#i can’t tell if they’d get along or hate eachother
nooooough · 1 year
I really wanna see an outfit-swap of these two ladies
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witchyfanficwriter · 3 months
I hate you - Theodore Nott x Reader
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You hate Theodore Nott. And he hates you.
You’re a Griffindor, brave, loyal, charming.
Best friends with Ron, Hermione and Harry.
You sit next to Neville in Charms and Seamus in potions.
Your always getting points for Griffindor, and your always, always with Hermione, Harry, and Ron talking about Voldermort, and how to stop him. Especially Harry.
Your always with them, even when Malfoy and his gang are pressing into him, making fun of him, calling him names. You hate them. Draco, Blaise, Matteo, Enzo, and Theo. Theodore Nott. And he hates you too.
You hate the way he stares as Malfoy starts berating you guys over Harry’s fainting mishap on the way to school. ”is is true you fainted, i mean you actually fainted?“ ”and your just as bad“ Malfoy turns to you, his cold glare burning into your skin, Theo’s eyes dropping to the floor breaking the contact you had held up to this point. “quick somebody help him, somebody help him“ Malfoy recites mockingly, reciting your panicked cries on the train earlier on.
You glare at him as Ron tells him to shove off, and you turn back to your table, your backs to them once again.
You hate how everytime you, with the other three, walk past the slytherins, they can’t help but make a smug comment, to knock you guys down about something. And you hate the way Theo laughs along, his gaze burning into you.
And you hate him right now, as his hands roam down your body, greedily grabbing at your shirt trying to rip it open, his lips sucking hungrily on the exposed skin of your neck . And you hate how you let him, how your head tilts perfectly to let him in. And you know you shouldn’t, and you do tell him. ”We. should.. stop“ you mutter out inbetween kisses, but both of you know none of you want to stop. You hate him, you hate how he can go from making you feel like your the only girl in the world, to acting like he doesn’t even know you the next. You hate how he can get you to abandon your morals, you hate how much you are betraying your friends by being here, with him, and you hate to wonder what they’d think if they knew what you were doing. And you hate how everything he is doing feels so good, like he’s studied your body over and over, obsessed over it, knowing it’s every inch, and you hate how you cling onto him as he fills you up with pleasure. And you hate how his name falls out of your mouth, over and over again. And you hate the way his eyes, which look at you right now with so much love and desire, lust seeping through them as his gaze narrows over your soft features, a frown mirroring your own as you find yourself lost in thought, will look at you tomorrow with the same cold malice as they do everyday, as he laughs along at some snide comment Malfoy has aimed at you and your friends. And the way his gaze will glance quickly at the collar of your shirt, pulled up slightly higher than usual to hide the hickeys scattered along there, the hickeys only you and him know about.
And even though you hate him, and he hates you, the both of you still find yourselves every night, while everyone else is asleep, clinging onto eachother, like your the only thing the other has ever loved in the world.
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
I can’t tell if Fion and Frank would get along or hate each other in the beginning. Like I’ve got no doubt they’d eventually like eachother but in the beginning? I dunno I feel like Fion would dislike Frank since he reminds him of himself a little too much
I like how you mention that, Fionn and Frank are very similar indeed- you're right, Fionn would dislike Frank because of the similarities, but Frank would hate Fionn because he's "the worst possible outcome" since they're so similar
eventually they do soften up and act friendly!
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flysafepapi · 1 year
Vikings ask ragnarsson reaction to seeing each other in vallhala
Okay, I haven’t thought as much about this, but here goes. (This is assuming they all made it there, which wouldn’t be the case for a few of them but we’re gonna ignore that for this.) (I apologise in advance for the wall of text. None of this is based in fact, only my opinions.)
Bjorn’s reaction would be mixed, both happy to see them there, probably still irritated about how everything ended up. Definitely still pissed at Hvitserk about Lagertha, but I think they’d both work it out after fighting to the death a few hundred times. I can’t see him and Ivar becoming friendly even in the afterlife, they both represent two different aspects of Ragnar way too strongly to ever get along for more than a few minutes at a time.
Ubbe, I feel, would mostly be happy that his family is back together again, regardless of how everything ended when they were all alive. Maybe a little less enthused to see Bjorn again, because I feel like, as the second oldest/oldest of Ragnar and Aslaug’s children, there’d be a little too much competition between them, even if they’d both never call it that. (We all know they’d be still vying for their father’s attention as they’re both, through different mothers, his oldest)
Hvitserk is the true middle child (I can relate bc me and my brother are both the middle children of all our siblings), so while he’s probably going to be hesitant at first, he’s absolutely the peacemaker of the family, so he’s gonna be doing the Absolute Most™️ to get everyone to either apologise to eachother for all the shit they did to eachother (extremely unlikely when dealing with Ivar) or just to at least pretend it never happened and move past it (much more plausible) Definitely goes towards Ivar first, a little because Ivar is not-so-secretly his favourite, but because a thousand years spent in the afterlife couldn’t make him drop the habit of making sure Ivar wasn’t being an idiot and overexerting himself. (It was supposed to be Ubbe’s job as the oldest but it was always Hvitserk that took over that instead.)
Sigurd is the tricky one, because he wasn’t really developed much in the series, and what little development we did get wasn’t the positive kind, so it’s difficult to say what I think his reaction would be. There’d be a heavy amount of annoyance in there, that “Oh my god, I can’t escape these people even when I’m dead” kind, but I think the more time that goes by, the more he’d mellow out and actually stop being so standoffish all the time. Except when it comes to Ivar. Those two are never making up, ever, being within six feet of eachother either ends in one getting killed until they come back the next day (I don’t know the exact time, I don’t know much Norse mythology), or they’re going to act like the other doesn’t even exist.
Ivar’s secretly going to be happy to see them again, minus Sigurd, but would never, ever admit it. Honestly I’m sure he would rather do literally anything else than tell Bjorn that maybe he doesn’t hate the mere sight of him. Hvitserk gets a pass on that, only when Ivar is sure they’re alone, and only if he promises never to ever tell anyone else. Gotta keep his reputation, of course. (Floki also gets another pass, but no one is surprised by that one, anyone with eyes could see that Floki absolutely has a favourite and it’s Ivar.)
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” and “Nobody’s seen you in days.” that would be inchresting 👀👀
for mari my beloved, 
(aka @chironshorseass ) 
as you know this sort of got away from me. one second i was writing a drabble of angst, the next I'm on the 16th page with no end in sight. so this maybe isn’t what you were expecting but have 5k of post-botl/pre-tlo pining idiot besties who are in love :). 
(also this hasn’t been beta’d and i'm welcome to volunteers i just finished and got so excited i had to post.)
(dear one anon who asked for 'forget it you're a fucking asshole' too, if you're reading this, don't worry yours is coming too i promise)
(final s/o to @posallys for letting me scream about them)
24 hours
read on ao3
enjoy <3
Percy is fucking exhasted.
He was supposed to be back at camp four days ago. The deal was he’d spend weekdays at camp to plan and train and weekends at home to relax. But, he kept putting it off, opting to keep the weight on his chest that’d been pushing him down since last summer bearable, and not crushing the way it always was at camp. So, when he gets through the barrier, aside from nodding hello to Beckendorph and Silena, he makes a beeline to his cabin. He manages to keep his eyes down until he’s standing at his porch steps- and that when he sees her.
Annabeth is pacing on his balcony. She’s wearing jean shorts and her camp shirt, but instead of her typical ponytail her hair is in two intricate braids that reach her breastbone. She’s muttering to herself and wringing her hands together and for a moment Percy forgets. He forgets the past year and all the arguing and the bitterness and he sees Annabeth is worried about something and he reaches out as if to hold her. To wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything is going to be alright.  
But then he remembers.
He retracts his hands.
He clears his throat and Annabeth startles. Her grey eyes are as intense as ever and he can almost see her defences come up. He hates that it's because of him. Annabeth is the first to break the silence.
“Hey.” Her voice is small but clear. Not yet vulnerable, but gives Percy the sense that it could be soon.
“What’re you doing here?” He isn’t sure he said it out loud until she ducks her head and flushes.
“Nobody’s seen you in days.” It’s not the accusation he expects. It's also not an answer to his question. Just an observation.
“I’m here now.” He says it like it’s an invitation. He then becomes incredibly aware that he's still looking up at her from the bottom of the steps, so he grabs his duffel, bounds up the stairs, and opens his cabin door. He hesitates and meets her eye with another silent question. She answers by stepping inside.
He drops his bag by his bed and turns on the light. The air is charged with unasked questions and unfinished conversations. He can’t stand it. He’s about to attempt small talk when she says something that nearly knocks down where he stands.
“I miss you.” She’s wringing her hands again and she won’t look him in the eye, but takes his silence as confusion.
“That’s what I came here to say, that I miss you.”
Percy isn’t sure what to say. Percy isn’t sure this conversation is really happening, she’s broken so many of the fragile rules they’d been following all year. He’s 98% sure this is a really vivid daydream to cope with…. well everything.
He decides that on the off chance this is real he should play it safe so, he states the obvious.
“I’m here. We’re here, together. We’re together and-” She cuts him off and begins to ramble.
“Strained and awkward and it's like there’s this chasm between us of all these things from last summer. From our kiss, to you dying, and then you not dying, and Rachel, and Luke, and Luke being Not-Luke, and it’s like we can’t have a conversation anymore and that sucks ‘cause..”
She pauses for the first time to look up at him and her eyes are shining.
“You’re kinda my best friend. And I miss you. Everything sucks and I'm tired of fighting. And I really miss you.”
Percy’s too shocked to say anything. It occurs to him that he should respond but he can’t find the words. All the unspoken rules they had in place and Annabeth had just steamrolled right through them. Percy realizes his mistake in staying silent as Annabeth flushes and turns to leave.
“Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” And oh no Annabeth had just swallowed her pride (which he knows better than anyone is no easy feat) to say everything he’d wanted to hear and he can’t let her walk away.
“I miss you too.” The words tumble out of him, clunky and a little awkward but earnest. Annabeth stops and faces him, eyes suspicious in the way that breaks his heart a little bit.
“Yeah. Really.”
Annabeth exhales and shoots him a tremulous smile he hasn’t seen in forever, and oh he’d forgotten what it did to his chest when she did. Before he does something stupid like tell her he thinks her smile is the best this he’s ever seen, he clears his throat.
“So…. this chasm you said, what do you propose we do about it?”
“24 hours. For 24 hours everything that I listed before is a non-issue. After that we can go back to…..whatever it is we’re doing now. One day, where we’re just two friends spending a day at camp together..”
“Best friends.” He corrects without thinking. She rolls her eyes, and he almost giggles because he’d missed her eyerolls too.
She holds out her hand to shake, all business-like and gods he missed her.
“Best friends. 24 hours.”
He takes her hand. Her shake is firm, her palms are warm, her eyes are bright, and she is beautiful.
“Where do we start?”
Apparently it starts with homework.
After he asked where they’d begin, Annabeth had flashed him a wicked grin, damn-near dragged him off the porch, and made a beeline to the Big House. Before last summer, Annabeth had been “tutoring” him. Once a week they’d head down to the Big House and spend hours combing through myths and legends, practicing Ancient Greek, and all things Demigod 101. It probably wasn’t ever that useful considering Percy barely remembered any of it, but Annabeth had always insisted. After last summer they’d non-verbally decided to take a break from it (eachother), and they’d never started back up.
Usually he’d halfheartedly complain that it was pointless and say some form of ‘I know enough to not die and that's good enough for me’ every five minutes, but today he nods dutifully along as Annabeth talks animatedly about Orpheus, and Theseus, and all the other -eus’s. He’ll ask a dumb question that they both know he knows the answer to, but she answers him anyway. He watches the wisps of hair that refused to be tied down, and counts the tiny sunspots across her nose and the way she wrinkles her eyebrow when she forgets a name.
It’s not terrible. It’s kinda the opposite. He’d forgotten that she made studying not terrible.
He’s so screwed.
The stables are almost empty when they get there.
After 2 hours of studying, (one hour of studying, one hour of laughing and talking and calling it studying) Annabeth declared it was his turn to pick the activity. Tired of sitting still Percy lands on tending to the pegasi. It was one of his favorite things about camp plus he got to teach Annabeth something for once. Annabeth was comfortable enough around them but she never spent anytime with them that she didn’t have to.
When they entered the barn, Blackjack gave him a look and he blushed remembering all the times he’d come to the stables with Beckendorph to vent about how much he missed Annabeth, (He didn’t even know horses could give looks but here we are) and silently told him it was a long story and to be cool. Annabeth had stopped next to one of the cleaning stations and was looking at him expectantly. He cleared his throat and they got to work. He showed her how to brush them and how to get tangles out of their manes, where to scritch them and where not to scratch them. He showed her how to check their feathers and make sure their wings were healthy and how to get them to be still enough to check.
Annabeth was excellent with them, gentle hands and kind eyes. Whenever she approached one she would look them in the eye and talk to them like the intelligent creatures they were. Each time she got started taking care of a new steed she’d gently reach for the muzzle and say in a soothing voice:
“Hi, my name is Annabeth and I'm going to groom you today. Don’t worry, I'm friends with Percy, and he taught me exactly how to take care of you. If I’m doing something wrong, let him know and he’ll tell me how to fix it. I promise I’ll do my best to make sure you feel like a brand new pegasus.”
Frankly, it was fucking adorable.
Pork-pie had taken a special liking to Annabeth, telepathically asking Percy if she could groom him more often. When he told this to Annabeth she’d beamed and enthusiastically agreed to come down whenever she could. Percy had off-handedly suggested that they take them out for a bit and Annabeth immediately started to release Pork-Pie from his stall.
They flew over camp for what could’ve been minutes or hours. He was lucky that Blackjack could fly himself because Percy couldn’t take his eyes off his flying partner. Her braids held firm, but a few rebellious curls were now whipping with the wind. The atmosphere combined with the speed they were flying, made her cheeks red and splotchy. Her smile is brighter than the sun, and eyes- gods her eyes were going to be the death of him. The sun and her mood (he had this theory that her eyes changed color based on her emotions) had made them almost blue, they are full of laughter, and Percy adores her. And when she directs her sunshine-smile at him, Percy can’t help but smile back.
(He doesn’t stop smiling until they land.)
As they're putting their pegusi back in their stalls, Blackjack decides to give him some advice.
“I know I don’t understand all of your fragile human emotions, but I know enough. There’s a lot of bad in this world of ours, and from what you’ve told me about this war business it's only gonna get worse. You gotta make the most of the good.”  He tilts his head over to Annabeth who is cooing at a preening Pork-Pie.
“You and ladyboss, you’re good together. And really nothing else matters.”
He doesn’t have time to even think about a response when Annabeth is walking over from Pork-Pie’s stall, and telling him it's time for a picnic.
(“What did Blackjack say to you? You looked kinda flustered when I got you.” Percy almost drops the plate he’s piling with food from the buffet. He’s gotten three pointedly confused looks at the sight of him and Annabeth together and not strangling each other and a thumbs-up from Grover. He and Annabeth are getting their food and then they’ll go sit by the beach.
“Oh,” He clears his throat and goes with the first thing he thinks of. “Blackjack calls you ladyboss.” Good that's good, not technically a lie either.
“Huh. Weird.” Annabeth, seemingly satisfied with this, returns her attention to the grapes she is adding to her plate.)
“Where do you go?” Annabeth asks. She’s sitting next to him in the sand brushing crumbs off her fingers. They had been eating and watching the ocean in comfortable silence and Percy furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Lots of days when you’re at camp for lunch and sometimes dinner you just disappear for hours. And I know you aren’t going home because your stuff is still in your cabin. Where do you go?”
It’s not an accusation, just a question. Percy gets the feeling she doesn’t want to know so she can disturb, she just worries. Percy knows her. He knows she’s always planning for the worst and she needs to be able to get to him if there's an emergency.
(It strikes him that she notices when he disappears and he feels guilty but also just a little hopeful. Because she misses him as much as he misses her.)
He stacks their plates and rests them on the blanket they’d been sharing. Percy stands up and holds out his hand, gesturing for Annabeth to do the same.
“C’mon, I’ll show you.”
He tells her to close her eyes. She gives him a skeptical look but obliges and holds out her hands, a silent request for him to guide her. It’s almost easier to take her hands in his without those trademark eyes on him. But it’s not any less intense. As soon as their fingers interlock sparks of electricity lick up his arm. Now that her eyes are closed he can look at her face up close without fear. Her curls had gotten more unruly as the day went on, and the ringlets that framed her face blew lightly in the ocean breeze. He leads her slowly towards the ocean, using his powers to dry any spot she walks on. He sees her brows furrow when she notices how far they’ve walked towards the ocean without their feet getting wet, but she doesn’t say anything. He parts the water for her to walk through, and when the water rises above their heads, he forms an air bubble that moves with them, keeping them dry. When they get to a good spot, squeezes her hand signaling for her to stop with him, but tells her to keep her eyes closed. Then he closes his eyes with her and calls out to the ocean's creatures, making himself a beacon.
Here I am, he thinks. The son of Poseidon.
Come to me.
Minutes pass.
“You can open your eyes now.” He whispers.
She does, and lets out a soft gasp, “Oh, Percy.”
He smiles and looks out at the scene before them. He’d come down here after a particularly bad day and just wanted to sit in silence. It was an accident, calling the creatures to him. Subconsciously, he must have sent a message along that he was feeling alone. And all sorts of sea creatures - from greek monsters and to great white sharks to your average cod had flocked to him. And he didn’t feel so alone. So now, whenever he couldn’t take the human world, he’d come down here and talk to the fish.
This time he’d actually concentrated on getting a message out and they did not disappoint. He couldn’t count all the animals that had heeded his call but it was a sight to behold. He had willed some glowing coral from the deeper ocean to stay in that spot, which created a multicolored tint to everything around them.
Normally they come right up close to him, but this time they were hesitant. And as he listened to the creatures and heard more than a few whispers of Athena and stranger, he’s suddenly reminded that she’s the only person he’s ever done this with. It’s his favorite place, and she is the only other person ever to see it.
“It's okay guys, she’s a friend.” He reassures them. When he looked back at Annabeth, her mouth was still hung open and she was staring out at the scene in front of them in wonder. He smiles at her dazed silence and uses the hand he’s still holding to tug her up to the barrier of the bubble. The first creature willing to accept Annabeth is a baby spotted dolphin. He swims towards the clumsily with eager fins and pokes at the barrier with it’s snout. Annabeth's eyes widen in fear and look up at him and it takes a second to realize she isn’t afraid of the animal, but of their bubble popping.
“Don’t worry, the bubble won’t break unless I break it myself, and it’ll last however long I want it to.” He reassures her. He senses her hesitation so he guides her hand up to meet the snout of the baby dolphin who seems fascinated with Annabeth herself. He reaches his snout and head bumps directly into the spot on the bubble where her palm is placed.
Annabeth lets out a laugh, the kind of laugh that sort of bubbles out of you without warning and it’s the best thing Percy’s ever heard. He watches as the shock fades for her features and she pets the infant creature through the sheen of bubble keeping them dry. The animals begin to warm up to Annabeth as well, and as soon as they figure out she’s not some evil Athena agent sent to destroy the ocean, they join in on the fun. Hundreds of ocean creatures of all sizes begin doing tricks, nuzzling up to the flexible barrier, all vying for Annabeth’s attention. Annabeth herself is happy to oblige. Ever consistent, she introduces herself to each creature she meets. She smiles and laughs and reaches out to all the animals she can. Percy is happy simply to watch her and keep the bubble up but then she turns to him, eyebrow drawn together in concern, pointing to a particularly awnry seahorse, and asks what it's saying.
“He says his name is Frank and that he’s ‘too pregnant for this shit.’”
