#i appreciate the kind words
hottiehiei · 4 months
I love all of your writing but specifically the soft Hiei story had my grown butt giggling like a schoolgirl 😍! Could we get more soft Hiei, nsfw or sfw dealers choice, in any sort of scenario?? I look forward to reading more of your stories! Also just had my first Hiei dream the other night and I was giddy when I woke up 😁
i’m so happy you enjoy my writing, anon :’) now i’m giggling like a schoolgirl!!! haha <333
i did headcanons because it’s easier for me to write!
Soft!Hiei (Fluff Version)
sfw, fluff, gender neutral
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so whipped. Everyone has caught him smiling at you from a distance, just obsessed with every little thing you do. Years ago he would’ve laughed at the possibility of falling in love. Now he can’t imagine himself without you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When sitting alone together, Hiei falls asleep on your shoulder. At first it was accidental, and he was pretty embarrassed about it after he woke up, but as time went on, he intentionally shifts closers to your side in hopes of leaning on you. As he gets comfortable with this level of intimacy, he will occasionally rests his head on your lap, which is the perfect opportunity to play in his hair or trace the outline of his face.
𓆩⟡𓆪 It may not seem like it, but Hiei doesn’t mind listening to your random thoughts or interests, even if he can’t relate to them. He makes an effort to understand who you are, and that includes your weird opinions! Before long, he knows you better than anyone else.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei doesn’t have any cute nicknames for you like “Baby” or “Babe”. He only calls you by your given name, but honestly, it rolls off his tongue so smoothly that it feels just as endearing. When he calls out to you, his voice is alluring, and you’ll feel compelled to follow him anywhere.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Disagreements rarely escalate because Hiei can’t stay upset with you for long. He might pretend he’s angry, but the second you start pouting, he drops the act.
𓆩⟡𓆪 If you’re upset with him though, he’s very stubborn, almost like a child. Oh, you’re mad about what he said during an argument? Okay, well now he’s mad too! (He tries to move on like it never happened, especially if he’s the one in the wrong.) Hiei is the type to apologize while you’re half sleep. He mumbles a small “sorry” just as you begin to doze off. You’ll probably end up thinking you dreamed it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei brags about you more often than he realizes. It’s an unconscious habit, sort of like ‘thinking out loud’. He tells other people not to underestimate your abilities if they’re concerned about your safety. Or, if someone gets something incorrect about you, he is quick to correct them. It can be something as simple as your favorite color and he’s suddenly butting into the conversation like “No idiot, they actually like xxxx.”
Hiei loves being praised. If you cheer him on during a fight, he’s all nonchalant like “They’re no match for me. This is child’s play.” but he feels so fired up on the inside. Ego boosts are great for Hiei, seriously. Works wonders.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Wtf. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Sending hugs and protective vibes to you.
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Thank you. You’re very sweet. I hope you have a nice day. Sending hugs
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fangbangerghoul · 6 months
Oh heeeeeeeey So, I originally followed you because I had read a good portion of your Starfield fics before you had asked me to join the server, and I recognized your URL right away. Then I saw on your profile you're also Notyourramona and I was like "NO WAY I'VE READ THOSE FICS TOO." I keep following you because you're super rad, and have bomb taste in music. I also feel like we're kindered spirits, like many of us on the server are and I've come to view you as a friend! Keep on keeping on and bringing the delicious Fan Fiction and killer music recs. :) <3
I hope to God it wasn't my batman fic and just the Starfield ones lmfaooo
I appreciate so much you recognized my fics before you knew me 😭😭😭. That's the highest praise imo
I will share a music Rec for your Hadrian fic
Sapphic vibes
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bass-alien · 5 months
You give off the vibe of someone who has been through some shit but is still out there being a queen boss with a free spirit. You are a beautiful spirit.
