#i cannot draw poses to save my life
ryn-halo26 · 4 months
"Aw, are you flustered by this, Darling?"
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Another drawing of another oc belonging to @another-lost-mc , Azra! That's a lot of 'another's. Oh and my MC, Orvyn, is here.
I actually used a pose base I found on Pinterest, unfortunately, I can't find the original artist, I'm very sorry.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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idk i just think Moon would definitely be the type to be real obvious about his affections without ever actually saying 'hi i adore u and i want to hold ur hands and look at ur face all day pls stay home dont go to work or i'll cry abt it', y'know?
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grechsblog · 2 years
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So I've started reading @bamsara's y/n solar lunacy fic recently and as far as first 5 and a half chapters got me, this is the vibe I'm catching
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angelamontoo · 2 years
Hnng Cairo/Spade ship art yey
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This did not turn out great, but I'm glad to be colouring more of my art. I really should draw more of these guys
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adorkastock · 2 months
wait, you have aphantasia? do you (or your followers) have any tips for navigating aphantasia as an artist? i have acquired aphantasia due to a TBI and i am trying to relearn How To Do Art. have yet to figure out how i need to adjust my process to accommodate because i keep trying to do things the way I used to and getting frustrated when it doesn't work. Obviously everyone's process will be different but i'd love to hear if you have any ideas.
Oh dang first of all ♥ that is a BIG change to have to deal with. So ♥♥♥ First. THIS WILL BE LONG I GUESS I DONT KNOW HOW TO BE CONCISE ♥ I can assure you can still make art with this new, less picture brain. There's loads of artists with aphantasia and while many of us have had it our wholes lives and had no idea, I am certain we can help give you advice to keep your art going. I will say up front that I started making pose references because I found that my drawings were a LOT better when I worked from reference. Turns out I guess I don't have any head pictures so ??? This explained a lot! I wish I knew how my brain stored info if not visually because I know when I used to draw a lot especially when I drew a lot from life, my figure drawing dramatically improved and I got pretty good at coming up with stuff on my own without references. I guess these would be my tips and I hope people jump in, especially if there's anyone else that's an artist who was a visualizer and is not now. 1) References are your friend! HOARD THEM. Don't be afraid to MAKE them. Take lots of photos, save art that does things you like for inspiration, collect lots and lots of visuals outside your head. 2) Even artists who can visualize often seem to report they cannot always reproduce their head pictures the way they want to. When I have 'an idea for a drawing' it's like a concept in my head. It's kind of just words and maybe some vague composition but again - not sure what it is just know it's not visual. So I gotta THUMBNAIL. A lot of times when I wanna work out what an idea is I just have to doodle a bunch of little versions of it til I go "yep, that's it, that's the one." Basically when I see it I know it's right but I have to see it externally to "see" it. Every piece I make (even my hair bows) I can't really *see* until it's there in front of me. I guess that means this part's advice is: draw little versions of things to work out visual problems on paper rather than in your head. If anyone else has things to add please please do!
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio:
Lil useless facts about my fav boys/listeners. No hate if I didn’t include your fave, I was making my list off memory and am just now realizing I missed like… three entirely series worth of people.
He prefers silver jewelry over gold, but doesn’t care if styles are meant for men or women. He likes what he likes and will wear it. He’s a particular fan of dainty necklaces and women’s wrist watches, but likes men’s rings better.
He smoked when he was human. Lucky Stripes, since they’re cheap. It was a bad habit he picked up when he was eight or so to cope with his home life. He lost the ability to be chemically addicted to nicotine when he was turned, but he still itches for a cigarette when he’s particularly stressed.
She’s very jealous of Will’s attention. She gets twitchy when he’s paying attention to anybody else for too long. This results in spikes of her reckless and bad behavior. It started when Vincent was turned, then when he took in Porter, then when she turned Sam. The most recent was after the Inversion.
He cannot paint or draw to save his life. He’s followed five or six Bob Ross paintings, but they never turn out right. He can draw stick figures, but that’s about it. His penmanship is beautiful, though.
Will made him testify against his maker since Porter’s treatment was particularly brutal amongst Felix’s progeny. Porter didn’t want to, but he recounted every moment of Felix’s torture while being stared down by the man himself in front of the whole council. It was so damming that Felix invoked him to stop. That’s the moment that Porter still has nightmares about.
Lovely is incredibly anxious around their human friends. They’re scared that they’ll lose control and hurt someone, even though they’re very well fed and haven’t shown any lack of control in the past. This results in a few months after the inversion that Freelancer thought they were dead, since they showed up on the casualty list.
