#i can feel you being smug uzumaki
ramblebrambleamble · 2 years
@whetstonefires thank for the tag 😊
Currently Reading: A great many words of Naruto fanfiction.
Favourite Colour: Blue
Last Song: Just a Dream cover by Kurt Hugo Schneider
Last Movie: Pass! I do not remember.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Savoury.
Currently Working On: Nothing! I have chronic inability to write anything down before my brain zings to the next iteration. I am having fun though!
A TF Character + Beast Mode combo you think would be awesome: Pass! I do not desire to comprehend this question.
Tagging @flipflapyoutwat @fishareglorious @shadowthief78 @captain-lonagan @princerhubarb @meliohy @busy-dadzawa-fish and anyone else who feels like it.
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] because this blog cannot be complete without our women uwu
characters: sakura haruno; ino yamanaka; hinata hyuga; tsunade senju; kushina uzumaki; konan
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of blood, menstrual pads annnd colics...
part 1;; part 2;;
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sakura haruno
* This girl is going to take care of you
* She is Tsunade's assistant and student
* Knows what to do
* Even so, she will do her best to take care of you
* Did you say hugs? On my way
* Oh no, do you feel bad?, she will make you a special tea for that
* "Y/N, I peeled an apple for you to eat"
* Sakura is a good girlfriend, only she is not very patient to say
"Sakuraaa can we hug?"
"Sure, but this is the fifth time today"
"Sakura, just hug me"
Take care of her as she takes care of you ❤️
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ino yamanaka
* oh
* The flower girl
* She is so sweet
* Smug girl with a big heart, she reminds me of mean girls 😂
* In any case!
* She will take care of you, like if she sees you wince while you walk or if she sees you in a little ball in bed
*Ino is not very good at consoling you but she is trying
* "Y/N I brought you flowers to make you feel better!"
* She always brings you yellow flowers
* Because according to ino they are unique and beautiful like you 💛
* (Also because they remind her of her 😂)
* She also brings you scented candles with your favorite scents so you can enjoy them at home while she goes to work.
"Y/N look what she brought!"
“Mm? What is ino?"
"I brought you your scented candles with your favorite scent! Surprise!"
"Oh my-!, thank you love!"
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hinata hyuga
* shy girl
* ummm
* Yes, she won't know what to do
* She is too shy to ask what you need (menstruation in her clan was taboo to talk to someone)
* Even so!
* she will see what to do to help you
* Does she see that you are hungry? she will make you a feast
* Fortunately this shyness only happened the first time you had your period together
* "Y/N-N a-are you alright?"
* she always asks you if you're okay 🥺
* Hinata is a good girlfriend, she really is... she's just shy, even so she'll do everything to take care of you when you need it
“Y-Y/N I brought you c-cookies”
"Thanks love"
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tsunade senju
* ohh, it's a sweetheart (when she's not mad)
* In any case
* will take care of you
*She is the hokage so she is always very busy but she will send Shizune to come see you
* I just imagined her coming home and she sees you in a little ball and she's like; “aww my girl is not having a good time🥺”
* Only her giving you hugs to make you feel better 🥹
* Are you hungry? Well stay where you are she'll go get you something quick to eat
* You want a drink? Do you want tea or wine?
* She will stay watching bad shows if it makes you feel better
"But Tsunade, you must be tired-"
"Enough, I won't let you go through this on your own."
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kushina uzumaki
* so
* You're dating the warm-blooded habanero, huh?
* Out of all women, you chose a dangerous woman
* Anyway
* She is an impatient woman but at the same time she is soft with you
* Like: "I know you're having a hard time, so I'm going to be nice to you more than I usually am."
* Also because she already knows that you are having a bad time
* She will take care of you
* Do you want to make a pillow fort and then hug us? Sure just let her bring the blankets you bring the pillows
* Do you want to eat ramen? Sure, she's going to make it and then you two can sit together while you eat.
“Y/NNN!, the ramen is ready!!”
"Kushina! Thank you honey"
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- - -
* serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl serious girl
* she already knows what to do 😂
* She is a busy woman, since being the right hand of the akatsuki leader is not easy
* Still she will make room in her busy schedule just to be with you
* If she is too busy and she can't come to see you, she will send an origami bird to send you a letter asking how you are
* She has a soft voice with which she will sing to you sometimes to make you sleep better
* She will always hold you against her chest at night when the cramps won't leave you alone
* Konan is a sweetheart 🧡 she is a good girlfriend she really is and she will always do whatever it takes to take care of you
"Did you get my letter, honey?"
"Konan! Yes, I received it and I love you too, love"
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* Also, have you heard that when a group of women are together their periods can come at the same time? Yes? Now I imagine a sleepover like this with these girls, HAHAHA. And maybe I'll do a part two aaa🥞
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 6
Naruto idly tapped on his desk (the one directly in front of where Iruka lectured, which would theoretically make it easier for the Chuunin to catch him misbehaving), wishing the period would just finish already. He had clawed his way out of the bottom of the academic rankings to a respectable middling position, but he would still much rather be working on his aim.
Lately he had been spending almost all of his physical development time on throwing skills, after he'd noted that Mizuki-sensei was a goddamn prick and never pointed out his mistakes. He never seemed especially approving either- he'd give Naruto's poor katas the same nod he gave Sakura's technical perfection. He wasn't addressing either of their issues.
Naruto knew from watching his pretty (incredibly, mind-bogglingly, world-changingly pretty) classmate that her stamina was very poor and that she was lacking in muscle mass (even for the admittedly low standards for ten year old girls). Likewise, he knew that he tended to overreach and start his kata too quickly which ended up forcing him faster and faster. Speed was great, but he wanted to go at a speed he wasn't ready for and that ended up making his steps sloppy.
He probably wouldn't know the difference if Aiko hadn't pointed out his issues in the same casual way she told him it was his turn to take out the garbage. It wasn't good or bad, it was just being brought to his attention so that he could do something about it.
Ino (He took a moment to glare at the back of her head, long blonde hair swaying gently in the breeze from open windows) had been less diplomatic about his level. He was going to fight her one day too. Aiko was spending what seemed like every other morning working out with Ino.
He'd been invited, of course, but… he had other things to do. Like find out where Mizuki-sensei lived and smear the juice from a can of tuna fish under the table. (No matter how hard Mizuki-bastard scrubbed, his kitchen was going to gradually get stinkier and stinkier.) Naruto tried not to cackle overmuch in class. That had been yesterday- the Chuunin had probably only recently noticed the smell and was trying to find the source. Comedic gold, if only he could witness the frustration himself. An eraser suddenly appeared in him immediate vision and he jerked to the left to avoid it. 'Eh heh heh… Iruka-sensei looks kinda mad.'
"Stop cackling, Uzumaki. It's disruptive and just plain weird." With a mid-level stern glare (Naruto had made a mental chart, categorizing the severity of Iruka Glares) the Chuunin that didn't totally suck (Bite me, Mizuki-bastard!) went back to droning on about why you actually shouldn't aim for the jugular in a certain type of situation. It had something to do with bloodspray and tracking by scent?
For the next four minutes, Naruto was a model student.
Then he was tired of that.
Sasuke, that goddamn prick, was dutifully focused on the lecture. He never took notes, but he was always right when the teachers called on him. They called on him a lot- whenever Naruto or Kiba couldn't answer a question, Iruka would look to Mr. Perfect Hair. Smug bastard. Naruto broke a pencil in his fist, totally oblivious to the way that Shino gave him a mildly alarmed stare and inched away, beetles hiding deeper under his seasonally inappropriate coat.
Naruto shifted guiltily. It sucked to compare his academic performance to others. It was just so hard. 'Maybe if I worked like Aiko, I'd already be graduated.' The thought made him feel bad about himself, so he tried not to think it often. It was hard to not to make the comparison, though. She was his twin and they'd entered the academy the same year- should they be more alike?
It wasn't that Naruto didn't work at his ninja skills- far from it! He worked at it daily. But he just couldn't only be a ninja like Aiko. She didn't have any hobbies or downtime, and her workouts with Ino were probably the closest thing she had to a friendship. If she'd been someone else… well, he might have thought that she was cripplingly weird and too serious. She kinda acted like an old lady, (except for all the cursing, of course.)
That afternoon he rushed home, pinching the torn seam of his favorite black t shirt shut. (He was totally going to beat the shit out of Kiba next time they sparred, believe it!). 'I beat Aiko home,' he noticed dumbly when he shucked off his shoes. 'That almost never happens.' Aside from her one overnight mission, his sister was almost always home when he walked in the door. She generally went out to train again after the worst of the heat passed, but only after they had dinner. He felt like being helpful, so he started some tea before he tugged off his shirt and went in search of the little sewing kit Aiko had been forced to buy for her kunoichi class.
Naruto really didn't understand how she could be so incredibly bad at repairing her clothes, especially since she'd had to take a class on it. The things that girl could do with a seam just didn't bear thinking about, so Naruto generally clenched his teeth and did her mending in addition to his own.
"Oy, that tea fresh?"
"Yeah, but you don't get any because you're a cotton-headed ninnymuggins," he called back casually, fighting down the corners of his mouth. He heard his sister snicker from the other room- that one always made her laugh for some reason. Naruto wasn't entirely sure why. She'd taught him lots of bad words to call people and most of them didn't make her laugh at all.
Aiko wandered in from the kitchen (he hadn't even noticed her cross the room, when had she gotten so sneaky?) holding a cup of tea. "You look like doo," he casually commented, keeping one eye on his stitches and one eye on the way her right eye twitched. "I'm not sure what kind. Unimaginative bet is on dog doo, but I'm leaning towards sheep."
"Thanks, little brother. You always know just what to say." She flopped down onto the couch in a way that probably should have spilled hot liquid all over her. He'd been joking, but he hadn't really been lying. She must have come directly from her workout, because her bangs were still plastered to her forehead with sweat and he could see a line of bruises on the backs of her forearms- from blocking blows in a spar with a stronger opponent, probably?
He imagined that if he stared long enough, he would be able to watch him fade. Both of the twins healed quickly, but he never seemed to see it happen. It was almost as if bruises waited for him to lose interest before they scuttled off.
"What are you thinking about?" Her uncanny blue-green eyes were directed at him. Naruto loved his sister's eyes. They looked like what he imagined the ocean was.
"Crabs," Naruto said firmly. "Would you describe the way they move as a scuttle?" He waved his hands to demonstrate, light glinting off the needle in his fist.
"I've never met a crab," she said dryly. "When I do, I'll tell you all about it." Aiko kicked her feet up to rest on the arms of the couch, stretching one arm out precariously to set her tea cup down with a clink onto the side table. "Brother mine, love of my life, most clever and ki-"
"You're so full of shit it's coming out your ears," Naruto interrupted blandly, too focused on his mending to muster up an emotional response. "What is it you want mended?"
"I'll go get them." Aiko easily rolled off the couch and landed on just one foot, sliding into a walk without a moment's awkwardness. Naruto silently cursed his sister's coordination while she padded away to rustle around in the bedroom (they shared) and came back with what appeared to be a pair of her leggings. She tossed it at him, and he barely pulled them out of the air before they landed on his hair. "Please and thank you. "
"What's for dinner?" he called. He could practically sense his sister roll her eyes from the kitchen. She was clearly getting things ready- the icebox opened and closed, as did drawers and he could hear rustles. Then there was a knock on the door. Naruto blinked and then his sister was crouched beside him, frowning slightly.
"You expecting anyone?" she asked in an undertone. He shook his head, setting the needle aside and sliding a kunai out of his holster. Aiko gave him an approving quirk of the lips, moving to the door so quickly that she was just a blur of color. The tenseness in her shoulders fled as soon as she cracked the door and breathed deeply. "Um, hello sensei. Would you like to come in and have some tea?"
A tall man stepped through the door. 'He's weird looking,' Naruto marveled, putting his kunai away and picking his mending back up again. This was his first glimpse of Aiko's sensei. He was slouched over like Shikamaru, dressed like a Jounin, and had hair like he'd stuck a finger in a light socket. When the tall guy turned to pass one eye lazily over Naruto, the boy stiffened. The dark blue mask over his jaw moved slightly, but Naruto couldn't tell what expression was being made. "Maaa, Aiko," the old guy rumbled. "No tea, thank you. I came to tell you to get ready. We have a last minute mission."
"Duration?" Aiko asked briskly, draining her tea cup and starting towards the bedroom.
The old guy 'hmmmed'. "Oh, hard to say. We're tracking a Chuunin level missing nin. Should be an easy introduction into the craft. I'd pack light. We're going to be doing a lot of running."
"Is this why you've been pushing my speed so much?" Aiko called from the bedroom, sounding calm despite the sounds of frantic packing.
"Exactly." One dark eye drifted over to examine Naruto as if it could x-ray down to the thoughts in his head. Naruto scowled, crossing his arms and giving the intruder a stink-eye. 'Who does he think he is, budging in here and dragging Aiko away when she just got home?'.
His sister bounded back into the room, wearing twice the weapons she had been before and toting a navy blue knapsack. She nearly barreled Naruto over when she gave him a hug, grinning fiercely and poking his nose. "Eat your junk food tonight, but be sure to cook real food tomorrow, okay? Be good, stay safe, and don't prank Mizuki 'til I get back."
Naruto harrumphed, dutifully leaning back into the hug with his chin resting on her shoulder (and ugh, he was going to be taller than her one day soon, believe it!) and rolling his eyes. "Yes, mother," he drawled, pleased by the attention but too grown-up to tolerate it in front of a stranger. The old guy seemed to flinch, his one visible eye flickering to Aiko's bizarrely colorful hair. Naruto startled and gave the old guy a distrustful stare. He didn't like leaving his sister with a stranger, especially not one this weird.
Unfortunately, no one asked his very excellent opinion and the two ninja sped out of the apartment building, leaving him alone and bored.
Even with all the stamina and speed training she had done since graduation, Aiko had to grit her teeth to cope with the pain in her feet and weakness in her legs after a few hours of running without stop. Kakashi-sensei had been very certain that she had a lot of potential for speed, and it was one of the few things he actually trained her in. He'd been right, but the pace they needed to keep in order to gain ground on a ninja of a higher rank like a Chuunin was wearing on her quickly. Her hip, knee, and ankle joints were all screaming with pain by the time he allowed her to have a break, crouching to speak quietly with the brown, scruffy looking dog he'd summoned. In a moment, he dismissed the dog they'd been following and whipped through hand seals and summoned- is that a pug?
Aiko ignored the ninken that she was pretty sure would answer to 'Pakkun' and drained half a bottle of water, then gulping down a quick dissolve pill that should restore some of the salt she'd lost through sweat and reduce the amino acid burn from the run. She flopped to the forest floor and bent into a straight-legged stretch, trying to calm her heartrate and breathing through sheer force of will.
"Who is this?"
Aiko looked up at the surprisingly deep voice, somehow not surprised to see that the pug had invaded her personal space. When her teacher didn't speak up, she managed to catch her breath enough to briefly introduce herself. "Uzumaki Aiko, happy to meet you."
'Very happy. He's so cute! I wonder if it's too undignified for a ninken to snuggle?'
"Pakkun," the pug said simply. He snuffled at her side, causing her to yelp when she felt his cold nose through her thin shirt. "So this is-"
"My student," Kakashi interrupted smoothly. The dog gave him a look that indicated the two would be having a talk later, but let it slide. He pointedly nudged her tummy with his square head, and Aiko reflexively scratched behind his ears and stroked down his back. His fur was so sort- it was more like petting a bunny than a comparatively coarse dog. The girl couldn't help but smile. It was the first time she'd really met a dog in this lifetime, but the doggy scent he gave off was comforting and very familiar. Maybe she'd been a dog person in her past life.
'Did Pakkun know Kushina and Minato well enough to notice a connection with my scent?' Aiko pursed her lips. It looked that way, which would also explain her teacher's uncharacteristic interruption. He was often rude, yes, but generally through inaction like his failure to introduce the two parties than by actively doing something rude.
"Pakkun, we're on the clock," Kakashi drawled. "Make friends later."
"No respect," the small dog grumbled, reluctantly leaning out of her reach and sniffing around the area. "Yeah, I have the scent. We're damn close. Your prey is weak and slowing down, so we should be able to catch up within the hour at most. Why are you taking your pup on a hunt, boy?"
Aiko almost choked, eyes wider than what she could pretend was dignified. 'I don't think Pakkun talked to Kakashi like that in the manga,' she thought weakly. The idea of her strict teacher being referred to as 'boy'…. It didn't bear thinking about. Said teacher looked more amused than anything.
"Maa, Pakkun, I'm starting to think you don't trust my judgment. I wouldn't have brought the pup if I couldn't keep her safe. This should be an easy introduction to real missions, even if she is still out of shape despite months of my best work," he casually insulted. Aiko felt that eye twitch start up again. She willed the muscle spasm to stop. "Alright, break is over. Let's go." With a sigh, Aiko gave one last stretch and climbed to her feet. As the small group started running again, her teacher let the pug take point and slowed down to run beside her. "You know," he said quietly, "You're going to see your first kill. We don't bring missing nin back alive, but we can't allow them to go and make Konoha look weak either."
Momentarily stunned, Aiko struggled to find her footing on the next landing. Her teacher didn't comment, but she didn't fool herself into thinking he hadn't noticed. "I see," she managed. "I… I suppose that makes sense." It did make a terrible kind of sense. Kakashi was famous as both a ninjutsu specialist and a tracker, and he had spent roughly a decade in ANBU. Of course he got a lot of hunting missions.
