#i can sorta cry on command so
ozymoron · 6 months
no more buff men!!!!!!!!!!!! no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant takr it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cozage · 1 year
Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law, and Ace with fem S/O with healing water powers. The catch is that whenever she uses those powers, she feels pain from the wounds she’s healing. And this isn’t a Devil Fruit ability. It’s sorta like water bending from Avatar.
A/N: I really debated on how to lay this one out, but I chose to have them find out about her power. If anyone wants a head canon follow up on how they act now that they know, send me an ask :) I maybe made this a bit too long, but those soft moments with each of these boys are my WEAKNESS. (Law may seem a little OOC but I truly believe that man gets tunnel vision when he sees you in pain)
Characters: F! reader x Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace
Cw: blood, pain, injuries, angst, all those fun things. Sanji’s contains slight spoilers for WCI
Total word count: 6.3k
The Pain of Healing
Word count: 1.2k
“It’s only five more minutes until my Haki returns.” Luffy says between pants, trying to catch his breath. 
“Then I have five minutes to help you. Sit down.” 
Luffy collapsed onto the ground at your command, and you examined his body as he slept. It didn’t look good. His body was riddled with scrapes, scratches, bruises, and he was bleeding out from his side. Several minor injuries could be more painful than large ones, but Luffy had a mix of both. The best thing to do would be to focus on the large ones first, and if you have energy left, fix the small stuff as well. 
You guided water out of your flask and started with the hole in his side. You were used to the pain that came with healing by now, but it still made you flinch every time you started. You had to grind your teeth together to keep from crying out, not wanting to wake Luffy. He needed rest, and you didn’t want him to see the repercussions of your decision to help heal him anyway. 
After five minutes, you’ve taken all of the major injuries away from his body, and you managed to take a few small ones away from him as well. You wipe the tears from your eyes before you shake him awake. 
“It’s time, Luffy. Wake up.” You put on the biggest fake smile you can muster before his eyes flick open. 
“Aw man, that was the best nap in my entire life! I feel amazing!” You stay seated as he stands up, your body too riddled with pain to move. 
“Go get them, Captain!” It hurts to even speak, but Luffy’s already up stretching, too hyped up to notice your exhaustion.
“Thanks for whatever you did to make me feel so great! Leave the rest to me!” Luffy calls back, bounding off to finish the fight. 
Once he’s out of sight, you fold your head into your hands and weep. The pain was immeasurable, and every time you helped Luffy recover, you don’t understand how he’s still alive. You sit there for a long time, crying until there are no tears left. And then you hear cheers from the village nearby, signifying Luffy has won and your work paid off. Knowing that you helped him win makes you feel a little better, and you need to see everyone again. 
You stand up, ready to go meet the rest of the crew, but your body seems to disagree with your movement. Your legs shake, and when you go to take a step, you can feel your body collapsing, falling to the ground. You brace for the impact of your worn body against the solid ground, too tired to do anything else.
It doesn’t come, though. Someone catches you as you stumble forward. Strong arms wrap around your back and your legs, scooping you up and pressing you into his bare chest. Zoro. 
“Easy.” His expression is stone as he stares at you, but you can see worry underneath. “You gonna tell me what the hell you just did to Luffy?” 
You avert your eyes from his gaze, running the tip of your finger along the scar on his chest. “I healed him.”
You can feel his body tense with your words. “That didn’t look like healing to me. And since when do you have a Devil fruit power anyway?”
You bite your lip nervously. Nobody had caught you healing someone before. It wasn’t something you flaunted, or even something you told people about. “It’s not a devil fruit power.”
“Woman, if you don’t tell me-” he breaks off mid sentence, and you look around for any sign of danger. But there’s nobody around besides the two of you. You risk a glance up at him, and you see his face is pained as he stares down at you with a form of understanding. “You took his pain from him, didn’t you?”
Your mouth falls open from shock. You’re not sure how Zoro was able to guess something so accurate after seeing your power one time. You nod, confirming his suspicions. “He’s got an incredibly high threshold for pain tolerance.” 
“How are you still alive?” Zoro shakes you a little when he asks the question, which causes you to groan in pain. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll be more gentle. Do you want to sit? Stand?”
The thought of being upright makes you dizzy. “Can you just keep holding me for now?”
He nods, and returns to questioning you about your mysterious power instead. “Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Yeah.” It hurt to talk honestly, but you didn’t want to tell Zoro that. 
“How often have you been doing this?”
“Only like three or four times for Luffy, I think.” You're certain it’s been more than that, but you can’t tell Zoro that right now. 
“Three or four times?? For Luffy?” You can feel him trying to figure out the meaning behind your cryptic words. 
“There’s been a few other people I’ve done it for too.”
“Have you done it for me?” He's scowling at you, like he already knows the answer you’re going to give and he's waiting to scold you for it. 
“Maybe once or twice,” you lie, and you feel your cheeks burning. He squints at you, and you know you’ve been caught in the lie. But he says nothing, he just readjusts you in his arms to hold you closer. 
He had been walking for a few minutes, and you had almost fallen asleep. He had managed to keep you mostly still while he walked through the destroyed city, and you were too tired to care if he was lost or not. “It’s a neat power,” he finally comments. “You gonna tell me more about it? Or do I need to keep asking questions?”
“Can I tell you later?” You mumble into his chest. Between the safety of Zoro’s arms, the warmth of the sun on your face, and the exhaustion that’s set in from all that pain, it's hard for you to stay conscious. 
Zoro doesn’t say anything for a few moments, and you struggle to stay awake while you wait for an answer. He was never one for mindless chit chat, but you could tell that something was on his mind, so you decide to indulge him.
“It’s not a devil fruit. I was born with it,” You start, and you feel a heavy weight lift off your shoulders with those few words.  You’re so relieved that you can finally tell someone about your secret now. “I was never supposed to let anyone see it being used. If the World Government knew…” You trail off, thinking of how the Navy would turn you into a weapon. You shutter at the thought, and continue on in your explanation. 
“The power isn’t perfect, though. I feel the pain of whoever or whatever I heal. It’s not permanent, but if it’s too much for my body to handle at the moment, I might die. I’m really not sure, I’ve never tried to heal a fatal wound before.”
Zoro is looking off into the distance with a faraway look in his eye. “Just like Kuma.”
“Back on Thriller Bark we met a Marine named Kuma,” Zoro begins to explain, and you focus all your energy into listening to him. “He took all of Luffy’s pain and told me if we wanted to save Luffy, I had to take his pain upon myself. It was just after his big battle with the warlord Moria, and the pain…” he trailed off, and you knew he was reliving the moment in his mind. 
“Does he know about your sacrifice?” 
Your question brings him back to reality, and he looks down at you. He chuckles at your question, and bends over to kiss your forehead. “Does he know about yours?”
Some light spoilers for WCI arc
Word Count: 1.2k
You didn’t realize that your ability was keeping Sanji up at night. 
Anytime he had a cut, or a burn, or any other kind of injury, you waited for him to doze off before you pulled out some water and healed his hands. The injuries were never serious, and after a few times, you barely noticed the pain. 
You didn’t mind, and you knew how much your boyfriend valued his hands. It was your silent act of love to him, something you wanted to give him but could never tell him about. One morning after you healed a bad burn, you found him sitting up in bed, staring at his hands. 
“Is something wrong, Sanji dear?”
The cook was examining his hands thoroughly, flipping them over again and again. “I could’ve sworn I had a burn here yesterday.”
Your cheeks tinted at the thought of being found out. “Oh, well maybe you just have superhuman healing powers!” You laugh it off, trying your best to act natural. 
“Yeah, maybe…” You could tell something was bothering him, but he didn't say anything further. 
You caught him staring at his hands throughout the day, as if he was waiting for a bomb to explode. At dinner you noticed a particularly bad cut on the topside of his hand - a cut he must’ve gotten while chopping vegetables - and you made a note to heal it that night. 
He stayed awake later than usual that night, and he seemed more wound up with anxiety than normal. You peppered his face with a few kisses, trying to get him to relax some. 
“Sanji, are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” He sighed, pulling you into his chest and laying down to finally get some sleep. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
He fell asleep quickly with you pressed into him. His slow, even breaths signified he was finally unconscious, and you pulled out some water to cover his wound. It stung you a bit as his flesh stitched back together, and you let out a low hiss in pain, and you froze as Sanji stirred slightly in his sleep. This wound was deeper than his normal cuts and burns; he must’ve been really distracted when he hurt himself. He wasn’t usually so careless around knives, but you knew whatever was bothering him would be revealed when he was ready to talk to you about it.  
With his wound healed and Sanji’s breath returning to normal, you curled back into place against him, and fell deep into sleep.
You woke to a string of curses falling out of Sanji’s mouth, his body tight and tense against yours. 
“Hm? Sanji?” You rub the sleep from your eyes and open them to find him staring at his hands again. “Sanji, what’s wrong?”
“That’s impossible,” he mumbled, speaking mostly to himself. He looks panicked, staring down at the place where his cut was yesterday. “That’s not humanly possible.”
You feign innocence as you have in the past, but you can’t ignore the nervous look in his eyes. “What is it, Ji?”
“I had a cut here yesterday. It was deep.” His breathing quickened, and you could see that he was scared for some reason. “It couldn’t have healed overnight. It’s not…It can’t be…”
“I’m sure it’s just-”
“You don’t understand.” He cuts you off mid-sentence, something he’s never done before, and it takes you aback. He gets out of bed abruptly, his eyes never leaving his hand.
“I need to go. I need to get out of here.” He’s pacing the room now, his stress overflowing into the space between you. 
“Go where? Sanji, calm down. Talk to me-”
“I can’t be here! I can’t endanger you! Or anyone else, for that matter!” His face is contorted with such pain you’ve never seen before. You don’t know what’s going on with your boyfriend, but his reaction to such a small cut is starting to scare you.
You jump out of bed and stride over to him. When you reach him, you clasp his face between your hands, forcing his eyes away from his hands and up to your eyes. His eyes are wide with pure fear, and his breathing is rapid and shallow. You can feel his body shaking as you hold him. 
“Sanji.” You push down your own fear and speak to him in a soothing tone, trying to bring him back to you. “Talk to me.”
“I’m a monster, Y/N.” Tears fill his eyes, threatening to spill out as he speaks. “If my body is regenerating like this…I’m a threat to you all.”
“You’re not,” You whisper. “You’re not a monster, Sanji.” You stand on your tiptoes to try and kiss the space between his eyes, but he pulls away from you.
“You don’t know.” He backs away from you, fear returning to his eyes again. “I am a monster. And now that I’m-”
It’s your turn to cut him off now. “I healed you, Sanji.”
His brows furled in confusion, but his eyes looked less panicked now. “Wha..?”
“I have this power,” you explain. You walk back to the bedside table, gathering some water from a cup and suspending it in the air. “I can heal people with water. I’ve been healing your small injuries for a while now. I wanted to make your life easier, I swear. I’m sorry I kept it from you. I just…I wanted to help.”
You see him relax the more you explain your powers, which was not the reaction you were expecting. He watches you move the water through the air, and tears finally flow from his eyes. 
“Y/N-chan,” he sobs, running over to you, embracing you in a hug. He’s holding you tight, smothering you into his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did you hide it?”
Your face burns against him, embarrassed that you had kept it from him for so long. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone, and I knew you wouldn’t want me hurting myself for you, but-”
“Hang on.” He pulls back from you, peering down at your face with a frown of concern. “You’re being hurt?”
“Just when I heal people,” you rush to explain, seeing his frown deepen. “I just feel the pain of the injuries I’m healing, it’s no big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” he corrects, staring at you disapprovingly. “Promise me you won’t do it anymore.”
“Promise, Y/N.”
“No! Let me do this for you!” You’re pouting now, but you know Sanji won’t cave on this matter. You know he can’t let you hurt yourself at his expense. 
“I appreciate that you want to help,” he says sternly. You can hear the love in his voice as he speaks, and you know you’ll have to agree to his request.  “But there are other ways for you to help me without hurting yourself. Please-”
“Fine. Promise.” You give him a fake pout, but when he pulls you back into his chest and holds you tightly, you melt into him. “Are you sure you’re okay, Ji? You seemed scared earlier.”
“I’m fine, really.” He rests his chin on the top of your head, drawing in a long breath before he says more. “I just thought my past was coming back to haunt me again, that’s all.”
You all stand there for a long while, just enjoying eachothers closeness. You only break apart when you hear Luffy screaming for breakfast, and you give him one last kiss on each of his hands before you let him go. 
Word Count: 1.1k
“Stay still, idiot.” You held Luffy down, looking at his wound in his foot. 
“I can’t! It hurrrtttssss!” 
“That’s what you get for wearing sandals in the jungle!” You could tell from the way the stick speared through his foot, Luffy wouldn’t be able to walk easily, and you still had another half mile before you made it back to the ship. 
You knew you weren’t supposed to heal people while they were conscious, but this was Luffy. He was the love of your life, and the Strawhats were your only family. If you couldn’t trust them, you deserved to be locked up anyway. 
You sighed, pulling water out of your flask in soft, flowing movements. Luffy was still writhing in pain on the ground, overdramatic in his reaction to his current impalement. It was possible that you might be able to heal him without him even realizing it. 
You surrounded his foot with an orb of water, and imagined the wound being stitched together, just like your mother had taught you. You saw his rubbery skin begin to mend together, and braced yourself for what came next. 
Your grip on Luffy’s ankle tightened when the pain came. It was sharp and fast, and it took the breath out of your lungs. You squeezed your eyes shut, but kept your focus on the wound and the pain that came with it. 
“Wooooahhhh!” You could hear Luffy’s sigh of amazement, and you knew he had caught you healing his wound. “That’s so cool! The hole is just closing up!!”
You didn’t speak, afraid that your voice would betray you. The last thing you wanted Luffy to know was that you were in pain because of the healing process. You could hear him freaking out about how cool it was that his injury was healing before his own eyes, but you did your best to ignore him and focus on the healing process. You kept your eyes closed the entire time, using the level of pain to guide how much longer you had to fix his injury. Finally, the pain dulled, and then disappeared. You dropped his foot and opened your eyes again, trying to ignore the lingering effects that your body was dealing with. 
Luffy was examining his foot closely, looking at it from all angles to see if there was any damage. He stood up, putting all of his weight back on his foot, and jumped up and down a few times. 
“It’s like brand new!” He shouted with glee. He came over to you and wrapped you in a hug. “You’re the best, Y/N!”
Over the next few weeks, Luffy offered up your services to others throughout the ship. You knew that Luffy was incapable of keeping secrets, and you had never explicitly asked him to keep that information to himself. You never minded healing your family though, and the injuries were always minor. Luffy sent Ussop to you when he got a burn on his hand, and Franky when he got a bad cut on his face. Chopper sent Zoro when he had a sprained wrist. It wasn’t until Nami came to you with a nasty cut on her shoulder that the secret of your healing was revealed. 
You smiled when she asked, and pulled water out to start the healing process. You coated the wound in a bubble of water, and clenched your jaw to prepare for the worst. 
You were aware of Nami’s eyes watching you. Everyone else watched their own wound magically heal, but her eyes remained on your face, watching for any signs of discomfort on your end. You had a feeling that she was suspicious of your powers already. She had been the most interested member of the crew from the start, asking about the stipulations and origins of your power from the moment she had found out about it. 
You kept your eyes on the gash, trying your best to mentally steel yourself for the pain that would come. You knew it wouldn’t be easy to hide the pain, but you were determined to make it look natural. When the feeling of pain ripped through your shoulder to match her wound, you gritted your teeth and kept your smile, but you could feel your muscles involuntarily twitch. 
If Nami noticed, she said nothing. When you finished, you looked back up at her and let out a shaky breath, smiling. She eyed you suspiciously, but thanked you politely and left you alone. Once the door swung shut, you collapsed back onto the couch you were on, desperately needing a nap after that performance. 
Luffy was awoken by a smack on the head. 
“What?” He asked groggily. “Are we at the next island?”
“Are you some kind of sadist,” the tangerine-haired girl scolded, shaking her finger at him. “Or are you just a moron?”
“What are you talking about, Nami?”
Nami rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, staring daggers down at Luffy. “Y/N’s power.”
Luffy rubbed his head, wondering if you could fix headaches. “What about it?”
“She feels pain when she heals people, you idiot. She probably feels whatever pain she’s healing.”
Luffy’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that she just healed my shoulder. And she was in some serious pain while she was doing it. She hides it well, but I could tell she was hurting.”
