#i can't talk them about secret life bc it makes them sad too and i don't know what i can say
omgitsbeewave · 8 months
i made a kinda sad post and my Internet went off and tumblr deleted it....
i'm just sad today
edit: i saw and deleted it bc this one is more emotional and stuff. i'm sorry everyone who will read the tags
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sugar-omi · 4 months
I hate myself for thinking this but, what if MC finds out she’s pregnant and the first thing in her mind is that she’s fucking up Cove’s future. So instead of telling him she just breaks up with him and shuts herself away from him so he can’t convince her that they’ll work it out. Now Cove has no clue why the love of his life just broke his poor heart. Skip to five years later, Cove comes back to surprise visit his dad but surprise there’s MC, Cliff and a little five year old boy that looks way too much like Cove. Like I’m talking copy and paste that’s a little Cove
oh my fucking god.... i. pls i have some thoughts but also OUCH. BIG OUCH
mmm i'm not gonna make a full fic/detailed post... maybe later if we're all itching for some angst or i'm up for causing more heart ache n then i am very much open to expanding on this (already thinking abt cove getting to know his son.... omfg my heart HURTS)
but i wonder how MC "gets away" (for lack 'a better words) with not telling cove about the kid.
because i can tell you right now, cliff and kyra can't know about it and keep it a secret. not for 5 years at least.
so does she beg everyone in her family to keep it a secret? i think that's the best bet. moms would really prefer Not to keep it a secret, but they also can't force you to tell cove...
but i also don't see them letting 5 years without cove at least knowing, go by either... they'd try to keep the secret, but seeing cove's sad face would break them quickly, if not instantly.
also your friends!!! god, they can not keep a secrete to save their life, especially that big. so you can tell them, but expect the news to find its way back to cove in about.. mmm... 4 hours? so yeah....
anyway!!! lets say that your family kept the secret...
i think your son would eventually start asking about his dad. he sees how you and your family react to him, hears all the mumbling about how he looks so much like... "cove"? when you think he's in the other room.
and he sees how sometimes you look sad and how you slowly and tenderly run your fingers through his hair. and how sometimes you tell him "yknow, daddy has hair just like yours."
and when he asks why you're sad, if you respond with something along the lines of "you look just like your dad, thats all."
or even if you say that in response when he asks what his dad looks like (if you haven't shown him pictures), or if he overhears you saying he looks like this "cove" guy
you notice he starts looking at himself more often... maybe even asking, "does daddy have green hair like mine?" "are his eyes really blue, just like mine?" "does he wear glasses too?" and still in awe that he and this man he's never met, but already seems to adore him (as much as a toddler can adore someone they don't know), share the same features.
and if you show him pictures of cove, which i hope you do, but if you don't, don't worry because your son will probably realize "he has green hair like me!!!!" and he'd either run up to enthuse about it or run up to ask him if he's his daddy bc they have the same hair color... or just call him daddy n if anyone tries to argue about it, wdym?! they have the same hair color, what more do you need?!
so hopefully, cove is the only man with specifically seafoam green hair. otherwise, you're shitting yourself every time your son runs off to meet his green-haired-brethern
anyway. I think all your sons questions, and seeing pictures, knowing that he shares so many traits with cove, and seeing you miss him.
oh god, seeing you sad would make him insist so so much on seeing cove.
"if we meet daddy, will you be happy again?"
also can't believe I almost forgot.. your son being sad about not having a dad, and being jealous of other kids for spending time with their dad, etc.
he'd ask you questions about why he doesn't have a dad, n if he does. why isn't he around? and a real heartbreaker.. does daddy hate him? does he not love him? is that why he isn't here?
so I guess that means it's time to go back to sunset bird! and finally explain why you moved away n never looked back, and why you don't talk to anyone but your parents from back then...
now I won't get into everything right now (im a fuckin liar. I can feel a tangent coming on)
but I wanna talk abt how cove would feel, just a bit, and how I think your future with him would look...
I think at first, he'd be really shocked, seeing this carbon copy of his much younger self. the only thing telling him that his 4-5 year old self didn't jump out of one of his many childhood pictures,
is any birthmarks or beauty marks that maybe you have, or the boys hair being curlier than his, or his skin tone, or maybe he has your nose. whatever it is, he knows he's looking at the imperfect combination of you and him.
(cove's heart is beating outta his chest right now, n you're lucky he only stumbles instead of fainting, because this really is a shock... but that deeper part inside of him, that egotistical, primal almost, part of his heart swells up at the thought, the reality. that his son looks mostly, if not entirely like him.)
but after shock, he's sad. I think he'd be really sad, because he realizes that this is why you broke up right? and no matter how in control of your emotions you think you may be, your wide eyes show how afraid, nervous, and sad you are. he knows. he knows without even talking to you and it hurts
and after he gets past the anger and confusion stage, maybe even in between in fact- which would be more natural since, I think he'd feel this all at once but that's besides the point
he'd be really sad he missed all his sons milestones. walking, first words... God he probably dreams about it (when he does eventually fall asleep), and now his heart is tugging at the seams and the seams are RIPPING.
he also starts thinking about how hard it must've been doing it by yourself. and going through all that without him, your partner.
but maybe you didn't rely on him like he relied on you? maybe you didn't trust him like he did you, maybe you just... didn't need him. like he needed you.
you did break up afterall, and you never let him know about the kid until now, so maybe you thought he'd be a failure of a father and nipped it in the bud before disaster struck...
but I also think that's where anger comes in. because you didn't tell him. he didn't have a choice at all.
he knows he had a tendency to hesitate or run away, but he thinks really hard about it, and he knows he wouldn't have ran away from this.
leaving you alone would scare him a lot more than being a father. being a bad or absent father would scare him a lot more than trying to be a good one. knowingly abandoning a life he helped create, would scare him so much more. he wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise.
so while he gets it. he doesn't get why you didn't try.
and if you explain that you worried about ruining his future, he's so upset and so mad because how could you make that choice for him? how could you take on the burden alone?
this is also where confusion merges in, because while the answers are so obvious or easy to guess, he just can't believe it. he doesn't wanna believe it...
now about your future...
cove still loves you. he's loved you his whole life, it's hard to stop even 5 years later... and seeing you, it makes his heart throb because he's dreamed about this for many nights.
you broke up with him without giving any answers. you even up and moved by the end of the week so when he tried to give you space, before talking to you, it was too late. your room was pretty much void of every sign of life.
you took all your treasured items, your clothes- spare some youd been meaning to get rid of, your pictures, your hobby items. everything. he's surprised you didn't just take the bed and frame.
he's surprised you didn't just carve out his heart n take it with you, because if it's still in his chest, why does it feel so hollow?...
it'd take a really long time to even think of a romantic relationship. if at all. maybe cove's even accepted the break up at some point, depending on how long you'd been together. but if you'd been together since you were 13, it's a hard pill to swallow. bc you can put up with his angsty teenage self, what changed...?
