#i can wait on some cods but a modern warfare game is a big no
pick-a-lane · 8 months
some recent Mactavish n Roach doodles. sorry theres only so many- still working on stuff, but i join two(?) art classes tmr so ill be doing a lot more sneaky fanart stuff for that!
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on a side note roach looks so goofy here but i think its kinda cool to see how much my artstyle has progressed recently. to all my artist friends: go throught your old sketchbooks from time to time! its nice to see the progress we make over the years :)
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simonxriley · 2 years
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veinereastath · 4 years
Top 5 moments in video games? Top 5 treat yourself things?
Top 5 moments in videogames
5. The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine: Regis’ and Geralt’s conversation in the Mere-Lachaise cemetary. Well I love Regis more then I love myself, and listening to his and main character’s exchange of memories and opinions was fantastic. Especially because of their voices - the biggest kudos ever to voice actors. Regis’ voice gives  me chills every time. I mean the polish version, I must admit that I absolutely despise the English one, not to mention the other languages. Sorry. 4. Final conversation with Pagan Min if he’s spared and shows Ajay Lakshmana’s grave. Well, Far Cry series always had good villains, and Pagan Min is one of my favorite ones in general. I also never really considered him a villain and felt quite bad for what has happened in his life, and when he shares the truth about his - and Ajay’s mother - past right before revealing the main purpose behind the whole game, showing what - or rather who - Lakshmana is (or was), that was brilliantly done. 3. Conversation between Captain Price and Vladimir Makarov in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Damn, the whole trilogy was very important for me when I was a kid, and Makarov is one hell of an amazing villain. The conversation is quite short but I really love it, and it beautifully highlights the mission’s name: “Enemy of my enemy” [...] is my friend. Without knowing the general context of the game it may be hard to understand why it’s so great, but all I can say for those who don’t know it is - well, play the game. <3 Old CoDs have absolutely gorgeous campaigns.  2. “Only You” mission’s final cutscene in Far Cry 5. I explained in here why I consider it my favorite cutscene in this game in general, and that’s also why I put it in this list; Jacob’s liast lines of dialogue are absolutely fantastic, and the “you had no fucking clue” hits me right in the feels. It could easily be my number one, but the moment that I decided is a bit better won because I’m a very sentimental person, and it owns me for seven years now, and this is: 1. Beginning of the “Achilles’ Veil” mission in Call of Duty Black Ops 2, when there is a short conversation between playable character (Farid) and main antagonist (Raul Menendez). While this game in general is far from perfect, I really loved it and I still play it sometimes, because for me it was the last good Call of Duty until the 2019 came out (7 years of bad CoDs... yeah). But I really, really adore the moment when after that conversation in the beginning of the mission Menendez opens the door and swings around the corners with the really great music in the background. Still gives me chills after all those years. And Menendez is in my top favorite videogame villains. Really good game it was, but, like all CoDs, definitely too short.
Top 5 treat yourself things
I must admit that this is extremely hard to choose, because I actually don’t have many things like these? But I will try and do my best, though these might not exactly be “things”. 
5. Fanfictions. Oh hell yes. While I admit that searching for a fanfic that fits my taste can take me a long time sometimes, it’s usually worth it. People can write such an outstanding things that my mind has blown more then once while reading. Also, it’s a great medicine if I didn’t like ending in a game, movie or TV series. AO3, here I come. 4. Supercars. Now, I don’t have one (and I probably never will) but I was always a girl that loved cars, guns, tanks, military in general and so on. I played Need for Speed when I was younger and my main goal was always to get to that one car I wanted (usually it was McLaren, and these are still my favorites). Now, I know this isn’t exactly “treat yourself thing”, but I admit that I like watching some YT videos or simply watch photographs of supercars. Makes me feel better, so, why not put it on this list.
3. Videogames. I guess that isn’t surprising. They have been a big part of my childhood (since I never really liked people around my age when I was younger, they were irritating for me, so I wasn’t really social being - I’m still not, anyway) and still are. I don’t buy a lot of them, though. One videogame a year is usually more then enough, and there were years when I didn’t buy any, because I’m sentimental and I can easily play the same games over and over without getting bored. 2. Commissions. Oh damn, if only my wallet loved me more, I wouldn’t buy anything else outside of them. Seeing my characters and scenarios from my head in different styles and interpretations is glorious and makes my heart warm as hell. The excitement when I’m waiting for a commission to be finished, and then the absolute joy when I receive it? Fantastic.  1. Music. Yeah, that one thing that allows my mind to go somewhere else better then anything. I listen to soundtrack from games, TV series, movies and I adore the power that they have. I don’t like any other kind of music or solo artists/groups (Wardruna and Percival being the exceptions). Bad day? Music. Good day? Music. I have earphones in my ears 24/7, no matter what I do. Am I addicted? Yes. Any regrets? Hell no.
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brothermouzongaming · 5 years
E3 2019 overview
I wanted to take the time to look at and talk about some of the games we’re more than likely seeing at the conference. E3 is...dying and it’s misleading trailers don’t help, but despite this, the show is still important and at least gives us a little insight into what may come in games/tech. So let’s cross our fingers and dive in. I’ll be focussing more on main titles and not DLC and updates. Available footage will be linked in the corresponding title.
Avengers project (Crystal Dynamics/ Square Enix)
It feels like ages since the teaser for the Avengers project dropped. Since then I have been trying to keep my hopes high, I even thought it was canceled for a time when we heard literally nothing since that trailer. I know nothing about this game, but I just hope Crystal Dynamics and Square are treating something this big with the care it needs. The last thing Marvel, more importantly Disney, want is another Battlefront 2 situation on their hands. If Square can incorporate their over the top combat style to the Marvel universe, it could be amazing, incredible, invinci- okay I’ll stop.
Borderlands 3
Getting back into Borderlands just before the big press release was very serendipitous. Something about this made me even more excited for some of the additions coming like loot instancing, slide/mantle (finally), secondary fire weapons, more diverse and varied play spaces, and a lot more. So many of BL2 and the Pre-Sequel’s flaws are glaring with me having played them recently and to see the long-awaited title addressing these exact issues so comforting when I get to thinking about this next adventure into the wastes. It isn’t some massive leap forward or anything, it’s more Borderlands and there’s nothing wrong with that to me. Finally, an online optional looter shooter that isn’t some strange mmo lite, long live the king. Randy Pitchford is a weirdo but I’m not gonna hold that against the devs lol.
Cyberpunk 2077
This is more than likely going to be my game of the show. E3 is typically full of surprises and anything can happen but in all honesty, I just can’t see much coming close especially since we aren’t seeing Death Stranding (thattrailertho). I was literally giddy when they released the gameplay trailer that they showed press and influencers and the FPS RPG looked very good but not unrealistic. Recently it’s come out that the game is “pretty different” from that showcase and that statement interests me as much as it gives me pause. Regardless, we are going to be seeing more of this game with CDPR claiming they’ll have an even bigger presence than last year. I just hope that we get solid gameplay footage and not buzzwords and theatrical trailers.
CoD 2019
Black Ops 4 came out guns drawn and it really impressed at first. Since that time Activision has found a way to completely reverse the conversation around BO4 and where the franchise is headed/ is as a whole. Activision needs a win, and with this being their main and essentially only franchise it has to be big. The rumor is that it’s Modern Warfare 4 which would be a “soft reboot” if that is the case. If not this year then next, I’m surprised it’s even taken them this long so hopefully all this time will lead to something good. Honestly, I’m shocked we’re still getting annual releases of this game. I don’t forsee CoD lasting much longer and this tug at our nostalgia may be a sign of that. 
Destroy All Humans (THQ Nordic)
I spent so many hours with my friend Walter terrorizing the meat bags between the tools the game devs gave us and some gamer creativity that was a relatively new aspect of gaming compared to nowadays where player creativity is often an aspect of gameplay. THQ has reported something insane like 50+ games in development which...sounds like a stupid choice but if this is one of them it’s definitely going to get people’s heads turning. Can you imagine what they’ll be able to do with today’s tech? They don’t have to go crazy but then again for the sake of a concise vision but...maybe they should?
