and shooed him away
At least once I see Jack trying to drag you out of bed. Ik ik ooc of him but he was tired of being ignored, plus you had classes to do and as your best friend it was his duty to make sure you were taking advantage of the education you were given (and to make sure he kept his promise to your mom to score mom points!)
So he did the only thing he could, brute force
Let’s say it sounded… quite misleading… and Ruggie wouldn't look him in the eye for a while
But back on track, he would try to get you to join a sports team as you have such ‘raw potential (as Vargas puts it) that it would be a disservice to both you and the school if you didn't. 
Plus he was getting kind of sad seeing Vargas so… depressed
Jack swore he saw his muscles deflate 
But eventually, you did join a club!
The cooking club!…
Okay yeah no you're forced into a sports club cause Vargas was going to deduct points from you
He has you join volleyball! (Sorry guys but I really like volleyball, sue me)
And Jack is a man of honor, so he doesn’t attend any of your games, but at that point, he gets tired of all the whispers around you about your uniform. With the constant bugging from Ace, decided to see what that was all about
He wouldn't lie and say you weren't on the heavier side, after all, you are a polar bear. You can get into all the different things about biology.
But mama mia you were thick and ripped. Sure you a little pudge but that only meant you were well fed and he's glad to see his friends so healthy! 🤭
Just image Jack twitching/ scowling every time he calls you a friend
But he ends up going to your game and enjoys it! you play middle blocker and you're just stopping these skinny white boys with ease. It’s hilarious. Had a proud smirk every time you would block a spike, or hell, even spike the ball so hard he swore it made an indent 
He was wondering if you even broke a sweat
But by the end you run over and gladly encase him in a hug 🤭 His face may be scowling, but his tail is wagging - which he hopes you don't see- 
You both leave together, going to Sam's shop for a cute little snack. Though Jack followed you rather than stood next to you to make sure no creeps would peep
Respectful king
Some part of me thinks Jack likes things the way they are, not wanting to ruin your relationship
But he can't stop the way he stares at the back of your head silently when you're talking so animated about volleyball (you didn't even want to take part of) 
He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he would gladly listen to you babble about your hobbies, interests, and thoughts any day of the week. 
Though, he could hear your chatters turn to mush as you spun around, your signature aloof grin on your face as you stared at him
“You should join the team!”
Now that stopped him in his tracks. And like Christmas morning everything erupted to sound again
“The volleyball team! You’d be amazing at it! You’re tall, fast, smart, and importantly: strong” you agreed with yourself. 
 Like a snake, you slithered, arms around his shoulders as you pressed against his back
“We could spend more time together”
He stiffened, ears and tail at alert as he knew you could feel his rapid heart pound against his rib cage. 
“Can’t” was all he could muster out, breaking from your evil clutches
“ ‘M already a part of the track and field club”
He turned to face your pouting face
“And besides” he smirked “I’d rather watch you”
I know this was more of a best friend kind of thing rather than relationship headcanons, but suck my dick 🫵😶
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i feel like this whole post was just ooc stuff 
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Offline Meeting - Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Gamer!Steve and gamer!reader have played online together for months, and they finally get the chance to meet in person at a gaming convention.
Note: I have to preface this by saying I am not a gamer whatsoever, My extent of gaming is The Sims. So, I had to enlist the help of @inourtownofhawkins, @trashmouth-richie, and @munson-blurbs! I hope my writing reflects all the wonderful help they gave me. Also, I know there's no such place as the "Orlando Convention Center" for any Floridians reading this, but I figured if I said "Orange County" people would assume California lol. I definitely channeled a bit of Keys from Free Guy for this as well. And a very special thankful to @trashmouth-richie for making the lovely text graphic for me! Finally, this fic is dedicated to my lovely wifey @inourtownofhawkins 💕
Warnings: my poor attempt at pretending to know about gaming, video game violence, smut, p in v, minors DNI, language, i think that's it?
Words: 6k
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It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of falling in love. It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of a person. And when the only way you communicate is through social media or gaming, it’s easy to only see the good parts of someone and pretend there’s nothing bad. You’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop with Steve. Or ready for him to find something that he doesn’t like about you which will make him stop talking to you. So, when he tells you that he got a ticket to come to the gaming con that you’re attending in a few weeks, conflicting feelings come up. 
At first, you’re ecstatic that you’re going to see Steve. The two of you have talked so much about wishing you lived closer together so you could spend time with someone who understands how you feel about gaming in real life. Online is great, but you both know in person is better. But the more you thought about hanging out with Steve in real life, the more caught up in your head you got about it. What if he didn’t like you in person? What if he only liked you when he had the ability to log off? 
You’ve been talking for over nine months now, ever since you met in the lobby for both of your favorite game, Upside Down House. The two of you made a great team in the game, trying to defend a small family home from a Demogorgon that pops out of walls all over the house. Steve’s weapon of choice was always a bat, and he would stun them so you could take them out with a shotgun. You made such a good duo and had such fun playing together that you’d decided to voice chat with one another while playing, and even led to exchanging social medias and connected on discord. 
Talking to Steve was the highlight of your day. Finishing your classes for the day, you’d crash in your dorm and grab your headset, praying he was online as well. Messaging each other throughout the day just wasn’t the same. You wanted to hear his voice, play alongside him. Whenever you’d successfully beat a level, he’d become so happy and giddy that it would make your stomach flutter with the force of a hundred butterflies. The worst part of your day was always when your roommate would come back to your room, and you’d have to log off for the night so she could get some sleep. Steve would still chat with you through discord, but again, it wasn’t the same not hearing his voice. He was always your first and last text of the day. 
As the con gets closer, Steve talks more and more about how excited he is. You are too, but you’re also filled with more anxiety and worry. Begging your roommate to take you shopping for a new outfit and teach you how to do your makeup, you start to gain a little bit more confidence in seeing Steve. 
When you wake up the day of the con, a smile sticks to your face and there’s a bounce in your step. The whole drive over to the convention center you’re dancing along to the radio in your car, simultaneously dreaming about seeing Steve and trying not to think about it at the same time. You’d know his face anywhere, even having never seen it in person, and you wonder what your immediate reaction will be when your eyes land on him. 
The traffic for parking at Orlando Convention Center is backed up all the way to highway 528, and you start to get jittery as you wait in the line of cars. He’s probably already there, you think to yourself. Is he already inside? Is he excited to see you? Is he nervous? Is he already having too much fun and forgot he’s even going to be seeing you?
Your palms are sweating by the time you park your car outside Concourse A. The hot Florida sun doesn’t help you as you walk across the crowded parking lot. The line to get in feels like it takes forever, and you’re convinced you’re going to throw up all the butterflies that have been swirling around inside of you. 
Once you’ve got your badge around your neck, you dodge cosplayers – telling yourself you’ll admire them later – and pull out your phone to shoot a message to Steve.
The thirty seconds it takes to get a reply feel like an eternity.
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For the first time in your twenty-something years it feels like you’ve forgotten how to walk. Shoes stumble over one another, the solid slab floor is somehow sucking your feet in like quicksand. Bumbling through the crowd, your eyes scan the faces around you for the brown eyes that melt your heart every time you see them on your phone’s screen. For that hair that tempts you to run your fingers through it more than you ever wanted to touch anything in your life. 
Right in the middle of a large crowd, your sneakers squeak to a halt, annoying the people around you and forcing them to go around. Steve’s there, in person, in the same space as you. He hasn’t spotted you yet, craning his neck to look over people, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. Perfect isn’t a word you’d ever prescribed to anyone before, but it’s surely how Steve looks just standing there. His jeans are slightly too big, hanging low on his hips, and his navy t-shirt framing his broad shoulders in the most flattering way. 
All thoughts leave your head as Steve turns his head and locks eyes with you. Absolutely frozen to the spot, the growing grin on his face is the only thing that breaks you out of your trance. He takes a step towards you, and you find yourself barreling towards him as well. How were you supposed to greet him? Handshake? Hug? Awkwardly standing there and saying hi? Steve makes the choice for you as he grabs you and pulls your body against his. Positive that he can feel your heart thrumming against his chest, your arms cling around his neck and hold onto him like you’ll never let him go. And you don’t want to.
“Finally,” Steve says as you reluctantly pull away from one another. 
“It’s so good to see you. For real.” Without thinking about it, your hand comes up and cups the side of his face. He leans into your touch and your heart soars into your throat. You let your hand drop from his face and he’s quick to pick it up in his own hand. Steve’s thumb rubs along the back of your hand and it sends tingles up your spine. 
“There’s a panel on Upside Down House in half an hour,” he tells you. “And after that there’s a Junkyard Babysitter tournament in the next hall and the winner gets an Xbox gift card. I already signed us up.”
“Oh, you’re so good at that game! The prize is as good as yours.”
Steve gives you a bashful smile and it sets every nerve in your body on fire. He gives a small tug on your hand and starts to head for the doors.
“Come on, let’s go get some seats for the panel.”
It turns out that you and Steve could’ve run that panel. You were both just as knowledgeable about the game as the hosts, could have easily answered all the questions that were asked by fellow panelists, and even managed to give tips and insight that no one else in the room had. 
“So, when the trail of lights leads you right up to the front door, that’s a decoy. You have to head to the left because that’s where the Demogorgon pops out from.”
“The fire trap in the hallway is great for distracting! But it won’t kill him on its own. You’ve got to use another weapon too.”
Once the panel is over, you and Steve get seats next to each other at the tournament. The room fills fairly quickly so you and Steve have a short chat about strategy. Your character would take cover in the hollowed-out school bus in the junkyard, and Steve’s character would hide behind the junked cars surrounding the area as he makes his way towards the dangerous center. It’s a play you’ve both used before, so you have a fair amount of confidence in it. 
There are about twenty people in this tournament, but you don’t look at any of them around the room. Only Steve. He gives you a reassuring nod before the game starts, then both of your characters are running to their respective locations you agreed upon. Six characters are brought down upon the initial onslaught. Fourteen left. 
“Behind you,” you tell Steve. His character spins around in time to take down the other player with his trusty baseball bat. The back door of the bus is being caved in, so your character picks up the closest weapon – which is a flamethrower – and waits for the intruder to be in sight. 
“There’s two out there,” Steve warns you as he sneaks his character over to get a better view of the bus. Your character lifts the flamethrower and aims it right where you’re expecting the others’ heads to be. The metal is finally bashed in, and the flamethrower takes both characters down with one burst of flame. You climb the ladder that’s in the middle of the bus, not high enough to stick your head out the top, but enough to be better prepared for an ambush. 
That ambush arrives when three players jump on top of the bus, circling you on the ladder below.
Steve’s quick to get his character to the rescue, though. The first thing he does once he’s on the roof is knock one of the three players inside the bus so you can take care of him no problem. Your flamethrower gets the job done. Hiking it over your shoulder, you keep a tight grip on the flamethrower as you climb the ladder to join Steve and the other two on the roof. The player closest to you doesn’t know you’ve come up behind him, so you take advantage and kick his legs out from underneath him, and when he’s lying flat on his back, you pull the trigger. 
“Damn it!”
Steve’s frustrated call has you turning to look at his character, but it’s already too late. The other player is steadily draining his life force and even if you killed him now, Steve’s character would still die. But you go for it anyway. You run at the other player to get as much momentum as you can and ram him off the bus roof. Both he and Steve’s characters die, fading from the playing field. 
Your character climbs down the ladder into the bus for safety, but grabs Steve’s discarded bat when she does. The bottom right corner of your screen tells you that there’s only five players left. They’re out there, either hiding like you, or getting into fights. Your character slowly makes her way to the broken back door of the bus and peeks out. It looks like there’s someone hiding in the bushes closest to the bus. Gripping your controller tight, you have your character swap out her weapons for a shotgun. You always have the best aim with these. Your character crawls to the very edge of the bus and balances on one knee, holding the shotgun up just right to get the target in the viewfinder. With a squeeze of the trigger, the total number of players has gone down to four. Sticking the shotgun and bat in your bag, you carry the flamethrower as you make your way to the other end of the bus. There’s no one visible from the dirty and cracked windows, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t near. 
There’s movement from behind one of the rusty old cars. Another player must have noticed this too because there’s the sound of a shot before the screen is letting you know there are three players remaining. Feeling like a sitting duck, you slip out the back way of the bus and slowly creep around to the hood. Head on the swivel, your character’s back is pressed against the cool yellow metal, and she attempts to make the quietest footfalls possible. 
“Oh, shit! Do you know who that is?” It’s spoken somewhere in the room around you, loud enough that you hear it even with your full concentration on the screen in front of you. 
“Whoa,” Steve says. Your eyes dart to him and are back on the screen in the next instant. 
“What’s going on?” you ask.
In the game, you see one player sneak out of a trunk of one of the cars. It’s one of the worst places to hide because it’s so obvious when you come out of it and the hinges squeak constantly while they’re being moved. You line up your flamethrower and have it positioned just right on your shoulder when a rusty pipe impales the character, leaving the remaining number of players at two.
“It’s Patrice Harlan,” Steve tells you. Your eyes almost bug out of your head.
“The Patrice Harlan? The guy who has won thousands and thousands of dollars by being incredible at these types of games?”
“Yeah,” Steve says with a sigh. Patrice was all over the gaming forums, known as one of the all-time best. He was one of the lucky ones who made a successful career from his gaming. This was seriously impacting your confidence.
“I got this,” you tell yourself, sounding much surer than you feel. Your character searches for Patrice’s character. You’re the only ones left. Taking slow, deliberate steps, your character comes around the front of the bus and darts to hide behind a pile of tires. By the sounds in the junkyard, you know Patrice’s character is getting closer. Depending on how close he got or from what angle would determine which weapon would be the most efficient here. 
Footsteps boom over to your character. This is it. He has to be right on the other side of the tires. Close proximity. You quickly switch out your weapons until your character is holding Steve’s bat. Your avatar stands up and comes face to face with Patrice’s avatar. She’s smaller than him but that could also come with some perks. Your character grips the bat right in her hand, and using her compact size, crouches down and springs up, jumping high enough to land on the pile of tires. From the vantage point, it’s the perfect place to go for the kill shot. You have her raise the bat up over her head, and as you jump down from the pile she cracks Patrice’s avatar straight down the middle of the skull, causing him to fall flat on his back. Always one to take precautions, you have your character swap out for the shotgun and fire it into the avatar’s chest, sealing the deal. 
You won.
The room goes crazy. Steve’s pulling you out of your seat, cupping your face with his hands before he pulls you in for a bone crushing hug that you don’t mind one bit. Other players pat you on the back and offer their congratulations as they walk by. But then you see him. Patrice Harlan. He’s even taller in person than he is online, his buzzed blonde hair catching the bright lights in the room. You’re afraid he’s going to be intimidating, but he walks over to you with a smile and offers you a friendly handshake. It feels insane. To just have beaten a professional to be the champion of one of your favorite games. 
The head of the tournament bestows you with your Xbox gift card and you instantly put it in your wallet for safekeeping. 
After all the excitement of the win dies down, you turn to Steve and find him looking at you a bit differently. You raise an eyebrow as you take a step towards him. 
“You good?” you ask. 
“Uh, yeah,” Steve says. His eyes are so dark and the look he’s giving you is not one anyone has ever given you before. It’s not unpleasant, though. “That was, um… Wow. That was really…”
“Yes, really what?” you ask, trying to help him along.
“Really hot,” Steve says, catching you by surprise. Your face flares up and you give your head a shake. 
“All I did was win a video game,” you say.
“Yeah, but you pretty much beat the best of the best. And it’s really turning me on,” Steve adds with a laugh. The heat in your face dials up but you allow Steve to take your hand in his again. 
Steve holds onto your hand the rest of the day. Only when the occasion absolutely called for it did he let you go, only to intertwine your fingers together again as soon as he could. Through every panel, strolling through the marketplace, even eating dinner together, he keeps his soft hold on you. Even though it’s been going on for hours, your tummy is still in the most pleasant knots possible as you feel his warm skin against yours. 
As the con winds down for the day, you’re starting to dread saying goodbye to Steve. Even if it’s only until tomorrow. But after spending such an amazing day with him, leaving his side for even a moment sounds like torture. 
“So, uh, which way is your car? My hotel is that way.” Steve points in the general direction where there are at least four hotels practically on top of each other. 
“I’m parked right here. I can give you a ride,” you say.
Steve slides into the passenger's seat and the drops of sweat on his forehead make you chuckle as you put on your seatbelt. 
“Not used to this hot weather, huh?”
“And the sun isn’t even out anymore,” Steve says, gesturing to the dark sky. 
“Welcome to Florida.”
You pull out of the convention center parking and turn down I-Drive to get to the hotels.
“What’s the temperature back home?” you ask him.
“Uh, lemme see.” He picks up his phone and swipes to the weather app. “In Hawkins it is currently 62 degrees.”
“Shit, add at least twenty to that here. Maybe twenty-five.” It’s too quick before you pull into the hotel parking lot. You’re not ready to say goodnight. “What’s Hawkins like?”
You’ve both talked about your hometowns with each other before, but you’re grasping at straws to spark a conversation to extend your time together. Even if it’s only five more minutes.
“It’s small,” he says. “Pretty boring little town.” 
“And not as warm as here,” you say.
“Jesus Christ, no,” Steve says with a laugh. He licks over his lips and glances down at his lap. When he looks back at you, he looks nervous. “Do you, um, want to come in? I-I mean we could play a game or something.”
Or something. You want the something.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
The walk to Steve’s room is quiet; both of you riddled with nerves and anticipation. He unlocks the door and lets you in first, like a gentleman. You take in the room as you walk in. It’s a little messy, suitcase open and items strewn about the small space. The temperature is cool, but it makes sense that he’d keep the room like this since he’s so unused to the heat outside. There’s a king bed and your eyes can’t seem to stay off of it for more than a moment at the time. A chair sits at a small table in the corner, but you perch yourself on the edge of the bed, hoping that signals to Steve what you want without you having to say it out loud. 
Steve rubs at the back of his neck and tosses his room key down the counter that’s supporting the television. 
“So, uh, what do you want to do?” he asks. 
“You” doesn’t seem like an appropriate answer to give, even if it’s true. 
“Watch a movie?” you suggest. 
“Sure.” Steve grabs the remote and you kick off your shoes, scooting up to the top of the bed. He joins you, shoulder pressed up against yours, and flips through the channels to see what’s on. Just sitting next to him on the bed like this has your nerves burning in excitement. 
He settles on some movie with weird alien creatures but you’re not paying attention. The heat radiating off Steve’s body is all you can focus on. You make the mistake of glancing over at him and your eyes lock onto his lips. They look so soft and such a pretty shade of pink. Steve reaches up and rubs at his eye, which has you now staring at his hands. His fingers are long, and you know they must be skilled from all the video games he plays. 
Trying to relieve some of the ache that’s growing between your legs, you shift on the bed, squeezing your thighs together and it causes you to bump your shoulder against Steve’s. The contact makes you feel like you've swallowed a fistful of pop rocks; tingly and jumpy from the inside out. Steve looks over at you and your traitorous eyes drop down to his mouth. He licks over his lips again – this time on purpose you think – and you know he clocks the way your breath hitches. A smirk comes to those beautiful rosy lips, and you find yourself leaning in closer to him. 
Steve reaches up and cups the side of your face in his hand, leaning the rest of the way to press his mouth against yours. The kiss starts off soft, lips dancing against one another, careful and timid. A small moan breaks from the back of your throat and it gives Steve the courage to swipe his tongue against your upper lip. You open your lips to him and lower yourself down to the pillows, tangling your fingers in his hair to bring him with you. 
Goosebumps spread up your arms as Steve licks his way into your mouth and the kiss goes from shy to exploring. His hand rests on your hip and he lets out a whine as you suck on his bottom lip. Steve slots a leg between yours, which you gladly spread for him, but you want to let out a frustrated whimper when his thigh isn’t close enough to grind your hips against. 
When you give a small, experimental tug to Steve’s hair, he moans into your mouth and bucks his hips against yours. You smile in satisfaction against him, and he pulls back to look down at your gleeful face.
“I could feel that smile,” he tells you, making you giggle and shrug your shoulders innocently. “You like teasing me, huh?”
“Me teasing you?” You pout. “You need to hike your thigh up about four inches.”
Steve looks down at where his leg is, then four inches up. His playful smirk somehow turns you on even more. 
“What? You want to rut against my leg?” he asks.
“Yes,” you whine. 
“Such an impatient girl,” he says as he leans in for another kiss. This one is quick and sweet. “I’ll take care of you if you want me to.”
You nod your head, eyes falling closed as you do. He gently taps your cheek until you open your eyes.
“Words, sweetheart. I need you to use your words.”
“Want you in me,” you rush out in a breath. 
“Fuck,” Steve mumbles, dropping his forehead to rest against yours. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, Steve. Please.”
“Who am I to say no to that?” He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose before getting up and rummaging through his suitcase. There’s a condom wrapped in its shiny foil in Steve’s hand as he comes back to the bed.
“You always carry those on you or were you expecting this to happen?” you tease. 
“I was hopeful,” he admits with a shrug. “Knew I wanted it to happen. Was praying you did too.”
“Of course I did.” You reach up and tangle your fingers in his hair again. “I should warn you that I don’t have a lot of experience, though.”
“Me neither,” Steve admits. “But fuck, I want to learn your body.”
You pull him back down against your lips, and your hands slide from his hair all the way down to his belt. Tongues tangling, you nimbly unfasten the silver buckle and move on to the button of his jeans. Steve’s hands come to slide up your stomach, gliding underneath the material of your shirt. His thumbs trace the skin just below your breasts and it makes your hands stutter over his zipper. 
