#i assume many of you might be the same
Mutuals I wish I could talk to you all in person cause I'm so much more cool and fun and engaging irl
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puppyeared · 2 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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unopenablebox · 8 months
i was looking back at my old knitting posts to check on a thing and like yeah i really did just rocket right up the knitting skill tree over the course of a few months. no wonder i'm convinced i can knit literally anything i've spent ten minutes reading and watching videos about.
my personal knitting trajectory is that i learned to knit at age 8, stopped knitting at age 16 or so, and did not knit anything more complex than circular knit legwarmers with mild shaping at that time (so i could make rectangles and tubes and slightly widen the tubes). (ok i also did one lace scarf for about four inches but it was very bad.) then i got back into it at the end of college, and my projects were lace cowl > multiple stranded colorwork hats > socks on dpns > elaborately cabled sweater (which i finished only the back and half a sleeve of, admittedly, and am now picking up again) > most of a beaded lace crescent shawl in the span of, like, five months. and then a bunch of other shit after that! i literally can just learn to knit whatever the fuck i want, that's just uncontroversially true. what a fantastic hobby
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Saint of Bright Doors
a surreal Sri Lankan fantasy about colonialism, revolution, mixing fantasy with the modern world
follows a man raised by his mother to kill his father, a god-like cult leader
but as an adult he puts aside his life of violence and moves to the city for a quiet life
he becomes fascinated with ‘bright doors’ around the city that never open and have no other side, and joins a group studying them to find out more
and a support group for those with divine heritage that becomes increasingly revolutionary, until the task he was made for reemerges and his life upends
#the Saint of Bright Doors#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#this is kind of hard to explain I dont know if I did a very good job here lol#it is weird and full of so many interesting elements. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it but?? I really liked it mostly???#It starts pretty small scale focused on the MC & slowly unravels the wider worldbuilding and narrative elements in a really interesting way#The first chapter or two I assumed it was typical high fantasy but then it’s like. oh this is a modern city. with emails and stuff.#The pacing is a bit weird - it’s quite meandering and also pivots significantly in the second half. tbh I’m still ????? about the ending lm#but also I am happy to float through on vibes.#and there’s some elements (like the doors that become….not that relevant) that I want to know more about. (as an aside - I saw someone say#that it’s a very clear retelling about Buddha’s son? which idk enough about but probably could give a deeper context to a lot of it)#writing style is kinda detached from the MC but also there is a reason for this that makes sense with the twist near the end!#which is a kind of twist i LOVE. Maybe I wish it had been emphasised a bit more over the story though? unsure.#I thought his mother's story was interesting also - you think she's an terrible parent just there for background context at the start but#then when she tells her story it's like ohh there's more context here.#also I hesitate to just say ‘if you like the spear cuts-- you should read this’ because I think the elements that are similar are done in a#kinda different way and might disappoint you if you’re expecting it to be the same as spear….but regardless the sort of dreamy writing#rich world; narrative with fantasy but also modern day elements; some of the writing style; mlm MC (tho not a romance)#idk. it will definitely not work for everyone but I enjoyed it overall#also it is full of queerness#bisexual books
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sysig · 3 months
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Horse girl arc (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#The Captain#This scene was so cuuuuuuuuute <3 <3 <3#Genuinely gave me the vibes of an ingénue meeting a unicorn <3 So saccharine and adorable <3 <3#And then of course he closes it out with wanting to add the horse to his menagerie lol ZEX! Incorrigible ♪#And also the fact that he was openly obliviously displaying his hickeys pffft ♫ He didn't know!#I'm pretty sure he was wearing a hoodie actually but like - wide necked collar tho. Gotta show off lol#I love that they'd both never interacted with a horse haha ♥ So many things Zelnick never got to interact with being an Unzervalt boy ouq#And how ZEX automatically assumes danger haha - just because YOU collect dangerous beasts doesn't mean that everything you find beautiful is#His tastes do tend to skew pretty ravenous tho - in several ways hehe#Also is it clear that I myself never had a horse girl arc lol - one of my friends did! But not me so much haha#I did look up references! ......After I'd mostly drawn her look I'm trying lol#Horses are shaped so funny haha#I definitely feel like I nailed the silhouette horse - ignore that she's mostly a stick figure there lol#The ship is more meant to be shorthand than literal lol - y'know a UFO abduction we all know what those look like lol#I thought it might not communicate the same if I actually drew an Intruder no I'm not just putting it off because I haven't drawn one before#Maybe if I drew a little more outside of just my offline days lol but I find so many other things to do!
