#i bet she did goad you into killing her
nancywheeeler · 5 months
i really do feel i missed my calling as a gothic heroine
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euniexenoblade · 7 months
since we're talking about call outs lately, i've been called out many times, most of which are made from lies and sometimes by altering screenshots, but the most effective call out i ever got was like, in early 2015 there was a tumblr user everyone knew was a terf, but she would say "actually i support trans women" this was before crypto terfs were as talked about so the language wasn't really there to say "hey this person is a crypto terf." but yeah some people put posts of this woman on my dash and i made a random post on my blog "why do yall reblog her shes a terf" and of course she searches her own name daily, found my post, and replied to it that me calling her a terf was racist. that was it. no other interaction. but she went on all night talking about me being racist and just making things up as she went "oh i bet she says the n word all the time irl" kind of shit that had, like no basis? But her follower base took it 100% and i literally had thousands of anons telling me to kill myself, trying to goad me into being racist (didnt work), and the most concerning thing was i got hundreds of anons being like "what was the point of doing hrt if you still look like that, you should kill yourself." It was like, violent and overwhelming. and on top of it I'd get random young teenager trans people who followed her and bought into her bioessentialism showing up in my messages being like "you give trans people a bad name" "you're why transphobia exists" etc etc it was fucking crazy.
but i lost like, no followers because everyone around me understood, this woman was a terf. this all set up the real one though.
later in the year a teenage "communist" trans girl made some snarky comment about me being racist on a post of mine blowing up. i ignored her cuz like, who cares it's just some random teenager. but i guess people were looking for a reason to hate me cuz that blew up, lots of people just took that at face value no need to investigate. when someone finally did send the girl an ask being like "hey how is she racist" she replied "I dont remember but I know she is" and even more people just took this as 100%. the thing is, i do remember her being one of those "you make trans people look bad" terf following young trans people, it's not that she didn't remember, it's that she didnt want to admit she followed a terf and she believed a terf just saying shit. I lost like 3/4s of my followers, i had a lot of people i thought were my friends just stop talking to me, and going forward every time i got a call out there would usually be a line of like "also she's racist, everyone already knows this" all cuz this girl needed to make a snarky comment cuz she just loves terfs.
the thing about the "i dont remember" bit is it made some weird game of telephone. "I dont remember" became "oh she's racist, i think she says the n word" which became "she called black bloggers the n word" like people just made shit up about me and connected it to this call out. and when id be like this isnt true id be met with a "this is just known, youre a known racist" and it's like, to this day i will still find people be like "hey good on you for growing as a person and not doing that any more" and its like I NEVER DID IT TO BEGIN WITH
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petalsthefish · 1 month
The Good Witch
Day 4 of jily week (hosted by @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee ) prompt; role reversal
Read on A03
“Alright, Potter?”
James Potter glanced up from his essay to see Lily Evans leaning over his desk. Her shirt was unbuttoned just enough to be distracting, and he rolled his eyes as she fluffed her red hair for his benefit. There were three reasons she was the most popular witch in school:
1. she’s bloody gorgeous
2. She’s way too good at quidditch
3. She’s a massive show off with an affinity for mischief making
Despite these three things, James still avoided her like the plague. Especially after that incident in potions two weeks ago, where she’d tried to come to his defense after his best friend shouted a slur at him in front of the whole class. He didn’t know what had been more humiliating, Sev blowing up on him, or Lily Evans playing the hero.
James definitely didn’t need her swooping in to defend him. She irked Sev enough that her mere presence makes James’ old friend go blind with rage. James sometimes wondered if Sev actually liked Lily, but hated himself for it.
But then again, who didn’t like Lily and hate themselves for it?
“Do you deliberately go out of your way to find me?” he asked flatly. “You know I can’t stand you at the moment.”
“I think you secretly like me,” she replied, sitting on the edge of his desk.
“You’re insane.”
She was right.
”You’re the one who was staring at me during transfiguration.” She sang, “Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I caught the snitch in the match last night, so according to our bet, you owe me seven minutes in heaven.”
He really hated himself for giving into her goading at breakfast yesterday. They’d bantered back and forth about how good she actually was at quidditch. James found bantering with her to be a sport of its own, and she sadly excelled at both.
“You’re the only one who agreed to that.” He said, pushing at her to move. She stayed put.
”You shook on it.”
”You picked my hand up and forced me to shake your hand.” James reminded her, “I told you I didn’t want to bet against you.”
Her eyes sparkled mirthlessly, “I love when you accidentally compliment me without realizing it.”
”Go bother someone else,” he begged, “literally anyone else.”
“We’re already a minute in. Why waste time fighting?” She waggled her red eyebrows. “Pucker up, buttercup.”
James snorted. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Don’t I know it.” She just giggled and kicked her feet. “I’ve got Petunia holding the portrait, so no one will walk in on us, don’t be embarrassed. One little kiss never hurt anyone.”
It might kill me, he thought to himself.
James looked around the common room and realized she had somehow cleared everyone out. He sighed and tucked his quill behind his ear. Lily smirked, swiped the quill from him, dipped it in the inkpot, and took his hand.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his face turning red as she guided his palm open.
“Reading your future,” she said nonchalantly, tracing the lines of his palm with the ink, creating intricate patterns.
James swallowed hard, the tickling sensation of the quill giving him goosebumps. “And why are you doing this?”
“Oh,” she clicked her tongue, “it says here that your lifeline is really short, which means you should kiss a hot witch before you die at the ripe young age of fifteen.”
James pulled his hand away. “Let me guess, you’re the hot witch in question?”
She grinned wickedly. “I am pretty hot, don’t you think?”
“Sure,” he muttered, “but your ego is really unattractive.”
She placed a hand on her heart, feigning shock. “Me? My ego? James, James, James.” She lifted his chin with a finger, her green eyes sparkling. “It’s called confidence.”
“Well, I’m confident I don’t want to kiss you,” he shrugged. “You might as well tell your sister to let people back into the common room.”
Lily’s shoulders slumped, her confidence faltering. “Did I do something to make you hate me so much?”
“You mess up your hair to look like you’ve just been on a broomstick,” he said, standing up so he was finally taller than her as she perched on the desk. “You make fun of people for sport. You’re an arrogant toe-rag, and I’d rather kiss the giant squid than make out with you.”
Her frown deepened. “Fine.” She pushed herself away from the desk, her feet hitting the floor with a pronounced thud. “I get it. You’re afraid you might actually like me, so you’re pushing me away. According to Witch Weekly, that just means you’re actually interested.”
James rolled his eyes. “Witch Weekly isn’t exactly where I’d look for dating advice,” he said, absentmindedly brushing imaginary lint from his robe. “That’s not the reason I don’t want to snog you.”
“Then give me a chance,” she insisted. “Go out with me and see if we’re a good match.”
“Why not?” She challenged, her eyes narrowing. “Is it because I’m a pure-blood? Because that’s ridiculous. You know I’m nothing like those pure-blood elitists who look down on you or anyone else.”
“Your blood has nothing to do with it,” James said, smoothing down his robe with a dismissive gesture. “I just don’t fancy you.”
Another lie.
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Then why do you blush every time I walk past you in the hall? And why did you stand up for me when Snape called me a useless Quidditch player who’s overrated?”
James shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze. “Look, it’s not about what you think. It’s just not going to work.”
“Because your best friend Snape hates me and doesn’t want you talking to me?” Lily guessed.
James blinked in surprise. “You heard him?”
“Of course I did.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “You think I don’t hear what he and his Death Eater wannabe friends say about me? Or Sirius? Or Petunia? We’re all blood traitors because we defend you. I don’t know how you can still be friends with Snape. He’s such a prat.”
“We aren’t as close,” James admitted. “Not after he called me a—” He hesitated, “—a Mudblood.”
Her green eyes softened, and her voice took on a gentler tone. “I would never call you that, you know that, right?”
He did. Despite her often inflated ego, James was well aware that Lily Evans was a genuinely good witch. If he could turn back time and rewrite his choices, he would have chosen to be friends with her rather than with Severus Snape.
Even though James had grown up alongside Sev, their friendship had become strained over the years. Sev had increasingly aligned himself with those who saw James as an outsider simply because he was the child of two Muggles. The bitterness that had started to poison their relationship had made him realize, too late, that he had been on the wrong path.
But he knew that pursuing anything with Lily Evans, Sev’s sworn adversary, would likely bring more complications than it was worth. Even though he secretly wanted to kiss her, he couldn’t ignore the potential trouble their relationship might stir up.
James was still dealing with the effects of the last encounter between the three of them. He had a feeling if Sev heard James was snogging Lily, Sev might actually kill him. He’d definitely see it as some sort of betrayal. After all, Lily had spent the last five years bullying Sev relentlessly.
As the common room began to fill up again, students weaved around James and Lily, but Lily remained firmly planted in place. She stepped closer to him, her hand reaching out and clasping his. The sudden, firm grip caught James off guard, and he instinctively tried to pull away, but Lily held on tightly.
“I’m a straightforward witch, Potter,” she said with a determined edge to her voice. “When I see something I want, I go after it. That’s why I’m such a good Seeker. And let me be clear—I don’t care if you’d rather kiss the giant squid than me. I still want you. So when you finally come to your senses and realize that Snape is toxic and manipulating everything around you, including who you’re allowed to snog, remember that I was the one who warned you. And I’ll be the one still waiting for you.”
James's face turned a deep shade of red, drawing curious glances from those nearby. “Lily, I—I…” he stammered, struggling to find the right words.
“Hey, Potter.” Lily’s sister appeared, her expression haughty. “Snape’s waiting outside the portrait hole. He says he’ll camp out there if you don’t come out right now.”
James winced at the thought of facing Sev after everything that had happened. Especially after Lily’s confession. “Perfect.”
Lily brushed her shoulder against his, a surge of warmth following her touch. “Give him hell for using that slur, or I will,” she said fiercely.
And James believed her.
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 months
I'm so glad I have actually stuff to analyze now to defend Indara and I don't have to just keep being like 'um that's not really how narrative storytelling works' and 'I suspect you guys just don't know what to do with reserved female characters who aren't evil' and 'not everyone who isn't a ray of sunshine is a secret Sith lord babes' this is even MORE fun than my reddit crusade over the last few weeks now that I have substance.
anyway, hopping back on the Indara defense train as I have been for a full month, but also talking about her 3 big missteps first:
Mistake #1: not putting her foot down and insisting on going in to talk to the coven alone the first time. Yeah, this was the last moment things could have gone well. I think she was right and going in alone would have looked less intimidating. Also given what she does at the end, she's a pretty strong telepath and wouldn't have had the weak point of Torbin to be exploited. I think if her level head had met Aniseya's level head they could have talked some things out, and the crisis wouldn't have escalated that quickly. There are definitely still some issues - what did Aniseya do to create the twins? why was Koril so afraid of the Jedi finding out? - and things might have come to blows anyway, but I don't think they'd have been as explosive if Indara had had the chance to initially diffuse some of the tension.
Counterpoint: they might have killed her or at least not let her leave actually. If it had JUST been Indara and Aniseya we're talking about, yeah, the fastest solution is a friendly chat between the two of them, I actually think the Jedi would appreciate some of Aniseya's philosophy, they have a nice little cultural exchange and part ways maybe agreeing to disagree on some of the specifics of the Dark vs Light side of the Force, but at least everyone lives. But there's the rest of the coven to consider. Koril particularly. She is DOWN to murder pretty much immediately, as we know from the advisor scene from episode 3, when she's like 'who would miss them?'
Aside: **Book spoilers, I wish tumblr had spoiler tags like Reddit or Discord, don't read this point if you don't want Path of Deceit spoilers** And eep, yeah who WOULD miss them? I sort of jokingly said this after episode 3 like 'lol well it did work for the Path of the Open Hand, that's not that crazy an idea', but now we have the context and oof, they're even MORE off grid than Zallah and Kevmo were. At this point they haven't even contacted Coruscant about finding the coven, right? So while the Council knows the planet they're on, they still think it's uninhabited and evidently the witches are pretty well hidden, they'd just vanish. Jeez, the Council knew the town and precise location of the Path compound and it still took an absurdly long time to figure out what happened after Zallah and Kevmo started missing check-ins, long enough for the Path to escape. I bet they don't check in as much on a peaceful survey mission vs an active investigation too, the four Jedi really could be missing for a long time before anyone realized something was wrong.
But yeah, Koril seems pretty down for murder, so while one Jedi going in alone doesn't look like that much of a threat and might set Aniseya at ease, Koril might have seen it as a weak point available to exploit. Fearing what Indara would report back to the Council about their presence and the twins, Koril might goad the coven into making an attempt on her life, and while Indara is clearly a formidable fighter, she is drastically outnumbered, fighting all the witches alone might have been too much for her. And of course, that makes things so much worse immediately. The leader and the most level head is gone, the Jedi are now grieving and rightfully fear for their lives, tensions explode even earlier. But that's really not much more than an interesting AU idea lol a slight counterpoint though.
Mistake #2: not being the one to go after Torbin when he ran off. This one is just going to come down to clunky writing, I'm sorry. Because there is zero logical reason for her to trust Sol to bring him back. She should have gone herself. Torbin was her responsibility, she's been reticent about how Sol's imbalance was feeding his the whole time, she should have known Sol was never going to deescalate and was only going to drag him further into trouble. But we can sit here arguing over her thought process and blame her but at the end of the day, it was just that the writers needed it to be Sol for the plot and...I don't know, didn't workshop other reasons to divide them like this. But yeah, in universe, there is no reason for it to have been Sol. Things still might have been escalated due to the events inside the fortress and Sol likely sensing Osha's fear when Mae starts the fire, but Indara could (and should) have stopped Torbin's part in it, that was her direct responsibility.
Mistake #3: suggesting the cover up. Yeah this one's not great. I think most of the 'wow Indara did nothing wrong' people are like '.....ok until the cover up'. And like this maybe also is going to get filed under 'clunky writing' but I'm willing to be argued around on that, I just can't quite figure out why they had to lie about the fire to protect Osha's dream of becoming a Jedi? That's the sticking point for me. They're going to have the same arguments with the Council to let her join, I'm not sure what the difference is whether they tell the truth or not.
On the characterization side though, I can also see where it's like....maybe Indara shouldn't have been making decisions at that point because she did just kill at least a couple dozen people with her mind and is probably kind of freaked out. It was an accident, yeah, but I could see being pretty unnerved by what she'd just done and not wanting to reveal that to the Order. I think a big point has been the way each of these characters (on both the Jedi and the coven's side) act out of fear and that being what dooms them, and this is the moment Indara acts out of fear. She's afraid of revealing this frankly kind of frightening telepathic power, she's afraid the Order will blame her as the leader and call into question her ability to lead, or maybe even to have a padawan. I could see in this moment her being like 'well this is technically true and upsets the status quo the least, let's just go with it.' And then gets locked in once Sol tells Osha, so she can't change her mind after she calms down a bit.
ok back to defending her against two things: 1) breaking the spell and killing the coven, 2) her teaching style.
The issue with the conversation around her breaking the spell and killing the coven that I'm having is I think one of 'authorial intent vs what comes through on screen'. Because in the Nerdist interview that confirmed Indara did not intentionally kill the witches, Headland also said that her mistake her was acting out of 'selfish attachment to save her friend' and not worrying about the consequences. And I just...my brain does not make that logical leap. You could maybe argue that if like...a bunch of other things weren't going on. Like the alternative to Indara not breaking the spell is: Kelnacca continues on his puppet rampage and she has to fight him essentially alone (Torbin is knocked out and Sol's tiring) and probably kill him, which could have also killed the witches, she doesn't know that.
I guess if she 100% knew that breaking the spell telepathically would kill the witches and killing Kelnacca physically would not, you could argue she was stuck in a trolley problem and maybe should have just killed Kelnacca, but even then it's like. Eh. So she kills Kelnacca. She's still vastly outnumbered by hostile witches who could just turn their attention to someone else. Maybe they go for Sol next and she has to do the same thing, then Torbin, until she's alone and Koril can re-form from the mist and kill her. (Nerdist interview all but confirmed Koril is not dead.) I think this is where writers get mired in the weeds of attachment, pacifism, and the greater good. Yes, the philosophy of the Jedi asks them to sacrifice possessive attachment to others so they are not fueled by those emotions and they try to find a nonviolent way to resolve conflict first, but this doesn't equal 'you should just lay down and die immediately rather than fight back against someone who's hurting you'.