Steve kicks his jeans off his legs before helping you yank your shirt over your head. His mouth instantly attaches to your neck, biting and sucking and trying to find the most sensitive spot to drive you wild. Fingers grasping at his shirt, you tug it up as high as you can before Steve breaks the contact with your skin just to get it off. He goes right back to his work though, making sure you’re going to have the best hickey he’s ever given. Your jeans are next to come off, both of you working in tandem to rid the denim from your body. Now you’re left in only your bra and panties, Steve in his boxers. 
Tangling your fingers in his irresistible soft brown tresses once again, you wrap your legs around Steve’s and pull his hips down to press against yours. Both of you moan as his clothed cock brushes over your panty-clad core.
“Eager, huh?” Steve pants out against your neck. 
“You have no idea,” you sigh out, letting your eyes slip closed.
“Think I do,” Steve says between swiping his tongue repeatedly over your pulse point. “Wanted you since I first heard your voice. Sounded so fucking hot.”
He rocks his hips against yours, wetness pooling between your legs. The soft whimpers you let out only egg him on.
“Then I saw a picture of you on your Instagram,” Steve says. “Fuck, made me so hard.”
“D-Did you touch yourself to it?” Even to your own ears, your voice sounds wholly wrecked.
“Touched myself every time I opened your Instagram, baby.” His kisses trail up to behind your ear and an involuntary shiver runs down your body. “Thinking about getting you in this position. Getting you all worked up and panting beneath me. Making you beg me to touch you.”
“Fuck, please touch me,” you cry out. Steve smirks against your skin and trails his hand down to the waistband of your panties. 
“I’d rip these if they weren’t so sexy,” he says, finger dipping just inside the black lace. “But maybe I’ll just take them home with me instead.”
Steve sits up and you whine as his body warmth and weight is taken away. He quickly slips your panties off though, and the coolness hitting your wet center has you shifting your hips. When you look up at him, Steve’s eyes are almost entirely black, that beautiful brown totally consumed. His gaze is hungry, and you take advantage of his gaze to slowly strip yourself of your bra. You notice the catch in his breath as you toss the matching black lace garment off the side of the bed. Fully naked below him, he scans his eyes up and down your body, taking in every little detail of your bare skin. It’s a bit scary, being so vulnerable with him, but Steve’s never made you feel anything less than special. 
“Jesus, you’re perfect,” Steve says quietly. He quickly sheds himself of his boxers, leaving your mouth watering as you eye his impressive cock. Even though you don’t have a ton of experience with sex, you’re still confident in saying Steve is big. His cheeks turn a pale shade of pink as you take the entirety of his beauty in and when your eyes come back up to his, he flops down next to you, making you giggle. He shoots you a devastating smile as his large hands reach out and pull your body on top of his. 
“Can I put my mouth on you, baby?” you ask Steve softly. He lets out a guttural groan from the back of his throat and his eyes squeeze closed. You feel his cock twitch against your thigh, precum pooling between your skin and his. 
“Shit, I want that so bad,” he rasps. “But there’s no way I’d last, and I want to be in you.”
“I want you in me, too,” you say in between kisses to his throat. “I’ll just have to suck you off later.”
Steve lets out a breathy laugh as his hand blindly reaches for the condom next to you on the bed.
“You keep talking like that and I won’t last long either.”
Pushing yourself up to sit on his thighs, you pluck the condom from his hands and rip open the wrapper. Eyes focused on the small foil package, you don’t notice Steve’s hand slipping down until his fingers are gliding through your folds. A gasp escapes you and you drop the condom on Steve’s chest, making him smirk in self-satisfaction. His middle finger brushes over your clit and your hips buck forward.
“Feel good, baby?” Steve coos. “Fuck, you’re so wet. All for me?”
“Yes, Steve,” you let out in a breathy moan. “Had me wet for you all day.”
“Only fair since I’ve been half hard all day,” Steve muses. “And when you beat Harlan this afternoon? God, I wanted to fuck you right then and there.” 
Unable to form words, you just nod as a whine leaves you. Fingers scramble along Steve’s skin until you find the condom again. It’s hard to concentrate slipping it on Steve’s cock as his hand keeps sliding from your clit to your fluttering hole.
Steve’s dick twitches as you roll the condom on, and he removes his hand from between your legs. You want to whine at the loss, but you lift yourself up to line him up with your entrance. The head catches against your hole and you feel your abdominal muscles tighten in pleasure. Moving slowly, you start to lower yourself, his length stretching you in a way you’ve never experienced before. Your eyes shut as the sting quickly switches to pleasure, your walls adjusting to fit his size.
“Fuck,” Steve groans out, eyes rolling back in his head.
An exhale leaves your lungs as you finally take him in up to the hilt. Fully seated on him, you need to still yourself to let your body accommodate the welcome intrusion. 
“Steve, you’re so big,” you whine. His cock twitches inside of you at your words and it makes you bite down on your bottom lip.
“You feel like heaven, baby,” Steve says. His breathing is labored and his hands grip at your hips tightly, anchoring himself. “So warm and tight for me. Fuck, so wet too. Can feel you dripping on my balls.”
“Make me feel so full. S’so good.”
Your hips begin to rock against Steve, planting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. It’s obvious Steve is holding back, lip caught between his teeth and his eyes screwed shut. His thumbs are digging so hard into your hip bones that you know you’re going to have two small black and blue marks tomorrow. 
When you moan out a string of Steve’s name over and over, he can’t keep his composure anymore and fucks his hips up into you. You let out a whimper as he reaches impossibly deep inside of you.
“Shit, s-sorry,” Steve says.
“No, don’t be,” you answer. “W-Want you to feel good. Want you to do what you want.”
Steve snakes an arm around your waist and uses his other arm to push himself up, his back smacking against the headboard. Now you’re seated more comfortably in his lap and your clit has a better angle to rub against his pubic bone. 
“Fuck, Steve.” You speed up your hips, trying to get him to rock up into you. His hand sneaks up to grab at your breast, thumb flicking over your nipple as you drop your head back in ecstasy. “Harder.”
The restraint Steve was barely holding on to snaps and his hips buck up against yours, driving his cock deeper and faster inside of you. Muscles in your lower body tightening, you drop your head forward to rest on Steve’s shoulder.
“Close, baby,” you speak against his skin.
“Me too – fuck – me too.” 
As his hips piston into you, you grind yourself down harder, letting your clit rub deliciously against his body. You feel yourself teetering towards the edge and the clenching of your walls around him has Steve seeing stars.
Screaming out Steve’s name, your vision fills with white as you come hard all over his cock. The prettiest whines leave Steve’s mouth as he orgasms right along with you, twitching inside of you as he fills the condom. 
Both of you need a moment to catch your breath, and you lift your head from his shoulder to meet his eyes. Steve’s lips quirk up in a satisfied smile and the pair of you let out a soft laugh at the same time.
“That was…holy shit, that was amazing,” Steve says.
“So fucking good,” you agree. 
His hand cups your face and he brings you in for a tender kiss on the lips, the softness making you melt after your earth shattering orgasm. You feel in complete bliss as you lean against Steve’s chest, letting him wrap you up in his arms. He nuzzles his nose against yours and you giggle at the tickle you feel as his eyelashes brush over your cheek.
“You really gonna take my panties home with you?” you ask.
“If that’s okay with you,” he says with a peck to your lips.
“As long as I get to keep something of yours.” 
“I’d offer you a hoodie, but I doubt you’d ever wear it in this sauna of a state,” he says, making you laugh.
“How about a t-shirt I can sleep in?” you offer.
You ease yourself off of Steve’s lap, both of you hissing as he slips out of you. He pulls off the condom, ties it up, and gets up to toss it in the trash. Eyes tracking him as he moves around the hotel room, you lay back on the bed and admire how the thin sheen of sweat is making him glow in the dim lamplight. When he looks back to you, you raise your arms to show him that you want him to come back to you for cuddles. 
“Two seconds,” Steve says, slipping into the bathroom. The fact that he takes longer than that makes you pout, arms dropping back down to the bed. He steps back into the room carrying a washcloth and wearing the cutest pair of glasses you’ve ever seen.
“Well, hello,” you say in a flirty tone as he comes over to you. He smiles as he places the warm cloth at the apex of your thigh.
“I think I squeezed my eyes shut too tight before,” he explains with a shrug as he gently cleans you up. “Moved my contact and it was bugging me.”
“They’re hot.” He rolls his eyes at your words, and you frown. “I’m not teasing. I mean it.”
Steve stops his movements, looking up at you and raising his eyebrows.
“Really,” you assure him. A shy smile comes to his lips as he tosses the used cloth towards the bathroom.
“When we go for round two, want me to wear them as I eat that pretty pussy out?”
His words have heat shooting straight down to your core, said pussy already ready for him again. 
“As long as you wear them while I blow you.”
“Fuck, I’m so glad I came to see you.”
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katierosefun · 2 years
hey there! quick quest, if you don’t mind answering— what’s it like studying law, would you recommend, and if someone were interested in that, do you know of any websites or books they could look at that that would give them a picture of what to expect if they study it? because i’ve seen some of your posts on law school and law sounds cool:D but idk much about it, and idk how to find out stuff about it, yk?
hi anon!
studying law is honestly fun for me, just because i've always been pretty interested in the legal field since i was pretty young. now that i'm actively studying it, though, i can confidently say that it's mostly a lot of reading. (like, a lot of reading. you'll be reading up to 100+ pages a night, and those 100+ pages are big pages, with small font and single-spaced and also with sentences that can be 5 lines long.) and also learning how to write for an impatient person. (the irony in reading some of the most convoluted opinions in writing history, only to have your legal writing/law practice/whatever professor go " u are writing for some of the most impatient people in the planet, so u better write as concisely as u possibly can".)
there's also something called cold calls in law school, which is basically when a professor will actively call on you on the spot. sometimes, professors will organize panels, so they'll only call on the same handful of people, but other times, professors will make sure that everyone is fair game for every class. at least in my school, i usually speak into a microphone and have to maintain eye contact with my professor as i explain why a court ruled this way or what this super complex legal theory exactly is or how to dismiss a claim in x court or whatever--which, for an introvert like me, can be a little bit intimidating, but i swear it's not as bad as it sounds.
at least in america, studying law and going to law school entails not just doing a lot of reading and struggling through cold calls, but it also means networking. and also trying really hard to get along with your classmates, even if you find some of them incredibly annoying. more often than not, a lot of the classmates that you have in law school are bound to be, like, your actual colleagues at some point in the future (because most law schools are pretty regional-focused). everyone's got incentive to at least be civil with each other, because you never know if the guy you're taking shots with one night mind wind up being your co-counsel or prosecutor or judge ten, twenty years from now.
re: the second part of your question: i didn't ever read any books or refer to websites about what it's actually like to study law. i actually mostly just asked professors of mine back in college (because i was lucky enough to have professors who either went to law school or were practicing attorneys themselves), but i know that a lot of my classmates read law 101: everything you need to know about american law (although i have no idea if you're american) before starting classes.
outside of that though, i know websites like lsatmax have some book recs about what law school might be like , , , but like! if law school is something that you're interested in, don't be afraid to ask actual law school students as well (which you're already doing lol). i think there's a good chunk of law schools (at least, in america) with students who are more than happy to have a virtual coffee and just chat about what it's like to be a law student, advice on what to do if you do want to go to law school/want to apply, etc.
and ofc, i'm more than happy to provide more information if you ever feel more curious!
edit: because i forgot to answer another vital part of your question--i honestly i am not sure if i would recommend studying law or not. it really is one of those things that i think you need to know for sure about yourself first, just because law school (at least, again, in america) is hellishly expensive, and depending on what you want to do with that degree, it might not be worth the expense. also, really ask yourself why you might want to pursue law--law touches so many parts of life, so it might not be as hyperspectific as, say, wanting to pursue medicine or a master��s degree in a certain subject, but again: you gotta think on it. i know a lot of my professors told me that if i even have a 5% doubt in going to law school, then i shouldn’t do it, just because it’s a lot of work. not to scare you off, but i can and will confidently say that the law school application process is hell, and the actual classes are pretty rigorous, and you’ll also usually be working with some of the most god-complex-slash-narcissist people you’ll ever meet. but i think that if you know who you are, then you can overcome all that and hopefully pursue this also incredibly complex field that i think has the potential to do so much good.
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higuysiminnyc · 2 years
bunch of shit nyc
ok lets go back and be honest... i can't do this update everyday lmao so i will now be writing down notes throughout the week and then sharing little snippets of my nyc throughout the week...so lol where did we leave off and what the fuck has happened because one day here feels like a week
alright so its september lol
Starbucks has gotten so much better. I am making friends like actual friends that I hung out with yesterday. It feels good.
Robbie and I attended a rooftop party in Brooklyn through a random girl I met through Facebook lol. It was awesome tho. Felt like a college party but everyone was our age. Truly lemonades hit different when staring at city lights. So fun and actually felt like a New Yorker and social. We also went to Bingo at biddy's pub which was fun even though we didn't win anything we were social lol.
After a long day of being stupidly hungover, I babysat two kids in UES. Parents were so nice and chill. The kids are adorable and I am excited to take more responsibly with them and play with them on occasional Saturday nights. Good side money to have.
I am still applying to residencies, festivals, jobs, companies anything that might fit. Its a waiting game and a not committing to too much because something better might come.
I had an interview with a dance studio to be an admin assistant that can be done from home BUT i said i wanted to teach as well and was really interested in me teaching on Fridays as an assistant to two teams!!! Super cool. I have a follow up interview this week.
Overall, I am tired. Talking with Ebie new starbux friend) and I realized i was already burnt out before i got here. I am worried about it getting worse but them today I am full of energy and excitement about the life im living. It is hard for me wrap my head around my near world. It feels like im in a trance and I'll just got back to reality. I haven't processed anything and I don't want time to keep passing by without me indulging in it. This blog with help me reflect and just acknowledge everything.
oh yeah i got spit on in the subway lol. Some guy made at the world because we aren't giving him money and decides to spit. Top grossest thing so far. but the subway is a fucking cool but terrible place. i love being able to go anywhere with it and not have to pay attention. Robbie and i had an amazing tipsy chat on the way to the party. But it can also be crowded and filled to the brim with people which makes me very uncomfortable. Helped a girl get off at her stop because she was falling asleep lol
Robbie and I love walking at night just around our neighborhood. We are so grateful for the streets that surround us and the energy but quiet that we find. Walking hand and hand one night after we went to the movies, we were glowing from the city lights and the warmth we felt for each other as well as the life we are creating. It is incredible. My family is proud of me and excited for me.
ok might be back soon when i have time hopefully sooner than the one before this --- about to go take a dance class with Robbie and Ebie :)
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punkpsychologist · 2 years
Day two
I woke up very anxious and puttered around my room until noon. I took a shower and it was lovely. Then I chilled with my roommates and went to my friends apartment for quesadillas. I talked to her partner and roommates and made friends with the cats.
As we were getting ready to leave a thunderstorm had rolled in and while in the car another friend messaged me asking to walk with him and HIS other friends to McDonald’s. Late at night. In the pouring, thunderous, rain. I went to my dorm to retrieve my raincoat and they were waiting near outside for me. I forget how frustrating it is to walk with groups of cis guys sometimes. They’re a lot taller than me and have longer strides, your girl was running every few steps to keep up with them lol. We got to the place after a while and ordered food while sipping wet with rainwater. I didn’t order anything but the guys were getting all kinds of odd stuff. I think I accidentally offended one guy who may have been a vegetarian, he ordered a burger with no meat and because all the others were purposefully making weird orders I assumed the same for him and didn’t initially realize his disappointment when they got his order wrong. Hopefully when we meet again we’ll be on a better foot.
There was also an older man sitting near us who seemed to be talking at me. Like a dumbass, I responded to him, which triggered a long attempt at a conversation. The guys told me that he was definitely an NPC and I said that I must’ve accidentally chosen the chat option that triggered the side quest, they seemed to appreciate the comment.
The walk back to the dorms was much nicer. My friend had been carrying a semi-broken umbrella that would only occasionally stay open. The whole way to the McDonald’s he had been trying to pass it off to someone else. At some point on the way back it stayed open and he handed it to me to use because my hair was getting really wet. I noticed him leaning down like he was trying to see if he could also casually walk beneath the umbrella so I held it a little it a little higher. He laughed almost kind of nervously when I did this and then I laughed because I wasn’t able to hold the fucking thing high enough for him to comfortably walk. This resulted in him taking the umbrella back and us just walking very close to one another while all except one of the guys went ahead. I think my friend and the one who stayed behind with us were the only second years(like myself) and they were both much more easygoing than the others. My friend and the straggler showed me where the library was as well as one of the building I needed to find for class tomorrow. When we were nearly back to the dorm, my friend quickly passed me the umbrella and took off because he saw a cool tree branch on the ground. He then excitedly returned and took back the umbrella whilst carrying a whole ass tree branch. I asked if he wanted me to carry something but he was ok apparently, this is also a good time to mention that this dudes hand is like totally injured. It’s like wrapped in blue tape and when I asked what happened to it both he and the straggler said “it exploded.” When we got back to the dorm hall we were all completely soaked from the rain and we talked about dnd a bit before going to our rooms. The straggler also gave me an awkward high-five as I headed to the girls wing of the dorm which got a laugh out of me.
I am now just chilling in bed writing this. I’m really trying to make some kind of daily post to catalogue my mental health. No picture today as it is very dark in here and I don’t want to show anything private.
This is genuinely the most socialization I have had in years. Maybe ever, who knows. If you’ve made it this far I hope something was interesting to you
0 notes
t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Twin Bed (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
are u taking requests rn? 🥺 ive read ur tsukki fics and i know to myself ur the only one who can write this request amazingly: tsukki sneaking in to his s/o’s room at night bc he misses her and he saw how cute she is in her pajamas but couldnt help getting turned on as well bc she is wearing shorts and an oversized shirt it also didnt help that her bed is for one person only ;) UR AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND NEVER STOP WRITING TSUKKI OR HAIKYUU SCENARIOS COS THE PPL NEED U
Word Count: 2,475
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, my shit writing, bad language
Yoooo this is was legit so fun to write lmao. I hope I did your request justice anon and I appreciate your kind words!!! I know I have other requests sitting in my inbox and I will try and to get to them soon. I might be a bit inactive the next couple of weeks, I will be going vacation (I definitely fucking need it lol) this week and then I start classes again. RIP. I hope you guys enjoy this one and let me know what you think!:) I literally am at a lost for words with how amazing you guys are and how unproblematic you guys have been considering the bullshit that’s been going around in the community. I just want to reiterate that this is a safe and fun place for everyone, it is never my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and if I do please let me know so that I can apologize correctly for it! But to make things clear I will not tolerate any fuckery on this blog, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with shit like that. We are all capable of being decent human beings to each other. No drama, no bullshit, just a fun and safe place for everyone that wants to be part of it. ANYWAY, enough of my ranting, please enjoy this filth and my shit writing lmao 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
You frowned slightly as you looked at your phone, your eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. 
 Tsukishima had texted you, multiple times - at two in the morning - in fact. While you dearly adored your boyfriend of only five months, you didn’t exactly adore the fact that he woke you up at this time.
 Especially considering you had to be up in about five hours to get ready for an exam.
 You sighed through your nose as you tugged your blankets from your body and made your way to your door. 
 “Kei… it’s two in the morning…” You yawned, looking up at your tall boyfriend with sleepy eyes. “The dorm manager is going to get mad at me if she catches you here.” 
 “Well let’s not get caught then.” he drawled out, gold eyes flickering over your body. A blonde eyebrow arched up; “is that my shirt?”
 You blinked at him for a moment, not fully registering what he had just asked before a soft blush began to coat your cheeks.
 You were definitely wearing one of his shirts, a green Sendai Frogs shirt that was way too big for your body, given his tall stature. He had left the shirt at your dorm two weeks ago, and naturally you wore it to bed almost every night. 
 “No.” You said in a small voice, carefully playing with your fingers as you looked up at him through your lashes.
 A soft blush covered Tsukishima’s cheeks before he scoffed, his slender fingers reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose. “You’re a terrible liar. Looks good on you though.” he said, brushing past you to get into your room.
 You turned to see him plop himself onto your bed, and you couldn’t help but stare. It was a strange sight to see to say the least. His 6’4 frame was just a tad out of place in your room, especially sitting on your incredibly small bed. But more so he was out of place because, well, your boyfriend was beautiful. It was like a Greek god decided to pay you a secret visit before the sun came up, ready to disappear at any moment. 
 Tsukishima’s hair was tousled perfectly, the tight black shirt he wore complimented him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and thick biceps. You felt your mouth go dry as you realized that he was wearing grey sweatpants, clinging low on his hips.
 How could someone look so good at two in the morning?
 “Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?” He called out, his back leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against, his phone in hand. 
 “You’re the one that wanted to come over.” you frowned, locking your door before making your way towards the bed. “You’re taking up all the space.” You whined. 
 He rolled his eyes before his long legs parted, creating a space on the bed. “Come here.” 
 You felt your face burn even more, a strange shyness overtaking you at the intimate position he wanted you in. 
 It wasn’t like you had never been close to Tsukishima before, you guys had been intimate, many times... but then why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
 “What are you waiting for?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow quirked up.
 “Shut up.” you grumbled, carefully climbing over one of his long legs. You settled yourself against him, your upper body fitting easily between his legs, your back resting against his stomach and your head gently pressing into his strong chest.
 Resting against Tsukishima was far better than resting in your tiny bed. 
 One of his arms carefully wrapped around your waist, his large hand gently pressing against your stomach, the other hand held his phone in front of both of you, a volleyball game overtaking the screen.
