#i can have a little obsession with my own characters. as a treat. for morale
thinking about tom and adira agin
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depravitycentral · 9 months
Enji Todoroki General Yandere Profile
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Yandere! Enji Todoroki x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, power imbalances, financial trapping, mentions of physical/domestic abuse, mentions of non-con, sexist undertones, Enji wants you to be his cute little housewife, mentions of breeding/pregnancy, a few mentions of making sure you eat enough/food, Enji is patronizing whoo boy, he makes you share a toothbrush and yes he's weird about it, this is set in a divergent timeline where Enji and Rei are formally divorced and his relationship with his family is loose and not super tight, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy!
WC: 11K
Enji is, simply, harsh.
His quirk, his mannerisms, his attitude, his everything, really, is a bit rough around the edges, forming a man with only enough self control to get what he wants. He’s lived his whole life bitterly, constantly jealous, constantly wanting, willing to throw everything away in order to achieve his goals.
And once everything starts caving in around him, his family and career both taking unexpected turns, Enji finds himself so, so painfully alone. He doesn’t pretend to delude himself into thinking he’s not deserving of his fate, but this places him into a position where he shoulders the guilt while desperately trying to find any outlet to forget it.
And this is where a darling who is kind comes into play – he needs someone who won’t judge him for his past. He needs someone who doesn’t treat him like scum, who is still polite and empathetic to him and his emotions. A darling who is able to consistently praise him will have him smitten quickly, growing emotionally dependent on hearing their sweet words in order to function, in order to not let the depression and stress get the better of him.
And even once his obsession has formed and he’s deep in the depth of his infatuation, a darling who is just too kind to kick him to the curbside is absolutely essential for him – they must be doting and caring, helping rebuild his shattered confidence and psyche, and with every compliment they dish out, Enji vows that he’ll return the sentiment tenfold, in his own way of course.
(This means buying his darling millions of yen worth of their favorite things, all kinds of wonderful gifts that he hopes will sway them in his favor, that will get them drooling over him and all that he can provide for them.)
Although he’s in a mental state that leaves him much more susceptible to finding a partner once he divorces Rei, Enji is still a picky man. He won’t fall for just anyone – no, they must fit his standard, be acceptable and meet the rather long and detailed checklist he has for those he considers as potential romantic partners.
And near the top of this list is determination. He’s a man motivated by his own goals and is willing to stop at nothing to achieve them – and so, a darling that can at least somewhat match this aspect of his personality is critical.
He has no patience for a darling that gives up easily; he wants someone that’s willing to put in the effort to see it pay off, someone who understands the concept of self-discipline and holding yourself to certain moral standards.
He finds it wildly attractive when someone has strong character, and his interest would immediately be piqued with a darling who brings an attitude of perseverance and hard work into every aspect of their life, be it work, their hobbies, their relationship, and everything in between.
He wants someone who is perhaps not quite as stubborn as him, but is still serious in their goals.
(He hopes that one day, making him happy and pleasing him will be one of these goals – just as pleasing his darling is one of his own. And he’s more than happyto please them in whatever way they so desire. More than happy.)
Because he views his darling as the perfect wife, his darling absolutely must possess at least somewhat of a motherly air about them. He likes the idea of having a nurturing partner, if only because he finds it endearing when they care for others.
As a hero he shares this sentiment, and although it may sometimes be overshadowed by his need to become the best, deep down inside he does very much wish to help others – his methodology is just a little more violent, a little more overt.
His darling, by contrast, should prefer a methodology that’s much gentler, something that focuses more on making others feel safe and heard and cared for.
Besides, Enji very much desires to have children with his darling; to build a second family, one that he’ll care for and nourish much better than his first. And so, if his darling is to be a good mother, they must embody these traits.
Besides, although he doesn’t fall for his darling because of his fantasies of making them a mother, once the feelings are formed these daydreams only further his feelings, deepening his obsession because oh, he’d give absolutely anything to see them pregnant with his child, carrying his seed, creating something that symbolizes the love and dedication between them.
And so, his darling needs to be someone who naturally takes care of others – and in return, Enji will take care of them. Just how it should be.
This trait is a bit less crucial compared to the others, but it’s still most definitely a positive from Enji’s perspective.
Of course he likes a darling who has strong opinions and stands up for them, but he loves a darling that will let him guide them through any hard decisions, or really any decisions at all.
Although he’s not as outright controlling with his darling, he still very much feels that he wears the pants in the ‘relationship’, and thus he is the one calling the shots.
A darling who is happy to let him take over their life like this is a massive help to him – he doesn’t have to fight for control, nor does he have to argue with them about why certain decisions really should be made by him as the more dominant partner, as the one who knows more about the world, as the man. It’s an outdated view and it’s one that he doesn’t really want to admit out loud, but he enjoys the idea of a partner who will revere him and allow him full control.
He wants to be loved and cherished, and in return for a love like this, he’ll do his best to provide for and take care of his darling in every way he possibly can – so really, if his darling knows what’s best for them, they’ll step back and let him make all the tough decisions.
They’ll nod and smile and agree with whatever he chooses, pressing a kiss against his cheek and telling him how much they trust him, how they know he’d never hurt them, how he only wants what’s best for them.
Just the thought makes something warm swell in his stomach, the level of trust making him feel wanted, needed, a concept so foreign that it almost feels wrong. But oh, how he likes it.
But in a very, very strange way – a lot of what fuels Enji’s obsession is this desperate, innate need to right his wrongs. He’s very, very aware of how thoroughly he ruined his family, how horribly he treated Rei, how he was a poor excuse of a father and husband, and he sees his love with you as almost being his second try. With you, he can do all the things he should have done with Rei and his children – he should have been sweet and loving, a present father that cared about each of his children equally. He should have been a doting husband, spoiling his wife and making her feel loved and desired.
But he didn’t, and although Rei has long since divorced him, Enji finds himself feeling lonely, incomplete, restless to try again, to properly provide for a sweet little thing he can call his own. And this is where you come in – and from the moment he realizes his feelings for you are more than a simple attraction, he dives in head-first.
He decides he'll approach everything with you in a way as opposite from his previous marriage as possible – he's all grand, romantic gestures, always showing up with a bouquet of flowers in hand and just the slightest pink tint on his scarred cheeks.
The grand, romantic gestures are, of course, merely things he’s seen in rom-coms; the women always look happy when the love interest swoops in with flowers and gifts and pretty clothing, the beaming smile and large hug the man gets as a reward seeming very, very appealing to Enji, despite his rigid exterior.
(Just the thought of you hugging him has his heart racing – it’s something so intimate, so entirely new that it makes every nerve in his body stand on edge, a shiver running up his spine as he imagines the way your body would feel pressed against his, how you’d sigh and sink further against him, how you’d squeeze him and god, the view he’d get when he looks down to see your body pressed so tightly against him that not even a breath of air could separate you -)
He’s scouring through women’s magazines, burying his nose in the glossy pages and searching for ideas and clues as to what women enjoy as courting gifts.
(He has to scoff under his breath every time he sees a new dieting tip or regiment, internally frowning and worrying that you’re seeing these ads and potentially obsessing over your weight. The last thing he’d want is for you to be unhappy with your body – certainly not when he’s so very happy with it. Not to mention the nutritionally heinous foods the magazine recommends – he’d sooner have you eat raw paper than follow this ludicrous advice.)
He’s even caving and very, very awkwardly asking his female sidekicks and employees at his agency about their tips on how to seduce a woman. He struggles to make eye contact with them when he asks, his imposing figure almost reminding them of a shy, nervous teenage boy with the way he’s so earnest about his question, his eyes lighting up when they mention an idea he hasn’t tried yet, pressing them for details and specifics and you must tell me what to say to her – how does one follow up gifting a puppy?
It would be sweet, really, how devoted he is to making sure that you’re absolutely spoiled, that you get a whole variety of lavish gifts designed to sweep you off your feet. It would be wonderful, really, except that Enji has never understood the concept of being too much – which is how everything will start to feel very, very early on in this process.
 It was nice at first to receive a fresh bouquet of roses every morning at your desk with a handwritten card attached. (Written in impeccable handwriting, the cursive letters looping and elegant as they spell out short, simple, sweet messages signed with a capital E at the bottom, reading please make sure to eat enough today and that skirt looks lovely on you.)
 It was nice at first, but after the second week of daily bouquets and even a few finding their way to the doorstep of your apartment, the sight of the pretty red flowers makes a sinking feeling swirl in your gut.
(Enji notices this, dismayed and frustrated by your lack of a positive response, and decides to double down and just gift you bigger flowers, because maybe your lack of joy at receiving the bouquets is because they aren’t big enough, aren’t grandiose enough, aren’t good enough.)
It was nice to get the cute, small stuffed bunny on your desk one morning, and you’d even grown so fond of the little thing that you perched it on the edge of your desk, assuming it was a one-time gift. But it wasn’t – the stuffed animals kept coming, getting bigger and more detailed and much, much more expensive, you’re sure.
(Enji is careful to remove each and every price tag on every gift he sends you, simply because he doesn’t want you to feel that you owe him financially, nor does he want you to be swayed into accepting him as your partner by mere economic standing – that’s an asset that you’ll come to know, of course, but he’d rather lure you in via more traditional ways. It doesn’t exactly stay secret, though, because once the necklace with a delicate array of at least five diamonds in it arrives at your front door, your secret admirer’s wealth becomes very, very difficult to hide.)
He’s gifting you jewelry with more precious jewels and gold and silver than you could possibly wear, and outfitting your closet with all kinds of dresses and skirts out of materials and cuts you could never hope to afford for yourself.
(And, of course, they’re all tailored to fit you perfectly – how Enji managed to get your exact sizes is still a question that haunts you, one that makes you scared to upon the nicely wrapped boxes that you find in excess outside your front door.)
It’s all just too damn much – Enji is suffocating with his attempts to woo you, his every gift and gesture leaving you feeling uncomfortable. What he’s trying to do is very, very obvious – and it feels wrong. He’s the number one hero, a busy man with much more important things to be doing – so why is he going after you? And why with such ferocity?
His forwardness will scare you off, driving you to avoid him and grow suspicious of his motives, and Enji does not like this development. This wasn’t supposed to happen – you’re supposed to want him, to be seduced by all of his efforts, to be swept off your feet and swooned by his gifts and words (delivered with the grace of a garbage truck, of course, but the sentiment is there – even if looking at your pretty face distracts him, all the words leaving his head and making him stand there gaping like a fool).
 Enji doesn’t like it, and so he presses harder, stepping up the frequency and volume of his gifts, only effectively pushing you further and further away from him as you grow more uneased and unsettled. And if you were to confront him about it?
Well, this is where his controlling tendencies come into play – denying who he naturally is can only last for so long, and despite being a man with superb self-restraint, the moment that Enji feels you’re slipping from his fingers he’s morphing back into the man that commands your every move.
Suddenly he’s no longer presenting you with the newest shampoo you’ve been talking about (it’s salon grade, the best stuff out there, and much too expensive, but not for Enji – nothing is too expensive for him when it’s for you) but rather letting this expression wash over his face, one that you’ve never seen before.
It’s cold, remarkably so; his lips are pressed tightly together, his brows perfectly straight, those eyes lifeless as he tells you to stop fighting, go inside and change into the green dress I gave you last week. We’re going for dinner, and you’ll order the house salad and a slice of chocolate cake for dessert. Do you understand me?
 It’s weird and unexpected and scary, and it’ll have you immediately stuttering out a yes and scurrying inside, too frightened to disobey. And really, while Enji winces every time he does this, eventually he finds himself trying to justify it as simply ensuring your relationship will last.
Obviously it’s not good that he has to force you into these small, minor, inconsequential things (like going on a date with him or letting him accompany you home afterwards), but this is different from with Rei – you want this, right? You’re just too shy to tell him how flattered you are about all the attention he’s giving you.
You’re just playing coy, acting on your age-old feminine instincts to make men chase after you, to be demure and make your partner work for your affection and love. And eventually, Enji will convince himself that this is different, he’s wooing you and getting you into a relationship with him willingly – you want him.
You practically love him already – things are going well. They’re successful.
They have to be.
And so, while Enji doesn’t mean to be controlling, the end results is that although he plays the nice guy that spoils you and gives you anything your heart desires, at the end of the day he is the one in charge, and he is the one dictating your relationship.
And really, what can you do to stop him? He’s strong, both physically and with the general population – one word from him and you’d be hunted for like a madman, ostracized from the community, brought back to him like a pup to its owner.
You belong with him, and it’s his job to make you see that – even if you want to remain blind.
Enji Todoroki doesn’t share. Once he decides that he wants you, you become unequivocally his.
Sure, he wants to do things a bit differently with you and get you to harbor more loving feelings towards him, but from the moment his infatuation forms you don’t really have a choice in the matter.
 You can pretend like you do, if it makes you feel better (and it will, because at least you can pretend that you have even an ounce of control in the relationship, that you aren’t just some adorable little thing he’s decided he wants hanging off his arm and warming his bed), but at the end of the day you’re subject to Enji’s whims.
And although Enji lets you harbor this fantasy of your relationship being truly consensual, the moment something occurs that threatens it, his true colors are shown. Namely, when he thinks your attention is veering away from him, his jealousy and anger become difficult to keep in check, his quirk acting up and letting off small sparks and flames all along his body. His fists clench and his jaw tightens when he sees another man around you, and although he tries to rationalize that the man likely doesn’t want anything to do with you, just simply being in your presence is enough to make Enji suspicious.
Even if the man isn’t talking to you or acknowledging you in any way, he’s anxious – he’s scared that something about this man will attract you, that you’ll somehow find him better than Enji.
Maybe the man is friendlier – Enji’s aware that he isn’t exactly the most approachable person on the planet.
Maybe he's funnier – Enji knows he can’t crack a joke to save his life.
Maybe he’s a better conversationalist – less formalities and awkwardness, able to get you laughing so hard you snort.
It makes Enji’s skin crawl, his knuckles turning white from how hard he’s fisting his hands, and before long he will intervene. He’ll grab you as gently as he can on the elbow, guiding you carefully but quickly away to the other side of the room and physically maneuvering so that his body is blocking your sight of the man – and more importantly, blocking his sight of you.
He’ll try to talk with you, trying to distract you and get your mind off of the other man, all in an effort to get your attention back on him. He’s reminding you that you have him, that you don’t need some other man, that you already have one who’s capable of providing for you and caring for you as you deserve.
Frankly, he discovers just how deeply his feelings for you run in a situation where jealousy gets the best of him – you’d been approached at a small gathering by a man from another agency who was clearly hitting on you. He was leaning in close, smiling with a smarmy smirk and nursing on his cocktail like a lifeline.
Enji had noticed the two of you out of the corner of his eye, and immediately he’d gone stiff. He couldn’t stop staring at the way the man kept getting gradually closer to you, how he kept leaning in further, how his hand slid from his pocket to your shoulder, then your arm, down to your hand and oh, oh god, it looks like he’s bringing it down to your waist –
Enji had been by your side in mere moments, his gaze card and harsh as he’d stepped in front of you, making some poorly toned excuse about needing to speak with you for a moment, before unceremoniously dragging you away from the stupefied man.
From that day, Enji absolutely refuses to allow anyone close to you. And really, can he be blamed? After all, he fell for you, so why wouldn’t anyone else? You’re beautiful and caring, smart and dignified, and if he can see your potential as a lovely, perfect little wife, surely others can too.
And so, Enji ramps up his controlling tendencies the more he’s presented with situations where the green-eyed monster accompanies him. And this control takes its main form through financials – that is, while Enji originally didn’t want to attract you to him via his material wealth, he decides it’s a necessary evil in order to have you staying by his side only.