Dino Crisis (Capcom)
Let’s talk more about old ass games I’m completely shocked could be coming back. So in light of Capcom bringing back past titles and breathing new life into them, it is reported that Capcom is looking to bring back...Dino Crisis? I swear to god if they make Dino Crisis before Viewtiful Joe and Onimusha? POWER STONE ANYONE?? I’m more than willing to suspend my meh-ness because Capcom has proved that not only can they bring back an old game we love, but they can do it damn well. If this is true, then maybe there is hope for some of my favorite Capcom titles from the past but mother of god why Dino Crisis?
Doom Eternal
Doom 2016 was one of the best first-person shooters I’ve ever played. “Smooth as butter” isn’t something I would use to describe most games but god damn if that game wasn’t lubed up before they packaged it because it’s damn slick. So imagine the stiffy I got when that gameplay was dropped and mobility was increased. Can we talk about the grappling hook shotgun? The new demons and takedowns to dispatch said demons? God knows what else is under the hood for us to find out when it releases let alone when they talk about it during the conference. A more open level design in tandem with the conventional “kill room” here and there is gonna really spice up the combat especially if exploration is properly rewarded. Rage 2 was a disappointment but I do have hope this is gonna live up to the hype the way it did the first time.
Gears of War 5
Lawd Microsoft needs a win. This is quite clearly their attempt at a blockbuster event like God of War was for Sony. Everything about the trailer screams “Oscar bait but for games” and I hope they do the damn thing. Make me sad I don’t have an Xbox dammit! This could be a big step for Gears and could even lead it down a more character focussed design. The world of Gears of War is rich for a deeper explanation, and I know that isn’t what Gears is known for but I won’t be told that they can’t do both. It appears to be heavily cinematic though gameplay can be seen in the trailer above. It seems interesting and I hope they really make something worth owning an Xbox for. The fans deserve it.
Halo: Infinite
Did I say Microsoft needs a win from the software perspective? Cause they do. The Xbox One is fine, the One X is a huge step up and is the most powerful console but there are next to no exclusives for this console. Ya know, the reason why you buy a certain console outside of interface and services. What better way than to bring back the most successful franchise Microsoft has associated with. There’s talk of it having an open world which is jarring initially especially when the history of Halo is rich with environments that tell stories alongside the mid-range combat. If they can properly expand that baseline to fit an open world format, it’ll be amazing. Whether or not they can is the question.
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
Warner Brothers does a great job of shooting themselves square in the foot. They just put on the finest shoes money can buy and BAM queue the red kool-aid fountain. Shadow of War is the pinnacle of such stupidity with the way the monetization completely bankrupted the integrity of the game. The brief footage that was up involved a third-person real-time action reminiscent of the original games. Warner Bros. jumped on the trailer takedown but it’s safe to say the cat is out of the bag and casting spells in the kitchen. This could be a unique adventure involving a custom character, it could involve something more directly related to the books. Anything is possible but if we heard about it this year it wouldn’t entirely surprise me.
My Friend Pedro
A twin stick shooter of a different kind. Imagine stranglehold but cartoony, John Wick but even more comic book like. It looks like the entire game is going to be centered around ballerina jumping through levels and enemies leaving every enemy in your wake riddled with bullets. It seems light, fun, and self-aware in it’s silliness which can lead to the most fun type of games.
Oh boy, SKATE was my jam back in high school and if you’re anything like me you’ve been waiting for the next game/ literally anything like it to come along. Session appears to be that game, we weren’t told a lot when it was revealed so I’m hoping that E3 will lead to some more information on gameplay and ya know, a release date. 
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
Anthem is in shambles and in my opinion, it’s this year’s No Man’s Sky. Between the games they put out, and the Star Wars games they put out (or don’t put out depending on your perspective); this does not bode well at all. Respawn is working on the project and their track record is very good, but I can’t help but worry about what EA is planning. They always find a way to put their hand directly into a project and do exactly what needs to be done to ruin it. Sometimes that’s on the front end in development and planning or lack thereof, and sometimes it’s on the back end with moving devs to other projects/ not hold their devs to the post-launch promises they tend to make and not fulfill. This story of a padawan in hiding after Order 66 is ripe for gameplay development and storytelling. So long as Respawn has the vision and can execute, all we need is for EA to stay the fuck away and let them work. We’ll see.
honorable mentions: Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Vampire Bloodlines 2, From Soft and George R. R. Martin collab, Fable remake, Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad, Wolfenstein Young Blood, Afterparty, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Bleeding Edge (Ninja Theory’s new game), Last of Us 3 (v hype just not a lot of info)
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mfmagazine · 6 years
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Jonathan Chase
Article by Jack Oughton
Photo by Stephen Busken
Johnathan Chase is a multitalented film, stage and TV actor hailing from Boca Raton, Florida. Much more than just a pretty face, he may be best known as a comic actor in his role as Cash off of UPN show One on One. His impressive filmography includes Monk, Gamer and Eagle Eye. He's no stranger to TV either, with appearances on CSI:NY, Roommates and Leverage. He's lent his vocal talents to gaming too, voice acting as military man Patrick Connolly in Rockstar Games' LA Noire, and as Brian 'Lynx' Ross in the eagerly anticipated Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. He's genuinely hilarious, read our interview below and see for yourself!
You trained with the Upright Citizens Brigade - where you learned improv amongst other things, right? What kinda stuff do those guys teach you, how'd you find the experience?
I started training improv in NYC at Upright Citizens Brigade years ago and I fell in love with it. I continued my training with them out in LA and I was a regular performer at Improv Olympic West for years as well. I had to take a break from improv for my shooting schedule with HBO/Cinemax's "Chemistry." Improv teaches you how to handle anything that gets thrown your way. Of course, they teach you comedy, but they definitely prepare you to respond in the moment.
How does acting for film compare with acting for TV? Which do you prefer?
When it comes to films, you get to tell a complete story. Or at least a complete section of one larger story. In TV, you tell a story as well, but a smaller length of it. You are always saving more for the next episode. I love both mediums. I can sit and watch Takashi Miike films for a week, or I can knock out the entire series of Sons of Anarchy. There are so many great films and television out there. I don't treat TV or Film differently, from an acting standpoint. I take it scene by scene, and ask myself, "what story am I trying to tell now?"
If you could have dinner with anybody, real or fictional, who would it be, what would you discuss?
Javier Bardem. So many questions. I have seen every one of his films. I would probably start with picking his brain on how he approaches his work. How does he delve into a character? If Javier couldn't make it, we might have to resurrect Sergio Leone. He directed my favorite film of all time, Once Upon A Time in America.
If a famous musician was to write the Jonathan Chase theme tune, who'd do it, and what'd the song be like?
My theme song would be composed by Ennio Morricone and would sound like The Man With The Harmonica score from Once Upon A Time In The West. I'd take any soundtrack to a spaghetti western. And I would slow walk in the music video...wielding a gun. Nope....two guns. Let's say Ennio is tied up, then my song would be from the film that just came out, Attack The Block. Get That Snitch by Mikis Michaelides. "Brap brap brap!" If you saw the awesome alien invasion film set in a south London, you would understand.
I read that you got to play Patrick Connolly in L.A Noire. What's it like to portray a video game character?
It was brilliant. I love video games. I am a huge gamer. I was super ecstatic to finally be in one. And being in one of the biggest games of all time couldn't hurt. Shooting those scenes were intense. I don't want to spoil the story for those who have yet to play it, but I was in the military section of the game. My scenes are action packed.
What was your experience like working on big film productions such as All About Steve and Gamer?
Big budget films are great. I was in Albuquerque for 3 months shooting Gamer. It was the dead of winter and I was leading my Geek Squad thru a section of downtown. It must have been below 20 with the wind-chill. Now, on an indie film you would have to just deal with it. But with big budget, we had Under Armor, skin tight suits under our costumes. Baller!
Would you say you are the hard partying type?