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violentviolette · 6 months
Oh no I'm so sorry about your kitty :( I really hope she gets home safe
thank u! its stopped raining and i've put her litterbox outside along with a small dog igloo filled with some of my laundry so im hoping the smell will lead her back and then she'll hide inside there where i can find her. gonna keep checking on it every hour or so
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cquackity · 1 year
I think your writing is lovely and even if you don't see that now, I hope you do one day! You should be proud of your work because you made it :) no one else could have or did, it's truly yours and it's wonderful
(-secret moot)
thank you secret mutual ☹️❤️
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saucy-mesothelioma · 9 months
I'm not able to send replies, so I contacted support. Have yet to hear anything back from them. So to answer the reply I was trying to respond to: @calyps0rion (sorry for the @) Thanks, everyone in my family got through with minimal property damage. Tornado season and hurricane season are a yearly (sometimes multiple times a year) thing here, but I guess that just means we know some of what to expect.
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poemsonmars · 10 months
your poetry is always beautiful but today's took the prize. thank you for writing it💛
thank you 💛💛
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ssreeder · 2 years
Sreedy, listen
I don’t cry for movies or tv shows. I don’t cry for any media at all. But when Zuko said he can’t do it anymore I teared up. :( he’s been through so much. I feel so bad for him. You’re so evil and I love you for it. You’re a creative genius. I love this story so much. PLEASE give him a good recovery my heart can’t take much more of this. And I’m usually looking for more angst and hurt in fics, but you’re writing is just so raw and impactful. It makes me really understand and feel the emotions these characters go through. I just want him to rest and heal :(
Really really well done! I admire your writing so much. Media doesn’t often make me feel but your writing is on a different level. I just want you to understand that you and your work have such an impact and has touched me in ways nothing else has. ❤️
I love angsty and whumpy fics but jesus. He’s been through way too much. I love and hate it. I can’t wait for everything to get better- the reunions, the healing, the happiness and health. I just feel so bad for sokka and Zuko
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Thanks for the kind words, it really means a lot to me because I am so insanely insecure about my writing & I don’t even know why I keep doing it haha! I get so worried about every little thing & ehhh it’s stressful sometimes honestly.
I know a lot of people are worried about Zuko, which they should be! he has had an insanely rough journey this fic but I promise he is going to get the opportunity to heal. This last part is his chance to be around people who care about him so he can feel safe enough to regain his strength and self purpose. Zuko isn’t going to be “better” by the end of the series, but he will hopefully be in a better place than when we first started.
Thanks for stopping by sorry I’ve cause so much emotional distress lol.
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fluffygiraffe · 11 months
Be loved and cherished <3
Wrong, gut me like a fish. /j
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just wanted to stop by quickly to say; you are loved and appreciated and the best of us! 💕
I don't know about that last part. Unhinged of us, for sure
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oreana-galena · 2 years
Hi hi, I saw what happened with your art being use without your permission, I just wanted to send you all my support. People are mean and immature for what ? I'm so fustrated for you ! I hope it will get deleted and that you're still having a good day, take care and never stop doing what makes you happy, I know there's a lot of people enjoying your content out here. Please put yourself first and take care, I hope my message is not out of place, have a good night or day ! 🧡
Thank you so much for the kind words and support. 😭♥
I did go to the link provided me in that Reddit thread. I have to admit, I've never had the care to make a Reddit account, so I don't know how any of that site works. I think what really hurt was how the mods said 'yeah, we could delete it but eh.. see what the higher ups say on the site'.
I don't know why if an artist asks for their works removed (or credited), people won't do it. 😅
I know as far as this year has been, I may have been brash in my decision to step away from the fandom. But I do think doing this will just help me heal a bit. Not hate a character I adore so much. I hope I can return to writing and drawing to him in his series with a better perspective.
Thanks again for the lovely words. It means a lot. ♥ 🥺
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starcharmfunzies · 2 years
You’re so cool and your art is fantastic!
thank you ^^
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bass-alien · 1 year
You're so damn fucking sexy and beautiful! You're a fucking work of art that I love to admire. I can look and stare at that divine body of yours all day
I am quite literally a gremlin but thank you
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munson-mjstan · 8 months
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chrissy babe, congrats on the 400 followers!
Thank you, dear! I appreciate you!
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rusticfurnace · 1 year
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some soap content because hes my little goober. my babym the light of my life. >:3
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