He starts ‘forgetting’ to peel off the price tags of the gifts he gives you, pretending not to notice how your eyes practically bug out of your head when you unbox the pink pendant he’d bought for you.
He starts inviting you out for lunches and dinners more often, ordering for you and choosing the most expensive items off the menu despite your numerous pleas that you’ll opt for something – anything – cheaper.
(It’s frustrating, too, because as angry as you want to be at him for ordering for you, he always chooses something you end up liking – of course it’s because he’s done extensive research and stalking, finding out your favorite foods and what flavors you dislike, but it all seems like one large, awfully strange coincidence to you.)
Exerting financial control over you keeps you complacent, because the guilt you’ll feel at how much money he’s sinking into you will have you following his every word, even if it his commands are a little strange and off-putting – like spending less time with any male friends (or really any friends for that matter) or slipping the small photograph of him into your purse (it’s weird and you do so hesitantly, making sure the polaroid is at the bottom of the bag – and trying to ignore the way his muscles are oh-so fucking defined in the tight black shirt he’s sporting in the photograph).
It’s all just a big ploy to keep you from running off with some other man – but really, if you somehow did manage to do that, Enji won’t be particularly merciful. He will be cornering the man as he leaves your apartment and he will be holding him by the neck against the cold concrete wall, threatening him to leave you alone or experience the rather unpleasant sensation of burning alive.
It’s not particularly heroic, but Enji doesn’t care – he can’t, not when the threat of you leaving him for another man is very much present and real. It’s too scary, too much for him to handle – it would mean you rejecting him, his second fuck-up in love, and the loss of someone who fits absolutely every one of his desires in a woman.
You’re too perfect for him to lose – so instead, he’ll own you.
He will never admit it, but there’s this part of Enji that grows stronger day by day, every time he sees your face, that tells him in the most raw, real way that he absolutely needs you.
He’s essentially lost what he had of his family, and with the sharp uptake in responsibility as the new number one hero, the new symbol of modern peace, Enji finds himself turning to you in his time of need, in his more vulnerable moments.
Because really, though his exterior is tough and jaded, he’s only human – he too needs someone to love, someone to hold and latch onto, and latch he does. You’re his, and he expects you to understand that even if he doesn’t verbalize it.
He cherishes your very existence, each and every thing you do, finding you to be remarkably weak yet remarkably endearing, your inability to defend yourself simultaneously adorable and frustrating. He needs you to realize that you’re his everything; his whole reason for living now, even if he doesn’t give you many clues into this.
He isn’t the best at expressing his emotions, and although the love and desperation he feels for you is constantly overwhelming him, overflowing from his chest and making him dizzy, he doesn’t articulate just how deeply these feelings run.
Of course he’ll tell you how you’re beautiful, or that you’re my responsibility to protect, but he’ll also say significantly less romantic things like how you belong to him, how he's never letting you out that front door, how he’ll never let those disgusting, filthy villains touch something as perfect as you.
He thinks it’s sweet and exactly what you want to hear, but it’s not – it’s scary and strange and weird, but these are your biggest clues as to his dependence on you.He won’t tell you, but his expectations for you are honestly monumentally high; he wants you to be his perfect little wife, everything that Rei wasn’t, and this includes giving you every ounce of his love.
He wants you to be diligently cooking him hearty meals, keeping the house tidy and clean for the two of you, to be massaging his shoulders while he relaxes from a stressful day at work. (Hell, he even wants you to wear cute little aprons, collars with his name stitched onto them, those maternity/breast feeding bras before you’re even pregnant…)
He wants a domestic fantasy with you, and this extends to other, more vulnerable things as well. He expects you to embrace him as he walks through the door everyday returning home, to give him a light peck on the cheek and ask about his day, to let him hug you from behind and kiss your neck as you slave away over the stove.
He never really got the chance to do such loving things with Rei (not that he particularly wanted to), and as a result he honestly feels like he’s having to make up time, that he needs to be taking every single ounce of affection and love you can possibly give him, and he’ll feel no guilt at all.
He won’t outright ask you to cuddle him, but when he sits on the large, overstuffed leather couch and stares at you expectantly, you’ll quickly learn to run over to him and snuggle up into his side, to bury your face into his chest and wrap your arms and legs around him even if his body heat cooks you alive.
He won’t ever explicitly ask you to give him those fluttery, soft morning kisses he’s seen all the time in terrible corny rom-coms he religiously watched for inspiration while trying to court you, but the moment you smile sleepily at him and press a kiss against his lips while you holds you close in the morning glow?
God, it’s in those moments that he wants to give you absolutely everything he has – every part of his body, soul and heart, every single cent he owns, every piece of fame and fortune he’s ever amassed.
Enji just wants to please you, and although he comes off as an odd mix of demanding yet generous, terrifying yet strangely awkward, inside his heart is hammering against his ribcage every time you so much as smile at him, every time you so much as look at him. In the hazy afterglow of a round of passionate morning sex (in which you’ve realized that fighting will get you nowhere – it’ll only earn you an Enji that’s more frantic and desperate to get you moaning and crying out his name), when he latches onto your smaller, exhausted and sweaty body, pressing you as tightly against him as possible, sometimes his demeanor will crack.
He’ll lean down to deeply inhale the scent of your hair, to watch the way your chest rises and falls, and he’ll whisper in the softest of voices that he loves you, you’re the light of his world. He doesn’t know what he’d do without you, but Enji is hellbent on never finding out – after all, there is no chance of escape with him, and he’s sure you’ll learn your place soon.
After all, pretty, submissive girls like you always do.
Enji is, regrettably, terrible at hiding his jealousy.
He’s always been in a constant state of envy, whether it was vying for the top spot in the heroing world against All Might, desiring the perfect offspring in order to have the Todoroki name and himself live on, and countless other examples. He’s prideful and so fucking jealous of everyone around him, and this is only heightened when it comes to you – his possessiveness over you is nothing to sneeze at, and the minute he feels that your attention is threatened, that you could possibly be yearning for another?
He’s wasting no time stepping in, mercilessly shutting down each and every opportunity you could possibly have of being with anyone other than himself.
As much as he’s loathe to admit it, his jealousy and possessiveness stems from a place of insecurity; he’s aware that he’s by no means the perfect partner, and he rationally knows that you could do much, much better than him.
And so, as a sort of panic-induced response, Enji decides that you simply aren’t allowed to interact with any other men – this way, you aren’t presented with the opportunity to even let the feelings form. And he’s diligent with this theory, too – he’s always standing near you, acting as your shadow with watchful, hawk-like eyes trained on your figure.
He’s never been the best at reading people, but he’s able to tell from miles away when someone approaches you with intentions that are less than innocent, and immediately his lips are thinning, his brows furrowing, his entire body temperature raising by five degrees because you’re his, and this piece of scum disguised as a man obviously doesn’t realize this.
He’s your guardian angel in many ways (though really, he takes the guardian portion much too far – even men who have no romantic intentions with you are viewed as potential threats, shooed away with a vengeance that will make them too afraid to even think about you without imagining themselves engulfed in flames), though at times it will make you feel more than a little patronized.
It’s as if he doesn’t trust you – you don’t really have a relationship, at least in your eyes, but you know the number one hero wants something more than friendship with you. And so, you do your best to avoid evoking his anger and wrath by not romantically involving yourself with another man – and yet that’s not enough for Enji.
It can’t be, simply because as pretty and sweet and smart as you may be, Enji will always know better. It’s a controlling tendency and a mildly sexist view, but he thinks of you as his doting, loving housewife-to-be, and it’s the man’s job to make these sorts of decisions.
You’re just too sweet and outgoing for your own good – you’ll get mixed up in all sorts of trouble if you’re not careful, and lucky little you has someone like Enji to watch out for you and make sure your pretty head has nothing to worry about. And so, Enji sticks to you like glue, warding off potential suitors with grueling stares and a presence and reputation too strong to ignore.
Enji’s day had been long, and one of those days that made him seriously question his abilities as a hero. A villain had managed to trick him, and although Enji had of course eventually arrested the perpetrator, his deception had led to a lot of wasted time and more damage to surrounding buildings than was acceptable.
His head was pounding, his body still feeling overly hot from all of the fighting, and though not normal, he’d decided he was done for the day and left the rest of the agency’s calls to his sidekicks. Leaving early had felt almost freeing in a way, the world looking a bit different with all this extra time – walking down the sidewalk, Enji scanned the windows of each shop he passed.
As per usual, you’d been on his mind all day – flashes of your face sitting just behind his eyelids, your name just a hair away on his tongue, the feeling of your phantom touch sending shivers down his spine. It was irritating, distracting, heavenly, and with each window he passed, he kept an eye out for anything you might like.
He’d gotten you a pretty tea cup set yesterday, and although you’d been hesitant and visibly uncomfortable at receiving such a gift (the set was very, very obviously expensive, the marbled china too perfect and pristine to have costed anything less than a year’s worth of your salary), Enji was eager to gift you something that would be received better today.
Streets passed by, nothing quite suiting his vision for what you deserved – he’d need something more subtle today, something simple and sweet and something he knows you like – The confectionary is small, with swirling black letters over a baby pink banner spelling out the name of the store. The windows are lined with all sorts of chocolates and candies, all wrapped up in pretty, ornate packaging that makes Enji immediately pick up his pace, practically storming into the small shop.
It smells like vanilla and sugar as the door shuts behind him, and although it makes him wince, he knows you’d love it. Shelves nearly as tall as him line the shop in narrow rows, displaying all sorts of sweets that he’s never heard of before – caramels, gumdrops, chocolates, lollipops, anything and everything under the sun.
He’s only been in the store for roughly five minutes, staring at a collection of truffles with furrowed brows and a downward curl of his lip when he hears a small laugh over the gentle, happy classical music playing quietly over the speakers. Immediately he’s perking up – the laugh sounds familiar; the lilt of it, the tonality, the soft intake of breath right after it stops.
His lips part, eyes going wide, and before he can even really control himself he’s rushing towards the source of the noise, his entire face growing warm when he sees you – you’re at the register, a few candies sitting on the wooden slab, your purse in hand as you fish for presumably your wallet.
You look gorgeous today – you’re wearing a shirt he’s never seen before and your favorite pair of jeans (the ones that make your ass look so, so very perfect – perfect to squeeze at, to grope and touch and smack and press himself against…), and although he’s briefly disappointed that you aren’t wearing an item of clothing that he’d gifted you, he notices the clerk all too soon.
The clerk – Hyoshi, his nametag says – is smiling at you. He’s all teeth, a grin that makes the hairs on the back of Enji’s neck stand up, his nostrils flaring because you’d been laughing, and it must be this man’s doing. This man, who’s visibly weak even under the ridiculous confectionary uniform he’s sporting – arms that couldn’t hope to lift even a fraction of what Enji can, a chest that isn’t ruggedly defined like the hero’s, and a stature that’s frankly pathetic compared to the frame of the redheaded man behind you.
Enji’s angry, and as the man opens his mouth to presumably say something else (potentially something that’ll make you laugh again), his words die on his tongue as he glances behind you to see the behemoth of a man who’s quite literally acting as your shadow.
His eyes widen and immediately he’s stuttering out a w-welcome in, Endeavor! At that, your shoulders go stiff, your mouth parting into an adorable little ‘o’ that Enji can practically see in his head, and you slowly turn around.
Oh, hello Endeavor, aren’t you normally on patrol right now?
Enji’s jaw works, and although a small part of him is pleasantly surprised that you’d remembered his patrol shift, your words only serve to further frustrate him. You knew it was his time on the clock – and yet, you’d still ventured out into the heart of downtown, completely on your own, defenseless except for the measly, very sad pepper spray you keep in that worn purse of yours – both of which he keeps pleading with you to let him replace.
(He’ll get you new pepper spray and a taser and a pocketknife, just because he knows how dangerous these streets can be, and with your pretty face and your pretty body he’s sure villains would be lining out the door to get a taste of you. And of course, the new bag – he’s bought you plenty, in a wide variety of styles and colors, each gift getting more and more desperate to be the one you finally deem as being good enough to use, but alas.)
Enji doesn’t even bother with a greeting, instead stepping up to the counter, slamming down his credit card and stepping in front of you. I’ll be paying for her sweets. His voice is cold, firm, and sends the clerk into a scurry to process the transaction, meanwhile you’re staring in mild shock from behind the hero.
Of course you’re not surprised – how can you be, when he insists on spoiling you in every possible way? And yet the raw animosity he’s radiating right now can’t be ignored – you get the feeling as if you’re somehow in trouble, though you can’t figure out what for. As soon as the card reader beeps, Enji’s scooping up the card and your sweets, his thick fingers wrapping around your wrist just barely too tightly and marching out the door, telling the clerk over his shoulder to keep the receipt.
It takes every bone in his body to not turn back around and swing at the man behind the counter, his eyes shutting tightly in concentration as he tells himself that it’s not worth it, the media will find out, your reputation will be damaged. But as his eyes peel open and he realizes the way you’re squirming in his grip, he only sighs and releases you, those teal eyes of his appraising you with a frown.
You’re feeling guilty again, unsure of yourself as you gently rub your wrist, and for a moment Enji feels regret – did he hurt you? He hadn’t meant to, he’d just been angry and it was already hard enough to not harm the man who’d made you laugh, and surely you’d understand that he didn’t mean to –
You break the silence before he can voice his concerns, clearing your throat and thanking him in a meek voice. Enji merely nods, a small grunt your only response as he begins walking again, your sweets – and your purse – firmly in his hands, just so that you won’t have to carry them.
When you don’t immediately follow him, Enji pauses, looking back over his shoulder with a brow cocked.
What? Follow me – we have dinner reservations this evening, at that new seafood restaurant by the harbor. Fuyumi tells me it’s quite good; order the crab legs and the caviar.
There’s no room for disagreement in his tone, and for a moment you just blankly gape at him, the situation too strange for you to really process.
But all too soon his eyes are narrowing, and you’re practically tripping over your feet to follow him, keeping your gaze cast downwards as Enji’s hand rests on the small of your back, guiding you even though there’s not a civilian in sight on the desolated sidewalk he leads you down.
Honestly, Enji is complicated as a yandere; there’s a part of him that knows that there are aspects of his relationship with you that mirror that of his previous marriage. He knows that although you may not be treated as terribly (and that you have more purpose to him than simply an incubator), you’re still trapped, essentially a slave to his will.
And yet, as time passes and his dependence on you grows stronger, he can’t help but justify his actions, deciding that yes, you may be stuck with him, but at least he spoils you rotten with your favorite foods, expensive clothing and jewels, an unlimited supply for each and every hobby you may have. He may have you trapped between a rock and a hard place in terms of leaving him, but at least he genuinely loves you - he aches to spend time with you, to hold you in his arms, to feel your heartbeat against his ear, your lips against his, your body writhing below his.
He’s convinced himself that this time is different, that you’re different, and as such he eventually decides that it’s really in both your best interests to just relocate you, to get you officially by his side. It’s really paranoia that drives this decision – he’s a working hero and a man with many, many enemies, and so it’s really the only option that keeps you safe.
Stealing you away into his private home – he’s the sole inhabitant, aside from a cleaner or two, since moving out of the Todoroki household – is the best option for a multitude of different reasons. You’re safer this way – the state-of-the-art security systems he’s installed around the estate are the best money can pay for, able to detect intruders and any suspicious activity in the blink of an eye. Enemies don’t have much of a chance of getting inside, and even if they had managed to, Enji will be right there to burn them to a crisp for even daring to get close to his beloved.