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I wish the Merlin 6: kingdom come people would be more upfront about their script being fanfic and not official because I am sick and tired of seeing people bitch about the bbc "scrapping" the supposed sixth season. There was no sixth season. Merlin did not get cancelled, it just ended. Afaik the kingdom come peeps have no affiliation whatsoever with the original merlin team, other than their contacting some of them to be like "hey would you want to make our script?" and the representative being like "appreciate the offer but no thanks". The script is no more canon than any fanfic you or I might write, it just so happens that they did it in script form which seems to have confused a lot of people, and no-one seems to have corrected the massive misunderstanding for some reason
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kasumingo · 1 year
Years ago I heard the quote "everyone in your life had something happen that would make you drop on your knees and wail" and it's a principle I live by
Be kinder to everyone
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keepthetension · 5 months
still thinking about grief and recovery and support on this show because oh boy did the shows airing this weekend put me in my dead parent feelings i said before i was concerned about how porjai is dealing with her own grief, and this episode we saw her easily talking about rung, and even casually yelling to rung that she misses her! maybe this is me projecting, because i can't do that, but this seems like a pretty healthy place to be, especially contrasted with mhok's relative silence, and i'm glad!
and mhok's silence doesn't come from anger or resentment (which are valid ofc, but i did wonder if imprisonment gave him time to work through this to some degree) but out of protectiveness. i fucking loved this, because it felt so realistic and lived-in. i lost a parent to intimate partner violence, and i NEVER open up about it; people sure have Opinions, and it makes me insane
but day finding out about rung offscreen wasn't on my bingo card, tbh. because we've been with mhok through everything he's found out about day
it doesn't bother me, exactly, but it feels slightly unbalanced, and i suppose what i'm thinking is: knowing what happened to someone doesn't actually tell you how they feel about it, or how it affects them, or how you can support them
mhok found out from that lady sharing personal medical info she had no business sharing about day losing his eyesight in the accident, but he put in the work to understand what it actually meant for day. and in most cases, we've seen day telling mhok about what troubles him in his own words (his crush on auggy, why he was avoiding his friends, etc)
bereavement is probably statistically more common, so i suppose it may not need to be spelled out for an audience? but i am wary, because there have been so many shows where characters are visibly — to me! — struggling with grief and everything else matryoshka-ed in it, but audience reaction simply doesn't factor this in
i'm also thinking about how often mhok tells day a story about himself with the intent of making him smile ("i bought two bracelets just because i had money to spend" "i found this rooftop when i needed to sober up" "my sister called this false rice". i'm certain there are more!). because this is what a caretaker does, or because this is what mhok does, or both?
because this always made me wonder what it would take for mhok to talk about something that wouldn't make day smile, or because he wanted to share. in the former case, it'd have to be something pretty bad!
of course, talking isn't the only way to recovery or intimacy. and mhok going from "i'm breaking up with my devoted gf because i don't want to drag her down with me" to "i'm going to ask you to be my bf" is pretty significant!
but as they navigate the journey from being caretaker and client to being boyfies, the balance has to shift around a bit to them supporting each other, consciously choosing to be there for each other
in this episode what we got was: you only want money to buy that car. and i'm not even mad about this, because this kind of comment is very in line with day's character. but wow. day, i know you're feeling big feelings, but throwing one of the few things you know about mhok's life in his face is. not it!
