#i broke up w the love of my life last night sigh
miley1442111 · 3 months
dealing with it- chef luca
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gif from @ wiha-jun
summary: you see carmen for the first time in years, things happen, but at least your husband is there for you :)
pairings: chef luca x fem! reader, EX carmen berzatto x reader
warnings: smoking, cursing, reader endorses smoking (it makes sense i promise), toxic relationships, fighting, happy ending, luca is a cutie pie, carm is an ass :(
Carmen had been staring at you the whole night. You, standing diligently beside your mother, and Luca. 
When dinner came and you sat beside Luca again, the question begged to leave his mouth, but he decided on waiting and watching. 
“So Y/n,” Sydney turned to you. “I would love to literally pick your brain apart for the inspo of your last cookbook.”
You chuckled. “Well, Luca and I went all around the world on our honeymoon and-”
“What?” Carmen choked on his drink. “S-sorry did I fucking hear that right? Honeymoon?”
Luca sighed deeply, the energy at the table shifting. “Yes Carm, she said ‘honeymoon’.”
Honeymoon. You and Luca were married. Married and he didn’t even know it. Married, and he hadn’t even known that his last chance had been his last chance. 
You were Chef Andrea’s daughter, and you were everyone’s forbidden fruit. You worked with them, trained with them, and Carmen had been so deeply interested in you, that he broke the rules. He went after you, and he didn’t even feel bad about it. You’d started out dating in secret, then slowly warmed your mom up to the idea, and suddenly it was out in the open. Sure you’d had fights and sure, maybe it wasn’t the most healthy relationship ever, but Carmen loved you. He still did. When it fell apart, it was all Carmen’s fault (as usual) and you’d sworn off chefs. 
“Fucking hell Bear! I’m asking you to do this one fucking thing for me, and it’s too fucking hard?” You shouted at the top of your lungs. “I love you! I moved to fucking Coppenhagen for you! I moved to fucking New York for you! What is your problem with me taking a job in London?! I can probably get you into the same place-”
“NO! No, I fucking don’t alright? You’re fucking- you’re fucking boring! You never make anything new- you’re so f-fucking obsessed with being the-the-the best at something that you won’t even try to innovate!”
You stood there, in his kitchen and he watched as the tears fell. He took a deep breath and stepped closer, holding your waist in his hands. He tried not to be offended or upset when you went rigid as he touched you, but he felt his heart break. “Baby I-I’m sorry, look, y’know I’m sorry-” 
“You’re a piece of shit Carm. Just because I’m better than you doesn’t mean you get to talk to me like that. We’re not fucking trainees at my mom’s restaurant anymore, alright? I’m fucking better than you and i know it boils your fucking blood. I got this position. All on my own,” you spat. “You are the lowest of the low Carm. I swear to fucking god, if I ever date another chef again, kill me.”
And with that, you walked out. Out of his apartment and out of his life. 
“W-wait so-s-, you two got married? Since when?” Carmen laughed, but it was wrong. It was forced and haunted, strange.  
“Since the 14th of July last year,” Luca smiled and you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Congratulations guys,” Sydney smiled. “Carm, say congratulations,” she whispered and Carm nodded furiously.
“Yeah! Yeah- congratulations to the liar and her shitty douchebag of a husband!” He cheered, gathering the attention of the other tables. 
“Stop making a fucking scene Carm,” your voice cut through the ringing in his ears. “This isn’t about you. This is about my mom, and what this restaurant meant to people. Stop. Being. An. Asshole.”
He felt like he’d been effectively bitch slapped, and he quietened down, but not before kicking Luca under the table. 
They’d both been after you, back in the day. And you’d picked Carm at first, and realised your mistake. When you met Luca in London, you weren’t going to mess it up again. 3 years later, you were a year married, and a lot happier. Too bad Carmen had to make everything about himself, again.
He went out to get some ‘air’ a little while later, and you followed him. 
“So…” you sighed, standing beside him. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he sighed. He watched as you took a cigarette out and lit it, then offered one to him. He shook his head. 
“You quit?” You asked, blowing the smoke away from him. He nodded. “You should start again.”
He looked at you in confusion. “What?”
“You shouldn’t stop, you’re fucking crazy when you don’t smoke,” you chuckled, though everything you said was true. He’d tried to give it up for a month about 4 months into your relationship and it was the most stressful month of your life. You sighed as you thought about it. Every time he was rude to someone, you apologised for him. Every time he fucked something up, you made it up for him. Every time he did something stupid, you made it smart somehow. It was fucked up how much he relied on you, when you thought about it in hindsight. “Everyone will thank you.”
He laughed. “I guess that was a shitty month, huh?”
“One of the worst of my life,” you admitted. 
There was a moment of silence. 
“I miss it,” He admitted. 
“Smoking? You can have the rest of this pack-”
You sighed. “You were doing so well,” you joked. “Just don’t bring it up Carm, we don’t need to dig up the past.”
“I want to,” he pleaded. 
“I don’t,” you scoffed. “There’s nothing for us to talk about, nothing about us worked, nothing about us was ok, or normal, or happy, or-”
“Does he make you happy?” Carmen asked, venom in his tone. “Does he make you feel fuckin’-fuckin’ butterflies? Does he fuck you like I did? D-does he even see you the way I did? Does he make you laugh?”
“He doesn’t make me cry,” you smiled softly, thinking of Luca and how much you truly loved him. “He doesn’t make me question our relationship everyday. He doesn’t make me feel untalented and undeserving. He doesn’t make me feel used. He met me in London when I was crushed after our break-up, and he healed something he didn’t break in me, alright? He made me feel loved for the first time in a long time. My mom fucking loves him, a lot more than she liked you. He let me take everything at my own pace, and he never pushed me into something I wasn’t ready for. He wasn’t afraid to show his love for me to anyone! He didn’t make me question if we were even dating, ever! And the best part is, he fucking married me Carm, in this gorgeous ceremony where he cried while I came down the aisle and he cried during his vows. Do you want to know what his vows were? Ask him when we get inside, because he got his and mine fucking tattooed on his arm!” You were welling up at this stage. “He stood there with me, through thick and fucking thin, he made me feel loved when I felt unlovable, Carmen. And yes he gives me butterflies, yes he fucks me better than you ever did, and he sees me for who I am. So yes, he makes me very fucking happy Carmen.”
Carmen stood there for a moment, then nodded. “I still love you, you know that, right?”
You scoffed, stamping out your cigarette. “You might want to get over that,” and you turned away, and walked back into the dinner. The rest of the dinner was quick, and you skipped the invite to Sydney’s to retire to your hotel room. You sat on the bed, makeup wipes in hand as you tried to wash the night off of you. 
“Hey darling,” Luca’s soft voice cut through the thoughts clouding your mind. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You smiled as he wrapped you up in a bear hug from behind, he was so perfect, so kind, so Luca. “Sure.”
“I heard a little bit of what you said to Carmy outside.”
You took a deep breath. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Before tonight, I was really fucking scared that when you found Carmy he’d somehow convince you I was a piece of shit and he’d sink his fucking claws into you again.”
You pressed a kiss to his arm and nodded. “He’s fucking…”
“He’s the worst,” he finished for you. “And I’m sorry about what he said tonight. He should’ve had the fucking manners to at least let us get to the third course before he started being a piece of shit.”
You both laughed, and you felt all the tension you held in slowly dissipate. “It was so delicious.”
“It was fucking amazing,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You mum really did something special there.”
“At least we’ll see her more in London,” you shrugged. “I really loved that place.”
“So did I,” He sighed against your neck. “Remember training there? God, you were so fucking cute in your chef’s hat-”
“Hats make me look stupid!” You argued, but laughed regardless. You flung his arms off of you, and a wrestling match ensued, one that ended with him under you. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, then he deepened it, his hands sneaking up your thighs and around your head. 
“You look good in anything,” he whispered. “But my favourite thing you ever wore was your wedding dress.”
When you pulled away from his lips you saw the starry-eyed smile and sincere look on his face, and you knew you made the right choice. 
Luca was your everything. Carmen was nothing now, and he had to live with that.
the bear masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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Mess in Chat >w^
This is an entry for the Sweet Shroud Summer 2024 event held by the lovely @cloudcountry
Content; Gender-neutral reader, fluff, some swearing here and there
Word Count; 1.8 K
Part 2; Mess at Con
Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!
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Summer was back in full force. Even from within the cold walls and highly air-conditioned hallways of S.T.Y.X. Idia was overheating. He didn’t even have Ortho, since he was powered down to prevent his system from overheating — they both learned that lesson last summer and neither of them were happy not to have the other for three days while Idia was trying to fix him up. So, he was busy typing away at his computer, switching between his actual tasks and the multitude of open tabs that he had open.
Finishing up on reading one of what seemed to be a never-ending pile of reports, Idia took a look at his messages, Mess in Chat >w^ — getting a small smile from the little winky face — and saw that there was a new message … from an hour ago.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’m melting I’ve melted I’m a pool of goop on the floor
Idia tapped his fingers on his keyboard, trying to think of something to say. While he wouldn’t say the two of you were overly friendly, you also weren’t acquaintances. Idia knows that you’re trying to be his friend — dear Sevens, Ortho was so happy when he saw Idia smile at his phone when you messaged him — but it’s hard with being online. 
Would he actually ask to meet in real life? Oh Sevens no! You, the self proclaimed ‘mess’ (Idia wouldn’t even say that you were a mess, just well-meaning and a bit awkward at times) low keyed scared him. Well not actually scare him, but he didn’t want to get too close only for the friendship to blow up in his face.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess AHA! I CAN SEE THAT YOU’RE ONLINE!
Idia sighed, the jig was up.
Gloomurai I thought you melted into goop Goop can’t type
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’ve regained my non-goop form to bug you I’M BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Gloomurai … F
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess DON’T PUT AN F IN THE CHAT WHAT THE HELL … eugh… dying of heatstroke Tell my cat that I love him…. X-X
Idia coughed out a small laugh. He doubted you were as melodramatic IRL as you were online, but it made the monotony of his day — especially now that he didn’t even have the excuse of classes to break it up — a bit better.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … my phone doesn’t have a camera … And he’s on top of the fridge complaining about the heat
Idia sighed, remembering that besides having a laptop for classes, that was the best tech that you had. He remembers you complaining about your lack of funds and your employer. How you managed to balance your job and schooling at the same time baffled and, as you two got closer, worried him.
Gloomurai You really need a better phone
Gloomurai So you’re not only dying of heatstroke but also overworking yourself? F … what’s your second job?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … swan boats …
Gloomurai … swan boats?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Swan boats.  Even have a silly uniform and everything The pay is decent though, and I only work weekends UNLIKE MY OTHER JOB-
“We’re going to see them, right?” Ortho asked, making Idia jump.
“OrThO-” Idia squeaked, switching tabs at the speed of light, and clearing his throat. “... no”
Ortho looked at Idia, who was smiling a minute ago and was now back to being jumpy. “But-” he paused, looking between the screen and his brother. He knew who Friendly Neighbourhood Mess was — hard not to when you can see the entirety of Night Raven’s search history — but he also knew his brother. “Just know that they enjoy having you as a friend.”
Idia looked back to his screen, knowing you were going on a tirade about your first boss. “They enjoy having Gloomurai as a friend,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Besides,” he looked back at Ortho,”it would be weird for me to just show up.”
“Not if they invite you.~” Ortho chirped, going back to his room since he could feel his systems starting to overheat again. “They’re your friend online… so why not in person too?”
Idia opened up your tab again, and sure enough, you were on a full blown tirade.
Gloomurai I’ll bring you one of those lawnmowers you drive
Friendly Neighbour Mess *sniffles* You’re a true friend
Gloomurai So, about your other job…
‘Come on, think of a believable excuse so you don’t look like a loser. THINK! COME ON BRAIN! BE SMART!’
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Wait Idea
Idia felt his hair warming, but patted it. ‘Get a hold of yourself, it’s just the word idea for Sevens sake!’
I take you for a spin on one of those death traps
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Too late >w^ See you Saturday!
Idia stared at his screen for a bit, processing everything. You had invited him to your work. He was going to meet you IRL. He was going to get in a swan boat, like the one you see in cheesy otome cutscenes and animes, and they were, apparently, death traps.
… why was he excited about it then?
You were at work, giving your best customer service smile and voice to the kids, families, and couples that came up through the line. “Remember folks to keep on your life jackets at all times, and to keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times! Enjoy your ride!~”
While yes, you did have to wear an all-white uniform complete with a baseball cap with swan wings, it wasn’t half bad. 
