#i can either only see her as an orphan or a middle child. no in between
queenofapeacefuldawn · 4 months
An Analysis of SPY × Family Chapter 99
Manga spoilers, and a very long post ahead!
I'd like to preface this with saying that all of this is my own analysis, and I'm not very smart at these things, so take this with a grain of salt!
This chapter was extremely heavy: with Henry realising his feelings for Martha, and how it echoed the main theme of this story: how war destroys relationships and how innocent civilians are forced to enlist out of fear for their families' safety.
The chapter starts off, continuing off the cliffhanger of the last chapter— it turns out to be a false alarm, but Martha leaves her feelings for Henry unsaid.
She begins writing letters to Henry, and they keep a regular correspondence to substitute for their tea parties--
The war continues to grow dire, and Martha's squad hasn't been given any combat training, yet, they're forced to go to the front lines, under the pretext of "serving your country" and "keeping your family safe".
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Henry is obviously shocked and scared for Martha when he finds out she's on the front lines, but we never get to hear his thoughts with the introduction of this fucking bitch-
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🤓☝️ lookin ass--
In this chapter, we get to see Donovan's own ideals, which are shown through his argument in the debate. Interestingly, Donovan is almost the same age as Demetrius is in the present-day. (At least, that's what I'm assuming-- Henry mentions being in charge of the middle schoolers, and Demetrius is a middle-schooler.)
He claims,
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I have a couple of thoughts about this. First,
"I know that solving differences with dialogue and weapons is ideal". The phrasing of this is interesting, because it kind of sounds like he doesn't believe in that-- he just knows that solving differences with diplomacy instead of war is 'ideal', but does he really believe in that? I don't think he does-- and, his own definition of 'peace' is definitely... ambiguous. What does he think 'peace' is? Subjugating other countries with his own power?
He already has a strange concept of humanity and other humans' own ideals-- he believes that, at our core natures, human beings are liars. That the only thing we're capable of is war and destruction.
This is also very similar to his own ideals that we see in modern-day. He doesn't care about either of his sons, as he says, they are essentially strangers to him. And, you might have raised them (though with Donovan, "raised" is a stretch), you might be their own father, according to him, he will never truly know his sons. Which is why he doesn't even attempt to understand them. His own ignorance for human nature and for others around him is really what makes him a failure of a father-- we are never truly born "knowing" others. Yet, every day, we make an attempt to learn the people we care about-- and isn't that a little of what love is? Take the Forgers-- they are three strangers to each other, each concealing their own natures from the others. They're all liars, and yet, they're making an effort to heal; they're learning to love and they're learning to learn about the people around them, the people they care about.
This is his flawed ideology. In his world, humans are strangers-- humans are nothing to each other, they're always hiding their true intentions from each other. Humans can't be trusted-- humans don't trust each other, which is why war and destruction and pain is all humanity is capable of.
But it's really not. SxF's message is of how three strangers--- three orphans of a war they were forced to partake in--- come together and form a home. Yes, they are liars, yes, they're hiding their true intentions, but they're making a home for themselves, a home where one can be safe, where a young girl, who's experienced horrors no child should, can feel safe and in her mother's arms.
Which is why I think Donovan's ideology is so flawed--- and how beats of it echo in the modern-day SxF story, especially when Twilight meets him.
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Yes, by mere dialogue, reaching a mutual understanding is idealistic, but the most important thing is to not stop seeking to understand each other.
Humans are flawed, humans are selfish, humans are kind--- there's a debate on whether, intrinsically, humans are good or bad. We're all given different cards to play with, but really, it's up to us to decide on our faith in humanity.
It seems like Donovan has a wholly negative view on humans--- we can never know each other's true intentions, and it's with this doubt that humans wage wars--- it's with this doubt that humans lie and kill and cause destruction.
It's because of this doubt that Desmond is planning a war himself.
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Martha writes Henry a letter, and she talks about a dream where all the students are holding hands, circling Henry. She can't join them because her hands are filthy--- maybe it's guilt? Maybe she's feeling guilty, maybe she feels like she can't join the others because her hands are stained with blood.
She's scared. She's regretting joining the front lines. Her only solace is the letters from him. The only way he knows she's alive is the letters from her.
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I feel like another story would have taken a turn, making Henry regret his own feelings for Martha because the war had torn them apart. Instead, Henry realises his own feelings and his own wants too late-- and it becomes the last letter he gets from her.
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It feels like an extra gut punch, as in the beginning Martha was embarrassed to call him "beloved", but now, he's calling her beloved, and he misses her so much. He cares for her so much, and doesn't know how she is.
All he can think is---
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His hands are stained with ink. The nib of his pen is almost breaking. Ink is bleeding onto the page. In Martha's dream, her hands are stained with blood due to her desire to protect Henry and her country. In Henry's reality, his hands are stained with ink due to his desire for Martha to come back, be with him again. The Soldier and the Scholar, each trapped in their own Hell.
Henry finds out that Martha's squad has been killed. Their lives were a "sacrifice" for their country. This is blatant propaganda, and, he feels they're sullying her memory by mythologizing her; by using her life, using her death as a way to snare more students into a violent and hopeless and painful battle.
He speaks out. He's punished.
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He's been brutalised so much, that he needs to wear a monocle.
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We learn more about Donovan's and Henry's own ideals. Donovan gives up on people who've disappointed him-- people who he deems as fools. Henry doesn't believe in that. He believes that everybody deserves to not be given up on--- every body deserves a person in their own corner.
Towards the end of the chapter, Henry's forced into a marriage by his father, believing it's "for the best", because the soldier he was waiting for never came back to him.
We cut to "Somewhere near the East-West border", to a home with a fireplace. Martha is just opening her eyes, and is severely injured.
This definitely isn't a safehouse or military barracks or a military hospital.
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A home with a family, or at least a person, with a fireplace and a chopping block for firewood.
This place is also near the sea,
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which makes me think it's somewhere near the south. (If I'm remembering the map correctly).
Edit: The map is faithful to irl Germany, which means the sea is to the north, not the south. Sorry for the discrepancy before!
I'm thinking someone rescued Martha while she was injured, and brought her to their place to rest and recuperate--- which is why she's presumed dead, and why Henry wasn't ever given closure.
The next chapter is no doubt going to be explosive--- the 100th chapter. I feel like this arc will segue into something bigger, something more heart-wrenching and painful (I don't know how that's possible, but I trust Endo-sensei.)
Thank you for making this far and reading this whole thing! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I wasn't annoying with my hatred for Donovan lol.
Also, on a more light-hearted note, I explained the plot of SxF to my dad, and he's intrigued and wants to read the manga. I'm planning on showing him the first ep of the anime, to see if he likes it. I feel like he will.
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aihoshiino · 5 months
chapter 147 thoughts
you guys ever hear the tale of the monkey's paw. grants your wish but you suffer dire consequences as a result? just felt relevant to this chapter for some reason. anyway.
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 4
I'm gonna be up front and say that while I really wanted to like this chapter and it has the bones of interesting ideas, so many of the existing issues with the Movie Arc just bring it crashing back down. I probably dislike it more than I necessarily should because knowing that this definitely is the end and seeing concretely in hindsight just how much time was wasted and how much excellent material has been squandered or flat out skipped over entirely just makes me want to put my head through a brick wall. And it just sucks because, like… man, I don't want to dislike Oshi no Ko! I really don't enjoy feeling like I'm just putting negativity out each chapter because when the story hits, it hits so fucking good!! The Movie Arc has been clunky but it's had some truly breathtaking individual moments and character beats that make me remember why I fell in love with the series so deeply but then chapters like this come along and I wonder why I'm even bothering to keep reading.
anyway. Anyway.
To my genuine shock and surprise, the RBHK conversation happens entirely onscreen and isn't needlessly dragged out which I will take as a W at this point. What is less of a W is how just… underwhelming this ended up being? This is Hikaru's first meeting (that we know of) with the child he fathered and then essentially orphaned… at least as far as Ruby is concerned. So her total lack of reaction to him is baffling. The question currently seems to be whether Ruby is only pretending not to recognize him in order to try and pry the answer she's looking for out of him or whether Akasaka really, genuinely wants me to believe that Ruby does not recognize her father, when Akane recognized him on sight, he looks identical to her twin brother she spent 18 years growing up with and she is in the middle of MAKING A MOVIE THAT STARS HIM. If the latter is the intent then all I can say is that I feel genuinely fucking insulted on Ruby's behalf at her being dumbed down this badly and for myself as a reader that Akasaka thinks I'm stupid enough to buy this. So I am very much hoping it's the former.
The talk they go onto have is also………………………….. man. I want to like it. I really want to pull it apart and analyze it because it is fascinating. It's a really important look into Ruby's feelings and I even myself said this was something I really wanted to see Ruby dealing with - being faced with the realization that the person who killed her mother isn't some ephemeral faceless force of uncomplicated evil, but a fucked up human being who was hurt and suffering and who faced horrific and monstrous abuse just like Ai did. The idea of Ruby wrestling with her conflicting feelings of empathy and resentment, similar to Kana trying to reconcile her lingering hurt with her love for Ruby as her friend, is super compelling.
But like… she didn't! Akasaka having Ruby look into the camera and having her say "uhhh i was totally having all these deep and complicated feelings this whole time trust me bro" is the first we have heard Ruby struggle with literally any of this. It's yet another example of what I've been saying this whole time of Akasaka both lacking enough respect for Ruby to seriously interrogate her as a character and rushing her to the endpoint of what should have been long term characterization in lieu of showing us the work it takes to get there. Rather than organically weaving any of this into the prior story and letting us actually see Ruby work through this, she just starts awkwardly monologing about it to a conveniently placed guy who is, depending on your interpretation of the chapter, either some rando with an umbrella or the guy she's pretty sure killed her mom.
There is no reason her struggling to reconcile these contrasting feelings of resentment and empathy couldn't have been explored as the movie was being filmed. There were countless opportunities for this to have come up while the movie was filming the scenes dealing with Hikaru's abuse - we even get this set up in 139 during the filming of their first meeting but it gets derailed by a dumb brocon joke because I guess that was more important to spend pagetime on than the arc Akasaka is trying to suddenly pretend Ruby was having.
And it's not like it even matters! Unless the next arc is also going to be about 15 Year Lie where we interrogate the content of the movie not shown to us, Ruby's struggle here comes to nothing. That overhanging question of "Will Ai('s actress) forgive her killer or not?" is cut short and goes unanswered. So what was the point of this?
I also just really can't get my head around this continued thread of Ruby wanting to be an idol who 'surpasses' Ai. I had a whole rant about it here I ended up deleting lol but the long and the short of it is it feels entirely incongruous with the series' broader portrayal and Ruby's own attitude about chasing Ai's light and what being an idol did to Ai but at this point I've given up.
The exchange with Kamiki that follows is like, the one part of this chapter I think is just uncomplicatedly interesting and worth interrogation. He actually gives Ruby a lot of genuinely good advice here - that she can only find an answer to that question by interrogating it herself and an answer from someone else won't solve the issue. Does she actually want suffering and revenge? Are those really at the core of who she is as a person?
The framing here is obviously and overtly sinister and suspicious and we're pretty clearly supposed to think he was about to shove Ruby down the stairs, but a few things jumped out to me. The first is that if you pay attention to the backgrounds, they seem to have actually already been close to if not at ground level by the time Akane caught up to them, so… what exactly was a push from that height going to do if he did, in fact, push her?
Not only that but uh… holy shit! His white hoshigan!!!!
Like, am I misremembering, or is this not the one and only time we have ever seen adult Hikaru - maybe even the real Hikaru full stop - without black hoshigans??? Given what we've seen of him so far and how the black hoshigans have been used as a symbol, if he really was about to kill Ruby… where did THAT come from?
Added together with the deeply sympathetic portrayal of his younger self in the movie, it continues to raise a lot of questions for me as to exactly what we're supposed to be thinking of Hikaru and how we're supposed to feel about him that I am finding very compelling. ambiguity enjoyers when the
Joking aside, I'm really glad Nino is here because it implies her whatever the fuck is going on situationship with Kamiki is going to continue into the final arc(s?) of the series and that we'll get to see more of her as a result. Nino's been one of my favourite OnK characters since I first read 45510 so any more content of her in the main story is a treat.
Kamiki's words about the movie killing him via public opinion also lines up with what I was expecting to happen more or less… I'm curious to see how this is all going to play out and what this means for Aqua given that, if last chapter is anything to go by, he's still very much struggling with suicidal ideation. can someone PLEASE give my son a bone crushing hug.
akane stalking kamiki is up there as one of the funniest things ever in this manga btw. what is wrong w her <3
This is unfortunately where me having nice things to say about this chapter ends because the chapter - and therefore the Movie Arc as a whole - ends with this transparently rushed sequence absolutely mach speech blasting through the remaining material of the movie in one and a half's pages worth of silent single panels. Honestly, I really can't properly articulate how mad and frustrated I am about this lmao. It really just feels like Akasaka admitting to the reader that he's stopped giving a shit about what the movie was supposed to be about. The HKAI breakup that was given a huge amount of setup and weight at the start of filming? Ai's pregnancy? AI'S DEATH???? It's all skipped over and brushed aside as if it never mattered in the first place. Never mind any of the interesting characterization we could've gotten out of it. Never mind that the Movie Arc was promised to be about Ai and untangling her past. Never fucking mind Ruby having literally any interiority about having to act out the death of her beloved mother and reliving the event that destroyed her and her brother's lives. If Akasaka doesn't care, why should I?
It feels like a slap in the face for getting invested in the story's promises and trying to engage with it. But of course, I'm going to be back like a clown doing just that when the next chapter drops anyway.
at least we're finally moving on to a new arc but by god. at what fucking cost.
break next week……………………………………………..
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piracytheorist · 5 months
Do you think any of the Forgers believe in ghosts or have a fear of the supernatural?
Anya is part of a supernatural force, courtesy of her mind-reading powers. And she's a child, so she definitely has some kind of belief or fear of something related. I wonder what kind of nightmares she might have and whether she has the instinct to run to someone for comfort after she's had one, cause she most likely didn't have someone to comfort her after one when she was in the lab or in any of the orphanages. Maybe the scientists drilled into her the thought that nightmares aren't real and there's no monster hiding under her bed or her closet.
She probably believes there are aliens and the kinds of monsters she comes up with.
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She's like, five, and her imagination runs wild. And again, she herself is a result of human experimentation and has a dog that can see the future, so her imagination limits are probably even broader than the average five-year-old's. But I don't think she has a particular fear of ghosts or anything. Again, maybe the scientists took that fear away from her and maybe not in the kindest and most supportive of ways.
Twilight is a very logical person, and I doubt he believes in anything he cannot see or prove for himself. Even his own feelings are a difficult concept for him to grasp. Shameless self promo of my time loop fic, in which upon his realization that something supernatural is happening to him, he doesn't think "OMG magic is real! What else, am I gonna see ghosts or whatever?", instead he goes like "Okay, how do I work around this".
He's also a spy, putting himself in danger and dirtying his hands to create the world he wants. He doesn't seem to believe in a higher power or benign force that could help him in his mission; if he wants a better world, he has to work for it himself. He also probably doesn't fear of any divine judgment, I doubt he'd be able to do as much morally questionable stuff if he feared he'd be judged for them in the afterlife. He may not even believe in afterlife, period. How would he deal with the idea that, if judged for his actions, he wouldn't get to see his mother again in the afterlife?
As for Yor, she might be somewhere in the middle. Like Twilight, she took it upon herself to rid the world of dangers; she isn't expecting from a higher power to help her. No-one protected her and her brother when they were innocent, so she might as well dirty her hands to protect her brother, because what kind of a higher being that didn't help them when they needed it would have the footing to judge her for that?
That said, I wonder how accurate the translation of that line of hers is here. Cause here it sounds like she will be punished (by whom? Some higher power? The Shopkeeper if he finds out?) for thinking about harming an innocent person.
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In the manga translation, it sounds like just by thinking of hurting an innocent person, she could jinx it and actually cause it to happen... or that if she thinks about it too much, she'll somehow end up convincing herself she should go ahead and harm Fiona?