I think seeing you be a parent, and so adored by your son, warms up his heart. makes him fall in love a bit at the sight.
it's not instant, he's getting to know you again. and getting to know this life that he didn't even know was waiting for him.
it's a good 2 or 3 years of figuring out this mess until it becomes something that makes sense. or as much sense as it can make. and if there's still something there, no matter how miniscule. it will catch fire.
now about the kiddo... he's so scared. and I hope you took a few days of talking with cove, and prbly cliff n Kyra bc they have a lotta feelings n thoughts on this too, before you try to integrate cove into his life.
it's small. cove meeting you at the park, and either your son is asking cove a billion questions (both abt why the sky is blue, and awkward questions abt why he wasn't present before...)
or he's trying to drag him on the monkey bars (doesn't work, cove's feet are on the ground still....)
or he's sitting silently on the blanket, reading, occasionally showing cove his favorite scene of the picture book or making him pronounce a word
but it does get bigger, it becomes lunch-n-movie dates, spending the night at your house (at your son's insistence. prbly bc he didn't want him to leave after a fun day), then cove taking him out alone..
it's a lot. and sometimes it feels like you're going backwards or that you're not moving at all because it's hard, for awhile. and even though his dad is on speed dial, there's not enough information he can give cove in how to take care of and deal with a kid he just met a few months ago.
especially a kid who already has a bit of personality, is hell on wheels (like most 5 year olds), possibly has many questions n sometimes problems with cove suddenly being here... it's a lot. n cliff can't help with any of it really.
he does get comfortable, eventually. although there's still times when he's sad, sometimes even angry about what happened, and all he's missed out on, he's so so happy to not miss out on anything else.
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pupyuj · 10 months
hehejejjrkf 😵‍💫😵‍💫 tropes that fit yujin like a glove: loser, pervert, virgin... like this is just perfect 🤤
you've built a pretty close friendship with your kind landlord during your months of stay in her apartment! you could say that you have a bit of a crush on her 👀 yujin was pretty, she was funny, a bit awkward when talking to you but in an adorable way, and her jokes were lame, but you still laugh bcs she was so cute 😭😭 you never could've guessed what she does behind closed doors... never could've guessed that she fights for her life trying to hide her hard on whenever you talk to her, never could've guessed that she stares at you hungrily whenever you're not looking... and certainly, you never could've guessed that she spends hours in the safety of her own apartment getting off to the thought of you 🫠
she cherishes every moment she has with you in like an almost obsessive way?? she gets excited delivering your packages to you if she so happens to get a hold of it, the slightest skin contact gets her soo hard it's actually pathetic 😭😭 her favorite part of the day is seeing you first thing in the morning when you check your mail in your pajamas,, with your hair being slightly a mess, your eyes so sleepy,, you just look so cute and fuckable to her 🫣 definitely doesn't make her interest in you a secret whenever she gets to talk to you in the morning bcs that's when she wants to fuck you the most but you never really notice cuz you're half-asleep most of the time 😭😭😭
oh um.. she also jerks off to some cctv footage of you in the laundry room of the apartment that she has... bcs whenever you do your laundry, you wear some really short shorts and yujinnie fantasizes about coming on your ass while you're wearing them all the time :(((
sjbsbcdjfjkdbf imagine like,, getting trapped in a packed elevator with her,,, but not like in a oh-no-the-elevator-is-broken way but there's just a lot of people in it that you can't really move 🤭 standing in a super close proximity with yujin, her breath fanning your face a little and she's blushing and she's so hard and you can feel it bcs you're kind of pressed against her???? SHE CANNOT MEET YOUR EYES AT ALLLLL 😭😭😭 and you're kind of a mess too bcs holy fuck your landlord's dick is literally on your thigh 💀
"i'm really sorry... (y/n)-ssi..." yujin managed to say ugh she was adorable,,, laying her forehead flat on your shoulder to hide her red face :((((
"it's okay, yujin-nim. it happens." you were saying while laughing. yujin raising her head only to find that the two of you are within kissing distance,,, you were so pretty up close, she's only getting harder 😳😳😳 yujin leaving the elevator in a rush,, and your face was just red and you walked to your apartment kind of in a haze,,, yujin just became 200 times more attractive 🤤🤤 BUT SHE WOULD AVOID TALKING TO YOU FOR A BIT AFTER THAT :((( you weren't supposed to know how she feels about you like that 😩 and ofc you were sad about this bcs you really did like having yujin as a friend... so now maybe it's time to promote her as a fuck! 😍
inviting her over to your apartment to celebrate one year long of being under her care 🫣 yujinnie being so stiff and even more awkward than she normally is after the whole elevator debacle 😭😭😭 everything going smoothly until you're both buzzed from some champagne,, giggling at the smallest things while watching a movie,, cuddling with glasses in your hands and suddenly yujin was kissing down your neck,,, "(y/n)-ssi.. i really really really.. hic... i really want to fuck you right now... i always have.." and then she's pulling you to her lap,, pressing her cock against you while still kissing your neck 😩😩
"mhm.. whattt... yujin-nim, you're such a perv..." you were saying while giggling uncontrollably bcs yujin was sucking on that sweet spot on your neck while touching you everywhere :((( 'accidentally' spilling your drink all over yujin's shirt bcs you kind of turn into a little shit when you're drunk sjdbfjfkf "oops... guess you gotta take this off now.." you sloppily unbuttoned yujin's shirt and threw it away,,, and you gasped seeing her body,, "wahh, yujin-nim, you're so hot..." while poking her abs and groping one of her boobsjdbfjfjffk
aaaacckkkkk yujinnie taking off her pants in a hurryyy when you've kneeled down in front of her 🫣🫣 "i w-wonder if... hic... i can take all of you in me.. whoa.." you said, staring at your cute landlord's thick cock 😩😩😩 yujin not wasting any more time and forcing it down your throat, and she starts you off in such an insane pace too.. she has wanted this for soooo long 😵‍💫 she was pulling and tugging at your hair pretty hard but it made you so wet that you didn't mind that it hurt a little :((( choking when she spills her load in the back of your throat,, her telling you to swallow which you do of course bcs you would be crazy not to drink her delicious cum 🫠🤤🤤
but imagine you're like the sleepy kind of drunk :(( you're half-asleep with your ass up on the couch while yujinnie is fucking you so roughly from behind :(((( "good night, (y/n)-ssi... ahh.. ahh...! i promise i'll.. m-make you feel good even when you're asleep... fuck..!" you only hearing yujinnie's grunts in your ear while entering a deep slumber :((
you'd definitely wake up with cum on your tits, thighs, and stomach 🤤🤤🤤 and yujinnie cuddling up to you, making you feel so warm and safe in her arms 🥺🥺
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aleksa-sims · 2 months
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RL Story
CW: Divorce, addiction
It was a Friday, October 13th to be exact. Daniel and I are getting a divorce today. After weeks, he finally signed the divorce papers. I was devastated. It was so hard for me to take this step. But I had to finish it, for my Baby and also for myself, to finally forget Daniel. We met near the city hall, where we had an appointment with a divorce-case officer and judge.
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Once there, I saw Daniel coming towards me. I honestly didn’t want to divorce him. I loved him, still, so much. 😥But... that's just the way life is. 😞... He looked at me... I wanted to hug him but instead I just said sadly, hi. Daniel seemed absent for a moment, staring at my belly. 🩵👶
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He had this... empty look. Not sad or angry, rather.... emotionless.