Annabeth stares blankly.
“His words not mine.” Percy offers hands up in surrender.
Then she snorts and then they’re laughing, they’re laughing harder than they have in years, and it's that kind of hysterical laugh where everything around them makes it more funny, and soon Percy’s clutching his stomach and Annabeth is beet red.  As soon as it subsides enough to get words out Annabeth is shaking his arm saying “Do that one! What's he saying? Oh my gods what even is that? Does that one like me? That ones majestic, what's his name? Oh Percy, look!! Look at that one!”
So he translates and they laugh and he teaches her different species and Annabeth nods along like it’s very important stuff. She pets the baby dolphin through the bubble and listens intently to all the animals telling her stories, even though she can’t understand a word until Percy tells her what they said. And when it’s time to go he sees the tears in her eyes and tells Percy to promise the baby that she’ll visit all the time, even though they both know she can’t.
(Apparently the baby dolphins name is Arnold, and according to his mother, he was so enthralled by Annabeth because when he first saw her he thought she was an angel.)
(Percy thinks he’s not too far off.)
(“That was incredible Percy. Thank you so much for sharing that with me.” They had been walking in silence as they made their way back to camp using the bubble, enjoying the afterglow of their adventure.
“Yeah, of course.” She smiles at him and looks ahead.
He’s not sure why he does it but without looking at her he reaches out and ever so carefully, and brushes her fingertips with his.
Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t say anything.
Then suddenly, miraculously, her hand tilts and their fingers are interlocked.
And there's no pretense of guiding her somewhere, they’re just….holding hands.
And it's perfect.)
Percy thinks if he’s not in love with her, he’s pretty damn close.
Because this feeling, the one he gets in his chest when he looks at her, is what love feels like.  
When they resurface, they’re met with twinkling lights and the last three stragglers singing softly at the campfire. It’s almost time for lights out.
Oh no.
Annabeth seems to be coming to the same realization, as she clears her throat and lets go of his hand. He misses her fingers immediately.
“So, I guess we should start heading to bed.” She looks at him, hopeful but he’s stuck. Stuck in the feeling of dread at the idea of waking up tomorrow and not having his best friend. Suddenly the idea of leaving her side is so unbearable he can’t speak.
“Goodnight, Percy.” She’s turning around and backing away when the words lodged in his throat come unstuck.
“8 in the morning.” She turns giving him a ‘what are you on about’ look.
“That when you came and got me at 8 in the morning. We agreed on 24 hours. It's only been 12.”
She smiles slow and wide, “You know you're right, that math checks out.”
“We had very clear terms. We even shook on it.”
“Yes we did.”, she nods gravely. “It’s a binding agreement, we can’t just ignore it.”
“So what do we do?”
She flashes a wicked grin. “You aren’t the only one with a secret spot.”
Percy arrives in the Big House 20 minutes after curfew was called, exactly as Annabeth had instructed. He felt her presence before she re-materialized in front of him and in a low conspiratorial whisper tells him to follow her.
They sneak down to the basement and Percy is confused when she keeps walking towards the corner. She lifts up a floorboard and starts climbing down a ladder. She beckons him to join her and when he makes it down the ladder, he can’t help the smile that breaks out. It’s a sort of underground attic, complete with a worn dusty couch, blankets and an old TV.
“I found it my first year at camp by accident. I was down doing chores and one of the broom strings got caught under it. I didn’t have many friends except for….” She lets him fill in the blank rather than say the name out loud. “And when he wanted to be with kids his own age, I’d come here. There's only five movies down here and I memorized them.” She looks down at her shoes. “I know it’s not the sea floor but..”
“Are you kidding? It’s awesome. What are the movies?”
They dig around and end up finding two more that apparently seven-year-old Annabeth did not think worth the time. They watch Die Hard first, (“Oh my Gods I can't believe you haven’t watched Die Hard. This is a travesty. It’s a classic Annabeth.”) then Pulp Fiction, ("I can’t believe it, all the shit you gave me for not seeing Die Hard, and you haven’t Pulp Fiction?? You absolute heathen!") and Clueless. ("What? It has to be full of violence and toxic masculinity to be good? It’s a good movie Percy, shut-up.") Before he knows it, it’s 3:54 am shaking with hysterical silent laugher at Annabeth's impression of Dionysus.
“Oh my gods oh-OH! Do you know what we’ve got to do?”
“Uh-oh, what?”
She grins impishly and a little deliriously. “We’ve gotta go to our spot.”
“Ah, of course. Yes, our spot, totally.” He says in a voice he hopes is neutral, in an effort to gage if she’s serious.  
“Oh my gods.” She gasps, offended.
“I can’t believe this.”
“You can’t believe what?”
“You forgot our spot.”
“I’m sorry Annabeth, until four seconds ago I wasn’t aware we had a spot.”
“Oh my gods. I can not believe this-” He can tell she’s messing with him, and not actually mad.
“Annabeth, just tell me where it is.”
“I simply can not believe this, you absolute heathen-”
“Stop calling me a heathen, and tell me where it is.”
She smiles, “I can show you.”
“Oh, of course! This is our spot!”
Annabeth chuckles, “I told you.” They’re standing at the edge of the forest at the tallest of the rock clusters to the far left. It's the one they used to go to after their first quest, the place where Annabeth taught him the constellations. The place where he made his first real friend. Not people he hung out with to avoid getting picked on. Not a searcher who happened to like the demigod he found.  His first real best-friend.
They climbed up easily and lay down looking straight up at the sky. Annabeth points up at the floating memorials, and Percy dutifully recites the legends of how they earned their place in the sky. They're shoulder to shoulder and their fingers graze each other for longer than necessary. And slowly they lull into comfortable silence, arms overlapping, at some point Annabeth's head lands on his shoulder. Percy freezes for a while, staying absolutely still as if she’s a wild creature who could bolt at any moment. But then he relaxes, and she relaxes and he’s pretty sure she’s asleep until she takes in a shaky breath and whispers, “Hey, Percy?”
“We’re gonna be okay right?” He can tell she's trying to mask the vulnerability in her voice. And he can’t see all of her face from the angle they’re laying, but her nose is on his collarbone, and her hair is tickling his chin.
He closes his eyes, and he thinks. He thinks about Luke and Rachel and how nothings been the same since Percy blew up that mountain.
He thinks about seeing her for the first time, grey eyes wide hair falling off her shoulders and how even after everything he just went through, he felt safe. He thinks about ‘you drool when you sleep’, and the way she looked at him when he was claimed- awestruck and pitiful at the same time. He thinks about rolled eyes, stamped feet, and frustration always just under the surface. He thinks about silent truces, and letting guards down, and shared oreos in the back of a mobile zoo. He thinks about sweaty palms gripping each other in the Underworld, and shaky hands giving him a good luck camp necklace. He thinks about camp fires, stupid jokes, learning about the stars, and how the just fit.
He thinks about postcards and iris-messages, and how she punched Matt Sloane square on the nose. He thinks about how despite the arguing and the confusion about Tyson, she was always there when she needed him. How she didn’t hesitate to sneak out of camp with one of the first species he ever learned to truly fear, because he asked her to. He thinks about her in a dress and how tongue-tied him in guinea pig form. He thinks about her broken sobs and how she clutched at him in their underwater bubble. He thinks about winning a chariot race, the softest of cheek kisses and how in this world of gods and monsters, she’s the only thing he was really sure about.
He thinks about how she was the first girl he ever danced with, and how light everything felt when she was around. He thinks about how it felt strangely familiar when she fell off that cliff, and how only days later realized that it was the same desperation he had when Hades took his mother. He thinks about how gutted it was when he found out she was thinking about joining the Hunters. He thinks about his visit from Aphrodite and how even though she changed form, her hair smelled like lemons the entire time. He thinks about when he saw her on that cliff it was like the sun came out. How he saw her face and it was smudged with dirt and cuts but she was alive and he could breathe again. He thinks about how his throat closed up when he thought Artemis was going to pick her for the Hunt. He remembers how when they danced on Olympus, for a song she was prettier than Aphrodite.
He thinks about planning a movie date, and how he discovered Annabeth doesn’t get any less pretty when she’s mad at him. How she sat right next to him at dinner and how when she fixed his armour, his neck burned wherever she touched him. He thinks about falling in a whole and holding her hand and how they’d done it before but it felt different that time. He thinks about ping pong table meetings and how he became aware of the fact that he’d follow her anywhere. He thinks about the determination in her when she faced the Sphinx, and how the same fire was in them right before she kissed him. He thinks about how she tasted like smoke and salt, and how for the 3.2 seconds that his lips were hers, the first thing he thought was ‘we fit like this too’. He thought he was going to die but it was okay. It was okay that he was going to die, because he had gotten to kiss her. He thinks about Calypso’s Island, and how he dreamt about her every night. How when he crashed his funeral, she held like she couldn’t bear to let go and how that was fine with him. He thinks about the blur that was the labyrinth, full of unshed tears, words that cut, and how despite all the scream fights and the terror, and the barely contained rage, none of it lessened the fierce protectiveness he feels for her. How despite it all, she's still the best thing that's ever fucking happened to him. He thinks about the last line of her prophecy, and how she thought it was about him.
He loves her.
He’s not sure if he’s in love with her because he’s 15 and he hasn’t exactly had time to date around but he knows that for a fact. Knowing Annabeth, loving Annabeth has made him who he is. She is burned into his DNA. Somehow the 12 year old with princess curls and eyes that cut, crawled under his skin. He knows he’s done the same to her, even though they’re both too stubborn to say it out loud. They could never really leave each other, even if they tried.
So Percy shifts so he can see her face in the pale moonlight, brushes a curl out of her face and says,
“Yeah. It’s us Annabeth. We’re gonna be alright.”
She smiles soft and real because she knows him, so she knows he means it. He’s not sure who reaches out this time, but they're holding hands and staring at the sky in a silence that speaks volumes.
They stay like that until it’s sunrise and they have to sneak into their respective cabins. Looking at stars, fighting sleep, and forgetting about the rest of the world.
(They hold hands all the way back to her cabin.)
(He doesn’t stop smiling the whole way back to his own.)
if your still here hi! thank you for reading. send in prompts from this list, or any sentence starter you want to read. ask box is open for those and if you just wanna say hi :)
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Request? ok ok ok g/t mcyt au idea! so I’ve read some fics about dsmp characters coming to the streamer’s world(irl) or the streamers going to the smp, and while reading I started thinking about that kind of scenario mixed with g/t. Like the dsmp character ending up in their streamer counterpart’s room but only like 4 inches tall, than shenanigans ensue as they try and hide or are found by their giant streamer counter part (try to take up the borrower lifestyle). [1/2]
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OHHH! I really these ideas! And ima combine them!
I have an idea that in these two worlds, there’s some sort of ancient magic present that connects these two parallel worlds (those worlds being the streamers and dream smp) and through that connection, they are able to manifest into each other’s worlds via rifts that randomly appear and suck them into each other’s worlds.
Depending on which world they could be in, if the streamers were to be in the dream smp they’d be tiny, but if they were to be mcyt’s were to be the streamers world, they’d be tiny and they’d both have to confide to those worlds rules. (If that doesn’t sound too confusing?).
And they have to work together in order to research this ancient magic to try and find a way to stop this from happening since the two always end up in one of the others worlds. instead of both returning to their own worlds.
Now ima try and set up the characters.
My idea for Wilbur is pretty easy, there’s his streamer self, revivebur and ghostbur. When the mcyt’s are in the streamers world they’d be like shoulder Angel and devil, constantly bickering and Wilbur being the main devide between that. In the mcyt’s world, it’d probably be the same thing but with a giant revivebur and ghostbur constantly fighting on who gets to hold their counterpart.
Techno, to be honest the Techno’s are pretty chill with each other, they get along quite well. In all cases both would help each other cope with their voices. And also find the Tommy’s ultimately annoying. Both have agreed to call each other Blade (mcyt) and just Techno for simplistic sake.
Tubbo, would be rather chaotic, both of them. Mcyt Tubbo refers to himself as Bo, and gets rather crazy with his streamer self, despite the differences in worlds both get along extremely well. Depending on which is the giant, streamer (who calls himself tubs) is a bit more careful with his mcyt self when mcyt will not hesitate to playfully (and carefully) throwing his streamer self into the air.
Philza, would most likely be the one trying to remedy everything between everyone whenever there’s conflict, mainly with the Wilbur’s. Depending on which world they both are in, whenever one is tiny both depend on each other to keep an eyes out since they don’t want anymore conflict raising. Streamer self refers to himself as just Phil, and mcyt goes as Birdza.
Tommy, my, oh my, oh my. Would be just be pure chaos. They are both equally loud, which means they both startle each other, not only that but they also bicker between themselves too. Streamer Tommy (Toms) is constantly bickering but is the more cautious out of the two.
Mcyt (Gremlin or Child, he always complains about his nicknames) is a lot more reckless being scared of being tiny and the unknown world, he does get used to it though, eventually.
Ranboo, they refer to themselves as Ran and Boo respectively streamer being Ran and Boo being mcyt. But are very socially awkward and don’t talk to each other much, but they both have a good understanding of each other and usually don’t need to verbally communicate with each other.
They are just in sync with eachother, they’re also both really cautious about holding each other since both are so tiny. (Streamer also helps with enderwalks and memory UwU)
Dream, something tells me these two wouldn’t get along too well despite them being parallel to each other, hence mcyt’s nickname Nightmare.
Both don’t get along but will put up with each other, the reason they don’t get along is how different they are of each other, with different ideals. Causing them both to be jealous of people with their parallels and how they get along.
Karl would probably have a massive role to play in this, especially his streamer self. (They both refers to themselves by name, they honesty don’t mind the confusion).
Since Mcyt can time travel, this will take a massive role in the pole with them both having to travel through time to help with the research of this ancient magic. In order to stop this conflict between their worlds. And like Ranboo, both get along really well.
Sapnap, would definitely get along with each other, despite one being a pyromaniac. They get along really well (they usually go up to each other and call each other mama).
The George’s get along really well, but there are some differences. In the streamer world, George has to constantly be near his streamer self and hold onto them since they constantly sleep. When they’re in the streamer world, George will take care of his streamer self. But has to convince XD to leave them alone.
Now XD loves the fact that he has two George’s whenever they’re in the mcyt world but hates that he can’t follow them to the other, since he is the god of the mcyt world, he’s restricted and prohibited from leaving. He wishes he could help the George’s situation but it is out of his control. (If Drista were to be in this au, they’d be able to break these boundaries since it’s Drista)
Nikki, streamer going by original name and mcyt going by Ki, they both have different view points but despite that would get along really well. Same would go to puffy.
That’s all I can think about for now, I hopes it’s alright and not too confusing! Sorry for any grammar mistakes too! (I’m on my phone so I can’t usually type the way I usually would sjjsnwwnn)
Also ima call this the Parallel worlds au since I can’t think of anything else lmao
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ultimatetornshipper · 3 years
A lot of facts could be seen as only opinions. A lot of facts could be seen as flexible depending on one's experiences and perspectives. Facts could change and facts could be more than just the part of it that you're made aware of.
Blossom knew this.
But there was one simple fact that would remain the same for all of eternity.
Blossom Utonium hated Brick Jojo.
And he hated her.
Nothing, NOTHING would change this simple fact. They were natural enemies, opposites made to challenge and contradict one another.
It was simple.
Key word being was.
It's easier to hate and despise one another when your siblings weren't all friends and dragging the two of you along every chance they got.
It's easier to hate one another when your morals are directly clashing on a weekly basis.
Yeah, they still didn't exactly agree on a lot of moral questions but the boys aren't really evil anymore either.
But when the boys stole something the girls would fight them, take it, arrest them, they'd escape and everyone would let bygones be bygones.
By everyone she meant the blues and the greens.
She was pretty sure Brick was the only one who actively wanted to still do that stuff and Boomer and Butch just followed his lead. Or maybe Mojo still had something on them. She couldn't be sure, but the point was that they still committed crimes and that was illegal so it was their job to stop them.
And she wasn't stupid, she knew full well that she and Brick were the only ones who weren't pulling their punches and treating it all like a game.
So like she said. It was simple.
Until her sisters decided to make it complicated by befriending their rivals.
Blossom despised complicated social situations.
In any other context she could handle complicated. Fights? Sure. Science? She adored it. Books? What other kind is there?
But in group and friend dynamics? It annoyed her more than yarn catching on her nail, more than nails on a chalkboard, more than a dirty, uncleanable chalkbo-
It annoyed her a lot.
Why? Because it created situations like the one she was in right now.
Where her sisters and their counterparts were play fighting and joking around while she and Brick maimed eachother.
And it was always followed by a lecture by Bubbles on how she was too hard on him and Buttercup telling her to chill out while Brick and his stupid smug smirk would mock her and wouldn't leave her alone and how his red hair would be messy afterwads and half out of his ponytail and wisps falling into his face surrounding his gorge-
She flew up to dodge a kick and landed behind him, pushing him forward so that he lost his balance.
She was fighting him right now. She couldn't think about his eyes or his pink lips forming a smug little grin and how she just wanted to kiss that stupid little smile off of his dumb face-
She froze in shock.
Kiss Brick?
Since when had that been an option?
She felt him get a hit in her stomach and her bottom collided with the ground.
She shook herself out of it. Later. She could analise... whatever this was... later.
She started getting up but suddenly he was straddling her waist and pinning her hands down above her head.
She stared at him in silence for a few seconds, because he was really close now and she could see the light freckles dancing across his nose up close and-
Bad Blossom! Now is not the time! You hate him, you despise him, he is the enemy! Stop checking out the guy you're fighting!
He smirked down at her victoriously, "At a loss for words, eh, Pinky?"
She felt him lower his guard and loosen his grip and quicker than lightning she flew out beneath him.
What in the name of Einstein was wrong with her?
She flew quickly and as high as the tallest building in Townsville, then she stopped and turned around and the handsome bastard was right there in front of her-
Wait a minute- handsome?!
Blossom needed to lie down.
Sadly, he seemed determined to keep this going.
They traded blows and each time he said something she didn't reply.
She was too busy freaking out about the fact that she had not only wanted to kiss him but also mentally referred to him as handsome and what the actual frickty frack?!
"What's wrong Bow Pink? You're awfully quiet today, afraid me and my brothers are finally gonna beat you and your sheep?" Brick taunted.
Blossom's brain with all its genius level intellect then decided that the only way to deal with whatever was happening to her heart was to stuff it in a jar and bury it deep, deep down and pretend it wasn't real.
She hated him.
He hated her.
That was a fact that couldn't and wouldn't ever change.
So she did what she did best.
She riled up Brick Jojo.
"I'm not the one here with sheep, Rock," she said mockingly.
He narrowed his eyes, throwing a punch that she quickly dodged, "Oh now she speaks?"
"You finally said something worth replying to. Though I must say, Rick, I'm disappointed, I can't believe you've been reduced to using puns," she replied, kicking his side and pulling away quick enough that he couldn't grab her leg.
"It's Brick and you know it, and don't pretend you don't pun, Pinky, we both know that's a lie," he said with a small growl in his voice. Dodging her once more.
"I still think your insult was just some good old projecting. Clearly if one of us have sheep it's you. My sisters fight of their own violation," she taunted, smirking. He grabbed her and they wrestled midair, each one gaining and then losing the upperhand.
Suddenly they pulled apart, flying in circles, eyeing one another. They were both panting, clearly out of breath.
Anyone could sense the electricity crackling through the air from a mile away. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that her siblings and their counterparts have stopped fighting and were now eyeing their leaders wearily.
She'd deal with it later.
She turned her full attention back to the man in front of her as the silence grew sharper.
His shirt had small tears in places, his hair was all over the place and he sported a few new injuries. She was certain she was in a similar state.