Their older brother is a humanborn freelancer. He’s an enforcer for the Department. They think that fits him well, since he was always sort of a bully growing up. Treasure themself is an investigative journalist who writes for an empowered newspaper. They were trying to get a table at the Monarchal Summit even before they met Porter, but that didn’t pan out.
He played french horn in high school. He was pretty good, and was drum major in marching band his senior year. He threw up before every game because he was so nervous.
Bright Eyes
Singer/song writer. Y’all ever listened to the Mountain Goats??? That’s their shit. Slow moving acoustic guitar, songs about the most disturbing and distressing emotions humans are capable of surviving recorded on cassette. Singing at dead coffee shop open mics in the wee hours of the morning. Their voice is raspy and rough, but the texture just draws you into their even timber and perfect pitch. They’re a minor celebrity in Dahlia’s sad boy live music scene.
His hips and back hurt So Much all of the time. He figures out that it’s because he’s incredibly strong but not flexible in the slightest. An imbalance in those two factors can lead to a lot of pain. He starts doing yoga after the Inversion when it got really bad and it’s helped a ton. Plus, Angel does it with him, and he likes watching them bend into all of those poses in their tiny, skin tight shorts.
He keeps track of how much David weighs and makes sure he can comfortably lift and carry that much weight at the drop of a hat. At the end of every work out, he deadlifts David’s weight to make sure he can do it when already spent. He should have been carrying David after the Inversion, but he didn’t have the strength to do it even when not fucked up. He won’t let that happen again.
He needs reading glasses but refuses to wear them. He tried contacts but he can’t stand to put anything in his eye. So he just squints and struggles through. His phone’s text is blown up like a grandpa’s. David is so bothered that Milo won’t just… get glasses. He keeps passive aggressively offering to add Milo to their vision insurance plan.
He had a little crush on Asher in middle school that translated to teasing the shit out of him. Which, Asher being Asher, put him off and hurt his feelings. He’s well moved on but sometimes, when the sun catches Ash just right or he smiles that stupid, toothy smile, Christian mourns his own stupidity.
Desperately protective of Christian, especially after the Inversion. The first time Ash makes a light-hearted joke about Christian’s limp, Arden put his ass on the ground, despite Christian laughing at it.
He drove a white Chevy Cameo with a red interior for most of his life. It was lovingly maintained, and since it’s such a rare model, he did all of the maintenance himself. After the crash, the truck was totaled. David still spent a few years trying to put it back together. He called it quits when he was working on the interior and found dried blood under the leather of the seats.
They have a small stuffed lamb that they’ve had since they were a baby. It’s beaten up, falling apart, and no longer the stark white it started out as. Lambie is kept in their bottom bedside drawer. They only pull him out when they can’t sleep. They were worried David would think it was weird, but he actually finds this more endearing than he can put into words.
They didn’t start talking until they were three. Their parents thought that they were nonverbal, and had started teaching them ASL as an alternative. Then one day at the breakfast table, they opened their mouth and started spouting full sentences. They taught Asher ASL and the two of them use it when they want a private moment in public/when Ash is overstimulated. (Side note; David also knows ASL, he took courses in high school. Very useful, he loves it. He does not love it when watching them flirt nastily in front of him.)
They’ve had anxiety since they were a very young child, and it’s always been an internally-sourced thing rather than externally motivated. They recall the first time they ever got in trouble at school (first grade, for pushing a boy who had been tugging on their hair all through recess). They remember the first time they got a B (fifth grade, on a math test they studied for for hours). Their parents had high expectations, but Sweetheart was having panic attacks from the age of three. Definitely something ~chemical~ going on there.
They feel pack bonds incredibly strongly. Their body reacts physically when someone in the pack is threatened or hurt, without them even having to think. They shiver when Sam calls them ‘mate.’ When David says something in his lovingly dubbed ‘alpha voice,’ they can’t help but listen. They knew Gabe was dead before they got the call. They thought Ash was dead during the Inversion because they felt David’s dread through the bond so strongly.
He’s unnerved by human’s tactile nature. Being in a body is strange for him, and he prefers Aria to Elegy (at least before meeting Starlight), so touch is an extreme sensation for him. Humans touch so much. He’s not opposed to it when it’s someone he knows, but handshakes are the bane of his existence.
Halloween is their favorite holiday. They start decorating for it in August. They plan elaborate, complex costumes and parties. They desperately want to move into a house so that they can set up scary decorations and shit in their yard and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Avid lover of the Spirit Halloween animatronics. They go to Halloween Horror Nights every year.
He’s trained himself to use the human terms for things (ex: terra or earth instead of elegy) since some in the Department don’t like it when daemons use their terms. It means that he gets weird looks from other daemons when he talks to them. It’s an alienating feeling for sure.