Luffy bit his lip, trying to think back to when you had healed him in the forest. But he had been so amazed at watching his own wound heal, he hadn’t noticed your reaction while you were doing it. 
“She seemed kind of tired after mine, but that’s it. I felt great though, so I carried her back to the ship!”
“So you are just a moron!” Nami punched him again. “No more free healing! Stop taking advantage of her!”
You woke up from your nap to rubber arms wrapped around you and Luffy’s round eyes staring at you intensely.
“Good morning,” you groan, trying to pull away from him to stretch. 
He let you go enough to stretch out, but kept a tight grip on you. “Does it hurt?”
You freeze mid-stretch, silently cursing Nami for her hyper awareness. “It just makes me tired.”
“You’re lying.” He knows you so well. You move your fingers up to his hair, twirling his locks around your index finger.
“Yeah,” you sigh the word out. You’re painfully aware of his gaze, transfixed on your face.
 “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because Luffy, it’s not that bad.” Your eyes move back to his finally, and you can see the hurt and confusion that is held within them. “And I like doing what I can to help my family.”
He nods, accepting that answer, and snuggles up into your chest, holding you tightly against him. You let him lay there for a while, twirling his soft strands of hair around in your fingers. There are few quiet moments between you and Luffy, and you cherish every moment you can get like this.
“Nami said no more free healings, by the way.”
You laugh and give his forehead a quick kiss. “Guess I’ll have to charge you double.”
Word Count: 1.2k
Law’s breath was ragged as you pressed into his stomach wound. Blood coated your hands as you tried to stop the bleeding, but it didn’t seem to be working very well. 
“I just need to...” Law coughed, and you could see red staining his lips. A small blue orb began to form in his palm, but it flickered out quickly. He was too weak to use his devil fruit powers.
“Fuck.” You repeated. There was only one thing you could do now. It meant exposing your secret and showing your captain your biggest weakness, but you’d do anything to save him. 
You pulled away from his wound, and let your hands guide water from your flask, maneuvering it through the air. “Don’t freak out,” you say, and you cover the wound in water. You let it sit for a moment, and then begin imagining the wound healing. 
It started as a dull, throbbing pain in your stomach. You began to think you were getting used to the pain, but then it began to grow, turning sharp and stabbing. You flinched at the sudden change in pain, but held your focus. 
Law watched you work for a few moments with wide eyes, unsure what was happening or what he could do. You wanted to scream from the pain that was growing rapidly, but you held your tongue, hoping he didn’t notice your facial expressions contorting into pain. Tears filled your eyes, and you finally felt Law move into action, his hand gripping around your wrists. 
“Stop,” he demanded, trying to push your arms away from his wound. You ignore his demand, keeping your arms locked against him, continuing the healing process at your expense. 
“Stop! Y/N-ya, Stop it!” His voice rose in pitch, and you could tell he sensed your pain. His efforts to push you away are getting stronger, proof that his energy is returning to him. You feel relieved in the fact that he is healing, even if it is exhausting you in the process. 
He finally succeeds in pushing you off him, and you fall backwards to the ground and lay there, dazed and stunned from your work. He quickly straddles you and pins your arms to the ground to ensure you’ve fully stopped whatever you had started doing to him. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Law stares down at you, angry and scared of what you’ve done. 
You know his rage is out of fear, and you give him a small smile, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. “You okay now?”
He stares at you, baffled at your question. He has energy now, and his wound in his stomach is almost completely healed. He knows it’s due to you, but he doesn’t know how you’ve managed to heal him so quickly. Fear. Betrayal. Anger. So many emotions run through him all at once. He has so many questions that he doesn’t know where to start. 
He tightens his grip around your wrists, keeping you pinned down. “Explain.”
“It’s a power I was born with,” you say, closing your heavy eyes. “I can heal other people’s injuries through water.”
Law watches you carefully, certain that you’re hiding something. He squeezes your wrists tighter until you finally open your eyes again, looking anywhere but at him. 
You can’t make eye contact with him or you know you’ll tell him everything. You can’t afford for him to know your secret, it was bad enough that he knew this much. 
“You were in pain.” He says it as a statement, not a question.
You squirm from underneath him, trying to get free, but his grip doesn’t let up. He’s determined to get to the bottom of what you just did. He needs to protect you. He needs to keep you safe from all harm, even if that means protecting you from yourself. 
“Let go.” You say, still trying to get free. His grip is starting to become painful, and you try to pull your arms away from him again. “You’re hurting me, Law. Let go.”
His eyes stare down at you, unmoving from his current position. The more you squirm, the tighter his grip gets, and you know he won’t let go until he has an answer. “Y/n-ya, why were you in pain?”
“It’s a side effect!” You cry out in frustration, finally giving in. You suspect he knew the moment he saw it. “I feel the person’s pain as I heal them.”
In his shock, Law’s hands loosen their grip, and you finally pull free from him. You try to turn away from him, but he’s still sitting on your stomach, and you don’t have enough energy to push him off. You rub at your wrists, trying to get the sting from his grip out of your body.
Law is frozen, staring down at you with wide eyes. He grits his teeth, watching you massage your wrists. “I’m sorry,” he says, reaching for your hands again, more gentle this time. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
You let him grab one of your hands, and he begins massaging your wrists gently, whispering apologies to you. You close your eyes and try to forget that you’ve broken your number one rule about your power: telling other people. You focus on his wrist massage for a while, his own way to apologize for his outburst.
“Why did you save me?”
You sigh, opening your eyes again. This time, you meet his gold eyes, radiant against the sunlight. “You never want anyone to save you, Captain.”
“It’s my job as a ca-”
“I saved you because I love you, you idiot.”
You can see Law’s eyes twitch in surprise; his hands freeze against your wrist. 
“You don’t get to decide what sacrifices I make for you,” you continue. “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do to save you. That’s my decision. You’ve made many sacrifices for me, some extremely painful ones. Remember the incident at Low Sand Creek?”
Law doesn’t respond, but he slowly starts to massage your wrists again, which you take as a sign to keep talking. 
“I don’t get to criticize your decisions on sacrifice. And you don’t get to criticize mine either. I love you, and I know you love me. Do I want you to risk your life for me? No. But that’s just something I have to live with. And so do you. Okay?”
Your captain says nothing, and you can tell he’s sulking over your lecture. It wasn’t uncommon for you to have to do this with him. Law was one of the smartest people you knew, but relationships weren’t really his strong suit. It resulted in you having to do a lot of explaining and voicing your needs.
“Law, do you understand?” You insist, needing to stand your ground. He had a tendency of not responding when he didn’t agree with something.  
He huffs out an irritated breath. “Okay.”
You scrunch your face at him, shooting him a semi-fake glare. 
“I understand, okay?!”
You twisted your hand to intertwine with his, and grabbed his other hand with your free one so that both of his hands were now holding each of yours. You locked eyes with him, and you could see there was something else there, something that was bothering him. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
He was quiet for a moment, as if he were working up the courage to admit whatever he was feeling. His eyes moved away from your gaze and focused on one of his hands instead, still intertwined with yours. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice comes out slightly choked, and you realize that you had forgotten to explain the most important part to him. 
Your cheeks redden, embarrassed at your oversight. His eyes snapped back to yours, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact.  
“It’s… I was told to never tell anyone about it. Or let someone else see it.”
You can feel him staring at you, his eyes willing you to look at him, but you refuse. He waits patiently, and you know he’s asking you a silent question: Don’t you trust me?
“I trust you, I just…” Neither you or Law had really talked about your past much. You preferred to live for the now, for the future. The past was just too painful to think about. “People died protecting that secret. I didn’t want to add more names to that list.”
Law gave a dark chuckle at your response. “And after all that preaching about not deciding who gets to make sacrifices.”
Now it’s your turn to sulk. “That is not-“
He cuts you off, pulling you up to meet him, and his lips collide with yours. 
He pulls back briefly, basking in your beauty. “No more secrets. Promise?”
Word Count: 1.5k
Ace wasn’t used to being hit, and when someone made contact with him, it hurt. He grimaced as he limped from battle, blood dripping down his leg from the giant puncture wound in his thigh. You had your arm around him, helping him run, but his injury was slowing you both down, and the enemy was closing in quickly.
“Sit,” you commanded. “Let me help.”
“I just need to get back to Marco, he can help.” His breathing was labored, and you knew he was expending too much energy just speaking to you. 
“I can heal too.” You helped him sit down, and you could feel his eyes staring at you, trying to understand your cryptic words. You chose to ignore him for now, and examined the wound. It was deep, but manageable. You braced yourself, and summoned some water out of your flask, covered his wound, and focused on stitching it back together. 
Pain ripped through you, and you had to bite your lip to keep yourself focused. It wasn’t the worst pain you had felt, but the wound was deeper than you had initially thought, and you could feel your muscles tearing apart, just like Ace’s had when he was cut. You knew that it was just a phantom pain, no actual bodily harm was being done to you, but it was still pain nonetheless. 
You could feel tears pooling at the corner of your eyes, but you refused to stop until the job was done. You watched his muscle stitch back together, and when it was finally completely healed, you sat back and closed your eyes, exhausted and riddled with aches. 
When you opened your eyes again, you could see Ace in front of you, you could feel him shaking you violently. He was screaming something, but you couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying over the loud ringing in your ears. Slowly, your hearing returned, and you realized he was screaming your name. 
“Ace.” Your words were slow. You were still trying to come out of the fog of pain that always came with healing. “Stop shaking me.”
He finally stopped, but his hands were still tightly gripping your shoulders. He was staring at you in terror, fear spread across his face. 
“What were you doing?” His voice was loud and piercing, causing you to flinch. “How did you…What do…Where did…” He struggled to find the right words, and you stared at him with still-glazed eyes while he tried to form a sentence. You were struggling to refocus after the pain, and were thankful that Ace was tongue-tied for the moment. 
Ace took a breath, finally able to form a sentence. “I didn’t know you had a devil fruit power.”
“I don’t.” Normally you let people believe whatever they wanted in order to guard your secret, but this was Ace. If you couldn’t trust him, you couldn’t trust anyone. “It’s just an ability I was born with. I can heal people with water.”
Ace’s facial expressions had always been easy to read. Even in your dazed state, you watched as his concern turned to shock and then to confusion. You waited for the inevitable question to come, and it did. “If you’ve had this power, why haven’t you used it more often?” 
“I…” you hesitate. You didn’t want to tell him the weakness of your ability. Not because you didn’t trust him, but because you did. You knew that if Ace discovered the trade off of your powers, he would never want you to suffer for him or anyone else. 
You had told Marco about your power when you joined the crew, and the doctor had forbid you using your ability except in dire circumstances. Marco trusted you to make judgment calls on what you could handle, but you didn’t think Ace would feel the same way. 
You could hear the enemy's battle cries getting closer, and you take the opportunity to avoid the question. “Let’s go. We need to get back to the ship.”
Ace stands, and you follow to do the same. You take a bit longer to get to your feet, still light-headed from the trade off of healing Ace. His attention has shifted to the enemy pursuing you now, and thankfully he doesn’t seem to notice your sluggish movements. 
Ace’s fist becomes engulfed with flames, and he stands between the enemy and you. “Go back to the ship, I’ll hold them off.” 
“Idiot! That’s what got us here in the first place!” 
“Yeah,” He smirked back at you like the devilish fiend you knew he was. “But this time I won’t lose.”
You can feel your knees start to go weak, but you’re not sure if it’s from exhaustion or from the man in front of you. You hate to leave him, but you know you’ll only be a liability in this fight. With Ace’s energy replenished and the ability to fight in an open space, he’d finish off the enemy easily now. 
“You better not die.” Your words hang in the air, and you take off towards the Moby Dick. 
As soon as you got aboard the ship, you went straight to your room. You didn’t bother giving a report. Ace would do that when he returned. Sleep was what you needed now. 
You woke with arms wrapped around you tightly, and the warm body of Portgas D. Ace pressed against your back. You weren’t sure how long you had slept, but there was no longer any light coming in through the porthole in your room. You shifted, trying to get out of Ace’s grasp without waking up, but his strong arms tightened against you when you moved, keeping you close to him. 
For a long while you laid in the silence, unsure if Ace was asleep or awake. He wasn’t snoring like he normally did when he was asleep and he refused to let you move away from his grasp, but his breaths were even and he didn’t speak to you. You didn’t mind the quiet, your body was still exhausted from the fighting and the pain of healing today, and Ace’s warmth was almost therapeutic against your tired body.
“Your healing…” Ace's voice finally breaks the silence, making you tense from surprise. His voice was low and quiet in your ear. “It hurts you, doesn’t it?”
You can hear the sadness in his voice, and you know that he’s figured it out. Whether he solved it on his own or if Marco told him, it didn’t matter now. You’ve always been a bad liar, and you could never bring yourself to lie to Ace anyway.
He squeezed you tighter, pulling you closer to him. There was another long pause, and you let him hold you while he processed everything. 
“How bad is it?” His voice is level, but you can hear it beginning to grow thick with tears. 
“It depends on what I heal. I just feel the pain of the injury.”
His forehead presses into the crook of your neck, and his breath becomes shallow and ragged. You can feel his emotions coursing through him, and all you want to do is comfort him. You squirm, trying to flip over so you see his face while you talk, but his iron tight grip refuses to let you move. 
“Ace,” you speak gently, your hands pulling at his arms, and his grip loosens just enough for you to turn over onto your other side. You’re laying face to face with him now, but his eyes are squeezed shut. His freckled cheeks are wet with tears, and your heart constricts seeing his sadness. 
You press your forehead against his, and use your free hand to brush some of his hair away from his face. You continue softly sweeping your fingers through his hair, soothing him as you speak. “It’s not so bad, Ace. But that's why I don’t use it very often.”
His eyes are still closed, but you feel his hands ball into fists against your back, gathering the fabric of your shirt in them.
“Why did you use it to save me then?” His voice comes out more of a demand than a question. It’s harsh, and you know he’s angry. Maybe at you, maybe at himself, probably both. His question makes you freeze, your fingers still entangled in his strands of hair. 
You feel a slight prick of irritation at his question. You pull your head back and tilt his face up to look you in the eyes, but they’re still tightly shut. “Look at me,” you demand, your tone matching his from a moment ago. You feel him stiffen slightly at the intensity of your words, but his dark eyes open to meet your own. 
Your hands find his cheeks, cupping his face, and you press your forehead back into his. Your eyes never leave his, and you can feel his grip against your back finally start to soften as he focuses on you instead of what you’ve done. 
“I did it.” You pause for a moment, still staring at him. God, he was so stupid. You swipe your thumb across his freckles, wiping the tears from his sad, sweet eyes. “Because you deserve to be saved.”
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randomgurl2326 · 7 months
Make Me Forget
Theodore Nott x best friend!reader
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I just sorta started writing all of the sudden…
Warnings: NSFW!!! Fingering, no actual p in v, praising
You breathe in through the tears. Here you are at your best friend’s dorm, crying. You breathe in and build the courage to do it. You raise your fist to the door.
Knock. Knock
The door swings open and Theo, clad in his sweater and shorts. He sees you crying and leads you in by your shoulder.
“Dolcezza, what happened? Y/N?” At the lack of response from you he becomes worried. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You look up into his dazzling blue eyes that would make you swoon any day and fiddle with the hem of your skirt. Your mouth opens then closes in the same second. This time you wipe a tear and look him dead in the eyes and whimper out, “make me forget. Make me forget, Theo… please.”
He looks puzzled but you leave no time for questions when you take him by the neck and kiss him fiercely. He kisses back with as much vigor and makes you moan at the feel of his soft lips on your chapped ones.
Theo pull back, panting a bit, “dolcezza-“
You shush him softly with the tear stains on your face, “I need this. I need you.”
The Nott boy waits only a split second and crashes his lips on yours. He pulls you onto his lap. He hears you moan, getting wetter with each second.
Theodore pants and starts to buck his hips up. At the feel of his hips you whine and push him back onto the bed by his chest. He watches as you take off your shirt; button by button by button. Slowly teasing him, the lace of your bra cutting through.
He moans as you start to grind on him, “Dolcezza. Y/N. Do you want this? Truly? We can stop right now.”
“I need you. I need you to take the pain, the tears away. I need you, Theodore,” you lean down and kiss him right on the jugular and kiss up his jaw, cheekbones, until you reach his lips.
