#i can talk about this till the cows come home thank you so much!!
andy-wm · 28 days
I’ve just been listening to a podcast about the fabric of reality, and came on here for a bit of downtime. And lo and behold, you’re talking about reality and time passing, and that’s exactly it.
No matter what we think, no matter what we say, or theorise or claim, we don’t alter the truth, and that stands for everything that doesn’t pertain to us.l and our own lives.
I can think the earth is flat till the cows come home (I don’t, obviously) but that doesn’t alter reality. 
Same goes for Jimin and JKs relationship. I’ve seen people claim wild theories, bending and stretching to reach conclusions far outweighing a k drama or blockbuster movie, whereas I personally, think mundanely and simply, that they are together. 
Whose right? We don’t know. 
That’s the truth. We don’t know. 
We may never know, we may find out one day?. 
I’m saying this with a smile on my face because that’s the beauty of life right, as long as we are not harming others, or coming into others spaces and shouting. As long as we aren’t being disrespectful to others, and to Jikooks bond. 
I will say this though, an actual truth people seem to forget or quickly dismiss across the fandom as a whole, is that those men chose to enlist together and whatever we may think of their relationship that is what happened and we should do well to remember that. 
Hey Anon, that's what i call serendipity.
And I love this ask, thank you!
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I absolutely agree, what we know - or think we know - has no impact on what truly is.
Even when we believe we know all there is to know, new discoveries and new understanding mean - hopefully - we're constantly learning and reassessing.
When it comes to Jikook, Occam's razor is my go-to: the simplest explanation is, in fact, usually the best. We don't need convoluted plots and schemes and conspiracy theories. There's enough information staring us in the face.
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Sometimes we need to untangle that information - I'm not saying we should accept everything on face value - and we do have to look out for new information so we can adjust our understanding.
But that is the case with everything on earth. There is no static knowledge.
These things add layers of richness and complexity but they don't change the basic premise of our underatanding.
That understanding, for me, is that these two humans love each other.
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As you say, there ARE things we definitely know, like their companion enlistment.
Like the fact that Jimin chose to have JK with him - next to him - when he talked about his depression on Beyond The Star.
We know Jimin flew 28 hours so he could spend 3 days with JK in NY and Connecticut.
We know that JK was ready to crack Yoongi on the head with a frypan when he though Jimin might have been hurt (by a 5g shuttlecock).
We know that JK never harms Jimin - in all the games and jokes they play, he never targets Jimin (spraying his butt with a watergun is not targeting him, before anyone gets huffy. That did Jimin no harm at all.)
We know that Jimin worried over how hard JK was working.
We know JK begged Jimin shamelessly in front of millions of people, to do a weverse live together.
We know JK watched and hyped all Jimin's footage when he was promoting FACE.
We know they jumped into the comments of one another's livestreams several times last year.
We know all these things, but imagine what we don't know.
There's so much we have no idea about.
Hours and hours of footage that never reaches our screens. Months of time they spend together or alone or with family or friends. That's as it should be - their their private lives are just that - private.
Yes, I have a lot of fun picking apart the little glimpses we get into their lives because i enjoy their dynamic so much and because I'm naturally curious (okay, yes, I'm nosy 🤣).
I look deeper not because I'm hunting for lies or flaws, but because these two delight me. Sure I speculate, but i don't purport to know what they are to each other or where their boundaries lie. And I'm happy not to know. Some things are none of my business.
Like you, Anon, I accept that i may never know the true nature of their relationship, and I'm quite okay with that.
In the end what does it matter?
Whatever they are to each other, they're happy, and honestly what more is there to life than love and happiness?
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im-robins-bitch · 1 year
Hey can you write robin x reader where reader is in the news paper team with nancy. And robin is always coming in and skipping classes to see reader. One day she randomly asks to join ( not just for the reader definitely not) and nancy ( readers best friend) cant stand the awkward flirting and obliviousness so she partnered them up for a project but robin as no clue what shes doing! Thanks
Love in print (r.b x fem! reader)
Or, Robin is smitten with you after you interview her for the newspaper club and finds herself writing an advice collum in order to spend more time with you. Thank you for the request, I tweaked it a little I hope that's ok. (4.7k)
(Warnings, making out, mentions of homophobia)
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Robin isn’t sure how exactly she found herself in this position. One minute she was simply a band geek who minded her own business, now she was running an advice collum for the school newspaper. 
How she, of all people, was giving the school population advice, dating and otherwise, was beyond her. When Nancy had first given her the job it had been for one reason and one reason only, you. As soon as you had interviewed her for the band, she had been completely smitten. 
It was your first time interviewing and it was clear you were wrung out with nerves. Your attempt at a smile was so sweet, your pen tapping back and forth against your notebook with ferocity. 
 Your anxiety fueled her own and she began rambling on and on every time you asked a question until you were relaxing enough to genuinely enjoy what she was talking about. 
“Tutankhamun's trumpets are the oldest working trumpets in the world though! They were buried for over 3,000 years and they still worked, isn’t that really cool, but then..” She noticed you had stopped writing a long time ago, looking at her instead of the notebook you had been furiously scribbling in earlier to keep up with her rambling. 
She knew she talked far too much, especially when she was nervous. She had long lost count of all the times she had been told to be quiet. If there was an awkward silence it was like her mouth had a mind of its own, it just wouldn’t stop running. Anything to fill the quiet so she wouldn’t have to worry about why it was silent in the first place. 
“Sorry, I, I should probably shut up, you came to talk to the rest of the band too” Robin murmured.
You shook your head, a genuine smile on your face instead of the nervous one from earlier. “I came to talk to you,” You insisted, “then what happened to the trumpets?” 
It took Robin a second to reboot. Your genuine interest in what she was talking about was such a rarity that it made her cheeks flame. Usually when she was in this deep people stopped listening, just waiting until she was finished. 
“During the rehearsal for a radio show where they were going to play the trumpets, the silver one broke!”
“What no way! I couldn’t even imagine what I would do if i broke a 3,000-year-old artefact” You giggled, eyes crinkling. “Did they have to cancel the broadcast then?”
Robin shook her head, “They still managed to do it, can you imagine listening to the trumpets over the radio that Egyptians had listened to all those years ago?” 
“That must have been really cool,” You say emphatically, tucking your pen behind your ear. “You must be really passionate about the trumpet to know all these facts,”
“Oh…Well, I-” Robin stuttered, caught off guard by this sudden shift in conversation. She could recite facts and stories till the cows came home, but talking about herself was another matter. “I think it’s just natural you pick it up,” Did you think it was weird how much she knew about the trumpet, did you think she was some trumpet freak that slept with it every night? 
You shook your head, “You’re not giving yourself enough credit” You insisted “You’re just really smart, I was talking to the flute players and I think I learnt more prepping in the library to talk to you guys than I did from talking to them, you’re the best interview I’ve done by far, it was actually so interesting talking to you I kept forgetting to take notes” You admitted, shifting from one foot to another nervously. 
For once Robin was stunned to silence, realising she wasn’t going to talk anymore you started again. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, they’re totally your friends and I just bad-mouthed them, I’m so sorry, it's just-”
“It’s not that I just- people don’t normally…I’m not used to compliments” from someone so cute.
Now you must think she has no friends and no confidence, which she supposes isn’t exactly untrue. 
“Well you should get used to them Robin Buckley, you’re gonna be going places, I can just tell” You grinned, bouncing on your feet again. Your smile must be infectious because Robin smiled right back, cheeks turning rosy. 
“You think so?” Robin asked casually. Like that isn’t someone she’d always dreamed of being told, like you haven’t just given her enough material here that she’s going to spend the rest of her life daydreaming about this moment. 
“I know so” 
It was then that you cemented yourself as the girl that appears in every one of her dreams and fantasies, She knows she’s going to talk to Steve about you until he’s sick of hearing your name. She’s going to look for you every time she’s in the halls in hopes of seeing your nervous feet bouncing against the linoleum. 
It was all a haze as you explained that you’ll be back to take some photos on Friday because since Johnathan left there's only one camera and someone else had stolen it, even though you booked it out. The adorable furrow of your brow is saved in her memory bank for her late-night daydreams. 
By the time Robin see’s you again she’s learned everything she can about you from Nancy.
You hadn’t had a boyfriend since middle school and insisted that he didn’t count, Andy asked you on a date last year and you rejected him along with seemingly anyone else who tried to ask you out. Nancy was surprisingly loose with the information she shared, offering up far more than Robin had even dared to ask about. 
Even though she had gone through a million possible talking points all day, as soon as she saw you, one foot tapping on the floor it all flew right out the window. The camera was looped around your neck and you were fiddling with the buttons, scowling at it in confusion. 
“Hey,” Robin greeted, trying to be as casual as possible as she placed her trumpet case on the table and started to put it together. 
“Hi” You mumbled, still staring daggers into the camera, “Sorry, I just,” You pressed the buttons a couple of times, “The settings have all been messed up and…I’m so hopeless at this” You murmured, “I asked Johnathon for advice on the phone last night, but it was so much easier when he was here, I have like no idea what I’m doing, god I’m sorry I shouldn’t be complaining.”
“No, it’s ok, I don’t mind, maybe-”
She flinches as you press a button accidentally and she’s blinded by the flash. “Shit, I’m so sorry, are you ok?” You say abandoning the camera and letting it hang from your neck. “Sorry, I’m not normally so… it’s just my first time being in charge of a whole section, it feels like so much pressure. I really don’t want to let Nancy down” 
Robin rubs her eyes, trying to reassure you while acting like there aren’t spots appearing in her vision. “I don’t think there's much chance of that, she’s been telling me how great you are all day,”
“Yeah, plus you’re really good at interviewing, I mean, I’ve never been interviewed before, but you made me feel really well interviewed. I mean, just that it was super thorough, but not like an interrogation, trust me I’ve been through one of those and it was awful,” Robin says inching closer and closer. Her mouth once again moved without thinking. 
“You’ve been interrogated?” You questioned, finally smiling as you push some hair from your face. “I didn’t realise you were such a trouble maker”
“Oh no, I was innocent,” Robin quickly corrects, “Falsely imprisoned” 
“Wow, I didn’t think you could beat your Egyptian trumpet story, but this sounds like it just might.”
Robin blushes, she isn’t sure if you’re making fun of her at first, but the warmth in your eyes makes her think it's the opposite. Still, she knows she can’t actually tell you that story, so she tries to move on. “I could have a look at the camera if you want, my mum has one just like it.” 
“If you don’t mind,” 
“I don’t mind at all,” Robin grins, moving beside you as you hold out the camera. She has to look over your shoulder, chin slightly brushing against your cheek. She can feel the heat radiating from you, while she fixes the settings for you. 
This was probably going to be the last time she would talk to you, once this issue was finished you would go your way and she would go hers. Maybe she could make up some reason to visit Nancy in the club room, see you in passing in the halls. 
Only she wants to watch as your nervous smile melts away to a real one, just because of her. She wants to place her hand in yours, feel your palm pressing into her own while you listen to her stories and offer your own up as well. 
She takes her time fiddling with the buttons, it didn’t really need much doing anyway, but she isn’t going to let you know that. 
She just wishes she had more courage, or that she didn’t have to hide her affection for girls and she could just be herself. Without worrying that asking out the wrong person could ruin her life or at least make her need to move three towns over. 
Once she’s finally done she settles the camera down in your hand, ignoring the way you lean away from her touch once she’s finished. “Thank you,” You say, moving your hand to tuck your hair behind your ear, even though it’s already tucked away. 
“No problem, I’ve wanted to get more into photography anyway” It’s a complete lie. She isn’t even sure why she says it. She just hopes it will make you stop curling in on yourself, wilting right in front of her eyes from embarrassment. 
“Oh really?” You question, brightening up again. “You could always use our darkroom if you need to. We could do with an extra pair of hands if you know anything about developing photos?”
Robin had absolutely no idea how to develop photos in a darkroom. “I would love that!” 
While Robin didn’t know much at all about photography, she was going to become an expert if it meant she could spend time with you. 
“Great! They’ll love some extra help, I was helping out last week but I tripped over a chair and spilt the developer everywhere, now it’s like every time I need to develop photos no one else is available to help” You laughed. 
“Well, I’ll always help!” Robin grinned, loving the way you started to fiddle with your fingers. It was nice to make someone flustered for a change. 
She had skipped gym class with a poorly forged note about her period and the male gym teacher immedietly let her go to study hall. Instead she found herself hoping you wanted to see her.
It took her a minute of pacing outside the door to pluck up the courage to walk through the door, a little worried she might immediately be kicked out. 
Your smile when she came through the door threatened to spilt your face in half. “You really came!” You exclaimed, abandoning what you were doing and tucking your pen behind your ear. You immediately stand up from the desk you were typing at, Nancy watching with amusement. 
It was worth it, it was definitely worth it she thought. Even if she died in the dark room from the fumes she was going to die happy. Never had she been greeted with such excitement. 
Nancy smiled knowingly from her place next to you, looking up from what she was doing to raise an eyebrow at Robin, “I didn’t realise you were interested in photography,”
“It’s a recent interest” Robin defended. 
“Nance” You scorned, at the same time “Please don’t,” 
The two of you looked at each other, both thinking Nancy was referring to you. You picked at your nails as Robin ruffled at her own hair. 
“You should get a hurry on if you wanna finish before next period,” Nancy warns, squeezing your wrist in reassurance as you sway on your feet next to her. 
Robin glares at the touch, jealous even though she knows she had no right. Especially so when Nancy is very much dating Jonathan. It’s stupid when she knows you so little, she supposes you are on her mind so much it feels like you’re closer than you actually are.
“Right, I’ll lead the way” You offer. Your arm leaves Nancy’s hold and your hand presses gently against Robin's arm instead.  She wishes she had gone for a short sleeve shirt today so she could feel your hand against her skin. She settles for the warmth seeping from your palm instead. She mourns the loss when you let go. 
You lead her to the small darkroom, informing her that it will just be the two of you. Her chest warms and so do her cheeks.
You spend an hour in the dark room, giggling together over the chemicals. She taught you how to develop the photos step by step, pretending she hadn’t just absorbed all the information she was telling you hours prior. 
Even using her hands at one point to guide your own. It was a move Steve had told her to use during their last shift, she swore it was stupid and she wasn’t going to do it. Yet here she was, rings cold against your own skin as she helped you shake the photo just right to dry it off a little before hanging it up. 
Once you had finished the few photos that needed doing for the day, you both started packing up. Moving at a much slower pace than when you had been setting up the equipment. 
Your hand brushes against hers as you both grab for the same pair of tongs and it makes you bump your hip into the table and the developer splashes over the sides of the tray. “Sorry…” You mumble, stepping away from her a little. 
She wasn’t sure if you were apologising for the contact or for spilling the developer. Either way, she wished you wouldn’t.
Robin found herself skipping gym so often that the coach was concerned about her iron levels. He even pulled her aside to offer to make an appointment with the school nurse for her.  The time spent with you in the darkroom was worth the embarrassment, especially that day. 
Robin was wearing a tinted chapstick she had bought specifically because you had been wearing it the week before. She hadn’t meant to buy it, but just before she could even think her hand grabbed it and added it to her basket. 
It made your lips look extra kissable, so she just wanted her lips to look the same. No ulterior motive whatsoever. 
Every time she used it, she would blush thinking of your lips, wondering if that’s how you would taste. She didn’t think anything could fluster her more until you noticed her putting it on.
“We have the same lip balm,” You stated, pointing to your lips, covered in the same sticky tint. She panicked, thinking you thought she was weird, trying to find some way to explain.  “I wouldn’t have minded sharing,” You say, grinning coyly. 
Her brain didn’t work for the entire rest of the day. Behind a timid exterior, you were such a minx. You were always complimenting her any chance you got, barely hiding a smirk at her red cheeks.
It was that day Nancy had approached her, arms crossed and leaning against the table. You had gone to interview Gareth about his local band. You had talked all about it to Robin, you had been Gareth’s lab partner every year since freshman and had a soft spot for him. That was all she heard before her mind drifted off, eyes focused on your lips and nothing else. 
Normally you talking about some guy would be enough to make her jealous, but she was still mushy-brained from earlier so she just nodded along to everything you said, missing her chance to offer to tag along. 
“We both know you’re not interested in photography, Buckley” Nancy had begun, cutting Robin off before she could even come up with some excuse. “If you’re gonna spend all your time here anyway, might as well do something useful”
So that was how Robin ended up in charge of an advice collum she had no interest in. Nancy told her it would improve the readership to get more of the student body involved, but Robin wasn’t convinced. 
Until you had eagerly nodded along, praising Nancy for such a good idea when you came back from your interview. 
Every time Robin tried to get out of it she was re-persuaded. 
“I’m awful at giving advice” Robin reasoned. 
“You helped me” You encouraged. Smiling at her with teeth as you moved some of your papers and pens away from your cluttered desk, “I don’t think I could even cope without you anymore,” 
“But..” Robin thought of the small darkroom, the enclosed space leaving no room for anyone other than you and her. She could talk to you in private, without needing to worry about other people. 
The advice collum had no photographs, she would have no reason at all to go in there anymore. What if you didn’t even get to spend time together at all any more, she would have to actually write a whole advice section. It didn’t leave much time for staring at your face.
“And you can set up right next to me, it gets pretty lonely writing all by yourself, so we can keep each other company” 
All her arguments died on her tongue as she realised what you were doing. Tidying things away and dragging a chair over, so that she could sit right next to you.
She was done for, today was far too much for her to deal with. 
Her brain, which had been re-solidifying, abandoned her once again. All she could think of was you. Your sweet smiles, the pen you always tucked behind your ear and then would endearingly forget was there, your shaky hands and jumpy legs. 