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In any case, she might lean more towards thinking supernatural things could happen, but it's not something that concerns her on a day-to-day basis. I don't think she fears of anything supernatural... if nothing else, because she might be confident enough she'll be able to fight off anything with harmful intentions. Gurl was absolutely ready to fight sharks if needed, I wouldn't doubt she'd be able to kick some ghost and demon ass no problem. I doubt she fears of divine judgment either, but unlike Twilight it wouldn't be because she doubts it exists, but because she concerns herself with the present and protecting what she cares about now. Future her can worry about that. And then kick the ass of the deity or demon punishing her for committing murder on the regular because excuse me sir where were you when me and my brother were two starving war orphans? Yeah, thought so.
(anime only here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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maple-writes · 10 months
My attempt to introduce Bristlecone:
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Details subject to change without notice as I think of better ideas lol
Tagging @concealeddarkness13 since they said they were curious!
Text version under the cut:
Slide one: Bristlecone!
I am trying yet again to edit this story
Slide two: ... Bristlecone?
An older wip (finished last draft back in 2018)
Not sure if I’ll keep the title Bristlecone but I don’t have any better ideas either
I’m finally getting back to it (hopefully)
It’s editing/revising time now
Setting – fantasy with wild west inspiration (simply because I thought it would be neat)
Kind of a murder mystery, kind of a general mystery, kind of an adventure
Which means one of these characters could be the culprit… Or not… It’s a mystery…
Slide three: Viper (one of the POV characters)
That’s not her real name
Deputy of the Aristata and unofficially Winter’s girlfriend (They act as more than just working partners but neither has said anything to each other to acknowledge this)
Observant but tends to ignore her gut feelings
Loves horses, and is in charge of training them
Is unable to speak to people she doesn't know, and then can only manage a whisper
Has had a rough decade or so before joining the Aristata to say the least
Slide four: Honey Davis (the other POV character)
That’s not his real name
Was training to take Cecil’s place as a Mortician Mage until recent events stopped that
Newly recruited as a mercenary to the Aristata
He has some… Secrets (some of which he himself doesn’t even know)
Orphaned as a child when his parents were executed (for good reason)
Something off about him. Eyes shine at night like a cat.
Kind, gentle, and would have made a very good Mortician Mage
Slide five: Winter Balfouriana
This is her real name!
Leader and founder of the Aristata
Viper’s girlfriend
Last surviving member of fairly powerful/noble family of demon slayers
Prior to the “disaster” which killed her family, her mother had trained her in enchanted metalsmithing
Tenacious and strategic, and genuinely cares for her mercenaries
Respectful and fair
Slide six: Stark Jiang
Sees the best in people and tends to treat people as friends unless proven otherwise
Tbh to the point where it’s easy to forget he’s just as deadly as Viper
The first person to join Winter as a mercenary, before their little group even had a name
Pretty hard to rattle him and most of the time he’s just vibing
Very reliable and very trustworthy
Slide seven: Other people
Cecil Davis – Wayton’s Mortician Mage and the man   who took in Honey after he was orphaned 
Taiga – Cecil’s weird dog
Lady Alabaster – Countess of Vindale. She hired   the Aristata to settle a conflict with a   neighbouring Lord
Ren Alabaster – Lady Alabaster’s son (he’s gone   missing)
Annie and Theo – The other two members of the   Aristata
Slide eight: Stuff that's going on
Basically, Lady Alabaster’s son goes missing in the middle of the night
That same night Winter finds Honey alone in desert
 The Aristata agree to stay under Lady Alabaster’s employment to try and find her son
So what happened to Ren Alabaster?
Is he even still alive?
What’s the deal with this Honey kid?
Could it perhaps be an issue that Viper doesn’t like to accept what she knows to be true and instead deny to avoid recognizing uncomfortable truths?
Who knows, could be anything!
Slide nine: ~worldbuilding~
It’s fantasy loosely based on wild west aesthetic
There are demons, there are gods and there are fae (technically all three are the same thing but it’s complicated)
Most of the story comes out of a place called Vindale, governed by Lady Alabaster
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queen-of-films · 1 year
'M3gan': The Creepy Child Revealed Scene
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We are all familiar with the creepy child trope in horror films. But, in case you don't, here are a few examples: Ester (The Orphan), Samara (The Ring), and Lilith (Case 39) just to name a few. Notice most of the creepy children we think of in horror films are young girls; there is a reason for this. Young girls are usually depicted as innocent, but when they're in horror movies, the innocence can easily be a ploy.
M3gan is our latest creepy child and has caught my eye on a pattern I see in most horror movies with the creepy child trope. As said before, girls are usually seen as innocent, from their long flowing hair down to the softness of their voices. The point is no one could suspect a young innocent girl to be a murderer, and that is the ploy. But, we are not going to talk about the trope, as the trope has been talked about so many times. What we'll be discussing is the creepy child revealed scene. This is the scene that is either near the middle or end of the film, where our creepy child reveals their true nature to the protagonist(s) and/or removes their disguise.
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The AI M3gan was designed to hide the fact that she is a robot, to the point that her physicality is flawless. Everything that made M3gan seem friendly and human is all taken away in the scene where M3gan tries to kill her maker Gemma. In this scene, Gemma uses a chainsaw that only manages to rip half of M3gan's wig and face off. This scene reminds the audience and protagonists that despite M3gan's programming to be a caregiver, she will always be inside and out, a robot. A few more examples of the creepy child revealed scene are Ester removing her make-up that made her look like a little girl, Lilith's demon face reveal, etc.
Ester, Lilith, and M3gan all have something in common; they wanted to be what they disguised themselves to be... little girls. All three of the girls wanted someone to care for them and someone that made them feel human. However, pretending to be someone you're not can only work for so long. Eventually, their desire to be loved would be consumed by their true nature. Once they've realized they can't have it both ways, someone has to die.
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SILLY IDEA!!! i just finished reading ur absolute banger drabble of usurper!gojo and the child convo. and it got me thinking (linking things from canon to the au) that in the future somehow we stumble upon megumi (maybe from a nearby kingdom..?) and then yuji & nobara? do u think we would adopt? (I love u endlessly btw you’re my favourite writer)
I talked about this prospect here, which is in the usurper!gojo tag but fairly far back & isnt linked anywhere so i dont blame u at all for not seeing it. i also preface by saying that u all can, obvi, disregard all this however u please, but personally i just don't see gojo as a very paternal guy. big brother who gets a kick out of annoying the fuck out of u but gives pretty good advice and would beat the shit out of ur bullies??? yes. but not rlly a father-figure.
with that in mind, all of the first and second years are king's wards! essentially, they're members of the court, often orphaned nobles (or nobles whose parents are otherwise out of the picture, ex. been imprisoned), who the king or queen decides to sponsor. typically that'd rlly just be in name & funding and the ward wouldn't meet them more than a few times (if that) but in the case of this au—because gojo and the reader are incredibly unorthodox rulers—they're a little more hands-on & take on more direct mentor positions. again, not rlly adoptive parents, but def around in their lives and there for support (well, more the reader in that sense) and the kinds of funding a noble parent would give their kids.
wrt megumi specifically: toji is the assassin hired to kill gojo (and gojo killed him in the process of that failed assassination attempt) so megumi's around just like in canon with gojo taking him in bc he killed his dad. yuuji and nobara are orphaned servants who gojo & the reader took a liking to and just took under their wing—frankly i think megumi bonds with them and then gojo's like hey! where r ur parents??? pfft
toge and maki are slightly different. maki is from the zen'in family which is, obviously, the highest ranking noble family alongside the kamos, but she was cast aside and disgraced. gojo stepped in—both out of spite and because he identified with her—and took her on as a ward. toge is an orphaned noble from a middle-ranking family; i kind of imagine him to be the son of two nobles who allied themselves with Gojo and helped with the coup maybe as spies like nanami??? and died perhaps as a result of it, so funding toge's education and stepping in to raise him was his thanks/apology to toge's late parents.
panda..... well. im trying to keep from explicitly saying whether or not there's magic in this au so. we'll say panda is either the creation or adoptive son of yaga, who was.... mmmm let's say a general under gojo's father (i would go with captain of the guard but i already gave that to getou's dad lol) and also the man who taught gojo both military strategy as a prince would need to learn && to fight, but was killed in the aftermath of gojo's uncle's coup, so taking panda on is a similar story to toge
annnnnnd finally yuuta, who is of note because in-canon he's descended from the gojo clan. ill simply c+v what i said in that other post wrt him:
[gojo] goes off on a lil trip one month and comes back with a teenager whose family has been living as like sheep farmers or some shit in the country for generations but who can trace his lineage back to a courtesan of a former king with maybe an old family heirloom or like a magic-based 23 and me test or some shit.
thats yuuta! the result of gojo finally getting fed the fuck up of people telling him he needs an heir, if not create one then name one from among his wards. does the entire court think he just nabbed a random serf and is fully lying about the royal blood? oh absolutely. is he actually lying? perhaps. you and he are the only ones to know the truth
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ao3screenshotss · 1 year
Honestly I think about the orphan thing— it‘s just about connotations. It‘d just how we use it. And I think that makes sense, since we all lose our parents at some point, but it‘s a special case when you use them when you‘re still a child. A childhood without a parent is different to adulthood without your parent. I don‘t think it‘s about comparing pain or dismissing it at all. I connect the term orphan to child without parents, because that‘s just how we use it. I‘ve gotten corrections on my papers for technicalities as well, and I understand why they do it (it‘s just the way that term is used— so linguistically, technically that doesn‘t work. You can express the pain using all kinds of words, orphan just isn‘t one cause she‘s an adult and we only use that term for children)
(Which makes sense, because a child without parents is a special case! Everybody loses their parents at some point, but mostly once you‘re an adult yourself. Losing one as a child is also relatively common. Losing both is rare (rarer anyway), so that‘s why we‘ve got a special term. And I know it is always painful, but please don‘t say it‘s not uniquely horrible for a child, just situation-wise. I don‘t at all mean to minimize the pain of losing any loved one at any age, I mean to say, as an adult, (like a proper adult, middle-aged) it‘s less detrimental to your situation at large. I think losing both parents during childhood deserves its own term, you know?)
(I really just want to say that I don‘t think there‘s anything mean or heartless about it, it makes a ton of sense that our language is like this. Just say she lost her father; people understand that pain, of course they do.)
(Sorry that this is so long and I just keep adding more but I want to clarify why I care about this— I think it‘s really important to be careful with heavy, like, judgment. This just feels like cynicism. If everybody‘s just quick to be cynical then where‘s the world heading, y‘know? Sry for being so serious though, and I don‘t mean to be accusatory to anyone at all)
i am so sorry oh my god i had this saved in my drafts for ages i didn’t realise i forgot to post it i replied and everything- i’m just gonna post what i wrote earlier and put it under a read more cause it’s a tiny bit long
i think i kinda understand the point you're trying to make - the words that are coming to mind for me is emotional maturity. if an adult's parents died when they were an adult, they still got to experience a childhood with their parents, but it's not the same with a child who's parents died when they were children.
i was also thinking about how i don't really see adults who were orphans as a child still referred to as orphans. i think that they still count, since they did go through the experience of losing parents when they were a child, but when they become adults they're suddenly just adults and i do think it's interesting how the 'title' (not as in a privilege or anything but you know what i mean) of orphan seems to disappear even though to the person the experience obviously doesn't (makes me think about how once you're 18 the foster care system doesn't really count you as part of them but that's too much to get into)
i think all in all you're right when it all just comes down to connotations. especially if it's how we use it and how other people we know might use it. i do understand by what you mean when you say having a term for a child losing their parents at a young age, it's a different experience than an adult would have, so it deserves its own term too.
either way, thank you for sending this! it's making me sad but it's really interesting to think about!! you did end up changing my view on the word so i'll make sure to think about that if i use it again!!!
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blorbologist · 2 years
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I posted 15,721 times in 2022
That's 9,329 more posts than 2021!
341 posts created (2%)
15,380 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,635 of my posts in 2022
#critical role spoilers - 486 posts
#cr spoilers - 476 posts
#critical role - 434 posts
#critrole spoilers - 239 posts
#perc'ahlia - 117 posts
#vex'ahlia - 103 posts
#percahlia - 99 posts
#critical role fanfiction - 96 posts
#cr vex - 90 posts
#cr fanfic - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#percy one night wakes up in a cold sweat 'dear our baby was a bird egg for. a time. will that impact development?' 'percival go to sleep pls
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm having thoughts about Ashton and Fearne's relationship. Platonic or romantic I don't mind either, I just.
Fearne. Fearne who Morri taken a shine to. Fearne, she was collected, traded for a favor, given, kept, kept, kept, like a toy. A thing, a thing - yes her parents love her yes they'd give her the moon (hah!) but she's a precious thing to them, a six year old, a child but without any of the budding autonomy of one, talked about with the same fond possessiveness as a pet. All the language surounding her treats her as an object - it certainly sheds some light on how she views her relationships. She was loved, yes, but loved enough to be *worth* something when traded, loved enough to be hoarded by Morri.
Ashton, who was a Nobody and then nobody to the Nobodies, who left him for dead, who potentially even set him up??? (I've seen some mutterings about that). Ashton who was an unwanted orphan, a Greymoore, one body among the masses, nobody important to anyone (bar Milo and FCG). Ashton who is one man's trash, another man's treasure - broken but gilded.
And what do they do?
They steal from eachother.
"Fuck you, you're someone, because a thing can't have things and I want your things. You're a cunning foe in this game of ours, you're fun to play with, fuck you, you can't say steal from a toy. It's only fun taking things because they're owned by you," says Ashton.
"You're worth taking from, you're worth the game, you're someone I want to interact with. I'll watch you sleep, I'll look into your head like you matter. You're some*body* and you have some *things* and I'll keep coming back to you," says Fearne.
"I'll steal you," they both say. "You're worth stealing, but only because it’s you, and I care about you."
1,126 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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“I’m gonna lightningbolt the tree trunk so I can split it right down the middle and make the two halves crash down“
1,175 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
You've seen Marisha on the table, NOW GET READY FOR
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1,522 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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POV, you're the Briarwoods and the feast just got... interesting.
Jumping on the bandwagon and doing a redraw of this moment last episode because YEAH, the Twins + Percy vibes just jumped out. (There's no way Percy would be this chill but I wanted to draw them in the fancy outfits so! It be how it be :v)
1,756 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"The lord is in his office"
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"Orym someone about your size is following you."
See the full post
4,236 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Saleos - Reference Sheets
Before I show you all the other sketches for @absolutepokemontrash , I realized that I needed to introduce you all to my characters first.
Starting with Sal...
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Mythological Saleos: Saleos is Great Duke of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons, however, he is pacifist in nature, and has the ability to have men and women to fall in love. He is depicted as a gallant, and handsome soldier, wearing a ducal crown, and riding a crocodile.
Obey Me Saleos:
Aliases: Sal, Sally, Cutie, Mini Cupid, Tattletale, Blabbermouth.
Character Information:
Gender: Male
Race: Demon, or Half Demon?
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac: Aquarius
Status: Alive
Likes: Finding love for others.
Dislikes: Dead flowers or animals.
Symbolic Animal
Symbolic Color
Ummm...pink? Green? Brown? Those are the colors of his demon form so...
Personality: Saleos is a very loving, happy-go-lucky, and slightly socially inept demon child, who has just started attending school at R.A.D. with his best friend, Naberius.
Unlike Luke or Naberius, Sal has no fear or hatred towards angels, though whether that is due to his slight naivety of the world or his non-discrimatory love for everyone, is unknown.
What is known to everyone, however, is Sal's habit of shipping people together if he finds the pair to be cute, giving unwarranted advice on love or other matters of the heart, or reveal the emotions of whoever he is referring to, much to the dismay of everyone else. This is due to Sal's empathic ability that allows him to know the emotions of other people. Sal can be very oblivious to the distress of others when he reveals their emotions, though. He's only trying to help!
As he grew up in little cottage in the woods, Saleos adores nature and regularly tends to the animals nearby. If he ever finds an animal sick or injured, Sal is determined to nurse them back to health. But should the animal die or he finds one dead, he will give them burials and mourn the loss.
Background: Saleos grew up without any family of his own. He has a few memories of his mother, but she was not the most caring person and abandoned him at a young age, leading him to fend for himself. Despite that, he still tries to think of her fondly. It is because of his lonely early life, that he wishes to bring love and happiness to other people.
I haven't decided yet if Sal should be Asmo's son born out of a one-night stand due to having similar "love-based" abilities and characteristics to Asmo, or if Sal should just be an orphaned demon without Asmo attached. The way I see it, there are 3 main backstories I can go with:
Sal grew up in the Devildom alone as a half demon, with Asmo as the father and a witch who abandoned Sal a few years after he was born.