Theo reaches behind you thighs, slowly creeping his fingers up the inside of your plush thighs. Once he reaches your panties he feels the wetness seeping from them. “So wet, cara mia. kiss All for me?”
You roll your hips at into his hand at the question and quietly whimper, “a-all for you. Ahh. Fuck me.” The statement came as a plead as you sat up on his waist line. The boy lifts up onto his elbows as he peers through his lashes at you.
He trails his fingers from the inside of your thighs to your perfect waist, and lands on the ample plush of your tits. “Why so perfect for me?” He quickly rolls you over so you’re down on the bed. “So needy, dolcezza.”
You moan as he kisses down your neck. You reach down to pull his shirt over his head. You whisper as you trace your fingers along the indentures of his sun-kissed skin, “make love to me, Teddy. I need it.”
Theo leans down and kiss your lips and down your jaw all the way to your shoulder, “your wish is my command, dolcezza.”
He feels you bring your needy hands to his belt buckle and feels you incessantly tug on it, “I got it, tesoro. Let me make you feel good.”
As he undoes his belt he kisses bruises into your neck that won’t go away for days to come. Naught of consequences as he hears your moans of pleasure.
“Theo. Theo. Ne-need your fingers. Please.” Your beg makes him harder than he already is. His veiny hands go down and tease your panties, “all you needed to do was ask, darling.”
You feel his fingers lift the waistband of your panties and split your pussy lips. The wanton moans reach a peak as he find your clit. “C’mon, baby. That’s it, that’s it. You’re so good for me.”
The slow, teasing circles on your clit are maddening, just as you’re about to complain he speeds his fingers up and kisses you. Your spit mixes together as you both pant against each other. As you moan his name you feel his middle finger slide into you. As you flinch at the stretch he soothes you, “it’s okay, it okay. I’m gonna move it now, okay? See? Feels good.” You nod as your closed eyes and open mouth pass along everything that needs to be said. “Yeah, yeah. Good, baby. Feels good, right?”
The pleasure of his thumb rubbing your clit and his middle finger massaging your walls ensnares you. You whimper and the next second a white flash comes across you as you cum. “Teddy! Theo. Theo.” The tears come back as you succumb to the pleasure.
Theo stops his ministrations fearing that he’d hurt you, “Dolcezza? Did I hurt you?” You smile as the tears trail down your face and you bring him down to peck your lips, “no. No. That felt amazing.”
He smiles softly and kisses your salty tears, “you, my beautiful girl, deserve the fucking world.”
Um? Don’t know where that came from. I truly don’t. First time actually writing smut (or somewhat smut??). I think I’m gonna make a part two where he asks why she came to him. I’ll keep you guys updated. Also, I am very, very sorry to all of my Andromeda and Perseus: Destined readers. I know I promised to get more chapters out but I got sick and I was NOT feeling it.
Thank you for reading!!! I love you ALL!!!!💚💜
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fire-lizard-ro · 9 months
Hi Roro, hope you’re doing well! Let me start by saying your Sunday stuff is MAGNIFICENT, oh my gosh this MAN-
I’ve come with a request for you…
Dr. Veritas Ratio x fem or gn reader. Bathtub. Sex. Like most of the time he’s only interested in reading in the tub, rejecting reader’s advances. But one day, idk, he’s in a MOOD but he doesn’t want to admit it, so he lets reader go a little further than normal with her advances, but he’s still being petty about it, kinda denying and still trying to read his book or whatever and it just Escalates eventually…
Aaaa thank you so much if you decide to do my request! Remember to take breaks and stay hydrated!
I'm ILL over this man jfc-
Dr. Ratio here to prescribe you with a dose of vitamin D-//SHOT
Veri, my love, please just one chance I'm begging just a crumb oisego-
But yesssss gimme the bathtube sex I want it- I wanna do all kinds of wild things to or with this man. Crazy.
But hehehe I know what you are. 👁️👁️
A s i m p . 🫵 (Like I'm any better.)
And thank you!!! This took a While, but I did it. I had lots of fun with it so feel free to request again~
CW and writing under the cut:
CW: vagina and cock (gasp), PIV sex, cockwarming, rough sex, hair pulling, choking (+some breath play), cumming inside (wrap it before you tap it folks), spanking, degradation+praise, objectification, kinda sorta human furniture thing???, name calling (ex:slut), use of words like "cunt" (wow that feels weird writing here-), marking, ignoring you during cockwarming, doggy position(?), cum play, holding your hands behind your back, discussion of safe wording (check-ins), kinda cum as lube?, funishment, d/s aspects to the relationship (though you are dating for romantic reasons as well), slight pussy slapping, talking to your pussy (I know this man a freak <333), crying during sex (+dacryphilia), dumbification (ofc this was gonna be here), ruined orgasm, edging, slight cum eating, a liiiiittle bit of gagging (w/ fingers), usage of "pet" exactly once
Reader gender: fem (I talked with anon separately and they decided on this when I asked for preference- I also only have one fem reader ask. If people want, I can write another version tweaked to be gn or AMAB/male reader~)
>>>Dr. Ratio will be referred to as Veritas here since reader is dating him.
>>>This was written and almost finished before 1.6 release.
Bathtub sex, surprisingly, probably isn't the norm for you two. After all, Veritas (oml it feels weird calling him that after so long of calling him Ratio-) enjoys his down time in the bath where he can relax with you and read his books. I like to think that it's one of the few times when his ever racing mind is a bit quieter. So when you are finally pent up enough at just the right time to want to pounce on him in the tub, he's a bit surpised at first. But the surprise would soon melt into mild annoyance. "Can't you just stay still? Quit it- I'm trying to read."
Of course he says it in that ever dramatic way of his while not even glancing up from his book. Speaking of said book- "You're going to get my book wet, darling-" (Yes, he's a "darling" kind of guy. It's sophisticated as he is. And you know he'd say it with that drawl of his and drag the word out. Sometimes in those more intimate moments, it sounds almost like a sultry purr with the way he says it, commanding all your attention.) "And if you do that, you know I'm going to have to punish you, hm?" You almost want it if it means he'd touch you where you want him, but you know that his punishments aren't necessarily fun. Yet still you like them all the same.
(They're more of funishments than punishments in this case- Please do know that funishments and punishments aren't the same, my dear little kinksters~ Since the reader actually enjoys these "punishments" a lot and they are done for their and Veritas' mutual gratification, it's a funishment. These are normally for bratting behavior while actual punishments are for serious things and are meant to actually discourage the behavior that earned you the punishment. Hopefully I explanied it well, lololol-)
But of course you continue to try and rouse his interest, touching him here and there. It reaches the point where you manage to wiggle your way between his arms, in front of his book. Not only does this block his view, but you're dripping water all over his book! (It was all of one or two droplets.) If you listened close enough, you'd probably have heard the sound of his reason breaking in that moment. Like you had poked a sleeping bear one too many times. (And some little part of himself that knew it was also partly because he also was getting into a mood was squashed. Of course it was just because you needed to be disciplined.)
"That's it. You want my attention, darling? Well now you have it.” There was something dark in his voice that sent a shiver down your back and made your nethers tingle in anticipation. He snapped the book closed and set it on the table by the bathtub almost gently, a stark contrast between how his voice sounded and how he was looking at you. He'd tilt his head and consider you, seemingly thinking about how best to punish you for your transgressions. "Hands on my shoulders and do not move them. Color?" Veritas was launching right into it, huh? "Green." "Good."
With hands on his strong shoulders, you watched him with eyes darting around his form to try and figure out what he'd do. Your question was answered by a hand gripping your hip and another dragging down between your breasts, then over your belly, then stopping on your mound. He didn't move any lower, fingers thrumming there just above where you wanted him. Teasing. "I can see your cunt drooling from here. Was she just so hungry that you couldn't be good and hold it until we were out of the tub?" Heat bloomed in your cheeks as he spoke. "Should I punish her? Hm?" Veritas gave your wetness a few light slaps, just enough to make you jolt but not enough to do more than just barely sting. "No- It isn't her fault she's so empty and wanting. But it is your fault that you couldn't be obedient and wait. Isn't that right, my cute little slut?" He whispered in your ear, leaned forward to curl possessively over you while his fingers slipped down to trace around your twitching hole as it tried to suck his finger in.
"Mmmmm..." he hummed lowly, the sound vibrating against you where your chests were pressed together. He kissed the spot beneath your ear before his lips marked a path down your neck, sucking and nipping marks into the tender flesh there. Just as he reached the junction between your neck and shoulder, he suddenly sunk his teeth in and thrusted two fingers into you at the same time. Veritas had sneakily wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you still right before so you weren't able to squirm away from his teeth or his fingers that now plunged in and out of you, agonizingly slow after that fast, rough entry.
The man pressed a kiss to your new bitemark before sliding the hand of the arm around your waist up your back to latch onto your nape and hold you still for a kiss. He chuckled into it as you attempted to fight him for dominance, your tongues clashing. Ultimately, he won and was now devouring your mouth, licking into it with fervor.
At some point, his fingers began to speed up. Veritas was fingerfucking you with his palm slapping against your throbbing clit. And right as you felt yourself begin that climb- He slowed down, his thrusts going back to a leisurely rhythm. He swallowed the whine that left your throat, smirking into the kiss you were still locked in. As he pulled away, he looked incredibly smug. "Thought it would be that easy? Of course not. This is a punishment.”
He did this another time, bringing you close to the rise of pleasure (not at all that close to your peak, though) before going frustratingly slowing. The third time, however... It didn't seem that he was going to stop, and you felt it build and build inside you like a white hot flame. And right as you were reaching the end... He spanked you and ripped his fingers out, sending you over the edge but ruining your orgasm. It had tears beading in your eyes. Fuck did that make him want to fuck you absolutely stupid, but he had more control than that. Your punishment was far from over.
He soothingly ran his hand over your back as you leaned into him, body shivering. "Color?" Through your panting breaths, you managed a weak, "Green." "Good girl." He didn't let you rest any longer, manhandling you into a new position. Now you were leaned over the edge of the tub with your hands keeping you from falling out, Veritas behind you. "I'm going to fuck you now, and you're going to take it all like a good girl, right?" At first you thought he was talking to you, but then he caressed your slit and cooed at it. That mixed sense of shame and arousal shot through you and had you clenching around nothing, making Veritas laugh condescendingly. "So honest..."
Again he started out slow, the sensual slide of his cock inside of your pussy making you close your eyes to focus on the pleasure he was giving you. But he was faster to ramp things up now that he'd already edged you and ruined one of your orgasms. It may or may not have also been because he was quite ready to slake his own lust with your body.
The only reason you didn't slam your face into the tub's edge or fall out was Veritas' grip on you when he grabbed both of your wrists and pulled your arms behind your back. You felt a hand slide into your hair and then he was thrusting into you hard, the slap of his hips slamming into your ass loud in the confined space of the bathroom. It was obscene the way you could even hear the wet sound of his cock going in and out of you amplified by the natural acoustics of said bathroom. "You like hearing how well you take me, slut? I certainly do. It's filthy. Fitting-"
Your hips are bruising from them being pressed onto the edge of the tub, bumping into it with almost every thrust. It hurt but fuck did it all feel so good because he was pressing against your sweet spot every time he fucked into your wet hole.
The hand pulling your head back by your hair let go only to wrap around your throat and pull you up so your back pressed against his chest. "Fuck you sound like such a whore right now. Are you my good little whore? Just for me?" Of course you couldn't answer because your mind was blank from his hand pressing just right to cut off some of that blood flow. Oh and because he had also just tilted his hand to cut off your air. He held for a bit, waiting until your vision was a bit fuzzy at the edges before letting you breathe, the feeling of the air rushing back into your lungs making you dizzy. You felt so close you could scream- And then you nearly did when he pulled out and stopped your orgasm.
His hands let go of you and you nearly keeled over, but he caught you. With an arm around your waist, you couldn't tell what he was doing behind you until you heard the slick sound of him fisting his cock. Right as he began cumming, he slammed back into you to fill you with it while biting down hard on the back of your neck. Another bite to mark you as his.
Veritas then pulled out so the last few spurts of cum would paint your labia in white, marking you inside and out with his spend.
You could feel the frustrated tears pouring down your face as you felt your burning arousal festering in your belly and the mix of embarrassment and thrill at his actions. Fuck this man would be the end of you. He unlatched from your neck to lean forward and lick the tears off your face with a hum. "You look so pretty like this..." He patted your ass before that same hand was sliding down to open you up using your pussy lips as he leaned back to watch as the cum he poured into you began to slip out.
Scooping up the cum that had dribbled out, he fingered it back in, purposefully tapping at your gspot a few times. He then pulled the white covered fingers out and petted your clit, playing with it a little before bringing it to your face. "Clean them off." Your tongue kitten licked some of it off before he was shoving them in your mouth. You gagged a little, drooling over his fingers while weakly sliding your tongue over them to clean them of the cum clinging to them.
"Good girl," he praised with a kiss to your jaw before he let out a sigh. "I'm going to sit you on my cock and finish my reading. Color?" "Green, fuck-" "That's a good pet."
Warming his cock while leaned forward to rest your arms on the lip of the tub while your head rested on those was hard. You desperately wanted to cum, but you now were willing to be obedient to get what you wanted. You weren't sure how much more punishment you could take. It didn't help that he had an arm resting on the back of your hips, slung over them as he leaned on you a bit while his other arm rested atop the other one. That hand was holding up his book. He wasn't touching you besides that and your ass resting in the cradle of his hips, cock deep inside your pussy which still fluttered around his thickness occasionally. Every time you squirmed he would spank you with a pointed look before going back to his book, ignoring you entirely. Any whining or talking would be met with the same treatment.
He checked in on you after a bit. "Color?" "...yellow." His demeanor changed immedately. Petting your side, he eased you back to lean against him once more. "What's wrong, baby?" He typically saved that endearment for intimate moments alone together and times like this where you might need reassurance. "I wanna see your face... wanna hold you." It seemed you might be a bit sensitive, now, after being punished for a while and needed that from him. "Of course, baby. Your punishment is almost over. I'll let you come soon and we can continue in the bedroom, hm?" You loved this man. "Okay." He kissed your forehead. "Good girl."
He slipped out, making you whine. It was met with a chuckle and he helped you turn around to slide into his lap again, this time facing him.
Veritas pulled you to rest against him, tucking you into his neck as he wrapped an arm around your waist. Once you both were settled in, he went back to reading. He still ignored you, but it wasn't so bad this time.
You knew he was done when he set his book on the table again.
He settled his grip on your hips before going straight into fucking up into you hard and fast, what cum was still left in you from his cock plugging it in you aiding the slide of dick in and out of you. He fucked you and played with you until you felt like you couldn't think straight. Even when he asked you questions, knowing you couldn't answer, you weren't quite sure what you said. Whether it was even coherent or not.
"Such a cute, dumb girl for me."
As you came around his cock again, you moaned as you felt the warmth of his cum in you. "Did so, so good for me. Such a good girl." Veritas gave you some time to come down from your high before asking. "Do you want to continue in the bedroom or are you finished for the night?" "...m' done." "Alright, baby." He gave you some more time before cleaning you up and draining the tub. Another kiss was pressed to your forehead, then your cheek, then your lips. "Let's go to bed, darling. I'll take care of you."
Lololol hopefully you like it. 🙏
If there’s any typos or if it doesn’t make sense somewhere… Your honor my client claims “oopsie daisy”. It’s me. The client is me, your honor-
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
And just a little thought, we all know how Yuta can mimic other abilities, or clone them if you will. I'm laid here just thinking, would he ever clone cursed speech, for the sake or sex? I feel like softie Yuta no....
But low-key yandere obsessed crazy Yuta? 🤨
ok ok ok let's talkaboutit
the first time yuuta uses cursed speech in bed he's not really thinking. he's probably lost in going down on you and you keep trying to close your legs on him and while he loves having his head between your thighs you're making it hard to eat you out!! he just wants to make you feel good.. so when you struggle to listen when he tells you to open your legs... it just sorta happens.
he says it again and you feel your muscles tense as they obey his command all on their own. you look down at him and find the familiar markings of the inumaki on his face (and his tongue which is still on full display as he hasn't stopped lapping at your pussy- he's a man starved, really) and you're shocked.
he is too ofc... he didn't mean it... but he's certainly not disappointed so he goes about on his merry way eating you out until you're crying and shaking.
he brings it up later, apologizes and explains himself, but he's excited when you tell him it was actually kind of hot... so expect it to come up again in the future because yuuta very much enjoyed having you submit to him like that <3
softie yuuta and yandere yuuta are two sides of the same coin. so whether or not he abuses his copy technique is entirely up to how well you behave...