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With my eyes lowered, I just stood there. I struggled to hold back my tears. Exactly a year ago we moved together. I was so happy with him and now this. 😞
Me: I'm so sorry. I never wanted this! And I still don’t want it. I wish we could just go home together.
Daniel: Same, but...let's not get into that now. Relax and think about your Baby.
Me: What?
Daniel: It's gonna be okay. Trust me.... C'mon, let’s get this over with.
Me: Yea,,...whatever you say. 😞
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Um.... well! Daniel and I didn’t get divorced today. The judge asked us why we wanted to divorce? D.'s & my statements left some question marks with the judge, I think? We have to wait six months, before we get divorced.... Daniel said that my jealousy (Tina, Irma...) & insecurity were the biggest probs for him in our relationship.😠... However, the real reason for postponing our divorce was bcs Daniel inherited Dominick’s plot & house. (division of property) Although I refused any claim to Daniel’s property!!
Me: Did you really, seriously mean what you said to them?
Daniel: I answered all questions honestly.
Me: Why didn’t you just give the real reason for our divorce? You took off!!! I didn't know where you were!! And my Baby isn't yours. This fact is the reason for our divorce! You can't handle that I'm pregnant. Or that we are both addicts, which would have been a good reason why we can’t stay together! 🤦‍♀️
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Daniel: The juge asked me WHY, I left! You got it?.... You and my borther, your secrets drove me crazy. That fucking shit about Tina. I was overwhelmed with my shit, our drugs you and your delusions. I kept trying to make you happy! I only loved you and I only wanted you. But you just didn’t believe me. Be honest, it wasn’t my fault, just yours!! You don’t know what you want! And you can’t make decisions! But I’m not like N.! I don’t want to tell you what to do or how to live your life. You are responsible for yourself! Finally get it, or just stay with your soccer player and let him control you.
Me: What kind of shit are you talking?? Nico doesn’t do any of this to me.
Daniel: I talked to him! He said, you won’t be the same after he’s done with you. He told me this to my face!! And btw, I can’t stand Alex calling you Lexi!! 😠
Me: You must have misunderstood N. He isn't like that! He was just upset, bcs I confessed what I wanted from you the other day. Besides, you’re jealous too!!! Anyway.... I-.. I just can’t stand it around you anymore. And I’m sorry I was so jealous. I loved you so much. I wanted to do anything for you. I was terrified to lose you. I’m sorry. Sorry I was such a freak to you. But I didn’t do anything wrong with your brother, D.!! There was NOTHING between Alex and me!! IDK how many times I’ve had to say this damn sentence. Finally get it!....
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Me: It hurts so much and it just doesn’t stop.... I don’t want to love you anymore. I wish you’d never married me. 😢
Daniel: Damn, I-... I'm sorry. I still struggle with that... stress disorder. Either I feel nothing-... or I boil with rage.🤦‍♂️
Me: It's ok.. I'm leaving.... See you in 6 moths. And.. stay off drugs, just... take care, Daniel. 😢
Daniel: Wait!
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Me: I gotta go. Sorry. Bye!.... 😭
Daniel: I-...... love you.
I just wanted to get away from there. Far away from.... him.💔 Not really, but.... agh, you know what I mean. And I’ll see Daniel again sooner than I thought. Right after delivery. It was about that annoying name change. D. and I were officially still married, but I didn't want to give my Son his surname. D. is not his Dad, but N. Such a mess!!
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dragonsbabe · 2 years
Imagine Aemond’s secret lover who married Aegon, dying in child birth to Aegon’s child that she didn’t want. I don’t think Aemond would ever forgive himself. And he’d try to raise the baby bc we know Aegon has little interest in his kids. :(
Plus: "Please write more about heartbroken aemond with reader who was forced to marry aegon, it was amazing but too short 😩" - from another anon
Sorry, i know it was short but i'm lazy hehe sorryyyyy. And anon, you hurt me but it was just amazing 💖 but here we go
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• Despite she doesn't talk to him, Aemond would always make sure she's okey and his brother doesn't hurt her in any way
• we know what Aegon is capable of, so Aemond would walk outside their chambers every night, trying to hear if everything is okey
• he also tries to be with the two of them so she is not alone with him
• when he knows she's pregnant he can feel his heart break. He can't believe she's having a baby with his own brother
• but he's concerned about her health and the baby
• and she is so scared that maybe she would look for some comfort with Aemond
• "how are you feeling today? Do you need something?" he asks one day entering her chambers after hearing that she had a rough night
• "I'm fine. I just need some sleep" she said and he was surprised she answered
• "then I'll let you rest"
• "actually, could you stay with me for a while? Please"
• he was so glad that she talked to him again. They were lying on the bed
• "sorry for being an idiot all this time" she says before start to crying on his chest until she falls asleep
• the next months are actually really nice
• Aegon is just being Aegon, you know?
• but Aemond is always taking care of her, rubbing her belly all the time, making sure she gets everything she wants and needs
• he thinks that maybe he could be the father of her future babys and not Aegon
• but the day she is giving birth omg
• Aemond can hear her screaming and wanna be with her, but Aegon doesn't want anyone else in the room (plus: imagine if Aegon always knew that she was in love with Aemond so he's jealous of him and that's why he doesn't let Aemond to be with her)
• all Aemond can do is wait until everything is done
• and after some time he can hear the baby crying and he can finally get into the room. He's relieved that the baby is okey but then he sees all the blood on the sheets and notices that she passed away
• Aemond is the one who makes sure she has a proper funeral
• everyone notices how affected he is, but no one says a word
• Aegon is always ignoring the baby and Aemond is mad at him
• but he knew Aegon, it's nothing knew, so he is the one to take care of the baby
• even though it is so painful because they have their mother's eyes
• and the first time the child calls him "Dad" he is crying
• and imagine when the child asks him about their mother. He can't handle it. He would ignore the question until it is not that painful and he can avoid the tears from running out of his eye
• he regrets every single day the decision he made, wondering how his life would had be with her
• but now is too late and all he has is the memory of her
• bro, I love being sad. Send more angsty requests jsjs 💖
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polkadotpatterson · 4 months
For the ask game:
For Dot + Workman: 4 (in general types or specific shows, 12, and/or 25 (🥺) 
And then also and/or Salt coven for 15, and/or 37 bc now I'm thinking of salt movie night
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I'm gonna be real I am perpetually bad at knowing what media any characters would like. I could see them both enjoying documentaries tbh? That's my vague answer lol
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)?
I think when Dot was away in the Core and Dallas they tried to call each other whenever possible so they could properly talk!
...and now I'm thinking, what if Dot's fingers aren't particularly compatible with phone touchscreens, so they have to make a lot of extra effort to text either bc they have to wrestle with the screen, or bc they had to get an ancient nokia or something similar with buttons, and texting that way is its own kind of struggle. so, calling!