He’s never tried human food. He never saw the appeal. What he doesn’t know is that he would absolutely Love dark chocolate if he tried it. He likely will never know.
Avid reader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics. Just the comics, though. They don’t have an apartment in Elegy, but they do have a small storage unit where they keep their comics. They coalesced a few years before the comics starting their run, and for some reason, they just fell in love. Vega thinks this is silly and that they should be embarrassed, but they refuse to be.
He loves Popeye’s fried chicken sandwiches. Doc fed him one once and it blew his fucking mind. He won’t make them with magic, either, he insists that they don’t taste the same. Doc has started just getting gift cards for him to keep so he can get one whenever and doesn’t have to wait for them to give him money. He’s ravenous for those things.
They’re actually a warder, not a healer. Hush’s presence has encouraged them to refresh their healing knowledge, however. Even if he himself is difficult to hurt, he sort of invites chaos.
He uses his foresight to see what the owner of his favorite little bodega down the street is going to have for breakfast every morning. It’s his little morning ritual and practice for his magic. He feels weird all day if he doesn’t do it.
Seer listener
Their sight is more potent and more clear than Morgan’s. They can give stark details, see full landscapes, and turn 360 deg in their vision and see the whole space. They also can hear what’s happening consistently, something that goes in and out for Morgan. He figures that they’re just more powerful than he is, something that makes them just the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Gets incredibly stressed on election days, whether for local, state, or national elections. He forces everyone he knows to vote, volunteers to shuttle people without cars, and has at times volunteered to be a poll worker. But elections make him anxious. He cares so much about the results. Huxley has recently instated a post 9pm ban on watching the news on election nights so that Dames will actually sleep and not stay up all night stressing.
Does not eat beef. Not for religious reasons, but because of the impact of beef consumption on the environment. He’s about one step away from a full vegetarian, he just likes chicken and is concerned for his protein and vitamin intake. This is difficult for Damien, who loves nothing quite so much as a rare steak.
He was forced to take piano lessons as a child. He hated it, but took them up to the point he left home. He’s still very good, and did get peer pressured into showing off at a random guitar center once while out with the D.A.M.N. crew. He nearly died of embarrassment.
He has a collection of very pretty rosaries that he uses as jewelry. He is not religious, and if asked, cannot describe what a Catholic is to you. He likes to wear them around his neck, dipping over his body since his shirts always cut down to his navel. It makes people gasp and blush, which is his favorite effect to have on somebody. His fav one has beads made of mother of pearl and a little, golden crucifix on the end.
They love cheap Chinese buffets. They claim that, the lower the health rating, the better the taste. Their desire for krab rangoons is strong enough to pull them from the comfort of their home at 2 in the morning if the fancy strikes. Damien in particular is horrified by this, and keeps offering to cook them some actual Chinese food.
Dear (Lasko’s listener)
An all star volleyball player in high school and college. They were a setter, and took their team to nationals all four years of high school. They are on the starting line up all through college. When it gets brought up in their trip that Damien plays casually, they said they did too. And then absolutely creamed him.
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bonnieisaway · 10 months
gun to my fucking head u tell me "believe that seven in the past and seven as he is now are two seperate people and entities are not the same person and the past seven would have never been as kind or caring as the current seven became" i'll read you my will and testament right fucking there i do not care what anybody says to me that's the same bitch . that's the same motherfucker. have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself who you'd be if that didn't happen to you. if the tramua didn't hold you down everyday. if you lived a better life. that's what happened to seven. the same motherfucker who got a new start. that man was never some heartless killer , the man who was some "stone cold, heartless, steel-faced killer" who didn't care isn't hiding inside him because he does not exist. you can look. you will not find him. the director himself right the fuck now could say that to me and i wouldn't fucking believe him
there is EMPATHY in every action he takes in his past. the show does not make sense in any regard - in the way we pick it apart and comb over it like we always do - if he was just some heartless guy who lives on in the depths of seven who does not care. that boy would never only fight on missions. that boy would never refuse to draw his sword on redtooth until he had no other option. that boy would not consistently, and wordlessly spare bystanders who he understands are harmless and are stricken by their own emotions. and that boy would never, never go against every killer in the world to save a girl who he knew had been set out as a trap for him.
that's not a different seven that is seven in a worse scenario. he's not "unlocking his old personality" or "reverting to who he used to be" or "becoming a cold killer again" - he is once again put in the same scenario that poses danger to his life. seven is not moving backwards, nor unlocking something hidden in him - and i don't mean his memories, yes, he is gaining some back, but i mean the fundamental personality and "person" he was believed to be back then - history is repeating itself and his life is being shaped by the same inherent tragedy it once was. yes, he had one moment to laugh in season four. that does not mean he doesn't want to anymore, or can't, or won't, it means he will when he fucking can despite despite despite.