Even now, despite your confident facade, she could see the nerves in your foot as you tapped it against the floor. You gazed up at her, hoping you hadn’t overstepped by assigning her a place right next to your own. 
“That sounds perfect” 
So here she was, tapping away on an old typewriter to try and help a mystery freshman whose fiery girlfriend just wouldn’t stop dumping him. 
You sat next to her, shoulder brushing her own. No longer so shy with touch, you were often glued to her side. You always sat next to her, writing your articles together. Giving each other advice and spell-checking for each other. 
She wished she had an advice collum she could write to. 
One day, when she was definitely not trying to impress you by speaking French, ( it totally came up naturally she swears) you look as lovesick as her. Only it’s difficult for her to actually talk to you about it, one wrong move and she could either have a girlfriend or be a bigger social pariah than Eddie Munson. 
She’s almost at breaking point today, you’re playing with her rings. She had abandoned them on the table. 
They had been irritating her, rubbing against her skin as she tried to type as fast as she could. You had taken that as an opportunity to investigate, scrutinising each one before sliding them on your fingers. You had finished writing a little while ago but were still waiting for her. 
You’ve put another one of her rings on your finger, pushing it up and down and up again, twisting it back and forth. “These are really pretty Rob” You compliment, eyes not leaving your hands, twisting them back and forth in the light. 
Rob. A little nickname you had recently started using that sent butterflies to her stomach. 
“Thanks,” She says, her rhythmic typing stuttering for a second. Did you have any idea what you did to her? How a simple compliment from you made her heart skyrocket. She quickly shakes off the thought, typing even faster so she can get on to the final bit of advice for this week. 
She was hoping to finish early so she could somehow segway into going to get some food together. Only she had so many people asking for help this week, Valentine's Day was quickly approaching, so it was taking even longer than usual. 
Finally finished with her advice for Basketball Boy, so Robin could finally move on to the last bit of advice. 
She looks down at the last bit of paper, you had picked out for her this week, insisting you didn’t have much to do for your article this time and wanting to save her the trouble. 
She sighs, seeing another person asking for dating advice. This one is written in a glittering gel pen, they were pretty popular right now, especially the kind that smells like fruits. 
She had seen you using one last week, and you had excitedly held it out to her asking her to smell it. She nodded along saying it smelt nice, but really all she could smell was your perfume and it had made her light-headed. 
Shaking herself out of her daydreams, she reads over the flowery script. 
Dear R, 
There’s a girl in my club and she’s all i can think about, I took on a role in my club just to talk to her, back when she didn’t even know I existed. Now we’re friends and I’m terrified of ruining it, please help me, how do I tell her I like her without telling her I like her? 
Robin reads over the submission again and again. It’s almost like she wrote it herself. 
You rest your head onto Robin’s shoulder, cheek pressing against the sleeve of her shirt. She can feel the warmth of your skin seeping through the fabric. You’re always so warm and Robin is obsessed with it. 
January is so cold, she wishes she could bury herself in between your legs, face pressed into your stomach. At least she wants to hold your hand, in fact, she’s pretty sure you’d let her. Friends, do that all the time right? Maybe if she held Nancy's hand first to set a precedence then it wouldn’t need to mean any-
“So…” You mumble, fiddling with her rings again, which are still on your fingers. “What do you think?”
Robin ponders, how could she give this person advice when she was going through the exact same thing and was clueless. “I’m not sure, if he likes her so much then he should just tell her, clearly he never wanted to just be friends”
“Do you think it’s creepy?”
“Do you?” She stutters, of all the weird submission’s you’ve read together, how can the one you think is strange be the one closest to her own situation? 
You slump down into your seat and Robin immediately mourns the loss of your touch. “I just…well, the girl has no idea that they’re friends because…you know.”
“I think he should tell her” Robin decides, just because she has to suffer her crushes in silence, doesn’t mean everyone should. “Even if she doesn’t like him, they can still be friends. Look at Steve and me,”
“What if they couldn’t, what if telling them would ruin everything” 
“What’s the worst that could happen to him,” Robin reasons, “A bit of embarrassment, maybe he would lose a friend, I think he has more to gain than he has to lose.” 
You’re silent for a moment, and then you turn to Robin in your chair. You’ve dumped Robin’s rings and started chipping at your nail polish. A habit that you keep saying you’re going to break, but never do. 
“You’re assuming it’s a guy”
“You’re assuming it’s a guy, but look at the writing, look at the glitter gel pen.”  
Robin looks down, her thumb rubbing against the sparkly gel pen, the looped cursive is very feminine, but Robin can’t even believe it. Could it really be, could there really be another person like her? 
She’s speechless as she takes in the possibility, and then she reads over the letter again. 
Robins's heart pounds, she knows she shouldn’t get her hopes up, but it’s already too late. You have this kind of gel pen, even if half the year does too, you have recently made a new friend and you met because of your club. Surely it isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility that it might have been you. 
Did you start writing for the entertainment section just to talk to her? 
“I think she should tell her,” 
“You…You do” You stumble, eyes staring into hers, searching for something. 
Robin is pretty sure if you don’t confess to her within the next 30 seconds she going to physically deflate like a balloon. Despite herself, her hopes are sky high. She nods her head eagerly, sure if she speaks her voice will betray her by coming out squeaky. 
She’s already biting back her grin before you even start to speak.
“Robs” You start, you sound so quiet and she leans forward in her chair. Both to hear you better and to hopefully give you easier access to her lips. “I…Have you ever read anything by Sappho?”
The breath Robin was holding in came out in a rough exhale. This must be it, it has got to be her. Her legs bounce from trying to hold herself back from throwing herself into your embrace and squealing at the top of her lungs. 
She nodded her head again and your eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas, hands darting out to cup her cheeks, bringing more warmth to her heated skin. 
“I like you,” She can feel your nerves as your hands shake against her cheeks. 
She can’t really believe it. Any of it. 
She lurches forward so fast that she almost sends her chair flying. Despite her lack of grace, her kiss is tender. Her hands dwarf your own as she tries to soothe you and your shuddering fingers.
You have the tinted lip balm on today and she greedily hopes it stains her own lips so she has a visual reminder of this moment. She swears she’ll never wipe her lips, eat, drink or do anything that could remove the stain from her lips, even if she dies of dehydration. 
Her plan is quickly ruined when you're brought out of your stupor, moving forward with more ferocity than she would ever expect. One hand escapes her hold and clutches the back of her neck, drawing her and her rolling chair forward. You lick greedily at her bottom lip, thighs caging in one of her legs. 
Her lips part in shock, your innocent kiss turning into something more. You clutch onto her like you’re terrified of her slipping away. She returns your kiss, one hand squeezing your own, the other moving to cup your cheek. 
She brushes her thumb against the apple of your cheek, relishing the soft gasp it gets out of you. 
When you part, your eyes flick to hers before quickly looking away. Your shyness returns and it's just as endearing as it was the first time she met you. Despite your embarrassment, you curl one arm around her waist, bringing her as close as you can until your chairs touch.
“I really like you,” You say, timidly, leaving no room for argument. 
Robin smiles so hard her cheeks hurt, her brain practically a puddle at her feet. 
Maybe Robin was better at giving advice than she thought.
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01zfan · 4 months
don’t know if you’ve already talked about this but can you take us through your writing process? do you write on a computer or your phone? how do you find the motivation? do you make a plan before writing or do you just wing it? do you read/listen to anything for inspiration? how many words do you write in one sitting? how do you tackle a writing slump? 😁😁😁😁🤍
omg first of all thank you so much for your interest in my writing it really means alot agh. i do talk about my process here and here but i will gladly talk more about it because i LUV talking about writing heh.
usually my writing process begins one of two ways. i either have a concept of what i want to do that comes to me as a fleeting idea while im working on a screenplay or an assignment. sometimes i save it in my memory but sometimes i’ll write it really quick in my notes so i don’t lose it. the other way i get ideas is from the requests you guys send me! it inspires me alot, definitely a majority of my fics are from requests you guys have sent me. my favorite thing is when i can put multiple requests together to kinda curate a really good fic for you guys (and that way i get to do multiple peoples requests in one go!)
once i have the idea i usually write a bulk of it on my computer. i’m honestly a very impulsive writer when it comes to fanfiction so i used to jump around alot when i was writing. like for example i remember when i was writing argue with you part three i jumped around alot to different parts of the story and then kinda bridged the gaps. sometimes i’ll jump around to different fanfics i’m working on as well like sometimes i’ll be working on three at a time just jumping around to wherever my mind goes. i used to write straight through all the way to build my tolerance of making a linear story but now i just kinda go with whatever i feel like. i write on my phone too, but mainly when i write on my phone im tweaking stuff and editing bc i’m usually on the go when i’m on my phone. (i have edited so many fics and perfected smut scenes on public transit LMFAO)
i find the motivation to write because i love it a whole lot like it’s kind of hard to explain it but it’s like an innate part of me now to write and always wanting to write. like sometimes i can’t go to sleep until i write something whether it’s an assignment, a screenplay, a fanfic, a journal entry etc. i haven’t gone a single day without writing something in god knows how long. so i’ve never been too much in a writing slump, usually i just read where i left off and let my mind run from there. i find motivation also in reading books and other authors work. i don’t usually listen to music when i’m writing, unless it’s a request or i hear a song that reminds me of a member and an idea comes from that.
i truthfully wing most of the fics i write on here especially if it’s a request i kinda just go with a vibe and follow it till i eventually reach the end. i’m always driven by the same goal to kinda make it read like a reformatted screenplay to kinda transport you there. i think personally i did this the best with in the middle and should’ve told me. but sometimes i’m really driven by story and personalization of the members like i did with bike peg, your birthday, and trigger finger. i really want to become a better writer at feelings and incorporating more analogies and figurative language in my writing because i think it would take me to the next level. human like me was like a very amateur teaser of what i want to write (not as tragic of course but just very emotionally driven)
i genuinely couldn’t tell you the most i’ve ever written in one sitting. i’m gonna say 5-6k words because i wrote non-refundable in one sitting and i was also jumping around writing other stuff while i was woking on that one (i guess i can consider sungchan as a muse?)
sorry if i talked too much but i really love writing a whole bunch i could talk about it till the cows come home. if you ever want me to break down certain passages or excerpts in my fic and how i came up with it i would love to do that so freaking much you have no idea. once again thank you for asking and having an interest in my writing process :D
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whencallstheheart · 1 year
I don’t usually post online but I just need to get my thoughts out because no one I know watches this show lol.
I have seen A LOT of people on Twitter and social media lamenting how the new showrunner is ruining the narrative that seasons 8 and 9 established. This isn’t unexpected and people can argue about that till the cows come home. The thing that can’t be argued however is that Elizabeth’s heroic arc is to face her greatest fear by opening herself up to love someone as much as she loved Jack knowing that she could go through the same pain and loss and grief all over again. Thus we arrive at the fundamental problem with season 8. It is not necessarily her choosing Lucas but the fact we don’t see her experience fear around the possibility of losing him. We see her go to the opera and go horseback riding and on candlelit dinners but we don’t see her have to sit and wrestle with the fact that loving Lucas could bring her the same pain that she experienced with Jack. We do however see that she is terrified by the idea of losing Nathan. The writers have had 5 seasons to show us that Elizabeth is deeply in love with Lucas but from where I’m sitting they have shown me that she loves Nathan while telling me that she loves Lucas. The new showrunner is using season 10 to remedy the show of its failure in season 8 to come full circle on Elizabeth recognizing her fears and realizing that she must face them to embrace a life of true happiness and not simply one of comfort. Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk lol.
First of all, you're always welcome to continue your series of TED Talks here. This was beautifully said.
"The writers have had 5 seasons to show us that Elizabeth is deeply in love with Lucas but from where I’m sitting they have shown me that she loves Nathan while telling me that she loves Lucas."
Absolutely. They gave us a showy romance but no depth with Lucas and Elizabeth. I kept waiting for it. I kept waiting for them to convince me that Lucas was the right choice. That didn't happen.
I completely agree that a lot has been fixed in season 10. Has it been perfect? Of course not. But it feels like we're finally on the right track. I hope now we can have Elizabeth be a lot more likeable after she finally took the time to look inward and sort through her trauma. I think so many people didn't want to take the time to understand what was going on with her but unfortunately the show also didn't bother to dig into it either until now.
I'm happy with what Lindsay was able to do with what she inherited and I'm excited to see where the show can go moving forward.
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morgansmornings · 1 year
get to know the author!
name : Stoat, Tori, ‘Hey You with the face’ works too
pronouns : She/Her
preference of communication : Uhm... I prefer DMs. Just so I know basic proof of life? I’m not pushy, nor am I up your nose? I will poke and see if you are okay if I haven’t heard from you in a while. But I admit, communication is my weakness and downfall.
most active muse :  Jayden is slowly getting louder. Then there is the useless lump of werewolf on the couch that I am concerned if he is still breathing. -shrug-
experience / how many years :  I've been writing fanfic since I was in middle school, mostly on my own, but I did get a partner and have more than one composition note book of rp-fic buried in boxes somewhere. But on this platform I have had several failed attempts since.... I wanna say.... 2010? Yeah I know I’m old af. Thank you.
best experience : Since I actually found people to write with Jayden, I have to say that her third active year was the best. I had mutuals, a groove, and just enjoyed writing.
rp pet peeves : Having no Canon Characters, and being a more dominant personality leaning Female Oc... yeah to say finding a foothold or even having someone deign to give me a glance let alone actually read my writing is a bitch with the toxic demands. To say the standards that have been set since the beginning is fucking awful to live up to. Unpopular Opinion, that is sure to get me hate, BUT... as it has come up in many an offline conversation is that *Your Canon was someone’s OC at some point in history!* Just saying, maybe don’t be a dick?
fluff, angst, or smut : Yes? All of them? Though I am not great at writing smut, preferring to fade to black or even move that off the dash. I am not shy about talking about sexual things. I can fluff till the Highland Cows come home. And just don’t ask about Angst. Or if you want just ask @brooklynislandgirl and mention JAHSFF. 
plots or memes : Both?? Both is good.  I prefer plotting even if it takes me 10,000 years and a crick in the neck to even approach you with one to begin with. But Memes are a great ice-breaker. And it gives the chance for Muses to get a first impression. Though existing ships of all kinds are welcome to memes too.
long or short replies :  I am a multi-para writer. I always have been? Meme answers can vary between two and three paragraphs a minimum. I occasionally can do one or to-liners for a meme answer but that is rare.
time to write : For the rest of July, anytime. I just have to actually get off my ass and just write. Between August and May, with Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays being weird. I’m on in early afternoons.
are you like your muses : I mean maybe? 
Jayden is confident, shaped like I wish I was, know what she wants and goes after it. Doesn’t take shit and is loyal to her friends and family. I have the loyalty part. She is proud where I am not. Full of life and spontaneous where I am more introverted and have to plan every single thing down to the minute with back up plans which lead to me bailing on most things. I over think too much where she is one intrusive impulse from getting arrested most of the time.
Avery is different. As he and I share the level headed, mediator, councilor, voice of reason traits. But clearly he is male and over a foot taller than I am. And far more charming than I could ever be. 
Even then they are parts of what I wish I could be. A living fantasy in written form and escape from what I am as a Mun and person. 
Tagged By: @prettytm Tagging: All five of you still following me
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koolcece22 · 3 months
Enter Vemongirl
Shade’s POV
An hour earlier 
I was still a little upset at what Miguel said, I know he didn’t mean it but how he put it it just irks me. I try to shake it off, there are so many things I don’t know about the compound R and what Alchemax has been doing. My mother and father aren’t clean, but they were just as victims as me. They didn’t deceive to die like that. 
I walked over to Go-home-machine where the kids were. 
“Hey Shade! We're waiting on you and Miguel so we can go to your earth and go forth with the plan.”  I nodded and it looked like it was stable to travel back to my world since it is more stable now. 
“Let me make sure things are ok, you all can stay…at my place. Just don’t mine the mess. I had a bad day.”  I said as I tried to work the Gizmo to teleport me to my Earth. I still have no idea how to work this thing. Hobie must have seen me struggle as he signaled me to hand over the device so he could do it. I sigh as I give it to him. Man, it is like asking a 5 year old how to work a t.v.
He hit the button to open a portal for me.
“Don’t mention it mate. Just tell us when to come over so we can start the party.” Hobie said with a smirk I smirk back at him as I put my mask back on and jumped in. 
I landed not far from my place, the sunset was starting so evening will soon be here. I don’t see a lot of Alchepolice running around but it's better safe and sorry. I was about to change into my normal clothes and was about to head home till I heard a splash next to my left. There was river in this area so when I look down I saw Timothy swimming in it. He was happy to see me since it been a few days since I last saw him.
“Shade!!” he shouted. I try sheshing him not wanting people to see us. He covered his mouth realizing how loud he was
“Sorry, I'm so glad you're back. I mean spider-man was here and-
“whoo, whoo, whoo. Spider-man? Miguel?”
“That's his name? But the red and blue one yeah. He was talking to…Blackheart.” Timothy shivered from Blackheart's name. Judging from the feeling he gives off, he does not like him. “They went into the castle doing some stuff. I overheard them because I was heading home from school. Why did he talk to ‘him’? He gives off a bad vibe. A ‘not human vibe’” 
I sigh, I don’t know much about Blackheart but will be keeping an eye on him when I see him. But right now, I have to get to the bottom of this wondering why Miguel and him are inside the castle. 
“Hey! Tim. head to my place. We're going have some guests coming over. I’ll join you guys soon ok?” I asked tim, he nodded and gave me his silly salute as he head to my home. I guess I go to sneak in to the castle. Again.