 It was silent for a moment, both of you absorbed in the video. It had only been fifteen minutes into the game when Tsukishima began looking over your body. His gold eyes taking in your bare legs before flickering up. He zeroed in on the exposed skin of your hip, the shirt you wore had been pulled up slightly. 
 He swallowed thickly, arousal beginning to spike in his blood. Christ, it wasn’t like you were naked right now; it wasn’t like you were wearing anything incredibly enticing, but… fuck. Tsukishima began wracking his brain for when the last time it was that he had seen you. That’s right, it had been a while, a little over two weeks in fact. 
 His sudden desire was because he had just missed you right? He couldn’t possibly be turned on from the simple fact that you were in the shortest shorts known to man, or the fact that you were in his shirt and you weren’t…. Christ, you weren’t wearing a fucking bra. 
 He could see your hardened nipples through the shirt despite how baggy it was on your small body. 
 “Can you hold the phone, my arm is getting tired.” he said quietly, hoping that you hadn’t felt his hardening member against your back just yet. 
 “Really Kei?” you rolled your eyes but took his phone nonetheless, your eyes completely glued to the screen. The game was just beginning to get interesting.
 It was silent again.
 But this time, Tsukishima trailed his hand down to your exposed skin, carefully sliding his fingers under your shirt, gently tracing against your soft skin.
 You sighed softly at his touch, your body wiggling slightly against him to get more comfortable. Tsukishima took that as a good sign, his hands traveling further up, the rough pads of his fingers felt incredible against your skin; goosebumps erupting over your body.
 You shivered slightly, desire spiking in the pit of your stomach as his long fingers began moving further up, until they rested just below your breasts. Your breath hitched, your heart thumping loudly in your ears now. 
 His fingers carefully dragged against the soft underside of your breasts. You felt Tsukishima shift, his upper body sitting up slightly, his lips brushing gently against the shell of your outer ear, hot breath rustled your hair. 
 “Who’s winning?” he murmured, lips grazing against your ear before carefully brushing down towards your neck.
A soft whimper tore through your lips. “It’s uhmm… uh - o-oh Kei.” your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue darted across your skin, tasting you before biting down softly. You could feel your cunt clenching at his actions, your bundle of nerves suddenly throbbing to be touched.
 “What was that?” he teased softly, the hand that was gently caressing the underside of your breasts suddenly moved up, carefully cupping your entire breast, long fingers gently tugging at your hardened nipple.
 You moaned loudly before immediately dropping his phone, both hands clasping your mouth shut tightly.
 “Oh, that’s right, if your dorm manager caught me here, she would be furious right? I don’t want you getting in trouble, so you best be quiet hmm?” he murmured softly against your skin before pinching your nipple hard between two fingers.
 Your breath hitched, your eyes squeezing shut as pleasure rippled through your body.
 “But you make the cutest noises when you're turned on.” he said, his voice incredibly quiet and calm, despite the growing hardness that was pressing into your back now. “You’re in quite the dilemma, aren’t you?”
 His other hand suddenly trailed down, his fingers curling against your through your shorts. 
 “Fuck… you’re soaked.” he groaned quietly, feeling your arousal leaking through your panties and staining your shorts.
 He suddenly leaned back once again, your head once again resting against his strong chest. But despite his composure, his heart was racing just as much as yours. 
 He suddenly bucked his hips up, his cock rubbing against your back. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the hand that was groping your breast pulled out of your shirt and tangled into your hair, gently tugging and forcing you to arch your neck, staring up at the blonde male now.
 His gold eyes held nothing but lust now as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. 
 You had never seen a more gorgeous man in your entire life. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep with arousal. But before you could say anything, the hand that was grasping you through your clothes suddenly tugged your shorts and panties to the side, long fingers brushing softly against your weeping slit.
 Tsukishima exhaled loudly, his cock jumping against your back as he felt just how wet you were. 
 “Fuck…” he whispered quietly, and carefully slid his finger to the top of your cunt, his finger gently pressing down against your clit.
 A jolt of pleasure erupted through your body, your mouth falling open in a silent plea as your eyes fluttered shut.
 He began rubbing delicate circles against you, a soft pleasure beginning to build up in your lower stomach, your hips rocking up carefully with his movements.
 “K-Kei…” you trembled, your hand reaching down and grasping at his forearm helplessly. 
 “Are you close?” he asked, his finger pressing down just a little bit harder, but that was all that you needed to get your legs shaking.
 The way he touched you… the way that he took care of you… it was no wonder you were completely head over heels for him.
 He was just too good.
 You nodded helplessly against his chest, and then suddenly he pulled his hand away from your dripping cunt, a soft cry of distress tearing through your lips. Why did he… but you were so close…
 “Can you move away for a second?” he asked quietly, gently pushing you forward. You shakily scooted away from him and heard the rustling of sheets and clothes. You twisted your head to look back and - your mouth went dry.
 Tsukishima was still resting against the wall, his lower body easily sprawled out against your bed as you still sat between his long legs, but this time… this time… he laid with one hand behind his head, the other was easily grasping his member, lazily sliding up and down his shaft. His grey sweatpants were bunched up around the tops of his thighs, his black shirt pulled up slightly, exposing his lower stomach and the perfect lines of his Adonis belt.
 “Come here.” he demanded, you turned to crawl over to him, fully intending on taking him into your mouth- his hand flew up, halting your movements. “No. I want to be inside you.”
 Your lips parted slightly as you nodded in a daze, your cunt squeezing around nothing at his words. But before you could sink down on top of his cock, he stopped you once more. 
 “Turn around.” he commanded. Your lips trembled softly, your hands gripping his upper thighs as you situated yourself on top of him, you could feel his fingers tugging your shorts and underwear to the side again, and then something blunt and thick began rubbing up and down your soaked entrance. 
 “Don’t tease me Kei, please.” you whimpered out, but before you could plead further, he grabbed your hips, forcing you to sink all the way down onto his member in one movement.
 You gritted your teeth tightly, biting back the loud shout that wanted to escape your throat at the sudden intrusion, at the force of him already hitting the most devastating depths within you.
 Fuck you had never been quite this full, never had someone quite this deep until you met Tsukishima.
 “Shit.” he cursed, growling slightly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes fluttered shut as your tight heat engulfed him completely.
 He could never get used to this. 
 After a moment of adjusting to the new intrusion you began rocking your hips, carefully sliding back and forth, your lips forming into a silent o as pleasure jolted through your body at each drag of his cock against your walls.
 A soft whimper tore through your lips as he began grabbing handfuls of your ass, his fingers gripping tightly at the soft flesh, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart. Before his hand settled on pulling your shorts and underwear further away, his eyes taking in the obscene way your cunt swallowed his cock.
 The quiet room was filled with the sound of rustling sheets, the wet noises of your arousal leaking through your stuffed cunt as Tsukishima slid in and out of you, the soft and breathless moans that escaped your lips, and the soft grunts of Tsukishima as he fought back his release. He couldn’t cum yet, not until you did.
 But he could tell that you were close by the desperate way you rocked your hips, faster, sloppier, chasing for a release.
 “Cum for me.” he demanded, his large hand cracking down against your ass. Your hand came up, stifling the loud gasp that wanted to escape your lips, your cunt clenching tightly around him. You could feel it then, the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain, the tightness in your lower stomach finally releasing. 
 “Fuck that’s it.” He murmured, watching as you trembled above him, his hands coming down to grip at your waist, forcing you to move faster against him as he began chasing his own release.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth tightly before carefully shoving you off of his member, a soft cry escaping your lips as you collapsed on top of his legs. He gripped his member tightly, shooting thick ropes of his warmth all over your raised bottom, staining your shorts completely.
 “Shit hold on.” he panted slightly, carefully moving himself from under you. He tucked his softening member back into his sweatpants before moving towards your closet, grabbing a towel and making his way back to you. His gentle hands easily cleaning you up before tugging your shorts and panties off, replacing them with fresh ones.
 You looked up at him sleepily as he began situating you both on your small body, half of your body resting on top of his as he drew the blankets over your guys’ form. 
 “You suck Kei. If I fail this exam because I’m too tired to focus, you have to buy me ramen.” you mumbled against his chest, your eyes drooping as sleep began to tug at your mind.
 “If you fail this exam just because you’re tired then that just proves you didn’t actually study for it. You should’ve been able to retain that information regardless.” he said, fingers gently running through your hair.
 “You suck.” you sighed again, softly nuzzling your face into his chest.
 A smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. 
 Not that you would have listened anyway, considering that you were knocked out now. 
 Tsukishima’s body was definitely more comfortable than your twin bed. 
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cherryyharryy · 3 years
please write something about Harry overhearing the reader’s friend tell her that Harry doesn’t spend time with her that she deserves someone better they hang up b4 the reader can say anything like angst to fluff
Thank you for requesting!
This is 80's harry lol
WC: 2.4K
Harry pauses the music on his Walkman, slipping the headphones off his ears to rest around his neck while he fiddles with the key to his apartment.
She had spent the night—his angel. It had been quite the set up, since she still lives at home with her parents while finishing college, a little white lie was passed around to cover her absence. Harry wasn’t a secret by any means, but her parents weren’t the most open minded, and a small fib was easier to handle than trying to rehash the same discussion of y/n being a grown woman. It was hard enough for her to get their approval for college...one mountain at a time.
Harry’s ears burn as he sets the groceries down in the kitchen, the thought of her still tangled up in his sheets beckoning him back to his room, is enough to drive him wild. He doesn’t catch himself zoning out until the phone rings. He untangles his music off his shoulders and yanks the phone off the wall, but y/n has beat him to it, her soft morning voice greeting Caroline before Harry can utter a word.
His brain is too slow in making the connection that he should hang up. That he shouldn’t eavesdrop on his girlfriend’s private conversation. That he owes her the respect that her parents never give her. But he hears his name, specifically, he hears Caroline ask y/n how last night was, so the phone stays glued to his ear.
“Amazing,” she purrs, and Harry’s stomach flips. “We did it like, three times.”
The girls giggle, and Harry shuffles on his feet with a veiny blush spreading all over his body. He can imagine y/n draped in his sheets, phone cord wrapped around her fingers, just a few steps away from him
“Better be nothing short of amazing,” Caroline says, “with what little time he gives you anyway. Ugh, if Tony ever left me hanging as often as Harry, I’d dump him so fast.” She smacks her gum into the phone and Harry flinches. “He tried to ditch me one time to go see Scarface with Rob, and I was like, hell no, you’re taking me skating like you promised. Honestly y/n, you can do better. You’re surrounded by college boys, go find a future doctor.”
The phone almost slips from Harry’s hand, but he catches it and hangs it back on the wall, just in time for his entire world to start crumbling to his feet.
Did he really not spend enough time with y/n?
How long has this been a topic shared between them?
And why hasn’t she said anything before?
Harry stands in the middle of his kitchen, immobilized. He can’t lose her, especially not to something he can fix. She’s been his girl since they were sixteen, there’s too much history between them, or so he thought.
He files through the memories he has of them together, trying to quantify them, trying to see where he started slipping.
Maybe it’s when he took over his dad’s business? But she knew how demanding it would be, and always supported him. Or maybe it’s because they don’t go out as much? Between him managing an appliance store, and her working towards a bachelors, they often opt for nights on the couch watching SNL reruns.
His mind is foggy, and he doesn’t catch his bedroom door creaking open.
Harry startles back to present, gripping the counter as y/n emerges from his room wearing nothing but his t-shirt.
“You okay? Look like a deer caught in headlights.”
“Mm, no, fine.”
“I heard you come in a bit ago.” She flicks her eyes over his kitchen, looking for the breakfast he had promised to make almost an hour ago.
“Didn’t want to be too loud.”
“Oh, alright.” She smiles, attempting to diffuse whatever awkward tension has settled in his home. “Well, cook away! I can help too.”
He grabs her wrist before she reaches the fridge. “No, I’ll make it for you. Go back to bed.”
“You sure?”
He nods, forcing a smile.
She peers back over her shoulder twice on her walk back to his room, hoping to figure out what’s going on, but learns nothing.
As soon as his door shuts, Harry flies around his kitchen, grabbing what he needs to make the fastest breakfast in the world.
He’s going to spend every free second he has with her, and doesn’t want to waste any if he doesn’t have to.
Harry knows he’s borderline annoying. And he knows his actions are beginning to appear creepy, if not bizarre. He tags along with y/n everywhere she goes now, even at the doctor where he almost followed her back to her exam. She gently placed her hands on his chest and told him that she would rather the doctor do the job, promising she’d be out in no time.
She’s been tiptoeing around him too, not sure what to make of his new routine of gluing himself to her side, hoping it will wear off and things will go back to normal.
But she waits and she waits, and normal never resurfaces.
“H, baby, I can’t concentrate with you so close to me.”
Harry looks offended, slipping his reading glasses off his nose and closing the book he was halfway through, giving her his full attention when he asks what she means.
Y/n peers around the library, not wanting to have this discussion so publicly, but too keyed up to wait any longer. “I’ve just noticed that you’ve...been a little clingy lately? More like a lot.”
“I just wanted to spend more time with you.”
“You’re picking me up, and walking me to my classes—”
“Thought that was nice?”
“You don’t even go to this school. Listen, the sentiment is nice, but I’m starting to feel a little suffocated.”
Harry bites his cheek so hard he draws blood. “And what did Caroline have to say about that?”
“I’m sure that nosy friend of yours had a lot to say about me when you brought this up.”
“Excuse me!”
“Quiet, please,” one of the staff members shushes y/n, “Or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Y/n ignores the snickers from a table of girls nearby, recoiling her embarrassment and turning it to anger. Her voice, although lowered, now drags out of her mouth in sharp tones. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I heard everything, that morning Caroline called my phone to talk to you about how crummy of a boyfriend I am.”
That morning, now a month ago, is hardly a memory in y/n’s head. She fights around for details of the conversation, but comes up empty handed. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about, and frankly, I don’t care.” She starts closing all her books and gathering her school work to shove into her bag.
“Where are you going?”
Harry blinks, fumbling for his next question as y/n hurries across the library. He’s quick to catch up with her, waiting until they’re outside where they don’t have to whisper. “Don’t walk, I have my car.”
He reaches for her shoulder but she shrugs it off. “I’m going home. My home, not yours.”
Harry freezes on the sidewalk. She continues on her way until she disappears around the building. A few students yell out at Harry, making fun of the guy who, from a distance, just got rejected. He flips them off and heads to his car, beating the steering wheel all the way back to his apartment.
“You’ve been studying an awful lot lately,” y/n’s dad comments from across the dinner table. “Do you have a big test coming up?”
“You spend the night with Rayna almost every weekend.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. We have a lot of tests.” Y/n spoons a bite of mashed potatoes into her mouth, thankful neither of her parents went to college. It’s allowed for more stretched lies when she sleeps over at Harry’s. “Like a lot. Every week.”
Her mother hums from her seat, nodding to save her spot in the conversation while she finishes chewing. “We told you how hard it would be. But you wouldn’t listen.”
“That’s not—” “Shelly’s daughter just got a job as a receptionist, over at that dental office by the mattress store.” Her dad points at y/n with his fork. “You could ask her if she knows of any other places looking for a girl.”
“I’m not going to have a job where the requirement is girl.”
“You’re taking this too liberally, dear. Oh Lord, John, that school did just what you said.”
“That’s what happens, girls go off to try and get a degree...and what for? What are you going to do when you get married and have kids?”
Her mom scoffs. “Well you’re not going to be able to raise children and work.”
“Are you two serious right now? It’s 1985, not fifty-five! Women go to college, they work, some of them don’t even get married! Or have kids!”
“When you were little you couldn’t wait to be a mom. Now all of a sudden you’ve changed your mind. That never would have happened if we hadn’t let you go off to that damn school.”
“Yes I’ve changed my mind! If it hadn’t been for that school, I never would have realized that it’s my own mind to change. It’s my own life to do whatever I want with, not yours.”
“Well I am—” Her dad is interrupted by the door bell echoing outside the kitchen. “One minute. We’re not done with this yet.”
Muffled voices stagger from the front door while y/n pushes the food around her plate. She hopes that whoever is at the door keeps her dad busy for a while. She knows her mom won’t have these types of conversations without him, which just showcases the lifestyle she is adamantly trying to avoid. One that was passed down to her parents, but y/n is determined to squeeze herself out of that narrative no matter what.
“Y/n!” her dad calls, “you have a visitor.”
Y/n peers up at her mom, both women exchanging confused glances before they go see who had arrived.
“Oh,” y/n says dully, “It’s you.”
Harry stands with his hands shoved into jacket pockets, peering at each family member before speaking. “Hey, uh, I was hoping we could talk. Privately.”
Y/n nods, and leads the way back through the kitchen to the back porch. She’s not really in the mood to be talking to him, or having this conversation, but right now he’s a free ticket away from her parents, so she accepts.
They sit halfway down the steps, just like they’ve done a thousand times before. Her on the right, him on the left. Usually his arm is thrown over her shoulder, and their knees bump together until Harry pulls her in so close that not even a breeze could fit between them, but now they’re both collected on their respective sides of the wooden step.
“Heard the new Prince song?”
Y/n rolls her eyes. “It’s been a week.”
“Exactly, a lot’s happened in a week. Prince came out with a new song, Michael Jordan’s rookie of the year, and there’s gonna be a Rocky four.”
“Did you come over to talk about everyone else’s good news?”
Harry sighs. “We’ve never gone a week without talking. Ever.”
“Well you really hurt my feelings.” She turns to look at him, tears welling up in her eyes. “I mean, you don’t even trust me, so you listen in on my phone calls—”
“That’s not—no. I picked up when you did.”
“But you still listened.”
“Okay yeah, but only because I heard my name.” He shrugs, a timid smile playing on his lips. “Wanted to hear what you thought about me.”
“I tell you what I think all the time. I’ve never kept my feelings secret from you.”
“It’s different.” He pulls his hands from his pockets and runs them through his hair, tugging on fistfuls of curls out of frustration. “But then when Caroline said all that, ‘bout me not spending enough time with you, it killed me.”
“That’s what this is about,” she sighs, more to herself than to Harry as the memory of that morning resurfaces in her mind. “You dork, what about what I said back?”
“I hung up. Didn’t wanna hear anything else after that.”
“I told her how wrong she was. How we spend lots of time together.”
“You did?”
“Mhm. She’s always bragging about her and Tony, like they’re the first two people to date ever. I totally rubbed our relationship in her face.”
Harry’s surprised by the gleam on his girlfriend’s face, and tries not to laugh. “What else did you tell her?”
“I dunno.” She shrugs, suddenly shy. “Can’t remember.”
“How convenient.” He nudges her knee with his, and she bumps him back.
Y/n exhales, dipping her head back to squint at the stars peeking out from a cloudy night. “My parents are driving me crazy.”
“They always drive you crazy.”
“Yeah but, more than usual. I got spoiled staying with you on the weekends.”
Harry hums, reaching his arm over to pull her into his side. “Maybe it shouldn’t just be weekends…”
“They would know something’s up if I stayed over on weeknights.”
“No, baby, I mean permanently.”
“Like moving in together?”
“Why not?”
She chews on her lip, trying to keep her smile hidden. “I don’t know...that’s a big deal. It’s a big step.”
“We can think about it. No rush.”
“It would be nice. To see each other whenever we wanted.”
Harry tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Wouldn’t have to ask your parents permission for anything.”
“Just me.”
“I’m kidding, angel.” He kisses her forehead and takes her hand, helping her up.
Y/n’s parents are in the living room when the two are back in the house, and just the thought of continuing her evening here lights a fire under y/n.
“I’m going over to Harry’s,” she announces.
Harry drops her hand, just as surprised as her parents.
“Excuse me?” Her father turns the t.v. off and straightens in his chair. “I don’t think so.”
“Well I think so,” y/n defends. “Come on, Harry.” She takes his hand and tugs him towards the door.
“Harry!” Her mother protests.
He looks over his shoulder just as he’s being led out the door. “Oh, you can call me Rayna.”
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okaymybeloved · 3 years
dates with enhypen (*≧∀≦*)
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since he’s the oldest i feel like he would want to take you somewhere impressive
he takes you out to a nice restaurant
you both are enjoying yourselves and talk about your careers and future plans
but you both feel kind of unsatisfied? after it? like somethings missing?
somehow you both end up at the amusement park
riding all of the roller coasters and ending it off with the cliché ferris wheel
“no offense hee, but this was much better than the restaurant”
“i paid good money, how dare you”
“it’s the truth, babe”
sharing a loving evening together, watching the city lights below you was one of the best things you could ever ask for
you both shared a sweet kiss under the stars, making your hearts flutter like little high schoolers with their first love
[ more members under the cut! ]
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he tells you to dress your nicest and that you did
as soon as you walked out of the door, his jaw was on the floor
as soon as you walked out of the door, his jaw was on the floor
“wow, i am so lucky”
“oh shut up”
“you’re blushing!!! how cute!!!”
he brings you to one of seoul’s best restaurants, requesting a table with the best view
you both shared a bottle of wine together, laughing at all his ridiculous trainee stories
whenever you talk, he focuses all his attention towards you
heart eyes going crazy rn
you finish dinner and get into the car
“did you enjoy it?”