Sal grew up as a half-demon in the Human World, and is then summoned to the Devildom as a new exchange student for the second year.
Or finally, Sal grew up in the Devildom alone as a full demon with no knowledge of his parents.
Either way, he grew up basically alone, with only his pet and first best friend, Frabjous the Crocodile, as his companion. That is, until Naberius came along, who he met after Nab broke into his little house in the middle of the night to find food and shelter. But, if you pick the option in which Sal grew up in the Human World, he won't meet Nab until he arrives in the Devildom.
And that's Saleos! I do want to ask all of you who read this, which backstory should I go with for Sal? I genuinely can't decide on one, so I'm leaving this in your hands!
I'll post the second character, Naberius, soon, I just need to write up his info.
I hope you guys like my design, by the way. I tried to make it weird but still make sense? In a way? I don't know, Obey Me demon forms are weird. But let me know what you guys think! I'll see you all soon! Byeee! 💗
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aikoiya · 1 year
Curse Shoulder Spirits: Has Alphys + Mettaton + Toriel ever killed any humans, even accidentally or indirectly?… If YES, then who their Shoulder Spirits?… Who is Asgore’s Shoulder Spirit?… What if Mettaton + Napstablook are the ONLY non-cursed people, who can see the Spirits, because they’re both ghost themselves? … Would Mettaton be super happy, that his Integrity BFF is getting sassy revenge on Undyne? 👻🤖💖
While Alphys in this situation wouldn't have actively killed any humans, she was the indirect cause of one's death, a.k.a. Kindness. So, she wouldn't initially see her until after she began to experiment on the humans' bodies & souls.
Toriel, I definitely don't see being able to do so intentionally, but again, she did allow their deaths by not protecting them, or escorting them herself, or telling them that in order to leave, they'd need a monster soul, or even just preparing them in-general.
As such, while she might not necessarily see them consistently, she might feel as though she were being haunted by the spirits of the children & she'd be right in a way. Like, legit haunting. Like, seeing the faces of one of the children out of the corner of her eye or in a mirror, then when she blinks, they're gone. Or it'll be dark & she'll see a shadowy figure out of the corner of her eye, but when she turns to look, there's nothing there. Things change places as if moved even though it's just her there. Maybe one of the toys each one used to play with will just suddenly show up beside her. Or she'll suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with one of the children at the foot of her bed, looking at her like some sort of sleep paralysis demon. She'll suddenly hear things that she tries to convince herself isn't there. Like children's laughter or crying echoing creepily down the halls from Asriel & Chara's room. Or whispered hisses close to her ear, "why didn't you go with us?" Or suddenly, there'd be a human child's handprint on a mirror. Or after a bath, she'll glance at the mirror & see words begin to be written by an invisible hand. Just outright hauntings. Though, at the same time, it wouldn't a constant thing. More so, it'll just happen randomly over time starting after Kindness' death (who came after Patience) & with each human child that she fails, there will be a new face or figure or toys. The reason why Patience isn't there is because she left suddenly without telling Toriel, whereas the others Toriel allowed to leave, knowing full well that they would die.
Mettaton, possibly not either. As he wouldn't have done anything, yet, to get a human tied to him.
I think that Asgore's would've been Patience which I'm having trouble remembering the name of beyond the family name Gawain (we can go with Eira for her first name for now). But I do know that she was the first to fall after Chara & in my mind, Chara was either an orphaned street urchin or had an abusive family & lived in a medieval town (I hc that Ebot is in England) that was sacked by raiders. I remember choosing an actual village near the border of England & Scotland that was actually raided at the time. I think it started with a "b." It was some time during the late 4th to early 5th century. Anyway, the raiders killed his family & he ran away, then fell into Ebot.
Anyway, Patience lived in the time of Arthurian legend, if not a bit after, & aspired to be the first lady knight. Her father was a knight & her mother was a gentlelady. She grew up being trained by her father, who was secretly routing for her to show the world she could do it, but as a result, he trained her harshly & taught her the ways of chivalry. Her mother, on the other hand, while loving her dearly herself, wished to instead raise her to be a proper lady of the court & discouraged her from training.
So, a bit like a healthier version of Brave. However, here Patience actually doesn't mind the etiquette classes or the dresses or the ribbons & quite enjoys being a lady. However, she also enjoys swordfighting & if she'd managed to grow up, I see her having taken up using a razorchain sword-whip. Basically, it's a sword that when you put magic into it, the blade will separate into pieces of the razor-sharp blade connected by a chain. Which she'd use as if it were a whip.
However, since she didn't, she had to stick with her training sword.
She was an immaculate battle strategist who had mastered the art of wait & strike. And knew well the way to disable a person without killing them. However, she also knew how to kill when necessary.
Anyway, she has a deep sense of chivalry & a desire to help others. As well as an abiding sense of honor. So, when she heard of the monsters' dilemma as well as the fact that she would be unable to leave without a monster soul (from Toriel, which could be why she elects to no longer inform the children), she left in the middle of the night without telling Toriel, made her way across the kingdom, battling monsters, but neither cowtowing to their inane, asinine demands, nor killing them unless there was no other choice left. All done with neither fuss nor fanfare.
Then, upon reaching Asgore, she challenged him to a duel. If she won, he'd train her as a guard & she would serve him as her new king. If she lost, then her soul was his to save his kingdom with. (In this way, she might have a tiny bit of an ego problem.)
In the end, she lost. So, she took her loss with grace & knelt before him with her head down as if swearing fealty to him, but with her neck extended as if in preparation for the headman's axe. It struck Asgore deeply & he was forced to make a decision then.
Keep in mind that back then, you were considered an adult much younger than you are today. I believe at around 13? And Patience was around 14.
I think that I decided that Asgore goes through with it himself, but does so with reverence & respect? Openly thanking her for her sacrifice.
The toy knife you find in the Ruins was made of wood & it was Patience's favorite toy as a child. She carried it around for good luck, but accidentally dropped it at the Ruins. The same with her mother's ribbon after falling in some leaves.
Anyway, in the end, I see Patience being the sort to understand Asgore's position. She wouldn't like it, especially when the Kindness child (who was 5-6) showed up & died. But she more than most of the other humans would understand solemn duties for the sake of others. As knights are the instruments of their king, whose responsibility it is to protect his people. As such, she'd at least have an idea of how heavy the head that wears the crown is.
In this way, she would have mixed feelings about the situation & since I don't think that Asgore would actually know exactly what the Royal Scientists would've been doing, then neither would Patience, which would make it even more startling when the pain of her DT being extracted rushed through her. She & the other human ghosts would also feel a twisting discomfort whenever their bodies were experimented on. Literally like someone was treading on their graves.
In a way, I think that Asgore would very quickly begin to see Patience as a daughter, even becoming protective of her, & would find her presence both comforting & distressing because he regrets his decision with every fiber of his being. She hadn't deserved to die like that. To die so young. Only having just become an adult. He should've just taken her up on her offer to make her a guard regardless of winning. He was sure that they could've hidden her identity somehow.
So, he'd be alarmed & distressed when she begins screaming & is clueless as to what is happening to her.
Anyway, I definitely think that the ghosts being able to see the spirits is a fun idea & Mettaton would absolutely revel in the thought that his Darling Clarice (his nickname for her) was sassing that awful fishbitch. Though, he'd also be somewhat jealous that she was bound to Undyne instead of him, which would just reinforce his hatred of the fish.
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teenageread · 2 years
Review: A Girl Like That
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Sixteen-year-old Zarin Wadia is many things: a bright and vivacious student, an orphan, a risk taker. She’s also the kind of girl that parents warn their kids to stay away from: a troublemaker whose many romances are the subject of endless gossip at school.  You don't want to get involved with a girl like that, they say. So how is it that eighteen-year-old Porus Dumasia has only ever had eyes for her? And how did Zarin and Porus end up dead in a car together, crashed on the side of a highway in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia? When the religious police arrive on the scene, everything everyone thought they knew about Zarin is questioned. And as her story is pieced together, told through multiple perspectives, it becomes clear that she was far more than just a girl like that.
Parents warned their children about Zarin Wadia, an orphan girl living with her aunt and uncle, whose many romances could lead her to jail, and whose big mouth could get her killed. No one wanted their child to mess around with a girl like that. Thus, it was no surprise to the parents of her peers when they heard that Zarin's body was found in a crashed car along with a boy who was not related to her. Schoolmates knew that boy, from either picking Zarin up from school, or they saw him at the deli shop where he worked. Porus Dumasia was good-looking enough, hard-working, and kind, and yet he only had eyes for Zarin, despite her not giving him the time of day. See, despite what gossip blogger Mishal tried to dig up on Zarin, no one knew what was going on in that girl's head before her death. As Zarin did not have many friends, only boys who took her on dates with the hope to get something, Zarin remained a mystery to her peers. But Zarin was no mystery. She was just a girl, trying to escape the harsh hands of her Masi, the societal pressures of Saudi Arabia, and find someone willing to love her for more than just her body. Where Zarin’s and Porus lives ended tragically on the highway, their story is not just sorrow, but one full of life and self-discovery, as Zarin, despite what her peers and community think, is more than just a girl like that, but one full of spirit and love.
Tanaz Bhathena writes this tragic tale of sixteen-year-old Zarin Wadia, who begins the novel as a spirit floating above her own dead body, watching her Masi (aunt) and Masa (uncle) grieve for her. Going backward, Bhathena tells us the story of Zarin and how she ends up in this accident, with the story divided into sections such as beginnings, a girl like any other, blood, shame, and more. Starting off with a dead Zarin does have an interesting hook to it, as readers start the story with plenty of questions about Zarin, Porus, and where they were going in that car. However it also spoils the story, and Bhathena could have created a more gut-wrenching heartbreak to have readers form this relationship with Zarin, hoping she makes it out, only to kill her off near the end. After all, throughout the book you root for Zarin to get out of this life, only knowing that she never does. This is why this story is so heartbreaking, as you want Zarin to find happiness, knowing that she never does. Zarin as a character, is honestly pretty loveable, despite what her peers think. Her wit and ability to stand up for herself made her a strong character to like, and her tragic past made her someone you wanted to succeed. The narration in the story is first person, but changes from the point of view of mainly Zarin, to secondary characters of Porus and Mishal, and a few tertiary characters of Rizvi. Unique to this contemporary story is its setting of Saudi Arabian, in which the country’s customs play a huge role in the story, and how Zarin is ostracized by her peers. Items such as religious police, where you can get buried when you die, or Zarin's lack of religious identity, play a role in this story. Where I am not sure Bhathena got all the Middle Eastern concepts right, they do focus heavily on the idea of rape culture, and lack of women’s rights that Zarin faced in Saudi Arabia, and how she could get arrested if seen on a date with a peer. Overall, this story is heartbreakingly tragic, as Zarin, the girl who wanted love and freedom, finally gets it, if only it exists in the afterlife, as her tragic death helps her escape her confinement, and she gets to experience true freedom.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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katyahina · 3 years
Caryll Runes designs are pretty smart
There are even things easy to see through visuals, like
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Lake is interesting on its own - it resembles how in reflection of the water way more things are seen than just what is above, as Lake is a symbol of line between 'reality' and 'arcane' and this rune itself refers to seeking beyond.
But Clawmark for me looks like 'tilted' Lake Rune, which works to symbolise how line between humans and beasts blurs when Moon descends - it has similar designs with stripes separated by a line, but on Clawmark practically all of them are seen in "reflection"!
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Meanwhile Guidance and Beast Runes have similar 'curled' base that is not seen on any other Rune, and in fact their similarity makes sense - it is as if Guidance is 'unfinished' Beast Rune, as Ludwig was clearly held in the dark about purpose and the result of his divine 'guidance'!
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This one is very interesting - the second Rune is found on Clocktower Dial and resembles Impurity a lot, however is not exact copy. Besides, we know Impurity Rune was "found within a forbidden Beast Eater" (who IS Valtr) and that nobody outside of the League have seen Vermin (which you can only see with Impurity), so definitely this bootleg Impurity rune is not Valtr's.
(Headcanon moment? Since Vermin reflects evil within men, I think a Rune like this is more of a 'concept' - everyone who tried to envision this concept would draw a similar Rune, but everyone would end up with a unique symbol since every individual has their own idea of what evil is! The rune placed on the Clocktower Dial is most likely envisioned by Caryll as they are practically CEO of Runes and it would make sense to use their vision as general idea.
I think there is dispersion, too - people who aim to heal/fix evil more envision evil as weeds and flowers (referring to Tomb Molds and Coldblood Flowers, yes), but those who seek to exterminate evil more envision pest insects. Someone's unique vision indeed can be shared with another person, and Yamamura is an example of the idea of justice colliding - Impurity did not work right on him as deep down he is a way more sentimental and humane person and seeks to heal evil rather than destroy, so him going insane grasping for the concept his own personality repels was only a matter of time.)
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Again, smart design resemblance because of this shape in the center of both Moon and Communion. Moon refers to the Nightmare ritual that needs a newborn (Mergo in this case), and Communion is the symbol of the Healing Church that likely took design inspiration from what they did with stolen Orphan of Kos. You know, the:
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( x )
So this shape in the middle must mean divine infant?
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(Image from here ( x ), I don't think a better one exists yet)
In this case, the most interesting Rune is this one:
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This is created from three curved lines, which I think could refer to how you need to consume three Eye Cords to properly ascend, and also resemble the flowing tentacles of Flora herself. (Needless to mention I personally don't think it refers to Metamophosis at all...)
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On only mildly-interesting note, both of Oedon-related Runes are also the only non-oath Runes that appear to be drawn with blood! Even then, they look more 'fresh' than Impurity, Hunter, Beast's Embrace and Corruption! I suppose it is because Oedon's true nature is said to manifest within bloodspill.
(Another headcanon moment - I like to think that Oedon Writhe likewise looking like many tentacles and Formless Oedon having 'three dots' like Communion is not accidental either! We find through Dungeons that something similar to ministration that ruined Yharnam happened once,
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,also Flora has her guts ripped, also it is implied she was lured in with Eye Cord found in the Workshop because she lost her own child, also Arianna has a baby from Oedon known as Celestial Child - whose internal name is 'Larva of the Moon' ( x ), meanwhile this type of infants has Ebrietas' wings, and Ebrietas herself is internally known as 'Bastard of the Moon'...
So I like to think that Oedon IS unborn child of Flora, used in ministration of previous civilisation and not having physical form as a result but rather living within humanity's very blood as presence for as long as they use the old blood. Flora, Ebrietas and Oedon are Father, Son and Holy Spirit!)
Well this post ended up being more headcanoney than I expected, my bad- But yeah the core point stands, I love how Bloodborne manages to tell more story bits even through such subtle things as designs of the Runes, rather than just drawing random mysterious symbols and relying only on description alone o:
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
Hi librarian, I hope you're doing well. I'm super grateful for your blog and your recs always get me through whatever I've got going on. I was wondering if you have a list for meet-ugly fics, they're my favorites
Hello friend! Your sweet asks always make this Librarian smile, and hopefully this list of fics will return the favor. There are…a lot of fics in this category so there are even more fics below the cut. Happy reading!
💞 Wolfstar Meet Uglies 😅
St-rain-gly Familiar by Judeyjude
prompt: Remus is having a terrible day. To top it all off, when he gets caught in a sudden downpour his umbrella refuses to open. Luckily for Remus, a black haired stranger comes to his rescue. The rescuing doesn't go quite as planned...
Smoke Signals by @kattlupin
Sirius Black, the reluctant God of Black Island, has his world turned upside down. Not by the smoldering volcano that has come back to life and is threatening to blow its top and destroy them all at any moment, but by the islands mysterious, surfing, pot smoking inhabitant, Remus Lupin.
The "Sweetest, Kindest Person" by @kittycargo
Lily's friend Remus comes to the dental office where Sirius works to have his wisdom teeth removed.
Strangers on a Plane by @halictus-writer
Sirius is planning on reading during his short flight. But his seatmate is rather handsome, if not a little standoffish. They're both short on tact today.
Operation Puppy Love by @goodboylupin
After a long string of failures, Sirius must take on the mantle of Man's Best Friend to help James win over one Lily Evans. As a treat for his good deeds, he meets the man of his dreams.
The Social Penetration Theory by @catewip
When Remus Lupin gets distracted by his insanely attractive new classmate, technology rebels and chaos ensues.