"You're a good kid," he said quietly. "I just want you to remember why we're doing this. You got stuck with me for a teacher, so you unfortunately are going to pick up my specialties, like retrieval. This is just a run to gain experience for you. You're going to hang back, and if I assess that the situation is going poorly you will obey my orders immediately. Is that understood?"
"Yes sir," she automatically replied.
His attention slid up front and he leapt ahead at the exact moment Pakkun gave a rough bark. A moment later (it might have been a quarter of a second or up to three whole seconds later, Aiko's brain seemed to have decided it wanted to process time in new and interesting ways) a lithe figure exploded from the tree tops, aiming a hard kick at Pakkun –the throat, it would have him choking in his own blood and knock him off the branch he was perched on, the fall was too far, he couldn't land safely. Her muscles moved without her knowledge to position her so that she could catch him if he fell. The dog couldn't possibly dodge it in time, but her sensei was suddenly there deflecting the blow and forcing her backwards with straight taijutsu.
Aiko felt like her eyes were about to pop out of her head, but she couldn't stop staring. She'd improved her speed by almost a hundred percent since she graduated, but what the fighters were doing was downright insane. She could barely keep track of them as flashes of dark and light and rustles of clothing flickering in the branches of the enormous Konoha trees.
It was damn hard to tell, but the Chuunin they'd been sent to retrieve (at least, that was probably the opponent, especially as she'd immediately aimed for the ninken tracking her) appeared to be a dark-haired woman of extraordinarily short stature. 'For some reason, I pictured a nondescript man in uniform.' Aiko tried not to wince. She hadn't really thought of the missing nin as a breathing human being- just a target, a filler character. 'He's going to kill this person,' she dully realized. A real person. She felt her breathing speed up, but couldn't control it. She leapt backwards, keeping both combatants in her vision but painfully aware that she was outclassed and had been told to stay out of the way.
She hadn't realized just how enormous the gulf between a genin and a Chuunin was. It had always seemed so easy and natural- that if she just kept working she would get there one day as a brief stop on the road to being a Jounin who could protect Naruto and herself. But this was insane.
Aiko knew damn well that her sensei was a monster among shinobi- one of the absolute best. But this woman seemed to be keeping up with him surprisingly well, despite the obvious signs that she was drained and desperate. 'She must be a taijutsu specialist,' the ten-year old hypothesized. And wasn't that counterintuitive- to see such a tiny woman holding her own in a physical fight against a tall man.
The whole encounter lasted perhaps twenty seconds and boasted at least three times as many blows, from her desperate charge to the instant when Kakashi slid under the woman's guard and dispassionately snapped her neck. 'A bloodless kill,' Aiko numbly registered. 'So that he doesn't bother Pakkun's nose. He must think we still need to do some tracking.' She only noticed she was shaking when her sensei shot her an inscrutable look.
"Pakkun, check ahead. If she set up traps, I want to disable them before we go. Aiko-chan, come here." She steeled herself, then leapt to her teacher's side with two agile jumps, remaining in a slight crouch over the lump of flesh that was a living breathing human being until very recently. "Do you know how we dispose of bodies?" he asked tonelessly.
'Sealing scrolls?' Aiko twitched, feeling her stomach roil. 'No, don't be stupid. That's an expensive resource, it wouldn't be used for a low-level nin like this. That would only be necessary to collect on a bounty.' She took a steadying breath. "We burn it?"
"Correct. Watch my hands." He steadily worked his way through six hand signs, then breathed in deeply through his nose and pushed one hand out, encased in a flickering orange flame that leapt to cover the body. In an instant, every inch of flesh was shimmering through orange fire- then it blackened, then there was a horrible stench and the corpse crumbled in on itself and burst into greasy ash. Aiko coughed, waving one hand in front of her face to try to keep from breathing the material in. Her sensei dispassionately flipped through three hand signs and blew out a harsh blast of air that scattered the remains through the tree tops.
'The metal didn't burn," Aiko observed. It had been distorted in the sudden heat, but she could still pick out buckles from boots, a thin sludge of what must have been hidden senbon, and two kunai from a thigh holster.
"That was strangely anticlimactic. She was here and now she's dust." Aiko stared blankly at the ash on the wind. A warm hand landed on her head, fingers gently rustling into her hair.
"Being a ninja isn't usually glamorous or climactic," he rumbled. "Most of it is quick, dirty and altogether unpleasant. The types of battles that kids play at in Academy- only the real elites fight that way. It's more of a vanity thing than practical."
"A dick measuring contest," she said without thinking. She actually felt her teacher stiffen. 'Ah, oops, probably not an age-appropriate metaphor,' she realized too late.
"Ah, I suppose," he said, sounding spectacularly uncomfortable. He gave a deep sigh. "Pakkun, report."
"All clear," the dog barked.
"Thank you," he said absentmindedly. The dog had just enough time to nod before he was dismissed. "All right," he sighed, pushing one hand through his hair. It got stuck and he had to tug it out. Aiko forced down an inappropriate smile. "Now we go home and report. Do you want to take a break here? You did well keeping up. I wanted to catch her before she got to the first town, where she might have caused more trouble and complicated the mission."
Aiko consciously didn't look at the branch they were standing on. "No, I'm good." She gave her teacher a weak smile, noting how weary and old he looked. She suddenly wanted to perk him up- he shouldn't look like that. He was only in his twenties. "Come on, old man" she teased, nudging his ribs with her shoulder. "I get it already, you're a total badass. Are you going to make me that fast?"
Her teacher snorted, shoulders relaxing imperceptibly before he took off in a blur of movement. She gave a cry of indignation and hurried to catch up. "You're years away from that," he taunted. "You can barely run in a straight line. I think you should master that before Jounin level taijutsu, eh?"
"I'd be happy if you'd teach me anything instead of beating on me all day," she faux-accused. She really was learning- it just wasn't the kind of thing she could show off. Becoming a faster runner and putting on muscle mass wasn't nearly as cool to demonstrate as crazy taijutsu or elemental jutsu.
She regretted the taunt when her teacher gave a low chuckle. "Well, if my cute little student needs to be taught, I suppose I can dream something up."
The next day, she reported for her promised training and was pleasantly surprised to get her primary element tested.
"Water?" Kakashi's mask moved as if he was biting at his lip (that really didn't hide everything, why had Team 7 been so irritated by it in the anime? It was just a thin piece of fabric). "Well, I'm no expert at that one but I suppose I can get you started. That's my least favorite element," he cheerfully announced.
"Gee, thanks," she grumbled, dropping the soggy paper to the ground. This was her least favorite part of the training ground- she hadn't come here since her accidental cat murder. She very carefully did not look at the scorched earth to her right. 'No one knows. No one will ever know.' She suppressed a twitch. It was like that Poe story with the beating heart. She just couldn't stop thinking about that goddamn cat. And it seemed like there was no way that Kakashi hadn't noticed her discomfort. 'Is that why we're at this specific part of the training ground? Is it just a coincidence? Is he trying to coerce me into confessing?'
"Don't worry, once you've mastered all the water jutsu in the world we can start you on a good element." Aiko drooped. 'Somehow that's not reassuring.' Her teacher coughed lightly. "Pay attention, Aiko-chan."
The technique he'd showed her was bizarre, ill-suited to Konoha's climate, and incredibly familiar.
"You want me to practice turning into a puddle of water," she said blankly, kicking at her sensei. He materialized from the puddle of –well, himself she supposed, and wasn't that ewwww- and grabbed her ankle, giving her a stern look. "I was envisioning something with some sort of combat potential. Or any kind of potential, really. I suppose that'll be useful if I ever get a mission to investigate the soles of rainboots."
"Don't be a smart ass, it doesn't suit you. Did you catch the hand seals?" Obligingly, he ran slowly through them one more time while she copied. "Good. This element transformation should come comparatively easily to you. More importantly, once you have this down, you'll be able to apply the same skill to summon a mist to hide in, make a water clone, and do a couple other nifty tricks, like causing rain in a small area."
Aiko blinked. "Oh," she said dumbly. "That actually does sound useful."
"It's almost like I'm your teacher or something," Kakashi drawled sarcastically. "The hard part is going to be chakra saturation- in order for this to work, you actually need both respectable reserves and the ability to manipulate almost all of it at once. You won't actually lose most of it in the jutsu, but it needs to be transformed from the neutral state to water type."
Aiko found herself alone on the training ground long after her sensei had slunk away for the night, incredibly frustrated. "Why can't I make this fucking jutsu work?" she outright hissed, flinging her hands up and desperately wishing for something or someone that she could hit.
Too stubborn to give up, she abandoned her normal workout routine for the night in order to concentrate on getting down the one jutsu her sensei had trusted her to learn. She thought that she had the first part down, at least.
After hours of trial and error, she could now transform the neutral chakra at her stomach, head, and other main gates into water natured chakra easily and quickly. Seeing as how that didn't do anything, however, it clearly became obvious that it wasn't enough. After that it was a rush to either flood her chakra coils with the new water natured chakra or concentrate on changing the lingering remnants of chakra in her coils in the same way she'd changed the stored chakra. Unfortunately, the first method seemed to require an exact speed of release that she hadn't mastered, and the second method seemed to require more concentration than she could boast of. If she focused on the floating chakra, her reserves faltered back into their neutral state.
'I'm going to figure this out if it kills me,' she vowed. She'd never failed at a jutsu before, and she wasn't about to start now.
Kakashi slouched a little further, silver hair tickling the back of his neck. He really needed to do something about it. Eventually. "I admit I had doubts about taking a fresh genin out hunting, but she performed well in the field. She displayed a relatively healthy reaction to seeing a kill under controlled combat conditions. It doesn't seem far-fetched that she could be trained as part of a hunter unit. My initial reservations about whether or not that'd be a waste of a potential front-line type still stand, however. She'll probably excel in either specialty."
The Sandaime Hokage smiled, giving the reporting Jounin his full attention for a split second while he was switching out stamps. "Excellent, Kakashi-kun. I am glad to hear it. I've always heard good things about Aiko while she was in the Academy, but of course that doesn't always translate to field performance."
"Actually, she's weirder in the village," Kakashi mumbled, trying not to think too much about why his student got so damn twitchy every time they went to training ground 7. It was probably safer not to know. He lowered his book to address the Hokage directly, but still held Icha Icha up high enough to obscure most of his face. "But her work ethic is satisfactory. I have been concentrating on her speed and endurance. I would say she's actually on par with experienced Genin in those two areas. She's a rank beginner in taijutsu, of course, and her weapons aren't much better. Now that I'm momentarily satisfied that she can be trusted to make it to a mission, I'm teaching her some mostly evasive jutsu so that she doesn't get skewered by someone out of her league. That would be everyone, of course."
"And to think you claimed you didn't want to train genin for so long," Sarutobi pointed out, not bothering to hide his smile.
Kakashi gave him an uncharacteristically sharp look. "I don't," he said shortly. "But Minato's kids deserve to be taught right. Aiko has her mother's chakra type, which probably makes her our only water type in that generation. I was never good at Kushina's whirlpool style jutsu, but I can teach it to her well enough. She deserves that legacy." He turned his face away from the Hokage's partially sympathetic and partially frustrated expression.
"She isn't her parents," Sarutobi said, a little harshly. He narrowed his eyes, gave the Jounin his full attention and even focused a little bit of intent in his direction. "You understand that?"
"Yes, of course." Kakashi's head twitched into something an optimist might term an incline. "Is that all, Hokage-sama?"
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shadow-bringer-ao3 · 1 year
Bleeding Grey
Madara hears the whispers. They still when Madara passes, Tobirama by his side, but they start up soon after. They get quiet, at times, but they never stop. They revolve around Tobirama, Madara’s name thrown around only a few times. He had approached a group about it, at one point. A trio of Uchiha women talking peacefully with a Senju couple, and Uzumaki, and a younger Shimura who, like Madara, seems to be there only to sate his curiosity. The Uzumaki had leveled him an amused look, which he ignored in favor of focusing on what the woman’s companions were talking about.
"Tobirama killed Tajima," One Uchiha woman, Suzuki, says with a firm nod. "That’s common knowledge but..."
"Tajima wasn’t the only clan head to die by his hands," the Senju woman finishes with a twist of her lips. Not in disgust or anger or fear like one might think but rather a wry sort of amusement.
"Really?" Madara pushes, inquisitive. Besides him, the Shimura leans forward eagerly, eyes just about as wide at the boy could make them.
"Oh honey," the Uzumaki purrs, "Everyone knows Tobi killed Butsuma. He might think he’s being sneaky about it but he’s not that good at faking the effects of poison." Madara is... suitably stunned. At the same time, though, he can see where they’re coming from, even if he can’t agree.
"Tobirama wouldn’t kill his father," Madara has to insist. The Senju man levels him a severely unimpressed look.
"Madara-sama, that man was as much those kids’ father as a stranger on the street was. Probably less so, even." He sighs, shrugging. "Butsuma was a great leader and warrior but he wasn’t a good man and he was a worse father."
The next time Madara visits Tobirama, those words stick in his mind. Would Tobirama have really killed his father? Is it really so surprising he’d go so far from for his peace? The albino watches him for only a few seconds before says, deceptively light, "afraid I’ll drown you and blame it on the Kaguya?" Madara pales when he registers the words, blinking wide-eyed at his soulmate.
"You know?" Tobirama gives him the especially infuriating look that says his soulmate is calling him an idiot internally.
"Of course I know. I have ears and exceptional hearing on top of that," he says, dryer than Suna’s desert.
"Stupid Senju," he grumbles, crossing his arms petulantly.
"I love you," Tobirama says, again more lightly than he should. As if it doesn’t matter that this is the first time the albino has even vaguely implied he returns Madara’s (rather obvious) feelings. In response, Madara chokes. And splutters and flails and turns redder than the sharingan. It’s a very eloquent reply.
"I love you too, bastard," he manages, several hours later, when he’s calm enough that he doesn’t turn red every time he so much as looks at his soulmate.
"I know," Tobirama, the smug asshole, says.
(It’s a full day later when Madara realized that nobody ever mentions drowning when they talk about Butsuma’s death.)
Part 5
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
How would Karin, Sasuke, Itachi, Ino, Deidara, Gaara, Kushina and Hinata reacts to their darling admitting their feelings for them and offering them their homemade chocolates on Valentine's Day?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, harsh behavior
Confessions and chocolates
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️Oh wow! And here Karin thought she couldn’t fall more in love with you. On the other hand, she always knew you were the best to exist. That girl’s reaction will be loud, she’ll probably cheer loudly and get everyone’s attention around her, not like she cares anyways. She’s just overjoyed now. Would definitely instantly be all over you and smother you with kisses whilst keep mumbling: “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
♦️And of course she’s accepting your homemade chocolate, feeling so happy that you put so much effort into it just for her. And she swears, never tasted chocolate that good. Open your mouth, you should eat one too. You made them after all. That, and she really wants to feed you. You can feed her too if you want to! Wouldn’t that be really cute now that you’re officially a couple.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Our Mister Emo boy here would at first be a bit flustered when you suddenly confess to him and offer him your homemade chocolate. It’s common knowledge that he isn’t the best in expressing his feelings, let alone acting on them. So he would at first be a bit paralyzed, staring with a blank expression and slightly widened eyes at you whilst feeling his heart speeding up. You might mistake the silence for something else, making you feel all embarrassed and heartbroken.
💙But the moment you make yourself small and turn around to leave him would be the moment where Sasuke snaps out of it, turn you around and take the chocolate from you. It’s the first best thing he could think of. Dear god, he has no idea what to say, but being a Tsundere he would probably try to play it smooth, giving you a smug grin and pretending like he knew from the very beginning you would eventually fall for him. Keep quiet about the small blush on his face or else he’ll get embarrassed. He’s damn happy right now.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi would be the calmest one about this. Now don’t get him wrong, he can’t even describe how happy and overjoyed he is right now, he just thinks he shouldn’t overdo it with his reaction. That does not mean that he hasn’t have a slight pink dusting his cheeks. He would accept your chocolates, feeling grateful that you invested so much time into him, and tell you that he feels the same for you.
🍡It’s of course a very casual way to react compared to many others in here, but that does not mean that he loves you less because of this. I think he’s even the type to return the favor and make you very soon homemade sweets as well.
Ino Yamanaka
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🌻Yess! Ino definitely loves where this is going. Would squeal on the inside about how she can’t believe that this is happening. Ino would be someone who would always dream about her love confessing to her on Valentine, it’s the day of love after all. And it seems like her dreams came true after all.
🌻Darling, she would take those chocolates with a huge and soft smile on her face and tell you with a voice overwhelmed by joy and love that she feels the same. Expect quite the kiss after this, your first but definitely not last kiss with her. I can see Ino as someone who planned to confess to you on Valentine too, but you were just faster. But later on this day you’ll definitely be gifted with a huge bouquet adorned with lots of cute love notes and sweets.
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💥Deidara would be totally thrilled about this, the moment you started walking shyly to him with a box of chocolates in your hands he already had the hugest grin on his face, feeling like (wordplay intended) his heart exploded in his chest. Look at you being all sweet and blushing just for him! Don’t be afraid, he’ll never let you go.
💥You yourself wouldn’t have to worry, his huge grin and the blush on his face probably encouraging you. Would definitely shower you in kisses after accepting your chocolates and definitely eating the one or other piece from it. If you worry that they aren’t that good be ensured that Deidara will absolutely love them. They’re delicious! Take a bite yourself. Say “Ahh” for him. But of course Deidara has to return the favor. And what better way to do this as with a firework! Let’s just hope this day will end for both of you very romantic and not with a gore scene...