Getting past the guards and keeping myself out of sight out of mind is pain in the ass. As I walk near a window that barely have any guards I snuck in trying to see where Miguel is. First, he tried to claim that my mother was some breeding cow. Now he is here without me, also working with the guy that just said not to engage?!
‘Wonder I can change his name to dumb spider’
‘I’m so going to give him a piece of my mind.’
As I walk through the halls trying to used my sound detect to find Miguel’s sound the castle is huge so it going to be hard. As was detecting I heard Penny’s sound and Xina’s. I didn’t need to be close to her as her ‘hands’ came before she went down hall I was in. I jumped onto the ceiling and to the corner bandster as it was dark so it was hard to see me if the lookup.
Oh Great Ones, don’t look up.
“Are you sure you think Tempest is ready? I mean, your father has been hard on her and if people found out she was Meta. Then people's trust within her will be in question.” 
“They will accept her, not like there is any royal that can reveal us.” 
I overheard them, Xina’s emotion give off concern for Tempest. I don’t blame her since Tempest is like the person she is supposed to protect. Penny as usual I can’t read her. Great one, I hate that I can’t. 
Her ‘Hands’ were spreading and touching everything around her and one of them was around Xina’s neck, ready to attack and kill her. Something I prey I don’t have to intervene if Penny does that.
“Penny! Tempest is scared of being a queen, her mother never wants to be the queen! Not like this. I know that Andrew is using Tempest to gain more powers to other sectors. And the fact is that these experiments that Alchemax has been conducting. When will his greed end?!” Xena said as Penny’s ‘Hands’ start to squeeze her neck Xena stops walking and grabs her neck, she bet she thinks she is choking. I was about to drop down and stop Penny from killing her till Penny’s let go. 
“When everything is complete in are control, then we will see. The people of this Sector are all fools and like to continue to play like fools. We all have parts to play and I would like to change that. This false peace that these fools have.” Penny said as she walked off, Xena getting up, having been almost choked out by Penny. I saw her get up and follow Penny, sensing a small amount of fear coming from her but it was waved by her determination for Tempest. 
She really does care for Tempest.
Once the two were out of the hallway I jumped down and try continue looking for Miguel and Blackheart. I kept clicking till I heard a sound that was different. 
I know that sound,
‘Big spider is over there!’ Kuro took control of one tower, so he must be there. I quickly open the window and head towards, climbing as fast as I can. I got near the window and I can overheard Miguel talking to Tempest who was surprised that he was there. She is not the only one.
“Ugh, I was making sure you were ok.”  I heard Miguel say, his voice has some truth in it. But that is not why he is really there. Tempest also gave off a sense of weariness but she wasn’t afraid of him. Why should she? She was saved by him twice. I climb up to window to see them, neither noticed 
“I-Im fine. I've been meeting to see you again, but Penny warned me about- you're not really working with Venomgirl, aren’t you?” I can see Tempest walking up to him and was about to touch him. Something about that…I didn’t like
‘Wow she must really-hey! Wait!’
I didn't have time for Kuro to stop as I barged in between the two conversations as I knocked on the window. Tempest walked up to open the curtains more to see me to her shock and horror. I was more glaring at Miguel wondering what he was doing here. I forced open the window to get in. Tempest steps back to be near Miguel. 
“What the vuck are you doing here Spider-man?!”
“I was called here.” he said I know who called him, Blackheart. Tempest was confused by this, but it quickly turned into fear and anger, mainly she felt hurt seeing him working with me. 
“You really are working with the enemy.” 
“Tempest, look your- the Six are about to do something very bad to this Sector if we don’t stop them.” Miguel said trying to calm Tempest down but it not really working as her emotion are still high
“But why are you working with her?! Don’t know what she's been doing and how she has hurt so many people?! I saw what she really is. a monster that twisted people.” 
“Tempest, that's just propaganda from your Six. There just using you because your power over the Sector” 
Tempest glares at Miguel “How dare you think Penny and them will cause harm to my people. They do many great things. Did she poison you so much that you're blind?! I-I thought I can trust you.” she whispered the last part but both me and Miguel heard it. Super hearing and all. Her tone sounds harsh that even Miguel’s emotion changes abit like he is ashamed that she disappointed her. 
“Don't either of you have any honor then?! Do you regret your action?!” Tempest point at me 
“Do the Six have any for theirs? Have you ever seen what going on to sector or this city? I've been cleaning it up so it doesn't fall vucking apart while you live in this high castle like some dumb princess!” I shouted back, i’m used to these venomous words thrown at me but just her talking about me in front of him…it like I hated it. 
She was taken back when I talked back to her, she stared at me with her rainbow eyes with a hint of terror. Guessing for a moment she forgot she was in a room full of super heroes. But despite that she wasn’t backing down 
“H-How dare you think that of me. I care for my people-
“Do you now?! I don’t think you could even understand-
I understand completely, you're a terrible villain as you and that U.N.I.T group have done nothing but forsaken the people of this Sector.” me and her have a shouting match at this point, I know she is mainly doing this to defend her honor on how Miguel ‘betrayed’ her. But her words, they still hurt, like nothing had changed for the past nine years I been doing this. Feeling nothing but fear and disgust from people.
‘Why bother with this…I should just-’ before that thought was completed Miguel got between us and grabbed Tempest’s wrist too much to both me and her surprise. What surprised me more, Miguel dissolved his face mask and showed her his face. He was not happy.
Is he angry? For me?
“That's enough! Both of you. I don’t know what's going on with this kingdom crap but she-Venomgirl helps a bunch of people in this city. There are people that are scared to come out because of this Compound R that changes them. And even if they aren't,they are afraid to say anything.” he said, Tempest took back as she saw his fangs and his glowing red eyes.“While your Six are busy with something there not, , ‘While they create problems and property damage, Shade is saving people.’ he looks at me as he can see that was hurt by Tempest’s words. 
“‘She’s been saving people from day one, without recognition and keeps doing it while they are using media and trying to be product placement.” 
My heart skipped a beat when he said those words. It was the first time in a long time someone said something positive about me. 
Tempest pulls away from Miguel. “That is not true my Sister protects this Sector. I saw her true that poor man into a monster. His name was Patrick Cannors, he had a family and you turned him into a monster and when you had no more use for him she killed him in cold blood!!” 
That was it I saw red at that point because the next thing I knew my tendrils rushed towards her. Miguel was able to web seven of them but the eight one slash her chest. If it was for a black flash that slash my tendrail. 
Tempest would be dead.
Miguel’s Pov
How things went this shocking bad?! I swear the O’Hara luck is truly something. Tempest and Shade having a shouting match and I try to defend Shade and calm Tempest down. Tempest must have said something that triggered Shade because the next thing I knew was Shade’s tendrils went straight towards Tempest. I fast enough to web seven of them while eight one head straight towards her. It only gaze at her if it wasn't for blackheart pulling her away in the last second…was Shade really trying to kill her. 
I look back at Shade as her eyes were sclera black and there were purple veins around them. She was breathing hard trying to snap herself out of what she was doing.
“Shade. Stop. don’t let her words get to you, you're stronger than that.” Shade looked at me with surprise and her eyes went back to normal or at least just plan red. Her tendril recedes back into her also as I let go of them. I walk up to her to see if she is ok. I was about to put my hands on her shoulder and she pushed it away.
Right, she doesn’t like to be touched when that happens.
“I wanted to do this quietly but seeing you were about to kill the empress that was not going to happen.” 
I huffed at him with a glare “It would be quiet if you didn’t kick me out from that shadow realm thingy you have! And where were you?!” 
Blackheart growled at us, taking a closer look. He looked like a Blackheart just taller and had the same markings similar to my costume and they were glowing. 
“If I didn’t spit you out, you would have been my next meal.” he growled out. I was in his stomach? Gross.
I was about to say something till we heard Tempest groaning out, she was pushed to the side and on the floor when Shade attacked. She tried getting up till she saw a piece of her clothing fell off of her. It looks like a corset. As it fell, we all saw something coming out of her back. It looks like insect wings. They were pink and yellow colors that match her hair.  
Tempest must realize that her wing that she must have been hiding the whole time was out. As she quickly tries to push them down. 
“Don’t look at me!!” she screamed back away from us. It looked like she was going to scream for help since she really was out numbered till. Blackheart teleported behind her and whisper to her ear
“ Sleep.”
His words must have done something as Tempest’s eye drooped and was about to pass out onto the floor till Blackheart caught her and placed her on the bed.
“What the vuck you do to her?!” Shade shouted as she clicked. I also checked to see she was still breathing. She was. I sigh.
“I just put her to sleep, relax both of you.” he then turned to us and pointed to Shade “weren’t you about to kill her just now?”
“Not on purpose! I-I just…great one. Why the void are you here with him, Miguel? Didn’t you say not awhile ago not engage with a Blackheart?!”
I sighs as he puts his mask back on. “ I did, but I have some useful information or what he told me.” I turned towards Blackheart “so was this ‘stuff’ we were looking for.” 
Blackheart walks over to a large painting of the former Queen Eclisse Namonaihi. He then took down the picture to show the wall but it looked off. It doesn’t take a genius to know that a castle means secret passageways. He then put his hand on the wall and the door open to the passageways. 
“Let go, Penny and Andrew are having a meeting right now with the six and their accomplice. Know that going to take like an hour that all we have. Hopefully you two bickering didn’t make too much noise.” Blackheart then snaps his finger as a weird symbol on the door that leads into this room. 
“Come you two, now I have to babysit both of you now.”
“Hey!” me and Shade said at the same time. I did what he said and came alone and if things went south Lyla would call Jess or Peter as we all play this type of game before. 
We were lead there by the passway that was leading down some stairs. I can sense that Shade was mad at me and didn’t help that she just had an argument with Tempest and was about to lash at her if we didn’t stop her. I know I should told Shade I went to her Earth alone and basically talking to an unknown enemy. 
I was about to say something and going to asked if she was ok till her tendrils lash out, not as wildly but enough to say ‘don’t talk to me i’m upset with you’ 
Been with enough women in my lifetime to know the sign. 
We reach the end of the pathway to a large room, it looks like a secret room. There were tons of books and scrolls. A few computers and paintings of people. Probably pass rulers. I note that most of them were women so i’m guessing for this Earth, women are the charge. 
“Hopefully, her stuff is still here.”  I wondering what Blackheart meant, he went around the room in his shadow like form. Like he was searching for something. I turn to Shade who was look at one of the pictures. This picture had a family, an mother, a father and two children. Shade look at the picture intensely at it.
“Something about the picture caught your eye?” I asked, she just shook her head. 
“It's nothing, let's just find what we're looking for, whatever that is.” 
I was wondering to myself what we were looking for till a t.v. screen turn on behind us. Me and Shade turn to the screen to see a woman, she looks like the woman from the painting up stairs. 
“Hello, I'm Queen Eclisse Namonaihi. If you are seeing this, I am dead.” the woman or Eclisse said 
“Queen Eclisse has been dead for almost two years now. But her tone…” Shade pointed out, still very impressed she can read people through a t.v. screen.
“I was most likely killed, Alchemax had a foot hold on this Sector. No, this world for many years now. I finally learned the truth of their dealings. How they undermined everyone and…ruined my family. Blackheart, I should have listened to you. I guess when you see me in the afterlife you can tell me ‘I told you so’” she said with a cold laugh, just like this Earth Dana it is still unnerving to hear the words of people that know they're going to die. Blackheart stops looking and also stares at the video. From the look he had on his ‘face’ it was a look of sadness, something I never thought I would see a Black Heart have. There the most cold blood evil created next to Mephisto, seeing express emotion like that is something else.
“I bet you right now searching for key data, you are smart and you know where it would be.” Eclisse said with smile, we saw Blackheart eyes widen as he quickly went over to the bookshelf and pull out a book, that said ‘Naku tsuki’
“She wasn’t a foolish Empress then I thought.'' He then opens a pull key and a UBS drive from the book.
“That was all I was able to gather, so please use it and stop Andrew and Alchemax, maybe this Venomgirl might not be the evil monster we thought. They were here sitting right next to me. Blackheart I know you told me do ask for promises from you, but please watch over Tempest. She doesn’t deceive this! I might not be her real mother but she was like a daughter to me. I wish she knew her real mother, Aurora-” 
The video then cuts off. So the queen was assassinated by Alchemax and is now probably using Tempest since she likes a clean slate. Every day Alchemax proves to me that there are mistakes. 
“I got what we need with this, we should be able-” 
We all heard noise from upstairs. It sounded like someone was coming here. Blackheart cured under his breath as he grabbed and Shade and were pull under to Shadow again, next thing I knew we were outside the castle.
0 notes
bookshelfdreams · 2 years
Hi, can't stop thinking about Stede being inescapably himself vs. unapologetically himself and how this interacts with Ed's own insecurities during the treasure hunt. To Ed Stede is fascinating and 100% worthy of love and the only person who from Ed's pov disagrees is Izzy (whose opinion on that matter rightfully doesn't count). Seeing Stede excited about the map and the moth and the prospect of a treasure is enough to spent the afternoon doing something he isn't particularly interested in.
What Ed seems to miss - despite being good at reading the room most of the time - is that Stede is trying to make a good impression and create an experience to share with him specifically; it doesn't occur to him that someone would plan a nice harmless little activity mainly to impress and entertain him.
Now I can't stop thinking about the happiness they would have created for each other had they clearly communicated their intentions and really hope they get a moment in s2 in which they have a conversation along the lines "I made this because I thought you might enjoy it." - "I will enjoy it because you made it."
Wish you a pleasant afternoon!
it doesn't occur to him that someone would plan a nice harmless little activity mainly to impress and entertain him
yes and
It NEVER occurs to Stede that he doesn't need to impress Ed. Literally all Ed wanted to do is take a nap ffs, Stede could have let him cozy up on the couch and read a book to him & they would both have had the time of their lives.
anyway, YES it's a communication issue. Ed is generally really good at communicating his wants and thoughts clearly. He says exactly what he means most of the time. Stede, on the other hand, thinks a single clear statement would kill him. He's so used to communicating things indirectly that he looks for subtext and hidden meaning where there is none.
Like the beginning of ep7, what does Ed actually say? "I can't stay on here forever", which is true. He's got his own ship to captain (presumably, somewhere), he's clearly seeing his time aboard the Revenge as a sort of retreat, a pause fro the daily grind of pirating. It can't go on forever like this. Ed is not saying that he wants to leave immediately, or never see Stede again, or that he's bored out of his skull with Stede.
But that's exactly what Stede hears. He's so used to rejection that he doesn't pause a single second to think or ask for clarification, he just immediately jumps to conclusions - namely, that Ed is a hair's breadth away from disappearing forever, unless he gets some enrichment NOW.
They could!! Have just talked about this! Stede could have just asked "What do you mean?" But that would have meant running the risk of hearing Ed say, out loud, "It's time for us to go our separate ways". He can't. Indirect communication has the "advantage" that you can just ignore the things you don't want to acknowledge; if it's never said it doesn't exist.
Stede thinks rejection is inevitable. He's unable to trust in Ed's friendship; he can't believe anyone could stand his presence for prolonged periods of time, much less enjoy his company. Any day now, Ed is gonna realize how fundamentally unloveable Stede is. Any day he's gonna come to his senses and then he'll leave Stede behind for "the next adventure"; something more exciting, more fun than him (and then Calico Jack happens, this is a fun, lighthearted little romcom 🙃)
None of this is true, of course. It's just Stede constantly running worst-case-scenarios in the back of his head.
Meanwhile Ed? Constantly shows Stede he appreciates him and enjoys his company. Ed signals, over and over, "Hey, I really like you!"
He's miserable on the treasure hunt. He hates bugs and nature and is deadly embarrassed to be seen on this outing. He's still going along with it for Stede's sake. He wouldn't do that for anyone else.
And if they had just taken one minute to talk about this - well, nothing would have changed, because Stede is incapable of talking about his emotions, or articulating his deep feelings of inadequacy. But one can dream.
Yeah anyway, this really is the heart of their conflict. Stede could never admit to his insecurities; Ed isn't aware they could possibly exist, because to him, Stede has nothing to be insecure about and he completely falls for Stede's charade of confidence. It's so well done and I'm gonna go eat a wine bottle about it :)
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jerry-hornes-foot · 2 years
Love your writing! I was wondering, if you haven’t already, if you would write something with a line like “You don’t get to cum until i say so” with dom reader and sub Steve.
Omg thank you so much you're so sweet! 🥰💖 Literally going apeshit for this idea too!! I could write Steve getting edged till the cows come home I swear to God it's so hot 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so yeah went a bit wild on this one, thank you again!
1070 words
18+ only
Steve Harrington x Gender Neutral Reader
Tags: dom/sub; dom!reader; sub!steve; brat!steve; edging; orgasm denial; choking; scratching; rough sex; collaring; handjobs; 69ing; penetrative sex; ownership; multiple orgasm; excessive cum; offensive language
Your hand is pumping rhythmically over Steve's dick, making him cry out through gritted teeth. He's been brattier than usual tonight, living up to the engraved silver heart that dangles from the collar around his neck, which simply reads "BRAT". He's been acting up since you got him into bed, and it seems he thinks he's gotten away with it. You feel his cock start to twitch and swell in your hand and take the opportunity to remind him who's in charge here. With a swift, dramatic movement you lift your hand away from his cock and wave at him. Steve stares up at you, mouth open in horror as he's cut off just at the edge of an orgasm.
"That's not fair!" He protests.
"What did I tell you about talking back, Harrington? You were warned there would be consequences."
"I know but... that's... you can't just... its not-"
You cut him off with a hand around his throat, gently rubbing the soft pleather collar under your fingertips as you stare down at him.
"I think you might have forgotten what this means, Harrington." You hiss. "You're mine, understand? All mine. You don't get to cum until I say so."