Fine Motor Skills by @my-coming-of-age-novel
Sirius Black's car needs work—again. Meanwhile, Remus Lupin is amused to see his favorite customer back at his mechanic's shop. An ode to classic "tattoo artist meets florist" fics, this "mechanic meets bookstore owner" one subverts the trope so the exact opposite marauder that you would expect to own each shop does.
To Fall for/on the Northern Line by @ptarmiganlettercarrier
What happens when the only other guy on the train trips over you? Well... if you're Sirius Black, maybe you start to flirt. And maybe, just maybe, he flirts back.
Tom Jones (A Love Story) by @wook77
The story in which Remus is a street musician, Sirius is a self-important banker that spends more on his coat than Remus makes in a month, James is James and Peter likes Tom Jones.
Hogwarts Bouncy Castle of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
To many, Sirius in a bouncy castle may spell disaster, but to Remus it is where he has found true love.
Swipe Left for Safety by @remywrites5
His finger hesitated over a picture of someone who absolutely couldn’t be real. He had long, dark hair that fell well past his shoulders and grey eyes that Remus thought must have been either contact lenses or photoshopped. High cheekbones and sinful lips the man looked like a model. Remus was not about to get catfished by a picture that was probably of someone famous that he just didn’t recognize. Besides, what kind of a name was Sirius anyway? It was obviously fake. He swiped left. Not today, Satan. “Hard pass on that guy, huh?” Someone said from above Remus. “Ouch.”
Huckleberry by @wolfywordweaver
One dusty morning in a small town in the middle of the Wild West a gunfight brings the best gunslinger of the Greyback Boys face-to-face with the legendary Black Grim. Who's got the fastest hands in the West?
Chance Meetings, Therapeutically by @halictus-writer
Sirius is getting himself through post-divorce life when he re-meets the husband of the man his husband was cheating on him with.
Be Nice to the Wait Staff by wannnabesuper
Inspired by the instagram @overheardbumble: "I ended the date early because he was rude to the waiter." "Ugh, I hate that." "I know...But I ended up going home with the waiter, so it was worth it."
Headband by diiiangelo
When Remus finally agreed to go watch a soccer game with Lily, he didn’t know that the most gorgeous man he had ever seen would be playing. He also definitely didn’t count on said man kicking the ball right at his head.
Something Beautiful -orphaned account
When Remus Lupin's ex talks him into a drunken tattoo mistake, he goes to his friend and co-worker Lily for help. Luckily her husband's best mate is a tattoo artist who can help with the cover up. Unfortunately for Remus, the tattoo in in a rather compromising area, and he'll have to get over his embarrassment. Luckily for him, Sirius Black is just the man for the job.
Customers Only by Judeyjude
"Dragging her eyes back to Sirius, the hostess pointed a perfectly manicured nail to the sign on the podium that read: Restroom for Customers Only." A charming stranger saves Sirius Black from a sticky situation when little Harry's on the verge of wetting himself.
The London Underground Book of Love by Children_of_the_Shadows
The cardinal rule of the London Underground is to never, ever make eye contact. It is a rule that, among many others, Sirius tends to follow despite his otherwise rebellious, non-rule-following nature. So the first time he makes eye contact with a human being in the subway comes as much of a shock to him as anyone else. Especially when he's unable to look away.
False accusations -orphaned account
It's December 1981 and Sirius has his hands full with Harry, when one afternoon he receives an unexpected visit from Child Protection Services.
On Behalf of the Souls -orphaned account
When Remus gets into an unwitting row with a couple of drunk men at the pub, the last thing he expects is for the gorgeous person at the end of the bar to come to his rescue. But the Universe seems to be interested in seeing them together, as Sirius Black finds something he likes very much about Remus Lupin, and aims to keep him.
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innaminitus · 4 years
Pairing: George x reader x Fred
Request: WEASLEY TWINS CHRISTMAS SMUT YES PLEAASE where they both like the reader but like make a deal that it’s either both of them for her or none of them? THANK YOU
Warnings: smut, no twincest
Word count: 2671
A/N: BIG NOTE: if you are not okay with this kind of fic, you are free to not read it. there is plenty of similar fics all over tumblr, you can avoid them, too.
first fic from my Christmas at Hogwarts series! Feel free to send requests!
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The hallways were filled with candles and glittery chains, on every corner there was a Christmas tree, decorated with all kinds of ornaments, gingerbreads and dried oranges, filling the air with the specific scent of holidays.
You hated the so called ‘holiday spirit’ and basically everything that involved anything associated with Christmas. It wasn’t your fault, really. You remembered times when you actually quite liked Christmas. Not much of it you remembered, though, since you were just a small child when it all fell apart. It was Christmas, after all, when your father murdered your mother right in front of you. Cinnamon and oranges only made you anxious now.
Suddenly someone bumped into you from behind.
“Hey, Portkey!” The Weasley twins blocked your view and both walked backwards in order to see you.
“Stop calling me that…” You furrowed at the nickname, but couldn’t help but to smile.
You got the nickname after the circumstances in which you met the twins.
You were scrubbing the cauldrons in Snape’s office as your detention when the door opened and Filch jumped on his chair in which he has been snoring for at least half an hour now. Snape stormed through the door, dragging two boys by their collars. You saw them before, the famous Weasley twins, the jokers of Hogwarts.
“Messrs. Weasley will help Miss Y/L/N clean the cauldrons. I expect them to be clean enough to see my own reflection.”
“Of course, professor!” Filch nodded his head. “I’ll make sure they will!”
But despite what he said, right after Snape left Filch sat back on his chair and started snoring once again. Fred or George laughed at him and grabbed one of the sponges you were using to clean one of the cauldrons from something thick and sticky.
“I’m Fred” one of them said “and this is George.” He pointed at his twin who cringed at the sight of dirty cauldrons.
“I’m Y/N,” you murmured without taking your eyes off a particularly dirty place.
“And how did you end up here?”
You smirked and looked up.
“I turned Filch’s mop into a portkey. He ended up on the roof every time he touched it.”
They both laughed at your words.
“Brillaint!” said George. At least you thought it was George. “We gave the whole first year Fainting Fancies.”
“Only to test them, of course.”
“But Granger ruined the fun.”
You stopped scrubbing for a second and looked at them with dismay.
“What on earth are Fainting Fancies?” you asked, not sure if you actually want to know the answer.
“Ah!” Fred straightened, obviously very proud of himself. “Our invention! We are working on sweets that make you ill.”
“Sweets that make me ill?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Exactly. You take one and have, in example, instant fever. Perfect before an exam you forgot about.”
“You guys are really something else.”
It was in the middle of September. You have become quite inseparable ever since, the jokes and hours of detention really brought you together.
“Ready to leave for Christmas?” asked Fred, almost tripping over an old rug.
You dragged his arm and forced him to walk next to you, afraid he might actually fall next time. George also joined your side.
“I’m not leaving. I always spend Christmas here.”
“Well, actually that makes sense. I wouldn’t like to spend Christmas with a Slytherin either,” Fred laughed, but George stormed him with sight. “What?”
You only talked to George about what happened to your family. One night you were changing the lenses in telescopes in Astronomy Tower, so instead of stars they would show a giant eye of a person who would use them and ended up looking at the night sky filled with dark clouds. You were talking about everything and nothing, and from word to word you ended up confessing it to him. How your father killed your mother, because she wouldn’t join him as a Death Eater. How you run away through the back door of your house and, swallowing tears, stormed to your neighbors. How the Aurors would take your father to the Azkaban and leave you at an orphanage. How no one would adopt you.
“It’s just… Celebrating Christmas in an orphanage is never fun. I much prefer it here than there.”
Fred’s smile fainted. “I’m- I’m sorry, Y/N, I had no idea.”
“That’s fine.” You waved your hand at him. “You couldn’t know.”
He looked at his twin, they exchanged looks that seemed to say more than any word could.
“Alright, that’s it,” George said. “You have to come with us for Christmas.”
You shook your head with a faint smile. “It’s alright, boys. I’m fine on my own, really.”
“Well, we’re not.” Fred stopped, blocking your way up the corridor. “That’s it, you’re coming with us. I already told mom you would.”
You furrowed. “No, you didn’t.”
“But I will, so you better go pack yourself.”
You sighed. Would it really be so bad? Would you go down memory lane and get fifteen panic attacks by the time you step through the door of their home or would you finally soothe the horror you’ve been living in for past twelve years? There was only one way to find out.
“Alright. I’ll go.”
You were nervous during the whole train ride, and now you felt as if you were about to jump from your own skin because of anxiety. With the rest of the Weasley siblings and, of course, the one and only Harry Potter you were waiting outside the King’s Cross station for Mr. Weasley, who was going to pick you up. In a car, they said. You couldn’t possibly imagine how exactly you would fit in a car with all the baggage, but magic surprised you way too many times for you to still question everything. This time it was no different – although Mr. Weasley parked a simple black car, he supposedly got from the Ministry (it had something to do with Potter, but you didn’t ask too many questions) inside it was as big as a van. Every single one of you could fit inside, and you still had plenty of room left. They all chattered and laughed during the way, but you were too stressed to even listen to them. You regretted your decision already. You should be at Hogwarts, in your dorm room, alone, reading a book and drinking unholy amount of hot chocolate with marshmallows. The elves would always bring you some food and this perfect beverage since you never joined the rest of the students which stayed as well. But it was too late now.
The car stopped before an old, weirdly crooked house which looked like a patchwork blanket you had when you were little. Somehow it made you feel warm inside.
You got out right after Ginny, with your bag in hand, unsure what to do. You locked your eyes on flying lights around the roof of the house. Could it be fairies? Or just enchanted string of plain lights?
All of the sudden you felt heavy arm around your shoulders. “Hey, Portkey, you alright?” Fred asked, his sight following yours. “Yeah, I know it’s not much, but–“
“It’s perfect,” you interrupted, smiling.
His face brightened and you noticed sparkles in his eyes. Pretty.
“Go on, lovebirds!” Ginny waved at you and you noticed that it was now only you and Fred standing outside. You blushed suddenly and hurried inside.
“Oh, hello, dear!” Mrs. Weasley smiled at you and grabbed your arms, squeezing them lightly. A big warm smile bloomed on her face. “You must be Y/N! How lovely to finally meet you, I’m so glad you’ll spend holidays with us!”
“Thank you for having me.” You smiled back. This woman just greeted you like an old family friend, not an orphan she sees for the first time in her life. It was… oddly nice.
You were sitting on a sofa, your knees under your chin, staring blindly at the yule tree, your sight blurred to the point where you only saw points of colorful light. The dinner was wonderful. Mrs. Weasley asked George in a letter what your favorite food was, and of course made it just for you. She also made sure there was no scent of gingerbread spice. It was just a little too much for you.
“You’re not asleep?” Someone’s voice interrupted your mindless procrastinating.
You blinked and turned your head to look at George walking down the stairs.
“Not yet… I’m a little overwhelmed. Don’t mind me.”
He sat next to you. The sofa was quite small, that’s why you put your legs down, and now his thigh was touching yours.
“I know my mum can be… intense. To say the least, but she means well.”
“I know that, and she’s lovely, really, it’s just… I don’t know. A lot to process for me. I haven’t had real Christmas since I was a kid. And you are all trying to make me feel welcome…” You turned your head from him, suddenly ashamed. “I feel like I don’t deserve any of it.”
A second passed, then another, and you felt his warm fingers under your chin. He gently turned your face back to him.
“You deserve everything, Y/N.” He moved so close to you that for a second you were sure he was going to kiss you, but he hesitated mere millimeters from your lips. Hotness flushed your cheeks. He smelled like pine tree and suddenly you decided it was now your favorite scent. You waited for a second that felt like an hour, and slightly moved away in the same moment he moved forward. A small gasp escaped your lips, he leaned even more, undaunted, and kissed you gently. No tongue, not even opened mouth, just lips touching lips. It was a long kiss, though, and when he moved away you felt uncomfortable chill on your mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t–“
“No,” you interrupted. “Do it again. Please.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. His hand landed on the back of your neck, he pulled you to him, and butterflies erupted in your stomach. Enough with the gentleness, he was needy, as if he’s been waiting for your lips his whole life. His other hand was on your thigh, he was turning you more towards him as his tongue slid into your mouth.
“Well, well, well.”
You parted immediately, somehow ashamed. Fred slowly walked down the stairs, a hint of smile on his face. “What do we have here?” He stood before you, hands crossed. “I thought we had a deal, Georgie.” Wait, what? “It’s either both of us or none of us.”
You blinked once, then twice, but couldn’t understand the situation. You looked at George, hoping that maybe he would make it clearer.
“I know, I know,” he sighed “but I couldn’t help myself.”
Your heart missed a beat, but not in a pleasant way. Were they… making a bet?
“Can any of you tell me what the hell are you talking about?” you asked, lovely moment from just a mere minute ago long gone.
George rubbed the back of his head and exchanged looks with Fred. They were doing it again, communicating without words.
He sighed. “We– we both like you, okay? And we agreed that none of us will be with you… unless the other one would also be involved.”
You swallowed hard. Did he mean… to be with them both? At the same time? It seemed crazy but… you liked them, too. They were both handsome, obviously. Would it be so bad?
“Okay,” you said, the steadiness of your voice surprising you. “We can– we can try.”
They seemed as surprised as you were, looking at each other once more.
Fred was the first to speak, after he cleared his throat. “Then maybe… let’s go to our room?”
You nodded and followed him up the stairs, feeling the warmth of George’s body behind you.
It was oddly arousing. You had to be quiet, to not wake anyone. You knew you’d have to be quiet later when… When what exactly? Were you going to have sex? Or was it just your hope?
You entered the twins’ room, bathed in moonlight. It smelled like pine here as well…
Suddenly a hand was on the back of your neck, Fred’s tongue first, a split second before his needy lips landed on yours. You didn’t think, you didn’t wait, you gave back every kiss, your tongue next to his. While his fingers were tangled in your hair another set of hands played with skin under the hem of your shirt, bolder with each passing moment. He traced the curves of your body, shamelessly traveled up, and up, his soft fingers caressed the side of your breasts only to finally land on your hardened nipples. You moaned in Fred’s mouth at which he bit your lower lip.
“You like how he touches you, huh?” His voice no more than a whisper, sent shivers down your body. “Wait till I touch you.”
George rolled your nipples in between his fingers, but soon his hands were gone, because Fred lifted you up. They seemed to have one mind, what one thought the other acted. George sat on one of the beds, Fred seated you between his brother’s legs. His fingers hooked on your pajama pants and your panties, but before he took them off he took a look at you, one eyebrow raised in silent question. You could go back now, they wouldn’t blame you. Only… you didn’t exactly want to go back. You lifted your hips, your answer just as silent as his. He grinned and slid your clothes down your legs. George gripped your shirt and soon it was also gone, but you weren’t cold. You had two bodies to warm yourself and you were gladly going to use them.
George’s soft lips traced the curve of your neck while Fred was watching your arousal grow under his brother’s touch. His hands slowly parted your thighs, showing your already pulsating pussy. His twin’s fingers were kneading your breasts and mercilessly pinching your nipples while his mouth landed on yours, kissing you passionately.
He caught you by surprise, really. Almost making you jump when you felt warm tongue spreading your folds, surprise quickly turning to pleasure when Fred’s tongue started to, gently at first, play with your dripping pussy. Oh, but he was impatient. Soon you were a moaning as he was sucking on your clit and slowly pushing one finger inside of you. George wasn’t planning on being any worse than his brother – his skillful fingers could probably make you come just by playing with your nipples and soon you were biting your lips almost till they bled, only to not moan their names.
The pleasure was unbelievable. Feeling of two bodies against you, flicks of Fred’s tongue and moves of George’s fingers and his lips on yours – it was all too much to bear, too much for one person to experience. And you found yourself lost in this pleasure when Fred joined another finger deep in your pussy. Your muscles clenched on him, he started sucking on your clit, George’s fingers pinched hard and all of the sudden you were almost knocked out by the most intensive orgasm you’re ever had.
They gave you a moment to come down from the high and slowly started to undress when you suddenly heard a knock on the door.
“Can you wrap it up?” You heard Ginny’s whisper. “Mom asked me twice already where you are, Y/N, I’m running out of excuses.”
You got all red and slapped your hand over your mouth, looking at the twins who tried very hard not to laugh. Fred handed you your clothes and George leaned to your ear “We’ll finish it tomorrow.” A shiver went down your spine. Well, now you’ve had new Christmas memory to hold onto.