The lunch room was always packed with good food, cold drinks, and the comfiest couch you have ever had the pleasure of plopping down into. Sure, it was a bit embarrassing — Ace had nearly laughed his ass off when he saw you in your get up and the fakely sweet smile you gave him — but it was only for this summer, and only for the weekends. Besides, it was cushy and most importantly, not putting your life into peril every five to seven business days when compared to the job that Crowley had given you.
You were already getting into your little monologue that you’re used to saying to customers when you faltered. “Enjoy your- Idia?” You blinked, surprised to see him. You barely got to see him at school, so seeing him here of all places was a shock to put it lightly.
Idia was fidgeting with the zipper of his life jacket and jumped when you said his name. ‘Y/N? The Ramshackle prefect-’ “... hi?”
“Hi,” you say back. “Umm, sorry, but there has to be two people to a boat,” you say sheepishly.
Idia jumps a bit and accidentally zips some of his hair in the zipper. “I was waiting for a friend…” he mutters, “they, uh, work here?”
You pause and your eyes widen. “YOU!”
“Me?!” Idia blinked rapidly. “Wait, you?!” Idia put the pieces together.
The lamenting about your first job. The complaints about your cat stealing your food. The silly uniform for your second job — which is silly, but you make it work. And the way you spoke online matched how you spoke with your IRL friends.
“You’re Friendly Neighbourhood Mess-”
“You’re Gloomurai!”
You both say it at the same time. You offer him a bright smile before saying something quietly into your walkie-talkie and putting on a bright yellow life jacket.
“Well,” you chuckle, “good thing you have a friend that’s willing to get on one of these death traps with you then!”
Idia let you take the lead before stumbling into the boat. “You probably shouldn’t call these ‘death traps’ since you work here,” he offered lightly.
You helped stabilize him since he was struggling to stand due to the light waves. “Well, they are, my land-loving friend.”
Idia sat down quickly, trying not to get flustered by the skin contact but failing. “Then I p-probably shouldn’t be on here, should I?”
“Nope,” you popped the p at the end and started moving the boat with the hand pedals. “But it takes two people to move these things.”
Idia started pedalling with you, and despite his fears of you wanting to make idle small talk, you didn’t. Instead, you pointed out some favourite spots and allowed him to contribute to the conversation at his own pace. Even though it idled here and there, it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable.
When you sailed (can it even be called sailing when it’s a swan boat?) under the canopy of a weeping willow, you spoke again. “So, why did you agree to meet me? Let alone in one of these?”
Idia looked at you again, the dappled lighting blocking out the heat of the sun, yet he felt warmer now than before. “I don’t know, just,” he breathed in, centring himself, “I guess I wanted to spend time with a friend.” He smiled then, it was a small thing, but it was genuine. “Also,” he coughed, “you lied about the death trap part about this whole thing.”
You laughed, shaking the boat a little. “Oh it is, if not physically, then, reputation-wise. Death to social life via swan boat.”
Idia snorted. ‘Well, good thing that I don’t … didn’t have one then.’ “Good thing there’s someone who knows what they’re doing then… you do know what you’re doing, right?”
You shrugged, “I have a certificate if that eases your mind a bit.”
And the two of you continued paddling away, chatting here and there before heading back to the dock where a few of your coworkers gave the both of you thumbs-ups and winks. Idia felt himself go warm, whereas you rolled your eyes at them before helping Idia out.
“If you don’t mind, want to do this again?” You asked, undoing your lifejacket, looking expectantly towards him.
Idia fumbled with his own before you helped him out. “... that would be fun,” he smiled.
You smiled back, patted him on the shoulder as he walked away, and went back to greeting customers again.
Idia was happy about how today went, even though he would wake up a lovely shade of lobster red tomorrow and a very curious Ortho, but for the first time in a while, he was looking forward to summer vacation, and having some of it be outside of his computer screen. And, most importantly, have a friend that he didn’t feel like he had to be someone else with.
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog, @bloomstruck, @edith-is-a-cat, @eynnwwyjth, @inkybloom-luv, @ithseem, @lucid-stories, @syrenkitsune, @the-v-lociraptor, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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ramp-it-up · 5 months
II Most Wanted Pt. 2: Pedal so heavy 
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Pairing: Syverson x OFC Reader "Buttercup" (w/ Betty Bronco)
Summary: The feelings are getting real as you make a decision about giving Jake Syverson the time of day (or night, rather) at your 20 year reunion.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, Angst, pining, fluff. Flashbacks, horny teenagers being horny (over 18 tho). Prom night, early 2000's music, mentions of sex acts, "Captain" kink, mentions of teenage pregnancy, divorce, breakups. The Powerpuff Girls, old automobiles, 20 year high school reunion, drinking, swearing. Reckless driving?
Read at your own risk.  Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N:  This is the second installment of II Most Wanted. I'm in love with these two; they are bringing my writer heart back to life. If you like it, please reblog and comment.
I don't have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Previous part here
May 2024
“Well, now Buttercup, that’s a long story. I know you want to hang with your friends. And I don’t know what you’re doin’ later tonight, but I would like to go somewhere quiet and talk about it.”
When you heard that, you went into fight or flight mode. Rage, regret, and sadness all flooded your body at once, and Sy’s eyes flicked down to your dominant hand which was curling into a fist. A wry smile started on his lips, and then he straightened up and looked you in the eye as he started to speak again.
You shook your head, which silenced him. Then you raised your chin, released your fist, and turned your back, walking toward your friends.
Get out (LEAVE!)
Right now
It’s the end of you and me
It’s too late (NOW!)
And I can’t wait 
For you to be gone…
Carla and Tiffani followed as you fled to the restroom.
“Why did you even tell him I liked him? I blame both of you.”
You were hurt, so you brought up a 20 year old slight and lashed out weakly at your friends. You were trying to ascribe meaning to your emotions.
How could everything still hurt this much? 
Carla wasn’t having it.
“Unh unh. No. Nope. We were sick of you running your mouth all the time about how cute he was. And Jakey boy had heart eyes for you since the day you walked into school, despite Becca the Bitch. After they broke up, we had to put you both out of your misery. It had to be done.”
Tiffani was nodding her head in agreement.
You sighed.
“‘M sorry guys,” you sat on the bathroom vanity and smiled to yourself about your Powerpuff councils in the 3rd floor Central High bathroom all those years ago. Then you grimaced when you thought of Sy.
“I just… Can’t…”
“So what just happened?”
Despite your surliness, Carla was ready to go to war for you.
“He wants me to go talk with him, ‘someplace quiet.’”
“Wow. Your air quotes are kind of aggressive.”
Sweet Tiffani was also calling you out.
“Maybe you do need to talk to him. I heard what happened, and it’s kind of a lot. A hell of a story.”
“Tiff has a point. You forbid us to say his name after you two broke up…”
You interrupted Carla.
“After he found out Becca was pregnant, you mean..”
“...That is a part of the story you need to hear. She did him dirty. They split when he finished his first tour. He asked about you, but you were already engaged to Scott…”
You’d heard that Sy enlisted instead of going to State for football like he planned when Becca fell pregnant, but the bit about the split hit you like a ton of bricks.
But why? And what did it matter now? 
“Sy spent the better part of the last 20 years in Afghanistan, and I think it’s because…But that’s not our story to tell. You really ought to talk to him.”
“I don’t have to do-”
Your voice was a little shrill and you closed your mouth when you heard yourself. You stood in the bathroom awkwardly until the familiar beginning of a song wafted into the room:
“Teen drinking is very bad.”
Carla and Tiff started screaming the next line:
“Yo, I got a fake ID tho.”
The beat dropped and they pulled you out of the bathroom onto the dance floor.
One, here comes the two to the three to the four Everybody drunk out on the dance floor Baby girl ass jiggle like she want more Like she a groupie and I aint even on tour...
…..Everybody in this bitch getting Tipsy.
This was your thot song, and after a minute of standing there, fake offended by their dancing, soon you were shaking your ass with your lifelong friends.
Sy knew how much he was trying it when he asked you to talk, but he had been waiting 20 years for this chance. 
Tonight was the night.
And he wasn’t going to let the night pass without shooting his shot. But the truth needed to be told first. He hoped that you still cared enough to let it happen.
When you stared at him blankly, he started to sweat. He knew you lived your life since then. He feared that any feelings you may have had for him were over and done with. But then he saw your hand balled into a fist, and hope entered his heart.
Sy never shrank from a fight; hell, he’d started too many, but he never wished for someone to sock him in the mouth as much as you.
He wanted to fight with you. 
And he wanted to make it up to you. 
His heart dropped when you walked away, but he decided to let it ride and give you some space. After you disappeared into the bathroom with Carla and Tiffani, Sy ventured into the venue, ready to interact with others now that he had laid down the challenge with you.
You were having a ball dancing with the girls until that song came on. You stopped moving, the hair raised on the back of your neck. When you turned you found Sy staring right at you. You’d managed to ignore him the entire night, but this song and his blue eyes were wearing you down.
I'd sure hate to break down here Nothin' up ahead or in the rear view mirror Out in the middle of nowhere, knowin' I'm in trouble if these wheels stop rollin' So, God help me, keep me movin' somehow Don't let me start wishin' I was with him now
You walked toward Sy, drawn to him as if on a string. You had that feeling in the small of your back as you stood before him, the one that you hadn’t felt in ages, and suddenly everything felt inevitable.
Just like it did 20 years earlier. 
May 2004
On Prom night, you came out of your bedroom and Sy’s mouth dropped open. His eyes never strayed from your face as he murmured,
“You look amazing.”
You blushed and smiled while your mom ‘awwwed’ and went to get her camera. You approached your boyfriend and he took your hand to twirl you around as he appraised the rest of you in your sleek emerald green dress. When you faced him again, he was licking his lips, trying to make the look on his face respectable. You smiled because you could read his mind.
Sy didn’t flinch as your mom called him “Jacob,” and you didn’t have it in you to be annoyed as she took a couple of pictures. Sy’s hand on your waist and his thumb gently stroking the exposed skin at the opening on the side of your dress made you shiver in anticipation.
You were caught up.
Soon, Sy was loading your bag into the back of Betty, and pulling off, your mom having accepted your explanation of staying over Tiffani’s after going bowling with the group after the prom.
In reality, a bunch of the crew were renting a huge chalet in the mountains, 45 minutes away. You and Sy had your own room, and you were ready to give him everything that night. You were distracted, imagining having your way with him that night.
And Sy was right there with you.
“Y’know, Buttercup, we can just head on up to the chalet.” 
He cut his eyes over to you to watch your reaction. When you didn’t answer and just bit your lip, that’s when he knew.
“Our suite has its own bathroom with a shower in it. We’re definitely using that this weekend. Can’t wait to see you all soapy and wet. ‘S all I could think about in the shower tonight. Almost jerked off to the image, but I decided to save it all for later…”
Sy knew you too well, and had keyed into how you responded when he talked dirty to you. He was priming the pump for later.
You pictured Sy in the shower, his lithe muscles clenched as he fisted himself, made you suddenly need a drink of water. You cleared your throat and found your voice.
“We have to go, Sy. I spent so much time getting ready. And you look so handsome in this tux….”
You skimmed your hand down his lapel, down his torso to his thigh, and you quickly ascertained his situation. He grinned at you.
“You’re right.”
Sy winked, smiled and concentrated on the road while you tried not to be a slut in the passenger seat. By the time you reached the venue, you had yourself under control. He parked, then turned toward you. 
“Let’s have a good time tonight, Buttercup. Think you can keep your hands offa me for a couple of hours?”
You scoffed, and Sy took your hand and kissed the back of it, then turned it over and kissed your palm, smoothing the joke away because in reality, It was him who couldn’t help touching you.
“Don’t want to mess up your makeup right now… might ruin it later tho.”
You whimpered in his grip as he kissed up your arm and you tucked a long errant curl behind his ear. 
Sy’s eyes went soft and he held your hands in your lap.
“Y’know, we don’t have to do anything tonight. We can dance all night if you want to. Bowl the blue balls away.”
You laughed and Sy fell in love even more. You were so beautiful.
“I love you, Buttercup, and us having sex or not won’t change that, not one bit.”
You melted as you stared at your handsome fella. He was fiddling with your hand, and then you felt something cold on your finger. You pulled your hand back and saw the delicate white gold ring with a tiny perfect diamond in the center that had been his grandmother’s.
You gasped.
You looked from him to his grandmother’s ring. You’d come across it the first time you were over his house, ‘studying’ in his room on a chilly November night after football practice. You were being nosy and looking at everything you could touch as he went to get some snacks.
Sy was embarrassed when he came back and saw you with it. You thought he was mad at you for snooping, but he wasn’t. He’d told you that it was just a ‘tiny little ol’ ring, not worth anything,’ and that no one would want it, but that his Gran had left it for him to give to his future wife. 
“But, I’ll propose to someone with a bigger ring than this.”