i'm so i'm going insane to a point i cannot put it into words but i dont i don't LIKE the thought process of "becoming who he used to be." or the concept that he was ever anyone else . that is unfalteringly, and indisputably seven. there's no other seven. his life was built around a world that was not fit for a fifteen year old with no visible or prominent family to be in, let alone one where at the age of fifteen he killed people to survive. there was ALWAYS a love in that man's heart but there was an inherent wall he learned to build around it. a wall that when he woke up on chicken island he did not feel the need to build. i feel like i cannot put this into words well enough
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ase-trollplays · 6 months
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I'm going to try my hand at doing sprite commissions to help fund my future top surgery. I've never done this before, but sprites are easiest for me, and I can do them pretty fast.
Starting price is $30, and all sprites are mix and match. Each sprite comes with:
Five eyebrows (neutral, sad, mad, arched, flat)
Highly customizable eyes (two eye styles (narrowed and neutral), big and small irises, three sclera colors (neutral, upset, and angry), and different directions (left, front, right))
Six mouths (neutral, smile, grin, blep, cringe, shouting)
Expression add-ons (blush, tears, shadow, stress lines, exclamation points, flowers, laugh lines)
All files will be .psd format, which according to Google is compatible with CSP, which is what everyone else seems to use. 😅
I cannot draw armor, animals (bugs are a maybe), or feathery wings to save my life, so I will not draw that, sorry. Also, I will draw fankids as well as trolls. Visual references are preferred, but really detailed written descriptions work, too. Additional outfits and hair styles are $3 each. Extra arm poses are $5 each.
As far as payment, just donate directly to my GoFundMe fundraiser since that's what it's going to go to anyway. Just show me confirmation that you donated.
DM me either here or on discord if you're interested 😁
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bbyteach · 28 days
Hi hi. I have been thinking about this good morning artwork since you posted. https://www.tumblr.com/bbyteach/757072025688866816/good-morning
It popped into my dreams last night fully animated. I just love it so much. The quiet intimacy. The shadows and colors. The softness conveyed by sharp and delicate line variations.
Getting back into drawing again after years of not and would love to know more about your process and materials. How you sketch. Do you use models? I cannot get over how real bodied these men are in your panels and illustrations.
Love following your work here and on your main blog. Appreciate your talent so much.
hey sorry i've been letting this one sit in my inbox for a bit while my life was a bit chaotic with work - but I do love this ask and talking about process! and i very much appreciate the love for the drawing, thank you for the commentary on the quiet intimacy!
For me it's a combination of starting from a reference, or, sketching out a pose and checking with a reference. I save a BUNCH of ref photos, and I'll pull up a few to look at to check on anatomy. i also have a huge camera roll of weird ref photos I take of myself. I do little checks with my own hands to see what's actually physically possible and such. I also try to keep in mind proportions and how that can be obscured by the lens in photos, so I also use guides on average human proportions:
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also can't beat just good old fashioned pencil measuring to check
but outside of the basics, the general proportions of bodies are basically the same at different sizes, it's just getting used to knowing & looking at different bodies! I think this resource seems good - x
def recommend life drawing classes if you have any in person, but I think there's a lot online too. and draw your friends. draw real people you know (with permission). don't only look at people who will be on a cover of vogue or marvel heroes or whatever.
And i sketch a lot. my sketches kind of suck and normally don't look great. lol. i have an astigmatism so it takes a bit of rendering and trial and error to get it to feel like it looks... 'right'? if that makes sense. but also I did a few years only sketching in pen to get more comfortable just doing Lines. i have so many sketchbooks with very sketchy pen work that I would do between work/meetings/whenever I had any real time to do anything that wasn't those things. In recent years it's been great to really get back into drawing again. It's okay if you didn't do it as much or at all for awhile, it's always something you can do more of and refine over the years. 💖
it means so much to recieve so much love on my silly drawings and get a request on my drawing process because I still don't feel like i'm nowhere near where I want to be, and I think that's just the eternal problem for every artist. but I have a compulsion to keep drawing regardless and i just love to make stuff and I like talking with folks who also love to make stuff! I hope any of this helps or wasn't saying anything that felt too repetitive to any other advice or ideas you've heard before. 🙏
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quartztwst · 6 months
Hi! I'm sorry if this is a bit of an intrusive question, but I wanted to ask: how often do you use references while drawing? Especially for your poses, because they're always so dynamic, and the anatomy always seems perfectly stylized!
i use plenty but sometimes i make the poses up if they’re simple enough. there’s some poses that I do use references for and those are with a certain angle that I want 😭😭😭
but a lot of the things I struggle with is hands and I end up becoming the reference instead like how ignihyde miku’s hands are traced with mine
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also i heard that videos are much better than photos when you make references of yourself bc u can screenshot the pose u want
btw i also use a reference when drawing azul because his hair sucks
BRO AND FEDORAS… I suck at fedoras and I use a lot of references for it bc I CANNOT DRAW IT TO SAVE MY LIFE
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Do you take requests?