And even aside from outside threats, keeping you trapped at home will allow him to keep an eye on you and make sure that you don’t accidentally hurt yourself – you’re ridiculously clumsy to him, your every action having him hold his breath slightly in anticipation, in fear that you’ll somehow trip or fall or bruise your pretty skin. Plus, this way he’ll know that you’re eating healthily and in the right quantities, that you’re getting proper exercise, that you’re relaxing as you should, that you’re spending adequate amounts of time in the interior courtyard he’d prepared in preparation for you.
(It’s beautiful, as loathe as you are to admit it – all kinds of flowers bloom along the walkways, bamboo and tall grasses and trees growing in neat lines and providing shade for the flowerbeds on hot summer days. There’s even a small stream flowing through it, the gentle trickling noise almost enough to cancel out the painful silence that exists between you and Enji when he decides to join you for your scheduled garden time in the afternoons – uninvited, as always, and yet still unable to sense how desperately you wish you’d get these times alone to yourself.)
Aside from your safety, keeping you in his home helps feeds into his domestic fantasies of the two of you – you’re so very precious to him, and from nearly the beginning of his obsession with you, he’s always viewed you as the perfect wife – specifically, the perfect housewife.
He’s a traditional man, believing in traditional gender roles, and although he doesn’t view you as being less-than based upon your status as a woman, he does expect certain things from you. He’s the breadwinner, the strong, capable one who provides you with a roof over your head, food, and any gift under the sun the moment you make even the slightest inclination of wanting it.
And in return, you’re to be his caring, nurturing wife – the one who keeps the house neat and tidy, a room dedicated to only cleaning supplies that you get always stay stocked and ready for you, should you become inspired and wish to fulfill this domestic fantasy of his. The cleaning products are all diluted down to a level that wouldn’t be dangerous if you were to ingest them – you’d get sick, surely, but it’s nothing a home-trip from a doctor who’s been sworn to secrecy can’t handle.
There’s also, unfortunately, a drawer within the room that a particularly bored you had one day opened only to immediately slam it shut. Dozens of cleaning outfits sat neatly folded in the drawer, the black and white getups looking much too tight and much too short. A few weeks later you’d returned to the drawer, bored out of your mind while Enji was away at work, peeling one out with careful and trembling fingers. And of course, to no one’s surprise, the outfit fit like a fucking glove – hugging your curves and accentuating them, the skirt full and flouncy and very easy to flip up, the bustline practically choking your breasts with how tightly the black cotton pressed them together. You’d changed out of it shortly after, the rather disturbing and shameful fleeting question of whether this was the type of thing Enji liked making you too disgusted, guilty, and bashful to really consider.
In his idealized domestic world, you’d cook for him, too, but it takes a very long time for him to trust you enough to not purposefully burn or cut yourself in the kitchen. He has daydreams about coming home from a hectic work day to see you standing over the stove in a cute apron, humming some song and lighting up when you hear the door open and close, his announcement of being home making you practically bounce on your heels.
He wants to have you cook for him, to see you slave in the kitchen putting every ounce of your concentration and time into making him a meal you know he’ll enjoy, but that fantasy has to wait for the time being – just until he thinks you’ve finally lost that rebellious streak of yours, just until you finally come to realize that you belong by Enji’s side.
And so, in the meantime he’ll have you make him small things that hold little potential for you to hurt yourself with – simple sandwiches with pre-sliced ingredients, so that you won’t cut yourself chopping tomatoes or slicing bread. He'll have you prepare a sandwich for him and one for yourself, too, ordering you to sit down at the dining table with him and share a meal – though the conversation is hard to come by, and each attempt he makes at starting it is only met with single word answers from you.
(Another domestic fantasy he harbors but would never tell you about is to have you sitting with him at the table, looking at him with those pretty eyes and your voice dropping to a sultry volume, your chopsticks bringing the food you diligently and loving prepared for him up to his lips, your tone teasing as you tell him to open wide! He’d keep eye contact the whole time he chews, never once breaking it as he tells you in that low, gruff voice of his that it’s perfectly done, the seasoning is impeccable. He wants you to be bashful, to smile and hide it with your hand, your lashes fluttering as you glance at him then back to the food again, too shy to say much but your body language showing just how much his praise effects you, just how good it feels to be the center of his attention, the apple of his eye, his absolute everything.)
He wants you to be his sweet housewife, and although he won’t force you into any of the work, it’s extremely obvious what he wants of you – he’s always telling you about when you get adjusted, how you’ll be more open to fulfilling your role.
When you’re more adjusted, you’ll be happy to iron his clothes; perhaps you’ll spritz a bit of the perfume he buys you onto his shirts, just as a reminder of you during his long days.
(As if he needs a reminder – certainly not, when you’re on his mind nearly every minute of the day.)
When you’re more adjusted, you’ll be pleased to see the positive pregnancy test in your trembling hands, your voice riddled with joy as you announce the good news to him, watching him drop the phone and keys in his hand and instead hoist you into the air, spinning you with a grin on his face so bright it nearly blinds you, concluded with a passionate kiss and a few tears on his cheeks because he just can’t fucking wait to have you as the mother of his child.
It’s all this talk of ‘when this’ and ‘when that’, but the strange thing about Enji as a captor is that he’s incredibly patient with seeing these fantasies come to fruition – sure, he may be forcing you into being a housewife just as he did with Rei, but this is different – you get a choice about some of it, unlike her. You don’t have to do the dishes, but you can if you’d like. You don’t have to bear his children, but you can if you’d like.
(And frankly, it’ll be hard not to – once your need for human contact and your strange, mixed feelings for him grow, you’ll eventually give into his requests for intimacy, and once the floodgates are open, you will end up pregnant from the sheer frequency and volume at which he pumps you full of his cum.)
All that being said, life as Enji’s captive will honestly not be too terrible – he’s still following you around the house like a shadow, but he’ll let you sleep in your own bed at the start, let you have your own bedroom and bathroom, and he won’t even force you into spending time with him at the beginning.
Because really, as tortuous and painful as keeping you away from him is, he repeats the mantra over and over in his head that eventually it’ll be worth it – eventually you’ll see things his way, and eventually you’ll come to see just how deeply his feelings for you run. You’ll realize that he’s only ever loved you, that he cares for you more than any other man possibly could, that he only has your best interests at heart – that’s why he always swung by your apartment at the end of his patrols, peering in at you through your windows, just to make sure you were safe and sound.
That’s why he kidnapped you, to ensure your safety and keep you in the arms of the only man truly capable of providing for you, just as you deserve.
That’s why he’ll never let you escape him, no matter how you beg and plead for your freedom – you don’t understand the outside world like he does. You think you do, but each villain he arrests is a nail in the coffin of your freedom – you have no fucking clue how dangerous the world is, and Enji isn’t hesitant to remind you of this.
You’re unhappy with him? Well, your options are here, in his warm house where he’s willing to give you every ounce of his attention, love, and touch, or out in the big, scary world where women like you are easy targets for men who love destroying easy targets.
So really, you’re in the best hands with Enji – he knows how to take care of you, and he’ll spoil you with every possible treasure you could want. What’s not to be happy about?
As a general rule, Enji doesn’t ‘do’ punishments. Because he views his relationship with you as his second try at finding a companion, there is no part of him that actively desires to hurt you. He loves you, in some sick, twisted way that’s much too obsessive and desperate to ever be considered healthy, but it’s still love nonetheless.
And as such, Enji does genuinely want your relationship to be as wholesome and sweet as possible; he wants you to want him, to actively choose to spend your time with him, to want to be in his presence every moment of every day. He wants everything to be as perfect as possible – the idealized life, a life where he’s the number one hero coming home to his lovely wife who cherishes him and he cherishes in return.
And so, when you do something that doesn’t quite line up with this fantasy, Enji is understandably upset. Why can’t you just accept that this is your reality now? Why do you insist on fighting him, even when you know you won’t win? How could you?
He’s Enji Todoroki, Endeavor the Flame Hero, and you’re just you. You’re pretty, of course, and smart and sweet and caring, but you’re still just you. There’s nothing you can do against someone like him – which is why Enji is able to excuse your poor behavior most of the time.
He understands; it’s difficult to accept that you’re weak and powerless, and he understands that when you lash out and act out, you’re just expressing frustration and fear at being taken care of so wholly and completely by someone so much stronger than you. It must be scary, after all – Enji can be so intimidating and he knows it, so he’ll try his absolute best to calm down anytime his anger starts to flare.
The last thing he wants to do is harm you, and he wants everything in your relationship to be as different as possible from that with Rei – and hurting you in any way would too closely resemble his previous marriage, ruining the beautiful illusion he can live under with you.
And so, most of the time Enji is able to grit his teeth and shut his eyes, letting the anger subside by telling himself about all the wonderful things about you – things that always get him feeling calmer, that make the buzzing sensation in his head and the suffocating feeling of anger dissipate. Nine times out of ten, he’s able to calm himself down this way – and if that’s not enough, normally exiting the room and getting a breath of fresh air is enough. He’ll tell himself that he absolutely cannot fall into the same habits he did with Rei – you’re different, you’re special, and he’ll calm himself down as often as he needs to in order to avoid being seen by you as the big, scary man who will hurt you if you disobey him.
Thus, getting Enji angry enough to the point where he can’t simply calm himself down is actually quite difficult – generally, this involves you hurting yourself. Most other things he can twist into seeming not so bad, rather just being you not having adjusted to life as his woman quite yet. He can write off your escape attempts as you still clinging to this ludicrous sense of independence you seem so hellbent on keeping.
Attempts to harm him can be discarded as your misplaced sense of anger at your situation, because although in your heart of hearts he’s sure you’re happy to be in your natural familial setting (as the wife of a strong, capable man of course), you’ve confused yourself by trying to reject something that’s just so right.
Of course these events don’t make him happy, but they’re able to be disregarded – but when your blood is drawn by your own accord, even Enji can’t pretend this is something else. This is you purposefully trying to injure yourself, purposefully trying to show him that you aren’t happy, that you don’t want this – an idea that makes him panic, that sends his fists clenching, that gets him pacing and his mind racing as he tries to figure out how to set you straight without harming you. And so, Enji eventually decides that after he cleans up your injury, rather than simply hitting you
and physically showing you that he won’t stand for this sort of misbehavior, he has to be more restrictive with you. He won’t be so lenient for the days following your bad behavior – you won’t be so spoiled, your rights won’t be so freely handed to you.
You must understand that Enji is charge, and that he’s being generous and loving and kind by allowing you such free reign around your shared home. Really, he doesn’t need to be so generous – and he’ll teach you that an angry Enji is much, much worse than the normal doting, lovesick Enji you’re used to.
Enji is frozen as he opens the front door. He’d come home a bit early from running some errands, the groceries in his hand dropping onto the hardwood floors below him. His jaw is dropped a bit, the sight of your bright red blood staining your forearm making a wave of sickness wash over him.
Who did this?
Who could’ve hurt you like this? There’d been no security alerts while he was gone, and there was absolutely no way that you’d left the interior of this house in the two hours he was gone. In the next breath he’s rushing forward into the kitchen, by your side before you can even blink, paying no mind to the way you gasp and stumble away from him, as if you’re afraid of him.
It makes Enji’s chest ache, but the sight of your blood is too distracting for him to focus on the uncomfortable ache. Instead, he’s thrusting your arm under the kitchen sink, the lukewarm water making you wince ever so slightly as it runs over the wound.
Enji’s brows furrow as he examines your arm; the cuts are long, zigzagging in every direction in a way that looks strange, not like any normal attack pattern he’s seen before. This doesn’t look natural, either – not like a regular scratch, not like you just slipped and fell and had unfortunate luck. No, this looks like something else entirely – like something purposeful, like their appearance marring your pretty skin isn’t accidental in the least. It’s only then that Enji sees the glinting silver fork out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the edge of the counter with a bit of red staining the ends.
Immediately his body is freezing, his grip on your arm squeezing tighter as the gears turn in his mind. You must have…
His jaw flexes as he grinds his teeth, those blue eyes of his slanting over to look at you with such intensity and anger that you physically shrink in on yourself. His grip is too firm for you to pull your arm back, Enji absolutely unwilling to let you run away from this.
Did you do this to yourself?
His voice is surprisingly even, given the look on his face, and immediately you’re shaking your head, your entirely body paralyzed with fear. You’ve never seen Enji look this scary before – or at least not towards you.
Your answer only serves to further anger him, it seems, because soon he’s literally snarling, his face twisted up into this ugly look of  rage that’s only heightened by the scar across his eye.
Don’t lie to me, I will always be able to tell when you’re untruthful with me. He pauses, taking a deep breath, his voice just the slightest bit unsteady. Did you do this to yourself?
This time you nod yes, tears prickling at your eyes and starting to spill down your cheeks, and at the sound Enji makes, they only flow faster. He looks like he’s in more pain than you are – his face is red, and a few flames lick up around his shoulders. The heat washes over you, and soon the begs are slipping off your tongue before you can help yourself.
Enji pays you no mind, every ounce of his self-control going towards not slapping you in the face for your blatant stupidity. Soon he’s letting go of your hand, stomping towards the small first aid kit he keeps in the kitchen, entirely silent as he carefully wraps your arm in bandages, not paying your rambling any attention or mind.
As soon as you’re securely bandaged, he leaves the room and you hear the sound of his bedroom door slamming shut reverberating throughout the house.
The rest of the night passes in a blur, with you somehow getting from the floor of the kitchen where you’d laid down and eventually fallen asleep all the way to your bed, with the blankets carefully slotted over your body.
Nothing seems to be amiss the next morning, your footsteps cautious as you approach the bathroom, your brows shooting up when you notice that the counter is completely bare – your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash are all missing, as are all the expensive lotions and facial scrubs Enji normally keeps in piles for your convenience.
The kitchen is empty, too, you notice – the silverware drawer is completely empty, and there are no cups or mugs of any sort in any of the cupboards. It’s unnerving, and immediately you’re getting goosebumps all over your body, the air feeling prickly and cold, as if there’s something lurking that you don’t know about. Biting your lip, you make your way to the table, gingerly sitting down and trying not to jostle the bandages too much – the bandages that had been changed, you distantly notice.
A few minutes later, Enji joins you in the kitchen, his expression not exactly jovial, but not particularly hostile. He greets you as he normally does, before placing the mug you now notice is in his hand under sink. The sound of rushing water gets your mouth watering, not having realized how thirsty you were until this moment.
Wide eyes watch him turn towards you, making his way to your seated figure with slow, heavy steps that get your heart thudding in his chest. He stops right next to you, before telling you to open your mouth. Hesitantly, you do as he says, jerking slightly when his fingertips – always unnaturally warm – cup your chip and bring the cup up to your lips, the water cold as you’re forced to drink it.
Enji watches with neutral eyes, though you see the corner of his lip curl up slightly as you drink the entire glass, the pacing of the water flow nearly too much and nearly choking you. Soon it’s gone, and Enji uses his thumb to wipe at the corner of your lips.
Since yesterday’s little spectacle has shown me that you can’t be trusted with basic household supplies, let me know if you require another drink, if you’d like to brush your teeth, or if you’d like to wash your hair. You obviously can’t do it alone, so I will be joining you. Now, go lay down on the couch. I need to change your wrappings again.
You’re dumbfounded, watching him keep the mug in his grasp as he heads towards the living room. And though the threat seems too extreme, Enji means it – you only last a few hours before you reluctantly ask for another drink, your throat too dry and sore to go without it.