"They choose to fight," he broke the silence, glaring at her, "I don't force them to do anything they don't want to. I don't control them,"
The sharp, delicate silence fell apart and she felt her temper flare. The electricity turned to fire and she launched herself at him and felt her eyes heat up.
"The only reason for that is the fact that you're too busy being controlled," she screamed.
She could almost taste his fury at her words and their fight went to a whole new level.
Neither of them held back anything as they shot lazerbeams and went for one another unlike ever before.
She pushed him against a building, trapping him. And for a moment they locked gazes and time froze. The anger and frustration and denied attraction flared between them like a wild electric cable, their faces only inches apart.
"Are either of us really in control, Pinky? Or are we all just the result of someone else's choices?" he whispered harshly as they gazed into one another's eyes.
She felt her guard lower only for a split second before he grabbed her and pushed her against the building.
"But then again," he said quietly, and she felt his breath mingle with her own, "maybe if we want control we need to take it ourselves,"
He closed the distance between them and she only felt his fire approach for a second before she reacted with her ice.
So that's the was he wanted to play this?
She deepend the kiss and poured all her hatred and love and frustration and attraction into it.
She bundled up his shirt in her hands and felt his own get tangled in her hair. She faintly heard his hat fall to the ground not too far below.
Yet she couldn't care less as she kissed him the way she'd never allowed herself to kiss anyone before for fear of their life.
But she could do this with him because he could counter her perfectly.
He really was her opposite, huh?
Then she registered the fact that the air around them was slightly more humid than before.
She ignored it though, because this was the best kiss she'd had in... well, ever, and she was not going to pull away because as soon as she did that it would be over and it wouldn't happen again because now that they knew that it didn't-
Blossom felt him pull her closer and pushed all her previous thoughts away. She'd worry later, for now she just allowed herself to disappear into the kiss.
A few minutes later she became aware of a rather large amount of water hitting her.
They pulled away from one another in search of the source.
She quickly noticed that Brick was in a similar state as her and they turned to find their siblings staring at them.
Bubbles was holding the hosepipe that was likely the source of the water and Buttercup handed Butch 20 dollars.
"Really?" Her black haired sister asked, "You couldn't have waited just three more days for your murder make out session?"
"Our what?" she asked while Brick replied with a simple, "Fuck you,"
"Actually, Brick, you've got the wrong sister, I'm Buttercup, the one you wanna fuck is in your arms, her name is Blossom," Buttercup replied slowly, in a mocking tone of voice.
The red heads turned to look at each other and when they noticed their proximity, they jumped away from one another like the other had the plague.
Brick turned to them, "I was trying to kill her!"
And Blossom followed suit, "And I was just defending myself!"
"Nothing else!" They said at the same time.
Bubbles rolled her eyes and Boomer smirked. Butch waved them away, "Don't worry we have a completely different bet for when you two will acknowledge and accept your feelings for one another,"
"Yeah, and I can still win it!" Buttercup agreed.
"Feelings? What feelings?!" Blossom screamed, "Bubbles, tell Buttercup she's being ridiculous,"
Bubbles rised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Bloss, you're both redder than Brick's cap,"
"And you just spent 10 minutes making out so much that literal steam started surrounding you," Boomer snickered.
No matter how much Blossom or Brick denied it, no one in all of Townsville believed their denial after that day.
Buttercup won the second bet.
Approximately 3 months after what was dubbed their first Murder Makeout session the two finally confessed to one another.
Those 3 months are another story entirely.
But it was this that proved to Blossom that truly no fact was concrete, facts changed and facts expanded. Facts were flexible depending on your experience and perspectives.
And the fact was that while once upon a time, maybe Blossom did hate Brick and maybe Brick did hate Blossom, things changed.
But that mutual hatred melted away into something new, something beautiful, something flexible.
Something a little bit like steam.
Authors note:
Inspired by this post
I don't plan to continue this but if someone wants to continue or expand this idea or world like tag me I'd love to read it
Thanks to @maltrashdump for coming up with this idea, I love it, hope u enjoy my version of it
Also sorry for not putting a read more thing I'm on mobile atm
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The way you said “I love you”
Summary: All the times you and Zuko said I love you to eachother, sometimes without even actually saying it.
A/N: I was feeling a little uninspired while trying to write pt.4 of Fools, so I decided to write something else in the mean time. I saw someone did this and I found it so adorable I decided to do it too. Sadly I only saved the original post and not the hc that was inspired in it, so if you know who came up with this pls @ them so I can credit them.
Side note, I had more ideas for some of the other prompts but didn’t want to make this excessively long, so maybeeee I’ll make another one of these but we’ll see.
original post
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As a hello
It was late on the night the gaang had finally agreed to let Zuko join them. They hadn’t been specially trustful or accepting of him, but they let him join, and that was what mattered to Zuko, he’ll work his way up to everything else.
He couldn’t sleep, thoughts about everything that had happened and everything that would happen running around in his mind. The stars above him glimmered in wonderful harmony, the time of the year where the sun would be more forgiving at day and the nights would gain a growing coolness to them came around.
Lost in his head, Zuko was startled when he heard you take a sit next to him. You were the only one in the group who Zuko didn’t know that well. He’d only seen you a handful of times before that night and couldn’t really tell on what ground he stood with you.
You handed him a blanket with one hand while you held your own around your back and over your shoulders with the other. “Didn’t want you to freeze to death on your first night.” You explained when you saw the confused look of his face.
“I’m a fire bender, I don’t get cold.” He replied taking only a couple of seconds to mentally slap himself for being rude. This being a good guy thing was gonna take some practice.
“Oh” you said, the realization of his words hitting you, feeling a little dumb for not thinking about it before.
“But thanks...anyways” Zuko tried to redeem himself, hoping he didn’t make a bad impression on the one person who didn’t hate him already.
“Yeah, no problem.” Your eyes drifted up to the stars too. They were prettier tonight, maybe it was because of how peaceful things felt for once. A deep sigh forced you to turn your attention back to the dark haired boy. “Are you ok?” You asked him, hoping he wouldn’t feel like you’re intruding.
“Yeah, just...worried. Katara still hates me, Sokka doesn’t trust me and Aang only keeps me around because he needs me. I’m not complaining, I just... don’t know how to show them I’ve changed.”
“I’m sure Katara is gonna come around eventually, she has too much of a big heart to stay mad at anyone for too long. Aang is the one that convinced everyone to let you join, so I think he does like you, and Sokka is...well, Sokka, I wouldn’t worry about it” you reassured him.
Zuko gave your words a thought. You were right, but things were still complicated. He looked at you and asked. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
You looked away from his gaze, his golden eyes were a bit intimidating if you were honest. “I...don’t know. I guess I just believe you when you say you’ve changed. I see good in you... I always have, even when we were running away from you. All of us have done things in the past we aren’t too proud of, some of them may be worse than others, but we’re all here now, and we’re all trying to do the right thing. I think that on its own makes you worthy of a second chance.”
Your words shocked Zuko. No one besides his uncle had been that kind to him in a long time. He felt hope inside, if someone as kind and good as you could forgive him, think that he could be redeemed, then he hoped everyone else would too. “I...thank you. I promise I won’t disappoint you... any of you.”
“You and I can start on a blank slate, as a matter of fact” you extended your hand to him. “Hi, I’m Y/N, very nice to meet you.”
Zuko chuckled very lightly at the weird way you had decided to show how it was a new beginning for the both of you, but played along. “I’m Zuko, it’s very nice to meet you too.”
When the broken glass litters the floor
It was your first day on the Ember Island’s house. Katara and you had been cooking with the groceries Sokka and Suki brought from the market. You two weren’t experts but you had gotten so much better by then. Katara decided to go outside with a basket of cabbages to feed Appa and told you to stay and check on the food so it wouldn’t burn.
No more than a few minutes passed before you heard Zuko coming inside from where he had been training with Aang. He took his shirt off at some point during the training, leaving his naked and muscular torso was exposed.
You tried your best not to stare but you couldn’t help the blush that took over your face when you looked up to his eyes and found him staring right back. His cheeks were blushed as well and you decided for your own sake to assume it was from the physical activity.
“Hey...um, do you mind pouring me a glass of water, please?” He asked softly, his voice a tad raspier from him being out of breath.
“Yeah sure.” You managed to say.
When you turned around to get a glass for him your arm bumped into a glass vase that was incredibly bad placed, throwing it off from where it had been resting. One of your feet was already lifted when the vase crashe onto the floor and into a million pieces, which made you nearly lose your balance and step right on the fragments. In a fraction of a second you felt Zuko’s hand grabbing your wrist and pulling you back, which made you very strongly land on his chest. His other hand instantly moved to the small of your back, as if he was scared you would fall without his support. 
His eyes met yours as you raised your head to look at him, your faces closer than they’d ever been before. Both of you held your breath for a few seconds before you broke the silence. “thank you.” You muttered softly not wanting to move a single muscle.
“You’re welcome” Zuko replied in the same tone, softening the grip on your wrist.
The moment would’ve lasted way longer had Katara not stormed into the kitchen after hearing the sound of breaking glass.
“I left you in the kitchen alone for ONE SECOND!”
Not said to me
Zuko had clearly been avoiding you the past couple of days. Was it the war that was starting to gain weight inside his head? Was it how close you two had started to get all of the sudden? Was it something you did? You didn’t know for sure, but you knew you didn’t like the feeling of it, at all.
He told everyone one morning he wasn’t feeling great, so he would stay inside instead of spending the day at the beach like the rest of you had planned. This was your chance to get him alone and try to talk.
You decided to make him a special tea recipe you’d picked up from Iroh at some point, he said it was a miracle when it came to curing illness. When you tried it you were surprised from how good it ended up tasting. You poured it into a teapot and grabbed a couple of cups, proceeding to take them upstairs where Zuko’s room was.
You were about to walk right in when you heard Sokka voice coming from inside, realizing the door was only half open.
“You can’t do nothing, dude. What kind of dumb ass plan is that?” He said whisper-screaming.
“I’m not telling her.” Zuko replied in a voice so low you almost couldn’t hear him.
“Why not? She clearly likes you back, you know that, I know that, and everyone else does too. The two of you are the only ones who keep acting like it isn’t obvious.”
You wonder who they could possibly be talking about, a small pit of jealousy forming inside of you.
“You don’t know that for sure, and I’m not losing Y/N’s friendship just cause I was dumb enough to crush on her. Trying to get over it is better than getting rejected and ruining everything, I like her too much to do that.” as soon as you heard your name your heart stopped.
Zuko... liked you. He liked you and was scared you didn’t like him back. How could he ever think that? Sometimes you felt like you were too obvious about it, but it was hard not to. It was his golden eyes, probably the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, how they looked like growing flames when the sun hit them, the little dark spots around the rim of his irises, how they looked at you intensely like if when you talked everything else faded. It was the way he would throw his head back when he laughed, but only when you made him laugh really hard, how his face glowed with a youthful tint, like he was a normal teenager even though you were in the middle of a war, and how when he stopped laughing he had to take a deep breath before letting the laugh die down. It was the way he talked about his mom with such love and adoration, or how he talked about the future with a little bit of fear but mostly hope. It was the way he was always ready to run to you if you needed him to, making sure you were ok, protecting you. It was him, all of him, it had always been him.
You were shocked at the words you just heard but glad you’d heard them. Before either of them walked out and found you there, you walked back downstairs as quietly as you could, praying they wouldn’t hear the creaks of the stairs. Once you were back at the kitchen you decided to wait for Sokka to come down, he had to eventually, and you hoped he would leave Zuko alone when he did. It didn’t take him much longer to do so, to your relief coming down the stairs alone. He looked at you and smiled.
“Hey, Y/N. Watcha doing?”
“Making tea for Zuko, is he feeling any better?”
“Oh, no. He’s terrible, the poor thing. You should definitely go check on him.” He tried to say this without smiling so you would take him seriously but the corners of his mouth were already starting to curve up.
“Will do, thanks Sokka.” On the surface, you were thanking him for the information he was giving you, but deep down you were also thanking him for being the reason why you found out Zuko also liked you.
You walked back upstairs, not even thinking of bringing the tea up with you. You took in a deep breath before opening the door, and you when you did, you saw him laying there, eyes closed at first but opened quickly when he heard you come in.
“Y/N... hi.” He said sitting up.
“Hey, wanted to check up on you, Sokka said you were feeling terrible.” You told him knowing he would kill Sokka afterwards for sabotaging him.
“I’m not feeling terrible, I’m much better actually, but thanks for coming to check on me.” You took a sit on his bed, close enough to be able to do what you were planning your next move to be.
“I’m glad. We need you up and in your best shape right now.” You waited a few seconds trying to gather all the bravery you had inside before saying. “Zuko?”
You didn’t warn him before closing the space that separated the two of you, one of your hands went up to cup his cheek while your lips pressed softly against his. You could tell he was shocked by how his body stiffened under your touch, your lips moved softly and slowly trying to figure out wether he wanted to kiss you or not. You were about to pull away when he started kissing you back. His own hand sliding up to your neck, holding you firmly while his lips devoured yours, like he had been waiting for this moment for way too long. When the two of you finally pulled apart to fill in your lungs again, your eyes connected with his, there was a new kind of light in them. A smile took over his lips when his eyes drifted back down to your lips.
“Were you eavesdropping when I was talking to Sokka?” He asked softly and teasingly.
“What in the world would make you think that?”
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble
You were under the covers in Zuko’s bed. Your eyes deeply staring into his, your fingers running up and down his jaw, sometimes getting distracted and playing with his hair. The moonlight leaked through the window and the only sounds that could be heard were the ones of trees swaying with the wind.
Zuko looked at you intensely and profoundly. He was sure you were a dream sometimes, something so perfect couldn’t be real, so he touched you to make sure you were actually there, and he held you gently but firmly to make sure that even if you were a dream, he wouldn’t lose you.
“We should sleep” you muttered in a whisper
“We should” he replied his lids already looking a little heavy.
“Good night, Zuko.” You planted a little short peck on his lips before starting to turn around.
“Good night, Y/N” he replied getting comfortable. “I love you.”
Your heart stopped at this words, a warm feeling started to crawl up your body and your eyes that were already closed opened abruptly.
You turned back around to find him staring at the ceiling, eyes wide open while holding his breath. “What did you just say?” You asked him.
“I-... I’m sorry it just...slipped.” He explained.
You knew he could be a little insecure sometimes, always thought he was unlovable so you had to constantly make sure he knew how much you liked him. This was one of those occasions. You crashed your lips against his roughly, pulling him so he would be on top of you. This kiss was a declaration, a promise and a revelation all at the same time, your lips moved hungrily and passionately trying to show him how much you loved him back.
Once you separated you looked at him sweetly and said “Say it again.”
“I love you.” Zuko was more sure of himself this time, a warm smile took over his face.
“Again, please.”
“I love you.”
“One more time.”
He took your face into your hands and kissed your forehead first. “I love you” then he went to your right cheek “I love you” and to the left “I love you” and to your nose “I love you” and finally took in a deep breath before looking to your lips “Y/N Y/L/N you have no idea how much I fucking love you” he kissed you again.
Maybe you couldn’t understand how much love he felt for you, how it burned inside of him like a wild fire, how when you were with him all his worries faded and the rest of the world was put on pause, maybe you’d never even grasp the way you were his first thought in the morning and his last at night, but he could try showing all of it to you with a kiss.
You pulled away to look at him one last time and said “I love you more, I will always love you more.”
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Valentine’s Day with the Haikyuu Boys
Various x Female Reader || Different Lover Tropes (sfw)
Iwaizumi Hajime (Friends to Lover Trope)
Y’all have been friends for as long as him and oikawa have been friends- but just a little more distant
You’re the person he goes to when he has girl problems or problems in general
So when he isn’t feeling particularly well about himself he goes to you.
He lays his head on your chest, your shoulder, your lap (usually 99% always your plush thighs)
He makes you play with his hair and his hands when he’s feeling sad because you care for him like no one else has (well, his mother but you know what I mean.)
But tell me why y’all haven’t dated. No one fucking knows. Not even oikawa.
So a few days before V-day you ask Iwa if he was a valentines and he says No and questions why you asked him.
You tell him not to worry and plan out everything
He’s like? “W-why? Why’d you do that?”
and you obviously have the tsundure qualities he has so your like “B-because i like you stupid!!! Now are you taking the damn gift or not? I know Oikawa would-”
He’s like- NO NO. Stop right there. “Give me that! SHITYKAWA WOULDNT APPRECIATE THIS THE WAY I WOULD!” Iwa is barking at this point
whole school it just watching you guys romantically bark at eachother
You: “YES.”
Iwa: “GOOD.”
You: “GREAT.”
it’s so awkward the whole day. like grossly awkward. but the tension dies down when you sit next to him during lunch and slowly caress the back of his hand the way you did when you weren’t dating
he’s glad you opened up to him because it would have taken him much longer to admit that he liked you
Time Skip Iwaizum Hajime 
Buys you a bouquet of 23 white roses the day before valentine’s day to give you the twenty-fourth on valentine’s day. He does this every year now.
You guys invite friends over because as (almost) 30 years old you think it’s a little cheesy, Hajime acts like its Valentines Day every day. So when Matsukawa and Hanamaki come over, they get really drunk and they appreciate you guys for not being lovey dovey around them and they start sobbing and laughing bc they’re single.
This becomes a tradition but ofc, sometime iwa calls ahead of time to tell them not to come over for... certain reasons.
He’s probably the cheesiest man on earth because he does not romance well- neither do you but he tries his best.
Would probably ask you to marry him on valentines day if you hadn’t told him before hand “If you even think about proposing on valentines day- I will rip out your organs... Ugh- thats so cheesy, everyone gets engaged on valentines day... Do it like the morning after new years or sum...”
*iwa secretly putting a red velvet box back in his underwear drawer* 
*laughing nerveously* “Hahaha, right- fucking stupid...”
You look at him blankly “Don’t tell me you where about to propose?”
Iwa: “NO! NOT AT ALL.”
You: “What are you hiding in your underwear drawer then, Hajime?”
Osamu Miya (Platonic)
You look so pretty when you come into the gym and everyones like “looking good y/n.” and it’s normal bc your their manager- ofc they’d hype you up.
But the closer they get, they notice your crying.
Osamu isn’t in the gym, he’s getting water in the back and he sees that Aran is holding you in his arms and he just knows something is wrong and everyone is trying to hold him back because he knowns exactly what happened. He’s calling Atsumu over and he’s ready.
Everyone is chasing them down and Osamu already has his guy pinned to the floor (lets just say he has baseball practice)
You’re rushing to get Osamu off but get gets a few swings in before you completely pull him off.
Samu: “You’re too good for this Idiot anyway.” he looks at Kita, “I’m ditching practice and I’m taking her out, I’m not taking no as an answer.”
It was the first time anyone has stood up to Kita and he just nods.
Samu: “Let me wash up, alright? I’ll take you somewhere nice.”
He kisses your forehead and runs your thumb on your cheek, “Stop crying, makes you look ugly.”
As much you wanted to frown, you bursted out a laugh before shoving him away, “Not as ugly as Atsumu.”
Time Skip Osamu Miya (Boss/Employee Trope)
Osamu calls you really early in the morning to ask you to work on valentines day. For some reason, he hates this day more than anything. He doesn’t like how girls (of all ages) bring him stuff and he ALWAYS has to reject them but now since your working you’re the the ones who kicks them out.
He loves watching you run them away with a sweet smile and when you turn around you have the most annoyed look on your face, it’s really cute.
Samu: “Thank you princess.”
You: “Yeah, shut up and get to cookin’ boss.”
He just smirks and tilts his little onigiri hat and starts on orders again
Once the shift is over and the restaurant is closed, cleaned and organized, you’re waiting for him at one of the tables you didn’t pick up yet and he brings you out a really cute meal.