Steve glares up at you, his bottom lip slides forward into a pout.
"Oh don't be such a crybaby." You release your grip on his throat and lie back on the bed, parting your legs and staring down at him. "Now, show me what that pretty little mouth can do and I might be inclined to feel a bit more generous."
Steve's knees straddle your head as his mouth works over you. He didn't take very much convincing once he realised he'd have his dick in your mouth too. You're teasing him intentionally now, running your tongue up and down the underside of his cock as you suck it and making him tremble. You know he's already close again, but you have absutely no intention of letting him finish. Using all the strength you can muster you manage to pull up a little, enough to draw Steve's full length length into your mouth, and firmly trace a few circles into the base of his cock with the tip of your tongue. It works exactly as intended and you feel him twitching against you once more. The rhythm of his tongue on your skin gets sloppy as his knees start to shake. Without hesitation, you pull your mouth away and let your head flop back down onto the bed. Steve let's out a loud whine,
"Come on!!"
Steve lowers his hips in an attempt to get your lips wrapped around him again, but only succeeds in smearing your lips with precum. In one quick movement you push your hand up against his ribcage and flip him over onto his back. Scrambling up beside him you throw one leg over his chest and put your weight down, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head.
"And just what makes you think you can talk to me like that, Harrington?"
Steve doesn't answer this time. He can't take much more of this and he knows you're more than capable of keeping this up all night.
"Didn't think so."
Your fingers grip the sheets as Steve pumps in and out of you. You're on all fours now, lulling Steve into a false sense of security by letting him fuck you. Steve moans loudly as you tense around his cock. As his hips pound against you, you start to feel yourself getting close too, but Steve still needs a little more punishment. His fingers dig into your hips as he starts to peak once more. Leaning backwards you push Steve back onto his knees, sitting on his lap with him still inside you and forcing him to stop what he's doing. You can hear him whimpering behind you, but this time he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut.
"What's the matter, baby?" You tease, gently rocking your hips. "Thought I'd let you win that easily?"
You buck your hips once more, a little rougher this time, and Steve's hands grip at your arms. He lets out a few ragged breaths in your ear as his body tenses and convulses. His fingers remain tightly grasping your skin for a few more seconds before his body relaxes. To your great surprise, you don't feel him cum. Climbing off his lap you turn to face him and, from the looks of it, he's just as surprised as you are.
"Interesting," You say with a slight smirk. "Think you can manage one more?"
Steve's hips are jackhammering against yours. Over your shoulder you can hear his collar jingling as his body moves sporadically. You can feel your skin flushing white hot, whole body tingling as Steve's cock works in and out of you.
"Such a good boy." You purr. "I'm so close, baby, make me cum and I'll let you too."
The words barely escape your mouth before you feel the wind knocked out of your lungs as you lunge forward with the force of a sudden orgasm ripping through you. The sounds of your lust filled screams spur Steve on, slamming his hips against yours in a fast, messy rhythm. Within minutes you feel Steve start to convulse again. He scratches down your thighs as his cock twitches once more. This time a fountain of cum sprays into you, wave after wave filling you up as Steve's body tenses against you. When he finally stops he barely manages to pull out of you before he flops down on the bed, fucked out and gasping for air.
There's silence for a long time. You stroke Steve's hair gently before you get up to get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom. When you come back Steve hasn't moved. You perch yourself on the edge of the bed, reaching around to the back of his neck you carefully undo his collar and take it off for him.
"You okay, sweetheart?" You ask, softly.
Steve tears his eyes away from the ceiling and looks up at you. He laughs suddenly and a wide smile spreads over his face.
"Holy shit."
"That good?" You say with a laugh.
"That was fucking incredible." He says, still a little out of breath. His face melts into a smirk, that mischievous sparkle back in his eye already. "Bet you couldn't do it again."
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Chopper Dave, Q-Bert x reader - In love with your voice
-He was quite different to most men in Nevada, most notably because of his English accent. He always greeted you the same way, a cheery smile, a kiss and a soft “‘Ello love,” You’d fallen hard for that accent, you’d quiz you lover on just about everything.
-“So where’d you learn to pilot? How’d you get your whirly bird? How do you repair it when it breaks down?” And on and on he’d talk, with little prompting, he loves that you’re taking a strong interest in his job. “Y'know love, perhaps I’ll have to teach you 'ow to fly 'er and fix 'er up.” “Sounds good to me. Anything to spend a bit more time with you, Davey.”
-Cooped up in your private quarters, you snuggle in close with your lover. “Davey, what was life like back in England?” “That ol’ place? Well love, can say there was a lot less gun crime, 'ell of a lot more knife crime though. But it’s home, can’t say too much of a bad word 'bout it.”
-He nuzzles the top of you head. “Might have to take you there some day, if it’s not a hell hole like this place. It wasn’t when I left, but that was a good while ago. Green hills for miles, quite a rich agriculture, you get used to the smell of cow shite fairly quickly hah~”
-Dave pauses and lets out a quiet sigh. “I haven’t thought about life over the pond in such a long time. I used to write letters to my Mum, before she died of course. I still 'ave them somewhere. Never 'ad the heart to throw any of 'em out.”
-“It sounds like such a wonderful place, a far cry from this living hell.” “It was back then. Dunno 'ow much lifes changed, if it’s as bad there as it is here. If … If it even still exists anymore. All I’ve known for years is just Nevada. I 'ope its orite back there, but I’ll never know for sure, not till I see it for myself.”
-He gave your arm a light squeeze. “Wotcha pryin for anyways? Never asked me about it before.” His tone was teasing. “I just wanna know you better,” And to hear that heavenly voice. “Hah~ If I didn’t know better, I’d think you just like the sound of my voice.” You tried shut him up with a kiss.
-“Take that as a yes then, eh love?”
-“Well well well, if it isn’t m’ favourite customer,” Bert greets you with a wink. “And what can I do for you today, pet? I got some new armour I think you’d look rather killer in, heh.” Since he’d become attracted to you, he’d started giving discounts to you, as well as the occasional goody 'on the house,’
-You could listen to his accent all day and never tire of it, but you had missions to run, and he had a shop to keep. You’d still swing by prior to missions, he’d give your armour and guns a once over to make sure they were in top condition.
-Luckily you always come back in one piece okay maybe not always but more often than not and are more than happy to chit chat. You relay your exploits with your current crew. “Yeah, that new rifle you suggested really came in clutch. Gotta thank you for saving our asses.” Any time his expertise came in handy, you made sure to thank him profusely.
-“Aye, it’s nae bother pet. Anything you keep yer precious face safe.” He allowed you, and only you, behind the counter. You would pick a random weapon and quizzed him on it, both out of genuine interest, and also to listen to his gorgeous and foreign accent.
-“Yer thinking of going for those daggers eh? Dinnae think you’d consider them, but they’re very good, I can speak from experience.” “Perhaps I am, care to tell me more?” You turned one of the throwing daggers in your hands, expert craftsmanship, incredibly sharp and primed for killing.
-A sly smirk crept across his face, his hands covering yours as he pulled your back against his chest, whispering in your ear. “Y'know you’ve asked about them a few times now. Are ye even considering them?” Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
-“Of course, your endorsement in your stock is very valued. I care greatly for your opinion, saved my ass a few times.” “Really?” Goosebumps rolled across your flesh as you felt his breath on your neck. “Cause I think you love the way a’ talk.”
-You dropped the dagger and spun around, hands pressing into Bert’s cheeks as you kissed him. “Aye, I thought ye wanted me to keep talking, now yer trying to shut me up?” “Be quiet Bert.” You laughed softly. “Nae, not a chance in hell.”
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endorspeaches · 2 years
We Can Just Talk (Part 5)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: some crying. some fluff. you know the usual.
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers, Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: You receive a letter from Steve. A whirlwind of emotions is just the beginning.
Listen with: City Lights - Austin Farwell
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You wake up abruptly to the sound of your alarm. You reach over with your eyes still closed. You feel around for your phone. You bring it to your face and open one eye and shut it off. You place it next to you on the bed. You lay there for a moment. You finally open your eyes and look over to the end of the bed. You can’t help but picture Steve laying there in your robe scrunching his face at you. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve heard from him.
“I need to stop.” you sit up.
You pull the blanket off and walk over to your window and pull back the curtain. You breathe in and breathe out before turning around and walking out of your bedroom out to the kitchen.
You reach the fridge and the drawing Steve gave you is there with a cow printed magnet holding it up. A small note you hadn’t noticed before on the edge of it reads *I will always come back to you*.
“Damn it Steve.” You rub your eyes before pulling the fridge door and grabbing the brita.
You pour water into the coffee machine and turn it on. You stand there with an empty stare at the backsplash before being snapped back into the room to your phone ringing.
You run to your bedroom throwing your blanket around till you grab your phone. It’s your new client.
“Hello?” you gasp.
“Hi Y/N, sorry to call you so early but I hope we can reschedule today? Something has come up.” The voice on the other end says.
“Yes, of course, Is everything ok?” You rush over to your desk
“Yes everything is ok, I didn’t remember my fiancé's surprise wedding brunch was today. I hope it’s ok to cancel so last minute.” Your client responds.
“It’s no problem Brian, it was just a lunch to go over the plans I had been emailing about. I like lunch plans just to be a bit formal but we can either reschedule or I can work out a Google doc to share with you guys and maybe schedule a phone call to go over it. I don’t want to pressure you into figuring all that out right now but let’s just make a placeholder appointment for now?” you set your phone on speaker as you wake up your computer.
“We can totally do lunch next week? For now, let’s just make an appointment and we can get back to you tomorrow if that’s ok?” He asks.
“We can totally do that, how does Friday or Saturday at 3 sound?” you say as you sit back in your desk chair.
“I’ll take Friday. I’ll talk to Claudia later tonight and get back to you tomorrow morning. Thank you so much talk to you soon.” He responds
“Alright have fun, talk to you later bye.” you end the call.
You sit back up and you type out *Lunch with Claudia and Brian @ 3*. You watch the text cursor blinking and begin to zone out again. When your downstairs buzzer goes off startling you.
"Who the hell could that be?" you walk over as the buzzer goes off again.
"Gees." you rush over
"Who is it?" you buzz down
"It's Natasha, we met a few weeks ago. Can we talk?" she replied.
"Yeah, umm come on up." you buzz her in
You begin to panic. * What happen? What's going on? Is Steve okay?*
You pace in the hall before catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
"Omg, I haven't even brushed my teeth," you mutter as you try to tame your bedhead.
Then there is a tap at the door. You take a deep breath before opening the door.
"Hi, come on in." you try to swallow the worry in your voice.
"I'm sorry if I woke you." she reaches over and pulls you into a hug
"Oh... No worries I've been up for a bit. I just got off a client call. I'm sorry you have to see me like this." you point down to your PJs.
"What's wrong with what you're wearing?" she shrugs
"I'm... I'm in pajamas Natasha," you smirk
"Even in pajamas you look amazing." she smiles.
"Thank you. Make yourself at home. Would you like some coffee?" you feel yourself getting hot.
"Yes, I'll take some." she sits on your couch.
You pour 2 cups and grab the sugar and creamer and walk to the couch.
"I wasn't sure how you like your coffee. What is it you want to talk about?" you try not to show your trembling hands.
"Thank you. It's about Rogers," she says before taking a sip of her coffee
Your heart sinks. You look at her in a panic.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to sound so ominous. I usually don't do favors, but I'll do just about anything for him to get a life." she sips her coffee again before setting it down.
"I'm sorry I don't understand. Is everything ok?" you ask
"Yes, Everything is okay. Rogers is fine. He just asked me to come to check on you. He can't make calls right now. I shouldn't be here either but if anyone can sneak around unseen it's me." she takes another sip.
"I was freaking out a bit," you reply
"He told me to not freak you out but I couldn't help myself." she smiles
"Yeah you got me good." you finally sip your coffee
"You won't hear much from us for a while. I don't know how much he told you, but we aren't the favorites of the world right now. We have to go into hiding for some time. He asked me to check on you, and bring you this." she hands you an envelope.
"I understand. Thank you for the risk you took to bring me this. Is there anything you need? Can I help?" you ask
"We will be ok, I can't carry anything. If you want to write him something I can make sure he gets it." she finishes her coffee.
"Um yes, omg how much time do I have?" you stand.
"Take your time, I'll let you know." she picks up her cup and the creamer and sugar.
"Thank you, Help yourself to whatever. I'll be quick." you walk to your desk.
"Anything? Because I really enjoyed that jacket you had on the day we met." she laughs.
"I thought you couldn't carry anything?" you look up from your desk.
"I wouldn't be carrying it, I'd be wearing it." she walks into your bedroom.
You sit at your desk staring at the paper in front of you.
I haven't read your letter yet. I don't know what to write. I know that it might be months maybe even years before I see or hear from you. God that settled way too quick in my head..."
You begin to tear up.
"... I miss you every day. I've caught myself staring off into space a lot lately. Funny enough my apartment doesn't feel right. I feel alone. I never did before. I know you spent a few days here but it felt like a lifetime. We didn't talk much about it but I think I have an idea of what kind of life we are signing up for. I'm for this life if you're for it to Steve. I wake up hoping to see you in my kitchen. Let's face it you wake up to damn early for me to find you in bed with me. Take care of yourself. I'd say come back in one piece but watching the news I just want you to come back to me alive. I miss you so much. Keep your promise.
Also, Natasha did in fact freak me out.
I miss you so much,
"Don't I look great? " Natasha walks out of your room with your jacket and something in her hands.
"You look better than I did that's for sure." you fold your letter into an envelope.
"Here put that in there too." she hands you a picture of yourself.
"Omg, where did you find that." you look at the picture as you put it into the envelope.
"I had plenty of time to snoop. I do have to get going now." she reaches out for a hug again.
"Take care of yourself Y/N" she tightens her hug.
"You too Natasha." you take a deep breath.
She pulls away a reaches for your letter.
"Thank you for coming." you hand her the letter and begin walking to your front door.
"Of course. I'll see you around," she says closing the door behind her.
You walk back to your living room and see the letter on your desk. Your heart sinks back down. Your throat tightens up.
You pick up the letter and curl up on the couch. Your eyes begin to well up with tears. You look up to the ceiling and a stream slides down your cheek.
"Damn it, Steve," you mutter out.
You look at the unopen letter. You think about how much you need to get done today. Your morning was escaping you already. You still had to get dressed and get on to your workload for the day. A messy tearful cry wasn't something you were planning on today. You also had a meeting with another possible client, you couldn't possibly afford to meet them with puffy eyes. You placed the letter on your coffee table and proceeded with getting ready and under-eye patches.
As you grab your laptop off your desk and begin to stick it in your bag you catch a glimpse of the letter sitting on your coffee table. You wanted to rip it open in hopes that Steve would fall out of the envelope. You walk down the hall only to glance back at the letter before making it to the door. You take a deep breath and head out to start the day you're already running behind on.
Throughout the day you would remember the letter. You would panic at the thought of someone breaking into your apartment and taking the letter. You begin to worry about Steve and Natasha and them having to go into hiding. You become overwhelmed with worry so you dive right back into your work and try your best not to have a moment to think about the letter.
It was finally time to go back home. As you get in the back of your uber it began to rain.
"The rain was teasing us all day. It finally arrived." says the uber driver.
"Uh.. oh yeah perfect timing right?" you reply.
"It's just a little water, it ain't ever hurt nobody," they respond.
"I guess you're right." you chuckle.
The uber pulls up to your building. The view outside your window reminds you of the day you met Steve. Your stomach flips.
"Thank you," you say back to the Uber as you run up to your door.
You fumble your keys around until you finally make your way to the elevator. You look back at the glass door picturing Steve running back to you after asking his driver to leave.
The elevator snaps you back to reality and you get on and press 6. Each floor dinging you closer and closer to the letter. Finally, you arrive at your floor. You freeze in the elevator.
"Why am I so nervous?" you mutter to yourself.
You enter your apartment, throw off your shoes, drop all your things on the kitchen counter, and get out of your work clothes. You're in the middle of washing your face when you force yourself to hurry up to get to the letter.
You open your curtains and the balcony doors to let the noise of rain fill your apartment. You sit on the couch and stare at the letter. You finally reach for it and tear it open.
"My Dearest Y/N,
I have stared at this blank page for a few days now. The days move along but the nights are always longer. I promised you I would come back to you. I meant every word I said to you in your apartment. I could never imagine a life without you. Honey- I miss you so much it makes me mad at the world sometimes. I try to figure out the why of this and that and how it got right in the middle of us getting into the swing of things. I have to stay away for some time. I don't know how long but there will come a day when we will be together again and then it will be forever after that. I see you in everything I do. It makes doing anything impossible. I doodle your name on anything I can get my hands on. I'm pretty sure Sam is getting tired of me. I imagine your pretty head on my arm every night or slow dancing in your kitchen. I miss watching you fall asleep listening to my never-ending stories. It's been raining where I am and gosh do I miss your pillows. I wish I could call you just to hear you laugh. Look I don't mean to make this difficult for you but I hope you wait for me. I don't want to be overconfident but something tells me you will.
Can I ask you a question, Why me?
(You can let me know when we see each other again)
Yours Forever,
Steve Grant Rogers."
You pressed the letter into your chest and let a tear stream down your face. You see something else in the envelope. It's a drawing. It's a sketch of a boat out on a body of water on the side of the boat it reads "Paul & Darlene".