Sy’s denim blue eyes held yours for a beat. Your heart flipped. You didn’t know why, because you’d only been talking for a couple of weeks and this was the first time you were alone together. 
You didn’t know that Sy was repeating something Becca had told him when she turned her nose up at the antique when she happened to see it, and you didn’t care as you took the black box and sat down on his bed. You stared at the ring inside like it was the crown jewels, and after about 5 minutes of studying it, you looked up at him. 
“Well. I think this ring is beautiful and precious. The detail is stunning. Your future wife would be lucky to get it.” 
That was exactly when Sy realized that he was in love with you.
Back in the Bronco outside of the prom, you were in disbelief.
“What are you doing Sy….?”
All of a sudden, you felt too young for this moment. But after only six short months together, Sy knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Calm down, Buttercup, this is just a promise ring.” 
He kissed your hand again. 
“I know we're jumpin' the gun, and we're both still young.” 
Those eyes held you in a trance.
“But one day, we won't be.”
“Oh, Sy…”
“It’s my promise to you, Buttercup. I will love you ‘til the day I die.”
And it seemed kinda crazy. But you believed him.
May 2024
I made it this far without cryin' a single tear An' I'd sure hate to break down here Oh, no
It was either the music, the dancing, or the alcohol, or all three that made your mind up, but you were ready to listen to what Sy had to say. 
Stephanie Prince, the class president, was calling the Homecoming court up to the stage, and Sy looked that way. Anger bloomed again inside you.
Damnit, Sy needed to choose you this time.
“You still wanna talk, Sy?”
Your body language that screamed aggression: the cocked hip, the crossed arms that pushed up your tits, the tapping foot in those heels, all made Sy soft on the inside and hard on the outside for you. When he answered you, his voice broke. 
“Ye– yeah.”
Christ, you had him weak. But he made a decision, found his strength, and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the Marriott.
You followed him obediently, and that set him on fire. He stopped and turned around when he reached the Bronco. 
But he didn’t let go of your hand.
You two stared at each other in the late spring night air, stars winking down on you two.
“So where we goin’, Sy?”
Being this close to him again, and the feeling of his touch made all those 20 year old pheromones perk up again. Damn, this man. 
This huge, handsome, hairy man.
“Where do you wanna go, Buttercup?”
What your brain was doing was insane, so you just kept silent.
Becoming mute was one of your tells. Sy was elated that maybe you wanted him, at least physically. He was so thirsty for you.
Sy grunted, straightened up, loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt, all while still holding your hand. It was like he didn’t want to let you go. 
And he didn’t.
“Tell you what. Let’s take a spin in Betty. See what’s up in the ol’ town.”
Your eyes flicked toward the truck, and you knew it was dangerous.
But you were grown now. 
And so was Sy.
Sy led you around to the passenger side door to help you up into the high profile vehicle, leaning over you to buckle you in, only releasing you to put his hand on the door.
“I can’t believe you still have her,” you whispered, indicating the Bronco. “How is she still the exact same condition?”
“She’s been in storage for the better part of 20 years. Thought about her everyday though.”
Sy was looking at your lips, and the memories came flooding back.
“I bet she missed you.”
Sy cocked his head and his tongue darted out to moisten his lips. His voice came out gruff and he had to clear his throat again. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, Sy.”
Any smooth line was lost as his brain short circuited with the concentration it took to not kiss you right now. 
“Well, we’re about to have some fun together again, you, me, and Betty. Sit tight, pretty lady.” 
Your cheeks heated at the compliment.
“Ok, Captain.”
Sy actually blushed, shook his head and closed the door, leaving you to breathe in the old leather smell of the Bronco with your eyes closed, conveniently leaving him to pump his fist behind the car unseen by you. 
He got back in the car, jacket off. And he leaned near you to place it on the back seat, you got a whiff of him, the familiar cologne adding another dimension to your roiling senses.
When you opened your eyes, you witnessed him rolling his shirtsleeves up his forearms. He caught you ogling him and you gulped and crossed your own arms and legs, angling yourself to look out of the open window.
Sy looked over at you closing yourself off from him, then smashed the gas to make sure that you'd squeal and grab his arm like the good ol’ days as he peeled out of the parking lot, pedal so heavy like you were the two most wanted criminals in town.
Hit reblog if you like it!
Next part Here
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little-emerald-snake · 6 months
Getting Caught pt 4 Finale - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
I can’t believe you heathens have gobbles this little series up so frantically and kept enjoying every part I put out. I’m so grateful everyone likes it. That being said consider this a finale piece. I have so many branching ideas that I want to work on and therefore I feel I’ve written a good end for this little series. I hope you enjoy and thanks for hanging on for this little journey.
Warnings: a little fluff, losing virginity, awkward first time, mentions of blood, unprotected p-in-v, use of the word cervix (some of yall CANT get with that word so I added it here 😅)
1.4k words
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Ominis paced the Undercroft. His head had been an absolute mess since their last meeting. All his life he’d never wanted to have sex with anyone, the fear of producing an heir or subjecting a woman to his family being far too much for his sanity.
But now all he could think about was what she felt like inside, how badly he wanted to take her sweet, soft innocence and make her cry out in pleasure while wrapped around him. How badly he wanted to hold her in his arms and drown in her incredible scent.
He’d thought about sex but never this much in his entire life. His thoughts as he laid in bed awake trying to sleep was what her possible reaction would be, would she also want it? What would become of them if they went farther, could he protect her from his family if they decided to court?
His head lifted when he heard the whirring clocks, he straightened, clasping his hands behind his back and listening to each echoing boot step as she came closer. “Ominis. I got your owl…”
He held out his hand, causing her to stop. “C-can I say what I have to say?” After a beat of silence and a small yes he continued. “I-I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you. Maybe it’s because we’ve suddenly become rather intimate…but…I find myself feeling a strong desire for you. One that can’t be quenched while alone in my bed at night.”
He took a deep breath, trying to calm the harsh hammering of his heart. “I…want to ask if you’d be open to courtship. I know my family is less than desirable to be associated with but I could keep it secret from them. We could just tell our close and trusted friends…or if you’re not okay with that maybe…it stays strictly physical and secret.”
He wished now more than ever to have sight, to see her face…her silence made his stomach tighten into harsh uncomfortable knots. But when she finally spoke he couldn’t hold back a sigh of relief. “Ominis…I…you want to become physical?”
His cheeks reddened, a stutter marring his speech. “W-well I…y-yes I suppose. I-I-I mean I’d love to court you first but I…can’t stop thinking of whatever we've been doing together. I-I want more, however you’ll give it to me.”
She stepped closer to him, with each step his heart crashed against his ribcage, threatened to burst from his chest. To his surprise the pounding of his heart was the furthest thing from his mind as her hand caressed his cheek and soft lips met his.
He stayed absolutely still till she pressed deeper into the kiss, then his hands were in her hair, pulling her close as their kiss deepened. It’s a slow and sensual kiss, no urgency behind it, just raw emotions.
When the kiss broke they were both red cheeked and breathless. He was still holding her close, afraid that if he let her go she may dissolve into thin air.
She caressed his cheek again and he could hear her smile. “Ominis…I’d love to be yours. W-we can figure out how to manage your family as we go but I want this, us.”
Ominis swept her up into his arms and she giggled happily. He kissed her again, still holding her in his arms, maneuvering them deeper into the Undercroft. He sank to his knees and laid her on the pile of blankets, breaking the kiss. “D-do you want to go further?”
A small yes had him diving forward, lips crashing against hers. This kiss was a hungry, burning, all consuming wildfire that had her clawing at his chest, pulling him down against her.
He hovered above her, one hand awkwardly coming up to paw at the front of her shirt. A wave of heat pooled in his groin, sparking to life the need he harbored for her. She hummed softly which he took as a good sign, groping a bit harder and seeking her nipple through the fabric.
She breathlessly took his hand, helping him slide it up under her shirt and their kiss was broken as he moaned just from the feeling of her chemise. He was rock hard against her thigh, grinding himself greedily against her.
He pinched her nipple a bit harder than intended, causing her to yelp. He looked up sheepishly, apologizing before abandoning her breast and sliding his hand down to her skirt, hiking it up around her waist.
He groaned as his fingers met her wet center, dipping in to collect her wetness before rolling over her clit. She sagged against the blankets, moaning needily as he picked up speed.
Her back arched and Ominis pushed himself up as best as he could, still rubbing her as he attempted to free his aching erection one handed. He paused to rub a flattened palm over himself, desperate to soothe the urgency.
Once he’d accomplished freeing himself he was pushing against her, awkwardly leaning over her while trying to line himself up between her legs.
She tensed and he stopped, going back to rolling her sensitive bud under the pads of his fingers. “No rush darling, it’s okay. Sorry for my eagerness.”
She clutched his shirt, lifting her hips to chase the feeling he was giving her. She was gasping and moaning, writhing beneath him and if he didn’t know better he’d think she was about to cum.
His suspicion was confirmed when he nudged against her entrance again and she wriggled her hips against him, he could feel her spasming even just pressed against her entrance. His eager fingers sped up on her clit as a sob caught in her throat.
He pushed past the thin barrier of her virginity, turning her blissful sounds into a sharp cry. His attention was divided between the blissful heat he was slowly shoving into and petting her hair gently while cooing encouragements. “S-such a good girl. Gods, you feel so tight.”
She whimpered, pulling him closer which was his only sign to keep pushing into her almost too tight heat. His control waned when he lifted his hand to feel her face and caught a wet tear sliding over her cheek.
He tried to pull out and she shook her head, tugging at his shirt. “D-don’t stop. M’fine…please.”
He didn’t stop, instead focusing on rubbing her sensitive nub while lurching his hips forward inside of her. His thrusts were jerky and untimed but he still felt her clench around him and heard her whimper in pleasure.
A sick satisfaction and sense of pride took over him when he smelled the tang of blood and felt the slickness of it coating him. He shoved all the way inside, feeling her clenched tightly while he pulled out and shoved back in.
A choked moan escaped her throat and she clung tighter to him. They rocked together, finding a rhythm where he pulled out and pushed back in. He was much longer than she’d imagined so he bottomed out every time, causing a gasp when his tip kissed her cervix.
His elbows were planted on either side of her head as he rut into her, hips moving faster and more fervently. He grunted and groaned till finally he stilled and spilled inside of her, filling her up.
Her cheeks were red as she laid beneath him, embarrassed and shy after feeling him absolutely unload inside of her. He panted, adjusting so he could hold her face. “M’fuck I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. Don’t worry, won’t stop till you’re done too.”
She couldn’t believe he was still hard, his hand moved down to rub her clit again and his thrusts resumed, gentle and calculated. It wasn’t long before her moans and arching back indicated she was close. He felt her body language and soon she was clutching onto him, whimpering and begging. “G-gonna…m’gonna cum! Ominis!”
She did, clenching around him, she exploded in blissful orgasmic pleasure. He grit his teeth, forcing himself to stay calm as she whimpered and pleaded through her orgasm as it tore through her.
He held her, staying buried inside of her as he soothed her and caressed her. Petting her hair and praising her. “You’re so incredible. This is perfect. Gods I can’t believe your mine. All mine.”
She blushed, relaxing in his touch as he held her, basking in his warmth and soothing touch, taking in the fact that this all started with her catching him in the act down in this exact spot.
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sunflwryu · 1 year
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warning: yandere, murder |  requested by: anon
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“w-what? baby, what is this...?” niki’s head snaps towards the direction of the familiar voice, only to see you, his beloved, standing there at the bottom of the stairs to the basement with wide eyes and a mortified expression.
fuck! he doesn’t know what to say to explain the situation. what, should he say that he kidnapped and beat the shit out of your ex because you ranted to him about them last night about how they led you on and broke up with you and dated someone new immediately? there’s no way you’d be okay with something like this, even if he did it to take revenge on them for hurting you.
“i-i-i...” he stammers.
your terrified gaze falls to the bruised body on the floor, registering the sheer amount of crimson red pooling around them to the metal baseball bat in his hands. “...you killed them?”
he drops the bloodied weapon on the floor at the horror in your voice. doom weighs on his shoulders as he dreads what comes next. he can’t lie to you, especially when you’ve caught him in the act, and because of the truth, you’ll definitely leave him. you will, won’t you? he closes his eyes for a moment, remembering all the good memories you had together, how much he loved you and dedicated himself to you, how much he loved hugging you and holding you close, how much he loved taking you out on dates, how much he loved how you folded into his side as you stuck to him like glue.
he opens his eyes, clenching his fists, preparing for the worst and taking in your beauty for what probably will be the last time. “i-i did this because i love you...” he blurts out, nervously waiting for your inevitable rejection.
that’s the truth, and that’s the only thing he can say right now. he swallows hard, knowing you’ll probably just scream, run away, and report him to the police for this, knowing that you could just ruin his life if you wanted because he’d never raise a hand against you even if it was to stop you, but he still hopelessly hopes that you’d notice his sincerity, that you’d stay and love him back.
but you don’t run away like he expects. instead, you’re still standing there. there’s no hint of fear in your demeanor, only acceptance.