TWO the teaching style thing. I've seen so many people over the last couple days be like 'wow she's such a shitty teacher' and call her style 'sink or swim' and imply she's letting Torbin drown. And I agree it's not perfect. Seven weeks is a long time to be stuck in a stalemate with your homesick student over whether he understands the grander purpose of your mission. But also I think it makes perfect sense if you consider that she's trying to teach him patience and also not influence his own line of inquiry (...unlike someone else which I'll get to). But first off, this seems like the perfect mission to teach this sort of patience. I'm even hesitant to call it 'sink or swim' which I'd apply more to like, if she brought him into a high-stakes, dangerous environment and was just like 'good luck.' Up until the last 36 hours or so (or less lol we don't know how long the day-night cycle is on this planet, but from when Sol sees the twins to the fire starting is about a day and a half), this was a safe, low-stakes mission. They're essentially doing a mystical ecological survey, on a planet that seems mostly uninhabited and without significant predators or other dangers. Finding the vergence doesn't seem to have any sense of urgency to it. Part of being a Jedi is listening to the Council, even when you have to do something boring or that you don't want to do. You don't really get to choose your assignments, especially when you're an apprentice and are expected to go wherever your master's work takes you. I think it was a fine situation for her to wait out. Yeah, she maybe underestimated how badly Torbin wanted to go home and should have interrogated those emotions earlier but still this is a pretty low stakes mission, I think without the sudden acute pressure of the situation with the coven and Aniseya exploiting that homesickness, they may have found a healthier resolution to those issues.
And, given what she tells Sol about not wanting to give Torbin answers but teach him to seek them for himself, that she might not want to influence his ideas. The masters clearly know what they're looking for is probably a vergence, but Indara might not have wanted to tell Torbin because he's young and inexperienced and then he might start seeing a vergence everywhere, rather than listening to what the Force is really telling them. (This is another thing where like, yeah if they were on Earth in our time with no psychic powers I think it's fair to criticize her for withholding answers that long...but they're psychic space wizards who are supposed to be able to sense things normal people can't, I think some of the pedagogy for that is a little different than what we're used to.) I think Sol was wrong to step in like that, especially considering the outcome, that Torbin does get so fixated on finding the vergence and going home he loses perspective. And I think Indara was right: this wasn't about what Torbin was feeling or needed, this was about what Sol was feeling. It seems like he was done with their stalemate (that exchange around the fire sounded like a conversation that's been had before, and like, not really faulting Sol for that, I would also probably get fed up with a moody teenager) and he thought he knew what Torbin needed better than Indara, so decided to override her and just spill the answer.
I think it's interesting that before Osha even comes into the picture, Indara has already accused Sol of projecting his feelings onto someone else. It does seem like he's feeding into Torbin's anxiety just as much as Torbin's feeding his, I kind of wish they had used that more in the scene where they head off for the fortress, honestly just a couple sequence changes would probably have fixed a bunch of that. (Indara comes and tells them the Council said no, they go over the results of the blood test, Sol says he thinks something is wrong and the girls are in danger, they decide to head off together, would eliminate the nonsensical 'Indara suddenly trusts Sol and Torbin to be alone together and not cause shenanigans' issue.) But yeah, that feels like foreshadowing of how he's projecting his own feelings onto Osha, like his was projecting his own feelings of being imbalanced and restless onto Torbin.
Anyway. Indara was a fine teacher probably, not perfect, but I wouldn't go as far as to say 'she sucks' or even that they were poorly matched. This was just...a long and tiring mission that ended with a literal explosion. Can't wait for the finale! Especially because ack, the 'Indara is the secret Sith' people have not quit on Reddit and there's still like the absolute remotest chance they pull something stupid like a double reverse twist - because for SURE in those early episodes she was being set up to be the 'mean one' vs Sol, and the twist is that she was actually levelheaded and willing to listen and sweet with the twins - and the final shot of the season is a cloaked Sith figured revealed to be Indara. Like there's NO way but...there is the tiniest way so I will not be fully comforted until the finale's out and that theory can be laid to rest. Though I don't think it will be, they could literally show her decaying corpse to definitively prove she's dead and show her spending the 16 years between the flashback and the present cuddling puppies and saving babies and being the lighty-est-side light-sider in the galaxy and I guarantee Reddit would still be like '...ok but here's how that really just proves she's the Sith...'
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ikeromantic · 2 months
Fanning the Flames
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A Chevalier Michel fanfiction. Approx. 3000 words. This scene takes place in Chapter 14 - 17 of the main route and is told from Chevalier’s POV. Part 15 of a series.
Chapter List
“Just what is a human life to you?” Leon’s raised voice would have put anyone else on guard. The anger in it simmered at the surface, unsubtle and ready to explode into action at any moment.
Chevalier regarded him coolly, unwilling to be goaded. His brother grabbed his collar and shoved him back against the palace wall. The second prince counted four ways he could have killed Black, but made no move to stop his brother. He knew Black would not listen to reason, not when he was like this. 
He noted when the Belle arrived alongside One. She probably spent the morning crying into his welcoming arms. Chev felt a sharp pang at the thought of Jin holding the Belle, an a flush of annoyance greater than anything Black’s current shouting roused in him. One grabbed the Belle by her shoulders and ducked behind a pillar. 
Black didn’t notice anything. Leon was too busy working himself up into a lather over the border events of the past week. “Why did you turn your sword on your own people? I bet there was a way you could’ve talked it out!” 
Chevalier sighed as if bored. “You’re too lenient. Forceful occupation of a fort is a serious crime that could bring our kingdom to ruin.” Something Black should know. They’d studied the same military history under the same tutors, afterall. “You would call such traitors ‘our people’?”
He took hold of Black’s hands, still wrapped tight into the fabric of his shirt. Then, he pushed his brother off of him in one short, brutal shove. 
“They’re not traitors!” Leon’s breathing was heavy as he continued to shout. “The actions of the anti-war faction are the result of you not listening to them in the first place!”
“I did listen. And I determined that their views are unnecessary. That’s all.” Chevalier tilted his head slightly, wondering if his younger sibling could understand. The sacrifice was required. A handful lost so that the rest of Rhodolite could continue in safety and stability. A tragedy, yes, but one of their own making. 
Black’s expression contorted until he was practically snarling. “You don’t mean to tell me the purge happened because you think those people are unnecessary, do you?”
It was clear to Chevalier that he would not listen to anything he had to say. “Don’t ask a question you already know the answer to.” He straightened his collar. “I can’t understand your anger in the least. I don’t think the choice to purge the few in order to save the many is a mistaken one.”
“That’s because, unlike you, I want it all. Saving the few AND the many is what royalty does!” Leon was shaking with rage, with the effort of keeping his beast restrained. 
Chev felt disgusted. Not because Black’s ideals were not worth having, but because he did not understand that being in command always meant making hard decisions. Hope for whatever you like, sometimes it wasn’t possible to save everyone. Especially when they were the biggest threat to themselves. “It is pointless to harbor ideals that will never become reality,” he replied after a pause.
Black shook his head, off balance now, but still furious. “Still better than you not even trying to save as many as possible!” He took a step back, looked away. “I’m sick of this.”
“Indeed.” Chevalier let out a small, exasperated breath. He watched Leon walk away, the lion unbowed. Black would continue to be trouble. He glanced toward the pillar where the Belle and One still stood. “Well?”
The Belle stepped out, trembling almost imperceptibly. Chevalier wished his presence didn’t frighten her. For a time it hadn’t. For a time, she - no - regrets were for lesser minds. Those that could not move forward. This was how it must be. He was a beast, and she was a common girl with a pure, gentle heart. 
“I was just passing through, so I don’t have anything to discuss with you.” One spoke into the tense silence. He glanced at the girl. “Was there anything you wanted to say, Emma?”
She shook her head. “N-no. I . . .”
Chevalier found himself almost leaning forward to catch her quiet words. He straightened and continued to watch her with a purposefully chill expression.
“Emma?” Jin put a hand on her shoulder to comfort and reassure her.
“It’s amusing how you can’t even look me in the eye.” Chevalier was almost surprised by how distant and disinterested he sounded. As if the dull ache in his chest was not there, rather than only ignored. “I can hardly believe you are the Belle. If you can’t have a proper conversation, stay out of my sight.” He turned to walk away. 
“Wait! Prince Chevalier!” Emma took a step toward him, her hand raised to beckon or plead.
He turned to glance at her over his shoulder. There was a flicker of the bravery that attracted his interest, there in her gaze. She was looking at him now, defiant, desperate. Chevalier resumed walking, searching inside himself for that cold, perfect numbness. Whatever these feelings were, he was done with them and with the Belle. 
As Chevalier turned the corner, he heard One. “I can’t ignore a beautiful lady when she’s looking down.” The charming voice, the kind words. Emma would prefer that to his own harsh, charmless self. He kept walking.
It was no surprise when, some time later, he saw the Belle leave the palace on Jin’s arm. No surprise at all, though it left an uncomfortable tightness in his chest. A tightness that became a low, bitter flame at the back of his throat. 
Chevalier sought refuge in his private library. Surrounded by stories, lives, worlds he could never know, only observe at a distance. Safely. Clinically. He was the Brutal Beast, but he would not be a fallen one. 
He could still remember the lost look in his father’s eyes and the way his mother would weep when she heard another rumor of the king’s infidelity. The horror and fear of the maids in the palace. Men with smirking mouths and barely hidden laughter. All because of love. All because of want. There were no happy endings.
“Prince Chevalier, may I have a moment of your time?” Sariel stood at the threshold to Chevalier’s private library, unwilling to enter without the prince’s invitation. 
Proper to a fault, was Four-Eyes, Chev thought, glancing up only to immediately return his attention to his book. After a drawn out moment of silence, he replied. “So it’s you, Four-Eyes. This is unusual.”
Sariel gave a curt nod. “I have something important to report.”
“Has the anti-war faction made its move?”
“So you knew about it already? I should have expected no less.” Sariel let out a sigh.
Chevalier allowed himself a grim smile. “After an extravagant purge like that, I could guess what the faction’s next move would be.”
Sariel waited for more explanation but when none was forthcoming, he spoke again. “May I ask what that guess is?”
There was little point to needling the advisor, but Chev found some small satisfaction in the functionary’s irritation. He half hoped Sariel would come to the obvious answers on his own, though he knew few could follow the information to its logical outcome as he did. Instead of responding, he turned to the next page in his novel. He let his eyes travel down the page over the familiar words, the story committed to his memory long ago. 
Sariel didn’t leave or interrupt, just stood there waiting. 
“The anti-war faction would spread gran rumors that the purge was a crime against humanity and by doing so, win the masses to their side,” Chev finally replied. “It would then start a large-scale uprising and subsequently propose direct negotiations with the royal family. From there, it would be a matter of time before the faction’s ragtag army closed in on the palace.”
The councilor’s face paled, his lips a thin, hard line as he processed this statement from Chevalier. “You . . . performed such an extravagant purge even knowing that this was going to happen?” Sariel’s voice was calm, his tone neutral. 
Chev did not respond directly to the question, only added what information seemed most valuable. “One of my knights reported that Obsidian’s army came close to the border when the fort was taken.” He could see Sariel’s eyes widen ever so slightly, but just in case that didn’t clarify, he added, “Most likely, someone in the anti-war faction is connected to Obsidian. If I did not immediately deal with the problem, the chaos it created may have allowed enemy forces to take over our stronghold. They would have an undefended opening into Rhodolite.”
Sariel nodded, his hand coming to his chin. “I see.” His mouth curved up in a hard smile. “Your objective was ostensibly to purge the anti-war faction, but in fact, it was to keep Obsidian in check through a show of force, yes?”
Chev snorted, neither denying or agreeing with the councilor.
“The people are unaware of your intentions.” Sariel clasped his hands behind his back. “The number of groups denouncing you, with the anti-war faction chief among them, is increasing by the day.” He leaned slightly forward, “If we don’t act immediately, the public will bare its fangs at you.”
“I don’t care. I’m used to having fangs bared at me.” Chevalier looked up from his book again and met Sariel’s gaze. “The people may bark, but only a small fraction of them would dare to bite. Even in the worst case scenario, I can deal with them. Right now, there are other things I need to prioritize.”
Sariel studied his expression, clearly weighing Chevalier’s words and attitude against what he knew - and what he did not know. The councilor gave another nod. “I see. If that’s your decision, Prince Chevalier, then I have no objections.” He looked as if he might turn to leave, but stopped before taking a step. “However, there is the matter of the Belle to consider.”
Chevalier felt that dull ache in his chest anew, awakened just by the mere mention of the woman. He forced it down beneath the ice, his gaze hardening. 
“I’m sure she would choose a king who is willing to meet his people half-way,” Sariel went on, as if oblivious to the change in Chev’s expression.
“Probably. Her values are the complete opposite of mine.” The prince did his best to keep his voice cool and level. “She would never choose as king a beast who so easily tramples on the human heart.” He could hear the roughness of his voice on the last word, and shut his mouth before he gave more away. 
Sariel said nothing, though his brows lifted.
“Is that so surprising?”
The councillor shook his head. “No, it’s just . . . you allowed yourself to get so close to her that rumors began circulating. People say she is your favorite mistress. Did you keep the Belle at your side even knowing it would have no benefit for you?” His voice was thick with disbelief.
Chevalier’s lips turned up in a smile that did not reach his eyes. “What do you think?”
“That’s a difficult question to answer.” Sariel’s eyes narrowed. “However, you don’t do anything you consider unnecessary. Therefore, there must be some meaning to it.” He paused, pushing his glasses up his nose. “However, I don’t know what that meaning is.”
The prince stood and re-shelved his book. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to answer Sariel’s question, for the councillor or himself. The truth his heart murmured with every beat. He did not want to give it voice. Emotion does not matter.
“Should I assume you don’t want to waste more time talking?” Sariel's voice still held no judgment. 
“If you understand that, then there is nothing more I need to say.” Chevalier pulled another book from the shelf and left the library. His thoughts were in uncharacteristic turmoil. Emma feared him now, as she should. There was no reason that should leave him with this heaviness. As if his chest were full of lead. 
He was so deep in thought that he almost didn’t see his brother standing at the other end of the palace corridor. But she was there as well. The Belle. Drawing his eyes like iron filings to a magnet. She was beautiful, her cheeks tinged pink from alcohol, though her gaze was still clear and full of sorrow. 
Chevalier would have hurried on, ignoring them, but for one thing. Clavis’ arm snaked around the Belle’s waist. She pulled back, but Clavis only tugged her closer, and put a finger over her lips. His smile was wide and sensual, even as Emma struggled against him.
A deep, icy rage rushed through Chevalier’s veins at the sight. A cold as bitter and hard as a winter storm. Two steps, three. He unsheathed his sword and pressed it to Clavis’ throat. His brother let go of the Belle and stepped back, still grinning.
“Oh Chev! This isn’t like you at all! You’re not the one who usually picks fights with me!” Clavis tapped the flat of the sword with his fingernail. 
“Get out of here.” Chevalier’s voice gave no room for argument, not that Clavis ever needed room. He probably argued with himself in the womb. For once though, his brother had no snappy comeback. Instead, Clavis backed away and with a little bow, left.
Chevalier’s gaze snapped to the Belle, quickly ascertaining her condition. She looked fine. Frightened, but fine. Still . . . he grabbed her and settled her on his shoulder. Irrational, his thoughts chided.
“Hey!” She shouted, but didn’t struggle.
“Be quiet. Unless you want to fall?” Chev held her more firmly, just in case she did not take his advice. 
After a few steps, the Belle took hold of his cloak to steady herself. 
Chevalier allowed himself a small smile. “A wise decision.” He carried her to her room and set her down on the couch. The whole time, all he could think was that this was unplanned, foolish. Impulsive. But with the Belle, with Emma, he felt. He wanted it to stop, and he missed it when she was gone. “You’ve really become a huge nuisance. You know that?”
She swallowed nervously, looking all around the room. Anywhere but at him.
He brushed a fingertip along the line of her jaw, down the side of her neck where he could feel the wild racing of her pulse. His hand settled on her shoulder, hoping his touch would calm her. As if a beast could charm a frightened rabbit . . .
But after a moment, her eyes met his. Her chin took a defiant tilt. “You call me a nuisance, but you just brought me all the way here!”
“Indeed. It was unpleasant.” Said more gently than the words allowed, another lie. 
“Unpleasant for whom?” She arched a brow at him, her fear evaporated in the face of her frustration at being manhandled.
Chevalier leaned closer, battling within himself a mix of unfamiliar desires. “You stood out so much . . . I almost thought . . . I could bite the spirit out of you. That’s all.” He could smell her. The light floral scent of her perfume, the sharp tang of alcohol, and that smell that was just her. He’d missed it. 
“I -”
He nipped her throat. He hadn’t planned to. The action surprised him almost as much as it did her. Tasting her skin, feeling the shiver that ran through her against his lips. A trembling that was anything but fear. Chevalier felt an answering shudder run through him, a lightning strike that left a humming tension in his veins. He pulled back, forcing restraint. “That was a warning.” And it was - a warning that he would do more, that he wanted more.
Chev settled back in the seat across from her, willing the cold familiar numbness into his heart. “I’m not so generous as to continue allowing nuisances in my sight. Don’t ever let me see you again,” he said, and if there was an unsteadiness in his voice, the Belle did not seem to notice. 
“But -”
“What,” he interrupted.
There was that rebellious flame in her gaze. That bravery that defied logic and sense. It made him want to kiss her. “If I’m a nuisance,” she tilted her head, “then why don’t you just get rid of me once and for all? That would be easy enough for you to do, right?”