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🐼For someone who always keeps a stoic and calm face, Gaara’s reaction would be a very encouraging. Whatever he was doing at the moment, most likely working in his office, he would totally freeze and stare with wide eyes at you the moment you offer him those chocolates and confess that you really like him. Is this a dream? And if yes, please don’t wake him up! You’ll be able to see how the Kazekage starts having a huge blush on his face, the color being similar to his hair color.
🐼Not even to mention that for a while he won’t be able to say anything, stumbling over his own words. But eventually he’ll get his shit together as good as he can and accept your confession and the chocolates, heart pounding against his chest whilst admitting that he feels the same. Would be a bit too shy to kiss you at first so better act on it yourself and make him go even redder. His siblings are definitely going to tease him later on about this.
Kushina Uzumaki
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🌶This is for sure one of Kushina’s best days in her whole life when you start confessing and offering her afterwards with a shy smile on your face your homemade chocolates. Kushina on the other hand would have a large smile on her face, a pink blush on her face and her eyes sparkling with happiness. Her whole aura will radiate happiness out. I can see you and her being really good friends before that and friends to lovers is probably very romantic in her opinion.
🌶Absolutely nothing can ruin her mood right now, almost jumping onto you and hugging you whilst telling you her feelings as well. If you really are friends I can somehow see you both having gifted each other always things on Valentine before, only difference now that you admitted your feelings. And Kushina for sure planned the same. Would be unfair if the whole spotlight would fall to only you, right? She has something prepared as well.
Hinata Hyuga
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💘Don’t blame her if she suffers from a heart attack or just faints then and there out of happiness. When it comes to you Hinata is very fragile, but by all means not weak, ready to defend you if she has to. But right now? She wouldn’t be able to do anything, her brain not being able to process her silent demands and for a few moments she’ll just stand there with a beautiful pink blush on her face, not saying anything and just staring shocked at you.
💘If any of her friends are near her they’re going to help her of course, giving her a quick nudge in the side to help her out of her current condition. But the moment you start looking unsure because she doesn’t say anything or become a bit impatient is the moment Hinata would jump into action, quickly telling you she feels the same and becoming very shy afterwards. She would accept your chocolates and press them tightly against her pounding heart. Best day ever.
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chanfictions · 3 years
May I please request a drabble with Anko x uzumaki fem reader? (She can be narutos older sister or aunt) Where R is a seal mistress and finds a way to remove the cursed seal. And anko (who's been wanting to jump her bones since they meet just looses it and shows how grateful she is. They end up giving eachother different marks (bite marks, kissmark, hickeys) and Anko being all happy and smug for finally getting the girl. With nsfw and fluff please
Hey anon! Thank you for patiently waiting for as long as you have. I'm sorry if this is a little short, but Anko has been a real struggle for me after I dumped all of my smutty soul into Game Night. I hope you still enjoy!
Un-Cursed Marks
Anko x fem!Uzumaki!Reader
Lightly smutty, but still calling this 18+ content. Minors, DNI!
Fingering, biting, Anko being a tease.
Wide-eyed and stunned in utter disbelief, Anko panted and swallowed back the dry lump in her throat as she fought to catch her breath. She sat shirtless at your feet in a ring of intricate runes and glyphs that you had painstakingly drawn upon the floor in the basement of one of the buildings typically used for the chunin exams. You smiled softly down at her when she reached back to place her hand on yours, where it was resting gently over where Orochimaru's curse mark once branded her shoulder.
"Is it…?" she breathed questioningly, almost afraid to finish her sentence.
"Gone? Yep! I told you I could do it," you declared triumphantly, lifting your hand up to show her.
Anko twisted around, giving you a delightful view of her ample, perky tits, contorting herself in order to see what she just couldn't believe. "I… I don't know how to thank you enough for this. I've wanted to rip that damn mark off my skin for so many years and you… you just erased it like it was nothing."
"Secret family recipe," you winked.
"It feels kinda weird," she laughed weakly, rubbing the spot.
"Weird how?" You cocked your head, brow knotting in concern as you knelt down and softly slid your hand back over her bare shoulder where the mark once sat.
"Well, I'm kind of used to it just aching all the time," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment as her cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
"That might take some getting used to," you said, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.
Peering up at you through her wild bangs with her lip caught between her teeth, Anko placed her hand atop yours again. "Actually… I can think of something that might help…" A devious grin slowly crept across her face as her fingers interlaced with yours.
Immediately, your face flamed as you caught the lustful glint in her eye. Admittedly, the sexual tension between the two of you had always been thick enough to cut with a knife ever since you first met. Anko was gorgeous, and you had harbored a secret crush on her for ages, but you were just too shy and weighed down by village regulations to tell her as much. "I, um, w-well--" you stammered like a smitten schoolgirl as she slid your hand down from her shoulder across her soft skin onto her chest.
"I saw you lookin', girlie," she teased with a cheshire grin. "I know you're thinking what I'm thinking," she purred.
A squeak buzzed in your throat as the heat in your face magnified. "A-anko! N-no--I mean yes, but here?? What if we get caught?"
"I'm not worried," Anko hummed while reaching forward and brushing her fingers along your jaw, trailing down the front of your neck until she got a handful of your shirt and pulled you toward her, capturing you in a hungry, heated kiss.
You melted into her touch with an unexpected knot of excitement swirling in your belly. This was actually happening. A cute little moan breezed your lips against hers as you ran your palms over her bare chest, softly cupping those positively glorious tits. Anko purred, keening into your hands as she yanked you down onto the ground with a coy smirk, flipping you onto your back as she straddled your hips, running her palms under your shirt and swiftly pulling it over your head. What a sight that was. "Gods, you're gorgeous," you breathed in awe as you took the sight of her in.
"Not so bad yourself," Anko cooed, leaning down and nipping at your earlobe. "Now, what do you say you let me thank you properly for removing that curse mark, hm?" The clasp at the front of your bra popped open under her fingertips to punctuate her inquiry.
"I--ohh!" You gasped in surprise as she dipped her head down to capture a pebbled bud between her teeth with a playful bite. Arching your back with a stifled moan, you tangled your fingers into her hair as she left a trail of hot hisses and scrapes of teeth up to your neck where she latched on, blooming a hot bruise under your skin. With a giggle, you twisted your legs and flipped her over, pinning her beneath you instead. "Two can play that game," you grinned, hands still tangled in her hair as you leaned down to return the favor, sinking your teeth into her shoulder where Orochimaru's brand once painted her skin.
"Oh, fuck -- that's so much better, "Anko groaned, digging her fingers into your hip and sliding her hands around to unbutton your pants as you peppered kisses from the new mark on her shoulder along her jaw. You kissed and tongued your way down her chest until you heard another mischievous giggle, and Anko flipped you off of her again with a sparkling lust in her eyes, pinning your hands to your chest. "Now, I said I wanted to thank you, missy," she tutted, leaning down over you with a wicked smirk, slipping her free and behind her down the front of your silky panties. You gasped as her fingers dipped into your shockingly slick folds. "Oh, is that for me?" She teased, dragging her fingers over your throbbing clit.
"Hnn, yes," you breathed, arching into her touch, a knot of desire coiling tightly in your core.
"Naughty girl," she hummed, rubbing teasingly soft circles around your soaked bud.
"Anko--" you whined pathetically.
Anko giggled, sliding a finger into your fluttering hole. "Yes?"
You squeaked, squirming under her in response.
"Oh, did you want more?" She taunted playfully, adding a second and languidly pumped them into you.
"Uh huh," you moaned.
Anko hummed in delight, sliding them back out of you for a moment and leaving you achingly empty as she shifted forward to capture your taught nipple in her mouth, suckling softly and drawing a throaty moan from your lips and then leaving a trail of branding bites along your collarbones. "Mmm… what do you say we go back to my place and finish this?" She purred in a sultry tone over the sound of your panting.
"My place is closer," you breathed desperately.
Anko gazed down at you with a smug, devious smile cracking at her lips. "I hope your walls aren't too thin."
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Nine // Pein (Nagato)
Leader. Never in a million years did Nagato Uzumaki believe he had it in him for be a leader, and especially not one of a group of S-ranked criminals like the ones that comprised his Akatsuki. But perhaps he really wasn’t; after all, save for Konan, none of them had even met him before. All they knew about him was Pein, the body that he animated and controlled through his chakra. Yet despite all he and his group have accomplished, the nagging feeling never leaves him ... that Yahiko would have done a much better job than Nagato. It’s one of the main reasons that Nagato fashioned his main Pein-body after his old friend; to try and infuse some of Yahiko’s wisdom and charisma into his own leadership style. One of the things Yahiko often stressed was the importance of having people around you that you could trust, and depend on. In short - friends. Aside from Konan, Nagato doesn’t truly consider anyone in this organization to be his ‘friend’ ... rather, he’s come to think of the group as a whole of being his family. And apparently families played games with each other, hence why he (as Pein) agrees to this mistletoe game now.
“Good evening, Leader.” Kisame was by far one of the more desirable members that Nagato had strived to bring into his group. Mature, experienced with battle and ninjutsu, and one of the fabled Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. In any given situation, in any conflict between members of the group, Kisame will most often be the voice of reason. Nagato chose to pair him with the young but mature beyond his years Itachi, believing they’d have much to learn from one another, and he was correct. Out of all the duos, theirs was probably the most stable (and certainly the least problematic). Despite being both tall and intimidating, the half-shark had a surprisingly gentle, almost shy nature to him when one caught him in a one on one situation, as was the case now. Kisame walks up to Pein but seems unable to take the initiative, so Pein does so himself. He puts one hand on Kisame’s shoulder, leans up slightly, and kisses his cheek. Kisame blushes and grins, before going back to his room for the evening.
Unbeknownst to the others, aside from Konan, Sasori is the only member of the Akatsuki that knows that Pein isn’t who (or what) he presents himself to be. After all, spending years hidden inside a puppet body gave one a little leeway into seeing into (or perhaps seeing past) others’ true selves. But Sasori understands Nagato’s need to conceal his real body; in fact, he’s even helped him a few times. He’s travelled with Konan before to meet the actual Nagato, when the latter came down with an illness that Konan wasn’t sure how to treat. Sasori used his extensive knowledge of medical procedures to help Nagato, and since then, the two had become good friends. He also gave him valuable advice (again from his own experience of using chakra to control multiple puppets at once) to Nagato in how to more effectively maneuver his Six Paths of Pein bodies during battle, even helping Nagato to tweak them to better control their movements. Sasori shows Nagato (and ultimately, Pein) the same respect that he would a fellow master puppeteer. He approaches Pein now, in his own body. Pein leans down and kisses his cheek, and the two nod at each other before Sasori returns to his own room.
“He murdered his entire clan in one evening.” “Are you sure?” “Well, all but his younger brother. But I’m sure if he ever got the chance —“ Nagato still remembers the conversation he had with Konan, the day before they brought Itachi into the Akatsuki. Nagato had been against it at first, believing that one who could commit such callous atrocities against his own clan and family would no doubt have trouble turning against a group of people that were strangers to him. But Itachi pleasantly surprised Nagato, with how calm, and quiet, and kind he was. He often forgets how young Itachi is, considering he speaks and acts like a man decades older. But still ... there was a sadness that could be felt whenever Itachi was in the room, tangible even to someone who’s “real” body was quite far away, like Nagato’s was. When Itachi comes to him, the Pein body reaches out and pulls the boy into a hug. Itachi seems surprised, but whether out of respect to the leader or because he truly needed it, he lets the embrace happen. The two stand there for longer than seems feasible, until Pein breaks it by gently kissing Itachi’s forehead. Itachi steps back, gives Pein a smile (which turns back the clock even more and makes Itachi seem like a child) and goes back to his room.
Nagato felt real, valid concern when bringing the 15 year old Deidara into his group. Besides being the youngest, besides having that volatile temper and wanton pleasure in causing chaos and destruction ... the kid was beautiful. An odd word for a male, perhaps, but it was the most fitting term for him. In the Akatsuki it was more or less made clear that Konan was off-limits in terms of things like that, but Deidara ... with his long silky hair, big blue eyes, soft skin ... what was to stop one (or possibly ALL) of these older (and likely stronger) members from attempting to — but Nagato was lucky, in that everyone exhibited more self-control than he gave them credit for. And pairing him first with the older Sasori and then with the wily Tobi had seemed to be good choices, as well. One taught him maturity, and the other, patience. Although sometimes — “Oi, Leader ... can you talk to Kakuzu for me?” “For what?” “He won’t let me have an advance on my pay, because he says I’m just going to waste it on ‘my stupid clay’, hm!” “I do not interfere with the financial decisions of my treasurer, Deidara.” “But —“ Pein kisses his forehead and says, quietly, “Learn to exercise restraint when it comes to your artistic endeavors, Deidara.” Deidara grumbles as he walks away, and Pein smiles and shakes his head as he watches him go.
“Pein. No matter what Deidara said to you, you won’t convince me to give him an advance on his pay. That boy is already three weeks into his money, and our budget simply won’t allow —“ “Do not fear, Kakuzu. I don’t intend to step on your toes regarding our finances.” Never in Nagato’s life has he met anybody quite so concerned with money as Kakuzu. He was strict not only with his own money, but every other member’s, as well. While Nagato found this to be a character flaw at first, now, he saw Kakuzu’s thriftiness and frugal tendencies as being a God-send. It was only because of him that they were able to move from hideout to hideout, to put food on the table, to buy clothes and weapons and any number of things that the group needed to survive. But his finance-savvy ways weren’t even the most impressive thing about him; it was the fact that he dealt with Hidan, day in and day out, and had not been driven to madness. The older man walks up to Pein now, lowers his mask, and delivers a light kiss to the cheek. Pein nods and watches as he leaves, noting, as he often did, his cold Kakuzu’s skin is. Nagato can feel it through Pein’s sensors; standing close to Kakuzu is much like standing in front of an open grave. He often felt that he should suggest redesigning Kakuzu’s Akatsuki robe to make it warmer, but Nagato knows that this suggestion would be rapidly rejected.
On the day that it is Pein’s turn under the mistletoe, Zetsu is nowhere to be found. Nagato knows where he is, of course; traveling through the earth at the speed of sound, going to scout out an enemy territory before the Akatsuki makes a move on it. Zetsu and his infiltration skills have helped Nagato countless times in the past, providing valuable intel on targets and mapping out the most problem-free routes for the rest of the group to take on missions. Still, though; there’s something about the plant-man that gave Nagato the slighter touch of unease. Being near Zetsu, even through the barrier of Pein, gave Nagato the feeling of being inches away from a wild animal. Hearing him speak was like listening to a dog that suddenly begins speaking in a human tongue. Nagato is very glad that Pein does not have to kiss this individual, and in fact hopes that his turn will end before Zetsu makes his inevitable return.
Tobi, Tobi, Tobi ... such a confusing young man. Such a surprising young man. Many months ago, the Pein-body walked into Tobi’s room to retrieve him for something, and happened to catch him sleeping. Nagato was curious and made his artificial body approach the side of the bed that Tobi’s face was on ... but all Nagato was met with was darkness. A solid, blurred-out black where the boy’s face should have been. Nagato thought that perhaps something was malfunctioning in the Pein body’s ocular region ... but everything else was clear as a bell. Did Tobi have some kind of exterior defense mechanism set into place that would bar Pein, specifically Pein, from seeing his actual face? And if that was the case, then WHY? What exactly was he hiding?? It made Nagato nervous, but he never let this on to Tobi. “Pein-sama, Pein-sama! Is it Tobi’s turn for a kissy?!” Pein nods and Tobi approaches him, slides his mask halfway off ... and again all Pein can make out is blackness. He can feel his cheek being kissed, but his vision doesn’t return to 100% until Tobi’s mask is fully back in place. “Thanks, Pein-sama!”, Tobi says; and is it Nagato’s imagination or is there a touch of smugness to his voice? Well, regardless, the kid is leaving, and a Nagato can put him out of his mind once more.
“I’ve had to kiss every single one of you fucks, including the old geezer and the orange idiot. Now I’ve gotta slobber with the boss too?? What’s next; are we are jumping into bed and having a group fuck?!” Nagato hadn’t rolled his eyes in many years (and rolling Pein’s eyes would have been an unbecoming gesture for a leader), but hearing Hidan speak always made Nagato want to break this self-imposed rule. With his additional bodies, his Rinnegan, his seemingly unlimited chakra and his fabled Uzumaki clan endurance, Nagato considers himself to be an earthbound God. But then this kid, this foul-mouthed violent crusader, comes into the group speaking about HIS God, Lord Jashin, and flaunting his (admittedly enviable) gift of immortality. From the very beginning, Hidan made it clear that offering sacrifices to his God was his main priority; and the kid wasn’t lying. It’s always been Pein’s (Nagato’s) mandate that as long as one completed their assigned mission, then they would be free to do as the my liked in their spare time. But Hidan’s preferred “hobby” left even someone as war-weary and hardened as Nagato feeling a bit queasy, in the pit of his stomach. “Come, Hidan.” Hidan visibly balks at being given an order; but he’s never love hesitated to obey the Leader. He goes to Pein and, after Pein studies his face, receives a kiss on the nose. The gesture is so light and whimsical that it leaves Hidan blushing and flustered, as evidenced by his leaving without uttering a single swear word.