“of course i did. anything with you, i always enjoy”
jay gets so flustered, face red as a tomato
you thought it was hilarious and teased him more by giving him a kiss on the cheek
“please stop, my heart can’t take it anymore” he means this in the most loving way
i think he would enjoy simple dates, like picnics or going out to do little things
he loves cuddling, so he decided to do a fort date
grabbing all the blankets and pillows in the house, even the couch to make the comfiest fort
sososo nervous and excited for you to come home and see what he did for you
as soon as you walk into the living room, jake is waiting for you with matching onesies and open arms
you were so excited and got changed quickly so you can jump into his arms
in the fort, he pulled you into his arms and picked to watch rapunzel
being in jake’s arms was heavenly
you turn your head up at him, smiling, “thank you, love”
“anything for you”
i think most people would write about how he would teach his s/o ice skating for a date but i think otherwise
he’s one of those people who really enjoys quality time so i feel like he would make a date to learn about something you love to do
an example would be a painting class
you love painting and have always wanted to take a class, so sunghoon took it this opportunity to make it a date
he surprises you at your apartment but doesn’t tell you where you guys are going
arriving at the class, your eyes immediately lit up, taking your seat right away
he looks at you throughout the class, loving how much passion you put into painting
after the class, you were so happy, showing him your painting multiple times
“sunghoon, look! i cant believe i painted this masterpiece!”
“did you have fun, my love?”
“yes! thank you hoonie! i love you!”
walking hand and hand to his car, his heart is filled with love for you and sharing your passions with him
he’s a major foodie
he heard about a night market nearby and asked if you wanted to go with him
you said yes of course
you both walked in, hand in hand, looking at all of the different stalls and what they had to offer
getting food from the most popular ones, you found a table and sat down with all the food spread out
of course you had to take pictures, taking most of sunoo bc he looked so pretty, but some of the food as well
eating and enjoying each other’s company made this one of the best dates
after finishing, there was a game area that you wanted to play in i’m just describing the la night market at this point lol
he won a hamster plushie and you won an octopus plushie
while walking out, you gave him a kiss on the cheek
“thank you for today, i got to spend time with my favorite person while eating yummy food”
“i wouldn’t want anything else different, cutie”
he’s still young so he would most likely will take you out to somewhere small and cute
he brings you to a little cafe that you haven’t been to
ordering for the both of you, even getting your favorite chocolate bun
as he was ordering, you were looking around at the cute place
a small meow came from behind you and you realized that he took you to a cat cafe
immediately, you put the cat on your lap and started petting it
jungwon came back with the order and just melted as soon as he saw you with the cat
“wonie, i might cry. it’s so cute”
he sits next to you and pets the cat as well, somehow he attracts 3 more cats
he puts his head on your shoulder while petting the new cats
overall, you were just having a great time petting cats with jungwon
you were gonna do it, you were going to say ‘i love you’ for the first time to him
“hey jungwon, i love you. a lot.”
he immediately jumps up and stares at you with wide eyes
he surges forward and gives you a peck on the lips
“i love you too”
he loves your hugs and cuddles so much, but he can’t bring that out in public so the next best thing is bringing you to his dorm
okay maybe it wasn’t the best idea inviting you to a dorm with 6 other boys but he just wanted to spend time with you :(
as soon as you get there, he greets you with a giant hug
the other boys wanted to watch the new horror movie so you guys got situated on the couch
to be quite honest, you didn’t really mind horror movies, they’re actually more entertaining than scary
however, ni-ki was the complete opposite, but you thought this was adorable
“y/n, please hold me i’m scared”
“i got you love, don’t worry”
when the movie ended, you both were so sleepy
both of you guys were cuddled up next to each other under a soft blanket
you guys already fell asleep before the rest of the boys got up to get ready for bed
awoken by a camera flash, you saw the culprit, jake
“sorry, you both were just so cute!”
looking at ni-ki and smiling, “actually, send me the pic later”
you gave him a kiss on the forehead
“goodnight, love”
cuddling further into him, ultimately falling asleep as well
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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hizashiiis · 3 years
Bakusquad + “Why are you awake” Part Two
So here’s part two! Fun fact, the song Jirou plays you in her part is actually a song I wrote! I didn’t include any of the lyrics though because its lowkey really cheesy :/
I hope you like this! This one is for Sero, Mina, and Jirou.
Warnings: insomnia, depression kinda
Sero Hanta
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- Sero is very much a hypocrite when it comes to getting enough sleep
- He’s constantly up at all hours, even sending you random texts if he can’t sleep
- But when you aren’t going to bed at a normal time?
- He’s so sad
- He looks like you kicked his puppy and then him in rapid succession. 
- It’s crazy because he seems to just instinctively know when you’re awake
- Like he bolts up in his bed all, “they ain’t in bed. I’m abt to beat some ass.”
- He’s never sure if he’s right though, so he texts you a meme he made specifically for you being up too late
- It’s probably really cheesy and outdated, but the effort is there
- If you respond to it (because you will) he knocks on the wall between your dorms and talks to you 
- Often, you both just stay up like that
Sero’s body is awake before his mind, moving him to sit up in bed before he can think. He was having a really intense dream; something about talking mice. He didn’t mind it, but he woke up as if he’d had a nightmare. 
Faintly, from the wall beside him, he can hear low music playing, but he can’t make out what song it is. It’s coming from your room, though, so he’s concerned. 
The sky outside is dark, clouds drifting across his windowed view of the moon. It must be pretty late; all the noise is gone, leaving nothing but static air, and the music. He leans over his bed to look at the time on his phone. It’s around 2 am. The song you’re playing ends, and he recognizes the next one. It’s on your sad playlist. 
He sends you the meme, as well as an invitation for a hug as soon as it’s morning. You respond almost instantly, assuring him that you’re fine, you just couldn’t sleep. But he knows you better than that. 
Knocking on the wall between you, he hears the music stop suddenly. He calls out to your wall. 
“Mi amor? What’s keeping you awake?” He’s met with silence for a moment before your shaky voice responds.
“I’m okay. I just kinda got hit with some sad, y’know?” He does know. He knows that this happens sometimes. It happens to him, too. But he hates hearing your voice sound so lost. You almost sound hopeless, and he can’t bear it. 
“I understand.” He places his hand up to the wall, wishing he could hold you. Unfortunately, you had both been told off by Iida for sleeping in each other’s rooms more than enough times lately, so he couldn’t just go see you. He opts instead for hugging a stuffed giraffe you had gotten him after the Sports Festival. 
“Do you want me to distract you, or do you want to talk about it?” He asks, stroking the giraffe’s head as if it’s your hair, not knowing that on the other side of the wall, you’re holding a stuffed lion the same way. 
“Distract me?” Your voice comes out only just loud enough for him to hear you, but he understands. He begins to tell you a story. He’s told it before. It’s about a great hero, one who fights crime valiantly, and his partner, also a fantastic hero. He ad-libs parts of it, making pretend villains say silly slogans, and recounting how the heroes save the day. 
As he reaches the end, he hears you giggle a bit. “Oh? Did it work? Are you smiling over there, my sweet?” He calls to you, a teasing lilt to his voice. 
“A little bit.” You respond, playing with your stuffed animal. “If you keep talking, maybe I’ll even smile more.”
He laughs, eyes bleary with sleep, but happy to talk to you the whole night.
Mina Ashido
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- Honestly, she’s no better than you about staying awake
- She tries to sleep, but her thoughts are always racing
- Sometimes it’s thoughts of you, sometimes of new things she wants to try in training, or things she wants to see if she can convince her friends to do
- But she wants you to get adequate rest, even if it’s hard for her to do the same
- She used to get told off for sneaking to your room every night, but then Momo and Iida saw how much better you were performing in school on the days after she’d been there, and they started letting it slide
- It’s nicer for her, too, because she has someone to ramble to as the two of you fall asleep
Mina skipped down the hallway toward your room. It was a bit past midnight, and usually, you would be asleep by this time. It was well past lights out, and classes had run long that day, not to mention the endless exams that were happening at UA right now. So when she reached your door, she was surprised to find you watching a movie on your phone instead of snoring. 
“Hey bug! Why are you still up, don’t you know what time it is?” She says, throwing a grin your way as she puts her blanket down next to you. 
You shrug, yawning. “I could ask you the same thing, love.” She pouts at that, tossing her arm around your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your temple.
She watches you watching your show for a few minutes before saying anything. It looks good, she supposes, but she has a better idea of what to watch. “Scoot over.” She pushes you lightly, giggling as you scrunch to the side to give her more room. “Do you wanna watch something with me?” She asks, holding up her phone. 
You look at her for a moment. “That is what we are currently doing, is it not?” You hold up your phone in return, showing her the paused screen. 
“But I have a better movie!” She insists, unlocking her screen and shoving it above yours so that you can see her pick. She’s right, it is a better movie. You guys have watched the entire Studio Ghibli filmography, but even you know that her favorite, “When Marnie was There,” is the better option at this particular moment. 
You toss your phone to the side, pulling her in to lay next to you. “Fair enough, bubs, I guess yours is better.” You feign reluctance, watching her excitedly press play and tuck the blanket in around the both of you. Her arm curls tighter around your shoulders, and she giggles as the opening credits start. 
“Hey Minari?” You use her favorite nickname, looking at her through hooded, sleepy eyes. She hums in response. “Why is this one your favorite?”
Hearing the question, she pauses the movie, turning to look right at you. She’s quiet for a moment, thinking about her answer. “I guess because they remind me of us! Like I’m Marnie, and you’re Anna, and we’re having this great adventure together!” You feel your face heat at her words, thinking about the movie more critically now. Mina continues, “It’s like…” she pauses, finding the right words. “Like Anna is learning how her friendship with Marnie can make her feel more right, as a person. And I feel like that about you!” 
You’re tearing up now, unsure how to respond. Mina is so many things, and being with you is that important to her? It’s a new feeling, but certainly a welcome one. You pull her down, giving her a kiss. And then another kiss. And one on her nose. 
“Press play, Mina.”
Kyoka Jirou
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- Lol u think she sleeps?
- She does, but not at night
- Were it not for classes, Jirou would be essentially nocturnal
- So you try to remind her to go to sleep
- Sometimes you’ll walk past her dorm at night, and you hear her guitar, softly playing her favorite songs
- Before you got together, sometimes you would sit outside her door and listen to her play
- Not in a creepy way, there’s just a little common area right outside her room and you like took a book there, you weren’t like ooh it’s late i think i’ll sit outside someone’s room and listen to them
- You aren’t Mineta. 
- But anyway
- Now that you are together, Jirou thinks it’s really sweet that you listen to her play
- Sometimes she leaves her door cracked open so you can come in
It’s 4 o’clock in the morning, and the light is on in Jirou’s room. You had come out to go to the bathroom, but you noticed her guitar, and decided to stay. The soft strumming is pretty, and you’re glad to be one of the few people allowed to hear it. 
Opening Jirou’s door just a bit more, you nod toward her desk chair in a silent question. She nods, so you go sit down. 
She’s playing a song you don’t recognize, and the lyrics are sad. Even still, it’s beautiful, and your eyes seem to naturally close, taking in the melody of her voice. She used to tell you her voice wasn’t anything special, but she seems content now to let you listen. 
The guitar resonates with the last few chords, and the ending note is held for three beats. When she’s finished, Jirou opens her eyes and looks at you, waiting for your thoughts.
“It was beautiful. Did you write that?” You ask her, your hands fidgeting with the urge to hold her own. She nods, but doesn’t say anything. 
You don’t acknowledge the sad theme of the song. She’s told you before that sometimes sad songs are easier than happy ones. That the melody is clearer. You don’t mind. All her songs are beautiful, and they reflect her in them, and isn’t that what makes a piece of art?
“I have another one, if you’d like to hear it?” She looks nervous; something you never see on her.
“I’d love to!” Your exclamation seems to snap her out of the anxiety in her eyes, which narrow a little. 
“Just…” She starts, looking away from you to adjust the capo on her instrument. “Don’t freak out, okay?”
Confused, you nod, and she starts playing. 
The song starts out with a few chords repeating in a loop, and then she begins to sing. The lyrics are confusing to you at first, and you still aren’t sure why she’s told you not to freak out. But then she gets to the chorus, and it begins to make more sense. 
Lyrics, in essence, are a poem, and this one is a love poem. Her thoughts, written out, are so sweet and loving, that you’re sure you don’t know what to think. She sings elegantly, like someone who’s never known how to dance, and yet is waltzing perfectly across a shining floor. 
She finishes the song with a declaration of loyalty, and you realize your eyes are watering. She looks at you, waiting for your thoughts. 
You say nothing. You don’t know how to say anything, so you stand, cross to her, and pull her into a hug. She’s not usually one for physical touch, but she holds you tightly. 
“It’s about me, right?” You laugh, leaving a kiss on her calloused fingers. She rolls her eyes. 
She smiles at you, pulling you to lay on her bed as she puts her guitar in its case, taking the capo off the strings. “You should sleep. It’s like, morning now.”
“You should too.” You retort, still holding her hand. 
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - epilogue
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Summary: It's been a year and a half since their little baby was born. How are the two of them doing?
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: Is it the end for Penny and Walter? Yes, omg i can't believe. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. The story took a full 180 (especially because I intended this story to be much shorter lol), but I'm very satisfied nonetheless 🥰
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
Declan has a plan and that is to go outside. I mean, it’s kinda fair, since he spend a lot of time inside today. Not that he complained. No, no, no, he was an absolute angel at the salon—like always—playing with his toys, while I was at work, but now he needs some fresh air after we had a quick snack at home.
This little man is definitely as head strong as his dad, however he isn’t as stubborn as Walter can be.
Declan attempts to throw a ball at me and I can see there is some definite improvement. Just like any kid at that age, he is distracted like that. ‘Momma, momma,’ he says, pointing to a truck that passes by. ‘Dada!’
‘Oh honey, that is not his truck,’ I say, crouching down next to him. ‘Dada is gonna become soon. In his other car. His work car.’
Declan points. ‘No dada?’
‘Not yet.’
‘Dada home?’
‘Almost,’ I say to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Declan stops playing altogether, staring at the road, waiting for Walter to come home. His mouth slightly agape, as he focused on every car that passes by.
Finally his car pulls up and I exclaim: ‘There he is!’ When Walter gets out of the car with a smile that is only this wide when he sees us, I let Declan go and watch him wobble over to his dad. With one hand he lifts the little boy up and presses kisses on his chubby cheek. ‘I missed you,’ Walter says, looking his son in the eye.
‘Dada miss, dada miss!’
He chuckles. ‘That’s right.’ He walks up to me and says: ‘There is my princess.’
‘Princess momma,’ Declan says.
‘Give me a kiss, sweetheart,’ he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I press a peck on his lips and melt against his frame.
‘It went splendid,’ I say. ‘I actually got to do someone’s hair for an important interview and afterwards, she came back to the salon and told me it went great!’
He smiles. ‘I’m so proud of you.’
After Declan was born, I stayed home for about six months, acclimatizing to being a mom and those sleepless nights. It was hard, I cried a lot and I was very scared. I think I hung on the phone with my mom about seventy percent of the time, while calling Walter the remaining thirty percent. I have adjusted pretty okayish, especially when Walter went to work, made sure I have nothing to worry about.
No stress, providing for the two of us as much as he can and Declan and I sure are lucky that Walter is the love of my life.
My parents helped me financially to go to cosmetology school, which was an absolute blast. It was around fifteen minutes from my place and Declan was always allowed to come with me.
He sure wrapped everyone around his fingers with no issue at all.
While Walter still is that grumpy detective he was when I met him outside of our house, he changes into a big fluffy ball, shaped like a human the second the front door closes. No matter how tired he was, how long his shift was, he pushes it aside to take care of his family.
We walk inside of our place and I tell him: ‘I made dinner.’
While I’m not a world class chef, I do manage to make some decent meals, especially because I wanted to make Declan’s baby food, since my mom raised me with that as well (though I was no saint and had jars as well stored in my kitchen, just in case).
‘Princess, I’m so lucky to have you,’ Walter says. Once we’re inside, he places Declan in the high chair and scoots his own chair closer to it, a silent message that he will help Declan eat today. ‘Okay, little fella,’ Walter says, ‘you gonna be a good boy and not spill the food over me?’
Declan nods. ‘Deccie, good boy.’
I give Walter a kiss, after placing his plate and Declan’s in front of him. ‘He has been such a good boy at the salon today, so it’ll go great, I’m sure.’
After I sit across Walter, he asks about my day. From the looks of it, he had a rough one. Thankfully enough happened at the salon today for me to talk about. While we’re still working on improving him sharing more details, but I kinda understand. With Declan repeating a lot of words recently, we get a little bit more careful with what we’re saying.
After Dinner, Walter and I curl up on the couch after Walter changed into something more comfortable. Declan places his head on my chest, his eyelids growing heavier before he stretches out his hand to place on Walter’s chest.
I nuzzle against Walter’s side.
‘He is so cute,’ Walter notes.
I smile. ‘He sure is. He has your curls.’
‘But your pout and eyes. How can I ever say no to this kid?’
I shake my head. ‘You can’t, honey. I tried it today and it was the hardest thing in my life.’
He starts to chuckle softly. ‘You got nothing to do tomorrow?’
‘No, why?’
‘Can you come down the precinct? I wanna show off the two of you.’
I smile. ‘Oh my goodness, you are so predictable. Of course, I can come by. Maybe I’ll even steal some of my mom’s cookies, tell them I baked them.’
He chuckles. ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be lying when at the police.’
Declan stretches himself and whines a little bit. ‘Momma,’ he says, looking up to see me.
‘Oh, I think someone is really tired,’ I say. ‘You wanna go to bed?’
He nods. ‘Deccie tired.’
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Here, sweetheart, I’ll do it. You relax, okay?’ Walter stands up and after I gave Declan a kiss, Walter lifts him up and carries the tired little one up the stairs.
I watch my big buff boyfriend walk back into the living room and he places the baby monitor in front of us, before he sits back on the couch. That monitor basically is glued to Walter’s hand as he always checks up on his boy. I thought I would be the parent that worries the most, however Walter puts me to shame.
The two of them are as thick as thieves and it makes me so grateful that we have a son together.
‘How was work today?’ I ask him.
He shrugs. ‘There was a dad who left his kids in the car,’ he says, ‘in the burning sun, before literally running away. Took us two hours before we found him.’
‘Oh no.’
‘Yeah, it was painful. The kids are gonna be okay, but… It reminds me that Declan is a really lucky kid.’
‘Do those kids have someone to go to?’
‘Yeah, an aunt,’ Walter says, rubbing his face. ‘Come here, princess.’
I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on his lips. ‘I missed you.’
Walter smiles. ‘I missed you too. You have no idea how much it means to me to see you two in the yard, waiting for me. Especially after a shitty day like this one.’
‘You know you can always call me,’ I say. ‘Really, I always want to listen to you. You before anyone else, okay?’
He nods. ‘Have I already told you today that you are a very amazing mother and how lucky I am?’
I shake my head. ‘Nope, not today.’
He pulls me on his lap and gives me a peck on my forehead. ‘Just everything you do and say to him… It’s like you always know exactly what to do and you stay so patient and kind.’
‘Oh, Walter, that’s too sweet. I can guarantee: it’s all because you stayed—or at least pretended—to stay calm. Had you not done that, I would absolutely freaked out every time Declan had a funny breathing.’ I ruffle through his hairs and ask: ‘Have I been good to you as well?’
‘What kind of question is that? Of course you have. I’m so lucky that I have you and you and I have a family. There is no one else in the world I would rather have with me for important events.’ He places his hand on my sides, pushing up my shirt. ‘Give me a kiss, princess.’
I willingly oblige and press my lips on his. ‘I love you, Walter.’
‘Oh, I love you too. I want your honest opinion and really be honest, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I chuckle.
‘What do you say if you and I have another one?’
‘Another what?’
My eyes widen. ‘Really?’ I ask. He actually wants another kid with me? I mean, I always figured we would have more than one kid, but that would be in the future a little bit further away.
But already another one?
‘Yeah and I mean, if you’re not ready, then I totally understand and I won’t bring it up until you are ready, but I personally would love it.’ He smiles and adds: ‘I mean, two of the most beautiful babies running around here? Together with my beautiful girlfriend, who I’ll make my wife someday?’
I should not be squealing, yet I totally do. ‘Walter, honey,’ I say with a chuckle. ‘I’d love to have another baby with you.’
He starts to smile even wider. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really. I’d love for Declan to have a few brothers and sisters.’
‘A few? How many you thinking about?’
‘I don’t know. How about three kids? Or four?’
He starts to laugh. ‘Then you and I better get some practice in with some baby making,’ he chuckles. ‘Because this time it’s not gonna be an accident.’
I slap him across his chest. ‘Walter, what did I say about that word?’
‘Oh, right right.’ He gives me a kiss and says: ‘Declan wasn’t an accident, he was our surprise baby. Forgot.’
I place my forehead against his, wrapping my arms around his neck. ‘Forever and ever, right?’
‘Forever and ever.’
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aiekerman · 3 years
Easy - Eren Jaeger
Eren Jaeger x Reader - fluff, college!au
AN - If you saw me post this before, no you didn’t. But in actuality it is a repost I just changed it to second person oops. But anyway, hopefully anyone who sees it for the second time likes it again lol. 
(A part 2 and/or prequel does exist for this in my brain if anyone was ever interested!)
Song vibes: Easy by Troye Sivan ft. Kasey Musgraves
Summary - Just a pair of friends that definitely do not like each other. But leave their rooms at midnight for each other with no hesitation, and know each other’s food orders, and are low-key affectionate with each other.  A pair of friends.
Y/N: Hey :)
Eren drags his head out of his textbook as his phone goes off. Pushing stray hairs back off his forehead and out of his eyes. His tired eyes lit slightly at the sight of your name. His fingers quickly replying
Eren: Hey u
He glances at the time, 12.03 am, he frowns, worried whyyou were awake so late. Three bubbles appear on his screen as he waits for your reply to arrive.
Y/N: U up?
Eren: I’m texting u back aren’t I?
Her reply takes slightly longer this time, and his mouth crooks up at the side, picturing the eye roll you were most definitely doing.