She was right, of course. If he meant it, he could kill her. Exile her. Force her to leave the palace - with or without the consent of Four-Eyes. But he couldn’t do any of those things. Chevalier looked away, unable to meet her eyes. To let her see the turmoil in them. “Indeed,” he said softly. “You’re right. I could.” He drew in a pained breath. “It would be easy to consign you to oblivion.”
“Go on then. Do it.” 
Chevalier’s hand moved almost of its own accord, gripping the hilt of his sword. Drawing it from the sheath. He tracked the slow motion of its arc as he pressed the razor sharp edge to her delicate throat. Killing her would destroy this - this thing growing in him. This tangle of foolish emotions would die with her. And he would be the king he’d promised himself to be. A man free of folly, dedicated to duty. To what was right for the kingdom, not the man. 
But he couldn’t do it. For the first time, here was a foe he could not destroy. “Even a beast chooses what it eats.” His voice rasped into the quiet night air, the words an excuse for his lack of action. A rationale that did not fit the facts. “I’m not so famished that I would devour prey with as little value as you. It’s not worth staining my sword with your blood.” Chevalier sheathed his sword.
“Then leave me alone, if I am so worthless,” the Belle shot back. 
“I don’t take orders from simpletons.” 
Her defiant expression crumpled a moment later, as tears of frustration boiled to the surface and ran down her cheeks. He had not meant to make her cry. Chevalier wiped them gently with the pad of his thumb, but she pushed his hand away. He stood. She didn’t want his touch. Of course not. 
The Belle touched her neck, where his blade rested only a moment ago. 
This was a fool’s errand, he thought, and he was the fool. He left then, without another word. There was nothing to say.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Have you heard the audio of Gwendoline saying “I like when you talk like that. It makes me want to destroy you.” ?
If possible could we get a Larissa x reader featuring this delicious quote? (I’m so gay for her)
If not feel no pressure to write it :) i <3 ur work sm
Talk dirty to me 18+
*Authors note ~ don't we all love this quote? And I'm so in love with this idea so I'm glad I had the opportunity to write it*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink, dirty talk, dom l sub r toys oral fingering binding humiliation if you squint
Prompt~see ask^^^
tumblr anon~ Hello :) i love your work!! I have a larissa x reader request, it's nothing specific, just that reader can cum just by eating larissa out or the other way around, whatever is more comfortable with you Have a great day!
You'd been teasing Larissa all morning, you love your wife and with her looking so beautiful all the damn time made it hard to focus on your job. Luckily, you were just Nevermore's librarian which meant you were able to be on your phone more often than your wife. Most of the time you could be found curled up with a book, your ability of being a seer was particularly useful but incredibly stressful, you always found comfort in the stories the books provide.
Your phone vibrated next to you and you couldn't help the smirk that took hold of your lips. "I like when you talk like that. Makes me want to destroy you. Mommy is gonna make sure her dirty girl won't be able to do anything but plead with me to stop" holy fuck she was going to kill you. You quickly sent off another flirty message goading her into what was looking to be an enjoyable evening for you both.
You were getting to your favourite part of your book when you saw Larissa seemingly swapping and changing her course of action, seemingly that she wanted to keep you guessing, a small sigh left you, you're wife knew just how to get around your ability but you knew whatever's happened next you were safe.
"Hey you" Larissa murmured gaining your attention and a beautiful blush spreading across your cheeks. "Hi baby" you murmured marking your page and closing the book. A sweet kiss was shared as Larissa brought her hands to your hips to tug you closer to her body. "God I've missed you all day and those texts, you know you can't leave me all needy for the rest of the day right?" She murmured kissing your neck, sucking the pulse point into her ruby red lips. "Mmm Ris, room?" You murmured happily leaning into the older woman. "We may, but only if you say my name" she teased her hands now moving to palm your breasts through the clothing there. "Ris?" A nip to your collarbone indicated the wrong answer was given. "Mommy" you whined causing the shapeshifter to scoop you up bridal style and carry you to the bedroom.
It was rare you and your wife snuck off during work hours but when you did there was always a good reason and you were never found out. And even if you were, your wife is the boss so what would anyone be able to do? Nothing was the simple answer. You were immediately placed on the centre of the bed as your clothing began to be torn off your body. Your hands began pawing at your wife's clothing in a blind need to feel her soft silky skin.
You lay bare in front of your wife while she remained in her underwear happily laying kisses all over you. "Mommy" you whined squirming underneath her as teased you, spewing dirty words and thoughts of all the things she could be doing to destroy her princess. "Mommy has a good mind to go find her box of toys and pull out mommy's favourite one and then devour you till you're begging me to stop. Bet your whorish cunt would squirt all over the sheets just for mommy" she purred before doing exactly that.
After securing what she truly wanted she headed back to the bed and immediately began to bind your arms and legs to the bed frame. "Colour?" She murmured as you tested the bonds. "Green" you whimpered watching your wife now inserting her favourite dildo that would vibrate to stimulate her clit while letting her feel full. "Oh god so hot" you whimpered watching her set the pattern she wanted before throwing the phone else where. At least you wouldn't have to worry about finding a remote later.
The moment her mouth latched onto your clit you swore you were in heaven. Larissa knew just how much you enjoyed her mouth's attention, so any time she could she would put her mouth to work for your own pleasure. She knew that you could cum with just this simple act and that your orgasms were more intense this way. You always tasted delicious and she would happily lap up your slick and live between your beautiful thighs. Hell, Larissa never wanted to leave from her position.
You lost count how many times she threw you over the edge with her skilled tongue, all you could do is whine and mewl for her. A string of "fuck" "god" and "mommy" was looped around in between moans. You could feel the older woman's grin against your sensitive folds. "Mommy no more" you panted struggling against the restraints, "oh god mommy I'm gonna pee" you whined. Only then were you given your wife's long slender fingers into your tight fluttering walls. "Pretty baby you won't pee I promise, trust me baby, let go for mommy" she murmured not even bothering to wipe her chin free of your arousal.
You did just that, the sensations overwhelming you as white hot pleasure cursed through your veins. You squirted for the blonde, drenching the sheets before passing out. A first for you but Larissa helped your body back from the unimaginable high, then she undid the restraints to come and hold your sweat soaked body to hers. "You did so so good for me, so proud princess" she murmured stroking your cheek watching as you began to rouse again, "so good for me princess, mommys so proud of you." "What happened " you mumbled seemingly out of it. "You squirted baby then knocked out for a little, it's okay you're safe and I'm gonna look after you princess" she murmured kissing your head, "mommy you didn't?" "Oh you poor princess, mommy came dont you worry, how about a bath?" To which you nodded and allowed Larissa to run it and carry you into the warm water.
Word count~ 1131
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Kinktober '23 | DAY 2: The Bet and the Costume Contest
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Prompt: RolePlay
Summary: You enter into a bet with your couples costume contest partner.
Warnings: SMUT!! Roleplay, costumes, PinV, upskirt, frat!Peter
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Day 2, here we go!!! I did watch Buffy as a kid but have yet to watch properly as an adult despite it being on my list of things to do but hopefully still reads okay. Also I just rushed the second half of this so apologies if the tense is messed up.
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It was just your luck. Of course you would have been paired with him. It was Brianna’s fault really. She was the one who had come up with this whole idea of partnering with your Theta Beta Pi brothers to do a couples costume contest as part of this year's Halloween Bash. All the girls had put their names into a hat and each of the boys took turns picking a name out and of course you had been picked by Peter Parker. You had decided to go as Buffy and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or at least you thought you had until you turned up at the house in a mini skirt, wooden stake in hand and a bleached blonde, leather clad Parker, ran down the stairs and straight into you.
“THERE’S MY BUFFY!” he beamed.
“What did you do to your hair?!”
“I’m Spike. I thought it would be more fun. Plus I figured we’d be a shoe in to win due to my dedication alone.” He said pointing to his head.
“Oh my god!” You sighed, rolling your eyes.
As the night went on you had to admit, the blonde, although it did make him look quite sleazy, was actually quite hot. You also had to commend his dedication to the character and the bit as he kept shouting out Spike quotes the whole night. “AND YOU’RE WHAT? SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED? I’M EVIL!” He shouted when the two of you won at beer pong against a pair dressed as Mario and Princess Peach.
“Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea.” he said as he handed out drinks to your small congregated group as you sat sharing a joint in the garden.
“First I’ll kill her, then I’ll save her.” he said, wrapping an arm around you and dipping you over it as he showed off in front of his fraternity brothers.
“PETER!” You squealed.
“Peter? Who is this Peter? There’s no Peter here, my name is Spike.”
He had called you Buffy for the whole night too. “Where has my Buffy gone?” he would cry as he moved through rooms in the house looking for you. “BUFFY? Excuse me, have you seen the chosen one?” he asked one girl.
“What Harry Potter?” she responded. He just bared his fake fangs and hissed at her.
“Yo Parker!” One of his frat brothers, Josh, called to him across the room, directing him back to the group of you sat around the coffee table in the living room.
You budged up a little on the seat, giving him room to squeeze in beside you (he won’t sit anywhere else).
“So Parker, you’re pretty confident about winning this costume contest.” Josh said. He’s dressed up as Sonny, Alannah is somewhere else in the house dressed as Cher.
“I mean, yeah. Look at us man.” Peter shot back confidently.
“You willing to put a bet on it?” Josh taunted.
“Oh we are not winning.” You mumbled from your seat beside Peter. The only thing he’s got going for him is the hair, apart from that the two of you look basic compared to other costumes, there’s a really good Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein hanging around somewhere.
“Then you shouldn’t have any trouble with placing a bet then.” Josh drunkenly goaded.
“What and you think you’re gonna win?” You said back.
“Oh no, I know we aren’t going to win. I’m talking about you two. You know Parker’s always had a crush on Buffy.” 
At Josh’s words Peter squirmed a little beside you but tried his best to hide it, eager to see how you’d react.
“Is that so?” You questioned.
“Yup!” Josh said confidently. “If you guys win, Parker gets his dream come true and gets to fuck Buffy.” He throws out.
“Fine. Deal.” Your drunken brain responded hastily. There’s no way you guys are winning. “Okay and what if we lose?”
“Okay, what do you want?” Josh asked on Peter’s behalf. He’s being uncharacteristically quiet for this whole exchange.
“If we lose the contest, which we will,” you reassure, “you guys have to bring a litre bottle of vodka to every party just for me, until the end of the year.”
“And by end of the year I mean school year, not just Christmas break.”
Peter and Josh hesitate a sec but Josh is quick to solidify the deal, holding his hand out for you to shake. And that was how you ended up with Peter Parker tied to your bedframe with the tie from your bathrobe. You were sure it had to have been rigged, there really was no way you should have won.
“Peter, I feel silly.” 
“Just go with it, I promise it’s all good.”
“Pete, I haven’t even seen that much of the show.”
“It’s vampires and magic and supernatural stuff, it’s all cool just, make it up.”
‘Fine’ you thought as you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve been checking Giles’s books and there's only one way to cure this type of evil.” you said as you began to slowly walk across the room to him. He gives you a devilish look and you have to admit, paired with the blonde hair it does make you weak in the knees. 
He watches you closely as you come to a stop beside the bed. His eyes follow your fingers as you slide them up your legs and underneath your skirt, hooking your thumbs into your underwear and pulling them down your legs. He goes to frustratedly moan as you tease him but the moment his mouth is wide enough, you shove your panties into his mouth.
“UUUhhh FuuCK!” his voice mumbles into the fabric as his head lulls back.
You climb up onto the bed, hooking your leg over his hips to straddle him. You reach behind you for the stake, sitting at the end of his bed, running it down his chest. “You need to hold still okay. Do you trust me?” you asked him in character. He nodded.
When your hand trails down to undo his trousers he is hard and he whispers slightly as his sensitive tip brushes past the fabric of his boxers as you pull them down far enough to release him. You reach for a condom, rolling it down onto his length before you lift yourself to hover over him and slowly lower yourself onto his cock.
His eyes watch intensely as his length slips out of view underneath your skirt. With the way he’s looking at you, you have to admit, maybe you were getting more into this than you first thought you would. He moans as you ride his cock, grinding your hips down into his pelvic bone before lifting back off again, his skin dragging across your slit and it feels so good. His cock feels so good as he fills you out. 
You know you told him to stay still but you don’t have it in you to punish him when he starts rolling his hips and thrusting up into you. You quickly realise though he’s close, his thrusts getting quicker as he chases his high. He mumbles words around your panties. You are reluctant to do it but you remove them from his mouth to hear what he has to say. 
“Thank you.” he sighs first and just pants for a little bit between grunts as you continue to ride his dick, your walls tightening with every up lift before you slam your hips back down again. 
“Fuck, fuck, yes Buffy. Fuck that evil out of me.” he says and if it wasn’t for the fact you were actually so close you would have just got off and left him hanging but you are so close now you want your own finish. “Lift your skirt, let me see.” he asks. You raise your eyebrows at him. “Please.” he quickly adds and you oblige lifting up the sides of your skirt so it sits above your hips. “Oh yeah.” he moans. “Touch yourself.” he says and you don’t know why but you do as he says, your fingers moving to rub circles over your clit. 
It sends you over the edge and he cries out “OH FUCK!” as your walls clamp down around him. 
You can feel his hips stutter, once, then twice, then he stills as you feel him fill the condom inside you. 
He lets out a long sigh of relief as you begin to ease yourself off him. “What do you say, Parker?”
“Thank you Miss Summers.” You just roll your eyes.
kINkToBEr taG LiST
you want the tag, you have to tell me in writing!
@jakobsdump @https-laiyana @tarzinnia
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barryallenhotpants · 9 months
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Masked! Ghost face x reader
Let me know what you think! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Hair pulling, choking, excessive use of force, dubcon (implied consent), predator v prey themes, degradation, harsh language.
A one-shot in which reader goads ghostface to chance her through the woods.
Enjoy the depravity lovelies~
Y/N’s pants filled the air as she ran towards the woods.
Was this a bad idea? Most definitely. Did she care? Not really.
Y/N had developed a strange fascination with ghost face over the years. There’s something about a cold-blooded murder that really got her going.
Running, Y/N’s feet pounded against the uneven forest floor. Each step sent a jolt through her entire body- her legs hurt.
Y/N found refuge from behind a tree and squatted down, her warm breathe fogging the cool air.
“Mouuuuusyyyyy…” A cold, modulated voice rang out.
“Ohhh, Mousy!” The voice yelled, a sinisterly deep baritone.
“Where are you, bitch? Just wait until I find you.” Y/N gulped. She found herself growing wet and rubbed her thighs together. Was she serious? Was getting hunted down by ghost face really turning her on? The want crept its way up her spine, until her entire being was quivering with need.
What she was thinking, was dumb. It would most likely get her killed and at the very least, she’d be dangling herself in front of a notorious murderer like a piece of meat. Y/N regarded her plan for only a moment, before deciding that she didn’t care.
Akin to a doe foraging in the foliage, Y/N stepped out from behind the tree. She could tell that ghost face was near, the sound of loud footsteps and the breaking branches filled the air.
Suddenly, the figure tramping about the woods stopped. Y/N glanced around behind the tree and saw him, in all of his glory. The signature black robe clung to his lithe body, his handy knife was prepped to kill, and his mask— oh, that mask, glowed under the bask of the moon.
Y/N could feel the slick coating her thighs. It was warm, sticky, and entirely uncomfortable. Kara knew that this would probably get her killed, but she was so horny that she just wanted her pain to end and needed someone to fill that ache.
With a bravery that presented itself from thin air, Y/N yelled, “Come and get me, Mr. Ghostface. I bet you can’t catch me.”
For a brief moment, Y/N wondered if she had made the correct decision. But when she saw the figure ghost face chasing after her, with a renowned figure, she knew that she had. Y/N took off once more, running into the woods. Her legs which were taught with exhaustion, pushed her through. If this ended, how she wanted it to you, she would die happy.
A game of chase was afoot- and Y/N was many things, but a final girl was not one of them. Ahead, Y/N could see a clearing. She could hear the fierce pounding of ghost face’s footsteps behind her, each step squelching on the mud-riddled forest floor.
Suddenly, Y/N felt two angry hands circle her waist before she was tackled to the ground. Ghostface wrangle Kara onto her back and pressed his knife against her throat. His presence loomed over her and she was trapped, he straddled her with knees on either side of her waist.
“What the actual fuck?” The garbled voice exclaimed, panting above her. Y/N could feel every inch of him through his black robes. His crotch just so happened to be place conveniently above hers and each time he moved, she could feel the friction in her most intimate parts.
“Do you have a death wish, blondie?” He asked, masked eyes boring into her soul. gulped, she could feel the edge of the knife pressed into her throat. Its blade was sharp, dangerous, and- oh fuck. YN’s orgasm caused her body to spasm, it left her breathless and listless. Ghostface pause upon feeling her trembling form beneath him. Tears, happy tears, began to stream down Kara’s face as she pleaded to the masked man atop her— “Please fuck me, Mr. Ghostface, I’ve been a real bad girl.”