No, but I do take suggestions! The main difference is that I can pick and choose between suggestions for ideas that I like and want to draw from, you're welcome to send in suggestions whenever! Obviously don't take it personally if I never draw your suggestion, they are just drawing ideas to me and I would go insane if I drew EVERY single suggestion I get!
Can you draw my OC/AU?
As much as I love everyone's OC’s and AU’s, I cannot draw for everyone, and to be honest I am a lot less likely to draw someone's OC/AU if I’m requested. Don’t take it personally, I have a weird thing where I would much rather gift someone art rather than be asked to draw it for them, it makes it feel like my idea and therefore I’m more passionate about doing it for them! It’s why I don’t request people directly to draw anything for me. Again everyone's ideas are amazing and I love seeing how creative people are. It's just that I'd much rather gift people art of their OC/AU than be requested to draw it, I will draw things for people when I have the motivation to do so!
Can I draw your characters/AU's/designs?
Yes! You are always welcome to draw any of my characters, AU's or designs! Please make sure to @ me in your own post if you do so I can see it and reblog it! I'd prefer to have any gifts for me be posted instead of sent to my ask box, as asks can sit in there for a while and I want others to see your amazing work ASAP, though I don't mind either way!
Can I write something with your character/AU’s/headcanons?
Yes!!! That would be so awesome!!! You are welcome to come to me to ask for advice on writing about my characters and stuff but yes you are welcome to write for them! I cannot write to save my life (dyslexia/ADHD mega combo lol) so I look up to anyone who can write fanfics and such, you guys are so cool!
Can I use your work for icons/banners/edits/etc.
Yes you can! No need to ask permission, I would appreciate credit being given to me, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. You are welcome to edit my work for icons/banners/edits as well, again as long as credit is given.
Can I repost your work?
Reposting is only allowed provided credit is given! Again, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. Do not repost my work claiming it as your own, that's weird. If i’ve drawn something for you you’re more than welcome to repost it with credit as well!
Can I copy/trace your work?
Do I really have to say this? No please don't do that, you don't learn from tracing other artists work, use real life references images if you need help learning anatomy. I don't consider style copying to be a thing so I'm fine with people incorporating my style into their own, and sketching over my work to get a rough sketch is fine, just don't line over it and call it your own.
Can I used your work for AI?
No, fuck off.
Why do you tag some of your art as suggestive?
Just to be safe, I know I draw “sus” stuff sometimes and I mainly want to make sure people keep themselves safe when viewing my stuff. My blog will never explicitly post anything NSFW, the suggestive tag on my art is mainly for sex jokes, pinup style clothing/posing or ass. Again it is just to be safe, you’re not obliged to reblogs with the same tag as me, it’s just to make sure people don’t see something they don’t want to.
Who are the recurring characters that keep showing up here?
Oh, you mean my children? Let me give a rundown:
Mango (He/They) - Mango is my sona! I use him all the time for answering things and also just in general. He is part Dr Mario and part MLP pony from another dimension that somehow got sucked into the SMG4 universe. He works as a doctor in the SMG4 universe, he’s a bit cynical at times but he’s still a kind and caring guy, he’s just sick and tired of all the BS that happens in the SMG4 universe.
Smug (He/Him) - Smug was originally a weird bootleg SMG3 plushie that got turned into a human somehow, he is still a plushie just much bigger now. He spends all his time scamming people in various ways to get what he wants out of them and has no care or regard for them. He has a friend/partner who’s a bootleg SMG4 plush, however she wasn’t transformed as much as him and therefore is the same as before, she can just move and talk now.
Telly (They/Them) - Telly is a happy little accident that somehow occurred out of nowhere, they are the child of Mr Puzzles! They are a shy yet friendly little child who just wants to make friends and watch TV. They struggle with meeting people due to their speaker not working as they can only make static noises to communicate, but they are adventurous and always looking to have fun! They love and look up to their father a lot, he's their biggest inspiration.
If more get added I’ll put them here, you are always welcome to ask me about any of them! I love talking about them! All of them have their own tags on my blog that are free to be used by others as well!
Do you have any AU’s?