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chaos-burst · 4 years
questions and answers
He had meant to be rude. And it had not worked even a little bit. Eodwulf is sure that anyone else would have been offended. Hell, he’s even sure that the other members of this weird group were absolutely offended on behalf of their friend. But Eodwulf can’t say he has ever met a person like this.
There was no malice, no ill intent, no anger.
When you work with Trent you have to be aware of every little shift in the mood. The slightest twitch of an eyebrow can mean the weather is about to turn foul. Eodwulf knows what to look out for. It had been his intent to rev this weirdo up and it had backfired spectacularly.
No meat. No booze. And balls of steel, apparently. Eodwulf had never seen anyone talk to Trent like that. And while Bren‘s—Caleb‘s—words of wanting to kill Trent outright had been more than Eodwulf would ever admit to his mentor, it somehow felt less crazily reckless than to call Trent Ikithon, Archmage of Civil Influence for the Cerberus Assembly and one of the most powerful mages in the Empire, a fucking fool.
To his face. With a smile. In a complete sincere manner.
Eodwulf doesn’t want to replay the words in his head over and over again but his dumb brain has latched onto them and he can’t stop. Only this time it’s not one of Trent’s lessons that forces him to obsessively repeat something until you have internalized it to the point where you can cite it in your sleep.
“Pain doesn’t make people. It’s love that makes people.“
Eodwulf has it on repeat in his head the whole way back to the tower and it is still going when he lies down hours later to sleep.
“What are you“ had not been meant as a serious question when Eodwulf had asked it. But by the time he finally falls asleep he feels like it has become a very vital question indeed, because who or what would dare to speak to Master Trent Ikithon in a way like this with an honest smile on their face.
Because for some reason his thoughts have decided to betray him, Eodwulf’s brain makes his tongue and lips form the words again when they see the Mighty Nein the next time. This time, Astrid and Eodwulf have been invited to dinner—Trent has very specifically not been invited, you could say he was uninvited with quite a few flowery words in a strange accent.
And as soon as Eodwulf sees Caduceus he remembers the weirdly polite scratching of a chair, the wide smile that indicates that this is a person Eodwulf possibly can not force to lose their composure through careful placed rudeness. And his mouth betrays him.
“So. What are you, really?“
Caduceus blinks mildly surprised before his unfamiliar features shift into a warm smile that has Eodwulf feel quite a lot of inappropriate things he didn’t expect to find in a place like this.
“Gardener. Maker of fine tea. A decent cook. Keeper of graves“, Caduceus lists of and he uses his long fingers to count the things that are important to him about himself.
“Very powerful cleric“, Jester chimes in from the right. She has Astrid next to her in a chair and Eodwulf is pretty sure that Jester has started to put flowers in Astrid’s hair. But surely he must be mistaken. Who in the Nine Hells are these crazy people?
“Oh, yeah. Well, that too, I suppose“, Caduceus says, his smile still warm like honeyed wine.
“Huh“, Eodwulf says because he can’t for the life of him think of something else to say. But Caduceus is yet again pulling out a chair for him so Eodwulf straightens his shoulders and sits down next to Caduceus. Across the table from him the angry one throws herself into a chair and stares at him.
There’s no fear there either, but she can be easily angered, something Eodwulf is good at. He gives her a canine smile and she holds up her middle finger.
This group is full of people with an enormous lack of self preservation.
And they are so loud.
Eodwulf almost doesn’t hear it when Caduceus turns to him to ask him a question.
“Huh?“, he says again, like a fool.
“And what are you, was what I wanted to know“, Caduceus says, his lazy grin open and honest. There is no malice in his words. He actually wants to know.
Eodwulf thinks “Murderer, wizard, protégé, spy“ but he doesn’t say any of these things. “Maker of graves“ comes to mind, but it seems like too dark of a joke to make.
“Enthusiastic about both meat and booze“, he says in the end and Caduceus laughs.
“Yeah, as are most of my friends.“
The implication these words bring is probably only in Eodwulf’s mind but it makes him swallow and look away to find Astrid’s eyes. But Astrid now has pink flowers in her hair and a look of absolute confusion on her face as Jester rattles of compliment after compliment about various of Astrid’s features.
Eodwulf can’t help but look at Bre—Caleb. And he sees that there is a soft, barely noticeable smile on his old friend’s face as he watches the scene unfold.
What am I, indeed, he thinks.
Trent’s orders have been clear. Get close to the group called the Mighty Nein to find out what they are working on with Lady Vess DeRogna.
Eodwulf allows himself to think that Caduceus might have been right. Maybe Master Ikithon is indeed a fool.
Because being in the presence of these people is like nothing Eodwulf has ever experienced and it makes him think, wonder, question—
“Here we are again“, Caduceus says after, yet again, Astrid and Eodwulf have been invited for dinner. Eodwulf wonders if this group just wants to make it very easy to spy on them, or if they have an agenda of their own—but it’s hard to believe that there might be any coherent agenda behind anything these people do.
He has watched the buff one called Yasha try and play what looked like a harp made of bone and when the angry one, Beau, told her that she looked hot playing the harp Yasha had torn two of the strings which had led to a whole scene of apologies and various tries to fix the harp.
Jester has drawn dicks on pretty much every surface this magical mansion has and she delights in the fact that Caleb brings the dicks to life in various colors. At some point he made glowing sparkles shoot out of one of the dicks Jester had drawn and Jester had laughed as if this was the best joke she had ever witnessed.
Eodwulf notices Astrid’s eyes on Jester.
Eodwulf also notices that while there seems to be no agenda or efficiency behind anything, they are still being watched.
Beau and Fjord look at them. And Eodwulf is pretty sure Caduceus watches everything as well, but he does it without crossing his arms and glaring so much.
“Looks like it”, he answers. Caduceus offers him tea and Eodwulf’s first instinct is to decline, but then he remembers that “maker of fine tea” had been very high on the list of descriptors so he takes the cup he is offered while somewhere in the background people start screaming something that sounds like “FLUFFERNUTTER”.
Eodwulf tries the tea. He’s not a fan of tea, but this tea is absolutely delicious and he finds himself impressed.
“I believe this one comes from the Hollburns’ graves. Those remains made the tea grow quite fast, it was impressive.”
Eodwulf blinks at his tea and then at Caduceus. For a second his brain wonders if this statement should register as a threat, but it had been delivered with such honest delight and a sense of pride that Eodwulf discards that feeling.
“What?”, he asks. Caduceus points at the tea.
“Oh, well, my family grows tea on those graves we’re keeping. In case you wanted to ask me again what I am. Or—hm, I think I already mentioned that I am a keeper of graves?”
Caduceus trails off and looks thoughtful and Eodwulf stares at him.
“Keeper of Graves. That make you a follower of the Matron?”, he asks.
Caduceus looks at him and smiles.
“Not quite. My family serves Melora. But we are descended from a champion of the Raven Queen.”
Eodwulf can’t help but wonder if this was some kind of weird joke. But his goddess usually isn’t one for joking.
Eodwulf considers for a second, then he pulls out the raven feather pendant from under his cloak.
Caduceus nods. “So”, he says and smiles widely. “What are you?”
Eodwulf snorts.
“For real?”, he says.
Caduceus’ smile widens.
“For real.”
It feels like this has become a sort of game.
“What are you?”
“Moral compass. Middle sibling. Eccentric. Amateur flute player.”
Eodwulf finds that through this question he himself posed the first time, he’s been forced to think more about himself than he feels comfortable with.
“What are you?”
“Decent chess player. Dog person. Sportsman. Only child.”, are the things he says out loud.
“Self-made orphan. Patriot. Volstrucker. Torturer.”, are the things he thinks to himself.
Eodwulf has the impression that Caduceus is somehow aware of the things he doesn’t say.
“So. This is the crew you’re running with now?”, Eodwulf asks Bre—Caleb one night before the Mighty Nein will leave with Vess DeRogna to who-knows-where. Neither Astrid nor Eodwulf did get very far with their planned infiltration work. Eodwulf is not even sure how hard they even tried.
It’s very easy to get swept away by the chaos and the weirdness and the complete lack of fear that the group displays when it comes to him and Astrid. They are dangerous people in a lot of ways.
The Mighty Nein are also dangerous people in a very different way. A way that Eodwulf doesn’t know anything about.
“This is my family, ja.”
He says it, just like that, without looking at Eodwulf.
The word tastes bitter in Eodwulf’s mouth as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.
“Weird people”, he says. Caleb huffs.
“You can say that, yes. But they grow on you very quickly”, he answers quietly and with a small, fond smile that makes something inside Eodwulf ache. For a long time Eodwulf pitied Bren for breaking, for not making it, for failing, for being locked away and discarded. Now he realizes that maybe, in a very macabre sort of way, Bren becoming Caleb through failure was the better end of the bargain.
It feels blasphemous to think that.
“The pink one is especially weird”, Eodwulf finds himself saying and he takes a big swig of whiskey from his flask before handing it to Caleb.
“Ja, I noticed that you seem to have a... uh... particular kind of interest in him. And, if I may add, he in you.”
Eodwulf takes the flask back after Caleb drinks. He contemplates the different sorts of feelings inside his gut as the words sink in. Then he tucks it all away very carefully, just as he learned through many years of being in Trent’s presence.
“Still don’t know what he is”, Eodwulf says. Caleb snorts and shakes his head.
“His people are called Firbolg”, he provides.
“Not sure that’s what I mean. Not anymore, at least.”
It seems dangerous to admit that. Caleb turns his head and looks at Eodwulf with a shimmer in his eyes that Eodwulf can’t read. Many years ago he was able to read Bren like an open book, but Caleb is another book entirely.
“You deserve to have some nice things, you know. You deserve friends. A chance of—hm. A chance of peace. A chance for redemption, if you want it.”
Eodwulf gets up and tugs away his flask.
“Pain doesn’t make people. It’s love that makes people. Pain is inconsequential, it’s love that saves them.”
Eodwulf understands the truth in these words now. Bren was broken, Caleb is being healed. Eodwulf doesn’t think that there’s anything left in him that can be saved. Or should be saved.
“Good luck on your journey tomorrow. Don’t die”, Eodwulf says and he leaves Caleb behind.
What are you, he thinks. A sentimental fool.
Astrid sits next to him on one of the balconies of her house and looks up at the stars above them. The Mighty Nein have been gone for six days and it has been very quiet.
They sit in silence and share a bottle of whiskey, passing it back and forth instead of words. It’s been like this for many many years that they’ve allowed themselves to just be. Today though, Astrid breaks the silence.
“I’m going to be the one who kills him.”
She says it quietly, without remorse, without indicating that this is a scandalous statement. She says it just how other people would say “I’ll go to bed soon.”.
Eodwulf stops breathing for just a moment. Then he inhales the cool night air and turns his head to look at her.
“Could kill you for treason”, he says. She looks at him and cocks her head slightly, the analyzing gaze of a murderous spy meets its equal in silence.
“I’d love to see you try”, she says. Eodwulf grins. It feels reckless.
“Don’t die”, he says, the same thing he’s said to Caleb before. Astrid regards him for a long moment and Eodwulf takes another sip. “Will you help me or try to stop me?”
Eodwulf considers this for a moment. Would he try to stop Astrid should she try to kill Trent? No. Would he help her? He doesn’t know that either.
“Can’t you just wait for Bren to do it for you?”
“I won’t lose to him again.”
Eodwulf snorts.
Always so competitive.
“That’s some fucked up shit, Astrid.”
“Shut up, Arschloch.”
Eodwulf grins before getting up to stretch. He puts his hands on the railing of Astrid’s balcony and wonders what Caleb’s new family is up to.
Making a new family never came to mind before. It sounds like something out of a fairy tale. While he contemplates the question whether he would help Astrid kill Trent Ikithon, a slow, familiar voice pops up in his head.
“Hey. Uh—Jester told me to send you an update. We’re still alive. Hope you’re good. Got  a new question for you. What will you become?”
The rustling of Astrid’s clothes as she stands up as well somehow tells him that she received a message in her head as well. She steps beside him and puts her hands on the railing next to his.
“They’re persistent”, she says quietly.
Eodwulf nods and inhales.
He doesn’t know what he will become. He didn’t even know that was a question to be asked. The path is clear. It always was.
Pain doesn’t make people.
“Not going to answer?”, she wants to know.
“Don’t have an answer yet.”
It’s unclear to him whether she means her own question or the message Caduceus just sent him.
He answers the sending spell with a simple “I don’t know.”. It takes a few minutes before another message comes in.
“That’s good. Uncertainty is good. It’s the first step in a better direction. I’m going to kill a dragon now. Wish me luck. Good night.”
“I’ll keep you posted on the answer to that question of yours. I’ll see you tomorrow”, he says and leaves Astrid behind on the balcony. Eodwulf thinks about something he hasn’t thought about in a very long time. A priestess in his Matron’s temple once told him: “Death is the only certainty in life.”.
He thinks that Caduceus would agree.
And Eodwulf hopes that the next time he sees that weird, reckless man, he’ll have an answer for him.
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
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word count: 11,648 warnings: swearing, mentions of death, reader is an orphan,  summary: John B was the closest thing to family that (y/n) had left, and now he’s gone and disappeared.  Fortunately JJ’s there to help her feel whole again. based on this song ___
[ yelling at the sky, screaming at the world // baby why’d you go away?... heaven only knows where you are now ]
August 10th, 9:30 p.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Unfortunately… we lost them” Officer Thomas said, hanging his head shamefully.
Pope broke down right away, Kiara at his side, comforting him with a hug and soft words.
“What do you mean you lost them?” JJ asked, jumping straight to anger.  “They’re just gone? They’re dead!?”
(y/n) stood back, glancing down at her cold hands, finding that they’ve begun to shake with the new information.  She didn’t know how to process what she was hearing.
“We don’t know for certain-” Thomas tried to explain, but JJ wasn’t having it, he lashed out completely.
“You drove them right into the storm!” He yelled, lunging for the cop, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him violently.  “You killed them-!”
“JJ..” Kiara cried out, clutching tighter to Pope’s side as she began to quietly sob.
He released the cop with a shove, turning back to his remaining friends.  Pope pulled Kiara into his arms, crying into her hair silently.
But (y/n) was frozen in place, her expression hadn’t changed since Thomas had told them what happened.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks quickly, more and more spilling over with each passing second.  Her whole body shook, and she wrapped her arms around herself.  She wasn’t sure if it was the grief or the cold, but either way, her own embrace provided no comfort.
“(y/n/n)- sweetheart…” JJ stepped towards her, his hands outstretched for her to take if she needed, but she didn’t move.  Her eyes didn’t even meet his.
“John B…” She whimpered, her lip quivering as she sniffled.  “Sarah…”
When a sob escaped her, JJ was there in a second, grabbing onto her and holding her as tightly as he could in his arms.  She continued to sob, screaming and crying as her body finally reacted.
She thrashed in his hold, squirming and pushing at him, hands smacking at his arms and chest, trying to pry him off of her, even though deep down all she craved was to be held, comforted.
“It’s not fair! It’s not fair,” She was screaming, drawing the attention of the surrounding officers, as well as the Carreras and the Heywards who had shown up to comfort their children.
But (y/n) had no one to show up for her, they were all dead.
“It’s not fair- It's not fair it’s not fair” She continued to cry against JJ, until her knees gave out and she crumpled to the ground.  
The blonde boy followed with her, gathering her back in his arms no matter how much she fought and pushed him away.
But eventually her body tired out, and she gave in.  He could feel her slump into his shoulder as she rested all of her weight on him.  His own tears soaked into her hair and tee shirt as he dropped his face to her own shoulder.
“Not fair” She mumbled, on repeat, until her crying made her too incoherent to understand.  
He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what to do, he’d never seen (y/n) like this before, much less how you were supposed to react when your best friend, and your kinda new friend, were lost at sea.
“I’ve got you,” He said instead, knowing that there were no magic words to heal her.  “I’m here, I’ve got you”
They didn’t fix everything, but they seemed to do the trick, because she finally wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her hands fisting into the material of his shirt as she clutched onto him with the same intensity that he held her with.
They spent hours in that tent, long after Pope and Kiara’s parents took them home, they were still there.  Technically they were supposed to wait for a parent or guardian to pick them up.  But JJ’s father was a coked up piece of shit, and (y/n’s) parents were six feet underground.
She didn’t push him away again.  She spent the whole night in his arms, clinging onto him with an iron grip.  And ever since that night, she hasn’t really let go of him. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
September 10th, 3:00 a.m (One Month After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Wake up, (y/n/n), wake up”
The girl gasped for air as her eyes flew open, and as quickly as she’d woken up, she settled back into her pillow, eyes falling shut again as she let out a sign.