And that night, when you shamefully ask him for your toothbrush, you’re not particularly pleased to find out that he’ll be the one brushing your teeth, using his very own toothbrush to get the job done, just to make sure you don’t even think about trying to choke yourself with the brush.
(And when you finally have to shower, well, Enji’s face turns bright red when you ask, rushing to his feet much too quickly, grasping your hand and practically pulling you to the bathroom before applying all sorts of soaps and scents to the bath he draws for you. His breath is hitched as he turns around so you can change in privacy, but don’t be surprised to see him sneaking glances at your bare body beneath the water’s bubbly surface. Don’t be surprised when later that night you hear a suspiciously rhythmic thumping sound and muffled groans through the wall that  your bedrooms share, the faintest wet, squelching noise accompanying them.)
And, roughly a week later when you wake up to the cups and mugs back in the cupboard and your shampoo back in the shower, you’ll decide against hurting yourself anytime soon. It’s not worth it – not if that’s how you’ll be treated; forced to ask permission for your basic needs.
And Enji couldn’t be more pleased – now you’ll think twice about using that fork again, or anything else for that matter.
(And he can still force you into using his toothbrush – under the guise of furthering your bond and intimacy, of course. And because he’ll use it after you, savoring the feeling of the bristles against his tongue like some sort of drug.)
Enji isn’t necessarily dangerous, but rather inevitable.
He’s a determined man, driven by motivation for his goals, no matter the methods he uses to get there. And once he sets his sights on you, deciding that he wants you, that he loves you, you’re certainly no different – he will have you, and there’s not a single thing you can do about it. He’s a force to be reckoned with, and really, what sway do you have?
He’s a professional hero, known in the public sphere responsible for saving more lives than you could ever hope to, and who are you? You’re just a pretty face, a woman who happened to have the exact set of traits and physical appearance that Enji finds desirable – you have no real way to combat him, and who would believe you, anyway? Enji is the new symbol of peace – as far as the Commission is concerned, he can have whatever the hell he wants, and if that one thing is some civilian, then you can kiss your freedom goodbye.
But really, all things considered, Enji isn’t too terrible – he’s trying desperately to right his wrongs, to love you in a way that prioritizes your happiness and is just better, and although you’re certainly not happy being trapped by his side, he can at least pretend like this is better.
He wants you to be his pretty little thing, to be his housewife and treat him like your devoted, loving husband. He wants you to greet him with a kiss on the lips when he comes home from work, helping him out of his jacket and asking about his day, then lead him into the clean kitchen where you’ve got dinner waiting for him, then join him in the shower and then the bed, letting his hands wander to where they please, then fall asleep on his chest, letting him feel like he’s protecting you even in his sleep.
Is that really so much to ask for? Enji thinks not – besides, isn’t that the dream for you?
All you have to do is let him take care of you, to spoil you with flowers and chocolates and jewelry and all sorts of things that make women swoon. You’ll be spoiled rotten, treated like a goddess, and all you have to do is let Enji make all the decisions for you, to let him take control of your life and your future – it’s better this way, he promises.
This way, you’ll be properly cared for, kept safe and secure and comfortable by his side. You may not see it yet, but Enji is sure this is really what you want – you’ll come around eventually, he’s sure of it.
And if you don’t? Well, at least he’s not a monster, right?
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
I love how you write your yandere alphabets. Can I request one for Minthara from BG3 (romantic please)?
I can try, sure! I haven't been able to play myself... but I did research on overall story and Minthara's personality! I know I'm technically on break, but I wanted to get the BG3 requests done... and I might change my blog status to slow instead as no writing outright has proven to be boring for me -_-"
Yandere Alphabet - Minthara
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Manipulation, Murder, Blood, Kidnapping, Cult mentions, Intimidation mentioned, Slight sadism, Punishments, Restraints, Punishment, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Minthara is cruel, but she feels morally gray... perhaps even mislead due to the Mindflayer Cult. She has killed before as she felt it was what needed to be done. Minthara has a superiority complex as a Drow noble and dislikes the weak.
She uses violence, deception, and cruelty to get what she wants. She's observant of those around her. Despite her nature as a Drow... she'd care for her darling in her own way.
In terms of affection, it's a bit sparse. She can be intimidating but doesn't like the idea of outright harming you for no reason. She comes off as intense... yet knows when to give her beloved physical/verbal affection.
She likes to control her darling but doesn't intend to show them mindless sadism essentially.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Minthara has killed many, violence is also expected of Drow. Safe to say if she feels it will control you or protect you... she'll spill the blood of others. For her, cruelty must have a reason for being done. You're a good enough reason for her.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I have a feeling if Minthara abducted you she'd be mocking at times. Yet she doesn't believe in harming you without purpose. The reason she abducted you was most likely because you caught her eye... and if she's part of the cult still then she needs to find some poor souls to convert.
Despite her intimidating and cruel nature... you can tell she's taken a liking to you. She has a hard time with compassion but promises not to harm you unless she has to. But soon she casts aside her feelings against compassion when the urge to show you affection starts to develop due to her obsession.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Most likely, yes. She's a yandere who likes power towards her darling. Making you comply with her wishes seems like her.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Minthara isn't a very vulnerable character at times. Although, when she begins to give into her obsession more... she does show some desperation towards you.
So she does have some care... but struggles to show softer feelings, especially if you are not a Drow and are used to a softer kind of love.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Amused if not a little irritated. She likes that you won't submit easily and respects that... but overall she prefers to keep control over you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really and she'd show irritation as your attempts at escape. But part of her still adores the fight you have.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Kidnapping and cult conversion if she is still part of it. That or punishments since she can be ruthless if you disobey.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
When it comes to her, maybe to make you a spouse she can control. She'll have you return home with her and give you the affections she knows you want. But she knows that will take time.
Yes, if I'm correct Minthara is known to be jealous at times. She may lash out about it or carefully try to manipulate you to get what she wants.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Controlling, Manipulative, Intimidating, Cold, Ruthless, yet still Caring and Affectionate once she gives into her obsession and makes you hers.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
I assume she originally kidnapped you for various reasons. Yet over time she began to feel something towards you. At first she's in denial... but the thought is so tempting.
Perhaps she should court you...
She needs to court you and make you hers.
Not really, but she's more affectionate and open with you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I imagine punishments would be the time Minthara gets a bit more cruel with you. Perhaps she makes your skin bleed with a blade, restrains you so you have to rely on her... any punishment that makes her feel she has control over you essentially.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Probably as many as she wants.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Surprisingly Minthara is very patient with you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She'd have a hard time moving on, especially if she opened herself up to you. She's had many lovers before... but you were the one she was most attached to. She'd hate to see you leave her one way or another... she's desperate to prevent that.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and probably not.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Upbringing, curiosity, something similar to that.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
She's perplexed on what to do for a moment before offering some sort of advice. She's hesitant to comfort you... but eventually gives in and tries.
You may not like it though.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Not any I can think of, maybe trying to play into her emotions or manipulate her back?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not if she doesn't have to.
Not a worship yandere but would definitely kill anyone who takes you from her.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Doesn't pine for very long, since she probably met you either in battle or abduction.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
She may, yeah. But she prefers you to have some fight.
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lamprophonia · 7 months
》 [ yandere!Jock. ] 《
character intro. masterlist
yan!jock x gn!reader: yandere alphabet. 3227 words. reader referred to as 'you'. cw for general yandere behavior — manipulation, abduction, etc.
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☆ A IS FOR AFFECTION. how do they show their love and affection? how intense would it get?
elijah's feelings are, to his dismay, very intense. he wishes they weren't, he wishes he could brush you off like he can anyone else, but that isn't the case, and he doesn't really know how to deal with that.
he's pretty uncomfortable with the fact that he has genuine feelings for you at all; this was just about winning you over, after all. he feels like he just fell in love with a lab specimen.
he will still show his affection, mostly by taking a near obsessive interest in whatever your hobbies are, but he refuses to call it what it is, insisting that any affectionate gestures mean nothing. he wants to be your partner for the group project because you're new, and he doesn't want you to feel awkward; not because he wants to spend time with you.
elijah is desperate to convince both you and himself that he doesn't care, all while going out of his way to do things for you.
☆ B IS FOR BLOOD. how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
the only problem elijah has with getting messy for darling's sake is that it makes him look like he cares. he'd get more comfortable with it the more comfortable he gets with his own feelings. he doesn't really have any moral objections to it in the first place. generally the type of guy to fix his problems with his fists, so this isn't really out of the ordinary for him.
☆ C IS FOR CRUELTY. how would they treat their darling once abducted? would they mock them?
elijah abducting his darling is an interesting idea in the first place; he'd either do it out of desperation or because he actually got so comfortable with them, he'd be able to just stop caring. either implies reaching some level of instability that would be unfamiliar and strange for him, but i can see it happening.
he wouldn't outright mock his object of fascination, but he definitely would lightly tease them about being so trusting.
you noticed elijah wasn't actually nice as he pretended, you learned he was more than prone to violent outbursts, and you still got close enough for him to be able to abduct you? silly little darling, are you trying to get snatched up by someone?
☆ D IS FOR DARLING. aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
generally shadowing you. outside of the regular stalking you can expect from a yandere, elijah starts to follow you around and acting like the two of you are friends. he's going to insert himself into your life, whether you want it or not.
☆ E IS FOR EXPOSED. how much of their heart do they bare to their darling? how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
absolutely nothing. at first, it's because elijah himself is confused about why he even likes you in the first place, then because he's gone into absolute denial.
yes, he saw someone shove past you in the hallway and wanted to knock their teeth in, but no, that doesn't mean he cares. he's just really passionate about anti-bullying measures in eastview. don't read into it. or into why all of a sudden you have all the same class and extracurriculars together. or into why he keeps running into you.
it doesn't mean anything. stop asking questions.
even if you two get together, he's not going to be in the habit of being emotionally vulnerable with you. he knows there's no hiding from his feelings anymore, but that doesn't mean he's going to start actually acknowledging them.
☆ F IS FOR FIGHT. how would they feel if their darling fought back?
it's funny that you think that will work. elijah regards any attempts at resistance as just... unironically really funny. rejecting him was what got him interested in you in the first place, you really think any continued rejection is going to have the opposite effect? he doesn't even try to hide his amusement. probably drops the "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results" quote on you with a smug smile.
☆ G IS FOR GAME. is this a game to them? how much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
it definitely starts off as a game, or at least a... study. it becomes more serious as time goes on (to elijah's dismay), but still, he would be more entertained than upset with his darling's attempts at escaping. it's almost cute. just... why do you think it's going to work? he's not leaving, and he's made that abundantly clear.
☆ H IS FOR HELL. what would be their darling's worst experience with them?
elijah's persistence. he just plain doesn't care that you don't want him around. he doesn't care how many times you make sure he knows you don't want him around. he's staying, and you can't do anything about it. hell, he finds your constant protests funny.
i would imagine that if it got to the point where you constantly told elijah about how much you don't want him to continue following you, where you made it clear that you hate him (and in return, elijah made it clear he finds that incredibly entertaining), he would just... stop all pretense of normalcy. he wouldn't bother with hiding the stalking and breaking into your house.
no use, if you already hate him, right? get ready to get up some time in the middle of the night to find elijah sitting on his phone, reading a book, or just looking around your room, as he casually reveals he was watching you sleep... and that it definitely wasn't the first time he's done so.
☆ I IS FOR IDEALS. what kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
elijah hasn't thought much about his ideal future with his darling because it'd require him to actually confront his feelings for you, which he avoids like the plague.
he knows the idea of being separated from you or seeing anyone else with you hurts him — causes his hands to shake and his jaw to clench, from anxiety or from anger; he's not exactly sure. the alternative, however, is pulling himself together and not only accepting the fact he's into you but also gathering the courage to ask you out for the second time, which just sounds humiliating, and it's not like he even likes you, so why would he do that, and no, absolutely not, he refuses.
☆ J IS FOR JEALOUSY. do they get jealous? do they lash out or find a way to cope?
elijah's jealousy is the first thing that makes him realize that his feelings for you go beyond a mild fascination. he was fine, hell, he was getting comfortable around you, even thinking he might actually enjoy your presence, to his own surprise– until he saw someone hit on you. the realization hit him. if he didn't like you, why did he want to give whatever poor sap dared flirt with you a bloody nose?
he doesn't lash out at you, at most making some snide comments about how honestly, you could do much, much better (he means himself, please take the hint). his main way of coping with the frustration and anger he feels is pouring it all into sports, so let's hope that whoever he ends up playing against or even practicing with can take getting tackled with all the aggression of an entitled prick like elijah.
☆ K IS FOR KISSES. how do they act around or with their darling?
with his darling, elijah acts like they're already friends. hell, probably better. elijah's generally fake and overly nice to everyone, but with you, he lets a bit more of his real personality shine — obviously, not fully, he still has to maintain some standard of common decency — but he's stopped acting so sweet you worry your teeth might rot.
he's more sarcastic, regularly shit talks others to you as if you two were the only two intelligent people in the entire school, teases you relentlessly; he's definitely more rude, but he also seems more relaxed.
don't get too attached, though. elijah will spend half of lunch period bitching to you about one of his so called friends from the football team, and just when you think he might actually be a genuine person, he'll turn around and spend the other half with the person he just called the most incompetent moron in the entirety of eastview high, laughing and playing nice.
☆ L IS FOR LOVE LETTERS. how would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
to court you, elijah would have to actually acknowledge that he wants to date you, which he is not ready or willing to do. therefore, anything that hints at the romantic feelings he holds towards you, he will brush off immediately as you reading too much into things.
he does some nice things. makes a conscious, bordering on obsessive effort to learn about your hobbies and would gladly listen to you talk about them for hours. he does other, less nice things, like the snide remarks aimed at any potential love interest or the violent tendencies towards anyone who looks at you wrong.
either way, if you bring up anything he does, nice or otherwise, elijah will still shut down and go right into denying his feelings.
☆ M IS FOR MASK. are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
it's a shame elijah isn't a theatre kid, seeing as he's probably the best actor in the entirety of eastview. he has his sweet golden boy routine perfected. everything about him, his clothes, his mannerisms, his words, is perfectly manicured to the last hair on his head. he's known as being a genuinely kind person — a bit straight-laced, but chill enough. he's the designated driver type of friend.
to you, he's a bit different. whenever you two speak, elijah seems more relaxed; more cheeky, more sarcastic. more mean, sure, but in a way that you can't exactly call out without being told you can't take a joke. he talks shit about his main friend group to you, bitches about teachers and exams. it all seems much more authentic than the way you've seen him act with others, and you can't tell if it's comforting or not. probably both.
both of those, however, are facades.
facades that hide the fact that underneath it all, elijah is a self-centered and entitled brat. just one with enough self-awareness to realize that treating people like shit isn't going to get him anywhere. he instead approaches social situations in a way that's almost too pragmatic. he's learned how to paint a picture of himself as helpful and sweet, how to get people to like him.
☆ N IS FOR NAUGHTY. how would they punish their darling?
elijah knows, for the most part, at least, that he has no right to punish you. he is self-aware enough to know that you are allowed to flirt with that guy and that it's not your fault, and he's the one with issues for acting like it's in any way his business– but also, he's not exactly the healthy type.
the most he can do in terms of punishment for breaking up whatever imaginary rules he feels you should be following is be rude, and he makes full use of that. he begins making passive-aggressive and snide remarks that toe the line between teasing and abject cruelty, giving him just enough plausible deniability to keep you confused and compliant.