Yes! I have a werewolf SMG4 AU! I need to work on it. Werewolf SMG4 is a version of SMG4 who's been cursed to turn into an out of control werewolf every night, his friends are constantly working to try and find a solution to this curse while 4 is busy trying not to get anyone killed. It's very angsty and sad I promise, one day I will work on it more, you are welcome to ask about it whenever! It might motivate me to work on it more lol.
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fllagellant · 5 months
Ok im going to be gay and evil in your inbox what is the giilvas wyll epilogue kiss like :D i really want to draw a big epilogue smooch for him & i have had an Idea for a long time now.. so i was thinking, damn!! i would love to hear the willow trees lore <333 !!!!
OHHHH JAY THIS IS A DEVIOUS QUESTIONNN okokok I have . Many Thoughts . About them kissing . <- extremely normal
Two alleys of thought . The first one is a classic . Giilvas hoists Wyll up , arms tucked under so Wyll is balanced sitting on his forearms . Maybe he’ ll spin the both of them around .. Giilvas just looks up at Wyll for a moment and Wyll is cupping his face and they are just . So in love and they finally get a break from everything just to share a moment with each other … Wyll initiates the kiss and he gets to decide when he gets to be put down . Everyone leave them alone for a bit please ?
The second alley of thought . Okay . There is this specific pose that I cannot remember the name of for the life of me . Maybe it has no name and I just think it should . So . Okay . Knightesque Giilvas moment , dropping down to one knee and letting Wyll sits on his other leg . He has big legs Wyll has plenty of room on his thigh to sit . I think the pose is called like . The captains daughter sit ? At least that’ s what I Swear it is called .. Any ways ! Yeah kissing Wyll while in that pose + the extra flair of holding up a cape of sorts to block the kiss from view … and Giilvas holds Wyll around the waist of course … My Vision
This was an evil ask to send me do NOT make me load a devious little game and a devious little save … your lore , my frand < 3
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dreamstormdragon · 3 months
Blender newbie progress
So if anyone knows me, they know I cannot draw to save my life. I can use vroid pretty well, but that wasn't cutting it anymore.
So... it was time to learn THE WAY OF BLENDER 3D
Aileen and I piled into a discord call and we had a lot of fun, watching blender guru's tutorial and I learned a lot, but I also started to follow it on my own time as well, to get some proper practice in.
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Too smooth
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This is still a WIP, I'm hoping to finish it tonight or tomorrow all things considered. I already got my next project planned out
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Which will be exploring isometric spaces so I can make sets for my models to hang out in and make my own streaming assets along with picture assets
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Gaaahhh this is so FUCKING OLD-
But one thing I REALLY wanna do is make better backgrounds for my models. This for example, was made in Animal Crossing and it's obvious it's a PNG. Currently, I use either PNG's or presets in VRM posing
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Sometimes combining low poly presets and png's to make for example, Mila having a mental breakdown over breakfast. 8D
Now, I might not be able to make everything and it's going to take progress.
Other things I was working on also included animation in MMD
SOoo yeah, lot of learning so far. See you all later!
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dunetevenn · 9 months
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Hi everyone
A bit of a long-ish post today because I wanted to talk about my selfship/AU of the 2000 italian kid cartoon called «Monster Mash» (I already shared the sketch earlier on this blog but I finally finished it)
If you don't know the original movie (you can find it on youtube or on archives.org in better quality), here's the wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_Mash_(2000_film))
So it was one of my favorite childhood movie for years, and around halloween I got back to it, being focused on the movie for a few weeks (I still love it and watch it sometimes now). And it kinda revived my affection for one of the character (Drac), who was a huge crush of mine when I was a kid.
I created a quick self-insert for the original universe, but my mind quickly got interested in a few AUs. While I didn't do any art for the main universe or for my second AU, I was more invested into my Vampire Hunter storyline, which I'm about to tell you about in this post. If you just want the drawing it's okay, thanks for the attention
PS: pose base/inspiration by AdorkaStock "Frienemies" (https://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock/art/Frienemies-926193644)
So the context of this AU is the following:
There was always tension between monsters and humans, and one day a battle finally exploded, lasting for years. The monsters have been significantly numbered down by the humans, but they are still fighting. They're just staying hidden for the moment, plotting to get their revenge and imprisoned members free.
My character is named Swan (they/he). They're a monster hunter, recruted by the King (at least that's the version Swann is allowed to tell) to kill the last vampires in the kingdom. Amongst these vampires, their King, Drac, is the main target. Why vampires in particular? Well, strangely nobody really knows.