You: “What’s this for?”
Samu: “A thank you, for- *clears throat* not leaving my side... and I-uh don’t want you to do so, any time soon.”
You’re looking at him blankly. He forgot how blunt he had to be with you.
Samu: “I- God, I’m trying to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
You: “OH! Oh my god.... Really? Are you sure?”
Samu: “Y/n, I- You’re lucky I love you....”
You: “L-Love me?”
He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights... “Uh-I uh... crap- I didn’t mean-”
You: “Shut up and kiss you Idiot.”
Samu: “Okay- yeah good idea.”
Matsukawa Issei (Best Friends Older Sister || First Love Trope) @sloppykyuu
You’re only two years older than him but ever since he became friends with Hanamaki (around the age of 7) he came over once and you bumped into him and he blushed to the point he looked like a cherry tomato
Maki thought it was gross that he suddenly started liking his older step sister
You and Hanamaki get along really well now (You’re 18, making Maki and Matsun are 16), so whenever Matsukawa is around you jokingly called him “Nii-san.” When Hanamaki wasn’t there and he spit out his drink. 
You laughed so hard and just ruffled his hair a little and left him alone for the rest of the day
Ofc you teased him a lot but the second you turned 18, they cooled down a lot. 
So when he gives you a bouquet of Sakurasou (Primula Sieboldii, which signify desire and long lasting love. 
Matsukawa: “ Please accept the flowers- I know you’ve been keeping your distance because of your age and you don’t have to accept my feelings for you but please accept these flowers.”
The sweetest boy you’ll ever meet ngl, “Thank you Matsun...” you gave him a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his hair. “As me again when you’re older, yeah? I’ll always be willing to give you a chance.”
Timeskip Matsukawa Issei
When he turns 18, you weren’t single. He was so miserable watching you be happy but when you come home a little sad looking, Hanamaki and him are pretty confused when you tell them that YOU broke up with your boyfriend
Maki: “Everything was going alright with you guys- what happened?”
You: “I uh- I lost feelings... Nothing against him or anything, I just... just happen to like someone else now.”
You don’t look at Matsukawa so he’s like- ugh.... another guy? he’s heartbroken just a little.
3 years later when both of you got drunk when Maki was out for a valentines day date- Matsun was like, “Admit it already, you’ll never find a guy who dedicates to you the way I have.”
You’re a blushing mess since your drunk and you just pin him to the floor, a little teary eyed, “Maybe your right... Maybe I should give you your chance. You’re still so in love with me? After all this time?”
He brushes a strand of hair away from your face and smiles, “Of course I have... You I would have lasted being friends with Maki if it weren’t for you?”
Both of you laugh but you lay your body on him as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead as your step brother grimaced at the sight. “Took both of you long enough, disgusting...”
 Ushijima Wakatoshi (Reunion Romance Trope)
You’ve known Ushijima the longest out of everyone, even Tendo. And every year you ask him to be your valentines and he agrees bc your friends.
From the start it was always a friendly thing but at some point, your feelings for him changed during high school.
You don’t tell him, you never dared because you know his dedication towards volleyball would always go before his feelings.
One day you’re down the hall from his class and you notice that he’s talking to a girl- or more the girl is talking to him, so you hide in the corner. She was offering him a box of chocolates but he politely denies by saying “There’s only one girl who’s allowed to be my valentines, but please don’t take this personally, she mean’s everything to me.”
D-did you just here that right? Your leaning against the wall and sliding your back all the way to the floor, blushing like a mad woman.
So when Ushijima walks down the hall and sees a small figure to his side, he’s really worried as to why you are on the floor looking hot. “Y/n? Are you alright? Do you have a fever?” 
You’re trying so heard not to breathe onto his face but then he looks into your eyes when hes doing this and you shove his gift onto his chest. “PLEASE GET OUT OF MY FACE AND J-JUST TAKE THEM, IM FINE...” His warm fingers graze your for a second when he takes the chocolates and you just can’t do it anymore “I N-NEED TO GO NOW, BYE TOSHI- WAKATOSHI.”
Doesn’t question you, like ever.
During graduation you tell everyone that you are leaving over seas and Toshi honestly looks like a kicked puppy- his best friends, they’re all leaving. 
You’re crying into his arms when he’s dropping you off at the airport.
Timeskip Ushijima Wakatoshi
7 years. It’s been 7 years since wakatoshi has see your pretty face. 
You send a valentines post card and somehow it always gets there a day before, the day after or sometimes- even on valentines day.
You forced him to give you his address when he moves every time bc you send him a basket of goods. Usually a fruit arrangements bc you know he has a sweet tooth for fruits covered in chocolate- even tho he doesn’t really understand them
But this year nothing has arrived yet, until you text him to open the door since something was dropped off.
He’s a little confused as to why you noticed him but he opened the door, and there you where- standing right in front of him with luggage and his yearly valentines gift. 
“You’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost?”
He doesn’t say anything but pull you into a hug.
“...I missed you too big guy.”
After several, long virtual calls- he finally got to see you in person.
He pulls you back and looks a little upset.
You: “What? What’d I do?”
Toshi: “I might have sent flowers to your home.”
You low key wanna start crying, “What kind of flowers?”
Toshi: “Um.... anarrangementoftwentyfourwhiterosesbecauseiwantedtotellyouhowifeltbutididntknowhowtodoitanyotherwayandididntwanttodoitthroughacomputerscreen.”
You: “I hope you know, I understood every single word you just said.”
You give him a soft smile and lean down to pick something up that was covered by your bags. A bouquet of 24 white roses.
You: “I think... I feel the same way.”
He has never wanted to kiss someone so bad.
Toshi:“May I kiss you?”
You: “Do you really have to ask?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi  (Enemies To Lovers || Secret Admirer Trope)
You probably get 20 confessions on valentines day every year, every time it’s the same handwriting and sometimes it’s new.
But one day, a specific letter get’s into your desk instead of your locker, a black envelope with a white pearly wax stamp with silver lettering on the back “From your secret admirer :]”
The smiley face is a little distorted and you smile at it, but it turns into a scowl when Sakusa naps it from your fingertips. Luckily it was lunch and not may people where in this class. “Secret admirer? Who’d like your dumbass.”
You pull the note out of his hands and sit back down, “Maybe a bigger dumbass, now leave alone asshole.”
He rolls his eyes and sits on his desk, that just happens to be at your back left.
He noticed the smile you had on your lips when you sat back down and looked at the letter. He could tell that your mood had changed when you leaned back and read the letter with awe. He obviously couldn’t tell you in was him.
If he did, you’d probably think it was a joke. But it was nothing like that, he never meant to create an awful relationship between you to but he had made a nasty joke about you and you happen to overhear and have disliked him every since.
He’s kept the bully act ever since and now doesn’t know how to go back.
You looked giddy all day after reading the love letter he left for you, he didn’t know how to feel.
He never stopped sending the letters.
Around the third year, they began to stop and so did Sakusas bullying- but only because you didn’t have any classes together. So when one day you’re walking towards your locker, really late because you had to clean up the classroom. You see him slide a letter in your locker. 
You don’t confront him right then and there but you decide to let him walk a way just a little before you quickly get to your locker and open the letter.
You scan over the letter and you see that famous distorted smiley face and all the feelings they had written down. You where furious.
“Hey Sakusa!” You somehow where able to catch up to him and pushed his back as he walked away. “Is this funny to you?! Is messing with people’s feelings fucking funny to you?”
When he turned around he didn’t expect to see you crying, so he just stood like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Answer me! Why’d you do this? Three years, three fucking years I thought this was someone who actually had feelings for me, someone I thought I could fall in love with myself but I guess this was just some joke right? Some prank? Who wrote these? You know what- It doesn’t even matter. Fuck you and your fucking letter.” You shoved the letter at his chest and push him in the process.
 He freezes a little but he’s running to catch up with you, “Y/n! Y/n stop walking away. L-Let me explain. Y/N!” He’s able to snatch your wrist and pull you towards him.
The tears are still running down your cheeks and his heart is shattering. “It wasn’t a joke. It- it was never a joke, never a dare. I promise, every word in those letters, are what I truly feel.”
You: “Bull- How do I even know that you wrote them in the first place, you can just be the messenger.”
Oomi: “If you put every letter together, it spells my name.”
You roll your eyes at him. 
Oomi: “Don’t believe me?
You: “Of course I don’t.”
“Fine, umm.....”
Both of you didn’t really notice how his hand was still wrapped around your wrist. “Every time I just happen to catch a glance at you when you aren’t looking, it seems like peace on earth... There is no other sight i’d rather see then to see you smile at me, at me only. I want you to look at me the way you look at them but I know in my heart that it will take years for you to look at me that way.”
You pull your wrist away from his hand and wipe your face clean from the tear that have dried down.
“The day you heard me make fun of you... I don’t have any excuses for it. I did it and I regret it and- and I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head and begin to laugh... “I don’t even want to believe you.”
“I know, I just please let me make it up to you.”
Timeskip Sakusa Kiyoomi
You: “Oomi, I thought you hated valentines day.”
Oomi: “I do, but you deserve flowers because I was an asshole for so long.”
You: “... that was like 8 years ago...”
Oomi “Your point?
He hands you over the flowers and gives you a soft kiss. “You deserve so much more, and every day I will give you more, understand?”
You begin to giggle mid kiss, “Yes sir.”
Oomi: “Do you still have those letters?”
You: “Of course, I read them every time your gone.”
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bciwasinlove · 4 years
how would you analyize or interpret the song walls?cause i‘ve heard a lot of people say it‘s a break up song as it‘s written in past tense and basically saying he‘s stronger now after a break up (maybe even from a toxic relationship), he‘s risen above it and it doesn‘t really sound like a love song about an ongoing romance, does it?
Hi anon this is going to be a long one bc there is no quick answer to this so just know you asked for this.
First let's get one thing straight the ones who claim Walls [the album in general] is a break up album are the "Rads" short for Radical Louies. Essentially they are toxic louies who once were a larry shipper [not even a real larrie] but now hate Harry bc their mad Louis hasn't gotten the same promo and solo opportunities Harry has and some how in their eyes that's Harry's fault. They don't see it was Syco trying to sabotage Louis and in no way is Louis being sabotaged Harry's fault. Rads try to twist the truth and believe Harry left Louis for fame so since they hate Harry they have twisted the meaning of Walls to in their head a break up from a toxic relationship. They also really want LT2 to be a HUGE SHADE break up album which is 100% not the case so don't believe their crap.
Tho I heard you may have sent this same ask to others [who probably ignored you] so there is a chance you are a rad trying to find out what larries believe. Either way if you are a confused larrie or an undercover rad you probably need this info that no one else will bother giving you the time of day to tell you but I myself thought why not I'll answer you.
Second Louis and Harry have been happily in love for 10 years and have not officially broken up. Yes they have had issues like any couple does but it did not stem from eachother their issues stemed from them being forcibly closeted, the stunt gfs and their labels thus their songs are not break up songs but songs about not being able to be free and forced to fake date others when all they want is to publicly be with the one they love.
Now that that is out of the way here's why Walls is about Louis loving one person and one person only since he was 18. I'm doing the whole album [minus TOU] bc it is impossible to state why Walls the song is not a break up song without mentioning the others like Too Young [which rads also claim as a break up song] bc the album as a whole paints the whole picture.
Bree's analysis on Walls
Kill My Mind:
You kill my mind, raise my body back to life and I don't know what I'd do without you now.
KMM is definitely the sexual song of Walls [not No Control type sexual but just we click right from the start sexual] It has the I just met you and we are figuring one another out vibe [both physically and just as people] and how right from the start Louis craves Harry and his attention. It has a similar vibe to Watermelon Sugar which Harry said is about the euphoria of falling in love and the way the other person makes you feel right from the start. Louis in KMM is saying I've just meet someone and they are now all I think about, crave and I don't know how I would be able to live without them.
Don't Let It Break Your Heart:
And I know you left apart of you in New York under your bed in a box, but your doing better.
Flashback to HS1 "Ever Since New York" seems like they both love to mention something happening in NY with their lover. We may never know what happened but it's always a funny coincidence when they mention the same places in their songs almost like their singing about the same situation.
Life gets hard and it gets messed up when you give so much, but it's not enough when the highs to high and the lows to low when you love somone and they let you go.
As I stated before their issues involved the stunts [fake dating women] so when Louis says love someone and they let you go he means when his lover gave into what they were being told to do for the sake of their careers. As young as they were when this all started it's hard not to think they may have fell for the lies being fed to them. So Harry let "Louis go" by being seeing with a ton of women gaining himself the brand of "lady's man" while also being forced to watch Louis be with someone else [Eleanor] and publicly act like that was the one he loved. Harry wrote the song Just a Little Bit of Your Heart which is a prime exactly of those feelings. Harry loves Louis so much but he only gets to love him privately while Eleanor gets to loves him publicly and as Harry wrote a little bit of your love is better then none.
Were driving down a one way road to something better. What hurts you is going to pass you'll be doing better.
This shows they know the pain all the bad things thrown their way won't stick around forever. They will overcome this and one day they will see the light at the end of the tunnel or the rainbow after the storm.
We Made It:
Cause we made it, Underestimated and always underrated. Now we're saying goodbye waving to the hard time yeah it's gonna be already.
Do I need to explain it I would say the title alone and this chorus makes it very clear. Break up who when where how? They had hard ships but NOT from their own doing. WMI is about how decpite all they were put through they made it. Flashback to Harry HS1 tour with Kacey in a rainbow dress at MSG in front of 36k people singing "[their/where] still together still going strong." They want you to know nothing will break them apart no matter how hard anyone tries. We are keeping the bad in the past and moving forward to a better tomorrow.
Share a single bed and tell each other what we dream about. Things we'd never say to someone else out loud.
This reminds me of their Xfactor days or early 1D tour days bc in 1D interviews it was always made clear they would share rooms and also how on the bus Louis bunk was filled with his junk so where did he sleep then? Also there are many former Xfactor contestants that have come out and said they were forced to be in the closet on the show. Flashback to an article claiming the people in charge of the 2010 Xfactor season tried to hide and keep a same sex couple apart wonder who that was? That line is about when they were young and the late nights they spent together wondering how their future was going to go. They were still just big smiles, wide eyed, oblivious young boys when they imagined only good things to come of the future with them and the band.
We were only kids just trying to work it out. Wonder what they'd say if they could see us now?/ Don't know why they put all of this on us when we're so young. Done a pretty good job dealing with it all.
We were only kids [when Louis fell in love with said person] and we're so young reminds me of Harry's song To Be So Lonely where he says "Don't blame me for falling I was just a little boy." They both mention falling in love at a young age and both mention how after all this time they are still just as in love as back then but just a little less naive/oblivious. They are both hinting at a higher person [their label/management] who didn't approve of their love and telling them it wasn't going to work out. Harry going you can't be mad at me I was only a boy and Louis going wonder what would happen if they saw us now meaning look we didn't let you win. They tried so hard to separate Louis and Harry but it didn't work and Louis wants us and THEM especially to know they are still very much together, they handled it as best at they could and they weren't going to let them keep Louis and Harry apart.
Meet you at your uni, cheap drink, drink em all night
This is what we call a stunt line to push a narrative. Harry does stunt songs [Carolina and Cherry] while Louis does stunt lines. This line is suppose to allude to the album being for Eleanor [bc she went to Manchester Uni] but the rest of the album is so clearly not for her. If this song was about a break up from Harry then why would they bother adding in a stunt line about Eleanor when the public story is El and Louis are happily still together with Louis planning to marry her? Unless Walls isn't a break up album and it's very loudly Louis declaring him and Harry are still happily together and they wanted to try and force the image that Louis is happily in love with Eleanor. Also funny how this album is gender neutral and has no she pronouns in it unlike Zayn's new album having she pronouns.
Too Young:
We were to young to know we had everything. Too Young, I wish I could've seen it all along. I'm sorry that I hurt you, darling, no we were to young
This song is all about how when Harry was only 16 and he was 18 [Louis himself saying the song is about meeting the one at 18] he was to young to realize he had the best lover he was ever going to have, he had it all. As I said before issues in songs = management/stunts and this is Illuding to how Louis let them minupulate them and do what it was they wanted aka stunting and forcing Louis to be with Eleanor and Harry have a "lady's image" since he was only 16 and Louis now looking back and realizing he should have fought harder. Louis at the time didn't realize how much all this would hurt Harry having to share Louis [once again Just a Little Bit of Your Heart is Harry's feelings about that] and its once he's older he realizes what he did to hurt the only one who he ever truly loved and it pains him to know he put his lover through that even if it wasn't Louis fault Harry went through that.
I've been looking back a lot lately me and you is all I've ever known. Oh I can't believe I gave in to the pressure. When they said a love like this would never last. I didn't know no better now I realize yeah I realize.
So similar to before he's saying Harry is all he's ever known and him giving in to the pressure was about agreeing to fake date Eleanor and allow them to be heavily closeted. Reflecting back on those days he regrets so much what he agreed to do. They said a love like this wouldn't last is their management/label not agreeing with them being together and how two boys in a boyband marketed towards young women won't last, they won't sell records as an out gay couple with Louis believing their lies for a bit and he now regrets ever thinking they were right. This is a reflection song of not understanding what he had when he was so young but he sees it clearly now and he will never let THEM win he loves Harry and won't ever let him go ever.
These high walls, they came up short now I stand taller then them all. These high walls never broke my soul and I watched them all come fallin down for you.
The high walls he refers to is all the assholes who tried to break him, break Harry and tried to ruin his career out of spite. This is towards the ones who told him they would never succeed being as they are a committed gay couple. Louis for a time believed them when they said their love wouldn't last, no one will want to listen to their music as a gay couple but eventually he realized they were wrong and those walls he had up filling him with doubt and insecurities were broken down. He allowed his "high walls" to come down because Harry was worth the effort it took to bring them down.
So this one is a thank you for what you did to me. Why is it that thank you's are often bittersweet? I just hope I see you one day and you say to me, Oh.
This is what one calls a metaphor he does not mean a physical person he means the walls he had up for a long time making him feel so insecure bc of how some of the people around him that made him feel so worthless crushing his spirt for so long. The metaphorical person he is thanking for helping him become the person he is today is the wall he broke down. The hardships he dealt with when he was younger got him to where he is today.
For every question why you were my because
Why am I still fighting?
Why have I not given up yet?
The because to his question is his lover HERE is where he directly refers to his lover. Harry is someone who is worth fighting for and will always be one of the reasons he hasn't stopped fighting. He loves Harry more then anything and will fight until the day he can publicly hold his hand, publicly post pictures of them together, publicly go on dates and publicly declare his love for him.
You're the habit that I can't break, you're the feeling I can't put down, you're the shiver that I can't shake, you're the habit that I can't break, you're the high that I need right now.
Written over and over throughout the song these are some of the most important lines he wrote about Harry. It's Louis way of saying even if he wanted to, even if it would be easier for him and Harry he can never let him go. Harry's version of this is in Adore You when he sings "You don't have to say you love me, you don't have to say nothing and you don't have to say you're mine. I'd walk through fire for you just let me adore you like it's the only thing I'll ever do." Harry is saying even if publicly you can never say you love me I know you do and I will do anything for you because I am madly in love and could never let you go. They both would go through hell along side each other then being partially happy and the other not being by their side. Harry is the only one he ever wants to spend his life with and no matter what hardships they are put through there is no scenario where being without each other is a better alternative.