☆ O IS FOR OPPRESSION. how many rights would they take away from their darling?
none explicitly. elijah wouldn't really want to give his darling outright rules; all of those would be kept safe in the depths of his twisted little head, so he wouldn't take away any rights from his darling... technically.
the catch is that elijah is also very good at instilling fear in his darling. you can just tell when he's upset, when you broke one of those unspoken rules. his jaw tenses, his shoulders raise, and something about his eyes makes you wonder how anyone could ever believe him to be kind and sweet.
he wouldn't take away any of your rights, but he would be good at making you comply just by the subtle threatening aura he gives off.
so elijah never actually said you can't talk to any other guys than him, but he certainly wouldn't complain if he learned that since becoming friends with him, you felt uneasy about doing so. that same rule applies to every single guideline he never laid out for you.
☆ P IS FOR PATIENCE. how patient are they with their darling?
until you hate him, his patience is downright saintly. elijah is persistent as hell, and he can take his sweet time shadowing you, talking to you, worming his way into your life like a 6'5" parasite, not revealing dropping too many hints as to his intentions or his real nature.
once you do express the fact you hate him — that you think he's a creep, a weirdo, whatever number of insults you choose to sling at him — he switches up really quickly. still with that angelically calm expression, he doesn't care about putting up any walls anymore. elijah gets very comfortable about proving you right about just how creepy and obsessive his behavior can get.
☆ Q IS FOR QUIT. if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
if elijah's darling dies, he will simply settle back into who he was before meeting you, only infinitely more bitter and apathetic. the same fake smiles that hide the same self-centered asshole, one who has now lost all hope of ever changing. he never felt the need to get better before, but now that he's lost you, there's no one to even try for anymore.
he'll probably live a pretty successful life by traditional measures. go to a decent college, get a decent job, get married, and have 2.5 kids. all of it will be a hollow shell, missing the only person that he felt genuine — albeit definitely not normal — care towards.
elijah wouldn't let his darling leave, but if you somehow escaped without him managing to stop you, the above will also apply. he doesn't have the unlimited resources he would need to track you down, so once you're gone... you're gone.
then, the above will happen. elijah will move on on the surface, pretending he never cared anyway. he'll settle back into his niche, but this time, not bitter or apathetic — instead, angry and sad. pray to whoever you believe in that the two of you won't meet again because if you do, he will start the cycle of his obsession all over again. only this time, elijah knows the pain of letting you go.
and he's not about to make the same mistake twice.
☆ R IS FOR REGRET. would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? would they ever let their darling go?
not on his own.
elijah might start feeling guilty after you start expressing the fact you're unhappy. at first, he'll tease and make fun of you about your pouting, but if you keep it up, it'll be enough to make him feel the slightest amount of guilt.
not enough to let you go, mind you. but enough to compromise on a few things, enough to keep you vaguely fulfilled and just on the verge of happiness.
☆ S IS FOR STIGMA. what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
elijah was nigh emotionless for nearly all his life, feeling mostly a very mild mix of smug superiority and equally smug disgust with others for most of his life. the fascination you spark within him is unlike anything he's felt before, which later morphs into genuine care and feelings.
☆ T IS FOR TEARS. how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
you crying, screaming, or isolating yourself puts elijah in a very uncomfortable situation.
on one hand, his instincts — his newly found emotions — are also screaming, crying, and downright begging for him to to and comfort you. to wrap you in his arms, kiss the top of your head, and... get you ice cream? something along those lines. he's not very good at comforting people. they're also pleading for him to physically rip apart whatever is causing you distress, but that's secondary.
on the other hand, elijah's colder and more analytical side steps in whenever he gets that urge. the idea of doing that, of showing how much he cares, makes him so uncomfortable he wants to turn on his heel and never see you again, which in turn makes him hurt, which in turn makes him uncomfortable, and... yeah, it's a vicious cycle of emotional constipation.
if elijah was the cause of your distress, his discomfort only increases. he hates that he hurt you, and he hates that he hates it. it's debatable whether he'll actually adjust his behavior, but he will offer an apology and a hug, if you'll take it. he can't afford to lose you, after all.
in the end, a somewhat satisfying compromise is achieved. he's never quite affectionate — not as much as he wishes to be — but he might ease up a bit on teasing you. give you a half-hearted squeeze. however, what elijah lacks in emotional vulnerability, he makes up for in fists and a willingness to punch things. or people. or both.
☆ U IS FOR UNIQUE. would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
elijah's pretty typical in this regard. he's definitely obsessed and definitely not opposed to violence. he's just a bit of an emotionally unavailable asshole about it.
☆ V IS FOR VICE. what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
it'd take a considerable amount of time, but underneath all the smug superiority and emotional constipation, to put it lightly, his affection for you is still genuine. it comes from a twisted sense of fascination, sure, but he can't avoid his feelings forever.
there is some possibility that elijah's darling is able to manipulate him using the sincerity of his feelings. it would take a lot of finesse, but it could be done. once it's done, it probably wouldn't be too much of a nightmare to get away. he doesn't have unlimited resources to count on, so you would most likely be able to lose him and regain some sense of normalcy.
☆ W IS FOR WIT'S END. would they ever hurt their darling?
emotionally or mentally? yeah, pretty likely, given he is a yandere. physically? if he ever did, it would be an accident, and elijah would be left terrified of himself. a single bruise he gives you would probably make him rethink how he behaves from the ground up, which sounds good, until it makes him go into basically helicopter parenting. he'd start treating you like you're fragile — a delicate porcelain doll that he's already made the tragic mistake of hurting once. mellodramatic little shit.
☆ X IS FOR XOANON. how much would they revere or worship their darling? to what length would they go to win their darling over?
elijah's obsession is not so much worship or devotion as it is a scientific study. even after his initial interest grows into actual affection, he feels the need to learn everything about you. what is it that makes you different from everyone else? you're a mystery he desperately wants to solve.
elijah's not exaftly focused on courting you, though. since the fact he has any feelings for you at all has come as a surprise to himself, he's not exactly sure what to do. he is vastly unprepared. as mentioned a few letters above, attempting to get your attention is a task that requires acknowledging and making peace with his own emotions, which is not something he plans on doing anytime soon. he will still get more affectionate, but like a middle schooler with a crush, he'll insist it's all meaningless.
☆ Y IS FOR YEARN. how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
a few months, most likely. elijah is persistent, but he is still in a high school setting — assuming his obsession starts early during senior year, he can't have you running off to some college across the country come june! if he can't get you willingly by may, that's when the last of the strings holding his psyche together go snap, and he decides to stop fucking around. you might actually get the slightest bit of reprieve from his shadowing at this point, as he stars feverishly planning your post-graduation disappearance. it won't last too long, though, and whatever time he missed with you, he will make up tenfold.
perhaps your cab never makes it to the airport, and you don't even get a chance to make it to your dream school. perhaps you do, but your roommate doesn't see you at all after move-in day, and it takes your parents to realize you're not just busy with your studies, you're just gone. whatever. elijah will figure out the details soon enough — he's more focused on what will come after.
☆ Z IS FOR ZENITH. would they ever break their darling?
probably. elijah definitely wouldn't have any moral problems with the idea. he doesn't really care; he'd love for you to be yourself, perfectly fine and dandy, but if he breaks you along the way... well. he won't lose any sleep over it.
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milk-ducts · 10 months
I'm so glad to have encountered a fellow Cecil stan. I freaking love coming up with headcanons for Cecil, platonic or romantic, because he's such an interesting character. For real though feel free to dump any Cecil headcanons (platonic or romantic) on me anytime.
AWAAAA!! YES HAII OTHER CECIL AFICIONADO !!! im so glad theres more of us sprouting out here. my wife is so underappreciated, you have no idea how much he means to me. i'd love to req n swap headcanons anytime !! I have so many thoughts on that morally ambiguous gilf.
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[messy, disorganized surface level autism rambling ahead. this will be just random scenes and characteristics i like of him]
BUT YES .. cecil's character is just so interesting to analyze. he does unethical, necessary things. But he doesn't subscribe to idealistic notions of "the greater good" or justifying his actions to make himself sleep better at night. He knows the harsh reality that someone has to make the difficult decisions, no matter how unethical. The psychological toll it takes to calculate how many civilian lives can be spared, and how many are inevitably lost in order to achieve the optimal outcome. He doesn't celebrate after victories like the other heroes do. After the dust settles, his mind is already racing - calculating, strategizing how to prevent future catastrophes. How to minimize casualties next time.
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his methods are...questionable,, as ive said,, but there's a hint of nobility to it that just makes you respect him, A SHADY GOVERNMENT CHAR that does the dirty work and takes in all the heat for it so no one else has to? SIGN ME TF UP! i love exploring his character and all the little glimpses of humanity we get to see from him,, especially with debbie, SO SOFT FOR HER, there's so much depth there. that old fuck would MOVE mountains for her if he could,, TRUST. EVEN though he doesnt deserve her .. <<
LETS CONTINUE TO CIRCLE BACK TO S1 with his confrontation w Nolan in the desert, the way he entrusted his survival to the skills of his team operating that teleporter watch (I'm aware he can control it himself, I think this was just my interpretation of it since the employees seemed directly involved here). The margin for error was nonexistent. One miscalculation, one millisecond too slow, and Cecil would have been reduced to a red smear across miles of sand. MY WIFE HAS BALLS ON HIM. (also love walton goggins breathy lil giggles here .. hwaghffhh)
All this, All the whilst Nolan could have ended him with a casual backhand, as easily as swatting a fly. And for what? For humanity's (mostly his) right to know the truth. For Debbie's right to understand what she had truly married because Cecil respects her that fucking much for her to have a part in all of this, and what fate may lay in store for her son.
AND what I particularly liked about that scene is that unlike most SHADY GOV CHARS ™.. Cecil isn't afraid to regularly place himself in life-threatening situations, and for that im just.. FKING obsessed. finally. a hyper competent gov char that gets shit done and occasionally by his own hands instead of always puppeteering in the shadows. Love u .. love u honey snooch, please stop putting yourself in danger for your crazy alien side-hoes .
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but ahem ... back to s2.. and some flaws of his that i'm not afraid to point out. the way he's been treating mark is killing me. manipulating my son by comparing him to his dad then keeping him on lock by saying he's not like him??? The breadcrumming definitely didn't work out at all, cuz Mark is too damn stubborn to continue to be swindled by fear tactics he does not give a shit for anymore (homegirl DEBBIE taught him better) hes not gonna listen to a cranky skullet-having side bitch of nolans who clearly has been tryna manipulate him since s1. i HATED how he went "ur broke tyrannical bitch father felt the same way" in the last minute when mark tried to leave earth and yet i still lobve ceci cause ough,,.. my bastard wife knew something was probably up.
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Him wanting to keep a short leash on MARKY could be summed up after all that has happened in s1. i'm not going to justify his scummy manipulations or paranoia,, especially after all the shit mark has done and endured to prove himself over and over again that he's not like his father BUT its somewhat understandable for cecil 2 be wary if you look from it in his perspective.
moving on from that, lets dive back into ep 2 ..
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Debbie was semi-right in her deduction in s2 ep2, that this is what it's really all about for Cecil - being in control. Not of any situation, but of Mark. To ensure history does not repeat itself in the form of Mark becoming another Nolan. imo He likely doesn’t actually view Mark as his father, Not saying the possibility of it being a part of Cecil's subconsciousness is out of the equation but the way I see it? He was just exploiting that one weakness, that one insecurity Mark has - the fear of becoming like Nolan. And it’s a fear Cecil seemed to prey upon to keep Mark under his thumb and in the fucking GAME.
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awaaaa :3 !!!! psychologically damaging teens by comparing them to their abhorrently shitty fathers !! FUCK YOJ STEDMAN (love you snookums..)
,,,,I'd also like to think in my warped deluded perception (aka hcs) that he sees Debbie in Mark, so he can't help but care for the kid too. IVE ALWAYS seen a lot of comparisons between Mark and his dad, plus the whole motif of this new season hasn't helped it allay. But Debbie and Mark share so many similar characteristics as well and i wish that was talked a bit more often &lt; 3 (I will go in depth about it at a later post.)
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n umm like ...,,, bck to cici in gen. I guess the safety of earth is one of Cecil's redeeming qualities along with his compassion for side characters like Debbie. His pragmatism and utilitarianism define him. He lacks normal morals but has his own code that cultivates to his character. this ramble could not do justice to him ughfglg..,, what a compelling jezebel.. how can u captivate me so !!
My inbox is always open to discuss this multi-faceted rat man. here's to more cecil content in s2..,... hopefully with more of his dynamic with Debbie because I LIVE for that shit. though its unlikely their interactions could range to anything positive now since they may be hinting to cecil becoming an antagonist and/or taking extreme measures w/ mark. soo.. i dont think debbie's scolding was enough for that slut 2 take in ..
in the mean time i'll be catching up on the comics/re-reading them, look up more of his backstory and hopefully create 10 novels worth of google docs of analysis' of his character < 3 cuz .. he means .. that much 2 me.. and i want to prod at every crevice n brain matter he has inside that megamind head of his .
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((hwaghhhhhh << hoping that one day the discord moots ive been keeping in my basement and most invincible fans fall victim to cecil stedman propoganda.. no one should be immune to my girlboss and his awful skullet.))
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 month
Can I have Siskarak fanfic recs, please? I've only read a few (can't remember too well at 3AM; one on the Defiant comes to mind), and I was surprised by how well the vibe worked!
Oh absolutely. 😈 Fair warning that I’m gonna rec a LOT of my own fics bc I’m shameless like that, but also because I’ve written like 25% of the Siskarak fics that exist. 😂 Of course in addition to my little ramblings, please check all the tags and summaries on these and just read the ones that speak to you! 💖 And now, in no particular order:
so, I lied, I cheated by me - My beloved siskarak novella!! 🥰 It’s an In the Pale Moonlight AU where Sisko and Garak fake an affair to explain why they are meeting together secretly all the time now, so that no one will realize it’s actually bc they’re conspiring to bring the Romulans into the war. It’s a VERY cracky premise, and I then treat the implications of that premise with the utmost severity haha. It’s a big clusterfuck of them making each other worse and ruining each other’s lives but I did aim for a hopeful ending for them and for their healthier relationships (siskasidy and garashir). I’m so proud of it, I have some planted some insane character insights into there that I truly can’t figure out other simpler ways to express/convince people of than by writing them into a complicated angsty porny ITPM-but-way-worse fic.
And Scene by Flazéda (peternurphy) - Obsessed with this one. Sisko and Garak have to go undercover at a sex club, and I am just such a sucked for fake relationship scenarios. I’m also never not thinking about the moment in this fic where Sisko muses internally on how spanking Garak’s ass with a paddle is satisfying in the same way as swinging a baseball bat.
Moonlight Still Casts Shadows by Warpcorps @spocksbeanies - This one is SO HOT. It’s post-ITPM and Sisko is continuing to compromise his morals in delicious, sexy ways to accomplish his goals. 😈 (He’s having sex with Garak to keep him happy and working for him.)
Decadence: In His Service by JA Chapman is soooo good and sooo insane and I want to read approximately 10k more words about the messy, messy scenario described. Siskarak is only a secondary ship, the main one shown is Sloan/Sisko. I don’t particularly buy into it as realistic, but this fic ask all kinds of questions and offers NO answers, and I am driven insane by it every day, I do still recommend. XD
Exaltation by @hellostuffedtiger is another good one involving Sloan and it is much closer to canon than the above hahaha. Sisko and Garak have casual sex, then discuss S31 and Sloan and how to protect Bashir.
going up, going down by me - Crackfic to the max, haha! Garak gives Sisko a blowjob in the turbolift and they get caught.