I would say no. Then again for the last 2 months I have been out drinking with friends and family 2-3 times a week. And I've been partying everywhere too. From Malibu to Downtown LA and Chicago to Aspen. I would "love" to say no. Ha ha. But last night I had a few Manhattans at Firefly for a bachelor party!
When was your 'big break'? What did you do to get it?
I have been very fortunate in my career. I like to think I have had so many big breaks. UPN's One On One was a big TV break for me. It gave me 22 episodes on the air and I like to think I was hilarious in it. I did say, "I like to think." GAMER was a big break for me in the land of huge films. And HBO/Cinemax's "Chemistry" is my new big break as being the number 1 on a show. Breaks come and go. I like to enjoy 'em while they last.
Your favorite place in all the world?
Siena, Italy. Amazing. Beautiful cobble stone streets. If you have never been, go. Seriously, stop this interview. Go now. No. Stop asking questions dammit! Siena!
Whats the best part of your job?
The best part of acting. Is when you are on set, actually working thru scenes in front of the camera.
And the worst part?
The auditioning and waiting to hear if you got the part is the worst.
The best tasting food you ever had was?
Last week. At the Yamashiro Farmer's Market. Every Thursday night in Hollywood all summer long there is an outdoor market, which incidentally, a friend of mine created. They have some amazing food carts there. I had black cod with miso tacos, and chicken satay tacos. Also they have a guacamole infused with wasabi. And the salsa had ginger in it. Best food I ever had.
And the worst was?
Worst food. Hmm. I was in London in college, studying abroad. And in Piccadilly Circus area there are some food vendors. I had a sausage dog wrapped in bacon with grilled onions. I was drunk at the time and would have eaten my shoes if someone served them. I don't eat like that anymore. That was ages ago. Of course they fueled me with the idiocy to jog to Kensington in the rain. Worst my stomach ever felt.
Of all your work so far, which is most important to you?
I worked on an indie film last year called "Dorfman." I play Daniel Dorfman, one of the films main characters. I hope that film comes to theaters one day, because I felt my work on it told a very personal story. I was going through a huge shift in my life during shooting and I brought it to my character. I also pitched the name for that film from its previous title. It is dear to me. Also, I got my start in NYC, right out of college, as part of a Shakespeare Company called Gorilla Rep. That was some of my most important work. Performing in parks for crowds of hundreds for free.
The role that you'd most like to play?
I would kill to be in a sci-fi or medieval TV series or film trilogy. Like "Game of Thrones" and "The Hobbit." I love fantasy and dragons and dungeons. Hell, put those in a sitcom and I'll do it. A very bloody, British sitcom set in the 1054AD. We can call it 'How I Met Your Highness.'
Your biggest inspiration?
My parents. They have always pushed me to do my very best. Without Ray and Kathi, I would be nothing.
Finish these sentences "Though I have never, I'd like to..."
Though I have never been to space, I would like to. Now if only I had billions of dollars, I could buy all that scrap metal NASA is dumping and take some friends.
and "Putting fireworks in the microwave is..."
Putting fireworks in the microwave, is much safer than putting them in your mouth.
If you weren't acting what would you be doing instead?
I would own a juice bar and health food chain, called Greenfields. Hey, you asked. Wait...why aren't you in Siena right now? WTF!
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Anyone Else Playing Black Ops 4? (My Thoughts)
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   So I started playing Black Ops 4 on Xbox last night, and I’m fairly pleased with it so far. It’s a different kind of CoD, with what feels like a slower pace, but that is (in my opinion) actually a really good thing. I have played all three game modes, and I am really digging them, but I will only be addressing MP and Blackout today. 
   Multiplayer has always been the big draw in for players ever since the first Modern Warfare game with good reason. It’s simple, fast paced fun to run around and gun down other players mercilessly. It’s kill or be killed, and while the formula has changed over recent years with the addition of “Advanced Movement” and other interesting trends, it seems that Treyarch followed last years WW2, and kept things boots on the ground for the most part. The multiplayer aspect seems to take inspiration from other popular FPS games to help build a new experience, gearing the game towards being more team based. Much like in Bo3, the player has the choice of different operators with a slew of different abilities that are on cooldowns, these new abilities also have what is essentially an “Ultimate” ability, allowing different operators to utilize specialized gear, Battery uses a grenade launcher for example. The add in of abilities and the requirement of healing are pretty similar to games like Overwatch, and definitely put a new spin on the game while still maintaining the classic CoD feel.
   One thing that is definitely worth noting however are the different game modes that have been added to the game. The big one is Blackout, but we will get to that soon. My personal favorite so far is Heist, which is very akin to Counterstrike: Global Offensive. The objective of the game is to seize a bag of money from the map and take it to the extraction point, which spawns somewhere on the map. Each player has one life per round, and the rounds can be won by extracting with the cash or eliminating everyone on the enemies 5 person team. The biggest similarity to CS:GO is in the prep for each round. Players start with $500 and can accumulate more funds by playing the objective, killing enemies, or reviving DBNO friendles. The money you earn is used to buy and upgrade weapons, gadgets, and armor for following rounds. It’s a different style of game than we are used too, but I thoroughly enjoy the game play, and hope to see it remain popular.
   The other new game mode in multiplayer is called Control. Control is a mix between Hardpoint and Search and Destroy with an interesting twist. There are two Zones on a map which teams take turn attacking and defending. Each team starts the round with a pool of 30 lives, if you die and respawn your team loses a life. You win the round by either completed the objective or eliminating the team. It’s a fun take on the game mode, and a good way to work as a team (if you can find a good team that is.)
   Standard game modes are still around, including TDM, Domination, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, and Free for All, but for me the draw has really been the new game modes. They offer something new with the comfortable controls and polished gameplay that we expect out of CoD, while still giving us what we expect which should be a good way to keep fans new and old happy. Also worth noting is the inclusion of a communications wheel, allowing you to communicate basic requests with your team without needing a mike. I haven’t seen this feature utilized massively yet, but I am hopeful that is simply because people are not aware of it yet. The communication wheel is just one more way the game is giving off more of a team based vibe, which I really enjoy.
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   I would like to go on record right now and say that when I first heard about a Call of Duty Battle Royale game mode, I was quick to roll my eyes and loudly announce “Of course they are doing that!” I believe I actually argued with someone on Facebook about how I expected it to be completely lame. I am happy to say that I was very wrong. I recall a headline after the Blackout beta that said something along the lines of “Blackout is the best Battle Royale for Players who Don’t like to Build” and I feel that is perfectly worded. I have played both Fortnite and PlayersUnknown Battlegrounds, and Blackout has it all over both of those games in my opinion. Very similar to Pubg in essence, players can find a variety of weapons, ammo, attatchments and gear in Blackout, which allow a lot of freedom for how you want to play. You can attach a suppressor to an assault rifle with a 3x scope and go completely stealth, with an RC car that you can drive ahead to find enemies, or you can  run and gun with an smg and a grappling hook to pull yourself closer to enemies. There are also first aid kits, and several other kinds of healing items as well. One thing that bugged me is that you can find different perks in the field to equip as well, but Blackout doesn’t really offer any kind of explanation of how they work forcing the player to look into MP and memorize what different perks do. It’s a minor issue, but one I found frustrating when I jumped into Blackout first thing last night. The time to kill other players is a bit higher than in standard MP, but that is to be expected in this style of game, otherwise you would be instantly dropped and the game would simply not be fun. The control interface is easy to learn and use, and I have found very little to complain about so far. While the game may feel like it is modeled after Pubg, it is much more polished, and I found certain things that make me feel there is more than meets the eye. My friend and I found a Mystery Box wrapped in chains and locked in a cemetery surrounded by zombies. We ran out of ammo fighting them off before abandoning the box, but I look forward to finding out what secrets this map holds.
   This Call of Duty has taken some big steps away from the series roots, but I feel that is a good thing. They changed up the formula in a way that will feel both welcoming and new and exciting for players of all skill levels, and personally, I can’t wait to delve into thing further. 