Y/N: Shut up
You know what I mean
Eren: Yeah I’m up
Last minute studying
He pulls the phone from its charger and leans back in his chair, one foot against the desk leg and swinging back slightly. You take a little longer to reply and his eyes drift to the top of the screen where your contact picture is. His mouth betrays him again and a smile ghosts over it. 
The picture is simple. A candid of you sat proudly in front of a sandcastle you were making at the beach during spring break. Your legs splayed either side of it, covered in sand. You were smiling up at someone, probably Sasha, your hair a wavy, salty mess, blowing in the sea breeze.
Your reply finally comes, vibrating the phone in his hand and dragging him from his thoughts. He rolls his eyes at your message.
Y/N: Midnight Taco Bell run? :)
Eren: Have you been smoking?
Y/N: No I just also happen to be doing midnight work and have a craving
His fingers move to reply before another message comes through, very quickly, and he pauses.
Y/N: And I miss your dumb face
Eren: You mean my pretty face?
Y/N: I change my mind I’m asking Jean
Eren: Shut up I’m getting ready now
Y/N: :))
Eren chucks the phone over to his bed, staring at his textbook for a second. He knows he should keep studying, or better yet, go to bed. But he misses you too. He stands from the seat and shuffles around his room, quietly as possible. Armin was definitely asleep and would definitely make a dumb comment about Eren being whipped for someone he wasn’t even dating.
Eren brushes off the thought and pulls his sneakers on, swaps his gym shorts for sweatpants and scrapes his hair back into the best bun he can manage. 
After wandering out of his room he grabs his keys and wallet from by the door and shuts it over with the quietest click he can manage. 
On his walk to his car he sends one more text.
Eren: Getting in the car now
Eren: I’ll be like 10 mins
Y/N: I’ll be the cute one in pyjamas ;)
He laughs at the flirtatious message before switching on his car and driving off. 
His mind doubles back to what would be Armin’s comments on the situation. They weren’t dating, but flirting between friends was entirely normal. He shakes off feeling the need to justify his relationship with you. You were friends, best friends. That almost hooked up once. The first time you met. But now you were just friends.
Before he even realises it he’s pulling up at the kerb by your building, his eyes glancing up to the door and watching a shadowy figure emerge. His head leans back against the headrest when her form comes into the dim street lights.
You’re dressed the same as him, sweatpants hugging your hips and an oversized hoodie drowning your top half. He squints for a second, was that his hoodie? Nah, it probably wasn’t, you had similar taste in hoodies anyway. You push the hood back when you reach the car, a mess of hair tumbling out around your face. It resembled a bedhead, but he knew you well enough to conclude you’d been sleepily running hands through it all night to make the mess. Tugging at the roots in efforts to stay focused on whatever it was you were working on.
You tug the door open and pull yourself into the seat. Situating yourself before turning to him and pushing your glasses up her nose, foregoing contacts at this hour, ‘Hi.’
He smiles down at your smaller form, ‘Hey you.’
‘Let’s get going.’
He raises an eyebrow at you, watching you slide down in the seat. Your eyes are wide as you stare back, ‘What?’
You roll your eyes and push yourself back up, reaching for the seatbelt, ‘Yes, mother.’
Hearing the belt click in place he pulls off, satisfied with your safety being secured.
You grab his phone from the cupholder, and push it under his face slightly, not obstructing his view but close enough for him to give it a quick glance and unlock his face ID for you. You start scrolling spotify and find your combined playlist, made with midnight food runs in mind. RnB starts flowing out of his speakers.
Dropping the phone back in the cupholder you turn to look at his profile, ‘So what you been studying for?’
‘Psychology final, not until next week but after I kinda bombed the midterm I don’t wanna be caught off guard. You?’
‘Final project is due in two weeks. I’ve kinda got it finished but I’m not sure.’
He smiles, knowing you were just being a perfectionist about it.
‘Am I gonna get to read it?’
‘Why do you want to?’ You laugh at him, looking over at his profile that was focused on the road ahead, but seeing his lip was pulled up in a smirk.
‘Cause you haven’t shut up about it all year, I wanna know if all the support snacks I’ve bought you have been worth it.’
You scrunch up your face and shove it down into the hoodie you were adorned in. It smelt like Eren. Wait, was this his hoodie?
‘Huh, nothing to say back?’ His grin is too smug as he steals a look at you. You glare up at him, ‘Shut up.’ 
Silence settles over you in the last minutes before you approach the destination. You push yourself up to sit when the glowing sign comes into view, your eyes lighting up again.
‘Drive thru or sit in?’ Eren questions, approaching slowly as he waits for an answer.
‘Sit in, please.’ He nods before swinging into a parking spot.
You both jump out and Eren rounds the car to your side, bumping you with his hip in greeting now you were out of the car. His hands are stuffed in his pockets but you grab hold of his sweatshirt sleeve gently as you start joking about how you had to sneak out without setting off Sasha’s food radar.
Inside you bounce ahead of him slightly, up to one of the self serve screens and start ordering. He smiles softly at how you had to shuffle the too-long hoodie sleeve up to let your hand emerge.
He comes behind you and places his chin on top of your head, watching as you confidently tapped at the different items.
‘You haven’t asked what I wanted yet.’ 
‘I know your Taco Bell order, idiot.’
‘Maybe I want something different this time.’
‘No you don’t.’
The screen goes black for a second while loading the checkout and he glances at your reflection. You push your glasses up your nose, looking up and sticking your tongue out at him when you see his eyes already on you. 
He smiles before ruffling at your already messy hair and standing back to pull out his wallet. Glancing up, he catches you doing the same and suddenly moves quicker, as do you. Whipping out his bank card and reaching around you to tap it on the terminal, the familiar beep of a successful transaction going off before you can push your card in the bottom slot.
Eren grins in triumph while you stuff your wallet back in the hoodie and grumble, ‘Stupid contactless card.’
You pull the receipt from the machine while he walks over towards a booth, dropping into the seat and stretching his legs out while watching you.
Your hands are shoved into the hoodie, you sway and shuffle around on you feet. Standing still was never one of your strong suits. 
A smile takes over Eren’s face as you yawn and rubs at your eyes, pulling the hood up over your head and pulling at the strings slightly. He chuckles at the image of your head being swallowed. You turn at the sound and frown at him, mouthing out ‘don’t laugh at me.’ Prompting his laughter to continue on.
He settles back in the booth when their number is called and you wander up to accept the tray of food.
Dropping yourself down across from him, the two of you automatically begin splitting out their food, almost instinctively knowing which packages were for who; Eren always had the nachos, you never deviated from fries. 
You ate in silence for just a moment before you pick up conversation again, ‘Are you gonna go to Jean’s party after finals?’
‘So bold of you to assume Jean could pull off a decent party without me.’ He smiled, stuffing a bite of his burrito in his mouth as you giggle. ‘What about you?’
‘I mean yeah probably, if everyone else is going.’
‘Well, Jean has got me and Connie roped in to help with set up, so Connie will make Sasha go, and Sasha will make Mikasa go, who will make Armin go, who will make sure I don’t flake off early and I’ll make sure you stay.’
‘Connie and I.’ You correct, reaching for your drink.
‘Shut up.’
‘Also, Eren Jaeger flaking early from a party is wholeheartedly unheard of.’
‘I left the last one early because someone needed to be walked home after throwing up.’
You pause with the straw at your mouth, eyes narrowing in a glare. 
‘You can’t get too messy this time anyway. Bertolt is gonna be there.’
You scrunch up your face in confusion, ‘Why’d you say his name like that.’
‘Because, you haven’t got laid since spring break, he’s cute and you said you guys have gotten super close from your fiction writing class.’
You roll your eyes at the tall boy’s explanation and shrug, ‘He’s kinda cute. I guess. And we haven’t gotten super close, we barely knew each other before the class.’
‘Exactly, he’s at perfect arm’s length for a hook up. You deserve it after all the stressing you’ve done this semester.’
You shrug again. Setting your drink back on the table and leaning back, your feet stretching out to bump against Eren’s, you think about it.
Eren watches you, yourr eyes staring out into space. Bertolt was cute, he didn’t get around that much from what Eren had heard of the boy, but he was sweet enough that he knew he could trust him with you, even just for a night.
But even as he looked you over, dark circles beginning to shadow under your eyes, figure swamped in your loungewear and hot sauce staining one edge of your mouth. You were way out of Bertolt’s league.
‘You’re probably way too good for him anyway.’
‘Even just for a hookup?’ Your eyes meet his green ones, your mouth showing a teasing smile starting to form.
He stuffs more burrito in his mouth and nods.
‘You think I’m too good for everyone.’
He swallows and reaches for his drink, ‘cause you are.’
‘Was I too good for you, is that why you didn’t have sex with me?’ You start grinning and laughing as he chokes on his drink. He leans an elbow on the table as he coughs, glaring at you through his lashes.
Eren sticks a hand out at you and gestures for you to cough it up. You pull a dollar from your wallet and stuffs it in his hand.
He imagines it’s the same dollar he gave you last week after he joked about your almost hook up. The metaphorical ‘don’t talk about the time we almost had sex’ jar was essentially the same dollar passed back and forth.
‘Was that one worth it?’ He raises an eyebrow at your giggling face as you reaches to open your crunchwrap, nodding in a satisfied manner.
You hold the hexagonal taco in your small hands and Eren chuckles. You eye him, taking your first bite and speaking out a muffled, ‘What?’
‘Your tiny hands always make those things look huge.’
‘Maybe your meaty boy’s hands just make it look small.’
He sticks a hand out in front of you, palm spread out to show the full size, ‘My hands are not meaty. And they’re no bigger than average.’
‘What are you talking about?’ You mirror him, lifting your hand to press a palm against his, the tips of your fingers just brushing above the second knuckle. 
‘Your hands are just tiny.’
‘No, they only look small because yours are huge.’
You both fall silent, two sets of eyes trained on your pressed together hands. Eren ignores the feel of his heart pounding up against his chest.
What was wrong? They’d held hands before? 
The ring of your phone blaring out an alarm drew both of them from the trance. Eren slid his fingers to interlock with your’s, playfully pushing your hand back towards your body.
‘Who’s calling you at this hour?’
‘No one, I, uh, I set an alarm for one thirty am. Otherwise we’d sit here all night, knowing the two of us.’
He lets out a small laugh, nods in agreement and starts to gather up your trash. His eyes run over your face just before standing, choosing not to make fun of the blush gracing your cheeks.
You stand and fall in stride next to him, bumping his hips with your own and poking his side, ‘What about you?’
‘What about me?’
‘Got your eye on anyone for Jean’s party?’
‘Nah, I’d rather just chill. I’ll probably spend half the night making sure Jean stays relatively sober for his own party.’ You laugh at the idea, nodding your head fervently. Jean usually ended up the messiest of the bunch.
The exit into the cold night air, and your body is immediately taken over with shivers. Eren rolls his eyes but loops an arm around your shoulder, his own body a constant furnace. You hum in appreciation, leaning into his side as he rubs at your arm.
Climbing into the car, he blasts the heat. This time you pull on your seatbelt with no need for prompting, your head turning to stare up at him, the raise of her eyebrows translating to You happy?
He stays quiet, pulling on a cheesy grin that answers back, Very.
You flop back into your seat, a yawn overtaking you and the heat of the car soothing you The effort to keep your eyes open immediately doubled.
‘You can close your eyes. I’ll wake you when we get to your building.’
You look at him with a sorry expression, ‘But I dragged you out I shouldn’t-’
‘Sleep, idiot,’ he cuts you off, lifting a hand from the steering wheel to run over your hair, long fingers running through it. Always a surefire way to make you sleepy.
You drift off quickly, a smile softly laid on your cheeks.
Eren feels his heart beating hard once again. He swallows it down. Focuses on the road. Just friends was easier.
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uglypastels · 4 years
Slide In // Frat!Tom
(a/n) I’ve never written this au before, in like a full fic i think, so i have no idea if this is good, but i had this idea in the middle of the night and yeah. I hope you guys enjoy. this may or may not have been inspired by a certain post @duskholland made about Tom and his mirror selfies <3 how amazing that he literally just posted one today lol
word count: 16.7k
warning: drinking, mention of drug use (weed), school, social anxiety, some smexy innuendos. i made some big last minute changes, so i hope its all coherent. 
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DEEPFAVE: Liking a photo (or any post) from over a year ago.
It was a cloudy morning, and it was early. Really really early. Not even the birds felt up to it, it felt like. The campus was slowly awakening or going to sleep (depending on if you had been to last night’s Delta Kappa party, of course). 
It was cold, and the leaves fell off the branches with each huff of the morning breeze. The grass was wet from the previous night’s rain, and it soaked your ankles as you ran through the small grass field, in hopes to cut a bit off the distance to your lecture hall. 
It had not been your fault that you overslept. You had gone to bed early; your backpack was already packed for the next morning. It was supposed to be a relaxing morning, perfect for easing back into it after a week of sleeping in and celebrating the holidays. How could you have expected that your roommate would barge into your dorm at 2 am, still whoo-ing her drunk ass in the corridor with other wasted idiots? 
And it wasn’t like you were against all that partying and drinking. You would have gone yourself to the frat party, but it just didn’t sit right with you. A giant house full of intoxicated strangers- the anxiety running through you just thinking about it was making you shake. 
So, instead of “living a little”, as your older brother called it, you preferred to stay in bed most evenings, either watching Netflix or reading a book. Yet, still, you had been kept awake for so long last night that you slept through your alarm. What was supposed to be a calm morning turned out to be ten minutes of rushed panic. Eventually, you had decided to skip most of your morning routine, including breakfast, brushing your hair or even putting on a decent outfit. You ran out of your dorm, clutching on to your bag, phone and keys.
Your hair was reasonably alright. It was still in the braid you had made before going to bed, but a lot of hair had fallen out during your slumber. When you looked in the mirror though, you saw that it looked decent so you let it be. Not so much could have been said for your outfit. You kept on the same shirt in which you slept in, which was a slightly oversized grey graphic tee from a random indie concert you had been to ages ago. Unfortunately, it was so cold that you couldn’t just go outside in your shorts, so had to spend a precious minute slipping into a pair of sweatpants that were actually not as bum-looking as you had feared.
Luckily, the walk (or in this situation, run) to the lecture hall was short. So, you survived with only a thick sweater over your arms. 
And so, just like that, you were running through campus. The cold air was piercing your lungs as you inhaled deeply. Each breath started with this whistling sound, as you tried to ignore that pain, and ended in an exhale of a cloud of condensation. Maybe you weren’t in the best shape, but even this horrible experience would not make you sign up for the campus gym. No way. 
You could see the lecture hall doors, the wide wooden panelling already towering over you, and you slowed down. You were trying to catch your breath and composure. As always, the doors were heavy and to add to it, the wood could not handle the temperature, so it was even harder to open them. 
“Oh, let me,” you suddenly heard behind you, almost making you jump. The voice sounded familiar, but it wouldn’t click to a particular face just yet. 
“Thanks,” you breathed out as an arm extended from behind you, clad in a leather jacket, and pushed the door open with ease. You followed the arm up with your eyes and saw how it connected to an actual person. Yes, you definitely recognised him. But what was his name again? 
T- something starting with a T. 
He smiled at you politely, nodding the gesture for you to go inside. 
“Thanks,” you said again, before finally moving. 
“No problem,” he was walking behind you but quickly caught up to your side. You saw in his hand a Starbucks coffee, which almost made your mouth water. 
“Professor Dowling’s lecture, right?” he asked, before taking a sip. Your eyes unconsciously followed the movement as the need for caffeine was growing. 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah,” you shook your head, focusing on anything but the delicious rich smell that you could sense coming from the cup—dark roast. 
“Well, good to know I won’t be the only one late,” he chuckled. Troy? Was that his name? No. He didn’t look like a Troy. 
“We’re not that late,” you checked your phone and cursed internally, “only… nine minutes.” 
“Dowling doesn’t care if it’s nine minutes or nine hours. Late is late.” He took another sip. You had to look away before your stomach realised how empty it really was. 
“True, I guess. Well, it was nice knowing you.” You sighed as you had reached the second door leading to the lecture room. Ty raised an eyebrow. No, his name was definitely not Ty. What was it?!
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, Dowling is gonna kill us, isn’t he?” You explained, and he nodded in agreement. 
He was again the one to slowly and quietly opened the door, giving you insight into the room. You almost yelled out in excitement when you saw that the lights had been somewhat dimmed for a slideshow that the professor was giving. You have Tim (nope, not Tim) a knowing look and smile. You had been saved. Then, the two of you slipped into the room, letting the doors close themself. You saw a few people turn their heads as you walked by together, searching for a seat, but you didn’t think much of it. You would have looked too if someone dared to be late for one of Dowling’s lectures. 
Finally, you found an empty seat. Two, actually. It was in the back of the class, so you hoped that once the lights would go back on, Dowling wouldn’t immediately notice the addition of two more faces. The mystery guy, as you were too tired to think of more names and decided to give up, sat down next to you. He pulled out his laptop and turned it on, quickly putting it on the lowest setting of brightness. Just before he had opened it up, you noticed a few stickers. Between a few references from tv shows and movies, you saw the logo of Delta Kappa. You only recognised it because you had been seeing the logo on almost every notice board the last few days together with the campus-wide invitation for last night’s party. 
So he was a frat boy. 
You looked up to the side at him as you pulled out your laptop and notebook. The notebook was more for doodling than anything. But also to write down some more of the essential or just entertaining parts of the lecture, since you had come to realise that writing things down by hand helped you remember better. 
Your heart stopped beating for a second as you opened your laptop, praying that no embarrassing tabs were open or, even worse, you still had Spotify playing on full blast. But you could let yourself relax when the laptop just showed you your desktop. 
Right then, you could hear your stomach growl of hunger. 
“Here,” suddenly T, as you decided to call him for the time being, slid over his coffee to your small desk. You looked up at him in confusion. He had a cap on, so there was not much you could see in the dark shadow, but you saw his sincere smile. 
You thanked him before grabbing the cup. Since it was Starbucks, you hoped to learn his name finally. But instead, in black marker, was written “Holland”. Last name. Well, that was something.
“Thank you,” y/n said before grabbing the drink, taking a look at the name written on it, and taking a big sip of it, although she quickly pulled it away from her lips, her face distorted in a sour expression. 
“Sorry,” Tom apologised, “my hand had slipped when I was pouring in the sugar.” 
“Yeah, I can tell,” she whispered, still a bit disgusted, but it didn’t stop her from taking another large sip. “How can you drink this stuff?” 
“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Tom grinned. 
Times weren’t exactly desperate, in his case. 
The party had been a massive success. Everyone seemed to have had a great time, and this time, not even at the cost of any of the frat house furniture. Sure, some people might have thrown up in the cooking pans, but that could be easily cleaned up by one of the pledges. 
It all ended around 2 am, which was fairly early, but it was, of course, a school night. Tom remembered to drink water before going to sleep and woke up with only a mild headache. A few painkillers solved that pretty quickly. He got up, stumbled a bit over the mess around the house and was on his way to class. 
He was sure he would have made it on time if it wasn’t for his usual appetite and need for coffee. Yes, he could have made it at home, but for some reason, the coffee from that machine always tasted like piss. And Tom did not want to find out why. So, it had almost become routine for him to stop by the Starbucks that was on the way from the house to the lecture halls. 
What he had not expected was the giant line of customers inside. More people had felt the need for coffee after a wild night of partying. He recognised some girls, still wearing the same dresses they wore to the party. A few guys who looked like they were on the verge of death were sipping their drinks in the corner of the room. The two baristas were running around behind the counter, trying to make the drinks as fast as possible. As fellow students, they knew that there were a lot of people rushing to get to class, at least. 
Tom had even looked at his phone, checking the time before he decided to step into the queue. He had majorly misjudged the time it would take the baristas to make the few drinks before it was his turn to order. In the meantime, people would walk up to him, also recognising him from the party, to tell Tom what a great time they had last night. 
Finally, he got his drink and made his way over to the second station and poured in some sugar. For that extra kick of energy, but also, secretly, because he could not stand the bitterness of coffee. Then, it was really time to leave the crowd. Tom never really minded people and was definitely what you call a “social butterfly”, but there was always a limit. And the limit on a Monday morning was minimal. Even smaller, if you are still trying to get rid of a hangover. 
He had just reached the main square of campus when he saw the big clock. He was already late, so it wouldn’t do much to run. Professor Dowling did not care for excuses or how late you were, even if it was a second. So he could as well just take his time. 
Others had different ideas apparently.
Tom watched as someone ran across the grass, clutching on to their backpack. She stopped at the same door that he was heading for, so he got to have a good look first. The first thing he saw was the back of her head. Hair made up in a braid that was falling apart. A large black sweater, probably her boyfriend’s, was covering most of her frame. 
She was trying to pull open the door that had the word PUSH on them, but Tom didn’t say anything. It was early, and by the looks of her, not that he was judging, she didn’t have a great morning. 
When they had made eye contact, he recognised her from the lectures but did not think he had ever heard her name being mentioned. Professor Dowling loved interacting with the class, no matter how large, and often called out people to answer his absurd questions. She had never put her hand up to answer. Tom was sure of it; he would have remembered her name. 
It interested him to see her pull out, not only a laptop but also a notebook. Did people even use those anymore? Even the dim light he could see the words scribbled on the cover. The decorative style did kind of make it hard to miss it. 
Property of y/f/n.
So that was her name. Tom couldn’t help but smile to himself. 
Having already missed the first ten minutes, he tried his best to focus on the words of the professor, but some things just couldn’t go unnoticed. 
By the look y/n was giving his coffee cup, he could tell that she had not had any herself and the sound of her empty stomach as they sat next to each other only confirmed his suspicion. So, it only felt like the right thing to do to give her some. And the smile he got in return definitely made it worth it. 