I took some time 'cause I've ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be but honestly, I don't have to choose anymore
The line of all lines he took time away bc he was tired of the facade of faking what makes him happy, faking loving some girl, faking being anything but himself. He's back now and knows without a doubt who he is and is proud of it. No more confusion, no more lies he loves a curly haired dimpled boy and no one will tell him he can't love him. Harry's version of this is the chorus of Lights Up "All the lights couldn't put out the dark, runnin' through my heart. Lights up and they know who you are, know who you are. Do you know who you are? Shine step into the light, shine so bright sometimes, shine I'm not ever going back." They both tell you they have figured out whi they are and are very proud of who they have become and no one will tell them they can't be anything but themselves. They WILL scream it out loud and proud letting everyone know who they love one day [as if 16 and 18 year old H&L didn't already do that.]
And it's been ages, different stages come so far from Princess Park. I'll always need ya in front of me, in front of me
Oh the line that shocked every larrie I know. When he first sang this song and we first heard this line at a live concert everyone was shocked because we all knew what their was only one meaning to it. It was such a drastic line that the Elounors tried to claim he sang Starbuck [until the official lyrics came out.] Princess Park is the name of the apartment/flat complex all of the 1D boys lived in after the Xfactor BUT Niall, Liam and Zayn had their own apartment/flat while Louis and Harry shared one and they always made it very clear to everyone they met that they lived together.
So in a love song Louis sings about how him and his lover have come so far since their Princess Park days and his lover will always be the one he needs. Putting Harry's fav love song Sweet Creature plus Louis line about his lover together it would read " And, oh, we started two hearts in one home, come so far [since] princess park. I'll always need you in front of me. Wherever I go you bring me home" you do the math here. Their lyrics sink up just as much as their tattoos do.
Always You:
I went to Amsterdam without you and all I could do was think about you and oh-oh-oh I should've known
The Amsterdam line one of those lines that can be fact checked and proven to not be for Eleanor. So Louis took Eleanor to Amsterdam for her birthday at a gay bar no less back in July/August of 2017. Then a week or two later wrote the song Always You leaking a snippet of it to us where the lines of him singing about how he went to Amsterdam without his lover and his lover was all he could think about were heard. If he went with Eleanor then clearly that isn't his lover but we know this. Fast forward 2020 Walls comes out and we FINALLY hear the full song of Always You.
Louis said he only put the song on the album because the fans wanted it but if it was just because of us and the song wasn't THAT important to him why did he leak those lines back in 2017 that could easily be fact checked that the lover he sings about isn't Eleanor? It's like he wanted us to know it's not for Eleanor this line is important. So the fact that almost 3 years later he still put the song out shows the song means a lot to him and even in 2020 the meaning of the song still resonates with him and how it will Always be THIS one person that means everything to him. Funny though how his loudest, easily fact checkable songs [to not be about Eleanor] are the ones he downplays the most about importance to him.
I went to Tokyo to let it go. Drink after drink, but I still felt alone I should've known
When it comes to this song the Amsterdam line is Louis speaking [because he went to Amsterdam without Harry] while the Tokyo line is Harry speaking [because Harry went to Tokyo without Louis] and after Harry came back from Tokyo, Japan Louis was seen wearing a ton of new clothes from Japanese clothing brands. This is both of them saying I may be in a wonderful new place but it's not the same without you here. They are sad and alone and would rather be with each other then traveling around the world.
I'm wastin' my time when it was always you, always you. Chasin' the high, but it was always you, always you
I think this is self explanatory he sees no reason to even think about being with someone else because he knows without a shadow of doubt [thinks he always knew deep down] it was always Harry. There was never going to be anyone else for him but Harry.
I went from LAX to Heathrow. Walked through my door, but it felt nothing like home cause you're not home. Waiting to wrap your legs around me
LA and London are their two main residences and places they tend to go back and forth a lot. When he "goes home" if Harry is not there Louis feels as though it doesn't really feel like home because home to Louis is wherever Harry is. They can travel all around the world, meet a ton of new people but no place and others will ever make them feel fully satisfied unless their lover is by their side.
Cashin your weekend treasures, for a suit and time a second wife. Now I'm not saying that you could have done better just remember that I, I've seen that fire alight.
The first line is a nod to the industry itself and how to get your "weekend tresures" [be famous and earn a lot of money] you have to put up a fake facade, acting and looking the way they want you to because in their eyes if you are not the conventional person Hollywood wants they believe you will not make them the money they desire because we all know they only care about money nothing else. At a cost of the real them they must put on a fake smile, go out there sing doing nothing unconventional and they will get money and fame.
The second line yes they are happily together and Louis doesn't want or believe Harry will find someone else but he has seen Harry when all of this gets to be to much and when Harry puts up a facade of I've never had an issue with all of this Louis reminds him that I've seen you when your not fine, it's ok to not always be fine and I am here for you when things are not rainbows and sunshine.
Tell me do you still remember feeling young? And strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people? Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you.
Refering back to Xfactor and early 1D days he's asking Harry if he remembers those days together back when they hadn't really gone through hardships yet and all the strength they had during their youth willing to take on the world together. He's asking him to bring that strength back and remember the younger version of himself. He's asking him to not give up because the younger him wouldn't want him to. It's been 10 years and they are still fighting, fighting as hard as they did when they were merely teenagers not knowing what lied ahead but wer happy as long as it meant they had each other in the end.
Now if happiness is always measured by the life we design, the car on the drive then you should feel better then ever but you know as well as I it's all lies.
This line speaks volumes as stated before with Fearless we have references to the industry and even just life in general. From the outside looking in they got money, fame, material things, they have it all and if deciding who is more happy in life was based on those things then they would win but Louis is telling Harry we both know that isn't the case. The industry isn't sunshine and rainbows, they treat people like shit and strip away everything about a person if they don't think their real self will sell. They only want to make a profit off them and don't care about how they feel about any of it. Everything is a lie the truth must be counseled.
Perfect Now:
You say to me your jeans don't fit, you don't feel pretty and it's hard to miss. I wish you could see my point of view as someone staring back at you.
This song is personally underrated to me I love this song. This song is so uplifting when you are feeling insecure and negative about yourself. Louis personally had a certain curly haired boy in mind when he wrote this. He's talking about Harry's insecurities with himself and Louis wishes Harry could see things from his view and how amazing and perfect Harry is to him.
Cause everybody is looking at you now. I guess some queens don't need a crown and I know why. Even when your tears are following now still someone, you're perfect now.
One of those it's definitely not for Eleanor moments. We all know [especially during fine line era] everyone was talking about Harry, knows his name and eyes turn to him when he walks in the room. Louis is so proud of Harry and is happy everyone else sees what he sees but Harry doesn't always see what others see in him and during those times where he is not already Louis is saying I will be right there with you. I am with you through the good and the bad because even when tears are running down his face Harry is still perfect to Louis.
Cause you're the only one when it's said and done. You make me feel like being someone good to you. Even at your worst you steal the scene.
No matter where life takes them, no matter how hard it gets Louis is reassuring Harry he will always be there by his side. At the end of it all when the final act is over and the curtain is closeting he will still be there because there will never be anyone else he wants to be next to at the end of all of this. Louis looks into Harry's eyes he watches all he does and is intrance wanting nothing more then being the one to be there when he is down and always being the who makes the pain go away even if for a moment.
I hate to say, but I do we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams. We walk up early morning and they're still under our sheets.
*Sigh* this is reality setting in things aren't perfect. In their line of work, being who they are, being a closeted gay couple things aren't going to be perfect 100% of the time. Most of the time they would rather ignore all the shit they are forced to indure but Louis realizes just ignoring it all won't make it go away he will wake up each morning next to Harry knowing those issues will always be around by neither fault of their own. He hopes one day they will get to be a happily open couple who posts pics online, goes out on public dates and gets to live the domestic life they always wanted but right now that just isn't their reality. Their reality is I can only look at you for more then 5 seconds or touch you when no one is around to notice.
Been up all night, all night running my lines but it's only the truth. Been up all night not sure how to say this right got so much to loose. / You just keep on building up your fences but I've been so defenseless.
Another metaphor here Louis wondering how to bring this up to Harry and not upset him. The last thing Louis ever wants is for him to be the reason Harry has a frown upon is wonderful face. Harry is more the one to bottle up and ignore the negative things while Louis is the more practical one and he knows he has a ton to loose [Harry and his love] if he doesn't go about this situation right.
No you don't have to keep on being strong for you and me acting like you feel no pain I know you do. And I can't get inside your head when you're lost in your pride but you don't have a thing to prove.
Harry is the one who bottles up his pain, puts on the fake smiles, and makes everyone believe he is perfectly fine. He acts like he can handle what he is forced to indure 100% of the time but Louis sees through that and just wants him to open up more. He knows Harry feels just as much pain as he does and wishes he wouldn't hide it and pretend everything is always fine. Louis wants to be able to help Harry through the pain and to let know he will always be there for him no matter what so don't pretend your always fine just to make others around him, make Louis feel better.
I hope I'm not asking to much just wanna be loved by you. And I'm to tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you.
Louis is tired of pretending, wishes everyone understood, wishes what he is asking for wasn't to much. All he wants is to be loved by Harry and live the domestic life he always invisioned with Harry and no one else but his live is not that simple.
Only The Brave:
Pour mercy, mercy on me, set fire to history. I'm breaking my own rules, I'm crying like a fool. It's a church of burnt romances and I'm to far gone to pray. It's a solo song and it's only for the brave.
I'm sure you understand Louis is gay but if you didn't this line right here is all you need to understand that. No straight man is going to write or sing those lines. He's gone down a path of self discovery and figuring himself out he knows he is and he is to far gone to turn back now but he has no desire to even if he could turn back. He is proud of who he is and doesn't care what anyone else thinks of him.
If the truth tell, darling, you fell, like their ain't enough dying stars in your sky. It's a tell tale and it's only hello, hello, no goodbyes.
It's only hello no goodbyes meaning the confusion, the is this for life between Louis and Harry questions are gone. They aren't turning back, they aren't saying goodbye, they are only saying hello to what lies ahead. The truth is clear, their story is clear, they fell for one another and Harry metaphorical speaking fell for Louis in a way where his star shines brighter then ever just by being with him.
Pour mercy, mercy on me, I'll fall upon my knees and they'll say, I told you so come on when you know you know. All the lonely shadows dancing from the cradle to the grave.
When you know you know they knew right from the start it's me and you until the end. Some won't agree but in the end that does not matter to Louis because he only cares about Harry being by his side. He will not apologize for falling in love he loves who he loves and that is it.
We Made It Directors Cut MV:
If the lyrics alone don't tell you the full story then the music video mini movie should. It sums up everything I explained. Louis being forced to do things he doesn't want, it effecting his relationship to the point their drowning [Harry in Falling MV] but manage to survive. Louis lover never speaking but the girl with ties to the evil one in charge does until eventually Louis breaks free from the man in charge controlling him and Louis finally gets to run away with his lover because he made sure they would make it in the end.
Walls is about self discovery, learning to overcome your insecurities "breaking down your walls" no matter how hard it may be and Louis understanding he met the one at 18 and how Harry will always be worth fighting for, THEY will always be worth it bc they knew even as young as they were they were going to get married, have kids and grow old together. So you still want to tell me how any song on Walls is about a break up or Louis moving on from Harry because I certainly don't see it. Walls is Louis perspective on their 10 year relationship and his support and love towards Harry if you want Harry's perspective and his support and love toward Louis you would have to dive into HS and FL but that's a whole other analysis.
They have not given up on each other even if at times it would have been easier they didn't so I will never give up on them. They continue to fight I have been in this fandom supporting them for 10 years watching their continous fight and I will be here another 10 years supporting them if that is how long it takes for them to get the life they knew they wanted when they were only 16 and 18.
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spaghettiandart · 3 years
memories in three
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Originally posted this on the aminos sometime during march, but decided (as of may 3 at 12 am) to post it here too! Yay spur of the moment decision! The rest of the post is from the blogs on the UT and UTAU aminos, and the story is under the cut.
author's note: this was mostly made to be part of my oc's backstory, but then i realized it could exist as a nice character development thing. the art was done on medibang paint and took 2 weeks.
characters: w. d. gaster, grillby, oc
categories: fluff, angst, friendship.
warnings: non-graphic violence, death, blood, mild language. 
word count: 4092
[I] |        one - the calm 
The time they had was always finite. Even at the genesis of it, they knew. They'd look at eachother, a circle of three, assigned to stick together and be loyal to one another, and they knew there'd be no way they'd get along. 
It was so easy to pretend, but with five months gone and passed it was getting harder to feign ignorance. 
The violent crackles and pops of Grillby's flames match the rapid beating of his SOUL, colors rising to the white and lowering until it was a pathetic red in uneven jitters of anxious panic. He focused on pouring the rum into the barbarously crafted wooden mug, the familiar motions soothing his shaking hands until he felt some semblance of normality surround him. 
The background quiet set him on edge, still. He could feel the flames on his shoulders worming their way through the openings on his armor, fingers immediately twitching to cast a flame ball, or reach for his sword, or pour another drink, or so something so that they weren't empty and susceptible to the whims of his ever-twisting emotions. 
The tension- oh, how he hated the tension. Being silent was his favorite sport, his carefully cultivated talent, but he was a creature born and bred to exist in the midst of warm chatter and noise. He was not the type of man to be relaxed in silent, cold hate, and neither was he the type to mediate it. 
Grillby picks up the three mugs by their handles, two hanging precariously from one hand, cradled to his chest, and the other already making its way to his mouth. The liquid stung at him, but not in the way human beverages did. While their concoctions were tasteless and lowered his HP by decimals, this was warm and fuzzy and the bubbly froth filled his mouth like cotton. 
His team was already there. WingDings Gaster, Grand Arcane Battle Artificer of the Deltarune Legion, and Igneous No-Name, Grand Arcane Battle Mage-Scribe of the Deltarune Legion. The names were long in Human English, even longer in traditional Monster languages, but Titles had Meanings and must be Specific and Precise so as to grant Monster the Respect they Deserve. Said verbatim by his own King when he was given his title. 
(Grillby No-Name, Fifth General of the Deltarune Legion, was what was inscribed on the back of the wings of his own silvery Deltarune-Symbol pendant. Every Monster soldier got one, regardless of their station and their specific designations. His own was cold enough for precipitation to collect on the metal, enchanted to withstand heat damage.)
His enchanted helmet is resting on a stack of parchment like a paperweight, turned away from the table so that its face was pointed at the wall. The silence was turned up tenfold the minute Grillby sheepishly walked into their section of the "room", and the two magic-users turned their mutual cold shoulder on him as well.
It shouldn't hurt, but Grillby had to stop himself from reeling as if he were struck by a physical hand. Oh, this wouldn't do. 
They were a team, after all. Of the same Legion, of the same Fifth Division, of the same status. The silence killed him, repulsed his being down to the core because it was so very anti-him. Anti-Flame Elemental, even, because even when they were quiet the crackling of their flames were enough to communicate their feelings to another. 
He only had body language to go off of the two. They may be masters at putting up facades, but he was a master of interpreting them, so the minute he sets the mugs down on the table he immediately pushed the stack of books piled in between Gaster and Igneous like a great wall crumbling to the ground, uncaring of the way the two jumped and jolted at the noise. 
His SOUL pounded, filled with anxiety and slight reprieve at the sound, but he needed more. He hated speaking, he much rather would be the one spoken to, but there are little people to be found who'd like to ramble for hours on end to a stranger save for drunken heretics at the little old tavern he used to manage decades ago. 
"What in the goddamn are you doing?" Igneous exclaimed, hood haphazardly slipping off her head and catching onto her big ears, holding on for dear life in a losing battle. 
"I concur. What on Earth is wrong with you?" Gaster snapped the large tome he was pretending to read shut, the sudden action too surprising for him to not address.
Grillby takes the time to sip from his mug, before setting it down lightly. "... You're both acting like children when we are all adults. Talk out your problems."
Igneous glared at him with an impressive amount of venom. For someone with only two eyes to convey emotion, she knew how to convey it. "I am not talking to a child murderer."
The remaining monster in the room scowled at Igneous, and then at Grillby. "Tell the Mage that human children are the easiest and most reliable source of SOULs to harvest to bolster our ranks."
Igneous' eyes narrowed and her glare intensified. "Tell the Artificer that by killing the humans' children we'd only encourage them to attack as harder. Also tell him he's a shitbag for suggesting it in the first place."
"Tell the Mage that she's a naive twat if she thinks that war can be won with no sacrifices."
"Tell the Artificer that sacrifices of that degree are uncalled for and that he smells of elderberries."
"I do NOT smell like elderberries you-"
Grillby clapped his hands once. A burst of flame shot out from the vents on his shoulders and the palms of his hands, making the bickering pair freeze simultaneously from where they were slowly turning their heads to face each other. 
"This is what I am talking about," the Swordsman looked at them both with a disappointed gaze from behind his crystalline glasses. "... Children, we are adults. You're going to apologize to each other and agree to disagree, or else I will burn one of the books you collected from the Human Mages."
Gaster slammed his hands down on the table and began to stand, expression thunderous. Igneous' eyes widened to such a degree that they threatened to pop out of her head, and she snapped her head back as if he struck her. 
"Child number one, sit down. Child number two, stay quiet- I know you will say something and I will make you regret it," Grillby steepled his fingers, the effort of speaking for so long already taking the energy out of him. He heaved in a breath, the air making his flames crackle with strength. "... Child number one- it may be hard to realize this, but killing children is inarguably immoral and degenerate. Child number two- I advise you to set your pride aside, else your inability to accept the flaws of your naivety may cause you more harm than good... Now apologize, because I am becoming very annoyed at having to speak so much..."
The two stared at him as if he sprouted a second flaming head from his shoulder. Grillby lit up a single finger and held it over a stray paper on the table that escaped his rampage on their books. 
Gaster was the first to break. "... ahem," he shifted uncomfortably, and stuck his nonexistent nose in the air so that he looked down at Igneous. "I suppose that I will have to concede at that. Your... interesting... worldview is something we can't quite see eye to eye on."
Grillby stared at him harder, and his shoulders slumped as he hunched over the table.
"And I apologize for my unprofessional conduct," he sighed, picking at the knicks and scratches in his hands in a nervous manner.
The Spirit Remnant stared at the- Skeleton? Shadow Creature? Wraith? Gaster never disclosed what kind of monster, exactly, he was- with clear contempt that faded away into uncomfortable and annoyed vulnerability. She rolled her shoulders, tail curling around her left ankle protectively.
"You're still a terrible creep, and I cannot deny that I would sooner pound you to dust with my bare hands than see you harm a child of any kind," she said, quietly, "but I understand that... things must be done for the greater good, sometimes. I apologize."
The air became heavy with guilt and frustration at that, but at least they weren't outright holding each other in contempt. Grillby prepared himself to speak for hopefully the last time that day. 
"... Good. Adult One, Adult Two, may I present to you your rewards for acting your age," he slid over the mugs of wine to the both of them, glad that he couldn't physically let out the relieved sigh he would have released were he able to breathe at the sight of the suddenly bright expressions the two had.
Igneous casted a furtive, unsure glance at Gaster, who angled his body away from the both of them and glared at the papers beneath him. He didn't cover them from her view when she leaned over to glance at them, her brows quirking in question as she took another sip. 
The mood didn't instantly change to comfortable. They didn't relax around each other, not immediately. But Grillby could feel the tension in his shoulders drift away as he watched Igneous quietly shoot the other with a question, and Gaster exchanging it with one in return. 
The stress of the war was taking its toll on him, but seeing the two gratefully take small sips of his homemade rum and shyly exchange words about their respected professions made the weight on his chest lighten just a little. 
|        two - the storm 
The battle is disorganized chaos, and he hates it. Not for the slaughter, not for the blood shed, not for the dust carried by the wind. He hates the sheer animalistic frenzy everyone on the battlefield was sent into- it's as if the second the fight began the primal instinct in their minds seemed to suddenly reveal itself, possessing their bodies and taking away their willpower to keep their hidden urges hidden. 