25. (a lil sappy, but..) What do they like about each other?
ough... I think the main thing has always been that they just Get Each Other in ways that other people can't. They both have that love of the sport and that great synchronicity when they play together, and they understand what it's like to be irrevocably changed by it in more ways than most players, to have their old lives stripped away and have their bodies made into something unfamiliar. and they help each other deal with that and work through it! it's good to have someone around who just understands you. kindred spirits. you know how it is
Beyond that, Dot likes that Workman is just such a warm person, someone who brightens up the room and makes them smile, makes them feel more at ease in any situation. Workman likes all the little things about Dot that the blessing tried to hide but couldn't, like their sense of humour and their devotion to their team, and of course how good they are with Beasley and how Workman can trust that Dot is the right person to take care of him when they're not around :')
SALT COVEN MOVIE NIGHT!!! this is such a fun concept. has everyone read the salt? read the salt
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
I think this definitely depends on the movie! Like, they can't watch anything with ocean scenes in it when SomeThing is around bc it gets upset and bad things happen when it gets upset!!! I think Dian would probably cry at some things in movies. Yado will cry at cute animal scenes. Phoenecia might cry a bit at a scene that reminded her too much of her old life and then she'd have to insist that this isn't crying, it's the new Moisturization Ducts that she gave herself, they're very efficient
37. Who wanted to see Oppenheimer; who Barbie? Did they switch opinions after?
I feel like this is a bit harder for me to answer when I still haven't seen either of them, but here's my best attempt at sorting them:
Team Barbie: Dian, Yado, Jenkins, Elodie, Carson (edit: KEVIN I forgot about Kevin)
Team Oppenheimer: Mehr, Austin, Weston, Phoenicia, Minh, SomeThing
Really doesn't care about any of this: Milo
I know Elodie and Minh aren't part of the coven (and technically neither is Carson) but I think this is funnier if it's Team Movie Night Double Feature and Elodie is happy to go bc yay team bonding! and meanwhile Minh is like what is the secret plan, why are you dragging me out here for this, is this an ominous threat about how you're building your own atomic salt bomb or what??? he's not having a good time
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dxcinhx · 1 year
dropping some thoughts about vida here
i started watching this show for melissa barrera and i absolutely enjoyed it and have rewatched some episodes bc it's very entertaining
s3 felt kind of different, it was almost like the sisters switched roles at some points
i might be reading too much into it, but in the first few eps as emma and nico's relationship was going well i would look at emma's face and be like she's happy but she's still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and of course it did. and i was so sad to see her clam up again and fall back into her whole "vulnerability = weakness" thing. for a few episodes she just looked so dead inside like she was seriously depressed and triggered with everything going on, like nico's secret wife and her awful dad making himself known
i love lyn so much but i need her to be single. i'm so glad she finally realized where her true priorities lie and that she needs to work on turning into a chameleon with the men in her life but i just hate that it happened in the last like 20 minutes of the series finale
side note but i was not expecting lyn to get so into religion for a hot minute. i mean i understand that it was her yet again molding herself to the people in her life, so i think she snapped out of it once her father showed his true colors but still like it was so jarring. god the man gave me such awful vibes and the last scene of him and emma after she confronted him was legitimately hard to watch
the sisters spent so much time apart and on different pages this season it made me sad :( i completely understand why but i do miss the moments in the first episode or in earlier seasons when they were sisterly and messing with each other
i love that mari had some more time this season to build herself up a little more and yes this is cruel to say but her dad dying is a blessing ! now she can finally look after herself and find people who appreciate what she does. honestly that man pretty much killed himself after he kicked out the only child who actually took care of him. ladies ask not what u can do for machismo but what machismo can do for u
speaking of this family i can't STAND johnny oh my GOD get off my screen and get away from the women in ur life all u do is hurt them
god i wish this new generation of shows had longer seasons. a 6 episode season is nowhere near enough to develop the characters and storylines better (even tho this season the episodes weren't all 30 min like s1 and s2). i was like holy shit things are happening so fast it's one terrible thing after the other but of course they are, they only have like 5 hours to tell the story!!
i'm really fond of this show and how witty it is, its integration of mexican and american and mexican-american cultures, the spanglish, the butch rep!! everything
actually one of my favorite moments this season was when lyn was talking to that european dude at her bf's mom's bday party (fuck her bf and his mom by the way holy shit he was such a weirdo) and she was talking about how difficult it is to be perceived as mexican by gringos while still not being mexican enough for mexicans. when she said she couldn't even hold a conversation in english or spanish i was like u read my mind. i'm literally incoherent. anyway it really resonated with me as an immigrant and i think it's such an important conversation to have!!
anyway emma and lyn repaired their relationship and their bigoted father is rotting in hell and they keep the bar and eddy's back too and everything is going better than ever, they told me so themselves <3
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Guys can I confess a little secret to y'all? If you know me it's probs not a big surprise but shhh, just listen...
Sometimes...sometimes the male characters I like give me the ick. And it's been happening more often with 2 particular clown characters 👀
If you know me, you know I identify as lesbian/queer, so like DUH. But I find it interesting that it's happening more often. Basically with any characters played by real people. I think the comphet in me is slowly dying, guys. It kinda worries me bc I don't wanna lose the special love and connections I have with these characters, but I can't help itttt my lesbian brain thinks they're icky sometimes guysss 😭
You know who's never given me the ick tho?
✨ Anime boys ✨
They're the furthest from being real men so obviously me likey 😍 They're pretty and not too realistic and they got the masculine look/energy that makes my heart go 💓 (I'm talking to you, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, and all the other MHA boys that have me in a chokehold). It's honestly a match made in heaven.
I guess I should've known the comphet wouldn't be able to stand the test of time. The beast is growing weaker inside me. After all this time, I see it as an old friend, and I am sad to see this happen. I salute you, old pal. You've made my life hell in many ways, but what would I be without you?
Gayer. Definitely gayer. But I digress...
I'm being so silly 🤭 but forreal guys, idk what to expect of my future with these characters I've long considered to be f/os of mine. I don't think my love for them will ever fully fade away, but I feel myself growing more distant from them 🥺 I used to be able to overlook the icky parts and now I can't ignore it as easily 😭 this is supposed to be a good thing for me and here I am all pouty and sad about it pfft but I'm sure the self shippers out there will somewhat understand. These have been my comfort characters for a long time. I don't wanna lose the bonds I've formed with them 🥺
Anyway, I'm still totally cool with writing for these characters, I enjoy it so much still. But as for my personal relationships with these characters...the connection feels a little weaker these days 😔 but that doesn't mean it's the end! I might wake up in a few weeks head over heels for them all over again. Guess we'll see, huh?
If you read this far, thanks for helping me carry the burden of this very serious confession. I'm afraid the weight of it was too heavy to bear alone for a moment longer. It had to be said 😭🤭
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wosona · 1 month
This is gonna be a bit long bc first and foremost I'm a chatterbox xx
I literally saw some wonzer be like "i hate luna sm" like... can we talk about how abnormal that is?they're not some fictional couple being shipped, these are real people who look very happy together, how tf can you be a fan of Lucy and hate that she's happy? It's one thing to want to date your idol and getting jealous that someone else is dating them, but the fact that they're not even doing it because THEY want Lucy for themselves. They want KEIRA to have Lucy - mind you, these are two people they don't know irl and never will😭😭😭
I can't imagine being Lucy and having my fans mock my girlfriend's appearance, lie about her sexuality and start rumours that she's straight and dating every man she comes into contact with, or make up rumours about her and Eva Navarro being too close because they so desperately did not want her to date Lucy. I would feel so helpless.
