#i cannot lose that cinnamon roll
romitritrashswiftie · 2 years
Nobody speak to me until season 2 is announced.
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jakegasm · 2 years
mistakes | lo'ak sully
genre: angst ♧ 
pairing: lo’ak sully x omatikaya!reader (mentions of neteyam and tsireya) 
word count: 2.5k
warnings: heartbreak, cheating (? idk why i put a question mark, there’s most definitely cheating involved 😂) 
brief info: upon moving to Awa’atlu the sully family agrees to have you tag along, you and lo’ak have been best friends for as long as you two can remember. Though to his parents it has been nothing but a friendly demeanor between the two of you, unknown to them that you and lo’ak have been in a secret relationship for quite some time now. While in Awa’atlu, lo’ak seems to be avoiding you more and more lately spending more time with tsireya than you, leaving you and your relationship entirely in the dust. 
flowers: lauren spencer smith 
two places at once: haley joelle
Punchline: aidan martin
notes:  ‼️lo’ak and reader are 18‼️ 4 years later after the sully family moved to Awa’atlu
Neteyam is NOT dead, bby is still alive bc I said so 
//again this was barely proofread and its not my best bc i kinda rushed it T-T i still hope you all enjoy though! and please I do not hate tsireya she's a cinnamon roll I just needed to use someone and she fit perfectly T-T//
Syeha si mì ulte lonu: breathe in and release 
Mawey: calm
Rä'ä: do not
Skxawng: moron, idiot
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The waves break around the rocks in the shallows, their foam crests becoming chaotic lace over the blue. You watch it swirl, mesmerized as if the movement of the water choreographs your thoughts. The crunching of the sand tearing you away from your thoughts, the space next to you now becoming occupied. You shifted your body away from them avoiding the inevitable conversation you two were to have. You felt him looking at you, his eyes burning into the side of your face. You were ignoring him and he knew it. He gently rocked his shoulder into yours in hopes of getting your attention, lucky for him it works. 
“Why are you here Neteyam?” 
“What? I cannot accompany a friend now?” 
Rolling your eyes, you set them back on the crashing waves in front of you. The waves swimming up to shore tickling your toes with the slightly cold water. 
“If you are looking for Lo’ak, he is with Tsireya.” Irritation hung in your voice, the male did not let this go unnoticed. Though he wanted to question it, he decided to ignore it. 
“So that is where he has been all these days…” His voice trailed out in thought. He noticed your body tensed up slightly at the comment, digging your head more into your knees that were pushed up against your chest. Your eyes prickled with tears but you blinked them away before he could notice them. But it was too late. He felt his chest tighten seeing your eyes glaze over in sadness as the setting sun reflected ever so perfectly on the tears that threaten to spill. Reaching out a hand he brushed away a tear that had managed to escape, his lips in a thin line. 
“My brother is a skxawng, he will realize what he will lose but until then…it will already be too late.” 
His words hit you like a brick. You didn’t want to wait for him to realize it because the more you waited the more you watched him fall for someone else. Scooting closer you nuzzled yourself into his side finding comfort in the warm embrace as his arms immediately wrap around you giving your shoulders a reassuring squeeze. You two stayed like that for some time as you wept in his arms, trying to make amends for your lover. That you were unfortunately losing. 
“Neteyam I’m sorry!” You laughed running out of his marui pod, trying to make an escape from the consequences of your actions. 
“Oh no, you think I’d let you off the hook for that? No way!” The male chased you even quicker. Laughter erupted from your throat as your feet moved as quickly as possible to get away from him. You peeked over your shoulder to see he was gaining on you rather quickly, and the smile on your face widened even more. Your destination was his parents' Marui pod since you knew that’s where your safety resided, his mother would for sure protect you from him. You hastily jogged up to the pod trying to keep your balance and speed as the walkway wobbled a bit under your feet. You managed to make it to the pod’s opening before you felt hands clasp your waist holding you tightly against their chest, swinging you away from the pods' entrance. You wiggled in his grip while your joined laughter filled the pod while you gasped for air begging him to release you. 
“Neteyam put her down.” His mother spoke a smile resting on her face, his father appearing not too shortly behind his wife. 
“You heard what your mother said. Put her down boy.” 
Nodding he gently placed you back on the ground, but not before poking his tongue out at you, something he had learned from Kiri. You just giggled at the reaction turning towards his parents who held a look wanting either one of you to explain what was happening. 
“That’s one hell of a way to say Good Morning. Mind telling me what’s that about?” His father spoke, his tone demanding but not harsh. 
“y/n threw water on me while I was sleeping, sir.” Neteyam’s eyes sent you a quick threatening look only to receive a small laugh from you. 
“Yeah, that’s because you wouldn’t wake up after you PROMISED me that you’d take me fishing today.” You added in, earning yourself an eye roll from him. 
“So you throw water on me? May Ewya help you for what I will do when–”
“Good Morning.” Neteyams' threat was cut off by someone entering the pod. 
The wide smile on your face disappeared; just as quickly as your playful demeanor. He greeted his parents before sharing eye contact with you, your stomach now doing somersaults. He nodded at you as a greeting, not daring to give you a proper greeting. You felt small. So small. You were on the verge of nausea as you watched him avoid all sorts of contact with you. 
“Lo’ak don’t be rude, speak to y/n.” His mother softly smacked him on the back of his shoulder earning her a low hiss from the male.
“Good morning…y/n.” His eyes stayed fixated on something that wasn’t you, annoyance radiating off of him. 
“Good morning lo’ak…Um, Neteyam?” Neteyam was quick to make contact with you, your eyes pleading with him to leave. Quickly he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and swiftly turned you away from the others to avoid them seeing the tears that were now falling so freely while you bit your lip so hard trying your best to stop them. 
“We will be back before eclipse. I promise.” He swore to his parents nodding at them and smiling, but not before he shot his brother a deadly glare, only to see his brother already held one against him. Wiping his head back around he guided you out of the pod making sure to keep your head down as he whispered sweet reassuring words to you along the way. 
“Syeha si ulte….lonu.”  The arrow flew from your bow grazing your fingertips lightly during the release, only for you to miss your target…again. Whining you turned your head to Neteyam who was trying very hard not to laugh at your failure. 
“Laugh it up while you can, mighty warrior.” Your tongue poked out at him tauntingly after “warrior”, though he cleared his throat his smile never left his face when he approached you. He stood behind you turning your body so your back lay against his chest, his hands guiding your arms back into your shooting stance. 
“Your arms should be straight, or you’ll miss your target again.” His hands held underneath your arms gently smoothing over the skin underneath them before pushing them upwards. “Take a deep breath and hold it. It must come from your stomach or it will not work.” Bringing his other hand down he gently pushed on your stomach causing your body to tense up immediately, you found yourself holding your breath for another reason. 
“Mawey, your heartbeat is fast. No wonder you cannot catch any fish.” He joked, his breath hitting the shell of your ear due to the close proximity you two were in. Shaking your head you tried to distract yourself from how close you two were. Straightening your posture, you sucked in a deep breath making sure to hold it in just as instructed locking eyes on your wiggling target and–
“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat halting your motion. You both turn your head towards the person responsible for the noise, only to be met by the one person you didn’t want to speak to but also a person you yearned deeply for. 
“Sorry for uh… disrupting you two but can I talk to y/n?” Lo’ak watched as Neteyam refused to take a step away from you making him bite the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
The older brother never moved from your side, his body now shielding you in a way. The tension in the air felt thick, so thick not even a knife would be able to pierce it. You placed your hand on his arm giving it a squeeze to grab his attention, “Neteyam.” Your voice soft, his head turning down towards you his eyes immediately softening almost as if they were pleading with you. 
“I’ll be fine.” You tried your best to give him a smile, just enough for him to let you go. It was obvious your smile didn’t convince him, huffing his mouth turned into a thin line before nodding at you moving further to the opposite side to let you go. You nodded at him once more before following behind a rather fuming lo’ak. 
The boy ignored you as he walked fast in front of you slapping things out of his as he passed them. You tried your hardest to keep up but there was no way your speed equaled anything to his big long strides. Jogging a little you gained a bit of closeness to him his hand just in reach for you to grab. 
“Lo’ak wait–”
“What?!” He snapped at you angrily turning towards you. You felt like a turtle going back into its shell with his tone. A tone he has never used with you. 
“I just wanted you to slow down, you’re walking too fast.” Your voice sounded so little making his ears flick downwards. 
“Where are we going anyway?” 
“Our usual spot…We need to talk–about us.” A familiar ache started to churn in your stomach at these words. Your thoughts become jumbled up in your mind of all the possible outcomes of this conversation. 
Was he finally going to tell others of your relationship?
Did he finally want to call it quits? 
Mindlessly you followed him deeper into the closed-in cave area, the familiar scenery coming into your view not too long after you both decided to keep walking. You looked into the glowing water smiling faintly at the glimmering goldfish that rushed to the surface upon your arrival, seeming excited to see you again. You almost bumped into the back of lo’ak not realizing he had stopped moments ago, you stared confusingly at his back before his voice caught your attention. 
“What were you and brother doing before I arrived?” You blinked at him confusingly. Turning his body fully towards you now, his face completely ruined by the anger that he was trying so desperately to keep inside. The confusion on your face seemed to anger him more than he already was causing him to roll his eyes at you. 
“You and my brother. You’re way too close to be “just friends”, every time I see you two your both so close to each other!” 
You and Neteyam were friends. That was it. There were no romantic feelings involved once so ever whenever you two conversed. At least that’s how you saw it on your end. 
“If you are asking if I and neteyam ever did anything with each other the answer is no.” You were starting to take offense to the accusations he kept spuing out at you, rendering you into irritation at the boy. 
“Really? Because that’s so hard to believe when I see his hands all over you a few moments ago. And from the looks of it, you weren’t moving them any time soon!” 
“He was teaching me how to fish!” 
“Why him? You could’ve asked me. Me! Your boyfriend!” 
“Well, I can’t ask my boyfriend if he’s never around when I need him!” 
You didn’t notice that your breathing had started to pick up or even notice how the image of him standing in front of you became blurry from the water that swelled up in your eyes. 
“Or when he’s not with tsireya showing her all the things that you showed me!  Or–or ditching our plans for tsireya because she wants to go look at the stars with you!” The gentle wind from a small opening in the cave blew past your face making you feel the coldness from the tears that now overflowed from your eyes. 
“It’s always tsireya, tsireya, tsireya! Never me! I’m never your first choice anymore.” Your chest heaved up and down rapidly as your feelings felt like they were oozing out of you, your mouth just could not stop projecting all the feelings you had bottled up for so long. 
“Neteyam has been there for me when you weren’t. Night after night, day after day, HE has always been there. Not you lo’ak. And guess what? He’s cleaning up the mess you made…AGAIN.” Your last words held so much power, you knew those words were going to sting but, you needed him to hear them. Hear how much pain he has caused because of his absence. Hear what a mess he’s made of you. The scenarios of them interacting start to flood your mind, the acts of kindness and love the two radiated gave off a familiar feeling that you two once shared. You swallowed your fear down as a fearful question bubbled up in your throat. 
“Have–have you two done anything?” 
Silence. All you were met with was silence. But this was all you needed to finally make sense of his recurring disappearances. Your face scrunched up in disgust, your tears now producing more than they have ever before. 
“I knew it…” Swiftly you turned away from him almost jogging your way out of the small hideaway area, ignoring his calls out to you. You didn’t want to hear a thing he had to say anymore, his silence spoke loudly for him already. 
“y/n, listen to m-” His hand caught your wrist trying his best to make you look at him, instead you jerked your arm away from his grip harshly. 
“Rä'ä!” The anger in your voice shook him, you never raised your voice at him, though he knew he deserved this. He made a mistake and he needed you to understand that. 
“You do not get to touch me anymore. You do not even need to think about me anymore.”
His ears dropped dramatically, his tail hiding in between his legs. It was now his turn to breathe heavily, his brain not wanting to believe the words you were throwing at him. 
“Please, just let me explain what happ-”
“You have explained enough lo’ak. Now go, go before tsireya starts wondering about your whereabouts.” You turned away from him only to be stopped by him once more. 
“I don’t care about tsireya right now! Dammit just listen to me!” His voice shook massively, his eyes pleading desperately at you almost making you push your hurt and anger to the side and wrap him back in your arms that you wanted him back desperately in. Almost. 
“Goodbye lo’ak.” You took your arm away from his hold once again ignoring his pleas for you to come back. Your heart ached hearing how desperate he sounded for you, though you needed him to learn. You needed him to learn that someone’s heart is not something to gamble with. 
He needed to learn from all the mistakes he made.
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angmarenthusiast · 4 months
More Total Drama Incorrect Quotes
Duncan: What's your greatest fear? Heather: Being forgotten. Duncan: ... Duncan: Damn, that's deep. Duncan: Mine is the Kool Aid man, but I feel kinda stupid about it now...
Scott: ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.
*During a game of Hangman* Courtney: Nope, there’s no Q. You lose. Heather: Are you kidding me?! You can still add something! Courtney: I already added a belt, four earrings and an extra arm! YOU LOSE!
Noah: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Justin: Yesterday, I watched Cody try to eat a decorative rock from Harold's potted plant. Trent caught them and told them they can't eat rocks. Cody started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
Jo: All in all, a 100% successful trip. Brick: But we lost Anne Maria. Jo: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
Mike: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this. Cameron: What did you do Mike? Mike: a Mistake.
Brick: *eating a cinnamon roll* Anne Maria: Cannibalism. Brick: *confused chewing noises*
Sierra: I know what you're up to. Izzy: Really? Because I barely know.