His attention was entirely gone by that point, as he watched her open her notebook. It was filled with little drawings. Some were more distinct than others. There were the classic five-petal flowers and the single mysterious eye with no other entity attached to it—also a few little scratchy tornadoes and random filigree. Patches of just lines and different patterns filled up the corners and extended out to the middle of the pages. Tom also definitely recognised a few attempts at bringing back the Super S in there. 
But what also filled up the page were little characters. She must have drawn them during the lectures around Halloween because he recognised a little witch, stylised to the perfect amount of cuteness. There was also a cauldron of bats flying off to the side. 
Tom could have looked at it for much longer and still find some more doodles in there, but unfortunately, she flipped the page. This one was blank. She took out a pen and started to doodle mindlessly.
First, a straight line, to which she attached little ovals. Lightly, but the lines got darker, the more she went over it. Then she made some more lighter lines across it. It made him chuckle when he recognised what it finally was—a piece of wheat. The way she stopped drawing for a second, Tom thought that she had not realised what she was drawing either. It was just a random coincidence where a few lines suddenly could make up an existing object. Then she continued. 
From time to time she’d stop to make a note somewhere in the middle of the page, something that professor Dowling said that made her giggle. It was adorable to hear. 
“Now, this,” Tom could hear the professor say from his little podium, the two little words shook everybody in the room awake because those they were code for IMPORTANT. As Dowling kept on talking, y/n closed her notebook and pulled her laptop closer to type. Tom had to pull himself together to focus on the actual lecture.
Then the sound of her stomach pulled him out of that. That was followed by the whisper of an angry “fuck”. Tom looked over to y/n again. She was trying to type something out, but her shaking fingers kept pressing the wrong buttons. She was crumbling apart from hunger. 
Suddenly, Tom remembered. He leaned down to look in his bag, hoping it was still there. It was.
“Hey,” he nudged her side, making her look up at him once more, with caution. He grabbed the small pack of Oreos and slid them over to her desk. She looked perplexed. Then she pushed the, slightly flat-looking, cookies back to Tom. He frowned. 
“I thought I’m not supposed to be taking candy from strangers.” She whispered. Tom chuckled and pushed the pack of four cookies back to her. 
“Well, good it’s not candy then. Eat. I can tell you’re starving.”
Y/n looked at the Oreos, not sure whether to take them or not, but her stomach answered for her.  She opened her mouth, but then she closed it again and turned away. Tom understood it. It would have been the fourth time she would have said: “thank you”. By now, he got the message. As she opened the packet of cookies, Tom went back to listening to the lecture. 
You hesitated before taking the cookies. Were they some kind of prank? You knew how frat guys loved to pull jokes on everyone, even if they were no better than middle school hijinks or cheesy April fools clichés. But the silver packet, except that it looked a bit flat, seemed to be untouched. Most likely because of getting squashed by something in his backpack. 
You opened it and were immediately hit with the delicious whiff of chocolate. You took out one cookie and didn’t bother with the usual way of splitting it open to eat the filling first. You needed food. Now. Even if it were just four broken Oreo cookies. It was better than nothing.
Obviously, you were still hungry and in need of a proper breakfast, but the small snack helped you hold out for the rest of the lecture. 
But now that your stomach was sorted for, you had another problem concentrating. Your new, still unnamed, friend tended to type very loudly. At first, you looked over in a bit of annoyance, which made you actually notice his hands. There was nothing special about them. They were naturally just hands, but the way he moved his fingers across the keyboard… it made you look back in that general direction a few times more.
Probably because of all these distractions, the usual hour and 45 minutes felt much shorter. Before you knew it, professor Dowling was saying his goodbyes and everyone around you started packing up their things.
Needing to get some food ASAP, you packed up your things and practically ran out of the room. Only as you were nearing the cafeteria did you realise that you had never said goodbye to your snack provider. 
“Hey, so I was thinking-” Tom was going to suggest grabbing a bite for breakfast together, being somewhat hungry himself, but when he looked up y/n had already packed her things and was on her way to the stairs, following the other students out the door. 
Tom sank back down into his seat. 
“Any problems, Mr Holland?” Tom’s head shot forward to see professor Dowling looking up at him. When he looked around, he saw he was the only one who had not started packing up. 
“No, everything’s alright, sir,” Tom said before getting up with his laptop. “Great lecture. Learned a lot... and stuff.” 
“Good, good,” Dowling said. His glasses were slipping off his nose slightly, so he pushed them back up with his middle finger. “I did not expect you to have heard anything, by the way you and miss y/n were chatting.”
The professor’s words made Tom’s cheek burn up as he pushed the laptop back into its place in his bag. That man saw everything.Suddenly he felt as if he was in middle school again.
“Try to not make it a habit.” 
“No, sir,” Tom said.
Dowling just nodded, meaning the conversation had ended and giving Tom permission to sprint out of the room. 
He wasn’t sure why he was in such a hurry. Maybe he was hoping to find y/n waiting outside the doors. He didn’t even know why he wanted to see her there. He just did. He had this urge just to watch her doodle in that notebook of hers. There was something so endearing about it. 
Alas, no one was waiting for him outside that door. Or even in the proximity of it. There was no one but groups of students making their way from and to class. 
Then, Tom realised that she must have run off to the cafeteria. Still, he decided against going there. As much as he wanted to talk to y/n again, he didn’t want to come off stalkerish. Besides, they’d have another class tomorrow. He could speak to her then. 
“Ayo! Holland!” Tom looked over to a group of people he recognised to be his friends. They were gathered around one of the large windows that was open in the hallway. He waved to them before making his way over. 
“What’s up, man? You looked like a lost puppy.” Jacob said. 
“No nothing, I just zoned out a little, I guess.” Tom shook his head, clearing it off thoughts of y/n. 
“Well, we were thinking,” his best friend and fellow Delta Kappa resident, Harrison joined in on the conversation, “There is this new bar opening next week. The… something- shit, what’s it called again?” He looked over at the rest of the group. 
“The Sterling,” it was Zendaya that answered. She was sitting on the window sill with both legs in front of her, not living much space for anyone else to sit. She had something between her fingers, and Tom could not make out if it were a regular cigarette or a joint. (The smell insinuated at nicotine, so that answered for itself.) The fact that they were on campus did not make much difference to them. She took a drag and blew the smoke out, before handing it to Harrison. 
“So, Holland, you’re in?” 
“Yeah of course.” There’s nothing like the hysteria of drinking yourself sick in some new dingy place across campus. A new one would open up every few months because its predecessor would get shut down after too many accounts of selling alcohol to minors. It had almost become a game for younger students to see how quickly they can destroy a business. Tom and Harrison had been record holders for a while. Five weeks. Tom wasn’t exactly sure how anyone could tell they were the reason for The Six-Ball to close, but it didn’t matter. (“With a name like that, they deserve to shut down,” Harrison had joked before ordering two Long Island Iced Teas.)
Now that they were of the legal drinking age, of course, maybe it wasn’t as fun to go to those shitty holes in the wall, but with the right people, they made it a party every time. 
“Nice! So-” Jacob started talking about how he thought the night had to go, but Tom was already zoned out again. Between Zendaya and Harrison, he had the perfect view of the small grass field. Some people had sat down there with their friends to enjoy the midday, but most people still considered it too cold to sit outside. But what Tom was looking at was behind the grass field. It was the cafeteria doors. He saw that large sweater again. y/n walked out, holding something that looked like a sandwich. Tom smiled to himself. 
“What are you smiling about?” He got nudged in the ribs by someone. 
“Oh, you know, the uhm-” he had no idea what the rest of his friends had been talking about to include in his lie.
“I know,” Harrison said, lounging his arm across Tom’s shoulder to point in the same direction that Tom had been looking at. Tom froze up when he pointed straight at y/n with his finger. 
“Angela Pikowski.” 
“What?” It took Tom a second, but indeed, right in front of y/n, stood Angela with her own group of friends. She laughed at something, whipping her bottle bleached blonde hair across her shoulder. He understood too, how Harrison had caught her so quickly in his vision, for she had her jacket open and her shirt was pretty tight and low cut. How did that girl not catch pneumonia or some shit? 
“You ain't slick, bro.” Harrison patted him on the back. Tom, not wanting to get into it more than he needed, just grinned awkwardly. When he looked out into the square, Angela still stood there, but y/n was gone. 
The campus food was never that good, but it didn’t matter. The feelings of having actual food in your body felt so good that it might as well have been a five-course meal from a three-star Michelin restaurant. While, in reality, it was just a little bacon, egg and salad sub on stale bread. 
It did not matter. 
You enjoyed your breakfast as you walked down the path, back to your dorm. After that horrendous morning, and the pretty… interesting lecture, you were ready to lock yourself up in a room and do nothing but watch Netflix. And thankfully, due to having only one morning class, you could actually do it too.  
You said your polite “Hi”s and “Hello”s as you passed some other people you recognised from other classes. A bit hopefully, you were on the lookout for your (still nameless!) friend from the lecture. You really had to figure out what his name was. 
By the time you had reached your dorm building, your sandwich was gone. A part of you was still hungry, but you ignored that. You were probably just bored anyway. 
The dorm hall was basic in every way, from the carpeted grey floor to the plainly painted walls. But the inhabitants, of course, did try to give it some life. They hung up posters and banners, flags and lights. You reached the door that was decorated with a collage of different 80s glam rock artists and walked into your room. That college had been a little bonding experience with your roommate, Marie, during the very first week of Freshman year.
When you walked in, your eyes were immediately drawn to the lump on one of the beds. A groan erupted from underneath it when you switched on the light. 
“Ruuuude,” Marie yelled out. She came out from beneath the sheets. Her hair was bigger than ever, and you could see the mascara and eyeshadow stains under her eyes, and there was still some glitter on her. 
“You know, you should take off your make-up before going to sleep,” You said as you took off your sweater. 
“You know, you should put some on before leaving the house,” she said before diving back underneath her sheets. 
“Ouch,” you both laughed. But you couldn’t help but take a look in the mirror as you passed it. Maybe you could have used some concealer under your eyes, but it wasn’t that bad. Right? 
The room the two of you lived in maybe wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either. You were definitely one of the luckier people in the building. Your room, after all, had just enough space for the two beds, desks and closets to mirror each other on each side of the room. You also went the extra way to put up some extra shelving on your side above the bed, since one closet was not enough. 
“Didn’t you have class this morning as well?” you asked as you sat down on. You could hear something coming from Marie that resembled an “Mhm”. Not in the talking mood, got it. 
So, in quiet, you pulled out your laptop and searched for something that did not look mind-numbingly dumb to watch, eventually settling for a show you had probably watched five times out of pure overwhelming of choice. After a while of moving around in your bed, you found a comfortable position at last and turned the show on, ready for a day of uninterrupted laziness. 
Tom got home a bit later than he had hoped. After making plans for the next night, his friends were determined to go out for lunch as well. What he thought would be just a quick grab-and-go, turned out to be a full two-hour lunch where they talked about anything and nothing. 
He loved the company of people, but not on Mondays. Mondays were his day to do nothing except for going to class, and Tom felt like he had already done too much. 
When he did get back, people were still busy cleaning the aftermath of the party. It had gone a bit wilder than Tom remembered. Some jackass had decided to spray paint one of the upstairs hallways, and the colour was not easy to get off. Luckily, it had become almost a custom for all the house members to lock their doors during a party. For privacy sake firstly, but like anything at Delta Kappa, it turned a bit into a game. 
The first two unlock their door, either if the person was too tired to stay at the party or wanted to bring a guest into their room, was obliged to do something horrible. It was up to the rest of the house to decide what. Fortunately for Tom, he had not been the first to unlock his door that night. That luck fell on poor Billy.
Even if it came to be so, the rule didn’t make sense because no one could check who the first one was to open their door and even if- it was not an official Delta Kappa rule. That meant that, even if the person got caught to be the first, they could simply deny the dare. They would be known as Head Chicken, of course, but there were worse things in life. 
Tom moved up the stairs, saying hi to a few of his roommates, feeling very lucky as one of the senior members of the house, he did not have cleaning duty. Most of that was up to the pledges anyway. 
He remembered when he had to do all those tasks and shit to get into the house. It was so stupid; he didn’t even understand why he chose to be in a fraternity, in the first place. 
He did think the other guys had gone a bit softer on himself and Harrison since at the beginning of it all, they had been chosen by the sorority of Alpha Zeta Zeta as the favourites. Still, some unspeakable things had been done that year. 
But now that he lived in a giant house with some of his best friends, it all felt like it was a bit worth it. He had a great time at Delta Kappa. 
One of the best pros, by far, was that he had his own bedroom. Spacious for everything he needed plus a bit more. A large, unmade, bed waited for him when he opened the door. That, and the happy barks of Tessa. 
“Hello, darling,” he bent down to pet her as she jumped to his knees. Tessa was the official mascot of the fraternity, but she had very early on found a great liking to Tom. It only took her a few days to get settled in his room, and from then on, she wouldn’t sleep anywhere else. 
Tom moved up to his bed, and Tessa gladly joined him. She patted down a circle before lying down with her head on his chest, letting out a satisfied huff of air. Even if he wasn’t comfortable, Tom had no way out anymore. He was stuck. With nothing else to do, he took out his phone and went through his notifications.
Some texts from Harrison and Jacob, a missed call from that girl he made the mistake of giving her his number. People were getting Wi-fi again because he got at least twenty different Snapchat pictures and videos from the party. 
What else there was plenty of, were Instagram mentions and tags. He went through the photos, smiling. It really had been a great party. Then, something popped up in his mind. 
Property of: y/f/n 
Could it be that easy? He could just search for her and hope to find her account. He typed it in. Her first name was already enough to get plenty of results. As always the profile pictures were too small to really make out a true identity, so he made his way through the accounts. 
He only needed three tries, though. The picture already resembled her, so with hope, he clicked on the account. 
This account is private. Follow this account to see their photos and videos. 
Tom sighed. Not so easy after all. Then he saw the bio. It was a bit vague, just a few random emojis. But what interested him was the Followed by and the fifteen mutual followers that she had. It couldn’t be anyone else. 
For some unknown reason, his heart was beating in his throat as he clicked on the blue Follow button and watched it turn grey. Now it was just a matter of waiting until his request got accepted. Or maybe denied. Who knows. 
Watching a show for the fifth time got a bit boring. You could still laugh at the jokes, but at the same time, you could also almost flawlessly quote it as the scene went along. So, a few episodes in you took out your phone and started scrolling through various app feeds.
Marie had fallen back to sleep since you could hear her snore in her bed. And you were falling asleep slowly too. It was so warm in your room, and your bed was so soft and comfortable. Your eyes were getting heavier by the second. 
Then a notification popped up, brightening up the screen in your hand. Half-awake, you tried to read it. 
(your account): Tom Holland (@tomholland2013) has requested to follow you. 
Tom? Your mind took a moment to process. Then the face finally clicked to the name. Tom! His name was Tom! 
Without much further thought you accepted the request and before you even put your phone down, you fell asleep. 
Not to sound desperate, Tom waited for a good half hour before rechecking his phone. He clicked on the Instagram app and the search icon. Her account was still the last one from the recent searches he made. Tom clicked on the account and, to his unexplained surprise, he was greeted with a gallery of pictures. 
He had noticed earlier that the count on top of the page said 53 Posts. Interested, he clicked on the first one. It was a picture of a coffee cup. It wasn’t tagged, but Tom recognised it to be from that café Le Moulin. He saw the distinctive black windmill on the napkin that could not be missed. 
He scrolled down. 
It was a selfie from last summer. The filter slightly enhanced her bright smile on the picture, but Tom could tell it was more to show off the warm atmosphere of her holiday destination. The next photo was from the same holiday, he assumed, of her and a group of friends. He recognised the girls from campus. When he tapped the picture for the tags, he saw their names. @tiffani.btx @bonne_marie @lucywithnodiamonds 
He thought to have spotted that Marie chick at the party. She was French if he remembered correctly. She was definitely a wild one. Might have even grinded up against him during one of the better songs that were played. 
There were some more selfies, solo and with friends, sunsets and landscapes. The picture quality got worse as he scrolled down. It matched with the timeline. People should not be keeping up their pictures from seven years ago, especially not with all those fucked up filters they used back then. Tom was, of course, one of those people. 
He scrolled to the last picture; it was of a dog—one of the cutest little labrador puppies. 
Out of nowhere, Tessa barked in her sleep, making Tom jump up. This sudden movement, in its turn, woke the dog up completely. Tessa kept barking. 
“Right, I think it’s time for a walk, what do you think?” He patted Tessa on the head as she tried to lick his arm. Tom got up and was about to leave his room when he realised he almost forgot his phone. The screen hadn’t turned off yet, so he looked at the puppy again. But something was off this time. Something had changed. 
The little blank heart under the image- it was now pink. 
He accidentally liked her oldest picture. 
There were two types of naps. Those that made you feel amazing and refreshed by the time you got up. And those that made you feel like you had fallen asleep on a bed of rocks. You felt even worse than before when you woke up. Your head was throbbing, and your bra had pushed itself into every possible part of your chest, making it that much more uncomfortable. 
“What time is it?” you asked Marie, but she was still asleep. 
The light of your phone almost blinded you, so you quickly put down the brightness. It was around four o’clock. Meaning you had slept for a good three hours. 
Besides the time, you checked your notifications. There were not a lot of them. A few spam emails, a few texts in a group chat you never responded too and… a like on Instagram? 
tomholland2013 liked your photo. 1 h 
You had to think back to the moment before your nap to remember that he had in fact requested to follow you. And you had accepted it. 
You clicked on the notification, and it sent you to the liked picture. To your surprise, it was the picture of your family dog, Spot. Your family had picked the name even though he was a completely yellow labrador, loving the irony. 
It was your first-ever picture, from over seven years ago. Had he been stalking your account? Why the fuck would he do that? 
Well, you thought, it was only fair if I do it too. So, through the like, you made your way over to his account. 
First thing you noticed was the number of followers he had. 15.7k How the fuck do people even get those numbers? Well, it’s easier if you’re a hot frat guy, of course. 
His profile picture was a mirror selfie, and clearly, it was his favourite composition, for at least five out of the first nine pictures in the gallery were the same style. All full-body reflections, with him holding the phone in his right hand, leaning his head a bit to look at the screen as he took the picture. His lips weren’t exactly in a smirk, but there was that cockiness in there. He really was feeling it, that was obvious. 
The first picture was a classic mirror pose- A black jacket and a black hat: the same outfit he had been wearing in class. You looked at the timestamp and saw that he only posted it an hour ago. Already it had dozens of comments and a low thousand amount of likes.
You scrolled down. A denim jacket and beanie in the mirror; a grey t-shirt and sweats in the mirror; a black suit in the mirror, the list could go on. There were other pictures, mostly from the frat house parties and other events where alcohol played a significant role. There were also the occasional front camera selfies. 
You couldn’t help but look at those a little bit longer. There was something about that small tight smile that he made that was so cute. In one of the more saturated pictures, with a deeper shadow, you noticed that his nose actually had a little bump in it, most likely from breaking it in the past. 
But just from likes alone, you could tell that the mirror was a public favourite. 
There was something about the confidence that the pictures portrayed that spoke to you.. He knew he looked good, and no one could deny it. Except, he looked so much better than good. 
It was interesting to be scrolling down his posts because it was like a trip back in time. At first, it didn’t wasn’t that obvious, just maybe a change in temperature during the year that was referenced through his clothing. Then it showed a bit more as his hair started to get shorter by each picture taken. It got shorter and shorter until his hair was not much more than a buzz. The reason for the drastic hair change was explained in the next picture. 
You had already scrolled down four years worth of pictures, and this one was of him (taken by someone else). Tom was standing in a victory stance on a grass field, which you recognised to be the campus square. He was only wearing boxer shorts and on his chest was painted, in bright blue paint, 𝜟K. Underneath the post, read the caption: Delta Kappa babyyy! with a bunch of other hashtags. One that was included was #deltakappapledge #initiated. Of course, it was during his pledge period. 
You kind of hoped that he had to do more than just shave off his hair because he didn’t even look half that bad. It even suited him actually. Hoping to find some more evidence of that embarrassing period, you scrolled on. 
The sound that came out of your mouth as you scrolled to the next picture was inhumane. Keeping to tradition, it was a mirror selfie. Behind him seemed to be some workout equipment, possibly from the campus gym, but no one would look at that. Everyone would be too focused on what was in the foreground. 
It was Tom standing in front of a mirror, chest glistening with sweat as his hair draped in front of his eyes. Instead of the usual pose, he stood sideways, showing off not only his flexed bicep as he took the picture, but also the outline of all his other muscles.
Completely forgetting what you were doing, you double-tapped the post. How could you not? Only a second later, did your monkey brain realise what you had done. You had made that exact same mistake as Tom. Except while he had liked a picture of a cute dog, you had made your mark on a shirtless selfie.
As the pure humiliation flooded over you, you threw your phone to the other end of the bed with a squeak. 
What’s done was done. 
Tom came back from the walk with Tessa after an hour. They both enjoyed a long walk around the park neighbouring the campus, just to then pretend like they were too exhausted and lay in bed the rest of the day. Well, Tom pretended. Tessa seemed legitimately tired. 
They went back to their position on the bed. Not sure what else to do, Tom got back to Instagram. There was no reaction to his accidental like yet. Not even a follow back from y/n. A bit rude but okay, maybe she hadn’t seen it yet? 
He shook his head. He didn’t like this weird side of him. Where had it even come from? Since when did he wait for anyone to respond to him? And they weren’t even having a conversation! 
Having nothing else to do, he searched through his phone gallery for a good picture to post. He chose one he had taken during lunch, on his way from the bathroom. It was still crazy that his friends wanted to go to a place where you needed to take an elevator to go to the toilet. 