Such was evident in the human shoving his sword into the throat of a bunny monster, rendering them to dust before the blade could slice its way out. Or a monster with a dragon's muzzle unhinging its jaw like a snake and snapping up a human mage, their spine crushed under the pressure in an instant. 
Or even his own... companions, battling back to back against a frenzy of knights, swords gleaming and magic spewing around them. They were beaten down, armor covered in mud and muck, and from the minute trembling carried across their bodies it seemed as if they were ready to topple at any moment. 
Gaster's fists tightened as his Special Attack blasted yet another beam of energy to render a pitiful human to ash, the conjured hands twisting in midair before flocking to his sides like a pair of dogs. He looked down from the cliff he was standing on at the clearing they were fighting in, chest heaving from exertion. He couldn't let it overtake him, not yet, but the exhaustion was close to killing him. His limbs hurt to their very core. 
Igneous and Grillby were practically attached at the spine with how closed in they were. Igneous had snaked a hand around a human's neck, crushing his windpipe before resting her weight on Grillby's back and launching herself in the air. 
Her conjured wings flung out from her back, and she slammed her foot into the chest of another knight, caving it in from the magically-reinforced pressure. 
Despite the human bodies piling up around them, more seemed to flood the two as if recognizing them to be the heavy hitters they were. A human swung out with his sword, and Grillby caught it with his own flaming one, pushing it back. The two were neck and neck, heels dug into the ground as the gleaming blades fought against each other. The human's head shifted forward, as if they were saying something, and Grillby's flames burst into a column of blue, indignant fire. 
The human took the opening his anger gave them by twisting their body and throwing their weight into Grillby's chest, pummeling him into Igneous and the ground. 
Igneous flipped head over heels, wings dissipating as she lied face down. Grillby was shakily getting up, but the human struck out and suddenly there was a hole in the side of his armor, frost creeping around it. 
Gaster scowled, and took a few steps back from the cliff in preparation. A voice behind him interrupted his motions. 
"You meet your end, monster," a voice hissed from behind him. He tilted his head slightly, and upon seeing that it was only a mage he scoffed. 
"Do tell the clouds hello," Gaster flicked the human mage away with little pressure and much disdain from one of the conjured hands, and set his jaw as he hopped onto the back of one of his hands. There was no time to be wasted with meaningless banter.
Hell would sooner freeze over than him seeing his fr- companions, his companions- Fall Down. 
Smaller hands materialized around his body, hitting and punching and swatting away oncoming attackers as he rode the hand down the side of the cliff. The fingers stretched out, and he bent his knees ever so slightly. 
As the end of the cliff was reached, curving into the clearing, he jumped with all his might off the hand and to the side, landing in a roll before hopping to his feet. 
The hand continued on, and barrelled into the human slowly approaching Grillby with the force of a stampeding bull. 
Their sword flew out of their hand and embedded into the bark of a nearby tree with a 'thunk!' and Igneous quickly picked up the slack as the hand dissipated, energy coalescing in her hands. Feathers caged the human in.
"... God... no, no," the human moaned in pain, attempting to get up on their elbows. They glared up at the three just as Grillby picked up his sword from where it lay discarded on the ground, grip trembling. 
"You dirty freaks," the human weakly said, their chest heaving and breath wheezing. Perhaps that hand broke a few bones... oh well. Gaster found that he didn't much care about not knowing, this time, taking much pleasure in watching Grillby advance at the human with his own sword held aloft. 
"You're not m-monologuing, right?" Igneous spoke up, her own breath wheezy. Catching the brunt of Grillby's weight must have hurt, because her entire body was trembling with poorly hidden pain. Almost unconsciously, Gaster shifted his body so that he was in front of her. Her body was trembling in shock and indignation, eyes wide and animalistic as they focused on the human. She looked ready to pounce. "Goddamnit... what are you waiting for, Grillbz? Just end them already!" 
The human ignored her, slowly getting on their knees. Their fists clenched. "Y-you... you won't win this war. Kill me, but my brothers and sisters will avenge me! Our mages, our knights, our horses, our citizens- they'll all fight, all against you monsters!" 
"Please kill them," Igneous practically begged Grillby, her wispy 'hair' flickering piteously. "They’re not useful. They’re not- just- kill them, please.”
"No, wait," Gaster found himself muttering, suddenly. Igneous snapped her head in his direction, eyes wide- and he almost flinched back at the desperation in her eyes. What did that human say? "I want to see what he'll do."
Grillby was examining the human curiously. His masked head tilted this way and that, his hands exchanging the swords as he stood in front of the human, looking down at it. Music, unidentifiable in genre, played in the distance. 
The human looked up at him, glaring through the slits of their helmet. "You know... you know this. And... y-you know what I said before... I w-was right. Kill me, but you'll have to live with that... and that's enough for me to die happy."
There was silence. The two stared at each other, carefully. 
"Well?" The human barked. "You're not going to end it? Take me prisoner, then! Flaunt me around! I still won't-!"
Their head was on the ground in a SOULbeat. Gaster and Igneous took a simultaneous step back as blood stained the grass underneath the human, the armored Flame Elemental examining the corpse before kicking it on its side, stomping back to them.
"... Wasn't going to let their dying words be them telling me what to do," he muttered once he reached them. 
Igneous' shoulders seemed to drop suddenly, and she looked around them. Corpses, bodies, dust- they were all strewn about the battlefield haphazardly. There was no art behind them. No grand imagination from the divines above. 
Just the reeking scent of death lingering over them all. 
She took this in, much like Gaster was, and then looked at him. She had no mouth to smile with, but her eyes crinkled ever so slightly at the edges. 
"You saved our skins back there," she said, voice still quavering from the quiet horror carried within it, and reached out a hand to him. Gaster hesitated, but let it land on his shoulder. The tall monster gripped it firmly, resting her weight on it. "I won't forget this, you know."
"You can start bothering me about it tomorrow," Gaster said, feeling a bit lightheaded. 
Igneous shook her head at that, and gave it a few pats before moving away and CHECKing herself, digging around her small inventory for food. "I don't mean it like that. I mean- yes, I am absolutely going to tease you about this for the next month, but... you... you really do..."
Grillby sheathed his sword suddenly, and looked up at the cliff from where he rode down from. There was a quiet surrounding them. "... care about us."
Gaster shifted from foot to foot. He was no child. He was an adult, for God's sake. Why did he feel so... embarrassed, all of a sudden? 
A cheer rose up in a crescendo of voices from beyond the cliff just as the sun made its way to the top of Mt Ebott and began to hide behind it. The battlefield was painted in a swath of gold and pink, and suddenly he wasn't so much focused on the chaos of it all as he was on the way the colors seemed to highlight the edges and curves of the two in front of him, how it made them all the more... real. 
Gaster stepped closer to the two. "The humans have retreated. We should be... getting back, now."
It was Grillby who set a hand on his shoulder this time, his face pointedly looking away and at the sunset. "... five minutes."
"Ten," Igneous chimed in, brushing his arm with her own. 
The trio stood there throughout the sunset and into the night, and Gaster woke the next morning with his friends resting on either shoulder, the dewy grass fresh underneath him and the battle feeling as if it took place years ago instead of the evidence of it being right behind him. 
He watched the rising sun and smiled. There's the peace he was waiting for. 
|        three - the pieces
The last time Igneous woke up from her  Hibernation Pack, it was to a boss monster with kind eyes looming over her. 
She panicked, at first. Scrambled back, and then turned to alert the Spirit Remnants that she was resting with that there was an intruder in their den. 
All that she was met with was piles upon piles of dust. 
"I was able to stop him from hurting you, too," he had rumbled from behind her, " but I'm afraid that I was too late for your companions."
She turned back around, eyes wide with outrage. 
He held a paw out towards her, offering comfort. It was stained with the humans blood. 
She took it, and pulled him close, demanding that he give her a way to get revenge. His paw clenched involuntarily from surprise, and his dark claws nicked her ethereal skin. 
Her essence joined the human's blood, and in the budding tears in her eyes an agreement was formed. 
Centuries later, Igneous wakes up in a comfortable, warm bed inside a comfortable, warm home underneath the large mountain that she fought for her life on. 
The nightmares were long gone, and memories were reserved for the day to sort through. All that was left for her dreams was darkness and static and white, mutilated hands reaching out for her with holes dug deep into their palms.
She never remembered them, and woke up each morning with the sense of loss lingering heavily in her chest. 
In the room over, the sounds of chatter and the dinging of a bell signifying the front door opening and closing began to grow louder and more frequent. Igneous was frozen in the hallway connecting her and Grillby's bedrooms, curled up in a small armchair haphazardly placed there five years, seven months, and six days ago when the two were refurbishing the building and couldn't decide in which room to put it. They decided to share instead, setting it outside and in between their rooms. 
She pulled her knees up to her chest, the chattering growing louder in her ears. Soon she'd have to step out and start taking their orders, but breakfast doesn't officially start in another… ten minutes, or so. 
She can take her time. 
The swaying pendulum hanging on the wall across from her demanded all her attention, grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes and reflected her past to her. Her stomach flipped with each sway of the object, hands traveling from her knees to her ankles and gripping them tightly.
It's been centuries. But that loss… was it only from the monsters dusted? Was it only from what that human revealed to Grillby and to her during that fateful fight? Or was it from that missing piece, the hole that separated both her and her friend, the dust-ridden and empty guest bedroom untouched that rested at the end of the hall? 
Her fingers clenched tighter, digging holes into her pants that would be covered up by her boots later. 
Was it the unfortunate fates of her pack? The piles of dust she woke up sleeping on, almost ready to join them before Asgore interrupted their murderer? 
Was it what the human said? The quiet words, so low but loud enough at the same time to be heard from miles away, repeating in her ears? The truth, maybe even the sneer in their voice when they spoke, "Don't worry. We didn't dust all of our prisoners… but you will never find them." 
Or the missing piece? The unknown factor that frustrated and scared her to no end, the pounding in her ears whenever she looked at the words unscripted on that silvery pendulum swinging back and forth and back and forth in a maddening rhythm from where it hung on the wall? 
Her claws dug deeper, caught onto fabric, pulled. The seams of her pants ripped at the ankle, and her flickering, pseudo-fiery essence darted out in quick licks at the air. 
The words stayed in her mind whenever she looked at it, dissapeared when she looked away, reappeared with all the context behind them when she looked back.
Every morning was the same routine. The same, desperate staring at the Deltarune-symbol pendant hanging from the wall. The same hope that she'll remember the name after she looks away. 
The dread of not knowing if she'll remember to do it tomorrow. 
She reread the name for the four hundred and thirty fifth time, desperately imprinting it on her mind. Grillby had long stopped even glancing at the thing decades ago. She won't forget. 
She looks away. 
"Shit, I'm going to be late," Igneous muttered, staring at the clock instead. She stood from the chair, confused and wobbly in the knees. "I could've sworn I was just sitting for a few seconds…"
She hurried off down the hall, pulling on her boots as she walked through the Fire Exit. 
The pendulum swung on the wall, shaking as the door slammed closed, its name forgotten. 
Wing Dings Gaster
Grand Arcane Battle Artificer
Deltarune Legion
Division V
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thebluelemontree · 4 years
Hiya blue lemon it's me again. Do you have any criticism in the way GRRM wrote Sansa in book1/2? EX:.Sansa and Jeyne are BFF but we amolst never see the girls talking to eachother, and when JP is sex traffikced sansa just forget about her(we could have a scene where sansa try to find what happened to JP or at least grieve for her). Every time sansa appears as a non-POV in AGOT she's been mean and whe we have her POV she's mean for no good reason(SANSA III AGOT). >PART 1<
And the worst is why GRRM wrote sansa goin to Cercei to tell her the "Ned Plans", it's just bad writing, Cercei kill lady so Sansa going to her was OOC GRRM just wrote that to we hate Sansa And in the book it's not explained what "the Ned plans" was(And it was nothing imortant at all, and would make no difference at Ned's fate) so ordinary readers blame Sansa for Ned's death and GRRM does that too in book 2 Cercei put all the blame for Ned death in sansa nd "the Ned Plans" Your thoughts?PART 2
There’s a lot to unpack here. 
I get a sense that in the early books, George was not as comfortable writing female relationships as he was writing male relationships or even male-female ones. I mean, Catelyn has no female friends, no companions like Margaery Tyrell’s cousins, no fostering wards of her own, no correspondences with other ladies except that one letter from Lysa for plot reasons. This is just weird for the lady of two major houses. It is neglectful on George’s part to give most of the important social connections to men. This doesn’t mean he was totally inept at writing female relationships, though, and it does seem like he’s tried to improve upon highlighting the positive in later books.
By comparison, the positive side of the brotherly relationships are presented so strongly that it tends to smooth over the conflicts with many readers. Jon can feel envious and resentful of Robb, but the love and loyalty is always in the foreground. The conflict between Arya, Jeyne, and Sansa does have legitimate character arc and plot purposes, so this isn’t bad writing. It’s unfortunate that GRRM presses down so hard on the constant bickering and occasional nastiness, but he did write some positives (albeit they tended to be revealed in later books) and there are understandable reasons for the dynamics. It was not done in a totally unrealistic way. What’s depicted is a typical and relatable rocky period for that age group, and there was negative adult influence at play. It’s not a permanent feature of the sisterhood. It’s all there if you pay attention and you’re inclined to be charitable toward the mistakes of young girls.       
If a reader is already predisposed to see the bonds between male characters as more pure and more able to overcome the negative aspects, then they probably also view the bonds between female characters as inherently weaker and more fraught with conflict. Fandom misogyny is not GRRM’s fault. That sector of the fandom will always have contempt for girls for being girls, especially preteen girls. They will always hone in on their faults and belittle their virtues. 
I don’t think that is true that we hardly ever see Jeyne and Sansa talking. They are nearly always in each other’s company. There was real friendship between Sansa and Jeyne, because what George does do well with them, is realistically write the way girls cement their bonds. Young girls strengthen their relationship by communicating and confiding in each other. Sharing secrets, crushes, hopes, fears, and pieces of gossip builds trust and intimacy. Jeyne and Sansa do this all the time, even though they can have different opinions and disagree about a lot.  Yes, there is some one-sidedness in that Sansa socially outranks Jeyne and believes that makes her more mature and wiser than her friend. Jeyne is dependent on her closeness to Sansa as a highborn lady and future queen to rise successfully, so she’s not going to push back on Sansa’s dominance. This is also a reason Jeyne sometimes bullies Arya to supplant her as Sansa’s “sister.” When Sansa has something to share, she goes to Jeyne to talk about it. I think it’s hilarious that the girls have a debate over which castle Gregor Clegane’s head will get spiked. Sansa wants Jeyne at her side for these new and exciting events like the tourney. When things get serious and dangerous, they comfort each other. Again, this is not all George’s fault if some readers don’t recognize or value the way girls do friendships.  
It’s stated quite clearly why Sansa tries to not think about Jeyne or her deceased family members very often. It’s fucking traumatic and her survival while among her captors depends on mentally holding herself together. 
If only she had someone to tell her what to do. She missed Septa Mordane, and even more Jeyne Poole, her truest friend. The septa had lost her head with the rest, for the crime of serving House Stark. Sansa did not know what had happened to Jeyne, who had disappeared from her rooms afterward, never to be mentioned again. She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. Once in a while, Sansa even missed her sister. By now Arya was safe back in Winterfell, dancing and sewing, playing with Bran and baby Rickon, even riding through the winter town if she liked. Sansa was allowed to go riding too, but only in the bailey, and it got boring going round in a circle all day. -- Sansa II, ACOK.
Following her father’s beheading, Sansa was in a suicidal depression for days. She wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t bathe, welcomed drug-induced sleep, and contemplated killing herself. If she thinks too much on those she lost, she falls to pieces. She can’t openly weep and mourn for “traitors” if her life depends on appearing to be loyal to Joffrey. Most of her grief is suppressed inside. This also includes asking too many questions she doesn’t feel psychologically prepared to hear the answer to. She was there when the decision was made to shuttle Jeyne off to Littlefinger; however, she has no idea this is going to result in Jeyne being sent to a brothel and worse. I would also keep in mind that even if she did ask, it’s not like Cersei or Littlefinger would ever tell her the truth. Why would they? Does she really want to hear lies and have to think about what the horrible truth might be when she can’t do anything about it?  When it comes to Arya, Sansa believes her sister escaped on the ship bound for home. She comforts herself with imagining that Arya is safe and free, and that’s enough to keep her going.  
And she prays and sings for Jeyne, wherever she is.
She sang for mercy, for the living and the dead alike, for Bran and Rickon and Robb, for her sister Arya and her bastard brother Jon Snow, away off on the Wall. She sang for her mother and her father, for her grandfather Lord Hoster and her uncle Edmure Tully, for her friend Jeyne Poole, for old drunken King Robert, for Septa Mordane and Ser Dontos and Jory Cassel and Maester Luwin... -- Sansa V, ACOK.
It’s only until later in the books that Sansa feels emotionally at peace enough to start remembering the good times with Arya and Jeyne without breaking down into tears. We can also see the conflicts weren’t always a thing, and the love was strong with all three.
Sansa began to make snowballs, shaping and smoothing them until they were round and white and perfect. She remembered a summer's snow in Winterfell when Arya and Bran had ambushed her as she emerged from the keep one morning. They'd each had a dozen snowballs to hand, and she'd had none. Bran had been perched on the roof of the covered bridge, out of reach, but Sansa had chased Arya through the stables and around the kitchen until both of them were breathless. She might even have caught her, but she'd slipped on some ice. Her sister came back to see if she was hurt. When she said she wasn't, Arya hit her in the face with another snowball, but Sansa grabbed her leg and pulled her down and was rubbing snow in her hair when Jory came along and pulled them apart, laughing. -- Sansa VII, ASOS.
It was most unladylike, but Alayne sound found herself laughing. For just a little while, as she ran, she forget who she was, and where, and found herself remembering bright cold days at Winterfell, when she would race through Winterfell with her friend Jeyne Poole, with Arya running after them trying to keep up. -- Alayne I, TWOW.
So it’s not even that the girls only bond through confiding. They run, play, and roughhouse with each other. It’s interesting that AGOT!Sansa tried to be so mature and proper, but now that she’s older, she’s remembering how good and freeing it was just to be a kid. But let’s not act like this part of the story is over. Jeyne is still very much alive and seems likely to run into Arya in Braavos. We can almost be 100% certain that Sansa will find out the truth about what happened to Jeyne and what Littlefinger did to her (and her parents), then watch out. Sansa will turn all that buried pain into a righteous fury at Littlefinger.  
Now as for Sansa being mean for “no reason.” Um... yeah, LOL. Sometimes she’s just a total unwarranted bitch to her sister, and it’s not meant to be a good look. Sometimes she’s superficial, insufferably immature and annoying, judgmental and prejudiced AND THAT’S OKAY. I mean, she sounds no better or worse than your average middle-schooler if they were of the privileged nobility. Guess what? Sometimes preteens are really like that. Sometimes siblings have ugly, knockdown drag out fights where they say horrible things to each other. Most will grow past those phases and still wind up just as loving and close. It’s realistic and believable. Sansa has flaws, but they aren’t deep moral flaws. She does an amazing job at growing, learning, and overcoming those flaws over the course of the books. In TWOW, she’s warm and affectionate with people, easy-going, nonjudgmental, and genuinely more mature than ever. She took the stick out of her ass and became a happier person for it. What’s the problem? What did you want her to be? Perfect? Unfailingly kind and loved by everyone all the time? She’d be a saint, not a multifaceted human being. Even with her occasional ugly side, Sansa is still a strong, smart, compassionate badass. I don’t care if some people don’t like her as she is written or if they vilify her with their misinterpretations or ignore her strengths. What bearing does that have on GRRM’s vision for her character? He never set out to write any character that the whole fandom would either unanimously love or hate.    