“y-you’re not scared of me...?” he asks hesitantly, not knowing if that act is real or just some strange response because you’re scared of him. he’s afraid to know the answer to that question.
you walk over to him, reaching up to caress his cheek, smudging the red splatters on his skin, the gentlest of smiles on your face as if you hadn’t just witnessed him standing over your dead ex with a bat, as if you hadn’t just stepped over a bloodied corpse, as if you just happened upon something completely normal. there’s a familiar glint in your eyes as you stare into his, and then you press your lips to his before throwing your arms round his neck.
“why would i be? i’m so lucky to have you. you’re one in a billion to me, darling.”
he blinks once, twice in disbelief. “r-really?”
you jump up and down eagerly, your tone extremely enthusiastic. "i’ve always dreamed of someone proving their love by killing for me! don’t you think that’s so romantic?” you sigh dreamily in satisfaction. “that’s the biggest form of love, wouldn’t you think so?”
“and you did this because i told you about how cruel they were to me, right? and you did the same to all my exes, right?” you barrage him with questions, and he gives a slow nod to all of them, still processing what you’ve said. “you’re absolutely my dream, baby! you love me so much to even commit murder for me, to even risk being taken away from me just to avenge me and my pain!” you peck him on the lips again excitedly, pulling away with a sick grin. “i love you even more now!”
niki’s ecstatic from hearing this side of you he’s never known, this abnormal dream of yours he’s somehow embodied. you actually accept him! you actually love him even after knowing all he did, all his twistedness. he beams at you proudly, showing how happy he is at your words, how happy he is that you’re staying, that those memories won’t have to disappear, that they’ll be new, better ones to be made.
you brush a lock of hair away from his face before gesturing towards the body still on the basement floor. “we should clean up and dispose of that thing quickly. wouldn’t want my darling to get caught, hm? i’d be devastated if someone as wonderful and romantic and loving as you were taken away from me because of it, you know.” you click your tongue as you make your way over to the mop and bucket, dragging it across the floor to clean up the blood nonchalantly, humming a lighthearted tune.
and that's when he knew...it wasn't a dream when he saw you at the sink yesterday morning at the crack of dawn, grinning almost too widely as you washed a knife. he sighs happily in relief, reaching for a garbage bag to stash the body in.
aren't you two just perfect for each other?
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anon said: Hellooo good day. May i request a yandere riki where y/n found out about his yandere behavior so riki thought that y/n is going to leave him but y/n didn't because of the power of love(lol jk) i just thought it'll be a cute scenario lol
note: thanks for requesting, anon! i hope you like this one! i already have a disclaimer on my pinned post, but i just wanted to reiterate here: i don’t condone this behavior nor should you! it’s not romantic y’all, okay? this is just fiction and purely for entertainment. mc is really twisted in this one so oops (thought: they had so many exes cuz they were looking for someone like niki), sorry that it’s not so cute. anyway thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this fic!! it was different from my other ones so i had fun writing it. <- my original note lol but this is also part of my publishing-drafts spree.
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enhypen masterlist  |  main masterlist  |  by @sunflwryu
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kazmura · 1 year
late night convos
‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ jake x fem, 0.2k, est relationship fluff
› puppy boy collection
Jake lay in bed, tossing and turning restlessly. Forty minutes had passed, but sleep eluded him. Sensing his restlessness, you turned to him, concern etched on your face.
"You've been tossing and turning for the last forty minutes. What's up?" you asked softly, reaching out to touch his arm.
He sighed, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and unease. "I can't shake off this thought," Jake confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability. "There are moments when I wonder what my life would be like if we never met."
You sat up, fully awake now, and turned to face him. "What do you think you'd be doing right now if we never met?" you asked, genuinely curious.
Jake's gaze softened as he looked into your eyes. "Honestly, I can't even fathom it. You've become such a big part of my life that imagining a reality without you seems empty and incomplete," he admitted.
A silence enveloped the room as you contemplated his words. Then, with a mischievous smile, you broke it. "Do you think we'd still be a couple in an alternate universe?" you asked playfully.
"Go to bed," he replied, chuckling softly. "But what if we already got married and have five kids?"
You laughed, teasingly nudging him. "Go to bed," you echoed, before adding, "What if aliens think we're the aliens?"
"What are you talking about?" Jake laughed, shaking his head. "You have the strangest thoughts sometimes."
As the night wore on, you found yourselves engaged in random conversations and lighthearted banter, the hours slipping away unnoticed. "It's five a.m.," you remarked, wide-eyed. "We talked all night?"
A small smile tugged at Jake's lips. "Sitting here with you like this is nice," he confessed, as he wrapped his arms around you protectively, pulling you into a warm embrace. The comfort of his presence and the shared warmth under the blanket eased your worries and allowed you both to find solace in each other's arms.
And as sleep finally found its way to both of you, Jake whispered in a sleepy voice, "Babe I love you, but we both need to get up early."
With a smile, you closed your eyes, knowing that whatever tomorrow held, you'd wake up with him in your arms. - your sleep didn't last long though before the sun was making its way through the blinds !
i hate pulling all nighters but i'd do one w jake
© kazmura, all rights reserved‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ @kflixnet
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mooodyblue · 11 months
Hi lily I'm having a rough night so i was wondering if it was okay that I request something that will make me feel better.
What about cg!e with a little that HATES change (me) And maybe the big change is E has been home for longer than normal and all of a sudden he has to go back on tour and reader HATES THAT so she has a big meltdown when El tells her he has to go back and he reminds her they have a routine on tour too and that it'll be the same as last time (so not a lot is changing) ?
I hope this makes sense
miss you xo - kiwi
hope u feel better :( <3 ty for the request!! hopefully i can cheer u up a bit with this ~~
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pairing: 70s!cg!elvis x gn!little!reader
wc: 942
elvis knew you never did well with change, so of course when he sat through another tedious meeting with the colonel, you wouldn’t be happy with the news he was just given.
he’d been on a break from touring for a little longer than usual, surprisingly due to doctors orders. he spent a bit of time with you in hawaii then flew back to memphis, getting plenty of alone time with you now that he had a bit of time to take care of little you. 
you had a strict everyday routine with him. breakfast together, lunch together, snack time together, and so forth. the two of you always watched cartoons together and he adored watching you play happily in front of him every day. unfortunately, that routine was about to change.
his health wasn’t great, however, it was good enough for the colonel to make him go back on another long US tour. he wished that if he had to suffer through another long, agonizing tour that he’d at least go overseas, but that was just a dream that would never come true. now it left him with the plan of telling you. 
he stepped back into his home, immediately being jumped on by you with an excited squeal. he hated that he was about to crush your spirits. “hey, baby. what’re you doin’, huh?” he chuckled, picking you up and kissing your rosy cheeks. 
“can we play now, daddy? please?” you begged, giving him sweet, puppy dog eyes.
“ah—darlin’,” he sighed, putting you down and crouching down to make you appear smaller. he took his glasses off and hung them up on his shirt, taking your hands and looking you straight in the eyes. “baby, this is real hard for me to say. i need you to be big ‘n strong for me, alright?” 
the look of worry on your face broke his heart. “the colonel says he’s sendin’ me out on another tour. daddy’s goin’ away for a little ‘while.”
you felt like your whole world was about to collapse. an ache in your chest as you realized your life was about to change up again. you loved the routine that the two of you shared. you didn’t do well when things had to change. “no.” you shook your head, “no, daddy. no.” you said sternly. 
he wished it was that easy to just say no to the colonel, but he couldn’t. he squeezed your hands again, giving you a sympathetic look. “baby–”
“no!” you pulled away from him, “change is bad, daddy! it’s bad!” you hugged yourself, shaking your head again. “y-you hafta stay! you-you’re my daddy, you can’t….no!” you dropped yourself to the floor, the waterworks already flowing down your cheeks as you began to kick your feet angrily like a helpless toddler—but that’s exactly what you were in your state of mind. he knew it too. 
elvis was at a loss for words, unsure of whether he should attempt to calm you down or to let you ride out this meltdown of yours. he got down on the floor with a soft grunt, “hey, hey. c’mon, honey–look at me, look at daddy for a sec.” he cooed softly, trying to take your hands again. your eyes met with his, full of tears and sadness. almost fear, afraid that once the routine changed, everything would just go bad. 
“you remember the last time daddy went on tour?” he asked, getting a nod from you in response. “daddy didn’t leave you alone at home, did he?” 
“w-well….no…” you muttered.
“that’s right, honey. he didn’t.” the corner of his lip perked up, bringing you close to him as you leaned against his chest. he rocked you on a soothing motion, trying to calm you down to the best of his ability. “you think daddy’s gonna let ya sit at home by yourself this time around?” he shook his head, “ain’t no way, baby.”
he pet your hair gently, pressing a soft kiss to your scalp. “we always have the same routine when we go on tour, don’t we? you just gotta let daddy do what he’s gotta do durin’ the day before we can get to playin’ and snoozin’ all day.”
“b-but i won’t see you as much…” you pouted, looking off into the distance.
“i know, angel. i know. that’s the sucky part, but we get through it every time, don’t we? hm?” he kissed your scalp again, smiling softly. he turned you to face him, using his thumb to wipe the tears off your cheeks. “it took us some time to get into the routine you and i got goin’ on right now. we just gotta get back into the old one. then once tour ends, we come right back to this ol’ routine. think you can handle that?”
you sniffled, wiping your snotty nose with your sleeve as you nodded slowly. “it’s hard.”
“it is, baby. i hate it too. but we gotta do things we don’t like.” he frowned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “can daddy get a big kiss?”
there was hesitation in your eyes, clearly grumpy and unhappy with the situation. he sighed dramatically, forcing a pout on his face. “c’mon, honey. you that mad at daddy, huh? that mean you don’t love your old man, no more?”
you gasped, “daddy!” you pecked his cheek, cupping his plush cheeks with your small hands. “i still love you, daddy! i promise! i promise!”
he chuckled softly, returning the kiss and ruffling your hair. “that’s my baby.” he grinned, “now, lets get up off this dirty floor and have a lil’ snack.”
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equallyshaw · 1 year
a blue moon w mat barzal.
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insta edit.
Warnings: none !
Word Count: 1.8k+
Not the best, but wanted to get something out. A bit rusty, but hope you enjoy!
they met at a very grand and very chic new years party, at the plaza hotel in midtown manhattan 3 years ago. she had been swaying to the old 1950’s music, sipping sparingly on the very expensive $600 champagne. she watched as my older sister danced with her newly minted fiance at the time, as the two had just become engaged over the very snowy christmas eve. lucy had originally planned to bring her boyfriend of 6 years to the new years eve party, but he broke up with her a week before christmas day. out of the blue, very sudden, and gave her no clarity whatsoever.
blue moon, you saw me standing alone
without a dream in my heart without a love of my own
but there she was, watching the loved up couples dancing as time winded down to midnight. She peered over her shoulder, towards the balcony and sighed, before making her way over. her newly gifted jimmy choo heals clicked uncomfortably on the marble floor. she felt an instant sigh of relief as the brunette stepped foot outside to the 12-degree, cold. she walked up to the railing and looked out of busy, busy new york, taking in all the sights and sounds, and the stray snow coming down as well. she smiled down at her hand, twisting the glass ever so slightly. she then looked up and to her right, and saw him. a tall, dark haired, mysterious man who leaned against the railing, looking towards the city. smiling, picking up her glass and walkedon over. he heard the heels clicking on the concrete and looked up towards the girl. he was gorgeous. her breath halted ever so slightly, and blushed. “fancy some company?” grinning, sipping her champagne. He watched as she did so, him intoxicated by her sheer presence. he took in all 5’4 of her, black dress and her bruntte hair in perfect waves. “why are you all alone?” he questioned, “no girl like you- should ever be alone.” forward, which she loved. whe smiled, “i could say the same to you shakespeare…” and he looked down ever so quickly.