Cody: *is visibly upset* Tyler: Cody, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Izzy, in Eva’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Noah, climbing past Izzy: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Cody: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective? Harold: *crouches down* Justin: *kneels down* Trent: *sits on the floor* Cody: Cody: I hate all of you.
Sam: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world. Dawn: Thank you for your sacrifice, Scott.
Sam: Pick a card, any card. Scott: Fine. Sam: Wait, that's my credit card! Scott: You said any card.
*Beth and Lindsay are in a mirror maze* Beth, seeing Lindsay: C'mon, you got it! Almost through! Lindsay: I see you! *runs straight into a mirror, shattering it* Beth: *screams*
Heather: Gwen- Gwen: *sighs* Courtney used to call me Gwen... Heather: ...Because it's your fucking name.
Zoey: Hey bro, what do you want to eat? Mal: The souls of the innocent! Mike: A bagel. Mal: No! Mike: Two bagels.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Letter from your Guides"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message coming from your Guides. You may be in a moment of confusion, fearing something, doubting something or healing something.The message will try to provide you with guidance and support.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
(One Guide is talking the most either for themselves or a group; it may even be someone from your family/ancestor or a counterpart's higher self/past life soulmate. I think they're talking about a passion/hobby/endeavour of yours in particular, but it could be something else too)
My darling We/I know you're passionate about something. You have a huge desire laying inside of you and you're dreaming so much of making that wish fulfilled. You can, keep going. Just remember to not let your fears and insecurities hinder you, your emotions to govern you. We don't do that anymore, right? You've grown so strong recently! And things will change as you've changed, the same way. Without you realizing until you will experience them. Give it a try. Give yourself a try. There's a lot in store for you. We often tell you this, but you better start to believe it, even if you cannot see it as for now. Be positive: pain never lasts forever, it's just something we need to experience here and there. It's the bad that lives with the good. Take them both, accept them both, but never lose that shine/smile of yours. Remember to breathe. We're/I am here with you.
song: under my skin | claudia kane; one of a kind | the gaia corporation
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pile 2
(You're probably your Guides' "little cute sweet thing" they love to comfort you and send you gifts/signs here and there, especially images/cute drawings or such -probably if you occasionally feel like drawing, it's them-. They give you sweet surnames. It could even be, similarly to pile one, there's someone from your family -more likely- or a counterpart higher self /past life soulmate. The mentioned infos may come through messages, signs, dreams...)
Hello pumpkin/cinnamon roll We know the past has been kinda harsh on you. We know that. We've seen it all. We've felt what you felt too, we've cried with you. But please, don't let this all close you off from what's ahead. You know what's ahead? Love, abundance, and all you ever dreamt of. The past is gone, it needs to end, so never think things will always be like that for you. It's not gonna be that. Things are now changing for the best. Leave behind whatever and whoever you need to leave behind, and give space for what's supposed to arrive. Be brave. Demand. Be confident. You'll get infos about this in the upcoming days/months, so stay ready to receive and trust we're not fooling you. That's never what we want to do. Take a time out when you need and just do not trust when something, a thought or a person, wants to limit you. You're limitless, go beyond that. Enjoy, little one.
songs: perfect symphony | ed sheeran, andrea bocelli; breathe me | sia
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pile 3
(Your Guides feel either proud or sorry about something. They want to comfort you and hug you. It could be an higher self of someone tbh, maybe even yours, or similarly to other piles it could be someone from your family/ancestors or lover. They probably used to protect you a bit too much -may be someone no more in the 3d, it's a bit confused tbh)
Where to start from? It's time to change, my dear. It's time to let others in and find your own happiness. It's time to let yourself be loved as you need and are supposed to, it's time to experience life at its full. You deserve that. I'm sorry if someone tried to hinder you, but it's a new start now. Do not let them hinder you anymore. I want you to know you'll get to experience all that you want. You're such an amazing soul and person... People can only talk good about you. You'll receive lot of love, you're gonna do big things... but for this to happen, you need to make a decision of/on your own. To really be aware of your worth and what you want and go after it, prepare for it, get ready for it, study for it. Accept the good, the love, the sweetness of others. Do not close off to any loving offer or comment that will come to you, not everybody is here to play with you (I'll play with them if they do). We need to change our approach. We need to let things unfold as they're supposed to. Enough with battling from the inside, it's time to try and be out and about. It's time to trust and just go forward, for the better is coming.
song: personal jesus | depeche mode; we belong together | mariah carey
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pile 4
(your Guides are very elegant and may relate with the night -maybe you can contact them more likely at that time or they come to your through dreams or they're creatures of the night: eg. maybe come in form of owls-, or maybe you like the night. Harry Potter too. I think there's someone from your ancestors who was/is a very refined person/soul that demands respect and are powerful. Like that wealthy aunt you may see in movies. They're very nice and tender though, especially with you.)
Hello sweet bat How are you doing? Please, stay calm and collected. I know sometimes it's easy to get lost in your thoughts, to let fears mess up with you, but when this happens I want you to know that you just need to stop and breathe. Meditate. Call for your inner self. You'll find me/a reflection of me there too. We're similar, you know it. So trust your inner guidance, and get yourself back together. Refocus on your goal, and get up again. Worrying over things that don't matter isn't good for you, it just hurts you and nothing else. When there's too much going on, focus on the most urgent stuff first and then go on like that. Make a list. Be grounded. You don't have to do everything at once. My darling, we're elite/majestic/aristocracy, we can let others wait for us, right? Stay calm and manifest, you'll get what you deserve (and so others). Control what you can and let the rest move towards you, even that lover of yours...
song: pulse | the venice connection; sound of breaking | faunea
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i think Helaena can be autistic but also a happy and joyful girl , autism ≠ depression. the way the portrayed the only neurodivergent character on screen as unstable, shunned depressed, and with no importance to the plot feel very ableist and weird , but then they're the ones who made the guy with a foot disability a feet fetishist 🫠
Hi OP, finally answering this because the trailer dropped and still the only Helaena shots we have are from her Jaehaerys' funeral. There is also one still photo of her. If you haven't seen it, here she is, apparently sewing the funeral shroud for her little boy:
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So it seems like season 2 is going to continue on this trajectory for Helaena as a character who exists in order to suffer beautifully.
Don't get me wrong. I am glad that the show is going to wring the full emotional effect from Blood and Cheese, not just shock value. The audience will feel the real horror of a six year old child brutally murdered in his own home and the psychological torment of Helaena. It should be terrible, it should be devastating, and I hope they do not pull any punches.
What's disappointing about how the show has handled Helaena is that they didn't really put any effort into building up her character before her tragedy. It's all well and good that she likes bugs and she's touch averse, but what are her opinions? Who is she closest to? How did she react to becoming a mother so young? To what extent does she understand her visions? What does she value? She can be happy and cheerful, or she can be frustrated and angry, and hell, she can be depressed too, but I need to know why. It's telling that I can describe the basic internal motivations for each of the male children, including Luke who was a glorified plot device, but I cannot for Helaena. Aegon wants to feel loved, Jace wants to prove he's as worthy as any trueborn heir, Aemond wants what his brother has, Luke wants to be free from his family's expectations. Helaena? Fuck if I know. I guess she wants not to die horribly.
The ableism is an issue. F&B is full of women who were deemed "simple" -- Gael, Daella, Jaehaera-- without being given much else to define them, and HotD adds another (there's something, I think, to the way the "simple" Targaryens are always women and how disability kind of used as a way to remove them from the narrative and shunt them aside, often tragically). And while it's great to see an autistic person represented on screen, the show consistently has an issue with treating representation as characterization. "Autistic girl who likes bugs" is not a personality. Autistic people, (even those with horrifying prophesies I assume), do have hopes and dreams and feelings about things. The one peek we get into Helaena's life is at the in episode 8 when she roasts Aegon and even that scene is open to interpretation (and gets taken wildly out of context). Now, I can read a lot into the actor performances, but ultimately, lines that could have given a glimpse Helaena personality were cut. It's as if they're afraid that if they give her an opinion on anything she would lose that (frankly kind of infantilizing) "pure cinnamon roll too good for this world" "i would die for her" sympathy from people who are not inclined to be sympathetic for her family as a whole.
(And anon, you're right about Larys. And let me say, turning Larys' clubfoot into the punchline of an OnlyFeet joke also does not inspire confidence that they'll handle Aegon II's eventual disability with any sensitivity either, especially when Mushroom's accounts of his last few months are incredibly mean spirited. We need to start that discourse now so they get the memo).
Sadly, I don't think the show really has any intention of course correcting with Helaena in season 2. I imagine at most we'll have her try to warn Aegon and/or Aemond about Blood & Cheese but they won't understand her warning, and then this will be a vehicle to further their guilt and grief. And while we do need to see Aegon's guilt and his grief, I also want to know if Helaena blames herself, if she wishes they'd run away when they had the chance, if she thinks Aegon could have done something, if she is angry at Aemond for killing Luke, if she wants revenge. I do think, with the public funeral for Jaehaerys, they are going to show that the smallfolk are fond of Helaena, and hopefully that will be expanded upon this season and in season 3 because her death is the catalyst for the revolt that sees Rhaenyra driven from the city, and we should understand why her death has such an impact before she actually dies.
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owl-by-night · 19 days
Pining for Yorkshire
I am three chapters in to the JSAMN re-read and I am overcome with longing for York. In particular for the day one winter when we stopped in a cafe for lunch and came out to discover the town was turning white with snow.
”…in an old Cathedral town the great old church is not one building among many; it is the building - different from all others in scale, beauty and solemnity… It is as if the town contains within itself something larger than itself. When going about one’s business in the middle of narrow streets one is sure to lose sight of the Cathedral but then the town will open out and suddenly it is there, many times taller and many times larger than any other building and one realises that one has reached the heart of the town and that all streets and lanes have in some way led here.”
There is much to love in this book, but I cannot imagine a better description of how it feels to turn a corner and come suddenly face to face with the enormity of York Minster!
Also, Segundus is such a cinnamon roll. Many years and fandoms later and there’s still a corner of my heart that wants to sit him down with a nice cup of tea and some cake.
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alexthefly · 4 months
Did I miss the relevant prompt earlier in the week? Maybe. Shhhh...
In honour of FishTank Week, and particularly the prompt 💛"We're a team, always"💚 please enjoy this reblog.
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Green Wool and Sunshine
What is that?!”
“What is what?” asked Virgil through a mouthful of cinnamon roll.
“That! That…thing you’re wearing!”
Gordon sat up slowly from the sofa, his face fixed in equal parts grin and grimace as he pointed with his good hand.
Virgil looked down at himself and surreptitiously brushed a few crumbs off his sweater. “What’s wrong with it?” he asked.
“Dude, it’s hideous,” said Gordon, eyeing the offending garment critically.
Virgil looked again. True, it wasn't in the best shape. Pale green wool, striped with white and yellow, and all of it faded and bobbled to within an inch of its life. One shoulder had a loose seam so that it looked almost as if the wool were melting. And at the centre of it all, the distinctive shape of Thunderbird Two rendered clumsily in darker green.
"Where did you get it?”
“Grandma made it for me one Christmas. You remember that vintage knitting machine Dad got her that one year?”
God, it had made a racket, like someone flicking a giant comb over and over again. Thank goodness she’d finally lost interest in that particular hobby, although in hindsight Virgil wondered if her subsequent rediscovery of her old cooking books might have been too high a price to pay.
“Anyway, I just found it the other day in the back of the closet.”
Gordon’s mouth twisted to one side. “...Any chance you could lose it back there again?”
A deep grumble. Okay, so she might not be the best at the domestic arts, but she was still their grandma and he loved that she tried. Virgil had actually thought the sweater was pretty good, in a homespun, one-sleeve-slightly-longer-than-the-other sort of way; his girl’s big, friendly turtle-face was unmistakable, and Grandma had even included a little dark-haired figure in blue and green waving out of one of her windows.
“Lay off. It’s comfortable. Anyway, I didn’t see you criticising when she made you that yellow submarine one you wore down to scraps.”
Gordon rolled his eyes. “First of all, I was a lot younger then and not so refined.”
Virgil snorted.
“Secondly, yellow is infinitely better than green. And thirdly, I can carry that sort of thing off. You…” - he wafted his hand up and down at his brother in the manner of a bitchy ballroom dancing judge - “...unfortunately, cannot.”
Virgil grunted and took another bite of his roll.
“Really? Mr ‘Hawaiian Shirts and Sandals Go With Everything’ is criticising my fashion choices?”
“They totally do go with everything! They’re a completely universal outfit; the quintessential capsule wardrobe.”
He puffed out his chest to show off today’s offering, complete with large ketchup stain down the front.
“Anyway, why are you even wearing a sweater when it’s 80 degrees outside? I know you tend towards layers, tropical climate be damned, but this is a bit much even for you.”
“I was down in the hangars,” Virgil shrugged. “It was cold.”
“You doing some maintenance?” His little brother’s face lit up.
“Two’s left air intake’s doing that rattling thing again; I thought I’d give her an overhaul,” he said, brain shifting seamlessly into engineer mode, “And her injectors need a spruce up. Thought perhaps I’d have a play with that new neo-PEM cell Brains has been going on about.”
“D’you want some help?”
The enthusiasm in his voice was unmistakable, and cut deep.
Virgil bit his lip. “Aww, I don’t think so, Fish. You need to rest.”
“I could rest down there? I promise, I’ll just sit and watch you."