The request seemed to startle him. Ghostie paused and withdrew his knife-laden hand from her throat. He sat back, now fully seated against Y/N’s groin.
“Oh, so that’s it, huh?” The modulated voice grunted out. “You’re just a filthy little slut?” Y/N fiercely nodded her head in response. She would do anything, be anything, and say anything to get what she wanted. Ghostface tilted his masked face to the side, as he pondered her offer.
Y/N had offered herself up on a silver platter. She didn’t care about what consequences would ensue afterwards, she was only focused on satisfying her need. Like some kind of depraved animal, Y/N shifted her hips up and humped into Ghostface. The masked man above her groaned, grinding down against her. This continued for a short while, bodies grinding together, desperate to gain a little bit of sweet friction. And Y/N did, she could feel ghostface hardening as they ground against one another.
Growling, ghostface tossed his signature knife to the side and stood, shuffling around with his pants beneath his robe.
“Get on your knees, bitch.” He barked. Clumsily, Y/N scattered to her knees. They dug into the wet earth, squelching into the mud. Y/N didn’t care.
Ghostface grunted as he freed his cock and slapped it against her cheek. Y/N was mesmerized, not just by his impressive member but also with the way his mask glowed in the moonlight. Fuck, she wanted to take a picture. She gave no thought to who might be under the mask and felt filthy as she found herself not caring. Her masked attacker was mysterious, dangerous, and the fact that she would never know who she was sent shocks right down to her clit.
Impatient, gloved hands gripped either side of her face, thumbs sliding in her mouth to open it.
“Open wide, slut.” Ghostface crooned, sliding his big appendage past her waiting lips. God, he had to be at least nine inches. Slobber began to dribble down Y/N’s neck and chest as ghostface set a merciless pace to fuck her throat. She could hear his gasps and pants as he entered her over and over and over again. Her throat burned with the friction, the sides of her mouth becoming sore as he held her stretched her mouth wide.
Y/N was incoherent and moaned each time ghostie slid his way further down her throat. It was a good thing she didn’t have a gag reflex, she was sure that if she tried to push him away that he would cut off her hands.
Groaning, ghostface pulled his hands from her mouth and grabbed a fistful of her hair, working her up and down against his crotch. His pace was brutal, and Y/N could feel herself gagging and she struggled to take the full force of his length. Y/N put her hands against his knees to try and steady herself. Ghostface paused his ministrations and yanked her head back, the pull against the back of her skull burned. It was delicious.
“What, too rough for the bad little bunny?” Y/N whimpered and shook her head.
“No, Mr. Ghostface. Anything for you. I want to be your good girl.”
Ghostface groaned and released her, tearing at his cloak. He ripped off a long chunk of the cloak and wrenched Y/N arms behind her back. He secured both of her wrists with the black material and pulled on them- the sting was delicious.
“Good sluts don’t use their hands, he chimed. Struggling as he peeled off the rest of his robe. Soon, ghostface stood in all of his nude glory, but kept his signature mask on. Y/N even through the mask, could feel him smirking.
“Oh what a pretty sight you are,” he breathed. Wiping some tears away from her eyes. He had literally torn the clothing away from Y/N body, leaving her cold and shriveling in the cool night air. Y/N was glowing, her soul was radiating with a happiness that couldn’t quite be explained. Long slender wrapped around her throat and squeezed. Y/N gasped, she could see stars. She moaned as the pressure increased and started rutting against the forest floor. She was no better than a bitch in heat.
“That’s right, baby,” ghostface expressed, “moan for me. I want to make you scream.” And suddenly, Y/N was being pushed into the muddy earth. Ghostface positioned her on her knees, molding her like clay. Her ass was sticking out into the air, and ghostface began to spank it.
“What a dirty girl you are,” he mused. “Do you want this cock in your tight quivering hole?” Y/N could have died right then and there. “Yes please, Mr. Ghostface.” Ghostface groaned as poked and prodded against her entrance. His thumb circled her other entrance and he popped the tip of it into her tight wring of muscle. Y/N eyes shot up in surprise. She wasn’t expecting butt stuff, but she wasn’t against it.
“Do you want this murderer to fuck all of your pretty holes? Huh? Do you want to get destroyed by my raging cock? Want me to make you a screaming mess until all you can do is cry and scream for more dick?” Y/N’s second orgasm ripped through her.
“Oh god, yes! Please! Anything you fucking want!” Ghost face slapped her ass as he wrapped a hand around her throat, pulling her flush against him. Y/N winced, her arms strained against their restraints and her thighs burned. But fuck, it was everything she had ever wanted.
Just as her vision began to blur, ghostface slammed into her pussy. The entrance was abrupt, there had been no prep. Y/N didn’t need it. She was so wet that she almost pushed him right back out.
“Ugh,” he moaned,”you’re so fucking wet. I could fuck this pretty pussy all day.” His sheer size had forced itself into her walls and with each thrust in, Y/N could feel him against her G-Spot.
Suddenly, she was being forced down. Ghostface had shoved his hand against the side of her head, and pressed her into the ground. As he pummeled into her pussy. Y/N let out animalistic groans as he pounded into her from behind. She could feel his hip bones against the curve of her ass each time he pounded into her. One hand made its way to her hair and drug her face up off of the ground and the other began kneeling itself against her ass. Ghostface then crept his free hand toward her asshole and began to scissor it.
Y/N started screaming. It was the best thing she had ever felt. She felt so full. As ghostface repeatedly pistoled his hungry cock into her desperate lips, Y/N felt herself approach her third orgasm.
She came just as he pulled out and forced her back on to her knees.
“Say ‘ah’,” ghost face ordered. And she did, Y/N stuck her tongue out like the good little slut she was. Ghost face grunted and groaned as he pulled at his cock to edge out his orgasm. He came on her face, in her mouth, in her hair, and on her chest. It was like raining gold.
Ghostface shoved the tip of his cock back into her waiting mouth.
“Suck it dry, bitch.” And she did. Y/N was literally on cloud nine. When ghostface pulled his soft cock out of her mouth, he pinched her jaw with two fingers and squeezed.
“Who’s your god now, slut?” She moaned as she sucked on a finger.
“You, Mr. Ghostface, thank you for wrecking my pussy.” He snorted as he began to dress and walk away.
“That’s my pussy now, bitch. I’ll come to collect again soon.”
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Initial Bloodmoon Thoughts - New vs Old
Disclaimer, this ramble/analysis was made 01/11/2024 and is copy-pasted from the original (me) source on Discord in TSBS server. I have a thread there. There are a few ss of the original thread for when other people came into the conversation.
Thoughts under the cut.
My brain is stuck on BM. I remember how angry everyone was with Earth for saying that she didn't think they could be redeemed because she's supposed to be the "therapist" character but like She's just as much a person as the other animatronics and just because she's "understanding" doesn't mean she has to be forgiving of her literal murderer, I can imagine dying messes a person up (we all saw how Lunar handled it) And where she has to be perfect, she has to be the better bigger person, it's part of her code to always take the moral high ground and turn the other cheek so to speak I'd bet you money she is compartmentalizing the heck out of life So no, I don't blame her for not wanting anything to do with Bloodmoon and thinking he's beyond saving If someone killed me I would write them off too
However Sun on the other hand I'm mostly just crouchy that he's being a spineless cunt He was willing to argue with Moon about BM because he knew that they couldn't help it But he's not saying anything about Eclipse and I'm so grrr Like I get it, Eclipse was kinda crappy, but you aren't stepping back and looking at this rationally Sun, and someone needs to step back and look at it rationally because Moon is way too emotional and always has been, and Sun feeds off of his brother's anxiety and always has
It feels like a double standard on the Celestial Twin's part (cause it is lmao)
"He can't help it, it's all he knows" For Bloodmoon And then "I'm gonna torture that inserts insult" For Eclipse like come on He hasn't even done anything (yet) I can understand why Moon would be more understanding towards BM than Eclipse, but it doesn't mean I have to like it
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I've said it once and I will say it time and time again Eclipse is the product of an unhospitable environment that was left to his own devices long enough that he drowned in his own self-loathing and the only anchor that he could perceive was taking that out on those around him All of the Eclipse issues could have been solved if one: Old Moon treated him as more than just a parasite And two: Sun had a single thought in that pretty little head that wasn't just an echo of Moon's
I love Sun to death, don't get me wrong I loathe the fact that even now, with a 'new' Moon, he is still just going along with everything Moon says and decides upon He does not think for himself The one time he did, the one time he tried to escape Moon's hands around his choices, what happened? He failed to kill Eclipse and was goaded into destroying Moon's magic Which did what? ding ding ding Only reaffirmed his prior belief that he's A screw-up, stupid, the dumb one, incapable, unreliable And that Moon is Correct, the smart one, capable, and the one who should be trusted with decisions Which is so so so bad for Sun's psyche
Whereas with Bloodmoon, Sun and Moon cannot seem to get over this idea that he's "like the old Moon he can't help it we understand" Sure, Bloodmoon has a want to kill that is so strong it feels like a need And so did the old Moon But that's where the similarities end They fail to take into consideration bloodmoon's feelings when they talk about 'redeeming him' As well as his origins They only see the surface value because they've already written him off And yeah, bloodmoon is awful Bloodmoon is an awful awful creature who has done horrible things to the celestial family And his instincts do not excuse his behavior However, I hesitate to write him off for similar reasons I won't write Eclipse off He's a product of his environment and Ruin's crappy programming (Not that Ruin is bad at programming, per say, more that Ruin only programmed him in what he thought would make BM a good tool, which leaves out a lot of higher cognitive functions.) As we've already seen, this BM is a lot dumber than the first BM when it comes to rationalizing and recognizing issues past the immediate here and now in specifically their bubble
I think, and this is just a theory, but I think that Sun was thinking of the old BM when he was trying to get through to the BM now. Because the old BM was a lot more complex, a lot smarter, and was able to rationalize with others. This one isn't. This one is vey obviously missing very large chunks of development and personality, and I don't know if it would be kinder to just straight up put him down or try to reprogram him. The issue with reprogramming him is it might break him beyond what he already is. Or it might cause a similar crisis that Moon has when he thinks about "old moon". Not the same, of course, but similar. Or it may just completely erase BM entirely because the celestial idiots have no idea what he was like before Sun killed him past what they see on the surface. So if they were to go the reprogramming route, they'd have to turn to dun dun dun Eclipse Because even if old BM and Eclipse weren't on the best of terms, Eclipse would be able to fix what is missing because he knows the missing peices. Now of course, this only works if it's Eclipse 1.0 or 2.0. If the Eclipse we have now is Eclipse 3.0 then he can't do crap unless the entirety of the BM schematics were in the files Ruin stole, that Eclipse then stole back. And even then, he still can't fully get it if he's Eclipse 3.0 because he's missing the memories of what BM was like. So, with all of that complication, at this point it's easier (not necessarily right) to just put him down. He's dangerous, right? (Rhetorical)
Past Sun's POV on BM, I get the feeling that Moon let Sun try to rationalize with BM because, in Moon's mind, BM and Old Moon are basically the same person. Maybe even KC too. An irrational need to kill is embedded in their codes, and they are powerless to stop it, etc etc. And Moon was probably thinking, "Well, Old me and KC both managed to fight their instincts, so surely BM can too." He fails to recognize that BM doesn't have a support system. Old Moon had Sun, and he was friends with the other animatronics as well. Old Moon also had a best friend, Monty. Monty isn't the best influence, but he is still a friend. And Sun was a good influence on Old Moon. Killcode had a good influence too. He had Sun, Glamrock Freddy, and to an extent, Moon. He had a reason to hold back his violent urges, it would be counterproductive to lash out at old BM and Eclipse 2.0 when they were his allies. Acting on said urges outside of the area would also be counterproductive bc that could endanger the host of the body he was sharing, which would end his own life as well.
BM 2.0 has… no one. Ruin was a bad influence. The stitchwraith was a bad influence. Rodrick was a bad influence. Ruin was manipulating them by being kind, so of course BM 2.0 is going to react poorly to kindness and compassion. It is, in their eyes, just another ploy to make him a tool. He can't trust a helping hand because the first kind hands in his life were lying to him. When you wake up, and all that you know is kindness being a mask, that's what you expect from everyone. And when you're offered help, you react poorly and with hatred because you are expecting to be used just like the person you trusted used you. The only reason he let Solar help him was because Solar was upfront with his intentions, and didn't try to sugarcoat it or play 'friends'. He knew that it was a situation in which they would be taking advantage of each other, but the key there was he knew. Ruin literally destroyed his psyche in the worst ways possible by programming him to be a tool, only showing him the parts of the show that were beneficial to Ruin's plans, and using kindness to manipulate him. BM has every right to be angry and distrustful because the person he considered family was the person who broke him beyond repair. And Sun and Moon don't understand that because they don't understand psychology. Earth may have been able to understand (therapist coding), but BM purposefully made her hate them (perhaps to avoid the kindness they know she gives everyone?). Out of all of the people they could have attacked, they attacked the one person who could have puzzled them out. At this point, the only hope for BM is either Eclipse or a literal miracle.
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*Ten hour timeskip*
Okay so I’ve been thinking about Bloodmoon and my earlier statement of “At this point, the only hope for BM is either Eclipse or a literal miracle.” I’d like to rescind that statement to add the potential of Solar Flare since there is talk of bringing him back. I’ll elaborate once I get to my computer, but my mind is buzzing with the idea and the logic that would allow it to work. Because on the surface one squints and goes “And Alex is crazy talking again” But it will make sense once I explain how it could work
So Flare We love Flare I love Flare Flare
Flare has been known for a few things in the show. He's a tool. He was made to protect Killcode. He has limited emotional capacity. He's basically a super computer with a consciousness. He's an absolute beast of an animatronic, and is probably the most dangerous person we have seen on the show. He's also upfront, honest, non-deceptive, and has never shown a preference towards one side or the other. Nor is he friendly. He's not unfriendly, but he doesn't go out of his way to be nice. He gave Moon the schematics to the satellite because it was in KC's best interest, not because he liked Moon or hated Eclipse. There could honeslty be debate on if he's even capable of liking or disliking things, considering how emotionally incapable he is. He's very logical, analytical, etc.
So how does Bloodmoon 2.0 factor into this?
Well, as stated earlier, BM doesn't want kindness. He doesn't want pity, he doesn't want niceness. Flare wouldn't extend him those to start with, so that's one thing crossed off the list. Flare would also be upfront with BM about his intentions, he did straight up tell Eclipse he was helping to kill him, although he omitted the way he was planning to do that. So Flare wouldn't be trying to manipulate BM either. Bloodmoon may also feel some kind of companionship purely from the fact they were both made to be tools. Flare has no need to be loyal to the celestial twins or to Eclipse. I can see him going rogue like KC did. It wouldn't be unplausable that he would seek out BM purely since the twins were considered by KC to be family. And since there isn't a Killcode anymore for Flare to look after, his sons may be the next best thing, even if it isn't BM 1.0. Flare doesn't give a crap, honestly. He can defend himself, but he's also able to just sit there and take a hit. It's unlikely the twins would even be able to damage him were they to try to attack him. He'd probably be able to just let them wear themselves out until they are tired enough they can just be picked up like kittens and taken care of. Due to his stubborn nature mixed with the apathy we've seen displayed, I can see him able to help the twins because he's not gonna just "give up" on them. He can sit back and let them run themselves ragged and then do what he has to once they're all tired out. It wouldn't be the kind of redemption we're used to seeing in the show, and would probably not be a total redemption, but he may be able to tame them enough that they can be handled and fixed by the others. Flare taming BM twins and then reuniting with Eclipse so he can fix them? Interesting thought. Bring the family back together.
Obviously, I'm not saying this is even likely to happen. This won't happen, of course. But it could, in a different universe, I suppose. This was just to serve the purpose of explaining how Flare would be able to help the twins tbh.
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Flare is too smart and apathetic to get hung up by a detail like that (in my opinion based off of my observation of him). He’d be pretty quick to piece together that the twins killed KC because they were manipulated into perceiving the older animatronic as a threat. (Once again Ruin why did you have to break them like that). Kinda like how they wanted to kill Monty (maybe still do?) because Ruin talked them into believing that Monty was a threat. Not, not a physical threat, but an emotional one. He (ruin) leaned on the fact that BM was “tricked” in the past by the people that Ruin saw as obstacles to convince BM to take them out
Pair that with volatile emotions and aggressive tendencies and you get a red goblin on a murder spree to avenge BM 1.0 more or less. I don’t think Flare would hold that against him cause he’s always been good at tearing through people’s psyches and finding the root motivations and issues.
And for BM 2.0 those issues and motivations both stem from Ruin’s manipulation
The thing is, I don’t think Flare really cared about KC. For him, it seemed more like protecting KC was just a protocol. Kinda like the protocol to kill for Moon 1.0. It’s just something that he was supposed to do. Which is just further reason why the twins killing KC wouldn’t be a hang-up for him
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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I'm asking what you intend to do about it. AG: I don't know, I guess I will just curl into a little 8all and cry and hope they go aw8y! AG: Is that what you want to hear you sick f8ck???????? Aren't you going to kill her?