"my ex broke up with me a month ago…nobody to take to the party. You?” he said shrugging. “ny boyfriend broke up with me..last week.” she said and he then saluted his drink towards her. “i suggest, were gonna need more of that.” he grinned, before alerting a server that they needed two new glasses of champagne. she looked at him with curiosity, as he thanked the server. she took the new glass, clinking her’s with his and swallowed a fine amount.
blue moon, you knew just what i was there for
you heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for
the night sky dawned upon them as they spoke outside at the party. the two spoke of who they were, where they come from, their past relationships, and more. the two couldn’t believe how they were so alike, yet very different. two different worlds colliding, so very smoothly. lucy stood there in shock, as mat waited for a response. “so quickly? She questioned and he nodded. “you’d go into a relationship without somebody so quickly after 3 years of dating?” he laughed. the laugh sending electricity and heat up her body. She watched as it traveled throughout his body, seemingly normal. Though, he hadn’t had a good chuckle that good in awhile. “what about you, miss lucy?” he questioned, watching her tug his tux’s jacket closer to her. “I mean, maybe? It would have to be the right person and if it fell right. I want somebody that will be there high and low, and in between. Somebody who will say yes no matter what to my crazy idea or suggestion…” mat cut her off- “which would be?” he grinned. She blushed, “maybe getting joes pizza at 2 am or ice cream at malibu diner..the simple things.” she teased sipping more of her drink. “I wish for that person as well, to stand by me through all the ups and downs of hockey and the chaotic life it brings.” he added and she nodded, placing a hand on his arm. “i do too, mathew.” she smiled, before sliding the jacket off and placing it in his hands. The two’s hands grazed one another’s, and she moved them so slightly, they were nothing longer touching. he looked down at the jacket and back up at her, but she was already on her way back inside. “lucy!” though she slipped right inside as soon as he said her name. he hurried inside to find her, but was too late, the madness had begun as the clock struck 12.
and then there suddenly appeared before me
the only one my arms could ever hold
mat walked into the grand ballroom at the plaza, one year later for the annual new years ever party. he scanned the room for one girl, and one girl only. the girl that had stolen his heart in the 45 minutes he knew her. a girl he had yet to see at joes pizza at 2 am or the malibu diner. anders pulled him further into the room as he spotted him walk in. “come on the guys are waiting.” mat sighed as he walked over towards bo horvat, zach parise, mat martin and beau; who had snuck down for new years from vancouver. anders pushed a vintage, tulip glass. he looked down and realized, he hadn’t had any champagne since last new years. he took a gulp, before the spicy yet sweet sensation tingled his throat. “Im gonna go look at the buffet.” he said and the guys nodded going back to their conversation and food. mat sauntered over to the buffet picking up a small china plate, and digging into the salmon, veggies some lemon rice. mat was about to turn to grab a glass of water when he heard her laugh. he turned so quickly, he bumped into an older gentleman. “oh my god, im so sorry!” he exclaimed bending down to help clean up the ice that spilled from the drink. “Grandpa, are you ok?” he heard her angelic, soft voice. mat looked up from where now the waiter was telling him they had it. He nodded, standing back up. lucy inspected her grandfather, while a man beside her eyed mat. lucy looked past her grandpa, and had a moment of realization. “Mat?” she questioned, and mat ever the dumb-looking mat nodded. “how are you?” she questioned, reaching out to hug him like the two had known one another for years, they pulled apart and thats when he saw it. He saw the vintage, at least 200,000 dollar engagement ring. she saw him look down at it, and she slowly pulled her hand back behind her back, where it had been most of the night. “how are you? who are you here with?” she questioned, as her fiance fell into side with her. “im uh, ive been good! Im here with some of my teammates.” he explained while pointing to the other side of the room. “oh good! glad its more people this time.” she smiled, a soft smile. He nodded, “so are you two?” he questioned putting the clues together. “Yes! We got engaged in July, while we were vacationing in Italy at my family’s estate.” lorenzo explained. mat nodded trying to read the girl’s face, who was trying to look anywhere but his. “hun, may you get me a drink please?” she asked and lorenzo nodded, kissing her temple before walking off.
“Congrats by the way.” mat said, and she nodded. “Yeah…sorry to ambush you.” she said patting down her silver dress. mat shrugs, “i mean how else would i know?” he asked giving an uncomfortable laugh. “Not like it was in the papers or anything.” he stated jokingly, and then he saw her face. “yeah, my family is uh pretty wealthy and uh..yeah.” she said sheepishly and then lorenzo walked back up, with a cosmopolitan in his hand. “thankyou.” she said taking it from his hand and setting it on the table behind them. “i uh should probably be heading back to my friends, im sorry for for your drink sir.” he motioned towards her grandpa, and he waved him off. “im just glad i got another one for our sake.” he laughed, causing mat to laugh as well. lucy smirked, knowing that her grandpa hadn’t had a hearty laugh like that with lorenzo. mat walks away, and lorenzo is in distress.
mat watched from a far for about 45 minutes, a tense conversation between the fiances. he saw lorenzo walk out of the ballroom, and lucy towards the terrace. he followed her about 5 minutes after the door was closed behind her. he walked outside, and she turned around instantly. she had hoped he saw that she walked out. “lucy?” he questioned, pulling off his jacket like he had done last year and draped it over her shoulders, and he wrapped his arms from behind, pulling her into him. she smiled widely, “i had been waiting to..to be held by you once again.” she smiled up at him. he blushed, “you are the only one i want to hold.” he whispered in her ear, staring at the city in front of him.
Iiheard somebody whisper please adore me
and when I looked the moon had turned to gold
she turned around in his arms, looking up at him. “i’ve decided to leave a life i thought was meant for me, and what i wanted but…i dont want that mat. he was never the one, those 45 minutes were the best 45 minutes of my life mat. i havent been able to stop thinking about you since last year. and i dont want him, i want you mat. only you.” she confessed and he smiled, pulling her in as close as possible. “i wanted somebody to adore me…the way i adore them.” she whispered, and he nodded. he drawed her chin towards his, his cool hands sending waves of sensation down her spine, before he kissed the brunette. the rare full moon of new years eve, cascaded down upon them. no longer a ‘blue’ moon but a ‘gold’ one at that.
the two start their first dance as partners, at the very place they met for the first time and three years after they first met. when the two were presented with picking the date, the two looked at one another and instantly knew when and where. and with a little help from her grandpa, the two were to wed on new years eve at one of the most sought-after hotel in nyc. and there plans for after midnight? a 45 minute walk to malibu diner for icecream and pie.
hope you all enjoyed!! pls like and repost, itd mean a lot.
random tags: @matbaerzal @barzysunflower @barzal @rosesvioletshardy @canuckshuggy @bitchinbarzal @andreburakozy @jayda12
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when she loved me
or: Rebel asks Maverick a question about her mother he can’t answer 
like father, like daughter masterlist
warnings: this is hinted around but Natalie struggled with postpartum depression, i’ve got this whole head canon that Rebel thinks Penny doesn’t like her for the longest time, i wrote this on a whim in like half an hour so i have no idea if this is good, unedited
word count: 943
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"Do you think she regretted having me?”
Your Dad hums, glancing up from the newspaper he’s holding. “What was that?” 
Your spring break had lined up with your Dad’s leave and he’d taken you out to the hangar, wanting to spend some quality time with his daughter as he called it before you graduated from UCSD in just a matter of weeks. 
“Do you think she regretted having me? Mom?”
He startles, making eye contact with you. “I don’t know.” He tells you honestly. “Where is this coming from?” 
You shrug, pulling your knees up to your chest as you curl up into the couch. “Do you regret having me?” 
“No.” He says firmly, standing up from his seat on the couch and moving over to the couch, sliding in next to you and wrapping his arm around you. 
“Yeah, but your life would’ve been a lot easier without me in it.” You say, with a half-shrug, before pulling away, laying down against the other side of the couch. 
He’s silent for a minute as your eyes stare off into the side of the hangar your Dad kept spare parts for the plane, where the pictures the ghost’s of your Dad’s past live, including the ones of your mother. 
Ones he didn’t know you had found. 
“Honey.” He says, swallowing. “I have never regretted having you. You’re my pride and joy.” 
“Yeah, but you and Penny would still be together if it wasn’t for me.” 
He scoffs at that. “Absolutely not.” 
“Penny and I never had a good relationship. Fact. You and Penny broke up and less than two years later she had Amelia and got married. Fact. She wouldn’t get married to you because I was in the picture. Fact.” 
“That’s not a fact-”
“I heard her. I heard her that night the two of you broke up that last time. About how you had a kid you needed to focus on and how she wasn’t cut out to be a step-mom. How it would never work because the two of you would always want different things.” 
He sighs and you hear him leaning against the back of the couch. “Honey, I-” 
“Why didn’t you leave? Dump me at Ice and Sarah’s and run while you had the chance? I was a kid, I would’ve barley remembered you.” 
“Carole would have killed me before I got halfway out that door.” 
You move up slightly, shooting him a look. He sighs in response. 
“Because the night your Mom gave birth, I stood there in that nursery in the hospital and looked at you and everything made sense. I was afraid of failing you, of being the worst parent. I didn’t know how to be a good parent. Kids weren’t in the mix for your Mom and I, or so we had thought, until you came along. But you did, and I’m so glad for it. Your Mom and I would’ve burned out, but here you were, tiny and perfect, and you were my responsibility. I’ve loved you from the moment you were born and I could never imagine not getting to raise you, especially not when I have gotten the privilege to watch you grow up and become the amazing person you are.” 
You wrap your arms around yourself, feeling tears sting at your eyes. “Why did Mom leave?” You whisper. 
You could guess. 
You had seen those pictures. 
God, was your mother beautiful. Always a smile on her face and full of light. She always looked happy to be there, happy to be with your father. 
But seeing the ones after, the ones from when you were around and a babbling baby, she looked a lot quieter. Still beautiful, but more sad. Less full of life. In some photos, if you looked long enough, you could see the regret in her eyes. 
You knew what that regret was. 
Pictures could only tell you so much, but lucky for you, you were really good at filling in the blanks where the pictures failed. 
“I don’t know.” Your Dad mutters after a minute of silence. “I wish I had an answer for you.” 
“I want to be angry at her.” You mutter, wrapping your arms around yourself tighter. “But mostly I just feel sad. I guess it’s easier to be angry at her for leaving than being sad I never got a mother.”
“You’re allowed to be both. She should’ve been here and that’s not on you.” You shrug, not making eye-contact with him. His hands falls on your shoulder, shaking you. “Hey, do you understand me? It is not your fault she left.” 
You shrug, again, feeling the burn of a tear slip down your face. 
It’s not that you didn’t want to believe him, because you did, but you didn’t know how. For so long it had felt like your fault that she had left, that maybe your Dad’s life would’ve been better not having you at all.
“Hey.” He whispers, shaking your shoulder again. You finally tilt your head up to look at him. “I am so proud to call you my daughter. Every single damn day. I am so grateful I got to watch you grow up. There’s no where else I’d rather be.”
That’s what sends you over the edge as you sit up, your Dad’s arms reaching out for you as he brings you into his chest. 
“I wish she would’ve stayed.” You say into his chest between sobs, clutching him tighter. “Why didn’t she stay?” 
He squeezes you, tucking his chin on to the top of your head. “I don’t know honey.” He whispers. “I don’t know.” 
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daddyy333 · 11 months
Don’t come back | Robin Buckley x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 1.7k
warnings: heartbreak, breakup, y/n is really really sad, ?
summary: requested
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Robin couldn’t figure out why she felt like this. Everything was perfect. You were doing all the right things and yet, Robin didn’t feel that warmth in her chest that she used to feel as much as she did at the beginning of your relationship when you kissed her, or hugged her, or even looked her way.
The last straw for her is when you called her and she didn’t actually want to say I love you at the end of the call. She felt like that spark wasn’t quite as strong as before. So the next day you called her, playing with the engagement ring you got her, hoping she’d convince you to come home so you could propose already.
“Hi, baby. I miss yo-” you said and Robin cut you off. She groaned and said “y/n, don’t. Don’t- don’t say stuff like that” “what? What’s wrong? Why?” You said, eyes widening. She sighed and you started to get nervous.
Never in a million years did you expect the next few words to come out of her mouth.
“I don’t think this is working anymore” she said, making your heart drop. You gasped, tears filling your eyes. You covered your mouth, trying to fight the sobs.
You couldn’t, not when you planned your entire life with the woman who was trying to break up with you. “W-Why- Why would you s-say something like that?” You asked, sniffling. She scoffed and said “come on, y/n, don’t cry. I hate when you-”
“N-No! No, you don’t g- get to tell me not to cry. I- I-I don’t- I don’t understand, everything has been so- so good, w-what changed?” You asked, struggling to breathe. She bit her lip and said “I just…I don’t feel that spark anymore. I don’t know if this is enough anymore”
“What, l-like I’m not enough or something?” You said, chuckling sadly. Robin winced and said “y/n you know that’s not what I mean” “I don’t k-know anything, R-Robin, I thought- I- I knew that you were the one, you were in- in love with me, you didn't want to break up with me…but cl- clearly I was wrong” you said and she began to cry a little.