“I was doing it again, wasn’t I?” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she tried not to cry, and tried not to remember the vivid details of her nightmare.
Which was more of a traumatic memory than a nightmare, really.
JJ, who was lying next to her, was quiet as he gazed down at her, watching her calm herself down as best she could.  He always gave her the space to relax on her own before stepping in.  He wanted her to know that she was capable of recovering on her own, but that he would still be there for her as soon as she needed him.
After a few deep breaths, the girl rolled onto her side, her face colliding with his chest as she continued her steady breathing.
“Will you hold my hand?” She mumbled, and he simply nodded, reaching for her trembling fingers, and gently slotting his fingers through hers.  She continued to tap her index finger over the back of his hand at a rapid pace.
She did this for a minute or two before speaking again.
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry, baby, it’s alright,” He murmured to her softly, followed by a kiss to her forehead.  “I’ve got you”
A small choked sound came from her as tears threatened to well up in her eyes again.
She’d spent the last month in bed with him like this.  No matter how much time passed, and no matter how much her grief started to melt away and she began her coping process, she’d still wake up in the middle of the night from awful nightmares.
She hadn’t planned on being a regular guest in JJ’s bed at the Chateau, but she also didn’t have anywhere else to go.  She didn’t have a place of her own, she’d lived at the Chateau since she was six and John Routledge had taken her in.
She was just a child when her parents got into a freak boating accident and died at sea.  She hadn’t understood why she was put in the system, or why she couldn’t go home to her mom and dad.  But for some reason, her friend John B had gotten his dad to take her in, and after a day or two of moving in, she’d understood.
John and John B were her family now.
But then a year ago, John Routledge was declared lost at sea, and it was just her and John B.  It was hard, since he was pretty much the only father she’d ever known, and since he was announced dead, in the same way her parents had been.  At least she still had John B, who was a brother to her.
Fate had a sick sense of humor though, sending him off into a storm, likely killing him.
And she ended up losing him, too.
JJ’s free hand smoothed over her back, caressing her hair, and then rubbing circles over her back again.  He always did his best to comfort her in any way she needed.  And it had been a month of waking up with her to her nightmares, so he always knew just what to do.
“Can we go stay in his room?” She asked quietly.
That was a new request that JJ hadn’t been expecting, but nonetheless, he nodded, and helped her to sit up.  He reached his hands out for her, offering to help her get out of bed, but she limply hung her arms in the air, silently asking him to carry her.
“Alright, you big baby,” He teased in a tired murmur, and leaned over to wrap his arms around her torso, picking her up and pulling her into his chest.
Her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, and her head laid down on his shoulder.  Had she not been so shaken up, she could have fallen right back asleep.
“But I’m only doing this cause you’re so damn cute” He told her as his hands shifted to hold her from under her legs, and he carefully made his way through the dark to get to John B’s room.
The flirty comment provoked a small and sleepy laugh from the girl.  It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it provided a certain comfort to JJ.  it had been a while since she truly laughed.  He missed the sound dearly.
(y/n) had spent some time in John B’s room during the long summer days.  But she’d never spent the night in it.
JJ would often find her in there, cleaning up, reorganizing his book shelf, playing his CD’s, feeding the fish he’d won at a carnival a year ago that was miraculously still alive- she’d do anything and everything to spend time in there.  To her, it was all that was left of him.
JJ had even caught her putting on his clothes, worn tee shirts, strangely-patterned button downs, sweaters that were too big for her- but she always took them off before anyone could see.  JJ pretended not to notice, and never said anything.  Both because he didn’t want her to feel embarrassed, but also because sometimes when she spent all of her time in that room, he’d feel just the tiniest amount of jealousy, and it made him feel ashamed.
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
“Alright, here we go, baby,” He said as he delicately set her down on the mattress.
(y/n) visibly deflated as she melted into the cool sheets.  Her limbs were still wrapped around JJ’s figure, so she pulled him down with her as she got situated, but he didn’t mind.
With great caution, he slipped out of her hold just enough to lay at her side, so that he wouldn’t pass out on top of her.
He watched as she seemingly relaxed for the night, finally.  She pressed her face deep into the pillow her head was under, taking in a deep breath, the lingering smell of cologne and the beach and something that was distinctly John B flooding her senses.
“It still smells like him” She murmured.  She doesn’t sound like she’s going to cry again, but JJ keeps a watchful eye on her, just in case.
When she exhaled, she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.  He gave her a small smile, which she faintly returned before moving in closer to him.
“Thank you” She whispered as her forehead touched his gently.
His arms wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her into him completely.  And then he kissed her forehead again, and then her nose, before tucking her head against his chest, just under his chin.
She tended to lean her ear against his chest, using the steady beat of his heart to lure her to sleep.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart” He told her, like he had a million times before.
“I know, you always say that,” (y/n) murmured, lips brushing over his neck as she spoke.  “But I mean it anyways.  Thank you, Jay”
Her hand finds a comfortable place to rest just over his heart, and soon she’s drifting back to a seemingly peaceful sleep.  JJ just hopes she makes it through the night.
He lets his hand brush through her hair, untangling the locks until his fingers can run perfectly smooth through it.  He does this until he falls asleep. ___
[ i put the record on, wait till i hear our song // every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
July 4th, 10:00 p.m (A Month Before The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
Neither of them had made a move yet, but they both knew all too well that there was something between them.  Something fiery and exciting, something soft and intimate.
JJ always flirted with (y/n), long before he realized he actually had feelings for one of his closest Pogue friends.  They’d been friends since they were kids, and they’d technically been living together for the past few months, but only recently had it dawned on him that he was falling in love with her, and it was happening fast.
“As flattering as I find your staring, you look very zoned out,” Her voice drew him from his thoughts, and he found himself grinning as (y/n) walked up to him, beer in hand.
John B and Pope had thrown a Fourth of July kegger, and it was probably the craziest party they’d had in years.  Tourons and Kooks had shown up from all over the island, and every kid on The Cut made an appearance that night.
A couple of Kooks had even brought in their own kegs to help supply the party with enough beer.
But despite all the people here, all the hot Tourons to be exact, JJ had been content that (y/n) had approached him, with her sweet smile and revealing bikini.
“What’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours, hm?” She asked, only half teasing.
All summed had been like this.  The flirting intensified, and they both stopped pursuing one night stands with the Tourons that came to these things.
“Absolutely nothing,” JJ grinned back at her, and she laughed, believing him.  “Where you been all night? Fighting off all these guys I hope?” He asked, half joking.
Coincidentally, a group of basic white tourist boys walked past, one of them letting out a low whistle as their eyes wandered over (y/n’s) figure.
JJ scowled at him, stepping forward threateningly, one of his arms instinctively wrapping around the girl’s waist as he glared down the Touron until he cowered away.
“Wow,” (y/n) chuckled, one of her hands pressing against JJ’s chest, but she didn’t push him away, so he didn’t move.  “You made your point tough guy, jesus,” She said, raising her brows at him.  “Jealous much?”
“Me? Jealous?” He asked with a scoff, to which (y/n) mimicked the sound.
“That’s real hot coming from the most jealous and pissed off guy in the OBX” She teased with a growing smirk on her lips.
“Well, sure, but I’m not jealous of that guy,” JJ told her, gesturing at the lame Touron who was miserably failing at shotgunning a beer.
But as he watched the idiot with an amused grin, (y/n) just smiled up at the blonde boy, admiring his side profile for a moment.
Unlike most stories of friends who became lovers, where they weren’t sure when their friendship blossomed into something more, (y/n) knew exactly when she fell for JJ.
It had been last summer.  They’d been on the HMS Pogue on a fishing trip, and while she’d never been fishing before, she was eager to let JJ and Pope teach her how.  When she caught her first fish, JJ had cheered, but he could tell that it made her sad to throw it in the cooler.  So he told her it was alright if she wanted to throw it back.  He showed her how to carefully take the fish off the lure so it wouldn’t be as hurt, and let her throw it back in the water.
He must have felt her staring, because suddenly he was turning back to her, his eyes locking on hers instantly.
“Look who’s starin’ now” He teased, his fingers brushing against her hips in an attempt at tickling her.
She giggled and wiggled a bit, but she still didn’t pull away from him.
They were very close, so close that if JJ hadn’t been wearing his hat backwards, then its brim would have been bumping into her forehead.  So close, that she could just faintly feel his warm breath hitting the bridge of her nose.  So close, that it would be so easy to kiss him right now.
Curiously, her eyes wandered down to his lips, pink and inviting, begging to be kissed, she thought.  No wonder girls would throw themselves at him, he had the most perfect looking pair of lips.
Of course, before she could decide if it was worth it to throw reason (and the only Pogue rule) out the window, Rafe and Topper were causing trouble somewhere on the beach, and soon JJ was peeling himself away from her and racing off towards the conflict.
He was always there to end it, never one to shy away from a fight.  (y/n) had come to terms with that a long time ago, knowing it was something she’d never be able to change.
But looking back on it, if he hadn’t left her to get his ass kicked by Rafe Cameron, then they probably would have crossed that line between friendship and something more that very night. ___
[ Never got a chance to say a last goodbye ]
September 15th, 9:45 a.m (Two Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
The sun was unrelenting as it shined in through the window, forcing (y/n) to wake up despite her longing to sleep in bed all day.  It wouldn’t be the first time that she refused to get out of bed.
But she told herself that she should.  The sun was telling her that she should.  Even if she did manage to close her eyes and ignore the brightness streaming into the room, she knew she wouldn’t sleep comfortably.
Today, she was going to get up and make herself breakfast.  That felt like a good start for taking care of herself today.
She rolled over with a groan, in an attempt to reach for JJ to see if he was awake.  Some mornings he would wake up before her and she’d find him laying there on his phone, but sometimes he would just peacefully lay there as he waited for her to wake up.
However, as she lazily slung her hand towards the other side of the bed, she only ended up hitting pillows.  And suddenly the easy morning started to turn upside down.
Don’t freak out, she told herself, even as she scurried out of bed.  
Don’t panic, it’s fine, he’s probably just watching tv in the living room.  
As she was about to run out of the room, she decided at the last second it was probably best to throw on a pair of shorts.  The large tee shirt she well fell just past all of her curves, but it would be embarrassing if she ran through the Chateau in front of Pope and Kiara in a worried panic without pants on.
Or maybe he’s making breakfast, like that one time he brought you breakfast in bed, that was really sweet.
None of the calming ideas that crossed her mind actually calmed her, as she searched through the living room, there was no sign of JJ.  The kitchen was empty, the bathroom door was hung ajar, and also empty.
There was a logical explanation for him not being here, deep down she knew that, but then why didn’t he leave a note? Or wake her to let her know he’d be leaving? Why would he leave without saying anything at all? Didn’t he know that this was her worst fear come to life, again?
Panic took over, and next thing she knew she couldn’t take in enough air as her throat closed up and her legs stopped working.  She stood in the living room for a solid minute, hands glued to her head, fists tugging on her hair tightly in a terrible attempt to ground herself to the moment and not spiral any further.
But her heavy breaths turned to sobs and she didn’t know she was crying until she felt the tears on her cheeks.
There’s a logical explanation, there’s a logical explanation, she repeated in her head like a mantra, hoping to god that she’d start believing it soon.
Slowly, she crouched down on the floor, because sometimes when she had panic attacks she got dizzy so it was better to sit down now.
Or maybe he went boating with Pope, they like to fish early in the morning, she thought.  Maybe they hit something, the marsh is always changing with the weather.  Maybe the boat capsized, maybe they drowned to their deaths-
No! Don’t think that!
The sobbing got worse as she assumed the worst, taking in gasping breaths of air, desperate to fill her lungs that felt like they were about to collapse.
Maybe they went into town to pick up breakfast.  Maye they got stopped by Kooks, or Barry, maybe they were murdered in cold blood-
The girl whimpered, trying to ward off the horrific images rolling through her mind, but as terrible as they were, she reminded herself that these weren’t unrealistic worries, that these things had happened before, and would happen again.
He promised me he wouldn’t get on a fucking boat, he promised me he’d start biking around the island, she told herself.  JJ wouldn’t break a promise to her, especially that one, but the anxiety inside of her was still whispering into her ear, telling her that all of her friends very well could have been gone forever.
Maybe he just left.  Maybe he got sick and tired of waiting around.  Maybe he was just being a nice guy the last two months.  Maybe he didn’t care anymore.  Maybe he didn’t miss John B or Sarah.  Maybe he finally fled for the mainland like he’s been talking about since he was a kid.  Maybe he’s with a girl.  Maybe he didn’t care about you anymore.
Her hands covered her face, wishing that she could just stop and focus on something else, calm her breathing.  She wanted to run out of the Chateau and go looking around the island, but she remained frozen on the floor.
“(y/n)?” A voice called, and she could faintly hear the screen door swinging open and then shut.  “Woah, hey, (y/n/n)”
Through blurry eyes, she could just barely make out Pope’s figure, kneeling in front of her.
Pope, Pope is here, she thought to herself, and it sort of helped relax her.  You’re not alone, Pope is here.
She shakily reached her hands out to him, grabbing onto his forearms and anchoring herself to him.
He’s real, he’s right here.  His hands are holding your elbows, he’s real.
“Breathe, (y/n), deep breaths, you can do it,” His initially stressed voice calmed when he realized that she was having a panic attack.  He’d seen her have them once or twice before, but it was always JJ who rushed in and helped her out of them.  “Copy my breathing, can you do that?” He asked.
She nodded her head, eyes meeting his as he took in a long and deep breath, held it for three seconds, and then slowly let it out.  He kept on repeating that action until her exhales weren’t shaky, and her body relaxed.
“There you go, you’ve got it, you’re alright…” He said smoothly.
His thumbs caressed over her arms gently, reminding her silently that he was there for her, that he cared about her.
“You want to talk about it?” He offered, and (y/n) shut her eyes tightly, willing the rest of her tears to dry up.
“I- I woke up and- and-”
When she began to stutter, Pope hushed her soothingly, and helped her through another breathing exercise.
“Okay, now try again,” He said softly, once her breaths evened out again.  “Slowly”
“I woke up,” She said, slowly, and then exhaled.  “And JJ wasn’t there- and then he wasn’t out here-”
When the rambling began again, she breathed in deeply again.
“It’s alright, he’s right outside,” Pope told her, relieved that the problem had an easy solution..  “You want to go out and see him?”
(y/n) nods back at him, and he helps her stand.
“Kie and I came over this morning, we brought donuts,” He said, hugging her into his side.  “We were just on the porch, Jay said you were asleep”
Pope opened the front door for her, as they went onto the porch, and her entire body relaxed as her eyes landed on JJ.
He was sitting on the beat up sofa that had been out there since forever, while Kiara was leaning against the citing of the house, a blunt between her fingers.
JJ smiled as (y/n) came out with Pope, tucked into his side the way a child clings to their mother at large events.
“Morning baby,” He calls to her, and pats the space next to him on the couch, before resting his arm over the back of the cushions.  
In no time she peels away from Pope and is sliding into the space under his arm, her side and her legs pressed up against him.  It feels like that first sip of coffee in the morning, and she forgets about the anxiety attack she’d had just moments ago.
He eyes the way she’s twirling the ring around her thumb, almost obsessively.  She hasn’t taken it off since he’d given it to her, and he doesn’t think she ever will.
“You hungry? Kie and Pope brought donuts” He offered, gesturing to the box on the decorative table Kiara was standing next to.
“Maybe in a little bit” She mumbled, her head falling against his shoulder as she let herself feel relieved.
Some days it was hard to feel content with being content.  But JJ was a huge help with that.  His presence alone was enough to calm her, that much was obvious.
He’s a little thrown off, but wraps his arm around her nonetheless.  His rings are a chill on her hot skin, but it’s somehow comforting.
Panic attack, Pope mouths when the blonde boy looks to him, silently asking what happened.
JJ nods discreetly, before glancing down at the girl under his arm.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly.
Kiara and Pope pretended to argue over the last chocolate sprinkled donut, so that they had a little bit of privacy between them.
“Fine, now,” She whispers back.
Her fingers aimlessly play with the chain around his neck.
“I- I had a panic attack” She admits.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He asked as the tips of his fingers grazed up and down her arm.
She lifts her head to look at him properly, her fingers still twirling his necklace around her fingers.