The only silver lining is the "Goodbye Wonze🥺" tiktok edits they were doing a few months ago. They make me laugh sm
i find it hilarious when there’s videos accepting they aren’t together, but there are a few comments saying shit like “i think they keep their private life very private” or “lucy and ona are definitely just friends, kei all they way”. Like HUH they aren’t some secret agents they don’t care THAT much to the point they hide everything, get a grip.
it’s the extent of the parasocial relationship that scares me. like how can you, a random stranger online, know what’s best for them or what has happened between them. i’m sure lucy and keira would love to leave everything in the past, imo that’s quite clear. i feel horrible that some days they might come across a suggestive edit or video of them, like imagine scrolling and seeing someone analyse your past 7 year long relationship. that’s absolutely insane to think about and they must have some thick skin, cause i’d desperately want to comment and tell everyone they’re wrong.
but thank you for this it’s such a sad topic imo, one where all sides have been treated badly by stupid little online people. and don’t worry i love chatterboxes as you can probably tell 💕💕💕💕
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sporksaber · 9 months
Harry potter fic pitch. Post war. The main characters are in their early 20s.
Hermione is a [I cant remember the word for wizard cop] and draco is her work partner. Hermione, happily married and exactly where she wants to be on her career track to make her minister by 35, is the most put together person you would ever meet.
Draco meanwhile is an absolute disaster of a man. He regularly locks himself in their office to have mental breakdowns. He has dated exactly two people, one tried to murder him and the other relationship was just really sad to watch. Hermione is the only one who can regularly put up with him. He became a [wizard cop] entirely by accident. He's great at it, but he did not get there on purpose.
Harry is kind of vibing at this point. Post hogwarts he told the ministry and all its sections to fyck off and spent 2 years blowing shit up with luna. Now he invests in small businesses and hermiones charites and just finds small things that make him happy. (He also goes to therapy, bc without it he'd be as big a mess as draco.)
Ron is doing similarly to harry. He does a number of smaller things that he hops around and competitively plays chess. But he is also very put together and content with his life. Only partially due to hermione telling him he should ask her to marry him.
But anyway. The plot is a drarry romcom as they flail their way into a relationship through a series on (un)fortunate events. But, told mostly from hermione's point of view. And she does not understand how they are as dumb as they are.
Picture this. Hermione is sitting in her office eating cereal after her alloted biweekly all nighter. Draco slams open the door. He's ranting about how him and Harry accidently locked themselves in a closet together and Harry complimented his eyes or some shit. As it happens hermione is keeping a running commentary in her head mostly consisting of "how does one even accomplish that?" As she continues munching on her cereal.
Another scene, this time one of the few from draco's point of view. Hermione is acting insane, because the woman is terrifying when she's on a mission. He has stepped back to let her set people on fire as she pleases. She eventually tells him she'll take care of the paperwork and he should go talk to Harry. And then draco has a much needed talk about relationships and boundaries with his significant other.
I decided it would be funnier if all the characters have their turns to be absolutly bonkers but that only sane characters can narrate. We can't have harry and draco purposefully making the worst decisions for their relationship and have them explain their reasons in a complex and understandable way. That's too easy. Just like we can't have the totally 100% reasonable explanation for why hermione set those people on fire. The pov has to be swapped.
I'd also like to add that at some point harry brings up theoretical malfoy babies and it'll be revealed that hermione has already decided on the dates of conception as part of her 15 year plan. (She can't have them durring her field days without endangering them or taking extended time off,so she planned them around when she'll be transitioning from senior [I still can't remember what they're called] to more powerful but less dangerous political positions as she builds herself a strong platform for minister. She planned it by month. She'll get pregnant the month following her transition to administrative work, so she can announce it after a quarter of successful work. She'll have the second after her first turns 38 months so they won't have to deal with 2 toddlers at once and she won't have to be heavily pregnant durring the worst part of toddlerhood but they'll still be close enough in age to build a strong relationship.) Ron gets naming rights. He has the names picked out but is keeping them a secret. He very excitedly tells this to harry. He's looking forward to being a dad. (He's not quite ready yet, but he will be.)
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khaotunqs · 2 years
I mean... If you're enabling me to talk to you, I'll do it :)
So BE was my first ever K-Drama, so I'm not too sure what fascinates me about it is bc the storytelling is influenced by a culture I don't understand and what is specific to BE.
One of those things is that my ear isn't used to the language, so I'm very sure I'm missing a lot of the subtleties that can't be conveied in translation and it's driving me crazy. I have come to understand through Tumblr posts the name suffix -ah is apparently very important.
Joo Won is my favorite especially in all his sniffling, screaming, crying glory and I was shocked to find out the actor is actually younger than the character. Like he's not what I would call mature in the series, but at the same time I 100% thought the actor could be even older. Dong Sik is so good too, when he smiles and laughs I'm just as lovestruck as Joo Won, but i didn't miss whole passages of dialogue looking at him like I did with Joo Won, I was gasping and telling my Laptop 'he's so pretty, beautiful, oh my god' multiple times.
I usually don't like crime series, it's just never interested me, so I avoid them, but i never had that feeling with BE. Like it wasn't about the crime if that makes sense. I felt like it was about the relationships, how each character would shape the happenings, who valued what and broke their secrets when. The scene where Dong Sik is like 'does it even matter who killed them' replays in my mind on an endless loop. Because it doesn't. It feels utterly irrelevant and that is fantastic!
Also honorable mention to the scene where Joo Won first grabs Dong Sik by his collar. I think my squeak at that was way too loud. He forgot his aversion for touch and reached out aaaaaah I'm still so giddy when I think about it
Okay I think I'm done ... For now. Though I have told my friend she should liveblog to me while she watches so maybe I'll return screaming if she tells me smth I can't comment on to her bc it'd be spoilers.
*kicking my feet and twirling my hair*
unintelligible rambling under the cut. no thoughts, just vibes.
i'd watched a few kdramas before BE, and i've enjoyed them to varying degrees but this one has me in a chokehold. i'm not super familiar with sk culture, and i'm veeerrrrry slooooowly learning the language, so i'm sure i'm missing a lot of the nuances but i think the story is told in such a way that it's kind of universal.
(i've been told that the -ah [or -ya] suffix is reserved for people one considers good friends, but i could have that wrong. i took dong sik calling him 'joo won-ah' to mean that he's important to him, and that he cares about him. growth.)
i adore joo won and all his issues, my poor little meow meow. and he's so SO PRETTY (i recommend watching more stuff with yeo jin goo--he's honestly one of the best actors i've ever seen, and he's only 24.) and dong sik.........he. fuck. i love dong sik so much (maybe too much but so be it). he's funny and flirty and everyone loves him, but he's also solitary and sad and haunted by his demons. i don't know if i kin any characters, but i feel super connected to lee dong sik. he's burdened with so much, and he wears his bright smile and sense of humor like armor. *shakes fist* i love him. and of course, he is really really REALLY hot.
i love crime series; i usually prefer them to series with overtly romantic themes, so BE was right up my street. and yeah, i totally agree--the crime part is important, but it's secondary to the characters, the way they're developed, and relationships that are happening throughout the series. i love when women write and direct characters.
and jwds. JWDS has changed my life, full stop.
that scene you mentioned when joo won grabs his collar is so!!!