It almost felt like you were the one breaking up with her. She hadn’t felt so strongly about you in weeks, so why all of a sudden did she feel this way breaking up with you?
“Babe I-” “no…don’t call me that.” You said and sighed shakily. You sniffled and said “I hope y- you’re happy. I hope that you’re happy with t-this decision, Robin” “I- I’m not- you know this is just as hard for me” she said and you scoffed.
“Is it? Is it really?” You said. You wiped your tears and shook your head. It was silent for a while before you said “get out of my house. I own it. If you need help I suppose you can ask but don't ask me, ask my assistant, because I can’t talk to you ever again. Not after this”
“Okay…yea, yea I’ll be out of here by the end of the week” she said and you sniffled. You hung up the phone, sighing shakily as you threw the box across the room. You sunk to your knees, sobs racking your body.
All you wanted in a time like this was Robin's comfort. It’s all you wanted. But you couldn’t have that anymore. She took that away, and you don’t even know why. Did you do something? Did you deserve it? Maybe you really just weren’t enough.
Of course she conveniently decided to do this the night before you perform in Hawkins, and debut the song you wrote about her. You tried to fight it, but you couldn’t help but cry as you sang the song. You managed to finish it decently, but tears streamed down your face the whole time.
Your big brother, Eddie, ran on stage as you cried and hugged you tight, kissing your head and taking you back to the bus. He put you on the bed, rubbing your back gently as you cried. “What happened?” He asked and you sniffled.
“S-She broke up with me,” you said and he gasped. He shook his head and said “I-I- I don’t…weren’t you going to propose? What happened?” “Yea, I was! I was so fucking excited, and I called her hoping she’d beg me to come home so I could propose but she broke up with me! I don’t even know why!” You shouted, angry and sad and upset and feeling so many things at once.
Eddie comforted you through the pain like he always did growing up. Every time your parents would fight he was there for you. Every time your dad picked on you because you weren’t his he defended you and promised nothing would change the fact you were his sister. And now, he comforts you once more during the worst breakup of your life.
You finished the tour, fans had already figured out you and Robin broke up because you cried through that song 3 times before they took it off the set list and you just hadn’t been the same since. You’d been so quiet and sad and your shows weren’t as good as they were before. You were exhausted mentally, but going home would just remind you of everything you and Robin had together so you just powered through it.
Steve came to pick you up after the show because Eddie was busy in a meeting for his band and you didn’t want to trouble him. “Hey…are you okay?” He asked, pulling you into a hug. You sighed and shook your head.
“I don’t trust you not to tell Robin so I don’t wanna talk about it” you said and he winced slightly. He helped you load your bags up and gave you a breakfast sandwich to eat. You didn’t want to go home, you wished you had literally any place else to go to.
Robin's car was gone, so she probably had already left like you’d asked her to. You wished she had said it was a joke and she didn’t mean it, making your favorite sound, her laugh.
You stepped in the house, setting your bags down as tears welled up in your eyes. You took a deep breath and Steve brought the rest of your stuff in. He hugged you tight and said “if you need anything, call me” You nodded and thanked him before closing the door behind him and locking it.
You leaned against it, tears fighting to spill over. You couldn’t handle being here. Too many memories of Robin lived within these walls. You moved to the couch, scoffing as you could still smell her all over the cushions. You turned on the TV, her favorite show playing.
It was all too much. You just wished things would end and get better. You missed her so fucking much. You wanted to marry her, build your life together, have kids together. She ruined all of that for you, and you don’t even get to know why.
Months go by, and you start to feel just a little better. You moved out of that house, and even got yourself a cat. You started going to therapy, and learned to live life without Robin. You never wanted to, but you couldn’t mope around for the rest of your life.
It’s been nearly 6 months now, and one morning you’re about to hop in the shower when you hear a knock on your door. You roll your eyes and slip your hoodie back on, quickly running to the front door.
You gasped as you opened the door to see your ex girlfriend. You had seen her or spoken a word to her since that phone call. “Y/n,” she said and tears filled your eyes. You shook your head and said “what are you doing here?”
“I just…I wanted to apologize. I- I know I really hurt you and you’ve been going through a lot and stuff-” she said and you cut her off. You scoffed and said “yea, Robin you broke up with me over the phone in the middle of my tour without even giving me an explanation. Kinda fucked up if you ask me”
“I’m- I’m sorry, y/n. I- I made a mistake. I did. I thought that things were getting too different but the truth is that I just hadn’t seen you in so long and I just felt so distant from you but I didn’t realize it until it was too late. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I regret everything I did. Breaking up with you was the dumbest decision I’ve ever made” she said and you sighed.
You bit your lip and said “Robin…I- I can’t. I’m finally getting somewhere, I can’t go through that again. I can’t live in fear for the rest of my life that any time I go on tour you’re gonna want to break up. You don’t understand how much you hurt me. Robin I- fuck, I was going to propose! You took away my entire future, I don’t know if you realized that”
“Y-…You were gonna propose?” Robin asked and you wiped your tears away, a shaky sob leaving your lips. You nodded and said “Robin, I…I’m- I can’t do this again. It d-destroyed me last time. I won’t put myself through it again” “it’s not- I’m not gonna make the s-same mistakes, y/n. I lo-”
“Robin, please. Go. Don’t come back. I just want to move on” you said and she sighed. She nodded and turned around slowly making her way to the steps. You closed the door and squeezed your eyes shut.
A shaky breath left you, almost in physical pain because of how badly you wished you could have Robin back. But you knew this was only temporary. Getting back together with her would leave you worried that she would fall out of love with you again for the rest of your life. You won’t put yourself through that.
You sniffled as you walked away from the door, sitting down on the couch and wiping your tears. You watched her car pull out of the driveway and took a deep breath. You were grateful for everything you and Robin had together but you couldn’t keep thinking about it and obsessing over it, it only reminded you of how painful the words “I don’t think this is working anymore” felt when she spoke them.
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes
CW!Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans
Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill
Chris Sturniolo
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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hellishcreep101 · 2 years
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pairing: Keisuke Baji x f!reader
warning(s): angst no comfort, breakup, mention of character death
A/N: Heyo! Sooo…yeah. As you can see, this is another angst story. Long story short, Baji pulls a Takemichi and breaks up with the reader to protect them. But, just listen to the song while reading this! I swear, this shit made me cry while typing 😭 enjoy!
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“Meet me outside after school. I need to talk to you…”
Those were the words Baji had said to you for the first time in a week. Usually, he’d greet you with a warm smile and a small kiss to the forehead. But, that wasn’t the case. Baji had been acting weird the past few days and would avoid you everyday, even outside of school. You tried to look for Chifuyu to ask him what was Baji’s deal, but even he refused to talk to you or give any closure on the situation.
The minute school was out, you quickly began to pack your belongings and meet Baji outside. You found him at the back of the school, leaning against the wall with his hair down and his hands shoved into his pockets. He then glanced at you, but wore a serious expression, which made you anxious as to what he wanted to talk to you about.
“What is it that you wanted to talk about, Keisuke?” You asked nervously. Baji pushed himself off the wall and walked towards you.
“I’m breaking up with you.”
You felt your heart sink to your stomach as you stared at him in disbelief. He wore the same stoic expression on his face whilst you felt tears prick your eyes.
“W-what..?” You meekly said.
“Did you not hear me, Y/N? I want to break up. I don’t like you anymore. We’re done.”
His sharp words dug into you like daggers as the tears in your eyes fell freely down your face.
“Kei…you can’t be serious…”
“What does it matter? I don’t like you! Never fucking did! I only asked you out because I hated being teased by our class for being single when I was never interested in the first place! And you also happened to be one of the school’s hottest bitches, so I guess I got lucky! You were nothing but an annoying little shit and all you did was whine the whole damn time! You’re just another fucking nuisance I didn’t need in my life!”
You stood there in silence as Baji yelled in your face. So, all that time he treated you like you were his top priority, from the cute cafe dates and late night motorcycle rides, to study sessions for future tests and spending nights at his house. All his declarations of his love to you and dorky pickup lines and promises of marrying you. All of it…
Was for nothing.
More tears spilled from your eyes and you chuckled dryly at his hurtful words.
“I see…I’m sure you’ll be relieved once I leave, then. I wouldn’t want to cause you any more trouble that I already did the past year.” You said, turning on your heel to walk away. Before you did, you turn your head one last time to look at the ravenette with a sad smile.
With that, you walk away, leaving the boy standing there. Little did you know, the moment you were out of sight, Baji couldn’t help but repeatedly punch the wall in front of him and scream at the top of his lungs as tears stained his face.
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A week had passed since Baji broke up with you. But ever since the incident, you refused to leave your home and locked yourself up in your room. Your mother and father grew more and more worried about you as the days passed. It was Halloween night and your friends blew your phone up trying to invite you to hang out with them, but none of their texts and calls were returned.
For what seemed like eternity, you then heard the doorbell ring. You heard muffled voices from downstairs and recognized one of them aside from your mother’s. It was Mikey. After that, you heard your front door shut, and then heard footsteps from down the hall walking towards your room.
“Y/N, it’s mom. Your friends stopped by a bit ago and wanted me to tell you something.” Your mom paused for a second, letting out a small sigh before continuing.
“Keisuke passed away.”
As those words left your mother’s lips, the hole in your chest sunk deeper and deeper as your eyes widened at the news.
“It was just this afternoon. A fight broke out at an old junkyard and he was involved. He was stabbed from behind in the process…and then stabbed himself…I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Mustering up the energy you had left, you pushed yourself out of bed and opened your door, revealing your mother’s tear stained face. She held a small box in her hands and handed it to you.
“Your friend, Mikey, told me to give this to you. It’s from Keisuke.”
You looked down at the box and hesitantly took it out of her hands. Your mom then reached for your face and gently caressed your cheek before taking her leave without another word. As you shut your door, you sat down on your bed, eyeing the small blue box in your hand. After staring at it for a bit, you finally decided to open it. Inside it was a beautiful silver ring with a blue heart in the middle of it. On each side of the heart, was both his and your name engraved into the ring. Underneath the ring was a small piece of paper with the words “to Y/N” written on the front. You took the paper out of the box and unfolded it to read it. As you did, your eyes welled up with tears and quietly sobbed, reading every word.
Y/N, my love
By the time you read this, I’m most likely dead already. But, I want you to know that what I said to you was never true. You were never a nuisance and you were never annoying. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I never want you to forget that. I don’t regret asking you out one bit. I love you so damn much, sometimes I can’t even help myself. No one could ever hold a candle to you. What I did to you, I did because I wanted to protect you, and I know I can never take back the words I said and the pain I caused you. I wish I could’ve told you the truth sooner, but I was certain I was being watched. You’ll always and forever be the most important person in my life. Please don’t ever forget that. Wear this ring with pride, and I’ll always be with you even when I’m not physically there. Protect everyone for me, and take care of yourself.
I love you,
Always and forever
Taking the ring out of the box, you see something engraved inside the band, making you sob even harder and your love for Baji grow even stronger.
My Treasure
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dawntowntan · 4 months
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Cybersex: Video leak
3 part story. Title will make sense around the 2nd part so be patient abt it. Og characters. All of them past the age 18. Mdni !!
Some kinks may be mentioned..
Mature content ahead ‼️‼️
Oliver x Alex x !fem.reader
Content: You and your boyfriend, Oliver, were casually 'making love' when suddenly his best friend, Alex calls in distress. He says he just got into a fight with his girlfriend Cassandra and need a place to stay the night. As he comes over, you guys talk about what happened. He says their fight was about their sexual life. 'So, you're not the problem.... She is?'
'Oh fuck... Baby..'Oliver breathed out as I rode him. 'Yeah just.. there, shit. You're so good.' He grabbed my face and kissed me sloppily. I moaned into the kiss. God, my boyfriend is just so hot. Everytime we fuck my mind just goes blank and we go bersek. As I rode my high and hit all the spots I could possibly find, I sighed. 'Ollie... Holy s-shit,' my eyes teared as I feel the knot in my stomach tighten. 'I-Im gonna cum..' I layed my head unto his neck and bit. Oliver hugged me and grabbed my waist 'Already tired? Let me do it, baby.' Oliver said as he proceeded to slam into my abused pussy. Oh how I just love it when he ruins me. Honestly, I wasn't this wild before, especially since I've never had a boyfriend before him. But when we lost our firsts to each other? No words could express the ecstasy we were in.