The desperation in his brother’s puppy dog eyes felt like knives in Virgil’s chest.These last few weeks since the Marindata Ventfields had been hard on them all. Even now, with Gordy finally home from the hospital, Virgil still woke almost nightly with the sound of that emergency signal echoing in his ears, the silence of his brother’s comms stretching out in his mind until…
No, don’t think about that. He’s home. He’s safe.
But obviously Gordon had been hit the hardest. His ‘bird was a total loss, his body not much better, and he still had months of rehab ahead, bringing with it all the oh-so-unwelcome memories he’d worked so hard to bury. Regular visits from Penny had helped, and their sunshine boy was trying hard, but it was like the clouds had gathered, dimming that indefinable brightness that made him…him.
Virgil wished beyond wish that he could indulge his little brother if it would make him happy. But…
“I’m sorry Squid, Grandma’s orders. There’s just too many hazards down there. Fumes and stairs and things to trip over… I wouldn’t be able to watch out for you properly.”
Gordon sagged, and Virgil felt his heart clench painfully.
“But hey, how about I leave the maintenance and come sit up here with you instead? We could watch an episode of Buddy and Ellie?”
Anything to bring back the sun.
A shake of the head, eyes fixed downwards. “Nah, seen ‘em all.” Gordon looked up and smiled again; this time it didn’t reach his eyes. “Anyway, you don’t want to be stuck up here. Not when there’s oil and grime to play about in. Better watch you don’t get that sweater dirty though, or Grandma might knit you another one.”
Virgil opened his mouth to speak, but his little brother cut him off.
“Stop worrying Virg. S’no biggie. I’m fine, see?” He shrugged. “I’ll just see you when you’re done.”
He lay back down on the sofa carefully, looking so much smaller than he had a moment ago.
“Actually, I’m getting a little tired now. You just go do what you gotta do - I’m gonna take a nap right here.”
And with that he closed his eyes; conversation over.
Virgil lingered for a moment, scouring his brain for something to say but coming up blank. Inside his heart burned with guilt and impotence: his little brother was hurting, and he couldn’t do anything to fix it. All he’d done was make things worse.
Perhaps he should go.
“Okay then. Take it easy, alright?”
“There’s cinnamon rolls in the kitchen if you get hungry.”
Thus dismissed, he turned and made his way towards the elevator, mind no longer on his ‘bird but instead on her grounded, miserable co-pilot.
Oh Gordy. It will get better; I promise.
As the sound of the elevator faded away Gordon opened one eye a crack to check the coast was clear. Then he slowly, painfully hauled himself up, intent on getting to the residential levels. No doubt his big marshmallow of a brother would be on the comms right now, asking someone - probably Scott - to come down and check on him, and there was no way he was hanging around for that.
Even if his body hated him for moving.
The journey from the sofa to his room used to take less than two minutes. Today it took him seven minutes twenty. What was worse was that objectively he should be pleased. Sub-eight minutes was actually an improvement on a week ago.
Finally, he was able to close the bedroom door behind him and collapse onto his bed, aching and miserable.
This sucked.
He was lucky to be alive; he knew that. A few weeks ago he’d been lying at the bottom of the ocean with half a volcano on top of him. Now, because of his brothers, Penny and Parker, he was back in the bosom of his family, healing, getting stronger, gradually shaving the seconds off his bedroom run.
He should be grateful. He’d been through far worse, for God’s sake.
So why?
Why wasn’t he able to shake this off?
Why was it that whenever he tried to see the positive, all he could see was just how freakin’ useless he was?
He didn’t dare say that out loud, of course. His family would absolutely kick his ass if they heard him say something like that. Penny too. (Boy, would she!) He could hear them now, telling him to give himself a chance, these things take time, blah blah blah… Hell, he even tried saying that stuff to himself sometimes, like he would if it were one of his brothers in this position instead of him.
If only any of it actually worked.
Because no matter how much he tried to reason his way out of this funk he was in, it didn’t help, because this feeling wasn’t logical. It couldn’t be reasoned with.
It whispered to him in the dark.
You’ve let them all down.
Look at the slack they’re having to pick up.
Look how much they’re worrying.
They don’t need you back.
They’re fine without you.
Every time his brothers went off on a mission without him, it hurt. Whenever someone else took his place co-piloting for Virgil - even Penny, who was only doing it for his sake - he felt cold inside. And when Scott had been the one to take his new Thunderbird Four out for her maiden voyage? The mission to recover the Zero X capsule, no less; the thing that had kicked off Operation Bring Dad Home? Well, he’d just wanted to curl up right there on that sofa and never move again.
The unfairness.
The guilt.
The fear.
He would never wish what had happened on any of his family in a million years. But at the same time, why was it always him that got hurt?
Perhaps he really was just useless.
Sad, exhausted, hurting in more ways than he knew how to handle, he turned his face to the pillow and let the tears come.
The thing about uber-strength pain meds is that they can make a guy fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon and not wake up until the early hours.
He registered the dim not-quite dark as the world slowly came back to him.
Someone had drawn the covers over him at some point during the night, tucking them around him like he was a child, and didn’t that just sum up everything? Take a nap, take your meds, and maybe if you’re a good boy you’ll get a lollipop(!)
He shifted slightly and his hip complained. Gingerly he rolled over, tackling the manoeuvre in sections, trying to get comfortable. He was just settling again when something caught his eye on the chair by his bed.
A large package wrapped neatly in yellow paper.
Twisting carefully he reached out with his good arm and pulled the chair towards him. In the soft glow of pre-dawn, he recognised the paper as the same kind he’d had for his last birthday: bright yellow with blue seahorses and glittery bubbles. Scott had complained about the glitter getting all over his shirt, and they’d all spent the next hour randomly shaking the paper over each other’s heads until they’d sparkled like they were in a Las Vegas show.
He smiled at the memory and gradually pulled himself up until he was sitting, blanket wrapped around him in the cool, almost-morning air.
Holding the package on his lap, he delicately pulled it open at the seams, revealing unmistakable green wool underneath.
What the-?
In with the sweater there was a card written in Virgil’s big, swooping hand:
Seeing as you’re the only one who could pull it off anyway, you should have this, at least until you can make it back aboard the real thing.
She isn’t the same without you. V.
He read the card two more times, breath hitching on the last sentence each time, then he gently unfurled the sweater out in front of him to take a closer look at the design, now that it was technically his.
It took a few moments for him to notice it.
Something was different.
He squinted.
There, in the window of Thunderbird Two’s cockpit, carefully embroidered next to the tiny waving figure of Virgil, a second, blond-haired figure waved out at him in shades of blue and yellow wool.
For a moment, he swore he could see the little co-pilot grinning. Or was that just his suddenly-blurred vision playing tricks?
He wiped his eyes and, discarding his blanket, pulled the sweater over his head. He couldn’t get his bad arm through the sleeve, so instead opted to keep it against his chest, nestled between the soft wool and his own thrumming heart.
Despite the way it looked, Virg had been right: the sweater was comfortable. So comfortable. Softened by repeated washing, with a clean smell of detergent and just a hint of Virgil’s cologne - sandalwood and bergamot, mellow and comforting - wearing it was like wearing a hug; warm and reassuring and just so snuggly.
Full of love.
Wrapping his good arm around himself and breathing in the calming, cozy scent, he picked his way carefully over to the window and opened the blinds. Dawn was just beginning to break over the horizon, painting the sky a hundred different shades of pink and purple and orange. As he watched, the sun slowly poked its head out over the gentle waves of his beloved ocean, bathing him in the warmth of its early morning glow.
It was going to be a beautiful day.
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corruptedlynx · 10 months
Werewolf x Reader
"Kornerstone Bakery"
Myron Arches [Werewolf Male]
Word Count: 7,531 SFW
Summary: Moving to a new town without a support network can be terrifying at times, sure, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of things to do and see as you get settled in. And finding a bakery just a short distance from your home may just end up being one of the best finds so far, especially with the cute guy working the counter when you go in. Endearingly shy, you decide it’s certainly worth the effort to get to know him – and all the fresh goods are a win too. 
The moment you swing the door open you know that this bakery is about to become one of your favorite spots in town. 
The chime of the gentle bell knocked by the door is welcoming in its own right, but it is nothing compared to the wave of smells that greet you – though it is a hard enough feat to beat the smell of fresh baked goods at all, you figure. Still, the glass display cases are lined with loaves of bread and other sweets. The cinnamon rolls that still have steam rolling off them having already caught your eye. 
A gentle voice snaps you from your hungered window shopping and you look up to the register to meet the gaze of the man who greeted you. A lean man, with a thick curl of light blonde hair and more freckles than you could ever hope to count is standing there wearing an apron covered in flour. He even has a bit smudged across his cheek, but you cannot be sure he even notices. 
He’s sunshine, very cute sunshine incarnate, you decide as you step up to meet him at the register. 
“First time here?” His voice is just as soft as the rest of his features, and you almost swear that the accompanying smile makes you feel warmer than the bread must be. 
“That obvious?” 
“Small town, so we get a lot of familiar faces.” he chimes, wiping his hands with a damp rag before setting it aside.
You smile, nodding along and slipping your hands into your pockets. “I just moved in about a week ago, but today’s really the first day that I've been out exploring.” 
This seems to catch his interest and he tilts his head as he looks you over. “Hopefully we’ve made a good first impression then – the town, I mean.” The young an seems to flush at his own words, stumbling before shaking it away and looking back to you. “Any ideas what you want?” 
You hum, mulling it over and leaning back to take one more look across the display case. Though you already know what you want first. “For now, just a cinnamon roll, and I may grab a few other things before I leave.” There are a small cluster of empty tables off to your left, and that should give you plenty of time to check in with friends, and maybe check out the cute baker some more too. 
The man in question steps away for a moment before bringing you one of the cinnamon rolls from the fresh batch, shooting you a quick smile as he does and waving away your offered card. “You can pay before you leave, how about that. So, if you do get anything else it’ll just be on one transaction.” 
You agree before wandering over to a table while the baker turns back around to continue cleaning up the store. You almost walk right into a chair and stumble past it for a moment thanks to the way you are too busy devouring the baked treat in your hands. You choose not to turn around, least the man is watching you. Lips pursed as you stand there for a moment thinking about what had happened before finally slumping into the seat with a pleased groan. 
It doesn’t take long after that to lose yourself in your own little world, with the thrum of soft acoustic songs playing in the background and a cinnamon roll that has no business being as good as it was already finished. You’re in the middle of replying to one of your friends and contemplating how many more sweets you might be able to handle when you’re caught off guard by the chime of the door, eyes flicking up on instinct. In the threshold stands a man who bears a slight resemblance to the baker, but bulkier and his hair is shaved down to almost his head, with a scruffy beard still obviously growing in. He shoots you a quick wink and you turn back to your phone instead, not all that interested. Seemingly unphased he cups his hands around his mouth, something you can still see in your peripheral, before he yells at the top of his lungs. “Myron!” 
There is a shuffling from the back where the cute baker had vanished just a few minutes prior. Now he looks decidedly less amused, face in a scowl as he stares down the gleeful man. “I have a customer, Joel, please keep your voice down.” 
It’s a sentiment that you echo in your head, your ears still ringing as you rub away at one, trying to clear up the sharp noise in vain. You look to the baker, Myron, for only a moment and he flashes you an apologetic smile before turning back to the older man. “Uncle Jess isn’t here,” he drawls, stepping forward and keeping his voice low, likely hoping to lead by example. 
It doesn’t work. 
Joel still speaks as loudly as he can, over exaggerating each word. “Well tell him I can’t work this Monday.” 
You can almost feel the relief radiating off Myron, but Jole apparently does not – or at the least he ignores it. “You always call out after a full moon; I don’t even know why he asks you to be here for opening.” 
“Because, my sweet little baby brother,” his words drip with condescension as he steps forward, pinching at Myron’s cheek as he speaks, “you’re the one who wanted to keep the bakery open the day after a full moon. And Uncle Jess doesn’t want to come in those days.”  
It’s that same babying voice you’ve heard before growing up, but Myron brushes his hand away with a warning growl. “I handle it every full moon and he day after, I can do it again.” He says nothing more, turning his back on Joel before busying himself, clearly not interested in hashing the conversation out any further. 
For his part, Joel seems to take the hint this time, or maybe his brother’s actions just cause him to lose interest, but he only shrugs it off and turns to walk out the door without further incident. 
You’re watching him leave when you hear Myron speak next. 
“I’m sorry about my brother.”  
You wince, realizing your disapproval had likely been written all over your face and you wave his apology away. “I know how it goes sometimes. But” you say, trying to figure out if you want to finish your sentence, finger thrumming against the case of your phone, “do you guys need any help around here?” 
“Usually it’s fine, but when you have a family business run by werewolves then full moons can get a little out of hand.” 
“Can’t be worse than middle schooler werewolves, can it?” 
Myron scrunches his face up in thought, and you can catch the little smile just barely visible. “I think it depends on which of my brothers gets involved.” 
This does at least leave you laughing for a moment, and when you do sneak another glace you can see a far more satisfied look on the werewolf’s face. Truthfully you hadn’t even realized he was one, but there were plenty of species who passed as human at first, and most people didn’t make a big show of telling everyone. “Well, if you guys ever need a little help around here, I’m not gonna be catching full moon fever anytime soon.” 
“A little bit of help with the register on those days might be nice,” he comments. “But I wouldn’t want to keep you from actual job.” 
“I work from home, and my schedule can be flexible, I don’t think helping out here every now and again would do much damage.” You point to the empty plate in front of you with a grin, “I’ll even take payment in cinnamon rolls.” 
Myron does laugh at that, and you notice the way his hand seems to cover his face as he turns away to do so. It’s becoming obvious that he’s a shy person, but that’s even more attractive to you. “I think we can work something out – but I'm sure you still have stuff to worry about with moving. So why don’t you call the store when you get everything squared away and we can talk more about it?” 