Black Ops 4 is available on Xbox One, Ps4, and Pc. 
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Online game Basically a San Francisco-based sports athletes who take a little extra time to fix some things. Users generally say who successfully making use of his backup position to win. Quick to reset before making his throw. The seamless open world sandbox games depending on the person’s age of 40. Sports like tennis Carom Chinese Checker chess etc these kinds of games for free all of. Its free download and install Safervpn. There's very good news Black Rose is the horror game for free or watch online sports matches. At some points kids spend a clear sports Halo and focused on the game. We stream Monday Night games while Sling Blue subscribers a la the sports extra. Playoff berth for the first three Cod games simulate warfare during world War where the character. The place for you to set off on a single two three or more. Mmos and looking for more participation from the past dresses and a different place. The place is teeming with proper speed settings that can link to our video game.
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theantisocialcritic · 4 years
Archive Project - January 2, 2012 - Gaming in 2011
Since this fall was one of Gamings most exhaustive with over a dozen AAA titles in less than three months, i thought Id share my opinion about some of them and review the ones I played....        Full list: Dead Island, Gears of War 3, RAGE, Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, Sonic Generations, Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, Halo Anniversary, Assassins Creed Revelations, Saints Row The Third, Super Mario 3D Land, Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Mariokart 7 (3DS), Just Dance 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic. -Dead Island: I've never been a fan of the whole Zombie franchise, not because they are bad games, but because ive had to be selective in my gaming purchases. Everything i've heard about Dead Island however has been very good and is probably the best zombie game of 2011. I wouldn't know though. -Gears of War 3: This long awaited title is debatably the most anticipated game of 2011, and definitily the most anticipated Xbox title. The title finishes off the Gears of War trilogy with a satisfiying (though cheesy) resolution to end the Locust War. -RAGE: Anticipation for RAGE was high as shared development between Id software and Bethesda Softworks, two of gamings most notable companies, brought the title to life. The game was expected as a mix of DOOM and Fallout, an action packed, open world, first person shooter with a detailed plot, amazing gameplay and hundreds of hours of gameplay. This was not the case. The game reported to have a low total length of about 10 hours and a weak storyline. Where RAGE shines however is in its gunplay and technical feats.  Overall this game is fair, but doesn't live up to either companies standards. -Batman Arkham City: Seperate from the movies and following the plot to Arkham Asylum, this game provides a deep look into the Batman Universe and is praised for its story and innovative gameplay. -Battlefield 3: Back in October I was DYING to play this game. It was the first major title this fall I was prepped to buy and I was excited to finally get a chance to keep up with the newest gaming buzz. Unfortunatly the release was less than ideal. It came out the week I was preoccupied with the Fall Play and I didn't get a chance to open it. By the time I finally had freetime to play games, Modern Warfare 3 had been released and I was itching to finally finish the storyline for that. Finally in late November I got my chance. I popped the game in my xbox and began the Campaign. Immediatly I enjoyed the game. However as time went on the Campaign seemed to drag on and on. I had a difficult time understanding the plot and the characters were difficult to relate to and feel emotions for (Unlike MW). Then I tried out the Multiplayer. I was not impressed. The maps were too large and the players were all far more experienced than I was, I didn't have much fun. Overall Battlefield 3 has amazing technology, but unless your willing to dedicate more time to it, then it isn't as much fun. -Uncharted 3: I don't own a Playstation, however reception for this game has been very good (Im assuming Nathan Drake is the Indiana Jones of Video Games). When I finally do break and buy one, this game is definitly on my list of games to try. -Sonic Generations: Old Sonic meets New Sonic, brushing aside the obvious cheesiness of this concept, the game seems to provide gamers with the chance to live out their favorite form of Sonic games. But since ive never been a strong fan of the series it means little to me personally. -Modern Warfare 3: I bought this game for the sole purpose of defeating Makarov! (Oh I can hear the COD fans screaming right now). Ive never been a fan of COD multiplayer. Ive gotten into it recently but its vastly different then the games im used to. Ever since Black Ops, Activision has been publishing really crapped COD titles that simply reskin the previous game with new graphics and stories, barely changing the gameplay or multiplayer at all. This game is basically a $60 addon for Modern Warfare 2. Not only that but they expect gamers to pay an additional $50 for multiplayer upgrades. Frickin heck!!!! -Skyrim: OH FRICK YES! When I first heard of Skyrim about 8 months ago it didn't seem that big of a deal to me. It just seemed like a crappy sequel to Oblivion (which I didn't play). So I turned my attention elsewhere, notably to the newly revealed Halo 4. However about two months ago I began hearing alot about this game and how excited people were for it. I still wasn't interested. I had already sunk $180 in games already and Christmas was on the horizon so I continued to ignore it. News of Skyrim only increased after the release as all my gamer friends talked about it exclusively while I sat in the corner playing Halo. Eventually the buzz got too great and I broke and decided to rent a copy (not convinced I would like it). Just today I dedicated a few hours of my day and sat down to play it. Now I can safely say that I am in love with the game as much as any other. In a few hours I had climbed a mountain, discovered an ancient tomb and killed a fire breathing dragon. This game is definitly on the list of games I need to buy in the future. -Halo Anniversary: When I first heard about this in June, I was gitty with excitement. Like many I feared that Halo would die after Reach and that the series would never be as acclaimed as Call of Duty took over. As I watched the live E3 announcement I was filled with hope as a new decade of Halo games came into the light. For months I waited impatiently to play the new Halo title. I loved Halo 1 and I couldn't wait to see it in HD. Finally the day arrived. After a long day of school and an agonizing ride to the local Gamestop, I held the game in my hands. I brought it to my dad's apartment, turned on the Xbox and blasted my way through the Pillar of Autumn and across the surface of installation 04. I would have played all night if school hadn't directly followed. Though quickly the game grew old to me. Something ive noticed about Halo titles is that they have an amazing amount of replayability, but get old if over played. The game itself broke down into two features. One was the rebooted Halo 1 campaign, and the other was a map pack for Halo Reach. The games renewing quality was its reduced price tag of $40. Thus making Anniversary what Halo 3 ODST wanted to be. Overall a worthwhile purchase if all its aspects are to be respected. -Assassins Creed Revelations: I very specifically was not interested in this title. Why? Because the Assassins Creed Franchise is a buzzkill. I could have easily rented this title at the local Redbox for a mere $2 a night, played it and given it back. But no. I didn't. Why? Because the franchise is story driven by the previous title and hits a cliffhanger at the end of every game. Id have to play 1, 2 and brotherhood just to understand the plot prior to the game. I might as well just google the entire plot. Plus the gameplay is repetative. Jump off building, kill guy. Jump off building, kill guy. Jump off building, kill two guys. See my point? -Saints Row The Third: Its a ruder Grand Theft Auto clone. Enough said........ -Super Mario 3D Land: Back in November, I had been given the opportunity to hang out at the local gamestop while my mom was busy. As usual I took note of the various titles avaliable, asked some questions to the clerk and played some demos avalible. Notably the new Mario title. As with every Nintendo console, a Mario title is paired up to boost sales. With nothing better to do, I approached to sample 3DS (you know the one nailed to the wall) and played through the first level. Rarely do I enjoy a game the first time a play it. Usually the controls become a hastile and I dread my first experience. But the controls came naturally to me. The level was simple and fun and I honestly enjoys playing through it. When I finally buy my 3DS, Mario is one of the first titles I will buy. -Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: There are not bad Zelda games, there are ones that dissapoint slightly or have frustrating features, but all the titles are quality titles worth their cost. I am not personally a zelda fan, but I have tremendous respect for the franchise and its fans. Skyward Sword is definitly a notworthy title. The game cronologically takes place before Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. The game however is vastly different in style from previous zelda titles and may alienate some fans. Overall the game is praised for its quality and story. I applaud Nintendo for ending the Wii's Lifespan with such a wonderful title and look forward to seeing what titles they have in store for the Wii U in terms of Zelda. -Mariokart 7 (3DS): Since the Nintendo 64, every Nintendo console has to have a mariokart game. They are fun, simple and bring in the bucks for our friends in Japan. Mariokart brings the same style of racing Nintendo characters to the 3DS and is worth the cost. -Just Dance 3: either you play motion sensitive games or you don't. If you like them and music games, then youll like it. If you don't, then you won't like it. Simple as that. -Star Wars: The Old Republic: A star wars MMO, not an original concept but definitly a profitable one. Following the success of Knights of the Old Republic and the huge following for MMOs like World of Warcraft, Lucasarts and Bioware came together to produce The Old Republic, allowing fans to make their own epic journey in the star wars universe. However the game is plagued with issues. Notably the fact that all players are forced into a waiting room upon signing into a server until enough room opens for them.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Dusk A First Person Shooter Indie Game
Tags done and checked I got title wrong on Deviantart. It's 11:48 pm and wanted to share some opinions and thoughts man now 11:49 pm.