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the intense hold, the way joo won's eyes quickly flick down dong sik's face, how close they are to each other. *vibrates* hnnngh it's so delicious. had me flailing on the couch the first time i watched it.
and The Scene at han ki hwan's house after the climax of the show (YOU KNOW THE ONE) fucking UNMADE me. stripped me down to my essence. changed the trajectory of my life. ugh. the tears! the tenderness! these men are in love with each other, your honor!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope your friend screams her thoughts at you as she watches it. it's so fun to get other people's views and takeaways.
i didn't have any points to make or anything intelligent (or intelligible) to say. i just enjoy flailing with other people about this show that's changed my life.
i'm so happy you've watched it and enjoyed it! 💕
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honestly i've always wondered how jumin would've reacted upon hearing that there was a bomb at where mc was living at. on his route, we can see him slowly melting and falling for mc, but it was also bc he sensed that smth was wrong and that caused him to get mc to stay at his home instead of returning. but i always genuinely wondered how he would react upon knowing that after he sent them back, the bomb could have potentially been messed with by unknown and placed mc in a vv precarious situation.
Spoilers for Jumin's BE3. TW: Murder
Well, well, well. Have you played Jumin's Bad Ending 3? This is where Jumin finds out about the bomb... in the worst way possible. V talks to Jumin and convinces him to let you go, and you're able to go back to Rika's apartment where Unknown is already waiting for you. There is a bomb switch in his hand, and he talks about how this button will fix it all. His Savior said so. He wants to make Seven guilty and full of shame, and this is the best way. Rika said so.
So... I'm sure you can infer what happens when he presses the switch while you're both in the apartment. Yeah, it's not pretty. This would've been the thing that destroyed him emotionally. He not only let all the paranoia get to him, but his actions inadvertently led to you dying at the hands of the hacker. He had the first person he loved in his hands and now you're gone. He can't take it back. We know his coping tools are at his worst, too.
He drinks to cope and he wants to feel nothing. After V's death in the secret ending, it's implied he spends his nights drinking to deal with the stress and turmoil that he isn't allowed to show. This is really no different. Your death will hurt him and destroy him, but if he's at his job? Nobody will ever know that he's crumbling the second that he's alone in the penthouse.
You made him want badly to be able to express himself and let out every emotion he's been masking his entire life under the guise of pleasing his father. Sure, he has so much that he shares with his trusted loved ones, but you were the one person that was starting to see who he really was. A kind man who enjoys cheesy craft projects, baking, and telling you all about the dark magic he reads about.
Nobody knows him like that... even V doesn't entirely know who he is, and that's a little sad to think about. But, the same can be said in the opposite case. I digress. Anyway, with you gone, he is lost again. He's unable to see beyond his tangled threads and for good reason. He is aware if he keeps pulling the strands... the other end is going to be a burnt mess.
But, in a realistic sense, we know how he reacts to the bomb in the other routes. We just have to apply that logic to the situation if it was his MC. He wants them out of there. He wants answers. V will be the first person to talk and I can't see Jumin hesitating. He'll be tired of the run-around because "Why did Rika order Luciel to put a bomb in this apartment? You can't hide from me. I've given you time and years of understanding, my friend, but this has to stop here."
I can see that.
MC's not staying there.
He's getting information and he's taking care of this.
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passeriformess · 2 years
nerd notes about the apocalypse and what would happen should the egg die since that fate becomes more and more likely, -"well, likely what'll happen is already loaded chunks like the tea shop, elysium, and new solace will stay habitable. Death will become an active player instead of a vague adversarial backdrop, and land outside any not loaded chunk will become extremely dangerous to traverse, and the void will become more exposed leading void creatures and Death to have some complex interactions, a deadly cocktail for those travelling the land. The new kind of overarching villain would either be Death or some sort of domain god hierarchy scrambling for power in the new vacuum. at some point there would likely be a method for characters to become gods and choose to become gods of the farlands and make it more habitable for future generations. or everyone will live out normal lives, albeit constrained." -but yeah also like just ending the rp right there would be kinda sad so like. yeah id feel bad too so new fun conflicts what also might happen is i might give Death (the character) to one of you and focus entirely on setting and some quick stories? so that you
c!wrens at a breaking point and it seems they are dangerously close to rejoining the egg. Wren does not want me to make angst i am being made hostage /j
canonical explanation for the lizard aka batts not fucking dying bc we needed one of those besides heehoo funny kekw, -"Can I ask for one last thing? I only have you for so long, before you go back. You trapped yourself away from me. Batts. They're the last one- that I know of. Keep them alive. Please. I can't keep them alive. I can grant them more life. But I need an exchange. Your servitude, again. After all this is over. Alright. It shall be done. They will be granted more lives, as many as they please. As long as you stay with me." <- convo between the egg and nerd when they died
the gang™️ started making memorial type things for the dead, the missing and the gleanmons. they consist of rocks with the named engraved and then placed into a basket filled with buttercup flowers. these flowers will eventually be made into flowerbeds
impostbur seems to be carrying a message of danger to haunted hollow sent by a god
scribbles got offered to be a priest for gaea by gaea upon visiting the secret tree carven OoOOOOoo
the egg was in a silly goofy mood™️ and the tea shop and everything in a 100 block radius is in the fucking sky by a LOT of blocks
we figured out why nerd joined the egg and we all sobbed
wren and batts argued theseus came in wren went back outside tw for death after a small talk with charlotte, wren was stabbed through the abdomen bug wren and theseus tried to save them but it wasnt enough wren has permadied B) wren is buried in the pet backyard cheshire visited a little too late
scribbles has a dream about a long dead friend
aka we all out angsted each other every few seconds
ghost is planning something in haunted hollow! >:3
breaking news theres gay activity in the cabin with a blissful endermite only wanting to give his wife a stone dagger! love wins!