He didn’t care for editing, so he went through the usual Instagram process of making a post, thought of some dumb caption and send it out into the internet. Soon enough, as if they had a notification on for his activities, the likes streamed in.  For the first few minutes, he tried to look through them, again hoping that y/n would be one of the likes or the heart eyes emojis in the comments, but quickly it became too much, and Tom couldn’t keep up. He still enjoyed reading the comments.
Of course, it was all one big ego boost. The praise and compliments, even if it was for something as shallow as his looks, definitely gave him a good kick of dopamine and all those other happy chemicals during the day. 
Tessa was snoring and drooling on his belly as Tom went through his timeline and explore page. There was not much exciting happening in peoples’ lives, but it made the time flow by faster. An hour had gone by probably when he decided to recheck his activities. His new picture already had a few thousand likes and was close to reaching a hundred comments.  He went through some of them and either liked them or responded with a matching emoji. 
But as he scrolled through the activity, he saw a like that was to a different picture. A rather old one too, just from the beginning of college. And who might have liked this picture? y/n 
She liked a workout selfie, huh?
With the confidence that the like gave him, Tom clicked on her account and the message button. He thought about what to send for a moment but decided against overthinking it and went with a simple- 
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: Hi 
You looked at the notification for a while. He definitely saw you had liked his old picture. Was he going to make fun of you? Tease you how you had outed yourself for thirsting over him? 
But maybe he just wants to talk? You tried to sound optimistic to yourself. After all, he did like an old picture of yours too. You were kind of in the same boat.   
Putting all worries aside, you clicked on that damn nerve-wracking notification, and without much more thought send out the reply. 
Hey :) 
Before you could even send out the smiley, the message rose to reveal “SEEN” beneath it. Was this happening? Was it? You could see he was typing. 
After stalking me you could have at least followed me back lol 
Right sorry just a lot of mirror selfies. Thought i’d seen everything there is to see 😂
Rude Seen anything you like though? ;)
Uhhh, of course, you have. You liked it. A lot. But you weren’t going to give him that satisfaction. 
No not really 
Quickly change the subject. 
So what are you up to? 
Good enough subject? 
Just lying in bed with Tess
Tess? Who was Tess? Did he have a girlfriend? If he did, he would have posted something on his Instagram, right? That’s what couples did? Unless it was just a one time fling. You couldn’t even call it a one-night stand since it wasn’t even night. 
Wait, why did you even care about that? You had literally only said hello to each other and shared a coffee during class. 
But the curiosity was gnawing at you.
Yeah, she’s falling asleep on my chest. Kinda tired her out lol
You looked at the text, unsure how to respond, or even if to do it. Was he telling you about his hookup?  It didn’t sound like the nice guy you had met in front of the lecture hall, and that gave you his leftover coffee and Oreos. Your face wrenched into a grimace, not sure anymore what to make of this conversation or of what had happened during class.
He was typing again. 
Wanna see? 
Jesus Christ, this was a mistake. You didn’t respond, but he still sent you a picture anyway. It was a timer, unfortunately, meaning you had to click on it to see what he had sent. But he could see you got the message and that you were online. The longer you took, the more prominent you would make it that something was wrong, and you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He had given you his coffee. 
The curiosity got the better of you once again, though, and you clicked on the little bomb. What popped up was almost what you expected- but at the same time, so not. Before your brain properly processed what you were looking at, you were scared that he had sent you an unsolicited dick pic, but it was the furthest thing from that. 
What you saw was a POV shot of his chest and legs. He was indeed lying on his bed. On his chest, however, was the head of a grey silver dog. “Tess” had her eyes closed peacefully as she slept on. 
Of course, it was a dog. 
You decided to be honest. For the benefit of the conversation, if anything. 
Omg 💀 
We just came back from a long walk, so she’s pretty knackered  What?  Did you think I meant something else? 
Embarrassment kicked in anyway. 
No... lol 
You sooo did lmao Jealous much ;)
Of the dog maybe
Cause she gets to be here with me? 
No I meant it like  She’s so cute  I want one
Relax  I was just messing with you  But if you ever wanna come over
Maybe another time 
The response came out in a panic. Had he invited you for what you thought he did? No, there was no way he did. Besides, you couldn’t go to his house. You barely knew the guy- your mind kept on whirring about it. But the conversation continued.
Soon the sun had gone down, and it got dark outside, but the messages kept coming in. At one point Marie finally woke up from her hangover slumber. Drowsily she got up and headed for the shower with a towel and toiletries bag in her hand. Before she left, though. She asked you if you could prepare something to eat for dinner since she was starving. You being you, agreed.
Hey, I think I gotta go for a bit. Gotta make dinner for my roommate
What’s on the menu? 
Probably spicy ramen? 
Damn. sounds good But can’t she make it herself? 
A part of Tom wanted to send another message. I want to keep talking to you. But that felt like a bit much. She was typing again anyway. 
Because she’s still hungover from your party lol Thank for that btw 
You make it sound like i am personally responsible 
Well your the only guy from DK i know so  you’re**  💀fml. There go my chances of an english degree 
Nah babe YOU’RE good ;)
Your heart fluttered at the little word, for no reason. It was just a text message. He probably called every girl he texted that. Still, the sentiment was there. Also that winky face of his. Could he stop? 
He started to type again. 
But if you ever wanna meet the other guys, you really are welcome to come over. 
I’m good thanks. 
Going to a frat house alone? You felt like that could easily be the start of your personal horror movie. It would absolutely crash at the box office, but that didn’t matter. And it was the second time he invited you to come over. If it was a hint, it wasn’t a subtle one. It didn’t stop you from doubting it.
No need to be scared. They’re pretty chill dudes. 
It was cute how he could read your mind because you were undoubtedly scared, but what he probably did not think was that you weren’t interested in meeting any other frat guy because there was only one on your mind at the moment. 
Maybe another time  ttyl? 
You had sent the last message in the hopes that he had as much fun talking to you as you did with him. You watched eagerly as the three dots danced around on the screen while he typed out his answer. 
Tom turned his phone off with a smile covering his face. He had just spent talking a good two hours to y/n, and he had to admit, he hadn’t had that pleasant of a conversation with anyone in a long time. It was just so easy to talk to her. It might be partly because it was only texts. But still, she was funny, sweet, and so pretty...
Unbeknown to himself, he was falling a little bit for y/n. Although, maybe he did feel it coming. The idea of getting another text from her made his face heat up. The idea of seeing her in class the next day almost made him… giddy. And it’s only been a day. 
“Hey, man,” there came a knock on his door. “Better hide anything that would make it awkward between us cause I’m coming inside in 3-2-1-” 
“‘S all good,” Tom said right as Harrison walked through the door. 
“We’re gonna order pizza, what do you want?”
“Just the usual, I guess,’ Tom shrugged. Honestly, he didn’t really feel like eating pizza but to be the only one that wasn’t having any wasn’t a good strategy either. 
“Alright, then.” As quickly as he walked in, Harrison was also leaving the room. But he peeked his head through the door once more before actually walking away. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re good?” Harrison looked at him through narrow eyes.
“Yeah,” Tom answered as he prodded himself to sit up. “Why?” 
“I don’t know… Nevermind.” And with that, Harrison left to share Tom’s order. 
It was a rare occasion that all the house members would be at home on a night that wasn’t reserved for a party. That night, when it came to dinner, it was around 8 of them. Everyone was already sitting on the couches when Tom came downstairs to grab his pizza. He grabbed a chair and his box and sat down. A football game was playing on tv, and it made Tom roll his eyes. He still had no real idea of how football was supposed to work. He always preferred golf or basketball, or even baseball. 
The guys cheered at a touchdown or whatever but all Tom could focus on was his phone. He kept checking if there were any notifications from y/n. So far, there was nothing. She was probably busy, he told himself, not wanting to feel too disappointed. 
“So who were you texting back then?” Marie said as she slurped on her noodles. You were playing around with your own portion a bit, not really in the eating mindset.
“Huh? No one.” you shook your head.  
“So it is someone. C’mon. Who is it?” She extended her leg to poke yours. She kept going until you finally gave in. 
“Just this guy from Dowling’s class.” you finally took a bite of ramen. 
“Aaand does this guy have a name?” Marie kept on asking. 
You looked up from your cup of noodles. “Tom… Holland.” 
Marie gasped, almost dropping her food onto her lap. “Tom Holland? As in Delta Kappa Tom Holland?’ you nodded your head yes. “No fucking way.” 
“What?” Not the most nuanced reaction, but it would do. 
“No way you have a crush on Tom fucking Holland.” You always noticed that when Marie cursed her French accent would show up again. Just the slightest bit. This time, however, what you stayed on was her statement. 
“I do not!” you said as your cheeks were heating up. 
“Ohhh, you do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have said ‘nobody’. Everybody knows that ‘nobody’ is code for either crush, boyfriend, or drug dealer. And I think we can exclude the last option.” you were going to protest, but you would have only been fooling yourself. 
“So, hypothetically, let’s say I do have a crush on him. Why did you scream out ‘No way’?” You bit your lip, a bit scared for an answer. 
“No, no, no. I didn’t mean it like that.” Marie put down her ramen on her desk and came to sit down next to you on your bed. “I didn’t mean that you, like, don’t have a chance with him. Please, if anything, you’re too good for him.’ you both chuckled. “I just didn’t think he’d be your type.” 
“What, hot?” You raised an eyebrow to which she slapped your shoulder. 
“You’re being difficult. I mean, so… out there. You know, he’s basically the leader of that frat house, he always parties, always has stuff to go to. And you’re… well, pretty much the exact opposite. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Completely not. I just don’t want you to put yourself in any positions that you’re uncomfortable with to impress him or anything. Remember, you are too good for him.” 
“Thanks.” you hugged her from the side. “But don’t you think that it would be good for me to go out once in a while? Out of my comfort zone?”
“Sure, if you’re actually doing it for you. Not some guy.” 
“He is really nice, you know.” you smiled, remembering what had happened that morning. You went on telling Marie about it. 
“Oh, so he’s got a crush on you too, huh? That works out perfectly. ” She finally said when you were done telling your story. You looked at her with wide eyes. 
“What? Noooo,” you said, letting an awkward laugh escape through the no. 
“Fine, whatever,” Marie moved back to her own bed and grabbed her cup of ramen. “But I bet you that if you check your phone now, you’ll have at least one message from him.” 
You rolled your eyes again but grabbed your phone either way. And, fair enough, you had two notifications from ten minutes ago. 
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: Heyy
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: I hope the ramens good
Holding in your smile, and ignoring the smart ass comments of Marie, you replied quickly. 
It was :)
The speed at which Tom checked his phone when he felt the vibration in his pocket could have caused someone severe whiplash. He responded to the text and got up. Ultimately, he had hoped that he could slip out the room unnoticed, but he never got what he wanted, did he? 
“Where are you going?” It was Dave that saw him get up. Tom stopped in his tracks like a little kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 
“Just up to my room. Feelin’ a bit tired.’ He explained. This answer received several strange and confused looks, but Tom ignored those and just walked upstairs without saying another word. He plopped down onto his bed. Tessa was still downstairs under the table chewing on some pizza crusts, so he was finally alone. 
The texting continued through the whole night, and Tom had wholly lost the sense of time. He didn’t even feel tired. If it wasn’t for y/n saying that she was about to fall asleep, he wouldn’t at least. Like that, the windshield crashed, and he felt the fatigue from the hours of messaging and staring at a screen overwhelm him. He just about managed to send out goodnight before his eyelids were too heavy to open up again. 
The next morning you woke up feeling much better than either time the day before. Fresh and energised, with plenty of time to get ready before class started. Not that you really put much effort into how you looked for the morning lectures. It was more mental preparation. With enough time to eat breakfast, shower and brush your teeth, you felt excellent walking out the door. Dressed in a sweater that was warmer than two jackets and some loose jeans. With your bag over your shoulder. 
You always thought the walk from your dorm to the lecture halls was delightful. The path leading toward it was enveloped in a tunnel of trees, and during the end of the year, when the leaves were turning into their auburn and golden shades, it almost felt warmer than in summer. Because the harsh wind still kept up with its schedule. It blew in your face as you walked, rubbing against your cheeks. 
When you got there, the lecture hall was still relatively empty. Only a few other people had taken their seats. This was the crucial moment of choosing your seat. Against all your own instincts, you walked down to the bottom of the auditorium, into the fourth row. You had never sat that closer to professor Dowling’s podium, too scared you would be too easy to notice and called to answer a question. But something in you told you to be brave. 
Besides, you had the idea that Tom wasn’t eager to sit there either.
As much as those butterflies in your stomach fluttered at his mention, you didn’t want to talk to him now, not during class. You needed to pass this class badly and to do that, you needed to focus. Something you could not do with him sitting next to you. 
That’s what you told yourself. It was, of course, true, but the bigger problem was that you were scared. Tom sounded like a nice guy, a very good looking nice guy, but Marie’s words played in your head. He was from a completely different world. And it was a scary one. Why not keep a bit of a safe distance at first?
So, you kept your head buried in your notebook as people started to stream into the room. One by one, the seats around you were getting occupied—none of them by Tom, for better or for worse. 
It had taken Tom a while to find y/n. He walked into the room, thinking he had come in with plenty of time to spare, but as he was making his way down the steps, the professor was already making his way to the podium. Tom tried to look around the room as quickly as he could, but he could not see her. Where was she? 
Professor Dowling coughed loudly, indicating for everyone to shut up and sit down, so he could start the lecture. Tom took the first empty seat he saw. An aisle seat somewhere around the 8th row. The course started, but Tom’s eyes stayed on the seats, looking for that braid. 
It wasn’t a brilliant plan, because he had no idea if she had actually kept that braid in for another day. And she had not, in fact. He noticed her, sitting somewhere at the bottom of the class, as she grabbed her hair and was pulling it up into a bun. She did it so quickly, so smoothly, without ever letting her attention get away from her. Focused on the class. He could really learn something from her. 
And he tried to take a page from her book as he finally looked ahead of him to see Dowling write an entire essay on the blackboard. He cursed himself and quickly started to type everything over. His fingers went in fully automatic mode, and he had no more idea what the words he was typing actually meant. 
His mind had wandered off once again. He couldn’t stop feeling that disappointing pull at his heartstrings. He had hoped they could have had a repeat of yesterday. She apparently thought differently. Or maybe she had hoped he would sit next to her, but he was just too slow? 
The lecture went on forever, felt like. Tom’s fingers were cramping up from typing so much, and he could feel his back beginning to hurt in the uncomfortable chair. He kept stealing quick glances at y/n, hoping to catch her in doing the same, but she had not moved once. 
He had to get a grip. They had known each other for one day, spoken maybe ten sentences to each other in person. The rest was all through text. And nothing was the same via messages. Maybe all his feelings were coming from the entirely wrong place? Perhaps she was just polite, and he had misinterpreted it for casual flirting? Besides, there was that sweater of hers yesterday- what if she had a boyfriend? 
But a part of him still wanted to ignore all those signs and go for it. So, when the bell rang, and professor Dowling finally dismissed the class, Tom made sure he was one of the first ones outside. The large hall had two exits, so he stood against a wall, somewhere in the middle between both doors, hoping to catch y/n as she was walking out. 
The loud rumbling of thunder caught his attention momentarily. 
It was just a second, he swore to himself. But the second was enough to miss her. Somehow she had escaped him, nowhere to be found.
You had seen Tom waiting out in front of the room, and you felt horrible for walking the exact opposite direction. For the sake of your own feelings, you didn’t look back at any point on your way to your second lecture. 
As Professor Phillips spoke, you felt your phone vibrate. 
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: where are you? :) 
The little smiley made heat up in the cheeks, but you tried to ignore that as you typed out a response. You didn’t even click the notification to go to the app, just responded through the shortcut. 
(y/n): had another class
Another notification popped up not long after. 
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: wanna meet up later? 
(y/n): ngl I don’t feel well, will probably head back home right after
(y/n): but i’d love to chat
You shut off your phone, too scared to see the reply. Maybe it wasn’t the best move since you could not think about anything else for the remainder of the class. When you checked your phone again on your way back to the dorms your heart was lifted. 
(tomholland2013): Tom Holland: of course. hope you feel better <3
Tom tried to think that she wasn’t avoiding him. After all, they texted almost every possible second that they had the time for the past week
They had talked about pretty much anything and everything. And it felt great. The way they spoke to each other, or at least Tom to her, was as if they had known each other for ages. 
Tom only wished he could do that with her from across a table, or a on a bench. Where ever, he didn’t care. He wanted to be able to look into her eyes as they talked and see her smile. Hear that lol and not just imagine it. 
Unfortunately, y/n was kind of giving him the cold shoulder in the real life. She ignored him during classes, and was gone before he could get the chance to talk to her. Whenever he asked if they could meet, she’d give him some reason she couldn’t. If it wasn’t for the fact that they had actually already met in real life, he had vary valid reasons to think he was being catfished. 
Another reason could have been that she sounded too perfect.
It was the next Tuesday already, and Tom was waiting eagerly for the lecture to end. It had been a full week and he had decided, while copying some of Dowling’s notes, that he would talk to y/n today. After class. 
Tomorrow would be the opening of the Sterling and he wanted to ask her if she wanted to come.Or at least to know if she wanted to hang out ever. If the truth came to be no, he would be fine with that. He respected that. He just needed to know. It wouldn’t take away from the fact how great it was to have someone to talk to, even if it was only through text bubbles.
The bell rang and Tom sprinted out. He kept his eyes on both doors as best as possible and finally saw her. 
“Hey, y/n!” you heard your name being called from behind you. It was from Tom. He waved to you so would come over. Taking a deep breath, you decided to wave back, but your legs were frozen in place.
You felt absolutely terrible for ignoring him and denying his various invitations to hang out or to go anywhere, but it was just too terrifying. You were scared of fucking it up. Of it to turn out to be one big joke. You had heard of frat guys using dates and hookups as dares and shit. You didn’t want that. You couldn’t let that happen.
But when you saw Tom smile at you, those worries suddenly disappeared and your legs moved without connecting to your brain. Suddenly, you found your spot next to him.
He had been leaning against the wall with one foot, his arms crossed. You decided to lean against it with your shoulder. Even though you had your sweater, you could feel the grizzly texture of the bare red brick. He smiled and mirrored your movement, so you were only a few inches apart. ,
“Hey,” he said, still with the smile on his face. 
“Hey,” you replied. 
Tom uncrossed his arms to brush his fingers through his hair. As you watched him do so, you couldn’t help imagine how it would feel to play with his hair. It looked so soft. 
“I just wanted to say,” he licked his lips. You were so close to each other that you could see how pink and chapped they were. Focus. “How much fun I had the past week. It’s bee really great talking to you.” 
“I had fun too,” you said. It really was nice talking to Tom. Especially now, standing so close to him, you could smell the coffee he had consumed that morning. Was it pumpkin spice? You felt stupid for not letting it happen sooner.
“Great, that’s- that’s really great to hear. I said great already, didn’t I?” He laughed, shaking his head, “Anyway, I was thinking: a couple of friends of mine are going to the opening of this new bar, the Sterling, it’s probably going to be a bit boring, but I thought, maybe you’d like to come? With me?” He looked at you with those big brown eyes. Your mind started racing a million miles an hour at his words. The fuzzy warm feeling that you got from looking at his smile was dispersing and setting in for anxiety.
He wanted you to go to a bar with him and his friends? Would that be considered a date? For the sake of your dignity, you decided against asking for clarification. It didn’t matter. You couldn’t go to some dingy bar with strangers, even if one of them was Tom. You could already feel your body heating up in anxiety as all the horrible scenarios played out in your head. 
You realised you had been quiet for a while and Tom was still looking at you hopefully. 
“No,” you blurted out. “I mean, I can’t. Sorry.” 
“Oh, that’s fine. Totally. Maybe another time? Or if you don’t wanna go there, we could go somewhere else?” 
“Uhh,” you couldn’t breath. All his suggestions were so sweet, but it felt too overwhelming to answer. Thankfully, the clock tower at the other end of campus rang and indicated the quarter of an hour. Your next class would soon start, and it was about a five-minute walk to get to. 
“I have to go.” you pointed back and started walking, but Tom grabbed your hand gently, just enough by your fingertips. 
“Sorry, I just- if you don’t want to hang out with me, that’s totally fine. You don’t have to pretend to like me, no hurt feelings. I don’t want you to-” 
“I do, Tom,” you told him with a compassionate smile. Then you looked back at the clock. “But I really got to go.” 
“Right, sorry.” he let go of your hand, and you ran off to your next course. 
“Who was that?” 
As soon as y/n ran off, Tom heard the voice coming from next to him. Zendaya popped up out of nowhere, an unlit cigarette hanging between her lips as she leaned in the same spot y/n had. 
“Just a friend,” Tom shrugged. That’s what they were, after all. If even. He hoped he could describe someone he had mainly only spoken through texts with as a friend. 
“You sure about that?” Zendaya smirked. “Cause by the looks of it, she’s got you pretty hooked. You were basically begging her to go out with you, bro.” 
“Yeah, well, forcefulness isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac, is it?” he sighed then almost turned pale at the words he had said. Zendaya didn’t say anything, just nodded and took out her glittery lighter. 
“Could you not?” Tom pulled the cigarette out of her mouth before she could light it and put it in his pocket. “We’re inside, for fucks sake.” 
“Fine, but tell me who this friend of yours is.” She nodded her head back into the direction that y/n ran in. 
“I don’t really know. I mean I do, but- Basically we met last week before class. Then I found her on Instagram and DM’d her-” 
“You slid into her DMs? Bro,” she laughed. 