“Um… you just… you weren't inside…”
It felt embarrassing to admit that something as simple as that had set her off.  When she was in the moment it was a lot more terrifying.  But JJ made sure she wasn’t ashamed of that feeling.
“Well, I’m right here,” He told her with a grin.  “You know you can’t get rid of me that easy” He added, hugging her tight against him and kissing the top of her head.
She always went pink when he did that, that’s why he did it more often than he used to.
“I know,” She mumbled back.  “I just… you know…”
She doesn’t know what she wants to say.  That she’s scared to lose him too? That he’s the only anchor she had left? The only remnants of family she had left? That she loved him more than words could describe?
Whatever she had planned on filling the blank with, JJ seemed to understand her perfectly.  He’d gotten really good at understanding what she was trying to say in between the words she was actually saying.
“I know, baby,” He says softly.
Her head falls back onto his shoulder.  Selfishly, she wished that she could sit here with him like this every day.  Maybe then she'll start to really feel better.
Meanwhile there’s a nagging feeling in JJ’s chest.  Worry, fear, something terrible that began to manifest.  An anxiousness that (y/n) won’t emotionally recover from the disappearance of their friends.
He knew grief took time, that learning to cope took time.  But she’d already had to face those things time and time again, what if this was it? What if this was the last straw, and she gave into them?
His arm around her tightened a little, and (y/n) hummed as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.  She placed a little kiss there before sighing.
“Thanks, Jay,” She mumbles.  “You always know just what I need”
He doesn’t say anything, just smiles and rubs her arm comfortingly.
Despite her words, he still worries on the inside. ___
[ i gotta move on, but it hurts to try ]
August 10th, 1:00 a.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) and JJ had been stuck under police supervision for the last three and a half hours, sitting under the large tents, listening to the heavy rainfall while passing officers would offer their condolences.
It was all bullshit though, and it was starting to piss (y/n) off.
But finally they were allowed to go home, and were escorted to the Chateau.  Which is where they stood now.
(y/n) looked like she was glued to the floorboards of the porch, frozen in place like a statue.  The wind whipped at her hair and the rain still hit them even as they stood under the little roof over them.
“Come on, let’s go inside,” JJ said, reaching out to take her hand, but even as he tugs, she hardly moves.  “(y/n)-”
“I don’t want to,” She mumbles, eyes trained on the front door.
A part of her longed to see John B appear, open the door with a laugh and scold the pair for standing outside in the rain.  The harder she looks, the more she wishes to see him there.
“But I don’t have anywhere else to go” She whimpered, finally tearing her eyes away from the door to look at him.
JJ steps forward, his arm wrapping around her back as he slowly guides her inside.  Her feet shuffle along, but they barely lift off the ground, and she’s barely moving.  He’s just glad to get her inside and out of the rain.
“I just don’t want you to catch a cold, sweetheart” He told her, which was true, but he just needed to say anything to get her to come into the house.  He didn’t know what he’d do if she refused.
“I don’t care” She mumbled, but she was already standing at the inside of the doorway.
“Shoes off,” JJ told her, having already left his shoes at the door and was heading into the house.  “You know how JB feels about shoes in the house”
(y/n) nods, shakily, and starts to kick off her shoes
But now all she can think about is the first time she’d accidentally tracked mud into the house, and how funny it was when John B freaked out.  Thinking about it now, it was just sad.
When JJ came back in the room, she was crying again, silently, she might not have even been aware she was doing it.  She was untying the laces on her boots as tears spilled over her cheeks.
“Come on,” He spoke, and suddenly there was a towel wrapped around her shoulders.  “Let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
“No,” She mumbled.  “I just want to lay down”
Her hands gripped onto the fluffy towel almost violently, her knuckles were white, and her hands shook from the force.  JJ noticed.
“And you will, but you’ve got to shower first,” He said.  “Look at you, you’re soaked to the bone from the rain-”
“No arguments, lets go” He replied, quiet and calm as ever.
She gave in, mostly because he didn’t have the energy to argue with him.  And then she was back to shuffling along with him to the bathroom.
She stood uselessly at the door while he turned the shower on for her.
“How hot do you want it?” He asked, one hand on the noz and the other under the stream of water
She shrugged, mumbled incoherently.
“You’ve got to speak up, honey” JJ said.
“I don’t care” She mumbled a little louder, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Yeah you do, I’ll put it on hot” He answered for her, and adjusted the nozzle accordingly.
But as he turned back, about to leave the room, she didn’t bother to move.  Her eyes were downcast, and her hands had released the towel only to wring her hands together.
“Hey, I’ll be in my room, you can-”
She grabbed his wrist before he could leave the room, and her glossy eyes met his, her mouth opened but no words came out, so she closed it again.  He waited until she could find the right words.
“Please- please don’t leave me in here-”
Her breathing grew ragged and the tears started to fall from her eyelashes, and JJ nodded at her, silently confirming he'd stay so she would feel safe.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay right here,” He told her, both of his hands wrapping around hers.  “I’ll wait right in here for you, alright?”
She nods, still a bit shaky, but she turns towards the shower and slowly works on taking off her clothes, so he thinks he’s doing the right thing.
In all honesty, he had no idea what the right thing to do was.  As he turned his back to her and stressfully ran his hands through her hair, he didn’t know what to say or do, what the right way to comfort someone was.
He knew that Kiara and Pope were at home with their families, probably hugging, telling each other they love each other, the kind of shit you see in movies.
But you didn’t see this part of the movie.  The part where the girl you love is going borderline catanoic as she stands in the shower, limbs heavy and heart shattered.
Was he supposed to talk to her? Offer what few comforting words he knew how to say? Was he supposed to tell her he was there for her, that he loved her and he would never leave her? Was that an overload of information?
“JJ?” (y/n) called from the other side of the shower curtain.
“I’m here” He said, sitting on the toilet seat so he’d be right next to her.
She peeled back the curtain, just enough to peek her head out, and then held her hand out to him.  A slight frown tugged on his lips, but he reached his hand out to hers anyways, softly clasping onto it, as though if he’d put any pressure into holding it, then she’d break like a porcelain doll.
She closed the curtain again and went about her shower.  It wasn’t a bother with only one hand, but JJ could still hear her soft whimpers from inside.
After ten minutes she turned off the water.
“Close your eyes” She directed, her voice was still a mumble, but without the noise of the water running JJ heard her clearly, and followed her order.
Her hand let go of his as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, but it was only briefly, as she was grabbing onto it again as soon as she was covered up.  She gave it a small squeeze to let him know that she was decent.
When he looked up at her, she was staring down at their hands, focused on the rings on his fingers.
The one on his thumb, she had given to him.  Not for a special occasion, she’d just found it in a shop and thought it would look fitting and cool on him.  
She was right.  
He never took it off.
There was another ring on his middle finger, that one was from John B.  He’d swiped it from a second hand shop because it had a neat but very faint engraving of a snake around it.  He’d originally stolen it for himself, but it hadn’t fit right, so he handed it off to JJ.
(y/n) ran the pad of her thumb over the engraving now.  The snake wasn’t very visible, but she could still feel it.
JJ squeezed her hand, drawing her eyes back to his.
She wasn’t whimpering anymore, but the tears hadn’t stopped.  She had to be exhausted.
“I’ve gotta take a shower baby,” He said softly.  “You want to go to bed?”
She shook her head, looking back at his rings.
“You want to wait in here?” He asked.
With a small nod from her, he stood up, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to the crown of her head before turning the water and going through the same routine again.
It took some time as he showered and (y/n) waited for him on the toilet.  When he’d finished and gotten out to find that she was still wrapped in her towel, he’d convinced her to let him help her change into pajamas.
When she’d finished, she wrapped her arms around his neck, stepping forward and hugging him gently, with little to no force at all.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed” JJ said, lifting her up with ease, one arm hooked under her legs and the other.
“You’ll stay, right?” She asks meekly as he brings her to his room.
“Of course” He hums back.
They get situated under the covers, and finally (y/n’s) tears seem to stop.  JJ doesn’t keep his hopes up, though.
He pulls her head to his chest, one arm wrapping around her back at his other hand takes a hold of hers.  For good measure, she hooks her leg over one of his, just to be sure she won’t roll away from him in her sleep.
“You won’t leave?” She murmurs.
The exhaustion and the misery that her body is facing is clear to him as she tilts her head back to look at him.
He gives her a small smile, before letting go of her hand, so that he can take the ring off of his middle finger.  He takes her hand again, and slides it over her thumb.  It’s a little loose, enough that she can twirl it around with ease.
“Now you can have a little bit of both of us with you,” JJ says to her.  “I’m not goin’ anywhere”
She doesn’t quite smile, but her expression relaxes as she looks at him, and he takes it as a good sign.
“I’ve got you, baby” He tells her softly as she settles against him, sleep finally starting to overcome her.
“I can’t lose you too” She tells him right before her body gives out. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
November 10th, 6:30 p.m (Precisely Three Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) had been sitting on the couch all afternoon, replaying the day’s events in her head like a flashback scene in a movie.
She’d woken up with JJ, they made breakfast and went on a walk, avoiding the beach.  They went to visit Kiara at The Wreck with Pope, and then went back to the Chateau to do some chores.
(y/n) liked to keep the place tidy and clean.  It gave her something to do, and deep down, she knew that if John B came home, he’d be happy to see everything was just how he left it.  If not a little more organized thanks to her.
And then they’d gotten the call from the Sheriff’s Department.
JJ came into the room, a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of advil in the other.
“Here” He said, handing them both to her.
“I don’t need it, my head doesn’t hurt” (y/n) replied quietly, barely even looking at him.
“Not now, but from the look on your face I can tell it’s going to soon.  Just take it now, please” JJ said, holding out the cup and bottle towards her again.
(y/n) gave in, knowing he was right, and there was no use in arguing with him because he’d only bother her until she just took the pill.
JJ sat down next to her as she swallowed down the medicine, along with a few more drinks of water.  She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was, and suddenly wondered how long she’d been sitting there.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ asked out of nowhere, and she turned to him.
“What?” She asked, voice barely above a mumble.
“John B and Sarah,” He said their names so easily, so casually her heart clenched.  
She almost never spoke their names.  And when she did, she was usually in a fit of tears.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ repeated his question.
(y/n’s) mouth opened, then closed.  And then open and closed again.  She didn’t understand what he was asking.
JJ could tell, and he sat back to stretch out on the soda, his legs kicking out as his back leaned against the arm rest.  (y/n) turned her body to look at him properly, but didn’t crawl into his arms like he’d expected.  She was too confused trying to comprehend what he was saying.
“I think they’re in Florida,” JJ thought aloud, realizing (y/n) wasn’t going to entertain the question.  “And I think they got married”
“Married?” She mumbled, blinking at him.  “You think they’re... alive?”
“Of course,” JJ said, as sincerely as he could.  “Don’t you?”
She doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t have to.
“There’s no way they aren’t.  John B’s a pretty tough guy, and Sarah’s the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.  More stubborn than you” He spoke with such ease, it threw (y/n) off.  
His knee knocked against her side, and he held his hand out to her, beckoning her to lay with him.
Warily, she leaned forward, crawling into the space between his legs, and then flipping over to rest back against his chest.  JJ’s arms wrapped around her middle naturally, and he continued to let his thoughts roam free.
“Do you think they’ve got some new treasure hunt going down there?” He whispered into her ear.
“Yes” (y/n) replied, finally giving in to the conspiracy.
“Yeah?” JJ asked, glad that was entertained by the idea, and hopefully comforted too.
“Yeah… I’ll bet… I’ll bet they’re tracking more gold… or… or jewels… or something”
JJ smiled at how hard she tried to let herself get used to the idea.  He knew how badly she wanted to move on, and how she felt stuck in the past.  This was a significant step forward, and he was more proud of her than he let on.  He just didn’t want her to think he pitied her.
“They’re probably filthy rich by now,” JJ told her.  “She’s probably turned him full Kook”
“In a good way,” (y/n) spoke, her smile shining through her words.  “He was so…”
“Whipped” JJ muttered.
“In love,” (y/n) corrected with a soft exhale.  “They only had a week together before they… left,” She said carefully.  “And I… I’ve known John B my whole life and he’d never looked at anyone the way he looked at Sarah”
From where her head laid on his chest, JJ couldn’t see well, but he just knew that she was smiling as she spoke, reminiscing in the good memories.
“So you think they got married when they got to Florida?” JJ asked, speaking it like it was a truth.
“Yeah, I think they just might have,” (y/n) said.  She thought for a moment, and then let out a small giggle.
He was surprised by the sound, especially when it erupted into more joyous laughter.
“You know,” She ponders aloud, “I think that when they got wherever they were headed, and realized they were safe and alive, he proposed to her right then”
“Yeah?” JJ asked, amused, and revelling in the sound of her laughter.  
He had missed the sound so much, he’d worried he’d never hear it again.  He closed his eyes as he listened to her soft giggles, and melted at the way her back slightly shook against his chest.
“Yeah,” (y/n) confirmed, and one of her hands reached for his that lied on her stomach.  “It probably wasn’t romantic at all.  He probably didn’t even get on one knee”
“You’re so right,” JJ laughed with her.  “He probably was just like ‘we should get married’ and Sarah was like ‘oh John B, i love you!’ And-”
(y/n) burst into laughter at JJ’s high pitched impression of Sarah.  It didn’t sound like her, it didn’t even sound like any girl, but it made her belly laugh, and she sat up slightly so she could turn to look at him.
“Why are you laughing at me? That was a spot on impression” He told her.
“No, it wasn’t,” (y/n) said, shaking her head as she looked down at him.
There were crinkles at her eyes and her lips were pulled into the widest smile he’d seen from her in months.
He had convinced himself that he wasn’t 100% sure what love felt like, but right now it felt like his heart might just burst because of it.
He hadn’t just missed her laugh.  He’d missed her.
“It’s almost like you have no idea what a woman sounds like- but Jay, you’ve been living with one for like three years now- what?” (y/n) had cut herself off from her teasing when she saw the way he was staring at her.
He looked sad, but he was smiling, so she didn’t know what to think.  Usually she could read him pretty well, but she’d never seen this look before.
“What?” She asked again.  “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason, I just…”
JJ sits up, trying to find the right words as he instinctively grabs a hold of her.  She turns to face him again, her legs hooking behind him as she waits for him to continue.
“I’m just thinking” He finishes.
“Well that’s dangerous,” She replies, the banter coming as naturally as it used to.  She lets out a little snort of a laugh as she smiles at him.  “What about?”
JJ’s hands smooth around her hips, the way they did earlier when they’d gotten the call from Officer Thomas himself, but now it wasn’t to comfort, it was simply because he could.
“You ever think about what would have happened if we never went on that treasure hunt?” He asked, quietly, like he was trying not to upset her.
She goes still, but she doesn’t push him away, and she doesn’t choke up.
“All the time” She murmurs back.
Her voice comes out through a quiet exhale, and if he wasn’t so close, he might not have heard it.  But in the last three months his ears had been practically trained to hear her every breath, and catch on to every mumble.
“Really?” He asked, and she nodded, her bottom lip tucking in between her teeth as she looked back at him.
“Of course,” She quietly replied.  “How else do you think I keep sane during all the quiet moments?”
It’s a sweet thing to say, paired with a soft smile that JJ felt relieved to see.
“Well then what do you think we’d be doing right now?”
“Something stupid,” She answered right away, followed by a small laugh.  “Something sketchy.  That’s all we ever did”
“We fished too, fishing’s legal.  And surfing, that’s legal too”
“That’s fair,” (y/n) hummed.  “Kie and Sarah would’ve gotten along better,” She added.  “It would’ve been nice to have a girls day”
“I’ll have a girls day with you” JJ told her, making her laugh again.
“I know you would,” She said, setting her hands on his shoulders.  “But it’s not the same”
JJ shrugged.
“You can braid my hair and put makeup on me, what else do you do on a girls day?” He asked, and again, she giggled.
He hoped he could keep making her laugh.
“What do you think we’d be up to?” She asked once the laughter subsided and she was left staring into those baby blue eyes again.
The laughter bubbled back over, her hands swatting at his shoulders as she threw her head back.
“Well you don’t have to laugh that much,” JJ said, brows furrowed as he pouted.  “It’s true, we would be”
“Maybe,” (y/n) corrected.  “If you’d ever actually made a move, maybe”
“What do you mean ever actually made a move?” He asked, offended.  “I maed plenty of moves! Lots and lots of moves”
“Oh really?” (y/n) asked, quirking an eyebrow.  “I don’t think we’re remembering it the same way, because I only seem to remember you scaring other boys away from me...”