Plausible Deniability by katiemariie is really interesting and reading it helped kick off my interest in the ship! I do have some small quibbles with it bc I don’t really buy that Garak isn’t interested in Bashir or that Siskarak could actually become a sustainable romantic ship, but oh man other than that the dynamic is great here!
Captain’s Whore by @the-last-dillpickle - Garak pettily making sure everyone knows he’s Sisko’s mistress is just so fun and delightful 😂
partners in crime by anonymous - A tasty little post-ITPM PWP where Sisko does a bit of introspection about himself and Garak’s effect on him.
you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine by me - This might be the one on the Defiant you’re thinking of. It’s set during Second Skin. I wanted to write a lower stakes, chiller, flirtier Siskarak dynamic here and I really really like how it turned out 🥰
A few more very short fics by me:
me and the devil walking side by side
lying down with dogs
dirty little secret
never loved nobody fully (alternate Siskarak ending) (there’s also a podfic of this drabble by klb and blackglass and horchatapods… I know at least one of you is on tumblr and I can’t remember which rn)
Not super shippy but def have some fun and somewhat charged Sisko and Garak interactions:
Farce of the Prophets by @cardassiangoodreads - This one involves Garak messing with Sisko a little bit haha. It’s got those fake relationship elements I love so dearly 🥰
Dance of Fools by stuffedtiger - More Siskarak fake relationship stuff 😈 They dance 🥰
redacted by me - Garak and Sisko figuring out how to work together when they are both stationed on Starbase 375 at the beginning of s6.
This was so fun to put together, thanks for this ask, I love gushing about my fave siskarak fics 💖
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quillkiller · 1 month
some Tom riddle headcanons pls!!!
have been discussing with my royal consort kara @sugarsnappeases and the results are in..
he’s terrified of death. of dying. to the point where he’s entirely obsessed with death. his mon died in childbirth, it’s the first thing he ever knew!!!!! death !!!!!! his life has been marked with death since his birth, sending him into this obsessive spiral of becoming immortal
and then he finds out he’s a wizard. magical. there’s MAGIC !!!!! surely there’s eternal life if there’s magic. like in fairytales, in the storybooks, etc. but nope :/ wizards also die it TURNS OUT ..
and the interesting thing about this is that he does die young. according to me (and kara) because voldemort kills tom riddle, but tom riddle also created voldemort on purpose. he’s so obsessively terrified of death that he doesn’t even realise he all but kills himself. this not to say that he kills any good parts he ever had, because he wasn’t a good person. he was willing to do anything to become immortal and that included becoming a fanatic pureblood supremacist <- which he was before he became voldy. so this is not like. excusing canon tom behaviour, it’s simply exploring his character and motivations…… so yeah, he ends up killing himself anyway. becomes this snake like ugly monstrous creature because he cares more about living forever than he cares about luxury or good looks or sex or love <- perverse asexual freak. will he be happy living forever? lonely? content? satisfied? <- things he has never once considered because the Only Point is living forever / and his small minded god-complex making sure he Will
speaking of small minded god-complex. he grows up in this orphanage right.. he’s this lonely unfortunate miserable bitter boy and then someone comes to tell him he’s a wizard. who WOULDNT feel like The Chosen One in that situation. and he just never comprehends that he’s simply not. that he’s just one of many wizards before him. just one of many with a traumatic childhood. but he thinks he’s special and him being a wizard is Proof of this. feeding into his small minded god-complex that makes him hate muggles. he was miserable in the muggle world, treated terribly, unfortunate and unhappy, so he hates them all. they’re all inferior and could never do what he can. will never be understand and will never be special. <- again, not tom excuses, but tom exploring. this is us exploring the WHY and HOW of his character and NOT ! agreeing with any of them shdhfjjsk. but yeah. small minded kid with a god-complex whose entire life has been clouded with his obsessive fear of death/immortality that there just simply isn’t any other point of view for him. and it makes him the monster he becomes
myrtles death!!!!!!! was an accident. that he capitalized off of. a girl ends up dead and well now there’s a dead body in front of you and you’ve read about horcruxes and you want to live forever. sort of like robbing a corpse. he’s not morally above exploiting someones dead body for his own gain. his entire life revolves around his own goals and ideas and obsessions. did we mention the god-complex… i dont even think he feels bad for myrtle, or see almost anyone ever as a real person (<- sociopath), but rather congratulates himself for the lucky break.. he needed a dead body, has probably been making a pro and con list of who his first kill should be for months, and now there’s an accidental death around him. he’s doing a happy little dance
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^ this made me giggle. did you all know kara is the funniest person in the world
the older generation of purebloods HATE him at first. like walburga, orion, cygnys, etc etc etc. like they’re older than him, by a LOT even if toms also older than their children, and he comes this almost still a teenage kid trying to convert them for his Cause. they’re literally laughing in his face and mocking him. unbelievably unimpressed…. however tom doesn’t give up, genuinely probably unfazed by obstacle because of his tunnel vision. he starts off recruiting less important pureblood families. like the flints. until he gets his claws into peoples children…. that’s when it all starts getting really fucking serious…. when he starts getting successful… creating this little death eater cult built from scratch and made-up by teenagers. reg having the voldy posters in his room, huge argument against the ’uwu reg didnt want to take the mark’ and also WAY more interesting if he’s the one getting his parents recruited rather than the other way around. then there’s barty ’daddy issues’ crouch being picked up and recruited by an older male figure type leader, evan rosier the morally bankrupt kid with necrophilic tendencies who can’t get or keep a job after hogwarts because of intentional malpractice for his own anatomical research ……
so yeah….. some tom riddle thoughts… <3
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 11 months
There have been a couple of posts making the rounds about Cheum and her role in Only friends. And this prompted me to share my thoughts on the character of Cheum.
So since there is lot that I've been thinking about regarding ofts but not really sharing, I thought why not. Now would be a good opportunity to attempt to write some coherent thoughts.
One of the biggest things that that's been constantly on my mind about the series is the trailer. Because I'm absolutely obsessed with how the trailer is influencing our read of these characters. I believe this is specially true for the character of Top. But going back to Cheum. So the only thing she says in the trailer is the quote "friends don't do this to each other". And our brains collectively assigned her role of being the moral one. The voice of reason. But in watching the show before that episode, if I'd never watched the trailer, I don't think I'd see her in that light. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe if that wasn't the case she would (for me) just be the annoying, judgemental friend that happens to be a queer woman. But also, if I wasn't told she was important from the first episode when she is introduced as part of the main group, I honestly wouldn't think of her at all. Because the narrative isn't treating her like she's important. She has so little influence on any of the main story points, and when she does it's someone else's drama that brings her around. Be it Mew, or Ray or Atom. Her brother had more influence on the overall story and the other characters than she did. And when she does get caught in the middle, she does her thing, which is judge everybody, and quickly exits. And we get no window into her thought process and no consequences for her actions. Because she's obviously not that important. So I don't think that Jojo and company are trying to tell us anything about queer women or women in general. She is simply a flat character with a very specific role in the narrative regardless of gender or sexual orientation. I don't know if she's suppose to be the narrator or if I'm suppose to see the other characters through her eyes. If it is, then in my case it's failing, and if it it isn't then the fact that she's a women I think it's irrelevant and she's just another character without much depth.
I'm gonna reserve full judgement until after the finale, but there's only so much they can do to the character in 50 minutes with that whole ensemble of characters. So I think in the end her character will not leave a lasting impression on me. Of course I have my own biases regarding female characters but that's for another day, maybe... (this was the post that prompted this one so thank you @waitmyturtles for giving the chance to write some things)
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cirusthecitrus · 8 months
If it's not too late for the ask meme, how about wrong hordak?
Thanks for the ask^^
First impression: One of the things I anticipated the most before s5 dropped was the clones. So I was veeery excited to meet Wrong Hordak, I was literally obsessed with him. The funniest cutest fucked up little guy who, it seemed, was made just for me. (Partially because one of my early clone OCs was just like Wrongie personality-vise lol) I was still sad that the other clones didnt get much focus, but at least i had WH and Hordak
Impression now: Wrong Hordak is still my baby and I'll keep justifying his existence till my last breath, but now I see many problems with his arc and his place in the story. The way his trauma was treated is simply disgusting, and the fact that WH is never taken seriously by no one, even the writers, even when he's distressed and scared, even when he is forced to watch his entire world burn makes my blood boil. He didnt even get a proper name by the end... Yes, it could've worked better if it was Hordak instead of WH, I too wanted brainwashed Hordak to join the rebellion. And yes, Wrongie wasnt even that useful, mainly being nothing but a joke character. He also failed as an attemt to help humanize the clones, so the rest of his brothers stayed mindless drones, not getting a hint of sympathy from the narrative nor most of the viewers
Anyway, I'm stealing Wrong Hordak from DreamWorks, my character now
Favorite moment: "Brothers! There's nothing to see heeere! :D" and "We put amniotic fluid in there :| No, that was a joke :>"
Also every scene where he copies someone's expressions and movements
Idea for a story: ooh I've been sitting on this one for so long. Call it an au or a rewrite, but the idea is:
Wrongie gets disconnected way, way earlier, after trying to stop Catra and Glimmer from escaping. The first to find him was Hordak, and after he notices something familiar about his brother's pain, he chooses to stay with him and even comfort him. While Prime and the clones are busy with other mess, he decides not to tell anyone about WH's problem. He can't explain why he wants to keep his brother out of the hivemind and possibly get himself into trouble, but he is quick to justify his decision (oh Prime is too busy right now, oh he just doesnt want to distract him, its not that important etc)
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And thus begin the brothers' shenanigans, where Hordak tries to watch over confused Wrongie, while he's struggling to adapt and act normal. During the time they spent together Wrongie sees more of "the real Horde" and slowly starts to question Prime, and Hordak shows his protective side and remembers more and more of his old life and his old self
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In this story it is Hordak who gets taken with the rebellion, but only after a moment of resistance, because 1) he didnt fully remember Entrapta yet and saw the others as the enemy 2) he was worried about Wrong Hordak and tried to take his brother with him. Now WH is all by himself on the Velvet Glove and still has to keep a low profile. Eventually he gets closer with other clones and helps them see the truth as well, starting a small rebellion of his own. So during the final battle the etherian rebellion is going to have a trusted ally on "the other side", who can help with distractions and hacking Prime's systems. And ofc, seeing his brother safe and sound and freed will boost Hordak's morale even more before his inevitable last meetup with Horde Prime
Unpopular opinion: I think it won't be hard for WH and Hordak to become close friends. Hordak fell in love with this ball of energy called Entrapta and got attached to Imp who likes to mess with him, I'm sure he won't find Wrong Hordak too cheerful or too annoying (oh he will be annoyed, no doubt, but is he going to see his brother as a nuisance because of it? Nah-uh) Sure, WH might make Hordak feel insecure at first, cause Wrongie is more "likeable" and has no defects, but not to the point of barely tolerating or avoding him
And they have a lot in common? Same background, similar traumas, and they both still have a lot to learn about the real world, they can learn and grow together. Plus, I'm sure Wrongie is going to freaking adore Hordak and see him as his hero and role model, and there's no way Hordak is going to stay cold and distant for long after being showered with so much love So yeah, they're besties your honor (even if only in my heart u-u)
Favorite relationship: friendship with Entrapta and also possible future friendship with Hordak and Imp. My guy was born to be the funny uncle
Favorite headcanon: I really enjoy the idea of him being rebellious even before the events of the show. The comment under that one storyboard says that Wrongie's pod was used for reconditioning, so something must have happened for him to get in there. He must have known too much, or was too vocal and disobedient, or just different and Prime didnt like that. Perhaps when WH was yelling "Brothers, HP lied to us, he's a false ruler!" it was him remembering all those things he was trying to say to his brothers before he got silenced by Prime. Also maybe he was the only clone who knew about Krytis, so when the rebellion took Wrongie it might have got Prime stressing a lil bit, because, sure, he did send him for reconditioning, but what if that clone still remembers something he shouldnt know?
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marveldcmistress · 2 years
Henry Cavill’s Characters’ Zodiac Signs
This is (in my opinion) the zodiac vibes I get from each Henry Cavill character. I am not an astrologist, this is just based off my observations of each sign and the energy I get from these characters. If there’s a character I missed or you wanted to see on this list, let me know!!!!
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So it’s basically canon that Sy is a bull, and understandable. He gives HELLA Taurus energy. He’s strong, sturdy, a little cocky, but only because he can back up all the hype. He can be stubborn as all hell, which is to be expect from the bullheaded Taurus (my brother was born in May and the boy will never budge in a fight). Negotiations during deployments is hell for his fellow comrades. And just like the grounded earth sign it takes awhile for him to soften up, but when he does, he would do ANYTHING for those he cares about, and that passion can be overwhelming to some. He’s a hard worker, but when he’s not overseas he’s DEFINITELY take some leisure time to himself, he deserves to be lazy! And don’t get started on a Taurus’ appetite. Just like the bull, I see Sy as a grazing type, munching on little snacks throughout the day, but will not hesitate to tear it up at dinner time, and his desert ;)
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August is a Scorpio. I feel like this doesn’t need an explanation, but I’m gonna give you one anyway. As a CIA Agent/Terrorist, the man can’t trust anyone. Ever. Just like how a Scorpio takes forever to trust, he makes sure to know every detail about anyone he encounters. Scorpios also shroud themselves in mystery and secrecy. He’s proved time and again in the movie that he would kill to keep his secret diabolical plan from getting out. And it’s also cannon on tumblr that he’s obsessive. God help you if a Scorpio catches a liking to you, cause once they do, you are theirs FOREVER, whether you like it or not. Oh, and don’t even THINK about trying to have the control around August, it’s just not gonna happen. 
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Charles is a Leo, through and through. Those who meet him think he’s arrogant, self-centered, and in those first couple seasons, they were right. He’s definitely full of himself, but we do get to see little peeks at the insecurity he feels deep down at being born lower class. Leos are very insecure, though they try to hide it (trust me, all of our confidence is fake, coming from a Leo herself), but the way his face falls when his title (or lack of) is brought up in the first season, not to mention in the later seasons when he starts to contemplate his own actions and morals after doing what he did on Henry’s orders. Now, I know what some might say, “but Tay, Leos are so loyal!” And they are! His infidelity to Margaret was born of his own ego and arrogance. But his loyalty to HENRY?? After all the bullshit he put Charles through? Only a Leo could have a heart so big as to still love and advise a friend who treated them so. And the way he lights up a room! Much like the sun, Leo’s ruling planet, Charles lit up court. He always looks good, outfits pristine and his hair always so perfectly groomed. I can go on forever, but Imma stop here. 
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Walter just ooooozes Virgo energy. Work-aholic, perfectionist, never relaxes. Sometimes a little blunt, but only because they don’t have time to sugarcoat shit. But also like the earth sign, he’s consistent. You can always trust he will do the right thing and be there at the right time. Can also smell bullshit from a mile away, which is a wonderful skill set for his job. I also feel like he’s really good at budgeting and money management. 
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Mikey is a Sagittarius, there’s no changing my mind. His wild and care-free personality really shines through in the movie. And just like Walter he’s blunt. “He’s dead Chelsea, time move on.” Only a Sagg has the audacity! And the entire movie all he is concerned with is having a good time and hooking up. In my limited interactions with Sagittarius men, that’s really all they cared about. I feel like if he wasn’t killed off in the movie, he could have definitely evolved into a more defined character. 