You agree, telling him your name before finally moving from your seat to clean up and buy a loaf of bread for home. It isn’t hard to see the pink tint to his checks the entire time you’re checking out, but you have a bit of mercy on him and only buy one more loaf of bread before waving goodbye and heading home. 
Maybe it’s because of how excited you are to spend a little extra time at Kornerstone Bakery with Myron (as if you had not been going down there every other day for the last two weeks under the pretense of just picking up snacks), but the day had finally come. 
You had spoken with Myron again while the bakery was slow the week prior about lending a hand now that you were settled into a rhythm with your job and life in your new town. The offer still stood for you to help out three days a month: the day before, the day of, and the day after a full moon. The first two would be easy, relatively, but the third was probably going to bring a lot of cranky werewolves to the door. 
Myron himself would likely be tired and wanted to focus instead on baking, seeing as it was usually their busiest day of the month. 
If everything went well enough you had even offered to help out more during their busier seasons and times, but there had been little discussion of that. Granted, that was more a slightly selfish attempt at getting closer to the curly haired baker. 
Over the last few visits to Kornerstone, you had quickly realized something in particular; if Myron wasn’t in Bakery Mode – as his uncle had put it – then he was an incredibly shy individual, more prone to hiding in the back flustered than shooting back any flirty remark. 
His uncle Jess had actually been there the second time that you visited and had borne witness to your attempts at flirting with a far too amused grin. The moment that Myron had stuttered out an excuse and gone off to hide in the back, leaving you standing there with a confused expression, he had been quick to approach. 
“Don’t take it personally,” he had told you, patting your shoulder sympathetically. “You didn’t do anything wrong; he just can’t handle someone as pretty as you flirtin’ with him. Poor thing went off to hide in the back before you could see just how close to a tomato his face can get.” 
You had given him an apologetic smile, hand hooked to the fabric of your top and thumbing at it worriedly. “I didn’t realize he’d react like that, wasn’t trying to make him uncomfortable, ya know?” 
“I doubt you did. I came to work the day after your first visit and had to listen to him gushing about this cute person who had been in the store, ‘fore his brother had shown up makin’ a right ass of himself.” 
Well, that had almost certainly been you. Given the mischievous glint in Jess's eyes and the way he would later try to get Myron alone with you each time following that visit, he knew for sure. 
Jess himself was nice enough. The bakery had been offered to him originally seeing as it was owned by his parents - Myron’s paternal grandparents whom you had yet to meet - but he didn’t want that responsibility. What he did want was to help out as he wished until he was sure Myron would be okay on his own, then move out to a larger ranch. He had certainly picked up the country accent during the years he had lived away from the state, and it was sticking around. It suited him though, you realized. 
But Jess wasn’t going to be there as a buffer for Myron to hide behind today, he was going to have to interact with you head-on while he showed you the ropes. After all, this was your training run, and you had been up far earlier than you had any business being in anticipation. Today was supposed to be a slow day, gearing up before tomorrow which would be the day prior to the full moon. A day most of the werewolf population started getting a bit antsy and everyone else seemed to catch a secondhand fever. 
And Myron, for his part, tried his best to keep as professional as he could when you showed up at the back door. The front of the store still dark with the blinds drawn. Daylight had yet to break, but it wouldn’t take long by now, with the first hints of the sun's rays already threatening to shine just over the tree line. 
“How long have you been here?” You had noticed immediately that you could already smell fresh bread and his apron was once more covered in flour until you couldn’t see the pattern. 
“An hour or two – I prep as much as I can after closing, and then while the first batches are baking I keep prepping for the rest of the day.” He waved you inside, shutting the door behind you in a half-graceful attempt at a sidestep. 
You said nothing about it, but it proved harder to bite back the amused smile on your lips. Having a little mercy first thing in the morning, you instead changed the subject to what you would be doing for the day. And it was simple enough. You had worked fast food before, and it was a simple POS system with all the prices and products preprogramed in. What was in warmed and sealed off display case was all the product they had, and if that ran out Myron could either give an estimate on a new batch or that was all. Though the latter really only applied to the cakes they sold – a different cake every day, and only one of each. If anyone gave you trouble then all you had to do was get Myron from the back, but he would likely be up there with you for much of the day. 
After all, it was supposed to be a painfully slow day. There were only so many times you could clean the same machines or mop the floors, do the dishes. And he had assured you that more often than not on shifts like this you would both be sitting in the little office (where he could see the door) or you could help him prep. 
But before the doors opened for the day, he had one more surprise for you, not that he had said it in as many words, losing his voice before he had gotten the sentiment across and motioned for you to sit. 
So, sit you do, at his awkward request. He motions for you to cover your eyes and with nothing more than a raised brow you comply. 
It takes a minute before you begin to realize what the surprise is, when the sweet scent of a cinnamon roll begins to grow closer. It becomes hard to hide your smile almost immediately, but you manage to keep yourself still just long enough – an impressive feat when you hear the clink of a plate against the table. 
“Okay, you can go ahead and look.” 
When you opened your eyes, you glanced up at Myron first, who flushes and looks away quickly from where he sits across from you with his own cinnamon roll. Yours is sat in front of you, steam still billowing off the sweet in plumes. Your grin was impossible to miss, and you knew that you were practically vibrating. 
“When we met you said you’d help out for cinnamon rolls – I'm still paying you – but I thought I could make us a batch to enjoy before work.” 
Your eyes lit up and you looked straight at him once more, “there’s more?” 
“I made a whole dozen just for us,” he assures, opting instead to dig into his own while his face burns red, trying instead to play it off or just ignore it. 
You take a moment, smiling at him and deciding on your next course of action before brushing aside teasing him for a moment. He still needed to have his wits enough to work for the day. “Thank you, Myron, this was really sweet of you.” 
Your sincerity still seems to turn the flush of his cheeks even redder and he only nods, shoving one more bite of his cinnamon roll into his mouth to avoid answering and stumbling over his words. 
The rest of the day goes by rather uneventfully, and it isn’t hard for the pair of you to fall into a a simple flow. With a hiccup here and there, that Myron is quick enough to dispel with little issue, the day is at a close faster than you can even realize. 
You’re in the middle of finishing taking stock of any items left when Myron steps up behind you almost silently. His ability to do so keeps surprising you and when he clears his throat to catch your attention you jump, spinning around on your heel in surprise. 
Myron apologizes, backing up for a moment. “I'm about to close up if you want to head home.” 
“You don’t want help after I finish this up?” 
He shakes his head, sliding the pages of inventory that you had set aside so far. “One of the other shop owners is going to stop by and grab whatever’s left and hand it out to anyone who needs it. I’m just gonna stay here and prep. But you’re going to want to go back home and get some rest, tomorrow this is really gonna pick up.” 
You nod, finishing up what you’re doing before bidding him farewell and heading out so you can once more make your way home. 
But on the way down the sidewalk you stop in your tracks, glancing over at the dim lights of a small bookshop you’ve passed regularly. 
Jess had mentioned it in passing, giving you a little nudge as he spoke, that Myron devoured books like he needed them to breathe. 
Swaying in place for a moment you almost continue your way before the thought gets the better of you and you’re turning right back around, making one small glance to the hours on the door just to ensure that they were open before slipping inside.  
It’s a quiet and rustic little shop, illuminated with dim, antique lamps along the walls and shelves. “One moment,” you hear an elderly woman calling from somewhere you’re unable to see. Only a heartbeat later she appears from around the corner with a warm smile. “How can I help you today?” 
You point your thumb behind you nervously. “I was just passing outside, and I wanted to stop in and see what you guys had in stock.” 
“A little something for yourself or someone else, dear?” 
You could feel the smile on your face before you even spoke. “A gift for someone else. Uh, Myron at the bakery is letting me help out a bit, so I was thinking about getting him something.” You shrug, slightly embarrassed at your admittance. “You know, for the upcoming full moon. I've heard they suck.” 
The older woman before you seems to have a knowing smile as she nods along, and the moment you finish it becomes clear why. “So, you’re the little thing that Jess was telling me about – he said you might stop by.” 
It feels like the tables turn when you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks. 
“Do you know what you’re looking for or need some help?” 
It was then that you realized you had little information about what genre he would even be interested in, or what he did not already own – which was quite the collection from what you understood. “Some help, if you could. Yes, ma’am.” 
“Lucky you, Jess comes here to try and steal my homemade cookies, and that man tends to run his mouth over everything. He gossips more than my teenage grandchildren. Oh, and that sweet boy, Myron, he shops in here so much I already know what he has his eyes on.” She talks while wandering behind the counter. You can hear her shuffling items around before pulling a book and sliding it across for you to see. “It’s the next book in a series he reads, I hid it when I got it in waiting to see if you’d come inside – he likes buying his books in the store too much to order them online.” 
You run your finger along the spine, turning it over to skim over the summary, before you look over to the woman in front of you. She still sports a self-satisfied smile and a knowing look in her eyes. You thank her quietly, tucking the book close to your chest and fishing your form of payment out. Leaving the store in a mad dash, too embarrassed to stick around past your quick thanks. 
It won't be tomorrow that you give it to him, but it does seem like the perfect gift for the day after the full moon to pick his mood up. 
When you arrive at the bakery the next day the sight is almost enough to turn you right back home and go grab it, because Myron looks miserable when you walk through the door. You find him sitting in the dining area, arms crossed and head buried between them. 
Jess is diligently kneading the next batch of bread and glances up at you, only shaking his head before continuing with what he is doing. He himself isn’t looking too hot. 
You knew plenty of werewolves before, but you hadn’t really been close to any of them and as such had never really seen the effects a full moon had on them. It sucks, you don’t have to ask them, it’s clear as day on their face – and tomorrow is apparently supposed to be even worse. 
Slowly you make your way over to where Myron is resting, and he lifts his head to look up at your approach. Despite his lackluster state of being he still gives you a small smile and straightens up to greet you. Giving him a sympathetic smile, you take a seat across from him. “Morning sunshine.” 
He at least seems amused by it. “Morning, ready for your first real day?” 
“Ready as I think I can be.” 
He seems to brighten up just a minute before finally pushing himself to his feet, motioning you to follow. 
It becomes the start of what you can only define as a... tense two days. When you had been warned that most of the town was going to be crabbier than normal you hadn’t realized just what that entailed. Most got angry over the prices being the exact same thing they had always been and tried to bully you into a discount, thinking they could do so since you were little more than a new hire. 
Jess had stepped up to help you for a moment when one patron raised his voice and began to cuss, but you had only asked him to step back before you had turned right back around and ripped into the first werewolf that gave you an issue. Snapping back until you could imagine the man’s tail between his legs, he apologized. It seemed that nobody had expected such a response and even Myron had poked his head out as soon as he had heard the commotion begin. In stunned silence Jess had just nodded his head in approval and gone back to hiding in the back with his nephew. Better to leave you alone for the most part, despite what Myron had initially hoped – wanting to check in on you. But there was no call for concern, you took up the role easy enough and despite the slew of angry customers that tried to get their way, you handled all of them without real issue. 
Almost all of them. 
One woman in particular had stopped you in your tracks. She was pretty, sure, but the way she held up her nose at you and seemed to snap before you even had the chance to greet her had you barely suppressing a glare. “I want Myron to take my order, he always does it.” 
“He’s busy baking, but I would be more than happy to assist you.” it was probably the sweetest you had sounded all day, but it didn’t deter the woman before you. 
“Just go ask him, he’ll do it.” 
The dismissive tone in her voice had you clenching your teeth and narrowing your eyes. “No.” 
The words didn’t seem to register with her for a moment before she turned her full attention to you. “I told you to go get Myron.” 
“And I told you he was busy. I was brought on to assist during the full moon; today at Kornerstone Bakery you order with me or you step out of line and allow the people behind you to have their turn.” 
She seemed surprised for a moment before she laughed, a faux over-sugared laugh that grated your ears the moment it began. “Oh, you just don’t know who I am-” 
“I don’t care who you are,” you had snapped. You knew Myron didn’t have a partner, or sisters, and this woman certainly wasn’t his mother. Jess had told you all as much and let you know that none of their family stopped by the bakery on these days – more than happy to avoid the raging hormones. “Please order or I'm going to need to ask you once more to step out of line.” 
You might only be a human, but you could bet you were putting the werewolves of the town to shame for a moment with how you were growling out the words, tensing as you looked up at the taller woman. You were ready to pounce if push came to shove. 
Too busy staring the woman down – who was returning your look just as fiercely – you failed to register the quieted murmurs spreading through the line behind her. 
Noticing the questionable lull outside, both Jess and Myron stuck their heads out, before Myron just as quickly ducked further out of sight, hoping to go unnoticed. He would have headed all the way back, but the drive to keep an eye on you seemed to win out and he stayed put, barely noticing Jess petting his shoulder as he stepped out. 
“Abigale, always a pleasure to see you.” he offered, walking up next to you. 
She ignored his greeting entirely, skipping right back to her former demand. “I want Myron handling my order.” 
Jess only sighed and shook his head, motioning to you. “Our newest worker is perfectly capable of taking your order. Myron is busy.” 
You hold your tongue, but you can swear that if looks really could kill then woman before you would have dropped by now. 
She seems to coo at him before shaking her head. “I’m not moving and I'm not ordering until he comes to at least say hello like a gentleman.” 