It’s very telling, I think, that murder isn’t Vriska’s first recourse. 
I mean, you’d certainly expect it to be, wouldn’t you? That’s just another day at the office for her. I don’t get the sense she’s especially good friends with Aradia, either. And yet, she’s reluctant to kill her, for reasons that aren’t yet clear. 
It really makes you think. Vriska is infamous among her friend group for doing all sorts of nasty things to the other trolls - but now that we’re seeing one of those nasty things, we’re seeing that she was goaded into it. 
Just how many of Vriska’s transgressions were actually her idea? 
AG: Ok, so why don't YOU kill her! 8e my guest! Wow, thanks for offering. Wh8t a pal! That's not how I work. AG: Oh really, well you seemed pretty excited a8out killing Tavros too.
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We only saw one side of this conversation. 
I’d bet a million Boonbucks that if we’d got a look at Vriska’s screen at the time, we’d have seen a conversation very like the one currently taking place. It’s not just Alternia that turned Vriska into what she is.
AG: Yeah ok, you getting off on talking a girl into killing her 8uddies sure is important! AG: Los8r. Again, I didn't talk you into anything, nor am I doing so now. You were, and are, going to do this regardless.
This argument is nonsense.
Say we learned the world was fully deterministic. We’d still hold people accountable for their actions, wouldn’t we?  
Like, if a precognitive murdered someone, and their argument was that ‘the murder was always going to happen’, would we really just let them walk free? 
What if you did let them walk free, and they went on to murder more people? Are you not even going to try to stop them?
What if these murders are ‘inevitable’ precisely because you’re not trying to stop them? 
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clovermarigold · 2 years
Daggers and Daffodils Chap.17
Dagur x Reader
In the time it took me to write this chapter I've gone through two separate chargers, since the one I shipped in broke withing the first half of the chapter. So that was disappointing.
But on another note, it's been a year since I posted the first few chapters! Thank you all for the support and interest in my cringy fanfic, and I apologize that in the span of a year I've only made this many chapters for Ya'll.                                   -Clover
Narrator POV
"Hiccup" Dagur greeted with a twisted smile. "I thought we could settle this like real Vikings" Hiccup said from atop Toothless. Dagur grit his teeth and quickly gripped the Skrill's ropes, "Me and my Skrill vs you and your night fury? I like those odds".  You yelled for him so stop as he pulled the reigns causing the Skrill to narrowly miss Hiccup. He swiftly dodged and flew away, making Dagur and the Skrill follow him.
A familiar roar graced your ears at Dagur's disappearance. With a smile you hauled towards the side of the ship, jumping onto Silver Tongue's back as in a fly by. "Good to see you boy" you chided, "did you miss me?". He huffed steam from his nose. A low growl eliminated from him as he caught a glimpse of Dagur, who was currently standing in a puddle of water as Hiccup goaded him. With a flash Dagur was launched into the water leaving the Skrill free to chase Hiccup.
Silver Tongue dove to catch up with Hiccup, and you were both flying side by side. "Thanks, it was getting really awkward in there". "I bet" Hiccup said, "But don't thank me yet" the two of you dodged a lightning bolt. "I'll lead the Skrill away, you get home". "I'm not leaving you alone with that thing!" you argued. "Don't worry, I'm not alone" he looked down at Toothless fondly who in turn gave a purr like agreement. Silver Tongue gave a sneeze to voice his disgust, "Allright then, seems like this one's ready to go home anyways. Stay safe" he nodded. You were just glad it was all finally over.
Some weeks later
...You don't tend to think of yourself as a superstitious person, as you don't believe in luck or curses. But this year has got you thinking. After all, how in Odins name is it possible for one singular person to be THIS unfortunate. Currently, you are hanging upside down by your feet. While training with Astrid and the others, Snotlout (not listening as always) had launched into Silver Tongue's side and sent the two of you crashing down, after he had already caused a chain reaction that launched a boulder towards Astrid. You sighed, closing your eyes as you contemplated your life choices. Your attention refocused as you felt the branch you were on bend and a familiar chuff sounded to your left. turning your head, you were met with Silver Tongue, comfortable in his usual sleeping position upside down. "You gonna help me or what?". He let out a light huff from his nostrils and opted to turn his head in a 180° away from you. Today was going to be a long day.
After the hassle of pulling both yourself and Silver Tongue out from the tree (him being a stubborn baby who was throwing a tantrum) you joined the others on the ground rushing to help the hurt Astrid. "Wh-what?" Astrid asked dazed and confused. "She has a possible slight concussion, but thankfully nothing seems broken. But she could have been seriously hurt" you said, giving Astrid a once over inspection. Despite your urging for her to sit and rest she used your side to help stand.
"You have no idea what you did?! Do you?!" Hiccup yelled at Snotlout.
"Yeah, Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever".
"You almost got Astrid killed!".
"Oh, come on she's fine, look at her". Astrid was slightly curled clutching her left side which most likely took the blunt of the fall. "Yeah, no thanks to you" Astrid threw herself off of you and lunged at Snotlout, only barely being caught by Hiccup first.
Rushing over to the three you hoisted Astrid to her side and led her towards Stormfly so she could sit.
"Thats it I'm tired of this" Hiccup said.
"I'm tired of this!... What are you tired of?" Snotlout asked.
"You always have to do things your way. How can we rely on you if you don't do what we ask?" Hiccup reasoned, you and the others silently watching the conversation that was months overdue.
"So! What are you saying Hiccup" Snotlout taunted with his arms crossed.
"I'm saying until further notice, you're suspended from the academy". A gasp erupted from the others and Snotlout stood mouth agape for a second before falling back into his stubborn childish snark. "You can't ground me! You're not my dad!" he said puffing his chest out. Hiccup leaned in, apparently wanting all of the smoke, "oh yes I can".
"Boys!  Thats enough, we need to get Astrid home now" you interrupted their standoff. "Hmmf. Watch!" Snotlout yelled indignantly, mounting Hookfang and taking off. "Ground this dragon boy" he yelled as he flew away. "Um, am I wrong in thinking that grounding means staying on the ground? Cause that looks a lot like- ugh- skying" Tuffnut said flapping his hands.
"You didn't have to do that for me Hiccup" Astrid said. "If we can't count on him in practice, how can we possibly count on him the next time we run into Dagur".
"Easy" said Tuffnut, "We throw Y/N in the opposite direction, so Dagur follows her, and we can catch him by himself, then tell Snotlout that somewhere on one of Dagur's ships is his father's approval". You shot him a glare. "What, just being honest".
"Hello Mr. Nightfury, how are we doing today?" Dagur asked the picture against the wall. "Happy? Feeling Hiccupy good? It's just a big wuv fest over on Berk, isn't it?" Dagur continued to talk to the picture as his men stared awkwardly, too scared to interrupt one of his delusions fueled rants with inanimate objects.  
"Dagur" Savage called entering the room, "I have news regarding our latest dragon root tests". "What did you call me" Dagur's eyes narrowed dangerously on the thin man, promising death if he didn't backpedal immediately.  "R-right, sorry. Your derangedness".
"Ah, rolls right of the tongue, doesn't it?" his sarcastic smile returned. "Ugh, yes. Anyways, the test worked exactly as you thought it would, the wild dragons starve for it like, well, wild dragons".
"excellent" he laughed, "What shall we do next, so many options".  Savage thought for a moment, "What if we kept an eye on Berk for the right time to plant it".  Dagur fiddled with his axe deep in thought, "So simple, yet so, deranged. I like it! When the time is right, we will put my plan into motion and both the Nightfury and Y/N will finally be mine!". Dagur quickly broke into loud maniacal laughter before a thought entered his mind. "Oh, should I get Y/N some flowers" Savage and the rest of Dagur's men stood on edge, scared and surprised by yet another 180 in Dagur's mood. "Purple brings out her eyes, I'll get her a wreath".
"SAVAGE!" He screamed making the pathetic excuse of a Berserker scamper over quickly. "Make my love a wreath". "Right away your derangedness" He watched as Dagur exited the room, dying on the inside at the fact that he had absolutely no idea how to make one.
Today was academy cleaning day, Astrid was busy polishing Stormfly's saddle while the twins planned to expand theirs into Snotlout's. You on the other hand were busy reinforcing the beam on Silver Tongues pen due to his weight straining the wood when he slept hanging. Your attention was drawn to the sound of Hiccup and the twins. "No one is knocking down anything. I will talk to Snotlout when he comes back" Hiccup stormed out of the academy towards what you would guess was the house.
Cleaning has been rather therapeutic as of late, sure your bad luck was continuing it's streak this morning, but now you could relax and finally enjoy some peace and quie- "OW". You pressed the wrapped block of ice harder on Snotlouts head before rooting through your bag of herbs. A barely awake Snotlout had arrived with none other than Alvine the treacherous, who was currently standing trial in the great hall. "Any idea when he'll wake up?" Fishlegs asked. "Considering he was semi-conscious when he showed up, any damage should be minimal, but that leaves a large window for how long he'll be asleep. As if to mock you once again, the universe chose now to be when the idiot would open his mouth. "Ah! Big! Nasty!".
"Slow down," said Astrid "What's going on?".
"The island. There was a wrecked outcast ship, and Alvin was on it". "We know that already," said Astrid.
"No! That wasn't all, the Screaming Death, it was there". The rest of you exchanged glances.
"We need to tell Hiccup" You nodded.
Once you had told Hiccup about the approaching screaming death he had gone into protective overdrive and began to have you all run closed space drills withing the academy nonstop. With the exception of Snotlout who despite his protests was still under suspension. "You can't take away my dragon. Hookfang!" The sadness and desperation in his voice as he watched his dragon get locked in his pen made your heart twist. It wasn't as if he was the only one being locked up. All the others were too (minus toothless and Meatlug) but it left you disappointed in both Snotlout and your brother.
Unknown to you, you were being watched by Dagur atop a hill. "Perfect, the dragons are locked up in the arena. Don't worry my love, we'll be back home soon enough" Dagur cooed as his spyglass singled on you exiting the pens. "By the time Hiccup and his dragon dunderheads get to them, it'll be too late" Dagur devolved into his trademark deranged laughter. "Wait!" Savage flinched at his volume. "Where is her wreath?" Savage swallowed thickly as he handed Dagur the crudely made circles of sticks and- flowers? They were likely from weeds. Cue a blowup from Dagur, "You idiot! You're supposed to trim the stems so there aren't any thorns! And what in Thor's name is this supposed to be?!" he pointed to the wilting leaves. Savage leapt to hide behind the dragon root crate as Dagur threw the wreath at him. His rage swapped for a cavalier dismissal as he turned away "I have to do everything myself. Figures".
That night you were awoken by the sound of the warning alarm. Scabbard was quick to crawl onto her spot on your shoulder but was met with hands lifting her back onto the bed. "Not tonight, Scabbard, you need to rest" after two long back-to-back trips between Outcast Island and Berk in a single day she was exhausted. She let out a small chirp of indignation before deciding that the crisp sheets and warm animal hides were too tempting to ignore. You, Hiccup, and Toothless rushed out from the house. Flying above the pens you saw the dragons attacking one another. "Dragon root" Hiccup exclaimed. Landing at the entrance you and the others gathered.
"Dagur put dragon root in the arena so the dragons would attack each other".
"Hiccup" Snotlout came running over, "Listen I need to tell you something".
"Snotlout, not now" Hiccup said.
"It's important I-" "I said not now! Fishlegs, this is all you. Toothless and I can't go in there because he'll be affected by the root. You and Meatlug have to get in there and get the root out, while the others distract their dragons".
At once the gate opened and each of you booked it towards your dragons. Silver Tongue however was nowhere in sight. You used your dragon call only to receive a loud screech from above. Silver Tongue was gripped onto the arena's chains looking at you with savage eyes. To add insult to injury he came down in a way that would leave you with nightmares for months. Instead of leaping down towards you, he opted to slowly scale down the chains while rotating his head in the complete opposite direction of his body, to make his head appear as if it were standing still, as steam puffed out from his nose, and his bloodshot eyes stared at you narrowed and unblinking.
"Silver Tongue, I'm gonna need you to snap out of it, and stop being this creepy right now!" he lounged at you bellowing a roar. As he chased you, you were barely able to avoid his fire by staying in the small pocket in the center of his fire ring. Once Meatlug and Fishlegs grabbed the root you ran as quickly as possible towards the gate. The gate suddenly began to close, and out of instinct you were just able to make it out by sliding on the ground.
"What the?" Fishlegs exclaimed, now trapped inside along with Ruff and Tuff. You, however, were met with two Berserkers trapping you against the gate. You drew your sword, grateful to see Hiccup and Toothless land behind them.
"Open that door right now or-" "Or what?" Dagur asked, a number of Berserkers surrounding you all with crossbows. Hiccup grit his teeth. "Dagur what do you want?".
"What I've always wanted, Y/N, and the Nightfury. Hand 'em over, and we leave peacefully that's your choice. Your dragon and your sister, or your friends". A smile broke out onto his face, "Isn't this exciting! What will be choose ladies and gentlemen?!" He looked to your friends who were beginning to struggle to fend off the dragons. "We can't keep this up much longer!" yelled Fishlegs.
"So, Hiccup. What's your answer". Before Hiccup could get a word in, your father answered for him. "The answer is, we run you through and open the gate ourselves", with a cry him and the other adult Vikings of Berk charged at the Berserkers. Using the distraction, you slammed the hilt of your sword into one of the Berserker's nose and swept the leg of the other.  With the two guarding the gate knocked out, when the gate opened the others were free to escape. However, when flying out with the dragon root, Fishlegs flew too close to the ground, resulting in him accidentally hitting Stoick and knocking him out cold. "Sorry chief!" He called. "Darn it Fishlegs!" you exclaimed running to your father's side. "This is what I get for being the only trained battle physician on Berk".
Dagur surveyed the battle which was no longer in his favor. Savage limped towards him, clutching his side "Our plan has failed, we must retreat". Rage pooled into his body causing him to clutch his head tightly in an effort to quiet his racing thoughts and give himself a cruel sense of comfort "I'M NOT LEAVING BERK EMPTY HANDED!". Looking around once more, some of his anger dissipated into sly joy, as he made out your figure over an incapacitated Stoick. A grin stretched across his face, "follow me" he called.
"My love" you heard the sickeningly sweet yet taunting voice of Dagur behind you. Swiftly you grabbed your sword and turned to face him. "Now now, let's not be hasty" he raised his hands in an attempt to calm you. Without a word you ran at him swinging your sword. Dagur let out a small yelp, genuinely taken aback that you were attacking him.
"This is a bit much, my love" he dodged your attacks with relative ease, before slipping behind you. He wrapped one hand around your sword, prying it from you in favor of intertwining your fingers. His other arm wrapped itself around your waist and other arm, pinning you against him in a sort of mock dance position. Having you up against him brought Dagur endless enjoyment as he forgot that the two of you were supposed to be fighting as he began to slowly sway you both.
"You kidnaped me and threatened my dragon, this is tame" distracted by the smell of your hair, Dagur was caught off guard when threw your head backwards, landing a hit directly into his nose. The arm around your left arm and waist released allowing you to pull yourself apart from him. However, when you tried to run to your fallen sword you were stopped by the firm hold of Dagur's still interlocked fingers. Looking back, you see that Dagur, though still gripping your hand is curled over gripping his face. A quiet almost squeakish laugh escapes him as he shakes his head slightly. Dagur looks up at you smiling like an idiot, his pupils are dilated and focused solely on you, and for a moment you almost thought they were shaped like hearts. As if the universe could already tell your heart rate was exploding (and not out of fear), a stream of blood fell from his nose, trailing over his lips. Despite the smell and taste of iron pooling in his nose and against his teeth Dagur ignored it. No, it didn't matter. What did matter was the absolute look of shock and flustered surprise painted on your face.
This moment, however, was interrupted by a number of Berserkers raising their swords towards Stoick and threatening you to comply. And Dagur watched as that shocked and dare, he says shy look on your face faded. Replaced with a look of rage and contempt. Despite every ounce of his being screaming at him to rip their heads off, his attention refocused. Not the time, not the place. That was ok though, soon he would be able to spend every moment staring at that awe filled face. But for now, he had to get you out of here.
"I suggest you listen to them, my love" your nose scrunched as you looked over to your dazed father with several swords pointed at him. "Fine" you said begrudgingly. Dagur's men tied up your father and took used the both of you as hostages.
"Nobody moves. We'll be leaving now. And if I see one dragon following us, rider or not, you're going to be looking for a new chief" His prideful and cocky grin hadn't left his face once as you escaped Berk without so much as a hand raised to stop him, neither did his hand around yours.
Yup, it's a fact now, you have terrible luck.
Thank you so much for reading! Take care!