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dazyskiie-luv · 1 year
Overblot mc/yuu but...????
TW — mention of vomiting, fighting Crowley and winning (sorry Crowley lovers), past death. I like thinking a lot tbh
not necessarily angst but it is in here! Same with fluff...this was really just me rambling.
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I think about MC overbloting a lot and I also think about adding it into my own books because of how??? good??? the idea???? is???????
I genuinely imagine that even from the start MC was in danger of overbloting themself, with the stress and despair of finding out they aren't in THEIR world, away from their (family and/or friends) with possibly NO WAY BACK EVER because of some egocentric crow refusing to do more than he wants to???????
They would obviously be hella upset, stressed, depressed, anxious, etc because they know NOTHING of this world and is practically a BABY among people who lived here THEIR WHOLE LIFE.
So as more overblots happen, the more their OWN overblot is brewing. Bubbling, waiting to enter the game. Especially with the magic always getting slashed onto them. I think the only reason why they HAVEN'T overbloted just yet is because of grim
a more personal headcanon; Grim's fire, when you have a close bond with him, sorta starts erasing your blot and fueling HIS flames, making it more powerful. Essentially, think of when you're close friends with someone... you'll find it easier to fight for them right?? like you have more power to do that??? that's what its like
Now think of when MC is just TOO deep in their mind, TOO deep into their emotions and its the ONE TIME grim isn't there to help. They go to throw up blot and after panicking for a bit they just accept it. They accept that "I'm gonna overblot and probably die" because they're just too tired to worry abt themself
They don't tell anyone and since the overblot is already taking over the entire inside of their body, grims flames can't really???? get it all???? It'll always be there and it'll continue to grow and slowly grim notices that when he's feeling more powerful than ever while MC is showing obvious signs of getting ready to overblot
Grim choosing not to say anything to other people would be like... i guess out of character but at the same time i think In character????? He knows how tired MC is with dealing with everyone and honestly he's tired of it too so YASSS SLAY HENCH-BESTIEEE!!!!!
Sooner or later the others would notice too and it would be a little late to help MC since the overblot is already seeping out of their skin like they're crying. and honestly? their body IS crying. it's crying blot. And even as everyone is screaming and panicking about MC, they're just... sitting there.
Like they're annoyed everyone is making a big deal out of it considering no one cared before, and they're just like "stfu we're in class" and then focus on the teacher going "u can continue im sorry abt that."
And everyone is just??? confused?? because why aren't they going haywire or like.....???? idk..... crying in pain....????? what...........
MC just chilling the entire day while overbloting, even their overblot monster just floating behind them in peace and waving at times when people look for too long while everyone else is wary and giving them (+ grim who's always in MC's hold) a bunch of space while the teachers and dormleaders have their pens/wands/wtvr thr fuck at command just incase
but then everyone just realizes that??? MC isn't gonna???? do anything?????? and it kinda irritates them because why aren't you doing shit its freaking them out.
And lets say,,, ortho... as discreetly as he can... scans you. And it shows that you're perfectly fine??? like you aren't dying or in pain. It even shows the Blot monster being alright too like its just a guy standing there.
And now the confusion is up to 100 because WHAT????
MC and the Blot [+ Grim] just doing their everyday assignments and eating in the cafeteria with their friends being visibly tense and MC just raises an eyebrow like "whats wrong with yall tf" before continuing to absolutely DEMOLISH a burger they got for free. FREE!!! best day ever fr they'll tell you that much
I feel like the Blot would get sorta aggressive/protective when it comes to people who has like hurt MC to the point they had to take a nurse visit (half of the school but its alr we gang fr) but when it comes to crowley....??? They'll see the FULL POWER of a magicless blot monster which is actually more terrifying than the others.
The blot going hulk on crowley is so funny to imagine for me cause he'd just be running away and suddenly gets smashed into a pillar from a literal stomp. just one. and it was relatively weak compared to the Blot AND MC picking up and swinging that SAME PILLAR to smash it into crowley.
All that anger and other negative emotion finally coming out the SECOND they even so as HEAR that crows heartbeat nearby. It gave everyone whiplash but then again they also all collectively thought that he deserved it considering he hasn't truly done anything to HELP the students but just to HELP the schools reputation.
I'm half certain a student died there and he just covered it up and they turned into a ghost that haunts places. (i mean... look at the three ghosts in Ramshackle. they used to be students there I'm pretty sure????? i forgot.)
As MC is beating the DOG SHIT out of crowley the Blot is just cleaning everything up slowly because they realized that they dirted up the place :( and when MC is done they help too as the teachers all circle around a throughly beaten and bruised Crowley who has blood seeping out of his mouth while being half awake.
Of course they help him don't die because they honestly don't want the one helpful person to go to the equivalent of jail in twisted wonderland for committing murder and ykw thats so real.
I feel like as Mc stays in this overblot form everyone thats close-ish to them gets memories of things that's happened to them in the past like how MC did. But it's worse. I want an mc thats traumatized im sorry and i want it to be worse than what half of these guys went through.
I need them to feel guilty even more. Like. "Oh my god I really said that when— holy shit" FEEL BAD!!!!! Grim would already know their past because I know I would be cuddling into Grim's stomach and crying about everything.
When Mc finally stops "Overbloting", the Blot would still be there but as its own person :D How does this work????? it works bc I said it does.
The Blot™ would help MC a lot and vice versa, basically acting like parents now with how worried they get over everyone and the other. Grim is eating the attention up though as both Mc and The Blot cuddle as therapy (and bc they wanna)
Everyone (especially idia) would need time to like... get used to that because there's "NO FUCKING RECORD OF AN OVERBLOT BECOMING ITS OWN PERSON AND BEING....NICE?????"(shrouds words not mine ong) and when they do get used to it its like everyone is genuinely happier because! gasp! they are!!!
kick the crow out the seat. Both the Blot and Mc are the new headmaster contrary to the students voting them when Crowley got demoted from it.
I also feel like....??? Instead of MC goinf back home cause they realize just how BAD it was back home, they choose to have a bridge between both realities so that its their (friends and/or families) choice on if they want to be with them in twisted wonderland or not.
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MC & Blot beating the shit outta Crowley as everyone watches (and cheers)
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siilvan · 11 months
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oh god i've never seen that first pic, the way he's leaned back and sorta manspreading… good lord i need him in ways disastrous to feminism. till he forgets his tragic past. gonna make him forget he wants to take over the world, save humanity frfr
*ahem* this, uh… i'm not responsible for this drabble, loosely bloodsport-based but more or less just simping, enjoy bestie 🤭
(little bit of suggestiveness BTC, y'all have been hungry for him anyway <3)
ангел – angel (pronounced as written, with a hard 'g' lol)
мое небо/moye nebo – my heaven
he is not a man often annoyed by the "small things" but this, this sight has his blood boiling beneath his skin.
you're standing across the room, about fifteen paces away, chatting with one of his captains. a loyal soldier and a fine field commander, often successful when fulfilling his orders, and makarov's willing to admit: not an unattractive man by most standards. the captain is allowed to walk behind him for a reason, he's pleased with his work.
but, he is just a captain. he holds only a sliver of the power that makarov holds. of the people in the room, he is a mere ant, something that he could crush under his boot in a fit of rage and the only quarrel would be disposing of the body. why are you so interested in him? are you not drawn in to the strength, the pride, the influence that makarov has?
he shifts in his seat, leaning forward and letting his eyes narrow at the sight. your back is to him, but the captain— oh, the captain knows very well what the look makarov sends his way means.
you've encroached on my territory.
makarov doesn't hear the next words quickly stuttered out by the man, but it's shortly after that he nods in farewell and darts out of the room. like a child being scolded; the smile that pulls at the edge of his lips gives away his feeling of cruel satisfaction. no matter how esteemed any of his men may be, he stands alone at the top.
you blink at the door after the captain darts out before visibly shrugging and shaking your head. you turn around, eyes immediately finding his, and some unfamiliar sensation tugs at makarov's heart when he catches the glimmer of familiarity in your gaze.
he shifts again, leaning back into a more relaxed position. with your attention on him once more, he can allow his shoulders to drop, his rigid posture to soften. just keep your eyes on him.
"let me guess – that excuse of 'i need to clean my knives' was actually meant to mean, 'my commander is glaring daggers at me?'" you ask, crossing the space in a leisurely stroll, far more collected than when you first arrived several weeks ago.
he chuckles, lifting a hand to signal to his soldier standing nearby. "warden, give us some space."
the masked woman's gaze flits between you two, before she responds with a single nod and a clipped "yes, commander." she marches out of the room and the door clicks shut behind her, leaving you standing alone in front of him.
"if he has time to chat, he has time to work." makarov says, his hips briefly lifting as he adjusts his position, head lolling back just slightly to look up at you.
"that's a shitty way to boost morale," you comment, mouth briefly twitching up into a bemused smile nonetheless. "why did you really send him away?"
he dismisses your question, shaking his head. "i suppose i shouldn't be surprised that a woman of your position is observant, should i?"
you smile, again, wider and longer this time. "no, you shouldn't." you mutter.
for a moment, you two are left in that position, locked in a stalemate of neither person wanting to make the next move. observing the other, attempting to read their thoughts through nothing but minimal body language. you shift your weight from one leg to the other, hands clasping in front of yourself as you tilt your head to the side slightly, barely noticeable.
your next move.
makarov says nothing more as he pats his knee, silently giving a command. it's not a question, not a request— there is no uncertainty in the action.
he catches the flash of hesitation that crosses your face, and in reply, he offers his hand. the red light cascading over the room could almost be mistaken for an omen, a sign of what is to come in the distant future as soon as you place your hand in his.
he pulls you forward, gently, urging you to close the distance yourself. take the final leap.
carefully, you step forward and place your legs on either side of his, knees pressing into the plush cushions of the sofa as you let your weight rest on his thighs. your free hand, originally awkwardly sitting at your side, comes to rest on his bicep before lightly skating up to clutch his shoulder, the crisp fabric of his suit soft under your touch.
he draws you closer still, arm moving to circle around your middle, bringing you forward until your chests are flush, your rapidly-beating heart a contrast to his own, thumping steadily as he lifts your hand to his lips, pressing an uncharacteristically chaste kiss against your skin.
"he is not worth your time, ангел." he murmurs, lowering your hand.
"and, you are?" you ask, brows lifting curiously with the question.
"by birth right, i am," he replies quickly, voice low but confident. he isn't hiding the confession, he's reserving it for your ears alone. "no matter how many men may catch your eye for a fleeting moment, no matter how many think they stand in front of me in the queue for your hand, i will always be at the front, even if i must eliminate the competition to do so. i was born superior, i alone am worthy of your grace, мое небо."
a small part of you wants to argue, to tell him no, he has to earn that privilege, but a far larger part of you keens at his words, at his hands on you, gloved fingertips dancing along your spine and digging into the plush of your hip.
"you seem awfully confident for a man silently begging to be touched." you mutter, a sharp exhale escaping you when his hand leaves your hip to slowly slide up your side, thumb trailing along your front and stopping just below the curve of your breast.
he chuckles, dropping to a gravelly whisper as his lips hover mere inches from yours, dark eyes boring into yours and rendering you immobile.
"kiss me, then." he says, unabashed. "please, ангел." he adds after a beat, tongue darting out to wet his lips. the darkness in his gaze gives way to hunger, like a beast eyeing prey, waiting for it to run so he can give chase.
you draw in a breath, metaphorically and physically swallowing down the hesitation that bubbles up again. he has you right where he wants you, caught in his trap, but as his hands push you down, his hips raising again to press right into your clothed core, you find that you suddenly don't care.
you practically fall into his embrace, cupping his jaw and pressing your lips to his, matching the predator in hunger; like a rabbit leaping on a wolf instead. his firm grip becomes almost painful as he tugs you impossibly closer, his hand coming up to the nape of your neck, holding you in place against him.
you should have expected him to take over, to reclaim his spot in control. the most makarov will ever do is share, which alone is an honor, but he will never completely give his control away.
you're falling deeper, watching the light fade as you burrow farther into the earth, further into the pitch blackness that is him. it's hard to care, nigh impossible to think about anything else when you're so far down the rabbit hole.
worry about his touch, his lips, the satisfied rumble in his chest when he practically purrs your name against your lips. everything else can wait.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + ice skating
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: screaming crying throwing up i have my two hardest finals tmmrw halp
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guys we've finally got the gang back together
alright so let's be real for a minute
the 141 is definitely not the kind of group to coordinate an ice skating date outside of work
i mean can you imagine like six grown behemoth men at an ice skating rink with like some rando child whizzing around while half of them struggle to even get on the ice
yeah right
so when they do ice skate i see it happening while they're on duty
it's winter (duh) and they're up north so it's extra cold
the base they're staying is right next to a giant lake, which has finally frozen over
gaz was the first to notice
he was eating some breakfast (cocoa puffs) and he looked out the window and saw the lake all icy
and he pointed it out to price who was drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper on the couch
price got up to go check it out too (and u bet he did that thigh slap grunt combo men do)
and gaz was right, the lake was completely solid
and i like to think that the 141 usually has breakfast together/hangs out in the commons in the morning
so price asks if everyone wants to go skating
ofc most of them are happy to say yes
ghost needs some convincing but he gets there eventually
for some reason that base had a bunch of skates
but it worked out so no one's complaining
and don't ask how they had the right sizes or why they would be there in the first place (it's through the power of i have to sleep soon and i can't come up with an explanation rn)
so everyone starts making their way outside to the lake
alright time for some super speedy individual headcanons
simon "ghost" riley:
sorry but ghost definitely does not know how to skate
that's one of the reasons he was so apprehensive to join
it's hard to look intimidating when ur falling on ur butt
and it's not like he has a wall to hold onto
this is also his first time ice skating because he never got to do it as a kid
so yeah going into it he was pretty nervous
he doesn't even have the best balance to start out
but he's a fast learner and he was able to get the hang of it pretty quickly
definitely fell over a few times
much to the delight of soap who got to gloat as he helped him up
and ghost definitely said something like "watch your tone sergeant im still your commanding officer" to try and defend himself
it was not very effective
but once he gets the hang of it he can actually skate surprisingly well
he doesn't skate very long though until he goes back inside
much to the disappointment of everyone else
definitely skates with his hands at his side or in his pockets tho
except one time he almost face planted bc he couldn't use his hands to catch himself
so now he's extra paranoid about skating with his hands in his pockets (as he should don't skate with your hands in your pockets, it's dangerous)
john "soap" mactavish:
surprisingly good at ice skating
skated around a lot when he was a kid
roller skating and ice skating
so it comes pretty natural to him
he hadn't done it in a while but skating sorta like riding a bike in that you never really forget once you know how
he can do the like crossovers and stuff but not any super fancy tricks
def knows how to skate backwards tho
likes to skate super fast and then just go around in loops
laughs at ghost whenever he falls but ways helps him back up
he also had to teach ghost how to even skate
ghost was not very happy about that arrangement
but only because soap kept joking that ghost looked like bambi
ghost got his revenge though when after soap laughed at ghost for falling, he immediately faceplanted
and it was like a comical faceplant
his legs almost went over his head and everything
soap had to go inside after that because he got a bloody nose
in the end it was fine though and he went out and kept skating
soap's definitely the kinda guy to build up speed and then coast on the momentum with his arms out to his side
it makes him feel cool what can i say
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so gaz is a pretty decent skater
he's gone a few times recently with his younger siblings
so he knows the very basics
he's definitely a little more timid about it though
especially after watching everyone else keep falling over
for what it's worth he never fell over once tho
but he was also super duper paranoid about falling through the ice
he had to help out price a little bit too at the beginning
he wasn't very good at it though so soap ended up taking over
definitely is a more mild skater
he's just down to coast and do whatever
he gets cold pretty easily too so he's usually rubbing his arms or his hands together while he skates
also is really really really bad at stopping
especially since there's no wall
so he just kept continuously skating like the entire time
and then he had to coast until his momentum ran out when he wanted to go inside
john price:
alright so price skated a little when he was younger imo
he went on a lot of roller skating and ice skating dates back when he was a young adult
but it's been a long time since then and so it was kinda hard for him to get back into it
so he had gaz and soap help him at the beginning
after a while though he got back into the rhythm
and he started to get more and more gutsy
and started to try little tricks that he was able to do before
skating backwards, turning a little, those fancy stops where they like skid on the ice
at one point he messed up and fell though
and like a true old man he hurt his back
and lord was it a struggle to get off the ice
he had to get gaz and soap to come help him up
when he went back inside ghost was drinking some tea and asked him why he was holding his back like that
for fear of sounding like an old man, price told ghost it was nothing
the next morning though his back was super stiff though
but nothing he's never experienced before
alejandro vargas:
bro man's is actually cracked at skating
like price he definitely went on ice skating dates back when he was a young adult
but unlike price alejandro has actual moves
like he can skate backwards, forwards, on one leg, he can do turns, jumps
it's actually insane
like nobody knows how he got this good and he refuses to tell anyone anything except that he just went on a lot of ice skating dates
because the truth is that one year he had a crush on this girl who was super into figure skating
so he spent like the entire year watching figure skating clips from the winter olympics and stuff and practicing and his local skating rink so he could impress her
she ended up moving away before he could show her though
but he still kept on practicing because at that point he had just sorta fallen in love with ice skating
so yeah when he pulled up on that lake he shocked everyone
alejandro spent a lot of time helping rudy too
and yes they did that thing where alejandro held rudy's hands and skated backwards while rudy got pulled forward
i mean it's a skating staple it has to happen
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so like ghost rudy's never skated before
he didn't realize they had a skating rink and he's also not really a fan of the cold
like i said before he tends to run cold so he needs a lot of jackets when he goes skating
alejandro had to teach him bc rudy truly had no idea how to do it
unlike ghost he was not successful quickly so alejandro spent most of the time holding his hand and guiding him
he definitely fell down a lot of times
wanted to give up at one point but alejandro made him keep going
and it was worth it because pretty soon after that he started to get the hang of it
he actually really enjoys ice skating
what can i say it makes him feel like elsa
definitely jokingly did elsa's hand movements and pretended he was controlling the ice or something
he had to start off skating super duper slow though because he was really nervous about falling
but by the end he was able to speed up and live his ice queen dreams
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rush-the-stars · 1 year
cielo beloved i personally would love to hear your thoughts on homewreckers yuuta and maki 🙌
you and another anon asked for yuuta and you have included maki and OF COURSE i will give my thoughts to you <333
i'll start with yuuta. first of all...yuuta huge on getting you to emotionally cheat with him smh. yuuta's your best friend. yuuta's the person you go running to when your boyfriend makes you cry. yuuta's the one there for you. and he'll always be the one there for you. he's the one that's bringing you your favorite snacks. he knows your favorite flowers. he makes your boyfriend look like a chump lol. i think yuuta also plays a little coy at first. makes comments like..."ah, well, we probably shouldn't hang out like this...wouldn't your boyfriend get mad?" or "well, if i was your boyfriend..."