“Well, yeah, among other things,” JJ said, shrugging casually.  “Can’t have a bunch of lame Tourons crowding my girl”
She laughed at his idea of flirting, but she knew fully well that it had always worked.  JJ Maybank was charming in his own unique way, and even now it made her melt in his hands.
“So you’re saying that eventually you would have done something about it?”
“About it?”
“Yeah, you know, whatever was… between us,” (y/n) clarified, her finger twirling around the space between them.  “I have a hard time believing you would have asked me out”
“I would have!” JJ said, pretending to take offense at her accusation.  “Eventually”
“Mhm,” She hummed, and then shook her head.  “Well, we’ll never know now,” She sighed, dropping her hands to her lap as she started to fiddle.  “I think we skipped a couple steps”
“I think we skipped all the steps, sweetheart,” JJ chuckled, taking her hands so she would stop fidgeting.  “But that’s alright, I wouldn’t take it any other way.  You’d be the only one for me no matter what happens,”
Her face turns a rosy shade of pink, which brings JJ to kiss both of her cheeks with a proud grin.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked.  “Have the what are we conversation”
Surprisingly, (y/n) shrugs and shakes her head.
“I mean, I don’t think we really have to, do you?” She asks softly.  “If there’s no one else for you, and no one else for me…” She trails off, her eyes flickering in between his.  “I think it’s pretty clear to me”
“Yeah,” JJ agrees, nodding his head.  “Pretty clear,” He repeats.  “I just hope you know what you’re getting into” He teases.
She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in closer.
“I’ve lived with you for quite some time now, I think I know exactly what I’m getting into”
There’s a beat that passes between them, a quiet, contemplative beat.
But then (y/n’s) shaking her head, and she’s smiling at him so brightly that it’s contagious.
And then she leans over just a little bit, just enough to tenderly press her lips against his.
He’s quick to react, his hands reaching up to her face, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
She’s so slow and careful with her movements, and JJ thinks it might have been the softest kiss he’s ever been given.  Her lips are warm, inviting, and he begins to kick himself for not making a proper move on her back when everything wasn’t so heavy.
They pull away, their grins equally wide, and (y/n) leans her forehead into his, her eyes still shut.  JJ stares at her, awestruck, admiring every curve and freckle on her face.
His hands fall to her waist again, and he pulls her down onto the couch with him, allowing her to tuck herself in against his side as they lay comfortably.
They talk for a long time, theorizing on where they’d be now in another life, and what Sarah and John B are up to, wherever they are.  There’s a few tears that JJ has to wipe from the girl’s cheeks, but she’s smiling.
She has hope, for the first time in months, she’s filled with hope and love and deep down she truly believes things will get better.
Even if the day started with the Sheriff’s Department calling to let them know that John B and Sarah Cameron are officially and legally declared dead, since they’d been missing for three months.
It might get worse before it gets better.  But it was bound to get better. ___
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
February 19th, 2:45 p.m (Six Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“I’m not sayin’ that I will key their cars,” JJ argues, “I’m just saying that I would!”
Pope and Kiara burst into fits of laughter, knowing full well that JJ would bust up Kook property at any given chance, even unprovoked.
(y/n) rolled her eyes from next to him, patting his arm gently.
“Sure, Jay, sure” She says, completely unconvinced.
Normally he’d continue to argue that he was just making a joke, but no one would believe him, and truth be told, he wouldn’t even believe himself.
They’d all gotten together today to hang out and eat lunch at The Wreck.  It was one of Kiara’s off days, so for once she actually got to sit at the table with her friends.  It was a nice afternoon, and definitely much needed quality time.
“You want more water?” (y/n) hummed, already picking up her and JJ’s empty glasses.
“Sure, thanks,” He answered with a charming smile while she got up.  “Oh, but wait” He called, reaching out for her arm before she could walk away.
He tugged on her arm so she would bend over and he could swiftly kiss her cheek.  She giggled, swatting gently at his bicep, but nonetheless she blushed as she headed off to the counter.
Kiara and Pope each made their faces at JJ.  Winks, wiggling eyebrows, wide eyes, smirks, they couldn’t help it.
“Shut up, both of you” JJ chuckled before they could even say anything.
“We didn’t say anything” Pope grumbled.
“It’s just about time, that’s all,” Kiara said, putting her hands up in surrender.  “You two have been dancing that dance for years”
JJ didn’t say anything, just smiled as he poked around his plate of fries.
“Look at him, he’s so in love with her” Kiara cooed.
But Pope wasn’t looking at him at all, he’d turned in his seat when he’d caught sight of Rafe Cameron eyeing (y/n).  He’d known it wasn’t a good sign.
“Pope,” Kiara called, trying to get his attention, but realized his gaze was focused elsewhere.  “What are you…” She trailed off, turning to follow his line of sight.
She only groaned at the sight of Rafe, before turning back to their own table.  Kooks came to The Wreck on occasion, but not usually Kooks like Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, who were in a booth across the restaurant.
“What’s he doing?” Pope mumbled, now watching Rafe get up from his booth, and make his way to the counter, where (y/n) was chatting with one of the servers.
JJ started to get up, but Pope was quick to put a hand up.
“Wait, doesn’t start anything,” He warned, and for some reason, JJ listened to him.  “(y/n) was friends with Sarah”
“That guy’s a fucking prick- and a murderer-” JJ started to argue, but Pope hushed him, telling him to keep his voice down.
“Just wait a minute before you swoop in there and make a scene,” Pope said.  “He’s Sarah’s brother, Sarah was a good person”
JJ muttered a string of profanities, but sat back down in his seat.  He didn’t take his eyes away from the counter though.
“(y/n) (y/l/n),” Rafe called, letting out a low whistle that made JJ bristle.  “Long time no see”
(y/n) barely looked at him before shooting her gaze down to the cups of water.  JJ can tell that she’s playing with the ring on her thumb.
“Yeah, I haven’t really been… around” She’d answered.
“Why doesn’t he just say his piece and leave” JJ muttered, both of his hands in his lap, curling into tight fists.
“That’s too bad” Rafe responded.
(y/n) wasn’t giving him any of her attention, so JJ knew he shouldn’t be so upset right now.  But he didn’t trust Rafe for as far as he could throw him, and he definitely didn’t trust him around (y/n).
“She can hold her own” Pope reminded him, knowing that JJ was starting to see red.
Yeah, but he’s a creep, he thought to himself.
“I’m sorry about Sarah,”
(y/n) spoke suddenly, soft and sweet, displaying nothing but kindness to a boy she knew wouldn’t know what kindness felt like if someone handed it right to him.
“I didn’t get to know her as well as I would have liked, but… I did like her a lot.  She was definitely a special-”
Rafe cut her off before she could say anything more.
“Well, you move on fast, don’t you?” He snarled.
(y/n) blinked, eyes going wide at the rude comment, even if she didn’t understand it.
“Your Pogue boyfriend’s only dead for a few months and you’ve already latched onto another, huh?” He asked, gesturing towards JJ.
(y/n’s) eyes wandered over to her boyfriend, who had just stood up from his seat with such force it fell backwards, and was now making his way over.
Please don’t get in a fight, she begged silently.  Please don’t make a scene, this isn’t worth the attention of the whole restaurant.
“Rafe, you’ve got it all wrong,” She told him quietly, trying to diffuse the situation herself.  “John B wasn’t my boyfriend, we grew up together, he was a brother to me-”
“You’re disgusting,” Rafe spat at her.  “If it wasn’t for your Pogue friends and your Pogue slut self, Sarah wouldn’t be dead right now!”
It felt like (y/n’s) heart stopped at the cruel accusation, and for a moment, she thought she might burst into tears in front of him.
“She’s not dead” She mumbled, her throat going tight.
JJ was at her side in a second, his arm winding around her hips and pulling her into him, about to drag her away without a word to Rafe.  He knew she didn’t want him to act out, and as hard as it was, he didn’t want to let her down.
He prompted her to follow him back to the table, forgetting about the water on the counter, he just wanted to get her out of this restaurant as fast as possible
“She is dead, they’re both dead because of you!” Rafe called after her, desperate to get the last word in.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” JJ hollered back, throwing the Kook a threatening look over his shoulder.
“That’s fine sweetheart!” Rafe shouted, and (y/n) tried her best to block him out.  “Let your shiny new toy fight your fights for you! Just like John B did.  Do all the Pogues you fuck become your guard dog?”
That was it.
Any chance of her crying went out the window and next thing she knew, she was ripping herself out of JJ’s hold and lunging towards Rafe, swinging without any aim, but enough force that when she hit the Kook in the nose, she could feel the crunch of cartilage against her knuckles, and blood splattered onto the counter.
“You bitch-!”
Rafe barely had a chance to fight back before JJ was grabbing (y/n) by the waist, lifting her up and physically carrying her out of The Wreck.  Pope and Kiara hastily followed them out, laughing joyously.
“Are you crazy?” JJ asked, only setting her down once they were down the street, and they were certain that a group of Kooks wouldn’t follow after them to finish what (y/n) had started.
She was still scowling, and rubbing at her jaw where Rafe had just barely nicked her with his knuckles.
“Fuck,” JJ grinned at her, taking her by surprise.  “You are crazy”
“You’re not mad?” She asked, and all three of her friends laughed.
“Mad? Of course not, you just broke Rafe Cameron’s nose, baby!” JJ cheered, cupping her face in his hands and pressing a quick kiss to her lips, and then her nose, and then her cheek.  “That’s my girl!”
The whooping and hollering of her boyfriend, echoed by Pope and Kie, made her blush red and butterflies erupt in her chest.  Breaking a Kook’s nose was a strange thing to feel bashful about, but the attention made her shy.
“Come on, let’s get home and ice that before it bruises” JJ said, nodding to her jaw.
As they made their way to the Chateau, their hands latched and swinging between them, JJ continued to gush over how badass and amazing she was, no matter how much she laughed it off and begged him to stop making her blush. ___
[ every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
February 19th, 3:15 p.m
“You’re lucky I pulled you outta there before he landed a whole punch,” JJ told (y/n) as he pressed a bag of frozen peas against her jaw.  “This coulda hurt a lot worse, why didn’t you duck babe?”
(y/n) let out a huff, swinging her legs from where she sat on the kitchen counter.  JJ was standing between them, coddling her much more than necessary.
“I dunno, I’m not some pro fighter like you” She retorted, and hissed when he pressed a little too hard against the sensitive skin.
“I know that was supposed to be sarcastic, but I’m gonna take it as a compliment anyways,” JJ retorted, earning a good natured eye roll from the girl.  “You know I’m proud of you, right?”
“I know,” She giggled back.  “You haven’t shut up about it”
“Can’t help it, it was fuckin’ awesome,” JJ gushed again.  “It was so hot, the most perfect punch, I wish I coulda taken a picture of the look on Rafe’s face, priceless.  You’re such a badass, I fucking love you”
He didn’t seem to catch what he’d said, but (y/n) did.  
Her eyes blew wide, and her lips parted momentarily, at a loss for words.  And since she didn’t know what to say, she decided the next best thing was to lean forward and capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
The kiss took JJ by surprise at first, but then the realization of what he’d said hit him, and he pulled away from her abruptly.
“Oh my god, I didn’t mean- well I did, but I-”
“JJ,” (y/n) giggled as he rambled, her hands laying across his cheeks.  “It’s okay, I-”
They were cut off by the phone ringing, which was odd, because it wasn’t their cellphone’s ringtone.  It took a second to even realize that the Chateau had a landline.
“What the fuck?” (y/n) pushed the bag of peas JJ was still holding away from her face, and hopped off the counter.  “Who even has this number? Oh my god, do you think it’s Thomas again?”
(y/n’s) heart began to race as she darted out of the kitchen towards the phone hanging on the wall.
“(y/n/n)- do you want me to take it?” JJ asked, worried that she’d freak herself out too much to actually answer the phone.
But she’d already unhooked the phone from the wall.
“Routledge Residence, (y/n) speaking”
There was a chuckle on the other side of the line, followed by a teasing, “I just knew that you weren’t gonna move out”
JJ couldn’t hear what the caller had said, but from the look on (y/n’s) face, he knew it couldn’t have been a telemarketer.
She dropped to her knees, the cord on the phone uncoiling completely as it stretched all the way down.  A choked sound between a sob and a gasp escaped her, and in a second, JJ was kneeling in front of her, jumping right into panic attack mode.
“(y/n/n), what is it? Who is it?”
“JJ there too? How are you guys-”
“John B?” (y/n) mumbled, voice shaky, scared that this was some practical joke at her expense.
JJ’s eyes went wide, and she finally looked up at him, his jaw slack.
“The one and only,” He laughed again.  “Guess I’m lucky you were at the house, I don’t remember any other phone numbers”
“I can’t believe it- are you okay? Is Sarah okay? Holy shit, John-”
“We’re okay, we’re both okay,” He chuckled, cutting her off.  “You’re not gonna believe this… but… we’ve got it”
“You’ve got it?” She repeated, confused.
“The gold, (y/n), we’ve got the gold”
“No shit-”
“Sarah says hi by the way,” He added.  “We’ll be back as soon as we can with it, okay? I don’t know when, but we’re working on it”
“What’s he saying?” JJ asked, but (y/n’s) brain was in a clusterfuck of information.
“I miss you- well all miss you- we miss you so much” She stammered out.
“We miss you too, (y/n)!” Sarah called, sounding distant through the speaker.
“We miss you a lot,” John B added,  “I’m sorry we didn’t call earlier, we just had to be sure there way it could get tracked-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I forgive you,” (y/n) said through a watery laugh.  “Just- just be safe, and get back as soon as you can, okay?”
“We will, promise,” John B replied.  “And I’ll try to call more too, okay? Look we’re… we’re working it all out right now”
“Okay, good,” (y/n) sighed, and wiped her teary cheeks with the back of her hand.  “I can’t wait to see you both”
“And when you do, we’ll be millions of dollars richer,” He told her.  “Look, we have to get going, Sarah has work.  The Kook Princess has a job here!” He told her with a laugh.  “I’ll call you when I can, alright?”
“Alright,” She agreed.  “Okay, call soon”
“Stay safe, (y/n/n), talk to you soon”
“Bye, John B”
He hung up, leaving the phone to ring a low dull sound, and (y/n) and JJ to stare at each other in amazement.
“They have the gold” (y/n) mumbled out.
“For real?”
“For real,” She nods back at him.  “They’re working on a plan to come home-”
Before she can finish, he tackles her to the ground, hugging her tight, and just letting the phone hang by it’s cord.  They’re laughing, she’s crying, and they can’t remember the last time they’ve felt joy like this before.
(y/n) sits up slightly, enough to wrap her arms around him and kiss him chastely.
“They’re in the Bahamas, and Sarah has a job, and- and they’re gonna come home” She rambled on as tears streamed down her face faster than JJ could wipe them away.
He’s grinning at her, kissing her whole face, everywhere he could.
She starts to giggle from the kisses, her shoulders raising from the ticklish feeling.
“JJ- JJ!” She cried out, having to grab him by his shoulders to get him to chill out.  “We have to go tell Pope and Kie!” “Okay, come on, let’s get going, I’ll drive you there now” JJ said, pulling her up to her feet, but before racing for the door, he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around in the air.
“I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it!” (y/n) cried out, giggling when he finally set her back down, and grabbed her hand before dashing for the front door.  “We’re going out tonight, baby!” She was so ecstatic, her body was practically vibrating.
He laughed, grabbing the keys to his dirtbike from the counter.
“Wait wait wait, JJ!” (y/n) called, her grip tightening on his hand as she pulled him back towards her.
“What? What is it?” He asked in a hurry, his eyes wild as he looked back at her.
She just grinned at him, before pulling him in closer, and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could kiss him.
She could feel his tenseness fade away, and when she smiled it broke their kiss.
“I love you too,” She told him, her smile brightening before she reached up and stole another kiss.  “And I’m glad you’re here with me, always”
“Well, we do live together, sweetheart,” He teased.  “But you know I’d never go anywhere else”
“I know,” She hummed, and leaned in to kiss him one more time.  “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, quit trying to distract me!”
(y/n) laughed as she followed him out the door, an overwhelming amount of delight flooding through her as she got on the back of JJ’s bike, rehearsing in her head what she wanted to say to their friends, and how impatient she was to see John B again.
xoxo ~ jordie
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