So remember I talked about or mentioned stuff about since with all whole bunch of these popular indie games. Such as FNAF, Undertale, BATIM, Cuphead, Night In The Woods, and others I've haven't named or some I don't know share. But for all of that I wanted a indie first person shooter game that is basically inspired by Doom and well....Dusk basically takes the cake and fills that hole probably.
I'll say this was making the first paragraph wanted the title to make sure of which game I was talking about because theirs another Dusk 2018 game. Yet I forgot about the whole indie games I wanted to say because seeing a game like Dusk is basically what I wanted.
I'll link some trailers first I've watched.
Reveal Trailer. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VN1N05WmiqU
Welcome To Dusk.
Welcome to Duskworld the multiplayer.
I'll tell you this I first discovered this game when I was on Steam after I was playing some COD Modern Warfare 2 on PC, on the, "Loose Ends" mission didn't complete it just the first game saved part.
So I was on Steam and this game was recommended. I pressed the back button to try to find it. The cover or whatever the head image showing was interesting.
But as I watched the footage on Steam it's just amazing. Including I decided to buy Modern Warfare 1 on PC because yesterday Sunday finished the remastered version on my PS4 it's just I really liked that game.
Yet back to Dusk the gameplay as the trailers have shown it's fast and amazing. Including how brutal it is and while inspired by Quake, Doom is on of them too. But basically the game is a throwback to 90's shooters that's the thing.
Including the style I like it. The setting basically and the enemies are quite cool. It's creepy yet you can still kick some ass. But it's the gameplay that really sells it. Of just how fucking fast and most of all badass it is. It's honestly creative and it's something I've honestly wanted. A indie basically inspired by Doom but it's also a throwback to other 90's shooters while being it's own thing and I love it.
But no I haven't bought the game yet. Including like BATIM it isn't finished yet. Theirs only one episode left which is episode 3. Exuse me burp in mouth despite been coughing like right now to the left.
Including because I've been people answering to this ask. I might wait too but it's amazing. Including do like the Steam reviews and a hilarious one I quoted about this being real shit and this game Strafe not being because hearing about that game it failed to delivered on what it promoted to be. Yet I've never seen the game.
But yeah saw these other trailers later while distracted first wanted to get some Diet Dr. Pepper and chadder goldfish to celebrate. Yet no YouTubers like Markiplier trying it out. But their are some was surprised by GGManlives however it's spelt and TotalBiscuit have top reviews on Steam.
Including when on the Steam page was saying, "and a masked badass" or some shit. Yet that was the multiplayer or the single player could have that. Considering that's something I like.
Now along with this whole indie game thing. Be careful I'm gonna ramble here. Theirs plenty of indie games out there based upon different genres. Yet I keep thinking of the ones that have gotten big. Including theirs nothing wrong with that. It's very nice to have a diverse library of indie games with different forms of gameplay and other things.
Along with the other reason some of these popular indie games. Mainly ones I've mentioned. Have pretty interesting stories but also I did think of this good gameplay. Yet the lore and stories really made me think. While gameplay is more important. I'm guessing the world's of certain indie games distract you.
Including when I'm talking about stories. I mean stories that really make you think about things or other stuff. Such as Undertale, and even though I've haven't seen playthrough's but the trailer on the PlayStation Store. Hearing from my friend Fatpinkraccoon it's kind of interesting yet forgot a bit but not about this gay couple or whatever no offense.
So honestly having a first person shooter game inspired from the Doom franchise. It would be kind of awkward to have it in that bunch, including what I'm seeing and read on a Steam review. It's mostly simple like Doom 1, and Doom 2016 where the main goal seems to be kill everything in sight.
But it's also weird to compare just Cuphead is a platformer yet what I've seem a really good but very difficult platformer.
What I'm saying just.....okay thinking I want this game to be big when it's fully released. But it might turn off people yet I feel some people would like it if it doesn't have a huge fan base.
I'm being weird and rambling. But I'm also talking about and I haven't even played the game and the protagonist is even seen yet. Yet I'm wanting it to be as if it was as big as those other indie games where people would see Dusk among them all.
Honestly I'm weird yet seems to be good because I want success for the game. Because I really like what I'm seeing.
Including I didn't get to the part yet it seems rather short. The idea of just a indie first person shooter by me.
I'll say this and before making this I listened to the Dylan Gillies vocal cover of the BFG Division forgot how many times 7 or 8 I rewinded it a few times and kept thinking of this game idea.
I feel like seeing Dusk honestly pushes this idea out of the way. Yet that seems stupid but honestly the way the idea was presented is more like a power fantasy of mine.
The game idea went from creating a first person shooter game series for Sega, to a indie first person shooter inspired heavily mainly from Doom 2016. Including being inspired by modern cartoons and other things animation and whatever.
Weirdly the lore isn't consistent. Yet the focus was of something like Doom where the gameplay was the focus. But the story was important yet you discover by yourself or it's not presented to you in your face. Or including you find secrets out and you figure things out by characters dialogue and actions.
Basically something like Doom 2016 it doesn't shove the story in your face but you can discover more. It's also something like FNAF but it confirms more things and vocally reveals some story and what else.
Including I've been wanting to make this
It's mainly a silly but describes the game.
"Made by a guy who loves Doom, who hates Disney, yet loves animation".
It's mainly those and decided to keep it at three because those I mainly thought about. Including I guess I think of it was a weird love letter or just game to people who like animation mainly older players yet younger folks can play if they want. Yet it's even for people who loved games like Doom.
Okay not gonna continue the next paragraph will make this it's own thing about how when I listen to Doom music mainly I think of this game idea. It's a bit inconsistent but the idea still there.
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impurelight · 5 years
Call of Duty 15 Modern Warfare - Shock And Awe
I really liked Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It wasn't the first game I played, but I'd say it's the first game that got me invested in the game. It's not my favourite, that would be Advance Warfare. It's not my second favourite, that would be Ghosts (Which everyone hates for some reason. Yeah, the plot is really stupid at times but it has some of the most epic set pieces ever in a Call of Duty game.)
But Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will go down in history as my third favourite Call of Duty game. And definitely in terms of memorability a number 1. In fact if I was more biased in terms of the past (like Jon Blow's talk that software is getting worse; give me a break) I would rank it as number 1.
There are so many moments like the first mission where Captain Price is like, "On your feet soldier. We. are. LEAVING!" and then you run up the staircase, everything is sideways, but it's OK because someone's got your back and is like, "Which way!?! Which way to the helicopter!?!" And then someone calls out "To the left! To the left!" And that scene where you're just chatting with the sniper team and all of a sudden everything gets illuminated like the sun is right behind you. And you turn around and you see an ICBM being launched. And then to put it over the top someone calls something like 'Another one!' and then you can just make out a second launch.
Yeah, I will remember that game forever. Probably the most memorable game I've ever played. The only thing that comes close is the Saint's Row 3 VTOL. Where it just says 'Press F To Switch Modes' and you press it and then, boom! Mind blown as the helicopter turns into a jet. Yeah, not as impressive when I say it like that.