he knows what he's doing. yuuta lures you into it. and really, it's all love, he just needs you to wake up to it.
i think he's also a little too possessive so i don't think he stays the other man very long, either. i do think he's patient with you, though. his love is the patient type, so he claims.
maki on the other hand...she doesn't give a fuck LMAOO. i actually think she's downright disrespectful. especially if you're dating some man she doesn't like.
answers your phone when your boyfriend calls like, "they're busy..." might even be a little out of breath over the phone, covering your mouth so no one will hear. wouldn't stop tho. doesn't care what he thinks.
always asks "you're still dating that loser?" fjdklsfj gets sorta mean about it.
defs always has to egg you on about like...how clearly he isn't satisfying you like she can...leaves obvious marks and when you scold her about it she scoffs. then tells you to break up with him then.
like megumi, i don't think she has the patience to be around your boyfriend without potentially causing a fight. possessive, too. i thinks maki finds it fun at first...also some weird pride/competitive thing in her...but eventually she'd get to a point of like...yeah okay you're done with him. and that's a command at that point LMAO.
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noosayog · 1 year
[a little less lonely with you] ft. miya osamu
wc: 1k
warnings/content: featuring atsumu and his girlfriend, Kaiyo, who is an OC in this
y'all read You Got Me, Senpai! and remember that part when senpai sorta kinda hooks Serina's friend up with her crush/his friend just because he wants to take care of Serina and transitively Serina's friends?
It'll be fun, your best friend had promised. Kaiyo had convinced you of your need for a vacation and in a brief lapse of judgment you had agreed.
So at the peak of summer, you find yourself burning to a crisp under the harsh sun of Okinawa as your best friend and her boyfriend, Miya Atsumu wander off to find popsicles to cool off.
To be very clear, you had no problem with Atsumu. You liked that he was so good to your best friend and subsequently, you. He was even good and polite enough to not make you feel like a third wheel this entire trip, offering to carry your bags when he grabbed Kaiyo's, keeping creepy guys away from you on the beach, and allowing you and Kaiyo to walk side-by-side while he trailed behind politely.
But no matter how considerate Atsumu was, it didn't make you feel any less lonely, especially given how long it's been since you last had a boyfriend. On top of that, you currently had the most massive crush on his twin brother. Atsumu had promised you that he tried his best to convince Osamu to take some time off and join, but was unsuccessful. You had told him that you'd be too chicken to make a move anyway. Atsumu had given you a slightly pitiful grin.
So now, as you sit alone on the sandy shores of the Okinawa beach, you allow yourself to wallow in self-pity in the fact that you had agreed to crash what could have been a very romantic vacation for just Atsumu and Kaiyo. Even as they return with the popsicles that momentarily revive you from death by heat, even as the sun sets below the horizon and paints the sky in the most vibrant hues of orange, even as the pleasantly cool night breeze kisses your skin, you remain sluggish and quiet, only perking up enough so as not to ruin the couple's mood.
As you return to the hotel, the two ask you to join them stargazing on the rooftop, but you smile politely and decline
"You really wouldn’t be imposing," Kaiyo assures.
"Yeah, it'd be really fun if you join. The stars are so much brighter out here," Atsumu offers.
You want to cry at how considerate the two are, but you decline, citing exhaustion and retiring alone to your room.
The next morning, you meet the couple for breakfast, trying hard to maintain your cheerful demeanor, asking how the night went. They tell you about how wonderful it was, but you know they can see right through your listlessness and forced cheerfulness.
"I'm sorry, you two," you apologize after breakfast. most of which had been spent with you vaguely listening and them holding the conversation. “I haven’t been very fun company, have I?” 
Both Kaiyo and Atsumu look at you with wide eyes.
"No, not at all!" Kaiyo reassures you. Atsumu nods.
You shake your head. "I think I'm just going to spend today relaxing at the hotel. I want you two to actually enjoy Okinawa without me following around like a rain cloud."
Kaiyo opens her mouth to protest, but Atsumu puts a hand on her shoulder gently to stop her. He looks at you, “sure you’ll be okay?”
You smile gratefully at him and send them off with wishes for them to enjoy their day. Later that night, Atsumu knocks at your door. 
"Hey,” you greet. “What’s up? Where’s Kaiyo?” 
"She’s just resting a bit from the day. Can I come in?"
"Sure," you shrug.
He sits on the floor and gestures at the mat across the table from him. You sit as he commands.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
You sigh and apologize again hating that you're making them worry on vacation.
"I am. I'm just feeling a bit lonely looking at you and Kaiyo is all. You two are such a wonderful couple and I wish I had someone to take care of me the way you do for her," you tell him honestly.
Atsumu nods and listens attentively.
"I also wish your brother came, you know?"
Your crush on Osamu is no secret to Kaiyo and Atsumu, but at this, Atsumu's expression morphs to a thoughtful one.
"Just so that I feel a bit less lonely. And to spend some time with him," you continue on.
And for the next 20 minutes, Atsumu listens to you complain, humming in affirmation at the appropriate times, but keeping that pensive expression on.
"Sorry for babbling on. It was really sweet of you to check up on me, but I promise I'm having the most fun I can be having because you and Kaiyo are so good to me."
Atsumu doesn’t say much but nods and pats you on the shoulder. 
It's not until the next day that you find out why he was being so uncharacteristically quiet. You're prepared to meet the two for breakfast again when another knock rings at your door. Opening it expecting Atsumu, you're met with the face of a different Miya. Osamu is standing there, grinning silly and dressed in a Hawaiian patterned shirt.
"Hey," he greets casually. "Care to join me for breakfast?" he holds out his crooked elbow for you to grab onto.
You’re staring at him, ready to ask him what he’s doing here when you see a flash of movement out of the corner of your eyes. You see Atsumu hiding around a corner and giving you a thumbs up and Kaiyo beaming at you. 
For a second, you feel like crying because what did you do in your previous life to deserve such good friends, but for now, Osamu's waiting so you slip your arm through his and allow him to whisk you away to finally start your vacation.
Around the corner, Atsumu is grinning ear to ear at his triumph. He's watching your and his brother's retreating silhouettes fondly when he feels his girlfriend slip her fingers into his. He looks down at her, still unable to wipe the proud smile off his face. It widens when she reaches up to press a sweet, tender kiss to his lips.
"What was that for?" he whispers, breathless.
"Just for taking care of my best friend," she responds, as she leads them to their own breakfast plans, connected hands swinging in wide, happy arcs.
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
commander wolffe (loml<3) ⛓️
oh my lawdddddd i have so many dirty wolffe headcanons you're not ready 😩
commander woffe x afab!reader 18+ below the cut emoji ask game
⛓️ kinky headcanon
✧ okay so this is basically canon for wolffe but he's like hella dominant in the bedroom, bdsm and all that's the shit that gets him going.
✧ he's into almost anything you can think of gagging, bondage, degrading, slapping, choking, temperature play. the actual question is what isn't wolffe into?
✧ i think he'd be a really good dom too because he likes pushing you to where you're comfortable and is super cautious trying new things. he would never actually harm you and is good at setting boundaries and following them. he always makes sure to check in on you during sessions to check you're still comfortable.
✧ wolffe had a massive sir/commander kink. when you speak to him in the bedroom he expects you to call him commander or sir. he also likes you to use your manners with him. "please sir" "thank you commander" etc. he gets hard as fuck when you call him commander in a normal context. if he asks you for something and you reply "yes commander" with a smirk he's desperate to fuck you up against the wall for being so good.
✧ omg okay i sorta love this one but, he's also dominant outside the bedroom yk? when the two of you are out with his boys he likes to keep a hand firmly around your waist or at the back of your neck reminding you of who you belong to. or giving you light smacks when you're being bratty to put you in your place. (with consent of course!!!!!) it's kinda hot hehehe.
✧ brat taming!!! if you're a brat, wolffe makes it his mission to train you into a good girl no matter what it takes. he hates your attitude, how cocky and full of yourself you are but he knows he can turn you into a cock dumb slut in no time. honestly, he enjoys how often he can give out punishments. spanking you or overstimulating you till you're in tears and begging him to stop. wolffe loves a good challenge though so don't give up easily.
✧ he has a primal kink (i think that's what it's called?) one of his biggest fantasies is hunting you like prey. one day the two of you decide to try it after a few hours at 79's. he gives you a head start as you run through the busy streets of coruscant. wolffe finds you quickly but waits for you to get tired and slow down before letting you see him.
✧ you slowly become more exhausted and decide to escape down an alleyway. full of confidence you think you got wolffe off your tail before he's right in front of you, head to toe in that smexy armour. the squeak you let out as he grabs you makes him growl in response and he pins you up against the wall.
✧ "did my little bunny really think she could get away that easy?" he growls keeping your hands restrained above your head. it's scary in the best way possible. the terror in your eyes is something he'll never get over. "use your words. did you think you could outrun me bunny?" he asks running a glove-covered finger over your lips "n-no sir" you cry and all you get in response is a harsh grunt and fucked against the wall. it's one of the best things you two ever did.
✧ he growls and grunts all the time during sex making actual animalistic noises but it's really hot. wolffe likes it if you do the same. whimpering and yelping always gets him. he promises he's not a furry though <3
✧ it's important to note he is very thorough during aftercare. wolffe will do almost anything you ask him to after a session. he's a really good dom and cares about your well-being. always checking in on you and making sure you're drinking a sufficient amount of water. he loves you a lot and wants to make sure you know that no matter what he's said to you during a session.
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sardonic-sprite · 9 months
Since EPIC has been taking up 90% real estate in my head without paying rent, here goes a series of me ranting about each song <3
The Horse and the Infant
*Entire opening*
I absolutely adore how it starts so quiet, like they're in the horse's belly planning. In my head, that initial rushing sound is a single candle being lit. As Odysseus names people and gets louder, there's more and more light, until on ATTAAAACK!!! the whole Ithacan army comes BURSTING out and it's glorious
Backtracking though,
What do you live for?/What do you try for?/What do you wish for?/What do you FIGHT for?
I used to goof and end on *what do you DIE for* because that's intuitive, but Odysseus directly contradicts that intuition! You can debate or have it coexist whether he's changing the line in that vision of kindness he clings to during the first act or whether he's in denial over the real damage he's causing, but the fact that the line IS this way gives me Feels
And then--
Pe-ne-lo-pe! Pe-ne-lo-pe! And Te-le-ma-cu-us!
The way everything cuts out but but the light strings and ODYSSEUS' OWN FUCKING HEARTBEAT LIKE COME ON! He loves them so much I'm willing to let him commit atrocities.
*insert EPIC battle music*
You can feel the chaos of battle and I don't know how Jay did it but he did and I love it so much
AHHH! *screech*
The sudden shift. Is a new challenger approaching? Sorta. Again, though, almost everything has cut out, but instead of sweet strings and a heartbeat, there's this droning bass like some inexorable, heavy doom approaching, and then there's Zeus, who sounds so imperial and *unfeeling.*
A mission/To kill someone's son/A foe who won't run/Unlike anyone/You have faced before/Say no more!
The clever phrasing is on point, because it tricks us all. And then Odysseus' reply -- he's already so confident, even cocky. He thinks this is some superpowered champ and he's like HELL YEAH ZEUS MA DUDE LEMME AT IM!
*the fucking piano*
It's a lullaby. It's the sound of ice dropping down Odysseus' spine. It's a million memories spinning in his head.
It's just an infant... What sort of imminent threat does he pose...?
The shock, horror, and disbelief... Ow. Odysseus is completely in denial. And then there's almost a scoff to "imminent threat," like he's trying to make Zeus feel like an idiot for fearing a baby, like he'll change his mind.
If you don't end him now, you'll have no one left to save! You can say good bye to -- Penelope -- You can say goodbye to -- Penelope--
DAMN Zeus pulls the Penelope card. AND YET. They say Penelope twice, just like Odysseus did in the beginning... but it feels so intentional that Telemacus is left out. The gods don't dare put the image of Odysseus' baby boy in his head, or this child will have Telemacus' face and Odysseus will fail.
I COULD RAISE HIM AS MY OWN! he will burn your house and throne OR SEND HIM FAR AWAY FROM HOME! find you wherever you roam MAKE SURE HIS PAST IS NEVER KNOWN-- the gods will make him know
Odysseus offering all these TOTALLY REASONABLE AND WORKABLE suggestions because what the fuck is this command, it's a BABY there are so many other ways-- And every sentence, Zeus and the gods are shooting the idea down with increasingly ridiculous excuses. Ok sure, maybe adopting the kid would end in tragedy when the truth comes out. Ok I guess maybe he'd find out elsewhere and track Odysseus down, but like. BUT THE GODS WILL MAKE HIM KNOW? My dude, WHICH GODS? You want the kid to Not Do A Thing? Right? That's why you want Odysseus to kill him? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU "MAKE HIM KNOW" IF HE'S ABLE TO LIVE IN BLISSFUL IGNORANCE IT WOULD SAVE ALL OF FUCKING GREECE A GOOD DEAL OF AGONY!
I'm on my knees for ya! I'm begging please! ... *thunder* *rain* PLEASE don't make me do this, don't make me do this!
He's so desperate. I want to cry. I am also on my knees begging. I just picture Odysseus shaking his head, tears falling, clinging to hope or delusion that Zeus will change his mind. And the rain... even the sky is crying
The blood on your hands is something you won't lose/All you can choose is whose...
This is. A statement of truth? A prophecy? A curse? It gives me chills, though, especially at the end when there's nothing but the last hiss... It feels *unfinished* like there's more to say, and part of it is how the grammar got rearranged to make the rhyme, leaving out a word or two, but since the meaning is still clear, it throws everything else into doubt. There's also the subtle emphasis Zeus puts on *won't*. What the fuck does that mean? Won't as opposed to can't? As though Odysseus could choose to wash his hands but ultimately chooses more bloodshed? Won't as in it's forbidden? Why? Won't as the future tense of don't? Does that mean it's a prophecy, that Zeus is telling Odysseus a neutral fact? WHAT IS THE EMPHASIS FOR?