The kiss between Konan and Pein is ... disappointingly short. Surprising, considering how close the two of them are, and how much Pein seems to care about her. But it’s a very quick forehead peck, and then both Pein and Konan retire to their rooms. The Pein-body shuts down in his own room, but Konan is getting dressed. It’s a somewhat lengthy journey, especially for this time of night, but one Konan is very familiar with. She comes every single day, after all, after everyone else is asleep or preoccupied for the evening. The old cave is so far into the woods, and from the outside seems abandoned, but ... “Nagato? I’m here.” Nagato turns his head and, although he’s happy to see her, can’t help but sigh. “You’re soaking wet.” Konan uses her cloak to wipe her face, telling him it’s not a big deal, just a little drizzle outside... but it is to Nagato. Trapped like this, a prisoner of his body and his hatred and pain ... anybody else would have walked out and left him years ago. But Konan, no matter what, she stayed by his side, and showed him more caring and comfort than Nagato felt he deserved. “I brought you some beef and curry rice tonight,” Konan said, now uncovering a small bowl. “It’s still warm.” She moves into position to feed him, and as she does, she quietly tells him little tidbits about her day. It’s solely through Konan that Nagato has any sense of the outside world at all, or any REAL idea about what the members of the Akatsuki are actually like. And he’s grateful to her. He’s grateful to her for so many — “Konan?” She looks up from where she’d been tidying up. “Yes?” “I’m so sorry.” She stops and looks at him, head tilted. “Sorry? What are you sorry about?” “I’m sorry that you’re not married, I’m sorry that you don’t have children, or a family, I’m sorry that you go from hideout to hideout and village to village and all you see is the same pain we saw when we were kids. And I’m sorry that things are only this way because of me. I couldn’t save Yahiko, and I’m destroying you, and any chance at happiness you could have had. I never meant for things to be this way. I’m —“ but Konan’s arms are around him before he can finish his sentence. “You’re a goddamn idiot,” she mumbles, her voice slightly shaky. “Yahiko dying wasn’t your fault, and my life — my life is full, and despite what you may believe, I’m happy, Nagato. This Akatsuki you’ve created; you’ve done two things. You’re fulfilling Yahiko’s dream, and you’ve given me, US, a family. So stop with this nonsense, okay?” “But I —“, and Konan interrupts him again, this time with a soft kiss on the cheek. Her lips breathe warmth and comfort into his chilled skin. “You’re the most important person on this earth to me, and I love you,” she murmurs as she pulls away, a smile on her face. “But I swear if you don’t cheer up, you’re not getting any of this dessert I made.” A pause, and then, with a smirk reminiscent of the shy boy he once was, “I’ll only cheer up if it’s something I like.” “Strawberry pie.” Nagato gives Konan an even bigger smile, to which she replies “That’s better”; and the two laugh. He feels like a weight has been lifted off of his heart. After dessert, he tries to mentally prepare himself for her leaving again ...but to his surprise she pulls a blanket from her satchel spreading it out neatly along the ground. “You’re staying tonight?” “I’m staying.” “Good. I love you, too, by the way.” “I know.” Before bed she spends a good deal of time gently brushing out his hair, telling him jokes and stories, the same that she used to do with him and Yahiko when they were all children, during those many long, cold nights when hunger or anxiety kept them awake. Neither is present now, but the goodness of the feeling remains the same. After awhile they both fall asleep, and for once their dreams are calm and peaceful.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Loyal To A Fault- Sasuke X Reader
Requested from my Wattpa account, enjoy!
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“Oh, Sasukeeee-kuuuun!” You resisted the urge to scream, as her voice rang out. Sasuke wasn’t much happier, his head was in his hands. Sakura, queen of ruining your dates and trying to steal your boyfriend, had arrived.
Since the two of you weren’t on the same team, the amount of time you could spend together was already limited without the pink tool intruding.
“Oh. you’re here too, (Y/N).” She snarked walking up to your booth. You smirked. “That’s usually how dates work, Sakura. Not that I expect you to know that, though.” Across the table, you saw Sasuke trying to stifle his laughter.
“I don’t know what you see in her!” The Uchiha scowled, causing Sakura to shrink back. “Look, Sakura, we’re busy. Can’t you go find something else to do?” She frowned, crossing her arms. “I’m just here to tell Sasuke that we have a mission in Kiri. Kakashi-sensei sent me to tell you.”
~~~Time Skip Thanks To Sasuke’s Chest~~~
You muttered darkly under your breath as you left the cafe, wondering why the universe seemed so against you having quality time with your lover. You had every intention of pondering the question over a tub full of (favorite flavor) ice cream.
“This is amazing, dattebayo!” You took a double-take at the unmistakable voice of Naruto who, according to Sakura, should be on a mission. Unless… no, you refused she’d be as low to pull something like that.
You hesitantly stepped into Ichiraku’s, frowning at the Uzumaki, who didn’t seem to be in any type of rush. “Naruto? Don’t you have a mission?” He shot you a confused glance. “No? Why would you think that (Y/N)-chan?” You felt your fists clench as realization dawned on you.
“Uh, no reason, thanks!” You forced a smile on your face as you left to go find the truth. As you searched for their chakra, you could only feel yourself getting angrier. Why that conniving little pink-haired-
You stopped mid-thought as you finally sensed two familiar chakras. You looked up and your heart dropped at the sight of Sasuke holding the Haruno’s hand to his chest. Against your will, tears filled your eyes. He wasn’t yelling, in fact, he looked calm as ever as if he didn’t mind being there.
“Some mission this is.” You declared coldly. The objects of your rage turned your way, Sakura’s expression screamed smugness and Sasuke looked stricken.
“(Y/N)! Wait, let me explain!” Your scowl was deadly enough to match his as you backed up. “Don’t bother, I understand exactly what’s going on. I’ll leave you alone so you can really concentrate!” Not waiting to hear any responses, you calmly walked away, not wanting to Sakura to find any satisfaction in the way your heart was breaking.
~~~Time Skip Thanks To Sakura Running Out Of Pink Hair Dye~~~
It’d been a week since you had seen Sasuke and Sakura and you hadn’t left your house except to train and go grocery shopping. You had no desire to see anyone, least of all them. Sasuke had come banging on your door four days ago, but you had quickly turned him away, and that had been the last time you’d heard from him.
As much as you didn’t want to hear anything that he had to say, you were slightly hurt that he had given up so easily. Did you and your relationship really mean so little to him? You’d never felt so defeated in your life, and to feel this because of Sakura Haruno of all people.
Currently, you were wrapped up in a cliche mystery novel with a cup of tea. You had solved the whole thing a few chapters ago, but still, it managed to hold your interest. Just as you were getting to the main conflict, unignorable banging sounded from your door.
You stomped over to it, not caring in the slightest that all you were wearing was sweatpants and a T-shirt, or that your hair was in a messy bun, whoever was at the door was going to get a piece of your mind.
“What the hell is wrong with you, banging on my doo-?!” You paled at the sight of Kakashi-sensei. He raised an eyebrow at your questionable response. “You were saying?” You flushed, suddenly not so confident in your appearance. “U-um, nothing, Sensei…”
He shrugged, becoming serious. “Sasuke is in the hospital. He’s stable, but he won’t let anyone see him.” I felt my heart stop.
“W-what? What happened…?” Your voice came out in a tortured whisper, much to your chagrin.
“A week ago he started overtraining himself and slipped into a coma from severe malnutrition and exhaustion. He’s awake now, but he’s being uncooperative. I was hoping you could convince him to take care of himself…” The silverette trailed off expectantly. (A/N: I don’t know if it works that way, but bear with me lmao)
You forced yourself to stop shaking, but you couldn’t help but believe this was your fault. The whole time the two of you ran to the hospital you couldn’t help but think of all the ways you could’ve prevented this.
You were hurt and angry, yes, but you’d never wish something like this on Sasuke. “Lady Tsunade! She’s here!” The Hokage approached you, her every movemnt reading irritation. “I’ll ignore the way you’re dressed, for now, Sasuke is in room 207.” You nodded, trying to contain your blush. She should just be grateful I had a bra on…
You rushed down the endless white halls, finally reaching the room. You bit your lip, hesitating before knocking lightly. “Sasuke?” You called. “Come in.” Never had your heard his voice be so weak, and frankly, it gave you chills.
You pushed the door open, peeking your head in before entering. You sat down in the chair beside his bed, frowning. “Baka! Why would you do this to yourself?!” The Uchiha just sighed, exasperated.
“What else was I supposed to do? You wouldn’t talk to me, I was trying to avoid Sakura, and Kakashi overused his Sharingan so he was out of commission.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “First of all, you can do all of those things and take care of yourself, and second why were you avoiding...her?”
He shot you a look of disbelief. “You can’t be serious, (Y/N).” You just crossed your arms, showing that you were indeed serious. He rolled his eyes, glaring at you, but it was without his signature malice. “Of course I’m avoiding her. She made me ditch you, saying we had a mission, then she came onto me to get back at you.��
You gave him an unimpressed look. “You expect me to believe that? That’s so cliche, I could’ve made that up on the spot.”
“It’s true…” You both whipped around, Sakura’s voice startling you both. “What are you doing here?” You hissed dangerously. “I thought I told you not to come in here,” Sasuke demanded, frustrated.
“Shut up, both of you!” She exclaimed. Falling silent out of shock, you watched as she exhaled, her dejected aura coming back. “Sasuke-kun is telling the truth… I lied and tried to take advantage of him. I’m sorry for everything I’ve caused.”
You could only watch in astonishment as she helped you. “W-why are you telling the truth?” She looked down, ashamed. “I didn’t know Sasuke-kun would let your absence destroy him like this-”
“This did not destroy me!” Sasuke interjected, but Sakura continued on as if he hadn’t spoken. “I saw how happy you make him and I realized that I should be happy for his happiness… even if it’s not with me.” Your jaw dropped at her sudden maturity.
Before either of you could respond, the door was closing behind her. “I’m sorry for not listening to you, Sasuke… I ought to have more trust in you, huh?” He reached out his hand to you, which you eagerly accepted. “Don’t be… I know it looked bad. I’m sorry for resorting to… this… instead of making more of an effort to talk to you.”
You dropped his hand, opting instead to hug him. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you tighter against him. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Sasuke. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
He chuckled quietly. “As long as you don’t leave me, (Y/N).” Before you could respond, the door slammed open.
“SASUKE-TEME, YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THIS WAS ALL OVER A GIRL?!” Sasuke let go of you and a vase went flying at Naruto’s head.
“SHUT UP, DOBE!” At least somethings never changed...
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Can’t stay the same
Summary: Part five of my Time travel fic: The end is were we begin
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Sasuke
Lenght: 2,024 Words
Quick disclaimer: This chapter was commissioned by the always great @birkastan2018​ who actually helped me with my grammar and spelling in the fic!
 @witcheswritings​ !
Feel free to DM Aquelarre if you want to commission a fic even if it’s not Naruto related
Sakura being trained by Itachi and Shisui feels wrong.
But Sasuke can’t deny that she’s getting stronger. Her stamina has increased under his cousin’s merciless training regime, and even her prior, almost inexistent tolerance to pain has developed in a way he could have only dreamed of under his (or even Kakashi’s) tutelage. 
Their sensei had always been far too soft on her; always hesitant to really push her because he was afraid that she’d get hurt.
Naruto and Sasuke always went along with the idea that they could protect their female teammate no matter what happened.
And they could, they were strong back then and Sasuke is sure they will become even stronger in the future.
But that was not the point then and it isn’t the point now.
Sakura is a shinobi, a kunoichi. If she at some point wanted to be the sort of person that needed to be saved or protected, she would’ve stayed a civilian. She wasn’t obligated in any way to continue her life as a Shinobi, Sakura didn’t have any ties to the shinobi world in the sense that she didn’t come from any clan.
She chose the life of a kunoichi.
It took years for him and Naruto to understand this, and allow her to bloom in her own right.
Kakashi is another story entirely. Sasuke could never understand the man, even as an adult the roots of his teacher’s trauma were always a mystery to him.
Maybe he just didn’t know how to train a girl. Or he probably didn’t even know how to train anyone if the rumours of him never taking on a team were true.
Maybe he simply wasn’t interested in training a young civilian girl with no foundation other than the academy’s sloppy teaching methods. Especially when he had the only survivor of the Uchiha massacre and the Kyuubi’s vessel to deal with.
Maybe she reminded him too much of Rin, his first teammate. A girl that was said to be bright and sunny; always happy and ready to help her team in whatever way she could.
A girl eternally in love with her cold teammate Kakashi, even though their loving and kind third teammate would have given her the sun and the stars if she so desired.
Whatever the reasons behind Kakashi’s negligence of Sakura, the truth was she could have never truly bloomed as a kunoichi under the care of their team.
It wasn’t until he left the village, Naruto followed Jiraiya to advance his own training, and Kakashi completely disappeared from her life until Naruto’s return, that she finally set out on her own path as a ninja.
Now she trains her stamina and speed with Shisui every other morning. She wakes up at dawn on the days she meets with his cousin to challenge her body to the brink. Shisui has her running endless laps and sparring with him, and even though she has no hope of pinning him in her current state - Sakura keeps going. Sasuke even found her carrying Naruto on her back as a way to build up her strength.
Or so, Shisui said with a smirk dancing on his mouth.
In addition to her training with Shisui, Sakura joins her team on small missions and sometimes works one-on-one with Kakashi, who has started to take a more serious approach to her development.
Maybe he is being possessive of his “cute little genin” as he likes to call them, or maybe he’s finally realized that he can’t just ignore one of his students.
Sasuke doesn’t really care about his reasons. The important thing is that his team is acquiring the tools they need to defend themselves, to survive, and to hopefully beat the odds they will face in the future.
Someday, he will take more time to consider Kakashi, the man who passed down his most powerful jutsu to him... just as his own father taught him their clan’s signature giant fireball.
But for now, with his brother safe and actually happy beside him everyday, Naruto and Sakura are his only worry. They are his most precious people; warm sources of light in his otherwise dark life.
Sakura also trains with Itachi when he has the time, but she doesn’t seem very keen on sharing what they work on.
“We’re trying to find her strengths,” shares his brother one night after Sakura leaves their house, refusing both his and Itachi’s offers to scort her home. “Something to make her stand out, like Naruto-kun’s Multiple Shadow Clone Technique or even our own Sharingan.”
Like her enhanced strength or her excellent chakra control.
“And have you found anything?” Asks the black haired boy, eager for results, “Her chakra control is excellent and I think she has an affinity for water.” he supplies, trying to sound nonchalant, but if his brother’s smirk is anything to go by, he’s not doing a great job of it.
Itachi shakes his head with a grimace. “Even thought her chakra control is better than average, her actual reserves are not nearly enough for her to sustain any form of actually damaging attack.”
Admittedly, Itachi was never really a teacher to begin with. He was a prodigy to his very core, and the only actual experience he ever had at teaching was with Sasuke (another prodigy) and Naruto, the host of the nine tailed beast.
“But there has to be something!” Sasuke recalls his wife’s monstrous strength, her unparalleled medical jutsu, her strength of a hundred seal... Sakura has so much potential.
“We are working on genjutsu at the moment,” concedes Itachi, black eyes looking at the koi pond their mother used to take care of before her banishment with the rest of the Uchiha traitors. Now, only Sasuke has time to spare for such things. “Not enough for her to be at an Uchiha’s, or even a Yuhi’s level. Just sufficient for her to break through one, or create a distraction for up to a minute tops.”
“That’s…” Mumbles Sasuke.
That’s not enough.
She’s stronger than she was at this point back in his original timeline, and she’ll probably be able to defend herself against the sound ninja better than she did last time. But her confidence is just as low as it was weeks ago. She still thinks she’s weak, and she still hesitates before every punch she throws at training.
She needs Tsunade, Sasuke finally realises.
There’s no way Itachi or Shisui can offer her the confidence or the tools that the slug princess passed onto Sakura as if she was her entire legacy.
Of course, for Sakura’s sake, Sasuke will make sure that the woman comes back.
But at the moment, there’s nothing he can do to force the sannin’s return to the village. 
Today, Sasuke wakes up later than usual. He has a mission at noon, sharp. But he knows that Kakashi will take a four hours long detour to visit his dead teammates, so he’s not worried about it.
He arrives at their meeting point, a quarter after one in the afternoon where a restless Sakura and smug Naruto are waiting for him.
Sakura is leaning against a tree, looking at him with clear disappointment. But she’s not bold enough to voice her thoughts.
Naruto on the other hand, would never miss an opportunity to scold Sasuke “Sasuke!” He screams running from his place at Sakura’s feet to stop right in front Sasuke’s face. “You’re late!” Accuses the blond pointing a finger at him.
Of course, Sasuke is unfazed. “Is Kakashi here?” He asks in his usual bored tone, his dark eyes boring into Sakura.
She blushes at his stare and breaks eye contact before answering. “No,” she sighs, letting her body fall to a sitting position on the grass. She tucks her knees under her chin and hugs her shins with her delicate arms.
Watching the boys growl and snap at each other like a pair of two misbehaving little puppies, she probably wishes her teacher will arrive anytime soon.
When Kakashi finally arrives is not particularly relevant, they end up doing some chores for people around the village. Memorably, Sakura manages to lift an entire barrel of beer for the owner of a bar down the street from Naruto’s apartment.
And when all of their work is done, she carries Naruto on her back as he complains about their day, even though he was the one who asked Kakashi for harder missions.
Sasuke can’t say that he would like to be carried by a girl like this but he doesn’t like seeing Naruto taking advantage of Sakura’s kindness.