"Damn it, Steve." you wipe the tears from your face
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g-on-ef · 3 years
Prompt; Blitzø not being used to being complimented and being treated respectfully and realizing just how much Striker cares about him
Anonymous 2: This doesn’t have to be a prompt but just imagine Striker realizing how little respect and praise Blitz gets, that every time he compliments him Blitz instinctively doubts it and actually has to think about it before realizing it’s genuine, which makes Striker heartbroken and absolutely pissed
A/N: so I decided to combine both of these since they are basically the same ^^ but I hope you guys like what comes out ^^
Striker doesn't get angry easily, being an assassin had trained him to control his emotions so that they aren't used against him; he's always meditate, reflected on his mistakes so that they won't happen again, and always found therapeutical ways to release his stress so that his emotions never got the best of him.
No, in the past Striker knew how to stay calm and never show anger. Being with Blitz however has changed that.
Seeing Blitz not believe him whenever he compliments him, always giving him a minute or two to decide whether or not Striker means what he's saying always feels like a dagger to his heart.
Whenever they are out on the job Striker ask him what's the plan and he watches with anger and sadness how Blitz stumble over his words and tries to lead them but than clams up and gives Striker the lead.
What brakes his heart even more {and made him want to punch Goiesha or kill him one or the other}
Is whenever he asks Blitz to do something and Blitz hesitates before saying no and than looks afraid that he even had the nerve to say no, Striker would always shrug it off and say okay before leaving.
He'll never forget the first time Blitz said no and Striker shrugged it off.
Blitz looked so shocked and Striker looked at him like he turned into a human.
"That's-that's it?"
"That's it what?"
"You're just gonna let it go?"
"Let it go?"
"You're not gonna," he looked at Striker who had a look of patience in his face waiting for Blitz to find his words and tell him what he was feeling.
It shocked Blitz since he's not use to seeing someone wait for him to speak, usually they would interrupt him or toss his feeling aside and talk down on him but here was Striker looking at him, waiting for him to form his thoughts and voice them out loud.
"You're not gonna keep asking till I say yes? Or,"
"Or what?" Striker asked trying to keep the anger outta of his voice.
"Or call me a punk ass bitch for it?"
The two imps stare at one another, one in fear the other in an indifferent stare.
Striker could feel his blood boiling at the thought of Blitz and the mistreatment he faced. With the way he was raised Striker was beginning to wonder if he even had someone who genuinely cared for him.
"Blitz you said no, if you don't want to come with me to the Harvest Moon Festival that's fine your allow to say no if you don't feel comfortable with doing something okay?" He said with patience and reassurance. He didn't want to force Blitz to do something he didn't want to and wanted to show him he genuinely meant it when he said he respected his choice.
Blitz started at him before nodding his head. Blitz also looked like he wanted to say something else.
"Something wrong?"
He mumbles something under his breath.
"What was that amor?"
Hearing the endearment that always made his heart race Blitz spoke again,
"Instead of going to the hillbilly festival would you be willing to stay home with me and Loona and you know...just stay here and spend time as a...family,"
He saw Blitz close his eyes and curl in himself as if waiting for Striker to say no or be mad at the thought of Blitz asking for something.
Striker reminded himself of all his meditation techniques and told himself he was gonna have to read a ton of books to calm the rage that was storming inside him.
"Sure Blitz, I don't mind spending time with you and Loona,"
He smiled and looked relieved before going back to his pompous self
Strikers biggest challenge was reminding Blitz what an amazing IMP he was.
Seriously he was always impressed with Blitz fighting skills as well as him being able to shot a target from a distance.
And it sucked that Blitz always doubted himself and his skills.
Whenever the two spar or did target practice Striker always praised him and reminded him what a good job he was doing.
It hurt him that his gem of a murderer didn't see what a bad ass he was and Striker had no problem reminding him.
"Nice shooting B,"
Blitz looked at Striker. He was starting to get use to Striker and his compliments. His praises on the other hand...where another thing.
Striker just walk over to him he watched as Blitz lifted his gun and shot a little missing the target by a smidge.
He looked toward striker who just smiled at him.
He tried again and got the target.
"Not bad,"
"You can say I sucked Striker,"
"Why would I do that, you missed realized your mistake and than corrected it. I think that's admirable for leader. Seeing his mistake and correcting it so it doesn't happen again,"
"You think I'm a good leader?"
"One of the bests."
The two looked at another before Blitz looked away
"This is getting to mushy for me,"
Striker chuckled and watched as Blitz continue his shooting practice and if Blitz had a blush and was looking to impress Striker some more well that was no one's business but his own.
"You look beautiful doll,"
Blitz jumped as he turned to look at Striker who was leaning against the door frame.
Striker chuckled and said,
"You look beautiful doll,"
Blitz looked at him before he turned to face the mirror he was wearing a cow printed skirt with a white sleeveless crop top and a cute pink cowgirl hat resting on his head.
He didn't know what he was thinking when he bought this outfit other than thinking he'd look good in it.
When he saw himself he thought he looked ridiculous Striker on the other hand thought he looked beautiful.
"I don't know Strikes I feel like a cow just barf all over me," he said trying to shrug off the compliment.
Striker smiled gently, walking over to his partner he wrapped his hands around him and place a soft kiss on his scared face. Something Blitz came to realize that Striker loved doing kissing every scar on his body.
"Well if a cow did puke on you he definitely made you gorgeous,"
Blitz blushed as he elbowed Strikers chest making the cowboy back off a little.
"Your compliments could use a little work,"
He felt Striker take him by his shoulders before turning him around.
"Alright how's this, you look fucking hot and it's taking everything not to bend you over and fuck you,"
Blitz blushed before Striker place a soft kiss on his lips.
The albino IMP pulled back and stroke Blitz's cheek.
"Your beautiful Blitz, even if others don't see it i do and I love everything about you."
Blitz nodded his head before he took Strikers hand and led him to the bed where Blitz put his cowgirl skills to the test.
Blitz wasn't use to compliments nor was he use to someone respecting his wishes.
Whenever Striker complimented him he always waited for the back hand comments or for Striker to bring him down after he got a reaction out of him.
Not only that but Blitz always assumed that Striker complimented him because he wanted something in return. But no, he never ask for more than what Blitz was willing to give and was always respectful of Blitz and his boundaries.
He couldn't believe someone like Striker existed someone who wasn't afraid of being affection towards Blitz but also respected his boundaries when he said no.
Still three years being together made Blitz see that what he and Striker had was genuine, that whenever Striker called him all those cute pet names, told him what an amazing leader he was, and always mentioned what a beautiful and deadly assassin he was he meant it.
There was no ultarnattive motive, no backhand comment, no making him at the butt of the joke. No Striker meant every word of and it just made Blitz fall more in love with him.
"Hey beautiful,"
Blitz jumped a little as he watched Striker approach him.
That's another thing he had to get use to Striker calling him beautiful every time he saw him.
"Hey you," okay now he sounded like Loona whenever she tries talking to Vortex.
Striker chuckled.
"What are you doing cooped up in your office?"
"Nothing just umm...nothing,"
Striker hummed before grabbing Blitz by the hand and pulling him off the chair.
"Well hermoso, why don't you and I go grab a bite to eat and spend this hellish day together?"
Blitz smiled as he squeezed Strikers hand,
"Sure why not," the cowboy smiled before he lean forward and place a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Let's go than,"
A/N: hope you guys like this one ^^ it's definitely one of my faves ^^ also reminder I'm still taking Striker x Blitz prompts so if y'all have any send them my way ^^
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Broken Down (p.2)
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Pairings: Arvin Russell x F!Reader (I just realized that though there’s a few little flirty parts or thoughts, it’s actually pretty platonic and open ended) 
Summary: (Part 2 of Broken Down) After escaping from Carl and Sandy, you and Arvin find yourselves in Knockemstiff. Little did either of you know, there was somebody else following you there. 
Warnings: Murder, Mention of Suicide, Canonical gore and violence, Reference to sexual assault but no depictions
Word Count: 6.6k
Find Part 1 here!
Meade was the last big town until you hit Knockemstiff and you had decided to pull off at a gas station to fuel up to avoid accidentally running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. When the car’s tires rolled to a crunching halt, Arvin jumped out to pump the gas for you. You stepped out of the car and stood beside him while the tank filled with fuel. “What do you wanna do when we get to Knockemstiff? It seems like why ever you’re here is pretty personal so I understand if you wanna do this alone.” 
“Where ‘re you gonna go?” He dodged the question, the pump clicking to a stop in the background. He moved to shake the last few drops from the nozzle before replacing it at the pump. 
You and Arvin had talked a bit on your long overnight trip about your lives and your plans. He had told you that he was from Coal Creek and admitted to murdering a preacher named Preston Teagarden that impregnated his adopted sister, Lenora, which led her to committing suicide. He had told you all about this monster of a human and why he felt he had to do what he did and, though it felt twisted to genuinely support the murder of somebody, you couldn’t help but support Arvin’s actions. When you asked what was so special about Knockemstiff, he confessed that it was where he used to live, where his parents had died. 
Arvin had never found himself the overly talkative or trusting type. Coal Creek residents only seemed to judge him and his family, from bullies to the richer folk who looked down on his family simply for not having much money. There was something special about you though, and perhaps it was some unspoken bond that came about from nearly being murdered and then murdering said murderers, but it made him feel like he could open up to you more than he’d ever felt with anyone. 
You told him about your life and family thus far. You told him about your hometown of Barren Springs, not that there was really much to tell. It was just some small town full of cows and churchgoers. When he asked you what you were gonna do after today, you really weren’t sure. Hell, you were barely sure what you were doing now. 
You looked around at the surprisingly clean gas station before picking at your nails, “I don’t really know. Figured I’ll drive around for a few days. Maybe head back to Meade after I drop you off and stay here for a few until the story comes out in the newspaper. Just gotta make sure they don’t have any leads, y’know?” 
Arvin adjusted his baseball cap, “You ain’t gotta just disappear. I mean, you been mighty kind givin’ me a ride all the way out here but I don’t wanna just use you for a ride ‘n send you on your way. Not after everythin’.” He paused to think for a moment. His story wasn’t a pleasant one and his entire point in coming all the way out here was to try and find some peace with all ghosts in his closet. It was a personal journey, one that he didn’t really want anyone else to join in on, but he really did feel terrible just using you for a ride so far away and leaving you alone.  “‘M gonna go visit my old home from back when I was a boy. There’s some things I gotta do there. It’s, uh, it’s somethin’ I gotta do alone. You’re more than welcome to leave me here if you wanna go somewhere else but I don’t want to make you feel like I just used you for a ride.” 
You chewed your lip to hide the small way the corner of your mouth turned upwards at his ever-courteous manner. “Well what’re you gonna do after all this? You gonna be able to make it wherever you need to go?” 
“I ain’t got anywhere to go but I’ll figure it out. Don’t you worry ‘bout me,” he admitted, leaning against the car beside you. 
You looked up at him with your arms crossed, “How ‘bout I wait in town till you’re done doin’ what you need to do and then you can come stay with me in Barren Springs until you get a plan. It’s better for you to know where you wanna go and what you wanna do before running off.” 
Arvin’s eyes narrowed skeptically, “You sure you’re alright with that? I don’t wanna put you out anymore than you’ve already done for me.” He was never one for charity and didn’t want to take anything he felt like he couldn’t reciprocate. 
You nodded, pressing yourself off the side of the car and swinging towards the driver's side of the car, “It’s no problem, really. Now how much further to Knockemstiff?” 
The drive to Knockemstiff wasn’t long at all and within the hour you and Arvin found yourselves driving along the road that he found hauntingly familiar. Even so, everything looked so different. Arvin couldn’t imagine the town changing much over the last eight or so years so he figured that the place just must have felt darker and grimmer with the ghosts of the tragedies that took place there. 
“Where’s your house?” You leaned forward over the steering wheel to peer further ahead up the road, trying to see through the thin layer of condensation that had built up on the inside of your window from the contrast of the heated interior with the dreary drizzly outside. 
Arvin gestured up the road you were headed down, “Should be just up there but it’s been a while.” You could see the way the road split off into a fork just up ahead and you could tell by Arvin’s face that he wasn’t quite sure which road was the right one. 
“Should we ask someone?” You pointed towards a small building up ahead, pulling over when Arvin nodded. 
The pair of you got out of the car to see an older man sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. “Howdy,” he greeted with a thick accent, “You pair look like you been travellin’. Where you headed?” 
Arvin shoved his hands in his pockets as he answered, hiding beneath the brim of his hat from the rain. You shielded your face with your hand from the mist, tiny droplets accumulating on your eyelashes. “There used to be a house and a barn up on that hill over there. Some lawyer owned it. You know it?” 
“Sure I do. Up in the Mitchell Flats.” The man answered sure as could be. 
“Still there?” 
The man leaned back, eyeing Arvin, “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re that Russell boy ain’t you?”
You felt the way Arvin tensed up a little beside you, clearly not comfortable with the legacy he seemed to have in this town, but stepped forward nonetheless. You followed him under the shelter of the porch awning, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “I just thought, seeing as I was this way, I’d stop by and see the old place again.” 
The man sighed heavily and stood, “Son, I hate to tell you this but that place burned some years ago. They think some kids did it. Wasn’t nobody livin’ there since you and your folks.” 
“Well, heck, we came all this way. May as well walk up there anyways.” Arvin insisted. 
The man’s eyes flicked over to you and back to Arvin, “Sure, just cut across Clarence’s pasture. Don’t know if you remember but there’s some pretty flowers growin’ up there this time of year for your girl there, too. He won’t mind if you take a few.” He glanced at you with implying eyes and you tensed up. 
“Oh, uh, we’re not- it ain’t like that.” You stammered over your words, hands waving slightly with a flustered chuckle. 
The man put his hands up, “My bad, ma’am. Just figured since you two were…” he paused and cleared his throat, “well, anyways. It’s nice to know you’re doing alright, son.” 
Arvin nodded in a brief farewell before turning to head back to the car and you followed, only stopping when he turned back to the man on the porch, “I never did thank you for the night my dad died. You were awful kind to me and I just want you to know that I ain’t never forgot it.” 
Even though you didn’t know the extent to which Arvin had suffered that night, the fact that he was thanking this old man that barely recognized him for the good deeds of nearly a decade ago spoke miles in your opinion. You stood back silently, knowing that this was his path to healing and resolution and that, at least for now, you were merely a spectator. 
“You had that pie smeared all across your face,” the man reminisced almost as if it were a happy memory, “Damn Bodecker thought it was blood. Remember that?” 
You looked at the ground with a silent chuckle at the thought of Arvin as a young boy with pie smeared across his face but that faded when you heard the way he said, “Yeah, I remember everything about that night,” with such heaviness. 
“He ain’t the lawman that I expected,” he continued, “Shame about his sister though.” 
“Why? What happened?” 
“His sister and her husband were found dead. Not far from Meade.” 
Your heart stopped beating and you glanced over at Arvin to find him already casting a nearly imperceptible but highly aware glance at you. “That’s awful. They know what happened?” You questioned, trying to force as much sincerity into your tone as possible. There was no telling with certainty that Bodecker’s sister and her husband were Sandy and Carl but that would be a huge coincidence for two different couples to wind up dead not far from Meade on the same day. 
The man nodded, “Last I heard, they don’t know for sure. I got a friend who’s son works in the sheriff’s department, though. Said they thought it was a murder-suicide at first but found bullets from a gun that they couldn’t find at the crime scene so they ain’t so sure no more. Looks like they’re investigating it as a murder.” 
Your mouth fell open, trying to find the words that would secure your innocence, as if this man had any reason to believe you were guilty anyways, but it took a moment for you to find your voice, “That’s terrible. I hope they figure out what happened,” you lied, less convincingly than you hoped but this man had no reason to not believe you.  
He nodded in agreement, “Yeah, real unfortunate to hear. But, uh, I won’t keep you any longer. You two stay safe out there.” He waved the pair of you off and you and Arvin returned to the car. 
The second both doors were securely shut, you let out a breath of air you weren’t aware you’d been holding, “We’re fucked, ain’t we?” 
“They ain’t got no reason to suspect us.” Arvin tried to reassure but the way he gripped onto his thighs tightly made you nervous. 
“He said they found bullets that didn’t match the guns at the scene. Did you pick up the bullets at the church? Can they trace the gun back to you?” Your questions flew frantically, pulling out onto the road and following the fork that the man had pointed down earlier. 
Arvin nodded, fingers rolling over the lumps in his pocket where the empty cases had been residing since yesterday. “Yeah, I picked ‘em up. ‘M pretty sure I got ‘em all.” 
You let out a shaky breath, feeling sick to your stomach, “Good,” You lied, feeling anything but, “good.” 
You sat at the tiny diner in town at a booth all to yourself, sipping at a soda and picking at a basket of fries. At first, you had thought that you could possibly read the book you’d packed into your bag for the trip but it sat on the table beside the napkin dispenser, untouched since you set it down after giving up at trying to read after your third time rereading the same paragraph and retaining no information. 
How could you read at a time like this? No matter how much you thought you had processed what had happened over the last twenty-four hours, it felt like the reality never truly weighed in. They knew that there was an additional gun so they knew someone else was involved. Carl and Sandy were murdered and the police knew it.
And of course Sandy would turn out to be the fucking sheriff’s sister! Just your luck, right? Carl probably could have disappeared and nobody would have noticed but the sheriff’s sister was going to be a hard one to hide from, especially now knowing that they suspected foul play. There’s no reason for anyone to suspect us, you breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself. 
The picked at basket of fries hadn’t been nearly as much comfort as you had hoped and your soda was none too great a therapist either. You didn’t realize you’d actually miss Arvin, the man you’d only known less than twenty-four hours, when you’d only dropped him off at the site of his old home thirty minutes ago but there was a loneliness now that made you uneasy. When Arvin was around, the last day’s events felt bearable but now that you were alone, the paranoia gnawed at you. 