everyone had this weird but ultimately pointless shared dream about theseus getting kidnapped (aka rp that got retconned)
X3 and maple had a movie night in the nether, where the found a broken down lab and a robot inside named 02, whom they brought back with them to the overworld
eggi lured batts away from the teashop and tricked them into lowering their guard by pretending to be ori, then he killed them. batts respawned back at the teashop
scribbles, theseus, and bug fought with eggi and gleamon!wren in the woods. they got badly injured, but luckily managed to flee back to the teashop with their lives intact after injuring eggi
ori and chorus went out to look for the end portal, and in this way found magnolia (scribbles' mom), who had been surviving the apocalypse on her own. chorus abruptly collapsed and had to be taken back to the teashop
chorus woke up possessed by camden. camden explained they had been stuck inside a dark place for a long time, but they were able to reach out and enter chorus' body, though they didnt know why. they only stayed around for a little bit before chorus regained control
eggi left the island with new aardvark friend bart
and a tuatara named buddy 😌
the egg gave nerd the ability to enter people's dreams and turn them into realities, so now a bunch of alt dream versions of everyone are popping up and causing confusion
more of Pretentious Whore being a pretentious whore, specifically being mean to wren. everyone hates them 👍
Death reached out to maple and gave them a button, which she told them to press during the egg's wedding
egg wedding happened 🦀 right at the end, maple pressed the button that death gave them. a big hole opened up into the void and swallowed everyone at the wedding. multiple people died and got sent to their limbos, but they got revived after maple made a deal with death to become under her servitude. also wren became un-gleamoned
the gang landed in a place with ouchie floor and a bunch of portals leading to other universes. they had a scooby doo-esque chase with the egg across the multiverse which is still going on, though they did take a break to rob a denny's
camden briefly re-possessed chorus when they realized that they could ask one of the AU blues to open their world's blue's enderchest, which held camden's corpse in it (they put it there when they were fleeing dirttopia with the intention to have a funeral later, but blue died before that happened so camden's body has just been stuck in their enderchest for a long time). they kidnapped glsmp!blue and retrieved camden's body so they could finally have that funeral and help camden move on
right now most of the gang is sorta resting in the kc universe
battery went through a random portal and found nerd, un-gleamoned and aging, in an abandoned universe where nerd has been looking after the characters there who were all comatose due to not being played by the gods. nerd told battery that they have been un-gleamoned in this world because of the lack of the egg's influence here, and has also lost their immortality and aged because of the lack of death's influence. nerd and battery promised to live out nerd's last years together
outside the big hole and the multiverse portal stuff, eggi has been kidnapped by an enderman for a museum attraction el o el
WOOOOOOOoo this is all in the af! recaps ! however. we have our Own server. with our Own recaps. this all happened 7 months ago. >:}
oh my god
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spectrophobias · 5 months
@dollhidden asked: What does Caleb think of the counsellors at the camp? Is there anyone he dislikes, or anyone who likes the most? Does he even know them?
ryan is caleb's favorite counselor by FAR jgksks like he's really the only one caleb would actually consider a friend? he's not the only one who was there as a camper or anything, caleb can hardly keep track of himself let alone a bunch of kids LMAO but ofc he remembers ryan bc he just feels like a focal part of camp at this point. the summer rolls around, ryan comes back, those are just natural facts of life ! and caleb really doesn't have friends outside of his family gndks so it might sound a little sad but he'd probably consider ryan his longest/best friend besides his sister. (also i feel the need to mention how we've discussed caleb and kaylee being younger than the 90s birthdays LMAOOO i promise it's not like a 25 year old man trying to be besties with a child)
part of why i think he and ryan would click well is that they just really really love their baby sisters LMAO they're cute!! both of them kind of have.... not so conventional families? they both kind of try to fill the parent void and i think it would make caleb feel a lot better to realize that 1 he's not alone in that and 2 it's HARD he's not just a fuckup, ryan doesn't really know how to do this either, they're both just doing the best they can. ofc he can't tell ryan about the werewolf stuff though and caleb kind of distances himself from everyone at that point ? like he bit his dad and his sister, now he has this stupid curse, he was always a bit introverted but now he just wants a ten foot high wall between himself and everyone else, he's so afraid of hurting people.
obviously kaylee doesn't let him ice her out, but goddamn if the boy doesn't try ! LMAO. he feels so guilty, he doesn't feel like he deserves such a sweet, understanding sister, he feels like a danger to her even though he's already done The Worst Thing to her that he could have possibly done. he talks to bobby about those feelings mostly, because he doesn't want to unload it on her :(
so tbqh once it came to that year's batch of counselors, he was pretty indifferent. mentally he feels like getting to know any of them isn't really an option, because look at what he's done to the people he cares about already. he always goes back to that, he blames himself like he'd had any semblance of control of what he was doing when he bit chris and kaylee. getting close to people puts them at risk, it means having to come up with excuses every month, he feels so disconnected from the Normal world and while a part of him already felt that way living out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere LMAO its very much intentional. he just tends to give people an absolute stone wall when they try to talk, and the counselors pick up on it and assume he's just kind of weird and has other things to do ! he even kind of starts to pull away from ryan by the time he reaches counselor age, he doesn't like lying or being secretive and most importantly, he will NOT put ryan at risk too like he has a baby sister to go home to, it makes him feel sick to even think about passing the curse along to another family like that.
so uh i'm fucking sad now! LMAO. the more i write caleb the more im like oh. oh honey. please find a therapist LMFAOO i want to wrap him up in blankets and kiss his forehead jfksks bc with every transformation he feels a little more like an actual monster and a fuckup :( i think he'd actually really get on with some of the counselors too, he just doesn't give himself the chance. like he and jacob are absolute loverboys LMAO they could have been friends!!! and he won't let himself!!!!!! IM SO SAD
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prttydolls · 2 years
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just friends for now — draco malfoy
ೃ⁀➷ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀) : none I believe, please lmk if there is any!
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : draco malfoy x f!reader, Harry Potter x Cedric Diggory
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼 : any blood reader, any house reader, cedric didn't die. Hedric
ೃ⁀➷ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: hi so, uhm-there was a black out in my town due to the storm and flood (the thingy that usually gives the electricity was pretty dangerous when like its raining super hard) and literally even the signal wasn't there smh, I wrote this bcs I had nothing else to do.... Thank u for requesting!! 💕 + thank u @blackthunder137 for helping my indecisive ass + guess whose stupid enough to delete her own post
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“for fucks sake (yln)! I don't like you!” draco Screamed at you, you were heart broken that the boy of your dreams didn't even find you as a friend.
“oh, I understand..” you said wile choking on your sob, you felt so embarrassed since you confessed your love for draco infront of his friends you quickly get your things and leave the scene. They looked at you with sympathy, they truly felt bad for you.
“yknow, malfoy...you shouldn't be too hard on her- you might regret it..” blaise said, worriness lacing his voice, “why would I regret it? She's just a pathetic (your blood).”  he huffed, he felt bitter after you ruined his chance with another girl he liked.
“just saying yknow..”
— A week later •
You avoided draco at all costs, meaning you changed seats, and threw every poem you made about draco.
You felt sick.
You started hanging out with cedric, which took draco off your mind for a bit. You felt sympathy eyes from his friends , they felt really bad for you. You just simply ignore them and hang out with cedric.
You loved cedric, as a brother ofcourse. You saw him has a big brother that you never had, plus he was dating Harry in secret.
Draco saw you giggling with cedric, which unkowningly made his blood boil. Why did he feel this way? Why did he suddenly care who you hung out with.
He didn't wanna admit it, he regretted the words he said to you.. And he was jealous, very jealous. Seeing the sight of you and cedric being happy together he wanted to rip you both apart and kiss you-no no...
Draco didn't want you, its just some stupid jealousy that would go away later right?..
He kept seeing you two everywhere, at the great hall, court yard, in classes, and even in the astronomy tower.
Now he was extremely jealous.
He made it his top priority to apologize to you, saying that he was wrong he was actually Inlove with you. The way he saw you laugh made his heart swell, your smile. Your goddamn smile was beautiful, your smile could light up the whole room even more the whole galaxy!
Draco surely was Inlove with you.
He had made so many attempts to have you all by himself, but you always leave.
This time, he saw you roaming the corridor, and he blocked you when you turned, Making you have no choice but to talk to him.