“This is because you pushed yourself too much,” complains Sakura as Naruto groans once again from the pain.
“You can’t even take care of yourself?” Snipes Sasuke, grumbling from behind the pair as Kakashi ruffles his hair affectionately.
Immediately, Naruto hops from Sakura’s back and tries to fight off Sasuke. The girl, of course, doesn’t allow it and hold the blond by his right arm.
“Do you have to do this every single time?” She struggles to pull Naruto back. “You’re supposed to be friends,” she snaps, clearly annoyed.
It’s true, Sasuke thinks. They are friends, and nothing can break their bond. But Naruto is still a child, and Sasuke is supposed to be one as well.
“Your teamwork seems to be suffering lately,” quips Kakashi.
“It’s Sasuke’s fault,” accuses Naruto, “always showing off and acting like he’s better than us,” he complains.
Sasuke smirks. “Become stronger than me, then,” he challenges the blond, “if you want to stop me from making you look bad.”
This time around, is Naruto’s turn to smile at him, clearly pleased with his words.
Kakashi sighs, finally looking up at them from his book. “Ok, that’s it for today,” he declares. “I have to fill out our reports, anyway.”
No one complains as their teacher leaves them. They’re already used to Kakashi disappearing on them to fill out reports or attend meetings with the Hokage or other Jounin.
“We should train some more,” offers Sasuke, already walking in the direction of their usual training grounds.
Naruto and Sakura are obviously unexcited about this. They’re already tired from their morning training and the missions they completed that afternoon. But neither of them have the heart to deny Sasuke.  They know he’s right.
“Yeah,” sighs Sakura hesitantly trailing after the black haired boy “more training will do us some good.”
Naruto, never one to deny an opportunity to train, follows them promptly. “Of course!” He smiles, “Sakura-chan and I should fight Sasuke!” Exclaims the blond planting his right hand of her shoulder in a friendly manner. “I’m sure we can take him.”
Sakura, for the first time in a long time, ever since he left his wife back in his timeline, smiles confidently. “That could be fun,” she smirks. “I’m sure Sasuke-kun is up for the challenge.”
“I’ll tell you what.” Sasuke smirks, stops in the middle of the street and looks squarely at his teammates. “Loser pays for lunch.”
Sakura and Naruto grin at each other, ready to fight him as soon as they reach their designated training area.
Sadly, just like last time, they are distracted by the Hokage’s grandson and his little friends as the children try to rope them into one of their games.
Ninja playing ninja sounds ludicrous, but Sasuke knows this is exactly what they’re doing. Just a group of kids pretending to be adults.
As he senses the sand sibling’s chakra getting closer, with each signature more menacing and powerful than the one before - he realizes that they were never ready for this encounter. Up until this point, they were never anything more than children playing ninja.
They thought they’d already experienced the worst the shinobi world had to offer, but...
They couldn’t have been more wrong. They didn’t know it then, but even people like Gaara were nothing compared to the dangers that awaited them in the future.
As these Suna chakra signatures become stronger, Sasuke makes sure to stand protectively in front of his teammates when they finally come face to face with Temari and Kankuro.
Gaara’s bloodthirsty presence hides above them. I hope you like this chapter and I specially hope @birkastan2018 likes it!!!
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sazzafraz · 3 years
my pants no longer have coffee on them
nodus tollens!
Over time Sasuke learnt to tell by the smell. Ore meant a blood mutation. Licorice meant bone. Sweet ammonia meant parasites growing fat inside their hosts.    
sasuke’s memories of orochimaru are very sensory. i wrote him as a sensory person. i think the whole uchiha ‘hearts too strong to break easy, and that’s a warning’ thing would make them worse at managing their basic five experiences. 
Fuyuki shakes her head like a parent would, like Sasuke’s disgust is childish. “It’s an opportunity,” she says neutrally, “we have to make the most of them.” We don’t have the same means and opportunities as others, the silence says, we have to build from ruins and carnage. This is the right reason, boy. Even when it disgusts you. As if that makes doing something they’d kill someone else for doing right. Sasuke looks, and thinks, and looks again, and although he can understand it he can’t justify it.
oh man. at this point fuyuki pretty much knows she’s lost him. she is in fact saying shit to make him leave so she doesn’t have to make him while trying to jam common sense into his brain one last time. who knows if it takes. 
“What?” He feels it. Warm, wary, growing distant. Before Yumi was ’kunoichi, dangerous, fun loving’ she now has a little box in his internal checklist that says ‘caution: complicit and unrepentant’.
yeah. this is the thought. oof. dude just wants to trust his friends. 
She pats him lightly on the cheek, stepping back to give him some space. “You have my full and free permission to leave at any time. No member of Giri is forced to hold to an allegiance they feel no longer reflects their ideals.” With a wry smile she shakes her head reaching down to pull something from her pouch. “You always had an out.”  
He watches her hand. “What’s that?”
“For services rendered.” With a deliberate showiness she flips the object in her hand -a scroll- and holds it out to him. He blinks at her, taking the scroll from her outstretched hand. It’s thin and blue tipped, the personal seal of the Godaime Hokage glows in the night. The future in his hand.
AGAIN. SHE ALWAYS WANTED YOU TO LEAVE. THE POINT IS THAT YOU CAN LEAVE THE CYCLE nvrmind he’s not gonna get it for another 60,000 words. 
Sasuke says nothing. The pardon is cold in his hands, shame rolling through his gut. Truth be told he never actually thought he’d get it. Truth be told he’d forgotten about it. There’s never an out, there’s never something given without something taken away. She was honest. She did say what she was going to do. She never offered a single promise. Betrayal is a reflexive emotion for him, though, and he still feels it like a punch. Leaving is a choice. One he has made more often than any other. Being let go of is something he isn’t used to.  
woof. a long 60,000 words. still love that last line. fucks most verily. 
Giri have flying ships.
never used this. very mad about it. 
If extremely pressed Sasuke will admit that he picked Team Hebi based on a wild mix of comfort, usefulness and poorly placed boundaries. Orochimaru collected a bunch of weird traits and weirder expressions of trauma in the kids he lured to Oto; Suigetsu, Karin and Juugo are some of the best examples. Perfectly capable of respecting his needs and following his orders, completely incapable of acting like competent human beings the rest of the time.    
oh thank god they’re weird. sasuke actually needs at least three to nine people around him at all times and has never not once thought about how developing his chakra sense in a compound full of other people might effect this. not even once.  
Sasuke rolls his eyes, crosses his arms and clearly announces, “We won’t work together again after this.”
Karin and Suigetsu stop squabbling to turn to look at him.
Sasuke shrugs, “I’m going back to Konoha, Suigetsu is going to Kiri, Juugo will stay with Giri and Karin will go to Uzu.”
Karin sniffs delicately. “Back to Konoha?”
karin begins to plan konoha’s downfall. i envision karin as someone with a rather unique personal perspective. she is sasuke focused but its because she literally just thinks differently. i had a little bit for her that was about how uzumaki seals are literally a kind of meta-magic and thats why mito changed the game so much. to be able to use them effectively you have to be able to look at the world strangely. anyway. konoha will never recover from this.  
In Oto there were war orphans, normal orphans, freed slaves, second or third generation missing-nin, the odds and ends of clans that had died off, those who had seen their entire families exterminated and those who did the exterminating. In Oto there was no safe dinner conversation.
Except, of course, for the food.
fucks. it fucks. 
Juugo chuckles and waves him off. Sasuke is dead certain they’ll meet again. Maybe he’ll find them himself in a few years. He takes one last look behind him, sharingan on, and then leaves quickly and quietly. It’s not a bad snapshot to have. Karin has resorted to using her chains to manage Suigetsu, who is either helping the fire or taking the longest possible route to putting it out, Juugo is calling the small woodland animals and pets out of their homes. There’s an enterprising rabbit on his head. Suigetsu has one sword and Karin has the other. They’re all smiling.
favourite bit of favourite chapter. does not fuck. does gently cuddle and give glowing aftercare. 
Walking is in itself a refreshing experience. For the first time in his life there’s nothing to rush to. It’s a free sky: so high, so blue. So filled with things that he’s never seen before. He flicks his sharingan on and off. At sunset the sky fills with the lush pink and orange of change. At night the stars are so bright it feels like he’s counting the freckles on some great dragon’s back. At dawn he lies in the grass and lets the light wake him. He takes a long path winding his way down and around to his birthplace. He has one goal left, one last thing to do before it’s all done and he never thought he’d get this far. There is so little between him and the freedom to finally, finally put this all to rest.
So for the first time he lets himself linger.
The stars lead him into the mouth of a valley, green and bright with flowers. He doesn’t put people to places very often. People are memories. He sees them clearly enough. But he’ll cast a look onto the calm water and think Juugo, onto the high point of a knife and think Yumi, onto the twisting branches of an out of place blooming flower and think Sakura. In darker moments he names the other things. A tree changing out of season, riddled with the beautiful but deadly rings of a strangling vine earns Orochimaru. Just as a black expanse that appears in the middle of night is called father. Just as the ephemeral falling of flowers, the scent, is mother.
The clear sky is called Naruto. The fading mist of dawn is called Brother.
sometimes you’ve just gotta let the prose happen. and then make it sad at the end. i wrote paragraphs about naruto and itachi here and deleted it because haha sasuke WILL NOT THINK ABOUT IT like hes not really thinking about his suicidal ideation. i did recieve more than one comment that was like ‘......wait he wants to kill himself?’ haha! yeah! body made for one thing! he has yet to decide a man is allowed to have multiple life purposes. 
“Please,” the woman begs, “please, my child. Take her. Please.”
this is not JUST about how much sasuke would like to save children its just MOSTLY about sasuke being the only one around to do it, and hinata. eventually. 
“Sasuke.” Kakashi says.
“Sensei.” Sasuke says automatically. “Hatake. Hatake Kak-”
kakashi, heart in his throat, thinking today is the day he has to kill his sort of son and lose the rest in the grieving: sasuke
sasuke, holding a baby: AHHHHHHHHHHH
Sasuke scowls and shakes his head, looking down at the bundle in his arms. “This is a goddamn baby Hatake.” Then, softer, “It’s a baby. I have to take it somewhere safe.”
kakashi, soothed by the pardon, worried about all of that: sasuke
sasuke, holding a baby he is EMOTIONAL about: AHHHHHHHHHHH
Fuyuki is still radiating smugness as she lets them out. She plucks the baby from his arms, tucking it into hers. Sasuke almost groans, Kakashi is approaching a sulk at break neck speed. As he crosses the threshold of her home Fuyuki grabs him by the end of his hair and yanks, “Oh, Uchiha?”
Sasuke scowls as he pulls out of her hold. “Fucking what Hashira?”
She smiles, baby stuffing the length of her hair in it’s mouth. Sasuke looks at them both and feels an odd sense of accomplishment. Fuyuki mimes a scissoring action. “Cut your hair.”
i’m not going to do the first chapter but this. absolutely. slams. sasuke’s hair is so important but the hair thing was a specific thing about honor and service. about the redemption that a lot of missing nin feel in giri, the longer their hair the more they’ve done to repent. even if sasuke never quite gets it he actually doesn’t cut his hair until after this.and its not by much. 
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
Foresight is 20/20 Chapter 15
"I'm tellin' ya, boss, it was some kinda monster," the now one-armed bandit explained to his leader as another bandit bandaged his bleeding stump. "It did... something to Koji, and he turned into some sorta zombie."
"And did either of those monsters rip off your arm?" the red-haired woman asked impassively. Ah yes, she would do nicely. Her body was compatible enough with my power that I wouldn't have to worry about replacing it for a while and she appeared to be an awful human being, so I wouldn't have any guilt from ending her life. Despite her looks she was probably not an Uzumaki, so I had no reason to worry about that, either. I was currently in the process of extending a light telepathic touch into all the minds present, sorting through their memories to find a way to possess her, as well as stealing what procedural memories of theirs that I found useful.
He shook his head, a fearful look in his eye. Perhaps I was a bit too harsh on him... "No, Koji bit me. I ran, and..." He shuddered. "My arm... it went numb, and the same weird markings that appeared where the... thing... touched Koji started to appear on my arm. I... I didn't risk it."
"Wise," the bandit leader said. He smiled weakly at her.
An then buried one of her knives in his gut. "Don't take any risks," she murmured into his ear as he breathed his last. That poor, sweet fool. Well, not sweet. If there was any word that could describe her less, I had yet to find it from my delving into her or her subordinates' minds. My point, though, is that a zombie is much harder to kill than a normal man. The red markings sprouted from his good arm, and with inhuman speed the freshly-made monster sank its new claws into the man who was bandaging it just moments ago. The woman snarled as the markings spread across both zombies. She managed to decapitate the original, but my second zombie evaded her blade and shambled toward another bandit, which it bit.
Long story short, I let a few of the bandits survive but my small-scale zombie apocalypse led to the deaths of most of the scofflaws.
The leader of what was now considerably fewer bandits slammed her fist on the wall in rage as she surveyed the corpses left behind. "Damn," she growled as they dissolved into red dust. "At least they won't be coming back..."
"You do care, boss!" one of the survivors cheered.
"I don't care one bit about you idiots and if I hadn't just lost most of my men I'd have killed you for that moronic comment," she said coldly. She meant it, too. "We need to recruit, and that means we need more money. Secure the base, we can't leave anyone on guard." If I had a mouth, I'd have smiled. I needed the practice, after all. Their hideout was an abandoned mine, secluded and buried in a mountain. Not to mention the gold stored within, even if I would want to give some back to the villages they were stealing from. And they were leaving it for me. How thoughtful.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Neji asked me.
I shrugged and licked my lips. "Not gonna get any better at fighting by going easy," I said.
"Yeah, but you pretty much need your powers to take me down if I activate Furnace." Neji's pseudo-jinchuriki power. We started calling it Furnace because with how unique it was it pretty much deserved a unique name. Technically, his red chakra reserves were abysmal. However, we found out that whenever he exerted himself he could activate it to essentially let himself generate more, though he'd only keep it for so long when not exerting himself.
End result, his power steadily grew the longer he fought. He also gained power each time he hit or was hit. It had a few limitations and placed strain on his body the more he used it, but as far as I knew he could theoretically fight a biju if he built up enough, maybe even Kaguya. That'd probably kill him at the moment, though. And from what it seemed, it was hard for him to use it for more than just brute force. Though that might just have been from how he could only keep it active for small intervals at a time before it started eating away at his health prevented him from training his control over it much...
"And how else am I supposed to change that?" I asked. I got into my stance. "Let's do this before I change my mind."
His eyes turned red, with a white slit pupil because of his Byakugan. "Your funeral..."
A few moments later...
"Owwwww," I groaned. "My... pride..."
"I didn't even get warmed up at all," Neji smugly remarked from where he was sitting on my spine, pinning me. I didn't ask him to get up because I was sucking off the last dregs of his red chakra. For whatever reason I couldn't assimilate Furnace, but I could still steal Neji's red chakra to heal myself and stuff.
"You okay, dude?" I asked.
"As I said, I barely got warmed up. My body is fine." After he activated Furnace for the first time, he'd ended up bedridden for an hour because of the strain it put on his body. When he started to test it, he pretended he was fine even though he kept using it past his limits. He ended up too sick to stand for weeks. It was actually around that time that he managed to figure out natural energy manipulation, probably because he was stuck in bed and bored out of his mind for so long. "I probably should let myself cool down for a bit, but I'm assuming you'll want to fight me without Furnace anyways."
I snorted. "Jerk. And here I was worried about you."
He got up. He had an amused smile. "Let's go another round, then."
"I'm sore," I complained as we walked through the halls.
"You hit me a few times," Neji dismissed.
"You hit me more..."
"And whose fault was that?" I rolled my eyes and lightly punched him on the shoulder. He sage-flicked me. I was about to retort, but I felt a familiar signature when I opened up my senses, so...
"Is that Ino?" I asked, jerking my head in the direction of the compound's main entrance. I knew this was going to happen for a while. I'd been keeping tabs on her in a totally not creepy way because if it. I was also keeping tabs on Sakura, but that was more to see what the effects of that strange power were on her body. She accidentally ripped a door off its hinges more than once, which would've been pretty hilarious if it weren't for the angst it was giving her...
"That feels like her. I wonder why she's here." He used his Byakugan for a moment. I pulled out a compact mirror I'd made to be compatible with my scrying jutsu and looked at her as well. "Does she have a flower?" She was walking up to the door with a flower in her hand, yes.
I sighed. "I'm not good with flowers, but I'm pretty sure that's a forget-me-not. Pretty sure she's here for me, I'll go deal with her."
Neji insisted on hiding in the background while I greeted Ino, because she wasn't exactly subtle about her childish crush. I really hoped I wouldn't lose her as a friend, though... Just in case, I used my power to try to find the best path forward. I really hoped my life wouldn't become some sort of anti-dating simulator...
I opened the door. "Ino. Why are you here and holding a flower that symbolizes true love?" I'd learned some hanakotoba from her and some other sources, but to be honest I just knew it from looking ahead in the script.
She smiled and held it out to me. "I came to confess my true love to you, Kouki."
I took a deep breath, trying very, very hard not to sigh. "Ino, no offense, I love you like a friend, but we are both four years old and you have no idea what true love is."
That confused her. "But... you saved me?"
Why do romance stories have to be so romanticized?
Don't... don't answer that...
"I'm your friend. Of course I saved you. But I don't love you like that and you don't love me like that because as I just said, we're both children."