Reaching for the ice cold Coca-Cola brand glass full of soda, you dragged it towards you, the sparkling liquid fizzing against your tongue as you took a long sip. Focus on the bubbles. Focus on the bubbles. Arvin will be done soon and you can get the hell out of Knockemstiff and as far from the crime scene as possible. 
There was a light chime from the small bell that hung over the door that drew your attention and you watched a tall dark haired man walk in, looking around like he owned the place. One of the waitresses walked right up to him with a warm smile, “Heya Sheriff! What can I get you?” 
Your blood ran cold at the realization of who this was and your fears were only confirmed when he turned and you could see the heavy expression in his eyes, “‘M not here for food, Sally. You seen a boy and girl come through here? They’re both young and pretty good looking. He’s kinda average height, brown hair?,” he went on to describe you briefly as well before continuing, “Might have been hitchhiking.” 
As casually as you could, you picked up the book and buried your face in it, letting your hair drape over the sides of your face to conceal yourself as much as possible. Sally thought for a moment, “Hm, we get the usual hitchhikers through here. The boy got a name?” 
“Arvin Russell.” Bodecker’s voice was flat and serious and the waitress could tell that he was in no mood for stretching this out. 
She shook her head apologetically, “‘M sorry, Bodecker. I ain’t seen nobody come through here with that name or a new couple at all. I saw Henry talkin’ to a pair who might’ve matched that description though. Saw ‘em on my way into work. Couldn’t see ‘em too well but sounds like they might have had the same hair color. I don’t know… they didn’t look familiar though. Maybe check with him?” 
It was amazing how your breath could reverberate so loudly off the thick walls of paper that shrouded your face from view. Your heart pounded in your chest as you continued to eavesdrop in silence. “Yeah, I’ll go do that. Thanks, Sal.” 
You peeked over your book to see her nod and perch up on her toes while she gestured to the kitchen, “Can I get you somethin’ for the road? Coffee maybe? You know it’s on the house.” 
Bodecker just shook his head, a solemn look on his face, the look of a man on a mission, “Nah, I better just head out.” With that he walked out the door and you watched him carefully as he climbed into his police car and drove off down towards the old man’s house that you and Arvin had been at not more than an hour ago. 
This was bad. 
As quickly as you could, you paid for your meal and hustled out to your car, practically throwing yourself into the driver’s seat and speeding down the road after the officer. If he was stopping at the old man’s - Henry, as you just learned - house, that could possibly give you enough time to find Arvin at his house and drive off before Bodecker could even find the pair of you. 
Your knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as you sped down the road, grateful that the roads were mostly empty at this time of day. The only sound was the wheels spinning against the asphalt and you talking aloud to yourself, trying to devise a plan. “Just get there before Bodecker, pick up Arvin, get the hell outta dodge.” You repeated it over and over again as if it were that simple. 
Soon, you passed Henry’s humble abode and, sure enough, the sheriff’s car was parked just outside and you saw his large figure questioning the old man. Neither of them paid your passing car any mind, which you were grateful for as you peeled off down the left fork of the road, the one that led up to the Mitchell Flats. 
You pulled up to the flat area that only had remnants of a house’s foundation now. Slabs of cement were the only signs that a house ever was here, mostly broken from years of abuse from the elements and teenagers. When you pulled up, you noticed that Arvin was nowhere to be seen. “Shit!” You hissed, jumping out of the car and jogging down towards his backyard, the direction he had headed when you dropped him off earlier. He couldn’t have made it far. 
“Arvin!” You called out, arms reaching out in a desperate attempt to keep your balance as your feet skidded every few steps along the leaves and moss that slicked the hill you hustled down. “Arvin!” 
“I really need you to fucking respond…” You groaned the words meant for Arvin aloud to yourself as you nearly tripped over logs on your trek through the woods. The trees all looked the same and you kept glancing behind you to ensure that you weren’t going in circles, often choosing little landmarks, like that one log that had mushrooms growing on it, to make sure you could find your way back. 
Finally, you saw Arvin’s form kneeling before an eerie wooden cross, his white t-shirt dirty from several days of less than ideal situations. You ran towards Arvin, tripping slightly over a few rocks here and there along the way. He turned, ears perked up at the sound of your footsteps. “Arvin! Thank God I found you. We gotta go. Bodecker’s onto us. He came into the diner looking for us and is at Henry’s now.” 
Arvin stood up hastily, “Where’s the car?” 
“Up by where your house used to be.” You pointed over your shoulder in the direction you came from, “C’mon! If we leave now we might be able to get outta here before-” There was the distinct rustle of footsteps coming from uphill that made you freeze. Your voice lowered to nearly a whisper, “Did you hear that?” 
Arvin froze as well, the only sound being your breathing, as you both waited for the sound again. Sure enough, there was a rustle of footsteps again. “Arvin Russell! I know you’re down there somewhere!” Bodecker’s voice rang through the forest clear as day, “You ‘n that girl you’re with. I know y’all are out there.” 
Arvin literally tackled you to the ground and hugged your body close to his as he rolled the both of you into a small crevice between a fallen tree and a hole beneath it. He pressed you close into the tree, hiding you as far into the small space as he could while he fumbled around in his pocket for his gun. 
“It’s Sheriff Bodecker, kids! I just got some questions to ask you!” 
Arvin perched up on his elbows to try and peer over the log. You reached up and fisted his shirt, trying to drag him back down. “What the hell are you-” 
A gunshot blasted through the empty forest and both you and Arvin flinched aggressively. His body dropped against yours and you held his chest tightly, burying yourself in his body and pulling him as close to you as possible, concealed in the shelter of the log. You let out a tiny shriek of surprise that you muffled by biting your thumb. His arms wrapped around your body in both an attempt to shield you but also as a knee jerk reaction looking for safety himself in you. 
“Sorry ‘bout that! Goddamn bird scared me!” Bodecker breathed heavily somewhere to the west of where you were, his footsteps getting closer and closer. “I ain’t here to hurt you! And I know that y’all don’t wanna hurt me. Come on out so we can have us a talk!” 
While Bodecker spoke his lies, Arvin laid back on his back and fumbled around with his gun yet again, this time gripping it and loading the clip with shaky clumsy hands. Finally, he got the clip loaded and he cocked the gun, holding it with both hands like an inexperienced marksman. 
You looked around frantically for something to use as a weapon, anything to not feel helpless. Rocks and sticks seemed to be your best choices but you knew damn well that wouldn’t do jack shit against a gun. Arvin glanced over at you with fear in his eyes, the fact that you both found yourselves facing death yet again for the second time in two days. Tragedy seemed to loom over Arvin like a storm cloud but, looking in your wide beautiful eyes, he’d be damned if he let you become another ghost in his past. 
“I had a feeling you’d be here. Remember that night you brought me up here? That was an awful thing your daddy did.” His footsteps were terrifyingly close now and you did the only thing you could think of to help. You tossed a stone as far away as you could. According to plan, Bodecker jumped and shot at the sudden movement. “God damnit, don’t fuck with me!” 
Arvin may have had the gun but if you could make Bodecker waste his ammo, that was less chances he had of shooting you and Arvin. It was the best solution you could come up with in the heat of the moment. Bodecker sounded furious now and when you peeked over the log, you saw him hiding behind a tree. 
You threw another rock in his direction and he wasted yet another shot. “Fuck! I swear to God-” He cursed angrily, knowing he was wasting his shots on nothing. 
“Put the gun down, Sheriff. I got one pointed right at you!” Arvin yelled back and your eyes blew wide in panic. You smacked him on the arm and the question in your eyes was clear: What the hell are you thinking?
“Can’t do that son!” 
“Just set it on the ground and step away.” Arvin’s voice shook despite his attempt at sounding firm. 
“What?” Bodecker asked with a notable change in his tone. Footsteps started approaching again. 
Poor Arvin fell right into the trap. “Just set it on the ground and step away!” He repeated even louder. You smacked his arm again and held a finger to your lips. 
“So you can kill me like you did my sister and that preacher in West Virginia?” Bodecker hollered back. “You and that girl murdered my sister, didn’t you?” 
For the first time since the incident, you felt actual guilt for what you’d done. Hearing the way Bodecker’s voice cracked with grief made you realize that Sandy’s death did actually have an effect on other people, even if she wasn’t a good person. Arvin swallowed hard too, “We ain’t bad people, Sheriff. That preacher weren’t no good. He hurt my sister so bad she killed herself, Sheriff. I had no choice!”
You shook your head and waved your hands at him, desperately pleading him to stop talking. Bodecker’s footsteps were only getting closer and you knew he was getting Arvin to talk so he could locate the two of you. Arvin just had to explain himself, though, and before you could move, Bodecker was right on top of you. From your new position, awkwardly creeping up a nearby tree, using its trunk for cover, you could see Bodecker’s shotgun peek out from around a tree. 
“I hate to be the one to tell you this, Sheriff, but your sister and her husband… they weren’t no good neither.” Arvin continued to explain yourselves to the sheriff. By then, your upper back was pressed up awkwardly against a standing tree but you were still lying down, hiding mostly against the fallen log still. Arvin stayed laying on his back, gun up against his chest. “I got a snapshot in my pocket of her huggin’ on some dead guy. And Y/N… you shoulda seen what they was doin’ to her,” Arvin’s eyes met yours and you could see a well of unshed tears as this poor boy was on the verge of breaking at the thought of watching you relive that horror. It was a brief moment that he wanted only you to see before he continued,  “What they wanted to do to us. We had no choice! Let loose that gun and I’ll show it to you!” 
Suddenly, Bodecker jumped out from behind the tree and Arvin pulled the trigger as soon as he saw him coming but not before the sheriff got a shot off right at the two of you as well. You shrieked out in pain as a few pellets from the shotgun grazed your arm, tearing holes in your jacket. They weren’t deep wounds but they tore long thin gashes across your flesh that began bleeding immediately. 
“Agh!” You yelled out, clutching your bicep that was already wet with crimson liquid. Arvin rolled over next to you, having flinched away from the bullets in the opposite direction. You wanted to ask if he was alright but he rolled back over to look up at Bodecker, confirming that he was thankfully at least alive. 
Your attention went to the sheriff as well who stood there looking dumbfounded at the red spot blossoming on his shirt. His jaw went slack and his knees buckled before he finally dropped to the ground. You and Arvin shot each other glances of disbelief. You both pressed yourselves off the ground and hopped over the log towards the sheriff. 
Bodecker was on the ground, gasping and trying to hang onto what was left of his life. The first thing you did before even looking at him long was kneel down and take his gun from his hand. Now that you were sure he couldn’t hurt you, you looked down at him sadly. Killing Sandy and Carl had been disturbingly easy because they were genuinely terrible people who were trying to murder you. They also died quickly. Bodecker lied helpless on the ground at the mercy of two young adults, gasping and gripping desperately to this world. This time, the murder made your heart feel heavy. Yes, he had been trying to murder you and Arvin but it was for his sister’s sake. There was a twisted nobility in the action that you could empathize for. 
Bodecker looked up at Arvin and then up at you. “So it was you in that picture,” he attempted to say, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “What do you mean?” 
He laid his head back, too tired to continue straining himself, “In… in my pocket… Found some pictures in Carl’s camera of… of a girl crying with her shirt.. With her shirt…” Bodecker attempted to explain but his voice failed him as much as his the rest of his body was beginning to shut down. 
You gasped at the mention of the photographs. In the heat of everything, you had completely forgotten that Carl had taken a few pictures of you. You patted down the sheriff’s pocket until you found a developed picture of you with your shirt torn wide open, bra out for the world to see, and tears streaming down your face despite the defiantly angry look on your face. Sandy was topless behind you, her lips pressing against your neck and her hands gripping your breasts, pressing them up and inwards to amplify their suppleness. Her direct eye contact with the camera was chilling. 
You shuttered at the picture, shoving it in your own pocket instead of giving it back to Bodecker. You weren’t sure what you’d do with it but you couldn’t risk anyone else seeing it. 
Arvin had caught a glimpse of the picture and noticed the way it shook in your hands. He noticed the way your eyes glazed over looking at it like you couldn’t believe it was actually you. When you shoved it in your pocket, he sighed and pulled out his own photograph to show the sheriff, the one of Sandy posing nude behind a man’s corpse. 
“We had no choice.” He told Bodecker. There was such sincerity in his voice and almost an apology in his eyes for the harm that he had caused to Bodecker and his family. It was never meant to be like this for either you or him. Neither of you were supposed to have become killers. Your hands were never meant to be stained red but life or death situations called for extreme measures and it had been you or them every time. “They was gonna kill us. I swear.” 
“We didn’t wanna do it but they had a gun to our heads and tried to force us to... We didn’t have a choice. They were gonna kill us.” You reiterated, voice just as shaky as Arvin’s as you had to sit and come to terms with the events of the last twenty-four hours. 
“I’m so sorry.” You and Arvin apologized in uncoordinated unison, hanging your heads low to genuinely show how sorry you were for causing him pain and that it had all had to boil down to this. 
Bodecker’s eyes left the pair of you and stared upwards at the trees. You glanced up to see what he was looking at and saw a beautiful clearing in the branches that framed the perfectly clear late afternoon sky. It was a beautiful view to have to be your last, you thought morbidly but truthfully. 
You and Arvin sat by Bodecker’s side, listening to his ragged strained breaths until they finally stopped and you knew he was gone. It felt like the least you could do after everything, staying with him so he didn’t die alone. You hoped that maybe it counted as some shred of redemption for the sins committed over the last two days. 
When Bodecker’s body finally went limp and his eyes glazed over, you reached up and brushed your hand over his face, closing his eyes. You couldn’t stand to see the empty blue orbs stare off into nothingness and know there was nobody behind those eyes anymore. Arvin stood up and walked over to where you had been hiding, not giving Bodecker’s body much attention at all after he finally slipped away. 
With a heavy sigh, you pressed yourself to your feet and walked over to where Arvin stood, looking down at a hole full of animal bones that you hadn’t noticed earlier. You visibly cringed, wondering what in the hell you walked into, “What’s that?” 
Sadness overtook Arvin’s features as he stared at the pile of bones, “My best friend from when I was a boy. I had to come back and give him a proper burial.” His vague answer clearly had a story attached to it but you didn’t have the heart to press him further on it right now. Arvin turned his attention to the pistol in his hand, the one he had used to shoot Teagarden, Carl, and Bodecker, and saw nothing but the bloodshed it had caused. 
You wished you could know what was going on in Arvin’s brain as he twisted that Luger in his hand. His eyes were deep with remorse, grief, and heartache and you could tell that this boy had seen too many tragedies for one lifetime and somehow, they were all related to the gun he held in his hand. 
After almost a minute of silence, he placed the gun gingerly on top of the bones in the makeshift grave and piled it full of dirt until it was indistinguishable from the rest of the forest floor. The only landmarks to signify its location were the three crosses that humbly stood above it. “Why’d you do that?” You asked with gentle curiosity. 
He stood up but kept his eyes trained on where the hole once was, “My daddy always told me to wait for the right time to do anything.,” He nodded his head, as if agreeing with his own decision, “I think it’s the right time.” His answer was cryptic and, yet again, you could tell there was a story behind it that you would have to wait to discover. 
There was a cool breeze that sent goose bumps rising across your arms and you glanced around the forest to see the leaves rustle and fall to the ground. That was when the black and white clothing of Sheriff Bodecker stood out against the gold and brown foliage and reality settled back in. 
“We should probably get outta here soon, Arv.” You urged with a gentle tone, a hand coming to rest softly on Arvin’s bicep. 
Arvin’s jumped slightly, eyes darting down to where your skin gently grazed his own. The softness of your touch and the sincerity in your eyes was one that he wasn’t sure he’d experienced since his mother. Even Lenora hadn’t filled that gap that he was secretly desperate for to be filled. She was kind and gentle but had a childlike naivety that you lacked. Arvin’s mother had never looked at him the way you did either. His mother had been tender and compassionate but there was a different kind of understanding in the way that you looked at him. One look into your eyes validated all of his sins over the last few days, for better or worse. 
His opposite hand reached across his body and rested over yours, revelling silently in the way your hand fit against his. “Yeah… you’re right.” Arvin took one last look at the three crosses that had haunted his dreams for years and it was almost as if he could feel himself kneeling before them with his father. These weren’t memories he ever thought he’d want to hold onto but now that he was faced with the possibility of never coming back, a part of him felt reluctant to leave. “Rest easy now, Jack.” He let his hand fall from yours with his last good bye and while you weren’t entirely sure who Jack was, you were fairly certain it was the name of whoever those bones in that grave belonged to. 
“‘M sorry,” Arvin said out of the blue from the driver’s seat of your car, shaking you from the silent daze that both of you had been sitting in for the last thirty minutes. 
You tore your eyes from the dashboard where they had long since zoned out on, emotionally overwhelmed, to look over at him. “For what?” You asked, brows furrowed.
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten caught up in all this.” 
You shook your head, “That ain’t true, Arvin. We both ended up in Carl and Sandy’s car yesterday and we both pulled those triggers. Bodecker was shooting at us because he couldn’t settle with the fact that his sister was a monster. It’s like you said, us or them. I probably would’ve died with Sandy and Carl if it weren’t for you being there so if anything, I should be thanking you. You saved my life.” 
Arvin looked over at you, his eyes red from holding back tears for so long but he still shed none. He wasn’t sure what to say to that. The way you had been sitting so quietly had him convinced that you hated him for dragging you into a life ruining situation. “Well I wouldn’t have made it this far without you either so thank you.” 