Jess looks uncomfortable with the idea, and from the corner of your eye you can see Myron hiding, seeming to go pale at her words. Before the man before you has a chance to speak you interrupt; against you better judgment, this still isn’t your establishment. But this lady gives even you the creeps, and it’s painfully obvious neither of the men you work for wants to give in to her demands, though Jess looks about to fold just to get rid of her. “Move out of the line or I’m going to remove you myself.” 
That certainly draws everybody’s attention. 
“Excuse you?” 
“Leave.” Your tone holds no chance for argument, and you straighten up, looking her dead in the eyes as you cross your arms. “Myron has work to do, this establishment has money to make and people to serve, and you, ma’am,” you hiss, “are actively hindering those objectives.” If there was one thing that corporate email had at least bothered to teach you it was articulation. “So, once more, leave.” 
“You sure you’re gonna have a job after this little outburst, sweetheart?” 
“I am here because I wanted to be of assistance, this job or the lack of are in no way a determination of my living situation or a hinderance of my income.” You tilt your head down but hold your gaze, leveling her with a look your mother would weep in pride upon seeing. “I don’t know how they do business here normally, but I do not tolerate disrespect like this. And as I am the one taking orders, I am telling you now that your order is not going to be taken at this establishment. Not today. Remove yourself or I will do it for you.” 
You can feel the anxiety now, the way it seems to roll off of everyone else in the store. For a brief second you wonder if maybe you should have cared who she is – and then you recall the way Myron had shrunk back at her demand and any hesitance you might feel is squashed that very second. 
She watches you for a moment, weighing her options and eyes flashing, before she turns on her heels and slams her way back out the front door. 
“Should I actually be worried about that?’ you ask absentmindedly, still not looking up at Jess, you own eyes trained on the fleeting form of a woman you can only describe as having a tantrum in the street. 
“I wouldn’t suggest going outside during a full moon anytime soon at least,” he quips, leaning down next to you. “I probably should have warned you about that one, but we can talk more after shift is over.” 
You shake your head for a moment, tutting before turning to motion the next customer (they step forward carefully, like you’ll jump their throat for it). “Full moons; honestly.” 
You can hear the weary sigh that Jess heaves. “No, that’s just Abigale.” 
The rest of your shift seems to go by without incident, something you’re amazed at because now that it’s your official second day and the bakery was nearing closing everyone seemed to get worse with the dawning of the full moon drawing closer. There were quarrels between patrons, but a quick snap in their direction seemed enough to stop them – at least after someone exchanged a few hushed words with them. 
It was uneasy to say the least. 
Appreciated, in the sense that it made your job far easier, but it remained uneasy all the same. 
Once more, faster than you could realize, the last customer had wandered out the door and the bakery was closed down – earlier than normal given the events of tonight were already beginning to have their effect. 
Jess and Myron stood off to the side speaking in hushed voices while you wiped the counter down, and the moment that the curly haired baker glanced over at you in concern you could feel the pit drop in your stomach. With your little show earlier you well and truly might have just screwed over any chance you had with him, you realized. You stepped back and slouched, sighing in aggravation as quietly as you could with your body facing the tightly shut blinds and locked door. 
“Hey, you good?” 
To your surprise, it was Myron who had approached you – you had halfway been expecting Jess with a quick “sorry, but maybe just stick to being a customer” spiel. Instead, you winced before turning to face the man who had stepped up behind you. 
He still didn’t look the best, but you could certainly notice the way his features were beginning to change. His teeth seemed just a bit sharper, one fang beginning to poke out from his lip, with the hair on his arms becoming more prominent, joined by some new stubble, his ears having slowly become pointed over the hours. Most noticeably, his eyes almost seemed like they were glowing in the dim light of the lobby. 
But maybe it wasn’t the best time to ogle the man that was currently your boss when you very well might be getting fired. Blurting the first words out of your mouth you quickly curse your lack of a filter now that the day is done. “How badly did I fuck up with her?” 
He seemed taken aback by that before shaking his head. “I really did just want to check in with you first, I know today was a lot.” 
You hesitated in answering before leaning with your back against the display case. “It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle with a few strict words, mostly, but going off what your uncle said earlier I feel like I might have a professional hit out on me now.” 
You could see the way his shoulders sagged. “Yeah, that was Abigale. She doesn’t really come in days near the full moon, much less on it, so I didn’t really think of warning you about her.” 
“So, what’s her deal?” 
He seemed to think for a moment, shifting until he leaned back against the display next to you, though he still kept his distance. “Ex girlfriend, actually.” 
“Jesus, what’d you do, cheat?” 
“No,” he huffed, “but she did. And I dumped her. But her dad is rich as hell and spoiled the life out of her, so she didn’t take me being the one breaking things off well at all.” He shrugged at the memory before closing his eyes and tilting his head back. “She has to be the one to decide when things end. So, she takes every chance she can to get near me, and nobody really stops her.” 
“Because daddy dearest always gets her what she wants? Including a get out of jail free card for any consequences she might face.” You hazard, looking over to him with a sympathetic glance. 
Myron doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t really need to. You know the answer. 
“So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how fired am I for basically telling her to fuck off?” 
This does work, and for the first time since meeting him you actually see him laugh. Really laugh, without trying to hide it. 
“You’re not fired, not even close. But I don’t think we’re opening the bakery tomorrow after all. I’m gonna take the day off before she tries to show up again.” He motions over to Jess, who is not so stealthily watching the pair of you from the office. “His idea, which also means he gets to handle closing.” 
You make a small sound of acknowledgment before furrowing your brows. “Oh.” 
This catches Myron’s attention, and he glances over to you. (Jess is leaning out of his chair to hear you too, but you both ignore the creaking sound.) 
Embarrassed at what you were going to admit you find yourself digging your hands back into your pockets, unable to meet his gaze any longer. “I was gonna bring you a gift tomorrow, but I guess now I have to wait to do that until the next time I visit.” 
Myron stares straight ahead as well, cheeks flushed red once more before he steals a glance and shuffles forwards. “You got me something?” 
He seems utterly amazed at the mere idea, and despite your disappointment at now needing to wait, you still find it endearing. 
“Well, I wanted to get something for my favorite werewolf.” 
“You’ve known me a little over two weeks.” 
“And yet you’re my favorite werewolf.” 
It’s Jess’s voice that breaks through next. “Take a compliment, kid!” 
Myron just shoots him an unimpressed look before glancing back over at you. 
It’s then you decide that the full moon has 1 major benefit – Myron seems a bit slower to run off the moment you fluster him, and you’re enjoying it. So instead, you choose to take advantage of that fact. “Well, maybe you could walk with me back to my place and I can give it to you tonight?” 
This however stops the poor man in his tracks immediately and you swear he almost chokes on air, playing it off as an itch in his throat as he motions that he is fine. He is, in fact, decidedly not fine. 
“Or I can just bring it by in a few days.” you offer, trying to salvage whatever was left of the conversation. You chance a look over to Jess but then man is far too busy laughing silently to himself to be of any use. 
It takes Myron a moment more before he finally manages to respond. “I wouldn’t mind. But I just- I.” he stops, hand at the back of his neck and groans, trying to force out the words he wants. It’s with one deep breath that they finally seems to line them up the way he wants, and starts again, slowly. “But with how late it is, I’d probably change forms soon even if I tried putting it off, so would you mind if I shifted before we started that way?” 
He looks nervous just asking, but it’s like wires clicking in your brain and you know that wolfed out Myron is something you absolutely need to see. As soon as possible. 
Managing to keep your cool (you don’t, but he’s too flustered to notice) you agree, offering to wait outside in the meantime. You don't need to ask to figure that he would likely be just as shy about transforming as he was about most other things, so this offer saves him from even having to ask. You don’t mind waiting for him as is. 
You really don’t mind waiting for him when you finally hear the click of the door and watch as a large wolf shimmies out and into the back lot, before standing to his full height. 
Myron is attractive enough in his human form. But his wolf form is downright stunning, and you’re certain it’s something you want the chance to see more of in the future. The base of his coat is a fluffy, soft cream or off white, dappled with light brown marks scattered across his body, faint enough they’re hard to see at first - you can only guess it’s how his freckles translate over. But what draws your eyes is the pale oranges that decorate his fur, blending seamlessly with the cream color; they adorn his snout, and his ears where they sit the brightest, they stretch from the top of his head all the way to his tail which you see swishing. The way his amber eyes really do look as though they’re glowing now. 
It's the swishing movement that finally breaks your trance and you feel a little flustered at being caught blatantly looking him over. You know you have because even in this form he is just as easy to read. Instead trying to break the tension you blurt the first thing that comes to your mind once more: “you’re like a lightly toasted marshmallow.” You snap your mouth shut with an audible clack of teeth on teeth the moment the words are past your lips and close your eyes, grimacing. But to your surprise you hear a deep rumble from Myron, the closest that he can get to laughing in this form – incapable of speech or exceedingly human sounds. 
Instead, he hunches down closer to your form before nodding for you to lead the way. 
You do so and start off on the already familiar path. Myron does his best to slow down so you can keep up with him, easily looming over you in this form, and it leaves you hurrying after him regardless. It isn’t an issue that really phases you, the extra time is worth the minor hiccup. You're so busy regaling him with one too many embarrassing stories to pay much attention to it anyways. But you do still notice the way that his eyes seem to wander over in the direction of the bookstore you had visited only a day prior. You can see the old woman behind the counter and when she catches sight of the two of you she gives you both a knowing look, returning to her own end of day tasks. 
You both hurry off after that instead of broaching the subject. But you can’t help the smile on your lips knowing what gift you have waiting for him. 
Thankfully the distance between the bookstore and your own humble rental isn’t a far one and you’re giddy the moment you see your home. The energy must be infectious, because Myron seems to lighten up, tail starting to pick of speed and ears perked as he watches you bound forward. Your door isn’t exactly made for a full-blown werewolf to waltz in through, so you tell him to wait for just a moment before you bound inside, heading straight for your room as you toss you bag to the side haphazardly. 
Grabbing the book off your nightstand and returning outside you find Myron sitting dutifully on your porch, head cocked to the side as he studies you and tries to catch an early glimpse of whatever you’re hiding behind your back. Instead, you step back, mischief written all over your face. “Close your eyes,” you mimic from days ago. He snorts but does as you ask, going so far as to cover his eyes with his hands. 
You take the brief moment to admire him once more before bringing the book in front of you both. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
It takes him just a minute to register what he’s looking at, but you can practically hear the moment all the gears click into place. Physically it’s obvious. His eyes go wide, and he excitedly snatches the book away, trying to be as careful as he can while he thumbs through the pages. But the most obvious sign is his tail, going a hundred miles a minute and thumping repeatedly against the potted plant next to him. 
You’re almost concerned about him pushing it off. Before you can decide if you want to move it you’re shocked back with the feeling of something soft and cold pressed right to your cheek. It takes a moment before you realize Myron has shoved his cold snout right against you, nose first before all you feel is soft warm fur where he remains. 
You doubt he even notices, a slew of happy noises reverberating from him. You can barely see the book clutched tight against his chest and his tail still going just as fast. 
What he does notice however is you setting a hand against the crook of his jaw, burying your fingers into his fur. 
He rips back that moment, ears pinned, and you don’t need to guess how embarrassed he must feel, so you shift the subject back to the book. You had already been warned by Jess that touch was a rarity to receive from Myron, too painfully shy to ever initiate or indulge in it. 
“Hopefully you don’t already have that one, but I wanted to get you a gift.” 
And you hear it again immediately, the rhythmic thumping of his tail and he looks down at the book in his grasp before shaking his head, gaze soft. 
The sun is starting to go down and you know he’ll need to head back soon. You have a date planned with your bathtub after the day you’ve had. But it’s bittersweet to suggest he head out. So you don’t, not directly. 
“Do you want me to grab you a bag? So you can carry it back to your place.” 
He nods once before his gaze begins trailing excitedly over the cover once again. 
Leaving him enthralled with his newest edition you slip inside and grab a bag and a piece of loose string, before stepping outside once more. You motion for the book, which he reluctantly lets go of, and you tie the twine around it to keep it shut before slipping it inside the bag and handing it over. 
To your surprise, Myron sticks his head out and gingerly takes the handles of the bag between his teeth, shooting you one more grateful look before lumbering down into your yard. It’s a quick look back over his shoulder, his tail still wagging like a whirlwind, before he gives a low guttural howl and takes off back in the direction of town on all fours – leaving you laughing and calling out that you’ll see him soon as he vanishes. 
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vyncentevelyn · 2 years
I cannot for the life of me get this idea out of my head…so…
Like we all know Steve, the beautiful single mother of 7, can cook. Has learned to cook a variety of meals and treats. Knows everyone’s favorites.
Max loves roast with mashed potatoes and glazed carrots. Erica loves quiche. El loves French toast with fresh strawberries and lots of syrup. Mike loves tomato soup and grilled cheese made with soft buttered rolls. Dustin loves chicken nuggets with homemade honey mustard sauce, and Steve knows he prefers steamed broccoli even though he won’t admit it. Lucas loves eggplant Parmesan with diced olives in the marinara. And Will loves homemade chicken noodle soup, for which Steve makes fat egg noodles and his own broth.
Steve even knows the older members of The Party’s favorites. Nancy loves vegetarian curry, the spicer the better. Argyle loves chicken pot pie. Jonathan loves meatloaf with buttery peas and roasted sweet potatoes. And Robin, love of his life, loves soft scrambled egg over rice.
He knows all their favorite snacks too. Learns to make potato chips, mini pizzas, pigs-in-a-blanket, popcorn. Always has fresh fruit and veggies with a variety of homemade dips. And when Hellfires starts playing at his house, he learns all of the members favorite snacks too.
He even makes an actual 7 course meal for the end of a Hellfire campaign for Will’s birthday. It impresses everyone.