She lowered the flower. This was a little harsh, but she needed to hear it. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I look stupid to you now, huh?"
I shrugged. "To be fair, you have a level of wisdom appropriate to our age. It just so happens that being wise as a four-year-old is an outlier."
I poked her in the forehead. "You're a kid. You're allowed to be stupid, as long as you're not being too big of a jerk."
She thought about that for a moment. "So... you're not mad at me or anything?"
"You're my friend. Of course not." I smiled. It probably wasn't the best smile, but at least Ino didn't run in terror... "Hey, if you want, I can show you a really cool jutsu."
She nodded. "Sure!" As I walked past, I gave Neji a smug grin when I saw his jaw on the floor. I'm sure he was expecting some kind of awkwardness.
To be fair, so was I.
Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed as he returned to his room after a long day of paperwork. Even with a shadow clone, it was just so slow. Seriously, I was so bored, and I was just watching over his shoulder! I can't even imagine having to do paperwork... He closed the door, locking it. "You're here, aren't you, Kouki?" Half right. Eh, I'll give it to him.
His shadow moved to be in front of him. "How perceptive of you," my voice seemed to come from the shadow. I couldn't exactly speak when my body was literally flat against the wall, but I could very much trick people's brains into thinking I could. My arm peeled off of the floor, keeping its pitch coloration. I raised my other arm, then used them to "pull" myself off of the floor, still in the form of a shadowy Hokage. I did a few stretches. "Man, staying in one shadow for hours kills my back, apparently. I don't even know how that works, considering the fact that I don't even have a form as a shadow..." I changed back to my humanoid form and licked my lips.
"I know that Kouki is responsible in some way, but what are you?" he asked me.
"Rude," I said, faux-offended. "You don't hear me asking you humans what you are. Though to be fair I already know."
He frowned. "You're like Kouki, but not quite. Who are you, then?"
"Did I really never tell you about me?" I paused and thought for a moment. "Or would it be better to ask if we never told you about me... I'm still not sure how pronouns work with our unique situation..."
"What, exactly, is the answer to my question?"
I shrugged. "I'm Kouki and Kouki is me. We're two halves of the same whole, at the moment."
"What are you..." He frowned and closed his eyes. "Red chakra?" he said when he opened them.
I nodded. "I've been purified of almost all of my humanity, the same as how Kouki's removed most of the red chakra from her- himself for the moment. He's weaker, I'm stronger, and because we're two separate entities we have independent thoughts and can be in two places at once, as you can tell. Sorta like a weird shadow clone, I guess. And we can recombine at any time." I sat down in midair. "Call me Chikage."
"I suppose that that makes sense... That sounds like a useful jutsu. Though why are you a girl?"
I examined my clawlike black nails. "Why not?"
"And I suppose that's also why you're wearing a frilly dress?"
"It's called gothic lolita, and the best thing about being made of chakra is the fact that I can more or less freely shapeshift. Now, sit down." I gestured behind him, where I'd pulled up a chair without him noticing. I also made an illusion that made both his chair and the air I was sitting on look like identical, ornate seats. "We have business to attend to."
"The Uchiha massacre, I assume?" I nodded. A table with a deck of fancy-looking cards "appeared" in between us. I really love genjutsu.
"In one year today Itachi will be forced to kill his entire clan, with the exception of his brother." I picked up the top card from the deck and flipped it over. The Tower. "And obviously we would prefer this not to happen." I reversed the position of the Tower. "But of course, there is a problem." I flipped over the next card, Judgement.
He sighed. It seemed he got my message. "The public is being turned turned against the Uchiha, which is in turn turning the Uchiha against the public. Until we stop that all we can do is delay the massacre..." I revealed the third card, The Devil, with Danzo as its subject. "Yes. Even though we haven't tipped our hands yet and he hopefully doesn't suspect us, Danzo is still fighting us."
"There are two paths that you can take to deal with him." I reversed the position of the Devil, causing the illustration's face to soften. "First, you could make him see the light, show him how much he's tearing the village apart to 'protect' it. Maybe you can do it because you used to be friends or something, but to be honest I doubt it, which leaves the second option." A black flame sparked from my finger, setting the Devil card ablaze. It disappeared without a trace. "Either way, he needs to be neutralized. I take it he's good at covering his tracks, considering the fact that he's made an attempt on your life without retaliation?"
He nodded solemnly. "Of course. And I take it he'd use it as evidence of my 'senility' if I attempted to pin him on it without enough evidence?"
"My eyes don't show it, meaning there's no possibility of us attempting it. Probably, though." I cocked my head. "If I were to, I don't know, figure out a way to take other objects with me when I shadow travel and use that to steal all kinds of incriminating evidence, would that work?"
He nodded. "That would work. I'll proceed assuming you don't, with how that was a hypothetical, though."
I sighed. "Yeah, that's about right. If we fail, though, I have one last idea." I revealed The Hanged Man, reversed, with Uchiha Shisui modeling for mister four-legs. "If we stop Danzo's attack on Shisui, then he can use Kotoamatsukami on the Uchiha. It's not ideal, but hopefully it'll work."
"Yes, that sounds good. Unless there's anything else, you may leave."
I faded into the shadows, taking my illusions with me.
"Alright everyone!" one of the bandits shouted, waving a weapon. "You know the drill by now, your money is ours! Give it up easily and we won't kill you!" The townspeople were afraid, but they'd clearly been through this before.
"Will you really?" I asked, walking into the village. "You may find some trouble with that."
"Who are you?" the leader asked me.
"You would already know," I said as I strolled across the road to her, "had you not murdered my puppet."
"Ah, so you're the monster he talked about." She sneered at me and drew her daggers. "You killed my men."
"I did nothing of the sort," I retaliated. "I mutated them, controlled them. You were the ones who killed them."
"All the same, you'll die."
"To be honest I am not entirely sure I can die." I slowly removed my gloves from my hands and placed them in the bag under my cloak.
"I'll test it for you, then."
"You may be able to destroy this body, but my essence has already soaked your hideout. I believe I should be able to resurrect myself there, as it were."
The woman smiled a sadistic smile. "I'm fine killing you over and over again until it sticks." She lunged at me, daggers flashing. I yanked back my sleeve and used my bare arm to block. I wasn't going to be needing my arm much longer, but I wanted to preserve the cloak. Her daggers sank into the stone of my arm, as I had made it softer. I wanted the knives as well. I capitalized on the bandit leader's momentary confusion to take off my mask and jam it onto her face. The last thing she saw before her life ended was a glowing red pearl on the backside of the mask.
I retrieved my new knives from my old arm, then took my cloak for my new body. Luckily, my new body wasn't too much larger than my old one, so the cloak still fit well enough. Along with the cloak, I'd palmed the other blood pearl (the extra-compressed pearl-shaped demon gems I was using for my Usagi persona) from my old body, causing it to crumble back into dirt within moments of me putting the cloak back on. I took my bag from the dirt and shook it off.
"Boss?" one of the bandits asked. "You okay?"
I slowly reached up to my mask and grasped the bottom. It cracked at the mouth such that the entire bottom was smoothly removed. I stored the bottom back in my bag, though, just in case I should come to need it. With my new mouth and the bottom of my nose uncovered, I took a deep breath, as if my first in a century. "No, I do not believe she is," I said. "For one, her mind and soul have been wiped from this body."
"What the hell even are you!?" one of the bandits asked.
"To be perfectly honest I'm not quite sure. I do know one thing, though." With an organic body, I no longer had problems with agility. And in particular, this new body was trained for rapid movement. As such, the two bandits nearest me were bisected in a flash with red-glowing knives, as if a hot knife through butter. Their bodies dissolved into the same red dust that the other bandits' corpses had. "You are dead. Now, are the rest of you willing to fight, or will you run in terror?" They ran in terror. Wise.
"Who are you?" a villager cautiously asked me a few minutes after I sheathed my knives. The villagers were understandably quite afraid of me.
"My name is Usagi." With the bandits gone, I'd switched to a small, personable smile. "If you wait, I should be able to bring you the money those bandits took from you."
The villager bowed to me. "Thank you so much."
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ssa25 · 5 years
Naruhina2020 (Jan) - Firsts
Rating - T
They were huddled next to each other in the loveseat of Hinata's shared apartment with Sakura. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, with her pink haired roommate locked up in her bedroom, nose deep into her textbooks for the ongoing exams. Hinata was already done with hers the previous week, so now she could focus on her boyfriend of two months. 
Uzumaki Naruto, was grinning like a cheshire cat, after Hinata had answered his question. They were talking and sharing about their firsts. Every little or insignificant firsts. 
From their first preschool, first part time job, first vacation, to their first best friend, first memorable gift and first movie. Although they went to the same middle and high school, they went around in different circles. Sometimes the circles merged and coincided, but they were still only more than acquaintances. 
They got significantly closer when they went to the same university, and when she started living with Sakura. In their sophomore year, Naruto asked Hyuuga Hinata out on a date, after Sakura drunkenly spilled at a party about how her meek flatmate had a major crush on him. She agreed ecstatically and he thanked his destiny for the turn of events. Because now, he was positively crazy about his midnight haired gorgeous (and hella sexy) girlfriend. Seriously, this was beyond imagination. The loud wayward soccer playing blonde and the prim proper posh heiress?
Anyway, Naruto being Naruto, asked her about her first crush. He didn't have to answer  the question himself, because she already knew the answer to it. It was her flatmate and good friend, Haruno Sakura. He was a pre-teen and she was one of his neighbours. It just happened, but eventually he moved on from those feelings as they became close friends. 
For Hinata, it was not the best feeling in the world to be aware of it, but she was above feeling petty or jealous. Especially now that he was her boyfriend. 
The petite curvy woman blushed profusely when it was her turn to answer the question. Her legs bent over Naruto's lap, as she fidgeted and replied in a small voice. 
"It was you."
Naruto was still for a second. "I'm sorry?" 
She huffed cutely and repeated her answer at the same time that he blurted out his confusion.
"It was you." 
"Did you say it was me??!!" 
If Naruto wasn't already feeling comfortable and smug, now he was superbly comfortable and obnoxiously smug. 
"Woah woah woah Missy, you never told me about that. You've been holding out, haven't you?" 
Okay, so now she was flustered and folded her arms to defend herself. "N-no…. You never asked me… I-It never came up before…"
He put his arm over her calves to squash any chance of escape. 
"When was this?", he interrogated.
"Umm…. When we were 13-14….Maybe…", she replied shyly. 
"Interesting.", he hummed and scratched his prickly chin. "Hold on… Is that why you sometimes used to faint when I spoke to you??", he asked wondrously, as if it all came together in his mind in a eureka moment. 
Hinata covered her face with her hands and nodded her head. "Can we please talk about something else?" 
"Hmm….", he leered at her. "Well, sure, it must've been impossible to resist my charm…", he commented refusing to change the topic. 
She smacked his arm playfully and pouted. "You're impossible… I don't think I'm good for your ego…." 
He pulled her closer by her waist and bumped her nose with his. 
"No baby, you're perfect for my everything.", he said in that deep husky baritone that made her spine tingle. 
Their lips found each other in a passionate kiss that had them both drowning out their surroundings. So when they heard a loud bang of a door, Hinata pulled away from his puckered lips to gasp for air and looked at the perpetrator. 
"Sorry, I was worried that he would gobble you up alive.", Sakura commented from the bedroom door with a poker face. Her short pink hair was unruly and tangly, and she was still in her pajamas from yesterday. She went to the kitchen while muttering something about ungrateful people showing off their relationship to lonesome singles. 
Naruto and Hinata snickered and cuddled closer. 
"Hey Sakura, ya know?... Hinata had the hots for me even in middle school…", he boasted while Hinata tried to cover his mouth with her palms. 
"Good for you.", Sakura commented nonchalantly as she went back to her room with a can of lemon soda.
As soon as her door closed, Naruto turned Hinata's chin towards him and continued their make out. They had been dating for a little less than two months, and had only gotten to second base. Not that he was complaining. He was serious about this relationship and he didn't want to rush Hinata into doing something she wasn't sure of. But it was just oh-so-hard to keep his hands off her.
She had mentioned about her being a virgin a week or two back. So he knew, if he did things right, he would be her first lover. For him, unfortunately, that train had departed two years back, when he and Sasuke were invited to their first soccer match after party that was off the hook crazy. They both had lost their virginity that night. 
Not to each other! Thank God for that! 
Some horny seniors found them cute and wanted to congratulate them. Personally. 
Hinata was a little shocked and flustered when he told her that. But she didn't hold it against him. 
When they parted for air again, he moved his hand from the swell of her voluptuous chest under her shirt to the smooth skin at her waist. Dejectedly of course, he had to calm his hard-on. 
He cleared his throat to distract her attention from his condition. 
"So, safe to say, that since I am your first crush and your first boyfriend, I must be your first kiss too.", he concluded smugly. 
"W-w-what?!!", she suddenly looked nervous. Not blushing nervous but pale, drained out of blood nervous. 
"Your first kiss…", he repeated. "Must be me… Right?"
"Uh… Y-yeah…", she replied in an oddly high pitched tone that was not her at all. She abruptly got up from the seat and walked to the kitchen. 
"I'm thirsty… Y-you want a drink Naruto~kun?"
Naruto  narrowed his eyes at the retreating back of his girlfriend. Something was not right. From what he knew about her, she was bad at lying. He knew this first hand, from the few times her conservative and strict father would inopportunely call her during their date or private make out time. And she would horribly lie with some lame excuse in the similar high pitched tone like she had used just now. Either her dad did not know her at all or was just bad at reading people and emotions, because he bought it everytime. 
Naruto got up from his seat and followed her, cornering her against the refrigerator. 
"Come on, spill it.", he said caging her between his arms. 
"Spill what?", she tried to act clueless.
"Who was your first kiss?", he was unrelenting in his pursuit. That's how he has always been.
"Umm… Who was yours?", she tried to flip it towards him. 
He knew what she was doing. But he was not going to let her off so easily. He would get her question out of the way first. 
"You know it. You were there. I'm not going to talk about it anymore than that." 
Hinata giggled into his chest, when she remembered the hilarious moment from few years back. Kiba had pushed Naruto jokingly onto Sasuke at the canteen which had led to a lip smack of sorts that left a distaste in the mouths of the two. It was a spectacle for the whole school. Suffice to say, Kiba earned a black eye and a sore jaw, while Naruto and Sasuke were in detention for the whole week.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. But I'm not letting you off easily. Who was it?"
It didn't bother him that she had already had her first kiss. What got to him, was her reaction at the reminder of it. Was it that memorable? Was the guy a better kisser than him? Does she have some remnant feelings for him? 
"I…. I can't tell you… It's embarrassing…", she muttered unsurely. 
But the more she held out, the more curious he became. He would have to coax it out of her. 
"Come on babe….It can't be more embarrassing than mine…. Who is it?... Tell me… Is it someone I know?"
Hinata grew silent for a few seconds before nodding her head slowly. 
"Someone from our group of friends?" 
Again, she gave a small nod. 
Okay, may be he was not going to be okay after all. Now, his mind went into overdrive thinking about who it could be. She was not saying anything, so he had to start guessing. 
"Was it Kiba?" 
She shook her head. 
Again, a negative. 
"Don't tell it's the bastard… It's Sasuke, isn't it?"
"What? No!!"
"Then tell me who it was, unless you want me to go crazy thinking about it.", he grasped her shoulders and brought her closer. 
Hinata pushed him away gently and moved away to face her back towards him. She just could not say it to his face. 
She started explaining softly, but it was loud enough for him to hear. "I… I-it was at the sleepover party for Sakura's 16th birthday… We were playing truth or dare… It was my turn, and I had to choose dare because I had been playing safe with truth until then… Tenten already knew that I liked you…. But the other didn't… So she just asked me to french kiss someone who was blonde for one whole minute… She knew that you were Sakura's neighbour… The girls said they would help me get into your home… So they did.. And they had to also make sure I completed my dare… I was really really nervous…. When we got into the back garden, we saw you from the window that you were busy playing video games with Sasuke, Shikamaru and Chouji."
Naruto felt like his heart was about to burst from all the mystery. But she did say that it was not Sasuke, which means it must have been Shikamaru or Chouji then. 
He didn't interrupt her, so she continued. 
"We waited for you to go to the toilet  or something… I had made up my mind to do the dare, come what may… The girls even tried to discreetly throw pebbles at the window, but you never got up to check. Only Sasuke did. We hid from his view and waited for him to go back. After trying everything for almost half hour, we decided it might not happen. Tenten said it was not fair that I didn't do my dare. So she insisted that I kiss any other blonde. And… W-well…. Umm… There was someone blonde with us… Ino… She said I could kiss her…. And just to get it over with, I did… It was…. Uncomfortable… A little unpleasant…. But not a lot, of course not… It was Ino after all… She had a clean minty mou-"
Hinata stopped her rant when she heard a loud thud behind her. Naruto fainted and fell on the floor. 
"Naruto~kun!!!!", she screamed and ran to his side and shook his body. "Naruto~kun!!" 
"Are you guys f*cking in the middle of the day?!! ", Sakura shouted angrily as she came out of her room. 
"Sakura~san!!", Hinata called her for help. "Naruto~kun has fainted… Please help him…." 
Sakura instantly was by his side, checking for his vitals. She asked Hinata to get some water. But when she noticed the tiny trail of blood from his nose, she grew worried. She looked down his body, and was aghast to see the reason. 
The tent under his cotton joggers was unmistakable. She snarled and got up just to kick him on his sides.