#last twilight the series#i know this is a “trustworthy” director. and i will happily eat my words! but#it's always bothered me when couples fall into this pattern of ONE person doing the bulk of the supporting and caring and accommodating#and i am HOPING WISHING PRAYING this show doesn't do the same you know?#also like the imbalance makes sense if they're only caretaker and client of course! i'm just SO curious how this will be addressed#thinking a lot lately about characters society puts into a certain box because social status or because they're Manly or Tough or some shit#and there isn't a space for them to be soft and goofy and playful and tender. and people assume they don't need to be cared for#ten from cooking crush and babe from pit babe and top from only friends. for example.#and “there's zero tenderness in you” mhok#and i desperately want to see these characters get to be more than they're “allowed” to be#patriarchy is a curse#oh also i suspect mhok's “healing journey” will come to a head once he buys the car or whatever ends up happening there#ALSO GOD how many people would move the fuck out of that house afterward IF THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO#and maybe it doesn't feel like this for mhok and porjai but living in the same place afterward can be intensely suffocating#but they can't just move and start over like moneyed individuals might be able to!#recovery and healing simply looks different for the rich#anyway next ep will probably foreground mhok caring for day. and there are not many eps left!! i am wary but still fairly optimistic
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nerdyfangirlingbooks · 7 months
Does anyone in the Tomorrow series ever actually... tell Ellie that what happened in NZ wasn't her fault?? That it's absolutely different to what Lee chose to do, in that she had her choice taken away? That it's not lame or weak or a reflection on her in any way? Because I know the way she's dealing with it is realistic for a lot of people but I also think it's really important that a series aimed at kids acknowledges that it wasn't her fault instead of inadvertently teaching them that it's okay to internalise all this, and by extension that Ellie was right to blame herself. Idk. I just know that if I had read the series through when I first started it at 12, I would have learnt from Ellie, and it's getting hard to read now, thinking that some kids would have.
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not-poignant · 7 months
I'm late to the party but if you're still doing the fanfic meme...I'd love to know 2 and 14 for Stain!
Woo let's do it! For A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
2: What scene did you first put down?
I feel like I've been saying this a lot, but the first scene I wrote is the first scene everyone reads. I've been writing in chronological order for a while now!
I ran a lot of scenes in my head mentally first. Because my first image of this story was of them as like... the ages they are in the game, and it just wasn't working. They were too young, and not mature enough. Things really kicked off when I was like 'okay, what if Sebastian is a divorcee who leaves and comes back' and then really kicked off when it was like 'what if Alex becomes a cleaner to pay for his grandparent's medical debt.'
All of those things came in stages and I really noodled on this story and its structure for over a month.
By the time I started writing, I was ready to start writing. And I knew I'd start with Alex being like, quite provocative and shocking to set the tone, so the first sentence is literally around him reminiscing on the fact that he used to imagine forcing Sebastian to give him revenge blowjobs lmao.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I don't really like to be didactic with my writing. Like I don't set out to 'teach' moral lessons or anything like that, and I'm maybe even a little selfish in that I'm often not thinking about the reader in that way at all. I'm thinking about writing an entertaining story for myself with entertaining characters. I really want to entertain the people who read the story. I think more about emotional responses than learning. I'm not trying to teach, I'm trying to entertain. But teaching can be a byproduct, it's just not the focus.
BUT, I do think I like exploring themes around classism, small-town dynamics (it's not the first time I've explored this), attitudes of learned helplessness, what real support in a community looks like vs. lip service support, etc.
In a perfect world, I want readers to go away having enjoyed the fic and gotten something meaningful out of it. Even if that meaningful thing is simply that they felt comforted during a tough time, or they got to escape from reality for a while and feel happy for the characters at the end.
I don't know if I need them to learn anything new about something grand or whatever. I'm not out here trying to teach deep lessons, but because my characters are often learning deep lessons, sometimes that happens anyway. Alex for example, devaluing himself the way that he does? A lot of people (including me) relate to that. Giving someone like Alex access to support, means some people (including me) get to vicariously experience that getting support or looking for it can be scary, but often lead to good things.
That's not a bad thing to take away from any story.
But I'm pumped if people enjoy it, and I'm not out here trying to teach big lessons. My goal is always the emotional responses and the emotional engagement and the emotional journey. If people read my stories and feel nothing at all, then I'd be the first to be like 'hey, um, hey, there's better writing out there, you'll enjoy that more, trust me' lol
From the fanfiction / AO3 fiction meme!
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
kind of funny whenever (and this happens quite often) someone older than me is like "yeah the world aka US politics went to shit in 2016 it wasn't this ridiculous and bizarre before aaaa it feels different" because whether i Would agree or not is hampered by the fact that i was roughly 11 at the time. like i'll take your word for it boss o7 bc i was a zygote in terms of political awareness. my ass was not paying attention enough before so i have no previous era to compare it to. i was thinking about hex bugs or something that whole time idk
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seariii · 5 months
Reading articles upon articles and people explaining the concept to others, only to leave not understanding it at all... Maybe it's just one of those concepts my brain can't understand and I just have to accept as a fact...