And none of them complain about the desserts. He learns to bake cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, cakes. Anything they ask for, he delivers.
And Eddie, he loves all of it. Will eat anything without fail. Tells Steve after every meal it was his favorite. And when pushed about what is *actually* his favorite food Eddie will say something like, “Babe you could serve me a phone book covered in gravy and I think it would be delicious if you made it.”
So Steve figures Eddie just loves food or there’s something only Wayne knows how to cook a certain way and that’s Eddie’s favorite.
But one night Steve is exhausted. It’s just Eddie and Steve alone for dinner. And Steve just doesn’t have it in him to actually cook. So he makes a box of Kraft mac and cheese. Does the bare minimum. Boils the noodles adds salt. Mixes in the butter, milk, cheese powder. Sprinkles in a tiny bit of nutmeg. Adds cracked pepper. Globs some hot sauce in it. Then serves it.
And Eddie loses his goddamn shit over it.
And Steve can’t comprehend it at first. All of the extravagant meals and this…THIS is what Eddie flips out about.
Steve ends up making a lot of Kraft mac and cheese.
193 notes · View notes
ineffablydelighted · 1 year
[How exploring the Ineffable Husbands' dynamic in Good Omens can help us figure out what the show/book is all about, Part 2/?]
Also called: This human has, apparently, too much time on her hands and will be trying to Effable the Ineffable for [...] hours.
'Ello, 'Ello, 'Ello! 👋
Hope you are doing well since Part 1 😇 If you have not read it, you're losing a significant part of this analysis and I encourage you to please read it first 🥰 [because, well, it has been called Part 1 for a reason, hum-hum]
Now that we are in the sole company of Part 1's survivors, let's dive into Part 2 [THIS PART MIGHT BE LONGER, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, ANGELS!] 😎
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[This gif is here to entice you to grab a snack and a drink you might fancy because, TRUST ME, I do not know how to shut up when I'm analyzing things and you're here for a long a** time. I know it is super hot outside for some of us but we can totally PRETEND it rains and cosy up in our favorite blanket. Remember: Autumn/Fall is a mindset, not a season.]
As I previously announced, the next bit of my analysis [and the next idk how many parts tbh, I'm a mess, but I believe I'll treat two encounters by part - told you this was gonna be LONG, don't hate me, homie 😣] will treat Aziraphale and Crowley's every S1 & S2 encounter, explaining why Aziraphale slowly falls in love with Crowley and using their dynamic to try my best to explain what Good Omens must be about as a whole.
Let's go!
Before the Beginning
In S2, Aziraphale meets Then-Angel "Crowley" (as we do not know his angelic name, we'll have to stick to that) and that is also the first and only time we, the audience, see him.
What does Aziraphale see in Angel Crowley?
First, he is super dynamic and cheerful: he really seems to ADORE creating stars [ask me to show you a nerdy dork before nerdy dorks even existed and Angel Crowley will always be my #1 from now on] but, also, he is already very frank, straightforward, and innovative (he invented the suggestion box sole concept, I believe 🤔)
[By the way, my take on this is that Angels, having been an active part in Creation, have the ability to create Concepts out of nothing but their own minds, and since they also have a "beehive system" [As S2 Crowley states when he is "arrested" by Cinnamon-Roll-In-Chief Muriel and is "brought" to Heaven], the Concept created becomes instantly real for every other Angel in the universe.]
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That worries Aziraphale instantly: he watches everywhere around him, afraid someone higher-ranked is listening.
This scene is very important because that shows us what differentiates Crowley and Aziraphale the most throughout the entire book/show: 
Aziraphale has somewhat of a Fear of God (which is encouraged by most religions: God is Right, always, you are nobody to state the opposite) that Crowley does not have because he has Trust (which is still having Faith, just a more optimistic one - most times.)
Crowley is, first and foremost, a creator at heart.
He loves creating things, he develops a bond with his creations, and cannot fathom how the Creator with a capital "C" wouldn't either.
That is why he does not mind stating out loud that creating a star factory for it to serve nothing is "idiocy"; even worse, to not even let it follow its natural course? It feels utterly wrong to him! 
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Then-Angel Crowley already has his own understanding of what Creation is all about, while Aziraphale, being a "people" pleaser through and through, follows the mass, no questions asked, definitely no suggestions.
That first conversation holds their first debate as well:
Are they, as Angels, simple executors or are they collaborators? And, to go further: what is the point of THEM altogether?
Although, Aziraphale does not engage in the said debate for long.
Especially when Angel Crowley says:
"Well, you know, if I was the one running it all, I'd like it if someone asked questions! Fresh point of view!"
That is the precise moment Aziraphale starts PANICKING out of the Fear of God I mentioned earlier:
In his eyes, Crowley commits the utmost BLASPHEMY the minute he tries to PUT HIMSELF AT GOD'S PLACE.
That is precisely how Angels FALL: In the Bible, God expresses their wrath whenever Humans and Angels alike defy/deny their authority/their Almightyness.
Out of terror, Aziraphale tries to distract Angel Crowley by bringing his attention back to his creation. He ends up genuinely worrying for him and expresses it:
"Look, word to the wise; I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble."
Angel Crowley thanks him for his concern and says this sentence so full of dramatic irony because we, the audience, already know what will happen to him:
"I wouldn't worry, though; How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"
Then, Angel Crowley will show an act of kindness and concern of his own by protecting Aziraphale from the explosions (Fire).
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It will also create Alpha Centauri in the process.
[I'm not sure why he does it but I do have a theory:
Since he never created a Nebula before and Aziraphale had not been a part of this project at any point, he might have been afraid that God and/or the Nebula's creators had somewhat forgotten to include all the other Angels in the "do not harm" category.]
But would it be what Aziraphale remembers the most about this encounter? I do not believe so.
As he will constantly do over the ages, he will miss the POINT:
I believe Aziraphale mostly associates this encounter with the moment he saw Crowley as his HAPPIEST.
And joy, both as a concept and a state of mind is something really, really important to Aziraphale.
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[PURE JOY right there. Also, I need my doors to creek like that.]
4004 BC, Garden of Eden
In S1, During this encounter, the Cherubim/Guardian of The Eastern Gate Aziraphale meets the Demon Crawley for the first time since the latter has fallen.
What makes me think that is that Aziraphale asks for his name.
But there are indications they have met prior (both as angels, I mean, and not just at the Beginning): Crawley asks Aziraphale about the flaming sword that has been given to him in the past.
More so, it is most likely that Aziraphale showed him the sword.
"You did, it was flaming like anything, what happened to it?"
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I'll even go further by stating they must have been somewhat friends during that elapse, for two reasons:
One, because of this sentence Crawley says:
"Lost it already, I mean?"
Meaning: you have a tendency to lose things and I would not know that if we hadn't met plenty of times.
 Two, because Aziraphale answers HONESTLY to Crawley's question.
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That becomes even more baffling when we discover that, being asked the same question later on, Aziraphale proceeds to LIE TO GOD'S FACE.
What really interests me about this encounter, in particular, is how at ease (even if he is experiencing stress because of the flaming sword's situation) Aziraphale feels by Crawley's side, even though he is now a Demon.
Sure, he does insist on Crawley's new nature and that is most certainly because he is thinking in dichotomy, but
He feels safe enough around him to be honest and, more importantly, vulnerable. Deep down, he already knows Crawley will never use that information against him.
[And that, Angels, is the cutest thing ever, amr?]
Also, as they always will over the years, they will
Have a debate on what is Right and what is Wrong.
Aziraphale is worried he might have done the wrong/bad thing by giving Adam his flaming sword.
However, he acted out of kindness and empathy, which Crawley is very receptive to. Aziraphale can see that and also that Crawley tries to reassure him by saying:
"Oh, you're an angel, I don't think you can do the wrong thing"
But then, being his honest self, he contemplates whether or not HE might have done the right thing, crushing Aziraphale's brief moment of rest.
But, contrary to Aziraphale, it does not worry him that much: he had fallen already, so he learned a thing or two about Heaven and Hell and has started not to care about their opinions at all since they did not care about his when he was actually invested in the Ineffable Plan.
[Also, I just love how Crawley, by being the one who gives Eve the apple, is the official Earthy Creator of Free Will™ (even if God and Satan must have been its sponsors) - it does align with his sense of self since the suggestion box falls into the same thinking pattern.]
During their debate, Aziraphale totally misses Crawley's whole POINT (again): 
Crawly states that God WANTED Free Will to be introduced.
Otherwise, they would not have made it remotely possible for humans to gain access to it. By that, he also implies (at least) three things:
One: God created the Tree that holds the Forbidden Apple, even if they called it Forbidden. They'd put it on sight, in the middle of Eden, not outside of it. They let Satan send Crawley to tempt Eve who later temps Adam.
Meaning: God and Satan are, on occasion if not all the time, working TOGETHER and playing their own game, so why wouldn't THEY?
Two: If there is such thing as Fallen Angels/Demons, it is because God WANTS it in the first place. 
Meaning: Therefore, how can their actions be BAD as in "wrong" or as in "shouldn't happen"?
Three: If a Demon can, in fact, do Good/Right and an Angel can do Bad/Wrong actions, are they, really, that different? How much do their actions matter anyway? How is that even possible for them to do the opposite of their apparent purpose? Unless, of course, God WANTS it that way.
Meaning: Good and Bad are much more INTERTWINED and CODEPENDENT than what Heaven and Hell appear to make them believe.
In fact, Crawly is already starting to believe Good and Bad MUST. ALWAYS. COEXIST. no matter WHO does it.
UNLESS, of course, they... do not exist at all?
Is there, really, Good or Bad anyway?
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[I've tried to warn you through the tags: philosophy haters, the floor is now LAVA.]
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Aziraphale does not think like that at all. That kind of belief shakes him, but being his Angels = Good = Right self, he refuses to believe it.
Also, he considers it as Blasphemy and Temptation.
But, guess what, that is normal. During this debate,
Aziraphale does not interpret why God put the Forbidden Fruit in the middle of Eden the way Crawley does.
Aziraphale does not think of the Ineffable plan like that: to him, he is supposed to do what he is TOLD.
In other words, Aziraphale's theory is that
God is TESTING its creations, and the creations/subordinates in question must prove they are stronger because they respect/fear God MORE than they are inclined to follow their own wishes.
It is a very common religious belief if not THE most common.
Crawley is more... let's say "Oscar Wilde-ish" in his thinking. [The -ish is important here, the man was very paradoxical but that was the first that came to my mind]
[I would like to drop in here some glimpse of cinematographic analysis as well [because this is MY essay and I can do whatever the Hell that I want.] :
During the debate per se, they never share the screen, even though they are willing to talk peacefully and respectfully - hence the fact both actually turn to each other, look at each other, etc.
Basically, their debate is a true one, but none will change their minds anytime soon.] 
They find common grounds to "Agree to Disagree" when Aziraphale protects Crawley from Earth's very first Rain (Water)
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Why does Aziraphale do it? In my opinion, probably for the same reason Then-Angel Crowley did it: The rain could have been God's way to destroy the Demon who was there, since Fire is, at that point, already related to Satan.
[Well, even if it was God who gave Aziraphale a flaming sword... Good and Bad are ALWAYS totally mixed up in Good Omens. See?]
It was a gesture of protection, courtesy, and empathy. A "just in case this is a danger for you" act.
[I might go back to this part to add some things as I will soon rewatch very carefully both seasons in case I miss something - and I will, because I'm chaotic AF. Although, this girl likes to think of herself as being thorough when she puts in an effort.]
So, yeah, this book/show is very interesting to me because, as I've stated in the tags and as I'm trying to prove to you (and to myself) in this very lengthy analysis,
Good Omens is a philosophical essay disguised as comedic/satyric/romantic fiction.
It does not mean it is NOT a comedic/satyric/romantic fiction, though. Of course not! It is both. And many other things in between.
[Now, I'll let that sink in and give both of us a well-deserved break.]
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[Friendly Space Ninja, I know you'll never see this but I'm manifesting all the admiration and respect I can to wish you a good day.]
During Part 3, we'll treat the next two of our favorite pair's encounters:
S1 3004 BC (Noa's Arch, The Flood) and S2 2500 BC (Job's case).
Can't wait, I'm a big fan of the Job's episode.
Toodles, Angels! See you soo-oooooooon!
[Do you hate me by now? Nah? It will come.]
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Need help to find the rest of this analysis? I've got you covered! Follow me, Angel 😇
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
Hi! Yes please. We want to know more about your hc about silly robo babies
A bunch of random tidbits about the skrimblos go! Not all are necessarily plot relevant just things I thought they'd vibe with and i don't feel like doodling rn
Looks to the Moon
Can chuck a spear with great precision
Is still trying to catch batflies with her bare hands (even the pups can do it and they're laughing at her!!!!!!)