Maybe except the soaked sheets and dried cum the next morning we woke up on. 'F-fuck.. ughh... Baby shit I'm cumming.. So good..' he said as he flipped his hair and threw his head back. I gripped unto his broad shoulders for support as I felt myself slowly release, I moan his name out as a cry O-Oliver..' I said and he looked at me groggily and growled lowly, 'Thats right my love.. just cream my cock... Yeah, shit.. that's so fuckin hot..' I shoke as I orgasmed on his dick. As I finish, he grabs my waist again and whispers unto my ear 'Just a little longer love.. I'm near..' He closed his eyes as he continued to drill his cock into my soaked pussy. As I whimpered and shoke under his touch, he starts to rub my clit. 'Oh God.. Oliver don't..' I weakly tried to push his hands away. He kissed and left a mark on my neck 'You take what I give Y/N,' slamming unto me 'You take it like a good whore..' I feel hot liquid inside fill me up 'Just like how I trained you.' Oliver said as he pumped the last of his cum into my womb. As I panted, I almost collapsed over exhaustion. He catches me and giggles 'What...' he layed me down and cuddled me. 'Youre such a jerk..' I hissed as I felt the cum drip down from my core to my thigh. 'Oh don't act like you didn't like tha-' *Ring ring* his phone rang. 'Who the fuck calls at 1 am.' he scowled and picked his phone from the ground. I guess we were too much in a hurry to fuck when we got here that he dropped it. *Alex ugly rat* it read.
Oh. Alex, his best friend. 'What? Huh- what happened to hello?... How's that my problem.. then go talk to Cass.. God you're helpless..' Oliver continued to talk to him as I started to trace my hand up and down his defined abs. I felt him tense up and his voice broke as I started to kiss his neck. 'W-wait no you can't... What do you mean, it's my a-apartment...' he looked down at me and gave me the stop look. I just smiled and straddled him. 'S-shi- Alex where the fuck are you?... WHAT?' he suddenly yelled and startled me. 'What happened to him and Cassie..?: I asked. But before he could even answer my question, our door bell rang. 'Ill get it' I dashed into the front door and saw Alex over the cam. I open it and let him in. He was just standing there with his hands in his pockets and he looked at me. Then his gaze slowly travelled down my neck. That's when I realized I was only wearing a silky night gown without anything but cum inside. Shit. 'Okay, that's enough staring Lex.' Oliver said as he gently pulled me away and let Alex in. 'I get it she's pretty but eyes are here' my boyfriend demonstrated to his own eyes.
Alex walked and sighed. 'Im so close to breaking up with Cassie, bro...' he leaned back into the couch and stared at the black screen of our TV. Oh that's bad. Alexander and Cassandra, they've been together since 8th grade. Inseperable really. As I proceed to think to myself, I head towards the kitchen, as Oliver approaches his distressed best friend to talk. I take a cup of water and head out to give it to them. As I softly smile at him, our hands accidentally brush each other. 'Do you think it's you who's the problem?' Ollie asks Alex as he gulped down the cold water, taking off his gaze on me. 'Well.. I think so. Whenever we, you know, do it I just can't get myself to-' I lean on our bedroom doorframe and listen but choked on my spit when Oliver opened his mouth 'Erectile dysfunction? Are you unable to get hard?' he genuinely asked. Alex started to panic 'Fuck no! I- what the actually fuck, Co. I can get hard as a rock but then the moment we start I just... Can't,' he whispered 'cant cum. And she's been bugging me about it. She keeps asking if it was because she wasn't experienced. I just can't tell her it's because our sex life is just so... I don't know, repetitive?' Alex finished off and chugged down the last bit of water. Oliver and I looked at each other and knew what we were dealing with. He cautiously spat out to Alex after our mini eye convo 'So, you're not the problem.... She is?' his best friend whipped his head violently 'I didn't-' 'Yeah, but you wanted to. Repetitive? What do you mean by that?' the boy feeling defeated, he hung his head low. 'She finishes fast and gets tired before I even could get myself back together. Of course I don't want to force myself unto her but still.. I still want to relieve myself too. And it being so fucking vanilla. God, I just can't anymore.' I heard the pain in his voice. The sexual frustration, it's like he's getting choked by it. Why he needed was something new. Something to release him from the shackles of vanilla sex. Something that makes him scream of pleasure. Or maybe, even someone else..? Oh God, what am I thinking. I look over at my boyfriend, only to find him looking at me deeply. I figured I knew what he's thinking as he smirks. 'I know how to find out whether it's you or her,' he looks at his best friend who's know in the brink of breaking down 'but you have to trust us.' he strode to me and took my hand to drag me to sit with them. Now Alex was starting to understand. 'Oh God, no I can't do that. T-Thats outrageous-' 'But how would you know who's really the problem?' I interrupted. 'We'll teach you a few things that you could use on Cassie. Come on, you know you need something. I can already tell how pent out you are right now.' Oliver turned to me as he started to stroke my hair only to pull on a handful making me throw my head back, exposing my neck. I did nothing but softly touch his hand that was slowly trailing up my chest. 'Just look at this precious thing.. don't you want it?' he cooed at my face as I closed my eyes and he placed his hands on my neck. I heard Alex shudder as he continued to watch, and not gonna lie, that turned me on. It's been a while since my boyfriend had shared me with his friend. He hated it; how they would please me, but at the same time it was such a huge turn on. 'Come.' he released me and stood up. 'I think I know what your freaky ass would like' Oliver chuckled as he entered our room. 'Baby, do me a favor and take that lost excuse for a puppy here.' I look at Alex. It's the first time I've ever seen him like this. So disheveled, so messy. He's always been so tidy and self aware, even before his huge glow up.
I softly smiled and stood up, taking his hand to lead him to the bed which he obliged too. Hm, cute. As I pressed his shoulders to make him sit, I placed both my knees on each his side. He subconsciously placed his hands on each my side as we started into each other's eyes. I could feel his bracelet and rings on my waist. As I cupped his face and brought my lips close, but not close enough to touch, I heard felt Oliver come up my ass and squeeze it from behind. I turn my head and lean on Viel giving him a whiff of my scent as he leaned back on his arms for support. 'Here, have you ever used these before?' My boyfriend threw some handcuffs, and a cock ring to the side. 'Shit..' I heard Alex mutter under his breath as he touched the items. 'I never even dreamt of using these. I don't think I know how to use them either way.' 'You're missing out' My boyfriend spat said, as he started to kiss my neck, smelling my hair. I whimper as he lifts my nightgown, exposing my bare ass. He chuckled as he took the tip of his finger to push back the cum leaking out of my hole. 'Havent you noticed that smell, Alex?' he said, making his best friend confused. 'The smell of freshly fucked pussy.' I blushed and leaned more on the boy in front of me who held me. 'Does that turn you on? The fact that you're 'boutta fuck another man's girl? Hm?' He spat as he kneeled on the bed to face my pussy. 'Come on, baby. Look how hard he is under you.' he licked once. I slightly shoke as I was still sensitive. I look down and find a rising cock. As Oliver kept eating me out, making lewd sounds, Alex seemed flustered as if he's never heard a man actually enjoy eating pussy so much.
We meet eyes as I pull down his pants revealing a huge throwbing cock. Well shit. I stroke the base a little before licking the tip. Alex whimpers and bites his lip as I continue to give him kitten licks, before taking his length fully. 'Ah-' he shut his eyes, his hands hesitating to pull on my hair. I take it and encourage him to push and pull he wants. 'Hm- Mmh, fuck... Good.. fuck.. shit so good.. ag-hh' were all you could possibly hear in our room. As I started to slowly release on my boyfriend's mouth, he slapped my ass and laughed before giving me a peck on the cheek. Alex soon finished too and shoke beneath me. Never have I ever swallowed a shit ton of cum before. I wiped my mouth before kissing my boyfriend who smiled in between. 'Lay down sweetheart, on him,' he looked at Alexander and chuckled 'Ah, since you already got what you wanted, I think ass would be enough for you?' he said spreading my legs and taking out his cock which was covered in precum. 'W-what. Ass? Can you fuck that?' Oliver laughs as if what he heard was unbelievable and just slips in the cock ring which deliciously slid down his length, giving it a thicker look as it throbs. 'Of course you can!' I lay my head down on the pillow Alex was using and put a hand on his cheek to stroke it. I feel it warm up and redden so I giggle. Now Oliver slowly guided Alex to my ass' entrance and it enters. The pleasure and pain of a new size mixed, I whimpered and closed my eyes. Soon enough, I felt my boyfriend enter too. Fuck, I'm so full. As they start moving, I whimper. This goes on as they start wilding. 'L-look at you, ohh,' my boyfriend's breath hitched as he roughly pushed his hips to mine 'Such a fucking..' he threw his head back, feeling overwhelmed by the feeling of my pussy and the feeling of his friend's cock pulse too. 'Such a whore, hm? Aren't you baby, huh? Can't go a day without a cock pounding you, no?' he said as he started to lightly choke me. I nod. I feel Alex pulse. 'Shit, Co, aren't you hurting her?' he said but Oliver only laughed 'Hurt her? I trained this body.' he said, grinding away. Soon enough, Oliver succumbed to the pleasure. He came inside, and kissed me. He got off the bed to grab some pants for him and Alex, as I turn to the guy beneath me. I peck him a few times before kissing him. I felt the bed dip behind me and my boyfriend pulled down my gown. 'Well, isn't this a good way to end the night, no?' he chuckled and gave Alex some pants. 'Its great for him,' I said, 'he now knows he ain't the problem.' I plopped down beside Alex and crossed my thigh. 'Yeah, it was THE sex they were having that was the problem.' Ollie said, as he approached me and hugged my from behind. Alex looked at us before smiling softly, 'Yeah..'. it was silent for a while before me and Oliver slowly drifted to sleep. I was about to fall asleep when Alex softly spoke. 'When will I get a relationship like this? You love each other so much. God, it's something I need everyday.' was the last thing I heard, before I dozed off.
----------------- Damn, this was lazy. Part 2?
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fireworkreindeer · 2 years
@2-point-5 mentioned I should do so.... Here's MY version of Sheriff Jimmy x Bandit Tango!
Tango had to admit, this was crazy. He knew his plan was crazy, but he was doing it anyways because he's in love with a sheriff. His plan? Simple: Do whatever he can to get the sheriff's attention... by causing a whole load of problems. He couldn't help it! He was gonna try a more pacifist approach, walking up and talking, but he went with this because he's an awkward, blaze boy. "What to do today?" He muttered to himself as he began to think out a plan. He thought for a while, a few dumb ideas popped up. "Steal the terracotta? Nope, that would take ages trying to get rid of every piece. Plus, it'll ruin the landscape... Steal the gunpowder? No. He has a farm and there's probably a backup farm..... I got it! Steal from the bank! IT'S GENIUS!!!!" He began to plan out everything and waited until nightfall.
Once it was dark, Tango made his way over to the bank. He quietly opened the door and snuck in. He looked around and saw no security? This'll be easier than he thought. He broke down the iron door and pulled out a bundle and began to steal the gold and all the other precious materials. "What do you think you're doing?" He froze. He was caught. He slowly turned around to the the sheriff place a torch on the wall. "Uh....I uh-" he stuttered. "Why are you stealing from me?" He blushed, this wasn't going to go well. "Are you gonna talk or..." "W-Well you see- I... um..." "Are you alright? You look awfully red" "Umm-" Jimmy jumped back once the thief fainted. He panicked a little. "Hey.... you okay?" He asked once they opened their eyes after trying to get them awake.
He helped them sit up. "I'm sorry!" They shouted. "I know that I'm such a moron. I did this because... I'm in love with you" he whispers that last part. "Wait a minute. So your telling me that all of the bandit problems I've been having, is by you, because you love me?" Tango nodded, feeling so stupid. Jimmy lowered his head and began to chuckle before throwing his head back, laughing. Tango was so confused. Why was he laughing? He was kind of cute when he- No! Bad Tango. Don't simp for him even more!!! "That is by far, one of the most weirdest yet well thought out way to get someone's attention" smiled Jimmy once he had stopped laughing. Tango blushed again. "So it was you who put up the terracotta stall to building an entire base in my Tumble Town?" Tango nodded. "Well, you are smart I'll give you that" "But also incredibly stupid because now I know how easy it is to talk to you, and I should've done this from the start! But I didn't and-" he sighs.
"I lived here alone for a long time until you showed up and began to build Tumble Town. I was so amazed by the stuff you were making, to bring this place life and I really wanted to help! But instead I caused problems and I'm sorry. Please don't throw me in jail!" He begged. "No. I have a better plan" smirked Jimmy. "What's that?" "Help me make Tumble Town the best empire!" Grinned Jimmy. He was shocked. "Uh.... Sure?" "Great! Come with me" Jimmy grabbed a hold of his hand and lead him out of the bank. "W-Where are we going?" "To my place! Cause you're staying the night. And tomorrow, we'll work together to make this the best place ever!" Tango couldn't help but grin. But then realised, none of this would've happened if he bothered to see if the sheriff was even at his house before robbing the bank.