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night-creeps · 10 months
Oops scrolled the tags on that spencers mlm flag post and now i feel like shit
#okay I Get It#but like#everyone has A Flag yknow?#but the rainbow flag (whichever fucking version you wanna imagine)#is sorta fir everyone#which is great!#its good!#i love the gilbert pride flag sm#but if that flag has become a blanket flag for queers then when Im not passing someone might look at me and see a girl yknow?#so i really like the flag cause even if people dont know what the fuck it is idc#its for me#because it means im a faggot#im a boy who likes boys#i still love and associate with the rainbow flag#but the reason so many young trans mascs love the mlm flag is probably because when people look at the rainbow flag#they jsut assume youre a butch lesbian or something#and like.#the hate that its just gender stereotyping with the color blue and ripping off the lesbian flag#1 is the lesbian flag not falling under the same faults by having pink on it???#and 2 the fact that its similar should just be seen as a solidarity between mlm and wlw that we are brothers and sisters in arms#people love to preach inclusion and to get rid of exclusionists in the queer community#then go and claim the new young queers on tik tok are a fucking disease in the queer community#for creating all these hyper specific flags and identities and shit#i dont use tiktok fyi#and its just like#how is that a problem?#idk if im selfish for this or something but#everyone has a flag yknow?#and the rainbow flag isnt rly for Just gay men anymore (was it ever? wasnt it for all of us in the first place)#so when everyone else has their own flag it feels nice to have my own yknow?
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hershelchocolateart · 8 months
Can you please reblog Darkdragonsouls addition to your desaturation post? It's very useful and it's spread would help counteract the number of artist's I've seen feeling demoralized or angry. Multiple people in different Discord servers have been sharing your post, and I've had to redirect them to try and help them avoid brashly changing settings they don't understand. Thanks! 
Took me fucking AGES to find the post you were talking about, Tumblr search function sucks so bad oh my god. Thanks for being so polite about this though!
That being said, I don't think I'll be sharing it solely because. Well, it is a nice explanation about the different color settings, but it seems like the main point of the post was to be careful when printing things. I am very much not printing things, and I'm willing to bet 99% of the people leaving comments about their characters reference sheets are also not planning on printing things
Having your art printed in general takes SO much work and research into how best to save the image anyway (as someone who's printed dozens of my own pieces), and I'm really hoping people would be doing that research anyway, but for purely digital art purposes, maintaining that saturation still seems important to me (you're not even supposed to print pngs anyway, 99% sure you're supposed to be using TIFF)
That being said, feel free to keep sharing it around yourself if you feel it's important! I never really thought a post I made would get this big, and it was DEFINITELY something I made in a fit of utter rage and despair at the situation, so there was a lot of nuance I couldn't keep track of. I am admittedly a little worried for the people in the comments who are changing the setting and calling it good without fully checking whether or not it worked for them, but there's nothing I can do about that. The post has gone way farther than I ever thought it would, and with the wide variety of people claiming to have the same problem, I feel like it's more on a case-by-case basis of how your device and your program uses colors
(also, despite what the notes on the post would have you believe, I don't actually have a lot of followers here and I doubt me reblogging a single post would actually get it to spread very far)
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
ok so like........... obviously i hate the concept of soulmates and soulmate aus cause FUCK the idea that a person is inherently incomplete without another person, thats fucked up and lame. BUT. with the presence of souls being an undeniable fact in undertale and by extension my selfship with sans, and the fact that i headcanon (? i feel like its canon but i might be thinking about inverted fate LOL) that sans' perception of each reset in the underground is, aside from being a knowledge that it IS possible (like asgore), mostly based on each reset bringing a stronger and stronger sense of deja vu as the timelines overlap in his memories. i do sort of like the idea of him meeting me aboveground, his soul recognizing me as its. well. soulmate, i guess. but him confusing that feeling with the deja vu he experienced in the underground and thereby being so fucking suspicious and afraid of me and like. doing everything he can to get me to stay away from papyrus and everyone else, cause he thinks im another anomaly like frisk or flowey. naturally, i dont feel that, because while humans DO have souls monsters are a direct projection of theirs, and humans are significantly less in tune with their souls overall. and since a soulmate thing would. uh. well, heavily depend on the very existence of souls. well, i wouldnt really recognize it as anything but "lol funny bone man i wanna be his friend moreso than the other monsters". anyway i phrased this so badly cause its 6:30am but tl;dr this was a longwinded way of saying "if me and sans were soulmates i wouldnt feel it and hed be terrified of my very existence and would do everything in his power to push me away". lol.