Final remarks:
Never read the source material, so it was hard for me at first to get invested when there's all these names, but the pure energy and emotion draws you in no matter what, and in the end everything but Odysseus *literally* fades away.
The first MANY times.I listened, up until I watched this one animatic, I was convinced Odysseus turned away and spared the baby. Or better yet, adopted him (bc Im a Bat girlie first lmao). In my head there's a happy AU where Telemacus gets a new baby brother and meets his uncle Polites and everything is beautiful and shut up don't shatter my illusions I KNOW it has to happen bc *theme*
Is it my favorite song in the musical, no, but do I always sing/mouth along once the energy picks up? Absolutely. Overall, Imma go with 6/10
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
Inside Job Pt2Ep3 Myc Analysis Pt1
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The way he's clinging to the rope here? Oh so cute. But also! Very telling of how he's able to distribute his weight? Body and tendrils seem much like.... idk squid/octopus like? Also in this scene, all of the insults he throws around <3 He's such a catty little bitch I also love that Gigi is the one he doesn't insult the most through the ep? Like I know everyone is like OMG ANDRE AND MYC are such good 'friends' and all that (yes i am one of those too) but we see in pt1 that Myc and Gigi hang out a fair bit and I like to think he's got like, a respect for her? Idk
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The fucking way the little itty bitty orb inside his orb gets smaller when the flashlight from the security guard hits him is so brief but oh so important to me, oh my GOD this little bit of detail has me HGFUIEOHGFOI:SGHJIO
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HHHHH OK FIRSTLY! Reagan tells Myc to, and I quote "Spurt on that guy!" And he refers to himself as a soft serve machine that needs to warm up and cannot just jizz on command, which definitely makes sense. He also says for no one to look at him so.... hes shy
SO THAT leads me to believe, that his jiss doesn't actually need to be processed at all to become the stuff they put in the memory erasing guns, so, they can just erase minds... SO what does that mean for sex with humans, as well as that one time Andre licked Myc's flagella on the yacht during the wedding, he didn't get erased.... thoughts thoughts thoughts
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Reagan: Okay I was not ready for that" ME NEITHER BITCH????? MYC CRYING????? WHY WOULD HE CRY????
god ok you guys im never gonna stop talking about this, we got so much mushroom lore, we have so much mushroom plot, we have so much MYC LORE AND I AM HERE FOR IT!!!!! AND IM WRITING IT ALL DOWN IN ONE PLACE!! RIGHT HERE!!!
Myc LIED about how old he was prior to this. In Pt1Ep3 we see his RightSwipe profile says 4041 for his age, but this here is his 5000 year reunion, so he's says he's younger than he really is.
He's from "A million year old mushroom hive cluster from the center of the earth" MILLION!!!!!! HES OLDER THAN WE CAN EVEN COMPREHEND
FIRST he apparently lied and said that everyone was jealous of his "huge dong" and he left, THEN JUST IN THIS SCENE, he says that they kicked him out because he was too much of a rebel, AND THEN AT THE END OF HIS RANT he finally comes clean and says that he never went to prom, graduation, AND no one signed his yearbook BECAUSE HE WAS A FUCKING DWEEB THAT LOOKED LIKE THIS:
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(yeah honey i'd hate you too)
he was .... a fucking DWEEB! HE WAS A NERD!! THE BRACES?! THE PIMPLES! THE.... somehow.... FACIAL HAIR?? The hat.. yeesh boy ouch
also his name, can we take about the name we have a real full name for him its not Magic Myc, its fucking MYC CELLIUM im going feral here and frothing
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why are you so moe? WHY ARE YOU THE CUTEST GUY EVER! HIS GASP! Also like, Reagan, you REALLLY think this dude is never gonna insult you again? I thought you were a super genius? How can you literally be this stupid.
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I think it is SO AMAZING that the hole down to the mushroom hive is in Oregon, cause like, the worlds biggest mycelium network is under there.... hehe
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OK If you go to 4:40 and look in the bg, you can see Myc get on the elevator down and he is fucking TREMBLING!! HE is SO nervous!! IM FUCK NGKJENSfewtgfwsg
Myc confirmed leftist, so thats a W but an L for thinking u can ge a nobel prize in podcasting... then again hes a mushroom and doesnt care so he is always a W in my heart
Look how far his flagella can stretch
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I am very curious to know, if when Myc tells the hive to put a 'psychic metaphor' over the place, is that... only for the characters in the show or is it also for the viewer? It has to be, because we are also human and therefore wouldn't be able to comprehend the societal differences of mushroom dynamics! RIGHT?! SO I will also touch upon things as they happen later with this mindset.
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FUCK!! RIGHT HERE!! Myc's asking Reagan if his BREATH smells bad!!!! He touches the top little frills and then puts his tentacle under Reagan's nose!! Does he... His scent glands?? WHAT?? AHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS???
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... I got one thing to say about stem-mantha... myc sure does love pink bitches .... makes eye contact with anise
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Okay so then... Stem-Mantha asks if Myc was the guy who did puzzles with her parents so she could go have sex... SO, yes, the fucking mushrooms DO fuck each other, AND they have like, parents They dont just grow?? (As seen from Myc wanting to be a mommy in Pt2Ep7)
THEN Myc gets fucking pelted with a goddamn football and we are now included on the information that Myc ran out at graduation before everyone merged consciousnesses and became assimilated. SO It is OH SO interesting to see that each of these mushroom clusters are there OWN individual personalities but THEN they all are joined and have a shared consciousness thats a part of the hive!
Stem-Mantha then asks if the gang are Myc's parole officers, so does that mean that everyone was under the impression he went to like, jail topside after he left hollow earth??
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ALRIGHT!!! FUCKERS FIRSt things first. Yes he wore that stupid fucking "NO FAT CHIX" hat but are we talking about it? NO, well YES, in that he wore it because he was in denail thats it thats the story thank you very much
SECONDLY here is were I'm touching upon the psychic metaphor thing again right here. I am thinking waaaay too deeply about a silly little cartoon and i feel very much like 'charlie pepe silvia meme' right now in idk how meta this whole thing is supposed to be? Like I don't think Myc was actually into dragon ball Z considering it was 5000 years ago and dbz didn't exist then, and we're just supposed to believe dudes was the mushroom equivalent of a little itty bitty pathetic nerd with pimples and acne, right??
but im also crazy coo coo bananas insane in thinkiing how fucking funny would it be if dbz was some kind of true space epic and myc is like, the equivalent of a greek mythology nerd in that hes a little fanboy.
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His fucking signature babygirl i loooove you its so cute what the FUCK!! and look at how he carried himself like a fucking .... beanie babie, hes full of beans or whatever, i just love how this fucker carries his weight its so cool to look at wtf
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They are SO fucking mean to him. But also this scene, you can see that not everyone is on board with Reagan doing this, like they're all really uncomfortable when she pulls this picture up, and Brett isn't even there
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Why is there so much jucus... was he tearing up about getting found out? OH LAWDY I HOPE NOT ILL FUCKING CRY?????
HAHHA SO this post has gotten waaay too long so i think i'm gonna make it two parts, so part 2 will be post assimilation!!! Also because posts can only have 30 images and we at the max babes
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At Rorikstead
Gaia: We have arrived.
Lucien: Your digital map really is something to behold, Gaia. Even though the landscape and civilization is completely different from the first era, you can navigate it so efficiently.
Gaia: That would be thanks to my Observers. *two small drones materialize at both of her shoulders, round and much smaller than her head* They fly about Skyrim, invisible, and send me the data they find about the land's people and cities. They are very advanced compared to normal Observers, much like myself against typical Gynoids. I made them myself.
Xelzaz: How interesting. Are you able to speak to them at all?
Gaia: Yes. On a certain level, I can communicate with all Dwemer machines. I can only control the ones I create with my own hands and technology.
Taliesin: How does that work on a moral level? A machine controlling other machines, I mean.
Gaia: Similar to a general commanding her warriors. They are well aware of what they fight for. They fight for me, because I gave them life.
Taliesin: I see..
Lemkil: *in the distance, his crops, he shoves Sissel to the ground* Stupid brat! Look at you! Snivelling in the dirt when you're supposed to be working!
Sissel: *crying, sitting on the ground at her father's feet* I-I'm sorry, Papa! B-Britte took my- *hic* my shovel and I-I couldn't do what you wanted me t-to without it!
Lemkil: I don't want to hear your excuses! Time and time again you waste daylight standing around doing nothing but cry and survive off of what I earn!
Gaia: *turns toward the source of shouting, spotting Lemkil* Hostile Lifeform Detected...
Lucien: What? In Rorikstead?
Kaidan: Look there. Bastard.
Xelzaz: Indeed. What should we do, Gaia?
Gaia: ... Wait Here.
Inigo: You are going to confront him alone?
Gaia: If I must. Kaidan, when I direct his attention, see to the girl.
Kaidan: Aye.
Gaia: *nods, walking towards Lemkil and Sissel, her irises fading from yellow to red as her expression falls to a glare*
Lucien: ... *breaks away from the group and walks alongside her* If I may.. You look upset, Gaia.
Gaia: I am not upset. That Nord is a threat to the people of this settlement. He must be detained. Go back with the others.
Lucien: What if you need backup?
Gaia: I never do.
Lucien: Really? What about that one time with the Dunmer-
Gaia: *grabs Lemkil's shoulder, pulling him back just as he slaps Sissel across the face* Pardon me.
Lemkil: Huh? And who the hell are you?
Gaia: My name is Gaia. It has come to my attention that your are mistreating this child. Please step away from her.
Lemkil: What does it matter to you, huh? You some sorta hired thug? I bet that screwy wizard hired you into scaring me away from this worthless brat, eh?
Gaia: No wizard has done anything of the sort. I am here of my own accord. *her grip on his shoulder tightens* And I recommend you follow your given orders and Step Away. Or else I am afraid I will have to use force.
Lucien: I quite think you're already using force.. *watches as Lemkil winces under the pressure of her grip*
Lemkil: Get the hell off of me, you bitch! This has nothing to do with you!
Gaia: On the contrary, your endangering of a human life, especially a child, has everything to do with me.
Kaidan: *sneaks behind the group and lifts Sissel up, shushing her when she cries* C'mere, let me see. It's okay.. *brushes the red mark on her cheek with his thumb* ... Gaia-
Gaia: Yes. Take her somewhere safe.
Lemkil: Wait! You son of a bitch, don't you dare touch my daughter! Get your hands off of her!
Gaia: Please do not refer to my companion in such a vulgar manner.
Lemkil: I'll say whatever the hell I want! You aren't guards! You have no authority to do this to me!
Gaia: Perhaps not. All laws in this era, however, are.. very loosely enforced.
Xelzaz: Gaia.
Gaia: Xelzaz.
Xelzaz: I took a moment to ask some of the townspeople about this man and his two daughters. It seems to be a relatively common occurrence. Why nothing was done about it is beyond me.
Gaia: I see. *switches her grip from his shoulder to his neck, grabbing him by the base of his throat and forcing him to the ground* So this is merely a regular day for you, hm? To abuse your children?
Lemkil: It's none of your business, I said! What I do to my daughters is my business!
Gaia: Wrong Answer. *her free hand grabs the arm he slapped Sissel with, tightening her hold until a loud snap comes from his wrist*
Lemkil: AGH! What are you doing?! St-Stop it! Please!
Gaia: How quick you are to beg. Would you like me to break it? As of now your wrist is only dislocated.
Lemkil: N-No! Let me go!
Gaia: Why do you hurt your children?
Lemkil: T-They killed my wife! She-she died bringing them into this world!
Gaia: Should you not have cherished what your wife left behind, then?
Lemkil: I-I-
Gaia: Too Slow. *the hand around his wrist rises to his bicep, closing around the middle and squeezing, the limb snapping quickly*
Gaia: Goodness, you're loud. Have you learned your lesson?
Lemkil: YES! Y-Yes I swear! Please, you don't have to do this! I-I'll be better, I promise!
Gaia: Good. Now listen here. *pulls him forward, her face inches from his. Frost creeps up from her fingertips and spreads at every point of contact between them* You are a disgusting man, incapable of caring for and protecting what your wife gave her life to bring into this world. You do not deserve to be a father. You did not deserve to be a husband. If your wife could see what you have become in her absence, she would take her daughters and leave you.
Lemkil: ...
Gaia: And if you ever harm this little girl again- *stops, staring into his eyes. Sees fear, but not remorse. Panic, but not guilt.*
Lemkil: *whimpers, gripping the hand around his throat in terror, broken arm dangling uselessly at his side*
Gaia: ... No. That is an outcome I cannot risk. *drags Lemkil up by the throat* Taliesin.
Taliesin: Yes?
Gaia: Cover our tracks. Ensure the guards to not follow. *turns and walks away, avoiding the main roads and routine patrols. Lowers her arm and drags Lemkil behind her, unwavering despite his struggles to escape*
Taliesin: ... Of course. Please do try not to make too much of a mess, though
Lemkil: N-No wait- please-!
Gaia: Shut up.
Lemkil: I-I swear! I won't hurt her anymore, I promise! Please you can't- You can't kill me! PLEASE!
Kaidan: *sitting in the field covering Sissels ears as Gaia drags her father away, cradling the trembling girl to his chest protectively*
Inigo: *trailing close behind her passively* I know a good place some ways away.
Xelzaz: *walking at her other side* I'll have to make a potion that eliminates the stench.
Lucien: *walking at Inigo's side, looking unnerved, but unopposing* What of the other girl? She was mistreated too..
Gaia: Britte was a victim as much as Sissel was, but she weaponized her pain. She shouldn't remain with her sister. It is better for both of them.
Lucien: And the father?
Gaia: ... Some things are better off eternally gone.
*distant screaming*
Rorikstead Guard: Hm? What on earth was that?
Taliesin: *changed back into his Thalmor robes, a hood covering his dark hair* Nothing to be concerned with, citizen. Move along with your patrol. To investigate would be to interfere with official Thalmor business.
Rorikstead Guard: O-Oh, I see. Forgive me.
Taliesin: *watches as the guard walks away* Gods, I've always hated saying that.
Kaidan: *carrying Sissel, now asleep. Walks out from behind a nearby house* Guess it does have some uses, though.
Taliesin: Yes, I suppose so. *sighs, wiping gently at a streak of dirt on Sissel's face* She's filthy. Makes me wonder if he made her sleep in a pigsty...
Kaidan: Should we wait for the others?
Taliesin: ... No, let's go back home and wait for them there. I'm of a mind to think if we wait they'll just return covered in blood. We don't want to risk her waking up to that.
Kaidan: Worst possible outcome, aye?
Taliesin: Hmph, you really are starting to sound like Gaia.
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
so I read that drabble you posted of giving Tess head when she’s wearing the strap and I NEED MORE MESSR I BEG 🙏 imagining her being rough with it? Having you restrained and just fucking your face until you’re all droolly and cock drunk? 🤤🤤🤤
Look. I am literally obsessed with Tess being able to get you totally fucking braindead and I also am kinda obsessed with her being a little mean especially because I just have a thing for her having a thing for crying. Not in like the ‘ oh look you’re sad I live for that ‘ but in the ‘ aw look at you, so overstimulated you can’t control yourself ‘ way you know. We been knew she loves control and she loves power, so having the ability to get you like that? She totally gets off on that shit.
Anyways. Here’s something I whipped up real quick that sorta all came out in one go cause this ask got me hot under the collar.
Obviously, smut warning. 428 words
“ breathe baby “ she doesn’t move, not a single inch, simply keeps the firm grip on the back of your head. Her fingers knitted tightly into your hair so that you didn’t move a muscle without her command “ I’m not moving so you breathe or you pass out it’s your choice “ you push away the panic that was creeping up your chest and force the air to move through your nose instead, your lungs and that were screaming at you for air finally getting the sweet relief they needed “ there you go. Thats my girl “ she brushes her hand lightly over your cheeks, removing the tears that had begun to stream down your face as your lungs burned “ you look so pretty when you cry “
You close your eyes for a moment, relishing in the praise as she withdraws from where she’d seated herself at the back of your throat. She pulls out almost the whole way, your teeth catching on the silicone head before she pushes back again.