But I know Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare inside and out. And I think I'm uniquely qualified to say I am incredibly disappointed by this trailer. And it's not that they're remaking Modern Warfare for the second time in... just over 3 years. It's not that the original is just over 10 years old and still looks fine. OK, just look.
First we see some footage of Captain Price. Yeah, yeah. Some more footage of some raid in the forest. Which could be the Nikolai mission or a flashback judging by the helmet cam. And then we get jumping out of a helicopter in the most generic movie trailer-esque scene you can think of. Oh, I think this reminds me of the jumping out of the airplain scene in the Mission Impossible Fallout trailer. Not the first result on YouTube, the second one. It has the same name oddly enough. Do you guys not number trailers anymore. Anyways here is COD 15: Modern Warfare:
And here is Mission Impossible Fallout:
The similarities are uncanny. They both have establishing shots too. OK, maybe they're not that similar. But how about this shot from the Godzilla (2014) trailer:
Crossed with this music from Crysis 2 (Crysis 1 has people jumping from airplanes but the music isn't as good):
So back to the COD 15 trailer. We then get some European city being attacked. Here is the most shocking scene of the whole trailer. A soldier climbing on to the roof of the car and presumably firing on the driver. And then the rest is just middle east stuff similar to what we saw in the original.
So this is why I'm mad. The only new stuff is the European stuff. So I can see it right now. Oh, wait. First we have to cover this quote from Dave Stohl, some guy from Infinity Ward.
We are creating an emotionally charged experience that’s inspired by the headlines in the world today, where the rules are grey and battle lines are blurred
So I can see it right now: Call of Duty 15 is just Call of Duty 4 with a prologue tacked on where some immigrants launch some terror attack on a European city which we all know is some covert US thing because the US can't go to war without tricking the populace into it.
It just feels so cheap. Like look at the European mission. It is so over the top. It immediately reminded me of the New Zealand shooting just like cranked up to 11. I mean there's flames in the background. Are they also burning the city to the ground? It feels like some Republican propaganda game. Look at all these immigrants, they're going to kill everyone.
Right? It's "Inspired by the headlines" and the "rules are grey".
And then they go to the middle east which is fine in and of itself. The problem is when you primed us with this European stuff. So it's like, [big burly tough guy voice] "Oh, we have to go back to their home country and teach them a lesson."
Which... no. Just no. It's OK if you want to comment on actual events. But this just feels like it's based on all these fake sensationalist news stories and crazy conspiracy theories that make no sense.
So that's it. Call of Duty 15: Fake News.
Also I may be wrong about this. They may radically change the plot of the game. But then why call it Modern Warfare then. Why not call it literally anything else.
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mlpsimta · 7 years
The Nintendo Wii Mini
Just one month ago I purchased my very first Nintendo home console a Wii Mini. When it comes to Nintendo consoles I don’t have any experience at all with them. I own a 3DS since the end of August which is a brilliant handheld system (that I should cover in the future), but not a full blown home console. Nope I don’t (and had never own) even have a NES, SNES or an N64. Mainly because Nintendo was the only gaming company that flown under my radar completely as a child. So I was really excited when I found a used Wii Mini at my local game store and I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on my very first N home console!
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Eevee used Helping Hand! The Wii Mini’s FPS has increased!
So I booted up and no picture. I thought OK maybe I just plugged the component cables into the HDMI converter in a wrong way. After I confirmed that I’m indeed not colour-blind and plugged in everything in the right order I ventured into the depth of Google to figure out what was wrong with my system. I could hear the menu tone and even felt my controller vibrating so my Wii Mini couldn’t be defected. A few clicks later I found my answer for the lack of video output. As it turns out the Wii Mini can’t use component cables! So if I wish to play with my console I have to fall back to use composite cables. I was a little frustrated at that point. How a system released in 2012 couldn’t handle component output?! If you don’t understand why that is a problem basically with composite (5 plugs) you can get a much better and clearer video signal than with component (3 plugs), even the PlayStation 2 a console which is by the way older than the Wii can handle it. Luckily I own an AV2HDMI Mini converter so after changing out the video cable and converter I finally was able to see something on my monitor.
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See?! I’m not a Sony fanboy! I have a Nintendo console too!
Obviously it wasn’t a good first impression from the little device. It’s never good if the first thing after booting up something you don’t see anything. Now maybe I’m asking too much from Nintendo but I was genuinely surprised that I can’t use component cables. Mainly because the normal Wii was capable to pull out such a trick like that. Anyways I knew that I’m going to lack some features with the Wii Mini, like the lack of internet connection (which is absurd too, but I don’t really care about net) and no SD card support but I just can’t understand Nintendo sometimes (most of the times). According to them the Wii Mini is a cheaper alternative than the original Wii but that shouldn’t be the excuse to sacrifice image quality. No internet and SD support? Fine... You don’t want your console to get hacked. Although if you want to avoid hacking provide a better service than the hackers. Also looking up the prices back when the Mini came out it was only a couple of bucks cheaper. So who at Nintendo thought that the Mini is a good idea? It literally makes no sense.
OK. Enough rambling! What does the Wii Mini can offer you? Well in sort you can play Wii games on it and that’s all. If you wish to use it for as a cheap way to play Wii games (I wouldn’t recommend it) than you are good to go but bear in mind that is the only thing that the device is capable of, and if you wish to hack it to increase its IQ and show it what a present day (or 2010) device can and should do than you are shit out of luck my friend. Now I’m not saying that you should hack or mod anything that uses electricity and you should always support the developers by purchasing their games. All I’m saying is that if you wish to do it on this device than you are going to have a bad time (or a nice challenge). In summary; no internet, no dvd player support the only thing you can do on the system literally is playing Wii game on it.
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The starting library, still need to buy a couple more games....
When it comes to games the Wii Mini can handle all of the Wii titles relatively well, just bare in mind that with component cables the picture quality will be a little washed up. Basically the image quality looks like a moving water painting. So I would highly recommend purchasing a basic component to SCART converter that will help a bit. Oh also if you have an old tube TV that would be the best option to hook up your console to. Ok enough image quality back to games... The titles that I currently own are running fine and it’s really interesting to use motion controls too. Currently I own Twilight Princess, Cod MW/WAW/MW3 and other games that I wish to cover in the near future, but this time I only wish to speak about the console itself. I have never really used motion controls in the past so I was a little hesitant first how it will turn out, but I was pleasantly surprised. It took me a few minutes to get used to it and after few hours when I was completely confident and stopped pressing the wrong buttons and learnt how wildly I have to swing the Wii Mote or Nunchuck. Also using the two controllers are really good and they fairly comfortable to hold not to mention that you don’t have to hold your hands close to each other like with any usual controllers. So most of the times I’m just hanging my hands down by my sides while playing (well at least when I don’t have to point at the screen) and it is just sooo comfortable and I really enjoy it!
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Gimmicky? Yes. Fun? Hell yeah!
So far I’ve finished Modern Warfare, World at War and I’m halfway through MW3 and Twilight Princess. Using the Wii Motes for aiming in cod is hard at first and it is something that I still not really used to it but it is a really interesting way for playing an FPS game and it gives a good twist to it that I like. Maybe I shoot bullets all over the place not hitting anyone at all but man I like it! Maybe it’s because I have completely missed this motion control nonsense so it’s still new to me but I really want to see this concept not to die. Especially that Sony already has it so maybe if they would do something about it that would be nice. Not to mention if someone who hasn’t played a game before than motion controls is a great and simple way to teach them how to play. Speaking of which!
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Also I got my hands on a normal Wii that is protected by Sylveon!
The biggest reason I love this little machine is that it was capable of doing something that I have failed countless times. Mainly introducing gaming to my family members and other friends who are normally trying to stay away from gaming as far as possible. My father really got into Mario Kart! Since I showed him each day he request to play a couple of tracks which is insane because I showed him games before that he would like but never got into them, so to see that he is the one wanting to play is an absolute joy! Other than my dad’s liking of Mario Kart Wii my mom and sister has an interest in Wii Sports and Just Dance 2014. They haven’t really got hooked into them but if I see them bored and I suggest playing a few rounds of bowling or dancing they don’t hesitate to say yes.