"F*cking Pervert!!", she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Naruto~kun!!", Hinata who was horrified, kneeled down to protect him, and unintentionally spilled the mug, in the process. 
If the kick didn't awaken Naruto, the splash of cold water on his groins definitely did.
A/n: Wrote and posted it fro my phone. So apologies for the length and absence of 'Read more' option.
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rainbowwritesthings · 6 years
A Day Off
It’s a calm day for Kakashi and Obito, or it was calm until they babysit a young Naruto who doesn’t really get how a baby is growing in Kakashi. AO3
Obito woke up to an empty bed and the smell of steamed rice wafting through the room. He slowly sat up and gave a wide yawn accompanied with a stretch. Taking a moment to stretch out his right arm and leg, even years later and completely healed the limbs were always stiff in the morning. 
After another small yawn he finally got out of the warm bed and gave a small shiver when his bare feet hit the bare floor, after a brief search he pulled on a shirt and shuffled out to meet his boyfriend.
 Entering the kitchen his gaze zeroed in on the omega finishing the fish, a smile made its way on Obito’s face and he couldn’t help but soak in Kakashi. 
The way he moved about with lazy confidence while cooking, how he would shift his weight between legs, and how more recently Kakashi would rub his steadily growing stomach. 
“Like something you see?” 
Obito felt a flash of heat rise up at being so brazenly called out but before he responded he felt his eye glued to the bare stretch of milky skin over his scent gland. 
It took effort not to growl or whine at the reminder that even though the pair lived together, slept together, and were even having a baby together that they were still not mates. 
Kakashi turned enough to give him a glance when the alpha became silent and Obito forced himself to stop that train of thought, they had argued enough about that topic before and he wasn’t about to sour the whole day because his inner alpha wanted to properly mate Kakashi. 
Instead he went behind the omega and wrapped his arms around the man, resting his hands were Kakashi’s was just a moment ago. Burying his nose in Kakashi’s neck he breathed in the recently sweeter scent and when their child moved beneath his hand he let a happy grumble escape. 
This earned Obito a warm laugh and an awkwardly aimed kiss on the cheek, after that Kakashi gave the alpha’s face a small pat before moving away from the embrace to move the cut fish into two plates. 
Obito moved to the table and poured the tea, sitting down just before Kakashi put the plate before him. It was a simple breakfast of rice, miso and fish. 
Though Obito wasn’t complaining considering that Kakashi had the skill to make even simple meals taste amazing, however the simpler meal did make Obito worry that Kakashi’s morning sickness was back. It had wrecked the omega when he was going through it and it had even gotten to the point that Rin was beginning to worry, relief had been palpable when the nausea gave way to appetite and cravings. 
Kakashi noticed Obito’s unusual hesitation in digging into the meal and raised an eyebrow, “you know that we’re watching Naruto today right? Which means he’s going to want to go to Ichiraku’s and that he’s going to try and make you beat your old record of how many bowls you can go through.” 
This made sense to Obito and he gave the other man a bright smile, “thanks.” Kakashi gave a put upon sigh but gave the alpha a sharp toothed smile as well. 
The rest of breakfast went by peacefully and Obito took the dishes away to wash them, by the time he was done cleaning up Kakashi had already exited their bedroom dressed for the day. 
“Oh, you’re still not ready? You should hurry, I’m not going to be late and make Kushina-San angry just because you dragged your feet.”
 Obito gave a quick sputter before giving an indignant “hey!”, but he did walk faster than he usually did to the bedroom. He finished getting dressed in record time and definitely did not rush back out to try to prove that he could be fast if he wanted to.
However the moment a single grey eye landed on him Obito knew that he had put something on wrong, sure enough Kakashi pointed to his shirt with a smug grin. 
Obito looked down and bit down a groan when he saw that his shirt was inside out, taking it off he pointedly didn’t look at Kakashi as he turned his shirt right side in. 
He was putting the article back on when he heard a fond chuckle coming from Kakashi, poking his head through he felt his cheeks heat up at the look of utter fondness and love Kakashi was giving him.
After the shirt was on properly Obito looked back over to his lover and felt a flash of disappointment that Kakashi’s mask was in place, hiding both the beauty mark that Kakashi bore and the sharp teeth that came from his Inuzuka side. 
Pushing away the urge to pull the mask down he instead put on his shoes and joined Kakashi at the doorway. Locking the door behind them the couple walked in steady silence, hands joined together and swaying in a steady rhythm. 
They passed by some familiar faces, including Rin who wasted no time in grilling Kakashi about how he was really feeling and she didn’t let them continue until they both promised to spend time with her on her next day off. 
Mostly thanks to Kakashi’s foresight they arrived at the Uzumaki household early, Obito was the one to knock and was therefore the one tackled by a young Naruto. 
The alpha couldn’t help but wince at the shriek in his ear but still pulled the blonde boy away from his neck and give him a grin. “Hey troublemaker.” 
Naruto’s smile grew just a bit wider at the nickname and finally noticed the man behind them, “Kaka-nii!” 
He immediately began struggling to get free, managing to smash his elbow into Obito face. 
“Naruto!” At his mother’s warning tone the boy stopped struggling immediately and looked over to her sheepishly, when Obito set him down Naruto looked down.
“M’sorry.” It couldn’t be more clear that Naruto was apologizing mostly for his mothers benefit, Obito gave a small shrug.
“No problem.” Kushina’s hard stare told Obito that saying that was not what he was supposed to say, however her gaze shifted to Kakashi and immediately brightened.
 “Kakashi! How are you feeling? Obito isn't making you do all the work is he? Don’t let him give you any lip, he should be worshiping the ground you walk on.” 
She made sure to say that last part loud enough for Obito to clearly hear him and Kakashi gave a closed eye smile. “I’m fine, though I wouldn’t turn down more foot rubs. Happy anniversary by the way.” 
Obito wanted to argue that he had offered many times to do things for the expecting omega but had been shot down each time, however his former teachers chuckle cut that off. 
“I’m happy to see everyone get along so well. Kushina, are you ready?” 
The beta turned and gave her husband a nod, “we should probably get going. The hokage doesn’t get to many days off, ya’know.” 
She leaned down to look Naruto in the eyes, “now you need to be on good behavior for your Kakashi Nii-San, alright? Remember what we talked about earlier, and have fun sweetie. Mommy and Daddy will be back before you go to bed, I love you.” 
Naruto obediently nodded with unusual focus, “okay Mommy, love you too.”
 Minato was next and ruffled his sons hair gently, “be good, have fun.” Naruto nodded once again and with that his parents linked hands and with a final wave went off to enjoy each others company. 
The moment they were out of sight Naruto openly stared at Kakashi’s rounding stomach, “mommy said you’re not fat and that there's a baby in there.” 
Obito didn’t have time to hold back the snort of laughter from the comment, when Kakashi glanced at him he hid his mouth behind his hand to cover the smile.
Kakashi sighed and rubbed the back of his head, “come on, let’s get inside and I’ll try to explain.” 
For once Naruto nodded and followed Kakashi without hesitation, when the omega sat down on the couch Naruto was quick to join him. “So you know I’m having a baby right?” 
The last time he had seen the boy Kakashi had just started to really show and Naruto had immediately demanded why Kakashi was so fat now. Obito had been the one to try and explain that it wasn’t fat but that Kakashi was growing a small human in his stomach, something that both confused and scared young Naruto. 
Naruto nodded, “mommy told me that there’s a baby in your tummy, and that you’re making the baby grow until it’s ready to be born.” 
Obito wondered how long it took Kushina to get that through to the boy, he loved Naruto as a brother but he’d admit that the boy could be dense. 
Kakashi nodded, “yeah that’ll work for now. Now did your mom tell you what that will make you?” 
Naruto gave a look of pure confusion and shook his head. “Well when this baby is born, their going to need somebody to watch over and protect them in ways Obito and I can’t. They’re going to need a big brother.” 
This made all the gears in Naruto’s head click and he sat up in excitement, “me! I’ll be the best big brother ever!” 
Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at the child, “now hold on Naruto, being a big brother is a a lot of responsibility. It'll be a lot of work and there will be times that they annoy you or make you mad.” 
This made Naruto pause and a look of seriousness washed over his face, “I’ll be the best big brother, I promise.” 
Kakashi reached up and ruffled the blond locks before pausing and gently grabbing the boys hand, “looks like they agree with you, feel.” 
He placed the small hand over the spot just kicked and soon a look slack jawed awe overtook Naruto. He leaned forward to the spot, “hi baby! I’m your big brother!” 
He giggled when the child moved in response and Obito felt the threat of tears at the heartwarming scene.
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years
Eyestealer 2 - ao3 link
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Senju Hashirama & Senju Tobirama (mostly gen, hints of other relationships later)
Summary: Hashirama really doesn’t approve of the thoughtful way his father looks at his younger brother’s bright red eyes. He’s sure it doesn’t mean anything good for anyone.
He’s right.
A/N: I feel like I’ve at least mentioned this to @blackberreh-art, @kitsunesongs, @writhingbeneathyou and maybe @perelka-l
Tobirama never forgets anything.
No matter how much Hashirama might wish he does.
Every rashly made promise (Hashirama quickly learns not to commit to anything he isn't sure of, though he never quite gets over his tendency to engage in dramatics), every embarrassing mistake (at least the memories make Tobirama smile, Hashirama assures himself as he nurses his injured pride), even the useless things like what they'd had for breakfast on some random date, like three months and fourteen days ago.
Hashirama knows that one for sure, because he's tested it.
Still, sometimes it's helpful - Tobirama attends the same lessons Hashirama does, since Butsuma refused to get him his own tutor, and his brilliant memory means that he can recite exactly what sensei said about how to do a particular jutsu when Hashirama is struggling to practice them on his own time later.
Tobirama even learns the jutsus faster than Hashirama does. It's almost as if he only needs to watch a single demonstration one time, and then he’s able to repeat it. He's practically Uchiha levels of good at copying, even, and everyone knows they have the Sharingan to help them with it.
But Tobirama's a Senju, not an Uchiha.
Hashirama had hoped that Tobirama's obvious genius would appease their father, but while it gets a certain smug satisfaction, Butsuma remains as antagonistic to his second son as ever, even going ahead and naming little Kawarama as the official spare – next in line to clan leadership after Hashirama – before he'd even survived infancy.
"I don't know what his problem is," Hashirama complains one day as he helps Tobirama with his daily morning ritual.
Hashirama need only roll out of bed and into new clothing to be ready, but Tobirama needs much more preparation than that: cream to protect his skin from the sun, a rinse to darken his hair a little to a grey color that could be excused as the inheritance of their distant Hatake cousins rather than admitting his albinism to the enemy, a nasty-smelling drink that Hashirama swears he heard someone say was made in part out of spider web (ick!) to help make his blood stronger, an iryo ninjutsu technique to strengthen his immune system...
He even has special lenses to protect his eyes. He wears them all the time, even when he sleeps, but since he needs to change them out a minimum of once a week before they get dirty, he’s made a habit of changing them in the mornings as well. Though honestly, Hashirama doesn’t really think the lenses actually do all that much? Tobirama's vision is never anything less than perfect, and he confessed once that he didn’t notice a difference once he'd adjusted enough for them to stop itching.
The only thing they actually seem to accomplish is making Tobirama’s eyes a dull flat matte red instead of the shiny red-with-black-flecks they were underneath.
But why would anyone bother just with changing the color such a small degree, especially since they’re still red either way?
"What do you mean?" Tobirama asks, sitting still so that Hashirama could brush the rinse through his hair. He likes that little indulgence, sitting in Hashirama’s lap in a way he considers himself far too dignified to do the rest of the time, and Hashirama likes it too, likes taking care of his little brother in a way he’s not allowed to do most of the time. Being considered grown-up before he's even ten is awful.
"Butsuma!" Hashirama exclaims. He's complained about this before, but he'll happily complain about it again. "You're better at jutsu than I am, you're training yourself in taijutsu and kenjutsu all the time, you're basically teaching yourself how to create seals in what little spare time you have, our teachers say your grasp of battle tactics is second to none - I don't understand what more he could want from you!"
"I don't have the Mokuton," Tobirama answers, because he always takes questions very literally. He's a serious child, and Hashirama finds himself playing up his own childishness in an attempt to compensate. The other children, their cousins, don't like to play with Tobirama, and their parents all seem to have followed Butsuma's lead in respecting Tobirama's abilities without respecting his person. Only his teachers adore him. "He could want that."
"That traveling Uzumaki said you were the most promising suiton user he'd ever seen," Hashirama retorts. "And barely anyone has the Mokuton, anyway!"
"You do."
"Well, yeah. But I'm only as good at it as I am because you keep helping me figure stuff out. And you're always coming up with new ideas, too; not just for me but for everyone!"
Not too shabby for a six year old.
“My chakra levels are also disappointingly low,” Tobirama points out. This is true, unfortunately: he’d had such potential when he was a baby, the medics all said, and they'd spiked dangerously low a few times when he'd been in that dangerous age when his body first started developing its chakra coils, but by now they'd steadied to a fairly low amount that Tobirama was only able to very slowly increase with lots of practice and effort.
And, far worse in Hashirama’s view, the low chakra levels meant that Tobirama is tired all the time. Not that it stops him: Tobirama gets up before dawn to train, and studies late into the night, but even on days where he did get enough sleep there always seem to be circles under his eyes and sometimes a slight tremor in his stride. Hashirama can tell that some days, bad days, any movement at all beyond the most sluggish causes him physical pain; they're working on a iryo jutsu to deal with that, but there's only so much they can do.
“But your control is amazing,” Hashirama says, avoiding the issue of chakra entirely. He wishes that Tobirama had the same reserves he did, but wishing wouldn’t make him suddenly capable of sharing the too-much he had to compensate for Tobirama’s too-little. “You can do more with less chakra than most of the adults in our clan can do with everything they’ve got.”
Tobirama doesn’t need to reply for them both to understand that all this effort, however impressive, was not and would never be enough for their father.
Tobirama shrugs. "I'll just have to try harder to make him happy," he says, like he hadn't cried into Hashirama's shoulder for an hour the night before because Butsuma had absentmindedly praised little Kawarama in a way that he'd never done, not once, for Tobirama.
Hashirama's hatred for his father burns in his chest like he's an Uchiha, cursed clan that they are, and it gets worse every year as he watches Tobirama torture himself for their father's approval in what they both know is futile hope.
Tobirama had been so happy for Kawarama, too, that was the most gut-wrenching part of it; even through his tears of despair and hopeless envy, he'd managed a shaky smile, the ones that more and more often appeared only in his eyes, saying that he was glad that Kawarama would get the chance to know what it was like to have his father be proud of him. He loved Kawarama so much, so very much, had raised him the way Hashirama had raised him because Hashirama was now too busy with the war to do it himself. Of course Tobirama would blame himself for the envy their father so cruelly created.
Oh, how it made Hashirama's heart burn. It would be so easy for their father to make Tobirama happy: a kind word, even a smile. It would cost him nothing. And yet, time and again, he treats his second son with nothing but disdain and endless, escalating demands.
He'd even sent Tobirama out to the battlefield when he was only four, two years before the usual age, despite Hashirama's screams of protest. Only as a courier, yes, toddling through trees to carry messages from one post to another, but it was still only through luck and Tobirama’s own skill that he survived.
"Well, whatever. Who you are is more than enough for me," he says to Tobirama, not for the first time, because it's true and because Tobirama loves to hear it, even if it will never fill the hole in his heart that their father created. "Screw the old bastard anyway."
That last part is something he doesn't normally say. Maybe Hashirama was a little more sore about yesterday's crying session than he'd thought.
Tobirama frowns at him. Serious, always serious. "You shouldn't say such things, Hashirama."
"Why not? He's not here to hear it."
"I don't want to risk him hurting you."
Surprised, Hashirama frowns at him. "You mean hurt you."
That's new, too, and it wounds Hashirama more than anything else, made him hate more than anything else, made him want to hurt something, someone, even himself if it would make the pain go away. It's already intolerable enough that Butsuma routinely put Tobirama at terrible risk, but no, he felt free to punish him, too.
Not for his own mistakes, as Tobirama had few enough of those - but for Hashirama's.
As the only living inheritor of the fabled Senju bloodline limit, Hashirama is now virtually untouchable. Even his father, who used to raise a hand to him at the slightest provocation, wouldn't dare let anyone see Hashirama limping out of their household after one of the beatings he claimed, when Hashirama was younger, were meant to correct his character, and that meant the beatings stopped entirely.
At least, they stopped for Hashirama.
Butsuma had been pleased to learn that his eldest son's behavior could be just as easily corrected by a threat of beating Tobirama (a threat carried out often enough to give it teeth), and possibly even more than it ever had been by beating him directly.
Hashirama tries so hard, now, to be a good child, but even when he’s trying he finds that he's not very good at it.
But Tobirama shakes his head in negation. "No, I do mean hurt you. Our father...he 's terrifying when he's when he's really angry. I don't want you to see that, not ever."
"When have you seen that?" Hashirama asks, frowning. Had he missed something? Has he let his brother down again?
Tobirama hesitates, which is uncharacteristic of him.
"What? When was this? Did he do something -"
"I don't remember," Tobirama says, and he never says that.
Hashirama gapes at him.
Tobirama seems to almost shrink in on himself. "I can't place it, I mean," he corrects himself. "I know what happened on every day, and this didn't happen on any of those days. I can’t place it in the sequence of my memories - but I still remember it happening."
Tobirama had viscerally horrific dreams, so realistic that he couldn't tell they weren't real when he was having them, but he always knew what was real and what wasn't when he was awake, as he is now.