Swann is sent to track them down, which he does, and makes a first attempt to fight Drac. It failed, since the king of vampires was aware of a potential personal attack from the human king. But Swann doesn't give up. They're trying to get the closest possible to Drac, without his guards around. Once they manage to meet alone, Swann makes a suggestion to Drac: they cannot leave the vampires free here, but they can pretend to win the mission by helping them escape the kingdom and keeping the secret. Drac was surprised, but refused. He and the other monsters will stay and fight back. Swann tries to convince him, making it clear that they don't want to participate more in the massacre. Sadly, with the uncooperation of the vampire king, they have no other choice but keep fighting until one of them wins. However, this encounter changed something, making Drac more curious about this strange decision from someone sent to kill them, and already killed multiple monsters. They kept fighting, but it was less with the actual intention to end lives and more with a desperate attempt to make them go away. The big turn was when Swann saved Drac's life, from a guard of the human king trying to get recognition as a hero. Before the crucifix could hit his chest, Swann swooped in and attacked the guard. By seeing them, the guard was menacing to warn the king about the betrayal, but he was quickly shut down by the duo and sent to the other vampires.
Drac kept the incident secret from the other vampires, at Swann's demand. But this night, they actually became friends. And, this friendship evolved, hiding behind the fights, hiding from both humans and vampires, even from other monsters. Developping a secret romance, never claimed by words, but affirmated by the nights they starting spending intimately (ah yeah s3x plays a huge part in their love story).
And there you have it, a very quick explaination of what this Vampire Hunter story is. Hope it wasn't too badly written, because I know my writing sucks (that's why I never write fanfictions).
Anyway, if you read everything, I'm really happy that you took the time for it, and if you didn't, that's fine it's still nice that you stopped by even if it was just for the art.
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Tag Game for Historical Simblrs! 📖
1. What has been your favourite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
The Anglo Saxon era has been my favourite so far. The thrill of working to build Kennedi up to the chief of her own Queendom was very fun.
2. Do you have a favourite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
BB - I don’t know if ‘favourite’ is the right word, but I really value the CC toilets. Having my sims pee/poop in a historically accurate looking toilet somehow really helps with my immersion!
CAS - basically every historical style dress that @sifix has made
3. Who is your favourite sim currently?
I’m very early into playing the Second Estate of the Medieval era so I don’t have one for that Estate yet. Of the Medieval era as a whole, William hands down. 
4. What is your favourite world?
I really like Brindleton Bay, but my most used is definitely Henford-on-Bagley.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I’m going to say gameplay because that is what I use to create the story, but I do enjoy trying to thread together all the little gameplay moments into an enjoyable narrative. 
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
The Second Estate of the Medieval era is the first time I’m doing it and, I have to say... I’m not a fan so far.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game? 
Townies not being dressed historically. I do periodically go through and dress all the adults, but I can never be bothered with the children or younger and over time I end up with sims walking around in the typical modern, hideous Townie fashion. If anyone knows how to use MCCC or any other mod to get townies to dress themselves historically, please let me know!
8. What’s your favourite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
CAS - The Outdoor Retreat outfit for men and women is very useful.
BB - woodworking table to make chairs, tables, bathtubs, toilets etc.
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
I need to think hard about this one... and I'm drawing a blank
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Expansion pack - Cottage Living
Game pack - Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Pack - Laundry Day
11. Do you have a favourite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
Ye Olde Cookbook kit by @littlbowbub
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
My preferred is 4, but I spend most gameplay with 8 because of how many goals require that many sims.
13. Do you use poses?
I used to a lot, but now I only use poses when I cannot find an in-game animation that suitably captures what I am trying to achieve.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yes. My favourite is by @simverses and is basically an override for all the outfits of the NPC roles - maid, butler, gardener, mailman, bartender etc. It helps with immersion SO much.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
Yes. The challenge required me to for the Iron Age, Roman Britain and some of Anglo Saxon era.
16. What lifespan do you play on?
Normal life span. I wish I could fiddle and make old age much longer, but the the challenge doesn’t allow messing with lifespans.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
Short answer - finding a Sims Forum thread about the History Challenge and then falling down a very deep rabbit hole that ended up with me creating a simblr account.
Thank you for the tag @aheathen-conceivably and @taanoir!
I tag @shelbycompanylimitedd @soulful-simmer just because they haven’t posted their historical stories in a while and I miss them :)
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steveezekiel · 5 months
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred, FOR YOUR ENEMIES ARE MY ENEMIES.
Psalm 139:21-24 (NLT)
* The psalmist in our text says those who hate God are not his friends.
- He was saying he does not agree with those who are God's enemies.
- He said God should search him If he was involved in wickedness.
- It might be difficult for someone brought up in a religious home to believe that God has enemies, those who hate Him. But He does anyway!
* In the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, Believers are to love those who stand as enemies, and pray for those who spitefully use them, and persecute them (Matthew 5:44).