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bugtransport · 1 month
every time i hear one of my coworkers get a difficult customer on the phone i take a deep breath and fondly remember my old boss when i worked at a place that dropshipped on ebay and sold items with an audience of mostly sexist men or people who didn't know what they were ordering and every time she would get an irate customer they'd threaten to give negative feedback to her ebay store and she'd simply taunt them and work them up even more going like "well i bet you wouldn't say THIS about this item" or "people LOVE our customer service" and then hang up on them and block their number so that they really only had the option to leave feedback on their profile. but the thing is that ebay has strict restrictions on what you can and can't say in the seller feedback you leave so she'd take a breath and call up ebay and be like hiiii well i saw this person left feedback on my profile but i don't know what they're on about :( they said this about our customer service but they've never even talked to us (through the ebay messaging system, which is the only thing ebay can monitor and why she goaded the customers into calling) and you can't leave product reviews through seller feedback :(( i don't know what i did wrong... and the ebay rep would be like oh hi [boss's name] i know you! i'll get that taken off right away bestie. true girlboss shit. if that woman killed someone we would never find out
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spring-lxcked · 5 months
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@florietiae asked: ❝  ❛ by the gods,❜  raven's words are nothing short of exasperated. he's so irritating, standing there with that stupid cigarette in his mouth. frustratingly smug.  ❛ this is ridiculous, ❜  she says, because she's close to losing it every time william looks at her this way. like he's won something. like the whole world is his. it's maddening. obvious, then, that this was the only explanation for what follows. nothing else to it. nope. not at all. eyes settle on him as her hand lifts, taking the cigarette right out. casual, like it's hers now. as if she did it all the time. and raven could almost feel things start to shift between them.  ❛ do you know what i think ?  ❜ she asks, smirk very much in her voice, whole body leaning dangerously closer. ❛ i think you have a little thing for me, and i also think it's been that way for awhile now. ❜ it's bold, raven will admit, but she wouldn't be saying so if she didn't think that she was, on some level, correct about it.  ❛ bet it really gets under your skin, doesn't it ? wanting what you can't have ...❜ a goading glint floods into her eyes.  ❛ but here's something to consider: what if you could ? ❜ and here, she'll place the cigarette back into his mouth again.  ❛ what if you could have exactly what you want, and we finally kissed to break the tension? ❜ / banging pots and pans!! based on this thing. ❞
He didn't experience this often, people who could see through a modicum of his illusion, who doubted his charm and oh-so-generous intentions. Any moment he could feel superior, he could twist his words and level the playing field. . . well, it was glorious. So, what if he got a kick out of showing his ugliest side to someone? It was freeing to remove the mask for a few moments. It was after hours and he was leaning against the ticket counter, cigarette dangling from his lips. He would hear about this later from Henry—something about smoking in a children's pizzeria, the smell lingering. ( During which argument he would certainly light up another just to be the contrarian. ) Raven's words only sharpened the smirk on his face, cigarette drawn away by two fingers only to release a trail of smoke. "It truly is a shame that I get the final say in my own business, isn't it?" And the cigarette was replaced between his lips. For a moment.
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She took the cigarette right from his mouth, so casual that he was left simply blinking at her for a moment. Then she was in his space, and he could hardly catch up. To say she had caught him on the wrong foot would have been underselling it. Eyes flickering over her expression, tongue darting out over his lips—he wasn't exactly thinking about winning their little argument anymore. Instead, far more enjoyable scenarios were sprouting in his mind. It was a miracle he wasn't blushing like some lovesick teenager. The air between them was thrumming with energy, chains of electricity snaking down his spine. ( Alright, perhaps she was right. It wasn't like he was denying it. ) The cigarette was returned right from where she had taken it and, for one moment, William reached up to take a long drag. Steadying himself, before dropping it to the tiled floor and toeing it out. ( God, Henry was going to kill him if Raven didn't first. ) "If I didn't know any better, I would think you were just goading me into admitting to something." He shifted closer all the same, lacking a touch of his usual cockiness. Nearly closing the gap, the brush of his nose against hers intentional, he murmured, "But you did admit that there's tension." It was almost a joke, if not for the faintest graze of his hand at her hip. "I'll admit to whatever you like, if you'll admit that that 'little thing' goes both ways."
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nauticalparamour · 2 years
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Chapter Ten
Unable to sit still like a good little Princess, Hermione decided to goad the man. Perhaps if she got him angry enough, he would make a mistake. "You know that when Jarl Remus finds us, he's going to kill you," she promised, her voice as low and as threatening as could be.
He laughed at her threat. "I thought it was you who was going to hurt me, Princess," he answered.
"Well, I'm not going to deny Remus a chance to make you pay, when he gets here," she said with a sniff.
"That might scare me if Remus could find us. But by the time that he locates this cave, we will be far away on a ship, headed back to Denmark, so that I can deliver you to my King," he said, with a leer. "And he's even promised me a taste of you, once he's broken you in, of course."
Hermione shuddered at the thought, but knew that her best bet was to keep him talking as long as possible to keep him distracted. Hopefully, Remus would be able to find her shortly because she did not want to end up on a boat with Pettigrew, even if it was part of the plot. Honestly, she didn't remember the book being that long!
[FFN] [AO3]
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
GoT Imagines - When You're Engaged to Someone Else
Woooo this is a doozy and I'm including new characters, mostly book ones! because i both love my followers and have lost my marbles.
In this preference, you'll be pining with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Mance Rayder, Eddison Tollett, Pre-Reek!Theon, Yara Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Jaquen H’Ghar, Petyr Baelish, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Tyene Sand
Ned Stark
He’s already an expert in suffering in silence, so this should be no different. Although he’s very surprised at the sudden arrangement, and while he isn’t a man to throw his rank around… He wonders if he can’t convince your family to reconsider. If it’s simply impossible, Ned would resign himself to having to stop the relationship. He’s too honorable to ever consider an affair and he’s not a man to start a duel or cause trouble, especially since it would negatively affect your reputation. The heavy combination of missing you, pining after you all over again and feeling like he didn’t do enough is hard. Some days he entertains the idea of still having a friendship, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. He doesn’t trust himself.
Robb Stark
The young wolf tries to accept it, even if his feelings become more and more angry each day. Robb never threw his name around, but… he was going to be Lord Stark. Wasn't that good enough for your family? For you? He tries to be the bigger man, but if you're miserable with your spouse and they don't treat you well, he can't keep his temper in check. Expect him to have a sudden outburst at a feast and cause a scene. The only thinking keeping him from an outright duel are his parents and his worry about your reputation. But if he was pushed to it….
Sansa Stark
She should've known this would happen. It's the fate of all ladies, yet there's a bitterness that tugs at her when she hears the news. Sansa tries to bury her feelings around others, but she's never done that with you. She expresses her disappointment and sorrow, and swears she'll help if your spouse turns out to be awful. She doesn't want them to be, but she doesn't want you beginning to prefer their company, either. She wonders if her affection for you would wane if she just pined from afar and tried to keep her feelings to herself.
Jon Snow
Ah yes, once again his bastardry is hitting him straight in the gut. Jon knew it was going to happen eventually, he already felt like the relationship was on a timer, and now it’s finally ended. He’s convinced there’s no getting out of it, because even if you did - you’d never be able to be with him in the open. It makes Jon glad he’s going to the Wall; hopefully the distance and cold will dull his feelings. In spite of that, sometimes he’ll tell Sam about you, and he speaks so mournfully it makes Sam think that distance hasn’t done all that much to help Jon’s pining.
Benjen Stark
He should be the bigger person and accept that this is for the best. He’s sworn to the Wall, and you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. He should be relieved neither of you were caught. None of these thoughts are comforting. Ben tries to cope by making not-so-joking jokes about you running off to the Wall too, or perhaps he should take Yoren’s job and find his way to your court once in a blue moon. Then there’s no joking, and it’s just bitterness. He removes himself from your life after that, not wanting to hurt you with his own negative thoughts. He’d rather you keep the happy memories.
Jory Cassel
He accepts it, not that it brings him any pleasure. Jory's always been proud of his service to the Starks, but he's long understood that his landed seat is not a valuable one. Whenever he married, if he did, it wouldn't be someone as lovely as you. The announcement still hits him in the gut and he dejectedly tries to break it off (though it's easier on him if you do it). If he was in charge of guarding you, he'd switch shifts immediately and begin avoiding you, thinking it'll make things easier.
Eddison Tollett
This relationship already seemed too good to be true, so it’s abrupt end is not surprising. He’s sworn to the Wall and you both were sneaking around to begin with, so this should have been expected, but… it just makes him feel even more tired and dumb. Sam and Jon notice how little he sleeps and that he’s begun to skip meals, and he doesn’t have to explain why. They can do the math. Edd at least doesn’t try to bury any sad feelings or memories. It’s too exhausting to actively try, and it’s something to keep him company while he works. Maybe the feelings will fade… eventually.
Mance Rayder
It's one more reason for him to leave the "South" and go past the Wall. He knew a proper relationship with you wasn't possible because of his vows, but watching you go through this sham of an arranged marriage is just depressing. He'll comfort you best he can until he has to go back to the Wall, though he won't make promises he can't keep. Having to separate from you weighs heavy on him for a long time, and is one of many reasons he abandons the Watch.
Theon Greyjoy
What the hell is this? Hearing the news ruins his whole day, worse if he wasn’t able to hear it directly from you. He’s the heir to the Iron Islands, and his interest in you was clear as day! No, he hadn’t proposed yet… but he was getting to it! Now some mainlander beat him to it? Theon is absolutely seething. He’d prefer to duel your spouse to teach them a lesson in front of everyone, but he’s open to more boring methods like reasoning with your family. If he wasn’t able to change the engagement, he’d be bitter, and more than willing to carry on an affair behind your spouse’s back. He ought to just go the Ironborn route and kidnap you for himself.
Asha (Yara) Greyjoy
When you give her the news and you’re clearly distraught about it, Yara considers carrying you off to her ship right there. If you’re non-Ironborn, you’ll be her saltwife -- and if you’re Ironborn, she wants to have a discussion with whoever the hell planned this when everyone KNOWS you belong with her. You hadn’t expected this possessive behavior, but now you know Yara’s willing to fight for you as soon as someone takes you. No surprise, she’s more than willing to sneak around with you behind your husband’s back - maybe she can goad him into a duel. That would certainly solve a problem, wouldn’t it?
Victarion Greyjoy
He doesn’t understand at first. Victarion had made it clear that you were his, hadn’t everyone known that? No, he never made any sort of formal marriage, but not because he didn’t care. He felt like there was no need, hadn’t everyone known? If your family and spouse are Ironborn, he’ll immediately sail to their keep and raise all seven hells, and marry you right there in front of them. If you were sent away to the green lands, it would take the combined power of Balon, Yara and Aeron to keep him from sailing off immediately and just kidnapping you - preferably after killing your spouse. Victarion is pissed. Someone is going to pay for this.
Daenerys Targaryen
She’s just as mad at you as she is with whoever arranged this ridiculous match. Daenerys doesn’t often entertain arrogant thoughts, but… How could anyone think to match you with someone else, knowing your relationship with her? She feels she ought to be offended, though Daenerys knows this is hard on you as well, and you didn’t ask for it. She’ll think of some clever way to get you out of the arrangement, no way is this person getting away from stealing from her. And yes, that might as well be what it is! While she’s working out what to do, if she so much as hears murmurs of the possibility of your spouse hurting you… all bets are off. She’s taking you back with her, alliance be damned.
Jorah Mormont
The announcement of your engagement is a punch to his gut and a shock to his system. Jorah knew he wasn’t the best husband material, but he was planning to ask for your hand himself - then this happened. What’s worse, he knows as far as practical marriage goes, he has little to offer. He goes into a bit of a panic as he tries to think of what to do. There’s sensible choices, like trying to talk to your family with you. Then there’s not so sensible ones… Maybe running off, maybe just continuing the relationship behind your new spouse’s back, maybe dueling them… While Jorah is in emotional turmoil, he’d do anything for you. Even if you wanted to break off the relationship… or had a plan for him to follow. He’s nothing if not hopelessly devoted.
… Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have expected you to stick around for so long. As close as she is to Daenerys, she really has no fancy titles or things to offer. She understood why your family chose the match, it was a good one, politically speaking… but that does little to soothe her. Quite the opposite, a strong, desolate feeling overcomes her, one she hasn’t felt in a long time. She isn’t sure what to do, if it’s her place to stop the process. Perhaps if you asked her, she could try to make plans. Daenerys would help as well, considering how fond she is of you two, and how much she despises women being forced into arrangements.
Grey Worm
The sudden news takes him off guard, and sends him into a bit of an existential crisis. He was starting to see himself as a person, with his own name and a path he chose to follow… then this arrangement happens, and he’s forced to face what the rest of the world sees him as. It’s not that Grey Worm has a sense of ownership over you, but for once he was allowing himself all these happy feelings and memories with you, and now it’s gone. Of course he wants you back, but he feels paralyzed. What if he makes it worse? Does this have to happen? He starts to become even more withdrawn and distant, worrying Missandei until she decides to help. Grey Worm finally returns to his old self when he has you in his arms again.
Tywin Lannister
His steady composure is hit with such a rage at the news, the servant delivering it goes into a panic. His interest in you was obvious, so anyone doing this was trying to spite him. He doesn’t take the insult well. Perhaps before you’re even able to tell him the news yourself, threats will be delivered to both the spouse’s family and your own - Tywin is especially furious towards them, and won’t forget this - and incidents will be arranged. He refuses to be a man who pines after someone or covets another one’s wife, nor will he allow some lesser lord to take what he perceives as ‘his’.
Tyrion Lannister
The angst hits him like a ton of bricks, and it’s even worse if this came out of left field. It hurts less if he hears it from you, but only just. He should have known your family wouldn’t have accept any proposal he made - and gods know he was ready to do it - it’s just one more log to fuel his self-loathing and bitterness toward this world. But if you knock some sense into him, he’ll snap out of that spiral and begin to plan with you. There’s plenty of choices before the two of you - scandal? Running off? - but rest assured, Tyrion is going to investigate the hell out of this person. He’d never forgive himself if you got stuck with a brute.
Jaime Lannister
The fact he knew this was inevitable doesn't help Jaime's irritation. He can't believe your family arranged for that person to marry you. Seriously? You'd better keep Jaime at a distance from your spouse, because he can't help himself from making snide remarks and sarcastic comments. If he riles up the guy into a duel, all the better. He'll do all sorts of reckless things to begin with, and it's only worse when he's upset. He's also very willing to have an affair behind your spouse's back - you were with him first. You’ll probably have to scold Jaime about you two almost getting caught, but he’s above reproach. His stubbornness and jealousy gets worse the closer you two are.
Cersei Lannister
She’s absolutely infuriated with your family. You were her handmaiden, someone whose been with her for years - and they have the nerve to go behind her back like this?! It smells like a scheme of Tyrion’s, or perhaps Varys, but she’ll deal with them in time. For now, she’ll work out what to do about your spouse. She’ll try to keep you around as much as possible, and her possessiveness comes out in full. You can’t possibly be interested in such a worthless man.
Sandor Clegane
When you tell Sandor, he’s quiet for a discerningly long time before the anger and arguments come out. And then the quiet bitterness. The thing is, he knew this was coming for a while. He knew your time together was limited, he shouldn’t have things like hopes and happiness because it’ll just get taken away. And it is. Even if you explain you’ll try to break off the arrangement, that there’s still a way to get out, he has trouble believing it. He’s seen enough ladies get chained to useless fucking lords, he’d rather not see it happen to someone he cares about, thanks. Sandor will push you away as much as he can, but you could still attempt to convince him to have an affair… or perhaps leave King’s Landing entirely.
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
He’s only mildly annoyed at the inconvenience. It’ll be a lot harder for you both to sneak around now, and forget about it if you’re having to move somewhere far away. Guess that’s the end of that ‘relationship’ - he should’ve expected it. Bronn is way more willing to stay close if you remain in King’s Landing, and he expects you both to keep fooling around. Now, if he’s actually started to develop feelings about you… he’ll start to act differently. You don’t actually like your spouse, do you? Wasn’t that just some arranged bullshit? He’ll throw smirks and subtle insults your spouse’s way, as if trying to goad them into a fight. More then once you two will almost get caught because he decides waltzing up to your window is totally acceptable, or trying to have a quickie in the middle of the day. A surprisingly jealous side will come out and he’s in total denial about any feelings he might have.
Jacquen H’ghar
This isn’t alarming to Jacquen at first. He knew he could never have such a union with you, and since this Westerosi society is so insistent on marriage, it would happen eventually. Still, your pain hurts him as well. Jacquen would have a variety of plans … anywhere from easily disguising as a guard or servant so he’s always beside you, or perhaps whisking you away somewhere. This isn’t the end of your relationship for him - it’s just a challenge to overcome. He assumes you won’t send him away or break it off.
Petyr Baelish
You being someone else’s wife makes no difference to Petyr, though he’s surprised in himself. Usually he stays out of such affairs, it only causes trouble… But he’s been intrigued by you, and quite frankly, he’s offended that this Lord Whoever from Wherever didn’t take his interest into account. No matter. Petyr has plenty of plans to deal with this pest, though he’s annoyed at his own jealousy whenever he sees you together with your spouse, even if you’re miserable. While he doesn’t want you unhappy, it certainly makes starting an affair and/or disposing of your spouse much easier.