This is not bad writing. This NOT bad writing. This is GOOD writing.
*Sigh* Listen... this whole nonsense about Sansa being to blame for Ned’s demise has been going on since ASOIAF was written on clay tablets. You don’t have to listen to every stupid thing the fandom says about anything. It’s just factually wrong. End of story. This misinterpretation and reader inattentiveness is not GRRM’s fault, because he lays out all the details of everything that went down between Arya, Ned, and Sansa’s POV as it was happening. It’s totally understandable why an upset and frustrated Sansa would go to Cersei, the mother figure she implicitly trusts and admires. She didn’t go to Cersei to betray her father’s plans. She went to the queen to intercede in what she thought had to be some big misunderstanding, having no idea what was really going on or at stake. 
This is not OOC for her to go to Cersei after Lady’s death. The hand that killed Lady was her own father’s, a undeniable breach of trust that wounded their relationship. Ned just doesn’t really do a lot to deal with the emotional aftermath either. Ned and Sansa are very similar in turning a blind eye when confronted with unpleasantness from someone they love. Ned is also at that moment disillusioned with Robert’s failure to do the right thing after the Trident incident. He begs Robert in the name of their brotherly love and the love he bore Lyanna, and Robert turns his back on Ned anyway. Yet Ned immediately goes right back to believing in the best of Robert’s nature, despite all evidence to the contrary. Every sign points to this being a one-sided friendship with Robert being lazy, irresponsible, and completely selfish. Like father, like daughter. Sansa has a very hard time accepting that Joffrey and Cersei are not the people she thought they were, even when she’s seen some cracks. And since she can’t understand her father’s actions and the communication has been shot to hell between them, of course she runs to Cersei with her problems. Cersei can flip a switch and pretend to be kind, loving, and understanding. 
This is so typical of a teenage thought process:  “Dad just doesn’t understand and he’s making a big mistake. I don’t understand why he’s doing this. He doesn’t get how important this is to me. This will all work out if a sympathetic adult steps in and fixes it. Everything will turn out great and we’ll all be happy.” While Sansa is pouring her heart out about how it isn’t fair she can’t say goodbye to Joffrey, Cersei pretends to be that sympathetic mother figure that really understands her. How hard would it be then to pump Sansa for information? Like “Oh my sweet little dove. I know how much you love my son. Don’t worry. I’ll help you straighten this out. You said your father wants to send you away? How? When? What’s the name of that ship again?”  
And that line from Cersei’s POV is horseshit. Cersei is a liar and regularly lies in her POV to absolve herself of responsibility and force the blame entirely on others. In this case, Cersei is acting like she didn’t totally manipulate a trusting child to betray her.  We also know this is a lie because Ned was the one that told her himself of his plans to reveal the invest and remove her as queen. Sansa had nothing to do with that. All Sansa did was give Cersei information that allowed Cersei the opportunity to take her hostage before the girls could leave by ship. Cersei’s plans against Ned were already well underway. Sansa never came to her with the intent of knowingly betraying anyone, but she did have selfish reasons for going to the queen to complain in the first place. GRRM said himself that Sansa wasn’t to blame for Ned’s capture or death, but she did play a role in the events that transpired. That’s fair. All that makes her is a kid who made a not entirely innocent mistake, but a mistake nonetheless, which she immediately learned from. Does she trust Cersei or Joffrey again? Hell no.  
Relax, anon. It’s fine for her to not be nice all the time. It’s fine for her to have some realistic, garden variety flaws. It’s one of the most universal human mistakes to fall too hard and fast for the wrong person, act the fool over them despite all the red flags, only to realize you only saw what you wanted to see in them. And Sansa learned this lesson at eleven when some adults haven’t learned it at all. Relax. She’s a great, well-written, relatable character who has overcome most of these issues successfully.  
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honey-subs · 4 years
untitled - optional bias
a/n - hurt/comfort, praise, angst with a pinch of fluff
a/n - felt really insecure about myself today so i decided to write some fluff. optional bias.
a/n - this was really just me self projecting, so the insecurities will include;; weight, eczema, and height. of any of those makes you uncomfortable, or it’s triggering for you, then please skip this.
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it wasn’t often that you found yourself staring at your reflection in a mirror and criticizing yourself. you tired to avoid doing it as much as possible so you could avoid that headspace. and for the most part, you had succeeded.
you’d succeeded in not looking at yourself as if you had three heads everytime you looked into a reflective surface. you’d succeeded in not poking and prodding at the things you wish you could just rip away from your skin and get rid of forever.
you’d succeeded, but, that didn’t stop the thoughts from coming to your mind. the thoughts that took you to such a dark place that you tried your hardest to escape from, but some days they just came back and hurt so much.
you couldn’t stop the same thoughts, the ones that broke you down time and time again, from filling your brain.
it was morning time, and you woke up around an 45 minutes earlier like normal, getting your clothes and things together for your long day of work. it was just a normal day, you didn’t plan on spending 30 of those minutes with your hands gripping the sink top and looking at your reflection with a blank stare.
you were supposed to be getting ready for work, and you so desperately wanted to move from your spot in front of your mirror, but you couldn’t. it was like you were stuck in time, but the clicking of the wall clock told you you weren’t and normally spurred you on in the morning so why was this one so different?
you let your eyes look up and down your figure. it had been so long since you felt like this. felt so broken down. so broken down in your own skin that everyone told you to love, but it wasn’t that easy, was it? it’s not easy loving things you wish you could rip from your body. your eyes stared at your stomach, seemingly glaring at the pudge of skin that you could see through your clothing.
without tearing your eyes away, your hands gripped the stomach part of your shirt and tugged it outward so that it stretched away from clinging to your skin that you found so disgusting. the shirt seemed baggy now, but you were okay with it as long as it didn’t cling to your stomach. you wished you could just rip it all away, though. ‘maybe if i could that’d make me more desirable to him.’ you found yourself, thinking. you knew that in the rational part of your brain that he loved you. loved all of you. but you couldn’t bring yourself to actually believe it, especially not in this state.
you swallowed the lump that seemed to form in your throat, forcing yourself to hold back your tears. even if you weren’t crying, your lip quivered uncontrollably, and you forced yourself to bite it to keep quiet so you wouldn’t wake him up.
your eyes peel away from your stomach, and move to your arms that were on display due to the angle you had them in. the creases of your arms were littered with rashes that bloomed a darker brown than the rest of your chocolate colored skin. it spread there on both of your arms until it almost reached your elbows. it’s inflamed from when you itched at it yesterday night. it’s red, cracked, dry, and scabbing over in some places where you really dug your nails.
you bit the inside of your jaw as you continued to stare, unable to peel your eyes away from the seemingly disgusting sight. ‘maybe if i didn’t have these ugly rashes he wouldn’t be ashamed of me.’ that one was a lie and you knew it, but you couldn’t help it from clouding your mind.
and finally. you leaned back and stood up straight. you didn’t realize how bad your hands were shaking until you pulled them away from the countertop, you balled them into fists and crossed your arms over your chest. you absolutely hated how tall you were. you wished you could shrink down, even five inches and you’d be absolutely grateful. you hated how you seemed to tower over everything.
you hated how your weight seemed to be the only thing people saw of you. they didn’t even try to understand that you were hardworking, nice, and understanding. they saw your weight, and their thoughts immediately went elsewhere.
you hated how people would look at you like you were diseased when the creases of your arms showed when you reached for something. they sometimes even refused to touch you, for fear they’d retract it. ‘fucking idiots. it’s not a disease, and it’s not contagious.’ you thought.
you hated how people saw your height and assumed you were mean, or were only used to get things off the high shelves, or called you a giant because of your height. ‘i hate everyone who has ever made me feel like shit because i happened to be tall.’ that was a firm decision you’d come to even when you weren’t over analyzing the way you looked.
you kept your eyes on your reflection for what seemed like hours, no thinking, simply existing while hating the way you looked. you kept your eyes trained on the pair of eyes that looked back at you, not tearing them away from anything. your breathing was ragged, and a shaky scoff escaped your lips, before you were biting your lip again to keep in the tears, because you were sure you would full on sob if you didn’t keep your composure.
your ears picked up the sound of another pair of footsteps walking into the bathroom with you. he rubbed his eyes and went to stand behind you. he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheeks and looked into the mirror with you. “y/n. you’re late for work, is everything okay?” he asked, voice raspy with over 8 hours of sleep.
“yeah i’ll be okay. my boss knows i’m good for it.” you murmur, eyes still fixated on your reflection. you huff out a sigh and peel your eyes away from the mirror. “yeah, okay, yeah. what do you wanna eat this morning? might as well cook while i’m here.” you mumbled and gave a fake smile, avoiding your reflection entirely and looking at him.
he furrowed his brows and knew something was off. he didn’t answer your question, and watched as you turned to the side to leave. he pulled you back and stopped your from leaving. “y/n?” he asked as he pulled you back, you didn’t give an answer, keeping your eyes downcast. “y/n.” he stated firmly, looking into your eyes and his hand encased your wrist. “what.” you stated, just as firm, challenging, even.
his face softens, and his hand falls from your wrist, but you don’t move from your spot. he doesn’t say a word and neither do you. his lips press into a flat line, and he’s pulling your wrist again, this time leading out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. the both of you sit in barstools, and he’s turned to face you.
“tell me what’s wrong.” he says, doing his best to meet your eyes when you’re looking every where besides him. “no.” you tell him. “i’ve handled it on my own before, and i’ll handle it this time.” you say, and your patience was wearing thin, not that you’ve had much since earlier when you were alone.
“tell me-“ he begins, pressing the issue. “what is it that you want me to say? that i spent over thirty minutes this morning hating myself? that i spent over thirty minutes looking at myself in the mirror and wondering if i’m even good enough for you? that i spent over thrity minutes picking out each and every one of my flaws that i hate? that i spent over thirty minutes this morning wondering why you even love me?” your eyes are boring into his as you say it, face hot with anger, or what was mayhaps unresolved and bottled up sadness, which one? you couldn’t really tell at the moment.
there was a moment of silence as the both of you stared at eachother, and then it’s broken by him giving you a hug. “i am so sorry.” he’s the one apologizing. “you truly can’t see how amazing and beyond gorgeous you are to me....” he lets his sentence trail off. the both of you feel ultra vulnerable when you can see the tears well in eachothers eyes, but the both of you refuse to let them fall.
“i’m going to call in for you. and we’re going to spend the whole day together.” he says with finality in his voice. his heart broke when he saw you like this, because he genuinely thought you were the best person ever.
your signing when he starts dragging you else where. “where are we going?” you asked, moving along with him and not even trying to protest. “you spent thirty minutes in front of that mirror hating yourself, so i’m going to spend and hour and thirty minutes in front of that mirror showing and telling you how much i love, appreciate, and cherish you.” he murmurs, and you know he’s fatally serious when you end up in the bathroom again, and he’s standing behind you as he was earlier.
“i love you so much. all of you. all of your flaws, all of your marks, all of your ‘quirks’, all of you.” that was his starting sentence. the sentence that soon led to you getting praised for over an hour. the sentence that led to him pointing out every single thing he loves about you, and not forgetting one thing. he truly loved you, and he wanted you to see what he saw. it would take some time, but he was so very determined to get you to love yourself and see yourself in the the way he sees you. nothing less than perfect.
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MTV Masters 2004 Rammstein - thoughts
After doing the translation of the MTV Masters 2004 set, i was left with some lingering thoughts and miscellaneous rambles, so here goes.. ❣in no particular order.
Even though it was primarily a collection of snippets from other/older interviews and some making ofs, i liked how it was put together as a sort of "History of Rammstein up until now", too bad part 2 was missing.
Olli might be just as direct and outspoken as Paul, just not as eloquent, and not as bothered to try and get his opinion out (maybe should do a post on Olli alone...probably..).
The Mutter drama
very likely started with Richard (greatly helped with a bunch of cocaine), but after it also everyone says they didn't want to go on with the same type of music, but wanted to experiment...
afaik Richard is one of the more experimental of the band, so while at some point (understandably) they wanted Richard out, I think he was also needed for the new direction...a "can't live with him, can't live without" situation?
because of that shared feeling, i guess a bandcrisis was unavoidable at some point, and maybe it was brought to a head when it was and they worked through it...if it had lingered another few years maybe they'd have said "we've been doing this long enough now, let's quit"
the years after were better, but i think it's only in the recent 2 or 3 years that the band-together-vibe has really returned, but without the corset they all hated, good for them for hanging in all that time
Paul's occassionally shows his sunny smiles when saying a pointed or sharp remark. If you didn't understand the text you might think he just said something really cute, and all the while is dissing something or someone ☀️ not just a ball of sunshine, but one with stings..
Till often doesn't finish sentences, leaves part of it hanging in the air, starts his next thought. I could imagine he prefers to express himself in writing (his poetry and lyrics) instead of talking, especially talking with a journalist where he probably half expects to be misquoted anyway.
The parts about Germany are all the more interesting knowing that 15 years later they did a song on pretty much exact the topic as it is discussed here. I wouldn't be surprised they had rewatched these old interviews and then came up with using the theme for a song. I also agree that the nazi-era, apart from the atrocities and unspeakable harm it did to people, also very much crippled the germans with guilt, making it impossible to look further away in the past without linking it to the later nazi years (a lot of harmless things from before get a connotation it originally didn't have because the nazi era tainted it) and not being able to move on in the future because the guilt couldn't be let go. If only they'd ever do a 'making of' or interview about the song "Deutschland" i'd be very interested on their thoughts...but i don't have much hope anymore for that...
The scenes with Schneider and Paul on a couch, Paul telling Schneider he's the best actor, Schneider sort of embarrassed reacting and then Paul reconsidering and coming to the conclusion that he's not sure about actor Schneider and talking, but concluding he is really good at looking in certain directions 😁 that must be a prime example of Paulinist remarks, on the one hand cute and funny and generous, and then with one sentence basically pinpointing what Schneider can't do ☀️
Richard admitting having to be unhappy to "create" and sometimes creating drama to trigger that is very revealing, self-aware, unsettling and in a way very sad.. i hope he has come to terms better with it later in life and can also use music from a happier core (like when he writes songs for his children), but deep down, this is his drive and probably still is..
Love Paul's metaphores, he always has one (or three) at hand on any topic. When interviewed along bandmates he's quite restless though, moving around a lot..
Felt sad for Till when he talks about writting stuff off of his soul and afterwards "feeling a bit better, a tiny bit" I wanted to reach in and hug him ❣
At this point in time the Mutter drama is forgiven but not quite forgotten, I think especially Paul will be one to regularly have referred back to it in the first years after the crisis. At least the last couple of years it seems to have been really layed to rest (apart from maybe a little inside joke like old friends have).
Although I always think Schneider is the most levelheaded of the bunch, he does seem to occassionally not "get" what is going on, he seems occassionally vague. That too changed later on, nowadays he seems the most stabil one to interview (well, Flake as well but you can have Flake just reminisce old bandstories and don't have to ask questions 💓)
Schneider for that matter also seems to, by the time of the interview, still remember there was a crisis, but is starting to forget the details, that is probably for the better, no use rehashing everything, but i'd bet some of the others took longer..
Richard is very analytical about what happened and also imo very honest, like mentioning when in the early days they did something funny, that wasn't their intension and only later learned to laugh about themselves. Other people would just have twisted a story like, but he just says it as he thinks it was. He seems very much to say what he feels at the time (not that a next time he won't say something different, but then *that* is what he feels). This must probably also have gotten him into spots of trouble over the years.
Till just lights up (no not like that 😊) when he hears the pyro guys, next time someone manages to catch him for an interview they should just let him give a masterclass on pyrotechnics and ask the questions in between so he doesn't have to bother with the standard interview-situation and just do his own thing.
There is not a lot of Flake in these interviews, while we know now that Flake is actually one of the better storytellers, maybe he was used to let others do the talking at the time, or maybe he was strugling with his alcohol addiction that he talks about in his books and his happy to let tune out.
I think Richard once mentioned in a different interview that he likes to work in a team but isn't a teamplayer; what i take from these interview snippets that he loves the band and very much wants the band to be well.. later he wrote an Emigrate song for them (a band he doesn't tour with, afraid he'd like it better than Rammstein..😙 he a worrier at heart i think..).
Paul gets interviewed in various combinations with bandmates at the time, but i don't think from those years there is a combination of him and Richard. But much much later (2016), when they are interviewed together at the Rammstein in amerika premiere, they completely make up for it and have loads of fun. Ofcourse that's exactly the difference 10+ years can make, but good for them to have given it a shot and finding common ground after all (and even managing to be soft to eachother...aaaww those two 💕)
Schneider casually calling Paul 'Paulchen' as an endearing term and Paul not even batting an eye is very cute, but also shows that they regularly call him that (nothing much to do with his size imo)
Paul having the last word is probably typical, but what a sweet way to end this show, saying he really likes all of them, empasizing again 'really' and he is glad they are all still alive 💗 apart from that that is very cute, i also think they did worry about one or the other bandmate and their lifestyle (in keeping with the interview not naming names here) i hope that part of their wildness has mellowed down by now...the first remark also is a foresight to a 2017 interview with Paul where he mentions they have really nice chemistry at that time...so glad their bandlife did become better over the years.
All in all...the really are a 6-man-marriage...aren't they 💖
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Four: The Wreck
JJ x Original Character
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I didn't go back to bed after my conversation with JJ. I got out of the jacuzzi moments after he did, but I didn't go lay beside him. Instead, I went to JJ's father's dock and sat there, watching the sun completely rise.
My demons were not anything like JJ's. My parents were on the brink of getting a divorce and my worst fear was that they'd make me choose. I'm an only child so I have a good relationship with both my parents and although I don't want them to divorce in general, I could understand that they both are happier when they're not together. What I can't understand is why they would want me to choose. On one hand, my dad owns a business and regularly partners with Ward on real estate deals so he's very wealthy and is going to stay in OBX if my parents divorce. My dad and I are close and love the environment and I get along with him very well. On the other hand, my mom is from old money and will definitely go back to live with her father, my grandfather, in New York. I've been to New York two times and both times I didnt like it. The big city isn't for me. But I love my mom and we do get along and I go to her when I'm having problems. That's my biggest demon.
On days like today, everything gets put into perspective. Especially when I realize JJ's demons. His father had a reputation for being a drunk and a gambler, but I didn't think he'd hit his son. Now, my problems seem so insignificant compared to JJ's. I understand that I shouldn't think like that because your problems, big or small, still matter but I can't stop thinking of JJ and how his life has been so far.
He deserves better. I wish he was dealt a better hand.
I know it's late for me to come to this realization, but Pogue or Kook, it doesn't matter. We're all human for fucks sake. I know this is naive but why can't we get along? Why can't I hang out with who I want to hang out with. Be friends with people who have substance. Why does his town feel like following rules that were made by our grandparents and great grandparents?
My mind is reeling and before I can go into a trance, I'm reeled back into reality when I hear footsteps behind me.
Feeling exposed by myself, I quickly turn my body around to come face to face with the person behind me.
It's JJ.
He's wearing new swim trunks and a black tshirt this time. He looks tired and drained but he has this ragged feeling to him that makes him look mature and handsome. His blonde hair is a mess and he already has dirt on his hands his early in the morning, but he's still about the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
"Hi." I say, my breath is caught in my throat. He looks so different to me since the first time I saw him. I don't know why.
"Hey." He says back, looking down at his sneakers for a moment. Is he blushing? JJ is acting coy around me? A Kook nonetheless.
"What's up?" I ask, getting on my knees to get up from where I'm seated on the dock.