You nodded with a small appreciative smile but there was an exhausted sadness behind your features that Arvin shared. Silence settled back over the car aside from the faint ever present sound of the wind outside the car as you and Arvin drove on down the highway headed for Pennsylvania. Neither of you knew what your next steps were but since killing Bodecker, you’d both decided that heading back to Barren Springs was not a wise decision. The two of you needed to get as far away from this area as you could, at least until everything blew over - that was, if it ever would. If Bodecker could track Arvin, that must have meant the other police officers knew that he had killed Teagarden as well. You weren’t sure if the police knew that you and Arvin were responsible for Carl and Sandy but you could assume as much since Bodecker came after the two of you. Even if they didn’t, there were pictures of you on Carl’s camera but your body wasn’t at the crime scene. Finally, when Bodecker didn’t return, wouldn’t that just put you and Arvin at the top of the suspect list? 
So with all the uncertainty in the world, you sat in the passenger seat of your own car with a stranger who you felt like you understood more than you’d ever understood anyone, driving across state lines with no clue as to what you future held. You didn’t know where you were going, when you’d get to come back home, when you could safely see anyone you cared about again, or what was going to happen to all your life goals now. Everything that had been planned and comfortable had been stolen away by a twisted couple picking up a poor girl with a broken down car. 
You didn’t know what was waiting for you in Pennsylvania, or anywhere for that matter, but even with all the uncertainty, one thing felt beyond doubt. Maybe it was the exhaustion from going two days with no sleep but you just knew Arvin Russell was going to be in your life from this day forward. There was something you couldn’t explain between the two of you. A spark felt like an inappropriate way to put it under the circumstances of your relationship thus far but it was an understanding, an empathy, a trust, a sense of protection of one another. When you tore your eyes off the road ahead long enough to look over at the man sitting beside you, his hair parted messily down the middle and his face and shirt smudged with dirt, you could have sworn you saw your future. Whether it was a future in prison together, as partners in crime, friends, or lovers, you weren’t quite sure, but a content smile crept up on your face at the inexplicably comforting knowledge that Arvin Russell would be there with you for whatever ups and downs were to come.
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curious-shadow-cat · 4 years
Made a Chuck/Papa G fanfic. Lemme know what you think. I don’t really like writing fanfics I mostly enjoy drawing comics. Oh well. Gotta get better at writing though somewhere I guess. I’m putting it under ‘Keep Reading’ ‘cause it’s a little long.
It's been a couple months for Chuck on this planet Earth. He's been living with George, or Papa G, in his house ever since he was thrown off his cowardly ex leader's ship. He thought it was a bad idea at first, especially since he caused them so much trouble, but George wouldn't take 'No' for an answer and immediately started fixing up that spare room he used to use as storage. He found some planets and hung them up from string on the ceiling over his bed. He painted the walls with other planets and some big stars. The nightstand and dresser were painted blue and black. There was a UFO lamp on his nightstand by his bed, it looked like it was abducting a cow. Chuck kinda likes it, he thinks it's a little silly. Where you'd walk in, you'd see the bed across the room by the oval shaped window. The floor was made of wood and there was an oval shaped rug that was black with two yellow rings on the outside and had Earth and the moon on the inside. He even had his own little T.V across from his bed on the dresser with some VHS tapes that Papa G found, or some that he bought from Jo. Most of them being about Action, some of them Horror, others were Romance. When Chuck first saw his new room he nearly cried. He never had his own room. Never looked as nice as this. Chuck wasn't sure how to thank him. He's a strange old man but he was kind and caring. But he later found out that George was struggling with money so he decided to get a job working at Mo's Oasis Cafe. It was a difficult week, new customers coming in, giving him some trouble but Tuna was kind enough to show them the Exit. Some were friendly. Some of them asked him quick questions like: Where he was from, how old was he, and his favorite: Was he single? But others would give him cold glares when he'd go back in the kitchen. He mostly cleaned the dishes but would sometimes take the customer's orders if Jo was running late or sick. Which was barely. After a little while, work got better. There were some problems here and there but not enough to wanna make him quit. Besides, coming home to see Kid running up to him excitedly to tell him everything he did today was nice. Or coming home to see George made him dinner and found something cool while him and Kid were exploring the desert, lookin' for treasure, and wanted to give it to him.
     When they all went out to explore with Jo, Rosa and Tuna to see if anything new popped up in the desert, Papa G decided to bring some paper and pencils and crayons this time. Later he Sat down by a rock and started drawing something. Rosa wasn't interested in art at the moment, she was busy playing Princess and dragons with Chuck, Kid and Jo. Kid was the dragon and Jo was the wizard protecting Knight Rosa and Princess Chuck. Papa G kept glancing up at them and smiling. Eventually Rosa got tired and started picking flowers for Chuck, Jo and Kid. Everyone was eating snacks except George. He was focused on his drawing. As Chuck was eating some ice cream he noticed that George was staring at him. When he looked at him he quickly looked back down at the paper and continued drawing. He blinked. He was he...? No-he thought; he's probably drawing something else. He continued eating.
The sun was setting and it was time to head home. Papa G was carrying sleeping Rosa with one arm while holding his drawings and pens in the other. Jo was carrying sleeping Kid on her back. Papa G helped Chuck get his wheel chair in the back of the truck and helped him in. They all went home. George brought Kid back to the little trailer and tucked him in bed. He gave him a kiss on his head and turned out the light.
Papa G:"Sweet dreams kiddo." He whispered and went to the house. Chuck was in his room lying on his bed and watching T.V. He was finishing up one of the action movies until George came in."Well, G'night Charles. I'm going to bed. If ya need anythin' wake me up."
Chuck:"Good-night George." When he shut the door something fell to the floor from his pocket. Chuck got down and picked it up. It was one of his drawings. He gasped silently when he saw that some of these sketches were him. So he was drawing him! There's one where he seems happy with flowers that Rosa picked on his head, one where he's eating ice cream and another....he's sleeping? He looked confused. He doesn't remember sleeping. He can't actually remember when the last he actually had a good-night sleep. He's always been wide awake when he was on gaurd on the ship. Anytime he'd get tired, he'd force himself awake. It's what you had to do. Either that or be punished. He heard the credits song playing. The movie had ended. He looked back at his bed. He shrugged. Well...he wasn't back on the ship anymore... what harm could sleeping do now? He turned off his lamp and covered up under the blankets. He looked out the window on his right and was watching the stars until sleep finally took over him.
The alarms were going off.
Something was very wrong.
Chuck found himself wide awake in his old bed. He had his legs back and gun in hand. He jumped out and ran out the door.
Chuck:"W....why am I here? I thought I was--"
He was nearly hit with a ray to the face. He dodged it and it hit another soldier. Killing them instantly. He started running as more shots were fired. Killing or injuring his team. Smoke and screams filled the air.
Chuck:"I need to get out of here!" His heart was beating against his chest. He was so confused and afraid. Was he kidnapped? Was any of this real?! Why was this happening? The walls blew up and he hit the ground with the wall landing on top of him. He struggled to break free. He called for help but the soldiers kept running. They were ignoring his cries for help. He felt something on top of him slowly begin to crush him. He looked up. Glaring down at him was a mechanical monster with large glowing red eyes. It opened it's mouth showing rows and rows of sharp teeth. He tried reaching for his gun across from him but he couldn't grab it. The creature came closer towards his head. He couldn't do anything. He screamed. It was all he could do.
He stopped screaming when he heard that familiar voice.
The voice was coming from behind him. He looked at the monster. No longer did it seem all that terrifying. It was giving him a look of concern...?
"Chuck! Wake up, Chuck! It's all a nightmare!" It spoke in George's voice.
Chuck opened his eyes finally and found himself on the floor by his bed with the blankets wrapped around him. George was over him with a worried look on his face. He was still in his pajamas and was wearing his glasses. Chuck sighed, he was relieved it was all a dream. George smiled.
George:"Haha....you gave me quite a scare there..." He helped him up back on the bed and fixed the blankets."Alright, no more ice cream and popcorn before bed." He said, he was joking kinda. He could see that Chuck was still shaking."I know, wanna come down stairs and watch T.V with me? I'll make some tea." He spoke softly. Chuck calmed himself down.
Chuck:"Uh, alright then." Instead of taking his wheel chair, Papa G carried him down stairs to the living room and placed him on the couch. He went in the kitchen and made them both tea. He sat back down next to Chuck and they both watched some T.V for a little while. George finally spoke up.
George:"So you finally went back to sleep."
Chuck:"Hm?" They looked at each other.
George:"I've seen you sleep before but it wasn't long 'till Kid woke you up when he and Jo started blasting music. You nearly hit me in the head with that glass cup. Do you remember that?" Chuck tried to remember but nothing came up. He shook his head no. He was frowning. "Anythin' you want to talk about?"
Chuck:"There's nothing really to talk about. I'm pretty sure I've told you about all my adventures in space." He took a drink of his tea.
George:"I can tell you left out some of the worst ones from Kid. You and I both know it's not all fun and games in Space." Chuck looked away from him. "If you don't wanna talk about it, it's fine. If you need someone I'm right here for ya Charles." He smiled and took a drink. Chuck looked back at him. He already knew he could put his trust in George. But hearing him say those words out loud made him feel better.
Chuck:"Thank you, George. That means a lot." He never noticed it until now but he was so tired. He never knew he was this tired. But he wanted to stay awake a little longer. They watched T.V all night with blankets wrapped around them. George was leaning on the arm of the couch and Chuck was starting to lean on George. He felt his arm around him, gently pulling him close and held his hand. Chuck squeezed it gently and laid his head on his shoulder. He closed his eyes. He felt his worries slowly disappear and soon fell asleep.
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Repeating History
Well here we are again and I have no shame, this follows on from this and hope this helps us all get through that little wired time between Christmas and New Years. And as always a massive shout out to @detective-giggles for helping me along the way x
Warnings: Foursome smut, Barisi smut.
Enjoy x
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“Do you have to go?”
You whispered into Nick’s neck kissing down from his ear as you straddled his lap grinding down on him. Nick’s hands on your ass squeezing it through your panties, your dress above your hips.
“I don’t want to” Nick moaned bucking up into your core as you nipped at his sweet spot “I’ll be back soon though, I never should have been away from you for this long” You pulled back pouting, Nick moved a hand to the back of your neck pulling you in closer to him “I’ll miss you so much mi Amor” Nick pulled you in the rest of the way for a deep kiss when there were loud knocks on your door.
You jumped up off Nick pushing your dress down and combing your fingers through your hair to flatten it rushing to the door. You swung it open to Rafael and Sonny. Sonny holding take away bags and Rafael holding a bottle of wine. Sonny walked in first peaking you on the lips and then the top of your head. Rafael followed, closing the door behind him snaking an arm around your waist, your hands resting on his chest,
“I’ve missed you Hermosa” Rafael brought his lips slowly to yours kissing you deeply, your hands sliding up his chest, over his shoulders, up his neck and up into his hair at the back of his neck “Thank god the jury is finally out I don’t think I could have waited much longer” Rafael wrapped an arm around your shoulders walking you both into the kitchen area.
“Rafi I know you were at Sonny’s last night” You raised an eye brow at him and he looked down chuckling at you.
“And I know Amaro has been here- a few times” Rafael winked at you.
“Only after we both testified” you scoff at him with a grin.
“Well that’s good at least” Rafael rolled his eyes and smirked at you peaking your lips “But mi Hermosa it’s my turn to have you” Rafael pecked you on the lips again.
Dinner had been eaten and wine had been drunk, Nick and Sonny were cleaning up the kitchen, you and Rafael were in your room, Rafael had you up against the wall next to the door, one hand pinned above your head the other running up and down the back of your thigh, your hands on his hips pulling him into you, his thigh resting between your legs after he nudged them apart with his knee,
“You know Y/N, the whole time you were on the stand all I ever thought about was bending you over”
You chuckled and pulled him into you even more,
“Well, the whole time you were questioning me all I wanted to do was this” You lent forward your lips crashing together, the kiss deep and needy.
“Starting without us I see?” Nick had a grin on his face.
“They better not be” you heard Sonny’s voice coming up the hall as he came to stand in the door way.
“To be fair” you raised your eye brows at them both after Rafael pulled away standing back away from you so you could stand up straight off the wall. Rafael moved to stand behind you wrapping his arms around your waist resting his chin on your shoulder “Rafael hasn’t been with me as much as you two have lately”
“Not by choice I can assure you that” Rafael scoffed into your ear and then kissed your neck.
“Just liked we talk about over dinner” Sonny’s eyes were filled with lust as he started to undress himself, Nick following his lead.
Rafael growled into your ear watching Sonny and Nick undress, his lips at your ear, “I’ am clean mi Amor”
“Me too I’ve only been with Sonny and I’ am still on birth control”
Rafael reached down to the hem on your dress pulling it up and off your body throwing it on the floor behind him, follow by your bra and you pushed down your panties stepping out of them. Sonny walked up to you completely naked cupping your cheeks kissing you deeply as your hand reached down to his long hard length wrapping your hand around him giving him a few strokes when he pulled back brushing his nose with yours,
“Give Amaro some attention babe he goes home tomorrow” Sonny winked at you. You looked over at Nick over Sonny’s shoulder, his eyes filled with need, his cock hard and wet.
You walked over to Nick your hand resting on the back of his neck pulling him into you roughly, his tongue darting into your mouth straight away. The kiss lasted what felt like forever till Nick whimpered into your mouth and you pulled back to rest your forehead on his as you wrapped your hand around his long hard member. You turned your head slightly and seen Rafael and Sonny lip locked, Rafael’s hands groping naked Sonny’s ass cheeks and Sonny’s hands threaded into Rafael’s hair.
“Now look who’s starting without us?” your voice was thick with arousal.
Rafael narrowed his eyes at you stepping away from Sonny walking over to you. You swallowed hard as Nick turned you to face Rafael, his hands on your hips and you could feel his hot breath on you shoulder. Rafael stood in front of you his long pointer finger and thumb gripping your chin titling you head back his lips teasing yours. His other hand moved to run his long fingers over your slick folds,
“Veo que te has puesto descarada desde que me he ido” (I see you have gotten cheeky since I have been gone) Rafael raised an eye brow at you “She like this with you Carisi?” you whimpered as you looked into Rafael’s lust filled eyes.
Sonny chuckled walking up behind Rafael with a smirk, “She is, but I usually put that mouth to better use” you moaned squeezing your legs together your wetness running down your thighs slightly “Amaro you’re going to be in for a treat tonight” Sonny winked at Nick.
“Are you ready?” Rafael growled. Your words had escaped you, all you could do was nod.
Rafael made his way to the bed, laying down in the middle of it on his back. Sonny grabbed your hand and pulled you towards it as he kissed down your neck. Sonny pecked your lips and moved to climb over Rafael to straddle his chest, Sonny’s long length also touching his lips. You then moved onto the bed sitting reverse cow girl on Rafael, your back to Sonny. You rose up slightly holding Rafael’s length steady as you slid down on him. You heard him moan and he bucked up into you once you were fully sitting on him. Nick then made his way between Rafael’s legs to kneel in front you grabbing onto both your breast twisting and tugging on your nipples and giving them both equal attention with his mouth.
You started to roll your hips on Rafael setting a steady pace before leaning down taking Nick’s hard cock into your mouth as he lent back on his hunches and his hands. You heard Sonny’s groan recognising that sound, Rafael must have taken him into his mouth as well.
Nick’s hand went into your hair with light pressure pushing your head down on him to hit the back on your throat and thrusting up slightly making you gag and slobber around him,
“You’re such a good girl Y/N. What’s like sucking my cock and riding Barba’s?” Nick groaned as you hummed around him in answer.
You could feel yourself getting closer just by hearing the sounds of groaning and moaning that filled the room. You bobbed your head up and down on Nick his hand balling into a fist in your hair and he started groaning pushing your faces into him as he bucked up and you felt his warm salty release running down the back of your throat. You sucked up everything pulling off him with a slight pop and rolled your hips down on Rafael even harder your releases about to charge through you.
Rafael could feel your walls gripping him and he started to buck up into you. Nick was still breathless reaching over to roll your hardened pearl with his thumb kissing you deeply. Rafael bucked up into you as Nick rolled your clit and you squealed into Nick’s mouth as your orgasm charged through you hearing your heart beat in your ears.
You pulled back from Nick moving to get off Rafael, leaning down taking him into your mouth. Rafael groaned around Sonny feeling your tongue swirl around his tip which made Sonny buck forward grunting loud as he spilled into Rafael’s mouth, Rafael sucking him clean. You felt Nick slide two fingers into you rubbing your clit with his thumb. Sonny got off Rafael moving to knead one of your breast’s as Nick finger fucked you fast. You grazed your teeth lightly up Rafael’s length and he groaned bucking up into your mouth his release now running down your throat
You pulled off Rafael slamming your eyes shut as another orgasm took over you between Sonny playing with your breast and Nick’s finger’s in you. You moaned loud and Rafael garbed your cheeks pulling you to his lips kissing you deeply, kissing you through your second blissful moment for the night. Nick and Sonny moved away from you and Rafael let go of your cheeks and you collapsed on your back on the bed hot and sticky. Rafael lent down peppering your face with kisses, Sonny grabbed your hand bringing it to his mouth kissing the back of it and Nick drew invisible circles on top of your thigh,
“You did so well mi Amor” Rafael said into your cheek.
“After that, I don’t think I want to go home anymore” Nick grinned down at you and you all laughed.