#cherry chats#bf (bone friend)#i feel like i just..... kinda.......... rambled about my monster biology headcanons for the entirety of this post.#wellum anyway! it is my hyperfixation/special interest combo and i have soooo many headcanons and theories i like so Yeah#now i already explained i dont like soulmate aus i think theyre really shitty. also unbearably aro exclusive obviously#but mostly i just hate the idea of not being complete without the presence of another person........#as if you cannot be whole if you dont devote your life to other people.#im heavily introverted i dont think i need people to be happy and content and um.#you cant tell anyone this this is another secret only my selfship blog followers are privy to#and i might delete this later so im gonna say this in its own tag;#for like maybe a year and a half i think. ive been questioning if im aro.#cause i for sure dont experience love in the same way ive come to understand most people do.................#i love aros everyone knows this but at the same time........ i really DONT wanna be aro#idk why that is but i have to assume its cause ive been so completely comfortable in my demigirl bi identity since i was 13#like i learned of both of those and ive never before felt the need to question any further. i was like oh yea this is right and that was it#but. like i said i know for certain i dont feel love like most people do#and i dont know if thats cause im aro or if its cause i have trauma or if its cause im autistic or WHAT#but ummm yeah. thats fun cool skenp trivia for you (pls dont tell anyone)#i know i dont need to use any label im not comfortable with and giving it more thought so far hasnt made me more comfortable#if anything its had the opposite effect. but i still cant help but think about it once i realized i dont feel love#except for. One Person. but ive said enough so bye#geez ok i got sidetracked. back to soulmate aus though i Dont Like Them#though i guess that 'empty space' theyd propose you feel before encountering your soulmate could be sort of more palatable if you were to#say you dont know you ever had it UNTIL you met your soulmate. but that doesnt change the fact that its whack#but this is the one soulmate fantasy ill allow myself cause i think its neat <3#and monsters do have souls so......... i guess soulmates wouldnt be a stretch. but id like for there to at least be the possibility of#multiple soulmates. so its not like 'your life revolves around ONE PERSON who youll likely never meet' cause thats dumb#i talked too much tumblr might delete half my tags lol. guess ill just make another post in that case#anyways BYE
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senotsuri · 2 years
Okay, so I'd like to delve more on the Vestals being plant-like. You mentioned they use photosynthesis through their skin, so tactile-wise, would they feel similar to that of a plant or a mammal's? You also mentioned something about them being more built for sprint-hunting? So does that mean Vestals hunt like Earth's cheetahs do? I tried googling what sprint-hunting was, but the results gave me non-answers. Lastly, if Vestal diets are meat-focused, what dishes do they cook, and which of Vestal's fauna is used as livestock.
I think their skin feels mammalian, but the fine hairs on their skin (like the fine hairs humans have) are more... feelable? Like how you can tell if a leaf has little needly hairs. Hairy leaves feel very hairy, if that makes sense?
That comes from LiterallyThePresident on AO3 (they have a tumblr, under a different name, but I'm not sure if they're ok with having their tumblr mentioned =v=;;), who wrote the Connection series. In that, specifically the medical focused Beat, we find out that LTP's Vestals have two hearts and smaller lungs. The two hearts would suggest more circulation than a human (an endurance hunter), which is perfect for sprinting and still getting blood/oxygen to the body's cells so they function.
Sprint hunters don't stalk their prey for miles until they're exhausted like Endurance hunters do. Instead they stalk up close, preferably camoflaged, and then sprint at their prey, either to catch them off guard, or give chase to their prey (of which is likely fast enough for an actual chase.) I wouldn't say they're as bad at hunting as cheetahs are (low percentage of successful hunts), but that's down to the fact that they could make tools decently easily given opposable thumbs.
As for livestock... hard to say. Vestal itself is a ecumenopolis, a singular city that encases a whole planet, and aerial images in scenes show very little grass. The most grass Vestal has is seemingly on Klaus' small floating island. But, there are huge reservoirs easily visible. One or two might be dedicated to aquatic fauna?
Current Vestals probably thrive on synthetic (but close to the source as possible) meats of ancient prey species, and whatever Vestals oceans had (whale, fish, turtle, crab, so on so forth.)
Honestly vestals would go mad for scampi, fish soup, and calamari, amongst other seafood-based dishes.
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