JJ's hands are out towards me before I can even ask for help and I grab both his hands to help me up. My hands feel all tingly as I touch him. His hands are rough, which differ from my sweaty but smooth ones, but they're warm. I could melt in them.
Once I'm fully up and making eye contact with him, JJ speaks, "We're gonna start heading out. You're coming with me and Kiara."
I nod. I look down at my hands and I realize they're still holding onto his hands. In surprise, I recoil my hands. I'm completely embarrassed. His hands felt so good, so right, in mine that I forgot to let go.
"Did you sleep at all after our conversation?" He coughs awkwardly as I let go of his hands. I've upset him a little and I don't know why.
"We should probably go." I ignore his question, mostly because I know he won't like the answer. It's not entirely his fault I didn't go back to sleep; I overthink too much.
I walk away from him quickly. Finding out his father beats him upsets me so much. I wish there was something I could say to make him feel better but I'm not a magician and there's no such thing as magic anyways. If there was, I would wish for a better dad for JJ.
I can feel JJ following me and I slow down my pace so he can catch up. Once we get back to his backyard, I see Kiara and Pope speaking to eachother as they both fold the blankets we slept on last night. I can see that they hear JJ and I enter because they instantly stop folding and talking and look at me.
"What?" I ask, concern in my voice. It's clear that they were talking about me.
"Nothing." Kiara says, smiling. "We should start going. The Wreck doesn't open until 10am and its 9am already."
I nod at her, but then look to Pope who hasn't said anything to me yet and has only been observing me. "Pope, is there something you wanna say?"
"Yeah." Pope nods, clearing his throat. "I know Kiara trusts you and so does Sarah. John B. doesn't know you but told us how nice and helpful you were since Peterkin was shot but I don't understand why you'd put yourself in danger for a friend and her boyfriend. Why would a Kook wanna help a Pogue. Why?"
I sigh. I was gonna answer him but I don't know if he was gonna like the answer. I look to Kiara, then beside me to JJ who is surprisingly smiling back, and then to Pope.
"Sarah was the only person nice to me when I first came to OBX. She's helped me more than anyone has. This is me just helping prove someone's innocent. The people in OBX deserve to know the truth. As for why I'd help a Pogue if I'm a Kook, there's no such thing my mind. There are just people, good and bad, and I wanna help the good ones." By the end of my speech, I take a deep breath.
I look to Kiara. She's smiling at me. She looks to Pope. "Good enough answer Pope?"
Pope doesn't look at Kiara, only smiles at me. "Yeah. Let's go and help our friend."
Getting to the Wreck was the easy part. Getting in with Kiara's key was the easy part. Even finding the food that we wanted for John B. was easy. Carrying those bins to the car though were not easy. These bins felt like they weighed 300 pounds and there were four of them, filled with preservatives for John B.'s trip. I was given the first bin by JJ and when he saw how much I struggled, he was more than happy to make fun of me.
"You need help sweetie?" He sarcastic tone made me roll my eyes. As he carried one of the bins with ease, I was having trouble putting it in the back of Kiara's car.
"Ignore him Callie. He's just about as helpful as my grandma when it comes to lifting heavy things." Kiara laughs, placing the second bin after JJ. I'm soon after her and I place the third one after her. Only one left.
"What do you call these?" JJ smirks, lifting his tshirt over his shoulder to flex his muscles. Although I'm impressed, I pretend not to be.
Instead I scoff. "Looks like flimsy noodles to me. What about you Kiara?"
Kiara nods, leaning against her car. "Sounds about right."
JJ gives us a fake pout. "You guys suck."
"But, my friend, you swallow." Kiara rebuttals, causing the both of us to break out in a fit of laughter.
JJ scoffs at us and stomps away, back into the restaurant to get the last bin full of food. Kiara and I are joking and laughing so much we forget where we are and who's around us. We're so wrapped up in our laughter we don't see the two motorcycles speed towards us and stop right behind us. Only when our laughter dies down and I turn around to go to the trunk, do I realize there's two motorcycles near the trunk of Kiara's car, blocking me from closing it.
They don't have to take off their helmets for me to know who they are but when they do I'm not surprised to see Topper and Rafe. I turn to run to Kiara, who is still waiting at the front of the car for me.
"Kiara! Run!" I scream.
She turns to me but it's too late, Rafe grabs onto my bicep and pulls me towards his body.
"Hey babe." He smirks. Topper is beside him and is smirking at me.
My instincts kick in and I spit in his face. He's thrown off guard and lets me go. This allows me to kick him in the shin once before Kiara grabs onto Topper and punches him in the stomach.
Since they're taller and stronger than us, Rafe overpowers me again and this time holds my wrists together. I'm twisting my body and kicking to try and break free but the more I move, the more my wrists hurt. Topper does the same to Kiara and in an attempt to try and escape, I try and speak to Rafe. We could talk so easily before. Maybe I can talk my way out of this. And if not, JJ will be out in seconds and help us.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask, exasperated from all the fighting. I stand still for I moment and I can already feel Rafe loosen his grip. Not enough for me to get out but it's progress.
"You're coming back to my house. And you're gonna tell me where John B. and Sarah are." Rafe speaks, not answering me.
"Like hell we are." Kiara says but yells as Topper holds onto her hand tighter.
"There's a $25,000 reward out for your friend. If we don't find him, someone else will. You'd want us to find him. We'll be gentle." Topper smirks at Kiara before looking to me and winking.
I roll my eyes. "Yeah sure. Right before you kill him." I spit out, bitterly looking between Topper and Rafe.
"Why are you protecting him?" Rafe asks, squeezing tighter. "Is it because you like him?"
I laugh arrogantly. I know he could probably hurt me but I can't help it. Rafe was always jealous even before he was a killer. I'm glad he's consistent at least. "Are you seriously jealous right now? I'm not even your girlfriend anymore. What I do is none of your damn business."
"It's my business! We're not done. You love me." Rafe grints his teeth together, not happy that I said we aren't together.
"I hate you!" I scream. "You don't know what love is."
"I love you and you left me!" He angrily screamed in my face. He was red and his eyes were darting everywhere. I realized he was high, from god knows what, and grew angry with him.
"I left you," I yell, matching his angry tone. "Because you're a crack addicted psycho!"
Topper and Kiara are now silent and stop fighting eachother. They look to us.
"I'm better baby, I swear." Rafe whimpers, tears falling down his face. I have no sympathy anymore. He's a murderer.
"You're fucking high right now." I furrow my brows, anger still dripping from my tone.
"I'll get better for you. We had all these dreams and somehow it all got messed up." He frowns at me, his grip loosens even more.
"I don't love you anymore Rafe. You're a killer!" I yell, my eyes wandering to the front door of the Wreck where JJ has finally emerged. When he sees what's going on, I can tell he's angry. He's running to us, bin in hand as if it weighs nothing.
Unfortunately Rafe looks behind me and sees him too. Not in enough time though because JJ throws the bin at both Topper and Rafe who let go of us and fall backwards.
"You're with him?!" Rafe yells, his anger boiling over again.
This time I dont answer. I'm too busy getting in the car with Kiara and JJ. As JJ closes the trunk, Kiara starts up the car and I buckle my seat. We're yelling at JJ to hurry up because they're running after JJ. By some sort of miracle, JJ gets in the car and locks the door before Rafe and Topper can get to him. Kiara puts the car in drive as JJ flips the both of them off as we drive away.
"Fuckers!" JJ yells, still flipping them off even though they can't see us from inside the car anymore.
"JJ if they follow us, you're getting beat up first." I sarcastically threaten him and he laughs at me.
"They wouldn't dare. They're scared of me now Callie. I beat the shit out of them." JJ smirks before lifting up his arms and kissing his muscles. "These boys did me proud."
Kiara and I laugh at him as he kisses his muscles.
"All you did was throw a bin at them. Your 'boys' let you down." Kiara snickers, looking at JJ through the mirror. He's laying down on the backseat as Kiara and I are in the front.
"Speaking of which," I say, the reality sinking in. "Since JJ hit them with the last bin, we only have three in the trunk."
Kiara shrugs. "I'm sure John B. won't mind."
JJ sits up and sneaks his head through the open space between Kiara and I. He turns his head to look at me. "He better not complain or I'll punch him. I almost got beat up for these three bins."
"Aw," I coo sarcastically at JJ before grabbing his cheeks with my hand. "No one's gonna beat up the only thing that gets you laid."
JJ moves his head away from my hands as Kiara laughs at my joke. "You just said I'm hot."
Kiara and I stop laughing. It all of a sudden got super hot in this car. "I never said that." I frown, look to the road.
"You basically said that I'm hot." JJ laughs at me in my ear.
My back gets goosebumps. "I did not!"
Kiara shakes her head and laughs. "You gotta be careful what you say to this guy. Everything goes straight to his head."
I look back at JJ, who is still looking straight at me.
I smile. "Has anyone told you that you have an ego, JJ?"
JJ laughs. "I think that's one of my defining qualities."
"It really is." I joke, smirking at JJ for a second before looking to Kiara. "Where are we going now?"
"We gotta pick up Pope. I'm guessing his dad is not happy." Kiara says as she rounds another corner, coming closer and closer to the dock where Mr. Heyward works.
I frown, looking down at my hands. "I guess this is where I loose my job."
"Don't worry Callie," JJ reassures me as he pats my shoulder. "Look on the bright side; you'll be an honorary member of the Pogue club if you do."
I look behind me, making eye contact with JJ. "Oh yay me."
But I was starting to think if this is what being a Pogue was, maybe it wasn't so bad.
"You guys stay here. I'll go get Pope." Kiara instructed as she got out of the car.
JJ and I both nodded but as soon as she closed the door, I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to JJ.
"Are they a thing?" I ask, curious because of their behavior towards eachother. They act like a couple and Kiara protects him but as far as I know, they're not.
JJ shrugs. "No but they have a thing kinda. They both obviously like eachother. It's just not obvious to the both of them."
I nod. "I kinda know what that's like."
JJ looked up from his hand and leaned on over to me. His bottom half was in the back seat but his upper half was leaning against my arm rest. He was incredibly close to me, I should've told him to back up but I didn't want him to. He smelled so wonderful; like the ocean, that it was intoxicating. I wanted to be wrapped up in him all day -
"Are you okay?" JJ asks, concern in his tone.
I snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. What did you say?" God, I really had to get it together. He's not mine. He'll never be mine.
"What does it feel like to be in love?" JJ asks this so innocently, that I'm surprised it's even came from his mouth.
I smile. "You've never been in love?" I ask in disbelief. There's no way. I couldn't count how many times I heard that JJ was with a new girl.
JJ shrugs. "No. To be honest, I've never had an official girlfriend either."
I let out a small laugh in disbelief. "What? Yes you have."
JJ frowns and shakes his head.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Seriously? Wow."
I'm literally in shock from this news. JJ seems a little embarrassed and is not looking at me anymore and looking at his hands. I can tell he didn't like my reaction to the news but I couldn't help it.
"JJ," I say, not speaking until he looks back up at me. When he does, I continue, "love is great but it's not always everything. What you have with your friends, I really only have with Sarah. The type of love you have for your friends is something I wish I could have."
JJ smiles at me. "Well, you're part of the group now."
I smirk, leaning closer to him. "Really?"
He leans even closer, our foreheads touching now. "Yeah."
I want to kiss him so badly it hurts. I've never wanted to kiss someone this badly, it's scary. I know he wants to too because I watch him lick his lips. I'm taking a leap of faith and leaning closer and closer to him until his lips are inches from mine.
Then we hear the door unlock automatically and we instantly pull apart. I look out the drivers side window and see Kiara with Pope, running with the two gallons of gas. I lean over the drivers side and open the door for Kiara, who gets in quickly and starts the car.
Pope is quickly in the back with JJ and throws the gas on the floor. "Go!"
I look to the window and see Mr. Heyward after them. Kiara floors it, going faster than she did when we were trying to get away from Rafe and Topper. I guess a parent's anger is always scarier than a murderer and his friends.
"Woohoo!" JJ screams, all of us laughing and screaming with him.
I think it get it now. This is what it's all about.
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Spencer x Ghost?
Spencer x Ghost
(AAAAA- it has been months since you sent this to me, and all i can say is im so sorry) Side note I have my friend @lethalbreadkills helping me with this one!
For reference: Maddie (maddiefriendlovesbilly) is green, Jimmy (lethalbreadkills) is red (((its 4:30 at the time i have joined this so im dead braincell wise sorry yall))) and Orange is stuff we decided together :3
Also this is so very chaotic im so sorry for this anon but this has been in my fuckin drafts for SO LONG and this is the only way its getting finished (its now 5 am uwu) im so sorry for all the shitposting i do its a mess. I shouldnt have been allowed here. (we finished at about 5:30 am its hell <3)
Sphost? Ghencer?? Sphoster??? I adore and despise them all equally.
We have decided that it should be BeanieGhost
Anyway I think this ship is really cute
They’re both so neurotic I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue
One of them starts a rant on some topic and the other joins the hell in
And Ghost would let this dream come true???
I would die for both of them and if Spencer told me I had to die I wouldn’t even complain, no questions I’d just be like “Aight.” I trust him that much.
(Not sure I trust Ghost’s judgment enough to do that unquestioningly; sorry Ghost)
Back on topic
I can’t imagine these guys on anything that comes close to society’s definition of a date
It’d be more like “hey you wanna come on this hunt with us?” “maybe, depends if there’ll be snacks” or like chilling in Spence’s room binging the entire star trek: original series in one sitting or “oops sorry about that level 11 entity that attached to my soul and is now wreaking havoc in your house, wanna make out later to make up for it?” “Fine but you also have to play three rounds of Call of Duty with me afterward”
They wouldn’t be romantic often but like highkey? I can see them throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other with a recklessness only they could survive
We can’t forget that Spencer is a more than 60,000-year-old overpowered demon/god/entity/thing, which, yes, could throw a slight wrench in this ship for multiple reasons, but I choose to make angst out of it instead.
Side note: Ghost is a chronic conspiracy theorist (and you can’t tell me otherwise) and every once in awhile Spencer will offhandedly say something like “Y’know I helped the Egyptians build the pyramids” and Ghost just goes fucking feral.
Look, I’m not saying Spencer IS touch-starved and most likely has issues creating and developing relationships and therefore avoids interpersonal connection, especially offline, but I AM saying he is prime material for it. (thats a lie thats exactly what shes saying don’t believe it) (I’m projecting okay dont judge me) (loser imagine projecting)
Imagine with me for a second: Why does Spencer willingly stay with a family who locks him in their basement with only minor complaining? He’s a near all-powerful entity just released into the world for Spence’s-sake - If he wanted to, there’s no telling what havoc he could wreak! So why doesn’t he? Why would someone so powerful, so terrifying, so dangerous that a group of people decided to seal him away forever stay with the first family he finds in sub-par conditions for years - especially someone who’s seen to be as high-maintenance as Spencer? Let me hit you with a theory: He’s chasing the feelings of validation, safety, and love - no matter how rarely it’s shown - that a family can provide. Being socially isolated for even a few years can do a number to a person’s psyche (I should know, I’m projecting onto this character right now), let alone thousands.
Now maybe Ghost can’t match thousands of years in isolation, but damn if he doesn’t have a few years of crippling loneliness on his record too.
I can see the two of them learning how to be vulnerable around others together, emotionally and physically; learning how to open up and how to talk through issues; and some third point, because points are better in threes.
(May I suggest that these losers are both trans but thats just me adding in my own projection lmao)
(You absolutely may)
Imagine the conversation thats just “so i have a murderer in my head thats an ass” “rip to u ig sounds like a you problem :///”
imo spence has trouble expressing emotions other than like,,, annoyance and haughtiness, its like sort of his go-to defence, so showing Ghost his emotions is a big step for him
I hear you, and i say yes good. (found this one headcanon that i kinda live by where he was uh, either autistic or adhd i dont remember but theres that too) OH yeah that would be at thing huh. Spencer: *is emotionally vulnerable @ ghost* ghost: oh shit im trusted??? Oh fuck uh.
Yeah so like…. Ghost and spence showing emotion at eachother is kind of :flushed: ghost be like: whats an emotion. Imagine having emotions fuciiing loser hhaha,,,, *laughs nervously*
Ghost is also very emotionally distant with most people so it would probably be like “what??? The fuck?? Emotions?????? You have those???”
Ghost and Spencer be like *gay*
So another idea is that maybe Spencer realizes Ghost doesnt play any games [like the uncultured SWINE he is] and decides he must [remedy] this and so he introduces him to like, nintendo first. (some bitches thought that said nintendo fortnite. Im bitches) and theyre playing like, mario kart or smash or smth and Ghost gets really [fuckin into it]
Ghost and spencer: *literally in eachothers laps playing fucking wii tennis*
Spooker: what are the- *TOAST FUCKING SLAPS A HAND ACROSS HIS MOUTH* shut up you dont wanna know what happens when its mentsonssbfdjfsd (sorry i had a stroke uwuwuwuw)
(Theyre in denial we don’t judge in this house)
They will not hesitate to play dirty either, they will straight up push each other over and vaguely flirt
Ghost is losing and straight up fucking goes “ur hot” and spencer actually dies and boom ghost is the winner. sparkle emoji Magic sparkle emoji
“I am Not a HomoSexual:™:” “Yeah, sure you aren’t” “Screw off”
Pet-names-ish: Asshole, Gaymer-Boy, casual insults, Mr. Spirit Bitch, Mistake, Loves Ghosts More Than His Boyfriend What A Fucking Loser aka Gay-ass
They both open up a lot most likely. Gain someone to trust since they’ve sort of been through the same things (though on much different scales)
I can see soft hours of hanging in each other’s bedrooms
Spencer is a tsundere you cant tell me otherwise youre just a coward if you disagree
So is Ghost so this can only go well
Every time Ghost has to solve a case at the Acachallas Spence is just peaking out from his basement like “the fuck is this?? Hot Man??????”
Enemies to lovers 500k (Gets Hot and Steamy :flushed: NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!11!!!!! 18+!!!!!!! GAY LOVE StORY!!!!!!) Lemonz!!! Made from teh Sexiest of Wattpaders UWUWUWU YAOI Boys Love don’t like don’t read!! (this is so fucking stupid jkfnd) I hate this with a passion Q^Q. All my years of being a basic watpad fanboy have helped me to the moment i bring maddie to tears
The steam is just like,,,,, holding hands and being angy all the fuckin time the steam is literal because their anger translates into actual steam
Their angst has nowhere to go and it just sits between them like two raccoons at a dumpster-style mexican standoff
They really start off hating each other huh. Like, I know this can still lead to healthy relationships but neither of them are very good at healthy relationships with people he hasn’t known for his Whole Life so that’s an Oh No.
They totally feed off of each other’s stupidity (but this could be seen as a pro too so take that as you will) as well as anger - im talking one-upping each other kinda shit
Its ridiculous honestly how intense it gets, like they straight up need intervention sometimes because they dont realize they can just STOP
I think this would be a relationship that would that a lot of time and hard work to make work, but i think in the end it would be really super cute!! Like it would make no fuckin sense to anyone else but somehow they’d understand each other and help each other through their similar issues. Also theyre both big nerds in different ways and i think they’d have just ranting sessions back and forth over and over and it would be soft!!!!! So yeah, i think it would work, at least, i want it to :D
So. Maybe?? I feel like it could, but they’d need to work pretty hard to make it healthy and not constant fighting. Could be stupid amounts of cute and wholesome but also could be stupid amounts of oh no and pain, depending on how the two act. If they learned how to get along with each other and work past their differences it could be super cute and soft. Just a very, er, bumpy beginning. And middle. And end. (this makes me very nervous,,,,why did you mention an end) (wouldnt you like to know weather boy) (TvT) UFDUNS bumpy but soft . Agreeing with the loser gay, want this to work it’d be interesting :3
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