When travelling with the scug colony she likes to help scout ahead to unknown areas
Takes alot of photos
She's more afraid of losing something in the water than the water itself
Cannot draw or write to save her life but can sing
Doesn't like darkness, gets antsy when travelling on moonless nights
Secretly on super high alert when she asks Pebbles to go on walks with her
Five Pebbles
One of those scary engineering kids that can draw straight lines and perfect circles traditionally
Sketches alot more and rarely colors
The one that helps Moon write poetry for Sliver
After canon, goes on expeditions to dig up more pearls and record old buildings, brings Suns along if the expedition site is too far on foot
Goes to his city to watch the sunset sometimes
'The dad and the cat he didn't want' energy
He does listen to Arti if she forces him to look away from his screens but pretends he hates it if someone is looking
Can't bring himself to look at Moon if she's struggling physically
No Significant Harassment
A fan of fidget toys, rubix cubes, puzzles, and tiny mechanisms
Definitely knits
His scarf is a little worn at the end from Hunter tugging at it alot but he never fixes it
Very interested in biology even if his branch is technological
Will literally wait for Moon's scug colony to pass by so he can go down and bury himself in cats
Seven Red Suns
Paints alot
Makes alot of knick knacks
Listen and talks alot with their citizens about their interests during the Ancients Era
They manually do species population control / culling in their territory
Extremely proficient with engineering purposed lifeforms
Cat parent, scugs love them, except for Arti, they gotta prove themselves lmao
Tunnel visions
Sometimes needs to be snapped out of the spooky mode, ya know that one yeah
Unparalleled Innocence
Only has a soft spot for her cats, her magnum opus
Will psychoanalyze anyone that talks to her
The 'I wonder what happens if-' kind of scientist
Has once cured herself of the rot
Almost never uses her security systems
Cannot fight physically
Gets off the string only to walk around in her can or city
Chasing Wind
Is also those scary engineering kids that can draw perfect lines and circles
Definitely a boomer but tries to be updated on current culture
The one that falls for deez nuts jokes
Will straight up chuck you out of his can if you dirty his robes
He likes diamonds but hoards other precious stones as well
Prefers not to get off the string
Sliver of Straw
Wanted to understand her people and why they wanted ascension
Is an empath
Her speech is heavily influenced by monks so she speaks with fancy grammar and metaphors
Unintentionally psychoanalyze people silently
Does nature watching when taking a break from work
Extremely professional when serving her religious duties, is a cinnamon roll when talking to other iterators
Sometimes Omen has to literally snap her out of serving as god
Wishful Omnipotence
Does scrying with the black glass ball on their staff
Really likes stars
Has dismantled 2 iterator cults
Thinks ascension is stupid but hearing Sliver talks about her people intrigues them
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
introducing: anti-hangry cookies
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so i have 3 problems going for me right now when it comes to food. 1) i am on meds that kill my appetite, so i forget to eat until other physical symptoms manifest, and even then it is difficult to make myself actually consume something. 2) my sense of taste never recovered after i had covid, so my desire to snack has gone way down and i no longer find most things enjoyable or fulfilling to eat. 3) even though i am overweight, the part of my brain that sees items 1+2 as a good thing that could make me lose weight is currently gagged and straightjacketed because she is crazypants and keeps trying to kill me. i am a recovering anorexic in the same way some people are recovering alcoholics; it's something that i have to actively monitor in myself even years after "finishing" treatment." i MUST eat, or i will spiral.
by about 4pm i am literally weak with a hunger i cannot feel, my mind foggy and my whole body basically vibrating with hanger, and fighting tooth and nail to make myself eat something, anything, please. enter the anti-hangry cookie.
i originally made these when i was nursing to get my milk supply up (they are technically called "lactation cookies"); i don't know if they actually helped with that, but damn were they great to have around because they're the super rare combination of taste good and good for you and easy to eat that is absolutely essential in those bleary early days of parenthood. turns out that kind of snack is necessary outside of that time period, as well.
the good: rolled oats, full of whole grain, fiber, vitamins, and even some protein. brewers yeast, with more good vitamins and protein, plus good for the tummy. flax seed, B vitamins, omega 3s, fiber.
the fantastic: basically the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookie ever. there's a hint of cinnamon, and somehow the brewers yeast and flax seed only enhance that flavor rather than making it taste too, well, healthy lol. also you cannot taste the coconut oil, so if that's not your favorite flavor, fear not: you get the benefits without that sunscreen taste.
3c old-fashioned rolled oats 1 1/2c all-purpose flour 5 tbs brewers yeast 3 tbs ground flax seeds 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp salt 3/4c (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp 1/4c unrefined coconut oil 1 1/2c sugar 1 large egg + 1 egg yolk, room temp 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 bag dark chocolate chips
optional: 1/2c peanut butter, SO GOOD
whisk together oats, flour, yeast, flax, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.
beat butter, coconut oil, and sugar (and pb, if using) together until fluffy, then add the egg and yolk and beat to combine. add the vanilla and beat again. gradually add in the dry ingredients on low speed until just mixed. it will be a bit crumbly. then mix in the chocolate chips.
scoop the dough into 1-inch rounds (i use a cookie scoop and then roll them in my hands). rolling into a ball is actually fairly important here, since otherwise they'll crumble apart a fair bit in the oven; rolling smushes them into a delightfully dense cookie. (obvs go ahead and skip the rolling if crumbly cookies are your jam.) place on a baking sheet about 2" apart and bake at 350 for 10-14 minutes.
the original recipe says it makes 20-22 cookies but that is BONKERS because i can easily get 36 good-sized cookies out of this. i typically bake a dozen and freeze the rest (in ball form, don't throw a big lump of dough into your freezer), and then bake them for 12-16 minutes straight from the freezer.
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here's the remaining ~2 dozen dough balls in my freezer. confession: i actually prefer the ones baked from frozen to those made from the fresh dough! they stay taller in the oven and spread less, creating a delightful cookie experience that is somehow dense and fluffy at the same time.
try one in the shower. just do it. shower cookie is best cookie
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spiritofdragonfire · 2 years
My thoughts on Transformers: Earthspark Episodes 1-10
I. Absolutely. LOVED IT!!!
I haven't been as obsessed with an animated Transformers series since Transformers Prime! You better believe that I counted down the days until it premiered on Paramount+
It does my heart good to see such an amazing new Transformers show!
Loved all the characters, both old & new!
I love how all the female characters (both Cybertronian & human) are beautiful, intelligent, & absolutely badass!
So cool to see Megatron & Optimus fighting on the same side as old friends & brothers in arms.
I also loved the bond between Megatron & Dorthy! So cute! I'm most eager to learn how she met & befriended the former leader of the Decepticons.
I love the interactions between Megatron & Dottie, as well as his interactions with Optimus, the young Terrans, & the human kids.
Dorthy is incrediblely badass! You don't wanna mess with mama bear & her family, because she will seriously mess you up!
The way the Malto family adopted the Terrans as their own was beyond heartwarming!
Can't get over how adorable all the Terrans are! Such sweet cinnamon rolls that much be protected no matter what!
The bond the Terrans share with the Malto family, especially Robby & Mo, is so cute & precious!
After watching the first couple episodes this morning, I was so in loved with it that I couldn't help but count down the hours until I got off work this evening to finish the rest of the season!
Beautiful animation, lovely & diverse characters, great storyline, awesome retro music, & OH MY GOD the references were absolute gold! I was smiling, cackling, & losing my mind the whole time like an absolute madwoman!
The fight & action scenes are so well done! So many awesome shots!
Loved Soundwave's badass design, & his cassette bots were pretty cool as well.
Starscream is coming...& Steve Blum is voicing him AGAIN!!!
Currently can't stop obsessing over this new series & I CANNOT wait for the next season!
If you like Transformers, you have to check out this spectacular new show!
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favouritecyclistpoll · 9 months
THE FINAL: Tadej Pogačar v. Jonas Vingegaard
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All propaganda under the cut:
Tadej Pogačar Propaganda
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Jonas Vingegaard Propaganda
OK no but seriously, he's amazing. As absurd as it can sound since this is one of the best riders in the world, he's always the underdog in people's minds. Somehow, no one ever thinks "OK I think Jonas is going to win this stage today", and when he does, they're like "OK he won but he still wasn't out of this world, it's because the others were having a bad day", and when he has a stellar day they're like "HE'S DOPING FOR SURE". It's like nothing he ever does is good enough and YET he doesn't give a fuck and keeps performing despite the pressure.
Being consistently good when everyone expects you to win is talent, but being consistently good when everyone hopes you'll lose is something else too.
And he's an incredible human being to boot. He's kind, he's compassionate, he's sensitive, he doesn't have a mean bone in him, he's affectionate, thoughtful. Remember that time during TdF 2022 when he asked Grischa to tell him if he could slow down at the end of the TT to let Wout win the stage? Yeah. He's that kind of guy.
He's a crier. It's cute and it makes me want to hug him. He loves his family and he always has a good word for his rivals and he's humble and I relate so much to his introverted personality and he's a cinnamon roll and a cutie patootie. But when he puts on his sunglasses, he looks like A WAR MACHINE.
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(but a cute one)
He got a lot of heat when he didn't wait for Sepp on the Angliru during this Vuelta, only the instructions of the team before that clusterfuck stage were to battle it out between them and he probably liked it even less than us because he wanted Sepp to win the Vuelta from the beginning.
And need I say anything about the absolute sportsmanship of this man? When he lost his balance in the Col of Spandelles, TdF 2022, Tadej didn't miss the opportunity and powered away from him, but when Tadej was the one who crashed two minutes later, he waited for him. HE WAITED FOR HIM.
And he made the sport all the better for it and gave us one of the finest images in cycling history.
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if you like MvDP, consider that though in these days when van der Poel is showing up with a mullet, Jonas did long hair earlier and better.
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though there has been a change of style
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If you like WvA, consider that some of the BEST hug pictures only exist due to Jonas being the kind of teammate whom others want to hug AND eminently sized for hugs/lifts
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(we've all seen this but we can look at it again)
He's got sportsmanship. He's got incredible skills. He's even a dad! Maybe he's not always good at smiling for the cameras but he can sure smile for his family
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Most importantly, he's a TdF winner with the time trial of the year and he cannot ride his goddamn bike without hands without his body language screaming oh god someone help me
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Bride of Discord Chapter 6: The Decision
the next day, now the beginning of the next month Kimono knocked quietly at the door of the hut. The gentle roll of her hoof on the oak door gave way to the clinks of hanging metal decorum and the rattles of wood hanging next to the shiny wind chimes. There was the audible announcement of her dear friend. The door opened, notably without creaking.
"Kimono dear, please, come in! Sit down with me and let's begin."
The pony loved her peaceful greetings. "Thank you very much for inviting me here. I'm sure that you can give me all the facts without bias, from outside of ponyville."
"In that case, please be wary, what I will tell you is quite scary! Discord has angered me too, so unbiased fact I cannot give you!"
Kimono snorted. "If I get caught with fake news you're coming down with me!"
"no my friend, you're sorely mistaken! If you are caught I won't be Forsaken!"
They howled in laughter as they pretended to square up, before they stopped only because zecora nearly knocked down a jar of roots.
"Ive known the week's chaos as the product of discord's reign throughout equestria from letters. I wrote much down whilst touring ponyville. But I have no idea what happened at the canterlot castle, nor do I know what is happening in this forest."
Zecora spoke slowly, so as to give the pony across from her time to write it all down for the archives. kimono was the keeper of all pony history, and did her best to upkeep her reputation as the mare to go to for knowledge. Zecora looked on as she scrunched her face, stuck her tongue out, and attempted to focus and knew she could be a pony that learns around her. They were mutualists and learned from each other.
Her train of speech of interrupted with Kimono's questions.
"and what of his demands?"
Zecora tensed and scratched her chin. "A bride he demands, as well as land. His next demand is awfully unique. They can't use the elements to defend the meek."
Kimono sipped her Rooibos mango tea.
"and what would he want- in a PLOTTING manner, with a bride?"
"A "plotting manner" is precisely the issue, to hurt his bride I don't think he'd wish to. Perhaps it's love the creature seeks? I don't know, to me he won't speak."
"it has to be somepony... Somepony who can handle prolonged isolation."
"Applejack sent a letter a while back, saying that fluttershy's about to crack. She considers marrying the draconequus. Apple's trying to disparage this wish."
Kimono frowned, her eyebrows screwing up into a sympathetic expression. "Maybe fluttershy thinks it'll bring her purpose. When ponies make big decisions such as this, a sense of inferiority or insignificance is the root cause."
"if that's where the decision resides, she should know she's made great strides."
"Let's send her a letter, I will help you!"
Another 30 minutes passed and betwixt tea, parchment, and ink the ponies sent Fluttershy a letter of comfort and as much advice as they could give. Zecora advised Kimono to sweep the path leading up to where she lived, for fear of evil forces affecting her. Of course, not before sweeping her own porch and blowing up on it cinnamon from her hoof.
"Applejack, some pony has to go with him. What choice do I have?"
"There are plenty of ponies in Equestria! It doesn't have to be you!"
"But how many do you think would be willing to go?"
"This is my choice, Applejack. I can take care of myself."
"I know you can, Sugar Cube. I've seen you face up to a manticore and a full-grown dragon. But Discord…" She sighed. "Look, I just don't want you to get hurt, and I know the others don't wanna lose you to that…"
"If I don't go, no one will. The sun will never be in your pastures again!"
Applejack stared up at her friend with blurry eyes and then hung her head. "I can't stop you shug. I want'cha to be happy with the rest of your life, y'know."
"I can be happy this way applejack." The mare lifted her friend's head with her gentle hoof, caressing her Cheech as gently as she could while a small tear soaked into her coat.
"Just…promise me you'll write. And even if he don't let ya see the letters, just know I'll still be writin' em."
The cold and unyielding castle they housed felt warmer.
Fluttershy embraced her friend. "I knew you'd understand, Applejack." When she pulled away, she smiled smugly. "So what's this with you and rainbow? You've both been going to Rarity's more often!" The farm pony bolted upright
Applejack turned beet, (or rather apple,) red. "It ain't nothin'! Really! It's just an idea!"
"What would THAT be, applejack?"
"Rarity really likes us both real bad, but she dont wanna date just one mare. It's this poly-whatsit thing..." her very ears seemed to flush red. "Me and dash ain't dating, but we're both... goin steady with Rarity. It's kinda embarrassin'. Ya can't tell any pony, ya hear?"