Robert Baratheon
He’s furious and everyone is going to know about it. Robert will complain endlessly to Ned and Lord Arryn about how he found you first, how that useless shit of a husband won’t know what to do with you. Since he does little to hide his disgust, rumors will spread all over court. Hell, he’ll probably say even stupider things when he’s drunk, or he’ll do something stupider, like actually try to aggravate the guy into a fight or a duel. If you’re actually able to get him under control, he has no qualms about having an affair with you… but he may not be subtle about it. So that’s another thing to keep in mind.
Stannis Baratheon
It’s depressingly impressive how willing Stannis is to bury and deny his feelings once he hears you’re promised to someone else. He’ll try to extinguish all the happiness he had with you, bottle up all the memories and feelings that went along with it. This will be fine. He’ll be fine. This iron resolve is easy to maintain if Stannis rarely sees you. If you both are forced to interact even semi-often, it chips away at him, and he can’t help himself from making biting remarks about your spouse when you both visit. He hates feeling this way, he’s never felt it before, and he carries a deep grudge against your spouse and family for making it happen. It’s easier if you write to him, but then Stannis starts keeping those letters and punishing himself by reading them over and over. Eventually he stops entirely, deeming it inappropriate, even if that feels like cutting off one of his limbs.
Davos Seaworth
The old knight is understandably saddened by news of your betrothal and marriage, but it makes sense. Politics-wise, Davos believes he isn’t much of a prize, even when he’s risen to Lord. He should’ve expected this would happen. He’d wish you genuine happiness… But if you were miserable, Davos would feel awful and powerless. If you truly wanted to continue the relationship behind your spouse’s back, his biggest worry would be the secret getting out and your reputation being ruined. He wouldn’t be able to resist forever, but he’d still try to talk you out of it and try to convince you to forget about him.
Margaery Tyrell
She seeks you out the moment she finds out - and that was quickly, because she often keeps tabs on you. Her grandmother warned her about getting so close to her favorite, but it still comes as a terrible shock. Margaery holds you close and promises she’ll make it better, somehow. Maybe she and her grandmother can reason with her family, perhaps you can marry into the Tyrell family, so you both can be together. She’ll fix it, she swears. The thought of someone else being with you is terrible enough, she’ll be even more worried if the person is abusive. Margaery won’t stand for it, and might take a few rare risks for your sake.
Brynden Tully
This stirs up a lot of complicated feelings in the old knight. He knew his relationship with you wouldn’t last forever, that you’d have to marry eventually, and he never wanted to marry…. But he feels like this is his fault, especially if you’re miserable. He could’ve prevented this. Brynden knows he ought to break off the relationship, and he won’t blame you if you do… but he’ll also consider the idea of continuing the relationship. And if you have to go somewhere far away, he’ll still appreciate you sending letters and having a correspondence. The relationship may not be the same long-distance, but he cares a lot about you, and it hurts having you cut from his life.
Edmure Tully
Woe and misery. How much wine is in Riverrun’s stores? He may end up drinking a dent in it by the time the month is out. He almost didn’t believe the news until he heard it from several people, or just you directly. How could this happen? Wasn’t he courting you properly, taking all the steps just the right way? Wasn’t his interest obvious to anyone with eyes? Edmure approaches your family with a bit of a hot head, almost demanding an answer for why they chose whoever over … whoever your spouse is. Edmure doesn’t even care who it is, he hates their guts immediately. More likely than not, he’ll do something foolish, like start a duel. If all else fails, he’ll make sad eyes at you at all the feasts and galas and go into a bit of a depression.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne is immediately distraught, but also believes she deserves it somehow. This happy relationship just had to come to an end, didn’t it? Well, you two had to be discreet about it to begin with, which didn’t please her … but this alternative feels worse. Brienne switches between trying to stay frosty to make it easier for you two to part, and being unable to hold back her affection and sadness. The best solution she can think of is to stay as your sworn sword, independent of your new husband’s house guards. And gods know, she will come at him with a vengeance if he even dares upset you or lay an unwanted hand on you. That means the relationship could continue, but she dislikes the secrecy even more when you’re married. While she doesn’t like the idea of running away from problems, maybe in certain circumstances, she’d be open to the idea…
Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay is irate, to say the least. Even if you don’t actually know him, you’ve just caught his eye, he’ll become possessive. If you both were romantic before the engagement news, his anger and possessiveness would be even more dangerous. Woe to your spouse if he lives close to the Dreadfort - leave it to Ramsay to think up some “accident” for them to be involved in. And if he finds out they’re involved in some sort of treason or crime, that’s all the better, no matter how flimsy the “crime” is. If he’s feeling especially reckless, he’ll just arrange their murder and take you back right away. Ramsay is a terrible loser, doubly so if it involves one of the few things he actually cares about.
Roose Bolton
On the outside he doesn’t react to the news beyond a silent glare. On the inside, Roose is furious. He had plans for you, plans that may have taken quite a while to get to this point, and now it’s been ruined by someone whose actively working against him… or too stupid to realize what a massive mistake they just made. Roose thinks up various ways to circumvent this and have you to himself. In the meantime, he’ll gladly continue an affair behind your spouse’s back, but that won’t necessarily save them from death. You’ll notice him become increasingly possessive and jealous, even if you have zero interest in your spouse, and you can sense he’ll be holding a deep grudge against whoever arranged this in the first place.
Oberyn Martell
As soon as he hears about the news, Doran has to talk him down from dueling the man…Half his daughters support it, the other half suggest something more subtle. Overyn feels insulted, for one - your affection for each other was obvious, yet your family still made this arrangement. And if he doesn’t get his duel, he will spread all sorts of unsavory, salacious rumors about your spouse, in hopes of creating a scandal that makes your family break the union. Or better, lead to the man dueling Oberyn directly! Oberyn doesn’t even consider continuing your relationship with him an “affair”. You both were together first, and a farce of a marriage you didn’t agree to won’t change that. You just have to make sure he can be discreet.
Doran Martell
While the news of your engagement is depressing, it isn't surprising. He's quite aware of the politics of Westeros, even if his own family doesn't believe it, and he had wind of this engagement. He just thought he could stop it in time. He hides his disappointment, but his family can tell he's withdrawing. Oberyn argues with his brother to go get you and fight, but Doran is a man of silent plans. He'll still love to correspond with you, and you can tell by his letters that he seems hopeful. Maybe he's thought of a way to break it off …
Arianne Martell
Well, isn’t this irksome? Arianne loved having you in her palace and keeping you all to herself, but then this foolish arranged marriage happened… She doesn’t hide her disdain, and she’s annoyed at herself for not doing more to stop it. The princess will spend no small amount of time being angry at the unfairness of it. Once she’s calmed, she doesn’t see why you both can’t continue the relationship behind closed doors. You’re both used to sneaking around, anyway. And Arianne can’t resist ferreting around for some salacious rumors about your spouse… Wouldn’t it be a shame if she found out something that led you to your family cutting the betrothal off?
Tyene Sand
She’s beyond annoyed at this outcome. You were her favorite, in more ways than one, and while she didn’t delude herself into thinking you’d be together forever… well, couldn’t you both have spent your days in court in service to the Martells, or perhaps left forever on a boat to Essos? Why did this have to happen so soon? She’s despondent, much as she tries to hide it, even with her sisters trying to comfort her. She begins to think of plans, just little things … a rumor here, a scheme there. She’ll feel much better if you remain in the Sunspear court, so she can stay close and your relationship can continue.
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
Pair of Aces -H.D. [18+]
Warnings: Language, I made Harvey too hot for words, NSFW smut, drinking, smoking, car sex, self sex, oral sex, sex sex,  Harvey is a gift giver, I don’t make the rules, fluff, raunchy jokes and humor, sexy drink names
Paring: Harvey Dent x Reader
Part One Part Three
Word Count: 5.6K
A/N: This is the official/unofficial part two to Baby Doll. You can find it in the link above! After writing the first one, I had so many ideas that I wanted to do so I made another and here we are folks. 5.6k words of complete self indulgence. Blame Elle, (who also made this fabulous banner for me, love you!)
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Harvey had his arm draped over your shoulders, keeping you within reach. Sure, this was supposed to be a friendly poker game but that didn't mean he trusted these fuckers with being within ten feet of you. 
It really didn't help that you dressed the way you did. The short leather skirt alone was enough to kill him. But when he saw the white sleeveless crop top with a golden chain laced across exposing your breasts, he swore his heart stopped.
Pressed close to Harvey's side, you shivered feeling the chain brush against your skin. You could feel several pairs of eyes trail over your body, only making Harvey tighten his hold on you.
The game was supposed to be between Harvey, Roman Sionis, and Oswald Cobblepott. Once a month, the three men put aside their differences for a couple of games of poker. No business was allowed, except potential info against a common enemy usually centered around a particular bat-obsessed freak.
The door at the end of the hall had several men standing guard, looking down at you and Harvey.
“There was nothing about bringing a guest,” one said. 
“Didn’t want to leave her all alone, thought she could learn something tonight,” Harvey explained, tightening his grip on your waist. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, daring the guards to try and pry you away from him. 
The larger one huffed and crossed his arms, a grin on his face. “We’ll have to pat you down before letting you in.” 
Releasing his hold on you, Harvey stepped forward with his hands up as the guard patted down his chest and legs to make sure he isn’t hiding anything suspicious. Finding the gun in his coat, the guard gave Harvey a look before he raised a brow. 
“Gotta protect my girl somehow,” he said, looking at him. “You never know the kind of creeps are out there.” 
The guard shrugged and let him pass, putting a hand out to stop you from following him. 
“Hey! You did your inspection, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
The guard’s grin got wider, his eyes hiding something malicious in them. “I said I had to pat you down, both of you.” 
“That’s a load of fucking bullshit,” he growled, stepping back to protect you. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you kissed his cheek. 
“Relax baby, I’ll be alright,” you assured, stepping back and putting your hands in the air. You felt the guard’s hands start on your waist and make their way up your torso, moving to grab your breasts. Before he could, you lifted your foot and slammed the heel of your stiletto into his foot. 
“Don’t you fucking think about it,” you frowned, listening to the guard hiss at the pain before finishing up and letting you through. 
Harvey chuckled, watching you handle yourself before grabbing your hand and pulling you into his chest. Placing a kiss on your lips, he opened the door and led you in. 
The room was filled with smoke from cigars and cigarettes galore, and there was a bad smell in the air that reminded you of the gym locker rooms. It smelled of sweat, meat, and something else you didn’t want to linger on. 
Harvey’s eyes raked the room, eyeing Roman and Oswald already sitting in their chairs having what seemed to be a friendly chat. Walking further into the room, Harvey pulled out his chair and sat. 
“Sorry it took so long boys, had some personal matters to attend to,” he said, unbuttoning his coat and pulling out a cigarette. He looked at you, an expectant look on his face. 
Rolling your eyes, you leaned over his body the leather skirt riding up your ass. Reaching into his coat, you pulled out the lighter and lit the cig in his mouth. He knew you hated it when he smoked, but he couldn’t deny how unbelievably hot it was to watch you light them for him. 
Taking a drag, he blew out the smoke, his eyes not leaving you. “Thanks, baby doll,” he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. Glancing to the side, he didn’t miss the looks Roman and Oswald were giving you. Wanting to prove that you were untouchable, he reached forward toying with the golden chain of your top. 
“Why don’t you go get daddy a drink?” he asked, brushing the skin of your breasts with his finger ever so lightly. 
“Yes sir, Mr. Dent.” you winked, standing straight. As you turned to pour him a drink, Harvey grinned and slapped your ass, earning a light squeal from you. 
Roman’s eyes narrowed in on the sway of your ass as you walked, what he wouldn’t give for an hour alone with you. Leaning on the arm of his chair, his gaze raked over your body lingering on your exposed breasts. He swore Dent brought you along just to brag, not that he would complain. The sweet image of you bent over the arm of the chair was enough to satiate his wants for the time being. 
Harvey narrowed his eyes, “Something on your mind Sionis?” 
You walked back over, Harvey’s scotch in your hand not ignoring the looks all the men in the room were giving you. Taking a sip of it yourself, you handed it to him, your lipstick staining the glass. 
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing with an ugly bastard like Harv?” Roman asked, a grin forming on his face. 
“More than you could ever imagine,” Harvey responded, glaring him down. 
Roman leaned back in his chair, his dark eyes watching you intently. Snapping his fingers to get your attention, he grinned. “How about a Kinky Blow Job, princess.” 
Harvey looked as if he was about to explode, gripping the arms of the chair he was in. Roman caught his gaze, not missing your flustered state at his bold request. “I mean the drink, Dent. Your girl should know how to do a Kinky Blow Job right? Or were those personal matters over a Juicy Pussy?”
Not wanting to be rude, you walked over and made the drink Roman requested. If you weren’t so well versed in various drink names this would have been a very awkward position. Mixing the pink drink, you put a straw in it before making your way over to Roman. 
His gaze alone was enough to give you shivers, Roman watched your movements like he was waiting for the right time to strike and make you his meal. 
“Here you go, Mr. Sionis.” 
Roman reached for the drink, his cold hand brushing yours ever so slightly sending shivers down your spine. “What’s the matter, princess, too cold? I know a way or two to warm my fingers up.” he winked. 
Pulling your hand back, you could feel Harvey burning holes into Roman’s chest as he continued to openly flirt with you not bothering to turn his gaze away from your exposed chest. 
“Will that be all, Mr. Sionis?” you asked, clasping your hands behind your back.
Deciding he had enough fun, he waved you away before looking at Harvey. “Such a polite little thing, how long did it take you to train her?” he asked, sipping his drink. 
The second you were close enough, Harvey grabbed your waist and pulled you down to rest on his knee. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” he threatened, placing a kiss to the back of your throat. Your hand came to rest on his knee, squeezing gently as he bit into the soft flesh of your shoulder enough to leave a mark. 
“It’s a joke, Dent.” Roman chuckled, “Lighten up some,”
You felt his hand wrap around your middle, securing you against his chest resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Both of ya, shut the ‘ell up and play the fuckin’ game!” Oswald snapped, dueling out the cards. “Buch o’ bloody wankers.” 
Picking up the cards dealt to him, Harvey kept you close. There was no way in hell he was letting anyone, especially Roman get their grubby hands on you. Looking at his cards, he reached into his coat and pulled out a wad of bills. 
“Put half of that on the table for me baby doll,” he said, eyeing you as your body arched over to toss half the wad on the table. Handing it back to him, he took the bills, grinning as he stuffed them into your top. “Why don’t you keep that safe for me?” 
“Yes, sir Mr. Dent.” you breathed, feeling his fingers lightly brush against your nipples through the top.
Content with your reaction, Harvey leaned back in his seat as you turned and draped your legs across his lap. Placing his hand on your knees, he pulled you close. Watching his hand, he glanced at the other two before setting his cards down. 
“What’s with that look Dent, confident or scared you’ll lose?” Roman called, glancing up from his cards. 
“What, worried you’ll lose to me?” 
“I thought you liked to leave things to chance or was that all an act?” 
Harvey didn’t like the fact Roman was trying to goad him into betting more money. Looking at his cards again, he still had a high chance to win. Turning to look at you, Harvey slid a finger into your top and pulled it back enough to pull out the bills and toss them onto the table. 
You weren’t happy he fell for Roman’s obvious ploy at trying to rile him up. These poker games were meant to be simple fun between crime lords, but you knew how dangerous they could be. One second they were betting money, and the second someone’s ego got fluffed they gambled away their firstborn child. 
Hours passed, and you watched as they played through three games already and dealt out the fourth and final round. Each man won a round each, and this one was to take home the cake to prove who was the best poker player. Roman had a dangerous glint in his eyes, and you didn’t like the results that could come of that.
Oswald was oddly the most generous of the three, offering you free champagne and even a platter of sandwiches that were prepared just for you. 
Harvey however, refused to let you off his lap. He worried the second he let go, you would disappear. It said a lot when he didn’t trust his own men with you, but he trusted Roman and Oswald’s men even less. 
“Final round boys, ‘ow ‘bout we up the stakes?” Oswald asked, tossing the final few cards. 
Roman grinned, his teeth a shocking white against the dark of the room. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a folded piece of paper with his handwriting scrawled across it. “One free night with any girl of your choosing from my club.” Tossing the paper onto the table, his gaze turned to Oswald. 
“Up that, you old bird.” 
“Shut up!” Oswald thought long and hard, he didn’t have anything like that to bet. He didn’t dabble in sex clubs or prostitutes. He had more class than that, but he did have something a lot of people sought after. 
Pulling a piece of paper out, he wrote his offer illegible from your distance. True to form, Oswald Cobblepott had chicken scratch handwriting. 
“One free night, in the private secluded box in the Iceberg Lounge. Enough for you and two guests.” 
Nodding appreciatively, Roman smiled and turned his gaze to you and Harvey. His smile didn’t waver one bit, as if he knew what was about to happen next. “What are you going to bet, Dent? It seems money isn’t an option, fuck knows we have plenty of it.” 