“But just think of all the fun you’re in for when you’re in town”        
 Tags: @detective-giggles​ @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @the-baby-bookworm​ @dianilaws​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @lv7867​ @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​ @infiniteoddball​
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restingdomface · 5 years
Lan Wangji makes extremely deadpan videos of his daily life with Wei Wuxian and their kids and nephews (and nieces if JC and JYL had more). This would include:
*shows a video of LWJ staring out the window for a solid thirty seconds, face entirely unchanged and somewhat disappointed, turns camera around to show Wei Wuxian and the kiddos putting mentos in soda bottles and trying to chuck them at each other, camera pans back to his face, still entirely devoid of emotion*
That one time Jin Ling got stuck up a tree and Wei Wuxian tried to get him down and also got stuck up there and now the other kids are looking for a ladder while LWJ just watches them from the patio, drinking tea. The kids finally give up and shamefully come to LWJ and ask him for help, he gets his husband and nephew down without a word.
The one where he buried 5yo A-Yuan in a pile of bunnies and got scolded by Lan Xichen for it because they might bite him if they get annoyed with him.
There is an entire compilation of rabbits that won’t leave him alone. Climb into his lap. Follow him with every step. Get excited when he comes outside. Hear a guqin and start looking for him. Just. He’s the rabbit whisperer. One of the black ones is just about always with him.
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian interacting in any capacity is going to involve a lot of hitting each other and pushing each other over. Only-child kids think they hate each other, but people with siblings are all ‘no no, siblings are just Like That’. People think Yanli is all innocent till they realize she def only tells them to stop when she thinks they might actually get on each other’s nerves. She’s in the ‘boys will rough house and probably only have one collective braincell’ category.
People won’t stop asking him if he speaks so he vaguely makes mentions of having extremely low verbility. They ask if he does sign and he’s not really sure how (lol cause words hard) to explain to them that sign doesn’t really help when the issue is more of him not having much to say tbh. This is apparently the wrong thing to say because then people start being all ‘yeah I get you, I’m pretty dumb too, at least you’re pretty’ and he’s just sorta sitting there with this smacked fish look on his face while WWX can’t stop laughing next to him at the very idea of someone calling his husband slow. Wow. LWJ just sorta finally gets out that he has like two degrees and teaches giqun lessons and it’s amazing. The kids find out about it and can’t stop laughing for hours.
“Hey, why did you name your son ‘sorrow and longing’?” *commense 10 minute video of that time Wei Wuxian got arrested for something to do with a satanic ritual and that’s when LWJ ended up with custody of his adopted son for the next three years and he was in a really angsty mood tbh so it just kinda happened* not a single commenter expected that, even less so when he mentions that they weren’t even together at that point
Films what the viewers think is a prank at first, where he pours a dangerous amount of chili powder into a mug of hot chocolate (with a completely straight face) and then brings it to WWX who takes a drink and makes a dreamy little sigh and goes ‘you always know how to make it just like I want it’ and no one is sure how to react to this video. It’s like watching someone peel and eat a lemon.
You know that video of the girl with the deadpan voice saying she went downstairs to take a shower and there was something brown in the bottom of the tub but it turned out to be potatoes and she’s all ‘not a problem I was expecting, but a problem I can handle’? Okay so that’s how he talks in every video. WWX hands him a baby and he talks to them exactly like that. People ask if he’s good with kids and WWX is all ‘yeah, he’s not just a rabbit whisperer, he’s a baby whisperer too, he’s super great with kids’ *shows LWJ talking to a baby in That Voice while the baby looks at him in utter adoration*
“What’s it like growing up gay? Do you ever get shit for it?” LWJ.exe has stopped working, he has only met one straight couple the same age as him and they’re his sister in law. His brother has three boyfriends, one of which is his brother-in-law. He doesn’t know what a het-er-o-sexual is and he doesn’t want to. Pretty sure his uncle is acearo and hasn’t seen his parents in like 20 years.
LWJ: ‘I apologize for being so emotional in my last video.’ *viewers scrambled to find what video he meant because they ain’t ever seen that man emotional before but end up finding a video where Sizhui told him he loved him and called him papa and gave him a hug while WWX filmed, you can barely see LWJ’s left eye twitching and he pets Sizhui’s head for a moment* viewers are very confused on how this constitutes emotionalism.
Viewers ask to see his brother ‘you know, the one who apparently has three boyfriends’ and LWJ posts a video of LXC passed out on a couch with like three fully grown men all in various states of sliding off onto the floor while the teens play a game of ‘who can stack the most random objects on uncle’s bodies without them waking’ because apparently LWJ and WWX were gone for a weekend and the uncles were supposed to watch the kids (like, all ten of them probably, there’s probably a lot of kids) and it’s Sizhui filming the whole thing cause he’s the ‘good one’ and never does bad things. But he’s also like Auntie Yanli and is totally gonna egg them on from the sidelines.
WWX hands LWJ literally any food and LWJ will eat it all with a completely straight face but as soon as WWX is turned around LWJ is chugging a glass of milk with a look of death on his face. The kiddos straight up can’t stomach his cooking.
😭 someone asks why their hair is all so long and LWJ puts up a video of chatty adorable Sizhui braiding WWX’s hair while he tells him about his day at school. It’s. Too. Cute.
The never ending debate on if LWJ’s deadpan personality/speech is acting or not. No matter how much everyone assures them he’s really just Like That people just aren’t convinced.
Someone points out several times that in their house they have a room with a satanic symbol on the door. That’s just WWX’s home office it’s all good. This is treated as ‘lol WWX is so dramatic’ for like four whole weeks before LWJ posts a video of Sizhui standing outside the office looking nervous. ‘What’s wrong?’ He says. ‘Dad called me into his office.’ Sizhui replies. ‘WWX must be a very strict father,’ the viewers think. That’s not it. That’s not it at all tbh. That video got flagged on like four different platforms and kept getting removed for graphic images and half their viewers don’t. Want. To know. What happened. In that office. (WWX doesn’t even see what the big deal was, that goat was dead when he bought it shut up.)
The others do videos sometimes too lol. Videos include
Jin Ling’s compilation of ‘Mom, what’s for dinner’ and the answer is Always Lotus root and pork rib soup. Someone asks ‘lol she must make that often’ and JL is all ‘lol often, fairly sure she got same-food syndrome, it’s always soup’.
Lan Sizhui at like 17 years old: The one true secret I’ve never told my dads? My most shameful lie? Rabbits aren’t my favorite. My favorite is butterflies. *proceeds to cuddle a bun* I’m sorry Mister Bun, but you just aren’t nearly as pretty as butterflies.
Shaky video of someone sitting on the couch, pointed at NMJ: Brother, while you’re away on vacation with your boyfriends, I don’t plan on leaving this spot for even a minute. NMJ: Oh yeah? What’ll you do when you have to use the bathroom? NHS: Listen, I found a guy on Craig’s List who’s exact fetish is lazy young men who refuse to move and also diapers exist and he’ll be my slave for the week if I let him change me. NMJ: ...I’m taking you with me on vacation. NHS: Yay! NMJ: I’m also taking your phone away. NHS: -wait, no- NMJ: Too late.
Jin Ling: JiuJiu, I spilt soda on your Valentino white belt. Jiang Cheng: *incomprehensible sputtering* -soda on my Valentino white belt-!
Sizhui: *brings Jingyi a bowl of food* Here. Jingyi: Thank you! *takes a bite, face falls in terror, gives Sizhui a betrayed look* Sizhui: Dad’s worried I’m getting sick, he said this would clear my chest cold up. He didn’t consider what horrible things it would do to my bowels instead. Please eat it, he gets sad when I don’t finish what he makes. Jingyi: *glaring* Just dump it down the garbage disposal! Sizhui: *def has a fever if he didn’t think of that* Oh. Good idea.
LWJ: *swaying in place* WWX: This bitch drunk as hell. LWJ: I’m. Gonna comit. A crime. WWX: *crying a little* I love drunk hubby times. A full shot of vodka and he’s not gonna remember any of this. Hey kids, I’m taking Papa on a walk! Sizhui’s in charge!
Zizhen: *sitting quietly on the couch while LSZ, LJY and JL all argue behind him somewhere, covering his mouth with a slightly horrified look* Jingyi: I mean, that’s not fair at all! Who HASNT made out with their cousin at one point or another? Ling: ... Sizhui: You said you’d never bring that up again please shut up. Ling: ...!!!!!! Zizhen: Amazing.
That one time the kiddos hypnotized Jin Ling into thinking he was a kitten. The adults all thought it was really weird that he was finally going through the whole ‘pretending to be an animal’ phase at like ten, but then the kiddos fessed up to learning how to hypnotize and they aren’t sure how to fix it. WWX instigated a rule that no brainwashing is allowed outside his office from now on.
People ask how WWX and LWJ met and it’s told from the POV of Lan Qiren who progressively getting drunker as he tells the story of the terrible high school romance that he had to watch between bad boy WWX and his precious baby angel nephew that made him consider quitting and how no one believed them when they insisted they didn’t get together till after WWX got out of jail for the cow incident.
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muilkyu · 4 years
Cuddling With Treasure
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🐷 Hyunsuk 
"I can't get the laptop to connect," you complain. The screen has just been loading for the past 10 minutes trying to find a connection that apparently doesn't exist. 
"Just connect your phone instead," Hyunsuk suggests. 
"I already tried, I just don't think the TV wants anyone to connect," you explain shutting the laptop, "Should we just watch it on my phone?" 
"The screen will be too small to see from the table," he points out, "Here come lay down. I'll hold the phone up till the episode is over." 
"Are you sure? Isn't your arm going to hurt," you question. 
He shakes his head, "No I'll be fine." 
You end up laying on his chest as he holds up his phone. You keep asking if his arm is getting tired, but he softly denies insisting he is fine. 
🐼 Jihoon
"My arm is going to fall asleep," Jihoon grumbles, shuffling his arm around under your head. 
"Not my fault you forgot the pillows," you snicker snuggling up into his arm. 
"I thought they would have chairs," he replied under his breath. 
"You're a talkative pillow," you tease. 
"I'm never going to win this debate am I?" 
"You already know the answer to that question."
🐯 Yoshi
"I'm so sleepy," you yaw, stretching your arms up into the air. 
"We still have a long time till we are back in Seoul," he says looking at the map. Both of you decided that it would be fun to have a day outside of Seoul. It was nice out so you decided to visit Daejeon. The trip itself was not long, just a half a day trip, but it was tiring walking around all day. 
"How much longer?" 
"We have 40 more minutes till we get near Seoul," he replies. 
"I can take a small nap then," he decides. Then he tries to find a comfortable position to lay his head on the window. If he sleeps that he will get a neck cramp. 
"Don't lay like that you will hurt yourself. Lay your head on my shoulder, it will be more comfortable," you suggest. 
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah, you should sleep. You deserve to rest. I had a really great time today all thanks to you," you smile. 
Laying his head on your shoulder he lets out a soft thank you.
🐨 Junkyu
"Are you still feeling nauseous?" You ask Junkyu.
He weakly shakes his head, "No, I think it passed. I'm cold now."
"You're under 2 blankets right now. I don't have another. I could turn up the heat," you suggest.
"No, then you'll be hot," he points out.
"I'll be fine as long as you are comfortable."
"Can you lay with me?" He asks.
"If you want, sure," you answer back.
Junkyu smiles for the first time that day then, "Thank you for taking care of me."
🐹 Mashiho
"I want cuddles," Mashiho demands when he walks through the door of your dorm. 
You take the bag from his hand laughing, "Wow no 'Hello' or anything." 
Walking past you he gets comfortable on the couch, then opens his arms, "Nope. I haven't seen you in a week. It's time for cuddles." 
"What if I don't want cuddles," you counter. Then you go to place the food on the table. 
"Then I'll have to steal them." 
"I would like to see you try." 
That statement was a mistake. Mashiho takes it to heart. He chases you around the dorm. Screams and shouts leave your mouth when he finally catches you. 
"Can I have my cuddles now?" 
You fake a thinking look taping your chin and all, "I suppose." 
🦁 Jaehyuk
"I thought I had put them in my bag for sure," you complain, shuffling through your tote bag. This morning you were sure you had placed your earbuds in the small side holder. 
Jaehyuk wanted to take a trip to Yeosu to see the beaches. He set everything up. He planned out the bus route, bought the train tickets, and planned out the tourist stops. Now without your earbuds, you will have to sit through a 3-hour train ride without music. 
"You probably just left them at home," Jaehyuk points out. It's too late to go back, you are already on the train. You're still looking through your bag desperately, "We can just share my AirPods."
You stop looking through your bag looking up a little hesitant, "Are you sure?" 
"Of course." 
After the earbud situation. Jaehyuk and you settle down for the rest of the long ride. As you reach the hour and a half point though looking out the window makes you sleepy. Jaehyuk seems to notice you nodding so he sets your head on his shoulder. Cuddling up to him you allow yourself to fall asleep in his warmth. 
🤖 Asahi
The woman slowly creeps her way into the room. There is obviously a ghost haunting her, but she's too stupid to realize. Who just walks into a room with a creep rocking chair moving on its own? She still goes inside the room like an idiot. You then slowly raise my hands to cover your ears because you know the door is going to slam behind her. Sure enough, it does. Okay, that wasn't that bad. It's only when she turns around to see the ghost behind her that reaches for her neck strangling her that you finally scream. Covering your eyes with your hands you block yourself from looking at the screen. 
Asahi is sitting right next to you. He doesn't even seem to flinch at the movie. Even when you screamed he just looked at you. He really is a robot sometimes. 
"No I can't watch this," you confess, "How are you not scared?" 
"I don't know it's kinda predictable," he shrugs. 
"Still you don't jump at all. Are you a robot? Are we secretly in I'm Not A Robot? Is this a k-drama?" 
"Neither of us is Korean why would it be a K-drama?" Asahi says, he has a point. 
"True. Can we watch someone else though?" You suggest, "Let's watch P.S. I Still Love You." 
"You've watched that a million times," Asahi complains. 
"Every time it gets better and better. Plus we all know Ambrose is way hotter than Kavinsky," you rant on already reaching for the remote. 
He just yawns, "Fine but I'm going to sleep." He moves so his feet are handing off the edge of the couch and his head is placed in your lap. 
"You can't lay on my lap. My feet will fall asleep," you groan pushing his head up only for him to fall back down. 
"If we have to watch this cheesy movie, then you have to let me nap." 
"Fine." And with that, he falls asleep on your lap facing the TV. The movie plays in the background with you softly playing with strands of his hair. 
🦊 Yedam 
"I started working on a new song for the talent show," Yedam says. 
 "I thought you weren't going to audition." 
 He shrugs, "I changed my mind last minute." 
 "What song are you thinking about performing." 
 "I actually wrote a song," he says a bit timidly, "I can play it for you actually. I made it on the bus home the other day." 
 "I can't believe you actually wrote a song," you smile back in disbelief, "Can I hear it?" 
🐰 Doyoung
"Look in my bottom drawer. It's a little pink cow," you tell Doyoung. He looks through the drawer for the pink cow when he finds it he lets out a relieved 'ah'. 
"Okay, what do I do now?" 
"Fill the belly up with hot water," you instruct. He hums and then a few minutes later he is back with the hot pack. 
"Thank you." You say then place the pack down on your lower belly. The immediate warmer starts working its magic. 
"Yeah, do you need anything else?" Doyoung asks. 
Nodding you ask for him to just hold you.
🐏 Haruto
Rubbing your hands together you let out an irritated sigh, "Are we heading back soon?" 
"Yeah. I'm just waiting for my hot dog to be done," Haruto replies.
The line to the stand is long. It's the middle of winter in Korea which means it's beyond freezing. Today was supposed to be a stay inside with a blanket day, but Haruto wanted to see a movie. So you bundled up just enough for a few hours and made your way out in the cold. It was supposed to just be a movie and then back home, but Haruto really wanted a hot dog with cheese. You agreed thinking it would only take a few minutes. You were wrong. 
"Can't you just order one to the dorms?" You ask, still rubbing your fingers together. The hot packs you had given out about an hour and a half ago. 
"No, it's break remember. We can't order after 9." He reminds you. 
"Then I think I'm going to head back early. It's too cold to wait." 
Haruto doesn't seem to like that idea by the looks of that, "No stay here let me warm you up." Haruto then wraps his arms around your shoulder pulling you into his body warmth. It doesn't help much, but it is a cute gesture so you stay until he gets his dumb hot dog. 
🐺 Jeongwoo
"10 feet apart," Jeongwoo demanded walking backward.
"Stop being dramatic," you say walking forward he proceeded to take some steps back. 
"No, we are supposed to be social distancing." 
"You did not just pull that card on me."
Jeongwoo just shrugs, "That sucks no cuddles." 
"You have the common cold. You're not going to kill me." You say walking closer. 
He takes a step back, "See we don't know that."
You take another step forward, "No we do know." 
"Still no hugs or cuddles," he takes another step back. So you take another step forward and his back hits the wall. 
"Now you're trapped," before he can move around you put him into a hug, "I win." 
"Fine, but I'm only hugging you for 2 minutes," Jeongwoo declares hugging you back. 
🐮 Junghwan
"I think I'm sick," Junghwan tells you during homeroom. It's early morning just around 8 am. 
You place a hand on his forehead, "Your forehead isn't hot. Did you take some medicine?" He shakes his head. The face he is sporting is actually making you kind of sad. His eyes are downcast which means he's not playing around, "Should I take you to the nurse?" 
"No, maybe I should just rest," he replies. He moves his workbook to the side of his death and places his head down, arms folded to act as a makeshift pillow. 
"Class starts in 15 minutes. Also, you'll get a cramp laying like that," you warn. 
Sitting up Junghwan sighs, "You know what your right," To your surprise, he then pulls your chair closer putting his head on your shoulder. His arms wrap around your waist very tenderly, "Be my pillow." 
This gains some states from people in the classroom. Calling him out will only make a bigger scene so you play along. Placing your arms on top of his head stroking his head softly. 
"Okay, but not for too long."
Thank you for reading!
I honestly ran out of ideas for this one so I hope it doesn’t sound repetitive.
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