Fluttershy giggled. She squealed in awe "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! You're just like a filly again!"
Applejack nudged her shoulders.
Fluttershy said nothing and headed towards her room. Applejack caught up with her before she could close the door.
"Fluttershy," she called, "whatever you choose, I just want you to know…"
She turned to her. "Yes?"
"You…you just might be the bravest pony I've ever known."
Fluttershy smiled, knowing that it was always the truth with her. "That really means a lot to me, Applejack."
That night, she slept lightly, slumped over a large circular pillow, and a small parchment wrapped in her hooves. of, and the words that her friends had written: "He may not be an angel from above,but perhaps what he needa is love" The words soothed her. The more she thought about it, the less worried she was. She was scared, but never terrified. She liked to think it was all true. Discord is an animal just like her, so he surely has a heart, doesn't he? And hearts are the symbols of love.
Twilight gazed out her window. The sun hadn't risen in the week leading up to this month. The moon seemed to fly away from the earth. There was nothing left amongst the clouds. There was nothing. This was the before, the dreamscape.
A cry from Rainbow Dash interrupted her thoughts. "YO EVERYONE! Twilight! You'se not gonna believe it!"
"What is it?" the princess demanded.
"It's Fluttershy, she's gone! She freakin' did it!!"
Twilight didn't waste a second and followed the pegasus to Fluttershy's room. Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Spike surrounded the empty bed. The dragon held a note in his claws. The unicorn removed it with her magic and read it aloud:
"Dear Fluttershy,
Do not let the needs of the few outweigh the needs of self. In turn, the needs of your mind being filled will save everyone who matters. Go to the draconequus, if it's truly what you wish. He's not be an angel from above, but perhaps what he needs is love."
Every pony turned suspiciously towards Applejack, who bore the expression of a foal who'd eaten a lemon for the first time.
The cowgirl stomped her hoof. "She did it! She gone and did it! I tried to talk her out of it, I really did! She made me Pinkie Promise not to say nothin' before she did it!"
"Calm down, Applejack. What happened?"
What would've been daybreak. The sun should've illuminated the foggy dew kissing the plants that reached towards the great pink-orange heavens. Instead, there was what only looked like night.
She took a deep breath and looked up at them with tears in her eyes.
"Hello?" she called out weakly. "Anyone home?"
Fluttershy stood at the cave entrance. A part of her was telling her to turn back, but another was telling her to go in. She had to do this for her friends, for the princesses, for Equestria. She inhaled deeply and walked in.
It was dark, but that's not what frightened her. She had the feeling that he was going to jump out at any moment. Stop it, Fluttershy, she told herself. You need to be brave.
"Well, well, well."
She yelped in surprise and spun around to find the draconequus standing over her.
"If it isn't the Element of Kindness herself? How nice of you to drop in!"
Suddenly, the ground beneath her disappeared and Fluttershy screamed as she fell through a hole. She landed with a thump and looked around to find that she had landed in the same spot that she had fallen.
"How did…?" she stammered.
Discord laughed maniacally. "Oh, that was priceless!" He wiped away a tear. "So what brings you here, horsey? Come to negotiate some more?"
Fluttershy struggled to stand, as her knees were shaking. "Well, I have come to negotiate something…" the term "horsey" made her blood boil.
"Strange that Twilight would send you to try to reason with me. Well, you can tell your precious princess that I will only take a bride and that's final!"
"And a bride you shall have!"
Discord stared at her, shocked at her sudden outburst. "Is that so? Well, where is the lucky mare?" His outfit appeared as that of a game show host.
Her teeth started chattering. "R-right…h-here."
He blinked. "Say again?"
Fluttershy closed her eyes and straightened up. "I will be your bride."
For a long while, there was silence and she opened her eyes to see his face full of confusion. Then he erupted into a roar of laughter.
"Oh, I get it! This is a joke, right? Alright, who put you up to this? Twilight? Maybe that prankster Pinkie Pie?" She did not respond. "Rainbow Dash?"
"They…don't even know I'm here. Well, they should by now. I left them a note."
"Why would you leave them a…? Nevermind!" Buzzers and Foghorns pelted her ears. Flashing colorful neon lights and confetti brightened up the scenery.
He would have never expected her, the pegasus afraid of her own shadow, to accept his offer. Actually, he was beginning to think no pony would come forth at all.
"And no pony put you up to this?"
She shook her head. "This was my decision. But…" She backed away nervously. "If you'd rather have some pony else…"
"Now hold on!" She jumped as he appeared behind her. "I didn't say I wasn't interested."
He circled her, studying her carefully from every angle. Comedically, of course; with an oversized magnifying glass he examined her like a crime scene. He'd never stand there and check her out like a pervert. He lifted the mare's hoof and studied her well kempt horseshoes. Her hooves, which had been through so much for years, perfect because of this hunk of metal.
"hey now, where'd you get that made? And does it come in more sizes?" He popped off his hoof and showed her the size 13 mens' label.
Discord had to admit, for a pony, she wasn't that bad to look at. Her silky pink mane was well-groomed and smelled of honeysuckle, her big teal eyes, though closed now, were almost adorable, and her voice was sweet as honey. This must have been a trick of some sort. There was no way this pony could have come out of her own free will, but he knew she wasn't a trickster. Besides, when was he going to get another chance to do this!
He poofed a giant boom box now held above his head as he stood there, in a white snapback, open white button up shirt, and baggy white pants. The boom box blasted throughout the air, making the nearby corvids fly away in sheer awe of the smooth R&B caressing their pathetic bird lives.
"You'll do," he said with indifference. "But are you certain this is what you want, my dear?"
°°I vow, To never call you out your name
I vow, To treat you as me the same°°
Fluttershy looked up at him boldly. "If I were to go with you, you will keep your promise and let the princesses go?"
"My dear," he said with a bow, "you have my word."
°I vow, To cover that with love actions and words
I vow, To talk to you sincerely°
"And…my friends?"
"Will never hear from me again."
She gulped. "Nor me?"
He stooped down to her, his face just inches from hers. "Of course they can talk to you! It's just that I would have to send you back, and that's against our agreement! So, letters will have to do. Don't you want your every need catered to?"
°°To bow down at your feet, Not to worship you as a God, But as a queen°°
"Catered to my every need?"
"If we are to be married, what's mine is yours. If it is in my power, I shall give you whatever you desire. Call it a prenup."
She could not tell if he was serious. Being offered whatever she desired did sound tempting, but why would he do that for her? Perhaps Zecora and Kimono were right. Maybe he was desperate for a companion.
Seeing that he was getting to her, he placed his hands on her shoulders. "So what'll it be, my dear?"
It didn't matter. Equestria needed the princesses returned. She breathed in.
"I'll marry you."
"Excellent!" He leapt excitedly into the air.
"Now where are the princesses?"
Instead of answering, he smirked. "Why don't we make it official?"
He snapped his fingers and a box materialized in his paw. He opened it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. Intricately carved within it was words.
"Oh dear," Fluttershy muttered.
He chuckled. "I'll ask again. Will you marry me, my dear Fluttershy?"
"Fluttershy, don't!"
The pegasus turned to see Twilight racing towards them, the others running behind. The song
°Me and you Against the world, No matter what comes up before us baby-° the music abruptly stopped.
"DUDE I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING!" Rainbow shook fluttershy. Applejack carried dash to the ground and kept her as close as possible.
Discord stopped them all with his magic. "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of a proposal here!"
"Put them down!" Fluttershy begged. "Please, just let me say goodbye to them!"
He rolled his eyes and released them from his spell. Fluttershy rushed to Twilight's side.
"you shouldn't have come after me, I'm grown! I know what I'm doing!"
"We couldn't let you go with him!" the unicorn bellowed, pointing accusingly at the draconequus.
"You don't understand. I have to do this."
"No, you don't! There has to be another way!"
"If I don't do this, Equestria's doomed for all eternity. I'll be doomed! This is the safest option."
"But do you have any idea what this monster might do to you?!" Pinkie shouted, "he might just lock you in a tower!
"Now, THATS A harmful stereotype-"
"No pony chooses my fate but me."
"Fluttershy," Rarity pleaded, "you can't possibly marry this…beast!"
Discord dramatically clutched his pearls.
"I'm sorry, but this is my decision."
"But Fluttershy," Pinkie sniffed. "We'll never see you again."
She looked at her friends sadly. "I know."
"We'll find another way to get the princesses back!" Twilight insisted. "I'll even go in your place! We'll…"
"She's right!" Applejack interrupted. They all turned to her in shock. "Fluttershy's the only pony in control of her destiny. If her decision is to save Equestria, we should respect that decision." She walked up to her friend. "You take care of yourself, ya hear?"
Fluttershy nodded and embraced the earth pony. "Make sure my animals get everything they need."
"Of course, Sugar Cube."
"Fluttershy," Rainbow started to say as she flew down to her. "You can't…you won't…"
She hugged her childhood friend. "You stood up for me so many times. Now I can return the favor."
She hovered over to Rarity. "You can keep my clothes, if you like."
The unicorn was astonished. "Darling, you can't expect me to…" She stopped as she too received a hug. "Don't be silly. I'll send them over."
Fluttershy then turned to the pink earth pony. "Pinkie Pie, I…"
Pinkie let out a wail and flung her hooves around her neck. "Don't forget us, okay? I mean even if you'll never see us again, don't forget our names! I mean it's easy to forget a pony's name after not seeing them for a while and…"
"I won't forget you, Pinkie."
She sniffed and hugged tighter. "I know."
Once Pinkie had loosened her grip, Fluttershy turned to Spike. Before she could say anything, he wrapped his arms around her legs with a whine. She then looked up at Twilight, who was on the verge of tears.
"I'll be fine," she assured her. "I promise."
How can you possibly keep that promise?" the unicorn choked.
"You know how good I am with creatures." The rest she said in a whisper. "I think I can tame him."
"For equestria."
She nodded and embraced her. Discord was about ready to gag.
"Hello?" he called, waving the ring box. "Waiting for an answer here!"
Fluttershy pulled away from her friends and courageously faced the draconequus. She stuck out her hoof and uttered, "Yes, I'll do it."
Discord smiled in triumph as he zapped the box away. The ring then reappeared on a chain around Fluttershy's neck. The draconequus cackled as he scooped his bride-to-be in his arms. The ponies watched in horror.
"If you hurt a hair on her head…!" Rainbow warned.
"I assure you, she won't be harmed. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a wedding to plan!"
With a final triumphant laugh, Discord vanished with Fluttershy and in their place, the three princesses appeared, their horns restored to their heads.
"What's happened?" Luna demanded. "Where's Discord?"
The ponies burst into tears. Applejack was the only one with the strength to speak.
"He's…taken a bride."
Their eyes widened. "Who?" Celestia asked. In receiving no response, she beseeched her student. "Twilight? Who did he take?"
The purple alicorn buried her face in her hooves, knowing her friend was gone because of her failure as a princess. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy…I'm so, so sorry!"
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi, so first of all I want to say thank you for your work so much!! I've just found this account and I've already found so many interesting fics. And second - can you recommend any fanfiction with maybe Crowley getting kidnapped or something and Aziraphale going absolutely badass and basically reminding everyone that he's not the sweet cinnamon roll everyone thinks he is. Or something similar, if that's too specific. Preferably with some love confessions.
Hello and you’re welcome! You’ll want to check out our #kidnapping and #bamf aziraphale tags for loads more fics like this. Here are a few more to add to out collection...
Come not between an angel and his wrath! by Augenblickgotter (T)
Crowley is jumped, kidnapped, and almost joyridden back to Hell in his own Bentley. Lucky for him his Angel won't stand for that. Bonus, Shakespearian quotes.
Like��A Force To Be Reckoned With by allonsy_gabriel (T)
Contrary to popular belief, Crowley wasn’t an idiot. In fact, he’d go as far as to say that he was, typically, quite clever.
( Anyone could lose the antichrist, really, and that wasn’t even his fault. No one had told him that there was a fucking third baby involved in that whole cabal.)
So when he received a message from Aziraphale that simply said In need of assistance, meet me at Piccadilly Circus station , Crowley knew it was a trap.
Lured by EdosianOrchids901 (M)
Aziraphale comes home to an empty cottage, a blood trail, and a ransom note. Meanwhile, Crowley realizes that he’s being used as bait to lure Aziraphale into a trap. Will they be able to rescue each other?
You and No Other by Sodium_Azide (M)
A duke of Hell with a grudge drags Crowley Below. Aziraphale does what he deems necessary.
Through the Shards of the Looking Glass by Vecieminde (M)
“Who did this to you?” he finally settles on the question.
The demon is clearly reluctant to answer, his bleeding lip becoming the victim of his teeth. Neither does he meet Aziraphale’s gaze. The angel sighs, gesturing around the room. He needs information, now.
They wanted something out of this demon as well.
Aziraphale freezes instantly at the thought and when he looks up, he can tell that Crowley knew every word that ran through his head.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I would never — I could never —I am so sorry. I am so sorry I wasn’t here on time.”
Aziraphale cannot let go of the missed opportunity after the bombing of Blitz. He must find Crowley but when the door to the demon’s flat falls open and silence is all that greets him, Aziraphale fears he might have been too slow.
Who wants to live forever by orphan_account (NR)
Back when it was still only a few weeks after their Apocawasn’t, everything was for the most part, calm.
No demons stalking anybody throughout the city streets, no angels flying down from the heavens to strike anyone down with their silly white wings flapping.
But then, that calm broke.
Mind the tags and warnings, especially on those last three!
- Mod D
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