- God does not want sinners, those who are yet to reconcile with Him to perish, but be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9).
- The ministry or assignment given to every Believer is to reconcile the world, those who are not saved, with God (2 Corinthians 5:18,19).
- If a Believer who has the assignment of reconciling the unbelievers to God decided to be part of the sinners, and join them in doing whatever evil or wrong they are doing, how would Such a Believer succeed in his or her reconciliatory Ministry.
- You As a Believer cannot copy or join the ungodly in whatever they are doing and still want to win them to God (Psalm 1:1).
- Whatever you join others to do has power over you. It means you have no power to help those who are in it, to come out of it.
- Some Believers copy the unbelievers, claiming they are doing that to draw them out of the negative Acts that are not pleasing to God which they are doing.
- If a Believer partakes in the Evil of the wicked, Such a person also would be part of their Judgement.
- A Believer should love what God loves, and what makes God angry, or what displeases God, should displease whoever is a genuine Believer in Christ Jesus.
- If you are comfortable with what the unbelievers are doing, It means something is wrong about your Christian life—your relationship with God.
- How would a believer be comfortable being with those who are perverse, those who wallow in Sin, who live contrary to God's Word and Will?
- Sinners are to be loved by the Believers, but not to the extent of doing or practicing what they are doing. And also not to the extent of hanging out with them.
- Being a friend of an unbeliever, an ungodly person, has only one mission, which is mainly to bring, or reconcile, him or her to God through Christ Jesus.
- A believer who practices what the unbelieving friend does, in the name of reconciling such to God, would equally receive the same Judgement with him or her: "THEY know God’s JUSTICE REQUIRES that those WHO DO these things DESERVE TO DIE, YET THEY DO THEM ANYWAY. WORSE YET, THEY ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THEM, TOO" (Romans 1:32 NLT).
* The psalmist said God should search him (Psalm 139:23). If God were to search you As a Believer in Christ Jesus, would you be found right or perfect?
- Surely God would search the heart of whoever claimed to be following and serving Him, and test such to know his or her thoughts.
- A believer who has a right heart or thought would not join an unbeliever to do or practice whatever they are doing, and be claiming that he or she wants to reconcile them to God.
- You can deceive humans, but you cannot deceive God, because He knows the intent of every person's Heart.
- If those who posed to be God's enemies are your friends, It means your own relationship with God is not be genuine or solid.
- A believer who has a genuine relationship and fellowship with God would not be comfortable being with the unbelievers, seeing or witnessing whatever wrong they are doing or practicing—being involved in.
* Would you like to pray the sincere prayers of the psalmist, that God should search you, If anything incriminating would be found in you?
- I know many Believers, even ministers, or leaders in the church, would not want or like to pray such a prayer.
- And sincerely, this prayer is the one every Believer should be praying, every now and then, in their Christian journey in life: "SEARCH ME, O God, AND KNOW MY HEART; TRY ME, And KNOW MY ANXIETIES; 24 And SEE IF THERE IS ANY WICKED WAY IN ME, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23,24 NKJV).
- The purpose why the psalmist wanted to be searched was that he might be corrected, If any wrong was found in him, and be led in the right way—the everlasting way.
- Many who claimed to be born-again are not sincere in their walk with God. They are not living right, yet they would not want to be confronted with their wrong deeds.
- Even If not confronted by any human, they found it difficult to open up before God and tell Him they are living short of His standard: "HE WHO COVERS HIS [her] SINS WILL NOT PROSPER, BUT WHOEVER CONFESSES AND FORSAKES THEM WILL HAVE MERCY" (Proverbs 28:13 NKJV).
- If you cannot own up to what you are doing wrong, and sincerely talk to God about it, It means you are deceiving yourself. It also means you do not want to forsake or come out of the sinful habits you are indulging in.
- If you truly wanted to forsake whatever you are doing wrong, you would want to open up to God, tell Him, about it.
* God would not force you to leave or release whatever you are holding tight in your hand, you had to make the choice of releasing it—do away with it.
- Many Believers would not allow God to search their hearts. They would not want to release the wrong things which they are holding tight in their hearts or lives.
- Some are indulging their flesh in sinful habits, some in wrong Relationship that Encourage Sins, and any number of things that could not be mentioned; Thus, they would not want God to search their lives.
- If you had anything in your life which you would not want God to help you overcome, He might not force you, and allow you to have your way, but be sure that the consequences of it in your life would not be evaded.
- God will not be able to help you against your Will, He would only work in the area which you have allowed Him in your life.
* Let God search you, purge you, change you, that you may be what He desired you to be.
* You will not fail in Jesus' name.
- Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in Jesus' name.
- Whatever is contrary to health is rebuked in Jesus' name.
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