More tears sting at your eyes as she pushes in and out with a bruising force, drool dripping off of your chin over your bruised tits and cuffed wrists. You wished you could see yourself from her perspective, see the wide glassy look of your eyes. The hickeys littering your chest and neck. See yourself at her complete and utter mercy.
You squeezed your thighs together as the sight of her fucking your throat with little care made your cunt ache.
“ that’s my good little slut, taking mommy’s cock so well “ the way she was watching you would’ve made your cheeks burn under any other circumstance, but you were past caring. All you cared about in that moment was keeping your aching jaw open, letting her take what she wanted from you and serving your purpose. To give her the pleasure she wanted in whatever way she saw fit.
Something told you you wouldn’t be able to talk tomorrow, the way she was pushing roughly at the back of your throat, occasionally stopping and holding you in place. Watching the way her eyes practically sparkled every time you choked around her cock, you would happily take losing your voice for that. You choked around her again, trying to pull your head back but she held you firmly in place
“ did I fuckin tell you to stop? come on you can do better than that baby. Breathe. And take it “ you did as you were told. You’d always do as you were told. Because nothing else mattered but pleasing her. Always.
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writingrenna · 1 year
Grusha x GN!Reader
"There for the Fall (Pt. 1)"
A story where you insist on being friends with Grusha, and it actually works. However, he grows worried about you when he realizes just how wild you are
Takes place over the course of half a year/a year or so, so a slow burn. More of an overview of key moments where Grusha's opinion of you shifted in different directions. Therefore, the vibes are different to what I usually write. Hope you enjoy!
Tone/Ending: Sweet, Angsty at parts, Open-Ended
Warnings: A bit cringy on purpose at some parts. You injure your wrist in part 2, but it isn't shown how. Also, like before, Grusha notices you're probably an oddball for a reason. He puts a lot on the line cause you're weird and he loves you
Continuity?: The prequel/sorta sequel to "Descent to Reality"
Word Count: Over 7,000 (Overall)
The man looked out onto the horizon. He had decided to take the rest of the day a bit slower than usual, sitting down next to his Cetoddle near the boat docks at Porto Marinada. Cetoddle was there to support him, both physically and mentally, but he really did love her the same as all his other Pokémon. And she feels the exact same way towards him.
She wasn't always meant to be his therapy Pokémon.
Before, she would just follow him around whenever he came outside until one day, she helped him get back on his feet when his injury started acting up. Nobody else was around. He then started passively teaching her to be by his side when he left the house, to help with getting around. She even started learning how to ground him when he mentally shuts down, adjusting her methods whenever he's triggered by different things. She, of course, took a bit of time to train, what with her wandering off from time to time at first. But they managed, and now, she never leaves his side, despite him telling her it's Ok to from time to time.
He gave her a little pat, causing her to happily trill to herself. He smiled a bit at this, eyes not leaving where the beautiful blue sky met the rolling ocean as he felt a certain peace wash over him.
This peace was, however, broken when he heard the sound of a Falinks.
Fighting types. They've got quite the advantage over ice types such as Cetoddle, so he was always on-edge whenever he was near one.
Turning around, he saw someone commanding them.
Or, well, trying to.
"Yeah, I mean it! If we all hit a stall, we can save time on auctions! What sounds better, getting them all out the way now, or wasting time if we lose some by going one-by-one?"
The Falinks were all in a V-shaped formation, silently staring up at their trainer, who held determined fists up awaiting their answer. He huffed, trying not to laugh at the sight, although he was still slightly annoyed by the disturbance.
'This is bizarre...' he thought to himself, shaking his head as he turned back toward the view.
The Falinks eventually cried out again, their weird chattering making their trainer upset.
"But... WHY NOT!? You don't have to worry about the cash! You can, like, let me pay when you're done if you know I have enough. See? Don't even have to have the money on you!"
He heard another cry, followed by a groan and a "Fiiiiine." It was only then that he realized he was smirking. He didn't mind it, however, seeing it as just a weird little occurrence during his down time.
He didn't know just how important that trainer with their Falinks would be to him later down the line.
He was in Zapapico, getting out of a flying taxi with Cetoddle now out of her travel Pokéball. She was helping him get down, handing him his walking stick as she did so.
"Thanks" He nodded toward the driver, giving him a tip as he nodded back.
"And you-" He softly said to his Cetoddle, dragging the 'you' out a bit. "I hear those imported Poké Puffs are back in stock here, think we should get some?"
Cetoddle's eyes visibly shone, jumping around a little in excitement. He chuckled before making his way toward the store, her following closely behind him with a smile.
They grabbed the variety package, two Deluxe Puffs of each flavor, as well as a case of Pokéblocks for her to have later. It was shaping up to be a pretty uneventful day when he suddenly heard a Falinks.
He turned toward the sound, only to see a trainer. The same trainer he saw a month or so back, in fact.
You spot him, eyes going wide and waving.
"Oh, hey there!"
Oh brother.
You sprint toward him, Falinks trailing slightly behind you. His Cetoddle greeted them, and they respectfully greeted her back as their trainers conversed.
"Are you Grusha? That super tough gym leader?"
His face briefly flashed with heat at that casual compliment, but he responded without hesitation.
"Well, I suppose? It's really about strategy once you get good enough."
He takes a moment to tilt his head to the side and eye your uniform. An academy goer. He doesn't remember you having that on when you were at the marketplace, but you were probably just wearing a lighter one. You came here bundled up, after all. Besides, he was too distracted by your... peculiarities.
"But trust me when I say... I don't hold back."
You gulp, taking this comment seriously.
"Oh, yeah, I believe it. For now though, I'm just chilling, taking it easy."
You look at what's in his hands.
"Oooh, Deluxe Poké Puffs! Fancy. My Falinks are fans of Poffins themselves, ain't that right!?"
You had turned to them, prompting an enthusiastic response. His head is still tilted to the side, eyeing them before sitting back up, looking at the person in front of him.
"Rather weird to comment on what someone brought."
You freeze.
"Oh, sorry! I-I just- I dunno, yeah."
He scoffs.
Your eyes widen. He feels like he was a bit too aggressive.
"Sorry, just... not a good day."
That was a lie. His day was fine, he just suddenly didn't want to deal with anyone. Maybe it just wasn't a good day mentally.
"Huh. No, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were-"
He raises an eyebrow.
"Moody? Sarcastic? Yeah. That's me. Mean 'ol Grusha."
He felt like getting that out of the way so you don't get your hopes up. Everyone always does. Even now, when he tries to be sociable, his old habits come back to the point where he stopped calling them old. It's just how he is.
You look back up at him, shaking your head.
"Doesn't bother me in the slightest!"
He, for the first time since they met, pauses.
"...oh really?"
"Yeah! You seem chill, just a little rough around the edges. Nothin' wrong with that!"
He... doesn't know how to respond to that.
"Ah, I... see."
The two of you stand in silence for a moment before Falinks cries out, snapping you out of it.
"Oh, sorry! We were actually about to settle down at the Zapapico Inn. But we gotta get some grub first, it ain't easy feeding an army..."
You glance at Falinks while delivering your punchline before smirking at Grusha, who struggles to seem unamused when your super obvious joke not only didn't land, but also somehow sounded so dumb, he almost laughed. Almost. But he succeeded in stifling it. With a tinge of amusement in his voice, he carried on.
"So yeah! Gonna get some foods now. I'll be seein' ya! Probably! Ok, bye!"
And with that, you waved at him, walking off toward a quaint little (literal) hole-in-the-wall restaurant nearby. He hears you tell your Falinks you'll pick up some Poffins on the way back to your room, and Falinks responding with excitement.
You seem nice enough.
Grusha is standing in front of a café in Montenevera. Hot chocolate in-hand, he walks back down the hill and toward another part of town. Cetoddle was right there with him, making sure he was alright going down the slippery stairs when she cried out, grabbing him by the waist protectively.
"Huh? What's wro-"
He spots you, frozen in place, Falinks marching over to catch up with you. You had stopped in the middle of a sprint, so you looked like a cartoon character. He scoffs.
"Where you about to come barreling through here?"
You give no answer.
"Uncool, that isn't safe for you, or the people around you."
You stare at him, before standing straight up, now glaring.
"For your information, I have these trekking boots on. Besides, I wouldn't just run into people. That's weird."
He isn't swayed by this response.
"Those aren't fool-proof. Trust me, even professional equipment can't stop nature from being dangerous."
You groan.
"I know, but like, a village? If it's so unsafe, why live here?"
Now he's feeling heated. His response is slightly strained, but his volume is low and even.
"You don't get it, it's still-"
Cetoddle pulls at his sleeve, blankly staring at you as she does so.
"...you know what? Whatever."
He starts walking away back up the hill, anything to get away from you. You feel incensed at his audacity.
"What do you MEAN 'whatever'? You started this!"
Grusha tunes you out, choosing to ignore the conversation entirely.
Later that afternoon, after a leisurely day of not being called to any duties, he starts to make his way back up the mountain when he hears your voice right outside of town.
"No waaay, that's not a 'last resort', that's a 'bored on a Tuesday'!"
He has a feeling you aren't talking to a person.
He turns to you, seeing you surrounded by nothing but Pokémon. He was right.
You're having a heated debate with your Falinks, who already seem somewhat worried about the things you're implying. There are also a few Cetoddle, a Snover, and a Cubchoo crowding around you, all looking fascinated by the conversation.
Interesting. For real this time.
"I mean, think about it! The hardest part is sticking the landing, and that's IF conditions aren't optimal. You can't tell me you wouldn't be able to do it without a second thought if you were, say, saving a life, right?"
They seem to consider this before giving out a noncommittal cry. You grin deviously at this "maybe".
"Ah-hah! See!?"
You gesture toward them, causing the wild Pokémon to all react in awe at this conclusion.
'What a weirdo.'
Grusha didn't even notice he was staring at you until he saw you turn towards him. You put a hand up to your mouth in faux shock.
"Oh! Well if it isn't sir grumps-a-lot."
"Lame." He simply responded.
You tut.
"I don't care, because I'm RIGHT! See??"
You gesture toward your boots. You were, in fact, still standing.
"I'm FINE!"
"Yup." He nods before shaking his head and responds. "But that isn't what I meant. The stairs are still slippery in this climate. Civilization won't stop a force of nature from doing its job."
You tut again.
"Um, heated stairs?? Wham! Problem solved."
He... actually considers this. But only because it's technically a solution that would work, not because they'd spontaneously do it. The costs, the closing off that part of the mountain, the coordinating the best days to do it, working against the weather... but he wasn't here to argue the logistics of your rebuttal.
"...I suppose you have a point there." He concedes. "But that doesn't solve every problem, you know."
Your eyes light up as you wildly nod.
"I know! Isn't it great?"
He isn't sure how to respond to this.
"This conversation is going in weird places, but I guess that's what I get for engaging with you even after the marketplace incident."
"Hah! Yeah, I- wait, what?"
He feels weird, remembering something you don't seem to, but he continues.
"Yeah, I remember you and your Falinks, trying to get them to go to auctions for you. Hard to forget someone so... peculiar."
You don't respond to this directly, instead asking him something.
"Wait, were you that long haired person? With the Cetoddle? I think I saw you at the docks!"
"Yeah, I was. You're telling me you saw someone with my exact hair, and a Pokémon I'm always with, but didn't know for sure if it was me?"
You shrug.
"I don't like assuming things. Besides! I had to go catch a Kilowattrel, so I decided not to ask."
"Mm-hm." He says, eyeing you.
Talking to you is oddly easy, despite how unpredictable you are. He can't quite place why yet, but he probably isn't going to be thinking about it too much. At least for now.
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention! I finally started making my way through the gym circuit again, so uh, you better watch out. I'm gettin' pretty good."
He wasn't at all worried, but he was somewhat curious.
"Oh really? How many badges you have so far?"
"Five! All I gotta do is beat Ryme, Tulip, and then-"
You aggressively point at him, saying a drawn-out 'you' in a deeper voice. Obviously as a joke.
Grusha doesn't react. He doesn't even flinch, simply staring at you.
"I see."
'This is a strange person.' he thinks to himself.
"Alright. This entire conversation has been a mess. Let's try this again, shall we?"
And yet, he prolongs things.
"Sure?" You shrug.
And then it hit him. He doesn't even know your name.
"Oh, um, what's your name, by the way?"
You introduce yourself. He repeats the name you gave, commenting on it before offering his hand. You take it, shaking it firmly.
"Brrrrr... cold..." You say. He smirks under his scarf.
"See? Nature's gonna nature."
You start walking toward him.
"PSSHT! Whate- WUH-"
And with that, you abruptly sink down, having stepped on a loose patch of snow. Falinks jump up in unison, crying out in a panic and anxiously jogging in place, looking toward Grusha, who was already planning on aiding you.
He rolls his eyes before gesturing for Cetoddle to help you out. She does so, picking you up and placing you down on solid ground. You're trembling now.
"Lesson learned." He shrugs.
"Shh-sh-shut i-t-t." You reply, teeth chattering.
Good thing he knows of the best places to warm up around here.
The two of you seemed to be forming a casual sort of acquaintanceship, but the place where you first met face-to-face seems to be turning into a recurring spot for you to see each other.
Here he was at Zapapico again. He came here quite often, usually to get imported goods without needing to travel too far. But this time, he stood in place when he noticed you staring intently at a wall. Cetoddle looked at you, then up to him to see what he'd like to do. He looks at her, before looking back to you, completely quiet. The two of them silently decide to head over to you and your little army.
"Funny how we keep running into each other here, eh?"
You jolt, turning around to look at him, eyes lighting up once you realize it's him.
"Oh, hey! It's you!"
His face heats up underneath his scarf upon seeing your excitement. He instinctively pulls it up to hide this.
"Actually, why do we keep running into each other here? Weren't you going to challenge Ryme or Tulip or something?"
"Oh! I dunno, I just like this place. It's neat! The buildings remind me of ancient cities."
You turn back in order to stare up at the trim on the wall again. He smiles a little.
"And that's why you... stare at them so hard?"
"Huh? Oh, no- hah! Actually, I was just imagining this place with some nice wall art. It'd look really pretty I think!"
He thought about this before remembering; "Hm, sounds like Alfornada."
You freeze before turning to him.
"Tulip's town?"
You seem to think this over.
"Okay! I'll head over, then!"
"What, like, right now?"
"Yeah! For sure!"
He thought about it for a second.
"Okay. How are you planning on getting there?"
You look around.
"Taxi, probably? Or maybe I can walk there from Cortondo?"
The way you just randomly decided to take a trip based on a vague "suggestion" got to him. Did you always throw yourself into things like this?
"Wow, Ok."
He wanted to fight the urge to say too much, but he couldn't help but ask.
"What about your Pokémon? If you went in the suggested order, you still aren't strong enough to face Tulip, so you're probably not strong enough for the wild Pokémon there, either."
He felt an intense urge to make sure you didn't die. For some reason.
"I'll be fiiiiine, I got a... OOH! I got a few bug types in boxes! I can bring some out if I need to."
"I... doubt they'd be strong enough. Type advantages aren't everything, you know. It's strength, typings, and strategy working together that carries a team."
You frown.
"Ok, so I shouldn't go?"
"I'm not saying that, I just mean not right now."
"Hah! But- but, what if, what if the wild Pokémon aren't that strong? What if I can-"
"Look, if you really want to go, I'll go with you. Just to show you how in over your head you're being right now."
You actually look very excited at this prospect, something he wasn't prepared for. A part of him was hoping you'd get offended at the offer and turn it down, but going with you isn't... the most terrible thing in the world.
But he's thinking ahead now. You didn't even give your-
"Yeah! That'd be great, actually! If you're really fine with coming on such short notice, of course."
The two of you land in Alfornada. He almost can't believe he actually went through with it, taking his jacket off and loosening his scarf as you get out. He doesn't know where you've gone, but he has to bring Cetoddle out.
As he readies her Pokéball, he sees a hand reach out to him.
It's you, offering to help him down.
His mind blanks out for a second, not expecting you to come around and offer help (especially considering you were so excited to land you had to be held back for your own safety), but he accepts it, albeit hesitantly.
As usual, he tips the pilot, although it's usually not before summoning Cetoddle.
Cetoddle herself seems to notice this, excitedly popping out with a little chirping bellow, only to look confused seeing him out of the taxi already. He motions toward you. You're turned away, summoning Falinks.
Cetoddle looks at you, then back at him before smiling wide.
To most, it looks like a normal Cetoddle smile.