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Geralt just gives Capricorn energy. So focused on his work, and very stoic in his emotions. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel them, he just buries them, deep, deep, DEEP down. And just like Scorpio it takes ALOT for him to open up. But when he does, BOYYYY. Fuck with the people he loves. I’ve also never met a Cap that isn’t determined to do EVERYTHING on their own (my sister is the best example. Full time vet student on top of two full time jobs, constantly refusing help when offered). He’s definitely an over-thinker. He stays up at night thinking through every scenario and preparing for any situation. But he’s sturdy and strong and loyal, if a little abrupt and abrasive at times. Hates people and gets along so much better with animals, and again, I’ve never met a Capricorn who like human beings over dogs, or in his case, Roach. 
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Sherlock is an Aquarius. It just makes the most sense to me. Not good with emotions at all, and this is coming from experience of having an Aquarius mother and dating an Aquarius man for three months. He’s an intellectual, and individual, and values that individuality. Not to mention the job that is very outside of the social norms. Aquarians are uninterested in being like the rest, which is a perfect description for Sherlock. Also doesn’t miss a single detail, can pick up on the slightest change in energy. Most people see Aquarius as strange, almost alien-like, and Sherlock for sure stands out. He values his solitude and alone time. I feel like if he were to be in modern times, would hella ghost someone if he felt like they were getting to close and encroaching on his privacy. 
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Clark Kent. My sweet baby, my Kansas farm boy. He’s a Libra, absolutely. His sense of justice and constant battle for balance wouldn’t allow him to be anything else. His need to use his powers for good to save people shines just as bright as the sunlight he gets his strength from is sometimes overshadowed by his darker side of just finally snapping and becoming the GOD he knows he is. And have you ever seen a pissed off Libra? Those red eyes are not just for show. Momma Kent did a good job of raising our boy to be a good-hearted man, but that Kryptonian blood will not relent so easily. But he loves deeply and won’t hesitate to make decisions when it comes to those he loves. Making sure they are well and safe and happy is not something he has to make a pros and cons list for. 
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I know I’ve made a post saying I think Napoleon is a Leo, and I still kinda feel that way. But I can also see him being a Gemini. Now the big stereotype surrounding Geminis is that they’re two-faced. But in reality they’re a mirror. The energy you give them is the energy you are gonna receive. Being a spy, he has to learn to be a chameleon, he changes with every environment but can also blend in and be unseen. He’s only loyal to the CIA because he has to be, you can bet your lucky stars when those chains are gone he can flip the script on them in a heartbeat. But also like a typical Gemini he’s charming, knows exactly how attractive he is and uses that to his full advantage.
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ouatsnark · 5 months
Hi. This isn’t an ask or anything, just me ranting since this is the only place for it tbh. I literally can’t find any OUAT blogs that have similar opinions 😢
Anyway on to the rant
I absolutely HATE that they didn’t do more with Henry’s character! Henry is my favourite character in the show for many reasons, the main one being that he is the backbone of the entire show in my eyes. Without him, Emma never would’ve gone to Storybrooke, and there wouldn’t even be a show at that point.
Henry was a child at the beginning of the series (10 or 11, I don’t remember) so it gave them a lot of room to basically do whatever they wanted with him. I personally would’ve loved to see him go dark, but maybe that’s just me. It would’ve been cool to mix it up seeing as many of the villains in OUAT had a redemption arc of some sort, so seeing someone go from good to bad, instead of good to bad to good again, would’ve been interesting. Again, maybe that’s just me lol.
My point is, Henry being so young at the beginning they basically had a blank canvas and could’ve painted anything on it. Instead he turned out to be a lot like David (one of my least favourites in the show) which kind of pissed me off ngl.
And in my opinion, it would’ve made a lot of sense for Henry to turn bad. Let’s face it, he was never exactly treated fairly to say the least, especially as a child. I know a lot of people like to try and sugarcoat this or just plain act like it didn’t happen, but Regina was awful to him. And so was Emma. I want to sit here and list out all the shit they did to him, but that would be way too long and would take forever, so go back and watch the show if you don’t remember. Let’s just say it includes years of gaslighting, manipulation, and being so ignorant to the point where he had to poison himself because no one would listen to him, and that’s not even the half of it.
Henry always came across as someone who would be pretty morally grey to me, even if he was technically on the good side. Remember his little run-in with Cruella in the Underworld? I haven’t watched the show in a while so correct me if anything is incorrect, but didn’t he literally agree to work with her for something? (I can’t remember what LMAO) Even though she’s a villain. Regardless of the reason for working with her, I doubt you’d see Snow/Mary Margaret or David/Charming working with her, or even Regina at that stage in the series.
Even if they didn’t make him evil, they could’ve done literally anything with his character besides making him a near copy of Charming. They could’ve at least given him his own storyline (I know he technically had his own in S7, but I don’t count that because it was shit lmao, it wasn’t even the same actor 😭). Those two episodes where Henry had to go into the Heroes and Villains book to save his family were the best episodes in the series for me and it would’ve been amazing to see more of it.
Anyway so sorry for the long ass rant 😭😭 Really hope you can post this to see other people’s thoughts, but no pressure since I know you’re not as insane about Henry’s character as I am lmao 💀
So what do you guys think? Leave your thoughts in the comments (or reblogs)!
I lost all interest in Henry once they retconned him and ignored Regina's abuse just so they could have her join team hero.
Personally, I have never had a need to see heroes go dark. There seems to be this huge obsession with that as of late and I honestly don't get it. Like people wanted to see Dark Swan go all the way and I am like "no, no it makes her special that she was able to resist. So no." But alas that is my opinion on that. We had enough villains. I didn't need to see Emma's son become one.
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mamuzzy · 5 months
✦|| WELCOME! ||✦
Hey! I'm Mamuzzy, your friend with consequences! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Welcome to this little hellhole with occassional sunshine, I will be your guide, and if you think I'm a little bit of intimidating it's because i'm yapping a LOT, I LIKE TO YAPPING A LOT, like FUCKINGGGGGG LOOOOTTTTT, and I swear like it's obligatory, also, english is not my first language.
I love making friends, I'm just suck at it, lol. But seriously, don't hesitate to send asks or dm me, if you want to chat about things ^^ The more specific you are with questions about headcanons and characters, the more my brain can blurb out~ ♡
─── ✦ 18+ BLOG: This blog is not suitable for minors, but I'm not your dad to police you. If you need other adult's hand to curate your own internet experience, tumblr is not a place for you in the first place. Don't listen to the assholes out there, don't write your age on your bio.
─── ✦ SHIP AND LET SHIP: I literally don't give a shit about who you ship. It makes you happy? Then I'm happy for you. You bully others for shipping a certain ship? Then you are an asshole. End of story. No buts. You are an asshole. End of story. END OF STORY.
─── ✦ ABOUT MORALS: I don't give a shit about your morals. I don't give a shit about ficitional character's fictional well being. I put fictional characters into a blender and I myself switch it on to see what happens and then drink the whole stuff. I put my ships into a microwave like an egg and watch them explode. I give my blorbos knives. Other people give blorbos genders, I give them mental illnesses. I literally don't give a fuck.
─── ✦ ABOUT SAFE-PLACES: Just because I put on some banner on my page, that won't make me safe. Just because some glittery cute blog puts a lgbtq+ friendly banner while whising me die at the same length for proshipping doesn't make them a safe blog.
Follow me a couple of days and decide for yourself if you find me safe for everything. It's impossible to simply be good enough for everyone. Mutuals can negotiate with me to tag certain triggers, but you have to message me, passive-aggressive posts in order that maybe I will notice doesn't work for me.
─── �� In the end, only that counts how you treat real people.
✦ Main Blog: You are here now. This is the clusterfuck of my interests of Star Wars, Touken Ranbu, Genshin Impact, occassional videogames, memes, and mental health topic.
✦ Blorbo Blurb: I like yapping a lot about REPCOMM among other things. Meta & Headcanons.
✦ Mamuzzy Reads RepComm: I like yapping about RepComm book edition
✦ My ART BLOG: beside yapping I like drawing and writing too! Check out my babybabus -> OrdoMaze
✦AO3: My writing and not tumblr-compatible art
✦ || ABOUT ME||✦
─── ✦ He/They if you want address me somehow. but Muzzy or Zee is fine ^^
─── ✦ Queer
─── ✦ I'm in Repcomm Hell: Ordo is my babu <3
─── ✦ Nulls all the way <3
─── ✦ I meowmeow the unmeowable: Kal Skirata
─── ✦ Kyle Katarn is my favorite Jedi
─── ✦ Blorbos from another universe: Kasen Kanesada, Nikkari Aoe, Hachisuka Kotetsu, Souza Samonji, Kousetsu Samonji, Juzumaru Tsunetsugu
─── ✦ I love gaming but currently not into anything
─── ✦ I'm watching animes too but haven't watched anything for ages. previous obsession was Touken Ranbu.
Okay Mamuzzy, what is this cluster b, are you eating this with a spoon or fork?
It means, I have this little funsie mental condition of personality disorder and Cluster B category personality disorders contains 4 types: Antisocial, Borderline, Narcisisstic and Histrionic personality disorders, and while I'm officially diagnosed with only BPD (+depression), I'm pretty sure I have symptoms of the other three as well and other type of neurodivergencys like dyslexia, dyscalculia and on the spectrum of autism. It makes my social life a bit more difficult than necessary, so if react differently than I'm supposed to, it's because my brain is wired differently. In one way, it's really good because I can be truly passionate about things I love. On the other hand I believe the whole world is against me. Please forgive me if you caught up in my mess. It's not about you.
I try to be the best of myself everyday. Sometimes I fail spectaculalry. Sometimes I manage to actually overcome the impulsive urges.
Anyway, have fun in my blog, don't take me and yourself too seriously and remember, only a sith deals in absolutes!
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
YES YES YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR DARK SOULS (I didn't realize it was a last minute addition to that one period) 
Could you do general romantic HC's for Pontiff Sulyvahn? He's *such* an irredeemable bastard, and is genuinely the only souls character (Aside from Elden Ring's Mohg, but they're completely separate universes, and maybe an exception for Adrich) that's actually just pure evil. No gray morality or anything. If you don't mind, could you also do a small tidbit on how he'd treat a Crossbreed!Darling? Thanks again, I love your work so much
I tried my best to research and not call upon Dark Souls Anon for this so I hope I did good. Sorry it's short, I wasn't sure what to add :(
Yandere! Pontiff Sulyvahn with Crossbreed! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Imprisonment, Isolation, "Courting" (It's not), Ownership, Dehumanizing behavior, Forced relationship.
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Based on what my research has told me, Sulyvahn would be nearly impossible to flee from.
Through charisma, sorcery, and exploitative behavior... Sulyvahn managed to conquer an entire holy city and more.
Once he did so, he created monstrosities through magic and made many of his loyal pets.
Not only that, but he created a magical barrier around Irithyll, one to prevent anyone from leaving or entering unless they were given a certain doll.
I imagine you'd be a crossbreed related to Gwyndolin and Yorshka.
One that has draconic features like other crossbreeds shown (I do believe this is what you meant?)
Sulyvahn would imprison you as his form of courting.
Based on who he is and what he's done in lore, you're yet another pet.
Except, you are no experiment or made a monster by a special ring.
Sulyvahn wants to keep you as you are, weak and at his mercy.
Sulyvahn loves power.
He has twin blades and ridiculously powerful spells at his disposal.
By the time you meet him, he doesn't speak much.
He doesn't have to... his presence exudes an intimidating amount of power.
You're no doubt kept with him at the cathedral, surrounded by holy images and readings... yet held hostage by such an unholy and tainted being.
Can you even call Sulyvahn a man?
He's far from it... He's a monster...
A monster who keeps you as a little pet, under the guise of courting you.
No, every touch he gives is far from loving.
You're a trophy of his conquest, especially as a crossbreed.
His touches are rough, yanking you against his chest when not busy ruling.
Like a doll in the hands of a reckless child.
The very few words he says come out as mocking, all taunts about your siblings.
How's it feel, draconic offspring?
How's it feel to know your brother is being devoured alive?
How's it feel to know your sister is being locked up all alone without you?
If anything, aren't you the luckiest of them?
You get to be with your new ruler.
Through marriage, you'll be his cute little pet.
The time of your family has ended.
It ended long ago.
Sulyvahn uses the fate of your family to taunt you into submission.
He enjoys seeing you shrink away.
You can't go anywhere and you know it.
You'd need the Pontiff's permission...
He'd never do that.
No, to Sulyvahn you belong beside him.
You're his to adore, his to coo at while he mocks you.
His cute little crossbreed to toy with.
Bringing a God to their knees, it's the ultimate power play to him.
You're adorable to him....
It's euphoric to see your fear when you see all the people that used to roam the city become monsters due to that dreaded false flame.
While everyone suffers, Sulyvahn insists on holding you close.
He claims as his spouse... his partner... he'll give you anything but freedom.
He has the power to demand.
Anything he wants, he gets.
He's already caused worse fates than just bloodshed.
If he wants to spoil you for your good behavior, he'll find a way.
Your life may not be the same as your siblings... but it's your own personal hell...
Especially since you're forced to play spouse to the monster who exploited this mess.
You're forced to be the imprisoned cross breed stuck in a cathedral...
Stuck as the pretty spouse for the Pontiff tyrant... the very same one who's holding your siblings captive to earn the obedience of you and the entire city.
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7m7n7 · 3 months
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lmao @cosmicjoke just curious...do you actually even believe what you wrote? or are you just that pathetically lacking in self-awareness? it literally takes an EFFORT to even scroll through how much you blabbered about me FOR DAYS, HOLY SHIT LMFAO. anyway, scroll away in this one i guess, since it includes some receipts from poor blameless wittle ewuwi fandom you're claiming is "mostly good" and just must be "defensive" to awful people such as myself :-(
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Yeah, i said you woobiefied him (which is a degradation of character no matter how much you froth from mouth 🙂) and YOU wrote me 3 different wholeass paragraphs and in one of them accused me of sending you hate. And you still do, despite the fact i had literally no reason to do so. wanna suck up to eruri fandom that bad, huh? you're so fucking stupid and SO obsessed with retaining that moral highground you SO CLEARLY jack off to, you're even letting eruris who hate you using you to get back at me. who do you think those anons and sock accs you're chatting w are? "this dumb bitch comes at me with insults and accusations" what a hilarious sentence! can you write one sentence without projecting so intensely that you need to be in a mental ward?
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"self shippers are so jealous uwu" OHHHHHH MY GOD LMAO. the fucking eruri rhetoric of GRAND PROJECTION. NO fucking self-shippers gives a fuck to eruri you absolute dumbass 😭 entire discourse happens bc eruris harass them (and other levi shippers) bc of THEIR OWN JEALOUSY holy fuck!!! how can you be so fucking disgustingly biased? and even though you know i also like rivaere and have no problem w other levi ships, you're trying to use me as a scapegoat to "prove" self-shippers are "homophobic" and against "gay ships" start discourse with real levi stans bc some of them also didn't validate your ridiculously awful levi takes apparently. even though you also should be well aware tons of OC shippers also enjoy or don't mind eruri, you're literally attacking people JUST bc they disagreed with you in a previous discourse, just like what you're doing to me right now.