“(yn)..” he said with sad beady eyes, “what malfoy? What exactly do you want? Come to insult me again?” you replied, “I wanna apologize..” he mumbled, is he serious? Malfoys never apologize... “well go on, apologize.” you looked so intimidating at the words you said, draco almost chickened out.
Draco let's out a huge sigh and begins apologising. “(yn), I am so so sorry for hurting your feelings.. I was just so caught up in the moment and didn't realize I hurt your feelings, and since you hang out with Diggory now it made me realise how much an impact you made in my life.. And I feel awful for pushing you away.. And top of that, I finally realise that I am Inlove with you too.”
That confession left you in shock, first ; he was sorry, second ; he loves you?!
“draco I..”
“that's not all, I want us to start over and actually get to know you.. So what do you say?” he looked at you with sad eyes, his confession seemed so genuine.. But you can't just accept his apology right away.
“draco, I forgive you but I'm not ready for a relationship yet.. After what you said to me really hurt my feelings and I know I'm not ready... So can we just start as just friends please?”
Draco was relieved that you didn't scream at him or worst hexed him, because he knew you had a temper. He respects that you weren't ready for a relationship.
“Okay (yn), I respect that.. I'd love to be your friend.”
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taglist :: @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin @thehalfbloodedwitch @blackthunder137
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solomonish · 3 years
Dork Solomon Agenda
You say sexy shady sorcerer I say nerd and love of my life
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Solomon is a sad lonely little man why just wants a genuine connection us that so much to ask???
No but seriously like. It's totally fine if you hc Solomon as this man-turned-lowkey-sex-god with a million succubi and more at his whim whenever he wants and would be a tough one to put the ol' ball and chain on like to each their own for sure! But that's not MY hc
(Thats not to say my hc means he doesn't ever engage in casual sex like that and wanting a genuine long term relationship at some point [or finding out thats what you want when you meet someone] are not mutually exclusive yknow)
So like Solomon isn't the type to be short with you or keep you at an arm's length (i mean...u get what I mean. Once you're close enough and all that jazz) or get annoyed by you wanting to be affectionate?? Hello??
He LOVES the little things you do (some on accident tbh). You feeling affectionate today and give him a kiss or three on his face before you leave to go to your separate classes? Adorable, he's fallen in love again. You do that thing where you like.. forget how to walk straight and just accidentally bump into him? No come back he likes being close to you :( He doesn't SAY these things but there's a light, airy laugh he has that gives him away.
If you're ever facetiming he will say "boo!" when you connect instead of just. Greeting you like a normal person.
His fuckin. His devilgram name is monSOLO. My mans is a star wars fan!!! I dont know any of The Discourse bc I'm not super into star wars myself but he has IN DEPTH opinions about the movies. Seriously rivals Levi in this aspect. Please make time for movie nights where you watch the movies together 🥺 especially if you haven't seen them before he'd love to convert you 🥺
Didn't Solomon also have a thing for TSL??? Or am I just imagining it??
I feel like his ideal date would be exploring something new, whether its this new spooky forest or "hey have we been down this alley before? Let's check it out!" but ideal date number TWO is movie night. Even if it isn't Star Wars. He likes to sit on opposite ends of the couch throwing popcorn into each other's mouths (and big candies like peanut m&ms where you both have almost choked before) and maybe a footsie war if he's feeling real devious. Then at some point you grab a blanket and snuggle up to him and you both fall asleep on the couch
Simeon yells at him when you leave because there's popcorn EVERYWHERE
LOVES when you laugh super loud. Idk man he just thinks its great when you have such unbridled joy and then he laughs too 😊 not as loud though he's more of a quiet chuckle kind of guy (most of the time).
Is friends with Asmo so is extremely great at slumber party gossip. Catch him in his pajamas, cross-legged on the floor while clutching a pillow to his chest and listening intently to you rant about the brothers.
"Come here I have a secret to tell you" (blows air in your ear) "okay okay I'm sorry but come here again" (blows air on your neck) "okay okay last time! I actually have something to tell you. Please? Its important...." (kisses ur cheek) "like u a lil bit xo"
Never the type to send "good morning beautiful" or "good night 💞" texts. Instead he'll send you something at 4 am like "the infinite cosmos will eventually swallow whole all familiarity and life as it is now presently known and despite the adaptations humans or demons or angels could make i will still have to adapt and face the world as an alien in the realm I love so dearly. Funny how the strongest of beings bow to the whim of space and time. But sometimes my eternal journey doesn't seem so daunting when I realize that with my everlasting life will be the memory of you no matter how distant and the survival of the vessel you loved...."
And then at lunch that day when the brothers pull you away he'll send you a picture of the lasagna they're serving with "this kinda looks like you? Don't worry I'd still hit it" and then two minutes later "you not the pasta"
Is the type to think randomly "oh damn I love you so much" but has an impressive filter about it. Or he thinks he does until Luke grumbles "ugh get a room thats the fifth time you've seen that since monday" ok, sometimes he has a good filter about it
He can't help it! Sometimes you just say something really smart (or something SPECTACULARLY dumb) or you do something cute like lean on him or smile a specific way or-
Sir.....you're head over heels sir :/
The type who would go to a playground at night with you and just swing on the swings talking about life
Wants to have a secret handshake with you!!
If you're ever on a road trip with just the two of you, you can get him to join in on the terrible singing but he'll be a lot quieter than you
Also will only join in if he isn't driving. If he is and you aren't talking, he's just humming underneath his breath. Will drum on the steering wheel though
(Yes, it gets its own section because MAYBE I'm obsessed with the idea of MC teaching Solomon to cook and the food still turning out terrible but at least it isn't a void when MC is helping)
The type to flick water at you every time he washes his hands. Will chase you down just to do it.
"Hey, tilt your head back and open your mouth MC" (proceeds to dump too big a handful of shredded cheese in your mouth)
100% the type to lean over you just to hinder your cooking abilities. Who cares if the sauce splashes he's tiiiired.... you'd let belphie do it :(
Puts a hand on your lower back when he passes behind you. Hopes you'll lean into it/step back and offer him a kiss 🥺
Believes in always having a proper table setting. Prepare for whatever juice they have (or water) in wine glasses if you're having a nice-er meal
Under the assumption that a spell ruined his sense of taste (and not that he's just bad at cooking) he hates spicy food. He can feel the burn but he gets none of the flavor??? Wack. Don't hurt him like that MC. If you do because its hilarious to watch him try to be cool about it he will pout
Gets cheesy aprons. He just likes them.
Will hit you on the top of your head with a whisk to hear the noise it makes
Will buy every kitchen hack tool there is. A ketchup dispenser that looks like a gun? He's got it. A fish that helps you squeeze out the egg yolks? Yes! A dinosaur soup ladle? You bet! Pizza scissors? A tool that makes hard boiled eggs into cubes? Something that's gotta be like 200 years old and no discernable purpose? Absolutely! He wants a hot dog toaster. Do they even have hot dogs in the devildom?
Will sneak bites just because it bothers you
Look at him. He hasn't had friends in centuries. He's playful!
His funky little WAND
This is a man who is a huge nerd, thrives off of cliches and just wants to have a good time. So let him! Its mentally exhausting having those pretenses up all the time.
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