"A genjutsu?" Hashirama suggests.
"I can break almost any of those."
Tobirama is freakishly talented at genjutsu, despite it not being a traditional Senju strength. It isn’t like it really matters, though; no matter how good a Senju could become at genjutsu, any Uchiha would tear it apart like it was nothing. That’s what they’re famous for.
"No, not an illusion. I mean, maybe something to make you forget when it happened, papering it over with some other memory. Maybe?"
"Possible," Tobirama allows, though he still looks disturbed.
"What do you remember? Just Butsuma being angry?"
Hashirama hasn't called Butsuma a respectful title in years, not even to his face.
Tobirama considers the question for a long moment. "I'm scared, in the memory," he finally says. "Really scared, badly, worse than anything. He's angry, but also pleased, smug. I feel his killing intent. I know there's nowhere to run - my leg is trapped by his doton jutsu, and I don't know how to escape. I'm trapped. He laughs and says, 'At last.' He steps forward. And then -"
"And then?" Hashirama prompts when Tobirama trails off, sick to his stomach and not really wanting to know, but certain that he has no choice. If sharing the burden if this mysterious memory will lessen it for Tobirama, Hashirama will gladly shoulder his part of it.
"And then he rips my eyes out of my head."
Hashirama recoils. "He wouldn't!" he protests automatically. "That's – even if he doesn’t do anything with them, that’s still practically eye-stealing! It's - it's forbidden!"
Immoral and disgusting, too, but the important thing is that the Senju are locked in battle with the Uchiha, a dojutsu clan. If the Uchiha ever got wind that they'd started stealing eyes like dishonorable bandits, they would immediately summon all the other dojutsu clans, as well as the daiymo and his samurai in their roles as dispensers of justice, to aid them in eradicating the Senju from the face of the earth.
"I know," Tobirama says. "But I still remember it."
His eyes are distant.
"Do you remember anything else you can't place?" Hashirama asks, curious. “Any other memories, I mean?”
"My best friend falling off a cliff and breaking his leg."
Hashirama frowns. "But - I'm your best friend. And I've never fallen off a cliff."
"I know," Tobirama says, looking upset. "I know that. But in the memory, it’s different. I just know he's my best friend and that he's falling and that I shouldn't have dared him to climb."
Tobirama's never dared anyone to do anything on his entire life. He’s far too serious.
“That’s…awful,” Hashirama finally says, even though he knows Tobirama knows it already. “How long have you remembered this?”
A shrug. “Always, I think?”
Hashirama shudders in revulsion at the thought of it. “Why only mention it now, then?”
“I’m six.”
“I’m not six in the memory,” Tobirama says. “I know I’m not six yet. I don’t know how much younger than six I am, but I’m definitely not six. I thought, you know, maybe it was something that hadn’t happened yet or something? Something in the future? But you still haven’t fallen off any cliffs –”
Now that Hashirama thinks about it, Tobirama’s always hovered around him whenever they were near a cliff.
“– and anyway you don’t really look like the person in the memory.”
“Do you…?”
“No, I’ve never seen him before. Or even anyone who really looks like him. He’s got lighter skin than any Senju but me, but that doesn’t make any sense. I mean, the Uchiha are pale enough to fit, but obviously I’ve never actually met any of them outside of the battlefield.”
Hashirama nods solemnly, shuddering at the thought. He’s been on battlefields across from the Uchiha himself, careful never to look them in the eyes; he’s a ninjutsu expert, or will be, and that means he doesn’t have to come into close contact with any of them.
It’s probably for the best – Butsuma’s always needling him about his soft heart and tendency to adopt sad looking animals no matter how dangerous or wild, jeering that Hashirama would probably try to adopt an Uchiha if he found one that looked upset, and honestly Hashirama’s not entirely sure he’s wrong.
“Anything else?”
“Not really. Next thing I remember is a Senju clan medic standing there with a scalpel, saying he thinks he’s cut them down enough to fit.”
“Cut what down?”
“No clue. I started crying at that point, so everything is blurry.”
"...okay. And that’s it?”
Tobirama nods.
“Where do you think the memories come from?" Hashirama asks.
"I don't know," Tobirama says, and wraps his arms around himself, looking so miserable that Hashirama immediately reaches out to hug him. "I don't know. But Hashirama, promise me - however you feel about our father, don't ever face him like that: weak and helpless, while he laughs. Please. Promise me."
"I promise," Hashirama says at once, and means it with all his heart.
He fully intends to be the one laughing on the day their father falls.
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wrathsheir · 5 years
⌲ for a sensual, handsy kiss
Drabbles: Kiss edition.
I want you, Naruto says. Inaudible, each syllable heard in every passing second of that kiss. The kiss that turned from playful to downright hungry. The kiss that stole Sasukes breath in a way seldom experienced. His heart trips over itself in his chest, trying to find its footing. 
Where did that come from? 
He’s a little dizzy, brain trying to catch up with the rest of his body and the frantic speed of his heart. He still catches the way Naruto looks away, as if shy over his own behavior. A few extra seconds are needed for the Uchiha to find steady ground, for his mind to recalibrate. When he has, the song has changed to something steady and sensual. He doesn’t fully understand the lyrics, but they’re heady all the same. Some may think Sasuke would dislike PDA or any form of it. His natural dislike for touch or being touched can be read that way. The thing is, when he likes someone? When he has someone? He likes it. 
Sasuke presses close, hip to hip with Naruto as he leads their movement into the song. Swaying, keeping flush to each other even as both of his hands move their way up Narutos chest. Up, higher still, to cup the sides of his neck, cradle his jaw. He leans their foreheads together, body still moving with the music. 
I want you, Naruto had said. 
You have me, is what Sasuke responds. He says it in his kiss, a lingering intimacy that furthers itself with parted lips, a teasing tongue. You can have all of me. 
Ever observant, Sasuke can feel eyes on them. Likely whatever douche ex stirred Narutos jealous possessiveness moments before. In response, he decides on a little show. Hands move down, until one of them gets under the thin fabric of Narutos summer shirt, touching the abs he’d had hints of and not yet seen. Fingers are pale in contrast to the tanned skin, splayed greedily over hints of muscle shown with the way Narutos shirt bunches around his wrist. His other hand is down and around, following the movement at the blondes side, his lower back, his spine. 
Sasukes lungs strain for air, so he pulls from that kiss - but not from his show. He turns around, back to chest with Naruto again. Mine, Sasuke thinks. Possessive already? Maybe. With his hands at Narutos neck again, they follow his descent as he bends his knees. Down, down, slowly. It’s not a quick fall, not a bounce that many women often do. This is a leisurely drop, getting his hands all over that body in the process. When he’s low, his twist is quick, and in time with the music too. His face now level with Narutos thighs, his hands travel them. Up, fingers spaced -- greedy. Possessive. It’s a show that earns him impressed whistles and cat calls, and his smirk is both smug and seductive as he rises to be eye level again. The next kiss continues their conversation, too. 
                                                     You’re all mine, Uzumaki.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Uchiha In The Leaves (Part Two)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
Summary: What happens when Y/N finally returns to the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Her life is flipped upside down when not only does she find the man that’s awaited her return, but she finds someone she thought she’d never see again.
AO3 Link
Part One
Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*
Word Count: 2454
As morning approached I could hear our alarms going off. The start of a new life while training team seven. I already knew that trying to keep Sasuke from looking for Itachi was going to be Y/n’s main concern. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her. When she looked over me I kissed her nose. “Good morning.”
She smiled weakly at me. “Morning.” I stared at her for a moment before starting to sit up to get out of bed. She grabbed my arm as I tried. “Wait.” I laid back down, resting on my elbows and watched her. It always seemed funny to know that she was seeing me without my mask. The only time I didn’t wear it was when we were sleeping at home or in the shower. She put her hands on her cheeks. “I love you.”
I smiled at her and put my right hand over hers. “I love you, too.”
She pulled my face to her and kissed me. The familiar feeling of her lips was something that we were still getting used to, even after all this time. A young Y/n Uchiha had been my first kiss, hell, we have even lost our virginity to each other as teens. I had kissed her lips many times before, even though I had worn the mask then as well. I lowered myself back against the bed as the kiss grew more intimate. Y/n climbed on top of me, straddling my hips. I chuckled a little and flipped her over onto her back a second later. She moved her hands from my face and brought them to my back, pulling my body closer to hers. I chuckled again and broke the kiss. “Is this really how you want to start the morning, Miss Uchiha?”
She smiled as she kissed me. “It’s gonna be a stressful day, why not start off with a stress reliever? She ran her hands down my chest and when she reached my waist she bit her lip. “You can’t tell me that you don’t want it either.” She had her hands on my erection. I smiled and kissed her cheek, slowly kissing all the way down her body, stopping at her hips. This kind of stuff always got me more excited than it did her, and she knew it. She smiled at me and put her hands in my hair. “Quit teasing, we don’t have long before we have to leave, we can’t be late on their first day.”
I looked up at her with pleasing eyes. “Who cares if we’re a little late. You know I’m a giver.” I knew that it was something she always went for, something I always started her off with. I was set on this morning being no different than any other. I put my hands on her thighs and pushed them apart. 
“Kakashi, we really don’t have time for this.” She started to sit up on her elbows to look at me better. “I’m seri-” She was rendered speechless a second later. “Oh my god… Kashi.”
I looked back up at her a second later with a manipulative laugh. “You were saying. 
As she felt my tongue against her clit she pleaded with me. “Kashi, I’m serious.” She had all she could just to make words. She put her hand in my hair and tugged some. I could tell she was close to ecstasy and so could she and with that I stopped. She whimpered as I stopped. I had always been the best at getting her to the brink and teasing her, there was something I found pleasing about it. 
I slowly kissed my way back up to her neck and looked into her eyes. “As you wish my queen.” She slept in her underwear and a baggy t-shirt and I slept in my boxers which made it easy access for our morning escapades. I grabbed the blanket that had ended up below us and covered us up. It was the busy time of day in the village and we both knew that our blinds didn’t block out as much as we’d like them too. I fumbled around under the blanket, moving her underwear to the side and pushing mine down to expose my erection. As I entered she arched her back, grabbing our bedsheet with both hands, balling it up in them. She screamed my name and I smirked, making a small noise, as I thrusted in and out of her. We matched each other’s movements as we both grew closer and closer to the end. A few monas escaped my lips as well as hers before we both came closer to our climax. We rode out our climaxes together and I collapsed on the bed beside her, out of breath. 
I reached an arm toward her and pulled her over to me. She laid her head back on my chest, listening to me breathe. I kissed the top of her head and sighed before speaking. “I love you Y/n.”
She snuggled closer to me. “I love you, too, Kashi.”
I sat up which made her sit up as well. “No, Y/n, I mean I love you more than I think you realize. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” I paused to gauge her reaction. She was smiling like an idiot. “I’d seriously be lost without you in my life. When you left all those years ago and we didn’t have any contact anymore I felt like a piece of me was missing. I never knew if you felt the same way about me as I did about you when we were training and such. We were just kids then, I wasn’t sure if we were just having fun and being kids, or if we were something else. That’s why I never bothered to say anything… and maybe if I had, you never would have left, maybe you would have come back after everything.”
She took my hand. “Kakashi, I’ve always had a thing for you. I just couldn’t stay here what had happened, and whether I had known how you felt back then or not wouldn’t have changed that. I couldn’t handle being here, so don’t blame yourself.”
She threw the blankets off of us and stood up from the bed, grabbing her headband off the bedside table. “Now we really need to get moving, we’re really late now.”
I stood up and headed toward the bathroom, turning on the shower as she got ready.
When I finished I wandered back to the bedroom, in the process of putting my mask on, then using my headband to hide my Sharingan eye with one side of it. I smiled at her. “Ready to go?”
She smiled back. “Let’s go.” I knew she wanted to see what her brother could do.
* * * * * * 
I had never seen her so excited to start training someone. Granted, the events of the morning might have made her mood as good as it was. She was ecstatic to see how far her brother had come. She knew I could feel it as well. Her energy was hard not to feel radiating off of her. The door to the classroom was slightly open, we could see it, and we knew that we were pretty late. Our group was probably the last group there.
I stepped through the door first. As I opened the door wider an eraser fell and smacked me, leaving the shoulders of my black shirt that I wore under my vest sprinkled white. Y/n stood behind me and covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh.
A small kid with blonde hair was laughing uncontrollably as a young girl with pink hair was trying to apologize for him. “I’m so sorry Sensei, I told him not to do it, but he wouldn’t. I’d never do anything like that.”
I picked up the eraser and held it in one hand while holding up my chin like I was thinking with the other. “Hmm, let me put it this way. My first impression of this group is that you’re a bunch of idiots.”
Y/n walked out from behind me to stand in front of the students. “I’m Y/n, I’ll be helping Kakashi with you guys.” Sasuke stood in the back of the two of them, looking smug. His arms were crossed as he stood and watched the other two, clearly annoyed with their antics. 
I motioned to the door. “Follow me.”
We all left the room and walked to the roof of the academy. Y/n went to lean on the railing and I sat on it next to her. “Sit.” I motioned to the steps in front of us. When they all sat down I began. “Alright, why don’t you introduce yourselves, one at a time.”
The girl with pink hair was astounded. “Introduce ourselves? What are we supposed to say?”
Y/n looked over at her. “Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies, things like that.”
The blonde haired both look intrigued. “Why don’t you guys tell us stuff first? I mean, before we talk, tell us about you guys so we can see how it’s supposed to work.”
I pointed to myself. “Me, I’m Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don’t feel like telling you that.” Pink hair and blonde hair both made a confused sound. “My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have a lot of hobbies.” I pointed at Y/n.
Y/n smiled a little. “I’m Y/n Uchiha, that’s all you really need to know about me.” They stared dumbfounded. “You probably knew me better as Y/n Momochi.”
I began to speak again before any of them could ask Y/n any questions. I knew the name Uchiha had sparked something. I could see it in their faces as they looked from Sasuke to Y/n. “Okay, your turn. You on the right first, you’re first.”
The blonde haired boy grabbed his headband. “Believe it, I’m Naruto Uzumaki. I liked instant ramen in a cup and I really like the ramen Iruka-Sensei got me at Ichiraku Noodle Shop. But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating different types of ramen and comparing them.” Y/n and I exchanged glances as he spoke. Clearly this kid loved his ramen. “And my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage. Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I’m somebody; somebody important.”
I looked at the pink-haired girl. “Alright… next.”
“I’m Sakura Haruno. What I like… Uh… I mean, the person I like is…” She glanced over at Sasuke. How cute. “Uh… My hobby is…” She seemed infatuated with Sasuke and Y/n was squirming, clearly thinking it was adorable. “My dream for the future is…” Her cheeks turned red and she stopped talking, clutching her first to her face in pleasure.”
At this point it seemed like torture, I had to intervene. “And what do you hate?”
Her face got very intense. “Naruto!”
Naruto looked stunned and embarrassed and I kind of felt bad for the kid. 
“Last one,” Y/n looked over at Sasuke and smiled. 
“My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and yes, Y/n is my sister.” Y/n smiled at them. “I hate a lot of things and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I WILL make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone.”
The hatred in Sasuke was pulsating. His hate for Itachi was much stronger than I ever thought it could be. Our job was going to be even harder than I thought. Once Sasuke was fully trained and at full power he would be stronger than Y/n and I. We both knew he would strive to be stronger than Itachi so he could finish him off once and for all. I knew there would be eventually nothing we could do about it, but Y/n wanted him to keep his innocence as long as she could.
I could feel Y/n get tense at what Sasuke had just said so I stopped him and spoke. “Good, so you’re each unique and have your own ideas. We’ll have our first mission tomorrow.”
Naruto got excited. “What kind of mission are we going to have?”
“It’s a task that the five of us will do together.”
“What, what, what, what, what?”
“A survival exercise.”
“A survival exercise?” Naruto sounded like he was going to cry. 
Sakura sounded angry. “I thought we were supposed to have an actual mission, not more practice. We already did this stuff at the academy. That’s who we got here.”
Y/n spoke. “This is nothing like your previous training.”
Naruto began to question. “So, uh… what kind of training is it then?”
I laughed. Sakura didn’t understand what I was. “That’s a normal question, what’s so funny?”
I continued to laugh. “Well, if I tell you the answer, you’re not going to like it.” They looked confused. “Of the twenty-seven graduates that just came here, only nine will be accepted as Genin. The other eighteen will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make it or break it, pass or fail test. And the chance that you’ll fail is at least sixty-six percent.” They were all in shock. “See, didn’t I tell you that you wouldn’t like it?”
Naruto spoke up. “That’s crazy! We worked hard to get here. Believe it, what was that graduation test for anyway?”
Y/n smiled. “That was just a test to select what candidates might become Genin or not. That’s how it is?”
I cut her off. “We decide whether you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at five A.M. and bring your ninja gear.” They were all tense. “That’s all, class dismissed.” We all started walking away when I turned around, remembering something important. “Oh, and you better skip breakfast, or you’ll puke.’
We all walked away and Y/n turned to me. “Five in the morning? Really?”
I smiled and winked at her. “I have no intentions of being awake that early, let alone being there.” I put my hand on her hips and whispered in her ear, checking to make sure the kids weren’t looking. “Unless something else is going on.” I nibbled on her ear before standing back up straight.
Taglist 💕 @nubiadethemyscira @nimeryaa
Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight: *NSFWish Ahead!*
Updated: 4/29/2020
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