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LMAOOOO nobody's crying anything you braindead loser, and the only one getting "curb-stomped" is your pea-sized brain trying to generate a sentence that doesn't have five contradictions and failing pathetically. "if they just left a sentence exactly like what i had in mind uwuwuwu i wouldnt have started to froth from mouth uwuwuuw how dare they accuse me of woobiefying levi when i obv woobiefy him uwuuuwu 🥺" LMAO nobody is obligated to treat your fragile ass like glass, not my goddamn problem you're so fucking pathetic you start losing you GODDAMN MIND when someone strays a little outside what you deem as acceptable. i didn't throw insults or anything at first either, i just said what it is: that you woobiefy his character, and you clearly can't stand being told the truth. Once again: you %100000 woobiefy him and resent people who don't agree with you. the fact you're THIS vitriolic towards people (thanks for showing i wasn't the only one, at least!) acting like i tainted your honor shows that enough. you literally wrote a "call out" bc of one comment which YOU turned into a fight. you lack introspection madly and you constantly project, so ofc you're just gonna spiral into another fit of rage when you see this, but you can't fool people who are unbiased no matter how much you blabber on 🙂
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Ohhh lmao, it reaaaaaaally couldn't be more obvious you have beef with people who like top levi. that's literally it. Do you fucking realize how goddamn creepy you are when you talk about how i must want to get "smacked around" by a man just bc i said you were woobiefying him? You're a fucking freak. You have no idea what i even like (since you're so curious, i enjoy a wiiide range of levi) but this doesn't have anything to do with what we talk, you think people don't woobiefy characters they like as tops? bc it's SUPER common in most fandoms. the way you immediate resort to talking about people's sexual fantasies is freak behaviour and shows where your true problem lies. and what does this even mean "what the actual reality of Levi's sexuality would likely be"? Do you think people who have trauma can't be dominant? "Assuredly wouldn't enjoy sexual aggression" Why, were you in the room when he was banging people? That's just your hc you're pushing as canon, AGAIN. You want everyone to act like their hcs are just ooc hcs, but they have to accept your hcs as canonical regardless of how much bullshit they are. There's this insane push against *any* top levi content from eruri stans which they dub exactly as you do even though it doesn't reflect the fanon at all, and it makes it TOO OBVIOUS what your real issue is. Lmao, an eruri shipper who has a problem w ppl who like top levi, what a fucking surprise! 🙂
also this is from that @p-ssypink imbecile who's also obv an eruri
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stop projecting and pulling discourse out of your ass. "forced masculinization" levi is already a hypermasculine character in canon, you clown. which probably makes you cry :^) and what does this have to do with homophobia? you think all gay men are feminine? pretty sure such stereotyping constitutes as homophobia. anyway, i said "my deal is im in love w him" bc that clown said something like "your whole deal is your hate for eruri rather than stanning levi" i think that message was cut from the og. obv loving a character doesnt make anyone an authority. but "every eruri is out to get self shippers bc they're ego-maniacal lunatics who cant separate fanon from canon and only see levi as a smol bean omega bottom to be protected" Yes, you got one thing correct, congrats! :) 👏🏻 That's exactly how %99 of eruri shippers are like and anyone who has been in this fandom long enough knows that. But "to be protected" is misplaced, since they mostly get off on degrading and torturing him. sometimes they just like to pretend they have any sympathy for him since they've been accused of being levi haters since ALWAYS, lmfao, but don't worry, i can send you a lot where they admit that too. and ofc, the pretend sadness fits right into their agenda with that sad pathetic little doormat levi they want.
anyways. am i homophobic or are people who consistently emasculate a character in %99.9999 of their fanon bc they think being feminine or bottom is degrading the ones who are homophobic? or maybe calling him the f slur constantly, you'd think qualifies? you don't think treating him like a "little twink who's only job is to get fucked" is fetishistic and homophobic, is that tooootally okay for you? What about bullying and mocking people who think differently and forcing their hcs on them, is that fine?
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"inability to top" hmmmmmm i wonder how do these people see t/b roles and why they're so aggressive about them 🤔
plotting to get a levi/oc video down....kudos on that courage to admit that on their main! 👏🏻
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there are so many, this was veeeeeeery hard to pick tbh but here are just few examples. and no, these aren't just one off events or "bad apples" and all of these people are known eruris, and some have thousands of followers. you may accuse me of "making hating eruri my entire online identity" which is fine and dandy. but ENTIRE eruri fandom makes their identiy hating on what they deem is a threat to their glorification fantasy.
as a bonus here are some multishippers who love eruri talk about the same issue being so common as well 🙂
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i think it should be clear why :')
and @jayteacups saying this nonsense, idk if theyre just playing obtuse but lmfao. some people just don't know mentality in shipping communities enough soooo
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having an OC/self-insert have NOTHING TO DO with what im talking about when i criticize self-inserting/identifying etc with a character. and what i'm criticizing isn't even the fact they self-insert into a character lmfao, it's the entire toxicity it brings, bc through overly identifying w some inadequecy of a character (in this case it's obviously the fact levi's more popular and attractive than erwin that bothers them) they grow jealous and resentful, bend canon to alleviate their insecurity + derive ego wank and attack others who don't validate them. as a result, practically all they do is degrading levi in every way and use him as a validation device (and other characters too btw, just look at how they treat zeke) to make erwin come off "superior", gatekeeping levi bc they can't stand seeing him w other characters, even real life fangirls, both out of possessiveness but also bc it ruins their narrative where erwin's the "conventionally attractive" one. that's the reason for the push against people who like levi in a "hetero" way (read: Top, masculine, alpha, daddy, het, whatever bc they think it translates into "conventionally attractive" lmfao, and precisely why they love bi erwin but NEVER bi levi). and this isn't just against self-shippers, they treat every other levi fandom similarly, and these ships also get mocked as "self insert ships". ironic considering their treatment of erwin puts early ff.net mary sues to shame 🥴 they can't be honest about jackshit bc it ruins their glorification fantasy where erwin has to be the one that ship is all about. they're the definition of "have my cake and eat it too", they act like they barely tolerate levi just for erwin's sake but bitchfight over him every second with everyone, depict him as a one-sided simp for erwin, try to alleviate their insecurity by reducing him to a loser doormat while doing the exact opposites towards erwin.
⬇️ gotta be pretty self explanatory lmfao
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^ Very famous and beloved people among eruris
despite the fact there's a lot of pushback, they'll still argue tooth and nail that women wouldn't like levi and would prefer erwin. Why do you think this is soooo important to them? :^) ⬇️ lol wonder why they want him to convince ppl he's "feminine" so bad! almost like it's bc they see it as unattractive and degrading! but sure, we're the sexist homophobes for hating eruri fans, right? oh and the white supremacist rhetoric also so common - bc i've never seen anyone refer to being blonde in MEN as a good thing outside eruri fandom - since it's a feminine stereotype. "tall DARK and handsome", no? :') But they'll use ANYTHING just to make erwin look better, so they're pretend it's related to generic beauty standards rather than, idk, fucking rantings from hitler's headquarters. maybe some other day i should post them calling him aryan, hmmm....
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look at how they act towards even their own (rare good ones lmao) artists when they depict levi in a conventionally attractive way, they bash on it and call it "hetero" hmmm :')
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Oh oops they already said the quiet part loud! 😱But going around shitting on artists and calling levi "erwin's submissive little bitch" is okay to you, right?
By the way, one of the anons cosmicjoke made a fake acc to come at me just now on twitter bc i called out one of the eruris calling levi f*ggot. Apparently according to them it's just no big deal, that's just calling levi "gay". :') linking it bc too many pics: https://x.com/emeraldsas77759/status/1801556666556559451
Just a small taste of what eruri fandom is like, since most people here on tumblr don't have a fucking clue. Anyway cosmic"joke", what an apt name. Now, you can puke blood all over all you want like the useless, pathetic eruri ass-kisser you are and write few other novels for my sake! don't get too comfy with those erwin stans who are now sending you their love instead of harassing you tho lmfao!
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(^ bc they said levi had a bolo tie of his own and MAYBE he wasn't wearing erwin's bolo tie in the FUCKING OFFICIAL ART LMFAO)
"don't ruin the rep of our fandom they're not eruris uwu" Familiar argument, isn't it? :') bc THAT'S what they do, creating ungodly amounts of toxicity, shitting on everyone, intruding in everyone's spaces, then when they get even a little pushback, they start screeching like little rats trying to shift the blame on others. These are the people you defend when you defend eruris. But hey, you can continue to suck up to them, try not to step one milimeter out of line tho, saying levi isn't erwin's dog may get you death threats. Have fun, goodnight, good luck! 😘
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mono-red-menace · 1 month
what specific parts of dragon age story do you like especially? I've had a love hate relationship with the series and origins is genuinely one of my all time favorites but sometimes I wonder what could have been
i'd definitely have to replay it but i definitely adore the IDEA of the way mages are treated in the setting, both as in their literal treatment, but also the way they're written. i think in practice it falls a little flat, but i think they have really interesting bones to work with, that just. Grip me. you know?
Like, my main thing is that I think the whole conflict of the mages as a whole is extremely interesting... When it's not a poorly done oppression analogy. I can see the bones of an extremely interesting story about the morality of regulating abilities that people can't choose to be born with, not as a "these people are oppressed, isn't that sad?" type of thing, but as a like. Duty to society thing.
I think there's a lot of room for lots of nuanced ideas on the topic to be explored in the story, and there are plenty of tools in the story which can help with that story. The templars, the Tevinter Imperium, the Qunari and their Saarebas, blood magic, etc. My favourite point in any of the dragon age games, one that sticks out with me now, is the Saarebas from dragon age 2. That story really struck me. I think that it was the one time in the series where I think they made a legitimately powerful moment using their established lore. I think it was an incredibly powerful scene, and if I hadn't already had a gross obsession with the lore because of those same bones that made that scene possible, that scene would've driven me to obsession with the series.
I just think they struggle to say anything interesting despite the tools they have set up, which hint at extremely interesting stories that are either fleeting or never pay off, personally. And almost every time they get close to paying them off, they fall flat to me.
It feels like what I want them to be saying is what they want to achieve, but for one reason or another, they can't reach that goal, either because of interference for marketability, or because they just don't have the skill to find their way to where they want to go, or maybe it's an issue of multiple writers with competing visions of where to take these same bones, but I just often find when playing the games that that whole aspect of the story, which is what drives my obsession, is just. A fluke, maybe? I'm not sure.
But Dragon Age is definitely one of those series where the entire time I'm playing the games I'm enraged and fucking ripping up pillows with my teeth like "IT COULD BE SO GOOD IF IT WAS GOOD," and I don't know why, but series like that are what drive me to obsession, you know?
Like when a story has a bad premise and ends in a bad spot, it's like "I don't know what they were going for, and I honestly don't care," or "i know what they're going for but i think the premise is flawed" or something like that, it just leaves my mind after a bit of recognition.
Work that achieves what it sets out to do masterfully sticks in my mind longer, and I do obsess over it, but eventually the obsession fades, and I'm just left with a love for the art.
but when art is mediocre, where you can see a good premise in the work but it constantly fails to meet it, where you see the potential for interesting stories, interesting characters, interesting art, i just can't stop being obsessed with them. I just become so full of a. zeal? a Fervour. This like, desire to see them be great because I'm in love with so much of the setup, but they never pay off. and I just want to take the art into my own hands and Fix it. I just want to go in there myself and do what I feel they're not able to do.
it's like, idk orgasm denial. i can't fucking stop being obsessed with it because u never get the fucking payoff, so you just want to keep holding on like "maybe it'll be good, or maybe i can make it good," but it never gets there.
gd i really should just replay the games and take notes of the shit i like and then actually just write a fucking story that does what i want them to do with all the shit they set up LOL
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Hello.....If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series) and your top 7 favorite (fictional) characters from any media ? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before......
Sorry about the late response I usually use tumblr on my phone but i was having a hard time typing something so long so it’s taken me a few tries. 
Thanks for being my first ask! I would love to answer your question.
Deciding on my favorite all time characters was so much harder than I thought it would be. I think it’s because the character exists so thoroughly in their own world to me that it’s hard to stack them against each other. But I’ll do my best!
I’m going to split my answer between your two asks because I don’t want the response to be too long. Also, forgive me for I cannot spell and punctuation is my natural enemy. 
My Favorite Characters (as of right now)
Jason Todd a.k.a the Red Hood - Batman/ Red Hood Comics
This is pretty simple actually I’ve been obsessed with him since I watched Under the Redhood the animated movie and then went on to consume so much content about him. I think he is if not my most favorite character, then at least my most consistent character (I jump from hyperfixation to hyper fixation alot) So yeah he’s great. He’s very much a shining example of characters I tend to gravitate to in media. 
Kugasaki Nobara - Jujustu Kaisen
Justice for my girl Nobara. I consume quite a bit of media alot of which you could argue was originally geared towards menand so female characters are usually not the best or most fleshed out and so rarely become my favs which is why I hold the ones that do so close to my heart. Nobara is like no other female protag I’ve seen in shonen, she’s allowed to be so much she’s so mean and so forthright and she’s silly she’s a non-hypersexualized comedic relief character and that’s so hard to get with female characters that isnt just them beating up the main character who just lets them. Don’t get me wrong she’s mean to yuuji but in the way we are all mean to our best friends. Her moral philosophy is one of my favorites in the show, shes so complex and so fun and here powers are so interesting. I wish more would be done with her.
Ice Bear - We Bare Bears 
I don’t really have much to say here. Ice Bear’s just a cool dude.
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100
This is very basic of me but I love Reigen so much. I love mob to but Reigen just slightly edges him out because of his sheer insanity. The way Reigen is animated is so god he can never just do one action he’s so hyper and he’s such a bullshitter I love him. But really I feel like we never really get these kinds of  stories with “sensei” like characters. Cause in the beginning He’s presented to us as Mob’s master but it’s so obvious that he’s a con man but the thing is he still gives really good advice and in his own way he is genuinely really helping people. And he gives the single most best piece of advice to a teenage mc that I’ve ever seen. Like how often to you hear the master character tell their pupil that the right thing to do is runaway. That he shouldn't be responsible for fixing the messes of adults, he’s a child and should be allowed to be a child that all the villains are adults and it’s frankly pathetic that they are trying to fight actual children. Reigen simply is him and he grows so much in the way he treats Mob. It’s hard not to love him. Also he has no friends his own age so I feel bad for him. 
The Archangel Michael - Supernatural
There’s not much to say here. He has like 20 minutes of screen time across 15 seasons, but the ways in which I am unwell about him are limitless. He’s my poor little meow meow I will defend him to my dying day. 
Honorable mentions to those I don’t really think about often,and like more in the context of a dynamic, but when I do I go on an absolutely fanfic fuelled mania. 
Erwin Smith (AOT) - There is no canon evidence for this whatsoever but he strikes me as a man that is just a little too much like his mother (unhinged). This is solely based on a specific fic series but the ways in which I am unwell about this trope has implanted unto him. Also love his dynamic with Levi
Robb Stark (GOT)- Honestly I cried about the red wedding for 5 days straight and yeah I like reading about his dynmaic with Jon. 
Shinsou and Aizawa (MHA) -  cheating, but I like them as a dynamic and i flip flop between who I like better, especially in fics where Shinsou isn’t just a vehicle for trauma.
Mihawk and Shanks (OP) - We don’t really know alot about either, though Shanks has gotten a bit more fleshed out recently. I think if we ever find out more about Mihawk he would ascend to one of my favorite characters but right now all Ireally have are headcanons. Also I love Shanks I love seeing him on screen I find him such a fun but tragic character and i dont really know why but yeah he cares so much he’s like a slightly more weighed down luffy what’s not to love?
And finally the ogs
Zoro (OP) - I was so obsessed with him when I first started reading one piece. Love him and Luffy
Nico di angelo (PJO/HOO)  - I think mostly I’ve outgrown Percy Jackson but what kind of person would I be if I didn’t give love to the ogs.
and so here's my list of favorite characters very convoluted I know. I'll probably respond to the second half of your question tomorrow because this kind of wiped me. 😅
But thanks so much for the ask! this was fun
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