“Call it what you want, it was the only way of reaching her I had.” 
“Fine, so you like her, yeah?” 
“I guess.” Tom didn’t like sharing his feelings. It put him in this vulnerable position that he was not used to. Zendaya knew that, yet still she pushed him to do it almost every time they talked. 
“For what it’s worth, I think she likes you too,” she said. 
“How so?” he questioned hesitantly. It wouldn’t have been the first time that Zendaya had pulled that trick on him to date someone. And it had not ended well. 
“Well, body language for one, she felt comfortable enough around you to stand close to you, facing you; she smiled at your rants which, props to her, is hard to do.” 
“How long had you been watching us, exactly?” Tom asked a bit freaked out. Zendaya ignored the question.
“Believe me, she likes you. She’s just scared.” she pulled out another cigarette from her pocket, “also, taking a girl to a shithole like the Sterling for your first date? I’m glad she said no. Set some standards, man.” And with that lovely comment, she walked away. She didn’t have to see Tom flipping her off, she knew he would do it, and she replied lovingly in the same way. 
That’s what you got for being friends with psychology majors. 
The first thing you did after walking out of your second class was to check your phone if you had received any messages from Tom. There was nothing. So you decided to message him yourself. 
(your account) 
Hey  Sorry I ran away like that  And basically anytime after class and making those dumb excuses not to meet up Just so you know I do really wanna hang out with you I’m just not really great with crowds or with places like bars and stuff And ive also never really been asked to go anywhere with anyone, like personally  Idk why im telling you this. I’m definitely rambling Texting is definitely easier than talking huh Sorry for all this 
It took Tom two minutes to see your messages and to respond.
It’s totally okay. I get it And sorry if i made you uncomfortable with all that.  Can i come to your place tonight? Or how about we go to Le Moulin?
Le Moulin. You had been there before. You could do that. With trembling fingers of excitement, you replied
(your account) 
Deal. Around 7?
Sounds perfect. See u then 
Tommo: Hey guys, sorry but im gonna have to skip on tonight 
This short message was seen and very much not appreciated by his friends. None of the replies could be seen as appropriate for day-time television. Except for the one Zendaya had sent him through their personal chat. It was simple, 
Z: 👍
With the entire afternoon off, Tom made sure he looked somewhat decent for the night. He took a shower. Washed his hair and made sure it was extra soft. He wasn’t sure what y/n thought of it, but from past experiences, he knew that usually, girls loved his hair. Thinking about other girls was probably not the best mindset, though. Still, his hair did look really good. He brushed his fingers through it. 
It had not yet stopped raining, which was a bit of a problem, but he hoped she wouldn’t mind getting a bit wet. For the sake of it, he took an umbrella with him. Luckily it wasn’t very windy, so it actually came to good use. The walk from the frat house to the dorm that y/n said she lived in wasn’t too far away, and fortunately on the way to the place he had in mind to take her to. 
On his way over, he thought about what Zendaya had told him. 
Was y/n scared? Of what? 
They had talked about that kind of stuff briefly, during the weekend, and she and said that she suffered from anxiety. Tom just thought it was stuff like giving a presentation in class. He hadn’t even thought about the more social aspect of it. And here he was pushing all those things at her like going to some bar with strangers. Jesus, why did he have to be such a dumbass? 
The dorm complex had a buzzer system like a regular apartment complex, so he searched for her name on the long list, and pressed the button next to it. 
“Hello?” It was her roommate, Marie, that answered. 
“Hey, it’s Tom. I’m here to pick up y/n.” He could hear some indistinct giggling coming from the other side of the line. 
“Of course, c’mon up. But I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a bit.” Next followed the buzzer, and the doors opened for him. The number on the button said 54, so he assumed it had to be on the fifth floor. When he walked up to the door with that number, he was greeted with a colourful collage of rock bands whose hair was probably more impressive than their vocal range, which said a lot considering Queen was on it. 
He knocked and waited for someone to open. y/n was the one to do it. She stood frozen in the door, only a towel wrapped around her body. 
“I thought we said seven?” she said, her voice a bit higher than usual.
“It’s quarter past seven!” Marie shouted out from inside the dorm. y/n cursed. 
“Shit, sorry, I lost complete track of time. Give me ten minutes, okay?” she held up a finger so he would wait here. Tom nodded and let her close the door again. He could still hear her yell at Marie as to why she had not told her she was running late, to which Marie only responded with hysterical laughter. 
“Holland?” someone in the hallway asked a few minutes later. Tom turned in the direction to see a guy with a head full of bed hair poke out of his doorway (which was covered in pictures of death metal posters and my little ponies). He stepped out in the hallway to reveal he was wearing nothing but a pair of tiny and tight briefs, leaving little to the imagination. 
“Oh hey… Crocker,” he called the guy by his preferred nickname. 
“Hey man, what are you doing here?” Crocker asked. The way his eyes were almost ruby red and the stench coming from his room, Tom presumed that the guy was higher than a kite. 
“Oh you know, waiting for a date, heh.” He said a bit awkwardly, pointing back to door 54. 
“Ah, getting some of that French jay nehsuh gwaa.” 
Tom looked confused. He wasn’t sure he had ever heard someone butcher a language that badly. Well, probably, but he didn’t remember it. He kind of understood what Crocker meant, though.
“No, I’m here for y/n. Not Marie.”
“Damn? Really.” Crocker started to giggle, which might as well just have been a side effect from whatever he had smoked up in his room. 
“Yeah?” He wasn’t sure how else to react. Crocker just shrugged and walked back into his room, smashing the door closed. Tom turned slowly, not sure what exactly had happened just then. And he turned right on time too, because the door of dorm 54 opened and y/n walked out. Wearing a raincoat over a sweater and jeans. She also had a pair of black ankle boots on. Tom could not help but smile at the sight of her. 
“Sorry about that,” she said, the nervousness in her voice was unmistakable. 
“First,” Tom spoke, remembering one of his earlier worries from days ago, “you don’t have a boyfriend, do you?” The question made her laugh.
“I very much do not. Why did you think that?” 
“The sweater you wore when we met. It had that whole stole-it-from-my-boyfriend vibe.” 
“No, I haven’t had anyone to steal clothes from in a long time.” she shook her head. Tom extended his hand for her to take, which she gladly did. It felt amazing.
“So what will you be ordering?” 
“Ice cream,” Tom answered, almost matter-of-factly. 
“Ice cream?” you asked to make sure you had heard him correctly. He nodded in agreement. “Don’t you think it’s a bit cold for that?” 
“No.” He said bluntly, which really sold the case for you. You were on your way again.
You could hear the rain pound against the main door before you even reached the ground floor, and it only got harder and louder the nearer you got. Tom, being a true gentleman, opened the door for you, but you were a bit hesitant to walk outside. 
“Oh, shit. Sorry,” he let you hold the door so he could step through the threshold and push open the umbrella. You noticed it was a Delta Kappa umbrella. They really made merch of everything. As he put the umbrella up, he extended his arm for you to intertwine yours through. Then, you walked. 
Though it was relatively early, the sky was pitch black because of how early the sun set those days and the dark clouds that had been pestering the sky that entire day. Not a star was to be seen. The rain tapped heavily against the umbrella, and you tried to stay as close to Tom as possible. The excuse, of course, was to not get wet but really you wanted to enjoy the warmth that he was giving off. At one point you had changed position from just having your arm over his, to him wrapping his arm over your shoulder. 
You walked down a brightly lit path, so you could see everything around you. The trees, the cars passing by, the building. So, when you saw the little café at the end of the street, you squealed. 
While there were plenty of bars, pubs and clubs to go to around town, so there were restaurants and cafés. And while restaurants really weren’t your thing, you loved to sit in one of the cosy coffee shops with a cup of tea or coffee and read a good book. Another fun thing about all those places was that they were very internationally orientated, speaking to the wide variety of students that the university had. Le Moulin was of course based on a Parisian café. You had actually found it together with Marie, in hopes she could have something that felt a bit closer to home. Though it didn’t come close to the real magic of the French capital, it still had plenty of its charm in it. Not to mention, the pain du chocolats were to die for! 
Yet, you had never actually had ice cream from their menu. 
You still weren’t sure if today would be the day for it. By the time you wear under the little entrance roof, you were freezing, and so was Tom, visibly. 
“Are you still sure about the ice cream?” you asked him as he closed the umbrella.
“Hot chocolate?” he suggested, suddenly fluent in your love language: chocolate and hot drinks (it was a very simplified version of said love language). 
This time Tom got to be the real gentleman as he let you walk inside first. He dropped the umbrella in the stand, together with a few others. When you looked around the café, you saw that a few more couples were enjoying the cosiness. A sweet melody was playing from the speakers. The rain had also softened outside, and together with the vintage sounds of guitar and vocals, it gave the perfect atmosphere for the night.
You had barely stepped inside when one of the waiters walked up. He smiled and said: “Your table is ready,” which surprised you, but Tom took you by the hand, and you both followed the waiter to one of the tables next to the wall, where one side had a couch instead of the usual chairs. You sat down first, taking off your jacket. Tom was going to sit opposite you, but now it was your turn to grab his hand. 
“Slide in.”
He smiled and sat down. He probably didn’t need any convincing and just wanted to hear you say that you wanted him to sit next to you. You didn’t mind that. 
“Should I prepare the order?” the waiter asked as you made yourself comfortable, again confusing the hell out of you. 
“Actually, scrap that. We’ll have two large hot chocolates.” Tom said. 
“With cinnamon!” you added. 
“One with cinnamon.” Tom corrected. The waiter nodded and walked off. 
“Don’t like cinnamon?” you quizzed, to which Tom shrugged. 
“It’s alright, just not a big fan.” Both of you looked around the room. You had never been in the café at night, so you hadn’t even realised that the walls were covered in soft gold lights, giving it all that much more the feeling as if you had stepped into a fairytale. 
“I didn’t know this place took reservations.” 
“I’m not sure either,” Tom replied, you noticed he had his arm draped around you again, “I just called to be sure.”  
“Really?” That split you up into two. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought that he had made a special call to the café to get, probably, the best seat in the house. On the other side, you were freaking out for a few reasons. He had put in quite the effort in an almost last minute notice of plans, while you were fifteen minutes late. That was embarrassing enough. And this reservation basically put you in a spotlight for the entire business, which was really not ideal. You didn’t want to be noticed. 
“Hey,” he whispered and squeezed his grip around you lightly, “everything okay?” 
“Huh? Mhm,” you nodded your head and smiled, trying not to think about how the waiters might be judging you. 
“I saw you had posted a picture from this place on your Instagram, and I used to come here a while back, so I thought it would be cool, but if you don’t like it-” 
“It’s perfect,” you made up your mind. In the end, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. You felt safe, sitting on the little couch, next to Tom. 
Soon after, the waiter came back with two mugs of hot chocolate. When Tom ordered large ones, they delivered. The mugs might as well have been cereal bowls, topped with a peak of whipped cream and cocoa powder, and a cinnamon stick in your cup to distinguish the two drinks. 
“Et voila!” the waiter put the cups down. You thanked him, and he was gone again.
There were spoons, but you decided to stir your chocolate with the cinnamon stick. 
Still with his arm around you, Tom took his mug up to his lips. With the feeling of having him so close to you, you wondered what this really was. What if he just wanted to be friends and spend some time with you? Had he noticed how sad and lonely you were, and did he want to take his pity out on you? Were you a charity act for him? God, you hoped not. You really really hoped not.
“Tom?” You looked at him, to see his eyes dart in your direction. His top lip was covered in whipped cream. You gestured it to him, slightly giggling, and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. How was someone that hot, so adorable? 
“You were saying?” he said, putting the mug down on the table in front of you.
“I was just wondering,” Be quick, get it over with, you’ll feel better when you say it. “is this a date?” 
“Do you want it to be? It doesn’t have to.” He added the second part quickly after.
“I- I think I do,” I smiled. Though he had just put his mug down, he picked it right back up, you did the same.
“Then a date it is.” You clinked cups. Still, something felt off. You were holding the cup up to your lips, but just far enough not to be able to drink from it. Your eyes glazed over as you focused them on the mural in front of you. It was of the Paris skyline. With the Eiffel tower in the middle, the Arc de Triomphe a bit to the left, on the other side stood the two symmetrical towers of the Notre Dame cathedral. It was probably geographically inaccurate, just good enough to keep everyone who had never been to the City of Love satisfied. 
“Okay, something’s up.” Tom brought you back to the date. “What’s wrong? And, please, be honest.” 
“I don’t know,” you huffed out a laugh. “But before you start to freak out, it’s nothing to do with you, I swear.”
“So, you kind of know what it is about.” he raised an eyebrow. He had a point. If you knew what it was not, it meant you knew what it was, indeed. 
“I, uhm,” suddenly you felt very much aware of everything and everyone around you. Were they listening? “Well, I really want to apologise for being so distant outside of Instagram.” 
“There’s really no need for that, darling,” he said. “I understand it, and should have been a bit more considerate. I should have realised sooner that bars and shit aren’t your cup of tea.. or hot chocolate.” 
You both laughed. 
“Yeah,” you were smiling, but the word came out a bit as a sigh, conveying your all the troubling thoughts that were going on in your brain.
“There’s more, isn’t there?” Tom saw through it. You bit your lip, not sure how to say it. You didn’t want to say it. He would probably think you were a joke. Besides, all those people around. Some of them from your school. They could probably hear every word you were saying.
“Do you maybe want to text it to me?” he suggested with a kind smile. You hadn’t realised when he had moved, but he had let go of your shoulders, and his hand was now on top of yours. His thumb moved slowly over your skin, reassuring you that, whatever it was, it was okay. 
How you hoped it was. 
You grabbed your phone and started to type out your message, taking a deep breath before sending it to him. You heard the vibration in his pocket, and with it, your heart skipped with anxiety. Tom kept holding on to your hand as he took out his phone and read the text. His eyes shot wide open. 
“Wait, really?” 
“Never?” he asked, to which she bit her lip and shook her head. 
No, it wasn’t possible. 
“How has no one- nooo,” 
“It just… never got far enough- No, I mean, ugh,” she finally took a sip of her hot chocolate. Tom had to admit that it was cute how that was her go-to frustration action. She wiped off the whipped cream from her lip. Tom couldn’t stop looking at them, they were just so perfect. He wanted to feel her, to taste her. He wouldn’t even mind the taste of cinnamon that would have remained on them. 
“There was just never a guy that made me think, oh yeah, I want to kiss him,” she said after another sip of the hot chocolate. 
“So, you’d want to kiss me?” 
“Shut up,” she said glaring, but just to hide the big smile on her face. 
“Sorry, I just can’t believe you’ve never been kissed.” She flinched a bit at his words. “I don’t mean it in that way. You shouldn’t be ashamed of never being kissed. Sometimes it happens early on, sometimes it doesn’t. If it wasn’t for my pledge, I don’t think I would have had my first kiss till last year.” He confessed. y/n looked at him with eyebrows that had a twist of disbelief in them. 
“Yeah, right.”
“I swear,” Tom laughed, putting his hands up. “So really, no judgement here.” Then he leaned in to whisper into her ear, “and I definitely won’t mind breaking you in,” He couldn’t keep a straight face saying it, and neither could she. He had thought it would make her nervous or flushed, but she just slapped him on his arms teasingly. 
“In your dreams, Holland.” 
“Fuck, I hope so.” That made her freeze, just for a second though. “Shit, too much?” He asked, afraid he had finally taken it too far with his inappropriate humour. 
“No, you’re good.” She took another sip of her hot chocolate, allowing Tom to do so as well. 
“See, just because I’ve never been kissed, it immediately puts me under this label of being a prude or something, but I’m really not. I’ve just- had a really shitty love life.” Or just a complete lack of it.
“Well, I hope to change that.” He leaned in again and pecked her cheek. That finally got him the flushed reaction he had hoped for. 
“You already did.” 
Your hand moved up to your cheek, hovering above the area that he had kissed. You felt like an idiot, but with Tom, it didn’t even feel like a bad thing. 
“We’ve known each other for less than two days, and I can already tell you, you’re way up there in the list of good dates.” 
“Way up there? Give me stats.” He nudged on. You thought for a second. 
“At least… top ten.” 
“Top five? Oh C’mon, babe, I think I’m a bit better than that. Not to toot my own horn, of course.” 
“Top five.” You said, ignoring the butterflies that had escaped in your stomach. He glared at you. You glared back, keeping your eyes on each other for another moment until he had dipped his finger in his hot chocolate and pressed it against your nose. You blinked in confusion. 
“That just moved you down to number six.” 
“Well, shit.” Tom leaned in and licked the whipped cream off your nose. As disgusting as it should have been, you burst into a fit of giggles, hiding your face in his chest to not disturb the rest of the restaurant. While you were trying to calm down, you felt Tom kiss the top of your head a few times. 
Finally, you sat up again. 
“Top three,” you stated. It was good enough for Tom. For now. 
You drank the rest of your drinks in the best silence possible that could be kept as both of you kept laughing at each other. Finally, the mugs were empty. Tom paid for everything and let you take the lead to walk outside with the umbrella. When you opened the door, however, you saw that the storm had now passed over into a light drizzle. You kept the umbrella closed. 
You were already letting yourself get taken up by the rain when Tom was outside. You thought he would come to join you, but he stayed under the little roof, watching you with a big smile. 
“Not afraid of the rain, are you?” you asked. “Or are you made of sugar?” 
“All I can say is, come and find out for yourself.” You were already a few steps away, so you hopped over to him, took his hand and took the final step, so you were touching chest to chest. His other hand found its way on your hip. You saw his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips. You smiled and pulled him in closer, making you take a step back and exposing him to the weather. 
“Mutherfucker!” He gasped, not having expected that. “Ohh, you’re good.” 
Before you knew what was happening, he had picked you up by the waist and spun you around. You squealed from surprise before the both of you started laughing again. Eventually, he had to put you back down again, and your eyes widened in horror when you saw him walk to a large puddle. 
“No, Tom! No, no, no.!” He put you down right next to it. Probably an inch from the water edge. 
“C’mon, I’m not that mean.” he pouted. 
“Nah, you’re a softy,” you poked his cheek. He grabbed your hand. 
“Oi, I wouldn’t go that far.” then kissed the tip of your index finger, which you had poked him with a second before.
“Too late, I guess.” 
“You sure about that? You’re still really close to that puddle babe. We wouldn’t want any… accidents!” He gripped you by the waist again, and the sudden movement made you feel like he was gonna throw you down into the puddle. You shrieked but soon felt his arms still around you and no parts of your body were soaked (only moderately wet from the light rain) or on the ground. He was still holding you. 
“You never answered me,” he said, his sweet laughter was gone, and his eyes were on your lips again. 
“Answer what?” you kept looking at his face as a whole, taking in every detail. The way his nose scrunched when droplets of rain well on it. How one of his eyebrows was more bushy and irregular than the other. The dimple in his chin, his freckles- everything. 
“If you wanted to kiss me.” 
His golden-brown eyes were so warm, even in the dim street lights at night. His wet hair was sticking to his face, but framing it so nicely. His jaw was sharp, it didn’t seem like it should be real. 
“I do.”
His lips. Though thin and a bit chapped, they still felt so soft. The sweet taste of chocolate, mixed in with the rain that had fallen in the few moments that you stood outside. His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you in closer to him. It felt so good. So right. 
You pulled away but with no idea how much time had gone by. His stands stayed in their position, his eyes searched yours for a reaction. Nothing came from it since you were still in an emotional daze. 
Tom chuckled. 
“Fuck, I should have slid into your DMs sooner.” 
“Way to ruin the mood, Holland.”
“Oh, you love it.” He said before pulling you into another kiss. 
> song played in Le Moulin: Rendez-vous sous la pluie (Jean Sablon)
> Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed
> please leave a comment or ask with your thoughts. i love reading them and let me know if you want to see more of this au cause i really enjoyed writing it :)
> if anyone has a comment about how it had only been a day since they met etc. i wrote this 15k story in the span of 24 hours. i wish i could have added more to it but at this point, i am physically and emotionally exhausted and do not want to make it even longer. 
>masterlist and link to taglist in bio
@definitely-not-black-cat @artemisiaarm @nerdyhockeygirl @miraclesoflove @justasmisunderstoodasloki @thefridgeismybestie @m19friend @creative-happenings @parker-holland-osterfield @fanficparker @fanficscuziranout @peterparkoure @xxtomxo @happywolves81 @captainbuckyy @tra-gicx @qxeen-of-hearts @varshavisuu @kangaroobunny @petersunderoos96  @the-lost-fairy-tale @nerd-domland @sleepybesson @rissa067 @the-queen-procrastinator @scarletteclipze @screeching-student-unknown  @spiderrrling​ @captainpeggy40 @tomhollanders2013 @miraclesoflove @playinonaloop @queenoflostspirits @roses-hxlland @hereiamhereigo @sunnydays0803 @averyfosterthoughts @moorehollandplz @beiroviski @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @peterparkerbabyyy @multifandomlover21 @lmaotshollandd @badbitchydecisions @tikapollak @awesomehritz​ @madzleigh01​ @oh-what a beautiful-parker @taciturnspidey​ @quaksonhehe​ @mountainsforwords​ @harryfobter @peepeeparkerr @viagracex​ @ethereal-beauty-p​ @slytherin-chaser​ @worldoftom​ @moonysoftt​ @peeterparkr​ @wazzupmrstark​ @saintlavrents​ @peachybloomss​ @blissfulparker​ @chloecreatesfictions-archive​  @fallinfortom​ @bitchydecisions​ @okokimfreakingoutahh @cicicantblog​ @musicalkeys​ @joyleenl​ @multifandomdoodles121 @awkwardfangirl2014​ @marvelouspeterparker​
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