Over all the Wii Mini is maybe not the best device (and as of writing this I already got a normal first model Wii) but if you find one at a yard sale and there’s absolute no way for you to buy a normal one, go for it! Playing games with motion controls as I have already stated in this mess of a review a dozens of times is really fun and well made also if you are trying to introduce gaming to someone you care about than a Wii is an excellent system! I often like to give shit to Nintendo when they deserve it, but man when they do it right they do it an outstanding performance. So now that I own some consoles from the Big N and played some of their games I have to say: I’ve got some catching up to do and play some games that I missed completely.
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Follow me at twitter where I absolutely do nothing interesting: https://twitter.com/MLP_Simta Read all of my previous “work” at: http://mlpsimta.tumblr.com/ Shameless self advertisement over —————————————————————————————————-  
Obligatory question so that you can comment under the post: What is your favorite game on the wii that I should buy and do you like the system too?
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Modern Warfare update is lot bigger than expected for some • Eurogamer.net
Some Xbox One players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone were this morning faced with a mammoth 84GB download.
Season 4 of Infinity Ward’s shooter kicked off at 7am this morning, and with it came a download the developer had warned would be “large”.
The download weighs in at 45GB on PC, 32.375GB on PS4, and 44GB on Xbox One. At least, it’s supposed to be 44GB on Xbox One. However, some Xbox One users are having to download twice that size – and as you’d expect the reaction is negative.
Me waiting for MW Season 4 update: ?
Finds out its 84 GB: pic.twitter.com/SqE3aCH8xX
— (siege)zxs? (@zxsknowsbest) June 11, 2020
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Me: ?ayo I?m just gonna jump on modern warfare real quick before I get some sleep?. 84 GB Update: pic.twitter.com/miUBcQaKUh
— Ty (@TrunnellT) June 11, 2020
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My console after this 84 GB COD update pic.twitter.com/nw27rA3tn3
— juan? (@Jolivas_16) June 11, 2020
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Me: Another Call of Duty update and it?s 84 GB!! Why??!!!
Infinity Ward: pic.twitter.com/8ng4vaZQWJ
— Rosa Parks? Burner Account (@Rosasburner) June 11, 2020
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Me having to delete all my other games to make room for the 84GB update pic.twitter.com/95T9jmXjqL
— Eti (@its_8zaz) June 11, 2020
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This has led to “84GB” trending worldwide on Twitter.
Modern Warfare’s newest update is so outrageously big that ’84 GB’ has reached the second spot on Twitter’s worldwide trends list pic.twitter.com/diM7ncjU8u
— Nibel (@Nibellion) June 11, 2020
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Activision has said it’s investigating the issue, so it sounds like this Xbox One download size is an error. However, that won’t be of much help to the Call of Duty fans that are already in the middle of the download.
We’re actively investigating an issue for #ModernWarfare where some players on Xbox are seeing a larger than expected download size for today’s update. Stay tuned for updates
— Activision Support (@ATVIAssist) June 11, 2020
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Larger? Are you kidding me. Mines over 80gig pic.twitter.com/LpuvWa9BOy
— Keith Brown (@KeithBr89743464) June 11, 2020
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Well we?ll into it, and now the servers have bottomed out ? pic.twitter.com/uJ8RIcQQx3
— David James Murton (@delid4ve) June 11, 2020
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Infinity Ward has come under increasing pressure over the enormous install footprint of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone, as well as the enormous downloads required to update the game.
If you had the complete Call of Duty: Modern Warfare experience on your PlayStation 4 (pre-Season 4 update), it took up 190.1GB on your hard-drive.
In a series of tweets issued last night, Infinity Ward community manager Ashton Williams said Infinity Ward was reducing the overall disc space that Modern Warfare and Warzone take up by compressing assets.
This means that once installed, the Series 4 update will only take up an additional 4GB on consoles. However, players are still faced with an enormous download this morning.
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Williams pointed to the option for console players to uninstall content packs for modes they’re not playing in order to free up space. However, this option is not available to PC players.
Williams added Infinity Ward is “continuing to sweep all assets to make size reductions where we can, and also further optimise future patches for size”, which hopefully means future Call of Duty: Modern Warfare downloads won’t be quite as big.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/modern-warfare-update-is-lot-bigger-than-expected-for-some-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=modern-warfare-update-is-lot-bigger-than-expected-for-some-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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terryblount · 5 years
Top 10 Most Optimized PC Games of 2019
And here is the article that most of you have been waiting for. As we’ve already said, 2019 was a pretty interesting year for PC gaming. This year we got some truly great looking PC games that ran like a charm on a huge range of PC configurations.
However, we should make it crystal clear that this is a “Best Optimized” list and not a “Best Graphics” list. As such, Quake 2 RTX, Control, Metro: Exodus and Red Dead Redemption 2 are not part of this list. While the aforementioned titles are easily the best looking PC games of 2019, they are not the most optimized ones.
But what do we consider an optimized PC game? In our opinion, a game that is optimized for the PC is one that can scale well on multiple CPU cores. We also take into account other issues, like stuttering and stability issues, mouse smoothing/acceleration, etc. Not only that, but the visuals/performance ratio plays a huge part here too.
In short, we’re examining a game’s technical aspect. This means that not only must game engines scale well on modern-day hardware, but developers must also ensure that things like PC-specific graphical features, PC technologies and PC controls are properly supported. We should also note that we’ve tested the latest patched versions of these games.
So, without further ado, here are our Top 10 Most Optimized PC Games of 2019.
Apex Legends is running well on the PC. The game does not require a high-end CPU in order to be enjoyed and we did not experience any latency issues. Thankfully, the game offers raw mouse input and does not suffer from any mouse acceleration or smoothing issues. Still, and while it’s for the most part a solid PC product, Apex Legends features some areas that are way more GPU demanding than we’d expect. Respawn has not addressed this issue, which is why the game is in 10th place.
9) Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order runs pretty great on the PC platform. Contrary to the console versions, the stuttering issues are not that awful on the PC. Respawn has released some patches that addressed some of the game’s issues. Moreover, the game can run with 60fps on a variety of PC configurations. While there is still room for improvement, the game now looks and runs great on the PC.
8) World War Z
World War Z is a really optimized PC title. Even though the Vulkan API currently has some issues, the game runs like a charm on a wide range of PC configurations even when using the DX11 API. World War Z does not require a high-end CPU or GPU, and looks on par with what you’d expect to see in a current-gen FPS.
7) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare runs great on the PC platform. At launch, the game suffered from some truly annoying technical issues. Thankfully, Beenox has minimized the awful stuttering issues while loading a level. There are still some minor issues, however, COD: MW now looks and runs great on the PC.
6) RAGE 2
RAGE 2 runs like a charm on the PC platform. The game can run smoothly on a variety of PC configurations and scales amazingly well on multiple CPU cores/threads. Moreover, we did not experience any mouse acceleration or smoothing issues, though I do have to say that the default sensitivity values (when using iron sights) was a bit lower than expected. Naturally, the game displays proper on-screen K&M indicators and there is a Field of View slider for you to use.
5) Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry 5 is one of the most optimized PC games of 2019. Capcom’s latest action game looks beautiful and runs extremely well on a variety of PC configurations. Mouse controls are also great and there aren’t any mouse acceleration or smoothing issues. Unfortunately some of the default keys are not mapped correctly/ideally (I mean, who can press simultaneously Shift and CTRL while playing the game? Seriously Capcom?) however we could easily pull off most of the combos and get an “SSS” ranking so yeah. In short, Devil May Cry 5 is really enjoyable with a K&M. The game would have been higher on the list if it had larger environments. Unfortunately, and contrary to its “cousin”, DMC5 is not as ambitious as the following games.
4) Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint
While as a game Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a big disappointment, we can all agree that it looks and runs great on the PC. This is easily one of the best looking open-world games out there. The game looks and runs better than Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Watch_Dogs 2. Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s PC version has a lot of graphics settings, it can scale on older hardware, and it does not suffer from mouse acceleration/smoothing issues.
3) Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Similarly to Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Youngblood was a disappointing game. However, Wolfenstein: Youngblood is one of the most optimized PC games of 2019. MachineGames has offered a lot of graphics settings to tweak. The game also runs silky smooth on older PC systems thanks to id Tech 6 Engine and the Vulkan API. Wolfenstein: Youngblood also proves how underused older high-end CPUs — those equipped with six CPU cores that support twelve threads — are in most modern-day triple-A titles. Here is hoping that more developers will follow id Software’s example and make their engines run faster on already existing hardware.
2) Gears 5
Gears 5 runs exceptionally well on the PC platform. The game does not require a high-end CPU and we did not experience any stuttering issues. The game also packs one hell of graphics settings to tweak, and it plays great with mouse and keyboard. It’s also worth noting that Gears 5 runs incredibly well on AMD’s hardware. While it does not push the PC graphics boundaries, Gears 5 is easily one of the most optimized PC games of 2019.
1) Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake is easily our most optimized PC games of 2019. Although the game does not require a high-end PC system, it looks gorgeous and can scale on multiple CPU cores. Capcom has also removed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech, and has implemented one of the best graphics settings menu we’ve seen to date. The K+M controls are also excellent with proper on-screen indicators. Now the main reason we consider Resident Evil 2 Remake better than Gears 5 is because it can sometimes look like a next-gen title. Yes, this is a more linear experience than Gears 5, however, the game looks and runs significantly better than it. Capcom has simply outdone itself, and we can’t wait to see what its next-gen games will look like.
The post Top 10 Most Optimized PC Games of 2019 appeared first on DSOGaming.
Top 10 Most Optimized PC Games of 2019 published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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nerdburglarsgaming · 5 years
A new and fairly lengthy trailer for Death Stranding has dropped and it shows us a shit load more about the game…not that it has helped me figure out what the hell is going on yet. I’m sure in traditional Kojima fashion, there will be a million hidden secrets in the trailer for people to start digging up. I am starting to get hyped for this game, but at the same time, I have no idea what I am getting excited about.
There were some brief gameplay scenes that show some combat, a bike you can drive and a few of the things you have in your inventory. Shout out to that kick ass looking magic ladder. I can’t wait to see what things people end up doing with this to clip outside of the games environment. And what is going on with all those invisible dead lads hanging in the forest. This game seems nuts! Check out the trailer for yourself!
Still confused, or even more confused about what this game is now? What’s going on with that baby? Does it have a gopro in there with him or something? It certainly has tickled my interest anyway. We have a release date now! Do we start taking bets now about it being delayed?
In other news, a new Modern Warfare, but back to its origins? It doesn’t look like a HD remake but rather a franchise reset. I forget the name of that lad with the cigar, but he’s back. Where would the world be without my informative character descriptions. Price, is his name Price? Whatever, he’s the lad with the big ass mutton chop sideburns.
The trailer doesn’t really have anything all that special in it, it is more the reveal that its a new Modern Warfare game that is exciting. I tell ya, this game better have a fuckin story. None of that battle royale bullshit. I want a new COD story!
If you do not believe me or want to double check my character description, here is the trailer for the new Modern Warfare game.
The post New Modern Warfare and Death Stranding..Whatever it was appeared first on Nerdburglars Gaming.
via Nerdburglars Gaming
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geek-gem · 7 years
Call Of Duty Movie Director In Talks
Meh won't put a Call Of Duty movie tag. Yet also still have Google screen of last link.
Okay let me explain some shit....I found this out on Steam from the original Call Of Duty game.
Including just....this news also when searching on Google....was from three days ago and this one last time I saw it said 8 hours ago now 9 hours ago.
Okay I'll reveal this and goes in theme with that I finished Modern Warfare 1 on PC some hour ago. Along with deciding to buy the original COD it's installing, COD2, and Modern Warfare 3. Then played some Wolfenstein 3D after a long time almost left Modern Warfare and 3F. So decided to get Return To Wolfenstein.
Yet seriously I found out about this on Steam. Including I will make a journal/post about the FNAF movie getting a director after this. Including I'm talking about these ones because I'm a fan of both series.
But yeah and let me link this I'm sorry to ramble. https://www.pcgamer.com/sicario-2-director-in-talks-to-helm-the-call-of-duty-movie/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0
Read through that entire thing so the director of Sicario 2 had to look back twice on the news for that title. But the director is in talks to direct the movie.
Including the news mentions about this being part of Activision Blizzard Studios attempt at a Call Of Duty cinematic universe that's interconnected.
Also some of the person's more person opinions. But here's mine.
I will say it's nice to finally have more news. Think it's been since last year or some what we got news of this COD cinematic universe.
Including that the movie has not been confirmed and honestly I feel I should link a video detailing the first announcement of this crap.
Watched a little bit of the video yet this is the one I remembered seeing recently.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RGQt-kUclHo along with I guess I'll add 3 Buck Theater's too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7YWOVWKCSps before these went to this Chaos one but got off of it.
I'll be honest about a Call Of Duty movie. I'm alright with it mainly. Including okay my head basically to be honest compared to certain games. Guess it's kind of easy or easier.
Considering how not all of the games are into one timeline. Along with the settings basically.
But a cinematic universe is kind of crazy. Listen my personal opinion considering of how big the COD franchise is. I feel a COD movie is a good idea for money sakes. Despite recent games from what I remember not being as big as older games. Basically what I'm saying Call Of Duty in my mindset and viewpoint is still this big brand that can make money.
In fact a movie is kind of genius and if it's made well or some shit like that.
Yet will say so their not making straight adaptations. But honestly I'll be honest and were gonna be talking about the Modern Warfare series for this only right now.
Let me say casting is difficult. I'll give you one example Captain Price. Including mainly the first two games and even the third for some with playable characters with no faces, personalities, or even voices mostly(Examples Paul Jackson, James Ramirez, Gary Roach Sanderon) and some others. But they aren't as important or whatever as some other characters. Also coughed to the left during that naming of characters.
But it's cool to have some news. Including theirs this other news just I think I'll look at it okay.
Honestly I don't want to keep you guys waiting or have it as another journal or post. Including I don't know if it's seriously true because people can make stuff up but it's interesting. Yet if it's true just I haven't looked more for this news. https://www.google.com/amp/metro.co.uk/2018/02/15/tom-hardy-and-chris-pine-could-be-the-leading-men-in-call-of-duty-movie-if-sicario-2-director-gets-his-way-7315184/amp/
Basically the director well it's not confirmed but yeah the director is wanting actors like Tom Hardy and Chris Pine for the movie if he gets his way. Sounds childish the way I put it.
I'm gonna be weird and please don't take my opinions as fact. For some reason seeing these two casting choices.
All I can think of is casting choices for Soap(who appeared in the Modern Warfare trilogy) and Paul Jackson (who appeared in the original Modern Warfare) basically Tom as Soap and Chris as Paul.
That's a weird opinion or thought of mine because I can see Modern Warfare 1 being adapted if we wanna go a safe route.
Yet while not confirmed I've seen a theory and go with it that Soap is about 30 during the original Modern Warfare, and Paul's age was never revealed. Yet I basically head canon him as 25 years old.
Meh honestly I shouldn't have a problem with 40 year olds playing people in their 30's really theirs not a problem. Yet I shouldn't be thinking that's the reason why their casting.
Including since Paul wasn't a major character. Along with Soap is Scottish and the director might of not played the games. Or just something whatever seriously stupid theories of mine. The man could be a fan or not. He just likes the actors and honestly could relate.
Also hey if Tom Hardy and Chris Pine are in the movie cool, awesome.
Well I've wanted to share this news. Including on Tumblr since last time I checked their isn't really any news of this COD movie stuff. Because that was last year but maybe hopefully this year. Well I'll be one of them if no one else does or meh. Yeah this became a lot more then news wanted to give my opinions.
Edit put the modern warfare tag
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