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foxydivaxx · 10 months
Gossip Girl- Bad Romance Chapter 6
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Breaking news, E got shot by an unknown assailant. As if that wasn’t worse, both his parents were found shot and unconscious at his father’s apartment. Their bodies were discovered last night by a neighbour who called the nearby hospital and the cops onto the scene.
Also, word has just gotten in that E’s older brother who was placed under intensive care for years passed away yesterday. According to the doctors, his parents were declared dead on arrival and now they are fighting to save Eren’s life. An investigation has been launched into the crime to establish who was responsible for the crime. 
Stay tuned for more updates. Here is to wishing E a speedy recovery and expressing my condolences on the passing of his family. What a sad day. The rest of the gang are at the hospital as we speak. They have been there ever since the news broke. 
Gossip Girl
Sukuna was in tears as he sits at the waiting room area. The others have been coming in and going so as not to clog up the waiting room area and also to give Eren breathing space. Even Lelouch who had issues with Eren for years came over to drop some flowers for him as well as a card with a Get Well Soon message for him. Zoro sighs and comforts Sukuna. Now was not the time to beef anyone. This shit could have happened to anyone of them.
It was just Sukuna, Zoro and Sanji that were in the waiting room. Everything just happened suddenly. Just when they were trying to sort out the legal drama that has been going on, this happens. And now people are blaming Zoro and Sanji, claiming that they ordered the hit when in reality, neither of them would sink to that level. The only one that would try such amongst them is Sukuna and even he did not even do that. Sukuna may be a selfish nutcase but deep down, he loved Eren a lot. So losing Eren would be devastating to him.
It was someone else. Someone with an agenda against Eren that they know nothing about. One thing Zoro knows is that everyone has a past and no matter how hard you try and run away from it, it will surley find you. Case in point, Sanji’s recent issues with his dad and the Charlotte family. His own past with Griffith that caused him and Sanji to break up for the first time. Now it seems that it is Eren’s turn and who knows? Sukuna may be next after this. Regardless, Zoro was always prepared to fight whatever battle life throws at him.
“W-Who could have done this…. I…I do not believe it was murder suicide…” Sukuna splutters as he keeps crying. Sanji pats his back. “It’s okay Sukuna. Eren is gonna be alright.” he says in the most reasurring way possible.
Sanji and Eren always had a really complicated relationship with one another. They both had demons to deal with. Secondly, they envied each other, Sanji envying Eren’s freedom and Eren envying Sanji’s popularity and looks. 
The doctor then comes to meet them. “Eren is alive. No worries.” They all heaved a sigh of relief. “Can we see him?” 
“He is still unconscious. Will take him a while to wake up.” They nodded and decided to leave and head home.
Hours later, they return and are taken to Eren’s ward. Eren was wide awake and looking around in confusion. Sukuna immediately rushes over to him and hugs him. Eren is taken aback. “S-Sukuna w-” He looks up and is stunned to see Sanji and Zoro who rush over to him and hug him as well. 
Eren soon bursts into tears. “Guys….” Sanji smiles. “Welcome back bitch.” Eren just laughs and wipes his tears. They break away and sit next to him. “Everyone was worried about you. Including Lelouch.”
Eren was shocked by that revelation. “Lelouch?! After all the pain I have caused him.” They nodded. “Wow….I…I dunno what to say.” Zoro grins and gently pats his head. “You will be fine.” Eren just sighs. “I dunno what came over me. I think my greed and ambition got the better of me. I meant well yes but my execution….”
Sanji takes his hand. “We are only human.” was all he could say. “Yeah. But that does not mean that what I did was right.” Sukuna nods. “I will add myself to this because I contributed to this mess man.” 
“He finally fesses up.” Zoro says in a teasing tone. “Oi!!” Sanji and Eren laughs. This has always been the four of them’s dynamic in general. So seeing that old spirit kind of return is huge. 
“Thought you guys could use a nice coffee break.” Lelouch announces as he arrives with the rest of Aogiri all hodling coffee for themselves and the others. “Thanks mate.” says Sukuna as he gets up and grabs two Starbucks coffee cups for himself and Eren.
Eren smiles once he sees Lelouch. “Lulu where did that spark come from?” he asked. Lelouch then grins and thinks to himself. “I guess bossing those two-” points at Light and Natsu. “-works wonders for me.” The others laugh. 
“Who let Lelouch cook?” Sanji jokes. “I know right?” says Lelouch as he takes his seat. “I guess this was a blessing to teach us all a valuable lesson.” says Light. “Rule number 1: always appreciate the little things.” says Natsu. 
“True.” It was then that the police arrive. Zoro and Sukuna go to attend to them. “You called sirs?” says Sukuna. “Yes. We have done the investigation. Now we do not think it would be wise to approach Mr Yeager for questioning since he has only started recovering. But we can give you some information about our observations.”
“Go ahead.” says Zoro. “We investigated the family’s history and Mr Yeager’s history to determine whether there was a mental health-related history since we initially suspected a murder suicide case.”
“Now we gathered what happened to his late brother Mr Zeke Jaeger who suffered a head trauma as a result of the football that smacked his head when he was 8. Mr Eren was just 6 at the time. Mr Zeke got better at some point only for him to suffer a series of seizures. He got diagnosed with severe epilepsy and dementia.”
“His parents got divorced when he was 11. So he spent more time with the dad right up until his career began. The brother was with the mother who was taking care of him and eventually developed depressive symptoms as a result of the stress according to her medical records.”
“I am sure Mr Yeager never told Mr Benard about the times his mother would show up and cause a scene.”
“Actually Sanji did tell me about an incident where they went shopping in his hometown and Eren’s mum shows and throws their shopping all over the floor and starts causing a scene and soon gets arrested for it. That is why Eren never did a concert in his hometown. He tried to avoid his mother.” says Zoro.
Sukuna was stunned by this. “Wait…w-was it the mother that did all that?” The police sighs and nods. Sukuna was deeply lost for words. Eren overheard the conversation and had a sad expression on his face. “I hated talking about my family for years because of all the bullshit involving mum. She… She had deep mental issues for years.”
“I…I still love her but it still hurts that she ended up that way. Dad had to divorce her to protect us and now t…” He then breaks down in tears. Lelouch hugs him and comforts him. “I never speak about my mum because I went through a similar thing with her.” Lelouch confesses. Everyone was shocked to hear that. 
“She burned down our home when I was 4 and died inside the house fire and I was forced to live with dad and my dad was a shitty father as well. So I ran away with my little sister to stay with one of my uncles and the rest is history. So me being a star and making money and shit… I did it for my sister.”
Eren nods. “Why is life so fucked up?” he asked. “I honestly dunno man.” says Lelouch. Natsu rubs Lelouch’s back. Once they finished discussing with the police, Zoro and Sukuna join the others.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” says Sukuna. “The bombshells were way too heavy.” says Zoro. “At least we now understand Eren’s side of things and now Lelouch too.” 
“Wait…what do you mean by Lelouch?” Lelouch then tells them his backstory. “Holy shit..” says Zoro. “Why does everyone in here have shitty parents?” Sukuna wonders out loud. “Because dem old folks worry more about the money or rather themselves that they ignore us kids in the process.” 
“Fuck them.” says Light. The gang soon leave and head out. Well, everyone minus Sukuna. “I thought I was gonna lose you cupcake.” he says. Eren smiles. “I miss hearing you call me cupcake.”
Sukuna chuckles. “I was a terrible lover to you my love.” he says. “Well, I was an asshole to everyone plus you so we are even.” Eren then takes Sukuna’s hand. “Can we start all over? Is that possible?” Sukuna grins. “You bet it is!!” He then comes closer and kisses Eren on the lips.
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piastrinorris · 1 year
it is WIP wednesday, my dudes
thank you @spicysix for the tag, lovely! <3
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
dethroned - cheerscoops
playing truant - cheerscoops
untitled (streamer au) - cheerscoops
man's best friend - keys x reader
bsbl epilogue 2 - bsbl!ralph x reader
Chrissy reads the note over and over, chewing at her lip. After a few moments of silence, Eddie cranes himself over to look at her. “So, what’s it gonna be? Because with an offer like that, I might have to let Wheeler down gently and go after this guy myself.” “Oh shut up, like you’re not already head over heels from last night ,” Chrissy teases, and Eddie laughs nervously as his cheeks tinge warmly. She sighs, “I don’t know, he’s obviously gonna try and take me somewhere big and fancy, and my parents basically insisted on me living the broke student life to welcome me to the real world, and I don’t want him paying for me - I don’t know, maybe it’s too much to ask of him.” “Are you kidding? Sounds like this guy would watch grass grow with you,” Eddie scoffs, turning the tables as he makes Chrissy’s face flush.
no presh: @heroeddiemunson @roykentt @stargyles @stevebabey @inkluvs
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 4 months
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 22 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"It must've been terribly difficult for you," Sam muttered.
"But you are far braver, far stronger than any of the rogues I've seen here. To go through what you have, to experience such pain. No matter what anyone, even what that Alpha says, you are worth it. You deserve so much more, Simon and for what it's worth, I'm glad you're alive. Glad that you're here to tell your story."
It was the first time anyone had said anything like that and suddenly I couldn't stop the unrelenting stream of tears that fell and when Sam reached over to hug me like his life depended on it, I felt a sense of intoxicating warmth that I hadn't experienced in such a long time.
I didn't ever want to let go.
"I feel bad for a lot of my patients," Sam broke the silence, his tone softer as if guilt filled his voice.
"They come in so broken, so helpless. I help them, heal them. Offer food, water, supplies, whatever they need but eventually, they have to leave and I can't provide one thing. I can provide them a healthy new start, a little happiness but that's just it. Eventually, they'll feel hurt again. Feel helpless. They may go hungry or dehydrated or worse and I can't provide the one thing they so desperately need."
I frowned, his face dejected, as he stared at Belle and the young pup.
"I can't give them love."
He sighed.
"Not the forever kind. I can only provide a temporary sense of love and comfort until the outside world hurts them again. It's why I quit being a human doctor but even as a vet, I'm finding it so difficult to give them the love they deserve. Animals forgive so easily but it's not fair. I can't cure their loneliness. I can't cure their broken hearts and it breaks mine. They deserve so much better."
I extended my hand, resting it in his.
"But you're doing so much for them..."
"I don't think..."
"You are," I squeezed his hand, reassuringly.
"That brief moment of happiness is enough to help them get through things. So they don't lose hope. Without it, Belle wouldn't have even survived to give birth to her pups. Those rogues would have died from a simple injury. I would have been dead on the side of the road. Believe me, what you're doing is more than just helping, it's empowering, really."
He gave me a half-hearted smile, squeezing my hand back.
"Thanks, dear."
It was about two in the morning by the time Belle had successfully delivered her other two pups.
A girl and another boy.
Belle was a trooper, even though she was exhausted and clearly in intense pain, she cleaned the other two, licking the three of them assuredly as they ate.
Not until they were all full and asleep did Belle officially fall asleep.
Sam looked just as exhausted, he had dozed off a few times only to jump back awake, when one of the pups made a noise.
He yawned almost every three minutes, as we cleaned up, providing warm blankets for Belle and the pups.
Sam stretched, before gesturing toward the office.
"We should probably go to sleep. I'll take the sleeping bag, take the cot in the office."
"Isn't it uncomfortable? I can take the sleeping bag."
"It beats the night I slept sitting up after your surgery," he laughed.
"I think I finally got the kink out of my neck just yesterday but jokes aside, I'll be alright, the cot will be easier on your injury anyways."
I didn't argue, even though I wanted to.
I reached for my cell-phone and wallet, going to charge it.
I feared seeing the messages and calls I probably had from Aspen.
He was probably worried sick, looking all over for me or maybe he had finally given up.
When my phone started booting up, my anxiety flew through the roof, as I waited to see the messages rolling in.
Sure enough, hundreds of messages popped up, mostly from Aspen, a few from Cedar and a couple from Xavier.
Most of the phone calls appeared to be from Aspen, all spanning throughout the weeks I've been here.
A few from last night.
A few messages read:
Where are you?
Please. Come home.
I'm not mad at you.
Are you safe?
Are you hurt?
And the most distressing one:
I'm sorry.
My heart sank. Usually, Aspen would just yell at me, be mad that I didn't follow his instructions to stay home but this was different.
He must've been worried sick.
I probably picked up and set my phone down about ten times debating whether to talk to him.
He would drop everything and respond in a heartbeat if I messaged him but I didn't want him to worry for another second.
So I hesitantly grabbed my phone, opening up our chat.
'I'm okay,' I sent before turning my phone on silent, covering my face with the blanket to not tempt me to check it through the night.
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