“He could bet tha’ little ‘ore of ‘is?” 
Harvey’s grip tightened on your waist, holding you protectively against him. 
“What’s the matter Dent, I thought you were confident in your card skills?” Roman grinned, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. 
“No.” he growled. “She isn’t for sale.” 
“Oh come on Dent, why don’ you let the coin decide?” Oswald chuckled, knowing full well what Harvey would do. 
You watched as he reached into his pocket, toying with his coin between his fingers. 
“Harvey, you can’t be serious?” you asked, muttering into his ear. “I thought you said I wasn’t for sale, remember?” 
“Relax doll,” he said, turning his gaze to you. Harvey knew it was reckless, but he couldn’t refuse what the coin decides. “Have a little faith in me,” 
You watched with wide eyes as he set the standard. Heads, it was a no. Tails, you were to be placed on the betting table. The deal was one night, equal to that of the others and you had more than monetary value to Harvey. Or so you hoped. 
Flipping the coin, you held your breath watching as he caught it and flipped it onto the back of his hand to reveal the damaged side of his double-sided coin. 
Your voice died in your throat, looking at him with a concerned look. 
“You fucking asshole,” you snapped getting off his lap to stand behind him. There was no way you could watch this hand play out, not when your virtue was on the line. 
“Now that the bets have been placed, let’s play some cards, boys.” Roman grinned and began the round, his eyes not leaving your figure once. 
The next twenty minutes were some of the most agonizing twenty minutes of your life. You watched in worry as Harvey played the game. His hand was pretty good, but did that mean it was better than the others? At some point, you had to stop watching, the anxiety making it too much to bear knowing your fate rested in the cards. Biting your nail, you watched as they finally folded and waited for the results. 
Oswald flipped his card, showing that he had a full house. Not bad, but there were higher hands to play that could win.
Roman chuckled, flipping his cards over to reveal a four of a kind all in diamonds. That was a pretty damn good hand, if Harvey didn’t have a better hand it seemed you would be going home with Roman Sionis spending your night filled with Kinky Blow Jobs and Juicy Pussies. You couldn’t deny the man oozed sex appeal, but you wanted it on your terms and not from a fucking poker game. 
Clenching your fists, you watched as Harvey tsked and turned his cards to reveal a straight flush. “Sorry boys, but Y/N is going home with me tonight.” 
You watched Roman clench his jaw, irritated at the fact he lost a night with you all to himself. Getting from his seat, he put a hand in his pocket and adjusted his cigar. “Well played Dent, next time maybe you won’t be so lucky.” 
Both Oswald and Harvey got to their feet and shook hands. “Good game gentlemen, same time next month?” 
Harvey put all of his stuff into a bag before walking over to you. He didn’t miss the glare you were giving him, nor did he miss the way Roman sauntered up to you taking your hand and pulling you closer. 
“Such a shame to miss out on a night with you, princess. Maybe Dent will bring you along again next time and we’ll see what happens then.” He pulled your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss to your smooth skin. 
Giving him a hard glare, you bit your cheek. “You may be nice on the eyes Mr. Sionis, but you might want to remember you can’t buy the best things in life.” you snapped, pulling your hand away. “And I don’t come cheap.” 
Harvey bit his lip to hide his chuckle at the sight of Roman’s face. Walking over he wrapped an arm around your waist, planting a hand firmly on your ass. He knew you were pissed at him, it seemed he had a lot to make up for. 
“Later boys,” he called walking out with you on his side. As a silent promise, his large hand gripped your ass roughly while you walked, the skirt riding up to expose the underside of your cheek and black thong. 
“That fucker,” Roman growled, walking out himself. 
Harvey led you back to the car, where your driver and security detail waited. 
“You have a lot of groveling ahead of you Dent if you even think about sleeping in the same bed tonight.” 
Leaning to press soft kisses to your throat, Harvey wrapped both arms around you as he kissed your collar. “How about I start right now,” he muttered against your skin. “I know how much you love being fucked in the backseat.” 
Gripping his hair, you tipped your head back breathing heavily from his onslaught of kisses and public display. His hands wandered lower, toying with the bottom of your skirt as he pressed you against the car door. 
“You’re lucky you’re hot.”
Harvey grinned against your skin, before looking at the driver. “You go ahead with security, I have some business to attend to.” he grabbed the keys and unlocked the door, pulling away long enough to watch you slide in and spread your legs for him to see your dripping cunt on full display to him and anyone else around. Sucking in a harsh breath, he dove in after you and shut the door, locking it behind him. 
His lips were on yours in an instant, hips prying your legs further apart, the skirt bunched up to give him access. Harvey mumbled soft apologies against your skin as he left open-mouthed kisses across your collar. His hands danced across your thighs, as they made their way up to your pussy. 
Letting out a sigh, you arched your back feeling him swipe through your folds moaning at the sudden contact. His fingers entered into you, quickly stretching your hole to accommodate his cock to impatient to take his time with you. 
Gripping the leather of the seat, you moaned his name. “Harvey! Please!” 
Hearing your cries, his hand continued to thrust in and out of your pussy before pulling back and undoing his belt. Quick to pull out his cock, he fisted it several times watching you writhe and drip onto the leather beneath you. 
“Hold on baby doll,” he promised. “I’ll take care of you.” Gripping your hips, Harvey pushed your thong to the side and thrusted into you, bottoming out in two strokes. 
Your body spasmed, trying to take in all you were feeling. Sinful moans left your lips feeling him stretch you perfectly as he picked up the pace. All you could hear over your ragged breath was Harvey’s hushed apologies as his hips rutted into yours followed by the sound of his balls slapping against your ass.
You could feel the car rock back and forth from the force of his thrusts, Harvey desperate to make you cum. Reaching down, his thumb played with your clit making you tip your head back and kick against the door. 
“Oh fuck, Harvey!” you cried, gripping the back of his shirt. “I-I’m so close, baby. So close.” 
Hearing you gasp for air, Harvey thrusted harder into you knocking the air back out of your lungs watching as silent moans left your perfect lips. Your jaw was slack and your eyes rolled back at the feeling of Harvey driving into you. 
Swearing as your walls clench around him, Harvey moaned your name, continuing his pace. “You look so perfect,” he praised. “So fucking perfect as your pretty pussy takes my cock.” 
Feeling the build-up, your thighs tensed around his waist while you clawed at his shirt. 
“Fuck! Harvey, I’m gonna--” your words were cut off by a loud moan as you came on his cock, feeling it drip down your exposed ass. 
Thrusting into you twice more, Harvey buried his cock inside you as he came, marking you as his as your mixed juices pooled beneath you. The smell of sex filled the car, as he continued to place kisses all over your body. 
Panting heavily, you pulled his head up to kiss him. “Oh fuck…” you muttered, resting back against the car seats. Harvey looked down at you, pressing kisses to your cheek. 
“Let me take you home doll, really make it up to you.” 
Barely hearing his words, you nodded and closed your eyes. Feeling him pull out of you, you whined at the loss of contact before feeling his lips on your neck. Letting out a hiss, you tilted your head to the side feeling him suck the skin between his teeth really marking you as his this time. 
Tucking himself back into his pants, Harvey climbed into the front seat and started the car before driving off. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he saw you splayed across the back seat recovering from the orgasm he just gave you. He saw your lipstick smeared across his lips, chuckling at the thought of how fucked out he must look. 
You could still feel the ache Harvey left between your legs, begging to be used again. Reaching down, you slipped two fingers into your pussy trying to convince yourself that it was Harvey. The ache resided some, but it wasn't enough. 
“Harvey…” you whined, bucking your hips into your hand. “Please!”
Glancing at you in the mirror, Harvey swallowed hard as he watched your toy with yourself while begging for him. “I’m going doll, wait until we get home.” his voice strained, trying to keep himself from driving into traffic. 
Sliding a hand up, you gripped your own breast and played with your nipple through the top, continuing to finger yourself. “I want to feel you, baby, please! It’s too much!” 
Going faster than the speed limit, Harvey palmed his growing bulge as he listened to the squelching of your fingers pumping your mixed juices back into you. With every whine and moan, his pants got tighter until it was so painful he couldn’t focus. 
Pulling into the garage, he all but jumped out of the car before walking over to the door and pulling it open to see you fucking yourself until you came. Loud moans left your lips, echoing across the garage as Harvey watched you pull your fingers out and lick them clean. 
“Holy fucking shit doll,” he muttered, pulling you out of the car. Kicking the door shut, he helped you balance on your feet before leading you up to the bedroom, his hands not leaving your body once. 
“When we get there, I’ll make it all up to you,” he promised, muttering against your shoulder. “I’ll worship every inch of you, give you a special gift and everything.” His hands roamed your body, reveling in the way you shivered under his touch. He’ll make you forget all about his stupid bet, and make you feel so good you won’t want to leave the bed.
Leaning into his touch, you walked with him as he opened the door. “You still have a lot of apologizing left to do, better get started.”
Harvey hummed into your shoulder, leading you towards the bedroom of your lavish apartment. Entering the room, he led you to the mirror and held you against his chest. You watched his hands as they traveled up your body before grabbing your breasts through your top and giving them a tight squeeze. 
“You’ve been teasing me all night with this fucking top,” he grumbled, listening to your airy breaths as he played with your breasts. “Who the fuck thought it was legal to sell you this shirt?” 
“The sales per-person,” you gasped, leaning into his touch. Feeling him pinch your nipples, you hissed pressing your ass into his crotch. 
Keeping a hand on your breasts, the other slid down your body sending little bolts of electricity everywhere he touched you. “And this fucking skirt, so fucking tight around your little ass everyone was looking at what belongs to me.” 
His lips trailed from your shoulder up to your cheek, not taking his eyes from your flustered form. You could see his eyes burning into yours as you turned your face to meet his lips in a passionate kiss.
You felt his hands slide the skirt off of you, the leather pooling at your feet. Trailing over the soft skin of your stomach, he pulled at the top trying to get it off you. You could tell Harvey was getting impatient, so you pulled away from the kiss and guided his hands into taking it off your body. 
Standing in front of the mirror in nothing but your black thong and heels, you couldn’t help but admire Harvey’s hands as they traced over every inch of you he could reach. Slowly, you stepped out of your heels as Harvey’s fingers dipped into the straps and began to pull the thong down your hips. 
Kneeling as he pulled it down, Harvey nipped lightly at your ass causing you to jump in surprise letting out a little squeal. Chuckling at your surprise, Harvey got back on his feet turning you to look at him. 
“How about a present for the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen?” he asked, holding you against him. 
Biting your lip, you gave him a nod as he led you over to the bed and made you sit. 
“Stay put,” then he walked off and disappeared to get whatever it was he was going to give you.
It took a few minutes for him to come back, holding three boxes all wrapped in deep red bows. What could Harvey have gotten you this time? The last time he decided to give you something, it was the deed to a whole island that he named after you. 
No one got to see this side of Harvey Dent, the side that truly loved you and strived to prove it with extravagant gifts, expensive trips, and more. 
Giving him a playful look, You watched as he knelt before you and placed the boxes at your feet. Pressing a kiss to your knee, he handed you the first box. “Go ahead, open it.” 
Taking the package from his hands, you lifted the top off and pushed back the tissue paper. Pulling the item out, you saw that it was a black and white lace lingerie set, complete with garter belts. Holding it up, you looked at Harvey to see his delight in you liking the first gift. 
“Oh Harvey, it’s beautiful.” you praised holding it against the expanse of your body. 
“I’d say try it on, but why don’t we save it for another night?” he chuckled, watching you move the box to the side only for him to place another on your lap. 
Giving him a look, you could tell this one was heavier than the last and that probably meant it cost more. Pulling off the lid and unwrapping it, you saw that it was a beautiful necklace with several strands of pearls strung across. 
You gasped, holding it up and looking at him. “Harvey, what did I say about expensive gifts?” 
“That cost nowhere as much as the island.” he smiled. “I thought I could get some pearls for my favorite girl.” Leaning up, he took it from you and clasped it around your neck watching as they cascaded down your chest and over your breasts. 
“Perfect,” he muttered, kissing your cheek. 
Turning your head to meet his lips, you pulled him into a kiss running your fingers through his hair. The cold pearls sent shivers across your body as Harvey pressed himself against you. “Baby doll-- fuck.” he chuckled, feeling your hands trail over his chest trying to unbutton his shirt. “I still have one more present for you,” 
“That can wait until you’re done apologizing,” you grinned, sliding his shirt off his shoulders. 
Harvey gripped your waist, lifting you higher onto the bed as he crawled over you. “I was hoping you’d use it as an apology,” he groaned against your lips as you continued to undress him. 
Your fingers danced along the waist of his pants as you unbuttoned them, sliding them down his legs. Raking your nails over his exposed skin, you helped him out of his pants and boxers moaning as you felt his mouth kiss everywhere he could reach. 
Moving down your body, he kissed every inch until he got to your hips. Nuzzling your skin, he bit into you leaving teeth marks on your hip. Harvey loved to see you all marked up, further proving that you belonged to him and no one else. 
Making his way further down, he propped your thighs over his shoulders and sucked on the supple skin enjoying the taste of your mixed juices and sweat. Leaving a trail of bruises up your thigh, Harvey licked between your folds holding your hips down as you cried out.
“Oh, Harvey!” Your hands flew to his hair, pulling him closer as he continued to lick you clean. Your hips continued to move against his face, as he brushed your clit with his nose. 
Harvey’s tongue sent jolts all through your body, overwhelmed by the feeling of his ministrations through your folds. Your toes curled, feeling him enter a finger into you slowly pumping it in and out of you. 
Moaning against your cunt, Harvey added a second finger pumping them in and out of you at a sensual pace wanting you to feel every bit of it. 
“Please!” you gasped, pulling at his hair. “Please don’t stop,” 
Hearing you beg made him chuckle, the vibrations against your clit sending you closer and closer to the edge. Between his warm tongue and cool fingers, Harvey had you dangling over the cliff as if he was daring you to let go. 
You let out a scream feeling him brush the bundle of nerves with the pad of his fingers, massaging it until your throat was raw from your screaming. Glancing up at you, Harvey grinned seeing you so lost in the pleasure he was giving you. 
“Fuck!” you tugged on his hair harshly, earning a soft moan from his lips sending more little shocks into you as he laid claim to your pussy. “Harvey! Baby-- oh! Don’t stop!” you pleaded, digging your heels into his back. 
Curing his fingers again, he felt your walls spasm around him as you came coating his hand and face in your juices. Your voice echoed around the room from crying out his name, relaxing back into the bed. 
Harvey’s face was still buried between your thighs, refusing to quit. 
“Come on doll, cum on my face again.” he groaned, peeking up at you. You looked to see your cum smeared across his lips and chin, continuing to finger you trying to coax your body into another orgasm. 
“You taste so fucking good,” he muttered, getting back to it. You couldn’t hear much over the ringing in your ears, but you swore you heard the words ‘favorite meal’ leave his lips as he licked you clean. 
“H-Harv-- oh fuck! I-I can’t..” you whined, feeling yourself being brought up again. 
“You can do it, I know you can baby doll.” he muttered against your body, “Give me another, and I’ll fuck you properly until you beg me to stop.” 
His words made your head swim, the thought of his cock buried within you while feeling like this was enough to make you cum again, screaming his name. 
Harvey lapped up every drop he could, making sure he licked your pussy clean only for him to defile it again. Unable to take anymore, you pulled his head up and over to kiss you. You could taste your arousal on his tongue as it mingled with yours in your mouth. 
His hands placed themselves on your breasts, kneading them as the pearls rolled around his hands and towards your cleavage. Harvey enjoyed seeing you wear nothing but the pearls, as they bounced around your breasts while you moved.
Not wanting to waste another second, Harvey lifted his hips before thrusting into you again. Your tight cunt was enough to make his hips stutter, feeling your velvet walls wrapped around his cock. 
“Fuck doll,” he muttered against your lips. “You feel so fuckin--” his breath caught in his throat feeling you pulse around his shaft, cutting off his words before picking up the pace. You were nothing more than a blissful fucked out mess as Harvey continued to drive his hips into yours. 
Feeling the ecstasy build up, you dug your nails into his back leaving marks that would last for days. 
Not able to get out anything but his name, your body succumbed to the intense feeling as another orgasm took over you leaving you gasping for air. 
Burying his face in your shoulder, Harvey continued to thrust into you before cumming deep within you. Unable to take anymore, he let his body collapse against yours, melting together covered in sweat and cum. 
Brushing your hair out of your eyes, he cupped your face and looked at you. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and Harvey would never understand what you saw in an asshole like him. Carefully, he lifted his hips and pulled out before lying next to you. 
Turning your head, you gave him a soft smile and kissed his lips. Wrapping his arms around you, Harvey pulled you close enjoying the warmth of your body. 
“Did I do good enough?” he asked, brushing his lips against yours. 
“Apology accepted,” 
Taglist: @catxsnow @niggxrette @subtleappreciation @littleredwing89 @offendedfishnoises @angstigone @batarella @alienstardust @illzarr @foenixphire​
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