But he knows there's a devious undercurrent to it.
She's thinking about him, plus you, and the fact that he's softening up towards you.
"No." He says forcefully as she lowly coos in amusement, eyes searching his now blushing face.
He always gets defensive over you, always insisting you're just a weirdo he keeps bumping into.
But a weird part of himself actually wants to get to know you more, despite the fact that you argued during your third meeting. Despite the fact that you were oddly intrusive during the second. Despite the fact that he thought you were basically insane when he first laid eyes on you, trying to get your Pokémon to bid on your behalf. He'd have to ask you how that'd even work later on, if you were still in his life, that is.
Yes, you get into trouble a lot, and you're kind of- well, very weird. But he still tries to be around you. Because he could sense an earnestness to you. You were a bit sarcastic and defensive around him, but so is he, around everyone, and he can tell you're not being malicious with it, just like him. Besides, you being a bit crazy makes him feel more sane. At least, that's what he's telling himself, because deep down, he finds your weird insistence to be around him despite his hesitance and your crazy way of being sort of... comforting. As if your strangeness made him feel at-ease quicker.
He shakes his head, blush now faded.
"Alright. What do we do first? See the sights or crush your whole world?"
You dramatically point to a wall with colorful hanging plates, turning to Grusha with wide eyes. You look positively crazy, but he can't help but suppress a smirk.
"Told ya this place has some good art. Surprised you didn't already know about it."
"I didn't! I was sorta going through the treasure hunt surprised by all the things I'd see, but this!? This scratches that itch I felt in Zapapico, for sure!"
You tilt your head at him, eyes bright and full of sincerity.
"Thanks for bringing me here."
This time, he has no way to hide the light shade of red forming on his face. He looks away, but it's certainly too late. You had to have seen that, right...?
But yet, when he calms down and looks back at you, you show no signs of being ready to pick on him for it. You noticed, face giving it away as if suppressing an intrusive question, but you kept your thoughts to yourself.
He coughed.
"It's nothing, really."
You smile.
"Well, it means a lot. I think I wanna see one last thing, then you can crush my dreams, okay?"
He shook his head.
"No, it's... it's alright. There's no need to crush your dreams anymore, just..."
He doesn't continue, but you seem to understand him. He's relieved. He'd really rather not spell it out for you.
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll keep training my team. I'll be able to breeze right through next time I come here, just you wait."
He nods.
And with that, the two of you made your way up to the top of the observatory. He had to convince you not to walk up the sides, but he managed to (literally) talk you down. Do you ever feel tired?? He hasn't seen it yet. Grusha takes a few moments to sit down on a ledge at the very top, letting you run around and... hold your arms out in the middle of the battle court.
He watched as you stood there, head up, still as a Sunflora statue, looking like you're praying to the sky. It was certainly odd, but he's already decided odd was simply your default. But he had to speak up when you finally did move, only to get down and lie on the ground, Falinks immediately swarming to protect you from the world on all sides.
"Um. What?"
"Huh?" You call back out to him.
The observatory is massive, so you basically had to shout at each other.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh! Lookin'."
He looks around, thankful you're both alone, waiting for you to elaborate. You don't.
"...good answer."
"It's comfy! Come down here!" You offer as you raise an arm up.
"Mmm, how about I don't?"
He shakes his head in mild amusement.
"Well, one of us has to be sane here."
You lower your arm at once.
"Sane? More like... like... lame!"
"Good enough."
You sit up, having gotten your fill of admiring the architecture, Falinks getting back into formation next to you. You turn, still seated, about to say something, when you realize he's sitting down, too.
You decide to wait, not wanting to rush him.
He notices. He saw the way your face went from excited, to calm in an instant, mouth ready to form the words that would send you both on your way, only to just... not.
How considerate...
If he knows you even a little (and he thinks he's starting to), he knows you're probably somewhat bored, having taken in everything you wanted to up here. But no, you slow down, for him. And you act distracted as to not give away your intentions.
But he can tell.
He closes his eyes for a bit, taking in a breeze blowing through.
'What even is this relationship?' He ponders to himself.
He considers maybe labeling it as something more than just an acquaintanceship. But he felt that openly calling you a friend at this point was a few steps too far.
What's holding him back?
He thinks for a bit, face scrunching up in deep thought when he feels someone's presence looming over him.
He takes a peek next to himself, only to see you staring at him with a blank expression. Despite expecting this, he jumps a little, gripping his chest.
"Good-ness! Do you do that often??"
You continue staring, so he stares right back. You're... oddly good at this. He feels a huff of laughter coming on, but he doesn't let it out. He keeps his cool.
"Okay! I think this has gone on long enough! I'm backing out."
He turns away.
"There, see? You win. Now what do you want?"
"I waaaaant... mmmmmmm... nothing."
You quickly sit up and look away, eyes closed. You're smiling as if you did something.
"Wha-? Okay, then."
The two of you sit in silence yet again. It seemed like peaceful moments with you were possible, you just happened to get bored easily, and also be really, really weird.
He smiled, a small exhale escaping his nose.
Weird didn't necessarily mean bad. In fact, he actually couldn't help but find your presence sort of... nice. You did crazy stuff, but you got the job done, which he could respect. He wishes you wouldn't try and rush things, but you're determined, headstrong.
Just like him.
"I'll break down your walls, Grusha Lastname."
This time, he couldn't help but let out a quick laugh, being caught off-guard by the weird comment. He responds in an even yet slightly elevated tone, however.
"Oh really? How so?"
"I'll keep bugging ya. Uh-huh!"
You nod, eyes getting wider as you got in his face. An amused quirk of the lips as he leaned back is all he did in response.
"I'll bug ya so much, you'll grow to love me, so you'll HAVE to consider me a friend then!"
His heart felt an odd pang of... guilt?
"Ok, then. I'll let you try. But trust me, it takes a while for me to even tolerate people."
This was true. A genuine warning even, at least in his mind.
"Okay! That's cool with me."
He clears his throat, looking away from you.
There you go again, with your weird tolerance for his self-enforced social isolation.
You didn't know how deep his wounds went.
And you also didn't know, that deep down inside, despite the physical and mental scars reminding him why he's so closed-off, the man was already charmed by you.
He'll catalog you in the "friend" category in his mind and refer to you as such someday, but only when he's ready.
"I'm telling you, we aren't friends."
Ryme's face betrays her, as she isn't convinced in the slightest.
She's right, but he keeps insisting.
"Alright, if you say so. But don't be shocked when you find yourself doin' stupid stuff in the name of looove, baby."
His eyes widen in shock, hands shooting to his hips in indignation.
"Oh, so now we're jumping to love?"
"I know you. You'd have brushed 'em off by now. But no! Here you go, meetin' them in Zapapico and going on a random little day trip to Alfornada like a happy little Greavard..."
G-Rave barks from somewhere nearby as if confirming her assessment. Grusha simply growls at the both of them.
"Whatever, don't make it seem so lame. It's just because I need to go there anyway. Not my fault we keep bumping into each down there."
He purposefully left out the fact that he was the one to approach you this time, but he felt like it didn't matter. Or, maybe he told himself it didn't?
She scoffs, a smile on her face. She saw right through him, details or not.
"And the trip?"
"...well, I just... it was a suggestion, to be nice! People want me to be nicer. I do it, and now you mock me? Uncool."
He turns away, stubborn as ever.
She shakes her head.
"One day, you'll face the music. The symphony of your heart can't be silenced forever! Trust me. Apparently, my mama couldn't STAND my dad when they first met. But with him, she had the best years of her life, you could just feel the love emanating off of them..."
His stomach drops at this, but he can't quite place why. She can tell. Hand on his shoulder, she comforts him a bit.
"Awww, don't worry about it, baby. You just have to go with the flow sometimes."
He doesn't respond, but he listens, taking in her advice.
Grusha decides to stay in today. No particular reason, he just wanted to spend time by himself and rest his injury for a bit. Cetoddle sat nearby, getting some well-earned rest as he decided on what to do that day. He quickly realized he was bored, however.
Grumbling, he pulls out his phone. He really didn't want to leave his house (he had to convince himself to even leave the bedroom for any reason), but he needed some form of entertainment.
He'd be ashamed to say he immediately thought of you. At least, at this point he would.
He looked at your name in his recent contacts. You two have never done a call before, but you've texted sporadically, mostly just to update each other on what you've been doing and letting the other know when they're in the area. You once offered to do a video call during Ryme's gym battle against you, but he refused, feeling like it was disrespectful somehow. But he did sort of wish he said yes, just to get the chance to, weird situation or not...
Now's not the time for that, though. He shoots you a quick message;
[Going online, join me if u want]>
He's not too much of a gamer, but he'll play if he's bored at home. And he knew you'd be in your dorm today, because... well, you told him you would be a week ago, after doing some hardcore studying for a few days. Midterms had just passed and you were NOT happy with your scores. Not terrible, but could definitely use improvement.
'Now they'll think I took time off today just for them...' he thinks to himself, suddenly realizing what it looked like.
It wasn't long before he got a response;
<[Bring it, dortbag >:)]
<[Dang it]
He chuckles a bit at this as he slips his headphones on before logging onto some online game. It was a fantasy game where you live a life in dying lands while slowly working your way out from said settlement to find a better home, fighting tough Pokémon along the way. You could also have your own Pokémon as pets and battle companions, but since Falinks still wasn't (and might not ever be) an option, you just... became one, as you put it. He wasn't invested enough to get a pet, so he didn't even know what options were there.
He only plays it because you suggested doing something together a few months back, and this was your solution. You even started a new save so you two could play at the same pace.
u in?
I am
Hold on i chose tje wrong server
He groaned, head in his hands, waiting for you to change servers. It takes you a moment.
U thought what we had was special
In real life, he huffed in amusement at your antics, but in the chat, he refused to encourage you.
please just join
I did!!
And just like that, you were at his base.
You dressed your character in armor to look like a Falinks. He always found that funny for some reason. Well, maybe funny isn't the right word, but he refused to acknowledge the one he was really thinking.
waiting for u?
what else?
I dunno
Enjoying the game??
i only play it because u told me 2
Dawwwwq 🥰
That's sweet
Ignore the 'q' btw
This really wasn't what he wanted to do when logging in, but he couldn't help but smirk at how abysmally you type while rushing.
can we play now?
Sure thing weather boy
He was so close to just logging off, but he didn't, so the two of you played for a while, doing the things you'd usually do to progress when you randomly get side-tracked.
y r u doing this
You were trying to glitch up a waterfall.
You never know!!
never know what?
I dunno!!!
THat's why I'm trying!!
You actually manage to clip through for just a second before being pushed back out. But instead of taking the hint, you change tactics.
But it was too late. You were already trying to clip through in just the right spot. This would be far more amusing if it didn't mean he had to stand there doing nothing while he waited for you to lose interest. Playing this game on his own wasn't as fun as playing with you.
i am begging u, please stop
Your character stops for a few seconds, being absolutely torn asunder by the rushing water above you, but you reply before going back to it.
But what if I find something cool? Other players find cool stuff, I want a discovery, too!
He pauses. Is that really it? You want to find something nobody's found before?
ok, but y here?
I dunno, it has promise
And you continue. He starts wandering around without you, looking for something to do. He's... disappointed.
You stop moving in the distance for a second.
You go right back to your weird attempt at mildly breaking the game.
im going 2 Wintide's Peak
whether u go or not
You stop again to respond.
Meet you there!!@
*! not @
He sighs, not shocked at all by this outcome.
He makes his way over, standing at the summit for a few lonely minutes. Other players are whizzing by, snowboarding down the mountainside. That was the place's intended purpose, but he wasn't joining in. Instead, he looked out onto the landscape, just sort of letting it act as a backdrop for now as he thought about what to do next.
He doesn't know why he does this. He doesn't know what leads him to digital summits or those feelings he's afraid to confront. He doesn't know why he hasn't logged out or told you off for wasting his time. He doesn't know why he's currently contemplating life while playing a random online game with graphics that haven't changed since 2007.
He takes a moment to label himself as 'AFK' before going off to check on Cetoddle. It didn't take long, maybe a minute or two, but when he came back, he saw-
Oh shoot
You're afk
lMAO, I'm sorry
But like, be back?
He scoffed.
i was checking on Cetoddle u absolute hypocrite
who ignored me when i wanted to do stuff?
I was on a mission
did u succeed?
No 😢
Of course. He smiled, but he was slightly annoyed.
Can I see Cetoddle?
He froze for a moment, eyebrows furrowed.
like txting u a pic of her?
No, like a video call!
His stomach did a flip. He didn't expect you to ask him that. He's seen you a lot in-person, though, so why does this feel so... intimate?
It's probably because you haven't seen each other's places outside of like, pictures or whatever. Yeah. That's certainly it, for sure.
He takes a deep breath.
And just like that, the two of you arranged for a video call. He wasn't sure if he should press call or you.
[When ur ready]>
<[I am, let's do this >:)]
He cleared his throat before calling you. You picked up basically right away, hand already up in a wave.
"Hey there!"
He isn't wearing his scarf, but he has a jacket with a turtleneck collar, so he looks down to hide his face when he blushes.
"How are ya?"
"I'm- good."
This is a totally new thing for you two. You decide to take the lead a little.
"We can still text if you want, but, this could be fun, too!"
"Yeah, it could."
You suddenly remember something.
"Oh yeah! The baby!"
His face contorted into one of sheer confusion until he remembered.
"Oh, hold on."
He walks off-camera for a second to get her. Kneeling down to the mon, he gives her a little head rub.
"Cetoddle, someone wants to see you." He gently said.
She seemed interested, trilling and getting up to follow him.
When she sees you, she lights up, jumping around.
"Hi hi, Cetoddle!"
He watched you two interact, you asking questions and her responding in her own Cetoddle ways. He secretly liked this development. Cetoddle was unsure about you after your (first) little stunt in Montenevera. But you grew on her, just like you grew on him.
"Oh yeah, check this out!"
You moved away from the camera slightly, revealing your Falinks lying in bed. They were all fast asleep. You smile deviously, rubbing your stomach dramatically.
"Mmm-mmm-mm, yum!"
And just like that, they woke up at once. Drowsy, yet interested, they turn to you. You laugh.
"Hah! I-I'm sorry, I don't actually have anything-"
That laugh- Did you always laugh like that? That weird, abrupt... honk?? It was so awful, he actually spaced out trying to remember if he'd heard it before. You noticed after apologizing to Falinks (and promising them a snack next time you go AFK).
"Gru! Grushyyyyy! Grushy Boo-"
"-what? Stop that! Huh-"
He wasn't aware you were trying to get his attention, but you loudly calling his name immediately grated on him.
"Ugh, whatever, what do you want?"
"Play the game, maybe? You looked horrified by something, you good?"
He was, he just didn't know how he felt about that sudden realization.
"Yeah, I'm good. Let's finally do something, though."
The entire game, however, he kept thinking about your laugh, especially hearing it come out more. It was so strange, like a coping mechanism. It didn't feel like your natural laugh, but it also didn't feel forced.
He didn't really know why he analyzed it so much. He also didn't know why he came to find it oddly pleasant by the end of the night. A weird part of him wanted to hear it more often, now that he noticed it.
Crying/j, just realized the initials for this story would be like "TFTF" if written one-to-one
ANYWAY, have a little note about the end of this part!
At this part:
He was meant to say "bruh", and you were gonna say not to bruh you back, but I didn't know if that'd be too much since I already went over my "intentional cringe" quota?? I love "cringe", but not everyone does, which is perfectly fine! I kinda imagine he's a bruh type of dude when comfortable with someone, but not like saying it every day. I dunno! Like a few "bruh"s a month, as a treat. I also imagine him being too serious to bruh anyone, but you kinda throw his brain into a tizzy, so who knows! Maybe you're the exception?
The expy is definitely the bruh type though, lmao, the 'don't bruh me' thing was also gonna have a 'bruhzone' joke he'd immediately steer the conversation away from cause he luuuuvs you, but he didn't love you like that yet, but the idea of you not seeing him as an option scared him for a moment. He wasn't really thinking that way yet though, so to him it was just a momentary panic he didn't understand but absolutely H A T E D
I think bruh is pretty funny, but I didn't want the story to stray from being the sorta "general audience/anyone can latch on" type thing I usually do (the reader has an undiagnosed disorder, so it's niche in a sense?? I mean personality/speech-wise), so I kept it to cringy insults/internet/texting antics. I cannot WAIT to open requests to really personalize these things, oh my gosh
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